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Dakota Tillman

Digital Learning Environments

Online Learning Module

1. Instructional Objectives

Objective #1: Students will identify the expectations of technology use in the classroom by

completing a multiple choice quiz summarizing the exceptions of technology with 80% or higher

accuracy. (Cognitive Domain)

Objective #2: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the usage of instructional time

by completing a research report showing their understanding of paraphrasing in the allotted time.

(Cognitive Domain)

Objective #3: Students will develop a presentation that provides five examples of curated

content using a Web 2.0 resource. (Cognitive Domain)

2. Description of Assessments

Assessment on Objective #1: Students will identify the expectations of technology use in the

classroom by completing a multiple choice quiz summarizing the exceptions of technology with

80% or higher accuracy.

Objective of Assessment #2: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the usage of

instructional time by completing a research report showing their understanding of paraphrasing

in the allotted time.

Objective of Assessment #3: Students will develop a presentation that provides five examples of

curated content using a Web 2.0 resource.

3. Detailed Data

Expectation of Technology Use Quiz Data:

Rubrics for Plagiarism Research Report:
Rubrics for Curated Content Project:
4. Analysis of Data From Assessments:

- Expectations of Technology Quiz:

Average Score: 90%

Highest Score: 100%

Lowest Score: 75%

- Plagiarism Research Report:

Average Score: 86%

Highest Score: 95%

Lowest Score: 65%

- Curated Content Project

Average Score: 81%

Highest Score: 90%

Lowest Score: 65%

5. Field Notes:

Students were comfortable while working through the online instruction, and some finished the

module earlier than expected. The students did very well on the expectations of technology quiz,

and still maintained a high average for the other two projects. The questions were all related to

the plagiarism research report and curated content project. The questions pertaining to the

research report typically were questions about the specifics of paraphrasing, such as how to

properly cite or quote from an article. It was evident the students were not experienced in

paraphrasing and citing which made this project very beneficial to them. Th questions

concerning the curated content assignment were more focused on the functionality of Adobe

Spark and Canva than the actual assignment itself. One topic that should have been covered more

in-depth is public speaking and presenting to an audience. Some students were not very

comfortable during their presentation, and tips and strategic methods should have been provided

to help the students. Students stated the rubrics were very easy to understand and straight

forward which help them answer some questions on their own.

6. Evaluation Rubric

Content Module Review for <<Dakota Tillman>>

Peer Reviewer: <<Natania Riley>> Review Date: 4/12/2020

Unacceptable (1 Point) Acceptable (2 Points) Target (3 Points) Points

Content curation tool is linked 1. Content curation tool is Must have all of these criteria: 3
to the online course. OR embedded (not linked) in the 1. Content curation is
• Content curation tool online course. AND embedded (not linked) in the
selected from the article 2. Content curation tool online course.
“17 of the Best Content selected from the article “17 of 2. Content curation tool
Curation Tools” and links the Best Content Curation selected from the article “17 of
to a minimum of 4 Tools” and links to a minimum the Best Content Curation
unique web resources. of 6 unique web resources. Tools” and links to a minimum of
OR BUT Also… 8 unique web resources (do
• Many duplicate web sites • One duplicate web site not select more than one from a
included. OR included. OR single domain name.)
• Tool selected was not Resources do not exactly 3. Resources match the
from the content curation match the instructional instructional objectives, are
list. OR objectives. OR high-quality and age
• Resources do not match • Some resources are not appropriate.
the instructional age-appropriate. OR 4. ALL links are active.
objectives. OR • One of the links is not 5. Annotations are descriptive
• Most resources are not active. OR and qualitative.
age-appropriate. OR • Annotations are complete 6. Annotations are age-
• More than one link is not but some simply provide appropriate to guide learners to
active. OR a content summary. use of the resources.
• Annotations are missing/

