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English Classes Ing.

Roman Sedlár

British and American English – vocabulary differences

British E. American E. British E. American E.

cotton wool absorbent cotton surgery office

sticking plaster adhesive tape single ticket one-way ticket
aeroplane airplane parcel package
flat apartment trousers pants
dialling code area code car park parking lot
dustbin ashcan private personal
perambulator (pram) baby carriage (buggy) tart pie
banknote bill crisps chips
wallet billfold stew potpie
milliard billion handbag purse
form blank railway railroad
notice board bulletin board break recess
tin can public lavatory rest room
sweets candy CV resumé
stick cane pavement sidewalk
crisps chips shop store
season ticket commuter ticket tram streetcar
cookery book cookbook underground subway
biscuit cookie, cracker lorry truck
maize corn boot trunk
mad crazy holiday(s) vacation
pedestrian crossing crosswalk waistcoat vest
napkin diaper windscreen windshield
restaurant car dining car garden yard
chemist druggist postal code zip code
lift elevator zed zee
rubber eraser zip zipper
rubbish garbage
autumn fall
tap faucet
ground floor first floor
torch flashlight
chips french fries
match game
petrol gas
influenza grippe
bonnet hood
refrigerator icebox
angry mad
postman mailman
cinema movies
porridge oatmeal
English Classes Ing. Roman Sedlár

British and American English – spelling differences

British E. American E.

Aluminium Aluminum
Analyse Analyze
Catalogue Catalog(ue)
Centre Center
Cheque Check
Colour Color
Defence Defense
Enrol Enroll
Fulfil Fulfill
Honour Honor
Jewellery Jewelry
Labour Labor
Litre Liter
Metre Meter
Neighbour Neighbor
Organise/Organize Organize
Pyjamas Pajamas
Paralyse Paralyze
Programme Program
Skilful Skillful
Theatre Theater
Tyre Tire
Traveller Trave(l)ler
(Scotch) whisky, (Irish) Whiskey Whiskey

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