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There is no such thing as creative and non-creative people. We are all born
creative, some of us just use their creativity more than others. Creativity isn’t
about painting a picture or writing a story, it’s about using your imagination to
problem solve and develop ideas in an innovative and unique way. Now, this
doesn’t mean you have to re-invent the wheel or figure out how to make
penguins fly, it just means that you have to take the time to listen to what your
brain is telling you. It means letting your mind wander. It means not just jumping
ahead with the first thing that pops into your head. It means digging deeper;
flipping to that second, third and even fourth page in your head.

Creativity is like a muscle. If you use it and nurture it, it will grow and strengthen.
If you don’t, then it will wither away, tucked back behind loud-mouthed logic and
reason. Why is logic and reason loud-mouthed? Because it’s constantly shouting
at us to do something this way or do something that way, suggesting that there
are no other ways! But there is always another way. And that’s where creativity

Creativity is not black or white. It resides in the hues, filled with a rainbow of
possibilities, where no two ideas are ever truly the same. But some people have
the same ideas you say? Technically yes, but the imaginative process and
development of those ideas are unique to each and every one of us. That’s what
makes creativity so important and vital to our everyday lives. We all have a
unique perspective. We all have unique imaginations. We all have ideas. What
makes creativity so important is that creativity is ACTION taken on those ideas.

Without action, an idea is just an idea, sadly waiting at the back of the line for
logic and reason to shut up and move out of the way (which it never does because
let’s face it, logic is a bit of a bully). And I don’t know about you, but I don’t think
that’s fair to all those ideas. I think they should be set free. SET THEM FREE.

Can you even imagine how enriched your life would become? How much freer
your mind would be? Logic and reason certainly have an important place in our
lives, but so does creativity. I would argue that creativity is MORE important than
logic and reason. Why? Because without creativity we would have nothing. No
buildings, no automobiles, no Post It Notes, no peanut butter and strawberry jam
sandwiches. Nothing.

Thankfully, someone, somewhere, at sometime, had an idea. And they took that
idea and they ACTED on it. They were creative and they created. And thus,
instead of walking ten miles to bend down and stick our tongues in a river when
we are thirsty, we can now hop in a car or ride a bike to the corner store and
purchase an extra-large chocolate milkshake with caramel frosting. That’s
creativity. Solving a problem by imagining an idea and then taking action on that

But I can’t solve big problems like that? I’m not an inventor.

No one is asking you to. Creativity isn’t just about solving the big ideas; it’s about
solving the little everyday ones too. How on earth am I going to get my two-year-
old to eat her vegetables? How am I going to meet that quota at work? Why is
the current model of productivity not working? Why does my home-cooked fried
chicken always taste so bland?

See…the little things. Just think how better your life would be if your child ate her
vegetables, you met your quota, the current model of productivity was,
well…actually productive. And then you came home and made the best damn
fried chicken ever!

Life would be sweet, wouldn’t it? But you’re thinking, “Trish. I’m just not all that
creative. I never have any ideas.”

First, I would tell you that you’re selling yourself short – don’t do that. And
second, I would say there ARE things you can do to get those creative sparks

And once those sparks start flying, and your mind begins to shift to action mode,
you’ll be on your way to living your best creative life!

So what should you do first?

Number 1 - DAYDREAM
PUT THE PHONE DOWN. Turn off the television. Shut down the computers and
tablets. Find a spot on the couch or under a tree or in the bathtub or wherever,
and just sit and daydream. Let your mind wander to wherever it wants to go.
Realize that ideas take time. Give yourself that time. Re-train and re-focus your
brain away from the instant gratification culture we have become. The best ideas
are never the first ones; they are the ones that come after the ordinary has been

Number 2 – BE CURIOUS
Ask questions. Lots of questions. Find something you’re interested in and follow
it. Learn about it. Don’t just give life a passing glance. Always be curious.


Be an ACTIVE participant in your life – in your thoughts, in the way you go through
your day. Don’t be a passive participant and just accept the status quo. If you
want to ignite your creativity and live your best creative life, then each day you
must challenge yourself. You must DO something to push yourself forward.
Exercise both your mind and your body. Physical exercise is an amazing way to
get the adrenaline flowing and get those neurons connecting in the brain. Go for
a walk, lift some weights, play a game, jam on some drums, have a dance party.

Do what you’re physically capable of doing. Don’t discount how much the flow of
energy contributes to your overall wellness and creative stimulation. So, be active
– whatever being active means to you.