Online Module does not 1.Online Module contains at Must have all of these criteria: 2
include any social media. OR least two different social 1.Online Module contains 2 or
• Social media is not media apps. AND more different social media
effectively integrated. OR 2. All links to social media are apps.
• Social media links are active. AND 2.All links to social media are
not active. OR 3. Social media is integrated active.
• Course does not contain into the course content in a 3.Social media is effectively
sufficient discussions. meaningful way. AND integrated into the course
OR 4. Course contains at least content in a meaningful way.
• Discussions do not two discussions. AND 4. Course contains multiple (>2)
match course objectives. 5. Discussions match content. discussions.
AND 5. Clear match between the
6. At least one discussion post discussion question and the
is created using a social instructional objectives.
media format. 6. Discussion focuses on higher
level thinking.
7. At least two discussions are
posted using a social media
format (ie. Facebook, Pinterest,
Twitter, etc).
1. Course rubric does not • 1.Course rubrics contain Must have all of these criteria: 3
contain sufficient levels. levels that are well • 1.Course rubric contains
OR defined. AND levels that are well defined
• Course rubric does not • 2.Course rubric contains and fit the learning target.
contain criteria that align at least two levels of • 2. Course rubric contains 3
with content. OR student performance. or more levels to
• Quiz does not measure AND distinguish between
the stated objectives. OR • 3.Rubric criterion align student performance.
• Quiz contains with overall content. AND • 3. Rubric criteria directly
grammatical and/or • 4.Quiz questions match align with the activity it is
spelling errors. OR instructional objectives. intended to assess.
• Quiz is not created using AND • 4. Quiz questions match
an online tool (ie. Quizlet • 5.Quizzes are instructional objectives.
or Google Forms). grammatically correct • 5. All multiple choice
and do not contain any questions have at least 3-4
misspellings. AND response options; No True/
6.Quiz is created using an False questions.
online tool such as Quizlet or • 6. Quizzes are
Google Forms. grammatically correct and
do not contain any
7.Quizzes are created using an
online tool such as Quizlet or
Google Forms.

1.Online Module does not 1.Online Module utilizes 3+ Must have all of these criteria: 2
show evidence or has limited elements of Universal Design
evidence of meeting the for Learning. AND 1. Online Module clearly
needs of diverse learners. utilizes Universal Design
2. Online Module offers some for Learning (6+
evidence of Differentiated checkpoints).
Instruction. AND 2. Online Module utilizes
Differentiated Instruction
3. Online Module shows as evidenced by
evidence of some accessibility differentiated assignments.
adaptations. AND 3. Online Module includes
specific accessibility and/
4. Links to (2+) assistive or assistive technology
technology resources resources.
provided. 4. Multiple (4+) assistive
technology resources are
linked to.

Content and 1. Much of the instructional 1. Most of the instructional Must have all of these criteria: 3
Organization content I needed to content I needed to
complete the content complete the content 1. All of the instructional
module was missing. OR module was present. content I needed to
2. I couldn’t access the site AND complete the content
on the first try. OR 2. I could access the site on module was present.
3. I had to request access the first try. I had to 2. I could access the site and
on 3 or more embedded request access on no all embedded content and
content and/or links. OR more than 2 embedded links on the first try.
4. Navigating through the content and/or links. AND 3. It was easy to work
course was confusing 3. It was easy for work through the course. I knew
OR it was hard to find through the course most what to do next.
things OR there is a lot of the time. AND 4. There is no extraneous or
of extraneous content on 4. There is some placeholder content on the
the site. OR extraneous content on site.
5. The text on the site is the site, but it wasn’t 5. The site is well designed
hard to read. OR distracting or confusing. and visually appealing. All
6. There are multiple AND text is legible.
grammatical, punctuation 5. The site is well designed 6. There were no
or spelling errors. and visually appealing. grammatical, punctuation
All text is legible. AND or spelling errors.
6. There are one or two
grammatical, punctuation
or spelling errors.

Total Score 13

Peer Reviewer Comments:

Your content module was very organized and well put together. One issue I had was getting on Edmodo to complete that
assignment. The other thing was that you list 3 assistive technology and not 4+ assistive technology resources. If I were
a student taking this course, I would have no problems finding the information and instructions to complete the
assignments. It was easy to work through with no errors. Great Job!

7. Additional Data: No additional data

8. Peer Evaluation Rubric

Content Module Review for Anna Collins

Peer Reviewer: Dakota Tillman Review Date:

Unacceptable (1 Point) Acceptable (2 Points) Target (3 Points) Points

Content curation tool is linked 1. Content curation tool is Must have all of these criteria:
to the online course. OR embedded (not linked) in the 1. Content curation is
• Content curation tool online course. AND embedded (not linked) in the
selected from the article 2. Content curation tool online course.
“17 of the Best Content selected from the article “17 of 2. Content curation tool
Curation Tools” and links the Best Content Curation selected from the article “17 of
to a minimum of 4 Tools” and links to a minimum the Best Content Curation
unique web resources. of 6 unique web resources. Tools” and links to a minimum of
OR BUT Also… 8 unique web resources (do
• Many duplicate web sites • One duplicate web site not select more than one from a 3
included. OR included. OR single domain name.)
• Tool selected was not Resources do not exactly 3. Resources match the
from the content curation match the instructional instructional objectives, are
list. OR objectives. OR high-quality and age
• Resources do not match • Some resources are not appropriate.
the instructional age-appropriate. OR 4. ALL links are active.
objectives. OR • One of the links is not 5. Annotations are descriptive
• Most resources are not active. OR and qualitative.
age-appropriate. OR • Annotations are complete 6. Annotations are age-
• More than one link is not but some simply provide appropriate to guide learners to
active. OR a content summary. use of the resources.
• Annotations are missing/
Online Module does not 1.Online Module contains at Must have all of these criteria:
include any social media. OR least two different social 1.Online Module contains 2 or
• Social media is not media apps. AND more different social media
effectively integrated. OR 2. All links to social media are apps.
• Social media links are active. AND 2.All links to social media are
not active. OR 3. Social media is integrated active.
• Course does not contain into the course content in a 3.Social media is effectively
sufficient discussions. meaningful way. AND integrated into the course 3
OR 4. Course contains at least content in a meaningful way.
• Discussions do not two discussions. AND 4. Course contains multiple (>2)
match course objectives. 5. Discussions match content. discussions.
AND 5. Clear match between the
6. At least one discussion post discussion question and the
is created using a social instructional objectives.
media format. 6. Discussion focuses on higher
level thinking.
7. At least two discussions are
posted using a social media
format (ie. Facebook, Pinterest,
Twitter, etc).

1. Course rubric does not • 1.Course rubrics contain Must have all of these criteria:
contain sufficient levels. levels that are well • 1.Course rubric contains
OR defined. AND levels that are well defined
• Course rubric does not • 2.Course rubric contains and fit the learning target.
contain criteria that align at least two levels of • 2. Course rubric contains 3
with content. OR student performance. or more levels to
• Quiz does not measure AND distinguish between
the stated objectives. OR • 3.Rubric criterion align student performance.
• Quiz contains with overall content. AND • 3. Rubric criteria directly
grammatical and/or • 4.Quiz questions match align with the activity it is 3
spelling errors. OR instructional objectives. intended to assess.
• Quiz is not created using AND • 4. Quiz questions match
an online tool (ie. Quizlet • 5.Quizzes are instructional objectives.
or Google Forms). grammatically correct • 5. All multiple choice
and do not contain any questions have at least 3-4
misspellings. AND response options; No True/
6.Quiz is created using an False questions.
online tool such as Quizlet or • 6. Quizzes are
Google Forms. grammatically correct and
do not contain any
7.Quizzes are created using an
online tool such as Quizlet or
Google Forms.

1.Online Module does not 1.Online Module utilizes 3+ Must have all of these criteria:
show evidence or has limited elements of Universal Design
evidence of meeting the for Learning. AND 1. Online Module clearly
needs of diverse learners. utilizes Universal Design
2. Online Module offers some for Learning (6+
evidence of Differentiated checkpoints).
Instruction. AND 2. Online Module utilizes
Differentiated Instruction 3
3. Online Module shows as evidenced by
evidence of some accessibility differentiated assignments.
adaptations. AND 3. Online Module includes
specific accessibility and/
4. Links to (2+) assistive or assistive technology
technology resources resources.
provided. 4. Multiple (4+) assistive
technology resources are
linked to.
Content and 1. Much of the instructional 1. Most of the instructional Must have all of these criteria:
Organization content I needed to content I needed to
complete the content complete the content 1. All of the instructional
module was missing. OR module was present. content I needed to
2. I couldn’t access the site AND complete the content
on the first try. OR 2. I could access the site on module was present.
3. I had to request access the first try. I had to 2. I could access the site and
on 3 or more embedded request access on no all embedded content and
content and/or links. OR more than 2 embedded links on the first try.
4. Navigating through the content and/or links. AND 3. It was easy to work 3
course was confusing 3. It was easy for work through the course. I knew
OR it was hard to find through the course most what to do next.
things OR there is a lot of the time. AND 4. There is no extraneous or
of extraneous content on 4. There is some placeholder content on the
the site. OR extraneous content on site.
5. The text on the site is the site, but it wasn’t 5. The site is well designed
hard to read. OR distracting or confusing. and visually appealing. All
6. There are multiple AND text is legible.
grammatical, punctuation 5. The site is well designed 6. There were no
or spelling errors. and visually appealing. grammatical, punctuation
All text is legible. AND or spelling errors.
6. There are one or two
grammatical, punctuation
or spelling errors.

Total Score 15

Peer Reviewer Comments:

The content module is extremely organized and descriptive. Screenshots are provided for restricted access
assignments for students through Google Classroom.

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