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Mixing of Multiple Buoyant Jets

Joseph H. W. Lee, F.ASCE1

Abstract: Multiple buoyant jets are found in the natural and artificial environment: thermal discharges from fossil and nuclear-fueled elec-
tricity generation, domestic and industrial wastewater discharges, brine disposal from desalination plants, and various heat sources in the built
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environment. An overview of theoretical and experimental modeling of multiple buoyant jets over the past three decades is presented. Basic
measurements of the structure of buoyant jet flows, integral jet modeling and three-dimensional numerical solutions of the Reynolds-averaged
equations are reviewed. A semianalytical model is proposed to predict the dynamic interaction of multiple buoyant jets in stagnant fluid.
The unknown jet trajectories are obtained from an iterative solution of an integral jet model and the irrotational external flow. Predictions
are in good agreement with experiments of clustered jet groups, turbulent plume pairs, alternating diffusers, and rosette buoyant jet groups;
the approach can also be extended to multiple jets in cross-flow. The mixing of a rosette buoyant jet group in a cross-flow is reviewed. The
use of jet theory in solving two unconventional urban environment problems are highlighted: (1) the unraveling of the cause of the severe
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak in Hong Kong in 2003; and (2) design of a complex river junction for flood control under
tight space constraints. It is suggested that experiments will remain a source of new theoretical ideas and the need for a civil engineer to
solve complex problems with tractable models and analytical clarity will prevail. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0000560. © 2012
American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Buoyancy; Jets (fluid).
Author keywords: Jets; Plumes; Water quality; Turbulent flow; Mixing and transport; Environmental hydraulics; Multiport diffuser.

Introduction The experiments of Liseth (1970, 1976) showed that for

horizontal buoyant jets discharged alternately from both sides
I am grateful to the American Society of Civil Engineers for the of the diffuser, the plumes tend to bend backward because of
opportunity to give this Hunter Rouse Lecture. It is indeed a great pressure interaction (Fig. 2). The plumes would merge at a height
honor to be linked, even in a small way, with this historic name. Zm above the diffuser; the merging height is found to increase
I am very thankful for this appreciation of my work; this honor with portpffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
spacing and the jet densimetric Froude number
no doubt should also be shared with my postgraduate research (F ¼ uo = ðΔρ=ρa ÞgD; uo = jet initial velocity; D = jet diameter;
students. I have never met Dr. Rouse in person; nevertheless I have Δρ=ρa = relative density difference between jet and ambient; and
seen him in action in the classic fluid mechanics films of the Iowa g = gravitational acceleration):
Institute of Hydraulic Research—which I use in my undergraduate
teaching. His book Elementary mechanics of fluids (Rouse 1946) Zm
has always been on my bookshelf. And his classic papers on tur- ∼F ð1Þ
bulent plumes have shed an important insight—that engineering
is concerned with the art of approximation, and relatively simple where L = spacing between alternating nozzles. The mixing above
and scientifically sound models can be combined with laboratory Zm can be approximated by a line source of buoyancy (line plume);
experiments to solve complex hydraulic engineering problems. however, there was no theoretical model for the merging, which af-
Today I would like to discuss our latest work on the mixing of fects the mixing and dilution of the discharge, even in stagnant water.
multiple buoyant jets. My interest in jets started in 1973, when the The subject of jet merging returned around 1989 in connection
late Professor Harleman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technol- with the design of the ocean outfall for the Hong Kong Strategic
ogy (MIT) assigned me to work on a physical model study of the Sewage Disposal Scheme (SSDS); a flow of 20–40 m3 =s had to be
condenser cooling water discharge of the Setubal power station in discharged from a number of (N ¼ 20) rosette risers in shallow
Portugal. In so doing, I observed multiple jet interaction in many depth of 10–20 m (Fig. 3). A model was desired to optimize
experiments—like this experiment (Lee and Jirka 1980), showing the outfall design—a model that can (1) predict jets aligned in
the outer jets bending inward toward the center of the jet group any direction to a current; and (2) account for the dilution of
(Fig. 1). merging jets. Only then can mixing zones and environmental risks
be meaningfully defined. In addition, there was a need to develop
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong an effective visualization tool to look at the merging problem; but
Univ. of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong SAR, the theoretical models and tools were not available then.
China; formerly, The Univ. of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, HKSAR, China. Over the past two decades many investigators have looked into
the multiple jet interaction problem; few attempts have been satis-
Note. This manuscript was submitted on August 1, 2011; approved on
January 13, 2012; published online on January 20, 2012. Discussion period factory and some are too problem specific. In fact, ocean outfall
open until May 1, 2013; separate discussions must be submitted for indi- design has been primarily based on physical model studies. In a
vidual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 1983 paper (Issacson et al. 1983) it is remarked: “The general
Vol. 138, No. 12, December 1, 2012. © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9429/2012/12- subject of buoyant jets and plumes has been studied for several
1008-1021/$25.00. decades. This has yielded an understanding of the physical mixing


