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I, ~osa Nash Current, Single, for and in consideration of the benefits to ac~rue b
the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line throut;h and across the property
herein described, .and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar !$1.00) to me in hand paid,
the rece irJt where of is here by acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City of San Die go, a mun-
icipal corpora_tion in the County of S~n Diego, State of California, an ee.sement and right of
.· way through, along and across all that certain real property situate in the City of San Dieg,,
County of San Diego, State of Ce.lifornia, particularly-described as follows, to-wit:
West 40 feet of'Lots 13 and 14, Block M, University Heights, according to the Of-
ficial Map thereof filed in the Office of the County 3ecorder of said San Diego County. Said
property is the separate property of the grantor herein.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said
~rantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 19th day of March 19 6.
On this 19th day of March, 1926, before me, E. H. Brooks a Uotary Public in and fo:ll'
the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn·, personally a}:)peared 3osa Nash Current personally lmown to me the person whose is
subscribed to the within instrument, and she duly ·acknowledged to me that she executed the
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at m,
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
My Commission expires Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
May 28, 1926. State of California.
· i!ECO~~DED _!~T BEQUEST OF City Clerk I~Urt 30 1926 at 30 ldin. past 3 o'clock P.III. In
I Book No. 1198 Pa~e 143 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FEJRY, County 3ecorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I liE2EBY CE.I.!TI~,Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Rosa Nash Current, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No. 18715 .
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

We, J. H. Connolly and Ida C. Connolly, husband and wife, for and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through
and across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($l.dO)
to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acl-~owledged, do hereby grant to the City df
San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diec!;O, State of California, an ease- -1
ment and ric;ht of way through, along and across all that certain real property situate in thJ
City of San Die~o, County of San Diebo, State of California, particularly described as follo\j's:
The vve s t 50 feet of Lots 47 and 48, Block 5, Wi lshi r·e ?lace , according to Map tbe r -
of No. 1382, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance 6f a private sewer latera 1 inside the property linEs, ·it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and rna] -
tenance of sewer laterals over. and a eros s this easement.
In ~itness Whereof, 0e have hereunto set our hands and seals this 19th day of Marc
ST A~~ o~ CATIWn~WTA ) ss
..... _~ .1.: ..t'4....: ~ ........... .J.~-.L~'


On this'l9th day of March, 1926, before me, Charles C. Otis, a Notary I)ublic in an'
for the said County of Se.n Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commiflsioned ad
sworn, personally appeared J~ E. Connolly and Ida C. Connolly, hU!'J1)and and wife, personally
known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and they
duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same~
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the to~nty of San Die60, the day and year in this certificate first above
My Co mrni s s i on e XJi i r e s Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
Oct. 30/1928 State of California.
RE·CO.:tDE.::J AT REQUEST OlP City Clerk MA?. 30 1926 at 30 Min. past 3 o'clock :P.H. In
Book No. 1181 ?a5e 469 of Deeds, 3ecords of San Diego County, Calif. ,
JOHN H• .i!~~tHY, County 3ecorder
By N. C. P.A:::tSONS, Deputy.
I HE.:.BBY CE~~TIE Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of

.Deed, from J. H. Connolly and Ida c. Connolly, to the City of San Diego, California, being·
Document No. 187158.
.. ; City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California •

.B~LF?%- ~/i;>;'~-~puty.
I, JIM .Co SLAUGHTSR AND ~H.TBY H. SLAUGH1':S~1, husband and wife,, for and in J·onsidera-
tion of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line
throu§h and across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dol-
lar (~1.00) to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant
to the City of San Diego, a munli:cipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of Cal-

ifornia, an easement and right of way throu~h, along and across all that certain real proper-
ty situate in the City of San Die~o, County of San Die~o, State ~f California, particularly
described as follows, to-wit:
North 4 ft. of the south 8 ft. of Lot 38 Block 99 University hts. in the City of
San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, according to the .Amended Map thereof
made by G. A. e'Hemecourt on file in the office of the County Hecorder of said San Diego
County in Book 8, Page 36 et seq. of Lis Pendens.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the .said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as 9. right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and maim-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easem~nt. · . ~
In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 12th day of Marc ,
J HI C. SLAUGHTE.:t ( S\"P' /1 T )


S ~ft~~
-n. · - 0~
• C"-LT~Q?miA
.n ... ...~.: _ . . J..-.. A' ) qs
On this 12th day of March, 1926, before me, Lela I. Stillman a Notary Public in
and for the said County of San Diego, state of California, residine:; therein,· duly commission-
ed and sworn, personally appeared Jim. c: Slaughter and 3uby hl. Slaughter, husband and wife II
personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument,
and they duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. . II
In hitness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seaL, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
My Comm~ssion expites Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
April 17, 1928 State of California. .' ,
JECO:"'!DED AT .aEQUEST OF City Clerk MArt 30 1,926 at 30 r,'!in. pas't\'3.'o 'clock P.M. In
Book No. 1173 J?a.5e 243 o:t' Deeds, . ~~e cords of San Di·ego County, Calif··/'':. · ·. .
JOHN H. FEI-E'tY:,···county 3ecorder
By N. C•.?AJSONS, Deputy.
I IiEi:lEBY CE..:iTI.b'Y that the above and foregoing is a full, ,~r,ue and correct cop,y of
. ·1

Deed, from J1m C. Siaughter and Ruby !;I. Slaughter, to the City of. s·ari Diego, Cslifornia, be-
ing Document No. 18716@.•
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

We, c. w. and Bertha Clendenning, husband and wife, for and in consideration of the
benefits to accrue. by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through , II .
and across the property herein described, ~nd in consideration of the sum of One Dollar (11.®0)
to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged~ do hereby grant to the City ~
of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Die(:So, State of California, an ease-
ment and ribht of way through,·.along and across all.that certain property situate in the Cit
of San Diego, County of San Die~o, State of California, particularly described as follows,
to-wit: ,
. Lot 19, Block 100, University Heights, according to Amended 11ap thereof made by
G. A. d'Hemecourt, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the:said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and rightof way is for the construction and maintenan·e
of a private sewer lateral inside the. property lines, it being understood that the City of
San Diec:so is not to be held liable for any damae;e resultine; from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 8th day Qf.March
C. \V. CLENDEl\Tl'fiiTG (SEAL)
S r:'ll.:.·r;r;,, ·o·,, CuT.T;:,,ci-JFJ.-:' )
--·~ ....... .LO~ .... ·~\.-~ ..~, .~... ~



On this 8 day of Marc~, 1926, before me, John Zweck a Notary Public in and for the
said County of San Diego, State of California, residing t11erein, duly commissioned and sworn.
personally appeared C. ~~. Clendennin-5 & Bertha Clendenning person~ lly known to me to be ,the
persons whose nam_§: are subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly acknowledged to me
th~t their executed the same.
---In Witness hhereof, I have hereunto set my hqr"lcl and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and in this certificate first above wri tt n.
My Commission ex1)ires liotary ."f'ublic in and for the County of San Diego,
Jan • 2 1 , 19 2 9 S t at e of Ca 1 if or n i a . .
RECORDED AT :rtEQUEST OiP City Clerk l\I.Art 30 1926 at 30 Min. past 3 o'clock P.Iv1. In
Book No. 1181 Pa5e 468 of Deed~, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FE~L~Y, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. . I
I B-z::tEBY CERTI:B1 Y that the above and foregoing is a full, tr~e and correct copy of
Deed from c. w. Clendenning and Bertha Clendenning, to the City of San Diego, California, be-
ing Document No. 187162.
AL13N H. WrtiGHT .
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

' '

We, Ernest H. and Hazel E. Hamlet, husband and wife, for and in consideration of
the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through
and a~ross the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar
($1.00) to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof ~· hereby acknowled~ed, do h~reby grant to
the City of 3an Diego, a municipal corporation in the CountJ~ of San Diego, State of Califor-
nia, an easement and right of way throush, along and across all that certain real property
situate in the City of San Diego, County of San D~ego, State of California, particularly de-
scribed as follows., to-wit:

East 50 feet of Lots 23 and 24, Block 56, Park Villas, ~ccording to Map thereof
filed in the Office of the County 3ecorder of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Bold the above granted and described right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assi~ns forever; as a right of way foT a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-

I ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Die5o is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and
maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
In Witness ~hereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 13th day of
March 1926.
STATE Oi CALD'0.:.11HA,) SS.
On this 13th day of I·.Iarch 1926, before me, Willar.d6F. Baxman a Notary Public in an
for the said County of San Die~o, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Ernest H. Hamlet and Hazel E. Hamlet husband and wife, per-
sonally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrmnent,
and they duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
In Witness \'Vhereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
September 23, 1928 State of California.
RECORDEB AT 11.EQl.JEST O.B1 City Cleric MAR 30 1926 at 30 I1'Iin. past 3 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 1180 ?age 198 of Deeds, ]ecords of San Die~o County, Calif.
JOHN H. PERRY, County Hecorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HE::IEBY CERTI.b1 Y that the above and foregoing is a fu•ll, true am correct copy of
Ease~ent, from Ernest H. Hamlet and Hazel E. Hamlet, to the City of San Diego, California, b -
ing Document No. 187164.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

We, James Malcolmson and Louise Malcolmson, husband and wife, for and in considei-
ation of the benefits to accrue· by the location, ~onstruction and maintenance of a sewer line
throu~h ind across the property herein described, and in consideration of th~ sum of One
Dollar (:;.;1.00) to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby
grant to the City of San Die6o, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of
California, an easement and right of way through, along and across all that certain real pro·-
arty situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularlt
described as follows, to-wit:
Lots Eighteen (18) and Nineteen (19) in Block One Hundred Tvventy (120) of Univer-
sity Heights, according to an~nded map thereof made by G. A. d'Hemecourt in Book 8, ?age 36
et seq. o:t' Lis ?endens in the office of the County ..:iecorder of said. San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being hnderstood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for u.ny damage resulting from 'the construction and mai -
tenance ·of sewer laterals over and acros·s this easement.
In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 23rd day of Feb-
ruary 1926.

( SBA 1)

On this 23rd day of February, ·1926, before me, Thos. B. Getz, a Notary Public in
and for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commission-
ed and sworn, personally appeared James Malcolmson and Louise hlalcolmson, ~usband and wife,
personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument
and they duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
In VVitness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above writt n.
( S"'
~AL~.,..) T~-o
ti S "R
L. ('"'TZ
My Commission expires Notary Public in and for the County of San Liege,
January 8, 1927 State of California. ·
3EC03DED AT Et2QUEST OF City Clerk l\'IAR 30 1926 at 30 I·.Un. past 3 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 1190 Page 195 of Deeds, Records of San Die~o County, Calif.
JOHN H. J!'ErtrtY, County Recorder-
By N. c. ?A~:sorrs, De1mty.
I HE~:SBY CE3TIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and co~rect copy of
Deed frcim James hlalmcolmson and Louise Ma leo lmson, to the City of 'San Die go , California, be-
ing Document No. 187166.
City Cler~ of the City of San ~iego, California •.

We, George E. and Bertha :S. Vander Water, husband and wife~ for and in considera-
tion of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line
throu~h ~nd across the nrouerty herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One -'·'.
Dolla~ (~1.00) to us in.ha~d paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby gra t
tb_;:;the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of Calif-:·
ornia, an easement and right of way th:rou::;h, along and ,acres s all that certain real property ·· ·
situate in the City of San Diego, County df San Diego, State of California, particularly de-
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Lots 22 and 23, Block 24, Uni ve rs i ty Be ight s, according to "'~mended !•,'Iap ths re of
made by G. A. d'Hemecourt, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County,
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described-right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Die go is not to be The ld liable for any damage resulting from the construct ion and mail'-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 9th day of March
STATE 0~' CAL I.FO!UHA, ) ss
On this 9th day of l\1arch, 1926, before me, Har'ry H. Thon"ias a Notary Public in and
for the said. County of San Diego, State of California, res,iding therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared George H. Vander Water-and Bertha E. Vander Water personally
known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and he
duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. -
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and aff~ed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) HA..~~y H. TH011AS
My Commission expi~es Notary Public in and for the County of San Diec;o,
J un e 2 3 , 19 28 • State of California.
RECO]])ED AT .2EQUEST OF City Clerk I\l!>.~~ 30 1926 at 30 IUn. paE•t 3 o'clock P.H. In
Book No. 1146 Page 422 of Deeds, ~ecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H• .ifE::GY, County Hecorder
By N. C. P.LL!SONS, Deputy.
I H~.:.lli:BY CE;iTI.E'Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from George H. Vander Water and Bertha E. Vander Water, to the City of San Diego, Cal-
ifornia, being Document No. 187168.
ALLEN H. h.::-tiGHT
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California •

E. c. Williamson (widow) for and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the
location and construction of a sewer pipe line by the City of San Diego, through and across
the real property hereinafter described, do here by grant to The City of Sen Die go, a: I~Tunj,'c­
ipal. Cor_p_o..r~tion 'in the. CountY--- o·f ·San' Diego, State. of Cal:i:fornia, an easement and right of
way for the construction and maintenance of a sewer pipe line, through, along and across all
that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Califor-
nia, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lot 20, Block 7, Point Lorna Heights, accordin~ to Map thereof filed
in the Office of the County i.lecorder of said San Diego County, said easement and right of
way being six feet in width, t~ree feet on each side·of the following described center line:
Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of said Lot 20, distant 8.85 feet
southeasterly from the northerly corner of said Lot 20; thence southwesterly on a direct lin
to a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 20, distant 48.91 feet southeasterly from
the westerly corner of said Lot 20; ALSO,
The northwesterly six feet of Lot 9, Block 2, said Point Lorna Heights.
It is hereby ggreed that no part of the sewer pipe_to be constructed through the
above described property shall be ·laid above the natural surface of the ground.
To Have and. to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
Witness my hand and seal this lOth day of February 1926. ·
Witness: ?EJ'd1 E. SOMERS E •. :B. WILLLt1.MSON (SEAL)
vH tne s s: E~~l~E ST E. STA33.
State of California ) q C{ •
County of Los Angeles ) ~~
On this lOth day of ?ebruary A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-six beofre me, Pearl
B. Somers a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared E. c. Williamson, known to me to b:S the person described in and
whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed·
the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
MY Commission Expires Notary Public in and' for the County of Los Angeles,
May 4, 1927 State of California.
HECO:rtDED AT ::13QUEST O.b1 City Clerk 1L'l.:a 30 1926 at 30 !llin. past 3 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 1174 Page 246 of Deeds, :rtecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOH:N H. FER:C~Y, County He corder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HE~EBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement, from E. C. Williamson, to the City of San Diego, Califortiia, being Document No.
City Clerli: of the City of San Diego, California.

By ~..d2=2zr.c:;t., af.t.f;:v;... ./Deputy.

~. •'

I, SA1IDEL D. GLASS, a bachelor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS,
do hereby grant to THE 9ITY o:P s;.H DIEGO, a municipal co:cporation, all that real property
situated in the City of San Die~, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and de-
scribed as follows:
Lots Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9),
Ten (10), Eleven (11), and Twelve (12) in Block Ten (10)
of La Jolla Park, according to map thereof No. 552, filed
in the office of the County Recorder o:ff' sai(a San Diego
County, March 22, 1887. (Documentary Stamps Two Dollars - Two Do~lars) .
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described 1)remis·es unto the said \.:fran tee,
and its successors, and assigns forever.
Witness my hard and seal this 18th. day of February, 1926.
State of CALIF02NIA)SS
County of San Diego) •
On this 18th "sy of February, 1926, before me, A. Laurie Brazee, a Notary J?ublic
in and for said County nd State, pe.rsonally appeared SA1:.IDEL D. GLASS, known to me to be the
person whose name is su scribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he
executed the same.
V!ITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this Certificate first above
Notary Public in and for said County and State.
JECOB.DS.:D ..').T REQUEST 01!1 City Cler:i:HA!:t 301926 at 30 Min. past 3 o'clock :F.M. In
Book No. 1181 ?a~e 475 of Deeds, 3ecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. 1:'E23.Y, County 3.ecorder
By N. C. P&~SONS, Deputy.
I HS~tEBY CE3.TI;t Y that the above and fore going is a full, true and correct copy of
Grant Deed, from Sarnue l .D. Glass, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.
Ci t y C1 e r k o f the Ci t y of San Di e eo , Ca 1 i for n i a •

THIS INDENTU.:.1E, made this 19th ·day of April, 19 26, . between THE CITY 01!, SAN DIEGO,
a municipal corporation ln the County of San Diego, State of California, party of the first
pa·rt, and PETE~i 0 'M..:~LL·EYl of the same place, party of the second· part, WITJ:JESSETH:
That in order to remove a cloud from the owner's title to Lot A, Block 169,
Horton's Addition to said City, imposed thereon by the acc§ptance and filing of record by
said City of a deed erro~eously executed by William Hardill in favor of said City, purport-
I ing to grant to said Ci tt an easement and right of way for sewer purposes over said Lot A
when he, the said Williaili Hardill, was not the ower of said Lot A but was in fact the owner
of Lot E, in said Block l69; and orant · .
In consideratiJn of the premises and in lieu of a subsequent/to said City by said
William Eardill of a rig~t of way for sewer purposes over the South 4 1eet of Lot B, of said
Bl~ck 1~9, sa~d party of~t~e first part does by ~hese.presen~s rem~se, release and for~ver
qu1t cla1m unto the party of the seco~d part all 1ts r1ght, t1tle, 1nterest and estate 1n or
to the following described real property, situate in the City of San Diego, County of San
Die6o, State of C~liforn~a, and particularly described as follows: to-wit, Lot A, Block 169
of Horton's Addition to ~aid City of San Diego, according to the map thareof on file in the
Office of the County ~ecdrder of said County. r
T? HAVE AND _TO-IHOLD all and si.g~ular. the said p~emise.s togeU~er with appurtenances
unto the sa1d party of t~e second part, h1s he1rs and ass1gns forever.
Ilf WITNESS WHE3EOF, the said party of the first part, by Hesolutio.n of its Common
Council, has caused these: presents to be subscribed by the Mayor and City Clerl: of said City
and its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed the day and year first above written.
(SEAL) ATTEST: By JOHN L. EACON, I\Iayor of said City •
.ALLEN H. W:.:tiGHT '
City Clerk of said City.
. ) s s.
County o£ San Diego.) .
On this 19th daw of April, in the year Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six, before me
Pred Vv. Sick, a Notary Pujbl i c in and for the County of Sen Diego , State of California,· per-
sonally appeared. JOHN L. IT3ACON, lcnown to me to be the Mayor of The City of San Diego, the

I municipal corporation thalt executed the within instrument, and ALL:SN H. W.2IGHT, known to me
to be the City Clerk of Tpe City of San Diego, the municipal corporation that executed the
within ins-trument,. and acknowledged to rm that such municipal corporation executed the same.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
I HE~BBY C:SRTI1PY that the above and fore going is· a full, true and correct copy of
Quitclaim Deed, from the City o£ San Diego, California, to Peter O'].!alley, being Document No.
Ci t y Cl e r k o f t 1'l e Ci t y of San Di e gp , Cal i f o rn i a •

THE CITY 0.1!1 SAN DIEGO, a municipal corporation, pf the City of San Diego, County
of San Diego, State of California, for and in.consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLA.aS,
. S.Al.I :B~.:irtY SMITH ·COMPANY, a corporation, ALL THAT :tEAL .R20PE2TY, situated in the
City of San Diego, County_ of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as £al-
· "Beginning at a po~nt on the Vvest line of Lot .b1 orty-two (42), of
Seaman's Subdivision of the East Half of Section Twenty-seven (27),

1\ Township Sixteen (16) South, Range Two (2) West, San Bernardino Merid-
ian, according to Map thereof No. 71, filed in the office of the County
3ecorder of said County, 432.~6 feet South of the Northwest corner of
said Lot; thence North 60° East 301.6 feet to a point on the West line
of the 'old North Cholla·s County Joad'; thence South 31°. 53' West along
th~ West line of s~id road~ 127.2 fe~t; the~ce South 60a West ·224.02
feet to a point o~ the West l.ine· of said Lot __Forty-two '(4?) of Seaman's
Subdivision; thence North along said 'v•est line 69~28 -feet to the point
of beginning, beirig the same property de-sc-r'ibed in-the deecl from Sam
l!,erry Smith Company, a·corporation, to the City of Eas.t San Diego, by .
deed dated Jecember 19, 1917, and recorded August 5, 1918 ,. in Book 757,
Page . 29 3. of Deeds. . . ' ·
Also, hereby quitclaiming all the right, title and interest of the
.... :~. '!

City of San DieGo in and to any other portion or portions of said Lots
Forty-two (42) and Forty-three (43) of said Seaman's Subdivision, except-
ing therefrom any and all taxes of the City of San Die~, now dtie and un-
paid, or a lien against said Lots 42 and 43, said Seamen's Subdivision,
whether acquired by prescription, usage, or deeds, or otherwise conv~yed
to said City by any instrument heretofore ~xecuted.
INTENDING, 1iereby to quitclaim any interest of the City of San Die,.-~o in and to sai
Lots Forty-two (42) and Forty-three (43) of said Seaman's Subdivision, excepiing therefrom
any and ull taxes of the City of San Die60, now due and unpaid, or a lien a5ainst said Lots
42 and 43, said Seaman's .Subdivision.
TO HAVE AND IJ.:o HOLD The above qui tolaimed and desc:ci bed premises, unto the' said
Grantee, its successors and assigns forever.
W.iTNESSE1 H.: That said cor.J:iOration has caused this deed to be signed and executed
by its Mayor, and its cor~orate ~eal to be affixed hereto this 22nd day of March, 1926.
Lay or of the City at San ::Jie go, California.
City of the City of San Diego, California.
I HEl.i.EBY CERTil!'Y that the above and foresoin 0 is a full, true and co·rre ct copy of
Deed, from the City of Sa? Diego to the Sam Ferry Smith Company, be:Lng Document No. 188345.
City Clerk of the City of San Die~o, California.

Bycz ~~· ~_yputy .

We, F. E. Patt~rson and Kate H. Patterson, husband and wife, and Robett H. Harris
and Mary E. Harris, husband and wife, for and in ·consideration of the benefits to accrue by
the location and construction of a sewer pipe line by the City~ San Diego, through ahd
across the real property hereinafter described, do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a
municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and_right
of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line and appurtenances,
through, along and across all that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County
of San Diego, State of California, described as follows:
A portion of Acre Lots 72 and 73, .Pacific Beach, according to Map thereof No. 854,
filed in the Office of the County· Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement and right
of way being six feet ln width, three feet on each side of the following described center
lines, respectively:
Beginning at a point on the west line of Acre Lot 7E, said Pacific
Beach, di~tant 412.21 feet south from the ce~ter line of Roosevelt Ave-
nue, as said Roosevelt Avenue is shown on the Maps of ;tenice Park and
Fortuna Park Addition, respectivef.y, filed in the Office of said County
Recorder; thence North ·35 degrees '22 minutes East, a distance of 125.85
feet to a po'int; thence North 25 degrees 42· minutes West, a distance of
14L45 feet to a point; thence North 01 degree 32 minutes 30 seconds
West, a distance of 198.20 feet to a point; thence North 88 degrees 35
minutes 30 ~econds West to an intersection with the southeasterly litie of
Mission View Boulevard as shown on said Map of Venice Park; ALSO,
Beginning at a point on the west line of said Acre Lot 72, distant
412.21 feet south from the center line of said Roosevelt Avenue; thence
North 35 ,degrees 22 minutes East, a distance of 125.85 fe~t to a point;
thence North 25 degrees 42 minutes ~Yest, a distance of 141.45 feet to a
point; thence North 01 degree 32 minutes 30 seconds West,· a di,stance of
198.20 f'eet to the T3UE POINT O.B1 BEGINNING;
Thence North 10 dee:;rees 45 minutes 30 sec·onds East, a distance of
350.00 feet to a point; thence North 29 degrees 58 minutes 30 ~econds'
West to the southeasterly line 6f said Mission View· Boulevard; ALSO;
Beginning at a poirit on the west line of said Acre Lot 72, distant
412.21 feet south from the cent(;lr line of said lioosevel t Avenue; thence
North 35 degrees 22 minutes East, a distance of 125.85 feet to a point;
thence North 25 degrees 42 minutes West, a distance of 141.45 feet to a
point; thence North 01 degree. 32 minutes 30 se conde West, a distance of
198.20 feet to a point; thence North 10 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds
East, a distance· of 350.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING;
Thence North 10 degree·s 45 minutes· 30 seconds East, a distance of
265.50 feet to a point; thence North 37 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds
East, a distance of 125 ~.29 feet to a point; thence l'l'orth 29 degrees 58
minutes 30 secorids West, to an intersection with the southeasterly line
of said Mission View ~oulevard; ALSO,
Beginning at a point on the west line of said Acre Lot 72, distant
412.21 feet south from the center line of said Roosevelt Avenue; thence
North 35 degrees 22 minutes East, a distance of 125.85 feet to a point;
thence North 25 degrees 42 minutes West a distance of 141 •.45 feet to a
point; thence North 01 degree 32 minutes 30' seconds West, a distance of
198.20 feet to a point; thence .North 10 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds East
a distance of 615.50 feet to a point; thence North 37 degrees 44 minutes
30 seconds East, a distance of 125.29 feet to the TRUEPOINT OF BEGINNING;
Thence North 37 degrees 44 minutes ~0 seconds East, a distance of 177.61
feet to a point; thence North 20 degrees 29 rni~utes 30 seoonds West, a dis-
tance of 304.04 feet to a point; thence North 4 degrees 51 minutes East, a
distance of 37d.93 feet to a point; thence North 15 degr~es 00 minutes West,
a distance of 188.57 feet to the south line of Pacific Avenue.
Witness 6ur ha~ds this 15th day of February, 1926.
M..l\.i{Y E. HA:LL'US
. .
State of California,}
- . ) ss.
County of San Diego,) •
On this 25th day of March, 1926, before me, E. H. Brooks·, a l~otary lublic in and
for said County and State, personally appeared Robert H. Harris and Mary E. Harris, known to
nie to be the persons whose names are subscribed· to. the within instrument and they duly. ac-
knowledged to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in ·this certificate first above
E. H. B.rtOOKS
(SEAL) (SEAL) Notary .Pu.blic in and for said County and State
My Commission expires,
May 28, 1926.
State of California,)

I .
County of San Diego,)
) ss
On this 15th day of February, 1926, before me, E. H. Holmboe, a Notary Public in
and for said County and State,· re~1iding therein, duly commissioned ·and sworn, personally
appeared 1. E. iattersons and Kate H. Patterson, personally known to me to be the persons
whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and they duly acknowledged to me that
they executed the sa'me.
Witness my hand and Official Seal, the day and year in this certificate first
above written.
My Commission expires, Notary Public in and for said County and State
July 28, 1929.
i:lECOHDED AT REQUEST 01!, City Clerk APR 22 1926 at 10 o'clock: A.l.I., In Book .No.
1220 Page 33 of DEEDS, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. l!1ERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy
· I HB!i;EBY CERTIFY that the above is a full, true and correct copy of Sewer Easement
from 1i E. Patterson, Kate N. Patterson, Robert H. Harris, Mary E. Harris, to the City of

San Diego, California, being Document No. 188073.

City rk of the City of California.

We, Ernest J. Benard-~ · also known as Ernest Benard and Margarethe Benard, husband

I and wife, for and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the location and construc-
tion of a sewer pipe line by The City of San Diego, California, through and across _the real
property hereinafter described, hereby J.rant to The City of San Diego, a municipal corpora-
tion in the County of San .Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the·
construct ion and maintenance of. a sewer pipe line and appurtenances, through, !:l-long and
across all that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State
of California, described as follows:
.A portion of Pueblo Lot 1120 of the .Pueblo Lands of San Diego, according to 1-ilap
thereof made by James Pascoe in 1870, a copy of which map is filed in the Office of the_Cou ty
:\ecorder oi' said San Diego County, said easement and right o£ way being six feet in width,
three feet on each side of the following described center lines, respectively:
Beginning at a point on the eaaterly line of the tract of land conveyed by s. D.
and P. A. Allen to Ernest Benard, by deed dated April 23, 1888, and record~d in Book 122, at
page 325, records of said County 3ecorder, said point being distant 14.01 feet northerly
alon5 said easterly line from the intersection of t~e southerly line of Camino Del Rio (as
the same is now established) with the easterly line of s~id tract of land; thence westerly
making an angle of 79 degrees 03 minutes with the southerly projection of the easterly line
of said tract of land, a distance of 168.30 feet to a point; thence on an angle of 17 de-
grees 32 minutes to. the left, a distance of 137.30 feet to a point; thence on .an angle of 15
degrees 43 minutes to the right, a distance of 67.10 feet to a point; thence on an angle of
12 degrees 49 minutes to the left, a distance of 67.90 feet to a point on the westerly line
of said Tract of land; ALSO,
Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of Lot 3, Block 528, O~d San Diego,
distant 16.25 feet northwesterly from the easterly corner of said Block 528; thence North 24
degrees 49 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 104.62 feet to a point.
The City of San Diego shall furnish two s~wer lateral oonnections to the above de-
scribed main line, upon application, free of charge.

I Witness our hands this 26th day of March 1926.

State of California,)
) . s s.

County of San Die6o,)

On this 26th day of March 9 1926, before me, E. H. Brooks, a Notary Public in and
for said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appear-
ed Ernest J. Benard also known as Brnest Benard and IVlargaretha .oenard, known to me to be the
persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and they duly aclmowledged to me
- ~- -. , -"----. -~ ..., ~- a_a m o ~

· , : ·...: . .>·' . .. ::.., " ! : - .-,--'1 "'7"'"'1" in this certificate first above
B)ok No. ll8~E~~-~-;~~~O~ ?,· ?.ECtJEST OJP -C;t ty Clerk .~ ··-~ ')2 •. ~. . • .• : , • .. .- . . -
of Deeds, 3ecords of~S;:.!.D:- ..1926 at."lO.•o'cl'o:ck~·;A.I\'!. In (SEAL)
· lec;,o County, Cal i f . ' .
- I_ ·.·"~'···
:•: ,"·"' ,._.,' ···By
- JO!UJ H,. ol!,_E~tHY County·1
N · c-·· ...~- ~- --' ... · i;'e· c ' ..d ·
.,. or er ... · .. · ' .. · ., .....
rect c:otpy ofc...
sewer -EasemenT;-rr·o··;.,;. . - • .....:;:.;~;,;....:·: :.::r:<~ ,_· .. •. >~ ... ·J(,A.d.SQ!{$;,::peputi. · .· · .:· :. ·:n Diego, Cal-
ifornia, being lJocument No. 188074. · -· ·· ---· - ·-- ----
City Clerk of the Coty of San Diego , California.

We, Harvey D. Allen and Stella Halsey Allen, husband and wife, Ernest Joseph Allen
and Agnes Gaskell .Allen, husband and wife and Gerrtrude Eudora Allen, an unmarried woman, J:;10R
AND CONSI.DERA11[0N of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction oi' main sewer.
pipe lines and appurtenances through and across the real property hereinafter described, here-
by Grant to The City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Die~~ State
of Calii'ornia, an easement and right of way for the construction and maintenance of main
sewer pipe lines and appurtenances, through, along and across all that.real property, situate
in the City of San .Diego, County of San .Diego, State of California, described as follows: ·
. A portion of Pueblo Lots 1119 and 1120, of the Pus blo Lands of San Diee;o, according
to Map thereof made by James :Pascoe in
1870,. a copy of which map is filed in the Office of the
County ~ecorder of the said County of San Diego, said easeme~ and right of way being six feet
in width, three feet on each side of the following described center lines, respectively:
Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of Old San Diego, according to Map
of Old San D~ego,.James Pas9oe, a copy of which map is filed in the Office of the
Cbunty necorder of sa1d ~~n Diego ~ounty, distant 16.25 feet northwesterly

corner of Block 528, Old San Die60, accordin~ to said Map; thence North 24 degrees 49 min-
utes 55 seconds East, a distance. of 104.62 feet to a point; said last named point being the
true point of beginning; thence North 24 degrees 49 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of
120.42 feet to a poi~t; ALSO, · · 1
Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of said Old ~an Diego, distant 16.25
feet northwesterly from the easterly corner of Block 528, said Old San Diego; thence North 2~
degrees 49 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 184.18 feet to the true point of beginningjl
thence South 45 degrees 03 minutes East, a distance of 7.37 feet to a point; ALSO, 1
. Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of said Old San Diego, distant 16.25
feet northwesterly.from the easterly corner of Block 528, said Old San Diego; thence North 241
degrees 49 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 261.51 feet to the tnue point of beginning~
thence continuing North 24 degrees 49 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 222.62 feet to 1
a point; thence North 23 degrees 21 minutes 55 seconds East, a distance of 325.00 feet to the
southerly line of Camino Del Rio;ALSO, I
Be~inning at a point on the south line of Camino Del 3io, distant 205.91 feet east-
er.lY. from the easterly line of that certain tract of land in said J:ueblo Lot 1120, conveyed
to 'i;rnest Benard by deed of Eorane C. l•lercer, Trustee, et al., dated August 13th, 1906, and
recorded in Book 394 of Deeds, at page 100, records of the County ]ecorder of said San Diego
County, measured along the southerly line of said Camiho Del ~Uo; thence southeasterly making
an angle of 4 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds with the south line of said Camino Del rtio, a dis-
tance of 324.24 feet to a point; thence on an angle to the right of 42 degrees 59 minutes, aj
distance of 250.00 feet to~ point; thence on an angle to the right of 37 degrees 08 minutes,
a distance of 120.00 feet to a point; thence on an angle to the left of 44 degrees 17 minute~,
a distance of 123.00 feet to a point; thence on an angle to the left of 30 degrees 53 minutes,
a distance of 100.00 feet to a point; thence on an angle to the left of 24 degrees 34 minute~,
a distance of 262.00 feet to a point; thence on an angle to the left of 40 degrees 41 minute~,
a distance of 175.00 feet to a point; thence on an angle to the right of 47 degrees ~x~2XiR~
gtiHtX 59 minutes, a distance of 249.00 feet to a point; thence on an angle to the right of II
103 degrees 28 minutes, a distance of 168.00 feet to a point; thence on an angle to the left
of 73 degrees 31 minutes, a distance of 265.00 feet to a point; thence on an angle to the lett
of 62 degrees 29 minutes, a distance of 217.00 feet to a point; thence on an angle to the
right of 87 degrees 58 minutes, a distance of 166.00 feet to a point; thence on an angle to
the left of 46 degrees 35 minutes, a distance of 139.00 feet to a point; thence on an angle
to the left of 46 degrees 37 minutes, a distance of 95.00 feet to a point; thence on an angle
to the right of 37 degrees 39 minutes, a distance of 213.00 feet to a point; thence on an
. angle to the right of 60 degrees 66 minutes, a distance of 153.00 feet to a point; thence on
an angle to the left of 88 der,rees 01 minute, a distance of 115.0 feet to a point; thence on
an angle to the right of 17 degrees 29 minutes, a distance of 195.10 feet to ~point on the
northerly prolongation of Lot 35, Avalon Hei~hts, distant 466.70 feet southerly from the
center line of Camino Del Rio measured alon5 the northerly prolongation of the west line of
said Lot 35; ALSO,
Beeinning at a point on the_west line of Lot I, Plumosa Terrace, distant 112.63
feet south from the northwest corner of said Lot I; thence northwesterly making an angle of
37 degrees 23 minutes with the west line of said Lot I, a distance of 96.71 feet to a point;
thence on an angle to the right of 44 degrees 44 minutes, a distance m 386.12 feet to a point;
.. Beginning at a point on the westerly prolongation of the northerly line of Lot 34,
.Avalon heights, distant 286.42 feet westerly from the northeasterly corner of said Lot 34;
thence North 2 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds East, a distance of 77.15 feet to a point.
Witness our hands this 26th day of March 1926.
State of California,)
) ss.
County of San Diego,)
On this 26th day of March, A.D. 1926, before me, E. B. Brooke, ,a Notary Public in
and for said county and state, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally ap-
peared Harvey D. Allen, Ernest Joseph Allen, Agnes Gaskell Allen, Gertrude Eudora Allen and
Stella Halsey Allen, personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to
the within instrument and they duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first· above
My Commission expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
May 28, 1926• St at e o1' Ca l i f o rn i a •
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk APR 22 1926 at 10 o'clock A.U., In Book .No. 1195
Page 266 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FER3Y, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HE:tEBY CE~tTIFY. that the above and foregoing is a full, true· and correct copy of-
Sewer Easement, from Harvey D. Allen, Ernest Joseph Allen, Agnes Gaskell Allen, Gertrude
Eudora Allen and Stella Halsey Allen, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document
No. 188075.
City Clerk of the City of San Die!J>, California.

We, J. F. Thomas and Mary Thomas, husband & wife for and in consideration of the
benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and across
the property hereinafter described do hereby grant to The City of San .Diet;o, a Municipal
Corporation, in the County of San Die5o, State of California, an easement and right of way
for tbe construction, operation and maintenance of a sewe~ pipe line through, along and across
all that real property situated in the City of Sen Diego, County of San Diego, State of Cal-
ifornia, bounded and described as follows:
. A portion of Lots 6, 7, 16, 17, 18 and 19, Block 78, Middletown Addition, accordins
to Partition Map thereof made in the Case of Vv'm. Hoark vs. J. F • .b orward, et al. (s.c.c. No.

5014), filed in the Office of the. CJ.e:i:'jr of said San :Jiego County, said easement and right of
way being four feet in width, two feet on each side of the following described center line:
Beginning at the southerly corner of said lot 6~ thence northeasterly ~long the south-
easterly line of said'Lot 6 and the southeasterly line of said Lot 18 to a point distant 2.00


feet northeasterly ±·rom the· southerly corner of said Lot 18; thence northwesterly on a line
parallel with and distant 2.00 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said Lots
18 and 17 to the northwesterly line of said Lot 17; thence northeasterly along the northwest-
erly line of said Lot 17, a distance of 48.00 feet to a point.
To Have and to Hold the abo~e granted and described easement unto the said grantee,

I its successors and assigns, forever, as a ri~ht of way for sewer purposes.
VHtness our hands and seals this 19th day of 1~1a;rch 192C.
J. F. THOivLziS
State of California,)
County of San Die6o,) ss.
On this· 19th day of March .A. D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six before me, Hal. G.
Hotchkiss a Notary Eublic in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared J. 1!'. Thomas and Mary Thomas known to me to be the persons described
in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they
executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary ?ublic in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
nECO.C{DED. AT HEQU::!JST OF City Clerk ABR 22 1926 at 10 o'clock A.M., In Book No. 1204
.Pae;e 206 of DEEDS, Records of San Diego County, Calif •
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C• .PARSONS, Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Sewer Easement, from J. lP. Thomas and Mary Thomas, to the City of San Diec;;o, California, be-
ing Doctiment No. 188076.
the City of San Diego, California.

Marion o. Harvey, and Annie M. Harvey, husband and wife, for and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe throu6h and across
the property hereinafter desc.ribed do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corp-
oration, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for t e
construction, maintenance and ·<operation of a drain pipe through, along and across all that
real props rty situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Die go, State of California,
bounded and described as follows: ·
A portion of Lot 6, Block 6, Cullen's Arlington Heights Addition, according to Map
thereof No. 1003, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Die~· County, said
easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the following
described center line:
Beginning at a point on the east line of said Lot 6, distant 8.29 feet south from
the northeast corner of said Lot 6; thence westerly on a direct line to a point on the west
line of said Lot 6, distant 2~;00 feet south from the northwest corner of said Lot 6.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unfu the said grantee
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness our hands and seals this 22nd day of March 1926.
State of California,)
County of SAN DIEGO,) ss.
On this 22nd day of March A. D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six before me, E. H.
Brooks a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared Marion o. Harvey and Annie M. Harvey, known to rre to be the persons de-
I scribed in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same.
~~itness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate :nrst above·
My Commission. expires, Notary lublic in and for said County and State
lllay 28, 1926.
RECOl1DED":kT REQUEST OF City Clerk APR ~2 1926 at 10 o'clock A.M., In Book:No. 1188
Pase 312 of Deeds, 3ecords of San Die5o County, Calif ;
JOHN H. l!'E.i.mY, County Recorder',
By N. C. PA:i.=tSONS, Deputy. .
I HEJ.EBY CERTI.B'Y that the above and fore6oing is a full, true and correct copy of
Drain ripe Easement, from Marion O. Harvey and Annie M. Harvey, to the City of San D,iego, Cal!-
ifornia, bein6 Document No. 188077. '
of an Die§) , California.


we, Enriqueta L• .Petersen and Evans E. ?eterse.rr wife and husband, and v. A. Biggs
and Jiaude E. Biggs, husband and wife, for and in consi de rat ion of the benefits to accrue' by
the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property hereinafter de-
scribed, do hereby grant to The City of San .Diego, a l;iunicipal Corporation, in the County of
San .Diego, state of California, an easement and right of way for the construction, mainten-

I ance and operation of a drain pipe through, along and across all that real property situated
in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as
A portion of Lots 37 and 38, Block G, Cullen's Arlington Heights Addition, accord-
ing to Map thereof No. 1003, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San .Diego
County, said easement and right of. way being six feet in width, three f~et on each side of
the following described center line: ··
A portion of Lots 37 and 38, Block 6, Cullen's Arlington Heights Addition, accord;
ing to hlap thereof No. 1003, filed in the Office of the County 3ecorder of said San Diego ·
County, said easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of
the following described center line: ...
Beginning at a point on the south line of Lot 37, said Block 6, distant 89.52 feet
west from the southeast corner of said Lot 37; thence northeasterly on a direct line to a
point on the north line of Lot 38, 8aid.nlock G, distant 79.28 feet west from the northeast
corner of said Lot 38. gra~ted ·
To Have and to Hold the aboveLand described easement unto the said grantee, its
successors and assi~ns, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness our hands and seals this 24th day of tiarch 1926. ENRIQ.UETA, L. ?ETERSEN (SEAL)
State of California,) 88
County of San Diego,)~L •
On this 24th day of March A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six before me, E. H.
Brooks a Notary .i'ublic in and for said County, residing therein, duly col'Illilissioned and _sworn,
personally appeared Enriqueta L. Petersen, Evans E. Petersen, V. A. Biggs and Maude E. Biggs!
known to me to be the persons described in and whose namea are subscribed to the within in- , ·-
strument, and ac£nowledged to me that they executed the same.
l•itness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate firs.t above
My Commission expires Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
May 28, 1926. State of California.
illiCOBDED AT ~EQUEST OF City Cler1c A?B. 22 1926 at 10 o'clock l.r~r., In Book No. 1188
iage 309 of Deeds, ~ecords of San ~ieso County, Calif.
J')HN B. F~i_t~t~, .,9ounty Recorder
~y N. C. P.'i...:tSONc, Deputy.
I HEREBY CE.JTD Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correctr:~copy of

Drain ?ipe Easement, from Enriqueta L. Petersen, V. A. Biggs, Maude E. Biggs and Evans E.
Petersen, to the City of San Diee;o, California, being Document No. 188078.
City Clerk of the City of ~an Diego, California.

BCfy~~ I
I, Geor8e L. Mark, for and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the loca-
tion and construction of a dr*in pipe through and across. the property hereinafter described,
do ~ereby grant to The City of San Diego, a lluDicipal Corporation, in the County of San Die-
go, ··state of California, an easement and right of way for; the ~onstruction, operation and
maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across all that real property situated in the
City of San Diego, £ounty of San Die~o, State of California, bounded and described as fol-
lows: ·
A portion Df Lots 39 and 40, Block 6, Cullen's Arlington Heights Addition, accord-
ing to Map thereof No. 1003, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego
County, said easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of
the following described center line:
Be5inning at a point on the south line of said Lot 39, distant 79.28 feet west from
the southeast corner of said Lot 39; thence northeasterly making an angle of 78 degrees 36 ~
minutes with the south line of said Lot 39, a distance of 43.83 feet to a connection with the
outlet of the existing culvert on said Lot 40. Said property being the separate property of
the grantor herein.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
''i tness my hand and seal this 25th day of March 1926.
State of Califo:.:nia,) 88 •
County of San D~ego,)
On this 25th day of March A.D. Nineteen Hundred and T~enty-six before me, E. H.
Brooks a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, per~onally appeared Ge~ge L. Mark known to me to be the person described in and whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the sam&.
V'vi tness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
( SE~:i 1) E. H. B:rtOOKS
MY Commission expires Notary Public in and for the County of San .Diego,
May 28, 1926. State of California.
::tECORDED AT REQUEST 01!1 City Clerk A?:a 22 1926 at 10 o'clock A.H., In Book No. 1220
Page 37 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif. -
JQHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTD,Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Drain Pip~ Easement, from George L. Mar~, to the City o~ San Die~o, California, being Docu~
men t No. 188079. ·- ··-
·cit~ Cler~ of the City o~n Diego~ CalU::ornia.

.. ~
. I, Aletha Eldridge, for and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the loca-
tion and construction of a drain pipe through and ~cross the property hereinafter described,~
do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diege,
state of California, an ~asement and right of way for the construction, maintenatice and oper!
ation of a drain pipe through, along and across, ~11 that real property situated in the City
of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lots 35 and 36, Block 6, Cullen's Arlington Heights, according to Map
thereof No. 1003, filed irr the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diew County, said
easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the following
described center linesr respectively:
Bec;inning at a point on the east line of Lot 35, said Block 6, distant 15•60 feet
south from the northeast corner of said Lot 35; thence westerly on a dire6t line to a point
on the west line of said Lot 35, distant 9.31 feet south from. the northwest corner of said
Lot 35; ALSO,
Beginning at a point on the north line of Lot 36, said Block 6, distant 89.52 feet
west from the northeast corner of said Lot 36; thence southwesterly making an angle of 78
I .

degrees 36 minutes with the north line of said Lot 36, a distance of 36.31 feet to a point
in the above described lirte, distant 25.68 feet east attright angles from the west line of
said Lot 35. Said property being the separate property of the grantor herein.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described ease'ment unto the said grantee
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.

Witness my hand and seal this lOth day of March 1926.
State of California,)
County of San Diego,) ss •
On this lOth day of I1Tarch A.D. Nineteen Hundred and ~rwenty-six before me, E. H.
Brooks .a Notary .Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appe~red Aletha Eldridge, known to me to be the person described in and whose 1
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to ms that she executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission expires, Notary .Public in and for the County of San Diego,
Ml!Y 28, H126 State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk APR 22 1926 at 10 o'clock .L!d., In Book No. 1220
Page 35 of DEEDS, Records of San Diego Oounty, Calif •.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PAltSONS, Deputy. .
I HEREBY CERTH1 Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
D:rairi Pipe Easement, from Aletha Eldridge, to the City of San .Diego, California, being Docu-
ment No. 188080.


I We, William E. and Katherine Persons, husband and wife, for and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location of a street through and across the property here-
inafter described, do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the
County of San Diego, state of California, an easement and· right of way for street purposes,
through, along and across all that Real .Property situated in the City of San Diego, County
of San Die60, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of the Northeast Quarter of Lot 39, Horton's Purchase of a portion of the
Ex Mission Lands of· San Die go , according to Map there of No. 28 3, filed in the Of':t'i ce of the
County Recorder of said San Diego Coun~y, said easement and right of way being particularly
described as follows:
Beginning at the northwest.corner of' the northe~st Quarter of said Lot 39; thence
south along the west line of the .Northeaf:lt Quarter of said Lot_39,· a·distance of 40.00 feet
to a point; .t,hence east on a ·line parallel. with and distant 40_ feet south from the north
line .of said Lot 39, a distance of. 253 ~-85 feet to a point ; thence on a curve to the left,
tangent to the_ last desc~ibed course, said curve having· a radius of 300 feet, a distance of
100.88 feet to a point; thence northeasterly on a direct line, a distance of 85.99 feet to a
ooint on the ~orth line of said Lot 39, distant 228.19 feet west from the n6rth&ast corner
there of; thence west the north line of said Lq t' 39 to the point or place of' be ginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, fo.rever, as a right of way for street purposes, as and for a por-
tion of Market Street.
Witness our hands and seals this 22nd day of March 1926.
state of California,)
County of San Diego,) s~.
On this 22nd day of March A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six before me, E. H.

I Brooks a Notary Public in anP. f'or said County., re~~idine; therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
persbrt~lly appeared tilliam ~. Persons and Katherine Persons, known to me to be the persons
described in and whose names are subscribed to the within· instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Off'icial Seal the day .and year in ~his certificate first above
My Commission expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
May 28, 1926. State of California.
.RECO.:mEn AT 3EQUEST 0] City Clerk AP.R 22 1926 at 10 o'clock A.}.!., In Book No. 1220

Pa3e 38 of DEEDS, Records of San Diego County, Calif.

JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
, . .· _By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CEnTH1 Y that the above and foree;otng is a full, true and correct copy of
:Easement for Street, from William E. Persons and Kath:er.ine Persons, to the City of San Diego,
California, being Document No. 188081.
City(:!: of. the Ci.ty of San Diego, California.

We, William and Lucy Hardill, husband and wife, for and in consideratidn of the
benefits to accrue by the location, ponstruction and maintenance of a sewer line thro~gh and
across the propeJ;"lY. herein described, and .in consideration of tile sum of One Dollar ('IJll.OO)
to us in hand para··;::.the rece·ipt 'whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City

I of San ·niego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an
easement and right of way through, along and across •11 that certain real property situate i
the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly ·described as
follows, to-wit: . _· . .
The South ..t!'our (4) feet of· Lot B, Block 169, Horton's Addition, according to Map
thereof made by L. L. Lockling,,filed in the Office of the County ilecorder of ·san Diego County
· To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, il being understood that the City

of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and maiJ-
t~nance of sewer laterals over and across this easement. . II
In \iVi tness i1hereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 14th day of Apri]


On this 14th day of April~ 192 , before me, E. H. Brooks a Notary Public in and fo~
the said County of San Die6o, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared William Hardill and Lucy Hardill personally known to me to be the
persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly acknowledged to
me that they executed the same.
In Witness l•hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of' San Diego, the d·ay and year in this certificate first above writ-
My Commission expires Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
May 28, 1926. State of California.
3ECOiillED AT nEC~UEST 01!.., City Clerk AP3 22 1926 at 10 o'clock A.M~, In hlook No. 1188
Page 310 of Deeds, ~ecords of.San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FSnHY, County Recorder
By N. C. l?A.rtSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CEitTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and __correct copy o.f
Easement, from William Bardill and Lucy Bardill, totthe City of San Diego, California, being
Document No. 188104.
City rk of the City of Cali far nia.

CLARA E. COULTER for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10.00) DOLLA.ctS, do
hereby grant to CITY O.b, SAN DIEGO, a municipal corporation, All That Heal Property situated
in County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
That portion of Lot Two (2) of Riverview Farms, according to map No. 1683, -filed
in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, February ~8th, 1916, described
as f·o llows:-
Commencing at the most Westerly corner of said Lot Two (2), said point being the
intersection of the Northerly line of the County Highway and the Southerly line of the right
of way of the San Di~go and Southeastern .Railway (now the San Diego and Arizona Railway) as
shown on said map; running thence Northeasterly along the Southerly boundary of said right
of way of said San Diego & Southeastern rlailway (now San Die~o and Arizona Railway), a dist-
ance of 19~.37 feet to a point; thence in a Southerly direction a distance of 478.61 feet,
more or tess, to a point in the Southerly line of sai0 Lot Two (2), which point is 1981.97
feet Sasterly along the Southerly boundary of said Lot Two (2) from the ~oint of beginning;
thence Westerly along the Southerly boundary of said Lot ,Two (2), 1981.97 feet to point of
commencement. (Documentary Stamps One Dollar - Five Dollars) .
To Have and to Hold the above granted and de8cribed premises unto the said Grantee,
its successors and assigns forever •
. Witness my hand and seal this 3rd day of March, 1926.
State of California,)
County of San Diego,) ss.
On this 3rd day of hlarch, 1926, before me, Kate L. Mershon, a Notary Public in and
for said County and State, personally appeared Clara E. Coulter known to me to b~~the person·
whose name is subscribed to the fore;:;oing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed
the same.
written •
WIT.l:fESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this Certii'icate first above
Notary Public in and for said County and State •
.rtECOnDED AT i.rEQUEST O.H' City Purchasing Dept. A?Zi 28 1926 at. 55 11in. past 1 o'clock
i.M., In Eook No. ~209 Page 170 of Deeds, Jecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FER3Y, County Recorder
By N. C. PA~!SOIIS, De1~uty.
I 1i~~<3BY CEJ.TI.H'Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Grant Deed, from Cili*ra E. Coulter, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.
City of San Diego, California.

in consideration of the Sum of One Dollar (~1.00),. does hereby grant to THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO,
a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, all that real prop-
erty situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, described
as follows:
A portion of Eueblo Lot 1350 of the Pueblo Lands of San Diego, ace:ording t9 Map
thereof made by James Pascoe, a copy of which map is filed in the Office of the County Record-
er of.said San Diego County, said land being in two parcels, particularly described as fol- I
lows: ·
Beginning at the intersection of the East line of .h..,el ton Street with the north line'
of Palm Street; thence North 0 degrees 22 minutes East, a distance of 5.00 feet along the
east line of l!..,el ton Street to. a point; thence South 89 degrees 51 minutes East along a line
parallel to and distant 60 feet north from the South line of Palm Street, a distance of 550.00
feet to an ·intersection with. the west line of' McKinley Street; thence South 0 degrees 22 min~
utes West along the west line of Mc-inley Street, a distance of 5~00 feet to a p6int; thence
North 89 degrees 51 minutes West along a line paralle 1 to~ and distant 55 feet north from the
south line of Palm Street, a distance of 550.00 feet to an intersection with the ease" line of u
Felton Street, being· the point or place o:f beginning; ALSO,
Beginning at the intersection of the east line of Felton Street with the south line
of rtedwood Street; thence South 89 degrees 51 minutes East along a lire parallel to and diet~

ant 30 feet south from the north line of ~edwood Street, a distance of 550.00 feet to an in-
tersect ion with the west line of Mc-Kinley' Street; then' ce South 0 degrees 22;:Jminu tes West a loil!g
the west line of McKinley Street, a distance of 30 feet to a point; thence No~th 89 degrees
51 minutes West, along a line parallel to and distant 60 feet south from the north line of·
Redwood Street, a distance of 550.00 feet to an intersection with the east line of Felton

I Street; thence North 0 degrees 22 minutes East along the east line of Felton Street, a diet~
ance of 30 feet to the point or place of beginning.
Said streets· above referred to being according to s·treets as shown on Maps of Alta-
dena, Carmel Heights, and Carmel Heights Extension, filed in the Office of said ·county Record-
TO HAVE AnD TO HOLD the above granted and described premises unto the said grantee,
.its successors and assigns, forever, for street purposes, as and for a portion of Palm Street
and Redwood Street, respectively.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the President and Clerk of the High School Board of the San Diego
High School District, County of San Diego, State of California, ha:ye: 1 hereunto set their
4~nds as and for the act of said Board, this 6 day of April 1926.

By, LENA P. C~OUSE, President

Attest: WILL ANGIE3, Clerk.
State of California,)
. ) ss.
County of San Diego,)
On this 6th day of April 1926, before me, Lillian M. Gabbs, a Notary Public in and
for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Lena P.
Crouse, known to me to be the President, and Will Angier known to me to be the Clerk, of the
High School Board of the San Diego Hieh School District, County of San Diego, State of Calif~
ornia, and known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf· of the
said San Diego High School District, County of San Diego, State of California, and acknowledged
to me that they executed the same on behalf of said San Diego High School District.
.IN WITNESS WHE.itEO]\ I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in th
County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate first above

· ·
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
My Commission Ex~ires State of California.
July 18, 1928.
3EC03DED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk A.Pil 22 1926 at lOo 'clock A.M., In Book No·. 1204
Page 204 of D~eds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. Jl!ERHY, County Recorder
By N. c. ?A!.tSONS, Deputy.
I HE::tEBY CERTI:& Y that the above and foree;oing is a full, trm and correct ;1copy of

Ea~ement, from the San Diego High School District, to the City of San Dieg:>, California, be-
ing Document No. 18808~.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
Bf,_d 0(0£?_k_, )e,puty.
I, w. E. Pratt, a single man, for and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by
the location, construction _and maintenance of a sewer line through and across the property
herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollarc·f$1.00) to me in hand paid,
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereb~ grant to the City of San Diego, a munici
ipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of.:California, an easement and right of waw
through, along and across all that certain real property situate in the City of San Diego,
County of Sari!Diego, State of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit:
· Lot 1, Block 24, South Park Addition, according to Map thereof filed in the

I Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.

To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said granr-
ee ;:,~its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for 'the construction and maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City of Sab
Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and maintenance'
of sewer laterals over and across this easement. · ·
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal. this 13th day of April 1926.
:!.:: ,STATE OF CALI~ 03.NIA, )


On this 13th day of April; 1926, before me, E. H. Brooks a Notary Public in and for
the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commif1sioned and
·sworn, personally appeared W. E • .Pratt, personally known to me to. be the person whose name is
subscribed to· the within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
In Witness w'Jhereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official s·eal, at myl
office in the County of San Diego, the day:and ~ar in this certificate first-above written.
E. H. B300KS
(SEAL) Notary :t:ublic in and for the County of San Die go, Sta e
~y Commission expire~ of California.
[,fay 28, 19 26 •
., ::iEC0~1DED AT REQUEST 01!, City Clerk APR 27 1926 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock ?.M., In
~ook No. 1193 ia6e 281 of Deeds, ~ecords m San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PA~SONS, Deputy.
I HEnEBY CEl1TIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, tr.u·e and correct copy of
IDeed, from W. E• .Ptatt, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No. 188491.

.City Cl"erk of the City, of San .Diego, California.

Bya:,vJ ~peputy.
we, Charles D. and Jennie o. Hallett, husband and wife, for and in consideration of
fhe benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through
~nd ac:oss the p~operty here~n described~ and in consideration of the sum of One D9llar (~1.0•)
ito us ~n hand pa1d, the rece~pt whereof 1.8 :hereby acknowledged, do· hereby grant to the City of'
San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of Sari Diego, State of California, an ease-
ment and ric;Sht of way through, along and across all' that certain real property situate in the
Cit~ of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as follo~s,
Lot 2, Block 2, Highland Park, according to Map thereof filed in the Of-
fice of the County .ae corder of said San Die go County • ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way uftto the said gra
ee, its successors and assigns forever, as ·a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way w for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and rnai -
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this e~sement. I
In Witness ~here~f, w~ have hereunto set our hands and seals this 13th day of Apri]
STATE 01!1 CAL Ih'03NIA, )
On this 13th day of April, 1926, before me, Clyde E. Croy a Notary Public in and
for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Charles .D. Hallett and Jennie 0. Hallett personally known to
me to be the persons whose name are subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly ac-
knowledged to me thatthey executed the same.
My Commission expires Notary ?ublic in and for the County of San Diego,
Jan. 26, 1930. State of California.
:tECOHDED AT 3EQUEST Oi!, City Clerk APR 27 1926 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.H., In
Book No. 1220 Fage 66 of .DEE])S, ..aecords of San Diego. County, Calif. ·
. JOHN H. l!'ERH.Y, County .rtecorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HErlEBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing ~ a full, true and correct copy of
3asement, from Charles .D. Hallett and Jennie o. Hallett, to the City of San Diego ,,_Q..alifor-
nia, bein6 .Document No. 188492.
City Clerk of the, City~ Diei'l>', California.

· ~~J~eputy.
1:Ve, 3.. s. BUTTON and BERTHA T. BUTTOU, husband and wife, for and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line
throu~h and across the property herein ddscribed, and in consideration of the su~ of One Dol-
lar (.~1.00) to us in hand paid, the receipt wher.eof is hereby aclr..nowledged, do hereby grant
to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of Cal-
ifornia, an easement and right of way throu5h, alon~ and across all that certain real proper-
ty situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Die~o, State of California, particularly
described as follows, to-wit:
West Thirty--feet of Lots Twenty-seven and Twenty-eight in Block One of Cullen's
Arlington Heights, according to map thereof No. 1003, filed in the office of the County 3e-
corder of said San .Diego County, Au~ust 2, 1906.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said grant-
ee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any dai' resulting from the construction. and main-
tenance of sewer la.~erals over and across this easement.
In Vlli tness Whereof, we have hereunto our hands and seals this 31st day of March,

On this 31st day of March, 1926, before me, 3. s. Lacey a Notary Public in and for
the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared l. s. Button and Bertha T. Button, husband'and wife, personally
known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument , and they
duly acknowled~ld to me that they execnted the same.
In Witness \"ihereoi', I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official. seal, at
my office in the Uounty of San Diego, the da1·and year in this certificate first above
.rt. S. LACEY
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California. .
.::&CORDEDJAT REQUEST OF City Clerk APR 27 1926 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M., In
Book No. 1188 ?age 342 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. c. PARSONS, Deputy. .
I HEREBY CERTil!,Y that the above and foregoi% is· e. full, true and correct copy of
.Deed, from .rt. s. Button and Bertha T. Button, to the City of San Dieg> , Cal if'ornia, being
Document No. 188493.
City ~lerk of the City of San Diego, California.

BYC?,.uL~puty. I
We, :E'leeta A. Meihls and Mary l:I. Walker, as joint tenants, for and in consideratio
of the benefits to accrue· by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line thro~gh
\ and across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($l~O'o)
rf-- to us in handY' paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City I
of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an
easement and right of way through, along and across all that certain· real property situate i
the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as ·

follows, to-wit:
Lot 3, block 2, North Highland Park, according to Map thereof filed
in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
11o Have and. to Hold the above granted and described ri~t of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a ri6ht of way 1or a sewer pipe line.

I The pur.:pose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it b~ing understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting frbm th$ construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
In Witness Whereof,_ we h.ave hereunto set our hands and seals this 6th day of April
STATE 0] CA1Ii! 0ElliiA,)\ ss .
1 1


on this 6th day of April, 1926,. before me, E. H. Brooks a Notar~' Public in and for
the said County of Sah Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Fleeta A. Meihls and Mary ld. V'valker personally known to me to be
the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrurre nt, Elnd they duly acknowledged
to me that th~~ execu!ed the same. ·
In ~ntness whereof:.• 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this c~rtificate first above
My Commission expires Notary Public in and for the County of San Die go,
May 28, 1926. State of Californi~.
~rECORDED AT REQUEST 01!, City Clerk APR 27 1926 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M., In
Book No. 1193 Eage 280 of needs, l\ecords of San Diego County, Calif •
JOH~r H. l!,EiiiiY, County Recorder
By N. C. PArtSONS, De 1m ty.
I HE~1.EBY CERTI:i!,Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from 1neeta A. Meihls and Mary rd. Walker, to the City of San Diego, California, _being
Document No. 188494.

I, w. T. Connolly, a single man, Ji1or and in consideration of the benefits to accrue
by the location, construction and maintenance of water and sewer line through and across the
property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar to me in hand paid,
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City of San Diec_!P, a mun-
icipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of C~lifornia, an easement and right of
way through, along and across all that certain real property situate in the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit:
The west sixty-two and one-half feet of lots 24 & 25, Block 9, Wilshire Place •.
To have and to hold the abov~ ~ranted and described right of way unto the said gra t-
ee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a water and sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the cons·truction and mainten~
ance of a. private' water and sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that
the City of San Die i:!J. is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the constructio ~
and maintenance of water and sewer laterals over and across this easement.
In witness whereof I, the undersigned, have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of
March, 1926.

I State of California,)

I )

County of S~n Diego,)

On this· 13th day of March, 1926, before me, the undersigned, a Notary .Public in and
·for the County and State aforesaid, personally a~pea:::ed w. T. Connol~y a si11gle man known tol
me to be the same person who executed the forego1ng 1nstrument of wr1ting, and he duly ackno~-
ledged the execution thereof.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial seal the d
and year above written. ·
(SEAL) 1
My Commission Expires Notary Public
June 23, 1928.
1tEC03DED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk APR 27 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M., Ip
Boo~ No. 1188 £age 344 of Deeds, !ie.cords of San Diego. County, Calif.
JOHN H. FE.rtRY, County H.ecorder
By N~· C. PA:'tSONS, Deputy.
I HE3EBY CERTI1!1 Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement, from w. T. Connolly, to the City of San .Diego, California, being Document No. 1884 5.
City Clerk of the City of San Diegor California •

R. H. Gurney and Lena M. Gurney husband :.and wife, owners of the property in quest iam,

I for and in consideration of the benefits to accrue .,by the location and construct ion of a sew+r
line by the City of San Diego, California, through and across the property hereinafter described,
and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar (~1.00), to_in hand paid, the receipt of wher~-
o~ is hereby acknowledged, do we hereby grant:: to the City of San Di et;o, a municipal corpora-
tion in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement ·and right of way. for the
construc'tion and maintenance of a line of sewers through, along and across all that certain
real property, situate in the City of San Diego, County oi' San Diego, State of California,
particularly described as follows, to-wit:
Lot 47, Block 209 University Heights -
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said Cit
of San Diego, its successors and as~igns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hand and seal this Sixteenth day of
M~rch, 1926. ·

•' I
On this 18th day O:f~·March, 1926, before me, Wm. P. Mayer a· Notary Public in and fo:r
the said County of San Diego, State of California, residin~ therein, duly cownissioned and
sworn, personally appeared R. H. Gurney and Lena M. Gurney personally known to me to be the
persons whose names subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly acknow~edged to me
that they executed the same. ·
IH WITNESS WHEitEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above writ-
(SEAL) ViH. 1) • r·.lli YE R
My Commission expires Notary .Public in and for the County of San Diego,
1-26-29. State of C~lifornia.
~1ECOrtDED AT :aEQUEST 0]1 City Clerk APH 27 1926 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.1T., In
Book No·. 1220 Pac3e 65 of DEEDS, .Records of San Diego County, Ca~if.
JOHN H. FE3nY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HE:tEBY CERTIFY that the above and foree.;oing is a full, true and correct copy of
2Ught of V'iay Contract, f:rom~R. H. Gurney and Lena M. Gurney, t'oc;']he City of San Diego, Cal-
ifornia, being Docu~ent No. 188496.
Cit~ Cler~ of-the City of San Die6o, California.

B4,J ~»(· c!2/~eputy

. I, Geo. R. Harris on, a single man, for and in consideration of the ~ene fits to ac-
crue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through and across the
property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($~•00) to __ in hand
paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, ~
a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and rignt
of way through, ·along and across all~that certain real property situate in the City of San I
Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit:
Lot Four (4), Block One-Hundred-two (102), Middletown ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described ric-sht of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is· for the construct ion and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be -held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and
maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 9th day of March 1926
by GEO. ~~ •.dOGEi-tS '(SEAL)
Attorney in fact.
COUNTY 0!;1 S.AN DIEGO,) 88 •
On this 9th day of !'.larch, 1926, before me, L.~ A. Twelker a Notary Public in and for
the said County of San Diego, State of California, residin6 therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Geo. R. Rogers known to me· to be the person whose name is sub-
scribed to the within Instrument, as the Attorney~in-Fact of Geo. R. Harrison, a single m~
and acknowledged to me that he subscribed the name of Geo. ~. Harrison thereto as principal
and his own name a~ Attorney-in-Fact.
In hitness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand· and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above writ-
ten. ·
My Commission expires
M~y 26, 1929.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
:1E CO itDED AT :i;1EQ.UEST 01!, City Clerk APJ:l 27 1926 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.Ivi., In
Book No. 1220 Pa~e 67 of· DEEDS, 3ecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN' H. l!,El13Y, County ~te corder
By N. C. PAl1SONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing i8 a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Geo. R. Harrison, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No. 188497.
City of San Die go, California.

I, We, A. N. Loring and E. w. Loring (brothers and sole owners of property), for
and in consideration of·the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance 1
of a sewer line through and across the property herein described, and in consideration of the
sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is· hereby acknowledged, do
hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego,
state of .California; an easement and right of way through, along and across all that certain
real property situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California;
particularly described as follows, to-wit:
?ortions of Lots 33 & 34, Block 72, Ocean Beach, being a strip of land
six (6) feet in width, lying three (3) feet in width on each side of the
followin5 described center line, to-wit:
Commencing at a point in Lot 34, Block 72, Ocean Beach, distant 5 feet at
ri~ht angles in a northwesterly direction from t4e southeasterly line of
said Lot 34, said point being distant 17 feet southwesterly and at right
angles to the southwesterly line of Newport Avenue; thence southwesterly
across portions of Lots 34 and 33, said Block 72, in a direct l~ne a dist-
ance of 55.8 :feet to a connection wit{l: the existing sewer in said lot 33,
at a point distant 70 feet southwesterly at right an0les from the south-
westerly line of Newport Avenue. 1
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said grant-
ee, its successors and assigns forever, as a rig,ht of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to ·be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and mai -
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this eighth day of

I April 19.26.
By A. N. LORING Atty Fact.
(SEA 1)
On this lOth day of April, 1926, before me, Y. A. JACQUES a Notary Public in and
fo~ the said County of San Dieeo, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared A. N.· Loring personally known to me to be the person whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed
the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Die~o, the day and year in this certificate first above writ-
My Commission expires Notary Public in and for the Count~ of ~an Diego,
] eb. 14, 1929. State of California.

) ss.
On this lOth day of April, 19.26, before me me, Y. A._.JACQUES, a Notary Public in
and for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commission-
ed and sworn, personally appeared A. N. Lorin5, known to me to be the person whose name is
subscribed to the within instrument as attorney in fact of E, w. Loring, and acknowledged to
me that he subscrioed the name. of E. w. Loring thereto as principal, and his own name as at-
torney in·fact.
Il'r WIT.NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at

I my officie in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above writ-
My Commission expires
Notary ?ublic in and for the County of San Diego,
February 14, 1929. State of California.
~rECOrtDED AT REQUEST 0]1 City Clerk APR 27 1926 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M., In
Book No. 1193 Page 278 of Deeds, Records of San Diego, Calif. (
JOHN H • .PElGY, County 3e corder
By N. C• .PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement, from A. N. Loring and E. w. Loring, to the City of San Diego, Calti"orn,ia, being Do -
ument No. 188498.
City~e City of San Diego, California.

By ~v?{~eputy.
JOHN JOSE:BH 1nSh"E.:.t and ELIZA FISHE.rt, husband arid wife; S.D. 0 'NEAL, widower· and
J. H. 0 'NEILL and l1A.RGA3ET 0 'NEILL, husband and wife, for and in cons ide rat ion of the' slim of
One Dollar, do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal ~orporation ~n the County
of San .Diego, state of California, an easement and right of way over, along and. across all
that real property situated in the County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and de-
s c r i bed as f o 11 ow s : _
A portion of Block 8, Sunset Tract, described as follows:

I Beginning at a point on the west line of Block 8, Sunset Tract as said Block 'is
shown on Map No~ 564 filed in the Office of the County 3eco~der of San Diego County, Calif-
ornia, said point being distant 125 feet north from the southwest corner of sald block; then e
easterly on a line parallel to and distant 125 feet north from the south line of said Block 8
to the east line of said Block 8; ~~'E:Ex:EiiR-~:tlmrxaa:s:'fxi::x:aer:x:un:s::s:ti~Bk~ thende l'

northerly along the east line of said Block 8 a distance of 20 feet to a point; thence west-
erly on a line parallel to and distant 145 feet north from the south line of said Block 8 to
the west line of said Block 8; thence southerly along the west line of said Block 8 to the
place of beginning; being the alley in Block 8, Sunset Tract, vacated by order of the Board
of Supervisors ot San Diego County, California, on May 3, 1893; said order being recorded in
Book 15 of the .i1ecords of the Board of' Supervisors on pages 439 and 440;. ..r
ALSO a po~tion of Sunset Tract described as follows· . .
Beginning at the northwest corner of Block 8, Sunset Tract, as sa1d block 1s shown
on said Map 564; thence .e~sterly a~ong the ~orth line of said Block 8 to the northea~t corner
thereof· thence northerly ·60 feet 1n a stra1ght line to the southeast corner of BlocK 5, Sun-
set Tra~t, as said block is shown on said Map No. 564; thence westerl~ alo~g the s o~th lir:te
of said Block 5 to the southwest corner thereof; thence southerly 60 feet 1n a stra1ght l1ne
to the place of beginning; being a portion of Orange Street va~ated by the ~oa~d ?f ~upervis rs
of san Diego County, California, on May 3, 1893; said order be1ng recorded 1n BooK 1~ of the
:aecords.of the Board of Supervisors on pages 439 and 440.
· ALSO a portion of Block 5, Sunset Tract, desc~ibed as follows: .
Ee ginning at a point on the west line of BloCK 5, Sunse :t· Tract, as sa1 d block is
shown on said Hap No. 564, said point of beginning being di st_,?nt 125 fee~ north from the sou h-
west corner of said Block5; thence easterly on a line parallel to and d1stant 125 feet nort.
from the south line of said Block 5 to the east line of said· Block 5; thence northerly along
the east line of said Block 5, a distance of 20 f~et to a point; thence westerly on a line
parallel to and distant 145 feet north from the- south li~e of sai~ Block, to the west li~e ~f

I said Block 5; thence southerly along the west line of sa1d Block 5, to tne place_of.beg1nn1n
bein~ the alley in Block 5, Sunset Tract vacated by.order of the Board of Superv1sors of San
Dieg~ County, California, on May:-3, 1893, said orde~ being recorded in Book 15 of the Record
of the Board of Supervisors on pages 439 and 440.
ALSO a portion of Suns~t Tract described as follows:
Beginning at the northwest corner of Blo:ck 5, S.unset Tract, as said block is shown
on said Map No. 564; tnence easterly along the north line of said Block 5 to the northeast
corner thereof; thence northerly along the no~rtherly prolongation of the east line of said
Block 5, a distance of 30 feet to a point; th~nce westerly on a line parallel to and distant
30 feet north from the north line of said Block 5 to~'n intersection with the northerly pro-
longation of the west line of said Block 5; thence southerly on a straight line to the place

of beginning; being a portion of Sunset Street vacated by order of the Board of Supervisors
of San Diego County, California, on nay 3, 1893, said order being recorded in Book 15 of the
~tecords of the Board· of ·Supervisors;· on pages 439 and 440.
ALSO a portion of Sunset Tract described as follows:
Beginning at the southwest corner of Block 8, Sunset Tract, as said Block is shown
on said I\Iap No. 564; thence northerly along the west line of ·said block to the northwest
corner thereof; thence northerly in a straight line to the southwest corner of Block 5, Sun-
set Tract~ as said block is shown on said Map No. 564; thence northerly along the west line
of said block 5, and its northerly prolongation to a point distant 30 feet north from the
northwest corner of said Block 5; thence westerly on a line parallel to and distant 30 feet
north from the westerly prolongation of the north line of said block 5 to the west line of
the east one-half of Lot 33, Horton's Purchase in Ex Mission Rancho; thence southerly along
the west line of the East one-half of said Lot 33 to an intersection with the westerly pro-
longation of the south line of Block 8, Sunset Tract; thence easterly on a straight· line to
the place of beginning; b~ing a portion of Pacific Street vacated by order of the Board of
Supervisors of San Diego County, California, on May 3, 1893, said order being Decorded in
I 1 Book'"of the records of the Board of Supervisors on pages 439 and 440. . .
A TO H..~VE -AND TO HOLD the above granted and described easements of right of way unto
the said grantee, its successors and assi6ns, forever for street purposes.
WITNESS out hands and seals this 16th day of' April, 1926.
s. D. O'NEAL-
STATE 01!' C.ALIPO.rtlHA, )
) 88.
On this 16th day of April, A. D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six, before me, R. H.
McFADDEN a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and swo~n,
personally appeared JOliN JOSEPH :E1 ISHER and ELIZ.A .B'I Sffi!jR, S. D. 0 'NEAL, and J. H. 0 'NEIT. . L and
MAHGAHET O'NEILL, known to me to be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed
to the within instrument, and acknowledbed to me that they executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHE1~E01!,, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at
my office, in the City of San Diego, County of.San Die~o, state of California, the day and
year in this certificate first above written.
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
.:tECOrtDED AT rtEQUEST 01:!' City Clerk !1L<\Y 4 1926 at 10 Hin. past 3 o'clock F.U., In
Book No. 1188 Page 370 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FS3RY, County Recorder
By N. C. PA.i.f.SONS, DerJu ty.

·r HEBEEY CE.i.tTI.H'Y that the above and foret;oin6 is a. full, true and correct· copy of
Deed, from John Joseph Fish~r, et al., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document
No. 188765.
. ALLEN H. Vt:..:tiGHT
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

M41-L()z/~~ Deputy.

·· .. ::DEED
1!1 br valuable. considerations·, GII-CH:nsT-ES~.ATE. COMJ;'.AUY, a California. corporation,<
b~~in~ its principal plac~ of business in the City of Los Angeles, Ca.liforriia, does hereby
c·rant to THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, a municipal corporation, the following described froperty,
to-wit: ·
Beginning at the quarter section corner in the center of Section 23,
Township 15 South, Range One "est, S. B. M., said point being on the South
line of Tract ":3" of the Hancho El Cajon and 2646.8 feet Westerly from the
Southeast corner of said Tract, and running thence East along said South
line of Tract "B" 20 cha1ns to a point; thence North 153 feet to a point
near the center of the San Diego 3iver; thence following the San Diego
River upstream North 44° 16' East 924.3 feet to a point in the Westerly
edge of the County 3.oad, as shown on Licensed Surveyor's Map l~o. 131 in
the County ::..~ecorder' s office; thence following the Westerly line of the
old County Road North 35° 32' West 132 feet to a point; thence North 22°
22' West 50.5 feet to a point; thence North 5° 28' W~st 289 feet to a
point; thence North 13° 08' mast 607.2 feet to a· point (on East line of
Winchester Tract) marked "P5" as shown on said Licensed Surveyor's Map No.
131; thence along the Sast line of the Tract of land conveyed by John
Johns\ton, Jr. and Dell Hale Johns\ton to Gilchrist. Estate Company, a corp-
oration, by deed recorded in Book 872, Pag~ 49 of Deeds, ~ecords bf San
Diego County, North 0° 05' West 1240.83 feet to a point in the center
line of the propos·ed County rtoad leading ~Vesterly through the VJinchester
Ranch, more recently known as the Gilchrist Ranch; thence following the
center line of said proposed County .doad, South 89° 06' West 862.62 feet
to the beginning of a curve to the left and concave to the South having a
radius of 500 feet; thence along said curve through a central angle c!l.,f 15 c
21' a distance of 133.95 feet to the end of curve; thence South 73° 45'
West 971.2 feet to the beginning of a curve to the right, concave to the
North having a radius of 190 feet; thence along said curve thro~gh a central
angle of 8° 05' a distance of 26.8 feet to a point 20 feet North of the
Northeast corner of the Drinkwater Tract as described in deed to Louis

Bothamley recorded in Book 131, page 374 of Deeds; thence South (along the
produced East line of said Drmnkwater Tract, and along the East line of
land conveyed to Annie M. Lane by deed recorded in Book 279, Page 8 of Deeds),
2776.12 feet more or less to point of beginning, said above described Tract
containing 124.578 acres •
. 3xcepting therefrom the land known as the Pumping Tract and the Lot
known as ·the ~te servo i r and Booster l?ump Tract, with the reservations and
subject to the rights-of-way for pipe lines connecting the same, all as
more fully described and referred to in the deed from the Gilchrist Est-
ate Company, a corporation, to 3. :H'. Cowles, dated March 23rd, 1926.
This deed is made subject to all existing encumbrance·s, and particularly subject
to a mortgage from 3. F. Cowles to M. M. Gilchrist, dated March 23, 1926, in the princi-

pal amount of NHJETE~N THOUSAND SEVSl'LB."'UND~E1> Uilm AND 60/100 Dollars (;i!ll9,709.60)
IN Vi IT i'J'E SS WEE~tEOF, the §:rant or has exe outed this instrument under its corporate
name and seal by its proper officers first th~reunto duly authorized, thia 8th day of April,
. GILCH:HST SSTATE COtiPANY, a corporatio ,
By l.'L4.LCOLM H. GILCR.=(IST, :President
(SEAL) Attest: AU,U L. GILCH~I~3T, Secretary.
) BE.
County of Los Angeles)
On this 8 day of April, 1926, before me, H. L. IdOLLER, a Notary Public in and for
said County and State, personally appeared MALCOLM M. GILCHiUST, lmown to me to be the Pres-
ident, and ALM..4. 1. GILCH.1IST, known to me to be the Secretary, of GILCH:liST ESTA'llE COMPANY,
a corporation, t~e corporation that executed the foregoing instrument, known to me to be the
persons who executed the foreeoing instrusent for and on behalf of the corporation therein
named, and they acknowledged to me that such coq)oration executed the same.
H. L. MOLLE.:.t
(SEAL) Notary Public in and· for said County and State
~~ECOi1DED AT l1EQUEST OlP C,ity Clerk Hay 10 1926 at 45 1'\lin. past 2 o'clock .P.I·1., In
Book No. 1204 Pae;e 354 of Deeds, Hecords of San :Jiego County, Calif.
JOHN H. l.i,.Em.2Y, County 3ecorder
By N. C. E.AlWONS, Deputy.
I H.E3EBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Gilchrist Estate Co., to .the City of San Diego, Cs.lii'ornia, being Document No.

B4• f__~~-£:.J.£:::J~~'3..::::::..!:::::..~
Citv Clerk of the City of Sari Diego, California.

Union 'H t le Insurancec".,Company, San Diego, Cal., and Title Insurance and Trust Compa y,
of Los .!~n.;:;e le s, Cal. 153014 GUARANTEE 48-160. Is sued for the benefit and protect ion of S9.n
Diego Securities Company, a corporation, or Assignee; Culmer C. Benton and Mary C. Benton;
Minor H. White and Annie K, White. ·
After a careful ex~mination o£ the official records of the City of San Diego &
County of San Diego, State of California, except those hereinafter mentioned, in relation to
the record title to the land herein described, UNION TITLE Il'JSU~L~i.liCZ COMPANY, a corporation,
of San :Die go, Cal iforn:la, and TITLE I.NSUrtANCE Al.J'D Tm! ST COlJPANY, a corporation, of Los Angeles,
California, (herein called the Insurance Companies) hereby GUArtANTEE, in a s~m not to exceed
$4,250.00, that said title, as appears from said records, is vested in Culmer c. Benton and
Mary C. Benton husband and wife, as joint tenants. ~ .
Free from a 11 encumbrances, except: · '-.j
1. Second installment State and County taxes covering the Southwesterly 70 feet
of the property hereinafter described, for the fiscal year 1925-26, now payable. Boll 18,
page 157, Assessment No. 34816
2. Conditions and restrictions affecting the Southwesterly 70 feet of the property
hereinafter described, contained in deed from Southern Trust and Commerce Bank, a eorporation,
t6 Culmer C. Benton and Mary C. Benton, dated June 8, 1925 and recorded in Book 1087, page
345 of Deeds, as follows:
This deed is made and accepted upon the following conditions subsequent, to-wit:
1st. That said property shall be used for residence purposes only and
that thete shall not be more than two private residences placed on said de-
scribed property or maintained thereon at any time, Provided, however, that
nothing herein contained, shall operate to prevent the said property being
used as a public street, in which event these building restrictions shall
not apply.
2nd. That no building or structure pertaining to or for the conduct

I of any kind of commercial business shall be erected on said property or be

allowed thereon and no tenement, lodging house, boarding house, flat,
hotel, store or factory shall be erected, placed or maintained on said
IJroperty ..
3rd. That no residence or dwelling shall be placed on said property
the cost of which shall be less than $7500.00. .
4th. That all plans of buildings and locations thereof, whether
residences, garages, stables or annexes of any kind shall be submitted to
a~~ approved by the architect of San Diego Securities Company, a corpora-
tion of San Diego, California, before work on such building is begun.
5th. That the front line of any residence or dwelling including
porch and piazza, but not including steps, shall be placed on a line not
less than 15 feet from the nearest point of the front line of said property,
the front line of said property being the boundary line between said prop-
erty and the street upon which it fronts, and no building or addition or
annex to any building shall be placed or erected on said 1~ nearer the
front line thereof than 15 feet. It is undeTstood however, that in the
case of corner lots, this restriction applies equally to the side line of
such lots and any building erected on a corner lot shall be placed not
less than 15 feet from the nearest point of the side line of said proper-
6th. That no part of said premises shall be sold leased or rented
to or suffered to be occupied by as tenants, for hire or gratuiously,
any person not of the white or caucasian race.
7th. That no intoxicating liquors of any kind or character shall be
sold or permitted to be sold on said property, that no saloon shall ever
be maintained or kept thereon.
8th. That no turkeys, geese or ducks shall be kept or allowed to
be kept on said land and that no animals usually termed "farrn animals n
except horses, shall be kept or allowed to be kept on said property.
9th, That no fence, railing or hedge over thirty inch~s in height
shall be permitted in front of the 15 foot buitding ·line established as
aforesaid nor shall any fence, railing or hedge be over sixty inches in
height in rear of said line. ·
Upon the breach of· either or any of the foree:;oins conditions the ,
title to said property hereby conveyed, and the whole thereof shall be-
come at once divested from the sa·id. party of the second part, their sur-
vivor, heirs or assigns, and shall revert to and revest in the said
party o£ the first part, its successors and assigns, and the said r)arty
of the first part, its successors and assign~, shall be entitled to the
immediate l:Jossession of said premises and may re-enter and take possessio.n
thereof, and the said par.j:·y··.'Of the second part, their surviror, heirs and
assigns, will peaceabl~ and quietly surrender the possession of the same
to the said party of the first part, its successors or assigns.
Frovided however, that the breach of any of the foregoing covenants
or any re-entry by reason of such breach, shall not defeat or render in-
valid the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in ~ood faith and
for value as the said realty or any part thereof, but said covenants
shall be binding upon and effective against any subsequent owner of said.
NOTE: Similar conditions and restrictions affecting all of the property herein-
after described, excepting the Southwesterly 70 feet thereof, are contained in the deea from
Southern Trust and Commerce Bank, a corporation, to Culmar c: Benton and Mary c. Benton, I
dated June 10, 1925 and recorded in Book 1070, page 413 of Deeds, records of San Diego County.
3. An Agreement to Convey the SouthWesterly 70 feet of the property hereinafter
described executed by Culmer C. Benton and I\lary C. Benton, husband and wife, to Minor H.
\~hi te and Annie K. White, recorded in Book 1081, page 387 of Deeds.
4. A Mortga~e affecting this and other property executed June 10, 1925 by Culmer
C. Ben ton and Llary C. Ben ton, husband and wife, Mortgagers, in favor of San Die go Se curi ties
Company, a corporation, Mortgagee, and recorded June 15, 1925, in the office of the County
3ecorder of said San Diego County, in Book 437, page 400 of Mortgages, which said mortgage
was given to secure a promissory note of the Hortgagors, in favor of the Mortgagee, for
Three Thousand Dollars ($3000.00), of date May 25, 1925, payable on or before No~mber 25,
1928, with interest from date at seven per cent. per annum, payable quarterly.
NOTES: (1) The foregoing mortgage contains the following recital:
And the I'.1ortgagee hereby covenants with the Mortgagors that upon the
receipt of the sum of :!~500.00 to apply upon the within and foregoing
note, the said Mortgagors may request and shall be entitled to a re-
lease of any portion or parcel of the within described property up
to but not exceeding one-sixth of its total area.
(2) The description of the foregoing mortgage, except from the property
described therein "that portion of Lot ·1001;:. c,onveyed by Southern Trust
and Commerce Bank to Culmer C. Benton and Mary C. Benton, by deed dated
Ma;/ 8, 1925. rr The records disclose no such deed of record af'fe ct ing the
property hereinafter described.
D E S C a I P~T I 0 N
All that portion of Lot One Hundred (100) of Point Lorna Villas, in the City of Sa
Die go, County of San Die go, State of California, according to map the_reof No. 1587, filed in
the office of the Qounty ~ecorder of said San Diego County, July 8, 1913, described as fol-
lows: ~
Beginning at a point on the Southeasterly line of said Lot One Hundred (100) where
said Southeasterly line intersects the Northeasterly line of Zola Street as said Street is
shown on map No. 165 of Roseville on file in the office of the County 3ecorder of said San
Diego County; thence North 53°57' West along the Northwesterly extension of the Northeast-
erly line of said Zola Street 159.~4 feet, to the beginning of a curve concave to the East,
having a radius of 25 feet; thence along the arc of aaid curve 51.88 feet to a point on the
Southerly line of Chatsworth Boulevard from which the center of said curve bears South 25°
03' 28'' East; thence Westerly along said Southerly line of Chatsworth Boulevard to intersec-1
tion with the Northwesterly extension of the Southwesterly line of Zola Street above mention-
ed; thence Southeasterly along said extended line of Zola ;)treet to the Southeasterly line
of said Lot One Hundred (100); thence Northeasterly along said Southeasterly line 70 feet
to the point of beginning.
This ~uarantee is issued upon the following conditions and stipulations:
1. Ho pro vis ionDor condition of this Guarantee can be waived or cl:anged except
by writing endorsed hereon or attached hereto and signed by the President, a Vice-President
of the Secretary of either of the Insurance Companies. ·
2. The liability of the Insurance Companies shall in no case exceed in all the
amount stated on the firs~ page hereof and shall in all cases be limited to the actual loss
of the persons and corporations for whose benefit and protection this Guarantee is issued as
their respective interests may appear, provided, that each subsequent owner or pledgee of
any indebtedness secured by mortgage or deed of trust shown herein shall be entitled to, and
shall have, all the protection, rights and remedies secured to the original owner thereof
by the issuance of this Guarantee.
3. Any loss shall be payable within thirty days after the amount thereof has
been definitely fixed.
4. This Guarantee does not include examination of or report on:
a. Adverse claims or rights not shown by such official records.
b. iZeservations in federal or state patents, water rights, or ownership
of the subterranean waters of San Diego 3iver.
c. Proceedings for municipal or district improvements by local assess-
\ ment, unless such assessment has become a record lien.
d. Proceedings by an adjoining City, for improvement of, or sewers in,
any street or public place forming an exterior boundary of San Diego
City. .
e. The validity of any easement, lease, declaration of homestead, attach-
ment, public assessment, tax sale of money judgment mentioned herein.
f. Action by any governmental or public a6ency for the purpose of reg-
ulating, restricting or controlling the occupancy or use of the land
herein described, or any building thereon.
In Testimony ~Vhereof, the UNION TITLE INSU1-tANCE CQr.IPANY has caused these presnets
to be duly signed by its President and attested by its Assistant Secretary, under its corp-
orate seal, and the TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY has caused these presents to be duly
signed by its President, attested by its Assistant Secretary, under its corporate seal, this
28th day of December, 1925, at 8:00 A.M.,
Unl td.
By JNO. F. FORWARD, President
(SEAL) Attest: F. G. .B'03WA3D, Assistant Se ere tary
By WILLIAhl H. ALLEN, JR., President
(SEAL) Attest: .:ct. J. BLAE{, Assistant Secretary.
n. 1

We, CUU~E~1 C. BElfTON and EA.RY c. BENTON, husband and wife, for and in consideratio
of the sum of TEN AND N0/100 DOLLARS, Do Hereby Grant to THE CITY O.iP SAN DIEGO, a Municipal
Corporation, All that Real ~roperty situated in the City of San Diego, County o£ San Diego,
State of California, bounded and described as follows:
I All that portion of Lot One Hundred (100) of Point Lorna Villas, according to map
thereof Ho. 1587, filed in the, office of the County 3ecorder of suid San Diego County, July
8, 1913, described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the Southeasterly line of said Lot One Hundred (100) where
said Southeasterly line intersects the Northeasterly line of Zola Street as said Street is
shown on map No. 165 of 3oseville on file in the office of the County Recorder of said San
Die 5o County; thence North 53" 57' West along the Northvvesterly extension of the Northeaster-
ly line of said Zola Street 159.04 feet to the beg'inning of a curve concave to the East, hav
ing a radius of 25 feet; thence along the urc of said curve 51.88 feet to a point on the
Southerly line of Chatsworth Boulevard from which the center o£ said curve bears South 25°
03' 28" East; thence Westerly aloni; said Southerly lihe of Chatsworth Boulevard to intersec-
tion with the Northwesterly extension of the Southwesterly line of Zola Street above mention
ed; thence Southeasterly along said extended line of Zola Street to the Southeasterly line
of said Lot One Hundred ( 100) ; thence Northeasterly along said Sou the aster ly line 70 feet to
the point of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises unto the said Grantee
its successors and assigns forever.
Witness our hands and seals this 21st day of April, 1926.
State of CJ.LI?O.i.lliiA)
County of San Diego) ss.
On this 21st day of April, 1926, before me, :HELEN G. BELSHE, a Eotary Public in an
for said County and State, personally appeared Culmer C. Benton and Mary C. Benton, known to
me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledge
to me that they executed the same.

I written.
WITlmss my hand and official seal the day and year in this Certificate first above
Notary Public in and for said County and State
IffiCO]DED AT REQl~ST OF City Clerk I:!AY 11 1926 at 45 Min. past 2 o'clock P.l\.I., In
Book No. 1204 Page 357 of DEEDS, :iecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FE3RY, County ~eborder
By N. C. ?ARSONS, Deputy.
-I HEREBY CE:RTI.?Y that the above and foregoing is· a full, true and correct copy of
Grant Deed from Culmer C. Benton and Mary C. Benton, to the City of San Diego, California,
being Document No. 189120.

I of May 19 26.
V:i. L. ERAZE3
State of California,)
County of San Diego,) ss.
On this 13th day of lday _1\. D. Nineteen Hundred and twent~r-six before me, Y~ .• .A.
Jacques q Notary Public in and for said County, residing therei-n, duly commissioned and swor ,
personally appeared W. L. 1Prazer and Maude E. Frazer, husband and wi£e, known to me to be.
the persons described in an whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknow-
ledged to me that they executed the same.
Viitnes.s my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
written. \
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of Sen ~iego,
State of California.
rtECOrtDED AT HEQU:~ST OF City Clerk MAY 19 1926 at 55 Min. past 2 o'clock P.I~i., In
Book No. 1204 ?age 394 of D~EDS, B.ecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H• .?ER3Y, County 3ecorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CE.i:ZTI~'Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from w. L. Frazer and Maude E. Frazer, to the City of Sen Diego, California, being Doc-
ument No. 189342.
San Diego, California.

Scott s. Graves·, a person, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar,
receipt whereof is hereby ~cknowledged, .do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Illunicipal
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way
for a public street .over, along and across all that real property situated in the City of San
Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described a§ follows:
The east forty (40) feet of the south one hundred twenty {120) feet of the SE! of
Lot 30, Horton's Purchase o£ Ex-J:..Ussion Lands, according to the official Map thereof .No. 283,
on file in the office of the County aecorder of San Diego County, California.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right of way as
and for a public street.
Witness my hand and seal this 13th day of M~y 1926.
State of California,)
County of San Diego,) ss.
On this 13th day of May A.. D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-six before me, Y. A.
JACQUES a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn~
personally appeared Scott s. Graves, a single person, known to me to be. the person described
in and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, v.nd;acknowledged to me that he ex-
ecuted the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary ?ublic in and for the County of San Diego, .
State of California.
RECORDED AT HEQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 19 1926 at 54 Min. past 2 o'clock .P.]:I., In
Book No. 1204 .Page 393 of DEEDS, 3.ecords of San Diego County, Calif.
lJOHN H. FERl:tY, County :~ecorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HE:rtEBY CERTI.B1 Y that the above and foregoinG is a full, true and correct copy of
Sasement from Scott A. Graves, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

Louis A • .inorentin and Jane A. Plorentin, husband and wife, for and in com'lideration
of the sum of One Dollar, receipt whereof is hereby acknowiledged, do hereby grant to The City
of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diebo, State of California, an
easement and right of way for a public street over, along and across all that real pr.operty
situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and de-
scribed as follows:
The east 40 feet of the st of the lJEi of Lot 30, Horton's Purchase, of Ex-Mission
Lands, according to the official Map thereof No. 283, filed in the office of the County ~e­
corder of San Diego County, California.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right of way as
and for a public stteet.
Witness our hands. and seals this 14th day o f May 19 2 6 .
State of California,) s s •
County of San Die~o, )
On this 14th day of May A • .D. Nineteen Hundred and Tv.-enty Six before me, .B1 red w.
Sink a Notary £ublic in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared Louis A•. Florentin~ and Jane A. Florentin~, husband and wife known to me
to be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and
acknowled5ed to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary ~ublic in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
itECOilDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 19 1926 at. 56 Bin. past 2 o'clock P.M., In
Book No. 1204 Page 396 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H• .H'ERJY, County Recorder
By L, B. WOODArtD, Deputy.
I BE.aEBY CEitTH,Y that the above and forego,ing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement from Louis A • .i!'lorentin and Jane A • .B'lorentin, to the City of San Diego, California,
being Document No. 189358.

THIS IHDEITTU.RE, made this 17th day of I':Iay, 1926, be tween TIIE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, a
municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, party of the first
part, anq CH.ARLES H. KWVm and ML:l.4. A. BrtOWN, husband and wife; and .lOY L •. SNAVELY and FLOR-
ENCE L. SNAVELY, husband and wife, parties of the second part, WITNESSETH:
In order to effect an exchange of an easement of right of wa.y for sewer purposes
already held and owned by the City of San Diego for a different, distinct and a more avail~
able easement o:t' right of way for a public sewer pipe line over, along and across portions
of Acre Lots 61 and 62 of Pacific Beach, in the City of San Diego, California; and
In consideration of the premises and in lieu of a grant by their deed of date May
lOth, 1926, to said City, by Charles E. Brown and l•.Ura A. Brown, husband and wife; and ~~oy 1.
Snavely apd Florence L. Snavely, husband and wife, of a right of way for sewer purposes over,
along and across certain lands in Acre Lots 61 and 62, Pacific Beach, according to Map there-
of No. 854, filed in the Office of the County .lecorder of San·Die~o County, California, the
said party of the first part does by these presents remise, release and ·forever quitclaim un-
to the parties of the second part all its right, title, interest and estate in or to the fol-
lowing described real property, situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State
of California, bounded and describ~d as follows, to-wit:
A portion of Acre Lots 61 and 62, Pacific Beach, according to the Official Amended
Map thereof filed in the Office of the County 3ecorder of the County of San Diego, Califor-
nia, an easement and right of way being six feet in width, three ~eet on each side of the
following described center lines:
Beginning at a point on the east line of said Acre Lot 61 where the same
is intersected by the westerly prolongation of the center line of the alley
in Block 282, said Pacific Beac~; thence westerly on a line whibh is t~e west-
erly prolongation of the center line of the alley in said ~lock 282 to the
west line of said Acre Lot 62, excepting the portion of said right of way
lying within Kendall Str·e e t; ALSO

Beginning at a point on the east line of said Acre Lot 61 where the
same is interseOted ~y the westerly prolongation of the center line of
the Alley in Block 307, said ?acific Beach; thence westerly on a line
which is the westerly prolongation of the center lin~ of the alley in
said Block 307 to the west line of Acre Lot 62, said ?acific Beach, ex-

I cepting the portion of said right of way lying within Kendall Street.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the said premises together with appurtenances
unto the said parties of the second partm their heirs and assigns fo~ever.
IN WIT.NESS WliE3.E0.1!1 , the said party of the first part, by 3esolution of its Common
Council, has caused these presents to be subscribed by the Mayor and City Clerk of said City
and its corporate name and seal to be hereuhto affixed the day and year first above written.
ATTEST: ALLEN H. 'vV::tiGHT By John 1. Bacon
City Clerk of said City. Mayor of said City.
) 8 s.
County of San Diego.)
On this 17th day of May, in the year Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six, before me,
Fred w. Sick, a Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego, State of California, per~
sana lly appeared JOHN L. BACON, known to me to be the I;Iayor of The City of San Diego, the
munici~oal corporation that executed the within instrument, and ALLEN H. VV1UGHT known to me
to be the City Clerk of The City of San Diego, the municipal corporation that executed the
within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such municipal corporation executed the same.
1!1 red W. Sick
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
I HEREBY CERTH,Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Quitclaim Deed, from the City of San Diee;o, California to Chas. H. Brown, being Docp.ment
;' !
City the City of San Diego, California.

I uty.

Thomas M. Allan and Jeannie Allan, husband and wife, for and in consideration of
the sum of One Dollar, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to The City
of San Die 5o, .a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an
ease~ent and right of way for a public street, over, along and across all that real property
situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and de-
scribed as follows:
All that portion of Block 18, Wadsworth's Olive Grove, according to Ma~ thereof No.
482, on file in the office of the County Recorder of San Die~o County, California, and lying
30 feet on each side of the following described center line, to-wit: ·
Beginning at a point which bears North 5lc 12' 20 11 West, a di!:;1tance of 84.81 feet
from the northwest corner of said Block 18; thence southeasterly on a curve whose tangent ...
bears South 85° 28' East, with a radius of 500 feet, throu5h an angle of 3lc 53 1 a distance J .:. t

of 278.23 feet to a point; thence south 53° 35' East, tangent to said curve, a distance of
586 feet to a point, (excepting therefrom a triangular strip of land along the easterly
side of said Block 18, described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Bloc
18; thence southwesterly along the easterly line of said Block 18 to the southeast corner
thereof; thence northeasterly to a point on the north line of said Block 18 far·--enough west
from the northeast corner of said Block 18 to contain in said triangular strip of land 66/100
acres; thence east on said north line of said Block 18 to the point of beginning).
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right-of-way as
and for a public street.
Witness our hands and seals this 7 day of Hay 1926.

I State of California,)
County of San Diego,) 8 S·

On this Seventh day of May A. D. Nineteen Hundred arid twenty six before me, Edmund
o. Thompson a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Thomas M. Allen and Jennie Allen known to me to be the persons de-
scribed in and whose names are subscribed to the within instru~ent, and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official ¢eal the day and year in this certificate first·above
( S 'w:;" ••1.,..l.J ) Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
My Commission Expires State of California.
March 31, 1930.
RECORDED AT 3ECUEST OF City Clerk MAY 25 1926 at 3 o'clock P.M., In Book No. 1117
ia6e 240 of Deeds, 3ecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. l'1ERaY, County :iecorder
By N. C. rARSOJ:JS, Deputy.
I HEU.EBY CBRTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement from Thomas I,f. Allan and J·eannie Allan, to the City of San Diego, California, being
Document No. 189522.
City /)rk of the City of San Diego, California.

We, S. T. Guymon, Jr. and Ernestine Guymon, husband and wife, of San Diego; Calif-
ornia, for and in consideration of the sum of One Doll~r, receipt whereof is hereby acknowle ged,
do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Worporation, in the County of San Diego,
state of California, an easement and right of way for a public street over, along and across
all that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Cal-
ifornia, bounded and described as follows:
All _J).ortion ()~~. the south ~t~ of Lot 31, Horton's Purchase of Ex-Mission l1ancho,
according to the official map thereof No. 283, on file in the office of the County Recorder

of San Diego County, California, particularly described as follows, to-wit;

Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 31; tpence north along the west line
thereof a distance of 153.42 feet to a point; thence northeasterly making an angle of 73° 0'
with said west line of Lot 31, a distance of 698.10 feet to a point; thence on a curve south 1
easterly, tah~ent to the last named course, with a radius of 190 feet through an angle of 46
0', a distance of 152.54 feet to a point; thence southeasterly tangent to said curver a dis-
tance of 568.77 feet to a point; thence southeasterly on a curve tangent to the last named
course, with a radius of 210 feet, through an angle of 3° 24' 45n, a distance of 12.51 feet
to a point on the east line of said Lot 31; thence south along said east line a distance of
60.41 feet to the southeast corner of said Lot 31; thence west along the south line of said
Lot 31, a distance of 56.7ili feet to a point; thence northwesterly along a line, making an·
ang~ of 29° 0' with the south line of said Lot 31, a distance of 560.87 feet to a point;
thence westerly on a curve, tangent to the last named course, with a radius of 110 feet,
through an angle of 46° 0', a distance of 88.31 feet to a point; thence southwesterly, tange 't
to said curve, a distance of 672.04 feet to a point; thence southerly on a curve, tangent to
the 'last named course, with a radius of 40 feet, through an angle of 73° 0', a distance of
50.96 feet to a point; thence southerly, tangent to said curve, a distance of 46.27 feet to
a point on the south line of said Lot 31; thence west along said south line, a distance of
20 feet to the point of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right of way as
and for a public street.
Witness our hands and seals this 17th day of May 1926.
E • T. GUYMON, J~1. , (SEAL)
State of California,)
County of San Diego,) ss.
On this 17th day of May A. D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-six before me, A. v.
I:~ons ~~ Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared 3. T. GUYMON, J~{. ,. and B3ITSSTINE GUYMON known to me to be the persons
described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same.
W~tness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission expires
Jan. 9, 1930
A. V. LYONS ..:
Notary i'ublic in and fo1· the County of Sen Diego,
State of California.
itECO:WED AT ::tEQU.~ST OF City Clerk MAY 25 1926 at 3 o'clock P.M., in Book no. 1218
Page 142 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. PE33Y, County aecorder
By N. C. PA~tSONS, Deputy.
I HE.:tEBY CERTI.E'Y that the above and forec!;oing isa full, true and correct copy of
Easement from E. T. Guymon, Jr., and Ernestine Guymon, to the City of San Diego, California,
bein3 Document No. 189524.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

Chas. :-:. Jobinson, and Nan .H'. ~iobinson, husband and wife, and O. D. Sevier and Vivi~n
C. Sevier, husband and Wife, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar, recei~t wherd-
of is hereby acknowledged, do :hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal CorporationJ
in the County of San Diego, State of California, an ease~ent and right of way for a public J

street over, along and across all that real property situated in the City of San Diego, Country
of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: I
The east forty (40) feet of the north three hundred forty-two (342) feet of the
south four hundred sixty-two (462) feet of the SEt of Lot 30, Horton's Purchase of Ex-I\Tissio
Rancho, accordintS to the official Map thereof :No. 283, on file in the office of the County
Recorder of San :Die.go County . .
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easer:Jent right of way as and
for a public st~eet.
Witness our hands and seals this 17th day of Hay 1926.
0. D. SEVIE::t ( en.; r. T. )


State of California,)
County of San Diego,) 8 S·
On this 17th day of May A. D. Nineteen Hundred and twepty-six before me, Y. A.
Jacques a Notary I;ublic in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally arJpeared Chas. ~L !t.obinson, & Nan .E'. ].oqinson, husband and wife, and 0. D.
Sevier and Vivian C. Sevier, husband and wife, known to me to be the persons described in an
whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they exe-
cuted the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day ~nd year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
REC03DED. AT rtEQUEST 0~, City Clerk !.lAY 25 1926 at 3 0 I clock P.M., In Book No. 1195
Page 411 of De~ds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. ll'E£EtY, County He corder
By N. C. PAJSONS, Deputy.
I HE.:iE.BY CE!lTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Eastment, from Vivian C. Sevier, 0. D. Sevier, Chas. J. ~tobinson and Nan JP. 3obinson, to the
City of San Diego, Californi~, being Document No. 189526.
City Clerk of The City of San Diego, California.
E 1~ S E !d S lJ T
Meyer Goldstein, and Anna Goldstein, husband and wife, for and in consideration
of the sum of One Dollar, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to The Cit
of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an
easement and right of way for a public street over, along and across all that real p~operty
I situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and de-
scribed as follows:
The east 30 fee.t of the North f! of the SEt of Lot 29, Hort.on 's Purchase of Ex-Mis-
sion Lands, according to the official llap thereof No. 283, filed in the office of the County
3ecorder of San Diego County, California.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right of way as
and for a public stte~t.
Witness our hands and seals this 18th day of May 1926.
State of California,)
County of San Diego,) ss.
On this 18th day of May, A. D. Nineteen Htindred and twenty-six before me, Y. A.
Jacques a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Meyer Gol&stein and Anna Goldstein, husband and wife, known to me
to be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and
acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
( SEXL): _ Notary ?uhlic in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
:lliC01UYE.D AT 7{EQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 25 1926 at 3 0 clock P.M.' In Book Jlfo. 1174

Pac:;e 415 of .Deeds, .]ecords of San Diego County, Calif.

JOHN H. :B1E1U!Y, County 3.ecorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I ;.:~: ,-; ·I HE~l3BY CE.!.\TI.PY that the above and foret;;oing is a full, true and correct copy of
Eastment, from Meyer Goldstein and Anna Goldstein, to the City of San Diego, California, be-
ing Dociument No. 189528.
City S n Diego, California.

J. G. Ambrose, a single person, and B. E. Northington, a single person, for and in
consideration of the sum of One Dollar, receipt whereof is· hereby acknowledged, do hereby
grant to The City o.f San Diego, a 1\lunicipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State
of California, an ea~ement and right of way for a publi<r:: street over, along and acros·s all
that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Califor-
nia, bounded and described as follows: .
The east 30 feet of the S.?z of the SE~ o£ Lot 16, Horton's .Purchase of Ex-'Mission
Lands, according the official map thereof No. 283, filed in the office of the County itecorde
of San Diego County, California.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right of way as
and for a public street.
~witness our hands and seals this Eighteenth day of May 1926.
By J. G. , AMBlWSE, A tty in lPact( SEAL)
State of California,)
County of San Diego,) ss.

I On this 18th day o:t' May A. D. Nine<teen Hundred and twenty-six before me, Y. A.
Jacques a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared J. G • .Ambrose, a single person, lr..nown to me to be the person de-
·scribed in and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and aclmowledged to me
that he executed the same. ·
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary .Public in and for the County of San Die go,
State of California.
STATE 0~' CALI.B1 0~tNLtl.,) .
On this 18th day of Iviay, in the year Nine teen Hundred and twenty-six before me, Y.
A. JACc:uzs, a Notary Public in and for. said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, nersona lly an1Je a red J. G. Ambrose: known to me to be the person whose name is aub-
s or i bed~ to the ·~within. Histrurne:nt as the _attorney in fact-of B·.- -E •- Northington~· ,~r;J.d- ackn()w-
led6ed to me that he subscribed the name of· B• E. Northington thereto\as principal:, and his
own name as attorney in fact.
WI'nmss my hand and ofticial seal the day and year in this certificate first a1Jove
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
J.EC03DED AT ::ffiQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 25, 1926, at 3 o'clock :P.:M., In }3ook No.
1117 Pa6e 241 of Deeds, ~eciords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FE11:~Y, County Recorder
BY. N. C. P.43.SONS, Deputy.

I I m~rSBY CE::.tTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Basement, from B. E. Northington and J. G. Ambrose, to the City of San Diego, California, be
ing Document No. 189530.
City of Callfdrnia.
:,.· , .. ·~ -·~· .. ~

Orlando Hayes and Merle Hayes, husb"and and wi::t'e, for and in consideration of the
sum of One Dollar, receipt whereof is hereby ac1rnowledged, do hereby QUITCLAHI to The City
of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in tbe County of San Diego, State of California, an

easement and ri8ht of way for a public street, over, along and across all that real property
situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and de-
s or tbe d as follows: · · _
All that portion of Block 18, of Wadsworth's Olive Grove, according to hlap thereof
No. 482, on :(ile in the office of the County ..:iecorder of San Diego Co.unty, California, and
lying 30 feet on each side of·the following described center line, to-wit:
,Beginning at a point which bears North 51° 12' 20" West, a distance of 84~81 feet
from the north'Nest corner of said Block 18; thence southeasterly on a· curve whose tangent
bears South 85° 28' E~st, with a radius of 500 feet, through an angle of 31° 53' a distance
of 278.23 feet to a point; thence South 53° 35' East, tangent to said curve, a distance of
586 feet to a point, (excepting therefrom a triangular strip of land along the easterly side
of said Block 18, described as follows: Beginning ·at tbe no1·theast corner of said Block 18;
thence southwesterly along the easterly line of said Block 18 to the ·southeast corner there-
of; then.ce northeasterly to a point on the north line of said Block 18 far enough west from
the noitheast corner o£ said Block 18 to contain in said tri~n~ular ~trip of land 66/100
acres; thence east on said north line of said Block 18 to the point of beginning).
~.o Eave and to Hold the above quitclaimed and descri1Jed easement and right of way·
as and for a public street.
~itness our hands and seals this 19 day of Nay 1926
State of California~)
County of San Diego,)ss.
On this 19th day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-six before me, Y. A. 1
Jacques a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly co~~issioned and sworn,
personally appeared Orlando Hayes and J:.Ierle Hayes, husband and wife, known to me to be the I
persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed the same. _
hitness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Publfc in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
:lECOHDE.i;l AT BEQUEST 01!., City CLE:"tK May 25 1926 at 3 o'clock P.I•E., In Book No. 1195
Page 409 of Deeds, 3ecords of San Die~o County, Calif.
JOHN H. ~E~RY, County Recorder
By N. C. PArtSONS, De}JU ty.
I HE3.3BY CE3TIE'Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and corre'ct copy of
Quitclaim.Easement, from Orlando Hayes and J·,Ierle Hayes, to the City of San -Diego, California,
being :Uocurnent ·Ho. 189532.
City Clerk of the City of San DiegQi~California.

I,· Tillie Genter, an unmarried woman, for and in consideration of One Dollar do
hereby grant to The City of San :Diego, a T'.'Iunicj.>jpat Corporation, in the County of San Die eo,
State .of California, an easement and right of way for alley purposes, through, along and
across all that real property situated in the City of Sun Die·go, County of San Diego, State
of California, bounded and described as follows:
Thli·t portion of the Tract of land marked "Genteru as shown on I1Iap .of J. G. Ru~ne 's
Addition to La Jolla Park, accordi11g to Map thereof .No. 1Z07, filed in the Office of the
County :tecorder o~f said San Diec;o County, described as follows:
Beginning at the northwest corner of said. Genter Tract; thence east along tJ1e nort
line of said tract to an intersection with the east line of the alley in Block 5, La Jolla
Park; thence south along tl1e southerly pro.longation of the east line. of the alley in said
Block 5, to the south line of said Genter Tract; thence west along the south line of said
Genter Tract to the corner of said Genter Tract; thence north along the west. line
of said Genter Tract to the point or place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of W!!!t.y . for alley lJUrposes.
. ; ~:· Wi tne·SEl my .hand and seal this 15 day of June·' 1926. ..
State of California )
County of San Diego:) ss
. On this 15th day of June A. D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-six before oe, Ethlin
Thurmond a .Notary rublic in and for said County, residing therein, duly corDmissioned and
sworn, personally a.J:Jpeared Tillie Genter known to me to be the person described in and whos
name is subscri.bed to the within instrument, and acknovvledged to me tha.t she executed the
Witness my hend Etnd Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of Sari Diego,
My Commission Expire 8 Dec. 28, 19 27 . State of Ce.lifornia.
3ECO::IDBD AT JEQUE.ST OF City Clerk JUN 30 1926 ?..t 50 I.lin. pa8t'9 o'clock A.I\I., In
Book No. 1117 .Page 372 of Deeds, 3ecords of San Diego County, Calif.
· JOHN H. 1!,EJ.21Y, 1county 3ecorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. -

I HEJEBY CE~iTI1:t1 Y that the above and foregoing is a full, t.:i·ue and correct C(CD.PY of
Easement from 'rillie Genter, to the Cit~' of San Diego, Celifornia, being Document No. 191064
.ALLEN H. lf!2UGH'l1

1/.-L-.,"'<--of~. ~-o~!·~:t:.d- D~l~·e= :c,~"'o: . . ~C!:::a?fl

/J't h ..b:' if o rn i a .
I, George Clarke 3ose, a bachelor, for and in consideration of One Dollar and
omher valuable consideration, do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a municipal corpora-
tion in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for~street
or road purposes through, along and across all that real property'situated in the City of Sart

I Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, described as follows;

A port ion of ?ueblo Lots 1286, 1288 and 1289 of the Pueblo Lands of Diego, ac-
cording to Map thereof made· by James ?ascoe in the year 1870, a copy of' which map is filed
in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said eas.emen t and right of·
way being sixty (60) feet in width, thirty (30) faet on each side of the following described
center lines:
Beginning at a point on the northerly line of said Pueblo Lot 1289, distant 7·17.33
feet South 75 degrees 24 minutes West, from the northeasterly corner of said l1leblo Lot 1289~
thence southwesterly on a curve to the right, aLong the arc of a circle, the center of which
bears South 87 degrees 18 minutes 38 seconds West 200 feet from sa~ last described point, a
distance of 157.45 feet to a point; thence South 42 degrees 25 minutes West, a distance of
100.00 feet to a point; thence southwesterly on a curve to the right, along the arc of a
circle the center of which bears North 47 degrees 35 minutes West 800 .feet from said last de-
scribed point, a distance of 188.26 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGillliiNG;
Thence continuing along the arc of said circle last above described, a distance of
212.00 feet to a point; thence South 71 degrees 05 minutes West, a distance of 1264.88 feet
to a point; thence westerly on a curve to the right along the arc of a circle, the center of
which bears North 18 degrees 55 minutes West 900 feet, from said last described point, a disti-
ance of 355.39 feet to a point; thence North 86 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds West, a dis tancle
of 579.09 feet to a point; thence westerly and southwesterly on a curve to the left, along tlie
arc of a circle the center of which bears South 3 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds ~-~est 800 feetl
from the said last described point, a distance of' 360.00 feet to a point in Torrey Pines ~oa~,
excepting the portion hereof lying within Torrey E~nes ~oad; ALSO,
Beginning at a point on the northerly li-ne of said Pueblo Lot 1289, distant 717.33
feet South 75 degrees 24 minutes West from the northeasterly corner of said :Pueblo Lot 1289;
thence southwesterly on a curve to the right, along the arc of a circle the center of which
bears South 87 degrees 18 minutes 38 seconds West 200 feet from said last described point, a

I distance ot: 157~45 feet to a point; thence South 42 degrees 25 minutes West, a distance of
100 feet to a point; thence southwesterly on a cur·ve to the right, along the arc of a circle
the center of which bears North 47 degrees 35 minutes West 800 feet from said last described
point, a distance of 400.26 feet to a point; thence South 71 degrees 05 minutes West, a dist-
ance of' 1264.88 feet to a point; thence westerly on a curve to the right along the arc of a
circle, the center of which bears North 18 degrees 55 minutes West 900 feet from said last
described point, a distance of 355.39 feet to a point, being the TRUE ?OINT 0.1!, BEGINNING;
Thence south 86 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds East, a distance of 74.65 feet to a·
point; thence southeasterly on a curve to the rie;ht along the arc of a circle the center of
which bears South 3 degrees 42 minutes 30.seconds :fJast, 900 feet from said last described
point, a distance of 209.83 feet to a point; thencre South 72 degrees 56 minutes East, a dis-
tance of 1817.09 feet to a point. .
This instrument is executed on the agreed conditions that the City of San Diego
shall exempt from 1926 taxes and thereafter, the above described roads; that immediately up-
on the completion of the grading of the road described by the within easement first herein-
above, the city shall, at its own expense, grade and surface with decomposed granite a forty
foot roadway acceptable to the City of San Diegp for street purposes, within the easement
last above described and also extending to ~ connection with Torrey Pines Road, being a tot-
al distance of approximately 2742 feet in length. The City of San Diego shall be exempt from
the lien of State and County taxes for the year 1925~26 upon the said above described roads.
In consideration of the above grant, the City of San Diego hereby waives all its
right, title and interest in and to that certain road running easterly and westerly in Fueblo
Lots 1286 and 1289 and commonly known as "City Farm .:::-{oad", which said road is not identified
by the particular descriptions herein contained.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easements unto the said grant-
ee, its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for. street or road purposes.
Witness my hand and seal this 15th day of b'ebruary, 1926.

I State of California,)
County of San Die go,)
) s s.

On this 15th day of ..B'ebruary, 19 26, before me, E. H. Brooks, a Notary l1lblic in and!
for said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeare~
George Clark ;iose, known to me to be the person wh·ose name is subscribed to the within instru!-
ment and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal, the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Pub lie in and for d County and State.
U~:··1eommission expires, May 28, 1926. ·
liECOiWED AT itEQUEST Oii' City Clerk MA_-t 2 1926 at 2 o 'cloc~ ?.M., In Book No. 1188
?age 66, ~ecords .of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. :h'E:EiY, County .itecorder
By N. C. PA~SONS, DepUty.
I HE...=tEBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true ~and foregoing is a
full, true and correct copy of Deed, from George Clarke Rose, to the City of San Diego, Cal-
ifornia, being Document No. 185716.
City California.

BY!~~~~~~'-~~~~~~~~~~ uty

Alfred Geroy and Ellen E~ Geroy, husband and wife, for and in consideration of the
sum of One Dollar, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to The City of' SaD·
Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of' San Diego, State of California, an easement
and right of way for a public street over, along and across all that real property situated
in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and deseribed as
follows: ·
The east 30 feet of' the s.t of the NEt of' Lot 29, Horton 'a :Purchase of Ex-Mission
Lands, according to the official map thereof No. 283, filed in the office of the County :as-
corder of San Diego County, Califortiia. ~
i'o Have and to Hold the above granted and descrihed easement and right of way as
and for a public street. . ·
Witness our hands and sealri this 15 day of May 1926.
State of California,)
County of San Diego,) ss
On this 15 day of May A. D. Nineteen-Hundred and twenty six before me Edmund o.
Thompson a Notary :Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly cor.1missioned and swo:rn,
personally appeared Alfred Geroy and Ellen E. Geroy, Husband and Wife known to me to be the II
persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Public inand for the County of San Diego,
My Commission Expires March 31, 1930. State ofCalifornia.
:.tECORDED AT l~EQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 25 1926, at 3. o '.clock P.M., In Book No. 1174
Page 414 of Deeds, aecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. ]~JLqY, County Recorder
By N. C. ?Ai~SONS, Deput~.
I HEREBY CErtTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement, f~om Alfred Geroy and Ellen E. Geroy to the City of San Diego, California, being
Document Uo. 189534.
City of San Diego~· California.

By~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ puty.

WE, Charles H. Brown and Mira A. Brown, r husband and wife; and Roy L. Snavely and
1Horence ·1. Snavely, husband and wife, for and in ·conside'ration oj( TEll DOLLARS do hereby
grant to The City of San· Diego, a M~tcipal Corpor-ation, in the Comrty of. San Diego, State o:1i'
California, an• easement and right of way for the construction, ope rat ion and maintenance of II
a sewer pipe line and appurtenances through along and across - all that real property situated
in the Cit·y of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Ca~ifornia, bounded and described as
follows: ·
A portion of Acre Lots 61 and 62 of Pacific Beach, according to the Map thereof No.
854, filed in the office of the Recorder of said San Diego County, September 28, 1898, being
three feet on each side of the following described center lirie: ·
Commencing at a point in the East line of said Acre Lot 61, distant 142.5 feet
Southerly from the'Northeasterly corher thereof; thence Westerly on a line parallel with the
Northerly line of said Acre Lots ql and 62, to a point in the Westerly line of said Acre Lot
62; EXCEPTING therefrom that portion lying within Kendall Street if prolonged Southerly;
ALSO beginning at a point in the Easterly line of said Acre Lot 61, distant South-
erly 463 feet from the Northeasterly corner thereof.; thence Westerly on a line parallel with
the. Northerly line of said Acre Lot 61, to a point in the Easterly line of Kendall Street if
prolonged Southerly; ·
. ALSO_ commencing at a point in the Easterly line of said Acre Lot 62, distant· Souther-
ly 468 feet from the Northeasterly corner thereof; thence Westerly on a line parallel with. the
Northerly line of said Lot 62, to a point in the Vieste.rly line thereof. · ·
To Have.and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee
its successors and assigns forever as a right of way for a sewer pipe line and appurtenances •.
Witness our hands and seal this lOth day of May 1926. · I
State of Californi·a, ) ss.
County of Los· Angeles,).
On this 12th day of .May A. D. Nineteen Hundred and.Twenty Six ~eforeme, GenevieYe
c. Engel a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and.
sworn, personally appeared Charles H. Brown and Mira A. Brown, husband and wife, and Roy-L.
Snavely and Florence 1. Snavely, husband and wife, known to me to be the persons described
in and whose names are subscribed to ...the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they
executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of Los Angeles,
My Commission Expires Nov. 18, 1928 State of California.
RECO:WED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 25 1926, at 3 o'clock :P.M. , In:1Book No. 1174
Page 413 of Deeds, decords of San Diego County, Calif~ .....
JOH.N H. ]1Eii.a.Y, County Recorder
By N. c. PARSONS, Deputy. Easement from
I HEREBY CERTIEY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy ofL
Charles H. Brown, et ux., et al, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.
City Cl~rk of'~~ ~Diego, Califorilia.
THIS INDENTU~-m, .p1~de as olf!' the 12th day of May, 1926, by and between GREAT VvESTERN
IMP3.0VE1LE.NT. COMPANY, a corporation, the first party, and CITY OF SAN DI.EGO, a municipal corp-
oration, the second party, WITNESSETH: ·
WHE~~EAS, the second party is a municipal·. corporated in the County of San Diego,
State .. of ?ali~'ornia, and is the. owner. o ~ a certain wa~er sy~ t~m for the d~ve lopmen t,. impoundii
ing and dlstrlbution of water for munlClpal purposes ln the Clty of San Dlego, in sald State.;
WHE..-::tEAS, said second party is, for the purpose of improving its water system and
increasing its capacity and facilities for impounding, conserving and distributing water,
desirous of putting in an additional water main to pass over and across the lands of the
first part~, hereinafter,described,
NOW, THE~~FO;lli, in consideration of the premises, the first party does hereby grant
tocthe second party, subject to all easements, incumbrances and liens of every kind, nature
and description whatsoever existing against or-in respect to said property, and upon the ter$s,
conditions and restrictions hereinafter set forth (each and all of which are hereby declaredJ
and by the acceptance of this Indenture -agreed to be, conditions subsequent) the perpetual
right and easement to enter upon that certain real prope-rty situated in the Countty of San
Diego, State of California, described as follows, to~wit:

I That portion of the land conveyed to Great vVestern Improvement Company

by deed dated February 19, 1925, and recorded in Book 1098 a-t page 9 of Deeds,
records of said county, contained within a strip of land' of the uniform width
of Twenty (20) feet and lying Ten (10) 'feet on each side of the following d~­
scribed center tine, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the westerly line of said lands conveyed to
Great. Western .~mprovement Company, said westerly line being also the east-
erly line ·o~ a parcel of land conveyed to the County of San Diego by deed
dated November 16, 1921, and recorded in book 751 at page-241 of Deeds,
·records of said San DieaP County, South 20~ 51' West, a distance of 155.0
feet from the true point of beginning described in said deed to the County
of San Diego, thence South 38° 52' East a distance of 52.0 feet to a point;
thence South 34° 14' East 282.4 feet; thence, in a curve tangent to last
mentioned line, to the left, having a radius of 572.96 feet a distance.of
382.3 feet measured a~ong the arc of said curve,· to a point;· thence· South
72° 28' East a distance of 7.1 feet to a point; thence in a curve, tangent
to last mentioned line, to the le!·t, having a radius of 572.96- feet a dis..;
tance of 90.5 feet measured along the arc jof·said curve to a point; thence
South 81° 31' East a distance of 268.3 feet to a point; thence South 79°
24' East a distance of 230 feet more or less to a point on the southerly
line of County Highway; excepting from the above described property, how-
ever, that portion·thereof lying within the boundar~es of said County High-
, . way.
for the purpose of making surveys, locating, putting down, constructing, reconstructing,
maintaining, operating and repairing a water main and taps thereon, and for such other pur-
poses and uses as are or may become necessary and incidental to the c'Onstruction, maintenance
and operation of said water main.

I This grant is made and a9cepted upon and subject to·~ 'the following condi tiona:
That,said easement shall be exe~cised by the s~cond party in such a way that there
shall be a minimum of interference with the rights· of the first party to use the lands with-
in and immediately adjacent to the right-of-.way hereby gran ted, and so as to do the least
damage consistent wi~h good engineering.
That wherever said water main or pipe traverses arable land, it shall be placed
beneath ·the surface of the ground, to a depth of not less than eighteen (18) inches·, and
covered over so as to leave the best ~oil on to~. -
That the second party shall, at the expense of the first party, install one tap on
said pipe· line ·or water main, said tap to be not less than two (2) inche8 in diameter, and
shall. furnish to. the first party water therefrom at the same rate·and subject to like condi-
tions, rules and regulations as those fixed and made applicable from time to time to other
consumers obtaining supplies of water from said water main. Said two inch tap shall. be lo-
cated at a point selected by the first party between the easterly and westerly boundarie~-of
said land conveyed to Great Western Improvement Company by said deed recorded in book 1098
at page_ 9 of deeds, and shall be installed either, (1) at the time when said water main is
being constructed, or, ( 2) at any time thereafter_ on not· less than ten days' written request
from the first party. _· · _
That in the event .the second party fails .to install and put into operation the said
water main, along or across the lands hereinabove 'described, on or before August 1, 1927, thJn
·all rights hereby given shall be at an end and this indenture shall be deemed cancelled, set I
aside and annulled, and thereafter upon demand the second party will cause to be executed and
delivered to the first party an instrument sufficient to clear the record of every liah and I
cloud created hereby.
That said second party shall be responsiple for and hereby agrees to pay all damage
that may be caused by the construction, op~ration,'' and/or maintenance of said water
main and taps. ·

I THIS INDENTURE shall bind, apply and inure to the benefit of the successors and as 1
signs of the parties hereto, and a waiver by the first party of any def~ult on the part of tne
second party shall not constitute nor be considered a waiver o.£ any other or suhsequent de-
fault as to the same-, or any other matter. ·
- IN.WITNESS WHEREOF, the first party has caused this indenture to be executed, by
its officers thereunto duly authorized, and its corporate seal affixed· the day and year first
above written. "
By G~S. S. RODOLPH, Vice President
By WM. H. METCALF, Secretary •
.l!1orm approved
Description O.K.
On this 12th day of May~ 1926, before me, 1!1 lora Hall, a Notary .Public in and for
the said City and County of San Francisco, Stat~ of California, residing therein, duly com-
missioned and sworn, personally appeared Chas. T. Rodolph and Wm. H. Metcalf, known to me to
be the Vice .President and Secretary, respectively, of Great Western Improvement Company; the
corporation that executed the within instrument, and known to me to be the persons who exe-
cuted the said instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me
that such -
corporation executed
- .
the same. .
· ,I
IN WITlffiSS WHEREOF, I have l,lereunto set my hand and affixed my offici~?-1 seal in the
I City arid County of San Francisco, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
(SEAL) .B1L0i:u\ HALL
Notary .Public in and for the City and County of San
Francisco, State of California.
dity Clerk J.NO. A. HELD
Deputy FRED A. EEILB.:lO~

RESOLVED: that the President or Vice President and Secretary of this corporation
be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on·.·behalf of this Corpora-
tion and in its Corporate name and under its Corporate seal a grant of an easement to the
City of San Diego in the words and figures following, to-wit:
(Then follows in the minutes a copy at length of the easement to which this resolu-
tion is attached)
I, WM. H. METCALF, ·the Secretary of the Great Western Improvement Company, hereby
certify, that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed and
ed by the Board of Directors of said Company, at a meeting thereof duly called and held at
the office of said Company on the 12th day of May 1926, as the said resolution appears in
the minutes of said meeting and the same has not been rescinded or modified and is now in
full force and ef't'ect, and th~t there is spread in full upon the minutes of said corpo·ra~~;a
true copy of the easement to which this resolution is attached.
IN WITNESS WEEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said corpora-
tion this 12th day of May 1926.
WM. H. METCALF, Secretary.
RECORDED AT REQUEST O.B1 City Clerk MAY 25 1926 at 3 o'clock P.M., In Book No. 1208
?age 231 of Deeds, J.e-cords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. b~~tltY, County l~e corder
By N• C. PA~SONS, Deputy.
I HErtEBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of'
Easement, from Great Western Improvement Co., to the City of San Diego, California, being
Document No. 189671.

Charles Cheesewright and Josephine Cheesewright', husband and wife, for and in con-
sideration of the sum of One Dollar, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant
to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of' Cal-
it'ornia, an easement and right of w~y for a public street over, along and acro:es all that
real property ~ituated in the City of San Diego, County of San Die~o, State of Califo~nia,
bounded and described as follows: ·
· The west thirty {30) feet of Lots l to 20, inclusive, Block 2, Beverly, according
to the official Map thereof No. 1129, on file in the office of the County Recorder of San
Diego County, Califprnia.
To Have and· to Hold the above granted and described easement and right of way as
and ·for a public right of way.
Witness my hand and seal this 26 day of May 1926.
state of California,)
County of Santa Cruz) 98 •
On this Twenty 1! 0Urth day of May, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Six before me, .

Winnie H• .Kester, a .Notary ?ublic in and for said County, residing therein, duly commission-
ed and sworn, personally appeared Chas. Cheesewright and wife, Josephine Cheesewright known
to me to be the persons described in and whose na~s are subscribed to the within instrument,
and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL} NQtary Public in and for the County of Santa Cruz,
Commission Expires State of California.
b,eb. 10, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUlr 21926 at 30 Min. past 3 o'clock P.M., In
Boolc .No. 1193 l?age 472 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FE!L~Y, County Recor~er
By M. C. PiL.ttSONS, Deputy. ,_
I HEREBY C.R.RTiiY that the above and. foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement, from Chas. Cheesewright and Josephine Cheesewright, to the City' of San Di~go, Calf!
ifornia, being Document No. 189868.
of San Diego, California.

We, William Charles Coolledge and L. Coolledge ,-·husband and wife,· for and in con-
sideration of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through
an~ across the rea~ property hereinafter described do hereby grant to The City of San Diego,
a Municipal Corporation, in the County ot· San Diego, State of California, an easement and·
right of way for the construction, maintenance and operation of a drain pipe through, along
and across all that real property situated in the City of' San Diego, County of San Diego,
State of California, bounded and described as follows: .
A portion of Lots 25 and 26, Block 4, Carmel Heights, according to Map thereof
filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement and right
of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the following described center
Beginning at a point on the south li'ne of said Lot 25, distant 88.30 feet west
from the southeast corner of said Lot 25; thence northwesterly on a 'direct 'line making an
angle of 57/degrees 34 minutes with the said south line of said Lot 25 a distance of 37.30
feet to a point.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, a~ a right of way for a drain pipe •
. Witness our hands and seals. this 14th day of April l926o
State of California,)
County of San Diego,) ss

On thi~ l~th ~·ay of April _L D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six before me, E. H.
Brooks··-a .Not:ary .?ub;]:·i·c··1h and fo·r said County, residing ther_ein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared William Charles Coolledge and L. Coolledge, known to me. to be the persons
described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they executed.the same.

I written.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first.above

My Commission expires,
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
May 28, 1926. State of California.
. aECORDED AT itEQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 2 1926 at 30 Min. past 3 o'clock P.M., In
Book No. 1209 Page, 305- of' Deeds, i(ecords of San Diego County, Calif. ·
JOH~ H. FERHY, County Recorder_
By N. C. PAHSONS, Deputy.
I HE~lEBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is- a full, true and correct copy of
Easement from William Charles Coolledge, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being
Document No. 189870.
City California.


·," I, AUGUSTAWADE, a widow, for and in consideration of One Dollar do hereby grant to
The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of Calif-
ornia, an easement and right of way for street purpose_s, through, along and across all that
real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California,
bounded and described as follows: · _ .
.A. portion of Lot 18, Partition Map of .Pueblo Lot 1128, according to Map thereof No.
852, filed in the Office of the County :-tecorder of said San Diego County, said easement !!l!nd

I right of way being particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the northeast corner _of said. Lo't 18; thence west along the nortbr.;. lin~
of said Lot 18, a distance of 329.89 fee~ to the northwest corner of said Lot 18; thence south
along the west line of said Lot 18, a dis.tance of 34.74 feet to a point; thence east on a lin'e

parallel with and distant 60 feet sout~ from the north line of Palm Street as now established,
a distance of 297.13 feet to a point distant 50 feet west ~hd at right angles from the east
line of Thirty-sa cond Street; thence South 0 degrees · 22 minutes liVest on a line paralle 1 with
and distant 50 feet west from the east line of Thirty-second Street, a distance of 544.22
feet to a point; thence southwesterly on a direct line to the point of intersection of the
westerly prolongation of the north line of Nutmeg Street with the northerly prolongation of
the.west line of Thirty-second Street; thence west on a direct line to a point on the west
line o-f said Lot 18, distant 26.20 feet north from the southwest corner of said· Lot 18 ;. thence
south along the west line of said Lot 18 to the southwest corner thereof; thence east along
the south line of said Lot 18 to the southeast corner thereof; thence north along the east
line of said Lot 18, a distance of 660 fe·et to the point or place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above eranted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever, as a right of ·way for street purposes.
Witness my hand and seal this 23rd day of A~ril 1926.
State of California,)
County of San Diego,)Ss.
On this 23d day of April A. D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six before me, Lulu Me
Farland a Notary Public in ,and for said County,_ residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn
./personally appeared AUGUSTAWADE, known to me to be the person described in and whose name :is
subscribed to the within instrument,. and .ackno.wledge.d. to me that she executed the same.
hitness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above

wri 1; ten.
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of San Di.ego,
State of California.
3ECORDED AT REC~UEST OF City Clerk JUN 2 1926 at 30 tan. past 3 o'clock P.M., In
Book No. 1204 i9age 465 of DEEDS, .le cords of San Die go ·County, Calif.
JOH.N H. .FE!i~iY, County He corder
By N_. C. ?A3SOHS, Deputy.
I HE::tEBY CErtTIF~ that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement, from Augusta Wade to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No~ 189872.
of the City of an Diego, California.

We, Roy and Maude McGee, husband and wife, for and in consideration of the benefits
to accrue by the location, construct ion and maintenance of a sewer line through and across
the property herein describe_d, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to- us
in hand paid, the receipt whereof is· hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City of San
Diego~ a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement
and right of way through, along and across all that certain real property situate in the Ci tyj
of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as follows,
o-W.itt.·c Lo~ 7~ J3logk 2 fCit;ydH~iRh-t;.s~ ac5ord~ng to Amended Map thereof filed in the Office
0 0 0
. I t·rrEr • ou~oYifa~~ ~n~r to H'b~a tn~ a~~W gr~¥lte~· anP. described right of way unto the said

I grantee~ its successors and· assigns forever, as a '".right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of,W~Y is for the construction andmaintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines; it being understood that the City of San
Di_e go is not to be held liable for an;~ damage re,~ul ting from the construct ion and rna intenance
of sewer laterals over and across this easePlent •·
In Wi triess Whereof, we have' herennito set our hands. and seals this 17th day of .April!
On this 17th day of April, 1926, before me, FRED w. s'rm:, a::.:!{otary Public in and
for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn personally appeared ::toy McGee and Maude McGee, husband and wife, personally known
to me to be the persons whose names~ subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly
acknowledged to me that they executed the same.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificatg first above writ-
My Commission expires Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
May 15, 1927. State of California.
.aECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 2 1926 at 30 Min. past 3. o'clock .P.M., In
Book No. 1209 Fage 307 of Deeds, ilecords of San Diego County, Calif~·
JOHN H. FEiU1Y, County Recorder
By N. C• .PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement, from Roy McGee, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
~· B4:,.uYht·9hJ4.~¥puty.
I, A. J. Wize and Frankie B. Wize, husband and wife, for and in consideration of
the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a_ sewer line through
and· across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar_ ($1.00)
to_in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the .City of I
San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an ease-
ment and right of way through, along and across all that certain real property situate in the
City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as fol- I
lows, to-wit: ._
The South 22t ft. of Lot Twenty-three (23()) and all of Lot Twenty-four (24) in Blocki
Thirty-seven (. 37) of the itesubdi vi~ ion of Lots "H" and "I",· Teral ta, according to Map _No. . I
1036 filed ,in the office of the County .aecorder of· San Diee;o County, March 8, 1907.
. To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right oi way unto the said grant-
ee, its successors and assigns forever, as a rie;ht of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral. inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and
maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
In Witness Vfuereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 3rd day of May 1926.
COUNTY 0 F SAl'l DIEGO, ) s s .
, On this 3rd day of May, 1926, before me, E. c. Ryan a .Uotary J?ublic in and for the
said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared A. J. Wize and Frankie B. Wize, personally known to me to be the person_!
whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to ne that he ex-
ecuted the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above writ-
My Commission expires Notary Public in· and for the County of San Diego,
Oct. 31st 1927. State of California.
ilECOitDED ~'i.T REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 2 1926 at 30 Min. past 3 o'clo-ck .P.M., In
Book No. 1210 Page 217-of Deed, .:iecords of San Diego County,. Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. l?.ARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and fpregoin6 is a full, true and c·o.rrect copy of
Easement, from A. J. Wize, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No •.
San Diego, California.

. We, Etpyl and rt. G. Vallin, wife and husband, for and in consideration of the bene-
fits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through and
across the property herein described, and in consideration oft~ sum of One Do~lar ($1.00)
to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City
of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diegp, State of California, an
easement and.rright of way through, along and across all that certain real property situate in
the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly describe~ as
follows, to-wit:
Lots 47 and 48, Block 15, :.1eed & Hubbell's Addition, according to Map thereof filed!
in the Office of the County necorder of said San Diego County. . · I
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said grant-
ee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer .pipe line. ·
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewe~ lateral inside the propert~ lines, it being understobd that the City
of San .Diee;o is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement. · . I
-In ·witness whereof, we have· hereunto set our hands and seals this 23rd· day of Apri]

On this· 23 day of April, 1926, before ~e, E. H. Brooks a Uotary Public in and for
the sa1a County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, pe:raonally appeared Ethyl Vallin and .:t. G. Vallin, personally known to me to be the
persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly acknowledged tom
that they executed the same. .
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego,. the day and year in this certificate first above writ-
MY Co~nission expires Notary Public in and for the· County of San Diego,
May 28, 1926. State of California•
itECORDED AT l1EQUEST 01i1 City Clerk JUN 2 1926 at 30 Min. past 3 o'clock P.M., In
Book No. 1204 ?age 463 of DEEDS, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County ~ecorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HE..'lEBY CERTH.,Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement, from R. G. Vallin, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.
City City of S n Diego, California.


.Gordon R. Cloes and Enid M. Cloes his wife, for and in consideration of t~. bene~
fits to a6crue by the location and .construction of a sewer line by the City of San Diego, Cal-
ifornia, through and across the pro.perty hereinafter described, and in consideration 'of the 1
sum of One Dollar ($1.00), to me in hand paid, the receipt of whereof is hereby acknowledged,
does herepy grant to the. City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego,
State of Ca~ifornia, an easement and right o£ way for the construction and maintenance of a I
I line of sewers through, along and across all that certain real property, situate in the City
of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as follows,to-
wit: '
Lot 13 Block 40 Saeman and Choates Addition- (Known as 2968 Date St.)
To Have and to Hold the above granted and descrtbe.d right of way unto the sa-id City
of San .Diego, its successors and assigns foreve.r, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
In Witness Whereof We have hereunto set our hands and .seals this 22 day of :March,
State ·af California,)
County of San Diego,) SS.
On this 22 day of March, 1926, before me, P. A. Nauman, a Notary Public in and for
the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Gordon R. Cloes & Enid M. Cloes personally knovm to me to be the
persons whose name are subscribed to ·the within instrument, and they duly acknowledged to. me
that they executed the same.
My Commission expires Notary J?ublic in and for the County .of San Diego,
Feb. 21, 1930 State of California.
imCORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 2 1926 at 30 Min. past 3 o'clock P.M., In
Book No. 1209 J?age 304 of Deeds, Records of San Diegc' County, Calif.
JOHN H • .B1ERRY, County itecorder
\ By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Right of Vvay Contract, from Gordon .a. Cloes, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California,
I being Document No. 189913.
of. San Die go, Cal1fornia.

I, C. Elmer ~onder, a single man, for and in consideration of tre benefits to ·ac-
crue by the location,· construction and- maintenance' of a sewer line through and aero as the
propert'y herein described, and in consideration of· the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to me· in
hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowlecfged, do hereby grant to the City of San
Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement
and right of way through, along and across all that certain real-property situate in the City
of San Diego, County of San Die,go, State. of California, particularly described as follows, I
to-wit: . ·
Lots 45 to 48, Block 9, City Heights Annex No. 2, according to Map thereof filed in
the Office of' the County i.tecorder of San -.Diego, California. . . I
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said grant-
ee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way f'o r a sewer pipe line.
The ·purpose. of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, _it being understood that the City.
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction a~d main-
tenance of sewer laterals· over and across this easement. l-
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set_ ·my hand and seal this 22nd day of April 1926.

On this 22nd day of April, 1926, before me , E. H. Bra oks a Notary J?ub lie in and for.
the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and I
sworn, personally appeared C. Elmer ?onder personally known to me to be the person whose name
is subscribed to the within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the
same. ~ ·
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above writ-
My Commission expires .Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
May 28, 1926. State of California.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 2 1926 at 30 l\1in. past 3 o'clock .P.M., In
Book No •. 1209 ?age 309 of Deeds, i\e cords of San Die8) County, Cal,if.
JOHN H. ~~RRY, County Recorder
By N. C. ?ARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement, from c. EU:ffiR PONDER, To the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.
of San Diego,. California.

I, Edward C. vVhi te and Gladys I.I. White, Husband and wife, for and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through
and across herein described, and in consideration'of the sum of One Dollar 1$1.0'0)
to __in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City of 1I
San DieGO, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easeme·nt
and right of way through, along and across all that certain real property situate in the City
of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as follows,
East fou~ t4J ·feet of lot 12- Block C, Cabrillo Terrace.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the.said grant-
ee, ita successors an~ assigns forever, as a ri 6 ht of way for a sewer pipe.line.
1'he purpose of this easement and ri5ht of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals ove·r and across this easement.
In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set· our hands and seals this. fi.fth dey of May

On this 5th day of May, 1926, before me, Lillian :iitz a Notary .Public in and for the
said County o..f San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,ll
pers~I.lally aJ?p~ar,e.<i Edward. c. White and. Gladys M. Wl?-ite, personally known to me to be the peri
so~s •.wposeonames _ subscr1bed to the w1 thin instr~ent, and they duly acknowledged to me thait
they exe9uted the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at.
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this .certificate first above written.
My Commission Expires Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
March 20, 1929. State of California.
~CORDED AT nEQUHST OF City Clerk JUN 2 1926 at 30 Min. past 3 o'clock .P.M., In
Book No. 1210 .Page 215 of Deed, Recorda of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H• .b:BRRY, County Recorder
By N. C• .PARSONS, Deputy
I HEH8BY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement, .from Edward C. Wnite, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document
No. 189917.
San Diego, California.

I, a. v. SANGUINET, Sole Owner, for and in consideration of the benefits to accrue
by the location, construotion and maintenance of a sewer line through and across the proper-
ty herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to.2..:_in hand paid,
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do her·eby grant to the City of San Diego, a mun-
icipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State o±· California, an easement and right of
way through, along and across all that certain real property situate in the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, State of California, particularlyc.described as follows, 'to-wit:.
The West 1!1 orty (40) feet of Lot Forty-seven (47) and the West li1orty (40)
.feet of Lot Forty-five (45), in Block Eleven (11) of City Heights Annex No.2.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said grant-
ee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is .for the construction and mainten-
ance of a;.;.private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage rQsul ting from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this· lOth day o.f May 1926
COUNTY 01!1 SAN DIEGO,) ss ..
On this lOth day of May, 1926, before. me, WILL~1D F. BA~MN a Notary Public in and
for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared a. v. SANGUINET personally known to me to be.the person whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed
the same.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at·
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certi.ficate first above writ-
My Commission Expires Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
September 23, 1928. State of California.
~CORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 2 1926 at 30 Min. past 3 o'clock .P.M., In
Book No. 1204 !'age 462 ()f. DEEDS,. Records of San Diego County, Calif. .
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. .P.A...'{SONS, Deputy.
.,., I HEREBY CERT IFJ that the above and for~ going is a full, true and correct copy o.f
~asement, from KIXXiUfiXR .:t. V. Sanguinet to the C1 ty. of Sap Diego~~ aalifornia, be'ing Docu-
ment Uo. 189919. . ALL.I.JN H. Witi liT
City Clerk of the City of. $~n Di~go, . C~b~f~¥nia. ·

We, James E. Reed and Mary E. Reed, husband and wife, for and in consideration of
the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through
and across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar
($1.00) to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is· hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to

I the City of San Diego, ·a municipal corporation in 'the County of San Diego, State of Califor-
nia, an easement and right of way throu~h, along and across all that certain real property
situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly de-
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Lots 25 and 26, Block·lO, City Heights Annex No. 2, according to Map thereof filed
in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and ar.signs forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way ~ for the construction and mainten-
anc~ of a private sewer lat~ral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construct ion and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement. I
In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 22nd day of April!
COUNTY 0 l!, SAN DIEGO, ) .ss •
On this 22nd day of April 1926, before me, E. H. Brooks, a Notary Public in and for
the said County of San Diego,, State of California, residing therein, duly comniissioned and
sworn, personally appeared James E. !-teed and ldary E •.]eed personally known to me to be the
persons whose names are subs.cri bed to the within instrument, and they duly acknowledged to
me that they executed the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affi~ed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this qertificate first above writ-

I My Commission expires
May 28, 1926.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
rt:ECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 2 1926 at 30 Min. past 3 o'clock P.M., In
Book No. 1209 Page 310 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. 1PEi:BY, County He corder
By N. C• .PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTil!,Y that the above and foregoing .is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement from James E. Reed, et ux., to the City of San Diego, Calif'ornia, being Document No.
of the of San Diego, California.

Walters. Backus and ~lose M. Backus, husband and wife, for and in consideration of
the sum of One Dollar, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to The City
of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of Califo.rnia, an
easement and right of way for a public street over, along and across all that real property
situated in the City of San Diego, County of ~an Diego, State of California, bounded and de-
scribed as follows:
,The East 30 feet of' the Soutp.· t of· th·e· SEt·o'f Lot 29 Horton's Purchase of Ex-Mission
Lands, according to the af ficial Map thereof No. 283 on file in the o f'fice of the County iie-
corder of San Die go County, California. ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right of way as
I and for a public street.
Witness our hands and seals this 28 day of May 1926.
.:.10 SE M. BA Ch.'1J S (SEAL)
State of California,)
County of San Diego,) ss
On this 28th day of May A. D.· JUneteen Hundred ani 26 before me, Edmund o. Thompson
a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, persod-
ally appeared Walters. Backus-and ]ose M. Backus- husband and wife., known to me to be the
persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and a~nowledged
to rm that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California •
.:.tECORDED AT HEQUEST 0.1!1 City Clerk JUN ~ 1926 at 30 Min. past 3 o'clock P.M., In
Book No. 1193 iage 471 ·o£ Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. l!1Ert11Y, County Recorder
By N. C. PAllSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement, from Walters. Backus,et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document
No. 190026.
Cit~~k of the City of San Diego, California,

I B.
.d ~9/-~Zu-,.,)neputy.
. .
Clyde 1. Reed, for and in. consideration of the sum of One Dollar, receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to The City of San .Diego, a Municipal· Corporation, in
County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for a public street
over, along and acrose a11· that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of
San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
The. east 30 feet ot. the NEt .of Lot 42, Horton's Purchase of Ex-Mission Lands, ac-
cordi~g to the offici~l Ma~ thereof, No. 283, on file in the office of the County Recorder of
San D~ego County, Ca l~forn~a. ·Said property being the separate property of grantor.·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement ani right of way as ana
for a public street.
Witness my hand and seal this 26th day of May 1926.
State of California,) se
County of San Diego,) •
On this 26th day oi May A. D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-six. before me, Y. A.
Jacques a Notary J?ublic in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared Clyde L. Reed, known to me to be the person described in and whose name
is subscribed to the within instrument, ~at?,d aqknowledged to me that he executed the same. --,
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above I

Notary ~ublic in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California. ..----1'>:
I HE.aEBY CERTIFY that the above. and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of 1
... '
Easement from Clyde L. Reed, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No. 190191
San Diego, California.

We, A'. A. Amos and Mintie Amos,· husband and wife, for and in consideration of the
sum of One Dollars, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to The City of San
Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement
and right of way for a public street over, along and across all that real property situated
in the. City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as
All that portion:ofLots one Cl) and two (2), of Horton's ?urchase of Ex Iviission
Lands, according to the official Map thereof No. 283, filed in the office of the County Re-
corder of San Diego County, California, lying 30 feet on each side of the following described
center line, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the south line of Lot 13, of Vladsworths Olive
.Grove, according to the official Map thereof No. 482, on file in the office of the County :ae-
corder of San Diego County, California, distant 311.82 feet east from the southwest corner
of said Lot 13; thence South 6° 10' East a distance of 7.5 feet to a point; thence curving
southeasterly, tangent to the last named course, with a radius of 400 feet through an angle
of 42° 05', a distance of 293.80 feet to a point; thence tangent to said last described
curve South 42° 15' East a distance Qf 476.98 feet to a point; thence southeasterly on a
curve, tangent to the last named course, with a radius of 500 feet through an angle of 34°
46', a distance of 303.4 feet to a point; thence tangent to said last described curve South
77" 04 • East a distance of 227.25 fe§_~ to a poi.nt; thence southerly on a curve, tangent to
the last named ,pourse, with a radius of 555.52 feet, through an angle of 31° 16' a distance
of 303.18 feet1to a point; thane~ curving southerly with a radius of 483.9~ feet through an
angle of 45° 36', a distance of 385.15 feet to the southeast corner of said Lot 1 of Borton's
Purchase of Ex Mission Lands.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right of way as
and for a public street.
Witness oqr hands and seals this l9th:day of May 1926.
State of California,)
County of San Diego,) as.
On this 28th day of May A. D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-six before me, Y. A.
Jacques a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared A. A. Amos and Min~ie Amos, husband and wife, known to me to be
the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and ac-
knowledged to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary J?ublic in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California •
.aECO.rlDED AT REQUEST OF .City Clerk miN 8 1926 at 3 o • clock ?.M., In Book No·. 1204
Page 498 of DEEDS, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERilY, County Recorder
By N. C. ?ARSON~, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct oo~py of
Easement, from A. A. Amos, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.
190193 •.
of City of Diego, California.

For· and in consideration of the sum of one dollar, receipt whereof is hereby ac-
knowledged, I the·undersigned CORNELIUS COURTOIS, A single man, do hereby grant to The City
of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, an easement and right of
way for a public r±ght of way for a public street over, along and across all that real prop-
erty situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded
and described as follows:
The north forty (40) feet of the west one (1) acre of the ea~t two (2) acres of
the Ndz o:f the NWt of Lot 41, Horton's Purchase of Ex-Mission 3ancho, according to the of-
ficial Map thereof No. ID3, on file in the office pf the County Recorder of San Diego,County,
To Have a~~. ·to.-,Hold the' abo:ve granted and described easement and right o:f way as
and for a public stre'e~.• -, . ,
Witness my ~and and seal this 25th, day of May 1926.
state of California,') se.
County of Los An~eles)
On this TWENTY-FIFTH day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-six before me, the
undersigned a Notary .Public· -in and for said County~ residing .therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Cornelius Courtois known to me to be. the person described in and

whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed .
the same.
My Commission Expires Notary ~blic in and for the County of Los Angeles,
March 31, 1929 State of California.

I .RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 8 1926 at 3 o'clock F.M., In Book No. 1203
Fage 497 of Deeds, ~ecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. b~iliiY, County Recorder
By N. C. FARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct·copy of
Easement, from Cornelius Courtois, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.

City Clerk of the City~ ~n Diego, California •

Henrietta C. Wiese, sometimes known as Henrietta Wiese, a widow, for and in con-
sideration of the sum of One Dollar, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant
to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of Cal-
ifornia,·an easement and right of way for .a public street over, along and across all that
real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California,
bounded and described as follows: ·
All that portion of Block 13, of Wadsworth 1 s 0 li v~ Grove, according to the official
Map thereof No. 482, on file in the office of the County 3ecorder of San Diego County, Califl
ornia, lying 30 feet on each side of the following described center line, to-wit: Beginning
at a point which bears North 10° 50 1 37" East, a distance of 170.05 feet from the northwest
corner oi said Block 13; thence southeasterly on a curve whose tangent bears South 22° 0'
West, with a radius of 1000 feet through an angle of 22° 54 1
a distance of 399.68 feet . to a

point; thence tangent to said curve, South 0° 10' East, a distance of 419.53 feet-to a point
on the south line of said Block 13, distant 311.82 feet east from the southwest corner there-
of, (excepting therefrom that portion included in the South five acres in ~aid Block 13.) ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement an4 right of way as
&nd for a public street.
Witness my hand and seal this 22 day of May 1926 ~
State of California,)
County of San Diego,) ss •
Ori this 28 day of May A. D. Nineteen Hundred and 26 before me, Edmund o. Thompson
a Notary Public in and for.said County,residing·therein, duly commissioned and sworn, person-
ally appeared Henrietta Wiese, a widow, known to me·to be the person described in and whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires Notary :Public in and for the County of San Diego.,
March 31, 1930. State of California. .
RECORDED AT ~EQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 8 _·1926 at 3 o'clock P.M., In Book No. 1203
Fage 499 of Deeds, ~ecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FEilHY, . County Recorder
By H•. C. PAHSONS, Deputy •.
I H~qEBY CE~TIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement, from Henrietta Wiese, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.

I 190197.
of San Diego, Cali·ornia.


w. s. Broderick and Annie E. Broderick, husband and wife, for and in oonsideration
of the·sum of Ten Dollars, do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, California, for street
purposes, all that real property situated in the. City of San Diego; County of San Diego, Sta,e
of California, bounded and descri·bed as follows: · ·
All that portion of Block 254, University Heights, according to official map there-
of on file at the office of the County ~ecorder of said San Diego County, described as fol-
The Easterly 10 feet of Lots l to 27 inclusive, and the Westerly 10 feet of Lots
28 to 54 inclusive; also the alley 20 feet wide abutting these lots and extending -down the
cen~r of said Block 254, closed,by resolution of the City of San Diego, California, Resolu~
tion;~~d recorded in Book I, page 95, on f~le at .the office of the County Recorder of said
San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and describe~-~temises, unto the said Grant-
;! . (

ee __heirs and assigns forever.

Witness ou~ hands and seals this 21st day of May, 1926.
State of California,) 98
County of San Diego.).. •

I On this 2l~t day of May, A.D., 1926, re me, Wade Garfield, a Notary Publ;.ic in
and for the said County o:f San Diego, State of California, residing thereip._, duly commission-
ed and sworn, personally appeared w. s. Broderick and Annie E. Broderick, husband and wife
personally known to me to be the persons whose names·are subscribed to the with Instrument,
and they duly acknowledged to me· that they executed the same.
In Witness Where·of, I have hereunto set iny hand and affixed my official seal a.t my
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California. ·
· · · RECORDED AT ·REQUEST 01!1 City Clerk JUN 8 1926 at .3 o 'clockl ;P..:M., In Book No. 120~
Page 496 of Deeds, ~ecords of San Diego County. Calif.

JOHN H. ] ER..~Y, County ae corder

By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. .
I HEREBY CERTI.F'Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Grant Deed, from w. s. Broderick, et··ux.-, to the City of San Diego, California, being Docu- "
ment No. 190199.
S n Diego, California. I
WE, CHAl1LOTTE M. SANFORD, and w. o. Sanford, har husband, for and in consideration
of the sum o:f TEN DOLLARS, do hereby 5rant to THE "CITY 01!1 SAN DIEGO, a municipal corporation,
all that real property situated in the County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and!
described as follows: ·
~he Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty-nine (29), and the
Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Sec'tion Thirty (30), all in Township Fourteen II
( 14) South, ~lange One ( 1) East, San Bernardino Meridian, according to United States Govern-
ment Survey, EXCEPTING from said.Northwest Quarter o:f the Northwest Quarter of Section Twent:Y~­
nine (29) that portion thereof conveyed by Albert W. Mussey to Don C. Bryan by deed dated
September 14, 1912, in Book 569, page 459 o:f Deeds, and described as follows:
Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section Twenty-nine ( 29) . Township Fourteen
t (14) South, Range One (1) East; thence running East between Sections Twenty (20) and Twenty-
~ · · nine (29), 650 feet; thence Southwesterly 500 feet to a point 280 feet Southeast from the
~ point of commencement; thence 280 feet Northwesterly to point of commencement.
~ ALSO EXCEPTING from the Northeast Quarter of said Section Thirty (30) above des-
cribed, that portion thereo:f described in deed from Albert w. Mussey to George Swi~t, dated
September 28, 1903, and recorded September 28, 1903 in Book 330, page 311 of Deeds and.des-
cribed as follows; ·
All that portion of the Northeast Quarter of the .Northeast Quarter of Section Thirty
(30), Township 1! ourteen (14) South, Range One (1) East, lying South of the San .Diego; and Jul~an

Stage Road. .
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises unto the said Grantee,
and its successors and assigns forever.
· Witness my hand and seal this 29th day of May, 1926.
State of CAtiFORNIA,) ~s
County of San Diego.) .. •
On this 2nd day o:f June, 1926, before me, Minnie Couffield, a Notary Public in and
for said County and State, pei'sonally appeared CHARLOTTE M. SANFORD, and W. 0. Sanford, known
to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknow-
ledged,to me that they executed the same. .
WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this Certificate first above
written •.
(SEAL) Notary 1-Jublic in and for·said County and State.
REQORDED AT REQUEST 01! City Clerk JUN 8 1926 at 3 o'clock P.M., In Book 1164. Page

1 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.

JOHN H. FER3Y, County Recorder
By N. C. ?ARSONS, Deputy. .
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is· a full, true and correct copy of
Grant Deed, from w. o. Sanford, at ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Docu-
ment No. 190365.

E'A S E Ivi E N T
We, Denver Pri·ce and Irene Price, husband and wife, for and in cons ide rat ion of the
benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through and
across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar C$1.00)
to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City
of San Die~, a municipal·corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an
easement and right o:f way through, along and across all that certain real property situate
in the City of San Diego, ·county of San Diego, State of California, particularly described
as follows, to-wit:
The South four feet of the North 10 feet of the West 81 feet of Lot 26, Block 17,
Fairmount Addition~ according to Map thereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder~of
said San .Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line and a
water lateral.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the co.ns·truction and mainten··
ance of a private sewer iliatez:ai·:andewa:t:er lateral inside the property lines, it being under-
stood that the City of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the.
construction and maintenance of sewer laterals or water laterals over and across this ease-:
In ••itness Whereof, we have here~to set our hands and seals this 26th day of May
STATE 0b1 CALI.i:i'Oi~NIA, )

On this 26th day of May, 19,.26, before me, E. H. Brooks, a Notary .Public in and for
the said County of San Die6o, State ,ro·f California, residing, therein, duly commissioned. and
sworn, personally appeared Denver Price and lrene Price personally known to me to be the per-
sons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly acknowledged to me
that they executed the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego;, the day and year in this certificate fi!st above wr; t-
My Commission expires Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
May 28, 1926. State of California.
. ··•-::t"' illiCORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 15 1926 at 30 Min~ past 2 o'clock. P.M., In
Book No. 1221 ~age 182 of DEEDS, Records of San Diego County, Calif.

I JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder

By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy•
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement, from ·Denver Price, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.
City of

WE, CHAl~LES H. ANTHONY and GaACE C. ANTHONY, husband and wife, for and in consider-
ation of the benefits to accrue by the location, construct ion and maintenane of a sewer line
throu2h and across the property herein described, ~nd in conside~ation of the Slli~ of One Dol~
lar (~l•OO) to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acKnowledged, do hereby grant.
to .the:: city of San Diego, a municipal corporation .in the County of San Diego, State of Calif-
or~ia,-,an easement and right of way through, along'_ and across all that certain real property
situat' in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly des-
cribe~ as follows, to-wit: '
· Lot Twenty-eight (28) in Block Five (5) of Florence Heights No. 2 Addition, for
sewer and water pipes. .
To Have and to Hold the above granted and .described right of way unto ·the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
I of San Died) is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and seals this 7th day of June ·
On this 8th day of June, 1926, before me, Anne Fowler, a Notary Public in and for
the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Charles H. Anthony and Grace c. Anthony, 'personally known to me to
be the· persons whose names are' subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly aclmowledge
to me that they executed the same. · .
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my otficial seal,' at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and day and year in this certificate first
above written.
'. My Commission _ Notary Public in and ~or the County of San Diego,
Expires May 12, 1930 State of California. ·
RECO.aDED AT REQUEST 01!, City Clerk JUN 15 1926, at 30 Min. past 2 o • clock .P.M., In
Book No. 1226 ?age 150 of Deeds, ~ecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FEa!tY, County::aecorder
By N. C. PARSONS, De,puty.
I HE.aEBY CE:aTD1 Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement, from Charles H. Anthony, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Docu-

I ment No. 190489.

E AS E l'.I E NT
We, CHA3LES H. ANTHONY and G::t.ACE C. ANTHO.NY, husband and wife, for and in C"O risider-
ation of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line
throu~h and across.t~e prope:ty herein d~scribed, an~ in consideration of the sum om One Dol-
lar (01.00) to us 1n•hand pa1d, the rece1pt whereof 1s hereby acknowledged, ~o hereby grant
to the Ci t;y of San Diego, a municipal corporation in t:he County of San Diego, State of Calif-
ornia, an easement. and right of way throutSh, along and across all that certain real property
situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly de-
scribed as follows, to-wit: .
Lots·Twenty-nine (29) arid Thirty (30) in Block Five (5) of Florence Heights No.2
addition, for sewer and water pipes .
. To Have and to Hold tpe above granted and described right of way unto the said granr-
e~, its successors and assigns fo~ever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right oi' vmy is for the c.:onstruction and mainten-
ance of~ pri!ate sewer·lateral ~nside the property lines, ~t being understood t~~t the Cit¥
of San D1ego 1s not to be held l1able for any damage result1ng from the construct1on and ma1n-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and seals this 7th day of June


On thi"s 8th day of June ,"' 1926, be fore rne , Anne : .E'ow le r a .No taiy .fu b lie in and for th
said County df San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly 6ommissioned and sworn
personally appeared Charles H. Anthony and Grace C. ~nthony personally known to me to be the
persons whose names are subscriberl to the within instrument, and they duly acknowledged to me
that they exec~ted the same.
~n Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above writte •

My Commission ~xp:i:!l:SS .ijotary P;ubliQ in E,md for the County of San Diego,
May 12, 1930 _tate of Cal1forn1a.
' I ~ . /

~iECOXDEJ> AT BEQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 151926 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M., In
Book No. 1226 Ea~e 149 of Deeds, 3eco~ds of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHlT H. j!'E..:l:lY, County 3ecorder
By H. C. PA:1SONS, Deputy.
I HE.1EEY C"S.2TI:E'Y that the a1.:.ove :;.nd foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement from Charles H. Anthony and Grace C. Anthony to the City of San Diego, California,
being Document No. 190491.
City Cit '7 of San Diego, California.

We, Churles H. -Anthony and Grace C. Anthony, husband and wife, i:'or and in consider-
ation of the benefits to o.ccrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line
throu~h and across the property herein described, a~ iri consideration of the sum of One Dol-
lar (01.00) to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant
to the City of San Di'ego, a municipal corporFJtion in the County of San Diego, State of Cal-
ifornia, c.n easement and right of way throuc;h·, along and aero ss all that certain real proper-
t~ situate in the City of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as follows,
to-wit: ·
Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Block Five {5) of Florence Heights No. 2 Addition, for
sewer and water pipes.
To Have and to Hold the above 6ranted and described right of way unto the said
~rantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a ri6ht of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and ri6ht of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a piivate sewer lateral inside the property lines, it bein~ und~rstood that the City
of Sun Die.;?;o is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
· In hitness ~;hereof, We have hereunto set our hands and seals this 7th day of June


( S.,...f:J.h.,\ L)
On this 8th day of June, 1926, before me, Anne Fowler a Notary Public in and for tHe
said Count;'/ of San Diego, State of California, refJiding therein, duly commissioned and sworrl,
personally appeared Charles H. ilnthony and Grsce C. Anthony, personally kp.p:wn.''to me to beth~
persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly acknowledged to mel
that they executed the same.
In Witness Wnereof, I have hereunto ·set my hand and affixed my official sesl, at m;Y.j
office in the County of Sun ~i~go, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
My Commission Sxpires State of California.
May 12, 1930.
REC03DEE AT ~EQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 15 1926, at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.D., In
Book No. 1226 Page 147 of Deeds, ~te cords of San Diego County, Calif~~ai~.
· JOEN H. FE33Y, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I :tlE.:tEBY CE3TH1 Y that the above and fore going is a fu 11, true and correct copy of
Easement from Charles H. Anthony and Grace C. Anthony, to the City of San Diego, California,
be inc; :Uocument No. 190493.
City Diegoi California.

vVe, Adolph J. ·Mende·· and Mary J.. l.iende, husband and wife, for. arid in consideration.
of the tenefi ts to accrue by the location, construction ami maintenance of a sewer line throlgh
and across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar
{~~1.00) to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby ac.t.nov1ledged, do hereby erant to
the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the C0unty of San Diego, State of Californ:i!a,
an easement and right of way through, along and across all that certain real property situat~
in the City of San Diego,County of San Dieg~, Stat~ of California, particularly described as
follows, to-wit: .
The west fort·y (40) feet of Villa Lot Three Hundred Thirty-one {331) of University
Heights, according to map thereof No. 1011, filed in the office of the County J.ecorder of
said San Diego County October 9th, 1906.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described ri~ht of way unto the said
grantee, its successors end assigns forever, as a ri~ht of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and:mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral in~ide the property lines, it being understood that the Cityl
of San .Die50 is not to be· held liable for any darna:ge resulting from the construction and mai:n-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
In Witness ~~hereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this lOth day of June
ADOLPH J. LTinTDE C!"" ,, T )
( ;.)~ri..U


STATE 0]' C.ALI.B'0:1NLA, )
On this 10 day of June, 1926, before me, E. H. Brooks a Notary ?ublic in ·and for
the said County of San Jiet;o, State of California, residin5 therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Adolph J. l.!ende and r,Iary :t. l.lende, husband and wife, personnlly
,iwo. .Y!~ "t?t~jre~Jt!da E_~ J:ll~ ~ersons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and the;?
l'\execu1:eC1 ~lie same. a hey
In Witness Whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my ofi'icial seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this ·certificate first above writ-
My Commission expires Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
June 4, 1930. State of California.
~BCOHDED AT 3EQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 15. 1926 at 30
~in. past 2 o'clock P.M., In
~ook No. 1221 £age 1$1 of DEEDS,.· _iEC03DS of !?an Diee;o Count~, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N·~~.c •. _:PA!lSONS, Deputy. -
I H2.:f3BY CEJTil!'Y that the above and fore going is a f"u 11, true and correct copy of
Deed from Adolph J. Mende and Harry :t. LTende, to the City o:f San .Diego, California, being

I Document No. 190495.


I, ''ti. s. Broderick and Annie E. Broderick, husband B.nd wife for end in consideration of
the eccrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer lin~ through
and across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar (~1. 0)
to them in hand paid, th~ receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the Cit
of Sani·Diego, a municipal corporation in the Count~/ of San··.Diego, State of C2.lifornie, an
easement a~d right of way through, along and across all that certain real. property situate
in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described
as follows, to-wit: ·
All that portion of Block 254 University Heights Addition according to the official map
thereof on file in the office of the County Jecorder of said San Diego County, described as
follows: The Southerly six (6) feet o:f the~Easte~ly Eighty feet of Lot 17, and the Southerl-
six (6) feet of Lot Thirty-eight (38),
To Have and to Hold the above granted and desc~ibed right of way unto the said grantee,
its successors and assi6ns forever, as a risht of way for a sewer pipe line.
'l'he purpose of this easement and rie;ht of way is for the construction and maintenance
of a·privute sewer .lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City of
San Diego is pot to be held l~able for ·at;y damage_ resulting from the construction and mainten-
ance of sewe~laterals a~er ana across thlB easeoent. · ·-
In Witne8s Whereof, w. s-. Broderick and Annie E. Broderick have here·unto set their 'hand . .

I and s~als this eighth day of June 1926.




On this 9th day of_June, 192~, before me, __ , a Notary Public in and f'or the said Coun y
of· San :Ji~_60, State o~· ?aliforni~, :,es~ding ~h:rein, duly ~orru:1~ssioned and s~orn, ·personally
appeared W. S. Broder1cK and Ann1e ~. Broder1CK husband ana w1fe personally Known to me to be
the perscins whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and they_duly acknowledged
to me that they executed the same.
In Witness "hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and af'fixed my off'iciul seal, at my of-
fic.e in the County of San Diee;o, the day and year in thi_s certifj,_cate first §bove written.
I.iy Co.:nrnission ~xpires Notary .:i:->ublic in and for the County of San Diego, State
Nov. 4, 1928. of California.
:aECOa.DED AT i'tEQDEST 0]' City Clerk JUN 15 1926 ut 3 l-.Iin. past 2 o'clock P.M., In Book
No. 1226 Page 151 of Deeds, aecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FE3RY, County Recorder
By N. C. PA2SONS, Deputy.

.. ' I HE.:mBY CERTIB'Y that the above and foregoing is a f'ull, true and correct copy of Deed
from W. S. Broderick and Annie E. Broderick, to the City of San Diego, California, being Doc-
ument ~o. i90497. '\
ALLEN H. V·i:~IGHT · . '
City of Diego, California.

We, Charles J. and Harriet C. Plante, husband 'and wife, for and in.·consideration of the
bensfits to accrue by the location and construction of' a sewer pipe line through tind~ocross
'the. property hereinafter described do hereby gra'nt to 'l'he City of San Diego, a Liunieipal
Corporation, in the County of San Die5o, State of California, an easem~nt and right of way
for the construction, operatUm and maintenance of a sewer pipe line and appurtenances,' thro gh
along and across all that real property situated in the City of San Die go, County of San
Diego , ~Jtl.i te o ±' Ce.l ifornia, 'bounded and des e;r i bed afl follows; ·
The i~as t six feet o :t' the Sou tl?- 100 f'e e t of Lot 7, Block 26, .Normal Heights, according
to the Official Map thereof filed ·in the Office of the Count·y of said ·san. Diego ·
The City of San Diego shall ~ive the grantor herein, their heirs, or assigns, one free
sewer connection as part oi' the consideration for this gre.nt. ·
; To Haveeand to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee, its
su6cessors and assigns, forever, as a.right of way for a sewer pipe lin~ and appurtenances.
~itness our hands and seals this 14th day of June 1926.
HA.d..LU3 T C • .?LAH TE (SEAL)
on· this 14th day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six before Fne, E. H. Brooks
a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, ~uly commissioned and sworn, per-
sonally nppeared Chari!es J. Plante and Harriet C. Plante, known to me to be the persons de-
scribed in and vvhose names are subscribed to the withi:p. instrur:·;en~, and aci:nowledged to me'
·thnt they executed the sar.:1e.

I ten.·
•jitness my hand and Otf'icial Seal the day and year in this certificate first above writ-
z. H. K100KS
Notary ~ublic in and for the County 9f San Diego, State
My Cornmiss ion expir.e s
June 4, 1930. o ±' California.
.itECO:IDED''ilT ·:-tEQUEST O.B1 City Clerk JUN 30 1926 at 50 Min. pa&t 9.. o'clock A.hl., In Book·
No. 1117 Page 371 of Deeds, rlecords o£ San Diego County, Calif.
· · JOHN H • .:B'E~UY,' County ~e.corder
Ey N. C. PA~iSOHS, Deputy. ,·,
I IB:tEBY C:BBTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Ease-
ment :from Charles J • .Plante and Harriet- C." .Plante to the City of San Diego, ·california, being
i' Do 'cume n t No- • ., 19,1061. ~ity ~ erk of' the City A:·La:"ni-!.tNDB1
~ e· ~;. . o·vo"m, I ~Ha.mi·1-~
~ 't···o... r·'·'·n·--l·.··a·· '. . "
B~ · . . · - eJutv.


3 .A S E 1.1 E NT
I, Cleveland T. Dennstedt and ~L L. Dennstedt, Husband and Wife, for and in consid-
eration of' the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer
line through and across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of
One Dollar CCl.OO) to them in hand paid, the' receipt whereof is. hereby acknowledged, do here-
by e;ra~~- to. the City of San Diee;o, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State
of Cal1forn1a, an easement and right of wa~y throu6h, along and aero ss all that certain real
~roperty situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Di?go, St~te of California, particu]-
arly described as follows, ~o-wit: ~
South four feet (4ft.) of-the North ten feet (10ft.) of Lot 3 Block 4·7, w~ P.
Herbert's Subdivision; and the heat four feet of the North six feet (6ft.) of the East fortJ-
five feet (45ft.) of the West ninty feet (90ft.) of Lot 3, Blockj47, of w. P. Herbert's
Subdivision. · · ·
To Have and to Hold the above gminted and described right of way unto the said grant-
ee, its successors and ~ssi~ns forever, as a ~ight ~f way_fo~ a sewer pipe line. __ II
The purpose of th1s easement and rl6ht of way 1s for the construction and mainten-
ar:ce of... ~ P,:ci:'ate sewer luteral ~nside .the ,t;roperty lines, ~t being understood th~t t~e Cityll
of San u1e~o 1s not to ~e held l1able for any damabe result1ng from the construct1Dn and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
+n \i i tne s s nhereo :f:', We have hereunto set our hands and seals this 2ls t day of June
On this 2ls t day of June., 192 6, be fore me, Lela I. Stillman a Notary 1:-u blie: in and

for the said County of San Diego, State of Calii'ornia, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Clevelund T. Denn~tedt and A. J. Dennstedt personally known
to me to be the person whose name subgcribed to the within instrument, and he duly acknowledged
to me that he executed the same.
In Witness ~hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offie:ial seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first abo~e writ-
My Commission expires
April 17, 1928.
Notary .i?ublic in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
:.iECO.:illED AT ~t'EQUEST 01!' City Clerk JUL 8 1926 at 11 o'e:loc.:k A.I',I., In Book No. 1232
Page 78 of Grant Deeds, decords of San Jie~o County, Calif.
JOHN H. FE3lY, County :.iecorder
By N. C. PA.:.tSON:3, Deputy:

I HE3EBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easem2nt, from Cleveland T. Dennstedt and A. L. Dennstedt, to the City of San Di~go, Calif-
ornia, bein8 Document No. 191325.

I, Louise MalcoU:mson, For and in Consideration of the .berillefi ts to acrue by the
location, construction and maintenance of aas·ew~rrline tthro.ughand across the property herein
described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) ·to i~ hand paid,. II
the receipt whP.reof is he:·eby acknowledg-ed, do, hereby grant to the C1ty.,of San D1ego.
a municipail. corporatmon in the County of San·Diego, State of California, an easement and right
of way tnrough, along and across all that iertain ~eal property situate ih the City of· II
san Diego, County of San Die: go, State of California, particularly described as follows, to-wlli. t:
Lot One (1) in Bikock Tvventy-·five (25) of 'Normail. Heights, ·in· the Co.utlj;yo<ff San Diegb,
state of California, according- to map thereof, No. 985, filed in the office of the County
:?leco.rder of said San Diego County_, May 9; l9~0i>.
To ~ave and To Hold th~ above granted and described ~ight of way u~to t~e said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer
The J;Pttr:wo-~ of this easement and right of way is for the co'nstructtion and main:..
tenance of a ~~w~~sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the
City of c-an Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resul tingg:from the construction
and maintanance of sewer laterals over and :lcross this easement.
In VJitness ·whereof, I have hereunto set my hand
0 f June 1926.
and seal
this 17t!J: day



- County of San Diego, )S~' · I

On this 17th da;y of June, 1926, before me Fred B.Grant, a Notary Public" in and for
said county of San Die-go, State of California, residing thereih, · d1.,llY commissioned and ·sworn,
personally appeared Louise Malco],mson, personally known to me to be the person whose name isj
::fuUbscribed to the within instrume-nt, and she duly wknO.w.l't~dto· me th::Lt she executed the sa e.
In Witness Where JYfi: have 'hereunto set my hand and affixed my o ffici~l ·seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first ahove written.


1zy Comiss ion .2xpire s Sept. 25th, 192 7. Notary Public in and for the County of

San Diego, State of California
iGCORDED AT REQU.E'ST OF City Clerk JUL 8th 1926, at ri"'o•c.lock A.M. In B9ok No. 122®
Page 428 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif. '>,

JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder

By N.C.PARSONS, Deputy.· (\

and foregoing f
I HE~~EBY C.:!;RTIFY, the above/to be a full, true and correct copy of Beedl ftom
lJouise Malcolmson, to the City of SadDiego, California, being document No •. 191326
City Cl k o·f the Ci~alifornia.
B ~ , eputy{:-1"~ ~~

E A S El.i:M E N T

T, I, R.M.Hubbard, Husband and W.i fa, for and in c6nsidera tion of the· benefits to accr a·

I py the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer lirie through and accross,.:the epropertly··
herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dol~ar ($1.00) to in hand paid, the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby gran~ to the City of San Diego, a municipaill1
coprporation in the·C(bbpty of San Diego, State of California; an easement and right of way
through, along and across all that vertain.real property situate in the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego~ state of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit:
Lot L Block 320, Hortons Addition.
To Have and To Hold _the above granted a1,1d described righ:t; of way unto the. said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a· right of 'way for a sewer i.liD!E •
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and main-
tE;Jnance of a prd!vate sewer lateral inside the- property lines, it·.being understood that 'the
City of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the ~Ql!l!'lG>lH·:&llid
maintenance of sewer laterals over ~nd this easement.
In Witness Whereof, R.M. and Elvina :M. Hubbard, P,ave ·hereunto se.t their hands ahd
seals this 22nd; day of June 1926. ·. '
R.M.Hubbard (SEAL)
Elvina ~.i.-Hubbard (SEAL)

On this 22nd day of June 1926, before me, a Notary Public in and for the said
County of San Diego, state of California, residing therein duly commissioned and sworn
personally appeared R.·Ivi. and Elvina :M. Hubbard·, personally known to ~me to be the IE rsons
whose names are· subscribed to the within instrument and they duly acknowledged to me that the•
executed the same.
In Wi tn~S.I:l Whereof, I have herunto set my hand and affixed my official seal·, at

I my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate firs~ above
l~ Comission expires
Jan. 12th 1929. Notary Public in and for the .C.ounty
of San Diego, State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Cl'flrk Ju1hy· 8th, 19·26 at l l o'clock A.M. in Book;;.
No. 1223, Page 190 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, California.
JOHN H 'FERRY, County Recorder
By N~ C PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above ~nd foregoing is .a full; true and correct copy
of Easement, from R.M. and Elvina Hubbard, to the City of San Diego, California, being
Document No •. 191327.

City Clerk of the City 'of San Diego, Oalifornia. ·

B+hf~~.£,,_0 ,Peputy,
. . . (9?%)
D E' E D

We;. Pfae ffle Simpson and Elvie Hudson Simpson, Husband and Wife, for and in.

I Consideration of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenaneeo&faa

sewer and .water line throught and acrossethe property herein, described, and in consideration
of the sum of One Dollar (~l:-~00) to them in hand paid, the re·ceipt w~_reof is h:ereby ac.;.
knowledged, do he.ceby grant to the City of San Diego,. a muni9ipaa corporation in the County
of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way through, along and across
all that certain real property situate in the City of sah Diego, County of San Diego, Stat'
of California, particularly described as· follows, to-wit:
The· East 46 ft•- of Lots Twenty-one ( 21) and Twenty-Two ( 22) in Block Thirty-
nine _{3~), of the ResubYdvis.ion of Blocks "h" and"I", of Teralta; in the County of San Diggo
, State of California, According to Map·No. 1036, filed i~ the office of the· County Recorder
of said San Diego County, March 8th, 1~07·. - '
To Have and To Hold the above g.canted and described right of way unto the sai::Dl
grantee, its successors·and assigns forell'er, ·as a right of way for a sewer j>ipe line and
wayer line.
The purpose of this easement and right mf· way is for the construction and main-
tenance of a private sewer laterafl. and water line inside the property lines, it being under-
stood that the City of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from tar
construction and maintenance of sewer laterals and water lines over and across this easement•
In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set out hands ·and seals this 15th, day of J~
On this 15th day of June 1926, before me E.C.Ryan a Notary Public in and for the
said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn
personally appeared Pfaeffle Simpson and Elvie Hudson Simpson, personally known to me to be
the persons whose mimes are subscribed to the within instrument and they duly acknowledged
to me that they executed the.same.
In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
My Commission expires Notary Public in and for the County o:f
October 31,1927. San Diego, _State of California.
RECORDED AT THE ~EQUEST OF City Clerk Jul, 8th, 1926 at 11 o'Clock A.M. in Book
No. 1244, Page e3 of Deeds Records of San Diego County Calif,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder.
By N.C.Parson~ Deputy.
' . ...

I ) . ,.
I HEREBY C.SRTIFY, that the 8b.ove and foregoing is a full, true and correct capy
of Deed, from Pfaeffle Simpson and Elvie Hudson Simpson, to the City of San Diego;
California., being Document No. 191323
D ·' . , _) ALLEN H WRIGHT

City Clerk of the'c~ San Diego, California.

· · ' C9?1V)
D E E :p
I, Mabel B Liddell (sole owner), for and in consideration..of the benefits
to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of.~- swwer line through .and
across t.he property herei}f described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar
(,~1. 00) to in hand paid, the :r;e ceipt wl).e reo fr, ~'is her~ ;by acknowledged, do hereby grantt
to the City of _San Diego, State of California., an ea~ement and right o~' wa:;y through; along
and across all that ~ertain real property situate in the C.i ty of San Diego; County of
. '
' San Diego, State of Californi~, ~fticularly described as follows, to~wit:
·. Over the 'Ne~t ~igljt> (B}f~of the east forty (40) feet of Lots thirty (30) and
thirty-one (31) and the west eight (8) feet of the South Ten (10) feet of the east fo.rty
t40) feet of Lot twenty-nine (29) Block four (4) Chester Park~ , II
To Have. and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the sa:i!d
grantee, its successors and assignes forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purp9se of this easement and right of way is for the construction and
maintenance of a private sewer lateral inside ·the ·property lines, it being understoo~
that the City of San Diego is not to be 'held liable for any damage resulting from the
construction and maintenace of sewer laterals over and acDoss this easement.
In vVi tness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 19th day of
June 1~26.
( ("j:·~.\.1)

On this 19th day of June 1926, before me, Rodney H. Yale a Notary Public
in and for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duiy
co"mmissioned and sworn,' personally l!_llppeared Mabeil. B. Liddell, personally known to me
to be the .person whose name is sub,scribe·d to the within instrument and she duly
acknowledged to me that she executed the same.
-·In Wi tnes.s /Whereof, I hereunto· set ·my hand and affixed my mfficiai
seal, at my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate
first above written.
14t eommission expi,res Notary Public in and for the
Oct. 17th 1928~ County of San Diego,. :::tate of
RECORDED AT REQU3:ST OF City Clerk July 8th, 1926, .. at 11 o'clock A.M• in Book
No. 1220, ~age 426 of De~ds, Records of San Diego County 0~ Calif.
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder
By N.G.Parsons, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Deed, from Mabel B. LiddelU., to the City of Diego, Calif. being Document
No. 191324
San. Die go, Calif.•.


' I, We, Harry' E. and: Je ssjclbn"t-t-~xrt~~1le-1lnJ:llhm.~lfRHn~<b.e'N=lb¥ 18. !te~e'i:J:1d_ti~ ctmougn ( & across)
si deration of the_ benefits to accrue Dy ... ffie !ocatl.o:nJ'lctescrioAe$]., and 1.n cons1d~erat1on 11 (the prouerty
of the sum of One Dollar C$1.00) .to in hand paid, the receipt where·of is her~by tack~c~v~~[L'2('h'errvein"
nowledged, do we he.ceby grant· to the City of San Diego, a. municipa.U. corporation int 1·
the County of San- Diego, State of CaliforniaJ an e11semtmt and. right of way· through
along and across all thct t certain real property situate in the City of San Diego, County
of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as follows; to-wit: ,
Lot 35, Block 40, Park Vi llaa .. . . .. _ .
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of waw unto the
said grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of waw for a sewer pipe
line. ·
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and
maintenance of a private sewer lateral inside the property ~ines, it he.1ng_under-
stood· that the City of San Diego is not to be held liabl~/for any damage resulting
from the construction and maintenance of sewer laterals ~w~rand aeross this easement.
In Witness WhereDf, we hdve hereunto set our hands and seali.this 23rd, da.i
of June· 1926.
County of SA!~ DIEGO,
_On this 23rEi day of June 1926, before me W.E.Bartlett a Notary Public in
and for the said County of San Diego, State of Califc:>rnia, residing therein). duly
.commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Harry E. Strasser and ~essie l ~trasser
personally known to me to be the persons whose names,are subscribed to th~ within
1nstrument, and they duly acknowledged to me that they execq~ed the same. .
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my o fficia;l
seal, at my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate
'first above written.·
' -. . .. '

Commission expires
i'~W' Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
" June 14th, 1929/ State of California.

I Jecorded at th~ Request of City Clerk July 8th, 1926, at 11 o'clock A.M.
in Book No. 1244, Page 86 of Deeds Records of San Diego County Calif•
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder.
By N.C.Parsons, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full and true and correct
copy of Deed, from Harry E.· Strasser and Jessie v. Strasser , to the City of San Diego
California, being Document No. 191328. ·
City c~~~%~~~;. .
G R A N T ~ D . . f-t§3;;y-~)
. r;.re, ·-ssther H. Fish and Leon H. Fish, wife and husband, for and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line throught
and 'across the r·eal property hereinafter· described, do grant to the City of San Diego,
a municipa'l Corporation, in the County of San Diego; State of California, an easement and
right of way for the construction, operation and ·maintenance of a sew11r pipe line and
appurtenances, through, along and across, all that Real Property· situated in the CTty of
Sap Diego; Cohnty of San Diego, State af California, bounded and described as follows: ·'
A portion of Lots 1 and 4, Block 444, Old San Diego, according to Map thereof made
by J'ames Pascoe·, a copy of which is filed in the Office of the· County Recorder of said San
Diego County, said easement and right of way being· six feet· in width, three feet on each
side of the following described center line:
Begim1ing at a point on the southeasterly line of Lot 4, said Block 444, distant
22.53 feet northeasterly from the southerly corner of said Lot 4; thence northwesterly on a
dilftect line making an angle of 76 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds with salid southeasterly

I line (prolom~ed from said point of beginning to the southerly corner of said Lot 4) a
dis~ance of 95.71 feet to a point; thence to an angle of 18 degrees 18 minutes to the right~
a distance of 97~00 feet to a point; thence on an angle of 17 degrees 56 mintues to the leftJ
a distance of 47.36 feet to a point on the southwesterly line of Lot 1, said Block 444,
distant 63.84 feet southeasterlp from the westerly corner of said Lot 1. .
To Have and to Hold 'the above granted and described easement unto the said g-rantee~
its successors and assigns, forever, llS a right o·f wey for sewer pipe line and a:ppurtenances.l
Wit~s our hands arid seals this 9th day of April, 1926.


On this 9th, day of Aprii, 1926 before me Edward c. Hall a Notary Public in and
fpr said County, resi~ing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
Esther H. Fish and Leon H. Fish,'Wife and Husband, known to'me to be the persons descr1bed
in g,nd whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and ackn owledged to me that they,
exeputed same. . and
1fli tness my Hahd/\Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first ab:ove
(SEAL) .
Nota.ry Public in and ·for the County of
:S:a:r:flDiego, State of California.
Recorded at Request of City Clerk July 8th, 1926 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book

No. 1223,Page 187 of Deeds,, Records of San Diego County, Calif. '
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder.
. By N.C. Parsons, Deputy.
I HE]EBY CERTIFY that the above and forego·ing is a full, true and correct copy of
G.a.antt.Deed, from Es.ther H. Fish and L.eon H. Fish I to the 9i ty of s,an Die· go, California
being Document No. 191360.
City Clsrk of the City ~go, California.

- . . . (~~)
We, Bertha A. Ale4Ji.X!9:er, formerly Ber·tha A. Hi 11; and J. V. Alexander, Wife and
Husband;. for a:nd in consideration of the bern fits to· ac·crue by the location and con-
struction of a line of sewers through and· ·across the·· real property hereinafter described, /
do hereby grant to(~the City ·of Sa:n ·Diego, a Municipal Corporation,/the County of San ·Diego,
State of California~ arr easement and right of way fo~ the construption~ operation and
maintenance of a sewer pipe line and appurtenances, through, alomg and across, all tha~
Real property situated· in the City of San Diego~ Couhty of San Diego, State o~ Californ~a;
bounded and described as follows:
1 A portion of Lots 2~3 and 4, BlQCk 475, Old San Diego, according to Map thereof
\ made by James Pa.scoe, a copy of which is filed in the Office ·of the County .Recorder of said.
San Die go County, said easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on eaeh

I side of the following described center ·line: '

. Beginning at a yoint on the southeasterly line of Lot 3, said Block 47b, distant
66.61 feet southwesterly ffom the easterly corner of said Lot 3; thence southwesterly on a
direct line making an angle of 50 degrees 30 minutes the sou~heasterly llhne of said

Lot 3; a distance of 36.60 feet to a point; thence on an angle to the left of 33 degrees
00, a distance of ti2.30 feet to a point; thence on an angl'e to t~e right ~f 84 degree's
11, a. distance of 251.77 feet to a point on the northwesterly of sa1d Lot 2 •
distant 117.18 feet southwesterly from the northerly corner of said Lot 2 i :ALSO, . .. . .
.The southeas.terly three feet of the northwesterly one-half ..o.f. Ampu~ia ~treet c~osef
to public use, lying adjoining and contiguous to Lots 3 and 4, Block 508, sa1d Old ~an D1ego.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the sa1d
grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, for sewer purposes.
r·, -.:·
-------,,----------------- ------------

46 ··~

Witness our Hands and seals this 16th day of April 1926~


. SS
. On this 16th day of April, 1926 before me, E.H.B~ooks a Notary Public in and for
said County, residing tperein, du).y commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Bertha A.
Alexander, formerly Bertha A. Hill and J.V.Alexander, known to me to be the persons des-
cribed in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknolwedg-ed to me
that ·they executed the same. · · -
Witness my Hand. and Official Seal the day and' year in' this certificate first above
Mp: Commission expires Notary Public in and for the County of
May 28th, 1926. San Diego, State of California.
, H.2C02D2D AT REQUEST OF City Clerk July 8th, 1926 at 11 o'clock A.IVI. in Book !Jo •
. ' County, Calif.
1208, Page 398 of De~ds records of San D1~go
JOH~ H FERRY, County 2ecorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEi.~EBY CERTD,Y that the above and ·foregoing i's a full and true and correct
copy of Grant Deed, fro~ Bertha A. Alexander and J.V.Alexander,to the City of San Diego
California, being Document No. 191361.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California. ·

ll~ '?1J;e;d£-t..tJ>.. ,/Depaty. I

. c : ('9?::?0
•• .Ve, ~10~~g_e ':J. and JLYlna L. Marston, Husband and Wife' for and in consideration of

the benefits to accrue by the·ion and construction oJ' a sewer' pipe line -:;r.~.rough and
across the real property hereinafter described, do tJ.ra~ to the City of San Diego, a
municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right
of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line and appurtenances,
through, along and across, all that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, State
of California, bounded and described as follows:
A Portion of Lots 2 and 3, Block 414, Old San Diego, according to Map thereof
made by James Pascoe, a copy of which is filed in the Off·iiCre of the County Recorder of said
San Diego County, together with ~ portion of Fort Stockton Drive , clos~d to t~ublic use and
adjoining said Lots 2 :. md 3; also, a portion of Lots l and 4, Block 420, said· Old San Diego,
said easement and rl,Q"ht of way being six feet in width, three· feet on each side of the
following described center lines, respectively:
Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of Block 414, said Old· San Dfugo,
distant 130.24 feet southwesterly from the northerly corner of sai~ Block 414; thence north~.~
easterly on a direct line making an angle of 46 degrees 53 minutes with the northwesterly 1
line of said Block 414, a distance of 120.65 feet. to a point; thence on an angle of 6 degrees
16 minutes to the glght, a distance of 121.36 feet to an interesction with the northwesterly
prolongation of ~he center line of Fort Stockton·Drive, said last named point being distant
185;20 feet southeasterly from the southeasterly line of Taylor street, measured along said
prolonged center· line; ALSO, ~ ·

Beginning o.t a point· on the· northwesterly line of Lot 1, · said Block 420, distant.
69.~6 feet northeasterly from the westerly corner of said Lot ~; thence easterly on a direct
line to a point on the northeasterly line of Lot 4, said Block 420, distand 27•95 feet
southeasterly from the northerly corner of said Lot 4.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easements unto the said grantee,
its successors and' assigns, forever, for sewer purposes.
Witness our hands and seals this 12th day' of April 1926. ·
Countj· of San Diego
On tpis 14th day of April A.D. 1926, before me Wilhelmine Schaffnet a Notary Public
in and for saitd County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
CGermr:gB W.Marston and Anna L. Marston, known to me to be the persons described in and whose
1arnes are subscribed
~ . to the
. within instrument,
. and acknowled£!ed to me that they executed the
Witness my Hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate fris:t above
wr,i tten.
No'tary Public in and for the County of San Die go
state . of c:alifornia.
RECORDE'D AT RE'QU~ST OF City Clerk July 8th, 1926, at; 11 o'clo·ck A.M. in Book No. 1·09
age 44'7, of Deeds R·ecords of San Diego County, Calif. I
JOHN H FERRY, County ~1ecorder.
By N.C.Pa~sons, Deputy. I
I HE~\EBY CimTIFY, that the above a~d foregoing is a full, t-.rue and correct co,py
of ,Grant Deet, from George 'IV. Harston and Wife, to the City of San Diego, California,
being Documen~ No. ~91362.
the City of San Diego, California.
B ~~_,..,.AJ'eputy • .
. . .~~~
/ ;
I .

' . .. :. '
~ ' ',;. ,, E AS E.M EN T
SAN DIEGO ELECTRIC RAILWAY COMPANY,. a corporation, for and in consideration
of One Dollar ($1.00) does her~by remise, release and quitclaim to the City of San Diego,
a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement
and right of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of sewer plpe line and
appurtenances, through, along and across, all that real peoperty situated in the City of
San Diego, County of San .Diego. State of California, bounded and described as follows:.
A portion of Pueblo Lot 326, of the Pueblo Lands of San· Diego, according to Map
ther,eof made by James Pasc.oe in the year 1870; a copy of said mav being filed in ·the Office
of the County Recorder of said San Diego Coun·ty, said easement, and right of way being
six feet in width,. three ·feet on each side· of the followimg described center line:
, Beginning at a point on the northerly line of the right of wey of the San Diego
Electric Railway Company in said Pueblo Lot. 326, distan:n:· 170.11 feet easterly from the
· north)IIJester.lg line ·of ,said Pueblo Lot 326 (measurrea along said northerly right of way lire;):
Thene;'e South 14 degrees 33 minutes 40 seconds East, a distance of 30.16 feet to a :point.;
thence South 15 degrees 4~ minutes 20 seconds West, a distance of 72.76 feet to a point on
the southerly line of saud Railway right· of wey distanti 226.98 feet easterly from the
northwesterly line of said Pueblo· Lot 326 (measured along said southerly _right of way J.ine)
It is understood thst the use of this easement must be ~n strict conformity with
requirements and limitations of orders· of the Railroad Comm±ssruo.noa'f this·· st·a·te • ·
TO HAVE AND, TO HOLD the said easemen~ and right of way unto said Grantee only for·
sewer line purposes; ·and subject to re;ve rsion to grantor in event such es.sement and right be
f\J ~~;d 9 !~~o~n;f ~~{rm;b~~~~~~t8ni:l~f~£~~~~~££~ BS£~~t~~~tat1Ad~f~~~·~f~tt~~f~ifigof!i~f§~~e f~~nd
0 0
/' (; r
-\, v Improvement Company ct0 the San Diego· Electric Railway Company February 25, 1924, which is
recorded in the office o·f the County Recorder of, San Diego .County, California, in Book
of Deeds 1010 at Page 131 thereof, being an easeme·nt permitting only· railway constructio:q. and!. (I
operation so long as used for such purpose, this present· grant· to said city being in nature
of a sewer easement· over said railway aasement and subject to the conditions thereof, and
upon the obligation, covenant and guaranty of said city,· assumed by acceptance hereof, to
hold, save harmless and defend the said San Diego· Electric Railway Com.9any. from and against

I all claims for damage to property or injury to or death of person occurring by reason.of or
during work of construction; maintenance or operation o:f said sewer under and lih exercise of
this easement, as we 11 as from any and all demands·, · St?.i ts; costs., jljliqgments, and expense
arising by reason thereof against· said railway company.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF; ~®.Corporation has .caused th1s instrument. to be executed by
its .9roper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 12th day of April 1926.
M.::.rch 25th 1926
S. JL. Masori By W. H. HA!.lli!MH
.B,or. Ass' t Gen' 1 Mgr., President •
w•. o. Anderson Secretary.
/ Engr. Maint & Cont.
! :
(SEAL). .
On this 4th day of May 1926, be·:fi'ore me William Mare.~sh a Notary Public in and for
the. county of St:Wll Diego, state of Califo-rnia, personally appeared Lanet ...D. Wehbe r, known
to me to be the Secretary of the corporation th1t executed the within instrument, and known
to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of said c·orporation ·
and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same.
IN VllTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set rr.y han:i and seal, at my office in said

I C.ounty; the day and year in this ce-rtificate first above written.


Notary Puhli~in anc1' for the County of

My commission expires . San Diego, State of California.
March 4th, 1930.
On th:iis 12th day of ·Apri·l 1926, Katherine Hallahan, a Notary Public in and for·
the Ci·ty of San Francisco state of California duly commissioned and sworn, personally ,
auneared w.H.Hannam, known to me to be the President of the Corporation that executed the~.
wiihin and anrtexed instrument and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the .same,
IN WITT-JESS WHBREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal,~ at
my office in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California; the day: and year
in this certificate first above written.
Katherine Hallahan
(SEAL} Notary P,u:t> lie in and for the City and
1~ commission expires QQ~~~~ of San Francisco, State of Cali •
Jan. 28th, 1930.
. at
REOORDEE A.T REQUEST OF City Clerk Jul;,~/Sth, 1926,/11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1209,
Page 451, of Deeds Eecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder.
BY N.C.Parsons, Deputy.


I Easement .from the San Diego Electric Ry. Co., to The City of San Diego, California, being
Document No. 191303.
City C~erk of :h~JCit~~J San D~~go, California.

B~~?Jr·~eputy. .

I, James Harvey Johnson, a bachelor~ for and in consideration of the bertefits to '
aqcrue by· the location and construction of a .sewer line by the Cit:l of .. San Diego; California, t.'~.£:r::J_
thrd:c:ngb and across the property hereinafter described, an,d in consideration of the sum of II
One Dollar ($1.00) to me in hand 'Paid, the receipt whereof is hereby ac.knowledged do hereby
grant to the City of Saru Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San .Diegp, State off
C~lifornia~ an easement and right of way· for the constructLon and maintenance of a line ofll
sewers. through, along and acro·ss all that certain real property, situate in the City of
San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Cali.fornia, particularly described as follows f to-wji t:
. . A portion of Lot 5, Pueblo Lot 1'783, according to Ma:p thereof surveyed by Otder I
of He tere.e s in the Case of Pac i fie Beach Co.; v s.; Annie M. High, e t al., in the Superior Sow.rt
of San Di.ego County,California, said ease,ent and right of wa:r being six: feet in width;
three feet on each side of the, following described center· line: .
: Beginning at a point on the westerly line of Bayard .street, distanct 6.32 feet
nor:therly from the nor.therly line of First Addition to Ocean Spray rrract; thence westerly
on a direct line to a ,Point on a line dr,awn parallel to and dis;tan'6. 200 feet westerly f~m
the westerly line of. Allison Street produced north,. said last named point being di stand: 6.;80 !.
feet northerly fron the nortl'Jlerly line of said FiF·st Addition to Ocean Spray Tract; thence
northwesterlg on a direct line to a point on the south line of Tourmaline Street, distant.
33.25. feet !3asterly from the northeasterly line,. of the right of way of the San Diego Electr:iJc
Ry. Company, measu:ced along the .south· line of ~urmaline Street; Also, Beginning at the ~-
intersection of the northerly prolonga,tJon of the centelilline of Allison Street with the
north line of First Addition to Oce~h ~pray Tract; thence northerly along the northerly pro- '•
duction of the center line of Said Allison Street; a distance of 6.7Q feet to a point.
T9 Have.and to Hold the above granted and d~scribed ri~ht of way unto the s~id
City of San D~ego, its su9cessors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer J.PillifXi
line and appurtenances. '
IN WITNESS WHE:~EOF, I have hereunto set my Hand and seal this bth., day of May 192!6~


On th1s 5th day of lvlay 1926, before me F.G.Blood a Notary Public in and for the
said County of San Die'go, State of California residing therein, duly commh::sioned and sworn
personally appeared James Harvey Johnson, personally known to rile to be the person whose name
is subscribed to thJ? within insr;rument, and he duly ahknowledged Go me he executed the same.
IN '.'?'I~NEs·s ':Vf1~2EOF, I h'lVe hereunto set m;)T hand and affixed my official seal, at mw~,.
office in the Q~unty of San Diego, ~ ~~~Jd8!XxtlmX
,/ YCxiffhe:xcO:~xmrtl year in this certificate first above written.

My.commission exp1res Notary Pub lie in an'd for the County of San Die-go,
Dec.· 19th, 1927. State o~ California.-
~~E'COnDED AT THE Rt:'QlE;;ST OF City Clark Jul~r' 8th, 1926, at 11 o'clock A.M. in, Book
1223 Page 192 of Deeds Rec~~ds of San Diego County, Calif.,

JOHN H FERRY, County Recor~er,

I HEJEBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full.r,: true and correct ,
copy of Wright of 1!Jay Contract from James Harvey Johnson,· to the City of San Diego, Calif.,'
being Document No. 191364.

City Clerk.of the'Ci1J'; of:=,~aJ D~ego, California.

EASEME.NT . . . . ~·

We, David C. and Carrie T. Shively; ·Husband and 'liife, for the in c onsi deration
of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line and app-
urtenances through and across the property hereinafter described, do hereby grant to the
City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego State of California;
an easement and right of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of· a sewer pipe
line and appurtenances, through, along and across, all that Real Property situated ih the City
of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California bounded and described as follows:
A portion of the East i of Acre Lot 4~, Pacific Be~ch, according to Map thereof,
No. 854, filed in the OffiJe of the County Recorder ,of said San Diggo County, said edsement
and right of way b~ing si~X: teet in width, three fee,t on each sid.e of the following des-
crib e d cent e r 1 i ne : ' .
Begi1ming at a point on the 1Nest Line of the East i of Acre Lot 48, said Pucific
Beach,. distant 135 feet south fror;; the northwest corner of the E.ast i of said Acre Lot 48;
thence East on a line _parallel to and distant 135 feet sou&h from the north line of said
Acre Lot, 165 feet to a point. .
To have and to Hold the above grant.ed ·and de scribed easemtm~ unto the said grantee 'I
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line and appurtenances.
WITNESS oui· 'ilarids. arid seals· thi's . 5th day of May '1926,

On this 5th da;y of May .1926, before me E.H.Brooks a Notary Public in and .for said
County, residing there in, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared David C.

and Carrie T. Shively, known to me to be the persoris .described in and.whose naQBS are sub- ·
scribed to, the within ,instrument and acknowledged to .me that they executed the same.
WITNESS Iviy hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My commission expires E H BROOKS
Muy 28th, 1926. Notary Public in and for the County of
San Diggo, State of California.
AT REQUEST of City Clerk July 8th, 1926, at 11 o'clock A.M. in Book No.
1209, Page 454 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.,
. ,.,. ,,., .. ,.t/OHN H. FERRY, County Recorder •
.BY N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. ..
I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT the above and foreoing is a full, true and correct copy of
asement from Davi,d C.Sh~vely and Carrie T.Shively, to the City of San Diego; California
eing Document Np. 19136b.

City Cle:k of the CA ofSan DiOgo, Ca.lifornia.

I R A S R ME :y~!Jzz~~Deputy.

W~~ Carl H. and Olive s. RoRers, Husband and ~i~, for and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location and construct ion of a sewer pipe. line through
~nd a~r~ss tpe real ~rop~rty hereinafter descr~bed, do hereby gr-~nt t~ The City of
San Diego, ·~:.
a'.l.. Corporat1.on 1.n the County of San D1.ego, State of Callfornla, an easement. and
~ig-ht. of way for the construction, operation andmaintenance of a sewer pira line ancf appur-
~enances, through, along and across, all that Real Property situated in the City of San Diegb
ou:h..ty of San Diego, State of Califprnia, bounded and described as follows:
II A portion of the ·west t of Acre Lot 48, Pacific Beach, according to Map thereof
~o.- 854, filed in the Office of the County Hecorder· of said San Diego County, said easement

and right of way being six feet_ in width, three feet on each side of the following described cc::.l
center line: . · j
. Beginning a.t a point on the north and south center line of said Acre Lot· 48, distan
U.35 feet south from the north line of said Acre Lot 48 (measured along sa~d center .line);

'hence west on a line parallel to and distant 135 feet south from the north line of said
\ere Lot 48 to a line distant 72.50 g'eet east from and parallel-with the west line of sai<l
tcre Lot 48; ~tso,
I· Beginning at a poin~ on the west line of said Acre Lot 48; distant 135 feet north t..··
~rom the southwest corner of said Acre Lot 48; thence e,E(9t on a line parallel with and·
, istant 135 feet north from the south line of said Acre Lot 48 to the East line of the West
~ of said ~ere Lot 48. ,
I To H.::cve and to Hold the ab(l!);:ve granted and described easement unto the said grantee;
li.ts successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe1line and appurtenances.

I . WITNESS our hands and seals this 5th day of May 1926.


Jl On thi.s 5th day of iliay 1926, before me E'.H.Brooks a Notary Public· in and for said
~ounty, residing therein duly commissioned and·sworn, personally appeared Carl H. Rogers .
~md Olive S.Rogers, ~nown.lbo me to be the persons described· in and whose names are subscribed
fl o the within instrument, and acknowledged to rne that they executed the same.
11 WITNESS my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certi:ricate first above
r.ritten ·
My Commission expires
May 28th
.' . '.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego
State of California.


.2ECOHDED AT RE'QlBST OF C.i ty Cle rlj. Jul:Y" 8th, 1926, at 11 o'clock A.M. in Book 1209,
448, of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.,
JOHN .H FERRY, County Recorder.
By N a PARSONS, Deputy.
I REREBYY CiilR.TIFY THAT THE KBOV:ECAND ]10REGOING IS a full, true and correct copy of
·asement from Car!l H. Rogers and Olive s.Rogers to the City of San Diego, Calif.,
being document No. 191366. '

I City
the City of Di~go, California.


UNION 1 TRUST COMPANY OF SAN DI:EGO, a corporation, for and in consideration

!"of the sum of One Dollar~ does hereby ~rant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation
in the County of San Diego, State of Californta, an easement and right of way for the con-
struction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe ~ine ·and appurtenances, through, along
and aero ss al·l thJ.t: real property situated. in the City of San Diego, County of San Diggo,
State of California, described as follows:
A portion of the West -t of Pueblo Lot l79l; a portion of the North 16 Ac'res of the
~Jortheast -}. of Pueblo L0t·l799., and a portion of Acre· Lot 92,. Pacific Beach, all accordirg
~o Ivlaps of. said Pacific Beach numbered 697 and '/91, respe~tively, filed in the; Office of the
pounty Recorder of said San Diego County, said easements and right of way being six feet in
width,, three f~et o1n each, side of the following described. center lines.: /, ,.
!'" Beginning ~t a point on the W!3St. line of said Pueblo Lot 1791; distan~ 135 feet sou h
~rom the northeast C~l'ne:r of fractional Block 4f?, Pa.cific Beach; as shown on Ma:EJl thereof No~
932, filed in the office of said County .Recorder; thence east 9n a line parallel with and
~istant 155 ,feet south from the easterly, prolongation of the northerly line of said Block
~b, to an ~ntereection with the northerly prolongation of the Easterly line of Haines Street
., (tfoil!'merly 8th Street); ALSO;
'-1 f.B:e..::gin:Iing at a point on the w.esterly line of said Pueb'lo Lot. 179,1, distant 135 feet
pouth~rly from the northeasterly corner of fractional Block 74, Pacific Beach, as shown on

I ~-·· said Ma;p No. ~32; thence easterly on a lihe p:-J.ralle:J. with and distant 135 feet southerly from
~he easterly prolongation of the northerly line of said Block 74, to an intersection with t~
·rortherly prolongation of the Ea~terly line of said Haines stre·et; ALSO, .
··I . Beginning at a point on the westerly llime of said. Pueblo Lot i.791.; distant 13b feet
outherly from the no~theasterly co:ner of fracti~nal Bloc~ -83; Pacific :Beach, as shown on sal!d
!Map No• 932; thence ·easterly .on a parallel w~th o.nd d1.stant l3b. feet· sou~herl~ from the
basterly prolongation of the northerly line of sal.d.Block 83~ to an 1.nt~rsect1.on the
l banter line (runninR northerly and southerly} of sa1.d. Pueblo Lot 1791.; ~LSO
1 · . .· Beginning- at a point on the westerly line of said Pueblo Lot 1791, distant 135 feet
southerly from the northeasterly corner of fractional Block 112, Pacific Beach, as ~hown on
baid, Map No. ~32; thence easterly on ,a line para;Llel "with and distant 135 feet southerly
•: r.~ •; • , • l · · ·

from the easterly prolongatiop of the northerly line of _sdi~ Block 112 to an intersection
·.. with the norther'lY and southerly center line of sa!lt.d Pueblo Lot 179il.; ALSO,
Beginning- at a point on the westerly line of said .Pueblo· Lot U.'l~H, distant 135 --<
feet southerly from the northeasterly corner of fractional Block il.2l, Pacific Beach, as
shown on said Map No. 932; the·nce easterly on a line·· paralle 1 with and dist13-nt 135 feet sou t.
erly from the easterly prolongation of the northerly 'line of said Block. ).21, to an inter•
section with the northerly and southerly center line ·of said Pueblo, .Lot. i'l91; ALSO
~:;_·~:.:1 -r
·Beginning a point on the westerly line of said Pueblo Lot 179il., distant 135
fee~ southerly from the northeasterly corner of fractional Block 150, Pacific Beach, as
shown on said Ivlap No. 932, thence easterly on a line pare.llel with and distant 135 feet
southerly from the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of said Block 100-, to an
intersection with the northerly and southerly centeT line o-f said Pueblo· Lot 17.9<1.
· IN WITlBSS 'VHJ!:'::\EOF: said corporation has caused this instrument to be .executed
byy its proper officers and its corporate seal afflxed this· 4th day of June 1926.
( fJEAL)
Asst. Secretary.

ST.-iT~~ o~~ C:l.LlFORNIA, ) SS

On this 4th day of June, 192b, before me Luella Duffy, a Notary Publlc in and. for
said County, residlng the!ein, duly commissioned and sworn, personallY, appeared C.H • .English
known to me to be the Vice-President and J.L.Bolllng, known to me to be the't Secretary
of the corporation that executed the within instrument, known to me to be the persons who
executed the within instrument on beha~f ofnthe corporation within name~ and acknowledged to
me that such corporation executed the ~arne.
' WITNESS My hand and Official Seal,' the day and year in this certificate first
above written.
My commission expi£es,
Notary Public in and for the County of
San Diego, State of California.
··: ,.. ...
RECORDED AT nEQUE'ST of the City Clerk Jul;;/'eth, 1926,- at 11 o'clock A.M. in Book
No. 1174, Page 73, of Deeds. Records of San Diego C6unty,Calif.~
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder.
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HE'~~EBY c::RTIFY rrHAT the above and foregoing is a full and true and correct
copy of Easement from The Union Trsut Company of San Diego to the City of San Die:go, Calif."
bein~ document No. 191367.

City Clerk


UNION TnUST COMPANY OF SAN DIEGO, a corporation, for and in c onsiderf!t ion of the
sum of One Dollar, do hereby'Quit Claim to the City of San Diego, a Municipal CorporatJon,
All that Real'Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San.Die~o, State of
California, boanded and described as follows: · ·
The Southwesterly Half (t} of Chestnut Street lying between the Northeasterly
prolongation of the corner of Mason Stree, and the northeasterly prolongation of the north-
westerly line of Block Four Hundred. Thirty-seven (4~7) of Old San Die:go, according to the
Map thereof made by James Pascoe in May 1870 on file in the office of the County_Recqrder
of said San Diego County. · . .
To Have and to Hold the above quit-claimed and described premises unto the said
Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. .
IN ttifiTNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has. caused this deed to b.e signed by its
President and AssistanS Secretary ·and it~ corporate seal to be affixed ~feGo this Eleventh
day of June 1926. ·
By John F. Forward, Pres. (SEAL}
Al_I:TEST, F.B. Thompson: . (SEAL)
Asst. Secretary.

On this 11th·, day of June,illi926, before me Lulu McFarland, a Notary Public in, an.d
for said County and State, personally appeared Jno. F. Forward, known to me to be the
President and F.B.Thompson, kno1.m to m-a to be the Assistandi Secretary, of the Corporation that
executed the within instrument, known to me to oe the persons who executed the within in-.
strument om behalf of the Corporation therein named, arnd acknowledged to me that such
Corporation executed the same.
VHTN.:SSS Iviy hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) .
Notary Public in and for said County and State.
· n.i.\CORDED AT .REQUEST, of City Clerk June 15th, 1926, at 30 lMlNc. . :,es past 2 o'clock
P.M. In Book No. 122li Page:as4, of Deeds 3ecords of San Diego County_Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder.
By N. C. PARSONS·, Deputy •.
I H~nEBY CER'riFY, that the above and forego~ng is a full true and correct copy
of Quit Claim Deed from· Union Trust Company of San Dieg~ to the City of San Diego, Calif.,
being Document,No. 19065l.
·. ., .,
ALL:2N H. 'NHIGliT, :: ·.
.J • •• ",,
' " ·.~.

City Cle'rk' of· San .D~ego, California.



COMPANY, and UNION TRUST COMPANY OlP SAN DIEGO, a Corporatipn, for and ·in consideration of One
Dollar, Does Hereby Grant to the City of San Die:go, a Municipal Corporation in the County

I ~
of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the constru~Jt]ion and
maintenance of a sewer pipe line and appurtenances,. through, along aEJd across,. All that
Real Property situated in t_he City of San Diego County of San Diego, State of California.
. bo\irided a_nd a.e.scribed as follows: . / t

A portion of Lots 2.,3 a.nd 4, Block_4; First Addition to Ocean Villa Tract, acc-
ording to Map th~reof No. 103~, filed in the Office of the County Recorder af said San D~go
County; a ,portion of Lo,ts l,2,3,31,32 and 33, Block 4, Ocea:n Villa Tract~ according to Map ~·

thereof No. 977, filed in the Office of said County .rtecorder, and a portion of Lots 4 and 43,
Block 1, said Ocean Villa Tract, saiP, easement and right o:f·way heing six feet in width, tbree
feet on each side of the following described ~enter lines, respectively:
Beginning at a point on the sou;therly line of Lot 4, Said Block 4, :H1irs.t Addition
to Oceqn V.illa Tract, d~stant 22.80 feat westerly from the southeasterly corner of said Lot
4, Block 4, First Addition to Oceaq Villa Tract; Thence northwesterly on a direct line to a
poinG on the northerly line of Lot 33, Block 4, said Ocean Villa Tract, distant 28.38 feet ~st~
er1y from the northeasterly corner of said Lot 33, excepting the ·portion of said right of
way lying within the alley in said Block 4; ALSO, ,
Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Lot 3, Block 4, said Ocean Villa Tracit
distant 4. 93 feet easterly from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 3; thence southwesterly
on a direct line making an angle of 20 degrees 30 minn~es with the .northerly line of sa]id f

Lot 3, a distance of 48.40. feet to·a point; ALSO,

Beginning at a point on the south line of Lot 4, Block :1, said Ocean Villa Tract:,;
distant 5.00 feet westerly from the southeasterly corner of said Lo.t 4 1 thence northerly ·
on a direct line to a::)point on 'ftihe northerly line of Lot 43, said. Block ~. distant 5. 00 feet
westerly from the northeasterly corner of said L·ot 43, excepting- the p!t7Dtion of said r:ight
of way lying within the alley of said Block 1. · --
To Have and to Hold the abov~ granted and described easement uhto the said grantee~

I its successors and assigns forever as· a right··of way- f9r the construction and maintenance of
a sewer pipe line and appurtenances. · ·
IN WITNESS WHF.nEOF, said Corporat1on has caused this in·strum:ent to be executed by
its proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this lOth day of May 1926.


.- President • President.
Attest: J. L.· BOLLING ATTEST: Geo. Hartl~y.
. Asst. Secretary. Asst. Secretary •

' '
On this 10th day of May,ifu926,.before me Luella Duffy a Notary Public in and' for
said County and State, personally appeared, Jno. F. 1!,orward, known to me to be the ·Preside-nt
amd J.L.BClling known to me to be jrhe llsst • .I::secretatyof the Union Trust Company of San Dieg~,
the cor.poration that execut,ed the \,!Vi thin instrument, known to me to he the persons who
executed the within instrument on behalf of the Union Trust Company of San Diego,. the
Corporatton therein named and acknowledged to me that such.Corporation executed the same.
· WITNESS ~Jy hand and Official Seal the day and ye~r in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said Connty and State.

. On this lOth day of May, ·1926, b'efore me Luella Duffy, a Notary Public in and for
said CoUI1ty, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Jno. F.Forwar
known to. me to be the President and Geo. Hartley, known to me to be the Assistanii Secretary
of the Union Title Insuranca Company, the corporation that executed the within :i,.nstrument
known to me to be the persons who executed the within instr~ment on behalf of the Union Title
Insurance Company, the Corporation within named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation
executed the same. ·
IN VliTNZSS. WHEREOF, I have herBunto set. my hand and affixed my official Seal
in the Count~ of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate first
above written.
V[Ar commission expires Notary Public in and for the County of San Die: go,
State of California. v'
HECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Ju:cy 8th, 1926; at 11 o 'c'lock A.M. in Book No.
1164, Page 71, of Deeds. Recordi of San Diego County, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder.
By N.C.Parsonsj Deputy.

copy of Gra,nt Easement from the Union Title Insurance Co., and Union ,Trust Company to 1h e
City of .San Diego, Calif., Being Document No. 191368.
City Clerk e c i t~v

We, Williams H. Carter, a widower and Lydia Cirter a single woman, for and in
consideration of the benefits to ·accrue by the location and construction of a sewer line
through and across the property hereina.fter described, do hereby grant to the City of San
Diego, a Ivlunici pal Corporation, in the County of San Diego State of California, an ee~sement
and r1t· ght of wayth. for hthe c onstrudction, opera· t itonh atndR ma inptenancte o ~ta stewde~ ptiphe Cp~nte anfd
appur enances,, roug , a 1 ong an across,· a 1 1 , a . . ea 1 roper y.·s1 ua e 1n . e 1 yo
San Diego, State of Cali-fornia, bounded and described as followsJ
A Portion of Acre Lot 51, ?aci fi c Beach, according to .map the.Jt?e~ ...,l\W. 6';J'l, filed in
·.· ·.

the OffLc& of the County Recorder of said_$~n Diego County, said easement~~ feet in width,
three feet on each side of the following desGribed center lines·, re·spectively:
Beginning~ dt a point on the north line of said Acre Lo-t 51, distant 142,50 :feet ea13t
from the northwest co.cner of sa-id .Acre Lot 51: ·thence south on a line paralleil. to and distanit
142.50 feet east ±·rom the west line of .said Acre Lot 51, a d-istance of 307.00 feet to apoinlt;
thence west on a line parallel to and distant 307.00 feet south from the north line of said ~ere ~o
Lot 51, to the w-est line of sa-id Acre Lot 51; ALSO;
· Beginning at a point on the south line of said Acre Lot bl, distant 322.00 feet
west from the southeast corner of said Ac.ce Lot 51; thence north on a line parallel to and'
distant 322.00 feet west from the east line of said Acre Lot 51, a distf!.nce of 313.00 feet t.o
a point; thence west on a line par~llel to,and distant 313.00 feet north from the south line
of said Acre Lot 51, a distance of 36;.00 feet to a connection with said last above des-
cribed line. ,
To Have and to Hold the above g:canted and described easement unto the said grantee:,
its successo.cs and assJgns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line and appurtenances.
WITNESS, our hands and seals ·this, 15th day of June 1926.



On this lbth day of June, 1926, before me :27.H.Brooks, a Notary Public in and for
said County, Tesidin.g therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally' appeared Williams
H. Carter and Lydia Carter, known to me to be the persons descr~bed in and whose names are
sibscri bed ·to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
'NITNESS my Hand and Official Seal ·the day and year in this certificate first above'
v.rri tten.
My Commission expires,. Notary Public in and for the County of San Jll:rego,
June 4th, 1930/ .,.. ,/ State· of Californ~a.
RJ~C0~1DED A'r REQU~ST OF city clerk 'Jnl;;.· 8th, L;26, at 11 o 1 clock A.M. in Book No. 1· 08,
Page, 401, of Deeds Recorcts of San Diego County, Calif., ~:lb>E~~!!4
' . JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder;
·;~y,,.N ~; ·C ,.P:_AR:§P,N, Deputy.
I HEREBY CErtTIFY THAT the above ·ahd fo.cegoing'-'-':ls' ·a··full'J.a:tYd true and correct copy
of easement from Williams H. Carter an~j_lf_~.d~~ _,q~rte~r'i;h~o y)zt~ £8l :0~~Ifc~i~.S.'l~ E~lif. , being
Document No. 191369~ ALLEN H. WRIGHT ,.
CiWJ Clerk of the City of ~~·,

E A S E M E ·N T ,
By~~-~~ plDity, -!)._ · .
We, Leland D. and .Alice S.Jones, Husband & Wife, for and in consideration of
One Dollar, ·do hereby grant to the City of S·an Diego, a Mumilcipal Corporation, in the County
of San Diego, 5ta te of California, an ee(sement and right of way for street purposes, through, 1.11on
along and across all that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San
Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: ·
A portion of Lot 14, B-lock 4, Ironton, according to Map thereof No •. 689, ·filed
in the·Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, to~ether with6a portion of Armada
Terrace, formerly Hematite Avenue, closed to -oublic use by action of the Common Council of s~id
City, lying adjoining and contiguous to said Lot 14, said easement and right of way being pg.~-
ticularly described as follows: . II
Beginning at the intersection of the notthwe sterly line of Armada Terrace, as now
established, with the southerly -pro.longation ·of the westerly line of said Lot 14; thence nor~herly
along the southerly prolongation of the westerly line of said Lot 14 and the westerly line o~
said Lot 14, a·distance of 29.7.2 feet to a point; thence southeasterly, easterly and north- I
easterly, on a curve to the left, tangent to said last described line, said curve having a ,
radius of 10.00 feet, a distance of 2d:.92 feet to a point on northwesterly line of (Armada
Terrace as now established distant 29.72 feet.northeasterly on a direct line from the point
of geginning; then·c-e· ·s·outhwesterly along the northwesterly line of Armada Terrace ciS now
established to the said point of beginning.
To have and to.'hold the a~ove granted and described easement unto th& said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, for street purposes,
WITNESS our hands and seals this 22nd day ·Of April, 1926.



On this 22nd, day of April, 1926, before me E.H.Brooks, a Nbtary Public in and for
said County, .cesid:ing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appear€ld Leland D.
Jones and Alice S.Jones, known to me to he the persons described in and whcse names are sub-
scribed to the within instrument, 8.nd ac.knowle dg:ed to me that they -executed the same.
WITNESS my hand and .offic:ia:lJ. Seal the day and year in this certificate first. abov
(SEAL). Notury Public in and for the County of San Diggo,
My commission expires State of California.
May 28th, 1926• / ~

.2.2CO.RDED AT .REQlJEST OF City Clerk JuJ.y.v8th, 1926, at 11 o 1 clock A.M. in Book No.
1223, Page 191 of Deeds .i.~e cords of San Diego Count;y~, Cali f.,
JOHN H FERRY, County ]ecorder
By N. C. P&qsoNS, Deputy.
I HE.'-iEBY CERTIFY THAT the above and fo1·egoing is a full true and. correct copy
of easement from Leland D.Jones and Alice S.Jones to the City of San Diego, Calif.~ being
Document No. 191.370.


The First ·:rrust and S<.lvings Bank, a corporation, for and in coRS.lderation
of Ten Dollars does hereby Remise,. rele.ase and quitclaim to the City of San Diego, a
municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California an easement ,and right
of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe, through, along and
across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, State of California,
bounded and described as follows:
The North three feet of Lot 38, Block 161, University Heights, aocordil1g
to ·.Amended Map thereof made by G.A. d!Hemecourt, filed in the Office of the County Re-
i. corder of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said.
grantee, its successors and assigns forever as a right of way for a drain pipe•
IN WI~TESS ~ffiEREOF; said Corporation has caused this instrument to be
executed by its proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 6th day of J'Uly,l926.


By J. o. Miller, Vice-P~.esident. (SEAL'
Attest: Frank Von Tesma:n, Secretsry.


On this 6th day of July, 1926 before me Edith E.Wilson, a Notary public
in and for said County, residing therein duly commissioned and sworn, personally
app~ared J•O.Miller known to me to be the Vice-President and Frank Von Tesmar known to me
to be the· ~§cre:tary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument,· known to me to
be the persons who· executed the within instrument on behalf of the Corporation within
named, and acknowledged to me t·ha t such Corporation executed the ·sa :tie.
_ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunt·o set my· hand and affixed my Official ~:.eal
in the County of San Diego, St.a te of California, the day and year in· this certificate first
above written.-
Edith E •. Wilson,

(SEAL). Notary public in and· for the County of

My commission expires San Diego, State of California.
July 27, 1929.

RE-CORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk July 21, 1926, at 10 o'clock A·M·- in Book
No •. 1233, Page 256, of De6d Records of San Diego County, Calif.,

JOHN F FERRY, County Recorder.

By L.B.woodard. Deputy.
W HBREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Quitclaim Easement. from the First Trust & Sa.vings Bank to the City of san Diego,
California,_ Bei~g Document No. 191814.

City_ Cler:> of, the City of San Diego, California

BY/ ;/:?(.0~puty.


We, Florenqe J •. and William R· Wylie, \Vife and husband for and in con-
sio.eration of the benefits to accrue. by the location and. construction of a sewer, pipe line-
through and across the property here1nafter described do hereby Grant to the City of san
Diego, a Municipal Corporatom, in the County of San Diego, state of Californt~ an easement
and right of wa.y for the construction, operation and maintenance of a seweFit~ne and
applll.rtenances, through, along ru1d across all that Heal Property si tua.ted in the City of
San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: ·
The Northeasterly six feet of the northwesterly 85.00 feet of the northv:est
erly 85.00 feet of J,ot 1, Block 501, Old San Diego, according to Map~ thereof made by JHmes
Pascoe~ a. copy of which is filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego
county. · , ,
, This easement is executed by the grantors and accepted by the City on the
conditions that the work of construction contempla.t~d shall be doE.B by tunne1 method and.
a.nd-not by open cut.(excepting construction o$'fthe Jllla::rtho.U..r.e)}·and the premises herein, L.- '\
affected by such work and construction; shall~1 upon completion of said ·work be left end
remain in the same condition as found at the time of entry for the commence~ent of said work
To have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, for sewer purposes.
WITNESS our Hands and Seals this ..16th day of June, 1926~

on this 16th day of June, 1926, before me E:R.Brooks a Notary PUblic
in and for said County residipg therein, duly commissioned and sworn, pers?nally appeared
Florence J. w~Tlie andWilliam H. Wylie, known to me to be the persons descr1 bed in and whose
names are subscribed to the within inst:z:-um.ent, and acknowledged to me that they executed
the same.
My commission expires, Notary PUblic ~n and for the County of
June 4th, 1930. san Diego, State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk Jul, 21,.1926 at 19 o'clock A·M• in Book
No; 1223, Page 240 of Deeds Records of SaY.\- Diego County, Calif.,
JOF.JJ H FERRY, County Recorder,.
By:L·B.Woodard, Deputy.

I HEREBY CE.~TIF1t,- that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Deed from Florence Wylie to the City of San Diego, California. Being Document \
No. 191818.


I, M.C.Healion, an unmarried man, for and in considerati.on of the benefits
to accrue by the location and .construction of a sewer pipe line through and across the real
property hereinafter de.scribed do hereby grant to the 'City of San Diego,. a Municipal; Cor-
poration,. in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easemen·t and right of way for
the. construction, operation and maintenance of a se-.,.Ter pipe_ line and ·a.ppurtenarice·s, through
along and a.cross 'All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, county of San
Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
A Port'ion of Lots 1.,2 and 3, Block 470, Old San Diego, according to Map there
of made by James Pascoe, a bopy of which is ~led in the Of£ice. of the county Recorder of
said Ss.n Diego County, said easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet
on each side of the following described center line: ~ /
Beginning at a· point on the northwesterly line of said Block 470, distani.'t
42.64 feet northeasterlY from the westerly corner of said BloDk 470;. thence northeasterly
making an angle of 51 degrees 14 minutes with the northwesterly line of said Block 470,
a distance of 119.84 feet to' a point; thence <tm an gngle of 05 degrees 16 minutes to the
left, a distance of 180 feet to a point; thence on an angle of 17 degrees 50 minutes. to the
right, a distance of 85.98 feet to a point on the southeasterly line of saidBlock 470
distant 19.25. feet southwesterly from the easterly corner of said Block 470.
This easement is executed by the grantor and accepted "bY ;the City subject
to the following express conditions:
. The groun~ shall be left in the/same condition as found wh~ the ex-
cavation commences; all- fences orosserdby the <Sewer line shall be replacer! and all .. conn-
ections to sewer laterals in said Block 470 sh~tll be made by the City f;ree of cost to the
owner o.t. owners of said property.
, . If by any reason of this sewer being constructed through said property,

any to the present property or to buildings or property· added thereto, should be said sewer, the city will completely repai~ or reimburse the owner of the
property to the full amount of the damage.
To Have and to Hold the abuve granted and described easement unto the said
grantee, its successors a.nd assigns, forever, as a right of way.
WITNESS MY hand and seal this 6th day of July, 1926.

