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Name: Wesley Don

Strand: HUMSS 12 Date: September 10, 2020

Summative Test

S.A 1.1

When we say research, it does not mean that it will always be perfect. It will always have its
weaknesses and strengths. One of the strengths of this is the analysis of data or information. Because of
statistics, it is much easier to analyze the data or information you need. Once you have the topic you
want, all of those objectives can be met. Quantitative research avoids biases because your information
will depend on the answers given by respondents you don't know. It is easier for the researcher to
measure and analyze the data to arrive at an objective. Quantitative research also requires a lot of tests,
it does not rely on one outcome, but it requires a lot of tests to assure the correct data they need. The
weaknesses of quantitative research are quite a lot. One of its weaknesses is, it is time-consuming.
Quantitative research, however, involves more planning, which becomes a disadvantage. For instance,
all aspects of a research study must be carefully designed before collecting any data. A researcher needs
a concrete hypothesis and needs to know the type of research involved---such as questionnaires and
test questions. With qualitative research, the design typically emerges as the research study develops.
The second one is that it requires a large sample size. Quantitative research methodology usually
requires a large sample size. However, due to the lack of resources, this large-scale research becomes
impossible. The third one is that it has limited outcomes. The quantitative research method involves a
structured questionnaire with close-ended questions. It leads to limited outcomes outlined in the
research proposal. So, the results cannot always represent the actual occurring, in a generalized form.
Also, the respondents have limited options of responses, based on the selection made by the

S.A 1.2

Experimental Research and Non-experimental research are types of research that we can use to
gather new knowledge and to gather data and information. Experimental research is the type of
research that uses a scientific approach towards manipulating one or more control variables and
measuring their defect on the dependent variables, while non-experimental research is the type of
research that does not involve the manipulation of control variables. Despite that, these two types of
research are very essential to us. Though they don't have the same procedure, still these two can give us
enough information that we need for our study. Each of them is enough to support our claims,
standpoints, thus making our manuscript more concise and proper. The first thing is the very basis of
what they are looking at: their methodology. Experimental researchers can perform experiments on
people and manipulating the predictor variables. Non-experimental researchers are forced to observe
and interpret what they are looking at. Being able to manipulate and control something leads to the
next big difference.
The ability to find a cause-and-effect relationship is kind of a big deal in the world of science. Being able
to say X causes Y is something that has a lot of power. While non-experimental research can come close,
non-experimental researchers cannot say with absolute certainty that X leads to Y. This is because there
may be something it did not observe, and it must rely on less direct ways to measure.
For example, let's say we're curious about how violent men and women are. We cannot have a true
experimental study because our predictor variable for violence is gender. To have a true experimental
study we would need to be able to manipulate the predictor variable. If we had a way to switch men
into women and women into men, back and forth, so that we could see which gender is more violent,
then we could run a true experimental study. But we can't do that. So, our little experiment becomes a
non-experimental study because we cannot manipulate our predictor variable.

S.A 1.3
Quantitative research is widely used in psychology, economics, demography, sociology,
marketing, community health, health & human development, gender studies, and political science; and
less frequently in anthropology and history. Research in mathematical sciences, such as physics, is also
"quantitative" by definition, though this use of the term differs in context. In the social sciences, the
term relates to empirical methods originating in both philosophical positivism and the history of
statistics, in contrast with qualitative research methods. The information available can help to
determine which direction to move into the future. Quantitative research provides solution for any
problems that the business may face. It may help you analyze if your business is growing or being
productive or not. Even in the field of psychology, quantitative research can be used to find the study
that they want. Psychologist are fond of using social experiment and the best way the conclude their
research is to use the quantitative research. There are a lot of contributions of quantitative research to
our lives and into different fields. It is very essential and help us understand and answer the study we
S.A 1.4

The research is important for the students because it helps them to have a detailed analysis of
everything. When you have a proper in-depth analysis of any topic, the result comes out to be fruitful
and the knowledge is enhanced. First one is it enhances the knowledge of students. When you research
any topic, you get to know detailed information about that topic. The more the knowledge of the topic,
the more successful is the research. So, to get good output, the student needs to do maximum research.
Quantitative research is very important and essential in my field. As a grade 12 student and a future
researcher that will use this type of research, it is very important for me to use this quantitative
research. It will be easier for me to analyze the data I need. It is also easier for me to conduct a study
since I will use 2 variables and it is not possible to conduct this research without quantitative research.
As a student, it also helps me to understand my weaknesses or the factors that makes me have a low
and high grade because of statistics. Also, it helps the students to understand the rationale. By engaging
in the process of research, the students understand the concept in an easier manner as the rationale of
the topic know in a better manner. For example, by preparing the hypothesis, one truly understands the
nuances of the research topic. Not just this, the research also helps in being a source of one on one
mentorship which also plays a vital role in the brain development of the individual. So, above are the
reasons by which we come to know the benefits of the research for the students.

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