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2012.138:1008-1021.

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Fig. 1. Merging of horizontal three-dimensional jets from a submerged

multiport diffuser; top view (jet nozzle spacing 19.5 cm, water depth
6.1 cm, and floor grid size 30.5 cm) (Lee and Jirka 1980, with permis-
sion from the American Geophysical Union)

processes in simple cases. To date, however, no mathematical

model is available which can predict the dilution under all combi-
nations of diffuser geometry and ambient ocean conditions.” There
have also been very few studies of the external flow outside of jets.
Multiple jet interaction needs to be placed in the context of a
single turbulent buoyant jet in cross-flow (Fig. 4). Near the source,
or in a weak cross-flow, the jet mixes by shear entrainment; the
cross section concentration profile is symmetric and Gaussian
[Fig. 4(a)]. Dynamic jet interaction primarily occurs in this near
field. When the jet is bent over by the cross-flow, the mixing in
the bent-over phase is attributable to the large scale vortex pair flow
(Chu 1996; Chu and Lee 1996; Chu et al. 1999) and vortex entrain-
ment dominates [Fig. 4(b)].

Dynamic Jet Interaction in Near Field Fig. 3. (Color) Mixing of a rosette jet group from an ocean outfall—
with complex merging and dilution of multiple buoyant jets in coflow,
Let us first consider a round turbulent jet in stagnant fluid. Batch-
cross-flow, and counterflow (Lai et al. 2011, © ASCE): (a) top view of
elor (1967) and Squire (1951) have earlier given an exact analytical
an eight-jet-rosette-jet group; (b) rosette risers used in an ocean outfall;
solution of a round laminar jet using a constant molecular viscosity.
(c) cross-sectional view of a six-jet-rosette-jet group
The field solution of the full Navier-Stokes equations covers both

Fig. 2. Discharge from an alternating diffuser Qo, Bo , and M o = volume flux, buoyancy flux, and momentum flux of an individual jet, respectively;
L = spacing between alternating nozzles; D = nozzle diameter; and DD = diffuser pipe diameter


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2012.138:1008-1021.

the jet and the external flow. It can be shown that the solution is also
valid for a turbulent round jet of constant eddy viscosity (which is
to first order valid). More often, boundary layer approximations
have been used for the jet flow, resulting in integral jet models
that solve for the characteristic jet properties; on the other hand,
the flow outside of the jet can be treated as irrotational by using
the inviscid approximation (Taylor 1958).
As far as the outside irrotational flow is concerned, the jet acts as
a distributed entrainment sink. Taylor’s concept is attractive as it
lends itself readily for general application (Lai and Lee 2008;
Lai 2009). Suppose we can predict the buoyant jet trajectory
and the entrainment flow of every “jet element,” and then the out-
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side entrainment flow induced at a given point ðxp ; yp ; zp Þ attrib-

utable to one jet can be predicted as the sum of the velocities
induced by the point sinks (with known strength) in all the jet
elements (Fig. 5); and the induced velocity attributable to all the
jets can be similarly summed. Bottom and free surface boundaries
can be accounted for using the method of images. Mathematically
mi ðxp − xi ÞΔs
uxi jxp ;yp ;zp ¼  
j¼1 i¼1
4π ðxp − xi Þ þ ðyp − yi Þ2 þ ðzp − zi Þ2 3=2


mi ðyp − yi ÞΔs
uyi jxp ;yp ;zp ¼  
j¼1 i¼1
4π ðxp − xi Þ þ ðyp − yi Þ2 þ ðzp − zi Þ2 3=2


mi ðzp − zi ÞΔs
uzi jxp ;yp ;zp ¼  
Fig. 4. (Color) Single turbulent buoyant jet in cross-flow (Lee and j¼1 i¼1
4π ðxp − xi Þ þ ðyp − yi Þ2 þ ðzp − zi Þ2 3=2

Chu 2003, reprinted with permission from Springer and Kluwer.