On the 6th day of July, 1926, before me E.H.Brooks a Notary PUblic in and
for said County, residing therein, duly commissi·oneo. and sworn, personally appeared
M.C.Healion, known to me to be the person described in s.nd whose name is subscribed to tl:e
within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the smD9, I
WITNESS My hand and Official Seal the day and yea"r in this certifiqate· fiist
above written. 1
My commission expires, Notary Public i:p and !for the County pf I
June 4, 1930~ San Diego, State of California.
. '

:.J RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk Jul, 21, 1926, at 10 b'clock A·M· in Book
No. 1243, Page, 64, of Deeds Records of San Diego county, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,
By L.B.woodard, Deputy.
I F~REBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of .Deed from M. c.Healion to theCi ty of San Diego, Ca.lifornia, Beigg Docu~ent
No. 191820. ' '


I' ' \'

The Southern Trust and Savings Bank, a corporation, for and in consideration,
of One Dollar, does.hereb~ grsmtto the City of San Die·go, a Municipal Corporation,
in the County of San Diego, Stnte of Califo-rnia, an easement and right of way for
s treat purposes through, along and across all right· title and inte;rest in and to
All that Real Pr:pperty situa-ted in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State
of California~ bounded·and described as follows~ .
. A portion of Lot 84, Bloc~:Ll, La Jolla Strand, according to Map thereof
No, 1216, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said
easement and right·of way being particularly described as follows:
All that part of said Lot 84, lying on the westerly side of a line parallel
w~th the easterly line of said Lot and 150 feet therefrom.
To Have abd To Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever for street purposes, as and foT a portion
of Neptune Place. ·
IN W!Tl~ESS WHl!:REOF :· said Corporation has caused this instrument to be ex-
ecuted by its proper officers and its corporate ·s:eal affixed this 12th day of April
1926. /
I-' · BY Norman R. Morrison, {SEAL
(SEAL) Vice-P_resident (SEAL
ATTEST: R.E.Hagenbruch,
Asst. Sec'y. ·
S T.i\ T:hl OF CALil!,ORNIA ) SS

\ On this 12th day of April, 1926 before me Gertrude Porter a Notary Public
in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally
v appeared No~ltll R. Mo~rison known to me to be the Vice President and R!'E.Hagenbruch
known to me to be the Ass't Sec'y of the Corporation that sxecuted the within instru-
ment on behalf of the· corporation within named and acknowledged to me that such cor-
poration executed the same.

I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Offical Seal
in the County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate
first above written.
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of
August 1st 1929.- _,. San Diego, State of California~
RECORDEE AT REQUEST, of City Clerk Jul~.! 8th, 1926, at 11 o'clock A.M. in
Book 1244 Page 86, of Deeds Records ·of San Diego County Cali~. . ,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder.
By N.C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE above and foregoing is a full and true and correct
copy of Easement from· ~he Sou then Trust· and Corilmerce B~nk to the. City of. San Diego
Calif., being Document N~. 191371.
City Clerk of the City~San Diego, California,

B~u4J-!0 ·)_~puty.
~ AA--1>f·
Ralph Bennett and Mary Belle Bennett, (His Wife), for and_ in consideration
of One Dollar·, do hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corpora tio.n
in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the
chnstruction, maintenance and operation o-f a sewezfj..Il«fie and appurtenances~ through
along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of. San Diego, county of
San Diego, State of Cali1fornia, bounded and described as follows:

I A Portion of Lots 44 and 46, Block 1, Park Addition, according to Map .

thereof filed in s.c.c, No. 19544,. in the Office/of the County Cl.erk of said San Diego
County, said easement and right of way being si« feet in width, 'ttfiree feet on each
side of the following described center line: ,

Beginning at a point on the north line of Maple Street, distant 100 feet
west from the west line of 30th Street; thence north on a line parallel to and distant
100 feet west from the west line of 30th Street, a distance of 110 feet more or less
to a connection with the existing sewer main across said Lots 44 and 4f5.•
To Have and to Hold the.above granted and described easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer, pipe line.
WITNESS, our hands and seal this 24th day of April 1~26.
I qn this 24th day of April, 1926 before me G• .&'._'l'nomas a Notary Public in and
for said uounty, residing therein,, duly commissioned and-sworn, personally appeared
kalph Bennett and Mary Belle Bennett. known to me to be the persons described in and
\fhose names· are -subscr~bed to the within ins trume.nt, and ackppw~edged to me that they
kxecuted the same. · ·
II . WITNESS , my Hand and Official !:leal the day and year in this. certificate
first above written.
Notary Public in and for the uounty of Lo,s Alilggl~es
~tate of Galifornia. . \,.1

HECORDED AT HEQUEST of Ui ty Clerk Ju:ly{8th, 1926 at -11 o'clock A.M. in Book

I No. 1208, Page 399, of Deeds Hecords of San Dieg6tcounty, Calif.

. JOHN H FERRY, Uounty Hecorder.
By N C PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of ~asement from Ralph Bennett and Wife to the Uity of San Diego, Ualifornia,
~eing Document No. 191372.
• Uity Ulerk of the Uity of Ualifornia.
I, w,villemina Uavins, as Executrix of the last will -.and testament of
M Cavins deceased, i'or 13;nd in consider a; tion o.f the benefits to accrue by the. loc:a tion
oi:' a street through and across the property hereinafter described, and under .and pursuant
to order of the Superior Court made on Apri.l 23,1926, and a cert.ified copy of which order
was recorded intt.he R~corder' s O·~~ice of San. D~ego County, ?alif?rnia on April Z 3, 192~ • .'.
'. Do hereby Gra;nnitf~e C1 ty o·f San· :0.1.~go, a Mun1c1.pal Corporat1.on, 1n theCounty of San Dre go
State of California ·an easememt and right o;f way for s treat purposes, through, along and
across, All that Real Property situated in the City_ of San D~ego, .County of San Diego,
8 tate of California bounded and described as follows: . ·.
. The North Forty (40) feet of the Northwest Quarter (N.W.!),of Lot.39~
Horton's PuJUqhase of a portion of the Ex. Mission L~nds of San Diego, Accordlng to Map
thereof No. 283, filed in the Off~ce of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
_ To Have and to Ho·ld the above granted and desc·ribed easement unto
the said grantee, its succes.sors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for· street._,,.
purposes, as and for a portion of Market Street.
· ~ITN'ESS my Hand and Seal this ls t day of· May •: 1926.
Executor of the last will and test-
ament of John M. Cavins, Deceased~

· On t·his first day of May 1926, before me Mary McAllis-ter, a Notary
Public in and for said County~ residing therein, duly commissioned ana sworn personally
e.ppeared Willamina· Cavins, as Executri« of the last will and testament of John M•.: ·
. Cavins, deceased, known to me to the person described in and whose name is subscribbed
·" to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same, in her: said ,• • 1

'·,<:t' capacity of Executrix-of the last will and testament of John M. Cavins, d.eceased.
WITNESS, My Hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate
first above written ..

Notary Public in and for the County
of San Diego, etat e of .Calif.,
,. /
I .. '• '
.. ~.


. lo. 5108 Dept No" 4.
1 ~n the Matter of the Estate of ORD~ AUTHORIZING GRANT OF, EASEMENT F0R
I . The petition of Willamina Cavins, the Executrix of the Last Will and
--.jTestament of John M. Cavins, Deceased, for an order authorizing her to grant to. the City
pf San Diego, a Municipal corporation, in the County of San.Diego, State of Californ.ia,.
an ee.sement for street purposes, coming ou regularly to be heard this day, and said
fuatter being fully considered by the court.
as Executrix-of the Last Will and Testament of said John M. Cavins, deceased, in con-
$ideration of the benefits to accrue to the property of the estate of said deceased, by
the location of a street through and across the property h:ereinafter described, be, and
~be is hereby authorized and empowered to execute &nd deliver to theCity of San Diego, a
rhunicipal corporation, a grant and conveyance of an easement and right of wey for street
purposes, through, along and across all that real property situated in the City of San
~iego, County of San Diego, Stat~· of California, bounded and described as follow.s: to-
vyit: 1'he North FortJ; (40) feet of .the Northwest Quarter. (Nwt) of Lot . ""
Thirty-nine (390·Hortons Purchase of a portion of EX-Mission Lands of San Diego, accord~
ing to the Map· thereof No. 283, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San
lDie go County; .
I TO HAVE Al~D TO, HOLD ti:te .. said easement unto the said City of San Diego,
a municipal corporation, its successors and assigns forever,. as a right. of way for street
purposes, as·and for a portion of Market Street in said City of San Diego.
Done in open court this-23rd, day:of April 1926.
Judge:of ·the Superior Court.
No •. 5108 Dept· 4,
In the Matter of the Estate· of John
STATE OF CALIFORNIA·, )SS M. Cavins, Deceased.
I I, J.B.McEees, County Clerk of the County of ~an Diego, State of Calif.,
and ex-officio Clerk of the SuperiQr Court of said County, hereby certify that I have
dompared th~ within copy with. the original ORDER AUTHROIZING GRANT OF EASEA~NT ~OR STREET
!PURPOSES now in file in my office; that the same contains a full and correct transcript
therefrom and of the whole thereof. .
I \. · WITNESS my hand- and the seal of the Superior Court, this. 23rd, day of·
A!pril, 1926.
J .B.MCLEES,. Clerk. (SEAL)
By L. A. Bl.ey Deputy.
L. -~ -

RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk July 8th, 1926, at 11 o'clock A.M. in

Book No. 1208, Page, 402 of Deeds Records ~f San Diego County, Calif,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,
By N.C. PARSONS Dep.uty.

I HEREBY CERTIFY tha. t the above and for.egoing is ,a :dtti-1).]., true and correct
' cppy of Easement from Willamina Cavins, executrix of the last will and testament of John ..
M. Cavins, Decee.sed, to the City of San Diego, Being Document No. 1~1373.

.City c~~ ~Y~go, California •
By. .LL . . ty. I
. . ~+-1v~ I

: :-:· .. . . ; ...
-:·· . .. '

·, ..._

. ~. '

~ .
I .

' w~ f11s~· Rd -M-9 ~apfi~~Z{d. &oJlh ;Jlusban~ an~ Wifed f€r and i~ consi.g.J3ratim.:--
of/Red¥grgfpr~euthroftgn anfi across ~he·rei£ p~8~~f~jct~~~lWal¥e~na~ggr1bgRea~ ng¥by G~ant
to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of Sa n Diego, State

I of California, an easement and right of way for the construction, maintenance a~d oper-
ation of a drain pipe through, along and across All that Real Property situated in the
City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as

A portion of Lot 19, Block 5, amended Map of City Heigh ta, accor'ding to
!Map thereof filed in the Office of the Co~ty Recorder of said San Diego County, said
~asement and right of way being six f·eet in width, three feet on each side of the
!fo.llowing described center line: - · · - ·
I Beginning at a point on the northeasterly line of Boundry Steeet, distant
8.78 feet southeasterly from the northwesterly corner of/said Lot 19; thence North 82
~egrees 52 minutes-Ea~t, a .distance of 52 feet to a point.
II . · To Haveyand to Hold the. above granted and d~scribed easement ~nto th~
said grantee, its successors and ass1gns forever, as a r1ght of way for a urain p1pe.
WITNES.S, our hands and seals this l~th day·of May,·l926.
Franc~s W Ma~s~, (SEAL)
I . · On this 11th day of May, 1926, before me E;H~·Broaks,
a Notary PUblic in
and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
: burt is c. Marsh and Frances W. Marsh, known to me to be the per-sons d esc~ibed in and
~~hose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they
executed the same. . . . .
II ' ·WITNESS My Hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate
first above written. · ,

II )
~·commission expires,
May 28th, 1926.
Notary Public in and for the County of
San Diego, State' of California•
--/ .
II RECORDED at request of City Clerk ~u~y· 8th, 1926, at 11 o'clock A.M.
in Book No. 1220 Page, 429_, of Deeds, Records of Sart Diego County, Calif. ,
JOHN H' FERRY, County Hecorder,
By N C PARSONS, Deputy. .

I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Easement from Curtis c. Marsh and Wife to the City of San Diego, California,
'tieing Document No. 191374.
City Clerk of the City p


f,or and in consideration of the Sum of One Dollar, does hereby grant to the City of S~n
~iego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction, op- ·
Jration and maintenance of two drain pipes through and across all that real property
~lituated in theCity of San Diego, County of Soo Diego, State of C8.lifornia; described
Js follows: , . . ·

I ~ . .A portion ofPueblo Lot 1350 of th~ Ptieblo Lands of San Diego, according
tp Map thereof made by James Pascoe in the .year 1870., a copy of which is filed in the
oltrfice· of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easements and righ~ofway
b:eing six feet in width, three feet on each side of the following d,escribed center lines,
!..} •,/

respect! vely: . . , ·. . .. .. . . . ·
·I · · Begiiming at. a polnt. on the west line of. McKinl~ Street, as shown on Map
of CBrmel Heights Extension No. 1897, .filedin the Office of s~id County Recorder, distant
II - . ,
63 •. 34 feet north from the point of intersection of the west line of said McKinley S treat
wlth the westerly prolongation of the south line of Lot 5, Bloat B, said Carmel Heights
E:ftenaion; thence northwesterly on a direct line making an angle of 69 degrees 51 minu1tea
3f seconds with the said west line of McKinley Street~ a distance of 20~00 feet to a '
peint; ALSO, ·
II Beginning at the intersection of the north ;tine of Palm Stee~.t( as now es-
tablished)· with the northwesterly prolongation of the division- line ~~Lots 23 and
-.. 4~~cl~M~c~h~'nQr:Jt~W.~s¥~.j.~~ts Extension, according to aa4ld Map No.; 1897; ·thence northwest-
' e,riyWf'o!~Hga~lot.l or t.:fie division line b.etween said Lots 23 and 24, a distance of 22,00
fijleet to a point.
I TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described easements unto the said
glrantee, its ·successors and assigns fore·ver, as· a right of way for. drain pipes,- .
I IN WITNESS WHEREOF-, the President and Clerk of the High School Board of the
San·Diego High School District, County of San Diego, State of California, have hereunto
s 1et <hheir hands as and for the act of said Board this 19th day of May, 1926. I




· President.
ATTEST: Will Angier (SEAL)
I · ·' On this 19th, day of May, 1926, before me Lillian M. Gabbs, a Notary
!PUblic: in and for said County, residing bherein, ,duly commissioned and sworn, per-
sonally appeared·Edgar F. Hastings, known to me to be t'he President, and Will Angier,
I /
v !known to me to be the ClerKk·, .of the High School Board of the san Diego School
'· · .... I
. 5~

Distri.ct, County of San Diego, State of California, and known to me to ·be the Persons ·
who executed the within instrument on behalf of-the said San Diego High School District;,
County of San Diego, State of Ca;lifornia; and -aeknowledge.d to me that th.ey execute.d the
same on behalf of said San Diego High SchocH Dis't:tict. . ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto se·t my hand and affixed my Official
Seal, ·in the County of San Diego, State of.Calif., t:t).e day and Y·? this cert'if'icate
first above written.
My Commission expires
July 18th, 1928~ • Notary ·Public in ·and for the County of
· San Diego, state of California. · /
RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk July/8th, 1926 at 11 o'clock A•M• in \./
Book No. 1209, Page 450, of Deeds·, Recorda ·of San Diego County, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEHEBY CERTIFY, that' the above and foregoing is a full·, true and correct
copy of Easeme·ntmfrom the San Diego High School District to the City of San Dieg<;>,
California, being Docume~t No._l91375~

City Clerk of the City of SadDiego, Ca:J,~fo rnia.

. . ~//J~-~~.
E A 0 E ME N T
I, Mary H. Titus, a widow, f6r and in Consideration of One Dol~ar, do
hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation in theCounty of san,Diego,·
State of Califo·rnia, an easement and. right of way for stl!eet purposes, thl;'ough and
across All that Real Property si tuat.ed in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,
State of California bounded and described as follows:
A Portion of Lot 9, Block 6, LaJolla Strand, According 1D:. Map ther.6f fil_ed
in the Office of •the County Recorder of said San Diego County, particularly described
as follows:
Beginning at the no·r th corner of said Lot 9; thence southwesterly· along the
northw.esterly line of' said Lot, a distance of 62.93 feet to a point·; thence easterly
and southeasterly on a curve to the right, tangent to the northwesterly line of said
Lot 9,· said curve having a radius of 15.00 feet, a distance of 40.02 feet taLa point on
the east line of said Lot'9, distant 62.93 feet south from the north corner of said Lot
9; thence north along· the east line of said Lo~ 9, to the point or place of.beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described·easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way 'for s.teeet Pll:rposea.
WITNESS, my hand and se~ t~is 24th day of May, 1926.
On this 24th day· of May, 1926, before me Lois W~ Mc]mtyre, a Notary
,,. ' .

blic in and for said County., residing therein; duly commissioned and sworn, personally
appeared Mary H. Titus, a widow, known to me to be the person described in and whose same
is subscribed to the within i~strument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the
WITNESS my Hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first
above writ ten. '
(1SEAI.1l . . . LOli!S W.MC INTYR:&,
Notary Public in and for the County of San DiegQ,
State of California.
. /
RECORDED AT REQUF~ST of City_ Clerk July 8th, 1926, at 11 o'clock A.M. in
!Book 1244, Page 87, of Deeds, Records of San Diego, County, Calif., .
\ /
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,
By N C PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a fall:.& true and correct
copy of easement to the City,of ~an D~ego, California from Mary H. Titus, Being Document
!No. 191376.
_City Californi~.

We, William E. Davis and l!,rances C. Davm.s, Husband & Wife, for and in con-
sideration of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction o:t' a drain through
and across the real property hereinafter de~cribed, do hereby grant to .the Gity of San
!Diego, State of ·Cal~fornia, an easement and right of way for the construction_, oper-
llation and maintenance of a drain pipe, through, along and across, all that Real Property
situated in the City of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as· follows;
1 A Portion of Lot 12, Blpck 15, La Jolla Park, According to the Official
Map thereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said
easement and right of wey being fqurteen feet ~n width, seven feet on each side of tm~
following described ~enter line:
Beginning at a point on the westerl~ line of said Lot 12, distant 40.00
feet southerly from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 12, thence northeasterly on a
'... ··
direct line toward a point on tbe northerly line of said w·•'l2, distant 35.00 feet
easterly from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 12, a distance of 25.00 feet to a
point. · ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, .as a right of way for a drain pipe and
WITNESS, our hands and seals this 11th day of June, .1926.
..t<'fttANGI::i G DAII~ ( ~~A.L)

, On ~his 11th day of Jt;tne, 1926,.before me E.H.Brooks, a Not~ry Public in
nnd for said County, residing therein, duly commissione'd and sworn, personally
app~ar~d William H. Davis and ~ranees d._Davia, known to me to be the persons .

I descriged 'in. and.whose names are subscribed to the within i'nstrument and ack-
~owle.gged to me that they executed the sarrie.
WITNE:SS my Hand and Official Seal the da,y and year in this certi.t"ica te
first above written. ·
( s~AL) '
My Commission ~pires E H BROOKS
June 4th, 1930. Notsry' Public in and for the County of
San Diego, Sta~e of California.
.·· RI~CORDED. AT REQuEST of· City Cler~ July/Sth, 1926 at 11 o'clock A.M. ·:in l-

Book No. 1232 Page 77, of Grant Deeds, ?{ecords of San D.iego County,· Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full true and correct
copy of E&sement fr9m Willi~ B. Davis and ~ife, ~o the City of San' Diego, Calif.,
being Document No. 191377
City Clerk o5~the City of_ San Diego, ·California.
' B¥~/lleputy.
; -~~~-71'.
E A S E M E N. '11

We., Lawrence L. and Lucy Adams, husband & Wife, for and in consideration

I of One Dollar do hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in
_the County .of San D.iego, State of; Cal~fornia, All that Real Property situated in the
City of San Diego, q tate of California, bounded and described as follows: .
A Portion of Acre Lot 36, Pacific·Beach, according to Map thereof No.854,'
::(iled in the ,Office of the Cou,nty Recorder of said San Diego County, particular·ly des-
cribed as follows: ' . · .
Beginning at a point on the east line of said Acre Lot 36, distant 125 feet
north from. the sout.heast corner of said Acre Lot 36; thenpe west on a line parallel
with and distant 125 feet north from the south line of sai~ Acre Lot 36 to the .west
line of said Acre Lot 36; thence north along t~e west ~ine of said Acre Lot 36, a
distance of 20 feet to a point; thence east on a line parallel with and distant 145
feet north from the south line of said Acre Lot 36 to the east line of said Acre Lot
36; thence south along .the east line of· said Acre· Lot 36 to the point of beginning;
ALSO~' Beginning at ;the intersection of the east lirie of said Acre Lot 36 with ithe
north line of Law Street as now established; thence westerly along .the westerly p~o­
longation of the north line of said Law Street to the west line of said Acre Lot 36;
thence south a~ong the w~st line of said Acre Eot 36 to an intersection with th~
westerly prolongation of the south line of Law Street as now established; thence
east along the westerly prolongation of the south line of said Law Street to the
east line of said Acre Lot 36; thence north along the east line of said Acre Lot 36.
to the point or ,pla.ce of b€1ginning.. ,
.. To Have and to Hold the above granted and described 'premises unto the said
grante&, its successors and assigns, forever.
WITNESS, our hands and seals t~is lst day of June, 1926.

) SS
) .
On this 7th day of June, 1926 before me E.H.Brooks a Nota;ry Public in and
for said Co.unty, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
Lawrence L. Adams and Lucy Adams, known to me to be the persons des.cribed in and whose
names. a:ee subscribed ,to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they ex-
ecuted the same. .
WITNESS my Han!i andt.1and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate
first above written. ·
My.Commission Expires,
June 4th, 1930. Notary PubliQ in and for the County of
San Diego, State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST of the City Clerk July/8th, 1926., at 11 o'clock A.M.
in Book No. 1233, Page 200 of Deed, Records of San Diego County, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder~
By N C PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above .~and foregoing is a full, ·true and correct
copy of Eastment from Lawrence L. Adams and Wife to the City of San Diego, California
Beirig Document No~ 191378.
City Clerk

'!· ..
E 1 S E ME N T
Frederick J• Higgins·and Pearl D., Higgins, Husl;>and and Wife, o:f LaJolla,
California, for and in'consideration of One Doll~t, do hereby grant to the City of San
Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an
easement and right of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain
pipe through, along and across All. that ·Real 'Property situated in the City of San Diego
Coumty of San Diego, s ta. te o?f e.alifornia, bounded and described as follows: ·
· The' northwesterly 2~50 feet of LOt 12, Block 41, La Jol'la Park. acc-
ording to the Official Map thereoe filed· in the Office of the County Recorder of said .
San Diego County, with right to grantors, their heirs and assigns to tap into said drain·
for roof and other surface water. . · - ·
To Have and to Hold the e.bove granted and d ascribed Easement unto the
said grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe·.
WITNESS, our Hands and Seals this 26th day of April 1926.


On this 26th day of April, 1926, before Fred W. Sick, a Notary Public
in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally
appeared Frederick J. Higgins and Pearl· D. Higgins, Husband and Wife, kno1.1Vn to me to
be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument
and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
· WITNESS My Hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate
first above written.
My Comission Expires,
May 15th, 1927. Notary Public in and fo·r the County of
San Diego, State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk duly· 8th, 1926 at :11 O·' clock A.M. in·
Book No. 1223, Page 188, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.,

JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,
BY N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.: .
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and
correct copy of Easement from Freder;lck J. and Pearl D. Higgins to the City of San
Diego, California, B·eing Document No. 191379.
City Clerk of

Evelyn E~ Rice, Guardian of the esta-te of ·Alice M. Kingsbury, an insane
person, for and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the location and con-
struction of a sewer pipe line throught and across the real property hereinafter des-
cribed, Does hereby grant ·to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in. the
County of San Diego, Sta·te of California, an easement and right of way for the con-
struction and maintenance of a sewer pipe line, throught~nd along and across all that
Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Calif-
ornia bounded and described as follows:
A Portion of Lot 2, Block 501, Old San Diego, According to Map thereof
James Pascoe, a copy of which ·is· filed in the Offtce of the County Recorder
of said San Diego County, said easement and right of way b:eing six feet in width, three
feet on each side. of the'li:llled center line:
·· Beginning at a point on the soatheasterly line of Lot 2~ said Block 501,
distant 73.37 feet northeasterly from the southerly corner of said Lot 2, Thence westerly
on a direct line to a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 2, distant 68.78 feet
northwesterly from the southerly corner of said Lot 2.
_To Have and To Hold the above granted and described Easement unto the
said grantee its successors and assigns~ forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
WITNESS my hand and seal this lOth day of May 1926.
Guardian of the estate of Alice K.Kingsbury, an
insane person.
.·:~-r; . ~:1':1.1 {~ff N:i,;,:~.Q":r;~.::,~~~j;'~.• ~.Q~tj_i'~.~?~:·,~·!;i]lf!§:~.~-rrt§l!fQ~t :,;b~!f!9:e,~~~-:-).M:¥!t,fi,~.: Charlton, a Notary Pub lie
.In and for said. Oounty, r:eeS!d!i.fJ.ggthere1n, duly com~1ss 1oned anrd~ sworn, personally appeared
Evelyn E._Rice, Guardian of the estate of Alice M• Kingsbury, an insane person, known to
me to be the person described in arid 'llhose nar.1e is subscriil'bed to tliewi thin· instrument,
and acknowledged to me that she executed the same, as the guardian of the estate of
Alice M. Kingsbury, an insane person.
· WITNESS My'hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate
first above written.

Notary Public in and for the County of

San Diego, State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF, City Clerk July/8th, 1926, at 11 o'clock A.M~;
In Book No. 1220, Page 423, of Deeds, Records of Sart Diego.County, Calif~,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,·
BY N.C.PiffiSONS, Deputy.
I. ,
L1: 1·

_ I HERb:BY CERTIDFY, that the.abo"Ve and foregoing is a full, true and aorrect
cop? of easement from Evel?n E~ Rice, ~uardian of'the estate-~f Alice M~'Kingsbury,
an 1nsane person, to the C1ty of San D1ego, Calif., being document No~ 191381. '

City Clerk of the Gi.ty of San Diego, California.
. ,,!•'

: E A S E· M E N T


We, Lucy I Kingsbury, Editp M. Kingsbury, and Edith M• Kingsbury as the
guardian of Alice M. Kingsbury, for and in consideration of the benefits-to accrue by
the location and ·construction of a sewer line by the City --of San Diego, California,
through and across the property hereinafter described, and in consideration of the
sum of One Dollar ( $1.00) to us in hand paid, ·the receipt whereof is hereby acknow-
ledged, do hereby grant to t.he City of San Diego·, a Munimipal corporation in the ·
County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the con-
struction e.nd maintenance of a line of sewers through, along and across all that
certain real property situate in ·the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State
of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit:
A portion of Lot 2, Block 501,· Old San Diego, According to Map thereof \
made by James Pascoe, a copy of which is filed in the office of the County Recorder
of San Diego County California, said easement and right of way being six feet in
width, three feet on each side of the following described center line: ·
· Beginning at a point on ~he southeasterly line of Lot 2, said Blo~k 501,
distant 73.37- feet northea.sterly from the southerly corner of said Lot 2, thence
I westerly on a direct line to a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 2,
distant 68.78 feet northwesterly from the sou-therly corner of· said Lot 2, Said pro-
perty being the separate property of the grantors herein.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the

said City of ~an Diego, its· successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a
sewer pipe line.•
IN WITNESS WHEREOF; we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 17th
day of April, 1926.
Edith M. Kingsbury,Guardian. (SEAL)
On this 13th day of April, 1925, before me Willard H. Grague, a Notary
Public in and for the said County and State of Massachusetts residing t-herein~
duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Lucy I. Kingsbury and Edith M.
Kingsbury personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to
the within instrument,·and they du~3: acknowledged to rile they executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official
seal, at my office in the said County the day and year in this certificate first
above written.
My Commission expires,
Notary Public in and for said County and State.
I March 18th, .19.32.
RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk Jul;\/ Bth, 1926 at 11 o'clock A.M. in
Book No. 1220, Page 425 of Deeds·Records of San Diego County, Calif.,

JOHN· H FERRY, County Recorder,.

BY N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
l:H~qEBY CERTIFY THAT the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Right of Way Contract from Lucy I. Kingsbury et al to the City of San Diego,
Calif., being Document No. 191382.
City Cle;rk




In the Matter of the Estate OF RIGHT OF WAY
An Insane Person
IT APPEARING TO THE COURT from the verified petition of Evelyn E Ri'c·e, the
duly appointed and tl cting guardian of the estate of Alice M. Kingsbury, an insane person

I . .l , \} ~ ' ..
that it is for the best, interests of said insan~l person and the said estate that
sa~& guardian be authorized to execute a grant .of easement f9r_a sewer pipe line across
0 in Block 501 of Old San Diego, according to map made by James Pasco
in accordance with the ter~s, ,conditions and. description set out in Exhibit "A" ·
attached to the said petition; '
NOW THEREFORE it is ordered that the said Evelyn E. Rice be, and she is
hereby authorized, as guardian of the estate of Alice M. Kingsbury, an insane person,
to execute the grant of easement of said sewer pipe line, containing the description and
the terms and conditio~s set out in Exhibit "A" attached to the petition for order auth-
orizing granting of right of way filed here in.
. .... ... .

Dated May 4th, 1926.

The Foregoing instrument is a full, true and correct copy of the
original.on file in this office •
ATTEST, May 4th, 1926.
J B MC LEES, County Clerk and Clerk of the Superior Court, of the
State of California, in and for the County of .San Diego.
By C.C.Baile~~ Deputy!
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City.Clerk July/8th, 1926, at 11 o'clock A.M.
in Book No. 1220, Page ·422, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.,
JIDHN H FE~RY, County_Recorder;
BY N.C. P~illSONS, Deputy~
I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT the abqve and foregoing is a j;'ull true and correct
copy of Ortier Authorizing Granting of Rig:Qt of way to the_City of San Diego, Califoz;nia,
Being Document No. 191380. .
Qity Cler~ of the City of ,San Diego, Califorpia,
' . ~~~- -1(.··
W~, Leslie J. Clevenger and Mrs Eay Clevenger, Hu.sband & Wife, for and
in consideration of the sum of Ten.Dollars ($10.00} do hereby Grant to the City of San ·
Diego, a municipal Corporation all that-Real Property situated in the County of San Diego
State of California, bounded and described as follows:
All of Lots One.Hundred Twenty-four (124) and One Hundred Twenty-five(l25)
and a portion of Lot one Hundred Thirty ( 130) of Lakeside F~ qJ.S, according to MalT the reef
No~ 1204, filed. in the office of the County Recorder, being all that oertain tz:act of land
conveyed to Leslie J. Clevenger by deed dated August 31st, 1914, and recorded in Book 608
at Page 301 of Deeds~
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises unto the
said Grantee its successors ~nd assigns forever.
WITNESS our hands and sea~a this lst day of February, 1926 •.
M..'1S (SEAL)

, On this 23rd, day of February 1926, before me Kate L •. Mershon, A Notary

l PubliiJ' in and for said County and State, personally appeared ;Leslie J. Clevenger and Fay
Clevenger, known to me :to be the persons whose names:are subscribed to the foregoing in:-
strument, and acknowledged to me that they e:xecuted the same.
· vVITNEs·s my hand and official seal the day and year in certificate
first above written.

Notary Public in ahd for said dounty

and S ta. te.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk oul~;/8th, 1926, at 11 o'clock A.M.
in Book No. 1208, l'age 404, of Dee dE?, He cords of San Di"'ego County, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County necorder,
By N C PARSONS, Deputy.
. .
li HE:S.EBY C.iiliTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full true and correct
copy of Grant Deed from Leslie J. Clevenger et ux to the City of San Diego, California.
Being Document No. 191476.
City Cler!D

Q U I T CLA Ilvi D E. E D
We, Union r?rust Company of San Diego, a corporation for and in con- ,(' . /

sideration of the sum of One Dollar, do hereby Quit Clai~to the City of San Diego, a
~iunicipal Corporation, all that Heal Property situated in theCounty of San Diego, Ste.t e

f Californi.a, bounded and described as follows: ·
. All o;f Lots one-hundred Twenty-four ( 124) and One Hundred Twenty-five
125) and a portion of Lot One Hundred Thirty ( 130) of L.3.keside Farms, fWco rding to the
rap thereof No. 1204, ·filed in the office of the County of San Die go County ,
~eing ~11 that certain tract of land conveyed to Leslie,J. Clevenger by Deed dated August
Glst, 1914, and recorded in Book 608 at Page 301 of Deeds~
To Have and to Hold the above quit-claimed and described premises, unto

the said Grantee, its Succes~ors and assigns fbrever,

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this deed to 'be signed by its
President and Assistant Secretary and its corporate s.eal to be affixed hereto this
29th day of June 1926o


On this 29th day of June ~n the year One Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty six
· before me Luella Duffy a Notary Pub lib. in and for said County and State, personally
appeared Jno. F. Forward known to me to be the President, and R.B.Thompson known to
me to be the Assistant Secretary of the Corporation that executed the ~ithin in-
strument];: known to me to be the persons who executed the within instru!1fent on behalf
of the Corpora. tion therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed
·the same. -.,-

. . WITNE2S my hand and Official Seal the day and year iij this certificate
first above w~itten.
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County and State.

' City Clerk of the C-i-ty of San Dieg.o, California.

B~~ty •
. \ ~~-vfl.
GR ANT DE E D , . a\
We, EL MON'l E RANCH COMPANY, a corporation of' the Cdt ty of San Diego,

State of California, for and in consideration of the sum of·-Ten Dollars ($10.00)
do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation all that Real
Property situated in t}:le County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and. des ..
cribed as follows: -~ . . . . - .
All the.t portion of Lot mfe (1) RIVE.'RVIEW FARMS,. as shown on Map No.l683,
on file in the o_ffice of the Recorder of San Diego Cmnpany, to~wi t:
Begin-ning .at the Northwesterly corner of said Loro One· (1) ; thence along
the aortherly line of said Lot _One (1) North 63~ 13'. Esst, a distanc~ of 1027.75 f~e~
to the Nor'thwes terly corner of that parcel of land conveyed to J. S ~Baker antd Eleanor
Baker by deed recorded in Book 1005-at Page 421 of Deeds; thence along the Westerly
line of said Baker land South 24a 06' 40" East a distance of 507.27 feet; then.ce
South 6~~3' 20~ West~ distanc~ of i239.88 teet, to a ppint on the Westerly line of

I said Lot-one (l);thence North ()"45' along the Westerly line of Said Lot One (1) a
dis-tance of 506.56 feet, to the point of beginning.
Granteestheir successors and assigns forever.
·To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises, unto the said
' WITNE-SSETH: That said eorporation has caused this deed to be signed by its
Vice-President and Secretary and its corporat~ seal to be affixed hereto, this 29th day
of June, 1926.
. Vice-President. (SEAL)


' ' On this 30th da,y of June,. 1926, before me Lucille Macy a Notary Publia in and
for said County, personally appeared Geo. J. Bach known to me to be the Vice-Preside~t
and R.E.Bach known to me to b~ the ~ecretary of the corporation that executed the with-
in instrument, _known to me to be the persons. who execu.ted the within instrument on be-
ha~f of' the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such a corporation
executed the sam~.
(SEAL) Notary PJlblic in and for said County and
t~ State •1 ·
RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk- JulY..: 8th, 1926 at 11 o'clock A.M. in Book.
No. 1218, Page 24~ of... Deeds, Records of San Diego· County, Calif.,

I JOHN H'FERRY, ~fbunty Recorder,

By N C PARSONS; Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of.Grant Deed from the El Monte Ranch Company, a corporation, to the City·of
San Diego, California. Being Document No. 191480.

City Clerk of the City o+ San Diego, California •


James B. Mason, a s>:i!.:ag.J18 person, for ·and in considers. tion of the sum of
.One Dollar, receipt whereof is hereoy acknowledged, do hereby Grant ·to the City o~
San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an
easement and right ·of way for a· public Street over, along a?d across all tha. t. Real
Property situated in the City of San Di~go, County o~ San D~~go, State of Ca.l~fo~nia,
bounded and described· as follows: , ' '···· .
The East 30 feet of the N.t of the NEi.of Lot'l6, Horton's Purchase of
. I
s-Mission Lands, according to the official Map thereof, No. 283. filed in the office
of the County Recorder of San Diego County, Cal~fornia•
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right of
way as and for a public street•
WITNESS My hand and Seal this 22nd day of June ,1926.

On this 22nd, .day of June, 1926 beiir~re me Edmund o. Thompson a Notary

Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally
appeared James B. Mason, known to me to be the person described in and whose name is
subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
WI'l NESS My hand and Official Seal the day and year in this e: ertifiaa te

first above written.

Notary Publie in and for the County of
San Diego, State of California..

RECORDED AT REQUEST, of. City Clerk July'.l3th, 1926 at. 15 Min,ut:-J past 2
o'clock P.M. in Book No.l208, Page 4:40·, of Deeds, Records of San Diego Cqunty,Calif.,
JOHN'H FERRY, County Recorder.
By L B WOOD&~D, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Easement from James B. Mason to the City of San Diego, California, Being
Document No. 191613.
City Clerk of


James B. Mason, a single person; for and in co.nsideration. of the sum of
,~,·,'One, :receipt whereof is hereby a,'i(nowledged,_ do hereby Grant to The City of San
. Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of ~an Diego, State of California, an
easement and right of ·way for a publie ~treet over, along and across All that Real Pro-
perty situated in the City of San -Diego, County of San »iego, State. of California,
bounded and described as . follows: · - .
· .·The East 30 feet of the Southeast t of Lo.t 15,. of Horton's ·Purchase of Ex.:..
Mission Lands, a.cco·rding to· the official, Map thereof No. 283, filed in the office of. tffi'
County Recorder of San Diego County, California.. , ... , · '
To Have and to Hold the above granted and d'escr-ibed ea.sement ·and right of
way as .and for a :public street.
WITNESS my hand and seal this 22nd day of June, 1926. I
STA~2.E 0~,CA.Lll'ORNIA, )SS
O,n this 22nd, day of June, 1926, before me Edmund 0. Thompson a Notary
Pub~ic in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, per-
sonally appeared, James B~ Mason, known to me to be the person described in ·and whose
name is subscrmbed to the .within instrument, and acknowledg.ed to me that he executed the
WITNESS my Hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first
above written.
Notary Public in and :for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk J.ul.:,: r)_3 th, 1926, at 15 Min~past Two·
o'clock P.M. in Book No. 1208 Page 438, of Deeds,_ Records of San Diego County, Calif.,

JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder.

By L B WOODARD, Deputy~
copy of Easement from James B. Mason to. the City of San Diego, California Being Document
No. 191615. ·
City Clerk

Cyrus~~· Wallace and-Lilly B. Wallace, pusband and wife, in consideration

of the sum of One Dollar', receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,. do hereby Quit Claim to
the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of SB.I1 Diego, State of

California, an easement and right of way for a public street over, along and serosa, all
that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of
California, bounded and described as fiollows: .
The East 30 feet of the Southeast t of Lot 15, ·of Horton's Purchase of Ex-
Mission Lands, according to C~1n~!ficial Map thereof, No. 283, filed in the office ot the.
. ·f
County Recorder of San Diego,jt'Cali.fornia •
To Have and to Hold the above qu'i t claim'ed and described easement and right of
way as and for a public street.
WITNESS our hands and seals this 25th day of June·, 1926.


.- ·on this 25th day. of June, 1926 \QrXOH me. J.R.Jones a ~otary Public in and for
said County, residing.therein, duly commissio~ed and sworn, personally appeared Cyrus
H. Wallace and Lilly B. Wallace;~ ,known to me to b~ the pers·Qns described in and whose names
) are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged· to me that they executed the same.
WITNESS, My hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate
first above written.
My Comission expires Notary Public in and for the County of
Oct~ 31,, 1928 Los Angeles, State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk Jul~y- 13th, 1926 at 15 mimxhasf"past two
o'cl~ock P.M. in Book No. 122,1 Page 286 of ·Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.o·c.niD.•

I .
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,
By L.B.WOODARD, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT the above and foregoing is a full,true and correct
copy of easement. from Cyrus H. Wallace and Lilly B. Wallace to the City of San Drego
California, Being Document No~ 191617. '
City Clerk of th~G-i-ty of Sari D;,o/ California.

EASEMENT ~ .j./.
Guido Arthur Sommer (Widow'3r) an·d.ArvedcJ.Arthur Sommer (single) joint tenants,
for and in consideration of the sum of One Do:), ·do hereby g:r;ant to the City of San Diego
a municipal Corporation, in theCounty. of S~n Diego, Sta.te of California; an easement .
and right of way fo~ a public street ove~, 'along and across·, all tha ~ Real Property
situated in the City of San Diego, County of S~n ~Diego, State of California, bounded and
described as follows: . .' · .
The Ea. st thirty {30) feet .of the SEt of· Lotl41 Hor'ton's Purchase of RanchQ
Mission a,ccording to the Official Map thereof No. 283 filed in the offc!~e of the County
Recorder of Sap Diego, County California. excepting there.from the right jJiay of the San· Diego
and Ariz.ona rtailway Company. .
To Have and to Hold the above granted ·and described easament and right of way

I as and for· a public street.

WITNESS, our hands and seals this 6th day of July 1926.


On this 6th day of July, 1926 before me Edmund 0. Thompson a Notary Publi9
in· and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally
appeared Guido Arthur Sommer (widower) and Ar. i·ved Arthur Sommer (single) joint 'l'enants,
known to me to he the persons described in· and whose names are subscribed -to the within
instrument, and acknowledged to me that ·theyeexecu ted the same •
WITNESS, my Hand and Official Seal the day and year in this cartifL:a te first
above written.
. Notary Public in and· for theCounty of San Diego,
1My commission expires, State of California.
~arch 31, 1930. · '--· I. .•.
I· . . RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk Jul;y· ·1.3th, 1926 at .15 min~past 2 ·o'clock
~.M. in Book No. 1221, Page 285, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Cilif.,

JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder.

By L B WOODARD~ Deputy.
. .
HEREBY CER T!l!,Y THAT the above and foregoing is a full, true and aorrect copy
IIof. easement·I from Guido· Arthur Sommer et al t.o the City of :3an Diego, California. Being ·

I· ~~cument No. 191619.


City Clerk of

H. L. Curtis and Carrie M. Curtis, Husband and Wife, for and-in consideration
of the sum of One Dollar,· receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. do hereby Grant to the
City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation; in the County of San Di·ego, State ·of·
Ce.lifornia,. an easement and right of way for a public st11eet over, along and across all
that Real Property situated in the City of ea~ Diego, County of San Diego, State of Cal..;.
ifornia, bounded and described as follows: · ' ·"
The East forth (40) ·feet of the Nt of the NEt of Lot 30, Horton's Purchase of
Ex-Mission Lands, according to t~e official Map thereof No. 283, filed in the office of the
County Recorder of San Diego County, California. ·
To Have and to,Hold the above granted and described easement and right of
way as and for a public stre~t.
WITNESS, our hands and seal this 23rd day of June, 1926.
On this 23rd, day of June, 1926, before me Boyd E. Gabbert, a Notary Public
in and for said County', residing. therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
H.L.Curtis and Carrie M~ Curtis, his wife, known to me to be the persons described in ·and·
·Whose names are subs.cribed to "the within instrument-and ackm7wledged to me that they.
executed the same.
WITNESS my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first
above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of Ventura,
State of California.
Rl!.:CORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk Jul'Ji . . . 13th,
.. 1926. at ·15 min~x past 2 o' cl'ock
P.M. in Book No. 1821, Page 283 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif~. I
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,
By L.B. WOODAR~, Deputy.
I HJ~REBY CEHTIFY, tha·t the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of eDsement from H.L.Curtis and Carrie M. Curtis to the City of ~an Diego California
Being Document No. 191621.
City Clerk of'

E A S E M E N .T
i ~ ·. 7

I, Maude Martin, a single per~on; for and in consideration of the· sum of One
Dollar, receipt of whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City of San D~go
a Municipal Corporation, in the Goun ty of can Die go, state of California, an easement and
right of Way for a public street, over, along and across ;:>11 that deal Property situated in
the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, Stete of California., bou'nded and described as
follows: ·
1 he e8.S t 30 feet of the N~ of' ·the SEt and the st of the NE-% of Lot 16,

Hortons Purchas·e of Ex-Mission Lands, according to the official Map the·reof No. 283, filed in
the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, California.
To· Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right of way
as and for a pQblic street.
WITNESS my hand and seal this 30th ds.y of June, 1926.. •.
On this 30th day of June, 1926, before me Luella Duffy a Notary Public in- and
for said County, residing therein.duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared Maud Martin
known to me to be the p~rson described in and whose name is subscribed. to ·the within in-
strument, and acknowledged to me th~t she executed t~e same.
WITNESS my Hand and Official Seal the daw, and year in this certificate first
above w.ri tt.en. ·
r :- _·.( :::!""'AL)
..- ~-) .i:J
Notary Pub lie in- and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
RECORDED AT REQU.EST of City Clerk July;-13th, 1926, at 15. min~:,past ,2
o'clock P.M. in Book No. 1221, Page, 28.2 of Deeds, Records of San ·Diego County, Calif. ,
JOHN H FERRY, County R~corder·.
By L.B.W~QDARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY THA'l: the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy
of Easement from Maud Martin to the City of San Diego, California Being Document No.l91623.
City .Clerk I

-~ R A ..N :T ?DlifETE D
'Klicka Lumber Company, a corporation~ for and in consideration ·of the sum of
One Dollar, receipt where'b;t" is hereby acknowledged, does hereby -grant to the City of·
San Diego, a ivfunicipal Corporation, in the Countyo. of San Diego, State of California, an

I ...... l ,·
easement and right of way ·for a public· Street over, along and across all that Real
property S:ituated in the City of San Diego, County of San Di·ego, State oof California,
bounded ail~ describ~d as follows:
· The E2st fort~·. (40) feet .of the north one-hundred ninety-eigh:t (198(
feet of the SEt of Lot· 30, Horton's Purchase of Ex-M-issi·on Lands·, e.ccording to the official
Map thereof No. 283, on file in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County,
· · To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever for Street purposes.
· IN WI'l1NESS WHffiEOF, said Corporat:ton has caused this instrument to be ex-
ecuted by its proper officers and its· corporate seal affixed this 9th day of July, 1926.
COMPANY, A Corporation.
( SE.AL) By Emil Klicka, President
ATTEST, Frank, Vavrock, Secretary.


, On this 9th day of July, i926, before me A~ E. Grigsby a Notary Public in and
.for· said County, residing therein duly commissioned and sworn, per~onal~y appeared Emil
Klicka, known to me to be the President and Frank Vavrock, known to me to be the Secretary
of the Corpora.tiqn that executed the within instrument, known to me to be the p~sons who
-executed the within instrument:ion behalf of the Corporation within named, and Dcknowledged
to me that such Corpora.tion executed the same. '
IN. WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my h8.nd and affixed my Official Seal,
in the County of San Diego, State of Californ~a, the day and year in this certificate
first above writt~n.

My Commis~ion Expires,
May lf·th, 1927
Notary. Public-in and for the County of
· San Diego, State of California.

RECORDED AT REQU~;ST of City Clerk July 13th, 1926, at 15 minU:-te-s--past two

o'clock P~M. in Book No. 1226,. Page 282 of Deeds, Record~ of San Diego County, Califc~nia.

JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder.

By L B WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of G:ns:n-tD:e~eli from The Klicka L-q.mber Company, to the City of San Diego, California,
Being Document No. 191655

City Clerk of thelCity of San ~efoo, California •

. B~~fM._T)p~uty.
Albert Salvi amd Josephine Salvi, Husband and Wife, for and in consideration
.. ··~· !, : t .•
of the sum of One Dollar receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the
.. City of .can Diego, a. Municipal Corporation,. in the County of San Diego, State of Calif.,
an easement and right of way for a public stre&t over, along and across all that Real ·

I ·
Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California,
bounded and described as follows:
· All that portion· of Lot 42, Horton's Purchase of Rancho Mi.ssion according to the
official Map thereof No. 2f?3, on file in the.Office of the County 3ocord~r of san: Diego County
California, more particularly described and bounded as follows:
· , Beginning at the Northeast corner. of ,the SEt of sai'd Lot 42 thence South along
tli{e East line of ,said Lot 42 to a poi~t on the NorthwesterJl:y line .a distance of 64.05 feet
to a point, ~hence curving Northe8sterly, tangent to sai.d last named course, with a radius
of 50 feet thro~gh an angle of 62 07' a distance of 54.21 feet to a point on a line parallel
to and distant 30 feet West from the East line of said Lot 12; thence North along a line
!Parallel to. an.d distant 30 feet We_s t from the. East line of said lot 42, to the North ·line
;of the S.Ei of 'said LOt 42; thence ·East along said No·rth Line a distance of 30 feet. to the
oint of beginning.
I To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right of way
as, and f.or a-·--public street. . .
WITNESS our hand~ and seals this lst day of July, 1926.
· II . . On this 1st day mf July_, 1926·, before me Edmund o•. Thompson. a Notary Public in
~n~ ~or said County, resioing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ; ,.
~lbert Salvi and Josephine Salvi (Wife) known to me to b~ the persons desc~ibed in and whbse
~am~s are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged' to me· that they executed
he same. ·
:I l WITNESS My Hand end Official Seal the day and year in this certifies. te first

I above written.
• • ~r


March 31, 1930. · Notary Pub lie in and for the County of '
San Diego, 3 tate of California.

.,. . ,. . I

· July 13th, 1926.

RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerkjat 15 min~-past 2 o'clock P.M. Jv.l~... 1 :-:·1~11 •
·19::.:6 in Book No. 1226, Page 281, of Deeds, He cords of San Diego County, Calif.,

JOHN H .!fERRY, county He corder.

By L. B.· Woodard, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Easement from Albert Salvi and Josephine Salvi .to: the City of San Diego, Calif.,
Being Document No~ 191657.

Security Commercial & Savings Bank, a corporation;.' for and in consideration

of the sum of One Dollar, receipt wHereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby quitclaim to
the City of San Diege, a Municipal Corporation, an easement and right of way for a public i3
street over, along and across all that real property situated in the City of San Diego,
State of California, bounded and described as follows:
All that portion.of·Lot 42, Horton's Purchase of Rancho Mission according to
the Map thereof No •. 283, on file in the office of the County Hecorder of Sa n Diege County,
California, more particularly described and bounded as follows: · · I
Beginning at the Northea.s t corner of the SEt mf said Lot 42, thence South
along the East line of said Lot 42 to a point on the Northwesterly line of Imperial Avenue;
thence Southwester;ty along said Northwesterly· line a distance of 64.05 feet to a point;
thence curving northeasterly, tangent to said last named courBe, with a radius of 50 feet
through an angle of 620,07 1 a distance of 54.21 feet to a point. onoa line parallel to and
distant 30 feet West from the· East line of said Lot 42; thence North along a line parallel
to and distant 30 feet West from the East line of said Lot 42 to. the North line of the SEt·
of said Lot 42; thence East along said North iine, a distance of 30 feet to the point of
To Have.and to Hold the above quitclaimed and described premises unto the sai~
·.grantee, its successo~s and as2igns forever for Street purposes.
·IN WITNESS WIBREOF, said Corporation ha.s caused· this instrument to be ex:-
ecuted by its prop~r officers and its corporate seal affixed this lOth day of July,l926.
\ .
A Corporation.
\ By J; w. DON0.HUE, Vice-President.
A~PTE3T, O. E. Darnell, Secreta:li'y.

JOHN H FERRY, County 3ecorder,

By L. B. Woodard, Deputy •
· ·\the above and foregoing is a fu'll, ; true m d correct
··~·~mmercia.l and Savings Bank to the City of San .Diego,
~.rk of·

: .,sband and wife, for a,nd in· consideration
-~truction of a drain pipe through and
ac:r ~y Grant to the City of San Tiiego,
a MU.i. ' State of California, an easement and
right ·,~enance of a drain pipe, through
along a . . ~City of·San _Diego, State of
. ryniversity Heights, according
·".he Office of the county Re-
/ "\bed easem~nt unto ,the said
.j for a drain pipe.
,;.~.y, 1926 •


Notary pUblic in and for the county of
San Diego, State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST of· City Clerk Jul 21,1926 at 10 o'clock A.M. in Book
No. 1251, Page 93, of Deeds, :.:~cords of San Diego, County Calif.; ·
JOHN H FERI,tY, County Recorder.
By L.B.Woddard, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true an~ correct
copy of Deed from L.J. and Catherine M. Clay, to the City of san Diego, Being Document
No. 191816. City C~~~No¥·t~ 1 ~¥$~oof San Diego, California.
By .· - Deputy.
. ;.,. .
P.:~·:rF:nJMargeson, a widower, for and in consideration of th~ su~p of One
Dollar, rece~pt whereof is hereby acknowledged do Quitclaim to the City of San Diego,
a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement
and right of way for a public street, over, a~ong and across all that Real Property
situated in theCity of San Diego, County of San Diego, Stateoof Claifornia, bounded and
described as fallows: · . .
.1 Th~·East thirty (30) feet of ~he North t of the Northeast t of Lot 16
H6rton's Wrchase of :EJt_;Missi0n. Lands, according:to the Official Map thereof No. 293
filed in the office ·of· the Count~T Recorder of San Diego Qounty, . Californie.. ·
To Have and to Hold the quitclaim and described easement and right of way
as and for a public street.
WITNESS my hand and seaJl this.l2th day of Juilly, 1926.
. ~~ . '. ,_ J F MA...liGESON (SEAL)
COUNTY OF SAlf DIEGO, ) ·, ...
On this 12th day of July, 1926, before me .J.H.Johnson a Notary-PUblic
in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, ·personally
appeared J.F.Margeson known to me to be the person de~cribed in and whose name is sub-
scribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same~
WITNESS my Hand and Officia.l Seal the day and year in thi:s certificate first
above written.
Notary Public in and for the county of san r:; e
Diego, State of California.
RECORDED,rA'r REQUEST of City Clerk Jul;~/ 2h:.t, 1926 at 10 o'clock A.M. in

Book No •. l243, Page 66-of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif., )
JOHN H FERRY; County Recorder
By L· B. wootiward, Deputy.

I HEREBY. CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, ·true- and correct
copy of easement from J.F.Mageson to the City of San Diego, California being Document
No. 191783 .•
City Cler}: of

Mrs Anna ·reggart, a widow, for and in consideration of the sum of one
D~llar, receipt whereof is hereby-acknowledged do hereby quitclaim to the City of San
Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, s.n
easement and right of way for a public street over, along and aer~ss ail that Real
Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California,
bounded and descrmbed as follows:
· A portion of Lot 17 Rancho Ex Mission of SB..!Y·Diego, according to the
Partition Map thereof in action of Juan M. Luco et al, vs<, Commercial Bank of San Diego,
et al, No. 348 of the Superior court of San Diego county, Calif., more particularly ·
described as follows:
· Beginning at the intersection of the Northerly line .of Beve~ly according
I to Map No. _1129 on file in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego county, Calif.,
with the West. line of said Lot 17; thence Northerl~r along a. line parallel to and distant
30 feet Easterly from the west.erly line of said !Jot 17-, a distance of 128.12 feet ,to the
:Northerly boundry of the City of San Diego; thence Westerly along said Northerly boundry
a 'distance of 30 feet to the Westerly line of .said Lot 17; thence southerly along the
westerly line of said Loi 17 to the poiht of b~ginning. ,
To Have and to Ho_ld the above qui,tclaim and. described easement and right
of way as and for a publ~c street. ·
WITNESS, my hand and seal this 8th day of July, 1926.


~ /
On, this 8th day of July, 1926 1H~~$re me Allen Norrill Mills a Nota.ry
Public in and for said County residing therein, dnly commissioned and sworn, personallt
appeared Mrs. Anna Teggart known to me to be the person described in and whose name is
subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same.
. . WIT~rESS my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first
above written.
Notary PUblic. in and for the County of
M~/Commission Expires, San Diego, State of California.
I /
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Jul;;: 21st, 19§26 at 10 :0' clock A.M. in
Book No. 1250, Page 49 of Deeds, Records of San Diego county, calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder.
By L.B.woodard, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and- foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of easement from Anna Teggart to the City of san Diego, California, Being Document
:No. 191786.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, Calif.,
By Deputy.

Vve, Edward Swanson and Caroline SV'lanson; Husband and Wife, · for tand in
consideration of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of '. \ ',

a sewer line through and across the pr0perty here in described, . and· in consideration of tl: e
sum of One Dollar ( $1~00) to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
do hereby grant, to the City of San ])iego, a municipal corporation in the County of Saill Diego
State of C.s.lifornia, an easement and right of way through, along and acros~;~ all that certair.l
real property situate in the City of San Diego, county of San_])i~go, State of Calif9rnia,
particularly described as follows: to-wit:
-Lots 25,26,and 27, Block 190, City Heights, according to Amended Map
thereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego county.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the'
said grantee, its successors and. assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The Purpose of this easement and right of way is for the c9nstruction and , /
maintenance of a private sewer lateral inside the property li11es, it being understood that
the City of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the con-
struction amd maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and •seals this 11th day
of June, ·1926.

On this 11th day of June, 1926, before me E. H. Brooks a No$ary Eub.l~:c. in
and for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly com~
missioned and sworn, personally appeared Edward Swanson and Caroline swanson, HUsband and
Wife,· personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within
instrument and they duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
· IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affi:eed my official
Seal, at my office in .the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certi·ficate first
above written.
(SEAL) ,
My Commission Expires, Notary PUblic in and '!or the Courjty
June.; 4th, 1930. of San Diego, State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk July· 21, 1926, at 10 o'clock A"·M·· in Bcok
No 1218, Page 300, · of, Dee·ds, Rem·ords of San Diego county, Calif:m::lri:J!i.;
JOHN H FERRY, County ~ecorder,
By L B WOODliL.~, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Easement from Edward Swanson and Caroline Swanson to the City ofSan Diego, Calif•;
Being Document No. 191794.
City Clerk of California.

I, Napoleon Jean, a widower, for and in consideration of the benefits
to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through and acroes
the. property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1~00) to me
in ha.nd paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ·do hereby grant to the City of
San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an
easement and right of way through along and acros·s all that certain real property situate
in the City of San Diego, County o·f San Diego, State of California, particularly described
as follows, to-wii: ·
A portion of Lot 3, Block 34, Norman Heights, according to Map thereof
filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego county, particularly descriled
as follows: . (

Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 3, Thence north along the east
line of sai.d Lot 3, a distance of 19.95 feet to a point~ thence west at right angles, a
aistance if 4.00 feet to a point; thence south on a line parallel to the east line of said
lot t'o the southeasterly line of said lot; thence northeasterly along the southeasterly line
of said Lot 3, to the point of beginning. 1
To Have and to Hold the above granted and d~escri bed right of way unto the l /
said grantee its successors and assigns forever, as a· right of way for a s.ew~:r pipe line
and a water service lateral. ' ··
The purpose of this easement and right of way is fpr the construction and
maintenance bf a private sewer lateral and water lateral inside the property lines, it
being·understood that:. the City of San Diego is not to be. held liable for any damage re-
sulting from the CO!lstruction and maintenance of said over and across. this easerr:ent
IN ·WITNESS Vffi~EOF, I hereunto set my hand. a.nd seal this 14th day of
June, 1926.
Witness to signature of
Napoleon Jean.
On this 14th day of June, 1926 before me Nottley s. Hammack, a Notary Public
in and for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly com-
missioned and sworn, petsonally.appeared Napoleon Jean, personally knovm to me to be the
person whose ham~ is subscribed to the within instrument, and .he duly acknowledged to me
that he executed·· the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set mJr hand a.nd affixed my official eeal
.' f

at my office in the County of San Diego, the day and ~rear in Jtthis certificate firrt
above written. ·

Notary Public J&AP~.ior the qouuty of San I.~J c

Di egt>~,r trai1"l'ornia.
BECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JulJ" 2lfJ t, 1926, at 10 o 1 clock A·M• in Bock
'. No. 1233, Page 259, of Deed, Records of San Diego, County, Calif.,
JOHN B FERRY, County Recorder,
By L.B.woodard, Deputy.
I HF.:RBBY CERTIFY 1lliAT the a.bove and foregoing is a full, true and
correct copy of easement f»om Napoleon Jean t·o the City of San Diego, Calif._, Being
Document No. 191796. ·.1

City Clerk of/)~ City of San Diego, c'alifo'rnia.

.~·W . .
_, 1, M. McGunagle and K. McGunagle, for and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line
through and across the property herein described, and' in consideration of theSum of
One Dollar ( $l.OOl· to in' hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged _do we .
hereby grant to theCity of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego,
State of California, an easement and r:bght of way through along and across all that
certain real property situate~in the City of San Diego, county of San Diego, State of
I California., particularly_described as follows, to-wit:
The _.P.orth three feet of. the West. eighty five feet of LOt 21, Block G•
T"eral ta Sub. No.• --2-:
~ TO HAVE AND TO HODD the above granted and described right of way unto the
said grantee,· its suc()essors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The Purpose ·of this easement and right of way is for the construction and
maintenance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood
that the City of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the con-
struction amd maintenance of sewer late~als over and across this easement.
IN WI11NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 23rd day of
June, 1926.
S·TA'rE OF CALil!,OlTI'iiA, ) SS
On.this 24th day of June, 1926; before me w;.A.wredenbeck ·a Notary Public
in and for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly
commissioned and·sworn, personally appeared Luke M. McGunagle, and Mabel R• McGunagle
personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within
instrument and he duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my ha.nd and affixed my official
sea.l, at my office in theCounty of San Diego, the day amd year in this certificate first
above written.
.,• $SEAL) Notary .Pu.blic in and for the County of
1 My commission expires San Diego, State of California.

I Feb.3,1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST, of City Clerk July 2l::;t, 1926 at 10 o 1 clock A.M. in
Book No. 1253, Page 12, of Deeds, Records of San Diego .county, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,
By L B WOOD~~D, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of easem~nt from Luke ·M. McGunagle and Mabel R· McGunagle to the City of San Diego,
Calif., Being 'document No. 191798
t ~ ' ~

City California.

DEED I : ' ·~

I, Ruth Mae Jones, -a single woman, for and in consideration of the benefits
to accrue b1 the location, copstruction and maintenance of -a sewer·line through and across t
~~:h!.:ex~ja;r,Q.~ the property herein described, and in consideration
of the su~ pf One Dollar ($1.00) 'to me in hand paid, .the receipt whereof is hereby ackncw-
ledged, to hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the county
of Sap. Diego, State of California, an easemen-t and right of way through, along and acror,s
all that certain real. pl!'operty situate in the City of San Diego, c'ounty of San Diego.,.
~tate of California, part~cularly described as follows, to-wit: ·

I ·. Th!3 West -'75 feet of L.ot 19 a.nd the North 16 feet o-f the West 75 feet of I ot
20, Block 19, ·Lincoln Park Addition, according to MBJ>' thereof filedin the offi'ce· of the
County Recorder of said San Diego County •
. To Have and to Hold t~e above granted and described right of way unto the
sai?- grantee, 1ts successors and ass1.gns forever, as a right of way ofor a·sewer pipe line.
: The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the. construction and
maintenance of a priv~.te s~wer lateral inside the property· lines, it being understood
that the City ofsan D1ego l.S not ~o be held lia.ble for any damage resulting from the con-

struction and maintenance of sewer lateralw over and across this easement. ·
I1f WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this '30th day of
~-~----------- --

'June 1926.



this 30th day of June, 1926, before me Geo. w. Bowler, a Notary Publi!c.
in and for the said county of San· Diego,' State of California, 'residing therein, duly com-
missioned and sworn, personally appeared Ruth Mae Jones, a single woman, personally known
to me to be the person whose name is hereby subscribed to the within instrument and she
duly acknowledged td me that she executed the same.
IN WITNESS ViliEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official
seal at my office i'n the county of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first
above written.·
My Commission expires
Feb. 10,1929. Notary FUblic in and for the County of
San Diego, State of California.
' RECO~DED AT RE~tTST OF City Clerk Jul:;· 21,1926, at 10 o 1clock A·M·
in Book No. 1233, Page 267, of Deed, Records of San Diego County, Calif.;
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and
correct copy of Deed from Ruth Mae Jones to the City of Sa.n 'Diego, calif., Being document
No. 191800.
City Clerk

We, G.W.Benedict and Emma Benedict, his wife, for and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line
through and across the property herein ~escribed, andimn'consideration of the s~m of one
Dollar ($1.00) to me in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged do hereby
grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State o~
California, an easement and right of way through, along and across all that certain
real property situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California,
particularly described as follows, to-wit:
The West 75 Ft• Lot 24, and North 12t Ft of the west 76 Feet of tot 23,
Block 7, City Heights Annex No. 2.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto.
the said grantee its successors and asEigns foreve~,_ as a right of way f~r a sewer pipe lin
The purpose of this easement and ~ight of way is for the construction .
and maintenance of a private sewer lateral inside ·~;he property lines, i t / "li_ng understood;
that the City o:f San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage reS1l·"· '~ from the, cono/ry
struction and maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this ease~'
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hanr' 1.s this 30t}
dey of June, 1926. , · :I
G W BF'' Xvqy \ Ins
L."1\oT11"'A:/ ~
..._o .. ~-
0 .( i
qy •-yqy ,(,CQ ~ l
RECO?DED ~r REQUEST of the City Cler.k July· ~ -:(,~ ..;? , -.~I

in Book No. 1261, Page 90, of Deeds, ~ecords of San Diego .co~' ."Y'lf~o b ~& ~~.~~r
/ :::':Y'>y ~0 ~'? qy b "--;)
•.};:>- \_;'17 .nfQqy ><J ~~ +(Q &--b
" ·,.,. 'lJ -()- c""y <a
<a ~
§? "C> b K,'Y ...
.:;to. o'O ((J~
Ay fQ "y~ ><J "V b b
B.EREBY CERTIFY, that the above a···
correct copy of deed from G.E.Benedict and Emma Beneo 1 0 .. ""~:;; -s-"-' ~- ~§! ...\.
~0o 0 'lY ~'0- .. ><J o/
Being Document No. 1~1802. CQ >(,) ><J "-., ~ '><Jqy
0-<; <1g .. b f:l 0~ . ~qy q'g $' ~c a.:
09.:;. 0 ~ 0~ i j ~ ':-yll,., 4 b ..
"C> ~"Y l~~S .. ~'-.) -s- -') ~, -!Y ~
0 "' ..... -.:., .l'. Ay (jJ 0
Co.. ~ ~ 4 _r$· 0 q;r· "-., .l'. ':-y
o.., cjl CQ "Y"Y CO CO ~ <? "> •
0) '0- 'Y 0 c ~ "N'lY
"Y ol<y ~ ~'lY -,.._~ • ><J o'Y '>y-o· c-.,'if •.c:;
'lY 0 -L'.T 'lJ .(( "-.. ,I "'y
0 ~~ ' eQ ><J" -§i -()- ~ "C>T Q
§ ~><J [',~ b ~""y Q;J"t/ ,(,0 ~ • ' ~
~ ;y o"' ~ 0 ~0 o-()- &-- ~
~""!P cl<y vo,..~~"y -><J';;fq'._0 <:J ><JXvttJ §
We, Homer M. McClur ""'-..- b • -..- c b ...,_ ""y ><J and in
consideration of the benefits- to acc~­ .~
. <::>"'
·"" t-'"y _$ 0--y ><J0
0 'Q'lY 0~y. ttJ
"-' '"{:;'!J ':'\!$>~.c.,.
-~J> "- ><J
., .'pipe I
through and across the property here7 ~ ~ c ~ b c t "-' /of San Diego
a Mur:li cipal Corpora ti,on, in th!3. cou· ~~fl. o:J'.;J-0 ~ ~~"C>0 +e;A .. ··~.?o-.6. ~ Jment and I·
right of way for th~ construction, "-.," . 'Y '.'f 0 ./'Y 0 ·•'~ 0 "Q
¢1 . . . ' ".J ~ '0--()- ~ 6" ~,) r.>' -~ 'lY
lh I
nrough, alongjj
and across all. that Real P;r.oper~ ·(>' 0;;; YCQ K,-0 4 ':QCQ ~~ .( • i:J.CQ><J of San Diego,
State 'of California, bounded: an/ & ~ ,;}"b :;r~ 0 ~ ><J .{:y ox, 1-y.c.,.
1.. portion
thereof No. 189?, filed in tt
ease~erit and right of way Y
following· de'5cri bed center ·
f'~l ~
~''1 NJ
'"::> ( /
C) &' ~ .C.,. 'lY~ 0 c'<.J d!;J ~ l<y
() qy~~ ><J .c.,. :-v,y~~· ~ ><J0
·-yo(( ><J • v 'lY ><-> ~ "><J qy
"'- '"Y CQ 0 ~.,. 'lY ()
·-yv. ~--v 0c- ~ ~ ...~ ':Y q
• "Y
'!?."Y •
t:r;' ,i
_dccording to Map
ego, County, said
.de of the
BegL,· ~"Y~?~j~ttJ~ ~({)> ><Jo J$· CQttJ'lY.c.,.-><J"'Y 0'1-~~ £ot 1, distant 72.60
'feet North 16 degrees 08 m~, .q,.: 0 .~,· (Q0 '0- ':Y 0 0~ "y Jf said Lot 1; thence ·i
South 82 degrees 5.2 mintrmes "·. .c.,. • 0 -if 'lY (J '-y ~!\
\j ~'<S' '0- .:"Y "YCQ ....o-c;; q, .:lt.
To Have ain.. .,_, 0 v
_.ri bed easement unto the ·I

said grantee, its successors and "y r;...,q .,;}" ""'#"Y0,(,. ..

0 .((A~v0 ~~
"Y i;..Y
way for al drain pipe. !"
\..-.1 ~ 4.0
WITNESS our Hands and Seals this 25th day of June, 1926.

On this 25th d~y of June,' 1926, before me :E.H.Brooks, a ~otary Public

in and for said county residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn personally appeared
Homer :E. Me Clure and Ms.bel E. NicClure, kriown to me to be the pers_ons d~scrmbed in and
whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and. acknowledged to me the.t they
executed the same.
WITNESS My hanchwnd Offi'cial Seal the day and year in tb)s certificate
first above written. ·r,·

My CommiEsion expires
June 4,1930. Notary Public in and for the County of
San Diego, Stat,e of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk July 23, 1926, at 48 Min~a·st 2
o'clock P.M. in Boo.k No. '1221, Page 324_,- of De·eds, ~i:e;ords of San Diego County, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County :::Zeco:!'der, .
By L.B.Woodard, Deputy~
I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT the above and foregoing is a full, true and_ correct
copy of Deed from Homer M. McClure and Wife, to the cft~T of San Diego,· California, Being
Document No. 191804.

I City Clerk of the City; of

-~J;l) Diego, California.

We, F. Kuerbis and Inga Kuerbis, husband and wife, for and in consideration
(of the benefits-to accrue by the location and construction·of·a drain pipe through and
across the reqY property hereinafter der:;cribed do hereby Gran'!;; to the_ City of San Diego,
a Municipal Corporation, in the county of San Diego, state oc ~alifornia, an easement
and right of way·l!for the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe, through
along and across al). that Jeal Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San
•Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: .
A Portion of Lot 4, .Block F, Carmel Heights Extension, according to Map
tHereof No. 1897, filed in the office of the county Recorder of said San Diego County,
said easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the
following described center line;
Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 4, distant 15 feet wee:t
from the northeast corner of said Lot 4;- thence southeasterly on a direct line making an
angle of 68 degrees 12 minutes with the nort~ line of said lot 4, a distance of 50.00
feet. to a ~oint. ·
To ha-ve end. to Hold the a.bove granted and described easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns,· foreve~. ~s a right of way for a drain pipe.
WITNESS our hands and seals this 25th day of May 1926.


( SEAJ,~)


On this 25th day of May, 1926, before me E.H.Brooks a Notary Public
in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally
e.ppeared F. Kuerbis and Inga Kuerbis, kiiown to me to be the persons described in and whose
names are subs~ribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me tna.t they executed
the same.
WITNESS My hand and Official seal the day and year in this certificate first
above written.
(-SEAL) ~···

My _Commission expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
May 28th, 1926. State of California.
/ /

HECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk 'Jul;>/ :21, 1926, at 10 o'clock A.M. In Book
No. 1233 Page 260, of Deeds, :'Jecords of San -Diego county Calif.,
JOHN H F~~RY, County Recorder;
By L~.B. woodard, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Deed from F. Kuerbis and V'~!ife to the City of San Diego, Cali,fornia, Being
Document No. 191806.·

I City

WITNESS our hand.s and seals this 25th day of May; 1926.·


_. . On thi~ 25th 'day of May, 1926, before me E.H.~ropks a ~otary Public ,
in and for ·satld County, r~siding therein, duly commissioned 'and sworn, personally a~peared
J.A.Blessing and ·Adeline L· Blessing, known to me to be the persons described in and whose
names' are su_bscribed t'o the _within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed
the same. '
WITNESS my Hand and Official Seal the day and year fm this certificate
first above written.
My Commission expir'es, Notary Public in and for .the Coun.ty of I
Ma.Y 28th, 1926. _ _ -. San Di~go, fJtate of California.,
REC'ORDED 1A~~ RE'QUEST; '~ 'of~1Ci tyb(G'lerlqd J:O.rl~r ?l·st.··;· 1:92.6 ·.aP -apt b ~~c-l:O.O·k r:A:··M:•E:c t
·Page~ s:9lrof;sJ:)~~d!s<~o.Re:co:r.d:s::. o~f. Sah:C1:Di:eg::_o., C'olt.:mrty,, :.C.alJ f:•·-~· ~;s.Yl ·-_-·l :-- .:"r.j, ,.,fi] J:f., .
JOHN H FERRY, county Recorder;
By L.B.woodard, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and
correct copy of Deed from J. A. Blessing arid Adaline L· Blessing to the 'City of San Diego,
California, Being Document No. 191808.
City Clerl of the City of San Diego, Calif.~

we n.
J. Blessing and catherin~ Blessing, husband and wife, for and in
consideration of ·the b~nefi ts to accrue by the location and construction of a s-ewer pipe I
line through and across the real property hereinafter _described 1lJ) hereby grant to .t.he . , I

City of san Diego, a.Municipal corporation, in the Cotinty of San :Diego, State of California,
an easement and right of way for the construction, maintenance and operation of a sewer pi~e
line and appurtenances, through, along and across all that neal Property situated in the
City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State cf California, bounded and described as
The East six feet of Lots 28 and 29, Block F, Carmel Heights EXtension,
according to Map thereof No. 1897, filed in the office of the County Recorder of Said
San Dieg~ county~ ·
To Have artd ·to· Hold the above granted and d.escri bed easement unto the
said grantee, its succe.ssors and assigns, foreverJt\ as a right of way for a sewer pipe line
and appurtenances~ ·
WITNESS, our Hands and Seals this 25th day of May 1926.
. On this 25th day of May, 1926, before me E.H.Bro'oks, A .notary Public
in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally ~peared
J.J.Ble~si,ng and Catherine Blessing, known to me to be the persons described in llnd whose
names are subscribed to th.e. within instrument, and acknowledge,d to me th,s.t they execute.d tEe
WITNESS my Hand and Official Seal the dSW and year in this certificate
first' abov:e writte,n. ·
My Commission expires, Notary PUblic in and fqr the county of
May 28, 1926. ' San Diego,_ Sta.te qf California.

'RECORDED AT ~EQUEST of City Clerk Ju1y'21, 1926 at 10 o'clock A·M· in

Boo,k No 125.1, Page 88 of :Deeds, R.ecords of San J)iego County, Calif., I
JOHN R FERRY, County ?ecorder, ·
By L.B.woodard, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
c~py of Deed from J•J.Blessing and Wifei to the City of San Diego, California, Being
Document No. 191810.
-_,. ..

I City Clerk o{ the

City·~n Diego, Calif.,



a corporation, having its principal place of business in the City of San Diego. County of
san Diego, California, by·virtue cf a resulution authorizing the same, passed at a
mreett.:ii.l!JJg of its directors, for and in consideration of the sum of Two HUndred Dollars
does hereby grant to the City of San Diego, All that T-1eal Property situated in the City
of San Diego County of San Diego, ·state of California, ·bounded and described as follows:
Tl).e East Seve~{and one-half (7~) feet of Lots Forth-seven and forth-eight
in Block Sixteen of Pauly'·s },ddi tion according to the Map thereof #65 filed in the office
of the Recorder ·of said "San Biggo County, April 1, H'13. Subject to the State and county '·.
Taxes for the fiscal year 1926-27 For Alley Purposes.
·ro Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises unto the said
Grantee heirs and assigns forever,
IN WITNESS ~ffiEREOF, said corporation has caused this deed to be signed by
its President and Secretary and its Corporate Seal to be affixed thereto, this 7th day
of June 1926.

By M T GILMORE, President (SEAl)
By,C.W!WilSON, Secretary. ( SEAI)


On this 7th day of June, 1926 before me Ethel Jelinek, a Notary public in
and for said County and State, resiging therein, duly commissioned and. sworn,
appeared M.T.Gilmore, known to me to be the President and c.w.wilson known to me to be
the Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument, known to me to be
the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein
named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHE~EOF, I hereunt.o.. set my hand and affixed by Official
Seal, at my office, in said County of San Diego, Stat!3 of California, the day and year
in this certifica ta first above writ ten •
My Commission expires
March 31, 1930 Notary Public in and for the County of
San Diego, State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk Jul 21, 1926 at 10 o~Olock A.M. in Book
No. 1218 Page 298 of Deeds, Records of San Diego county Calif.,

I JOHN HFFERRY, County ~ecorder.

By L.B.woodard, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Grant Deed from San Diego Trust and Savings Bank, formerly, The San Diego Savings
Bank to the City of San Diego, Being Document No• 191812.,
City Clerk of }he1 City
. / I

We, VVi llia.m A· Corrao and Hattie E. Corrao, h11sba.nd wife, for tan{in I ..

c onsid era ti on of the s1.1m o.f One and no /100 Dollars do hereby Grant to the City of San
Diego, California, an easement and right of way over and across all that ?eal Property
situated in the City of San Deigo,. county of San Di·ego, state of Ca.lifornia, bounded
and described as followe: ·
The East One Hundred (100) Feet of rot !Porty-four (44) and the .Eest one
Hundred ( 100) Feet of the sor: th Eleven ( 11) Feet of r...o t Forty-five ( 45), in/Block seven
(7) of the Subdivision of LotE. 20 to 50 inclusive in Block "N" of Teralta, according
to tl:e ma.p thereof .No. 1000, filed in the office of the County ?ecorder of said~an·niego

I County Ju;ty 18., 1906. for the pv.rpose of laying and maintaining., ge.s, sewer, water;
electric and telephone lines, across said :property, also the right to enter at a.n~r time
upon said property f~r the purpose of repairing said lines.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described vremiees unto the said
Gran tee their hei'ts and as f:igns forever. ·
WITNESS, our hands and seals this 27th day of July, 1926.


·. 76
-----,----------------- ---

·en this 27th day of July, 1926, before me Rodney H. Yale a Notary Public I
in and for· said County· ana State ·appeared WiJ lia.m A. ((}oir~.ancl R~?ttie E. corrao1, Y. . .,. ~
husbflnd and wife, kn,own to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed. to the foregoing
indrument, and took1tdivledged to me that they executed the. same.

first aboYe
WITNESS, my ha.nd and official seal the clay and yE·ar in this Certificate
~ritten. I
(SEAL) .
My commiesion expires, Notary PubH:c in and for said cou:n t~r a.nd2Sta te.
Oct. 17, 1928,
~ECORDED _A_·:r REQUEST of City Clerk Aug 10~1926, at 35 Min past i{ o'c1ock 'j

P.M. in Book No. 1192, Page 452 of Deeds, Records of San Diego Cou~ty, Calif.,

JOHN H FERRY, Count;>r !{ecoroer •

. By
N.c.Parsons~ ~eputj.
~ r

I HEREBY CF.BTIFY THAT THE ABOVE .A!JI) FO?.EGOING ·rs a full, true and correc
co~y of Grant Dee& from William A· Corrao and ·Hattie E. Corrao to the City 6f San Diego,
California. Being Document No. 19.2613.
City Clerk of

BY...J..:::~~~~'K--L4-~~~~~~~...!..!:;;;;;;:;::.· epu ty.

GRANTDE il0_~-~
We, William A· Corrao and Hattie E. Corrao, husband Wife, for and in
consideration of the sum of One . and No/100 Dollars do hereby Grant to the City of San Diego,
California, an easement and right of way over and across all that Real Property situated in
the City of San Diego County of San Diego, state of California, bounded and d~scribed a.s
follows: · ·
The East One' Hundred ( 100) Feet of r~ot Fort~- six ( 46) e.nc1 the East one
Pundred (100) Feet of the North Fourteen (14) Feet of Lot Forty-five (,15) in Block Seven
v ( 7) .of the Subdi vision of Lot 20 to 50 inclusive, in Block "N" of :reral'ta, ace ording to the
ma¥thereof No. 1000, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San· Diego County,
Jul~r 18th, 1906. For .the purpose of laying and maintaining ges, sewer, water, electrruc, and
telephone lines, across said property, ~lso the right to enter at any time upon said pro-
perty for the purpose· of repairing said lines. ·
:ro Have a.nd to Hold tl1e above gra'b/wd 'and described premises unto the I'

Grahtee their heirs and assigris forever.

WI·TNESS our hands and. seals this 27th day of July 1[926.


On this 27th day of July, 192\~, before me Rodney H~ Yale, a Notary public
in and for said Count;>r and State personally appeared William A· Corrao and Hattie E. Corr~o,
husbs.nd and wife·, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to tl}e foregoingj
instrument,. and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.·
· ' ' WI~NESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this Certificate
first above written. ' .

My Commission expires Oct.l7;1928.
' - t .
Notary Public in and for said county and State.

nECO?.IJE:O AT REQUEST of City Clerk Aug 10 1926) at 35 Min past 2 o'clock

P.M. in Book No. 1192,'Page 45l,:ofDeeds, Records of SanDtego County, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recor~er,
By .N.C.Pa.rsons, Deputy.

I HE3EBY CERTIFY, that the above foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Grant Deed from William A· Corrao and Hattie E. Corrao to the City of San Diego,
California, ~eing document No. 192615•
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.



OF ·sAN DIEGO, a Corporation for and iri consideration of One Dollar Does hereby Grant to
the <City of San Diego, state of Gs.lifornia, an easement and right of way for sewer
plil.rposes, through, along and a-cross all that Real Property situated in the City of san
Diego, State of California,- bounded and described as follows: ,~ .
A portion of Lots 7 and 8, Block A; a portion of Lots 7 and 8, Block B;
a portion of Lots 7 and 8, Block C; a portion of Lots 6 and 7, Block D, all in Catalina
Manor, according to Map tijereof No. 1884, ~iled in the Office of the.county Recorder of
said San Diego County, said easements and rights of way being six feet in width, three ·
feet on each side of the div~ding line between said Lots 7·and 8, Block A, Lots 7 and 8,
said Block B,· Lots 7 and 8, said Block C, Lots 6 and 7, said Block D,
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said
grantee, its successors artd assigns forever, as a right of way for the construction,
operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line and appurtenances.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: 'Said Corporation has caused this instrume:rrt to be
executed by its proper officers and its corporate seal affi~e4 this 14th day of JUne, 1926
By F.s.Jennings,- President By M.A.Graham, Presidsnt.
Attest: George ·n. Crippen,~ecretary. AT'rEST, :Geo D· EastonP.secretary.


On thie 14th day of June, 1926, before me Clarence A.Moore a Notary J?ublic
in and for the said County of San Diego, State of. California, residing therein duly
commissioned and sworn, personally appeared M.A.Graham, known to me to be the President
and Geo. D. Easton known to me to be the Secretary of the Corporation that executed tl1e

I within instrument, known to me to be the persons, who executed the within instrument
on behalf of the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation
executed the same.'
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto setrr:my hand and affixed my seal, at my
office in the county of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above
/ '
>. ,ll... I.''
rvru: commission ii:iXpires, Notary Publin in and for the County of San Diego,

/ Februe.ry, 11, ],928. state of California.

'On this 14th day of June, ·1926, before me :Clarence A. Moore, A Notary l?U'blic
in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,personally
appeared. F.s.Jennings known to me to be the President and George R· Crippen known to me
to be the Secretary of the CrJ·rporation that exevnted ·the within instrument, knwwn to me
to be the persons who executed tbe within instrument on behalf of the Corporation within
named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same.
IN WITNESS VVHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official f:.eal
in the County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate
first above viTitten. ·
My Commission Expires, Notary l'Ublic in and for the county of
Feb~uary 11, 1928. San Diego, State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk Ju1,21,1926, at 10 .C'clock A·M• in Book
No. 1243, Page 68, of Deeds, R~cords of San Diego count¥, Califl~
JOHN H FERRY, county Recorqer,
·By L.B.woodard, Deputy.
I HEHl~BY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true a·rid correct .
copy of Easement frqm the Point Lorna Investment Company, a Corporation, and the Western· ,~.-_.....
Investment Company of San Diego, a Corporation to the City of San ~iego, California.
Being Document ·No.l91822. ·
Ci-ty California.

UNIVERSITY AVENUE B.I\NK, a Corporation, for and· in ccnsiderati on of the
benefits to acprue by the location and construction of a main sewer pipe line through
and across the property hereinafter described, <abBas h~reby insofar as this easement
is affected by, the mortgage now existing on the s.aid ·property hereinafter described,
remise, release and quitclaim to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the
County of San Diego, State of California., an ea.sernent and. right of wa.y fo:t ltihe con-
struction snd maintenance o:f a sewer pipe line through, along and across all that real.
pr.eperty situated in the City of San Diego, county of San Diego, e.tate of California.
described as follows: ·
The East Four (4) feet of the North Fifty (50.) feet of the south One
HundredFifty (150) feet of Lot 7, Block 27, Normal Heights, according to Map thereof

I . ~
No. 985, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County~
IN.WITNESS WHEREOF: said corporation has caused this instrument to be ex-
ecuted ·by its proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 25th day of June,1926.
By, CKAS T CHAJ:IDLER, President.
Attest, H. A. Chandler, Secretary.

I. .
this 2 6·th day of June 1926, before. me Lela I· Stillman, a Notary
Public in and for said County, a.nd State residing thereit)., duly commissioned and sworn,
pers.onally appeared Chas T. Chandler, known to me to be the President and H • .A.Chandler,
known to me to be the Secretf+rY of the corporation that executed the within instrument
known·to me to,be the persons who executed the witl).in instrument on behalf of d:ihe cor-
poration within nal'I)ed, anC. ~cknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same.
WITNESS my harid and Official Seal the day and year in this cert.ificate fi:rst
abo~e written. · .. -~.~


My commission expiref:?, ,.·;

April 17, 1928. ' Notary Public in and for said C6unty and
RECORDED A}! REQUEST, of City Clerk Jul,31,1926, at 38 Min past 9
o' clqck A.M. in Book No. 12$'9, Page 15, of Deeds :Records 6f San Diego County, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,
:By N.C.Parsons, Deputy •
I :H:E\REBY CE~l';I,~Y THAT :rF..E ABOVE and foregoing is a full, true at1-d.
correct copy of sewer Easemerit/~niversity Avenue Park to the City of san Diego, -·~-

California. Being Document No. 191824. (.

'· r
CitJr C1erk of the Ci'ty of. San :Diego,


We, B.J. and Ingeborg Carteri, husband 'and wife, for and in consideratio ·
of the benefits to accrue b;}r the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and
across the property hereinafter described do hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a
Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego,· State of California, an easement 'and
right of way for the construction, operation and maintenence of a swwer Pipe line through
along and across·all that Real Prope~ty situated in the City of San D~·go, County of San
Diego, State of California, bounded and. described as followa: , ...,.,.
The south Five Feet of the West 95 Feet of the North ·ns· feet of the
South 135 Feet qf Lot ~. Block 29, Normaili Heights, according to Map the'rea,f, No. 985,
filed tn the Of£ic~ of the county Recorder gi' ~ff12- '~a!f :Qie•(l;f? Qounty, · , . .... :~; _, .·
To ijave and to Hold the a'B6~ej$l~s~rr~~dr~~~ttemert t unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as e. right of way for a sewer pipe line~
WITNESS our hands and seals this 30th day of .June, 1926.

Oounty OF SAN DIEGO, )
On this '3oth day of June, 1926, before me j(H.Brooks ·a Notary Public
in and for·said county, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
B•J.Carteri and Ingeborg·Carteri, known to me to be the persons described in anq whose
names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed
the same.
WITNESS my-Hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate
first above written.
My Commission exp~res, '
June 4, 1930. Notary I>ablic in and for the· County of San Diego,·
State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST of ··city Clerk Jul 2!',1926, at 10 o'clock A·M· in BooRi
No. 1251, Page 92, of Deeds, Records of san Diego County, Calif.,
JOFN H FERRY, County Recorder,
~Y L.B.woodard, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and
correct copy of Deed from B.J.Carteri and Wife to the City of San Diego, California
Befung Document No. 191826.
City Clerk of the City

We, J.A.Pierce and Mrs Mittie Pierce, husband and wife, for and in con-
sideration of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe
line through and across the real pfoperty hereinafter described do hereby grant to the
City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, state of Calif-
ornia, an easement and right of.way £or the construction, operation and maintenance of a
sewer pipe line through, along and across. all that Real Property si tuate.d .in the City of
San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Cal.ifornia, bounded and des.cribed as follows:
The v'festerly .three feet of Lot 38, Blockll, Buena Vista Tract, according to
Map thereof No. 929 filed in the Office of the County R,ecorder of said San Diego county;
ALSO, the Westerly three feet of Lot 38, Block 1, Pacific Beach Vist-a. Tract, according
to Map thereof, No. 916, !filed in the Office of the :eounty Recorder of said County.
' To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said
grantee, its succebsors and assigns, forever, for sewer purposes~
WITNESS, our Hands and Seals this First da.y of.May, 1926.
Thlbsdday personally- appeared before me, the undersigned, J.S.Rea~ Notary
,t; .
Public in and for the said County, the within named J.A.Pierce and Mrs Mittie Pierce,
hi'e''wife, who acknowledged that they signed and delivered· the foregoing instrument at
the time therein harned as their act and deed.
· WITI\TESS my· hand and the seal of office this 1st day of May, 1926.
( SE:AL( . J S REA,
My commission expires, ·..
F:eby 20th, 1929. Notary Public.
RECORDE.D AT 3.EQUEST; of City Clerk J'Ul;21,1926 at 10 o'clock A.M. in Book
t-Io. ·1218, Pa.~?e296 of :Deeds, ?.ccords of San Diego County, Calif.,
\ .

JOHN H FERRY; County Recorder,

By L.B.woodard, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY T.~AT the above and· foregoing is a full, true and correct
·copy of Deed"· from ,J.A.Pierce and Wife, to the City of San Diego, California. Being
I Document No."lQ1828.
City· Clerk of .the City-of~o, California.

B4?~ . ~-1f.
We, E.'and Maud Wilson, :hu13bund and wife,. for and in consideration of the
benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and
across the property hereinafter described do hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a
Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement
and right of way for the construction, operation and maintenence of a sewer pipe line
· and appurtenances, through, along and across all that Real Property situated in the
City of. San Diego, County of Diego, State of California, ~.bounded and d.escri bed as
follows: ·
A'Portion of the West 165 feet of the North 20 feet of the south 145 feet
of the East.t of Acre Lot 48, Pacific Beach, according to Map thereof No. 854, filed in
the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement and right of
way being six feet in width,· three fe~?t on each side of the following described center
Beginning at a point on the West line of the East t of said Acre Lot 48,
distant 135 feet north from the south line of said Acre Lot 48 (measured along said
west line); thence east on a line parallel to and distant 135 feet north from the south
line of said Acre Lot 48, a distance of 164.90 feet to a point.
J:O Have and to Hold· the above granted and described· easement unto the· said

I grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, for s~wer purposes. ·

WITNESS Our Hands and Seals this 1st day of July, 1926.



On this first day of July, 1926, before. me Maude Stewart a Notary Public
in a}!d for said County, residing therein, commissioned and sworn, personally
appeared E. Wilson and Maud Wilson known to me to be the persons described in and whote
names are. subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they ex-
ecuted the same.
WITNESS my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first
above written •

Notary PUblic in and for the county of

· San Diego, State 'of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk Jul,21,1926 at 10 o'clock A.M. in Book
No. 1196, Page 298 of Deeds, Records of Sen DiSgo County Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, Count~r Recorder.
BY L.B.woodard~ Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the aboYe and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Deed from E. Wi1son and Wife, to the City of·san Diego, California, Being
Document No. 191830. r·:


We, ])olina, .A' Bain and Janet Mary Bain, for a.nd in consid-eration of the
benefits to a·ccrue by the location and c·onstruction of a sewer pipe line through a.nd· across·-
the re~l property he~einafter described do hereby Grant to the City of Sarr Diego, a
Municipal Corporation, in the county of San Diego, state of California, an easement and
· right of way for the construction, operation· and maintenance of a sewer pipe line· and app-
untenances, through, alohg and across all that Real Property si tuat·ed in the Ci t;y of San
Diego:, County of San Diego, State of California., bounded. and described as follows,:
· A portibn of the West t of Acre Lot 48, Pacific Beach, according to Map
thereof No. 854, filed in the Office of the county Recorder of said San Diego county, said
easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the following
described center line:
Beginning at a point on the west line of said Acre Lot 48, distant 135
feet south rrrom the northwest corner of said Acre Lot 48.; thence east on a line parallel
to and distant 135 feet south from the north line of saidAcre Lot 48 a distance of 145 feet
to a point.
Said property being the ~eperate prDperty of the grantors herein.
, To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the
said grantee its successors and ESsigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line
and appurtenances.
WITNESS, our Hands and Seals this 22nd day of May, 1926.

On ti1is 22nd day of Ma.y, 1926, before me E.H.Brooks, a Notary Public
in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned ahd sworn personally appeared
l!olina A. Bain and Janet Niary Bain known to me to be the persons described in a.nd who'se
names are subscribed to the·within instrument, and acknowledged to me: that they executed
the same.
first above written.
WITNESS my Hand and Official Seal tbe day and year in this certificate I
My Commission expires,·
May 28, J9?6• Notary FUblic in and for the county of San Diego,
State of California.
REC'03DED AT ~EQUEST of City Clerk Jul 21, 1926, at 10 o'clock A·M· in
Book No. 1117 Page 438, of Deeds, ::ecords of San Diego. CouU,t~il Calif.,

JOHN H FERRY, County T.\ecorder,

By L.B.Woodard, Deputy.
:t HEHEBY CERTIFY, tba.t' the above and forego-ing is a full, true and correct ' '
copy of Deed from Dolina A. Bain and Janet Mary Bain, to the City of San Diego, California.
Being document No. 191832.
City Clerk of


UNION '.i1~UST COMP~Li...liJ'Y OF SAN DIEGO, a. corporation, for and in c onsidera.tion

of One Dollar does hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal CorporaUon in the
County of San Diego, State of California, an eaeement and righ·t of way ~or the. construction
operation and mainten~nce of a sewer pipe line and apjmrtenances through; along and across
all that Real Property situ~ted in the City of San Diego, State of California, bounded a~
described as follows: . · · . /
The East six feet of Lots 27, 28, and 29, Block F. Carmel Heights Extensi0n ., '-·
according to Map thereof, No. 1897, filed in the office of the County ·Recorder of said San II
Diego County.
· To Have and to Hold. the a.bove gran ted and described' easement unto the saHl
grantee, its successors and assigns forever as a right of way for a sewer pipe line and
IN VliT1TESS vVBTREOF: said Cc::Jrpore.tion bas caused this instrument to be
executed hy its proper Officers and its corporate·seal affixed this 28th day of June, 1926.
( \.c:·r<'AL'
•. J_~ 1
By C~ H. English, Vice Presid.ent
ATrrEST, J. L.Bolling, Ass~stant
Se ere t?.ry. !.

' '
) !
On this 28th day of June, 1926, before ·me Lue J.l9. Duffy, a Notary FUblic
in and for said Couil ty Residing therein, duly c ommi ssi one d. and sworn, personally· appeared
C~H.J;Jnglish known to me to be the llice-President and J.L.Bollin~g'known to me to be the l

Assistant Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument, ''known to me to

be the person~ who exscuted the within instrument on behalf of the Corporation within named
and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed th~ same.·
IN WITN1~SS V'fHF.REOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official
Seal in the County of San Diego, State of California," the day and year i:O. this certificate
firs·t above wri ttflll•
( f~eal) LUEI,LA ])UFFY
My CommiE.sion Expires,
March 26, 1930. .Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
. I.
l '

RECORDED AT REQUEE~T, of City Clerk Jul, 21, 1926, at 10 o'clock A.M. in Book
No. 1250, Page 50 of Deeds Records of San Diego, county, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County ~ecorder.
By L.B.woodard,. Deputy.

I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Sewer Easement from the Union Trust Company to the City of San Diego, Ca1ifornia.
Being Document No. 191834.
City Clerk of

I,- Lucy s. Newton, an unmarried woman, for and in. consideration of the
benefits to ·a.ccrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across
the real property hereinafter described do hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a
Municipal Corpor,ation, in the County of San Diego, State of Californie., an easement
and right of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through,
along and acr-oss all that :teal Property situated iU. the City of San Diego, County of
San Diego, State of California., bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lot 10, Block 21, Fairmount Addition to City Heights,
according 't0 !:~ap thereof No. 1035, filed in the Office of the county Recorder of Said San
Diego County, said easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each
side ·Of the following described center line:· ·

I Beginning at a point on the west line of said Lot 10, distant 5.00 feet
south from the northwest corner of said Lot 10; thence east on a line parallel with and
distant 5.00 feet south from the north line of said Lot 10; a distance of 50.00 feet to
·.a point. ·
To Have and to Hold ·the above granted and described easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a .Urain pipe.
WITNESS my hand and seal this 24th,· day of June, 1926.
On this 24th day of June, 1926, before me E.H.Brooks a 'Notary Public
in and f.or said 'County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally
appeared' Lucy s. Newton, known to me to be the person described in and whose name is
subscribed to' the within instrument, and acknowJ.edged to· me that she executed the same.
WI:rNESS my Hand and Official Seal the day and Year'in this certificate first
above'written. ' ·
My commission expires,
June 4, 1930. Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
. State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST, of City Clerk Jul,21,1926, at 10 o'clock A.M.· in Book
Nb. 1218, Page 295, of Deeds Records of San Diego county, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, county Recorder.

I J3y L.B.Woodard, Deputyl

I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Deed from Luc'y s. Newton to the City of san IJiego, California, B~ing Document
.No·. 191838.

I, Mabel B. Mason, a widow, ~drand in consideration of the benefits to
accrue by the location and construct ion of a drain pipe through and across the real
property hereinafter. described do hereby Grant to the' City of San Diego, a Mun1cipe.l
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an Easement and right of
way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe, through along ancl
ecross all that Real Property situgted in the City of San Diego, county of San Diegoj
State of California, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lot 40, Block 20, Fairmount Addition to City Heights, s.ccorcHng
to Map thereof No. 1035, filed in the office of the County ?.ecorder of said San Diego,
County· said Easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side
'of the following described· center line: .
Beginning at a point:·on the line of said Lot 40, dista.nt 3.00 feet north
from the ·SOutheas,t corner of said Lot 40; thence northwesterly on a direct line making an u' r
angle of 35 degrees 57 minutes 40 ,..a.econds with the east line of said Lot 40, a distance r ·J

of 15.17 feet t~ a point.

, To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns, ·forever, as a right of way £or a drain pipe.
WITNESS my hand and seal this 12th day of June, 1926.

' '~, o!.2.



On thi.s 12th day of June, 1926, before me E.H.Brooks, a Notary public

in and for said CountY., residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
Mabel B. Mason, known (to me to be the person described. in and whose name· is subscribed to
the-within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same.
above written.
WITNESS my Hand and Official Seal the day and yea:r in this certificate I
My Commission Expires,
June 4,1930. Notary PUblic· in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
:SECORDED AT REQUEST, of City Clerk Ju1,21,1926, at 10 O'clock A.M. in Roo~
No. 1233, Page 264, of Deed Records of San Diego, County, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County .~ecorder,
By t.B.Woodard, Deputy.
I HE:REBY CERTIFY tha~ the Q.bove and foregoing is a full,. true and
correct copy of Deed from Mabel B. M:a.son to the City of San Diego, California, Being
Document No. 191840.
City Cali forni e.•


UNION TRUST COMPANY OF SAN DIEGO, a corporation, for and in cons.ideration

of One. Dollar does hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the
County of San Diego, State of California, an _easement ~nd right of VJey ofor the co_nstruction
operation and maintenance of .a drain pipe, through, along and. across all that T(eal Property
situated in the City of San D·iego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and
described as follows:
A portion of Lot 1, Block B, Carmel Heights Exte~sion, according to Map
thereof No. 1897, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of Said S~n Diego County, said
easement a.nd right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the followin~
described center line:
Begiruling at ·a 'point on the easterly line of said Lot J., distant 72.60
feet North 16 degrees 09 minutes West from the southeasterly c:m:mer of said r.ot 1; thence
South 82 degrees 52 minutes west, a distance of 37.00 feet to a p-oint; ALSO,
· A portion of Lot 4, Block F, Carmel Heights Extension, according to said
Map No. 1897, said easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each
side of the following described center line;. ·
:Beginning at a point on the north line of said r,ot 4, distant 15 meet west
from the northeast corner of said Lot 4; thence southeasterly on a direct line making an
angle of 68 degrees 12 minutes with the north line of said Lot 4, a distance ·of 50.00 feet
to a point. ·
To Have and to Hoilld the above described· easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever as rights of way for drain pipes.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Corporation has caused this instrument to be ex-
ecuted by its proper officers and its corporate seal affixed thist 28th day of June, 1926.
c. H. English, Vice President.
1-' ·~

Assistant .secretary.
·,--A:~ttest:J.L.Bolling, ''
On this 28th day of June, 1926, before me IJuella Duffy, a Notary Public
in and for said county, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
c. E. English known to me to be the Vi·ce-President and J .L.Bolling, known to me to be the
ltssistant· Secrets.ry of the Corpors.tion that executed the wi thiri instrument,. known to me to
be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the. Corporation within named
and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the s~me. · . ' ·
IN WITNESS WH:S:rtEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official the County' of San Diego, Sta.te of California, the day and year in this certificate
first above written. · · ·
My commission Expires,
March 26, 1~30. Notary Public tn and for the ·county of San Diego,
State of California.
~tECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Jul 21, 1926, at 10 o'clock A·M• in Eooki
No. 1250, Page 51, of Deeds.Records of San Diego County, Calif.,
. ~TOHN H FERRY, County Recorder;
By L.B.Woodard, Deputy.
I EE~1EBY CERTIFY that the above and foregbing i.s a full, true and .correct
copy of Drain Pipe Easement from Union Trust Com-pany to the City of San Diego, california.
Being Doc~ment No. 191842.
City Clerk of the

Ii E E D
I, Louis H• .Anderson, a single man, for and in consideration of the benefits
to accrue by the ·location, ·construction and. maintenance of a sewer line through and

I across the property herein described and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar
($1.00) to me .in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged do hereby Grant
to the City of San Di~go, a ~lnicipal corporation in the County of san Diego, state of
California, an easement and right of way through along and across all that certain
real property sit~ate in the City of San Diego, county of San Diego, State of California
particularly described as follows, to-wLt:
Lots ~ and 2, Block 82, City Heights, According to Map thereof filedin the
Office of the County :1ecorder of said San Diego Co,J.nty.
TO RAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described right of way unto the sa
said gra.ntee, its successors and assigns forever, a.s a right of way for a sewer -pipe
Tbe purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and'
maintenance of a private sewer latera} inside the property lines, it being understood
that the City of San Diego is·not to be held liable for ~ny damage resulting from the
construction and maintenace of sewer laterals over and across this easement~
IN WITNESS ~lHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 15th day of
. July, 1926;. · ''


On this 15th da_y of July, 1926, before me E.H.Brooks a Notary Pl).blic in cmd IT
for the said county of San Diego, State of California, residing therein,."iYuly comm-
issioned and sworn, personally appeared Louis H. Anderson, personally knoWn to me to

. be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and he duly acknow-
ledged to me that he executed the same.
. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official f'eal
at my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this cer ti fi ca_te first
above written.
·My commission expire·s,
June 4, 1930. Notary Public in ' ru1d for the county of San Diego,
State of Ca.Jlifornia.

RECORDED AT REQUEST, of City Clerk Jul 21, 1926, at 10 o'clock A•M· in Book
No. 1117, Page 436, of Deeds Records of San Diego, county,Calif.,
' Recorder,
By L.B.woodard, Deputy.

I E:C~~BY CE~TIFY, that the above and forego~ng is ae.full, true and correct
.copy of Deed from Louis H. Anderson to the City of San Diego, California, Being '
Document No. 191936. ·
City Clerk California.•

I, Mary L. Bentley, ·Emma c. Meston, and George J. Huston, for and in consider
ation of the R.snefi ts· to accrue by the location, construction a.nd'ms.intenance of a se·wer
line through~across the property herein describe~, and in considera~ion of theesum of
One Dolla~ ( ~pl.OO) to us in. hand paid, the recip~{ whereof is hereby acknowledged do
hereby gtant to the City of San Diego, a municipal Corporation in the County of San J!ieg o,
_state of Californ'ia, an easement and right of way through, along. and across all that
certain real· property situate in t.he Ci.ty of ~San Diego, County of San Diego, State of
California, particularly described as follows, to-wit: · ·
Lot ·Tvventy-two (22) in Block 53 of University Heights,
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the
said grantee;;-1 its' successors, and assigns forev(:r, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
. The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and
maintenance of a private sewe·r lateral inside the property lines, i-t beip.g understood that
the Ci·ty o'f San Diego is not to be·· held liable for any damage resulting from the O'qn-
struction and maintenance of sewer laterals over. and across this easement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seal this tweib.fth
day of .July, 1926·.
' · ID!ll1:A C MESTON (SEAL)

.the On tl1is 13th day of July 1926, before me p. M. Andrews a, Notary J?ublic in
·and for /said County of .San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
I and sworn, personally appeared May L. Bentley, Emma c. Meston and George J• Huston
personally known to me to be the personswhose names are, subscribed to the· within in-
strument arld they duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same·.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my 'hand and affixed my official ·
seal, at my office in the County of san Diego, the day and year in this certificate first
above written.
(SEAL) , 1~
Notary and for the County of
Ivfy commission expires,
Aug, 18, 192 7. San Diego, State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk Jul 21 1926, at 10 o'clock A·M• in Book
No. 1221, Page 314, of Deeds, Records of San Diego qounty, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County ~ecorder,
·By L.B.woodard, Deputy.
I HE~?EBY CERTIFY that the above .and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Deed from May L Bentley et al to the City of San Diego, California, Being
Document No.' 191937.

City- Clerk of California.


E A S E ME n T
we, Mabel B. Liddell and Frank Liddell, fo·r and in consideration of the
benefits to ,accru~ by the location, construction a.nd maintenance of a sewer and water line
through ana across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of one
Dollar ($1.00) to in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby ti.cknowledged to hereby Grant
to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of
California, an ea.sement and right of way through, along and. across all that certain
real property situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Dieg0711 State of California,
particularly described as follows, to-wit:
East eighty (80) ·feet of the Sputh four (4) feet of Lot Two (12) Block One
(1) Chester Park •.
To Have and to Hold the .above gran ted and described r;i.ght of way unto the

said grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and
maintenance of a private sewer lateral and water line inside the property lines, it being
understood that the City of San Diego is hot held-liable for any damage resulting from the
construction and maintenance of sewer laterals and water line over and across this
IN .wrrNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our Hands, and this 7th day
of July 1926.
· On this 7th day of July 1926, before me c.E.Arnold a Notary FUblic in and
for said county of San Diego, state of California, residing therein, dul~r commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Mabel" B. Liddell and Frank Liddell; personally known to me to
be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly a:cknow-
ledged to me that they executed n,e same. ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official
seal, at my office in the County of San Diego, the day amd year in this certificate first
above written.
My commission expires,
Sept. 28~ 1928. Notary public in and for the,Ccunty of
San Di e·go, State· of CCali fornia.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF, City Clerk Jul 21, 1926, at 10 o'clock A·M• in
Book No. 1233, Page 263, of Deed, Records of San Diego County Calif.;
JOHN H FERRY, county ~ecorder,
By t.B.woodard, D~puty.
I HEREBY CERTIFY THA'.V T.f.;E above and foregoing is a full, true and correct 1
~. •· I .r
copy of Deed from Mabel B. Liddell and Frank Liddell to the City of San Diego, California.
Being document No. 191939.
City Clerk California,

I, (Husband & Wife) Brnest E. Clay and Eth.c·:l Alice Clay, and· A.E.Richards
(Joint Tenants) for e.nd in Consideration of the benefits to accrue by the location con-
struction a,nd maintenance of a sewer line throu~h and across the property herein described,
and in consideration of the· sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to them in hand paid, the receipt
vthere of is hereby acknowledged do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal cor-
poration in the County of San Diego,· State of California·, an easement and right of way
through, along and across all that certain real propBrty situate in the· City of San Diggo,
Coun:ty of San Diego, State of .Cal.ifornia, part~cularly described as follows, to-wit: '
·I'!le North 6 feet of. the south. 12-fa feet o;f the east 65 feet of Lot 22,
Block 25, San Diego Property Union, to map .thereof on file in the offipe of the
County Recorder, San Diego county, California."" . ·
To Rave and to Hold the above granted ru.1d. described· right of way unto the
· I
said· grantee its successors and assigns forever, as a right of wa"Jr for a sewer pipe line. ·
The purpoze of this ea.sernen;t and right of way is for. the constructE on and
maintenance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood. that '.•

~he City of San Diego ispot to be held liable for any damage resulting from the con-
struction and maintenance of sewer laterals over and across· tr1is easement. · ..

~ ~' I
. ' '>.

IN WP.PNESS WHEP.EOF, .A·E·Richards, Ernest E. Clay, Ethel Alice Clay, have

hereunto set their Hands and SeDls this lOth day of July, 1926.

On this lOth day of July, 1926, before me, p. A· Whitacre, a Notary Public
in and for the ~aid County of San Diego, State of CaJifornia, reeiding therein, duly
commissionecl and sworn,. personally appeared P..E.Ri.chards, Ernest E· Qlay and E.thel .tUice
dlay all personally knovm to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the
within instrument, and they duly acknowled.ged to me that they executed the same.•
IN v:ITNES·S vV.HEREOF,-· I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my .official seal
at my office in the County of San Diego,· the day and year in this certificate first Bbove
Notary Public in and for the County of San :Diego,
State of California.

RECORDED .A:r REQUEST, of City Clerk Jul 21,1926, at 10 o'clock A.M. in Book
No. 1243, Page 67, of Deeds, Records of Sen Diego County, Calif.,

..TOHN H FERRY, County Remorder.

By L.B.Woodard, Deputy.

I I HE?.EBY CE~·riFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Deed from Ernest E. Clay and Ethel Alice Clay and A.E.Richards, to the City of
San Diego, California, Being Document No. 191941.

City California

;.· I,. John Loop and :Ir:ouie·N. Loop, husband and wife; for and in consideration
of tr1e benefits to accrue by the location, construction andrna.intenance of a sewer
line. through and across the property herein cl~H~t'Jrl!:beti, and in consideration of the s~m I .
of One Dollar ($1.00} to in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, dio
hereby grarit to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego
State of California, ail easement and right of way through, along and acroes all that
certain property. situate in the Cip;- of San Diego, Count;y of San ])iego, State of
California, particularly described as follows, . to-wit: . .
Lots 47 and· 48, Block 8, Frary Heights, According to Map thereof filed in ~;;-,
th~ Office of the County.Recorder of said San Diego Countyo
To Have and ~o Hol~ the above granted and described right of way unto the
said grantee, its'successors and assigns fore~er, e.s a. right of way for e. sewer pipe
line and water pipe line. .
· The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction a.nil
I mairitenance of ~ private sewer lateral and water lateral inside the property lines, it
being i.mder~tood that the City of San Die:go is not to be held liable for any
resultingfrom the construction and maintenance of said laterals over and across this
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Vile, John Loop and Louie N. Loop have hereunto set ou:r
Hands and Seals this 9th day of July, 1926.
On this 9th d~r of July 1926, before me. Charles E •. Butler a Notary Publia
.in and for the said County of San Diego, State of .California, residing,therein, duly
commissioned R.nd swo-rn, personally John Loop and. Louie N. Loop personally
knovm to,me .to .be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and
he duly acknowledged to me that t~ey acknowledged the same.
IN WITNJ!JSS WJ.-1EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official
seal, at my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first
above written.
My Commission expires, Notary Pu.blic in and for the County of
January 19, 1927. San ·Die.go, State of California.
?-:ECOR:DED AT REQUEST, of City Clerk Jul 21, 1926, at 10 o'clock A.M. in Book
No. 1233, Page 262, of D~ed, Records of San Diego, county, Calif.~

JOHN H FERRY, County ~ecorder.

I By L.B. Woodard, Deputy.

' I HE~BY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Deed from John Loop and Louie N. Loop for sewer to the City of San Diego, .~

California. Being document No. 191943.

City Clerk of/the Cal ifornie.

# ••

. . :-; ~·.

UNION 'l'~~DST COMPANY, of San Diego, a corporation of the City of San
Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, for and in consmderation of the sum of

Ten Dollars does hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a MUnicipal Corporation,
All that Heal Property situated in the County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and
described as follows:
That portion of Lot Seventy-three, (73) of ::tancho Mission of San Diego,
according to the partition Ma.p thereof made in Case No. 348 of the Superior Court of
San Diego County entitled Juan M. Luco at al vs. Commercial Bank of'San Diego et al,
described as foll6ws:
Be_ginning at a .poi,nt on the south line of Lot Seventy-three ( 73) at the
corner· common to Sections :rwenty-fi ve ( 25) TWenty-six ( 2S) Thirty-five ( 35) and Thirty-
six (36), Township Fifteen (15), South, Range Two (2) 1Nest, S.B • .M •. thence 'Nest along the
south line of said Lot Seventy-three (73) a distance of 2100 feet; thence North 53 08'
East 262.5.0 feet to the dividing line between said. Sections twenty-five (25) and 'IWenty- ..
.,· six (26)~thenc~North along the dividing line between said Sections, 2505.0 feet; thence

North 32 00' West 1415 feet to a point on the .N_orth tine of said Section TWenty-six (26)
thence East along the North line of said section Twenty-six (26)a distance of 7u0 fe~t to
the corner common to Sections Twenty-three (23) Twenty-four (24) Twenty-five (25) and
Twenty-six (26) of the ~foresaid Township and ~ange; thence North 53° 34' East 1347 feet
to intersection with the dividing line between Rancho Mission and Rancho ElCajon; thence
along the said d_ividing line south 8° 15' East, 3500 feet more or less, to corner No. 9
of said Lot Seve-nty-three ( 731; thence South 53° East 4032.60 feet to corner No. 10 of
said Lot Seventy~three (73)said corner being on the south line of said tot Seventy-three
(73) thence west along the south line of said Lot Seventy three to point of commencement.
· To Have and to Holn the above granted and de~cribed pr~mises, upto th~
said Grantee, its succe~sors ann assigns forever. ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this deed to be signed by
its Vi~e Pres~dent and ~ssistarit Searetary and its corporate seal to be affixed here~~
this lfith day of July' 1926.

. I

By 0 H ENGLISH, Vice-President •
ATTEST F.B.Thompson,Assistant Secretary.

On this fifteenth day of July 1.9.26;-,c:b~·.fGre me Lulu McFarland a Notary
Public in and for said Co~nty personally appeared C.H.En§iish known to me to be the Vice-
President and F.B. ThompsoD known to me to be the ~ll.ssiste.n~ Secretary of the corporation
the.t executed the within instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within ·I
instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such
corporation executed the same.
( ST,1AI.
;) ,
.J. Notary PUblic in and·for the·county of
San Diego, State of Californt.a.
RECORDED AT ?EQUEST OF·City Clerk Jul 29, 1926, at 11 o'clock
A.M. in Book No. 1218, Page 286, of Deeds, ·::--zecords of San Diego, county, ca~if.,

JOHN H FERRY, County ~ecorder,

£y L.B.Wooderd, Deputy.
I HE~~EBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Grant Deed from the Union Trust Company to the City of Sa.n Diego, California.
Being ~ocument No. 191986.
·City Clerk of the C_i ty of San Di())o) Ca}i:ornia.

I, Frances Eoot, Widow, for and in consideration cf the bep~efits to accrue

by the location, construction-and maintenance of a sewer line through and acorss the
proper~y herein described, and in considerR.tion of the snrn of One ])olla.r· (~l.OO}to in hand
paid,. t~1e receipt ilrh~reo~ is hereby acknowledg~d, do hereby Grant to the city of San Die· go,
a munJ.clpal corpora.t1on 1n the County of San D1ego, State of California, an easement and
rig~t of. way through, along a~d across all .that. certain real property situate in t:r.,.e· City·
of . . . an D1ego, County of San D1ego, State of Cal1fornia, particularly descrtbed as follows
to-wit: '
E 25Ft of Lots 29 and 30, Block 18 in University Heights to Have and to
Hold _th~ above granted and, described right of way unto the said grantee, its successors
and assJ.gns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line. . · ·
. . . . The ·Purpose o_f thi,s easement and right o.f way is for the cons tructii on am
ma1nt~nance of a privat.e sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood thet
the CJ.ty of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the con-
struction and maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement. .
June, 1926.
IN W.ITNESS WHEREOF, I h~' hereunto set my hand and seal this 9th day of



On this 9Jth day of June, 1926, before me .Annette Van R.Masten a Nota.ry
Public in and for the said. County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein
duly commissioned and sworn, pers~:mally appeared Frances Root· personaliy known· to me to
be the person whose ·name~'iS tsubscri bed to the within instrument and she duly acknow-
ledged to me that she ex~ctited the same •.
IN WI:TNESS vVHEREOF, I have hereunto, set. my hand and affixed my official ::>eal
at my office in the County of San Diego, the day amd year in this cer~ificate first
above written.
My Commission Expires, Notary Publi:c in<.J.and for the County of San ])i ego,
January 27, 1929. Stat'e. o'f California.
~ECOR:DED AT REQUEST, of City .Clerk Jul 28, 1928 at 30 Min past 9 e'clock
A.M. in Book No. 1253, Page 53, of Deeds~ Records of San Diego, county, Calif•,
, .
JOHN H FERRY, County ~ecorder,
By N.C.Parsons, Deputy. '•

I HE3EBY CERTIFY, tba.t the above and a full, true_and c?rrect
copy of Deed from Frances Root to the City of San Diego, California, Being Document
No. 192143.
City Clerk of California.


I, Mrs Martha McAllister, Widow, for and in consideration of the benefits

to accrue by the loca.tion, construction and maintenance of a. l~wer line through and
across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar
( $L.O.O) in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowlec.zed do hereby Grant to the
Cij;y of Ban Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of
California, an easement and right of way through, along and across all that certain
real property situate in the City of San Diego, County ofSan Diego, State of California.
particularly described as.follows, to-wit;
W.lO Ft •. alley adj. and E. 27t Ft. Lots 21 <:'to 24, in Block 18 in University
fo Hav~ and to Hold the Above granted and de£;cribed right of way unto the
said gre.ntee its f?UCcessors and assigns forever, as. a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
11le purpose of this easement and right of way is for the 6 onstruction and
maintenance of a _private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it l1eing understood
that tJ:le. Ci ~y ofSan Diego is not to be held liable for any damage. res.u1 ting from the
construction and maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement •.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF," I have hereunto eet my hand and seal this 7th da;>r of
June, 1926.


On this 7th day of June, 1926, before me Annette Van R· Masten, a Notary

I Public in and for the said County of San Diego:,, State of California, residing therein,
duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Martha McAllister, personally known to
me to be the person whose name:'"! is subscribed to the within instrument e.nd- she duly
acknowledged to me that she executed the same.
lN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hancl and affixed my Official Seal
at my <)ffice in the County of San Diego, ·the day and year in this certificate first above
My commi'Ssion expires, Notary Publi_c in and for the county of san Diego,
Janu~ry 27, 1929. State of California.

?ECO?DED AT :!:\12'Q'ITPS T, of City Clerk Jul 2B, 192fD a.t 30 Min peJ3t 9 d' clock
A•M• in Book No. 1253, Page 48, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.,

JOID! H FERRY, County Recorder,

By N.C.Parsons, De·puty.

I R~REBY CERTIFY,· that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Easement from Martha McAllister to the City of San Die:go, California.
Being Document No. 192145.
\.City Clerk otlthe City ?f

. ~
I '

J I, P•L· Corrigan and Gercfgia Kean Corrigan, husband and wife, for and in
consideration of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance
of a sewer line through and across the property herein described, andin consideration
of the SUJfl of One Dollar ($1.00) to in hand paid,· the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledge a .··~,-'·
' 1
.,' dio hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Dif'gb,
State of California, an easement and right of way· through, along and across all that
real property situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, Stnte of Califo~nia,
particularly described as follows, to-wit: .
Lots 34 and 35, Orchard Villa Addition, according to Map thereof filed in
the Office of the County ~ecorder of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the
said grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a. sewer pipe line...
The purpose of this easement and right of·W~7 is for the construction and
maintenance li>f a private sewer lateral insid.e the prcperty lines, it being understood that
the City ofSan Diego is·not. to be held 'liable for any damage resulting from the construction
and maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 12th day
of July, 1926.

On this 13th day of July 1926, before me H. w. Yariok a. Notary Public

in and for tbe said County of Los Angeles, state of California, residing therein duly
commissioned and sworn personally appeared P.L.Corrigan and Georgia Kean Corrigan
personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within in-
strument and they duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREClF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official
Seal at my office iri·the County of Los Angeles the day and year in this certificate first
nbove written. ·
My Commission expires,
March 17, 1927. Notary Public in e.nd for the County of San Di ege,
State of California.
l~EC03DED AT ?.EQUEST of City Clerk Jul 28,. 192·6, at 30· Min past 9 o~clock
A.Ivr. in Book .No. 1220 Page,464 of Deeds Records of·San ])iego County,·Calif.;
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder.
By N.C.Parsons, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY ·:rHAT THE ABOVE and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Easement from P.L.Corriga_n et ux to the City of San Diego, California, Being
Document No. ·192146.
City Clerk of the City of San Tiiegolfl

B ~~.ia,eputy.
-f7~. 91.
We, James and Maria McMahon, Husband and Wife, f:OJ!'J and in consideration
of the· benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line
thro.ugh and across the property herein described, a.nd in consideration of the sum of
One Dollar ($1.00) to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby asknowledged,_ do hereb¥
grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of
California, an easement and right of way ~rough, along and across all that certain real
property situate in the City ofSan Diego County of San Diego, State of California, par-
timularly described as . follows, to-wit: '
·Lots 47 ana 48, Block 70, University Feights,. according to Map thereof
made by G.A. D'Hemecourt, filed in the Office of the County :r:ecorder of sai¢1 San Diggo
County. · ·
To Have and to Hold the above gr'anted and ·described right of way unto the
said grantee its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way fo·r. a sewer pipe line.
The Pur·pose of this easement and right of way is fo.r the construction and
maintenance of a priv~te sewei lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that
the Ci tyy of San Diego is not to be held 1 iable fo:r an;>r d e.mage resulting from the con-
struction and maintenance of sewer laterals over and ·across· this easement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our h~nd.s and _seals this 16th dHy
of July 1926.

. On this 16th day o~ July 19:6, '6efor? me, E.H.Brooks a !Jotary Public
1n a~~ ~or the said County of san D1ego, Sta~e of Cal1fornia, residin~ therein, duly
comm1...,s1oned and sworn, personally appeared .James McMahon and Maria M~Mahon personally k:noVVin
~o me to be the persons, whose names are subscribed to the within instr.ument and they
auly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. · '
o .., . I~ W~TNESS WR~REOF, I h~ve hereunto set my hand and affixed my official
uea.l at T?Y offl ce 1n t..he Count;>' of San ])~ego, the day anlyear in this certi fica te first
above wr~tten.
( Q''" •. T )
Notary Public in and for the County of San
My commission expires, Diego, state of California.
June 4, 1930.
RECORD::SD :~'r REQUEST of Ci t;y Clerk Jul 28, 1926 at 30 Min past 9 o'clock
A.M. in Book No. 1253, Page 50, of Deeds, Records of San Diego county, Calif.,

JOHN B FERRY, County ?ecorcler.

By N.C.Parsons. Deputy.

r·HEl~EBY CEP.TIFY THAT the above and foregoing is a. full, true and correct
copy of Deed from James McMahon et ux to·the City of San Diego, California, Being
Document No. 192149.
City California.

Ivir. Alex Kee.ney and Mrs Marguerite Keeney; husband and wife, for and in
consideration of·the benefits to accrue by the location,, construction and maintenance
of a sewer line through and across the property herein described, and in cons:i,deration of
' the sum of ane·Dollar ($1.00) to in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowleC:ged
do ller-Err·by grant to the City ofSan 'Diego, a municipal corporation· it).· the county of San
Diego, State of California., an easement and right of way through, along and· across a.ll
that certain real property situate in theCity of San :Diego, County of Sa.n Diego, State
of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit: . .
·,I Lots 1 and 2 in Block 12 of City Heights and No. 1 Sub of Block 3,6,9 an<i I2
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the
said grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and

1: maintenance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being urn erstood that
the City of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the con-
struction ru1d maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our Hands ahd Seals .this 17th de.y
of July 1926.

On thi.s 17tb day of July, 1926, before me El-izabeth Gorman a Notary public
in· and for the said .County of Sam. Diego, State of California, residing therein, .duly
commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Alexander Keeney and Margherita Keeney
personally known· to me, to be the persons whose names are .. subscribed to the wi tpin in-
strument, and they duly acknowledged to me thut they executed the same.
IN VVITNESS WHE2EOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my .offic_ial
seal,; at my office in the county of San Diego, the d.!V and year in this ce;rtifica'te
first, above written.

(SEAL) Notar;)r Public in B.nd for the. County of

San Diego, State of Calif.ornia.
RECORDED AI' REQUEST, of City Clerk Jul 28. 1926, at 30 Min pafit 9 o'clock
A.M. in Book No. 1253, Page 44, of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recqrder,

I By N.C.Parsons, Denuty.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full 1 true and correct
cop:y of Deed from Alexander Keeney et ux to the City of San Diego, California, Being.
Document No. 192151. '
City Clerk of the California.

\Ve, J.L •. and Sarah Rojas, Husba.nd and wife, for and in consideration of the
benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line throllgh
and·across the property herein described, andin consideration of the sum of One Dollar
( $1.00) to us in hand pai<l, the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged,. to. hereby g!ant
to ·the City of San Diego, a municipal corpore.tion in the County of San Diego, State' of
California, an easement and right of way through, along and across all ths.t certain· real
·property .situate in. the City ·of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California,
particularly described as follows~ to-wit:
I: Lots. 25 and 26, Block 22, Ocean Beach Park; according to Ma:wJ thereof filed
in the· office of the County Recorder of said San Diego county.
· To Have and to Halo. the above granted and described right of way unto the

I said grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line
The purpose of this easement ·and right of way is for the construction a.nd
maintenance of~ private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood t}2
~hat the City of San·Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the
construction amd maintenance of sew'er laterals over and across this easement.

IN WITNESS 'vVHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 21st,
day of July, 1926• ·


. I J 'I



. On ~his 2ls~, day of July 1926, before me E.H.Brooks a }~otary Public

in and for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein duly comm-
issioned and sworn, personally appeared J.L.Rojas and Sarah Rojas, pe·rsonall!Y known to
me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and they duly
acknowledged to me.that they executed the same.
· '
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official
seal, at my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in ·this certificate firf:t
above written.
rsnAL) ·· ·· E H BROOKS,
My commission expires,
June ~,1930. Notary Public in and for the county of
Sa~ Diego, State of California.

RECOHLED AT RE 1~UEST, of City Clerk Jul 28, 1926, at 30 Min past 9 o'clock
A.H. in Book .No. 1253, Page 51, of Deeds, Records of San Diego Count~r, Calif•,.
JOHN H FERRY, County :!1ecorder,
By N.C.Parsons, ·Deputy~
I HE~:EBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct.
copy of Deed from J. L. Rojas to the City·ofSan Diego, California, Being document
No. 192153.


B-4;Jdg ..
' :
City Clerk of the City f:ij;2,_ego, California!

. -'-7"7- ~· 5ll
THIS AGREEMENT made the 12th day of May, 1926, between Eva v. Bartscherer,
the party of the first ps.rt and the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation the p·arty
of the second part, · '
WITNESSETH: That the pa'rty of the first part, i . n consideration of the· · /
covenents and agreements on the part of the .party .of the seoone -part, hereinafter con-
tained, ·agrees to sell and· convey unto the party of the sec:ond part, and said seconQ. party
agree to buy all those certain lots piece.s or parcels of land si t;uate in the count~r of
San Diego, State of Qalifornia., bounded and described as follows, ~o-wit:
. Southeast quarter of Section Twenty-two (22) Township 12, South, :Range
2 East, S.B.M; for the sum of eight thousand and no/100 Dollars lawful money of the
United States, and the party of the second part, in considera~ion of the premises;, agrees
to pay to the party of the first part the sum of Eight Thousand and no/100 Dollars, as
follows, to-wit:
.And the party of the eec·ond part agrees to pay all Sta.te and County taxes
and assessments of whatsoever nature whj_ch are or may become due on the premises above
descTibed. ,
Time is ~ec·a.ared to be of the essence of this contract and should the pur-
chaser 'fail or neglect to make said deferred payments , . or an~r of them, or to pay any of I
said indebtedness at the times and in the manner herein provided, ,then, and in that ~vent
this receipt and contract shallbe and become at once null and void'and no further force-
and effect, and the said party of the first part shall be at once released from any and
all obligations at law or in- equity to maiDe any conveyance hereunder or to convey the
property to said purchaser.
f.nd it being agreed that it is impossible .to fix and determine the actual
damages arising out of. the failure of said purcha.ser to make said deferred payments or to
pay said· indebtedness, it is hereby agreed that all moneys paid upon. the purchase price of
I said property ~[1]. in the event· of· such default be retained by said party of the first
pa1•t and held as and for liquidated damages arising and caused by the failu1~e of said
·purchaser to comply with the terms hereof, and the party of the first part shell have the
right of immediate re-entry and possession of saidpremises •
.And the purchaser herein does hereby expre19sly waive any right to demand
!Dr r.eoei ve from the party of the first part aoti ce to pay an;>7 of said deferred payments,
or, in the event of default, to demano or receive notice of such default, or notice of
declaration of forfeiture or of the annulment of this Agreement.
· And the party of the first part, on receiving such payment at the time and
·~in the manner above mentioned, agrees to furnish to the party of the second part an . II
unlimited certificate of· title of the Union ·;l'i tle Insurance Company. as of such date showili).g
title to .said premises to be vested in Eva. v. Bartscherer the party of· the first part, f"ee
from all. encumberances except those made suffered or permitted. b~r the party of the seco:ri.
part, and Eva. v •. Bartscherer the party of t:ne first part further agrees at such time to
execute and· deliver to the party of the second part, or to their assigns a good and
sufficiant deed.
, It is understood that the stipulations aforesaid. are to apply to and bind.
tlw heirs, e:x~:H~u:tona, administrators and assigns of th~ respective pa.rti es.
WITNESS our hands and seals this 12th day of,May, 1926.
On this 12th day of May, 1926, before me, Kate L Mershon a Nota!Jr pUblici
in· and for said ·county .and ·State, personally appeered Eva. v. Bartscherer, known to me to1
be the person whose .namesis subscri'Qed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me
that she executed the same.
WI ·rNESS my hand_ and official seal the day and year in tr~i s cer tifi ca te
first above written. ·
My Commission expires, Notary Public in and for said county . 'I.
3-18-1928 and State.
'; I .
u ...

. RECOHDED .AT REQUEST of City Clerk, rviay 15, 1926,' a.t 25 Min past 10 o''clo<)k
.A.M. in Book'No. 1206 Page 189 of Deeds (.Agmts) Records of San Diego County, ·calif•,
JOHN F. FERRY, ·county Recorder,
By N.C.~arsons, Deputy.
I HEREBY CER·TIFY that the e.bove and fllrregoing is a full, true and correct
copy o.f Agreement from Eva V. Bartscherer with the Ci t~r of San Diego, California,
Being Document No. 189249.

.. .t~LLEN H WRIGHT, .
. ~-·

City Clerk of California.


We, James c. and Hanna A. Rose, husband and wife, fbr and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line
through and across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One
Dollar ($1~00) to us in hand paid, the receipt w:hereof is hereby acknowledged do hereby
grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego,
State of California, an easement and right of wa~r through, along and across all the.t
certain real property situate in the City of San Diego, county of San Diego, State of
California, particularly described asrdollows, to..;wi t:
. The West 40 feet of Lots 45, 46,47, and 48, Block 52, University Heights,
according to Amended Map thereof made by G• .A. d~·Hemecourt, filed in the Office of the
County' Recorder of said San Diego County. ·

· To Have and to Hold the above gran ted and described right of way unto the
said grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line
The plil.rpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and
maintenance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood
that the City of San Diego is not to ~.'e held liable for any damage resulting from the
construction.and maintenance of sewer laterals over an~ across this easement~
IN WITNESS ~IIJEE3EOF, we have :hereunto set our hands· and seals this 17th day
of July 1926.
JAMES C ROSE, ( SE.£\.1}

On this 17th day of July, 1926, before me Fred w. Sick, a. Notary Public
in and·for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly
commissioned and sworn personally James e. Rose and Hanna A· Rose, husband and
wife, personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within
instrument, and they duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. .
IN WITNESS WHF~EOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official
seal, at my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first
above written.
: (SEAL)
My commission expires, Notary PUblic in and for the county of San
May 15 ~.h, 19 2 7 • Diego, State of California.

I RECORDED AT REQUEST of Ci t;y Clerk ,Tul 28, 1926, a.t 30 .Min past 9 o'clock
A.M. ip Book No. 1164, Page 133, of Deeds Records of San D~ego county, Calif.~
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,
By N.C.Parsons, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true a.nd correct
copy of Deed from James c. Rose et ux to the City of San Diego, California, Being . ~ .'
Document No. 192155.


City Clerk of the Ca.lifornia,



Adolph L€vi a.nd Eleanore Levi, husbaiid and wife, for and in consideration
of One Dollar, do hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a t~nicipal Corporation, in the
·County of San Diego, State of Ce.lifornia, an easement and right of way for street purposes
thro:gh, _along and across, _All t.hat ~~eal Property situated in the City of san Diego, coun"fr
of van D1ego, State of Cal1forma, bounded and described. as follows• ·

I · .A P 0 rt~on o:fl Pieblo Lot No. 1123, according to the p~sco Map of the ·Pueb1o
Lands of San ·D1eg~, ·fll?d. in the office of the City Engine'er, ~870, ·'also a portion of'
Bloc~ 411, Horton s ~dd1t1on accordin~ to map filed in Deed Book 13, Page 522, under date
of .J~ly 21, 1871, sa1d easement and r1ght of way being a strip of land 60 feet wide, more descr.ibed as follows, to wit: .
Commencing at the So'lil thwesterlJr corner of said Pueblo Lot No. 1123
~thence in a Northeasterly direction 228.21 feet to a point distant 133.99 ft. East of the
W,est line of said Pueblo Lot No. 1123; thence in an Easterly direction.65;,63 Ft. to a point
thence in .a Southwesterly direction 32.35 Ft. to· a point; thence cont~nuing in a

Southwesterly direction 192,04 Ft to a point on theSouth line of said Pueblo/Lot No. 1123, -
': distant 73/19 feet East of the southwest corner of said Pueblo Lot No. 11231 thence cong
tintifng in a Southwesterly direction 51.33 ft to a point;thence continuing in a south-·
westerly direction 43.75 Ft. to a Point on the South line of said Block 411, distant 115.55
Ft ~ast from_the Southwesterly corner of said Bloc~; thence West along the South Line of
said Block 411, 100.55 ft to a point; thence in tae NortheaEterly direction 115.03 ft. to
t:fiepoint of beginning all as shown on Plat No. 215 B. of the City of San Diego/ · -· ·
To ~ave and to Hold the above granted and. described easement unto the sai .
Grantee,' its success'ors and assigns forever, for street purposes a.s and for a portion of
Curlew Street. · · ·
WITNESS our hands and seals this 17th day of July, 1926~

On this 17th day of July 1926, before me Edgar B· Levi, a. Notary Public
in and for said County residigYi therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally ·
appeared ~dolph Levi and E~eanore Levi, husband and wife, known to me to be the persons
described in and whose names are subscribed to the .within instru.ment, and acknowledged to
me that they executed the same. .
· ~VI'r.!fH)f?S my b.and and official Seal the day and y:ear in this certificate
first above written. ·
Notary ~lblic in and for the county of San Diego,
' State of California, '
EECOP.DED AT .REQUEST of City Clerk Jul 28,1926, at 30 Min past 9 o'clock
A.M. in Book No. 1253, Page 47, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County Cal if. ,
JOHN H FERRY, County ~ecorder,
By N.C.Parsons, Deputy.
1 HE?.EBY CERTIFY THAT the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Easement from:r:Adolph Levi and Eneanore Levi to the City of San Diego, California.
Being Document No. 192162.

City Clerk of th~ City Ca1ifornia.

By...>o-..:~~~-r=-"-=._,__-"-f-___;::;.,n;~ .;;:;;;~;;::.::::....::::....~~~

Cl~~ence c. Wollenhaupt and Dorothy B. Wollenhaupt, husband and wife and
Herbert R. Higgins, a single person, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar rece!ip t
of which :dls hereby acknowledged, do hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Mnnicipa.l
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, and. easement and right 'of wa~r.
for a public street over allong and across aJLl that Real Property situated iri the City of ·
of San Diego, County of San Diego, state of California, bounded and described a.s follows:·
The ~"festerly thirty {130) feet of Lot 16 Rancho Mission of San Diego
County ording to the ma.p there of No. 348 on file in the Office of the County Clerk of
San Diego·county, California, excepting therefrom the right of wa.y of the San :Diego &
Arizona Ra~lway Compa.ny. ·
To have and to Hold· the above granted and described easement and right of
way as and for a public street.
WITNESS our hands and ,seals this 21st day of July 1926.
Witness to Signatures,' CL:tlRENCE C WOLI,ENHAUPT, (SEAL)
J. ~rank Cullen. DOROTHY B WOLLENHAUPT, ( SE.,~L)


On this 21st, day of July, 1926, before me Y.A.Jacques a Notary Public

in and £:or said cou11:ty, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
Clarence c. Wollenhaupt and Dorothy B· Wollenhaupt, husband and wife, and Herbert R. Higgins
a .single person, proved to me on the oath of J. Frank Cullen, to be the persons described II
in and whese names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that thew
e~ecuted the same. · ~
· WI'rNESS my Hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate fir~t
above written.

Notary Public in and for the Count~r of San :Diego,

State ot Cali~ornia.
RECORDED AT RJ:~QUJ~ST of City Clerk Jul 28,1926, at 30 Min past 9 o'clock
A.M:. in Book No. 1164, Page 134, of Deeds ':?ecords of San Diego County, .Calif.,

JOHN H FERRY, Co_unty J\ecorder, .:·

By N.c.parsons, Deputy.
I HE:?EBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Easement from Clarence c. Wollenhaupt, Dorothy Wollenhaupt and Herbert R Higgins,
a single p~rson,· to the City of San Diego, California, BeingDocument No. 192163.

City Clerk of the City of san Diego, California.


Robert T. J •.Crosier and E. Eli z.s.beth Crosier, husband and vH fe, for and in
consideration .of the sum of One Dollar, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do
hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal corporation, in the county of San Diego
State of California, an eas.ement and right of way for a public street over, along and
across all that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, Count:\r of San Id ego,
Stat~ of California, bounded and deecribed as follows: ·
All that p~rtion of the south 25 Acres of the swt of the NEt of Section
33, T. 16 s., R. 2 ·w. s.B.B.M·l in the Ex Mission ?ancho, lying 30 feet on each sicle of
~he following described center line, to-wit:
Beginning at a. point on the west line of said swt of NEt of Section 33~ T.
16 s., R. 2 w., S.B.B.M, distant 494.06 feet South from the south J.ine of, r:rnit
J'Jo; 1 Ace or ding to the official Map tber eof No. 18'98, filed' in tbe office of the County
·~ecorder of the county of_ f:·an Diego, ca ifornia, thence due ea.s·t a distance of 5.33 feet
to a point of l)e.ginning, rohence South 1 03' East a diste.nce of 516(67 feet to e. point '.
thence on a curve to the· l~ft, tangent to the last named curve, having ,a radius of 236.62
feet through an angle of 84° 25' a distance of 348.62 feet to a point~ thence south 85°
:~8'' East, tang·ent to said last named curve, a distance of 566.53 feet to a point, which
point bears North 51° 12' 20n west from the northwest corner of Block 18, of 1Jile.dswortbs
·olive Grove, according to the official MBp thereof No. 482, filed in the offic~ of the
County Recorder of the County of Sen Diego, California; thence on a curve to the right,
tangent to said last named curve, having a radius of 5eO feet, tbrough an angle of 310
53' a distance of 278.23 feet. to a point.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right of
way as and for a public street.
WITNESS our hands and seals this 13th day of July, 1926.





On this 13th day of July, 192& before me Edmundo. Thompson a·Notary

Public in and for said county, residing therein duly. commies.ioned a.nd sworn,
appeared Robert rr. J. Crosier and E· Elizabeth Crosier, known Ito me· to be the person des-
cribed in the whose names are subscribed to the within inetrument, and a.cknowleo_ged to
me that they executed the dame.
WI-TNESS my Hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate
firit above written.
NOtary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California~
RECORDED A·r REQUEST, of Cit;y Clerk cTtlll~:.·J28, 1926, at 30 Min past 9 o'clock
A.M:. in Boon No. 1220 Page 466, of Deeds, Records of San Diego county; Calif.,

JOHN H FERRY, County ?,

By N.C.Parsons, Deputy.
I HEREB¥ CERTIFY, tb.a t the a·bove and. fDregoing is a full, true and correct
oopy of'om Robert T.J.Crosier and E. Elizabeth Crosier to the City· of San Diego
California. Being Document No. 192164.


City Clerk of


I, C.D.Kerkling, widower, f~~ and in Consideration of the benefits to

·EJ.ccrue by the location, construction and maintenance of ·a sewer line through and across
the property herein described and in consideration of the sum ofOne Dollar ($1.00}
to me in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged do hereby grant to the
City of San Diego, a Municipal corporation in the county of San Diego, State of California
an easement and right of way through, along and across all that certain real property
situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, state of California, particularly
described as follows to-wit:
Lots 33 and 34 in Block 18, University Heights,
To Have and to Hold the above granted and descri">bed right of way unto the
said grantee, its successors and assings fore~er, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and
maintenance of a private sewer latert.afu inside the property lines, it being unoerstood
that the City of f:an Diego is not to be he:J.d liable for any damage resulting from the
construction and maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
IIN WITNESS. WREREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 16 tb day of
June, 1926.



On tbis 16th day of June, 1926, before me Annette Van R. Masten a !Jotary
Public in and for the said county ·of San Diego, State of California, r:esiding therein,
cluly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared C.D.Kerklin,g personally l:nown to me to be
the person whose namee-i s subscribed to the within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to
me that he execuced the same.
I1J ·.~!ITNJ'lSS WH.Efll:OF, I· h8ve hereunto Bet my hand and affixed my official: seal
:J.t r::y office in the County of San Diego, the day andyear in this certifies.te first above
My commission expires,
January 27, 1929. Notary Public in and for the county of
San ~i~g~, State of California.

RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk Jul 28, 1926, at 30 Min past 9 o'clock
A.M.' in Book No. 1253, Page 45, of.Deeds, Records of San Diego county, Calif.,

JOHN H FERRY, County ?.eco:r:cler,

:ByN.c.:Parsons, ·Deputy. '

I HE:tEBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and
cti'orrec·t copy of Easement from,.:< • "· c:;·,n:;'Ke~kling, ~oitge City of Sari Diego,· Cs.liforri1a~
Being Document No. 192165.
· City Clerk

Ben Frieden and Anna Frieden,· husband and wife, and James Love and Wm.
F. :Pouhey. for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged, d.o hereby- Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the
County of San Diego·, State of California, an easement and right of way for a public street
over, along and across, all that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, county
of Sa.n Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: '
All that portion of Lot 9, Fairhaven Acres, lying we~terly of a line
parallel to and distant 33.5 feet easterly from the westerly line of said Lot 9, according
to the offici~l map thereof No~ 1490, on file in the office. of the county Recorder of San
Diego County California. .
To Hav~ and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right
of way as and for a public street.
WITNESS our hands and seals this 22nd da;>r of July, 1926.


LOVE & TOUHEY a Co-Partn.ershi p.


On ~his 22nd day of, 1926, before me Y.A.Jacques a Notary Public

County, residin?/ therefnduly commissioned and sworn, personall~r appeared
: iin and for said
.Alma Frieden, h:i:sband and wife, .and James Lo:u.e and wm. F. Touhey, known
Ben Frieden and
to me to be the
persons described in and whose names are ·SUbscribed to the within
instrument, and
acknl!111lrledged to me thllt they executed the
Witness my.hand and Official Seal tbe day andyear in this certificate

first above written.·
( SEJL) Notary Public in and for the County of
San Diego, S~nte of California,
RECORDED AT REQUEST, of City Clerk oJtfl t28, Ci9~.69fata3.0I~Min past 9 o'clock
A.M. in Book No. 1253, Page 42, of Deeds Records of San Diego county, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,
By .N. c.Pa.rsons, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is,a full, true and correct
copy of Easement from Ben Frieden and Anna Frieden, James Love and wm. F. ~ouhey, to the
City of San Diego, California, Being Document No• 192177,. .

FENTON-PA-~KER MATERIAL COMPANY, a Corporation duly organized and e~J.sting
under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California and having its principal place
of business "in the City of San Diego, com1ty of San Dieg.o, State of California. for and in
consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other valuable consideration the rec.eipt whereof

is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation,
in the Coutity of San Diego, Ste.te of California, an easement and right of way for a public
street over, along and across all that Real Property described as follpws, to-wit:
All that portion of a triangular strip of land along the Easterly sid~ of Block 18, of
Wadsworth's Olive Grove, according to the official Map thereof ~ro. ~82, on file in the office
of the County Recorder of San Diego County, 'california, more particularly described end
bounded as follows: · ·
•' Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Blo'ck 18, thence Southwesterly
along the Easterly line of sa·id Block 18 to the Southeast cor.ner there of; thence north-
~asterly to a point on the North .line of said Block 18, ~ar enough West from said North-
east corner to contain in said triangular strip of_ land 66/100 acres; thenc.e. s.long the
North line of said Block 18 to theplace of beginning" and. of Block 17, said Wadsworth's
Olive Grove, and of Lots·5 to 10, inclusive, of Block A· said Wadsworth's Dlive Grove
lying 30 feet on each side of the followimg desceib.ed c. enter line, 'to-wit:
r Beginning at a point which bears North 51° 12' 20" west a distance of 84.81
foe t from the North,•rest corner of Lot 18, of said Wadsworth's Olive Grove, thence South-
ei<l).SI;<j~ly·on a curve whose tangent bears South 85° 28' with a radius of 500 feet throu
an angle of 31° 53' a distance of 278.23 feet to a point;trohence South 53° 35'East, tangent
to said curve a distance of 586 feet to a point; thence' curving Sou thea.sterly tangent to
the ·last named course, with a radius of 200 feet through an a.ngle of 82o 0' a. dista.nce of
J. 286,,23 feet to a point, all situated in the City of San Diego, County.of San Diego, state
of California.
' Easement and right of way !tre granted for a publ1o street or highway
and the grantor reserves to itself a right of way under said highway so gran ted at a point · ··· ·
at w'hich a bridg·e shall be erected, giving said grantor a roadway or tramway under said big
way with an overhead clearance of at least 10 feet and which shall be 20 feet in width~
a·na. the grantee covenants to erect such bridge in such manner as to give the grantor such a
right of way and passageway.
IN WITNESS IillE?.EOF, TEE said ps.rty of the first part has caused its
corporate name and seal to be affixed by its President and Secretary thereunto duly
authorized this 14th day of July,l926.
' '
A corporation.

By ~ G FENTON , President.
By Horton 1. Titus, Secretary.


On this 14th day of JUly, i92b before me Lois w. Mointyrt.? a Notary pUblic
in cmd for the said County and State;! residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn

I pc-~rsonally appeared H. G. Fenton known to me to be the President and Horton L. Titus,

known td me to be the ·Se ere tary of the Fenton-Parker Material company the corporation
that executed the within tnstrumen t, known to me to be the persons v1ho executed the wi t:hin
instrument, on behalf of the Corporation therein named, .and acknowledged to me that such
Corporation execute4 the same. ' ·
Ill WI.TNESS 1,'!H:!~REO:B1 , I have hereunto set my hend ariel affixed my official
S(lal the day andyear in this certificate first above written.
Nota.r:y Pu.blic in an,cl for sai.d county and state •
.L?P.C0?.:9ED AT ? 1~Q~ST, of C.i ty Clerk Jul 28, 1926, at 30 Min past 9 o'.clock
A.M. In Book No. 1220, Page 46J, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.,

JOHN. H FERRY, Copnty Recorder,

By N.C.Parsons, Deputy. ·
. I HEREBY CEl:TIFY that, the above and foregoing is a full true and correct
copy of Easement the Fenton-Parker Material co., to the City of San Diego, Ce.lifornia
]eiilgt::DClGnl.went N9'at JJ921!;1Z~. Cal ·

_1\LLEN H~ vY:!.:UGHT
City the California.

I -~· .
Dominik Jud and Anna Jud, husband and wife, for and in consideration of the

sum of One Dollar, do hereby Gni~1t to the City of. San Diego, a Municipal corpora·tion,
in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of WB}l for a public
street or highway, over, along and acr,oss all that Real Property situated i:O. the City of
S~n Diego,. County of San Diego, State of California, bound~d and described as fbllowe:
· · All that portion of the North i fof the Northeast t of Lot 41, of Horton's
Purchase of Rancho Mission Lands according to. Map thereof Uo. 283, filed in the office of
the County Recorder of San Diego County, California, more particularly described and bound-
ed as follows: '
Beginning at the .Northeast corner of said Lot 41, thence ·westerly along the
Northerly line of said Lot 41, a distance of 40 feet to a point; thence southeasterly
along a curve whose tangent is at right angles to the ~ortherly line of said Lot 41, with
a radius of 520 feet, through an angle of 11° 15' 20" a distance of 98.23 feet to an inter-
section withha line parallel to and di~tant 30 feet Weste~y from the Easterly line of
said LOt 41; thence Southerly along a line parallel to and distant 30 feet W§sterly from the
Easterly line of said Lot 41, to the southerly line of the North i of the } of
said Lot 41; thence Easterly along said Southerly line to the Easterly line ofBaid iot 4lt
thence Northerly a1 ong the Easterly line of said. Lot 41 to the pointof beginning.
' To Have and to Hold the above grant~d and described easement and right of waY
as and for a public street.
· WITNEss· our hands and seals this 26th day of July, 1926•



CJUNTY OF ltA...lll DIEGO, )
On tbif? 26th day of July, 1926, before me Y.A.Ja.caues a Notary Public
in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned e.nd sworn, personally appeared
Dominik Jud and .Ll.nna Jud, husband and wife, known to me to be the uersons described in and
whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they
executed the same. ·
WI 1 NE~S my hand and official Seal the day andyear in this certificate first
1 1

above written. Y A JACQUES,

Notary Public in and for the County of San J)ie go
State of california.
; ... '
RJLCOR.ililEID AT REQUEST, of Ci t~r Clerk Aug 3, 1926, at 46 Min p~st 2 0' clock
B..M. in Book .No. 1221, .Page 350, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, CountJr Recorder.,
By N.C.Parsons, :Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY, that t.he above and foregoing .is a fu.ll, true and correcit
copy of Easement from Dominik Jud and Anna Jud to the City of San Die:go, California, Being
Document No. 192440.

City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

. . ~9/


THIS AGREEMENT, made 23rd, day of .Tuly, 1926, between UNION TRUST
COMP.ANY OF Sl!N DIEGO; a corporation, Trustee under the 'rrust hereinafter described, party
of the First Part, and the City .of San Diego, a municipal corporation, Party of the Second
THAT~WHEREAS, said Trustee is the legal owner of all that property
situated in the City of San Diego, County ofSan Diego, State of Califo~nia~ covered by the
Deed of Trust hereinafter described; and
~·lfHEREAS, the City of San Diego, for the benefit and improvement of said
property is laying, constructing and mail.llll11JDmEgJJg, or intending to lay, construct a.nd
maintain a publidi' highway over, along and ~ss all of the property; and
WHEREAS, it is a condition 'Precedent to the laying, construction, main-
tenance and operation of said public highway that an easement and right of way for same
sha;I.l be and remain upon said property prior and superior to the terms ·and conditions
incorporated in said Deed of Trust; •and,
WHEREAS,. all the owners of the ~qui table i"ntereste under said· mentioned
Deed of Trust have granted an easement and right of way to tile Party of the Second Part,
as follows:
Trust Deed: Dated Jamary 12, 1926, made by Fenton-Parker M.c.1terial
Company a corporation in favor of J.H.Chisel mecuring four promissory notes for the sum of
six Hundred Eighty-seven and 50/100 Dollars ($687.50) each recorded February 6, 1926, in
Book 1170, Page 260, et se~ •• of Deeds, in the Office of the County ~ecorder~ San Diego
County, California. .
The easement conveyed being over, along and e.cross a.ll thet portion of a
triangular st-rip of land along the easterly side ojf Block 18, of Wadsworth's Olive Grove,·
according to the official Map tlj.ereof No. 482, on file in theeoffice of the county He corder
of San, Diego county, California, more particularly described and bounded as follows: "
.Beginning a:t the northeast cQl:)ner of said Block 18; thence Southwesterly
along the Easterly line of said Block 18 to the Southeast corner thereof; thence North-
eastorly to a point on the North line of said Block 18, far enough West from Said rrorth
east corner to contain in said triangular strip of land 66/100 acres; thence East along
the North line of said Block ],.8 to the place of beginning".and of· Block 17, said Wadsworth's
Olive Grover and of Lots 5 aPd 10~ inclusive, of Block A, said Wadsworth's Olive Grover
lying 30 feet on each side of the following described center line, to-wit:
:Beginning at a point which bears North 51° 12' 20" west a distance of 84.!i!iil.
feet from the Northwest corner of Lot 18, of said 'Nadsworth's Olive Grovel/thence south- II
easterly on a curve whose tangent bears South 85° 28' Easp, with a radius of 500 feet through
an angle of 31° 53' a distance of 278.23 feet to a pointi thence South 53° 35' East tangent
to said curve, a distance of 586 feet to a pointl thence curving Southeasterly tangent to
the last named course, with a radius of 200 feet through an angle of 82° 0' a distance of
286.23 feet to a point, all situated in the City of san Diego, County of San Diego, State of
·That in consideration of the premises, .
11J1e sum of $10.00 this day to it paiid, receipt whereof is hereby acknow-
ledged, ifhdtiil:'1fur..itheli' consideration of·the benefits derived ·from the constructio~1 maintenance
and operation of said Public highway, said Party of the First Part hereby SUBORDINATES ALI
OF ITS RIGHT, TITI·E A..'IIJD INTEREST under the said Trust Deed above mentioned to the ri tht of
way and eaE>ement heretofore conveyed to the Party of the second. Part, upon the des~gnated
portion of the property covered by such Trust Deed, so that said right of way and. easement
shall be and remain prior· and s1;:perior to any and all of the terms and conditions contained!
in, or provided by, the said Deed of Trust hereinabove referred. to. I .,
, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the First Part has caused this instrumen~
to be signed by its·Vice President and Secretary and its corporate seal to be affixed the
day and year in this instrument first. above vvri tten.
( SEJ.L) ' ..


a corporation, as Trustee,
By C H ENGLISH , Vice-President.
AT'-nBST, Jas. D. Forwar_d, Secretary
On this 23rd, day of July in the year one Thousand :Nine and t\ventsr-
six, before me rJuella Duffy a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared
c. H. English known to me to be the Vice President ana Ja.s. D· Forward; known to me to be
the Secretary of the corporat,to~1 that exeout~d the .within inf.trurr.cnt knovm to me to be the
persons who executed.the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named,
and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same.
WITNESS my hand and Officie.l Seal the day and yea.r in this cer~ificate first
above written.
Notary Public in ann for the county of ..
(SEAL) San Diego, State of California.
J:·:ECOR:DI::D A.'f RP.-:)UESI\ of City Clerk Aug 3, 1926, at 47 Min past 2 o'clock
P.M. in Book No·. 122£0, Page ·343, of Deeds, Records of San Diego Count;}r, Cal;if.,

~TOP...N H FKWY, County,

By N.C.Parsons, Deputy.

I I m:;:~:.:EBY CERTIFY, that the above a.nd foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of ·sub0z:dinatior?- .Agreement of the Union Trust Company of Ss.n Diego to the City of
San Diego; California. Being document No. 192441.


. ,· ...




No. 47027

.rHE CITY OF SAN• DIE(iO, a municipal

corp oration,

EVA M FLY AS administratrix of the )
]state of Edward M. Fly, deceased, )


l.~OE COMPANY, a corporA-tion, )

J;.lefendants. )
- I
It appearuing to the Court by the admission expressed in· open court of
Sweet, Sterns and Forward, attorneys for the above named Eva M. Fly· as e.dministratrix
of the estate of Eaward M. Fly, deceased one of the defendants herein that the plaintiff ) /

has paid to the last named lfefendant the.-.sum of One Hundred Fifty~llars ($150.00) t

rJeing the· sum required to be paid to said administratrix in this action by the Judgment
herein; and it further appearing to this court by the voucher reeeipts of the Clerk of
this Court that said plaintiff has deposited in this Court for defendants Fanny B.
Hitchcock and Ceo. w. Gray by the Juc!gment herein as follows:
·. For defendant Fanny B. Hitchcock, the sum of Tvventy-five Dollars (:fr;25.00)
and, for defendant Geo. w. Gray the sum of Ten-Dollars ($10.00), .
IT IS HJmEBY ORDERED AND AJJJUDGED that the. parcels of land hereinafter des-
oribed be amd the same are hereby condemned for the following uses and purposes, namely:
for the use .atid purpose of constructing I:UJ.<i maintaini-ng public sewer lines thereupon as
part of e. system of sanitary sewers in the City ofSani;iego, California, for the disposal
of the ~ewage of sgid City.
The parcels of land hereby condemned -particularly describ_ed as follows:
:J.. An ea.semen t for said ~ewer line over, along and across a portion of J-ot
42, Block 262, Guion's .Ao.dition according to Map thereof No. 220 filed in the Office
of the County Recorder of San Diego county, California, said easement and right of way to
be six ( 6) feet in .width, three feet on each side of the following described center line:

I · Beginning ·at a point on the northeasterly line of said Lot 42, distant 17.34
feet northwesterly from the easterly corner of said Iot 42, thence southeasterly in a
direct line to a point on the southeasterly line of said Lot 42, distS:Tit 15.31 feet south-
westerly from tie easterly corner of said Lot 42,

2. An easement for said sewe·r line over, along and across a portion of Lots
1·, 2 and 3, Block 293,, of said Guion's Addition sa-id easement and right of way to be si:x ( 6)) /
feet in width,, three feet on ·each sid.e of the following described center -line:
Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of said Lot 1, di·sta,nt 59; 23
feet northeasterly from the westerly corner of said Lot 1, thence southeasterly on a direct
line to a point on the southwesterly line of said. Lot 3, distant 67.07 feet southeas-terly
from the westerly corner of said Lot 1.

3., An easement for said sewer line· over, along ano_ across a portion of Lots
38, 40 a~d 41, Block 465, W.G.Werth's .Addition to said City a.ccording to Map thereof
No. 409 filed in the Office of the County Recorder, said easement and right of way to be
six (6) feet in width, three feet on each side of the following described center line:-
Beginning at a point on the north line of said Block 465, distant 270.60 /
:feet' west from the north-east corner of said Block 4651' thence southeasterly on a direct
line to a point on the south line of said Block 465 distant 195 feet-west from the south~
east corner of said Block 465.
Done in open Court this 2nd d~y of July, 1926.

Judge of said supe:rior court.
The fdregoing instrument is a full, true and correct copJr of the original

I onuj?il:e· ihethis office.

Attest, July 2~1 1926.
J B MC LEES, County Clerk and. Clerk of the Superior
Court of the State of California., in and for the county of San Diego.

By, L. L· Busby.
-qECOR.DED AT ~EQUEST, of N~R.Thorpe, Jul 2 1926, at 20 Min past 10 o'clock
in Book No. 1117, Page 382, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.,

.JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,

By N.C.Parsons, Deputy.
i '.

I HE::.iEBY CETITIFY that the above ancl foregoing is a full, true and qo:r:rect
. copy of Final Order of condemnation to the Ci(>r of Ss.n Diego, Cali'fornia. Being document
No. 192486.


THIS AGREEMENT, made this 12th day of July, 1926, between SOUTl!ElUrJ.rTRUST
Aim .OOMiviEP.CE BANK, a corporation, trustee under the ·:rrust hereinafter described, Party of the
First Part, .and The City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, Party of the Second Part,

THAT, WHEREM>, said Trustee is the legal owner of all that real property
situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, covered by the
De.ed of ·r:rust hereinafter described and •.
property is laying, constructing and maintaining, or intending to lay, construct and maintain
a sewer pipe line through, along and· across all of the said property: and,
\_!fHE?.~t:s, it is a condition precedent to the laying, construction, main-
tenanue and operation of said sewer pipe line that an easement and right of w'ay for same "
shall be and remain upon· said property prior and superior' to the! terms and conditions in-
corporated in said deed of trust; and,
WHE~EAS, all the owners of the equitable interests under ·said mentioned
deed of trust have each granted an easement and right o~ way to t~e Party of the second Parr,
es follows: ·
Trust Deed, dated September 15, 1925, made by Emma E. Cartwright, a wid.ow,
in favor of Edward ;L. Enochs and. Minnie E. Enochs, as joint tenants, securing onepromissorY'II.
note for the sum of ;~2000.00 recorded September 26, 1925, in Book 1124, at Page !394, et seq.,
of Deeds; '
The easement conveyed being through, a;tong and across the West Four (4)
feet of the North Forty ( 40) Feet of Lot Three ( 3), Block Tvventy-eigh t ( 28), .Normal Heights
according to Map thereof No. ·985, filed in the Office of the county Recorder of said San
Diego County. ·

. That, in consideration of the premises, the sum of One Dollar to

it paid by the Party of the Second Part, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in
further consideration of the benefits derived from the constructionlJl maintenance and op-
eration.of said sewer pipe line, said party of the First Part HE-r.:EBY SUB0'!1DINATES.AII OF
ITS RIGHT, TITLE ANTI IN!TEREST under the trustndeed above mentioned to the right of way and
easer(lent heretofore conveyed· to the Party of the Second Part, upom /the designated portion
of the property covered: by said ·.rrust Deed,' so that said right qfwway and easement shall be
and remain prior and superior to any and all of the terms and conditions contained in'or
porvided in said Deed of Trust hereinabove referred to.
· ' IN l.fHTNESS WHE~OF, the Party of the First Part has caused this instru-
ment to be si~ned by its ~iue President and Ass't Secretary, andits corporate seal to be
affixed hereto, the· day andyear in this instrument first above .written.


J~s Trustee.
Party of th~ First Part.
By L G -r:.RA.DI.EY, Vi c~c;~:r~sident.


Attest, R· E. HAGE1IBRUCH";·::f1'3ecrets.ry.
On this 12th day o_f July 1926, before nie Gertrude Porter. a Notary public
in ~nd for said County, resi<'ling therein, d11l;>r commissioned ann. sworn_, personally Bf!pea.r,-
ed L. G. Bradley, known to me to be the Vice Pr-esident and It· E. Hagenbr,uch, known to me to
be ·the Asst.· Secretary of the corporation that executed. the within't, known to me
to be the persohs who eEecuted the within instrument on behalf of the corporation within
named, and acknowledge~ to me th~t. such corporation executed the same.
_ WITNESS my hand and Official Seal_ the day and year in this certifics.te
first above written.
( eEJ\L) Notary Public in and for the Co-pnty of ,
My commission expires, San Diego, State of California.
Aug.: 1, 1929.
RECORDED AT1 ?-EQUEST of City Clerk Aug, 10, 1926, at 35 Min pa.Et 2 o'clock
P.M. In Book No. 1199, Page 297, of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Cali:fi".,
JOHN R FERRY, County •
.BY N. O.Parsons.
I H~~EBY ~RTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copv of Subordination Agreement from the southern Trust and Commerce- Bank to the City of ,
San Diego, California, Being Document No. 192585.

California. I
E A S E:M E N T,

I, John E. Warren a single man, for and in consideration of the benefits

to accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across the pro-

perty hereinafter described do hereby Grant to t~e Eity of:San Diego, a 1runicipal cor-
poration, in the, County of San Diego, State of California, an ee.sement and right of way for
the construction, operation and. maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across, all
that Rep.l Property situated in the Ci t~r of San Diego, County of -San :Oi ego, Ste. te of
Calfiornia, bounded and described as follows: ·
The south three feet of Lot 39, Block 161, University Heights, according to
'· Amended Map thereof made by G.A •. d'Hemecourt, filedin t:tie Office of .the county Recoroer
of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
WITNESS, my hand and seal tllis eighth day of JuJ.y, 1926.


COTJN'l1Y OF ADAMS, ) .;:.
/ On this eighth da:;- of July 1926 1 before me F!rances McClean, a Notary
Public. in and for said County,' residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally
appeared, John E. Warren, known to me to be the person described in and· whose name is
subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same;,
WITNESS my Hand and Official· Seal the da~r and year in this certificate
ftrst ab~ve written.
My commission expires, Notary Public in and for the county of Adams,
April 1st, 1927. State of Pennsylvania.··

I P.M. in_ Book No~-

RECORDED AT REQUEST, of City Clerk Aug 10,1926 at 35 Min past 2
1260, Page 48. of Deeds, 3ecords of San Diego County, Calif.,

JOHN· H FERRY, Count~,r Recorder,


By N.C.Parsons, Deputy.

CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Eesement from John E. Warren to thf? City of San Diego, California, Being document
No. 192587.


City Clerk of the Cit~ of San Diego, California.


HERBERT c KEIJLY ~um T G KELI,Y, husband and wife, for and in consideration of
One Dollar and benefits to accrue by the location and construetion of the sewer pipe line
hereinafter described, do hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a !runicipal Corporation,
in the Count~r of Sah Diego,- State of California, an ea~ement and right :of way for the con-
struction and maintenance of a line of sewers through, along and e.cross, All that Real
Property situated in the City of San Diego, county of San Diego, State of Californiai
bounded and described as follows:

The Jmilrtherly six feet of Lot 7, Resubdivision, of Block 33, Normal Heights,
According to Map thereof no. 1049, filed in the Office of the ~ounty 'Recorder of sa1d :3an
Diego County. ·
It being expressl:y understood and! e.greed tLa t said ea8emen t shall in no wise
interfere vvi th any use or. improvement of the sur~ace of said property now or hereafter, and
that said City, its employees, successors or assigns shall at no time be entitled to entf.'r
~- ____un_on_s.ai_d_p_r_opf3·rty__Qr_exc_~vate ther~in, exce:Qt upon making compensation for B:ny damage
. :. '
way unto the \.. i
S'rATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) . for a sewer ni

on tbis 16th day of July, 1926, before me :c;.H.Brooks, a Notary
Publin in and. for said County, residing therein, dul~r commissioned and iAL)
sworn, personally appeared, Herbert c. Kelly and T. G.Kelly, Known to me :P...L)
to be the personc. d.Te.scri becl in end.w!J.ose names are subscribed to the
within instrument and acknwoledged to me that they executed the same. :t 2 o'clock
hand and. Officia.l fieal the day and year in this
certificate first above writte~.
(SEAL) '
my commission espires, •Notary Public in and for the county of
June 4th, 1930. San Diego, State of Le and correct
California. .ifornia,

------·- ...:..---- ---·----- .,

I City Clerk City California.


We, o.D. and Myrtle Atherton Ginthe.r, husband ancl wife, for and' in con-
sitleration of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer line by
the City of San Die go, Californ_ia, ,tbrough ancl across ;the pro-perty hereinafter described,
and in considerp..tion of_ the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to us i;n hand paid, the receipt
whereof is hereby acknowledged do hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal cor-
poration i~ the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for
the construction and maintenance of a line of sewers through, along and across all that
certain real property, situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, state of
California, particularly described as follows, to-wit:
A portion of Lot 16, Block 11, Second Fortuna Park Addition; according
to map thereof filed in the Office of tlJe Cqunty ~ecorder of San .Diego Co1mty·, California,
said easement and right of way being four feet in width, two feet on each side of the ..
following described ce.nter line: · .

Beginning at a ,point on the westerly, line of said rJot 16, distant 11.33
feet portherly from the. southwesterly corner of said Lot 16, thence easter,ly on a line
,. parallel to and d.istant 11.33 feet nor.therly from the southerly line of said Lot 16, to the
' easterly line of said Lot 16. ,
, To Have and to Hold the ab,ove granted and described right of way unto the
said City of San Diego, its successors and assigns forev~r,. as a right of way for a sewer
pipe line.
IN WITNESS 1r7HEREOF, ~;ve have hereunto set our hands and seals this 20th d?,'Y
of July, 1926. .I


On this 21st, day of July, 1926:;'1 before me E.H.Brooks a N:<:>itary Public

ibn and for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly com- .
missioned and sworn, personally appeared o.:b.Ginther and Myrtie Atherton G,inther personally
known. to me to be the persons whose names are sv.bscribe~ to the within instrument,' and they
duly acknowledged to me they executed the same.
IN WITNESS Y'lRERE:0F, I have hereunto set my hand and a;ffixed my official.\·
seal, at my office in the County of san Diego, the day and year in this certificate first'
a.b ovo writ ten.
( E:.EJ\.L) . (

My commission· expj,res Notary Public in and for the County of San :Diego
June 4, 1~30. S~ate of California.

RJ~CORDIID A:r ?.EQUEST of City Clerk Aug 10, 1926 at 35 Min 2 o'.olock
P.M. in Book .No. 1257, Page 62, of Deec1s,?ecords of San Diego Cou.nt~r, Calif.,
t '

JOHN H FERRY, County ~eoorder,

By N.c.Parsons, Deputy •
. I HEREBY CERTIFY TIIAT :.rBE ABOVE AND foregoing is a full, true ~nd c orrE;ct
copy of Right~of-way cont~act ~rom o.D.Gin~her and wife, to the City of San Diego, Californ·a.
Being Document No. 192591.

City ClerR of the City of California.

We, A. :r. ·and Louisa McCarty, husband and wife, for'andin consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location arid construction of a drain pipe through and_ across
the property· hereinafter described do 'hereby Grant to the City of San Die-go, a Municipal
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, St9.te of California, an easement and right of way
for a drain pipe, through, along and across, all that Real 'property situated in the City of
'San Diego, Sta~~ of California, bounded and described as follow~:
· . · · . A Portion of Lot 41, Ericanto, According 'to Map thereof, No. ~49, filed in
the affice of the County Recorder of said Sen Diego County, easement and. right of way
being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the following described center lines,
re epe·c ti vely:
Beginning at a point on the north line of iJI!U'nderlin Avenue,· as now es-
tablished, distant 210.40 feet east from the intersec'tion of the said. north line of JYunderliJn
Avemle with the east line of 60th street; thence north at right angles to the north line of II
said Wunderlin Avenue, a distance of 10.00 feet to a point; Also, ·
· Beginning at a point on the South line of Wund.erliri Avenue .as now eetablis!hed
distant 210.00 feet from the intersection of the aa±dhSouth line of Wunderlin Avenue with t}j!e.
eaet line of 60th Street; thence south at right angles to thesaid south line of Wunderlin I
avem1e, a distance of 15.00 feet to a point.
To Hnve and to Hold the above grantee and described easement unto the sai
gra!'ltee, its successors arid assigns, forever, as a right of way for a. drain pipe.
WITNESS our hands and seals this 21st, da~r of July, 1926.
LOUISA MC C.~..RTY ( SE.fl..J.)


On this 21st day of July, 1926, before me E.H.Br.ooks, a .Notary Public in ,nd
for sai~ County, res, there in, dul~7 commissioned and sworn personally ap·pe a red A· T'.1c Ca.j:nt~7
at:~.d McCartyy known to me ~o ·be the persons described in whose names are subscribed

to the. within inst.rument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
WITNESS, my hand and Official Seal the day and· -:lear in this certificate f·lrst
a.bove written.
( SB_t\L) ·. Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
My .commission expires, State of California.
June .4, 1930.

AT ~ZEQUEST, of City Clerk .Au.:;, 10,1926, at 35 Min past 2 o'clock

in Book No. 11~9 Page 291, of Deeds Records· of San Diego,County, Calif~,
JOHN' H FERRY, County ?ec:oruer,
· By N.c.Parsons, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a. full, .. :tn'l,e and correct
copy of Easement from A· r. and Louisa McCarty, to the City of San Di~go, California.
Being document No. 192593.


City Clerk oft]]~ City of San Diego, California.

. -7a,~.w

I, Ethel Lewis, for and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the

location and construction of a sewer line by the City of San DiegO'J1 California, through
and across the property, hereinafter described and in c onsidera.ti on of the sum of One
.· J)ollar ($1.00) to in hand paid, the receipt of whereof is hereby acknowledged, d.o hereby
grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the county of San Diego, '\ ,_,.
State ·of California, an easement and right of wa~r for the construction and
of a line of eewerstthrough, along and across all that certain real property, situate
in the City ofSan Diego, County of San Diego, State of California., particularly des-
cribed as follows, to-wit:
The south four feet (4·') of Lot TWo (2) in Block One ~:undred six (106} of
University Heights according to the amended Map thereof made by G-. A. d'Hemecourt in
Book 8, Page 36, et seq of Lis Pendens in the office of the County Recorder of said San
Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said
City of San Diego, its successors and s.ssigns forever, as a right of way for a. sewer pipe
11 line.

July 1926.
IN WIT1'ESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and seal this lOth day of



On this lOth day of July; 1924, before me Wade Garfield a Notary Public
' in and for the said County· of San Diego, State of Califon1ia, residing therein, duly
j commissioned a:qct :::worn, personally appeared :;;:thel Lewis, :personall~r k!Jo,fm to me to be
:~ the Person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and she duly acknowledgec1
. 't
to me that she executed the' same.
IH WITNESS iNHEREOF, I have hereunto set m~r hand and affixed my official
·seal, at my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first
above written. ·
r r
Notary Public in a.nd for the count;y of San Diego,
State of California.

RECO~DED A'r ?EQUEST OF City Clerk Aug 10, 1926, at 35 ~.iin past 2 o'clock P.M
in Book No. 1199, Page 290, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,

I By.N;C.Pa.rsons, Deputy.

·r HEI?J~BY CERTIFY, that the above and. foregoing is a full, true and C;Orrect
copy of Right-of-way contract from Ethel Lewis to the City of San Diego, California.
Being Document No. 192595.

Cit~ Clerk of the of San California.


\Ve, .E. A· Dtmlop a single man, Joseph Swinkels and NeJllie Swinkles,
huE-band 8.nd. wife, for and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the location
. ·and cons true ti on of a. d.rain pipe through ana D croes the property be reinafte r r'l escri bed,
do hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the county of
San Diego, State of California, a.n easement and right o:f way for the construction and
maintenance of a dra.ill: pipe,. thr.ough, along and across all ths.t Real Property si tua.ted
in the City of San niego, county of San Diego, state of California, ~ounded and des-
cribed as follows:
, A portion of Lot Lot 19, Block 12, Encanto Heights, according to Map thereof
No. 1063,. filed ip the Offi.ce-of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said ease
ment and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the following
described center line:
, Beginning at a point on the Sputh line of said Lot 19, distant 140.20 feet

I east from the southwest corner of said Lot 19, t:hence on a direct, line
making an angle .of 56 degrees 28 minutes with the south line of said Lot 19, a distance
of 15.00 feet to a point.
1 .To Have a.nd to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the Paid
grantee~ its successors and assigns, forever~ as a right of way for a drairt pipe.
WITNESS, our hands ancl seals this 21st, day of July, 1926.


On t~is 21st, day of July, 1926, before me E.H.3rooks, a Notary Public

in B.nd for said County residing therein, duly commissioned. and sworn, personally appeared
E •. A. Dunlop, ~oseph Swinkels and Nellie Swinkels, known to me to be the persons described
in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to rre that thew
executed the same•
WITNESS my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate
first above written.
Notary Public in and for the county of San J)ie gol
State of California.

.~ECORDED .AT HJ.:QUEST OF, City Clerk Aug 10, J.S26, at 35 Min past 2 o'clock
P.M. in Book No. 1257, Page 59. of Deeds, Records of San D~ego County, Calif.,.
'JOHN H FERRY, County,.
By ~J. c.Parsons, Deputy ..
I BlmEBY CIT;RTIFY, that the· above and foregoing 1 s a f'Jlll, true and correc
copy of Easement from Joseph Swinkels and Wife and E. A:. Dunlop to the City_ of San Diego,
Californiao Being D.ocument No. 192599.
City Clerk of

Ernest Merritt and Bertha Suter Me±stet Merritt, husband and wife, for
and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
Do quitclaim. to the City of San Diego, a Municipal _Corporation, in. the County of San Diego,
State .oif California, an easement and right of way' for a public street, over, along and
across all that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego~ State
of California, bounded and described as follows:
A~l that portion of Block 18, of Wadsworth's Olive Grove according to
Map thereof No. 482, on file in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego county,
California, and lying 30 feet on each side of the following·described center line, to-wit:
. Beginning n t a point which bears North 51 o 12' 20'' West, a distance of
84.81 feet from the northwest corner of said Block 18, thence southeasterly-on a curve whoBe
tangent bears South 85° 28' East, wit~ a radius of 500 feet, through an angle of 31° 5~'
a distance of 278.23 feet to a pointl thence south 53° 35' East, tangent to said curve, a
distance of 586 feet to a point, (excepting therefrom a triangular strip of land along the
easterly side,of Block 18; t~ence southwesterly along the easterly line of said Block 18 to
the southeast corher thereof; thence northeasterly .to a point on the no.rth line of said Bloek
18 far enough west from the northeast corner of said Bloek 18 to contain in said trianguln~
strip of land 66/100 acres; thence east on said n<?rth line of said Block 18 to the point ofl
beginning.) · . . · · ' · ·
To Rave and to Hold the above quitclaimed and described easement and. right
of Wf.~Y as and for a public street.
1;i/ITNESS our hands and seals this eighth day of Juhe, 1926.
BE:t rrHA S IvmRRI 'rT ( SEAL )
S TA'l'~~~ OF NEW:-?YORK ) SS
On this 8th day of June, 1926, before me Rachel K. Bouton a Notary public
in and for said County, residing tb ..,rein, dnly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
Ernest Merritt and Bertha s. Merritt, known. to me to be the persons described in ahd whose
namer-3 are subscribed to the within inRtrument, and a.cknowleclged. to me that they executed
tbe Bame.
WITNESS my Hand and Official Seal the day and~rear in thj-s certifica·te fir~t
above written.
Notary public in ancl for the' County of Tompkins
state of New York. I
Recorded. at request of Ci tJr Clerk Aug, 10·,. 1926, aihg35 Min past 2 o'clock
P.M. in Book No. 1199, lage 293, of Deeds, ~ecords of San Diego ~ounty, Calif.,
JOHN B FERRY, County ~ecorder,
By N.C.Parsons, Deputy.,
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the abo've and foregoing is :a full, true and· correctJ

copy of Easement from ~Ern~~t Merritt and Bertha. s. Merritt to the City of San Diego,
California, Being document No. 192601. '
'·'' ·.

City Clerk of,the Ci)[ ~::n Dieg. o; ca:iforrua.

BY~c~( :Jtq>~"·
. ·U:::'-.
- pep_uty.
.. //,
---/, - _.' ,._ ~
~/, .

' ·' . .
~ . -.


. '.I

·:rHIS AGREEMENT mB.lde tthilts 14th day of Ju·ly, 1926, between Union ~rrust

1. Company of San Diego, a corporation, trustee under the tnust hereina~ter described,
party of the First Part, ar1d the City of San Diego, a municipal corpqration, Party
of the Second Part,
THAT WHEREAS, said Trustee· is the legal owner of ·all that real property
situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, covered
by the deed of trust hereinafter described and,
WHEHEAS, THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, for the benefit and improvement of said
_property is laying, constructing e.nd maintaining, qr intending to lay, construct· and
maintain a sewer pipe line through along and across all of the saidprope'rty; a:nd,
... ,, !
vmr~EAS, it is a concH tion precedent to thelaying, construction, maintenance
e.nd operation of sewer pipe line that an easeme'nt end right of way for same shall
be and remain upon said property prior and s~1peri or to t'he terms and c ondi ti ons inco·r-
porated in eaid deed of trust; and,
WHEREAS , all owners of the equitable interests under said mentioned deed of I
trust :bave each g·ranted an easement and right of we.y to the Party of the Second Part, as
. 'I'rust Deed, Dated April, 24, 1924, mao.e b;>r ·J. c.Haskin and Iucy D· Raskin, husba
~nd wife, in favor of A.H.Arnett, a married man, sec•ring one promissory note of $1250.00
recorded May 8th, 19?4, in Book 1020, Page 9. et'E;eq., o·fDeeo.~; Register No. 5076 1
~ The easement conveyed being through, along and across the East four (~)
feet 9-f the South forty-five ( 45) feet of the North ~iinetu ( 90) feet of rot 7, Block 26,

I' N"s>rma:il. Heights, according to Map thereof, No. 985, fiiH~d in the Office of the County
~ecorder of s~id San Diego County. .
. NOW THEREFOHE, ·:r:tHS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH: that in consideration of the
premises, the sum of One Dollar to it paid by the Party of the Second Part, receipt is
hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of the benefits derived from the con-
struction, maintenance and operation of said sewer pipe line, said Party 9f the First
Part HE-~EBY SU:BORDng TES P.I.,T. CF ITS !-ZIGHT, TITLE A!TD HTTF::ZBST under the Trust Deed a.bove
mentioned ·to the right of way and easement heretofore conveyed to the ·party of the. Second
~art, upon the designated portion of the property covered by eaid Trust'Deed, so
said right of way easement shall be and remain prior and superior to any and all of the
terms and conditions contained 'in or provided. in said Deed of Trust hereinabove referred
IN WI'rN~~SS WHEP.EOF, theparty of .the first part has caused this instrument
to be signed by its \lice President and .Assistant Secretary, a,nd its 'corpora.te seal to be
' a;ffixed hereto, the ·day and year i'n thi~s instrument first above written. · . ·


(SEAL) Party of the FiTst Part.
By c. H· English, Vice-President.
AT'.PEST, J. 1. Bolling, Assistant-~ecretarY

On this 14th day of July, 1926, before me Luella Duffy, a Notary Publi.c
in and for said. county, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
·c. H· English, known to me to be the Vice-Presi~dent and J. L· Bolling, known to me to be
I the Assistant Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument, known to
me to be the -oersons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation
within named,- and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same.
WITN!~;ss my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first
above written.
(SEAL) Notary Public in.and for said county and state.
' .
RECOl~DED A·r REQUEST of City Clerk Arig 10 1926 a.t 35 1\Un past 2 o'clock P·M•
in Book No. 1260~ Page 46, of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY,. Count;>r Recorder,
By N.C.Parsons, Deputy. .
I HK~EBY CERTIFY, . tha. t the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Suboroination Agreement of Union· Trust Company to the City of San . Diego, California
Being Document No. 192605.



: . tl
Vl/e, William A· Cor rae and Ha.t tie E. cor rae~· husband and wife, for and in
consideration of the sum of One & no/100 Dollars, do hereby grant to the City ofSan Diego

I California, an easement and right of .way over and across, all that !1eal Property situated
in City of San Diego, CouU,ty of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as
'J.lhe We8 t forty-seven ( 47) Feet and T'NO ( 2) Inches of Io ts Forty-four ( 44)
Forty-five (45) and Forty-six .(46) in .Block Seven (7) of the subdivision of Lots 20 $o
50 inclusive in Block "N" of Teral ta, according to the map of No. 1000, filed in the
office of the County Recorder of said San Die'go County, July 18th, 1906, for the purpose
of laying and maintaining, gas, sewer, water, electric and telephone lines, across said
property, also the right to enter e.t any ,time upon saidpropert:r for the purpose of re-
pairing said lines.
To R~,ve f.t.nd to Hold the above g~ranteu anddescribed premises unto the said
·J.rantee their heirs and assigns forever.

WITNESS our hands and seals this 27th day of July, 1926.


) SS
) I
On this 27th day of July, .1926, before me Rodney H· Yale, a :Notary
Public in and for said Count~r and. State persona.lly appeared Willia.m A· Corra,o ana Hattie
E. Corrao, husband and wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are subecribed
to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
WITNESS m~r hand and official seal the ·day and year in this Certificate
first above written.
. -~--My .~onlmission expires
.0 -tober 17, 1928. Notary Public in s.nd for sai·d count~r and State •

RECORDED AT RE,~UEST, of City Clerk Aug 10 1926 at 35· Min past 2 Q!Jclock
P.M. in Book No. 1192, Page 453, of Deeds, :~~cords of San Diego Coup-ty, C~tlif.,
,TOHN H FERRY, County ~ecoroer.;..
By N.C. Pars:ons, Deputy.

I HE~~EBY C:rJRTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correcit
copy• of Grant Deed from William A· Corrao ~nd Hattie'E. Uorrao to ·the City of San Diego,
California, B~ing Document No. 192609.


I, Mayhe.lJ. E Richards, joint tenant with A·E.Richards, Ernest E. Clay &nd
Emhel ~Jlitllle Clay, for and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the. location,
construction and maintenance of a sewer line through and across the property herein'des-
cribed, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to herAin hand paid, the
receipt whereof is }ereby acknowledged, does hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a
municipal corporation in the county of Sa.n J)i ego, state of Cfl.J.i forni e., a.n ea8ement Rncl
right of way tr1rough, along and across all that certain ·real property situate in the City
of San Diego, County of Sa.n Di'ego, Sta.te of California, particularly described e.s followsJT•
to-wit: · , '
The north 6 feet c:f the south 12t feet of the east 65 feet of r;ot 22, ,•
Block 25, San Diego Property Union,:D&ccording to map thereof on file in the office of the
County ~ecorder, San Diego county, California.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the
saJ d. grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
11he purpose of thi's easement and right of way is· for the construction and maintenance of a
private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City of
San Diego is not to be held liable for any d~mage resulting from the construction and
maintenance of sewer over and across this easement.
IN WITNESS WHE::1EOF, he- hereunto set hand and f:;ea.l this 17th day of July

STATE OF IOWA, Marshall County,

~~ .. ..
·~ \ ~ ...

On this 17th day of July, 1926, be fore me M. M· 0' Bryon a No t?ry Public in and
for county personally came Maybel E. Richards, personally to me known to be the
identical person whose name is a~fixed to.:; the above instrument as grantor and s.cknowl edged
the execution of thesame to her voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein expreesed.
IN 11ESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official
seal at Marshalltown, Iowa, on the cl.ay and date last above written.
(SEAL) Notary Publiccin ::.:.nd for Marshall County, Iowa.
My Commission expires,
July 4, 1927.
RECORDED AI' HE~UEST OF City Clerk Aug 10,, 1~6 at 35 Min past 2 o'clock
P.M. in Book No. 1199 Page 294, of Deeds Records of Sari Diego county, calif., )"
,JOHN H FERRY;County Recorder:N.O.l:j.·t;~D.rilil:~- ·
_ I HEREBY CER'fiFY, -chat the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct .LJ J'Ua;.r•
·copy of Deed. mrom 1'Iaybel E. rtichards to the City of San Diego, California, ~eing J)ocument
No. -192612.

City Clerk of the CaJifornia.

. (


A· H. Jennings and Laura s. Jennings, husband and wife, for and in consideration
b.f One Dollar do hereby Grant -to ·:rb.e City of ·San Diego, A Municipal Corporation in the. county

I ,
of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way f6r a public street or
highway, over 'along and across all that Real Property situated in the City ·of ·san :Diego,
State of California, bounded and ~escribed as follows: .
The East thirty (30) feet of the South one-hs.lf Ct) of the Northeast one-
fourth (!) of Lot 15, Horton's Purchaee of Ex Mission Lands' according to Map thereof
No. 283 filed in the office of the County ':\ecorc1er of San Diego CountJr, California.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right of
way as and for a public st~eet.
WITNESS our hands and seals this 11th day of August, 1926.



On this eleventh day of August,l926, before me FrankL. Bates, a Notary

Public in and for said County,· residing therein duly commissioned and sworn, personally
appe_ged Laura s. Jennings and .A. H· Jennings husband ancl wife, known to me to be the
persons described in and whose names are subecribed to the within inE.:trument, and acknow-
ledged to me th~t they executed the same. ·
WITNESS my Hand and Official Seal th~ day an~ ~rear in this certificate first
D.bove written.
Notary Pilblic in and for the Count~r of
Wyandotte, State of Kansas.

I v
HECORDED AT REQTmST OF, City Clerk Aug 25,1926, at 55 Min past 12 o'clock P.M. in Book
No. 1263, Page 98, of Deed ~;en~ of San Diego county, Calif.,

JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,

N. c. Parsons, Deputy.
I HE:--.~EBY CE:RTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Easement from A. H. Jennings a.nd ~aura s. Jennings to the City of San Diego,
California, Being Document No. 193264.

4li.L!..EN H. 1{/RIGHT,
City Clerk of-the City of San Diego, California.

. ' •
SAN DIEGO AND ARIZONA RAIVrt!AY COHPANY, a corporation, organized ~1
and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, for ancUin con-
sidera.tion, of the sum of One Dollar does hereby Grant to the City of Ss.n Diego, a MUnicipal
corporation, in the County of San Diego; State of California, an easement and right of way
for a: public highway, over and across, all that Res.l Property situated in the City of
San ])iego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
All that portion of Lot 41, Hor~on's ]Urchase of Rancho Ex-Mission of .
San Diego, according to map thereof No. 283, on file in the office of the County ~ecorcler,

I San Diego County, California, and all that portion of __Lot 16, of the Partition of Rancho
Ex-Mission of San Diego, according to. the PartitionnHIXMap thereof in the case of Juan
M. Luco et al., vs Tl;.e Commercial J?ank of San Diego ~t al. ,. Ca9e ~ro. ,348 of the Superior

Cour~, San Diego County, California, mor-e particularly described ar,J.d bounded as follows:
· Beginning at fl. point on the east line of said rot 41, d~stant 612.6 feet
North from the Southeast corner thereof, said point being on the south line of the right-
of-way of the San Diego and Arizona 'Ranw~-y Company; thence West along the south line of
said right-of-way, a distance of 30 Teettoa point; thence North alone; a l~ne parallel to
and distant 30 .feet West from the East line of said Lot 41, a distance of 100 ~et to a
'point on the North line of said right-of-way; thenoe East along .said North line a distance
of 30 feet to th~ East lineof said Lot 41; thence South along the East line of said Lot 41,
a distance of 4.0 feet to a point on the No,rth line o.f said_ right-of-way in Lot 16,' Par-
'ti tion of Rancho Ex-Mission; the~ce East along the Nort.h line of said. right-of-wajr in -said
JJot 16, a. distance of 30 feet to a point; thence South along a line parallel to .and distant
30 feet East from th,e East line of 41, Horton's Purchase of Rancho Ex-Mission, a aistance
of 20 feet to a point on the. South line of said right o.f way in lot 16, P,arti ti on of ?ancho
Ex-Miss.ion; thence West along said .south line of .said rJot 16, a distance of 30 feet to the
Ea'st line of I,ot 41, Horton's :purchB.E'e of Rancho Ex-Mission; thence South along tbe East
line of said Lot 41, a distance of 40 feet to the point of beginning.
... To Have and to Hold the above granted and deE>cri bed easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever for Stre~t purposes and for. the extension of
.Euclid .Avenue;_
I.N WII1NEss· WHEREOF.; said Corporation has caused this instrument to be ex-
ecuted by its pr~per officers anaits corporate seal affixed this 12th day of .August, 1926.


I .
',. __ ., J.
t: I
. ()SEAL) By R C GILLIS, Vice-President.
Attest, L ,J MAS:30N, Secretary.

On this 12th day.of August, 1926, before me William G. Daniels, a. Notary

Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly (!Ommi ssioned and sworn, persona.lly
aupeared R. c. Gillis known to me to be the Vice-President and L.J.Masson known to me to
liethe Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within im:trur.::ent, known t.d me to be
the persons who executed the wi thiri instrument on behalf of the Corpore. ti on within named,
and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same.
_ _ · nJ WITNESS WHE:qEOF, I J."L~;ve herermto set my hano. a.nd' s.ffixed my offic:i,al
seal in the County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in tllis certificate
ffrst above written.
My commission expires,
February 7th, 1928. Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of. Cali~ornia.

RECORDED AT REQUES.1', of City Clerk, Aug 25, 1926, at 55 Min past 12 o'clo k
P.M. in Book No. 1263, Page 99, of Deed Records of S.11n Diego Covnty, Calif.,
JOHN H .FERRY, County Recorder,
By· N.C.Parsons, Deputy •
I R..4J~EBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy.of GU?ant Deed from the San Diego and Arizona Railway Company to the City of San Diego
California, Being Document No. 193266.
:!t1Lil£U H. WRIGHT

City Clerk of




BE IT ~ESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of San I'iego, As
That a majority of the members of the Common cound:lil of the City of San
Diego be, and they are hereby authorized to enter into the following agreements for ease-
ments and. rights of way for the construction of the El Capitan pipe line, to -wit:
)1) An agreement between F. A. Jaussaud and M.L.Jaussaud and the City of Diego for an easement and rigl).t of wa~r over a.ncl' through portions of Lot 1, Block 53,
Grantville and Lots 8 and 9, Block :52, Grantville, a.s s!1own on Map No. 489, on file in the
office of the Recorder of San Diegcf .County, California., ·G.S particularly described in said
. ( 2) .An agreement be tween Bruce Waring and Madge Blunt waring, husband
and wife, and the City of San Diego, for an easement and right of way over and through a
l)Ortion of Lots 70 and 69, of the Rancho Mission of. San Diego, ~1.ccording to Refere·e's
Partition Map; in action entitled "San Diego Realty company, a corporation, vs. Marie y. /
O+ vera de Toro et al.," and numbered 15191, and, c;;rtElftdf~g for- a width of ten ( 10) feet /

_on each side of the pipe line as the same finally located.
( 3) An Agreement between Charles Sterling Judson and Kv.therine Robinson
. Judson, husband and wife, and tbe City of Sa.n Diego, for an ensement and right of way over
and through Blocks 5,10,11,21 and 25, and River Street, Maine Avenue, Vine Street and Olive
:Street, closed May 6, 1902, by order of the Board of SUpervisors of San Diego County, of j
recordl/ in Book 24, a"t; Page 200 of said Supervisors' Records, all according to MaJP' thereof,
No. 353, on file in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County, as particularly des-
cribed in said agreement.
(1 ~ r,
.., .. .,;'

( 4) .An Agreement be tween Louis Sloss and Gers tle Company, a corporation,
and. th7 City of San Diego, for an easement and. ri-ght of way over and e.cross the west half
of LoJ F of the subdivision of Lot 70 of the ~ancho Mission of San Diego, according to
Re.feree ',s Partition Map in the action,· entitled, "San Diego Realty. Company, a corporation,
vs. Maria Y. Olvera De Toro et al., ''and numbered 15191, as particularly deEcribed in said
. f' agreement. . · · ' II
' ·,and .Annie ~•Slo'ali~·) An Agreement between :M.A.Luce .and Adelaid.e Luce, husband and wife,\ a:wd
·William ~~loane,pLh,usb~nd and wife, and rhe City of San Diego, for an ea.sement .and right oW
wa.y overT'tnrough J.Jot six (6),, Block "H", Fanita Ranch, e.s sho,vvn on Map thereof No. 538, om
filedin the office.of the Reco~defr of said San Diego county, as particularly described in
said agreement.
BE IT FUP.THER RESOLV.ED, that Ur>On the execution of the agreements here-
inbefore mentioned, the City Clerk be, and he is hereby directed to file said agreements of
record in the office of the county Recorder of San Diego, County,California.·
, , I HEREBY CER fiFY, that the a.bove and foregoing is a full, true and correct

copy of Resolution No. 38891 as adopted by the Com~on council of the City of San Diego I
on the 23rd, day of August, 1926.
~ I·
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California,
By CLARK :tvr. FOOTE, Jr., Deputy.

parties of the fist part, City of San Diego, party of the second part,
THIS AGHEEMENT, mad.e and entered into this 23rd, day of August 1926, by
s.nd between CHARI~ES s·rERI,ING ,JUDSON and KATREIUNE :SOBINSON JUDSON, husband and wife,
parties of the first part, and the City of San Diego, a municipal Corpors.tion, party of
the second part,


I For that wbereas, the party of the second part is a municipal morpore.tion
located in the County of San Diego, State of California, :and is the owner of a certain
water system for~the developement, impounding and ·distributing of water for municipal
purposes in the City of San Diego in said State; and
Whereas, said second party is, for the purpose of improving its water s~.stem
:wd increasing its capacity and facilities for impounding and conserving and c:'U.stribu~ing
water, desirous of putting in an additional water main to pass over and aoross the lands
of the parties of the fir~t part, hereinafter described,
It is hereby agreed by and between llie parties hereto that the party of the
second part shall have, and it is hereby granted, theRight of Way for saicl pipe line; and
the right ibl5' the use of the lands hereinafter described, together with the right of ingress
and egre'ss for the purpose· of making surveys, locating, putting down, constructing, re-
constructing, maintaining, operating and repairin~ of 8aid pipe line.
Said ~ight of Way and Easement to pass over and tbrough Blocks 5,10,11,21 and
25 and River Street; Maine Avenue; Vine.street and Olive Streets closed May 6, 1902 by of the~oard of Supervisors of said San Diego county of record in Book 24, at Page
.200 ctf Sf:l,id Supervisors.Hecords, all according to map thereof No. 353 on file in'the pffice
of the Hecorder of said San Diego County and. extending for a width of ten.feet on each side
of .the following described line, !;g.~w~ t:-
·' · · ' Beginning at a poin~~~ 00' East 61~8 feet from a point on the South line of
woodside Avenue south 81° 07 I West lOOeO feet from' the original North,e-Sfner of :Block
5; thence south 53° 32 1 East, a distance of 350.4 feet to a point; thence on a ~urve to
the left, tangent to last described line and having a radius of 955.4 feet a distance of
.28·7 .a feet 'measured along the arc of said curve; thence South 70° 48 1 Ee-st, a distance of

I r ..-,.
-~~.4 feet, more or less, to a point on the Easterly lin~ =of said Block 25~
This .Agreement on ·th.e part of the pr..rties of th~ first -part is made upon the
following conditfons ·and stipulations, to-wit:
That the said party of the second part shall extend one of its v!a. ter pipes
to be so located as to do the least damage consistent with good engineering, and whe.rever
any property shall be destroyed or damaged it shallbe paid for at its actual value.
· . That the said party of the second part shall inE>tall Three ·:raps three·~
fourths (3/4) inches in diameter frO'm said pipe line, at the ex'pen·se 'of the party of the .
second part, from which water shall.bbe ,drawn b;sr parties of the 'first 'pa.rt at the same ra.te
and sub,ject to like cond.i tions•, rules and regumations as those fixed and' made a.pplica.ble
. I
from time to time to otl1er consumers obtaining supplies of water from saidpipe line, which
regulations shall at no time be more stringent than those applic~ble to the consuners in
the city of San Diego.
That the :parties of the first part agree to erect l!lo buildings and plant
no trees upon the.Right of Way hereinabove described.
And it is further agreed b;sr the party of the second part to cover said ' water
pipe, where the same is ~laced beneath the surface of the ground, to a depth bf not less
than 18" to 2 feet, leaving the best soil on top.
It is mutually understood and agreed b~r pa.rties hereto that in the event
the party of the second pa~t fails· to install and place the aaid main water pipe' line
as hereinabove provided, ·.q,cross the·above described real estate on or before the first day
of August 1927, then this agreement of easement shall cease and determine and become void,
and be of no force or effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF parties of the first part heve hereunto set their hands
!lnd a majority of the members of the Common Counciib of·said. City of San Diego have
hereunto set their hands as and fer the act· of said City, the day r.mc1 year first herein-
!lbove written.


Party.of' the first part.


Party of the first part.
A rn rrn~
,l.'J.. ..L
~ rn •
!....' • ._.


City Clerk ,JN 0. A- HELD
By Fred w. Sick L c VAJ:RE
Deputy. DON ~r. S'TEWART._
Approved as to form this 2~?rd day of August 1926.

s. J. Higgins, City Attorney.

) QS
) ...
On this 30th clay of August, 1926, before me Fred w. Sick a NotarJr Public
in and for the County of San Diego, State .of California, .. duly commissioned and sworn perso
nally appeared Virgili.o Bruschi, Jno. A. ·ne19.,t.c. Maire and Don M. Stevve.rt,. known to me
to be the members of the Common Council of the C.i ty of Sa.n Diego, and. known to me to be
tbe persons who executed the vvi thin. instrument on behalf. of the City of San J)i ego with-
in named, m1d acknowledged to me that they executed such ,instrument on behalf of such

I IN WITNESS 'NH~":~EC'Y, I h!lve her.eunto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal
at my office in the County of Snn Diego, State of Ca 1i for.lia,· the f. [1.Y and 'Jrear first
hereinabove written.

( ;:.EJJ.) Notary Public in and for the count~r ·of San Diego,
State of California.

PECORI1;8D AT REQTJBST of City .Clerk: Aug 30 1926 at 31 Min past 1 o 1 cl.ock p.M.
in Bopk No. 1164, P~ge 220 o~ Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.,

JOF..l~ E FE?.~Y. County ?ecorder, \:

. "R '~~T
·'-Y ...... r_ ....u arsons,
. n ....
i ,... :i· ,'.
·. •

. I HEP.E:PY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct!
o opy of" .Agreement for Easement and Right of Way of Charles ~terling, Jud.s.on, and j
Katherine Robinson ,Tudson to the City of San Diego, California, Being c;1ocument
No. 193299. ·

City Clerk



BE I 'I' PECOLVED BY the Comrnp~ council of the City of San Diego, a.s follows:
I'ba.t a majority of the members of the Common Council of the City of San
Diego be, 'and they are hereby authorized to enter in to the following agreements for ease-
ments and rights of way ~or the construction of the El capitan pipe line, to-wit:
(1. ) An A?;:-:-eement between F •. A•. Jaussaud and N.L. Jaussaud and the City .
of San Diego for an easement and right <?f way ovepr and through portions of Lot 1, Block 53,
Grantville, and Lots 8 and 9, .Block 52, Grantville, as shown.on :Map No. 489, on file in the
office of the Re~order of San Diego Co~nty, Califo~nia, as particularly described in said
0 0 0

( 2) , ·An Agreement between Bruoe Waring and Madge Blunt 'vVa.ring, liufOband and
wife, and the City of San Diego, for an e8.sement and right of wa.Jr over ana. through a por-
tion of Lots 70 and 69 of the Rancho.Mission of San Diego, according to Refere~'s Parti-
tion Map in action entitled "San Diego ?eal~y Company, a corporation, vs,Maria y. Olvera
de Taro et a1.," and numbered 15191, ann extending for a width of ten (10) feet on each
side of the pipe line as the same may be finally located. ·
(3) An ~o\greement between Charles Sterling Judeon and Katherine Robinson
Judson_,· husband and wife, and the City of ~en Diego for an easement and rig:b t of way over
and through Blocks 5,10,11,21 ann 25 _and River street, Maine .Avenue, Vine ·street and Olive
Street, Closed May 6, 1902, by order ·of the Board of Supervisors of San Diego County of
record in Book 24, a.t page 200 of said Supervisors' :Records, a11 according to Map thereof
No. 353, on file in the office of the Recorder of San Diegd County, as particularly d!-
scribed in said agreement.
(4) An agreement between Louis Sloss and Qerstle Company, a corporation,
and .the City of San Diego, for an easement and right of way over and· across the west half
of Lot F of the subdivision of r.ot 70 of the :Rancho Mission of f:an Iliego, According to !,
~eferee's Partition Map in the action, entitled, "San Diego Realty Company, a corporation,
vs, Maria Y. Olvera de ·:ro:to et al.," and numbered 15191, as particularly described in
(5) An agreement between· M.A.Luce and Adelaide. Luce, hi.lsbe.nd and wife, end
William p_. Sloane and Annie B. Sloane, husband and wife, and the· City of ~-an :Diego;· for an
,i eas~ment and right of way over and through Lot six (6), Block "H", Fani ta Ranch, as shown
on ~ap thereof No. 538, on file in t:r~e office of the Recorder of said San Diego County, as
particularly described in said agreement. '
BE IT FUTITHER RESOLVED, that upon the execution of the agreements herein-
before mentioned, the City Clerk be, and he is hereby directed to file said agreements of
record in the office of the County Recorder of San J)iego County, California.

I HE?EBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Resolution No. 38891 as adopted by the Common ~ouncil of the City of San Diego on.
the da~r of Aug 2:5 1926.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
By CLAP~ M FOOTE, Deputy •


M. A I1UCE AND lillEI,AIDE LUCE, husband and wi fe~l and WILLIAM A•. SI,OANE ANJJ
A!JIJIE B ·SLOANE, - husband a.nd 'wife, parties of the first part, CITY OF SAN DIEGO, Party of
the second part,
· THIS AGREEME!JT; made and entered into this 23rd day of August 1926, by arrl
between M. A. LUCE and iillELAIDE LUCE, husband and wife, and WILLIAM A SLOA1'!E and ANNIE B
SLOAL"'ffi, husband and wife, parties of the first part, and the City of Sa'n Diego, a municipal
corporation, party of the second part.

:;- -WITNESSETH · 99
. For that whereas, the party of the second part is a municipal corpora.ti on
loc~ted 1n the County of San Di~o, State of California, and is the owner of a certain
water system for the developement, impounding and clistri'buting of water for municipal
purposes in the City ofsan Diego in said state; and
Whereas, said second party is, for the pu-rpose of impwoving its water
sys tern end increasing its capacity and facilities. for impou· and conserving and dis-
tri buting water, desirous of putting in an additional water main to pas·s over and across the
lands of the parties of the first part, hereinafter described,
. It is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto tha:t the
p~rty ?f the second ~art shall have, and it is hereby granted, the Right of Way for said
pl_pe l1ne! and the r1ght to the use of the lands hereinafter described-,· together with· the
right of 1ngress and. egress. for the purpose of making surveysrt' locating, putting down, ccn-
structing, reconstructing, maintaining, operating and repa1r1-ng of. said pipe line ari4
tap thereon, to said second party, and for all other purpqses and uses as are or may. .
becomg necessary. and incidental to the construction, maintenance and operation of said
Ci~y's pipe line, and to its successors and assigns forever.

~..~· .. .
Said right of Way andEasement to pass over and thru Lot six (6) Block "H"
Fani ta Ranch; as shown on Map the:ceof No. 538, on file in theoffice of the Recorder
of said San Diego County, and extending for a width of ten (10) feet on each side of the
·~~ ' follow~ng described line, to-wit:. . .
Beginning at a point on the easterly line of.said Lot si~ (6) distant
therein N. 9° 16 ' w. 120.5 Ft. from a post in rock mount, being corner #8 of Rancho
Ex-Mission and Corner #5 of Rancho El Cajon: thence N. 71° 29 1 E., a distanee of 1065.1 11
Ft. to a point: thence on a cv.rve to the left, tangent to last mentioned line a.nd having
a radius o~ 1432.4 ft., a distance of 207.5 ft,. mea.sured along the arc of said curve to
a point, thence N. 63° 11' E. a distance of 432.6 Ft. to a point: thence on a curve to the
right, tangent to last mentioned line, and having ~ radius of 358.1 ft. a distance of 46.9
' . ' -·~,
ft. measured along the arc of said c::irve to a point, thence 1r. 70° 41' E. a distance of 5.
1ft. to a point: thence on a curve to the right, tangent to last mentioned line, and
having a radtus o:f 286.5 ft. a distanee o:f 103.8 ft. measured. along the arc of said curve
to a point; thence s. 88° 34' E. a distance of 331.7 ft. to a point: t~ence on a curve to
the right, _tangent to last men:tioned line, and having a radius of 179.0 ft. a diBtanoe of
165.0 ft. measured along the arc of said curve to a point: thence s. 35° 46' E. a distance
of 482.0 ft. more or less to a point on the ~asterly line of said Lot Six (6).
This agreement on the part of the parties of the First part is made upon
the following conditions ana stipulations, to-wit:
That the parties of the first part do not waive or release any riparian
rights pertaining to said land or the right t~ use the same at any future time for re-
servoir purposes.
That the said party of the second part shall extend one of its water pipes
to be so located as to do the least damage consistent with good engineering, and wherever
an~r property sh~:J.ll be destroyed or damaged it shall be paid for at its actual value.
That the said party of the second part shall install One tap one and one-
half (li) inches in diameter from said pipe line, at the expense of the parties of the
first part, from which water may be drawn by parties of the first part at the same rate
and subject to like conditions, rules and regulations as tJ1ose fixe.d and made applicable
f.rom time t,o time to other consumers obtaining supplies of water from said pipe line.
The parties of the first part agree tp erect no buildings and plant no trees
upon the right of way hereinabove described.
And it is f:urther agreed by the party of the second part to cover. said water
pipe, where. the same is placed beneath the surface of the ground, to a depth of not less t
than eighteen (18) inches to two (2) feet, leaving the best soil on top, where s.o desired
by parties of the first part. and req_u~::sted in writing before the installation of the line.
It is mutually understood and agreed by parties hereto that in the event dJlfe
party of the second part fails to install and., place the said main water pipe line as bere-
inabove provided, across the above described real estate on or before the first day of
August, 1927, then this agreement of easement shall and determine and become void
and be of no force or effect.
IN WITNESS WHE~\EOF, the. parties of the first part have hereunto set their
hands and. a majority of the members of the ComJnon G:ouncil , of, said City of San Diego have
hereunto set Pheir hands as and for the act of said City, the Q.ay and year first herein-
above written.
Party of the first part. Part~l of the second pa.rt.
Party of the first part. '

Part~T of the first pa.rt. X C MAIRE

Party of the first part.
i\..t test,
.ALLE~I H WRIGHT, C:t t y Clerk
By, FEED W f:', I CK, Deputy.
On this 1st day of February, 1926, before, _me Myrtle Charlton,· a Notary Tr:~:•J
Public in and for the said r.-aounty of San Diego, State of California, residing therein,
duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared M.A.Iuce and Adelaide M. Luce person-
ally known to ine to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the 'within lbnstrumentrji
and he duly acknowledged _1£ me that they executed the same. .
· IN wr:r1mss lVHE'f'mOF, I have hereunto set m;>r hand and affixed my official seal
'I at m1 office in the Co~nty of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission expires,
Nov. 13, 1928. · Notary Public in and for the Connty of Sa.n
Diego, State of California.

On this 30th day c:;f Jan. ,1926, before me Harrison G. Sloane, a Notary
Public <in and for the said County of San Diego, ·state of California, residing therein,

I cluly commissioned and sworn personall;>r appeared Wil1iam A. Sloane and Annie B. sloane,
personally knGwn to me to be :the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instru-
ment, and they duly acknowledged to me tbat they executed the same.
IN VHTNESS WHE~EOF, I hereunto set my -hand and affixed my official seal
at my office in the County of San .Diego, the day ana ;)7 in ttis certificate first above
(SEAL) 1rotary Public in and .for the county of San
Diego, state of Californi~.

~~ECORIJED AT REQUEST of City Clerk 26, 1926, at 41 Min past, 1 o'clock
P.M. in Book .No. 1223 Page 305, of Deeds ?ecords of San Diego County Calif•.
JOHN H FERRY, C~1nty ~ecord~r, .,..
By N.C.Parsons, Deputy.

thot the above and. foregoing is a. full, true e.nd correct
copy of .Agreement for Sasement and Right-of-way from M. :A. Iiuce ,and Adelaide Ltltce,·to the
Cit;y of San Diego, California, Being Document No. 193300.



' !
BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of San Diego, as follows:.
That a majority of the members of the Common Couneil of the City of San
Diego be, and. they are hereby authorized to enter into the following agreements for
easements and rights of way for the cons,truction of the El Capitan pipe line, to-wit:

(1) An Agreement between F.A.Jaussaud end. N.L. Jaussaud and rrhe City of
San Diego for an easement and right of way over arid through portions of Lot 1, Block 53,
Grantville, and Lots 8 and 9 .Block b2, Grantville as shown on Map No. 489 on file in the
office of the Hecorder of' San Diego County, california, as particularly described in said
a.greement. ·e ·
(2). sAn agreement between Bruce Waring and Madge Blunt \Varing, husbapd
and wife, and The. City of San Diego, for an eesement.and right of way over and· through a
. portion of Lots 70 and 69 of the Rancho Mission of San Diego, according to Referee 1 S
Pari ti tion Map in action entitled "San Diego ~~eal ty Company, aa corp:oration, vs • Maria Y.
Olvera de Toro ~t al., " and numbered 15191, and extend!'ilg for7width rSf ten (10) feet on
each ~.~ide of the pipe line as the same ma.y be. finally located.
( 3) .An e.greement be tween· Charles Sterling Judson am Katherine Robinson
Judson, husband and wife, and rrhe City of San Diego, for. an easement and right of way ov~r
and through Blocks 5,10, 11,21, and 25, and River Street, Maine Avenue, Vine Street and
Olive Street, closed May 6, 1902, by order of the Board of Supervisors of San Diego Colin~Y.i
of record in Book 24, at Page 200 of said Supervisors' Records, ·all according to Map there'o:;f
No. 353, on file in the offi(.;e of the Recorder of San Diego County, as particularly o.e- . ,;.
sari bed in said agreement. . 0~ ~(l
(4) An Agreement between Louis Sloss and. GerEtll::e Company, a corpora.tion,
and The City of San Diego, for an ea.serpent and right of way over and across the west half
of Lot F, of the subdivision of Lot 70, of the Rancho Mission of San Diego, According to
::::e feree 's Partition !'.1ap in the action, entitled, "San Diego· ~eal ty Company, a corpora.ti on,
vs. Maria y. Olvera de Toro et al.," and numbered 15191, asparticularly described in said
(5) An agreement between M·A·:t.uce and Adelaiae 1uoe, husba.nd. and wife, and
William A· Sloane and Annie BAn~loane, husband and wife, and The City of San Diego, for a
easement and right of way over;throngh Lot six (6) Block "H" Fanita Ranch, as shown on Map
thereof No. 538, on file in the nffice of the Recorder of s~id San Diego county, as par-
ticularly d.escribed in s.aid agreemertt. -
'BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon the execution of the e.greements. herein-
before mentioned, the City Clerk be, c.nd. he is hereby directed to file said agreements
of record in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego county, California.

I HKmBY CERTIFY, ·that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
·copy of Resolution No. 38891 aE a.dopted by the Common Council of the City of San Diego
on the day of Aug 23, 1926.

City Clerk of the City of San Diego,



BRUCE WARING .AND M.AIJGE BLUNT WAring, husband and wife,' parties of the firs
part, CI·:ry OF SAN DIEGO, party of the second part, .
T"tiiS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 23rd, da.y of J;ugust, 1.926,
by and between KWCE WA.."RING and 1~ADGE BLUNT WARING, .husband and wife, parties of the first
part,, and the CITY OF .SAN DIEGO, a municip~l corporation, party of the second part,-

-: W .!. T N E S S E T E · :-
FOR THAT WH:CRE.AS, the party of the second, pa.rt is a. municipal corporation
1 ocated in the County of San Diego, Sts te of Calif.ornia, and is the owner of a
water system for the d.eve1opement, impounding and distributing of wat~r for munici-pal
purposes in the·Ci.ty of San Diego in said state: and.
WHEREAS, said second party i~, for the purpose of improving its water
system and increasing its ty and facilities for impounding a.nd. conserving and di stri-
buting water, desirous of putting in an additional water main to pass over and across tte
lands of the parties of the first part hereinafter described:

NOW THETIEF10RE, IT IS HE;·:EB'f' AGREEii by and between th~ parties hereto, tba.t
the party of the second par~ shall have, andtt .i~ hereby granted, the Righ:t· of v.ray for
--said pipe ~ine, and the right to t}J.e use of the lands hereinafter des_cribed, together
with· th~ right of ingress and egress for the purpose of making surveys,_ locating pu~ting
down, constructing, reconstructing, maintaining, opers.ting and repairing of said pipe

I line ~nd tap thereon, to said second party, and for all ot~er purposes and uses as are
or may become necessary and incidental to the construction, maintenance s.nd operation of
said Ci tyi!:s pipe line, and to its succe::;sors and assigns forever.
Said Right of waY, and Easerqent to pass over and through ~ portion qf Lots
70 and 69 of the Rancho on of San Diego, according to referee's partition map in
aqtion entitl~d, "San D~ego ~ealty Company, a corporation, versus M~ria Y.Olvera de Toro
et al", numbered .15191, and extending for a width of ten (10) 'feet on each side of the
pipe line a.s the same may be finally loce,ted; provided, however, and this, grant is upon
condition, that final surveys for said pipe line shall be completed within sixt~ (60)
•days from date hereof and thereupqn a supplemental agreement _shall be made between the
parties hereto, specifically describ!tng said pipe line as so located •.
. This _Agreement on the part of the .said parties of the first part is made
ppon the following conditions and stipulations, to-wit:
'J:Ihat the said parties of the first part do not waive or. release anY, riparian
rights pertaining to said land.
That the said party o:f the se.cond part shall extend one of its water pipes
to be so located as to do the least consistent with good engineering, a.nd wherever
any property shall be destroyed or damaged it sha.11 be p:aid for at its actual value.
That the said party of the second part shall install at its own expense at e
such ppint or location as may be selected by first parties and when selected by first
parties one tap sufficient in diameter to su:yply, when said pipe line is filled, Six
hundred and Eighty-five (685) gallons per'·'minute, from which water may be drawn by.
parties of the first part upon paying the same rate, and subject to like con<U tions,
rules and regulations, as thos~ fixed and made applicable, _from time to time, to other

,. consumers obtaining supply of water from said pipe line, which regulatfons whall at no
time be more stringent than those applicable to.the poneumers in theCity of San Diego.
' .....
I /

j 'f That the said parties of the first part agrees to erect no buildings and
' ·I
plant no trees upon the rigtt of way hereinabove described.
Thetpar.ty of the second part shall place said water pipe beneath the surface

of the ground to a Clepth of not 'less than eighteen (18) inches to two(2) feet, leaving
the best soil on top.
It is_mutually up.d'eTcstood and. agreeo. by parties hereto that in the event the
said party <;>f the second part fails to inf?tall and pls.ce the said main water pipe line
\~ as hereinabove provided, across the above described real estate on or before the first
day ofAugust, 1927, then this agreement of~asement shall cease and determin9"''and _become '· / ;_ ~

void, and be of no force or e~fect.

IN WITNESS vVREREOF parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands
and a majority of the members of the Common Council of said City of San .Die go have here-
unto set their hanc s as and for the net of s~.i d City, the dp_Jr ana ye ~.r firs~ P'bOYe

~y of the first part.
ParfYO:r the firstpart. VIRGILIO BRUSCHI
_Att~s_t._Al_len_I}~__ jlfright, City Clerk . 1 C MAIPE
. ~ -------------- -----~ --------------··-···-"· . . . -···-··--tft~----,------._

. . On this 21st, day ofAugust, 1926, beforemme .J.W.ChrisweJ.l· ·a Notar.y
Publ~c ~n end for ~he said County _of San Diego, State of Caiifornia, residing
. therein, duly com_m~ssio~ed and.. swo,rn, p~rS<?Il,BJ~Y: ,8.1JP~~re~>.Bruce_ J¥&ring:.;and ·· . :6ck
Mad~e wa:ir·~~·. -~ersonally known"_to m,e_ to be t,h~- persoD;s wpose., nam 13~e-·.is subscribed
to .-he w~ th~n. ~nstrument. and they duly acknowledged to me· that the·y· executed _
the same.
.. . . . ~er,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I tave hereunto set my hand.. ang. ~-ffixed my offi ciaJ
seal at .my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certifieei
cate first above written._ . .·.,· . .: ,··· --.:; .· . . ·'' · :orreet
• ' • "- . . . . <.
r, _,.._. -
(SEAL) , . i-
_,. . . :he City
. ·~,\~_CHRISWELL~
No't~ry Public in and for the' County of
San D~eg~,: State of, California.

. -~·

F. A· Jaussaud and Mi 1. JaUBBa.ud, parties of the first part, City of San

Diego, party of the secona part,·
THIS AGREEJ:OOTT, .made and entered into tJ-Jis tenth day of June 1926, by and
between F.· A· Jaussaud and M. t. Jauusaud, parties of the first part, and the City of
San Iliego, a municipal· corporation party of the second part,


For that whereas, the party of the second part is a munii:cipal corpora.tion
loeated in the county of San Diego, sta.te of California, and is the owner of a certain
water system for the developement, impounding and distributing of water for municipsl
v-•1-' pt{:rposes i.U. ,the City of San Diego ill said state; and ·
· WHE:m.As, said second party is, for t:r'1e purpose of improving its water system
and increasing its capacity and facilities for impounding and conserving and distrieut-
ing water, desirous of putting in an a.ddi tional water main to pass over and across the
lands of the parties of the first ps.rt, he:feinafter described,
It is hereb~ agreed by and between the parties hereto that the party of the
_[ r r


second.part shall have, and it is hereby grantedi the aight of Way for said pipe line,
and t;he right to the use of the lands hereinafteu <iescribed, together with the right of
ing~ess and,egress for the purpose of making surveys, locating, putting down, construct-
ing, maintaining,, operating and repairing of said pipe line and tap thereon, to said-
second party,. and for all other purposes and uses as ,are or may become necessary and in-
cidental to the construction, maintenance and operation of said City's pipe line, and
to its successors and assigns forever.
Said Hight of Way and Easement to pass over e.nd tr:rough port;lo11s of
of Lot 1, Block 53, Grantville, and Lots 8 and. 9, Block 52, Grantville, as 'Shown on Map
No. '489 in the Office of the Recorder of San Diego County.
Beginning at .a point on the .east line of Lot 1, Block 53, Gra11tville, as.
s!Jown on Map No. 489 in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County, and northerly a
distance of 66,4 feet f~om the southeasterly corner uf said lot; thence S82° 28'W, a dist ce
of '36.7 feet to a point; thence on a curve to the left tangent to the last mentioned line·
anct having a radtl1l.s of 286.48 feet, a distance of 350.0 feet to a p(jint; thence Sl2° 28'W,
a distance of 371.0 feet to a point; thence O.f.kJlt. curve to the right tangent to the last
mentioned line and having a radius of 572.96,l-a-Ciistance of 210.0 feet, more or less, meas
ured along t:he arc of said curve :to a point where it intersects the south line of I,ot 8,
'Rl'ock ·52, Grantville.
/ This .Asreement on the part of the partie·s of t:be first part is
upom: the following conditions and stipulations, to-wit:
\. . · ·:rha t the parties of the first part do not waive or any riparian
rights pertaining to said land:
That. the said party of the second pa.rt shall extend one of its ws.ter
pipes to be so located as to do the least damage consistent with good engineering, and
wherever. any property shall Q.e destroyed or damaged it shall be paid for nt its actual
, That the said party. of the second part sha.ll install One tap three-
'!uarters (3/4) of an inch in diameter from said. pipe line, &t the expense of the parties
of the first part, from which water shall be drawn by parties of the first part at the
same rate and su-bject to like conditions, rules and regulliations asE~those fixed ancl made
applicable from time to time to other consumers obtaining supplies of watet from s~id
pipe line.
1.lbe ::;srties of the fir ..,t part agree to erect no buildings and plant
no trees upon the Right of Way hereinabove described. .
Ano it is further agreed by the party of the second :part to cover said
water pipe, where th~ same is placed beneath the surface of the gr~und, to a depth of not
less than eighteen ( 18) inches to two ( 2) feet, leaving the best ~~11 on top' where so 5 v'
desired by parties of the first part and requested in writing before ~he installation of
the line. · ·
It is mutually u:gGlerstood and agreed·by parties heTeto that in the-eve.nt
•tne party of the second po.rt fails to install and. pl&ce the said main pipe line as here-
inabove provided, across the above described real estate on or before the first day of 1 1'
Au?ust, 1927, then this agreement of easement sLall cease .and determine and he come void,·
and he of no force or effect.
. IN 1.VI TN:SSS ;m:r:·]~OF, F. A· Jaussanc1 M. L. Jau-sBancl. hereunto Pet
their. hands, and a majority of the members of the Com:Ton Cor'.!lcil of e.aio. C'ij;y of San Diego
have hereunto set "their hands ss and for tte act of said City, the day andy~ar first
hereinabove written.

Party of the 1st part.
YELICIDA JAUSSm~D Party of the 2nd part~
\ Party of the 1st Part.
Atteet, Allen E. Wright, City Clerk :THO A HELD
By, Fred w. Sick Deputy. JJ C MAI3E

Of JIJl.:?,USt 1926 o
I HJ~:r-~EBY .AP1?R0VE,
:DOIJ M S Tt:VT .cill T

the form of the foregoing agreement this 23rd, day

s.J HIGGINS, City Attorney.


On t!Jis 30th day of J~t;.,_;ust, 1926, before me Fred ~y. Sick a Nota.ry
Public in and for the· County ·ofSan Diego, State of California, duly commissioned ~md sworn
personally appeared Virgilio Bruschi, Jno. A. Held ana L.C. Maire and Don M.· Stewart,
known to me to be the members of the Common Council of the City of San Diego, and known
to me to be, the persons who executed tbe within instrument on behalf of the City of
Diego within nam~Cl., H!1.Cl acknow1 ed !3'ed to me tha.t they eYt:'l cu ted such tn~·trument on beha.lf ·
of s·uch corporation.
- IN WI!:rNESS WHE~1EOF, I hf:Ve hereunto set my hand and affixed my nota rial
seal, at my office in the county of San Diego, State of California, the day and year first
above written.
· Fred w. Sick
(S:SAL) Notary Public in a.'na for the county of
Sa~ Diego, State of ·California.

:EtECORDED AT :BEQUEST of City Clerk .Aug 30, 1926, at 31 Hin past 1 o'clock
P.M. in Book No. 1266 Page 153,of Deeds, Records of San Diego, courity, Calif., ·

JOHN H Ji'ERRYr,- County Re co rd:er,

By N.c.Parsons, Deputy.
I HE?EEY CE:iTIFY, that the s. boye and foregoing i e a full, true a no. corre c
copy of Agreement for Right of way fromF • .A. and M,,L. Jaussaud, to the Ci t~r of San Diego
California·, Being
, :Document No. 193302.
City Clerk of the City of San'Diego, Californi •

By Deputy

LOUIS SLOSS and G:SRSTLE COl.1.PA1·rY, a corporation, parties of the first

.part, CICPY PF SAN :DIEGO; ·];:f'lrt~r· of the sec ondpart;·
· THIS AG:q.ERMENT, mao.e and entered into this 23td day of August, .1926, by·
and. between Louie Sloss an5. Gerstle Company, a corporation, parties of the first part,
and the City of San I'iego, a municipal corporation, party of the second part,

. FO~ TEAT WH::RREAS,, the pa.rty of the- sec one. -pert is a municipf!l corporation
located in the county ofSan Diego, State of california, and is· the ownerc· of a certain
water system for: the developa,fnent, impounding and distributing of water for municiJ?al
purposes in the City ofSan Diego in said state; a~
'vVHET\EAS, said second party iS', for the purpose of its water
system and increasing its capacity and facilities for impounding and conserving and
distributing water, desirous of putting in ari.additional water main to pass over and
across tEe lru:Ids of the parties of the first ·part~ hereinafter a.escribed; ·

I NOW ·:rHEREFOP.E, IT IS HE':EBY AGREED .by and between the parties heretor:o
that the party of the second part shall ha·ve, a,nd -it '.is he Teby: granted, the Right of
Way for said pipe line, and the right to the use of the lands hereinafter described;
together with the right· 1Jtfff ingress and egress for the purpose of making surveys~
locating, putting down, constructing, reconstructing; maintaining, operating and re-
pairing .of said pipe line and tap thereon, to said second. part;sr, and for all other ·
purposes and uses as are or may be·come necessary and. incidental to the construction~
maintenance and. operation of said City's pipe ~ine, and. to its successors and assigns
Said right of way to pass over and through the ·west, Half (wt) of r~ot F
of the subdivision of Lot 70 of the T~ancho Mission of San Diego, according to re-
feree's Partition- map in the action enti-tled.: " San Diego Realty Company, a corporation
vs. Maf~~ y. Olvera de Toro et al,n and numbere.d 15191 and during construction or
repair as in the pre ceding paragraph stated .shall have an easement extending for a·
width of ten. ( 10) · feet on each side of the p 1ipe line as the same may be fina~...~~
located; provided, however, and this grant is upon condition, that final survey-s
for said. pipe line shall be .completed within sixty (60) days from date hereof ana. there-
upon a supplemental agreement shall be me:ide between the parties hereto;~:t·specifically
describing s~id pipe line ae eo located.
This Agreement on the part of the· said parties of the first 'fK.:.rt is made
upon the following conditions and stipulations, to-wit:
That the said parties of the first part do not waive or release any
riparian rights pertaining to said land.
'2r:at the said party of the second part shall extend one of its water.pi:pes

to. b<:' so located as to do the least damage consistent with good engineering, and where-
ver any property shall be deGtroyed., or damaged.. it shall be for fl t its B.('tlla.l
Thr.:;t the said party of. the second. part shall install at its own expense
at such point or location as may be selected by first parties and when selected by firs
parties one ·tap sufficient in diameter to supply when said. pipe line is filled., Seventy
five (75) gallons per minute, from which water may be drawn by said ps.rties of the
first part upon paying the same rate, and subject to like conditions, rules and regula-
tions,- as those: fixed ru1d. made applicable, from time to time, to other consumers ob-
taining supply of water from said pipe line. This supply is based upon a length of
line of Nineteen Hundred (1900) feet. It is agreed t:nat if _the line as establisf.J:nd:\3:•Y
the· final survey is grea~er in· 1ength than Nineteen HUndred (1900) feet the open,rng':'Eha 1
be increased. proportionately.
That the said parties of the first part agree to erect n9 pu~ldings and
• I

plant no trees upon the ~:ight of way heretnab0we described.

I'he party of the second part shall place said. water pipe beneath the surfave
of the groung to a depth of not less than eighteen (18) inches to two (2) feet, leaving
'· ...,. the best soil on tqp, except that a tt:res:ttlenot inore than One HUndred (100) feet in
length may be constructed over any draw or line of drainage in the northwest corner of
said prop~rty.
· It is mutually understood. and. agreed by parties hereto ths.t in event the
said party of the second part fails to install and. place the said main water pipe line
as hereinabove provided, across the above debcribed ~al estate on or before the
first day of August, 1927, then tLis agreement of easement shall cease and dete-rmine an·
b~bome void, and be of no force or effect. · .

I IN WIIPNESS 'WHZEEOF, Louis Sloss h11s hereunto set his hand, Gerstle Gompe.ny
a corporation has caused 'this instrument to be executed by its proper officers and. its
corporate seal affixed,. e, 1~1aj ori ty of the mem'"-ers of the Common Counci 1 of· said
City of San Diego have hereunto set their hands as and for the act of said City, the d.a
and year first hereinabove writ ten.


J:NO A HELD Party of the ~irst Part.

•• !'
DON M 0 'II:;\:V A...-q T

Attest, Allen H. \-\fright, City Clerk: -

( .

, By MA:g[ GERSTLE, President

Attest, l-OUIS C GREENE, Sec;retary·.
By Fred w. Sick, Dep~ty.
, Appryved at to form this 23rd day of August, ·1926.