Chose the lens with which you want to view the world, and if the lens you are
using right now isn’t working, then swipe it out for a new one. Look at things in
different ways. Put yourself in a different position. Become the problem you’re
trying to solve. Be your two-year-old who doesn’t want to eat their vegetables.
See things from their point of view. Put yourself in another pair of shoes and see
how far you can walk. Become the animal you’re trying to draw or the character
you’re trying to write. Don’t get stuck in the logic and the reason. Change the
way you look at things – change your perspective, change your mind set, change
your life.


In the same vein of changing your perspective, so many of us blindly stumble
through life only looking straight ahead. We fail to look up or to look down, we
fail to look all around (my homage to Dr. Seuss right there). We get so focused on
the busyness of the task at hand, we fail to see the shadows cast by the blades of
grass or the small details that make this world so beautiful. Take the time to open
your eyes and really SEE the world. Really open your eyes to everything and
everyone. The world is an interesting place full of interesting people. You don’t
always have to like what you see or who you meet, but if you never give yourself
the opportunity, you’ll never know. Cultivate your creativity by opening your eyes
and your mind to new experiences. Closed eyes can never see the true beauty of
life. Witnessing others living their best creative life is a great elixir for getting out
of your own rut and moving forward.

Life is busy. Life is noisy. It seems that the moments we can escape into the quiet
are few and far between. To live your best creative life, you must seek those
moments of quiet out and embrace them. Teach yourself that quiet is good and
welcome in your life. The same goes for solitude. Learn to be comfortable and
embrace solitude. Aloneness is a great catalyst for creativity. Unfortunately,
society is always pushing against this thought by preaching constant social
interaction, whether it’s through social media or just ostracizing those who seek
and enjoy solitude. Even if it’s only for a few minutes a day, try and find some
quiet. Embracing solitude doesn’t mean forgiving all social relationships and
spending the rest of your life emulating a Tibetan monk, it just means being
aware of your need as a human being to find peace within your own company and
reflect. Sometimes getting away from the hustle and bustle, and the constant
barrage of social interactions is the best medicine for the curation of ideas and
creativity. Besides, it’s just good for the soul. Sometimes the best conversations I
have are the ones I have with myself.

Number 7 – CROSS TRAIN

Cross-training has hit the fitness industry with a bang and it’s easy to see why. It
provides results. Cross-training is based on the idea of doing many different
exercises for the benefit of the whole body. Each exercise stimulates the body in
several different ways. This same concept also benefits the brain and creativity.
If you’re struggling with an idea or a task, do something completely opposite. For
example, if you are a writer and you’re having trouble with generating ideas, then
get out of the office and go do something with your hands – build something,
cook something, garden, doodle, do something completely opposite to what you
are doing. As a visual artist, pull out some paper and write something. This
‘opposite’ type of activity changes your focus and relaxes your mind, helping
stimulate your brain and generate ideas. A multi-faceted approach to creativity is
always encouraged. The more creative outlets you have, the more your brain

becomes accustomed to switching gears, strengthening your creative resilience,
making you less prone to gaps or blocks. By expanding your creative repertoire,
you’ll live a much more rewarding creative life.

Number 8 – PLAY
This is one of my favourite tips. Play. It’s such a simple concept but one that as
adults, most of us have forgotten or think that somehow, we’re above this
childish activity. I’m here to tell you that there is nothing more important to
creativity than the idea of play. Whether it’s living life with a playful attitude or
getting out there and actually playing in the park or playing Lego or playing with
your ideas, play is an integral part of generating creativity. Give a child an empty
box and see what they do. Watch some youngsters playing dolls together. Watch
their imaginations go to work as they create their own story lines or figure out
just what they are going to do with that box. Children are the best problem
solvers out there. Think of yourself as a child and all the games you played and
the problems you solved on your own in a creative way. Hide a bag of cookies on
the kitchen shelf? Guess what, your child is going to figure out a way to get those
cookies! How sad that we as adults seem to have forgotten the pure joy and
happiness that comes from playing. So, this is an important one to remember.
Highlight it. Star it. Then get out and do it. Play.


Failure is an inevitable part of life and it happens to all of us – even the most
successful people have experienced great amounts of failure, I can promise you
that. But the difference is successful people embrace failure. They see it not as
failure but as a learning experience. When you do that, failure doesn’t become
such a fear, and you’re better able to take calculated risks, knowing there’s a
chance it might not work out, but also knowing that you’re going to gain a

valuable lesson from the experience. The worst thing you can do is to not even
try – because then you’ll just never know what could have been.