Lee, J. H. W., and Chu, V. H. (2003). Turbulent Jets and Plumes— ð4Þ
A Lagrangian Approach, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.)
where N = number of jet element; and NJ = number of jets.

NJ 3
NJ 4

NJ 2
Turbulent NJ 5
m i (x i,yi,zi) entrainment

g ρ

(xp,yp,zp) z NJ 1

D r y uo c o ρo
uo c o ρo φ
θ x θo
NJ 6

Plan view of
rosette jet group
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. Modeling of the external irrotational flow induced by a multiple buoyant jet group; each jet represented as distributed point sinks


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2012.138:1008-1021.

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Fig. 6. External flow at centerline plane induced by a turbulent single free jet; D ¼ 0.1 m; uo ¼ 1.75 m=s; Qo ¼ 0.0138 m3 =s; Mo ¼ 0.0242 m4 =s2 ;
Δx ¼ 12D; tabulated velocities are comparison of the computed velocity magnitude by Taylor’s solution and by the distributed point sink approach
(mean deviation ¼ 0.60%)

1.5 m


Jet nozzle
1.5 m

0.8 m

p=0 x p=0
0.3 m
u o=1.0 m/s u o=1.0 m/s
Side view

Top view

Fig. 7. Computational domain of the 3D RANS numerical computation for twin jet—induced flow (D ¼ 0.01 m; uo = initial jet velocity)


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2012.138:1008-1021.

0.06 0.06
Pt. Sink Pt. Sink
0.05 Reichardt 0.04

0.04 0.02

0.03 0

0.02 -0.02

0.01 -0.04
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0 -0.06
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
x/D x/D

Fig. 8. Comparison between model predictions and FLUENT computations for twin jet discharges at z ¼ 10D (D ¼ 0.01 m, uo ¼ 1 m=s, nozzle
spacing s ¼ 30D)

If we apply this concept for a simple jet (Lai 2009), the induced boundary condition is used in all six faces of the domain (Fig. 7). It
entrainment velocity field in the plane of symmetry agrees very is found that the external flow agrees with the CFD solution
well with Taylor’s analytical solution that shows a set of confocal for both single and wide-separated twin jets. Fig. 8 shows the com-
parabolas with the curvature decreasing downstream, even at a parison of predicted velocities with the FLUENT solution in the
coarse discretization (Δx ¼ 0.02H ¼ 12D) of the jet element plane of symmetry (vertical and lateral velocity) for two widely
(Fig. 6). The predicted velocity magnitude by the two approaches separated jets; the velocity inside the jet after merging is treated
are also in excellent agreement. by superposition of momentum (u2z ) in accordance with the induc-
The predicted flow can also be compared with a 3D solution tive Reichardt hypothesis (Knystautas 1964; Pani and Dugad
of the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations in 2002). The FLUENT solution serves as a reference, as the numeri-
Cartesian coordinates using FLUENT (D ¼ 0.01 m, and uo ¼ cal solution has its own limitations: the jet spreading rate is greater
1 m=s) using a standard k − ϵ model (Launder and Spalding than the observed value, with db=ds of 0.137 versus 0.114 (where
1974) for turbulent closure. The jet nozzle area is resolved by b is the Gaussian jet-width); the external flow depends somewhat
218 cells; a total of 472,240 cells is used (Lai 2009). Zero-pressure on the boundary conditions imposed; and intrinsic difficulties occur
in the modeling of the scalar field (a constant turbulent Schmidt
Given that the outside entrainment flow of multiple jets in stag-
Initialization nant fluid can be simulated, the dynamic jet interaction can then be
(free jet computation) solved by choosing a suitable control volume and performing an
exact momentum balance (Lai 2009; Lai and Lee 2012). The jet
properties can then be obtained by an iterative solution. Starting
by assuming pressure p ¼ 0, the jet trajectory is computed by
solving the integral governing equations for each individual jet in-
jet integral model dependent of other jets. The entrainment flow of each individual
for jet trajectory and buoyant jet is computed using a well-accepted shear entrainment
mixing characteristics hypothesis (e.g., Fischer et al. 1979; Lee and Chu 2003). On
the basis of this, the outside entrainment flow is computed, which
gives the pressure field via the Bernoulli equation. Then the up-
dated pressure field is incorporated in the jet model to compute
the relevant pressure force on the control volume; the jet model
Solution Final jet mixing
converges? characteristics is solved to give a revised jet trajectory, and so on until convergence
(Fig. 9).
No We test this simple model on several complex problems
described next.
External flow field
pressure field Coalescing Plumes
First, we test the model on some recent experiments on the merging
of two axisymmetric plumes in connection with ventilation prob-
lems in the built environment. Kaye and Linden (2004) performed
experiments with two plumes of equal and nonequal buoyancy
Fig. 9. Iterative scheme used in the dynamic jet interaction model (Lai flux; they studied the drawing together of two plumes caused by
2009, with permission from the University of Hong Kong) the respective entrainment fields. It is seen from the predicted