City Attorney.

On this 30th day of August, 1926, before me Fred w. Sick~ a Notary

Public in· and for t.he County. of San Diego, State of California, duly comm.:.Vssi>~ned and
swarn, personally appeared Virgilio 1Bruschi, Jno. A··Held L.q.Maire and ·J:!on,M • .
' ( st~wart, ,known to me to be the ·m~bers of. the Common Cou11cil of the City of San Diego~
t snd known to ·me to be tl\e _persons who ex..§._cuted the within instrument _on ·behalf of the
City of ,San Diego within named; ~d cckm0wledged to me that, they executed such ins tru-
ment on behalf of such corpora.tion •.
IN WIII'NESS WHEHEOF, I hDve hereunto set my hand and a.ffixed my
notarial Seal, at my 6ffiee in the County of San Diego, State of california, the day
~nd year first hereinabove written.

(SEAL) Nota.ry Pnb1ic in for t.he County of_ S.~;m Diego,
State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUE~:T OF, City Clerk Aug 30;1926, at 3 o'clock P.M. in
Book No. 1244 Page 269; of Dee~s, Records of San Diego County, Calif.,
JOHN"'.,_fl FERRY, Cru n ty Reco.rder,
~By N.e.Parsons, Deputy.





I HK::r~BY CER·:riFY, that the above and foregoing is a full; true and
correct copy of Agreement for Easement and Right of way from IJouis Sloss and Gerstil::
Company to the City of San Diego, Califo-rnia. Being document :No. 193303~


. I, Alfred L. Thompson, a widower, for and in consideration of the sum

of TehiDollars do hereby grant to the City of San Diego; a. municipal corporation, all ·h~.t I
?e~l Property situated in the County of San Diego, State~of California, bounded and de~-
crlbed as follows;
· · .
An undivided one-h8.lf interest in f:lno to all th8t portion of the ~out - ·
east quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Seution 1.Ph:i~ty (30) Township Fcurteen (14) So th, \.
Range One {:1) East, lying North and. west of the road 1 eading from San Diego to Julian,
known as tLe San Diego County Highway Route.Six (6), Division One (1);
.AtSOY, s.n ·und:i!.Vided one-half interest in and to the North~raet quarter,
efd1heeNorthwest Quarter, and the Northwest Quarter of· the Northeast Quarter of Sectio~
Thri·ty (30) Township Fourteen (14) south, Range One (1) East, San Bernadino Meridian~.~ II
(rOy~owps~p F.fiur~~P·ll4he s%C(lt;fw.est Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section T.lltcrtw !.:-
o s B• • -7 rlange one
1 0. • • ·'

To Have ana to Hold tbe above granted and described premises unto th
said Grantee, and its successors and assigns forever.
WITNESS my hand and seal this 17th day of august, 1926.-


On this 17th day of August, 1926, before me, A· Laurie l3razee,·a Not ry
i'Ublic in and for said County and State, personally appe.ardQ., Alfred L· Thompson,
known to me to be the person WhOSe name£: is hereby SUbBcribed .~0 the foregoing instrume,nt,
and aqknowledged,to·me that he executed the same. ·
WITNESS my hand and official sea+ the ;day and year in this Certificate
first above written.
. '

Notary Public imand for said county and tate •

RECO:~DED AT REQUE.ST of City Clerk, Aug 26, 1926, ae:lirA:,l- Min past 1· o'clock P·M· in Book
.No.• 1192, Page· 480, pf Deeds Becords of San Diego.[ ca!i:t:_•,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder)
BY N.C.Parsons, Deputy.
I HE~~EBY CK~TIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and
cor~ect copy of Deed from Alfred L· Thompson to the City of San Diego, California,
Being Document No. 193357.
City Clerk of


· INDEDTURE made th~· 17th day of August, 1926; at the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, state of California. by and between Alfred t. Thompson, the duly
appointed, qualified, and acting administrator of the Estate of Mary p·~ ·Thompson, some-
times known as M•P· Thompson, deceased, ·_late of the County of' San Diego·, State ·of Califor-
nia, ·the party of.. the· first part, and ·:rHE CITY, OF SAN DIEGO, a Municipal Corporation.
of the County of San Diego, Sfate of Callf:rornia, party of the second part; WITNESSETH:
I'HAT WHEREAS, pursuant to ··legal ndJtices the sai!d party oJ the first part; on
the 24th-day of June, 1926, at the law office of c.G.selleck, at ~~coc 22, court House,'
San Diego, California,·between the hours of nine o'clock A·M· and twelve o'clock M, offered
for sale, tn one parcel, at public auction and subject to the confirmation of the superior
Court of 'said• State of California, in and for said County Of San Die go, real estate situate
in said county of s~ Diego, State of California, and at such sal~ :the said party of the
sec.ond p.~rt· bec·ame the P'll:rchaser of the whole of said real estate hereinafter pa,rticU:le.rly
-descrrbed, for th~ sum of eighty-fiv~ humdre·d dollars (8500.00) United S~a.tes Gold coin; ·
~d party of the second p:art being the highe·st and best bidder and that being the highe·st
arrd best bid made; a·m
. . · · WHEREAS, the said SUperior Court, upon due and legal re.turn :of his proc~ed­
ings under said legal notice of sale, made by the said party of the fi·rst part on the 24. th
d!i.Y of June,. 1926, and after making the said sale and upon due and legal notice of at :lenst
ten days, given as the law requires on the 30th day of Julym/'1926, made an order con-· ·
firming said sale and. directing a conveyance to be executed to the said party of the second
par{t,, a certified copy of which order of confirmation was recorded in the office of the
co'uri~ty Recorder of the County of San Diego, state of California, wi t:fu:in which the said land
sold is situate on tlle 16th day of August, 1926, which said order of confirmation now on
file and record in saidRecorder's Office are hereby referred to and made a part of thiE
indenture; -~~~ · · ·
NOW THEREFORE, the said Alfred I;. Thompson, administrator of the Estate C•f
said Mary P.•Thompson, ·sometimes known as M·P• Thompson, deceased as aforesaid, the party
of the·first part, pursuant to the order afor~said, of the said Superior Court, fer

I and in consideration of the sum of eighty-five rhundln:a:di dollars ( $8500.00), United states
Gold Coin, to hi171 in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt w:hereef
is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargain~d, sold and. conveyed, and ·by these presents
does grant, bargain, sell and convey, unto the said party of the second part and its aEsigns
forever, all the right, title and interest and estate of the said Mary p. Thompson; some-
times '·known as ,M.p. Thompson, deceased, at the time of her death, and also the. right, title
andinterest that the said -estate, by operation of law or otherwise, may have acquired ether
than, or in addi ~ion to, thate of said intestate at the time of her death, in and to all ·
.; that certain lot, piece or parcel o_f land si tuatei·lying and being in the said County o:f
San Diego; State of California, and bounded and described as follows, to wit:
An undivided one-half interest in all·ths.t portion of the southeast Quarter
(SE!) of .the:;.No:r,.tl;l~as.t Quarter (NE!) Section Thirty (30), Tovmship Fourteen (14) Soutt,
Range One ( 1) East, lying north and· wes.t of the road leading. from San Di§go county Higlway
Route Six (6), Division One (1).
Also, an undivided one-half interest in the Northeast Quarter (NEt) of ti:e
Northwest Quarter l+o'1v1,_V and the northwest Quarter (NW!) of .the Northeast Quarter (NEt)
of Se"tion Thirty (30) Township Fourteen (14), South,-~ange One (1) East, S.B.M.
with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the. same belonging or
,, in any wise apperatiaing. ·
TO HAVE AND rro HOLD, all and singular the above mentioned and described
premises, together with the appurtenances unto the said party of the second part, its t::ssig-
ns forever.
. IN WI.TNESS WHEREOF,· the said party. of t'he fi,rst part, .Administrator as afore-
said, has her.eunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written.

As Administrator of the Estate of Mary p. Thomrson

sometimes known as M.P.Thompson Deceased.

I . en· this 17th day of August, 1926, before me, Joe I. Shell, a Notary PUbli 9
~n and !or the said County ofSan Diego, State of California, personally appeared Alfred V•
11•hompson, known to ine to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, as
fhe admi~istrator of the estate of Mary p. Thompson, sometimes known as M.P.Thompson,
aecea.sed, and acknowledged to me that he, as such administrator, executed the same.
ljt IN WITNESS V.JHE~EOF, I have hereunto set my r.!B.nd and affixed my official real
the said County of San Diego, the day and. year in thie: certificate first above written •

i .s ·
Notary PUbli·c in and for the County· of San Die-go,
State of California.
RECORDED AT 3EQUEST, of City Cl~rk Aug, ~6, 1926, at 42 Min past 1 o·•cl'ock'!~ in Book No. 1266, Page 124, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County Calif.,
. t

JOHN~FERRY, County Recorder,

By N.C.Parsons~ Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
~opy of Deed of Administrator fo the .City of San 'Diego, California, Being Document No.•
· City CJ.erk

..... ~. ~

'tl b. .

Southern Title and Trust Company, a corporation, for and in consideration
of One Dollar Does hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a :Municipal ·corporation, in the
County of San ·Diego, State· of California, an easement and right of way for a sewer -pipe line,
septic tank, cess-pools and appurtenances, through, in, along and acrosB, All the. t Real I
PrOJ.>erty situated inthe Cit~ of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bourJdled
and. described as follows: ' ' -
· · A portion of Lots 5 .and 6, Waterville Heights,' according to. Map th.ere.of, No.
748,' filed in the Office of the county Recorder of said San Diego· county, said ~asement au@
rignt of way beirig pertic~l~f.lX d~scrf~e'~· as fQllowsih ""t ' of ·s,.aig Lot 6. thence I JJ .. t
' Beginnin~·~t' a.e~~int 8 ~n tRW :tittftH 0 1:rrr~eer ~HfHefot ·6i d~stant,t~outh on a
line para~lel to and distant 6.00 feet east from the west line of 'said Lot 6, a distance cill
210.00 feet to a po'i:t;t: ·thence at right. angles to s'aid l~st ~ascribed line, a distancej
\, ../
.. of 9.00 feet .to a po~nt; thence soutn/on a l~ne parallel to and d1.stant 15.00 feet east frolm
the west line of said Lot 6; B: distance of 60e00 feet to a point; thence west at right angl~s
to' said lust described line, a distance of 30.00 feet to a point; thence north on a line pa1ll'-·
allel to arid distant 15.00 feet west from· the west line of said Lot 6, a d.istance of 60.00 I
feet to a point; thence east at right angles to said last described line·, a Eli stance of
9.00 feet to a point; thence north on a direct line to a point on th~ north line of said lo~
5,distant 6.00 feet west from the northeast corner of· said Lot 5, thence east along the ·
north line of said Lots 5 and 6-. o to tpe point or place of. beginning.•. · ' ·
TO HAVE' AND TO ·noLD the above: grantedA.descri bed easement unto the said '.,II·
grantee, its succ~ssors and a.ssigns forever as a right of way for sewer purposes.
IN WI'l1NESS WHEREOF; said Corporation has caused this instrument to b.e ex-
ecuted by its proper officers and its borporate'seal affixed this 19th day of August,l926.
By A P THOMPSON, Jr.,. President.
ATTEST. W W EASTON, ~.Secretary. '

,. I
' '
. On this 19th day of August, 1926, before me Lou B. Mathews, a Notary ·
l'ublic in and for said .county, residing therein duly commissioned and sworn, personally . 1
appeared A.P.Johnson, Jr., known to.meJ to be the President and w.w •. Easton, known to ine to be
the ·Assif;!tant Secretary of the Corpora,tion that executed the within instrument, known to me
to be the per. sons who. eKecu ted the ·wi tihin instrument on behalf of the corpora tio.n within
named,· and- acknowledged to me that subh Corporation executed the same. ~ .. ·
, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have bereunto set my hand and affixed my Officfal
Seal, in theCounty ofSan Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate
first above ~ritten.

My Commission expires, Nots.ry Public in and for the. County of San Dieg0,
December,7th,l926. State of California,

RECORDED AT REQUEST, of City Clerk, Sep.2,1926. at 26 Min past 10 o'clock

·A~M~ in Book No. 1218, Rage 403, of Deeds, Records of San Diego county, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,
By N.C.Parsons, Deputy.
I HEREBY CER.TIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Grant Deed,.from. Southerfi~Ti~le and 'rrust Company to the City of San Diggo,
California, Being Document No•'l93410. I

City Clerk of the

· UNION TRUST COMPANY OF SAN DIEGO, a corporation, for and in consideration
of One Dollar, Does hereby grant to ·tne City ofSan Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the
county ofSan Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction,
operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line and appurtenances,- through, all ong and acrosE,
All that Real Property situated i:P thq City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of II
californi~, bounded and described·as follows: · . _
· The Northwesterly t~ree feet of the southeasterly one-half of :IWiggs stre~t~1
closed to public use, adjoining the contiguous ·to the southwesterly 250 feet of Lot 2, Bloc~
465, of Old San Diego, according to M~p thereof made by James Pascoe, a copy of which is fj]ed
in the Office· of the eounty Recorder 0f said san Diego count;:,r, IJ.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLDJ the above granted and described easement unto the stdJd
grantee, its-successors'and·assigns f9rever, as,a right of way for a sewer pipe line and ar:~~'-
urtenances. · ·
· · IN WITNESS WHEHEOF, said Cbrp'oration has caused this instrument to be. ex-
ecuted by its pr6per·officers and its corporate s,eal affixed this 11th day of August, 1926.
(SEAL) By Chas. R· Forward, Vice-President.
ATTEST, J. L· Bolling, Ass't ~ecr~tary.

August, 1926, before me Lu~u McFarland, a Notary pub]ic

. ~ '

in and for said county, residing thereim., -duly commissioned and sworn, personally apr,eare d
Chas H. Forward,. known to me to be the Vice President and J.L.Bolling, known to me to be
the Assistant Secretary <?f the Corporatl,on tha_t executed· the within instrument, known to
me to be the /persons who executed the within instrument. p_n behalf· of the Corporation
within nam6E·, and acknowledged to me that s~ch Corporation executed the same.·
' IN WITNESS r.•mE~EOF, I hav~ hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official ~eal, I ·.

in the County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate
first above written. · ·
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California,.
RECORDED AT REQUEST, of City Clerk Sep 14 1926, at 10 o'clock A·M• in Book NO
1249, Page 279, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.,

JOHN H FERRY, county Recorder,

By L.B.woodard, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true :and correct
copy o,f Grant Deed .to the City of San Diego, California., Being document No.· 194120.


City cl·erk o:t, the Califo.rnia,

I UNION TRUST C.OMPANY, of San Diego a corporation, of ·the City of San Diego,
. C..otmty of San Diego, State of California, for and in consideration of the sum of rren
Dollars, does !;ereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a JlUnicipal Corporation, for ·str£'et
Purposes, through,". along and across_, .all that Real Property situated in the City of San
Diego, County of·San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
A Portion of the North 61 feet of Pueblo Lot 1800, as said,Pueblo Lot is
·shown ·upon Map of the Pueblo Lands of San Diego, ·made by James Pascoe in the year 1870, a
copy of which is filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said
easement being particularly described as·follows, to-wit:
Beginning at the intersection of the southerly prolongation of the eastei·ly .
line of Ingraham Street, formerly Izard Street Cas shown on Map No. 923, filed in the office
of said County Recorder) with.the North line of said Pueblo Lot 1800; thence Westerly along
• the North line of said Puebl<? J;ot 1800 to an intersection with the southerly pm,longa.tion
of the Westerly line of' said Ingraham Streetl thence southerly along the southerly pro.o.
longation of the ?lesterly line of said Ingraham Street~ a .~istance of 61.00 ·feet to a. point
thence ·Easterly on a line parallel to.and distant 61•00 feet south from.the North line.of
·said Pueblo Lot 1800 to an .inrtrersection with the Southerly prolongation of the Easterly
line· of said Ingraham Street; thence Northerly on a direct line to the point or place of
~0 HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described premises, unto the seid
.~rant~'e, its succ·essors and assigns forever, for street purposes, as and for a portion

of Ingraham Street. . .
· . . IN VHTNESS WHE:::1~0F, s_aid corporation has _caused 'this deed to be signed by its
Vice President and Assistant Secretary and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto thjs
14th day of August, 1926. · ·


By Chas H. Forward, Vice-President

Att~st, J.L.Bolling, Assistant ~ecretary.


ON 'rHIS !L.f'lt DAY OF August, 1926~'.c:b~fore me Lulu McFarl.and a Notary· _public in
and for. said County, personally appeared_ Chas. H. Forward known to me to be the Vice-
President and J.L.Bolling known to me to be the Asst •.. Secretary of the corporation thE~t
exe.cuted the within instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within in-
strument on behalf· .of the corporation therein· named, ·and ockn6w1edged to me that such cor-
poration executed the same.

Notary Public in and for·the County of San Diego,
State of California.
RECO~DED AT. REQUEST, of City. Clerk Sep.l4, 1926, at 10 o'clock A.M. in Rook
No. 1249; Page 277, of Deeds, Reco~ds of San Diego county, Calif.,

.JOHN H FERRY, county Recorder,

By L.B.woodard, Deputy.
~ . .

I I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and· foregoing- is a full, true and correct
copy of;Grant Deed from The Union Trust company of San Diego, to the City of San Diego,
State of California. Being Document No·. 194122.


City ';?rf of ~he C~fS=o, California

. I , ·.

UNION TRUS·r COMPANY OF SAN DIEGo,· a corporation, for and in consideration

of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and
across the real property hereinafter described, Does hereby Grant to the. City. of· San Di~go,
~ Municipal·corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and
right of way for the· construction operation and maintenance .of .a sewer pipe line and
appurtenances, through, along and scross all that Real Property situated in the City of San
Diego, Coun.ty of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
·A portion of Acre Lot 32, Paci fie Beach, and a portion of Lots 1 and 7, i n 1-
clusive, _and 36 'Block 103, Pacific Beach, according to Map of Pacific Beach No. 791, filed in
the Offi,ce of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement and right of way bbing
six feet in width,, _three feet on each side of the following described center lines:
·B~ginning at a point on the north line of·said Acre Lot 3?, distant 20l.ZO
feet east from the northwest corner of said Lot 32, thence southerly on a direlfi't line to a
·" .. point on the south line of Lot 6, said Block 103, distant 144.40 feet east from the south
·west corner of Lot 1, said Block 103: .ALSO, ·
, Beginning at a point on the north line of Lot 35,· said Block 103, distant
142.50 feet east from the northwest corner of Lot 40, said Bloclc 103; thence south on a line
parallel to and diBtant 142.50 feet east from the west line of said Lot 40, to. the south linle
of said Lot 35; AlSO . · I
Beginning at the .intersection of the west line of said Acre Lot 32, with t:'he
center. line of Law Street; thence east along the easterly prolongation of the. center line ofi
Law Street, a dis.tance. of 158.50 feet to a point.
TO HAVE Alill TO HOLD thl3 above granted and described easement unto the said
grantee, ·its sn.ccessor.s and assigns f.ore'Yer as a right of way for a sewer pipe line and apJ;-
IN WITHEs;:.: .WHEREOF, said corpo1·ution has caus~d this instrument to be ex-
ecuted by itsproper officers and· its corporate seal affixed this 13th day of August, 1926.


( SEALt BY c. H· English, Vice-President.
-Attest, J~L.Bol-ling, Assistant
sec:re tary.
On this 13th day of August, 1926, b~fmre me Lulu McFarland a Notary public
in an.d for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
C.H.English known to me t·o be the Vice President and J.L.Bolling known to me to be the ·
_4.ssistant Secr,etary' of the Corporation that executed the within instrument, known to me to
be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of· the corporatmon within name&,
and acknowledged to me that such·corporation executed the same. _
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I he. ve hereunto set my hand and affixed my Officiaih
Seal, in the County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate·
first above written.
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the county of San Die glb,
State of California.

RECORDED AT REQUEST, of Gtee Sep 14,1926, at 16 o'clock A.M. in Book

No. 1249, Page 276, of Deeds, Records of San Diego county, Calif.,
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,·
By, IJ.B.Woodard, Deputy. I
I HEREBY ·CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, .t~Jue and. correct
copy of Grant Deed from The Union Trust Company to the City of San Diego, California, Being
Document No. 194124.

UNION. TRUST COMPANY OF SAN DIEGO, a corporation, for and in consideration
'f J >/ of One clbliar does hereby Grant to the City of Sa~ Diego, a-M'U.n.teipal Corporation, in the
Coun.ty of San Di,ego, state of California, an easement and right of ·way for street purposes,
through, along and across, .all that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, State
of California, bounded and deE.cri bed as follows:
A portion of the North. 61 feet of Pueblo Lot 1800, as said. Pueblo Lot is
delineated and des~gnated on Map of the Pu.eblo Lands of san Diego, made. by James Pascoe in
the year 18-70, a copy of which Map is filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said
San Diego_county, said easfment being particularly described as follows, to~wit:
. BeginnJng at the. intersection of the southerly prolongation of the easterly
line of Haines Street (as shown on Map No. 923, filed in the Office of said county Recorde1·)
with the North line of. said Pueblo Lot 1800; thence southerly along the southerly prolonga-
tion of the easterly line of said Haines Street, a distance of 61.00 feet to a point; thence
westerly on a line parallel to and distant 61 •.00 feet southerly from the-north line of saio.
pueblo. Lot 1800, to an intersection with the ifioutherly prolongation of ·the westerly-line of :. ;,
said Haines Street; the~ce northerly along the southerly prolongation of the westerly· line of
said Haines Street to the north line of said Pueblo Lot 1800; thence easterly along the north
line of ""saicf' Pueblo Lot -1800 to the point or place of beginning"~'"' " ".. . . r. I
To Have ·and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, for street purposes, as and for a portion of
Haines Street.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Corporation has caused this instrument to be ex-
ecutod by . its
····L ,.,, •( ' .
proper officers .and.Jts
,l. ,, .. ,,..

_qo:rporate seal affixed this 14th day of lugust,l926.
' I, ·: "' •••

·By Chas H. Fvrward, · Vice-~esident·.

Attest, J. L· Bolling, Assistant



On this 14th day of August, 1926, before. me Lulu· McFarland a Notacy Public
in and for said county, resi,ding there~n, duly c·ommis.sioned and sworn, personally
appeared Chas. H.-Forward fhown to me to be the Vice-fresident andJ.t.Bolling known to me
. to be th~ Assistsn~. Secretary of the Corporation that exec;mted the within instrument,
known to me to . 'be the persons who executed the within i.t1strument on .behalf of the Corpora:O
tion within named, and acknowledged. to me that such Corporation executed the same.
· I!f WITNESS WHEREOF~ I hereunto set my hand· and affixed my Offfcia1 Seal,
in the County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate
first above written•
.. Notary'Public in end for'the County·of San
· · State of California.

~ECORDED AT REQUEST, of. Gtee Sep 14, 1926, at 10 o'clock A.M. in Book
No. 1249 ,Page ,274, of Deeds, Records of San DieE?o county, Ca~.i~.,
JOHN H FERRY, county Recorder,
·,_· BY t.B.Woodard, De~tity.
r HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Easement from the Union Trust Company to· the City of ~an Diego, California,
Being Document No• 194126.


SOUTHERN TRUST and COW,ffiRCE B_~, a corporation for and ih consideration of

the sum of Ten Dollars Does hereby Grant to the CITY OF SAN DIEGO, a municipal corporr:.tion
an easement and right of way for construction and maintenance of a sewer pipe line and.
appurtenances thereto, through, along and across:
. A portion of Pueblo tot No. 1119-of the Pueblo Lands of San-Diego, according
to Map thereof made_ by James Pascoe in the year 1870~ a copy of which map is filed in the
Recorder's Office of said San Diego County, said easement and right of way being six (6)
. feet in width, three (3)_feet on each side of the following described center lines,
respectively: · ·
Beginning at a point on the westerly prolongation of the Nor·th IJine of tot
Thirty~four (34) Avalon Heights,· distant 286.42, -feet Westerly from the Northeasterly
corner of· said Lo.t Thirty-four (34); thence -south 2° .20' 30" West a distance of 137.62
feet to .a p9int; thence south 89° 34' East a distance of 34.21 .feet to a point, also le-
ginning ata.point on the Westerly prolongation of the North line of tot thirty-four {34)

I Aval~n:Heights, di.stant.286,42 feet Westerly from the Northee.sterly corner of said Lot
Thirty-four _(34)· Thence South 2° 20' 30" West a distance of 137.62 feet to the true point
of beginning; thence· south 19° 20' 30" Eest a distan~e of 92.60 feet to a point, also,
Beginning at a point on the Westerly prolongation of the s-outh line of tot
. Thirty-one (·31') Avalon Heights, distant 120.21 feet Westerl~ from the southwesterly corner
of· Lot Thirty-one (31) said Avalon Heights; thence South 20 69' 30" .west a distance of
176.49 feet to a point; thence Southwesterly o~ an .angle of 23° 28' to the right, ,a
distance of 113.00 feet to a point; thence Southwesterly on &1 angle to the left of 28°
69' to an intersection with the gouth line of said Pueblo tot No~ 1119; ALSO beginning at
a. point on the Westerly prolongation of ·the south line of Lot Thirty~one (31) Avalon
Heights, distant 60.04 feet Westerly from the southwesterly corner of said. Lot Thirty-one
(31); thence South 67° 28' 30" East a distance of 101.31 feet to a point; thence South
37° 00' 30n East a distance of 173.72 feet tq a poi_nt on the West line of tot ''B" Avalon
Heights, distant 192.26 feet .Southerly from ·the Northwesterly corner .of ·said Lot "B"
said Avalon Heights, being according to Map thereof No. 1600 filed in the Re'corder's u
o:ffice. . . .
TO HAVE A!m TO HOLD the above granted and described easement unto the said
Grantee, its succe'ssors and assigns forever, _as a right of way for construction and mein-
tenance of a sewer pipe line and appurtenances.
. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Corporation has c·aused this deed to be signed by
{ts Vice President and Ass' t Secretary and i·ts corporate se·al to be affixed hereto this
28th day of July, 1926. · ·
(SEAL) By, NorJrian R· Morison, Vi ce-Presi6ent.
By, A~ S. Cosgrove, Asst. se·cre tar·y. .

On thi.s 28th day of July, 1926, before me t.B.strai t a Notary Public in E:nd
for ::.s&id County and State,. personally appeared Norman R. Morison known to me to be t:r"e
·vice-President an.d A. s. Cosgrove known to me to be -the Asf::.t. Secretary of the Corp or at ion
that executed the- within ins ~rument, known to me to be. the persons who executed the wl th-
in instrument on: beha.lf of the corporation therein nameci,- and acknowl.e.dged to me the.·t such
corporation executed the same. · ·
WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first
above written.
L B STRAIT, ,.;',
(~EAL) Notary Public in and for said county and StatE.:. r
RECORDED AT REQUEST of Gtee Sep 14, 1926, at 10 o'clock A.M. in Book
No~ 1249, P~ge 271, of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.,
'JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,
By L.B.woodar~·, Deputy.
I HEl\EBY CERTIFY, that the above. and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Deed of Easement from the Southern Trust and Commerce Bank to the City of san Diego
California, BeingDocument No. 194130.
City Clerk Pi) the City _of San Diego, California.
~~··.: .
. . ~"v>< 9,1.
M. :loyle andMary M. Royle, husband and·wife, for .andin consideration of One mi>li.a1t- does
hereby Qui tcHaim to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of san
Diego,· State of California, an easement and right of way for street purposes, through,
along and across, All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of
San Diego, State of California, boynded and d.escribed as follows:
· ·Beginning at a point on the easterly line of Block 4~ Park Addition
according to Map filed in s.c.c. No. 19544, entitled William J• Baker·et,al., vs.; Board
of Park Commissioners et al., said point being distant 150 feet northerly from the north-
erly line of Laurel Street as now established (measured along said easterly line of said
Block 4) thence North 89 degrees· 59 minutes west, a distanc;e of 121.76 feet to a point;
thence south 83 degrees 10 mintues 50 seconds West, a distance of 44.99 feet to a point;
. thence westerly, northwesterly, northerly, northeasterly and·easterly on a curve to the
·right, having a radius of 20.50 feet, the center of which bears North 06 degrees 49
mintue13 10 seconds West from said last described point, a distance of 69.29 feet to a point;·
thence South 83 degrees 08 minutes 50 seconds East, adistance of 44.99 feet to a point;
thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes, a·distance of 123.62 feet to the easterly line of
said Block 4; thence south 3 degrees 35 minutes west, along the easterly line of said Block
4, 'a distance·of 30.06 feet to the point of beginning; Being a portion of Block 4, said
Park Addition. ·
:l'O HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described easement ~mto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever for street purposes.
IN WI~iESS WHEREOF: saidCorporation has caused this instrument to be ex-
ecuted by its proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 4th day of May, 1926.
By·J J IHWIN, Vice-President
Attest, FRANK VON TESMAR,Secretary.


On this 26th day ofApril, .1926, before me, Lorraine Roantree a Note.ry
£ and for the said County of San Diego, state of California, residing therein,
duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Harold M. Royle and Mary ¥· Royle, .
husband and wife, personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to...
the within instrument, and they duly acknowledged to me that t4ey executed ~he same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official
seal, at in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first
above written. ·
My Commission expires, LORRAINE ROANTREE
July, 2'5, .192~'..
Notary PUblic in and for the county of San Diego,
v State of California.
s id · · · On· thi;s ··4th day of May, 1926, 15efore me John zweck a NOt§r.' Public 'in and
for the7county, r.esiding therein, duly commissioned· and sworn, personkl~y ap)peared .J. J. Invi:n
knovm to me to be the Vi ue ·President and Frank Von Tesman, known to me ·to be the Secretary
of the Corporation that executed the within instrument, known to be to be the persons who
executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation within named, and acknwoledged
to me that ·such Corporation executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have ·hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official
Seal in the County of San Diego, State of California, the d·ay and year in this certificate
first above written.
My co.mmissi.on expires Notary PUblic in and for the County of Sa.n Diego,
Jan. 21, ·1929. ' State of California,
:2ECOHDED AR REQUEST, cf Gtee Sep 14, 1926, at 10 dl'clock A.M. in Book
No. 1249, Page 272, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.,
JOHN H. FERRY , County Recorder,
By L.B.woodard, Deputy.
I HET~EBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Qui tolaim Deed from· 'rhe First Trust and savings Bank and Harol~ M. Royle end
1iary M. Royle to the City of San Diego, California, Being Document No. 194128.


City C~k of the City ~~alifornia,

BY~/.c~ .~wty. II
We, Lloyd D. and Maude D. Shaw, Husband and.Wife, for and i n consideration
. ~
of the benefits to accnue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through
and across the property hereinafter described, Do hereby Grant to theCity.of San Diego

aMunicipal Corporatiqn, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement
and right of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe, through
a1ong and across All that Real Property situated in the City ofSan Diego, County of
SanDie go, cta.te of California, bounded and described as follows:
A P0 rtion of Lot 26, Block' 2, Cullen's Westland Terrace, according to 1~p thereof
filed in tlie Office of the .County of said. San Diego County, said easement and .
right of way being five feet in width, two arid one-half qn each side of the following
described center line: ·
Beginning at a point on the west .line of said .Lot 26, distant 2.50 feet south
from the north lame <if said Lot 26; the,nce east on a line parallel to and distant 2.50
feet s·,outh .from the north line of said Lot 26, a distance of 70.00 feet to a point~
To Ha'Je a-nd. to Hold the a,bov.e granted and described easement unto the said grantee
its successors a:nd assigns, fore'ver, as a right of way for a drain. pipe.
WITNESS o"ur_hands and seals this ?th. day of July, 1926.

.On this 7th day of July, 1926, before me E.H.Brooks, a Notary Public in .and for·
said County, residing therein duly commissioned and sworn,· personally appeared,,, .
Lloyd D. Shaw and Maude D. Shaw, known to me to be the persons described in and whose
names are-subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowle6.ged to me:,that they ex!'"
ecuted the same. .
WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL the dj;.ay and year in this certificate first

I above written.
My Commission expires,

Notary Public in and for the County o:f San Diego,

J]lile 4, 19~0 •. State of California,
. RECORDED AT REQUEST of City Clerk Jul 21 1926, at 10 o'clock A.M~'in Book.No. 1218
page 297, of Deed~, ~ecords of San Diego County, Cal if., -
JOHN. H. FERRY, Co tin ty Recorder·,
By L~B.Woodard, ~ep~tt.
, ' I ~ .

I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and ~orrect copy
of Deed from Lloyd D.Shaw and Maude D. Shaw to the City of San Diego, California,
Be~ng .Document No~ 1918~6.
City Clerk of the City of S~ Die o, California •

We, 0ecil D. and Edgar Mc1Parland, husband and wife, for and in consideration of
the benefits to accrue by the location, con:3truction and maintenance of a sewer line
through and across the -property herein described, and in consideration of. the sum of
One Dollar ($1.00) to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do
hereby grant to the C.i ty of San Diego, a m·unicipal corporation in the County of San

I Diego, State of Ca.lifornia, an easement and right of way :t~ough, along and across all
that certain real property·situate in the City of San Diego, C.ounty of San Diego,
State· of California, parti'cularly described as follows, to-wit:
The South four feet of L6t 11, Block ~1;san Diego Property Union, according to
the Official Map thereof :filed ih the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego
County. · ·
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever,. as a right of way for a sewer pipe 'line.
The purpose o·f this easement and right of wa:y is for the construction and. main-
tenance of a private sewer lateral inside· the property lines, it being· unders:teocdthat
the City of San Diego isnot to beheld liable for any damage resulting from the con,..
struction and maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our harids and s.eals this· ~rd day of
Augus t1;;. 1926.


On this 3rd day of August, 1926, bedi0re me, E. H.Brooks, a Notary Pub lie in and
for the said County of San Diego, State of Ca+ifqrnia, residing there;tn duly com,-
missioned and S•f?Orn, personally appeared Cecil D. Mc!farland and Edgar McFarland
personally known to me to be the· persons whose names ..are subscribed to the within in-
strument and they duly 8.cknowledged to me that they executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed· my official seal,
at my office in the County of San Diego, the day. and year in this c~rtificate first above.

My Commission expires,

Nots.ry Public in and for the County of San Diego,

State of California.
June 4, 19~0.

--RECORDED AT REQUEST of Gtee Sep. 211926, a~ 5· Min·i o'clock P.M. in Book
No. 126~, Page 156, of Deed Records, of San Diego County, Calif.,
JOHN. H~ FEl=tRY, County Recorder,
By L.B.Wooda.rd, Deputy.
. .·-·.--

I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Deed from Cecil D. McFarland and Edgar McFarland to the City of San Diego,
California, Being Document No. 194351.
City Clerk of~City of

B~~~~~--~+-~~~~~~~ I

FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION, of the cancellation and satisfaction of all in-

debtedness owing by the under:eigned, L.A.Hinshaw, .to the City of San Diego, County of
San Diego, State of CaJLifornia, and its in interest, the lessors named >

here in-, and growing out o.f and connected that certain agreement dated March 7, 1925, bet
petween the San Dieguito Water Company, a corporation, as lessor and L.W.Hinshaw as lessee;
and the co-terminous agreement dated March 7, 1925, between Griffith Henshaw and John
Treanor ·as lessors, and L.A.Hinshaw as lessee, with reference to concessions and privileges
connected-~ith Lake Hodges and what is known as Bernardo Acre·and Hodges Grove ~ere in said
San Diego County, the said L.A.Hinshaw ·does hereby sell, assign and transfer all his right
title and interest in and. to the right to control the fishing, buntings. and boating priv-
ileges in and on said Lake Hodges and to the two certain parcels of real property referred
to and in said contract as Bernardo Acre and Hodges Grove Acre, together '!Jith all his equttw
in the two store buildings located on said premises, reserving to the.said assignee for hisl
use and as his property, the stock of merchandiser;: soda fot1ntains, electric lighting plants,
trade fixmures, equipment andpersonal property as said contracts on termination
thereof. f.: aid agreements to be terminated immediately on acceptg.nce hereof, Right to re-
move all said reserved property is accorded.
IN WIIrNESS WHEREOF, the said L.A, •. Hinshaw has hereunto set his hand this
Bth day of September 1926. ·


On this 8th day of September, 1926, before me a Notary ?ublic, ·duly com-
missioned, qualified ~or and residing in said County and State, personally appeared the
above ·named ·L.A.Hi'nshaw and acknowledtged that he executed the ab<ll!ve and foregoing in-
strument. ·
Given under my hand and Notarial Seal this 8th day .of September, 1926. . ' '

(SEAL) · .....
Aqc,epted~· Notary Public in and for the County of Sa.n
September l.3th? 1926. Diego, State of California.


Allen H•. Wright, City Clerk FnED A.HEILBRON
By Fred w. Sick, Deputy. DOl~ I1A. STE?!ART
Members -of the :·commpn qounci]
I HEREBY AP.PROVE the form of the fore going Assignment this 13th day of
cep tember' 1926.
S.J.HIGGINS, City Attorney.

.. .
.. . . ·_. ·• OOEC0R;D.Eb ;~.J.~.·~~V~ 2~£: td.~!ill !:o~:tNi;3 itn~It:itegO"'i&e'p:1ti_4~i 9£;tf,:~~·1::itt• 36'J.ifiri::rpk_B:.e rz·E(f!ttcl o ck
· (l'
, __.,_ .. ···._ .._ . . _-., :ei~3'09-':~·-~0~~:iJ:Ais'sdl.+~;i?o~'·Mtus.
~ .·•-- . .-·o,~~
't.tRze o·olttds cai
~~;·•. 1-J._._·., . i:cq[h .fulif'ego County .. CalJ."--f

JcmN H. FERRY, . County Recorder,

' .• , I
By L.B.Woodard, Deputy~
. I HEREBY CERTIFY. that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Assignment of Lease from L.A.Hinshaw to the City of San Diego, CaJLifornia; Being •
Document No.- 194274. ··
City Clerk of Califo~nia,
E AS ~ M E.N T .
•• ·: .'1 : ' . ' ~~
,. . We, W.Ivl.,Walk:e '· Mary L. Bunnell and Flora C. stiles, for an din consideration of the
benefits to the .location, construction and maintenance o.f a water line through
and the prop'erty herein dee~ribed, and, i'lit. consideration of the sum of One Dollar
($1.00) to us in han.d paid,. the receipt whereof is hE}reby acknowledged do hereby grant
to the City of San Diego, a munic~pal corporation im' the County of San Diego~ State of.
California, an easement and right of way through, along and across all that certain
property situate in the City of San Deigo, County of. San Di~g9,State of California, par-
.... '. ticularly described as follows. to-wit:
:.;.,: ·' J?rom Meter on Alley, along the South side and in an Easterly direction, of Lot 25
!'· .. ,. 1
·Block 54~ Fairmount Addition, being a water service pip~ now- installed for use of house
on east .end of said Lot, to have and to hold the above granted and describ.ed right of way
; .
unto the said grantee,. its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a water
. t'
pipe line. :. · . ,. · .
.t ' . · The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the co.nstruction and main-:-

tenance of a private water lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that
. 'It the· City of San Diego is not. to be held liable for any damage result,ing from the con-
struction and maintenance of water laterals. over and, across this eas.'ement.
IN WITNESS WH2JEO:B1., we have hereunto set out hands and seals'' this 2nd day of
July, 1926.
. W. M. WALKE, ( SEAL )



On this 2nd day of July, 192.6, be:B<i're me, E.W~Dic·kenson, a Notary Public in and
for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly com~
missioned and sworn, personally appeared W.M.Walke, Mary L. Bunnell and ~lora c. Stiles,
I personally known to me to be the persons whose names subscribed to the within instru-
ment and they duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hBve hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal,
at my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above ·
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of SanDiego~
My Commission expires State of California,
Dec. 26, 1928.
RECORDED AT REQUEST of Gtee Sep. 14,1926, at lO.o'clock A.M. in Book No. 1259,
Page 171. of Deeds, Recorda of San Diego .County, Calif.;··
JOHN H• .Ti1 ERRY, County Recorder,
L.B.Woodard, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full,
true and correct copy
of Easement from W.M.Walke et alto the City of'San Diego, State of California.
Being Document No. 194109.
City Cierk~ the City of San Die go, Californ~a •

·~~ .(jy.

we Thomas A. Davis and Be::;sie T. Davis, husband and wife, for 'and in consideratiQl ·
of :tO.e;J:>en'efits to a-ccrue by the location a;Dd construction of a sewer pipe line through
an~:.·.~;b:r¢>ss, the property her.einafter described do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a
Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Dd!ego, State of Ualifornia, an easement and
right oiU way for the constru(}tion, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line
through, along and across All that Real Property situatedin the City o'f San·Diego, State
of .california,· bounded and described as follows:
A P 0 rtion of Blocks 1~3,202, Pacific Beach, according ~o ~ap thereof No. 854,
filed in the Office of the ·County Recorder of said San Diego County, being a portion of the
alleys in said Blocks closed to. Public use by action of theCommon Council sai:d easements
and rights of ,way being six feet in width, three feet on.each side of the 'following des-
cribed center lines, respectively; ·
BeginninS at a pQint on the·. east line of said Boock 183, distant 135 feet south
from the northeast corner thereof;._ thence west o·nEa line parallel to and distant .·135 feet
south .from the north line of said Block 183 to the west line of. said Block 183· ALSO
Beginni!l@ at a poin:t on the·east line of said Block 202, distant 135'feet ~outh
from the northeast corDer of said Block 202; thence west on a line parallel to and distant
125 feet south from the north line of .said Block 202, to the west line of said Block 202.
. To Hav,e and to Hold the above grant~d and described easement unto the said .gra-
ntee, J.ts successors and assigns, forever, as a righ;t of way for a sewer pipe line and
VliTNt:S S o.ur hand and seal this second day of August, 1926,


On this second day. of

August, 1926, before me Geo. W. Bowler, a Notary Public
in and for said County residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally app- Thomas .A. Davis and his wife, Bessie T. Davis, known to me to be the nersons des-
cribed in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and ackn~wledged to me
that they executed the same.
·- - WITl~ESS MY HAND AND OFICIAL SEAL the day and year in this certificate first
above written.

~,; .
.. ,

RECORDED Nr REQUEST of Gtee Sep, 14,1926, at 10 o'clock A.M. 'in Book No.
1259 page 170 of Deeds Records of San Piego County, ·~ali f.,
.., JOHN H. l!'ERRY, County Recorder,.
;L.B.WOODARD, Deputy.
· I RE3EBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing i's a full, true an~ correct
copy of Easement from· Tho~ a A. Davis and Wife, to the Si ty ·-of San Diego·, State of California.
Being Document No. 194110. II
ALLE~_H. WRIGHT_, . . , ::. · ~

c1 ty Clerk o·~:;;;~. ~~:~orri;1~~

EAS'EMENT / ·· . . ...

SOUT~N ~PRUST AND COMMERCE BANK, a corporation for and in consideration of

One Dollar Does hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation in the County
of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the constructio·n and
maintenance of a sewer pipe line, through, along and across all that Real Property .situated
in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as
follows: ·
The Westerly three_feet of Lot 1, Block 2, Buena Vista Tract, according to
Map thereof No. 919, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
To Have and To Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever as a right of way for a sewer .pipe line.
:-rN WITNESS W;HEREOF: said. Corporation ~s. cau.sed this instrument to be ex-
ecuted by .its proper officers and its corporate seal affixe~ this 2nd day of August,l926.

By, NORMAN R~ MORRISON, Vice-President
ATTEST,A.S.C9SGROVE, Asst. Secretary.
On this 2nd day of August, 1926, .before me L.B.Strait, a Notary Public. ~nand
for said County, residing therein duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Norman II
R. Morrison known to me to be the Vice-President and A.S.Cosgrove, ·known to me. to be. the.
Asst~ Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument, known to me to be the
persons who·executed the within instrument.on behalf of the-corporation withinnamed, and t
acknowledged to me that that such Corporation executed the same~ . . .
IN WITUESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Officia1 Seal
in the County of San Diego, .state of California, the day and year ··i'n this certificate first
above written.
L. B • S Tit AI T ,
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State .of Calif_ornia.
RECORDED AT REQUEST of gtee, Sep, 14, 1926, at 10 o'clock A.M.· ~n Book No.
1259, Page 168, of ·Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.,
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder,
By, L.B.Woodar9-, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY~ that the above and foregoing is a full, .true and correct

copy of Easement ~:E.rom The Southern Trust & Commerce Bank to the City of Se.n Diego, State of
·California, Being Document No. 194112.
City Clerk Cail..d!ff:li'nis.

I, Myrtle E. Cherry,. an unmarried woman, for and in consideration of the
. benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line.through and across
the property here inaf'ter described ~0 hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, S~ate of California, an easement and right of way
for the -construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line and, through
along and across all tha.t Real Property situated in the City of San· Diego, County of San Diegl'o,
State of Californi~, bounded and described as follows: · I
. · A portion of the East t .of Acre Lot 48, · Pacific Beach according to Map ther eoif ·'\ ..
No. ·854, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said S~n Diego Coun~, said easement
and right of Wiay being six feet in width, three feet on each- side of the foll~wing descr.ibed
center line:
Beginning· at a ·point _on the east line of said Acre Lot 48·, distant 135 feet
south from the northeast corner of said Acre Lot 48, thence west on a line parallel to and
distant 135 feet south from the north line of said Acre Lot to a point distant 125 feet wes.t
from the ,.-east line of said Acre Lot 48, (Measured along said parallel line). .
. To Have and To Hold the above granted and descr-ibed easement unto the. said
grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line and
WITNESS my hand and seal this lOth· day of August. 192 6,

., ..

On this dey of. August, 1926~ before me E.H.Brooks, a Notary Puplic in and
·for said. Coillity, residing· therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally (~·appeared
Myrtle· E. Cherry, known to me to be the person descrfbed in and whose name is subscrib-
ed to- the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she exe·cuted the same. · 'I
• ..·~;.
WtTNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL THE day and year in this certificate first
above written. '
Notary Public in and for the County of'San Diego,
(SEAL} .State of California.
My Commission expires,
June 4, 1930.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee Sep 14, 1926., at 10 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1259,
Page 167, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.,
. JOHN· H~ .l!..,ERRY., County Recorder,
By L.B.Woodard, Deputy. .
I 'HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and corre.ct copy
of Easement from Myrtle E •. Cherry to the City of.. San Diego, c·alifornia, Being document
No. 194114.
City Clerk ·of t City of

I \
(" and MEJXy M. Royle,· husband and; wife, for and in consideration of' One Dollar does hereby
quitclaim to the City of San Diego a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego,
State of CaliforniaJ;- an eitsement and right of way :t'or the construction, operation and
maintenance of a sewer pipe line and appurtenances, through, along and across, all that
Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, .County of San Diego, State df Calif-
.ornia, bounded and described as follows:.
A por~ion of Lots 3 to 6, 43,44,45 and 46, Block 4, Park Addition, according
to Map thereof filed in· s.c.c. No. 195 114, San Diego County, California, entitled William
J. Baker et al., vs, Board of Park Commissioners et al., said easement and .r~ght· of way
being six f~et in width, three·feet on each side of the fo+iliowing described c_ente_r lines:
Beginning at a point on the south line of Maple street, dis~ant 100 feet wes~ .
from the west line of 30th street;· thence So-u-t·h- on a line -parallel to- and, distant 100
feet .J! from the west line of 30th" s-treet--to ·a pqint _<ti.S_~pt 7_~ feet north frQ.m .. tlie
north line of Laurel Street; thence at right angles East, a distance of 50 feet to a
point; ALSO Beginning on a line drawn parallel to and distant 75 feet north from the nortn1
line of Laurel Street at a point stiistant 100 feet west from the west line of 30th Street
thence; west on a line parallel to and distant 75 feet north from the north line of
·Laurel ctreet,· a distance of 50 feet to a point; ALSO Beginning on a line d.rawn parallel
to and distant 165 feet north from the north line of Laurel Street, at a .point distant
50 ,feet ·west from the west line of' 30th ::; treat; thence we 3t on a line drawn parall.el to
and distant 165 fee·t north ·from the north line of Lau:r:el Street, a distance of 100 feet
to a point · .. · .. .
To Have and to Hold the a.bove granted and described easement. unto the said Grantee

I its successors and assigns forever ·for s e'Ner rmrposes.

IH wrrrNES~· WHEREOF, Said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed
by its prope·r officers and its corporate seal af fixe·d th ls 4th day of' Iv~ay, 1926.
(SEAL) .
By, I.I.Irwin, Vice-President
Attest;Frank Von Tesmar, Secretary.
Harold M. Royle
Mary.M. Royle

s.:rA~1 E O.lf CALIFORNIA, lss

eounty of §an aDiego ) . ,
On. tbis 29th day of March, 1926, before me Lorraine Roantree a Notary Public in
and for said ·County ofSan J?iego, State of Ca.l.ifornia, residi·ng thereinr, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Harol·d M. Royle and Mary M.. Royle., personally knom to me
to be t,he ·persons whose names are subscrfbed to the within instrument, arid they duly
acknoW:l/edged to me that they executed the same. · .
IN \VITNESS WHE:t~Ol!,,· I hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office ih the County of San Diego;· the day and year in this certificate first.~abova
written. ·
My Commission expires, Notary Public· in and for the County of San ,Diego,
J.ul 25,1928~ State of California,


COUNTY O.:E' SAN DIEGO, } ......

On this 4th day of May, 1926, before me. John Zweck, a Notary Public in and for
sam.d·· County, res~ding therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared I. I.
Irwin, known to me to be the Vice-President ai,l.,d ]1 rank Von Tesmar known to me to be the
Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument, kpown to me ·to be the
persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the Corporation within named,
and acknowledged to me the. t auch Corporation executed the same.-:
·· IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and afffxed my Official Seal,
in the County· of'. San Diego, Sta.te of Califor!lie., the de;/ and year in this cettificate first
~~fsvlf~&f'·i t t.en.
~' ~t:;IJ.~2~Z: expires JOHN ZWECK,
(Sl:.:AL) Notc.ry Puolic in and-J;aor: t hJ.e ~otl.n'ty-!·:O.:J:':<JS~l.l Diego,
-::J 11 ., 9 0 caJ.l:t·orn~a...:-·;:-.t·
•• t:,.: ··,· - .,

.\,.•z •. • .lt '' _-~ •


RECORDED AT REQUEST of Gtee, Sep 14, 1926, at 10 o'clock A.M. in Book No.l259
Page 165, of Deeds, Records of SanDiego County, Calif.,
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder,
By L.B.Woodard, Deputy~
I HEREBY CERTH'Y, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and· eorrect
copy of Easement from, The First Trust & Savings Bank and Harold M. Royle and Wife to the
City of San Diego, California, Being Document No.l94116.
City Clerk of


We, M. Hall and Etta Hall, husband.. and wife, for and in consideration of the ·.·
benefits to accrue by the location and conStruction of a sewer pipe line through, and
:. ,
across the property here iriafter described do hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a
Municipal Corporation, in the County of Sari Diego, State of California, an easement and
right of way for the constr.uction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe lirle and app-
urtenances, through, along and across all that Real Property situated in the City of San
Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
· The northwesterly three feet of the southeasterly one-half of Twiggs Street
clos.ed to public use, adjoining and contiguous to Lot 1, Block 465, Old San Diego, Accord.-
ing to Map thereof made by James Pascoe, a copy of which ~s filed in the Office of the County
Recorder of said San Diego County.
To Hage and to Hold the above granted and de2cribed easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line and
WITNESS our hands Siltd Seals this 13th day of August, 1926,


on' thls 13th day of August·, 1926, b~fore- m~' Edward. C. Hall a Notary Publie
in and for said County, residing th~rein, duly c.ommissioned and sworn, pers~>nally appeare9.
M.: Hall and Etta Hall, husband and wife, known to me to be the pers9ns described in and
whose names are subscribed tQ the within instrument, an~ acknowledged to me that they
executed the same. _
year in this certificate .first
apove written.
Notary Bublic in and for the ·county of San Di~go,·
(SEAL) . State of California. No
RECORDED AT Ht:QUEST, of Gte~, Sep 14, 1926, at 10 o'clock A.M.: In Book/.1259,
Page 164, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.,
JOHN. H. FERRY, County Recorder,
. By L.B.Woodard, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct·
copy of Easement from M. Hall and Etta Hall to the City of San Diego, California, Being
Document No~ 194118,
City Clerk I


THIS INDENTURE, made this 2nd day of June, 1926, by and between PURE MILK
DAI~Y CO• of San Diego, a corporation party of the first part, PURE MILD DAIRYCO., of san
Diego, a corporation party of the ·fihrst part, and ~ HE CITY OF SAN DIEGO,. California, a

municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California,
party of the second .:e.arty, WITNESSETH:· . .
That f±rst party, in consideration of the su~ of one dollar {$1.00) in hand
paid, the reueipt whereof i.s confe.ssed and acknowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto
second party a permament right of way for its telephone lines as the same e~tablished
or may hereafter be built and established ove;r and across the following described real estat~
situate~ in the County of San Diego, State of California, to-wit: ·
. The North half of the Northeast quarter (N~ NEt). ~3ection Ten (10); North half
of Northwest quar-ter tNt NWl) Section Eleven (li); Northwest quarter of Nor.theast quarter
{,NW! NEt) Section_Ele.vep (~lH' and Southeast quarteE of Northeast quarter (SEt NEtf. Section
~lev~n Ill); all 1n 'J:ownsh1p Seventeen (17) South, .c\ange Twp (2) East, S.B.rvr.
. IT!ogeth\3r with the permament right of ingress a.nd egress· to and fr9m sa~d righ~
of way tor t'he purpose of repairing or maintaining or changing maid telephone lines; provided
\'.!.,said teJephone l:i:nes,.>'Yill be maintained-at all tii:nes .. as nearly as·possibl~-at·"such location a£
will not interf~re with any improve_ment to'be made"'oy first part, and in:case of necessity II ·
secotnd party wi 11 move said lines -to· make way for_ ~ny- __ r. ~~-~~~~~ 1~. I?~ee~~~r! -~~~r~~ement by fir.. s t
par y. . ... ·... .
H~ wrrnmss WHER.EOF · said first party "has·--aa.~sed- this instrri.ment to be executed
by its proper officer~ and its corpo:J;"ate seal affixed t~e day and year fi~st above written.


Attest: By H.F.SCHNELL, Pres.
b. G. LYKINS, Secretary.
STA'l'E. Oi~ CALI.E'ORNI!i; )ss

Before me the ·undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,

1- State of California, personally appeared H.:h,.SCHNELL known to me to b.e the President and
C.G.LYKINS known to me to he the Secretary of the corporation that executed the within in-
.strument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within· instrument on behalf of the
corporation within na,med, and acknowledged to me that euuh corporation executed "the same.
IH WITNESS WHEREO:&', I have hereunto set my· hand and affixed my Offi.cial Seal,
in the County of San Diego, State of California. this 2nd, day of June, 1926.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Di~o,
State of California.

RECORDED AT RE~UEST of Gtee, Sep 21, 1926,· at 5 Min past 1 o'clock P.M. in Book No. 1218
Page 4?9, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif~,

JOHN H FE8RY, Bounty Recorder,

L.B.Woodard, Deputy.
. '
I HE..L:!EBY CKq TI.B'Y, that · the above and foregoing is a full, t·.rue and correct
copy. of Deed from the P.M. Dairy Co~, fo the City of San Di~go ~California, Being Document
No~ 190583.

I, Webster Toms, a bachelor~ for and in Consider.ation of the benefits to accrue
by the -location, cons true ti on and maintenance of a sewer line through and across the pro-
perty herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to me in ha-nd
paid, the receipt .whereof is hereby acknowledged do hereby grant to the City of San Diego,
a municipal corporation in .the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and rig1:lt
of way through, along and across all th2t certain real property si tuatedin the City of. Diego,
CoQnty of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as follows, to~wit:
Lot L, Block 105, Horton's Addition, according to map thereof made by L.L.Lockling,
filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a se~er pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the cons true tion and main-
tenance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lin~s~ it being understood that
the City of San Diego is ~ot to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction
and maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
· IN WITI4ES~ WH.bR.EOF I have hereunto set my hand· and sea~ this 4th day of August


On this 4th day of' August, 1926, before me; Fred w. Sick a Notary Public in allld
for the said County of s·an "Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, persona:lly appeared Webster Toms, a bachelor, . personally known to me to. be the
person whose namesis subscribed to the within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that

I !
that he executed the same.
· ·
. IN WITNESS .wHR.q~oF, ~ have hereunto set my hand ~nd aff~~~d my o. ~ficia1 seal, at
office in the County of San D1ego, the day and year in thl.S certJ.fl.cate.fJ.rst-above
wl ri t.ten.
!My commission e·xpires,
II .
Notary Public in and· for the County of San Diego,
MI ay, 15, 192?. State of California,

RECORDED AT REQU.c~ST OF Gtee, Sep 21, 1926, at 5 Min past 1 o'clock P.M. 'in Book
No 1218 Page 4?8, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,
By L.B.!¥oodard, .Deputy.
· I HEREBY C£RTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy
of Deed from Webster To~s, to the City of San Diego,California, Bemng Document No. 194353.


·., DEED
_I, _Louis H. Anderson, a -single man, for and in -consideration of the benefits
~o ·accrue by the location, cons true tion and maintenance of' a sewer line throu~h -and ·across

~he property ·herein described and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar (,l •.UO}· to me

I ,an han·d·paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledgeddo hereby grant to the City of
~an·Diego, a mtuaicipal corporation in the County of San Diego, St~.te of Califor.q.ia,.an
~asement and rgght of wa~ through, along and across all that certa1.n real property s1.tuate
~ii tne City of San Diego, County of San Diego, state of California, p:al1ticularly described

ps follows, to-wit:
11 · The. North 4 feet of Lot 26, Block 85, City Heights, according .to Amended Map there-
~f filed in the Office of the Count¥ Recorder of San Diego County, California.

To. Have·abd to Hold the above granted and described rigl!.t of way unto the
said grantee its successors and assigns' forever, as a right of way for .a sewer pipe _line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way ms for the cons true tion and
maintenance of a pri~at·e sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the
City of San Diego is not to be held liable for any d.~mage resulting from the construction
and maintenance of sewer laterals over and acr·oss this easement•

August, 1926.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereuntp set my hand and seal this 18th day o·f · I



On this 18th day of August, 1926, before me, E.H.Brooks, a Notary Pub.lio
in and for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing, duly com-
missione9. and a worn,. personally appeared Loui~ H•. Anderson, per~onally .known to me to be
.the person whose narnecis subscribed. \.tlo the within instrument, and he duly ·acknowledged
to me that he executed the same.
IN WITNESS Wli.E.."{E0.B1 , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official
seal, at my office in th~ County. of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate 1' irst
above written.
(SEAL) Notary ?ublic in.and for the .County. of San Di-ego,
My Commission expires State of California~
June 4, 1930.

RECORDED AT rtEQUEST, of Gtee, Sep 21, 1926, at 5 Min past 1 o·' clock P.M. in
Book No. 1258, Page 311, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County~ Calif.,

JOHN H FERRY~ County Recorder,

By L.B.Woodard, Deputy.
CERTIFY, that the above and .foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Deed from Louis H. Anderson to the City of San Iiego, California, Document
Nog 194355.

City Clerk of the City of San Diego, State of

B 4«4-C~a~l:::!.i:;&.~~puty,
I . -?'~ +.q(. . '
We, A.M. and Ella M. Steele,· husband and wife, For and in Consideration of th~
benefits to accrue by th~ locati~n, constr1;1ction ~nd ma~nten.9;nce of a sewer line through_andll
across the property here1n descr1bed, and Hl consJ.deratJ.on of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00)
to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereqy acknowledged do hereby grant to the City of
San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego~ State of California, an eas.e-11
ment and right of way through, along and across all that real property si.tuate in the City o~
San Diego, County of San Diego, State of C~ifornia, particularly described as follows, to-wit:
· Lots 47 and '48, Bloc·k 12, City 'Heights Annex !Jo. 1, according to Map there~±'
filed in the Office of the County !\ecor·der of 3an Dieg~ County, California. , II
To have and to Hold the above gran'ted and des crib e.d right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns fcirever, as-a riiht of way for-~ sewer·pipe line. ~
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the consttucM:.on and mai.Ijl-
tenahce of a prdlvate sewer lateral inside the property lines, it tJeing understood that the C~ty
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and mai~-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement. · · ·
IN WIIDNESS WHK1EOF, we have hereunto set our hands_.and seals this 20th day of
August, 19E6.
A.M. STEELE ( Q''''.AL)


STAT~ 01!"' CALIE'ORNIA, lss

On this 20th day of August, 1926, .before me, E.H.Brooks, a Not2.ry
and for the said Collnty C;>f San Diego, s·tate of California, resid:i,.ng ·therein duly c:ommissione~
and .sworn·, personally appeared .A.M.Steele .and Ella M. Steele, personally known to me to be tlle
persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and they duly acknowledged to me I
that they executed the _same. . · ·
IN V{ITNESS WHEREOl!', I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, 11at
my office in the County of Sari Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above wri ttep.

My comrnis sion expires, Notary P].lblic in and for the County·of San Diego,
June 4, 1930. State of California.

RECORDED AT-REQUEST, of Gtee, Sqp 21, 1926, a~ 5 Min past 1 o'clqck P.M. in
Book No. 1258, Page 310, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Cal~f.,
JOHN H li'ERRY, County Re.corder'
By L.B.Woodard, Deputy.
I HEREBY cE..qTIFY, that the ab.ove and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Deed from A.M. and Ella ¥.· Steele to the City of San Diego, California, Being
Document No. 194357.

.I City Clerk

I, Cora N. Coates and Faran s. Coates, wife and husban~~ for and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by. the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line
through and. across the·property herein described,, and in con::>ideration of the sum of One
Dollar ($1. 00) to in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledg.ed, dO. her.eby grant
•; to the City of San Diego,.a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of
California, an easement and right of .way through, along and across all that certain real pro-
perty situa.te in t4e City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, parti-
cule.rly described as follows, 'to-wit: .
North forty (40) feet of Lots twenty-one (21) and twenty-two (22), Block one-
hundred and n~ne (109) University Heights Addition. · ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and' described right of. way unto the said
gran tee, ·it::> successors and. assigns forever, as a right of way for .a sewer pipe .·line.
The purpose of this easement and ·right of way is ±·or the construction and main-
tenance of a private sewer lateral inside .the property lines, it being understood that the
City of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction
and maintenance of aewer laterals over and across this easement.
IN'NWITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereU:.nto set our hands and seals this 12th day of
August, 1926.


On thi·s 12th day of August, 1926,. be·fore me, 'Mabel B. Liddell a Notary Publia·
in and ±'or the said County of San Diego, State of California, re~iding therein, duly com-
missioned and sworn, personally appeared Cora N. Coates and Faran s. Coates, Wife and
hu·sband, personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within
ins trume.nt and they duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same•.
. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand .and affixed my official seal
~t my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above
writte.n. · ·
M.v commission expires
·Note.ry Pub],.ic in and for the County of San Diego,
eb. 17,1930. State of California.

RECORDED AT REQUEST of Gtee, S.ep 21, 1926 at 5 Min past l o'clock P.M. In Book
:No •. 1258, Page 309, of Deeds, ~ecords of San Diego County, . Calif.,
JOHN H F&i.RY, county Recorder,,,
By L.B.Woodard, Deputy. ·

I HE:."EBY CERTIE'Y, that the above and :t'oreg9ing is a. full, true ap. d co rr ec t

I pqpy of Deed from Cora N. and Faran s. Coates, to the City of San Diego, California, Being
Document No. 194359.


S n Diego,dalifornia,

.D E E D

We, E.L. and Mary F. Plummer, Husband and Wife, for and in Consideration of the
benefits to ~ccrue by the location,;eomstruc tion and maintenance of' a sewer line through·
and across the property· herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($i. O)
to us in handpaid, the re 0eipt whereof is hereby ackn~wledged do her eb_y grant to the City of
San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California,an ease-
ment and right of way through, along and across all that certain real property situate in
the City of· San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as
follows, to-wit: .
· . The North four feet of Lot 3, Block 42, Herbert~s Subdivision,- according to Map
thereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County~
To Hav-e and to Hold -the above granted and described right ofway unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a se.wer pipe line.
. The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction. ·and main-
tenance of a private sewer lateral inside the property linea·, it'being understo'od that the

I City of San Diegq.isnot to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and
maintenance o:t" sewer laterals over and across this easement. ' .
IN ·wiTNESS WHEREOF! we have hereunto set our hands and seals this day of


On this 20th day of .Augu~t, 1926, before me, Harry H. Thomas, ·a Notary Public
on and fpr the said County of San Diego, State of California, therein, ·duly com-
missioned: and sworn, personally appeared E. L. Plummer and Mary ~,. Plummer,· personally known
to me to be the. persons whose names are subscribed to the wi.thin instrumen,t, and they duly

acknowledged to me that t,hey executed the same. ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my officia:.l sef)._l,
at my office in the Coup.ty of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission expires, Notary Public in and·for the County of San Diego,
June 23, 19f:6. State of California.

RECORDED AT R.EQUES T, of Gtee,. at 5 Min past 1 o'clock ~-.M. .In .Book No. 1258
Page 207, of Dee.ds, Record~ of San Diego County, Calif.,

JOHN H FERRY, County Re·coroer,

' ·, By L.B.Woodard; Deputy.
~t ·\ :~
I HEREBY· CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct
copy of Deed from E.L. and Mary :b,. Plummer to the City of San Diego,California, Being
Document No.;· 194361.
City Clerk of the :?~f

I, Mrs Katie Wiedenhoff, (Widow} For and in Consideration of the benefits to
accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through and across the 1
property herein described, and in consideration of thesum of One Dollar ($1.00) to me in hand!
paid, the .receipt whei"eof is. hereby a_cknowledged_, 'do b,ereby grant to tl:1e City of San Diego, ·J!
municipal corp_oration in th,~e Cou_nty of San Diego, Sta.te of California, an easement ond right
of wey through, a; and acr'oss all that certain real property situate ip the City of San
Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly~described as follows, t9-wit~
Lots NQ~ 31 & 32, Block 18, University Heights. 1
To Have and To Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said!
grantee, its successor.s and {iSSigns forever, as._ a rig~t of way for a sewer pipe line. · I
The purpose or this easement and right of way is for the construction ~nd main-
tenance of a private se~Ner lat(3ral inside the property lines, it being understood that the
City of San Diego is not to be held liable for any ·damage res:ul ting from the construe "t;ion and
maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
· IN V'>'Pl'NESS WHEREOI!,, Mrs Ka tieWiedenhoff has hereu.nto set her hand .and seal
. . thisI .
1st day of September, 1926.

On this lst day of September, 1926, before me, ~. Steinmetz, a NotarY ~ublie
inand for. the said County ·ofSan Diego, State of California. residing therein duly commis~ionea
and sworn,· per sona.lly appeared Mrs Katie Wiedenhoff, personally known t() me to be the per son
whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and she duly acknowledged to me that sbL
executed the same~ ,

IN WITNESS WH~"\EO.B', I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my ofL'icia-1 seal,
at my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above
My commission expires, N0tary Public in and for the County of San Di e,)'0,
Dec. 13, 1928. State of California~
RECORDED AT ?.E~lUEST, of 'Gtee, at 5 Min 1 o'clock-P.M. in Book No .• 125U,
Page 306, of Deeds Records of San Diego County Calif.,
JOHN H lfE..'tRY, Co u.nty Recorder,
By L.B.Woodard, Deputy.
I HER.B;BY CE::tTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full,tr'u.e and correct copy
of Easement from Katie l!Uedenhoff to the City of San Liego·,California. Being document No .194362.
4LLEN H. v~rrliGH'l', ., I

We, Joseph F. Silvers, and Hazel D. Silvers, husband and wife. C.G.Brabazon,
a sincrle man for the in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction
and m~intenanc·e of a sewe·r line through and across the property ·herein described, and in con-
sideration o:fthe sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby
ackr10wledged, do hereby grant to the' City of San Diego, a munici.pal corporation in the County
of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way through, along and across
all that certain real prop-erty situate in the City of San Die go, C.oun ty of San Diego, State of
california, particularly described as follows, to-wit: ' . II
South Four feet of Lots One· (1) and Two (2) in Block Thirty"-four (34) of City
Heights, according to :amended Map there of No. 1007, filed in the o.f fice of the County Recordel:"

.. I
. 131

of said San Diego County, October 3, 1906.

_To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of .way unto the said
grantee, its .successors and ass.igns forever, a.s a right. of way for a sewer pipe line.
The· purpose of this easement and right of way is ,for the construction and main-
tenance of a private sewer lateral in::;ide the property lines, .it being understooO: that

I the City of San Diego, isnot to be h~ ld liable for any damage resulting from the .con-
struction and ·maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
· IN wrrrNESS ViJHEH.EO:B,, we have· hereunto set o1,1r hands and seals th~s 31st, day of
August~ 1926.

CALli1 0RNIA, )ss

STA~~.::: OF

On this 31st day of August, '1926, before me, L.L.Laing, a Notary Public in and
:t'or the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Joseph F. Silvers, Hazel D. Silvers, and C.G.Brabazon per-
sonally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instru-
ment, and they duly acknowledged. to ·me that they executed the· same •.
IN WITNEs·s WHE..'lEOF, I ha.¥'e hereunto se~ my _hand and affixed my official s.eal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in ·this certificate first above
Notary Public in a.nd for the County of· San Diego, State
of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST of Gtee, at 5 Min past 1 o'clock P.M. in Book No. 1258, Page
305, of Deeds Records of· San Diego ·county, Calif.,

I JOHN H FERRY, County Recorder,

By L.B.Woodard, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERT.IFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct cOPY:
of Easement from Jos .... F. and Hazel D. Silvers, and C.G.Brabazon, to the City of San Diego,
California. ~eing Document No.194365.

By a;. 4,.'
Cl ty Clerk o~ t~e City of~~·Diego,Cali~ornia.

v ~ Jleputy,
I, R.A.McCrary, a bachelor, For ana 1n Corisideratiori of the'benefits to accrue
by the location, . cons true tion and mairi tenance of a sewer line through and a eros s the
property herein described, and in considerati.on of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to me in
hand paid, the receipt· whereof is hereby ac}cnowledged, do hereby grant to the City 'of
San D~ego, a municipal corporation in the Qounty of San Diego, State of Californis, ,an
easement and right of way through, along and across all that certain real property situate
in the Cdlty of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Cali;fo.rnia, particularly as follows,
td-wit: . . · .
Lot 12, Block 19, Hoitt's Addition, according to the Official Map thereof filed
in the Office of the County Recorder.qf said San~ Diego County and the t of J. Street
I closed to public and lying contiguous ·R.,nd· adjoining said Lot.
To Have and To Hold the above granted and described right of way tihto the·said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever_, as. a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this. easement and ·right of way is for: the construction and main-
tenance of a privttte sewer la teqll inside the property lines, it being understood that. the
City of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction
and maintenance of· sewer laterals over.and .. across this easement.
IN WITNESS HWEREO.B,, I have her.eul'_lto set my hand and seal this 'lOth d:ay of
September, 1926.

~TATE O.B' 6alifornia, )SS


On this lOth day· of September, 1926, before me, E.H •.Brooksr;! a Notary Public
in and for the said County of San Diego, State of California, res~ding therein, dUly com-
missioned and sworn,. personally appeared ~.A.McC:rary, person&~ljy ·knpwn td me to be the
.;' person whose name~:., is subscribed ~0 the within instrument and he duly acknowledged to me
that he ·executed tile same.
IN WITNESS WHJ:REOF, I ha&a hereunto set my hand and afl'ixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first abolVe
(SEAL) Notary Public in arid for the County of San Diego,
1cy Commission expires, State of .. California.

I -
. RECORDED-AT REQUEST of Gtee, at 5 Min past l o'clock
Page 304, ·of Deeds, Records. of San Dieg.o ·County, Calif.,
·' ' ..
P~M. in Book No. 1258,

JOHN H FERRY, County Recorde'r,

By L.B.vVoqdard, .. Deputy.·
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and is a .full, true
'and correct copy
of Deed from,R.A.McCrary to t:Qe City .of San D~ego,California, Being Document No.l94367.
City. C1erk ~fL:lfHeHOi%~I%fiTsan Diego,Caiifornia.
By Deputy.


I, ~earl I. Mortimer, and Sylvester Mortimer, h~sband and wife~ Fo~ and in
Con~ideration of the benefits to accrue by the location, construc~ion and maintenance o~
a sewer line through and· across the property herein described, and in consideration
of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to in hand paid, the receipt wh~reof _is hereby acknew- .
ledged do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municip!:ll cor~oration in the County-
of San Diego! State of California, an easement and right of way t~rough, along and
1 I· ./
across all that certain real property situate in the City of San Diego_, Ce>unty of San
Diego, State of California, partic~larly described as follows, toJwit:
Lots One '(Ji) andTwo (2) in Block :B1 ifty-two (52) of Park ivillas according to Map
thereof No. 438 filed in the 0ffice of the· County Recorder of said: San Diego County, II
October 14~ 1887. i
To· Have and to Hold the above gran ted and described rignt of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way forl·a sewer pipe line. II ....
The pllrpose of this easement and right of way. is for the construction and main-
tenance. of a private sewer la tera.l ins ide the property lines, it bleing understood that
the City of San Diego isnot to be held liable for any.da.rnage resulting from .the c.on-
struction and maintenance of-sewer laterals over and across this e~sement • . .
· . .~N WITNESS VvHERii:OF, I have hereunto set my hand and sealj this 30th day of
August, 19~6. .
On this 30th day of August, 1926, before me, P. W. Browning, a Notar.v Public
in ~!d for the said Coun4Y of San Diego, State of California, resi~ing therein, duly
cornmissi"oned and swo·rn, personally appeared Pearl I. MRrtimer and· Sylvester Mortimer,
personally known to me to be the perso·n whQse· name~ are subscribed! to the within in-
strument and they duly acknowledged to me that they executed. the same.
IN WI11N.Es·s WH:&-:=tEOF, I have hereun'to set my hand and affi±ed my official seal,
at my office in the· County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first
above written. · I
P. W. BHO WlH NG , :
(SEAL) ·t
My Commission expires, Notary Public in and for· the Count.v of S~n Diego, State of
Janua.ry 17, 1928. California. '
RECORDED AT RE~UEST, of Gtee, Sep 21, 1926, at 5 Min pai:lt 1 o'clock P.M •. in
Book }Jo. 1258 Page 302, of Deeds. Records of San ·Diego County, Calif ..•. ,
· JOHN H .B1 ERRY, I County Recorder,
By L.B.Woodard, Deputy.

I HE.B.EBY CRRTI.&,Y, that the above and foregoing is a fullj true and correct
copy of Deed from Pearl I. and Sylvester- Mortimer to the City of San
Diego,Cal ifornia.
Being Docmnent No. 194369. I
City Clerk

UlHetl T ITJ~E INS DRAlWE COMPANY, a co:r.:poration, of the City oct: San Diego,
Col.lllty of San Diego, !State of California, For t:md in consideration of t.he

DO HEREBY GRi\N.r.· TO T'he City of Sen Diego, a ml.lllicipa1 co:r.poration;

StliTl oct:
ALL TH.L~' REAL PROPERJ?'Y Situated in the County of San Diego, State of California,
bounded and described as ct:ollows:
The Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quart;·er of·Section :l1hirty-two (32)
in Tm:m.ship Tvt~e1ve (12) South, Ra...11ge one (1) East; San Bernardino Meridian, containing
fortyacres. Subject to all existing liens and encwnhrances.
TO HAVE AHD :_ro HOLD the above granted and described premises, unto the said Grantee
it. s heirs and assigns forever.
wr.nJESS.:ErrH: That said corporation has caused this . deed to be signed by its Vice-
President am Assist ant -Secret ar.y and its corporate seal to be· affixed hereto. this
4th day of October, 19 26.
Jmm J.. F OR.WAHD, JR.
(SEAL) Vice -P:resi dent .I
GEO. HAHI!J~EY . ··'
Assis:t ant -Seer et ary.
S'Jrltl:E OF CALil!'OHlHA, )SS

On this fourth .day o.f .Ocyober, 1926, before me, A. Laurie Brazee, a
notary Public in and ct:or s.aid Comty, personally appeared John F. Forward, Jr.,
known to me to be the Vice-President, and Geo. Rar'G.ley; lmownt.o me to be the
ii.ssistant-Secretary of the corporation t.hat executed the within instrument lmown to.
me to be the persons who executed the within inst:rurnent. on behalf oft he corporat.ion
theJ?ein nEmed, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the ssme.
(SEAL) Notary l'ublic in md for said Cormty and State.
Ri:CORDED AT' RBQUEST, of City Clerk, Oc() 0 -tJ~l' 5, 1926/J.O Min. past 1 1 oclock P.M.
in Boo~ .No. 1280 Page 101 of Deeds records o.f San Die go C om1ty, Calif'~:..·~-:.r·.. -

. JOHH H. FERRY, _County Recorder;
By N. C. PARSUNS Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY,. that the above and foregoing is a full,. t:rue and correct copy
of Dee~ from Union Title I:p.surance Company, a corporation to The City of San Diego, a
municipal corporation, of the State of California. Being Docwnent no. 194904.

City Clerk of

I, George Clark Rose, a bachelor, d:or and in consideration of One. Dollar and other
valuable cons.ideration,_ do·hereby~Grant to The City ·of san: Diego·, a municipal c!orporatiorr
in t.l1e Count;v of San Diego; _State of Cal:j.:fornia, an easement and right of way for str.eet or.
rof3-d purposes ~hrough, along and.across all that real property situated in the City of
San Diego;.·County oct: San Dj_ego, 3t.ate of Calif,,orni~, described as follows:·
. · A ]!Ortio:q. O·f ~')uehlo Lotsl286, 1288 [lJid 1289 of the Pueblo Lands of San Diego,
according to Map the:reof_made by Jarnes Pascoe in the yeai' 18?0, a copy of which map is
filed ~n the Office of th~ County Hecorder.·of said San-~Diego County, said easement. and right
of way·being sixty (60) feet in widt.lf, th:Lrty (30) feet on e~:wh side of the following · .
described cent;er. lines: . .
Beginning at a point ·on the llortherly line of s.aic1 :Pueblo Lot. 1289 d:Lstont 71?.33
feet South 75 degrees ·36 munutes 30 seconds West from the northeasterly corner of svid .
Pueblo Lot 1289; Thence southwe'sterly on a curve to .the right., along the arc of a eire le
the center of which be:::rcs South 87 degrees 31 minutes 08 seconds Vfest 200 feet fJ::'om said .
last described point.~· a distance of.l5rlo45 fElet to a point; thence South 42 c1egl;ees 37 minut d ~30 ·
seconds West; a distance of lOOoOO feet to .a point; thence southwesterly on a curve to t.he .
right; along the arc of a circle the cerrter of vlihich bears North 47 degrees 22 minutes.-
30 seconds West 800 feet from the last described point, a distance of 188.26 feet tvo the
Thence c ontm1uing along t.he arc of said Cil'C.le last above descri lJed a di st ffi1Ce of
212.00 feet to a. point:; thence Sout.h r/l·degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds West, a distance of·
1264.88 feet t.o a poi1it; thence westerly on a curve to the right. along the arc of a circle;
the center of whic_h bears .North 18 degrees 42 mfunutes 30 seconds West 900 feet from said

I last described point , a dist m1:c e of 355o;39 feet to a l) ; the nee North 86 degrees 65 ·
minutes West;. a ·eli stance of 579_. 09 feet t; o a point·; thence west.e rly and s.o uthwest erly on
a curve to the left; along the arc of a circle the center of Yvhich·b:ears Sout.h 03 deg1·ees
55 minutes West 800 feet from the said last described point , a d:L s't ooce of 365. 65 feet to
a point in Torrey Pines Road, from ·which point; a concrete monument at the· most. souther·:ly
c-orner of Lot r/, Block 1, La Jolla Shores Unit No. 1, according to Me.]! tlre:reof No. 1913,
bears South 82 degrees 53 minutes 18' second·s West 445.74 ·feet, excepting the porti-on hereof
lying \ilJi.t.hin T arrey Pines Road: ALSO, ·
Beginning at; a point, on t.he northerly line of S< Pueblo Lot 1289, distant 71:?.33
feet South 75 degrees 36 ·minutes 30 seconds West from· the northeasterly corner of said
Pueblo Lot. 1289; tli'ence southwesterly on a curve to· the :right; along the arc· o.f a circle the
ce1iter of which'bears So.uth 87 degrees 3;1 08 seconds West 200 feet from said last
described point; a distm1ce of 15r/.45 <feet to a point; thence South 42 degrees 37 minutes 30
seconds West, _a. disj;snce of 100.00 :feet to a point:; thence southviest:e:r·ly on a curve to the
right, along the arc of a ·circle the .center of ·which bears North 47 degrees 22 minutes 30
seconds West 800 <feet. from said last desc:ri bed point, a distance of 400.26 feet to a point;
thence South 71 degrees 1r1 minutes 30· seconds West; a distance of 1264~88 feet to a point;
thence westerly on a curve to the right. along.- the arc of a circle the center ofwhich bears
North 18 degrees 4;2 30 seconds West 900 feet from said last described point., a ·
eli stance of 355.39 feet to a point:; thence North 86 degrees 05 minut. es West, a distance of
343.75 feet t. o a 'point, being the TRUE POINT' OF B:EGHTH HTG: .
Thence southeasterly . on a curve t:o the right along the arc of a circle the center
o·f which bears South 03 ·degrees 55 minutes West 900 feet· from said last described point, a
distance of 369.14 feet t.o a point; thence So·uth 62 degrees 35 minutes E.ast a distance of
2083.90 feet t. o· a point.
This instrwnert is executed on t.he ag~eed condit.ions. that the City of San Diego

I shall exempt from 1926 taxes and thereafter the above described roads: that' immediately
upon the complet.ion of th...e grading of the r-oad described by the within easement. first
hereinabove; the city shall; at its ovm expense, grade· and surface with decomposed granite.
a forty :foot roadway acceptable to said City of San Diego fo1· st.r.eet purposes within the
easement last above described and also extencling to a connection with the Torrey Pines Road;
being a total distance om approximat.ely 2950 feet in length!' The City of San Diega: shall
be exempt from the lien of State and County t. axes for the year 19 25-26 upon the said above
described roads.
In consiclieration of the above grant., t.he City of San Diego hereby waives all ~ight~.
title and interest in and t.o that. certain road running easterly and westerly in Pueblo Lots
1286 and 1289 ru1:d commonly known as 11 Cit y Farm Road!!, which said .road is not identified· by
theparticular descriptions· herein contained. ·
1]1lo Have and to Hold the agove g1·anted and described easement.s unto t.he said grantee.
-its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for st:reet or road purposes.
Witness my hand this 9th day of August. 1926.


On this 9th day of August, 1926, before me, E. H. Brooks, a Nott>:cy Public in and
for said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and swo1·n, pe-rsonally
appeared Geor-ge Clarke Rose, knovvn to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to. the
within instrlJllle:nt and he Cluly acknowledged t.o me that he executed the s8ffie• . ss_ my. hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate :fl::L74'S:ti above
Notary Public in and for.· the County of San Diego;

·( SE.A.L)
My C.omm i ssi on Expires State of California.
June· 4, 1930.
RECORDED .1fr REQUEST, of City Clerk, OcOctcr 5; 1926,fo,_l0 min. pa-st 1 o'clock P.IVIo
In Book .No. 1280 :Sage 99 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calife,:::''(,:_C>.. -
JOHN H. FEHRY, County Recorder
·By N. C •. Parsons, Deputy.
f ,·I

I HEREBY CEHTil!1 Y,. that the above and foregoing is a full,- t:rue and Correct C.opy of
Deed from.'Geroge Clarke Rose. t:o the City of San Diego, California. Being Documen~ ITo.

KNOW .ALL IVlEN BY TEESE PRESENJ.:S: That Mission Beach Company,· a corporation
•· 1 organized under t;he laws of the State of California; for and in consideration· of the·· .
·JJ construct ion of an adequate bulkhead along _tlb!e'_··p~coperty hereinafter described; does hereby
~'give and grant; unto the City of San Diege; a mm1icipal corporation in the County of Ssn.
·::·'·' .'~.Diego, State of California, upon the conditions hereinafter expressed, an easement., for tbe
·.~:!construction of a bulkhead an:CJ. ·for the construction of steps, walks, streets and other im-
provements to be used exclusively in connedtion irJith such bulkhead, upon md·along that·
certain real property situated ~n t.he City of Sian Diego; County of Sa~ Diego; State of
;~ California, and .more part icular;ly described as fo 11 ow s, to-w it : ·· .
: t}';;· • -. A portion o.f Pueblo ¥)t. 1803 c;>f· the Pueblo Lands of San Diego,· according to map
. , ..' . ):thereof made by J8ll'les Pascoe /.Ln the yeax·l870, a copy :of which is filed in tl?-e office of the
;',.··-:;county Recorder of said San Diego County; said easement and right of way being particularly
·· ·.··>described ?S follows, to-wit;: Beginning at the inter~ec·t ion of northerly line of Ventura
·.·, Place and the westerly line of Ocean Front -'Vlalk, as :p~r ma;p of Mission B·each No. 1809, on_
, .'-.::jt file in the Recorder's Office of San Diegci County, California.; the·nce nortberly ·along the
•· _.·.~twesterly line of said Ocean Front walk to the northerly line of the alley lying northe:rly of
:; .·::Block 247; Mission .Beach; thence weste:rly along the westerly pro,jection of the northerly lin
.., :.t of said alley lying mort her ly of Block 247, a dist mce of h5 feet t.o ·a point;
thence so uther]w
. ~ pa:r:allel to and distant 15 -feet westel'lY from the westerly line of Ocean l!1 ront walk to a
·· -~point which is 13 .feet northe.rly oft he westerly :pl'ojection of the northerly line of York
.; Co.urt; thence westerly parallel t.o said westerly projection of the s;:dd norther-ly line o'f
·I Yo.rk Court a distance of 10 feet t.o a point; .·thence so·uther-ly parallel to the westerly line
_i. of Ocean Front. walk a dis:tance of ·36 feet to a point;· thence easterly pa·rallel to said '\!Vester y
I proje-ction of the no~thel"ly line of York Court. a distance o-f ~10 feet to a point;· thence soutbl-
. erly parallel to and dist an1l 15 feet westerly from the westerly line of Ocean Front Walk to
a point: which ,is 13 feet northerl.y of the westerly pr-ojection of the nor-t.her·ly line of 'm1iti
Court·; then.ce westerly :parallel to said pTojection of the no:rtherly line of
Court. a dis:tance of 10 feet t. o a point; .thence southerly parallel to· the i:Vesti"erly line of
Ocean Front .walk a distance of .36 feet :to a point; thence easter·ly par·allel t.o said westerly
projection of the northerly line of Whiting Court a dis-tance o:f 10 feet to a point: thence
sout.~e:rl;y pa:ralle~ to and distant 15 feet westerly from the ·west.el'lY line of Ocea:n Front,
walk to a point which is 6 feet northerly o~ the westerly projecti6n of the northerly line o~
San Rafael PlaSJe; thence parallel to said westerly projection of the· northerly line
of San Rafae-l l?l.e.ce a distance of 10 feet to- a point; thence sou'Ght:,rly parallel to the west eriLy
line of Oce8ll Front. walk a distance of 36 feet t.o a point;. thence easte:cl~T parallel to said
westerly project.ion of the northerly line of San Rafael I'lace. a distance iilf 10 feet to a
point.; thence southerly parallel to and distant 15 feet westerly f:rom t.he weste:rly line·· of
Gcean Front walk to a. point which is 40 feet southerly from the west.erly projection of the
southerly line of Tang;Ler.s Court; thence westerly-parallel t.o said westerly pro-jection of the
southerly line of Tangiers Cou1"t a di·stance of 10 feet to a point; thence southerly parallel
.o the we.sterly line of Ocean Front vmlk a distance of 36 feet t~o a point; thence easterly
parallel t.o said .west·erly project ion of the souther·ly line of iJ?angiers Court .a distance of 1
feet to a point; thence southerly parallel to and distant 15 feet west-erly from the westE:'rly I
line of Ocean F!lwnt Walk to a point. which is 6 feet northerly of the westerly pro;ject ion of
the :qortherly line of San Jose Place; therrce westerly parallel to said westerly projection o:fli
the northerly line of San Jose Place a distance of 10 fee·t to a point.; thenc-€ southerly para] el
to the westerly line of Ocean Front Walk a distance of 36 feet to a point; t.he·nce easter,ly I
parallel to said west.orly projection of-the north0:rly line of. San Jose Place a dist;ance of lOI
feet to a point.; thenc_e southerly p-:1-rallel to· and distant 15 feet westerly from the west.e:rly,
line of Ocean F ~1!\r-mrit Walk to a point which is 13 feet northerly of the westerly projection o:fl
the northerly line, of Queensto'l.~m Court; thenc.e westerly parallel t,o said,jection
of the northerly line of Queenstown Court a distance of 10 feet to a point; thence southerly
parallel to t,he westerly line of Ocean Front Walk a distance of 36 feet to a point; thence
e~asterly parallel to said westerly projection of the northerly line .of Queen.sto·wn Court a
distance of 10 feet. to a point; thence southerly parallel t.o and distant 15 feet westerly
from t.he westerl;;,r line of Ocean Front Walk to a poir:rt: which is 6 feet northerly of t.he west:-
e_rly projection of the nort·he,rly line of Santa Clara Place; thence westerly parallel to said
w'esterly projection of the northerly line of Santa Clara .Place a distance of 10 feet to a
point; thenc.e. Southerly parallel-to the westerly line· of Ocean Front. Walk a distance of 36
feet to a pointt; thence easterly parallel to said. westerly project ion of the northerly line
of Santa Clara Place a distance of 10 ·feet to a point.; thence southerly parallel t onand dista t
15 feet we_sterly from the westerly line of Ocean Front to a point. which is 13 feet northt
erly of the westerly projection of the n9rtherly line of Ormond Court; thence westerly parall 1
to said westerly projection of the northerly line of Otrnond Court a distance of 10 feet to a
:point; thence southerly parallel to t.he westerly l:ine of 0cean Front Walk a distance of 36
feet to a poir:rt;.; thence easterly parallel 'to said westerly project ion of the northerly line .
of Ormond Court a distance of 10 feet to a point; thence southerly parallel to &"'ld distant 15
feet westerly from the ·westerly line of Ocean Front. Walk to a point which is 6 feet northerly o·
of the westerly projection of the nDrtherly line of San Juan Place; thence weste:bly parallel
to said westerly pro·ject ion of the northerly line· o:f .San Juan Place· a· distance of 10 feet to <~''
a point; thence southerly parallel to the wester·ly line of Ocean Front Walk a dist.ance of 36 jl
feet to a point; thenc·e easterly parallel to said westerly projection of the northerly line oil:
San Juan Place a distance of 10 feet t o a point.; thence so ut he.rly parallel to a11.d di s'G.ant 15 II
feet westerly from the westerly line of Ocean Fl.'ont, Walk to a point which is 13 feet· norther-
ly of the westerly project ion of the northerly line of Nahant Court; thence west.erly· parallel
ito sa-id westerly projection of the .northerly line of Nahant Court a distance of 10- feet to a
oint; thence southerly par·allel :to the west.etly line of Ocean·F-ront Walk a _distance of 36
eet to a point.; then.ce easterly parallel to said weste:cly projection of the northerly line
of Nahant. Cour~ a c1i stance of 10 feet. to a point; thence southerly parallel to and distant
15 feet w-esterly ·from the westerly line of Ocean Front Walk to a· point Vihich is rsrfeet north-
erly of the westerly p1·ojection· of the n_o:rtherly li~e of El Carmel Place; thence westerly
arallel to• said westerly project ion of the no·rthe1·1y line of El Carmel Place a distance of
~O.feet to a point; thence southerly :parallel to' t.he west.erly line of Ocean Front Walk a
!distance of 36·-feet t o·a point±; thence east.erly parallel t.o said westerly projection of the
northerly line of El Carmel Place a distance of 10 feet to a point.; thence so-uthe!'ly parallel
o and distant. 15 feet. westerly from the vvesterly line of Ocean Front. Walk to a point which
'(:~~f '''(f,''
t:::.: ·,.,
·~~~:-~> ;~:·: .

is 13 feet northerly of the westerly projection of the northerly line of Liverpool Court;
thence westerly parallel to said westerly :projection of the northerly line of Liverpool C::mr
a distance of 10 feet to a point; thence southerly :parallel to the westerly line of Ocean
Front Walk a distance of 36 -feet t.o a point; thence east.erly parallel to said westerly pro-
jection of the northerly line of Liverpool Court a distance of 10 feet. t~o a point; thence
southerly parallel to and distant. 15 feet westerly ~rom the ·westerly line of Ocean Front Wal
to a point. which is 6· feet northerly of the westerly projection of the northerly line of San
Luis @bispo :Place; thence westerl;v: parallel to said westerly projection of the northerly lin :'··

of Sa.Yl Luis Obispo Place a distance of 10 ·feet to a point; thence southerly parallel to the
westerly line of Ocean Front Walk a distance of 36 feet. t.o a point.; thence easterly parallel
to said westerly projection of the.northerly line of San Luis Obispo Place a distaD!ce of 10
~eet to a point; thence southerly parallel to and dist: ont 15' feet westerly from t.he westerly
line of Ocean Front 1.'Jalk t.o a point. vvhich is 13 feet. north,::rly of the \vesterly projection of
the northerly line of Kennebeck Court; thenpe westel'ly parallel t.o said westerly projection
of t.he northerly line of Kenmbeck Court a distance o.f 10 feet. to a point; thence southerly
parallel to the westerly line of Ocean Front Walk a distance of 36 feet to a point.; t.hence
easterly panD.lel to said westerly pro·jection of the northe:r·ly line of Kennebeck Com:t a
distance of 10 feet to a point; thence s.outherly parallel to and· dist ont 15 fe~t VJesterly
.from the westerly line of Ocean Front Walk to a point. which is 6 feet northerly of the west-
erly project ion of t he northerly lin!3 of Santa Barbara Place; thence westerly paralle 1 to
said. westerly p:r.'O jecti on of the northerly line of Santa Barbara Place a di stance o.f 10 feet
t.o a point; thence southerly para.llel·t.o the westerly line of ©cean Front Walk a distance of f.'/ '
. {~ ::·}
36 feet to a point; thence easterly parallel to· said westerly Jlrojection of the northerly
line of. Santa Barba·ra. Plad:'e a· distance of 10 ~eet to a point; thence southerly parallel to ... ' /

and distant. 15 ·feet westerly from the w,este:rly_ line of Ocean· Front Walk to f1. point. which is
13 feet northerly of the. westerly projection of the northerly line of Isthmus Cou:r·t; thence
westerly parallel to said west.erly project ion of the northerly line of Istlmms Cou:r:t a dista ce
of 10 feet t.o a, point; thence southerly parallel to the weste:r·ly line of Ocean Front Vfalk a is
dist·rulC·e of 36 feet to a point; thence easte:rly :par·allel to said westerly :v.cojection of the
northerly l.ilie of I.sthmus Court a dist spce fuf 10 feet to a point; thenae southerly parallel
to and distant 15 feet weste:r·ly from t.he wester'lY line of Ocean Front Walk to) a point. on the
west,erly 1n·ojection of. the northerly line of Ventura Place; t.hence east.erly along the wester
ly pr>,ojection of the northerly line of Ventura Place a clistance of 15 feet to. t.he point of
c omrnenc ement • ·
. Beginning at a point on the west er·ly line of Ocean F 1·ont ·walk at it. s inter sect ion
wit.h the ·wester·ly :pr·oject ion of the southerly line of Balboa Court according to the M~.p of
Mission Beach No 1809 on file in the Recorder's Office of Si:m Diego County, Californii.:t; then e
northerly along t.he weste:;.:ly line of Ocean Front. Walk to the intersection of t.he westerly
projection of the southerly line o;li San Fernando Place and the westerly line of Ocean Front.
Walk; then.ce westerly along the westerly projection 'of t.he southerly line of San Fernando
:Place a distance of 15 feet. to a point;. thence southerly pa.rallel to p.nd distant. _15 feet
westerly from t.he west.erly line of Ocean Front. Walk to a point. which is 13 feet northerly
of the westerly projection of the no:M;.herly line of Dover. Com:t; thence westerly parallel
to said west.erly l)rojection of the northerly line of Dover Court a clist m1ce of 10 feet to a
point; thence southerly parallel to the wester·ly line of Ocean Front Walk a distance of 36
·feet to a point; thence easter·ly parallel t.o said westerly projection of the northerly line
.of Dover Court a distance of 10 feet to a po,int; thence southerly parallel t.GJ) and distant 15
feet westerly from the westerly line of Ocean Front. Walk to a point which is 6 feet. northerl
o.f the westerly projection of the nor:therly line of San G_abriel Place; thence westerly paral el
to said westerly projection of the northerly .line of San Gabriel Place a distance of 10 feet
to a point ; thence southerly parallel t.o t.he westerly line O·f Ocean Front Walk a· distance of
36 feet to a point ; thence easterly parallel to said westerly projection of t.he no 1·the rly
line of San Gabriel Place a distance of 10 'feet to a point; t.he:hce southerly parallel to• and
distant 15 :feet west.erly from t.he westerly line of Ocean Front Walk to ti point which is 13
·feet northerly of the west.erly,projection of t.he northerly line of Coronado Court; thence
westerly parallel t.o said westerly projection of the northerly line of Coronado Court a-~~.L.
dist.ance of ·10 feet to. a point; thence southerly parallel t. o t.he westerly line of Ocean F:ron
Walk a distance of 36 feet to a point; thence easterly parallel t.o said westerly projection
of the northerly line of C o1·orrado Court a distance of 10 feet to a point ; t henc: e southerly

I parallel t. o and distant 15 feet westerly from the westerly ·line of Ocean Front. Walk to a
point which is 6 feet nort.hcrly of the westerly projection of the northerly line of Capistr o
Place; thence westerly parallel to ·said westerly project·icin of t.he northerly line of·
Capistrano Place a distance of 10 feet to a point; t.hence sout.herly· parallel t.o the west.erly
line of Ocea..n Front. Walk a distance ·of 36 feet t.o a point., t.henee easterly parallel to. said
westerly projection of the northerly line of CapistriJ.llo Place a distance o:f 10 feet to a
point; thm1:ce so•uthel'ly parallel to an.d di st.ant 15 ·feet wester·ly from the westerly line of·
Ocean Front. Walk t.o its intersection with the westerly projection of the southerly line of .:<'..
Balboa Court; thence east.erly on said westerly projection of the southerly line· of Balboa
Court to point of beginning. . · · ·
· T'he foregoing gu:ant is made upon the cond:i t ion that· actual construct ion of a bulk-
head along the whole of said property shall be in good faith conm1enced on or before ·the 1st
day of July; 192·?, and if such work is not. so commenced t'hen ·all the interest derived by the
City of Sa.11 Diego in the above described property under the provisions of this deed shall
. \ cease and terminate without. notice.; and t.he same shall revert to the Mission Beach Company,
its successors or assign~.
T'ha Miss ion Beach Company has 'her·eto fore, at it s ovm expense, o onst ruct.eit:c?- bulk.hea
along the ocean .front between the two strips of land .. hereinabove described. It is rec·ogni,zed
by the City of San Diego, in this deed, that it would not be just. that any :part of
·i the cost· of const.ruction of the nevJ bulkhead; to be erected along the hereinabove described·
... ~;·
... properyy, should· ·be- assessed against. any of. the property lying behind said existing bulkhead
~'his grant i . s. therefore .. upon the further C.ondition that. if any part of the cost of const:ruction
' o.f said bulkhead~ t ..o be constructtEidl-n- along the hereinabove described, shou],d be i I
<! assessed upon or against any property lying between the North line of V@ntv.,ra Place and the
" ' South line of San Fernanto Place·,_,o,:r,·the ;project,ions-of ...~~:taJ~d lines eit)1er easterly or westerly,
as said streets ·are shown on that. ;certain map of Mission Beach filed in the office of the "'

County Recorder of the Count.y of San Diego, State of California, on Dec·ember 14, ·1914, and
numbered 1651 o·f t-he ma:&s rim said office, t.hen all the est derived by the Q ity ·of San
.,, Diego in the above described property under the provimons of this deed shall·cease and ter-
minate without. notice and the srune shall ,revsirt t.o the Mission Beach Comp.wy, its successors ·~· .
. ~··.
. or assigns •
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the above granted and .. described easement, Sl!lbject t:o the con-·
dit.ions hereinabove set forth and the reservions her.einabove created, unto the said grant·ee,
its successors and assigns forever.
IN \:TIT'NESS VmEREOF: said corporation has caused this instr.ument t.o be executed by i s··
' . proper officers and its corporate ·seal affixed this 9th day of October, 1926.
.+·. -~ . .,.·.,
By W•. C L:t'iYT ON
Vic e.:..Pre sident
( SE.AL)


Secret ars.
On this 9th day of Oct. , 1926, before me, M. M. Widener a Notary Public in and
.fo.r the county of San Diego;, State of California, personally appeared W. Clayton known to
me to be t.he Vice-President, and Lane D. Webber· known to' me to be the Secretary, of the
oorporat ion that executed t.he wit.hin inst.:cument; and k:nOilffi to me to be the persons who ex-
ecuted t.he within ·instrument. on behalf of SL~id corporation., ano. they aclmowledged to me that
such corporation executed t.he same.
IN WJT:.NESS WHEREOF, I have. hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my o·ffice in said County, the day and year .in this certificate first above written.
Notary public in and for t.he 0 ount.y of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.

RECORDED liT HEQUE::3T OF, CHy Clerk Oct 19 1926 at 3 o'clock P.M. in Book No. 1221,
Page 475 of Deeds Rec.ords of San Diego Co·ul1t y, Cali f.
JOHN H. FERRY, C ount.y Recorder
BY N. C •. PARSOHS Deputy •

. I HEREBY CERI:IFY, that. t.he above and foregoing is a full, true ru.Td correct copy of
Deed from IviiSSIOrT BEA.CH COMP.AHY T. 0 Cri1Y OF Sili1 ·DI.E.GO. Being Document No. 195404.

. j California.
y v .c;:J.f.. ~ .

GR;U!T DE.;iJ)

I, Florence L. Giddings, an unmarried woman;· For and in consideration of Use

Designated and One· Dollar Do hereby grant. to The City of San Diego, All that Real Property
situated in The City of Sari Diego., County of San Dje~go, State of California, bounded and
dese·ribed as follows;
T'he east seven ancl one half feet (rear) of lot s forty one ( 41) and forty two ( 42)
in block si:xt. e en Paulys c.. deli t ion ace or ding to the map thereof # 65 filed in the office of the -"'
recorder of said San Diego ColliJ.ty April 1, 1873. '.l!o be used eireJ?Jl®j~'te<bJry for alley 1mrpose.
To Have 8n:cl to Hold t~he above granted and described premises uhto the s.aid Grantee
its successors and assigns forever; for alley pul·po,ses.
WI'.rHESS my. hano. and seal this 2nd day of Septembe:r, 1926.

COUHi Y 0]1 S.4..N DIEGO, ) ss
On this 2nd day of September Nineteen Htmdred and Twerrt_y -six before my,
E. H. B.roo ks a Notary Public in and for said C ount.y and Stat e., resid~ng therein, duly
commissioned and svsor·n, personally appeared Floren,ce L. Giddings, known to me to bet the
person described in and whose name is subscribed tonthe within inst rume:rrt. and acknowledged

to me that she executed the· same.
IN VVIT·NESS WM~<:.o:E', I have hereu..nt;o set my hand and affixed my Official at my
office, in S[J.d County of San Diego, Stat.e of California, the day and. year in this certifi-
cate first above vJrit ten.
-.. E. H. BHOOYJ3
Notary Public .in ar1d for the County of San Diego
(SEAL) St. ate of California.
My Commision Expires
J'une 4, 1930.
RECORDED .AT RE:QtJEST' OF, City Clerk Oct 2? 1926 at 30 Mfn. past 9o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1297 Page 40 of DEEDS Records of ~an Diego County, Calif.
JOHH H. FnrUY, Com1.t.y, Recorder·
By N. C. PA!:~SOiiS Deputy. .

I HEREBY CB.P.J2 IEY, that the above and fo1· egoing 'is a full, true and correct. copy of
Grant Deed from Florence L. Giddings to City of S;;mD. Being Document No. 196007.
the-Gity of San Diego, California.

I; Albert s. Fils~n, a widower, For and in consideration of One Dollar Do Hereby

Grant t.o 1l!'he Cit:y of San Diego, a Municipal Corpo.;ratio,n:, in the C.ounty of S911 Diego, State
of c-alifornia, an easement and right.. of .way for the: construction, operat.ion and maintenance
of a drain pipe through, along _and acros-s All. th:<J.t. Real. Pr~:;pe:Itt·y:rsituated in the City of
San Diego; County of San Diego, State of California, boun9.ed and described as follows:
A portion of Lot 37, B'lock 21, L. W'.KimbalPs. Subdivision, according to 'Map thereof
No. 56, filed. in the ·office of the Cou...nty Recorder of smd San ·.Diego County, said easement.
'a.nd right of way being six feet in vuidth, three feet on side of the following- described
center line: '
· Beginning at a point on the south line of Lot 37, said.Block 21, distant 5.18 feet
west from the southeast corner of said Lot 37;thence north on a line parallel to and distant. .·-·
r.'•,•'\1 ''{ .
,., ,,,,,
5.18 feet west from the east line of said Lot 37, a dist.ance of l31.03~:ett to a point9 :;:
.j .•

:. ; ,_,;., .
, ,r •'
·.' !
thence northeasterly on a direct line to· a point on the north line of said Lot 37, distant
2.86 :feet west from t.he northeast corner of saic1 Lot 37.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain :pipe.
Witness my hand and seal this 20th day of September 1926.

COl.Jl:~'l'Y O:E1 SAI:J DIEGO,) ss.
~~:r!:;:j- ·-;~,i On this 20th day of Sept ember A. D. Ninet er1n Hund1red and Twenty -six before me,
'' E. H.· Bro:)ks a Notary Public in and for ~aid Count.y, residing therein, duly commissiones and
., S'lruorn, r'-ersonally appeared Albert S. Filson· known to me to be the :person described in and wh 1 se

name is subscribed to t.he wit.hin ±nstrument, and acknowledged to· me that he executed t.he sam •
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
writ ten.
Notary Public in and for t.he County of San Diego,
(SEAL) Stat. e of Cal if ornia.
My Commission expires,
June 4 , ~ 19 3 0.

RECORDED lll! HEQUES!J: OF, City Clerk Oct 27 1926 at 30 Min, past 9orclock A.M. In
Book No. 1288 Page 108 of Deeds Records of San Diego C otmty, Cali f.
. ·JOHN I:I. FERJY, County He co rde ::c
By N. C. rARSOIJS Deputy.

I HEREBY CERriFY, that the above and. foregoing is a full, t.r·ue 10111d corTect copy of
Deed -from Albert S. :E'ilson to The City of San Diego. Being Document Ho. 196019.

We, Chris a..11d Elizabeth Breuninger, husband and wife, a..11d NI:arie Schnader, a widow,
For and in consid~ration of t.he benefits to accrue: by the location and construction of a
drain pipe th:-cough and aeraosss the :pToperty hereinafter described Do Hereby Grant to The
City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of ~an Diego, State of Ca:Lifornia,
an easement and right of iNay for the construction, ope rat ion and maint.enanc e of a drain pipe
through, along· and across All that· Heal l?ropert'Y situated in t.he City of San Diego, County
of San Dj_ego, State of Califol'nia, bounded and descl'ibed as follows;
. A portion of Lots·lland 12, Block 21, L. vl. Kimball's Subdivision according to
Map thereof mo. 56, filed in t.he Office of the County Recor-der of said San :Diego County,
said easement and Tight of way being six feet in vJiclth, three feet on each side of the
following described center line:
· Beginning at a point on the north line of saic1 Lot 11, distant. 8.81 feet west from
the nol~theast co,rner of said Lot 11; thence southwesterly making an angle of 87 degrees 08
minutes vvith the north line of said Lot. 11, a distance of 101. 84 feet to a point.; thence
on an &"1gle to t.he right of 10 degrees 10 minutes, a distance of 39.64 feet to an int.ersecti n
with the south line of said Lot 11.
To Have and to Hold the above gr~:1nted and described easement w!to the said grantee,
its successDl'S and assigns:., forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
Wit ness our hands and seals this lOth day of Se:pteniber, 1926.




On this lOth day of September·, A. :D. Nineteen Hundred and '.'!:wenty-six fiefore me,
E.H. Brooks a Notary rublic in and fo:r: said Count.y, residing therein, dul;:7 commissioned a..11d
sworn, personally appeared Chris Breuninger and Blizabet h ~reuninger and Marie Schnader,
k..110Wl1 to me to be the pel'sons described ln and whose nc:mes are subscribed to t.he wit.hin
inst.rument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official i:?eal the day a..Yld year in t.his certificate first above
Not ar·y Pub lie ±nc1.a.!h.d :t:or·. t.he Count y of San Die go,
(SEAL) · State of California.
My Commission expir-es
Jlune 4, 1930. ,

RECOHD.GD A'l' H.U:QU.t:.:!T OF, City Clerk 0ct 27 1926 at 30 Min. past. 9 orclock A.Ivi~ In
Book Ho; 1288 Page 101 of Deeds Heco rds of S<m Diego Count.y, Calif.
JOHN H. Fl!.:;:::L\Y, County Recorder ,.
BJ,t N. C. P/u1SOHS Deputy. •
-' ~·;

I HERB'BY CEHT'IFY, ·t.hat the above ancl foregoing is a :!=ull, true and correct copy of r· ·:-
Deed from Chris B:-ceuninger, et als., Schne.der to T'he City of :;?;:;..n Iliego. Being Docwn~nt ~ :
No. l96G29o
'· '

·' ....
-~ '

·. ~; .
,;.. . •.. ,,
J ~. ·'

._. . ., ·. ~~ .t.-~~,;t:·i~· ·._ ~~,

·sourlli~RN T'ITLE & TRUST COMP:~HY, a corporation, For and in consideration of One
Dollar Does Hereby Gn·111t to The Cit.y of S<.m Diego, a Mv.nicipalCorporation, in the Count.y of
~;an Diego, St~1te of Californi~, an easement and right o-f way for street purposes through,
along anc1 ac1ross All t.hat Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Die o,
State of California, bounded and desc:ribed as follows:
The West. 25 feet of Lot. 2, Waterville Heights, acco:rding t.o M:ap thereof No.r/48,
filed in the Office of the County Recorder o·f said S:::m Diego 9ounty, Aprl.l 22, 1893.
To Have ancrT·o Holc1 the·above granted and described easement unto t.he said grantee,
its successo:r.·s and assigns forever for st.reet purposes. .
IN WIT'N.E:SS Vili£~EOF: said Ccr:.e.poration has caused· this instrument to he executed by
its proper officel~s and it.s corporate seal affj.xed this 30th day of August 1926.
By A. P. JOHHSOH JR. P:r.~esident.
Attest: W. W. ;!!:aston. ~:..s.___ :;:!:t, Secreta y.

ST ~4.TE OF C.ii.LIFOHIUA,) ss
On this 30th day' o.f August A. D. Nineteen Htmdred and Twent.y-six before me',
Lou B. Mathews, a Notary Public in and.for saio. Cotmty, residing therein, duly commissLlned
and sworn, ·personally appeared A.· P. Johnson, Jr., known to me t.o he the President, and
W. E. East.on, lmown to me to be the Asst. Secretary of the C.or·poration that executed the
within instrument, lmovvn t ·o me t. o b.e the persons who executed the· within inst rmnent on
behalf of. the Co:rporation within named, and aclmowledged to me that such Corporation
executed the same. ·
IN vVITNESS WEL"REOF. I. have hereunto E;s'Elt my hand ood affixed my Official Seal, in
the County of San· Diego, State of Califo111ia, the day and year in this cel'tificate first
a b ov e. writ t en.

Notary Public in anc1 for the Covnty of San Diego
St. ate of Califo(C:11ia.
My Cornmissiion expi:res
T>~cember 7th, 1926.

RECORDED ii~l~ REQUES'.r OF Cit.y Clerk Oct 27 1926 at 30 Min, past 9 o'clock A.M.. In
Book No. 1257 Page 2;1.9 of Deeds Records of Sa:.r1 Diego Count.y, Calif.·
· JOHN H. FER~\Y, County Recorder
By N. C. PAHSOHS Deputy.
I HEREBY Cl!}RI'IFY, that the above ai1d .foregoing i·s a full, t.1·ue ano. coi·rect copy of
Grant Deed from Southern Title & Trust Company·, a corporation, to City of. San. Diego. Being
document No. 196035.
t. be - · ;t ~ of San Di egci , \l alifornia•


L. L. Adams' and Lucy Adams, husband and wife, For: and in consideration of Ten ( 10)
.Dollars, Do Her-eby Grant to t.he City of Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County
'of Diego; State of California, All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego,
County of So:1n Diego, State of Calilf6'rnia, bounded anc1 described as follows: .
T'he east eighty ( 800 feet of Acre Lot T hi r't y-si x ( 36) of Paci fie Beach, ace or ding
to map thereof No. 854, filed in t.he office of the County Recorder of ~an Diego Oounty;
California; · .
To Have and t.o Hold the above granted and described premises un~o the said grantee,
its successors &~d assigns, forever for street purposes;
Wit.ness My hand and seal this 29th day of September 1926 •
. 1. L. ADAMS (SEAL)



. ~· S.Ltl:E OF c ALili10HIHA·' ) s s
t On this 29th day of Septembe1· A.D. Nineteen Hundred and 'fvventy-six before me,
-; E. H. -BROOKS a Notary Public in m1d fo:r said Count.y, residing therein, duly commissioned ano.
sworn, pe:rsomally appeared L. L. Adams and Lucy Ao.ams, lmown to me to be the.persons describ d
':. ') and whose nBIDes are subscribed to·the within instrument, and aclmowledged to me that they
·' executed the S.Elme. . . -~ '"
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my h81I.d and affixed my Official Sef;1.l·at my •
, 1


office, in the Cotmty of.S~-m Diego, State of California, the day and yenr in this certificat
first above written.
Notary Public in ood for t.he County of Sa.'Yl Diego,
. {SEAL) St. ate of California •.
RECORDED A? "REQU.ES1J! O:B,, City Clerk 6ct 27 1926 at 30 ·past. 9 o'clock A.M. In
., ,.
Book No. 1294 Page 60 of Deeds Records of San D±ego County, Calif •
JOHN H. FERHY,County Recorder·-
By H. C. PARSONS Deputy
I HEREBY· CERTIFY, that the above D.lld foregoing is a full, t.:rue and correct copy of
Grant Deed from L. L. Ada;ms et u.:x to The City of San Jhego. Being Document Nol 196047.

San Diego, Calimornia.

• t
·I .
· DE~:D
~ .
We, Walter J'. and Stella C. Davis, husband ar:td vlife, For- and in considerat-ion of th 1.
benefits to acc·rue by t.he locat.ion m:td construction of a drain pipe through and B.Bcross the

property described Do He:reby G1·ant to The C:i.ty of San Diego, a Ivhmicipal CorrJora .~on:\.
'in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easemerrut: and right of way for the con- :. :

struction, ope:r:-ation at+d maintenance of a qrain Jlipe through, along and across All that. Rea+\ ,
Property situated in the City of San Diego; County of San Diego, State of California, bounde ~·
and described as follows: . ~
. A portio:q. of Lot 1, Block 7; Frary_Heights, according to Map thereof .No. 940, filed ~~
in the Office of t.he County Recorder of said ~an Diego County, t.ogether ~:'!Jith a portion of th
alley in ::).aid block closed to public use lying contiguous to and adjoining said Lot 1, ~:!~
particularly described as follows::. /;,
Beginning at. a point. on t.he nol't.h line of Lot 1, Block 7, said Frary Heights, dista
136.30 .feet west from the northeast corner of said Block 7; thence South 23 degrees 02 minut
east, a distance of 9.80 .feet 'to a point distant 132.50 feet west and at right angles from ,'.)
the east line of said Block 7; then.ce South on a line and distant. 132 •. 50. feet we~ ':\~
from the east line of said Block 7; adist .<:mce of 15.40 feet to a point.; thence North 23 degr es ~.:
o2 minutes ·west,, a distance of 26.30 feet to an intersection with the north line of said Lot 1; \
thence ~ast along the north line of said Lot 1 to t.he point.. o:r.· plade of beginning.
To Have and t. o Hold the above grant. ed and described easement unto t.he said gr ~:;111tee,
it.s successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain :pipe.•
Wii..tne ss .out hands and ·seals t.his 20th day of Oc.t ober 1926.


On this 20th day of October A.D.Nineteen Hundre·d and :i;·wenty-sirz: before me, :-,.
E. H. I!rooks a lifotary Public in and. for said County, r·esiding therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personall~v· appeared Walter J. Davis and Stella Co Davi-s, known to me to be the
person described in Gnd who·se names are s ubsc:r.·i bed to the rv ithin inst.rurnent., and ac know-

ledged to me that they e:z:ecut ed the same o
Witne·ss. my han:d and Offieial Seal the day and ye·.~I' in this certificate first above

Nota:r:y Puplic in and. for the C otmt y of San Diego,
(SEAL) St.ate of California.
My Commission expires
June 4, 19 3 0 o

RECORDED AT HBQ.UEST OF City Vler·k Nov·lO 1926 at 2 o'clock P.M. In Book No •. ll64
Page 446 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Califo
JOHN H. FEl'CiY. C otmt y Rec or
H. C. PAESONS Deputy

I HEH.EBY CEH::J: JPY, that the above m'1d foregoing is a full, true anc1 cor:rect copy of
Deed from Walter J. and Stella C. Davis to The City of San PiegG. Being Document No. 196684.

I; .Arnalia C. Gans, For an.d in consideration of t.he :Benefits to accrue by the

loc'at ion and construct ion of a d:C ain pipe thr 0 ugh a.Yl d. aero ss the pl' opert y hereinafter

I describeCl.·Do Hereby Grant to The City of ~an Diego, a ~.hmicipa1 Corporation, in the County of
San Diego; State of California, an easement and right of way for· the construction, operation
and maint.enance of a drain pipe through, along and All that Real. :g::ropert y situated in
the City of San Diego, Cotmty O·f San Diego, State of California, hounded and descr'ibed as

A·portion of Lots 29, 30, 31, and 32; Block 7, Frary Heights, according t.o Map there·
of No. 940, filed in th.e Office of the Coifnty Heeorder of S.<.:dd.San D=Lego Com1ty, said easemen.,
and right of way being particularly desc:cibed as follows;
Beginning at a point on the east l.ine of said Lot 29, distrur.t 15.30 feet north from
·he southeast. corner· of said Lot 29; thence North 23 degrees 24 minutes vVest, a distance of
78.10 feet t.o a point; t~ence North 8 degrees 09 minutes West a distance of 13.20 feet to a
oint on the noTth line of said Lot. 32, distant 32.90 feet west fl'om the no1·theast corner of
said Lot 32; thence west along the no:rth line of said Lot 32 a~~.dist.':mce of 6.10 feet to a
point ; thence South 8 degrees 09 minutes East , a dist amtce of 1~. 80 feet to a point ; thence

outh 23 degrees 24·minutes East, a distQ.nce of 92.70 feet to a point on the east line of
aid Lot. 29, distant 0!20 feet north f:rom the southeast corner of s:lld Lot 29; thence north
long the east line of said Lot. 29 to. the point. or place of beginning. Said pr·operty beill:g
~he separate property of the grant or her·eiru. -
1. To Have and t.o Hold the above g:ranted and described easement unto the said gr::antee,
d.t s successor·s and assigns, fore.veT, ·as a: right. of way for a drain pipe/
Witness my h8Jld and seal this 18th day of O'ctober·, 1926;


COUI?.i: Y OF Si!H DIEGO, ).
On t.his 18th da.;~l of October A.D. Nineteen Huncred 'and Twenty-six before me;

?. H. B.rooks a Not.a:ry Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly corm11issioned
lk,nd sworn, personally appea:red .Amalia C. Gans, known t.o me to· he the person describe_d in and
Wvhose n<9£1e is subscribed to the wit.hin inst rumen:t, on:d acknowledged to me t.hat- she executed
he same.
Witness my hm1d and Official ~e~:,l the day and year in t.his certificate first above

N,ot ,<JXy Public in and for the County of San Die:go;
SEAL) State of California.
y Commission expires
June 4, 1930.

l v.
RECORDED A'f REQUES111 OF City Clerk Nov 10 1926 at 2 o'clock P.M. In Book lifo. 1164
Page 448 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Calif. .
JOHN H. FEHHY, County Rec oF der:
By N. 0. PAHSOIJS Deputy. ·

I HEi:lEBY CE:~EIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full; t.rue and correct copy of
Deed from Amalia C. Gans to The City of San Diego. Being Document No. 196686.
H. \tV:rUG:HJ.l.
of·San Diego, California.

I~ Clara V. 1ilibbals, a widow; For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue

by the location and construction of a drain pipe through ond across the property hereinafter:
described; Do Hereby Grant to 1!he City of San Diego, a M:unicipal Cor:poret ion, in the Count.y
of San Diego, State of California, an easement aJJ:d right o;e_ 'Nay for t.he construction, operation
and maintenance of a drain pipe th:r:ough, along and across All that Real Property sit.uated in I
the City of Son Diego; CoUJ.'1t.y of San Diego·, State of Calif8Tnia, bounded anc1 described as fol!Lows:
A portion of Lot.s 38 and 39, Block 22, L. W. Kimball's Subdivision, acco::cdiD..g to Map
thereof No. 56, filed in t.he Office of the County Recorder of ·said San Diego County, said
easement. and right of way being six f.eet in width, t.hree feet on each side of the follovlfing
de sc:r:i bed center line·: · at a point. on the south line of said Lot 38, distant. 4.62 i:eet west from
the southeast c o1·ner of said Lot 38; thence northeasterly in a direct line to a point on the
north line of said Lot. 39, distant. 2. 73 feet east from the north we at corner of said Lot 39.
· T'o Have and to· Hold the above gr.,:mted and de'sci'ibed. easement. unto the said grm1te.e,
its successo:rs and assigns, forever, as a
right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness my hand ·arJ:d seal this 2nd day of September 1926.
. CLAl~A V. :i': IBBALS ( SEAL)

s.r·.1\:.'J: E OF C ALIF 0 i~TI A , ) c

. Qn this 2nd day of Sept em be :c A. D. Nineteen Hundred and TvJenty~six bef o:c e me,
E. H. Brooks a Notary Public in and for said County, residing t.herein, duly COIYI.Jnissioned and
sworn, lJersonally gppeared Cla::ca V. 'J!'ibbals kno1~m to me to be t.he person described in and whofe
name is subscribed to the wit.hin instrumeb!t., and aclmowledged to me that she executed t.he same.
Wit.ness my hand and Official Seal the d13.Y' and year in this cer·tificate first above
writ ten •.
Notary Public in and for the County of ~em Diego,
(SEAL) St 1.1t e of California.
My Conunission expires
Jtme 4, 1930.
RECORDED 1Ir HJ;:Q1JJ58T OF City Clerk Nov 10 1926 at 2 o 1 clock P.M. in Book No. 1164
J?age 452 of Deeds~ Records of San Die go Co vnt.y, Calif. 1

JOHI!T H. FERRY, Co tmt y Hec order

By N. C. J?Ai'1SQ.L.rS. Deputy.

t HEi.TEBY CER?H Y, th. e abo~e and foregoing is a full, true and e o:l:' rect

from CL.l.ra V~ Tibbals to The City of San Diego. Being Document No. 196688 •
copy of

.ALLl::H H. WBIGHf! •
the ~ ~an Diego, Califor.nia.

UHION :l.1 HU3T· COMJ? ..,WY OF SAH DIEGO a·co-J."}!Ol'ation, of-the·Cit.y of San Diego, County of
San Diego, State of California, For and in consideration of the sum· of Ten arrd No/100 Dollars,
Does Hereby Grar:rt to THE CITY OF SAN .DIEGO, a Municipal co:r:poration, An Easement for Street
purposes only, over; through andc:~across All r:iJhat Real Property situated in the City of San
Diego Cour:rt.y of San Diego, State of California, hounded arid described as follows:
That portion of La C:cesta Drive as closed by Resolution No. 22138 of the Common ·
Council of the City of San Die,go, described as follovJs;
Beginning at the most West er·ly corner of Tr·act 2 of the Resubdivision of Blocks 21
to 32, Point Loma Heights, according to· map t.hereof Ho. 1523, filed in the office-·of the
Cotmty Recorder. of ~'an Diego County, Juna:cy 24, 1913, thence ·Horth 53° 56 1 Vlest. 10 feet, thence
.Nor:therly on a curve to the left parallel with 2-nd 10 feet clist ant vVest.'erly from the said
Ee.sterly line of said La Cresta Drive, a distance of 307.02 feet Jco a poin'G; thence Ncnth 33c
06 1 West on a line parallel_ vllit.I1 arrd. distant 10 feet Southwesterly from No:ctheast.e:tly line- of
SE}id La Cresta Drive~ a dist.ance of 236.60 feet t.o a point; thence curving to' the right. with
a 1·adius of 127.04 feet; th:cough Eill:. angle of 114° 49 1 48' 254.60 feet t.o a point on the South-
erly line of La Crest a Drive;. t.henc. e in a gerre :ral So nth erly diredt ion along the s·t-:dd line of
La Crest a Drive a clis:t. anc e of .1002o 52 feet to beginning. EXCEP.i: Il!G the intersection of that
certain path lying betvveen T1·acts 1 and 2 of ResubcLivision of B.locks 21 to 32 of Point Loma
Height f::lo
To Have sno. t.o Hold the above granted and described premises, ~to the said G:r2ntee
its successo:rs and assigns forever.
In Witness ifJhereof, s-aid corpor·ation has caused t.his de-eci. to be signed by its
J?residerrt: and Assistunt ·secret 8IY ancl it.s ·corporate seal to be affix.ed he1·eto this- 20th d.ay
of August, 1925.
By JNO F. FORVLmD Preside~1t
. ..
.ATTEST: J. L. B.olling AssistamJ.t.. Secreta·y. )
' ~


·' 'r
. '- .'

. /t ·.
' J,_
OFI cJ:l., L-l.bDo-~~- I'TI
Qr.l· 'rn k'
A.L.u -,t )
-~ ' A ' s s
On this 21st; day of August in the year one thousand nine hlllldred and twenty-five,
before me, Lulu McFarle.nd, a Notary Public in-and fo:c s~aid County, personally appeared
Jno. F. Forward k:noi!\1n to me to b.e the President, and J. L. Bolling known to me to he tbe

Assist snt. Secr·etary of the corporation t.hat executed t.he within inst rurnent, k:novm t.o me ·to
be the per sons who e.xecut e d t.he within in st. rumen t on be.half of t. he corporation therein
n'lmed, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same.
Notary public in and for t.he Count·y of San Diego,
( SE.AL) State of California.
- .
RECORDED 111l' REQ.UEST OFCCijJy Clerk Nov 10 1926 at 2o'cloclt P.M. In Book l:ro. 1164
Page 453 of Deeds. Records of ~an Diego Co~nty, Calif.
J0~8N H. FEREY, County. Recorder..
H. C. P ).2SOiiS Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, t.hf,t the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Grant Deed -from UNION r.n~usr.r COMPMIY o:B1 S"';,N DIEGO T·o The City of ~an Diego. Being ])ocuil1ent
No. 196690.
! '

I, J'a:.mes N. Shurtz; a widowe:r; For and in consideration of the benefits to acc1·ue
by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and across t.he propert.y here-
inafter described Do Hereby Remise, Release mHl Quitclaim to 'J:he City of San Diego, a
Municipal Corporation, in the Cou:nt.y of San Diego, State of Clc:.lifornia; an easement and rigb:
of way for.: the canst :r:ucti on and maintenance of a sewer pipe line, through, over and across
All that Re:a:Jl Propert.y sit.uated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of
California; bounded e.nd described as follows:
A.portion of Lot.s 7,9 and 9, Block 422, Helphingstine's Additioh, according to Mal)
thereof' No. 450, filed in the Office of the Coun'G.yRecorder of s&id San Diego Count·y, said
easement and right o:f way being fo.:ur feet in width, two feet on each side of t. be follovJing
described center line: _
Beginning at a point on the south line of ]Jewt on Avenue, distant 202.04 feet west
from the northeast corner of Block 422, said Helphingstine's Addition; thence southeaster·ly
on a straight line to a point on the east line of Lot 7, said Bloclt 422, dist.·.:.nt 90.26 feet
south f::eom the northeast corner of s.'_lid Lot 7; it being underst.ood thut the legal owner of
said above described property shall be given a single sevJer lateral connection for the sum
of Five Dollars. ·
To Have ood to Hold the above grant.ed and described easemerut unto the said grantee,
it.s auccessors and assigns, forever, for t.he constrnc1Umn.and maintenance of a sewer pipe
Witness my hand and seal this 21st. dny of October.· 1926.

C.OUb1T'Y OF S,..m DIEGO, )
On this 21st day of October A.D.Nineteen Hundred and Twenty~six before me,
E. H. -Brooks a Notary Public in 81Id for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn; personally appeared James N. Schurtz known to me to be the person described in and
whose name is subscribed to .the with in instrument; and aclmowledged to me that he executed
the same. . ' '

I written.
Witness: my ha.L'1.d and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first abowe
Not.ary :Public in c:::nd for the Cou..11ty of S::?.n Diego,
(SEAL) Stat.e of California.
My Commission eXJ!ires;
I .I Jlme 4, 1930-•
't d
RECORDED 1tl! REQUEST OF City Cle1·k Nov·lO 1926 at 2 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1164 •• '1
Page 451 of Deeds. Records of ~an Diego Count.y, Calif. f/
JOII:N H. FERRY, C aunt. y Recorder
By N. C. PA:RSOUS Deputy •
. '
I HEH:.EBY CERT'IFY; that the above and ·foregoing is a full, true and correct cropy of
deed ,from James N. Shurtz to The City of ~an Diego. Being Document. Nt). 196692. ·•
th:r Ci~fie.n Diego, California.



.. ,
I; Amber Bright Broman (A.B.:e.roman) For and in Cons;ideration of the benefit.s to .~' .
accrue by the location, const.r·uction and maintenance of a water pipe line through and across
the property- he:r·ein described; and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ( $1.00) to me

I in hand paid; the receipt vilhereo£ is hereby acknowledged, do· hereby gr311t. to t.he City of
San Die·go; a municipal corporation in t:he County of Stln Die,go; State of California, an
easement an:d right of way through, along and across all that. certain r·eal property situate
in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particu~a:rly described
as follows, to-wit :
T'he North Four (4) feet of the South Ten(lO) feet of t.he East Sixty ( 60) feet of
Lot IJ1'hirt y-fi ve, ( 35) Block Eightytone ( 81) of Park V-illas.. Said property being the s epara e
:propert.y of the grantor herein.
T,o Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way uhto the said gran ee,
its successors and assigns forever·, as a right of way fo·r a ·water pipe line.
The purpose of easement a:p.d right of way is for: the cons.t.ruction and mainteiDJ.ance
of a private water lateral inside t.he property lines, it. being understood that the City of
San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting fTom t.he cons.t.1·uct:i!.on and mainte ance
of water later:Dls over and. across this easment.
In Wit. ness Vlher·eo f, I have hqreunt o. sey my hand and seal this 20th day of Sept ember


C omr.rY OF S.AU DIEGO, )
@n this 2oth day of SeptEmber; 1926, before me, Mary Starr, a No-t.:a:ry Public in and
for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therin, duly commissioned
and m·uorn, personolly.appe::;red ~~ber :aright Broman personally lmown to me to be the person
whose name is subscribed to the within.instrument, and she duly aclmowledged to me that she
executed the same.
In·ss Whereof, I have hereunto· set my hand and affixed my official s.ea1, at my
office in the Count.y of San lliiego; the du.Y and year in this certificate first ab.ove written.
Notar·y Public in: for the County of San·Diego,
{SEAL) State of California.
My Commission e~)ires
Jan. 15, 1928
RECORDED Pfl! RD~UE;ir~ OF City Clerk NOV·lO 1926 at· 2 o'clock M. In Book No. 1253
Page 38'7 of Deec1s. Redords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOH.H H. FERRY, Count.y Rec or cler·
By N. C. PAR:3 OHS Deputy.
I HEREBY CEt::.l.'Il:!'Y, that t.he above and foregoing is a full, true 8n.d correct copy ·of
Deed from,P..mber Bright. Broman to The City of San Diego. .Being Docurnent No. 196696.

West ern Investment Company of: qan Diego; a Corporation For and in cons:ide:r·at ion of
One· Doller, Does Hereby Grant. to The .City of Diego, a Municipal Corporat.fon, in the'
County of ·San Diego; Stat.e of Califo:c.·nia, an easement and right. of way for st..reet purposes
i'h:rough, along rud across ·All that Real·rty situated in the City of San Diego, County
of ·san Diego; State of California; bounded and described as follows:
The Southensterly t.en (10) feet of War::c.ington Street lying adjacent. to Lot 16 and .,
the southerly 54.21 feet of Lot. 15, La Crest.a Te2·race, acco,rding to Map thereof No. 1852,
filed in the Office of the County Recorder of s.aid ~an Diego County, as closed to publio use
by Resolution of t.he Comm.on Qooocil of said C.Lty of San Diego No. 22138.
To Have an.d to Hold the above granted and descrihed easement tmto the said grantee,
its successo·rs and assigns forever as a right of way for st.reet purposes, as and for- a portLn
of Warrington Street, also known as La Crest a Drive.
In WJ:T'HE.SS YfriE?E.OF : said Qorporat ion has caused this inst rmnent -to be executed by
its proper ·officers and its co-rporate seal af.fixed this 14th d,J.y of Ju..11.e, 1926.

By M • .11.. GRAHAM, President.

( SE.A.L)

$1'1ll1 E OF CALIFOHI.HA,) ss
.AT'TEST: GEO. D. EAS'.:VON Secretary •
0n this 14th day of June, A.D.Ihnet'een Htmdr'ed and Tvvent.y-six before me, Clarence
A. Ivioo1·e a Notary Publiq in _and for said County, residing therein, duly con~iss.ione·d .ana. swo1n,
personally appeared NI. 4. Graham knovm to me to he the President., and Geo. D. Easton knovm t
me to be the Secretary of the -Corporation that executed the within instrument, lmown to me
to be the· per-sons wlio executed the within instrument on behalf o.f t.he Co·rporation ii1ithin
named, and acknowledged to me that sucJ:i corporation e'xecuted the same. ·
In Witness Wherdof, I have hereunto set my mTd affixed my Official Seal, in t.hl
Cotmty of San Diego; ~tate of Califon1.ia, t.he d?..y and year in t.his ce1"tificate first above
wr::E t ten.
Hot."ary Public in &"':d for t.he Count.y 'of San ·Diego;
(SEAL) State of California.
My C omrni ssi on Expires, ·
Fe br·ua~ry 11, 1928 ."
RECORDED p.jj!· ?..0~1J~;:'J: OF City Clerk HOV 10 1926 at 2 o'clock P.M. In Book Hoo 1263
Page 349 of Deed Reco:r:ds of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERI-\Y, County Recorder·
By No C. rARSO]S: Deputy.

I H.EB:C:BY CEHTIFY, IJ.lhat the above and foregoing is· a· full; true and cor-rec"t copy of
Gma:dt. Easement. ,from WESTERn IHVESTMEl"lT- COMP.cliiY OF S~il.J)T DIE.GO, a.9orporat.ion to Bity o.f S2-n

'Diego. Being Docmnent. Ho. 196698o
the C- t y of ~-an Diego, California.
. ...
I.1-) ..

.... 14
.: . ~:1 '.

QUr.r·c LAIM EiL'3EiVIZlir.

GEO. M. HAWLEY· IIWE.STMEH.i.: COMPANY; a c or.1)orati on, For and in consideration of the
benefit: s to accrue by t.he loc8.tio.n and construct ion of a sewer pipe line through and acc::co s
the p2·operty hereinafter described, Does Hereby· REI1..1IS~E, HELEASE AHD QUI'.tCLADv1 to '1Jhe City of
San Diego; a Mtmicipal C o1·po l'at ion, in the Cour1t y of Son Diego, St st e of C ::.lifornia; an ease .ent
and right -of way for the const l'uct ion1, maint eruanc e a.;n::d operat.ion of a sewer })ipe line and.
appurtenances; through; along and e.catc:rpss All that Real Proper-ty sit.uated in the City of
San Diego; County of ~an Diego·, State of California; bounded and described as follows~
A portion of Lot. A, Block 7, Central Homest.ead, according to Map ther·eof Ho. 358,
filed i:lj the Office of t.he Colli1ty Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement. anci l'igh
o-f way being Six feet in '\:'1Jidth, three -feet on each s.ic1e of the following described lie:
Beginning at t.he intersection of t;he wefft.erly prolongation of t.he center line of
Web:s.ter Avenue, as shoirm on Map of Stratford Park Ho .. 1541, with the east line of said Lot A;
thence VJest along the westerly prolongati01i of the center line of s:.aid Webster Avenue to the~
west line of said Lot A. . ·
To Have sn:d To Hold the above quitclaimed snd described easement u11to the said gran ee;
its successors and assigns forever as a right of way for· a sewer pipe line and appurtema.nces.
IH \ilrlHESS VfBRi::EQb"' :·said Corporation has caused t.his inst.rument to h.e executed by
it.s proper officers aDd its cor·porate seal affixed this 29th d:::-,y of October 1926 ..


By Geo. M. Hawley, President.

At test: J. K. DULL:ILL Secretary.
·.m ""
ern .u
uJ:. 11
c1-...LJ l.l!
~ T -~~-1 a~o 'T
I 1l..' '. ) s s
On this 29th day of October AoD. Nineteen Hundi·ed and Twent.y.;..six be-for· e me
E. H. Brooks a Notary :Public in and for- said Colmty, residing ther·ein, duly commissioned and
swo:r:n, personally appeared Geo. M. Hawley kno vm to me t. o be t.he .l!r esiden t, and J. K~ Du:-cri 11

I knovm to me to be the S:e,.cret.ary of t.he Corporation that e-xecuted the within ins:t.nm1ent.,
kno1.rrsn t. o me to be the pet·sons who executed the within instrument on behal-f of the C o:cporut io
within named; and acknowlecged to·me that such Corporation executed t.he sarne.
IH WJTHE~S: WEER.e;o:IP, I have he:reunt o my hDnd an:d aff:iixed my 0fficial 0eal, in th
County of ~an Diego; State· of California; the day al!1d~ 7 year in this certificate fi:;..·st above
Nota:uy public in tt.Tld for the County of ~an Diego,
(SEAL) State of Cali fo rni a.
My O.ommission Expires,
June 4; 1930.

RECORDEICtl~T REQUEST OF City Clerk NOV 16 1926 at 35 Min. past 2orclock P.M. In Book
No. 1243 Page 36l·.lof DEEDS. Records of Sc:n Diego County, Calif ..
JOHN H. :l!'ERRY, C ount.y Re"cor·de:i·
By .I:T. C. PAW:W _i_:i S, De :puty.
I HEREBY CERl IFY., that the above a.11d foregoing is: a full, true and. correct c'olJY of
QUITCLii.II\tT EAS.ElJIElT' from Geo. M.· Hawley Inv. Co. to City of San Diego. Being Document.,
l~o. 196872.


Sa.IJI ~iego, Californi :a".


I We, Don<.:tld Ivi .. ;~tewart a.n:d Me.ude Stewart, husband wife, For and in consider·o.tion of
the benefits to accrue by the location e.nd construction of a drail} pipe through 81ncl accross
the property he:ceinafter described Do Hereby Gro.nt to ~ilhe City of San. Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, ~tate of Califor·nia; ~m easement ancl. rieht of way
for the co;nst ruction; operation and maintenance of a dr.::Jin· pipe t.hrough, along· ancl accros.s
All that Real J?roper·ty sit.uat.ed in t.he City of Qun Diego, Count.y of San Diego; St.ate of
• California; b olm;ded <:md described· as follovvs: ·
A portion of Lots 41, 42; 43, and 44, Block '7·, Frary Heights, according to Map
he:-c-eof No. :940, :j:ileo. in the Office of t.he County Recor·der of s.aid San· Diego County, s.aid
right of way being particularly desc:cibed as followsT:
Beginning at a point on t.he south line of·Lot 41, said Block 7, Fral'Y Heigllt.s;
distant. 61.50 feet west from the southeast co1·ne::r of said Lot 41; tl~'Emce .North 8 degrees 09 b<·J::.~,'3
inutes West:; a clist.s.nce of 36.00 feet to a point; thence Hor·th 23 degrees 02 minutes West,
a di'b'tance of 69.10 feet to a point on the north line of Lot 44, dis.tant 93.90 feet from
he northeast corner of said Lot. 44; thence west. alo:r;g t.he north line of said Lot· 44 a. distan e
of 6. 50 feet to- a point.·; thence South 23 degrees 02 minutes East , a distance of I'ZO~ 90 feet t
a point:; thence So ut.h 8 degrees 09 minutes West ; a distance of 36.00 feet to a point on the
south line of s·aid Lot 41; distant 6r/.60 feet west from the southeast. corner of said Lot 41;
hence ea~t along the south line of said· Lot. 41 to the point or place bf be ginn mg. ·
r. 'l'o Have ancl t.o Hold the above granted and ·described easement unto t,he said gr·m.1tee;
·t s successors and assigns., forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness our hc:uds and seals this: 22nd: d:Jy of Octo her 1926

On this 22mld day ·of October A•D.Nineteen Hundred and twenty-six before me E•H.Brook
, Notary Public in and:Z'for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and s:worn; per.·sonl
1 lly appeared Donald M.- S.t ewart and Maude Stewart lea ow to me to be the persons descr:[ bed in
nd whose nemes are subscribed to the within instr·un1e11t ,. and ack..'lowledged to me that they, ex_-
cut eel the sg,me. · ·

!" f
1 ritt en.
· Wit ness my hand a.n.d Official Seal t.he day and year in this cert ificat.e filrst above

JU1JE 4, 1930.
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.b'L l\ 1..H.t:i C 0 LIJ.n:Y OF SJUIJ' DIEGO
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I '- ,t ,
.BE00RIDED A1J REQUEST OF Ci.ty Clexk NOV 16 1926 at 35 Min. past 2o'clocl Po'M:. In
Book No. 1243 Page 362 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.. .
JOHN H. FERRY, C oturt..y f{e cor: de r
By N. Q., PARSOlTS Deputy.

I HEREBY CERJ!IFY; that the above and foregoing iS: a full, true an..d correct copy of
Deed from Donald M. Ste·wart ahdi\Jlaude Stewart to r.:g·he City' o:f iJan Diego. Being Document
no. 196873.
of San Diego, Calif.or·nia.

I; Florence Gage; For and in consider at ion of t. he benefits to accrue by t.he locatr.ioi
and construction of a. drain pipe tluough arulc.-,across the pr·ope:rty hereinafter· described, Do
"Hereby Grent to The·City of San Diego, a ]:iunicipal Corpo·ration,. in the County of San Diego;
State of California; an easement and right of w.ay for the construction, oper'f:!.tion and main-
tenance of a drain pipe through m1.d across All t.hat Real Property situated in the City of
Sa.n Diego; County of ~an Diego; State of California; hounded and descrihed as follows:
A portion of Lot 26, Bloctt 489; Porter's Addition, according to Map thereof IlTo. 531,
filed in t-he Office of the County Recorder of said. S2.n Diego County, seJ.d easement and righli:jl
of VUJ.y being four feet in width; two feet on each side of t.l1e following described center lin
Beginning at a point on the sout.h line of aaicl Lot. 26~ dis:tant 4.00 feet west from
the southeast corner of said Lot_ 26; thence north on a direct line at right angles to the
south line of said Lot 26, a diste.nce of 7.00 feet to a point • .Said property heing t.he
separate property of the grantor herein.
To Have and to Hold the above gr.<:1.nted a:r:d described easement. unt.o t:he said g:rsntee
its successor·s and assigns, forever, as a I'ight of way for a drain pipe.
Witness my hand and seal this 28th dc.y of October 1926.


On this 28th day of October A;D. Nineteen Hundred and. 'l.Zenty-six.before me, E~H.Broo •S ·
a I:Iotary Public in and for s..aid County, residing therein, duly corrrrni ssiorned end sworn., per- .
sonally t:tl)Peared Flor·ence Gage known to me t.o be the rerson descl'ibed in and who::Je mme is
subsc1·ibed to the within instrument, ·and acknowledged t.o me that sbe executed the s.ame.
Wit:ness my hsnd an.d Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above.
Not. ary Public in and for t.he Count. y of 'sc.m Diego;
[SEAL) State .of California.
My Commission expires
June 4th, 1930.

RECORDED AT' REQlJEST: OF C:tty Clerk NOV 16 1926 at 35 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In
Book No~ 1297 Page 126 of DEEDS Records of San Diego Count~r, Calif.
JOBH H. FEHHY, County Recorder
By N. c·. PAHSOHS Deput;>r. .

I HEHEBY CEHTIFY, that the above 81ld foregoing is a full; t.rue and correct copy of
Deed f.:rom Gage t.o The Cit.y of S"an Diego. Being Document,. No. 196874.

City Clerk

ill'UON ~1 RD:":t~f.1 COMPANY OF SAN. DIEGO, a corporation, of t.he City of. S~1n Dicego; County,
of Sc-1.11 Diego, St?C~t e of Celifo:r:nia, FOR AND IN COHSIDERA:;nmr OF THE :3Ulvi OF TEH 1\J!ID 1!101100 ··
LOLLARS, IXlES HEREBY GRAH.r· TO The c·ity of ~an Die.go; a Municipal Corporati.on, an easement
and right of way for a public way over, along snc1 across AL;L TH;ur REAL PROPE..i=\TY sit:uated .in
the City of ~an Diego, Cou.l'Ity of San Diego, Stat.e of California, bounded and. desc;cibed as
follows:·. .
All that portion of Lots T·wo (2cl; Three (3}, Fonx (4)~ Five (5), Eight (8\):, Nine
(9); Ten (10}, Eleven (11}; ~welve' (12); Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14), Fifteen (15.) and
Sixteen (16),. of Hawthorne Terrace according to the II:Iap thereo+ No. 1916, filed in the office
of· the County Recor:der of said San Diego County, JUJ.'1e 8, 1926, more particul9-rly described
as :follows::· . .
The South. siJc ( 6) feet of said Lots Ten ( 10) and· Eleven ( 11); the Southwest er:ly. six
(6) feet o.f s:aid Lot.s Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13); the Southerly s.ix {6) feet of sa~d Lots
Fourteen (14); Fifteen (15)·and Si:x:teen {16(}';.the Northerly eleven (ll).feet·of said Lots .
Three (3q:c ancl Four (4); the Nrr.rrthe~mste:t·ly . eleven (11) feet of said Lots Eight (8) and Nine ( ) ;
the No:rth·eleven (11) feet of aaicl.LQt..Nine (9); .also a portion of. said Lot Five (5) des·c:ri1:jed
as fo\llows: · . . · I
Beginning at ·the intersection of t.he. Northerly line of saicl Lcffi Five ( 5) with a lin
' '
parallel to an:d distant eleven (11) feet ~outhwesterly from the Northeasterly line of said
Lot Eight. (8); thence Southeasterly· along smc1linetparallel to and dist.ant.. eleven (11) feet
·... Sout'hwest:e:r·l;y- from said line of Lot. Eight (8); to sn intersection with t.he Easte:rly line of
'I , r. •
said Lot Fiye ( 5); thence Northerly· along said Easterly line to the North east corner of said
Lot Five (5); thence Westerly alongthe Northerl;y line of said Lot Five (5) to t.he point. of
ALSO, the follD\'Jing described portion of said Lot Two (2()l, beginning at the South-
east co:r·ner of said Lot T~vo. ( 2), thence West e:r:ly along the Southerly line thereof to an in-
tersect.ion with a line parallel to m:td clistant seventeen (1?) ·feet Westerly from 'G.he Easter.-
ly line of said Lot. T·wo ( 2); thence Norther·ly along saicl line parallel· t.o the Westerly line
.of said Lot Two ( 2} a distance of 45.·?6 feet to a point.; thence on a tangent curve to the ·.
left with a :t•ac1ius of fifteen (15) feet through an angle of 84° 53r a distance of 22.22 feet
to a point ·an a line pal'allel to and dist8.nt eleven (11)' from the Northerly
line of sai c1 Lot. T·vJo ( 2); thence Vfe st; er ly along said line parralle 1 t. o t)1e North orly line
of said. LQ;t. T'wo (2) to t.he Westerly line of said Lot. Two (2); thence Iilortherly along said
Weste :ely line to the No rt. hwest corner of said. Lot: Two; ( 2); t be·nce Easterly along the Norther y
line of said Lot T'wo (2) to the Northeast. corner the:reof; t.hence Southerl~v along the Easterl~
line of said. Lot. t.OJ the point of beginning.
T'O HAVE .A.ND T'O HOLD the above grant:ed and described easement unto the said. Grantee,

its successors an:d assigns forever as and for a· public way. .
I.N WITNESS W.HEHEOF, said corporation ~as caused. t.his deed to be. signed by its Vice
President 3rrd Assistant:. Secreta1·y and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto this Twenty-
fourth day of September 1926.
By C. H. ENGLISH Vice-Pre sid.ent.
By F. B. THOlviPSO.N Assistp.nt. Secr·etary.

COUHJ: Y OF S.:-'11\i DIEGO, )
On this ~·wenty-Fourth day of September in the year one thousand. nfne hu.ndrecl and 26 c.
bemore tne·, Ltdu McFarland, a Notary Public in and for said Count.y, personally appeared
c. H. Bnglish, lmown to· nre to be· the Vice-P:r:esident; and F .• :a. Thompson, khoum to me· to be
the Ass;Lstant se:ci:etary ·of the Corporation tbe.t executed the within instrument., known to me.·
to be the pers·ons who executed'the within instrtlment on behalf of the corporation therein
named, and. aclmowledged to me that such corporation executed the same.
Not. ary Public in and for t. he Oount:y of S[in· Diego;
( SEAL ) Stat'e of Califor-nia.
RECORDED f[Jl_ REQuEST OF City Clerk NOV 16 1926 at 35 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In
Book No·. 1243 Page 364 of DEEDS. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
. JOHi1T H. FERi.1Y, County Recor-der
By N. C. P.A.HSONS Dermt. y.

I I HEREBY CE£~ IFY, that the above a11.d foregoing is a full, true md correct copp. of
Deed. f:rom UNION IJ.'RUS'I' COiviPJ',J.fY OF SA..N DIEGO t·o The City of S·;m Diego, a Municipal: Corp.
Being Document , No. 1968.75.

THIS AGREEM:l!:Hi!. maCI.e· thie eighth day of October, 1926, bet·ween t.he Bank of Italy, a
corporation, Trust·ee under the Trust hereinafter descl'ibed., Party of the Fir·st rG~_rt and The
City of San Diego; a municipal corporation, Party of the Second Part,
V:JJT"HESS:EIPH: THAT vmEREAS; s.2id. Trustee is t.he·legal owner of all t.hat r)roperty
sit:uat.ed in the City of San Diegcr, County of San Diet:,o, State of California, coverecl by the
deed of trust herein,.J.fter described; and,
VfH.EI\ZAS', T'HE CH.Y Ob., S.:lN DIEGO; for t.he benefit. and improvement of aaid property,
is laying, constructing and maintaining, oi' intending to lay, construct and maintain a drain
pipe through, .along and. across all o.f the said proper_t y, amT,
\iVHEREAS, it i.s a condition precedent to the. laying, construction; maintenance and.
operation of said drain pipe t.hat. an easement and right. of way for· shall be snd, r·emain
upon said p:roperty prior cn:d superior to. t.he terms and conditions incorporated in said. deed
of trust ; and;
WHEREAS, all the owne!rs of the equitable int.erest s under said mentioned Dee.cfl. of T'ru. t,
have each ·granted an easement md right of ·way to the Pa1-t y of the ::iec ond Part·, as follo\·.;s:

I Trust. Deed, date·d June 19, 1925·, made by Marie ~ch.nader, in favor of t:he· :SanR of
Italy, a: corporation,. securing one promisso·r·y note for "the sum of $1'739.73, recorded in.. Book
1090 of Deeds at pag.e 493, et ·seq, records of t.he Office of t.he Cou..'1t:'l Recor:der of saio. Sen:
Die go Co ont y, .
The easement conveyed being through, along and across a portion of Lots 11 and 12,
Block 21, L • .W. Kimball's Subdivision, according t.o Map the:reof No. 56, filed in t.he Office
of the Co·mlt.y Recorder of said San Diego Count'S, d. easement and l'ight of way being six
feet in width, three feet on each Side of t.he following descl'ibed center line:
' Begim'ling at. a· poirrt. on the north line of said Lot ll; clist ant 8. 81 feet west from
the. northeast con11er of said Lot 11; thence· sonthweste Tly making an angle .of 8'7 degrees 08
minutes 1.1'Jit.h the north line of said Lot. 11, a dist.ance of 101.84 feet. to a point; then:.ce on
a.n angle to .the .right of 10 degrees 10 minutes, a distance of 39.64 feet to an intersection
with the south line of said Lot 11. ·
NOW, 'i.'HBR:EFORE:! 111 HIS AGl{EEMEHT WI11'1J.ESSETH: ~·hat, in consideration of t.he premises,
the sum of One Dollar ($lo00) to it paid by the P::1rty of t.he ~econd Part, receirJt v;her-eof is
hereby aclmowledged, and in further consideration oft he benefits derived and to be derived
·I .froni ·the construct ion, maintenance 81l.d operation of said drain pipe, s.aid rarty of t.he First
Part~~ Hlli.EBY SUB0'2DIN.d:l'ES ALL OF IT'S RIGH~, 1.'ITLE 4:\l:T:D Il\JT't;H.Ec·T under said Deed of Trust abov
mentioned t.o the 'right o. f way and .easement. heretofor.e· conveyed to the. Party of t.he· S..econd
Part, upon the designated portion of the property covered by such trust cleed, so· that s.aid
right of way and. easement shall ll»ecome.aa..'YJ:d remain prior and suporior to any and all the term
and conditions cont.ained in· or _provided by said Deed. of Trust. hereinabove referred to.
IN WIT'HESS Vf.f:IEREOF, t. he party of the fir-st part has cans ed this instrument. to be
"Signed by its Vice President and Assistant Secretary, and its corpol'at.e seal affixed. hereto;
the day a..11.1d year in this instrument. first above writ ten.

Par:t y of t'.he First Pa:r.:t
By LOUIS FEHRARI / Pre.sident

·(SEAL) At test: R. 'H. LYND -Secretary
; ;( .

-Party of t.he Seconc1 Part

.' . ·:·

3.r'i\TE OF C ALIFO rmiA, )

O:i:l this 23rd day of Oct o·ber in the year one thousand n:ime<~mdred and T'vvent y..;.six
before me,. Virginia A. Beede, a Notary Public in .8nd for the City an:d CCliunty of S'8ll :u'rancisciD,
State· of· California, residing therein, duly commissioned and swo;cn, personally appeared
Lo-uis Fer::cari and H. W. Lynd k.novm t.o me to be 'the Vice-President and As st. Secretary of the
co:cporation desc:dbed :Ln. and that executed the within inst.rumen:t:;, and also k.novm to me to be
the persons who executed the within inst.rument on behalf of the corporation therein named,
and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed. the same.
IN WITNE:SS lf{(lliR20F, I. have hereunto set my harud aifil.dl affixed my offici dl seal at my
office in the City and County of San :B1 ::csncisco, the day and year in this certificate fir·st
above written.
Notary Public in and for: t.he City. a..rro. Cotmty of
(SEAL) San Francisco, State of California.

RECORDED AT' 1REQUE2:T OF City Clerk NOV 16 1926 at 35 Min. past 2 o 1 clock P.M. In
Book No. 1297 P~ge 124 of DEEDS Records of ~an Diego County, Calif'.
. JOHH H. FERHY, CountY,, Recorder
By N. C. PARSOlJS· Deputy.

I .l:ibREEY c:cm.i'TI1Y, that the above e.nd f6 ret??ing is.(, a fu~l, t rv.e ~;d c orTect co:py of
SUBO~-\DI.UP..TIOiJ AGREEMENT from Bank of Itt:tly to The Olty of -.lan Jhego. · Belng Document
No. 196876.
of the Cit' of San Diego, California.


We ART HD'"i:Z K. CoWELL and LUCY 0. CO VV'BLL, husb~:md and \vi fe; For· 8l1ld in consideration
of t.he sum of TEN DOLLAHS, Do Hereby Grant to S.:'he City of San Diego, a l11Ul1icipal corpo::cation,
All That Real Property situated in City of Qan Diego, Count.y of m:u.1. Diego·, State of'Californiia,
bounded and des-cribed as follows: I
· The East. Forty (40) feet of Lots T~:venty (20), Twenty-one (21); Twenty-two (22} and
Twenty-three ( 23) in Block Nineteen { 19) of the Subdivision of Lots Twenty ( 20) to Fifty ( 501
inclusive', in Block nN" of 5:-e:calta, to map thereof No. 1000, filecl in the office
of the County Recorder· of said San Diego County, July 18, 1906.
To Rave·and to Hold the above granted and describeCl. ]1l'emises unto the said Grantee
its successors and assigns forever.
Wit.r:tess our hands and_ se:1ls. this 21st day of Septe:nber·, 1926
S.I! .~:\TE OF CALIFOHlli A, ) c:t
CO.UTr.rY OF SAl~ DIEGO, ) '"' 8
On this 22nd day of Se·:pt.ember,·l926, befor·e me, JOSEPHINE G. JOHNSOn, ·a Notary
Public in and for -said Cotmty arJ:.-d State, personally appeared ARTHUR K.· COWELL AND LUCY 0.
COWELL, known to me to be the persons whose 118.mes are s.ubscribed to the foregoing instrument,
and acknowledged to me that they executed t.he same.
WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this Certificat..e fir·st. above
v.riri t ten.

{ SE.P...L) Notary Publi.c in ond for se.icl Cotmty and State.

RECORDED .AT REQUES11! OF City Clerk HOV 10 1926 at .2 o 1 clock P.M. In Book No. 1253
Page 390 of Deeds Records of San Diego Co1mty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder .j
. ... ' By Iii. C. PARSONS Deputy •.
·.' j.

GRAl'JT DEED FROM ARJ:HUR K. COV1JELL et us. to THE CE.!Y OF S.AI\f DIEGO a mnnicipal corporation.
Being Document No. 196886.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego; C.9.lifo:rnia.

. ~;~,
DEED . '

We, Harlancl A. and Eliza Clark, husb~nd and wife, For and in consideration of· the
benefits to accrue by t.he location aJ."ld const.ruction of a sewer pipe line through and ac-ross
.the property desc1·ibed Do Hereby Gr nt to ~Vhe Oit.y of San Diego, a Municipal
Cor::poration, in the Co1mty of San Die:go, State of California, an easement ano. right of way
for t:he .construction, oper-ation and mairrten:'1.nce of a sewer- pipe . line ancl apJ)Urtenances
through, al~ng ana. across All that Real Property situated in the Cit.y of San Diego, Count.y olf
s~.n Diego, ~tate of California; bounded and desdri bed as follows·: ·
· A portion of Pueblo Lot 1119 of the Pueblo Lends of San Diego, according to Map
ther·eofmade b~l-James Pascoe in the year 18?0, a qopy of which map is filed in the Office of
the Covnty Recorder ·of s.:1id San Diego Covnty, s.aid easement and right of way being six feet
in width, t,hree feet on each side of t.he following described cente:r.· line: I
. I
' ::.::··; ~
Beginning at a on the nol"'Gh.line of Block 3, Florence Heights No. 2 Addition,
acco1·ding to Map ther·eof No. 905, filec1 in the!Office of said Colmty Hecor.der, distant 48.4_
feet easterly from the northwesterly corner of said Block 3; thence northwest.erly.making an
angle o-f 87 degrees 59 minutes. with the north line of said :a1ock 3, a distance of 32.98 feet·
to a point; thence on an angle to the right of 85 degrees 24 minutes 40 seconds, a distance
of 119.74 feet to a point; thence on an angle to t.he left. of 114 degrees 39 minutes 40
seconds; a distance of 119.63 feet t.o the ~RUE POINT OF BEGIIWING; thence continuing on said
last. described course a distance of 100.0'7 feet to a point; t,hence on an angle to the right
oif 20 degrees 00 minutes a dist_ ance of 74.70 feet t,o a :point.
·;·~ ·. ~
\' . :,. To Have and to Hold the above graxrt:ed and described easement unto t.he said gra.Dtee
its successors and assigns, forever, for a sewer pipe line and its appurtenances.
WIT'N.ESS. our hands and seals this- 26th day of Oct.ober 1926.


On this 26th day of October A;; D. Nineteen Htmdl'ed and T'wenty-six before me, E.H.Bro ks
a Notary Public in end for County; residing therein, duly commissioned a:..t1d swor·n, per-
sonally appeared Harland A. Clark and Eliz.a Clark known to me to be the :persons des~ribed
in and whose names a:):e subscribed to the wit.hin inst:rument., an& acknowledged to me that they
·executed the same. · ·
VJitness my hand and Official:Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
wri tt. en.
Hot ary Public in and for the 0;olmt y of qan Die go.,.
(SE.AL) State of ~ali forni a.
My Co~~ission expires : J
· 4, 1930.

I RECORDED .P1J! REQUEST OF City Clerk NOV 10 1926 at 2 o'clock P.I1il. In Book No. 1253
Page 388 of Deeds Records of San Diego Connty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERHY. Com1t y Recorder -
By N. 0 •. PARSONS Der?uty
I HEREBY CEi.~LT IFY, :t;liat the abov.e anCD<Oing is a ·fful:l, t.·raue and co r:rect copy of
Deed from.Har·land A. Clark and wife to The City of San Diego. Being Document, No, 196888.

of San Diego, California.


a cor:porat ion, For and in conside~·ation of One DOLLAR Does Her·eby Quitclaim to the City of
San Diego; a Iv1lh.nici:pal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an
easement and right of way for the,.construction, operation and maintenance of a drain :pipe
through, along and across All that 1Real :Property sit.uated in the City of San Diego, County
o·f Qan Dte go, State 9f. Califor·nia; bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lot.s 38 and 39, Block 22, L. Vi. Kimball's subdivision, according t.o
Map thereof No. 56, filed in the Office'oft.he County Recorder of San Diego Com1t.y, sai·
easement; and r~ght. of way being s~x feet in Width, t_hree feet on each side of the following
described center line:
Beginning at -.a~;:po:j.nt on the south line of said_ Lot. 38, di$tant. 4.62 .feet west from

I the ~ou\;heast corner of said Lo~. 38; thence northeasterly on a direct line to. a :point on ,the
north line of said Lot 39; distant 2.73 feet east from the northwest. corner of said Lot. 39.
To Have and T:o Hold t1~e e.bove quitclaimed and described easement unto t,he said gran ee,
its S1;l.Ccesi§lor·s anQ. assigns forever as a right of way .fen· a drain :pipe.
IlT WH"H:ESS WHE"rrEOF: said Corpor·ation ·has caused this instrument to be executed by its
proper officers and its corparate seal affixedt.his 20th day of October· 1926


By J. W. SEFTON JR., Vice-Pres.ident ~

Attest: 0. L. REED As:sistant..Secretary.
ST .Pll!E QF C.!:l..LH,ORHI.A,) s s ·
On this 20th day of Octo·ber A.D. Nineteen Hlmdl'ed &'ld Twenty-six before me,
Angeline · ~heec1e a Notary Public in and for said C ov.nt y, :c esiding therein, duly c onunis si one
and sworn, :personally appeared J. W. Sefton, Jr., known to me to~ he t.he Vice :President, and
C. L. Reed known to me-to be the Assistemt. Secretary of the Corporation th:'1.t executed t.he
within instrument, known to me to be the :persons who exece1ted the vJithin inst rurnent on behal:fi
of the Corporation within named, e..nd aclmowledged to me that such Corporation executed t . he
In VIJitness·Whereof, I have hereunto set my hanc1 a.ncl affixed my Official Seal, in t.he
Connty of S8ll Diego'; State of California, the day and yeal' in t.his. certificate first above

My Qommission Erpires,
Janttary 30th, 1930.
Nota:r:y Public in and for t.h e County of San Diego,
State of California.

RECOHDED Ni1 F:EQUE::.\r OF City Clerk UOV 10 19 26 at 2 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1164 ,.l
:Page 449 of Deed. Records of San Diego· County, Caiif. "
JOBJJ H. FE!.'\RY, Co m1ty Recorder
By H. C. _P.~RS.OUi Deputy .
I HEHEBY.CERr'IFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, tn1e and·correct copy of
QUIT'CLAilyi l!:ASJi:IvlliLT fr·om San D:i.ego IJ;rust & Sayings B.ank to 9it.y r;>f San Diego. Being Docu..merrt.
no. 196r/OO.
ALLEH rr·. WHIG1il:
City the City of Diee;o; C3lifornia.

A6 A· .t\mos and lvUntie Amos, his wife, For and in consideration of the s:·crrn of
Oi1E DOLLAR Do· Hereby G:rant to :fhe City of San Diego, a Iviu...n.icipg,l Co:tpor·ation, in the Co11nty
of Ssn Diego,. State of California, an et.J,sement and right of way for a public street or:- highw
over, along and across All that Real Property sit.uated in the City of S'an Diego, County· of
San Diego, S.tat e of California, bouncl.ed and d-escribed as follows:
All that portion of Lots 1 and 2 of Hort on 1 s Purchase, according to the Official
Map thereof. No. 283, filed in the office of t.he County Recorder of Sa.Yl D.iego CoUDty, Califor
lying 30 feet on each side of the following described center· line: .
. . Beginning at a point on the S:o ut h line of :fJoiF 13 of 1Jiadsw orit:h r s 0 live Grove ace ordi:t: g
to the.Official Map thereof No.-482_, on file in the mffice of the County Hecorder· of San Die o
County, California, distant 311. 82 feet. East from the South'INest 9orner of said Lot 13; then de
S 0° 10' East a distance of 7.5 f~et to a point.; ·thence curving Southeaster-ly, tangent. t.o th

last. named,ei;: with a radius of 400 feet through an angle of 42° 05 1 , ? distance of 293. 0
feet to a point; thence tangent to' said curve S 42° 15 1 E, a distance of 476.98 feet to a
point; t.hence Southeasterly on a curve t'angent: t.o the .last named course with a radil}.S of
500 feet through an angle of 34°_46 1 .a distsnce of 303.4 feet to a point; thence tangent to s,.::_:;_
said_ curve S 77o- 01 r E, a dist ance of 2 2? o 25 feet t. o a p9int ; thence S outhe:cly on a cul've
tangent to t:he last named cou.:rse, vvith a radius of 555.52 feet th1·ough an angle of 31° 16'-,
a distance of 303.15 feet t.o a point; thence cur·ving Souther-ly t,angent. to the last named
curve with a radius of 483.94 feet t h:r ough an angle of 454> 36 r a di s.t.ance of. 385.,15 feet t Q!
the Southeast c or·n:er of said Lot. 1 of Hart on 1 s Purchase.
. To Have and. tQ Hold the above granted and described easement and right of way as
and for a public street. o
Witness our hands and ~eals this 5th (lay of Hover11ber 1926. I
A. A. MliOS. (SEAL)

Ivli ii.I:T8 A1Vlo.'l . ( SEAL


COUN'.:V -;t OF S:AN DI.i.::90, ) "'""
On thi_s 5th day of November A.D.Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six befor·e me,
Chas. Vt .Amos a Notar·y Public in and for said CoiiDljiY., residing therein, di.:tly commissioned
and sworn; per-sonally appeared A. A• .Amos and Mintie Amos, his wife, lmown to me to be the
persons described in and ·whose names are s. ubscribecl to t.he within instrument, and aclmow-
ledged to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal t.he da~7 and year in this· certificate first abo\re
Notary Public in and for the C ount.y of Diego,
. ( SE.AL) State of California.
RECOHDED if£ HEQ.UE,:iT o:w City CleTk Ji©V 10 1926 at 2 o'clock P.M. In Book Hoo 1253
Page 385 of Deeds Heco:rc1s of San Diego Goul'l'cy, Calif ..
JOill.\1 H. FEH~\Y, Coudoy Recol··de:t··
By H. C • P 1\:.l;:·OHS Deputy.

I HEHi::BY GER"l!'IFY, that the . above and foregoing is a full; true and correct copy of
Deed from A. A• .Amos & Niintie .Amos t.o The City of S~:m Diego. Being Docmnento Iio. 196931L
ALL.2N H. Wi\ IG }:ll;l
the c-- ty San Diego, California.
UHIO.N TITLE HTSURAlTCE COJ!IPAI~Y; a corporation, of the Cit.y of San Diego, Cov.nt.y of
-San Diego, State of California; For and in C8nsideTation o-f the sum of :2EN DOLLARS Do Hereby
Quit-Claim to r.r·EE CI.2Y OF S;.4.H DIE:GO; a municipal corporatio·n, All that Real Property
Situated in the County of S sn Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: I
. T'he Nor-theast Quart. e l' of the S.out.he ast Q'u.DJ?t er, and:~ t,he South Half of t .he S out he ast
Quarter Qf the Nor-thea9t. Quarter· of Section ~ r-Lirt-y-4wo ( 32) ~Qvvnship Twelve ( 12) South, .. Rang ' i

.One (1) East,. San_Be.r-na:cdino Meridi~, (containing sixty acres-). Subject t.o• all existing I
liens and encumbrances. . . .
T'o· Have and to Hold the above granted and described, 1mto the saic1 Grq.nt~e,
its success o·r s end assigns for·ev er·.
~;.' .
..'•, VVITHESSE:i!H: That said co:!:poration has caused this Q.eed to he signed by its Vice-
' President and Secretary ano. its corporate seal to be affixec1 heT·et o this 6th day of NovGmber,


By JAS.. D. JI'O~HIARD Seer·yl


·On this 8th day of November, 1926, befo1·e me, A. Laurie Brazee, a Notar·y Public in
a.Yld for s:ai d Count.y, personally appeared Jolm F. Forward, Jr., tmo1:vn to me to be t.he Vice-
:t'r esi dent , and Jas. D./ :b' or1.•1ard, known to me to be t.he Secretary of t .he cor por·at ion that ex-
ecut.ed t.he vilithin instn.unent, ·knovm to me to be the persons who executed t.he within instrume t
on behalf of the corpo:cation therein n81ned, and acknowledged tcr me that such co::c:po:cat ion
_executed. 'G he same. A. LAlli\ IE. Br~AZE:E~


RECORDED .._!\.T REQUES.'.i! OF City Clerk NOV 10 1926 at 2 o 1 clock P.M.· In Bo0k Uo. 1263
Page 247 of Deed Rec o:ro.s of Qan Diego Connt y, Calif.
J'OHlJ H. FER:-ct, C otmt.y Rec o rde:r
By N. C. :t'ARS02L3 Deputy.
I HEHEBY CEFU:DrY, that the above ancl foregoing is a full, t l'Ue and correct COJ!Y of

I Grant Deed from UHIOH 1i!IT'LE HfST!l\AliOE COMPAIJY, a corporation, to 1J!HE CT'PY OP ::'iiliJ DI£::.GO, a
municipal corporation. Being Document., Ho. · 196933.
ALL2..N H. Vf.RI Gl-iT
Cit y Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

. .BydJrJA .?_}J-~Deputy.
QUII'CLA::~ED ·~ Qv.
·THE OII'Y OF S.AH DTr_:co; a mnnicipal col'pol'ation, of t.he Oitry of Die.go, County of
San Diego, State of Cali·fornia, for and in consideration of the stm1 of T'BH DOLLAi\S,
. A. A. Amos and Mintie'Arnos, husband and wife, AJ~L TIL:tl! Ri:::AL PROPERTY, situated in
the City of San Diego, Connt ;y of San Die go; State of Califo.rnia, bounded and described as
·"All that portion of Lots one(l) and two (2()l, or Hortonts Purchase of Ex.?.Mission
Lano.s; according t. o t.he official Map the:regf No. 283, filed in the office of Cou..nty :~
Recorder of San Diego Cotmty, Oal:Lfornia, lsing 30 feet on e·ach side of the following de-
sari bed line, t. o -wit.: Beginning at a point. on the S:out h line of Lot 13, of Wadsworth
Olive Grove, ace ording to the official Map thereof Ho. 482,. on file in the office of the
County Recorder of San Diego Cou:.r1ty; California, distant 311.82 feet· East..f:rom the Southwes
corner of said Lo't 13; thence i:louth 6° lOT 'East a distance of ?.5 feet to a point; thence c"··i·
curving So·utheasterly, tangent· to the last named course, with a radius of 400 feet tlU'Otlgh
a..11. angle of 42° 05 1 ; a distance of 293.80 feet t.o a point.; thence tangent. to ::Laid last de-

scrived cu1·ve South 42° 15 1 East a distance of 476 • .98 feet to a point; thence Southeast,e:rly
on a curve; t.angerrt. to._ the-last naned course,· wit.h a radius of 500 feet through an angle of ~::'~;
34° 46l, a disti ance of 303~4 feet to a point; thence 'tangent. to. s.aid last. describe~ curve
South 77° 01' · East a distance of 227.25 feet t. o a point; thence S.outherls on a c u:cve, t angen
to the last named course; with a radius of 555.52 feet, through mangle of 31° 16 1 ~ dis.tsn e
j· 0

of 303.18 feet. to a point; thence cuz·ving Southerly with a radius of 483.94 feet through an
angle of 45° 36 1 , a dis.tance of 385.15 feet to the ;:ioutheast co:r:·ne::c of saicl Lot 1 of Horton' ~
Purchase of Ex-Jiliission Lands. 11 •

· IJJ'~Er.JDinG; hereby to quit.claim [my intere~'l~· of ~he City of Diego in_and to so.i~
LotS: 1 and 2 of Horton 1 S Purchase; excepting theref~·om any and all tax\3s of the Cit.y of
San Diego now due and pnpaid, or a lien agaipst saic11ots 1 a:p.d 2, said li.orton 1 s Purchase.
_ . TO HAVE AND T'O HOLD. the ap·ove quitclaimed and desc:ribed premise;:::, nnto t.he said
.Gr a..11.t ee, it s s.uc ces so;cs and. as signs forever • .
W:OJ'r.r.&SSEl'H: ~hat said corporation. has caused this deed. t.o he signed s11d executed by
its ~.ilayor, and its cor1;orate seal t ~ be affix.ed hereto this 8th day o·f November 1~26.

(SEAL). (ArT·EST') Mayor of the City of Qan Diego, ci:tlifornia
City Clertc of the City of San ·Diego,,. California.
sr:r kl' E OF CAL IP 0 RlJI il., ) q
":r'ly o-,
Coul:u. · ··r· DI.,.'Go·
.!:! s· ll.l· .L:o · , )s ...

On this 8th day of November·,. 1926, befo:r·e me, Y. a. Js;cques, a lifotai'y Public in and
.for the s.aid County and State, residing tl:ieroin, duly conm1issioned ancl svvorn, :personally

I appeared John·t. :Bacon, knovvn to me to. be the Mayor· of. t.he-co:r:poration that executed tbe witl-
in insti'l1ITler.rt., 1 and AllEm H. WI'ight, known to he. the CityClel'k of the cor·1;oration that
executed the within instrt1ment, knovm to be to be t.he persons -who executed the foregoing
inst:rument on behalf of the corporation theroin named,· ano. ·acknowledgeCI_·t.o me that such
corporati Dn executed the S.81Tie.. · ·
Hotary Public in and fo-r the County o·f San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
RECORDED ,AT· REQUEST'OF City Clerk NOV 10' 1926 at 2 o 1 clock P.IvL In :6ook No. 1253
Page 383 of Deeds Recor·ds of Qan Diego County, Calif--
JOP'.J:l H. ll'ERRY, County Recorder·.
By H. C. PAHi3.0iTS De}!Ut.y.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and corl'ect copy of
QUIT'CLAII\!i DEED from.T'he City of S. D. to A mos.

City Oler·k City Cal :Lfornia.


I; CHA.tlLES BUH?.OUGHS, a bachelor For· ancl in considerat iDn of the sum of TEN DOLLARS ,(1$16
Do Hel~eby Grant. to THE CY.i.'Y o:E'_,SAN DIEGO, a municipal cDry)oration, All That ·Rea:J_.:Property _ ·elO·'

I situated in DLJLZURA Courrt.y of qan Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follo~:vs:
Southeast Quarter of ;3:outhwest Quarter and Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter· o
Section Tvvent:y-three (23), To11mship Eight·e·en (18) South, Range T'wo (2) East, San Be:rnardino
Meridian; A.LSO.irYe9t Half of North~ast Quarter·. of Section T'wenty-six (26), Township Eighteen
( 18) South, Range T'wo ( 2) East , JS.B.M~ , · . ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and describe·d unto the said Grantee,
its successors and assigns forever
Witness my hand and seal this. 23rd clay o·f Se.L~tember, 1926




COUJ.. f.:!·Y OF SAH DIEG0,') 88
· ,:~ On this 23rd day of s·ept ember, 1926, before me, Minnie Couffield a Notary Public in
.: and for- said County and State,· personally appeared Charles Bu:croughs kno~;-m to me. to be the
,';~· person whose name is subsc:cibed t:o the foregoing instn1Tllent, and acknowleo.ged to me that he
··:.:: executed the same. · '

WI'l_flJ:ESS my hand 811d -official seal t·he· day and yeal' in this Ce::(tificat e first· above
· · (SEAL) Notal'S :Public in and f<.'>r said County and Stat e.
RECORDED .A!i- R~ruEsrr OF City Clerk Dec 1 1926 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1301
Page 107 of DEEDS Records of .San Die.go County, CaUf •.
JOHH H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARf}OllS Deputy •.

I HEREBY CERT JFY,. that the above a no. foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Grant. Deed· from Charles Burro.ughs to The City of S~ Diego. Being illlocmnent. No. 198101 •
Diego, California,

• r • . . ..• •
T'HIS INDENTURE;; made thi ·s · da;-7 of Decem be;:, 1926, bet ween THE· CITY OF S.Al~ DIEGO,
a municipa_l corporation; in tll...e·County of Se:m Diego, State. of Cal..iforn;i.a, party of t.he firs~j
part, and the ~non THUST COIVIPANY 0]1 S.iliJ DIEGO, a col'porat.ion, 1)arty of the s.econd part,.
WITH&SQETH: In order to effect an exchange of an easement of· right of way .for sevJe·
purposes -already helcJ. and owned by The City o:f San Diego; ove:-c, _a;Long and across the rights I
of way hereinafter mor·e particularly described., for· a different distinct and more available
and comprehensive system of easements of right of way for all public utilllities ana fo:-r publiqj
ways over, along and across the .real properly sit.uate in the Qit.y· of San Diego,. Cow'1ty of Sarli.
Diego, State of California; described as follows: . I
Being a subdivision of a :port ion of the West half of Pueblo Lot 1'791 and of a porti •n
\)f the North three quarters of North half of Northeast--quarter of s,aid Pueblo Lot 1'791 of th'
Pueblo Lands of S~an Diego, according t.o map the:reof by JBmes Pascoe on file· in the office of
the County Recorder of San Diego County,~Califo;t.'nia, and of .£~ere Lot. 92 of Pacific Beach;
according to amended map thereof No. 791; filed in the office of. the County Recordei' of said
San Diego Co~nt:y, December 29,·1894, and of all t.hos.e·po:rtions of streets, lying within the
boundaries of this s.ubdivision; S·hown on Map No. 854 of Pacific~B.each, filed in t.he office o:li
tbe County Recorde:r of said San Diego County September 28, 1898, ano. closed January 2, 1924_, !)
by Resolution No. 3048r/ of the Common Council of·the City of Sa.'Yl Diego; all of the above be-
ing in t:he City of San Diego, Covnty of San Diego; State of Califo:r:nia; described as a whole
as foll~ws: ·
Beginning at t.he intersection of t.he west.erly line of saic1 I'ueblo Lot. 1?91 and the
northerly line of Diamond Street; formerly Alabama Avenue, as said Ave·nue is shown on said
Map No. 854 of Pacific Beach; thence North ?5° 38 1 30n East along the no:rtherly line of said.
Diamond Street ~323. 57 feet· to the easter·ly line of the west half of said Pueblo Lot lr/91;
thence North 14.,. 13' West: along the said easterly line of the west half of Pueblo Lot ·1?91'
a distance of 1~60. 69 feet t_ o the center line of Beryl Street; formerly Georgia Avenue; as.
said street is shovm qn said Map No. 854 of· Pacific Beach; thence Ilorth 75° 40' East along·
the center line of s:aid Beryl ~treet 1160.23 feet to the southerly prolongation of the
westerly line o-f Congress Heights Addition, accoraing t.o map thereof No~ 1627, f·iled in the
office of the Count.y Reco-rder of said San Diego Com1ty February 18, 1924·; thence Horth 14° 2 1 L2
12" West along said southerly prolongation 40 feet t.o the sout-hwesterly cor·ner of s:aid Congr 1 ss
Heights Addit.ion; thence along the·ly. line of s.aj_d Co:ng?:ess Heights by t.he follovifing I
two courses 81ld distances; North 14° 21 1 12 11 VJest 202.10 feet; li'orth 14° 18 1 • 3'7 11 West; 493.95
feet t.o· the l!1lprt:pter:t,p_: =l-ine opfs~st:idc\P·gi:JbTho::_;Lot;tl~9:fL; thence South 75° 50 1 49" West along t.he·
northe:lrlylline of said Pueblo Lot. 1'791 a dist.a.11.ce of 2480o8'7 feet to the Jjort.hwest corner· of
said Pueblo Lot 1'791; thence South 14°.10 1 30 11 East along the.\'ly line of s.aid Pueblo
Lot 2105.11 feet to the point of beginning; . . ·
And in consider-at. ion of the. :premises and in lieu of the o.edicat. ion made. by the said
pg:cty of the second part upon i.ts map of North Shor~ Hic-:hlands, being a subdivision of the
londs last above desc:ribed, duly certified ancl filed -rJit h the Conm10n Council 6f The City of.
San Diego for its approval an<1;~~acceptance november 24, 1926, the said pa.rty of the first pa· ·
does by these present$ remise, 1'el.ease and forever quitclaim U.t'1t.o ~.he said~~part_y·.of t.he seco··
part all its right, title, interest and or to the follovving described s:ewer: .easemer ts
over, and across. t.IJ.e follovlfing described Teal property situate in t.h e Cit.y of San Die g ,
Colmty of San.Diego, State of.California, and particularly described as. follows::.. ·
A po1iiion of the west 1/2 of Pueblo Lot ll791; a .portion of the HoJ.'th 16 acres of th,
northeast 1/4 of Pueblo Lo"G. 1791; and a port io·n of Ac1·e Lot. 92, Pacific Beach; all .ace brill. ng
to maps of said Pacific Beach nwnbe:red 69'7 and 791, l'eSJ)ectively, filed in the Office of t.he
County Recorder· of s.aid San Diego County, said easements and rights of way being s.i:x feet in
width, three feet on each side . of the fo llmuing described cent. er lines;
• Beginning at a point on ·t.he Fiest line of s.aid Pueblo Lot 1791, distant 135 feet s.ouiih
from the northeast corner of fr· Block 45, Pacific Beach, as shown on map thereof mo. 9:.-.J,?,
932, f:i;.led in the office of said County Reco rde :r; thence east. on a line pai'allel with and
distant 135 feet s.o,llt.h from· t.he ·east·e·I·ly prolongation of the northerly line of said Block 45
to an int:er·section ·wit.h the·northerly prolongation of the line of Haines Street
(forme;: ly 8th Street } ; ALSO; , · . .
Beginning at a poi:rrt. on t.he wester·ly line of said Pueblo Lot, 1'79~, dista:nt 135 feet
. souther.·ly from t.h e nort.he ast e:cly corner of fract iona 1 Block 74, Paci fie i}e'ach, as. shown on
said Map No. ·932; t.hel'lce eq.sterl;y on a line parallel with. ·amd dist.ant. 135 feet southerly·
from the easte:cly p1·olo~gation of the northe~ly line -?f ~a~d Block r1~, t.o ar:- int.e:rs.ection.vHlh
the northerly :prolongatlon of the easterly llne of s.ald H:::unes Street;; ALS:O,.
Beginning at a point: on t.he _west e:c ly line of s.aid ·Pueblo I1ot.. 1791,- clis.t.a nt 135 feet
southerly from the northeasterly cor·ner of fl'actional Block 83, Pacific B.ew€h, as shown on
said Map No. 932; t hen.ce east.e! ly on a line J?arallel :Jit h and. dis.t.ant .13? .feet s.o ~ho::c~y. fr_Oi'ljf
the easterly prolongatlon of t.tle northerly llne of sald Block 83, to ar1 lntersectlon vnt.h tn
center line (r1.m~:1ing no:xther·ly &'1d southerly) of s.aid Pueblo .Lot .. l79l;· ALSO' ··· ·.
.. -; ::~;..
' '
. ,.,I ·1.
. ~)._J_

Beginning at a :point on t.he·ly line of. said :Pueblo Lot. 1?91; distan~ 135 fee.
s outher·ly fl'om t.h e nort he:a.lliye l'ly corner of fractional B1 o ck 112, Paci fie Beach, as shown on
said Ma:p Na o 932; thence easterly on a line :parallel wit. h and distant 135 feet so\1th er-ly
from the easter·ly prolongation of t.he no:rtherly line of aaid Block 112 to an intersection wi h
the northerly·and_southerly cent~r line of said Pueblo Lot 1791; ALOO, ,
Beginning at a point on the west.e1·ly line· of s.aid Pueblo Lot 1:791, distant 135 feet
southerly from~t.he no:rtheaste:rly co::cne:r of f:ractional Bloclt 12~;racific Beach, as .shov;p on
said Mai1 No. ·.932; then:ce easterly on a line :parallel with ancl dist.ant 135 feet s.outhe:rly f:ro
the easterly prolong at ion of t.he northerly line of said Bloclt 121; to an·secti on ;.vit.h t' e
northerly and southerly center line of s.aid Pueblo Lat. 1?91; ALSO, .'···
Beginning at a point on the weste:rly line of said Pueblo Lot 1791, distant 135 feet
southerly from the no.rtheast.erly corner of fl'actional Block 150, Pacific Beach, as shown on
said Map Noo 932; thence easterly on.a line ;parallel l'liith and. distant. 135 feet southerly
from the easter·ly prolongation of t.he northerly line of s.aicl Block 150, to an inter:section
with th~ :p.ortherly and s.outherly center line of said. Pueblo Lot 179lo
· TO HAVE AHD TO HOLD all and singular ~.he said easements together vvith appurtenances
nnto the said party of the s:econd Jlart; their heirs, successors and assigns fo·rever.
IN WI'l'N.E.SS 1fr.tiEREOF, the said party of the first part, having first been authorized
thereto by ):tesolutio;n of·t.he Common Council of 1.TI'he City_of San Diego, has caused these
:presents to he sy.bsc~cibed by the Mf-yor and City Clerk of said City, and its co:ClJora~e name
ar;tcl seal to be he:cetmto affixed 'the day and year fil'st. above WI'itten.
AT 11:EST : Ma~ror of said City
City Clerk of said City~
SJ:·.A:I'E OF CALIFU~<:rn A, )ss
· Q}n this. Gth- day of· December, in .t.he· year Nineteen Htmd:ced snd ~wenty-aix, before me

I Fred W. S·ick, a Not.ary Pub.lic in and for the County of San Diego;· S.tate of California, · .
personally appeal'ed ·JoHN-L.· BACG.m, Known to me to be the Mayor of 11\he City of Sr.:tn Diego; the
mtmici:pal corporation that. exeeuted t.he within instrument, and ALL.EU H. V1HIGH.E·, known to me
to be the City Clerk of The City of San Diego, the mu.nicipal corporation that executed the
w1thin instrument, and acknowledged.'to me that such mu.r:iicipal corp;:,ra:'Gio:ru executed .t.he same· •
. .
Not-ary Public in and fCli:: the Count.y of San Di.e,go,.
(SEAL) . . _; State of California.
, .r HERE.BY C_E):tr·IFY_;_ .t.h~t. t.he. above and .foregoing is a full, true and c.orrect copy of
Quitclaim Deed to Union '.:?rust Com:pany of S. D. from the City of S::lJ.1 Drt.ego. Being
Document No. 198323.
ALLEH H. VfdiGirl: ..
t .he City of San Diego, .Cali'foi··nia.
' .


James B. Mason.; a single person; Fo:-e and in consideration of t.he SVJl1 of One· Dollar,
receipt :vhe~e~f is hereby acknowledged, Do Hereby Grant to The 8it.y of San Diego, ·a Mimici:pal
Cor:poratlo~, ln the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and riglt. of way
for a :publlc street over, along and acro·ss Alili that Real Pro]Jel·ty situated in the Cit.y of
San Diego; County of San Diego; State of California, bou..11.ded and described as follovJs:

I _ The east. 30 feet of t:he N.~ of the NE~ of Lot 16, Horton's Purchase of Ex-Mission
.uands, accor~ing t.o it he official Map thereof No. 283, filed in t,he office of the Colmty
Recorder of ~an Diego Covnty, California.
To Have &"1d to Hold the above granted and described easemen:t. and r·ight of way as
and for a public st. reet.
Witness my hand an.d seal this 22nd day o.f Jtme 1926


.' .J

S'i!'.&f.lE OF CALIFORNIA, ) s"'

COU~~f.lY OF SAN DI.f::Go, ) .:; .J

On this 22nd day of Jtme .A. D. Nineteen Htmdred and ?6. before me Edmu..11.d 0. T hompso·:n· a
Notary Public in and fo:r said. Covnt21, residing the1·ein, duly commissioned and sworn, person-
ally ·appeared. James B. Mason known to me t.o be the :person descl'ibed in and whose name is sub-
scribE,:d t.o the within instrument, ·and ~?Dknowledged to me that he executed the swne.
Witness ·my hm1:o. and Official Seal the clay and ye:::~r in this certificate first. above
vy:cit t E{n.
My C onm1ission Expi:re s
Notary Public in Dl1!cl for the County of San Diego
~IB:.?:fJt.TI) 31, .1930. , State of California.
RECORDED AT RE(iUEST: OF City Clerk JUJ;, 13 1926 at 15 lfl:in. past 2 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 1208 ·Page 440 of .DEEDS Redo rds of San D.i ego 0 ounty, Calif.
. JOHH E. :b,ERffi, COUHT Y i.t.sC02Dl~I\
By 1. B. \NOODARD Deput·y.

I I HE.'REBY CERriFY, that the above and ~oregoing is a full, t::cue and co:rr·ect copy of
deed from J'a.7Jles B. Mason f to IJ."he City· oi'' S"'P.J. IJl· ego Belng
Docrunent\,. Ho. 191613.
• •
- .- - ~ ' '

Clerk C alifor11ia.
'· ~
1 1~2-

James B. Mason, a single person, For ancl in consideration of tl}e s~liTl of. One Dollar,
receipt. vJhereof is hereby acki1owledged, Do·Hereby Grant to The City of~ 8;n Diego, a Mtmicipa]J
Corporation, in the Cotmty of· San Diego State of California;.an easement and right· of way foi"

a public street o:veT, along and across All that Real Property situated in t.he City of San
Diego, County of San Diego, S:t.ate..of California, b.otmded and.described as follovJs: ·
· The East 30 feet of the Southeast t of Lot 15; of Ho:r.'t on's Purchase of Ex-Mission
Lands, according to the official Map thereof mo~· 283, filed in t.he office of the County
Recorder of San Diego County, Califo:t·nia. ·
To Have and .to Hold the above granted and described .easement. and right· of way as fo
a pub:).ic street. .
Witness my hand ru1d seal this 22 day of Jtu1e 1926
ST i\S.1 E OF. CALIFOHHIA,: ) ss
CO Ul\P.f Y OF Sill:J DIEGO, )
On this· 22nd d§J.y of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-six before me,
Edmund o. Thompson a Notary Public in and for said_ Cotmty, residing th€n·ein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared James B. Mason knovm to me to be t.he person desc:r·ibed· in and II
whose name is subsci'ibed to the within instr·vment, and acimowledged to me that. he executed tlile
Witness m;s,. hand and Official Seal the· day and year in t.his certificate first. above,
Notary public in and for the Cotmt.y of Se.n Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires
March 31, 1930.
m;coRDED .!a REQUEST. OF City Cle1·k JUL l3 1926 at 15 Min. past. 2 o'clock P.M. In Bool•
No. 1208 Page 438 of DEEDS li.ecords of San Diego County, Calif.. . .
JOHN. H. FER~iY, Cou:1t y Recorder
By L. B. 1:VOODARD Deputy. I
. I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
deed from James B. Mason t.o The C_i ty of Se..n Diego. ~eing Docrrrnent, No. 191615.
City Clerk of tlYe CJit·;zoo CSanfD±ega, California.

Cyrus H •. Wallace and Lilly B. Wallace, husband and wife, For and in consideration o ,
the sum of One Dollar, receipt. whereof is hereby aclmowledged, Do Hereby QUITCLJ\..IM to ']he J

City of San Diego, a Mv..nicipal Cor.poration; in the County of ~on Die·go, State of California,
an easement and right. O:f way for a public street Over,·along and across All·t:hat Real Property
sfutuated in t. he City of San Diego; County of San Diego, State of California, bounded ancl de-
scribed as follows:
'JThe East. 30 feet of t.he Southeast i of Lot 15, of Horton's Purchase of Ex-M:ission
~ands, according to t.heofficial Map thereof no. 28~; filed in the office of the Otnmt~l
Recorder of San Diego Cotmt.y, California. .
To· Have and to Hold the· above QUITCLAIMED :;mel described easement and right· of way a
and for a public· st.reet. · ·
Witness our hands and seals thi~ 25 clay of June 1926.
On this 25th day of J1me A.D.Nineteen Hundred and 26 before me, J. R. Jones a Notar~
Public in and fol' said Cou_11ty, residing therein, duly corruiuils'S;hnned and sworn, personally
appeared C'Yrus H. Wallace &r:Lilly B. Wallace knovm to me to be the pe1·sons described inahds.-
who·se names aTe subsc:ribed to· the within inst.1·v.ment, and acimowledged t.o ·me that they ex-
ecuted the same.
Witness my hand and Official, Seal t.he day and 'year in t.hi s certificate first above
vjrit ten.~
. J. R. . JO HES
Notary Public in and for t.he Cou.J.lty of Los Angeles,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires Oct 31, 1928.
RECORDED J{f REQUES.t OF City Clerk J1JL 13. 1926 at 15 Min. past. 2 o'cleck P.M. In Boo,
1221 Page 286 of DEEDS Reco£"ds of ·san Diego Count.y, Calif.
JOHN H. FgR~~Y, Co1.mty Recor-der-
By ~· B. WOOD.ARD Deputy.•
I HEREBY CERTIFY, t.hat 'the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct c·opy o.f
deed from Cy:cus H. Wallace & Lilly B. Wallace to The Cit_y of San Diego. Being Document
No. l916F/.
AL~N H.· v'T£UG11:T' .
: :·

City Clerk of the City of Sa;.'l Diego,' Californig,~- t:;

By ff .~ De:put.y.
( ~;;~*-

Guido .#.rtli ur Sommer (widower) a.!lld Ari ved Arthur Sommelt' (single) joint tenants Fox
in com'?ideration of the sum of OHE IOLL.AR Do Hereby Grant to ::ilhe.City of San. Diego, a Muni-
cipal 0orporat~on; in the County ofSan Diego, State. of California, an ~asement. _and rig~t of
way for a publ1c street over, along and across All tn:at -Real P~roperty s:1tuated 1n the C1ty o ·

I San Diego, County of i;ian Diego, State of California, hounded and described as f.ollows:
. IFhe East thirty {30) feet of t.he S:E! of Lot. 41 Horton's Purchase of Rancho Mission
according to Official.Map thereof No. 283,.-filed in tlie office of t.he Coun~y Recorder of
San Dieg..: County California; excepting there·from the right o:f way of the· San Diego and Arizo a
Railway Company.
5Z'o Eiave and to Hold the above granted and described easement an:d right.· of way as
and for a public street
Witness our hands and seals t:i!n:is 6th dey of July, 1926.


On this 6th day of July. A~D.Ninet een Hu.ndred and 26 before me, Edmund 0. T'hompson
a Notary Public in and for s.aid County residing therein, duly co11111issiomed and s:worn, person-
ally §.ppeared Guido Arthur Sonrrner {widower) and Arived Arthur Sommer (single) joint tenant:s
known to·me to be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within in-
strument, and acknowledged to me t·hat they executed the same.
Witness my han<;l and Official Seal the day and year in this, certilliicate first above
Notary Public in an:.d for t.he. County of S: an Die go, State of
(SEAL) California.
My Comm.i s 9i on.. Expires March 31' 1930.

I RECORDED.~ .lilEQ.U.t£~1t OF Cit:y C1e:ck JUL 13 19t;!6 at 15 Min. past 2 o '.clock P.M. In Book .
No 1221 Page 285 of DEEDS Records of San Diego Liounty, Calif.
JOHH H. l!,ERRY ,C aunt y Recorder
By L. H.• WOODARD Deputy

DEb.:ll . ·

I, Eva A. Fly. For and i:q. consideration of One J?ollar Do Hereby Grant to 1'he Cit.y o:ff
San Diego, a Mu.11icipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, .State of: California, an I
easement and right of way for street purposes, through, ~ong an;.d across All th:at Real Propej:dty
situateq. in the City of ~ari ,Diego, County of San Diego, State of Califor·nia, bounded and de-
scribed as follows: · · · · · · .
A portion·of Lot:s 8; 9, 10, ll, 12, i3; 14,·15, 16; 17 and 18; Blo9k 69; partition
of Pueblo Lot. 1168·, according t.o ]4ap thereof ~To. 160, filed in the Q;ffi ce of the County Reco der
of said·San Diego County; said easement and tight of way particularly described as
follows; to_-w:j.t : . . . . . . .
•- Beginning at t.he inters.ection of the: northerly line of said Block 69 with the Mean·
High T'ide Line of t.he Bay of /San Diego; thence South 89 de.grees 45. 35 seconds .East
alon·g the north line of said Block 69, a distance of 76.54 feet t:. o a point ; thence S:outh 35
degrees. 50 minutes 05 seconds West, a. diatance of 219.39 feet to- an intersection with the
sout.hwesterly ·line. of ·said Block 69; -thence northwesterly along tbe southwesterly line of
said Block 69 to an int.ersection with the Mean High Tide Line of the Bay of San Diiego; thencl
northwesterly along the said Mean High T'ide Line to the point or place bf beginning.
IJ1io Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee

I its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for street purposes, as arud for a por:-
tion of Fisher Street. '
Witness my hand and seal this 13th· day of July 1926.

On t,his 13th. day of July A.D. Nineteen Htindred and T'wenty-six before me, Gertrude
Porter a liJot.ary Public in and fo-r s:aid County, residing therein, duly co.mmissioned ·and sworn,
pe,rsonally appeared Eva A. Fly known to: me to be the' person described in and whose name is. ·
· s.ubgcri bed to the wit: hin instrument:, a.rnd acknowledged t.o me t·hat she executed the same.
Witness my hand an:d Official S:eal the day and year in tllis certificate first aboveJ'
r •·
w:rit_t en.
Notary Public in and for the Comity of qan Diego,
{SEAL) State of California.. ·

RECORDED AT .REQUEST· OFCCity Clerk AUG 10 1926 at 35 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 1257 Page 60 of Deeds Records of San Diegp Count.y, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS Deputy.
I HEREBY CER1.1 IFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
deed from- Eva A. Fly t-o _'Jlhe City of i:ian Diego. Being Document No. 192597.

Cit.~lerk: of 1he Cd/~f San Diego, Calirornia•.

BY.[.~~C ..··~Deputy.
If . 9;t'4-w. ~ ·

SAN DIEGO C Ol'JSQLIDATED GAS & ELECT RIC COIIJ:PAHY, a corp or at ion organized and existing
under anc1 _by virtcue of the .laws. of the. St a.t~. of Qalifo.:rnia and having its principal :place of


:· j ,.•'
1 ·.

business 'in the Cit.:v of ;aan Diego, County of San Diego., State. of California, For and in con-
sideration of One DOLLAR Does. Hereby Grant t. o '.l!he CitJr of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation
in the Count.y of·~an Diego, ,State of California, an ea$ement and· right' of way for street 1
})Urposes through; along and acro,ss All that ReaJ,; Property situ.ated in the City ~of· San Diego, 1
Connty of ~an Diego; ~tate of California; bounq..ed and· described as follows.: ...
A portion of Pueblo Lot 116!7 of t.D...e ·Pueblo Lnnds of San Diego, according to Map
therof:made by James Pascoe in the year 18,.10, a cgpy of filed in the Office of the
County Recorder of said S'an Diego County, said easement and right: of yJay being particularly
described as follows, t:o·-wit : , .
Beginning at the intersection of the south line of said·Pue:blo Lot 116'7 wit~ the
Mean High T'ide Line of the Bay of S:an Diego; thence northwesterly along said .Mean High Tide li.
Line to an intersection vlitJi: the east line of T'hirty-second Street as now established; tbenc~
North 0 degrees 0'7 minutes 05 seconds West along the easterly line of said ~hirty-se-cond Str~let
a distance of 105.55 feet to .a point:; thence South 35 degrees 50 minutes. 65 seconds East. a I
dis:itance of 153.31 feet to a point on t.l1...e s:outh line of said Pueblo Lot 1167; theElce North 8
degrees 45 minutes 35 secDnds We&. along the south line of said Pueblo Lot 116'7, a dis.ta:nc.e 1
of 76.54 feet to the point of beginning. .
T'o Have and T:o Hold the abo·ve grant.ed arul described e:asement unto the said 1
its s·ucces:sors and assigns forever as· a right of way for street purposes, as and for a
port ion of Fisher Street. · · .
IN WI;rNE:SS WHEREOF; s:aid Corporation has· c.aused this be executed by
its proper .officers ~nd its corporate seal affixed thi.~ ~4t4 day of July 1926

(SEAL) By W. F. RABER Vice-President

By F. W. STEARnS: Date July~ 1 4~':•26. Attest: C. C. MAY As sist.ant S;ec~ etary •.
On t:.his 14th day o-f July A.D.Nineteen Hundred and IJI·wenty-siX before me, R. s. Ruffin
a Notary Public in and for s.aid County, residing therein, duly commissioned and. sworn, per- I ap:pe·ared w; F. gabe:rr k:nOVli-n to me to ib'eetlie-1?:ice l?:rcesident, andC-. c. May known
to be the Assis:tant Secretary o~ the Co~por-ation that executed tli.;e within instrument,-k:novm. a:·
me to be the persons who· executed the within instrument on behalf of the Co1rporati on within I
named, and acknowled~ed t.o me that such Corporati:m executed the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have heremto rp.y hand and affixe.d my Official Seal, in the
Comty of ~an Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate first above
writ. ten.
Notary Public in and. for the County of aa.n Diego-,
(SE.AL) State of California.
1\[y C omn~is sion Expires May 25, . 192'7

RECORDED .N1' 'BEQUEST' OF CitJr Clerk AUG 10 1926 at 35 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. ll99 Page 295 of DEEDS Records of Diego Ootmty,, Calif. .
· JOH.N H.- FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. ~?SONS Deputy
I HEREBY CERT JFY, that the above and fo :regoing fu,s a fv~l, b. rue and correct copy of
G~a.nt:EEas.ement from the San Diego· Cons.olidated Gas & Ele·ct:ric. Company, to The City of·
Die>go. B.eing Document. No. 192603.•
City Cler·k o~ the: · o.:f Diego, Ca lifo 1ni a.
By ,17 ./ /~/'7 I


Frank Ellis and. Alice G. Ellis, husband & wife, D. M:.· Woollen and Mary Ellis Woollen,
husband. and wi:fe; and Cyrus L. C.·oppock For and in cons.iderati on of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, .
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Do Hereby Grant. to The· City, of ~an Diego, a Municipal
Corporat.ion, in the County of Sao: Diego, State of Californi~ and easement and right of way
for a public street over, alo11g and. across All that Real Property situated in the Cit.y of
San Diego, County, of San _,Diego~ St.ate of Califor:-nia, hounded and described as follows:
· Ail that po·rtion of the South five (5) Acres ·of Biock 13 of '(niadsworth's Olive Grove
accor-ding to the official ma:ri thereof DTo-. 482 a·n file in t.he office. of the County Recorder II
of. Saq Diego e!onnt.y,_ California, lying thirty· (30) tfeet qn each side of the following descri1:S-
e!Lcent.e r line: · · · I.
Beginning at a ·point which bears N 10° 50 37" ·E a dist.anCE! of 170.05 feet :f.rom the I

NW corner o-f s·aid Block 13, thence Southeasterly on a· cmve Vfhose tangent bearsS 22° 0' W I
with a radius of 1000 feet through an angle of 22° 54', a dista:p.ce of 399.68 feet to a point.. ;1
thence tan-gent t.o· said cu.rve, S 0° 10' E a distance of 419.53 feet. t.o a point on the South I
line of s·aicl Block 13, dist.ant. 3:Ll.• 82 feet East.. froni the i~outhwest a.orner. there of.
. ~o Have ~and. to Hol.d the above granted and described easement and right of way as \
and for a public· s:t reet '
Witness Our Hands' and se.als this: 27th day of July, 1926.





-· I

ST'.A2E OF IOWA, Marshall County; ss:

Be #t · 2emembe red, T'bat on t be 27 ~ay of July A. D. 1926 be for· e me t.he undersigned,
G. A. Mote a Notary Public in·ana. for s.aid County, personally appeared FrankEllis·.an:d·Alice
G. Ellis and wife·to me personally known to be the identical persona whose name·s. are

I subscribed to the foregoing deed and acknowledged the execution of t.his. instrument to be
their voluntary act and deed·, and that they executed the same for the purpo9e there·in
Witne·ss My hand and seal the clay and year last. above written.
(SEAL) Notary Public
My com<'Ilissi::m ~xpires. July 4-:-1927
Sil'ATE OF IHDIANA,. ) 8 s
On this 28 day of July .[1..D.Nineteen Hundr~d a..11d ~wenty,-.s:ix before ine, .Vl. D. Long
a Notary Pu,blic in anc1 ;for s.aid County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, per-
sonally appeared Cyrus L. 09ppock. husband oi Edith Ellis Coppock, deceased. Mary Ellis
Woollen a:nJd D. M. Woollen, her husband known to• me to b€J the· persons described in· and whose
name are subscribed to the within in,gtrument, and acknowledged that they exegutE!d the
Witness my hand end Official Seal the cl,ay and year in this certificate first above
writ.t en.
(SEAL) Notary Public
My commission expires. Sept. 25, 1927
RECORDED .L\.T' REQU:83T OF Cit_y Clerk OCT 5 1926 at 10 Min. past..l o'clock P.}l. In. Bo0k
No 1164 Page 351 of Deeds. Records of ~an Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N•. C. P A.'RSOi:lS. Deput.y.

I I REREBY:::CERT.'IFY, that the above and foregoing is a :ox.ll, true mn.d: correct copy of
Deed from Frank Ellis and Alice G. Ellis: et. al; Cyrus L. Coppock; Mary Ellis Woollen and
D. ·M. Woollen' to ·T'he City of San Diego. Being Document. No. 194865.
Cit;.y Clerk of the Cj.t.;¥' of ~an Diego,. Califo·rnia~

B~l?zt. ~/ Deputy.
'{1/, ~/~·~.
GRAJ:U: Elili EMB Nf

PACIFIC. BUILDinG COMP.AHY, a corporation, For and in consideration of One. DOLLAR,

Does Hereby Grant to 'T be City of ~.ail Diego,· a Municipal Co rpor at ion, in the County of San
Diego, State of Califol"nia, an easement and right of way for the c.onstruction end maintenance
of a line of.s,ewers through, along and across All that. Real Property situated in the City of.
San Diego, Oounty of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
T1:Q.e Iiforth thil!ee feet of Lots. 1 and 2, Block c, Arlington, according to tli.e Official.
Map t:b...e·reof.filed in the Office of the County Hecorder of said ~:ail Diego County. ··
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unihtl> tlie· s:aid grantee,
its successors and assigns. :forever as a right of w.ay for a s-ewer pipe line •
. IN WITNESS ~THEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument. be executed by its
proper officers and i.ts. corporate seal affixed t}l.J.s 29th day of,geptember·, 1926.

I (SEAL) . Attest:
On this 29th. day of S-eptember· A.D.Nineteen Hundred and ~went.y-six before me,
Harriett C. Streeter a Notary Public in and for. said Coilllty, residing therein, duly commis:si·ned
and swor-n, ·pe.rsonally appeared 0. W. Cotton, K:novm to me to be the President, and Vivian I
Akeeberg, knovm to me to_be the Secretary of the Corpo:at~on.that executed thw within_ instrul
ment,,.known to me t.o-"Qe the persons who execut.ed the 't'if-1.th1n 1.nstrument on behalf of the Corp-~
oration within named, and acknoWledged to nie thrat such·Corporation executed t.he same·.
In Witne:s.s Whereof, I have herelmt o set my hand and affixed my Official S'eal, in ·t.h
County of San Diego, §tate of California, the day and year in this certificate fir·st above
writ ten. 'J • •

N l!}lt ar y Public ·in and fo,r the· Qounty of ~ Sl1! Die go ,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires Jan. 6, 1930
REQUEST' OF City Clerk OC 1.P 5 1926 at 10 Min. past. 1 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 1164 Page 352 of Deeds. Records of San Diego Comt.y, Calif.
JOHl~ H • .B'ERRY, C minty Recorder
By U. C. PAW3'0NS Deputy,:
I HEREBY CERTIPY, that the above and fo l'egoing is a full, true and correct copy of

I Grant Easement from the Pacific· Building eompanyr to City of ~an Dfu:ego. Being Document. No.
City Clerk of the_Qity of Diego, California,

By~)=-?hcC~_ Deputy.
{1_ ,_ /'?-yt,/'4 . ::.u '


AUBREY W. Th'IARCH.AND; Administratol' of tlJe· Estate of 1\IIARIOH McCONAUGHY, Deceased. For

and in consideration of the sum of One Bollar~ receipt whe·r.eof is.· hereby acknowle,dged Do
Hereby .QUI'FCLADK to 'l'he City of Sm Diego; a Municipal Corporation; in the County of San\
Diego; State of Calif a rnia,. · an easement. and riglJt. of way for a public s.treet over,, along and
acro-ss All t.hat Real Propeeyy situated in the Cit.y of San Diego, CoillltJI of San Diego, S:tate
of Califo'-rnia, bounded and described as follows:
All that portion of t.he s.~ of the N.~ of Lot 41, of Horton's Purchase of·Ex..;.Missio
Lands, according t~o the official map thereof No. 283, filed in the o-ffice of the County Hecor,l de'~;
of San Diego County, California, described as follows:
Beginning at t.he southeast corner of t·Jhe south ~ of the north. ~ of said Lot. 41;
I .
thence west along tbe: south l.ine of s.aid south ~ of the north i-of s.aid Lot 41; a dis.tance oil
30 feet to a point; thence north along a .line· parallel to and distant 30 feet west; -trom the j
east line of said Lot 41,. a distance of 320.32 feet t o a point; thence curving northwest. erl.y,
tar1gent to' last named course, with a radius of 100 feet through an angle of 6° 08 1 33n,
a dis.t82! of 10.73 feet to a point on t:he north line· ·:of tm 9out.h ~ of the· North t· of s:aid
Lot 41; the'nce east ~long ·said north line, a distance of· 30. 57· feet to the· e·ast line of said
Lot 41; t:lience sout:h along said east. l:Lne tp. the· point. of beginning, (excepting t.herefrom
the right of way· of tl1e· o·an Diego. a.:rl'd A1·izona Railway Company}. ·
T'o Have and to Hold tthe above quit:claimed an-d des·cr:Ebed easement. al'ld :righ.t of way
as and for· a};publi c street. ·
Wit ness my hand and seal this: 21st day of S:eptember- 1926.
Admisinstrato:E of Estate of
MARION McCONAUGh"}, Deceased. (~

E'.ATE o:£!1 l:'E.N.NSYLV.A.~HA, ) 8 s

On this 21st day of September A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Six (1926) before
me; Samuel c. Ta.bbey a Notary Public in and for said Country, residing therein, duly
commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Aubrey w. Marchand, vJho is known to me to be the
person described in and whose name is. subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
t. o me that he exe.cut ed the· ~ame~. · · ·
Witness my hand anc1 Official C.~eal the day anrd;y·year in this certific:ate first above
(SEAL) Notary Public
My Commission expires 3/6/27
J • I c'.

COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA,} . Acknowledgment (.Notary)
. I, John M. ~cott;·J?rothonotary of the Courts of Common Pleas of s.aid County, which
are Courts of Record hav~ng a common seal, being the officer authorized by the laws of the·
State of Pennsylvania to make the following Certificate, acting by my Principal Deput~. ·"
William· J. Kerns, or my Second Deputy, Meredith ~anna do c:ertify, ~hat Samuel c. Tabbey
E~quire, whose name is subscribed to the.certificate of the acknovvle.dgement of the. annexed
instrument and thereon.written; was at the time of s.uch aclmowledgmenrt·a.NOT'ARY Pu~LIC for
the Commonwealth of Penns.ylvani·a, residing in the Cotmt.y, duly cornmissioned and
. qw.lified· to- administer oaths and ·affirmations and to take aclmowledgme:b.ts and proofs o:f
Deeds or Conveyances for lands, tenements and;hereditaments to .be recorded in said State
of Penns:ylvania, and to.- all whose acts; as such:, full faith -and credit are and ought to be
given; as wel.l in Courts. of Judicature as elsewhere; and that I. am well :acquia.::imted with the
handwriting of tbe said Notary Public and verily believe t .be s.ignat ure ther:19t o is genuine,
anc1 I further certifY t.hat the s.aid_ Instrument is; executed and aclmowledged:~mn confo:r:mi tll'
with.the laws of the State of Pennsylvania.
':!:he impression of t.he seal of the Not.ary Public is not required by law to be filed
in this office.
In ~estimony Vfu~reof, I have hereuntO. set my hand and affixed the s.eal of said
Court, this 23rd day of ~,9qpt:ember in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hUll!ldred and
twenty-s.ix ( 1926} ·
JOHN M. SCOT.'T, Prothonotary.

(SEAL) By WM, J. I~S Principal Deputy

~ Du:a.ante ·A.bser;Lt.ia, ~ecundum Legem.·

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee. OCT 13 1926 at 45 Mmn.' past 3 o'clock P.M. In Book
No. 1263 Page 237 of Deed iecords of San Die·go Com1ty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. viDJDARD Deputy
I HEREBY CER1 IFY, that th~ above and. fo 1:ego:Lng is a _,f.ull, true and correct copy of
Deed"fram Aubrey W. Marcham (Est. McConaughy) to ~he) City of ~an Diego. Being Document No.


AUBREY W. MARCHAND and ALJLCE PEAHL MARCHAI:tD, his Wife, For and in consider-ati::n.1l of.
the of One Dollar, receiptewhereof is, hereby acknowledged Do Hereby Grant 1l.o. Cit.y of
San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of .California, an
easement and right. of w-ay f.or apublic street over, along Sl;I.d across All tliat Real Property
situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State.:of California,. bounded and
described as follows:
All that portion o.f the· S.· ~ of the· N.· ·~ o·f Lot 41, ·of Horton's Purclnse of Ex-
Mission Lands, accor-ding to t.he official map thereof No. 283, filed in the office of t:he
CotuEY Recorder of San Diego County, California, described as follows:
Beginning at the southeast corner of the south ~ of the north ~-of said Lot 41;
th~nce west along the sout.h line of said so-uth t of the north ~ of said Lot 41, a distance of
30 feet to a point..; thenc~ north ~ol;lg a line parallel t.o. and distant.. 30 feet.· west from the 1
east line of said Lr;>t 41; a dist.ance o~ 320.32-feet to a point; thence curving norl.liwest.erJLyl
tangen~ to the last name9- cour-9e, wit.h: a radius of 100 feot.through an angle of 6°.08' 33n,
a distance of 10.73 feet to.- a point on the north line of the South ~ of the North ~ of said
I Lot 41; thence east along said l).orth line:!! a dist.ance of 30.5'7 feet· east. line of said:
Lot 41; ther1ce south along said east line ta the point o-f beginning, therefrom the
right. of way of t be· Sen Diego' and Ariz on a Rai 1way C ompany) • . I
· T'o Have and to Hold the above granted and described easema-Lt and right of way as an~
for a public street.
Witness our hands and seals this 21st day of September_, 1926.


On this 2ls.t day of qeptember A.D~ Nineteen Hundred and T'·wenty-Six (1926)before me,
Samuel C. ~b_:_E$'a l'Jotary :Public in and for said County residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Aubrey W. ·Marcb,.and and Alice Pearl Marchand, Who ·are known
to me to be the persons described in and wh~J:te· names are subscribed to th.e within 'instrument,
and acknowledged to me they executed the same.
Wit. ness my Hand and Official Seal the day and year in this; cert ifi cat e. first above
(SEAL) Notary Public
My Commission Expires 3/6/27

ST .ATE OF PE.N:NSYLVMUA , ) ss. Acknowledgment (Notary)
I, Johr:i M. Scott, Prothonotary of t.he -Courts of Cpmrnon Pleas of said County, which
are Courts of. R~cord having a oomm6n seal, being the officer authorized by the laws of the·
State of Pennsylvania to; make the fo:-llowing Certificate, aqt ing by my Principal _De})uty.,
William J. Kerns!P or my Second Deputy, Meredith Hanna do Certify, That Samuel C. Tab bey Esquire,
whose na-ne is: subscribed to the certimicate of t_i,...e acknowledgement of·the annexed.instrument
and thereon written, was at the t_ime of such ad.knowledgment .a NOTARY _PU!IBLIC for the Comi'llon-
wealth of :Pennsylv·ania, residing in t.he County aforesaid, duly commissioned and qualified to
administer oaths "and affirmations and to take acknowledgments and pro.ofs. of· Deeds or Convey-
ances for lands, t.en:eme·rrt. s and· he redi t amant s to be re-co.r'ded in said S:tat e of Pennsylv.ani a,
and to all whose -acts, as such, full fait.h and cr.edit. are and ought to be given, as well in
Courts of Judicat1.:ire as elsewhere; &"1d that I am well acquainted wit.h t.he l1andwriting of the
said. Ner.ARY PUBLIC AND verily believe the signatm·e thereto is genuine, .and I further certif
that the said instrument is executed and acknowledged in co·nformitg wit.h the laws of
State of I'ennsylvania. ·
T'he impression of the seal of th.e Notary Public is not required by law ;to be .filed
in t hi s o ffi c e .,
· In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court,
this 23rd day of- September in the year of our Lord one thousai1d nine hUll!l.dred ancl twenty-six
JOHN M. SCOTT , ProtP,onot ary.

tsEAL) By WM. J. KERNS Principal Deputy
. . rrothonot ary ·
Du.r,a:nt.e Absentia, -~ecundum LegBm.·

I RECORDED AT REQUES.r: OF Gtee OCT 13 1926 at 46 Min. past 3 o'clock P.M. In Book No.·
1263 Page 235 of Deed Records of 3an Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. :b,ERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy.
I EffiREBY CEitr:IFY, t.hat the above and fDl'EHSOing is a full, t.rue and correct copy of
Deed f!trnn Aubrey W. Marchand to:. The· City of San Diego·. Being Document No. 195154.
Diego, California.

W. A. ·c. ;tule and Josephine K. Yule, husband and Wife For and in Considel'ation of the
enefit s to ace rue by t.he location, canst ruc:fl'on_ and m.aint enanc e of. a sewer line.· through andI
across tile- prope-rty herein described, and in c-onsideration of the S:1Jl11 of One Dollar (~~l.OO) t~
s in hand paid, the: receipt whe·reof is her·eby acknowledged, do hereby grant. t.o the City of
"an Diego, a mu11icipal corporation; in the· Count.y of :.).an Diego, State of California, an easeme t
Frd right.. of way through~ along mdacross all that certain real pro}.:Brty situate in the City
pf San Diego, County of ~an Diego, ~tate of Califro-nia, particularly described ar.s follows,
ito-wit: .
Lot .one (1), Block one hundred twenty-one {121), Micldletown
. T?o ~ave ~nd t? Hold the above g1·ru:ted a~d described right ?f way_ unto the· said grant.,e,
u.ts successors ana. ass1gns.. fo-rever, as a r~ght OI way for a sewer p1pe l1ne. · 1
I ·_ . Th~ ];mrpose ~f thi~ e~sem.e~t and right. ?f way_if f~r tr:-e construction and maintenancj
p_f a ~r1va~e s.ewer lateral 111~1de tne pmpar-t-y l1n~s, J.t understood that .the City ?f
an D1ego 1~ ;.o.l:J.?t to be held l1able f~r any d~age fl'om the const l'Uct :ron and mmntena.Dce
of sewer lat.e-ra1s over2und across-thJ.s easment. ·
I . - ±n Witness 'Whereof~ we have hereunto. set our hands _and i3eals this 27th day of
!1tugust., 1926. ··



COlJHET OF S'AH DIEGO, ) s s 27th day of'Augus.t, 1926~ before me; H. S. Button, ai~otary Public in a11d
for the·. said County of San Diego, State of Califernia, resideing therein, duly cornmissione'd
ans sworn, personally appeare'd w•. ·A. C. Yule an;d Josep.Jj.ine-K. Yule, husband and wife, per-
s.onally knovvn to me to be the persons whos.e names are subscribed ta the within in§t.rument,.
and the·Y duly acknowledged to me. that they execut.ed the same. ·
In Witness whereof, I have hereU..Ylt o set my ha.rrd and affixed my official seal~ at my
office in the County; of qan Diego, the day and year in this c:ertificate above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of ::ian Diego-,
(S.EAL) State of California.
My Commission expires July 17, 1928.
RECORDED AT REQli'E8.i: OF City: Clerk OCT' 19 1926 at 3 o'clock P.M. :tn Eook No. 1221
Page 483 -of DEEDS Records of S:an Diego Cormt.y, Calif. '
JOHN H. :PERRY, County· Recorder
N. C. PA.RSONS Deputy.

I HEREBY CEltr'IFY, that the a~ove and foregoinft is a full, t.rue and c~rrect .copy od
Deed of VI. A: C. Yule and Josephine K. Yule for .S/R/~il to the City of San Diego, J?eing
Document. No~· 195299.

We, L·ouise Zumwalt and and James c. Zumwalt, my husband, residfunt in the· City of
San Diego, ~tate of2California; . -
For and in Consider at ion of t.he benefits to accrue by tthe loc:atioru, cons.t.ruct:Lon an
maintenance of a sewer line througb:. and across the property herein described, and in conside~­
ation o·f the Sl!liil of One Dollar ($1.00) to us in hancl·paid, the receipt whe1reof is 'hereby ac-
knoy:Tle dged, do.· hereby grant: to the· Cit.,Y of S:an Diego, a municipal c·orporati on in the· Count:y
of ::i:an Die go, State of California, :Jan. easement. and Tight: of way through., along amd across .a.]l
that. certain ·r:eal pro·perty s·it uate in the City of S.·an:Diego, County of San Di·ego, S.t'at.e of
California, particularly described_,as follows,_ to-wit:
· Lots '43 and 44, _Eloc k 1, ·Resubdivision. of Blocks '7 to 17, T'eralta,_ according to Map
thereo·f ·filed in tbe Office of t.he -C·ounty Reco:c.·der of s.aid S,an Diego; Oounty. . ·
· : To ~ve and to Hold the above granted and _described right of way unt.o the said
grantee, its successo-rs &"'ld as signa forev8r, as a right. of way for a sewer- ptpe line .•
· 'fhe -purpose of this easement. and right of way is for the c.onst·ruct.iun and maint~nan e
of a private sewer lateral inside the pl'operty lines,. it being u,nder~tood that t.he Cit.y of:·
San Di-ego· is not. to be held liable for any d~age r eaulti ng f.l' om ·th.e -const. ruction ·and main-
tenance of s.ewer laterals o'V.'er and across t:his easment.
In Wi tneas Whereof, W~ have hereunto set our hands and seals this second. day of
August., 1926. · ·
. 1
On thi@ ond day of' August. in the year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and
twent.y six before me, M. 0. Aubolee, a Not.ary public, in and for said CountJZ and ~tate re-
siding therein, duly 'commissioned and· sworn, personally app:e:axed Louise Zumwalt and James
C. Zumwalt Her Hl1.', Knovm tcr~ me tq be the persons: described in and whose names. are sub-
scribed to the'wl.thin inst.rument,an~ acknowledged t:o me that they executed t.he aame. .
In Witness whereof; I h1.:we set my hand 8l1:d ·affixed my t5fficial seal, at my,,
in said County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this: certificate first
above Wlli!:en. · · · ·
Notary Public in· and for San Diego CountY., Stat·.e of. ·
( S:E.AL) California..
Commission Expires. De~. 19th, 192'7.
RECORDED 10: _ Re;':tUE:3T OF CitY. Clerk OCT 19 1926 at 3 o'clock P .11Ii. ln Biilok No. 1221
Page 484 -of· DEEDS Records of San Die::go County, Calif.
JOliN H. ·PEL.EY County Hecorder
By N. C• .2ARSO iS. Deputy.
I HERBBY CE!:'~Il!'Y, t.hat the above and foregoing !i!s a full, true an.d c orr€i'ct copy of
deed of Louise Zumwalt and James c. Z:umwalt for ~ewer ~-:jw to the City of·San.Diego: Beir:g
document~ No. 195301 •.
c. h_ y .of q~an Diego, C· alifo~nia.

I, JOE lvliLLEi:~ and Wife 1!1 or an•d in dons iderati::m of the benefits to accrue by the
location, and maintenance of a sewer lin,etthrough and across. the· propeJ:i;·y herein
described, and in consideration of t:be:· sum of One: Dollar {$1.00) to. me in hand paid,. tbe:
receipt wber eo:f is· hereby acknow.le·dged, do. he rely grant t.o the Uity of qan Die go, a- munic:ipaJJ
corporation in t,he Count.y of San Diego, ~tate qf Calif'or·nia, an· eas.ement,. and right of· way
through, along and across. all tl1at ce rt al!n real pro-pert~ situate in t..he: City of S 82!1: Die go;
County of s·an Diego, State of California, pa:ctic.ularly described as follows, to-wit.:
Along t.he West. line of .tbe, r-qar half of Lot "H 11 in Block One Hrmdred S.event.y.-six
(176) of Mission Beach,' in City of San Diego, County of San Diego, S:tate of California·
'2o Have and to- Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said
grantee; its successors and ·assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line:.
T'he purpose of this easement and right of way is for the con.struc.tion andmainten:an<ee
of a private sewer lateral inside the· property lines, it be~ng understood that the City of
San fJiego is not to be held liable for any d::mage resulting·from t.he construction 8ll!d main-
tenance of sewer laterals ·over and across this easment.
· In Witness ~Vhereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this. thirtieth day of
August,. 1926.



On this 3oth. day of August; 1926, before me, B. L. Forbes a Notary Public in and
for the said County of San Diego, State of California, :!l.'·e:si:diingg therein, duly cmmb.issioned
and sworn, personally appeared Joe, Miller and wife, p~rsonal1y knmvn to me to be the per·s'on
whos·e name .is s·ubscribed to tbe within, an~ they duil:Y acknowledged to me that
they executed ·tile same.
In Witness Whereof, I have ·het·eunto set my hand and affixed my official s:eal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the:dday·and year in·this certificate first above written.
Notary Public in .and for the Gou..11t y of San Diego,
(SEAL)· State of California.·
My Commission expir·es Oct 11th 1926

RECORDED AT REQUE3r OF City Clerk OCT 19 1926 at 3 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1280
Page·l68 of Deeds Records of San Diego , Ca::mE:{t::Q, Cal if. ,
JOHN H•. FERRY, County Hec order

I li::EREBYCERTIFY, that the above and faregoing is afull,_true an:d·correct copy of

deed of Joe Miller & Mrs. E. Miller for· Sewer /R/W to the Gity of ~an Di'ego, California.

I Being Document, No. 195303.

City Clerk C ~lifo :~;nia.

,___ De put y.
~- I
For Sewer

I, JOHN W. BRADLEY (widower). of San Diego, Califo·rnia For ~nd in Consideration of--.
the benefits to. accrue by t be location, construct-ion and maintenance of a sewer line thr.o-ugh
and across the pro.perty herein described; and in consideration of t.he sum of One Dollar ($1. 0)
to me in hand paid, the receipt. whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City
of San Diego, a municipal co:,;poration in· County of San Diego, State of California, an
eas:ement and :rigbt.. of way through, a~ong and across all that certain real pr·o.perty sit:uate
in the City of San Diego, County of ~an Diego, State of Califocr:nia, particularly described
as follows., to-wit: ·
Lots T!hirty-nine (39) and Forty (40) in Block Eighteen (18) of University Heights.
Addition, ·according to the map thereof on file in the office of the Recorder of Stiid San Die o
County. S·aid easement to be across t.he rear· of said lots from fou:r t.o six feet from propert
line;. · ·
·To Have and to Hold the above granted and· described rigbt of way unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever, as a right. of ·way for a sevJer pipe line •.
T'~e purpos:e of this easement and right. of·way i.s for the construc.tio:n, a.nd.maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside the prope--ttY lines, it bein,g understood that the City of
San Diego is not ··tn be held liable for any damage :resulting from the construction and.main-.
tenance of sewer late:cals over and across this easment. ·
_J;n Witness 'lfhereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 21st day of Augus..t, .1926.




On this 21st day_ of l\,ugust., 1926, befo-re me~· Albert lvi. Lane a Not.a.ry Public in and
for the said 9ounty of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissio:rrn.ed
and sworn, personally appeared John W. Bradley personally .lmown to me to .be the person wh.of:te
name is subscribed to t be within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to .me that he executed
tbe s:ame. · ·
:tn Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set· my hand andaffixed my official seal, at my
office in the Oounty·of qa;ru Diego·, the ·day and year in this ·certific.ate first above written~·

Notary Public in and for t. be County of San Diego.,
(:3.EAL) State of California.
~y Commission expires Oct 5th 1929

RECORDED AT REQUEST.' OF Cit.y Clerk OCT 19 1926 at 3 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 125'7
Page ·19.6 ·o.f Deeds. Records of San Diego 'county, Calif.
JOHN H. FEHRY, ~ourrt.y Recorder
By ·N. C ~ ·PARSOHS: Deputy.

I HEREBY CERT·IFY, that t~-e §Lbove and foregoing is a full, true and correct c.opy of
deed from John W. Bradley for SevJer R/W to the ·City of Se..n Diega-. Being Doe:Urn.em, No·. 195305
ALLEN H. VffiiGRrr .
City Clerk o::£!~C~-:;~-~~iea~~i~ornia.
I EASEI!El'i'l"
I·, B.· B. Gooch and. Maude B. Gooe:h·,
hu~~a~d ~'(jd w~f'El,
.For- ~d::::Cn=r~ti on of the

enefit s t.o accrue by t:b...e location, c onst.ruction Silld maintenance of a sew-er line through and
across tbe pro'J?erty herein_described, and in considerat·ion of the o-f One Dollar ($1.00} .
o· them in hand, the receipt. whereof is he1·eby acknowledged; do hereby gram to the City ·<
of Q;an Diego, a municipal corporation in the ·County of ~an Diego, .State of California, an
easement. and right of-way through, along and across:.all that certain real property situate in
~he City o·f San Die·go, Oount.y of San Diego,- State of Calif~ia, particularly described as
rollows, to-wit :
Lots 51/hirty five (35} T<hirty six (36) and 'Jhi1·ty seven (37) and ~hirty eight (38)
in Block E·ight.een (18) of University ·Heights Addition to the City of Qan :Diego, ColiD.ty of
S~. . Die-go, s·tat e of California. -
· 'TI'o Rave and to Hold tn.e above granted am desc:r:ibed right of way nnto the said
grantee, -its success:ors and assigns fo reve:g·, as a 1"'i. ght of way for.· a sewer :pipe line.
T'he purpose o-f this easement and rigbt o~f way is·fo-r the const.rucfion and mainten,...
ance of a private sewer lateral insidE} t.he :property lines, it being nndersto.od tliat tllil.ecCity
of San Die·go is not·to: he held liable for any damage resulting from the c.onstruction and
rm..intenance o-f s:ewer laterals over and across t.his easment.. '·
:tn Witness \~'Thereof, B. 'B.· Gooch and Maude B. Gooch have hereunto their hands andJ
seals thi-El 20th day of July, 1926.,


@n this 2oth day of July, 1926; before me, F. E. Manning a Notary Public in and fo~
the said County of q:a.n Diego, State of CalifCDrnia, residing therein,,duly commissinned and sv~orn,
personally· appeared B. B. Gooch and Maude B. Gooch personally known to. me to be the :persa>ns.
whose names are subscribed to ·the within instrument, and they duly acknowledged to me that
they exec$ed t be s. arne. · ·
~ ln Witness·reof, I have ht?,reunt.o set my ihan;d and affixed my official s.eal,. at my
office in 1the County of San Diregor; the day and year in this certificate first above written~
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State· of Calife»rnia.
My Commiss·io-n expires: August 31'19W7

RECORDED M' REQUB2-T OF City Olerk OCT 19 1926 at 3 o'clock P. Ni:. In Book No. 1280
Page 166 of Deeds Records of Diego County, .Calif. \.

