Activities Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Step 2 - Concepts and Basic Principles of Design

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-rector

Activities guide and evaluation rubric - Step 2- Concepts and basic
principles of design
1. General description of the course
Faculty or Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería
Academic Unit
Academic Level Profesional

Academic Field Formación disciplinar

Course Name Diseño de Sistemas

Course Code 301309
Course Type theoretical Can be yes ☒ No ☐
Number of Credits 2

2. Description of the activity

Type of the Individu Number of
☐ Collaborative ☒ 6
activity: al weeks
Moment of
Initial ☐
Intermediate ☒ Final ☐
Evaluative score of the Delivery Environment of the activity:
activity: 175 Monitoring and evaluation environment
Starting date of the activity: Deadline of the activity:
Septiembre 9, 2020 Octubre 20, 2020
Competence to develop:
The student applies the concepts in the development of patterns, interfaces
and the properties that they must fulfill, in order to deliver a proposal.
The student models problems through the creation of the architecture and
the components of an information system, based on formal and functional
specifications of the system.

Topics to develop:
 Conceptualization
 Architectural design
 Design at the component level
Steps, phases of the learning strategy to develop
Understand the basic concepts of design and its components.
Develop the architectural design for an information system.
Develop the design at the component level to an information system.
Activities to develop
The company whose organization chart corresponds to the attached graph,

is a company that is dedicated to advising, sales and maintenance of

technological products additionally develops office applications and web
applications for its customers.
The company consists of the areas of Accounting, Technology and
Creativity, Human Talent, Production and Marketing and Sales. In each of
the areas there are sub areas of support for the development of each of
their processes.
Currently the company works a fairly simple application where there is no
backup of the information stored on the hard drives. The board of
directors, when meeting monthly, requests information from the general
manager, who in turn requests information from the persons in charge of
each of the areas.
The board of directors has decided to apply reengineering to its information
system and therefore will support in its small group as engineers to provide
the necessary support in this process. To do this, you must perform:
1. Select one of the following areas and express it in the forum.
a) Accounting.
b) Technology and creativity
c) Human talent.
d) Production.
e) Marketing and sales
2. Build the architectural design of the software for the information system
of the area you have selected.
3. Among the members of the small group, make a suggested network
architectural design for the entire company.
4. Make an architectural context diagram (DCA) specifying:
a) Superior systems
b) Subordinate systems
c) Peer systems
d) Actors.
5. Make the data flow diagram of the company's study area
6. Based on point 4 (Data flow diagram) develop a design component of
the area you have selected
nt for the Knowledge environment
developme Collaborative Learning Environment
nt Monitoring and Evaluation Environment

Products Individual:
to deliver
Present in the forum the contributions corresponding to the
by student
development of the activity, having previously stated the
area of work to which the design will be made.
1. Present your opinion regarding the points
resolved by your small group colleagues.
2. Consolidate the contributions of the members of
the small group apply APA standards to the document.
3. The document must be in PDF format and must contain:
a) Introduction.
b) General objectives and specific objectives
c) Consolidation of contributions.
d) Conclusions
e) Bibliographic references.
General guidelines for the collaborative work
Planning of In the development of collaborative work by students,
activities for some key elements are required that lead to a
the comprehensive, responsible and effective academic
development exercise.
of For this to be achieved it is necessary that they comply
collaborative with the steps indicated in the document entitled "General
work guidelines of the UNAD curriculum / Aspects of
collaborative work and teaching accompaniment" (Abadía,
Vela, Montero & Vargas, 2014, p. 16-18):
1. Recognition of actors: At the beginning of each
evaluation activity, the student will be recognized as an
actor of the group, presenting their strengths and
exposing the communication channels to be effective their
2. Assignment of roles: Each member of the group will
assume one of the indicated roles, which will perform
functionally during the realization of collaborative work. It
is suggested to rotate roles in each of the activities, thus
promoting an integral formation of all the participants of
the group.
3. Planning of the academic activities: The planning of the
activities becomes a key element for the achievement of
the task. The group will carry out an academic work plan
for the development of the activity, based on the
analytical reflection of the activities agenda, the
evaluation guide and rubric. They will perform the
required readings acquiring thematic appropriation.
4. Staging the principles of collaborative work: it is
important to internalize the principles of interaction,
growth and responsible action, to ensure the excellent
development of your learning process and presentation of
written products that correspond to the quality of what is
requested in the course.
5. Active participation: a proactive participation with
relevant individual contributions is required for the
construction of a product that accounts for what is
requested in the activity guide.
Each student will choose one of the five roles specified in
the box below and will assume responsibility in a
responsible manner so that the participation in the
collaborative work is relevant, active with assertive
communication and achieve the construction of the
collaborative products requested and within the
established times.
Roles to
The document "General guidelines of the curriculum in
perform by
UNAD / Aspects of collaborative work and teaching
the student in
accompaniment" (ABADIA and others: 2014), p. 11,
establishes the following roles for the accomplishment of
the collaborative works of the course:
a) Compiler
b) Reviser.
c) Evaluator
d) Deliveries.
e) Alerts.
Roles and The roles that are established in the UNAD for
responsibility collaborative works are related. It is important to assume
for the it responsibly, but without leaving your commitment as a
delivery of student to the development of the activity.
products by Compiler: Consolidate the document that is constituted
students as the final product of the debate, taking into account
that the contributions of all the participants have been
included and that only the participants who participated in
the process are included. You must inform the person in
charge of the alerts to notify those who did not
participate, that they will not be included in the product to
be delivered.
Reviewer: Ensure that the writing complies with the
rules for submission of work required by the teacher.
Evaluator: Ensure that the document contains the
criteria present in the rubric. You must inform the person
in charge of the alerts so that you inform the other
members of the team in case there is an adjustment to be
made on the subject.
Deliveries: Alert about the delivery times of the products
and send the document in the stipulated times, using the
resources destined for the shipment, and indicate to the
other colleagues that the delivery has been made.
Alerts: Ensure that the members of the group are
notified of the news in the work and inform the teacher
through the forum of work and the messaging of the
course, that the document has been sent.
Use of the APA standard, version 3 in Spanish
(Translation of version 6 in English):
The APA Standards are the most used style of
organization and presentation of information in the area
of social sciences. These are published under a Manual
Use of that allows you to have access to the ways in which a
references scientific article should be presented. You can find the
most relevant aspects of the sixth edition of the APA
Standards Manual, such as references, citations,
preparation and presentation of tables and figures,
headings and seriation, among others, by going to -edition-6 /
Plagiarism What is plagiarism for the UNAD? Plagiarism is defined by
policy the dictionary of the Royal Academy as the action of
"copying in the substantial works of others, giving them
as their own." Therefore plagiarism is a serious fault: it is
the equivalent in the academic field, to theft. A student
who plagiarizes does not take his education seriously, and
does not respect the intellectual work of others.
There is no small plagiarism. If a student uses any portion
of another person's work, and does not document their
source, they are committing an act of plagiarism. Now, it
is evident that we all have the ideas of others when
presenting ours, and that our knowledge is based on the
knowledge of others. But when we rely on the work of
others, academic honesty requires that we explicitly
announce the fact that we are using an external source,
either by means of an appointment or by means of an
annotated paraphrase.
For UNAD, in agreement 029 of December 13, 2013,
article 99, the following are considered as offenses that
threaten the academic order, among others: literal e)
"Plagiarism, that is, present as your own Authorship of all
or part of a work, work, document or invention made by
another person. It also implies the use of citations or
missing references, or propose a citad where there is no
coincidence between it and the reference "; and literal f)
"Reproducing, or copying for profit, educational materials
or results of research products, which have intellectual
rights reserved for the University."
The academic sanctions that the student will face are the
a) In the cases of academic fraud demonstrated in the
academic work or respective evaluation, the qualification
that will be imposed will be zero points (0.0) without
prejudice of the corresponding disciplinary sanction.
b) In the cases related to plagiarism demonstrated in the
academic work whatever their nature, the qualification
that will be imposed will be zero point zero (0.0), without
prejudice of the corresponding disciplinary sanction.