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2012.138:1008-1021.

concentration fields that because of the interaction of the entrain- Rosette Buoyant Jet Group
ment fields the plumes are deflected toward one another; it is shown For a rosette jet group discharging in stagnant ambient conditions,
that the predicted merging heights agree well with data. When one previous studies have observed that the jets tend to deflect toward
plume has more buoyancy flux than the other, the weaker plume is one another, merging earlier than if they were independent, and
drawn much more to the stronger plume. This is also in accord with form a single rising column. In this paper, the control volume is
observations (Fig. 10). chosen with two planes of symmetry and a circular arc far from

Predicted (0.8b)
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60 6 Predicted (1.0b)
Kaye and Linden (2004) =0.09

Merging height/plume initial spacing

50 5

40 4




−20 −10 0 10 20
x/D 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Buoyancy x ratio
(a) (b)

Fig. 10. Predicted and observed concentration field and merging height of an unequal plume pair (Lai and Lee 2012, with permission from
Cambridge University Press): (a) plume pair with buoyancy flux ratio 0.1; (b) merging height as a function of the buoyancy flux ratio

80 80
Model Model
Expt (NJ=2) Expt (NJ=6)
Expt (SJ) Expt (SJ)
70 70

60 60 k=2 SJ calculation
SJ calculation (k=0)

50 (k=0)


40 40

Final iteration
30 (k=1) 30
Final iteration
20 20

10 10

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
x/D x/D
(a) (b)

Fig. 11. Predicted and observed jet trajectory of a rosette buoyant jet group (D ¼ 0.0044 m; uo ¼ 0.365 m=s; F ¼ 4.9); iterative calculations start
from a single jet (SJ)


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2012.138:1008-1021.

the jet. The jet trajectory is computed (typically three to four iter- The comparison of predicted versus observed jet trajectory shows
ations are required) until the outer edges of adjacent jets (defined by that for the two-jet case, the jet interaction appears rather weak
the Gaussian velocity half-width) intersect. Both the free surface [Fig. 11(a)]; with six jets, the interaction is shown to be stronger.
and bottom have been accounted for using the method of images. In general, the predicted jet trajectory is in good agreement with
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Fig. 12. Rosette jet group-induced velocities at centerline plane (NJ ¼ 6; D ¼ 0.0044 m; uo ¼ 0.365 m=s; F ¼ 4.9)

Fig. 13. Rosette jet group–induced velocity and pressure field at a horizontal cross section (NJ ¼ 6; D ¼ 0.0044 m; uo ¼ 0.365 m=s; F ¼ 4.9)


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2012.138:1008-1021.

data [Fig. 11(b)]. Fig. 12 shows the induced velocities at the center- data (Fig. 14), considering the cavity flow in the middle is not
line plane (NJ ¼ 6); it is shown that if the interaction is not taken exactly irrotational (Kuang et al. 2006; Lai and Lee 2010a).
into account, the merging would occur much later. The pressure
and entrainment fields at z ¼ 20D show that jets would be well-
Tandem Jets
separated if jet interaction is not taken into account (Fig. 13).
Similar agreement has been obtained with the data of other inves- We have also extended this approach to model multiple tandem jets
tigators (e.g., Roberts and Snyder 1993b; Kwon 2005). in a cross-flow. The action of the jet on the external flow is modeled
We have tried this approach successfully for clustered jet groups by a distribution of point sinks and doublets; the flow is treated
(Baines and Keffer 1974), alternating diffusers, and have also like the flow past a cylinder with uniform suction. The most upwind
extended the method to tandem jets in cross-flow (Yu et al. jet is deflected most, and all the sheltered downwind jets are
2006); in general, the interaction occurs in the near field. deflected less, and all the same way (Fig. 15). The predicted jet
trajectories are all in good agreement with data (Lai 2009; Lai
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and Lee 2010b).