JOHN-,H. FERHY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONi 'Deputy·

· I HEREBY CERTIFY, that tb...e above ahd foregoing is a full~ true and correct copy of
deed· from B. B. Gooch & Mauc1e B. Gooch for sewer R/W to the City of San Diego~ Being
Document, No. 195307.
·'an Diego,

We, Ernest C; McGowan and Thelma C. McGowan, husband and. wife, For and in Considera-
tion of the· benefits to. accrue by tl?-e location, construction and mmnt.:enance of a s.ewer line
through tJ.nd across the :pro.perty he:reiri described, -and in consideration 9.f.the sum·o·f One
Dollar ($.1.00) to us in hand :paicl, the· receipt 1.1trher·eof is hereby aclmowledged, do her·epy
grant tot he City of S·an Diego, a municipal co~JJOiation in the. County of ~an Diego, ·state of
California, an easement and right of way t~rough., along and across all that certai!j.·real
:property sit.uate in the· City of San Diego, County of San Diego, Stat.e of California, particu]-
arly described as follows, to-wit: · ·
T'he Nor-th 3 ft of the East. 50 Ft. of Lot; s 22 and · 23, Block 9, V'li ls.hir e Pla. ce
T'o Have and to Hold t be above gr m1t ed and de sc 1"'i bed right of way unto the s.a id
grantee, its mmcessors and assigns; forever·, as a right. of way for a s·.ewer .pipe line..
The· purpose of this eas:emen,t and right of way is fo1· the construct-ion ana. mainten- e of a :private s.e'v\;e r lateral ins id.e the :property lines, it being unde rst ooo d that · the ·
·f City oct' San Diego is not. "tlo be held liable for any damage resulti'ng from the co:ns.t.r1.Iction
and maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment.
In Wit:ness Whereof, we 'have hereunto set our hands and seals. this 20th. day of
Sept ember 19 26.



On this 2oth day of September,. 1926, before me, Hele]]. Jacobs. a Notary Publi.c in and
for the ·said County of Diego, State of California, resjj_di:irggtherein, duly commissione-d
and sworn, personally appeared Ernest c. McGowan and Thelma c. McGowan personally knovm to
me to be the :pe1·sons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and t.hey duly ac-
knowledged to me that they axec'ut ed the· same·.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my- official seal, at my
office in t.he County of San Diego; the day and year in this certificate fil'St above writ:ten.
Notary Public in and for the CountY. of San Diego,
(SEAL) s'tat e of california.
My Commission expires Dec·. 12, _192_6.
RECORDED 1!1'.. R.DQUES"l OF City Clerk OCT' 19 1926 at 3 o'clock P. Ivl. In Book No. 1280
Page 16_7 of Deeds Records. o·f ~an Diego County, Calif. ·
JOHN H. FEHRY Count.y Recorder
By N. 0. PARSONS ©eputy
· I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full true a.Yld co-rr·ect copy of
deed from Ernest C. McGowan & Thelma C. McGowan se.wer R/W. to the City of ;)an_ Di~go_. Being
document No. 195309. ·
tl{e c-1 . of San I/ie.go, c·alif o rnia, .... -

We, David E. and Ethel N. Wortman husband and wife as joint tenant.s, For arid in Con-
sideration of tl1...e bJenefits to a::ccrue by the location, construction and maintenance of_ a sewer
line through and ·across the property herein described, and in consideration of t.he sum of
One Dollar ($1.00) to in hand paid, the r.eceiJ?t whereof is hereby aclmowledged, to hereby
grant· to .the City of San Diego, a mtmicipal c·orporat.ion in th,e County of San Diego, State of
California, an easement and right of way through, along and across all t.hat certain real pro-
pert.y situate in t.he City of San Diego, County of ~3aru Diego, State of California, particularlw
described as follows, to-wit: .
r:R'he North { 4) Four feet of the S out.Ii :six ( 6) ft. of the· east 42 forty two feet of
Lots One (1·) and T'wo (2) in Block C·. ~·erralt·a Hts. accordin,g to map No •. 1009 filed in Recordbers.
o ff ic e 0 c t • 5 , 19 0 6. ·
Tlo 'ave and to Hold the above granted and described rigl1t. of. way unto the· aaid g-rant. e,
its sue cess or s and as.s igns forever, as a right. of way for a sewer pipe line. ·
The purpose of this easement. and right. of way is fot the conGtruction_; and maintenan e
of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City of
San Diego is not to be held liable for an,y damage resulting from the con,s;t.:cuction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment· •.
In Witness Wha·reof, ·we l1ave hereUJ.'lt.o our hands and seals this 27th day of
Septer.o:ber~ 1926.,

N..eHEL H. vVOP.TM.Al~ (SEAL) ·

Ci>n this 27th day of September, 1926, before me, c •. N. Harmer a Notary Public in and
for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared David E. Wortman and Ethel N. Wortman, husband and wif.e per-
sonally kmown to me .to be the persons. whose names are subscribed to tbe· within instrument,
. and· he duly acknowledged to· me tl'iat they executed t.he· s.ame

I In Witness 1tfhereof, I have hereunto· set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in Colmt.y of S:an Diego, the day and year in this cer'frific.ate first above written.

C • N. HABivffiR
Notary Public in hlltd fGr the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
[viy Commissipn expires 0ct. lOth, 1928.

I RECORDED 1l£ REQli'E.3'£ OF C?-ty Clerk OCT 19 1926 at 3 o'clock. P. Jiil. In Book No. 1221
lPage 481 of DEEDS Records of San :Oiego County, Calif.
JQHN H. FERRY, CoUnWY Recorder
By N. 0. PARSONS. Deputy,.

I HEREFf CERiUFY, that the above and foregoing· i~ a full :t.rue· and correct copy o:f
~eed from David E. Wi:n:tman & Ethel N. Wortman for sewer R/W to t.he City of 2.ian Diego. Being
~ocument, No. 195311.



I, William L. Erb and Edna R. Erb husband and wife For ana 1n Consideration of t.he
b~nefits to accrue by the location, co·nstruction: and l#ainteruance of a sewer line through. an
across ·· property herein described, and:lin considerati ::m of the smn of One Dollar ( $1.00)

I to us in hand paid; the· receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do we hereby grant to t.h:e ·
City of San Die·go, a municipal corporation in Count.y of Diego, State of California,
an easenent and right of way through, along and acr:os.s all t.hat certain teal property s.itu:atj
in t:he City of q,-an Diego, County of qa;n; Diego, State of California, particularly described a
follows, to-wit: · . ··
North 43 feet lo~ 16 Hector Square. according to th.e map thereof No.· 1360 fi·led in th
office of the county recorder of said San Diego County Sept. 12 1911. · I
T'o Ntave and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto t.he said grant~e,
its successors and as.signs fo.reve r, as a I,"igbt. of way for a s.ewer pipe line.
'i?he purpose of t.his easement an:q. right of way is for the constTuction and maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside ·the pro};Jerty lines, it- being unc1erstood t.hat the. crity o·f
San Ili ego' is. n9t. to be held liable :f:aii' any damage resulting ·fTom the co nst ruction and main-
t.enance of :..S§'~J@~ laterals over and across this e·asment .•
In Witness Whereof, ·we have hereunto set our hands and seals this Twenty-ninth dey o:fl
Sept ember, 19 26.


ST.ATE OF c·.ALil!'ORlHA,)
CO UiiJTY 01!1 SA.N D IE.GO , ) s s
On this 29th day of September, 1926, before me·, Mary Starr, a Not.ary l'ub lie in and.
for the said Cotmt·y of Diego, State of California, :cesicling therein, commissioned
and sworn, personally app.eared William L. illrb & Edna R. l!.lrb, husband & wife personally known
to me t'o be t:he persona whos.'e names are s:ubscribed· to the: in§t rument, and they duly
acknowledged to me that they executed the s.ame..

I ln Witness. Whereof, I have he:reunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the aounty of s·an :Diego, the day and year in this c.ertificate first above written.

Notary Public in and for the County of ~en Diego,
( Si~.AL) · Stat e. of· C'alifornia.
My Commission expires. ·Janu.a.ry 15, 1928.

RECORDED AT Rt;QuEEJ.r OF Uit..y Clerk· OC~ 19 1926 at 3 o'clock 1?~ M•. in Book No. 1280
Page 164 of Deeds 1:\ecords of Sarli .liJiego ,county, Calif.
• -
~ ~ •• • q
I HEREBY CER.r I.I:!'Y, that the above and fol' ego·ing is a full, true an:d correct cq:py of
.deed from William L. Erb and Edna R. Erb s e\"'er H/W 1fo the Uit.y of San Diego, Being
Doc umentr, No. 195313.

We, William G. Ferguson and Clarence G. Ferguson, For and in Consideration of the
benefits to accrue by t.}l..e location, construction and maintenance of a water and sewer line
through and across the :property herein described, and in consideration of the sum 'of One
Dollar ($1.00) to them in hand::;;paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby
grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation iri tlJe. County of San Diego, State of
California, an easement and right o.f way througl)., along and across all that certain real
:property situate in the_ City o·f San Dieg·o, County of San Diego., State of California, :pa-r-
ticularly described as follows, to-wit: .
Lot 'l!'wenty-four (24) in Block: Forty-seven (47) of W. P. Herberts Subdivision, ac-
cording to t.he map thereof No. 1108, filed in the office of the c·ounty Recorder of tbe said
San Diego· Count:y, January 8, 1908. Said sewer li;ne to serve buildings on Lot·s 25 air.d 26 in ::..l_.?c
Bloc,k 47; of said w. P. Herbert's Subdivision, South of the Soutl'l line of the North forty
feet of Lots 25 and 26. Said sewer· line to run immecLiately inside an:d next to the East
line. of said Lot 24, and Northwardly to' the alley, at the North end of said Lot 24. Said pro
perty being the separate property of the. grantors herein.
~o Have and to Hold the above granted am desc1'i.bed right of vvay unto the said
grantee, its successor:s and assigns forever, as a right of way for a water and sevier pipe li111e.
i\'he purpose of this ea.sEin.ent. and right. of way. is for the co.nstruc.tion and m.ainte:nan1'e
of a :private water an,d sewer lateral inside the :property, it being understood that tJre y of San Diego i s:mo~ to be h.eld liable for any dE!IIlage result in,g: from the c onst r.uct ion
and maintenance of water and sewar laterals over and across this easrnent. ·
· In Wit;ness Whereof, We, the undersigned have here:unt.o set our hands and seals this a .../
six'.;h day of December, 1924.


S11'liTE OF CALIFORNIA,, ) 8 s
COffi1l''Y OF S~i\IJ DIEGO,.)
On -t.M.s 6th, day- of December, 1924, before me, Rodney H. Yale a Notary Public: in and!.
for the· said County of San Diego, State of Califorr:nia, residing therein, duly commissiohed a:r!ld
sworn, personally appeared Clarence G. Ferguso-n knovm to me to be the :person whose name is
subscribed t a the within Inst. rument, as t be Att orney-inFact of William G. Fergtlson and ac-
knowledged to me that he subscribed the name of William· G. Ferguso:n thereto as principal
and his own name as Att o1·ney-iffilFact ~ · · ·
In Witness Whereof, I have he:reunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my the Oou:nty of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate .'first above written.
Notary Public in and for t.he County, of San Die go,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires October 17, 1928. '
On this 6th. day of December A.D., 1924, before -me,. Rodney H. Yal~,.. ·a No1rary Public
in end for the s:aid County of.San Diego-, State of California, residing the:~;ein, duly com-
missioned and svmrn, :personally appeare:d Clarence G. Ferguson :per·so-nally known to me to be
the person whose name is subscribed to ·within Ins-tr-l:unent,. and d~ly acknowledged to me
that he executed the same.:
I-n Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official s eai at my
office in t.he County of ~an Dieg~, day and year int.hiJB certificate first; above writt·en.
Notary Public in and for the County of Diega,
(SEAL) St. ate of California.
My Commission .expires October 17, 1928.
/ \
RECORDED AT REQURSJ: OF City Clerk OC'J[ 27 1926 at 30 Min. _:past. 9 o 'cloc·.k' A.M. In ''.
Book No. 1288 Page 106 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif. .
I. JOHN H. FERR'I, Com1ty Recorder
By N. C. PARSO'HS .-Deput.y
I HERE:BY CEI.:U:.IFY ,' that t.'he above and foregoing is a full, true nnd correct copy of
deed from Wm. G. BnJd Clarence G. Ferguson to the City of San Diego, California. Being
Document No. 196005.
- C · y Clerk of

. '·
.We, Kenneth K. Little and Joan Little, husband and wife, For and in consideration
of t:he benefits t. o accrue by tbe location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and
across. tiie :property hereinafter. described Do Hereby Grant t.o i]fhe City of San Diego, a
Municipal C or:poration, in County of San Diego, State of California, an6.!3asement: and righ
of way far the construct ion, o];lerati on and maint ena.nce of a· Q:ewe r :pipe line ood a:p:purt,,
through, along and acro·ss All that Real PrOJperty situated in the City of San Diego, County o:D
San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as fo·llows:
The West three feet of Lot 30,· Block F, Carmel Heights Extension,· accorli.i!-ng to Map
thereof !:To. 1897, filed intthe Office of the County Recorder of said Qan Diego Count~.
T.1 o Have and to.. Hold. the above granted and described easement unto the said· grantee,
its successors and assigns, for·ever, as a rigl:rt· of way for a sewer pipe line, and appurtenan es.
Witness our hands and seals. this 30th day of September, 1926.


JOflli LIT':i!LE

. .
On this 30th day of ~ept.ember, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and T'wenty-six before me,
E. H~ Erooks a· Notary Public in and fo.r s.aid County·, residlilhg~:therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appea:red Kenneth K. Little and Joan Little known to ·me to be t.he persons·
described in and whose names are subscribed to the· within inst:rument, and acknowledged to
me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand .and Official S~eal the day and year in this certificate firSt above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My C.ommissio:h expires,
June 4, 1930.
RECORDED M REQUES"E' OF City e1erk OCT 27 1926 at 30 Min. past 9 o'cloc.k A.M. In
Book Nol·l279 Page 179 of Deeds Records of Qru1 Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FEHRY, County Recorder·
By N. C. PARSO,IJS Deputy.
I HEREBY CERr'IFY, that the above and foregoing is a ill.ull, true and correct copy of
Deed from Kenneth K. and Joan L~~tle to The City of ~an Diego. Bei1~ Document No. 196009.

I ALLE.~:r
Cit.y/_..-,Clerk of the C...i.
of ~an Diego, California.

~ ~~~

We, T'homas w. Robertson and Helen Robertson, husband and wife, For and in c.onsideration
of the benefits t.o accrue by t:he location a:r;td construction of a sewer pipe line'through and
across ~e property hereinafter described Do Hereby _Grant. to ~he City of San DiegOl, a Munici-
pal Corporation,·in the County of S.'all Diego, State of C'alifornia, an easement and right.. of
way for the construction, operation and maintenance ofa sewer pipe line through, along and
across All the.t ·Real Property qit uated in t.he City of Q:an Diego, e;:ounty ·of ~an Diego, State
of Califo,rnia bounded and· described as follows:
5I<he East. five feet of the North. 40·feet. of t.he West 95 feet of Lot 2; Block 29,
Normal Heights, according t.o Map thereof No.· 985 filed in the Office of the County Recorder
of said San Diego Count.y. · · ·
'll'o Have and to Hold the above grant.ed ar:d described easement unto the said grantee,
it. s successors and as signs, forever, as a of way for a sewer pipe.
Wit.ness our hands and seals this. 16th, day of ~eptembel', ·1926.



On this 16th day of S.ept ember, A. D. ranet een Hundred and T'wenty-si-iX: before me,
E. H. Brooks a Notary Public in and for s.aid Count.y; residing therein, duly commissione·4 at~.d
sv10rn, personally appeared Thomas W. Rob<:)rt.son and Helen Robertson, knoil\in to me to be the
persons descri'bed in and who·se names are subscribed to the \vit:hin inst1·mnent., and acknowledged
to me t.J:lat they executed t. h..e same.
Witness. my hand and Official Seal the day sn:d year in t.J:ll.s certificate first. above
No·tary Public in and for the County of ;~an Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires,
June 4, 1930.
RECORDED AT' REQUEW' OF City Clerk OCT 27 1926 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock .A.M. In
Book No. "1276 Page 139 of DEEDS. Records a[ .san Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Hecoider .
By N. C. P.A.RSOHS Deputy.
I HEHEBY CERTIFY, that. the above and foregoing ills a full,_ true and c orr·ect copy of
Deed from Thomas Vf. Robert son and wife, to f'he City of ~an Diego. Being Doc t¥11e:qt No. 196011.
City of the City o Diego, California.

I, Charles J. Wahl, For and in cons.ide::cati on of the bene'fit s to accrue by the locati n
and const.ruct ion of a sewer pipe line through and across -t.he property h-ereinafter: described
Do Hereby Grant to ':llhe: City of San Die.go, a Municipal Corporation, in tlie Cou..11.ty of San Diego,
State of California, an easement and right. of way for the construc.tion, oper'ation and main:..-
tenance of a sewer pipe line through, along snd· across All that Real Proper-ty situated in ~lihe

City of San: Die go, C ount.y of San Diego, ~tat.e of California, bounded and cle scribed as fo llmu
• '.U.1·he East five feet· of the South 40 feet of the North 160 feet of the West 95 feet
of Lot 2, Block 29, Normal Heights, t.o Ma:p tnereof No. 985, file.d in the Office of.
the County Recorder of said ~an Diego County. Said :pTo:p.erty being t_he s~:parate :pro:pert;z: o:K
the· grant or herein. . .
T'o Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said gr~ntee,
its successors and assigns, forever·, as a riglit of way for a sewer· :pipe line.
Witness my hand and seal this 13th day of September, 1926.
COUNTY OF SA.N lii r:;QO, }
On this 13th day of s·ept ember A.ID. Nineteen Hund:red and ~wenty-six before me,.
E. R. :S;rooks a Hot ary rub lie in and for S..aid County, residing therein, duly comrnis.sioneCi
and sworn, personally appeared Charles J. Wahl knovm to'me to be the· pers.on described in and
whose name· is S:Uhscribed to the within instrument, and ackno~Jledged to me tliat he executed
the· s.ame. ·
Witness my hand and Official f~eal the day and year in this certificate first above
E. lilt 'BROOKS
Notary Pu1hlic· in and for tlie County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires
June 4, 1930.

RECORDED AT REQUE.ST' OF' Cit.y Clei'k OCT 27 1926 at 30 Min. past. 9 o'cloc.k A.M. In
Book No. 1257 Page 225 of· Deeds Records of San Diego Cb:tmty,, Calif.
JOHN R. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS Deput.y.

I P..EREBY CE.rt1'lli''Y,'that the above and fo1·egoing is a· full,'true an:.d correct copy of.
Deed from Charles J. lahl to 2h~ City of :;)an Diego. Being Dcicume nt. No. i96013

Geo. N. and :Mae w. Gris.wold, husband and wife, For a.Yl!d in c:onShderation. of th,e
benefits t.o accrue by t:he locat.ion and construction of a sewer pipe linetthrougli and across
the property hereinafter des.cri.bed :Do Hereby Grant to ~·he Cit.y of Qan Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, in t.he' Oounty of San Dieg:®; State of California, an easement and right of way
for the const: ruction, operation and mai nt mane e of a s.ewer pipe line· through:, along. and
across. All that Real Property situated in the Cit:-z of San D:i:ego, Count.y of S~n Die·go, State
of California, bounded and described as. follows:
· ~he West five feet. of 'the ~·out h 48 feet. of· t.he- Horth 90 feet of t.he East 100 feet
of Lot 3, Block 29, No:rrnal Heights, acco,rding to'Map thereof No. 985, filed in the.OffiCe of
the· County Recorder of said San Diegu County. ·
T:o Have and to Hold the above granted and described e-asement; tmto the said,
its successors: and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a s.ev..rer pipe line.
Witness our l'lands and seals this l3tli day of Sept. 19 26.


ST.A.T'E 0]1 CAtiFORlUA; )ss

On this 13th day of Se:P;.ember A.D.~aneteen Hundred and Twentu-six before me,
E. H. Brooks· a Notary Fublic in and for said Oounty, residing therein, duly commissioned arid
swom, personally appeared Geo. N. Griswold and Mae W. Griswold, known to me to be t.he r:erso 's
described in and whose narres· are subscribed to the within :instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they executed t be· s:ame. . . . .
· Witness my hand and Official ~·eal the day and year in this certific.ate first. above
Nota1·y Public in an•dfor t.he Count.y of Sa.TIJ Diego,
(~:rEAL) State of California.
My Gommi s s:i. on. expires
June 4, 1930
·RECORDED i'li RE~U£::t.t u~' Cit~ Cler.·k OCT 27 1926 at. 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In
Book llo. 1297 Page 42 of ·DEEDS 'Records of San Diego Cotmt.y, Calif.
JOHN H. FERi~Y, County Recorder
By H. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HERtlBY CERT'IFY; that the: above and~ foregoing is· a'full, true and corTect c:opy of.
Dee·d from Geo·. N. Griswold and wife to The Ci~.y· of San Diego. Being Doc·urrfent. Ho. 196015.
f San Diego, Califbrnia.

Vle, Joseph Vf. and Hilda A. Bettens·, husband and wife, For and ·in c.onsidera.tion of
the benefits t.o accrue by the. location and. co.nffi.ruction of a sewer pipe line through. and
across tli:e property hereina:fter described :Do Hereby ·Grant to :ilhe City of San Diego, a Muni-
cipal Co rporati orr, in ·tl1e· Co lli1YY of. S:an Diego, s:ta t e of Ca,,l!if6bnia,, an e a:seme:a1.t a.Jid right of
way fox.· the const.ruction, operation and maintenance of_a sewer pipe. line t~rough, along and
across All that Real Property situated in the· Cit.y of ;~an Diego, Count:y O·f Diego, State
of California, bounded and des.cri bed as .follows: .
T'hEl West. Five feet of the: Sout.h 53 feet; of the N.orth 191 feet: ·of. the East. 100 feet
of Lot 3, Block 29, Normal Heights.,. according. to Map thereof Ho. 985, filed in·the Office of
the County Recorde·r of said i:ian Diego Colmty. · .

I ~ro Have and to Hold the above g:canted and described ·easement. unto the·'d grantee,
its::successors and assignes, foreve1·, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
Witnes.s our hands and seals this: 25th day. of September, l92G.·

On this 25th day of S..:eptember A.D. Nineteen l:iundred a.11.d j!welJlty-six before me, ...
E. H. Brooks a Notary Public in and for said County, residing· therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Joseph VI. Bettens and Hilda A. :eettens. knovm to me to be the
persons described in and who.s.e names are subscribed t;o t:he within instrument,. and acknowledg-
ed to me t h c:rt they exec u!ted the same.
vVi tness my hand and Official Seal the day and year .in tfds certificate first above
Not a:cy Public in and fo r the County of i:~an Diego,
( i~·EAL) S!t ate of California.
My Commission expires
June 4, 1930.
RECORDED PR· HEQu.r.;ST' OF Ci&;y Cler·k OCT 27 1926 at 30 Min. :rust 9 orclock A.M. In
Book No. 1280 Page 214 of lJeeds. Records. of S'an Diego County,, Calif.
JOillJ H • .l!1 .C:RRY, Cou:nt.;v: Recorder·

I By H. C. PARSONS~, Deputy .

I HEREBY CE~ IFY, that the above and foa;oegoi:ng is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Jos:eph W. & Hilda A. Bettena to '].he: Cit.y of ~an Diego. Being Document 196017.
City the Cit1 y o


T. ·E. Fa:c:cov1 and May B:ll:lLck Farrow, husband and wife, For and in conaideration of
the benefits to accrue by t.he location and construction of a drain pipe through ana across
the property here~fter described Do Her~by 'J!he. of San Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, ~tate of California, an easement and tight of wey
for the construction, operation and:IJmaint.enance of a drain pipe, throllllgh, along and across
All that Real Property s it.uat ed in the Cit.y of San Die go, County of ~anr Diego, State of
California, bounded and described as follows:
A pol·tion of -Lot 13, Block 498, s.nd a portion of Lot 36, Block 499, R. H.· Dou.gherty's
Subdivis:ion, according to Map thereof Iio. 36, filed in tbe: O·ffice of the Count:v Recorder of
said San Diego' e!ounty, said eaSEI!lent and right. of way being four feet in wiuth, two feet on
each s·ide of the following- described center lines; respectively: ·
Beginning at a point on the north l~ne of Lot 13, said Block 498, distant 4.00 feet
west. from the northeast corner of s.aid Lot 13; thence south on a dii.Tect line at fr:i~bti.§.hgles
to the north. line o·f· said Lot: 13, a distance of 20.00 feet to a point; Also,

I Beginning at a point on the south line of Lot: 36,·s.aid Block 499, distant 4.00 feet
west from the southeast corner of said Lot 36; thence north on a dir-ect line at tight angles
to t.:b...e south line of said Lot.. 36, a distance of 20.00 .feet to a point ..
T'o Have and to Hold the above granted and described e·asement unto t:he s.aid grantee,
its successol'S and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness hand and seal this. 14th day of October 1926.


!viAY B UO K JF.ARR<~n£v ( SEAL )

On/this. 14th dey of October 4-.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty si~ before me,.
DJ Edwin G• .Bath a Notary Public in and for said County, resi..ding therein, duly commis-sioned ,.,.
and sworn, personally appeared T'. E. Farr::x.v. and May BuckF~JZ.'QJWJ, husband and wife known
to me to be the persons described in tmd whose names are su:bscribed to the within instrument,
and acknowledged t.o me they executed the same.
Witnes:s my hand and Official Seal the day an:ct year in this certificate first above
writ:ten~ /

(SEAL) Notal'y Public. in and for said County and State.
RECORDED Kr.· REQUES'.r OF Cit.y Clerk OCT 27 1926 at 30 Mfun. past 9 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1288 Page 105 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
I HEREBY CERT'IFY, that the above and for ego ing is a full, true and co :erect copy
of Deed f:r·om 'F. E. Farrow et ux., to the City of ~an Diego; Being Cocument Ho·. 196021 •

o Diego, California.


I, E.nnice H. Rettig, For ana. m co· of the, benefits to accrue by the

location and conf:Jt.ruction of a drain pipe th1uugh and acro-ss t.he property her·einafter de-
acr±bed Do Hereby Grant· to 'i'l1e City of San Die'go,a M:unicipal Corporation:, in t.he c·ounty of

San Diego, State of California, an easement and' right of way for the construction, operation
·and maintenance o·f.· a drain pipe through, along. and acro;ss All Real Property situate.d in
the City of S:an Diego, County of S:an Diego, State of California," bonnded and des.cribed as
follows: · · · · ·
I' )v A portion of Lot 5, Block 4, La Jolla Stra.rid', according to Map thereof Ilo. 1216,
filed in the· Office oft:he Col.mty Recorder of said-San Diego Connt.y, said easement and right
.r. of way being four feet in width, two. feet on· e:ach side of the following described center
line: · ·
Beginning at a point on the west line of ·said Lot 5, dis taffi 13.20 feet so·uth from
the northwest. co rne:r of s.aid. Lot 5; thenc·e easterly at right angles to, s..aid west line of
said Lot 5, a distance of 18.00 feet to·- a point,. Said prope1·ty being the separate property
of the. grent or he rein~
T'o Have and t.o Hold the above granted and described e,asement unto the s..aid grant. e e
its: successors and assigns, forever., as a right of way for a drain pipe.
Wit ress my h9m.d. and seal this 15th day of Octo.her 19 26.


0n this 15th dey of October A.D. Nineteen Hlmdred and TweRty-six before me,
E. H. Brooks a Notary Public in and for said County, residi11g therein, duly commissioned andl.
sworn, personally appeared ~unice H. Rettig knovvn to; me to he the' perso.n described in·and
whose name is su,bscribed t.o the within instrument., and acknowledged to me that she executed
tm· aaine~ ·
Witness my hand and Official Seal the c1ay and year in this. certific.ate first above
Not aiqy Public in and for the G onnt y of ~an: Die go.,
(SEAL) State O·f California. ·
My Commission expires
JUNE 4, 1-930.
RECORDED· HEQlJESJ: CF City Clerk OC~I' 2rl1926 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1276 Page 138 of DEEDS. Records of ~an Dieg:} County, Calif.•
JOHN H. FERRY, Count~ Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS Deput~.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from hlnnic-e H. ~ett:ilg to ~he- City of ~an Diego. Being Document No.• 1960?3.,
f San Die go, California.•

We, Winne M. Bonham andFlo_rence E. Bonham, husband an.d wife,"For and in co.nsidera-
tion of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of sewer pipe line thro-ugh
and acros.s the pro.perty hereinafter described Do Hereby Grant to 'Jl'he eitJr of qan Diego, a
Mlmicipal to IJ.JO rat ion, in ·the C ount.y o-f ~:ian Iliego, State of Oaliforni a; an easeme:mt a.D1d
right of way foi· t be const ructiQn, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line;
along aild across_All'that Real :fro,perty situated in the City of ~an Diego, Colmty of San
Diego, State of California, bo-u.r.rded 8lld described as follows:
. 'Jlh.e West five·feet of the North 42 feet· of the Ease 100 f.eet of Lot 3, Block 29, ·
No::anal Heights, according t.o Map thereof No. 985, filed in the Office of the County Recorder
of s.aid San Diego· Cofulty. · ·
To _Have and to Hold tlie above granted and descl'ibed easement. lmto the S:aid grantee,
its succe.ssors and assigns:, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line. I
Wit.nes s olrc· hands and s:eals ·this 16th day of ~)'ept ember, 19 26.

On this 16th dey of--September A.D. Nineteen·Hundred and T:went~-six before. me,
·E.. H. Brooks: a Notary Public in and for said County; res.iding therein, duly co.mrnissioned
and_ s.wo rn, personally appeared W.dmne M. Bonham and Florence -E. Bonham kno-wn to. me to be the
persons described in and vuhose name.s are subscribed to the within instrument, and ac~ow­
ledged t.o· me that they execut.ed the same.
Witness my hand and O:fficial Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
writ t eri.
Notary Public in and for the County of qan Di~gQ·:,
fSE.A.L) ~=nate of 0 alifo rnia.
My ~ornmission expires
J"une 4, 1930.
REC 0 RDED flit REQ UESl: OF Cit y 0 1 er- k OCT 27 1926 at 30 Min. 'pas.t 9 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1280"Page 215 of Deeds. Records of San I;liego County~ ·calif. · ·

JOill~ H. FERRY, County Recorder
BY N. C. PARSONS Deputy.
I HEREBY CERT'IFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, t:rue and correct copy of
Deed from Winne M. ·Bonham and \Vife·, T'o The City of San Diego. Being Dooum·en:fl No. 196025.
<I .. -_-..

We, Frank NI:. Smit.h and Irene B. p'mi.tli, husband and vsife, For a.nd in .cons ide:cati on of
the benefits to accrue ·by the location and cons:truction of a sewer pipe line through and
across tli.e pro•perty hereinafter described Do Hereby Grant. to The City of qan Diego, a Muni-
,. '., cipal! Corporation, in t.he~ Count.y of San: Die·go,. Qtate of California, an easement rod right
' . of way for .the c·onst.:puction, operation and maintenance of a sewer p.i))e line, through, along·
i' and acr.oss ·All that~ Real property situated in the City of Qan Diego, Co_unty of Z;ian Diego,
State of Cslif~xitt@., bounded and des.cribed as follows: .
'JThe W~st: four feet of the Sollth 48 feet. of the North 138 feet of the East 100 feet
of Lot 3, Block 29, No :qual R.eigh.t.s, according t a Map the·r~e·of No. 985, filed in the .Office of
the Com1ty Recorder of s..aid f.ian Diego County.
;. T'o Have and t.o' Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors .and assigns, forever, as a·. right o·f way f.or a sewer pipe line,
Witness om:- h.ands·. and seals this. 14th day of S:eptember, 1926.

. On this day of S:eptember, A.D. Nin13t!3en Hundred and ?wenty-six before me,
E. H.· Brooks a Notary Public in and for ~aid County, residing therein, duly commissione!l aud
sworn, personally appeared Frank M. Smith and Irene_B. i:imit!J. kn.ovm to fne t.o be the pe·r.sons
described in and whose :names are suhscribed to the within instrument, and acknowled_ged to me
that they e·xecuted the same. 1
Witness my hand and O£ficial~- Seal the day al).d year in this certificc.te first above
Notary Public in and for the Cotlnty of Diego,
( <::;.-::.,AL· )
..... .L:~ State of Calif O· rnia •

I My Commission expires
June 4; 1930.
REO ORDED· llf 'REQ UEdr' OF CityClerkOCT' 271926 at·3Q]Jiin. past. 9 o 1 clockA.M. In
Book No~ 1276 Page 141 of.DEEDS. Records of San Die go· County,-· Cal if.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. G. P.A.HSOHS Deputy.
I .tiEREBY CEl:zrHY,_ that t.he above and foregoing is a full,. true and correct copy of
Deed from Frank M. Smith and Irene I}. Smit.h to· tne City of ;3an Diego, California. Being
Docurni:mt No. l96027. ·

City/;rk of Cali fo rnia.

By~~~7~~~~~~~~~?-k~V~~~~ ·y.

We, Karl S;chart and Lou Schart,'Tld and wife, For apd in c.opsideraticm of t.he
benefits to accrue by t.lie location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and across
tne property hereinafter desci'i'bed Do Hereby Grant tp The City. of tlan. Diego, a Municir:al
Cprporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement;:. and right of vsay
for the construe·tion,'operation and maintenance of a sevverpipe line_ through, along and
across All t.hat Real Property si~.uated in the City- of ~an Diego, County of_ San Diego .., S·tate
of California, bounded and described., as follows: .. .
The We~ three feet of the ~outh 25 feet of Lot 25, Block F, Garm~l Height.s Extt:JnS;irn,

I accoxding t.o Map tJ1e·reof No. 1897, filed in the Qffice of the: County Recorrder. of sai!;l San
Diego Cou.nty._ :
T'o H~ve and to J:Iold the above granted and described easement llllto t.he said grantee,
it's successors and assigns., forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line a'Tld appurtanano s.

Witness our hands and s~·als t.his 30th day of September, 1926.

LOU SO lli\RT- ( SEAJi,)

On t:hi s 30th day of. Sept ember A. D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty -six before me,
H.·Brooks a Notary Public in and for said County., residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Karl Schart and Lou Scharct k:novm t.o me to be the persons describe
in .sn:d whose names· are subscribed to the within instrument, and ·acknowledged to me that they
executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal tr.e day and year in this certificate first above·
Notal'y Public in and for the CountY, of S:an Die go ,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Gommission expires
June 4, 1930 •
. RECORDED 1 Ar ·REQUES'i': OF City Clerk.OCT' 27 1926 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In

I Book No. 1276 Page 140 of,DEEDS •. Hecords of l.liego County, Calif.
BY N. C • .i:AR~~ 0 l,J:-3 :OEPUE' Y
I .tiEREBY CERTIFY, .that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy o:E
Deed from Ktt.rl and Lou S:chart t.o The City of $an Diego, California •. Being .Document. N0 • 1960$1.
. C le r k of t h..e City California.·



We, B. J. Carteri -and Ingeborg Cart eri, hus-band ami wife, 1!1 0 r and in con:sideraiion.
of the benefits t,o accrue by the location and construc.tion of a sewer pipe liner tlirough and
ac·ross ti1-e prope·rty hereinafter described T>o Rere·by Grant to ']:he· City of ::;mr. Diego, a Muni-
cipal Corporation, in t.l:ie. County of S:an Diegrn,. ;:Hate of California, an easement. and rig:ht. ·o:f
way fo·r, t.he cons:t:ruc·tion, operation and maintenance of a s;ewer pipe line through, along and
).1 ac.ross· All that ReaJt':PropElrty situated in the City of ~an Diego, C&unt.y of San Diego, State
of Californi:a, bounded and descr·i bed as follows: ·
~he West five feet of the Sout..h 108 feet of the North 299 feet of the East. 100 feet
of Lot 3, Block 29, No:rmal.!:i.eights, according to Map tmr.eof Noo 985, filed in t-he Office of
the Count.y Recorder of s..aid. ~an Diego Covnty. ,
!Jto Have andtto Hold the· -above grant.ed and described e·asement unto the s:aid grantee,
· its successots and assigns, forever, as a right of v:ay f-or a sewe-r· pipe line.
Witness our hands and seals this 30th day of September, 1926.



0n this. 3oth day of S:eptem.ber, A.D. Nin'e·teen· Hundre·d and T'went.y-six before me,
E. H.· Brooks a Not.a1·y :Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly cornmis sioned and
sworn, personally appeared B. J. Carteri and Ingeborg Carteri known t01 me to be the per·so·m
des.cribed in and whose names· are subscribed to the within ins:t.rument., and acknowledged to me
that they e·xecut ed the same.
Witne-ss· my hand and Official Seal the day and year· in t.his c·ertific.ate first ab01re
Notary .l?ublie in ancl for the Count.y of f.ian Diego,
{SEAL) S:tate of California.
Iviy C ornmis si on
June 4' 1930.
RECORDED iJJ! l~.lliQur;.:::l}}.' OF City Clerk OCT 27 1926 at 30 Miii. past 9 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1288 Page 102 o.f Deeda· Records of San Diego· County, Calif·.· .
JOHN H. FERl~Y, Gounty Recorder
By l'J. C • :PARSO.:NS Deputy.

I F.:E.REBY CERTIFY,-that the above and foregoing is a full,·. true: and correct oopy of
Deed from B. J. Carteri- and wife, to The City of San Diego. Being Doc.ument No. 196033.


I, Alice L. Commbs, an unmarrie.d woman, For·· and.. in cons~deration of the· location

and construction,of a drain pipe through and acro·ss the ·prop~rty hereinafter described, Do
Hereby Grant ot-~.00 City of ~an Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the Count:l[ of San:. Diego,
State of California, an easement and right of way for the c·arrstruction, operation amd main-
tenance of a drain pipe, through, along and across All that Real :Property $ituated in the
City of qan Diego, County of San Diego, ~tate of Galift!Jrnia, bounded snd described as follow
A Portion of Lot 16, Block 27, Bird· Hock Adclition, according t.o the Official Map
thereof filed in the O-ffice of t.he County Recorderof said Qan Diego Count~, s.aid easement
and right of way being twelve feet in width, six feet on e-ach side of the following described!
center line : ·
Beginning at a point on the souther-ly line of said Lot 16, distant 38.00 feet west-
e·rly fran t.lie southeast.erly corner of said Lot 16; thence no:r:·theasterly on a direct line to
a point. on the northeasterly·line of said Lot 16 distant: 25.00 feet northwesterly from the
sout.l:ieastetly corner of said Lot 16.
T'o Have and to Hold the above granted and des.cri bed e asemerrt unto the said,
its successors and assigns, forever, :as a right O·f way for a drain pipe.
Witness my hand. and seal this 1st day of Se];tember, 1926.


. .
On this 1st day of Sept ern:.ber A.D.Ninet een Hundred and ~·weThty-six before me, E. H.
Brooks a Notary Public in and for s:aid County; residing therein, duly cornmiss'ioned and sworn
per-sonally appeared Alice L. Co:ombs kno'Wll to me to. b.e the per:son described .in and whose name i::.
is -s.ubscri bed to· the within instrument, and acknowledged to' me. tbat sire executed the same.
Witness my hand a:nd Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary :Public in and for the County of Diego,
(SEAL) S;tat e of California.
My C~ission expires June 4, 1930.

. .RECORDED AT REQUEST' OF Cipy C.lerk OCT' 2? 1926 at 30 Min. past 9 o 'cJ_ock A.M. In
Book Uo. 1288 Page 103 of DEEDS.Records of qa;n Die go County, .C§.lif.
JOffi~ H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. :PARSONS Deputy. I
I HEREBY CERTTE'Y, .that the above and fm::egoing is· a full, .true and col'rect copy of
Dee.d trom Alice L. Coombs.~ to the Cit.:y o·f ·san Diegn. Being Document 11 0 • 1960371.
ALL'"~ , , H. WRI GHT
of"__:pJe Cit• of Diego, California.

UNION T':r?LE INSURANCE COMEANY, a Corporation, Formerly Union 'Title· and 'lr'r.ust Com:pan ,
a Corporation, For and in consideration of One DOLLlffi Does Hereby Grant to T'he City of San
D~ego, a M1,tnicipal Gorporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easemen:t ·
and right ·.of way for the const.ruction, o·:pe.ration and maint·enance of·a sewer :pi·p~ line throug1

I and acros:s: All that·Real Property situated in the City of San Die.go, C.ounty of ~an Diego,
State of California; bounded and described as fo·llows: · ·
T.'he northeasterly six.:feet of the s.o·uthwesterly twelve feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Bird
Rock Addition, according to the Official Map thereof filed in the Office of the· County Record-
er of ~aid San Diego County. ·
. 'Jro Have and To Hold the above granted and described easement lilt o the said,
its successors and ass.igns. forever as a right of way for the construct ion and maintenance of
a sewer pipe line.
[N WITNE:SS lriftlEREOF: s.aid Cor:por9;tion has caused this: instrument to he executed by
its. pro:pe r officers and its corporate affixed this. 8th day of ~e:ptember 1926.
Formerly Union ~itle and Trus~ Company

(SEAL) By JOH.N FORWARD JR. Vice President.

Attest: GEO. HARrLEY t1/stl1:i..:st<ant":.: Secretary.


On this 8th day of September A.D. Nineteen Hu..n.dred and 'rwent.y-aix before me., Luella
Duffy a Notary Public in az:rd fo1.· said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
:personally appeared John Forward Jr~ known to me to be the Vice-President, and Geo. Hartley
·'·I known t.o me to be tb:e Assist ant:. Secretary of the Corporation that executed the wit.hin instru-
ment, ·knovm t.o me to··be the persons who executed the within instrument.. on behalf of tm· Corp-
oration wit.hin named, and acknowledged t.o me that such Corporation executed the same. .

I In Witness Whereof,' I ·have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in t.he
County of San Diego, S.tate of California, the day and ye·ar in thfuS. certificate first above
Vvrit. ten. · ·.
Notary Public ;in and for t.he Collllty of San Diego,
(SEAL) State o-f Cs.lifor11ia.
My Commission Expires, ""
IM.arch 26, 1930.
. RECORDED ill B.EQtiE.2r OF City Clerk OCT 27 1926 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1257 Page 221 of DeedS; Recor·ds of Q:an Die·go County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERBY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is. a fl:lll, t1·ue and correct oopy o~
Grant. Easement from Union Title Insurance Co., to the City of ~an Diego. Being -Document No.
of the-... City o ~ San Die go , Califo·rnia.
JlUtJ[ •.

. Ul:HON TRU>iT COMPANY OF SAN DIEGO; a co~poration, For and in c.onsideration of One
!DOLLAR, Doe:s Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Mllilicipal Co::.1Joration; in the Coun~y of

I ~an Diego, State of Califo·rnia, ·an easement an.d right of "INay for t . .r..e constru.ction, operation
!and maintenance of. a SEnNer pipe line ancl ap1Jurt enanc es, through, along an,d ac l'o s s All that
~eal Property s±tuated in the· City of San Diego, County of Diego, State of~~California,

r ounded and described as :follows: . · ·

'Fhe West tbree feet of the f~outh 25 feet of Lot 25, Block F~ Carmel Heights E.xtensio ,
13-ccording to Map there of No. 189?, filed in the Office of the Collilty Rec orde/ of said San Die o
Cotmt.y; also, .-
~'he West. tb$ee feet of Lot 30, Block F, said Cannel Heights BJs..itension;
Subject to dedicated easement as s.hovm on·said Map No. 1897. ·
T'o ¥Dave and T'o Hold the above granted and described e:asement llllt.o the s..aid grantee,
!lit s succes·sors and as signs. forever as a right. of way for. t be c: ons true t ion, operation an:d main-
~:' enance of a sevJer pipe· line and appurtenances.·
IN wr.r:NESS WHEREOF: said Corporation has caused this inst.rurnent. to be executed by it
:proper officers and its. c.orporate s.eal affixed this 28th. day of Qeptemher 1926
(SEAL) By C·. H. ENGLIS.H Vic'e'-President _,./

Attest.: J. L. BOLLING· Assis.tarrt. Secretary.

On this. 28th. day of September A.D~ Nineteen Hundred and Twent.y-six before me, ·Lulu
McFarland a Notary Public in and fo-r SJaid County, residing therein, duly .commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared c._H. English knov.rn to me t.o b:e t.he Vice President, aiid J. L.

I r' ·1 Bolling known to me to be th.e· Assistant Sec:teta:cy of ,th·e Corporation that executed the-withi
instrument, known to me to- be the 1je::csons: who executed the within instrument on behalf of thi
Corporat.ion within naned, a..n.d acknowledged to me that such Corp·o::cation executed the same·.
In Witness Vfuereof,' I have my hand·and affixed my Official :1eal,
in tbe C 0llilty of ~an: Diego, S:ta.te of Califo:r.hia the· day and year in this ce:ctificate first

'I above Wi:Yltten.

Notary Public in and for the County of San Iliego,
(SEAL-) State of Califo::cnia.
My Commission Expires,
Dec. ?, 1926.

:~~~~\ .


RECORDED .PDJ.• R.2Qu.&ST OF Cit.y Clerk OCT 27 1926 at 30. Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In
Book No~ 1257 Page 222 of Deeds Records of Diego County, Calif..
JOF. .N H. FERRY, Count.y Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS De;put;;z-.
I 1-:iEREBY CERTIFY;:?.that the above and foregoing is.a full, true and correct oopy of
Grant: Easement from Union Trust Company of ~an Diego, to The· City of
JDoc·U!nent No. 196041. ·
~an DiegOJ. Being
of· the . City Diego, Califo.rnia •

UNION TRUST' COMPAl\fY OF SAN DIEGO, a c. orporation, For and in consider-ation of One
DOLLAR, JDoes Hereby Grant. to The City of San Die· go, a Municipal Co :rporat ion, in the County
of Qan Die-'go, State of-California, an easemerJt..and right of way for the construction, operati n
and maintenance of a sewer pipe line, through, a.long a.Yid across All that Real Property
situated in the City of San Diego, County of Qan Dieg0, State of California,. hounded and de...,
scribed as follows: ·
T'he Easterly three (3) feet of Lot 4, Block J, Resubdivision. of a Portion of Bird
Rock Cit'y by the Sea, according 'to Map t.hereof No. 1138, filed in the Office of the Colmt;z
Recorder of said San Diego county.
To Have and T'o Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns fo-rever as a right of way for a sewer pipe line •
. IH WITNESS vV'.t1.-EREOF: said Oorporat ion has caused this inst rumen.t t.o be exequted by
it.s prqper officers and its cor::·porate seal affixed thi~> 18th da;y of August 1926.
{SEAL) Vice Preside~.

Att-est:: J. L• BOLLING ·Assist ant Secretary.

COUrF.i!Y OF S.AH DIEGO, ) 8 8

0n this 18th day of August A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twent;y-six before me, Lue,lla ·
Duffy a :Notary Public in and for said County, resi.cling therein, duly commissioned ·and swo·rn~
personally appeared Chas. H. :tl,orward known to me to· be the Vice-President!; and J. L. Bolli1~
knovvn tp me to be: t.he Assistant S'ecretary o.f the Corporation t.lblat executed the within instrul
ment;, ki:lown to me t. o be t p.e persons who executed the within instrument on behalf- of the· C orp-l
oration wit:hin named, and. aclmow.ledged to me that such Corporation executE;Jd the same. ·
In Withess Vfuereof, I Pa-ve hereunt.o set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in the
County of ~an Diego, ~tate of California, the d-'ly and ye·aY: in this certificate first above
Notary Puh.lic in and for the County of San Die·gD,
(i:lEAL) State of California •
. RECORDE]) "1ft REQUE;3T OF City Clerk OCT 27 1926 at 30Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1257 Page 223 of Deeds. Records of San Diego: Cot.mty, Calif~. .
JOliN E. FEnRY, County Recorder:
By N. C. l'ARS OI~S. Deput.y.

I HEREBY CERT'IFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy at:
Girant. Easement fl'cm ·union ~rust Comp~ny of Qan DiegQ to T;he Cit:y of San Diego, Califor:n::j.a.
Being Document No. 196043.
AL£Ei.ll .l.:i •• WIUGJ:i.T.'
· lerk of the Ci"' of S:an Diego, Calirornia • I
.Ame.rica W. Grant, also knovm as .lim eric a 1No rkman Grant .i!'o1· and in cons ide rat. ion of
the benefit.s to accrue by the iocation and construction of a sewer pipe li11e through and
across the property hereinafter described, Do Hereby Grant to .~he City of >:;ian Diego, a Mmli-
cipal Corporation, :Ln the Cow'1ty of San Diego, .i:itat e of Califl'onia, ramX easement and right· o. •/
way for the· construction, ope rat ion and maintenance of a s:ewer pipe line through, along and
across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, Connty of ; Diego, ;:i.tate
of California, bounded and described as follows:
The westerly three (3) feet of Lot 5, Block ,J, ResubdiV.ision of a portion of Bird
Rock City -by t:b.e· S'ea, according t.o Map tliereof No. 1138, filed. in tbe Office of the County,
Recorder of said :'.5-an Diego COl1;11t.y_.
To Have arid to Hold t be above grante d and described easemont unto the• s.aid grantee,
its successors and assignEn, for.eve.r, as a right of way for a sevver pipe line.
· Witness my hand and seal this 20th day of August 192 6 •
.Al\lli RIC A W. GRAlf.ll' (SEAL )


' .
. · · ~n this 20th day of August A.:p.Nineteen li_uncll'ed and Twenty-six before me, Edy~a..Jd ·
c.. Hall a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissionea_;sworn,
:personally appeared .Arnerica W•. Grant, also known as Amel'ica Wo:ckman .Grant known to me t:o be
t.he person described in and whos..e name is subscribed to the witl:lin, instrument' and aclmow-
ledged· t.o me that she executed the s.srne.
Witne·SS my hand and Official t\'eal the day anc1 year in this certificate.first above
writ. ten.
Notary Public il}-o.nQ.-fo:c. C~unty of San Diegt;l,
(SEAL) ~tate of California,
r -· ~- ~. - ,. .
RECORDE1J A.r REQtf.EST' OF City Clerk OCT 2'7 1926 at 30 .Min. past 9 o:•clockA.M. In
Book No. 129'7 Page 41 of DEEDS. Records of .San Diego COlmty, Calif.
.~. '; JOHl'J R. FERHY, County Hecorder
By N. C. P.A..qSONS Deputy

I REREBY CERr·IFY, tbat t.b..e above and foregoing is a full, t.rue and correct cope of
Deed from America W. Grant. to The City of .~an Diego. Being Document Ho. 196045 •
I· •
'.•' .ALLErt li. WRI GIN
' '
·I of the Cit' of ' n Diego, California.
,:·. ': ·~;

We, James N. Crofton, Vera F. Crofton., lie.nry·E. Bear, Ella Bear, W. E. T'aylor and
Rat tie V. Taylor,· for and in cons.iderat ion of the sum of One Dollar, do he1·eby g:r·ant _t.o The
City 0f San Diego, a mrmicipal corporation in the County of Ban Diego; State of California,
an easement. and right of way for street purposes, through, along and across all·that ·real
property ·situated in the--City of San Diego, Cotmty of San Diego, California, descrilb-
ed as follows:
. . · .
A lJOrtion of Lots '7 to 12 inclusive, and: 13, Block 432; a portion of Block_409 and
. j
a portion of Lots 1 ancl34, Block 410, Subdivision ofthe_East 1/2 and the ~outh 1/4 of the'
West. 1/2 of Pueblo Lot 1122, according to Map thereof No. 381;, filed in the Office of the
County Recorder of said San IDie·go Cnunty; a portion of Lots 4 5 and 11, Inspiration View, ac
cording to Map thereof No. 1854, filed in the Office of said County Hecorder, and a portion
of Walnut Avenue and Eagle ~treet·c-Iosed to public use and adjoining said above described
property, particularly described as follows: .
Beginning at a _point. on the westerly line o:f said Block 432, dis.t.ant 85.64 feet no·
erly frG>m t.he southwest.e:r·ly corner of s.aid Block 432; thence northeasterly on a curve to the
right., along the arc of a circle the ceHter of·which bears. South 48 degrees 18 minutes 45

seconds East 140 feet fr0m s.aid ·point of beginning, a distance of 26.92 feet to a point; the ce
continuing em-a curve to the right: along the arc of a circle the c-enter of which bears South
3'7 degrees 1'7 minutes 40 seconds East 5.00 from said last described point, a distance
of 13.44 feet to a point; thence ~out.h 26 degrees 42 minutes 20 seconds West., tangent_ to the
last described curve, a distance of· 28.00 feet. to a point; ·theJID.ce on a curve to the left
along the arc of a circle the center of which bears South 63 degrees. 1'7 minutes 40 sec~mds
East 65.00 feet from said last ·described point, a distance of r/6.69 feet to a point; thence
South·40 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds East·, tangent to the last described curve, a distance
Qf 61.50 feet to a point; t . hence on a curve to- the left along the arc of a circle the center
of whtieh· bears North 49 degrees 66 minut. es 20 seconds East 82.50 feet from said last. desc rib
ed point, a distance of 128.22 feet to a point; thence continuing on a curve to t.he left, a
along the arc of a circle the of which bears. North 39 deg1·ees 56 minutes 40 seconds
West 320.00 feet from ·said last described point, a distance of 10'7. '70 feet to a point; thenc
on a curve to the right along the arc .of a circle the center of which bears Sout.h 59 degrees
13 minutes 40 seconds East. 63.50 feet from said last. described point, a distance of 43.48
feet to a point; -thence continuing on a curve to the right along the arc of a circle the
center of which bears aout.h 19 degrees. 59 minutes. 40 seconds East 5.00 feet frcm said last
described point, a distance of 9.38 feet t.o a point; thence ~outh.2 degrees: 31 minutes 40 se onds
East, tangent t.o the last described curve, a distance of 76. '70 feet to a point; thence on a
curve to the left, along the arc of ancircle the center of which bears North. 8'7 degrees 28
minutes 20 seconds East 55.00 feet from s:aid last described point, a distarice of 8'7.31 feet
to a point.; thence continuing on a curve to the left, along the arc of a circle the center o:D
which bears. North 03 degrees 28 minutes. 40 seconds West 32G.OO ·feet from s.aid last describeal
point' a distance of 86.29 feet to a point-; thence continuing on a curve to the left along t,.e
arc of a circle the center of which bears. l)lorth 18 degrees 55 40 seconds West 166.0'7
~eet from said last. des.cribed point., a dis'ttance of 110.21 feet to an intersection wit.h tlie.
southerly line of said Inspiration View; thence South 89 degrees. 36 minutes V1est along tlte so·~::'c':.-~l·

I southerly line of said Ins:pi ration View, a dist anoe of 31.22 feet to a point.; said point be-
ing also the intersection of the northwesterly line of Bear Drive in Inspiration View with.
the s:outherl:y- line of ·said Inspiration Vie·w; thence so.uthwesterly on a curve concave to the
northwest along the arc of a eire le the center of which bears North 49 degrees 56 minut: es. 40
seconds West,. 141. 0'7 feet f:r·om said 1 ast de-scfi bed point , a distance of '76. 3'7 feet to a point ;
thence west~erly on a curve to t.h.e right, along t.he arc of a e:ircle the center of which bears
I'Iort.h 18 degrees. 55 minutes 40 s·eco·nds. West 295.00 feet from said la5t. described point, a
distance of '79. 55 feet to a point.; thence continuing on a curve to the right along the arc o
a circle the center of which ·hearS. North 3 degrees 28 40 seconds West 30.00 feet fro
said last described point, a distance of 4'7. 62 feet to· a point; tb:errce North 2 degrees 31
minutes 40 seconds West, tangent t·o t.he last described curve, a distance of '76.'70 feet to a
point:; thence on a curve to t~he left along the arc of a cifcle the center-of which bears
South 8'7 degrees 28 minutea 20 seconds West from s:aid last described lJOint, 30.00 feet, a
distance of. 5_6.2'7 feet to· a point; thence continuing on a curve t.o the left along the arc of
a ci?cl.e the. d.enter of v.rhich bears 3out:h. 19 degre.e·s. 59 minutes 40 seconds East 88.50 feet, a
distance of 60.60 fee_t to a point; t0..e4ce on a curve to the right along the. arc of a cj:rcle
the c_ent_er of which bears North 59 degrees 13 minutes 4.0 s.econds West. 295.00 ·feet, .a dis.t ance
of 99.28 feet to a point.; thence contimuing on a cur·ve to tbe right along the arc of a circle
the cent e:r· of which bears. North 39 degrees 56 min:utes 40 seconds West 5'7.50 feet from sa-id
last-~.\des,cri~ed point, a clis:tance of 89.3'7 feet to a point; thence Nor·tb: .40 degrees 53 minutes
40 se_conds West., tangent. to the last described curve, a distance .of 61.50 feet to a point;
thence on 8: curve to the right along tr.L8 arc of a c·ir-cle t.he center o.f which bears. North 49
degrees 06,:minut es 20 seconds East., 40.00 feet from said last. desc:r·ibed point, a distance of
4'7.19 feet ~-01 a point; t.hence North 26 degrees 42 minutes 20 seconds East, ta'Ylgent to the las,
described c#i':Ve, a distance of 2$.00 feet to a point; thence on a curve to the left along the
arc oj: a c~:r.;e,_.le the ;.c;enter of which hears North 63 degrees 1'7 minutes 40 seconds West 30.00
feet from s._s;tid last",described point, a distance of 80 •.63 feet to a point; thence cont.inuing

I on a curve to t be left along the arc of .a circle the center of. which bears South 3'7 degrees.
1'7 minut:es 40 s.econds East 165.00 feet from said last described point, a dist.ance of 6.18
feet t.o an intersection with.the wester-ly line of said Block 432; thence ~outh 0 degrees 2'7
. inutes. EaSt. along the weS:fuerly.line o;f said Block 432, a. distance of 34o32 ·feet to the po;i.nt.
or place of beginning. .
_ 111 o hav~ anc1 to hold thC? apove desc:dbed and granted easement tmto t.b..e said grantee,
l·ts successo:r·s ancl a,S>signs, foreve~, as. a right of way for s.treet purposes.
Witne·ss 1 our hands this 11th day of Qctober, 1926. _






On this 11th day of October_A.D., 19~6, befor~ me, Ch9-rles W. yurtis: a Notary Publi ·
in and for th€- s.aicl'Colmty of i~an Diego, State of Califoxnia, residing therein, duly
commissioned and sworn, personally appeared James N. Cro,fton, Vera F. CTofton, H-enry E. Bear,
Ella Bear, w. F. T'aylor and Hattie V. T.aylor jpersonally known to me to be the per-sons whgse I .
names are t.o t:b..e ·within· Ins.t.rument, an~ they duly acknowledged tom~ that they e ~!'}'
execut ea t.he same. · ~· ..

In Wit:ne·s:s- \Vhereof, I have he~ eunto set my hand and affixed my off:hcial seal at my
office-in the Cou.nty of San Diego, the day and year in this. c.erlri:;f:'icate first. above written.

Notary Public in and !or t~ County of ~an Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commis.sion e_,xpires 2/23/1930

Ri.:~CORDED Nr.· REQDRST OF City Clerk NOV 10 1926 at 2 o'clock· P.M. llin Book No. 1253
Page 391 -of Deeds Records: of 3an Diego CoUt"lty, Cali:f. -
JOI-m H. FERRY, C ount.y Recorder
By N. c. PARSon;s De·puty.

I HEREBY CERTIFli that the above and foregoing is a fu;-11, tru·e and correct COJ!Y of
Deed from James.·~s •. Crofton, et al., Hen:ry :m. Bear,, w. F. T'aylor, et al., to T'he City:
of San Diego. Being. Document No. 196694.
City Clerk of the City of qf\n Diego, Califon1ia.

BytAr0t '3f~;:Y· .

GEO. M. HAWLEY IHVEST'IvlE~l~ COMPANY, a corporation For and in consideration of One,

DOLLAJ:1, Does Hereby Grant to The City of Diego, a Mu..Ylici:pai Corporation, in the Count.y
of Diego,· Stat.e of California, All that Real Property sit.uated in t.he City of ;~an Diego,
County of San Diego, ~ta;t'e of California, bomded and described as follmus:
Beginning at a :point. on the eagt e:rly prolong at ion of the nq rth line. of Adams Avenue~
distant 100 feet east. from the southeast corner of Villa Lot 194, Normal ~€lights, according. } v
to r1Iap -thereof No. 985, filed2in the· Office of the qounty Recorde~ of said San Diego' County;
thence north on a line lJarallel to and distant 100 feet east from tll..e west line of Villa
Lot 195, said Normal Heigbt.s; a distance of 150.00 feet to a point; thence at :right angles
east a distance of 20 •.00 feet to' a point; thence south on a line par~llel t. o and distant 120
feet east f1·om the west~ line of said Villa Lot 195 to the easterly prolongation of the north
lirie of Adams Avenue; thence west. along t.he easterly proJ.ongation of t.he north line of Adams_
Avenue a distance of 20.00 feet to 'the. point or place of ·beginning; Being a port:Eon of Villa
Lot 19 5, said Norma 1 :&Iei ght s •
5J'o Rave and ~o Hold the· above grant.ed ancl described property unto the said grantee;
its successors and assigns forever as a right of :r.r.;ay for road purposes.
IN WITNESS 'NFfER.GOF: said Co Tpo rat. ion has ca us. ed this in st. rument to be e·xecut ed by
it.s proper officer:s and its. corporat._e seal affixed t.his Second day of November 1926.


(SEAL) By GEO.• M. HAWLEY Presi<le:n:t.

Attest: J. K. DURRIL.L SEcretacy.


. . On this Second day of November A.:P. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-~ix before me·,
Lucy B. Scully a Notary .l:?ublic in and for said County, re·Sidi:rJ,~ therein, duly ·commissioned
and sworn, .personally ap1Jeared Geo. M. HaiNley kno1:m to me to he the President, ar:td J. K.
Durrill known to me to be the S-ecretary of the Co:r-pol'ati on t.fut executed the inst:ru-
ment, knovm to me to. be the persons who executed t.he wit~hin· instrument on behalf of the Corp
oration within named, and acknowledged t.o me that suc11-- Corporation executed the same.
In Witness Wheret;>f, I have hereunto my hand and· affixed my Offic·ial ~eal, in
the County of San Diego, ~hate of California, the day and year in certificate first
above writ ten •.

Notary Public in ancl for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expir-es June 12, 1927.

RECOHDED AT' REQUESrl'. O.F City Clerk NOV 16 1926 at 35 Min. past_ 2 o'clock P.M. In Boo'
No. 1297 Page'l27 of.DEEDS Records. of San Diego· CouYJ.ty, Calif ..
BY N • C • P ARi3, 0 irS: DE I)U.t~ •

I HER.:::BY CEl~'I& Y, that the above and foregoing is a full,-t.rue and correct copy of

Grant Deed from (ieo. M.- Hawley Investment Company to Cit.y of San Die-go. Being Document No.
crrY CLH-\K O:E' t.i ·n.c: CI'.CY OF
. ·r 1
.l'l DIEGO, CALI:ii 0RIHA.
DEPUTY ' -·-' -- '
172 ~


T'BE: c·ITY OF S.AN DIEGO; a municipal c.orporation, of the Cit.y of San Diego, County
of ~an Die;go, :$.tate of California, for and in considerati:Jn of t.he sum of. TEN DOLLARS, DO'ES
.A. A.· .AMOS and MINTIE .t1JilOS., hmtband and wife, :ALL '.tHAT PROPERTY, situated in
the City of S:an Diego, ~otmty of San Diego, State of.· Califo.r:nia, bounded and des.cribed as
follows: ·
11.All that po rt.i on of Lots one ( 1) and.· t vm ( 2), oi-· liort on's Purchase of Ex-Mission ·i
Lands, according to tbe official Map thereof No. 283, filed in t.he office of the County
Recorder of S:an Diego Cotmty·, California, lying 30 feet on each side of the following descrim-
ed center line·, t.o-\Vit: Beginning at. a point on t.he ~louth line' of Lot 13, of Wadaworths
CHive Grove, according to the official Map thereof no. 482, on file in the office of. t.he
County Recorder o;f San Diego Gotmt.y;, California, distant 311.82 feet East from the ;~outl'l'INest
corner sf said Lot 13; thenc:e South 6° 10' East a distance of 7. 5 feet t.o a]jpoint; thence
curving Southe·asterly, t.angent t:o the last named ·co·u·rse, 1:.x1itli. a radius of 400 feet through
an angle of 42° 05', a distance· of 293.• 80 feet to a point; tJ1enc e tangent to said last: de-
scribed curve·S'outh 42~ 15 1 East a distance of 476.98 feet t.o a point.; theT.llce S.outheast.erly
on a curve, tangent to t.he last name·d eourse, with a radius of 500 feet through an angle of
34° 46', a distance of 303c.4 :feet to a point.; thence t sngent to said last described curve
s·aut:h 77° OID' -East· a dis~tjance of 227.25 feet to a point; thence ;;\outberly on a curve, tangent.
to the last named course, with a radius of· 555.52 feet, 'through a.1·1 angle of 31° 16' a distsn e
of 303.18 feet to a point; S:outlJ..erly with a radius of 483.94 ;feet t.hrough an
angle ·of 45° 36', ·a distance of 385.15 f~eet to the Southeast c·orner of said Lot 1 of Horton;
Purcmse of Ex-Mission Lands."
INTENDIHG, hereby to quitclaim any int.erest of the t.:it.y of San Diego in and to said.
Lot s 1 and 2 of said Hart on 1 s Pure base , excepting the refl'om any and all t. axes m:ff the 0 i tJ{ of
San Diego now due and unpaid, or a lien against said Lots 1 and 2, said Horton's Purchase.
T'O HAVE AND TO HOLD the· above quitclaimed and described premises.)> unt'o the said
Grantee, its: succes.sor s and as.signs. forever.
WITNESSETH: 'J!hat said Corporation has caused this deed to be signed and executed
by its Mayor; and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto this 8th day o:f Hovember, 1926.

I (·SEAL) At t es.t; :
MB.yon_ o:f t'm City of San Diego, California.i


CITY Clerk of -tltn..e City of· San Diego, California.
B~: ~ 1 ·;.· :~: •• r~ ·.=:·~ :: '
I HEREBY CEf{Il'IFY, that the a:Qov.e and foregoing is a fu.ll, true and cor1·ect copy of
Quit.Clmm Deed from City of ~an Diego to A. A • .Amos et ux~ Being: Document 1Jo. 196927.•
G;::" . ~ :~:· :.·:· ~-~:.:Cit y of the C ity-
UNION T'RlliT' COMPANY of San I>i ega a cor:po ration, mf t b..e City of Die&o, County of
San :Piego, State of California, For and in consideration of tb.e'f TEN & OOjlOO DOLLmtS,
Does Hereby Grant to TH:E CI'l:'Y OF SAN DIEGO, a municipal 9.orporation, All Tlhat Real:' Propert~­
situated in the City of San Diego., CoDnt.y of San Diego, ~tate o:[.Califo:rnia, bounded and
described as follows: . ·
']'hos:e portions.. of Lot Forty-two (42) of Horton's Purchase, in t.n.e Ex Mission Lands
of ~an Diego, according to map thereof No. 283, file·d in the Qffice oft he County Recorder of
s:aid San Diego County, March 9·, 1878, described as follnws:
Parcel No. 1: A strip of land thirty (30) feet wide and 908.25 feet long, the West

I and South lines o-f aaid strip being the West and· South lines respectively of aaid Lot Fo::cty-
rt wo ( 42).
·Parcel No. 2: Beginning at a point. on the t!outh line of s.aid Lot Forty-two (42),
distant thereon South 89 ° 58' Eas.t 323.25 feet from the S:outhv-;est corner of said Lo-g Forty-
two.(42);_tl~nce North 0° 24~ 30 11 East 981.77 feet to a tangent. ~urv .. e e:on~vet? the West
~avlng a radlus of 40 feet; thence Northerly along the· arc of Sald curve thr·ough an angle of
05° 39 1 a dis.t.ance of 24.88 feet to a point. of reverse c:urvature wi1th a curve concave to th.e
South having a ::cadi us o:f 40 feet ; thence along the arc of said e:urve through an angle of
1251~ 18' a distance of 175.42 feet t.o a point of reverse curvatu-re with a CllXVe to thl
East. having a ::cadi us pf 40 ·feet; thence S.outherly along t .be arc of said cv..rve through aneta!}gll
t·' -!of 35° 39' a ~Ust-ailde of24.88 feet to· t.he end thereof; thence tangent to said last mentioned
~urve South 0° 24' 30 11 West. 981•56 feet to the South line of said Lot Forty-two {42); thence
ort h 89 ° 58 1 West ·50 feet to t.he point of beginning.
Parcel No. 3; Beginni~ at a point on the ~outh line o:f said Lot FortJI-two (42),
;' · distant -thereon 773.25 feet.{.:£rom the Siouthwest corner of Lot ~orty-two (42); thence North
0° 24' 30" East 662.10 feet.; thence 89° 47' East 50 feet; thence South 0° 24' 30 11 West
661.95 feet t.o the South line of s.aid Lot Forty-two (42); thence Nor.:-th 89° 58' West. 50 feet ~
to the point of beginning.
. Parcel No. 4: Beginning a:t a point. o:ri the:1:1We st. line o:li s..aid Lot Forty-two ( 42) dist ~·t
the-.ceon North 0° 24' 30" East ·230 feet from t'he Southwest corner of s.aid Lot.; thence Q'outh
89° 58' East: parall~l with t.he $onth line of said Lot, 1063.25 feet; thence North 0° 24' 30n
East parallel witli the West. line of said Lot 20 feet; thence North 89° 58' West 1063.25 feet tD
to the West line of said Lot Forty-two (42); thence Sout.h. 0° 24' 30 11 West.along said West line
20 feet to the point of beginning. ·
S'UBJECT' TO: .An~r ·and all encumbrances, and subject to any conditions, r~strict ion;~,.
easement§· or ·righfs-6f-way of record.
· To Have and to Hold ti1e abbve g:tant.ed and described premises, unto ti1.e said Grantee,

I its su:ccesso·rs arid assigns· forever;

In Vfit.ness Whereof,. said c.orporation ·has caused this deed to be signed by its Vice
Pre si·dent and· Assist. ant Secret a:cy ·and its coppo rate seal to be affixed hereto this-- 20th day
of July, 19 26.
(S:EAL) By C. H. ENGLISH .Vice President.·
·Attest: F. B. T.'ROMPi~ON Assis.tant S.ecretary.

· On this 20th day of July in- the year one: t housan_d nine hundred and 26. T:lefore me,
Lulu McFarland, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally !lPPe:ared C. H. l'hglish
known to m.e·· to· be the Vice President, .and F. B. T'hompson. knovm to me to be the··· Secreta ·Y ·'.
of the corporation tbat executed the within instr~ent, known to me to. bo the persons who
executed tf1e within instrument on behalf of the co~]lDration tnerein named, and ackno.weledged
to me suci1 co,rporation executed. the same. · I
Notary Public in and for. t.he Cpunty of,-.$ an Diego,
{SEAL) State of California.
RECORDED .AT REQ1JEST' OF'City.Clerk NOV 16 !926 at 55 Min. past. 2 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 1299 Page 27 of Deed R~cords of San Diego County, Calif. .
. BY N. C. P.AHSOHS Deput:y-.

I HEHEBY CEltr'IFY THAT, t.he above and foregoing is a full, true and correct 9 opy of
Grant. Deedfrom Union Trust Company of qan Diego to ~he City of San Diego. Being Do01.1ment
No. 197132.
City Clerk

By~~~~~~~~~~~~~aa~~~L;' puty.

THIS INDENTURE, made this 19th day of November, 1926, between TI;IE CJTY OF S.AH DIEGO,
a mnnicipal co:r.P·oration in t,he Co1mt.y of San Diego, State of California:, pa~'tJl o.f the first 1
part , ·and WALTER G. HUBBARD, of t.he same place· party of t be· second paTt, WIT'NESSET'H: I
That_ the aaid party of the· first part, for and in consideration of the dedication t
public use by the patty of the second part of an easement over, along and_ across the north I
end of Lots 6, 7 and 8 of Park View, in the City of San Diego, C o1mty of San Diego,. State of.
California, to be used by t.he :party 'of the. first part in lieu of the easement :hereby release~,
has remised, released, ·surrendered and forever quitclaimed, and by these p~esents does remis~,
release, surrender and forever quitclaim unto t.he pa:rty qf the second part and to his heirs
and assign:s, .all the right, title and irrt.eres't of said party of the first part in and · to
that cert.ain easement running north and south in a...."ld across· said Lo_t. 7 of Park View, in the
City Diego, Co1mty of San Diego; ::atate of California, according to map of. s.aid Park
View llO'. 1950, ·on file in the offic'e of the County Recorder of said Colmt.y, from tbe nor·th
line of Up as Street to t.he north line of said Lot 7.
IN WE!'NESS WHEREOF, t.he s.aid pa:cty oft he first part has caused these presents to
be executed by its Mayor, and attested by its City Clerk, the day and year first all!ove writte n.

.AT2EST: Mayor of said City
City Clerk ·of said City.
' : ss
Co1mty of San Diego,)

On this 19th dey of November, 1926, before' me, ~red vv!'. Sic.k, a. Notary P·ublic in and
for the County of ~an Diego, State of Califo1nia, personally appeared JOHN. L. BACON, known
to me to be t.he· Mayor of The City of.$:an Diego, the mrmicipal corporation tnat execut.ed th.e
within inst:rument, and ALLEN H. WRIGBT, known to me to be the Cit.y Clerk of T'he Cit.y, of ~an
Die go, the municipal corporation that -execut. ed within instrument, and s,ck:nowledg~d to me
'Ghat such municipal corporation executed t }l..e same.
FRED \rv. S I~K
Notary Public in &"1.d for tne Count.y. of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California. · :
I HEREBY CEHTIFY THA'.it, the above and foregoing is a full .true a"ld correct copy of.
QUITCLAIM DEED rei easing Easement on Lot 7, Park View to Walter 0. Hubbard~ Being Docmnent
No. 197292 1

WR i GI-Ir ·1
~;~)Clerk f San J?i ego, California.


GR.4.nJ!' DEED
THE SAl~ DIEGO ELECTTUC RiJLWAY COMPJll{Y, a corporation, of the· C±ty ~f San Diego,
Cou..YJ:t~y of Sa.n.Il:lego St.at_e of. California, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten anc1:no/
100 Dollars ($lo.oq~ does he1·eby 'grant ·to TEE. CIT:Y OF S.ATJ DIE.GO, a Municipal. Corporation, in
the Stat-e of California, all .t.hat real property situated in the City of San J)iego, County of:
San Diego, State of' California, bomded and described as follows:·
All those portions of lots 11 and 12, block 159, Ivfid dlet own, accq::cding to the map b
J. -E. Jackson, on file in the office of the Couri.tyClerk of said Go1mty, particularly describ-
edcLas follows: Commencing at tlie most. east. erly corner of Lot 11 in said block 159; tl':t.e·nce I
no~t.hwe st erly a~ong the· ·nort heast.erly line of said lot 11 '· airel nortl1we st. er ly along the no rt -~
easterly line of s·aid lot 12, in s:aid block 159, to' the· mo-st north.erly corner.· of s.aid lot. 12;1
thence sout.hwest erly along the nortnw.est.erly line of sai.d lot 12, a of 40 feet;· then ce
easterly across said lots 12 and 11, a distance of 107. r; feet to the point. of place o.f beginrl!L 1

TO H.A.VE AI\f.D T'O HOLD the above granted and desci'ibec1 premises, unto the said
forever, subject, however, t.o the condition here·inaftersset forth, to-wit: Said above descri -
ed pro:perty is conveyed to s.aid gra:ntee exclusively for street purposes, and for tne purpos.e
of enabling t.lie grantor, by its ~t.r_eet: car tracks and rails,. to run its street cars over and
across said property; and if the use of said property for s..treet purposes shQuld ever be
abandoned or if the· grant Ol' ,. its successors or assigns, should ever be required to remove
its street car tranka from s.aid prmpert~., or if .said grantor ever s.houlc1 remove its said
street car tracks f:rom s.aid p:r,opert.y, t.he•n all the estate of grantee in said property create
by t.his instrument. shall forthwit.h, and without notice, cease-and t.enninate, and said above
grant'ed property,· and all t.hereof, s.hall immediately, ahd withotlt not.ic e, revert to and re-
vest in the grantor, its successors or assigns.
· 1i'liTNESS:E.r'H: T'hat s.aid corporation has caused t.his deed t.o be signed by its Vice-
President end Secretary 8....Yld it.s. corpo:rate seal to be affixed hereto this 28th day of Septem r,
(SEAL) W. CLAYTON Vice-President.
LANE D. 'v'lEBBER Secretary.
. On this 23rd day of November, 1926, before me·, M. M. Widenor, a Not.e,ry Public in
and fort he s-aid County of San Diego,- State of California, residing therein~ duly commission
ed a11d sworn, personally appeared W. -Clayton, knovm to me to be t.he Vice-President. and Lane
D. Webber known to me to be the· Secretary of the Corporation that executed the wit.Pin in-
strument' lmovm to me to be the lJersons who executed the within Ins.trument on behalf of the
Corporation therein named, and acknowledgecl to me that su:ch Cor_.poration executed the same.
In Witness Wher·eof, I have he1·em1to set my hand an:d aff:iixed my official s.eal, at
my office in the County of S:an Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above writt n.
Hot.ary Public in and for the County of'f~an Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires Aug~~828, 1930.
RECORDED .PR REQUEdr OF City Clerk NOV 23 1926 at 31 Min. past 11 o 1 clock A.M. In

I Book No. 1243 Page 380 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif. ·
Jotm H. FERRY, Comity Recorder
By · IJ. C. PARS.ONS Deputy.
I HEHEBY CERTIFY, that the above an.d forego-ing is a full, true a11:d correct copy of
Grant Deed from SAI-J DI:~GO E.LECTHIC RAILWAY COMP.i\.liY to TEE CITY O:b, S_i\l'i DIEGO. Being Docu;-nent.
lio. · 197378.

City ~erk of California.

B h.-CJ.&:~~~!:....__-L.,.L.-,f.:-..~t:::~~~~.£:2 __.lA.............,

c.eased; For end inconsideration o-f THIR.r'YJ'tHREE .& 33/100 DOLLARS, Do hereby gra.Ylt to T'HE
ITY OF s·AN DIEGO, a Municipal C_orporation, All that Real Property situated in the City of
an Diego, County of qan ·Diego'· State of Caiifornia, b-ounded and described as follows:
An undivided one·-sixth (1/6th) interest in and to' all t.hat portion of the South. Five
res of Block Thirteen (13) of Wadsworth's Olive Grove, acco::cr:ding t.o t.he Official Map there-
f No. 48_2~ on file in the: ·of.fice of the GoUl1ty Recorder of San Diego County, California,. lyi
'hirty (30J feet on each s.ide of the following described line: . ·
Beginning at a point which hears North. 10° 50 r 37 11 East a dist.anc e of 170.05 feet
rom t.he Northwest corner of said Block Thirteen (13),.thence Sout.heasteil:ly on a curve whose
angent bears i~out·h 22° o' West wit.h a radius of· 1000 feet throu:·gb. an angle. of 22° 54', a ·
istance of 399.68 feet to a point; thence t.angent. to s:.aid curve, South 0° 10' East. a. distanc

I 419 .• 53 feet t.o a point. on the South lllh.~~)of said Block 13, disttant 3lll82 feet East. from
he S.outhwest corner thereof.
To lil'ave and to Hold the above granted and described premis. es unto t.he said Grantee
irs and assigns fo rever, '
WITNESS our hands and seals this lOtli. day of Novembe-r, 19 26.

Signed and executed in presence of WHTIFHED~coPPOCK R.AIIDOLPH (SEAL)

COUl\ITY OF GRAHl!' "~ ) 88
On t.his lOth day of Hove1Uber Nineteen Hundred ancl twenty-:six before me, A. Jay Keeve
a Notary Public in and for s.aid Counpy and Stat.e, l'esiding tlierein, duly commissioned and
swoTn personally appeared CYRUS L. OOPPOCK and WIHIFR.GD COPPOCK B.iUiiOLPH knovm to me to be
the persons described in and whose names·are subscribed to the within instrument end acknow-
ledged t. o me that they executed the same. · .
IN WI'l''NESS. WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my ha..Ylid and affixed my Officiai i~eal, at my
office, in said County of Grant, ~tate of Indiana the day and year in this certificate firs.t.
abi ve written •.
-'' ·l.Not-ar;v- Public in and for the County of Grant ,
:My Commission expires
January 5, 1930
State of Indiana. .

RECORDED JlR RsQ.U'ES'£ OF City Cler-k UOV 23 1926 at 32 Min. past. 11 o'cloc.k A.-M. In Boo
No. 1263 Page 376 of Deed Records of qa..Yl Die go y, Calif.
JOHU H. l!'E:::·;RY, Cou..Ylty Recorder
By N. C.l'AW3.0l~S Deputy,.

' ,,,'
', i, I ~
I 176 w '

I .l::l.EREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is. a full, true and correct copy of.
Grant Deed from CYRUS: L. CO.l:?l'OCK, andWIIHPRED COPPOCK ):{Af.l lDLPH,- to THE C I'.lY OF dAN DIEGO, A
Municipal Co :rporat ion. Being Document,. No. 19737S.
ALL :C:I:f .tb. V1RIG.HT'
of t.he City of -:'an JDiego,

We, Roy McGee and Maude McGee, husband and· wife, For a.rlld in C onsi de rat ion of the
benefits to accrue by t:he location, cqnst ruction and maintenance of a s.ewer line through and
across the pro·perty herein descit'ibed, land in consideration of the sun of One Dollar ($1.00)
to their_in hand paid, the receipt. wheireo'f is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to· the
City of ~an Die·go, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, 6tate of California,
an easement and right of ·way thro_ugh, along and across all that certain real property situate1 :L
in the City of ~an Diego, County of Ql:\n Diego, State of California, :partic.ularly described a
follows,_ to-wit:
_ Lots-(7) Seven and eight:· (8'), and. the north ~:p5) fifteen feet of lot nirie all in
block No.· 2 City· Heights 1

'J1o Have and to Hold the abov:e granted· and described right of way unto-the: said
grantee, its successors and assigns. fqrever, as a right of way .for a sewer pipe lin~..
~he purpose of this easement iand ri girt of way is for the construction arid maint en-
ance of a private s.ewer lat-eral insids the pro.perty, lines, .it being und~·ratood that the City
of San Diego, is not to. be held liabJ:.e .for any damage resulting from the construction ~d
maintenance of sewer latel~als over ana: across this easei11ent.
In Witness Whereof, we have he1·eunto set our hands and seals this 1'7th day of
November, 1926.
COU1fr'Y OF S.AlJ DIEGO·, )ss
On t 14th day of No~ember; 1926, befo·re me, L. P • Valentine a lifot ary Public in
and for the aaid County of Diego, :State of California, residing the:rein, duly cernmission d
and sworn, personally appeared Roy M:cQee and Maude McGee his wife; personally known to me
to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly acknqw-
ledged to me that they executed the same. .
In Witness Whereof, I .Have h~r-eunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
offi,ce in the Count.y of ~an Diego, the dey and year in this cert-ificate first above w1·itten.
: Not a1·y Public in and fo 1~ t be C om:ity of Qan Diego.,
(SEAL) i State of California.
Iviy Commission expires Sept. 18th, 1928.
'.-· :c
1 DEC 1 1926
RECORDED AT REQUES'E. OF 0 ity lerki_ at 11 o 'clack A.M. In Book No. ·1305 Page 3 of
Deeds Recor-ds of San Diego Co1mty, Ca1if.
JOHN H. FEHRY, Count.y Recorder
By lif. C.- PAR2,0H _ Deputy
I HEREBY CERi:IEY, that the above and fo·reg.oin~ is a full, t1·ue and correct· copy of
Deed. from Ro;y & Maude McGee, Sewer R/Vf to the City of q:an Diego. Being Document No. 19"'7437.-

We, Jo$eph L. H;i.lliar.d, a man, and Frank B. McElwee and Grace Peace McElwee,
husgand and wife, For arud in Consideration of the benefits to accnle by t be location, constr~tction
ancl maintenance of . a sewer line through and acro.s s the pro pert y he rein described, and in 11

consideraticm of the sum of One J?.ollalj ($1.00) to in hand paid, the receipt wh.ereof is hereb~
acknowledged, do hereby grant. to the City of San D:i:ego, a mw'1icipal corporat.ion-in the Count I
of aan Diego, qtate of California, an easement and right of way through, along and across alJJl
tba.t certain real property situate in the City of Qan Diego, County of ~an Diego, S.tate of
California, particularly described as follows to-wit:
Lot T'wo (2} in Block !Jlhirty-nine (39) of Ocean Beach, according to map tre:ceof no.
279 filed in the office of the Recorder of said Diego County, May 28, 1887.
:Ho Have an:d to· Hold the above granted a111d described right of way unto the said grantee,
its. successors and assigns for.-ever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line;.
:Il'he purpose of this easement .and right of way is for t:he construction and maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside·the 'property line~, it being understood that the City of I
San Diego- is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and mainten-
ance of sewer lateral9 over and across this easment.. ·
In Witness Whereof, We have heretmto set our hands and seals this Eight day of-
November 1926.
. ...
. ... ..
On this 10 day of Nqvember, 1926, before-me, Claude Stou.t a Notary Public in and fo.
the said c·ount y of Sarr: Diego, S~ ate· of. Ca~ifornia, residing ~he~ein, duly c:ommissi oned and- I
sworn, personally appeared Jose pl~ L. IhllJ.ard, Frank B·. McElwee~j & Grane Peace McElwee person-
ally known to- me: to be the pers.o:ns _wh~se names are s·ubs.cribed- to the within instrument, and
he duly ac lmowle-dged to me that t l1..ey executed tile same.
In V'litness Vfuereof, I have 1ter-eunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at m
office in the County of Dmego, t:he day and year in this certificate first above vr.citten.
. Notary Public in and. for tfie County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires January 30-1928.

I .
·. RZCORDED NJ! REQUEST OF City Clerk DEC 1 1926 at 11 o'clock A.M. !n Book No. 1305
f'age 2· of Deeds Records of s·an Diego Colmt y, Calif.
JOF.JJ H. FERRY, County Recorder
By H. C. P_f1RSOI:JS Deputy,
I HEREBY CERTIFY, t.hat the above and· foregoing is a full, true and cor-rect copy of
Deed from Joseplj. L. Hilliard, Frank B. and Gr~e Peace McElwee, Sewer R/W. to the City of . ·
San Diego. Being Documerr~ No. 197439. ·
ALLill H. WRIG:Ei2
Ci~/;lerk of /Ai~-~an :':go, California.
B~7~ -~~uty.

I, R. E. McCoy & Ver~ u. McCoy For and in Consideration of the. benefits to accrue
by the location; construction and. ·maintenance of a sewer line through and across the pro<pert
herein described, and in con&ideration of the sum of One ~ollar ($1.00) to me in hand paid,
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City of &.an Diego, a
municipal corporation in the County of ~an Diego·, State of California, an easement and righ
of way t.hrough, along and across. all that certain real property, s.itttate in the City of San
Diego, County of 8ar::t: Diego, ~tate of Cali:f:'orni~,pparticularly described as follows, to-wit:
~he West 50 feet of Lot 24 in Eloc k 9 of Normal Heights T'o Have .and to Hold the ~:.
above granted and described right of wa::l unto the s.aid, its successors and assigns r
forever; as a right of way for ~sewer pipe line.
·The .purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and maint.enance
of a private sewer lateral insidE! the property lines, .it being understood that the City of-
San Diego is not to be held liable for any· de..mage resu:lti ng from the c onst ruction. and: main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and acresS: easm.e:r:tlt. ·
!n Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set oux· hands and seal .this 27th day of Oct obe
R. E. McCOY ( SEJ\..L)


On t.his 27th day of October, 1926, before me~ Viola Wilson a Notary Public. in and
for t.he said County of. S:an Diego·, State of California, ·residing therein, duly commissioned
and swo m, personally appeared R. E. McCoy and Vera N. McCoy personally lmo,.;m to me to be the
pers·ons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and he duly ·aclmowledged to me
t bat they execut e d tfu.e; same. · ·
In Witness Whereof; I have he.r-eunto. set my hand. and affixed my official seal, at m
office. in tne County_ o·f San Diego, the. day and year in this..certificate first above Hritten •
llotary Public in and for tha Oop.nty of &an Diego;
(SEAL) State of Californ:t.a
Commission e'xpires March 18, 1930.

RECORDED AT HBQD"E.~-'T OF City Clerk DEC 1 1926 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1305

I Page 1 of Deeds Recor·ds o:E" S:sn· Diego Cou..YJ.t y-, Calif.

JOl-:!N H. FEimY, County Recor·der
By N. C. J?ARSOHS Deputy •.
I HEREBY c:ERTIFY, that the above and foTegoing is a full,"true anc1 correct copy of
Deed from R~ E. and Vera N. MCC0y Sewer R/W t:o the CitJt [i)f San Diego, California. Being
ocument No. 197441. · ·

'4()(/. / -
Q.i,ty Clerk of the c-J:tv of San Diego, Californie.
By(,~-· :-Jpac.~puty.
/' I

(/ -z9;z~01~-~'

.I, James Il!artin &·DorotliyMartin husband &u;V;ife:~For and in Consideration of the

enefits t-o· accrue by t:.he location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through and
acros-s tlie property herein described, and in c·onsideration of tli.e s·um of One :Dollar ( $1.00)
i o };s in. hand paid, _t.I;e receipt 1nli.~reo~ is_ hereby acb1o~ledg~d, c1o,hereby gran~ to ~he City
of qan DH~go, a munlclpal corporat1on 111 tne Connty of San D1ego', S.tate of Cal1fonna, an
~asement. and rfgf.J.t of way throltgh, along and across all that certain l'eal prop.erty situate in
the Cit.y- of S~a Diego, County of ~au. Diego, ::hate of .California, particularl.y des.c.:r·i bed as
tfollows, to-w1t::
I T'he South three (3) fee.t of. Lt Po rty-ff ve ( 45) in Block T'eu ( 10) of the S;ubdi vi-sion
of Lts 20 t:o225j_incl. in Block N. (H) of Teralta
· T'o Have and to Hold the above granted and des.cribed right of vJay unto the s.aid grant e,
its successors and assigns forever'· a.s. a rigllt of way for a sewer pipe li:n.e.

I :l..!he purpose of th_is easement and right. of way is for the constru.ction ana maintenanc
of a· private S;e\ver lateral inside the prOI>e:r;ty lines, it being understood thnt the Cit:'[ of
San Diego is not to be held liable for ~my drr.aage res.ulting from the cons:truction m:rd main-
tenance of sewer laterals. over end across this easmen:t.
. fn Wit.n·ess Where of, We have· o set our hands anc1 seals this 27th day. of Oct obe·
1926. .
COUHr·Y OF Si\T:t DIE:GO, )'' s
On this zr; day of Gctober, 1926, before me, E~ u. I!ickenson a Notar;y ;t'ublic in and
for t.he s.aid County o·f Q;an Die-go, Qtate of. Califo.rnia, residing therein duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared James Martin, & Dorothy Martin per.·sonally knovm to me to be
the persons whose na1·nes are s.ubscribed t.o the within instnnnent., and he duly aclmowledg'ed to
me t.hey execut.ed the same.
· In 1J1itness._Where·of, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in t.he County of San Diego, the day and;.~year in tliis. certificate first above written.
Hot ary Public in ancl for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Q_:ommission ex)~ires Dec. 26, 1928.
RECORDED xr· REQUEST' OF City Clerk DEC 1 1926 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book Ho. 1249
Page 498 of Deeds.. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FEHRY, C aunt y Recorder
By N. C. PARSOW3 Deputy.
I HEREBY CER'i:'IFY, that the above c:md foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed From James; and l(orothy ]~1artin, Sewer R/W to !]he Citg of San Diego. Being Docmnent. No.
City //_____
Clerk of the City
) of Diego,
. California..
B.' Deputy
i, Mary E. Drury, a widow. For ancl in Consideration of the henefits to accrue by _t'he
location, const.ructio:n and maintenance of. a sewer line thr9.ugh and acros.s the property herei ·
described, and in consideration of the smn Gf One Dollar (~1.00) to me in hand paid,. ·the
receipt whereof is: hereby acknowledged, do here·by grant to the· City of ;~an Diego, a municipa]
corporation in the Cotmty of ~an Diego~)hat.e of Cf-llifornia, an e·asement. and right of way·
through, along ·arrd across all that certain real pr5rerty situate in the Citg of San Diego,
County of Diego, ~tate of California,.particularly described as follows, to.--wit:

j I
· Lots 23/Jand-:1.24, -:Block 61, City Heights easement over the north 4 ft o:f Lot ~3.. ·
~o Have and to Hold the· above granted and right of way unto the saicr gra.•tee,
its successors and assi.gns foreve1:, as. a right of way for a sewer pipe line •
., _ The purpose of this easement and right o-f way is for the construction and mainten-
, · ance of a private 'rsewSi-1' lateral .inside the property lines, it. being that the City
of ~an Diego is not to be held liable for any d.9111age :resulting from the con:srtruction: and
maintenance of s.ewer laterals over and acros.s this e·asment. ,. r: ~,.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto ~et my hand and seal this 2?ith day of October, l!l926. I


. On t.his 27th da.y of October, 1926, before me, Adolph J. Mende, a Notary .Public in aJd
f.or the said County of S:an Diego, ~tate of California, residing therein, duly commissioned J
and sworn, personally appeared Mapy E. Drury, a widow, personally knovm to me to be the pers
whose name is. subscribed to the •within- instrument, and she o.uly acknovvledged to me that she
execu.ted t.he same. -
· In Witness Whereof, I have her-eur.rt:o s-et my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in 1the County of Qan Diego, t day and year in this certificate first above written.

My Commission. expires
Notary Public in and for t.he County of Diego,,
State of California. I
Sept Ember lOt h 19 3 0
RECOHDED Plf REQUIST' OF City:Clerk DEC 1 1926 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1301
Page 110 of DEEDS Records of San Diego CoL.mty, Calif.
JOHN H. J!'EHRY, County Recorder
By H. C. P ii.HSO NS Deputy •.
. I HEr{EBY CERPIF:Y ,_ that the ~.bove an:l. is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Mary E. Drury, Se1uer R/W to the City of ~E'n Die go, California. Being Document
No. 19'7445.
lrit;;;.c·~k of t~of~fornia •.
By Cdc::t~

-. .· .


We, £1. E.:.:F.REE and EDNA H. FREE, husband and wife For an.d in Consideration of the
benefits toaaccrue by t:he location, construction and. maintenance of a sewer line a.YJ:d water
pipe l;ater-a:l throu@ .and. across the prope·rty herein desc.ri.bed, ~d· in consideration of the
sum of One Dollar (~~1.00) to in hs..nd paicl:t the• receipt: whe,re·of. is hereby 'acknowledged, Q.o
hereby grant to· the City of &an Diego-; a municipal corporation in t:he County of S'an Diego,
State of California, an easement an_d right of- way t.l'i!rough, along and across all that certain
real property situate in the City of s·a.n Diego, C:ounty of qan Diego, State of California,
particularly described as follows, to--wit :
· .
Sout.h Four (4) feet o-f the· West Eigbt.y-five (85) feet of Lot Forty-five f45) in
Block Nime (9) of t.he SubdivisioTIJ of Lots Twenty (20}-to-Fifty {50.) inclusive, in Block "N"
of Teralt.a, according to the M-ap t.he·reof filecl in tlie office of: the Cotmty Recorcler of said
San Die: go C'o nnty, July 18, 1906. . ·
p. 0 Have and J!o Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said grantee,
it,s successors and assigns forever, as a right. of way for a sewer pipe line and wate1· pi~e
., '

.· >~f7ig


On this 22nd day of October, 1926, before me, L. L. Laing a Notary· Public in and
for t.he said Count..y of ~an Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly cornr.J.issioned
and swo1n, personally appeared E • .!Q. Free and Edna H. Free pers.onslly known to me to be the
persons> wh.ose names are subscribed to· the witliin instr'mnent., and they duly acknowledged to-
me that they executed the· same...
-In Witness V/hereof, I have hereunto: set my hand and affixed my official s.ea1, at my
office in the Count.y of San Diego, the day and year in this certimicate first. above written.
Notary Public in· and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of Cf?.li:fiorlJ.ia.
·Jif.y C ommis sian Expires Oct; 16; 1929~

RECORDED NJ! REQlJEST' OF City Clerk DEC 1 1926 'at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1283
Page 219 of Deeds. Records of San Die· go Com1ty, Calif.
· JOHIIJ' H. ~ERRY,County Recorder
By N. C. FARSOHS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERJ:IFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true an:d correct copy of
Ji)eed from E'. B. and Edna H. l!'ree, ·sevJe:r R/W to the City of San .Diego. Being Document No. 19'1447.

City Clerk of. the C'ity of &an Diego, Californiao

. ~·~·

I, Laura Do-ran, {widow) (sole owner) For anc1 in Considerat.ion of the benefits to~
accl·ue by the location, constrt?Ction and maintenance of
a sewer line through and across the
property herein described, consideration of the sum of One D()llar (~1.00) to· in hand
paid, the· receipt. whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant. to the City of S:an Diego,
a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and ri. · t
of way through, along and across all that certain real pro}?erty situate in the City of San
Diego, County of San Diego, S:tate of Califor·nia, particularly described as follows, to-wit:
. Lots o~e (1),~and two (2) .in B~ock ninety Fiv~ (95} of Cit;)b Heif?htsj City of ~an Die o,
County of San D1ego, ~tate of Oall!ffornla. (No 4003 Pvnght: qt. & 4011 Dvnght
· To Rave and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto t.he said
grantee; its s.uccesso:L's and assigns forever, as a ~ight of way for a s.evver pipe line, gas anCl!
· T'he purpose of this: easement and right of way ~s for the construction and maint en-
ance·of a private s.ewer lateral inside the prOperty lines, it being understood that the City
of ~an :Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the constrv~ction and
maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this. easment.
In Witness .vThe:reof, I have hereunto my hand· and seal this 22'nd day of
october 1926

) s

On this .22'nd day of October, 1926, before me, M.- o. Aubolee, a Not.ary .Public: in an
for t.b.e s.aid County of ~an Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
ana;.. sworn, personally appeared Latu·a Doran, single, personally .lmovm to me to be the person
whose n~me is subscribed to the within inf:Jt I'l.:unent, and she duly acknowledged to me that she
executed the· s arne.
In Witness 1Jilhereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the eount.y of qan. Diego, the day and year in this: certificate first above v:;ritten •
. · M... 0. AUBOLEE
Notary Public in and for the eounty of San Diego,
(S:E.AL) State of California.
My Commission expire~ Dec. 19th - 1927.

RECORDED 1fr RillQUES'! OF City. Clerk DEC 1 1926 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1301
Page 109 of DEEDS Records of San Diego c·ounty, Cali·f.
JOF.J~ H·. FEHRY, County Recorder
By N. C. P At.1SONS Deput-;}[.
I HEREBY CERT'IFY, the above· and foregoin_g is a full,.true and correct copy of
deed from Laura Doran, Sewer R/W to the.City of ~an Diego!' Being Document No. 197449. ·
J ,.

I ~ :'. '


We, Noble .M. And·erson and Ruth 0., and wife, For and in Consider-
ation of the benefits t·o accrue by the location, construction ~nd maintenance of a sewer lin :-::~~\
through and across the property herein described, and in consideration of tbe swn of One Dol ar;.·
($1.00) to us in hand paid, the- r·eceipt: whe~r-eof is hereby aclmowledged, da hereby grant. to
the Cit~ of S:an Diego; a municipal corJJoration in the· County of f~an Diego,. State of Califo.rtia,
an easement and right of way, along and across all that certain real property situat~
in the City of Qan Diego., C.ounty of ~~an Diego, State of California, particularly des.cribed
as follows, to-wit: · · ·
S:outh :ffour feet of Lot 2, Block 108, University Heights,. according to Amended Map
thereof made by G•.A. d'Hemecourt·, filed in the Office o:f'the Oountx Recorder of said S:an
Die go e ounty,.
~o Have and to Hold the above grant.ed and desctibed right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assignEt foreve;, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
~he pur-pos.e of this easement and right of way is for the· construction and main-
tenance of a privat.e Siewer lateral inside the property lines, it beingUJ.'lderstood that the
City of -~an Diego. is not to be h~ld.liable for any damage resulting from the construction
and maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment. ·
In Wit.ness Whereof, we have he~eunto s-:et our hands.ana. seals this 14th day of
October, 1926.


Ont.his 14t.h day of October, 1926, before me, E. H. Brooks a notary Public in and
for the said Oouhty of San Die,go·, S:tate of California, residing therein, duly 9ommissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Noble M. Anderson m2d Ruth o. Anderson personally known to me
to be the. persons whose names are subscribed to the vvithin instrument, and they. duly ac- .
knowledged to me that. they exectlt.ed the s.eme. · · - ·
In Wit-ness Whereof, I have herem1to set my hand a:nc1 affixed my official seal, at
my office in t.he Count,y of San ·Diego, the day and year in t.his certificate first above written.
. Not.ary Public in and "for tlie County of Sari Diego,
My Commission expires. June 4, 1930.
State of California.
RECOHDED Ja REQUEST OF City Clerk DEC 1 1926 at 11 o'clock A. M. In Book Ho. 1301
?age 1Q4 of DEEDS Reco:rds of San Diego County,. Calif.
JOHH H. :E1EHRY, County, Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy,.
I HEREBY..CEltt.IFY, tbat the above anda.foregoing is a full-," true and correct copy of
Deed from Noble M. Anderson and Rutlj. o. Anderson to The City of San D_iego. Being- Document
No. 197451.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

. I, August. a J?.obbs and Guy A. Dobbs, Wlie and huaband For and in 0 onsiderati on. of the
benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance o:f a sewer line through and
across the propert.y herein described, and .in cqnsideration of the St:Un of One Dollar ($1.00)
to us in hand paid, t.he receipt whereof is hereby aclmowledged, do hereby grant. to the Cit.y;
of San Dieg!:), a municipal corporation in the County of S1;1.n Di_e. go, State of California, an
easement and ·of way thro,ugh, along and across all that ·certain real propert;)[ situ~ate
in the City of San Diego, County of ~an. Diego, of Califorpia, particularly described
as follows, to-wit:
'Jlhe West. 2.:ixty-two and one-half (62~) ft. of Lots Forty-seven (47) and Forty-eight
(48) in Block 9 of S:ub of Blks 21ihree, (3), six (6), Nine (191} and fwelve (_12) City Heights
Annex No. lS .
· ~o Rave and to Hold the above granted and described right of way ·unto the said grant~e,
its successol'S a..'ld ass~gns. forev:er,. as a right of way for a s:.ewer pipe 1:1ne. 11
. r:l!he purpose of this easement and right of way is for:. the construction and maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the -City of I
San Diegq is not. to he held liable for any domage from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over aDd acro·ss this easment.
~n Witness VThereof, we have hereunto set our hands and s.eals this eleventh day of.
Gctober i926
'i ; :

COUllfl1Y OF S.AN DIEGO, ) c:~ s
On this 11th da;t of October-, 1926, befo·re me,·Adolph J. Mende a Uotary Public in and
~· I
for the saicl. County of Diego, i~tate of California, residing therein,· duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Augusta Dobbs and Guy A. Dobbs, wife a:ncl husba:ncl, personally
known ~p me tg be the per·sons vili.ose names subscribed to the within instrmnent., and they
i' duly .attk:nowle dged to me that. they executed the same. .
In Witness Whereof,.·I have hereunto set my hand and affixed-my official seal, at my
office in t.he. Co u.11ty of i~ an Diego, the day and year in this c e :rt ific ate first above w:ri t ten. : .~

AJ)O LPR J. Ivi.&J. DE

Notary Public in and fo 1' the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of Califor:nia.
My Conm1ission expire_s ~eptember lOth 1930. ,,

RECORDED AT REQUEST.' OF· City Clerk DEC 1 1926 at 11 orclock A.M. In ~ook No. 1301 Page
108 of DEEDS Records 6f Diego County, Calif. '. .,
JOHN H. FERi.~Y, GOllllty Recorcler·
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
' I :./
·.... '181

I HEREBY CEFlilPY, that the. above and foregoing is a. full, true an:d correct copy of
Deed from August a and Guy A. Dobbs, Sewc~r R/W. to the City of qan Diego, C aliiorcnia. Being
Document: No. 19?453.
·city Clerk of the 6ity of San Diego, CalifQrnia.

.; r:, Louis H. Anderson, a single man, For and in Consideration of the benefits to ace ue
by the location, construction an.d maintenance of a sevver line thryugh and across. t.he propert'
herein described, and in cons,ideration of the,~ sun of One Dollar ($1.00) to n:1e. in hand paid,
,_j, the receipt whereof is I:lle·reby; acknowledged, ··d@ hereby g1·ant to the 'City of >:ian Diego, a r.auni A·.
cipal corporation in the Cou.-·1t.y of San Diego, S.tate of.California, an easement and fight of
way through, along and across all that ce:rtain real property situate in the City of Ss..n Dieg ,
County of San Diego, State of California, ' described as follows, to-wit: .
Lot A, Block 16; of the Combination Land Company's Subdivision of Block M:, Teralts,
according to Map thereof No. 580, 'filed in the Office of t.he Colmty Hecorder of San Die o
T'o Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the: said·
grantee, its successors· and assigns forever, as a r:i. gh t of :way for a sewer 'pipe line ..
:t"he purpose of t .. his easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance o:[ a private sewer lateral inside the pr·operty lines,. it being understood that the Ciyy
of Sari Diego is not. to be held liable for any domage resulting- from the construction and
maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment.
· In Witness Whereof, I have here11:.1to set my hand and seal this 25th day of S.eptember,


C0 UHT Y 0 F S .AN JD IEG 0 , :) 8

I 0n this 25th day of SeJ,tem.ber, 1926, before me, E. H" Eroolts a Notary :t;ublic in and
for the s:aid County of Diego, S:tate of California, residing therein, duly commissiol+ed
and sworn, perso,nally appeared Louis H. Anderson perso"nally known to me to be the person
whose mime is. subscribed to the v1itlhin instrument, and he duly adknowledged to me ·that he
executed the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have heretmt o set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the Count. y of San Diego, the clay ano. year in this c e rtific ate first above written.

Not ai'Y. Public in and fo1· the CountY. Df Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My €; ommis si on expires June. 4, 1930.

RECORDED Kr.'. REQUEST OF City Clerk DEC 1 1926 at 11 o'clock A. M. In Book No. 1301
Page 106 of DEEDS Reco·rds of Diego County, Calif.
JO.iiH H • .b 1 .ii;l~:tn, County Recorder,
By N. C. PARS.O.NS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERriFY, t-hat the above and fo 1·egoing is a fu.ll, true and correct CO·PY of
Deed from Louis H. Anderson Sevver R/W to the City of .san Diego, California. Being~ document
No. 19?455.
ALLEN H. VffiiGET: .
City Clerk of the City of Diego, California.

~ ~1!Uty

We; LAURA C. VVEECE and JOHN WEECH, wife arid husband Fo·r and in Consideration of the
be·nefi ts. to accrue by the locat1io·n, construct ion and maintenance of a sewer line through and
across the property lier'ein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Doi-lar U~l.oo)
to us: in hand paid, the receipt whereof· is hereby acknowledged, do hereby g"rarrt. t.o the ·city
of ~an Die go, a municipal co].'poration in t. ll..e C o1m ty of Die· go, Stat. e of. California, an
easement 8n.Cl right- of way through, along and across all that certain real property situate
in the City of San Die·go, County of Sen Diego~ S:tate of. California,_ particul:aJ.rly described as.
follows, t. o-wit : ·
· Fractional Lots: Forty-three (43") and For.ty-four '(44) in Block Eighteen (18) of
University Heights, in the City of.· San Diego, County o·f ;~an Di'ego, State of California,
according to the amended Map thereof made by G. A. d'Hemecourt and recorded in Book 8, page
36, et· s·eq., of Li·s Pendens in t.he office of the Reco·rder of said S:an Diego Colmt;y-.
· Also, Fractional Lots Forty-three and Forty-four in Block Eighteen of Univer·sity
Heigbt.s·, in the City of'1 Diego, Cou:nt.y of Diego, Qtat.e of California, according to Map
thereof Uo. 937, filed in the office of the Recorder of s:aicl Qan Diego County; January 20, 1905.
Also, the Easterly 10 feet of the alley immediately adjoining the above described
lots: on·the West. which was closed to public use by Ord. Ho. 2432, passed and adopted by the
Common Council of the Gity of Diego on Jan.2,1907.
To Have znd To Hold the above granted and described right. of. way unto the. said grant. e,
its successors and assigns forever, as a rignt of way for a s.ewer ];Jipe· line. ·
5!'he purpose of th:i!s easement and right .of way is fo-..c.· the ·construction and mainten-
. ance of a p:r:tvate sewer lateral ins ide the p'ropert y lines., it being understood t.hat the Cit.y
of San Diego is not t·o be held liable for' any damage resulting :from·:;the cons.truction and

maintenance of sewer l.atei:·als over and across this easment.•
:tn Wit. ness ·Whereof, Vve have here'Lmt o set our hands and seals this 4th day ·of Novembe
COU1\f.l:Y 0~ ~3lill DIEGO, ) ss
/'. . ._,..-
On this 4th day of November, 1926, before me,. c. 'tt. Harmer a Notary l:'ublic in and
for the said Co·unty of San Diego, ~tate of California, therein, duly commissioned
and swo!lm, personally pppeared Laura C. Weech and· Joh..h Weech, wife and husband, personally
lr,nown to me to be tlie· perso.ns;_ whose na"lleS are subscribed to the within inst:t:ument, and he
duly acknowle·dged to me t:hat t.l:ley executed the same:
In Witness Whereof, I- have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the Gotmty of ~an IDiego, the c1ay and year in this certificate first~ above written.
c • J:I HARiviBR

Notary- Public in and foi· t.he Uounty of San"]iego,

(SEAL} State of California.
My Commission Expires: Oc~. lOth, 1928.

RECORDED 1Y1 REQUE3!£· OF City Clerk DEC ·1 1926 at 11 o'clock A.M. lin Book No. 1305
Page 5 of Deeds Records of :~an Diego Cotmty., Calif. '
JOHN H. FEHRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, JJe put.y,.

I J::t£HEBY UEH:!.' H'Y, th..a t the above and fore going is a full, t. rue a.'Yl.d correct d opy of 1

Deed f:t.·om Laura C. and John Weech sewer R/W to the City of :::.ian Diego, Califo-rnia. Being
Document No. 197457.
ALL2:N li. Vffii GHT
of the City o- S:an JDiego, Uali-fo rnia.


Eugene L. F'ry & Eiarry H. Harding For and in Consideration of the benefits to: t:-accrue
by t.he location and const.ruction of a sewer line by the Gity of ~an Diego, California, throu _h
ar;td acrmss the property he·rei~ftE!r·described, ~nd in.c.or.E;ideration of tbe sum of One Dollar
($1.00), to- us in hand -paid, the rece~pt of wher·eof is here,·by acknowledged, do hereby grant:
to the Cit.y of San Diego, a municipal corporation in t.,he· Com1t~ of S:an Diego, S.ta"t;e of
California, an·e·asement and right of way fqr the const rti_ction and maintenance of a line of
sewers through; along_ and ac1·oss all that certain real pr01)ert-y, situate i:q the City .of
San :Di~go, Ootmty- of ~an Diego; Stat.e of. California, particu.larly des.cribed as. :folloviJS, to-w·.t:
. Lot, 1 Block C _Sterlingworth Addition Sewer to· ru-n along rear of lot. _
T'o Have and to Hold the above granted and described right. of way unto- the said City
of San Diego, its successors and .ass.igns forever, as a right. of way for a aewer pipe line.
- In Witness. Whe-reof we have hereunto set our hands. and seals this 5t.h day of Get oher,


On this 5th day of October, 1926, before me, W. V. Compton a Not.ary Public in and
for the said County of ~·an·Diego, State o.f California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, pers.onally appeared Harry M. Harding and Eugene L • .Wry personal·ly k..Ylovm to me to
be the persons whose hame s are aubsc ri bed t o• the vv"i tlhlin inst ru.rnent, and they duly 'ac k:riow- ·
ledged to m~ that t.hey e·xecu.ted: the same.
IN WI2UES:S \NHEPEOF, I have hereunto set my hand ·and affixed my official s.eal, at
my office in t.he Co1mty of ~ian Diego, the day a.nc1:,·year in this certificate first above writte •
Notary Public in and for t.he County of Die go.
State of California;. I

I HEREBY CERriFY ;· that the- above and foregoing is a full, t·:rue and correct copy of
Right of Way Contract f1·om Eugene L. Fry and Harry H. isfarding to the Oity of San Diego,
California. Being Document No. ·197936.
City Cl·erk of th~- 8ity_-~.f_ San Diego,. Calif_o~nia •.

By~:;q. L/_)~~puty,
. cl ~~Y14.cU., .
it, Glen Funcheon and Mary :m. Funcheon· For and in Consider-at ion of the benefits to
accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a s.ewer line thro1..l§h and acl"oss the
property herein described, and in c onside.rati on of the sum of One Dollar (~pl. 00) to in hs..nd
paid, the receipt: where of· is hereby acknowledged, do We her-eby grant to ·t.he City of San ])iego,
a municipal corporation in the Colmty of :~an Diego, State of: Califor-nia, an easement and
right of way througli, along and across all that certain real pro.perty s.itrrate in the City of
San Diego, Co1mty of ~an Diego, State of California, particularly described as follows, t.o-wiit:
Lots 1 and 2. Block 12 T eralt a add. ·
T'o Have and to Hold the above granted and described rigfit of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and as. signs forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line ..
1J'he purpos.e of this easement and right of way is fo1· the c.onstruction and main-
tenance of a private sewer lateral insi(1e the property lines, it being understood that the
City of Soan Diego is not to 'be held liable for. any damage resu1ting from the const.ruc.tiOn
and maintenand.e of seiNer laterals over and across this easment..
:tn witness Whereof, we Jn:ave herem1to set our hands and seals. tlds 8th day of
Novernbe r 1926.
.• 4.'"
r: -· - -. -;. ·_,- :-
On this 8th day of November, 1926, before me' Valeria Munter a No,ta1·y Public in and
for the said County of S:an Diego, State of California; residing therein, duly commissionec1
and sworn, pers:onally appeared Glen Funcheon a..11d Mary E~ Func.heon personally known to. me to

I be the :persons: whos.e names are subscribed to· the within i:ris.tr1..1111ent, and they duly acknowled.,..
ged to me that they executed the aame.
In Witness Vlfuereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the Cou.rj.ty of ~an Diego, the day and ye-ar in this. certificate first above written •.
Not a ry Public in and for the County of Qan Diego,
(SEAL) S't at e of Cal if orni a.
My Commission expires Jan. 12.-1930

RECORDED .PN REQD"E21E OF City Clerk.DEC 7 1926 at 30 Min~ past 9 o 1clock A.M. I:r;J. Book
No. 1300 Page 136 of DEEDS Reco:rds of San Diego Com1ty,, Cal:i.f. ·
JOHN H. l!,ERRY, County Recorder.
By N. C. Pl_i.RSONS:, Deputy~
I RBREBY CERTIFY, tll_at the above and fore.going is·a full, true and corr.ect copy of
Deed of Glen Funcheon and Mary ~. Funcheon :f0r sewer R/W to the City .of ~an Diego. Being
Doc·ument, No. 198221.
Ci ty-G-1-erk oft he_ City of ~an Diego, California.

. /7~1.i..

I, William L. Erb & Edna R. Erb Husband - Wife For and in Consideration of the

I benefits to accrue by t .h..e location, canst l'uct ion and maintenance of a sewer .linetthrough and
across t:be property herein described, and in consideratio'n of the_. sum of One _Dollar ($1.00)
to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is. he:reby acknowledged, 'dlll) we hereby gfant to the City ~~·,:
of San Diego, a municipal corpo·ration in the County of San Diego, ~tate of California, an
easeme:r:rt- and right of way through, along and across all that certain real pro.perty situate
in the Cit.y of San Diego., County of San Diego, State of California, pa:rticu.lar1y described as
follows, to -wit:
North 43 feet lot. 16 Hect.or square according to the map t-her·eof No. 1360 filed in
the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego. Count.y_ Sept. 12, 1911 •.
'.TI'o Biave and to Hold the above granted and describedr1right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors &"ld assigns: forever, as a. l'ight. of way for a sewer pipe line.
~hen?_u.rpose of. this.. ea·sement and right of way is for t.he co nst. ru:cti on and maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside the pro~rty lines, ·it being understood that the City of
San :IDiego is not to be held liable for- 2ny d8lllage r·esulting from the construction and main-.
tenance of sewer laterals: over and ac.ross: this easment.
In Witne-ss Whereof; we hereunto set our he..nds and seals this thirteenth da.y of
November 1926.' ·

. On this 13th day of Hovember, 1926, before me,· Mary Star~, a Notary Public in and
for the s.aid Colinty of San Diego, Qtate of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and SWOl"lf, personally appeared WillieJn L. Erb and Edna R~ l)lrb, husband and wife, personally

I known to me to be the pe1·sons whose names are subscr·fbed t.o the wit.hin inst:cument., and they
duly acknowledged to me that they axecut ed the same.
In Witness. Whereof, I have;,h.ereunt~o set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the· Cou.nty of San Diego ,.the day and year in this certificate first above written.·

1 (SEAL)
~~ J y Commission expires January 15,

\ '. ' d

RECORDED AT REQUK:T· Cfu, City Glerk DEC 7 1926 at 30 Min. past 9 o '·clock A.Ivi. In Book •,.

1300 Page'l34 of DEEDS Records of &an Diego. County, Calif.

JOHN H. FERRY, Goun ty Recorder
- By N. c.• J?A.RS.Olr:::: Deputy.
I HE~E~BY CERTIFY, that the ab'ove and fore&oing is a fv~l, true and correct c..opy of
deed of Willianl L. Erb and Edna H. E1·b for Sewer RjW t'o':the .City of ~:an Diego, C.alifo.rnia:.
1 eing Document.~ No .• 198222.



I I, George ll..• Wille·y an.·a Minnie L. Will~y, husband and wife For an·.d in Considerati.on
of the benefits t.o accrue by the' location, c.on'E;truction a.t"'1d maintenance of a sewer line
through and acro-ss tne property· heJ::ein described, and in consider at ion of the smn of One
Dollar ($1.00) to thElll in hq.nd paid, t.he re·ceipt ·wlie·reof is her·eby acknowZI!edged, to hereby
grant to~t.bEr City of Sa..11 Diego, a nnmicipal corporation in the Cotmty of S:an Diego, State of'
California, an easement. and right of way through, alo·ng 2nd ac1·oss all that certain real
property situate in the Cit.y, of San Die go, County of San Diego.:, ~hate of. California,. part ic u
larly described as follows, to-Wit :
·Lot Eight in BlockTwenty-s:ix of Unive:r.·sity Heights, in the City of San Diego,
County of 3an Diego, State of California.

T·o Rave and to Hold the. alJove granted and describec1 right of vmy nnto the said
grantee, its successors and as:::igns forever, as a right of vvay fo1~ a s.ewer- pipe line.
T'he purpose of this easement and right of r:1ay ia for the const1·iwt ion a.n.d main-
tenance of a private sewer l'ateral inside the property J_ines,:it being 1..mderstood that the
City of San Diego is not t:o be held li; e fo l' any damage :rssulting. f:rom the con~:t ruction
and maintenanc·e of sewer laterals over and ac:ross this easm€mt~ ·
In Witness Wher-e?f, we have hereunto' set our hands and seals this. 9t1i da.y of Octobe
1926. · I



On this 9th day of 0cta,ber, 1926, before· me, H. L. · Pfaff a Not a:ry Public in and for
the said Cotmty of_San Diego, State o;E California, residing therein, duly cormnissioned and
sworn, personally appea:red George A. Willey and Minnie L. Willey, husband and wife personal y
k:no1m to me tOJ be the pe1·sons. whose names are subscribed t.o the vrlthin instrument, and they
duly acknowledged to me that they executed't.he same. .
In Witress Vihereof, I ·have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in th.e County of San Diego, t.he day and year in t.his certificate first above Wl'itten.
H. L." P:&,A.FF
Notarg Public in anc1 for the Oourit.y of. Sa.n Diego,·
(SEAL) State of California.
c•. .
My C orrunis si·on expires •..;.ept. 25 - 1929

·RECORDED .PIJ:. REQUEST OF City Clerk DEC '7 1926 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock 1\..M. In Book
No. 1285 Page 101 of DEEnS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOH.L1 H. FERRY, Count:z- Recorder.
By N. C. PARSOiiS Deput~
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the· above and forego·ing i's a full, true and correc-t copy of
Deed of George ·A. Willey & Minnie L. Willey for sew:e~ R/W. to t.he City of San Diego. Being:
Document. 198223. I
. We, HARRY 1'/IUNS and BLANCHB A. MUHS, hushand and wife·, For a:pd in Conside:rati'on of
the benefits to ace rue by tb..e location, co·nst ruction and mt).int enance of a sewer line th:cough
and across the propert~ he1·ein described·, and in consideration of the of. One Dollar ($1.00)
t·o us in hand paid, the receipt whereof. is. hereby;:. ack:nowledged, do heregy grant to t.he City

of Q;an Diego, a municipal corporation in the Connty of San Diego; State of California,. an
easement and right ·of way throu:gli, along and across all "that certain real property situate in
the Q!it.y of. San Diego; Count.y of San Diego, State of CalifOEnia, particularly described as
f o 11 ow s , t oL:::. wit :
The North two (!2) feet of the Easterly fifty-five (55) feet of Lot ~vventy-one (21)
in Block Seventy-six ('76) of University Reight.s, according to amended m!f!Jp the1·eof macle by
G. A. d'Hemecourt. in Book 8, page 36 et seq of Lis Pendens:, office of t.he Recorder o:f s.aid .
San Diego Com1ty; Affi.O tl1...a.t portL)n of the West 10 feet of Florida Street· adjoining t.lie above
des.c1~ibed propert.y on t.lie· East. as closed October 9, 1911, by Resolution No. 9365 of the
Common Counci 1 of t.he City. of San Diego.
· i]'o Ifliave and to Hold the above g::canted anc1 descl'ibed right. ::JJf way o the said
grantee, ~uccessors and ass:t,gns. foreve:-c, as· a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easEment and. right of way is for the const1·uction and mainten-
ance of a''private sewer lateral inside the propert.y lines, it being understood that t.l:'r.e City
of Qan: ~ie:go is _not. to be held l~able for any damage resulting from the com.truction and
maintenm:.ce of sewer late1~a1s o~ver and acToss this easment.•.
In Witness 'Whereof, we have he:reunto set our hanc1s and seals this. 3oth day of
October, 1926.
HARRY MUNS. (SEAL) ...... -····


On this 1'7th day· of November, 1926, before me Helen Jacobs a Notary ?ublic in and
fo:r the said Cou:nty of Diego, S:tate of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and swo:rn, pe:rsonally appea:red :Ha:r:cy Muns and Blanche !.. Muns ·pers.onally lrnovm to me t.o be
lie pe:rs ons- whose names are ·subscribed to the w i tl'2-in instrument , they duly ac la1o~vledged
o m@' that they ·executed the same. · · · ·
In Witness Whereof, I have he,reunto· set my hand and affixe'd my official seal, at my
office in t.he County of q·an Diego, the day and yeaJ: in t.fuis ce:rt·ificate first above w:ritten.

Notary Public in and for the Count.y of San Die:go,
( S.EAL) State of Califo-rnia.
M:y Oommission expires Dec. 12, 1926.

REGOBDED Pf1 R~QUES~ OF City Clerk DEC . '7 1926 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In Book

No. 1259 l'age 458 of Deeds. Reqords of qan Diego Count.y, Calif.. . .
JOHN H. PE3RY, Com1ty Recorder
By N. C. PARS mrs Deput.y.
I EER'E.BY C-ERTIFY, t.hat. the above and fo:regoing iS. a full, tru.e and co:rrect: COl)Y of
Deed of Har1·y Muns & Blanche A. Muns fo:c sewer R/W to the City of San Diego, Cali;fornia.
Beine JDocument. No. 198224.
..:'\LLEN R. FJIUG l-fll'
Cit Pil' k. of the Ci~Y.---Qf San Diego, California.

B~,~~- ~Z;;;;;;-_Deputy.
\ ·-· .. 7~·~- .

I, Fred-T'. Peyton, a bachelor, For and in Consideration of the benefits to accrue by the

location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through and ac:ross tJie pro·perty herei
described, and in consid~rati:::m of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to.--in hand paid, the receir
whereof. is he::reby acknowledged, do he<reby gr·ant to the Cit.y of qan.Diego,.a municipal corp- j
or at ion in the C omrty o-f. Slan Diego, qt ate of Califo l"Ylia, . a.11 easement and_ :right of way t hroug
along and across all that certain real :property Situate~'in the City of ::ian Diego, County oi 1
S:an.Diego, State of Californi/¥., particularly described as follovJs, to-wit:
The East Party (40) feet of the North three (3) feet of the ~outli: fourteen (14) fee
of Lot·.two (2(lin Block One Hundred and Fifty-two (15~).of_Uni':ersit~ ~eight.s, according to I
ammended map ther·eof made by G. A. d'Hemecourt anc1 f1led 1n tneooffice of the County Recorc1er
of saic1 S:an Diego Co vnty,, in Book 8, page 36, · et seq. of ~is Pendens·-. ·
To Have and to Hold tlie above gr·ant ed and described tight of way urit o t.h.e s.aid gran"- ee,
its successors· and assigns: forever', as a l'ight of vvay for a sewer pipe line.
· T'he purl)OSe of this easement a'tld right of way is for the construction and maintena
of a private sevier late:r·al inside the pl"ope:rty lines, it. being tmderstood that the City of
s·an :Diego· is: not to -be held liable for any damage resulting f::com t}1.e const::cuction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment..
In Witness Whereof, Fred 'i'. Fe;y-ton- has hereru1to set Iillis. hand and seal this 2nd day
of October 1926 •.
On this 8th day of October, 1926, before me; Adolph J·. Mende a Notary- I'ublic in and
for the s.aid County of iian Diego, ;:;;tate of California, resi.d:i:ng thel'ein, -duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared lhed T. Peyton personally kno\'n to me to· be the pe1•s.on whose
name is sr:rbscribed to the within instrument, and he· duly adknowledged to nie that he executed
the s;aine. · · · ·
In Witness Whereof, I have her·eunto.-' set my hand· and affixed my official S:eal, -at !UY
office in tl1e County of San Diego~ the day and yeo.r in this ce~ificate first above written.
Notary Public in and· for t.he County of San Diego,
State of California.
!My Commission expires: ~e:ptember lOth 1930·.

RECORDED J[f REQIUEST OF City Clerk DEC 7 1926 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A. M. In
Book No. 1259 Page 459 of Deeds. Records of ~an Diego Count~; Calif-~ ·
By N. C. PAR~ ONS. Del)'at y. .
I HEREBY CERriFY·, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
[Deed of ·Fred T. Peyton· fr:>r sewer R/W to the Cit.y of San Diego,. California. Being Document.
No. 198225.


1i, Armie Slobin a widow For and in Conside:r:ation of the benefit.s to caccrue by t be:
location, co•nst ruction and mairrt..enance of a sewer line throug.q. and the property here-
in described, and in c::ms:ideration of the sum of One Dollar (*~1.00) to'--in hand paid, the
receipt whe-reof is hereby ackno·wledged, does hel'ebygrant to t.he Cit~ of ~an Diego, a mlmi-
cipal corporation in t.he County of San Diego,. State of California, an easement arnd.·right of

way through, alo2.1g and across a:l.l that c.ert ain real property situ at. e in the City of qan Dieg ,
Com1ty of Sam Diego:, State of California, particularly described as follov~-s, to-wit: .
~he· East Fifty Five Feet (55) of Lot one {lf in Bl6c·k Fourteen (14) ~f Norrnal Hieght
1!'o Have and to Hold the above gr~n~ed and described ·right of way unto t.he said gr·ant e,
its successors and assigns fore:ver, .as a of way for a s:ewer pir1e line • .
~he purpose of this easement· and r~ght of v-Jay is for the. c·onst ruction and enanc
of a private sewer lateral inside the pr-opei\ty lines, it· being ruiderstood· that the ,City. of
San JDiego is not. to be held liable for any dkTiage .resulting fr·om tl1e construction and main-
tenance of s:ewer laterals· over and across thi~ easment.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereu:trto s~~ my hand and seal this. day of Nov 24 1926


On this 24 day of November, 1926, befo,re me, Evelyn L •. Kimball a Notary Public in an
for the s:aid Com1ty of Diego,. State of Californi~9- residing t.he rein, duly commissioned a
sworn, personally appeared Annie Slobin personally !mown to me to be tne 'Person whose name
is subscribed to the within instrument, and she·duly acknowledged t.o me that she executed the
In Witness Wher·eof. I have her·eunto set my· hand and affixed my official seal,. at my
office in the County of ~an~1.Diego, the ·aay and year in th~s cer-tificate first. above. wr;i.tten.

Notary Public in and fo l' the ~oru1ty of Diego,
{SEAL) ·state of California. . .. '
: ,.
!My Commission expires Nov 28-192?. ),

I . . - RECOHDED· .A.T'REQlJE;3T OF" City Clerk DEC 7 1926 at 30 Min. past 9 o 1 clock A.M. In Book ; It .",•

o. 1259 Page 465 of Deeds. Records of San Diego C ovnt y, Calif.

JOHN R. FEERY, Colirft'.y Recorder
By N. C • Pl~RSO fiTS, Dep ut.y. ~ .

I HEREBY CER~IFY, that the abqve and for-egoing is .a full, true and correct co·py of
eed of Annie Slobin fo,r dewe1· H/W to the· City of S.a.n Diego. Beii_lg Document No. 198226.
Cit~J.;lerk of /hE>, Cit~J:Di~ Cal~!ornia.
. ;:-.: ":
' ~-'
; :., . ~~~~~-~~~UiY
i. ·,:::

' .

We, William H•. Rose and Rosetta G. 1Bose, husband and ~ife, as. joi:pt tenan~a, For .
and in Consideration of t:he benefits to accrue by the location, cons.truction and ma:j..ntenance
of a sewer line}. aud across the pro.perty herein described, and in consider?-tion of
the sum of One Dollar ( $1.00) to in hand paid, the receipt where· of is he1·eby acknowledged do
he1·eby grant to." tbe·tlaty of San Diego, a municipal corporation in t:r.e County of San Diego,
State of California, an easement ana.· right of way through.~ along and across all that certain
real property sit.u.ate in the G!ity of San Diego, Gounty of ~an_Diego, ~tate of California,
particu.larly described as follows, to-v:lit:
· T'he North Four (4) feet of ']he east forty-four (44) feet of Lot eighteen (18) in
Block sixty-one ( 61) of .the Re·s ubdi vision of Blocks ~hil'.ty-nirr.e and Fifty-six (56) of Normal
Heights, according to t.he Map the::c-eof No. 1048, filed in the office.of tbe Recorc1~r of said
San :Die go· e aunt ;y-, May 10, 1907. . . . .
~o Have ancl to Hold the above granted and descri"f?ed .right of way unto said;
its successors and ass:Lgns forever, as a right. of way for .a sewer pipe line.·.
Jihe purpose o.f this eas erne nt and right. of way is. for ·the c ons.t ru.ct ion and maint enan · e
of a private sewer lateral inside tbe· prpperty iines., it being understo,od that the City of.
San Die go is not to be held liable for a:ny dooa~e resulting from tlie c ons.t·ucti on ano. m·ain-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this.. easment.
In Witness Whereof, ·william H. Ros:e & Rosetta G." Rose Have he1·eunto their hands
and seals this. seventh day o. f Oc_'~;nber 1926 '


On This 7th day of October, 1926, before me, c·. n:. Harmer a Notary Public in and fo.
the said County of· San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly comnlissiqned and
sworn, pe appeared William H. & _Bertli_a G. Ros.e pers.onally known to me to be the
pars:cHlS< whose name are to t.he within
_, . ins.tnm1ent,
. and he duly aclmowledged to:: me·
·that they executed the same. · - .
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in t.he Cotmi;·y of i:lan Diego, the day and year in tl:i_is certificate fi1·st above written.
C • N. R.ARMBP..
Not a1-y Publi'c in and for the County of San Die go
(SEAL) . S:tate of California.·
My Com.rni-ss.iDn Expires Oct. lOth, 1928.
RECORDED KJ! REQUES'T OF City Clerk DEC 7 1926 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.Ivi. In Book
Ho. 1259 Page 460 of :Deeds. Records of ;}an Diego Count.y, Calif.
JOHn H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSON~, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERT'JJ!l'iT, t.hat tbe above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed of William H. Ros.e & Rosetta G. t}ose for Dewer R7W to the City of San Diego. Being
Docmnent No. 198227.
City Clerk of t.he City3f ~an Diego, Califo1nia.

tYJ/~~~·~. ..
S~TON INVES~'MENf COMPANY, a Corporation, For and in consideration of One· Ilol~ar
Does Hereby Grant to ~he City of ~an Diego, a Mti.nicipal Corporation, in the C ouhty of Qan
Diego, State o::[ Califo.rnia, All that Real Propc:rty situated i.:ll:L!.the City qf San J)iego, County
of ::ian Diego~· ~tate of California, bounded and desc1".j:bed as fo·llows:
Lot 37, Catalina Villas~ according to Ma;.P thereof No •. 1892, filed in the Office of
the ~ounty Recorder of said Qan Diego Cotmty. · . . . ·
To Rave ·.and to Hold the above granted snd · descri oed ·proper-ty unto the said grnnt ee,
its successors an.d assigns, forever, for street purposes, as and for a portion of Catalina
Witness our hands and seal this 9' day of November 1926 •.


(SEAL) }J;ice-Presi dent
On this 9th day of November, 1926, before me, Angeline Theede a .Notary Public in an
for the· said County of Sen Diego, State of Ce.lifrcmia, l'esiding therein, o_u_ly comi'Ilissioned
and SWOl'n, personally §.ppeared J. W. Sefton, Jr., known t 0 me to be the- Vice ?resident and
W. M. Crouse kno~:m to me to be the Secreta1·y of the Corporation that executed the vJithin in-
strmnent, known to me to be the· persons. who executed the within Instrument on behalf of tbe
Corporation therein nemed, and acknowledged t.o me that such Corporation executed t ..p.e
In Witness Whereof, I have· hereunto set my hand an.d affixed my official seal, at my
office in the Eounty of San Diego, the day and year in t.his· certificate first. above written.
~ .j

Not ar·y Public in and for the Cou_nty of Die go,
(SEAL) State of Califo xnia. ,l;
My Commissi;)n expires January 30th' . 1930.

RECORDED M! REQUZST'" OP City Clerk DEC 7 1926 at 30 Min. past. 9 o 1 c lock A~]i. In Book
No. 1259 Page 462 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
lTOHN H. FERRY, Cou...11ty Recorder
By N. C. llJi.RSOHS Deputy.

. ' ~·
I HEREBY CERl'IFY, tbat the above arJ.d foregoing is a·full, t.rue a.rJ.d corr·ect copy of
Deed of the Sefton Investment Compan;y,. a corp., to t;he City of San Diego. Being Document
No. 198228.
- ~ ....
v· -..• ~::* ...--· ·'-""'

I, Jack-E. Heinzmen., a sLngle man, For and in consideration of·t.he benefits to accr e
by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and acr·os·s tL1e Pl'operty herein-
after described, Do Hereby ~rant to T'he Cit;:z- of San Diego, a Municipal Corporat.ion, in the
County of San :Qiego, State of California, an easemer.rt and right of way-for the construction,
operation c:nd maint.en&'lce of. a s.evJer· pipe line and appurtenances through, along :and across
All t:hat Real Property situated in the City of.San Diego, Cou..Dty Gf San Diego, State·of
California, bounded and described as follows: .
· A portion of Pueblo Lot 1119, of the Pueblo Lan<ls of San Diego, accor:ding· to Map
thereof made by James Pascoe in the year 1870, a copy of which map is filed in·t.he Office of
the Count.y Recorder of said San Diego County, saicl easemer:It and right of way being six feet
in, three feet on each side of the following described center lines, respectituely;
Beginning at a point. on t.he .north line:::,of Block 3, Florence Heights No. 2. Addition;
acco·rding to Iviap thereof No. 905, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Die o
County; dist.ant. 48.44 feet east. from the northvvest corner of said Block 3; thence northwest-
erly on a direct line making an angle of 87 degrees 59 minutes with the nort-h line of said
Block 3, a distance of 32.98 feet to a point; thence on an angle to the right of 85 degrees
24 minutes 40 seconds, a dist.ance of .1!1.\9. 74 feet t.o a point; t.h.ence on an angle t.o the left
of 22 degrees 02 minute_s 40 seconds, a distance of 60.00 feet. to a point.; t.hence on an angle
to .t'Iie left of 8'7 degrees ·45 minutes, ·a distance ·of 193.00 feet t.o a point; tlillenee::·on an
angle to the· -right of 13 degrees 38 minutes, a dis!J8ITce of 77.00 feet to a point; _thence on
afi angle to the left of 3 degrees 22 minutes, a distance o'f 15·5.00 feet to a point; thence 01
an angle to· the riglrt of '7 degrees 07 a ·<;distance of 14 9. 00 feet to .a point; the nee oJ

I an angle t·OJ ·t.Q.e right. of 71 degrees 20 minutes, a eli stance of 2.66. 00 feet to a point; thence
on an angle to the right. of 3 degrees 47 minutes, a distance of 271.30 feet to a poin.t on th
east line· of· said Pueblo Lot. 1119 c1ist.ant C664,..5t:D feet south from tire northeast corner of said 1
Pueblo Lot 1119; ALSO, .
Beginning at a point on the north line of Block 3, said Florence Heig.rrt s No. 2 .
Addition, distant 48.44 feet east from the northwest;; co1·ner of said Block.3; theil:Ce northwest
erly on a d±rect line making an angle of 87 degrees 59 minutes witJi the north line. of. s.aid
Block 3, a distance of 32.98 feet to a point.; thence on an angle to the right of 85 degrees
24 minutes 40 secop.ds, a distance of. 119.74 feet to a point.,. being the TRm~ POINT' OF BEGINIHH
thence on an angle' tot he left from said last. described course of 114 degrees 39 minutes 40
seconds, a distance of 119.63 feet to a point.. · ·
T'o Have and to Hold t.he above granted and descri bec1 easement unto the said grantee
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right. of way for a sewer pi}Je line and appur.tenanc s.
Witness my hand an:d seal this 2. day of I:iovember 1926

On this 2 day of November A.D.· Nineteen Hm1dred and 26 before me, Undersigned a
Notary Public in and for saic1 Count'y', res:i.ding th:.erein, duly commissioned and sworn, pe,rson-
ally appeared Jack E. Heinzman kno1.rn. to me to be the· person described in and whose name is
subscribed to the \'Jit.hin instrument., and acknowledged to me that he executed the s.:ame.
Witness my harJ.d and Official Seal t.he day and year in this certificate first above

My Commission expireE,
28 March 1929
Notary Public -in and· for the·County of Los .Angeles,
St at.e of California: •.

RECORDED AT' REQUEST' OF City Clerk DEC '7 1926 at 3 0 Min. past· 9 o1 c 1 o c k A.M. In
Book No. ·1300 Page 138 of DEEDS Records of San Diego Go vnt.y, Cali f ..
JOHN H. FERHY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS Deputy
I HEREBY: c·EI~Il!'Y, that the ~bove and foregoint. is a full, ·true and correct copy of
Deed from Jack .t;. Hei...n.zman to. T.he
City o.f San Diego. Being Document., No. 198229.
City Clel"k of the City of ;:)an Diego, California.

I~ /?4--/h.~.J.J?
, -' . .
. I - {'"-.... .
. We, W. A. Sloane and Annie B. Qloane, husband ·an.d wife, for and in consideration of
the benefits to accrue by the lmcation and construction of a sevver pipe line through and
a9ross tlie property hel"einaftel' described, he:reby remise, release and quitclaim to 1.ll'h'e CitY:
of San Diego, a municipal corporation· ip. t)'le County of San Diego, State of·Califol'nia, an
eas:ement and ri gb.t. of way for the co nst.ruct ion, operation and maintenance of. a s.ewer pipe
line· and appurtf)nances, through, along and·acros:s all·that real property situate in tbe CitY..

I of San Diego, Cow.1.ty of San Diego, 2-~tate of CalifGH'nia, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Pueblo Lot 1119, of the Pueblo Lands of Diego, according to Map
there of made by Jsmes Pascoe in t.he year 1870, a c·opy of which map is filed in the Office of
th-e County l~ec order 1 of. said ~an· Die go Co u.n.ty, said eas emerr.t and right. of way being- six feet
in width, three feet on each sicle of the following; described center lines, respectively: ·
Beginning at a point on the north line of Block ·3, Florence Heights No. 2 Addition, .
according to Map thereof No. 905, filed in the Office of the Cotlnty Recorder of said
Diego County, dis.tant. 48.44 feet e~st f.rom the northwes:t. corne:r of said Block 3; thence north-f
westerly on a direct line making an angle of, . 87 degrees 59 minutes with the north line of .
said Block 3, a.distanc~ of 32.98 feet to a point; thence on an angle to the right of. 85 degr e.s··
...... •
:~,:~·-·~ ·-~~.' •• :.:l ; •.• ,/ ___ .,.

24 minutes 40 seconds, a d_ist ance of 119.74 feet to a point; thence on an angle to t.he 1 eft
of 22 degrees 02 mi:rut. es. 40 seconds, a dis.tance of 60.00 feet· to a point.; then;ce on an angle
to the left of 87 degrees 45, a distance of 193.00 feet to a point.; t.!i.ence on an·
angle· to the::.:right of. 13 degre\3S 38 minutes, a dist ancel of 77.00 feet to a point ; tl'lence on
an angle to the l~ft of 3 degrees 22 minutes, a distance of 155.00 feet to a point; thence
on an' angle to the right of 7 degrees 07, a distance of 149.00 feet to a point.; thenme
on an ?-D-gle t.o t.h.e rigffi of. 71 de9.rees 20 minutes;. a di st anc? of 266.00 feet to a point ; . II
thence on an angle to the r1ght or 3 degrees 47 m1nutes, a d1stance of 271.30 feet to a po1ni
on the east line of d Pueblo Lot 1119 di st. ant 664. 50 fe ot so f.rom the northeast. corner
of said Pueblo Lot 1119; ~so,
Beginning at a :point. on the north line of Block 3, s:.aid Flo renee .Hie igh t s i-To. 2
Adc1it ion, dis:t.ant 48..44 fl;}et East. f.rom the northliVEJst corner of :maid Block·3; tl:.teruee north-
westerly on a di:rec.t line making an angle· of 87 degrees 59 minutes with the nort.l;l line of
said Bloc~ 3, a distance of 32.98 feet t.o. a point; thence on an 8.ngle to the· right of 85 deg:qees
! 24 minutes 40 seconds, a distance of 119.74 feet t.o.a point.; being the T'RUE POINT' OF BEGnmrHG;
' thence on an angle to the left from said last described course of 114 degrees 39 minutes 40··
seconds, a dis~ance of 119.63 feet to a point. · ·
~o Have and to Hold the above quit.claime d and described eas.ement unto. the said
grantee, its succes~wrE! and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a s.ewer :pipr line and
appurt enanc e s.
Witness our hands. this 16th day of Novembe:c, 1926.

en this 16th day of November, '1926, before me, Harrison G. Sloane a Notary Public
in and for said-tlcinnt.y· and State, resid! therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personmly
a:ppe ared _W. ;A. ~loane and Annie' B. Sloane, knovvn to me to he the persons described in and
whose names are subscribed t"o the within instnimert, and they.acknowle·dged to me that tl'+ey
executed the same.
Witness my hand and Offic.ial Seal the· c1.8.y aJ.1.d year in this certificate fir-s~t above
Notary Public in and for the C:wu:ntJI of qan Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires
Mar 1. 19 27
'RECORDED .AT REQUEST' OF City Ole:ck DEC 7 19'26 at 30 Min. past 9 o'c.lock A.M. In
Book No. 1259 Page 463 of Deeds. Records of San Diego: Coun1Jy, Cal~f.
. JOHIJ H. FERRY, County Recorder
By~{. C. PAR~ONS, Deputy

I HEREBY CERTI IFY, that the above and fo•regoing is a full, true and correct oopy of
Quitclaim Easement from W. A. ~loane and Annie B. Slo811e, to Tlie City of ~an Diegull. Being
Daew~ent, No. 198230.

lt, AltaT'orrance, For and in consideration of the benefits toa..ccrue by the·locatio

and construction of a sewer p:l,pe line through and across the property hereinafter described
Do Hereby Grant to The City of ~an Diego, a M\micipal Corpo1·ation, in the Cotmty of Dieg ,
State of Otil.liforni4).~;; an easement al!-d. ·right of way for the construction, opel'ati on and main-·
tenance of a s.ewer pipe line through, along and across All that Real P1·o:pe1-ty situ~ted in
the City of San Diego·, County of San Diego, :r.ttat e of California, borulded and described as
follows: ·
'Jl!he East five feet qf the South 40 feet of the North ~40 feet of the West. 95 feetq
of Lot 2," Block 29, NoriTI.B.,l Reigb,.ts, according to Map tbereof Ho. 985, filed in the Office of
the County Recorder of sai:d San ~iego Gormty, said property being the sep~rate property of
the grantor her·ein. . . ·
~o Have and to Hold t.he above grant.ed and described easement unto the said,
it.s successors and assigns, forever, ·as a right. of way for a sewer pirJe line.·
Witness my .hand and s.eal this 6t.h day of November 1926.

On this 6th day of NoViember .A..D~ Nineteen Hundred and T'went.JZ-Six befo·re me, E. H.
Brooks a Notary Public in and for s~:dd County, residing ther:e·in, duly commissioned and sworn,
per:s on ally appeared Alt. a ~orrance known to me' to be the per·son described in and whose name
is subscl'ibed to the wit bin inst.nunent, ancl ackn.ovJledged, t.o me that she exec.uted th.e S81lle.
Wit ness my hand and o·fficial ;;);eal the day and year in·. this cert if~c ate first. above
writ ten.
Notary Public in and for the CountJI of ~an :Die: go,
(S:EAL) State of: California. .
My Commiss·ion expires
June· 4, 1930. I
RECORDED AT RBQUEST Of C it.y Clerk DEC 7 19 26 at. 30 Min. past 9 o 'cloc. k A.M. In Book
No. 12:85 Page 100 of DEEDS Records of San Diego Cotmt.y, Calif.• ·
JOBl~ H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. Q. PiL'}SONS:., Deputy.
I IffiREBY CERTI.'IFY THAT THE above. and foregoing is a full, t.rue and correct copy of
Deed from Alta fJl'orrance to '1l'he City of San :Die go. Being Document No. 198231.
·. ·..
t.he- ·ty of ~an Diego, California. ·~.

I We, Thomas and Marie -D •. Bullock, husband and. wife, For and in consideration of the
bene£its to accrue by the location and canst ruction of .a sewer pipe line through and across
the pro·pe.rt.y here>iriafter described Do Hereby Grant to 1/:he City of ·~an Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an e·asemen..t and right of way
for the co·nstruction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along and aero s
All that Real Property situ.ated in the City of ~an Diego·, County of San Diego, State of
Californi~~~ botmded and. described as follows:
··The East. Five Feet of the·. North· 40 feet of the South 80 feet of the North 120 feet
of Lot 2; Block 29, Uormal Heights, accorc1L'1g to Map thereof J.llo~· 985, filed in th8 e>ffice of
the County Recorder of said· s:an Diego· Cou.r"lty.
To Have and to Hold the above grant.·ed and described easement. unto the said_ grantee,
its success.ors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a s·ewer pipe lii1e.
Witness our hands and seals this 20th day of Nov 1926

0n this 2oth day. of November A.D •. Nineteen Hundred and T'wenty-:six before me E. H.
Brooks a N9tary Public in and for said Cou.nty, residing·therein, duly cominis:si::med and swan,
personally appeared Thomas Bullock and Marie P. Bullae k known· to me to he the persons des.cri 1 -
ed in and whos:e name·s are subscribed to the within instrmnent, and acknowledged tQJ me that

I they executed t.he same.

·Witness my hand and Official &eal the day and year in this certificate first. above

Notary Public in and for the County of San Die. go,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires
June 4, 1930.

RECORDED .PlJ!.· REQUE.3T· OF City Cle:ck DEC 7 1926 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In Book
No. 1300 Page 133 of DEEDS Records of· San Diego Cotmty, ·Calif.
JOHIJ H. FERRY, Co1Ul't'Y Recorder
By ·N. C. PARSONS., Deputy.
I HEREBY CERll'IFY, that the. above md 'fa regoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from 'J.':homas and Marie ·D~ Bull-ock to The City of San Diego. :Being Document, No. 198232 •.

·city Cler·k 'of the City of S:an Diego, California.

~ .~-;:,.Deputy.
/\. 4 1--·/hr· ~l.
I ~

We, Edgar G. and Allie Golden, husband and wife, For and in consideration of the

benefits to accrue by the location and canst ruction of a d1·ain pipe· through and aero ss the
. property he:r·einafter described Ji)o Hereby Grant. to The City of ~an Diego, a· Municir:al Corpor-
ation, in t.he Cotmt.y of San Dieg:o,'S.tate of Californi~, an easement :and:L:right of way fa:r the
construction, ope:ra.tion and mainterrance of a drain pipe line through, along and across All
that Real Pro:r:erty. situated in the eity of 8.811 Diego, County of qa,n Diego, Qtate of California,
bo~~ded and described as follows:
. A Portion of Lots 33 and 34, Block 7, Frary He:iights, according to mp,p thereof No. 9
file·d in the Office of tl1..B County Recorder of said Die-go Cotmt.y, said eas:e.ment and right
of way being particularly described as follows: ·
Beginning at a point onthe south line of said Lot 33, distai'l!t 32.90 feet vvest from
tre southeast. corner of said Lot 33; thence North 8 degrees 09 minutes West, a dis.tance of
50.50 feet to an ill!tersection with the no:r·th line of said Lot-:. 34; thence west. along the nor·t
line of said Lot 34, a di.s.t.ance of 6.10 feet to a point; thence South 8 clegtcees 09 minutes
East, a distance of 50.50 feet to an· inte:rs.ection vfith the south line of s.aid Lot 33; thence
east_ along the south line. of said Lot 33 to the point or place of beginning.•
'11 0 Have and to Hold the above grant.ed and desc:1:ibed easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assiena, forever,. as a right. of way mar a drain pipe.
Witnes.s our- hands and seals this 16th day of November 1926o


On this 16th day of November A~ :p. Nineteen Hul1dred anc1 TvJent:y. -si.x before me, fl. H. Bra ks
a Not.ary Public in and for said Cou.nt:;y, residing ther.ein, duly conL."TTiSsioned and ·S.worn, pe:r·so -

I ally appeared Edgar G. Golden and Allie Golden k..novm t. o me to. be the per sons described in an 1
whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to rne that they execu-
ted the s.ame.
Wit ness my hand and Official Seal the clay am!d·.·year in this: certificate first above
Notary PubJtic in and:=for the County of. San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires
June 4, 1930.
RECORDED 1~ REQ.U:ft.3r OF C iyy C 1 er lc DEC 7 19 26 at 30 Min. past. 9 o'clock A.lil. In
Book No~ 1300 Page 13 7 of :DEEDS Records of gan Diego County, Cal:i.f.;
JOHN H. FEI1RY, C ot.mty Recorder:
By N. C. PilRSONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY;That t.he above md fo:cegoing is a full, treue and correct COlJY of
Deed from Edgar G and Allie Golden to The City of San Diego. :Seing Doc1.m1ent, No. 198233 •

(Y~~:E!·le'r.k!.forit:her:.~r't y .of San Diego, California.
~ )).) '

By~ ??~~r_· DeJlUt:y.

;j ~: ~.

I, Hermar.J. N. Cable, (A Bachelor) For and in cons~derat ion of One_ Dollar an~l other
valuable consideration; Do R:"e1·eby Grant to The Oity of S.a.n Diego., a Mm1icipal Corporation,
in~the County of San Diego, State ofCalifo:rnia·, an easement and rig..."lt ofvJay for·s:treet
purposes, th1·ougll; over, along and across All that Real ~roperty ~:ituated in the City of.
San Diego, Courrty of' ~an Diego, iitat_e of California, bounded and desc.ribed-as foll01us:'
A portion of Lots 3,4,5~6,8;9;10,11 and 12, Block 1?, Roseville, according t.o Map
thereof No·. 305, filed in the Office of t.he County Recorder· of sa; San Diego County, par-
ticularly described as follows:
Beginning at atpoint on the srmthwesterly line of Block 1?, said Rosev!ille, dis.tant
50.56 feet northwest.erly from the :southerly corner of· said Block 17; thence northerly on a
dir·ect line ta1 a point on t.he northvJesterly line of said Block 17 distant 20.35 f·eet. south-
westerly from the northerly corner of saio. Block 17; thence northeasterly along the north-
westerly line of s:aid Block 1? to the northerly corner of said Block Fl; then:ce
ly along the northeast.erl:y line of s.aid Block l7,.a.distonce of 92.35 feet to a point; trren1e
soUt.herly on a direct line .to a point on the. southeasterly line of s.aid Block 17; distant I
50.45 feet northeasterly from t}l_e southerly corne:t.• of said Block 17; the me- soutliwest.erly al• ng
the s;out.heasterly line of said.Block 17 to southerly corner of said Block 17; then.ce
northwest.erly along the sout.hwest.el'lY line of s.aid Block 17 to the point or plac~ bf beginri:img.
To Have and to Hold the above g::canted and described easen1erit unt:o1 t.he said its succe'sors
a:ri<l assigns, forever, as a right of way for s.t 1·eet purposes,
( Witness My hand and s.eal.this 25th day of October 1926.

S1l!AT'E O.b' CALIJ!'ORIH.A, )

'Chi this 26 da;r;1 of October A.D. Nineteen Htmdred and Twenty-six before me, Claude, -
Stout a Notary .Public in and for said ·countY., residing t.het·ein, duly commissioned and sworn;
personally appeared Herman N·. Cable, a ~tingle man kno·wn to me to be the pel' son described in
and vvhose name is: subscribed to~ the wit.lun instrurnent., and acknowledged to me that he execut-
ed t be same.
Vlitne·ss my hand a.rid Official ~.eal the clay and y<ear:::-in t.his certificate first above
Notary Public·· in and for t.he. C ount.y of S.:an Biego;
(SEAL)· State of Califo rni a.

RECORDED AT REQUEST' OF City Clerk DEC ·14 1926 at 26 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In Book]
1280 Page 426 of DEEre Records of San Die gr County, Calif.
JOHN li. :wEI-mY, Connty Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS., Deputy

I HEREBY CEI~'IFY, that the ·above and f?re·goinfi? is ~a. full, tr~e ·a..Yld cor1.·e~t c.opy of
Deed from HermanN. 0able, a bachelor, to T'he· CJ.ty of .:).8.111 DJ.ego. Belng Document, No. 19848] •

.ALL~ li H. · ~'JRI GiiT' .

Cit.y Clerk of the City o~ San Diego·, California.
. /'-1
c . ~;---~-~-.
S_4.H DIEGO AN]) ARIZO~~A RAILWAY COivrP,AHY, a Corporation for snQ. in consideration of the
sum of One ( $leOO) Dollar, does hel'eby g:rant to the· Cit.y, of San Ilie·go, a Munic.ipal Corporatior,
in"cthe CountY. of S:an ])ie go, State of California,. an easement. and right. of way, over
and across all t:hat real property situated in the Cit.y of San Diego, County of San Diego,
State of California, bounded and described as foll-ows: I
Beginning at a point on t.lie southwesterly line Qf Ne·wton.Avenue Vihich is 32.93 feet
. so.utheast.erly of the intersection of .the southwesterly line of. Newton Avenue with. t.he Southel"ly
projection of the west.e1·1y line of 13t.h Street; thence south 39 degrees, 20 minutes, 40 secolhds
west, a distance of 28.69 feet. to a point; thence south 0 degrees 16 minutes, 40 seconds east.r
a distance of 96.41 feet t. o a point ; thence south 39 degrees; 20 minute~, 40 seconds, west., I
a distance of 199.77 feet t.o a point on the mean high t.ide line of the l3ay of ;:,an Diego; then®e
soul:; h 15151 degrees:; 42 minutes, 55 onds east , along the mean high tide line a dirslt;:anc'e of
5. 81 feet to a point ; thence south 66 degrees, 15 minut'es, 55 s.econds east., along the mean
high t:ide line a distance of 28.46 feet to a point;~ thence north 39 degrees, 20 minutes, 40
seconds east, a clist ance of 293.44 feet to a point on the so11thvvest erly line. of Nevrton Avenue;
hen,ce north 50 degrees., 39 minutes, 20 seconds west·, ·a clistance of 94.47 .feet .to the point. oif
commencement, being a ·portion of the unnumbered pueblo lot lying of Pu.eblo Lot. 1157 9-nd
sout.h of Pueblo Lot 1156, according to Map of t·he Pueblo Lancls of S_an Dieg!DI, made by James
Pascoe in the year 1870, a copy of which .is file·d in the Office of the C ou:nty Reco of
said San Die go C OlLYlt y. I
TO liAVE AHD T'O HOLD the above granted rig-ht. of vvay easement. unto said Grantee, its
sue ces so rs and assigns,. for the pm·poses only of the installation of a rm d~ain wh'ich shalil.
~e maintained in manner s.o as not t.o c.ause any nnnecessai'Y damage to property of grantor, or
d.ts Lessee, or interruption of Grantor's line of railvvay thereon, and upon the follovving
I on d'J. t.J.ons: , . ..
. I
1. Grant·ee shall bear all .expense in co nne cti on wit.h safely maintaining t.he unin-
terrupt-ed. operat i::m of al_l tracks, st.:ructures, or faciliti~s: of. Grantor, or its or
Lessees thereof t.hat may be af.fected by the construction a.Dd maintenance of said storm draim.
2. Gra;_t e-e shall huil.d s_ai d st.o rm d:~:ain of st ruct ural strength equal t.o the e:z:ist i
concrete c· located s_orrt.h of Nevfton Avenue at 13th Street. .
3. shall b.ack fill over s.aid_storm d:rain to t.he level of the adjoining grou d ;

I surface and clean up site aftel' completion of~vwrl:. .

IN WITNESS' VTJ:1EEE.OF: said Corpor·ation caused this instrument to he executed by i s
ViC.e President ancl it.s. Secretary and.iits corporate seal t.o be affixed this lOth day of
November·, 1926·. ·
(SEAL) By R. C. GILLIS Vice President.
' .-
Attest: L. J. M.ASSOH Secretary.
COUl,JTt~ 0:&' Si,J~ piEGO, ) 88
On this lOth day of November A.D.· Nineteen Hnndred and Twenty:..siicbefore me,~ .
William G. Daniels a Notar·y Public· in and for said County, residing therein-, duly cammis~ion­
ed 'sv1orn, :peTsonally appeared R. c. Gillis known to me· to be th,e Vice President,- and L. J.
Masson knovm. to me t.o be the i:iecretary of the Oorporation that executed the vJitllin imtrument,
known to me t.o be the persoi1s· who execut.ed the: within instrument on behalf of the Corporatio
within named and aclmowledged to me that such.Corporat.ion executed the same. ·
IN WIT'.NE.SS i!JRERE.OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in th
County of San Diego, ~tate of Califo mia, the dey and yeal' in this certific:at e first above
Wl"i tt en.
WILLin G.. J)ANIEL·s.~.
Hot a:ry Public in and fo:r_ the Count.y of San Die go,
(SEAL) State of California~

RECORDED .AT ·REQlTBSJ2 OF_ City Clerk DEC 14 1926. at 26 Min,~.past 2 o 1 cloc k P.M.· In Boo
.NG. 1270 Page.335~-of Deeds Record_s of San Diego Cou..pty, Oalif.

I ·JOHN H~ FERRY, County Reo orde:E ·

By N. C. PAR~Ol,IS, Deput.y
-~ .
I HE~·vt;sr CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a.fu11, true and correct·copy of
Deed. from1 San Diego· & Arizona Ry. Co.,
to tlie ~ity of S:an Dieg:t,. Being Document No:- 198553.·.

. City .__e>lel'k of the City of ~an Diego, Califo:rnia.

B~~)); -~~Deputs • .
. .-y . ~c . -#r~rA--~. -
DE~ D ·

TB-IS IHDENT'URE, made the 6th day of DecemlJel·, one th::.usa:..rJ.c1 n:ime hm1d:red and twenty-
six, bet we en SaN DIE!;O ELECT' RIC RAILWAY COMJ?A.HY, a corporation organized 8Ilct exist·ing unde1·
the laws of the State of California, ·hel'einafte:r referl'ed to as }?a1·t.y of the fi1·st. part, anc
the CT.l"Y OF SA.1.\f DIEGO, a m1.micipal CO'l'poration in the County of 8an Diego, State of Calif-
ornia, hereinafter referred to· as t.he party of t.he second part, WIT'l<TESSEJ'r'H:
That the ·said pa1·ty of the· first part, for and in consideration of the smn of Ten
]?ollars (($10), lawful money of the United qtates of Ame:i.'ica, t.o it. in hand paid by the said
par!.ty of the second ·part, receipt whereof is hel'eby acknowle'dged, does by these presents
remise, :release, s..nd fo:cever· quit.claim unto the said party of the second part, all t.hat real
~ pro :pert y situated in the City of San Diego, IC ou.:.r1ty of S:an Diego, State of California;
BEinG a strip of land fo:rty ('40) feet. in width across I)ueblo Lot llo; 1782 of the
Pueblo Lots of the City of Sm1 Diogo, bet I:Veen the Southern bom1dctl'Y line of Pueblo Lot 1782

I and the Sot1.t he1·n bo vndar·y line of Pueblo Lot 17?3. of the Pueblo Lots of the City of San Dieg ,
State of Califo1·nia, lying and being in Elect ric Avenue in the said City of San Diego, and
being twenty (20) feet on eac.h side of ~-·iL center line clescribE:~d as follows:
·Beginning at the Southern bom1lLar·;y- line of Pueblo Lot. ~eventeen Hunclred Eio.hty-tvw

(1?82) at a point al)OLJ.t 2110 feet Westerly (measured along said ·southerly boundary) fro·m the
post at the Northwest corner of the Clark 'l'ract (said post being 438-4:/5 feet Vlester·ly from
a point which is ;.24-~ feet Northe-rly from a post. marked Southeast. corner 1782); thence North
59 degrees West, magnetic, for a distance of 1142-3/10 feet ; thence on a tangent. 2 degrees
curve to the rig.r1t for a distance of 846-6/10 fe~;;t; thence in a straight line tangent to sai
curve North 42 ·degre.c;s 4 minutes Wes-t, magnetic, for a distance of about 945 feet to· an in-·
tersection of Ncirtherl~7 boundcn'y of s:aid Pueblo Lot at a point abr-/nt 797 feet Easterly from
the post at the shor·e end of Northerly bounda1:y.
TO liAVl!; AND 1:0 HOLD the above g1·ant eel and de so ri bed premises lmt·o said party of the
second part forever, for street purposeso ·
IN WIT:N.r;::J;:) \V.l:i~l1.t;;U}!\ ·said :pa:rty of. the first pal't has caused these presents to be ex..:.
ecllt.ed by its Vice-Pl'esident and Secre.tary, first t.here1.mto c1uly· authorized, Emd it:s: corpo-
i'at e seal to be affixed, the o.ay anc1 year first above written.

By W. CLAY..CON Vice I)resident."

By LA.l1iE D. wEBBBR . Sec1·etar·y.

STATE O.ii· C}\i.lJ!'OJNIA, }

I On this 6th dE,Ly of December', 1926, befo:re me,·M. M. WIDENOR, a Hotary Public in and
for the said Com1ty of San Diego; State of California, residing therein, dulycommissioned
and s:worn, personally ap1)ea:t:ed W. CL.AY2'0H, me to be the Vice-Pr·esident [:.nd LAbTE D.
WEBBWR, kno' :r;ne to be the Secretary of the corpo:Cation that. executed the vrithin 'ii1strvme t,
known to me· the pe1·sons who exec"L~ted the within Ii1strvra.ent on behalf of the corporatio
therein namec1, and 8.Ckn:JVJledged to me that such COrDoration.executed the same.
In WIT'NESS VTHEREol!·\ I have hEneunto set ·my·· hand 8lld affixed. my official seal, at my
office in the County of i~an Diego, the day: and-year in this certificate first above vJl'itten'.
Notary Public in and fol' the County of Diego, State of c·alir· :.cnia.
RECORDED AT'. REQUEST OF City Cle:L'k DEC 14 1926 at 26 Ivlin. past 2 o 1 clock oJ?.M. In
Book Noo 1285 Page 135 of DEEDS Records of San Diego Count·y, Calif.
JOHlJ H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. 1'.!-iRSOI:BI De:puty
I HEREBY CERTIFY, th-at the above ancL for·egoing is a full, true and c or·rect copy of
Deed from San Diego Electric Railw<:>-y Com};lany to CITY OF SAH DIEGO·. Being Docu.lllent, No.
KNOW ALL l'11:UT BY rrHESE PRESEI.~TS: 'll'hat for and in consideration of the sum of T'EN
DOLLARS, the receipt whereof is: hereby acf",_novJledged, hereby acknowledge full l'elBase and
satisfaction of that ce:rtain Mortgage ma,de by .1\.LONZO C. BELLOWS AND ELEANOR M. BELLOWS,
husband anc1 wife to S. R ••L\.LLEN AND A.LABll.NIA ALLEI.J,,hp.sbanc1 and wife dated December 5th, 1922,
and rec.orded in the office oftt·he County Recor·der· of the County of San Diego, Stat!3 of·
California, in B'ook 359 of Iviortgages, at page 287 et seq~", tpgether with the debt therE?bY
securedo . . . o·ur hands' and seals this 14th day of December, 1926
S. R. A.LLEpT ( SE.A.L)



COlJN~~y 0~ SAN DIEGO, ) ,_,
On this 14th day of Decembe:c, Nineteen Hu...11dred and twenty-six before me, Lela
:r. Stil:Lman a Noti:l.ry Ptlblic. in an,d fo:c said Colli-'lty- and State, l'esicting thel'ein, du-ly cm:rm1iss 1
ioned and sv;o1·n personally appeared S. R. Allen and Alabmna Allen, husband e.nd wife lmown·to
me to be the persons described in and whose names are subscl'ibed to the 1vithin inst.rr!lllent
and acknowledged to me that they execu_ted the S8.11J.e. ·
IN WI7UESS V!BEREOP, I have hereu..nt o set my hand and affixed LlY Official Seal, at my
office, in said Cou..nty of San Diego~ St8,te of California, the day and year in this ·certifi-
cate first above written~.
Hotary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL). State of C aliforn:i.a.
My C01mnission Expires April 17, 1928.
RECOI{DED liT' ·l~EQUEST' OF CI~y Clerk DEC ·27 1926 at 30 Min.· :past 3 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 73 Page 471 of Sat. of Mtgs. Records of. San Diego Cotmty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Reco1·der
By N. C. PARSONS Deputy

I HEREBY CERTIFY,.that the above and foi·egoing is a·fu.ll, true and correct copy of
Release of Mort 'fr:::m S. R. A.LLEU Er.? UX '.i!'O ALONZO C. BELLO VIS ET lf'x. Being No.


. . ..
Covering construction, maintenance and operat1on of a main sev~ier ov:t-fall pi11e line
through, along an d across pr·ope:cty in City o_f S::J,n T\
.viego, ~
·---tate of c alifornia.
D.NJ!ED August 24th, 1926.
INDENTURE, made this· 'of At1g1.1.St., 1926, between THE .t'ITCHISOH, TOPEKA. .AHD
S.t'U:f.I''A FE RAILWAY COMPANY, a Kansas Corporation, hereinafter called the R_ailymy Gompany,
first }?arty, s..nd the CITY OF S.AU DIEGO, a lvh:micir)af Cor·poration, ,of the State of California,
·hereinafte:c called the City, second part."I, V!ITHES.SET·H: ·

IH CONSIDER..:i.TIOH of the sum of T·en ($10.00) Dolla1·s, lawfuf money of the United
States of .Americ·a, to it in hand·paid by the City, the receip'tt:nvhe:ccof is hereby acknow:J_edged,
the Railiiliay Gomp&"1Y does hereby grant lmto the City an easement in perpetuity, for the con-~
struction, mainte1mnce and operation of a main sewer out-fall pipe line, thro1.~h, along and
across all that c e l't ain· r·eal :p:mpert y siut at ed in the City of San Die go, Count:>' of san· Diego~
State of California, described as followS: .: . .
"'A portion of Lot 8," Referee 1 s Pal'tition Map of Pueblo Lot 1166, according to Map
thereof filed in s.c.c. No. 2875, in the Office of the Com1ty Clel'k of S! Se.n Diego Cou.L"1ty,
said easement anc1 right of way being ten feet in width, fiveofeet on e:acp. side of the fo·llow~
ing described center line:
Beginning at a point on the. southwesterly. line pf the Right of Way of the Atchison,
Topeka and S.ant a Fe Railway Compa...ny, distant. 945.45 feet northvJest erly from the cant el' line
of Thirty-second Street {measmed along said southwesterly righ.t· of way line); thence east erll.y
on a dire.ct line t 0 a po-int on the northeasterly line of s..sid right of way' distant. 761. 7·2 .
feet no-rthwesterly from the center· line of said !]'hi r·ty-second ·street (measured along saicl ·
northeasterly right of vmy line). ·
. THIS EASEMEnT is. given to the City upon the following conditions to which the C~t.y
py the acceptance hereof expressly agrees, to-wit:
1. T:hat the;y Company shall .'b...ave the right to ma:int ain and operate on said
premises its existing railway tracks: and to inst8,ll; operate and maint-ain aclditional·rai·l.:
I •",
. ~: ,·

·' ., ~ •.
-·~·'" ·"t-



road ti\ack or tracks across the above described :premises anc1 to operate engines, trains and
cars thereon 'End thereover, v..rithout being required to obtain the consent of the City therefo ,
the same as though this indenture had not been executed •.
2. T·hat the City will sa' construct, opero..te and maintain. said sewer OD.tfall :pipe

.. ~
that there shall be no leakage ther.efrom upon the p:remises of the Railvmy Company, and so
that the Rail~:vay tracks and_ premises of the Raih~my Company shall· not be damaged •.

l ,.·.
3. That the Git y will attend to the wo l'k of const r·uct ing, repairing and reconstruct
ing said main sevse:r outf.all pipe in such manner as not to interfere with the railr·oad t·i•acics
and road bed of :the Railway Company:; a:.r1.d for that ptrrpo se all vwrk of construct ion, oper·at io
repa±::C and recons.truction of ssid main sewer outfall .Pil)e across the right of way and under·
the tracks of the Railway Company shall be subject to the supervision. of the Chief l'lngineer
of the Railway C om]!El.ny, both as to time and method.
4. T'hat the said main se1:-ver outfe.ll PiPe shall be laid and at all times maintained
at a depth of not less than (3} feet belo·w the rails of the Railvw.y Corn:pany's tr·acks, whethe
now or hereafter canst ruct ed.
5. ~hat upon any abonc1oruq.ent of the main sener· out fall pipe by the City, whatever
right, title, interest or estate is hereby conve.yed t.o t·he City shall revert to ancl revest
_in the Railway Company, the same as though this indenture were not executed.
IN WITNESS Vv.!:IE.HEOF, the Railw~y Company has cluly e·xecut ed this ind.ent ure the day
and yea! first above written.
( SEii.L)
AT'TpST': By E. J. EHGEL Its Vice-1?resident
·Assist ant 8ec ary.

COUif.i! Y OF COOK ) " '-'

On this 24th day of August, 1926, before me, Ossian C. Eke dahl, a Notary Public" in
and for said County and State, personally appeare_d E. J. Engel, known to me to be the :person
who executed the v.rithin instrument on behalf of the corporation therein n~ued, and acknow-
ledged to me that Such corpor~tion e~{eCp.ted the sa~1e. . .

I IN· \-HTNESS VfriEREOF, I have herem1 to set my hand and af:f:'i1Xed my official seal in
said Com1ty, the clay and. year in this co::ctific?.te fi:rst above ~:nitten.
Notary Public in and for the County of Cook:,
State of Illinois.


On this 30th day of Au:'gust, 19 26, before me, S. A. FORREST'EH, · a Notary l)ublic in
and for· said County an~1 State, pe;rso~1alJ_y appeared. C. W•. Jones, known to me to be the Assistamt
Sec teet ary of the co rpo ration that _execut t;Jd ~.he within instrument., ~:mel ac knowl t,;dged to me t ha~
such corporation executed t.P,e same.
IN· WITNESS V[tiEE-:EOF, I have hereunt'o set my h&J.d o..nd affixed my official seal in
said County, the day and year in t.his certificate first above vn·itten.
liota:r:y Public in and for the County of Los Angeles,
State of Califol'nia.
RECORDED N1 REOUB::-)] OP Cit:y CleTk DEC 28 1926 at 11 o 1 clock A.M. In Book No. 1279
:Page 41!) of Deeds Recor·c1s of San Diego.CouDty, Calif.
JOB:H H. FEH~Y, Com1ty Reco1·de1'
By N. C. :PARSONS Deputy.

I HEHEBY CE~riFY;.:t.hat the above and fo1·egoing is a full, .true and co:r:cect copy of
JDeed, of The Atchison, Tope~:8 and Santa Fe Ry. Co. for senel' R/W to the Git.y_of San Diet:;o.
I Beirig Docmnent, Ho. 199124.
City Clerk of' the Ilie go, California.

COMPANY .AND CITY OFSAIJ DIEGO. Covering constnwtion,
o:peratiol~ and maintenance of f!- pipe culvert across the
right of vmy and lf.lJ.der ~he t:cacks of the l'Za:i,lway Company
at ~an Diego, Calif. :Dated Ausust 24th, 1926.

-. . _INDElfl:·UHE, made this .24th day of August, 1926, betv.reen .T'HE AT'CHISOIJ, TOPEKl-:1. .liND
SAliJT'A FE RAILWAY COMI:.AJ!TY, a Kansas Corporation, he.reinafter calle·d the Railwa~r Company; first
E§Ltrty, and the CITY OF· SJI.JJ DIEGO, a Uunicipal Co.rporation, of the State of California, hel'e
in after called the City, sec o:g_~.J?.ary, WIT l'IESSETH:
IN COHSIDERAT'IOH of the smn of Ten ( $40o00) Dollars, lawful money of the United States
·of .1\merica, to it in hand paid by the City, the recei1)t whereof is hereby ac.knowledged, the
Railway Company does hereby gnmt tmto the City an easement in perpetuity, for t'he conatruct,jJDn,
o.peration a.nd maintenm1ce of a thirty-inch concrete :pipe culve1·t across the l'ight of wa~r ancj
tthder the tracks of the Railway ComptmY at: the City of San Diego, Cotmty of San .Diego, State
of California. The :premises coverec1 by this e2sement. ai'e particular·ly desc:ribec1 as fo,llovJs:
A poTtion of Thir·d Qt.reet closed to public use by the Common .Com1cil of the City OTl
San Die§D, ·between the south line of K St :reet.- proc1u.c ed west· and the mean high t ic1e. line of t e

I BaY. of ::$an Diego (excepting the portion ther.eof VJithin the right of way of 'the San I)iego &
Arizona Railway Com:ps.nyH saic1 easement and right. of way being six. feet in width, three feet
on each siCLe of the follo~:ving described line:
Beginning at the i:nt.ersection of a line d:rawn:parallel wit.h and dist2.11t 15.50 feet\,

west from the so-utherly Jll'olonge.tion of the east line of ~hil'd St:t'eet with the northeasterly
line of the right of way of THE Atchison, l]'opeka an'd, Santa Fe Railway Company; thence sot!:'Ghe·-
·ly on a line parallel with and eli st. ant 15. 50 feet st f:r:om the so uthe l'l~r p1·o·1ongat ion of the
east line of 2-~hird $t.r.eet to the mec:m high tide line of the Bay of San Diego·o
T'HIS EASEME.NT is given to the City upon the fo·llowing conditions to which the City
by the acce:p:t anc e hereof e:x::pre ssly agrees, to-wit :
1. That the Railway Company shall have the rie;ht t·o maintain anc1 ope1·ate on said
premises its existing railway tracks and to install, opel'ate and.· maintain additional rail-
road tr~:.~ck or tracks acrmss the abov.e described premises ~and·::to operate engines, trains ancl
cars thereon and there over, wit.hout being :required to obtain the cons.ent of the. Cii. ty t hel'efo ,
the same as t_hough th~s indenture hacl not been executed. . II
2 •. ~hat t.he ity will so construct, ope1·ate and maintain said pipe culvert that t he:re
.. shall be no leakage theref,rom upon the premises of the Railway Company, and so that the railll
way tracks and premises of the Railway Company shall not be damaged.
3. That the City will attend to the. work of constructing reps,i::dng, reconstructing
said pipe cv.lve1·t in such mannel' as not to interfere ·with the :railroad tracks and road bed
of the Raihvay Company, and for that purpose all work of constnwtion, operation, repair and
reconstruction of saic1 p~})e cv~v·ert ac1·os.:::;_t~1e right ?f wa;y and ltr;Lder. the tracks_ of the Rail 1
v~ay Company shall be subJect to the su:pel'VlSlon of tne Chlef Englneer of the Rallway Compan ,
both as. to time 'ancl met hod.
4. T'hat. the saic1 pipe culvert sh2.ll be laid. and at all. times maintained at a depth
of not less th&"1 (3) feet below the rails of the Railway Companyrs t:cacks, whether- no'IIV or
hereafter constructed.
5. That. upon any abandonment of the pipe culve1·t by the City. whatever l'ight, title,
interest o:-c ~state is he:ce:by conve~red to the City shall :-cevert to tmd revest in the Raihvay
Company, the as though this inclent u1·e had not been execut eel.
IH WIT'NESS V'/IIEREOF, the Railway Company has duly executed this indentu1·e the day am
year first above w:ritten.
.ATTEST ; By E. J. ENGEL Its. Vice-President
Assist ant Sec::cet ary.
On this 24th day of August, 1926, befo1·e me, Ossian C. Ekedahl, a Notary Public in.
and for said Co~~ty and State, personally appea:-ced E. J. Engel, known to me to be the person
who exccut eel. the within inst l'um.ent on behalf of the corporation· therein named and ac la.1owle d eel
to me that. such corporation executed tb.e- same.
IH WIT' NESS \!'!HEREOF, I have hereunt. o set my h:J."rld
Ccmnty the day and year in this ce:rtificate first above vJritten.
and affixed my official seal in saic
Notal'Y Public in and for the Cou.nt.y of Cook,
(SEAL) State of Illinois.
COUNTY o:P LO 3 ANGEL -~;s, )s s .
On this 30th cla.y of Angust.,-1926, before me, s. A. FOR?.E;S 1.1'BR, a Notary Public in anc1!
fox Cotmt.y and State, personally appeared c. W. Jones, knovm to me to be the Assista:ht' I
Secretar·y of the Co1·poration that execut.ecl t.he ·within ins'ernment and acknowledged to me tha~
such corporation executed .the semc.
IN w.r.rNESS Vvl:iJlJREO.l:!', I have her·eu.nt o set my hand. and affixed my official seal in
said Colmt~r the day and year in this certificate first above \"Jl'itten.
S. ll.o FOR~~E:3T'El~
{SEAL) Hote. l'Y P1..1.blic in anc:L for the' Con11ty of Los Angeles,
State of Cal ifo:r-ni a •
. RECORDED ifll REQUEST OF City Clel'k DEC 28 1926 at 11 o~clock A.M. In Book Ho. 12?6
Page 266 of DEEDS. Reo o:rds of i;:!an Diego· Count ;y, Calif.
JOHN H. FEHRY, County Recorcle.r.
By lJ. C. .!:'ARSONS, Del)Ut.y.
I HEREBY OEHTIFY,-the.t the above and fo:cegoine is a full,,tr·ue and corn;ct copy of
Deed of At chis on, T'ope ka & 8ant a Fe R:y·, Co. fol' drainpipe H/W to The City of San Die~. Being
Docv~ent, No. 199125.

the Ci i"17 of San Diego, Califo:cnia.
~~ ---- ---
- ·- - . -..--=--c- ~-/?(/'4.

TO CITY OF SAil DI~GO. Covering cettain real property
in the City of San Dj_ego, Connt y of ~an Diego, State of
California.· Dated l1.ugust l9t h, 1924.
INDEf1£'Ul.{E, :Made this 19th .day of August., 1924, by and between T·HE A.TCHnJOH, T'OPEKA.
AHD SA.J:JTA FE RAILWAY COJVlPAJ:JY, a cor·:po1:ation,. hel'einafter called the RailvJay Corn1X1ny, and the
cr·.rY Ol!' SAN DIEGO, a municipal corpo1·ation, hel'einafter called the City, WITHES01!;7H:
v"f.dEHEAS, the City desired to open -a street upon, along and a:cJ:.•oss the premises of the
Railway Gompany hereinafter desc.ribed;and . . I i~ .
vVI-IERE~tl..S, the inte:rest of the public requi.:-ces the opening of such st1·eet and ·the Rai]- ,t:

way Company is willing to donate and dedicate the lands and premises her·einaft e1· clescri bed to
and fo:r the use of the public for street pur·poses upon ·the conditions hel'eii1after· expressed:
liOW, TJ'HERE:b1 0RE, This Indent u1·e WITHESSET'H: --·
IlT COHSIDERJD:'IOH of the premises and of the payment .by the ·city to the·' Railway Corn:p-· y
of the sum· of One Dollar and of other valua1Jle conside:r.··ations, receipt v;hel'eof is~"'hereby ac-
knowledged, the Railway Company does her-eby convey m1.d. dedicate lmto·the City· a piece ot' ..
parcel of lancl situate in the City of San Dief~o, County of San Diego, Stat.e ·of Californi-a,
being a :port.ion of Block 398 of Old San Diego a·ccorcling to the Pasco-e. M.aJ? thereof, more par-
ticularl;sr described as fullows, tDJ-wit: , i :.
:Sc Beginning at the most easte:cly co:rner of said Block ·29)8; thence no:rth 53 degrees 5?
m.inut es 15 seconds WeEJt along the northeastern line of s.aic1 Block 31.12 feet; thence soT:Ith
82 degrees 08 minutes: 18 seconds west ?2.10 feet to .the westerly line of rie;llt of ·way -of sai c~
'Rai lw!ay 0 ompa...~y; thence south 1 r; clegre e s 35 minutes. 15 sec oncls east along said right of way '
line 10lo46 feet.; thence 82 degrees 08 mtnut es 18 seconds; 1. ?5 feet to the s(J·uth-
eastern line of said Block; thenc·e north 36 deg1·ees 06 minutes 30 seconcls east along said
southeast e:r·n 108.95 feet to the place of hegim1ing; co:::1t aini::.1g an area of 0.12 of an acr- ,
more or less.
/(~ RESERVIHG, HOV/EVER, lmto t.he Railway Company the right to maintain, rene·w and operaJtle
'·'· '
. upon and ac·,r·oss sai~ premises t~1e railway t:r:t;J,ck 1::10:1 located thereon, and to_lay,~maintain,
renew anc1 operate tnereon and tnereove1· such addltlonal track: or t1·ack:s as lt may cleem
necessary· without being requi::ced t.o obtain further consent of the City the:r.·efor, the same as
if this Indenture had not been executed.
T'O HAVE AND T'O HOLD unto the City for us.e as a public street, and for no other pu:r.•p se,

I so long as the same shall be used fo:r.· the purpose~ of a publ;i.c s.treet UJ)On and subject to th4
following express conditions: . .
2. 'Jnw.t in the event of the discontinua..11ce of th13 use of said l&!d by the City as.a
public street either by non-user or abandonment or vacatipn thereof in a manner p:rescribed b
law, then the title to the premises hereby conveyed shall thereupon re.vert to ancl revest in
the Railway Company the same as t.hough this Indenture had not been executed.
IN WTL'HESS WHEREOF, the Railway Company has duly executed this Indenture the day
ai1Cl. ·year first above wi~it ten. ·
(S.EAL) .
AT'TEST: By W. B. STOREY Its P:r.·esid:ent
Its Assistant Secretary.
COUbRY OF COOK. . )~ 8
On t.his 19th dey· o.f August-, 1924, hefore me Rudolph G. Rydin; e. Hotary Pu1~lic in an
for· said Qounty and State, residing therein, duly c.ommissioned and svmJ:.~.a., personally appeare
W. Bo ST'OREY; known to be the President of T'he Atchison, Topeka ·and Santa Fe Railway Company
, the corp o:rati :::m t he.t executed the foregoing inst 11.1ment , and ac k:novvledged to me that s
corporation executed the same.·
IN WIT'I\fES.S \VHEHEOP, I have hereunto. set my hvnd and affixeo. my official seal in sai
County t.he clay m1:d year in this_ certificate first above vr.citten.
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County and State.

I RECORDED PB REQUEST QF City Clel'k DEC 28 1926 at 11 o'clock A.Ivi. In Bo:::d<: No. 1257
Page 367 of Deeds Recor.·ds of l?.an Diego County, Cali.f.
JOF~~ H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C.. l'AHSOlJS Deputy.
~!' I HEREBY qERJ.:IFY, that, the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed o·f Atchison, ~opeka & Sant~ Fe R~1. Co. for s.t reet ·puriJDses; t·o the City of S.8n Diego.
· Being Document, :No~ 199126.
City Clel'k of t.he1Cit~ of San Diego, California.

~-·7lT_£0zt_ Deputy,
E A S. E M E. NT
Covering reconstr·uction, maintenance and operation of a
water pipe ·line and appurtenances through; c:long and across
cer·tain property in t.he.Cit;y of San Diego, State of California.
Dated_ August 24th, 1926.

IND:&"'NT·UHE, Niade ·this 24th day of August, 1926, between TJIE _4;r'CH.ISOH ,. T'OPEK/-1. JuTD
S.ANTA FB R.lULWAY COMP.ANY, a ¥ansas Corporation, anc1 S:AJJTA FE LA..ND IIVIl'HOVEMENi" COiviPi':.NY, a
iCalifornia corporati.on, Pa:rtie,s,.and the CIT'Y 0]' S..A.I:T DIEGO, a mlmicipal corporation of
ft.he S.tate of. Cp.~if9rnia ~(here.inafter. called ~~he 11 City'~), Second .Pa~·tyo WITHEi~_SETH, _~.J!.L{t~: ·,.,
IH COlfSID.2;RJI.T·IOl{ of the of T·en l?o 1-lars ( ~10. 00), lawful money of the Dnlt ed ut at s

I of ~erica, to them ili ha'ld paid by the City, ond of. other good anc1 -value..ble cn:ns·:idere.tions,
he receipt of all of whic]:j. is hereby ac knov;ledged the First Parties, each in :respect to t l:e
real pmperty severally owned. by it; do here by grant unt~o the City a perpetual easemen:t and
right of way for· the reconst.ruction, maintenance and operation of a water· pipe line and app.ur
~ena..11ces tb.rou,:,h, along and across e.ll that certain real pro1)erty situate in the City of-S~

F iego, Col1nty of· San Dieg[), State of.California, particular;J_:y described as follo·ws:
A po:-ction of Taylor Qt;:reet and COng:r.·ess Street· adjoining Blocks 406 and 407, Old San
!Diego, a:pd a portionc of Barnett Avenue and Kurtz ~t reet, adjoining Pueblo Lots 326 and 327, .
a '

aid streets t·o be hereafter closed by action of the Oomnwn Com1cil of s:aicl·Clty; said easeme t
nd right of way being 6 feet in. width, 3 feet on each side of the following described center
ines:, respectively; . . .
I · BEGIHlHNG On the sov.thwester·ly line of Congress Street at a point c1istant 37.00 feet
orthwesterly from the norther·ly corne:r.· of Block 406, Old Qan Diego; thence:_::nol·theasterlyon
s.line pa:callel VJith anc1 dis.tant 37.00 feet nor·thweste:r.·ly fror.o. the s;out.hvvestel'lY lJl'olongation . , 1·
~f the northvJesterly line of Block 407, Old San Diego, anii. the northwesterly line of said ,: ...... {
· lock 407; to the northeaster·ly.line of the right of way of :.ll'he Atchison, T·opeka and Santa ll1 e ·.····
Railway Company; also ::·{
I BEGINNING on a line cl:rawn par·allel with and distant· 3r; feet northwesterly from the '· !.;
northwest e:r.·ly line of said Block 407, p1·oduc ed so ut.h westerly, at a point dist e.nt 15 feet souL -:: ~ ~-
11:Vestel'ly from the no:rthwesterly p:r:olongation of the s:outhwesterly line of s.:dd Block 407; '~he1 c~: ·
~ outheaste1·ly on a line parallel with anc1 dist2nt 15 feet southwestel'ly ±':rom the nol'thv;esterli ·
.rolbngation of the southwestel'ly line of Block 407 and the southnrestel'ly line of said :3
Block 407; to an intersection vJit.h the northeaster·ly line of the :r.·ight. of way o.f The .Atchison
· ·
opeka and Se.nta Fe Railway Company; also
BEGIIHJIUG at a point on the no1·thwest el'ly line of Vfit.he1·by ~t reet, dist 2nt 16 feet
northeaste:rly f1·om the southwesteTly line of Knrtz Qtl'e·et ;· thence north-vvesterly on a line
parallel with and dist m1t 16 feet northeasterly fl'om the s.outh.west.erly line of Kurtz Street

I to an interseotion with a line drawn E!.t riefl:t angles to s.aid south.wester·ly line of Kurtz
Street. at e. ];Joint thereon distant 24.99 feet s.outheasterly f:-tom the ·intersection of said south-
westerly line of Kurtz Stl'eet v;ith the. southerly line etf Barnett Avenue; thence no1·thwesterl"~
and westerly on a curve to the left, tangent. -t.o the last ·dec3cribed course, said cu1·-ve hav:Lng
a :r.·adius of ?8 feet, a distance of 66.79 feet t.o a point inBarnet:t Avenue distant 18.50 fee
northerly at right angles f:com the southerly line of Barnett Avenue; thence·ly on a
line parallel v1ith and distant. 18 •. 50 feet northerly f:::om the sout..he :ely line of Ba:r.·net t. Aven.l1
a distance of 443.96 feet to a point; excepting tlie:ref:rom the portion of said l'ight. of 1Nay
lying Viithin the right of way of the San Diego Elect:i:ic: Railway Compar:1y. ·

,,·. --
196 l,;

Said Old San Diego being according to Map the.reof macle ·b;~l James :Pascoe, a copy of
which map is filed in the Office of the C Olmt y Recorder of snid San Diego Colmty.
Said Pueblo Lot. s being accon1ing t.o Map of the· J?ueblo Lands of ~3an Diego, made by
James Pascoe-, a copy of which map is filed in the office of.:the Cotmt;y· Recordex of said San
Diego County. .
T'OGETHER WIT'H:the right to enter llpcm and to pass Emc1 l'epass ovel' the said premises

fox the pm·poses of maintaining, operating, repairi'ng and l'econst.l'llcting said pipe line.
T'Hif~ EASillJfEIJT is given upon the following conditions;, to. ·which the City by the
acceptance hereof expressly agrees, t::o-wit.: .
1. ~hat the First l'arties, or either of them:, or their· or either of thei:r· successo·:s
. ,! anc1 assi.e;ns,' shall have tlie right t.o maintain~ ope:t.'at'e and use on their :respective premises
all existing railway t.racks and facilities and to inst2.ll, operate, maintain and use other
' railway tracks ru.1.d other facilities on their said respective premises, or any part t he:r:eof,
··~ all without being requirec1 to obtq.,in the COl1.[.~ent of t.he City thel'efor,. the same fa though
!" .i this indenture had not been executed. · ·
f' 2. That the Cit:.y will so maintain and ope1·ate said pipe line that there shall be no
i leakage therefrom upon the pre~1ises of eit;h'G!i! of t.he First. Parties ancl s:o that the railwa;y·
tracks anc1 p1·emises shall not be damaged. ·
3. T'hat the City will attenc1 to the v1or-k of repair and reconstn.lCtion of said pipe
line in such manner as not to interefel'e i.:Vith t.he railway tracks and roac1bed of eithe:r· of. t.h
First Parties; ancL for t.hat purpose such work of l'epa±:t:.':'anc1 crenanstruction· of said pipe line~
where the same is located upon t.he above desc:r·ibed J!l', shall be sv_bject to tile super-
vision of tl~ respective Chief Engineers of the Fi;r·st. I'aJ,·ties both as to time and method. ·
4. T'hat the said pipe line shall at all t.imes be maintained at a depth of not less
than . ( ____ ) feet belo~v the surface of the ground 'INhere the sarne shall pass .
·uncler any xailway tracks of eit:i1e1· oft.he JPirst Parties, whether now or hereafter constructed.
TO H1WE AND TO HOLD easement n,"tJ.t.o the City sub,jeqt to t.he above conditions so
long as saicl premises shall be so us eel.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Fi1·st Parties have cluly executed fthis intienture the day
and yeal' first above mentioned. · ·
{ S.EAL) .
ATTEST : ·By E. J. ENGEL I~s Vice-President

EDWARD McBRIDE Assistant qecre.tary.


.ATT'EST: By J. H. Y.EE:&:E Its President
c. H. s:HARP . ret ary.
Asst.· Sec .
S'l:1\5:'E OF ILLIHOIS, )"'"'
COilliTY 01JI COOK, )'l...,
On this 24th day of August, 1926, before me, Ossian c. Eke.fiahl, a Hotary Public in
G.L"1.Cl fo::c. s.aid·eounty and State, pe:r:sona~ly appeared E. J. Engel, lrnovm to me t.o be the person
who e·::ecuted the wit.nin inst l'VI.nent. on behalf of ~he Atchison, Topeka and Sant.a Fe Railway
Comp8ny, one of the c:orporations villose name is subSCl'ibed to the within instrumen"G., and
ac lrnovvlec1gec1 to me that: such col'porati on executed t ..he same.
IN WIT NESS ¥lEE2EOF, I have he rennt o set my hanc1 and affitx:ed my official seal in
saicl ~otmt;y the day· and year in this ce:~:tificate first above Wl'itten.
Not a:ry Pub lie in and for the County of Cook,
(SEAL) State of Illinois:.
On this 5th day of ~.eptember, 1926, before me, Rudolph G. Ryd-in, a notary Public in
and for s.ai0-~Cotmty anCl., State, persona,lly appear~d ~· H. Keefe, ~ovm t.o me to be_t.he l'res~ 1
dent of the •-:.snta J:!,e :panel Improv.emenj; Company, one Ol the cor·poratlons whose nai1l.e lS .subscrl]-
t_o the within inst:cvment, and ackno1:vledged t.o· me. that such corporation executed the ss.rne.
II:J WITI'T.ES:::.~ WHER_EO]', I have hereunto set my h&"'ld anc1 affixed m~l official s.eal in saic~
Cotmty the day and yeal' in this ce:rtificate first above vvrit.ten.
Notai'Y Public in t:"Q.1d fo1·· the County of eook,
(SEAL) State of Illinois •
. RECORDED AT REQUEST OF_Jht:-l Clerk DEC 28 1926 at 11 o 1 clock A.M. In Bo;oJ.t Ho. 1276
268 of DEEDS. Hecords of San Diego Cov.npy, Calif. ~
'"' JOHN H. FEI~HY, County Recorder
By N. CL PARSOJ':TS De];mty.
· I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and fo<:cegoing is a full, t:r:ue anc1. cor1·ect ...copy of
Deed of The Atchison Tope.ka & s,mta Fe Ry. Co. for wr~1..ter :pipe R/W. to t.he City of S~p Diego.
Being Document, No. 199127~
of f qru1 Diego, California.


T'O Cij_tY OF S'.AF ·DIEGO. Covering construction and main- I
tenance of seweE pipe line in San Diego, California.
DA~ED February 9th, 1926. f. r

INDENT'URE, macle·this 9th clay of F·ebruary, 1926, b.eti.vraen THE l~CHISON, T'OPEKll. ..:iND
SAI::r.r·A FE RAILWAY COMPANY, a Kansas corporation, .he1·einafter called t ll..e Hailw.e.y Company, fir·st ·~·I

party, and the CI~Y QF S:i-iH DIEGO, a·mv.nicipal corporation of the State of. California, he:r·ein.J I

after called the City, part~, WITirESSN.I:H: ·

IN COITSIDERlQION of the sum of One Dollar, ancl. of othel' good a:n:c.l valuable consider-
ations.,< receiJ)t of all of which is hereby acknowledged, the ~tailvvay Company does hereby gr3Jlt
to the City an easement a..11d right-of-vmy for t.he construct:Lon a.Dd·::rrnaint.ena.nce of a main sewe·.
pipe· line a:nd appurtenances through, and across tl1at certain real p:r.opelity situate in
"" C luY
t J:~e ·.... ~l~ S Em :O·lego,,
. t
C oun:·y ~ ""'
O:.L ~:an D_le.go,
· ,_., .. t
..;ue.·e OI" C
~ · - ~ 11 ows:
. b e d as·:ro
1 7 ~>*

.A portion of the :cight-of-'INay of ']he Atchison, :!topeka and S.anta Fe Railway Company
in Old Qan D.iego, in s.aicl City, as the same is· located and used upon the grot1.nd and inclv_din
a portion of the intervening streets to be he.Teaftel' closed by the Cmmmon Covncil of said Ci
said easement and .right -of -way. being SiiZ: feet. in wiclt h, t h::r.·ee feet on ec-Ch side of t.he fo llo -
ing described center lines, res~ectively; ··
Beginning at the intersection of the no1·theasterly line of the right-of-'luay of T'he

I ...tit chis on, Topeka. e.nd qant a Fe Railway Com}~any· ·i:iith a line dra:wn paro.llel to and distant. 25
feet n6rt hw_est er·ly from the s.outheast.e l'ly line of T aYlb r St l'eet in Old San I>i ego, in said C i" y;
t{j.ence so:t1t.hweste1·1y along said line drawn 25 feet. northwesterly from and pa:r:allel to the
southeastel'lY line of Taylo1· Street t.o an. intel'Sect.ion vJith a line dravm three feet south-
west. e l'lY from anCl. parallel to the northeasterly· line of the saio. ::eight of way of The· At chis o- ,
Tope_k:a anc1 s·anta Fe Railway Company; thence southeaste1·1y on said line drawn three feet
southvie.sterly from and parallel to the nor·theasterly line of said Rail1r1ay right of way to an
intersection ·with the center line of Trias Str·eet; thence. South 14 degrees 33 minutes 40
seconds East; a distance of 203.'72 feet t.o the southvvest.el'ly line of said Railway ::r.•ight of w-y:;
Beginning at the intersection of the center line of T'rias St::r.·eet YJit .h a line drawn
three feet southvvesterly from &'1.d l)C!l'allel V'iitli the no1·'6heaste1'lY-line of sa1u ~al 1 way r1gn~ • ~ 'f') . • . , ...
of way; thence s·outh 51 clegJ..'ees 58 minutes East., a distance of 16.0? feet toan inte1·section
. \. with the northeasterly line of said Railway right of way~
THE li'OX~GOING GRA.Irr is made upon the exp1·ess conditions following, to which, by the
acceptance hereof, the· City hereby agrees:
1. '.Fhat said sewel' shall be constructed· 8J1d thereafte1· maintained in a rilaiL'Yler which
viil__l not interfere with the operation of the Railway Companyrs trains, locomotives or cars,-
or the use of it? sc>.id right. of vmy for additional 1
raihvay tracks.
. 2. _l,fbat the City will make any change ot changes in the location of aaid sevJer pipe
line upon, the request of the Railvvay Company whenever such change or changes are rendered
necessa:r:y in t.he operation. of the Railway Co:mpany 1 s line of raihvay.
3. !JJ:hat upon the completion of said. sewer, as much of.the eerth removed thel'efor as
l)OSSible shall be thrown back into t.!hettrench, and thoroughly packed so that the ground will
not c~we or sin~ in, m1d all su:pplus earth and debris of vJbat ever kind, s:b..all be re.'llloved fro
the ground so that the p1·operty of the Railvmy Company shall be left in as good o1·c1er and
condition as it vias before said work was c omrnehced.

I 4. !i!hat the eity.shall have the right. to deposit earth and tools upon the ln'operty
of the.Railway Company and shch materials and appliances as may be necessary for the proper
construction and maintenance of sai<1 sewer. ·
5. :llhat the City ·will, at all times, save and ho lcl harmless. and inc1emnify the Rail-
way Compand7 from and against any loss o :r· .damage that may arise f:rom. or gro·w out of any injuri
smffered-by an officer, agent, employe, or person 1.mc1er contract with the City, or thei:r
employes, by reason of being st:r·uck by any train, car of locomotive operated upon the ·t:cack
or tracks of the Railwt.~y Company du:cing the constn1.ction or maintenance of said sewer, a..nd
also from and against any liability, clmm or demand for loss, inj1.u·y or damage g1·owing' out
of the construction o:r· maintenance of saict sewer by the City.
6. That the City will at all times kee]) said sewer in good condition·anc1 rep1;dr, and
should it fail to c1o so~ _the Railway Company may make such repail'S as its Chief Engineer may
deem-necessary for the preservation of its. propert·y; DJ.1:d. 1.'h1der the di:rection of its Chief
·Engine-er, and the Cit~y hel'eby Et;rees to refLlnd ta the Rgilway Company the amom1t expended
therefor. ·
• 7. That if and when the pr·emises above described shall cease tci be used for· the ptn--
poses hereinabove set forth, then and in that event whatever right is conve;t/ed to the City by
·this .Indentur·e shall 1'eve1·t to anc1· revest. in the Railw~:1y Company the srune as though this
Inc1ent lll'e had not been exec ut-edo
IN vVITlifESS' VviiEREOF; the parties he l'et o have duly execu.t ed this Indenture the day and
year fmrst above written.
.l. ~r.l', CFII"',:::
H: .tll - o_·I,T'
l ,. Ol='
.u 'P.. 1'-u:..A ~
-.:.:.. .\ ;I''J.-l)· Q. ...'\])Trt1>J'l
o..;._e~. PE 'R. 1::..~IL"'{'
-'- •.. .J "<r cor·nJ
1'1\..L \;:rv

.ATTEST':. By W. Bo STOREY Its President
C. W. JONES Its ·Assis:ta..nt s·ecr·e_tar_yo


I OUI\JT'Y OF COOK, , ) "'~

ON THD=:, 9th day of February, 1926, befol'e me, Rudolp~· G. Hydin, a Notary Public,
'iiithin and for the County of Cook,· State of Illinois, _personally appeared W. B. Stol'ey, t-::novm
ito me t.o be the President of THE .ATCHISOlJ, T'OPEKE\. AND S.tU:TT _ti. FE RAILWAY COMPANY, t .he corporat i )n
executing the within instrument anc1 actmowledged to me that s·o.c·h CO"l'JJoration executed the sEm.
IN WJ3! If.i!!SS: WIIE~iEOF, I have her·ctmt o set· my ha."ld and affixed my official seal, in sai
otmty on the day and :getn· fir'st written in this cer·tificate.
(SEAL) l'iot ary Public in anc1 for the Cormty of Cook,
State of Illinois.
. COUllfrY OF LOS AUGELES , )s s
T'HIS 1 ?th day of FelJ:ruary, 1926, before me S. A. FORRESTER, a Notary Public, .
within and for th.e County of Los Angeles, State of·Califo·rnia, pel'sonally ap~eared c. Yfa Jo es,
knov;m'to me to be the .A.sqistant Secret.s:l'Y of THE .P.T'CHr30H, r:?OPEKA ii.HD SAlP.i:A FE RAILW.ITY
Company, the co l1JOrat ion executing the vvitilin instrument and ac lmovvledgec1 t_ o me that such
co:cp(Hation executed the same.
IN wrn:TES.S VJHEREOF, I have hel'otmt o set my hand a.nd affixed my official seal in said
County and State on the day and year first her·einabove written.
Not al'Y Public in a:.r1ci. for· the County of Los .P•.ngeles,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Con'lttliSsion Expi~es Nov. 30, 1929.

I RECORDED 1\H. REQUl:'ST' OF City Cle:-tk DEC 28 1926 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book Ho. 1257
Page 364 of Deeds Reco1·ds of San·Die,go CcnE~tty, Cq.lif.
JOHN H. FERRY, Co 1mt y Recor-der
By N. Co rL-~R;3.oNS De put yo
I HEREBY CERJ!IFY, that t.he e.bove and foregoing is-a full, true ana. correct copy of
Deed of The Atchison 7opeka & Santa Fe Ry •. Co. fo1· SevJOr R/W to the City of .San Diego. Be in
Document, No. 199128.
Cit.y Cle:::k of the Cit;v of Se.n Dieeo, C8..lifornia •

..... ,, B,,·~~~~D-·
. u - • VJW:t y
- - . ;.t'3~ . ~ •~ •
.. ~ ... ~



TO C[llll'Y OF SAN .DIEGO. Covering the wiclening and extension
of S:amlJSon Street in the City of ~an Diego, California.
Dated Aprril 16th, 1926o

INDENT'1.JRE' Made this 16th day of April, 1926, between The l~CHIS.OH, T'OPEK.ll.- AND SAl\f.l:
FE RAILWAY COiviP.AI:TY; a ~nsas. corporat.ion; hereinafter'called the Railway.Company, and the
C:Eil:Y OF SAN DIEGO, a Califo·rnia £1\micipal Corporation, he::ceinafter called the City, WIT'ImSSN.JaH:
. I I
· IN CONS.IDERitl!'IOH of the sum of One Dollar·, lswful money of the United i:itated of
A-merica, and of other good and valuable c.onsiderations, t.he receipt of all of which is here-
by acknowledged the Railway Company does: hereby g1·ant. unto the City mar street purposes; an
easement over certain piece Ol' parcel of land situated in the City of S'an Diego., County
of San Diego·; State of Califo:rnia, more particularly des.cribed as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the mean high tide. line of the Bay of- Diego vJiiih
the aouthwestern J?l'olongation of the s:ou_theastern line of Sampson Street; thence northeaster!
ly along said pro.longat.ion to the northeastern line of the right of way of said Railway Comp~ny;
thence at right angles northwesterly 30 feet to the mos.t weste1·n C.orner of said Samps:an Stre~t;
the,nce northeasterly along.the northwestern line of said Sampson St:,reet to the vveste:c:h corne~
of said Sarnps:on Street and Colton Avenue; thence northvvesterly along the southwestern line o:ii
said Colt orr Avenue 30 feet; thence at right angle.s southwesterly parallel with and 30 feet I
no ::ct hwe st e :ely from the northwest e l'n line of said Sam:ps on Street and its e::.rt en si on to the sai
mean high tide line of the Bay of ~an Diego; thence southeasterJ,.y along said met:m·high tide to the l')lace of beginning.·
· RESERVING, however, lmto the Railway Company the right to maintain, menew and oper·a. e
upon an.d across saic1 premises the r·ailv;ay t1·acks now located thereon, a.J;]_c1Jcto lay,·maintain,
renew and operate and the:ceover :::uc.h additional t.:cack or· t1·acks as it may deem neces ary
without being requirecl to obtain t.he consent of the City therefor, the as if tl1is In-
denture had not been executed.
TO EOIJD said easement ove:c the above desc :ci bed :p1·emises lmt o the City solely for
highway purposes so long as said pr-emises shall be so usec1, upon the express condition, how-
ever·, that when said pr· sb...all cease to be used for the }J1Hpo$e above stated, then and
the:reupon 1Nhateve:c right, title or interest therein is conveyec1 to the City by this Inden-
ture s.hall inm1ediat ely r·evert to and revest. in the Rg.ill"Jay Company, the sa.Y!le as "c.l'! this
Indent ul'e had not been exec1.1.t ed. -
IN WI'.fHESS vm:K:.\EOF, the Rqilvmy Company has duly executed this Inctenture the day an
year first above w:ritten.
.4..TTEST: By W. B. ST'Ol\EY Its President
G. W. JONES Its Assist ant. Sec ret ary.
COUlf£Y OF COOK, }ss
of:r THIS 16th clay of April, 1926, before me, Rudolp}j. G. Rydin a trote..1·y Public in an.d
for said Colmty Dncl. State, pe1·s.ono.lly appeo.:ced VI. B.'2JtOl'ey known to rne to be t:te·· r:r;esiCLen.t
of '?HE .tU"CHISOIT, TOPEKA AND S.Al~A FE R_tULWAY CONIP1U.IY, the cor·por·ation that exe01.1t.ed ,the
fol'egoing instnnnent., 8;t' acknowledgeo. to me that such corporation executed the SDJ118·
IN VJI7NES2- WHE::rE01,, I have he l'emlt o rny hcmd a.ncl affixed my official seal in
s::dd Com1ty the da;:.r and year in this Certificate fi:t·st above vnit.ten.
(SEAL)· Noto.ry Public in and for S_aid Co"tmty and State.

COU1~TY OF LOS ANGEL::;s, ) s s
ON THIS. 26th cl.ay of April', 1926, befo1·e ~me S. A. FORin~;sr.r·JiJR, a Hot ar·y :Fublfc in and
for said County and State, :personally alJ])e a1·e d C. W. Jones, k:.J.J.ovm to me t o be "the Assist ant
Secretar·y of THE .ATCHISo:tJ, :JPOPEKA AND SANT.A FE RAILY!.AY COMP1\HY, the cor·po1·ation that executed!
t:he fqregoing instrmnent, o.nd acknowledged t,o me that such col'J;>Ol'<:>.tion executed the same.
In WITNEi3S Wl:IE.REO:B', I have hereu:.r1t o set my hand end affixed my official seal in said!
Com1ty the day and yeaJ: in this Certificate''first. written.
. . .
. S


,1..1.,..,.:.-J)....:.L .L...... '

(SEAL)' Not. O-l'Y Pu1)li_c in and for said Co 1.mty and State.
My Cmmnis :.:ion Jp,xpires. IJov. 30, 1929.

RECORDED .ill!' REQ1JEST Oll' City Clerk DEC 28 1926 at ll orclock A.M. In Book ITo. 1276
Page 271 of DEEDS. Hf.Jcorc1s of. Sail Diego Co"tmt:y, Calif.·
JOI-II:i H. FERRY, County Reco1·der
By N. C. PARSOITS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CER?"i'FY, that the above and foregoing is a full, t J.'ue a.ncl col'l'ec'G copy of
Deed of T'he Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. Co. fo1· st1·eet purposes. to. the City of Sa.Yl Diego.
Being Doc vment , lfo~ 199129.
City Clerk of the City of ~ Diego, Califo:rnia.

B~~~-~~~ ~~.


SAN DIEGO. Covering ce:rtain l'eal propert;y in the. ''
City of San Diego, Com1ty of San. Diego, State of
California, for stJ:eet purposes. Dated Ju"1e·lltb., .. 1926.

.IITDEJJ?URE, made this ilth clay of 1926, by and bet·weon t.he SAIJ:PA FE L.\lTD ll:I-
PROV.&M:Elfl COMPANY, a California corporation, hel'cinafter called the Lan:d Company, fi1·st Jlal't~, I ~~I

). l

and T'HE CITY OF S..AN DIEGO, a mu:r1ic:ipal CO'l'.flOl'ation of the State of California, hel'einafter •'
c all e d t he Cit y : · ·
\W.dEHElt::~, the Ci'f;y desi1·es to OJlen streets upon, along and across the premises of th.e
Lana. Company hel·einafteJ.' descl'ibed; anc1 · ·
. VffiEREA;:~, the interetit of the pv.blic :requires the opening of such stre.ets and the
Land Company is willing to g1·ant an easement through, along and. across the lands and pr·emise
her·ein described to a.ncl for the use :Df the rmblic fo1· stl'eet purposes upon t.l1e conditions
he1·einaft er e:-:p1·es sed:
NOW, THEHEIPORE, 'J!his Indent m: e WIT'HESSE''.r'H:
IlJ COI:ISIDEHlt.riON of the p:remis.e.s. and of the Jl8.~7Illent by the City to the Lana. Com}lany
of the sum of One Dollar and other .valuable cbnsidel'ations, :receipt ~:vhere-of is her·e
by acknowledged, the Land Compan:y does hereby grant m1to the City an lal]'lld right of
way fo.r st1reet. purposes, through, along and across. all those p_i·eces or parcels of land sit-
uated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, more particularly

I described as follons, to-wit.~

All those port ions of Pueblo Lots 326 ancl 327, according to the Pascoe lVIap thereof,
l)articularly desc:ribed as follows.: _ .
Beginning at a point on '·-the southea.stt:n·ly line of s:aid Pueblo Lot 326, distant 91.4ffi
feet no 1't heast erly along said. southeasterly line fl'om the most s he :ely co :cner of said
•' .,•
Pueblo Lot 3.-26; thence North 60 degrees 44 10 seconds West, 7'73.37 feet to the inter
section pf the southwesterly line of said Pueblo \Lot 327 with southerly line of Barnet't.
Aven'!le. (formerly.Tide s:treet ); thence no:rthec•.stel·ly along, the saia. southeasterly line of·
''. Barnett_ ~venue ( forr.ae1·1y Tide St l'eet}, 105o32 feet; thence South 60 degr·m1s. 44 minutes 10
seconds Ep.?~- , 389 o 46 feet ; thence easterly along the arc of a tangent. cul've cone ave no :rt herl> ,
having a radius of 362.5' feet, a cUstm1ce of 483o42 feet to a point in said sov_theastel·ly ~9-I Pueblo Lot 326, distant a].ong said. southe.asterl'y line 20.37 feet in a southwesteJ.'ly
direction f1·om the most easte1·l~l corner of so,.id l'ueblo Lot .326; thence southwestel'l~7 along
the said southeast.erly line of Pueblo Lot 326 coincident with the northwestel'ly line of
Witherby Street, 206.09 feet;· thence westeTly along tha m.·e of a curve concave northerly, wi h
a radius of 43?.50 feet; concent:-e-ic ~:vith the cul've above described, a dist.ance of 110.51 fee
thence South 60 deg:cees 44 minutes. 10 seconc1s Eas~, r/4.61 feet to a point in said southeast-
el'ly line of Pueblo Lot 326; thence sout.hweste:r:ly along saic1 southeasterly line, 75.54 feet
t o the point of b~ giTI..ning ; \· ·
Containing an .s~rea of 1.69 acres, mo1·e or less.
T'O HAVE AHD TO HOLD the above de~cl'ibed easement u:.r1to the City of San Diego as a
right of way for stl'eet purposes, ancl. fo:r no other J;JUl'pose, upon and subject to the follov.iin
exp:r:e s s conditions; _
l. T'hat in the event sai.d land, or any p~:n·t thel'e of, is abandoned or v ac at ec1 as a
str·eet in the manner prescribed by lmv, then.onc1 in that event the title to the _premises her-
by conveyed, o :c such part thereof as shall be a bondonec1. Ol' vacated as a public street , as
afo:resaic1, shall the:-r:eupon revert t.o and :cevest in the L;:~nd Com11a.ny, t..b.e sa..rne as though this

I inc1ent lEe had not been execut ec1.

IN WITN'ES.~ VillEREOF,/the L8lld Company has duly executed this Indentul·e the day ~::md
year first above written.
(SEAL) By E. 0. FAULKlmR.
ATTES7: Its Vice P:resident
As s:i st ant Sec 1:e'G a:cy •.
On this 12th clay of Jtme, 1926, befo.:r:e me, S. A. FORHESTER a Nota:r~i Public in and
fol' s:aic1 CGUJ.J.ty, per·sonally a:ppea1·ed E. Oo FAULRI.fEE, lmov".in to me to be the Vice-?:cesiclent an'!
C. Vl. JOHES k.t.J.oVJrl to me to be t; he assist; ,g,nt Sec ret ary of the SAl-ITA FE L.i\ND IIviFdOVhJviE!f.P CQI.iiP '.HY,
the c O::Cl)O:rat ion that exec Et ec1 the within and fo:cegoing i'nE\t l'u:.rnent, and lmown to me. to be t hej
pe1·sons who execut.ed the 'Within instrmnent on behalf of t.he corporat·ion the:rein named, oncl
acknowledged to me that co 1·po :cation exec u:t ed the sem:e.
IH WIT HESS ~'f.dE~~EOF, I have he:r·elmt o set m~T hand and affixed my Official Seal in SEJ.ic
Colmty the day anc1 yeal' in this ce:rtificate first al)ove vnitteno
Not ar·y Public in ancl fol' the CoP.nty of Los Angele:s:,
(SEAL) State o:f Californi~.
My Corm11ission expires
Novembel' 30; 1929.

I RECORDED .lti!' P.EQ,U't:ST' OF .City Clel'k DEC 28 1926 at ll o'cloclr: A.Mo In Book .No. 1257
Page 369 of .Deeds Reco rc1s of San Diego C om1.ty, Calif.
JOJ:.llT R. F-ERRY, Co mt y Be c-or Cl:e 1'
By rJ. C • .P .t'\RSOHS Deputy.
· I HERJ.i1BY C3r;T'IFY, that the above and. fo1· e.go ing is· a f'v~l, t rne anc1 c Ol'l' ect copy of
Deed of S.anta Fe Land Irnp:c. Co. fol' public st:ceet to the City of :·3a.YJ: Diego. Seing Docv.ment,-.:
No~ 199130.

E A. S. E M E. H
S. .U.H lJILGO o Covering const. J.'llCt ion ancl maintenance
of sewer pipe line in San Diego, California.
Di~ED Jvne 15th, 1925.

INDENTURE, lviac1e this 15th da.y of Jm1e, 1925, between t.he SAl:lT~<\ FE LAND I.MPROVEM~~NT'
COMP.AlTY, a Califor·nia cor·_pol·ation, hel'einafter called the Lanc1 Company, fi:rst_lla:rty, and the
CITY 0~ SAN DIEGO,_ a municipal cor:pol';m of the State of Califor·nia, her·einafter called the
City, E!._~Q_Q.Qcl.J2art y, WITNES SB'TH:
~ . IH COHSIDERM!ION OF the sum of One l)ollar·, :and of other good and valuable considera-
tions, receipt of all of w11ich is hereby acknovvleclged, the Land Coml-'any d.oes hereby gr·ant to
the City an easement anc1 right of 'lNay for the co.nst.r·uction ancl. maintenance of a main sewer

I pipe line and appurtenances throug.i; undel' e..nc1 across that cer·tain re.e.l property situate in th
City of Sa..n Diego, County of San D{ego, State of Califor·nia, described as follows:
1:.. portion of Lots: l, 2, 3 ana. 4, Block 541, Old San Diego, accol'ding to Map thel'eof by IJames Pascoe, a copy of which maiJ is filed in the Office of County Recordel' of San
Diego County, Califol'nia; a portion of Tl'i~&,s Street, Ho:rtensia St:r·eet, Kurtz St1·eet and Ba1·nett
Avenue (formerly'ide Street), to be hereafter· closed by the Common Cou...ncil of said City; a
portion of Pueblo Lot. 326 of' the Pueblo Lan~1s of San-Diego, according~'to Map ther·eof mac1e' by
James Pascoe, a copy of which map is filed in the Office of Said Colmty Recorder, said ease...,·
Lrt.lent and right of vJay being six feet in vvidth, t h:ree feet or1 each side o·f the following des..:
.xc ri bed cent e1· lines, respectively:


Beginning at o.:· point· on the s.outheast erly };Jrolongat ion of t-he no1·theast erly line of
Block 514, said Old San Die go, distant 25 feet aoutheast erly fr·om the easterly corner of ssi'
Block 514; thence southv;esterly on a line parallel to 9.nc1 distant 25 feet southeasterly fro:q11
the southeasterly line of said Block 5]!1,;. to an intersection with the no:-cthea·st.el·ly line of
the right of 1Nay of the Atchison-~opeta & Santa Fe Railway Company; :..USO ·
Beginning at a point· on the sotlt heast el'ly p:r.·olongat ion of the northeast el'ly line of
Block 541, said Old San Piego, distant 25 feet southeasterly fr·om· the easterly co·rner of sai
Block 541; thence southweste:r:ly on a. line parallel to and distant 25 feet :::;out.heasterly f:i:omJ
the southeaster·ly line of said Block 541, a distance of '70:.83 feet to a point; thence No1·th
51 degrees 58. minutes West; a dis.t8.n9,e of 333.63 feet to an intersection with the northeaste ~ly
line of the Atchison-IJ3'opeka & Santa ]'e Railway Company; ALSO
Beginning at the. inter~;ection of the center line of TJ-:ias Street with the south-
westerly line of Hancock Stl'eet; thence southwesterly along the cente1· line of T'1·ia~ Street,
a dist e.nce of 5'7. r/3 feet to a point; t.henc e South 14 degrees 33 minutes 40 seconds East, a·
dist.ance of 203. '72 feet; the true point of beginning; thence continuing Sout.h 14 deg:cees 33
minutes 40. seconds East; a distance of 350.83 feet t. o a point ; t hehc e Sout.h 15 degrees. 43
minutes' 20 seconds West~ a distance of 433.64 feet to the southwest el'ly line of said Pueblo
Lot 326, therefrom that port ion of the last described easement lying witliin the
right of vmy of the Diego· Elect:r:ic Reilwa~7 Company; :.ALSO ·
Beginning at a :point. on the nort'hwester·ly line of Witherby Street dista.nt 129.23 :feet
northeasterly from the southerly corner of Pm.blo Lot 326;·thence North· 60 degl'ees-44 II
minutes 10 seconds West; a distcmce of 11'7.52 feet to a point; thence South 6? degrees 29
minutes 35 seconds West, a distance of 24.r/5 feet to an intersect·ion 1.vith the center line last
above described. ·
T·:ID~ FOREGOING GRANT' is made upon the ezj)I'e:ss conaitions following, to which, by the
acceptance here of, the Oit y hereby agrees.: . ·
1. :Jl!hat upon the completion of sai c1 sewer, as much of the earth removed therefor as
possible: shall be th1·own back into the trench, and thoroughly·packed sor- that the gmo.uiid vvill
not cave or sink in, and all surplus earth and debi'ms of vvhatever kind, removed f1.·o·
the grom1d so that the· property of the Land Company. shall be left in as good order a11:d cit/n-
dition as it was befol'e said VJol'k was c onrrnenced.
. 2. ~hat the City shall have the l'ight to deposit eal'th and tools upon tke pro"peTt;y
of the Land Company and SllCh e Tials and appliances as may be necessary for the pr oger
construction &'1d m<:~ii'lt enance of said dew ex.
3. $!hat the City vJill, at all times, save and hold ha:rmless and inde~uiify the Land
Com1Jany from' ancl against any loss or· dcmage that may a:r:ise f1·om or grow out of any: injury
suffered· by any officer, agent, employe, or person under cont.1·act with the City, or their
emplo;yes, by :ceason of the constl'lJ.ction or maintenance of said sewer, and also from and a-
gainst any lia1)ili t y, claim or . demand for loss, injul'y or damage grow±ng out of the con.-
struction or maintenance. of .said sewer by the Cityo
4o ':Ithat the City will at all times keep said sewer in good condition and ·; an1
should it fail~;t o do so, the Land Company may ma1te such repairs as it may deem necessary for
the preservation of its Pl'D:Perty, snd the City h-ereby agl'ees to r·efunc1 to the Land Company
the 81nount expended the ref or. . ·
5. Tihat if and ruhen the :pr·emi E:es above described shall cease t: o be used for the pur-
poses hereinabove set forth, then and in t.hat event whatever right is conveyed to the City I
by this Indenture shall, reve:rt to ano. 'revest in the "Land Company the as thoush this
Indent u:ce had not been execu.t ed. · · · · ·
IN WITNESS VVHER80F, the parties hereto have duly executed this Indenture the day an[JJ
yeal' first above written.

.ATTEST : Its Vice President
Its Assist ant ~ec ret ary.
) 88
On this 1 '7t.h day of Fe bruar·y 1926, befo r·e me, Ida B. Leimbacher, a Not a:r.·y ·Public in
and for the: said ~ounty and State, residing the.l'ein, duly commissioned and: mvorn, pers.onally
appeared It o. Faulkner and 1~. J. Olmsted knovvn to me to be the Vice President and Assistant
Secretary, respectively, of the, Santa Pe Land Improvemen:.t Company, the C or_poration that ex-
ecuted the; within Instr1L"llent, known to me to be the persons YJho executed the within Inst1·1.m1ent,
on behalf of the Cor.::poratio.n therein named, anc1 aclmowledgErlto me t ...hat such Cor.po1·ation ex-
ecut ed the same. · · , . .
- In WIT'NESS \W.c..EREOF, ·I have hel'eUJ.1to set my hand and affixed my official s-eal· the ·daJJ[
and yea'r in this certificate above written.
( SEALf Notary Public in and for said Cou:.r1ty anc1 State.
lVIy porD..mission Expires Qept~ 29, 1929 •.

RECORDED Kf REQURST OF City Cler·k :DEC 28 1926 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1257
Page 362 of Deeds Reco:r:ds of San :Pie: go County, Calif.
JOliN H. FER::tY, County Recorder
By H. C. JP~'qSOHS Deputy.

I H.GREBY CERT.'IFY that the above anc1 foregoin~ is .a full, true a...1'ld correct CO.PY of
Deed of Santa Fe Land Impr. Co. fol' dewel' R/'v"i t"'o the City of San Diego. Being Docur.aent, No.
the Cit. of San Diego,· California,

FROM SA11:?A FE 1AlfD II.1l'ROin1ME:NT C0f;I2.AlJY 1?0 CITY OF
S.Al·J DIE(;O. Cove:r.·ing certain real property in the
City of ;;hm Diego, Colmty of S.a...YJ. Diego, State of
California, for s.t reet. purposes. Dated, Oct. 11th, 1926.

INDEI:!T'UHE, Made.this: ofOOctobo1·, l92G, by and between the SAH!J?it FE L1mD
D1IPROV.EHEITT 90]/IJ?Alrt, a Califor·nia corporation, her·einafter called the Lanc1 Company, a...11d the
CITY OF SAN .DIEGO, A mtmicipal corporation, her9ina-£ter· called the City, WIT'I!TESSETR:
, I
WllliREAS, the. City desires to open a t:itreet upon, along a:.r1d acros.s the p1·emises of
the Land Company· hel'eina~ter cLescribed; &J.d . . .
·\T.r:i:EREAS, t.he infe1·est of the public. :r:equires the opening of Sl.lCh street ~d the Lan
Company is willing to .46nate i:md dedicate the lands and premises hereinafter described to an
for the use of the puhr:tc for stl:eet purpos·es upon the conditions hel'einaftel· expressed:
POVJ r.tli::t"R ::<H:WO
~- RT•' h,.; c.< Incle-r1
,u ,, T -"':'~'-"' .l- t '1".1.··
~.,..._ e VJII'l' l~n,c~ '-~·;;'m H· • · ·

-"' • ' ..,!,. ...:.....:.J .... .. • ...L. ............ h-..t..:J.l,. ....

. . IN COIJSIDERi~T'IOIV:6f· the .premises and of the payment by the City to the Lanc1 Company
of the sv.JJ.· of O:p.e l:l.ollat.x·o.nd ci'f o·thel' valuable considerations, receipt. whei·eof is hereb:y ac:- 7 ,
knowledged, the Ls.nd Cof..wa;:.1;y'~~{do~e:s~.hereby:convey ond c1edicate lmto the City a :piece ~r parcel i ,./
of land situate in the Cit:y;J?:l::;.·Q.a.n· D61go, County of San J?ieg:o, State of California, being a
portion of Bloc_k 398 of,~~~~n--Ji)iego, more lX-'l.::cticulm·ly desc:L'ibed ·as follovvs, to-vvit :· ·
. Beginning at a·;~4rit~L<ol1 the southweste1·n line of Se>.ic1 Block 398, said point being
South 53 deg1·ees 57 :mim.ites East 63.25 feet fi'om the most. v1este1·1y co1·ner of said block; the1 ce
Hort h 17 degrees 35 minutes 15 sec onc1s West 7'4. 27 feet; thence 82 degrees· 8 minutes 18 sec on s
East 296.6r/ feet to a point on the westerl~T line. of the lOO·foot. right of YiaY of ~he ~t'itchisor,
.Topeta and Santa Fe Raihvay Company.; thence i:J.out.h 17 degrees 35 minutes. 15 seconds East alon
said right of v,;ay line 101.46. feet; thence S:out.h 82 c1egrees 8 minutes 18 seconds West 273.43
feet to a poip.t on the s·aid southl.vestel·n line of s.aid Block 398; thence North 53 degr·ees 57 '. ·<·
minu.tes West 38.64 feet along saic1 s.outhweste:L'n line to the point of beginnihg. ·
Containing ~1 area-of 0.67' of a:.r1 acre, more or less.
RESERVING,·, lli"lto the Land Company.; its. successo1·s and assigns, the right to
lay, maint. ain, renew and ope :ro.t e upon acr·o ss said premises l'a.ilway t i'ac ks, without bein;g
:required to obtain fu:rthe1· consent of the City therefor, t.lie ssme as if this Indenture had
not been executed.
T'O HAVE AlfP T'O HOLD unto the City for use as a public st:reet, 2nd for no· othe::c pur-
pose, s.o long as the s::-:me shall be us eo. for t.he J)Ul'l)OSes of a. nublic st r·eet upon anct subject
to the follQwing e~press condition:
IJ!hat in the event of the discontinuance of the. use of saic1 land. by the City as a
public street eithel' by non-use or abandbirrilent. or· vacation t.hereof in a manner p:ceseri bed by
law, J~hen the title to t:Q.e ]!l'emises he:ceby conveyed shall the :ceupon :r:eve1·t to. and revest in
thE;J Land Com;_·any the same as t.hough this inc1e:ntnr·e had-not been exe0uted.
HT WITNE.SS WI:Ib"'REOF, the Land Compan;y has d·uly executed tilis Indenture the d2.y :and
year first above written.

Sll.l1T A FE LJ'\JJD IMPROV.Ellvii!m'.r .COlviJ! AliT,

By E. 0 o F .AULKtJE R
Its Vice l)res ident.
Its Assistant Sec:ret2.ry •.

On this. 24tr.c day ·of Hovembe1·, in t.he 'year· one- thousand n~ne hunch·ed nnd t~:v.enty six,
A.D., befol'e me, S. .1:\.o FOR~ESTER, a Hotar·y Public in and for said Com1ty .of Los Angeles,
State of Califol'nia, l'esidin;g therein, c1uly comr.aissioned and qualifie:d, }Jersonally appeal'ed
E. o. Faulkner, known to me to be the Vice President., and C. W. Jones, knovm to me to be the
.Assistant Secretary of the Santa Fe Land Improvement. Company, the Co:rpo1·ation that executed
the within inst rument, known t'o n1e to be t !1e gerso ns v:iho executed the wit.hin ins.t l'lm1ent, on
behalf of the Co1·por·ation t'hei'ein ne::med, and aclmowledgedC''to me that such cor·poration .executJ-
ed the same. · . .
IN VJJT.'RESS 1N1lliREOF, I have he.1·eunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in sai
Cotmty, the day and yea1· in this certificate first above lVI'itte:n.
Notary Public in and for County of Los i:mgeles,
(SE.AL) State of California ..
My Commission E:x:pir:es Novembel' 30, 192·9.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Cler·k DEC 28 1926 at :11 orclock A.M •. In B·ook No. 1312

I Page 58 of Deec1s Records of $a.n Diego-, Calif.

~OHN H. FE-RRY, County Recor·c1er
By N. C. J?AK:l ONS, Deputy
· I HEHEBY CERT IPY, 1t hat the above and foregoing is · a ful1, t 1·ue and correct c Ol)Y of
Deed of Santa Fe Land Impr. Cb. fo,r Public st1·eet to the 8ity of San Diego, Being Document~
No. 199132.
of the·Cit: of Stm Diego, Califon1ia.

, E A S·E M E N
SAN DIEGO, a Municipal Cor_-poration of the State of
California. Covering construction, reconstruction;
ins1)ect ion, maintenance, o:pe1·at ion a...11cl rep§.ir of
sewer pipe a.G ross premises in the City of San Die go,
.Cov.nty of Diego, St2.te of California. D~il.TED
Uov. 19th, 1926.