4. Evaluation rubric
Evaluation rubric
Individual Collaborative
Activity type: ☐ ☒  
Activity Activity
Moment of the Fina
Initial ☐ Intermediate ☒ ☐
evaluation l
Performance levels of the individual
Assessed Aspects Score
High score Low score
Presents contributions It presents Contribution Does not present 20
to the construction of significant s with little contributions for points
collaborative work contribution significant the construction of
s for the content work
t of the
(up to 20 (up to 10
(up to 0 points)
points) points)
Select one of the Select the Choose an
following areas and area of the area other
Do not choose area
express it in the company to than those
forum.1. Accounting.2. work specified 20
Technology and points
creativity.3. Human (up to 20 (up to 10
talent.4. Production5. (up to 0 points)
points) points)
Marketing and sales.
Build the architectural Presents
Make the
design of the software architectural
for the information design with Does not perform
design of
system of the area you some architectural design
the selected
have selected. Perform shortcoming
an architectural design s 20
for the company's points
network. The members
of the small group (up to 20 (up to 10
should comment and (up to 0 points)
points) points)
choose which is the
best network design.
Make an
Develops the
Make an architectural where you
context Does not develop
context diagram (DCA) specify:1.
diagram but architectural
where you specify:1. Superior 20
lacks some context diagram
Superior systems2. systems2. points
Subordinate systems3. Subordinate s
Peer systems4. Actors. systems3.
(up to 20 (up to 10
(up to 0 points)
points) points)
Make a
diagram of Partially
Does not develop
Perform the data flow data flows of develops the
the flow diagram 20
diagram of the the area flow diagram
under study points
company's study area
(up to 20 (up to 10
(up to 0 points)
points) points)
draw up a
draw up a
Based on point 3 (Data design Does not develop
flow diagram), draw up component the design
of the area 20
a design component of of the area component
you have points
the area you have you have
selected selected
(up to 20 (up to 10
(up to 0 points)
points) points)
Performance levels of the collaborative
Assessed Aspect Score
High score Low score
there is Does not
participation, participate in the
s to the
Make contributions for construction the construction of the
the construction of the of the final contributions final document
lack deeper points
final document product
(Up to   (Up to 0 points)
(Up to 20
Applies APA standards The APA The APA APA regulations do 20
rules apply standards not apply points
in the entire are partially
document applied
(Up to 20 (Up to 10
(Up to 0 points)
points) points)
Present a
document Present a
with good document
organization with some
Document lacking
complying errors in
Structure of the final any organization 15
with what your
document was organization points
requested in or spelling
the guide
(Up to 15 (Up to 7
(Up to 0 points)
points) points)
Final score 175

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