Alternating Diffuser
Fig. 14 shows the observed and computed jet trajectories of jets Merging and Composite Dilution of Rosette Jet
discharging in opposite directions from an alternating diffuser as Groups in Cross-Flow
defined in Fig. 2. Initially, the jets on each side act independently
as if there is no dynamic interaction; a buoyant surface layer is For multiple rosette buoyant jet groups, both theory and experi-
formed, and the fluid in the middle descends quite a bit, nearly ments show that even in a weak cross-flow the starved plume
reaching the diffuser. The jets from the two sides then gradually condition does not exist except in very confined surroundings.
bend toward one another; there is reentrainment of the descended In a cross-flow, in the bent-over phase, u ¼ U a ; the plumes will
fluid and eventually the final quasi-steady pattern of jet merging is merge, and the overlapping of plumes will lead to a reduction
formed. The predicted trajectory is in reasonable agreement with of cross section area and hence entrainment (Lai et al. 2011).

Fig. 14. (Color) Predicted and observed jet trajectory from an alternating diffuser (D ¼ 0.325 cm; L ¼ 2 cm; F ≈ 10) (Lai 2009, with permission
from the University of Hong Kong)


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2012.138:1008-1021.

At each step the turbulent entrainment is computed, and then
the conservation equations can be written. The key to this model
is the general evaluation of jet entrainment and the ability to cal-
culate buoyant jets with 3D trajectories. In the near field, the shear
entrainment dominates. In the bent-over phase, the vortex mixing
is computed by assuming that all of the flow facing the element is
entrained (Fig. 16). This projected area entrainment hypothesis is
actually borne out by 2D/3D computations of advected line ther-
mals and puffs (Lee et al. 1996; Lee and Chen 2002). For example,
it is found that the flow outside of the line puff is like a doublet, and
particle tracks confirm that practically all of the ambient fluid
normal to the puff (presented to the puff) ends up being entrained
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into the vortex pair (jet element) (Fig. 17).

The initial (near field) dilution and jet trajectory predicted by the
general JETLAG model has been extensively validated against
laboratory data. Predicted dilutions by JETLAG have been
validated by field data of many operating outfalls (Fig. 18) (Lee
and Chu 2003).
It is useful to define a composite dilution that measures the mix-
ing of a rosette buoyant jet group from an ocean outfall. Consider a
jet group clustered around the circumference of an outfall riser, dis-
charing into a horizontal ambient current U a in the x-direction. The
individual jets discharge at different angles relative to the ambient
current; e.g., as jets in coflow, cross-flow, and counterflow. In the
bent-over phase of a jet in cross-flow, experiments have shown that
the jet horizontal excess-momentum is dissipated within a short
distance, and the x-velocity of the jet group will be approximately
the same as the cross-flow velocity U a. Consider two plumes with
cross section area A1 and A2 ; if they overlap, the same mass flux
will be advected through a reduced area: Am ¼ A1 þ A2 − Ao
(Fig. 19), and hence the concentration is higher than without merg-
Fig. 15. Multiple tandem jet discharges (D ¼ 1 cm); (a) observed jet ing. The average concentration would then be given by the total
trajectory (NJ ¼ 4, s ¼ 5D, uo =Ua ¼ 5.8) (Yu et al. 2006, © ASCE); mass flux divided by the merged area of the bent-over jets (Lai
(b) predicted jet trajectory (NJ ¼ 3, s ¼ 5D, uo =Ua ¼ 15.0) et al. 2011).
Jet interaction can be studied in the laboratory, by looking
at single jets discharging separately one at a time and then the
To compute the kinematic interaction, we use a validated simple multiple jets discharging together. It turns out that for typical jet
Lagrangian model (JETLAG) that follows the jet as a series of to riser diameter ratios of 0.1 or less, the fanned out jet arrangement
Lagrangian elements (Lee and Cheung 1990; Cheung 1991). does not result in significant dynamic interaction; the observed

Fig. 16. Lagrangian model for horizontal buoyant jet in cross-flow (Lee and Chu 2003, reprinted with permission from Springer and Kluwer. Lee,
J. H. W., and Chu, V. H. (2003). Turbulent Jets and Plumes—A Lagrangian Approach, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.)