INDENTURE, made this 19t.h ·da;yr of November·, 1926, betl~jeen SAHT'i:.. FE LJ'i:i:r.D IMPROVEMENT'
COMiBANY, .a Califor.a:ia Cor·po:cation, hereinafte:c called the Improvement Company'; first pe.rty,
and the Citv o-f SanD-i ego, a lvlu:nicipal Corpc>Tation of t.he State of C 8 J_ifornia.., hereinafter
c:allec1 the City, second pa:cty, VliTNESSE.'TH: . . .
IN COHSID.t:BAPION of the svrn of One Dol~o..r ($1-.00}, lawful money of the United States
I of .America, to it in hand paid by the City, receiptcvJhel'eof is hel'eby acknowledged, the Im:p:cove-
ment Company does by these pre sent s grant unt. o t-he q ity an easement and right of v;ay for the
construction, reconstr·nction, -inspection, maintenance; operation and rep_9,-ir of a sewer pipe
to be used fo1· c a1·1:ying se1sage across the premises of the_ Im_p:i:·ovement Company, iri, uncle r and
along that. ce1·tain parcel of land si1.tu.ate in.·the City of 8an Diego, Covnty of San Diego, Stat
of California, desctibed as follows:

nA portion -of Pueblo Lot .326 of t.he Pueblo Lands of. San Diego, according to Map
thereof made by· James Pascoe in the year 18?0, a copy of sa.ic1 map being filed in the Office_
of the Com1ty Recorder of said San Diego Co1mty, said eesement an.d:.:·l'ight of. way being six
feet in width, three fee.t on each side of the follo·wing described center line: ·
, - B-~gi-lLYiing at· a point. on t.he northerly line o:f the right .of vJay of the San Diego
Elect :tic Rail\vay Company in said Pueblo Lot 326, dis t [mt. 1 ?0 •. 11 feet.- east e1·1y f:r-om the north
we~terly lin~ o~ said. Pue~lo Lot 326 (measured_ Edong s[dd norther;ly right of way line), sa~dll
_po~nt of beg~mnng beu1g South 14 degrees 33 m~nv.t es 40 seconds East 524.39 feet from a po ~n~
in the center· line of ~rias Street _distant ther·eon 57.73 feet southwesterly fr·om :the south- II
wester·ly ,line of Hancock Stree:t; thence S;o·uth 14 de.gre'es 33 minutes· 40 seconCl.s East 8; diste.J.1 e
of 30.16 feet };.o. a point; thence :~oEth 15 deg1·ees 43 minutes 20 seconds West, 2, diste,nc-e of
72.?6 feet t.o a poi;nt on the southerly line of Railvmy right of way dista:t.1'b 226._98 feet
easteTly fl'om the northwester·ly line of said Pueblo Lo~b 326 (measured along S<:-' southe-rly
right of i:Vay line).
T'O HOLD said easement over the above described }):remises unto the City soleiy fo:-c
sewe:-c purposes so long as 8aid premises shall be so used~
. TOG:2."T'HER WITH the l'ight to ·enjeJ: upon and to pass and repass over a:nct-along.the
said. strilJ of land for the purpose of coi1st:nwting, reconstructing, inspecting, maintaining-;
operating or repairing said sewer. · .
TI-IIS' CONVEYANCE is mac1§1 upon the ex1ness conc1ition£ following, to all o:fwhich the
City by the a9ce])t o.nce he1·eof o.grees, to ~,:vit.:
. 1. Th?-t- t.he easement hereby _conveyed ru1to the City s.hall be used in st:-cict confe:>rmi y
vvi th t.he re quil'ement s· and limit at ion~ of ordel.'S of the Railroad e ommis sion of the State of ·:
Califo :-cnia.
2. T'hat t!1e C~tywill const1·uct, reconst1·uct, inspect, maintain, ope:rate and repair
said sewer in a first :-class, ·war krnanli ke manne l', and so as to prevent do:mage to the }:':lroperty
of the Improvement Compa11y, its SiJDcesso:cs, assigns, licensees· and third persons.
3. 2h.sct the Cit.;y', will at all ·times save and hold har·mle·ss t lJ.EJ Imrrovement ComJ)any
and its successor·s and ass:iigns on account.. of any ~ID.jury o J.' _damage which may result to the
Impl'ovement Company, its successo:rs o,r assigns or third per·sons., from the construction, :r·e-·
const r·uction, in-spe9tion, maintenance, operation or :repair, use or presence of said sei.:ver,
and that it vJill pay t.a the Im1n·ovement Company, its su.ccessorr:i and. assigns. as the case may

be the full amount of any damage which may be suffered by t.he Improvement Cor..r:1j)any or· its
successors or assigns on accovnt of or occasioned by the construction, reconstruction, in-
s~ection, m~intenance,. ope1·atip-n, repai~·, use or preseJ?-ce ,of saic1 sevver or t~e. failure ~f
C~ty to periorm and ft:.ntnfully ke~p eacn and every of ~ts covenants anc1 condJ,.t1ona here~n.
4. Jfh<:?-t this grant is subject to the conditions and limitations affecting that certcin
railway right. of vvay easement given by the Im;:.rovement. Company to San Diego ~lect Tic Railway I
Comj1any, dated Februa:-cy 25, 1924, and recorc1ed in the office of the, County Recorder of San
Diego Com1t;y, Califo:cnia, in Book 1010 :::>f Deeds, at page 131 ther·eof •.
5. :lthat if and when s.aid premises shall cease to be used fo 1' the purposes above
stated, then &""ld thereupon whatever :right, title or·es.t therein is conveyed to the City
by this indentu::r.·e shall inm1ediately reve:I't to and revest in the Improvement
as though thiS:i indenture hacl not been executed.
IN \VIT'l~ESS ·":JHE?.EOF, the Imrrovement Company has duly executed this indent u1·e the
and .year first above wr·itteri. ·

By E. 0. F AlJLI'J:n3R
(SE.AL) It:s· Vice Pl'esident
1fflT.EST :
A. J. Oll!ISTEil
Its Assist.ant Secretary.
On this 19th day of November, 1926, before ll1f3, l:da_ B. Leimbtwher, a Hota1·y l'ublic in
and for the soaid. €o1..mty and State, residing therein, duly commissioned ano. sv;o:rn, personally I
appeared :m. 0. ~"'aullmer· and A. J. Olmsted knovm to me to be the Vice President anc1 Assistant
Secret~r:y;, respectiv'ely, of the S..anta Fe ~and Impr·ovement Comp2.ny, the cor·poration that ex-
ecuted the within Instrument, lmpwn to- me to be the pe1·sons who executed the vJithin Instrume ~,
on behalf of the cor};;oration therein named, and acknowleclged to me that sucL1. co1·poration exec ted
the same. · · ·
IN WITNESS iNI-iEREOF-, I have hereunto set my hanc1 and affixe.d my official seal the day
and yeaJ..' in this certific-ate first above vJritten. . .
(SE.AL) Notar·y Public in and for said Cotmty s. nd State.
My Commission Expires Sept. 29,.1929 •. -

RECORDED fa REQUEST OF City Cler·k DEC 28 1926 at ll o'clock A. M. In Book Ho. 1312
Page 60 of Deecls Recorcls of San Diego ·County, Calif.-
JORH H. FERRY, Cotmty Recorder
By N. C. !PARSOHS Deputy
I HEREBY CEI{l!'IFY THAT' THE ABOVE and for-e-going·is a full, true and COl'l'ect copy of
De eo. of Santa Fe Land Irr1pr. Co. mar se~ve 1· R/W. To the City of $an Diego, California. Being
Document, No. 199133. ·
.ALL Eli H.. vVRI GH1!·
City Cler·k of the Cit.y· of San Diego, California.

By/2-<4~0~ Deputy.

]) E E D
~--:--- . Jj3; /~ ~ •, ',
. ·~~

I, Leon Longino Kirby & Olge. ~l'by Husbcmd anc1 wife For and in Consideration of the
enefits to accrue by the location, constn:.ction and maintenanca of a sev1e1' line through and
·acros:s the ln'OJ)el.:ty her·ein described, and :Ln consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00)
u. o us in hanc1 ])aid, the receipt v:rhe reof is hereby aq lmowledged, . fto here by grant. . to the City
of Qan Diego, a mm1icipa:1 corporat.ion iri the County of San Diego, State of Califol'nia, an
easement an:d right of way throug11, along an~l across all t-hat certain real property ~3ituate iA
,uhe City of San D~Lego~ Cou.rity of ::ian Diego, ~~tate of Cali~ornia, partJ:cularly descri·bed as
0 11 0 WS , t 0 - iNi t :
T.'he north four { 4) feet of Villa Lot 222 Normal He.ight s
'J:'o Have and to Hold the above granted and descnibed right of '\Nay 1mto the said grant. e,
· t s s ucc e~ ~ ~ r·:~--~~~ ~-s~~g~~ -;_ ~o~~v~ ~,~ '~s a_ right,_,of way for a sevve r·· pipe line.
·. I
2 t)

T'he purpose of this easement and right of way is .fol' the constrl,lCtion ana. 1r.aaintenan e
of a p1·ivate sewe:r· later·al inside the property lines, it being u.i:1de:r·f.oto.od that the City of
San Diego: is not to be held liable for any damage resulting f1·om the cons'Gruc~ion m1.d rnain-
ten8nce of sewer over and ac1·oss this easment.
·In Witi1ess Whereof, we have he1·eu.nt o s.ef out hancl.s and seals. this 14th day of
December, 1926o ·



. (SEAL) ·
·on this 14 day of Decembel', 1926, befo:re,mer, Adoll)h J. Mende a Hota1·y Public in an
for the said County of San Diego; State of California, :r·e::~iding therein, duly com.rnissinned
and sworn; personally appear·ed Leon Longino Kixby and Olga Kirby personally. k:.11ovm to me to b
the pe1·sons. vihose namea are subscribed to the vvithin instnnnent, and they c1uly aclmowledged
to me th:;.1,t they executed .the S8Ii.le. . . . .
In WitJ:?.ess Wher;eof, I ·have he~'elmto set my ha.nd anc}.affixed my official seal, at my
office in the Colmty.of Q:an Diego, the day and yeFJ,r in this cen:tificat·e f:t:r.·st above vJl'itten.
Not. 8.ry Public in and· for the County .of :-ian :Qie. go ,
(SEAL) Stat. e of California.;
My Commission expires Sept. 10; 1930.

RECORDED J.5! REQ1.JEST OF City ·clerl<:: DEC 31 1926 at 15 Min. pas.t· 2 o'clock P.M. Jin
Book ·.mo. 1294 Page 333 of Deeds Rtacords of 8an Diego County, Califo .
tTOHH H•. FERRY, C0.tiiity Recorder.
By N. C. PARSONS;, Deputy.
· I HE:REBY CERTiFY; t'hat the above and fo1·egf:>i;g.g is. a full, tr.ue and cor:r·ect c.o}>Y o·f-:
Deed from Leon L. Kirby et' ux. Sewe1· R/W to the City of Diego. Being Document, No.· 1991-?.

I ::(J:::::i-_1;;;:0]f Se~ D~go, Cal~::::;:·

-, (! . #§,-~~·~.

I, FRANK A.EVERS, un-mar:ried man, For and in Cor:!.sidere.tion of the benefits to accrue
by the location,· construct ion and m·aint enance of a sewer line thr·9ugh and ac:ross the property
herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One ~ollar (~1.00) to in hand paid, the
receipt whereof is he1·eby ac.knowle.dged, do l1ereby gr·ant to the City of San Diego, a nnmicipal
cor·poration in t.he County of Se.n Diego, State pf CaliforniD., an eE:J,sement ·ancl ri.ght. of vvay·
through, al01ig and. across all that certain real p:roperty situate in the City of San Diego,
·cot.mty of Qan lhego, ~te.te of Oalifo1·nia., .Pf-3-:cticulc:l,l'lY described as follows, to.,;;wit~~
\Vest· SiJ>.-ty-fiv·e (65) feet of Lot Twenty-two (22\)' and the West Sixty-five (65) feet
of the North Twelve ancl One-hal'f (.12-l) feet of Lot 'JI'Jventy-three ( 23) ·in Block Seventy ( 70) of
University Heights Adc1ition, accorchng to the map f:liled in the office of the County Reco:t:der
of· Die go County. . . _ . .
T'O Rave and T·o Hold the above granted and described righ;t of v;ay.unto the said g:ce..nt e,
its· s ucc es sors and a~ signs fo:cever, as. a right of. 1s ay for a sewe-r pipe line.
~he purpose of· this easement a.ncl: right of way is for the construction ancl maintenanc
of a p1·ivate sewer lateral inside the property lines, it b~ing lmderstood that the City of
San Diego is not to be held liable fo.J:" an~; damage :resulting f:c om the c onst rv.ct ion and main-
enance. of sewer lateJ.:als over and acn)ss this easmento
In Witness Whel·eof, FR.AIIK A.. EVEHS has hereunto set HIS he:J.nd and seal t.his Third day
of December, 1926.

I .T Ni!E OF CA.LH1 0RlH.A, ) "S

~om:rrY OF 2AN :DIEGO,, ) ~ .

On this 2nd clay of December, 1926, befo1·e me; H, A. Rossman a Hota1·y Public in and
for the Colmty of B,w Diego, State of Califol'nia, r·esiding ther·ein c1uly commissioned and.
srJOrn, personally appeared ·Frank A. Evel'S. persona'lly lmow~1 to me to be the person who~:;e name
is subscribed to the within inst:r.''l..l.rnent, anc1.he cl..uly acf:novile¢1.ged to me that he executed th·e
same. · ·
In Witness Whereof, I have herelmto set. my ha.nc1 and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the Colmty of S.o.n Diego, the c1[:.y and ye~·..r in this certificate fil.-st above 1H:Citten.·
H. A.· ROSSNiil.DT
Notary Public in 8nci . for the County of Sa..n Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
[viy C omrnis sion expil'eS. Oct .10-1928-

RECORDED _AT' REQUES~ OF City (;}lerk DEC 311926 at 15I~~un. past 2 orclock ?.M. In Bo::.Jk
No. 1294 Page 332 of Deeds Recorcls of San Diego Comity, Ce...lit·. .
JOHH H. FERHY, County Hec order
By N. ·C·. PARSOHS, Deputy.
Deed f1·om ~ rank A. Ever·s ·for Sevier


I, DUG'E COLTEJ, a wido1v For and in Conside:ration·:·of the benefits to acci'ue by the
location, constnlCtion and maintenance of a sewer· line thr·ough and acr·oss the pr·operty here
in describecl., ancl in consideration of the smn of One :Pollar ($1.00') to me in hand paid, the
receipt vvhereof ~s hereby acla.1o1vlec1ged, do he:reby gr·ant to the City of San Die.c;:o, a mnnicipa
corporation in the Colmty of San Diego, $tate of California, an easement ancl. :right. of way
through, along a11cl ac r·o s s all that cert-ain real p1·ope 1:t y situate in the City of Diego,
County of Diego, ~tate of California, pa::cticular·ly desc:cibed as follorJs, to-wit:
Lot Twenty-five (25) in Bloc.k·Fifty-eight (58) of Normal He;LgL1ts·.; according to t.he
Map thereof I~oo 985, filed in the office or,;the Cotmty Recordel' qf' said San :Diego County,
May 9, 1906. . n .
· ::ito Have anc1 to Hold the above granted and c1esc l'i bed right of vJay u.nt o the sai a. gran' ee.;
· I
its successor·s G.nd assigns forever, as a r·ight. of 1.·Jay for a s.ewer pipe line. · ·
The purpos.e of this. e2.s.ement: and r·ight of way is for· the· construction and maintenande .
of a privc;,te sewer lateral inside the _property lines, it being t.mder·stooc1 that the City of
San JViego is not to be he'lCl. liable for any daniage :r:esulting f1·om t.ll"e construction and main-
tenance of sewe 1' laterals over and across this easment.
In Witness Whereof, I have herem1to set my hanc1 and seal this. 18th day of lTovembel'

County OF S.A.N DIEGO, ) s
On this 18th day of November, 19 26, before me, C: N. Hal-uer a: Notary Ol')ublic in and
for the said Com1ty of San Diego, State of Co.lifo1·nia, residing ther·ein, duly cqmmissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Duge Colter, a VJiclow personally knowf.l. to me to be' tho per·son ·
whose name is subscribed to .the within instrm.o.ent, ancl she duly ack...'lowledgec1 to me that she
execu.t ed the o ·
· In Witness Whereof, I have hel'elmto set my hand and affixed my official f;eal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in t·his- c e rt ificat e first above vJri t t.en. ·
C. 1r. H.t'l].:ZMER
Notar,y Public in e.nd fo1· the Cotmty of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of Californio:.
My Commission expires.Oct. 1 Ot h ,. 1 9 2 8 •·

RECORDED AT REQUEST' OF City Clerk: DEC 31 1926 at 15 Min. past 2 o 1 clock P.M. In
Book Ho. 12 70 Page 382 of €leeds Roc o'rds o:f So..n Die go County, Calif; · ·
JOHl:~ H. :fi\ERRY, County ·Recoro.e::c
By lT. C. PARSOHS, De pntY-
I :a::.EHBBY CERT'IFY, that the
Deed fr,om Duge Colt e1·, Sewer R/W t:o
c.or1·ect copy of
Ho. 199169.


I, I, Helena Towne For a-nd in Considel·ation o·f the oenefits·to- -acc::cue by the locatiqn,
cons.trnction and maintenance of a sewer· line th:r·ough and acl'OtlS the property her·ein a.·escribedl,
ancl in ca.nside:r:ation of the Sl.ID1 of One Dollar· (~;11.00·) to in hanc1 paid, the ::ceceipt_ vvhereof i~ 1
hereby acknowle4ged, do hereby grant. t.o: the City of San Diego, a· mui1icfpal COl'JlO::Cation in thJ
County of ~8.n Diego, State of Califmrnia, an easement e.nc1 right of way through, along. anC!. a-
cross all that certain real pr·operty situate in the City of San Diego, County of Sa.i1 Diego·,
State of Califor·nia, particularly c1escl'ibed as follor;s, to-wit'.: .·
West forty-four ft~tof East eighty-eight Lot 18,)~ighteen) Blk. sizty-one. Resv.b •. o:fi
Blks ~hirty-nine & fifty-six Normal Heights, San D:Lego. Ma;y lOth ·1907.
T'o Have ano. to Hold the- above gnmted· anc1- described right of way vnto the saio. gra...'1.t e,.
its· successo1·s and assigns forever,, as a: right of vJa~' for a smNor .pip.e line·. .
The purpose of this easem.e11t anc1 right. of ·way is fo·r the construction and maintenance
of a private sewer late::r.:al inside the property lines,·it being·stooc1 that the City· of
San Pi ego is not. to be hel a. liable fo 1' any damage, resulting from the c onc:3t ruction and main-
t ena'1ce of sewel' iat erals over s..nd across this ens·ment.

In Witness Whereof, ha,heretmto set my hanc1 and seal this 8th day of OctolJer 1926.
CO illi!TY OJ? SAN D~EGO, J ss
On this 8th day of October, 1926, before me, C. H.; Han:.aer a Notary Public in and
for the said County of San Diego, State of Califo n1i8., ·res icl.i ng the rein, duly cor:nmi s sioned
and sworn, personally appeared Helena T'oi:Vne l1el'Gonally lmown to me to be the person whose
name is. snbscr·ibed t.o the v;ithin inst1·v.merrt, and she duly actmov;le:dged to me that s.he execute·
t.lle some.
In Witness Whereof_, I have he:r·etmto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at m1
office in the County of Diego, the day and yeal' in this certifice.te f:brst abov·e written.
Notary Public in anc1 for the Cov.n ty of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My. Commission expires Oct. lOth., 1928.

RECORDED A?.' R1i;Q'(JESJ: OF ·Cit·y Clel'k :DEC 31 1926 at 15 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In Bookl
ITo. 12?9 Page 429 of ~eeds Records of Ss11 Diego County, Calif. I
JOF.11 H. FERRY; Colmt y Recorc1e1·.
By H. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CEHT IPY, that the alJove and fo r·egoing is a fD.ll, true an.d c or:cect copy o:fi"
Deed from Helena T'owne, Sewer R/Vl. Being Document Ho. 199170.
City Cle1·k of the Cit. y of San Diego, Califo :r·nia.
By~/) r~.
; //~.?./.


I, Charles C.· l)odson, a bachelor For anc1 in Consider_ation of the ·benefits to accnw
by the location, construction and maintenar1ce of a sevjer line through 8.J1d across the p1·opert
)1er·ein descr.i1)ec1, and. in consideration of the smn of One Dollar. ( *~1 .• 00) to him in hand paid.,,
the receipt. whereof is hereby ack.l'J.OVjlec1ged, does her·eby grant to the C.ity oili San Diego. , a·

I mtmici.lJal co:rporation in the Colmty of P&"l Diego, State of Califol·nia, an easement and r·ieht.
of way t.hrough, along and across all Jc hnt certain Teal pTo·pe rt y situate in the City of. s·an .
Diego, Com1ty of Sa;1.1 Diego, State of Californi-a; par·ticularly desc:r:ibed as follows, to-nit:·
Lofts~.'Twenty-one, (21), Twent.y-two (22), 'Twent~r-three (23), 5!\venty-faur ("24) and .
Twent y-fiv·e ( 25) in. Block Seven ( .? ) of 11MCLar·ens 11 11 H 11 St 1·eet · A.ddi t ion
To Have and to Hold tlie ·abo"!e granted and c1escribed right of way DnJ~o the said grai1 ee.,
its suc.cessors and assigns fo::r:ever·, as a right of na;;· for a sevver pi]!e line.·
T'he purpose of this. easement and right of vmy is for the constnwtion ax1d nwinteh2.!.'1. e
of a pr·iv8-te se"ver later·al inside the property lines, it. being 1..1.:r1c1erstood that the City of
San Diego, is not to be held lrhable fo:c ariy c1amage l' from the cor..s;truction and main-
t:enance of sewer late::cals, over' ana. aci'oS3 this eas..rnent.
In Viitnass Wher·eof, I b.a:ve- hei:eu.11to set my hanc1 and seal this 6th day of December,l 26.
COUj:~_?Y OF SAN DIEGO·, ) ss

On this 6th clay of Decembe1·, 1926, before Jne, E.· L. r.E'homas a Note.ry Public in and f r-
the said County of San Dieeo, State ~f Californie., residing therein, c1ul;y commissicmec1 and
swoTn,~.:peTsonally appeared Charles c. Dodson, a bachelor personally knovm t.o me to be the
person whose name is subscribed to the v1it hin inst l'l'mment, and he c1u~y ack...Dowlec1gec1 to me that
he executed the S3Jne.
In Witness 1Tv11e1·eof, I have he1·e1mto set my hand anclaffixed my official seal, o.t my
office in the Colmty of i3:an Diego, the day and yeo.r in this certificate fi1·st abo'l(e WI'itteri.
E.· L. 'fHOMAS,

My Comrnission expii'es Hov. 1st 192?.
Notary ::.)ublic in .and fd·l' the County of San Diego,
Stat·e of California;

RECOI·W~;D .Eft· w~:QU.6Sc:P OF City Clel'l'; D.i£C 31 1926·at 15 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In Bool.!
:No. 1294 Page 331 of Deeds Records of San Diego C onnt y, Calif.
JOHl'iT H •. FERRY, County Reco:cder
ByN. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
- /

. I HEREBY :CERT'IFY; t-hat t·he above and foregoing is. a: full' true ancl correct copy of
Deed f:com Chas. C. ]ii)odsori,- Sewer ·R/W to the City of San Di'ego. Being Document ,Ho.l99'171.
City C.J.e:rk. of the ~ty of San Dieso, Califo:cnia.

By, +~..J:?q_ ~~ Deputy •

./ . . 79ut---~-~
I, MRS M. E. R..~.:PFERT'Y, 3?05 Utah St :ce et , San Diego, Calif. For and in Consideration
of the benefits to acc1·ue by the location, constnwtion and maintenance of a se"ver lii1e throu.h
and ac1·oss the p1·operty hel'ein described, andiin consider€].tion of the smn of One Dollar ($1.0 )
· o in hand paid, the receipt whe:ceof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant to the City of
San Diego, a mm1icipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, a.n esserne t
and :eight of-viay th:cough, along and across all that real p:coperty situate in the City
of San Diego, County of San Die@', State of Califor·nia, particularly described· as· follovvs,
u o-wit:

I North T'en (.10) feet of lot Seven ( ? } , Bloc lc F onrt een ( 14), West End Adc1it ion to the
ity of San Diego, County of San Die,go, State of California. . .
·t.s successors and assigns forever·, as a right of \Nay for a· sewer pipe line. ·
. To Have and to Hold· the above grmited anc1 described right of Wa"J' Dnto the said grant e,
T'he purpose of this· easement ancl right. of way is for the constr·uction cn~d maintene..n e
of a private sewer lateral inside the p:rope:r:ty lines, it being unc1er·stood that the Cit;;· of ·
San P.iego is not·'t>o be helc1 liable fol' any.-damage resulting·fr·om·the const:t'nction and main-
enance ·.of sewer laterals· over· &'1.c1 acr·os s this easment ~ · · ·
In Witness Whereof, I nave her~nmto set ·my hand and seal this 23rc1 day of lJovem.ber 1 26.


On this 231'd clay of Novembel' 2,:_1926, before me, Jeanette Reid Gaylol'Cl.; a Notary Pubic
in c:w.'1.c1 for the said County of San Diego, State of Califol'nia, resic1ing thel·ein, c1uly
and sworn, lJersonally a:ppear·ed Mrs.• I~~. E. Rafferty, personally known to me to be the person
whose name is subscribed to the within inrs.t :nu.'11ent , and she clu1y ac lmovJle (lge d to me that she
executed the san1e.
In Witness whe1·eof, I hav~'.:he1·eunto set my hanc1 and affixed my official seal, plt my
office in the Colmty of San Diego, the day a. nd year in this ceTtificc. te f-irst above '.wr.i't~tcen..
IJ.ot ary Publi-c in ancl :for.- the Cov:nty· of San Diego,
(SEAL) State· of California;.
My Co:r.1.111i ssi on expil'es October 28, 1930.

I RECORDED 1\ff' REQUES:r· OF City Cler·k DEC 31 1926 at 15 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In Book
No. 129:4 Page 335 of Deeds Records of i:\an Diego County, CaU.f.
JOHN H-. FERHY; County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS', De Jmt y
I HEREBY CERr·~FY, that the above <)..nd foregoing is a full, true and co:!::rect c.op;:_r of
Deed fr:xn. 11rs. M. E. ~afferty,
Sewcn· R/W t.o the CitY· gf San Diego. Being Document , No,· 1991 r 2.
Cit y C1 e, r k: of t he Cit y of. San Diego , Cali f o I' ni a •
.· / } . / /7/}_
/~ j / ____.,L...-
By~·~t//1· ~~~putyo
··-- -.. ~~~.41.-

We, H. K. SOULE and HAZEL B.• SOULE, htrsband ana. wife,. For an<l in Consideration of
the benefits to a cc l'Ue by the location, c ll!llSt n:tet ion 211d maintenance of a sewer line t hroug c. . l
ana. acros:s the property he1·ein described, and in consideration· of .the sv111 of 01ie Dollar ($1. 0)
to u.s· in hand pai.d, the ·recej::pt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do- hereby g::ant to the City
of ~&'1 Diego, a municipal corporation in tb,e Cotmty of San Diego, State of Cclifo-rnia, a·n
eas:ement anct right 9f ·i:vay through, along anc1·o·ss all that certain 1·eal .Property situate
in the City of San Diego, Cotmty of Sa...11. Diego, State of Californi-a, particularly desc:-cibed
as follm.vs, to-wit: · . . . . . .
T'he E-ast· forty-f.ive (45) feet of the North forty .(40) feet of the South f·ive
hundred fifty ( 550) feet of Lot 5!:'hirt y...,.fi ve ( 35) in Block 111\[ 11 of .T·e ral t a, ace or ding to Map
the1·eof No. 2G5, file'd in the office of the County of. said San Diego County., July
14, 1887 0 •

~'o Have and to Hold the above _granted 211d described right· of· way ·tmt o the sE:tic1
grantee,. its successors anc1 assigns foreve:L·, as a right of I!Vay· for sev;er pipe line., ·
!IT'he purpose of this easement. and right of way is for the coi1strllil.ction and.:mainten:...
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property line~,:it being underst.oodthat the City
of San ·Die:go is not to be held liable for any dru:nage resulting from the construc:t:ion and
maintenance of sewer late:cals ove1· and across this easme.a..t.
In Witness V1fl1e reof, ·we ha,;he l'eunt o set our ha11.cls and seals this 8th day of
November 192G.•


On t.his. 8th day of Novembe1·, 1926, before me, Helen JacQbS a Nota1·y Public in and
fof the said Cotmty of ~an Diego';.State of California, re~iding therein, duly conm1issioned·
and SiNorn, :personally appeared H. K. Soule and Hazel B. Soule personally knovv11 to me to be
the persons whose names are smbscribed to the within inst :Lnrnent, and .he duly ack:nowledgec1 to
me that they executed the· same. · ·
In \1itness \IVhereof, I have hel'eunt.o set ms hand and affixec1 my official seal, at m;y
office in the County of i.;!an Diego; the day and yea1· :i.n t:Qis certif:i.cate first above 11'\iritten.•. I
Notary Public in and.~fo r the Gotmty o·f San Diego,
(SEAL) State of Califo l'nia.
lVIy Conunission expil'es Dec·. 12, 1926.

RECO,RDED AT' REQUEST. OF City Gle1·t DEC 31 1926 at 15 Min • .Hast 2 o·'clock P.M. In
Book No.- 1294 Page 336 of Deeds Records of San Diego Com1ty, Calif •. · .. .
JOHH H. FERRY, Cotmty Recorder
By N. C. P.ARSONS, Deputy.

I HEHEBY CEl\T IFY, that the above and fo l'ego-ing is a full, true and co:r:rect copy of
Deed· Prom. H.K.and Hazel B.· Soule.· Sevier H/W. to the City of San Diego, Being Document, No.


We, A. H. BLAISDELL and IviABEL BLAIS.Dl:~LL, husband and wife, For and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location, con::t.ruction and.maintenance of a sewer line thro h
and across the p:Loperty herein clescl'ibecl., and in consicle1·ation of the stun of One J)ollar ($1.,0)
to ~sin_ hand paig.. ,_ti;-e receipt wh~:i.'eo~ is. hereby· acla~~H?ledg~d, 0.0 ,her·eby gran~ to ~he City
of $an Jhego, a munlclpal corpo.l·atlon 111 tue County oi ~a.n D1e.go, State of Cal1forn1a, an
easement and_,right of--vvc.y thl'ough, along e.nd across all thQ.t certain real p1·o:perty s.ituate in
the City of ~an Diego, Cotmt.y of San.Diego, State of Califol'nia, pal't:hcularly described as
f o ll ow s , t o-rv it :
'J.hhe North forty (40) feet of the South five htmdl'ed fifty ( 550) feet of Lot !J{.hirty-
fi ve ( 35) in Block "M" of. 5..' e1·a1t a, ace o rc1ing to Map the :r:eof No • 265, filed in the office of
the Cotmty Recorder of said San Diego County, July 14, 188?. .
· T'o Have and to Hold the above granted and c1es.eribed right of vmy unto the said
grantee, its. success.ors and assigns foreveY, as a"·fight~ of way fo:r· a sewer pipe line.
~he pu1·pose of this easeme1it cmd rieht of way is for the construction anc1 mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the prope1·t;y lines, it.·being m1ders.tood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any d::unage resulting from the cons.t1·uction and
maintenance of sewer laterals over and ac~oss. this eamnent.
Iri Witness V1Jhe1·eof, we have .he1·eunt o set· our ·hano.s an·a. seals this 8th day of
NovelTlbe 1', 1920.

;3 .AH DIE GO , ) 8 s
On this St h day of November·, 1926, before me, He len Jacobs a Not ar·y Ptlblic . in and fo rc
the said County of San Diego, State of Ca.lifor·nia, residing therein, duly commissioned .and
sv;orn, personally appeared A. H. Bfaisdell und Mabel B,laisde.ll :personally kno1.-Jn to me to be
the pel'sons whose ar·e subscribed to the within instr·mnent, m1d he dul~r ackl1onledged to
•ne that they executed the sa.zne.. ·
~Lo: Witness vV.hel·eof, I have he:ceunto set my hand anc1 affixed my official seal·, at my
office in the Cotmty of :?an Diego_, the· day 9.t.'1d year in this certificate fir~·st above written.
Noto.1·y l)ublic in and for the Cotmty of San Diego,
( SE:.P~) St. ate of California.
My Comr.ais.sion expires Dec. 12, 1926.
RECORDZ:D AT.' REQUl:i!ST OF City Clerk DEC 31 1926 at 15 Min. past 2 o rcloc k P.M. In Bool:
No. 1270 Page 381 of de eels Reco :rc1s of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN J:Io :B1ERRY, Cotmty Heco1·der \

By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy
I HEREBY CEI.U:II:1 Y, that the above anc1 fo:regoing hl a ftlll, tr·ue anc1 cor:cect CDJ!Y of

I Deed fr·om A.H. ano. Mabel Blaisdell SeiiVel' R/VJ to the City of ~an Diego. Being Document, No.
"TLT<'1\T ..tio
:.:..1-.: .
- \• ~ . Gr.rr~"
·~ D~ go
' l e -~ ' ~ J-l~
Co. .· ·"oJ... ni a.
the Cl t Y nut y •
'1-L-~ ~~~~~- 4 cv·~.·~.

I, Frc::mcis Zahle::c (a bt:>.chelor) of Gai'"l Dieeo California JJ;.or and:~in_;consi de1·at ion of
the benefits to accrue by the location, const1·uction and maintenance of a sev•;e::c line through
ano. ac1·oss the p1·operty herein descl'ibed, and in consic1eration of the sum of One Dollar ($loOO)
to in ho..nd paic1, the :receipt v-Jhe:reof is -hereby acknowledged, do .he:reby g1·ant to the City of
San Diego, a rmmicipal co:rpo:ration in the County of Gem Diego, StateJof California, an ease-
ment and right of Wa"j- through, ,clong and across all·that certain :real p1·operty ·situate in
the City of San Diego, Colmty of S.ru1: Diego, Qtate of Califo1·nia, particula:rly desc:ribed as
follows, to-wit: .
T'he East 80 ft of 1ot 45 8,nct the east 80 ft of ·the sot·d;h 8 1/3 ft of lot 4G - In
Block 6 - of City ~Rf&lltes: .iUL-r:Lex 1f2 - City of Diego
T'o Hav·e anc Go Holc1 the a1Jove granted and descl'ibed right of way .lmto the saicl.
g:r:antee, its successo1·s and assigns fo:reve::c, !:18. a l'ight. of way for a aelve:r line.
The purpose of this eas:er.i.lent and l'ight of way is fol' the const:cu.ction anct mainten-
ance of a .Pl'ivat e sewe1· lat e:ral inside the p1·operty lines, it being nnc1erst ood that the City.
of San :Diego is no.t to be 'held liable for any d8lllage :i· f:rDin t!1e ce»nstruction and
maintenance of se1-ver lat e1·a1s o'lre:r and across this easment•.
In r!it ness Where of, lh·aricis Zahle.I' has he :rem1t o set his hand and seal this '7th day
I of December 1~26.

On this r;th day of December, 1926, before~me, J. Go Walstad a Notar·y Public in s.nd
for the said County of ~an Diego, Stc.".te of Califoi'nia, :residin;g therein duly cG»mrnissio'ned
and s.vJorn, personally a])pea:red Francis Zahle:r .pe::csonally known to me to be the- pe1·son whose
name is subscribed t1o the within 'inst rrrrnent , .and he d llly ac kno1-~ledged to me that he executed
the s:eme. ·
In \'ifit.ness Whel'eof, I have hei'Gtmito set my hand and affixed my official se2.l, at my
office in the County of Diego,·the day r:.nd yeD.::c in this certificate fi1·st· above w::.·itten ..

Nota1·y Public in e.ncl.· for the Cotmty of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
[\1:y Commission expi:res March 18rr 1930. ·
RECORDED AT-REQUEST OF City Clerk DEC 31 1926 at 15 Min. past 2 orclock r.11. Ih Book:
~o. 1279 Page 430 o.f Deeds Recorc1s of San Diego Cotmty, Calif.
JOBJJ H. PERRY, County Rec order
By N. C. PAR30lJS, Deputy

r I 1-T'Ti:P11'BY CERl"IFY· THiiT the above c:md fol'egoing is a fv~l, t :rue and cor·rect copy of

e e c1 f :r om F 1' anc is Zahler·, Sewel'' R/VJ to the City of San Diego. Being Document, Ho. 199175.

I B:
Clel'k. of t.he Ci~ of S.o.i1 Diego, Calj_folnia.

--~ . //:._ _ Derl'lty.

r:/. ~?~~-~,

I; :P:ranc is. Zahle:r (a bachelor)· of San Diego Califo:cnia l!1 or:. ond in Conside::cat ion of
the benefits to accrue by t.he location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line tlu:ough
e..nd ac::r.·oss the p:roperty hel'ein c1escribed, and in cons:ic1e:rat.ion of the sum of One Doll::~:c (:~l.\))0)
to him in P,and paid, the receipt.· wher·eof is hereby ad.:novjledgec1, doei-hereb~r gre,nt' 'co tl:le .
City of .San Diego, a nnmicipal co±<poration in the Connt.y of Diego, State of California,
?-D easement and right of way through, 8~ong 2..!.J.d acr·oss all that certain :i·eal J~rope:rty ~~ituat
ln the City of San Diego, County of ~-ian Diego, State of Califoi'nia, particnla:cly described
as follo·ws, to-wit: ·· ·
~he east 80 ft of the north lf?-2/3 ft of Lot 46 ~ and the east 80 ft of the south
16-2/3 ft of ]tot 47 - in Block 6 of City Hight s. Annex ;+2 - in City of San :P,iego .
~o Have anc1. to Hold the s.pove g:ranted s.nd descr±.bed right of wr:,y m1to the saic1 g:!..'antae,
its successors 2nd s.ssigns for'e\rer, as a r·ight. of Viay fo-r a sewer pipe line.
T'he purpose of this easement and l'ight of vvay is for t.he const :nict ion and maint ensnc
of a }1ri'vate sewel''al inside the prmperty lines, it beir~g lmders.tood that the City of
San :Pi ego is.· not. 1Do be held liable for any dErrn_age resulting f::com the c onst uct ion ai1c~ msint,en-l
ance ·of s-ewer later·als ove1· a.L'1c1 ac:coss this easme.nt. ·
In Vfitness· Wher·eof, F:rancis Zahler has heret~to set his hanc1 and seal this '7th o.ay o:lf
Decembe:r 1926. ·

COUJ5fl.1:Y OF SAN DI'EGO, )ss
On this; r;rr day of December, 1926, befo1·e me, J. G. Walstad a Jlot8.l'Y Public in and:::fo:a
the said 8ount.y of San Diego, ;~tate. of CaJ.ifoi·nia, :cesiding ther.ein, duly conTIT!.iSsL:ned and
swor·n, per:s:onally a.gpea:red F:rancis Zahler per·sorwlly lu1.o1:m to me to be the pe.:::·son nhose na111e·
is sulJscribed t.o the within·instn:rrnent, and he· c1uly acb"lowledged to me t.hat he· executed the
In \"fitness V!her·eof, I have her'elmt o set. m-;y- hs. nc1 and affixed It'ly official seal, at my
office in the County of Diego, the day and year in this cer·tificate fil'~>t above written.
J. G. \VjiLST ..::'ill.

· Notal'y Public in and for the Cov.nty of San Diego,

State of C alifor·nia.
Iviy Commission expi:r:es I'vlar·eh lair 1930.

RECORDED .AT RE>~lUEST OF ch ty C le l'k DEC 31 1926 at 15 Min. Past 2 o 'clocl:;: P.M. In
Book No. 1257 Page 3?1 of Deeds Recol'ds ·of :~an lli-- GPO L.. L .. ""y
. C 0"1"1 C v..
ol·i-- I"'-~

u t.. '
JOHN H. FERRY, Cou...Ylty Recor·der·
By lT. C. I'ARSONS,, Deput.y

I HEHEBY CEHT'IFY, t lw;t the above and for ego ins, is a full, t nue ancl c or:rect c Ol.JY of
Deed fr•om Francis· Zahler, Ser;er· F./W to the City of S:c:m Diego. Being Docv.ment, No. 1991 176 •
.ALL~;rr H. w-8 IG:rl.T
Cit y~ler·k of the Cit.y of San Die8o, California.

~ ~~ ~
- "-- -6>7-~~--·


I, F:r:ancis Zahler (a bc.qhelor) of :~an :)!}iego, California For and·in Consicle:catioli of

the benefits to accr·ne by the location, construction and maintenance of a seV:Jer line through
and 8Cl'OSS the property herej_n.descr·ibed, snd in consic1eration.of the' SliDl of 'one Dollar n~l. 0)
to him i~1 hand paid, t.he rec~ipt whereof is 11-er·eby acf:t1D1Vledged, does hereby g:r:ant to the I
City of iian Diego, a mlli"licipal COl'J!Ol'ation in the Cotmty of ::;,an Die:go, ~::tate of Galifor·nia,
an e8)3ement and right of way 't'hrong:q:, ·along and acr·oss all that certain real property situat
in the City of San :F.hego, County of Qan Dieco, St2.te of Califol'nia, pa:rticulctl'ly desc:r.·ibed
follons, to-wit: ·
T'he west 45 ft o of the east 125 ft of ~ots 45-46-47-48 in Block G of Cit.y Hi-g.lits
fmnex #2 in dit.y of Sal1 .Qiego California
To Biave e.nd to Hold the aqove grant od s11d described right of vvay u:..r'lt o the said g:r.·an: ee,
its successol'S and as.signs foreve1· ,a-s a right of· 1aay foJ.: a sewer pipe line.•
T'he lJUl'pose of this easement and r·ight of n2.y is fo1·· the constnwtion and maintenan e
of a pr·ivate seVJer lat.e:r.·al inside 'the p1·operty lines.; it being tmde1·stoocl that the City of
San Diego is not to be held liable fof any c1runage resulting fl'Dm the construct ion and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment.
In Witness Whel'eof Fr;ancis Zahle:r· has her·eunt o set his hanc1 and seal this '7th day o
December 1926.


On this r;rr clay of December, 1926, befo1·e me, J. G·o Walstsd a Notar·y P.ublic in and:
fol' the said Com1t y of San Diego, State of Califo-rnia, residing therein, duly comini s_pioned
ancl swo l'n, IJe rsonally appe are c1 F1:anc is Zahler pers o,nally knovm to. me to be the IJel'S on vJhose
name is·· s-u:bscribed t.o the within instnm1ent, and he duly aclmowledged to me that he executed
the same. · . ·
In Witness Whereof, I have herelmto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in. the County of San Diego," the day e..ncl yeal' in this certificate first above Wl'itten.

Notary Public in and fol' the Count.y of San Diego,
(SEAL) State. of California.·
My C ommi ss.i Dn expires March 18 11 1930.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City e1e:r:k DEC 31 1926 at 15·Min. past. 2 o'clmck P.M. In
Book No. 125'7 Page 3r12· of Deeds Records of San Di,ego County, Calif.
JOHU H. FEHRY, County Recoro.e1'
By No C~ ~PARSQHS; Deputy.

I HEREBY CER'riFY, that ·the above anct fo1·egoing is a full, true and co I'rect COIJY of
Deed f1·om :Jh·~mcis Zahler Sewer R/W to the Cit ;y- of San Diego. Being docmnent, No o 199177.
Citv Clel'k of the Citv of Diego, California ..
B~~~~~~~~~~ /.:__Deputy •
~~? ~;t--~· ~.

Wo·lio Smith Jr. ancl Benjamin J. Henle~r, Foi' ::md in consideration of the Sillll. o:f
ONE DOLLAR Do Heregy Quitclaim to T'he City of ~Em Diego, a Ivllmici:pal Corporation, in the
Cotmty of S:an Diego, State of Califol'nia, an easer:1ent and of way for a public st :r:eet or
highway, over· along-and across All that Real Pr·ope:Lty situated in tl~e City of f:::c:m Diego,
Connty of Qe.n Dier;o, State of Califo1'11i<;J., hotmc1ecl ancl descl'ibed as folluws:
All that lJ6l'tion of Lots~ to '7 inclusive, Lots 8 to 13 inclusive, and Lots 1? to 25l
inclusive in Block 1; all in that l:)ubdivision k:novm c-:J.S Iviar'ilotl Park acc.ording to r:1ap theTc.of
No. 517 filed in the office of the-Cou~1ty Recordel' of San Diego Co1..mty, CalifOl'llia, lying wit 1.-
in a right of way 80 feet wide, line of vJhich right Df YW.y·being more particlllarl;y
described as folrows: ·
Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of Lot 1, Block l of said Subdivision
distant. 54o84 feet North 16° 00 1 West fr'om the Sout.hvjest corner of saic1 Lot.; thence North 75°
30' E-ast, a tUstance of 293o26 feet to a point; thence along a tangent curve to t:he right,
with a radius of 1000 feet, through and angle of 9 o 35', a dist anc_e of 16? o 26 feet to a point ;
thence iqOl'theastel'lY tangent to Said CUl'Ve, a distance of 216.82 feet to a p0i11,.t; thence alo
a tangent curve to the right, with a l'9-c1ius of 2000 feet tlll'ough an angle of '7° 40', a dist.a.nce
of 26'7.62 feet. to a :point; thence Southec:..sterly, tangent to the last named curve a distance
of 488.25 feet to a IJDint; thence along a tr.angent cul~ve to the left a radius of 500 feet
through an angle of 26° 12', a dist <.mce of 228.64 feet to 8. point; thence. Northeasterly t ange t
to the last nmmed curve, a distance of 291. 29 feet to a point an the Easterly line of said
Subdivision distant 33.?7 feet S.outherly from the So-uthwest corner of Lot 20 of Hol'ton's
Purchase of Ex-Mission Lano.s, according to majJ t.he1·eof no •. 283, .filed in the office of said
Cotmty Recorder·.
To Rave ancl to Hold the above Quitclaimed ana. described easement and:eright of way
as and fDr a public street.
I .
2-09 .

Witness our· hands and seals this 28th day of December 192G



W. H. SiviB!'H JR.




On 28th day of December in the year one thou.sanct nine huncl1·ed and t~:venty six, befDrE
me, RAY SOPHIE FEDER, q. Hot ary Public, in and for the City anq C ovnt y of San Fra...ncisc o,
State of Califo:cnia,,. residing therein, d11lY:COnTinissioned ancl. sworn, l)Gl'GDnally ap1Jeared
W. H. ·smith Jr. anc~ Benjer.ain J. Henley (T:r·ustees) known to me to be the pel~sons; whose names·
are subscribed to the within instrmnerit an<J. acknowledged to me that they executed the S8lne~·
q,S 1l'rli.St ees.
In Witness .Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and e::.ffixed my Official Seal 'at my
office in the City and County of San Francisco, State of Calffornia, t,he day a:qd year in thiE
-Certificate fi 1·st above writteil:•
Notary Public ·In and fo 1' the City ·and C ovnt y of
(SEAL) San Francisco, Qtate of California •.
RECOR.Il.~m AT HEQU:EST' OF City Clel'k JAii 4 192 17 at 45 Min.
past 2 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 1318 Page 11 of Deeds Records of San Diego Colmty, Calif. _
JOHN H. FERRY, County H-ec orc1er
By N. C. PARSONS., Deputy

I li'"ERSBY CERJ!IFY,:2that the above and fGJ~Wegoing is a full, trv.e and cor1·ect co_py o:f·
Deed frDm Vf. H. Smith, Jr. and Benjamin J. Henley to ~'he C·ity of San Diego. Being Docv.ment,
:No. 199483.

I By(}~_ 4
CitJt Clerk of the Cit.~ of f-lan Diee;o, Californ·ia.
AAL_/-- ~ . dp:b _/~A L_Deputy.
-~· L ~;:- ~-:vi-.

I, E. C. Moore a single: mw :E'or and in consideration of the snrn of OHE DOLLAH Do

Her·eby Grant to The City pf Die3o, a Municipal Corporation, in the C::nmty of San Diego,
State of CalifDl'nia, an easement and right of way fo:;:· a publiCi st tL·eet or highway, over along
and across All that Real P:ror:perty situated in the City of Scm Diego•, County of San Diego.,
State of California, bonnded ancl. described as follows:.
All that :pDrtion of the North of the Northeast i- of Lot 18 of Ho:cton's Pur·chase
of Ex:-M:issio~1 Lanc1s, according to Map ther·eDf I>To. 283, filed in the office of the Cotmty
Rewarder of ~a.n Diego County, California included ·within a r·ight of iT'if3:Y 80 feet wide, the
center line of which right of way is more pa1•t icularly described as fallows:
Beginning at a point on the. East line of said Lot 18, distmit 329.08 feet Southerly
from the Northeast corner of said Lot; thence Westerly along a line parallel tD the North
line of said Lot, a distance of 488.19 feet to a point; the·nce along a tangent cu:cve tOJ the
left \1iJith a rac1ius of 1000 feet through an.angle of .18° 27 1 a. distance of 322;.01·to a
point; thence SDuthvJesterly tangent to said cnrve,-a distance of.·F/2.41 feet to a point; therce
along a t e.ngent curve to the right vuith a l'ac1i us- of 1000 feot , thr·ough an angle of 20° 4G 1 , :
a eli st e of 362.45 feet to a point ; thence 'Westerly along a line t :E:~.ngent to the last · nsme d
curve, to an intersection with'~the Wester·ly line 'of the East i- of Lot ·19 of said.Horton's
Purchase of Ex-1Hs si on Lands.
T'o Have m1d to Hold the above granted and described easement and right of ,viay as and

I for a public street.

Witness my hand ana. seal this 23 c1ay of December 1926.

On this 30th day of Decembe1· A.D. Nineteen Hv.:ndred and tv.;enty-six before me, OttiU_e
Ivi. Hendel a Nota:ry Public in and fol' said Cotmty, residing ·therein, dt{l~~l commis:.:;ioned and
sworn; personally appeared E. C. MOORE known to me to be the pe 1·s Dn desc ri bec1 in and I:'Jhose
name is subscribed to the withininstnm1ent, and acknowledged to me tbat he executed the same.
Witness my hand an(\. Official Qes.l the day and year in this certificate first above
written. ·
Not t.n-y Public in and for t .he_ County of Die ,p,o ,
(SEAL) ·state of Califo:cnia,

RECOHDED i'{f REQUEST· OF City e1e1·k JAN 4 1927 at 45 Min. past. 2 o'dlock P.M. In Book
No. 1318 J?age 15 of Deeds Hec ords of San Diego C o1mt y, C e.lif.
JOHN H. FERRY, CotLDty Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS. Deputy.
I HEREBY CEFTI:?I, the.t the above and foregoing is a full, true and col'rect· CD}.J~l of
Deed f:r.·om E. C. Moo1·e to :~he (rit;y· of :"3an :Die,p,o. Being Docvment, Ho. 199484.

·'. ,._I


I,· Kate A. NI:art in a man·ie d woman For· ana 1n C o:ns j_de1·at ion of the of ONE DOLLAR
Do Hereby to ~he City of San Diego, a Nilmicipal Co:cpo:cation, in the County of San Diego,
State of Califor:o.ia, an easement cmcl right of vmy for· a pulJlic st l'eet or highway, over· along
and acl'oss All that Real Prope:r:ty·situatod in the City of Eian Diego, Com1ty of S.:m Diego,
State of California, bolmdec1 and descr·i bed as follows:
All that portion of the Sol.J_t.hwest :l of the Uortneast -l of Lot 18 of Rortonrs Pu:r:cha e
of Ex-Mission Lands, according to Map thel·egf Ho. 283, filed in the office of the County
Recorc1er of ~an Diego County, Califol.':':nia, included within a l'ig'ht of nay 80 feet ·wide, the
cent; e l' line of w.hich l'ight of way is mo :re par·t i cularly described as follo·rss.:
Beginning at a point on .the East line of s.aid Lot 18, distant 329.08 feet Souther·ly
from the Northeait corner of said Lot; thence Westerly alopg a line parallel to the Nol'th li_
of said Lo:t, a distance of 488.19 feet to a point; thence along a tangent cnrve to the left vj·'·th
a l'aclius of 1000 feet through an angle of 18° 2'&' SJ. diStance of 322.01 feet to a point; .th~nce
Southwesterly tangent to saicl cur·ve, a distEmce of 1?2.41 feet· to a point; tllence -along a .
t-angent cu:rve to t . he right with a :r:ao.i us bf 1000 feet, through an e of. 20° .46 r ,a dist anc
of 362.45 feet to a point; thence Wester·ly along a line: tangent to- the last 'named.'curve, to
an int.e1·section ·with the Weste:rly line of the East ~~ of Lot 19 of Hortonrs Purc.fu!ase of Ex-
Mission Lands. -
To Have and to Hold the alJove gr·ant. eel and desc r·i bed ·easement and l'ight of 1.TJay as ano_
fo~ a public stl'eet.
Witness my hand and seal this 31 day of Dec. 1926.
( SE.A.L)


COUlf'rY 01!, LOS .A1TGEIJES, )':t<J_
On t.his 31st clay of Dec ern bel' A.D. Hi net een Hi.uict:red and t1Hent y-six befo 1'8 me' Ge o:!ge
n. Crouch a Notar·y Public in and for SEdd Co_unty, r·esiding therein, duly commissioned and
Siiiiorn, ·personally appeared . Kate A. Mar·tin known to. me to be the person .desc::cib.ec1 .in and whose
·name is 8lrbscr·ibe·c1 to the within ins-trmnent, and acknowledged to me thatv,S:he execut-ed the s.ame.

wr·it.t en •
Witness my hand and Seal the day- ancl year in this certificate first above


Hot ar·y Public in ano. fo l' the Colmt y of Los .Angeles
( S:EAL )' State of Califor·nia.
RECORDED il.T REQ1JEi:3r.I: OF City Ole:ck JAN 4 192? at 45 I1/iin. p,-::r,st 2 o'cLock P.M. In
Book IJo. 1318 Page 14 of Deeds Hecords of Sru1 Diego County, Calff.
JOHN H•. PERHY, Colmt y Rec.orcler
By H. C. PAHS·OIJS ,' Deputy ..
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and for·egoing is a fv~l, tr.ue and cor·r·ect c·opy of
Deed from ~Cate A. Martin ta The City of: Diego • . Being Docmnen.t No •. l9.9485.
9ity 9lei'k of the Cit.·- of San Diego, G!aliforniac.

. (/ .
BEHJ.AM!H B. an.d MYRTLE~ A. EUCKELL,_For and in consic1e:cation of the svm of ONE DOLLAR
Do He:t.·eby QUITCLAIM to T'he City_ of San Die eo, a M:t'Qlicipal Cor:po:r:at ion, in ·the County of San
:Diego, ~hate of Califol'nia, :Sl.n easement anc1 right of' way for a public str·eet o:c· highvvay, over
along and· ac :ross All that Real Pro pert y sit nate d in· the City of ~:a..11 Diego-, C Olmt y of San Di egm,
State of Califor·nia, bom1dec1 and desc:r:i bed as follows: _ " · · ·
All that -portion of Lotr:; 3 to 26 inclusive in Block 2; anc1 Lots 8 to 13 inclnsive, ::>.~-
and Lots 17 to· 25 inclusive in Block 1; a221 in that Subdivision knovm as hTarilou Park: accord...:
ing to map thereof Ho. 51?, fi+ec1 in the office of the County 2ecol'C1er of ;':an Diego County,
alifornia, lying within a :t.·iehir of vmy 80 feet wide, the cent e:r: line of which l'ight of vJay
eing more particulal'ly described ~s follows:
Beginning at a point on the Westol'ly line of Lot 1, Block 1 of said Subcliv·ision dis-
l·ant 54.84 feet North 16° 00' V!est. fr·om the S.outhvvest corne:t.· of s:~:id Lot; .thence North ?5° 30' ...~
iEast, a distance of. 293.26 feet t.o a point; t.hence along a tangent curve to the right, with a

adius of 1000 feet, thr·ough an angle of 9° 35' a distance of 167.26 fee,t to a point; thence
rortheaster·ly tangent to said curve, a distance of 21B.88 feet to a point; thence along a tt~nj­
ent cu1·ve to the right with a r·adius of 2000 feet thl'out;h an angle of r;o 40', a clistance of:.
~6?.62 feet to a ·l)Oint; thence ;::ioutheastel'ly, tangent to the J:ast' named cur"Ve, a distance of
.j488.25 feet to a point.; thence along a tangent cu:rv-e to the left witi1 a radius. of 500 feet
~hrough an angle of 26° 12r, a distance of 228.64 feet to o. point; thei1ce HortlJ.easte:t.·ly tange !tt
~o the last nam.ed cur·ve, a._dist.:~mce of 291.29 feet to a point, on the Easte1·1y line of said
~ubdivision distant 33.?7 fecot' Soutl:.el'lY f:r;omtJie Southwest co:rne,:r· of Lot 20 of Horton's rur-
phase of Ex-Mission Lands, according to MG,.JJ thEHeo_f no. 283, fLled in the office of said
Olli1tY Recorder. · ·
~o have andi;to Hold the above quitclaimed and clesc:t.'.ibed et;,sement and right of v1ay as
and for a pulJlic L:i.t;l'oet.
Witness oul' hanc1s ancl ~.:;eals this 27th clay of December·; 1926.

S'J:_I\J:E o:P C.t'lLIFORlHA, )) 88

On this 27th day of Decembel' A.• D. ITineteon :thmclr·od and pwent.~T six befor·e me, Clal'enc·
T'. Bach a Notary Public in and for said Cortnty, l'esidine ther·ein, ~a.UI~· cornmisaioned and swo~n,
personall;>,r appear·ed Benjamin B~ Huckell a.ncl Ivi~r1·t1e A. Huckell knovm to mo to be the pe1·sons
clescl'ibed in and vJhose mame:s a:-!.'e subsc:r:ibed to the within instrvment, ancl acknovJledged to me
that they execnt ed the some.
Witness my hand and Of:i:'ici al Seal the clay a:r1c1 year· in t.hi~.:; c e r·t ific ate fi r~st above
wr·i tt en.
Hot fEY PulJlic in onc1 for the C olmt ~7 of :-~an Diego,
( SE.lLL ) State of California.


RECORDED AT REQVEST' OF City Cle::dc JAI:f 4 192? at 45 Min. past 2 o'clock: P.H. In Book
No. 1318 )?age 12 of Deeds Records of :Diego Cotmt;;~7, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
BY -~T.T c 1).'U
0 0
" R'",:) 0 l·.--J 0'
C• De puu.... y

I HERi£BY CERTIFY, the above and fo :t:ego ing is a full, true e.nc1 c or1· ect c of

I Deed from Benjamin J. Euckell and My1·t1e A. Huckell to the City of San Diego. Being Doctmle.!. ,
No. l9948G.
City Cle:d{ of the City of i1an D:Lego, Califo:t.·niao

By47~ _£f.~::e:z~~,~.c-. .1 ~~:::zl.~~-~?.~ _

... puty.

,; t1

We, Cal'l'ie ]~~ Haines., :Dait:Jy B. Hopping, Winnie Hannah Iviorehouse and Albe:ct;a E.Moreho lSe
For and in con:=::ide1·ation of the SUt.'11 of OHE DOLLAR Do Iier·eby Gr·ant to Tli-e City of ;;an Die£SD,
a mv.nici];;al Corpol·ation, in the Cotmty of San Diego~ State of .California, rJotmcled and descri
·ed as follov-is:
All t.llat po1·tion of the· East l of the ;:3outheast t of the Northeast i- of Lot .18 of
Horton's Pu1·chase of Ex-Mission Lands, according to .Map thereof ITo. 283, filed in the office
of the.County Reco:rde1· of S2.11 Die{So Covnt::.r, California, included nithin a ri£Sht of;] 80
feet wide, the center line of which :right of way is mo:i:e pal'ticulal·ly desc:ribed as follO'\:'Js:
Beginnint; at a point on t"he East line of Lot 18, distant 329.08 feet Southe::cly
from the, co:cne1· of said Lot; thence Westel'ly alo-ng a line pa:rallel to the Noi't.h li1e
of said ·Lot, a. dist a..11ce of 488.19 feet to a }!oint; thence alone a_ tangent curve to t.he le.ft ·
with a radius of 1000 feet throns·h an migle of 18° 2r;r a distance of 322.01 feet to a point;
thence South'l,~iestel'ly tangent to· saic1 curve, a distance of 1?2.41 feet t·o a point; thence
along a tangent curve· to the r'ight with a l'ac1i ns of 1000 feet, t luough :om angle of 20° 4:6',
a distance of:-:362.45 feet to a poi.nt; thence Weste:r·ly along a line. taneent to the last narned
curve, to e.n inte1·sectio11 witll. the Westerly line of the _Biast i- of Lot 19 _of said Horton's .
Purchase of 'Ex-Mission ·Lands. · - and

I To Have and t·o Hold the abov.e gn:m'ted and desc::cibed easement and right. of way as/for
a public street.
Witness our hands. and s.eals this 22nd day of December 192G.




On· this 22nd day of Dec em1)e:r· A. D. Hinet eon Hlmdred a..Yl:c1 t vJent y-six before ro.e, Lucy B.
Scully a. Notary Public in-anc1 for said Cotmt.y, r·esiding thel'ein, duly comr.o.issioned s.:t1d sworn
pers·onally a.ppea:red Carrie E. Hailies,- Daisy -B. Hopping, Wii"...nie Hannah Morehouse, &Ylc1 Albe1·ta
E. Mol'ehouse, k::..t1.own to me to be the pe1·sons desc1·ibed in anc1 whose nrunes a:re subscribed·to t' e
within instrument, and acknovvledged. to me that they executed the sruneo
Witness my hanc1· and Official Seal the day and ;Year in this certificate first· e.bove
written. ·
LUCY. B. .:SC~ULL.Y~ \..·
Hot ar·y PvJ)lic in anc1 for the C otmt y of San Diego,
(SEAL} State of Califo l'niao

RECORDED P!J.' REQUEST OF City Clerk JAH 4 l92r/ at 45 1·.1:in. p9st 2 olclock P.Ivi. In Book:

I No. 1318 Page 9 of Deeds Records of San Diego·Cotmty, Calif. · ,.

JOHH H. :b'ErGY, Cou.tJ.ty Reco:rder
By N. C. PARSONS, De put Jl·
I I-IER~BY CERT'IFY, that the above anc1· fo1·egoing is a full, t1·ue and cc5l'I'ect COllY of
Dee_c1 fr·om Ca1'l'ie E. Haines, Daisy B. EOJ!Jlins, 1f!innie Hariah lvlorehouse, Alber·ta E. Morehouse,
to T'he City of San Diego. Being iDocu..rnEmt, Ho. 19948 11. .

Cil¥-~~t~:~~/San Die~California.

By r/ · :J/j:;;, -r'JIj-- ~~ "~ .D 1 ut y.
We, Car·.tie E. Haines, Daisy B. Hopping, Hinni.e Hanna Morehouse, Alber·ta E,JLlo;rehouse,
Frances E. The S_ole Heil'S of G. W•. Mo:rehous.e Deceased; For and in consideration~.·o·f
the sun of ONE DOLLAR Do Hel'eby Grant to·T'he·City of Diego, -a Mlmicipal Co1·por·ation-, in
he County o_f ;~an Diego, State of California, an ee.sement and right _of wr;,y for· ·a public stre.0·
or· highway, ove1·, along and across All that Real P1·.operty situate'd in the City of_ San Diego,
otmty of .San Diego, qtate of Califo111ia, bom1Cl.ed and desci'ibed as follows:
.til that po1·tion of the West } of the Southeast i- of the Hol'theast i- of Lot 18 9f
or·ton's J? of Ex-Mission Lands, acco:rding to Map thereof No. 283, filed in the office ~
of the Com1ty Recor·de:r of San Diego County, California, included within a right of vmy 80 fee ;n

ia.·e, the center line of v;hich right of vmy is mo:r:e particularly described as follo·ws: .',
· Beginning at a point on the East line of said Lot 18, distant 329.08 feet Sputhel'lY .,
rom the ~o~theast corner of ~aid Lot; thence Westerly along a line parallel to the.North lin

I f said Lot , a distance of 488. 19 ;feet to. a point ; thence along a tangent c u:rve to the left ·,-- .
1d t h a. radius of 1000 feet t lnough an angle of 18 o 27 1 a distance of 322.01 feet to a point ; ·

hence qouthwe~terly t0-n~e~t t? ~e,j_cl cu~ve, -::.distance of 172.41 feet to a J20int; ~.hence ~long
tangent Cltrve to the :-ng11t l.''flt ll a l'adnts o1 1000 feet , through an angle OI 20° 46 r, a d1st aJ c e
f 3G2.45 feet to, a ])Dint; thence V!estel'l;y: along a line tangent to the last_named ctuve, to a
.~ntersectio:p. with the West.erl.y line of the East t of Lot 19 E>f said. Ho:rton 1 s Pur·chas.e of Ex-
·Kis sion Lands.
T'o Have and to Hold the. above granted and described easernent and right of wa~r as ancl
!fol' a. DU1Jlic
.., street. •
Witness our hmJ.ds··a.~a. seals this. 22ncl day of Decembe:r: 192G.




On this 22nd day of December A.D. Nineteen Htmdred and twenty-six before me, Lucy B.
Scully a Nota:ry Public in and fo:r: S8-id Com1ty, residing therein, duly commi-ssioned and swornll
pers.onally ar)pea1·ed Carrie E. Raines, De.isy B. Hopping, Winnie · Mci1·ehouse., Albe:r:t a E.
·Morehouse, Frances :m •. Morehouse, 1mol"J11 to me to be .the pe:r:sons desc:ribed in and ·v1hose names
are subsc:-cibed to the within instnrrnent.; and acknowledged to me that' -they executed the same. j ,\'

Witness my hand and Officie.l Sec~l the c1ay and year in this certificate fii:'st above
Hot a~y T:'uhlic in ancl fo 1' the Cotmt y of Sru1 Diego,
:(SEAL) State of California.
RECORDED Nl HEQ l:JEST· Ol!' City C le l'k JAH 4 19 27 at 45 l'.Hn. past 2 o 1 ~l:b'c k l?.M; -In Book
No. 1320'J?age 8 of Deed Records of Qm1 Diego Cotm'ty, Calif.
JOiil'if H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C ·• PAHSOHS, D eputy.


F. E. GLOYD liND TOLA G. GLOYD, Husband and \Vife, ]1 01' ana ln Consideration of t;he
sum of ONE DOLLAR Do Be1·eby QUITCLADJ.I T'o T'he Cit~· of San I}iego, a Municipal· Corporation, in
the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of vJay for· a public
street or hi.e;hvJay, over alon~ and across All that Real J?r·o·perty situated in the City of San
Diego, Cotmt~r of San Diego, ~.tate of California, bounded and desc:r:ibed i:ts follows:
All that por·tion of Lots 4 to 7 inclusive, Lots 14 to lG inclus"ive, ancl Lots 26 and
2)7 all in Block 1; Lots 1 and 2 in Block 2, D.nd Lot~ J_ to 16 inclusive in Block 3; all in
that Subdivision k:novm as l\i[a:cilou Park accorcli~J.g to map thereof Ho •. 517~ filed in the office
·of the Cotmty Recorc1er of .San Diego Cs->1mty, Ca~ifornia,_lying vJithin a right of vJay 80 feet
Vii de, the center line of vJhich right of way be i:ng more pa1·t iculc.rly described a.s fmllows: .
Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of Lot 1, Bl·ock 1 of said Suibo.ivision dis-
tant 54.84 feet North 16° 00 1 West from the Southwest co:mer of s.aicl.. Lot; thence Horth ?5°
30 1 East, a distance of 293.26 feet to a point; thence along a tangent curve to the :right,
with a radius of 1000 feet, th1·ough an angle of go 35 1 a distance of 16rl.26 feet to a point;
thence Ho1·theaster·1y tangent to said ctrrve, a distcmce of 216.88 feet to a point; thei1ce alo~~g
a tangent curve to the right with a radius of 2000 feet t2·lr·ough an angle of 7° 40 1 , a distan<!le
of 26r/.62 feet to a point; thence QoutheL:.ster·ly, ta-ngent to the last named cur·ve, a distm1cej
of 488.25 feet. to ar]Joint; thence along a t1.1ngent ~curve to the left FJith a radius of 500 fee
through a:ri angle of 26° 12 1 , a c1istcmce_of 228 •. 64 feet to a point; thence No1·theaster1;y· tan-
gent to the last named curve, a distance of 291.29 feet to a point, on the Easte1·1y line of
saicL Subdivision c1istant 33.77 feet Southerly from the Southwest corner of Lot 20 of Ho:rtonr
J?ur·c.hase of Ex-Mission ·Le..nds, accoi·dj_ng to Map thereof ITo •. 283, filed in the office of said
Co tmt. y Rec o nle l' o
To Have and to Hold the above quitclaiqed and dE;scri bec1 ee..sement .and r·ight of l""Jay
as and for a ·public street.
Witness our hands and seals this 30th c1o.y of Decembe1·, 1926.
F. E. GLOYD (SEJlli)
T'OLi.1. G. GLOYD ( dE.AL)

ST'Nr·E 0]' Ci1LIPORNIA,) ss

Ox~ this 30th _day of December A.D.lTine..teen Huncl.J:ecl a:nd t-nenty-si·x bef-ore me, Ge~c:rge
VI. Cro-uch a Nota1·y ·Public in ·and for so..ic1 Cotmty,. l:'e.siding thel'ein, dtlly commis_siorred and
swo·rn, :personall;y· a:p:peareo. :F • ..E. Q.loyd and T'olo. G;, Gloyd, hti.sband ancl.. wife kno1·m·to me to be
the. p-ersons· desc1:ibed in and vihose names al'e subs.cribed to the instnt."'Ilent, and acknoli'J
ledged to me that they executed the Salne.
· Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year· in this ceJ.:ti·ficate first above
written. ·
. Not a1·y Public in 2c21d for the Com1ty of Los .A.11geles,
State of Cali fo l'ni 2••
RECOH.DED AT REQUEST OF City Cle:i:k JAI.J 4 1927 at 45 MJ.n. past 2 o'clock P.1111. In Book.
No. 1320 Page 6 of deed Records of :::ian Diego Com1ty, Calif.
Jo 'Hi'T
-..U'J H ii11,,PRY co·-uiVP'-'I PTI:CORD11'R
0 ..... ..:..:...~,.. . . . . _ '

BY H. C •. PL.RSOlTS, Deputy.
-·- ............ ._t. _,,.. I
I I:IEHEBY CERJ! IPY, that the abov·e and fo l'egoing is a. ftlll, t ::c.ue and co r:rect copy of
Deed f1·om. P. E. Gloyd and '?ola G. Gloyd to the City of San Diego. Beil'lg Document, Ho. 19948 •
. .
Hoxace Edwin Gillespie, a s±ngle man, For and in consicleration of the s1.1m of OHE
DOLLAR DO He}:eby Grunt to ~-he City of San Diego, aMm1icipal CoJ:poration, in the Cou:..r1ty of
San Die go, ;~tate of C al~fornia, an easement and l'ight of WEJ.Y for a public st l'e et or hishway,
over, along and acr·oss li.ll that R~al Pr·operty situated in the City of dan Diego, County of
San Diego, State of CalifoJ.:nia, bound.ed and described 2s. fo:)..lolris: ·
A ;por·tion of Lots lG t.o 24 inclusive of Block 6 of Heffenc1en 1 s Su.l111yclale Addition,
accordi:Jj.g ~o mo.:_p the1·eof Uo._419 filecl.i~1 t.he office of the Co1LYlty 1\ecorcler of 8an Die'[:;o
County, Califol.'nia; also a por·tion ofF ::).treet adjoining s.aiCl. Block· on the South closed by
Resolution Uo. 19102 of the Comri10n Council of the City ofSan Diego, California, Janua1·y 27,
1915; also a j?o:ction of the Alley IJorth of ssid Block 6, closed by Hesolution Ho. 15313 of
saicl Cor.nmon Cov.nci:l, October 14, i913. Said rie;ht of way is mo:ce pal'ticularly described and
bounded as follovJs:
Beginning at the :Lntexsection of the South line:of Lemon Gr·ove Bouleva:rd with the
'West line of 34th Street, as said sti·eet.s novv exist; thence Weste:cly along the Southe:r:ly lin
of Lemon G:cove Boulevard a clist ance of 25.0 feet to a 110int; th(3nce SoutJ.wJest er·ly along a
line making an angle 49° 35 1 30 11 with s.aid. Souther·ly_line a distance of 198.89 feet to a poi· t;
thence along a tangent cu:cve to the J..'ight, with a radius of ~"/1.04 feet th:cough an angle of
49° O'l' 30 11 a clisto.nce of 60.89 feet to a point on t.·he north line of ] 1 Street, as said. st:cee
now exists; thence Easterly along the Uoxther'ly line of saicl jj! St:r:eet; a distance of 125.05
feet to a point; thence :Northeaste:::ly along a line makin3 an angle of 49° 07r 30n VJith said
Nor"G herly line, a dist e of 12? .11 feet t. o s point on t h~ West exly line of 34th St :ce et ;
thence NoJ..'th~r·ly along said. Westerly line a clistc..nce of r;8.Gl feet to the point of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted ai;J.d described easement and ::eight· of way as
and fo :c a public s.t l'eet. ·
V/itness my hand Enid seal this 16th de.y of December· 1926 •.•


( ,)J.:!;J).



On this lGt h day of .December· A. D. Nineteen l-Jilmc1red mid twenty-six befo:re me, Y. A•
Jacques a Notary Public in m1d fol' said_ Com1ty, residing tho:cein, duly cor::rruissioned anc1 swor ,
per·sonally ap];leal·ed Hor·ace .Eclvv:i.n Gillespie, a single 11er·son,. 16.10\Vn to me to be the person
descl'ibed in and whose nen1e iS: subscr·ibed to the vJithin inst l'mnent, ml<l aclmorvledged t_o me·
that he executeCi the S8111e.
Witness my hancl and Official Seal the day .smd yeo.l' in this cel'tificate first above
Y. A. JACQ UE::3
Notc.--n·y Public in and for the Co1mty of Sm1 Diego,
( S.E.U) State 1of' Califo'r·nia.

RECORDED 1>S HEQUEST• 0]1 City Clexk JAlJ 4 192? at 45 Min. 2 o'clock P.l\'I .. In Book
No.· 1309 Page 47 of DEEDS Rec or·.cls of San Diego Co1mty, Calif' • .-
. JOHN H. PERRY, County Hecorclex
By H~- C. PARSONS, 'Deputy •.

I F...EREBY CERTTFY, _t.hat the al)OV e and fo r·e going is a full, t. rue and co :c:rect co _py of
Deed f?om _HORACE EDWIN GILLESI'IE T'O the Cit;y of ~~an Diego. Being Docu.rnent, No. 199490.
Cit~lel'k of t.he City of Dieeo, Califol'nie...·



FEHJ:ON PARKER lVLtd:'EZUAL.COl'EPORN:I:IOH, ·a. Cor:pol'ation, Fox and in conside:cation of the

I .\
S'lm1 of OHE 0 DOLLARS, :Doe~ :He1·eby Grant to l"he 8ity of S.e,n Diego, a Mmlicipal Co?por·ation, i
the County of ~an :qiego, S.tate. of Califor·n.l.a, an easement c:mc1 l'ight of -vvay fox a public f.:i.treet
or highvJe..y, over·, along and across All that Real. P:co))el'ty situated in the City of Sa,."l Diego,
County of Se,n JDiego, Qtate of Califo1·ni2, l)om1decl and descl'ibed as follo'IHS:
All that por·tion of the S~ of Lot 20 of Ho1·ton.1.s Purchase of Ex-Mission Lands, ac-
cording to Map the1·eof No. 283 filed in the office of the Co1.mty Reco1·de1' of San Diego Com1ty,
California; l;y'ing within a right of we,y 80 feet wide,' the conte1· line of v.;hich right of way.
being more particularly a.escri bed as. follows·:
Beginning at· a point on the Ea~t e r·ly line of the SE~· of' saicl Lot 20, <1ist Mt 91. 0
i.eet Southerly from the Northeast corner of the SE! of said Lot.;. thence Southweste1·1y, makin
$n 1 ~angle· of 69° 20 1 \'lith s2id Easte:r:ly line, a c1i-st 1ance of 4?9 .. 28' feet to a point; thence
'along a tangent. curve to the.left, r;ith a radius of 2000 feQt thxongh an angle of 6° 53 1 a
distance of 240.27 feet to a point; thence ·Sout.b:weste1·1;y- alone a tangent. to said cn1've to a
~;; pojjnt. on the Southerly line of said Lot 20.
T'o e.nd To Holcl the above gTant,ed and ·de sc ri becl easement unto the said grantee,
its snccessol'S anct assigns forever e.s ancl fol' g public street.
IIJ WIT'lTESS \"THEREOF: said Co rpo1·at ion has caused this inst l'llillent to be exec nt ed by
its PI'D.Pel' officers and its col'}JDl'~te se.sJ.l affb:ed this 2nd do.:/ of December· 1926 ·


A co~·po1·o,tion,
(SEil) By GEO.
,, .
,::; PARKER PJ.'N:lident.
Attest. .. c. o. OLII:TE Sec r·et axy.
On this 2nd day of. :Decembe:c A.. IJ.Hineteen J:i"Lmc1:r:ed a.ncl TvJeiit.y-s:ix 'f?efore me, Ottilie
M. Wendel a Not a:i.'y Public' in and fo 1· said. C o1mt'y, re ~3 ic1ing thel·ein, duly c ommis sione d. anc1 sno .en,
pel'sorially appear·ed Geo. S. Parl:er knovi:t"l to me t.o be the President, snc1 C. O.·Oline knorm to
11e to be the Sec:retary of· t.he 'Corpo1·ation t-hat executed t'.he within instnment, la1own to me to
be the pe:csons i?Jho executed t.he within inst:ntrnent on .behalf of the Cor·por·at.ion· viithin named,
and acknowledged to me that such Cor·por·ation executed the SD,me_.
In Witness \'JheJ.:eof, I have he1·eunt o set my hanc1 and affixed my Officinl S.eal, in :t:lll
Com1ty of Qan Diego·;~-3ta~e of·~o.liforn:Lo., t.he cto..y a..11.Ci. ye01' in this ce:ttificate fi.:r:st above
liota~r:y Pllblic i:t1 :J.nc1 for· t ..he.8otu1ty of Sa11 Diego,
( S"l~AL) St o..t e of California.
Iviy Cormnission Expires April: 24th-, -192?

RECORDED .1:'\T Ri.::lQUEST OF City Clel'k JAH 4 1927 at 45 Min~ ·past 2 o'clock J?.M. In Book
no. 1309 Page 45 of DEEDS Hec o1·ds of San Diego County, Calii' c;
JOHH H •. FEERY, · Reco1·de1'
By IT. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HER:EBY CElt?IFY, that the above Emd fo l'egoine is a fv~l, t::c:ue anc1 COl'l'ect copy of·
Grant Deed f:r·om Fenton:Parkel' Ma'Gel'ial.CorpqJ..·ation To city ·of· ;~an Diego. Being Docmnent, No.


FEl1T'OJ:·f PARICE:R MATEHIAL CORPOR_@ IOIJ., a C orporo..t ion, anc1 WEST·E~\N Mt~T AL :SUl'.~LY COHPj.IlY,
a Ool'IJOI'ation, l!1 or anc1 in con~:idoration of the smn of Oift} .DOLI.JA.RS, Does He:-ceby G:r:ant to ~~he·
City of ::.l'an Diego, a Mm1iciFal Corporation, in the Colmty of ~3an Diego, ;~'to..te of California,
an easement a.(). d. right of 1.·;ay for a })Ul)lic st :t.'ect Dl' highvJay over, along and across All that
Real Pl'Opel·ty. situated in the City of ; DieG,o, Cou..n.ty of S'an Diego, State oi' Califo'rnia,
bo1.mcled and described as follol·Js:
All that _po1·t ion of the W 3/4 of Lot 19 of Hol't on • s Pnl'chase o:f ·:E:x Mission Lands,
according to Ma]J the:ceof no. 283 filed in the office of the Cotmty Hecorder of the County of
Sa:q J?iego, C alifo l'nia ,. lying within· a right of we.y .80 feet v;ide, _the c e:nt e r· line of v1hich
right of way being mor·e _·part.iculal·ly desc:ribeC!. as folloi.·Js: · ·
BegiY'..ning at a point on_t.he·\Vestel'ly li::he of s;aid Lot. 19, .dis.tant 754 .. 55 feet South·.
erl~v from the Northwest cqrner thereof; thence Northeasterly along a line making an angle ofJI
69° 20 1 with said Westerly line, a distance of ~05 .. 30 feet to a; thence along a tange ~
curve to the right with a radius of 600 feet thr'l.l an angle of 22° 51' a distance of 236.88
feet to a point; thence Easter·ly along a line tangent to said curve,.to an intel'section with.
the East line of. t.he W 3/4 of s.aic1. LQt.l9, .
EXCEl.l]'ING THEHEFROM any portion of that cer.tain one(l) Acr·e School Lot as shovm on
Lie erised 8-ur.wey Map of Lots 19 anCJ, 20 ·fun Horton r s PlU'chase of Ex Mission Rancho, being Licen:c ed
Survey Map No. 17, filed in the office of said. Cotmty Heco:r·der. ·
~o. Have anc1 To HolCl, the above granted and descJ..'ibed easement 1..mto the grantee
its successo:rs ond §.SS.igns. as and for· a public street.
4!'H YIT~IrESS WHEREO:E1 : cai.d Co~-p.or·ation has caused this instrument to· be execm eel b~l
their· proper officers_ and its .cor·.rorate seals affixed thi~ 16th day of December·· 1926.
FEif.rOH PARKER ,Jvi.k?EHiil.L CONII-'OR1~rtJ·roN,
A Cor:porat ion,
{SEAL) By GEO. S. PARKER V. Presic1net

At t est : C • 0 • 0 LINE Sect :reary

A Corporation,

(SEAL) By B. B. ST .ARleE President

Attest H. C. Slli~W Sec1~et ar·y.
CO.VJ:.fTY. 0]1 BAIT DHi.GO ,.) s.s
On this 16th day of Dec ember A. D.IITinet een Hvnc.1rec1 arJ.c1 t went.y-six befo :::e me,· Ottilie
l!J:. Wendel a Notal'Y Public in ~md fo:c saiCl Com1.ty, residing therein, duly co:rrmJissioned ar:td
svw1n, peTsonally appeared B. B. STii.RK8 knovmto·me to be the President, s..nd w. c. SILil.W know:
to met o be thet s·ecretal'y of ~che Col'J!Oration t:rzt execute(t the within instru:ment,'\.71_1 to me
to be the :persons. vJho execv_\Led t.1'1e within instl't1111ent.on behalf of the·Cor::por·ation within
named., and ackno~iVil:.edged tQ) me tl':..a.t such ColJlOration executed the some. .
In Hi tness WheTeof, I have her·elmto set my hand and affixed my Off:ii.cial Seal, :in the of ;~an Dieeo·, ~tate of California, the day and year in this certificate fii·st above
written. · ·
Notg1·y Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of C$-lifornia.
My Commission Expires, April 24th; 192?

Sjl'ift:E OP Cl~.LIPO RHIA; ) "

, On this 16th day of December·,. A.D.Hinet·e-en Hrmdred and T'·werrt.y-six before me., Ott-ilie
M. Wendel a IJota1·y Public in and for scdd County, residing the:cein, cluly commissioned and
S'I!Vorn, personally appea:r.·ed.GEORGE S. PAIUCER, known to me to be the Vice :pl'eside:nt . ano. C. o.
\i}J:,IHE, kno·wn to be tb.c·be the Secret o.ry of the Oor}?Ol'O..tion that executed the 'Fiitllin inst rmnent,
kl1o1.·m to me to be the l)er·sons vJho e:{ecuted the ·within instrument on behalf of the· Corl?Orationl
within nruned anc1 ac knovvle dged to me that Guch Qorpo ration executed .the ·sa:!f1 eo
IN WlT'lJESS WBEHEOF, I have her·et.:mto set. my hand. and affixed my Official 2.\eal in the
County of San Diego, ~tate of California, the day anc1 y_ear in thi~3 cert ifice.t e first -above
wri'Gt en.
Notarv Public in anc1 fo1· the Co1..1,11ty of San Diego •.
(SEAL) State"' of Cal:i,fornia.
My Cowmission Expires April 24~ ~927.
RECORDED 1\T' REQUEST OF Cit.y Cilierk JAN-4 I927at· 45 Iviin. past 2 o'clock P.Mo In Book
No. 1309 Page 43 of DEEDS J:\eco:rds of San Diego Cotmty, Calif.
·' Jo ·r,r H w,"H'P.Ry· c·ou·;rrjry
ll}l - . .c .c:.~-~· ' . h.l. i=Y'i'CO'Rn.,.,R
~•1.'. ~UJ.D
. BY N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CER.r'IFY,~~t.hat the above and foregoing is a mull, true and cor:cect oopy o.:f
Deed f:rom·:B,enton Parker 1.;Iaterial Col·pol·ation, and Weste:rn Ivietal Supply Company to City of
San Diego. Being ®ocume:nt., Ho. 199492.
i\LLEH H. :Vfrli GHT
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.


FENTON-PARKER Ivi.AT·ERIAL COHPORllT'IOrT, a Co2..:·po:ration, having its p:rincipal place of

bus:iness- i-11. San Diego C·otmty -of San Diego, California, hy virtue and of e. resolution authori -
ing the same, passed at a meeting of it:.s Directors, for anc1 in cons ide :rat ion Df the ~um of
ONE DOLLARS, ·Does Her~by Gr:an.t to ··The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corpo:cation, in the
County of San·Diego, :;itate of Calif~r·nia,_,an.easement ancl right of vvay for a public street.
highvvay, ov-er, along and ac-ross All that·Real Pl'operty situated in the City of i:ia.'1. Diego,
Cou_n.ty of San Diego, Q.tate of California,··bolt.r'lded and descl'i·bed as fo,llons: .
All that portion of Pueblo Lot 1151 of the Pueblo Lancts of the City of San Diego,
California,. accordfng to M.ap .thereo·f made by Ja..rnes Pa·scoe in 18?0, a copy of·which map vms
filed in the office of the Com1t-y Reco1·de:-c of said County,-· Novemher 14, 1921, and is known
as Miscellaneous Map Ho. -36; a11:d is more particular:ly described snd bo1.:mded as follows:
. Beginiiing at -the in:ter-section of the Northerly line of Lemon Grove Bouleval'd (E Str-et)
in that certain ~-ubdivision knorm as The Dells Park, according to ma:p thel'eof No. 11?2. filed
in the office of said Cotmt-y Rec:::>:L·de:r-, with the VJ-esterly line ·of sa:id sulJdivision; ·thence N
0. 0 02' East along said. Weste1·1y line J!l'oduced a c1ist2.nce of 20 feet to a point; thence· East r-
ly along a· cur·ve Vjhose center boars N 0° 02' East a c1i stance of 368.16 feet, through a•n an'gl ·
of 43° 19', a dis:tance of 278.34 feet to a :point on the northerly line of said Lerruon Gl'ove

I Boulev,arc1:; thence .s 4? 0 01 r W along· said No rt he l'lY line, a dist e of 61.55 feet to a point ;
thence ~ 59° 49 1 W along said N:::>r:the:rly line,... a distance of 135ol0 feet to a JlOint; thence S
84° 25' :t'f along sai6. Northe1·1y line, a d.istance of 9i~. 90 feet to the :point Df beginning.
T'o Have end to Hold the ·above granted ancL described easement and right -of-viay vnt o
the said Grantee heirs and assigns forever a~.=; and for a public s:t :reet. ·
In Witness iJVhereof, said Corpol'ation ha.s· caused this deeo_ t:::> be signed by its J?:resi-
dent ano. Secretary and its Col'J;Jore.te Seal to be affixed the1·eto, this 30th day of Decembe:r:,

(&EAL) By GEO • S • PARICER V oP1·es.ident

At t ·est : C. 0. OLilfE Sec :ret al'Y.
C01Ji1~~y OF SIDt DIEGO, ) 8 8

v On this 30th day of Decembe1·, Nineteen Hm1dred and tv;enty.:..six befo1·e me, Y.A. Jacques
a Not axy Public in e:.m1 for s.aid County and State, residing the rein, duly ccnnmis sioned and
sworn; pexsonally appeared· Ge a.Q. Pal'ke1' lmovm to me to be ~he Vic e-:]?.resident , . an~1 C. 0. Oli 1e
known, to me to be the Secretary of the Co:L'_poration that executed the within inst:cvment, lmovn
to me to be the persons vJho executed the ~:vithin instnunent on behalf of the Gol'p:::>r·ati:::>n the:re
in named, a.nd aclmoV:iledged to me that stwh Co1·poration execv.ted the
IlLWIT'NESS WBEREGF, I have·heretmto my hand·s.ncl affixed m;y Official Qeo.l at my
off ice, iil d County Qif ~an Diego., St gt e of C alifo :rnia, the day 2.nd year in this c e:r:t ific at"'
fi1·st above written • .
Y. l1.-. JACQU.r:s

Notary Public in and for the. Cou11ty of San Dieeo,
State of C alifo l'nia. ·
RECORDED J.':.T. RE:QUEST· o:E' City Clerk JAN 4 192r/ at 45 l'Liin. :pa21t 2 o'clock P.Mo· In Book
No. 1309 Page 41 of DEEDS Records.of Sar1 D~ego Co v.nt•y, Calif.
JOI-IH H. FERRY, Com1ty Reco:rder
By H. C. PAH~~OIJS, Deputy.
I HEHEBY cra-tT H 1i, tha.t the above a:tlcl. fo J.'eg Ding is full' true and cor1'ect copy of
Gr·ant ·Deed from Fenton-I)a1·ker Material Co. to ~he City of ::;.an Diego. Being DDcument Ho.
City Clerk of Califo 1nio...

. WE, IvL4..BEL C. E.3SIG AND Jvli\T:X'HI:WJ L.• ESSIG Fo:c and in Consideration of the sum of OlTE
DOLLAR Do·Hel'eby Grant to T'he Cit.y of ; Diego, a l\'Ilmicigal Co:r:poration, in the County of·
San :Pi ego, State of California, an easement and right of way fo l' a pnblic~'b:rerhighway, ovel',
along and across All that Real P1·o_porty :situated in the City of San Die1go·, County of Qan Dieg ,
"'tate of Califo1·nis, bolmcled and descl'i bed as follo·ws:
. All that .po1·tion of the 1[,~- of the IHV-i· sf Lot. 18, ·and all that ·por·ti:::>n of theE~- of t.1e
J':E:! of Lot 19, of HorJGon's of Elx-Iviission Lands, according to Map the1·eof ITo. 283
filed in of the Cotmt;y~.Reco:rc.1e1' of >3an Diego Com1ty, California, included 1uithin

I a right of 1aay 80 feet_;wio.e, the cente:c lil:w of which :right of Vi'2-Y is mo1.·e pa:cticnlar·ly descn.b-
e d as foll o·ws:
Begil."h"ling at a point on the East line of se-id Lot 18, distant 329.08 feet S:::>11therly
"rom the northeast corner· of said Lot; thence Westerly along a line J1a1'o.llel to the mo:cth lin
f said lot, a distance of 488ol9 feet to a point; t.hence along a tangent cu1~ve to the. left
[With a radit:.s of 1000 feet through an angle of 18 6 2?~ a o.istance of 322.01 feet t.o a point;
rGhence Sotr.'Glrwestel'ly, t.angent to said Clll'Ve, a clist.ande of 172o41 feet to a point; thence
.-· lstlong a t angcnt c ln~ve to the right >:Ji t.h a l' adi us of 1000 feet , t hrotlgh an angle of 20° 4G' ,
q eli stance of 362o 45 feet t. o a po}.nt ; thence \Neste l'ly alone a line t ant;ent to the last no.n1ed

curve, to an,.,..inter·fPection wi~h the W~ster·ly line of. t.he '.blast %-"of Lot 19 of said Horton 1 s ·of' ~x-Mi s sion Lands.
· To Iiliave and to Hold the above granted and de sc :ci bed easement and right of vmy cr.s
&1d for a public street · ·
V'Jitness ot.u.· hands ancl.seals t.his lUh do.y of Decemhe1·, 1926.

Mii.BEL C. I:SSIG ( S:b~AL)

On this Eleventh clay of Decembe:r: :tl.:.·n·. ITinet een Hlli.'1drecl and Twenty-six before me,
F. B. Winger· a Notary Public in and for said County, residing thel'ein, duly comr11issioned and
svjorn, :mersonally appeared Mabel C. Essig and I!1at t he\V L •. :2lssie- known to me to be the persons
described in anc1 villose names al'e subscl'ibed to t.l:.le Vjit.hin instn:rrnent, anc1 ackno~:vledged to me
that they .execrtt-ed -the same.
1Hitne,ss my ha.nd and Official ~eal tl}e c1o.y .and ·year· in ii.his c·ertificat.e f_irst above.
~;n'i tt en.
F •. B. Y[IlTGEH
HQ't ary Publiq fo 1' the 2t at.e of Mont ana.
(SEAL) Hesicling -at Butte, Mont &1a •.
IvTy Comrnission Exp~1·es ·Feb 6, 1929 •.

RECOi-lDED NJ! REQUEST' OJ!'. City. Clerk JillJ 4 1927 at 45 Min. l)ast 2 or·cl.ock P.JVI.·. In Book
No. 1309 Pase 40 of DP~EDS Eeco :t::cls of San Diego C otmty, Cali{.; ·
By H.. C. PARSO-NS, Deputy.
I J:l."EREBY_ CERTIFY, that the· abo1re· and fo1·egoing is a full, true and co:nect copy of·
Deed from Mab.el c·. Essig e..nc1 Matthew L. Essig to jl'he City of San Diego. Being Docvment 1 , No.


We, Uenry E. Bennett. and Dorothy K. Ben:net t, husband 2.11d ·wife, Po:r ~.::_nd in consi~1e:rat !ion
of One Hlmd:red Seventy-five ancl. no/100 DOLLAR'!i, Do hel'eby c;nmt to the City of San Diet:;o, a
municipal co:::po1·ation, All that Hec~l P1·ope:cty situated in the City of San Diego, Cov.nty of
San Diego , ;:.::tate of Cali fo r·ni a, bo m1d.ed and desc ri becl as follows : .
- The East· 30 feet of Lot· 50 of a portion of the }Jx-Mis s ion Lands of San Diego,
(Commonly called Hor·tor~'s l'urcha:::.1e), according to the I•.1ap ther·eof No. 283, f . ilecl in the offic
of the Reco:t::der· of saiCl.. Soi1 Dieg·o- County March 9, 1878.
Witness our· hands and Seals this 2nd day of Decembel' 1926
Sign:ed and executed in p:resence of (SEAL)
. .
On this. Second day of December Hinet een Rlmdred and Twenty-six before me, L;u B.· I
Mathews a Hotal'Y· Public in e.nd for ~aid County _and Stat e., residing therein, duly co:rh:rnissione
and svJo 1·n, pe :;:sonally appear·ec1 Henl'y E. Bennett and Do I'ot.hy K. Bennett , husband and wife, ·
k::rw.vm t01 me to be the persons deSyl'i'l;led in tLnd vJhose names. ar·e subscribed t.o the YJithin
instnnnent. and acknowledged t.o me that·they executed. the same.
In Witness Wher·eof, I hav~ he:ceunto set my hand anc1 affixed my Official Seal, at my
office, in said Coudcy of San Diego, State of Califo::cnia, the O..ay and year in thil:i certifi-
cate first above r;ritten •
tTotary Public in and ·for the Co,nnty of ::::ar1 Dieso,
State of Califo l'nia.
HEC.ORDED I\T REQUEi:T' OF City Clerk J..t'llJ 4 1927 at 45 Min. pa$t 2 o'clock l'.M. In Book
No. 1308 Page .111 of Deeds· He cords of ;:,~an Diego C o1;m t:y, Calif.: , ··
JOHN R.) FERRY, Cou_nty Recorder
By H. C. I'ARSONS, Deputy
I HER~BY c·ERTIFY, t.hat the abov.e and for·egoing is a full, true ancl cor·:r:ect copy of
G1·a.n'G. Deed f1'on1 Henry E. Bennett et u.x. to The City of S.::m Diego. Being DocvJnr:mt, No.
Ci t~~lerk of the Cit~of San Diego, Califor·nia.

By/··~ ~ u.A.- r-:~. ~/ / · ~ J1eputy.

(/ . u~- --~ ..
PAGE, For and in consideration of th~ sum of OHE<DOLLAR Do Hereby Grant to T'he.City of San
Diego, 'a Mlli'1icipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement!
and right of way as &'1d for a'public highway over, along and across All that Real Property
situated in the City of San :Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and de-·
scribed as follows:
All that portion of the North one-half (N~) of Lots 16 and 17 of Horton's Purchase
of .l!.ix-Mission lands according to ·Map thereof lifo. 283, filed in t.he office of the .Go'tinty Re~
oorder of San Diego County, California~ lying within a right of way 80 feet 1:·vide, .the center
line of which right ·of way being more particularly _descl·ibed as follows: . ·
Beginning at a point .on the East line of said Lot 16; distant 330 feet Southerly
from the Northeast corner thereof; thence Weste1·1y in a·direct line to
line of said Lot 17 dista...11t 329.08 feet. Southerly from the Northwest corner of said Lot 17.
To Have and to Hold t'he above granted and described easement as and for a public
Witness our hands. and seals, this fourth day of :Uecember, 1926.

I J. .!:!'. lViARGES.ON ( SE.AL )


C.tlAJ:U.~~S N~ PAGE)
( M:O£-~GAG.i!;J~S
. M:nmiE L. PAGE )
On this 4th day of Decembe1·, ~l..D. Nineteen Hu..."'ldred and twenty-six before me,
Clarence T. Bach a Notary .Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly com.'1lissioned
and sviorn; personally appeared J'omes H. lviason, J. F. Margeson,Maud Ma:rtin, Charles N. Page,
Min..11ie L. l)age lmotm to me to be the persons desc1·ibed in anc1 whoso names are subscribed to
the·within instrument, and acknowledged to me t:hat t.hey executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day a.."Dd. year in this cel'tificate fi1·st above
Notary Public in and for the County of Son ~iego,
(SEAL) State of california.
My Commission expires Aug.25-1926
. RECORDED 1~ REQUEST OF City Clerk JAN 1$2 1927. at 11 o t clock A.M. In Book l~o .o 1315
Page 62 of Deeds. Records of ·san Diego County, Cali£.
JOHN-H. FERRY; Colmty Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Depii.t y •
. l HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and illol'.egoing is a full, true and cor:::ect copy of
I Deed from James B. Mason, J. F. Margeson, Maud Martin, Charles N. Page and Minnie L. Page to
~he City of San Diego. Being Docun1ent, No. 199608. ·
Ci~erk of the City of San Diego, California.

By ,r=~~~~~~eputy.
Carl: R. Ahlquist and Ethel L. Ahlquist For and in Consideration of the sum of ONE
DOLLAR AND OTHER GOOD AND V ..4.;LtrABLZ CONSIDERATIONS. · J4)o Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego,
a Mu..-rJ.icilJal Corporation, in the Cou..-rJ.ty of San Diego, 'State of Cailiifornia; an easement and
.right of way for a public .street o'r highway, over, ·along and across All that Real Property
~it.uated in the City of .;;?.an Diegq; County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and de-
sari bed .as follows: /. ~~ . · ·
All that portion of the E~ of tt1:e NWi of Lot 18 of Horton 1s Purchase of Ex-Mission
Lands, according .to Map thereof No.·. 283 filed in the office of t·he County Recor-der of San
Diego Oounty, California, included wilthin a right of way 80 feet wide, the center line of
which.xight· of way is more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the East line of said _Lot 18, distant 329.08 feet Southerly
from the Northeast corner of said Lot; thence Westerly along a line parallel to the North
line of said Lot, a distance of 488.19 feet to a point; thence along a tangent curve to the
left with a radius of 1000 feet through an angle of 18° 27', a distance of 322.01 feet to a
point; thence Southwest.erly,· said curve, -a distanc·e of 172.51 feet· to a point;
thence along a tangent· curve to the right with a r.adi us of 1000 feet, through an angle of 20°

I 46', a distance of 362.45 feet to a point; thence Westerly along a line tangent to the last 1
named curve, t.o an intersection with the Westerly line of the East
Purchase of E~-Mission Lands.
t of Lot 19 o·f said Horton's
T:all have and to Hold the above granted and descri.bed easement and right of way as and
for a PUj ~tince sstsre .uetr. hands
1 0
and seals this 3rd ·day of Jranuary, 1927.


On this 3rd day of January A.D.Nineteen Hundred and 27 before me, Carl L. McCalister
a Not.ary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, per-
sonally appeared Carl R•.A.hlequist and Ethel L •. Ahl,quist knoi:m to me to be the persons de-
scribed in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in thi.s certificate first above
My Commission Expires May 27, 1929.
RECORDED~ REQUEST' OF. City Clerk JAN 12 1927 at 11 o1clock A.M.~ In Book No. 1283
::P'age 307 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Calif. ·~
. . JOHN H. FERRY, Go unt y Reo o rd e r

By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREIDC CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Carl R. Ahlquist and Ether L. Ahlquist ~o ~he' City of San Diego. Being Document
No. 199610.
Ci~~)4•rk of the Ci0. of San Diego, Califomia.•
By(4_,7~. ~~~L. Deputy.
· C . ~~·~~.
Southern ':ll'i~le & ';!:rust Company, a corporation For and in Consideration of One DOLLAR
Does Hereby Grant to ~he City of. Sa."YJ. I:1iego~ a Municipal Gorporation, in the County of San j
Diego, state of California~ an. easement and right of way for the construction, operation and
maintenance of a sewer pipe line and appurtenances, through, along and across All that 'neal I
Property si"Wuated in the City of San. Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded
and de scribed as follows: · · . · · · l
:!!he northwesterly six feet of Lots 14 to 17, inclusive, Block 5; the northwesterly '!!:.l.:.;
six feet of Lots 5 to• io inclusive, Block 6; the nortlnvesterly six feet of Lots 8 to 13 in- ]I
elusive, Block 7; the northw~sterly six feet·of Lots 12 to 17, inclusive, Block 8; the north 1
westerly six feet of Lots 13 to 17 inclusive, Bloqk 9; all in El Cerrito Heights, according ~o
Map thereof .No. 1940, filed in the Office of the _County Recorder of said San Diego Connty. ·
~o Have and ~o Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever as a right of way for a sewer pipe line and appurtenances •
.IN WITNESS VJHEREOll,: said Gorporation has caused this instrl.llllent to be executed by
its. pro.per officers and its corporate seal amfixed' this 7th day of January 1927. ·
-Southern 'lrit le <E3 T'rust Compa!hy
(SEAL) ; President.
Attest: W. W. EASTON
Asst. Secretary.
COill~TY OF S1\N DIEGO,) ss
. On this 7t~ c;l.ay of January A.ID,.Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, Lou B.
Mathews a Notary Public in and for said.County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared A. P • Johnson, Jr., known to me to be the President, and W. W. East on
known to me tQ be t.he.Assistant Secretary of the Corporation that -executed the within in-
st rmnent, kno\~m to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the
Corporation within named, qm;d acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same •
. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my. hand and aff'ixed my Offic·ial Seal, in
the County of ~an Diego·, ~tate of Califor:o.ia, the day. and year in this certificate first
above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.;
My Oommission Expires; December 7-1930

-RECORDED .A2 REQUEST· OF City Clerk JAN 12 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1285 ·
Page 234 of DEEDS Records of San Piego County, Calif.
tTOHN H. FEH2Y, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above_and·fqregoing is a full,.true and correct copy of

Grant Easement from Southern 1!'itle & _Trust Co. rno O·fi.ty of .San Diego. Being Document No •
. 199665.

We, W. B. and. Marie R. ·Jolmson, husband and wif'e, For and ·in consideration of the
benefits t-o accrue by the locatiop and construction of a sewer pipe line'!";through and across
the property hereinafter described, Do Hereby G1·ant to·:~1Jhe City of San Diego, a Iv1unicipal1
Cforptoration, in tthe Countt tof San Ddiego, State of California, an easement and tright of way .
or he construe ion, opera ion an rriaint enance of a sewer pipe. line and appur enfu"'1ces, thro pgh,
along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of iian DieAo,
State of California~ bounded and described as follows: .
A portion of Lots 11 and 12, Block 15, Arnold & Choated:s Addition, according to Map
thereof filed in t.he Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement
and right of way being six feet .in width, three feet on each side of the following described
center line: · · II
Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 11, distant 166.52 feet east frorlh
the west line of Hawk Street (m.easured along the westerly prolongation of the north line of II
said Lot 11 and the north line of said Lot 11); thence southwest el'lY on .an angle of 71 degre~s
40 minutes with the north line of said Lot 11, a distance of 29 •. 91 feet to a point; thence
southwesterly on a direct line to a point on the south line of said Lot 12, distant 95.80
feet east from the west line of Hawk Street (measured along t.he westerly prolongation of the
so·uth line of said Lot 12 and the south l-ine of said Lot 12). ·
T"o Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement. unto the said grantee,
its successors 81ld assigns, foreve:;-, as a right. of way for a. sevrer pipe line and appurtenances.
Witness our hands and seals t~is 22nd day of December, 1926•


On this 22nd day of December A.D.Ninet een Hundred and Twenty-six before me,
E. H. Brooks a_Notary Public in.and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared w. B.. Jo}l...nson and Marie R-. Johnson, knovm to me to be t.he persons
described in and whose name~ are subscribed to the within instrument, and aclmowledged to me
that t.hey executed.the same.
~Vitness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in t.his certificate fi:rst above
writ tan.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires June 4, 1930.

. I<

.· .
• 1 REC 0 RDED AT REQ. U.lEST OF City Clerk JAN 12 1927 at 11 o•clock A.M-. In Book No. 1315
Page 58 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Calif. :
JOHN' H. FERRY, County Recorder ·
,·.: By N. C. PARdONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERPIFY, that the above and foregoing is. a full·, true and correct copy of
Deed fro~ W. B. & Marie R. JohnsQ\-n To ~he City of San Diego. Being Document, No. 199713.
City c_l-erk O·f tbe City of San Diego, Californ;i_a.

By ~?Juk2e:c_~~ .<Deputy.
. ~;;:-~-~ .
. illUON TRUST COI~;:IPANY OF Silll DIEGO a corporation, of the City .of Diego, CountY, of
San I>iego, ~tate of California, For and' in con-sideration of the sum of Ten and no/100 DOLLAR,,
Does Hereby Grant to The City of :~an Diego, a Municipal Corporation, an easement and right o:fi1 ':··
way for the construction, operation and mainten?-llce of a drain pipe through, along and acrosl 'j

All :R'hat Real Property situated in the Gity of ~an Diego, County of ::1an Diego, State of '\"·

California, bounded and described as follows: . .

· ··A portion of Lot Four (4) in Block {.158) One-Hundred Fifty-eight, La l)laya, according
to the Official Map thereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego I
County, said easement and right of way being Six feet in width, three feet on each side of tlie
following described center line: I
' Beginning at a point on the East line of Lot E;our (4), said Block One Hundred Fifty-
eight (158), a distance of 22.90 feet South from the Northeast corner of said Lot Four (4);
thence Northwesterly on a direct line making an angle· of 64 degrees 10 minutes with the East
line of said Lot Four (4), a distance of 30.00 feet to a point.•
. T'o Have and to Hold the; above granted and described easement unto the SCl;id Grantee,
its successors and. assigns forever, as a right. of way for a drain 'pipe.
In Wit.ness Whereof, said corporation has caused this deed to be signed by its Vice-
:P:i:e.sident and Assistant Secretary and its corporate se·al to be affixed hereto this 14th day f

I December, 1926 •.

(SEAL) Vice-President
Attest: J. L. BOLLING
Ass is.t ant Secretary.
On t.his 14th day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and 26 before me,
Annie D. Shepard, a Notary Public. in and for s.aid County, personally appeared c. H. English
known to me t.o be the Vice . . . President, ru1d J. L. Bolling !mown to me to be the Ass't Sec::(.'etar
of the corporation that executed the within instrument, knownrto me to be t.he persons wh:;>
executed the within instrument on behalf of the col":porati::5n therein named, and acknowledged
to me that s:uch corporation executed the same.
Notary Public· in and for the County of San Diego·,
(SEAL) . State of California.
RECORDED Nr RE~UEdT OP City Cler·k JAN 12 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Boo~ No. 1285
Page 239 of DEEDS Records of San Diego Count.y, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder·
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HER.t:BY CERriFY; that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of

I Grant Deed from Uninn T-rust Compa.11y of San Diego to City of San Diego. Being Document No.
199714. ALLEN H. vffiiGIF
Cit.y-_.Clerk of th~ Cit0;.y
o~ Diego, California •
.· j . I /,- ·; _L·
BY(,.~~ _&;;. ~$ ~ )lsputy.
. / r.~ . ~-
DEED // /

We, William E. and Katherine Persons, husband and wife, l!~or anl'l. in consideration of
the accrue by the locatiDn of a str·eet through and across the property hereinaftell'
described, Do Hereby Grant· to '~he City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the county oti:
San Diego, S.t ate of California, an easemen"ti. and right of way for street purposes, through, I
along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,
State of California, botinded and described as fa~llons:
A portion· of the Northeast Quarter of Lot 39, Horton's Purchase of a portion of the
Ex Mission Lands of San ]~iego, acca•rding to Map thereof No. 283, filed in the Office of The
C 01mt y Recorder of said _San Diego County, said easement and right of way being particularly
d~scribed as follows: ·
Beginning at the northwest corner of the northeast Quarter of said Lot 39; thence
south along the west. line of the Northeast Quarter of said Lot 39, a distance of 40.00 feet c.
to. a point; thence east on a line parallel with and distant 40 feet south from the north line
of said Lot 39, a distance of 253.85 feet to a point;·thence on a curve to t.he left, tangent
to t.he last described course, said curve having a radius of 340 feet, a distance of 100.88 ·
feet to a point; t.hence northeasterly on a direct line, a distance of 85.99 feet to a point\
on the north line of said Lot. 39, distont 228.l9 feot west f.rom the northeast corner t.hereof;
thence west along the north line of said Lot 39 to the point or place of beginning.

I · ~his easement is· given to correct description in that certain easement executed by
the grantors herein, d.<:ct ed March 2~~, 1926, and recorded in Book T220 of Deeds, at· page 38, ·
records of the County Recorder of said San Diego County. ·
~o Have and ·to Hold the above granted andodescribed easement unto the said .grantee,
its successors and as:3igns, forever, as. a right of v'Jay for street purposes., as and for- a
portion of Market Stmeet.
Witne-ss our hands and seals ·this 21st day of Dec. 1926.

On this 21st day of December A.JD.Nineteen Hundred and ~went.y-six before me, E.H.Broeks
a Notary Public in and for said C-ounty, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn; per- I
sonally appeared William E. Persons and Katherine Persons, husband and wife, known to me to
be the pe1·s:ons described in and whose names are sul)scribed to the \'-Jithin instrument, ood ac-
lmowledged to· me t.hat t:b..ey executed th~ same.
written. ·
· · ·
Witness. my hand and Official ~eal the day and year in this certificate first above I
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of C.alifo rnia.
My Commission expires June 4, 1930.
RECORDED .f![J! REQUEST' OF City Clerk JAN 12 1927 at 11 o 1 clock A.M. In Book No. 1315
Page 64 of· Deeds. Records of San ~iego County, Calif.
JOHN H.: FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERT'IFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct. copy of
Deed from William· E. Persons and wife, to The City of San Diego. Being Document, No. 199715
C;tt~/Q,lerk of the Cit~ of San Diego~ California.

B ~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~Deputy.

I,. Louise Mallon, For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the location
and ca.nstruction .of a: drain pipe through and across the property hereinafter described Do ·
Hereby Grant to· ~he Cit.y .of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, 'in t.he County of San Diego,
State of California, an easement and right of way for the canst ruction, operation and main-
tenance of a drain pipe through, aiong and across All that Real Property situated i'n the City
of San Diego,, County· of San Die:go, ~tate of California, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lot 25, Block 38, Fairmount Addition, a.ccording ta Map thereof No. 1035,
filed in the Office of the County' Recorder of said San Diego Connty, said easement and :z:ightll
of w~y being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the· fo'llowing described center line:
Beginning at a point:. on the south line of said Lot 25, dio'tant 51 feet west from th 1k ~ :.... · ·"'
southeast corner of s:aid' Lot 25; thence northwest.erly on §.-~direct line making an angle of
66 degrees 22 minutes, a d:ist ance of 9. 00 feet to a point.
Said property being the separate property of the grant or herein·.
To Have :and to Hold the above granted and described easement unt.o the said grantee,
its suc·cessors and assigrHi, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
}Vitness my hand and seal this 26 day of Nov. 1926. ·
On this 26th day of November A.D. Nineteen Hundred and six before me, M.McElroy a
Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned,...~and sworn, per-
sonally appeared Louise· Mallon lmovm to me tci. be the person described in and whose name is
subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same.
Witness my hand and offic.ial Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for s.aid County a..rJ.d State.
RECORDED~ REQUEST OF City Clerk JAN 12 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1315
l'ag·e 61 of Deeds. Records of ~an Diego County, Calif.
JOHU H. FERRY, County Recorder·
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and cprrect copy of
Dee.d. from Louise Mallon t:o ~he City of. San Diego. Being Document No. 199716.
Cit~erk of the Cipy ~~an ~~ego, California.

~. ~~eputy.
. /]> r -'?-, vc4 . ~.
A. w. and Edna L. 2readwell, joint tenants and Mamie v. Sullivan, an unmarried woman,
For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a I
drain pipe through and across the· property hereinafter described, Do Hereby Grant to ~he CHtw.
of ~an Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an
easement ~nd right of way for the com.truct ion, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe,
through, along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County
of San Diego, State of California, bounded. and described as follows: . (" 1
A portion of Lot 1, Bloc.k 157,. La Playa, ace ording to the Official Map thereof filea
in the office of the County Recorder of said qan Diego County, said easement and right of
way.being six feet in width, three feet on of the following described center line;
Beginning at a point on the west line of Lot 1, said Block 157, distant 61 ..·97 feet · v·
·south from the northwest corner of said Lot 1; 'thence sout.heasterly on a direct line making.
an angle of 42 degrees 50 minutes with the west line of said Lot 1, a distance of 55.00 feet
to a point. . · ,
~o Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement ~nto the said grantee,
its succes.s:o1·s and gns, forever,· as a right of way for a drain pipe.
WitnesS: our hands and seals this 2nd day of December. 1926.


( SE.AL)
OF C.ALIFORIHA ' ) <:;- s
CO'miTY 01!, SAN DIEGO, ) "'·
6n this~ 2nd day of December A~D.Nineteen Hundred and twenty six before me, Marion
Littlefield a Notary Public in a11d for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn; personally appeared A. W. ~readwell and Edna L. l!read:well; lmovm to me to be the per-
sons described i~ and whose names are subacribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged

I to me· that they executed the same.

writt ;n•
j· Witnes:s my hand and Official ~eal the clay and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SE!A.L) Stat·e of California •
couNTlY oF s·.4Jif DIEGo·, )ss
On this lOth day of December· A•JD., 1926, before me, E. H. Brooks, a Notary ·Public
in and for-the said County' of San Diego, S.tate of Californ-i~, residing therein,- duly commiss-
ioned apd s.worn, personally appeare~. Mamie V. Sullivan, :personally known to me t.o be the
persen whose name is sub.scribed to ithe wit.hin Instrument, and duly ·acknowledged to me that
she executed the same.
±n Witness Whereof, I have hereunto ·set my hand and affixed my official seal at my
office in the County of Qan Diego, the clay and year in this certificate first ,:above written.

Notary Public in and for the Co'Lmty of.San Diego, ·
(SEAL) State of California.
¥Y Commission erpires June 4, 1930.
RECORDED AT REQUEST" OF City e1erk JAN 12 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1285
Page 238 of DEEDS Records of ~an Diego Cotmty, Calif.
JOHN H. JPERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I I HEREBY CEP~IFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from A. W. :1:reachvell, et al., to The City Of San Diego. Being Document No. 199~17•
. .ALT.1EH H. WRIGHJ..l! .
of the ~i of San Diego, California.

By ( -~dL~/Deputy~

A. W. Treadwell and E·dna L. 'lJrcaadwell, joint tenant~, ~nd Mamie V~ ~ul'livan, an

unmarried woman, For ·and in cansiCleration of the benefits. to accrue by the location and con-
struction of a s.ewer pipe line through and th'e property hereinafter described, Do
Hereby Grant to T.he City·of Qan Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego,
State of California, ari easement and right of way for the c:onstruction, operation and mainten-
ance of a sewer ·pipe line through, along and acros.s All that Real Propert_y situated in the .
City of San Diego, Cotu1ty of :3an Diego, ~tate of Caiifornia, bounded a..11d described as. follows:
The northerly three feet of the Southerly one-half of Per::cy :3treet closed to public
use lying contiguous to and 'adjoining Lots 2 and 3, Block 157, La Playa, according to the
OfficiW. Map thereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego Count.,y.~
Tto Have and to Hlilld the above granted and described easement U.L'1 to the said grantee,
its successors and as signs, forever, as a right of viay foi a sewer pipe line.
Witness our hands and seals this 2nd day of December, 1926.


( SE.AL )
COtnifTY OF SAlT DIEGO, ) ss
. 0n this: 2nd day of December A.D.Nineteen Hundred and twenty xix before me, Marion
Littlefield a Notary Public in a11d:?for said County, residing therein, duly conunissioned and
sworn., personally appeared A. W. Trea,dwell and Edna L. Treadwell knovm to me to be the per-
sons described in and whose names are subS.Cl'ibed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed the same.
Witnes:s my hand and Official Seal the day and;.-year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in andffor the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State· of California.
On this lOth day of December, 1926, ·bef9re .me, E. H.o Brooks, a Notary ..t'ublic in and
for said GOlmty and State, residing therein, duly c o:mmissi oned and sworn, personally appear-
ed, Mamie V;. Yllllivau."'1, k:novm to me to be the person whQS.e name is subscribed to the within
instrument. and duly acknowledged to me that she executed the same.
Witness r{J.y hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate fir:st above
written. ·
E. H. BRQOY~ .

My Oom.rnission expires, June 4, 1930.
Notary Public in an.::dfor the County of San Diego,
~.tate of.California.

RECORDED Nr HEQ-UEST· OF Cit.y Glerk: JAN 12 1927 at 11 or clock A.M. In Book No. 1285
Page 236 of DEEDS Recor.Q:s of San Diego Connty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERHY; County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERi!IFY, that tiie above and foregoing is a full, true and·co·rrect copy of
Deed from A. W. ~readwell, et al., and Sullivan to the City of S:an Dieso. Being Document No
City C:t,_erk of the City of San :Diego, C·alifornia.

· By 4-;r*~ ~_,d,.a-.,
//, ·~,v~ /A< .3/..
.J?•puty. 1

WESTERN INVESTMENT .COMIT?ANY OF S.Al~ DIEBO, a corporation, For and in consideration of

the benefits to accrue by the.loc·ation and conat.ruction of a sewer pipe line through and
across the,property hereinafter described, Ji)oes Hereby Grant to The City of s·an Diego,~
Municipal Corporation, in the County of Qan Diego, State of California, an easement and right
of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe fine and appurtenance&, t:E'
through, along and across ,All. that Real Hroperty s.ituated in the City of San Diego, Colmty
Of· San Die'go' qt ate of Californi_a; bounded and described aa follows:
.A po.rtion of Villa Lot 347, :University Heights, according to Map there·of Nt;>. 1011
filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San J?iego County, said easement and right
of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the following described center
Begin.11ing at a point on the north line of said Villa Lot 347, distant. 19.18 feet eaat
from the northwest corner of said Villa Lot 347; thence southeasterly on a direct line makin~
an angle of 62 degrees 19 minutes. with the north line of said Villa Lot 347, a distance of II
94.47 feet to a point; thence on an angle to the left of 55 degrees 10 minutes, a distance o:E
149.b0 feet ta the easterly line pf said Villa Lot .347. .
To Have and :i:o Hold the above granted and described. easement unto· the said gra...11tee,.
its successors and assigns forever as a right of way for· a sewer pipe line ~nd its appurten-
ances. ·
· IN WI:.i!NESS.W.B:.:ErtEOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by
its proper officers and tts cor·pora~e seal affixed this 23d day of November, 1926.


By M •. A. GRlillAM
Attest: GEO. D. ~ASTON
See·r;et ary.
On this 23d day of November~ A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six before me, Clarenee
A. Moore a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly conunissioned and II
sworn, per:sonally .appeared Ivl. A. Graham krwvm ·to~ me to be the Presid·ent, and Geo. ']). East on
known to me to be the Secretary of.the, Gorporation that executed the within inGtrument., known
to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf .of the Corporation with~n
named, and acknowledged to me ·that such Corporation executed the sa"ne·. · I
. . In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in the
County of $an Diego, State of California, the day and year 'in this certificate fi ::est above
written. ·
Notary Public in and for the County of S:an Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commis:.sion Expil'es, February 11, 1928.
RECORDED AP RE,:iU~ST O:h, City Clerk JAN 12 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1308
Page 135 o·f Deeds Reco ro.s of :San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN .l:i. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Grant Easement from WESTERN INYESTMENT COMPANY OF SAH DIEGO to City of Diego. Being
Document No~ 199719.
City .C-lerk of the Cit~ of San Diego, California •

. By~~"':J&~.f0r .~a.d.c~ .<Deputy.

DEhlD {/
·-/;'~ Jn rw .'),~ .

I, 1vfrs. Lydia Anderaon, For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the·
location a.nd constrmtion of a ·drain pipe through a.11:d across t.he property hereinafter de-
scribed :Do Hereby Grant to ~he City o.f :::1~&.'1 Diego, a Mnnicipal qorporation, in the County of
San :Oiego, qtate of California, an· easement and right. of iNay for t.he construction, operation
and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along, and across All that Real. Property situated in
the C it.y of :?.an I>ieg o, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as I
follows: ·
A portion of Lot 10, Bleck·22, ~. W. Kimball's Subdivision, according to Map.thereofl
No. 56, filed in the office of the Covnty Reco rdel' of. said San Diego t; otmty, said easement anld
right of way being six feet in ·width, three feet on each side of the following described ·
cent. e 1' line :
Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 10, distant 11.13 feet east from
the northwest corner. of s.aid Lot 10; thence southerly on a direct line to- a point on'the soutlh
line of said Lot. 10, distant 3.79 feet east from the southwest corner of said Lot 10.
2o .Have and to Hold the above granted and descr·ibed easemem unto the said grantee,
its succes:sors and assigns, foreve::e, as. a right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness my hand and seal this 22nd day of November, 1926.
· I

'l2. b·

On this. 22nd day of November A.D.Nineteen Hundred and·:;twenty-s.ix before me, E.C.Fleet,
a Notary.Public in and for·d 0ounty, residing therein, duly commis.:sioned and sworn, :per- I
sonal,ly appeared Mrs.. Lydia Anderson knovm to me to be the person described in and whose nam
is subscribed to the within instrument,. and aclmowledgec1 to me that :she executed the same.

I written.
Witness· my hand and Official Seal the day and year
Eo. C.
Notary Public in and
in this cert ifidate :f±zst above
for said County and State.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk .JAN 12 1927 at ·11 o· 1clock. A.M. 'In ·Boo·k. No. 1283
Page 309 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, C.alif• .
By N. C :PARSONS' Deputy •

.I IIE!REBY CERI' IFY, that the· above and foregoing is a full,_ true and 'correct copy of
Deed from Mrs. Lydia Anderson to 5r.he City of San Diego. Being Document, No_; 1997'20.
ALLEN H, Yffi I GET' .
Cit~--.Q.lerk: of the CitY- of ~an Diego, California•

.By&(~~ ~;;;;~/Deputy.
(/ ' "90~~-~

T'HIS AGREEMEJ:n: made this. 24th day O·f December 1926·, between the. UNION T'RUIF COMPANY
OF SAN DIEGO; a corporation, ~rus.:tee·1mder the trust hereinafter described·, Party of the
First Part· and 9'fhe City of San :Piego, a mu.l'licipal corporation, Party of the ~econd Part,
l!IIA5l, vVHEREAS; said Trustee is the leg.g.l o·wner of all that prope:rty situated in tha
City of San Diego·, \founty of San Diego, State of Californie.,. covered by the deed of truxt

I hereinafter described; mid, ' . ·

vv:BEREAS, THE CJTY OF SAN DIEGO, for the benefit and impro:v.emeilt of said property, i
laying; constructing an9, maint ainihg, or intending to. lay, c onst l'uct and maintain a drain
pipe' through, along and across all of the said property, and,
· \11/HEREA.S, it is a condltion· precedent t,p the l@.ying, cons.tructipn, maintenance and
operation of said drain pipe that an easement and right of way for same ahall be and remain
upon said prope :rty prior and superior to the terms and conditions incorporated iJ;l said deed
of trust; and
WHEREAS, all the ovmers of the equitable interests nnder said mentioned dee<;l of Trust,
have each granted an easement and. right of way to the Party of the Second J.?art, as follows: I -
~rust .Deed; dated October 22, 1926, made by C. F. and Mary F. Morse, husband and wife,
in favor of David H. Ryan, s.:ecuri~g one promissory note for the sum of $2000.00, recorded .
october 30th, 1926, in Book 1282; at page 226, et seq., o;f DeedSJ,, records ·of the Office of
the County Recorder of said San Diego County,
'Fhe easement conveyed being through, along and across a portion o·f Lot 14, Block 2,
Carmelita Place; 8l.ccording to Map thereof No. 1?84, filed in the Office of the County Recorder
of said San Diego County, said easement and right of way peing six feet in width, three feet
on each S:i de of the following ~es9ri bed center line:
Beginning at a point. on t .h.e southeast e1·ly line of said Lot 14, distant 122.64 feet
southwesterly from the e~erly co.rner of S;aid Lot 14:; thence westerly making an angle of
58 degrees 30 minutes with the southeasterly line of said Lot 14 produced southwesterly, a.
distance of 29.81 feet to a point. ·
~hat,in consideration of the premises, the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) to it paid by
the p~rty of the second part, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in further consid-
eration of the benefits derived from the construct·ion, maintenance and operation of tlafud dra:i!n
pipe, said Party of the First Part HEREBY SUBORDINATES ALL. OF .rJ!S RIGH!r, TITLE AND INTEREST' I
I under said Deed of 'Jlrus.t above the right of way a.'Yld easement heretofore conveyed
to the Party of the qecond Part, upon the designated portion of the property covered by such!
trust deed, so that said right of way and. easement shall become and remain prior and s.uperiol!
to any and all of thetterms. and conditionS: contained in o·r provided by· said Deed of Trust
hereinabove referred to. · ·
IN VITTNE:.'3S WliEREOF, the party of t.he first pa:..ct has cauaed this..instrument to be
signed by its. Vice..,President and -Assistant ~ecretary, and itS. corporate seal to be affixed
hereto, the day and year in this instrument first abov~ written~ ·


Party of the First Part

· {SEAL) Vice..;:Presiq.Bnt.

Attest; F. B. ~HOMPSON
Assist ant -Sec ret ary.
On this 24th day of December; 1926·, before me, Lulu McFarland, a Notary Public in,
and f.or said County; residing therein, duly commissioned and s.1;mrn, personally appeared
C.H.~glish, lmbwn to me to be ·the Vice President and F. B. T'hompson, known to. me to be the
Asst~ Secretary of the corporation that executed the ·within instrument known to me to be the
pers.ons' who executed the within ins.trument on behalf of the corporation within named and ac-
knowledged to me that suc·h corporation executed the srune.
-Wit.ness my hand and Official .seal the day and ·year in this. certificate first above

I written.

Notary Publ.ic. in and :flor the County of San Diego, e o:f California.
My Commission expires,
Dec. 7, 1930. · ·

~BECORDED }!j! REQUE3T OF Cit.y Clerk JAN 12 1927 at 11 o ~.clocl-c .A~M •. In Boo.k No. 1319
Page 1 of 'Prust ·ne·ed .Records. of ~an Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERT I:B-rr, that the above and foregoing is a full, true ·and correct copy of
Subordination Agreement from Union ~rust Company to T'he City of ~an Diego. Being Document
No. 199749.
City C_J_erk of the Cit:;z- ~ San Di.ego ;cCalffornia.

BY~a 4Ph?c. f~n§!luty. I

DEE n·
{! - ?Y;r- ~.u..
We, C::. F. and Mary F~. Morse, husband and wife, For and in consideration of the
benefit's to accrue by' t.he location and constructi:Jn of a drain pipe through and across the
property hereinafter described Do Hereby Grant to ~he City of San :Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, in thE3. County of San_ Diego, State of California; an easement and right of way
for the constr"uction, ·operation and maintenance of a drain pipe, al.Olng and across
All that· Real PrOJ)e.rty situated in the City of San D.iego, County of: San.Diego, State of
California, bounded and bed as follows:
·A porti'on of Lot 14, Block 2·, Carmelita Place, according to Map thereof mo. 1824,
filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego Cotmty, said easement &"ld right
of way being six ·feet in width, three feet on each side of the following. described center li:m.e:
Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of said Lot 14, distant 122.64 feet
southwesterl~ from the easterly corner of said Lot 14; thence westerly making an angle of 58
degrees 30 minutes with the southeasterly line of saic1 Lot 14 produced southwesterly, a dis-
tance of 29.81 feet to a point.. ·
To have and to·Rold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns,. forever,. as a right of way for a drain pipe.
\ ._pur hands and s·eal~ this 3rd day of :December, 1926·.
. .

MilRY F. MO H8E .( SE.AL)
ST .ATE OF C .ALil!1 0RlHA, ) .
0n this 3rd day of Decemher A.B.Nineteen Hundred :and Twenty-six before me, E·.H.Broollts
a Notary Public in and for said Q'ount y, residing the rein, duly c ommi ssi oned and· swqrn, per-
sonally appeared C-.F.Morse and Mary F. Morse, lmoviiTI to me to be the persons· described in and
whose narnes.are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledge.d t.o me that they execut-
ed t.he same.
Witness my hand anc1 Official Qeal the day and year in this cel'tificate fir-st above
wr·i t ten.
· NotaYy Public in and for the Colmty of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of Califo::cnia.
My Commission expires June 4, 1930.
HECORDED .AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JAN 12 192? at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1315
Page 63 of Deeds Records of San l?iego County, Calif.
JOHN ll. FERRY; County Recorder
By N.; C • PARSONS, Deputy·~
I HEREBY CER'liFY, that the above and foregoing is a full; t.rue and correct copy· of
Deed. from c. :b'. and Mal'y F. Morse :Ho ~he City of S'an Die go. Being :Document No. 199751.
of the Cit of San·Diego, California~


UNIVERSITY AVENUE B.lV:1K, a corporation, For and in consideration of One DOLLAR, L>oes
Hereby Quticlaim to the City of San :Diego, a Municipal Corporation, iri t1+e.County of San Diego,
State of California, an easement an_d right of way for the construetion, operation and main- 11
tenance of a drain lJipe through, along and across All that Real P!!!opetrty situated in the Cit;}li
of San Diego, County of San I>iego, 8t ate of Califo r·nia, bounded and described as follo·ws:
A portion of Lot 14; Block 2, Carmelita Place, according t.o Map thereof No. 1824,
filed in the Office of the Connty Recorder of said San Diego, said easement and right
of way being six :teet in width, three feet on each side of the following described center line:
Beginning· at a point on the southeast e!!!l:Y~'line of said Lot 14, distant 122.64 feet I
southwesterly from the easterly ccnner of said Lot 14; thence wester·ly making an angle of 58
degrees 30 minutes with the southeasterly line of said Lot 14 produced southwestel'ly, a dis-
tance of 29.81 feet to a point;
r:Ro Have and T.'o Hold t.he above quitclaimed and described easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever as a right of way for a dl'ain Pii)e.
· IN wrn~E3:3 VlillEREOF: said Cm:·poration has caused this instnunent to be executed by
its proper officers and' its corporate seal affixed this Ninth day of December 1926~
Univers.i ty Avenue Bank,
(SEAL) President.
Attest; .W. B. MILLER
· Vice-President.
COU~lT'Y OF SAH DI:$GO, ) s s
On t.his .Ninth day of December A.:ID.Nineteen .Hundred and Twenty-six, before me, Ixene
li. Scotland, a Notar·y Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissione.d and
sworn; personally appeared Charles T. Chandler lmo~vn to me to be the President, and W.:B.Iviillelr
known to me to be the Vice-President of the Corporation that executed the vlithin instrument, I
known tO' me t. o be the persons who execut. ed the within inst. rument. on behalf of the C orporatlo11!
within named, .and aclmowledged to me that such Co1·poraticm executed t.he s~e.
In Vlit.ness \''/hereof, I have hereunto set. my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in the
County of San·Diego,.~t.ate,of California, the day and year int:..his certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
{SEAL) State of Califo'rnia.

I My Comn1ission Expires, December 14, 1926 •.

RECORDED .AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JAN 12 1927 at 11 o 1 clock A.M. In Book No. 1308
Page 132 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FErtRY, County Recorder
By.N. C. PARSONS, Deputy • . .
I HEREBY CER:il'IFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
~uticlaim Easement from University Avenue Bank to· City of. San Diego. · Being J!?ocument No •
City/4erk of the Cit of San Diego, California.

By~~--L...-c..~~=t..~~L&C;2::7. Deputy.
THIS AGRRE:l!ENT made this 24tn d,?;y.·.of December, 1926; between the UNION TRUST COMP.Alnf
OF S.AN DIEGO~ a corpor~~ion~,~r~stee u..'?-d~r the Trust ~e~einafter desc:i'it,ed, Party of t~e_FirSt
Part~- and 2'HE CIT'Y OF ;;) ..'ill DI.Ji!GO;, a munJ.cJ.pal c orporatJ.o:g.; .l>arty of the ;:;)econd Part ,WIT'l'JE~SETR:
TH~, 'IIYHEREAS; said 2rust ee is the legal owner of all that ·property situated in the
City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, covered by the deed of trust
hereinafter desqribed; and,
WHEREAS, 'lHE CITY OF SAIDT IDIEgo, for the benefit and improvement of said property, li::s
lay~ng; constructing and maintaining, or intending to lay, construct and maintain a drain
pipe through, along and across said property, and,

I WHEREAS; it. is a.condition precedent to the laying, construction, maintenance and

operation of said pipe that an easement and right of way for same shall he and remain upon
said property prior and superior to the t errns and conditions: incorporated in said deed Qf
if rust ; and,
VJI:IEREAS, ·all the ovmers of the ~quitable ·interests under said mentioned Deed of
!frust, have each granted an easement and'rig:ht of way to the Party of the Second ·Part, as
follows: · ·
~rust Deed, dated August 20, 1926, made by William A. and Sarah B. Moody, husband
and wife and H. F. andEsther Caldwell, husband and wife,· in favor of David H. Ryan, securing
one promissory note for the sum of $2250.00, recorded August 25, 1926, in Book 1252, at page
140, et s.eq., of Deeds, records of the Office of the Cotmty Recorder of said San J?iego Count~,
· ~he easement conveyed being through, along and· across a portion of Lot 1~ Block 2,
Carmelits Place, according to Map thel'eof No. 1284, filed in the Office of the County Recorder / .
of said San Diego County; said ·easement and righ't of way being six feet in width, three feet ,/
on each side of the following described center line:
Beginning at a point on t·he northeasterly line of s.aid Lot 1·, distant 3. 00 feet soU:t -
easterly from the northerly corner of said Lot 1; tb:ence southwesterly ·on a line parallel to·
and distant 3. 00 feet southea~t erly from the northwesterly line of s.aid Lot. 1, a dis.t ance of
45.00 feet t.o a point;· thence westerly on a direct line to a point on the. northwesterly line
of said Lot 1, dis.tant 47.54 feet southv;esterly from ·the northerly cornei' of said Lot 1.
. ~hat;· in consideration of· the premise.s, the of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) to it paid by
the Part~l of the Second Part, r:eceipt 1uhereof is herepy acknowledged, and in further con-
sideration-of the benefits ·derived ·from the construction_, operation and maintenance of said
drai-n pipe; said Party of the First Part HEREBY StJBORDIN:A.TES ALL OP ITS HIGH!£, TIT'LE AND INTEREST'
u..11der said Deed of T'rust above mentioned to· the right ·of way and easement heret o.fore c·o,nveyeCU
to the Party of the Second Part; upon the designated portion of the property covered by such

I trust deed, so that said right of way and easement shall become and remain prior and superio~
to any and all of t.he terms and 'conditions contained in or provided by said Deed ar· Trust
hereinabove referred to.
IN WITNESS W.rlEREOF, this: party of the first part has caused this instrument to be
signed by its Vice-President and Assist.ant Secretary andiit.s corporate ·seal to be affixed
hereto, the day and year in this instrument first above written.
Party of the First. Part
(SEAL) By C •. H. ENGLISH Vice-President

Attest: F.B.T'HOMPSON Assistant-Secretary •

. Party of the· Second Part.

On thi.s 24th day of December 1926, oofore me, Lulu McFarl811d, a Notary Public in and
for said Cpunty and State, ~·esiding therein, duly commissioned and sworn; personally appear-
ed C~ H. ].;nglish, lmovm to me to be the Vice Eresident and F. B. Thompson, kno·vm' to: me to be
the Asst. Secretary of the corporation that executed -the within instrument, lmown to me to b~
the parsons who exec-p.ted the within instrument on.hehalf. of.·the corporation within named and
acknowledged to me that erx:ecuted the same. .
WITNESS my hand aml: Offic'ial Seal. the day and year in this certificate fi rs.t above

I ( SE.AL)
My Commission expires, Dec. 'l, 1930.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF .Cit.y Clerk JAN 12 1927 at llo'clock A.M. In Book: No. 1319
Page 2 of T'rust. Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS; Deputy.
- I
I HEREBY CERriFY, that the above and foregoing is a full, true·and correct copy of
Subordination Agreement of Union Trust Company to The Oity of San Diego.- Being Document No.


of the Cit.y ~San Diego, California.

~. ~""-o~ eputy.
QUITCLAIM: tf . . .
. '
UNIV~RSITY AVENUE B.£\.NK; a ce:rporation, For and in consideration of One DOLLAR, Does.
Hereby Quitclaim to ~he City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego,
State of Calfironia, an easement and right of way for t.he construction, operation and main- 11
tena;o.ce of a·drain pipe through; along and across All that Real :Pr·ope1"'ty situated in tt1e Cit.Y,f
of San ~iego, eounty of San Diego; State of California, bounded nnd described as follews: ·
A portion of Lot 1, _Block 2, Carmelita Place, according to·Ma_ thereof No. 1824, the office of the County Recorder of said San ~iego County, said easement and right
of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the following described center line:
:2 . Beginning at a point on the no-rtheasterly line of said Lot 1, distant 3. 00 feet south-
"e~a:st•e.rl.y from the northerly corner of said Lot 1; thence southwesterly on a line parallel to
and distant 3.00 feet southeasterly from the northwesterly line of said Lot 1, a distanc;:e of
45.00 feet to a point; thence westerly on a direct line to a point on the northwesterly line
of :said Lot 1, distant 47.54 feet southwesterly from the northerly corner of said Lot 1.
To Have and to Hold the above quitclaimed .and described easement unto the said grant·ee,
its successors and assigns forever as a right of way for a drain· pipe.· · I
ill WITNESS WHE.REOF: said Cor-poration has causec1 this instrument to. be executed· by i~ s
proper officers an~ its corporate seal affixed this Ninth. day of December 1926•
BY CH.A.S •. ~ • CHANDLER President •

COillf'tY OF SAN DIEGO, ) ss
Attest~ ·w~ B. MILLER Vice..;.Presid:ent.
ON· this Ninth day -of December A.D.JHnet een .Hundred and ]!wenty,-si!K, . before me, Irene
A. Scotland, a Notary Public in and for said Cotmty, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, ·personally appeared Charles T. U.handler known to me to be the President, and W.B.• Millelr
known to me to be the Vic·e-President of the Corporation that executed the: within instrument, I
knovm to: me to be ·the persons who executed the wit.hin instrument on behalf of the Corporation
within named, and aclrnowledged to me ·that such Corporation executed the sanie. · · · I
·In Witnexs Whereof, ·I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in
the County of San' Diego, State of California, the day and year in t.his certifica.t'e first ·
Notary Public in and for the ·county of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires, 'December 14, 1926.
RECORDED AT REQUEf:l:L' OF City Cherk JAN 12 1927 at 11 o.'clock 1~.M. In Bo'ok No. 1308,
Page 134 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHH H. FERRY, _Connty REfc.o.r-der
By N. C. PARSONS~ Deputy •.
I HEREBY CERi' IFY, that the above and foregoing is a full; t.rue and correct copy of
Quitclaim Easement from University Avenue Bank to City of Qan Diego. ·Being Docum_ent No.
City C..l-~Fk of the Cit'· of San Diego, Califo:rnia.

~~~4'---0~,.._:.·~~~~~=-.-:::;_· eputy.
~ h~.:k.
\file, Homer F. C.aldwell and Esther Caldwell, husband and wife, William A. and Sarah
B. Moody, husband and 1.~1ife, For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the loca-
tion and construction of a drain pipe through and ~cross the property hereinafter described,
Does Hereby Grant to. ~he City of l::lan Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San ·
Diego, State:::·of:~California, an easement and right of way for the construction, operation and I
maint-enance of a drain pipe through_, a1or1g and across All that Real Property si~ uat ed- in the
City of San Diego, ~ounty of San Diego, State~o:ff.·California, bou_nded and described as follows:
11 portion of Lot 1, Bloc·k 2, Carmelita Place, according to Map thereof No. 1824, I
filed in the Office of the County Recorder of .s.aiq. Sa'n Diego Covnty, said easement ond right
of way being six feet. in ·width, three feet on each side of the following_ described center lil1!e: .
Beginning at atpoint on the northeaste:cly line of said Lot 1; distant 3.,00 feet south-
easterly from t.he northerly corner of said Lot l; thence southwesterly on a line parallel to
and distant 3.00 feet southeasterly from.the northwesterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of
45.00 feet t.o a point; thence westerly on a direct linetto a point- on the northweste1·1y line
of said Lot. 1; distant 47.54 feet southwesterly· from the northerly corner of said Lot l•
T'o Have and to Hold the above grMted and described easement 1.mto the said·gra.ntee-,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a·. fight of way for a drain pipe.
Witness oulr hands and seals this 1st day of December 1926.



On this lst day of December A~D.Ninetten Hundred and 'nwenty-six before me; E.H.Broolts
a Notary Public· in and for said County, residing·therein, duly commissioned and sworn, persort-
al1y appeared Homer F. Caldwell, Esther Caldwell, William A. Moody and Sarah B. Moody, known I·
to me to be the persons described in and whose names are sub-scribed to the within instrument,

I and acknowledged to me that they executed the sa"'le.

Witness my hand and Official Seal t:he day and year in this certificate·. first above
Notary Public in ana. for the Coll1_1t y of Sa~ Diego,
(SEAL} State of Califori1ia~
My Commission expires June 4, 1930.
RECORDED Kl RE·~UEST OF·City Cle-rk JAH 121927 at.ll o.~clock A.M. In Book No •. l300
Page 254 of Deeds Records of San Diego· County, Cali:f;'. ·
JOHN H. FERRY; County Recorder
By N~·c. PARSONS, Deputy.
' '

I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and foregoing is a fUll, t.rue and correct copy of
Deed fj!om Homer F. Caldwell, et al., Moody. Being Document No. 199759.
:city _9-~rk of the City of San-Diego, Oaliiornia.

By/ ~/;b'c:~/[leputy.
~;::~ . . . Pflr-1?~~.
T"HIS AGBEE.IIffiN'l! made this 24th day ·of December 1926,;_ between the Union T'rust Company
of San Diego, a corporation, T'rustee under the trust. he1·einafter described, Party of the Firsjt
:Part and ~he City of ~an Diego, a municipal corporation, Party of the Second Part, WITNESSErH:
T'~, 1!i/EEREAS, said Trustee is the legal ovmer of all that property situated in the

I City of San Diego, County of San Diego; State of California, covered by .the deed of trust
herei:qaft_er described; and;
WHEREAS; THE CI'i'Y OF SAN DIEGO, for the benefit and improvement of said property, is
laying, constructing and maintaining, or intending t.o 1 sy, construct· and mairit ain a drain pi]?!:E:
through, along and across all of t.he said property, and
vVHEREAS; it is a condition precedent to the leying, construction, maintenance and
operation of said drain pipe that an easement. and right. of -way for same shall be and re11_1ain
upon said property prior tmd superior to the terms m1d conditions incorporated in said deed
of trust ; and, . .
WHEH1EAS;_all the owners of the equitable interests under said mentioned Deed of T·rusit,
have ·each granted an easement and .right- of way to the Party of the Second ?art, as follows:·
Trust Deed; d:ated September 17, 1926, made by Mar-garet -E. McKnight a11d Frank B.
[lliicKnight, husband and wife, in favor of David H. Ryan, securing one promissory note fo·r the
sum of $3000.00, re9orded October 13, 1926,. in Book 1269, at page 319, -et seq., of Deeds,
records of ·the County Recorder of said San Diego County,
The easement conveyed h~irig through, along and across a portion of the Northerly 100
feet of Lot 16,, Block 2, Carmelita. Pl::ace, ao.cording to Miap thereof No. 182.;1:, filed in the
Office of said C ormty r~ecorder; said easement and Tight of way being six feet in width, three
feet on each side of the following described center line:
. Beginning at a point on the s::mtheasterly. line of Lot 16 said Block 2, distant 47.54
feet southwesterly from the easterly corner of said Lot 16; thence westerly on a direct line
~o a point on the northwesterly. line of said Lot 16,_ distant 89.78 feet southwesterly from the
northe:;cly corner of said Lot 16. . ' ·
']lhat, in consi.deration of the premises, the sum of ONE DOLLAR ( $1.00) to it paid by
. the Party of the Second Part; receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and in further consid-

I e.r.ati:on of the benefits derived from the construction, maintenance and operation o~ said drain
pipe, said· Party of the First Part HEREBY SUBOHDIN.ATES ALL OF ITS RIGh"T, ~ITLE AlifD INTERE3T' I
under said Deed of Trust above mentioned to the. 1·ight O·f way a..'1d easement heretofore conveyed
to the Party of the Second Part; upon the designatedportion of the property covered by suchl
~rust deed, so that said right of way .and easement shall become and remain· prior and superior
to any and all of the te:cms and conditions. contained in or provided by said Deed of Trust
hereinabove referred ~o. ·
II{ WITNESS WHEREOF;. the· Party of the First Part has caused this instn:nnerut ·to be
signe·d by its Vice President and Ass't Secretary, and-its corporate seal to be affixed here-
to; the day and year in this instrunent first above written •.
Party of the First. Part
( SEAL ) APt e st :
Assist ant-Sec ret ary. Vice-President •.
ON this 24th day of December·, in the year One 2?housand Nine Hundred and ~wenty-six,
before me; Lulu McFarland ·a lifot ary Public in and for said County and State, pel·sonally apJ)eaJr-
ed C. H_. English kn01.m to me to be the Vice President , ·and. F. B.• ThomjSsori lmown to me to be the
Assistant Sec1·etary of the Corporation thai; execute.d ;tho within instrument, k:riown to me to bJ
t.he peis ons who .executed the within _instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named,
and acknb:wledged to me that such Corporation executed the sarne.
Witness my hand and official Seal the day q.nd .year in t:.his certificate first above

. Notary Public in and for said County and State.
RECORDED .A5! REQUEi.J'l' 0? City ·Clerk JAN 12 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1322
Page 33 of :DEEDS Recorda of Sa.11 lJi ego County, Cali f.
JOim H. FERRY, County Recorder
· By. N•. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I HER.t:BY CERTIFY, that the 1 above anc1 foregoing is a full, t:.:cue and c.orrect copy of
Subordination Agreement from Union .grust Company to T'he City of San Diego. Being Documen!t
No. 199761.

We, Fra."YJ.k B. and Margaret E~ McKnight, husband and wife, For and in consideration o:f
t:he benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a dr9-in pip~ tlll'ough a"YJ.d across 11
the prop~rty ~ereinafter desc:r:~bed ~o Her~by Grant to.T'he ~ity of ¢an S?iego, a I~i'~icipal i
Corporat1on, 1n the Com1.ty.of.~an D1ego, State of Cal1fo:rn1a, an easement and r1ght of way fiDr
the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain piJ)e through., along and acrc:>ss All 11

that Real Property situated in the City·o·f s·an·Diego, County of ::].on Diego, State of Californ:i!a,
bounded and described as·follows:
A portion of·Lot 16, Block 2, Ua1melita Place, according to Map thel'eof no. 1824,
filed in the 0ffice of the Co1.mty Reco.rder of saio. San Diego County, said easement .:and right
of way being six feet in wi dtll, t:hree feet on each side of the following d~sc r·i bed center li ·.:
Beginning at ·a point. ·on the southeasterly line of said Lot 16, distant 47.54 feet
southwesterly from the easterly corner of Lot 16; thence westerly on a direct line to
a point on the northwesterly line ·of said Lot 16, distant 89.78 feet southwesterly from the
northerly corner of said Lot 16.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever; as a right of way for ·a dl'.ain pipe.
Witness our hm1c1s md seals this 15th day of November, 1926.


COU'lf.l·Y OF SAN DIEGO,)"'"".

en this 15th day of November A~:D.Nineteen Htmdred and Twe.nty-:s:ix before me, El.H.Brooks
a Notary Public in and for said County, residing the rein, duly com.;·ni ssioned -and svJo·:rn, per-
sorially appeared Frank B. and Margaret E. M:cKnight ~ known to me to be the persons described
in and whose names are 'subscribed to the wit.hin instrument, and acknowledged to me that jlhey
executed the Sa"'le.
Wit:nes;s my hand and Official ;;)eal the day and year in this certificate first above
Not a1·y P:\lblic iii andt for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California~
My ·Co!llmission ·expires .4, 1930~

RECORD;ED J1l! REQUEST' OF Cit.y. Clerk JAN 12,.1927 .at 11 o.'clock A.M. In· Book No. 1315
Page· 59 of Deeds. Records of San Diego Co1.mty, Calif.
JOHN H•. FERRY~ Com1ty Recorder
. By N. · c·. PARSONS, Deputy·.

I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the .above and foregoing is: a fuil, t;_rue and correct copy of
Deed from Frank B. and Margaret .E. McKnight, to :ilhe City o·f San DiegOJ. Being- Do:i.ument No.
. ALLEN H. VfRIGffib
City ~lerk of the City. of San Diego, California.

· .



I, :David H. Ryan, For and in cons ide rat ion of One J?ollar Do Hereby QUITCL_UM to The
. City of San Diego, a Munici:pa1 Corporation, in the Cotmty of San Diego, State of California,
an easement and right of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe
through, along and ac rosu All. that Real Property situated in t'he City of San Di egOJ, County of!
San Diego, State of California, bo·unded and described as fo llov:rs:. · I
A portion of Lot. 16, Block 2, Cal'melita Blace, according to Map thereof No •. 1824, :~~~--c

· filed in the Office O·f the County Recorder of said Sari. Diego C om1t y, said easement and:~·right 11
of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the following desctibed center line~
Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of said Lot 16; distant 47.5.4 feet
southwesterly from the easterly corner of said~Lot 16; thence westerly on a direct .line to a
point on the northwesterly line of said Lot 16, distant 89/78 feet southwesterly from the
northerly·corner of said Lot 16.. Said property being the separate pro.perty of 'S~id Ryan.
~o Have and to Hold the above quitclaimed and described ·easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness my hand and seal this 20th day of December 1926.


On this 20th day of December A.D.Ninet een Hundred and T'wenty-sioc before me ,E;H.Brook!s
a l~otary Puhlic in and for said Co1.mty,, residing therein, duly. commis·sioned and sworn·;
personally appeared David H. Ryan, known to me to he the persG.n described in and whose name
is subscribed to· the within ·instrument~ and acl.mowledged to me that he executed the s:ame •.
Witness hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first· above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires June 4, 1930.

RECORD;ED J!J: REQUE.:3T OF City Clerk JAN 12 1927 at 11 o 'cl·ock A.M. In Book No. 1285
Page 233 of DEEDS Records of San ~iego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. llARSONS, De1)uty.
; '·
l' I HEREBY CERI!'IFY; that the above and foregoing is a full, true and cor1·ect copy of
Deed fr ::m David H. Ryan, t•o The di ty of San D:ilego. Being Doc.umeo.:t, No·. 199765.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California •

. By~,u~ ~~uty.
. .c=_ ~7'~·3t.
UNION TRUST COMPANY OF Sil.B DIEGO, a. corporation, For and in consi;deration of One
DOLLAR, Does Hereby Grant to The City of Diego; a Muilicipal Corporation, in the Cow'1ty of
San Diego; ~tate of California, an ea.sement and right of way for the construction, oper~tion
and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across.All that Real Property situated in
the eh ty of· San Diego·, Cpunty of ~an Diego, ~tate of California, bounded and described as
follows: · ·
A· portion of Lot 15, Block 2, Carmeli t a Place, according to· Map thereof No• 1824,
filed in the Office o·f the County Recorder of said San Diego County,· said easement and right
of way being six feet in \Vidth, three fe~t ·on each side of the following describe.d center line:
Beginning at a· point. on the southeasterly line of said Lot 15, distant 89.78 feet
· southwesterly from the easterly corner of said Lot 15; thence westerly on a direct line mak-
ing an angle of 49 degrees 48 m·inutes with the southwesterly production of the southeasterly
line of said Lot 15,. a distance of 3.44 feet to a point.; the:nce westerly on a direct line to
a point on t.he northwesterly line of said Lot 15, ·distant 122·.,64 feet southwesterly from the
northerly corner. of said Lot 15. · ·
To Have and 'Fo Hold the above granted and described easement unto the s.aid grantee,
its successors and assigns forever as. a right of way :for a drain pipe •.
IN WflNESS VMEREOF: said Corporation .has caus.ed this instrument tGE be executed by
its: proper officers: and its corporate seal affixed this 24th day of Decemger 1926.
(SEAL) BY C~ H. ENGLISH Vice-~resident.


Attest i ·F. B. T'HOiviJ?SON Assistant ~ecretary.

On this 24th day of December A.D.Nineteen Hundred and ~wenty~six before me, Lulu
McFEJ.rland a Notary Public in and for said County, residing. therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared c. H. English knovvn to me to be the Vice President, and F. B.
'J!hor.aps:on,knovun to me to be the Assistant Secretary of the Corporation that executed the with-
in inst.rument; known to me to be the persmms who executed the within instrument on behalf of
the Corporation within na111ed, and acla;lo·wledged to me that Corporation executed the.
In Witness Whereof,' I have hereunto set my hand an:d affixed my .Official .Seal, in the
CoUc"1ty of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate first above.
written. . ·
Notary Public in at.Ld for the County of San Diego_,
( s·EAL) State of California.
11!-Y Commission Expires. Dec~ 7, 1930.
RECORDED 1:9' REQUEST OF Cit.y .Cierk JAN 12 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1285
Page 241 of DEEDS Records of tian Diego Cotmty, Calif.
JOEl{ H~ FERRY, Cotmty Recorder
By H. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above and is a full, true ,end co•rrect copy of
Grant Deed from Union ~rust Company of San Diego to City of San Diego. Being Document No.
199767. n

I erk of the of San Diego, California.

. .
T'HIS AGREE.MEI-5!, made ~d .entered into this 18th day of Dece.rllber; 1926, by and betwee
LOUIS SLOSS and GERST'LE COiviPANY, a corporation, parties of the ftrst part, and T'HE CIT'Y OF
SAN DIEGO; a m1Lnici:pal corpo1·at:Lon, party of the second part; WITHESSETH:
FOR THAT WHEREAS; the pa~ty of the second pal~ is a municipal .corporation located in
the County of San Diego, state. of California;· and is the owner of a certain water system fan:
the development ; impounding and dist rli:.but ing of water for mtmic ipal purposes in The City of
San Diego; in said State; and . . .
. WHEREAS, said second party is; for the purJlOSe of im1noving it.s watel' .system and in-
creasing its capacit.y ar:rd facilities for impotmding and conserving and distributing water,
desirous of puttip.g in an additional water main t.o ;pas.s. over and acro:ss the lands of the
parties of the first part, hereinafter .described; and
. 'WHEREAS, said first parties did on t.he 23.rd day of August, 1926, execute an agreemen
for easement and right of way; granting to_ :.lfhe City of :San Diego an eas·ement and· right:· of wa~
over ano. through the .·west. half of Lot F of the subdivision of Lot 70 of the Rancho Mission of
San Di.ego; according to Referee's Partition Map in the action entitled, "San :Qiego Realty
Company, a corporation, vs. Maria Y. O_lvera de :!J'oro, et al •. ," and numbered 15191, which said
agreement for easement and right of way was recorded in the office of the County Recorder of
San :Piego County; California, on August 30th, 1926; in Book 1244 of Deeds, at Page 269; and
WHEREAS, it was provided in said agreement ·for easement and right of way that the
said right of way yuas granted upon condjt ion that final surveys for said pipe line should be

I complet;ed within sixty ( 60) days from t.he date of said ag:;ceement,. and that thel'eupon a supp-
lemental agreement should be made between the parties thereto, specificallY describing said
pipe line as so located;
· H'OW, THEREFORE, in o1·der to carry O'tl'P.' the terms. of said agreement of August 23rd,l92ED,
IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between the parties hereto, that the party of the second part sha]l
have, and it is hereby granted, the Right of Way fo;t.' said pipe line, and the right to the us~
Of the lands_ hereinafter described, together With the right of ingress and. egreSS fOl' the puJ!.-
pose of making s.urveys, locating, putting ¢!own, con::.>.tructing, reconstructing, maintaining,
operating and repairing of said pipe line and tap thereon, t.o said second party, and for: all


other purposes and uses as are or 111ay become. and incidental to the construction,
maintenance and ope rat ion ·of said G;ity' s pipe line, and to its s ·uc·ces scHs· and assigns for eve :r.
Said' Right 01f vYay to pas:s over and through the West half (Vf.l/2} of Lot F of the
subdivision of Lot ..70 of the Rancho Mission of San Diego, according to Referee's Partition ·,J
:.-· . ~

Map in the- action· entitled, "San Diego Realty Company, a corporation., vs. Maria' Y-.. Olivera '
de ~oro et al., n and numbered 15191; and during construction or repair as in the preceding
paragr~ph stated shall have an easement -extending for a width· of ten (10) feet on each side
of t.he following described center line, to-wit: .
Beginning at a point on the northerly _line of said Lot F; north 89° 52 1 ~ast ·a dis-
tance of 1151.9 feet from the northwest corner of said Lot F ;· thence south 48° 02 1 west. a
distance o·f 560.2 feet to a point.; thence on a curve to the left, tangent to the last men:.tion-
1 ed line, and having.a radius of 572~96 feet; a distance of 145~0' feet measured along the arcJJ
· · of. said curve to· a point; thence south 33° 32 1 west a distance of 380.6 feet to a point; thence
south 38° 32' west a dis.tance of 517.2 feet to a point; thence on a c:'i:trve to the lelft, ts..nge!t
•. to the last. mentioned iine, and having a radius of 286.48 feet a distance of 236-•. 7. feet II
measured along the arc of said ou·rve to a point; thence south 8° 48' east a distance. of 221·.3
., feet to a point.; thence on a curve to the right, tangent to the last mentioned line and havi:&g
a radius· of 286.48 a distance of 61.5 feet. measured along the arc of s.aid curve to a · II
point; thence. south 3° 30' west a distance of 972.8.feet. to a point; thence on a curve to the
right; tangent to the 1ast mentioned line and having a radius· of 572 .• 96 feet a of II
246.8 feet measured along the arc of said curve. to a point on the west. erly line of said Lot F.
!['his agreement on the part of the said parties of t.he first part is made upon the ·
following conditions and stipulation~, to-wit.: ·
That the said parties of the first part do not'waive or release· an.y -~iparian.rights
pertaining to said land.
5Jlhat the said party of the second part shall extend'one.of its water.pipes tQ!• be so
located as· to do the least damage consistent wit.h good engineering, and wherever any pro pert W
shall be destroyed or· damaged it shall be paid for at its actual: value. II
That the said party of the second part shall install at its ovm expense at such poift
or location as may be selected by the first parties, and when selected by the first p~rties,l
one tap su.fffuC.i:ailtin diameter to supply, when said pipe line is filled, seventy-five ( 75)
gallons per minute, from which water maybe drawn by said part.ies 'b!li the first pa1·t upon payi. g
the same rate, and subject to like conditions, rules and regulations as those fixed and made
appliacable, from time t.o time,.t.o other consumers obtaining supply of water from said pipe

trees upon the right of way hereinabove desctibed.

'hat t.he said parties of the first part agree to :-:erect no buildings a.lld plant no
. · _ ·

.The party of t-he second part shall :place said water pipe beneath t-he s.urfaqe of the
gronnd to a depth of not. less than eighteen-(18) inches t.o two (2) feet, leaving the best II, except 'that a trestle not more than one hu.ndred·(lGO) feet in.lerigth may be con-
structed over any draw or line of drainage in the northwest corner of said property. .
It is understood a.nd agreed by the :parties hereto that in tlile event the
. said party of the secon:a part fails to install and place the said main water pipe line as
hereinabove provided, aero ss. t.he above desc:ti bed real estate on or before the first- day of
August, 1927, then this agi'eemerit of easement shall cease ancl determine and become void:;.-_
and be of no force or effect. ·
IN WITN~SS WHEREOF, the said Louis Sloss has hereunto set his hand and the Gerst le
Company, a corporation,-has caused this irist.rmnent t.o be executed by its :proper officers and
its corpo1·ate seal to' be herelmto.. affixed, anc1 a majority of the members of the Cqmmqn·Council
of said Tlhe City of San Diego have hereunto th,eir hands as and·for the act of-said City,j
in pursuance of a resolution authorizing such exec'ution, the·;~day and year in this inst runent
first above written. . · · ·
(SEAL) By MARK L. GER3TLE .Pres 't.
By LOUIS C. GREEiill Sec'y.
Parties of the First Part.
Party of the Second Part.
City Clerk DOlT M •. ST EWAJF
Deputy •.

,0n thi.s 18th day of December; A.D.N~neteen hnndred §.lld twent.y"'-six, before me, Ray
Sophie Feder·, a Notary Public in and:ffor said County, residing the:rein, duly comrnissioned
and sworn, pers.onally appeared Louis. Sloss, k:novm to me to be the person described in.; and
whose noore is subscribed to the within instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed
the ·same. · · . . II
IN WITNESS .._WREREOF; I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official s-eal, in the
City and Gounty of ~an :b.,rancisco.,. State of California, the day and year in this· certificate
first above written. ·
Notary Public in and for the City anfr County of

(SEAL) San Francisco, State o:f California.
On this 18th day of December, A.If.Nineteen hundred and·::twe'rity..;.six, befoi·e me, Ray
Sophie Feder; a Notary Public in and for said City and Connty, residing therein,. duly commission-
ed. and sworn, personally appeared Mark L. Gerstle, knovvn to· me to be t.he President, and Loui~
C. Greene, kno.,Jm to me to be the Secretary of the corporation t.hat executed the within in-
sturment, knovm to me to be the persons. who executed the within instrtinent on behal-f of the
corpo:ration within named, and acknowledged to me that such corpo-ration executed the srun.e.
IN WIT'NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto' set my hand- and· affixed my official seal, in the
Cit.y and County of qan F:rancisco; State of California, the day and year in this ce·:rtificate
first above wri t't en,
Not a:ry Public, in and for the City of Cou.nt',:y of
(SEAL) San Franci so o, State- of California.
the form of the foregoing agreement this 23rd day of November, 1926.
City Att o:rney.
!BECORDED Pfl REQUES~ OF City of ~an: Die: go JAN 13 1927. at 28 Min. past 9. o '.clock A.M.
In Book No.· 1283 Page 312 of De.eds.. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
·JoHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
~ By L. B.:. WOODARD~ Deputy.

I HEREBY CEHT JFY, that the above and foregoing. is a full, t:rue and cor:rect copy of
Supplemental Agreemen:t ·for Easement. for Right of Way from Louis Sloss et. al. to T'he City o:f
San Diego. Being Document No, l- 99 771.
the City· of San Diego,, California.


I, ~,rattieR. Bowersock, a widow, For and in consideration-of the benefits to accrma·

by the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across the-property hereinafter
described, Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Co:rporation, in the County of.

I ,, San Diego, qt ate of California; an easement and. right of way fo1· the canst :ruction, ope rat ioil. . .
and maint:enance of a drai:Jj. pipe through; along and ac:ross All that Real P:roperty situated in \
the City of San :Piego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and desc:tibed as
A portion of Lots 13 and 14, Block 22·, Arnold & Choate 1 s Addition, according to Map
thereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement
and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on e<:wh side of the following described
center line; · ·
Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 13, distant 96.50 feet west from
the southeast corner of said Lot 13; thence northeasterly on a di:rect'.line making an angle o:fi
70 degrees 45 minutes with the south'line of said Lot 13, a distance of'-50~feet to a point. ·, j.

T'o ·Have and to Hold the above grp..nted and described easerp.ent unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of 'iNay f6·r a drain pipe.
Witness my hand and seal this 29th day of December 1926·•


o'n this 29th day of Decembe:r A.I!.Nineteen Hundr·ed andTwenty-six before me, J!;.H.B:rookis
a Notary Public in and fo:r said County, residing the:rein, duly commissi8ned and sworn, pe:rsoJ-
ally ap:pea:red Mattie R. Bo1~Jersock knovm to m·e to be the person described in and ·whose name is
subscribed to the VJithin inst:rument, and acknowledged to me that. she executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official qeal the day and year in thir:; ce:rtificate fi1·st 2.bove
Notary Public in fo,:r the C ormty of San
I (SEAL) State of Califol'ni 0 '

My Commission expi:tes June 4, 1930.

RECORDED Mr REQUEST OF City Cle:rk JAN 12 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1300
Page 253 of Deeds Records of .San Diego Cotmty, Calif. '
JOHN H. FERRY, County Reo o:rder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY; that.· the above and fo:regoing is a full, t :cue and co:r:rect copy of
Deed f:rom Mattie R. Bowe:rsock to The City of San Diego. Being Document ·No·. 199797. •
of the _Cit y Diego , C ali f o rni a.
eputy •.

THIS INDENlURE, Made this 6th day of January in the year one thousand nine hundred
·and twenty-seven between the F. s. JENNINGS COMP.AJIT, a Corporation, whose p:rincipal place ·of
business is at. the City of San Diego·;·Cov.nty of San Diego, State of C~li:fornia; party of the
. ,,
first part; and The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the 6ounty of San Diego,
State of California party of the ·second. part ,·.Witnesseth: .·
T,lhat the said party of the first part; in consideration of the Stirn of One dollar,
lawful money of t.he United states, hereby grants to the party of the :second pa:rt an Easement
over and along all that ce:rt ain real property lying and being in the City of San Diego, C otmt y
of ~an Diego, State of C alifor·nia; and mo:re pa:rt icularly described as follows, t a-wit: ·

I The Southerly three feet of the northerly one-half of Per1·y Street. closed to public
use, lying co·nt.iguous to and adjo'ining Lots 1 and 4 Bmock 162, La Playa acco:rding to the
Official May thereof filed in t.he office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
For the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe. line and appurtenances;. through,
along and across the above de..scribed property~ · · I
TO HAVE AHD TO HOLD, all and singular; the above mentioned and described przilmses', to-.- t-·.
gether with the appurtenances;· unto the sai¢1 party of .the second part; their heirs and assig:hs
forever. · · .
·'· In case the easement hereby granted shall not be used by the grantee within one year
after the d.-ate hereof; or, having been used, shali thereafter cease to be used, then in either

:·. •'
event this grant shall have no fm:ther force and effect.
-IN WITNESS VffiEREOF; the said party of the first part has caused these· presents to .b
signed_ in·its name by its President; and its corporate seal to b.e affixed, attested by its
:Secr:et ary; the dey and year first abov.e written •.

( SEAL ) At t e st
~NIUNGS Secretary.
By F. S. JENNINGS President.
Be it remembered;. that on this 6th day of January A.D. ·1927, before me a· Notary
:Public in and for said-Gounty of San Diego, State of California, residing therein; duly
oommi ssi on.ed and sworn; personally appeared F. S. Jennings known to me to be the president of
the corpor'ation and l?. R. Jennings, known to me to .be the Secretary of said Corp. ·described
in and which executed' the within instrument, and also knotvn to me to be the persons who ex-
ecuted it on behalf of said corporation; therein naned; and .adknowledged to me that such cor-ll
poration executed the· same~· · ·
IN WITNESS ¥THEREOF, I have hereunt.o set my hand and affixed my official seal in :said
county;~tt.he day and year ih this certificate first above written. ,
(SEAL) . ··Notary Public.
My Commission expires Aug. lst;'l929.
RECORDED AT REQUEffi' OF City Clerk JAN 19 1927 at 15 Min, past 9 o'clock A.M. In Boolt
Uo. 1306 Page -197 of Deeds Records of San ·Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY; County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy~
I HEREBY CERT'IFY, that the above. and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
G"rant Deed from F. s. Jennings company to The City bf San Diego for Sewer R/W. Being
Document, No. 200016.
.ALLEN H. Vffii GET.'
City Clerk of the City· o:f San Diego, California.,
;J :~J ~ lr__ .
By~ /7? ~Deputy.

!• •

r .
T'HIS INDENTURE, Made this 6th day of January, in the year one thousand nine hundred
and twenty-seven bet.ween the GEORGE H. CHIPPEN I.NVESJ!MENT COMPP.JIT; a Corporation, whose
principal place of business is at the City of San Diego, ·county of San Diego; State of
California, party of the first part; and T'he City of San Diego, a Municipal Cor];>. of San Diego.,
California party of the second part; Witnesseth:
·That the said party of the .. fi~st part, in consideration of the stun of One dollar,
lawful money of the United States; hereby grants to t.he party of the second part an Easement
over and along all that certain real property lying and being in the Cit;:,r li>f San Diego, Cotmty
of ·san Diego; State of California; and more particularly described as follows, to-wit:·
The Southerly three feet of the Northerly one-half of Perry &'t reet closed t 6 :public
use, lying contiguous to and adjoining Lots 1 and 4, Block 162, La Playa-according to the
Offiqiq.l Map thereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said !San Diego County.
For the construction, operation and.maintenance of a sewer pipe line and appurtenances, through,
· along and across the above described property.
. T'O HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the above .mentioned and described :premises, ·
together with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, their heirs and
assigns forever.
In case the easement here. by ,granted shal,l not be used by the grate e within one year
afte~ the date hereof, or; having been used, shall hereafter cease to be used, then in either

event thi~Ng~;r{E~~a0k~~~;~n~h!u~!~~rp!~~~eo~nfh:f~~~~t
.part has caused these present.s to
be signed in its name by its president; and its corporate seal to be affixe:d, attested by it
l I
Secret ar_y.,, the day qnq year f:llrst abOVE! written. j
( SElJ.~) .Att est : By GEORGE H. ~..CRIPPEN PresidB:ht.
JOHN ·H. LCRIPPEJlif Secretary.
On this 7th day of January, 1927, before me, E. H. Brooks a Notary Public in and fo:rr
the said County of San Diego; State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and II
sworn, ·personally appeared George H•. Crippen known to me to be the President and John H.
Crippen known to me t.o be the Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument,
knovm to me to be the persons 1!Jho executed the within Instrument on behalf of the Corporatiol~
therein nwned; enc1 acknowledged to me that m1ch Cor1)0:ration executed the s811e.
In Wi'Gne ss !here of, I have herelmt o sot my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the C.ounty of San Diego; the day ana_ year in this certificate first above written.
Notary Public irt · and for the Covnt y of San Diego; .
(·SEAL) State of Calif ci rnia.
My Oornmission Expires June 4; 1930•
:RECORDED AT· REQ.UEsr' OF City Clerk JAN 19 1927 at '15 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In BooR:
No. 1306 Page 195 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.

JOHN H. FERRY, C ou..11t y Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS; Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY; that the above and foregoing is a full; true and correct copy of
Grant· Deed from George H. 0 rippen Investment C_ompany to The City of Sari Die!3o. Being· Docmnent ,
No. 200018.
City Clerk of the Ci~y_:of San Diego, Californ.ia.

By ~-~Deputy •.
·G. Yeargin and Ethel F. Yeargin, husband and vdfe, For and in C onside;ra.t ion of t e
benefits to accrue by the location, construction and J_D.aintenance of a sewer line thrnugh and
across the property herein descfriged; and in consid~ration of the s1lm of One Dollar ($1.00)
to us in hand paid; the receipt ·whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby. grant to the City

I of San_ D:tego; a mmicipal cs>rporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an
easement and right of way through; along and across all th~t certain real property situate i)
the City of San Diego, Colmty of Sa~ Diego, State of California; parti9ularly described as
follows; to-wit: .. .
Over the South three feet of Lot Forty...,seven (4'7), Block Nineteen (19), Pauley's
Addition. . . . _ _
·To Have and to HOld the aboye grant:ed and described right of way ui1t o the said grantee,
its successors a~d assigns forever, as a right of way for_ a sewer pipe line. I
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and maintenance
of a private sewer lat.eral inside ~he property lines, it being mderstood that the City of
San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals ovel' and across this easment.
In Vlitness vVhereof, we have hereunto set our hands and _seals this tenth day of
January, 192'7.
On this lOth day of. January; 192'7; before me; Adolph J. Mende a Notary Public in and
for the said County of San Diego; State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned I
and sworn.; personally appeared s. G. Yeargin and Ethel F. Yeargin, husband and wife; personally
known to me to be the persons whose nomes are subscribed to the within instrument; and they
duly ad.knowledged to me that they executed the same.
. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal; at my
office in the County of San Diego; the day and year in this certificate first above written.
notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
My Commission expires September lOth, 1930 •
. .RECORDED·1'tr REQUES~ OF City Clerk JAH 19 192'7 at 15 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In Boo
Ho. 1306 Page 203 of Deeds Recqrds of. San Diego County, Calif •.
JOHN H. FEBRY, County Recorder
By N. C • PAR SONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY. CER'EIFY;. that' the above and foregoing is a full,. true and correct copy of
Deed .froq1 s. G. Yeargin and Ethel ]'. Yeargin to the C it.y. pf· San Diego. Being Document No.

I, We; Edward H. Samisch a.11d Alice P. Samisch husband and iNife,.For ·and in Consider tion
of the benefits to accJ::ue by the location, construct ion and maintenance of a sewer line
through and across the property herein desciribed, · ano. in consideration of the sum of One ·
Dollar ($1.00) to them in hand-paid; the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby
grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego; st.ate of
California, an easement and right of way through, along and across all that certain real pro 1

I I.
perty situate in the Ci~y of. San.Diego; Colmty of San Diego, State of California, pa:rticulall'-
ly described as follows1 to-wit:
Lot A, Block 384; Horton's Addition.
~o Have. and to Hold the above granted and describe.d right of way u::1to the said
grantee, its successo1·s and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sevler pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of ~vay is. for the construction and mainten-·
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable fpr any damage resulting from the construction and
maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
In Witness vVhereof, Edward H'! and. Alice P. Samisch have hereunto set t.he:i:r hoods
and seals this 21 day of Dec. 1926'! . .
COillf.rY OF SAN DIEGO,) ss
0n tllis 21 day of December; 1927, before me; E. P. Griggs a Notary Public in and fo:11
the said County of San Diego, State. of .California, residing therein, duly comrnissioned and
W.Jorn, personally appeared Edward H. Samisch and.Alice P~ Samisch personally known to me to
be the persons whose names are suhscribed to the vJithin instrvment,, and he duly acknowledged
to me that they executed the sam e.
In Witness IVhereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal; at my the County of San Diego; the day and year in this certificate first above vvritten.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) . State of California.

I. 1cy Comn1ission Expires Jan. 12, 1929 •

. RECORDED· .AT REQtrl!.:sr OF City Clerk JAN 19 192'7 at 15 Min. past 9 o 1 clock A.M. In Boom
No. 1306 Page 202 of Deeds Records of. San Diego County, Calif.
JOID1 H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERJ:IFY, .that the ·above and foregoing, is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Edward H. Samisch & Alice P. Samisch to the City of San Diego. Being Document No.
BY _ · ·~~PillY
: "-- " .. -~:·.- ~~~~----. _--_ -~~- ---~----~.-~-~ .1J1..
I, Frp.:r1k Liddell. and Mabe)_ B. Liddell, husband and '~hife For and in Consideration of
the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through
and across the property herein described; and in consideration of the surn of One Dollar ($1..@0)
to us in hand paid, the :receiptowhereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City I .
of San :Piego, a mtmicipal corporation in the County of San Diego; state of California, an
easement and :right of'inay t.hrough; along and across all that certain real property situate in
the City of San Diego,·Cotmty of San Diego; State· of California; particularly described as
follows; to-wit: ·
T}J.e-North four (4) feet of the West fifty (50) mf Lots One (1) and Two (2) in Block
Tvventy-five (25}; San Diego Property Union Addition,
To Have and to·Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for· a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement 811d right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer later2.l inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of Sa11. Diego is not to be held liable for any da" resulting from the construction and main-
tena.."lce of sevj·er laterals OVel' and across this easment.- .
In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set out hands and this 11th day of
January, 1927 o


On this 12th day of. January; 1927; before me; Roo.ney H. Yale a Notary Public in and
fol' the said Cotmty of Sa.J. Diego, State of Califol'nia; residing therein; duly com.missioned
and sworn; personally appeared Frank Liddell and Mabel B. Lfddell husband & wife;· personally
knovm to me t:o be the persons whose :names are subscl'ibed to the within instrument, and they
c1uly acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
- In Witness Whereof, I have heretmt o set my. hand and affi:?Z:ed my official seal, at
my office in the Cotmty of San Diego, t:he day and year in this cert.ificate first above written.

].f[y.Commission expires October 17; 1928.
·Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego;
State of California. I
RECORDED. AT RE·~UES£ OF City Clerk J.Al~ 19 1927 at 15 Mino past 9 o'clock A.IVI. In Boo
No.• 1306 Page 200 of Deeds Records of- San Diego Cotmty, Calif.:
JOHN H. FERHY, County Recorder
By N!' C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY,-that the above and foregoing is a full,·t11:Ele and correct copy of
Deed from Frank Liddell and Mabel B. Liddell for sewer R/VJ tot he City of San Diego • Being
D~cument No. 200036.
City Clerk of the City: of San Diego; California.

BY4;!Ni:- 0z. 51~~- Deputy.

I, Hiram Ao-Dougl2s and Grace G. Douglas, his wife For Consideration of the
benefits to accrue by-the location, constnmction and maintenance of a sewel' line through ana.
across the property herein described,· and in consideration of .the sum of One Dollar ($LOO}
to in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the Ci~y of
Sa.Il'Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego,. St at.e of California, an ease-
ment-and right. of way through, along and across all t.hat certain real property situate in the
City of San Diego, Ootlllty of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as follo~s,
t 0- wit : : . . . . . II .
Lot One (1) in Bloco thirty six (36} of Normal Height.·s, City of San :Piego; Californ~· a;,
according to the plat thereO"f""as recorded in the book of records, San Diego, Calif.·
.. ~'o Have and to Hold the above granted and de·scri bed right of way unto the· said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line-. I
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction ancl maintenan0e
of a private sewer latel'al inside the property lines; it being understood that the City of
San l>iego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of-sewer laterals over ancl across-this easnent.
In Witness Whereof, Grace G. Douglas and Hiram A• Douglas have he.reunt o set their
hands and seals this 5" day of January, 1927.


sr .ATE
On this 5 day of January, 1927, before me, E. L. Hobart a Not:ary Public in and for the
said Count.y of Hennepin, state of }/Iinnesot.a, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, I
personally appea_red Grace- G. Douglas and Hiram A. Douglas personal~y known to me to be the
persons whose names are subscribed t-o the within instrument; and they_ duly acknowledged to me
that they executed the srn1e•
In ss Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
(SEAL) · Notary Public, Hennepin County, NI:inn.
My Commission expires Oct. 1st., 1930.
RECORDED. Jl!r· REQUES:C: OF City Clerk JAU 19 1927 at. 15 Min. past 9 o'clock A.Ivi. In Boo l[
No. 1306 Page 199 of Deeds Records of. San Diego County, Calif e.·
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By No C. PARSOtTS;Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY; that the above and foregoing is a full.;-txue and correct copy of
Deed from Hiram A. Douglas & Grace G. Dougals to the City o_f San Diego. Being Document No.
City Clel'k of the City of San Diego; California.

BY.i2-u.J=12( ~Deputy.
~ ,-tl ~r~·~.

I, Kathryn Callahan and. Charles C. Callahan, wife anc1 husband., For and in Consid.era~ion
of the benefits to accrue ii>W the location, construct ion and maintenance of a sewer line thro1\!.gh
and across the· property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ( $1. cDO)
to me in hand paid; the receiptowi:'rereof is hereby acknovJledged, do hereby grant to the.City
~f San Diego; a municip?). corporation in the County of San· Diego, '1Std1te of.California; an .
easement. and right of·way through, along and acrpss all that certain real property situate in
the City of S~ Diego; County of San Diego, State of Ca:lifornia, particularly described as I
follows, to-w1t: . .
Lot nineteen (19) in Block Nine (9) of Estudillo and Capron's Addition, accor·ding to
the Map-thereof no. 650, filed in the o~fice of the Recorder of said San Diego County, Decem~er
4; 1890; Excepting therefrom the East Eighty (E80) feet of said Lot Nineteen.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and descr:j..bed right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sev1er pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside· the property lines, it being unc1erstood. that the City of
San Diego is not to be held liab~e for any·damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment. .
In Witness Whereof, Kat.hryn Callahan and Charies c. Callahan have hereunto set thein
hands and. seals thi: s 20th day of Sept ember 1926.
Witness: Lou B. Mathevrs. -
311' .ATE OF C.AL DfO RNIA, )

I On this 20th day of Sept ember; 1926, before me, Lou B. Mat hews a Notary Public in
and for the said County of San Diego; Stat.e of California, residing therein, duly cornmissinne d
and sworn; personally appeared. Kathryn Callahan and Charles C. Callahan wife and husband· per-1
sonally lmovm to me to be the persons whose name are subsoribed to the within instrument, an~
they duly acknowledged to me that t;hey executed the same... ·
· In t'lit ness Where.of, I have hereunto set: my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego; the day and year in this certificate first above written.
Notary Public in and. for t.he County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Comm~s~ion expires Decemoer 7th ~926.
RIDORDED Jf1 REQUE&.r OF City ·clerk J.AN 19 1927 at 15 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In Boo
No. 1306 P.age .194 of I?eeds Recqrd.s of San Diego Cotmty, Calif.
JOlli'l H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. c. PARsons; Deputy~
I -HEREBY C~Rr'IEY, that. the ahov·e and foregoing is a full; true and correct copy of
Deed from Kathryn 9allahan and. Charles c. ~allahan to the City of Sa.11 Diego, California.
Being ~ocurnent, No. 200038.
the Cit~3/ San Diego; 9alifornia.
City Clerk of
By¥=»t· ~Deputy.
. . . -/93-r~·'*· .

.I I,' Mary & Ant on Alleze, man and. wife For an.d in Consideration of the benefits to
accrue by the ion, canst ruction and maintenance of a sewer .line through and t.he
property herein described; and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ·($1.00) to in hand.
paid; the receipt whereof is hereby aclmowledged, do hereby grant to the City of SanDiego.,
a municipal corporat.ion in the County of San Diego; state of California, an easement and
right of way through; along and ac.l'oss all t.hat certain real prgperty situate in the City of
San Diego, County o;f San Diego; State of California, particularly d.escl'ibed as, to:...·wit.:
· Lots 45; 46, 47; 48; Block 301, Garlano.s Adc1ition, I
T~o. Haye and.. t.o Hold the above granted m1d. described right of way unto the said grnntre,
its successors. and assigns forever; as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of vJay is for the construction and maintenance
of a :private sewer lateral ~nsic1e the :property lines, it being lmderstood that the City of.
San Diego is not to be held liarle for any danage resulting.from the construction·Dlld main-
tenanc.e of sewer laterals over and across this easrnent.
In witness "~lJhereof, Mary Alleze and Ant on 1\.lleze have hereunto set their hands and
seals this 18th clay of Decembe1·, 1926.
]z.::~y ALLEZE. (SEAL)
S1! .1.\T E OF C .c'i.LIFORNIA~ )
COillf.r Y OF Silli DIEGO, ) ss;
On this 18th day of Dece111ber, 1926, before me; u. Steinmetz a l'fotary Public in and
for the said. C Olmty ·of San Diego; state of California, residing the rein, duly c omrJ.i ssi oned and
s1No1·n; personally appeared. Mary Alleze and 1L11ton Alleze, personally known to me to be the
persons whose no.rnes are subscril;>ed to the within instrmnent, and he duly aclmowled.ged. to me

I that they executed the same.

· In Witness Whereof, ~have hereunto set ·my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
of~ice in the Cou..nty.of San: Diego, the day and. year in this certificate first above written.
. . 1T.. ST'EiliMEr Z
Not.ary Public in a.11d for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) . . . . State of California.
My Commission expires December 13th 1928.
,. ., __...
,/ ~EC9REEE .1\T 'REQUESii' OF C:Lty Clerk JAN 19 1927 at 15 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In Book
No. 1312 Page 143 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.,
JOHH H. FERRY, C Olmty Recorder
BY H.. C .. PARSONS, DEPill'Y.
·. ·,

I HEREBY CERTIFY, that the above a.nd foregoing is a full, true correct copy of
Deed, from IIH:ary Alleze and Anton Alleze to the City of San Diego. Being {Document No. 200039 •
City Clerk of t ' City~:~S:!:!go: California,
- By . }Jz . ~ LDeput y.
: ~: ~-

. ~7~PM-.
I, Josephine Boncelli, a widow For and in Qonsideration of the benefits to accrue by,
the ~ocation? co:r:-struc~ion an~ main~enance of a sevve~line·through and across ~he proper~y·
here1n de scr1 bed, and J.n cons1 de rat 1011 of the sl1ln of One Dollar ( $1. 00) to me 1.11 hand pm d,
the receipt whereof is hereby aclmowledged, does·hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a
municipal c·orporation in the County of S::m Diego~ State of California, an easement and right
of way through, along and· across all that certain real property. situate in the City· of San
Diego, County of San Diego; State of California, pa1·ticularly de:s:cribed as follows, to-wit:
Lots 47 and 48 Block 149 University Heights. · ·
T'o Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said grari""ee,
its successors and.assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
. The purpose of this easement and right of "~Nay is for the construction and mainter:t-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the Citjf
of San Diego is not 't>o be held liable· for any damage resulting from the construct ion and I
maintenance of sewer laterals over and aero ss this easment.
In Witness Whereof, I, Josepl::l.ine Boncelli have heretmto set my hand anct seal this 2l!st (
day of October, 1926.
On this 21 day of October, 1926, before me; Jay N. Gilbert a Notary Public in and
for the said County of San Diego, state of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Josephine Boncelli personally known to met o be the person
whose name is subscribed to the 1.:vithin instrument, and-she duly aclmowledged to me that she
.. ·executed the same.
In ~itness v1hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, .the day and year in this c.ertificate first above written.
Not.ary Public in and for the Co1.mty of San Diego,
(SEAL) state of California.
My C.omrnission expires Aug. 4th; 1928.
RECORDED .AT RE,~UEfR' OF City Clerk J.AU 19 1927 at 15 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In Boo'lli
No. 1312 Page 144 of Deeds Records of Sa."'l Diego County, Calif.
. . JOHN H. FERHY, ColL11ty Recorder
By N. C. PA.RSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERT.IFY,.that. the above and foregoing is a full, tm.ue·and correct copy of
Deed of Josephine Boncelli to the City of San Diego 9 Being Document, No. 200049.
City Clel~k of· the City of San Diego, California.

By~/;q. c~./fJeputy,
(/ '9J/~~-#.
E A S E M E N ~.
Rawley-Cremer Spndicate, Inc. a corporation, Does hereby grant to T·he City of San
Diego, a municipal corporation, in the County of San Diego, state o:f California,· an easement
and right of way for the construction; operation and maintenance of a drain pipe, through,
along· and across all that ireal property, situated· in the Cit·y of San Diego, County of San
Diego; State of California, described as follows: · · ·
·The north-easterly six feet of Lot 12 ariel the southeasterl·y six fe-et of Lot 21, Cajon
Terra~e, according to Map thereof No. 19BO. filed- in the Office of the Co1mty Recorder of saiJid
San lhego Cou:.r'lty. . · . · · 1
· To have and to holc1~the above granted an.d descrified easements· unto the se-i.d grantee,
its successors and assigns; forever, as. a right of way for a· drain pipe.
IN V\IITNESS WHEREOF., said corporation has· cau-sed this ingt rument.···to be executed by its
proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 19th day of January, 1927.
(SEAL) Att est : By, GEO. M. HAvVLEY Presid.ent
J. K. DURRILL Secretary.
COillf.tlY OF SAN DIEGO,) ss
On this 19th day of January, in the ye<?.r One T'housand Nine Hundred and tvjenty-sevem.,
before me; Lucy. B. Scully a Notary Public in and for the said County and State, personally J
appeared Geo. M. Hawley known to me to be the President, and J. K. Durrill known to me to be
!!he Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within inst :rtnm.ent; known t. o me to be the
persons who executed the '!Nithin instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named; and
acknowledged to me that such Corporation e...""Cecuted the same.
Witness my hand and off·icial seal the day and year· in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County §U"'ld_State.
RECORDED Jil! REQUEs:r· OF City of. San Diego J.AliJ' 25 1927 at 19 Min. past 9 o'clock
In Book No. 1312 Page 158 of Deeds Recorc1s of San Diego County, Calif.
JOEliJ' H. FERRY, County Rec
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CER':riFY, that the above and foregoing is a full; true and co1·rect. COlJY of
Deed 1::frqm .Hawley-Cremer Syn. Inc. to the City of San Diego. Being Document.· No. 200267.
City Clel'k of the City of San Diego, California·.

BY~·. :~L. ._-r-_"---,6:-L.JC-~_;;a. -.: ,~_o. -: :- --~~~-~·

.. I -
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE.PRESE.NTS, That for and in consideration of the sum of TEN
Dollars, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, that certain parcel of land situate, and being in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, describ-
ed as follows, to-wit: .

I . .A port ion of Lot Seventeen, Block TvJO Hu.~.---:tdred Twent y-t VjO, Ivli dell et ovm, , according to
partition map thereof made by J. l!;o Jackson, C.E., filed -in the office of the Cou.Ylty
of said San Diego C om1ty:; particularly de scri-bed as fo lloiNS: ·
Beginning at the NortherlJ7 corner of said Lot 17; thence southwester-ly along the
. Clerk

norl hwe st erly line of said Lot l '?. to the ·-.west e:rly corner ·m>f said Lot 17·; thence northeast er-
ly in a Cli :rect line a distance of 108.98 feet- tO· a point on the northeasterly line of said 1
Lot 17 distant thirty f 30) feet southeast e:rly from the no-rtherly corner thereof; thence nor1:ih-
westerly along the northeasterly line of said Lot 17 to the point of beginning, is hereby I
released from t.he lien of mort gage made by FR.A.NK P. ALLEN, Jr. and IvWEL ASHE ALLEN, husband
and wife, to SAlq DIEGO SECURITIES COM:P.Ali!Y; a corporation, dated September 15 A.D. 1926 and
reco-tded in the offic.e of the·County Recorder of the County of San Diego~ State of Califor-
-nia; in Book 493 of Mo"Itgages; at Page 307 et seq. ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF SAl'l DIEGO- SECURIT'IES COMP.A.NY; a Corporation has caused this :re-
lease to be signed by its Vice-President and Secretary and its C-orporate Seal to be affixed
hereto this 14t.h day of January, 1927.

By GEO. J. BACH Vice-President

JESS IE SHERK Sec :ret ary.
On this 17th day of January in the year one t.housand nine hundred and 26 ·befo:r e ·me,
LUCILLE MACY, a Notary :Public in and for. said Co-unty, personally appeared GEO. J. BACH known
to me to be the Vice-President., and JESSIE SHERK known to me to be the .Secretary of the
corporation that. executed the within instrument, known to be·t,he- persons who executed the

I . within instrument on behalf of the corporation the rein named, and acknowledged to me that
such corporation executed the sam.e.
r~ota:ry :Public in and fo:r the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
RECORDED .AT~ REQUES-r QF City of San Diego JAN 25 1927 at 52 Min·. past 2 o'clock P.M.
In Book ~To.76 Page 283 of Sat. of Mtgs. Records of San Diego Connt.y, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, Connty Recorder
By L. B. WOOD.ARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERFIFY, that the above and foregoing is- a full, true and. correct copy of
Partial Release of Mo::ctgage from San Diego Securitfues Co. to Allen. Being Docume!ffi No.
Cit:y Clerk of the Ci t;v. of San Diego;. California.

B~~ 1Jc~~ L Deputy,

. tift~·??.
Frank P. Allen; Jr.; and Mabel Ashe Allen Fo:r and in conmderat.ion of the sum of· One
Dollar Does Here:Qy Grant·to The'City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of
. San Diego; state of·California~ All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego,
County of Son Diego; State of California, bounded and.described as follows:
A, portion of Lot 17; Block 222, Middletown, according to Partition Map thereof made

I by J. E. Jackson, C.E., filed in the Office of the County Clerk of said San Diego County,
particularly described as follows: · ·
Beginning at the northerly corner of said Lot 17; thence southwesterly along the
northv-veste:rly line of said Lot 17 t.o the westerly corner 9f said Lot, 17; thence no:rtheasterl•
in a direct line a distance of lOB. 98 feet to a point on the northeast e:rly line of said Lot
17 distant 30 feet s out heast.e:rly from the northerly corner thereof; thence :Jj.ort hwe st erly
along the northeasterly line of said Lot. 17 to the point of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described property tmto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, fo:r street' purposes, as and for a port ion of Witherby
Witness my·hand and seal this Th.4th day of January, 1927.


On this 14th day of January; A.D.· Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before· me;
A.V.Xiyons a Not~ary :Public in and fo:r said·County; residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn; personally appeared Frank :P. Allen; Jr., and Mabel Ashe Allen knovvn to me to be the
person .described in and whose name is subscribed to the vr.i thin instrument; and acknowledged
to me that he executed the sane. ·
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary :Public in and for the County of San Diego,

I (SEAL) State of California. ·

RECOR:E>ED 1f2 REQUEsr· QF Cit:y of S. J?. JAN 25 1927 at· 53 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 129"1 Page 433 of Deeds Records of -'san Diego County, C alif•
JOHN H. FERRY!, C onnty Reo order
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERI!'IFY, that the abov·e and fo :regoing fs a_ full, true and cor rec~ copy of
Deed from Frank P •. Allen Jr., et u.x to· T'he City of Dieg·o. Being Document No •.200385.
. ALLEN H. 1/ffii GHT
City Clerk oft he City of San Diego, California.

~y~~( ~ Dri-11''Y, ~.q....


We, August :and Ernestine Heck<noth, husband.anc1 wife; 1!1 or and in Consideration of tb!
benefits· to accrue by the location; construction ano. maintenanc·e of a sewer line through 2.11
across the property herein d~ sct'i bed, 8.ncl in c onsio.e:r•ai;i on of the sum of One Dollar ( $1. 00)

to us i:ri_hanc~ paid;.tJ:e receipt wh~reo~ is he~·eby ack:::ol~lecl&:d; do hereb;y,..gran~ to ~h~ City

of San D1ego,.a mmucl:pal.corporat.lon 1n the County OI San lhego, State oi Cal1forn1a,-an
easement ancl right of vJo.y through, along s,nc1 2.cross all :chat ce:r·tain real Pl'Ol)e:rty sitnate
in the City of San Dief.So; Com1ty of So..n Dier;o, State of Califo:i~nia, particularly a.escribed
as follows; to-wit:
The south 4c.OO feet of the West 40 feet of Lot 3l;·Block 48, University Heights;
ac:cording t. o Amended ll!ap the:r·eof mader:by~'G. A. cPHeme,court ,. filed in the Office o·f the Com1t~· .of said San Diego Cov.nty. .. I
.· . To ~ave and te_Hold the ab~ve gre.11~ec1. 2.21d a.escribec1right o~ 'l.'\tay.unto the scid grantlee,
1t s suqcesso:r·s and ass1gns fo.reve1·, as a r1ght of vJay for a sewer p1pe. l1ne.
The pu:rpose t:Jlf this easeme.nt and right of 1nay is for the construction a.t'!d .maintenanc
of a private. sewe:r~ latE)ral insio.e the p:roperty line~; it being underG't.ood that the City ·of
San Diego is not to be held liable fol' any damage resulting :f:.rom the construction and m8in-
tent?.nce~ of sevver laterels ove:t.' and across this easment.
·In Witness Whereof; vJe hav·e heretmto set our hands 2nrd sealst:his 4th day of
eranuary' 1927 0



COli1,YJI'Y OF .SP..H DIEGO,) ss
On' this 12th day of January, 1927; before me;· J. W. Ch:r·iswell a Hota:ry Pu~blic in an
fD".f' the saio. County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein; duly commissioned
and sworn; personally appeared Ernestine Heckeroth· personally knovm t_o me to be .the pe:rson
whose name. a:r.e subscribed to the within inst niment; and she duly· acknowledged to me -that she
executed the sa:.rne ..
IN WIT NESS V1.HEREOF, I have hereu.nt o. set my hai1d 8Ild affixed my official seal at my
office in the C ov.nt y of San Di.ego; the day ana. year in t hi:s cfurtific ate first above written.

Notary Public in and for the C om1t y of San Diego;
State of C al.if orni a.
Ii'fy Commission Expires Aug. 18, 192'7'.

. COUNTY OF DJEGO,) s_s .,
On this 4th clay ·of January; 1927; before me; Kate L. Merar·hon a Notary Public ±n anl
fol' the said County of San Diego;· State of ~alifornia; residing therein, duly comrnissioned 1
and mvorn; personally .ap:peared August. Heckeroth personally known to me t.o be the :person whose
n2me is subscribed to.·the within instnnnent; and he duly acknowledged to me that-he .executed
the· sane. ·
IN WITNESS Vi.HEREOF; 1II have heretmto set my hand and affixed my official seal~ at my
office in the Cotmt.y of San Diego; the day and year in this certificate first above written.
Not<:~ry Public in and for· the Cou.nty of Sa.:.f'! Diego;
(SEAL)· state of C alifo1·nia.
My Commission Expires 3-18-1928.

RECORDED AT' REQUESY OF City Clerk FEB 1 1927 at .15 Iviin. :past 2 o'clock P.llii. In Book
No. 1320 Page 109 of Deed.Recorcls of San Diego County, Calif.
· JOHN H. FERRY, County Rec o:r·d,er
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERii'IFY that the above anc1 ·foregoing is a full, true anc1 correct copy of
Deed from August, Hecke:roth and E:rnestine·Heckeroth tb the Cit.y of &an .. Diego
Doct~ent No. 200472.
. . •. Being .

City C_1erk of the City of San Diego, California •.

By~~·~ Deputy.·
. t! . r~/JAI~.
We, .Arthur A. Kunze & Gladys Kunze husband & wife as joint: tenant·s Fo1· and in
Consicle:ration of the benefits to accrue by the location; construction and maintenance of a
se'l:ver line through and across the :property herein descril1ed, and in consideration of the stm
of.One Dollar ($LOO} to __in hand paid, the receipt whel'eof is hereby acknowledged, do here-
by grant to the Cit.y of San Diego; a municipal cor]!Oration in the Coill.lty of San Diego, state
of California, an easement and :r·igh'fr of VJay thro.ugh, along and·across all that certain real
property situate in t:he City of San Diego; Com1ty of San Diego; state o:~; California, particu-
larly described as follows; to-wit.: .
. · East 40:-:.feet of Lot. ffo2 in Block #3 of Florenc.e Heights Addition in Jli1ap '~892 filed 1

March 20 ·- 1903. . .
To Have and t:o Hold the above grant eo.. and .described right of way m1t o the .said
grantee; its succe.ssOl'S and assigns forever; as a right ·of way for a serJer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement ancl right of way is for the c onst ructt on a11c1 inaint enance
of a private sewer lateral inside-the prope:rty lines; it being understood that the City of I
Sa11 Diego is not to be held liable fo:r any d001age l'esult,ing f1·om the construction and mainte-
anc e of sevver laterals over and acr o ~s this easmen'lto
In Witness Whe:reof, we have heretmto set our hands and seals this 19th day of
Janual'Y, 1927.

( SE.AL)

( $EAL).· .
COUI1T Y OF SA.lJ .DIEGO, }'.... s ' '

On this 19th day of January, 1927; befo:re me, Esther Caldwell a Notary Public in aP..d
for the said County of San ·Diego; State of California, residing the·rein, duly commissioned
and- sworn; -personally appeared :Arthur A. and Gladys Kunze personally lahown· to me to be _the
persons whose nwnes subscribed to the within instn1ment, and they cluly adlmowledged to me

. I

tha~ they exacuted the same.

In Wit ness Where of; I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the Covnty of San Diego; the day and year in.this certificate first above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State o:(: California.,

I My C ommi ssi on Expires M9-rch 18; 1930.

R:BX!ORDED .l![r. REQUEST OF City Clerk FEB 1 192? at 15 Min. past 2 o·!clock P.M. In Book
No. 1318 Page 115 of Deeds.Records of San Diego Cov.nty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS; Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a null, true and correct copyr~of
Deed from Arthur .A. Kunze and Gladys Ktmze t.o the City of San Diego. Being Document No.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego; California.

BYf!?;a.di-/q· iii-~/ Deputy.

. . ~~·~.· .

D~ED ·
I; J'ame s B. Paiiie; bachelor, For and· in C onsi deration of the benefits to accrue by
the ·location; construction and m~intenailCe of a sewer line through and across the property
herein described; and in consideration of the sum of .One Dollar ($1.00) to __in hano. paid;
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged; does hereb~r grant, to the City .of San Diego, a
mtmde:i:pa.IT. corporation in the Cotmty of San Diego, state of California, an ·easement &J.c1 right.
of way t.hrough;· along .anc1 across all certain res-1 property situate in the City of San
Diego; County of· San Diego; State of California; descr iped as follows, to-wit : at a point on the .Southeast corner of. Lot 27 in Block 76 of City Heights
Adclit.ion to the City of San Diego;. rullJ."ling thence North a distance of 16 feet, thence West

I .a distance of 140 feet to a point on the V'!est line of said Lot: 27; thence North a distance
of 4 feet to a point 20 feet distant from the South'INest .corner of' said Lot 2?; thence East·
a distance of 140 feet to a point on the East line of said Lot 27; thence South a distmice o
4 feet to a point 16 feet distant from the·South East corner of said Lot 2?,;
·To have and to Hold the above granted and described right of i.Vay .1..mto the said
grantee; it s successors and assigns forever; as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The pu:rpose of this easement and right. of IIiiaY is for the construction and maintenance
of a private sevver lateral inside. the property limes; it being tmderstood that the City of
San Diego is not to be held liable for any dc:1mage resulting frcm the construction and main-
tenand.e of se-vver laterals over &J.d. acrmss this easment. ·
In V'1itness W'.r1ereof; J:; Ja111es B. Paine have heretmt o set my hand and seal this 18th
day of January 1926.
( SE:\1)
·On this 18th day of Jru1u~o.ry; 1926; b.efo.1·e me; M. o.· Aubo-lee a Hotary Pul)lic in and
for t.he said Cotmty of San Diego; St.ate of California; re;:;icling therein, o.uly commissioned
and. sworn; person_ally appeared Jarlle s B. Paine; a single man;· pe1·sonally knovvn to me to be ·
the :person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument·; and he dv~y adknowledged to me
that he executed the S8111e.
In Witness v'~fhere of; I have hel'etmt o set my hano. and affixed my offici:aal seal, at my
office in the Cou:.rJ.ty of San Diego; the clay anc1 yeaT in thfus ceTtificate first above vsl<itten.
!'rotary Public in ~mel· fo:r the Cou:.11ty of San Diego';
(SEAL) . State of California •.
My Commission expi:res De9ember 19th-192?.

I RBXiORDED .Nl RE·::tUEST OF City Clerk FEB 1 1927 at 15 Min. :past 2 o'clock P.IIi£. In Book
1318 Page 116 of Deeds Record~ of San Diego Cotmty; Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By IL C. P .ARSONS; Deputy.

I HEREBY ~!'Eltr'IFY that the 9-bove anc1 foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Jian1e s B~ Pafune fo :c sewer R/W to the C :Lt y of San Diego. Being Document 1\f.o. 200476 •
City Clerk of the Cit.y Diego; Califor.r1ia.
/} _y

[>, Lucy Watt~ For and in con!3io.eration of One 'DolJ_ar Do Hereby Grant to The·City of
San DiegD·; a Murlicipal c·orporation, in the County of San Diego; :;3tete of.Califol'nia, an
easement right of way for ~he const ructi·on and. ·ope rat ion of a selr,iel' pipe line and water
pipe line'th:rough, along and across All That Rea~ Property situatecl in the Cit;y- of San Diego
County of San Diego,· State of California; botm~1ed anc1 described as follows:.
The No:rtheas~l,)erly 12.50 feet of Lots ·4,5; 6 and ?; Block 1.00, Middletown; according
to Partition Map thereof macle by J. E. Jackson C.E., .filed. in the Office of the Cotmty Clark
of ssid Ss..n Diego e!ounty~ saicl..p:coperty being the separate pro);le:rty of the grentor herein.
- To Have· and to I{ old the above granted and c1e scri l)ed easement unto the said grsnt. ee;
its successors and assigns; forever; as a right of V'.iay for a sewer pipe line and a water pip

I Witness my ha.YJ.o. and seal this 24 day of January, 192?.


On this 24th day of January A.D. Uineteen Htmc1red and Twenty-:-seven.lJefore me, E.H.Br oks
a Notary Public in and f'or seid Cotmty, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, per-
sonally e.ppeared Lucy Watt known to me to. bet he person described in anc1 whose nsine is sub-
scribed to the within instrurnent, and ecknowledged to me that she executed the same.
. Wit.ness my hand and Official Seal the clay and year in this certificate fi1·st above
.· ..
~: •• J, '

Not e.ry Public in anc1 for .the County of San Diego,

.(SEAL) State of California •
My Commission.expires; .. June 4; 1930.
RJroORDED AT R~UEST· OF City Clerk FEB 1 1927 at 15 Min. past 2 9 'clock P.M. In Book
No. 1297 Page 451 of Deeds Records of San Diego Cou.:Q.ty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, Cotmty Recorder
By U. C. PARSONS, Deput.y. ·.I
I HEREBY CEREIFY that the above and-foregoing is a·full;-true and correct copy of
Deecl from Lucy Watt to the City of San Diego. Being Document. No. 200557.
Clel'k of the Ci y of San Diego, California.

. UNION TRUs:r C OMP.ANY OF San Diego a c orpor_ati on; of t.he City of San Diego, County of
San Diego; St2.te of California, For and in consideration of the :sum of One and no/100 DOLLARS,
Does Hereby GrD.J.1t to The City of San Diego; a Mm1icipal Corporation, an easement and right 11
of 1say for a public Streep or Highway-ove1·; along and across, All that Real Pl'ope::cty situated
in the City of San Diego; Cotmty of San-Diego; state of California, bounded and described a::!l
follows: · ·
Be;!;ng that portion of Lot One Hundred F.ifty-fi ve ( 155) of Congress Heights Ac1c1i t ion
according to the M:ap thereof N6. 1627; filed in the office of the Cotmty Recorder of said
San~Diego County; February 18th,·l914, ·more particularly described as follows: .
Beginning at .the most Easto1·ly corner of Lot One Hundred Fifty-five (155)·of :said
Congress Heights; thence North 69° 04' 43n West 14'7.11 feet to an intersection VJith the
West.erly line of said Lot One Htmdred Fifty-five (155); thence Northerly along said Westerl
line 38.75 feet to the most Northerly corner of saic1 Lot One H1.mc1red Fifty-five·-( 155); thenae
Southeasterly along the Northeasterly line of saic1 Lot 155, to the point of beginning.
To Have and to Ho.ld the above granted ancl described easement. unto the said Grantee,
its successor.s anc1 assigns forever.
In Wit.ness \Vhereof, said corporation has caused this deed to be singed by its Vice-
Pre'aident. anc1 Assist ant Sec l'et ary and it s co rpors:G e seal to be affixed hereto this First da
of ~ecember; 1926.
TJNI ON TRUffr C Ol!.CP iuiT OF S.(llf DIEGO

By C. J.t •. ENGLISH Vice-President

(SEAL) Attest: F.· B. THOMPSON
Assist ant Secret. ary.
On this Second day of December in the year one thousand nine hli!.J.dred and 26 before
me, L. J. Williams, a Notary Public in and for ·said Connty, personally ap11eared C.H.EnglisP:
known to me to be the Vice-Bresid:ent, and F. B. Thompson kno~:vn to me to rJe the Ass 1 t Secreta), y
of the corporation that executed the ·Within instrument, kn·own to me to be·the persons who
executed the vJithin instrument .on behalf of the corporation therein nar.aed, and 8.dmowledged
to me that such c o:l.'poration execut eel the· same.
Notary Public in and fo 1' the County of San Diego;·.
(SEAL) State of California;.
RIDORDED liT REQUJ~sr OF City Clerk FEB 1 1927 at 15 Min. past 2 otclock P.M. In Book
No. 1318 Page 118 of Deeds RecordB of San Diego 0 ount y; e alif. . . .
JOHlf H. FERRY; County Recorder
By N.C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY.CERTIFY that the.above (jlld foregoing is a full true ano. co:i:rect copy of
Gra..nt Deed from Union· T1•ust Company of San Ditlgo to The City of Se.n Diego. Being Docrunent
No~ 200579. c
of the City of San Diego, California •
. cJ~ eput y •.
FREDERICK T. OORIPPS and S. EMMA SCRIPPS, husbanc1 and Viife, Fo1· and in consiclerati::mJ
of the su.m of Sixteen 1nmdreo. ( 1600) DOLLARS, Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a I
Mtmicipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California; All that Real Proper·y
situated in the City of San Diego; County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and de-
scribed-as follows:
That certain parcel of larra in ~he.City of San Diego, Co.tmty of San Diego,_State of
California; formerly iiiclucled in the ri~ht ·Of way of the Los Angeles and San.Diego Beach
Rail·way Company;: designated as the San JJiego, Pacific Beach and La Jolla Railbroad on :f\,rap No.
89'7 of F. T. Scl'ipps' Addition t o-La Jolla-Park, filed in the ()ffice of the Cotmty Recorc1er
of said San Diego County July 22, 1903,-clescribed as follows: ·. .
. Beginning at the no1·theasterly co.l'ner of Lot Fou:r-(4) in Block T1.-;o (2) of said JL T.
Scripps' Ac1dition to La Jolla Park; thence southeasterly along the easte::c13r.line of said Lot
Four ( 4) and the sout he1·ly extension thereof ana. along the easterly line of Lot Five ( 5) in
said Block Two (2) to intersection vJith the no::cthe:tly line of Sea Lane; thence northest:!!.sterl
along the northerly line of Sea Lane to the soutll"vifesterly corne1· of Lot Five (5)·in Block
Thirteen (13) of said F. T. Scripps 1 .A.c1c1ition to La Jolla Park~ thence no1·the:rly along the
westerly line of said Lot Five (5) in Block Thirteen (13) and the northerly extension thereo1f,
end along the westel'lY line of Lot One (1) in said Block Thiz;!ieen (13) to intersection with
· I
the southerly line of Ivia1•ine S't :reet ; thence sout st e1·1y along the southerly ·li·ne of Marine
Street ·to the point of-lJeginning. · ·
T'o Have and to Hold the above [',1':'.ntec1 .:mc1 desc1·ibed .PI'emisos tmto the saic1 ero:utee;
its successol'S and assig::J.s, fol'evero
·witness our ha..nc1 s and seals this Fourteenth c1ay of· Jannc.:cy., 19 2?.
. 24~
S. EivTiviA SC RI P:P S ( SE.A.L)
COltl:?.l!Y. OF SAN DIEGO,) 88

On JGllis Fov_rteen'ch day of Januo.ry A.D. llinet een Hu:.r1d1'ed a:.tlcr before me;
R. Daryl Collins, a 'Nota:r.·y Public in anc1 fOl' said C·ormty; l'esiding therein;· duly comr.nission ·
ed and sr1o1·n; personally appeared Frederick T. Scripps and S. Emma Scripps, husband e.nd wile;
knovl!n to·me to be the persona desc:dbed in c..nd whose l18fues are subscribed to the ·within in-
st r u:aent ; anct acknowledged· to me that t he~y e:x:ecut ed the sa'Ile •
In 1Nitnes·s. Vfuereof·; I have hereunto s,Bt my hand and affixed my Official Seal, e.t my ·
• o

office.;'"'in the ScriP1)S Builcting, City of S&J. D.iego; Com1ty of San Diego, state of Californi·;
the day and year in this cert ificat.e first. ab'ove iWritt en. .
Not a:ry Public in. and for the County of San Diego;
(SEAL) State of Califo1"11ia.1
My Com.mission Expi·res August. 18,.1930. · ·· .,

RECORDED AT. REQ.liEST' OF Cit.y Clerk FEB 2 1927 at 35 Iviin. past 2 o'clock P.M. In Book
No. 129r/ :Page 466 of Deec1a Recorcl_s of San Diego C OlmiJy, Calif.
JOHN H: FERRY, Com1t.y Reco:r•c1er
By Ir. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I ,
_.. I HEREBY CER.l!IFY that the above and fo l'egoing is a full true ond correct copy of
· ·ars..nt Deed from F:rede1'ick T. Scripps to The City of San Diego. Beigg Docm:nent No. 200662.
Ci~;~rk of the Cit.y .f San Diego-; California,

By7~2-~·:::::..Jc::(;~~~,~/- •...,


I HELEN M:. BORT.FELD and PAUL H. BORTFELD; vJife and hus1Jand, as joint tenants, For and
in consideration of ONE THOUS.A.HD (1000) DOLLARS, Do·He:-ceby Girant to the City of San Diego;
a Mu...11icipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego; State of California; .. All that Real
Property situated in the City of San Diego; Cotmty of Sa,n· Diego; $tate of California; bounded
and described as follDius: · ·
T·hat ce1•tain parcel of land in T·he City of San Diego; County of San Diego; state of
Califo:r:nia, forme1•ly included in·the right of way of t.he Los .Angeles and San-Diego Beach
Railway C ompa..ny; designated as the Sa.11 Diego, Facific Beach and La Jolla Railroac1 on Ivia:p No.
897 of F. T. Scripps' A<1dition to La Jolla Pa:-ck; filed in the office of the Cotmt.y Recorder of
•of saicl. San Diego Colmty July 22, 1903, c1escl'ibed as follows: ·
Beginning at the northeasterly c·orner of·Lot Three (3) in Block One (1) of said F. T.'.
Scripps' Ac1dition to La Jolla Pa1·k; thence southeasterly along the easterly line of said Lot
Three (3) to its intersect.ion vJith the northerly line of M:arine street; thence nort.heasterly_
along the northe1·ly line of Marine street t.o the southwesterly corner of Lot. "Bu of said F.
-~1'. Scripps' Adc1ition to La Jolla Park; thence northwesterly along the 'I:Vesterly line of said
Lot u:sn to inte:rsed.tion with the northerly line of Pueblo Lot. Twelve Hundrecl Sh:ty-one (1261)
,pf the Pueblo La.11ds of· San Diego; thence southwesterly along the no1·therly line of said:Pueb o
·.(·ffiiot Twelve Hundl'ed Sixty-one ( 1261) t.o the point of 1Jeginning,. ·
To Hat:re and to Holo_ t.he above grant.ed and described premises unto the said grantee;
.its successors and assigns; forever.
Witness our hands and seals this twelfth day of January, 1927.

I On this twelfth day of January A.. D. Nineteen Hm1dred and Twenty-seven befol'e me,
A. L.-Clark a Notary anc1 for saic1 Com1ty; residing therein, duly commissioned anc1
mvorn; personally appeared HELEN M. BOffi'FELD and PAUL H. BOitrFELD, wife and husband, known
to me to be the persons descftoibed i.n and ·whose names are sub-sc:ribed to the viithin instru.ment,
a.nc3. aclm6wledged ·to me that they executed the same·. · I
In Witness Vfher eof, I have· hereunto set· my hand· and affL;;:ed my Official Seal, at my
office; in the County of San Diego; State of California, the o.ay m~c1 year in this certificat
first above written.
Notary :Public in anc3. for the C ou.nt y of San Diego;
(SEAL) State of California..
IvTY Commission expires April 21; 1928.
ROOORDED AT' REQ.TJ"Effr' OF City Clerk FEB 2 1927 at 34 I1i£in. past 2-:·o'clock P.Ivi. In Book
No. 1297 Page 464 of Deeds Records of San Diego Cotmty, Calif.
. JOHN ·H. FERRY, <C.ount.y Rec orc1er
By N. C. PARSONS; Deputy.
I HEREBY CER'.l!IFY that. the above· anc1 foregoing is a full; true and correct copy of
Grant DeeCI. fron1 Helen M. Bort. feld and :Paul H. Bortfeld to the City of S~:m Diego. Being
.Document Ho •. 200663.


. r.· I, .t:D1Ji!IH REE:D, as Administrator of the Bstate of John F. Liniger, Deceased, _fo~ and
in consideration· of One Hund1·ed i:ight y Dollars ( $180.00), do_hereby grant to the CITY O:B'
SAN DIEGO, A MULHCIP1\L CORJ?ORA~l'IUN, all that Real Propert'Y situated· and c1escribed as follow
Lots Pive (5), Six (6) and Eight (8), of Section Thirty-five (35) in Township
Eighteen (18) South of Range ~two (2) East of the San Bernar·dino Mel'idian, oontain-
ing Seventy-r..ine (79) ac1·es and seventy-six hund1·edths (76/100) of an ac1·e, mo1·e Ol'
·'- , · · ,.. le s s.
~his deed is made .pur.suant to an Order of the Superior Com.:.t of the State of
Califownia, in and for the County of San Diego, In the matter of the Estate of John F. Linig r;
Deceased, Probate Noo 13997, it being an.Order Confi:r;ming Sale of Heal Estate ;:md Directing

Conveyance to grantee herein, a certified copy of vvhich o1·der was duly Tecorcled in the Offic
of the CountJT Reco1·der of said Com1ty Feb. 3rd, 1927, reference to whic·h orc1er is hereby mad
for further pa:-cticularso

'\tVITNESS my. hand ancl seal, this 3\·d c1ay of .:Tanuary, 1927.
· As Admini st or of the Estate of
John li'. Lini·ger, Decease:d.

ffil'ATE o:B, CALI:h,ORIU.A: )

) SSo
County of San Di,ego )
On this 3rd cay of· :b1 eb., 1927, before me, the under signe(i.,. a Notary Public 'in .'
~ )

and for said County and State, 1·esiding therein, duly· commi'ssioned and s·worn, personally ap- r/ -~
:i r . · _

peared EDWIN REED,. known to me to be the person described in and 1.-vhose name·is subscribed to
the within· instrument as the' Admini st rat or of the Estate of John l!'. Linige r, Deceased, and
acknowledged to me that he eJ(ecuted the ssme as such Aorninistrat or. ·
IN WIT H1..5SS WHERt~OF, I have he1·eunt o set my hand and affixed my Official Seal
the day and year in this Cert i'fic8.tet1 first al)ove written.
ROBERI" R. HPJviiill' OH
(SEAL) Notary Public in ancl for the Count
of San Diego, State of CalifOl'niaol
RECORDED A.T REQUEST OF City Clerk Feb. 16, 1927 at 50::]1Uzn. past 9 o'clock A.M
In Book No. 1320 Page 163 of Deeds; Records of San Diego County, 0 alif. I
JOHN. H. FEERY, County Reco ·der
By H. C. P~rsons,

I HEREBY CER.riFY that the ab·ove ancl forego~ng is a full true ancl correct copy
of Administrator 1 s· Deed from John. F. Liniger, Deceased, Edwin Reed· Aclrninistrator, to The.
City of Sa..'ll Diego, being Docurnent No. 201095.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego,
California·. · .


I, Jo~eph H. Harper, a widower,

FOR ANDnr COHSIDERAJ.IION of the benefits to accrue by the ·location, construc-
tion and maintenance of a sewer line through and ac.ross the ptoperty herein desctt:ibed, c:;.nd
in cbnsidera1tion of the sum of One Dollar. ($1.00) to me in· hand paid, the receipt ·whereof
is hereby acknowledged, do hef'eby gfant t.o the City of s~m Diego, a municipal corporation :inf.i
the County of San Diego, state of California, an easement and l'ight of way through, along an
across all that certain real property situate in the Ci~y of ,San.-Diego, Co.unttyyof San Diego,
state of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit: T'he East Seventy-five (75)
feet of Lots Five (5)"and six (6), iri Block One (1), of Terra Alta Su.bdivi!§ion Hoo 2.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted ancl described risht of way unto the saidl
grantee, its successors and asstgns forever;· as a right of vvay for a sewer pipe line.
2he pu1·pose of this easement and right o:f way is for and mai -
tenance of a Pl'ivate sewer latoral inside the property lines, it being understood that the
City of San Diego is not to be held liable for any darnage resulting from the construction
and·maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.
/. ·
February, 192'7.
IN WITII[8SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventh d::iy of I

. ) s s.
C o unt y of San Diego. }
On this 7th day of February, 1927·, before me, Adolph J. Mende, a Notary Publie
in and for the said County of San ·Diego, State of California, residing therein, c1uly conun..:. II
issioned and swo1·n, personally appeared Jo.seph H. Harper per. sonall;{ known to me to be the
pe1·son whose name ~s subscribed to the ·within instrurnent, and he duly acknowledged to me tha
he executed the same o
IN WITHESS Vi/HEREOF, I ·have hereunto set niy hand and affixed my official seal,
at my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above
Not'ary Public in and for the C otmt.
My eommission expires Sept. 10, 1930. of San Die go; 'state of C alifornfa.

RECORDED .AT REQtJE5T OF the City Clerk Feb 19, 192'7 at 11:00 o'clock A.M.,
In Book No. 1301 Page 408 of Deeds, Records o:f San Diego County, Calif.

By ~J.
County Rec order
C. Parson.s·, Deputyo I
I HEREBY CER.l! IFY that the above and fore going is a full true and correct
copy of Deed from JOBEPH H. HARPER, a wio.ovJer ancl the City of San Diego, being Doc mnent No.
.. I
We, CHARLES H. FLAGG and M.A:i:TIE E. FL}.GG, hu:sband and wife,
FCR .AND IN CONSIDERATION of the benefits to accrue by the location, contruc"'"
tion and maintenance of a sewer line through and across the property herein described, and in
considera~ion of the svn1 of One Dollar ($1.00) to us in hand paid, the 1~eceipt whereof is her-
by acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the

I County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of waY through, along and
across all that certain real property situate in the City of San Diego; County of. San DiePo,
State of California, particularly described as follows, to-viit1:, The East fo1·ty-eight (48)
feet of Lots'lwenty-three (23) and~wenty-four (24) in Block: Seventy-five (75}, City Heights.
flO H.AVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described right of way tmto the
said grantee, its successors -and assigns forever, as a l'ight· of v;ay for a sewer pipe line.
T'he purpose of this easeme.nt. and right of way is for the contruction and
maintenance of a private sewer and .a water lateral inside the property lines, it being rulder-
stood that the Cit.y of Sa..11 Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the
constamction and maintenance of sewer laterals over e.nd ac·ross this easement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands a.11d seals this 9th day of
February, 1927.
MATr.r IE E. PLA.GG, ( SE~d


} SSo
C otm'Gy of San Diego, )
On this lOth day of February, 1927, before me, Adolph J. l~~ende~ a Not.ary:
Public in and for.the said Cotmty of San Diego, state of California, 1·esiding therin, c1uly
commissioned and sworn., pe-rsonally appeared Charles H. Flagg and Iyiattie E. Flagg, personally
known to me to be the pei.'sons whose names are subscribed to the within instrmnent, and.they
duly acknowledge.d to me that they executed the same.
IN VVITrfESS lt1F,£REO:&,, I have hereunto. set my hand and affixed my official seal,
at my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in th~s c~rtificate fi1·st above



Hot ary Public in and for the County of San
My Commission expired Sept. 16, 1930. Diego, State of California~
RECORDED AT REQUES".I! OF City Cle1·k E.eb._l9, 1927, at 11:00 o'clock A.H. In
Book No. 1301 Page 407 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Rec o1·der.
By N. C •. Par son:s; Deputy.

I ~IERE eERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full tr:u.e ancl co1·rect copy
of Deed from Che,rles H. Flagg and Mattie E. J!,lagg to T'he City of San Diego, being Document
No. 201184.
City Clerk of the Cit~r of San Deigo, Calif.

. We, JOHlJ Y. NICOL and NORA F. NICOL, husband and wife of the City of San Dieg ,
State of Ualifo:cnia, .
FOR AHD IN CONSIDER.A:l'ION of the benef:Lts to accrue·by the. location, contrlw-
ri on· and maintenance of a sewer line through and ac l' o ss the p1·ope rt y he l'ein de scribed, and i
consideration of the sum. of One. Dollar ( ~~1.00) to them in ha~1d paid, the receipt v;hereof is
I here by acknowledged; do here by g:rar;tt to the City of San Die go, a municipal c orpor at ion in the
County of San. Diego, state of California, an easement and l'ight of way through, c:.,long and
across all that certain real :property situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,
State of California, particularly clesc1·ibed as· follOINS, to-wit: Lots eleven (11) and t·welve
(J..2) in Block numbered Six (G) of Tr2.ct 1382 Wilshire ,J='lace o:Z the City of Sa.11 Diego, County
of San Diego, State of Califo:r:nia, according to rec.ordea plat or map thereof.
TO ILWB 1-l..HD TO HOLD the above granted and cleserribed right of nay unto the said
g-rantee,. its successors end assigns forever, as a right of way fo;r a sewer pipe line, wat.:er
and gas pipe lines. . .
. The :pm:pose of this easement and right of vmy is for the conr{Gruction and main-
tenance of a p1·ivate selver lateral inside the 1nope:rty lines, it being u.nde1·st ood that the
City of San Diego is not to held liable for any damage resulting from the c on~t ruction e..nd
maintenance of· sewer laterals over and across this easement.
IH wrr NESS WilliREOF, 1Ne have he retmt o set our hand:s and seals this 29th day o
January, 192 7.

·s:I: .~E OF C.illii:E'ORNIA,

. ~
lss ..
County of San Diego.,
On this. 29th day of Janua1·y, l 9 27, before ,me, M. .o. Aubolee, a Not·ary Public
in and for the said Com1ty of Sa...Yl Diego, State of California, res.iding the1·eih, c1uly conTini-
ssi oned and sworn, pe r~n.aJll-y appe are cl John Y. Nicol anc1 Hora F. Hie ol, husband anc1 wife
pers~"?ally known to me:to be the pe1·sons whose names a1·e subscrib~d to the within instrr.rrnent,

I and uney cluly acknovJledged to me that they executed the same.

IN WIT NESS W:EIEREO:B', I· have hereunto set my hand and affix~d my offic ia1 se
. at my office in the County of San Diego, the cl~J.y and year in this certificate first above
vvri tt en. ·
lvi •. 0. A.UBOLEE.
(-SEAL} Hot ary J?ublic in and for the County of San
Ivllit Commission expires December 19th, 1927. Diego,. State of California;,

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Feb. 19, 1927 at 11:00 6 1 clock A.M. In
Book No. 1300nPage 378 of Deeds, Recorcls of San Diego Cotmty, Calif.
County· Recorder.
By N. c. Parsons, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY,that the above ancl f'or·egoing is a full true and correct
copy of Deed from John Y. Nicol and Hora F. Nicol to The City of San Diego, being Document
No. 201185.
ALLEN H. ·vvRI Gill
Cit y C le r k of t he C it y of San Diego ,
California. .

~ ~./M.

We, B;RNES1 S. LEWIS and NELLIE V. LE\iVI S, husband ancl vlife,
FOR AND IN CONSIDER.A·.riOH of the benefits to accure by the location, con-·
struction and maintenance of a sewer line throu~h and across the })roperty herein clescribed;
and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar (~1.00) to us in hand.,paid, the receipt V1here-
of1 is hereby acknowlecl.eed, do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporatio
irl. the County of San DiegQ, state of California, an easement and right of vJa~7 through, along
and across all that ce1·tain :::'eal property· situate in the City of San Diego, Cotmty of San
Diego, rstate of Californai, particularly described as follo','JS, to.,...wit.: The East Fifty (501
feet of the West One Hundred (100} feet of Villa Lot 'i!vJO Hundred 1f1:iJenty-tvJO (222) of Horma.ID
Heights, measuring along the No1·t h line of said lot, in the County of San Dli:.ego, State of
California, according to Map thereof No. 985 filed in the Office of the Recorder of said
San Diego c o unt y May 9 , 19 0 6 o
TO HAVE AND J.'O HOLD'ctche::tabove g1·anted and described right of way p.hto the

said grantee, its successOl'S and assigns forever., as a right of v1ay for a sewer pipe line.
· The purpose of this easenFJnt and right of way is for the construction and
maintenance of a p1·ivate sewe1· lateral inside the J?l'Operty lines, it being unclerstood that
the City of San :Diego is not to be: held liable fo1· any damage. resulting from the constrnctio'
and maintenance of sewer laterals over and across thlbs easement.
IN WITNESS \;iJTIEREOP,.we have he1·eunto set ha..nds and seals this 26th day of
January, 1927o ~! ·,


- ' ) s s.
County of San Diego, )
· On this 26th day of January, 1927, before me, P. B. Eck:hart a Notary
:Public in and for the said Count;>r of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly
c Drr1.1li ssi oned and sworn, personally appeared E1·ne st S~ Lewis and He llie V>. Lew.i s, husband and
wife, personally known to me to be the persons vJhose names are subscribed to the within
instrument, ancl they duly acknowledged to me that· they executed the same.
IN WITHESS Will~REOF, I have·heretmto set my hand and affixed my official
seal, at my office in the Cotmty of San Diego, the day and ;srear in t-his certificate first
above written.
Notary Public in. anc1 for the C ountw
My C onuni ssi on e:xpi res January 2, 1929. of San Diego, state of CalifOl'nia.

REC©RDED .AT REQUES1' OF City Clerk Feb. 19, 1927 at 11:00 o 1 clock A.M. In
Book No. 1283 Page 478 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
Cou..nty Recorder.
By H. C. Parsons, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above nnd foregoing is a full true and correct
copy of·Deed from Ernest S. Lewis anc1 Nellie V. Leviis to The City of San Diego, being Docu-
ment No. 201186.
City Clerk of the City of San DiegiD,

VIe, FRANK O. LOSEY and ANNA B. LOSEY JOINT '.i!EHANCY, husband and vnie,
:E'OR Alm IH COHSID~m.A::e I OIT of the benefits to ace :d.ue by the location, con-
sj;ruction and maintenance of a sewe1' line throu§h and ac1·oss the prDperty he1·ein described,
and in consicleration of the surn of One Dollar ($1.00) to us in hand paicl, the receipt rihere-
of is hereby acknowledged, ·clo hereby gra.nt to the City of Sa..11. Diego, a municipal corporation
in the County of San Diego, state of California, an ease~1ent anc1 right o:fl way through, along
and across all that certain 'l'eal property situate in the City of San Diego., C otmty of San
Diego, State of California, particuLtrly described as follons, t o2v1it: Lots Hos. One ( 1)
and two (2) Block Sixty three (63) City Heights, City of San Diego 9
TO HAVE .AND '.1!0 HOLD the above gnmtecl and clescribecl right of VIay unto
the said grantee, its successors and assigns f o1·ever-, as a right of \'Jay for a sewe l' pipe lin •
The purpose of this easement and l' ight of vmy is for the c onst nwt ion
and maintenance of a private sevver lateral inside the property lines, it 1Jeing tmd.erst ood
that the City of San Diego is not to be held liaole for any resulting from the. con-
struction and maintenance of sev1er laterals over· ancl ac:ross this easement.
.AlTHA B. l,OSEY. . ( BEAL)
' .
r· .... ·
. ss.
county of' San Diego. )
On.this 27th day of January, 1927, before me, Eliz.abeth :Gorman a notary
Public in and fol' the said County of San Diego, state of California, ::cesic1ing the::.·ein, duly
commissioneCl. and. sworn, personally appeared F1·ank o. Losey gnd imna B. Losey p~rsonally

I knorm to me to be the persons vJhose names subsc1·ibec1 to the nithin instrument, and they
Cl.uly acknowledged to me that they exE:wut.ed the ssrne.
nr Wl't.N~SS lfi.HJ::;RJ.:;OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affi:z:ed my official
seal, at my office in the Cotmty of San Diego, the day. and year in this certificate first
above written.
Hot ary Public in and for the County of San
My Comn1ission expires July 22, 1928. Diego, State of California.
RECORDED .AT REQUES".r OF City Clerk Feb. 19, 1927, at 11:00 o 1 clock A.M.
In Book No.· 1305 Page 246 of· Deeds, Recorc1s of San Diego Cotmty, Calif.
C ou.nt y Recorder.

By H. c. Parsons, Deputy.

I HEREBY C'ERTIFY that the above and fo1:egoing is a full t1·ue and. cor1·ect
copy of Deed from Frank 0. Losey anc1 .Anna B. Losey to The Cit:y of San Diego, being Docmnent
No. 201187.


. FOR .AND nr COHSIDER.ATIGN of the benefits to accrue by the location, con.::.

struction and me.intenance of a sewer line tluoueh and across the :9roperty herein desc1·ibec1,
and in consideration of the surn of One Dollar (~1.00) to me in hand paid, the rec.eipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged, do hereby g1·ant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in
the County of Sa..'Yl· Diego; state of California, an easement and r·ight of \"jay through, along and
across all that certain ~ceal pti:'Operty situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,
State of Califor·nia, pa:cticularly described as follows, to-wit.: The west fou:c (4) ft. of the
east fifty-five (55>~. ft~. o:f Lot twenty-four (24) in Block Sixty (60) of 1Jo1mal Heights.
TO HAVE .Alm TO HOLD the above granted and c1escribed right of way unto the
said grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of vvay :fO!' a sewer pipe line.
T'he purpose of this easement an<l right of way is for the construction and
maintenance of a J?l'ivate sewer lateral insi(le the proper·ty lines, it being unc1erstood that
the City of San Diego is not to be held li8:ble for· any derne,ge from the constnwtion
and maintenance of ·sewer laterals ove:r.· and across this easement.
IJ:T \tVI'J! NESS vV'.tiEREOF, I have he 1·eunt o set my hand anc1 seal this lOth day of
February, 1927.

)·s So
County of San Diego. )
On this loth day of February, 192}7, before me, Adolph J. Mende A Notary

:Public in e.nd for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing ther·ein, duly
c ommi ssi oned and sworn, personally appeared Jifl:aria McMahon personally known to me to be the
person whose name is subsca•ibed to the within inst1·mnent, and she duly acknowledged to me
that she execut ea. the same.
IN WITl\!ESS·vVHEREOJ!,, I hEwe·her·eunto set my hand and affixed my official
seal, at my office in the Cov.nty of San Diego, the day ancl year in this-certificate first
above written. .
Notary ~ublic in and for the Cotmty of San
My Coramission expired Sept. :10, 1930. Diego; State of California.
RECORDED .A:r REQUEST OF City Clerk Feb. 19, 1927, at 11:00 o'clock A.I\II.
In Book No. 1305 :Page 247 of Deeds, Recor·c1s of San Diego Cotmty, Caiif •.
Covnty Recorder

By- N. c. :Parsons, Deputy.

I H8RE CERT I:B1 Y that the above and foregoing is a full true and c or1:edt
copy of Deed f:com Maria McMahon to The City of San Diego, being Docwnent Ho. 201188.
City Clerk of the City of San Dieego, Calif.

. - . ~i~'~
We, C. L. RI SING.2R and LOI:fEiTA RISINGER, husband and wife,
·FOR .AHD IN CONSIDJ:;RA..!!ION of the benefits tw accrue by the loc.ation, con.-
·struction and maintena:.t1ce of a sewe1• line .t.hro.ur,h.D.nd across the p1·operty herein described,
and in considerat:Lon of the sum of One Dolla!L' ($,1.00) to us in hand paid, the r·eceipt whete..;.
of is he 1·eb~1 ac knowl·edge c1, do here by grant t o the City of Ssm Diego, a nnmicipal c or·porat ion
in the C ov.11..:'c y of San Diego; state of Calif·ornia, an easement and right of way through, along
ancl acxoss all that certain real property· situate in the City of San Diego, Com1ty of San

Dieg.o, State of California, particularly described as, to-wit: . . the Harth Four (4)
feet of Lot T'wenty-three (23) in Block Eight (8) of BlL'Ylgalovi Park a9cording to Map No. 1175
filed April 19, 1909 in the of:fice of the Cotmty Reco:cder of said San De~go.Cotmty.
TO H.AVE AND ~0 HOLD the above granted anc1 described ::eight of way unto the
said grantee, its successors and assigns fo:cever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The. purpose of this e9-sement and :eight of v'iaY is f~n· the const:ruction and
maintenance of a private sewer late:cal inside the property lines, it being understooa. that
t.he City of San Diego is not to be held )_iable :t'o:r any damage resulting from the constructio~
and maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.

IN WITNESS WiffiREOF, we have. hereunto set our hands and seals tchis ls1' day
of February, 1927!

) ss.
C otmt y of San: Diego. )
On.this 1st cla~1 of Febnw.ry, 1927, bef.Ol'e me, Adolph J. Menc1e,.a Notary
Public in and for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly
commissioned and sworn, pe:rsonally appearE;Jd C,. L. Risinger ancl Lonetta Risinger personally
known to me to be the J)ersons whose names a:ce subscribed to the ·within instrument, and they
duly acknowlec1ged to me that they executed the same.
' IH WITNESS vVHEREOlT, I have· he relL'Ylt o set my hand and affixed my official
seal~ at my office in the County of San Diego, the day 2.ncl year in this cextificate first
above written.
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the C otmt
My C ommi ssi on ex1)ire s Sept. lOth, 1930. of San Diego, State of California.
RECORDED AT REQ.1JEst OF City Clerk F:eb. 19, 1927 at 11 :00 o 1 clock A.M.
In Book No. 1315 Page 221 of Deeds,-Records of San Diego County, Calif.

. By H.
County Recorder

9. Parsons, Deputy •
I HEREBY CERJ:IE'Y that the above :::md for·egoing is a full true anc1 co1·rect
copy of Deed f:"c om C. L. Risinger and Lonett a Ri singer to The City of San Diego; being Docu-
ment. No. 201189.
City Clerk of the City of San Dieg~,
California. ,·
:.·I~ l.m. A. LOPLIHG and MIIvillU LOFLING, husband and wife,
FOR Alm DT CO.NSIDERATIOH of the benefits to accrue by the location, con~
struction and maintenanc·e of a sewer line throu§h·ancl acr·oss the property hor~in clesc:ribed,
anc3. in consideration of the sum of One Dollar (<I?:t..OO) to me in hand paid, the :receipt whe:ce-
of is hereby ac knovvledge c1, · do here by grant to the City of San 1'fuego, a municipal corporation
in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement anC:~ l'ight of way th:r:ough, ·along
ancl across all that certain real prope1·ty situate in the City· of San Diego, Colmty of San
Diego; State of California, particularly described as follovJs, t0-1:i~t: East 43 feet of Lot
G, Block 256 of :l:Iort on 1 s Addition San Diego, Calif •
. TO HliV'i: AITD TO HOIJD.the above g1·anted and describec1 r.ight of way unto the
said grantee, its successor's and assigns fo1·eve;, as a r·ight of vvay for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of ··.uay is for the cons_truction and
maintenance of a private sewer lateral insicle the property lines, it beinr; tmderstood that t e
City of San Diego,is not to be helcl liable for any clamage resulti~1g fZJom the const:cuction
& maintenance of sewer laterals ove:c and ac:r.·oss this eas.:11ent.
Il:T \YIT.i:TESS WHr;REOF, have hr:Jl' o set their· h£:-mcls anc1 seals this 4th clay of
January, 192?.
};. LOFLilTG ( SEAL)
MD:IMI Lo:&'LilTG ( SE.L\.L)
) ss.
County of San. Diego •. )
On this 4th day of January, 1927, before me, Cl2..uril:e stout a Hota:ry J?ub~~c
in ancl for the said County of San Diego; State of Califol·nia, :r·esiding the:r·ein, duly comnnoi!!
ssioned and sworn, :personally appea:ced A. Lofling 2nd Minm1i Lofling personally fi:novm to me
to be the pe1·sons Vihose n8111es ar·e subsc:ribecl to the r.ritl1in instrllment, ana. tLhey duly acknovi-
leclged to me that they execut eel the smne ..
·IN WITHESS WHERE:OF, I have· he:reunt o set my hancl and affixed my .official
seal, at my office in the C;:nmty of San Dieeo, the day o.nd year in this certificate fil·st
above li'Jl'i t ten.
(SEAL) C L.:'i.T.JDE ST 0 m
Nota:cy Public in arid for the Cou.ntw
My Commission expi:r·ed January 30, 1928. of San Diego, State of Califo1·nia.
RECORDED .:\T REQU~;s:r OF City Clerk ] 1 e1). 19, 192?, at 11:00 o'clock A.l'.t.
In Book No. 1283 Page 480 of Dee cls, Rec o rc1 s of San Diego C om1t y, Calif.
. .
Cotmty Recorder.
By__ IJ. C. Pat' sons,. Deputy

I HEHEBY CERJ:H,Y that the ~::>.bovo aml foregoing is a full true and co:rJ.."ect
copy of Deed f:r.·om A. Lofling :J.ncJ. l.Hinmi Lofline to 1lh~ C -l.ty of San Diego, being Doc1Jment

No •. 20ll90.
City·Clel·k of t.he City of San Diego, Calif-

. ·.. I:,, FR~!.UK Sl'OJ:L'BR anc1 BE!RJ!HA ffi10.1!E2~R, husbend c.mc1 r:ife,
J:'OH MJD DJ COlJSIDl::R_Li..TIOlJ of the benefits to acc1·ue by the location, const:cuc-
tion and maj_ntenance of. a se1:7er line tluough and O.Cl'Oss the prope1·ty ho:c-ein described, anc1 i
consideration of tlle_:c:-surn of One Dollar ($1.00) to us in hand paic1, the receipt vJhe1·eof is
he:ceby acknov;ledged, do·vse hereby e,1·ant to the City of Sc;.n Diego, a;m:m.L"licipal corporation in
the Cotmt.y of San Diego; state ·of California, an easement anc1 right of· way tlrrroue,h, along and
across all that certain real property sitnete in the City of San Diego, Colmty ·of San Diego,
state of California? particularly described. as follo·,·;s; to.llwit: Right of :nay across Lots
13 end 14 in Block \ 22) San Diego Property. Union, in r·ear· between House and Garage for sevier
for Lots. 15 and 16. . .
TO HAVE AI:ID 'J.!O HOLD the above gn:mt eel and c1e scrilJed right of v;ay o the
said g1·ant ee, its successors G.nd asE:;igns fo:revc r·, as a risht of way for a sewer pipe line.
The p-g.rpose of this eesem·:;nt and right of vJa;y is for the construct ion and
maintenance of a private sevver lateral inside the property lines, it being unc1erstood that
the City of San Diego is not to be held liable fDl' any damage resulting f:rom the constructio:rJJ
. and maintenence of sewer· laterals ovr:;r and across this easment •
. IN WIT NESS Vll-IEREOF, have he:re nnt o .set our· hano.s and se els this· T Vj(:nt y -fi ft ~
day of January, 1927. -


I County of San Diego, )

) ss.
On this 25th day of Janua::cy, 1927, before me; George N, panger a Not-ary
Public in and fo:r the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, cluly
commissioned anc1 S\"Jorn, pe:rsonally appeared Fr?-nk Stot~er anc1 Ber·tha Stotler personally
known to me to be the persons whose nsm§Js ar·e subscribed to the within instrument, and they
duly acknor;lec1ged. to me that they execnt;ed the same.
IH VJrFNBSS w.n.:::REO:E', I have he :re m1t o set my hano. end effixec1 my official
seal, at my office in the Cotmty of San Diego, the day ::md year in this certificate fir•st
above written.
Notary Public in and for the C otmty of san
My Commission expires J!'eb. 11, 192'7. Diego, state of Califo:rnJ.a. ,

RECORDED NJ'. REQ.U.GS.i! OP City Clerk Feb. 19, 192'7 at 11:00 orclock A.M.
In Book No. 1285 Page 440 of Deeds, Reco:rd.s of San Diego County, Ualif.
9ou.nty Recorder.

By H. c. Parsons, De1~1..1.ty.

I Ht:REBY CEHT IFY that the above and for·egoing is a full t l'Ue and correct
copy .of Deed from :!!'rank stotler. and, Bertha Stotler to J!he City of San Diego, beine Doctm1Emt
No. 201191

I., BESSIE R•. JEHNDTGS, formerly Bessie R. Protheroe, Har·ried,
FOR AND- II:T COH:::TDERTION of the benefits to ecc:r.ue by the location, con-
struction and maintenance of a sewer line t hrou~h ·and ac 1' o s s the p:r ope r·t y ·he l'ein de scribed,
and in consideration of the surn of One Dollar (~p;L.OO) t o _ in hand. paid, the receipt v.;here-
of is hereby ackno17ledged, ·does hereby grant to the City of San Dieeo, a municipal corporati n
in the Cotmty of .San Diego, State of California, an easement 2-nd right of ·was thro·ugh,. alohg
--and ac.ross all that certain 1·eal· property situate in the City of San Diego, County of San
Diego, State of California, ;particula::cly described as follows, to-wit: Lot Sixteen (16;;}.
in Block E of Te::calta according to Map No. 265, filed in the office of the Cou.!.J.ty Recor·,
J.uly 14, 18.9='7=.=--
TO I-IAVU Aim '.l'O HOLD the above granted end described right of vJay tmto the
seid grantee, its successor·s anc1 essigns foreve1·, .9.s a :right of vJay for a sevier pipe line.
The purpose of this easeme;nt and. right of way is fo1· the construct ion and
maintenance of a p1·ivate sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being lmderstooc1 that t e
City of San Diego is not to be held liable for any darnege resultins from the constnwtion anc
maintenance of sewel' late::cals over ano. 2,cross this easne:nt. . .
IH WI'l'lfBSS Vifl-i.J,!;R.t:o:B,, I have hereunto set my hancl end seal this 2?th day of
November, 1926.
formerly Bessie R. Protheroe ( SEliL

} ss.

I CoUJ.1t;:,r of San Diego. ) ·"

On this 2?th day of Novembe1·, 1926, before'me, :Lhos. B. Getz a IJotary Pl1bl·c
in and for the saicl County of SanDiego, State of California, residing therein, duly comm-
issioned and swol·n, pe:r:sonally app.ea:ced Bessie R. Jennings, fo::.Tnel·ly Bessie R. Protheroe,
personally known to me. to be the 1)e1·son whose name is .subsc:ribed to the vvithin ii1st rvment,
and she duly ac knowle dgec1 to me that she executed the same.
I H \•~,T·r Ht: SS WliliREOF, I· have here o set my hanc1 and affixed my offi"c ial se' 1 ~
at my office inthe County of San Diego, the day e.nd yea1· in this ce1•tificate f:Lrst above
vvri t ten.
(SEAL) JJotary Public in ancl for the County of San
Ji!Iy vo:rnmiss~on. e_:y.:pil'es Januar~7 8, l'J2?. .Uiego, St. ate of Califo1·nia.

RECORDED AT l{.6Q.Ut:S'J! Ul!' City Clerk Feb. 19, 192?, at 11:00 o'clock A.M.,
In Book No. 1340 Page 22 of Deeds, Records of San Diego Cotmty, Calif.
C ou_11t y Rec order
H. c. Parsons, Deputy.

I 1-lliREBY CER.tiFY that the above &'1cl fo1·egoing is a full trne and correct
copy of Deec1 from Bessie R. Jenning:s to The City· of San Diego, being Docmnent Ho. 201192.
C;ity Clerk of the City of San Dieg ,



' ( -1ft-Jk;~r/.

':'ii, MINA A. • .tiE. .A1Y.anc1 AGA'i:HA. H. GIBSON,

COlTi3IDEIL4.:i:IOI:J of the benefits to accJ~·ue by the location, con-
struction and maintenance of a sewer line and vJatel' lato1·al th1·ouf?h and ac1·oss the property
herein described, anc1 in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ( ~n .. oo) t o _ i n hand paid,
the receipt nhereof is hereby acknovilee,ed, do hereby g1·ant to the City of San Diego, a mu·
icipal co1·poration in the Cotm"Gy of San Diego-;-sfate of Califol·nia, an·.'.easement; and right of
way through, along and across· all that certain real Pl'Opert y situate in the City of San Dieg ,
County of San Diego, State of Califo1·nia, pm:ticula1·ly described as follows, to-·nit: East
70 feet of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 10, City Heights A.nne:x: no. 2, accol'C1ing to the Official
Mal) thereof filoc1 in the Uffj_ce of the County 3e_cordor of salo. San Diego County,
TO HAVE AlTD r_ro HOTJD the above gnmted anc1 described right of ws;y tm'Go the
said grantee, its successo1·s smd assigns fo1·ever, as a right of' rw;y for a vmter lateral &1d
sewer pipe line.
r.rhe purpose of this easement anc1 right of way is.fol' the construction and
11aintenance of a p1·ivate sewer lateral and ·water lateral inside the prope.rty lines, it being
understood that the City of San Diego is not to· be held liable for any damage :resulting from
the con·struction and maintenance of said laterals over and ac1·oss this easnent.
IN WITHESS VJI:I.BRBOF, Mina A. Healy.-~;md Agatha H. Gibson have herennto set
their hands· a11c1 seals this 23rd day of September 1926.

~ ) ss.
Cotmty of San Diego. )
On this 23rd clay of· September 1926, 1)efo1·e me, )!label Merkley, a Notary
Public in and f.Ol' said County and State, po1·sonally apileared Mina A Hep,ly and Aeatha H.
Gibson, ·known to me to be the persons whose names a1·e sulJsc:cibed to the fo1·egoing inst:rument,
and acknowledged to me·that they executecl. the ~same.
WIT :tf~SS my hancl and official seal the clay and yee.l' in this c el't ific ate
first above w::dtten.
Ivi.A.BEL 1-ifB RJ.G".JEY
(SEAL) · Notary Public in and for said
County and State.

REQTJBST . OP Ci',:;y Clerk Feb. 19, 1927, at 11:00 o'clock A.Ivi.
In Book No. 1301 Page 410 of Deeds, Reco1·ds of San Diego Cou..nty, Calif.


County Recorder.

By . H. C.• Parsons, Deputy.

I HBP.EBY CER:J:IFY that· the above and fo1·egoins is a full , tu1·e and co1·r€w
copy of Deed Mina A. Healy and _1\.,satha H. Gob son to T:Q.e City of San Diego, being Docu.rnent
Ho. 201193.
City Clerk of'the San Diego, Calif


F; S.AMUEL W. HILES, a widower,

FOR Aim nr COI:J.SIDERATIOIJ of the benefits to accrue by the loaation, con-
struction and maintenance of a sevJe l' line throu~h anc} acTo ss the IJl'Ope :rt y here in described,
s..nd in consideration of the sum of One Dollar (~)1;oo' to me in hand paid, the ,receipt whereof
is hereby acknfuwledged, do hereby grant to the City Clf San Diego, a nnmicipal corporation in
the Colmty of San Diego, State of C~lifo1·nia, an easem.ent and right of way, ailio:gg-
and ac1·oss all that cer·tain real pr·ope1·ty situate ·in the City of San Diego, Cotmty of San
Diego;· State of California, particula:rly. described as follo·ws, to..:;v~rit: Ove1· the south four
(4} feet of Lot 22, Block D, Ste:rlingi-~Jorth Addition • .
TO HAVE AI:TD TO HOLD THE above g1·anted ancl descril)ed right of way m1to the
said grantee, its successors and as:sl.gns forever, as a right of way. for 0 sewer pipe line.
T'he purplbse of this easment and risht of ilJay is for U1e const:ruction and
maintenance of a. privat·e sewer lateral inside the property lines, it -~ng nnderst ood that t.
City of San Diego is not to be held liable for any demage resulting f:unm the construction an
main:tenance of sewer lateralr:; over anc1 across this ea:t:ment.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heretmt o set my hand e..nd seal this 22nd day of
January, 192'7.
S...t\lVI1JEL W. Ivii LE S ( SEAL }
·. . ) ss.
County of San Diego. ) · _
On this 22nd day of January; 1927, before me; .Adolph J. Menc1e, a lil'ot ary
Public in ancl fo:rthe said Co1m.ty· of San Diego; State of Califor.·nia, residing the1·ein, duly
corrimissionec1 anc1 StNOrn, pe:rsonally appeared Samuel W. Miles, :personally 1tnown ,to me to, be the

I person r.ihOse n~u:ne is sll.osc_ribed to the_ vJit)1in inst1·ument, anc1 J.1e duly ack..11ovvledged to me that
he e:x:e cute c1 the sai1le. ·
IN wrr.nmss VIHERE!OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official :.o
seal; at my qffice in the Cov.ntyof San Diego, the day and yea:t in this certificate first aboVie
(SEAL) , Notary' Public in and for the County of San
~.1y Commission expireq Se_p:temb-er.. ]_rpth, 1950 Di ego ; ::?t at e of qali f o rni a.
RECORDED .M REQUEsr.r O:E' City Cle:rk: Febo 19, 1927, at 11:00 o'clock A.M.
In Book: No. 1300 Page 3?7 of Dee.ds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
County Recorder
By N. C. Parsons, Deputy.

I H.gREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true anc1 co1·rect
copy of Deed from Sarnuel W. Milles to The City of San Diego, being Docl'l.lllent ITo. ~01194.
City Clerk of the City of ~an Diego, CalifF
ornia - '
. . I AA )

I I ; IvLL\IiiiiE K. VALENT I NE, a wid ow ,

FOR .AND IN ,CONSIDERJl.11 IOIJ of the benefits to acc:rue by the location, con.;.
st 1·uct i 011 and maint e·na:nce of a sewer line through and across the pro:pc :ct y he rein described,
and. in consic1e·rtion of the svm of One DoJ:la:r ($lo00) to me in hand paid, the receipt whe:reof
is he1·eby ackno'l:vledged, ·do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a nnmicipal corporation in
the Cov.nty of ·san Diego, State ·of ·California, an easement and :eight of way through, along an
across all that certain real prope:rty situate in the Cityof San Diego, Cotmty of San Diego,
State of California, p~rticularly described as follows~ to-wit: the no~th four (4) feet of
Lot Twenty-six (26·, Block Eighty (80); City Heights.
T'O HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described l'ight of way nnt o the
saicl g1·ant ee, its ·succe sso:r s and assigns forevo r, as a right of vmy for a sewer pipe line.•
The :pur:po se of this eo., sement and right of way is for the c onst :cuct ion and
maintenance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being unc1erstood that
the City of San Diego is not to be held liable for ru1y damage l'esuHing from the constructio
and maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easnent.
In Witness Where of, I have hereunto set my ho.nc1 and seal this fifteenth
day of December, 1926.
· MAMIE K. VALEI::r.riHE ( SE_4.L)

) ss.
C otmt y of Sa_n Di·e go. )
On 'this 15th day ·of Deceml)er, 1926, before me, _/\.dolph J. Mende, a Notary
Public in anc1 for the said Cotmty of Sen Diego, State: of Califo:r:nia, residing therein, ·o.uly
commissioned and sworn, personally appea:-ced Menlie K. Valentine personally lmovm to me to be.
t:he :person vihose name is subscribed to the within inst:rmnent, <:1nd she duly ackno·wledged to
me that she executed the same.

I IN WITNESS V1f.tiEREOF, I have hel'etmt o s;et my hand and affixed my official

seal, at my office in the County of San Diego, the day o.nd year in this certificate first abo e.
Notary rublic in and for the, County of San Diego~
(SEAL) State of Califo:rnia.
My Con~ission expires Sept.l0,1930.
R~~CORDED 1~T REQUESJ.l 01!., CITY Cli:RK FEB 19 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1309
Page 192 of DEEDS Records of San Diego Com1ty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Reco:rder
By N. C~ PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY·CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, t:rue and co:rrect c;opy of
Deed of Mamie K. Valentine to the City of ~an Die:go. Being Document; Uo. 201195.
e:rk of th~ Ci~of San Diego, California.
By, ~J1.~~ _Dejmty •
. i' .. ~~-d.
F1:-ed G. Cantelo, also known as F. G. Gantelo .(widowed For and in considerat;Lon oft. e
benefits to accrne·by the locatio~ and c.onstruction. of a drain pipe through a11d across the
property hereinafter described, doA hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a municipal corp-

. >~ .
. ,;:
oration in the County of San Diego; &'tete of California, an easement and right· of Viay for
the const:ruc'Gion, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe, th:ro11gh~ along and across all
that. real property situatec1 in the City of San Diego, County of San lJiego, .state of Califor-
:: .~. nia, described as follows: · · ' ·
A portion of Lot 24; Block 260, University Heights, accorcUng to Arnendec1 Map thereof
made by.G. :A; d'Hemecourt, filed in the Office of the Colmty Recorde:r of said San Diego Coun Y~
together with a portion of Myrtle Avenue ond Alab8l!la St.1·eet closed to public use and adjoin-
ing said Lot 24, saic1 easement and right of way beine particularly c1escribed as follovJs:

'; .
\ ' .
Beginning at a point on the west line of Alabama Street, distant 32.00 feet south
from the so v.t h line of Myrtle Avenue as now established (measured aJ=ong said west line of
Alabama Sttreet); thenc.e _nor·thiNesterly in a direct line to a point on the ·south line of saict
Myrtle Avenue, dista11t 120.00 feot west from the west llne of Alabama street (measured along
saio. south line of Myrtle Avenue); thence west aLong the south lirie of said Myrtle Avenue, a
distance of 38.80 feet to a point; t.henc·e southeasterly in a direct line to a point; on the
easterly :pro 1 ongat ion of the south line of ssi d Lot 24, di s-1 ffit 27.50 feet we st. fr em the west
line of AJ:abama Street (measured along the easterly prolongation of the. ·so1.1th line of said
Lot 24); thence e:ast along the eas-1e:L'ly prolongation of the south line of said Lot 24 to the
west line of Alabama Street; thence north along·the west line of Alabsma street, a distance
of 3.20 feet to the point or plcwe of beginning; Said ·west line of Alabama street bei·ng acco·d-
ing to the line as ·now est abli.shed.
T'o Ha\r-e anc1 to Hold the above gr2-nted andc1escribed easement. unto the said grantee,-
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of vvay ·fOl' a drain pipe.
Witn~ss my hand a..ncl Seal this 24th day of J"anue.ry, 1927.


also Known as F. G. C!A.NTELO

.on this 24t.h day of Janu:1ry, 1927; before, M. Rubey, a Notary Public in and for
said Cou:nty and· State; resic1ing tlierein, duly c m'lmissioned and swo'rn, :personally appeared
Fred G. Cantelo, also knorm as F. G. Cantelo lmown to me to be the person described in and
,,;,r_hose na:ne is SlEbsoribed to the within inst.rument and he Cl.v~y acknowlec1ged t.o me that. he
exec ut ec1 t ·h..e ssm e. ·
Witness my hand and Off::ii.cfual·seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the C ou...'lty of San Di-ego.
(SEAL) St o..t e of c·alifo mia.
My Commission E::;:.,:pires Jan. 26, 1930.
RECORDED .A~ R~UEffil OF City Clerk FEB 19 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 12'81
Page 418 ·of· Deeo. Eecords of San Diego CountY., Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, C onnpy Recorder
By N. C. BARSOI~S, Deputy.

UtUOILT'RUs:Ir COMPABY, OF SAN DIEGO, a corporation, J!'or and in cOnsideration of the

benefits to accrue by the location a..rJ.d construction a.f a sev1er pipe line through anc1 across
th.e pro1)erty hereim.fter described~ Does Hereby Grant to The·City of San D.iego, aMllllicipal
Corporation, in the County of San -!Jie.go, St:?.te of California, an easement -a..11d right of ws;y
for the· constrD.ction, o:pere.tion ana maintenance of a sewer pipe line through,-· along and across
All that. Re_al Prop_e·rt.y-situa~ed in the _City of San Diego, Com1ty of San 11iego, State of Califil'
~ ornia, bounded and de sc:ri bed as follows: . -
A po·:rtion of Lot's 4 and 5; Block D, P-residio Hills, according to Map thereof no. 19Jl'
filed in the .Office of the Count_y Hecorde':r of San Diego County, s·aid easement and right
of vvaY being six feet in FJidth, three feet on eao~h side of the following described center li .-:
Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line a.f said. Lot 4, distant 44.03 feet _
southwesterly from the northeasterly corner of said Lot 4; t.hence northwesterly on a direct
line making an angle of 60 degrees 23 minutes vvith th~ said :southeasterly line of said Lot
4, a distance a.f 60,80 feet t. o a :point.
. ·
Tb: Have and T·o Hold the above gra.t1ted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its silceessors and asmgns forever as a right of vJa'y for a ·s§wel' pipe line.·
IH WITNESS \?.HEREOF: said Corporation bas caused this instrument to be executed by
its proper officers and its c·orporat e seal affixed this 22nd day of D€wember 1926.
By C. H. ENGLISH Vice-Pre sic1net.
At.t est : J. L. BOLLING, Assist ant Secretary.
On this 22nd day of December A.D. Nineteen Hund!!:'ed and Twenty-six before me, Anne
D."~heparc1 a Notary Public in anc1 for said ColliJ.ty, resic1ing there·in, dv~y corn.missioned and
sworn, personally appeared c. H. English known to 'me to be the Vice :!?resident, end J. L.
Bolling known to me to be the Assistant Secl'etary of the Corporation that executed the· within
inst:rument, knovjn to me t.o be the persons vJho executed the within instrument on behalf of the·
Corporation within mar.ned, and ackno~:vledged t o me that Corporation -executed the same.
In Witness· Whereof, I have set .my.hand and affixed my Official Seal, in the
County of San Diego; state of California,- the day and year in this certificate first. a1)ove
written. · ·

Notary Public in and for the County of San. Diego,
(SEAL) 5'tate of California.
My Co rrrrnission E:xpires March 10-1928.

REr!ORJ)ED Iff. REQ,UEs.r OF city Cle:ck FEB 19 1927 at ·:11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1285
Page 445 of DEEDS Records of·· San Diego County, Calif.
JOHH H. FERRY, County Recorder
By H. C. PARSOHS, Deputy.

I .HEREBY CERTIFY that the abov·e a·nc1 foregoing is a full, true anc1 correct· copy of
Grant Easement. fr a:n Union Trust. Company of· San Diego, a cor por at :i,. on t o City of San Diego.
Being Document No. 201233. -
• 0 ~ City Clerk of of San Diego·, California.


I • -

We, John F. Iarns and J.ose:phine Iarns, husbanc1 and wi~e, For and in Consideration of
the benefits to ac.crue by the location, const1·uctionand maintenance of a water pipe line
th:rough and across the prl!l>:perct·y he:rein descr:fubed, and inconsideration of the sum of One Dol
($1.00.) to us in hanc1 paid, the :receipt vvhereof is he1·eby acknowledged, do hereby grant to
the City of San Diego, a municipal corpo1•ation in the County of San Diego, 5'tate of California,
an easement and right of way through, along and aco:ooss all t}fat certain-real pro•perty situat :
in the City of San Diego, Com1ty of San Diego; state of.Cali:fornia, particularly de:sc:r:ibed a
follows, t o-w it ; 1

The south 4 feet of the West 75 feet .of Lot 2?, Bloqk 2, of Subdivision of Lots 7 t
17, Block N; TeraUa, according to the Official Map thereof fil.ed in the Office of the Count'
Reo order of sai cl San Jh ego 0 ounty •. I. . ·
To HaVie and :to Hold t.he above.g:r:ant.ed and descrlbedlright of way lmto the -saiCl. g:r:antee,
its· successprs·and assigns fo:r:ever, as .a right of ·way for a 1!'Jater pipe lineo .
. The purpose of this .easement and right of YJay is· for the construction and maintenance
of a private water lateral inside the propert:y lines, it beil}g understood th~t :the City of
San :Piego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting :Drom the construction and main-
tenance of water late1·als and across this easment. J

. In Witne·ss Vilhereof, vve have hereu:.11to set ou:r hands and seals thi.s 28th day of
Jai-l uaii!y 1 9 2 7. i
JOHN F • IillviS
.( SE1\L)


On this 28th day of January, 1927, before me, Fred .B. Gzant a Ifot ary Public in and
. •

for the ssid County of San Diego; _$tate of California, residing therein, duly ccmmissioned
and swo:r:n, per.sonally appeared_ John F. Ia.rns and Josephine Iarns Husbano. & wife personally
knownto me to bethe persons whose narnes are subscribed to t!he withininstrum~nt, anc1they
duly acknowledged to me that. they .exe_cuted the sane. : ·
In Witness ViJhereof', I h.ave herelmto set my· ha:.rJ.d and !affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the c1ay a11d yer..:.r in th~s certificate first above writt
Hot ary Public in and for the C_ount·y of San Diego,
( SE-AL) State of Californi.a.
~ My C ommi ssi on expires Sept •. -25th, 1927.
REDORDED 1!1 REQUEs:r· OF City Clel'k FEB 19 1927 at 11 o 1 clock A.M. In Book No. 1340

Page 21 of Deeds Records of Sa.rJ. Diego County, Calif.

JOHI-l H. PERRY, County Recorder
By H. C. PA-RSO.Ns; Deputy.
I HEREBY CEffi Il!'Y that the above and foregoing is a f·lull, true and correct c o:py of
Deed from John F. and Josephine Iams to the City of Sa.rJ. Diego. Document No. 201235.
City Ole rk of the City of Sa.Yl Diego; California.

By~=:~tr.~~ Deputy•
~~~ __'7rj~

. I

, I
THOMAS WILSON and IviART'HA E. WTLSON, Husband and wife, For and in conside:r:at.ion
benefit-s to acc·rue by t lw location and construction of. a sewe:r pipe line through and across
the property here:i.nafter described, Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego; a Munici{lal
Corporation, in the County of San Diego; State of California,' an easement ru1.d right of way
for t.he constructi-on, operation and maintenance of a sewc:r piJpe line and appurtenances; t.hro
along and across All t.hat Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Die
State o;f California, bounded anc1 descl·ibed as follows: J.'"