Fear is the number one reason you are not living your best creative life. Fear of
the unknown, fear of being different, fear of being ridiculed, fear of being seen as
different, fear of not being good enough… Any of these sound familiar? Fear is a
natural response and a part of everyday life for creatives. It is not something to
just brush aside. The best way to deal with your fears is to face them. Give them
the acknowledgement they deserve, let them know that you hear them, then
kindly tell them to get the heck out of the way because you’re coming through.
Living your best creative life takes courage, it takes guts and it takes resilience.
Don’t let your fear stand in the way. You are good enough. You deserve to live
the life YOU choose to live, and those who try and stop you – by putting you
down, by discouraging you, by telling you you’re never going to succeed, shaming
you because you want to live a life that by society’s standards is a little different.
Well guess what? All those naysayers let fear control their lives. Don’t let that be
you. Face those fears! Then move on straight through them! Then, and only
then, will you be able to live your best creative life!

And there you have it, “The Ten Keys to Living Your Best Creative Life”.

Of course, these ten keys are just beginning of your journey. Call them a
blueprint if you will. Living your best creative life takes guts and gumption. There
will be setbacks and there will be times where you want to throw in the towel.
Maybe those painful doubts have crept back into your thinking? Maybe you carry
what researcher Brène Brown calls a “creative scar”, where someone has
demeaned your creative efforts in the past, causing you pain and humiliation, and
leaving you riddled with doubts about your ability.

You don’t have to go the road alone.

There is great strength in numbers. And encouragement. And love. And

belonging. And support. And courage. And resiliency.

When you live your best creative life, WE ALL live our best creative lives.
Creativity spurs creativity. There is a rush of adrenaline when you’ve helped
someone find their creative spark. You know that feeling. I know you do.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a place you could go to meet others who
are doing their best to live their best creative lives? To feel that love. To feel that
support and encouragement.

There is and it’s called “Spark Nation”.

What is Spark Nation?

Spark Nation is a membership club where we can join together, share our stories,
share our fears, and share our triumphs as we move towards living our most
courageous and authentic lives. It’s a place where we come together to inspire
each other, laugh and joke around, and motivate each other to put one foot in
front of the other. Baby steps, giant leaps, trips and falls are all celebrated within
the Spark Nation community because we believe in having a growth mindset,

learning from our mistakes and being resilient in everything we do. We also
believe that living our best creative lives is a must for true growth, happiness and

And inspiration is what Spark Nation is all about!

Why use the tagline “The Posse of Positivity” to describe Spark Nation? Because
we’re out to make waves and to instigate change in ourselves and those around

One meaning of the word “posse” comes from the 1640s Latin phrase “posse
comitatus” which means “the force of the county”, and a second definition comes
from Medieval Latin and means “have power, be able”. “The force of the county”
and “have power and be able” – those are all dynamic words that describe the
mission and motive behind the Spark Nation community.

Being the best you can be is important, but so is having the support and wisdom
of those on that same journey. And that is what Spark Nation offers – a chance to
be part of a kind, fun-loving, inspirational, and creative tribe.

As well as interactive content, we also have our own private forum, hosted
through Discourse. Unlike a Facebook group, which are great in their own right,
everything posted here is private and the property of and
www.creativesparknation. There’s no sharing of data, and you can have piece of
mind that every opinion you share is private, protected, and for Spark Nation eyes
only. Besides, we think it’s important to offer an inclusive experience that doesn’t
solely rely on being a member of social media. The social media landscape is
changing as many people disconnect for a variety of different reasons.

That’s why Spark Chat is perfect! All the conversations, and none of the
worry. Peace of mind and peace of soul. Doesn’t that just make you want to fix
yourself a drink, grab a seat on the sofa, and start chatting? I think the answer is

There has never been a truer quote. Living a life that isn’t authentic to who you
truly are as a person is exhausting but making changes, especially those that cut
deep to the core takes courage and confidence…maybe two things you don’t have
an abundance of at the moment. That’s okay. That’s where Spark Nation comes
in. Let us, and our fabulous community of courage warriors, help you!
We can help you learn the tools to live your creative life – everyday – in
everything you do! We can help you gain the courage and gain the confidence to
do those things in life that you’ve always wanted to do. Make the changes that

you’ve always wanted to make. No more looking around at others and thinking,
“I could never do that?” or “She’s just so much stronger than I am”.
No. The time to end those thoughts is now. Right this minute. Put them in the
garbage and throw them to the curb.

Today your new life begins! Take charge!

Spark Nation only opens its doors to new members a few times a year, so be on
the look out for any special announcements! Or, just to be sure you won’t miss
the next opening, join the Waiting List and you’ll be the first to hear!

(And if you’ve printed this document off, then head on over to and click the link.

We’d love to have you! In the meantime, start integrating “The Ten Keys to Living
Your Best Creative Life” into your own life and watch the transformation.

See you soon!

Trish and the Creative Spark Nation Team


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