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2012.138:1008-1021.

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Fig. 17. Line momentum puff calculation: (a) predicted pathlines of particles being entrained into half of the puff; (b) equivalent doublet-induced
flow representing the puff (Lee et al. 1996, © ASCE)

individual jet trajectories are almost the same as the multiple jet The Lagrangian formulation is essentially a convenient explicit
group. Fig. 20 shows the measured individual jet trajectories for solution scheme and offers several advantages: no need for
a two-jet group (60 and 120°) for three jet to ambient current ratios Boussinesq approximation of small density differences and easy
(K ¼ uo =U a ), and for a three-jet group (30, 90, and 150°). The coupling with 3D far field models. By looking at the action of
circles are the measured trajectory for the single jet discharging the jets on the outside flow as distributed sinks, we have also
separately, and the crosses are the observed corresponding jet developed a dynamic coupling of the near field and intermediate
trajectory in the multiple jet group. It is shown that they are very field—by embedding the jet action—as entrainment sinks and
similar and almost indistinguishable. sources—seamlessly into a 3D circulation model (Choi and Lee
Using VISJET (Lee et al. 2000), the trajectories and the 2007). This results in satisfactory prediction of the buoyant spread
composite dilution of the multiple jet group can hence be deter- and mixing in the intermediate field.
mined; this is confirmed by extensive LIF experiments that show This completes my discussion on multiple buoyant jets. The
dilution will be significantly overestimated if merging is not taken theoretical modeling and basic experiments, along with the VISJET
into account (Lai et al. 2011). code and 3D circulation code can give reasonable predictions
The general model has also been tested against other experi- all the way from the near to intermediate field. They help with pre-
ments (Isaacson et al. 1983; Roberts et al. 1989a, b, c; Roberts liminary design and answer many planning questions effectively.
and Snyder 1993a): e.g., the eight-jet rosette jet group in a nonli-
nearly stratified flow; here we see the significant merging and
the complex kinematic merging of the buoyant jets of the jet group Jets for Sustainable Urban Environment
(movie link:
code=u6iq8). Simple ideas of buoyant jets can be amazingly useful, and I would
The model predictions of dilution are also in good agreement like to share brief highlights of two unconventional applications
with independent data; for uniform ambient, linearly stratified, that I find personally very satisfying.
and nonlinearly stratified ambient cross-flow, over a wide range
of F and K. Viewed against the complexity of the phenomenon,
the agreement is most satisfactory (Lai et al. 2011). Hong Kong SARS Epidemic
We can also use the model to look at outfall design, in this Example 1: You have probably heard about the severe acute
case if we keep the jet velocity the same and we look at the changes respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak in 2003. Hong Kong
in near field mixing as we increase the number of jets on a riser. The was the hardest hit area with 1,755 cases and 299 deaths. And
dilution increases initially as the number of jets per riser increases it started with an outbreak in Amoy Gardens, a private residential
up to NJ ¼ 6; beyond this point, the extensive plume merging with estate that provides living space to 20,000 people. The estate con-
a larger number of jets actually results in decrease of plume dilution tains 19 tower blocks; each block is a 33-story-high building with
(Lai et al. 2011). The previous model studies can to a large extent eight living areas (flats) on each floor (Fig. 21). It was a very large
be explained by kinematic interaction. Similarly, the model can outbreak, with 99 infected in Block E, and 70% of the cases are in
also be used to design the optimal number of ocean outfall risers flats 7 and 8. Why? During a period of severe panic in the whole
(for given discharge and momentum flux/length and NJ). society, nobody knew what could have caused this epidemic, and


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2012.138:1008-1021.

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Fig. 18. JETLAG prediction of initial mixing of buoyant jet discharge

in a tidal current (Lee and Chu 2003, reprinted with permission from
Springer and Kluwer. Lee, J. H. W., and Chu, V. H. (2003). Turbulent
Jets and Plumes—A Lagrangian Approach, Kluwer Academic Publish-
ers, Boston.)