A portion of Lot 1, Block 1, South Florence Heights, ace o rding to Map there of\No.
1396, filed in the Office of the Cou.11.ty Recorder of Saic1 San Diego Cou11ty, 'Said easement. and
:eight. of way being six feet in width, three feet on each of the following described
c en t e r 1 in e : i' ·
Beginning. at a point on the east line of. saic1 South Florence He i.ght s, rli-st ~mt r;5. 00
feet south 8:8 degrees 58 minutes East-, 6.60.00 feet from the n!orthwest co:r:ner o£ Pueblo Lot ·
1·122.; 'thence North 67 degrees 02 m:imutes 30 seconds .west, 155.28 feet to ~a manhole on trmlk-
line sevJer which point is 17.00 feet south '88 degrees 58 minutes East from said northwest
co:-cner of Pueblo Lot 1122.
To Have and to. HoU.d the above g:c:anted .anc1 desc:ribec1 easement unto the said grantee,
its succe·ssors and assi-gns, for ever; as a right of i'!aJl for sewer purposes.
Witness hanc1 and: seal this Gth de.y of Decembe1·, 1926.
STATE OF HEV lillA, ) .;.·'!

I c-ounTY OF rrrE , ) s s
On t.his· 6th c1ay of Decembe1' .A.D. one thousand riine hunc1r.e0..3lld.twenty. ~~x personal
appeared before me, E. A.' Michal, a Notar~r Public in and for the Cou.nt;sr of Nye and State of . ~,f;i
.'; :
l'Jevac1a Thos. Wilson & Martha E. Wilson of Round Mountain Hev. Co. of Hye knovm to me to be . ·u
the :r::ersons describec1 in and who executed the foregoing instrmnent, who acknowledgec1 to met at'-.:~~):'
they exe:cuted_the ssn1e, freE?lY a.nd voltmtal'ily; and for the uses and ];mr:posed_therein mentio·e~~t/:):
IN wr.rHESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my ha.Tl.d and affixed my ·Official Seal the d~ <.. '· :,
and year in this ce rti fie ate first above written. :..''

l,v £
.. ,; ( ·'-
.DTot ary Public in and. for the County of llye,
(SEAL) State of Hev ada.
My Commission ex'];iire s June 18, 1927.
RECORDED ,.AT REQ.UESJ: OF City Clerk FEB 19 1927 at 11 o'clock ~(.M. In Book No. 1314
Page 9'(1. of Deeds. Records of San Diego Co1.mty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Rec o rc1e r
By H. C. PARSONS, Deput.y.

I HEREBY CERriFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Thomas & Martha E. Wilsnn to The City of San Diego. Being Document No. 201239.
the City of San D:Lego·, California.

QUALITY BUILDING & -SEClJRITIES COiviJ?A.I:JY, a Co:rpo:rat ion, having its principal place of
business in City of San Diego, Cotmty of San Diego, Califo1·nia, by virtue of a re,solution.
auth o:r izing the s~:me, pas:sed at.~~ a meeting of it s Direct o:c s ,. for and in consideration ·of the
smn of One Dollars DOLLARS. Does Hereby G:rant to The City of San Diego., a Municipal Corpo:ra-
tion; in the County of San Diego, state of California, an .easement and :right away; thru over
and across .All that Real P:roperty situated in City of San Diego; Count.y of San Diego, State
of California, bounded and descri1Jed as ,follovJs:
The southwesterly seven and one-half ( 7-~) feet, of all JLot s, Seventeen ( 17) EU.1ld
Eighteen ( 18) inclusive; in Block Eight ( 8), IviidcU et vvon Addition, in the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, state of California, according to pa.rt.ition map thereof on file ip. the
office of the County Clerk of said San Diego Cou::1ty in action No. 5014, Supreme C.ou:rt, ·entitled
William Roark et als Vs. F. F. F.orward et als.
To Have and to Hold the above gre.nted and descTilJed easement unto the said Grantee
heirs e..:nd s.ssigns foreve1· for alley :purposes.
In Witness Whereof, srod Corporation has caused this deed to be .signed by its
Pre 1sident and Sec1·et.ary and its Corporate Seal to be affixed the· ret o, this 26th day of
January, 19 27.
R:ALPHE H. COX President.•
L. A. KENNELL Secretary.

COUNTY OF S...4..H DI.EGO, ) ss
On this TvJenty Si:·q;/h day of Ja11uary Nineteen Hundred anc1 Twenty-seven before me, a
Notary Public in and for said County and State, residing the. rein, .duly commissioned and SiiVOr ,
personally appeared Ralphe H. Cox known to me to lJe the President., and L.A. Kennell known to,
me to be. the Secret.aty. of the C.orporati.on that. executed the within instrument, knovm to me
to be· the persons vvho executed the within. inst nm1ent on behalf of the Corporation therein
named, and acknowledged t.o me that such Corporation executed the same.
IN WITliESS ViJHEREOF, I have here1.mto set. my hand 811C1 affixed my Official Seal at my
office, in said County of San Diego, State of California, the day and yea:r in this cert ificat
first above written.
Notary Public in 2nd for the Coru1ty of San Diego,
( SE.AL) State of California.
RECORDED .AT REQUE:)T QE' City Clerk FEB 19 192? at ll o'clock .A.IVI. In :Book No. 1315
Page 219 of Deeds. Records of .San Diego Cou:.r1ty, Calif. t
JOHN H. FET.mY, c otmt y Recorder.
By N. G. PARSONS, Deimt.y.

I HEREBY CER.r IFY t.hat .the above and fo re.going is. a full, true ancl correct copy of
Grant Deeo. from Quality Building & Sec. Co. to the City of San Diego. Being Doc1.1ment. No.
City Clc rk of the C.ity of .San Diego, Californiao
f-Y'-1-.r~'&Ot-L/./_/h/J c?/{~
. ~"-~.7-+~
Deputy •

. We, Fr.ed W. and Florence B. Ashton, husbo.nd and wife, For and in conside.:cat.ion of
F;i.fty Dolla1·s, Do Hereby Grant to The City of San ))ie.go, a 11/Iunici:pal Corporation, in the
County of San D&ego, State of C.alifo.rnia, an easement and right of way for the_construdt·ion,
operation anc1 maintenance of a sewer pipe line through and acros.s All that Real P1·operty
situUated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego; st.ate of C.alifornia, bolmdeo. s.p.d
de sc:ri bed as follows:
. A portion .of Lot 21, Block 29, Lexington Pa1·k, according .to Map thereof !No. 1696,
filed in the Office of the Coru1,ty Rec.order of said San Diego County, said easement a..nd :eight
of way l1e ing six feet in rii dt h, three feet. on each sic1e of the foll ovJ ing de sc ri l)ed center linra;
Beginning at a point on the easterly line of se.i d Lot 21, dist c:mt 4. 00 feet nort herlltv
f:com the southeasterly corner of said Lot 21; thence westerly on a direct line to a point on
the vJesterly line of said Lot .21, distant 15;16 feet northerly f1·om the southi.~Jest.erly corner
of said Lot 21. .
To Have and to Hold the above g:canted and described easement unto the .s<'lld grantee,
its SLlccesso:rs and assigns, forever, as a right. of vJay for a sevier pipe line,.
Witness our hands o.nd seals this 5th day of February, 1927.
lviRS. Ji1 LOREITCE B. ASlliOIJ ( SE .AL )-
FRED rr. ABET on ( SEJlL )
C OUitr Y OF S~4.N DIEGO , ) s s
On this 7th clay of F'ebruE•.ry A.D. Nineteen Hlmclred ancl.. TrJent;y·-seven befol'e me,
E. Ho'Brooks a notary Public in and for County, :cesiding therein, d"L:llY commissioned anc1
S\'\IOrn; pel'sOnally appeal'ed Florence B• .Ashton o.nd Fl'ecl n. Ashton known to. me to be the perso_ s
described in ancl vJhose names a:ce subscribed to the within inst 1'u.rnent, and acknowledged to me

I that the~z execut eel the sane.

wri tt.en •.
Witness my he.ncl ancl: Offic:i.D.l Seal the day and yeal' in this certificate fil'st above
Hotal'y Public in and for t.he County of San ·Diego,
( SEA.:L) State of California..
RECORDED .AT REQUEST OF City Clerk FEB 19 19-2? at 11 o'clock A.M.· In Book lio~ 1281
Page 417 of Deed Records of San Diego Cotmty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By l:J. Co PllRSOHS, Deputy.
T."HEREBY CERriFY that the alJove ancl fol'eeoing is a full, t1•ue -and con·ect copy of
Deed fl'D1i1 Fred W. Ashton a11clnife, to The City of San Diego. Being Document No. 201243.
City Clerk of the City of San Dj_ego, Califonlia.

We, Sa.rnuel T. Wallal' a11cl LuDell rlallal', husband and >rvife, fol' ancl in conside1·ation
of One. Doll.J.l' do hel'eby grant to The City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the C Olmty
of San Diego, State of California, an e a seme :nt and l' ight of way fol' the deposit of e al't h
material upon and ovol' all that .reel pl'operty sitv~o.,tecl in the City of San Diego, County of

I San Diego, State of California, described as follons:

The North 20 feet of Lots 4 ancl 5, Block 213, University Heights, according to Amend d
Map thereof by G. A. cl.'Hemecourt, filed_ intheOffice of the County Recorder of said
san Diego county. ·
To Have and t.o Hold the: above grantec1 and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever.
Witness oul' ha11ds this 20th day of Jann'.::,l'y, 192?.


On this 20th day of January, 192?, hefol' me, E. H. Eroo~s, a IJot o.l'y Public in and
for said Cotmty and State, residing thel'ein, c1u1:v-corrn11ission_ed and sworn, :personally a}!}
Samuel T. Wallar ancl LuDell Wallar, lmown to me to be the lJe~csons v;hose names a::ce subscribed
o the v;i'Ghin instrtiment. and they duly acknowledged t. o me that they execht.ed the scn-11eo
Witness my hand and Offi.cial Seal the ao.y and yeo.r in this cel'tificate fil's1 above
.Notary Public in and fo:c the County of San Diego;
(SEAL) State of California.
Rl""COBDED ·.AT REQD"ESJ.:' OF City Clel'k FEB 19 1927 at 11 o,:~_~clock A.M •. In Book Ho. 1309
Page 193 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.

· · JOHN H. FERRY, C ount y Reo o l'de r
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CEffi'IFY that the above and foregoing is a full, tl'ue anc1 col'rect. copy of
Easement from samuel ~. Wallar ancl wife to The City of San Diego. Being Document No.
City Clel'k of·the City of San Diego, Califol'nia.

BY,/~- --~~-Deputy.
UHIOH THUfR ·COMPANY OF SAN DIEGO, a corporation, For and in consideration of One
DOLLAR Dee s Hereby Grant to The City of· San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of
San Diego, state of California, ·an easement and right. of way for the construction, operation
and maintenance of drain pipes through, along and across All that Real Property situated in
the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bouncled and descl'ibecl. as
A p.ort.ion of Lots 8, 11 and 12, Block 1; l'Jet.tleship-T·ye Tract, No. 1; according to
Ma:p the1·eof Ho. 1931; filecl in·the O'ffice of the Cou,nty Recorder of sal]d San Diego Cou..11ty,
said easement and·right of way being six feet in ~:vidth, three feet on each siae of the follo i-
ing described· center lines, respectively:
Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 12, dist<:mt 4.50 feet east from tle
nort.hYJest corner of said Lot 12; thence southwesterly on a direct line mal:ing an angle of 13
degrees 30 minutes with the north line of said Lot 12, a distance of 15 feet. to a point; AL. 0,

I Lot 8; a
Begi1ming at p. point on the north line of said Lot 8, distant 20 feet east from the
northwest corner of said Lot 8; thence south-erly at right angles to the north line of said
distance of 10 feet to a l)Oint.
T'o Have and To Hold the auiDve granted and describeCl. easement unto the said grantee,
it s successors and as sig:Q.s forever as a r:Lght of Vi ay for drain pipes.;
IN WrJ!HESS W1-IEREOF: said Corporation has c·aused this ·in-st:rwnent. to be e:::ecuted by it
proper officel's and its cOl'l)Orate seal affixed tirui)s 30th day of DecEmber, 1926.

.. ..
By C. H. ENGLIGH · Vice Presic1ent.
Attest : F. B. THOMPSON Assistant Sec·etary.
On this 30th day of Decembe1· A.D.Nineteen Hund::ced and Tw.enty-six before me, Lulu
McFarland a Notary Public in si1d fo::c said Colmty, residing therein, duly commissioned ru::td
sworn, personally appea1·ed ~. H. English knov:in to me to be the Vice President, and F •. B. ,-
Thompson known to ·me to be the Assista,nt Secretary of the Corpo1·ation that executed the with· 1
inst:t:ument, knovmto me to.-be-t.he pe.rsonswho execut~edthe within instrufui:mt oh behalf of th
Corporation within risr.aed, ·and ackn.owledged to ·me ·that such Corporation execut.ed the same. . 11
In Witnees·1ilhereof, I have·unto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in thd
County o;f San Diego;, state of California, tl>...e day a11d yee.r 'in this certificate first above
Hot ary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
( SEAL) State of California.
My C onm1i ssi on Expires, 12/7/30.
RECOR.DED AT REQUESE OF. c'ity Clerk FEB 19 1927 at 11 o'-clock A.I\[. In Book No. 1285
Page 4,43 of DEEDS .Records of san Diego C otmty, Cali f.
JOHIJ H. FERRY,·y Recorder
By H. C. P.ll.RSOHS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true anc1 correct copy of
~ .
Grant Easement f1·om Union Trust Company of San Diego to City of San Diego. Begin Docm.o.ent
No. 20124?.
the Ci_' of San Diego, Califo:rnia.·
.· ______ _De put y.

' I
. MEAD-HASKELL cavTI?.AIIT, a co:rporation, of the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,
State of California, For_and in consideration of One DOLLAR, Does Hereby Quitclaim T'b·The ·
City of San Diego, a Munici-pal Corppl'ation, in the County of San Diego, state of California, I
an easement and right of w;ay f:6r'. the deposit of earth material upon and over All that Real
Property situated in the City pf San Diego, Cotmty of San Diego, State of Califo:rnia, bound
and described as follows:
The North 20 feet of Lots 4 ana. 5, Block 213, University Heights, acco:rding to Map
thereof made by G. A. d 1 Hemecourt; filed in the Office of the County Recorder of saic1 SanDi .o
To Have ancl to Hold the above quitclaimed and c1escribed easement. unto the s<.'l,id e,
its succ e sso l' s and assigns forever.
IN WITllESS WI-iEREOF: said-Corporation has caused· this instrument to be exe:cuted by its
]?roper officers anc1 its corporate seal affixed this. ;~r;th c1ay of Jal1'lk"1Ty, 192?.

By JOHN H. HASKELL President~·

ll.:t t e st : H. B • HASKELL Sec 1:et ary.
COUlf.fY 0]1 SAN -DIEGO,) s~
On this 27th day of Jailue.ry A.D. Nineteen Hu:.t1dred and twenty-seven before me,
Helen Jacobs a Hot ary J?ubiic in and fOl' saicl Oovnty, resicling. therein, cl.uly commissioned and
svJOrn/·pe.::c-sona11.y John·N. ·Haskell knonn to me to be the President, and H. B. Haskel]
knmNn to me to be the Secretary of. the Corporation that- executed the vJithin instrvment, k:nowr1
t.o me·to be the :persons who executed the \-~J±thin instrument on behalf of the corpoJ::ation \'\d..thi
nanec1, and acknovJledeed to me that such CorlJO:ration executec1 the sa.rne. .
IN WITNESS vWIEREOF, I }?.ave he reUt"'lt o set r'Jy hand and affi12:ed my IDfficial Seal, in t h
County of San-Diego; state'of California, the day and yeal' in this certificate first above
writ t eri. ·
Notary Public in and for the C om1t y of San JJiego,
( SE.A1) ·(St. ate of California.
My Comrnission Expires, Dec. 14, 1930.
REDORDED 1\T REQUE3r OF City Clerk FEB 19 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In BookNo. 1300
Page 376 of Deeds_Hecorc1s of San Diego CouJ:?.ty, Calif. ,
JOHN H•. FERRY, County Rec orc1G r
_By N. C. J?ARSONS,·Deputy. ,
I HEREBY CIDRI:IFY that. t.he above and foregoing is a full, true ·and correct copy of
Deed from Mead-Haskell C om1)~my to the. City o:t; San Diego. Being :Oocument. No. 2012.49.•
. ' . \ .A.LLEH H. WRIGHT· . · .
City Olel'k of the City of San Diego, California •

. By~-~-~;puty,
,, ' ~-~-PI/
I .

I, No1·a Spahr, for and in conside~cation of One Dollar, do hereby grant to The·.City
of San Diego; a municipal corporation, in the Com1t.y'of San Diee;o, State of California, an
easement and right of Yiay for the deposit of earth material upon a11d ove_l' all that res.l
prO};)erty situateCJ. in the'Cit.y of San Diego, Cou.nty of San Diee;o, ~Gate of Califor1;1ia, a.escrib d
aS f 0 ll OV.i S :
The-No1·th 1'5 feet of Lot 3, Block 215, University Height.s, according to .Amended Mazp
thereof P,1[1~\.~:'-~by G• .A. d 1 Hemecou:rt, filec1 in the Office of the Cou:.11ty Recordcl' of said San
,?i~£S0;:9,~t{~t~? Said property· being the se:pa1·a;!7e pro:pe:r:ty of t_he grantor herein.
-··r '(· , .''' :\·>' ' ·o';}:·:.~ \,;';!>
. I
. ~

. To Ha:'VJe-o.nd- t.o Hold t:he above g1·anted and described easement unto the said g:rc.mtee,
·.. ; its sU.Ccesso1·s a...YJ.d assigns, forever.
Wit.ness my hand .and seal this 21st clay of January, 1927.


On t-his 21st day of January, 1927, bef-ox·e me, E. H. Brooks, a Nota:ry Publi.c in and
for sa1d County, residing the:cein, ·duly conm1issioned anc1 swo:cn, personally appeared nora
Spahr, knovm to me to be the person ·whos.e noo1e is subscribed to the wlthin inst.rurnent and sh
duly acknowledged to me that she executed the sooe.
Witness my hanc1 and Official Seal the dt:W anc1 yer.J.r in this cert'ificate first above
written. .,
My eommission expil'es, June- 4, 19!30.

RECORDED .AT REQ,TJES'T OF City C.lerk FEB 19 1927 e.t 11 o'clock A.M.- In Book No. 1285
Page 439 of DEBDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY; Courrt.y Recorc1er
By H. C. PARSONS, Deputy. .
I HEREBY CERI:'IFY that the above and foregoin8 is a full', t1•ue end correct copy of
Deed from ·Hora 'Spahr to the City of San Diego. Being Docu'Ilent No. 201251.
. ALLE l'T H. VJRI GHl!'
City Clerk of the:' flity of San Diego, ~alifornia.
t/1([~-~---·--- --

I T'HIS AGREEllfl:ENT' made this 24th· day of Janu8.rY~ 1927, between UNION TRUSI!' COMPANY OF
SAN· DIEGO·, a corporation, Trustee under the T·::cust hereinafter des.cribed; Party of the Fi::cst
Part, and ~h.e City of San Diego; a mlmicipal corporation, Pa::cty of the Second Part, WIT'NES9 .LH:

T'HilT', iNBEREAS; said T'rustee is the legal owner 9f all that ::ceal property situated i
the City of San Die8o, eou:iity of San Diego, state of California, covered by the Deed of Trust
he::ceinafter described; and ·
iJllHElREAS, THE CITY OF SAli DIEGO; for the· benefit and imp::covernent ·of s~~id p::co·pe rty is
grading ano. paving or intending t.o grade and pave t.he alley in Block 213,' Unive1·sity Heights,
and that in connect.ion with said. work it. will be necessary to deposit earth material upon a
portion of the prope::cty hereinafter described; and
V.ffiEREAS, it is a condition precedent to the improvement ·of said alley that· an easeme
and ::eight --of vJay for the deposit of ea:cth material on said p::cope1·ty shall be and remain upon
said property prior and superior to the terms and conditions incorporated in said Deed of Trust;
l1fff...EREAS, all the owners of the. equitable interests-under said mentioned Deed of ~h·ust
have each g::conted_ an easement and right. of INay to the Party of the Second Pa::ct, as follows:
Trust Deed, datec1 August 29, 1925, mac1e by Srunuel T. and LuDell Wallar, husbanq. and
wife in favo::c of E. P~ anc1 rviaud A•. Griggs; s-ecuring one promisso1·y note for the- sn.m of $1500. 0,
dated August 29; 1925; :recorded Se]?tembe::c 22, 1925, in Book 1139, at page 5, et seq., of Deed ,
recorc1s of the Office of the Cou:11ty Recorder of saic1 San Diego County.
The easement. conveyed being upon and ove::c the IIorth 20 feet of Lots 4 and 5, Block· 2 3,
University Heights, according to .Amencled Map thereof made by G. A. d'Hemecourt, filed in the
office of said C ount.y Recorder·.
That in consideration of the p::cemises; the· Stun ·of One Dolla::c, and in fu::cther conside ·-
ation Of the benefits derived f::ccm the COnstniction, ·maintenance and O};le:Cation Of said earth

I fill; said Party of the Fi::cst Part HEREBY SUBORDINAT-ES .UL OF ITS RIGHT, J?IT~E .A.ND IN.I!EREST __.
tmder saia Deed of Trust above mentioned .to the right .of iNay and easement. heretofore convey-
edt o the Part.y of-the Second Part; upon the designated portion of the property covered by
said Deed of Trust; so the,t said right of way and easErnent. ·shall be come and remain p:cior and
su_pe::cior to any and all of the terms and conditions contained in o::c providec1 by the said Deed
of T'rust he::ceinabove refer::ced t. o.
IN VliTNESS WHEREOF; the said Party of the First Part has caused -this inst runent to
be signed by its Vice President. and Assistant Secreta::cy, and its corporate seal to be affixed
ereto; the day and year in this instrument £i::cst above written.
Party of the First Part
By C • H. ENGLISH Vice-President.
( SEA.t1
Attest : A. H. 1l.4..CKINTO SH
Assist ant -Sec ret ar~T.

Pa::ct y of the Second Part.

COUN.rY OF Si1N DIEnO,) ss
On this 24th day of Jro1w:<..ry; 1927; befo::ce me; Luella MacKintosh, a Notary Public in
and for said County, -residing therein, duly commissioned and mvorn; l)ersonally appeared
·C. H. En8lish; knovm to me to be t.he Vice President. and A. H. M:acKint osh .lu"'lovm to me to be
the Asst. Sec1•eta::cy of the corpol'ation that executed the ~:vithin instrurnent, known to me to

1- be the: pel' sons who e:wc v,t ed the ii'dtJtim in st. ::Clll11ent on behalf of the c o::cpor at ion 1Ni thin named,
and ac k.novvledge d to me that such co ::cporat ion e:xecut ed the same.
Wl'i tt en.
Witness my han,d a...YJ.o. Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above

LUELLA MACKINTOSH fo::cmerly Luella Duffy

Notary Public in snd for the C Olmty of San Diego;
(SEAL) State of Califo::cnia.
I\i[y Commission expires,,Mardh 26, 1930.
REDORDED AT REQ.UESf OF City Clerk FEB 19 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In ·Book l'Jo. 1285
·:Page 441 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif. . . ·
JOHIJ H. FERRY, Com1ty Recorder
By llJ. C. PARSOITS; Deputy.

I HEREBY CER.i!IFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Subordination Agreement from Union Trus-t Cor;J.pany to The Cit.y of ·san Dj_eg_o. Being Document.
lifo. 201253.


I, DE.4.IJ ITo DOBSON Lilian Y. Dobson, hus:Qa-a.d and rJife~ Fo::c and in Consic1eration
of the benefits to acc1·ue by the location, const1·nct.ion ai1c1 mai'ntenance· of s serJer line
th1·ough and across the r)roperty herein doscl::ibed, and in consideration of the surn of One
Dollar ( $.1. 00) t o 2 ·hand paid, the 1·ec eipt whe1·e of is hereby. e..c knonle c1ge c1, c1o hereby grant
to the City of SM Diego, a nnmicipal c or};ornt i·on in the County of San Diego, State of
California, an easement anc1. right of 1.7aY through, along and across all that ce1·tcJ.n real
p:eoperU;y situ.9,te in the City of· Scm Diego, Cov.nty of San Diego, State of California, :parti-
cul:?..rly described o..s folloris, to-vJit: .
· The East forty-1·ive· (E.45) feet of Lots One ( 1) ~::mo. Tw·o ( 2) in Block One Hm1dred On-
(10~) of University· Heicht s·, in the City of S:::nl' Diego, County of Scm Diego, stc..te· of Califo1· 1
nia, accordj_ng to the Map the1·e-of No. 558, filed in the office of the County Reco1·de1· of sai
san Di·eeo. County. ·
To have anc1 to Hold 'Ghe above grCL"ltec1 anc1 described r:i:ght of v;ay u:r1to the said g1·o..ntee,
its sncc'8sso1·s a:.r1d assisns forever, as a right of vray for a se17or pi;;>e line.
The FLn·pose of this eo..sem.ent and rieht of i.'JBY is fOl' the constrt.wtion rna. rJ.gintenc:mce
of s J!l'ivo..'Ge sener lgte1·al inside the prOl)erty lines, it being lnde:cst ood thc,t tno City of
Sa..n Diego is not to be helc1 liable fo 1" a..ny c1DD10.30 · re suli,ine. from the c onst rnct ion anc1 main-
tennnce of seuer lo.terals ove:c and ac::coss this eo..s:ment.
In Vii tne s s \7he reof, I have herB m1t 'o set m~l hand and seal this 20th dCLy of / , l 9~-, ·• I
C OlHf.l:Y G.B, SAN DIEGO, ) s s
On this 20th clay of .August, 1926, l)efo1·e me, Lela I. Stillman a J:roti ary Public in anc
fo1· the said County of San Diego, sto.te of California, l'esidLng therein, duly cor,1missioned
e,nd Sl"Jorn, personally a):Pearea. Dean 11. Dobson personally knovm· to me to· be the 1)erson whose
nane. is subsc::ci bed to the wit.hin instrument., and he duly acknowlec1ged to me that he executed
the si3me.
In Hitness Vlhe1·eof, I have o set my hnnc1 [;J,:ild affixed my official seal, at my
office in the C.ounty of San Diego, the day and year in this cemtificate first above \'jl'Hten.
. LELA I • Si! I LLiVIAlif
rrot o::cy l')Eblic in a:L1d fOl' the County of &:n D:Lego'
( SB2:\L) stat e of C 2-li f o l'lii a •.
lvlY Go:nmi s si on expj_ res _ttpri l 17, l 9 28.
On this 22c1 day of Oct obel', 1 CJ26, . bef o:ce me, I rene A. ·Scot hmc1 a Hot :tl'Y Pnbl ic in
811Cl. for the Ccnmty of SE!.n Diego, Stt:.'.te of Califo::rn:La, resj_c1ine the:tein, c1uiy comrnissiDILd
ano. S1'Jorn, pe1·sonally appea:r·ed Lilic.n Y. Dobson )?ej.·-~onall? kno;,-;n to me to be the person nhos-
norHe is su1)scl-ibec1 to tlle YJithin inst J:'1IC!l0nt, c,ncl she duly ac1knouledsec1 to me that she ex-
ecutec1 the S81j1EJo
IH nrliiEES ·~'f.HEREOF, I have. hereunto set my h<:mc1 an(l affixec1 my official .seal, at my
office in the County of S2.n Diego, the day and ye:J.r in this certifj_cate first above written.
IREIJE A•. S::Ol!·L~ilfD .
not O.l'Y Public in ~::mel for the C ourrt; y of So..n Diego, ..
(SEAL) st. ate of Califol'nia.
My C om:rni s si on . expi 1·e s Deceml1e r 14, 1926.

RECORDED ilr RSQTJEST OF Cit.y Cle:r·k HAR 11927 at 5 Min. :past 2 o'clock P.J:J. In :Book
lJO. 1285 Paee 486 of DEEDS Records of San Die,so Cou.i:lty, Calif.
JOHIJ H. FERRY, County Recorcle:r·
By N.C. J?ARSOITS, De.:)uty.
I HE:.iEBY CER1IF·Y THifl t·he above ancl. foregoing is g fnll, t1•ue and cor1·ect copy of
Deed from Dean LT. Dobson and Li~ian Y. Dobson to the City of San Diego. Being Doo.mne:at IJo.

I, Jes9e VI. Bledsoe, a .wiclovJel·, Fo1· and in Co:rnsicl.eration of -Ghe benef:i:t;s to ecc1·ue·
by the location, .const1·uction and maintenance of a sewe1· line through and ac1·oss the p~co.:)ert
_hel'ein c1escribed, and in considerD.tion of the svm of One Dollar U~l~OO) to me in hand paid;
the l'ecei})t whereof is hel'eby. acknO'\.'lledged, do hel'eby gnmt to the City of S::m Diego,a
nntr1ici:pnl co:r:gorD.tion in the County of San Diet;o, state of Cal:Lfornia, an easemedG and right.
of ;.-;ay through, e.long and ac1·oss all that ce1·t ain xeal lH'Operty sit nate in the City ·of' Snri
. Diego, Cotmty. of San Dieeo, Stc.te of Califo1•ni2, po..:r·ticul!:.,,:cly describec1 as follows, to-i:;it:
. . T·h~ south eight feet of the east s:Lxty feet of Lot. Two (2) Block: Tr;elve o..:r1d· one half
(12-~-) Cit2 Heights .4....."lnex no. One, acco1·cling to the official map thel'e·Of on file in the offic
oi the Reco1·der of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and d.escril)ec1 right of v;ay lmt o the said
gre:ntee, its succesSOl'S and assigns foreve1·, as a ~L'ighti of 1.-,;ay fo1' a senor pipe line ..
---- ··--------~- -~ . - ·---~-l--~---~----:

.'257 ..

The lJUrj)OGe of this easement end rieht of rJay is for the const::cp.ction and maj_ntfJnm1ce
of a ];ll'ivgte serJer· lateral ins;Lcl..e the p:r:o:pe:rty lll'le9, it lJeing 1.mde~cstood that the City of
San Die go is not .to be held .liable fo1· any dsrnage l'C sult ing f::c om the construction end E1ain-
tenance of sericr late::cals over and across this easment.
In \'fitness Yn1e:r:eof, I hnve he1·eunto set my lw. ncl arld seal this 24th clay of February,



On this 24th Cl.ay of Feb::cua;ry; 192'7, befo1·e me, E. U. Dickenson a Uotary Public in
and for the sait1 County of San Dieeo, State of California·, residing therein, clnly commission
ed m1c1 S1:70l'n, _personall~7 apr)ea~cec1 Jesse H •. Bleclsoe }?e rsonally lmo;,7n to me to be· the person
117hose nome is subscribed to the ·nithin inst1·vment, 2.. nc1 he duly acknov;ledged to me the.t he
executed the satne. ·
In Witness Whereof, I have he1•e1.mto set. my hand ancl affixed my official seal, ['l.t my
office in·the Cotmty of ·san-Diego, the day and yeclr in this ce1·tificate first above ;;n·itten.
Uotal'Y Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of Califo111iao
]/f.y Comni ssi on expires Dec. 2G 1928.

RECORDED 1{1 REQUEST. OF City Clerk Ivi.AR 1 1927 at 5 Min. past ' 2 o'clock P.IIJI. In Book
No. 1285 Page 484 of DEEDS Records of San Diego ~:ount y, Calif.
JOHIT H. FERHY, 001.mty Reco1~cler
By N •. C • PAR SONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CER.riFY·tlJ.:)t the above e,nd foregoing j_s a full, )~rue and. COl'I:ect copy of
DeeCl. from Jesse Vi. Ble clsoe to the City of San Die eo. Being Document No. 201554.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, Califo1·nia.

By_'--''-:f.4<~~~:..y. ~- - -,!7/ -~~. ~~

- - --- -~LLf-~-
I, DEAN H. DOBSON and Lilian Y. Dobson, hus1)and ancl wife •. For and in Conside:r:at:Lon
of the benefits to accn1e py the location, constnwtion anc1 maint.enance of a seVJer line
th:l'"O.ugh and across the pro_perty herein desc1·ibed, ancl in considera.tiop. of the svrn of One
Dollar. (~pl.OO) to him in hand. paid, the receipt Vihe1·eof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby
g'!il'a.nt to the Cit~rof So.n Diego, annmicipal co1·poration in the County of San Diego:, State of
Califo1·nia, an easement end right of way throue;h, along and across all that certain real
property situ.ja.te in the City of San.Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, P8l'ti-
cularly c1escribec1 as follows, to-wit:
The East ninety (E.90) feet 9f Lots One (1) ancl TYiO (2) in Block One Htmdl'ec1 One
(101) of University Heights, in the City of Se.,nDiego, ColliJ.ty of San Diego,· State of Califor-
nia. , accordinc, to the Map thereof No. 558, filed in the office of the Com1JGY Reco:J:der of
sand San Diego County. .
To Have e.nd to Holc1 "the o..bovo 81'anted and. clescribed 1'ieht of v;ay unto the s8.ic1
grante~ its successors cmcl assigns fo1·eve1·, as a rieht of vmy for a sm:ser pipe lil1e.
TThe purpose o:f this eo..13ement ancl xieht of ~:vay is for the construction and maintenanc
of a pB:iv-s:te sewer late:r:al inside the j)l'Ope1•ty lines, it beine unde1·stood that t.he City of
San~go is not to be held_ liable fo1· 2.ny d2maee resultine fl'::lm the const nwtion ancl m.ain-
tenal1ce of sene1·.laterals over and acJ:·oss this e2..s;..1elr'G.
! In Witness Whe::ceof, I ])ave heretmto set my ho..ncl and seal this 20t.h clay of August,l92 •


COtm:~y OF S.AH DIEGO,) ss
On this· 20th day of .4..ue;ust, 1926, befo::ce me, lola I. &tillman a Hote..J::y Public in anel. .....
for the said C om:rt y of San Diego, St ct'c e of Cali fo1·nia, ·residing there in, duly c ommi s si oned ·
ana. svwrn, personally a.Qpearec1 Dean L~. Dobson pe1·sonally kno\·m to me to be the·pe1·son \)hose
name is subscribed to the 1_i;ithin inst1·v.nent, ancl he duly acknoviledged to me thet he execv.ted
the some.
In rJitneiSls i7l1el·eof, I have herevJlt o set my lmml. and affixed my officinl· seal, at my
office in the County of So..n Diee,o, t.he chty ~.nd. ye').l' in this ce1·t·ificate fi:L·st abo,re i."Jritten.
Hot c..u·y Public in o.,nc1 fo1· the yount y of San Diego,
(SEAL) StLte of Califon1io...
My C om.rn i s si on e xp i r e )3 .1i.Jn' i 1 PI , 19 2 8 •

COU.i:TlY 01Jl ;SAH DIEGO,) ss
On this 22d d::;.y of Octohei', 192G, befOl'e me, I1·e:t1e A. Scotlo. ncl,·o.. noter;:1 Pv.blic in c.1d
f 01· the so. i d County of San Diego, St o.t e of Calif o 1'l1i 2.., re si Cl.ine, the :r:e in, duly c ommi s (;i oDe Cl_
and snorn, pe::csonally ::lJ?j)eo..+·ed Lilie..n Y. Dobson, pers::mo.lly knonn to me to be the pc1·son 1:_;ho ;;e
nerne is subscl'ibec1 to the riithin instn1.rne~t, c..nc1 she c1uly acl::nOt7lec1eecl to me t.h2t she execut cl
'G he same.
In Witness f!hereof, I he1·eunt o set my hand. 2.11<1 2.ffi::;:.ec1 my official se2.l, o..t my
office in the Com1ty of San Dj_ego, t,he clc..'J.Y and yec).r in this certificate.first above ·.n·itten.
lJot m:y Pub lie in anc1 fo1· the County of S::-vn Diec o,
(2J::.A.L) SGate ofC2.lifornia.
My Comnission ex~:::i1·es December 14, 1926.

RECORDDD lfi REr~UBS1' OP City Clerk MAR 1 192? a'c 5 I11in. past 2 otclock P;M. In Book .
lJo. 1000 Pae;e 260 of Doocls Records of Sa:1 Die~o Cotuty,·Calif. .
JOHIT H. F:B~RIW, County Reco:i:clel''
By H. C. !, Depu't1y.

I HEBEBY CERtiFY thc;t the above [mel foree;oing is 9.. full, true anc1 con·ect copy of
Deed, iron Dean E. Dobso:t1 G.; ilic..n Y. Dob>-:on
~ ·Go the C_ii,··,7
v OI" Sn.n
-- Diego. Beli18
· ' OC1.2!!1en,t 1·r o.
201556~ 0

I. E:r.TIE HU33ARD, sometimes knorm o.s Etta Hubb:::n·cl Fo1· and in consicle:t.·ation of the
benefits to acc1'ne to the prope1·ty hereino.fte:L' clescribecl, :from the construction ac:Loss said
p:coperty of a sanitary serJer line~· no· He1·eby Grai1t to The Cit.y of Sc.n Diogo, a Municip2l
Corporation, in theCounty of San· Diego, Sto:'ce of CalLfornia, eJl easement of o:f way
for a. :pubU_c s8.nita1'Y senc1' line, over, lmcle1·, o.,lons :::!.ncl across All thst Real :l?roj:.Jerty
sitv.ated in the City of San Die[:',o, Com1.ty· of E3o.,n Diego, S'tc.te of Co..lifo1nia, boundecl c.nc1
desc::::ibed as follm:js; ·
- A po1·tion of the sov_thec~st;erly 50 foet of Lot l, :Slock 4'b4, Old Sc::.n Diego, nccordin.
to mt.:.l; thereof mo.c1e l)y Ja'11es Pascoe in 18?0, 2. COl'~' of 'c-.rhlch map is filed in the Office of
tho County Reco1·d.e1' of said San Dle;3b Cou.:ty, ssic1 eo.sement cmcl :t.•icht of 1.7o..y being foUl' feet
in nldth, t1.·w feet on e2ch sicle of the follorjLlP cl_escri1Jccl cente1· line:

·I Begirmins at a point on the sou"ti e :r ly 11no of said Lot 1, eli st e.nt 105o 82 feet
'·· northeast e l'lY from the southerly co rne :t.' of said Lot 1; thence nort.hv.;e st e:r.· :!.y on c.. eli rect line
mak1nr; an angle of ~2° 54 7 tJith the southeaf::Jtel'lY line of Lot 1, to 1:.1.. _point on the
21orthi.·ios<terly line of the southeasterly 50 feet of sctid Lot. 1, c1ist::mt 103o23 feet
ly f1·om :;mel at risht cmgles to the s'outh•:.resterly line of sc.icl Lot l, s!::;,icl })l'Dj;:erty
sole o.nrl se,a:r.·c~t e prore1·ty of g1·cmt or.
The g:r.·[mtor he1:ein or s."ssigns shall i)e r;iven one free sener coYl..nect ion i:iithin the
1nope1'ty hereby affected upon o.pplico.tion to the City of Sc.:m Diegoo
'1o Have :and to Hold . the above er2.nted. ~nd ctescl'ibecl. eo.sem.ent fol' 0 so.nitc.:.r·y sener
line unto sahl gran 1Gee m.1d its successoi·s only.
Witness m:v hand and. seal this 15 c1ay of Febo 19 2'7.

) ss
On this 15 da~l of Fe bru8.ry A. D~ Hi net e en Hv.ndred o.....nc1 twenty- seven befo :r:e, rJ. E. Tiffe: r
a lJoto.ry Public in anc1. for said County, :cesic1ing therein, cluly commissioned ancJ. si.vorn, :per-
sonally appeared Ettie Hubbard-( sometimes knOl.T:.1 as R6.ta) knoo.--m to me to be the person de-
scribed in and ~,·;hose nome is subscribed to the within inst::cument, ana. acknm.riledgeel to me th"':L
she execv.:'Ged. the so._-rne.
IlJ WE!!I:TESS WHEREOF, I have he:reunto set my hand nncl affixec1 m;y- Official Seal, 8.t rtlY
office, in Rice, Com1ty of Gila, state of A.:cizona, the d2y and yenr in this certificate
fir-st alJove I!Jri tt en.
Hot O.l'Y .Public in: and for- the 0 ount y of Gila,
(SEAL) state of Arizona.
Iviy Com. EA'l?i~ces Jan. 25-1931.
RECORDIDD .AT RE~uEST OF City Clerk MAR 1 192? at 5 M:nr. past 2· o'clock l?.M. In Book
No. 1308 Page 261 of Deeds Reco:r.· of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHIJ JL FERRY, County Reco::cder·
By H. C. P..::l..RSOHS, Deputy.

I HEHEBY CERTIFY that. the above c.ncl. foregoin3 is a full, t1·ue snc1 co1·:cect copy of
GrmTt Deed f1·om Ettj_e Hubbarcl to 1J:'he-City of San Diego. Being Document ITo. 201558.
Cit01e1·l:: of the Ci"cy of m. ego, California.

By~¥- _iJ;r ~~~;eputy.

GR.lU1f.l! DEB:Q --'"'--~ . I
I, I1.i.A.RY BElJASSI, For and in consideration of the S1)..111 of TEN. DOLLARS, Do Hereby Grant
to CITY OF SAIJ DIEGO, aivilmicipal Co1·poi·ation, All'Tho.t Real P1·operty situated in County
of So. n Diego, st o.t e of Calif orni 2, boi.l:lcl. ed and. de sol' i 1Je d o.s f o ll o-ris:
The \'lest Half of the SonthvJes'G Que.rter of Section Tlventy-nine (29) c:nc1 th9 Northriest
Quartol' of the Soutl-J.east Quarter and the South fialf of the Southesst Quarter of Section
Thirty (30), all in Tovmship Fo1.n·teen (14) South; Range One (1) East . S.B.Ivi._, EXCEPTING
from snicl South Half of. Southea;;rt Qw.:~rter of said Section ~Ehi:r·ty· (30) that portion thereof
'desc1·ibed as folion-s: .· ·
Beginning at the Southwest corner· of the. Southeast Quarter of said Section Thirty
(30)~ thence lJo::cth 2° 5' \:'fest along the West line of said Southeast ·J_ua:ctel', 1139!"5 feet to
the Southe:r:ly line of the Cotmty Ilighwa;7, thence Easterly along so.icl Southe1·1y line of said
County Highnay Trio Hundred Tv;enty-five (225) feet, the1i.ce 55° 4? 7 East Six Hundred
(600) feet, thenc.e 2° 5 7 East Nine Hlilld1·ed Fourteen (914) feet to the South line of
saic1 Section ~h±.rty (30), thence Ho:cth 89° 45' West alone said .South line of said .Section
Thirty (30), Six Hlmdred Eie;ht four and seven-tenths (684. 7) feet to point of beginning.
To Have a..nd To Hold the above gro.nted and descri1Jed premises unto the· so.icl G::csmtee
its successo::..·s and assigns fol'evel'.
Witness my hand and seal this 20th G1ay of January, 1 <) 2?.

.ST.ttrE 01!, CALIFORNIA,)

On this 20th day of Janu'lry, 192'7, befo1·e me, Ataulfo Molina a l:Jot.e.l'Y Public in o.nd
for s2iclCounty ancl. state, pe1·som~lly appe[;l,::ceclMa:cyBenassi·knotmtome to be the};Jerson
-rJhose nsme is subscribed to the foregoing inst.l'1Jment, o.nd . acknonledgec1 to me tho.t she execut-
I f.

·ed the ssme.

\VITI~ESS my hancl ancl o~ficinl_ seal the day ancl yeal" in this C ert ificat e fi:z.·st above
( SEA1) Uotury Public i:q. o..nd fOl' said Com1ty -anc1 &'tate.
' '~
. "':.
I r

'·259 ::;_·~

. RECORDED AT Rl~QTJ'~S1 OF City Cle1·k MAR 1 1927 at 5.Min. past 2 o'clock P.M •. In Book
lJo. 1315 Page 242 of DeeO.s~ Records of San Diego County, Calif.

JOHI:T H. J!.,ER~Y, C Olmt y Rec o l'cle r

By n. c. PARsons, Deput:v.
I HEREB):·CERE·IFY t.hat the above and foree;oing is a full, trne o.nd co:r.'l'ect copy of
G:r.·cmt Deec1 f1· om Mary Benassi to the City of San Die co. . Be j_ng Docru::1ent No. 201603 •
City_r Cle1·k of the C:Lty of Dieeo, Califor·nio...
/' .. /-,}_ / -l-
__ ___2q.._~eputy.

. ~7~/IA.·~-

Yfe, H. B. Hensley s.ncl Kathryn C. Hensley, husbancl and rilie, For and in Consicl.eration
- ···.'.; of the benefits to acc~cne by the locntion, const:cuction s..ndmaintenance of·a sewe:c anc1 a ,
YJe.ter line onc1 across the property herein c1esC:c·ibec1, and in consideration of the sum • ·;
of One Dollar (~LOO) to us in hand paid, the l'e-ceipt nhereof is hereby acknowleci.ged, clo '"'..
V; t' l1ereby g:cc:t.rlt to tl1e City of SDJn Dier;o, a :JtU1.icipal c01 po:ceJtion in t.l1e Co1.-1.11ty of SaJn DieGo,
state .of California, an es.sement and right of \'lay thr·ough, o.long across all thc.1.t cer·tain;
:ee al p:r.· ope rt y situate in the City of San Diego, County of Snn Dioe o, S'c !?.t e of Cali fo r·ni a, ~-
par·t icularly described c.s follO\"J·s, to--wit: f
The \7est Thirty-one (31) feet of Lots For·ty-seven (4?) 2::1d Forty-eieht (48) in Block 1
Six't:;y-five (65) of W. P~. Herbel't 1 s Subdivision.
To Have and to Hold. the above g.:r.·o.ntec1 o.nd c1esc:cibed right of no.y lmto the so.icl
gro.ntee, its successOl'S o..nd ss:.:;igns for·ever, as a l'igh'c of nsy fo1· o.. senor and a water pipe
line •
. The j!Ul'J?Ose of this easarnent ancl right of rn:-.y :i.s fo1· t.he const1·uction and mo.intent:mc-
of a prico.t e se\'ier· late1·al'~ a m.1te1' line inside the _p:roper·ty lines, it being, unc1e1·st ood
that the City of San Diee;o is not to be held liable for any do:r:1aee l'esnlting from the c~n-::' :: ·
stn:wtiou nnc1 E1.:J..inteno..nce of seT.7Ell' late·l' and a nater line ovo1· ancl ac::_·oss this easr~1ent.
In ~7i'bness rlhereof, 17e have heretmto set out' hands etnl seals this 25th c1o..;y of Felnu-

I 31'Y, 1927.


u .'iLI'IT'OPl"TI•\
crp ll"''li' O>il r.
h).!. ... -',.J.. .!,;4 !. \ ' ..c.... ' )
J..: -l. -


On this 26th dny of Fe1nu2,:r:y; 192?, oefo1·e r:1e, Adolph J. Hende a lTotal'Y Public in 0.111
for the se.ic1 Cotmty of Sa~n Diego, Stc•.t e of California, :residing therein, cor:nnissionec~
al'ld sno1·n, personally apj'eared H. B. Hensley and Kat lll'~rn C. Hensle~l per·sonally knovm to me
t 0 be the D€l'SOn S 1,;jh0 Se ll8.Zne S SUb SC l'i bec1 t 0 the Within inst l'lllnent , and they ac knorJlec1ge
to me tho.t"" they execute-d the S3Jl1eo ·
In Vlitness Whereof; I have he:r.· set my he.nd and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day anc1 yen.1· in this ce rt ific ate fi 1·st above n:ri t ten.
IJotD.l'Y Public in and f.or .the County of &m Diego,
( SE.lili) fJ'tate of Califo:;cnia.
IViy C ommi s si on e.xrli re s Sept • 10' 1930.

RECORDED J;Y.r REQUEST OP City. Cle1·k MAR 1 1927 at .5 Min. 1;ast 2 o'clock P.M. In Book
Hoo 1285 Pae;e 488 of DEEDS Recorc1s of San Diego Cout.J.ty Calif.
JOHIJ.H. FERHY, County Recorci.r:Jl'
\ . By U, C. PiiRSOIJS, DeplJ.t.;y-.
that the .abov\ e..nd fo1·ee;oine is a full, tnw and corr·ect copy of
Deed from H. B. He'l"lsley cJ Kathl'Jn G. H'~nsley to the City of Scm Diee;o. Beine Docrrrnent Ho.

I 201605.

: . .t • We; L. H. Arnold and Nani A•.Arn:Old; husband and i:~life, For and in consideration of
Ten ($lO.OO) DOLLARS; Do hereby grant to City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, All
t.hat Real :Property situated in the eounty of San Diego; state of California, bounded and de-
scribed as follows:
That portion of Section 30, Township 14 South Range 1 East, s. B. M., described as
Begi·nning at the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section :30; thenc·
Nort.h 2° 05' West along the West line of said Southeast Quarter 1139.5 feet to the Sout.herly
, line of the County Highway; thence Easterly along said Southerly line of said County. Highway,
I ' 225 feet; thence. south 55° 47'~ East. 600 feet; thence South 2° 05' East 914 feet to the South
line· of said ·Section 30; thence North 89° 45' West. along said South-line of said Section 30,
684.7 feet to the place of beginning. · ~-
Excepting therefrom that parcel of land described as followE:
Commencing at the South Quarter Cqrner of Sect. ion 30, 'rD1Nnship 14 South, Range 1 East,
S.B.M.; thence along center line of said 5ection 30 ·North 02° 05' West 558.50 feet to a point;
thence North 58° 52' East 140,00 feet to a point which is the point of beginning of this sur-
vey; thence North 58° 52' East 75.00 feet to a point; thence ~outh 31° 08' East 315.00
to a point ; thence South. 80° 52' West 75.50 feet to a point; the nee North 31 o 08' West 106.72

I feet to a point ; thence North 32° 43' West; 180.07 feet to the point of beginning.
Witness our hands and seals this tenth day of June, 1926.

Signed and executed in presence of L'! H. ARNOLD (SEAL)

~-------.--- --- ~

./ {'
On this tentP, day of June, Nineteen HnndTed and twenty-six before me, Lou B. Mathews
a Not.ary Public in .and fo·r said· C ou..11.t y and state, residing therein, duly commissioned and
ffi'\iOrn, p( appeared .L. H. Arnold and Nani A. Arnold knov'/n to me to .be the persons c1e-
scribed in and whose na"rles are. subscribed to the within inst.rument and acknowledged to me
that-. they executedthe same.
]n. Wi~ness Whereof,. I have herennt o set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at my
office; i:p. said Cpu.n.1l.y of San Diego, State of California., the d~ty and year in this certificate
first above written. .-
Notary Public in and.for the Cormty of San Diego,
( SBAL). state of California. -

RECORDED ..1~· REQUEST' OF City Clerk MAR 9 1927 at 30 Min. past 10 o'clock .Al~M. In Book
No.· 1306 Page 372 of Deeds Recorcl.s of {3an Diego Connty, Calif.
JOHN H~ FERRY, County Recorder
. By Iif. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that tlle above and foregoing is a full, true and correct·copy· of
Grant :Peed from L. H. Arnold et ux. to the City of. San Diego •. Being Document. No. 201940
City Clerk of the Oity of San Diego, California.

By~ 2q. ~Deputy.

l/ . . ' --pt/~·31-. .

, J~ H. BJORUSTAD and DAGM:AR A. BJORNSJ:.A.D, his wife For and in consideration of Ten
.and np/lGO DOLLARS, Do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a mrmicipal COl'IJOration, All
that RealOProperty sit.uated in the Com1ty of San Diego, -state of California, botu1ded and
described as follows: .
. Commencing at the· South Quarter corner of Sect.ion 30, Township 14 South, Range 1
. East, s. B. M., as said quarter corner is shown on Licensed Survey Map No. 162, thence along
the North and south Center line of said section North 2 degrees 05' West 558.50 Feet to .a
point; thence North 58° 52' East 140 .feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 58°
52' East. 75 to a point ; thence South 31 o 08' East 315 feet to a point; thence South
80° 52' West 75. 5Q feet to a .POint; thence l\fort h 51 o 08' West 106.72 feet to a point; thence
Uorth 32° 43' West 180.07 feet to the true point of beginning.
Witness their hands and seals this 22ri.d day of June, 1926.

Signed .anc1 Executed in Presence of J. H. BJORNSTAD (SEAL)

On this 22nd day ·of June Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six before me, Lou B. Mathews:
a Notary.Public in and for sai.d Com1ty and state, residing therein, c·onmlissioned and
swor:q.; personally appeared J. H. Bjornstad and Dagmar A. Bjornstad, his wife known to me to
be the persons described in and \'V.hose mines are subscribed to the within inst rmnent and ac-
knowledged t.o me that they executed the same~ . . . ·
In Witness Whereof, I have herennt o set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, EJ,t my
office, i.n said Count.y of· San .Diego; st.ate of California, the day and year in this certificate
forst. ab.ove written.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) state of 0 alifornia.

RECORDED .N.r. REQUES'T OF City Qlerk MAR 9 1927 at 30 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1301 Page 473 of DEEDS Records of San Die·go County, ~alif. .
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N~ C. PARSONS, De :put y • I
. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the ab~ve and foregoing is a full, true and correct. copy of
Grant Deed from J. H. Bjornstad and Dagmar A. Bjornstad tot he City of San Diego, Being
Document No. 201941. -~
Cit~lerk. of the· ~ity of San Diego; ~al~fo~nia.

By/~~.~~ Deputy.
C7 . . ~r~·qj_~

. We, The odor G. Schwert. and Elizabeth Schwert, his wife, and Mildred Nehring, of the
Connty of San Diego, St9-te of California, For ancl in consideration of Ten and 001100 DOLLARS,
Do· hereby grant to T'he City of San Diego, a Municipal Corpor~tion·, All that Real property II
situated in the County of·san Diego, state of California, bonntled and described as follovvs:
. · The Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section.2lB;
the Southeast quarter of the Southeast. quarter of the Northeast quarter, and the East Half I
of t·he Southeast qua1·te;r of Section 29; also the. North half of the Southeast quarter of the ··
Northeast quarter; and the Uortl;!.east qua1•ter of the northeast quarter of Sel!ition 32. All in
Town ship 12 South; Range 1 East , s. B. M. . . .
T'o Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises nnt b the said Grantee
its heirs and assigns forever. 1

vVrT'HESS my hand anc1 seal· this 26 day of May; 1926.

Signe·d and executed in pres~nce



Deputy C otu1t y Clerk~ San Diego C aunt y.
3rATE OF C.4..LIFORlUA,) ·
on this 26 day of May· in tho year one thousand nine_ htmdred and 26 before me,
J. B. MCLEES, Cormty t::n~rk and ex-officio Clerk of the. $upe.rior Court ·in and for said 8ocmty, is a court of record having a seal, personally appeared Theodor.e G. Schwert; Eli9-abeth
Schwert wife_ and Mildred Nehring knovvn to me to be the persons described in and l'ihose narnes

I are subscribed to and who executed the annexed instrtmle.nt, and acknowledged to me ·that they
executed the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed t·,he seal of said Court
at my office in the C ou.."rlt y of San Die·go, the cillay and year in this Certificate first above
County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk bf the Supe ri or C o ur't ,
RECORDED Kr REQUEST OF City_ Cle·rk MAR 9 1927 at 30 Ivlin. past 10 o'clock A.M •. In Book
No. 1301 Page 474 of DEEDS Records of $an Diego County, C a1 if. .
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By fi. C. P.ARSONS, Deputy.
I 1-:[B}REBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full; true and correct copy of
Grant· Deed from The odor G. Schwert, Elizabeth Schwert and Mildl'ed Nehring, to the City of
San Diego. Being Document No. 201942. · ·

' 537~'yl-.
UNION TRUST COMPANY OF SAN DEIGO, a Corporation, of the City of San Diego, County of

I San Diego, state of California, For and in consideration of One DOLLAR, Does-Hereby Grant to
The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of SanD:Piego, State of Califoriia,
an easement· and right of way f o:r the construction; ope rat ion and maintenance. of a drain pipe
through, along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County
of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: ·
A portion of Lot 6; Block 22, and a portion of Lot 1, Block 21; North Shore Highland •,
according to Map thereof No. 1969, filed in t.he Office of the County .Recorder of said !San . I
Diego Count.y, S<?-id easemenlt being six feet .in width, three feet on each side of the following
described center lines, respec~ively; . . · I
Beginning at a point on t:Q.e southe1·ly line of said Lot .6, di~tant 14.GO feet easterly
from the southwesterly corner of .said Lot 6; thence northerly on a direct .line at right anglls
t.o the southerly line of said lot .6, a distance of 8.00 feet to .a point; ALSO,
_ . Beginning at a point on the .northerly line of said Lot 1, distant 10 feet viesterly .
from the northeast.erly corner _of said Lot 1; thence southwesterly on a direct line making an
angle of 60 degrees i.•lith the northerly line of said Lot 1, a distance. of 22.00 feet to a poi t.
To Have and To Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and forever as a right qf way for drain pipes.
IN WITlTESS WHEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by
its proper officers and its qorporE}te seal affixed ·thia 24th day of February, 1927.
By C~ H. ID~GLISR, Vice-President.
Attest: A. H. MACKINTOSH, Assistant-Secretary.

On this 24th day 'of February, A. D.· Ninet'EI:en H_undred and Twenty-seven before me.,
Lulu McFarland, a Notary Publi·c in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
·ana. sworn; personally appeared C. J:i. ENGLISH known to me to be the Vice President, and
A•. H. MacKintosh known to-me to be the Assistant Secretary of the .Corporat.ion that executed
the within instrument , knovm · t o me to be the per sons who executed the wi t.hin instrument on
behalf of the c·orporation within nam.ed., nnd ackno·wledged to me that such Corporation executed
the same.
· In Witness Whereof, I have fl,ereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in the
County of San. Diego, St.ate of California, the day and year in this certificate first above
writ.t en.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires D·ec. 7, 1930.
RE30RDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk-MAR 15 1927 at 10 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M. In Boo •
No. 1306,Page 395 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. _PARSONS, Deputy.
that the above and foregoing is a full,_t rue and correct copy of
Deed fran Union Trust Company to City pf San Diego. Being Document, No. 202091.
of the City of San Diego, Galifornia.

Minnie Schaffnet, a· single person for and inconsideration of the sum of Olill DOLLAR
do hereby grant to the City of San_Diego, a municipal corporat.ion·in the Com1ty of San Diego,
St~t~-of ~aliforni<=!-; an Easem~nt for the purpose of a right-of-way tbirty (30) feet wide, fo
s-e as a public highway, across and over the following described property.
!.~: ~l:c

T'he Easterly thirty (30) feet of the South one-half (sfi-) of the· Northeast one-fourth
(N:&-.}) of Lot 61 of Horton' Purchase of Ex-Mission Lands accordin~ to ma:p· thereof No. 283,
filed in the' office of the County Recorder of San l?ie,go County, ~.,;alifornia. ·
· Said easement to. con~.imue in full force ana effect_ so long as said prop~:rty is :use~
for :road purposes and until that portion of the· public highway contained in the above descrililed
premises has been lawfully vacated by the duly constituted public authorities, at whi·ch time
said property shall revert to"the grantor her executors, aclministrat.ors ar assi'gns.
WITNSSSmy hand and Seal this 2'5th ill:ay of February, 1927.
On this 8th day of March, 1927, before me-, Y. A. Jacques a Notary Public in and for "..,·
the said C_ounty of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and (

sworn, personally appeared Minnie Schaffnet, a single per~ on _personally k:nov;n t. o me to be th~
person whose nane is subscribed to the within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that
she exeo·.ut ed the same. · · · I
In witness whe·reof, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at my office in the
County o.f San Diego, the day and year in this certificate flll:rst above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California;,
RECORDED 1R REQUB:sT OF City Clerk MAR 15 1927 at 10 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1306 Page. 394 of Deeds Records of San Diego ColUlt y, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, Comity Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and co:crect copy of
Easement from Minnie Schaffnet to T·he City of San Diego. Being Document No. 202092.
, City Clerk of-the City of San Diego, California.

By_ ~ - __ ---~ . (JjJ{-~-~-Depu~y. , I

' ~-tt/ ~--~-
WE, Frederick I. Acheson and Margaret A. Acheson, husband and wife for and in con-
sideration of the sum of ONE DOLJJAR do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a·mu..7licipal cor -
oration in the COUlr.rY 0.!!' SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALH,ORHIA; an Easement for the purpose of a
right.-of-way thi1·ty feet wide, for use as a public highway, across and over the following
described property. _
The Easterly thirty (30) feet of the North one-half (-N-ft) of the Northeast one-fot'i.rth
(NJDt) of Lot 61 of Horton's :Purchase of Ex-Mission Lanc1s_z acoorcling to Map thereof No. 283,
filed in the office of the County Recorder of Sal'l Diego IJotmty, Ca=!.ifornia.
Said easement to continue in full force anc1 effect so long as saic1 property is used
for l'Oad purposes a:ncl 1.mti1 that portion of the public highway contained in the above descrilL.d
premises has beell' lawfully vacat-ed by the·duly constituted pu1Jlic aut-horities, at whic·h·time
said property shall revert to the grantor; executors, administrators or assigns·.
WITNESS .our hands and Seals this 23rd day of Feby, 1927.


On this 8th day of March, 1927, before me; Y. A. Jacques a Notary: Public in and for
the saicl (: otmty of San Diego, State of California, residing there in, duly commis si onect and
sworn; personally appeared Frederick I. Acheson and Margaret A. Acheson, husband and wife
personally kno·wn to me to be the, persons whose names are subscribed to the wit:hin instrument,
and he duly adknmrvledged to me that they executed the same. ·
In vVi tne ss where of, I have he,reunt o s-et my hand and official seal at my office in the
County of San Diego; the day and year in this certificat·e first above W\lri'tten.
Hot ary Public in and for the County of San Diego;
( SEAL) stat e of Cal if ornia.
RECORDED A'!' REQUEST OF City Clerk MAR 15 1927 at 10 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M.· In
Book I-Jo" 1312 Page 333 of Deeds Reco:rcls of san Diego County, Cali:f~·:::D
JOHN H. FERRY, Count.y Recorder
ByN. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement from Frederick I • .Acheson & Marga1·et A~ Acheson t,o The City of San Diegco. Being
Document, ~Jo. 202093.

City Clerk of the Cit~an Diego, California.

BY~.· ~~ lJJOl'uty.

- S.A:J:J DIEGO TRUill' & SAVINGS BANK For and in consideration of the sun of ONE DOLLAR
Does Hereby Quitclaim to The City of San Diego, a Mu..7J.ic:Lpal Corporation, in the Com1ty of
San Diego, state of California, an easemerrt. and right-of-way for a public street or highway, .,_
over, along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, Cotmty of
San Diego, st. ate of Calif~rnia, bounded ancl described as follovvs:
The Easterly thirty (~0) feet of the ·North one-half (lif~) of the Northeast one-fourth·
.(NEi-) of Lot 61, of Horton's~.-Purchase of Ex-Mis,sion-Lnnds, accordiP..g to Map thereof No. 283,
filed in the office of· ·the 9·ounty Recorder of San ~iego OolUltJJ,California.

-;t ,-:
.. ,•
.. ·... I
.-"- 2(.: «-1· ~
· .. Uh)

To Have and T'o Hold the above :quitclaimed and described easement:- and right-of-way
unto the said grantee', its successors and assigns forever as and for a public street.
IN WITJ.ITRSS WHEREOF: said C.orporation has caused t.his instri:unent to be executed by
its proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 9t,h day of March, '1927.


. By M •. T '! GILMORE, President.

C. _L. REED, Asst. Sec ret ary.

. \
. On this 9th day of March, A. D•. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty":'seven before me, .•:.-.
Angeline Theede a Notary Public in and for .said Coru1ty, residing therein, duly commissioned .',::
and sworn; personally appeared M. T'. GILMORE known to me to be the President, and c. L. REED
known to me to be the Assistant Secretary of the Corporation that executed. the within instru-
ment, lmown to me to be the .l>liHt•sons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the
Corporq.tion wit.hin naned, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation execute·d the ·same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereru1t o set my hand and affi:rz:ed my Official Seal, in the
Cotinty of San Diego, stde of California;. the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the Gounty of San Diego,
(SEAL) , State of California.
My Commission Expires, . January 30th, 1930.
. . . . MAR 15 1927 · r
RECORDED lfJ..' REQUEST OF City Clerk/at 10 Min. -past 11 o'clock A.M. In Book Ho. 1306
Page 393 Of Deeds Records of. San Diego County, Calif. · ·
JOHH H. FERRY, County Recorder
By U. C. PARSONS, Deput.y.

I I HEREBY CEFTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and,correct copy of
Deed !rom San Diego Trust & Savings Bank to City of San Diego. Being Doc"dinent No. 202094.
,Cit~ Clerk of t:P,e City~f/$an Diego, California.

By tka~~. ~~;;.:;-~_Deputy.
. ----~~~· ~-

: VfE, Henrietta Wiese, a ·widow and.L. C •. Wiese and Darline Wiese, husband and wife,
for and in cons:j.deration of the sur11 of ONE DOLLAR do hereby grant to the City of San Diego,
a municipal corporation in the COUl\lTY OF S.A.N DIEGO, ST'l~.TE OF CALIFORNIA, an Easement for"the ·
purpose of a right -of-way thirty (30) feet v!ide, for use as a public high,way, across and
qver the following described property. · ,·
The Easterly thirty (30) feet of northerly six hundred and sixty (660) feet Lot 66
of Horton's Purchase of Ex-Mission Lands according to Map thereof No. 283, filed in the
office of thEl Count.Y Recorder of San Diego County, California.: ·
Said easement to ·continue in full force and effect so long as said property is .used
for road purposes and until that portion of the public highway contained in the above de-
scribed premises has been lawfully vacated by t.he duly constituted public. authorities, at
which.8time said property shall.revert to the grant~Dm, Executors, acl..rni11lstrators·or assligns.
WITNESS our hands and Seals this 25th day of February, 192 7.


L. C. ifVIESE · (SEAL)


COUI'U' Y OF SAN ])I EGO , ) s s

On this _8th day of March, 1927, b§)'fore me; Y. A. Jacques a Not.ary Public in anc1 for
the said County of San Diego, state of California, residing therein, duly,commissioned and:
sworn, personally appeared Henrietta Wiese, a ·widow, and L. C. Wiese and Darline Wiese,
husband and wife, personally kno·wn to me to be the persons ·whose nemes are subscribe.d to the
· within instrument, and he du,ly acknowledged to me that. they executed the same.
In witness whereof, I have heretmt o set my hand and official seal at my office in the
Count·y of San Diego, the· day and y_ear in this certificate first above written.
. Y. .~:1. JACQ lJBS .
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) state of California.

RECORDED l!Jl, REQUEST OF Ci~y Clerk MAR 15 1927 at 10 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M. In Book·
no. 1306 Page .397 of Deeds Rec o.rds. of San Diego County, Cal if. .
JOHN H. FERRY, County Reo order
By .N. C~ PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and. correct. copy of
Easement. from Henrietta Wiese, ;L. C. Wiese & Da~dine Wiese, to the City of San Diego. Being
Docurne?lJ , No. 202095.


Clerk of the Cit~itan Diego, l'!alifomia,

I By~4;Juk2q. ~puty,

Lillian M. Dailey; For and in consideratio.n of the sum of ONE DOLLAR Do Hereby Grant
to The Cit.y of San Diego; a Municipal Corporation, iA- the .County of San Diego, State of
California; an e·asement. and right of .\gay as and for a public street or highway over, along
and aero s s All that Real Property sfll±tmate:O:~ in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,
State of .California, bomded -and described as follows: •
. The .East th_i~t.Y ..( 30} .feet. of the North half of the (South half ,of Lot 66 Horton's ~•
Purchase. of Ex~lUssion Lands, accor.ding to Map thereof No. 283, filed in thq office o£ the
Recorder of San Die.go County, California. Said property being the separate property of the
grant or.
To Have and to Hold .the above granted and described e~asemcnt as and for a public street.•
Witness my hand and seal this ·8th day of March, 1927.
. (SEAL) I
On thfs 8th day of March, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven. before me,
Y •. A. Jacques a Not.ary Public in and for said C.ou..11ty,. residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, appeared Lillian M.. Dailey., known to me to be theJ pc:rson c1escr=i beer :i:n·
and vvhos;e name is subscribed: to the \Vithin instl'llment, and acknowlec1ged.-to me that· sh'e
executed the saT1e.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and yee.r in this certif:ilcate first above·
wri:tt en.
Y. A. 1J'ACQ UB S,
Notary Public. in and.-for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) state of California.
RECORDED 1fJ OF City Clerk MAR 15 1927 at 10 Min., past 11 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1306 Page 391 of Deeds Records of ~an Diego County, ~alif. .
JOHN H. FE~RR_Yl'; County Rec o rete r
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above. and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed f1·an Lillian M. Dailey to The City of San Diego. Being Docuraent No. 202096.
City Clerk of the City of San Die go, California.

By~uk. 2q. ~eputy. ·.

.0 . ~f~M,
CALIFORNIA LAND BUYERS SYNDICATE, a corporation, For and in consider·ation of the
svm of ONE DOJ..LA.R Does Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the
County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right· of way, as and for· a public J

street or highway; over along and across All that. Real Property situated in the City of
San Diego, County of San Diego, ·St.ate of California, bounc1ed and·described as foll<?WS~
. · The Easterly thirty (30) feet of the Southeast one-fourth of Lot 61, of Horton's
Purchase of Ex-Miss:l.on Lands, according to Map thereof No~ 283, filed in the office of the
County Recorder of San :Piego Co~ty, California. . · · . ·
To Have and "To Hold the above gran'ti.ed and desGribed easement unto the said grantee,
its successors.and,assigns forever as and for a public street.
IN WITNESS VV".tiEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by
it.s proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this ~th day of March, 1927.

By W. A•. SLOA..l\JE, ·President.

Attest : ROGER M. ANDREWS, Secretary.
On this 4th day of March, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-sevenbefore me, .
Harrison G. Sloane ·a notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly comrnissioned
and! $71/0 m, personally appeared W• .A. SLOAJ::TE _known to me to be the Presi q.ent, and ROGER M. II .
ANDREWS; knovm to me to be the Secretary of the Corporation that. execute.d the 1-'Vi~hin instrurntnt,
known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrunent on behalf of the CorporatiDlil.
within named, and acknowledged to me .that such Corporation executed the same. · :' .
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in .the
County of San Diego, State of .California, the day and ye:ar in this certificate fi:i..-st above·
written. · ·
Notary Public in and for the County of· San Diego,
(SEAL) St aPe of C al if o rni a.
My Commission expires Mar. 1, 1931.-

RECORDED .AT REQUEST OF City. Clerk MAR 15 1927 at 10 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M. In
Book rrro. 1312 Page 334 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif. ,
JOHN H. FERRY, Com1ty Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS~, De];>uty. ~ '

I HEREBY CERT,IF.Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from California,Land Buyers Syndicate, a corporation to The City of San Diego. Being
DocuJnent: No. 202097.
City Clerk bf the City of San Diego, California.

By~~· ~~-<Deputy.
. . ~~~~~·*·
C · I
UIUON TRUST COMPANY OF SA.H DIEGO; a Corporat.ion; of the City of San Diego, Cou.....J.ty of
. San Diego, state of California; for and in co'nsideration of t,he si..w of TEN AIID N0/100 DOLLARS,
does l]:13reby grrolt. to TEE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, a Mnnicipal C or·porati on, all t.hat real property
situated in th..e ~ity of San Diego; County ·Of San Diego; state of Ca-lifornia; bom1deCJ. and.
describe~ as follows: ·
The Easterly HaJ.f of the Block Sixteen (16) adjoining Lots T~:venty-seven.(27)
and Twenty-eight (28) on the West in Bi~·Cl Rock; City-by-the.,..Sea; accoreling to the map thereon:
No. 975; filed in-the office of the County :Becoreler of said San Diego Cov.nty, March 13, 1906
as vacated ond closed September 29; 1913, by Resolution Ho. 15215 of the Common Council of
the City of San Diego.
. The Westerly One-half of the Alley in Block Fifteen (15) adjoining Lot Three (3) on

I the East; fun Bird Rock Addition; according to ·the map thereof No. 1083; filed in the office
of the County Recorder of said San.Jhe,go County, January 27, 1908, as vacated and closed.
Septembe~c 29; 1913; by Resolution N0. 15214 of the Common Council of the City of San Diego.
· The vVeste1·ly one-half. of the Alley in Block Fifteen (15) adjoining Lot Four (4) on the
East; in Birel Rock ll.ddition accol·ding to the map thereof No. 1083; filed in the office of th$-
Com1.ty Recorder of said San Diego Cou..11.ty; January 27, 1908, as vacated and closed Se:pitetnber
29; 1913; by Re sol uti on No. 15214 of the Common Council of the City of San Diego.
All the Alley :running through Blocks Fourtee·Jtf;·.(l4) anel Fifteen (15) in Bi:rcl. Rock City-
by-the-Sea; acco:reling to the.Map thereof No. 9r;s·; filed in the office of the Cotmty Recorder
of saiel San Diego Cotmty; March 13; 1906; anel.vacated e..nd closed September 29, 1913, by
Resolution NG. 15212 of the Common Council of the.City of San Diego. ·
.Also all the Alley running through Blocks Sixteen (16) a11.d Seventeen (17) of .saicl
Bird Rock City-by-the-sea, as eloseel Septembe1· 29; 1913, byr:Resoluti on No. 15215 of the
Cormnon Council of the City of San Die·go. ·
EXCEP.rHW from saiel vacated portion of alley :nmning tlwough said Block Sixteen (16)
the Easterly Half there of ad j Dining Lot-s Tvvent y-·seven ( 27) and Twenty-eight ( 28) on the We s r.
TO HA.V'l!: AiiDD TO HOLD the ':above granted ancl Clescripea. premises, unto the. said G1·antee,
its ~uccessors and assigns foreveT.
IN vVITNESS V~BEOF; said Corporation has caused t.his Deed to be singed by its Vice-
Pres:Lel:ent anc1 Assistant Secreto.ry ano. its corporate seal to l)e affixed hereto this lOth Clay
of March; 1927. ·
By C •. H. ENGLISH Vice-President.
( SE.A,l,) .
By A. H. MACKINTOSH Assistant Sec1·etary

I sr·1\:rE OF C.4..LIFORHIA, )
· on·this loth day of March; in the year one thousand nine hnndreo. ana twenty-seven,
before me; L •. J. Williams; a notary Public in 8J1d for saicl 0 Olmty, personally a1;peared
C. H. English; to me to be the Vice-President:; and li.. H.M:acKintosh; known to me to be
the AsS:i.stai1t Secn.·et,ary of the Corporation that ·executed the within instrument;. knovm to 'me
to be the persons who exe.cuted the ·~.vithin instrunent. on behalf of the corporation therein
namea; ana acknowledged to me that such· corporation execut eel the same.
. . L. J. WILLI.Al\13
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego;
(SEAL) State Of C alifOl'l1iao
RECORDED J[f! REQUEST' OF C:lty Glerk MAR 23 1927 at 45 Min.past 10 o'clock A.M. In :Soak
No. 134'5 Page 95 of DEE:DS Records of San Diego C~nmty; Calif.
. JOHN H. FEBRY; C om1ty Recorcler
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the· above ancl foregoing is a full, true and correct. ·copy of n ·
Grant Deed from Union Trust Company of San Diego, a-Corporation to The City of San Diego,
a-I\[unicipal ·cprporation. Being Document No. 202961.
of the Cit~ of San Diego, California.
·0/;;, . I --
0;~- cj4._


UIUON TIT'LE INSURANCE COiviP.tUIT; a.OorlJDration, formerly Union Title ancl Wrust Company,
a Corporation; of the Cit.y of San Diego, County of San Di'ego; state -of California, for s.nd
in consideration of the sur.IJ. of·TEN AND N0/100 DOLLli.RS, does hereby grant to THE C[;TY OF SAl'!
DIEGO~ a Iviru1icipal Corporation; .all that· real prope1rty Mtuated in the City of San Diego,
Co1L11.ty of San Diego; state of California; bouno.ed and desc.:ribeel as follows:
All of the Al·ley running through Block Fifteen (15) in Bird Rock Addition, according
t.o the<r.fap thereof No~ 1083, filed in the office of the ~ounty ·Recorder of said San Diego
County; on January 27; 1908; as-vacated and closed September 29; 1913; by Resolution-He. 152 4
of the .Common Council of the City of San Diego.
EXCEPTING the:refrom all that portion of the Easterly one-half of saiel Alley adjoining
Lots Eighteen (18} to Twenty-four (24) inclusive on the West., and also
EXCEPTING therefrom all that portion of the· Westerly One-half of saiel Allr:ey acljoining
Lot s Three ( 3} ana. Four ( 4) on the East •
All that portion of the alley running through Block Twenty.:..tvro ( 22) in Bird Rock Addi iii on,
according to map thereof No. 1083; filed in the office of the County Bee orele r of saiel San
Diego County; :·January 27; -1908; lying betv1een -the Easterly line of ·Lots one (1) ana Two (2)
and the Westerly line of Lots TINenty-nin·e (29) and Thirty (30) as vacated and closed Septemblr
29; .1913, by Resolution Uo. 15214 oft he Common Covncil of the City -of San Diego. . ·'
· TO HAVE AJ·m·To·HoLD the above grantea ana described premises, unt.0· the said Grantee_;-
it s successors and assigns forev:er. · · · ··
. IN WITimss vVHEREOF. , said corporation has caused this deed to be signed byits Presid:e.nt
and Secret.aJ:"Y and its c-orporate seal to be affixed 'hereto t-his LOth day of March, 1927.
! •

JNO. F. FORWARD, 1 JR., :President.
JAS. D. FORWARD, Sec1·etary.
C Oillr£ Y QE'_ SAN DIEGO, ) ss
on· this lOth day of March; in .the year one thousand nine hundred ancl,.
before me; L. J. Williams, a Notary Public in end .for saiel Couilty, persona~ly appeared

JNO. F., FORWARD, JR.; lrnown to me to be the President, and :!JAS. D. FORWARD; knovm to me to
be the Secretary of the corporation t,hat executed the within instrument; known to me to be .r'
the persons who executed the within inst ru.ment on behalf of the corporation therein. nane a.;
and acknowledged to me that such.corporat.ion executec1 the. same·.


J:Iotary Public in and for the County of San· Diego~
($tate of Qali fo rni a.
RECORDED ill' REQUEST OF City Clerk MAR 23 1927 at 45 Min. past 10 o'clock A.-M. In
. . I
Book No. 1345 Page 94 of DEEDS 'aecords of San Diego Cotmty; Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, Com1ty Reco:rder
By .N'. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and,:foregoing is a full, true and correct .copy of
Grant Deed from Union Title Insurance Compony; a Co::!L'p!Z1r;ation to the ~:ity of San Diego;. a c:ii. pal C orpor at ion. ..Being Document no. 202962.

Andrew Woods & Adele H. Woods, husband and wife For and in consideration o:f the sum
of ONE Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Die,go, a Municipal Corpo1•ation, in the Coru.1ty
of San :Pie·go; State of California; an easement and right of way for a public street or high-
way; ove·r along and across 1Ul that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County
of San.Diego, State o:f California~ ·.bounded and described as follows:
All that portion o:f Lot. 16A, Encima De San Diego, ace or ding to map thereof no. 1546
filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, California, lying within a
right of 1uay sixty (60) feet wic1e; theJ,·cente:xtli·ne of vrhich right of way being more particullly
described as follows: ..
Beginning at a point on the Westerly line o:f said Encima de San Diego, distant 353.70
feet l~ortherly from the Southwest corner o:f Lot 41 of said Encima de Sa...YJ. Diego; thence curvip.g
Southeasterly from a tangent 'I.•Jhich bears Southeasterly and ·makes an angle of 85° 49' 05n with
said Westerly line; vvith a radius of 300 feet an angle of ·18° 56 1 05n a distance of
99.15 feet to a point; t.hence·Southeasterly, tangent to said curve to an~-intei•section with
the Westerly·line of Lot HFII of said Encima de S.a.11 :Oiego.
To Have and to Hold the, above granted and de sc:d bed ease.11en t as and for a public street.
Witness our hands and se~ls this 24th day of September, 1926.


On this ,24th day of Sept.~be:r A.D.Nineteen Hu.:.11dred anc1 twenty-six before me;
Winifred S. P:rice a notary l'v.blic in and for said Cou.1'1ty, residing therein, duly cow.missionea
and svvorn, personally appeared Adelle H. Woods and lU1d1·ew Woods Husband and wife knovm to
me to be the persons described· in and whose nam~s a:re subscl·ibed to .the within instrument;
ano. acknowledged to me that they executed the same •
.\lifitness my }].and and Official Seal the day and year in this ce1·tificate fi:rst aboge
written. ·
I'Totary Public in and :for the County of San Diego;
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commi ssi on Expires Jlme 20, 1930.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAR 23 1927 at 45 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M. In
Book Ho. 1308 Page 338 of Deecl.s Reco:rds of San Diego Colmty; Calif.. .
JOHN H. FERRY, Oounty Recorder
By IT. C ... PARSONS, Deputy.
. .
I HEREBY CERriFY that the above anc1 foregoing is a full, true and co1·rect copy of
Deed from .AndrevJ Wo oc1s et u.x. to the City of San Diego, Calif o1·nia. Doc w.uent No. 203161L
. 1\LL Elif H. vVR I G:Ef~· . .
City)-l'<lrk of tho Ci:, of S~~i~go; California.

LaYn·ene,e W. Ree.d, widovJer, of City of Oaklanc1, Com1ty .of Alsmeda, St.ate .of California~
·For and in consideration of the ::Jum o:f ONE DOLLA~ Does Hereby Grant t'o the City of San Diego I,
a MunicipeJ., Corporation; in tb..,e County of San.Diego; State of Cf.;1J.i-fornia; an easem.e.nt as .andl
~or a public st:reet or l).ighwa;y\ over along and across All that Real Property situated in the
City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bolli.J.dec1 ·ana. de-scribed as follows:
The N,orthtP,i:c·ty (30) feet of Lot 62 of Ho:rton's Purchase of Ex-Mission Rancho; ·
accor:ding t.o Map thel·eof Uo. 283, filed in the office- of· t.he County Recroder of San Diego
Count.y; California. , ----
To Have and to Hold t.he, above granted and described easement as and for a publi-c stre t.
Witness my hsnd and seal this tent!! day of Feb:ruary, 1927.


COUNrY OF AL.AlvtEDA, ) ss
On this tenth day of February A.D., Nineteen HlL'ldred and Tvfenty-seven before me·;
Flqrence. Strong a Not a1·y Public in and fo1· said Cov.nty, residing ther.ein, duly com.rnissioned
and S\iVOln, personally appe_ared Lawrence W. Reec1 kn01:vn·to me to be .the r:erson in.
and whose name is subscribed to t_he within in'strument; and acknowledged t 0 me that he executrd
the sane.
-- ·..:.:.


Witness my .hand anc1 01;ficial Seal the day a.11d year in this ce:rtificate first above
wri tt ~n.
(SEAL) Iifotary Public in Ala111eda ~o. Calif.
My Com •. eJfpires IJ1:1ly 10; 192£?.

I RECORDED AT REQUEST DF Cit_y Cle1·kMAR 231927 at 45Min. past.lO o'clock .A..M. In

Book Ho. 1345 ~age 91 c;>f DEEDS Records of San Diego e. om1t y, Cal if. ,
JOHN H. FERRY; C Ol.ll1ty Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
.' . ,,.-
I HEREBY· CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of .
Deed from Lawrence W. Reed to t 1~e City of San Diego. Being Docv.ment No. 203162.
City)Jle rk of the City -of San Diego!, California.

By t/1, ~ :2?t ·~eputy.

. ~-;t-~·~·
. .
WE; Henry Munderloh and Kather:i,ne Mu:q.derloh f-OF and in consideration of the sum of
ONE DOLLAR ·do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, in the County
of San Diego; State of California; an Easement.. for the purpose of a :right-of-way thirty (30)
feet "I.Vide; fo:r use_ as a public highway, across ancl ov;er the following described proJpe:rty.
· The North thirty _(30)_ feet of the East one-half (:Ei) of the Northwest one-:--qu.arter
(Iii:V!) of Lot 61 of Horton's Purchase of Ex-Mission Lands, according to Map t.hereof No. 283,
f.iled in the office of the Cou.11ty Recorder of Snn Diego 0ounty, California.
Said easement to .continue in full f·orce and effect . so long as said property is used
for road purposes and "until that porti:on of tb,e pnblic highway contained in the above descried
premises has b_een laVIfully vacated by the du~y constituted pub:lic authorities, at iNhich time
said property sh~;j.ll revert to the g:rant.or, executors; or assigns.
WITNESS our hanc1s and Seals this 18th day of October; 1926.

I '.
( SE.AL)


on-this 18th day of October in the year one thousand nine lilmdred anc1.twenty-Bix
before me; J-.. B. MCLEES, Com1ty. Clerk and ex-officio Olerk of tne Superior Gourt in and for
said· Cow1ty; which ·is a court of record having· a seal, personally appeared Henry Mlmderloh
and Katherine M:1.mderloh known_ to me t.o be the persons desc'iribed in and whose 'name~s· subscribn ·,
to and i."Jho executed the annexed instrument, a.11c1 acknowle·dged to me that they exec.uted the s e.
In Witness Vllhereof, I have· herel..mto set my ha.1d and affixed· the seal of said Court at ·'
my __ office in t'he County of San Diego; the day and year in this Certificate first above. writttn.
. · J. B). MCLEES, . 1

· . · County Clerk and ex-offi'cio Clerk of the Superior Coi.1:rt. ·

'. Deputi.
-RECORDED .AT REQ.TJEST OF City Clerk MAR 23 1927 at 45 ~n: p~st lO)o'clock A.M. In Book
No.~ 1315 Page 329 of Deeds B<3·cord,s of San Jhego County, Callf. · . .
JOHN H. FERRY; County, tReco:rder
By H. C. P.ARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY the above IpJ.d foregoing is a-full truEl, an_dco:c1·ec"t copy of

I Easement for Public Highway from Henry lhmderloh et ux. to City of San :Pi<3go. Being Document
NO. 203163.

Karolin Seifer~, a widow, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR do hereby to the City of -San Diego, a municipal corporation, in the County of San Diego, state o~
California; an Easement f·or tne purpose of· a right-of-way for-: use as a public highvvay, across
and over the follorving P,escribed proptrty. · - . • . · . . I
The_North twenty-three (23) feet. of the West 150 feet of.the Vfest one-half(~) of thd,
l\Torthi:Vest one-quarter (NVV-i-);.and the North thirty.(30) feot of al·l ·exept the West 150 feet o
the West one-half of the Horthwe st one-quarter ( Nlfil{-) of. Lot : 61 of Horton's Purchase. of· Ex-
Mission Lands; according to Mq.p thereof.No. 283 filed in the a.~fice of the Co{mty Recorder o
San Diego County; Calif.ornia. ··
Said easement to continue in.full force and effedt so :tr'0ng as said property is used for
roacl. purposes anc1tmtil that portion of the public highv.ray contained-in the above described.
premises.h~-s been lawfully vacated by the consti"tuted public authorities, at which time
said property shall re~.rert to the grantor, executors, administratorso:r assigns.· ·
WITNESS my hand and. Seal this 5th day of Feb.; 1927.



COill~TY OF SAN DIEGO,) s ...
On this 5th day of February; 1927, before me, ~larence T. Bach a notary l)ublic in and
for the said Colmty·of San Diego; Ste..te of California, residing.therein, duly commissioned
and Si:VDrn; personally ~ppeared Karoline Seife1·t personally known to me to be the person
name is sub scribed to t he 1Ni thin inst 1'lU11ent ; and . she duly acknowledged to me that she executed
the $2me.
In Witness Whereof; I have he1'eunt o set ·my ha11d anc1 official seal at my office in the
Cou.rrt;y.of San Diego; the day anc1 year in this ce:rtific2.te first above written.

Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
! SEAL) state of California.
RECORDED :AT REQU.t!~ST OF City Clerk MAR 23 1927 at 45 MiB. past 10 o'clock A.M. ·In Book
No. 1345 Page 92 ?f DEEDS Records of San Diego Cotmty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Del)Uty.
I HEREBY CERTH,Y that the above :a...11d foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Easement :flmr Publich Highw~y from Karoline Seifert to The City of San Diego. Being Docume.EJ.t
No. 203164.

Maxvwll F. Mo:r:rison, of San Diego, in the qounty of San Diego, State of California,
Trustee 1.mder Deed of Trust, .executed by John C. ::3ims, and recorded May 20, 1926, ·in Dookr<C:;
of Deeds at Page ". · et seq., in the office of the Collil.ty Recorder of San Diego Cotmty, 9
having been' cluly andlegally ordered to quit-claim and reconvey that portion of the real .. JI
pro-perty covered by said. Deed of Trust,.- heJ:einafter particulal'y clescTi bed, in compliance wit~
said order;· and in conside·ration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.0Q), the receipt of which is
hereb;g.: ac knovne dged: . · · · . · · .·
but iNithout Har1·anty, the resl p1·operty situatec1 in City of San ·Diego, County of San Diego,
state of Califo1•nia;'l. c1escribed as follov1s, to-wit.: ·
.P..ll that po:rtion of Sect.ion Twelve (12), TOiNnship Sexente·en (17) south, Range Tvm (2)
West, San Be.rnardino·Meridian, inclucl.ed with·a right-of-v.f6.§j(fso) feet· Viide, t.he cente.r line
of said right -of-way being more .parti cnlar;Jry described as f·ollovvs: ·
Beginning at a point on the Weste1·ly line of saiQ. Section Twelve (12); distant 1139.8(!)
feet Northe:rly from the Northwesterly line of Rancho de la lifacion accordii1g to Map thereof
no. 166 filed ,in t~e office of the County .Recoro. e1· of San Diego Cotmty, Califofnia, thence
curving Southeasterly f:r:om a tc..ngent. which bears Horthe.asterly, making an angle of 86·deg.
14' 40 11 wi JG h the Westerly line of said Section Twelve ( 12), vvi th a of 700 feet , thr oujgh '•'!'
an angle of 21 deg. 45' 20TT a distance of 265.80 feet t 0 a point; thence Southeasterly, tang'r'nt
to said curve; a distance of 40.·60 feet to a point; thence on a tangent ·curve to t.he left;,
Vl;i th a 1•adius of 200 feet.; through a..11 angle of 86 deg. 17', a dista.nce of 301.19 feet to a
point; thence ·Northeaste::cly, tangent to the last l'1'3,med curve, a distcmce of 252.25 feet to a
poi.nt; thence on a tangent curve to the right, h a radius of 150 feet-; throug;t'l ·an angle I .
of.. 89 de g. 24', a eli stance of 234~ 05 feet t o a point ; thence Southeasterly, t a..11gent to the
last named curve, a distance of 147.63 feet to a point; thence on a tangent curve to the le.ft,
with a radius of 300 feet; through an angle: of 38 deg. 06t, a o~istance .of 199.49-feet to a
·point; thence Northeasterly tangent to the last named curve, a dist.a.nce of 55.15 feet to a
point ; thence on a t a...11gent to the right, with a r·adi us of 250 feet through an angle of
5g.deg. 18', a distance of '228.20 f'eet' to a point, t.hence southeaste1•ly, t~ngent to the last
nrn1ed curve; a clistance of 158.35 feet. to a point; thence on a tangent curve t.o the left wit
a radius of 300 feet, through an angle of 62 deg. 10', a distance of 325.50 feet to a point;
thence Northeaste1•ly; tangent to the last named curve, a distance of 405.27 feet to a point;
thence on a tan gent curve to the right., with a .radius of 1000 feet, through an angle of 22
deg. 16', a distanc.e of 388.63 feet to a point; thence Northeasterly, tangent. to the last
naned curve·,.,a_ distance of 38.• 86 feet to anpoint; thence on a tangent. curve to the 'right;
·with a radius of 1000 feet; through a·n angle of 27 deg. H3' a distance of 476.47 feet to a
point ; thence Southeasterly, t ang<:mt to the last c1 curve a di:st ance of 702.35 feet to a
point on the Northweste·rly line 'of ·said Rancho de la Nacion, distant 322"28 feet. Southwester!Ly
from the most northerly corner of Lot Fifty-t·wo (52) of said Bancho de la Nacion.
The remaining property mentioned in said Deeo. of Trust .shall continue to be held by
said Trustee under the terms thereof," and this Reconveyance shall not affect the ;Liability
of any person or c.or:poration for the ru1paid po1·tion of the indebtedness mentioned as secured
thereby. ·
IN WITI\fgss VffiEREOF, said Ma.xvvell F. Morrison, as Trustee, has caused his name and
seal to be affixed hereto by himself this 17th day of Sept. ,1926.
on·t.his 17 day of September; in the year One Thousand Nine Htmd1·ed and Twenty-six,_
before,me; Claude Stout a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared
Maxwell F. Morrism:m; kriown to me to be the prerson who·se name is subscl'ibed to the foregoing
instrument and acknovvledged to me that he executeCl. the within. instrument as Trust~e, ancl
known to me to be the person who executed. the within instrument,. and adknovvledged to 11le that
he. execut eel the same as such T ruJStiee.
Hot ary Public in and for the C o1mt y of· San Diego,
(SEAL) State of Cal if ornia. ·

RECORDED .AT REQUESE Ol!t City Clerk MAR 23 1927 at 45 Min.· past 10 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1317 Page 329 of Deeds Recoro. s. of San Diego County, Calif; _ /
JOHN H. FERRY, eounty Reborder
By N. C. PARSONS, De:put y.
I H.E:REBY CERT'I:l!'Y that· the above and forego:L11..g is a full, true and correct copy of
Partial Reconveya:.r'lce from Ma:{'llvell F. Morrison to the City of San Diego. -Being Document llro.
C~ty~lerk of t'he Ci(y_of San Diego, California.
! -~(!-- ~~·~.

Rudolph W. and Bessie Knox KintnerA. husband and. wife, For ~~1 in consider:;-tion. of the
suin of ONE DOLLAR Do Hereby Grant to The ~1ty of San D1ego, a Mun1c1pal Co:rporat1on, 1n the
County of San·Diegg; $tate of California, an easement- and right of way for a 'public .street·
or highway; over along and across All that Real ·Property situated in the qity of $an Diego,

I County Of San -Diego, State of California, bounded and c1escribed as fo·llows: .

· The Southerly thirty (30) feet of the South one-fourth ( Si-) of the Southwest one-fourth
( S~V:!) o:? Lot 55 o~ Horton 1 s Purchase Of Ex-Mi sED; on L~ds; according -~ o Ma~ ~here of No. 283, I
.f1led 1n the Dff1ce of the County Recorder of San D1ego Covnt y, Cal1forn1a.! . ·
·To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement as and for a public street.
Witness our hands and seals ·this lst day of February, 1927. ·
state of California;)
· C ou...rrt y of Sa.."YJ. Diego; ) ss
On thi:s lst day of February, A.D. Nine,teen Hundred and twenty-seven before me,
y, A. Jacques, a Nota:r:y Public i.n and for said Colmty, resj_ding therein, duly commissioned
and swo.rn, personally appeared Rudolph W. Kintner and Bessie KnoxKintner, husgand and wife,·
known to me to be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the ~vitbin
inst rum.ent, and .acknowledged to me that they executed the· same.
Witness my hanc1 and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the Q ount y of San 'Diego,
(SEAL) state of California.
RECORDED KJ! REQUEST OF City Ole rk MA..Ti 23 i927 at 45 Min. past 10 o 1 clock A.M. In Book
No. 1315 Page 328 of Deeds. Records of San :Piego Count.y, Calif. ·. ·
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
I By N. C. PARSOIJS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoin~ is a f·ull, true and correct copy of
Deed from Rudolph W. Kintner et u.x. to the Oit y of ;;)an Dieg D• Being Document No. 203166.
City .,clerk of the City of :Pi ego, California.

ByiL_7~~uk2J?-~~ Deputy.
.. . '. .--9~ ~-~
· · UNION TRUST Cm.U'ANY of San Diego, a corporation, of the ~ity of San Diego, C:ounty of
San '-J)iego, state of California, For and in consideration of the sum of -ONE DOLL.l\.RS, Does
Hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a Mm+icipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego,
State of California; an easement and right-of for a public street or highway, over; alo
and ac1~oss 1Ul That Real Property situated in City of San Diego, Co-unty of S8.n Diego, State
of California, bounded and described as follmHs:
All that portion of Section Tvselve (12); Tan.:nship Sev·enteen (1?) South, Range Trw (2)
West, san Bernardino Meridian, included v;ithin a right-of-way siJ\.."'ty (60) feet wide, the cent r
line of said right-of-way being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a })Dint on the Westerly line of said Section Twelve (12), distant 1139.8
feet Hortherly from the northwesterly line of Rancho de la Nacion according to Map thereof N.
166 filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, California; thence curvi
southeasterly from a. tangent Yihich bears Nolr.t heast el·ly' making an angle of 86° 14' 40n with
the Weste·rly line. of said Section TwelYe (12), with a ;radius of 700 feet, angle ofi

I 21° 45' 20" a distance of 265.80 feet.t o .a point; thence Southeasterly, tangent to saio. curv ,
a distance of 40.60 feet to a point; thence on a tangent. curve to the left, l-.rith a rac1ius of
200 feet; through an angle of 86° 17', a distance of 301.19 feet to a point; thence Northeast-
erly; tangent to the last named curve., a distance of 252.25 feet to a point; thence· -on a
tangent curve to the right; vJith a radius of 150 feet, through an angle of 89° 24', -a distance
of 234.05.feet to a point ;.thence. Southeasterly, tangent to the last nat:;1ed curye, a clistance
of 147.63 feet to a point; there e on a tangent -curve to t; he left, with a radius of 300 feet,
through . ;a;nrlangle of 38° 06 1 , a distancE;} of 199.49 feet to a point; thence Northeasterly tangerrt
t 0 the last named curve' a di stance of 55.15 feet to a point ; thence on a tangent curve t 0 t r-~
right; with a radius of 250 feet through an angle of 52° 18', a distance of 228.20 feet to a
poirrt; thence Southeasterly; tangent to the last named curve, a distance of 158.35 feet to a
:Point ; thence on a tangent curye to the left ; with a radius of 300 feet, thl~ an angle of
62° 10'; a distance of 325.50 feet to a point; thence Northeasterl3r; tangent to the last narne
curve; a distance of 405.27 feet to a point; thence on a tangent curve to the right, vJith a
radius of 1000 feet, through an angle of 22° 16'; a distance of 388.63 feet to a point; thence
Northeasterly; tangent to the last nar.ned curye; a distance of 38.86 feet to a point; thence
on a tangent cu_r.:ve t. o the right, vsi th a radius of 1000 feet, through an. angle· of 27° 18' a
distance of 476'.47 feet to a point; thence-Southeasterly, tangent to the last named curYe a
distance .of 702.35 feet .to a point on the Northwesterly line of said Rancho de la Nacion, distant
322.28 feet Southwesterly from the most Northerly corner of Lot Fifty-two (52) of said Rancho
de la Naci on.
To Have .and To Hold the above grantec1 and described premises, unto the said Grantee, ir s
successors ano. assigns forever; f·or street purposes;
In Vfitness \rifhereof; said corporation has caused this deed to be signed by its Vice-
President and As si st 211t Sec l' et ary and it s corp orate seal t o be affixed he ret o this 14th day oif
September, 1926.

Vice President.
F. B. THOMPSON, Assistant Secret ry.

--~.,. ~-
On thi~ 14th day of Septernber in the year cine thousand nine hundred ·ana 26 before me,
Lulu McFarland, a notary Public in and for said Cotmty, personally appeared c. H. ENGLISH
Known to me to be the Vice P:-cesic1ent, and F. B. THOMPson Known to me to ~be the Asst. Secretarry
of the corporation that executed the vr.i. thin instrmnent, kno~:vn to me to be ·the 'persons who
executed the within instrumert. on behalf of the corporation therein named; and acknowledged
to me that such co l"P oration executed the san e. ·
. I
Notary Public in and fDr .the.County of San Diego,
(SEAL) . State of Califo:-cnia.
RIDORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAR 23 1927 at 45 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M. In Book
No. 1308 Page 336 of Deeds Rec·o:-cds of San Diego Coilllty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, C ov.nt y Recorde:-c
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and fo:regoing is a full, true and corrr~ct copy of
G:-cant :Peed f:-can Union ~rust Company of San Diego tot he City of San Diego, Cali:f:iornia.
Being :Qocume rt No. 203175.
Clexk of .the Cit.~San: ? : ' : i f o x n i a .
By _ /oz. ~ Deputy •
. ----5'7 ~-~-

In the Matter of The Estate of) No. 13997 DeJ?t. 4.

. '


The l'et.u:-cn of sale of .real estate and petition ·for confirmation the:-ceof by the
Ad.m.inistrat.or in the above enti~led. estate coming on regularly for, and p:-coof being
made to the satisfaction· of the Pourt; it is found that notice of said hea:-cing hars been
given as :-cequi:-ced bY law, that the allegations ·of said return are t:-cue, and no person
appea:-cing in Court to :-cai se the bid ten per cent ( 10%) or at all; .
I~ IS ORDERED that the sale of the real estate hereinafter de scribed;· to the CITY OF
SAN DIEGO, A MlT.NICIPAL CORPORATION, FOR Fifty D.olla:-cs ($50.00), is co!rrfi:-cmed, and that :a
proper conveyance· t.he:-ceof b·e executed and delivered to the saicl pu:-cchase:-c upon. :-ceceipt of
the pUi'chase price;
Said real property is described as follmvs, t o-v1it:
All that Real Property situate.d and·described. as follows, to-wit:
Lot Seven (7)., of Section Thirty-five (35), in Townshi.J? Eighteen (18) of Range
Two (2) East ofthe SanBe:r.·na.rdinoMeridian, containing Twent2r-fou:c (24) ;ow1·es andTwo
Hnnd:-c.edths .(2/lOOths) of an acre, mo:-ce o:-c less. . _ .
Dated; Ma:-cch 18th, 19.27.

The fo:-cegoing ;i.n.strvment. is a full, true and co:r:rect copy of the on file in
tpi s office.
Attest: MAR 22 1927.
Com1ty ((!lerk a...11d Clerk of the Superior Qourt, of the State of
California, in e.nc1 for the C otm.t y of san Diego.
By L. L • . BAILEY

RECORDED AT REQtJEST OF City Qlerk JIJL'\R 22 1927 at 11 Min. past 3 o'clock P.M. In Boo~
No. 1342 Page 137 of Deeds Reco:-cds of San Diego County, Calif. . . .
. JOHN H. FERRY,: Qount y RecorCJ.ei'. ·

I HEHEBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full,. 'true and ccorre ct copy of
Superior Court Action in the matter of the Estate .of John F. Liniger to City of San Diego.
Be ing Doc umen t No •
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By~,~~· ·1(~Dru>~~Y•
.. ,_ . .

. BANK OF ITALY successor to SOUTHERN TRUST AND OOMMEHCE BANK, a corpo.ration, For and
in consideratio.n of One DOLLAR, Does·Hereby release and quitclaim to The City of San Diego,
a Municipal Corporation, in the Countr;r of San Diego, State of California, for atreet purposes,
Al,l that Real Property situat·ed in the:· City of San Diego, County of San Diego; State of I ..
California, bounded and described as fo ll:ovvs: · · . · · ·· 1
. . All that portion of Villa Lot 215, .Normal Heights, according to Map thereof No. 985,
filed irl ·the Office of the County Recorder of· said San Diego County, lying west of the.northll
erly prolongation of the west line of Villa Lot 216, said Normal Heights; and south of the
southerly line of Ward-Road as now established.
To Have and to Hold the ~bove quitclaimed and described property unto. the said
grantee,, its successors and a8sig,ns .forever, for street purposes, as and for a portion of
38th Street.
IN WITNE.SS Wh"EREO~: s.aid .Corporation has caused this ip.strument to be executed bY
its proper officers a?d its corporate seal affixed this 18th day of March, 1927.
BANK O:B, ITALY succe.ssor to
By GEO. BURNHAM, Vice President.
Attest: R. E. HAGENBHUCH, Assistant Trust Office:r.
I ....

On this 18th da~r of March, A.D., Nineteen ~nd twenty-seven before me,
Ruth Averell a Notary Public in and for said County, _residing therein, duly commissioned and
swor-n, personally appeared Geo. Burnham known to me to be the Vice-President, and R. E.
Hagenbruch known to me to be the Assistant Trust Office~ of the Corporation that executed

I the wi'thin instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on
hehalf of the Corporation within named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation, executed
the sane. ..,.
IN WITNESS WJ-i::EREOF., I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in the
·county of San Diego, .State of California, the day and year in this certificate ffrst above
written. ·
rotary ~nbiic in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Ex}Jires, De.ce~ber 23, 1929.

REC0:'1DED AT REQUEST OF Gtee MAR 31 1927 at 30 Min. past.9 o'clock A.M., In Book No.
1276 Page 465 of DEEDS. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FER~Y, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODA3D, Deputy.
I HEREBY CE.RTIB'Y that the above and fore going is a full; true and correct copy of
Deed from Bank of Italy, forrriBrly Southern Trust & Commerce Bank to City of San Diego. Bein
Document, No. 203782.
Clerk of the City of $an Diego, California.


I 'I, A. M. Darrough, For and in consideration of Ten Dollars :Do Hereby Grant to The
City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California,
for street purposes, All that Real Property situated in the City 'of San Diego, 0ounty ·of
San Diego, State of California, bounded and descttbed as_ follows: · · _
All that portion of Villa Lot 216, Normal Heights, according to Map thereof No. 985,
filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, lying west of the north-
erly prolongation of the west 'line o·f Villa Lot 216, said Normal Heights, and- south of the I
southerly line of Ward Road as now established. Said 1)roperty being the separate pro1;erty oif
the grantor herein. It is understood and agreed that the City shall bear the expense of con
structing the curbing on 38th Stteet through the above described grant.
To Eave and to Hold the above granted and described property unto the said g1·antee;.
its successors and-assigns, forever, for street purposes, as and for a portion of 38th Stree •
Witness my hand and seal this 18th day of March, 1927.


On this 18th d·ay of March, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
E. H. Brooks a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissipned and
sworn, personally appeared A.M.Darrough, known to me to be the pe-rson described in and whose
name is subscribed to the vv'i thin instrument, and acknmmle dged to me that he executed the sam: •
· Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
written. · ·
E. H. B1.100KS v
Notary Public in.and for the County.of San Diego,

I (Sll:AL)
My Commission Expir-es, June 4, 1930 •
State of California. 11

RECORDED AT 3EQUEST OF Gtee MAR 31 1927 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In Book No.
1199 Page 470 of DEEDS Recor-ds of San Die go County, Calif. ·
~QHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HE!~BY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from A.M. Darrough to The City of San Diego. Being Document; No. 203784.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

B,~lz-a. ~~puty.
~ 4Y ~ -'71-_. r- .
John Waterman, For and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR Do He'reby QUITCLAD1
to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of ~an Diego, State of
California, an easement and right of way for a publi·c street or highway, over,· along and
across All that Rea 1 Property s i tupa t.ed in the City of San ill>ie go, County' of San Die go, State
of C~lifortiia, bounded and described as follows:
The West thirty (30) feet of the. North one-half of Lot 17, Horton's Purchase of Ex-
Mission Lands, according to Ivia:P No• 283 thereof filed in the office of the County. Recorder o
San Diego County, California.
To Have md to Hold the above quitclaimed and described easement_and right of way as

I . and for a·puhlic street.

·Witness my hand and seal this 9th day of March, 1927.


I \


STATE 01!, CAl1IFORlUA,) ss

On this 9th day of March; A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me, Y.A. Jacqutes
a Noit ary Public in and for said C Oilllty, residing t: .be rein, duly commissioned and sworn, per- ·
sonally appeared John Waterman known to me to be the person described in and whose name is
subscribed to t.he within instrume:nt, arud acknowledged to me that. he executed the same.
Witness my hand abd Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
written •.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
l SEAL) State of California.

RECORDED~ RE~UEST OF Gtee MAR 31 1927 at 30 Min. Past 9 o'clock A.M. In Book No.
1348 Page 44 of DEEDS Records of San Diego Coilllty, Calif.
JOHN. H. F.EHRY, county Recorder
By L. B. WOJDARD, Deputy.

I HERSEY CERJ!I.Il'"Y that the ·above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed fran John Waterman to The City of San Diego. Being Docunent No. 203900.
ALL~N H. WRIG 1-fr
Ci77Clerk of the City of San Diego, Cal.ifornia.

Br0;-¥~ Deputy.
' . ~70~-~ ..
Carrie E. Hains, Winnie Hannah Morehouse, Daisy B. Hopping, and Alberta E. M:o:rehouse,
for and in consideration of ONE JJOLLAR Do Hereby Grant to The City of· San.Diego, a Municipal!
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California., an easenent and right of way
for a. public street or highway, over, along and a.c:r oss All that Real I' rope rty situated in the
City of San Diego, County of San Diego, state of Califo1·nia, bounded and described as follow~:
The Eas-t thirty {30) feet of the south one-half of the· northeast one-fourth, and the lj
East thirty (30) feet of the south-east one-fourth of Lot 18 of Horton's l'urchase of .c;x-MissiJon
·lands, according to Map No. 283, thereof filed iri the office of·the County Recorder o-£ San
Diego County; Cali fo rni a. ·
To Have and to liolclthe above grant·eCJ. and described e·asement and right of wa:y as and.
for a public street.
Witness my hand ·and seal this 9th day of Augm:t:, 1926.
,. .,--.



On this 9th day of Augus.t A.D. ·Nineteen H'Lmdred and twenty-six before me, Lucy· B. Scully
a Notary Public in and fo~ said Coru.1ty, residing therein, duly commissioxied and sworn, per-
sonally appeared Carrie E. Hains.,. Winnie Hannah Morehouse, Daisy B. Hopping, and Alberta E.
Morehouse, knovvn to me to be the ·persons described in and whose names are subscribed tQ the
within inst rvment, and acknowledged t. o me that they executed the sam e.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the des and year in this.certificate first above
written. ·
Notary Public in and for the County af San DiE?go'
(SEAL) state of Calif11Jrnia.

REG ORDED .AT' R&QUESI:' OF Gt ee MAR 31 192 7 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. , In Book No.
1323 Page 227 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif~
JOHN H. FERRY, G.ounty Recorder
By ·1~ B. WOODARD, Deputy I
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the ·above and foregoing is a full; true and correct copy of
Deed from Carrie E. Hains et a1., to the City of San Diego. Being Document Ho. 203901.
·y the· Cityyryi~, California,
B -?zz. ~eputy.

·James B. Mason, a single man For and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR Do Hereby Grant
to The City of San Die:go, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, state of
California, an easement and right of way for a public street or highway, over, along and
across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, -county of San Diego, State
of Calif:ornia, bounded and described as follows: ·
'The West thirty (30) feet of the: North one-half of Lot 17, Horton's Purchase of Ex-
Mission Lands; according to map No. 283, thereof, filed in the office of the County Recorder
of San Diego County, California. ·
To Have and to Hold. the above granted and described easement; and right of way as and
for a public street.
Witness my hand and seal this 3rd day of August, 1926.

On this 3rd day of Augu·st A.D~ -Nineteen Hundred and twenty-six (1926) before me,
Ethel Jelinelc a Notary Public in and for said County, residingthe:rein, duly canmissioned
and sworn, personally appeared James B. Mason knovm to me to be the person described in and
whose name is subscribed to the within instrt1lnent, and acknowledged to me that he executed
the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certifi'c·ate first ~above
written. /
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
( Sl!:AL) fir ATE OE' C1\L H, ORNIA.
MY Commiss~on Expires Mar. 31, 1930.
RECORDED J{f! REQUEST OF Gtee MAR 31 1927 at 30 Min •. past 9 o 1 clock A.M., In Boolc No.
1306 Page 448 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif. ,
JOHN H. FERRY; County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.

I Dee~
I HEBEEY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
from James B. Mason, .to ~he City of San Diego. Being Document No. 203902.
Clerk of the ·ty of San Diego, California.


I, E. C. Moore; A Single Man For and in of ONE LOLLAR Do Hereby Grant
to The ·city of san Di~go, a Municipal Cqrporation, in the County of San ·Diego, State af
California, an easement and right of way for a public street or highway, over, alo:q.g and
across All that Real Property situated in t_he City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State
of California, b o mded and described as follows: .
The ·East thirty (30) feet .of the North one-half of the~ Northeast one-fourth of Lot
18, Horton's Purchase of Ex-Mission Lands, according t.o map No. 283, thereof filed·i:q.·the
office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, Californi~
T·o Rave and to Hold the above granted and described easement. and right of way as and
:for a public street. ·
Witness my hand and seal this 9th day of August, 1926.. .
C om;r.ry OF SAl'I D lEG 0, ) ss
On t,his 9t·h day of ·August A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Six before me, Ed Jacobson

I a Notary Public· in· and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personl-
ally appeared E~ C. Mo0re known. to me to be the person described in and whose name is subscri-
ed to the within -instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day .and year in this certificate first above

Hot ary Public in and for t be County of San Diego,
(SEAL) state of California..
. RECORDED .AT REQUEST OF Gtee MAR 31 1927 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In Book rro.
1306 Page 447 of De.eds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
U'OlHJ H. F~Rlfl, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
. .
I HEREBY CEru'H'Y that the· above an'd foregoing is a full, true and co-rre.ct copy of
Dee-d from E. C. Moore, to the' City of San Diego. Being Docunent No .•_ 203904.
t.he C-ity San Diego, California.

Charles -H. Page and Mi·n..Ylie L. Page, husband & wife For and in c onside rat ion of· the
sum of OHS DOLLAR Do Hereby QUITCLABi to The City of San Diego, a Munici1')al Corporation, in

I the County of San Die-go; state of California, an easement and right of.vvayfor a public stree[t ·
or highway, over along and'.aci!l'oss All that Real.Property situated irithe City of San Diego,
County o:f San Die-go,. !:>'tate of California, bo1mded and described as follows:
The t:ast thirty (30) feet of the s-outh one-half (Si-) of tre Sou!Jheast one-quarter (S.!:l:i-)
of Lot ~3; Horton'-s Purchase o-f~~;.Ex-Missi-on Lands, according to Map thereof l~o. 283, filed in
the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, California.. .
T.o Have and to. Hold the· .above quit claimed and de·scri bed easement and right of way as
and for a public street. '
Witness our hands and seals this 21st day of'February, 1927.


COUlJTY uF S.Al~ DI~GO ~ ) ss
On this 21st day 'of February A.D. Nineteen Hundred q;nd twenty-seven before me,
Y.A.JACQU.ES a notary PubJ.:ic· in and for said County, residing therein, duly cormnissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Charles N. Page: and Minnie L. Page, hu-sband and wife known t o me
to be tre person described in and whose names are subscribed to t.he within in_strument·, and
acknowledged to me that they exei.cuted the same. ·
Witness my hand and Official Se-al the day and ,year in this certificate first above
Y. A. J .ACQ u.~s
Notary Public in and for the Co1U1ty of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of' California.
RECORDt:D AT REQUEElP o:B1 Gtee MAR 31 1927 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In Book Uo.

I 1350 Page. 31 of Deed Re.cords of San Diego .County, Calif.

JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L~ B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and fore going is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed :from charles N. Page.and Minnie L. Page, to The City of San Diego. Being Docunent No.
af the City o· .San California.
D. E E D

Maud(:Mart in, Spinster .For and in con side ration of ONE DOLL.AR Do Hereby Grant to The
City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, state.of Calif9rnia,
an easement and right o:f way for a :public street or highway, over, along and across All that
!eal Property situated in the .City of San Diego; County of San Diego, State of California,
bounded md described as follows:
The East thirty ( 30) . feet of the south one-half of t .be Southeast one-fourth .• of Lot.
13, Horton's l?urcbase.of b.:x-Mission Lands, according to map No. 283.thereof filed in the
office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, California.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right of way as and
for a public st. reet. ·
.Witness my hand and S3al this 3rd day of August, 1926.

On this t.hird day of August A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-six before ·me;
ETHEL JELINEK a Notary J.:'ublic in and for said County, residing t ,herein, duly..1 commissioned.
and S1Norn, personally aJ?lJeared Maud Martin lrnown to met o be .the person described in and
whose name is subscribed to ·the vvi thin instrument, and acknov'Jledged to me that she executed
the sarne.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate fi~st above
Notary Public in and for t be County of San Diego,
(SEAL) state of California.
My Commission Expires M:ar. 31; 1930.
RECORD~DPJ.r REQILST OF Gtee MAR 31 1927 at 30 Min. past 9 0 1 clock A.Ivi., In Book No.
1306 Page 446 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN R. IPERRY, C ou..'1.ty Rec order
. . By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERri(fPY that the· above and foregoing is a full, true :.and .correct copy of
Deed from Maud .Martin, to The City of San Diego. Being Document .No. 203908.
ALlliN H. WRIGill ,
of the City~f San Diego, ~alif ornia.

~~-~· ~~Oputy,
Southern Titl,e & Trll:st Company, fo.nnerly southern Title Guaranty Company a cor:poratimn,
organized under the laws of the State of California, and having its :principal :place of busin~ ss
in the City of San Diego, c·our.ity of San Diego, state of California. For and in consideratio:J
of Ten ann.d 00/100 DOLLA:ctS, Dqe·s Hereby Quit-Claim to the· City of San Diego, a municipal ·
Cor:porat:t·on, in t.he County of San Diego, an easanent and right-of-way for a pu_blic street,·
over, along and across All that Real .Property situ.~?..ted in the City of San Diego, County of
San Diego, state of California, bounded and desc·ribed as follows:
· The East. thirty feet {E.30 1 ) of Lot Thirty-nine (39) of Horton's Purchase in the .l:lx
Mission .Lands., of San Diego, according to the 1\[a:p thereof Ho. 283, filed in the office of the
Recorder of said San Diego County, March 9, 1878.
To Have and to Hold the above quit-claimed and described premises unto the said
Grantee subject to all incumbrances of record, if any, as and for an easement. and right of
way for a public street.•
In Wit.ness Whereof, the southern Title & T.ruat C.ompany, formerly So.utbern Title
Guaranty Company has caused t~is deed to be signed by its Vice-PresideiDit and Ass't Secretary,

and its corporate seal to be attached thereto, this Second day of, 1927.
By E. E.• HUBBELL, Vice-Pr.e si dert
APproved W. w. EASTON,. Trust Officer. H. E. ca~ a Sec~etary.

On this Second day of March, A.D.Nineteen Hundred and 'I'wenty-seven, before me,
LOU B• .M.AT~WS, a Notary Public, ;tn and for said County, residing therein, duly e:omrnissioned
sworn, personally appeared E. E. Hubbell, known to me to be the Vice-J:lresident, an:l H.E.Crane
known to me to be the 'A.Ss't Secretary of the southern Title & Trust Company; fonnerly Southe~n
Title Guaranty Company, the Corporation that executed the within instrun1ent, and known to me
to be t .he :per sons who executed the within inst l'Umen t, in behalf of t be Corporation there in
naned, and acknowledged. to me that such C.orporation executed same.
IN WITHE ss ':'IHEREOE' , I !lave h~ reunt o set my hand. and affixed my Official seal a:t My
Office, in the, City of San Diego, County of San Diogo, 5'tate of t;:'alifornia, the day and year
in t hi's Certificate fi r~t above written.
Notary :Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(Sl:lAL) state of California. ·

RECOBDED NJ!. REQUEST OF. Gtee MAR 31 192? at 30 Min. past 9 0 1 clock A.M., In Book No •.

1350 J?age 34 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.

JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L~ B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I liETIEBY CP,:RTlll'Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true am.d correct copy of
QUITCLAIM DEED frcm southern Title & Trust Company, formerly Southe·rn Title Guaranty Company
to The City of San Diego.· Being Docur.aent No. 203928.
. ALLE H H. WRISil:il.1! rk af the City of San Diego, California.

B"vJ/q ~ty.


SECURITY COiviMERCI.AL & SAVINGS BANK OF SAN DIEGO For and in consideration of the sum
Qi ON:m DOLLAR Does Hereby QUITCLAIM to The City of·San Diego1 , a Municipal Corporation, in
the County of San Diego;. State of Califorriia, an easement and right of way for a public s·t reet
or highway, over; along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Die:go, I
I C onnty of San Diego; St .ate of CaJ,if o rnia, bounded and described as fo 11 ow s:
The West ·thirty (30) feet of, the· Southwest one-fourth of Lot. 14, Horton's Purchase o~
Ex-Mission Lands, according to Map No. 283, thereof, file-d in the affice of t.he County Recorder
of San Diego County, California.. · . I
To Have and To Hold tm above quitclaimed and described e•asement nnt o the said grantee,
its successors and assigns :fo,r-ever as and for a public street. I ·;
IN VviT'lfESS liHEREO:I!,: Said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its .~·
proper officers and its corporate seal aff:li.xed this 18 day of Februa!'IJ, .192'7.
By C ~ H. MARE IN, President.
Att.est: o. E. DARNALL, Secre~ary.
On this 18th day of Fe.bruary, A.D~ Nine·teen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
Q.F.Clar.k a Notary Public in and for said County, residing, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared c. H. Martin k:no.v:n to me to be too President, and o.E.Darna~l
known to me to he the Secretary of tre Corpor·ation that executed t.m within instrm11ent, knowll-·to be the p.ersons who execute.d the within instrument on behalf. of the CorporationwithiJn
named, and acknowledged to me that. such c.orporation executed the same. '
IN WITI:l8SS Villb'REOF, I .have hereunto set my ha.:nd and affixed my Official Seal, in the
County of .San Diego; State .of California, t:he day md ye-ar in this certificate first above
w:ri tt en. -
. G. F., CLARK
Notary Public in and for t ba Connty of San Diego,

( s;EJAl,) State of California.
My Cormnissi on Expires, March 11, 1930.
RECORDED .A:r REQUEST (F Gt ee MAR 31 192'7 at 30 Min. past. 9 o'clock A.M. In Book No.
1350 Pag.e 32 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, Connty Recorder
By L. B. WOO DA.RD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true: and correct copy of
Deed from Security Comme:rCial & Savings Bank of San Diego·, to City of San Diego. Being
DocumreiatL No. 203910.

Minnie Howe For and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLARS, Do Hereby Grant to
the City of San Diego, a Mun:i,.ci:pal.CorporatiQn, in the County of San Diego, ,state af Calif-
orni~, an easement and right,-of-way for a public street or highway, over, along and across
All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, Connty of San Diego, State of
California, bound~d and describeQ, as follows:
East Thirty feet of East Three-fo1.1:rths (E 3/4) of North one-half lN~) of South One-
half ( st) of Lot 13. Horton's Purchase Ex-Mission Lands, as per map there o.f No. 283 on file
in the office of the C otmt y Recorder of said San Diego County.

I ·
To Have and to Hold the_above granted and described premises unto the .said grantee,
its successors and assigns, :f:orever·for street purposes;
Witness PlY hand and seal this 28t~ day of August, 1926.
MIHH IE l::IOVD~ ( Sl:lAL)

arl\:rE OF TEXAS, )
• On this 28th day of .August A.D. Nineteen Hnndred E!-nd Twenty-six be~ore me, the .under-
s:i.gmd a Not.ary Public in and for said County, residing t here·in, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally apr:eared Mrs. Minnie Howe known to me to be t-he person described in and whose :marne
is subscribed .t. o the· within instrument , and acknowle-dged to me t.hat she executed· the same.
·In Witness Wher-eof, I have hereunto set my hand ~d affixed my Official-Seal, at my·
office; in San Antonio, Be~: County, State of Texas, the daN and year in this certificate
first above written.
.Notary Public in and for the Comty .af Bexar,
(SEAL). State af ·Texas." .
RIDORDED AT REQlliSf OF Gtee MAR 31 192'7 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.Ivi., In Boo<k No.
1323 Page 229 of Deeds Records of San Dieg·o C.:otinty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, C ourrt y Recorder
By L! B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBYCCERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Grant Deed from :Minnie Howe, to The City of San Diego. Being Document l'Io. 203964.

I Cit Y~Ole rk of the City of San Diego, California.

By~?zt ·. ~eputy. _


Walter Halbert. and Maude Hal bert, husband and wife, For and "in c onsi de. ration of the
,sum of Ol'JE DOLLAR Do Hereby QUITCLAHi to TheCit.y of San Diego, aMnnicipal Cprporation, in
the County of San Diego,, State of Cp.lifornia; an ·easement and right of· way, :for a public
----, _---


street or highway, over along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of
San Diego; County of San Diego, state of California, bounded anc1 described as follovJs:
_ The We·sterly thirty (30) feet of the North one-half .(Nt) of the northwest one-quarter,
lNvl:~d of Lot 40 of Horton 1 s Purohase of Ex-Mission Lands, according to Map thereof Ifo. 283,
filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Die-go, California.·
To Have_ and to Hold the .above q,uitclaimed and described easement and right of wa:y as
and for a public . street.
Witness our hands and seals this 17th day of :&,eb., 1927.

On this 17th _day of February, A.D., Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me,
Y.A. Jacques a Notary Public fn and for said County, residing therein, duly eommissin.ned and
sworn, personally appeared Walter Halbert and Maude Halbert, husband and wife, kno11m to me ,
t·o be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and
aa.knowledged to me that the·y execut.ed the same. ·
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
written~ ·
. ' Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego·,
'(1 SEAL) state of Cali:fo rni.a.
RIDORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee MAR 31 1927 at· 30 Min. past 9 o 1 clock A.M., In Boo·k No.
1312 Eage 397 of Deeds Records of san Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. ]'ERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODA..BD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIJ.!,Y that .the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Walter Halbert and Maude Halbert t.o The Cit.y of San Diego. Being Document Ho.
t~C~f San Diego, Califoxnia.
By · ~Deputy.
/!Pr~ '>t.
Don C. Bryan and Viola Bryan Husband an~ Wife For and in consideration of the sum
of ( $10.00) Ten 00. DOLLARS, Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, All That Ree~ P_ropert
situated in County of San Diego; State of Califo1·nia, bounded and described as follows:
Commencing at the northwest corner of Section twenty-nine (29), TolJJllship fourteen
(14) South, Range One (I) East, S.~.M. and Running thence east between Sections twenty (20)
ru~d twenty-nine (29) six hundred fifty (650) feet; thence southwesterly five hundred (500)
feet to a ·point two hundred ·eight.y ('28~) feet southeast from the place of begimmg; thence
t;wo hundred eighty (280) feet northwesterly to the place of begining, containing one and one~
half (I-I/2 acres; more or less. --
T'o Have and t.o Hold the above granted and described premises unto the said Grantee
heirs and assigns forevel!'. · -
Witness.our hands and sE{al this 22nd day of May, 1926.


On t11is 22nd day of May, 1926 before me; John W•. Dripps a Notary Public, in and for
said Cotmty and State, personally appeared Don C. Bryan and Viola.Bryan Husband and·Wife
known to me to be the person vifhose names are subscribed to the· foJ:egoing instrument, and ac-
knowledged to me that .they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal, the day and year int his certifiqate first.
above viri tt. en. · •'

( ShlAL) Notary Public in and for said County and State.
My Commission Expires October 24, 1928.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee MAR 31 1927 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In Book No.
1276 Page 467 of DEEDS. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.

. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing i~ a full, true and correct copy of
Grant Deed from Don C. Bryan and Viola Bryan to City of iJan Diego. Being Document No.
Cit Y,~CloTk of the Ci~~n Diego, California.

By~'/?z ' j ~Deputy.

. . ~, ~.-u. .

Rudolph W• .Kintner and Bessie Knox .Kintner, husband & wife, For and in consideration
of the Stll11 of OlJE DOLLARS, Do Hereby Grant to the City of S&"l Diego, a Mru:1icipal Corp o rat i ol,
in the .County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right-of-way for a public
street or highvJay, over, along and a,cio·ss; All that Real Property situated in the City of
san Diego; County of San Diego, State of CalifOl'nia, bou_nded and described as follows:
The Westerly thij~ty (30) feet. of t.he South one-half (S~!') of the South one-half (3-~)
of the Southwest 1/4 .Lo.t 55 Horton's Purchase of Ex-l'!Iission Lands, according to Map thereof
.No. 283 filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, California.
To Have anc1 to Hold .the above g:t•antec1 and described premises unto the said grantee;
its successors and assigns, forever for street .purposes;
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises unto the said~ grantee,
its and assigns, foreve1· for street. purposes;
Witness our hands and seals this 20 day of Sept. 1926.

On this 2oth day of Septembe·r A.D. Nineteei1 Hundred and twenty-six before me,
Clarence T. ·Bach a Notary Public in and fo1· said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn; personally appeared Rudolph W. Kintner & Bessie Knox Kintner;. Proved to me on the
oath of Ed E. Allen to be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the
within inst!tlument ,"and acknowledged to me that tl1ey. executed the same.
In ss Where of, I have hereunto set my. hand and af;fixed my Official Seal, at my
office; in san Diego., County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this
certificate first above written.
Notary Public in anc1 fo·1· the County of San Diego,
: {SEAL) State of California.;
My Commission expires S~·pt .. 7th, 1930.
RIDORDED AT REQUES".r' OF Gtee M.AR 31 1927 at 30 Min. past 9 o 1 clock A.M. In Book No.
1312 Page ·401 of Deeds Records of San Diego Com1ty; Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY,. County Recorder
By L;. B. WOODARD; Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIPY tha'P the above and fo:::egoing is a full, tr:ue anc correct· copy of
Grant Deed from Rudolph W. Kintner and Bessie Knox Kintner, to The City of San Diego.
Being Doc1JJlle:rrt, Uo. 203967.
·1erk of the City, of San Diego, California.

J. L. McCurdy, Est ella E. ·HcCurdy, A. Ray Sauer, Jr. and Ella s. Sa.uer P or anc1 in
consideration of the sun of ONE DOLLAR Do He':reby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, in the County of San Diego; State of California, an easement and right of ws:y
for a public street or highYiay, over, along and across All that Real Property situated in th~
City 9f san Diego; County of San Diego; state of ~alifornia; bounded and described as follows:
All that; po11tion of Lots 3 and 4, Horton 1 s Purchase of Ex-Mission Lands ·according td>
Map thereof No. 283 filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego COlli"lty, Californ~a,
included within a right of ws.y 60 feet wide; the cente1· ~.; of ·which right of way being ·I
described as .follows:
Beginning at a point on the :northerly line of said Lot 4, distant .279.97 feet EasteJ!'-
ly from the Southeast corner of Section 32, Tovmship 16 South; Range 2 West of S.B.B.M.;
thence S 28° 36 1 East a distance of 286.30 feet to a point; thence along a tangent curve to
the left with a radius of 300 feet through an angle of 30° 43 1 , a distance of 160.83 feet to
a point; thence S 59° 19 1 East; tangent to said curve; a distance of 240.45 feet to a point;
thence along at angent curve to the right; with a radius of 300 feet; through an angle of
49° 54'; a distance of 261.28 feet to a point; thence South 9° ·25 1 East tangent to the last
named curve a distance of 489.98 feet to a point; thence along a tangent curve to the left,
with a radius of 800 feet through an angle of 12° 55 1 a di·stance of 180.35 feet· to a point;
thence S 22° 20' East tangent. to the last named cu1·ve.·; a distance of 21.39 feet to a point
on the East line of Lot .:£2 of said Horton 1 s Purchase distant 45.01 feet Souther1y from the
Northeast. corne·r of said Lot 12; thence south 22° 20 1 East; a distance of 61.10 feet to a

I point; thence along a tangent curve to the left; witha rad·ius of 150 feet. through an angle
of 96° 10 1 a distance of 251.76 feet to a point; thence· l'r 61° 30 1 East, tangent .to tb:e last
named curve; -a distance of 445.24 feet to a point; thence along a tangent curve to the right,
with- a· radius of 225 feet through an angle of 47° 54 1 ; a distance of 188.·13 feet to a: point;
thence South 70° 36 1 East, to an intersection with the south line of said Lot 3.
To Have and t.o Hold the above. granted· and described easement and right of way as
~d for a public street.
Witness our hands and. seals this 19th day of Feb. 1927.



On this 19th day of February A.D. nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven. before me,
Clarence T. Bach a·liota:ry l'ublic in ana. for said Colulty, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn; personally appeared Estella E. McCurdy, Ella S. Sauer, J. L. McCurdy, A. Ray Saue· ,
Jr., known to me to be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within
instrtlm'ent.~ and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above

Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
RIDORDED AT ·RBQUE;JJ: OF Gtee M.AR 31 1927 at 30 Min. :Past 9 o 1 clocm A.M. In Book No.
1312 Page 403 of Deeds Records of san Diego Cov~~ty, Calif.
JO~N H. ~ERRY, Colu"lty Recorder
By ~~ B. WOODARD, Deputy,
I HEREBY CBRTIFY t:hat the above and foregoing is a full, true and cor:rect copy of
Deed from J.L.McCuro.y; Estella E.McCurdy, A.Ray Sauer, Jr., and Ella s. Sauer, to The City
of San Diego. Being· Document No. 203968.
City_ Cle :ck

Jessie H. Perkins ancl. Wilbert E. Hwnrnond, For and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR,
Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Col·poration, in the County of San Diegm;
State of California, an easement ancl right of way· for a public street or highway; over, a.lon~
and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of san Diego,
State of California,· bounded and described as foll o·w s: ·
The West t.hirty (30) feet of the Ho1·thwest. one-quarter of Lot 14, Horton 1 s Purchase
of Ex-Mission Lands, accorcling to Map No. 283, thereof filed in the office· of the County
Recorder of san Diego County; California.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and· described easement and right of vvay as ancll
for apublic st,reet. ·
Witness our hands and seals this 4th day of ..ti..ugust, 1926.


c omr.r Y o.b' 21\H ni.c:;co, ) ss
On this_F,ourth d~y ~f August. A.D. Nineteen Ihmdrecl and Twenty-six befo1·e me, "
W. A. 1N'iec1enbeck a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and swo1·n; personally appeared Jessie H. Perkins and Wilbert E~ HDTill11ond, knoYvn to me to be
the persons described in anct v:ihose name are subscribed to the vvith:i,.n instrurnent, and acknow-
leged t6 me that they executed the St~e.
\!Yitness my hand ~nd Official Seal the cl-ay and year in this certificate above

My Commission Expires Feb. 3, 1929~
Notary Public in and for the COl.Ln.ty of San Diego,
State of California. I
RECORDED .AT REQUEs.r OF Gtee MAR 31' 1927. at 30 1'.'1~n. past 9 o 1 clock A.Ivi. In Book No.
1312 Page 398 of Deeds Records of San Diego Co-qnty, Calif.
JOHN H. 1!1 ERRY, County Recorder
By L.ffi,. WOODARD, Deputy.
. .
I H'.illREBY CERY.riJ:!iY that the above and foregoing is a full, t 1·ue and .correct copy of
Deed from J. H. Perkins and Vlil bert E. ond to ~he City of i:?an Die go. Being Docwnent Uo.

D .!:!; ED
George R. Fassberger, a single person,. For and in conside,ration of the sum of Ol'lE
DOLLAR D.o Hereby Quitclaim to The City of San Diego; a Municipal Corpo'l'ation, in the County
Qf San. Diego; state of California, an easarnent .and right. of vmy for a public street or high-
way, over along and_ ·across All that Real Property situatec1 in the City of San Diego; County
of San Diego; State of C'alifornia; bounded and described as follows·:
·A right of vJay sixty (60) feet: vdde over anc1 across :Block 20 of Swan 1 s Addition
according to Map thEl:reof No. 947, filed in t.he office of the· County Re~.order of San Di·ego
Cou.uty, California the center line of which right of way is des,cribetl as follows: 1
Beginning at ·a point on the East line of Section 32, ~ownship 16 South, ~ange -2 West
· .S.B.M., dist.ant 57.65 feet s;outh from t:he easterly production of the center line of Pip.e
Street .iil Lexington· Park accorc1ing to Map thereof No. 1696, filed .in the' office of said
County; thence curving Southeaot,erly,§ent to the east line of said Section 32
with a radius of 400 :feet.; through an angle of 29° 22', a distance of 205.02 feet to a .point;
thence Southeasterly, tangent to said curve a distance of 465.50 feet to a point ·on the Sout!h-
e:rly line of said Block 20. · ·
· To Have and to Hold the above qtlitclaimed and described easement. and right. of way as
ana. for a public street.
Witness my hand an·d seal this 23rd day of February, 1927.
On t,hi s 23rd de.y of February, A.D • .IUnet een Hu11dred and twenty.:... seven before me;
Y. A. JACQlJES a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and swo1·n, personally appeared George R. Fassberger, a single person known to me to be the
person described in and whose name is subscribec1 to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that he executed the same. · . .
Witness my hahd and· OfficiSl. Seal the day mi.d year . in this certificate first above
Notary Public in ancl for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) state of California.
R:EX!ORDED AT REQDEsT· OF Gtee MAR 31 1927 at 30 Min. past 9 o 1 clock A.M. In Book No.
1323 Page 224 of Deeds Records of San Diego Covnty, Calif.
JOHN H~ FERRY, C ou..n.ty Reo qrde r
By L. B. WObD.ARD, Deputy •.
I HEREBY CERTIJP.Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true anQ. correct copy of
Deed from George R. Fassberger to The Cit;y of San Diego. Being Document No. 2039?0 •
of th~:i~!_ San Diego; California,

BY/~ 7/(~.d'.zL:W,./_J_eputy.
·---,' ..
. . 9;r~.?t.

Bl:~.lifK OF EASl S~~N DIEGO, a Corpo:ration, Fo:r and in conside1·ation of the sum of OlJE
DOLLAR D.o Hereoy QUIT'CLATiv1 to The'City ~of San Diego; a ·M\micipal Col·poration, in the County

·' '
of sa:n_ Die go, State of California; an easement and 1·i ght of way for a public st :re e·t o:r ?-igh-
way, o_ve.:r, along ·and ac :ross All that Read!: Prope :rty situated in the City of San Diego, County
.Qf.Sq.nD.iego; state of California, bounded and desc:ribed as follows:
... All t-hat PO!'tion of Lots 3 and 4, Horton's Purchase af Ex-Mission Lands according t~
M:ap the:r_eof No. 283 filed in the office of the Cqunty Reco:rder of S:.-1-n D'iego Colinty, Califo1·nia,
included within a right of way 60 feet wide, the· center 1hine of iNhi ch :right of way being
described as follows: · · ,
Beginning at a point on the Northerly line of said Lot 4, distant 279.97 feet East-
erly from the Southeast corner of Sectioil 32; Township 16 South; Range 2 West of S.B.B.M.,
t.henc_e. S 2S 0 36' East. a, distance of 286.30 feet to a point ; thence along a gangent ·curve to
the left with· a· radiv.s of 300 feet. an angle of 30° 43', a dis~ance of 160.83 feet to
a point; thence S 59° 19' East:; tangent to saic1 curve, a distance of 240.45 feet to a point;
thence A1 ong a t angemt curve to the right. with a :radius of 300 feet; through an angle of 49 o
54'; a distance of 261.28. feet to a point; thence South go 25' East tangent t.o the last name!
curve a distance of 489.98 feet to a point; thence along a tangent curve to the left, with a
radius of 800 feet through ·an angle of 12° 55' a distance of 180.35 feet to a point; thence
.S 22° 20' East tangent to the last named curve, a distance of 21~39 feet to a point on the
East line of Lot 12 of said Horton 1 s Purchase distant 45.01 feet s'outherly from the Hortheas
corner of said Lot 12; thence South 22° 20' East; a distance of 61.10 feet to a point; thence
along a tangent curve to the left , with a radius of 150 feet t h:ro ugh an angle of 9 6 o 10' a anc e of 251. 76 feet. to a point ; thence U. 61° 30' East, t:angent to the 1 ast narned c u:rve,
a distance. of 445.24 feet to a .Point; thence ·along a tangent curve to the right, with a
radius of 225 feet through an angle of 47° 54', a distance of 188.13 feet to a point; thence
south 70° 36' East, to an intersection with the South line of said Lot 3.
T1 o Have and to Hold the above quitclaimed and described easement and riight of way
as and for a public street.
Witness hand e.nd seal this 2nd day ,.of Februairy 1927.


Secretary (SEAL)
STAT}!!. OJ!, C_c\LIFORlH A, )
. On tl1is 17th day of·February, A.D., 1927, before· me, Y.A.Jacques a Notary Public in
and for the said Cou.Dty anc1 state; residing therein, duly commissioned and sviorn, personally
appeared e. G. Mitchell known-to me to be the President and Gladys Warren known to me to be
the Se·cretary of t.he Bank of East san Diego, the corporation that executed the within instru
ment; known to me to be the persons vvho executed the within Instrument, on behalf of the Cor~­ 1
oration therein n8Jiled; and acknowledged to me that such Corporation e,."{ecuted the same.
In Witness l:Vhereof, I have hereunto set my hlmd and affmed my official seal the da
and year in this cert:ificate first above written. ·
Notary Public in and for said Coru1ty and State.
RECORDED lf.r REQT.JEST OF Gtee M.AR 31 1927 at· 30 ]Kin. past. 9 o'clock A.M. In Book No.
1276 Page 468 .of DEEDS. Recorc1s of San Diego Cotmt;y; Calif~
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD; Deputy.
I HEREBY CEIRH..,Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from the Bank of East san Diego, a Corporation to The .City o~ San Die~o; Being Document

I No. 203971.
Cialerk of the Cit~ 'jf San Diego, California,
By, J ~ '2/::c. ..b~ Deputy.
1 .

. ~

. UNION T'RUST COMPANY OF SAN DEIGO, a corporation having its principal place of business
at san Die:go, in the Courity of San Diego; State of California, T'rustee under rreed of Trust.;
·executed by 'V!ILLIAM G. EID.1CKE anili LETii G. EEJviCic'E; husband anc.1 wife, end recorded Apr. 9, 1926,
in Book 1182 of Deeds at Page 343 et seq.·, in the office of the County Recorder of said San
Diego ·county, having been duly and legally ordered to quit.-claim and reconvey that portion
of the real property .cove·red by said Deed of Trust, hereinafter particulal·ly . descr.IDbed, in
compliance with said order; and in consi~eration·9f the sum of Ten DCJllars ($10.00), the
receipt of w.hich i·s hereby acknowledged: -
TO, but without. vvarranty, t'he real pro1Jerty situated in the City of San Diego, Co1.mty of San
Diego; st.ate of California, and described as follows, to-vvit: _
The·westerly Thirty (30) feet of the North one-half (N~) of the South one-half(~)
of t:P,e Southwest one-fou:rth (SW~) of Lot· Fifty-!:lve (55) of Horton's Purchase of Ex-Mission
Lands, according to Map thereof-No. 283; filed in the office of the County Recorder of SEdcl
San Diego County; California; March 9, 1873.. · ·
The remaining :property mentioned in said Deed of Trust, shall continue to be held by
sai.d Tl'ustee umlel'.the .terms thereof, n...11d Reconveyance sh~ll not ,affect the J.,iability
of any person or co_w:po:ration for t.he unpaid portion of the indebtedness mentioned as ·secu:red
thereby •
. IN WITlifESS WHEREOF; &c-Ud Ui:JION TRUSTI' CO:MJ?ANY OF SAN Dimo; as Trustee, has caused
ijis c_orpor·ate name and seal to be affixed heret.o·by its Vi_ce-Presidnet'and Assistant Secreta.·y
thereuniJ o duly authorized tnis 26th day of Februa:cy, 1927.
By F~ B. THOM:PSON, Vice-President.

By A. H. IviAC KI NT 0 SH,
Assist ant Secret.~ry.

On this 26th day of February, in the· year One Thous·and Hine Hundred and Twenty-seve ,
before me, iume· D. S..'flepard a l\fotar;:.r Public in and for said County, personall-y appeared II
F. B. Thompson, known to me to be the Vice-President, and ;a. H. MacKintosh, knovJn to me to be

the Ass·istant Secretary of the Corporation that: executed the within instrument as T:rtustee, 11
and known to ina to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf ·of the GorporL
ation therein, nEUTied, and acknowledged to me that. ·such Corporation executed the same as such
T·rust ee.
No:bary Public in and for t V.e County of San Diego;
(SEAL) State of California. I
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee MAR 31 1927 at 30 Min. past 9 o 1 clock A.M. In Book No.
1343 Page· ·251 of Deeds. Records of Son Diego County, Calif. , .
JOHH H. 1PERRY, County Recorder
by L. B. WOODARD, Dep~ty.
· I BERBBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
:Ba·r:tiaJ.:::JjReconveyance from Union T:rust Company of San Diego, Trustee to William G. EPillcke et 1!LX.
Being Docu~ent No. 203972.
of the City of San Diego, California.
_ eputy.
w. G. Ehmcke & Le·ta G. Ebmcke, For amlin consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLARS,
Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Die.go; a Municipal Corporation, in the County of· San DiegiD,
State of California, an easement and right-of-way fo1· a public street or highway, over, alonk
and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,
st. ate of California, bounc1ed· and described as follows: ·
The Yfesterly thirty (30) feet of the N";:>rth one-fiallif (N~) of the South one-half(~-)
of the southwest· one-quarter (1/4) of Lot 55.Ho'rton 1 s Purchase of Ex-Mission Lands, accordi g
to Map thereof No. 283 filed in the office of the Colmty Recorc1er of San Diego County,
C alif:r:onia.
- To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises u..r1t o the said grantee;
its successors and assigns, forever for street purposes; ·
Witness our hands · anc1 seals this eighteenth day of Sept ember, 192().

MBS. LE.irA G. EHMelRE ( S~AL)

On this 18th day of September A.D. I~ineteen Hundred and·twent.y ... six before me,
C1arence T. Bach a Not ar:vt Pub lie in and for· said. C Olmty, residing the 1:e in; duly c ommis si oned
and sworn; personally appeared w. G. Ehmcke & Leta G. Ehrndke. Proved to me on the oath of
Dan Martin· to be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within
inst:rum.ent, and acknowl~dged to me· that they executed the same.
In Witness Whereof; I have hereunto set my:2hand and affixed my Official Seal, at my
office, in San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, the day and yea1· in this
certificate first above written.
H'otary Public in and for the C.olmty of San Diego,
(SEAL) state of California. I

My comnission expires Sept.7-1930.
REnORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee MAR 31 1927 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. in Book No.
1199 Page 472 of DEEDS Records of San Diego Count.y, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, C ount y Rec order
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Grant Deed from W. G. Ebmcke· and'Leta G. Ebmcke to The City of San Diego. Being Docwnent
l'Jo.· 203973.
of the Cit~ of San Diego; California.

-53-r~·~ .
I, EDWIH REED; as ·Aclministrat or of the Estate of· John F. Liniger, Deceased, for and
in consideration of Fifty Dollars {$50.00); do hereby grant to the ·ciTY m• SAH DIEGO, A ·
v MUNICIP.A.L CORPORATION~· all that Re·al Property situated and descri"bed as follo·ws: ·
,.~c-- Log/'Seven (7J; qf Section Thirty-five (35), in Township Eighteen (18) South of Range
Two (2) ·East of the San Bernardino Meridian, containing Twenty-four (24) acres and Two Hun..:.
dredths (2/lOoths) of an ac1·e; more or less. .
This dee® is made pursuant to an Order ·of the Superior Court of the State of
California, in and for the County of SanDiego, In the Matter of the Estate of John F. Liniger,'
Deceased, Probate No. 13997; it being· an -Order Confirming Sale of Real Estate and Directing II
Conveyance to grantee herein, a cert.ified copy of which Order was duly recorded in the Offi·c~
of t.he County Recorder of said County March 22nd; 1927; refer.ence to which order is herebY
made for further parilicul ars.
WITiffiss my hand and seal, this 22nd day of March, 1927•
As A&nini st rat or of .the Est. ate of
John F. Liniger, Deceased.
. On this 22nd day of March, 1927, befetre me, th.e undersigiJed, a Notary Public in and
for said County .and state, residing therein, duly ccmi'11issi.oned and ffi'\IOrn, personally appeared!.
EDWIN REED, lmown to me to be the person desc1·ibed in and·whose· is .subscribed to the I
within instrument as the Administrator of tha Est.ate of .John .l:!'. Li.niger, Deceased, and acknol~­

I le dge d to riie that· he executed the same as such st rat or. -
IN WITNESS :m3:E:REOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal the
day and year in this Certificate,first above written.
Notary Public in and for t he County of San Die: go,
( S:EAL) state of California.
. . •/
RE'JORD.l£D AT REQliEEir CF City of San :Pie·go MAR 31 1927 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M.
].n Boo~qNo. 1312 Page 402 of Deeds Reo ords of San J)iego Cou:Q.ty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. 1NOOD.ARD, Deputy

GlilAI'JT.· D. E ED

SOillHERH C.l~IFORlUA MORTGAGE COMP.AITY, a Corporation, having its principal place of

business in The City of San Diego, County of San Diego, California, by vit rue of a reso luti oj
aut·horizing same; passed at a meeting of its Direct Dl's; fo:c and in consideration of the
sum of One DOLLARS. Does Hereby Quit-claim to The City of S~:m Diego; a Municir:al Co1·poratio1,

in the County of San Diego, State of California; and easement and right-of-way for a public
street. or highway, over; along and. across All that Real Property situated in· the City of
San Die: go, C o_1;~nty of San. Die go, st e:1.t e of Cali fo ·rn:i. a, b ounde~ and o.e scribed as fo ll.ows: 1
The V·Jesterly thlrty (30) feet of the.North one-he.lf (Nt) of the South one-half (&2-)
of . the Southilvest one-q1.1arter (Si-) of Lot 55, Horton's Purchase of.Ex-Mission.Lt.mds, acco:rdin
t.o Map there.o:f No. 283, filed-in the ,office of the.County Reco:ccle:r· of &:!.n Diego Cou.rtcy,
C ali f or ni a • . ·
.To Have and t o Hold the above quit-claimed and described J!l'emi se s un.t o t he said
Grantee _heil'S ancl assigns forever, for streot. purposes. ~../
In Witness vlfhereof; said Corporation has caused this deed to. be s:li.gped 1)y its
President.and Secretary and its Co:rporate qeal t.o be a.ffixed the:reto, this 19th do,y of
February, 192 7.

By A. Ivi. SCUTHARD, President.

THEODCRE B-. HIGGINS, Sec:r·eta:ry.

COUl.flY OF . OOT DIEG 0, ) ss
' .
On this 19th diay of February Nineteen Hu..'ldrec1 and twent.y--seven before me;
H. B. Payton a I'J'otary a."rld for said Cotmty and state; residing t.he1•ein, duly comrnis-
sioned a:n.d S1!VD".tn, app:Jared. A.M. $outhard knmiin to me to he the the President, and
Theodore B. Higgins knmun to me to be the: the Secreta:cy of the Cor:porati.on that executed the
within instrvment, lmovm to me to be the persons who executed tha within instl'ument on be-
half of the C orporat, ion therein named; and acknowledged t o me that such Col' por at ion execu;ted
the S81Ile. .

I Il'!T \'I[T NESS WHERECF , I have he:reunt o my hru1d and a£ fixed my Official Se·al at my
office; in said County of San Diego; ~'tate· of California, the day.and· ye·ar in this certific te
first above written. ·
Notary .Public in and· for the County of San Die go,
State of California.,
REC 0 RDED AT' REQ ·uE ST OB, Gtee MAR 31 1927 at 30 Ivlin. past: 9 o'clock A.M. In Book No.
1350 Page 35 of Deed Records·of San Diego County, Cali:f.
JOHN' H. FERRY, County Reo order
By L. B~. WOODARD, DeFut y.
Grant Deed from Sout.hern California Mortgage Coml)lli1Y to the Oity of San J)ie.go, California.
Being Document. 203975.
of the Oit.y o San Diego~ Califor·nia.


W• H. Ivio rehouse; For and in consideration of ONE DOLL.P..R Do Here by Or ant to' The· Cit. y
of San Diego, a Uunicipal Corporation; in the· Cormt:y of Sa..11 Diego, State of Califo1•nia, an
easeme.r:rt a:nd right of way for. a public street. ·or high1.:~1ay, over, along an1 ac1·oss All that .

I Real Property situated in the'Cit'y of San Di~go; County of San Diego, Stat·e of ~alifornia,
bounded and descn"ibed as follovv>s: ·
The West thirty (30) feet of the Soutlnvest one-fourth of Lot 14, Horton's Purchase
of Ex-Mission Loncls, according to lil:ap No. 283, thereof _filed in t b..e office af t.he Count.y·

Bee or·de r of San Diego C o'LuJt y; Q alif o1·nia. . · ·

To Have -and to Hold' above granted and described easane~t. and right of way as a
for a pubiic street •
Wit_ne,ss my har:id and seal thi.s 9th dey of August, 1926.
I ' \
r ·,
···~~ •

:.• . ~~

. ,:~t;~;

; _. .. .
~ .' '. ··.··. ,..
. ' .. . ~{- .
,' .2~2


COUNTY Cill' SAND IEG o,) ss
On this 9th day of August A.D.; ..rrrineteenHum1red and twert.y-six befor·e me; Lucy B.Sctll.lly
a N·ota:;ey :Public in ,and for said Count.y, r.esiding, therein, duly comnissioned ana. sv~orn, :per-
sonally ap:re. are d ¥/. H. Morehouse known to, m.e to be t.lJB person de scribed in and whose na."lle is
subscribed to within inst.rument, and acknowle:dged to me t.hat she executed the san1e.

Witness my hand and Official Seal the clay and year in this certificate first above

Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.

RECORDED Am R~UESJ: OF Gtee lV".LAR 31 1927 at 30 Ivlin. past 9 o'clock A.M. In Boo,k No.
13.06 :Page '444 of Dee.d s Records of San Diego C ourrt y, Qa1 if. 11 I

JOHN H. FERRY, C o unt y Rec order

,: ~·
By L. B. VtOODARD, Deputy. . '· '

.; ·~ '
I HEREBY CEIDill.,Y that the above ruil fore going is a full, t rue and co :erect c.DPY of
Deed from W. H. Morehouse t.o The.· City of San Diego 9 Being Do.cmnent; No. 203976.
ALL &1 H. \V'RUi:F.IT' ' ,. ;:

(----···; t.he Cit,y of ,,an Diego, California.


.We; Charle·s N. :Page arrl Minnie L. Page, For and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR Do
Hereby ·~uitclaim to The City of San Diego, a Iviunici-pal Cor:po1·atio:n, in the Cotmt.y of San
Diego, state of California, an easement. and right of way f.o1· a public street o:r.· highvvay,' ovelT,
along and across All that Real P:c.operty situated in the ~ity of San Diego, Count.y of San Dieigo,
st. ate of Cali fo rni a, b o.unded and. described as follows:-- . . ' . 11
T'he West-erly thi1'ty (30) feet of the Northwest one-quarter (-;=1--) of Lot 28 of Hor-ton'&
:Purchase of :mx-Miss:iLon Lano.s,· according to m.ap t:hereof· 'No. 283, filed~in the office of the·
Cou..11ty Recorder of San Diego County; California.~ . · -
To Have and to Hold the above quitclaimed and described t:rs.sement and right of way
as and for a lJUblic street. :
Wit ness our hands and seals this 4 day of Aug~, 19Z6~


ST.l\T'E OF CAL JF·o RNIA, ) .

On this Fou:c·th day of August:; A.D. Nineteen Hundred anc1 Twenty-six before me,
w~ A. Wiedenbeck a Not.ary Public in and for said Coimty; residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn; personally appeared· Charles N~ Page knov-vn to me to be the :person described in and
whose name is rubscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed
the same. · · ·
Witness my hand and· Official Seal tm day and ye-ar in this cert~ficate first above
writ ten.
Not. a:cy Pub lie in and ·for t lJB C omJt y of San Diego,
( SE.t\LJ} 3t ate of California. ·
My Co_mmission expires 1Peb •. 3, ·1929
C0 Ulfi Y OF S.Alf DIEGO, ) ss
On this 21st day of February, A.D., 1927, bef.ore .me, Y. A. Jacques a LJotar:y Public
in a..11d for the said Cot1nty Of San :Piego; state ·of ~alifornia, residing therein, duly commis on-
ed and S.ivorn, personally appea1·ed Minnie L. Page, personally lmovvn to me to be the pe;rson
whose name is rubscri bed to the within Inst l'lU11ent , an& duly acknowledged to me that she
executed the same. · · · ·
In Witness Whereof;· I have hereunto set. my hand and affixed my official seal at my
office in the County of San Diego; the day and ye•ar in this certificate fir·st above· written.
Notary l'ublic in and for t lJB C ou_11ty of San Die go,
(SEAL) St. ate of California.
RECORDEE Kr REQURS'J: OF Gtee MAR 31 1927 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In Boolc No.
1306 Page 451 of Deeds ~ecords o-f San Diego County; Calif. -
. JOHN H. FERRY; CoUJJty Recorder
By L. B. ViOODARD, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing i.s a full, t.rue.and cCID:rrn;ect copy of '• '.

Deed from Charles .N. Page·anc1I!Kinnie L. Page to the City af ~an Diego. :Seing dlocurnent No.
City C1e rk of' tOO ~J~: Diego; llalifornia,
By j'Jt_~ Deputy.
~~---+--, . ---p;- ~ .v '


:George W. Canning and :Pearl Canning husbanl & Wife, Fort' and in considers;!; ion of
OJ:fE DOLLAR Do Hereby GrBllt to The·City of San Diego; a Iviuniqipal Con)oration, in the Count:y
i of San :Pie go; e. of California; an easement -and right of way for a public street 01· high-
way; over; along and across All that Real Property situated inthe City of San Diego, ~ounty
:J :,{
i ~•
of San Diego; state of California, bom1ded and· desc:dbed as follow-s:
The westerly thil·ty (30) feet of the No1·t'h one-hslf (-ft) of t.he Nor·thwest om-fourth
~ ; :1 (J;') of Lot 40 of Horton's :Purchase of Ex-Iviisffi.on Lands according to map thereof No. 283, filed
in the office of the County Recorder of San Die:go Oounty; California. . .,·,•··
To Have and to Hold the above g:ra...11ted ancld:esc:cibed easement ana. right -of··v.Jey as
and for a public street. I. ·)'

Wit. ness our hands ooc1 seals this 26 day of August , 192 6.
~ '. 'f' . .
On this 26 day of A..ugust A.D. Nineteen Hund:red 1=m.d Tvventy-six before me·, Claude
Stout a Notary Public in ,gnd for said County; residing therein, duly commissioned and svw:rn,
personally ap·re:are·d George W. Can~Cling & Pearl Canning k:i.10Vin to fue to he the persons described
in and whose names are subscribed· to the· vJi thin inst 11.unent; and acknowledged to me. t. hat they :~''

I executed the same. ·

'Witness'my hand ,gnd.Official Sealtl1e. day andyea1· in this ce1·tifica~e fi:rst above

k~ot ary Public in and for the County af San :Pie go,
( SE.AL)) st at e of C al if Oll":p.ia.
RECORDED AT RBQUE3r CF Gt~e ]Llil 31 1927 at 30 Min. past 9 o 1 clock A.M. In Book No.
1199 Page ·:·469 of DEEDS Rec or a.s om San Die go C ount•y; ;:::calif.
~ TIOHN H. FERRY, County Eeco rder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.

i' I HEREBY CERTIPY that thre.:above and foregoing is a full; true and 9orrect cogy of
Deed f1·om George W. Canning ,gnd Pearl' Canning, t.o ~he City of San Diego. Being Dcxnllnent
No. 203978. ·
. J.
~ "-'
City ,.-Qle rk of the Cit - of San Diego; Califo l"llia.
I .
By~/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- .
: '


E-. :L Guymon; J:i:.; an-d Ernestine Guymon, ijis wife, For and in conside1·ation of
Oii!E DOLLAR :Po Hereby Grant to the City,.of San Diego, a Ivilli'1icipal Corporation, in the Cotmty
of San Diego; state of Califolnia, an easanent and right of way for a public street o:r

I '' highway; over, along and across All that Real Property situated in t be City of San Diego,
County of San Diego; Ste..te of California, bounded and described as follows:
T1he Westerly thirty (30) feet of the sovt,h two-thirds (2/3) of ~ot 31 of Horton's
Purchase of Ex-Mission Lands, .according to MaJ? tlwre·of Ho. 283, file¢!. in the· office of the
County Recorder of ::ian Diego County, Califonlia. - · · ·
· · ·To Have and to Hold t l1e above granted and described easanent ancl right of way as and
for a puTwlic:;. street •
Wl!tness our hands and seals this 6th day of August, 1926.
E. T. ·GUYMON, JR.; (SEAL:)'
On t~s siJs..-th day of August A.D, Nineteen Hundred arid twenty~six before me,
A. v~ Lyons a Notary Publi~ in a..n(J. for said County; resid:~frg therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared E. T'. Guymon, Jr., and Ernestine Guymon lmuwn to me to be the per-
sons· de scribed in and whose· !)arne s are subscribed t o t h3 within instrument. , and ac know le .dge a.
t o me that t hey exec n t e d the same·. ·
··Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
-~ ...
Notary Public in anci. for the County of San Die go,.
( SE.U) state of California.
My Commission expires Jan. 9, 1930.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee M.A.R 31 192? at 30 Min. past 9 O'clock A.M. In Book No.
1323 Page_ 226 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Cali'f.
JDHH H. FERRY; County Recorder
. By L. B. WOOBARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY .CERI!IFY ·that the above and foregoing is a full, true and co-rcect copy of
Dee-d from E. T. Guymon, Jr. _and Ernestine Guymon, to The City af San .Qie go. Being Doemmomrt
No. 203979.
the City: of ihn Diego, California.


Robert Dick Fol' .and inc onsia.erati on of One Dollar Do Hereby Grant to The City of
San Diego; a Municipal Corporation, in the Coun.ty of . San Diego; &'tete of California, an
easement and right of way for a public street 01• highway, over; along and aero ss All that
Real Property sitr~z,ted in the City of San Diego, Co1;1.nty af San Diego; State of Califor-nia,
bounded and described as follows:
· T'he Westerly thirty (30) feet of the _North ·one-third (1/3} of Lot 31 of Horton's
Purchase of l!l'x-Mission Lands, according to map thereof Ho. 283, filed in the Office of the
Cov..nty Recorder of San Diego Connty; California.
T'o Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right of way as and
for a public: street.
Wit ness my hand and seal this Fifth day of August, 1926.


On this Fifth c1.'1.y of AuguSt A.D. Hineteen Hundred and TvJent.y-six before me,
W:o A. Wiedenb~clc a Not a:ry Public in and fo:r said County; residing the rein, duly c omrnissi oned
,gnd Si!VO:rn, personally Robert Dic.k known to me to· be the: person Cl:escribed ina_nd w·hose
name is subscribed ~ o the vri thin inst nunent, aund acknowledged to me t .ba.t he executed tJl-e ,,sane.
Witness T)J.Y hand a~1d Official Seal the day and year in this ce rt if icat e fi i~'st·1 abo.v.e\::t. .
written. · · ·· . ··
.. ,. ~-' \.',


.:;- . ;

Notary Public in and for t le: County of San Diego J

(SEAL) State of California.
My Coi1111}ission expires Feb. 3, 1929.

RECORDED 1Y!if! RE:;lU8::3T OF Gtee MAR 31 192·'7 at 30 Min. l)agt; 9 o'cloc~ A.M. In Boo]; lifo·.
1199 Page 471 of DEEDS Records of &ln Diego Connty, Calif.,
JOHN H. :PERHY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOO:OARD, Deputy.

Frank H. Janke & IvLary Ja."lke Husband and Wife, For and in co ns;ide rat·ion of ONE DOLlilR
Do Hereby Grant tb T'he City of San Diego; a Municipal Corpo1·ation, in the' County of San Dieg~,
state of Califo rma; an eas·ement and· riglb!.t of way for a public street or hig:lhw~y; over; alon&l
and across .A11h that Real :Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,
State of Californ:t.~a, bou:.r1¢l.ed and described ·as follows:
The Easterly thirty (30) feet afr the Norilfu.eJas;t one-fourth ( i) of Lot 32 of Horton's
Purchase of l!:x-Mission Lands according to map thereof No. 283, filed in the office of the
Gounty Recorder of San Diego County, Califd1·nia.. .
To Have and t.o Hold the above g1·antlec1 and described ·easement. a11d right of wqy as
and for a public street • \
Wit ness OUl' hands and ooal s this Fif,th day of August; 192.6.
--......_......._ FHA.HK H. JMH::E (SEAL)



C CUL[!!Y Vl!, SAN DIEGO,) ss
. .
On this Fifth day of August; A.D. H:I.neteen Hundred and twenty-six before me,
W. A. Wiedenbeck, a Notary Public in and for said County, l'Osiding therein, duly c.onm1issioned
and svvorn; personally::~appea:ced Frank H. Janke and Mary Janke known to me to bG tre pe:r·son
described in and whose nam9s a1·e. SIT!I.bscri bed to the within inst,rurnent, and acknowledged to· me
that they exec u~ ~d the same.. .
· Wi hand and Official Seal the day and year in this ce:tt ificate fil' st above
writ ten.

Notary .fubl ic in and for the:. 0 ount y of San ll:ie go
S'G ate of Qalifon1ia •
. RECORDED lfi! REQUJ~:sr_r -<F Gtee MAR 31 1927 at ·30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In Book No.
1312 Page 399 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JGHH·H. FERRY, Couht1y Recorder
By L. B. WODDARD, Deputy.

I tiEREBY CERTI]'Y that the above and fa-£egoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Fred H. Janke a..11d Mary Janke, to The City of, San Diego. Being Document. No.20398-l.
City Clerk. a-£ the Cit y of :3an Diego; Qalifornia.

By~~C..J<.-~~ ·- n·eput y.

. W. H. Norton and .Lemuel H. Norton J?or and in conside1·at ion of ONE DOLLAR Do Hereby
Grant t o The City of San Diego, a Mtmicillal C o:r POl' at ion, in the Count ~7 of San Diego, St 8t e .
of Cali forYJ..ia, an easement and right of vmy for· a public street Qt.' highway, ·over, along and
across All that Real Property situated in t.J:e City of ·fSa.n .Diego, ·County of Sa;-n Diego, State
of California, bounded and described as follows:
The Easterly thiJity (30) feet. of the Southeast one-fourth (i) of Lot 32 of Horton's
l)urchase of Ex-Mission Lands accordJng t o.MO"fl t:be1·eof No. 283, filed-in the office of the
Count;.y Recorder of San Diego County, California.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and 1'igltn.t of way as
aY.Jd for a public street.
Wit 11e ss our h&"1ds and seals this llt h day of Ss;J~ember, 1926.

{ ;3E.AL )

ST A.TE OF C.A.LIFIOlR!::UA, ) >=!r<

C O.UISFl' Y vF SA Ii DIE G0 , ) "" ~

On t m s llt h day of Se]Jt ember A. D. Uinet een Hundred and ~ vJent y-six bef o~ce me ;
w. V. Campton a Not.ary :Public' in and for said County, retiding therein, duly. commissio11ed
a-rJ.d sworn; personally appear.e·a w. H. Hort.on a.nc1 Lemuel H • .Nci:rton k11ovm
.. to: me to he thEl perso:.'s
described in anc1 who oo s are su.b·~cri bed" to t ln vd thi·n inst rumEl:l."1t, an1 ackno\fj:1e dged to me
that they executed t lE same~
Witness my hanc1 and Official Se:al tl1e day and ye~n· in this certificate firJSt above
VJl'it ten.
notary Public in and for t-he~ County of San Die go,
(SEAL) State of Cal i:ifornia. ·
My Commission expires June 24; 1930.

RECORDED AT REQUES1 OF Gtee. MAR 31 1927 at 30 Min~ past 9 o'clock A.M. In Book· No•
1306 Page·450 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHH H. FERRY, 0 ount 3r Reo order
By L. Bo WOODARD, De·IJUt y.
I HEREBY CERriFY that t.he above a.nd foregoing is a full, true anc correct ,C:0Pl1. of
Deed from W. H. Norton an1 Lemuel H. Norton; Tlo The City of San Diego. Being Document No.
203982. '.
of the C=4t · of San Di.e.go, C.alif o:cnia.

Wln. E. Persons and Katherine Pe1·sons, husband and wife For. and in consideration of
ONE DOLLAR Do Hereby Grant to The, City of· San Die·go; a Municipal Corporation; in the County
o.f San Piego, State of Califo:cnia, an easement ·and right of vvay for a public street .or high-
way, over, along and across All ;Ghat Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, Com1.ty
of Sa.n Diego, State of California,. bounded and des<ri1•ibed as follows: .
. . . The Easterl;y· t.hi1·ty (30) feet of the East onGJJ-Jialf (i·) of Lot 39 of Horton's Pur·cha..,e
.o:t: Ex-Mission Lands according to map the1·eof No. 283; filed intl:e office of tbe County
Rtec.Qrder of San Diego Cotmty, California; excepting therefrom tbe iigl];;: of i:Vay of the San
.Diego and Arizona Railv;ay Comp~.
T1 0 Have and to Hold tbe• above gra11ted and described easement and right of way as an
for a public street.
Witness our hands a.ncl seals this lOth day of S~ptembe1·, 1926.
i:v.r.JI. E. PERSONS ( SE.AL)

Kii..THERillll~. PERsoNS
( SE.A.L)

. On this lO'Gh day of September, A.D ... Hireteen Hundred and twent;y-six before me.;
Lela I. Stillman a Notary Public in and for said Cou.Yity, r.esiding the:cein, duly c.omrnissi oned
and mvorn; personally appeared \!lim. E. J;ersons and Katherine Persons, husba..Yld anc1 wife lmDi.i\ln
to met o be the pe:rsons c1escribed in anc1 whose names are subscribed tot he within instrumeni;,

I and ackno·wledged t. o me that they executed the: same.

'vVitness my hand gnd Official Seal the: day anc1 year in~ this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of. Se.n Diego,
( SEM) St~~t.e o.f California ..
Iviy Commission EJs..-pil·.es April 1?; 1928.

RECORDED 1fJ. RBQUBST OF Gtee MAR 31 192? at 30 Min. past 9 o 1 clock A.M. In Boo·k no.
1306 Page 453 of :Deeds Records of San Die:go Cotmty; Calif.> . .
.• JOHH H. FERRY, County Recorde:r
By L. B. WOODliRD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that tbe above and foregoing is a full, true and co:r:redt copy of
Deed f1·om Wm. E. Persons and Katherine Persons to The City of San Diego. Being Docmnent No.
City Clerk of the City of San :D:ie·gip, California.

By~- ~e11ut.y •.

I; Lillian c. qprigg, a widow For and in consideration of OHE OOLLAR Do Hereby Grm1.t
to The City of San Diego, a Ivlunicir)al Corporat:ion, in the Com1ty af ;ian Diego, State, of
Califol'l1.ia, an easEment and right of way for a public street or·highway, over, along and
across All that. Real Prope1-ty situated in the City of San Diego; Co1..mty of San D:i.tEgo, state
of California; bolmded and desc:?:i bed as follovvs:
T'he West .thirty (30).feet of the Sout,hwest. one-fourth of Lot 1? of Horton 1 s Purchas
of Ex-Mission Lands, according to Iviap No. 283, the,reof filed in tre, office of the Comty ..
Recorder of San Diego Courrt.y, California. Being,the p.alf ·width of a ceFthln highway-~1~ty
(60) feet in width whose center line follows t.he.d::ivision line· between lots 1? & 18 of said
Horton's Pu:rchase. .
T'o Have and to Hold t.he above granted and described easement and right- of way as anOJ
for a public street.
Witness my hand and seal this 3rd day of Aug., 1926.
sr· l.Ql.·E CF C llliiF OR liT A, )
On this 3rd day of August. A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-six before me, Fred 0
Farrell a liJ'otary Public in and for said County; residing there·in, duly commissioned and svwrn~,
personelly appeared Lillian C. Sprigg a widow, known to me to b.e t.he person desc:ribed in and
whose narh.e is Sllbscribed tot be within instrument, and aclmowledged t :o me that she execut.ed
the s8m e.
' Witness my hand and Official iJeal the day and year in t.his certificate first ab01e
w:ri t.t en.
Notary :Publio in and for the County of San,
(SEAL) state of California.
.REJORDED A!]: -REQUEST aE' Gtee M.AR 31 192? at 30 Min. rust 9 o 1 clock A.M. In Book No.

I 1350 Page 3? of Deed Records of San Diego. County, Cali:JL. .

JOHN H. FERRY; Cotmty ~ecGrder
By L. B. \'iOODARD, Deputy.
I IIEREBY CEW:IFY that tbe above and foregoing ~sa full; true and correct copy of
Deed from Lillian C. Sprigg t.o the City of San Diego. J3eing Doc1..m1ent I~oi. 203984.
City Clerk of tre 0';1./f San Diego, Califo:.··nia.

Byt..r-~~~--2tt ~~pw.y.,, ~ "'t.- ·.e . . '

o "h- , . .r . .. M. ;l ; : •• ·~ ••
I; G1·ace .l?aschal; a Widow, FoT ancl in Consideration of the benefits to accTue by the
location, constTuction an,d maintenance of ·a sewer line through and across tbe property herei~
de scxibed, q.nd i.n c_onsiderat.i on of the sum of One Dollar ( $1.00 ), to . in hand paid, t.he· recei1pt
w.ller.eof is he·reby acknowledged,. do hereby grant to City of 0an 'Diego, a municipal COlrP- II
oratio,n in the County of san Di~·go, state of_ Cali~ornia, .an eas~r:1en.t: and rig~t of vi-ay throug,lr,
along and across all that certaln 1•eal property sltuate ln the Clty of San Dlego, Cou.nty of
San Diego, state of California; particularly described as follows, to-wit;
-Lots Twenty-seven (27} snd Twenty-eight (28), in Block Foxty-one (41) of Vi. P. Herb~?rtts
Subdivision, to map thereof No. 1108, filed in the office of t.ha County RecoTder
of said San Die:go County,- January 8, 1908~
T'o Hav,e and to Hold the above g.ranted arid described right of way unto the said
-gra·ntee; its successors anc1 a.s:Signs forever, as a right of. way for a sewer. pipe. line: •
. The purpose of this easement and right of vvay is for the construction an:l. maint-en-
ance of a pr-ivate sewer :lateral inside the propeTty lines,. it being unc1erstood that. the City
of· San Diego is not. to be held liable- for any danage resulting from ith(ec:cconS;ruciUmn and
maintenance of sel·ier late:-cals over rud acros.s this easment.•
In VtLtness Whereof; I have ll...ereunto set my hanc1 s-.ac1 seal this 7th day of February,

On this 7th day of Fe1nuary, 1928, before me, Edward Nathaniel Jones a Hot ary Pub lie
in and fQr the said County of San Diego-;8tat e af California, residing therein, duly commissioned II
snd S\1\iOrn, personally appeared G1·ace Paschal, a Widow pe rsomlly known to me to be the prerso1u.
whose name is subscribed to the within inst1·ument, and she c1uly acknowledged to) me that.' she
executed the sane.
In Witness VVhe ::ceof.; I have here·unt o se:t. my hand ancl affixed my official seal, at my
offi.ce im.the County of San Diego; t,l-Je, day and year in this c~rtif~?a~e ~~rst ~bove vv:citten.
. . EDvfQ.RD l{Lo..Tl:i.4..N IbL JO rms . .

J:Jotary Public in and for the County of San Di·ego,1
(SEAL) Stgte of California. j
M:y- C ommi ssi on ex]!ire s Feb.· 21; 19 28.

RECORDED .AT. REQUE.ST QB1 City Clerk APR 6 1927 at 11 o 1 clock A.M. In_Book no. 1268
Page 68 of Deeds Reco1·c1s o-f 9c:m DiegoCourlty, Califo
JOHrJ H. :b'ERl~Y, County Rec 01·cle:r I
J;Sy L. B. WCODJ1.RD, DelJUt y.
. .
I HERE:BY ClERTIFY t.hat the.above 9-nd foregoine is a full,. true and corrE;lct copy af
Deed f1·om Grace Pasohcl to_ t ll...e City of San Diego. Bei1-:g Document NO. 204194.
. - ALLEN H. WRI Gllr' II
Cle:r-k of the City of Sa.n Diego, Califo1•nia. J

B J""""~~~[l.L,I~_.!.:....L,_--f-!-~-__,:t,::.£.6~~ LJ.L~=--D J>ut y • I

. I,_Geo. R.J:Iarrison, a single man; For and inconsideration of the benefits to acc}7i'ile
by the location, constructi~ri and maintenance of a sewer line through and across the propert~
herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to in hand paid, the
receipt vm:ereof is hereby acknovTledged, ilo hereby grant to the City of San-JJiego, a municipa:il
corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement m11d right o:f way
.through, along and. across all that certain real property s:Lt uat~ in the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, State of California, parlicule.rly described as.follows, to-wit:.
Entering the SDuth East Corner of Lot three at a point five feet from the line· be-
tween Lot_s·three and four, thence diagJlqaly to a point Seventeen-feet from tl1e point of
entrance, then along the line between Lots three anc1 four to India st. Located in Block 102
Middletown Addition to the City of San Diego, San Diego County, Califo1nia..
T·o Have and to Hold the above g.Tanted.and described r:i-ght.of way unto the said
grantee, its Siccessors and . assigns forever; as a right· of··way for a sewer pipe line.
. . The purpose of this easement and ·right of way is for the· construction 211d mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood thr:xt tlie City
of san Diego is not to be held liable for any damage result;ing f1·om the construction ahd
maintenance of se1r~er laterals over &"ld ac:-r:oss this easment.•
In Vlitness Whereof, I b.ave hereunto set my hand and seal this 6th day of DecembeT,l926.

COUlfEY 0:&, S.<iH DIEGO: )ss
OI?-this 6th <1-'J.Y of' December, 1926, beforeme;, Geo. R. Hogers aHotary :Public in and
for the s·aid County of San :piego, state of Ca~ifornia, residing therein, duly comrnissioned
and sworn, personally UJlpeared Geo. R. HarriS911 personally known to me t 0 be the person
whose .·nane is subsc~ci be d. t o the · vli. t 11in instrument, and he duly ackn a.v le dged to me that he
e:iecut'ed the same. .
In Witness Hhereof, I have hereunto ret my hand and affixed my o~ficial seal, at my
office in the C Olmty of San Diego, the. dr.:w and year. in this certificate first above v1ri tt en.
Notary :Public in and for the County af San Diego,
'(SE.AL) State of California.

RJOOGRDED AT R~QU'rlS'T OF Ci.ty Clerk .AJ?R 6 1927 at 11 o'clock -;1\,.M. In. Book No. 1315
Page 395 of Deeds. Records of San Di~go Coun.ty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY,- County Reco :rder
By L. B. WOODA.BD, Deputy.·
I HEIEBY CEH'liFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Ge_ o.• _R. H~n· i!:?on t o the City ~:f San Diego. It being Docurrient , lJo;. 204195.
City Clerk oi' the City of San Diego, Calife>rnia.

I, c. Sroor and Mary Sroor, Husband and iVife; For· and in C·onsideration -of the bene-
fits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance af a sevier line t:!hr.o.ugh E.IDd
acr.oss tbe property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar (ifpl.OO) /
to us in hand paid, the receipt ·whereof is here·bY acknowledged, 'do hereby grant tot he City

I of San Diego, a mm1icipal corporat.ion in the County of San Diego, State of California, an
easeraent and right of way through, along and across all that ce1·tairt real p:roperty situate
in the City of San Diego, Cou.'l'lty of San Diego, state of California, particularly described
as follo~:vs, to-wit :
Lots 47 ani 48, Block 140 of Manasas & Schillers Addition to the City of ~an Diego,
per map. filed in the offic-e of the County Recorder of San Diego County.
To Have and to Holdt.he above granted and d-escribed right of vny unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a riglht of vmy for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the const::cuction and. maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside. the property lines, it being understood th'J.t the City of
San Diego is not to be held liable for any dsrnage resulting from-the com,-t.ruction mid main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment.
· In W'it:ness Vfuereof,.I have hereunto hand and seal this 3rd day of Iv1arch,l927.
On this 3rd day of March, 1927, be·fo1•e me, Benjamin F. Tyler a Notary Public in and
for the said County of San Diego, state of Califo~r:nia, residing tbe11Sin, dulyca-nmissioned
and s:worn, personally appeared c. Sroor and Mary Sroor personally known t.o me to be t re pers n
whose name is subscribed tot he within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me thaji h,e
. executed t be s:-.J.i'ne.
In ·witness Vf.hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in·the County of San Diego; the day and ye;J.,r in this certificate first above written.

My Commission expires Jan. 15, 1930 •
Nota!"'J Public in ancl for the County of San Diego,
state of California• .

. RIDORDED AT REQUEffi:. QE' City Clerk .AJ?R 6 192? at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1308
Page 376 of Deeds Records o:f San Diego County, Calif.
JOHH H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B.• WOODAPJ), Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full; true and correct copy of
Deed fran C. . sro or & Mary Sro or to the City Qf Sru1 Die go. Being Document Ho\ 204196. ·
Clerk of tbe City af San Diego; California.

·:2?..!.. eputy.
. !!t?.t "?(/l-L .~~-.
DE.iilD r:/
. I, Edgar B. Frakes (.A Vttdower); For and inConstderation of the benefits to a.ccnue
by·the location, construction and maintena11ce of a sewer line and across the PtO-
perty herein described, and i:ri consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00-) to me in hand
paid; the receipt whereof is he1•eby acknowledged, do I hereby grart t o.the City of San Diego,,
a mtmicipal·corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and
right of-way through, along.anCl. ac1·oss all that certain real property situate in the City ofi
San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, part:iicula:dy described as follows, to-v1ti.t:
I . The North Fou;~ (4) J!,eet of the West Seventy ( 70) Feet of Lot Twenty..:.five (25) in
Block Fifty-three (53) of Fairmont .Addition to City Heights according to map thereof No.l035
filed in·the office of the Cou.rJ.ty Recorder of San Diego County March...:S-1907.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and c1escri bed right of way U.1'1to the said
grantee, ·its s:uccessors and assigns foreve:-t, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement a1. d right of way is for the construct ion and maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines; it being U.YJ.de1·stood that the City of
San Diego is not·to be held liable for any ds.mage resulting fromtbe construction and main-
tenance oi sewer laterals o.Ver and across this easment.
·In Witness Whereof; I have hereunto s:et ·my hand and seal this ll,ifth day af
January; 1927. ·
EDGAR B. l!1R.A.l:ilil S (SEAL)

C OU l·Pl! Y O:B' SAN DI EG 0, ~ s s
. On t·his Fifth day of January, 1927, before me; W. A. V!ie den beck a Noto.1·y Public in
.and for the said County of· Sa..ll Diego, state of California;. residing therein, duly corJ.missioned
and sworn, pe:rs10nally appeared Edgar B. Fral{es personally knovm to me to bet he person v:!hosel
nane is subscribed to the within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executeaJ
t he 00.'11 e •
IN WITNESS .IDIEJ?JIDF, I have hereu:nt o set my Hs:m.d ruid · affixed my Official Seal, at my
office in the County o:f San Diego, the day a.nd year in this certi.ficat e first above written.
I:lot.ary Publ.ic in and for the County of i:)an Diego,
(BEAL) state of Californta.
My .0 ommi ssi on Expires Feb. 3, 1929.

I RECORDED AT REQUEST. OF City Cler·k AI'R 6.1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In· ~ook DTo. 1315
Page 389 of Deeds Rec.ords of .$an Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorcle:r
By L. B. WOODllRD, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above· anc1 foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of.
Deed f:r:::m Edgar B. Frakes t 6 City of San Diego. Being Document No. 204197 •
af tJ
Ci~)~:: California.
B ~f<£A4o/+"~·L-~+- ~eput y.
--if93y1/r 11--

I, Mrs~ .AlLTla M. Wi1lems,. · a widovJ; For and in C onsi. deration of the. benefits to accrue
by the location,. constrUction and.maintenance of a· sewer line. through and across the property described, and in considerati·on.of the stml of On.e Dollar (~~1.00) to_:im hand padi,- :th~
receipt where·of is hereby ack:p.O\Vleo.ged; do hereby grant to the City of .San Diego, a municipal
corpor_ation fn the·county o;f San Diego, State of·California, ane:asmne·nt and right of we:y
through·, along and acros all that certain real property situate in the City of San Diego·,
Count-y of San Diego; S.tat e of· California, particularly described as follows, t o-wi t :
The West 50 by 51 feet of lot 14 Block 26 Hormaih Hi_g_hts, City of San Diego.
_ ·To Have and to Hold the above gra.nt.ed and described right .of way unto .the said
grantee, its successors anc1 assigns foreve1·, as a .fight of vmy :B.oi'-::,aL\sewe:~i:PiiP.e line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is·for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private -se·wer lateral inside the prope.:rty lines; it being understood that .the City
of San. Diego is not to be held liable for any damage ing from the construction and
maintenance of sevJer late l'al s ovor and .across this easr.aent. ·
In Witness Wh.e1·eof; .ha here,unto set my. hand and seal this 11th day of
Feburary, 1927• -- --


e:.OUNTY CF. KERN, ) ss , .
On this 11th day of Feb., 19 27; before me, H. B. Phelan a Notary Public. in anc1 for
the said County of Kern, State of California; residing therein, duly c·ommissioned and sworn,
pej7SO:hally appeared Mrs Anna U. Willems personally known to me to be t.he, person whose name
is subscribed to the vJithin i:pstrument, anc1 he duly acknowledged to me that she executed tbe
In Witness Vvhereof, I have he~eunt o set my hand an.d .aff.i:iX:ed my official seal, at my
office in the County of Kern; the ·day and year in this ·certificate first' above written.·
H. B • P1:1EIJ 4<\IJ
Notary Public in·and.for the County of Ke1·n,
. ( S~.AL) State of California.
My C ommi ssi on expires Jan. 7, 1927.
RIDORDED AT REQUEsr. OF City Ole rk APR 6 l92r/ at llo'clock A.M. In Book No. 1309
Page 344 .of DEEDS Re co rd s of San Diego C ou...'1t y, .Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B •. WOOD.tlliD; Deputy.
I HEREBY CERrll,Y that·the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct COlJY of
Deed frOIIl Mrs Anna M. Willems to the City of San D:Lego. Being Document No. 204198 •
C~i::e "k of t he , C It y of San Diego , . Cal:!.:fi ornia.
. :9~~~--H.
I, Nellie A. Tyler, a widow; For an.d in Cop.sideration of th9 benefits to accrue by
the location, construction and maintemnce of a sevJer line through and across the property
herein described, anc1 in consideration of the srrn of One Dollar ($1.00) to me in hand paid;
the 'rE)ceipt whereof is hereby acknovvledged, do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a
municipal corporation in the Cotmty oi San Diego, State of Califprnia, an easement and right.
of way thro·ugh, a:).ong and across all that ce 1tain real property situate in t.he City of San
Diego; County of San Diego, State of Calif:)rnia; particularly described as follows, t o...wit:
The West ~venty.:..five (?5) feet. of lots Twenty-foul!!. (24) and Twenty-five (25) in
Block Eight (8) of Sub Twenty-two.(r22) to Fifty (50) N. Teralta.
. . T:o Have and to. Hold the above granted and desc:r ibe d. right. of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns f oreve:r, as a right of 1nay for a sewer pipe line.
. The purpose of this easement and right of way is fortm constri1etion andmain-
tena;nce of a private. sewer lateral insic1e the· p:roperty lines, it baing understood that the
City of San Diego is not to be held liable for any dD.t'1lage resulting from the construction
and ma:i,.nt enance o:f . sewer laterals over and oor.oss this e asment.
In Witness Whe:t.•eof, I here·unto set my hand and seal this 15th day of March,l927,.
C OUUI! Y 0!, SAN DIEG 0, ) ss
On this 15th day of M:arch, 192?; before me, Adolph J. Mende a Notary 'Public in and
for the said County of San Diego, state of California, resicling tberein, duly commissioned
and svJorn, personally appeared Uellie A. Tyler, personally known to me to be the· person whose
name is subscribed tot he vdthin instrument., and she duly acknowledged t·o me that she execut~d
the sarne. ·
In Witness Whe·reof, I nave lle.reunt o set .my hand and affixed my off:licfual seal; at my
office in the Cqurrty of San Diego; the day and year in this certi:ficate ·first_ above written.
Notary Public in md for the County of San Dieg ,
(SEAL) State of Cal ifo rni a.
My Comr!)ission expires September: IT:Oth; 1930.

RECCRDED AT R~UESJ! CF .City Clerk APR 6 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In :Eook No. 1308
Page 378 o:f Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B.• WOOD.ABD, De}?Uty.
I llliiEBY CER:i!ll1 Y that tm· ahove and fo·rs;going is a full; true and correct copy af
Deed frcim Nellie A. ~r'yler tot he City o;f San Iliego. B.eing Document No. 204199 •
Cle,rk oft e c· af San Diego, California.
We; ·Robert. Wilson and Caroline Wils.on, husband and VJi fe; For and in C onside rat ion of
the bene;f.its to ~crU.e by. th.e location; construction and maintenance of a s·ewer line th..roughl
and across the property herein described; and in consideration of sum of One Dollar (~~l.dJO)
to us in hand paid, the receipt vilhereof is hereby acknowlec1ged, do hereby grant to the City
of San Diego, a p!U..n.i cipa;L c or}?Orat ion in the. County of San Diego, State of C sJ.i f.ornia, an
easement anl right of way through; along and across all that certain real prope:irty situate ii
~he City of .San Diego; County of San Diego, state of California, particularly described as
~ i follows, t o-vJi t : .
. The West Thirty-seven (3?) feet of Lots Nineteen (19) and Twent.y (20) in Block Fort·-
two ( 42) of Normal He igbt s.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way mto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line. .
The purpose of this easement and :right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a-private oovver lateral inside the property lines; it. being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liab;Le for any dtunage resulting from the canst ruction and
maintenance of se1ue r late ra;L s over ancl aero s s this ea srnent. ·
In Witness Whereof, we have her.e1irnto set out hands and seals this loth day af
'··. February; 19 2'7. ·.
. ·.
I~ ; • .)
On t·his 16th dBY oi March; 1927; before me, Adolph J. Mende a I'lotar.Y Public in and
far the said Cou.~."'ty of San Diego, state of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and svvorn, personally appeared· Robert Wilson .gnd Car aline Wilson, personally known to me to
be the persons whose na'Ties are subscribed tot he within instrument, and they duly acknowledged
t o me that t hey exec ut e d t he s sm e •
In Witness Whereof, I ha~e heremt o set my hand· and affixed my seal, at my

I office in Comty of San Diego, the day end year in this· certificate first above written.

Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
state of California.
My Commission expires September 10, 1930.

RECORDED AT REQUEST CF City Clerk APR 6 192~ .at 11 o 1 clock A.Ivi. In I\fuok No. 1309
Page 34? of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Cali f.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS~ Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foTegoing is.a full, true anc correct copy· of
Deed fran Robert. Wilson & Caroline Wilson to t·he City of San Diego. Being Documenit no •
. 204200'.

I, B. H. Genter, a·single parso~, sole owner; For and in of the bene-
fits to accrtie by the loc13:tion, construction and J:!laintenance af a sewer line through and
across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sun of One Dollar ($1.00)
to_in hand :Paid; the_receipt vJhereof is hereby acknow1e9-ged, does he,reby grant to the City
of San Diego, a municipal corporv.tion in the COUJ."'lty_of San Diego, state of Califorrli2.,- an

I easeme':rrt and right of \'Jay through, along and across all that :certain real proparty situate in
the City of San Diego, Cotmty of San Diego; st:ate of Califomia; particula~cly de.scribed as
follows, to-wit: . .
That portion of tract marke·d 11 Gentt?r" according to map thereof of J.G.Burne's
Addition to La Jolla Park?, in the C_ity of Sa_n Diego;- Cotmty o.f San Diego, State of Cali::gornia;
according to map thereof rfl30~, filed in the office of the Recorder of said San Diego County,
January .26;. 1911 A.D., described as follows: .
· Begi'nning ·at a poi.nt on the south line of said tract 2.0' east of the s. w. corner
thereof thence e_ast along, the northerly l.ine of Genter Avenue, 41.62 feet, thence at right
angles, north on a line par~llel V!iththe westerly line of Eads ~reet 100 feet .• Thence at
right angles west 8lld parallel with the northerly line of Genter Avenue 41.62 feet to a point
20 feet east of tl:!S west line of said.tract 11 Genter";.thence sout.h pal'al1el and 20 feet.;; __ ...;·~.
east of said west line of tract "Genter" 100:. feet to point of beginning.
' · To Have and_ to Hal d t be .a boye g.nan'!5ed and described :right of way unt o the said grantee,
its suce·essors and assigntS forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line-.
The purpose of this easement and. right of way is for t:te construct ion end maintenance
of a private sewer lateral _inside the property lines, it being lL11derstood that the City of
Sa..11 Diego is not to be held liable for any damage· resulting from t be construction and main-
t e nru.1c e of sewer laterals over and aero ss this easment.
In Wit.ness vTherebf, B. H~ Genter has herelmto set his hand and seal this 25th day of
March, 192 7.
.. On _th.J,s 25th day of March, 192'7, before me, Ethlin Thtirmond a· Notary Public in and . <·

for the said Cou_nty of San Dj_ego, state of California, residing therein,- duly camnissioned ana
I sv..rorn; personally appeared B. H. Genter pe1·somlly. k:p.:::rwn to me to be the ·person whose name
is subscribed to the_ vJithin instrument, and be.duly aclmowledged to me tint he executed the
In Witness ·whereof; I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offic:iLbl seal, at my
office in the Co-unty of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above writteh.
Notary 'Public in and for t h3 Connt y of San Diego,
(sEAL). State .9f California~
Ivry Commission expires Dec. 28, 192?.

I \

RECORDED 1!1! REQUE3r CF City Clerk APR 6 1927 at 11 o 1 clock 1L.M. In BQok No. 1!315
Page 390 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County· Re cor de r
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I B:EREBY CERTITIY that the above and foregoing is a full, t rn e an-d correct copy of
Deed fJ.'om B. H. Genter to t.he City of San Diego. Being Document No. 204201.
Cit y_ Clerk of tm City of .San Diego,_ Cal~fornia.
By _ _VA_jc
-2?-z, ~rtG
. . ::?;: ~~.?t..

. .

r; Albe11 s. li'ilson, a widovver; Por snd in consideration of One Dollar Db Hereby

Grant to The City of San- Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in th..e County af San Diego, s~ate
of California, an easerne l1t and rig bt of v;ay for the construction, operation 'and maintenance
of a drain pipe through; along mJd across All that Real Property situated in the City of San
Diego, County of San Diego, State of Cslifornia, bounded and described as follov;s: ·
A portion of the North :J:.O feet of J Street cliosed to public use by action of the
Com.t11on Council of said City of· San Diego; lying contiguous to and adjoining Lot 37, Block
21, L. W. Kimball 1 s Subdivision, '~according to Mqp thereof filed in the Office of the County
Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement and riglilt: of way being six feet in width,
three feet on each side of the following described center 1L'1e: ·
Beginning at a point on the north line of J Street as now established, distant 5.18
feet west from the intersection of said north line of J street with the southerly prolonga-
tion of the east line of said Lot !37; t m nee north on a d:f. rect line, a distance of 10 feet
to a point on the south line of said Lot as sh ov.rn on said Map; distant 5.18 feet. w~ st from
the southeast cornel' of said Lot.
To Have and to H'old t1:e above grarmed and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, for drain pipe purposes. ·
Witness my hand and seal this Oth day of March, 1927.

COUlEi.1Y OP Sl~.N DIEGO,) ss
On this 8th day of March A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me; E.H.Broo~s
a Notary Public in and.for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and svvorn, per-
sonally appeared Alberts. Filson knonrn to me·to be tbe person described in and whose name
is subscribed to the within inst rurnent, and acknowledged to me that he exoctl.ted the ssme •
. Wit ness my hand and -Official Seal tm day and year in this certificate first above
vvritt en.
I:~otary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
( $EAL) State of California.
My Comrni s si on Expires, June 4-~ 1930.

RECORDED AT REQTJEST CF City Ole rk .APR 6 1927 at 11 o'clock A~M. In Boo},: No. 1353
Page 21 of Deeds Record.s of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FEHRY, County Recorder
By H. C. PARSONS; Deputy.
CElui&1 Y that the above and foregoing is a full; true and correct copy of
Deed fran .Albert s. Filson to The City ·o-.f San Diego. Being Docurne::1t No. 204202 •
Clerk: of tm City of San Diego, Caliliornia.

THE SOlJTHLilliDS COivlPANY; a corpor-ation, <Organized; incorporated md existing under.
and by virtue of the laws of the state of Nevada·; For and in c-onsideration of the SL..'"'r-:_of/
uuE DOLLAR { ~~1. 00), lawful money of the United States of .llme rica, in hand paid, recreipt of
which is .hereby aclknowledged. · ·
. · Does Hereby Grant t.o T-he City of San Diego, aMru1iciral Corporation, in the County
of. San Diego., state of California, an e aseme rlt, and right· of way for a Storm Drain pipe th roUJgh~
along and ac1·oss .All that Tteal Property sit uatea: in t be City of San Diego, Csru1ty af San Dielgo;·
state. of CalifOl'Ilia; bounded and descri-bed as follows: · I
The Southerly six (6) feet of Lot Ten (10) in the Subdivision of Randolph Terrace;
map '199:1; noN on file in the office of the County 'Cle·rk and Rec-order of the County of San Diego,
state of California. ·
To Have and t.o Hold the above granted and describecl easement unto the· said grantee,
its successors and assigns forev~r for -storm Drain pipe purposes.
II:T WIT T:JRSS lllBBR1'0JP: said C O:!t'];JO!iJ.'at:bun has caused this in st rume l1t to ·be executed by
its proper officers and its corporate·· seal affixed this Seventh day of I~iarch, 1927.
By BRADLEY TYRRELL, Pr e-si dent
(SEAL) ..
Att est : E. J. FAY, Sec ret ary.
·On this Seventh day. of A.D. Him teen Hundred and ~wenty-seven befo1·e me,
Mabel B. Frear a notary Public in and for said County·, residing therein, duly connnissioned
and sworn; personally appeared BRADLEY T1YRRELL known to me to be the President, and E. J;Fay
known t o me to be Secretary of the C 01· porat ion that executed· the within. in st: rument .; .
known to me ·to be the I:C:rsons who execut od the within.i_inst rumerd!; on behalf of the Corpo:ration
'I..Vithin named; and acknowleclged to me that m:tch Corporation executed the same.
IN W'ITNESS VIHEREOF; I have hereunto set my h811d and affixed my Official Seal, in the
C aunt y of San Die'g o; St. ate gf Cali :I: ornia; the day and year in this certificate first above
VJri tt en.
Notary Public in ana for t be. Cotmt y of San Die go,
(sE~) state of California.
My Co_lTh11ission expires, March 26; 1930.
"BECORDED 1{1· REQtEST OF City Clerk APR 6 1927 at 11· o'cloc·k A.M. In Book No. 1268
Pag~ .80 .Ri· d_eeds Redords of San Diego Cov.nty, Calif.

I JOHN H. FERRY, C ov.nty Record·er

By N.C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTI:b,Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true: and correct copy of
Deed frcm The Soutl1~a.nds·CompaYJ.y to tl1.e City of San Diego. Being Document Ne. 204203 •

City Cle·rk of the City of San D:jdeJgo, California..

- ~f~.A<-*.
.·. ·I; E.G.Crabtree anc1 Angeline Crabtree, husband and wife;
.-:i ·,, For an_d in Consideration of· tbe b.enefits to accrue by t.he location, ca·nstruction and maj;_nte.n-
ance of a sevier line- throu~h and across tm property herein described, and in consideration I

of the sum of One Dollar (~1.00) t·o_in hand ];aid; the receipt v.ihereof is l1..ereby ac~nowledgecil.,
do hereby grant to' the City of San Diego, a municipal. corporation in the County of San Diegol
state of Calif0!'11ia, an easement and right of way through, along and ac!'oss all that ·certain
real property situate in the, City of San Diego, Connty of San Diego, State of California,
particularly described as follo'ltJs~ to-w it:
\"fest Forty-five and one-half (4~) feet of Lot Twenty-seven (27), of McFadc1on and
Buxton's North Park; in the City· of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California,
according to Map the!'eof filed in tbe office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County
April s; 1912.
To Have and to· Hold the above granted· and de scribed right of way unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.·

I · The purpose of this easement and '!':ii.ght of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral mside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not. to be held· liable for any da.11age resulting frorrt the construction anc1
maintenance of sewer laterals ove 1' and across this easment • ·
In Witness Whereof, ·we h-"· her·eunto set our hands and seals: this 23rd day of
Feb!'uary,. 1927.
E. G. CRABr REE ( SElll:,)



RECORDED AT' REQUEST CF City Ole rk APR q 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1353

I Page 19 of Deeds Records of San Diego County~ Calif.

JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. ·c. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY ·that the above a."ld foregoing is a full, true nnd correct copy of
·Deed fran E. G. Crabtree & Angeline Crabtree to t re· City of San Die-go. Being Doc urnent No.
the City of San Diego, California.

We, Robert Anderson and Leonard Johnson, For and in Consideration of the berefits
to accrue by the location; construction and maintenance of a se:.ver line through arid across
the property·herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar {$1.00) to us
·in hand paid; the receipt vvhereof is hereby acknowle-dged, do hereby grant tot he City of
San Diego, a municipal corporation in· too County of San Diego, State of California, a four
feet easement and right of way through; alon& and across all that certain real prope:rty
situate in the City of SDJ:l Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, pa!'ticularly
desert bed as follows, t o-wit :
Immediately East of a point SiXtJl!-two (G2) feet from the front of lots Twenty-two
(22)~ Twenty-three (23) and Twenty-four (24) in Block Eighty-two (82) in City Heights.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto t .be said
grantee; its successors and assigns forever; as a Tight of 'way for a· sewer pipe "line.
The purpose of tbis easement. and :right of way is·for'the construction ana· mainten-
anc~ of a private sewer lateral· inside too property linep; it being understood that t,m city
of San Diego is not to be held liable fo~c any danage resulting from the c onst:ruction and
maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easrner.rt. ·
In Wit ress Whereof; vJe have hereunto set our hands am. seals thi13 third day of
March, 192·7.


By Robt. Anderson
Pov'Je r of Attorney in fact.


COUI:ftY 0]' SAN DIEnO,) ss _
On this 3rd day of March, · 19 27, before me , Adolph ;t. Mende, a· Notary l'ublic in- and
for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned am.d
S1r10rn, personally appeared )1obert Anders?n :pers_onally known to me to he the person whose nam~

is subscribed tot h~ 1.vithi~ instrunent, anra 1·h·e~' duly acknowle~ged to me that he executed thS
·In Witness Where'of,· I have hereunto set my hand snd affh""l:ed my official seal, at my
office in tbe County of San Die·go, the day ancl year in this certificate first above W!t'itte-n.
. . ADOLI)H J. ME liDE
Hot ary Public. in and for the C ourrt y of San Diego,
(SEAL) Stat e of C ali for nia •
Ji/Ty ·c ommi s si on expires Sept • 10, 1930.
. REQUESJ: OF City Ulerk .AJ?R 6 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1353
:Page 13 of Deeds Records of San Diego Cotmty, Calif.
JOHN H. PERHY, County Recorder
By N. C • PARSOJ:lS, De])Ut y.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a.ful1:, true a1'1Cl cori·ect copy of
Deed fran !:iobcrt .A.nder~cm· & Leonard Joljnson to the City of Ban Diego. Being Document No .•
of the City o:f ·Sa? Diego, Ca lifo l'l."lia.

I; Benjamin Salisbury and Mabel Salisbury, husband and wife; For and in Consideration
of the benefits to ace rue by the ion, construct i~Jn a no. maintenance of a sewer line th roJ!gh
and aero ss the propei·ty herein c1e sc1•i bed, and in- consi de 1•at ion of t be sum of One Dollar ( ~~l.!Joo)
to in hand paid, the receipt v'lhereof is hereby acknowledged; do hereby grant tot re City o:fll
SanDiego; a munici11al corporation· in the County of San Diego; State of.California, an ease:rn~lnt
an& right of way .through, along and across all that certmn real property situate in tbe CitYt
of San Diego, County of San Diego; State of Cs.lifornia, particularly described as follows,
to-wit: ·
:A ~sewer right -of-wey two feet wide run11ing
.. along the Eastern line of' Lot 17 for a
d:l:i.st8Jill.ce of fii.ity feet from the·'property line. of Madison Avenue in Block 41 of Uo:rms.l Heights
in the City and County of San Diego, State of California.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right. of way unto the said·
grantee, its s].lccessors and assigns forever, as a right of vvay for a seYjer pipe line.
The purpose of thi_s easer.11ort and right of way is·for tbe construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewe·r lateral inside the· property lines, it being understood that the City
of SanDiego is not to be held.liable for any damage resulting from the constrtlction and main-
tenance of sewe·r laterals over and across this easrnent.
· In Witness Whereof, Benjamin Salisbury & Mabel Salisbury have hereunto set their
hands.and seals this 8th day of March, 1927.
M.tillEL SitiJIS.BURY ( SEP.L )
On this 8t:h day of March; 1927, before me; Frank E. Atwood a Notary :Public in and
fort he said County of San Diego, State of: California; residing therein, duly cormnissianed ·
anl sworn, p.:~rsonally appeared. Benjamin Salisbury and Mabel Salisbury husband and wife, person-
ally kno1vvn t o me to be t re persons ~;'hose nsme s are Sllbscri bec1 to the 'INithin instrument, and
they duly acknowledged to me tlw. t they executed'the same.·
In V'litness'Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affim:ed my official seal, at my
office in tbe County of San Dl.ego, the day and year in this certificate first above wrl.tten.
Nott@l'.Y -J;Iubli c in arid for the County af ·san Diego,
(·SEAL) state of Cali f:0rnia. ·
!v1y Commi ssi on expires Feb. loth, 1930.

RECORDED AT REQUESl!' CF City Clerk APR. 6 19:~7 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Boo•k No~ 1268
Page 73 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N.C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I EEREBY CERl'Il!'Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Benjamin Salisbury and Mabel Salisbury tot re City of San Diego. Being document
No. 204206. · ·
of San Dieg9, California.

· .UNION TRUSI' CCMP.AnY of San Diego a corporation, of the City af San Die.go, Courity .
of San Diego, State of California; F sr :.nd in con si der ati on of t he sum of TEN . & 00/100 DOLLA..~ S,
Does He1~eby Grant to THE CITY lF SJ'.JJ DIEGO, a municipal corporation-, an easement and 'right:-
of-way as and for a public street· 0'1' highway, over :a:hdng and across, All That Real :P~operty
situated in the City of San Diego, ·county of San Diego, State of California, -howided and
described as follows:
All that portion of Lot Fifteen (15) of Rancho Mission of San Diego, according to
:Partition Map thereof filed with the County Clerk of San Diego·county,.Califorma, in action
of Juan M. Luco et al. vs •. , Com.rnercial Bank of San Diego, et al., I:~o. 348 of the ··superior
Court of said san Diego Co1mty, more :rurticularly described as follD~rJs:

Beginning .at. t)m intersection of the Westerly line of said Lot Fifteen (15) with the
Hort herly line o.f C.h].lrohward Street , the nee Easterly along the Northerly line oLChurchward
Str.el3:t, ~distance of.forty (40) feet to a :point; thence Northerly.along a.line parallel to
an.d distant forty (40) feet Easterly f1·cm the Westerly line of said Lot :B'ifteen (15); to an
intersection with t be . Southeasterly line of Imp<:: rial Avenue; thence Southwesterly along ss.i d
So].ltheasterly line to .an intersection with the Vleste1·ly line of mid Lot Fifteen (15); thence

I Southerly along said Westerly line to the.point of.begim1ing. ·

To Have. anc1 to Hold the above g :ranted ro1d described premises, unto the -said Grantee,
its su.ccessors and assigns forever.
In Wit'ness V.Jhereof, said corporation has caused this deed to be signed by its Vice
President and .Assis.tant Secretary and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto t-his 23d day o
March, 19 27.
· By F. B. THOMPS)J:iT; Vice-Pres:i. dent
( $$AL)
Assistant Secretary,.
m -~E uF CALIF ORHI.A.,)
On this 23d day of March in the year one thousand nine hundred and 27 before me,
Lulu McFa:rland, a Notary Public in and for smd County; :r::ersomlly a:ppear·ed F. B. ~hompson,me to be the Vice President, and A.H.MacK:i.r:It es.l:J. knovvn to me to be the Asst. Secretar,y
of the.corJJDra.tion that executed the within instrument, known to me to be·the :persons who
executed the within instrume·nt on behalf of the corporation therein IlEl!Tied; and acknowledged
to me .that such corporation execut od the sa'Tie.
l~otary Public in m::~:d for the Cou_Dty of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
RECORDED AT'REQ.UBST .CF City Cle·:ck APR 6 1927 at 11 o'clock A.In:. In Book No. 1308

I Page 385 of Deeds Hecords of San Diego Comty, Calif.

JOHN H. FE PRY, l'J ount y Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I hEREBY G1~RH:B'Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and. co r:rect copy of
:Grant Deed· from Union Trust Company of San Diego to the City of San Diego. Being Docurne:mrt
No. 204207. ·
Ole 1·k of the City af &a.n Die·g o, California.


We, Jessie Page, a married woman, and ·Frances Valleau, an unmarried woman, For and
in ~ob,:ns:i.deration of the benefits to accrue by location and. construction of a drain pipe
through and ac:r.oss the pr·operty hereinafter described Do Hereby Grant to The Cit-y of Sa:n Diego,
a Municipal Corporation, in County of San Diego; State of California, an easeme;"'rt ,l;l.Il.d
right of way for t.he ·cons:fruction, operation and maintenance of a drain :pipe through, along
and across All that· Real Property situate-d in the City of San Diego; County of San Diego,
state of California,· bounded and de sci'.± bed as follows:
· A portion of Lobs 3. and 4, Block 20, Fairmount Addition to City Heights; according
to M:ap thereo:f· No. 103!5, .filed in the Office of tl:e Cotmty Recorder of said San Diego Count.y,
said easeme·rrt and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the·
follovving described center line: .
_Beginning at a }JOint on the south. line· .of s:aid Lot: 4, distant 117.33· feet east :fran

I the soutJJJNest corner of said Lot 4.; .thence no1·thwesterly in a direct line· to a point on the·
north line of said L0t 3; distant 55. 58 feet east from t he no rt hwe st corner -of d ·Lot 3.
To Have and! to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its .successors anc1 assigns; forever, a·s a right of way fo!t"·a drain :pi:pe.
Witness our hands and seals this 14th day of ];larch; 1927.
COUNTY w· SAN DIE80,) ss
·on this 14th day of M!c..'!.rch A.D. Nine; teen Hunc1red and T·vventy-seven before me, E~H.Brooks
a Nctary Public in and for said County, residing-therein, duly corr.missiomd anl S\IIJD".!'n, per-
sonally· appeared: Jessie Page and Frances Valleau, knovvn to me t. o be the :persons described in
and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they
executed the same.. · · -
. Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
written~ · ··
E. ~. B.ROOKS .
Notary Public in and for the Gomt y of San Diego,
(SEAL) state of California.
My Commission expires; June 4; 1930.

RECORDED ll!J! REQUEST CF City Clerk APR 6 1927 at 11 o'clock .A.M. In Book No. 1308
Page 387 of Deeds Records of San :pi ego Cou..11ty, Oalif. ·
_JOHN H. FERRY, C 6 unt y Rec or de r

I By H. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I HER&BY CERTIFY that the above and .fo1·egoing is a full, true am c-or!rect c·opy af
Deec1 fran Jessie Page and Frances Valleau to the City of San Diego. Being Docvment. No. 204208.
ALLEJ:J .H. ·wREGHT · ·.
City Ole rk of the City of San Diego; California.

BY~a~?tr, ~pm;y.
. I.



I; Eva L. Wilson; an unmarried woman, For and inconsideration of the benefits to
accrue bytbe location and construction of a drain pi11_e through and across the prope:rty here
inafter desc1·ibed; Do Here·by Grant to The·~:!ity of San Diego, a Jviunicip:ll Corporation, in t hell
County· of San Diego, o'tate of California; an easement -md right of way for the co·n.struction,

operation.anc1 rnaint enance o:f a drain pipe; through; along and across All that Real Property
. situated in the City of San Diego, County af San Diego; state of California, bounded. and
described as follows:
A portion of Lot 5, Block 20; Fairmonnt Addition to City Heignts· according to Map
; :
thereof No. 1035; filed in t.he Office of the Cou.Yity RecoTdor of said &'1n Diogo County, said
easement and right of way being six .feet in width, three feet on each side of tm following
de;scribed center line:
Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot. 5, distant 117.33 feet east from
the northwest corner of said.Lot 5; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a l)Dint on the
east line of said Lot 5, distant. 6.20 fee.t south from the northeast corner of said Lot 5.
To Have and to Hold.tbe above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of wey for a drain pipe.
Wit ness my hand anc1 seal this 16th day of March, 1927.


County of San Diego? )';)s
.on'thl.s 16th day of March A.D~ Nineteen.Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E.H.Bro9ks
a Notary Public in and.for said County; residing therein, duly cor.r:rrnissioned and sworn, persol!~­
ally appeared Eva :r;,. Wilson, known to IIE· to be the person described in and whose mme is
subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged t.o nE· that she executed the sane.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the· day and year in this certificate first above
written. ·
Notary Public in and fo1• the Cormty of San Diego,
(SEAL} . state of Califo:!t'nia.
My Commission Expires, June 4, 1930.
RECORDED .AT' HEQU4Si!1 CF City Clerk APR 6 1927 at 11 o·'clock A.M. In Book No. 1309 Page
346 of DEEDS Records of San Diego Cou...11ty, Calif.
JO:tm H. FERRY, County Reco rde:r
By U. C. :EARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full; true and correct c ogy af
Deed from Eva. L. Wilson to The City of San Diego. Being Document Uo. 204209.
lc rk of the City of San Diego, California.

~ E ED
We, T·homas 0. Scripps and Ina C. Scri P.P s, husband a'11.d wife, and M. A. Lnndgren
and Eva I. Lundgren,, h us band and wife, F. or and in co nsi deration of benefit s t o ace rue by
t be· loc_at ion and construction of a- d1·ain pipe through and .aero ss ·the :pr ope rt y hereina:ft'.~r2~
des.cribed Do Hereby Gran_t to The City af Ban Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the CoUJ.fty
of San Diego, State of California; an easement and right o:f wey for t.he .construction, opera-
tion ant maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across All that Real Property situated
. in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, .bounde.d and described as I
follows : . . - ·
A portion of Villa Lot 335, University Heights, Resubdivision of a portion of PueblGl
Lots D am 1117, apcording to Map thereof No. 1011, filed in the Office of the County RecordJr

of sa~.d San D~e~o County, said easement and right of w~y ·being particularly desc1·ibed as
fo.llo.vs, t o-vn.t. .
Beginning at· the northeasterly corner of said Villa Lot 335; thence south 83 degrees
51 minutes We:.t.; a d.istance of 100.00 :feet to a point; thence at right. __ angles Southerly, a

distanbe of 10.00 feet to a, point; t·bence North 83 degrees 51 minutes Bast, a distance of
100.00 feet to a point on the easterly line of said Villa Lot 335, distant 10.00 feet southeljlY
from t.he northeasterly co-.cner thereof; tbence North 06 degrees 09-minutes West along the east-
erly line of said Villa Lot 335 tot he point or pbace2of beginning. · I
To Have and to Hold the· above granted and described easement unto the said,,
its suce:e·ssors and assigns, forever, for drain pipe purposes;
W:ht ne·s·s G.U!fr han.ti:sJ.. andh~Se a]t~z.rth~s <~E.ii &rli.h;~!.i.ey d. dcMtd~c ilh.; e 192{1·~ nt 11?: •. ~-
........... -- 'I




m' ATE OF C.ALIF OR NI A, ) t.,.


On this Fifth dey of March A.D. Nineteen Hundr~d end.Twenty-9even before me,··
R. Daryl Collins; a Notary Public in and for smd County, residir:g therein, duly commisfsion-ea!
and- Sl:'VOrn; personally apreared M. A. Lundgren and Eva I. Lundgren, Husband end Wife, and
Thomas o; Scripps and.Ina C. Scripps, J:Jusbm1.d.and Wife, known to me to be the :persons c1.e-
scribed in end whose nanes a1·e subscribed to the within instrument ,'and acknowleclged tome
that they executed the same~
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this ce:rtificate first above
Hotary Publici~ and for tbe County of San Diego,
(SEAL) state of California.
~ty Commi s si o:ri Ex_p ires August 18, 1930.
RECCRDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk .A.PR 6 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1345
Page 160 of DEEDS RecD".cds of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
. By L. B. WOODARD,. Deputy . .

.I HEREBY CERHFY: that:the above and. foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed f·rom Thomas o. Scripps and Ina C •. Scripps and M. A. Lundgren and Eva I. Lundgren, to
I The City of· San Diego. Being ;Document .No. 204210.
City Clerk of the City'· of San Diego, California. . .. i.

By.~ a;..~puty. · :'·,

~. t
· -P9;;--~rw. ~ .,

D E E D . ~ f
I; George/Otto; a widower; :&1 0r and in consideration of OD.El Dolla:r Do Hereby Grant t s
The City of San Die,go, a Municipal ConJoration, in the Cotmty of Ban Diego, state of
California, fo:-t street purpo'Ses, All that· Real Property situated in the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, sto..te of California; bounded and described as follows: ....,
A portion of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, San Diego Land & Town Comp?JIY~':s·'3So:uth Chollas
Addition; according to Ms:.o thereof Ho. 579, filed in.t be Office of the County Recorder of
said ($an Die·g o County; particularly described. as fo 11 t;>ws:
· Begini1ing at t;,he U.orthwe st co rne:r of Lot, 1, Block 2,. saL d San Diego Land & Town
Comp~ny's South Chollas Addition; thence east along the north line of said Lots-1 ond 2, a
distance of 29.12.feet to a point; thence southwesterly on a direct line .to a point on the
we ~t line of: said Lot 1, distant 17.47 feet south from the northwest corm r of said Lot 1;
thence no1-th a~ong the west. line of said Lot 1 t.o the point or place of begin..ning. ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and unto the said grantee,
its su.ccessors and assigns, forever, for street purposes. ·
Witness my hand and S3al this 3rd day of March, 1927.


On this 3rd day of March A.D.· Nineteen Hru1dred a:nd Twenty-seven before me, E~H.Broo &:s
a Notary Public in and for said County; rem ding therein, duly commissioned and sworn, perso:d-
al1y appeared George F. Otto, known to me t'o be person described in and ·whose name is
subscribed tot he within instrument, and to me th8.t he exectited the same.
Wit ness tny hand and Official Seal t be day and year in this cert:iificat e first above
wirtt en.
Notary rubl ic in and for the C ou.r:zt y of San .IJie go,
-(SEAL) / State af California. ·
My C ommi s si on e:2q1 ires~ June 4, 1930.
RECORDED AT REQUEST 0]1 City Clerk APR 6 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1345
Page 164 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY; Connty Recorder
By L. B. WOOD.ARD, Deputy •
.I I:IBREBY CERTIFY that the above and :Eo:!:'egoing is :a full; true and correct ·copy of
Deed fran George F. Otto to The City of San Diego. Being Do~wnent Uo. 204211. ·
City Clerk of City of San Diego, California.

B~-?n~ Deputy.
. . -9,~~.-u.


W. F. Moomaw and Abba P. MoOmaw, husbend and wife, For· and in consideration of The
benefits to accrue through the location of a street or highway through and across the land
hereinafter described Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Mru1icipal Corporation,
in t.he County of San Diego, state of California., an easement and right of YJay for a sti,:eet
or highway through along and across all thflt real propedr~y hereinafter described as f@llows.s:
All that, Real Pr.operty situated in the City of San Diego; Co1mty of San Diego, State of
California; bounded and described as follows: ..
Beginning at the intersection of. the easterly prolongation of the soutre:dy line of ;.:
1 ot 1; block G bf the Re subdi vision Po1t'ti on;:.: of. Villa Tract La Jolla Park according to Map !:: ·
Uurnher 1535 on file in tbe san Diego Com1ty Recorder's Office, with a line drmvn parallel to,·::
~:nd ten feet. distant fran t be rly line of said 1 ot 1 on its easterly s:i. de; thence north~·~
erly along said parallel line to an inte1·section vii. th a line drawn parallel to, on the northl,::
erly side of and 15 feet distant from the northerly side of said lot 1 and the easterly pro-~::
longation of said northerly line ;t.hence easterly along the last described parallel line to :!:
a...'Yl intersect i oh with a line drawn parallel to, .on the easter 1Y side of, a:nd 25 feet distant ':~:. ·
fran tbe easterly side of said lot m1d the northerly prolongation of said easterly line; the 9..~
southerly along the last described parallel line to an intersection with the easterly pro- ~··.;·:
longation of too southerly line of reid lot 1; thence v;est.erly along said prolonged line to ·
t.he point o:l; beginning.
To Have: and to Hold the above granted and described easement and·right of viay for
street and highway· purposes.
v7itness our hands and seals this ' af March, 192.7.
W~ F • MOO?viAW ( SEliL)


C CXHir Y O!l' SAli DIEGO,) s s

On t.bis 7th day of March A.D. Hineteen Hu:.11dred and Twenty-seven before me,
HELEN C. WALLACE a Notary Public in and for said Ooumty; residing the rein, duly :commissioned
and sworn; pe·rsonally appeared W.F.Moomaw and Abba P. Moomaw known to me to be the ,persons
described in and whose neme s are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowle·dged to me
that they executed tll..e seme. ,.
Wit.ness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above·

Iiot ary Public in and fo:zr the County af San Diego,
(SEAL) . . State of C aJ.. if or ni.a.
My Com.rnfu SSi. on Expires; March. 12th; 1930.
RECORDED .AT HEJ:iU.l!iST OF City Ule rk iPR 6 192'7 at 11 o 1 clock i~.M. In :Eook No. 1345
:Page 165 of DEEDS Reccr..cds of San :Piego.Count'y, Caiif•.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy. I
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from. lN. F. Moomaw ail.t] Abba .P~ Moomav1, husband and wife to The City of San Diego·.
Being Document Ho. 204212.
City Cle l'k of the City of San Diego, California.
By (b/_u~k_~ Jjj__. j ,/~.-'-"~ne:put y.
. ., rf .. . .f,~~·~:
Rogan & Company, a corporation, ll,or and in consider<J.tion of the sum of ONE DOLJ.. ARS,
Does Hereby Quitclaim to ~he· City of Scm Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of
San Diego, State of·California,.aneasem~nt and right of way as andfo1· a:public strE:et or
highway over; along·a:nd ac:ross All that Real1?ro:pe:r.·ty situated in the: City of. San Die·go,
Cou.rrt y of San Diego, state of California; bounded and described as follows:
· All that portion of the Southeast one-fourth (SEt) of Lot: 42 of Horton r s Purchase af
Ex-Mission.Lancls according t o Map thereof No. 283 filed in the offi.ce of the C omJt y Rec~ rder
9f San Diego County;,California; mo:r.·e·particularly described anc1 bounded as follows:
Begi. nning at the intersection of ·the Easte :rly line of said Lot 42 vJi th t be South-
easterly line of Impe:rial Avenue; thence Southe:rly along said Easterly line to an intersection
with the Northerly line of Churchward street; t renee Westerly along said Horthe rly line a
distance of five·(5) feet to a :point; thence No:rtberly along a line parallel to and distant
five (5) feet We·sterly from the Easterly line of soid Lot 42; t.o an intersection with the
southeasterly line of Imperial Avenue; thence Northeasterly along said Southeasterly line to
the :point of beginning.
To Have and To Hold the above: g:canted and desc'ri'bed easement and right-of-way unto
the sai·d grantee, its successors and assigns forever as and for an easement anc1 ri g.!Jt -of-way
for a public street. · ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF.: said Corporation has caused 'this inst rurnent to be execut.ed by
its proper officers and its corporate seal .affixed tbis 31 day of March, 192'7.



BY L. S. CH.AII!BERL.AI N, V;·PJ1e siclent.

Attest: R. L. IruELLTIP., Secretary.
sr ATE OF CJ\L IFO RNIA , )· ~ ·
. J
.On this .31st day .of ~!arch A.D. IUneteen Hundred and T'werrty-seven before me;
Harriet L. Erb a Nota:ry Public in and for said Coru:Jt y, residing the rein, duly commissioned
and svm rn; personally appe ar.ed L. s.Charn borlain knovm to me to be the Vice-President, and
R.L.Ivtueller knoym to me. ·to be the Secretary of the Corporation that executed t be 1:'\li thin in-
strument, knoi?m to me to. b.e the persons who executed t.he within instrument on behalf of the
Cprporation w~thin named; .and acknowledged to me that such co•rporation exectt ed the sane.
· InYofitness Whereof; I have, hereunto set my hand anl affixed my Official Seal, inthe
County of San Diego; state of California; the day and year in this certificate first above
writt eru .
( SS.AL)
My Cownission Expires; Jan. 9, 1928.
Not:ary Public in and for the C OUllt y of San b:i.e go,
State of California.
RECORDED AT REQ.UBST ,OF Qit y Clel'k APR 6 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1268
J?age· '70 of Deeds Records of San Diego County., Calif~
JOHN H. FERRY, Co lmty Recorder
By L. B.. WOOD ii.RD, Deputy.
I HER8BY CEETIFY that ·the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy af
Deed from Rogan & Co to the City of S':ln Diego. B ing ·Doc urnent No. 204213o

::t01:::;;~t ~::~::mia.
I ~~·¥,
E.·c. Grube andivlay M. Grube; husband and wife~ For and. in cons.ideration af the· sum
of ONE OOLL.AB Do Hereby grait: to The City of San Diego, a Municipal CoriJoration, in the
County of San Diego, Stat.e of Califo:rnia,. an easement and right of way as and fo~c a public
street. or highway over; alor.g and across All that Real Property situat.ed in the City of San
Diego; County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
All that portion of the.Southeast, one-fo:m:th (SEt) of Lot 42 of Hortonrs Purchase of
. Ex-Mission Lands according to Map the1"Cof Ho. 283 filed in the offi·ce of the County Recorder
of San Diego County, California, mo:re particularly described arrl. bounded as follml!fs:
-Beginning at t be intersocti on of the East e:rly line of said Lot 42 wi 1;11_ t.he Southwest. 11
e_rly line of Imperial 4-venue; thence Southerly ~ong said Easterly line to an :iinte:r·section 1;v.iith
the ;Northerly line of Uhurchward street; thence ·Westerly along said Northerly line a eli stance
of five feet. to a point-; thence Northerly along-.a,nline :parallel to and distant :five (5) feet
Westerly from the Easterly line of said Lot. 42, t.o an i'nt·ersection vJith the Southeaqti:erly
line of-Imperial Avenue; t-hence Northeasterly along said Southeaste·rly line, t.o th~ point of
To Have and to ·Hold t.h.e above granted and descri,bed easement and right of way as a11d
for a public street:.
Witness our hands and seals this 15th day of March, 1927.


On·t his 15th day of March A.D. Nineteen Hundred and tvvent.y-seven before me,
Y. A. Jacques; a Notary Public iii and for said County, re si. c1i ng therein, duly commissioned and
S'll!Jorn; P9 r sonal1y appeared E.C. Grube and Iviay M. Gfi_;ube, husband and wife; knovJn to tne to' be
the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and ac-
knowlec1ged to me~ that they executed the same.
Witness my hand ·and Official Seal tbe day a...11d ye2r in this certificate first above
vJri t ten. . '

Y. A. J ACQ. tE.s·
.Notary. Public· in and for the County of San .l)iego,
(SEAL) state of California.
RECORDED .AT REQUES£ CF City Clerk APR 6 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1315
Page 394 of Deeds Records of San Diego Com1ty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY ,County Recorder
By L •. B. WOODliRD; Deputy.
I I:JEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct -eopyo:o~
Deed from E. C. Grube et al. to Th..e City ·of San Diego. Being Document, No. 204214. -
City Ulerk of t be City of San Diego, California.

Bya;~ ?zr_ ~DJ>pu!ry,

. . . 9;y ~r·-rl ·jr :

I We; A. E. Roberts and .Alice C. Roberts, husband and v.D..fe, For and in Consideration
of the benefits to accrue by t be location, construction and maintenance af a sewer line through
and ac:ross the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($l.dO)
to them in hand paid; the receipt vrhereof is hereby aclmowledged; do hereby gtant: t.o .. Cit~
9f San Diego, a municipal corpor·e.tion in the County of San Diego, State of California, an I
easemeJ.Jt- and right of '!IEJY through; along and across all that certain real pr01)erty situate in
the Cit,y of &m Diego, County af San Diego, State of California; particularly de:scribed as
follovrs, to-wit: · .
South Two (2) feet of.Lot Six-(6) and seven (7)-Blk. C, Oliff Garden Tract, in
City of San Die·go; County of San Diego, state of ·California, according to map thereof N·o.
1565; filed in the office of the County Hecorder of said San Die,go County, May f:ii.r;·st, 1913.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way the said
grantee; its successo1·s and assigns forever; as a tight of way for a sev~·er pipe line.
The purpose of this easement. and right of way i:§· for .the constru~etion and .mainten.-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the .pr01)erty lines; it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to he held liable for any danage resulting from tbe. construction and mai -
t.enance of sewer laterals over and across this easnent.
I ~n \"f.Etness Whereof, we, A. E. Roherts and Alice .c. Rob.erts, have hereunto set our
'hands and seals this 26:th. day of March, 1921'1. ·
ALI CE C. ROBERr.r S . ( SE..I\L)
On this 1st day of A:P.ri·l; 1927, before me, A.·Laurie- Brazee a Notary Public in and

I for tbe said County of San Di(flgg, State a.f Califo~nia~ residing· therein, c1uly ·co-rmnissioned
and sv;orn, personally appeared A.E.Roberts and .Al1ce v. Roberts; po rsonally known to me to
be the persons villose names are mibscribed to t be \'Jithin instrument, and he duly acknowledged
to me that t he:y executed the sane. ·
In W-itness Whe·reof; I have hermmto set my hand and aff:ixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Die,go; the day and year in this certificate first above written.
notary J?ubl ic in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of ·calif o:r:nia.
:rviy Commission expires 3/1-B/28.

RECORDED .82)· REQUEST OF City Clerk Al'R 6 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1268
Page 71 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Cal.if. _
JOHN H. FERRY; County Bee order
By L. B. WOOEARD, Deputy •
. I HEREBY CE.'RTIFY that t.he above and foregoing is a full, true a.nd correct copy af
Deed from A. E._ Roberts and Alice c. Roberts; to the City of San Diego. Being !i»ocument No.

DE ED : .··t:

I :;Iawley-Creme:r Syndicate, Inc •.~ a corpo·::cation,. For and in consideration of One Dollar
Does Hereby Grant to ~he City of San .f:Jiego, a Municipal Corporation, in t be County of· San
Diego, state of Ca].:Lfornis, an easeneE.t and right. of way for the construct ion, o];:e rat ion ·and
maintenance of a.drain_pipe through, along and across, All tha1t Reall?ror.erty situated in
the City of San Die go, County of San Diego, State of California; bounded and de'scri bed as
fo llovJ s: .
~portion of Lot 27; Cajon Terrace; Ma:g thereof no. l980,·filed in the
off ice of the County Bee order af said San Diego County, sal d. e aserD.ent and right: of w e,.y being
six ileet in width, three feet on each side· of t m follovJing described center line:
Beginning at a point on. the east line of said Lot 27; di. stant 2.00 .feet north from
the southeast corner of r:aid.Lot 27; thsnce southwesterly making an angle af 101 degrees 30
minutes with the esat line of said Lot 27, a distance of 45.00 feet to a point.
To Have md to Hol.d the above granted and described e·aseme nt ru::rt o the said grantee
its successors and assigns forever as a right of ws:y for a drain PiiJe.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: said Corporation ba.s caused this instrument. to be executed by iti:s
proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 17th day of February., 1927. . lj

. M. H.AWIE Y, President.
By . GEO. .
Attest : J. K. DU RRILL; Sec ret ary.
On this l?t h day of Febxuary A.D. fUneteen Hundred and tv1e:rt y-seven before me;
Lucy B. Scully a Notary Public in and for &'1i d Co·unty; resicli ng therein, duly ·c orru11i sm one d.
and sworn, lJersonally appeared Geo. M. Hawley lmown to me to be the President; and J.K.DUR!llfL
known to be the Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within inst:rurnent, knoV'.rr;i
to me to be the persons vlho exe,cuted the vJithin instrunent on behalf of the Corporation with~n; and acknowledged that such Corporation. executed the S8ffie.· r II
.In Witness Wbereof;.I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official ~al, in the
County of San Diego, state of California; the day and year in this certificate first· above
Notary Public in and fo:r the C ou.Dty of San Diego~
(SEAL) . state of California. I
My Commission Expires; June 12; 1927.
RIDORDED AT REQ.UEsr OF City Clerk APR 6 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1315
Page 397 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County; Calif.
JOHH H. FERRY; County Rec order
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERrH"Y t h~t the above and foregoing is ,a ;full, true and_ correct copy of
Deed from Ha1.vley-C remer Syndicate; Inc. to The City of San Diego. Being Document No. 204216.

~-,-7 . ~;}--~:~_
GEO. M. liA\:VLEY IlTVESTl.OOf! COIVIPANY, a corporation, For an.d in c onside ration of One
Dollar :Qoe s .. He, re by Grant to The City of FJati .Diego~ a M:m1ici pal Corp o 1·at ion, in the C eunt·y of
San Diego, ~ate of California,· an easement and right of way for the const1·uction, ope-ration,
and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across All that· Beal Property situated in
the City Oi San Diego, County of .san Diego; State of Califo:r;nia,. bou.Ylded and described as
I . follot.iis: · ·
A portion of Lot _ll, Bloc~ 1; and a portion of Lot -1; Block 4, El Retiro, ace ording
to the Official .Map thereof filed in the offi:ce.of the County Recorder of.saild San Diego
Com1ty; said easement ano. .of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of
the following described cent or lines, respectively:
Beginning at a point on t.he south line of Lot 11; said Block 1, distant 20.00 :feet
west from the routheast corner of said Lot 11; thence north at right angles to the south line
of 11; a distance of 30 feet to a poir:It; ALOO,
BeginniJ.lS at a point on the north line of Lot 1, said Block 4, ·distant 20.00 feet
west from the northeast corner of said Lot 1; t mnce south at right angles to the north line
of said Lot 1, a distance of 10 feet to a point.
its successors and assigns forever, f'or drain pipe purposes.
· ·
To Have a..r:Jd To Hold the above· grantec1 and describec1 easements unto the s~id grantee,
IN WI5i!NESS VflH!EBEOF: roid Corporation has <caused instrument to be executed by
its proper officers and its corpo!'ate seal affixed this ae.y of Marcl:l, 192?.
By GEO. M. HAWLEY, President
Attest: J. K. DURRILL, Secretary.
aJ! ATE OF UALil!' OIWI A, )
C OUNJ:Y O]l SAN DIE GO, ) ss.
On this 12th day of ll~arch A.D. Nineteen ·Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, Lucy
B. ScullY. a Notary .Public in and for said Cou.Dty, resiging therein, duly commissioned mid
SVJorn, p:Jrson8..lly appeared Geo. M. Havdey knor;n to me to be the President, and J.K.Dux\L'&ll
knovm t o me to be the Sec ret p..ry of the Corp oration that executed the within inst rmun~t, known
to me to·be the persons who executed the within instrmne.rt, on behalf of the Corporation withllll
in named; and acknowledged to me that :such Corporation executed the same. ·
In \Vitne ss Whereof, I have herem:rt o set my hand anc1 affixed my official seal, in the:
C:;>unty o:E San Diego; State of California, the day and year in this certificate first AiDove
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Conunission expires; June 12th, 1927.
R:EDORDED AT' REQUBST CF City Clerk Apr.6 1927 at 11 o 1 clock A.M. In Book Ho. 1315
Page 391 of Deeds. Reco r_ds of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. H. WOODARD~ Deputy.
I EEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a fttll, true and correct co :py of
Deed From Geo •. M. Hayo!ley Investment Co. to T1:1..e City Qf San Die·go. Being :Oocument. Ho. 204217.
ALLEN H. WRIGEilJl · . -~
Clerk of the City of San ·Diego, California.

By '2r· ~.t;q-;.....,_)Jeput
'-He, Fred Jewell and IviaJ.•gaJ.•et. A. Jevvell, husband 81Jld wife; Por- ·and in consideration
of One Dollar Do Hereby Grant to 1he City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the ComJt y
of-San Diego; State of Califo1·nia, an easement end right of-way for-the construction, operat· on,
a..nd·maintenance af a sewer pipe line, through, along ·ani across .LUl that Real Property

I situated in the City of San Diego, Cormty of 0an Diego, ·State crf California, bom1ded and
described as follows:
The south fou1· feet of Lot. 13, Block E, Sout.hlook,according to I'Ll:ap t.hereof No. 1555,
filed in the Office of the County Recorder of seid San Diego County.
'Eo Have &l.d to Holc1 tbe above grant.ed and described easement. unto tho sr:uc1 grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, for sevier purposes.
WIT I:lliSS our he,nds and seals this 2J!.st day af February, 1927.
s.r ATE OF C .4..LIFO RHI A, ) ~ .
On this 21st day of February, A.D. rJineteen Huno.rec1 and Twenty-seven before me,
William J~: Mare:Sh a notary Public in and fo1· said. County, residing the1·ein, duly commissione
and sworn, pel's on ally am;eare d Fred Jewell and Margaret A. Jewe 11 husband and vvi fe to
me to be tm persons c1escribed in and ·whose nrunes are subscribed t.o the vvithin instrumeiJt,
and acknowledgecl to me that they executed the· same:.
Witness my hand a:.r1d Officio.J.. Seal the de.y and year in this certificate first above
Notary Pub lie in and for the C onnt y of San Die f!,O,
( $il.L) State of California.
My Commission Expires; March.4. 1930.
RECORDE:DAT REQU13ST 01!1 City Ulerk Al:'R 6192? at ll o'clock A.M. In Boo·k Ho. 1345,

I. Page 158 of DEEDS records of San Diego County, Calif.

JOHN H. ]1 ERRY, C om1t y Rec orc1e r
By L. B. WOODARD, DSlputy.
ill Fl.EREBYCERTIFY that the above and foregoin& is_a full, t1.·ue and ~correct oopy af
Deed from Fred and Margaret A. Je·well to the City of 0an Diego. Being Docunent Ho. 204218.
City Clerk of the City of Son Diego, California.


I, A. J. Wallace, a single man; Fo:r and in cosideration of One· Dollar Do Hereby

Quitclaim to The .City of San Diego, a. Municipal.Co:rpo:ration, in the Com1ty of Sq,n Diego,
state of California; an easement and right of \Vay for tbe deposit upon
arr1 over All that Real Prope1<ty situated in t:b..e City of ::3an Diego, Conntylof-r""San Diego, Stat
of Cali form a~ bounded and. described as follows:
The H01..:-t h 15 feet of Lot 3, Block 213, Uni ver sit y Height s, ace or ding t o Amended Map
there of made by G. A. d 'Hemec ourt, filed in the Office of t m ·County Recorder of said
San D:t eg o C ount y. . · - .
To Have and to Hold the above quit claim eel and"& easement unto .the said
grantee, its successors and assigns, forever. ..
Wit.ness my hand anc1 seal this ] 1 ir st day of 1i1 ebruary, 1927.
. Ji. J. WALLAC E ( S E.AL )
' .


On this First dey of Februay, A.D. Nineteen Hundred a11d Twenty-seven before me,
Philip G•. McMahon; a Notary Public in and for said Count.y, resic1ing therein, duly ·conm1issioned
anclli sworn, :personally. appeared A. J. Wallace kn ovvn t o me to be the pa 1·son described in and
whose name is subscribed to t l:e within ins"t rurnent, and. acknowledged to me that he execut·ed
the sane. .
Witness my hand and Official Seal the d·ay and year in this ~certificate first above
written. 1
(sEAL) l~otary·Public in and fo1· said County a11d st.ate.
llliy Commission Expi:1res Se]?terllber 14-1929.

RECORDED AT RE}J_U8ST QH1 City C1e1·k APR 6 1927 at .11 o'clock 1\..Ivi. In Book No. 1309
Page 343 of DEEDS Records af San Diego County, Calif.
JOHH H. FERRY, County Redorder
By L. B. WOOD.A.RD, Deputy.
I .!:1..ER2.B':( CERTH'Y .tha.t the above and fo1~egoing is a full, true a..11c correct COJ;Jy of
Deed from A. J. Wallace to The City of San Diego. Being Dce:ume·nt Ho. 204219.
ALLE H H. WP.I Gill'
of the City af San Diego, California.



I, Hattie B. Sears, Fo:r and inconsideration oft he benefits to accrue by the

location and .co~nst:ruction of a drain pipe through an:l ac:ross the l)J;operty hereinafter describ-
ed, :Po Hereby Grant t·o :.!.!he City of San :Qlego; a Mru1icipal COl'])Oration, in the County of San
Diego, state of California, an easement and right of way for the construction, oqJeration and
m~intemince ~~· ?- d.rain pipe th,.roug~l, alon,g and acros~ All_ that Real P.1·ope·rty situated ~n the
!c1ty of San 1hegg·, Cou.nt.y of 0an D1ego, State of CallfOJ:lna,.. bOLlnded and described as follovJs:
A p8rtion of Lots land 2, Block 20, Fairmount Addition to Cfty Heights, according
to Nia-p thereof Ho. 1035, filed in tlle office of the @oooty Recorc1er of said San Diego County,

1 ••
said easement and right of Visy being six feet in \vidth, t.hree feet one e,ch side cr.f the.
following de sc1•i bed c ente l' line:
Beginning at a poj_nt on the of sa:i,.d Lot 1, eli stant 20 feet north from
t be s out hvie st co rn/3.1' pf sai d Lot 1; t .).1e nee SOU!l.tlhe aster ly on a eli r ect line t o a po :Lnt on the
south line· iJ.f sai.d :Lot 2, 9-istant 55.50 fe.:;t east from t be. southwest c01'l13r of .said Lot •. 2.
Said p:-cope:rty peing .t be_ separate property of tne gJ.'ant or he 1-e in. . .
To Have.and to Hold th:J· above gr:anl!Jed a.nd described e,asement unto·the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of v.,;ay fo1· a drain pipel
Witness my h:and and seal this 21st day of March, 1927~
Wit ne ss: O.C. VANDOREN


On this 23rd day of March A.• D. I:Tineteen Hlmdred and Twenty-seven before me,
E.H.Brooks a Notary Public in and for said vounty, resicling therein, dtlly c·ommissio:r:ed _and
sworn, personally appeared Hattie B. Sears, known to met o be the pe:r.·son described in and
whose name is subscl'irJed to the vJithin. inst1·ument, and acknowledged to me that she e::z:ecuted
the same.
Witness my hanc1 and Official Seal t hs clay m1 d. year in t.his c ert ifi cat e first above
w:ri t ten.
.•. E. H. BROOKS,
Hot. ary Pu1Jlic in and for the County of San Die go,
{ sBAL) State of Cal if or ni a.
My.Commission Expires, June 4-1930.

REDORDED AT. RE-~.ffiST CF City Clerk APR 6 1927 at 11 o 1 clock A.M. In Book No. 1268
Page 7? of Deeds Records of S811 Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. PERRY:, Cou...Tlty Reco1·der
By.L. B. WOODA.'qD, Deputy •

. I l:lliHEBY UERriFY that ·the above and ;foregoing is a :full, troo an~ correct co1;y of
Deed fl'Cl'i1 Hattie B. Se.ars to :.i.:he• City of San Diego. Being Dooument .No. 204221.
of t 11e Cit of San Diego, California. I
~~&a::-..,p,,c:::::.u_ ?q_c_..&:.tQ..-::a.~~::..L....(ZL::.a..D~~ut y.
--r9; /~/14- ~t.

I, Harriet ·S. -Goff:, a widov1, For anct 1.n conside1·ation of One Dollar Do Hereby Remise,
Release and Quitclaim to The C_,ity of San Diego, a Ivhmid.pal Corporati 011; in the Cotmt y of
San Diego, State o·f Californ;i'a, an easemerrt and right of v-Jay for- the construction, ope:ration
and maintenance of a drain .:Pipe through_~ aLQlJg and ac:r.·oss _4..11 that Real Property situatec1 in
the City of San Diego, CountJJ. of S2.n Diego, State· of California, bo1.mded and described~
follO\:\fS: .
A portion of Lots 1 and·.2, Block 20, Fairmount Aa.dition to City Heiglt.s, according
to Map tbereof No. 1035, filed inthe Office''ofc_the County Recorde:r.· of s.aid San Diego County~
saic1 ee..sement and right of .wey being six feet i1i width, tb:ree feet on each side of the follm{-
ing described cent e: r line· :
. Beginning at a point on t he vve st line of sai c1 Lat 1, distant 20 feet no i~t h f 1·om the
southv;est corner of sEd. o. Lot. 1; the-nce southeasterly on a direct line making an angle of 51
degre<Js 10 s:tec onds with the west line of sai c1 Lot 1 to a point on the south -line of said Lot
2; distant. 55.58 feet east f 1·om t he .southtve st corner of said Lot 2o
T·o Have· and to Hold the above quitclaimed and descri bec1 easemeJ:t unto the se,id
grantee, its StJ.ccessors and assigns, forever, as a right of ~Way~~for a drain pipe. ss my hand _and .seal this 24th day of March, 192 7.

C OUl~J! Y CF SAN. DIE GO, ) ss I
On this 24th day of March ..A.D. Ninete~n HwJ.dred and ~wenty-seven before me,.
E. H .. Brooks; a Notary Public in and. for saicl. Cotmty, resi,ding therein, duly cor,1missi.oned
aDd svJ Dl' n; personally aplJeare d Harriet s. Goff, kno1.:v.n t o me t o be the person described in
and whose naJiie is subscribed to t.he within instrun1e11t, and aclrnowlec1ged to me that she
e~e. cute d t b:J, s Sl11e·. · . .
Witness my hand ancl Official Seal the day and year in this certific:ate fir-st- above
Notary Public ·in and for t be Cotmt y of San Diego,
( $.A,L) St at e of C ali f o r ni a.
My C ommi ss ion Expires, .June 4, ·1930.

RECORDED .liT. REQURST CF City Clerk _ilJ?R 6 192? at 11 o 1 clock A.• I;i. In Book Uo. 1315
:Page 393 .of DEEDS. Records o.f San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY,C ount y Reo order·
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.

I HEREBY CER:J:IIPY .that th:J o.bove and foregoing is a_full, true and correct copy of
Deed f:r.·om Harriet S. Go f:f to The City of San o. Being Do CLJ.Jne-nt no. 204222 •

~ler~~af th~y ~~:~nnia.

-9;- /?? vu- . ?(,.- .
THE FIR3r THJS.T & SAVINGS BAI·iK \F SAN DIEGO; a corporation, For and inc onsiderat:Lo·
of. One DOLLAR, Does Hereby Quitclaim to ~he -Qity of 0an Diego, a Mmlicipal Corporation,- in
the County af San Diego, st,o,te of Califo1·nia, an easen]JHJ.t- snd rig..'Ylt. of way for the· construct:i!on
o:perat:Eon and r:aoJ.ntenance of_a dr.ain pipe through_, alongend across All that ~eal Property.
situateo. in .the City of San Diego, Cotmty of San Diego, t3t.ate of California, botmCl.ed ancl. de-
f;JCri bed as f oll mv s: ·
I -
A portion of Lots 3 8l1c14, Block 20, Fai:rmount Acl.dition to City, Heights, according
to Iviap thereof No. 1035, filed in the Office of the C otmt y Re corder of said San Diego C DID1t y,
said easement and right of way being six feet in v.;idth, three feet on each side of the folloiiv-
ing descri beo. center line: _
Beginning at a point. on the south litle of sai.rl Lot 4, distant 117.33 feet from
tbe· southwest corner of said Lot 4; the,nce no:-cthwesterly on a direct line to a point.on the

I north line of saidLot 3.; distant 55.58feet7::ffomthe northwest corner of se,idLot 3.

To Have and To Hold the above Quit claimed aDd described e aseffie_nt unto the said
grantee,,its suce:esso~cs and assigns for·ever as a right .of way for a drain pipe.-
illN WITNESS \'!HEREOF: .ssdd Corporation has caused this iristrmnemt to be executed by
its proper officers and its corpora.te seal oi'fixe'd this 24th. day. of ~viarch, 1927.

By J. 0. MILLER, Vice-Presidenit.
Attest : FRA.NK VON TES1VL0..R, Secret ar-g.

On this 24 day of March, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and T·we·nty-seven before me,
Floyd Whitcomb a Notary Public in and for said County; residir.g·''t he re,in, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared J. O. Mille:-r.· known to me to he the· Vice President and
Frank'lonT·esrnar known tome to lhle the· Secretary of the O.orporation that executec1 the within
instrument~ knoirm to me to be the persons who execu.ted-the within instrvment' on behalf of the
Corporation within naned, ancl. acknowledged to me that· S:Llch Corporation executed the. srune. I
In Vfit;ness Whereof, I have he,retrrrt o set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in t h:l
CDID1ty of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this ce1-<!J.ificate· first above
wri'G ten. · ·
notary Public in m1:d for tl"E County of San Diego,
(SEAL) · stat, e of California.
My· C omrni ssi on Espir es

I May. 19; 1930.

RECORDED .AT REQ.UEST CF liHty Ole rk .A.PR 6 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1353
Page 22 of Deeo.s Records of San Diego County, Calif. ,
JOHN ~. FERRY, C oupt y Recorder
By 1. :B. WOODARD, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above· and fore going is a full, true and e: on·ect copy of
Deed from The :b1 i1·st T::cust & Savings Bonk, q, corp., to City of ;:}an Diego. l?eing Document No.
City Cle 1·k of the· City af San Diego, California.

n4·r~?Jr CJ{~L_Deputy.
/I --tf3; ·~.. -J+•.

Albert E. Cook-, Alice Cook and Albert L. Cook, Fo1·-e.nd in co:nsiderati.on of the sum
o!f. Ol\JE DOLL.AR Do He·re·by G::cant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corpo:cati on, in the
Count.y of ;;)an Diego, State of Californi:a, aneasement. end rizht of way, as and for a.:public
st re·et , over ~ong an:1 aero ss All that Heal I' rope rty situated in the City of San Die go,
County of San Diego, State of California; bounded and describec1as follows: · .
•Ul that portion of Lot 11 Encanto, according to inap the:i:'eof Ho. 749, filed in the
office of the Co'LTI1ty.Recol·der,·lying vvithin a right cr£ way 60 feet wide, the center line of
vvhich right of vva:y being mo:r·e particula1·ly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the center line of 65th ;street distant 11.21 feet -Northerly

I pr.oduction of the Southerly line :!i)f said Lot~ ll; thence Northeasterly, making an angle of
59° 38' 43 11 VJith the center line of s&id 65th Street, a distance of 591.45 feet to a point;
thence along a tangent curve to the right, with a radius of 300 feet; through an angle of
34°.33'.12 11 a distance crf 180.91 feet to a :,point on the Easterly line of said Lot 11, distant
353.70 feet Northe:rly from the Southeast corner of & .Got.
~'o Have ancl to Hold the. above gTantec1 and described. easanent. as and fo:c f.;l, JlUblic
street. ,
Witness ou1· hsnc1s and seals this 29th dey of December, 192&.



On t 29th <lay of December A.D.Hirntcen Htmdreciil.' an@. t1.";enity-six· before me,
Clarence'T·. Bach 2.. Hoto.Ty Public in ai1SJ. for said County, ±.e:sidii.,ng5'therein, duly commissioned
and sv-s orn; :pe 1' son'ally appe are c1 Albert B. Cook; 111 ice Cook o,@,/Al bert L. Cook lm ovn1 to me to
be the persons desc1·ibec1 in and whose naJ!Iiles'are rubscribed to the vLLthin instiilvrnent, and
acknowlec1ged to me that they executec1 the same. ·
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in t. his c e rt i fi ca'G e f i 1· st above

Hot ary Public in and for the County of San Die! go,

I (SEAL)-- State of California.

REJORDED AT R'EQ.TJI.3ST CF City Cle1·k .APR 6 1927 at 11 o'clock A.Ivi. In Book No. 1353
Page 17 of Deeds.Recorils of San Diego Coui1ty, Calif.
JOHH H. FERRY, County Rec order
By L •. B. \VOOD.ARD, Deputy. .

I HEREBY CBRPIFY that the above and fo1·egoing is a full, true end CDTrect copy of
Dee·c1 :from Albert E. Cook and :1l:lice Cook and Albert L~ Cook to the ~ity of 2x:m Diego. -
Being DocUJlllent:rl; No. 204248.
UNION 'l!RUS'l! CONIPANY OF SA.N DIEGO, a co rpo:rati on, of t.he City of San Diego, Q om1t y
of San Diego; state of California, For and in conside:rat.ion of th:J:fSUlP.. of ONE BOLJ;~ARS_, Do
He1·eby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Mm1ici})al Col·poration, intbe County of ::>an Diego,
state of Califo:cnia; an easement and right-of 1aay for a puqlic .. _street 01· :highwa;y:, O\Z'e:r, along

a:nd ac r0 ss All that Real. Property sL t u.ate d in the: City of ::le,n Diego, County of l:)an Diego,.
state of. Ct::\lifornia; bot1nded and described as f9,llbws:
All that po~cti on of Lots 14 and 18 of .!.!..nca:at.o, Q-CC o:rding to map thereof No •. ?49
filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego Wounty, California., and all that por-
tion of Lots.l6A 22, 25, 27, 32, 33, 34, 36, 44, 45, 15l-1, 156, 157, 158, 159 tmd 161 of
Encima c1e San Diego; ording t o Map there of No. 1546, filed in t h3 office of sa.i d C OUl1t y
Recorder lying \cvithin a right.-of-way Sixty (60) feet nide, the center line of which :right-of-~~
way being more particula·rly desc;ribed as. follovvs: .
. Beginning at a point on the Easte1·ly line of Lot 18 of said Endgnto di stm'Jt 1139.801
.. feet Northerlyfromtre.intersection of tbe S011therly production of the .t!laG't.erly line of :ssd~.Ql
-..; Lot 18, with the Northi:Jesterly line of Rancho De La llacion, a..ccording to Map thereof No. 16611
'~'~ f:illed in the office of &'3-id Cov11ty Reco:eder; t.hence curving Southwesterly from a tilllgent whiqh
bears Northeasterly, making an angle of 86° 14r 40u with the· Easterly line of said Lot 18, Vj~th
a_radius of 700 feet tl_1rough an angle of 8° 27r 40 11 a distan:ce of 103.38 feet to a point.;
t.hence.Southwesterly, taxigent to said cu:rve, a.dis.tance of 369.00 feet to a point; thence on
,_, a tangent curve to the·, with a r·edius of 150 feet, through an angle of 89° 5P, a dis-
'::.-:P. tame of 235.23 feet to a p·oi'nt.·; the nee Horthv:ie ste rly, t~gent to the last nameCl. curve; a
··_i~ distance .of 215.15 feet to a· poiiJt; thence on a tangent curvet o tbe _left, vvith a radius of
·.;· 1?0 feet, through an angle of 104° 53r, a distance of 3ll.20 feet to a point; thence South- I
'·~ westerly; t a:ngent to the last narned curve a distance of 13 4. 57 feet.· t o a point ; the nee on a I
:~f tongent curve, to the rigbt with a raclius of 400 feet; through tan:~211gl'€ of.50° 23r, a distancee
' t: of 351.74 feet to a point; tbence Northwesterly; tangent to the last named (curve, a distancell
e; of 572.20 feet to a point; thence on a tangert cDurve tot re left, vJith a radius of 300 feet,
~-; to a point on the Westerly line of saic1 Encima 1 e Sa(Jll Die~, c1istant 353.70 feet Northerly I
~·. from the Southwest corner of Lot 41 of said Encima de San ·ego.
1 To Have and to Holc1 the· above granted anl described l'Jrernises, unto the said Grantee,
f~ its succ·essors and assig:r1s fo:rever, for street purposes.
IN WITNESS VilFIEREOP, said corporation has caused this deed to be signed· by it·s Vice-
Presidelt and Assistant Secretary a11d its corporate seal to be affixed hereto this 22nd day
of ~eptef.aber, 1926. ·
By C. H. ENGLISH; Vice-Presiclent
By}!,. B. THOMPSON ,:Assist ant

COUifi:Y OF SAN DIE GO, ) ss I
On this 22nd day of September, in the year One Thousand Nine I·hmdred and Twenty-six!,
befo1·e me; Anne D. Shepa1·d a notary P1.:iblic in _an:1 for said County and_. st.ate, personally
appeared C. H. English lmov'ITI to me to be the Vice Pl'0~sident; and P. ~. Thcrrrpg:,n, knmvn to·
me to be the Assistant Secretary of tlJe Corporation that executed the-within inst:t1JJ11ent,
known to met o be the persons vd1o executed t be within inst ruraent on behalf of the Corporatio
the1·ein named, and a..oknowledgecl to me. that such Corporation execv.ted. tlJe same.
Witness my h[cnd and official. seal the clay and year in thi·s certifi-cate first above
(SEAL) Hoto.ry Public in and: for said Cou:n.ty and State.
RECORDED AT'.REQuBS~ CF City Clerk liJ?R 6 1927 at 11 o'clock .A.• Ivi. In Book No. 1308
Page 379 of Deeds Records ofi.c::_san Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, C onnty Hecorder
By L. B. WOO:DARE; Deputy.
I HEREBY CErttiFY that .the above and foregoing is a ftlll, true i..'l.nd correct copy of
G:rant Deed from Union Trust C:::mpany of S1Jn Diego; a Cor])Orati on to the City of San Diego.
Being Doctunent No. 204249.
City Ole rk of the City of San Dlego, Californi<:.1.

By~~.!//= ~~puty.
( -#7~-¥.
WE, RD'FUS CHOi'LrE a..11:d FLORA IviAY CHOATE, Husbanc1 and. Wife For· and in consideration
of t lJe smn of ONE DOLLAR, Do Hereby QUITCLI.All![ t o The City of San :Diego, a Mtmi ci]Jal Co r_p or at:i!. on,
in the Cotmty Qf San Diego, i?t-<::,.te of C&ifornia, an easenent and righ:t of way ss and for a I
public st:reet or highway, OV§r, along and across All that Real Property situated in the City
of Ss.n .Lliego, Com1ty of San Diego, State of California, botmc1ed and descri.bed as.,foll::xvs.:
-All that portion o-f-Lots 14 and H3 of Encs.nto, aceordin~ to:Ma·o thereof no. '749
filed in the Offic·e of the Gou:nty i1ecorcter of San Diego Courrty, Califo1·nia, and all tbat
portion of Lot 161 of·Encima de S2n Diego, acc®Jr.ging'to Map thereof Ho. 1546, filed in the
office of said County Recorder, lyi:ng v;ithin a right of way 60 feet l';~ide, the center line of
vJhich right of \~iay being more rart icularly de'sc1·i bed as foll ovss:
BeginniDg at a point ontheEasterly line of Lot 18 of smdEncanto, <Jistant 1139.8(!)

feet Northerly f1·om the intersection of the Southerly production of the Easterly line of sai:'
Lot 18, with the northwesterly line of Rancho de la LTacion, ooco1·din.g to Map thereof No. 1661
:filed in the office of said County Recorc1e1·; thence curving Southvvesterly from 8. tangent I
which beers Northe8.sterly malo::ing an angle o-f 86° 14r 20 11 with the Easterly line of said Lot
18, vvith a radius of ?00 feet through an angle of 8° 27~ 40n a distance of 103.38 feet to a
:point; thence i)outhwesterly, tangent to said curve, a distance of 369.00 feet to a point;
thence on a t~ent cu1'Ve to the, 11Hth a radius of 150 feet, th1·ough an angle of 89°
51'·; a distance of 235.23 feet to a point; thence Northweste1·ly ta;ngent to the last
curve a dist a.nce· of 215.15 feet t o a point ; thence on a t oogent curve t. o the left, \ili 1tih a
radius of 1?0 feet, through an angle of 104° 53 1 , a distance of 311~20 feet to a point;
theme Southwesterly; tangent to tbe last named.curve ·a distance of 134.57 feet. t. o a point;
thence on a tangent curve·, t.o tm 1•ight; viith a radius of 400 feet, through an angle of 50°
23'; a dist a nee of 351. 74 feet. to a point ; thence North westerly, tangent to t h.e· last named
curv:e, a distance of 572. 20 feet to a point ; t ll.ence on a t cmgent curve to t be le-ft with a
I ---
radius of 300 feet., to a point on t b.e We:ste rl.y line of said Encima de San. Diego, distant
353.70 feet Northerly fran tbe Scmthiaest CD1'l1er of Lot 41 of said .6ncima de San. Diego.
To Have and to Hold the above quit claimec1 and cle scribed easement and right' of way
as and for a pub lie street.
Witness OUR hands and.seals this 25th day of Iv1.ARCH,·l927.
Rill1 US CHOATE ( SE..ilL)



.... On this 25TH day ·of MARJH, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and TVJENT'Y-SEVEN bef.ore me,
§¥LVIA SULLIV1-l.N a lifDta:ry Public :Ln ancl-fo1· saicl CoU:iJ.ty; :r:esiding th,e:rein, duly co·nm1::Lssioned
and sworn~ pe:rso1'¥.lly alJpeared RuFUS CHOilT·E anc1 FLORA MAY CHOilT.8 lmovln,.. ~.o me to be the pe i·sorn.s
described in· and "whose 1'1:.'l.Yl1e s a:re subscribed to t l1e· Vii thin inst l'tunent, ·am ackno-vvl edged to me
that they executeo. tbe · · · ···
Witness T[iy h:alid and Official Seal_t be day and yea:r in this c;Vrtificate first. above
Not a ry Public in m d f,o~:; . th e Co u11t y of San Diego, .
( SE~) state .of Califo:rnia.o,.>~~·c:-
- I • ' •. '!-~ '"- ,,....,

My 0 onmli s si on Ex pi re s., 6-24d:ili930 . :(/~·~!,';~:: i.

RECORDED AT' REQTJESX G!' City Clerk APR. 6 1.927 at 11 o'clock A.Ivi. In ~ook No: 1353.
Page 16 of Deeds Records .of San :Piego County,Calif.
JOHN H: FE!:~RY, County Reco rde :r
By No C. P iffiSON S, Deputy~
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the abov.e ro'ld fo1·egoing is a full~ true, and correct copy of.
Deed from Rufus Choate·, et ux to The City of San Diego. Being Document, IJo. 204250 •
Cit·;;;/'J.le:rk of t/Je; City of San ~iego; California.

I 7
By_ ~VZl(:


.W. A. Shaules ancl Cora B. Shaules husband and wife For and in consideration of the
sum of· ONE DOLLARS, Do Hereby the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in thE!
County of. sen Dieg.o, State of California, a.n·.1easement and right-of-way for a public street ojf
highway, over, along and across All that ·Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, . 1·
County of San Diego, state! of C alifD r rrL a, bounded and described as f.oll ows: . . · ..
. All that portion of Lots 1 and 2 of Tract Uo. 1380, according to Map the reof'»'Ho.l380
fileo. in .the office oft b.e County Recorder of San Diego Count y,J;alifornia, more particularll
described· a.s follows: · - - . .
Beginning· at the Southeast corner of said Lom 1; theme Northerly along the, Easter y
line of said Lot 1; a distance of 70.36 feet·t o·a point; thence curving Southwesterly, tange t
.to said Easterly line·; with a radius of 70 feet, through an angle of 90° ,).8', a distance of
110. ~ feet t o a point on. t he Southerly line of Lot --2 of said T :ract, the:~:n.e.m Easterly along
the South e:rly line s of sai c1 Lot s 2 a..nd 1 to the point of he gi rrni IJg. ·
ri To Have a..n.d to Hold the above granted and described premises unto the ·said grantee,
its successors and ass;);gns; :forever for street pul'J)Oses; ss our hands .and :se:a:ls 'this lOth dsy of September, 1926.




On this 10 day of Septembe1· A.D. Nineteen Hu.-rJ.d1·ed and twenty-six before me,
Edgar d. Ayres a Notary Public in and for said Gounty, :residing tmrein, duly ca·mmissioned
a.l'la! sworn, personally appeared W. A. Shaules and Cora B. Sha.ules kn01rvn t.o• me to be the pa-rsons
described in and whose names are s.ubscribed to the within instrument, and ·actmiDlWle~ged to me
that t he·y executed the same~
In Witness ~Thereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal,
office; in Encanto, San Diego, County of San Diego, state of California, tm day and ye·a:r
in this certificate first above written.
Notary Public in arid fo-.c· the County of San Diego~
(SEAL) State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk APR 6 19 27 at 11 o 1 clock A.M. ·rn Book No. 1268
:Page 79 of Deecls Records of san Diego County, Calif.
JOH!N H. FERRY, Cov.nt.y ·Recorder
By Iii o C. P.ARSOI1TS; :Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, t :rUe and correct· c·opy of
Grant Deed from W. A. Shaules & Cora B. ·Shatllest.o the City of San Diego.• Being Docvment ND.
of the
Cit of Sa..n Di eg ci; Cali fo 1' nia.
?91 ~-?>-{..
The First Trust & Savings Bank of San Diego; a (corporation, For and in concideration
of tbe sum of ONE DOLLAR Does Hereby QUITCLAIM to The· City of San lJiego, a Municipal CorporaJ
tion; in the Cotm.ty of' S'an Diego; state of California; an easement and right of way f:or a
,,., public cstreet or highvmy; over, along and across All that Heal Property situated in the City
of San Diego; County of San Diego, st.ate of California, bou:nded and described as follows: · ·
.All that po:t'l;ion of the Horlh ~ of Lot 13, of Horton's Pu:rchase of Ex-Missi~n Lands,
according to Map thereof Ho. 283, file,d in tm office of the Co·unty Recorder of San Diego .

County; California, lying within a right of way 60 feet wic1e, the center line- of iiVhich right
of way. being more partieularly described as follows:.
. Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Horth -~of saic1 Lot 13; the.nce Northerly I
along the Easter 1y line of said Lot 13 to a point, d:i st ant 1053. 92. feet Nort be rl y fran the
southeast corm\r of said Lot 13;.thence. curving Northwester-ly, tangent t.o the Easterly line I
of said. Lot 13, with a radius of 200 feet through an angle of 70° 40', a distance of 246.67
feet t:o a point; thence Nor-thwesterly, tangent to saic1 curve, a distance of 402'!23 feet to a I
poirlli;; thence on a tangent curve to the left, with a 1·adius of 225 feet, through an angle of I
47° 54' a-distance of 188.13 feet to a point; thenoe Southwesterly, tangent t.o the last nmned
curve, a distance of· 445.24 feet to a point; thence along a tangent curvet o the right with II
a radius of 150 feet;; through an angle of 96° 10' a distance of 251.76 feet to a point; thence
Hort hvve ste rly, t ange nt t o the last nsrne d 'Cl.1rve , a distance of 61. 10 feet t o a point on the
Weste1·ly line of said L·ot 13; distant ~5.01 feet Southerly from the Northwect corner of-said c__
Lot; thence continuing Northweste".c·J.y·along the last: nomed course, a distance of 21.39 feet
to a point; thence along a tangent curvet o tha l'ight with a radius of 800 feet to· an inter-
section with the North line of Lot 12, of said Horton's Purchase.
The grantee, in and by the acceptance of this deed af easement. expre"Ssly covenants
and agreesths.t it will cause a bridge to be built. upon said easement oy·erthe creek upon
said property in Sllch a man..11e r as to give , permit and all ow m1 unobs:trncted passage way and
right of way for the· use of the grantor~ it s s1.:nce ssor s and assigns the reunc1er, said passage
vJay and right of way under said to be at least 20 feet. in INidth, and to have head-
room of at least 10 feet from the c1•eek level t o the bott om of the floor of said proposed
bridge under and through which of way and pass.age way, the--Le-ssor, its .successors ai1d
assigns, shall have the undis_put ed riglt of 1.:'Ia;;J, })assage-way an:.1 use, for its cars, dump ca~c ,
trains and vehicles; and tbe said grantm:r herein has &""1d does hereby specifically re.serve
fr am said granted easement , such right of· Viay am pg. ssage -vvay.
Tb Have and To Holc1 the above quitclain:Bd and desc1·ibed easement unto the said
grantee; its successors and assigns foreve1· for st1·eet purposes;.
IN WITNESS V\f.HERECF : said Corporation has caused this. instrument. t o be executed by
its :proper officers arr1 its·corporate seal affixed this 31st day of March, 1927.
By: LA.NE~ D. WEBBER, Vice-Presiderrt.

ST N1 E CF C1\LH, O.RN IA, )

Attest: P. J. HOFPM:P....N, Asst. Secretary, I
COUl'fJ!Y U!' SAN DIEGO, ) ss
On this 31st <itay of March A.D. Nineteen Hundrecl ancl t~:venty-seven before me,
VlilliBm J;, Maresh a Notary J?ubl:i:.c in. an~ for said County, residing tbe1•ein, duly
and sworn; personally a:91Jeared Lane D. Hebber me to be the Vice-President, &'1c1 Jl
P. J. Hoffman known to me to be the- ·Asst. Secretary of the Corpo1·ation that executed the witl~­
in instrument, knovm to~me to be the persons viho executed the \';ithin instrument on behalf of!
the·.Co:rporation wLthin nsmed,. an~1 acknov1ledged to me that such Corporation executed the saJIJ.e.
In Witness Whereof,.I have herelmto set rny hand and af:fiJKed my Official Seal, in II
the C:ounty of S:.m Die~go, state of California, the day and year in this certificate fir·st abov,e
Notary Public in and for the County af San Diego,
(SEAL) st ate of Colif orni a.
My· Commi ssi on Expi res:J
March 4. 1930.

RNJ ORDED AT HEQ UEST. CF City APR 6 192 7 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book Ho •. 1315 Page 38 7
of Deeds. Records of San o 0 o unty, Calif.
JOHN H.; FERRY, County Rec.o rder
By H. C •. PARSON;3, :Peputy.

i. HEREBY CERTIFY t h2t the above and fo1·egoing is a. full, true and e·orrect copy of
Deed from The First Tr.& Sav.Bank to the City of ::lan Diego. Being Document No. 204253.
Cle':Llc Qf t be City of San :Oiego, California. I
·~~==-/7--·----~~. Denu~ y.
. -
W. R. Hobby and Eleanor C. Hobby, husband al'l(J. vn:te, E1 or and in consi._de:rati on of the
sum of ONE DOLLAR Do Hereby Grant. to :.i!he City. of San Diego, a Municipal C or.J?O:rati on, in the
·county of San Diego, State of California, an easement-and. right of way fo1· a public st~eet
or highway, ov9r, along and a:cross All that Real Property sit:uatec1 in the City of San Diego;
County o.f San Diego, St at.e of q alif or nia, bounded and describe d. as f o 11 ow s:
'A rigllt of iT-Jay sixty (60) feet wide over and across Block 20 of Svval1 1 s Addition
according to Map thereof Ho. 94?, filed i"n the office of the County Recorder of San Diego
Comity, CalifO::tJnia, ·the center line o.f which right: of way is described as follows:
·Begim1ing at a point' on the East line o.f Section 32, Township 16 south, Range 2 .
West. S.B.IVI., distant 5'7.65 feet South :from the Easterly production of the cente1· line of Pine
Street in Le:d.ngt on Park according to Map the1·eof Ho. 1696 filed in t be office of said Count~
·Recorde1·; thence teu:r:.-:V.illng Southeasterly, ta;ngent to the East line of sai"d Section 32 with a 1
radius of 400 feet.; through an angle of 29° 22', a distance of 205.02 feet. to a point;· thence
Southeasterly, tangent t.o ·said ettrve a distance of 465.50 feet. to a point. on the Southerly I
line: o:E said Block 2 0. .
To Have and to Hold the· above granted and described easEYnent. and right of way as and
for a public street.•
Witness our hands and seals this 214t h day of March, 192?. ,
:By E. E. HOBBY his Attorney
. in fact.
By E. E. HOBBY her
Att orney in fact.
sr.A.TE oF c ALIFORNi.A,) -
CI ~l.'Y AriD COUNx Y OF (ss

.O:n this, 2_4;.t.h. day of Ivfa:rch in the year one;td nine hundred aDd Twert y-seven
before me; Vi~ginia· A. Bee,de a Notary Public in and for the 6ity and County of San l!':ranqisqm ~
state of California; residing therein, duly commissioned aJld swornl;. JB.rsonally appeared
E.E.Hobby known to met o be the person whose nc:me is subscribed to tbe within inst;:rumerrt as
the attorney in fact of Eleanor c. Hobb;~r, wife of VJ. R. Hobby and aclmowledged to me that he·
subscribed the name of Ele·ano:r C. Hobby l"'liife of W. R. Hobby the:rte·to as principal, and his· ovvn
ns..rne as attorney in fact. · . Ji
IN WITHESS VVHEREOF, I have here·unto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my t
office in the City and C ourrt y aE San Fram i roo the dey and ye a:r in this c ert ifi cat e first t\':
~r ·<
above written. · ·r
Notary Public in and for the City and County of 1\
\• •

San sco, State of California.

CITY AriD COUJ:~Y a&' ( SS

On this 24th clay ·of March in the yea1' one th:)Usand rune hundred and Twenty-seven
15efore me; Virginia A. Beede a Notary PubJliG 'in and for the City and Uounty of San ] :ranci~co, 1

state of California, residing tmrein, dtlly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
E. E; Hobby lmown to me to be the J?e:rson whose nrn1e is subscribed to the within instrument
as the a tt D"i'ne·y in fact of W. H. Hobby and acknowledged t o me t hat he S'll bsc ribed the name a.f
Vi. R. Hob1)y thereto as principal, and his own na11e as attorney in fact.
· IN ~VITNESS W.HE:HEo:IJ'; I have he:reunt o set my hand and affixed my o:fficfual seal at my
office in.tbe City and County of &m :ID·rancisco the day and year in this certificate first
above v1:ritten.
Notary Public in.and for the City and.Cou.YltY. of

I ( SEL4.1) San F r ar.ici sc o, St 3: te of Cal i:fo r nia.

RIDORDED AT RE·~UEST (F City Cle·rk .APR 61927 at 11 o 1 clook A.M. In Boote No. 1315
Page 39"8 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
. H. FERRY, Cotmty Recorder

By H. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that t be above and fo1·egoing is a full, true and ·COl'rect copy of
Deed from W. 'R. Hobby & Eleanor C. Hobby to The City of Se.n Diego. ·Being Docmnent Ho. 204254!.
ALL.E N H. WRI Gill · .
City Clerk oft he City of Sc.n Diego, Celifomia.


.Fenton-Parker :Mate1·ial Corpo1·ation, a corpo:l.'a-t:kon JPor aru:1 in consideration of the

sum of ONE DOLLAR Do Hereby Grant to ThE7 City. of San Diego, a1Iunicipal Corporation, in the
C ount.y of San Die.go., State. af California, an easeraent and r'i ght of ·Viay· f o:r· a public street
o :r highway; over along and aero ss 1U 1 that Real .Property sit m ted in the City of San Die go,
County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
All that po.rtion of the North -fz· of Lot 13, of Horton 1 s I>urchase of Ex-Missi-on Lends,
according to lVlap th~n·eof Ho. 283 filed in the office o.f the ComJt y Recorder of Scm Diego
County, California; lying within a right of nay 60 feet \"Jic1e, the center line of which right
of way being more particularly described as follo·ws:
Beginning at the Southeast c 0!'1'13 r of the lT ort h ;~- of said Lot 13; thence Northerly

I . along the EasterlY line of said Lot 13 to a point distant 1053.92 feet NortherlY from the
Southeast corner of said Lot.l3; tbence curting Northwesterly, tan.gerrt to the EasterlY line
of said Lot 13, with a radius of 200 feet through an angle of 70° 40 1 , a distta.Elbe of 246.67
feet to. a poi:at; thence NorthvJesterly, tangent to said curve, a distance aE 402.23 feet to
a point; thence on a tangent CUl'Ve to tre left,. a radius of 225 feet, through an angle
of 47° 54 1 a d1: stame of 188.13 feet to a point; then,ce Southwesterly, tangent to the last
named cuJ:<ve; a distance of 445.24feet to a point; the:ooe along a tangent curve to the right;
with a :radius of 150 feet, through an angle of 96° 10 1 a distance of 251.76 feet to a point;
thence Northi;veste:rly, tangent to the last named curve, a distance a.f 61.10 feet to a point
on the Wes.terly line of said Lot 13; distant 45.01 feet Southerly from the .Northwest. c orne~:r
of said Lot ; thence conti m:ung Northwesterly along the last named c ou:rse; a distance af
2l~;39 feet to a point; thence along a t m1gerrt curve to the l'ight, v'\li th a :redius of 800 feet
to an inter section with the~ North line of Lot 12, of said Horton' q Pure hase.
The grantee, in and by the acceptance of this deed of easement exp1•essly covenants
and agrees that it will cause a bridge t. o be l)ttilt upon said easement OV'e1· t:he creek upon
said property in·such a manner ast.o· give, }_)e1"illit anc1 allCNj an unobstructed passage way and
right" of way for the use of the· grantor; its successo1·s ru'ld assigns the1teunc1er, said passage
. way nnd right of way under sal d bridge t o be at least. 20 feet in width, and to have head-
room of at least 10 feet fran tbe creek le-vel·to the bottom of the floor of said proposed und'er and t h:rough v,hich right of way and· passage way, the Lessor, its successors snd
assigns, shall have~ the undisputed rigl11:i. of ·way, passage-'INay and use, for its cars, durnp caT ,
trains and vehicles, and. the said g1·ant or herein has ana. does hereby specifically re s,erve
from said g:rarl. ed easement, St.lch 1·ight of way and ·ra s·sage-wayo
To Have and,to Hold tbe above grarrt.ed and c1escribed Pl'emises 1mto the said grantee,
it successors and assigns; forever for· st :reet purposes;
·witness our hand;:: :snd seal this 19th day of Novarnber, 1926.

I ( SE.AL) .
. I

C. 0. OLINE, Secy. ( SE. )

- ... ~,- -·-·

On this 19th day of November A.D., 1926, hefore·me, Frsnk A. Riehle a Notary Pnblic
in and for said Cou_Ylt y of San Die·go; Stat.e of California, residing the'l'ein, duly c ommissi one
and. svwrn; personally appearec1-Q:eo. s. Parker knovm to me t:o be. tlJe, Vice President, an_d 11
C'! o. Oline knovm t:o me to be the Sec1·etary of the.Corporation thej; executed the within 1
instrument, known to mete be the persons who executed-the within Inst:rw.nent on behalf of the
Cor}?Oration the:rein naned, and a.cknowle·dged to me that such Corporation executed the qarne. · I
In Wit ness Whereof, I have he~reurrt o set my·hand and affixed my Official seal,. at my
of fie e in the C ou:r:rt y of Diego; the day ·e.nd year in t his ·,cert i fi cat e first above 1t1ri t ten.
. FR.!'l~K A. ·RIEHLE
Hot.ary Public in and ·for· San Die go, Q omrt.y
(.sE.A1) State of C 81 if ornia.

RECORDED .ill! RE~UBST GE' City Clerk APR 6 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1345
Page 162 of DEEDS Records of san Diego County, Calif.
JOHH H. FERRY , C o y Re c order
By N. C. PARSO:Ns, Depnt y.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above an:1 foregoing is a full, t:.rue am correct 'i:WPY of '
. ·;~ Deed f l'Dm Pent on-Parker Material Corp. Being Doc1.m1ent No. 204255.
r.. Jl ;~ <·., A1IE H H. WRI GilT'
the City San Die,go; California.
By~~~~~~--~~--~~~~~~- De~uty.

San Diego Trust & Savings Bank For ana. in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, I
Does Hereby Q'UIT'CLAllvf to The Ci-ty of San :Pi ego, a Municjj_pal Corporation, in the County of
San ·Diego; st.e..te of California, an easemer.rt aDd right o:f v-Jay for a public street. or highvvay
over; -along anR- across All that Real P1·operty situated in the City of Ssn Diego:, County of
Sen Diego; state of-California; bounded and dese.ribed as follows: .
The ·North t.hirty (30 ). feet. of the north one-half (lifl) of the Ho1•theast one-quarter ,
~~ID-i) ?~Lot 6J. ?f Horton'slurchase of Ex-Miss,ion~ands,_, according_t o Ivl~p thereof No. 283; :1~
Ille d 111 the off1 ce of t 1113' County Rec orde 1' of_ -San Jheg o v ourrt y, C sl1f D'.Cl1la;
T D Have ana: to Hold the above quitclaimed- aDd described e·asenent unto the said

grantee, ,its successors and assigns forever as and for a public highway.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to he executed by
its proper officers and its ,corporate seal affixed this 23rd dew of Marcg, 1927.

By M. T. 'GILMORE, President.
( SE .Alii ).
.Attest: C. L. REED, .Asst. Secretary.

ST 11}1! E--0F C .ALI FO RHI A, )

On this 23rd day of March .A.;D. Nineteen .Hund!red and twenty-seven before me, Y. A.
Jacques _a Notary Public in and fo,r said Cov11ty; iesidi11g therein, duly commissioned and svmr , .
personally aP}::>eared M. T. Gilmore knovm to me t.o be the P1•esident, allc1 C.• L.Reed known to me I
to be the .Assi st ant Sedret a:ry of the e or·porat ion that exec nte d t: he v-;.i thin in~t:['Wlle.nt ~ , ~:novm
to me to be the pe~rsons who exe-cuted the within ins.trument on behalf of .the Corporation viithJ
in named, and acknowledged to m:e that such Corporation e-xecuted t re same'. .
In Witness Vlher·e of, I have he reunt o set my hand and affixed my Offi cia 1 Seal, in
the Co1.mty of San Diego, state. of California, tbe· dEW and ye,ar in this ce:t<tificate first
above writ ten.

Notary Public in and for the C ou:nt. y of &:m Diego;
State of Cal if ornia.

RIDORDED AT RNQDEST OF City Clerk .APR 6 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1268
Page 74 of Deeds Records of San Diego eount y;. Calif.
'JOHN. H.· FERRY;. Govi1t y Recorder
By. N. C. PARSONS, Dep.uty.

I HEREBY CE.RTIFY th a:t t he above and foregoing is a full, true .and co r:r·ect copy of
Deed from San Diego Trnst & Savings Ba:nk to Pity of San Die go. Being DoGY.mnent No\, 204262 •
City,Al~ rk of t~ Cj.t~ of -San Diego., California •
. . ·~
By[_;/~ J?· ~ ~L--
. . ~7.~-U.

WE, RUIPUS CHOATE and FLOHA MAY CHOATE, Husband and wife,- For and in consideration o:ffi
the sum of ONE DOLL~ Do Here:by QUITCLAIMED To The City of San Diego; a fihmicipal CorporatioJ:, ,.,,;•··
. .J:'·

in t he County of San Di~g o; state of California; an e as en en t and· right of way as and- for· a • :~~1'
'··· public street D'i' highway over, along and aero ss All that Real Property situated in the City
of San Diego, County of San DiE;Jgo; State of California, bOLlnded and described as follows:
. All that portion of Lot 11 Encanto, aceordi11g to Hap the,reof No. r/49 filed in the
office of the CoUJJty Recorder, lying w:h.tlun a right of way sixty (60) feet wio.e, the center
line· of which right of V·Jay heing mo1·e particularly described as follO\ivs: ·
J ...

. Beginning at a point onthe center line of 65th street dis-tant 11.21 feet Northerly
from.the We·steyly p:roc1uction of the SoD.therly line of said Lot 11; thence Northeasterly,
making an angle of 59° 3(? 43" l'li th the center line of said 65th street, a distance of 591.4 1

feet ·t. o a point.; ·t be nee along a tangent curve to the right, with a radius of. 300 feet, through
.. '· ·--.

an angle of 34° 33' 12"; a disl;apce of l80.9Jl feet to a point ontl:le Easterly line of said I
Lot 11; &.i stant 353.70 feet Northerly from the Southeast co·rner of said Lot. I
To Have end to Hold the above crvitclaimed anc1 described easm1ent. and right. of v;sy
as and for a public street.
Witrre!ss OUR hands and seols this 25TH day of MARCH, 1927.


- t
I ..


C oum:Y OIP SAN Il IE; GO,") .....
On tlus 25th clay- of 1\Ka:r.c:tr A.D. Nineteen Hundred and TvJmt y-Seveiril before me,
Sylv:b.a Sullivan a Notary Public in and for said C::nmty; remding therein, duly commismoned
and sworn; personally apr)E)ared Rufus Choate 2.ndFlo1·aiviay Choate knovm to me to be.the per:so_s

.I bed in and v1hose narne s are subscribed to the, v0i thin instrument, s~nd aclmo~:vledged to me
that they execv.tec1 the same.
vJri tt en.
Witness my hand a1.1d Official Seal the da.y and year in this certificate fil·st above
:I:Iot ary J?u blic in mc1 for the C om1t y of San Diego
(SEAL) State of Californi2..
My Corrrrnission Expi:1res, 6-24-1930.
RECORDED .A!r REQUEST CF City C1e1·k APR 6 o 1 clock A.M. In Book No. 1353
Page 15 of Deeds Records of San Diego 0 ount y, Calif•.
JOHH H. FERRY, County Reco1·der
By H. C • PARSOl·.fS, De _puty.

I :HEREBY CEffiiFY. that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Rufus Cho.a.te, Et u.x to T'he City of Son D:i.e,go. Being DooUJ1l"ent No. 204263.
City C1e r k of the Ci-1 y of S·~ ~ie go, Cal ifo l'nia.

By; ?zz=. P~& j)eputy.

\_ ~51'~~-~-
We Frederick I. Acheson and Margaret A. Acheson husband & wife, for and in consider-
tion of tJ:1e sm1 of ONE DOLLAR do hereby grant to the City of Sa..11 Diego, a Ivhmicipal Corpatio
in the County of San Die·go; state of California; an Easement for t-he pu:rpose of a l'ight-of-

I vvay thirty (30) feet v-;ic1e, for use as a public highway, across and over the follov;ing descl·i1D-
e d pr op e rt y. .
The) North thirt~y (30) feet of the North one-half (N~) of the Northeast one-quarter
(IiTE-l:-) of Lot 61 of Hort.on 1 s Purchase~ of Ex-IviissionLandsd according to Map thereof' No. 283,
filed inthe office of too: County Recorder of San Diego ounty, California~
Said easement to continue in full force a1-1d e!ffect so long as said pro·})el·ty is used
for road purposes and until that portion of the public highway contmmd in the above descried
premises has been lawfully vacated. by the duly constituted public authorities, at which time
said :property shall revert to the g1·antor, executors, administ:rat ors or asmgns.
WI".i'HESS our hands and Seals this Eighth day of Feby, 1927.


.3r i\T E CF CP.J.J IFO RIUA , )

On this 8th day of Feb:rll2.ry, 192 7, before me, Y. A. Jacques a Notary Public in and
for the said County of San Die!go; State of California, remding therein, duly corrnnissioned
and sworn; personally appeared Frede rick I. Ache son and Margaret A. Ach·e s::m·, husband and vJifEl
pe1·sonally lmo'l!vn t.o me to b.e· the pe1·sons whose names are subscribed to the withininstrument J
and he c1uly acknowledged t; o me that they executed the· san e.
In witness-Wlle•reof; I have hereu.nt o set my hand and official seal at my office in
the County of San Diego, the day and year in t lus ·ce-rtificate first above written.·
Notary Public in and fo 1' the C ou..nt y of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of Califo:tnia.

I RECORDED AT REX:).UEST OF City Ole rk .APR 6 1927 at 11 o 1 clock A.M. In Book Ho. 1353
Page 12 of Deeds Records of San Diego County; Calif.
JOHN H. FERT:~Y, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
·I HEREBY CEHTJFY that the above and foregoirJg is a full, true and co1·rect copy of
Ea.sement Frede-rick I. Acheson_and Margaret· A. Acheson to the City bf San Diego. Being
Document No. 204264.
.A.LL'.I~JN H. WRI GH:ll'
... City Clerk of t b3 City of &.J.n Diego, California •

By~)/J. ~eputy.
. •,__ (! ~ )~.?1-.


SAN DIEGO 'TRUST & SAVINGS B.ANK; formerly SAN IllliGO SAVIHGS BA:tJK, For and inc onsideF-
ati on of t be sum of ONE IDLL.AR_ Does Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Mtmicipal Corp-~
oration, in the County of San Diego; State of Califorrlia, an easement and right of way for a
public stfree:t over; along and aero ss All that Real J?ro];Jerty situated in the City of Ban DiegCD,
Cou.r.rlty of San Diego, State of California, botmded and c1escribec1 as follDi:"Js: - I
The Westerly 30 feet of the Horthwest. of Lot 55 af Hort on 1 s J:'urchase of
Ex-Mission Lands, ace o rding t o lviap thereof No. 2 83 file c1 in the dffi c e of t he Count y Rec o rde 11
of. San Diego County; California;· Also·the Wer:~terly 30.feet·of the North one-half of the Soutbl-
we st one-fourth of s:ai d Lot 55.
To Have 811d to Hold tb..e ·above granted a.,Y).d described-easement unto the said grantee,
its success o:rs and assigns for ever a's and foJ.•· a public fSt re et.
I IN rHTHESS VVHEREIDF: said Corp o-.c at :1. on has caused this instrument to be executed hy
its proper ru1d its <eor:porate seal a.f'fi~d this 31st· da.y of March, 1927o
By: C. W. WILSON, Vj_ce-President.
Attest: C. L. REE'D, Assistant Secretary.


. On tbis 31st day .of March A.D.Nineteen Hm1dred.arid Tii'Jenty-seven b.efore me;
A..11geline Theede a Notary fttblic in and for said County, residing therein, duly cor1n11issioned
and sworn, per.sonally appeared C. W. Wilson known t§ me to he t be Vice President, ~nd·C.L.Reed
knovn1 t o me to be the Assist ant Sec ret ary of the Corp oration that executed the wit inst ru~
ment; lmown to me to be the persons who executec1 the ·within instr·ument on behalf of the· Corp-
or at ion within named; and ac knovifle dge d t o me that such Cor lJOr ati on executed the sru11e. ·
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set .my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in
~~ ~ounty of San Diego, state of California, the day and year in this certificate first able
. wn tu en.
notary PulJlic in and for t l1e 8 ount y af San Diego,
(SEAL) State of Cal if or ni a.
My C~mmi s si on ExrJire s,. Ja..YlmJ..ry· 30th, 1930.
' .
RECORDED .A!l! REQ1JEST OF City Clerk APR 6 1927 at 11 o'clock A.• H. In Book No. 1268
Page 76 of Deeds. Records af Snn Diego Covnty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorde:r
By rJ. C. PARSOlTS, deputy.
I HEREBY CERriFY that the above and foregoing is a full, t l'Ue and c o-..crect .copy of
Deed fran San Diego Trust & Savings Bank to the City af San Diego. Being Document :No. 204265 •
.A.LIE N H. WRI Gill
Ci~lerk oft~ C~'l of San D.iego, California.
B~~. ·~DepuJJ y.

Thi:s Indenture Witnesseth, That Ora._t...• Doyle, Widow of Vt;;)rmillion County, in the
state of Indiana For and in consideration of the sum of uHE DOLLAR. Does Hereby Grant to The·
City of San Diego, a M.mlicipal corporation, in the Cotmty af San Diego, State of.Califo1·nia,
an easement. and right of way for a pub lie street or highway, over, along and aero ss All that
Real Property situated in tl:B City of San Diego~ Gou..nty of Sg;n Diego, 'State of Califo:rrtLa,
bounded and descr:1ibed· as follovJ s:
All that portion of the North one-h8.lf (N-~) of the Iifo:rtheast one-fourth (NE:;}) of Lot
12 of Horton's Purchase -af Ex-Mission Lands accoroing to Map 1ther,eof No. 283, filed in the
office of the County Recorde1·s Office of San Diego County, California, more rarticula:rly
described and bounc1ed as fclll ovvs:
· Beginning at the.No:rtheast co:rner of said Lot 12; thenc,e Southerly along the Easterii
ly line of said Lot a.distaooe of 121.0 feet to a point; thence NorthiNesterlyto a point on 11
the Northerly line of said Lot distnnt 51.00 feet. westerly f:rom said Northeast corner; thence
Easterly along said Hart re rly line t 0 the point of beginning. 'I
To Have and to liold the above g:ranted and de·:scribed easellent and right of way as sndl
for a :pubJLi c st :ree t.
Witness my hand and seal this 12 day of March; 1927.
On this 12 day of March J,l.D. Nineteen Hundred·an~ Twenty-seven before me,
Esther c.·Uolana Hota1·y Public in and for said Count.y, residing.tre:rein, du®y commissioned
and ffi''IO:I:.'ll;.:Pe:rsonally appearecl Ora A. D,oyle,·Widow knovvn to me to be.the person described an
whose name is: subscribed to ~he.within-instrwnent; ond acknowledged to1 me that S'le execu:ted
. the same·.
Witness my hand and. Official Seal t hi· day and. yea:r in this ce :rt ifi c s:t e first above
( SEA.L)
My Commi ssi on Ex.9 i r~ s
Jru1e, 23-:J.929.
Not?-:rY Public; Vermillion County; Indi s.:.rJ.a. I
RECORDED 1[J REQtJE~· OF City Olerk APR 6 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Boo~ No. 1353
Page 20 9f Deeds Recorc1s of San Dieg.o Com1~y; Calif. . .
JOHN H. FERRY, County. Rec orde:r
By N. C. P.L\.RSCNS, Deputy.
I :a:EREBY __ DERTIWY tlnt th~ above and.foregoing is a full, t1·ua and co·:rrect copy of
Deed t:rOQ.i O:ra A. J)oyle, ·widow to 1!he: City af San Diego. Being Docunent. No. 204266.
Cit~)lle:rk of t)Je, Ci)Y af San Diego, California.

'. . () . ~/0~·:u-.
D E E :0
- '

We; UNION TRUST COMB\.HY CF SA!'I DIEGO, a CO:)':poration, For anc1 in.considers.tion of
One l;>olla1· and: ot he:r valuable consi de 1·ati.on, ·C1o he:reby lg:rant to The City of San .Diego, a
mti.nieipal corporation in th~ Com1ty of San Diego, State of Califo:rr..:La~ all that real :prope·rt
situated in the City of San Diego, Com~ty of Sen Diego, State af ColifDl'l).ia, described as
follows: ·
A :J?Ol·tion of Loj;s A; B, C ancl D, La Jolla Hills/I-To. 2, aeco:rdiiig to .Amended Map
thereof Ho. 1713, fflecl in t.he,Office of· the County Re~.Dl' of mid San Diego Qovnty, togetlier
with. a :portion of Hillside D1·ive to be hereafte:r closed by action of the Common Council of
said City o~ San ~iego; lying contiguous to and adjoining po:rtions·of said Lots A, B, C and D,
said parcels of l!?iJ.d beil1g :Particultill.l'il:Y described as follovJs, to ....v;it:
Parcel IJo. 1: .
Be ginn~ ng at a :poi r:rt. OJ?. t be no1:t hi::Je ste ~c ly line of said La Jo 11 a Hi 11 s No. 2, whi eli
bears South 74 cl.egree s 39 minutes Vle st, a dist.ance of 192.29 feet from the most northerly
corner of said La J9lla 2; ther)9e southeaste:rly al011g a curve totbe right vifitha
radius of 175 feet; the center of which bea:rs South 58 c1eg:r:ees 14 minutes Vvest from said last
desc.:ri bed :point, a di st o.nce of 77.55 to a :point of t.ange nt; thence South 6 degrees 22
minutes 10 seconds East; a d.istance of 29.06 feet. to a :point of cu:rve; thence aloY'..g a curve
to the :right with a radius of 91.67 feet the certe1· of lvhich hears South 85. degrees 37 minute;s
. 50 seconds West ·from s:aid ·last descri lJed point, a di stance af 193. F/ feet; to a point of reve1J se
curve; thence along a cu:rve tot he left, vdt11: a radius of 65.0 feet. the center of which bear
South 24 degrees 22 minutes West f:rom said last desc:ribed point, a dis-tance of 73.53 feet to
a pr:::>int om tangent; thence South 49 degrees 33 minutes West, a distance of 35.01 feet to a
point of cu:rve; thence along a curvet o the right;; with a radius of 116.75 feet the center o.
which bears Horth 40 degrees 27 minutes West from said last described point, a dist.c:m.ce of
94.48 feet to a :point of reverse curve; the·nce along a curvet o the left., with a radius of'o
65.00 feet the cent Ei:r. af which bears south 5 degrees 55 minutes West from sai a. last describe
:point; a distance af 94.54 feet to a· point of com:pounel curve; thence alOlJg a curve to the
left; with a radius of 30 feet the cente:r of which bears South 77 deg1·ees 25 minutes East
from said last ritescribet'i'J>Dint~·a di·stance of 53.71 feet to a :poi:r:rt of reve:rse'cuive; thence
al6ng a curve t. o the rigl1t; vJith a radius of 115.00 feet the center of which bears South
from said. last described point., a di:st:ance of 74.06 feet to a point of tangent; thence S.outh
53 .degrees 06 ininutes East; a dist.ance of 347.92 feet to a. poi:r:rt ·of c:u:rve; thence along a
curvet b the left,·with a radius of 55.00 feet the center of ~:vhich bears North 36 degrees
54 minutes East from said last described point, a d!ist.ance of 77.11 feet to a :point oft snge t;
thence North 46 degrees 34 minutes East , a eli stance of 47.44 feet t o a .:point of curve ; th enc
along a curve· t.o the right., with a·radius of 85 feet the e;enter of ·which bears South 43 degr~es
26 minutes East from said last-described point, a distance of 146.37 feet. to a :point of tang~nt;
thence South 34 degrees 46 minutes East, a c1ist ance of 51.45 feet to a point of curve; thence
along a curve to the left, v\ a radiils of 175.00 feet. the center of which bears North 55
degrees 14 minutes East frbn said last desc1·ibed point, a distance of 203.83 feet to a point
of reverse <curve; thance alo:P.g a curvet o the right, vi.ith a 1·adius of 180.00 feet the center
of whirch bears south 11 degrees 30 minutes East from said last described point, a distance o
175.34.feet to a point on the southeasterly line of said La Jolla Hills No. 2; thence Sou_th
74 degrees 39 minutes West alor.g the southeasterzy line· of saie1 La Jolla Hills No. 2, a
distance of 36.04 feet to a poi:r:rt; thence northwesterly along a curve to the left. witli a
rae1ius of 150 feet the center of vJhich bears South 37 degrees 20minut,es 40 seconds West fror~ c.,.
said last described point; a distance of 127.88 feet to a point of reverse curve; thence alo g
a curve to the :right, with a radius of 205 feet the cente1• af v.rhich bea:rs North 11 degrees
30miimtesWest fran saicllast all:esC.ribedpoint, a distance of 238.77 feet: to a point. ofta.'rlgnt;
tl:lenc:e North 34 degrees 46 minutes West; a Clistmce of 51.45 feet to. a point of curve; thenc~
along a curve t.o the left; with a radius of .55 feet the center of which bears south 55 c1egreqs
14 minutes West f1·om said last described point, a distance of 94.71 feet to a point of tangerlt; 1
thence South 46 degrees 34 minutes West, a distance of 47. 4.4 feet t, o a point. of curve; thenc
along a curve to the right, vllith a radius of 85 feet; the center of which bears North 43 deg ees
26 minutes West; a dist,ance of 119.18 feet to a poi:r:rt of tangent; thence l'Iorth 53 degrees 06
minutes West; a distance of 347.92 feet to a point of· curve; thence along a curve to the lef,
with a :radius of 85 feet; tbe center of which bears South 36 deg:rees 54 minutes West from 0
said last described poirlt, a c1istance of 54.74 feet to a :point of reverse curve; thence alo1.o
a curve to the right wit.h a radius of GO feet, the center of wbich bears Horth from said las
described point~. a distance of 107.42 feet to a point of compnund curve; thence along a curve
.to the right a radius of 95.00 feet, the cente:r of which hears South 77 degrees 25 m:imutes
East f:rom said last clescribed point, a distMce of 138.17 feet to a :point of reve:rse curve;
thence alo:ng a curvet o the left, vJith a :radius of 86.75 feet, t}l..e center of ·which bear:s
North 5 degrees 55 minutes East fran said last desc:cibed point., a eli stance af 70.20 feet to
a point of tangent ;- t b..enc e North 49 degrees 33 minutes East, a distance of 35. 01 feet: t o a
point of curve; thenceal011g a curve to the right. with a radius of 95; the center of
~vbich bears South 40 degrees 27 minutes East f.rom said last c1esc1·ibed point, a distf:wce of
107.47 feet to a point of reverse cttrve; thence slong a curve to the left with a radius of
61.67 feet, the center of which North 24 degrees 22 minutes East from said last descrio-
ed point; a distance of 157.29 feett to a point of t& thence North 31 degrees 46 minute$ .
West; a <listooce of 76.89 feet to a point on tl1e nortln~Jesterly line of said La Jolla Hills nd.
2; thence No:rth 74 degrees 39 minutes East along the no1·thviesterly line of said La Jolla
No./2, a distance of 52.12 feet t.o the point or place af beginning.
Parcel No. 2:
Beginning at the tn te rsecti on of the southeasterly line of lJa Drive wj. th the
southl;vestel·ly line of Hillside Drive as shown on ·La Jolla Hills No.2, according to Arnended

I Map ther·eo±' No. 1713, file.d in the Office of t.he CoTmty R.eco1·der of soid San Diego County;
thence southweste:-cly along a curve to the right v~ith a radius of 80 feet, the-cente:r of whicl
bears Horth 67 degrees OG minutes West ±':ran said last described point, a distance of 9.14
feet to a point; thence easte1·ly along a cu:rve to the right vJith a radius of 15 feet, the
cent e l' of which bears South 60 deg:ree s 33 mtnu.t e s 2 0 seconds East from said last de sc 1'i bed }i
point; a distance of 30.25 feet to a ]?Dint; thence northwesterly along a curve to the right
vvith o. radius of 205 feet; t }l..e center of which bea:r.·s North 54 degrees 58 mtnutes 30 seconds
East f:rom said last descrilJed point, a disto.nce of 0.92 feet to a point oft a.11gent; thence
UoTth 34 degree·s 46 minutes West, a distance of 51.45 fe,et to a point of cu1•ve; thence along
a curve to'the left \ll1l'ith a radius of 55 feet, tb..e cente1· of 1'7hid.h bears ~outh 55 clegrees 14
minutes West fran said last described l)Oint, a distance of 5,3.~11 fe·et to a- point of curve;
thence southeasterly and southe1·ly along a curvet o the :riglt with a radius of 30 feet, the
cent e 1' of ·which bears South 00 -degrees 02 min ut e s 45 seconds f:r om said last cl esc ri bed
point, a distmce of 49.26 feet to a point of cu1·ve; thence no1·therly /along a curvet o thEO
le~ft with a radius of 50 feet, the center of which bears IJorth 85 o.e·g1·ecs 55 minutes 25
seconds West from said last c:lescri bed point, a eUst:ame of 21.74 feet to a :point. on the sout - ·
weste:rl;y line of said Hillside Drive according to saicl Amended Map of La Jolla Hills l'lfo. 2;
thence southe:aste:rly along the'-southv;este:rly line of said Hillside Drive on a curve to the
left with a radius of 2 00 feet , the center of w b.ich bears North 69 degree:s 10 minutes East
from the last n8J11ed point, t-o the J?Oint of begiYLYling.
Parcel No. 3:
Beginning at the intersection of the southeasterly line of Valdez D:rive with the
southwesterly line of Hillside Drive, as shown on the :Map ·of La Jolla Hills Ho. 2, according
to .illnended Map the:reof 1\fo. 1713; filed in the Office of the County Hecorder of said San Dieg
Comlty; thence Ho.:rth 30 deg:r.·ees 37 minutes East, a distance of 43.64 feet to a point; thence
North 53 degrees 06 minutes West, a distance of 2.14 feet to a point of curve; thence !lorth-

I westerly along a cu:rve· to the left vvith a :radius of 85 feet, the center of which bea1·s South
36 degrees 54 mtn1,1t e s VIe st from said la :st de s,cri 1Jed point , a di stamt.(!· of 28.03 feet t o a poi
on curve; t hence South 30 c1eg ree s 3 7 minut. e s West; a distance of 42.33 ife et to a point on the
soutthwesterly line of said Hillside Drive; thence South 59 degrees 23minutes East along the
southvvesterly line of said Hillside Drive to the point o:r.· plo.ce of beginning.
T'o have and to hold the above g1·anted and c1escribed property unto the said grantee,
its suceessors and assigns, foreve1·, for street pur:r.oses, as and for a portion of Hillside
Dr± v e.
Witness our haxJds this 14th ~ay o.ff' March, 1927.
I \


By F. B. THOMJ?SON,_Vice Preside:nlJ.
At t e Elt : A. H. Ivi.ACKit~TO
Assistant. Sec;r-tgtary.

grATE CF C ALI l!"'O R~TIA , )

COUNTY OF SAl~ DIE G0,, ) s s · .,
On _this 14th da,y _of l\[a:-r;c4, in the yea1• One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-:seven,
before rne, 'Lulu McFarland' a Hotary Public in and for saicl County and·Sto:te, personally·
appeare,~ F._ ~. Thcmp.son. known to me t'o be the Yice President, and A. H. MacKintosh known to·
me t. o be the ·Assist ant Sec ret ary -of t.he C or:porat ion t hat execut eel the within inst rmne nt ,
known to me to be tm per.sons v1ho executed the within ins:t1·urnent on behalf of the. Co:rporatior
t.h...e,rein n9med~ and. aclmowledged that ~uch. Corporation executed the sarne.··
Witness my hand and official seal the 'day and year in this certificate fiTst above
(SEAL) Hot ary Public in and for said County and State.

RIDORDEB: ..ADi-·BBQUESi! o:P·City Ulerk .AJ?R 61927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1308
Page 381 of' Deeds Records of San Biego County, Calif.
JOHN H. 'FERRY; C otmt y .Rec order
By H. C. BAHSONS, Deputy.

I HER~BY CERTII!'Y 'that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed fran Union Trust. Company of San Diego to the City af San Diego. · B~ing Document No;
204308 •.

Ci7;t;;_;?• ;u.
of San Diego, California;

B~ , . ~.~~<:::Deputy~·.

/; .
~~-~ .)t'
{I ·'
We, 1/ E. METCALFE and BEULAH E. METCALFE, husband and wife, for and in consider-.
ation of the sum of ONE DOLLARS, Do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corp...,
oration, in the County of San Diego, State of California~ an easement and ·right of way for a
public· street or· highway, over, along and across all that .real property situated in the City
of San Diego, County of·San Diego, State of California, bounded and described a~ follows: ·
All that portion of Lots 21, 24 and 28 of San Diego, according to Map
thereof No. 1546 filed in the office of the County Recorder of San.Diego County, California,
lying within t~e right-of-way Sixty· (60) feet wide, the center line of which right-of-way be-~
ing more particularly described as·follows: . . · · ~
· · Beginning at a point on the Westerly line.of said.Encima de San Diego, distant 353.70
feet Northerty·from the Southwest corner of lot 41 of said Encima de San Diego; thence curvi~
southeasterly from a tangent which bears Southeasterly and makes an angle of 85° 49' 05 11 wit~
said Westerly line, with a radius of 300 feet, through an angle of 18° 56' 05 11 , a distance· o:fl
99.15 feet to a point; thence Southeasterly~ tangent· to said durve~ to an·intersection with
the Easterly line.of Lot 24 of said· Encima de San Diego • .- The above described right of· way
conveye.d contains approximately 9500 ~-quare feet.
To Have and to Hold the· above gran ted and described premises unto the said grantee ,1
its successors and assigns, forever for street purposes;
Witness our hands and seals this 21st day of December 1926.
L. E. METCALl!"l]J . (SEAL)
State of California,)
County of San Diego)SS .
On this 21st day of December A.D. Nineteen Hund~ed and Twenty-six before me,
Clarence T. Bach a Notary.Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, .personally appeared L. z. Metcalfe and Beulah E. Metcalfe ·husband and wife, known I
·to me to· be the persons described· in and .whose names are subscribed to the within instrument,
and ackn~wledged to.rne.that they e~ecuted the same.·
In Witness Whereof, I have ·hereunto set my hand and affixed my official Sea:J: at-·my
office, in the City of San Diego, County of San :Diego, State of California, the day and year
in this certificate first above written. .
. Notary Public in. and for tne County of San Di·ego,
State of California,
RECORDED AT ·REQUEST 01!1 ALLEN H. WRIGHT APR. 15 1927 at 41 Min. past 3 o'clock P.1\'I.
In· Book 1305 Fa~e 487 of Deeds, Records of San D1ego Courity, C~lif.
By JOHN H. FERRY, De:p.nty •. Recorder

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, t:rue and. correct copy of
Deed from L. E. & Beulah E. Metcalfe,. being Document No. 205050. ·
Ci~Clerk the City of San Diego, California.

By',_ ~ eputy.

~sa~ella So Doyle, for and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR Do hereby grant to The
City of San Diego, a Municipal CorpC?ration, in the County ·of.San D~ego; 4 State of California,
an easement and right-of-w~y for a public st~eet over, along·and-across all that real·property
situated in the City of San Diego, qounty qf San Diego, State of California, .bounde.d and _de-

scribed as follows: . . . .
_All tha.t porti-on of Lot ~5 ,~ ·Encima De San Die go, according to Map thereof No. -1546,
filed in the office of th~ County Recorder .of San Diego C.ounty, California, more pa~ti.cularlYI.
described a~ follows:
. · · · · ·
Beginn_ing· at· the mos7t northerly corner of s~id Lot 35; thence southeasterly in a
~irect -line to the most easterly corner of said Lot; thence southwesterly along the southeast-
erly line of said· Lot, a -distance of. 27.5 -feet to a point.; the·nce northwesterly in a· direct ·1
line to a point on the northwesterly line of said lo~ dist~nt 50 ~eet southwes~erly fro.m th~
most northerly corner thereof; thence. north:easterly 1.n a d1.rect to the po1.nt. of
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right-of-way as a~d
for a public street.
Witness my hand and seal this 12 day of April, 1927.
State of California, ) sa.
County of Los Angeles.)
On this 12 day of April A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty seven before me, Elsie E.
Smith a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared Isabella s. Doyle known to me to be the person described in and whose

I name is~·subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of Los Angeles,
My Commission Expires, March 10, 1928. State of California.
RECOR.DED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk A.PR 27 1927, at 15 Min. ,past 2 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 1348 Page 128 of DEEDS, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, D~~uty.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above is a full, true and correct copy of Deed, from
Isabella s. Doyle, being Document No. 205216.

SAN DIEGO TRUST·& SAVINGS BANK, a corporation, for and in consideration of One
DOLLAR, Does hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation~ in the County.
of San Diego, State of California, for street purposes, all that real property situated in
the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as
A portion of the Northeasterly 20 feet of Fairfield Drive closed to public use by
Resolution No. 21430·of the Common Council, adjoining and contiguous to Lots 1, 2, 10, 11,

I 12 and 13, Block 4, Osborn Hi 11, according to Map thereof .No. 13 51, filed in the Office of
the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said· parcel of land being particularly described
as follows, to-wit: .
Beginning at the northeast corner of the intersection of Thorn Street with Fairfield
Drive as said streets are now established and located; thence northerly and northwesterly on
a curve to the left along the arc of a circle the center of which· be·ars South 89 degrees 40
minutes West 177.48 feet from s~id point of commencement, a distance of 231.96 feet to a poi t
of reverse curve; thence .on a ~ to the right along the arc of a circle the center of which
bears·North 14 degrees 57 minutes East 217.~8 feet from said last described point, a distance
of 243.38 feet to the south line of Upas Street; thence east along the ,south line of' Upas
Street, a distance of 13.17 feet to a pqint; then_ce southwes:terly on a curve to th.e left, tan-
gent to the south line of said Upas Street, havi~a radius of 10.00 feet, 8 distance of 18.45 -~
feet to a point; thence continuing on a ·.~urve to the le.ft along th~ arc of .a circie the ceritecr." ·
of which bears North 73 degrees 59 minutes East 194.97 feet from said last described point, I
a distance of 200.77 feet to a point of reverse curve; thence on a curve to the right along tihe
arc of a circle the center of which bears South 14 degrees 57 minutes West 200.00 feet from
said last described point, a distance of 261.39 fee't to the point or place of beginning.
To Have and to hold the above granted and described property unto the ~aid grantee,
its successors and assigns forever for street purposes, as and for a portion of Fairfield
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by
its proper· officers and its corporate seal affixed this 14th day of February, l92·r7.
By J. W. SEFTON, J]R V. President

(SEAL) ATTEST: C. L~·REED, Asst. Secretary.

County of San Diego,) ss.

I On this 14th day of Pebruary A.D. Nimeteen Hundred and Tv.'enty-seven before me, An-
geline Theede a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared J. W. Sefton, Jr., known to me to be the Vice-l)resident, and c. L.
Reed known to me to be the Assistant Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within in-
strument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the ~
Corporation wi~hin na~ed, and acknowledged to me that such Corpo r~t ion exec.u ~e~ the same: ·
In W~tness Vlhereof, I have hereunto set my hand and aff~xed my Off~c~al Seal, ~n the
County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate first above wnit-
My Commission Expires Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
January 30th, 1930. State of California •.
RECOnDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk APR#27 1927 at 15 1\'Iin. past 2 o'clock P.l\1., In
Book No. 1361 Page 13 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PArtSONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct co,py of
Deed, from San Diego Trust & Savings Bank, being Document No. 205375.
of th Cit. of San Die go , -California •.
r •

DE E D .. ':
. SOUTHERN CALH,ORNIA HOME BUILDING COMPANY, a corporation, for and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across
the property hereinafter described, does hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way
for the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and acrqss allJ .~'
that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Californ~a,
bounded and described as follows: .
A portion of Lots 37, 38, 39 and 40, Block 7, Fra~y Heights, according to Map there-
of No. 940, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement
.. and right of way being particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 37, distant 47.20 feet west from

the southeast corner of said Lox 37; thence North 8 degrees 09 minutes West, a distance of
101.00 feet to a point on the north line of said Lot 40, distant 61.50 feet west from the
northeast corner of said Lot. 40; thence west along the north line of said. Lot 40 a distance
of 6.10 feet to a point; thence South 8 degrees 09 minutes East, a distance of 101.00 feet
to an intersection with the south line of said Lot 37; thence east along the south line of
said Lot 37 to the point or place of beginning •. · .
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee, -·
its successors and assigns forever as a right of way for a drain pipe.
IN WITNESS WHEREOJ!,: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by
its proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 23rd day of November, 1926.
By J. B. COKER, President
Gounty of San Diego, ) sa •. ·
On this 23rd day of November, A.D. Nineteen H~red and twenty-six before me, Edwin
s. Kerr, a Notary .Public in and for said Comity, residing therein, duly commissioned and swo~'n,
personally appeared J. B. Coker known to me to be the .President, and Ira D. Shepard known to I
be ~ to be the Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within ~nstrument, known to me
to be the persons who executed the within instrument on .behalf of the Corpo.ration within
named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same.
. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed· my Official Seal, in tli!e
County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission ExpireB ., Notary .Public in and for the County of San Diego,
Oct. 15, 1927. State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk APR. 27 .1927 at 15 !din. past 2 o'clock P.M., In
Book No. 1315 .Page 475 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N.C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed? ~rom Southern California Home Building Company, being Document No. 205481.
City Clerk of the Ci;¥. of San Diego, California
By~-.~. Deputy
THIS AGREE:fl>iENT made this 30th day of November, 1926, between W. M. Randall, Trustee
under the trust hereinafter described, .P·arty of the First Part and The City of San Diego, a
municipal corporation, .Party of the Second Part,
W I T N E S S E T H: .
. THAT, WHEHEAS, said Trustee is the legal owner of all that property situated in the
City of San Diego, County of Snn Diego, State of California, covered by the deed of trust
hereinafter described; and,
WHEREAS, THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, for the benefit and improvement of said property,
is laying, constructing and maintaining, or intending to lay, construct and maintain a drain
pipe .through, along and across all of the said property, and, .
WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to the laying, construction, maintenance and
operation o:f said drain pipe that an e.asement and right of way for same shall be and remain
upon said property prior and superior to the terms.and conditions incorporated in said .deed
of trust; and, · \
WHEREAS, all the1:owners of the equitable interests under said mentioned Deed of
Trust, have each granted an easement and right of way to the .Party of the Second .Part, as
Trust ®~ed, dated.February 20, 1925, made by Southern California Home Building
Company, a corpo.ration, in favor of Helen L. Chapin, securing one promissory note for the
sum of $1500.00, recorded February 20, 1925, in Book 1059, ~t page 236 at seq. of Deeds, rec-
ords of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
The easement conveyed being through, along and across a portion of Lots 37,• 38,. 39 11
and 40, Block 7, Frary Heights, according to Iviap thereof No. 940, filed in the Office of said
County Recorder, said easement and right of way being particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 37, distant 47.20 feet west
from the southeast corner of said Lot 37; thence North 8 degrees 09 minutes West, a
distance of 101.00 feet to a point on the north line of said Lot 40 distant 61.50
feet west from the· northeast corner of said Lot 40; thence west along the north line
of said Lot 40, a distance of 6.10 feet to a point; thence South 8 degrees 09 min- .
utes East, a distance of 101.00 feet to an intersection with the south line of said
Lot 37; thence east along the south line of said Lot 37 to the point o~ place of be-
ginning. .
· That, in consideration of the premises, the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) to h~rn in hand
paid, receipt whereof ~· hereby acknowledged, and in further consideration of the benefits d~­
rived and to be derived from the construction, maintenance and operation of said drain pipe, II
said Party o±' the :E'irst Part HEREBY.SUBOHDINATES ALL HIS RIGHT, TITLE ~Hm INTEREST under said
Deed of Trust above mentioned to the right of way and easement heretofore conveyed to the J

Party of the Second Part, upon ~he designated portion of the property covered by such tru~t
deed, so that said right of way and easement shall become and remain prior and superior to
any and all of the terms and conditions contained in or provided by said Deed of Trust here-
inabove referred to.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Party of the First Part has hereunto set his hand the day
and year in this instrument first above written. '
as trustee, Party of the First Part

State of California,)
Party of the Second .Part. I
) ss.
County of San Diego,)
On this 30th day_of November, 1926, before me, Edwin S •. Kerr, a lTotqry .Public in and
for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared W. M.
Randall, as trustee, known to me to be the person described in and whose name is subscribed
to the within instrument as trustee and aclmowledged to me that hEHexecuted the same as such
Wi t~ess my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
I .
My Commission expires Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
Oct. 15th, 1927. State of California.
JECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk APR 27 1927 at 15 1\Iin. past 2 o'clock P.M., In
Book Ho. 1344 IJage 243 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By 1~. C. ?ARSONS, D~pu ty.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Subordination Agreement from w. M. Randall, Trustee, being Document 1~o. 205482.
Ci t;y~Cl!3rk
~~f th~ ~~itj ,~f San D~~o, California.
~ )n;., ~~
'-- c \._

We, George E. De Lamater, Isabel c. De Lamater and Clarence C. De Lamater, for and
in consideration of One Dollar do hereby Quitclaim to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Cor~-
oration, in the County of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego,
State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction, ·operation and main-
tenance of a drain pipe through, along and across all that real property situated in the City,
of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
. · A portion of Lots 37, 38, 39 and 40, Block 7, Frary Heights, according to Map there-
of No. 940, fi.led in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, ·said ease'mertt
·and right of way being particularly described ~s follows: · I
Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 37, distant 47.20 feet' west from
the southeast corner of said Lot 37; thence North 8 degrees 09 minutes We'st, a distance of
101.00 feet to a point on the north line of said Lot 40, distant 61.50 feet west from the
northeast corner of said Lot 40; thence West along the north line of said Lot 40 a distance
of 6.10 feet to a point; thence South 8 degrees 09 minutes East, a distance of 101.00 feet
to an intersection with the south line of said Lot 57; thence east along the south line of
said Lot 37 to the point or pl~·ce of beginning. Said property·being the separate property of

I the grantors herein.

To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said"_grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a d·ra in pipe.
Witness our hands and seals this 16th day of March, 1927.
State of California,) SS ·
County of San Diego.) •
On this 16th day of March A.D. Nineteen Hundred and TvJenty-seven before me, E. H.
Brooks a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared George E. DeLamater·, Isabel C. DeLamater ·aQd--0·la-r·ence C. DeLamater, .knowrt
to me to be the persons described in and whose names are subscrib.ed to the within instrm::.ent,
and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. ·
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
June 4, 1930. State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk APR.· 27 1927-at 151\Iin. past 2 o'cloc'k p-~:M., In
Book No. 1348 Page 127 of.DEEDS, .aecords of San .Diego ·county, Calif. ·
JOHN H. :B'ERRY, County Itecorder
·By N. C. 1-'..J\.~~SONS, Deputy~
I HEREBY CEH.TIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
.Deed, from George E.,Isabel C. and Clarenc.e c. 'DeLamater, being Document No. 205483.

I Cit~Clerk ~f the Cit;)j' of San Diego: California

'>~-{ . .t . . .

We, I. D. Boucher and Golden G. _Boucher., ·husband and wife, for and in consideration
One Dollar dochereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in:the County
of San Diego, State· of California, for ~tree·t purposes, all that real property situated in
the City of San Diego, County of .San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as
follows: .
The Eas·t 20 feet of the southwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 and the West 20 feet of
the south 132 ifeet of the southeast 1/4 of Lot 51, Horton's Purchase, according to Map there-~
of No. 283, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
To Have an.d to Bold the above granted and described property l,lnto the said grantee,
its successors and ·assigns, forever, for street purposes, as and for a portion of West Streei.
Witness our hands ~n~ seals this 5th d~y nf April, 1927.
State of California,)
County of San Diego,) SS.
On this 5th day of April A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
Broo~s a Notary £ublic in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared I. D. Boucher and Golden G. Boucher, known to me to be the persons de-
scribed _in and whose names are subscribed to the wit.hin instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official ~_e:::.l the day and year in this certificate first above

I written.
My Commission Expires,
June 4, 1930.
·Notar~ Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
itECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk APR. 27 1927 at 15 I\Tin. past 2 o'clock r.H.; In
Book No. 1348 Page 124 of DEEDS, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOI-IN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIPY that the above and foregoing is a full, true a.nd correct copy of
Deed, from I. D. & Golden G. Boucher, being Document No; 2054S4~
City of San Die go, California. BY-kq:;:_~~~~.;..;L~~~~~~~~
A. H. FROST COiviPANY, a corporation, For and in consideration of ,One DOLLAR Does
Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego,
State of California, for water development purposes, All that Real Property situate~ in the
City of San. Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as
The North 100 feet of the East 100 feet of the West 1862.82 feet of the North 40
Acres, of the South 80 Acres o'f Pueblo Lot 1202 of the pueblo lands of San Diego, according
to Map thereof made by James Pascoe in the year 1870, a copy of which map is filed in the
Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County. ,
-To Have and 'To Hold the above granted and described property unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever, fo:rr--water development purposes. . ..
·. ·
IN WITNESS VvHEREOF: said Corp0ration has caused this instrument to be executed by

- I
. its proper officers and its corporate ~eal affixed this 1st day of April, 1927.

By A. H. FROST President.
Attest: M.ARTHA M. FROST,Secretary


I - -"--

On this- fi;st day of April A.D.Nineteen Hundred and twe"uty-§even before me,
O.Helene K. Stallard, a Norary Public· in and for said County, residing therein, duly
commissioned and sworn, personally appeared A.H.Frost known to me to be the President; and
Martha M. Frost known to me to be the Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within
instrument, known to. me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of tlle
Corporation within named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in
the Gounty of San Diego., State of California, the''day and year in this certificate first··
above written.
My Commission expires March 8,1931.
Notary Public in amd for the County of San Die~o,
State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST·OF City Clerk APR 271927 at 15 Min~ past 2 o'clock P.IVI. In
Book No. 1348 Page 129 of DEEDS Reco::ra.s of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, CoUDtY Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, ~eputy.'

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from. A .H.Frost Co. , a Corp. , to the City of San Diego. Beir~ Document No. 205485.
City Clei"k of the ~ Cs.lifornia.

.. ~;;~~-?+.

D E. E D

A. H. FROST COMPANY, a ·corporation, For and in consideration of One DOLLAR:. ·noes

Hereby Grant to The City ·of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County- of San Diego,
State of California, an ·easement and right of way for the ·construction,. operation and main-
tenance o:f a water pipe line through, along and across All that Real Property situated in
the City of San Diego, County· of San Diego, State of Cs.lifornia, bounded and described as
The South six feet of the East 1718.23 :f'eet of the Vvest 1815 •. 82 feet of the North
40 acres of the· South 80 acres of Pueblo Lot I20£;
ALSO, The East Six feet of the West 1815.• 82 feet of the South 560.00 feet of .the
North 40 acres of the South 80 acres of Pueblo Lot 1202; .
~aid Pueblo Lot 1202 being according to Map of the Pueblo Lands of San Diego made
by James Pascoe in the year 1870, a copy of which map is filed in the Office of the County
Recorder of said San Diego County. ·
This grant is made upon the express condition, that, if and when the said_ grantor
or its successors in interest shall have, after the full completion and installation of the
water pipe line over said e·asement, subdivided and filed a m~p of a subdivision of the lands1
over, along and across which said easement lies, then, and in that event, t.he grantee, The
City of San Diego hereby agrees that it will reconvey to the grantor or its successors in
interest $he above easement and right of way in lieu of a location and dedication of a public
street convenient for the relocation of such pipe line in such subdivision.
To Have and To Hold the above granted and described easerrent unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever for water development purposes. ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: said Corporation has.' caused this instrument to be exe outed by
its proper offiaers and its corporate seal affixed this 1st day of April, 1927.
By A.H.FROST, President
Attest: MARTHA M. FROST, Secretary_:

On this first day of .April A.D.Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me,
0. Helene K. Stallard, a Notary Public in and for· said County, residing therein, duly comP.lis-
sioned and sworn, personally appeared A.H.Frost known to me to be the President, and
Martha M. ]'rost known to me to be the Secretary of the Corporation that executed the- within
instrument, known to me to be trn persons who executed the within instrument 011 behal.f of
the Corporation within named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same.
, In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in th~
County -of San Diego, State -of California, the day and year in this certificate first above
Noraty Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of £alif'ornia.
My Commission Expires March 8, 1931.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Apr 27 1927 at 15 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In·,
Book No. 1348 Page 131 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, Coru1ty Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true alicl ·correct copy of

.I Deed from A.H.Frost Co. to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 205486~
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
BytiJ~?k-~~ Deputy.

\ . -7~-~-

v>; We, w. ""

F. Ludington and Dido K. Li.idingt'on For and in· consideration of the benefits
to accrue through. the location of a street or highway through the. real property hereinafter
described Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego·, a Municipal Corporation, in the County o:ii
San Diego, State of California, an easement or right of way for a street or'highway through I '
along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,
,· State of California, b·ounded and described as follows:
' ··. ~ All that portion of block 82, Villa Tract La Jolla Park and of block K in the Re- ·" · ·
subdivision of Portion of Villa Tract La Jolla Park, all as shown on Map number 1535 on file
'. in t m San Diego ~ounty Recorder's Office, lying on the northerly side of the following de-
scribed line: ~ ·
Beginning at the intersection of' the westerly line .o:f Hillside Drive with a line
drawn parallel to and distant 45 feet on the northerly side from the southerly line of Soled d
avenue; thence westerly along said parallel line a'distance of 269.97 feet; thence along a I
curve to the left With a radius of 182.50 feet a distance of 145.25 feet; thence along a cur'le
to the right with a radius of 165 feet a distance of 184.31 feet; thence by straight line·· tan-
gent a distance of2.93 feet to an intersection with the northerly line of salf.d block 82,-the:
sai.d intersection being 81..45 feet easterly ffom the northwesterly corner of said block measur-
ed along the northerly line thereof; thence continuing along the same straight line tangent al

I distance of 21.39 feet; thence along a curve to the left with a. radius of 485 feet a distance1
of 89.37 fe·et; thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 5985 feet a distance of 177.,72
feet to a point in the northerly line of said block K which point is 219.07 feet westerly from
the northeasterly oorner of said block K, measured along the northerly line thereof.
To Have and t<? Hold above gran ted and described easemnt or right of way for
street or highway purposes, as and for a portion of Crespo.
Witness our hands and seals this 21st day of March, 1927.

On this 21st day of Marc~ A.D.Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
He len C. Wallace a Notary Public 'in and for said County, residing the rein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared W.~.Ludington and Dido K. Ludington known to me to be the per-
sons described in and whose names are subscribed tb the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that .they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires·, March 1.2, 1930.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Cle_rk APR 27.l927 at 15 ~in.·past 2 o'clock P.M. In"·

Book No. 1344 Page 242 qf Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Qalif.
JOHN H. FERRY,·County.Recorder
By N. C. PARSOUS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY tbat the ab~ve and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy o£
Deed from W.F.Ludington and Dido K. Ludington to the City of San Diego. Being Document No.
City Clerk of the Cit.y of San Diego, California.
By~.~~- Deputy.
(J ~~'£
THE' HAKES INVESTMENT COMPANY, a corporation, For ·and in consideration o:f One DOLLAR,
Do Hereby Grant to The ~i ty of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation,· in the County of San Diego,
State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction, operation and mainten-
ance of a strom drain pipe through, along and across All that Real Property situated in the
City of San Diego, County o:f San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of the North 5.00 feet of Lot 36, a portion of Lot 37, and a portion. of
the South 10 :feet of Lot 38, Block 1, Amended Map of Subdivision of Lots 7 to 17, inclusive,
Block N, Teralta, according to Map thereof No. 1237, filed in the Office of the County Record r
of said San Diego County, said easerrent and right of way being six feet in width, three feet
on each side of the follov'Ving described center line: ·
Beginning at a point on a line drawn parallel with and distant 5.00 feet south from
the north line of said Lot 36 distant 66.23 feet west from the east line of said Lot 36; thence·
northeasterly on a direct line to a point on a line drawn parallel with and distant 10.00· fee~
I north from tbe south line of said Lot 38 distant 52.11 feet west from the east line of saild
Lot 38. ·
To Have and To .Hold tre above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever as a right of way for a storm drain pipe.
IN WI'l'NESS WHEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed ·by
its proper officers and its corporate seal affixed ..this 6th day of April, 1927.

. By H. B. HAKES, Presiderit
(SEAL) Attest: BRYM~T B. HAY~~Secretary.
On this 6th day 'of April A.D.IUneteen Hundred arid Twenty-seven before me, E.H.Brooks
a Notary Public· in and for ·said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, perso~­
ally appeared H.B.Hakes known to me to be the President, a:tld Br'yant B. Hakes known to me··to be
the Secretary of the Corporation that executed the V'lithin instrument, known to me to .be the II
persons who executed the_ within instrument 'on behalf of the Corporation within· nemed, and ac-ll
knowledged to me that such. Corporation ~xecu ted the same. . . ·
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set rrry hand and affixed my Official Seal, in the
County of ·san Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate first above
written. ·
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California. I
My Commission Expires; June 4, 1930. I
RECORDED AT REQUEST. OF City Clerk APR 27'1927 at 15 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In·BooR
No. ili344 Page 237 of Deeds. Records of San Diego ·county~ Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, Com1ty Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing· is a full., true and correct copy. c!if
Deed from The Hakes Inv. Co., to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 205488.
Cit~lerk of the .City of ~an Diego·, California.

By~~0z.?J_~ Deputy.

?! ~~·~.

We, Walter B. and Lillian A. Cole, husband and wife, For' and in consideration of the

benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a strom drain pipe through,·andJI
across the. property hereinafter described Do Hereby ·GranttoThe City of San Diego, a Munici-
pal Corporation, in tbe County of San Diego, State of California,.an easement a:tld right of
way for the construction, ope·1r.ation and maintenance of a storm drain pipe through, along~ and
across All that Real Property situated in tbe Clilty of San Diego, @ounty of San Diego, State
of California, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lot 39 and the North 15 feet of Lot 38, Blo·c~ 1, Amended Map of Sub-
division of Lots 7 to 17 inclusive, Block N, Teralta, according to Map thereof No; 1237 filed
in the Office of the County'Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement and right of way
being six feet in width, three feet on each side ·of the following described center line:--
Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 39, distant 35.45 feet west from
the southeast corner of said Lot 39; thence southwesterly in a direct line to a point on . a
line drawn parallel with and distant 15.00 feet south from the north line of said Lot 38 dis-,
tant 52.11 feet west from the east line of said Lot 38. ·
.To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its suece ssors and. ass ings, for-ever.
Witness our hands and seals.this 6th day of April,.l927.

couNTY OF ·sAN DIEGO,) ss ·· I
On this 6th day of'Apri·l·A.D.Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E.H.Brooks
a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, per-
sonally appeared.Walter B.Cole and Lillian A. Cole, known to me to be the persons described
in and'whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me t~at they
executed tbe same.

· · · · ·
Witness my hand and Official Seal tbe da.y and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and· for the County of San Diego,,
(SEAL) State of Gal if'ornia.
My Commission Expires, June 4, 1930.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk APR 27. 1927 at 15 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In-Book
No. 1348 Page 126 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Galif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above a:tld foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Wa1Lter B. and Lillian A. Co-le to The City of San Diego. Being Document No. 205489.
City Clerk of tbe City of San Diego, California.
. ~~~·*.
A . -
We, Grace M. Sissons and Hartwick M. ·Barns s, For and in consideration of the benefits
to accrue by the location and construction o:f a drain pipe through and across tbe property II
hereinafter described Do Hereby Grant to The City:· o~ San Diego, a Municipal Corporation,:-- in
the County of San Diego, State of California, an easerrent and right of way for tbe construction, ~-
operation and majntenance of a drain pipe through, along and across All that Rea~Property
situated in the Clilt.y o:f San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and·d.e-
scribed as follows:
A portion of Lots 47 and 48, Block 7, Frary Heights, according to .Map thereof No.
940, filed in the Office of the . County Recorder of said San ·Diego County, together with a
portion of the alley in said block closed to public use, lying contiguous to and adjoining
said Lots 47 and 48,' said right of way being particularly described as follows: ·
Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 47, distant 115.10 feet west·
from the southeast corner of said Lot 47; thence North 23 degrees .02 minutes West, a distance
of 44.60 feet to a point distant 132.50 feet west and at right. angles from the east line· of
said Block 7; thence South on a line parallel with and' distant 132.50 feet west from the east
line of said Block. 7, a distance of 15.40 feet to a point; thence South 23 degrees 62 minutes
East, a distance of 27.80 feet to a point on the south line of said Lot 47, distant 121.60

I f.eet west from the southeast corner of said Lot 4-7; thence east along the south line of said
Lot' 47 to thE? po-int or place of begi1ming.
Said property being the separate property of the grantors herein.
To. Have and to Hold the above granted and described easerrent unto the said grantee,
its, successors and assigns, forever, as a f'ight of way for a drain pipe.
Witness our hands and seals this 3rd day of December, 1926.
. On this 3r·d day of December A.D.l'l'ineteen Hundred and· Twenty-six before me, E.H.Broo!ks
a Notary Public in and for saiCl. County, .residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, per-
sonally appeared Grace M. Sissons and Hartwick M. Barnes known to me to be the persons de-
scribed in and whose names· are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires June 4, 1980.
RECORDED AT REQuiST OF City Clerk APR 27:1927 at 15 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 1353 Page 98 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif. 1
JOHN H. FERRY, Com1ty Recorder
By N. C. P.ARSONS, Deputy •
. I HEREBY CERTIFY that tbe above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Grace M. Sissons and Hartwick M. Barnes:to The City of San Diego. Being Document
No. 205490.
City C;Le rk of the City of San Die go, California.
-// -;;~--w

SAN DIEGO TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, a corporation, For and in consideration of One
DOLLAR, Does Hereby Quitclaim to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the
County of San Diego, State of California, an easerrent and right of way for a drain pipe
through, along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County
of San Diego, State of California,· bounCl.ed and described as follows:
A portion of Lots 45 and 46, Block 7, Frary Heights, according to Map thereof No.
940, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said ~an Diego County, said easenent and
.right of way being particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the south line of Lot 45, said Block 7, Frary Heights, dis-
tant.93.90 feet west from the southeast corner of said Lot 45; thence North 23 degrees 02
minutes West, a distance of 54.30 feet to an inte-rsection with the north line of said Lot 46;
thence west along the north line of said Lot 46, a distance of 6.50 feet to a point; thence
South 23 degrees 02 minutes East, a distance of 54.30 feet to a point on the south line of

said Lot 45, distant 100.40 feet west from the southeast corner of said Lot 45; thence east
along the south line of said Lot 45 to the point or place of. beginning.
To Have and To Hold the above quitclaimed and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever as a right of way for a drain pipe.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by
its proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 16th day of March, 1927.
BY C. W. WILSON, Vice-President.
Attest; C. L. REED, Asst. Secretary.
On this 16th day of March A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-sev~n before me,
Angeline Theede a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly comr.aissiqned
and sworn, personally appeared c.W.Wilson knovm to me to be the Vice-President, and C.L~Reed,
known to me to be the Assistant Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within in-
strument, knovm to me to be the persons who executed the witl).in ins~ument -on behal'f of the
Corporation within named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporat·on executed the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have bereru1to set my hand and affixe my Offigial Seal, in
the County of San Diego, State of California, the' day and year in th s certificate first
above written.
Notary Public in an~ for the County of San Diego,
(i.:iEl~L) State . of' California. ·
My Commission Expires, January 30th, 1930.

I RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Gle rk APR 27 19 27 at 15 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In·
Book No. 1361 Page 15 of Deeds Records of l;:>an Diego County, Calif. .
JOHN H~ FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. '
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoi~g is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from San Diego Trust & Savings Bank to City of San Diego. Being Document No. 205491.
Cit~C;terk of the City of San Diego, California.

BV--fuq~?/7. ~~~Deputy.
~ . /il-y-~·~·
I -

We, W. F. Ludington, and Dido K. Ludington, F.or and in consideration of the benefits
to accrue 'by the loc?.tion of a street or highway through along and across the real property
hereinafte·r described Do Hereby Grant to The City of. San Diego, a Municipal Corporation,-, in
the County of San Diego, State of California, an easen:ent and right .of way for a street or
highway through along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, State of California, bounded. and described as follows: ·
A parcel, of land in the Resubdivision of a Portion of Villa Tract, La Jolla Park as

shown on lviap Number 1535 on file in the of'fice of the San Diego County Recorder, being a pa!l rt
of t be closed port i.on of Soledad Avenue as closed by Re,solution Number::J40881 of the resoluti!pns

of tte Common Council of the _City of San Diego; said parcel being. all that part of said clos1ed
portion lying on the westerly side of the northerly prolongation of of the westerly line·· of jl
Lot 20 Block E of said Resubdivision and on the northerly side of the following described l:iJ,ne:
Beginning at the intersection of the northerly prolongation of the easterly line ofll
Lot 1 Block G of said Resubdivision with a line drawn parallel to and distant fifteen feet on
the northerly side from the northerly line of said Lot 1; thence easterly along the easterl~1
prola_Qgation of said parallel line a distance of 136.91 feet to a point; thence by a curve to
the left with a radius of JBO.OO feet, tangent to: the last named course, through a
central aggle ~no 24', a distance of 67.23 feet; thence by a straight line. tangent to the last
described ·curve to an intersection with the northerly prolongation ·of westerly line of I
Lot 20 Block E of said Resubdivision, said' intersection being 24.45 feet from the northwest-
erly corner of said lot 20. I
To Have and to Hold the· above granted ~nd described Easement and Right of Way for
street and highway purposes as and for a portion of Soledad A'renue.
Witness our hands and sealsthis 6th day of April, 1927.
On this 6~h day of· April, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me,
Helen C_. Walla c~ a Notary Public in and for said County, residing the rein, duly commissioned!
and sworn, personally appeared Dido K. Ludington and w. F. Ludington known to me to be the
persons described in and w~ose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they ~xecuted the same. ·
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year· in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for t be County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State. of California.
My Commission Expires, March 12, 1930.
P.ECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk APR 27 1927 at 15 Min. past 2 o 1 clock P.M. In·
Book No. 1344 Page 240 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. ~ PAESONS, Deputy •.
I HEHEBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and oorrect copy of
Deed from Dido K. Ludington and W. F. Ludington to the City of San Diego. Being Document
NQ. 205492.
Cit~-Qlerk of the. City of San Diego, California.

By~ _ L.Jh ·~~Deputy.

~d~-~ ~
D E.E D (/ 7 ·_~.
I, .J. Boudine Lieber, for and in consideration o£ One Do~lar 4o hereby remise,
release and quitclaim to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation,· in the County of
San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction, operation
and maintenance of a 4rain pipe through, along and across all that real property situated in
the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bo1;1.nd!ed and described as
follows: ·
A portion o::fr' Lots 47 and 48, Block 7, ]1 rary Heights, according to Map thereof No.
940, filed in the Office of_ the County Recorder of said San Diego County, together with a
portion of the alley in said Block closed to public use, lying contiguous to and adjoining
said Lots 47 and 48, said right of way being particularly described as follows:
· Beginning at a point on the so,uth line of sa:imi Lot 47, distant 115.10 feet west
from the southeast corner of said Lot 47;. thence North 23 degrees 02 minutes West, a dist-
ance of 44.60 feet to a point distant 132.50 feet west and at right angles from the east
line of said Block 7; thence south on a line parallel with and distant +32.50 feet west from
the east line of said Block 7, a distance of 15.40 feet to a point; thence South 23 degree.s J

02. minutes East, a distance of 27.80 feet to a point ·on th~ south line of said Lot 47, db:i.ta:p.t
121.60 feet west from the southeast corner of sa:id Lot 47; thence east along the south linej'j
of·said Lot 47 to the point or place of beginning. ·
To Have and to hold the above quitclain:e.d and described easement unto the said grant-
ee, its successors and assigns: forever, for drain pipe purposes.
Wi tne sa my hand and sea 1 this 7th d~~Y of December 1926.
~tate of California,)
County of San Diego,) 88 •
~ On this 7th day of December A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six before me, E. H.
Brooks a Notary J:ublic in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared J. Boudine ti:Sber known· to me to be the person described in and
whose name is subscribed to .the within- instr~nt and acknowledged to· me that she executed
the same. " II
Witness my hand and Official Seal the da·y and year in this ·certificate first above
My Commission expires Notary ~ublic in and for the County of San Diego,
June 4, 1930 State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk A.PR 27 1927 at 15 Min. pas't 2 .o'clock P.M., In
Book No. 1344 Page 239 af Deeds, Records of San Diego County, CalifQrn
JOHN H. FERRY, Oounty Recorder
By M. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true· and correct copy of
Deed from J. Boudine Lieber, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No. 205493.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
--~--- By~0z-~ DeiUty.
' "
We, William and Ot tie Marie Short, husband and wife, for and in cons ide rat ion of
the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across
the property hereinafter described do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a .Municipal
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way
.'~ for the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across
all that Real Property situated in th~ City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Cal-
ifornia, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lots 45 and 46, Block_7, Frary Heights, according to Map thereof No.
940, filed in the Office of the County Recorder o~ said San.Diego County, saw right of way
being particularly described as follows: . . .
· Beginning a~ a point on the south l.ine of Lot 45, ,_saidl Block 7, Frary .Heights, dis-
tant 93.90 feet.west from the southeast corner of said Lot 45; thence North 23 degrees 02 I
minutes West, a distance of 54.30 feet to an intersection with the north line of said Lot 46;
thence west along the north line o~ said Lot 46, a distance of 6.50 feet to a point; thence
South 23 degrees 0~ minutes East, a distance of 54.30 feet to a point on the south line of
said Lot 45, distant 100.4 feet west from the southeast corner of s~id Lot 45; thence east
along the south line of said Lot 45 to the point or place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above g~anted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness otir hands and ·seals thfs 19th day of October 1926.
State of California,)

I County of San Diego,)' ss • _

On this 19th ~ay of October A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six before me, E. H.
Brooks a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared William Short and Ottie Marie Short known to me to be the persons de-
scribed in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and ~cknowledged to me
~hat they executed the same.
Witne:ss my hand and official seal the day and year in this eer!tifica:te first above
.My Commission expires Notary Public in and for the Count_y of San Diego,
June 4, 1930. State of California •
. RECO.RDED AT REQUEST OF' City Clerk APR. 27 1927 at 15 Min. past 2 o'clock P.!\·1., In
Book No. 1361 Page 16 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H• .B~.RRY,,.rcounty Recorder
By N. C. p~qSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from William and Ottie Marie Short_, to the City of San Diego, California, being Docu-
ment lio. 205494.
the Ci !Y of San Die go , California.
By :?zz~ ~ _ Deputy.
We, Ernest H. Smith and Louise Smith, husband and wife, for and i·n consideration

I of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across
the property hereinafter .described do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a .Municipal Corp-
.oration, in _the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for t'e
construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across all that
~eal property situated in the City of San Diego, ~ounty of San Diego, State of California,
bounded and described as follows:-
A portion of Lots 35 and 36, Block 7,, .B1 rary Heights, according to 1\Tap thereof No.
940, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Ji(~go County, said easement and
right of way being particularly described as follows: ;
. Beginning at a point .on the. south line of said Lot 35, distant 40.r10 feet west from
the southeast corner of said Lot 35; thenc'~ north 8 degrees 09 minutes West, a di-stance"" of I
50.50 feet to a point on the north line of'said Lot 36, distant 47.20 ~eet west from the north-
east corner of said Lot 36; thence we~1t·a1ong the i!J.o:rth line of said -Lot 36, a distance of
6.10 feet to a point; thence South 8 deg·rees 09 mlnute.s ·East, a distance of 50.50 feet to a
point on tlie south line of said Lot 35, distant 46.20 feet west from the s~utbeast corner of
said Lot 35; thence east along· the south line of said Lot 35 to the poi;nt~·""'or place of beginning.
To Have· and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee~
its successors and assigns, forever, as a .right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness ~ur hands and .seals this 12th day of Novemb~f, 1926.
State of California,) sa.
- County of San Diego, )
On this 12th day of November A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-six before me, E. R.
Brooks a Not.ary Public in and .for saitl County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared Ernest H. Smith and Louise Smith known to me to be the persons descr-ibed
in and whose names ar.e subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they

I executed the same.

writ ten.
Withess my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first

My Commission exp.ires· . :notary Pub lie in and for the County of ·san Diego,
June 4, 1930. State of California.
l.lliCORDED AT REQUEST OF City .Clerk APR. 27 1927, at 15 Min·. past 2 o'clock P.M., in
Book No. 1353 Page 100 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Cali-f.
. JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
. By N. C. PARSOIIJS, Deputy.
.l ~-·~ -~-

\. '

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
!Deed, from Ernest H. and Louise Smith, to the City of San Diego, -Calif'ornia, being Document
!No. 205495.


James c. and Louise A. Zumwalt, husband and wife, For and in consideration of the
benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a storm drain through and across the
property hereinafter-described, Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corpor-
ation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the
construction, ·operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across All that
F.eal Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California,
bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lots 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44, Block 1, Amended Map of Subdivision of
Lots 7 to 17, inclusive, Block N, Teralta, according to Map thereof No. 1237, filed in the
Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement and right of way being
particularly described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 40, distant 35.45 feet west from
the ·southeast corner of said Lot 40; thence northeasterly on a direct line to a point on the
east· line of said Lot 43, distant 5.46 feet north from the southeast corner of said Lot 43;
thence north along the east line of sai~ Lots 43 and 44 to a point ·on the east line of said 1
Lot 44, distant 5.14 feet north from the southeast corner of said Lot 44; thence southwester]w
on a direct line to a point on the south line of said Lot 40; distant 61.76 feet east from t~e
southwest corner of said Lot 40; thence east along the south line of said Lot 40 to the pointll
or place of beginning. ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right o~ way for a drain pipe.
Witness our hands and seals this 5th day of .April, 1927.

On this 5th day of April A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E.H.Brooacs
a Notary Public in and for said Cow1ty, resid~ng therein, duly commissioned and sworn, person!LI
ally appeared James C. Zumwalt a.qd Louise A. Zumwalt, known to me to be the persons described!
in and whose narr:es are suqscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they
executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Publ~c in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commilssion Expires, June 4, 1930.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk APR 27 1927 at 15 Min. past 2 o'clock P .Ivl. In
Book :No. 1315 Page 477 of Deeds. Records of San Dtego County, Calif.
. JOHN H. FEE~Y, zCounty Recorder
By N. C. PA:BSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from James c. Zumwalt and Louise A. Zumwalt to the City of San Diego. Being Docurnent
No. 205496.
City Clerk o.f the City o California •
B .- ,
y / ·-I
. In// {;/'

THIS .AGP..EEMENT made this 11th day of December, 1926; between the Bank of Italy, a
corporation, Trustee under the Trust hereinafter described, Party of the First Part and The
City of San Diego, a municipal porporation, Party of the Second Part, vVI1'HESSETH:
THP.T, WHEREAS, said Trustee is the legal owner of all that property situated in·the
City of San Di.ego, County of San Diego, State of California, covered by the Beed of Trust here-
inafter desc~i'bed; an~ ., . . . · 11
vVHEREAS, THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, for the benef1t and 1mprovement of said property, i~
laying, constructing and maintaining, or intending to lay., construct and maintain a drain pip~
through, along and across all of the said property, and
WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to the laying, construction, maintenance and
operation of said drain pipe that an easement and right of way for same shall be and remain
upon said property pr.ior and superior to the terms and conditions incorp0rated in said deed of
trust; and, . · - · ~
WHEREAS, all the owners of the equitable interests w1de_r said mentioned i!Deed of Tru~t,
!have each granted an easement amd right of way to the Party of the Second Part, as follows: I
I Trust Deed, dated O,cto'ber 14, 1926, made by Ernest H. and Louise Smith, husband.and
Fife,· in favor of P. H. and Pauline M. Kamp, securing one promis.sory note for the sum of $600®.00,
·recorded November 13, 1925, in Book 1138 at page 161, et 'seq., of Deeds, records of the Offic~ ' ~-
bf the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
I The easement conveyed being through, along and across a portion of Lots 35 and 36,
!J3lock_ 7, Frary Heights, according to Map thereof No. 940, filed in the Office of said: &ounty
!Reco·rder, said easement and right of way lbeing prurticularly described as follows:
I Beginning at a point on the south line of said·Lot 35, distant 40.10 feet west from
fhe southeast corner of said Lot 35; thence North 8 _degrees 09 minutes West, a distance of
50.50 feet to a point on the north line of said Lot 36, distant 47.20 feet west from the nortlii-
rast corner of said Lot 36; thence west along the north line of said Lot 36, a distance of
p.lO feet to a poirit; thence South 8 degrees 09 minutes East, a distance of 50.50 fe_~t to a
point on the south line of said Lot 35, distant 46.20 feet west from the southeast corner of

said Lot 35; thence east along the south line of said Lot 35 to the point or place of beginn:Jmg.
That, in consideration of the premises,. the sum of ONE DOLLAR and in further consiq-
eration of the benefits derived and to be derived from the construction, operation and main- 1
tenance of said drain pipe, said Party of the First Part HEREBY SUBORDINATES ALL OF' ITS RIGH~,
TITLE AND INTEREST under said.Deed of Trust above mentioned to the right of way and easement

I heretofore conveyed to the Party of the Second Part, upon the designated portion of the pro-
perty covered by suph trust deed, s.o that said right of way and easement shall become and re-
main prior and superior to any and all of .the terms and conditions contained in or provided l:Jy
said Deed of Trust here ina howe ,refer red to.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Party of the First Part has caused this instrument to be
signed by its Viue President and Assistant Secretary, and its corporate seal to be affixed
hereto, the day .and year in this instrument first above written.
Barty of ·the First Part.
By LOUIS FERRARI, Vice-President
F. A. BERGE, Assistant Secretary.
Party of the Second Part.

On this 11th day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and Twenty-six
before me, Virginia A. Beede, a Notary Public in and for the City and Coru1ty of San Francisco.,
State of California, res'iding therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
Louis Ferrari, and F. A. ~erge known· to me to be the Vice~President and Asst. Secretary of
the corporation des·cribed in and that executed the within instrument, as.dT:ruste€D;•.oandtalso to
known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation1
therein narn.ed, as Trustee and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as

I 'such Trustee. ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my
· office fun the City and Coup.ty of San Francisco, the day and year in this certificate first
above written.


Notary Public in and for the City and County of
(SEAL) San Francisco, State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST~:OF City Clerk APR 27 1927 at 15 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In B_oo!k
No. 1360· Page 52· of Deeds· Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N~ C. P.ARSO~fS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Bank of Itailiy to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 205497.
City C e rk of the City o San Diego, California ..

(Code· Deed)
Melville S. Stewart and Jessie Stewart·husband and wife of County of San Diego,Cali~.
For and in §onsideration of the Sum of Ten Dollars the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
do hereby Grant to City of San Diego~ a mru1icipal corporation for street purposes All that
-I Real Property situate in City of San Diego, Countybof San Diego, State of California,. described
as follows:
North (50) fifty feet of-lot (6) Six and all of Lot (29) twenty-nine in Block (4)
Four Beverly, an addition in San Diego City Map #1129.
Witness our hands this 5th·day of April nineteen hru1dred·and twenty-seven.
. SAN DIEGO , ) ss
On this 6th day of April in the year nineteen hundred and twenty-seven, before me
Harry H. Thomas a Notary Pul!llic in and for said Coru1ty, residing therein duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Melvd.lle s. Stewart and Jessie Stewart husband and wife. known to
me to be the persons whose narres are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to
me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and official seal.
Notary Public in and for said County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.

1N 0 1 362
f. i".-~~·-
:- RECORDED .AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 4 1927 at 40 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In Book
Pa·ge 50 of Deeds Records of San Diego Coru1ty, Calif •.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Reco.rder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I I HEf\EBY CERTIFY that .the above .and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Grant Deed from Melville Stewart et ux to City of San Diego. Being Document No. 205855.
-c erk of the City of San Diego, Californj.a.


We, rEdward H. Thompson and Ma;vy H•. Thompson, husband and wife, for and in consider-
&tion of One Dollar Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a 1\tiunicipal Corporation, in·· the
Coru1ty of s·an Diego, State of California, an easement and right of vvay for the construction,
operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across .All that Real Property
situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and de-
scribed as follows; .
A portion ·of the North 80 feet of Lot 43, Block 4, Watkin's and Biddle's Addition,
according to Map thereof No. 258, filed in the Offj_ce of the ·County Recorder of said San Die§lo
poru1ty, said easement and right of way being six feet in width, .three feet on each side of tb!e
following described center line: . · · · II
Be.ginning at a point on the north line ·of said Lo·t 43, distant. 136.00 feet e.ast from
the northwest corner of said Block 4; thence South 27 degrees 30 minutes East, a distance of I
10.60 feet to a point; thence South 00 degrees 17 minutes Viest, a distance of 53.50 feet to a
point; thence South 13 degrees 43 minutes West, a distance of 18.00 feet more or less to the
south line of the North 80 feet of eaid Lot 43.
To Have 'and to Hold the above granted and descril1ed ear::ement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness our hands and seals this 22nd day of April, 1927.
On this 22nd day of April A.D. Nineteen Hru1dred and IJ.'wenty- seven befo:pe me,
E.H.HBlmboe a Notary Public in and for said Coru1ty, residing the·rein, duly commissi'oned and
sworn, personally appeared· Edward H. Thompson and Ma;vy H. Thompson knovill to me to be the per-
sons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed· the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above

Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commissill:on expires, July 28, 1929.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 4 1927 at 40 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In BooJ
No. 1362 Page· 51 of Deeds Records of San Diee;6 County, 9Blif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEEEBY ·CERTIFY· THAT the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Edward H. & Mary H~ Thompson to the City of San Diego. Being Docu.m.ent No. 205857.
Clerk of the City o · Diego, CaliforruiJ.a~

By~-~~~~~~---~~~~~~4L.- Deputy.
--~;~~>~~- 21-.

I, Mary E. Munson, }for and in consideration of One Dollar Do Hereby Grant to The
City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the· Coru1ty of San Diego, State of California,
for street purposes, All that Real .Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San
Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows;
The southeasterly 10 feet of Warrington Street closed to public use by Resolution
-No. 22138 of the Common Coru1cil of the City of San Diego, adjoining and contiguous to Lot·l3,
Block 1, Lorna Terrace, according to the Official Map thereof filed in the Office of the Countw
Recorder-of said San Diego County, said property being the sepaFate property of the grantor
herein. ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted. and ·described property unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, for street purposes, as and for a portion of Warrington
Witness my hand and seal this 11th da;}r of April, 1927.
On this 11th day of April, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
Rose Weisenbach, a Notary .l:?ublic in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Ma;vy E. Munson, known to me to be the. person described .in and
whose name is subscribed to the within·instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed
the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year il~ this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires Feb., 15, 1929.

· RECORDED AT EEQUEST: OF City Clerk MAY 4 1927 at 40 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1362 Page 45 of Deeds Re·cords of San Diego Coru1ty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder

By N. C. PARSONS, Dep,uty.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Mary E. Munson to The .City of San Diego. Being Document No. 205859.
of the Ci t~l) o/ San Diego, California.
rY/; t7J I
r/7(. _)/~~·Deputy.
/ -j2--
= --9;- 0~.:5(


r, Robert E. Newman, a single man, For and in consideration of One Dollar Do Hereb:
Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State o:f
California, an easement and right of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a
drain through, along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego,

County of San Diego, State of· California, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lot 5, Subdivision of Villa Lots 129 and 130, Normal Heights, accord-
ing to IvJap thereof No. 1339, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego
County, particularly described as follows•
Beginning at the southeasterly corner of said Lot 5; thence South 82 degrees 1~ .
minutes West along the southerly line of said Lot 5, a distance of 107.34 feet to the wester- t
ly line of said Lot 5.,; thence North 7 degrees 48 minutes West·; a distance of 5.00 feet to a ·
point; thence North 85 degrees 12 ·minutes East, a distance of 94.54 feet to an intersection
with the southerly line of said Lot 5.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, ·forever, for drain pipe purposes.
Witness my hand and seal this 9th day of April, 1927.

On this 9th day of. April A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
Fred W. Sick a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally ap~peared Robert E. Newman known to me to be the person described in and
whose name is subs·cribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed
the sarre.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first
above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My .Eommission Expires,

I May 15, 1927.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 4 1927 at 40 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1362 Page 46 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. .

I HEREBY CERTIFY_Sthat the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Robert E •. Newman to The City of San Diego·. Being Document, No. 205860. ·
.Ci~?~9lerk of the?~~~;~f/San Diego, (.;alifornia.
By,/~.~ ~4-./~Depu~y.
\/(. . . §r~-¥

THIS AGREEMENT, made this 21st. day of April, 1927, between the Southern Title &
Trust Company, a corporation, formerly ~outhern Title Guaranty Company,.a corporation, Trustee
under the Trust hereinafter described, Farty of the First Part, and.the City of San Diego, a
municipal corporation, Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH:
THAT, VmEREAS, said Trustee is the legal owner of all that property situated in the
City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, .covered by the Deed of Trust
hereinafter described; and
WHEREAS, THb CITY OF SAN DIEGO, for the benefit and improvement of said property,
is to accept and dedicate for street purposes a portion of Lots 1 and 12, Block 152, Middle-
town, in said city, and it is necessary that an easement.and right of way for street purposes

I shall be and remain upon said property prior and superior to the terms and conditions incorp-
orated in said deed of trust; and, -
WHEREAS, all the owne·rs of the equit~ble interests under said mentioned Deed of
Trust, have each granted an easement and right of way to the Party of the .Second Part,.sas

Trust deed, dated May 4, 1926, made by Adolph Muehle is en and Vesta C. Muehle isen,
husband and vvife, in favor of Otto Paul Guterson and Sarah L. Guterson, husband and wife,
securing one promissory note for the sum of $5500.00, recorded May 17, 1926, in Book 1189 of
Deeds, at page 475, et seq., records ·of the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego
County; ,
The easement conveyed being through, along and across· a portion of Lots 1 and 12,
Block 152, Middletown, according to Partition Map. thereof ·made by J. E. Jackson, C.E. filed
in the Office of the County Clerk of said San Diego County, said easement and right of way be-
ing particularly?described. as follows, to-wit: ·
Beginning at a ·point on the south~esterly line of said Lot 1, distant 24.26 feet
southeasterly from the westerly corner of said Lot 1; ·thence northerly on a curve to the righl,
having a radius of 72.00 feet, a distance of 33.52 feet to a point on the northwesterly line
of said Lot 1, distant 22.70 feet northeasterly from the westerly corner of said Lot 1;· thenc
southwesterly along the northwesterly line of said Lot 1 to the westerly con1er of said Lot 1;
thence so.utheasterly along the southwesterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 24.26 feet to _'_.::;
the point or place of beginning;· ALSO, ·
BEGINNING AT THE northerly corner of said Lot 12; thence s.outheasterly along the
northeasterly line of said Lot 12, a distance of 5.44 feet to a point; thence westerly on a
curve to the left having a radius of 72.00 feet, a distance of 9.00 feet to a point on the
northwesterly line of said Lot 12, distant 7.20 feet southwesterly from the northerly corner
thereof; thence· northeasterly along the northwesterly line of said Lot 12, a distance of 7. 20

feet to the point or place of beginning. ·
That, in consideration of the premises, the sum of ONE DOLLAR, and in further con-
sideration of the benefits derived and to be derived· from the acceptance and dedication by sa!i.d
City of the easements herein described, said Party of the First Part HEREBY SUBORDINATES ALL
OF ITS RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST under said11Deed of Trust above mentioned to the right of way
and easement heretofore conveyed to the Party of the Second Part, upon the designated portion
of the property covere·d by such trust deed, so that said right of way and easement shall be-
come and remain prior and superior to any and all of the terms and conditions contained in of
1 rovided by said Deed of Trust hereinabove referred to.

IN WITIJESS WHEREO]', the Party of the First Part has caused this instrument to be
signed by its Vice President and Asst. Secretary, and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto,
the day and year in this 'instrument first above '~r.ri tten.
(SEAL) Nl'TEST: By E. E. HUBBELL, Vice-Prestdent.
H. E. CRANE, A-Secretary.

Party of the Second ~art.

On this 21st day of April, 1927, before me, E. H. Holmboe, a Notary Public in and
for said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appearedj
E.E.Hubbell, known to me to be the Vice-President and H. E. Crane, known to me to be the Asst,.
Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument, known to me to be the per-·
sons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the ·corporati'on within named, and acknO\v.-
le dged to me that such corporation e·xe outed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary: Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of ·California;
My Commission expires, July 28, 1929.

HE CORDED AT RE1~UEST OF City Clerk MAY 4 1927 at 40 Min. past 9 o'clock ~. M. In Book
No. 1362 Page 48 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FEERY, <C'ounty Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEHEBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
SRbordination Agreement from. Southern Title & Trust Co. wllfth the City of San Diego. Being

Document No. 205880.
City Clerk of the City ~0. California.

By~2zz.· ~puty.
! -f:J~ ~ .. J/-.
l) (/

We, Ado~ph, Muehleisen and Vesta.· C. Muehleisen, husband and wife, For and in con-
sideration of One Dollar Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation,
in the County of San Diego, State of California, for street purposes; All that Real Property
situated in the City of San Diego, Coru1ty of San Diego, State of California, bounded and de-
scribed as follows: .
A portion of Lot 1, Block 152, Middletown, according to Partition Map thereof made I
by J. E. Jackson, C.E., filed in the Office of the· County Clerk of said San Diego County, par-,
ticularly described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 1, distant 24.26 feet
southeasterly from the westerly corner of said Lot 1; thence northerly on a curve to the righl,
having~ radius of 72.00 feet, a distance of 33.52 feet to a point on the northwesterly line I
of said Lot 1, distant 22.70 feet northeasterly fror.1 the westerly corner of said Lot 1; thence
southwesterly along the northwesterly line of.said Lot 1 to the westerly corner of said Lot 1;
thence southeasterly along the southwesterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 24.26 fo the
point of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described property unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, for street purposes, as and for a port ion of State Streeit.
Vii tness ou:r hands and seals this 7th day of April, 1927.
On this 7th day of April A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-sever1 be :fore me,
E.H.Brooks a Notary Public in and for said qounty, residing therein, duly commissioned and I
Isworn, personally appeared Adolph Muefuleisen and Vesta C. Muehlei~en, known to me to be the
[persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the ·day and year in this certificate 1 first above
vri tten. ·
E. H. BROOKS 7·•• ·

Notary Public in and for the ·County ·of San Diego,

[ SEAL) · STATE of C~lifornia,
y Commission Expires,
June 4, 1930.

EEGORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk ~AAY 4 1927 at 40 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In Book
No. 1362 Pa-ge 44 of Deeds Rec·ords of San Diego Coru1ty, Calif •.
JOHN H. FERh~, 8omrty Recorder
By N. C. Pl:.RSONS, DelJuty.
I HEF'.EBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoin'g is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Adolph Muehleisen and Vesta C. Muehle i'sen and the City of San Dlego. Being
Do·cument No~ 205882·.

\ ..
( q:>DE DEED )

. Charles. Cheesewright .and Josephine Cheesewright husband and wife of the County of
San Diego, Calif. For and in Consideration-of the Sum of Ten-Dollars the receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged, does hereby Grant to City of. San Diego a municipal corporation for street

I purposes .All that Real Prop~rty situate in City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of
Californ-ia described as follows; Lot (10) ten in Block (2) two of Beverly as per map 1129.
Witness our hands this 5th day of April nineteen hundred and twenty seven.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of
Attorney in fact.

On this 5th day of April in the year nineteen hundred and twenty-seven, before me
Jefferson .K. Stickney a Notary J.?ublic in and for said County, residing therein, duly
commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Charles Cheesewright known to me to be the perso'
whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed thd
Witness my hand and official seal.
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said Coru1ty of San Diego,
State_ of California.
On this 5th day of Apr., 1927, before me, Jefferson K. Stickney a Notary Public~ in
and for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commission-~

I ed and sworn, personally appeared Charles Cheesew!I'ight knoym to me to be the person whose
name is subscribed to the-within Instrument, as the Attorney-in-Fact of Josephine Chees~wriglit
and acknowledged to me that he subscribed the na~e of Josephine Cheesewright thereto as prinJ
cipal and ~his own name as Attorney-in-Fact. ·
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my o~ficial seal, at my
office in the Countyof San Diego, the day8:11ld yea-r in this certificate first above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California. :.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 4 1927 at 40 Min. past 9 o'clock A.Ivi., In.
Book No •.1--:323 Page 347 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By' N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY' that t be above and foregoing is a full, true ancl correct copy of
Grant Deed from Charles Cheesewright et ux to the City of San Diego. Being Document No •..
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, Califo-rnia.

By~~~~.__-'-·~·- Depu~y.
We, Muriel B. Hazard, ar.d R. E. Hazard, wife and husband, For and in consideration

I of One Dollar Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the .\
County of .San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction,
operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line· through, along and across All that Real Proper-
ty situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, boru1ded and
described as follows:
A· portion of Ampudia Street and Hickory Street closed to public use by action of the
Common Council, contiguous to and adjoin~ng Lot 15, Presidio Ridge, according to Map thereof
No. 1760, ·filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, particularly
described as ·follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the northwesterly prolongation of-the center line ·
of Hickory Street with the southwesterly prolongation of the center liiJe of Conde Street·;
thence northeasterly along the southwesterly prolongation of the center line of Conde Street,
a distance of 25.00 feet to a point; thence at right angles southeasterly a distance of 4.00
feet; .the nee at right angles southwe ste·rly a distance of 25.00 feet; thence at right angles
northwesterly to the point of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
it successors and assigns, forever, for sewer purpose's.
Witness our hands and seals this 19th day of April, 1927.
On this 19th day of April A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, ,
E.H.Holmboe a notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly corn.~issioned and
_sworn, personally appeared Muriel B. Hazard and B. E. Hazard, known to me to be the persons
I described in and whose names are subscribed to t.he within instrument, and acknowledged to me,
that they executed the sarre. ,. · ::
Wi tri.etss my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this cert ifi ca te first above
E. H. HOLl1ffiOE
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires, July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City· Clerk MAY 4 1927 at 40 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In Book
No. 1323 Page 350 of Deeds Recofds of San Diego County, Celif. ·
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that tre above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from R. E. and Muriel B. ·Hazard to the City of San Diego. Being ~ocument No. 205858.
City Clerlc of the City of California.

We, Adolph Muehleisen and Vesta C. Muehleisen, For and in consideration of Orie Dollar
Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Dieg~,
State of California, for street purposes, All that Real Property situated in t be City of San
Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lot 12, Block 152, Middle·town, according to Partition Map thereof made
by J. E. Jackson, C.E., filed in the office of the County Clerk of said San Diego County, pal'-
ticularly described as follows, to-wit; · ,
~eginning at the northerly c.orner of said Lot 12; thence southeasterly along the
northeaste·rly line of said Lot 12, a. distance of 5.44 feet to a point; thence v.esterly on a
curve to t·he left having a radius of 72.00 feet, a distance of 9~00 feet to a point on the
northwesterly line of said Lot 12, distant 7.20 feet southwesterly from the northerly corner
,. thereof; thence northeasterly along the northwesterly line of said Lot 12, a distance of 7.2<D
feet to the point or place of beginning. II
mo Have and to Hold the above granted and described property unto the said grantee, 1
its successors and assigns, forever, for street purposes, as and for a portion of Union Street.
Witness our hands and seals this 7th day of April,. 1927.

On this 7th day of April A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
E.H.Brooks a Notary Public in and for said Couuty, residing therein, duly commissioned and I
sworn, personally appeared Adolph Muehleisen and Vesta C. Muehleisen known to me to be the
persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed tte same. ::
Witness my hand and'Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public :tn and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL} State of California.
My Commission Expires, J~ne 4, 1930.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 4 1927 at 40 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In Book
No. 1323 Page 352 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif. ~
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Adolph Muehleisen and Vesta c. Ivluehleisen to the City of San Diego. Being Document,
no. 205861.
,Qlerk of the City of San Diego, California.
;: ; 12;~ 1
We, Clarence P~ Curran and Ina V. Curran, husband and wife,. For and in considerat.ion
of One Dollar Do Hereby Grant to The Cit;y~ of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the Coun1lly
of San Die·go, State of California, an easerrent and right of way for the constru8tion, opera-
tion and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along and. across All that Real Property
situated in the City of San Diego, Ci)unty of San Diego, State of California, bounded and?de-
·scribed as follows:
A portion of Lots 1 to 9, inclusive, Block 1, Horkey's Addition, according to Map
thereof No. 1280, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County; said
easerrent and right of way being six feet in width, three feet. on each side of the following
described center line: .
Beginning at a point on the west line of Lot 1, said Block 1, distant 70 feet north
from the southwest corner of said Lot 1; tbe nee east on a line parallel to and distant 70 I
feet north from the south line of said Lots 1 to 9; inclusive, to.the east line of said Lot 1·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and de scribed· easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, for sewer purposes.
( Witness our hands and seals this 19th day of April, 1927.
On this 19th day of April A.D. lHneteen Hundred and Twenjly-seven before me,
E .H.Holmboe a Notary .Public in and for said County, residing there in, duly commissioned ·and
sworn, personally appeared Clarence P. Curran ani Ina V. Curran, known to me to be tm per-
sons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed t re same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in
this certificate
above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
: I
My· Conll'nission expires, July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT .REQUE~T OF City Clerk Iv1AY 4 1927 at 40 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1·323 Page 349 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, <aounty Recorder
.Js, By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. ·,.


I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct oopy of
Deed from Clarence· P.· Curran ani Ina V. Curran to the City of San Diego. Being Document
No. 205893.
City/7lerk of the. City of San ~iego,· California.

By/da;r4-~ Deputy.
. --41/~-?t.
. v. . .
. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE ·PRESENTS: That I, Eva/ Bartscherer; of San Diego, California,
For and in consideration of the sum of Eight Thousand ( 8000) DOLLARS, Do Hereby Grant to··the
City of SkN DIEGO, a municipal copporation All q:'hat Real Property situated in the County of
San Diego, State County of San Diego, State of California bounded and described as fo+lows:
RANGE TWO (2) EAST, S. B. M. .
To Have and to Hold the above g·ranted and described .premises unto the said Grantee
its successors and assigns forever. ..
Witness my hand 8Jllld· seal this 12th day of 'May, 1926.
Signed and, Executed in \Presence of

I On this 12th day of May, 1926, before me, Kate L. Mershon, a Notary Public in and
for said County and St·ate:, peri:JOnally appeared Eva V;·· Bartscherer knovm to me to be the per-
son whose name is subscrib'ed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she ex-
a cute d t he sa me •
WITNESS my hand and officia 1 seal the day and year in this Certificate first ab0ve
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said-:County and State.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 11 1927 at 50- Min. past 11 o'·clock -A.M. In
Book No. 1367 Page 17 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif. ..
.JOHNH. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. · '
.I HEREBY CERTIFY ..that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Grant Deed from Eva V. Bartscherer to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 206221. ( .
City Ole rk of the Ci.t1 1of San Diego, Californi!?-.<_v/ '22:J.~~ _Deputy.

(/ -1;31 ~- };i, .
Eura L. Batterton, a widow .. For and in consideration of· One Dollar (·;Ji;I.OO) and other,
valuable considerations. Do:Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a municipal corporation,
in the county of San Diego, St~te of California, an easement of right-of-wny for street pur-
poses over, along and across, 'All that Real· property situated in the City of San Diego, r;
County of ·San Diego, State of '€alifornia, bounded and described as follows: all that port ion
of Lot 31, Lemon .Villa, according to Map thereof No •. 734, on file in the office of the .Cbunt;yj
Recorder of said County. :Seglilnning at t h3 intersection of the center line of Fifty-fourth
(54th) Street; formerly known as Radio Road, produced soutt.erly, and the southeasterly line
of Chollas Road; thence along the southeasterly line of Chollas Road N. 34° 55' E. 70.23 to
a point; thence s. 0° 12' W. 172.72' to a point. on the southerly line of said Lot 31, Lemon
Villa; thence along the southerly line of said Lot 31, N. 89° 14-' W. 80' to a point; thence.
N. 0° 12' E. 56.46 to a pofnt on the southeasterly line of Chollas Ro~d; thence along the
southeasterly line of .said .Chollas Road ~i. 34° 55' E. 70.23' to the point. of beginning.·
To Have and to ·Hold the above granted- and! described easement f·or public· stree-t '
Witness my hand and seal this 2 day of April, 1927.
Approved as to Description Approved as to Form
On this 2 day of· Apri 1 A.D., Nineteen Hundred and· twenty-seven. before me,
P• A. Nauman a Notary Public in and for said County, .residing tp.erein, duly commissioned_ and
sworn, personally appeared Eura L. Batterton a widow known to me to be the person described
in and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me t bat she ex-
ecuted the same • ' · . ·
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above ··a

My Commission Expires,
Feb. 21 , 19 30.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.

RECORDED· AT REQUEST. OF City Clerk lviAY 11 1927 at 50 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1367 Page 18 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, Qmnty Recorder
By N. ~ PARSONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing .is a ~ull, true and correct copy of
Deed from Eura L. Batterton to the City of San Diego. Being Douument No. 206486.
City Clerk of t h3 City of San Diego, ·California.
B y / ) ___ , A~2J:r-- ~~-Deputy.
u t{jt/- -?,,/'lo'<!.-u..
~ ~ : I
We, Charles Bowe;I' and Bessie M. Bower, hp.sband and wife For and in consideration ofl
One Dollar and other valuable considerations Do Hereby Grant to the City of' San Diego, a:.
municipal corporation in t h9 County. of San Diego,· State of California, an easement of right-
pf-way for .street purposes over, .along arid across, All that Real Property s.ituated in the I
City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
All that portion of Lot 15, c. c. Seaman's subdivision, according to map thereof No!l
214, filed with the .County Recorder of said County: beginning. at the northwest corner of; Lot
15, c. c. Seam~n's -subdivision, thence easterly along the northerly line of said Lot 15,
5.80' to a point; thence s~ 0° 12' w. 330' to a point on the southerly line of said Lot 15;
thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 15, 8.05' to the southwest corner of sW{d
Lot 15; thence northerly along tl:e westerly line of said Lot 15, 330' to the point of beginnjjng.
To Have and to Hold the above grru1ted and described easement for public street pur-
Witness our hands and seals this 27th day of April, 1g27.
Approved as to form CHidUE S BOWER (SEAL)
Approved a;s to description
On this 27th day of April, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and .twenty-seven before me, ": j
Charles K. Voorhees a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissiol.11.-
ed and sworn, personally l;lppeared Charla s Bower a!ld Bessie M. Bower,' husband and wife known Jl
to me to be the persons described in and whose n~es are subscribed to the within instr~~ent,
and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State~ of California.
My .Commission Expires,
March ~1st, 1gao.
RECORDED AT REQUE$T OF City Clerk MAY 11 1927 at 50 Min •. past 11 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1367 Page 1g of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N •. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY .that the above and. foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Charles Bower et al to· th:l City of San Diego. Being Document No. 206487.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
/J A /I
Byf1 ~--t?"zz~~~----ne.put!·
< -;t;r.:f ~ cJ,..{..
.Y;P- . ..
·, I I,

C' '. ~-
Eunice D. Haight, a widow, For and in consideration of One Dollar Do Hereby Grant to
The City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of Califorzha,
an easement of right-of-way for street purposes over., along and across, all that Real P:roperty
situated in the City of San Diego, Qounty. of San Diego, State of California·,·bounded andrde-
scr~bed as follows:
All that portion of the southwest quarte.r, Section 34, Township 16, South Range 2
West. ;Beginning at a point on the westerly line of c. C. Seaman's subdivision, said c. c.
Seaman's subdivision according. to Map No. 214, on. file in the office' of the. County Recorder
of said County, which is ~80.66' south of the northwest corner of said C. C. Seaman's sup-
division;· thence sout:herly along the westerly line of said Seaman's subdivision 440.34' to a
point; thence N. _ago 38' w. 67.45' to a point; thence N. 0° 12' E. 440.34' to a point; thence
S. ago· 38 '· E. 70.45' to the point of beginning. · .
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement for public street pur-
Witness my hand and
Approved as to·Descrruption (SEAL)
On this 2g day of March A.D. Nineteen Hundred apd twenty-seven before me,
P. A. Nauman a Notary .Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
swenn, personally appeared Eunice D. Haight, a widow known to me to be t~2 person described
in and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged, to me that she
executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal tre day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission: Expires,
Feb • 21 , 1g 30 •
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State· of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 11 1g27 at 50 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1345 Page 327 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. \
"'· 't

f .· . ...
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Eunice D. Haight to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 206488.
City ~le.rk of~Ttne. ~ty of San Diego, California •
. I~;.
1/'A/1 j, 1
BY_u~Jf{. · ;jv~~
~~ Deputy.

d ;;~.,.

Anna McCreery, ·a widow, For and in consideration of One ($l.OO}:,Do·llar and other
valuable considerations. Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a municipal corporation
in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement of right-of-way for street pur-
pose_ s only, over, along and across. All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diegol,
County of San·Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: . .
All that portion of Lot 14, C. C. Seaman's subdivision, according. to map thereof No.
214, filed with the County Recorder of said County: beginning at. the northwest corner. of Lot
14, C. C. Seaman's subdivision, thence easterly along the northerly line of said Lot 14,
8.05' to a p9int; thence s. 0° 12' W. 330'. to a point on the sout.herly line of said Lot 14;
thence westerly along the soutre rly line of said Lot 14, 10.30' to the southwest corner of
said Lot 14; thence northerly along the westerly line of said Lot 14, 330' to the point of ..
beginning. .
To Have and to Hold the above gmanted and described easerrent for public street pur-
poses only.
Witness my hand and seal this. sixth day of April, 1927.
Approved as t:o Descrmption ANNA McCREERY ·(SEAL}
E. T. FRULAND . Approved as to Form
On this 6th day·of April A.D., Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me,
Gladys I. Porter a Notary _Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Anna McCreery known to :ne to be t be person -descrt·bed in ·and

whose name is .subscribed to the within instrument·, and acknowledged to me that she executed.
the same.
Witness my hand and Official beal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
My Commission Expires March 20, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 11 1927 at 50 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1367 Page 21 of.Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, .Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, .true and correct copy of
Deed from Anna Me Creery to the City of San Diego; Being Document No. 206489.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
/0 h ~~ /~~
By~4~, /2(. <?~~ . Deputy.
U! ~~-~-

Otto A. Roedel ard Leni L. Roedel, husband and wife, and L. G. Heisserer, a bachelor,
.F~xand in consideration of Ten Pollars Do-Hereby. Grant to The City of San Diego, a municipai
copporation, in the County of San Diego, State o~ California, an easement of right-of-way for
I street pur.poses over, along and across, All tha.t -real property situa·ted in. the City of San
Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
All that portion of the southwest quarte·r, Section 34, Township 16 9 South Range.2
west. Beginning at the northwest corner of C. C.; Seaman's subdivision, thence southerly
along the westerly line of s_aid Seaman's subdivision 440.33' to a point; thence N. 89° 38' W.
73.45' to a point; thence N. 0° 12' E. 440.33' to:a point; thence S. 89° 38' E. 76.45' to th~
point of beginning. (The C. C. Seaman's subdivision referr.ed to above is according to map
thereof No. 214, on file in the .office of the County .Recorder of the County of San Diego~}
To Have and to Hold th3 above granted and described easement for public street
purposes. ·
. Witness our hands and seals this 3rd day of ..May, ·19 27. ".
Approved as to Description LENI L. ROEDEL (SEAL)
E. T. FRULAN.D Approved as to Form
DIEGO ' ) ss
On this 3rd day of MAY A.D., Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Seven before me,.
JAMES D. SURTEES a Notary Public in and for sa:id County, residlil_I!B' ;t-herein, duly commissioned ,__ I
and sworn, personally appeared LENI L. ROEDEL, OTTO A. ROEDEL, ijus:Q.andl. & wife and·
L •. G. HEISSERER, a bache lor known to rm to be the persons described in and whose names are
subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same •.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above



Notary Public in and for tre County of San Diego,
(SEAL} State of California.
My Co~~ission Expires
My Commission expires Jan •. 20, 1929.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 11 1927 .at 50 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1308 Page 494 of ~eds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. .
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Otto A. Roedel et al and Heisserer to the City of San Diego. Being Document No.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

(j ~;t 1 Vl4i· 'Jt.
M. Louise Steph~ns, a single woa1an, and Ed;ith J. Stealy, formerly Edith A. Jones,
a married ·woman. For. and· in cons ide rat ion of One ( iwl.OO) Dollar. and other valuable consid-
erations. Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County ·•
of San Die·go, State of California, an easement of· right-of-way for street purposes over,;
along and ·across, All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San
Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: ·
All that portion of the southwest quarter, Section 34, Township 16, SouthRange:2
West: Beginning at a point on th9 westerly line of
C. c.·seaman's subdivision, which is
1761 •. 33' southerly from the northwest corner of said Seaman's subdivision; thence along the
westerly line of said Seaman's· subd-ivision 880.67' to the southwest corner of said Seaman's
subdivision; then·ce·-N. 89° 38'· WI. along the southerly line of ·section 34, Township 16, South!
Range 2 West 78.62' to a point_; thence northerly along the arc of a circle whose center bear's
N. 66° 54'-W. and is distant 260.00' from the last named point, 103.16' to a point; thence
N. 0° 12' ~· 780.19' to a point; thence S. 89° 38 1 E. 64.45' to the point of beginning. ·
(The C. C. ·seaman's subdivision referred to above is according to Map thereof No. 214~ on
file in the office of tre County Recorder of the County of San Diego.) · · .
To Have and to Hold the above granted and.described easement for public street
Witness our hands and seals this 3rd day of ~ay, 1927.
Approved as to Description M. LOUISE STEPHENS (SEAL)
E. T. Jl'RULAND Approved as to form
On this 3rd day of May, A.D., Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me,
Harry R. Atwood a Notary .Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared M. Louise Stephens and Edith J. Stealy known to me to be the
persons d~scribed in and whose n~mes are subscribed to the within instrpmerrt, and acknow~
ledged to ·me that they exe outed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) . . State of California.
My Commission Expires,
My Commission expires Jan •. 24, 1930.
RECORDED AT _REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 11 1927 at 50 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M. In
Book No1 1308 Page 495 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif. "i
JOHll H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from M. Louise Stephens and Edith J. Stealy to the City of San Diego. Being Documant
No. 206491.
City/'Clerk of the ~ty of San Diego, California.

By ,?t£«-<~J 0r 'Jf.add~
--;r--u--- . tY'o/ ~.u.
Deputy. I

.i, CHARLOTTE TEGGART, a single woman~ For and iri consideration of One {$1.00) Dollar
and other valuable considerations. Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal II
co:r:poration in the County of San Diego, State of ·california, an easemellt and right-of-way for
street purposes only, over, along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of
San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
All that portion of .Lot 1~, C. c. Seaman's subdivision, according to map thereof No.
214, filed With the County Recorder of said County: beginning at the northwest .corner of
Lot 13, C. C. Seaman's subdi, ision, thence easterly along the northerly line of said Lot 13,

10.30' to a point; thence .s. 0° 12' W. 330' to a point on the southerly line of' said Lot. 13;
thence westerly along tre southerly line of said Lot 13; 12.55' to the southwest corner of
said Lot 13; thence northerly a.long the westerly line of said Lot 13, 330' to the point of
beginning. ..
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easerrent for public street -
purposes only.
Witness my hand and seal this 13th day of April, 1927. -=-
Approved as to De script ion CHARLOTTE TEGG.ART (SEAL)
E. T. FRULAND . Approved a s t o Form

On this 13th day of .April, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven be!fi!Dit'e me,
Johanna N. Wilcox a Notary .Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly cor.unissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Charlotte Teggart a single woman known to me to be the person
described in and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me
that she exe outed the same. '
Witness my hand and Offici&l Seal the day andi y'ear in thi's certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of Honolulu,
(SEAL) Territory of Hawaii.
My Comm~ssion Expires, when Revoked by the
Territorial Atty.-General.
.. - -1-


RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 11· 1927 at 50 Min. past· 11 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1309 Page 458 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif. . 0
JOH:N_H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PP~SONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CER1'IFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of.

I Easement of Right of. Wf3:y from Charlotte ~eggart to the City of San Dttego. Being Document
No. 206492. ·
City Clerk of the Ci--t.y of San Diego, California.

Byf4""1,J6ef.1/.a.cur~puty. :
:u ~~-~.
Frank Teggart, a single man. For and in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar and
other valuable considerations. Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corp-
oration in the County· of San Diego, State of California, an easement of right-of-way for•
street purposes over, along and across, All that Real Property situated in the City of San
Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, boundedand describ_ed as follows: · ·
· All that portion of Lot 9, C. C. Seaman's subdivision, according to map thereof
No. 214, filed with the County Recorder of said County; beginning at the northwest corner
of Lot 9, c. c. Seaman's subdivision,-thence easterly ~long-the northerly line of said Lot 9,
19.30' to a point; thence S. 0° 12' W. 229.52' to· a point; _;thence southerly alo~g the arc of v ·-..
a circle, whose center bears N. 89°.48' W. and is distant M(Jil' from the last named point:, 102'
to a point on the southerly line of said Lot 9; thence westerly along the southerly line· of
said Lot 9, 2.79-'' to the southwest corner of said. Lot 9; thence northerly along the westerly
line of said Lot 9; 330' to the point of beginning. ·
To Have and to Hold tl'.e above granted and described easement for public street 1.
Witness my hand and seal this seventh dar of April, 1927.
Approved as to Description FRANKTEGGART {-SEAL)

Approved as to Form
S. J .' HIGGINS, City Attorney
ON this seventh day of April A.D., Nineteen Hunqred and twenty-seven before me,
Alice L. Haglund a .Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein,. duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Frank Teggart knovvh to Jl!e to be the persnn described in and
whose name. is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed
the same. ,
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this eertificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of Riverside,
(SEAL) State- of California.
My Commission Expires,
December 5th, 1927.
,:BECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 11 192!Z at 50 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. "1309 Page. 457 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. ~

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct coplt 0f
Deed from Frank Teggart to t 113 City of San Diego. Being Document No. 206493.
Cit~lerk of the~ ty of San Diego, California.

I DEED ..--
ISABELLA TEGGART, a single woman For and. in consideration of One ( $1.00) Dollar and
other valuable considerations. Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a municipal corpor-
ation in tre County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right-of-way for streeit, over, a long and across. All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego,
Co.unty of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
All that portion-of Lot 12, c. c. Seaman's subdivision, according to map thereof No.
214, filed with the County Recorder of said Count;y: beginning at the northwest corner of Lot
12, c. c. Seaman's subdivision, thence ef:Lsterly along the northerly line of said L9t 12,-_12.55'
to a point; thence s. 0° 12' w. 330' to a point on the southerly line of said Lot 12; thence
westerly along t 113 -southerly line of said Lot 12, 14.80' to the southwest corner of said' Lot
12; thence northerly along the westerly line of said Lot 12, 330' to the point of beginning.
To Have and to Hold tbe above granted and described easement for-public street pur-
Witness my hand and seal this 2d day of April, 1927.
Approved as to De script ion ISABELLA TEGGART (SEAL) .
E. T. FRULAN D Approved as to :E;orm

On this 2d day of April, A.D~ Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me,
Lela I. Stillman a Notary Public in and for saw County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Isabella ~eggart, a single woman known to me to be the person
described in and whose name is SUbscribed to tl'.e Within instrument, and acknowledged to me

I that she executed the same.

Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and yea::r in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and· for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commltssion Expires,
!April 17, 1928.
I ' ''·.'

..J -.:..
. • f., ?""j"
' 1•• ,
RECORDED AT REQUE~T OF City Clerk 1~Y 11 1927 at 50 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1308 Page 497 of·· Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, Cbunty Recorder'
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. ~

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Isabella Taggart to the City of San·Diego. Being~Doeument No. 206494.
Cit0lerk of the c~q/of San Diego, CaliforJ?-ia.

By+/,-7f...::;~~"-· ~.~Deputy.

SAR<iH MARION TEGGART, now .MA.RION TEGGART HALLEY For and in consideration of One
($1.00) Dollar and ·other valuable considerations. Do Hereby Grant to ·the City of San Diego,
a-municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easerrent of :right-
o~-way for street purposes ov~r, along and across. ~~1 tt:at Real Property sit~ated in the II
C1ty of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Cal1forrna, bounded and descr1bed as follows:
All that portion of Lot 10, C.C. Seaman's subdivision, according to map thereof No. /
214, filed with the County Recorder of said County; beginning at the northwest corner of Lot
10, C. C. Seaman's subdivision, thence easterly a long the nor~he rly line of said Lot 10, ·
.17.05' to a point; thence s. 0° 12' w. 330' to a point on.the southerly line of said Lot 10;
thence westerly along the southerly' line of said Lot 10, 19.30' to the southwest corner of
said Lot TO-; thence northerly along ·the westerly line of said ·Lot 10, 330' ,to the point of
To Have and to Hold the abo,i-e gran ted and d!.escri bed easement for _public street
Witness my hand and seal this 2d day of April, 1927. '
Approved as to Description SARAH MARION TEGGART (SEAL)
E. T. FRULAUD . Approved as to Form·· now
S. J. HIGGINS, City Atty.
I •

On this 2d day of April, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me, Lela·I.Stillman
a Notary Public in .and for said County·; residing therein,· duly commmssioned and sworn, per...:
sonally ap_peared Sarah Marion Teggart, now Marion Teggart Halley known to me to be ·the· per-
son described in a·nd whose narre is subscribed to tre within instr~ent, and :a:clfnowledged""to
me that she executed the same. ·
Witness my hand and Offi cia 1 Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SBAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
April 17, 1928.
RECORDED AT REQUE0T. OF City Clerk MJi.Y 11 1927 at 50 Min. past 11 o'clock A.Ivi. In
Book No. 1367 Page 22 of Deeds Records of San Diego.County, CalifL·
J.OHN H. l!1ERRY, County ·Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Dep_uty.
I HEREBY CERTIFY That the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
D~ed from Marion Teggart· Halley to the City ·of San Diego. Being Document No. 206495. ·
City Clerk of_the Ci-t.y of San Diego, California.
;; //~~ -c1 / / T- "
B;v f.,

_v J4-:....-~_l::::;'.a.--..c[4A/k£':::2?=..ueputy.
' . -?'7 ~/l4.- ~. I
HELEN M. TOWLE, a s i:ggle woman, for and in cons idera ti on of One ( ~1.00) Dollar
and other valuable considerations, do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal
corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement of Eighty (80')
foot right-of-way for street purposes, ·over, along and across, all that real property sit-
uated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and descriibed
as follows: all that portion of the northwest quarter, ~action 34, Township 16, South i:"tangel
2 West, described as follows: beginning at the intersection of the center line ·Of_ Fifty- I
fourth (54th) Street, formerly .ir..nown as ltadio :zoad, produced southerly, and the southerly line:
of Let. 31, Lemon Villa, according to map thereof No. 734, filed with the County Recorder of II
said County, thence S89° 14' E 40' to a point; thence S 0° 12' W 2656.57' to a point on the
northerly line of Lot 16, c. C. Seam~n's subdivision, according to map thereof No. 214, f:i,.le~1
with the County Recorder of said County, 3.55' easterly from the northwest corner of said Lo t
16; thence N89° 38' W 80' to a point; thence N 0° 12' E 2657.37~ to a point on the southerly
line of Lot 31, Lemon Villa; thence S 89° 14' E 40' to the point of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement for public street pur-
Witness my hand and seal this 26th day of April 1927.
Approved as to Form
Turrentine & Wright, Attorneys
Approved as to Description
state of California,) SS
County of San Diego,) •
On this ~26th day of April A.D., Nineteen Hundred and twenty seven bef'ore m~, E. c.
Fleet, a Notary ?ublic in ~nd for 'said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared Helen M. Towle, a Single Woman known to me to be the person described in
and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she exe-
cuted the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certific~te first above
E. C. :B1 LEET
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
hly Commission Expires, State of California.
Feby. 3-l93p.
~ECO!.IDED AT RE<,~UEST OF CITY CLEHK MAY 11, 1927, at 50 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M.,
In Book No. 1309 ?age 460 oi· DEEDS, .aecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
·By N. C. PAilSONS, Deputy.

I, I HEREBY CE:i:iTH1 Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Helen M. Towle, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No. 206496.
City Clerk
., of
the C~yof San Diego, California •
By~- ~;;;;;.._.--<:Deputy.
u .
Otto A. Roedel and Leni L. Roedel, husband and wife, and L. G. Heisserer, a Bach-
elor, for and in consideration of On~ (1.00) Dollar and other valuable considerations, do
hereby grant to. the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, in the County of San Diego,
State of California, an easement and right-of~way for street purposes, along and across all
that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Californ·a,
bounded and described as follows: all that portion of Lot 16, c. c.· Seaman's Subdivision, ac-
cording to map thereof No. 214, filed with. the County 3ecorder of said County: beginning at I
the northwest corner of Lot 16, C. c. Seaman's subdivision, thence easterly along the north-
ly line of said Lot 16, 3.55' to a point;· thence S 0° 12' W 332.00' to a point on the southe~ly
line of said Lot 16; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 16 5.80' to the
southwest corner of said Lot 16; thence northerly along the westerly line of said Lot 16 332.00'
to the point of begirining.
·To Have and. to Hold the above granted and described easement for public street pur-
Witness our hands and seals this 3rd day of May 1927.

I Approved as to description
E. T. Fruland
Approved as to form
State of California,)
County of San Diego.) ss. . . .
On this 3rd day_ of MAY A.D., Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Seven before me, JAMES D.
SURTEES a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, \iuly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared LENI L. ROEDEL, OTTO A. iWE!DEL, husband & wife and iL. G. Heisserer, a I
bachelor known to me to be the pe.rsons described in and whose names are subscribed to the wi ~h­
in instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
Wi tne sa my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate fir"s·t. above
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego, state of
My Commission expires California.
Jan. 20, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk 1\'IAY ll 1927 at 50 :Min. past ll o'clock A.l1i., In
Book No. l-345 Page 328 of· DEEDS, RECORDS of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. ]'ERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTH'Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
bead from Ot"to A• Roedel, et ux., and L. G. Heisserer, to~.ltlJe City of San Diego, California,
being_ Document l~o. 206497.
.·City Q_,lerk of the CLt of San Diego, California •
...___ /

By f' ,/ .,/Deputy.

He len E .• Weber, formerly Helen E. Taggert, also known as He len Elizabeth Taggart,
a married woman, for and in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar and other valuable consider-
ations , do here by. grant,. to the City· of San Die go, a municipal corporation in the County of San
Diego, S.tate -·of': Califoril~at-.. an easement· of right-of-way for street purposes over, along and
across all t_hat· real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, state
of California, bounded and described as folloWs: all that portion of Lot 11, c. c .. Seaman's
Sub~ivision, according to map thereof No. 214, filed with the CountyRecorder of said County;
beg~nning at the northwest corner of Lot 11; c. c. Seaman's subdivision, thence easterly ale~
the northerly line of said Lot 11,14.80' .to a point; thence S 0° 12' W 330' .to a point on th~
southerly line of said Lot 11; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 11, 17.05'
to the southwest co:rner of said Lot ll.; thence northerly along the westerly line of said Lot
ll, 330' to the point of beginning.
1o Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement for public street pur-
Witness our hands and. seals this 8th day of April 1927.
Approved as to Des~ription
E. ~J.l. Fruland ·
Approved as to Form
TURRENTI~~ & WRIGHT, Attorneys

State of California, )
County of LOS ANGELES, . ) ss •
On ·this 8th day of April A.D., Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me, the un~er
I signe.d ··a Notary .Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared Helen E. Webber, formerly Helen E.·Teggart, known to me to be the person
described in and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and-acknowledged to me
that she executed the same.
Witness my hand and Offici~l ~eal the day and year in this certificate first above I

written. ' r
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
My Commission Expires, State of California.
May 11th 1927.
:REC03D3D AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAy:-11:"1927 at 50 Min. past 11 o'cloc1{; A.!',I., In
Book No. l30g Page 461 of DEEDS, ]ecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FE~RY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY. CERTIFY that the above·and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Helen E. Webber, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No. 2064ga
City ~lerk o~fthe c·ty o?i/_f
San Diego, California.
/I/ . .
By{/!~/. · · . ~{;;a>- Jffiputy.
1,, A
/• ~

LINCOLN H. WELDON, known as L. H. Weldon, a bachelor, For and in consideration
of One ($1.00) Dollar Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, in I
the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement of riightA~ef-way for street purposes
over, along and across All tbat Real Property situated in the. City of San Die-go, County of
San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
· - ~!i_.: All that portion of the southwest quarter, Section 34, Township 16, South Range 2
· West: Beginning at a point on the westerly line of C. C. Seaman's. subdivision which is
·V 440.33' southerly from the northwest corner of said Seaman's subdivision; thence southerly
-~'.\ along the westerly line of said Sea-man's subdivision 440.33' to a point; thence N. ago 3a' W.
· 70.45' to a point; thence N. 6° 12~. . E\ 440.33' to a point; thence S. ago 3a' E. 73.45' to th~
point of beginning. (The c. c • .Seaman's subdivision. referred to above ,is according to map
thereof No. 214, on File in the office of the County Recorder of the County of San Diego.)
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easerrent for public street
vYitness my hand and seal this 26th day of Ma;vch, 1g27.
Approved as to Description . LINCOLN H. WELDON (SEAL)
· Ap_proved as to ]'orm
On this 26th day of Mara{r, .A. D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
Eleanor Metzner, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Lincoln H. Waldon,·a bachelor, known' to me to be the person
described in and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me
that he executed the same. - ·- ·
Witne8s my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Public, McLea·n County, Illinois.
My Commission Expires, Sept. 2, 1g2B.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 11 1g27 at 50 Min. past 11 o'clock .A.M. In
Book No. I314 Page 244 of Deeds. Records of ~an Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSOUS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Lincoln H. We!idon to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 2064gg.
of the Cit of Diego, California.

Susan B. Welch also known as Sue Welch, and Charles E. Welch, her husband, of
Tippecanoe County and State of Indiana, For and in consideration of One Dollar ($1.00} and
other valuab.le considerations, Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corpora-
tion in tb:e County of San Diego, State of California, an.easeroont of right-of-way for street
purposes, over, along and across All that real Property situated in the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, State of California, bounded· and described as follows: ·
All that portion of the southwest quarter of Section 34, Township 16, South Range 2
West, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly line of C. C. Seaman's sub 1
division, ·according to map thereof No. 214, filed in the office of the County Recorder of sa~d
County, which is 1321' southerly from the northwest-corner of-said Seaman's subdivision; therll.ce
southerly ·along the westerly line of said Seaman's subdivision 440.33' to a point; thence 1
N. ago 38' W. 64.45' to a point; thence N. 0° 12'·E. 440.33' to a point; thence S. ggo 3a' E.
67.45' to the point of beginning. . . I
This conveyance is JIB de subject to the following reservations: In the event that tlie
above described real estate ceases to be used for highway-purposes, the fee thereof shall·re41
vert to the grantors, their heirs or successors in interest. In dlhe event the City of San D:iJego,
County of San Diego, State of California, does not use the entire tract of the real estate
above described for highway·purposes, the grantors reserve the right and privilege of using
such real estate as a part and parce 1 of their lot.
To Have and to Hold the above g.:ranted and described easement for pul:>lic street pur-
Witness our hands and seals this 16:dayaof April, 1927. "1
Approved as to De script ion SUSAN B. WELCH (SEAL)
E. T. FHULAND Apptoved as to Form

, On this 16 day of April A.J;>., .Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Seven before me, J.W.Moore
a Notary Public in and for saidi County, residiing tp,ez:ein_., duly wmmissioned and sworn, per-
sonally appeared Susan B. Welch and Charles E. Welc~:ltJ5:owh to me 1;o be the persons described
in and whose names are subscribed to the within inst·rument, and acknowledged to me that they
e xe cute d t he s arne •
Witness my hand and Official Seal t be day and yes.r in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of
(SEAL) Tippecanoe, State of Indiana·.
My Comm~ssion Expires,

I De c • 6 , 19 30 •
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Ciyy Clerk MAY 11 1927 at 50 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1314 Page 243 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. .
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is·a full," true and correct copy of
Deed from Susan B. Welch et alto the City of San Dj_ego. Being Document ·No. 206500.
Clerk of t be City of San Diego, California •

~ :_'
. L
. '·, DEED
. ,,
,; .
I, Sigrid Crosby, a married womE.n, ]'or and in Consideration of the benefits to
,. accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer.line throu~h and across the
.property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar (~1.00) to me in
hand paid,· the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City of San ·
Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement
and right of way through, along and across all that certain real property situate in the CitW
. of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as follows,
The East Three (3) feet of Lots One and Two, Bloc~ Two, Stetsons Addition, t~as be-
'ing the separate property. of t be grantor.

I To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said ·
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and
maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment.
In Witness Whereof I Have hereunto set my hand and seal this 27th day of April, 1927.
On th:is 27th day of April, 1927, before me, Adolph J. Mende a Notary Public in and
fo:r tb9 said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Sigrid Crosby personally known. to me to be the person whose
name is. subscribed to the within instrument, and she du+y acknowledged to me that she execut-
ed the same. ·
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and 'for the County of Sari Diego,
(SEAL) State of California~
My Commission expires
Sept. 10, 1930 •.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 17 1927 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In

Book No. 1'314 Page 246 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Cal if. ·
. . J,OHI'l' H •. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C•. pARSONS~ ~puty.


We, M.A. Gethmann and John E. Gethmann, as joint tenants, For and in Consideration;
of the benefits to accrue by the location, constr.uction and maintenance of a sewer line ·
through ~d across the property. here-tn des.cribed, and in consideration of the sum of One 1
Dollar ($1.00) to us in hand paid, th3 receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby
grant to the City of San Die.go, a .municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of:·
California, an easement a11d right of way through, along and across all that certain real .· 1
property situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego., State of California,. particu..;.
larly described as follows, to-wit: ' :{'"

The southweJsterly Forty (40) feet of Lot Six (6), Block Th;ree (3), o1' Marine View.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns :forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of· way is for the constructi9n and mainten- •.' ~:

ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City

I of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and
maintenance of sewer Jaterals over am across this easment.
In Witness Whe:reof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 19th day of
April, 19 27.


~ . . ..
l.·'·..l '...~· ~·' .. ... t '


On this 26th day of April, 1927, before me, W. E. Gary a Notary Public in and for the
said County of New York, State of New York, residilJg therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared M. A. Gethman personally known to me to be the person whose name is sub-
scribed to the Within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that·he executed the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand' and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of New York, the day and year in this eertificate first above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of New York
(SEAL) State of New York.
Notary Public, Westchester Co. N. Y.
Certificate :filed inN. Y. Co. No. 254
N.Y. County: Register's No. 8234
Commis$ion Expires March 30th, 1928~
On this i9th day of April, 1927, before me, Adolph J. Mende a Notary Public in and
:for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared John E. Gethmann pe rsomlly known to me to be the person whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed
the same. .
In Witness Whe reo:f, I have lE reunt o set my .hand and affixed .my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
Ji(i}tax:.J1· Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires Sept. 10, 1930 •
. RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 17, 1927 .at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 1320 Page 384 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Raco·rder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
·r HERE(BY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a: full, true and correct copy of.
Deed :from M.A. Gethmann and John E. Gethmann to the City of San Diego. Being Document N0 •

I, Bertha Lehman, a single woman For and in Consideration ofthe bene:fits to accrue
by the location, c:onstruction and maintenance of a sewer line through and across the property
herein described, ·and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ( $1.00) to me in hand paid,
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a
municipal corporatiol'l in the County of San Diego; State of California, an easement and right
of way through, along and across all that certain real property situate in t be City of San
Di~go, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit:
The north :r·our feet of the east forty :feet of Lot 11, Block 2, Normal Heights, City
of San, County of San Diego; California.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is .for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and a cross this easment.
· In VH tness Whereof, Bertha Lehman has hereunto set her hand and seal this 21st day
of January, 1927.
On this 21st day of· January, 1927, before me, .A. E• Michael a Notary Public in and v
for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Bertha Lehman personally kno~m to me to be the person whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and she duly acknowledged to me that she executed
the sarre. ··
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, tre day and year in this-certificate first above written.
Notary Public .in and for the County o-f San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires
Oct. 25, 1927.
RECORDED AT. REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 17 1927 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock B. M. In
Book No. 1320 Page 388 of Deed Records of oan Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS • Deputy. ~~

I HEREEY CERTIFY that the above ani foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed of Bertha Lehman for sewer R/W to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 206607.
. ALLEN. H. 1fffi!GHT
City Clerk of the Ci~(: Diego, California.

By ~udL~ ~~J)f>-ptity.
7 97 ~-31.

I, Andrew S~enseth, single Fo:r and in Consideration of the benefits to accrue by thE1
location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line thr<;tugh and across the property herein
described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar (~1.00) to me in hand paid, the re-
ceipt v/hereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant·::t.o-.-:the City of San Diego, a municipal

I corporation in the 9ounty of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way
thr-ough, -along ani across all that certain_real property situate in the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit:
Lots Thirty- two ( 32) and Thirty-three ( 33) in B1o ck Eig1!.t ( 8), La Jolla Strand, Ci tYI
of San Diego; County of San Diego, State of California.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The pu:r:pose of this easement and right of way is for tbs construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the prope:r:ty lines, it b.eing understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and.
maintenance of· sewer laterals over and across this easment.
In Witness Whereof, my has hereunto set his hand and seal this 24th day of March,l 27.
On this 24th day of I'f.lB.rch, 1927, before me, Hugh B. Cassidy a Notar~r Public in and
for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned a d
sworn, persenally appeared Andrew Stenseth personally known to .rre to be the person whose name
is subscribed to the within instrument, and. he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the
In Witne-ss Whereof, I ·have hereunto set my ·hBJIII.d and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the· day and year in t_his certificate first above written.
Notary :Public in and dior the County of San Die go,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires

I July 24, 1929.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 17 1927 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock :P.M. Iil
Book No. 1332 Page 220 of DEEDS. Records of San Diego County, Calif. .\
JOHn H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. .
I. HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Andrew Stenseth to the City of San Diego. Being Document No .• 206609 •
City/'Clerk of the)City of San Diego, California.

~'~(I . --rp? ~31.
D E E .D

Reuben ·c. Haas and Gene'Vieve I. Haas, husband and wife, For and in Cons ide rat ion of
the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sew~r line through
and across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.0
to us in hand paid, the receipt vvhereof is hereby-acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City
of San Die·go; a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an
easement and right of way through, along and across all certain real property situate in
the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as
follows, to-wit: ·
The East half of Lot Twenty-three ( 23) of Block ;r, Altadena.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto_ the· said

I ·
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of'way is: for the. construction a1id maintenance
of~ private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City of I
San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and mainten-l
ance of sewer laterals over and across this easment.
In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 4th day of April,l 27.
On this 4th day of April, 192 7, before me; Adolph J. Mende a Notary Public in and for
the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned aild
sworn; personally appeared Reuben C. Haas and Genevieve I. Haas, personally known to me to be
the persons whose names __ subscribed to the within instrument, and they dnly acknovvledged to
me that they executed. the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
Notary Pubiic in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California,
My Commission expires
Sept. 10, 19230.

RECORDED AT REQUE:J'l' OF City Clerk MAY 17 1927 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P. Ivl. In

Book No. 1320 Page 385 of Deed Records of $an Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
. \ By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that t.I:E above and foregoing is a full, true and correct coplf of
Deed from ·Reuben C. Haas and Genevieve I. Haas to the City of San Diego. Being Document
No. 206611.

City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California •
We, F. E. Lea and Alma Lea, husband and wife, as joint tenants, For a1n in Considera-
tion of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer linel1
through and across the :property herein described, and in consideration of the sum ·Of One
Dollar ($1.00) to us in hand paid, the receipt hereby acknowledged, do hereby
grant to the City of San Diego, .a municipal :eo:rporation in the County of San Diego, State o::fill
California, an ease~rent and right of way through, along and across all that certain real
property situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particu-
larly described as follows, to-wit:
Lots Forty-five (45) a1n Forty-six (46) in Block One Hundred and twenty-five (125},
City Heights.
To Have and to Hold t.lm above· granted and described 'right of way unto the said grant:lee,
its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line. · I
The purpose of this ease~re.nt and right of way is for ·the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being unde·rstood that the Cit;J:i
C?.f San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and
maintenanee of sewer laterals over and across this easment.
In Witness .Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 29th day of March


On this 30th day of March, 1927, be fore me, Adolph J. Mende a Notary Public in and
for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally ~ppeared F. E. Lea and Alma Lea, persom,lly known to me to be the per-
sons whos·e names are subscribed to the within instrument, anlll/'they duly acknowledged to me
that they exe outed the same.
In Witness Whereof, ·I have hereunto set rnu hand and affixed my. official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.

. (SEAL).
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
My Commission expires
Sept. 10, 1930.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 17 1927 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock E. M. In
Book~ No. ·1320 Page 386 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H:. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS , Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY. that t be above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from F. E •. Lea and Alam Lea to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 206613.
CityClerk of the Ci~ of San Djego, California.

By~'ir ~puty.
u .t:f?r~. >I .

I, Otto L. Anderson and Helen A. Anderson, husband ·and wife For and in ·Consideration
of the be11efits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line·
thll7ough and across the· property herein described, and in consideration· of the -sum of One
Dollar !$1.00) to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, to hereby
grant to the City of San Diego, a· municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State I
of California, an easement and right of way throu~h, along and across all_ that certain real
property s;i tuate in the City of san Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, pm:rticu'-
larly described as follows, to-wit:
Lots 23 and 24, Block 14, Reed and Hubbell's Addition.. ' 1
To Have and to Hold t be above granted a1n described right of way unto the said grantlee,
its successors and assigns forever, as a· right of way for a sewer pipe line. I
The :purpose of this easement mn right of way is for the· construction and maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood: that the City of
San Diego is not to be held liable for any resulting from the con:stv.uct ion and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this e asmen t.
In Witness 1Nhereof, we have hereunto set our hands· and seals this 31st day of
March, 1927.


· On this 31st day of March, 1927, before me, Adolph J. Mende, a Notary Public in and
for the said County of San Diego, State of Californi~, residing therein, duly commissioned
ani sworn, personal~y appeared Otto L. Anderson and Helen A. Anderson, personally knovm to
me to be the person~ ·whose names __ subscribed to tbe within instrument, and they duly
acknowledged to me that they·executed the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal; at my
office in the County of .San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.

Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires
Sept. 10; 1930.
EEG0RDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 17 1927 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.J\4 •. In
Book No. 1369' Page 7 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif. '
Jomr H:. FERRY, County Recorder·
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Otto L. Anderson and Helen A. Anderson to tre City of San Diego. Being document
No. 206615.
~it~-~lerk of the CitJ of San Diego, California.
/ ) =)i .
I. By//(~Ld-d. d-:?2(- <-~v:a~-:;t?:;o-za .-;::Deputy.
/ ' /
J /, / . . . -~ '

/ . ---;(.3 ~ ~A. -\ /
~j / :;· . -r- . ..YI- .

I, Elmer F. Moore and Lillie·Ivi. Moore, husband and wife, and P.M. Lund and Rosa
I. J!iund, husband an:l w:ii.fe, For and in Consideration of the benefits to accrue by the locatiolp.,
construction and maintenance of a sewer line through and across the property herein describe<¥-,
and· in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) t o _ in hand paid, the receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in
the County of San Diego, State of' California, an easement and right of way through,alcimg· and
across all that certain real property situate in t m City of San Diego, County of San Diego,
State of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit: .
The West Eighty-six (86) feet of Lots Forty-seven (47) and Forty-eight (48), in
-- '.
Block One Hundred Eight (108), of University Heights, according to amended map thereof made
·... ~:
by G. A. d'Hemecourt, in ~ook 8, Page 36 et seq. of Lis Pendens in the office of the County
Recorder of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above g·ranted and! described right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for. the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside tre property line~, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to lb1e held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and mailll-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easme nt.
Iri Witness Whereof, we mve hereunto set our hands and seal this 4th day of
Decembe:r, 1926.·



On this 22nd day of December, 1926, before me, Jno·. L. Haines a Notary Public ih
and for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly .....--c_omrriissioned
and sworn, personally appeared ELMER F. MOORE, LILLIE M. MOORE, P.~M· LUND AND ROSA I. LUND
personally known to me to be the persons whose mmes are subscribed to the within instrument, ;.,
..! I
and they duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. - -~
In Witness Where.of, I have hereunto set nBY hand and affixed my. official seal, at ·
my office mn the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written •
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California. ·
My Commission expires
c1july 27, 1930. ·
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 17 1927 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 1320 Page 389 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
. JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. ~

· I H~REBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Elmer F. Moore, Lillie M. Moore, P. M. Lund and Rosa I. Lund :to the City_ of San Diego.
Being Do~nt No. 206617.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
f' ~ ~/)
'• . /
By6//1v../ _
. . . --;;t..J
7 -,'/A .c;J;.-;~-jj.
l .
·. / d

UNION TRUST COMPANY of San Diego a corporation; of the City of San Diego, County of
San Diego, State of California, For and in considera.tion of the sum of One and nollOO DOJJLAR,
Does Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a .Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego,
State of California, a.s easement and right of way for the construction, operation and main-
tenance of a drain pipe through, along and across, All that Real Property situated in the CHy
of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: ·
A portion of unlettered Lot in Block Three Hundred Seventy-four (374), Horton's·
Addition, commonly known as Lot "K" said Bloc~ 374, said easement and right of way _being si::x:
feet in width, tmee feet on each side of the following described center line: :
Beginning at a point on tre East line of said Block 374-, distant 97.00 feet South
from the Northeast corner of said Block 374; thence Northwesterly on a direct line making an
angle of 55 degrees with the said East line of said Block 374, a distan-ce of 20.00 feet to a
Said Horton's Addition, being according to Map thereof made by L. L• Lockling, filed!
in the office of tre County Recorder of said San Diego County. · ·
To Have and to Hold t re above granted and described easement unto the said Grantee,·

I its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
In Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused this deed to be signed by its Vice-
President and Assistant Secretary and its .corporate seal to be affixed hereto this- 29th day
of March, 1927.
By F. B. THOMPSON, Vice-President
(SEAL) Attest:-
J. L. BOLLING, Assistant Secretary
On this 29th day of March in the year one thousand ndme hundred and 27 before me
Lulu 1'1IcFarland, a Notary Public in andi for· said County, personally appeared F. B. Thompso~
known to me to be the Vice-Pre siden1t, and J. L. Bolling known to me to be the Ass 1 t §e cretary
of the cor.poration thnt executed the within instrument, known to me to be the persons who
exe·cuted the within instrument on behalf of the c.orporation therein named- and acknowledged
to me that such corporation executed the same. ·
' I
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
_RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 17 1927 at 39 Min. past 2 o 1 clock P·. M. In
Book No. 1332 Page 224 of DEEDS. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
· . , .· JOHN H. FEP.RY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT tte above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
.. , Grant Deed from Union Trust Company of San Diego tb the City of San Diego. Being Document
No. 206619 •

.. :·j

WE, Ivl. C. Tombler aml.d Mary C;.Tombler, husband and wife, For and in consideration of
One IDollar Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal' Corporation, in the County
.o_f .San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of·-way·for the construction, operation
.and maintenance of a main sewer pipe line through, along and across All that Real Property

situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California., bounded and de-
scribed as follows:
The northeasterly six feet of Lots 1 and 2 and the northeasterly six feet of the
northwesterly 10 ieet of Lot'3, Block 100, Middletovm, according to Partition Map thereof made
by .J. E. Jackson, C.E. filed in the Office of the County Clerk of the County of San Diego,
Cali:fornia. ·
· To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line and. appurtenances.
Witness our hands ani seals this 7th day of May, 1927. I

On this 7th day of .May A. D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E.H.Brooks
a. Notary Public in and· for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, pe~­
sonally appeared M. c. Tombl~ r· and Mary C). Tomble r, known to me to be the persons described
in and whose names are subscribed to the vvi thin instrument, and acknowledged to me that they
executed the same. · ·
Witness my hand and Of:ficial Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
. wrt tten .•
. · E. H. BROOKS
Notary Publi'c in and for the Coru1ty of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
June 4, 1930•
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY l7 1927 at'30 Min. past 2 o~clock P.M. In Book
No. 1332 Page 222 of DEEDS. Records of San Diego Co"Unty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, O::>unty Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from M. C. Tombler and Mary c. Tombler to the City of San Diego, Being Document No.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
/~ 2q
BY:__{HJ,,~,~.£ ~·
.•v •
=j i ~
J!l-~ct~ Deputy~
J .

(! . . ~,. -~·.cj/.,
·' I, Bessie L. ·Gallivan, a widow, For and in consideration of One Doll?X Do ~ereby
Grant to The City- of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the Count-y of San Diego., State ..

of California, for street purposes, All that real property situated in the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: ·
A portion of Lot 17, East Redlands, accordirg to Map thereof No. 816, filed in the
Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, particularly described as follows:
Beginningat the most southwesterly corner of said ~ot 17; thence North 60 degrees
21 minutes 30 seconds East, a q.istance of 209.98 :feet to the westerly line of El Retiro,
according to Map thereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County;
thence North 0 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds East along the westerly line of said El Retiro,
a distance of 11.60 feet to a point; thence South 60 degrees 21 ~inutes 30 seconds West,.a
-distance of 209.98 feet to an intersection with the westerly line of said Lot 17; thence
southerly along the westerly line of said Lot 17, a distance of 11.60 feet to the point or
place of beginning.
To Have a1n to Hold.the above granted and described property unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, for street purposes~ as and for a portion of El Cajon
Avenue. ·
Witness my hand and seal this 3rd day of May, 1927.
On this 3rd day of May A.D.Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E.H.Brooks,
a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissiqned and sworn, per-
sonally appeared Bessie L. Ga:lli van, known to me to be the person descri_bed in and whose name
is subscribed t'o the within instruiment, and acknowledged to me that she .executed the same.

I written.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Pub 1 ie in and fur the Coru1 ty of San Die go,
(.SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
June 4-1930.

BECO:F.DBD .KT.REQUEST OF City Cierk Ivi.AY 17 1927 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In',
Book No. 1314 Page 248 of lleeds. Records of San Diego County, Calif. ·
JOHN H. FERRY, Coru1ty Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. .
I HEREBY CERTIFY that t te above· a tid foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Bessie L. Gallivan to the City of San Diego. ~eing Document No. 206623. .
C~ty Cler}f: of the City of San Diego, California.

By~ud_J:._~ _ __ . · ej:mty.
'c/ 9?~~-
We, H. H. Peterson and Edith M. Peterson, husband and wife, For and in consideratio:p.
of One Dollar Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the Coru1~y
of San Diego, State of California, an easerent and :right of way for the construction, operation

and maintenance of underground conduits and cable and appurtenances for ornamental street
lights, through, along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and follows:· ·
The northeasterly and northerly 3.00 feet of' Lots 2, 3 and-4, Westcliffe, according
to Map thereof' No. 2007, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County,
said strip of land being contiguous to Westcliffe Place; Also,
A portion of· Lot 8, Westcliffe, described as follows:
Beginning at the most southerly corner of Lot 8, said Westcliffe; thence northwest-
erly, westerlyandnort'herlyalongthe southwesterly, southerlyand lAeSterly line of said
Lot 8 to .a point distant 65.00 feet southwesterly from the northerly corner of said Lot 8;
thence at right angle.s southeasterly, a distance of 3.00 feet; thence in a southerly and sou~h­
easterly direction, parallel to and distant 3.00 feet -at right angles from said fifst descrip-
ed line, &o the . so utheEl,ste rl~l line of said Lot 8; thence south westerly along the southeasterly
line of eaid Lot 8,, a distance of 3.00 feet to the point of beginning; . ·
The northeasterly 3.00 feet of Lots 19, 18, 17 and 16, the easterly 3.00 feet of'
Lots 15 and 14 and· the easterly 3.00 .feet o.f the southerly 26.70 feet of Lot 13, all in West-
cliffe; ,
A ]lortion of Lot 23, said Westcliffe, described as follows; .
Beginning at a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 23, distant 61.07 feet
southeasterly from the westerly corner of said Lot 23; thence easterly, northeasterly and
northerly along the soutmrly, southeasterly and easterly line of said Lot 23, to· a point
distant 71.07 feet southeasterly from the north3rly corner of said Lot 2·3; thence at right
angles to said last' described line southwesterly a distance of 3.00 feet; thence southerly,
southwesterly and westerly on a line parallel to and distant at right angles 3.00 feet from
said first described course to .a point distant 3.00 feet northeasterly at right angles from
the southwesterly. line o·f said Lot 23 at the point of beginning; thence on a direct line to
the· point of beginliing. . .

I To Have and .to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for. underground conduits, cables and
appurtenances f·or ornam·ental street lights.
Witness :our hands and seals this 2nd day of May, 1927.
· On this 2nd day-of May A.D. 'Ni:r:e teen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E .H.Holmboe,
a Notary Public in and f'or, said County~ residing therein; duly commissioned and sworn, per- I
sonally appeared H. H. Peterson and Edith M·. Peterson Y'..novvn to me· to be the pe!rsons described
in and whose names are subscribe·d to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they
exe outed the. same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929.

RECORDED AT RE~UBST OF City Clerk MAY 17 1927 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 1320 Page 390 'of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif. ·
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.·

I I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed ·from H. H. Peterson and Edith M. Peterson to the City of San Diego. Being Document No.

UNION TRUST COMPANY OF SAN DIEGO, a corporation, For and in consideration of One
·DOLLAR Does·Hereby Grant to ·The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of.
San Diego; State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction, ope-ration!
and maintenance o.f a drain pipe through, along and across All that Real Property situated inl
the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of· California, bounded and described as
follows: · · -
A portion of Lot 19, Block B. Redland Gardens, according to Map thereof No; 1751,
filed in the Office oft m County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement and right
of way being six feet in ·width, three feet on ea:eh side of the following described center
Beginning at a point on the west line of said Lot 19, distant 28 feet north :f!''rom
the southwest corner of said Lot 19; thence northeasterly on a direct line making an angle
of 70 degrees with the said west line of said Lot 19, a distance of 35.00 feet to a point.
·To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easerrent unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns :f'orever as a right of 'way for a drain pipe. :.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by
its proper officers and its co.rporate seal affixed this 27th day of April, 1927. _
By F. B. THOMPSON'; V'i·ee-President.
(SEAL) Attest:
-A. H•. MacKINT-OSH, Assistant Secretary.
On this 27th day o.f April A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
Lulu McFarland a Notary Public in and for said County, residing there in, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared F. B. Thompson me to be the Vice President, and
A. H. MacKintosh known to me to be the Asst. Secretary of the Co:rporation that executed the
within instrument, known to· me to be the persons who exec"Q.ted the within instrument on be-

half of the Corporation within named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed
the same. . . '-
In Witness Whereof, I ha.v~ mreunto set my hand and affixed my_Official Seal, in
the County of San Diego, State .of California, the day and year in this certificate first
above written. c ·
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 17 1927 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In·..
Book No. r332 Page 223 of DEEDS. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. P .ARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that tbe above and foregoing is a ful~, true and correct copy of
Deed from Union Trust Company .to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 206627.
Cit~>--Clerk of t~e Oi-t.y of San Diego, California.

B~:l:zt ~e_;G;;4 )Jeputy. ·. .

c/ . --t~;Jl ~-~·
!D E E D

We, H. w. Clark and Anna s. Clark,. husband and wife, For and in consideration of
tm benefits to accrue by tbe location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and·
across the property hereinafter described Do Hereby Grant to The City: of San Diego, a
_Municipal Corpor~tion, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and
right of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line and appur-
tenances, through, along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego,
County of· San Diego, State o:e Cali:t:ornia, bounded and described as follows: ·
A portion of the East .80 feet of Acre Lot 47, Pacific Beach, according to Map
thereof filed in the Office of t be County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement
and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the following described
center line:
Beginning at a point on the east line of said Acre Lot 47, distant 135 feet south
from the nort beast corner of reid Acre Lot 47; the nee west on a line parallel. to and distant
135 feet south from tbe north line o.f said Acre Lot_ 47, a distance of 80 feet to a point.
· To Have and to Hold the above granted and descr·ib'ed easement unto the said grantee,
its s-uccessors and assigns, forever, for sewer purposes.
Witness our hands and seals this 27th d·ay of April, 1927.
On this 27th ~ay of April A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
E.H.Holmboe, a Notary .rub lie in and: for said County, residing therein, duly commissi.oned and
sworn, personally appeared H. W. Clark and Annas. Clark known to me to be the persons de-
scribed. ip. and whose m.mes .are subscribed to the 'vvi thin instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they executed the sam~. .
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above I
writ ten.

My Commission Expires,
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
July 28, 1929.
.... '

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 17 1927 at 30 Min. past 2 otclock P.M. In
Book No. 1309 Page 480 of DEEDS Records of San Die go County, Calif. ·
JOHN H. FERRY, CountJr Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that tre above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of

Deed from H. W. Clark and Annas. Clark to the City of San Diego. ·Being Document No. 2066 9.
Cit~/~lerk of the Ci~ of San Diego, California.

By,,~J=~~~puty •.

o ~r ~-cj? . .

I, Ina V~ Curran,· For and in consideration of ONE DOLLAR Do Hereby Grant to the Citw
of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego,· State of California, for I
street ·puwposes, All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,
State of California, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lots 1., 2 and 3, Block 1, Horkey's Addition, according to Map thereof
No~ 1280, filed in the Office of the County Re.corder of said San Diego County, particularly
described as follows:
_ Beginning at a point on the.west line offsaid Lot l,.distant 60.00 feet south from
the northwest corner of said Lot 1; thence northeasterly on a direct line to a point on the
north line of said Lot 3, distant 65.00 feet ·east from the northwest corner of said Bl0ck 1;
thence west along the north line of said Block 1 to the northwest corner of said Block 1;
thence south along the: west ;Line of said Lot 1 to the point or place o:f beginning, said pro- ,...·
perty being th~ separate property of the granto~r herein•
To Have and To Hold the abov~ granted and described property unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for street.purposes, as and for a
portion of 34th Street.
Witness my ,P.and and seal this 25th day of April, 1927.

On this 25th day of April A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
E.H.Brooks a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Ina V. Curran known to rre to- be the person described in and whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and· acknowledged to me that she executed the sa e.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San ~iego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
June 4, 1930.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 17 1927 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In·
Book No;, Jl:314 Page 247 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, 05un ty Re corder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Ina V. Curran to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No. 206631.
Ci nClerk of th~-- City of San Diego, California.

B"iJ&zr4r2t~ JJepu~y.
7 ;;/ /-?~/lA .3/.'
We, Carl H. and Olive s. Rogers, husband and wife, For and in consideration of Ten
Dollars Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation in the County of
San Diego,· State of California, for street purposes, All that Real Property situated in the
City of San Diego, Com1ty of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of the West 1/2 of Acre Lot 48, Pacific Beach, according to the Official I
Map thereof filed in the Offi_ce of the County Recorder .of said San Diego County,. particularly
described as follows: -
. Begiruiing at the intersection o'f the easterly prolongation of the ·northerly line of
Missouri Street with the westerly line of said Acre Lot 48; thence easterly along the easterf.y
prolongation o.f the northerly line of Missouri. Street to an intersection with the easterly l~ne
of the west 1/2 of said Acre Lot 48; thence southerly along the easterly line of the West 1/2
of said Acre Lot 48, a di s_tance of 80.00 feet to a point; thence westerly on a line parallel
with and distai1t 80 feet .southerly from the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of
Missouri Street. to the westerly line of said Acre Lot 48; thence northerly along the westerly
line of said Acre Lot 48 to the po'int or place of beginniiJg. ·
To Have and to Hold tbe above granted and described property unto the said grantee,
its successors and assig~1s, forever, for street purposes, as and for Missouri Street.
Witness our hands and seals this 27th day of M~1Qh, 1927.

I On this 19th day _of April A.n. Nineteen Hundred and seven before me, Lucy Brooks a
Notary Public in and :for said! County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, persona]ly
appeared Carl H. Rogers and Olive s. Rogers, husband and wife known to me to be the person
described in and whose name are subscribed to the within instrument, and. acknowledged to·· me
that they .executed the same. .
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and. year in this certificate first ;ab?ve
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires Jan. 15th, 1928.
RECORDED AT BEQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 17 1927 at 30 Mfu.n. past 2 o'clock P.M. In
·Book No. 1332 Page 218 of DEEDS. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Be corder
By N. C._ PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CEBTH'Y .that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Carl H. and Olive. s. Rogers to the City of San Diego. Being Document -No. 206633.
of the Ci_t- of San Diego, California. I

H~ E-. ·Anthony and Myrtle s. Anthony, his wife, For and in consideration of the bene-
fits to accrue by the lb.ocation and construction of a drain pipe through, along and across the
property hereinafter described Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Dieg, a Municipal Corpora-
tion, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easerrent and right of way for the
construction, ope ration and maintenance of· a drain pipe through, along and across All that
Real Property ~i tuated in tre City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California~
bounded and· descti bed as follows:
~ port ion. of Lots 35,. 36, 37, 38 am 39, Block 1 ~ 1JVa tkins & Biddle's Addition,
according to Map thereof No. 258, filed in the Office of the County Be corder of said San Diego
County, said easement and right of way being six feet in width;· three feet on each side of
the: following described center line: ·
:j3eginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 39, distant 248 feet east from
the northvvest corner of said Block 1; thence South 28 degrees .23 minutes East, a distance· of
159.1 feet to a point on the south line of said Lot 36, distant 323.70 feet east from the
southwest corner of Lot 48, said Block 1. ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness our hands and seals this 25th day of April, 1927.

On this 25 day of April A.D.; Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me, Anne Fowler,
a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sowrn, person!L
ally appeared H. E. Anthony and Myrtle s .. Anthony, known to me to be the persons described in[.
and whose names are subscribed to tre within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they·ex-
e outed the same.
Witness my hand:J and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires
May 12, 1930.
RECORDED AT BEQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 17 1927 at 30 Min.; past 2 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 1369 Page 9 of Deed,s Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHH H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. Pl~RSONS, Deput;:,r.
I HEREBY CERTI:b'Y that .the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from .H. E. Anthony and Myrtle s. Anthonw to the City of ~an Diego. Being Document No.
City Clerk of the .City of San Diego, California. I
// ·2zz~£]f~~neputy. ·
l -;53~---?/~.?~-
/ ' .
We,, Henry Baxter and Mary E. Baxter, husband and wife, For and in consideration of
One Dollar Do Hereby Grant to· The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County
of San Diego, State of California, an easen:ent and right of way for the construction, opera-
tion and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across All that Real Property situated
in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Calffornia, bounded and described as!
A portion of Lot 6, Block 4, Watkins & Biddle.'s Addit-ion,-according· to Map thereof
No. 258, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easer:1ent
and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the following described
center line: ·
Begim;.ing at a point on the south line of said Lot 6., ·distant 140 feet east from the
southwe_st corner of said Block 4; thence north on a line. parallel. to and distant 140 feet
east from the west line _Qf said Block 4 to tbe north line of said Lot 6.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easermnt unto the said grantee,
its successors and assighs, forever, as a right of way for drain pipe purposes.
Witness our hands and seals this 22nd day of April; 192?.

On this 22nd day of Apri 1 2i.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twent-seven be-fore me ,E.H.HolmbCDe,
a Notary Public in and for said County, residing- therein, duly c0mmissioned and svvorn, persom-
ally appeared Henry Baxter and Mary· E. Baxter known to me to be the. persons described an and II
whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed
the same.
Witness_my hand and Official Seal th9 day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Pti.b lie in and fo:r i he County of San Diego,
(SEAL) -State of California.
My Commission Expires,

I July 28; 1929.

