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- Teacher needs to call students in random orders for different parts of the lesson.

Teacher Students
Slide Aims Action
Suggestions Timing Performance

- Teacher reveals some

Let students get to 30
information about Before we start the lesson, I would like to introduce myself. Listen
know the teacher seconds
1 minute
- Our lesson today will be about “SHARING WHAT THE WEATHER IS
Introduce the - Introduce the lesson and LIKE IN YOUR AREA” 30
lesson explain a bit about it. - If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I’m here to support you seconds
- Read the lesson’s
LESSON Tell students what
objectives on the slide - After today’s lesson, you will be able to: 30
OBJECTIVES they will gain after Listen
- Use tools to emphasize … seconds
30 seconds the lesson
key objectives on the slide
1. What is the weather like in your area?
- Ask students to answer 2. What would you do if you were caught in a thunderstorm?
the questions (ask 3-4
4 minutes 30
students to answer the 1 minute
(includes 1 Get students Answer the stu
questions) 30
minute 30 ready to learn. *Teacher can ask some extra questions below: questions min
- Teacher can give extra seconds
seconds for sec
watching video) 3. What is your favorite weather? Why?

DIALOGUE - Warm-up the - Read out loud the

- Listen to
8 minutes 30 atmosphere and conversation and explain the 1 minute
I will read the conversation first and you guys will have to pay attention to teacher’s 1m
seconds encourage meaning of the bold words 30
it. Take note if necessary. explanation and sec
students to read a on the slide seconds
take note
loud the dialogue
- Let students - Ask students to practice Ok, I would like to invite some of you to practice the conversation with me. 1 - Practice in pairs 1m
know about useful the dialogue. And the others, please pay attention to the dialogue, my intonation and minute with other =3
sentences in the (Recommendation: Depends pronunciation. students or the
context on the number of students in - Could you practice the conversation with me? I will be…. And you will teacher
the class, you can practice be…. - The rest of the
the dialogue with students, class will listen
or pair up students and ask and take note
them to practice the
dialogue together, but make
sure all of the students
practice the dialogue)
- Give comments on
students’ performance in
detail (which words they
pronounced incorrectly or
explain a structure, word 30
3 - Listen and take
choice in the dialogue that Great job, everyone. I have some comments for you. sec
minutes note
students don’t understand ent
- Let students practice the
word or sentence they need
to focus on

- Let students in turn read

out loud all the words on the
slide. 20
Now I’d like you guys to read all the words below: 30
Make sure all students get to stu
pronounce the words and 2mi
correct their mistakes if
LOUD + Let students
necessary - Listen and
PRONUNCIATIO pronounce the
N sounds correctly - Explain and correctly
7 minutes It seems that you all still have some pronunciation mistakes with the
pronounce the words for the
students and ask them to sounds /ɪ/ and /i:/ 2 minutes 20
repeat 30 stu
- Let students practice until - Let’s practice and I will correct your pronunciation seconds min
they pronounce correctly ..
(maximum three times)
- Let the students choose a
context and practice it with
them. 2 m
Let students Now you guys will practice what you have learnt with me. - Make a
CONVERSATION - You can correct their sec
practice the Remember to use the sentences/words we have learnt. 4 minutes conversation with
19 minutes mistakes after the stu
conversation your teacher.
conversation. min
- Practice with all the
-Give comments on
students’ performance in ** Teacher has to remind students about their biggest strength and 1-
- Take note of
detail (which words they 2 mistakes that they need to improve.
pronounced incorrectly…) (sandwich method)
Give feedback to -Evaluate each student’s -Write down students’ feedback in the assessment form.
+ HOMEWORK 3 minutes - Ask the teacher 2 m
each student performance - Remind students: "You need to finish homework soon after this
5 minutes questions (if
- Ask if students have any lesson with Native Life”
questions related to the

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