Fig. 19. (Color) Merging of jets downstream of a rosette jet group from
an ocean outfall (Lai et al. 2011, © ASCE): (a) merging of a rosette jet
hence there was no clear solution to combat the spread of the deadly group in a cross-flow; (b) cross section of two overlapping plumes in
disease. bent-over phase
The whole society searched for an answer; World Health
Organization (WHO) sent a special task force, and different sectors
looked at different aspects of the problem. It turned out that the
River Junction Design for Flood Diversion
spread had something to do with plumes. It was generally believed
that the outbreak started with a SARS patient visiting a relative on Example 2: The Yuen Long Bypass Floodway was constructed to
14 March and 19 March in flat 7 on a middle level floor of Block E, divert flood flow into a floodway as shown in Fig. 22. This protects
and used the toilet because of diarrhea. The index patient was be- a town of 300,000 from flooding. The success of the scheme is
lieved to have first started a small wave of infections in units 7 and 8 controlled by what happens at a critical river junction. The subcriti-
(Block E). It was suggested that in the case of a running exhaust cal flow (Q ¼ 92 m3 =s) in the floodway is joined by a large super-
fan and a closed door, virus-laden aerosol droplets would have critical flow (Q ¼ 188 m3 =ms) from the San Hui River; in an urban
been drawn from the soil stack into the bathroom through the setting land is extremely limited, and the 60° river junction results
floor drain and contaminated the bathroom. The virus-laden drop- in significant backwater, rendering the entire floodway useless.
lets can be discharged into the narrow reentrant space (1.5–2.3 m The solution is to use the jet principle to design a junction so
wide) in the form of a warm moist air plume (Fig. 21). The reality is that flow is critical locally, thus creating the minimum depth. As
that the dilution one gets in such a narrow space is extremely the pressure across a jet is continuous (velocity can be discontinu-
limited, of the order of 10 or less. The airborne infection can ous) (Fig. 22), this can bring down the water level of the entire
then rise to the rooftop and spread to other blocks by wind (Yu upstream flow by as much as 0.6 m and enhance the flood protec-
et al. 2004). On the basis of collective evidence, this airborne tion capacity of the floodway from a 1∶10-year to a 1∶100-year
spread of the virus was eventually accepted by the WHO as a flood. The concept has also been confirmed using a high-resolution
hypothesis of the massive epidemic and stimulated much debate shock-capturing shallow water equation solver recently (Lee et al.
on implementing emergency measures and improving the building 1999; Arega et al. 2008); the scheme was commissioned in 2004
environment. and has performed successfully.


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2012.138:1008-1021.

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Fig. 20. Measured centerline trajectories of various discharge configurations (top view); multiple jets are indicated by asterisks and single jets by
circles joined by solid line (Lai et al. 2011, © ASCE)

Fig. 21. (Color) Spread of virus-laden moist buoyant plume in the reentrant space of a Hong Kong high-rise building during the SARS epidemic


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2012.138:1008-1021.

Downloaded from by Univ. of Alabama At Birmingham on 11/30/12. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

Fig. 22. Hydraulic jet control for river junction design of Yuen Long Bypass Floodway, Hong Kong (Lee, J. H. W., Tang, H. W., Chan, W. C.,
and Wilson, G. (1999). “River junction design for urban flood control: A Case Study.” Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. on Environmental Hydraulics, J. H. W.
Lee, A. W. Jayawardena, and Z. Y. Wang, eds., Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 877–882, with permission from Taylor and Francis. Arega et al.
2008, © ASCE); observed flow backup in Yuen Long Bypass Floodway model (viewed from San Hui-Floodway junction toward upstream):
(a) without jet control; (b) with jet control; (c) observed water level along Yuen Long Bypass Floodway; backwater upstream of San Hui river
junction (case 2—without San Hui control) has dramatic drop using jet control (case 5)

Conclusion cross-flow, or the mixing of dense brine discharges from desalina-

tion plants. In this age of ever-increasing computing power,
In conclusion, over the past 30 years, we have seen much progress efficient and powerful numerical methods will continue to be
in our ability to predict the mixing of multiple buoyant jets. Many developed. However, experiments will always remain a source
difficult problems remain—e.g., the transition from weak to strong of new theoretical ideas, and the need for a civil engineer to solve


J. Hydraul. Eng. 2012.138:1008-1021.

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