'J<:r \ -
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk MAY 17 1927 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In"Book
No• 1309 Page 478 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Henry Baxter and Mary E. Baxter to the City of San Diego. Being Document .No. ~Q66S7.
City Clerk of the C~~of ?an Diego, California.

By4?;,u.J=2i '2£-id.vf~/ilepnt:;.
- ' - ---(.1~ ~. -:l+.
(7- . .
I, -Josephi~1-e Baxter, a widow For and in consideration of One Dollar Do Hereby Grant
to The City of San b'iego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of
·California, an easerrent and right of way for the construction, ·operation and maintenance of a
drain pipe through, along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Dieg~,
County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: -~
A Portion of Lot 6, Block 4, Watkins & Biddle's Addition, according to map thereof
No. 258; filed in the office of the: County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easen:ent
and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the following described
center line: ·
Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 6, distant 140 feet east from the

I _southwest .corner of said Block 4; thence north on a line parallel to and distant 140 feet. east
from the west line of said Block 4 to· the north line of said Lot 6. _
To Have· and to Hold the above granted and described easement u~to the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a f'ight of way' for drain pipe purposes.

Witness my hand and! seal this second day of May, 1927.

_ On this second day of May, A.D.Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
A.L.Laurance a Notary .Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Josephine. Baxter known to be the person described in and
whose name is subscribed to the within instrurrent, and acknowledged to rre that she executed
the same.. _ --
Witnes-s my hand and ·Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of Los Angeles,
(SEAL)- State of California.
My Commission Expires,
May _12, 1930 •.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF. C~t:y Clerk MAY 17 1927 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P~M. In BooM
No. 1309 Page 479 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN· H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS , Deputy. •,

I I HEP.EBY .CERTIRY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and c.orre·ct copy of
Deed from JOSfF1phine Baxter to. the City of San Diego, being Document No. 206639.
City ----~:Jlerk of t~ Ci ~1, S~~ Diego, Cal~for~ia.
By -~~~D_e-puty •.

I, P·. L. Garlock, a married woman, Por and in consideration of One dollar Do Hereby
Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, ·in the County of San Dj_ego, State o
ealifornia, an easerrent and right of way for the construction, operation and maintenance·of
-a ·drain pi'pe t.htough, along' and across All that Real .Property situated in tbe City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, State. of California, bounded-and described as follows:
A portion of the South 60 feet of Lot 43, Block 4, Watkins's & Biddle's Addition,
according ·to Map thereof No. 258, filed in the Office o·:r·~'t·he., County Recorder of said San··
Diego County, said easement and right of way being six feet ·in....,w1:dth, three feet on each side
of the following described center line:
.Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 43, distant 140 feet e.ast from t~e
southwest corner of Lot 48, said Block 4; thence North 00 degrees 07 minutes East, a distance.
of 18.00 feet to a point; thence North 4 -degrees 4.6 minutes liVest, a ·distant:er;o_f 40.80 feet to
a point; thence North 13 degrees 43 minutes East, a distance of 2.00 feet more or less to the
north line of the South 60 feet of said Lot 43. Said .property being the separate property ofi
the grantor herein.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,

its successors and ass±gns, forever, as a right .of way for a drain pi!)e.
Witness my hand and seal this 22nd day of Apri 1, 192 7.


On this 22nd day of April A.D.Nineteen Hundre<_l and Twenty-seven before me, / _ ,.~­
E.H.Holmboe a Notary Public in and-·.fo r said County, residing there in, _duly commissioned and
sworn, personaliy appeared P. L. Garlock known to rre to be the person described in and whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the s e.

Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above

Notary Public in and for the County of San-Diego
{SEAL) State of California.
My ·commission Expires,
July 28, 1929.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City C1e rk MAY 17 1927 at '30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 1314 Page 250.of DEEDS. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, (County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS; Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIF'Y tbat the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from P. L~ ~Garlock to the City of San Die.2:o. Being ·Doeurnent No. 206641.
of the Cit California.


" I, R. w. Spargur For and in consideration of One Do Here_by Grant to The City. of
San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County o·f San Diego, State of California, an easeij
ment and right of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe througfu,

along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San- Diefo,.
State of California, boru1ded and described as follows: · . · . 11 .

A portion of unlettered lot (cormnonly known as Lot J_) in Block 368, Horton's Additi<Dn,
according to Map thereof made by L. L. Lockling, filed in the Office of the County Recorder
of said San Diego Com1ty, said easerrent and right of way· being six feet in width·, three feet
on each side of the following· described center line:
Beginning at a point on the east line of· said Block 368, distant 147.00 feet south
from the northeast corner of said Block 368; thence northwesterly on a direct line
angle of 81 degrees 28 minutes with tte east line of said Block S68, a distance of 20.00 feet
to a point, said property being the separate property of the grantor herein. .· I
. To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness my hand and seal this {6th day of. April, 1927. ·
On this 6th day of April A.D.Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven (1927) before me,
Winifred S. Price a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissionea
and sworn, personally appeared R. W. Spargur known to me to be the person described in and
whose name is subscribed to tte within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he e.xecuted
the same. · -
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
wri tte-i1~
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Co:rimission Expires,
June 20, 1930. ·

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk UY 17 1927 at 30 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In.
Book No. 1332 Page 219 of DE~DS. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEP.EBY CERTIFY THAT the~above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from R. W. Spargur to the City of San Diego. Being Doucment No. 206643.
CIT~/'\ Clerk of the Ci 'of San Diego, ·California.
J .
By// - {')/ Deputy.
· We, Frank Sima and Mrs. Frank Sima, husband and wife, for and in consideration of
the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and
across the property hereinafter described do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Munic-
ipal Corporation, in the Count·y of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of
way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe .line and appurtenances,
_through, a· long and across all that real property s.i tuated in the City of San Diego, County o:.f
San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: 11
A portion of Lots 7 and 8, Block 2, :Arnold & Choate 'a Pueblo Lot. B Addition, accord!~
ing to the Official ~ap thereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego
County, said easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of
the following described center line: · .
Beginning at a point· on the south line of- said t·ot 8, distant 9.90 f~et west from
.the aouthe1,1st -corner of said Lot· 8; thence northwesterly on a direc.t line making an angle of
102 degrees 28 minutes with the south line of said Lot 8, a distance of 45.65 feet to a point·;
thence on an angle to the right of 12 degrees l:J; minutes, a distance of 3.48 feet to a point
on the north lin~ of said Lot 7, distant 20.20 feet west from the northeast corner of said
Lot 7.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever; for sewer purposes.
Witness our hands and seals this m th day of May 1927.
FRANK SIMA ·~::, · .( SEAL)
. . .
: .I
State ·of Califorr1ia, · )
County of Los .Azige 1 es,) 55 •
On thi~ 28th day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Seven before me, L. J.
Styskal a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commiseioned and sworn,
personally appeared Frank Sima and Mrs. Frank Sima~ husband and wife known to me to be the

I persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires Notary :Public inancl for the County of Los Angeles, State of
June 26th 1928. California •
.RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 1 1927 at 14 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1345 Page 387 of DEEDS, Records of san Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By li• C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the ~bove and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from~ Frank Sima and Mrs. Frank Sima, to the City a£ San Diego, California, being Docu-
ment No. 207427.
City Clerk of the C~?f San Diego, California,
By ao~12r ~Deputy.
. -KNOW ALL lmN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the undersigned, The Adjutant General, State
o£ California, at Sacramento, California, party of the first part, in consideration of the
sum of Five Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($500.00) to it in hand paid by the City of San
Diego, party of the second part, receipt ·whereof by the party of the first part is hereby ac-
knowledged, has bargained, sold and transferred and does by these presents sell and transfer

I to the party of the second part those certain buildings now situated on a portion of the tide
land located on the Bay of San Diego at the foot of Twenty eighth Street, in the City .of san
Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, known as the Naval Reserve Reservation,· or
laval Reserve Armory and Wharf. · · ··
IN.WITNESS WHEREOF said party of the fir~t part has executed these presents th~s
third day of March, 1927.
The Adjutant General, State af California.
Subscribed and sworn·to before me this 3d day of March, 1927.
(SEAL) Notary Public for the County of s,nramento, State of Calif.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and
correct copy of
Bill of Sale, from the Adjutant General of the State of California, to the City o:f San Diego,
b·eing Document No. 202024.
ci;y-o an Diego, California.

I, E. R. Forse, a single man, for and in consideration of the benefits to accrue
by the location and construction of a sewer pipe ~ine through and across the property here-
inafter described do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the
Co.unty af san Diego, state of California, an easement am right of way for the construction,
operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line and appurtenances, through, along and across

I all that real property situated in the City of San :Diego, County of San Diego, State of
ifornia, bounded and described as follows: _. ,
A portion of Lot 9, Block 15, Arnold & Choate's ~eblo Lot B Addition, according
to Map thereof No. 334, filed in the ·office of the County Recorder·-Of said San Diego County,
said easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the fol-
lowing described center line: ·
Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 9, distant 174.80 feet east
from the west line of Hawk Street !measured along;the westerly prolongation of the south
line of said Lot 9 and the southerly line. of said Lot 9) ; thence northeasterly on a direct
line- making an angle of 71 degrees 40 minutes wi tli the south line of said Lot 9. a distance
of 5.05 feet to a point; thence on an angle to the right of 26 degrees, a distance of 5.15
feet to a point on the east line of said Lot 9, distant 8.47 feet north from the southeast
corner of said Lot 9. _
To Have and to Hold the above granted a~4 described easement unto thQ said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever. ·
Witness my hand and seal this 4th day of June, 1927.
State of California,)
County of San Die go,) SS.
On this 4th day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. ~.
Brooks a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared E~ R. Fo-rs.e, known to me to :t>e' thf3 person described in and. whose .name I
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to .me ·that he execute.d -the s~me.
Wi tnass my hand and Official Seal the da~y and year in this .certificate- first·,abovel
(SEAL) Notary Public in amd for the County of San Diego.,

I My Commission Expires,
J\me 4, 1930.
State· of California.
'RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUNE 8 1927 at 36 .Min. past 10 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1353 Page 239 of Deeds, Records of San D.iego County, Calif. · ·
JOHN H•. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy~ .
· I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a ·full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from E. R. Forse, to the City of San Diego, California, being· Doc-umerit No. 20'7.69.6.•
City~Clerk of the ~1t~of ·San. Di,ego, Califor/~ia.

By1c?~/7(-~hn peputy

I, Annie Dorman, fQr and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the loca-
tion and construction of a sewer pipe line through and across the property hereinafter de-
scribed Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, ;a MUnicipal Corporation, in the County of
San Diego, state of California, an easement and r~ght of way for the construction, operation
and m~intenance of a sewer pipe line a~d appurtenances, through, along and across All That
Real Property :s~tuated in the City of San Diego, c·ounty of .san Diego, State of California,
bounded and deuOribed as follows: · . · .
. 4 pc;':rtion of Lots 16 .to 24, inclusive, :alock ·15, Arnold 8c Choate '8 Pueblo Lot B
Addition, according to ppp ·~hereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said $ail.
Diego County, said easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each:
side of the following desc.ri bed center line:
Beginning at a point on the e~st line of said Lot 24, distant 8.28 feet north from
the southeast corner of said Lot 24; thence southwesterly on a direct line making an angle
of 59 degrees 56 minutes with the east line of sai'd Lot 24, a distance of 5.33 feet to a
point; thence on an angle to the left of 54 degree·s 16 minutes, a distance of 60.00 feet to
a point; thence on an angle to the right of 22 degrees 12 minutes, a distance of 113.00 feet
to a point; thence on an angle to the right of 16 degrees 28 minutes, a distance of 52.45
feet to a point on the west line of said Lot 16, distant 8.47 feet north from the southwest
corner of said Lot 16. ·. . · . ·.
·.;i To Have and to Hold·the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for sewer purposes. I
Witness my hand and seal this let day o:(· June 19?7.
State of California,)
City and County of ) SS•
-San Francis co , )
On this lst day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, Virginia
A• Beede, a Notary Publ~c in 'and for said City and County, residing therein', duly commissionii
ed and sworn, 'personally appeared Anhie Dorman, kriown to me to be the person described in and
whose name ls subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed
the same. ·
Witness my hand and Official Seal the d~y and year in this certific.ate first above
Notary Public in and for City and County of San Francisco, State of California.
My Commission Expires,
April 11, 1929. .
. RECORDED AT REQUEST OF. City Clerk Jtm 8 :1927 at 35 Min. past 10 o 1 clock A.M.,. In
Book No. 1361 Page 121 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
. JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy
I lmREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a fUll, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Annie Dorman, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.207596.
t ' City. f San DiegQ!;. California.
By Deputy.



hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknqwledged, do hereby grant to the City of San
Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of .san Dlego, State of California, an easement
and right of way through, along and a,cross all that certain real property situate in the C,i.ty,
of San Diego, ·county of San Diego, state of Califoi•nia, particularly described as follows,
to-wit: _ ,
Lot Twenty-six ( ~6) and the West -Tap (to)· feet of lot Twenty-seven (27), Block :b1 our r
t ..
hundred and twenty-::five (425), Helpingstine Addition, her own and separate property.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns:forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose. of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being un_derstood that the City
of -San Diego is not to be held liable for any q.amage resulting from the construction and maill-
te'i:u~nce of sewer lat·erals over and acro_ss this· eas,lnent .
In Witness VVbereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of May 1927. /
On this of May, 1927, before me,- Adolph J. Mende a Notary Public in and for.
the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly·commissioned an4
sworn, personally appeared Clara M~ Everson, P-ersonally known to meto be the person whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and she duly acknowledged to me that she executed
the same. ·
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and :wear in this certificate first above writ-
My Commission expires Rotary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
Septe~~er lOth 1930 State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 8,1927 at 35 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1353 Page 238 of Deeds, Records of san Diego County, Calif. ·
JOHN H. FERRY, Cotinty Recorder
ByL. B. WOODARD, Deputy.

I I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
De$d, from Clara M. Everson, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No. 207644.
City Clerk of the City of--an Diego, California.


We, Clarence D. DeLamater, George E. DeLamater and Isabel c. DeLamater, For and in
Consideration of the benefits to accrue by the location, constructio.n . and maintenance of ·a
sewer line through and across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum
of One Dollar ($1.00) to in_hand paid, _the receipt whareof is hereby acknowledged, do here-
by remise, release and qiitclaim to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the
County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way through; along and ac-
ross all that certain real property situate in the City of San piego, County of San Diego,
State of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit:
Lot Twenty-six (26) and the west Ten (10) feet of lot Twenty-seven (27), Block Fo~
hundred and twenty-five (425), Helpingstine A~dition, ·
u To Have ~d to Hold the above qu_ltolaimed and described right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer·pipe line.
The purpose of this easement an~ right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held-liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-

tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement.

In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set:, our hands and seals this 11th day o:f May,


On this 11th day of May, 1927, before me, Edwin s. Kerr, a Notary Public in and for,
the said County of San Diego, State of California,·_ residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Clarence D. DeLamater, ,George E. DeLamater and Isabel c. DeLamate~
personally known to me tO/be the persona whose names are subscribed to the within instrument,
and they duly aoknowl.e~4 to me tha.t they execute,_d the same. .
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set ~Y hand and affixed my official seal, at mYJ
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
(SEAL) . .EDWm s. KERR
My Commission expires · Notary PUblic _in and for the County ofl 1

Oct. 15, 1927. ~-San D~ego, State of Ca 11 :t:ornia. .

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 8 1927 at 35 lvlin. past 10 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1561 Page 120 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif. .
JOHN H. FERRY, County B~oorder
By L. B. WOOD~RD, ·Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from.Clarence D~ DeLamater, et al., to the City of San Diego, California, being Docu-
ment No. 207646.
Clerk of the· City--o,f an Diego, California,

~ ' '
':.·· . l

·-... ·

':: ._,.
.. ~ l

I, We, ·John H. Lynch & Jean Lynch, husband and wife as joint tenants for and co-
sideration of the bene'fits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance o{·a sewe~
line through and! across the prope-rty herein described, and 'in consideration of the su:m of _On~
Dollar ($1.00) to __ in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby.gran-6
to the City of San Diego·, a municipal corporation in the County of San Die_go, State of Calif~
ornia, an easement and right of way .. through, along and across all that certain real .property
situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State_ o·f Cali forriia, particularly _de-
scribed as follows, to-wit: · - ·
Lot Eighteen (18) Except the East Eighty-eight (8~) feet thereof, _in block Sixty-ooe
( 61) of the Re subdivision of blocks thirty-nine ( 39) and Fi'fty-s1x (56) of Normal He iP-'ht s, ad-
cording to the Map thereof No. 1048 filed in the o.f:fice of the Recorder of said SJ.n Diego ·I
County May lOth, (1907. .
To Have and to Hold the above granted a~ described right of way unto the said grant-
ee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
'E-he purpas e of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private_ sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understoocl that the City
of san Diego is not to be held liable for any damagE! resulting from the construction and main--
tena:nce of sewer lateral's,over and across this easement. - ..
In Witness Whereof, ha hereunto set hand and· seal this 8th day of October 1926.
ST;~TE ·oF CJiLI'B.,OPNIA,) . _,/
On this 8th day of October, 1926, before me, c. N. IlffiarXr~~a Notary Public in and
for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein,, duly commis'Sioned
and sworn, personally appeared John H. Lynch and Jean Lynch p3 rsons.lly known to me to b,e the
person whose name are subscribed to the within instrument; .gnd they duly acknowledged -to me
that- they executed _the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixe·~ my official seal, at
my office in the County of San D-iego, the day and year in this certi-·ficate first above writ-
ten. v
.r_w- commission expires
Oct. lOth, 1928.
Notary Public in and for the Count:y of San Die go,
State of California .
HE'CORDRD AT RRQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 8 1927 at 36 Min. p~st 10 o'.clock A.M., In
Book No. 1345 Page 407 off DE'RDS, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
need, from John H. Lynch, et ux., to the .City of .San Diego, ·California, being Document No.

,, D E E D
I, Charl~s Leabe,ter, Chr,istina Le~dbeatte·r, hus~and anti· wife,. for and in consider-~~
ation of the bere:f1ts to; accrue by t.he locat1on, construct1on and .m!K ma1ntenance of a sewer
line through and aero ss the property here in described, ani~ in- considl eration of the sum of One
Dollar C-~1.00) to ·+n hand pai~,. the receipt ':Jher~of i_s hereby acknowleq.ged, do hereb_y gr~n~i
to the C1 ty of Sanl:hego, a mun1c1pal co rporat·1on 1.n the County of San D1ego, State o fCI111f-
ornia, an easement and right of way through, along and across ·alltth-at:~·certaii? re_al property
situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,· State of Cal~fornia, particularly de-
scribed as follows, to-wit:
East 42 ft. of the west 83 ft. Lots 1-2 Block "B" Teralta Heights

ee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer p1p3· l~ne.
_ The -puroose of this easement and right o:f way is for the construct1on and ma1nten-
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right ofv~ay w;-to the said gram~~t-
. ..
ance of a privute' sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being undJerstoo d that·. tlh.,_e Cit? 1
of san Diego is not; to be held liable· for any damage resulting from the cons-truction and mal!ll,l-
te na:nce of ,§..ewer laterals over artd aero ss ·this e as erne nt. · . .
'ln Witness Whereof, we have hereunto· set our·hands and seals th1s 2 day of May 1927
On this 2 day of March 1927, before me, P. A. Nauman a Notary Public ir; and for
the said County .of San Diego, Sti:ite of California, reaiding therein, duly conunis_sioned and
sworn, pe:rsonally a·ppeared Charles Leadbeatter and Christina Leadbe~t ter pers ona'lly known to
me to be. the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly ac-
knowledged to rm that they executed the same. . . _ ,., . . _ ...
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand. and aff1xed my off1cJLal seal, at
my office in the County of San·J)iego, the day and year in this certificate first above writ-
ten. ·
My Commission expires Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
li e b • 21, 1930.
1 Stateof California~ ' ·
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City- Clerk JUN 8 1927, at 36 Min. past 10 o'clock A·.M.,- In
Book No. 1353 Page 241 of Deed~, Records of-San Diego County, Calif.
·- . JOHN H. FERRY, County Recor:ier
By L. B·. WOODARD, Deputy. ·

I HERE~Y CEHTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, _true. ar:rl' correct co:py of
need, from Charles Leadbeatter, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being-Document I
No. 207650.
City ~~erk
By~ . ty;·
. :.1

We B. J. carteri -and Ingeborg Carteri, for and in consideration of the benefits
to accrue by the .location, construction_and maintenance of a sewer line: through ani across
the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to .
in hand paid, the rece:lpt whereof is ·hereby acknowledged, do herepy grant to the City of'Sar.n

I Diego, .a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State ·of California,- an easement
and right of way through, ,along and across all that certain real .Property situate in the City
of san Diego,. County of San Diego, State of California, particu~ar.f.y described as follows, to-
Easement on garage lot for sewer pipe from ·Theatre pro~rty. The 4 feet West of
the East line of garage lot from point 25 feet South of No·rth line to North property line,
on the West 43.8 feet on Lot 4, and the East 6.2 feet oft Lot 5, Block 61 ofrresubdivision of
Block 39 and 56 of Normal Heights, in the .City of San Diego. ·
To Have and to Hold the above 2'ranted and described right of way unto the saidl granit-
ee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a 'sewer pipe line.
Tlie purpose of this easement and right of .way is for the construction am mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any Qlaima~ resulting from the ·construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment.
In Witness 'Nhereof, We have hereunto set our hands and seals this First day of De-
cember 1~6.
On this 7th day of December, 1926,. before me·, Reina Smith a Notary Public in and
for the said County .of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly· commissioned' anal
sworn, personally appeared B. J. Carte:ri and Ingeborg Carteri, personally known to me to be
the person whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and he duly a!ctnowledged to rra
that they executed the same. - .
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto· set my hand and·affixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day and yea:r in this certificate first above written.

Notary PU:blic in and for the· count,y of san Diego,
s'tate of California .
.RECORDED AT REQ.UEST OF C.ity Clerk.JUN 81927 at 35 Min. past 10 o'clock A.·M., In
Book No. 1.342 Page 400 of Deeds, Records of San :Diego Cou.nty, Calif.
JOHN H.' FERRY, Count,.y Recorder
By L.·B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full,. true and. correct· copy of
Deed, from B. J. Carteri, et ux., to the City of San Diego,· California, being Document No.
o.f California.

We, GEORGE W. MARSTON and ANN~ L. MARSTON, husband and wife·of ·San Diego, California
For and in consideration of TEN AND NOjlOO DOLLARS, Do hereby grant to City of San Diego, as
an addition to Balboa Park All that Real Property situated in City of ~an Diego, County of
San Diego, State ·of California; bounded arid described as follows:
· ·That portion of Lot D of ·cypress Terrace, San Diego, California beginning at the most
southerly corner of Lot D of Cypress Terrace, according to Map No···r9a:9, filed in the office I
of the County of San Diego County, thence North 00° 03' West, along the East line oii
said Lot D--47 .40 feet to a point, thence Sou:th 83° 55' West, 24.31 feet to a point on the
Southwesterly ~.line of' said Lot D·, thence along said Sou'thwesterly line, South 28° 22 • 40"
East, 50i94 feet to the point of beginning. .. ·
· · · And, that portion of Lot c, ·eypress Terrace, beginning at the Southeasterly corner
of. Lot C, of Cypress Terrace,· according to Map No. 1989,. filed in the office of the ~Jounty
Recorder of San Diego County, thence North 28° 22' 40" West, along the Northeasterly line ·of
.sa-id Lot C;..50.·94 feet to a point, thence South 83° 55' West, 155.64 feet to a point on the.
We·sterly line of said Lot C, thence· al'ong ·the arc of a curve to the left, with a radius of
35 feet bearing South 89° 40' East, a distance of 63.73 feet to a point, th~nce North 76u 00 1
East, 80.00 feet toa,point of curve, thence along a tangential curve to t.he right with a
radius of 65.00 feet, an arc distance of 61.77 feet to the point of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the a hove granted and described premises unto the said Grantee
its successors and assigns forever, ·· · · · · ·
WITNESS our hand,s and seals this tenth day of May; 1927.
Signed and executed in presence· of

( ~3E.At)
My. Commission. expires
Jan• 27, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 8 1927 at 36 Min. past 10 o'clock A~M;. In
Book No·. 1345 Page 409 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H~ FERRY·; County l{eoorder
By L. B~ WOODARD, .Deputy.

THIS INDENTURE made and executed this 6th day of June, 1927, by CHARLES S. HAMILTON
and M. A. LUCE, ·to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, grantee;
For and in consideration of the facts recited herein we hereby grant, quitclaim and
convey all our right, title and interest in and to the within d·escri bed property to the said
City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, its ·successors ·and assigns, to-wit:_ being all
that real property situated in the tract of land known as Balboa Eark, formerly known as CitYj
Park, in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and descri~­
ed as follows:
Commencing at a point where the Center of·-Seventeenth Street would cross the center
of Beech Street; were those Streets extended through the City Park; running thence North
Thirty-eight hundred ana ninety (3890) feet; running thence East Eleven hundred and twenty
( 1120) feet to the Center of Twenty-first Street,. were such Street extended through the City
Park; running thence South Thirty-eight hundred and ninety (3890) feet to the center of Beecli
treat were such Street extended through the City Park; and running thence West Eleven hun- I
ci-ted and twenty ( 1120) feet to the place ot beginning, containing one hundred acres of land I
more or less; . .
. Reference being had to the lines of said Seventeenth, Beech and Twenty-first Streets,
as they existed December 2, 1887. . II
The above described real property was conveyed-by the City of San Diego to E. w. Mo~se,
Brya~t Howard, Charles s. Hamilton and M.A. Luce,·as Trustees.~... by a deed dated December 2,1887;
and recorded in·the office of the County Recorder of said San ~iego County on the 8th day_ of I
December; 1887; in B,oo~ 111 at :Pages 43, et seq., of Deeds, Records of said County. 1
E. W. Morse, one of the. said Grantees and Trustees d.ied January 17, 1906, and the
said Grantee and Trustee Bryant Howard died October 12, 1901.
The uses and trusts upon which said conveyance of December 2, 1887, was made, have
been wholly abandoned by the said Grantees and Trustees. The said above described real pro-
perty has not been used for tl:e··purposes set out in said deed for-a period of nearly thirty~
five years and the title to said real property having reverted to the said City of San Diego,i
under the conditions contained in said deed, the grantors herein; as the surviving trustees
of said trust; have executed and delivered this deed to confirm said reversion of title and
clear the record title of said real property in the said City q~ San Diego from any and all
claims under the said deed of December 2; 1887. · · ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto subscribed our names and affixed our seals the
day and year first herein set out.
On this 6th day of June, in the year 1927, before me, Helen Rogers, a Notary Public
duly commissione_d and sworn, personally appeared Charles s. Hamilton and M. A• Luce, known to
me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged tha!it
they executed the sam.
IN WITNESS· HWEBEOF I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my _seal of olfrfice
the day and year herein first written.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California. ' · ·· ·
EECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee J·UN 15 1927 at 54 Min.; past· 9 o'clock A.M. In Book ~o.
1353 .Page 260 of Dee.ds Records of· San Diego Co.unty, Calif~
JOHN H. FERRY·;· County Rec·order
· By L. B. WOQJ)ARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full,. true S:'ild corre'ct copy of·
Deed from Charles· s. Hamilton and M-., A• Luce to The City .of San_)'iego. Being Document No•
of the Ci t·y f San Diego, California•
/;. puty.
We; North ~ast Jones and Mattie w. Jones, husband and wife, For and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the J,.ocation and construction of a sewer pipe line through and
across tre property hereinafter described Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Munici-
pal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California; an easement and right of
way for the construction, ope ration and maintenance of a _sewer pipe line through, along and
across all that Real :Property s i tuat~d in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State
of Ca. lifo mia, bounded and described as follows: ·
The North fpur feet of Lot 6, Block 41, Tract No• 1368, being a resubdivision of a
portion of Fairmount Add:itllron, according to Map thereof No. 1368, filed in the Office of the
County Recorder of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold·the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its.successors and a~signs, forever, as a :ight of way for a s~wer pipe line.
Witness our hands and seals this 25th day of May, 1927.


I -


On t·his ·25th day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
E.-H.Holmboe a Notary Publia in ~nd for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn·, personally ·appeared North East Jones and Mattie- w. Jones, known_ to me to be the per-
sons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged

I to me that they executed the same.

Witness my hand· and Official ~eal the day and year in this certifrcate first above
Notary PubliC· in and for the Co'unty of San Diego,
(SEAL-) Sltste of California..
My Commission Expires,
Ju+y 28, 1929. ·
.BECOBDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JON 22 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M. ln Book
No. 1369 Page 101 ·of Deeds Records 6f San Diego County, Calif~
. JOHN H. FERRY~- County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HBREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a. full, true and correct copy of
JJeed from ~orth East Jones and Mattie w. Jones to the City of· San .{liege. Being Document .No.
207958. . ,,
ALLEN- H~- . WRIGHT-· ....
of the. Cit¥ o San Diego, California.

We, Earl R. Benriett and iennie Leona Bennett, husband and wife, and Gao. w. Womack
and Laura E. Womack, husband and wife, For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue
I by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and across the property here-
inafter described, .Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the
county of San Diego, State of California, an easement a!J.d right of way for .the construction,
operation arid maintenance o~ a sewer pipe line through and across All that ·Real Property the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and de-
scribed as follows:
The north s~ . of Lot 19, Block '2-,- Fairmount Addition to Oi ty Heights, accord-
ing t.o Map thereof No. 1368, filed in the· Office of the County.-Beoorder of said San Diego
County. '
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee;
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
Witness our hands and seals this 18th day of May, 1927•


Her Attorney in fa.ot.
On thi_s 18th day of May, A.D• Nineteen Hundred and ·Twenty-seven before me,
E.· H. HoJ,.mboe a Notary :Publie in and for said County, r·esi.ding therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, .pe-rsonally appeared. Earl R. Bennett, Jennie JieJiUla Bennett and Geo. w.• Womack,

·I · known ·to me to be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within in-
strument, and aoknpwledged to me that they executed the same. ·
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above·
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of Calffornia.
My Commission Expires,
July.28,. 1929~
·On this 18th day of May, 1927; b-efore me, E. H. Holmboe a Notary Public in and for
·the said County of San Diego, State 'of Ca;J.ifornia, residing therein, duly commJ.ssioned and
sworn, personally appeare·d Geo. w. Womack, known to--me to be the person whose-l!lame is sub-
scribed to the Within Instrument, as the Attorney-in-Fact of Laura E. Womack; and acknowledged
to me that he subscribed the name of Laura E• Womack thereto as principal and his own name as
Attorney-in-Fact. . ·.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and· affixed. my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate. first above wri tteh.
Notary Public in ari.d for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California..
My Commission expires,
July 28~ 1929.

I RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JON 22 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 O'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1344 Page 466 of Deeds. Records of San Dieg_o County, Calif.
,:. · JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy •
. I HEREBY CE'RTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Earl R• Bennett, Jeru1ie Leona Bennett, Geo. w. Womack and Laura E. Womack to the
City of San Diego. Being. Document No• 207960.
of the City o _San Diego, Cs.lifornia.
We, George B. Anderson and Edit!I May Anderson,. h~sband and wife; For. and ~n co~side1i­
ation of the benefits to accrue by the loaati on and construct ion of a sewer p1pe through
and across the property· hereinafter described Do Hereby Grant to the· City of San Diego·, a · jl
Municipal Corporation, in the County of·san Diego, State ·of·;:;Oal-ifornia; an easement and righ'ti
·of way :for the construction, operation and· maintenance of a .. sewer pipe line through·, along I
and across All. that Real Property situated in the City of. San Diego, County of San Diego;
State of ... Ca:lifornia; bounded· and described as follows:
The South six feet of Lot 39, Block 42·, Tract No. ·1~68, hei:nga resubdivision of··a
portion of Fairmount Addition, accqrding to M_ap thereof No. 1368, filed in the Office of the
County Recorder of said San D·rego County. . ·
To Have and to Hold-the above granted'and described easement unto.the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe lfne.
Witness our hands and seals this 17th day of May, 1927.

On this 17~h day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E.H.Holmbde
a .Notary Public in and for said County, residipg therein, duly aommissioned and sworn, per-
sonally appeared George B~ Anderson and Edith May Anderson, known to me to be the persons ·
-described in and whose names are subscribed to the withih instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they executed. the sa.rre.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of Oalifornia.
My Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT .REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M. In
Book No~ 1344 Page 4«;6 o_f Deeds. Records of San Diego County, ~lif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and ,fo,regoing .is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from George B. and Edith May Anderson to the City of San'Diego. Being Douument No•
City Clerk of the City o~ Diego, C<Uifornia.

./ .. -57~-~- ..
)leputy •

I -
I, Tillie M• Johnson, formerly Tillie M. Winterstein, For and in consideration of the
benefits toaccrue by tm .location and construction of a drain pipe through and across the
property hereinafter d.esc.ribed Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corpora-
tion, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the
construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe, through, along and across All that
.Real Property situated in the City of San Diego,, County of San Diego, State of California,
bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lot E, Block 14, Central Homestea·d,- according to Map thereof No. 358,
filed in the Office of tm Coun'6y Recorder of said San Diego County,. said easement and r-ight
of way being ten feet in widthi;: five feet on e· side of the following described c·enter line:
Beginning at a point on the east line of T.hirty-fifth, distant 142 feet south from I
the northwest corner of·sa:ii.d Lot· E; thence southeasterly on a direct line making an.angle of
84 degrees 17 minutes with the said ·east line of Thirty-fifth· Street, 8. distance of 15.00 feeit ·
to a point. . · ·
To Have and to Hold the·above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
-its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a. drain pipe and appurtenances.
Witness my hand and ·seal this "lOth day of May, 1927.
. On this lOth day of May A.D •. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, B.O.Curry
a Notary Public in and for said County, residing ther~tn; duly commissioned and sworn, personii
~:ally appeared Tillie M. lolmson~~, :formerly Tillie M. Vvinterstein·, known to me to be the person·
describGd. in and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument,.and acknowledged to· me that
she executed the. same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate firs~ above
B•. 0~ CURRY
(SEAL} Notary Public in and for said County and State.
¥Y Commission Expires
April 13, 1931~ ·
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF ~ity Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 O'clock A.M. In
Book No• 1345 Page 475 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
r!OHN H. FERRY, County Re-9-rn·der
By N. C. PARSO~S; Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Tillie N• Johnson t0 the City of San Diego; Being Document No. 207964.
Clerk of the 0it~y-of San Diego, California.
/-- .
By ?zt· . ~.))eputy.



. UNI,OU TR,UST COMPANY OF SAN DIEGO, a corporation, For and in consideration of One
Dollar DOL~~RS, Does Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a ~unicipal corporation, in the
County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction,
opera:tion and _maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across All that Real .Property

I situe'ated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Califg,rnia, bounded and de-l
scribed as follows i /
A portion of Lots 6, 7; 8, 9, 10 and 11, 13lock 1, Nettleship-tye Tract No• 1, accord-
ing to the Official Map thereof filed· in the Offic;e of .. the County Recorder of said San Diego
County;. said easement _and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of
the following described center lines, respectively: ·
:Beginning at a point on the southe~ly 11ne of said Lot· 6, distant 22-~29 feet ~ster­
ly from the southeasterly corner of said Lot 6; thence northeasterly· on a direct l'ine making I
an angle of 66 degrees 23 minutes with the south line of said Lot 6, a distance of 37~68 feet
to a point; thence northeasterly on a direct line to a point on the northerly line of said
Lot 8, distant 4.48 feet easterly from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 8; A'LSO,
Beginning at a point on the southerly line of said Lot 9, distant 36.88 feet wester-
ly from-the southeasterly corner of said Lo.t 9; thence northeasterly on a direct line making!
an angle_ of 42 degrees 06 minutes with the southerly line of said Lot 9·, a distance of 177.15
feet to a connection with the e.xisting dra~n pipe easement •.
To Have and to Hold the. above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever as a-right of way for a drain pipe.
· IN WITNESS WHEREOF: .said! Corpora~ ion has caused this. instrument to be executed by
its proper officers and its corporste seal af~ixed this 14th day of. May, 1927.
BY C. H. ENGLISH, Vice-President
Attest: A. H. MACKINTOSH, Assistant

I On this 14th day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
Lulu McFa-rland a Notary· Public in and for said Comity, residing the rein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared C.H.English known to me to be the Vice Pres-ident, and -
A~H. MacKintosh known to me to be the Asst. ·Secretary of the Corporation that executed the
within instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on be-
half of the Corporation within named; and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed
the same. · ·
InW:f.tness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Off-icial Seal, in
the County of San Diego, State of California, the day and ·year in this cer~ificate first
above written. ·
Notary .Public in and for the County of San lJiego,
(SEAL) State of California. · ·
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min• past 11 O'clock A.M. In
Book No. 13~2 .Page 437 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN :f! •. FERRY, County Be corder
By N. C• .PARSONS, De.puty.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
J.Jeed from Union Turst Company o:f San Diego to t be City of ~an Diego. Being Document l~o·., ·
City Clerk of the Cit~an Diego, CBlifornia,

I -'G R A N T
. . ?/~'?t.
.SAM FERRY SMITH COMPANY; a corporation, and SEFTON INVEST~ffiNT COMPANY, a corporatioq,
hereby grant to the CITY OF SAN DIEGO, a municipal corporation, all that· real property situa~e
in the City of San Diego; Co:unty of -San .Diego;·· State of fGalifornia·• --more· part icularjy bounded
and described as follows, to-wit:
· · · · ·
Beginning at a point on the northerly line of the Northeast Quarter (NEil of the
Northwest Quarter ( NWi) of .Pueblo Lot 1167, which bears South 89 degree·s 09 minutes JJ;ast 1072.98
feet from the northwest corner of l?ubelo Lot 1167, said last named point being_ the intersect~on
of the ~ortherly line of said Pueblo Lot 1167 With the northwesterly line of Rigel Street; I
thence South 40 degrees ~3 minutes 45 seconds West, a distance of 38.63 feet to a point, said
last named point being on the northeasterly line of Main Street and said last described course
being along the southwesterly prolong_ation of the northwesterly line of Rigel Street; thence
South 50 degrees 27 minutes 30_seconds East, a distance of 60.00 feet to a point, said last
named point being the point -o+- intersection~-~of the southwesterly-prolongation of the south-
easterly line of Rigel Street with t h9 north~asterly line of Main Street; thence North 40
degrees 33· minutes 45 seconds East, a. distance of 88.47 feet to an intersection with the north-
erly line of said .Pueblo Lot 1167, said last named course being along the southwesterly pro~
longation of the southeasterly line of Rigel Street; thence North 89 degrees· 09 west
along the-northerly line o~ said .Pueblo_ Lot 1167, a distance of 79.00 feet to the point or
place of beginning. . ·
. Said .Pueblo Lot being according to Map of the .Pueblo Lands of San Diego made by
James .Pascoe in 1870, a copy of said map being filed in the office of the County Recorder of
said l:ounty. ..

IN WITNESS WHEREOF,- said corporations have caused this instrument to be executed in
their names and under their corporate seals, this 13th day of May, 1927.
By GEO. D. EASTON~ Vice-President.
Attest: LAURENCE H. SMITH, Secretary.
By J. W. SEFTON, JB.,Vice President
Attest:. W.· M~· CROUSE., Secretary
0n this 14th ~ay of May, 1927, before me, Claren.c~ A. Moore, a .Wotary Public in and
for said ·county and State, persona'lly appeared GEO~ D.' EASTON, known to me to be the Vice-
President and LAURENCE H~ SMITH, known to me to be the Secretary, of ··sAM SMITH COMPA_NY, the
corporati~n that executed the' foregoing instrument, known to me to be the persons who execut~d
the foregoing instrument·, known to me to be t be persons who executed the foregoing instrument
on behalf of· the corporati·on therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation ax-
e outed the same.
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said C.ounty and State.
coma•y OF SAN. DIEGO,)
. On this· 16th day of May,. 1927~ before me, Angeline Thee de,' a Notary Public in and fq!r
said County and State,. personally appeared J ~ W. SEFTON JR., known to me to be the Vice Pres~-
dent, and w. M. CROUSE., known to me to be the Secretary of SEFTON INVESTMENT- COMPANY,· t~e II
corporation that executed tm foregoing instrument, known to me to be the persons who executer1d
the foregoing instrument t known -to o)ne' to be' the persons who executed the foregoing instrument:
on behalf of tm corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation ex-
ecuted the same.
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for ·said County and State.
My Commission Expires,
Jan. 30, 1930.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 it. 30 Min. past 11 o'clOck A.M• In
Book No• 1320 Page 468 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
. JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
. ~y N. C. PARSONS,, Deputy.
I HEREBY· CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copp: of
Grant Deed from Sam Ferry Smith Company and Sefton Investment Company to the City of San
Die_go. ·Being Document, No. f07968 •


· We, Sam s. Porter and Amy B. Porter, husband and wife, For and in consideration of
One Dollar and other valuable co·nsideration, Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a .I
Municipal Corporati·on, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right
of way for the deposit of· earth mate rial, over, along and. across All that Real .Property
situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, Stat~ of California, bounded and de-
scribed as follows: -
· The West 20 feet' of the East 40 feet of Falcon Street closed to public use by. Resolu-
tionFof the Common Council of the City of San Diego, lying contiguous and adjoining .Lot A,
Bloc-k 367, Horton• s Addition, ac·cording to Map thereof made by L. L. Lockling, filed in the
Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
~ To Have and to Hold the above gr.a~ted and 'described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever. ·
Witness our hands and seals this 21st day of May, 1927.
On this 2lst day of May, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E.H.Holmbee
a .Notary Public in and for said County, residing the rein, duly commissioned and sworn, persd1-
ally appeared Sam s. Porter and Amy B. Porter known to me to be the persons descriped in and II
w_hose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed
the same.
Witness my hand.and.Off'icial Seal tbe day and year in this certificate.first above
written. ·
Notary Public in and ·for the County of San Die.go,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Uommission Expires,
July 28, 1929.

RECORDED AT l\EQUEST OF· City Clerk JU!l 22 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 o'clook A.M~ In
Book No• 1320 Page 465 of.Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
J'OHll H. FERRY, County Be corder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Sam s. Porter-and Amy B• Porter; to the City of ~an Diego. Being Document No.
of the- ity' o San Diego, California.
I, Mabel B• Mason; a widow, For a-nd in consideration of the benefits to accrue by
the location and construction of a drain ~!~through and across the property herein describ-
ed Do Hereby Grant to the City o~ San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San
Diego, State of California; an easement and right of way for. the construction, operation and

I ,J
maintenance of a drain pipe· through, along and across all that Real Property situated in the
City of San Diego, Caunty of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follow~:
.. -- A portion of Lots 40, 41', 42, 13 and 44; Block 20; Fairmount Addition to City Heights~
!according to Map thereof filed in t-he Office of the .~ounty Recorder of·said San-Diego Colintyl
1 said easement and right of way being ten feet in width, five feet on each side of the follow.!
ing described center line:
Beginning at a point on the west line of said Lot 44, distant 2. 60 feet north from
the southwest corner of said Lot 44; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a point on the
north line of said Lot 40, dis:tant · 95.83 feet east from the· northwest corner of said lot 40;
thence continuing southeasterly on a direct line being the prolongation of the last described
course, a distance of 16.oo· feet to a point.
To Have and to Hold. the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
·its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness my hand and seal this 20th day of May, 1927. ·
. - .
. On this 20th day of May A.D:. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, B.H.Brooks
a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, persozh.-
ally appeared Mabel B. Mason, known to me to be the person described in and whose name is sui~
scribed to the within instrument, and acknowledted to me that she executed the same.
Witness· my hand and Official Seal tm day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
I June 4; 1930.
. . -
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M. In
Book No·. 1376 Page 82 of DEEDS Be cords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSOUS, Deputy.
~HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true'and correct copy of
Deed from Mabel B. Mason to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 207972.
ierk of the' -Cit~of San Diego, CRlifornia •


_ _We, John J. Donnelly and :Mary A. Donnelly, husband and wife, and Chas. E. Schupp,
a man, for and in consideration oi' the benefits to accrue by the location and construc-
tion of a drain pipe through and across the property hereinafter described, do hereby grant
to The·· City· of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation,· in the County of San Diego, State of Cal-
ifornia, an easement and right of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a I
drain pipe through, along and across all that real property situated in,the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, State of California, bounded ·and described as follows: _
A portion of Lot 1, Block 195, City Heights, according to Amended Map thereof No.
1007, filed in the 0ffice of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement and
right of way being particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a point on the northerly line of said Lot 1, distant 59.29 feet east-
erly from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 1; thence southerly on a direct line to a point
on the S·outherly line of said Lot 1, distant 57 ~eet easterly from the 'southwesterly corner
of said Lot 1; thence easterly along ·the southerly line of said Lot 1, a dist~nce of 10.00 -·
to a point; thence northerly on a direct line to a point on the northerly line of said Lot 1,
distant 75.90 feet westerly from the northeasterly corner of said Lot 1; thence westerly along
the northerly line of sald Lot 1 to the point or place of beginning. ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unt'o the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for-· a drain pipe.
Witness our hands and seals this 31st day of May, 1927.
On this 31st day of May A. D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly.commissioned and swonnl,
personally appeared John J. Donnelly, Mary A. Donnelly and Chas. E. S~hupp known to me .to be
the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknow-
ledged to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certi'ficate first above
My· Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
July 28 , 1~29 State of California.
RECOJDE:D AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 2~ 1927 at 30 'Min. past 11 o'clock, In Book
No. 1353, Page ;a83', of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.

I JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder

By - N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
. -.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and'foregoing is a full, true and correct ~PY of
Deed,-from John J. Donnelly, et ux., and Chas• E. ·schupp, to 'the City of San Diego, Califor-
nia, being Document No. 20797~.
Clerk of the CLt of San Diego, California.

'"':' . : _ . ·-:.-.1.
We, Delbert G. Martin and Bessie c. Martin, husband and wife, .for and ~n consider-,
ation of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through
and across the property hereinafter described do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a /I
Municipal Corporation,· in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and righ!it
of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along I
~d across all that Real Property s.ituated in the ·city of San Diego, County of San Diego,.
State of California, bounded and described as follows:
The southwesterly six feet of Lot 11, Block 217; Middletown, according to Map
thereof made by J. E. Jackson, C.E., filed in the Office of the County Clerk of said San
Diego County. ·
T6 Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement nnito the said grantee,
its successors and ·assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
.Witness our hapds and seals this 25th d~l'y of April, 19 27 • ·
On this 25th day of April A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
Holmboe; a Notary Public in and for said County; residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Delbert G. Martin and Bessie c. Martin known to me to be the.per-
sons described in and whose names are subscribed t·:o the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me th~t they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the da·y and year in this certificate first above
My .Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the Co'\lDty of San Diega,
July 28, 1929. State of California.
, RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk UlUN 22 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 o clock A.M., In

Book No• 1376 Page 80 of DEEDS,. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorda~
By N. C. :PARSONS, Deputy. /
I HEREBY CIDRTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct_ copy of
Deed, from Delbert G·. Martin, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document
No··· 207976.
City Clerk of ty ~f Jan n:e ~o, .California.
q~, 4 _yeputy
I, Frances Nauman, a married woman, for and in consideration of One Dollar, do:r.he~eby
remise, release and quitclaim to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the couJty
of·san Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction, opera-
tion and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along and· across all that rea 1 property
situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and de-
scribed as follows:
· · Th:e southwes'terly six feet of Lot 7, Blo·ck 205, Middletown, t·ogether with the sout,h-
westerly six feet of the northwesterly 29 _feet of EstudVhlo street closed to public use, ad-1
joining and contiguous to said Lot 7; said Middletown being according to ~artition Map there-
of made by J. E. Jackson, filed in the Office of the County Clerk of said San Diego County.
The rights herein conveyed be_ing the separate interest of the releasor herein. .
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for sewer purposes.
Witness my hand and seal this 18th day of May, 1927. ·
On this 18 day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before. me, P. A.
Nauman a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appe·ared Frances Nauman known to me to be the parson described in and whos1e
name· is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the J

same • . I
Witness my hand and Officlal Seal the d~y and year in this certificate first above!
(SEAL) ; !>. A. Nauman 1
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
Feb. 21 1~30 State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22, 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 o A.M., In

Book No. 1314 Page 323 of Deeds,· Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. :PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above. and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Frances Nauman, to the City of San Diego, Cali,fornia, being Document No. 207978.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

. DEE · · ·
I, George H. F.·stenberg, a bachelor, for and in consideration of the benefits to
accrue by the location and co~struction of a sewer· pipe line through, along and across al~
that real property hereinafter described, Q,o hereb'y grant to The City of Sari Diego, a Mun-
icipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego_.~·. State of California, an easement and right
of way for the construction, operation· and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along
and across all that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,
State of California, bounded and described as· follows:
The southwesterly six feet of the northwesterly 20 feet of Lot· to and the south-
westerly six feet of the southeasterly 20 feet of Lot 11, Block 205, .Middletown, according
to :Partition Map thereof made by J. E. Jackson, filed in the Office of the County Clerk of
·. said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said gran tee,
its succe88ors and assigns, forever, as a right for a sewer pipe line. I
Witn~ss my hand and seal this 13th day of May 1927.
On this 13th day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commisaiqned and
sworn, personally appeared. George H. F. Stenberg, known to me to be the person described in
I and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he exe-
cuted the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
My Commission Expires, state of California.
July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book l~o. 1320. Page 471 of Deed, Records of San Diego County, Calif. ·
JOHN H. FERRY, County. Recorder
By N. c. PARSONS, Deputy. ·
I HEREBY CERTIFY that. the above and
Deed, from George H. F• Stenberg, to the City

D E E 1>
I, Anna Marks, an unmarried woman, for and in consideration of the benefits to ac-
crue by the location and construction of a sewer'pipe line through and across the property
hereinafter described do hereby remise, release ·and quitclaim to The City of San Diego, a ·
Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, state of California, an easement and right
of way for the construction, op~ration and maintenanqe of a sewer pipe line through, along
I and across all that Real .Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of SanDiego,
state of California, bounded and described as follows:
The southwesterly six feet of Lot 7, Block 205, Middletown, together with the south-
westerly six feet of the northwesterly 20 feet of Estudillo Street closed to public use, ad-1
joining and contiguous to said Lot 7; Said Middletown being according to Partition Map there-
of made by J. E.· Jackson, C.E., filed in the Office of the County Clerk of said San Diego
To Have and to Hold the above quitclaimed and described·eaaement unto the said
grantee, ita successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
Witness my ~nd and seal this 5th day of May, 1927.
COUNTY o:m•;·sAN DIEGO,) • .
_ · en this 5th day. of May, A. D. Nineteen Hundred and TWenty-seven before me, E. H.
Holrilboe, a Notary Public in and for said CoUn.ty, r:esiding t:Q.erein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Anna Marks, known t 0 me to be the person described in and whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the
s._ame •
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in end for the County of San Diego,
July 28, 1929. State of California. .
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927, at 30 Min• past 11 o'clock A•M.,
In Book No. 1369 Page 105 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif. ..:
JOHN He FERRY, ,County Recorder
By N~ c. PARSONS, Deputy.
I I HEREBY CERTIFY that the abo~e and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Anna Marks, to the City of San Diego, being Document No. 207982.
the Ci t·r f San Die go , C~lifo rnia •
we, Henry L. Nuhn and Mary Nuhn, husband and wife, for and in consideration of the
·; : · benefits to aooiut by t.he location and construct ion of a sewer pipe line through and across
the property hereinaf-~er described,, Do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, in the County of San Diego~ State of :California, an easement and right of way
for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through and across All
that Real Property s·i tuated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Californila,
bounded and described as follows:
. The southwesterly six feet of Lot 7, Block 205, Middletown, together with the soutlh-
westerly_ six feet of the northwesterly 20 fee.t of E~tud~llo Street closed to publ~c use, ad-
joining and contiguous to said Lot 7; said Middletown· being according to .Partition Map there-
of, made by J. E. Jackson, filed in the Office of the County .Cle·rk of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for sewer purposes.
Witness our hands and seals this 5th day of May, 1927.

. · On this 5th day of May, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me~ E~- H.
Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Henry L. Nuhn and Mary Nuhn, known to me to be the pe~so·ns de-
scribed in and whose names subscribed to the within instrU.ment' ,· and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same.
Witness my hand. and Official Seal· the day and year in this certificate first above
My Co~~ission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
July 28, 1929. :. State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 o 1 clock A.M., In
Book No. 1314 Page 324 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
· By N. C. .PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a :full, true and .correct copy of
Deed, from Henry L. Nu·hn, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.
the City o- S,an Diego, California.

Community BU.ild·ing and Loan Association, a corporation, for and in consideration
of One Dollar, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim to The City of San Diego, a Munic-
ipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, St~te of California, an easement and right of vay
for .the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along and across
all that real property situated in the ·City of San Diego, County of San Die go, State of Calif-
ornia, bounded and described as follows:
The southwesterly six feet of Lot 9, 214, Middle town, according to Partition
Map thereof made by J. E. Jackson, C.E., filed in the Office of the County Clerk of said San
Diego County. · · I
To Have and To Hold the above granted. and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever as a right of way for a sewer pipe line. .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by
its proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 13th day of May, 1927.
· a Corporation,
(SEAL) By JOHN B. STARKEY, President
On this 13th day of ~ay A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven, before me, Ethel M.
Williams a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared John B. Starkey known to me to be the President, and Harold B.
Starkey known to me to be the Se-cretary of the CorpOrEl.tion that executed the within instru-
ment, known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the Corp-
oration within named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have here.unto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in
the Q6Uti.ty of San Diego, State of California, the day and this certificate first
above written.
My Commission Expires, Notary .Public in and for the County of San Diego,
April 11th- l$50. State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 ·at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1361 Page 148 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
· JOHN H·•. 1PER,.qy, County Recorder·
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY tha~ the above and foregoing is a :full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Community Building and Loan Association, to the City of San Diego, California, be-
ing Document No. 207986.
· -eputy.

We, w. G. Casteel and JHorence E. Casteel, husband'and wife, for and in consider-
ation of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a· sewer pipe line through
and across the property hereinafter described do hereby grant to The City of ~~n Diego, a Muh-
icipal Corporation, ·in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easem~...J.. JS_<t_ri_ght oif ,
way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through~"al~at "-
real property situated in the City .of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California,
bounded and described as follows: · ·
The southwesterly six feet of Lot 9, Block 214, Middletown, according to Partition
Map thereof made by J. E. Jackson, filed in the Office of the County Clerk of said San Diego
To Have, and to Hold the above granted an<l described easement unto the sa1d grantee,
its successors and assigns, for ever, for sewer purposes.
Witness o.ur hands and seals this 13th day o:f May, 1927.
On this 13th day of May A.D. Ninateen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E~ H.
~olmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared w. G. Casteel and :b lorence E. Casteel, known to. me to be the per-,

eons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the d~y and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
RECORDED AT. REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22. 1927 at 30 Min·. past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1361 Page 147 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Re-corder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from w. G. Casteel, et ux., to the Ci~y of San Diego, California, being Document No.
We, Charles c. Ald:rich and May Belle Aldrich, husband and wife, for and in consid-
eration of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through .-
and across t~e property hereinafter describe·d ~do hereby grant to The City o:1L San Diego, a .lI ·
Municipal Corporation,. in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right
of way for the construction and operation of a sewer pipe line through, along and across all
I that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,. state of Califor-
nia, bounded and described as follows: ·
The eout!lwesterly six feet of Lot 10, Block 202, Middletown, according to Partition
Map thereof made by J. E. Jackson, C.E., filed in the Office of the Cottnty Clerk of the ~aid
County of San Diego.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for sewer purposes.
Witness our hands and seale this 2nd day of May, 1927.
On this 2nd day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H•.
Ho lmboe, a Notar~y Public in and for said County, .residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Charles c. Aldrich and May Bella Aldr~ch known to me to be the per-
sons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
July 28, 1929. · state of Califo mi a.
RECO:-tDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 221927, at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1381 Page 13 of De.eds, Records .of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I · I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Charles c. Ald:rich, at ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document
No. 207990. ·
City.Clerk of th~:ty_Qf San Diego, California.
By~~- //(.~~.<Deputy.
( .
THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SAN DIEGO, a corporation, for and in consideration of
One Dollar, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim to The City of San Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way
for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along and
across all that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State
of California, bounded and described as follows:
· The southwesterly six feet of the southeasterly 40 feet of Lot 9, Block 205, Middle-
·.' town, according to Pa,rtition Map thereof made by J~. E. Jackson, C.E., filed in the Office ofl .. ,
1' the County Clerk of.;.,"S~n Diego County. · ._
· To Have and to Hold the above quitclaimed and described easement unto the !lledd gramtee.
its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line. .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: said. Corporation ~as caused this instrument to be executed by
its proper officers and· its corporate seal affixed this 14th day of May, 1927.
By M. C. PFEFFERKORN, Vice-President
(SEAL} ATTEST: F. H. WOOLt~, Assistant Cashier~
I County of San Diego,) •
On this 14th day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven, before me., J. L.
Hicklin, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared M. c. Pfefferkorn, knoWn. to me to be the Vice President, and F.
H. Woolman, known to me to be the Aes't' Cashier of the Corporation that executed the within
instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the
Corporation within named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have ~ereunto set .my hand an~Vaffixed my Offi~ial Seal, in
the County of San Diego, State of Call.for~ia, the day and year in this certif~cate first
above written.
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the Coun~y of San Diego,
Oct. 5 1927. State of C~lifornia.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22. 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. ·1345 Page 468 of DEEDS, RECORDS of San Diego Cotinty, Calif.
JOHN H• FERRY, County Recorder
By N. ·c. PAaSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, trtie and correct copy· of
Deed, from the First National Bank of San Diego, to the City of San Diego, California, being
Document No. 207992.
City .Clerk of th~ Cit~al1f~rnia.
By~"wf?22[· ~.<Deputy.
I I~
DEE-bl. .
Ll.lcy Harris Murphy, a married woman, for and i_n consideration. of the benefits
to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and acroas -- Do
hereby. grant to 1'he City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego,
-.. ·

State of California, an easement and right of way for .the construction, operation and main-
tenance of a sewer pipe line through, along and across all that real property situated in the
City.of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as fol-~
lows. · ·
The southw~sterly six feet of the southeasterly 40 feet of Lot 9, Block 205-, Middle,•
town, according to Partition Map tlie~eof made by J. E. Jackson, C.E., filed in the Office of
the County Clerk of said San Diego Co~ty; said property ·being the separa.te property of the
gran~or h~rein. · \ . .
To Have and To Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a·aewer pipe line.
· · · Witness my hand and seal" this··rzth dai of May 1927. ·
,' On this 13th day of May, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
Holmboe, a Notary~~\!P_l:i:~ in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally~~arris Mnrphy, known to me to be the person described in and whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same.
' I
Witne-ss my hand and Official Sea 1 the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
July 28, 1929. State of California.
_:iECORDED A.T REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 2~ 1927, at 30 Min. past 11 o • clock A.M., In
Book No. 1376 Page 83, of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif. .
J'OHN H. FER..RY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing. is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from 1uoy Harris Murphy, to the City o:f· San Diego, California, being Document No. 207994.
of the City o an Diego, California

We, Charla s s. Kelley and otti lie M • Kelley, husband and wife, for and in .considerii
ation of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through
and across the property hereinafter described, do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a II
Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right
of way for. the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe· line through, along II
and across all that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State
of California, bounded and described as follows: ·
The southwesterly six feet of the northwesterly 10 feet of Lot 9 and the southw.est-
erly six feet of the southeasterly 30 feet of tot 10, Block 205, Middletown, according to
Partition Map thereof made by J. E. Jackson, C.E., filed in the Office of the County Clerk
of said County of San Diego. ·.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
Wi tnesa our hands and seale this 14th da:y of May, 19 27.
County of San Diego,) ss.
On this 14th day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Charles s. Kelley and Ottilie M. Kelley known to me to be the per-
sons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
July 28, 1929. State of California •
. RECORDED AT REC:UEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M~, In
Book No. 1369 Page 102 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder

By N. C. PARSONS,. Deputy.
HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a fUll, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Charies s.·Kelley,- et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document
No. 207996.
Ci~J:;Clerk. oft~ Cit~-.-~f San D~ego, California.
Jly, ~1t#f= q. ~~l'uty.
DE Elf>
We, J. w. Daily and Teresa E. Daily, husband and wife, for and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue .by the location and cone truct ion of a sewer pipe line through and
across the property hereinafter described do hereby to. The City of San Diego, a Munic-
ipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of
way for the construction, operation and maintenance. of a sewer pipe line through, along and
~erose all that Real Property eitu~ted in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State
of California, bounded and described as follows:
The southwesterly six feet of Lot.7, Block 214, Middletown, and the southwesterly
six feet of the northwesterly 20 feet of Wright Street closed to public use, adjoining and
contiguous to said Lot 7; Said Middletown being according to Partition Map thereof made by
J. E. Jackson, C.E., filed in the Office of the County Clerk of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, for sewer purposes.
Witness our hands and seals this 27th day of April, 1927.
On this 27th day of April A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
Holmboe, a Notary Public in and :for said County, residing-therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared J. w. Daily and Teref:la E. DaiLY known to me to be the persons described ·1
in and whose naiiB.s are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that the~
executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in ~his certificate first above
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of san.Diego,
July 28, 1929. ·· st~te of Califo rni~. ·
~CORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk. JUN 22 1927 at 30··Min. past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1361 Page·1:50 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif. .j

JOHN. H• FERRY, Cqunty Recorder

By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY tpat the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of

I Deed, from J. w. Daily, at ux., to the 'City of San Diego, California, being Document No.
of the C ty of-San Die go, California.

By~~~~u....~-~~-1---"~~~~a.::::..~~..-·eput y

I, Henry G. Lane, a w~dower, for and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by
the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and across the property hereinaft~r
described do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the county o:f
San Di~go, State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction, operation!
and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along and across all that re& property situated
in the.City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as I
follows: . . · .
The southwesterly six feet of Lot 10, Block 217, Middletown, according to Partition
Map thereof made by J. E. Jackson, c.E., filed in the Office of the Cotinty Clerk of said San
Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors amd assigns, fo'rever, as ·a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
Witness my hand· and seal this 7th day of. May, 1927.
On this 7th day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and swo:rn,

I personally appeared. Henry G. Lane, known to me to be the person described in and whose name
is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
:r..ry Commies ion Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
July 28, 1929. State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 rffin. paat,.ll o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1369 Page 104 of De ads, Records of San Die go County, Calif.
John H. ~~RRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Henry G. Lane, to the City of S~ Dl~o, California, being Document No. 208000.
Ci/;lerk of the City-o San Diego, California.
B~ . · puty.

DE-E rl
We, E. J. P. Davis and Agnes c. Davis, husband and wife, for and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and
across the property hereinafter described do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Munic-
ipal Qorporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of
way·for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through,along and
across all that real property situated_in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State
of California, bounded and described as follows:
The southwesterly six feet of the Northwesterly 30 feet of Lot 11 and the southwest-
erly six _feet of Lot 12, Block 205, Middletown, according to Partition Map thereof made by
J. E~ Jackson, filed in the Office of the County Clerk of said ~an Diego ·County, including
the southwesterly six feet of Wright Street closed adjoining said Lot 12.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
Witness our hand and seals this llth day of May, 1927.
On this l~th day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H:·.
Holmboe a·Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and swortil,
personally appeared ·E. J. P. Davis and Agnes c. Davis known to me to be the persons described
in and whose names are subscribed to the· within instrument, ~nd acknowledged to me that they
executed the same. /
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
July 28, 1929. · State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1~27 at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1353 Page 282 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif•
JOHN H. ]1ERRY, County Recorder

I By N. c. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct oo py of
Deed, from E. J. P. Davis, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.
City Clerk of the CitY: of San Diego, California.

By«?'Mf'lc~ ~puty.
. - ·~· --~·rf.(E ED
We, D~ A. Donofrio and Clara z. Donofrio, husband and wife, for end in considera-
tion o·f the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line. throug
end across the property hereinafter described, do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a I
Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement end righl~
of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through and acro sa 1

all that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Cal-
ifornia, bounded and described as follows:
The southwesterly six feet of Lot 12, Block 217, l\1iddletown, according to farti-
. tion Map thereof made by J. E. Jackson, C~E., filed in the Office of ~he County Recorder of
said San Diego County.
To Eave and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
ita successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
Witness our hands and seals this 3d day of May, 1927.
On this 3rd day of May A. D. Nineteen Hundred and t·wenty-seven before me, Duncan
D. McArthur a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly, commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared D. A. Donofrio and Clara z. Donofrio, his wife, known to me to be
the persons described in and whose names are-subscribed to the within instrument, and ac-
knowledged to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
Oct. 30, 1930. State of California •
. RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 1).1in. past 11 o '.clock A.M., In
Book 1353 Page 285 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County rtecorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a f.t~:ll, true and correct copy of
.Deed, from D. A. Donofrio, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.
City Clerk of the City of 'san Diego, California •
.Ba,,d~12z·. %~/Deputy,
We, J. L. McNay and Ruth J. McNay, husband and wife, for and in ._consideration of
the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and
across the property hereinafter described, do hereby remise, release and quitclaim to The
City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California,
an easement and right of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe
line through, along and across all that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
The southwesterly six feet of Lot 12, Block 217, Middletown, according to Parti-
tion Map thereof made by J. E. Jackson, C.E., filed in the Office of the County Clerk of
s.aid San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above quitclaimed and described easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
Witness our hands and seals this 11 day of May, 1927.
On this llth' of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
Holmboe a Notar.Y Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared J. L. McNay and Huth J. McNay, known to me to be the persona de-
scribed in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument,·and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) E. H. HOLl\ffiOE
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
July 28, 1929. State of California •
.; RECORDED AT HEQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1376 Page 84 of DEEDS, Records of San Diego County, Calif·.
.. ' JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. c. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true end correct copy of
Deed, from J. L. McNay, et ux., to the City o-f San Diego, California, being Document No.
City Olerk of the City of San Diego, California.

I, Florence A. Smith, a widow, for and in consideration of the benefits to·accrue
by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and across the. property here-
inafter described, to hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in·the
County of san Diego, state of California, an easement and right of way for the constructionll
operation and maintenance· of a sewer pipe line through, along am across all that real propl!.
erty situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, an ease-
ment and right of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a.aewer pipe line
through, along and across all that real property situated in the C~ty of San Diego, County
of San Diego, state of California, bounded and described as follows:
The southwesterly six feet of Lot 8, Block 205, Middletown, according to Map
thereof made by J. E. Jackson, C.E., filed in the Office of the County Clerk of said San
Diego County, said property being the separate property of the grantor herein.
;· u;)

To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
successors and assigns, forever, for sewer purposes.
Witness my hand and sea 1 this· 13th day o.f May, 1927.


On this 13th day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
Holmboe a-Notary Public in and for said County, residing tharein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared Florence A. Smith, .known to me to be the person described in and whose
name is subscribed to the ~ithin·instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the
Witness my hand and Officia 1 Seal the day and year in this certificate first .above
My Commission Expires, Notary .Public in and for the County of San Diego,
July 28, 1929. State of California.
RECORDEJ) AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927,_ at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1320 Page 470 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif. ·
JOHN H. li'ERRY, County Recorder
By l~. · C. /PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that· the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Florence A. Smith, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No. 208008.
City Cler~ o~ t~ity of San Diego, California.
·Byt~up.dCL/.(· 21~ ,Deputy.
D E Eln
. We, George .1:3. Anderson and Edith May Anderson, husband and wife, for and in con-
side~ation of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a concrete bo~·drain
I through, along and across the property hereinafter described, do hereby grant to The City of
San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, state of California, an ease-
ment and right of way for the deposit of earth materia·l upon the s·outh 20 feet of Lot 16 here-
inafter described, and an easement and right-of way for the construction, operation and mainJ
tenance of a concrete box drain through, along and across all that Real ~roperty situated in
the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as
follows: ·
A portion of Lot 16, Block 2, Alhambra Park, according to Map thereof No. 1788, filled
in the Office of the County Recorder of .said San Diego County, said easement and right of wa~~~
being ten feet ·in width, five·--feet on each side of the following described center line·:: ·
· . · Beginning a~ a ~9int on the southerly _line of said Lot ·16, dist~nt 49 feet easterlY,
from the southwesterly· corner of said Lot 16; thence northerly at right angles to the southe.r.-
ly line of said ~ot ;16, a distance of 25~00 feet to a point.
To Have and to Hold the above gran ted and des·eri bed easement unto· the said gran tee,
its succes~or~ and assigns, forever.
Witness our hands and seals this 26th day o~ May, 1927.
On this 26th day of May A.D. Nine teen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said Co~nty, r~siding therein, duly commissioned and
s:worn, personally appeared George B. Anderson and ,Edith May Anderson known to me to be the
persons described in and whose names are subscribed·to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed the same. ·
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above

My Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929.
E. H. HOL~ffiOE
Notary Public in and for the County of San Die go,
State of California. .
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927· at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M.·, In
Book No. 1344 Page 464 of Deeds, .:aecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C~ PARSONS, Deputy. .
I EEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Document No. 208010, deed from George B-. Anderson, et ux., to the City of San Diego, Calif-
the Ci ty~o.f San Diego , California.

We, Lloyd w. Carter and Vinita F. Carter, husband and wife, and Grace V. Alexander,
formerly Grace v. Carter, a married woman, for and in consideration ·of the benefits to ac-
crue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and across the property
hereinafter described, ,do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in
the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the construe~
tion, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along and across all that real
property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bound-
ed and described as follows:
The southwesterly six feet of Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 214, Middletown, according

I to Map thereof made by J. E.- Jadkson, c.E., filed in the Office of the County Clerk of said
County of San Diego. Said property being the separate property of said Grace V·. ·Alexander.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described eas.ement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
Witness our hands ~nd seals this 3rd day of May, 1927.
formerly Grac~ v. Carter
County of San Diego,) ss.

On this 13th day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H. I
·Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Lloyd w. Carter, Vinit~. F. Carter and G~ace v. Alexander, known
to me to be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument,1
and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
Witness ·my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires,
Not.ary .Public in and for the County of San Die go,
July 28, 1929. state of California.
rtECORDED AT BEQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock· A.M., In
Book No. 1344 Page 463 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif. ·
JOHN H. b~RRY, County Recorder
By N. c• .PARSONS, Deputy. .
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Lloyd w. Carter, at ux., and Grace v. Alexander, to the City of San Diego, Calif-
ornia,. being Document No .• · 208012.
City Clerk of the City ~1fornia.

EYZkou.J=?q. ~ )leputy.

THIS AQREEMENT, made this 19th day of May, 1927, between the Union Trust Company
of San Diego, a corporation, Trustee, under the Trust hereinafter described, .Party of the
First .Part, and The City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, Party of the Second .Part,
W E'T N E S S E T H:
THAT, WHEREAS, said Trustee is the legal owner of all that property situated in the
City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, covered by the Deed of Trust
hereinafter described; and,
WHEREAS, THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, for the benefit and·improvement of said property,·.
is laying, constructing and maintaining, or intending to lay, construct and maintain a sewer
pipe line through, along and across a portion of said property, and, .
WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to the laying, construction, maintenance and
operation of said sewer pipe line that an easement and right of way for same shall be and
remain upon a portion of said property prior end superior to the terms and conditions incor-
porated in said deed of trust; and, ~
· WHEREAS, all the owners of the equitable· interests under said mentioned deed of
trust, have each granted an easement and right of 'way to the .Party of the Second .Part, as
Trust De~d, dated April 30, 1923, made by Grace V. Carter, in favor of Joe 1 E.
Cory and Emily E. Cory, husband and wife, as joint tenants, securing one promissory note for
the sum of '$3050.00 with interest, recorded M~y 3, 1923, in Book 924, at page 480, et seq.,·
of ~eeds, records of the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County,
· .The easement conveyed being through, along. and across the southwesterly six feet
of Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 214, Middletown, according to .Partition Map thereof made by J.
E. Jackson, C.E., filed in the Office of t-he· County Clerk of said San Diego County.
That, in consideration of the premises, the sum of One Dollar, and in further con-
sideration of the benefits derived and to be derived from the construction, maintenance and
operation of said sewer pipe ·line, said Party of the. 1i irst Part HEREBY SUBORDINATES ALL OF

ITS RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST under said Deed of Trust above .mentioned to the right of· way
. and easement heretofore conveyed to the Party of the Second Part, upon the designated por-
tion of the property covered by such trust deed,· so that said right of way and easement shalil.
become. and remain prior and superior to any and all of the terms and conditions contained in
or provided by said Deed of Trust herein~bove·raf~rred to~ ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Pa;rty of the First :Part has·caused this instrument
to be signed by its Vice .President and AsSistant Secretary, ·and its corporate seal to be af-
fixed hereto, the day and year in this instrument first .above written.
(SEAL) ATTEST: .Party of the First Part
A. H. Mac KINTOSH, Assistant Secretary. By :B,. B. THOMPSON, Vice-Pr.esident
State of California,)
·) SS •
County of San Diego,)
On this 23rd day of May, ·1927, before me, Luella, a Notary :Public in and
for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared F. B.
Thompson, known to me to be the Vice President and A. H. MacKintosh, known to me to be the
Ass't. Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument, known to ·me to be
the ·persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation within named,
and acknowledged to me that such corporation axe cuted the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above'
{SEAL) . LUELLA MacKINTOSH, formerly Luella Duffy
My Commission expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
March 26, 1930. State of California.
liE CORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min. ·past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1342 Page 438 of Deeds, Recorda of San Diego County, Calif.
· JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and corre9t copy of!
Subordination Agreement, from the Union Trust Company of San Diego, to the City of San Diego,
California, being Document No. 208014.
City Clerk of the Cit~ San Die:~, California~ I
Ey4;,~· ---~=/Deputy.,
G ·. .

We~-D. D.-Russell and Mary L. Russell, husband and wife, for and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and
across the property hereinafter described, do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Munic-
ipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of

I way for the· construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along and
across all that real property situated in the C_ity -of San Diego, County of San Diego, State
of California, bounded and described as follows:
The southwesterly six feet of Lot 8.:; Block 214, Middle town, according to .Partition
Map thereof made by J. E. Jackson, C.E., filed in the Office of the County Clerk of said San
Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever,-as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
Witness our hands and seals this 3d day of May, 1927.
On this 3d day of May A.D •. lanete·en Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H. Holm-
boa, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared D.:'D. Russell and ·.Mary L. Russell known to me to be the persons described
in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and . acknowledged to me that they
executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
July 28, 1929. State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M., ~~
Book No. 1320 .Page 466 of Deed .aecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
ByN. c. PARSON·s, Deputy.

I I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed,-from D. D. Russell, et ux., ;to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.

B4ct~ ..
City Clerk of t~~ San. Diego:; California.

SUB 0 R D I N A T I 0 N A G R E E- .

Register No. 32374.
THIS AGREEMENT, made this 24th day of May, 1927, between the Union Trust Company of
San Diego, a corporation, 1 rustee under the Trust hereinafter described, Party of the l!,irst

.Part, and the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, Party of the Second Part,
W I' 'T N E S S E T H:: .
THAT, WHEREAS, said Trustee is the legal owner of all ...,t.hat real property situated
in the City of San Diego, Colinty of San Diego, State of Californla, covered by the Deed of
Trust hereiriafter aescribed; and ·. ·
WHEREAS, THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, for the benefit and improvement of said property,
is laying, constructing and maintaining, or intending to lay, construct and maintain a sewer
pipe line through, along and across a portion of said property, and
WHEREAS, it is· . a condition precedent to the laying, construction, maintenance and
operation of said sewer Pi:Pe. line that an easement and right· of way for same shall be and
remain upon a portion of said property prior and superior to the terms and conditions incorp-
orated in said deed of trust; and ·

I WHEREAS, all of the owners of the equitable interests under said mentioned Deed of
Trust, have .each granted an easement and right of way to the Party of the Second Part, as fol-
Trust Deed dated July 15, 1926, made by D. D. Russell and Mary L. Russell, husband
·and wife, in favor of Richard Mertz, a single man, securing one promissory note for the sum
of 91000.00 with interest, recorded August 12, 1926, in Boo~ 1235, at page 173, et seq., of
Deeds, records of the Office of .the County llecorder of said San Diego County.
The easement conveye·d being through; along and aero as the southwesterly six feet of
Lot 8, Block 214, Middletown, according to Partiti_on Map thereof· made by J. E. Jackson~ C.E.,
filed in the Office of the ~ounty Clerk of said San Diego County;
That, in consideration of the·premises, the sum of One Dollar, and in further con-
sideration-of the benefits derived and to be derived from the construction, operation and
maintenance of said sewer pipe line, said Party of the First .Part HEREBY SUBORDINATES ALL OF
ITS RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST under said Deed: of Trust above mentioned to the right of way ana
easement heretofore conveyed to the .Pa.rty of the Second Part, U:pon the designated portion of
the property covered by such trust deed, so that said right of way and easement shall become
and remain prior and superior to any and all of the terms and conditions contaimd in or p~o­
vided by said Deed of Trust hereinabove referred to.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said .Party of the First .Part has caused this instrument to
·be signed by its Vice President and Assistant Secretary, and its corporate seal to be affixed
hereto, the day and year in this instrument first above written.
.Party.of the Firat Part ;

A. H. MacKINTOSH Vice~President
Assistant Secretary._

I State of California,)
· . · ) sa.
County o:f San Diego ,J ,
On this 24th day of May~ ·before me, Luella MacKintosh, a Notary Public in and for
said Cottnty and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared F.
B•.Thompson, known to me to be the Vice President and A. H. MacKintosh, known to me to be the
Assfs.tant secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument, known to ·me to be
the persons who executed the within instrulnent on pehalf of the corporation within named and
acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day·and year in this certificate first above
- .. I

. ·35~

(SEAL) L~LLA MacKI~TOSH, formerly Luella Duffy

My Commission expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
March 26, 1930. State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min• past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1342 Pa·ge 440 of Deeds, Records of San.Diego County, Calif.

JOHN H. FEfu~Y, County Recorder
By N. C. -PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Subordination Agreement, from Union Trust Company of San Diego, to the City of San Diego,
being Document No~ 208018.

L. T. Tilton and Winifred B. Tilton, husband and wife,· for and in consideration of
One Dollar do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a·Municipal Corporation, in the County
of San Diego, state of California, for street purposes, all that Heal Property situated in
the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, for street purposes, all
that real prop arty situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Die go, State of Ca·lif-
ornia, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lot 6, -Block 55, Park Villas, according to Map thereof No. 438, filed
in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, particularly_described as fol-
Beginning at the north corner of said Lot 6; thence south along the west line of
said Lot 6, a distance of 70.77 feet to a point; thence northeasterly, easterly and south_:-
easterly, on a curve to the right, tangent to the west line of said Lot 6, having a radius
of 10.00 feet, to an intersection wi't}J. the easterly line of said Lot 6; thence nort~erly
along the easterly line of said Lot 6, a distance of 70.77 feet to the point of beg·inning.

To Have and to Hold -the above granted and described property unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, for street purposes, as and for a portion of Boundary
Witness our hands and seal this 24th day of May, 1927. ''·
L. T. TILTON (SEAL) --""'·
County of King ) •
On this' 24th day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, the under-
signed a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commiss~oned and sworn~
pers·onally appeared L. T. Tilton and Winifred B. T:ilton, husband and wife, known to me to be
the -persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and ac-
knowledged to me that they executed the same.
· Witness my hand and Officia~ seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for said County and State
Sep. 21, 1927.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book 1320 Page 472 of Deed /Records of San Diego County, Calif.
· JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that.the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from L. T. Tilton, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.
of the City o an Diego,
We, Leland Dora Jones and Alice s. Jones, his wife, for and in consideration of
One Dollar, do hereby grant to The City of San.Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the CountY!
of San Diego, State of California, for street purposes, all that real property situated in
the City of San Diego, County of San Dieg·o, state of California, bounded and described as
Beg~nning at the northwesterly corner of Lot 24, Block 5, La Jolla Strand, accord-
ing to the Official Map thereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego
County; thence southerly along the westerly line of said.Lot 24, a distance of 15.03 feet to
a point; thence North 70 degrees 10 minutes East, a distance of 50.20 feet to a point on the~
easterly li~e of Lot 25, said Block 5, distant 6.65 feet southerly,from the northeasterly
corner of said Lot 25; thence easterly on a direct line to the northeasterly corner of Lot
·26, said Block 5; thence westerly along the northerly line of said Lots 26, 25 and 24, to
the point or place of beginning; being a.portion of Lots 24, 25 and 26, Block 5, said ~a
Jolla Strand. ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described property unto the said grantee/,
its successors and assigns, forever, for street purposes, as and for a portion of Flaya Del
Sur Street.
Witness our hands and seals this 6th day of May, 1927.
State of California,)
County of ALAMEDA, ) SS.
On this 6th day of May A.D. Nineteen Hun_dred and Twenty-seven before me; viola
.Tabler, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared ALICE s. ·JONES, known to me to be the person described in and
whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that_she executed
the same. Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first abov.e
-.·'(SEAL) written. VIOLA TABLER .
'\ ·. My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of Alameda,
April 10, 1929. State of California.
State of California,)
County of San Diego,) as.
On this 14th day of May, 1927, before me, E. H. Holmboe, a Notary Public in and
for said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeare~
Leland Dora Jones, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instru-
ment and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
I, written.
My Commission expires,
July 28, 1929.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927, at 30 Mi~. past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1376 Page 78 of DEEDS, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. F~RRY, County Recorder
By N. C. I:ARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Leland Dora Jones and Alice s. Jones, to the City of San Diego, California, be-
ing Document No. 208022:
of the City of San Diego , Califo mia.

DE E "\
I, J. Boudine Lieber, a Married Woman, for and in consideration of One Dollar do
_'( hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a lv1unicipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego,
~ ~ state of California, for street purposes, all that. real property situated in the City of San
r Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the northwest corner-of Lot 21, Block 5, La Jolra Strand, according

o the Official Map thereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder of· said San Diego ,
er. County; thence North 70 degrees 10 minutes East, a distance· of 75.30 feet to a point on the
-~ east line of Lot 23, said Block 5, distant 15.03 feet southerly from the northeast corner of

aid Lot 23; thence northerly along the easterly line of said Lot 23 to the northeasterly
-I• orner of said Lot 23; thence westerly along the northerly line of said: Lot 23, the norther-
. ~ ly line of Lot 22, said Block ~ and the northerly ~ine of said Lot 21 to the point or plac~
~·~of be·ginnirig; excepting herefrom the portion of the East 1/2 of said Lot 22 included in this
~ &description. ·
. 3
\)oJ:~ · Be-~lig a portion of Lots 21, 23 and the West 1/2 of Lot 22, said Block 5. The above
~~JJI described property being the ·separate property of the grantor herein. · I
~ ~: To Have and to Hold the above granted and described property unto the said grantee,
~ · ·its successors and assigns, forever, for street purposes, as and for a portion of Playa Del
cl~ Sur Street. '

~ Witness my hand and seal this 3rd day of May, 1927. . ..
~ state of California,) SS .
r- County of San Diego,) •
~ On this third day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty seven before me, Katheri~e
..p D. Adams a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sw~:rn,
~ f
'i J personally appeared J. Boudine Lieber known to me to be the person d~scribed in and whose name
is subscrib.ed to the within instrument, and acknowleQ..ged that she executed the same,. ·

Witness my hand and Official Seal the day ·and year in this certificate first above \
My Commission Expires Sept. '4, 1929. Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California. -

~~ RECORDED AT REQUEST OF ·city· Clerk uUN 22. 1927 at 30 Min. past 1~ o'clock A.M., In
~~ Book No. 1376 Page 79 of DEED~, Records of San Diego, ·ca lifg ··
JOHN H. FERRY, ·county Recorder
~-~~- ~ By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I, Edith Garrigues Hawthorne, formerly Edith H. Garrigues for and in consideration
of One Dollar do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the
County of San Diego, State of California, for street purposes, the~present sidewalk tore-
main where it is, as the official, permanent sidewalk. .
All the real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State
of California, b.ounded and described as fo 11ows: · "
Beginning at the northeasterly corner of Lot 22, Block 5~ La Jolla Stra!l;d, accord-
I V.
ing to the Official Map thereof filed in the Offiqe of the County Recorder of said ·san Diego
c·ounty; thence southerly along the easterly line of said Lot 22, a distance of 13.50 feet to
a point; thence South'70 degrees 10 minutes West, ·a distance of 12.55 feet to the west li~e
-~ of the East 1/2 of said Lot 22; thence northerly along the west line of the East 1/2 of said
~ot 22 to the northerly line ~f said Lot 22; thence easterly along the northerly line of saia
Lot 22 to the point or place of beginning. . · portion of the East 1/2 of Lot 22, Block 5, said La Jolla Strand.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described property unto the said grantee,
its successors· and assigns, forever, for street purposes, as and for a portion of Playa Del
Sur Street. · ·
Witness my hand and seal this 21st day of April.;, 1927.
County of San Diego,) •
On this 21st day of April A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me, A. L.
Clark a Notary P~blic in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared Edith Garrigues Hawthorne, formerly Edith H. Garrigues known to me·to be

I the person described in and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknow-
ledged to me that she executed the same.
written •
Witness my hand and Official Seal :the day and year in thfs certificate first above
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
Apri 1 21, 1928. State of California.
llECOriDED AT REQUEST 0]1 City elerk JUN 22 19'27 at 30 Min. past 11 0 I clock A.M.' In
Book 1345 Page 471 of DEEDS, Records of San -Diego County, Calif •.
JOHN H. li'ERRY, County Recorder
.1:3y N. C. l'ARSONS·, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing ie a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Edith Garrigue.a· Hawthorne, to the City of San Diego, -Califo:;rnia, being Docu·ment
No. 208026. ·
City Clerk of the 9i ty f" an Diego, California

I, Azotus Hummon, a single man, for and in consideration of the benefits to accrue
by the locat i~m and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property hereinafter
described, do' hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County
of San Diego, state of California, an easement and right of Wf4.Y for the construction, opera-
tion and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across all that real property situated
in the City c;>:f San Diego, County of San Diego, Stat.e of California, bounded and described asll
:follows: · · . ·
The East four feet of the North 40 feet of Lot 5, Block 5, Watkin'·s and Biddle 'a Aii-
di tion, according to :Map thereof No. 258., filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said . ~.:"1
San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right·of way for a drain pipe.
· Witness my hand and seal this lOth day of May, 1927.
State of California,)
County of San Diego.) SS.
· On this lOth day of May A.D. Nineteen Hun_dre·d and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
Brooks a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared Azotus Hummon, kno:wn to me to be theperson described in and whose name
is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
Wi tneee my hand and Official Seal the da.Y am year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires,
June 4, 1930. .
Notary .Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk ·JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min. past ll. o clock A.M., In
Book No. 1345 .Page 472 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.

.JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder.
By N. c. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY ·cERTIFY that the above and foregoing .is a full, true and .correct copy of
Deed, from Azotus HU!Iliilon, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No. 208028•
the i ty ·o-f: San Diego, California.

ation of One DOLLAR, does hereby remise,_release and ·quitclaim to The City of·san Diego, a
Municipa~ Co·rpo:ration, in the County of San Diego, state of California, an easement and righf
of way for t·tre construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through; along and 1
acrose all ·that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County·of San Diego, ·state
of California, bounded and described as follows: ·
· The East six feet of the South 100 feet of Lot 5, Block 5, Watkin a and Biddle a·
1 1

Addition, according to Map there·of No. 258, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of
sa-id San Diego County. ·
To Have and to Hold the above quitclaimed and described easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever for drain pipe purposes.
JN WITNESS WHEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by
its proper~fficers and its corporate seal affixed this lOth day of May 1927.
(SEAL) . By J. o. MILLER, ·vice-President
Attest: FRANK V.ON TESMA~, Secretary.
County of San Diego,) . j
Qn this lOth day of May·A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty•eeven before me, Floyd
Whitc~mb ~Notary Public in and for said County, residin~ therein, duly commissioned and:~' -,_
personally appeared J. o. MILLER known to me to be the V~ce-.President, and l!,rank Von Tesmar,~~ ~-.a..-~~
known to me to be the persons who executed the wi;!:hin instrument. on behalf of the· Corporatiotc!n
within named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same. . 11 ~ ~
IN WITNE~S WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and· affixed my Of~icial Seal, in . _ ~
the County of San Dieg9, State of California, the ·day and year in this certificate first ~ ~
above written. ·
MyCommission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
M~y 10, 1930. state of California.
. RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min• past 11 o'clock' A.M., In
Book No• 1345 Page 469 of DEEDS, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. c. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from First Trust and savings Bank of San.Diego, to the City of San Diego, California,
being Document No. 208030.
City .Clerk of the City~an Diego'. California. I
au ,~0; £tzz~/ .
By Dpputy.

DE E D . .
I, Iris M. Ferris, a single woman, for and in consideration of the benefits to ac-
crue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property here-
inafter described do here by grant to The Ci t'y of San ·Diego , a Municipal Corporation, in the
Connty of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction,
operation and maintenance of a drai~ pipe through, along an4 across all that real property
situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and -de-
scribed as follows:
The East six feet of the South 100 feet of Lot 5, Block 5, Watkin's and Biddle's
Addition, according to Map thereofNo• 258, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of
said San Diego County.

I To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its f:'Uccessors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness my hand and seal this 9th day of May, 1927.
On this 9th day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
Brooks a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared Iris M. Ferr~s known to me to be the person described in and whose name
is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
June 4, 1930. · · State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927, at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1353 Page 286 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
-, JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PAtRSOliS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Iris M• .1! erris, to the City of San Diego, Calffornia, being Document No. 208032.

City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
By~,,J ~ j{_L«~ / Deputy.


THIS AGREEMENT, made this lOth day. o :f May, 1927, between the UNION TRUST COMPANY
OF SAN DIEGO, a corporation of the State of California, Trustee under the .. Trust hereinafter
described, Party of the First J;>art, and The City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, Party
of the Second Part,
. -
. W I T N E S S E T H:
·· THAT, WHEREAS, s·aid Trustee is the legal owner of all that property situated in the
City of San Diego, County of San Diego, state of Cali:fornia, covered by the Deed,,of Trust
hereinafter described; and.,
WHEREAS, THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, for the benefit and improvement of said property,
is laying, coristructing and maintaining, or intending to lay, ·construct and maintain a
drain pipe through, along and across ·a porortion of said property, and
· WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to the laying, construction, maintenance and
operation of said drain_ pipe that an easement and right of way for same be and remain upon a
portion of said property prior and superior to the terms and conditions incorporated in. said
deed of trus:t; and
WHEREAS, all the owners of the a qui table interests under said mentioned Deed o:f
Trust, have each granted an easement and right of way to the Party of the Second Part, as
.Trust Deed, dated October 17, 1924, made by Iris M. Ferrie, in favor of F. Parker
Milligan and Gertrude M. Milligan, husband and wife, securi'ng·one promisso:ry note· for the
sum of $1600.00 ~ith interest, recorded N6vember 1, 1924,· in Book 1036, at page 368, at seq.,
of Deeds, records of the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
The easement conveyed being through, along and across the East six feet of the
South 100 feet of Lot 5, Block 5, Watkin's and Biddle's Addition, according to Map thereof

I No. 258, filed in the bffice of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
That, in consideration of· the premises, the of One Dollar, from the constructiqm,
maintenance and operation of said drain pipe, said- Party of the First Part HEREBY SUBORDINATES
ALL OF A·LL ·oF ITS i1IGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST UNDER said Deed of Trust above mentioned to the I
right of way and easement heretofore conveyed to the Party of the Second Part; upon the desig-
nated portion of the property covered by such trust deed, so that said right of way and easel
ment shal~ become and remain prior and superior to a~y and all of the terms ?nd conditions
contained in or provided by said Deed of Trust hereinabove referred to.
· -- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Party of the First Part has caused this instrument to
be ·signed by its Vice President and Assistant ~ecretary, and its corporate .seal to b.e ·affixed
hereto, she day and year in this instrument first above written. ·
ATTEST: True tee
A. H. M:acKINTOSH, Asst. Secretary ?arty of the First Part.
By C. H. ENGLISH, Vice President •
.State :of California,) -
. .· ) BS •
County. of San Diego,)
On this lOth day of May, 1927, be_fo-re-me--,. E •. H. Holmboe, a Notary Public·in and fo:r
said Coutity, residing therein, duly commj:ssioned and sworn, personally appeared. c. H. English,
known to me tc:>; be the Vice President and A. H. MacKintosh, known to me to be the Asst. ·secreL
tary of the corporation that executedrthe within i~strument, known to me to be the persons
who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation within named, and acknowledged
to me, that such corporation executed the same.
Witness my han~ and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above

My Commission expires
July 28, 1929.
Not_ary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
. St'ate ·of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 221927 at 30 Min.·past 11 o'c-lock A.M., In
Book No. 1342 ?age 442 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTH Y that the above' and, foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of

Subordination Agreeme-nt, from Union Trust Company of San Diego, to the C'i ty of San Diego,
California, being Document No. 208034.
.. \


City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By~/~ 24· ?LA~-< Deputy

DEE ...
We, Jay Camp be 11 and Mary E. Camp be 11, hus·band and wife, for and in cons !deration
of the benefits to accrue by the location and .construction of a drain pipe through and across
the property herein~fter described, do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way
for the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and<across
all that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Cal-
ifornia, bounded and described as follows: ·
A po·rtion of Lots 14, 15 and 16, .Block 1, v·~atkins and Biddle's Addition, according
to Map thereof No. 258, filed in the Office of the County Hecorder of said San Diego County,
said easement and right of w~y being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the fol-
lowing described center line:·
Beginning- at a point on the north line of said Lot 14, distant 334.50 feet east
from the northwest c·orner of Lot 1, said Block 1; thence South 28 degrees 25 minute.s East,
a distance of 104.60 feet to a point; thence South 48.80 feet to a point on the south line of
said Lot 16, distant 213.00 feet west from the southeast corner of said block 1. II
To Have and to liold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe~
Witness our hands and seals this 22nd day of'April, 1927.
County of San Diego,) ss.
On this 22nd day of April A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E •. H.
Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
swor~, perso1nally appeared Jay Campbell and Mary E. Campbell known to me to be the persons d~~
scribed in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me taat
they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Officia~ Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) E. H. HOL~1ffiOE
My co·mmission Expires, Notary Public in.and for the County of San Diego,
July 28, 1929. State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min·. past -11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No·. 1~61 Page 146 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PA~SONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Jay Campbell, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No•
City Clerk of the City of., Sari Diegci~: California.
By~/;q. j~eputy;
S UB O~R D I N A T I 0 N A G R E E-
.. M EN T
THIS AGREEMENT, made this 5th day of May, 1927, between the Title lneiurance and
Trust Company, a corporation of Loa Angeles, California, under the Tru~t hereinafter
·described, party of the l!'irst Part, and The City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, Partly
of the Second Part, w I TN E 8 ,s E T H:
THAT, WHEREAS, said Trustee is the legal owner of all that property situated in the
City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, covered by the DeE;~d of Tru~ t
hereinafter described; and, .
WHEREAS, THE CITY OF SAN DIE~O, for the benefit and improvement of said property,
is laying, constructing and mainta~ning, or intending to lay, construct and maintain a drain
pipe through, along and across a portion of said property, and · .
WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to the laying, construction; maintenance and
operation of said drain pipe that an easement and right of way for same shall be and remain
upon a portion of said property prior and superioF to the terms and conditions incorporated
in said deed of trust; and ·
· WHEREAS, all the -owners of the equitable interests under said mentioned D~Eid of
Trust, have each granted an easement and right of way to the Party of the Second Part, as
fo llowa:
Trust Deed,·dat'ed September 21, ~926, made by Jay Campbell and Mary E. Campbell,
husband and wife, in favor of Stat·e Mutual Building and Loan Association, a corporation of
Los Angeles, California, securing one promissory note for the sum of $2500.00 with interest,
recorded September-27, 1926, in Book 1235, at page 451, et seq~., of Deeds, records of the Ofr-
fice of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, -
The easement conveye_d being through,along and across a portion of Lot 14, Block 1,
watkins and Biddl'e 'a Addition, according to Map thereof No. 258, filed in the Office of
said County Recorder, said easement and right of way being.six feet in width, three feet on
·each side of the following described center line:
Beginning at a point on the north line o_·f ·said Lot 14, said Block 1, distant 334.50
~eet east from the northwest corner of Lot 1, said B~ock 1; thence South m degrees 23 min-
utes East a distance of 32.60 feet to an intersection with the east line of said Lot 14.
That, in consideration of the premises, ·the sum of One Dollar, and in further con-
sideration of the· bene:fi ts derived and to be derived from the construction, maintenance and
operation of said drain p~pe, said Party of the First Part HEREBY SUBORDINATES ALL OF.ITS I
RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST under said Deed of Trust above mentioned to the right of way and
easement heretofore conveyed to the Party of the Second Part, upon the designated portion ofi
the property covered by such trust deed, so that·:·said right of way and easement shall become!
and remain prior and superior to any and all of the terms and conditions contained in or pro-
vided by said Deed of Trust hereinabove referred to. .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Party of the First J?art has caused this instrument to1
be signed by its Vice President and Assistant Secretary, and its corporate seal to be affixe a
hereto, the day and year in this instrument first above wri~te~. 1
Party of the First Part.
(SEAL) ATTEST: By 1. J. ·BEYNON, Vi.ce President .
E. H. MOORE, Assistant Secretary
County of Los Angeles,) sa.
On this 5th day of May, 1927, before me, H. I. Chatfield, a Notary Public in and
I for· the said County of Los Angeles, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared L. J. Beynon, known to me to be the Vice-President and E. H.
Moore, known to me to be the Ksst. Secret~ry of the Corporation that executed the. within in-
strument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the
Corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the· same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of Los Angeles, the day and year in this certificate first above writ-
ten. ·
My Commission expires~ Notary Public in and for the Coil.nty of Los Angeles,
State of California.
~tECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22· 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1320 Page 473 of Deed Records of San D_iego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and. correct copy of
Subordination Agreement, from Title Insurance and Trust Company, to the CityLof San Diego,
California, being Document No. 208038 .• ·,
of the City of San Diego, C~lifornia.

D E 2

We, George W. Jones and Lyda M. Jones, husband and . wife, . for and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and
across the property hereinafter described, do hereby grant to The qity qf San Diego, a Mun-
icipal Co.rporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, ~n easement and right o:f
way for the construction, operation and maintenance of ~"sewer pipe line· through, along and
across all that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State
of California, bounded and·d as follows'":
The North six feet of Lot_ 35, Block 43, Fairmount Addition to City Heights, accord-
ing to Map thereof No. 1368, filed in the Office 9f the County Recorder of said San Diego
County. · · ·
To Have and to Hold the above ·granted and des cri be·d easement unto the said gran tee,
ita succesaor·s anq,;:: ... a·ssigns, ·forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
Witness our hands and seals this 16th day of May, 1927.
County of San Diego,) ss.
On this 16th day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E •. H.
Holmboe, a:· Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn; personally appeared George w. Jones and Lyda M. Jones known to me to be the persons
described in and whose names are subscrihed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires, Nptary Public izf and for the County of San Diego,
July 28:, 1929. State of Ca lifo mia. .

I RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City .Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1345 Page 476 of,DEEDS, Recorda of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy. of
Deed, from George w;.Jonea, at ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego,

S U B 0 R D I N A I 0 N A G R E E-
· THIS AGREE11ENT, made this 26th day of May, 1927, between The Inrst Trust arid Savings
Bank of San Diego, a corporation, Trustee under the Trust hereinaft~r described, Party of the
Firat ?art, and The City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, Party of··the Second Part, I
. W I T N E S S E T H: '
THAT, WHEREAS, said Trustee is the legal owner of all that property situated in the·
City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, covered by the Deed of Tru~t
hereinafter described; and, ·
. WHEREAS, THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, for the benefit and improvement of said property ,
is laying, constructing and maintaining, or intending to lay, construct and maintain a. sewer
pipe. line through, along and across a portion of said property, and
WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to the laying, construction, maintenance and

I operation of said-drain p~pe that an easement and right of way for same shall be and remain
upon a portion of said property prior .and superior to the terms and conditions incorporated
in said deed of trust; and .
.WHEREAS, all the owners of the equitable interests under said mentioned Deed of
Trust, have each granted an eaae'ment and right of way to the Party of the Second Part, ·as
follows: . · ·
Trust Deed, dated Apri-l' '12, .1926, made py George .w. Jones -and._Lyda .M. Jones, hus-
band.and wife,-in favor of Irving c. Veall and Alice B. :Veall, husband and wife, securing
one promissory note for the sum of $300.00 with interest, recorded.April 28, 1926, in Book
1212, at page 233, et seq., of Deeds, recorda of the Office ofthe_County.Recorder of said
San Diego County.
The easement conveyed being through, along and across the North six feet -of Lot 35,
Block'43, Tract No. 1368, being a resubdiviaion of a portion of Fairmount Additfon to Qi'ty 1
Heights, according to Map thereof No. 1368, filed in the Office of said County Recorder.
That, in consideration of the premises, the sum of One Dollar, and in further -con-
sideration of the benefits derived and to be ·-derived from the construction, maintenance and .
operation of said sewer pipe line, said Party of the First Part HEREBY SUBORDINATES ALL OF-

IT.S RIGHT, TITLE. AND INTEREST under said Deed of Trust above· mentioned to the· r.f. ght of way.
and easement heretofore conveyed to the Party of the Second Part, upon the designated portion
of the property covered by such trust deed, so that said right of way and easement shall be- II
come and remain prior and superior to any and all of the terms and conditions contained in on
provided by said Deed of Trust hereinabove referred to. ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Party of the First Part has caused this instrument to
be signed by its Vice President and Asst. Secretary, and its corporate seal to be affixed
hereto, the day and year in this instrument first above written.
ATTEST: San Die gd. .
P •. ·J. HO:b'FMAN, Asst. Secretary Party of the First Part.
l,iy LANE D·. WEBBER, Vice-President.
State of California,)
) sa.
County of San Die·go,)
. On this ·26th. day of .May, 1927,. before me, -William J. Maresh, a Notary Public in ana!
for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned ·and sworn, personally appeared Lane D.
Webber, known to me to be the Vice President and P. J. Hoffman, known to me to be the Asst.
Secre.tary of the corporation that executed the within instrument, khown to me to be the per-
sons who executed the within i.!lstrument on behalf of the corporation within named and ac.know-
ledged to me that such corpor~tion executed the same. .
Witness my hand and O'ffi.cial Seal, the day and year in this certificate first above1
My Commission expires Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
March 4, 1930. State of California. ·
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City .Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 11in. past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1367 Pag~ 108 of Deeds, Hecords of.San Diego County, calif •.
. JOHN H• .H'ERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deput~~ I
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct oo py of
Subordination Agreement, from The First Trust and Savings Bank of San Diego, to the City of
San Diego, California, being Document r~o. 208042.
lerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By . · ·• :2<t. ~-;<)JElputy.
· •.1
DE E ~
We, Jesse Birkey and .Fern Birkey, husband and wife, for and in consideration of the
benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through, along and I
across the property hereinafter described, do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Munic~
ipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of
way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along and
across all that real property the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, state
of California, bounded and described as follows:
The North six feet of L.ot 21, Block 41, Tr~ct No. 1368, being a resubdivision of a
portion of Fairmount Addition, according to Map thereof No. 1368, filed in the Office of the
County Recorder of said San Die-go County. · · ·
To Have and to Hold.the above granted and described-easement unto the said grantee,
its E~uccessors and assigns, ... forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
Witness our hands and seals this 28th day of May, 1927.

State of Illinois, >

County of· Tazewell,) 'SS•
On this 28th day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Seven before me, a County
Cler.k in and for said Cou.p.ty, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally ap.;.
peared Jesse Birkey.and Fern Birkey, husband and wife known to me to be the persons described!
in..and whose name~ are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they
exe'cute-d the same •
. :::: _.,._ Wi these my hand and Officia.l Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
written. "/
(SEAL) T. E. SALTERMANN , .. _.,. ·: :
My Commission Expires, County Clerk in and for. said County and State.
Dec. 1930. -
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at 30 Min. past 11 o'clock A.!IT,.;: In
Book No. 1381 Page 14 ~f DEEDS, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C•. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Jesse Birkey, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.
City Clerk of the City-:jf San ,Diego, Calif~rnia.
By~b?t- ~puty,

we, FRED JEWELL and MARGARET A. JEWELL, husband and wife, joint tenants, ·of The
City of San Diego, California, for and in consideration of One ( 1} Dollar, do hereby grant to
the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in ~he County of San Diego, State of CaliforJ
nia, all that real property situated in the City ·of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of
California, bounded and described as follows:
The west fifty (50) feet of-Lots one (1} and two (2}, Block "D", of Southlook, ac-
cording to map thereof No. 1555, filed in the off~ce of the County Recorder of San Diego
County, California, April 7th, 1913.
This conveyance is made upon the express condition that said lots and premises 8ha]l
be used by The City of San Diego for· the purpose of maintaining thereon a fire station, and
in the event that the city should fail and refuse and neglect to use said premises for fire
station purposes, .the title to said lot shall revert to the grantors.
Said conveyance is made upon the further express condition that The City of San
Diego shall commence the constructiQ~ on said premises of a fire station on or before the
first day of January, 1928, and inL~~@nt that the .work of constructing said fire station is
not so commenced on the first day of January, 1928, then and in that event the title to said
I premises shall revert to said grantors.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever for fire station purposes.
Witness our hands and seals this 31st day of May 1927. . I


On this 31st day of May A.D. Nineteen .Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, William
J~ Maresh, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Fred Jewell and Margaret A. Jewell, husband and wife, known to me
to be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the with~n instrument, and
acknowledged to me that they executed the same. · . ·
In Witness Whereof, I have hereun:t6 set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at
my office, in the County o:f San Diego, State· of California, the day and year in this certi-
ficate first above written~
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of talifornia. . ·
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUN 22 1927 at ·30 'Min. past 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1345 Page 473 of DEEDS, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
· JOHN H.· lPERRY, County Recorder
By N. c·. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Fred Jewell, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.

of the City of an Diego, California.

UNION TITLE INSURM~CE COMPANY a corporation, of the City of San Diego, County of San
Diego, State of California, For and in consideration of the sum of ONE and N0/100 DOLLARS
Do Hereby QUITCLAIM TO THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, a muni.Cdpal corporation, All that -Reai. Property
situated in County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
· The Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter o:f Section Thirty-two (32) Township
Twelve (12) South, Range One (lC} East, San Bernardino Meridian. Subject to all existing
liens and encumbrances.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises, unto the said Grantee,
its Successors and assigns forever. ,·
WITNESSETH: That said corporation has caused this deed to be signed by its President
and Secretary and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto this 24th day of JUNE,· 1927.
By JOHN F. FORWARD JR.,President.
By JAS. D. FORWARD, Secretary •.
On this 24TH day of June, 1927, be :fore me, Sylvia Sulli'van, a Notary Public in and
for said County, personally appeared JOHN F~ FORWARD, JR~ kno,wn to me to be 'the President,
and JAS. D. FORWARD known to me to be the Secretary of the corporation. that executed the
within instrtiment, known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrtiment on be-
half of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed
the same.
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County and ~tate.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUL 6 1927 at 4 Min. past 3 o'clock P.M~ In Book
No. 1318 Page 474 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H•. FERRY, Q:·ounty Recorder
By N•. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I a;£REBY. CERTIFY that tltne above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Union Title Insurance Co. to the City of San Diego, Cali:fornia •. Being Document No.
of the City of Diego, California •
UNION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation, of the City of San Diego, County of
I San Diego, ~tate of California, for and in con8ideration Qf the sum of ONE and N0/100 DOLLAR ~

do hereby quitclaim to The City of San Diego, a. municipal corporation;. all that real proper- t.
ty situated in County o:f San Diego, State of 8alifori.lia, bounded and described as follows:
The Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Thizrty;..two ( 32), Town- c-: ·
ship Twelve (12) south,·Range One (1) East, San Bernardino Meridian.
Subject todatll ex1.·'sting lbiens all;d etncumbrances. .
To Have an · o Ho 1d the ·a ove gr~n ed and d·e~cri bed premises, unto the said Grantee
its successors and assigns forever. · · · I
WITNESSETH: That said corporation has caused this deed to be signe-d4>y its Presi-
dent and Secretary and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto this 24t'hday of JUNE; 1927.
and executed in presence of·
3 ~ -~
41 b /


By JOHN F. FORWARD, JR., President
(SEAL) By JAS. D. FORWARD, Secretary
State o£ CALIFORNIA,) I ,.

County of San Diego,) sa.

On this 24th day of June, 1927, · before me, ~yl via Sullivan, a Notary PUblic in and I
for said County, personally appeared JOHN F. FORWARD, JR., in and for said County, personallY.
appeared JOHN F. FORWARD, JR.,_known to me to be t~e President, and JAS. D. FORWARD known toJi
me to be the Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument, known to me to
be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein namedJ
and acknowledged to me that such corporation exeucted the same.
. Notary Pu1Jlic in and for sa-id C011IltY and State
RECORDED AT·REQUEST OF City Clerk JUL.·6 1927 at 4 Min.o past 3 o'-clock P.M., In Boo.k
No. 1318 Page 474 of Dee~s, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JeHN:H~: FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Union Title Insurance Company, to the City of San Diego, California, being Docu-
ment No~ 208651.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
By ----------------~---------~-----------~Deputy.

Eric Danieison and Minnie E. Danielson, husband and wife, for and in consideration
of the sum of ONE DOLLAR do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation,
in ·th.e County··of San Diego·, state of California, an· easement and right-of-way for a public II
a tree t over, along and acros a a~l that rea 1 property ai tuated in the City of San Dieg.o, County
of San Diego, state of Californi-a, bounded and described as follows:

The east 25 feet of Lot 8, Ca_ve and McHatton Subdivision, according to Map thereof
~o. 159, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County o:f San Diego, State of Cal-li
. . ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right-of-way as amd
for a public street.
Witness our hands and seals this 4th day of June, 1927.
s6~~t~Fo~A~~o~~;~~~ ss.
On this 4th day o£ June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me, Y. A.
Jacques a l'Jotary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and r:-sworn,
personally appeared Eric Danielson and Minnie E. Danielson, husband and wife, known to me tol
be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and. ac-
knowledged to me that they executed the· same. ·
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first ab.ove
wri. t.ten.
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Allen H. Wright JUL.ll 1927, at,48 Min. past 12 o'clock
P.M., In Boo~ No~ 1388 Page 11 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By E. A. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY Certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from E:ric Daniels-on, et ux., to the City of San Diego, California·, being Document .No.
209120 ~
City Clerk of the City of San Diego~ California.
BY~u;k:~ ?Jk--~.vnc<Deputy.
HARRIET W. ROBERTS, A WIDOW, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND 00/1001
DOLLARS, Do Hereby Grant to ikE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, a municipal corporation, all that real 1

property situated ih THE CITY.. OF SAN DIEGO, County of San Diego, State o£ California, bound-
ed and described as follows: . .
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises unto the said Grantee,
heirs and assigns forever.
Witness MY hand and seal this SEVENTH day of A~Y, 1927.
state of California,) 88
County of san Diego,) • .
· on this 7th da~ .of May, 1927, before. me, Von N. Marshall', a Notary Public in and
for said County and state, personally appeared :£:1:arriet w. Roberts, a widow, known to me to
be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and ~c.knowledged to m~
that she executed the same r
WITNESS m~ hand and official seal the day and year in this· Certificate_ f~rst above1
/ written.
My Commission Expi;res · ·
Notary Public in and for said County and State.
April 12, 1931. ,
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF-City Clerk JUL 131927 at 9 Min. past 9 o'clock A.:M., In
Book No. 1350 Page 239 of Deed Records of San Diego County,· Calif •..
.JOHN H. :EE~RY, County Recorder
By L~ B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Harriet w. Roberts, to the City of San Diego, California, b~ing Document No. 209228
·:·~- Cit.:v~Clerko,f ~.he cl~o:f San D_iego, CalifDornia
By__ ~ C):}:z ..:J1c.~<bna---2 epu,ty.

E. Inez Tollstan, a married woman, for ~nd .in consideration of One C$1.00) Dollar
and other valuable considerations, do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corp-
oration in the County of San Diego, State of California, an ea·sement of right-of-way for
street purp6aes over, along and across all that real property situated in the City of San

I Diego, County of san Diego, State of California, bounded ~nd described as follbws: all that
portion of Lot 16, Ex-Mission Rancho, according to map thereof filed in the office of the
County Clerk of said County in the action of Juan M. Luco, et al., ·vs. Commercial Bank of Sail!
Diego, et al., No. 348 of the actions o·f the Superior Court of said County, lying 25 feet
either side of a center line, described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the Center Line of Fifty-fourth (54th) Street, ac-
~~I~i~~u!~Y~~r~~~c!~8:o~fh!~~y~1~~~~h!0No;th!;t;dli~e t~~ ~~;i~~g~f-~~~w~~u~;yt~=c~~!e~ie~~
& Arizona :aailroad (.Cuyamaca Branch); thence Northerly along a proiuction of the center line
of said JHfty-fourth (54th) Street, N 0° 11' E 377.08 feet to a point; thence .Northeasterly
along the firC of ~ circle, whose center bears S89/0 . .49 1 E and is distant 150 ·feet from the
last named point, 138.75 feet to a point; thence N53° 37' 30 11 E 252·.12 feet. to a point which
is the intersection of the center line of Glen Road and the Southerly line of Beverly, .ac-
cording to map thereof No. 1129, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County.
, ALSO--
That portion of said Lot 16, described as follows:·
Beginning at the intersection of the Center Line of said Glen Road and the said
southerly line of Beverly; thence Easterly along said Southerly line 42'.0'3 fe·et :to~ a point;.'....
th~gce.:S5~ 0 37r 30'''W 33!7~-feet t6~a ~oint; then~~ N36° 22 1 30" W 25 feet to the point of
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement for public street pur-
poses only.
Witness my hand and seal this 15th day o'f June 1927.
On this 15th day of June in the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven,

I before me; J. B. McLEES, County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Superior Court in and for
said county, which is a court of record having a seal, personally appeared E. Inez Tollstan,
a married woman, known to me to be the person described in and whose name is subscribed to ana
who executed the annexed/ instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed t~e seal of said Court
at my. office in the County of San Diego, the day ~nd year in this Certificate first ·above
County Clerk and· ex-officio Clerk of the Superior Cou~t
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUL" 1~ 1927 at 20 Min. past 9 o 1 clock A.:M., In
Book No. 1356 Page 220 of DEEDS, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN E. 1PERR.Y, County Recorder
By N.C. PAR~ONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from E. Inez Tollatan, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No. 208659.
City Clerk of the CA/'_~s~~go, California':

By~lzn, ~£/lh ~/ Deputy.

William E • McDonald, a single person, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE
DOLLA~i, Do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of
San Diego, state of California, an easement and right-of-way for a public street over, along

I ·and across all that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,
State o£ California, bounded and described aa follows:
The east 25 feet of Lot 5, Cave and McHatton Subdivision, according to Map thereof
No. 159, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of' San Diego, State of Cal-
. To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right-of-way as
and for a· public street.
Witness my hand and seal this 1st day of June, 1927.
State of California,) SS
Coun~-Y of San Diego,) •
On this let day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me, Y. A.
Jacques a ·Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commisai:oned and!,
personally appeared William E. McDonald, proved to me on the oath of Wm. T. Hooker to be t~e
person described in and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that he executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUL 12 1927 at 20 Min. past 9 0 • clock A.M., In
Book No. 1241 Page 235 of Deeds, Records of San Diego, Calif. ·
JOHN R. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIB'Y that the above and foregoing is a full,. true and correct copy of

I Deed, from William E. McDonald, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document l:~o.
209118. ','J

City Clerk of California.

SAN DIEGO AND ARIZONA RAILWAY COMPANY, a corporation, organized and existing under
and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, for and in consideration of the sum of
ONE DOLLARS, does hereby grant to Th~ City of San Diego.~;: a Municipal Corporation, in the CounJty
o~ ..S~n:._~i~~o, state of California,.an easement,and.righ~ of way for a public highway, over a~d


across, all that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State
of California, bounded and described as follows:
· All that portion of Lots 39 and 40 of Horton's Purchase of Rancho Ex-Mission of San
Diego, ,according to map thereof No. 283 filed in ~he office. of the County Recorder of San 'I
Diego County, California, more particularly descr1.bed and bounded as follows: ·. I
Beginning at the intersection of the southeasterly line of the San Diego and Arizona
Railway Company's right-of-way in said Lot 40 with the .East line of said Lot 39, said point 'I
being distant 342.·3 feet l'forth from the Sou~heast corner o-f. said Lot. 39; thence Northeaster-
ly along the Southeasterly line of said r1.ght-of-way, a d1.stance of 21.14 feet to a point
on a line parallel to and distant 20 feet East from the East line of said .Lot 39; thence
North along said line parallel to and distant 20 feet East from the East line of said.Lot 39,
a distance. of 79.26 feet to a point on the Northwesterly line· of said right-of-way; thence I
Southwesterly along said Northwesterly line a distance of 21.14 feet to a :point on the East
line of said Lot 39; thence South along .said East line a distance of 13.21 feet .to a point on
the Northwesterly line· of said right-of-way .in said Lot 39; thence Southwesterly along said ·1
Northwesterly line, a distance -o~ 31.70 feet to a point on a ·line parallel to and distant· 30
feet West from the East line of said Lot 39; thence South along a line parallel to and dis-
tant 30 feet west from the East line of said Lot 39~ a distance of 52.84 feet to a point on
the Southeasterly line o~ said right-of-way; thence Northeasterly along said Southeasterly
line, a distance of 31• 70 feet to a point on the East line of said Lot 3~;. thence __ South along
said East line,a distance of .13.21 feet to the point of beginnin,g. . j
· To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and as.signs forever for Street purposes and for the extension of 47t,h Street~'
· IN WITNESS WHEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by
its proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 12th day of August 1926. .
By·R. t. GILLIS, Vice President
(SEAL) ATTEST: L. J. :MASSON, Secretary.
County of San Diego,) ss.
On this 12th day of August A.~ Nineteen Hundred and twenty six before me, William
G. Daniels, a Notary Public in and for said C,ounty, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared R. c. Gillis, known to me to be the Vice President, and L. J.
Masson known to me to be the Secretary of the Corporation that exe'cuted the within instrumen~,
known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the Corporation
within named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the. same. II
In Witness ~'ihereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in
the County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
~ebruaiy 7th 1928. · State of California.
:aECO.RDED AT REQUEST OF City CLERK AUG 25 1926 at 56 Min. past 12 o'clock P.M., In
Book No. 1263 Fage 101 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTI1PY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from San Diego & Arizona Railway Co., to the City of San Diego, California, being Doc-
ument No. ~93268.
City Clerk of
Diego, California.
22(. ~~. .(Deputy.
Fanriy N·. Reynolds and Clement E. Reynolds, wife and husband and Clara E. Kroff,
for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR1do hereby grant to The City of San Diego,
a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and
right-of-way for a public street over, along and across all that real property situated in
the City of San Diego, C.ounty of San Diego, State of California, bounde.Q. and described as
follows: /
All that portion of Lots 1 and 2, Cave and McHatton Subdivision, according to Map
thereof No. 159, filed in the office of the County l.tecorder of San Diego County, California,
lying within a right-of-way/sixty (60) feet wide, the center line o.f which right-of-way
. '··
particularly described as follows: . ··· 1
Beginning at the southwesterly corner of said Cave and McHatton Subdivision; thence
northeasterly along the southeasterly line of said Cave and McHatton Subdivision a distance 'II
of 99.46 feet to a point; thence on a tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 400 feey
through an· angle of 14° 59' a distance of 104.60 feet to a point; thence easterly tangent
said curve, a distance of 50.31 feet to a point; thence on a tangent curve- to the left, hav-
ing a radiU:s Of 400 ~eet, through an angle of 20° 45', a distance of 144.86 feet to a point ;-I
thence northeasterly tangent to last named curve a distance/of 331.11 feet to a point; thence1
on a tangent curve to the right, having a radius of lOOOfeet, through an angle of 5° 46', a
distance of 100.65 feet to a point in said southeasterly line of said Cave and McHatton Sub-
division; thence a long said southeasterly line, and the northeasterly production thereof to
a point distant 50 feet northeasterly from the southeasterly corner of said Cave and McHattoB
Subdivision. · . · ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right-of-way as
and for a public-street. .
Witness our hands and seals this 24th day of March, 1927.
state of California,) SS
County of San Diego,) •
On this 24th day of March A.D •. Nineteen ·Hundred and twenty-seven bef.ore me·, Y. A.
Jacques a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworB,
personally appeared Clement E. Reynolds and Fanny N. Reynolds, husband··and wife, and Clara E~
Kroff known to me to be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the withiA
instrument, and acknow~edged to me that they executed the same. ·
Witness my hand and Officia 1 Seal .the day and year in this certificate first above
written •
My Commissi9n Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST 0]' q.tJ". Clerk JUL 12 1927 at 20 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M., In
Book 1356 ?age 219 of DEEDS, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
·By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Clement E. Re·ynolds; at ux., and Clara E. Kroff, to the City of San Diego, Calif-
ornia, being Document No. 209122.
City Clerk of the City o San Diego, California.

That we Thomas Rahl and wife Lottie Rahl, for and in consideration of the sum of
One Dollar do hereby grant to The City of San Dieg'o, a Municipal· Corporation, in the City of
San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for a public street or highway,
over, along and across all that real property situated in the City of San Diego, County of
San Diego, state of California, bounded and described as follows:
. The. Easterly ·twenty-five (25.) feet of Lots 10 and 11 Cave & McHatton's Subdivision,
according to map No. 159 filed in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County, California.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement and right-of-way as
and for a· public street. ,'!'·'",. ·
Witness our hands and seals this 16th day of June, 1927.
State of Texas, ) SS.
County of Mills,J
On this 16th day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Seven before me, A. T.
?ribble, a Notary Public in and for said· County, residing therein, duly commissioned. and
sworn, personally appeared Thomas Rahl, and wife, Lotta Rahl, known to m~ to be the person

I described in and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledg_ed to me
that he executed the same.

Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Corr~ission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of Mills, . :...·~' :'
June 1st 192.9. State of Texas.
. RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUL 12 1927 at 20 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1356 ?age 218 of DEEDS, Records of San Diego, County, California.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. ?ARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed,· from Thomas Rahl, e t ux., to the City of San Die go, California, being Document No.
of the City o an Diego, California•

We; G. F. Samuel and P. M. Burrows, for and in consideration of the benefits to ac-
crue by the location," construction' and maintenance of a sewer line thrg_Ugh and across the
property herein described, and in consideration of sum of One Dollar (;;pl.OO) to us in hand
paid, the receipt whereof .is hereby acknowledged, do we herebygrant to the City of San Diego1 ,
a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and riglit

I of way th+ough, along and across all that certain real property situate in the City of San
Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit:
West fifty (50) feet of·Lot~ 31 and 32 Block 4 Eastgate
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said grant-
ee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right o:f wayfo.r a sewer pipe line.
The purpose o:f this easement and right of way iS· for the 'construction and mainten-
ance. of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment.
In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and seals this Eighth day of
June 1927:
On this 8th day of June, 1927,. before me, T. M. Rosenfeld a Notary Public in and
!for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared G. F. Samuel and P. M. ·Burrows personally known to me to, be the
perso~s whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly acknowledged to
me that they executed the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and ,year in this certificate first above writ-
My Commission Expires Notary Public in and for-the County of San Diego,
October 6, 1930. State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUL 12 1927 at 20 Min• past 9 o'clock A.M., In

I Bak No. 1387 Page 19 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N• C. ?ARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from G. i!1 • Samuel and P.M. Burrows·, to· the City of San Diego, California, being Docu-
ment No. 209181.
City~ Clerk of th~ Cit~iego, California.

By~· 'AI~ 6 Depu1Qr.


We, JOSEPH A. GORDON and GLADYS L. GORDON, husband and wife, and JOHN A. MciNTOSH
and .b'AITH SHERWOOD, MciNTOSH;· husband and wife, for and in consideration ·of· the benefits to
accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line throu~h and across the
property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($.1.00) to them in
hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City of San
Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement
and right of way through, along and across all that ce~tain re~l propert~ situate in the· City
of San Diego, County of San Diego, state of California, particularly· described as follows, toLl
The South TWo (2) feet of the North Eighty-two (82) feet of Lots One (1) and Two (2)
Block Nine (9) Frary Heights, according to map thereof No. 940, filed in the office of the I
County Hecorder of said San Diego County,
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said granJit-
ee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
· The purpose of this e~sernent and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not tq be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement. '
In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 8th day of June,
On this 8th day of June, 1927, before me, L. J. Williams a Notary Public in and for
the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Jos_eph A. Gordon, Gladys L. Gordon, John A. Mcintosh and J!1ai th Shew-
wood Mcintosh, personally known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the with-
in instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
In Witness Whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
1.-ly Commission expires
Nov. 9 - 1927
Notary .Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
RECORDE:P AT !1EQUEST OF City Clerk JUL 12 1927, at 20 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M., In
Book llo. 1241 Page 231 of Deeds, He cords of San Diego County, Calif.
. JOHN H. ]1ERHY, County Recorder
By N. C. PL~SONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Joseph A. Gordon, et ux., and John A. 1Tcintosh, et ux., to the City of San Diego,
California, being Document No. 209183.
City_Clerk of the City san ~ieg_o, California.

Jly~~/;n- ~_w'puty.
DEED . . . .
We, E. B. Mattingly and Emma w. Mattingly, husband and wife, for and in considera-
tion of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line
throu~h and across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dol-
lar ($.).~-~OO.) .., in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby aclmowledged, do hereby grant to.
the City of· San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, state of California,
an easement and right of way through, a-long and a cross all that .certain real property situate
in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, state of California, particularly described as:
follows·-, to-wit:
· The South 42' of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 Hlock 11 Frary Heights.
)To Have and to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said grant-
ee, ~ts successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpos·e of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of ~.E;~wer laterals over and a cross this eas:ment.
In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set'our hands and seals this 31st day of May
· On this 31st day of May, 1927, before me, P. B. Eckhart a Notary Public in and for
the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared E. B. Mattingly an,9- E~ w. Mattingly, his wife, personally known
to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed,- to the within instrument, and they duly ac-
knowledged to me that they executed the same. . I
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set _my ·hand and affixed my official seal, at m~
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in thi~ certificate first above written.j
My Commission expires Notary Public in and for. the County of San Diego, ·
January 2, 1929. State of· California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUL 12 1927 at 20 Min·. past 9 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1241 page 234 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif •
JOHN H. FERRY, County Hecorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.·
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the ab.ove and for.egoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from 3. B. Mattingly, et ux., to the City of San IYiego, California, being Document No.
?09185.. ALLEN H. WRIGHT,
Clerk of the City o San Diego, California.

L I c·E N·s E.
SAN 'DIEGo· ELECTRic· RAILWAY COMPANY,- a corporation, hereby grants to the CITY OF SAN
DIEGO; a municipal corporation, a li~ense· t·o place bracket arms, lamps, wir.e:s and appliances
~pon that certain line of electric poles along the center portion of Mission Boulevard, in
the Uity of San Diego, California, commencing at the northerly end of the bridge across --the


.-. .
'I' •:

entrance to Mission Bay and extending to the north line of San Fernando Place, and between
the south 'line of... Venture Place and the south line of Pacific Avenue.
This li-cense ts limited· to the installation of equipment neces~ary to l"ight ·said
Mission Boulevard and is not-intended to ·give the City of San Diego the right to use any of
: •
said ~oles for appliances having any other object Sr use. ·
The City of San Dlego recognizes in 23.ccepting this license that San Diego Consolidated
~as and Electric Company also has certain rights in said poles and the City of San Diego agrees
not to in·any manner whatsoever infringe upon or interfere with said rights ofsaid San Diego
Consoliclated Gas and Electric Company.
The City· of San Dfego shall conform to-and obey all orders and directions which may
be given to ·it by San Diego Electric EailWay Company in respect to the manner of exercising
the license hereby granted. .
This license shall be revocable at the pleasure of San Diego Electric 'BaTlway Company,
or its successors in interest, as the owner of --said- poles. Upon re_:v_ocati·o:n of said license
said City of San Diego shall remove all of its equipment from said poles entirely at its own
cost and expense.
Acceptance of -t-he_ privileges·-h~_re inbe:gpre granted shall c·onsti tute -ratificat-ion of
the foregoing ~onditions.
By s. E. MASON
Genera 1 Manager.
On this 11th day of June, 1927, hefore me, M. M. Widen~r, a Notary Public in and fot;
the County of Sa~_ Diego, State of California, personally appeared S. E. MASON,- known to me to
I be the General Manager of the cofporation that executed the within instrument, and known to
me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of said corporation, an-a· 'he
acknowledged to me that such ·co:rporation executed the same. ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have ·hereunto set my hand aJ~d affixed my official :Seal, at my
office in said County, the day and year in this Certificate first above written.
Notary Publicin and for·the County of San Diego,
{ SEAL) State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUL 6 1927 at 6 Min. past 3 o'clock P.M. In Book
No. 1342 Page 464 of Deeds Records of San D_iego County, Calif.
. --JOHN H. FERRY·,· County Recorder
By L! B. -WOODARD, . Deputy.
_ I HEREBY CERTIFY th~t the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
License agreement from San Diego El£t.otrdlc Railway Company, to the City of San Diego. .J;elng
Document No. 208669.
City Clerk of the City/of Sa~ ~iego, California.

~?zz~~/ )Jeputy.
SAN DIEGO CONSOLIDATED GAS &- ELECTRIC COMPANY, a corporation, hereby grants ( insofa~~
as its rights are concerned) to the CITY OF SAN DIEGO, a municipal corporation, a license to ·
I place bracket-arms, lamps, wires and appliances upon that certain line of electric poles along
the center portion of Mission Boulevard in the City of San Diego, California, commencing at
the .Northerly end of the bridge across the entrance to Mission Bay and extending to the .rvorth
line of San Fernando Place and between the South line of Venture. Place, and the South line of
Pacific Avenue. ·
This License. is· limited to the installation of equipment necessary to light said
Mission Boulevard and is not intended to give the CITY OF SAN DIEGO the right to use any of
said poles for applianoe:s-, having any other object or use. _ ·
The CITY OF SAN DIEGO recognizes in accepting this license that the poles in question
are the prope_r~y of the .San Diego Electric Railway Company and· that the SAN DIEGO COUSOLIDATE1D
GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY -has certain rights in said poles and the CITY OF SAN DIEGO agrees not
to in any manner whatsoever infringe upon or interfere with said rights of said SAN DIEGO CON-
The CITY OF SAN DIEGO shall conform to and obey all orders and directions which may
be given to it by the San Diego Electric Railway Company and the SAN DIEGO CONSOLIDATED GAS &
ELECTRIC COMPANY in respect to the manner of exercising the license hereby granted. ·
Acceptance of the privileges hereinbefore. granted shall ·constitute ratificat.i.on::'of
the foregoing conditions. · ·
APPROVED, SWEET, STEARNS & FORWARD VICE.-,;>resident- a-nd Gen. Supt.
By F-~ W. STEAllliS
Date 6/24/27 -
I /' On this 24th day of June, 1927, beofe me, R• s. Ruffin, a Notary Public in !ind for
-the said County and State, personally ·appeared--L•· M. Klauber, known ·to me to be the Vice-
Prestdent ·and General Superintendent of the corporation that· executed· the within---instrument and
. I
known to me to· be the person that executed the within i-nstrument on -behalf of said c·orpDration
and he acknowledged to me that such corporation executed .the same.
IN WITNE~S WHEREOF~ I h~ve·hereunto set m~nd and affixed my official seal the day
and year in this certificate first written.

Notary l?ubli'c in and· for· the County of San· Diego,

(SEAL) State of CS.lifornia.
!iECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUL 6 1927 at· 6. Min. past 3 o 1 clock P.M •. In Book
l~o. 1342 Page 466 of Deeds Rec.ords of San Diego County, Calif. -· ·
. JOHN H~. FERRY·~· County Recorder
By. N~ · C.~ PARSONS~ Deputy. . .
I HEREBY CERTIFY. that the above and foregoing, is a full~ true and correct copy of
.License Agreement from S. D.o Cons. Gas. & Elect. Co. to the Ci. ty of· San Diego. Bei11oo
Document No. 208670 · ·~
ALLEN . . H; . WRIGHT'"" · · ·
City Plerk of the City of San Diego, California.
1Jr-~ Deputy.
WE, KLICKA MORTGAGE! COMPl~.NY, for and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by
the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through and across the property
herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to in hand paid,
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby remise, release and quitclaim to the
City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California,
an easement and right of way through, along and across all that certain real property situate
in the-City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described a~
follows, to-wit: II
Lots Twenty-five (25) and Twenty-six (26·) in Hlock Ninety-five (95) of City. Heights
To Have and to Hold the above quitclaimed and described right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer ~ipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City 1
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of' sewer laterals over and across this easment. ·
In Witness Whereof, we. have hereunto set our hands and seale this 2nd day of June
EMIL KLICK~, President
:B'.rtANK VAVROCK, Secretary (SEAL)
On this 2nd day of June, in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-seven,
before me, S. c. Sparks a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appear-
ed Emil Klicka known to me to be the President, and Frank Vavrock known to me to be the Sec-
retary of· the Corporation that executed the within instrument, known to me to be the persons!
who executed the within instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged
to me that such Corporation executed the same. - · · ·
My Comrni8sion Expires Notary Public in and for said County and State
February 1, 1931~
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUL 12 1927 at 20 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1241 Page 233 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERJ.tY, County Recorder
By :1. C. PA..rtSONS, Deputy.
I R,EREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Klicka Mortgage Company, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.
ALLEN H. WRIGHT, City Clerk of the
City of San Diego, California.

I, George A'. Brockman, a widower, for and in consideration of the benefits to ac-
crue by the location, construction and maintenance of a. sewer line through and across the
property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One· Dollar ($1.00) to me in
hand paid, the receipt whereof· is hereby ack~owledged,do hereby grant to the City of San
Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, state of California, an easement
and right ··of way through, along and across all that certain real property situate in the Ci tw
of San Diego, County of San Diego, state of California, .particularly described as follows, I
to-wit: . ·
Lots Twenty-five (25) and Twenty-Six .(26) in Block Ninety-five (95) of City Height,s.
To Have\and to Hold the above granted and d~scribed right of way unto the said grant-
ee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line. I
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten-1
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the CitYtl
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and
maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easement. · ·
In Witness Wherebf, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 31st day of May 192'71.
on this 31st day of May, 1927, before me, Adolph J. Mende a Notary Public in and
for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared George A. Brockman, personally known to me to be the person
whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and he duly acknowledged to me that he ~x-
ecuted the same.
In Witness Whereof., I have hereunto set my. hand ~nd affixed my official seal, at in the County.ofSanDiego, the day and year in this certificate first above writj
ten. ADOLPH J. MENDE / ~-~.'.L)
My Commission expires Notary Fublic in and for the County of San Diego,
Sept. 10, 1927. State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUL 12 1927 at 29 Min~ past 9 o 'cloclc A.M., In
Book No. 1387 Page 18 of De el!:·Re cords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FE~~Y, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I .
.. 3~~)

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
·Deed, from George A. Brockman, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document Nb.
C1!1:jk of t-he City of San Diego, California.

I By ~/;J;. . ~~Deputy.
l ~

D E E ·D
. '
I, Franko. Welle and Louise B. Wells, Husband and wife, For and in Consideration of
the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and ·maintenance of ~--publ'ic sewer line
through and acrose the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One·
Dollar ( $1.00) to us in hand ·paid-~ the receipt whereof· is hereby acknowledged, do hereby
grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the Cotinty of San Diego, state
of California, an easement and right of· way through, along and· across all that certain real
property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, parti-
cularly described as follows, to-wit:.
The South 2 ·feet of Lot $even ( 7) in ·Block "C"' of· Cliff Garden Tract, according to
map thereof No. 1666 filed in the offfca of the County Recorder of· said San Diego County,
May let~ 1913~ · .
To Have w1d to Hold the above granted and described right of way unto the said grantee,
i te successors and assigns foreva r, as a public right of way for a sewer pipe line. r/~ I
In Witness Whereof·, we have hereunto sat our hands and seal this 2nd day of May, 192fT.
. FRANK· 0. WELLS ( lEAL) '


I On this 2nd day of May, 1927, before me, Esther Caldwell a Notary Public in and for
the said County of -san Diego, State of California, residing there in,: duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeare4_,rank o. Wells & Louisa B. Wells personally known to me to be the
persons whose names -~subscribed to the within instrument, and they du!y acknowledged to me
that they executed the-·~same·~ ·
In Witness Whereof, 1 have heraunt:o·sat·my hand·and af'fied·-my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate forst above written.
Notary Publl.c in and for the County of San lJiego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires
March 18, 1930.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUL 12 1927 at 20 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M~ In Book
No. 1363 Eage 113 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHNH~-FERR¥~ County Bacorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deecl from Frank o. Wells and Louise B. Wells !for sewer R/W to the City o'f· San Diego.
Document No. ·209191.--·-
Cit~lerk of the ~: ~iego, California.
By~~ ·· L~_Deputy,
(I ~7~11:
I, Gertrude Miller, a married woman, For and in Consideration o'f the bene'fits to
accrue -by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line throu~h and across the
property herein described, and in consideration o'f the sum of One Dollar t$1.00) to me in
hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City of oan
Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement
and right of way through, along and across all that· '6ertain real property situate in the Gi ty
of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as follows,
to-wit: . .
The West Forty~one (41) feet ofLots One (1) and Two (2), of Block B; ofTeralta.
Heights •
.To Have and to Hold the above granted and--described right ·of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right o'f way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of·this easement and right o'f way is.for the construction and ma-intenance
of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City of
~an .Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance. of sewer laterals over and across this easment.
· In Witness Whereof, I Have hereunto set my hand and seal this 25th day of April, 192fT.
On this 26th day of April, 1927, before me, Adolph J. Mende a Notary Public in and'
for the said Colfnty of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Gertrude Miller personally known to 'me to be the person whose

I ·
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and she duly acknowledged to me that she executed
the same.
In Witness Where.of, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego; the day and year in this certificate first above written.
N,otary Public in .and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires
Sept• 10, 1930.

,•/ t••'

•, ,l ~!·.·~~

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF ..City Clerk JUL 12 1927 at 20 Md:n, past 9 o 1 clock A.M. In Book!
No-. 1356 Page 136 of Deeds Records d>f San Diego County, Calif.
. '
• J";.~ ~ .:: JOHN H~ FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. ·PARSONS'~ ·Deputy~
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and ·correct copy of
Deed from Gertrude ~ille~ fo the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 209193.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California. I
, BY~d243J~ Deputy.
" . ·'
'(j ' 4Yd-~_yl._ -
I, Jo~~ph Zehner, a bachelor, For ·and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by
the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property hereinafter
described Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, ~.Municipal Corporation, in the -county-
of San Diego, .State of California, an e·asement_ and right of way for the construction; opera-
tion and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and_ acres~ A~l that Real Property. situate' d
in the City of San D.iego, County of San Diego, State of California,_ bounded and descr~bed as
follows: - .
A portion of Lot 16, Block 20l,-City Heights, according to Amended Map the~eof No.
_1007, filed- in the· Offic_e of· the County Recorder of sa!id -san Diego County, said eas·ement and
right of way being particularly described as follows:
·Beginning at a point ·on the southerly line of said Lot 16, distant 54 feet easterly
from the southwesterly corner of said Lot 16; thence northwesterly on a direct line to a
point on the northerly line of said Lot 16, distant 44.64 feet easterly from the northwest-
erly corner of said ·Lot 16; thence easterly along the northerly line of said Lot 16, a dis- 1
tanoe of 11.98 feet to a· point; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a po,int on the south-
erly line of said Lot 16 ~ distant 79.61 feet westerly from the southeasterly corner of said
Lot 16; thence westerly al<>ng the· southerly line of said Lot 16 to the 'point or place of be-
ginning. ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
iits successors and assigns' forever' as a right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness my hand and seal this 26th day of May, 1927.
' ' i '

On this 25th day of May _A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
E.H.Holmboe a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Joseph Zehner, known to me to be the person described in ~nd whos~
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he execut~d tne same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first a~ove
Notary Public in and for·the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929·.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P~M~ In Book No• 1376 Page
146 of DEEDS .Records of San Diego County; Calif.
. JOHN H.· FERRY.-,- County Recorder
By·N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and cor~ect copy of
Deed from Joseph Zehner to the City of San Dieg·o. Being 'Documen~ No. 209327. .I
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By~?n ~~-l DePuty,

(/ . ' ·~~·~'

For and in consideration of One Dollar Does Hereby Remise~ rel~ase and quitclaim to The City
of San Diego, a Mu~icipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego; State of Oalifornia, an
easement and rightK-of way·for the construction, operation and maintenance· of a drain pipe
through, along and across, All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County
of San Diego; State of California, bounded and described as follows: ·.
A portion _of Lot 16, Block 201, City Heights, according to Amended Map thereof ~o.
1007, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement and
right of way being particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the southerly line of said Lot 16, distant 54 feet easter].y
from the southwesterly corner of said Lot 16; thence northwesterly on a direct line to a
point on the northerly line of said Lot 16, distant 44.64 feet easterly from the northwest-
erly corner of said Lot 16; .thence easterly ·along the northerly line of said Lot 16, a dis-
tance of 11.98 feet to a point; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a point on the soutH-
erly line of said Lot 16, distant 79.61 feet westerly from the southeasterly corner. of said
Lot 16;- thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 16 to the point or place of be-
ginning. . - · - --
. To Have and _to H'old. the above .quitclaimed and descr-ibed easement unto the said grantele,
its successors and assigns forever. - _ · . I
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: said Corporation has. caused this instrument to be executed by its
proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 31st day of May, 1927. · II
By EDW. c. ALDWEt;L, Vice-President j
Attest: R. F. MORETTI·, Assistant, Se-cretary.
. , ..
On this 31st day of· May ~.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, Virginia

A~ ··Beede· a Notary Public in and for· said City and County, residi'ng tlierein, duly commissioned
and sworn~ personally appeared Edw. c. Aldwell known to me to· be the Vice-President, and
.. R:. ·F.· Moretti known to me to be the Ass 't. Secretary of the· Corporation that executed the
' within inst::r.ument, known to· me to· b-e· the persons who executed the within instrument on be-
half of the Corporation within named·~ and· acknowledged t-o me that such Corporation executed
the same. ,
·In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affix~d my Official Seal, in l.

thef City and County of San Francisco, State of California, the day and year in this certi-
ficate first above written. -
Notary Public in and for the Oi ty and Gounty of
(SEAL) San Francisco, ~tate of California.
My-Cohin:iission Expires,
April 11, 192~.
RE'CORDED AT ·REQUEST· OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P ~M. In Book No. 1355 Page
160 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
. JoHN· H~ 'FERRY·~ --county Recorder
By N. · C. PARSONS~ ·.Deputy'! .
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and coz:rect copy of
Deed from Bank of ,Ita~ National Trust and Savings Association to the City of San Diego.
Being Document No• 209329.
ALLEN ... H~: WRIGHT' ........ .
the City of San Diego, California.

THIS AGREEMENT made this· 22nd day· of 'June, 1927, bepvteen the UNION TRUST C01vf.PANY OF
SAN-DIEGO, a corporation, Trustee under the Trusts hereinafter described, party of·the First
Part and The City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, Party of the ~_econd Part,
- W I T N E S S E TH: .
THAT, WHEREAS, said Trustee is the legal owner_ o.f all that property situated in the
0ity of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, covered by 1:he. deed of trust
herefnafter described; and, · .
WHEREAS, THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, for the benef~t and improvement of said property is
laying, constructing and maintaining, or·. intending to lay, construct and maintain a sewer
pipe line through, along and across all of the said property; and
WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to the laying, construction, maintenance and
operation of said sewer pipe line that an easement and right of way for same shall' he and
remain upon said prop_erty prior and superior to the terms and conditions incorporated in
said Deed of Trust; and
WHEREAS, all the owners of· the equitable interests under said mentioned Deed of
Trust have each granted· an easement and right of way to the Party of the Se~wnd Part 1 as
follows: .:
Trust Deed, Dated May 10, 1922; made by G. M.· Chamberlin and ~yrtle L• Qhamberlin, ·
husband arid' wife, in favo~r of·M. Hall; securing one promis~oory note for the sum of ~2384.14;
with interest; recorded June 12, 1922, in Book 892'; at page 117, et seq.; of Deeds, record~
of the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County,
The easement conveyed bei:ng through, ·along and across· the southwester-ly sJ:x feet of
Lo~ 9, Block 202, Middletown; according to Partition Map thereof made by J. E. Jackson, filed
in the Office o·f the County· Clerk of said San Diego County.


That, in cons ide rat ion of the premises, the sum of One Dollar, and ip further con-·
sf-deration of the benefits derived and to be derived from the construction, maintenance and
operation of said sewer pipe line, said Party of the First Part hereby s-qBORDINATES ALL OF
I'J.1S RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST under said T.rust Deed above mentioned to the right of way and
easement heretofore conveyed to the Party of the Second Part, upon the ~esighated portion -
of the Property covered by said. Trust· Deed,. so that said right of way and easement shall be
and remain prior and superior to any and all of the terms and conditions contained in or pro•
vided by said Deed of Trust hereinabove referred to. . ,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF; the party of the First Part has caused this Instrument to be
signed by its Vice-President and Assistant Secretary, and its co_!.porate ··seal to 'be affixed
hereto; the day and year in this instrument first above written. .
. Party of the First Part
By F. B~ . THOMl'SON~ "Ylce-President
(SEAL). Attest: .(
A•. H. MacKINTOSH, Assistant-Secretary.

On this 22nd day of June, in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and twenty-seven~
before me, Luella MacKintosh a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally
appeared F. B• Thompson known to me to be the. Vice-President, and A. H~ MacKintosh known to
me to be the Assistant Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrume.nt,

I known to me to be· the persons who executed the withill instrument on behalf of·'the <Jorporation
therein named, and acknowledged that such Corpnration executed the same.
· Wit11ess my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate .firs·t above
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said ,Co.unty and State.,~·\····

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927. at 1 o clock P.• M. In Book. No •. 1348 Page

394 of DEEDS ~ecords of San- Diego Connty, Cslif.

·JoHN-·u;·- FERRY, ·county Recorder
By N~ C. PARSONS~ Deputy.
I HEREB'Y CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a· ·full, ·true and correct;·,copy· of -

·... .~
No. 209331.
agreement from Union T·rust Company to the. City of San Diego~
BeiiJ.g Document

Olerk of the City: ·o San.Diego, California.

Eva Achenbach, formerly Eva ·Klein, a married woman, For and in Consideration of the
. 'i
benefits to accrue by th~ ~ooation and construction of a drain pipe through and ·across the
' ! :
property hereinafter described Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego; a Municipal Corp-
{, :.
oration, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for
the construction, oper~tion and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across All
that Heal Property sl tuated in the City of .san Diego, County of San .Diego, State of calif~
ornia, bounded and described as follows: ·
A portion of Lot 1, Block E, Altadena, according to Map thereof No. ih663, filed in
the Office of the County Re'corder of·· ·said San Diego County, said easeme~t and right of way
being part.icularly described as follows: ·
Beginning at a poirit on the west line of said Lot: 1, distant 81.87 feet south from
the· northwest corner of said Lot 1; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a point on the
south line of said Lot 1,, distant 13.58 feet west from the southeast corner of said Lot 1;
thence west along the south line of said Lot 1, a distance of 7. 39 feet to a point; thence
northwesterly on a direct line to a point on the west line of said Lot 1, distant 26.43 feet
north from the southwest corner of said Lot 1; 'thence north along the west line of said Lot
1, a distance of 10.27 feet to the point or place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness my hand and seal this 24th day of June, 1927.
On this 24th day of Ju~e A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E.H.Holmboe
a Hotary Public in and for said· County, the·re in, duly commissioned and sw<;>rn, per.:..
sonally appeared Eva Achenbach, formerly Eva Klein, known to me to be· the person described
in and whose name is -subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she
executed the same. ·
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
i SEAL) S~ate of California.
l\tly t:ommission Expires,
July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee· JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1338 Page
485 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H~ FERRY, 0ounty Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY tnat the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Eva Achenbach to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 209333.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego·, California. I

I, Caroline D. Dunbar, an unmarried woman, For and in consideration of the benefits
to accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property
hereinafter describe.d Do__ Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in
the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and r-ight of way for the construc-
tion, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across All that Real Pro-
perty situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded
and describ~d as follows:
A portion of Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 241, University Heights, according to Amended
Map thereof made by Q .• A. d Heme court, filed in lis pendens book 8, at page 36, 'at seq.,

records of the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement and
right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the following described
center line: .
Beginning at a point on ~the north line of said Llbt 28, distant 5.94 feet west from
the north east corner thereof; thence southwesterly on a direct line making an angle of 52
degrees with the north line of said Lot 28, a distance of ~5.65 feet to a point, excepting
the portion hereof lying within the west 10 feet of said Lot 30 9 ' ·.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the. said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever.
Witness my hand and seal this 27th day of June; 1927.

0n this 27th day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E.oH·.Holiil~oe,
a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,- perso.dL
ally appeared Caroline D.· Dunbar, known to me to be the person described in and whose name is
subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same.

Witness my hand and Official Sear the day and· year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in·and for the County of San biego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission ~xpires,

July 28, 1929. ·
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In Bo.ok No. 1363 .Page
133 of DEEDs Records of San Diego; County, Calif.
JOHN H~· EERRY·;· County Recorder
I HEREBY CERTIFY that· the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Caroline D. Dunbar, to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 209335.
ALLEN. ....... .. .
·H~-·WRIGHT- ··~

City Clerk of the C~n 1~::· ~lifornia.

B;y~F 2z(~ l)eputy.
. . --t5??~·"».
I, Nellie B. Stratton, an unmarried woman, For and in consideration of the benefits
to accrue by the location ~.nd construction of a sewer pipe line through and across the pro-
perty hereinafter described, Do Hereoy Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation,
in the County of San Diego, State of Ualifornia, an easement and right of way for the con-
struction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe 11ne through, along and across All that
.Heal Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of·San Diego, State of California,
bounded and described as follows:
:[!he South six :feet of· Lot 8, Block 60, Normal Heights, according to Map thereof I~o.
985, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
The grantor herein or her successors in interest shall be given two sewer lateral

I connections within said property without charge, upon application to the City ofSan Diego.
·To Have and to Hold the above grante.d anc1. described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever.
Witness my hand and· :seal this 24th day of June, 1927.
On this 24th day_of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
.c;. H.Holmboe,. a .Notary PU:blic in and for 1i3aid County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworri, personally appeared Nellie B. Stratton, known to me·to be the person described in
and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she execut-
ed. the same. · ·
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificat·e first abo-ve
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
July 28; 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 192'7 at 1 O~C?.~()ck P.M. In Book No. 1360 Page
260 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
J?A~SONS; peputy;.
By N•.. C.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing. is a full, true and correct copy of

I Deed from Nellie B. Stratton to the City of San Dif3go. Being Document No. 209337.
Clerk of the Ci t.y o:f San Diego; California.


T.HIS AGREEMENT; made this 27th day of June, 1927, between the· Union Trust Company ofi
San Diego, a corporation--;- Trustee. under the Trust hereinafter described, Party of the first
Part, and the City of San D~ego, a municipal corporation in the State of Ca~ifornia, Party
of the Second Part, WIT-NESSETH:
THAT, WHEREAS, said Trustee is the legal owner of all that property situated in the
City of San Diego; County of San Diego, State of California, covered by the Deed of Trust
hereinafter described; and, . .
WHEREAS, THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, for the benefit and improvement.of said property, is
laying, constructing and maintaining, or intending to lay, construct and maintain a sewer
pipe line through, along and across a portion of said property, and . ·
WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to the laying, construc.tion, maintenance and
operation of said sewer pipe line that an easement and right of way for same shall be and
remain upon a portion of·said property prior and superior·to the terms and condliflions in-
corporated in said deed of trust; and
WHEREAS, all the -owners of the equitable inte.r_ests under said mentioned Deed of Trusit,
have each granted an easement and right of way t~ the Party of the ~econd Part, as follows:
. Trust Deed, dated October 13, 1926, mad.e by Frances Schoonover and Ulysses .l::!e .
Schoonover, husband and wife, in favor of Rogan and Company; a corporation, securing one pro1
I missory note for the payment of 120 monthly installments of $9.71 each, with interest, record-
ed :October 17, 1926, in Book .1141 of Deeds, at page 114, et .. seq., records of·.·the Office of
the County Recorder of said San Diego County, · · ·
The easement conveyed being through, along and a'cross a portion of Lots 26 and 27,
Block G, Montclair, according to Map thereof No. 1684, filed in. the Office of the County
Recorder of.said San Diego County, said easement and right of way being six feet in width,
three feet on each side of· the following de.scttbed center line: ·
3~~ ·~··

Beginning at a point on the easterly line of said Lot 26, distant 9.10 feet south-
erly from the northeasterly co~ner of said Lot 26; thence northwesterly on a direct-line to
a point on the northerly line of··said Lot 27, distant 39.79 feet westerly from the northeas1i·~
erly corner of said Lot 27. · . I
That, in consideration of the premises, the sum of ONE DOLLAR-, AND IN FURTHER ·coN---
side ration of the benefits derived and to be derived from the. construction, maintenance and j
operation of said sewer pipe line, said Party-of the First Part HEREBYSUBORDINATES ALL OF
ITS RIGHT·, TITLE AND INTEREST- under said Deed of Trust· above mentioned to the right of· way I
and easement heretofore eonveyed to the Party of the Second- Part,-· upon the designated. por;.; I
tion of the property covered by such trust deed, so that said right of way and easement sha~l
become and remain prior and superior to any and all of the terms and conditions contained J··.
in or provided by s~id Deed of-Trust hereinabove referred to.
IN WITNE~S WHEREOF, the said Party of the First Part has caused this instrument to
be signed by its-Vice President and Assistant Secretary, and its corporate seal to be affixl
ed hereto, the day and year in this instrument first above wr.i tten. ,-
Party of the First Part
By F. B~ THOMPSoN·~-- Vi'ce-President I
(SEAL) Attest:
A. H. Mac~INTOSH, Assistant-Secretary.
Party of the Second Part.
On this 28th day of June, in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and twenty-seven,
before me~ Lu~lla MacKinto~h a Notary Publio in and for said County arid State, ·personally
appeared F. B. Thompson known to me to be. the Vice President, and A. H. MacKintosh known to
·me to be the Assistant.Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument,
known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the· Corporatio n
therein named, and acknowledged to me tha,t such Corpora.tion executed the same.
Witness my hand and offic'ial se·al the day and year in llhis certificate first above

Notary·Public in and for said
(SEAL) County-and State.
·RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In Boo~ Noo. 1348 Page
392 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif. ,-
JOHN H. FERRY, ~-ounty Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and ~oregoing is a full, true and correct copy o~
~ubordination Agreement from Union Trust company to the City of San Diego, being Document
No. 209339.
of the Cit}: o San Diego, California.

We; Ulysses B. Schoonover and Frances· Schoonover, husband and wife, For and in con-
.· sideration of the benefits. to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipr line
through and across the property hereinafter described, Do Hereby Grant to the City of San
Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San .J.)iego, State of 03.1ifornia, an easement
and right of way for the copstruotion, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line throug¥;
along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San ~iego,
~tate of California, bounded and described as follows:
. A portion of Lots 26 and 27; Block G, Montclair, according to Map thereof No. 1684,
' I
filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, ~aid easement and right
of way being six feet in width, three feet tln each side of the fol_lowing described center line:
Beginning at a point on. the easterly line of said Lot 26,-distant 9.10 feet southerliV
from the northeasterly corner of said Lot 26; thence northwesterly on a direct line to a point
on the northerly line of said Lot 27, distant t;SJ. 79, feet westerly from ·the northeasterly J · ,.

corner of said Lot 27. ·

To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement-unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer·pipe ltne.
Witness our hands and seals thi~ 17th day of June, 1927.
On this 17th day of June_ A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
E. H. Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Ulysses B. Schoonover and Frances Schoonover known to me to
be the persons descl'1-bed in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and
acknowledged to· me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate ~irst above
My Commission Expires,
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California. I
July 28, 1929-.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL -20 1927 at 1 o '_clo_ck P.M. In Book No. 1350 Page
259 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C•. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY. CERTIFY that the above and. foregoing is a full.,. true and correct cop~t of
.Deed tfom Ulysse·s .. B •. Schoonove.r. ,et ..ux,.to. the ·City .of San_lJiego1 Calf·fornia. • Bei'ng J1ocument
NOi 209341. I
ALLEN. H·;· WRIGHT"··--·-
City· .Clerk of the City pf San lJiego, California.

Byaa-"~ ~
. . 4cf;-~/Wt· -
We, Otto Kiene and Ro Hotchkiss"• husband. and wife, :b'or and in. consideration of the
benefits to accrue by the location and constr~otion· of a drain pipe through and across the
property herein~fter described, po HEREBY-QUIT-CLAIM TO'the City of San Diego, a·Municipa.l
~ .. Corporation, in the County of--·San Diego,· State or·· California, an easement and right of wa.y
for the construction, operation and maintenance of a. drain pipe through; along and across
ALL THAT REAL PROPERTY situated in the City of San Diego; Count.y of San Diego, State of Cal-
iforn1-a, bounded and described as follows:. . -·. ~ · .
· ·· A portion of· :~;to~. 2, LemOJ! Villa, according to Map :thereof No. 734, filed in the
office or·· the County Recio-rder OIJ~aid County, said easement and right ·of way being five feet
in width, two and one-half fe·et ·on each side of the foll'owing described· center line:
Begitming at a point on the easterly prolongation of-the northerly-line of .c;1 Cajon v
Avenue fbeing. the northerly line of .~1 Cajon Avenue a.s located on the -~ound), distant 214.00·:
feet westerly from the intersection of the easterly line of said Lot 2 with_said northerly I
line of El C~jon Avenue; .thence Northerly at right angles to said northerly line of .c;l Cajon
Avenue; a. distance of 20.00 ·reet t·o a point •
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above quit-claimed and described easement unto the said
grantee,its successors and assigns forever.
WITNESS our hands·and seal this 24 day of June, 1927.
0 • H. KIENE ( SEAL)


On this 24th day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and 1'wenty-seven before me,
J. c.· Peck a Notary :Public in .a-nd for said County, residing therein, duly :commissioned and
sworn, personally appea·re.d Otto Kiene ·and Ro Hotchkiss Kiene husband and w~1 fe, known to me
to be the persons described in ~m' whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and "'·::.
acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
. WITNESS MY HAND AND .OFFICIAL SEAL the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Public.
~y 0ommission ~xpires:
June 9, 1928.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P .M.t · In Book- N.o .• 1232 .Page
186 of Deeds Records of San Piego County, C81if.
.JOHN H. FERRY, ~ounty Recorder
By N. C~ :PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
lJeed from Otto Kiene and Ro Hotchkiss Kiene,. to the City of San Diego. Being I>ocument I-Jo.

FOR ADEQUATE CONSIDERATIONS, the undersigned, EEWARD C. HALL, Executor of the V'lill
J of M. Hall, Deceased, -does hereby and dischagge from the lien of that certain
mortgage, executed May 10, 1922, by G. N. Chamberlin and Myrtle L. Chamberlin in favor of
Southern Trust and Commerce Bank (and assigned to M• Hall), and recorded in Book 344, page
29 of Mortgages, San Diego ·county Records, that certain easement for main sewer line over
the Southwesterly six {6) feet of Lot Nine (9) in Block Two Hundred Two (202) of Middletown,
in the City of San Diego,- County of San Diego, State of California, according to the
J~ E. Jackson map of said Middletown, on file in the County Clerk's Office of said <Jounty,
which easement was conveyed to the City of San Diego, a. municipal corporation, by ~. M.
0hamberlin and Myrtle L. 9hamberlin, by deed bearing date ·June 1, 19_27;. without impairment
of or. effect upon the remaining mortgaged premises, or the rights-- and lia.oili ties of either
mortgagor or mortgag.E!e under said mortgage or the obligations secured thereby.
·Dated this 21st day of June, 1927 •.
As Executor of the Will of M. Hall, also known
as M. F. Hall, De·oeased. ·
~ '
On this 21st day of June, 1927, before me, Rolland c. Springer, a Notary Public in
and for said County and State, personally appeared EDWARD c. HALL, Executor of.the Will of
M. Hall, also known as M. F. Hall, deceased, known to me to be the person whose name is sub-
scribed to the foregoing instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same as

I such £;xecutDr.

WITNESS My hand and Official Seal.
Notary Public in and for· said County and State.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF .City Clerk JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In Book No •. 81 .t'age
202 of Sat.of Mtgs. Records of San Diego C_ounty, Calif. · ·-----
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
~, By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that .the above and foregoing is a full-~ true and correct copy of
Release· of Mtge., from Edward c. Hall, executor for M. Hall, est.· to· G. -M~· Chamberlin •. Bei:t~
Document No• 209345. . II
ALT..EN . H~- WR!GHT""'"'. ·- - -
City Clerk of~ City of San Diego, California• I
· .
~7~·*- I
We, CUrtis c. Marsh and F·rancis w. Marsh, husband and wife~ For and in·consideratioJ
of the benefi t·s to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and I
across the property here'inafter descri'l.?ed, Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a MUni-
cipal ~orporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California; an easement-and right of
way for the construction, operation··and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along and
across All th~t Real Property situated in the City of·san Diego, County of San Diego, Stat~
of California, bounded and described as follows: ..
- A portio~ of Lots 21~ 22, 23 and 24, Block. 4, City Heights, according to Amended
.Map thereof r~o. 1007, filed in the Office of thEt County Recorder of said San Diego County,
together with a portion of the northerly 16 feet of RE3dwood Street (formerly Norfolk Street)
vacated and closed to pu·bi:ic use and· adjoining said: ·Lot 24, and a portion of Lot 18, Block
30, said ~i t·y ~eights, said easement and right of·way- being six feet in width, three feet on
each side of the following described center lines, respectively: . ·
Beginning at a point on the northerly line of said Lot 21, :distant 76.• 15 feet easter:-
ly from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 21; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a I
point on the northerly line of Redwood Street as now established, distant 101.13 feet easter-
ly from the intersection of··the easterly line of -Boundary Street with the northerly line of
hedwood Street; ALSO, .
Beginning at a point on the northerly line of said Lot 18, distant 74.01 feet west-
erly from the northeasterly corner of said Lot 18; thence southeasterly on a direct line to
the southeasterly corner of said Lot 18.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever.
Witness our hands and seals this 30th day of June, 1927.
On this ·aot:h day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, ·
E. H. ~olmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn,,personally appeared Curtis c. Marsh and Frances w. Marsh, known to me to be the
persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledgeCi
to me that they executed the same. · · I
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commi s si on· Exp·i res ,
July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In Book No.; 1360 Page
329 of lJeeds .Records of San Diego County, Calif. ·
JOHN H. FERRY~ County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEF~BY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Curtis- c. and Frances w._Marsh, to the City·of San Diego. Being Document No.
209347. I

Neil R. Bollong and Eugenia R. Bollong, husband and wife, .li'or and in consideration
of O~e :Pollar Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the
uounty of San Diego,.State.of California, an easement and right of way for the construction,
operation and maintenance of a cement concrete wing-wall and the deposit of earth material
over and upon.All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,
~ ~tate of California, bounded and described as follows:
, The South 20 feet of Lot 2, Block 6, ia~ific Beach Vista Tract, according to Map
~ thereof I~o; 916, filed in the Office of the· County Recorder of said San Diego County.
, To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assig~s, forever.
Witness our hands and seals this 29th day of June, 1927.

On this 29th day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred·and·~wenty-seven Jefore me,
H. Holmboe a Notary P.ublic in and for said liounty, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Neil R. Bollong and Eugenia R. Bollong, husband and·wife,
known to me to be the person described in and whose names are subscribed to the within in-
strument'· and acknowl,edged to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official .Seal the day and· year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My ~outsB'~on expire:s July 28, 192.9.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock .:P.M. In Book No. 1355 ,LJage
162 ·of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN. H~ FERRY~ ·county Recorder
By N. · C. PARSONS, ,Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and .foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of

I Deed from Neil B. Bollong & Eugenia B-~ Boilong· to the City of San Diego. Being Documant
No. 209349.
ALIEN ·a:· .. WRIGHT........... .
City/C1erk of the Uit~San Diego, California.

0\ (
Ciinton u• .Williams and Alberta Williams, husband and wife, l!'or and in ·consideratio~t'·:' ::,
of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through, along_· ;f
and across the property hereinafter described Do lierehy Grant to the Oi ty of San Diego, a • -<
Munic-ipal Corporation, in the County of· San Diego, State· of California, an easement and right, :·i
of .way ·for the construction, operation and maintenance of· a sewer pipe line through, along , ··;
and acr-oss Allthat._Real Pro·pe.r.ty situated·in the City of San ~iego; County of San Diego, .; ,1
State of California, bounded and described ·as follows: · :~.:;
· A portion of Lots 42, 43 ,_ 44; 45, 46 and 47, Block 6, City Heights; according to !•
Amended Map thereof No. 1007; filed i.n~~the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego
County, said easement and right of .way being s.ix feet rn width, three feet on each side oi·
the following des·cri bed center line:
·Beginning at a: point on the :Wes.te rly line of said Lot 47, distant ·7. 61.' feet norther-
ly from the southwesterly corner of said. Lot 47; thence southeasterly on a dire:ct !ine to a
point on the westerly line of Montclair, according to Map thereo.f No• 1684, filed in the
Office of said County Record~r, distant 3.81 feet southerly from the point of intersection
of the westerly line or said Montclair with the north line of said Lot 42. ·
To Have and to -Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,

I its successors and assigns, forever •

.Witness our hands and seals tpis 2nd day of June, 1927.
On this 2nd day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
E. H. Holmboe, a Notary_ Public in and for said· County, residing therein; Q!uly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Clinton u. Williams and Alberta Williams, known to me to be
the persons described in and' whose names are subscribe~ to the _within instrument, and ac-
knowledged to me that they executed the same. _·
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
writ ten.
Notary Public in and for the_ County of San Diego;
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929. ·
RECORDED AT BEQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1361 l:ag~
215 of Deeds Beco·rds of San Di.ego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
I Deed from Clinton u. and Alber.ta Williams to the City of San Diego. Being Document .No.
209351. .

I,. W. c. N~ttleton, a widow~r, For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by
the location and construction of-a d~ain pipe and sewer pipe line through and across the pro-
perty hereina_fter described, Do Her~aby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal uorpora-
1 tion, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the.
C?nstruction,· operation and maintenance of a drain pipe and a sewer pipe line and appurten-
ances~ through, along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lot 20, Block D, Montclair, according to Map thereof Noe 1684, filed
in the Office of the County Be-corder--of said San Diego County, said easement and- right of
way being ten feet in width, five feet on each side of the following described center line:
Beginning at a point on the northerly line of said Lot 20, distant 70.96 ·fee·t east-
erly from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 20; thence southeasterly on a direct line to
a point on the southerly line of said Lot 20, distant 76.15 feet easterly from the south-
westerly corner of·said Lot 20.
The grantee herei~ shall furnish one sewer connection on the above described proper•
ty at its expense.

To Have and to Hold the above granted. and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever.
Witness my hand and seal this let day of June, 1927.
On this lst day of-=June A.D. Ni~eteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
E.H.Holmboe··- a Notary Public in and for said County, residing there in, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared w. C. Nettleton, known to me to be the person described in and

wliose name is the within instrument, and-acknowledged to we that he executed

the same.
Wi tp.ess my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,!
My qommission .Expires,
July 28, 1~29.
State of California. 1

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20- 1-927 at 1 o 1 clock ~h M. In Book No.· 1360 Page
332 of Deeds RecofdS of San Diego County, Ca~if.
JOHN· H. FERRY·~- ·county Recorder
By N~ C~ PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and corre~t copy of
Deed .from w. c. Nettlet~n to the City of .San Diego. Being Document No. -209353.
ALLEN . H~-- WRI'GHT'"" - .
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

J·-~· By;~~-~LDeputy,
' . . ~~.jt,;
Wet Robert H• Beyenesch and Thelma S. Neyenesch, husband and wife; For and· i-n con-.
sideration of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through,
along and acros.s. the property hereinafter described; Do Hereby Grant to the City of San .Diegip,
a Munic1:pal· CorporQtion, in the County of San Diego, State of California; an easement and right
of way for the const.ruc;tion, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and I
across All that Real Property situated in the City. of San Diego, County of San Diego, State I
of California, bounded and descr,i bed as :follows: . . ··
A portion of the West 1/2 of Lots 9, 10, lil and 12, Block 61, Park Villas, according
. to Map thereof No• 438, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County,',
said easement and right of way being particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the west line of said Lot 9, distant 7.93 feet north from t~e
southwest corner of said Lot 9; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a point on the eastj
line of the West 1/2 of said Lot 12, distant 0.96 feet north from the south line of said Lot
12; thence north along the east line of the West "J,/2 of said Lot 12, a distance of 9. 90 feet
to a point; thence northwesterly on a direct line to a point on the west-~ine of said Lot 9,
distant 7.17 feet south from the northwest corner of said Lot 9; thence south along the west
line of said Lot 9, a distance of 9.90 feet to the point or place of beginning.
Tb.eHave and to Hold the above granted and described' easement unto the said gran~ee;
its successors and assigns, forever. ·
Witness our hands and seals this 20th day of June, 1927.
On this 20th day of june A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
.E;. H. ~olmboe a Notary -Public in and for sa,i_d County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Robert H. Neyenesch and Thelma s. Neyenesch, known to me to
be the persons describe4 ~nand whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and ac-
knowledged to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above ,
My Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o 1 clock P.M. In Book No_. 1350 Page
256 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Rec_order
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
.l>eed from Robert H. Neyenesch et ux to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 209355.
City Clerk of the City ~!h l1iego, California.

B~,~2r ~.-z'ih,.Wputy.
/// #;;v~-'U-.
D E E D l/ . ··--
I, Jessie A. Brown·, a widow, .l!'or and in consideration of. the benefits to accrue by
the location and. construction of a drain pip'e· through and across the property hereinafter
described Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a ~~nicipal Corporation, in the County
of San Diego, State of California, ~n _easement and right of way for the construction, opera-
tion and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across All that Real Property situated
in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described asl
A portion of Lots 20 and 21, Hlock 251, University Heights, according to Amended Map
thereof made by G. A. d 1 Hemecourt, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Di~ go
County; said easement and right of way,being six feet in width, three feet on each side of tfie
following described center lii~e: . ·
- Begiiming at a point on the east line of said Lot 20, distant 20 feet north from the
southeast corner of said Lot 20; thence southwesterly on a direct line to a point ·on the south
line of said Lot 21, distant 60 feet west from the southeast cor~r of said Lot 21.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee;
its successors and assigns, ·forever. · ·
Witness my hand-and seal this 20th day of June, 1927 •
I .
. ~:
On this ·20th day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven.before me,
E•·H. H'olmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein; duly commissioned
and sworn~ personally appeared Jessie A Brown known to me to be the person described in and
whose·name is subscribed to the-within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed
I the same •
Witness my hand and Official Searthe day and· year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the ~ounty of San D~ego;
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires
July 28, 1929~

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 c'clock.P.M. In Book No. 1355 ~age·
163 of Dedds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHNH'" FERRY, County Recorder
By· N~ C. PARSONs·, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and :foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Jessie A. Brown to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 20~357.
ALLEN ·g~-· -wRIGHT ....... -.. ';

City Clerk of the City_of San Diego, California.

Byi?jad=)n CJ:f~
' I 7~~·31.,
Deputy. .

I,. Bertha Gronseth~ .a· widow, For and in consideration ·of the benefits to accrue by
the location and_ construction of a drain pipe and sewer pipe line through and across the pro

I perty hereinafter described, Do Hereby G.rant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal ~orporation,
in the County of San Diego, State of· California, an easement and right of way for the con-
struction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe and a sewer pipe line, through, along
and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, ~tate
of California, bounded and described as follows:
J · · ·A portion of Lots 4and 5, Block D, Montclair, according to Map thereof No. 1684,
filed in the Off"ice of the County Recorder· of ·said San. Diego County,, said easem-ent and right
of way being particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the southwesterly .corner of said Lot 5; thence easterly along the -sout~­
erly line cof Lot 5 to a point distant 131.91 feet westerly f-rom the southeasterly corner.
of said' Lot 5; thence northwesterly on a d_irect line to a point on the westerly line. of said
Lot 4;. distant 98.75 feet southerly from the northwesterly corner of said Block D; thence
southerly along the westerly line -of said Block .D to the point or place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
i te succes_sors and assigns, forever.
Witness my hand and seal this 20th day of c'fune, 1927.
·On this 20th day of June A~D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me;
i!:•H•Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Bertha Gronseth, known to me to be the person described in and whose
name· is subscribed to the wi'thin instrument, and acknowledged to me that_ she executed the
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year ·in this certificate first s."bove

My Commission Expires,
Notary Public in and for the County of· San lliego,
State of California.
July 28, -'1~.29. ··

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF. GRANTEE JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In Book No • 1363 Page
135 of DEEDS Records of ~a;n Ditego County,_ Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, ~ounty Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Bel_'tha Gronset.Q, to the ctcy of San Diego. Being Document No.· 209359.
lerk of the City of San Diego, California.

We~·~va G. Hatch, a widow, and Regna. Merle Hatch, an unmarried woman, For and in con-
sideration of ·the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe and a:r:. 1
sewer pipe line through and across the property hereinafter deacribed, Do Hereby Grant to i;he
City of Sa·n Diego, a Municipal· Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California,
an easement and right of V'!_ay for the construction,· O::Q~ration and maintenance of a drain pipe
and a sewer pipe line through, along and across, All that Real Property situated in the vity
of San Diego., County of San. Diego, State of California., ·bounded and :.desc1":i:bed as ,follows:
A portion of Lots 6, 7, 8 and. 9, B~~ck D, Montclair, according to Map· thereof ~o.l684,
filed in the· Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement and. right'
of way being particularly described as follows: . ,
. Beginning at a point on the northerly line of said Lot 6, distant 131.91 feet 'wester~y
from the northeasterly corner of said Lot 6; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a point
on the southerly line of said L~t ~. distant 109.55 feet westerly from the southeasterly corl
ner of said Lot 9; thence westerly along_ the southerly line of said Lot 9 to a point distant
9. 96 feet easterly from -the · eouthwest·erly·-·corne-r_-·of said ~ot ·9; thence-northwe·sterly on a ·
direct line to a point on the westerly line of said Lot.8, distant 190.43 feet southerly from
the northwesterly corner of said Block .D! thence northerly along the westerly line of said
Lots 8, 7··and 6, to the northwesterly corner of said Lot 6; thence easterly along the north-
erly line of said Lot 6 to the point or place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever. ·
WITNESS our·· hands· and seals this 18th day of June, 19.27~

On this 18th day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
.E.H.~olinboe a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared· Eva G. Hatch and Regna Merle Hatch, known to me to be the·persons
described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and yearin this certificate first above I
E. H. HOLMBOE . ... . I
Notary Public in and for the County of San JJiego,
(SEAL) State of ~li fornia.
My Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In Book Ho. 1363 Page
138 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Cs.lif.
JOHN'H~ FERRY, County :Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from b.:va G• and Regna. Merle Hatch to the City of San Diego •. Being Document No. 209361.
City Ole rk of
the CitY. of San Diego, California.
~.,2?~ 40 z
, Deput)1. I
We., A• A• Frevert and 0. B. Frevert, husband and w~fe For and in consideration of
One Dollar Do Hereby Grant to the Oi ty of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County
of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the const~uction, oper~­
tion and maintenance. of a sewer pipe line through, along and across All that ~eal Property
situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and de-
scribed. as follows: .... - · . 1
The southWesterly six feet of Lots a, 11 and 12, Block 202, Middletown, including the
/,~ southwesterly. six feet of the south,easterly 20 feet of Estudillo Street closed to public use
' and adjoining said Lot 12; Said MiC!dletown being according to Partiitii"bn.M!J.p thereof made by
J. B.; Jackson, filed in the Office of the County Clerk of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
Witness our.ha.nds and seals this 18th day of Jtine, 1927.
On this 18th day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and before me,
Edward c. Hall a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
. and sworn, personally appeared A.A. Frevert and o. B. Frevert, husband and wife known to me
to be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the withJn. instrument, and
acknowledged to me that they executed the same. ·
Witness my hand a.nd Official Seal the day and year in this certificate· first· above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
! SEAL) State of California~
My Commiss·ion .l!:xpires,
b~r. 20th, 1931. ·

:RE'CORDEE AT R~QUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o '·clock P.M. In Book No. 1363 Page
134 of DEEDS Records of S~n Diego County, Calif.
JOHN"R~· FERRY.,... ClYounty Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed· from A. A. Frevert and o. B. Frevert to the City of ~an Diego, being Document No.
the City- f Diego,. California.

I, Geo. Earl Worthington, someti-mes. known as. G·. Earl Worthington, and I, ·Oseie A.
worthington, husband and. wife, For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the
location and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property hereinafter descriaed,
Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of Sari Diego,
State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction, operation and maintef.J.~
ance of a drain pipe through, along and across All that Real Property situated in the City o~
San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
: 95

A portion of Lots 22-and 23, Block E, Altadena, according to Map thereof No. 1663,
filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement and right
of way being particularly. desc)'ibed as follows:
. Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 23, distant 0.25 foot east from
the northwest corner of said Lot 23; thence southeasterly on a d·irect line to a point on the
south line of said_ Lot · 22, distant 49 ~87 · feet west from the southeast corner of said Lot 22;

I thence wes·t along the south line of said Lot 22, a distance of 7·-~·39· feet to a point; thence
northwesterly on a direct line to a point on the westerly line of said Lot 23, distant 14.67
feet southerly from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 23; thence northerly along the west-
erly line of said Lot 23 to the northwesterly corner of· said Lot· 23;-·thence easterly along
the north line of said Lot 23-to the point or place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee~
its successors and assigns, fo~ever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness our hands and seals this 13th day of June, 1927.

· On this 13th day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, ·
E;, H~ Hc>lmboe, a Notary Public in and for said· Courity, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Geo. Earl Worthington and Oscie A_. Worthington, known to me to be
the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the·-within instrument, and ac-
knowledged to me that they executed the same. .
Witness my Hand and Official-Seal the day and y~ar in this certificate first above
·Notary Publicn:i.n and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL). ~tate of California.
My Commission Expires
July 28, 1929-~

I RECORDED AT REQUEST OE City Clerk JUL 20 1927 at. 1 o'clock P.-M. Iii Book No. 1376
Page 145 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif•
JOHN -H~ FERRY·,· County Recorder
By N~ C. PARSONS-, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Seo. Earl Worthington et ux to the City of San Diego. ~ing Document No.
the City of San Diego; California.

We;- Andrew Nelson and Hattie Nelson,- husband and wife, For and in consideration of
the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across
the property hereinafter described, Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal
Corporationj in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way
for. the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through; along and across Al]
that Real Property situated .in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of 'CalifUJil'nila,
bounded and described as .follows: . .
· A portion of the East 1/2 of Lot 12, Block 61, Park Villas, according to. Map thereof!
No. 43_8, filed in the Office of the .County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement
and right of way being particularly 4es~ci,bed as follows: ·

Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 12, distant 54.23 feet west from
the southeast corner of said Lot 12; thence northwesterly on a direct line to a point on the
west line of ~he East 1/2. of said Lot 12, distant 14.14 feet south from the north line of said
Lot 12, (measured along said west line); the~ce south along the west line of th~ East 1/2 of
said Lot 12, a distance of 9.90 feet to a point; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a
point on the south line of said Lot 12, distant 61.77 feet west from the southeast corner of
said Lot_ 12; thence east along the south l-ine of said Lot 12, a Clistance of 7. 54 feet to the
point or place of beginning. .
-<: To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as. a right of way for-a drain pipe.
Witness our hands and seals this 23d day of June, 1927.
. On this 23d day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E.H.Holmboe
a ·Notary. P~b~ic in arid for a·aid County~. residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,- personLI
ally appe·ared Andrew Nelson and Hattie Nelson; known to me to be the pe.rsons described in and
whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that. they executed
the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the_day and.year in this certificat first above
Nota~y Public in and iB~r t.he County of ~an Diego,
I( SEAL) State of· California.

I ,My· Commies ion Expires,

IJuly 28, 1929. ·
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee lUL 2Q 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1360 Page
330 of Deeds Records of··San Diego County, Calif~-
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C• PARSONS, Deputy.

. I HEREBY CERTIFY t.hat the above and f.oregoing .is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Andrew Nelson,. et ux to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 209367.
of the City o San Diego, California.

.' .
We, Edouard 'Victor. Michel Izac, formerly E. V. Is sacs, and Agnes· 9• I~ac, formerly '
Agnes c. Isaacs, husband and wife, For and in consideration of the ·benefits to accrue by the I
, location and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property hereinafter descrilii-
ed, Do Here by Grant to the City o;f ·San Diego, a Muni oipal Corporation, in the County of San
Diego, State of· CSlifornia, an easement and.. right of way for the construction, operation and
maintenance of·a drain pipe through, along and across All that Real Property situated in the
City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follow~ :
A portion of· Lot 2, Lemon Villa, according to Map thereof No. 734, filed in- the ·offi!ce1
of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement and right. of way being five [I
feet in width, two and one-half fee~ on each side of the following described center line: I
'·~ .... : .
. Beginning at a point on the easterly prolongation of the northerly line of El Oajon1
Avenue (being the northerly line of El Cajon Avenue as· located on the ground), distant 214.00
\~ feet westerly from the intersection of· the easterly line of ·said Lot 2 with said northerly·. II
, line of El Cajon Avenue; thence· northerly at right angles to said nor~herly line of El Cajon
'Avenue, ~distance of 20.00 feet to a point.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its succes~ors and assigns, forever.
Witness our hands and seals this 26th day of May; 1927.
Formerly E.V.Isaacs
Formerly Agnes c.·,..... Isa·a·cfs'--~··

On this 26th day. of ..MaY A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven be.fore me, E.H.Holmboe,
~ .Notary'Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn~ per-
sonally appeared Edouard Victor Michel Izac and Agnes c. Izac known to me to be the persons
described in and whose names are .subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me 1
that .they executed the same. ·
· Witness my hand ~nd Official Seal the day and year- in . this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
tSEAL) State of Qalifornia.
My Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1232 Page
185 of Deeds Records of San Diego Bounty, Calif~
. JOHH H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY. CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copJI of
Deed· from Edouard Victor Mi.chel Izac et ·ux to the City of .. San Diego. Being Document No•
209369. .
of the City...--,f San Diegorf' California•

THIS AGREEtffiNT, made this 13th dayof June, 1927, between George A. Westover Trustee
under the Trust· hereinafter deec'ri bed, Par~y of the first .Part, and the City of San Diego, a
municipal corporation of the County 9f San Diego, State of California, Party of the Second
. THAT, WHEREAS, said Trustee is the legal owner of all that property si tu.ated in the
0ity of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California; covered by the Deed of Trust
hereinafter desc~ibed; and;
WHEREAS, THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, for the benefit and improvement of said property, is
laying, constructing and maintaining, or intending to lay, construct and maintain a sewer piple
\ line through, along and across ~ portion of said property, and . I
.i WHEREAS, it is a conditio~ precedent to the laying, constructio~., operation and main-
tenance of said sewer pipe line that an easement and right of ~ay for same- shall be and remai!f! ·
upon a port~on of said property prior and superior to the terms and conditions inc!)rporated i•n
sa·id deed of trust; and, II ·
WHEREAS, a.ll the owners of the equitable interests under said mentioned Deed of· 1'ruslitl ,
"'' have each granted an easement· and right of way to the Party of the §econd Part, as follows:
Trust Dee~~, dated Marc" 4, 1927, made by Benjamin Salisbury and Mabel Salisbury, hus-
band and wife, in favor of J_oepphine ·N. Langer, securing one promissory note for the sum of I
~912.00 with interest, recorded JJarch 16, 1927, in Book 1339, at page 170, et seq.; of Deeds,
......... records of the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County,
The easement conveyed being through, along and across a portion of ~ots 13 to 19
inclusive, Block D, M9ntclair, according to Map thereof No. 1684, filed in the O~fice of the
County Recorder of said San Diego County, said. easement and right of way being six feet in
width, three feet on each side of the following described center line: ·
Beginning at a point on the northerly line of said ~ot 13, distant 31.85 feet easter:..
/.: ,.
ly from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 13; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a
point on the southerly line of said Lot 19, distant 70.96 feet easterly from the southwester-
ly corner of sai_d Lot 19. ·

p·:. .

-- · ··· That, in consideration of the premises; the Sum of Qne Dollar, and in further con-
sideration of· :the benefits ·to be derived from the construction,. operation and maintenance of
said sewer pipe line; said Party of the First Part HEREBY' SUBORDINATES' ALLOF'HIS RIGHT TITLE
AND INTEREST under said Deed of Trust abov·e .. mentioned to the right of·-way and easement here- I
to fore conveyed to the .i>arty of'' the ~econd· Part, upon the designated portion of the property
covered by such trust deed. ._ so that· said. right of way and easement shall be come and remain

I prior and superior to ·any and all' of the terms and conditions contained- in or provided by
said Deed of Trust hereinabove referred to.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF·; the said Party of the First Part has· caused this instrument t·o
be signed by himself as trustee, t.he day and year in this instrument first above wri t_ten.
. GEO. A. WESTOVER,- Trtist·ee ~
(SEAL) Party of'the First Part.

Party· of the Second Part·.

On this 13. day of June, 1927-~ before me, E. H~ Holmboe a Notary Pul;>lic in and for
said County and State; residing therein, duly commissloned and sworn, personally appeared .
Geo. A. Westover, trustee, l:nown to me to be the person \Yhose name is subscribed to the with-
in instrument as trustee and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as such trustee.
Witness my hand and .Ufficial Seal the day and··year in this certlficate first above
Not~~Y Public in ~nd for the County of San Diego, I

(SEAL) $tate of Galifornia.

My Commission expires,
July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In Bo_ok No. 1386 ..l:"age
61 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County,, Calif.

I JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder

By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. -
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Subor~ination Agreement from .Gao. A. Westover to the City of San Diego. Being Document i~o.-

MARY A. CASSIN, For and in consideration of TEN AND NO/ 100 DOLLARS, Does hereby
grant to the City of ~an Diego All that Real Property situated-in the City of San .LJiego,
County of San Diego, State of Californ~a bounded and described a:s follows:
. The East Se'\Ten and one-half ( 7i J feet (rear) of Lots Forty-seven ( 47) and .l!'o:r ty-
eight ( 48), Block Sixteen Pauly's Addi tio_n, according to Map No. 65 filed in the office of
the County Recorder April 1. 1873·, to be used exclusively for alley purposes.
Witness my hand and seal this 7th day of June~ 1927.
Signed and executed in presence of


0n this seventh day of June Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven (1927) before me,
Ethel Jelinek a Notary Public in and for said County and State, residing therein, duly commi~­
sioned and sworn personally appeared Mary A. Cassin known to me to be the person described in
and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed
the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my ~and and affixed my Official ~eal, at my
office, in said County of San Diego, State of Califo~nia, the day and year in this certificate
first above written. ·
Bo:t,ary Public· in amid fe>r the County of San J.Jiego,
(SEAL) State of California.
. ~
My Commission Expires
Mar. 31, 1930.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1356 ..l:"age
229 of ·DEEDS. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Grant Deed from Mary A. Cassin to· the City of San Diego •. · Being Document No. 209.373~
of t~i~ of San Diego, California.

. .

We, Ben Salisbury and Mabel Salisbury, husband and wife, ~'or and in consideration of
the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe and a sewer pipe line
through and aoross the property hereinafter described Do ~reby _Grunt to the City of ~an uiegp,
a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of Celifornia, an easement· and right
of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line, a drain pipe and
appurtenances, through, along and acrose All that Real Property situated in the City of ~an

Diego, C9unty of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lot 10,. Block D, Montclair, according to Map thereof· No• 1684~ ·filed
in the Office of·· the County Recorder of said San Diego Gounty, particularly described as
follows: . !
,_ Begiilnihg at a point on the northerly line of said Lot 10·, distant 9.96 feet ea:sterJI
._.-. ly along the northerly line.·of said Lot 10, toa point distant 109.65 feet westerly from t~e\

northeasterly corner therof."; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a point on the southe.r- .
ly line of said Lot 10~ distant 103.96 feet westerly from the southeasterly corner of said 11
Lot 10; thence westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 10 to a point distant 16.56 feet·
·,;, eas~erly from the southwesterly corner of· said Lot 10; thence northwesterly on a direct line I
to the point or place of-beginning; ALSO, a portion of Lots 11 to 19, said block D, the ease-
ment and right of way through said Lots 11 to ·19 being six feet in width, three feet on each
side of the followi-ng described center line: .
Beginning at_a -po·i-nt~~t-he ~s-out-herly line of said Lot-19, distant 70.96 feet east-
. erly from the southwesterly corner of said. LOt 19; thence nort-hwesterly on a direct line to
a point on the southerly line of said Lot 11, distant 26.26 fe·e·t easterly from the southwesti
erly corner of said Lot 11; thence northwesterly along the northwesterly- -projhongation of sai~
last described course to the northerly line o'f said· Lot 11. ·· · · .
The grantee herein shall at its expense furnish 6 sewer connections on the above I
described property. I
· 'J!o .liave and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,- .
its successors and assigns, 'forever.
Witness our hands and seals this 6th day o'f June, 1926 •


On this 6th day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
~.H. Holmboe, a Notary_P~blic in·and for said Gounty, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, persona-l-ly appeared ben :Salisbury .and .M~bel Salisbury known to me to be the per:.
sons described in and whose_ names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed ~he same.
Wit1~ss my hand and Ufficial :seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the l..iounty of San 1Jiego,
(SEAL) State of e&lifornia.
My ~.,;ommission ~xpires,
July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 oiclock P.~. In Book No. 1360 Page
258 of Deed Records of ~an Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputyl
I HEREB'l. CERTIFY tha-t:. the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct· copy of
Deed from ~n Sali_sbury and Ma.bel Salisbury to the City of Sari Diego. Be-ing Document N0 •
f San Diego, California.


. I, Edward J·. Delaney, a bachelor ]'or and in consideration of the benefits to accrue
by the loca~ion and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property hereinafter!
described Do Hereby G~ant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in th~ ~ounty
of S~n Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction, opera- I
tion and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across All that Real Property situated
in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as
A portion of Lot 30, Block D, Altadena, according ~o Map thereof No. 1663, filed in
the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said-easement and right of way
being particularly described as follows: --.
Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 30, distant 53.84 feet V~est from
the northeast corner of said Lot· 30; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a point on the
seuth line of said Lot 30, distant 24.43 feet west from the southeast corner of said Lot 30;_
t.hence west along the south line of said Lot 30, a distance of 7. 54 feet to a point; thence
northwesterly on a direct line to a point on the north line of said Lot 30, distant 66.6~
feet ·east from the northwest corner of said Lot 30; thence east along the north line ·of said
Lot 30; a distance of 7.54 feet to the point or place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unt.o the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of·way for a drain pipe.
Witness my hand and seal this 8th day of June, 1927.
On this 8th 'day o:t June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven befor_e me, E.H.Holmboe,
a Notary Public in and for said .County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, persori:-
ally appeared Ed.ward J. Delaney knowJ?. to me to. be the person described in and whose name is
subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. · ·
Witness my hand and Official beal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public fn and for the County of· San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 0 I clock. p .-M~' In Book""No. 1356 .t'age
236 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, ca~
JOHN··g-~·-·FERRY~- County Re·corder
By N~ .. C~ PARSONS; Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of

I Deed from Edward J • .Delaney to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 209377.
ALLEN···II~..... WRIGHT··-.. -·. .

City Clerk of the City~ll~Di~ California.


Byt.k-;u.4k2r ~.,Deputy.
. ~~3h
D E'En·
GEO~ M. HAWLEY -INVESTMENT: COMPANY, 'A copporation,, and .Mrs, MB-rgrette l3ellaire, a
widow, For and in consi-derati.·on- of ··one· ·DOLL:AR; ·Do· Hereby GTant to t-he City of San Diego, a
Municipal Corporation, ~n the ~county of San Diego, State. of California, an easement and right
of way for the construdtion·, operation and maintenance of a· drain· pipe through, along and
acrose All that Real .Property situated in the City of San Diego; County of San Diego, ~tate
of California, bounded and deecri bed ~s follows: · · .
· ·- · The Nortli- six feet of the West 139.52 ·feet· of Lot- -B;· Block B, Cent'ral Homestead,
according to Map thereof No• 368·; filed in the Office of the County ~ecorde:r of said ::;an Diego
County. · - · · ·
To IIave and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever for drain pipe purposes.
IN WITNESS WHEREQF: said Corporation has caused this ~nstrtiment to be executed by
its proper officers and its cocyorate seal ·affixed and witness my hand and seal this lOth
day of June, 1927.
By GEO. M. HAWLEY, President
( SEA 1 ) At t e s t :

I J. K. DURRILL, Secretary.
Mrs. Margrette Bellaire (SEAL)

On this lOth day of_J~ne A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
E. H. Holmboe a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Geo. M. Hawley known to me to be the .President, and
J. ·x:. D:urrill known to me to be th.e Secr~taty of the Corporation that executed the within in-
strument, known to me tO' be the persons ·who executed the ·within instrument on behalf of the
Corporation within named; and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same.
In._ Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my h,and and affixed my Official Seal, .in
the County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Publi·c in and for the .County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
July 28 ,· 1929.
On this lOth day of· June A.D., 1927·, before me, E. H. Holmboe, a Notary Public in
and for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commission-
ed and sworn, personally appeared Mrs. Margrette BeHlaire, personally· known to me to be the
person whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument~ and duly acknowledged to me that
she exe outed the same. ··

I IN WITNESS. WHEREOF, I ha·ve hereunto set my hand and affixed my offi'cial sea~ at ~y
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
Notaty Public in and for the County of oan biego,
( SEALi) State of California.·
My Cammission expires July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF GRANTEE JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M._ In Book No. 1232 .Page
183 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN. H•. FERRY~ County Recorder
By I'i; C. PARSONS, Deputy •
I HEREBY. CERTIFY that t m above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Geo. M. Hawley Inv. Co. et al. to the City of San Diego. Being Document No.209379.
City q~erk of the Ci~ of San Diego, California.

~ - f~·?t-.
We, John C. Lee and Jennie s. Lee, husband and wife, and Royal B. Lee, a single man,
For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a
storm drain througli and across tbe property hereinafter described, Do Hereby Grant to the
City of San .. Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California,
an easement and right of way for the._ construction, operation and maintenance of a storm drai~
through, along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of
San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
The westerly 10 feet of Lot 24, Block 193, City Heights, according to Amended Map
thereof No. 1007, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the .said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever.
Witness our hands and seals this 7 day of June, 1927.
JOliN C. LEE . (SE.AL) ..
On this 7th d:ay of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
~.H.Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for ~aid County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personallyappeared-Jennie s. 'Lee; known to me to be the person described in and_-whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate fi'rst above I
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,·
lSEAL) State of California.
My Uommission'Expires,
July 28, 1929.
On· this 7th ·day of· June, 1927 ~ before me, E. H. Holmboe a Notary Public in. and for
the said County of San Diego, /State of_ California, residing therein, duly commissioned and. I
sworn, personally appeared D. L. Bissell personally known to me to be the person whose name I
is subscribed to the within instrument as a subscribing witness thereto who being by me duly
sworn, deposed· and said that he· resides in the said County o'r San Diego, State of California,
that he was present and saw Royal B. Lee and John c. Lee personally known to him to be the 11·
same persons described in and whose names are subscribed te-'the within instrument as a parties
thereto, sign and execute the sam~; and that he, the affiant; then and there subscribed his
name to said instrument as a witness. ,
In Witness Whereof, I have· hereunto set my hand· and aff;"ixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego; the day and year in this certificate first above written. I
Notary Public in and for the County of San·Diego 9
(SEAL) · State of California.
My Commission eXpires~
July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In.Book No. 1362 Page
274 of Deeds --Records of San Diego County, Califf
JOHN H•.FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C•. :PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing-is-a full, true and correct·cepy of
Deed from Royai ~· Lee and Jennie s. Lee and John c. ·Lee to the City of San Diego. Bei1'lg
Document No. 209381.
e rk of t·he City of San Diego,- California.

THIS AGREEMENT, made this 6th day of June, 1927, between the ~.litle Insurance a1id
i'rust Company, a corporation of ·Los Angeles, Galif.ornia, Trustee under the 1'rust hereinafter
described, :Party of the First :Part, and the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation of the
County of San Diego, State of California, .Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH:_
THAT, WHEREAS; said Trustee is the legal owner of all that prope·rty situated in the
City of San Diego, County of San.Diego, State of California, covered by the Deed of 'l'rust
hereinafter described;· and, · ·
· WHEREAS, THE" CITY OF SAN DIEGO, for tm benefit and.improvement ef said property,. is
laying, constructing and maintaining-,- or intending to jJ!ay, 'Construct and maintain a sewer j
pipe line through, along and across a portion of said property, and . .......·

WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to the laying, construction, operation and main-
tenance of said sewer pipe line that an easement and right of way for same slia.ll be and rema~n
upon a portion of said property prior and superior to the terms and conditions incorporated I
in said deed of trust; and · ·
WHEREAS, all the owners of the equitable interests under said mentioned Deed of 'I' rust,
have each granted an easement· and right of way to the :Par_ty- of the Second l?art, as follows: j
Trust Deed, dated December 14, 1926, made _by pe.lbert G. Martin and Bessie C.· .Martin,
husband and wife, in favor of the ~tate Mutual Building and Loan Association, a corporation 1
of £os· Angeles, Cslifornia, securing one promissory note for the sum of $1100.00 with interest,
recorded February 21,-1927, in Boo~ 1298, at l?age 286, et seq., of Deeds, records of the Off~ce
of the County Recorder of said San Die go County,
The easerre nt conveyed being through, along and ·acrof)s the southwesterly six feet of
£ot 11, Block 217, Middletown, according to :Partition Map thereof made by J. E. Jackson, c.E.
filed in the Office of the County Clerk of said San Diego Co¥nty~ ·
That,. in consideration of the premises, tm Sum of One Dollar, and in further consid-
eration of the benefits derived and to be derived from the construction, operation and main- I
tenance of said sewer pipe line, said Party of the )first Party HEREBY SUBORDINATES ALL OF ITS
RIGHT, TITLE.. AND"INTEREST under said Deed of Trust above mentioned to the right of way and j
easement heretofore conveyed to the Party of the becond Part, upon the designated portion
of the property covered by such trust deed, so that said-right of way and easement shall be-
come and rem~ in prior and. superior to any and all of the terms and conditions contained in
or provided by said Deed of Trust hereinabove referred to. .: . .. ·
IN WlTNESS. WHEREOF, the ·said Party of the ·1Pirst Part lias caused this instrument to
be signed by its Vice :President and Assistant Secretary, and its corporate seal to be affixe~
hereto, the day and year in this instrument first. above written. . . 1

(SEAL) Attest:
E. H. MOORE, Assistant-Secretary.
By L. J. BEYNON, Vice President I
· Party of the Second P a r t . - -
On this 6th day of·· June, 1927 ~ before me, P .- ~~ Bishop a Notary Public in and for
said County; r~siding therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appea;red L. J• Beynon
known ·to me to' be the Vice President ani E. H. Moore known .tQ me to be the A~_sistant· Secretary
of the ·corporation that executed the within instrument, ·Jtnown to· me to be the persons who exl

I ecuted the· within instrument on behalf of tm corporation within named, and acknowledged to
me that such corporation executed the same.
Witness my hand and OfficialSeal' d"i1y and year in this oertifi'cate first above
,; .. ·p. L. BISHOP
(SEAL) Notary Pdilic in and for said County and State.
My Commission expires,
RECORDED-AT BEQUEST OF·Grantee JUL 201927 at 1 o'clock .P.M." In Book No. 1348 Page
390 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY;· County Re·corder
By N~ C. PARSONS; ·neputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that t m above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Subordinati"on agreement from Title Insurance &: Trust Co.,, to the City of San Diego. ~ing:·
Document Uo •. 209383.
ALLEN-H~· WRIGHT ..... .

erk of the City of·San Diego, California.

We, G. }4. Chamberlin and Myrtle 1. Chamberl-in,· husband and wife, J!'or and in consider-

ation of the benefits- to accrue by the lo_cation and construction -of a· sewer pipe line through
and across the property hereinafter described Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a I
Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of· California, an easement and right
of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a. sewer pipe line through, along
and across 411. that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San J)iego,
State of· California, bounded and described as follows:
The southwesterly six feet of Lot 9, Block 202, -1Uddletown, according to .Partition
Map thereof made by J. E. Ja~kson,. c.· E., filed· in the Uffice of the County Clerk of said
San Diego County. The City of San Diego shall furnish one free sewer connection within the
property above described, upon application of the grantor or their assigns and after com-
pletion of the main sewer pipe line.
To Have anci to Hold the above granted and described. easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assi~ns, forever, as a right of way for sewer purposes.
Witness our hand.s and seals this 1st day of June, 1927.


1 On this 18th day of June, A D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me,
Angie P. Rogan a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared G. M. Chamberlain known to me to be the person described in
and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed
the same.
Witness my hand and Ufficial Seal the day· and year in this certificate first above

My Commission Expires,
Notary Public in and for the County· of Uranga,
State ·of' California.
1'4ar • 1, 1928.
. On this'lst day of June, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Se~en, before me,
w. s. Norviel, a Notary Public in and for the County of Mar~copa, St~te of Arizona, duly com-
missions d and sworn, personally appeared· Myrtle L. Chamberlin, known to .me t-o be the person
subscribed in and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me
that she executed the same for the purpose and considerat-ion therein expressed.
WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year first herein above written.
Notary Public in a11d for the County of lvlaricopa,
(SEAL) State of Arizona. · ·
My. Commission expires,
June 8th, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 19 27 at .1 .o 1 c-lock P.M. In Book No. 1356 J:'age
232 of DEEDS. Records of San Diego Courity, Cslif.
JOHN H. FERRY, ~ounty Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct· copy of
Deed brom G. M. Chamberlin et ux to the City of San· Diego. Being Document No. 209385~
Ci~lerk of the Cit, of San Diego, (;alifornia.

b _ _Deputy.
We, A. w• .Martin and Hertha E• Martin, husband and wi:l;e, For and in consideration
of the benefits to accr.ue by the locatfon'and construction·of·a storm drain ifihrough and across '. ;-.

,. · the property hereinafter described, Do Hereby .Re~ise, Release ·and Quitclaim to the liity of ·11
)>' ~an Diego, a Municipal tJorporation, in the vounty of San Diego, State· of California, an ease.;. _ ·"'
ment ~nd right of·way for the construction, operation and maii_ltenailce ·of a a1to:Din drain, thro-&.gh
;·:·.'· , along and across All that Real .l?roperty situated in the tJity of· San lJiego, Uounty of San
lJiego, State of California, bounded-and described as follows;
A port ion of the South 20 .. feet of Lot 36, Block 1, Amended .Map of Subdivision of

Lots 7 to 17, inclusive, Block .N, Teralta,.a-ccordTng to .Map thereof .No. 1237, filed in the
Uffice of the County Recorder of said San Uiego County, said easement and right of way being
particulary described as f'ollows, to-wit; ..
Beginning at a point on the westerly line of said Lot 36,- distant 2.32 norther-
ly from the 'Southwesterly corner of said Lot 36; thence north~~sterly on a direct line to a II
point on the north line of the South 20 feet of said Lot 36~ ·distant 66.23 ·feet west from the
east line of said Lot 36- · (measured a long said North line J; thence west along the north line I
of the South 20 feet of said Lot 3·6 ~ a distance of 10.89 feet to a point; thence southwesterly
on a direct line to a poin:t on the westerly line. of said Lot 36, distant 8.33 feet southerly II
from the· northwesterly corne·r of said Lot 36; thence southerly along the westerly line of said
Lot ~6 to the point or place of :beginning. · .
To Have and to Hold the above Quitclaimed and described easement unto the said 1'he
Uity.of San Diego, its successors and assigns, forever.
Witness our hands and seals this 3rd day of June, 1927.
On this 3rd day of June A.D. lUneteeh Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, .b:.H.Brooks,
a I~otary Public in and· for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and ·sworn, per- I
sonally .appeared A. w. Martin and Bertha ~. Martin, -known to me to be t.h..e persons ae,scribed 'I
in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they
exeot~.ted the same. . · · ·
Witness my hand am Official Seal tm day and year in this cer_tificate first above
Notary Public in ahd for the Co~ty_ of San Diego!
{SEAL) State o.f California.
¥Y Commission Expires,
June 4, 1930. ., ;

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In Book No• 1362 Page ,
276 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Cal if.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. ·C. PA~SONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full true and correct copy of
Deed A. W. and Bertha E. Martin to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 209387.
of the ity f San Diego,__California.

We, RichE;Lrd Treais, a single man, Curtee C~ Bume.y and Elizabeth,Burney, for and in
consideration of the bene·fit s to acoma by the location and construction of a concrete box 1
drain through, along and a.cross tm property hereinafte:r:- described do hereby grant to The Citw
of San piego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an
easeln3nt and right of way for the construction, operation and mai.ntenanoe of a concrete box
drain, thr-ough, along and across all that real property situated in the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:. .
A portion of Lot 4, Lemon Villa, according to Map thereof No. 734, filed in the Of-
fice of the County Recorder of ·said San Diego County, said easermnt and right of way being 10
feet in width, five feet on each side of the f'ollowing described center. line: · ·
· ·· Beginning at a poi~- on the northerly line of said Lot. 4, distant 63.00 feet easter-
ly from the easterly lim of 62nd Street, (measured along said northerly line); thence south-
westerly on a d!irect lim making an angle of 68 degrees with the northerly line of said Lot ~.
a distance of 46.00 fe~ t to ·a point • . · . · ·
To Have and to Hold t 1B above granted and dEl scribed easement unto the said grantee,
i~s successors and assigris, forever.
Wi1;neee our hands and seals thi.s 28th day of May, 1927.

On this 28th day of May, ~.D. ·Nineteen Hundred and .Twenty-seven before me,
V.N::JJ]U:t1nge a Notary Pub-li-c in and· for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Curtee c. Burney,. a ·widow, and Elizabeth Burney, unma·rried, known I
to me to be the persons described in and shose names·· are subscribed to the within instrument;
and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal tre day and year in this certificate first above
written. ·•.

I SEAL) State of California.

v. N~'Elt l.:nge
Notary Public in and for the County of Los AngelJs,
My Commission Expires,
Apr. 16, 1928.

. . On this ·28th day of May, 1927; l:iefor·e me, E. H;~ .Holmboe, a Notary, Public in and
for said County and State, residlng therein,_ duly commissioned· ana sworn; personally appear-
ed Richard Ti'eais, known to me to be the person described in and ~hose name is subscribed to
the within instrument and- he duly acknowledged to me· that he executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official tleal the day ana· year in this certificate first above
I SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County and State.
My Commission expires,
July 29, 1929~
RECORDED A'F REQUEST OF Grantee· J·l:J-L· 20 1:9·27· at 1 o'clock· P~M~-- In Book No• 1356 Page
231 of DEED·s. Records o·f ·san Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H.:FERRY, County Recorder
By N~' ·c. ·pARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that .the above and foregoing is a fullq true and correct copy of
Deed from Curtee c. Burney, et al., to the City of San Di'e·go, California. Being Document
No. 209389. ·
ALLEN. H~·-.. WRIGHT·- .....
lerk of the CitYl San Diego, California.

I, A. Haines, a marrie d"man, For and in consideration of the benefits t·o accrue by
the location and construction of a concrete box drain through and across the property here-
inafter described, Do Hereby Remise, release and quitclaim to the City._ of San Diego, a Muni-
cipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego-, State of California, an easement and right of
way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a concrete box drain t~rough, along
and across All that Real Property s itua. ted in the City of San Diego, Coi.uity of Sfi.n lJiego,
State of California, bounded and_ described as follows: · . ·
I A portion of Lot 4; Lemon Villa, according to Map thereof No. 734, filed in the
Office of the Couzity Recorder of said San Diego County, said E!!asement and right of way being
ten :feet in width, five feet on each side of ·the following described center line:
Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 4, distant 63.00 feet
from the northwesterlY. corner of said Lot 4; thence southwesterly on a direct-line making
·an angle of 68 degrees with the north line of said Lot 4, a distance of 45.00 fe~t to a point •
. MY::,_tnterest being limited to that of a mortgagee.
To Have and to Hold the above quitclaimed and described easement unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns, forever.
Witness my ~d and seal this 2nd day of June, 1927.
Qn this 3rd day of ·June, A.p. Nine teen Hundred and Twenty- seven before me,
E. H. Holmboe a Notary Public in m1d for·said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and swo'rn, personally appeared A. Haines, known to me· to be· the person described in and whose
name is subscribed to the within. instrument,. and acknowledged to me that he executed thlr same.
Witness my ha1i:ild and Official S~al the day and year in this certificate first above ·
Notary Public in and for the County of San lliego,
(SEAL) State of California.

I ' My Commies ion Expires,

July 28; 19~9. ·
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL EO 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In Bo.ok No• 1363 J:age
136 of DEEDS Records of Sari Diego County,· Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, De~puty.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy o~
Deed from A. Haines, to the City· of San Diego. Being Document No. 209390;
City Clerk of the City of San Diego; California.
B 2jz ~_/Deputy,
/ ~r-~~-Y~.
I, Eleanor A. Newtpn, For and in consideration o~ the benefits to ac~!ue by the
[location and construction of a sewer pipe line. through and across the property hereinafter
·~ascribed, Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, _a Municipal corporation, in the liounty of
~an Diego, State of Cs.lifornia, an ease~mnt and .right of way for the construction, operation I
and maintepance of a sewer pipe line through, along and ·across All that Real Pr.operty situated
~n t·he City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State o.f California, bounded _and de.scri-bed as
follows: .
I The North six feet o:t'. Lot 16, Block 43, Tract l~o. 1368, being a resubdivision of a
portion of Fairmount Addition to City Heights, according to .f4a.p thereof No. 1368, filed in ·

I he Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego -County.


its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
I · Witpe as·. my hand am seal this 26th day of May, 192 7.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,

Signed in presence of c. M. DALRYMPLE (SEAL)
On this 26th day of May A.D. Nineteen Hundred and ·twenty seven before me, L.H.Deyo
a .Notary Public in -and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn; per-
sonally appeared Eleanor A. Newton known to me to be the person described in and whose name

I !~ ;
issubscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same.
Witness my hand and· Official Seal tbe day and year in this certificate first above
'! ~·~
Notary Public in and for said County and State.
My ~ommission Expires,
June· 18, 1928.

RECORDEB .AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20. 1927 ~t 1 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1350"Pa~e
255 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, co~ty Recorder
By N•. C.- PARSO.NS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that tbe above and foregoing is a full, true ana Qorrect copy
Deed from Eleanor A·. Newton to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 209392.
of the )C.a ty of San ,Piego,
. c>


We, N• ~. KUHLMMAN and Della V. Kuhlman, husband and wife, For and in cons ide rat ion
of. the sum of Ten and no/100 DOLLARS·, Do Hereby Grant to THE CITY OF S:AN DIEGo·, a: Municipal .,
Corporation, for Street Purposes only All That Real Property situated in the City of San . DiegJo,
County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: I
Lot "A" in Block· One Hundred Sevent3t-nine \(179(1 of Mission Beach ··according to the
Map thereof No·. 1651, filed in the office of the County Recorder of· said San Diego County,
December 14, 19.14, described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of said Lot "A"; thence South 81° 14' 30" West
· I
along the Northerly line of said Lot "A" a distance of 7.71 feet· to a point; thence South 10d
43' 40" East, a distance of 50.03 feet to a point on the Southerly line of said Lot "A";
thence North 81° 14'.30" East the Southerly line of said Lot "A"' a distance of 8~85
feet to the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence. Northerly a long the Easterly line of said
Lot "A" curving to the left through t.he arc of a· circle whose radius is 2453.39 feet, a dis-
tance of 50.02 feet to.~the. place o.f··beg'inning. · · ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises unto the said Grantee
its successors and assigns forever.
Witness our hands and seals this 30th day of July, 1~26.




On this 2d day of March, 1927,·before me, Lul~ ~cF~rland, a Notary Public in and fot
said County and State, personally appeared N. D. Kuhlman and Della V. Kuhlman, known to me td
be the persons whose names are subscribed to the· foregoing--·i-nstrument, and acknowledged to me
that he e xe cute d t he . same.
WITNESS my hand ani official seal the day and year in this. Ceritificate first above

Nojary Public in and for said County and State.d
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M • .In Book No. 1362 Page
273 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Qalif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. c.-PARSONS, Deputy. ~

.I HEREBY CERTIFY·that the above and foregoing is a full true and correct copy of
Grant Deed from r·i. D. Kuhlman, et ux, to the City of San Diego, Ca~ifornia. Being Document
No. 209396.
t ~ City of San Diego, California.


WE; .. J. M. ASHER Jr., and ¥ABEL 0. ASHER, husband and wife, For and in consideration
of the sum of ~~N & 00/100 DOLLARS, Do Hereby Grant to THE CITY OF SAN ·DIEGO, ·a Municipal
Corporation, for Street purposes only, All That Real Property situated in the City of' San Diego 1
County of San Diego, State of' California, ·rounded and described as follows:. ~-
Lot "A" in Block One Hundred Seventy-six ( 176) of Mission Beach, according to the
Map thereof No. 1651, filed in the office of the ·County Recorder of said San Diego County;
December 14; 1914, described as f'ollows: . ·
Beginning at ·t lB Northeasterly corner of said Lot "A"; thence South 81"' 14' 30" West
along the Northerly line of S·aid Lot "A~ a distance of ·5.95 feet to a point;· thence South 14°
9' and 00'' East a d·istance of 50.22 f~-~_:t: to a p'oint on the·· Southerll line of said Lot "A";
thence North 81° 14' 30" East along the S.puthe rly line of said Lot. A" a distance of 0~07 ·
feet to the Southeasterly comer thereof; 't:}lence- -No;othe~ly along the Easterly line of said
Lot "A" curving to the left through the arc of a c :ircle whose radius is 2453.39 feet a dis-
tance of 50.07 feet to the place of beginning. ~-- '
To Have and to Hold the above granted and desdrib~emises unto the said Grantee
its successors and assigns forever. :
WITNESS our haflds and seals this 2d day of March, 1927.
J. M. ASHER, JR., ·c SEAL)
Signed and Executed in Presence of
On this 2d day of March, 1927, be.fore me, Lulu. McFarland a Notary Public in and for
said County .and State, personally appeare·d J.• M~ Asher Jr., and· Mabel .0. Asher, known to me
to be the pers.ons ~hose narre s are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, a~(l acknowledged
to me that they executed the same.
WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this Certificate first above
writ ten.
(.SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County and State.
RECORDED AT RE.QUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P;,M~· In Book No. 1241 .!:age
266 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN"H~ FERRY~ County Recorder
By N. C~ PARSONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that tbe above. and foregoing is a full, ·true and correct copy of
Grant Deed f~_om J. M. Asher. Jr., et ux to the City of San Diego. Being DocUment- No. 209398.
ALLEN' H~--WRIGHT ...... .
the_ CitY.: o San Diego, California.
ty •
.· ...

£ ,;·;'
.r~~\ . We, J;. M. Al;lher, Jr., and Mabel 0 .• Asher., husband and wife, .l!'or anq. in oo~sideratiO!p­
''! of Ten Dollars Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the Gou~ty
.l of San Diego_,_ State of California, for street purposes; All that Real Property situated in the
City of San JJiego; Catult'y-of-::San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follow~:
/l'.d A portion of Lot A, Block 196, Mission Beach, acoordingto Map thereof No. 1661, filed
' '
in the Office of tm ·County Recorder of said ~an Diego County, particularly· descri-bed as foliows
I to-wit: . '
Beginning at the northeasterly corner of said Lot A; thence South 81 degrees 14 minutes
30 seconds West along the northerly line of said Lot A, a distance of 4.30 feet to a point; ·
thence South 19 degrees 28 minutes 65 seconds East, a distance of 50.90 feet to a point on
the_ southerly line of said Lot A; thence North 81 degrees 14 minutes 30 seconds East; along
the sou~herly line o:f' said Lot A, a distance af 4.30 feet to the southeasterly corner thereof;·
thence l'forth: 19 degrees 28 minute's 55 seconds West; along the easterly line of said Lot A to
the point or. place of beginning. .
To Have and to .'Hold the above granted and described property unto the said grantee·,
its successors and assigns, :forever, for street or alley purposes.
Witness our hands and--seals this 22nd day of March, 1927.
On this 22nd day of March A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me,
Olive M. VanDorston, a -Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commission-
ed and sworn~ personally appeared. J. M. Ash~r Jr., and Mabel 0. ·Asher known to me to be the
persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and-acknowledged
t o me t hat they e xe outed t he same • · ·
· Witness my· hand and Offiai al. Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in a~d for the ·County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State o:f' California.

I My Commission Expires,
March 28, 1928 •
.RECORDED 'AT. REQUEST .OF .Gra-ntee JUL 20 1927 at 1 0-~-cloek P.M. In Book No. 1241 Page.
264 of Deeds Records of San-Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, Chunty Recorder
By N•. C. PARSONS, Deput'y.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that tm above and :foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed :from ·J. M. Asher and wife tot he City of San Diego. Being Document No. 209400.
the c· y of San Diego, California.

WE, J. M. ASHER ~R. &: MABEL 0. ASHER; husband and wife, For and in cons ide rat ion of
the sum·of TEN&: 00/100 DOLLARS, Do Hereby Grant to THE CITY__ OF SAN DIEGO, a Municipal Corp-
oration, for Street purposes .o_nly, All That Real Prop·erty situated in the City of San lJiego,
County _of San Diego, State of ·california, bounded and described as follows: .
. Lot· "K" in Block One Hundred Seventy-nine ( 179) of Mission Beach, according to the
Map the re·of No. 1651, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County,
December 14, 1914, described as follows: · . _ · · __
_ Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of said Lot "k"· thence Sou~h 81° _14'--30" W'~st
along_ the Northerly li,ne ·of- said Lot "K" a distance of 7.12 feet to a point; thence S.outh 10°
1' 10" East a distance of 50.01 feet to a point on the Southerly line o:f said Lot "K"; thence
North 81° 14' 30" East along the Southerly line of said Lot "K" a distance of 7.15 feet to the
Southeasterly correr thereof; thence Northerly along the- Easterly line of said Lot "K'fo, curv-
ing to the left through the arc of a circle whose. radius is. 2453.39 feet a distance of 50;00
feet to the place of. beginning. ·· -
To Have and to Hold tl:e above granted and described premisef:? unto the said Grantee
its successors and assigns :forever.
WITNESS our hands and seals this 2d day of March, 1927.
Signed and Executed in Presence of MABEL O. ASHER (SEAL)

On this 2d day of March; 1927; before me, Lulu McFarland a Notary Public in and for
said County and State, personally appeared J. M-. Asher, Jr., and Mabel 0. Asher-, known to me
to be the persons whose names are subscribed to tte foregoing instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed the same.
WITNESS my hand and effie ial sea 1 the day and year. in this Certificate first above
{.SEAL) Notary Pu~lic in and ~or said County and State•
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF G'rantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock .P.;M. In Book No. 1241 .Page
263 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif •
JOHN H. FERRY-, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY ·that the above am foregoing is a full, ttl'ue- and correct copy of
Deed from J. M. · 4sher, Jr., .et ux to the City of San Diego •. ·Being Document llo• 209402. .I
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California~

~ Byt?;a~-~Deputy.
. ~r-~·~1-_
We, J. M. Asher, Jr., and Mabel 0. Asher, husband and. wife., For and in consideratiod
of the sum of Ten- and no/100 DOLLARS., Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal
0orporation, for Street purposes only,,All That Real Property situated in the City of San
Diego, County of San Diego, Statl3 of California, bounded and deecribed·as foll()ws~
~he Southerly portion of Block Tw·o Hundred Eight (208) of Mission Beach; according
to the Map· thereof No. 1651, filed in the office of the County Recorder of sa)):i.d San Diego
County, December 14, 1914, described as follows~
Beginning at tl:e Southeasterly corner of Block Two Hundred Eight (208) of Mission
Beach; thence South 81° 14' 30" West along the Southerly line of said Block Two Hundred Eight
( 208), a distance of 4.30 feet to a point; thence North 19° 28' 55" West a distance of 50.90
feet to. a point on the Southerly line of' the alley in said Block Two Hundred Eight (208);
thence 'North 81° 14' 30" East along the Southerly line o:f said alley a distance of 4.30 feet
to the Easterly line of said Block Two Hundred Eight ( 208}; thence South 19° 28' 55" Ea·st~
along the Easterly line of' said Block Two Hundred Eight (208), a distance of 50.90 feet to
the place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises unto the said Grantee
its successors and assigns. forever.
Witness. our hands and seals this 30th day of July; 1926.
Signed and Executed in Presence of
On this 2d day of March, 1927, before me, Lulu McFarland, a Notary Public in and fo~
said County and State, perso-nally appeared J. M. Asher; Jr., and Mabel 0. Asher; known to me
to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed the same.
WITNESS my·hand and official seal the day and year in this Certificate first above
LULU McFarland
(SEAL) ·Notary Public in and· for· said County an~d State.
RECOP~ED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In Book No• 1387 Page
48 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Grant Deed from J. M. Asher, .Jr., and Mabel o .. Asher, to the City of San Diego. }3eing
Document No. 209404.


WE, J,.M. Asher., Jr., and Mabel 0. Asher, husband and wife, For and in consideration
of tbe sum of Ten and no/100 D0LLARS, Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a·Municipal
Corporation, for Street pu·rp·os·e·s- only, All that Reajl property si t·uated in t·he City of San
Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: ·
Lot "ln in One Hundred· Ninety-two ( 192), Mission Beach, according to t·he Map
fhereof No• · 1651; filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County,
December 14; 1914, _descri.bed as follows:
. Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of said Lot "I"; thence South 81° 14' 30" West
along the Nortl:erly line of said Lot "I", a distance of 4.84 feet to a point.; the·nce South
17° 32' OO" East, a distance of 50.60 .feet to a point on the southerl~ line of said Lot "I";
thence North 81° .14' 30" East along t re Southerly line of said Lot "I·; a distance of 5.00 feet
to the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of said Lot "I"
curving to th~ left through the arc of a circle whose radius is 2453.39 feet, a distance of
50.61 feet to the place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold. the above granted w1d described. premises unto the said Grantee
its· success-ors, and assigns forever. ·
Witness our hands and seals this 30th day of July, 1926.
. J. M. ASHER, Jr., (SEAL)·
Signed and Executed in Presence of '
·. :,

On this 2d day of March, 1927, before me, Lulu McFarland, a Notary Public in and
for said County and· State, personally appeared J. M• Asher, Jr., and Mabel o. Asher, known·
to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed .to the foregoing instrument; and acknow-
ledged to me that they· executed the. sarra.

I written.
WITNESS my hand and official seal the day ~d year in this Certificate first above
·' Notary Public in, and for said County and State.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1338, Page
488 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
·JoHN H. FERRY,·county Recorder
By N. C. PA~SONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that tle above ar.d foregoing is a full; true and correct copy of
Grant Deed from J,. M. Asher, Jr. and Mabel o. Asher to the City of San Diego, California~
Being Document No. 209406. -·

. 0~ ~puty.
Cit~Clerk of tJ;:;jt~: San Diego, Cslifornia.


We; J. M•. Asher, Jr. and Mabe 1 o. ·Asher,· husband and wife,· For and in consideration
of tm sum of. Ten and no /100 DOLLARS, Do Here by Grant, to The City of San ~iego ,· a Municipal v
Corporation, for Street purposes only, All That Real Property ei tua:t~dC in the City of San
Diego, County-of San Diego, State of california, bounded and described as follows:
Lot "H" in Block-Two Hundred Three (203) of Mission Beach, according to·the Map

thereof No. 1651, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County,
December 14, 1914, described as follows: .,
Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of said Lot "H"; thence South 81 o 14' 30 11 West,
along the Northerly line of said Lot "H" a distance of· 4-.30 feet to a point; thence South 19°1
28' 55" East a distance of 50.90 feet to a point on the Southerly line of said Lot "H"; thence
North 81° 14' 30" East along tte Southerly line of said Lot P,H", a· distance of 4.30 feet to
the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence North 19° 28' 55'-' West, along the Easterly line of
said Lot to the place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises unto the said Grantee
its successors and assigns forever. 1,
Witness our,hands arrl seals this 30th day of July, 192~ .
Signed and Executed in Presence of
On this, 2d day of-March, 1927., before me, Lulu McFarland,a Notary Public in and for
said County and State, personally appeared J. M. Asher Jr., and Mabel 0. Asher; known to me
to be the persons whose names are subscribed to tbe foregoing instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they exe outed the same.
WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year·in.this Certificate first above
(SEAL) . Notary Public in and for ·said. County and ;)tate.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock 1? .M. In Book No. 1387 rage

I 47 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.

JOHN H. FERRY, County .Recorder ·
By N. ·C! PARSONS, Deputw.:.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct .copy of
Grant Deed from J. 'M • .Asher, Jr• and Mabel o. Asher to the 'City of San Diego, Cali-.f'ornli!ar~,
Being Document No. 209408.

City/Clerk of California.
. . -t=~.c;a..41:2;.__

We, J • M• Asher, Jr., and .Mabel o. Asher, husband and wife, For and in consideration
of the sum of Ten arid no /100 DOLLARS, Do Hereby Grant· to The L;i ty of San Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, for Street purposes only, All That Real Property situated in the City of ~an
Diego, County of. San Diego, State o·f California, bounded ail.d described as follows:
The .Northerly portion of Block Two Hundred .u;ight ·( 208), of Miss ion ·Beach, accord-
ing .to the Map there o.f Ho • 1651,- fi~led in the office of the · L;ounty Recorder of said San lJiego
County, December 14, 1914, described as follows: ..
Beginning at the .Northeast'erly corner of Block Two Hundred Eight ( 208) of Missi.on
Beach, thence Squth 81° 14' 30" west, along the Northerly line of said Block Two Hundred ~ight
(208), a distance of 4.30 feet to a point; thence South 19° 28' 95" East, a distance of 50.90
feet to a point on the Northerly l-ine of the alley in said Block Two Hundred Eight (208); .
thence North 81° 14' 30" East, along the Northerly line. of said Alley a distance of 4.30 feet

I to the Easterly line of said! Block Two Huridred Eight (208); thence North 19° 28' 55" west
along the Easterly line of. said Block Two Hundred Eight (208), a distance of 50.90 feet to
the place of begiru1ing.
To Have and to Hold the. above granted and described premises unto the said Grantee
its successors, and assigne s forever.
Witness our hands and seals this 30th day of July, H£6.
. J~ M. ASHER,, JR. , (SEAL)

On this 2d day of March, 1927; before met Lu~u McFarland, a Notary Public in and fo~~
said County and_ State, person~lly appear~d ~· M. Asher; Jr., and Mabel O• Asher, known to me I
to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to
'' , me that they axe cut.ed the sarre.
WITNESS my hand and offielilal seal the day and year in this Certificate first above
Notary Public in and for said County and State.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 0' clock P.M. In Book No-. 1393 Page
16 of Deeds· Records of San Diego County, Ca~if.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorde~
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
~~; I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above ani foregoing is a full; true and <;~orrect copy of
:'; Grant Deed from J. M;. Asher',. Jr., and .Mabel 0. Asher to the City of San Diego. Being
:;. Docilment No. 209410. · · - · ·
City Clerk of the Ci~ 3f
Sal} Diego, California.

By~ 2zt~ .3Jeputy,

'0 ~r~~.
We, J. M. ~sher, Jr., and Mabel o. Asher,.husband and wife, For and in 90nsideration
of the sum of Ten and no/100 DOLLARS, Do H~reby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal
Cprporation; for Street purposes only' All That Real Property situated in the City of San
Diego, Cou~ty of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
Lot "A" in Block Two Hundred Three ( 203) of Mission Beach, accot:ding to the Map
thereof No• 1651, filed in
the office of the County Recorder of said San·Diego County, . I
December 14; 1914, described as follows:
. · . .
Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of said Lot "A"; thence South 81° 14' 30" West
along the Northerly line of said Lo1:, a dista,nce o:f'·4.30 feet to a point; thence South 19° I
28 1 55" East,· a distance of 50.89 feet to· a point on the Southerly line of said Lot "A"; thence
North 81 o 14 1 30" East along the Southerly line o.f said Lot "A'', a distance of 4.30 feet to
the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence North '1.9° 28' 55" West; along the easterly line of
said Lot to the place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises unto the said Grantee
its successors and assigns forever.
Witness our hands and seals this 30th day of July, 1926.
J. M. ASHER, JR •., (SEAL)
S~gned and Executed in Presence of

On this 2d day of March, 192 7, before me, Lulu McFE!-rland, a Notary Public in and
for said County and ~tate, 'personally appeared ·~. M. Asher Jr., and Mabel 0 • .Asher, known
to me to be the ·persons whose 'names are subscribed to the foregoing ~nstrumei1t; and acknowled!ged
to me that they executed the same. /..JC:::___ ·
WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this Certificate first abovei
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for sai.d County and State'.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Grant Deed from J• M. Asher, Jr., & ~bel 0. A~ her to. the .City of San Diego. Being Dooumehcc·_:_
No. 209412.
of the C~ty)o San Diego, California.

We, J• M• Asher, Jr., and Mabel o. Asher, husband and wife, For and in consideratioJ
o'f the sum of Ten and no/100 DOLLARS, Do Hereby-Grant to the City of Ban Diego. a Municipal
Corporation, for Street purposes only, All That Real Property situated in the bi ty of San .
Diego, County of' San Diego, State of Cal·:i:·fornia, bounded and described as follows:
Lot "I", in Block One Hundred Ninety-five (196), of Mission Beach, according to the
Map thereof No. 1651; filed in the office o.f the Qounty Recorder of ,said San Diego County, ·
Debember 14, 1914, described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of' said .Lot "I", thence South 81° 1~.' 30" West"
· afong the Northerly line of said Lot "I", a distance of 4.30 feet .to a point; thence South
19° 28' 55" East, a distance of 50.90 feet· to a point on the Southerly line of said Lot "I";
thence North 81° 14' 30" East·, along the Soutmrly line of Lot. "I", a distance of 4~30
feet to tre Southeasterly corner thereof; thence North 19° 28' 55" .West, ~long the Easterly
line of said Lot "I" to the place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises unto the said Grantee
its successors and assigns forever.
. Witness ou'ft.,...hands and seals this· 30th day of July, 19 26.
J. M.. ASHER, JR. , ( SE.AL)
Signed and Executed in Presence of
On this 2d day of March, ·1927, before. me, Lulu McFarland, a Notary Public in and for,
said County and State,· personally appeared J. M. Asher, Jr., and Mabel 0. Asher, known to me
to be the persons whose names·are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged
to:. me that t bey executed the sarre.
WITNESS my hand a nl official seal the day and year in this Certificate -first above
wri tten• ·
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County and ~~ate.
. ;

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock :P.M. In Book No~ 1338 Page'·.
490 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY~ County Recorder
By N. C. :PARSONS, Deputy. "
...-I HEREBY CERTIFY that tie above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from J. M. Asher Jr.; and Mabe 1 o. Asher to the City of San Diego. Being Document ~o.
the City: of San Diego, California.
By ~~~--<"'Deputy.
I · A ~~o~
7-- ,.'f./"IAL u
:;::r .
.D. E E D

We, J • M. Asher, Jr. , and Mabel 0. Asher, husband and wife, For and in consideration
of the sum of Ten and no/100 DOLLARS, Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, for Street purposes o~ly, All That Real Property situated in the City of San
Diego, County of San Diego, State off California, bounded and described as follows~
Lot "A", in Block One Hundred Ninety-two ( 192), in Mission Beach, a·ccording to the
Map thereof No. 1651, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego ~ounty,
December 14, 1914, described as follows:
Beginning at tl:a Southeasterly corner of said Lot "A", thence South 81° 14' 30" West,
along the Southerly line of said Lot "A"~ a·distance of 4.94 feet to a point; thence .North
17° 42' 10" West, a distance of 50.62 feet to a point on the Northerly line of said Lot "A"
thence North 81° 14' 30" East along the Northerly line of.said'Lot "A", a distance of 4.50
feet to the Northeasterly corner thereof; thence South 19° 28' 55" East along the Easterly

I line of said Lot "A", a distance of 16.16 feet to the point of commencement of a curve whose
center bears South 70° 31' 05" West, 2,453.39 feet; thence along the above described curve
to the right a distance of 34.67 feet to the place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold tm above granted and described premises unto the said Grantee
its successors and assigns forever.
Witness our hands a rd seals_ this 30th day of July, 1926.
Signed and executed in presence of

On this 2d· day of March, 1927, before me, Lulu McFarland, a Notary Public in and
for said County and State, personally appeared J. M. Asher, Jr., and Ivlabel o. Asher, known
to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to t re foregoing instrument, and acknow- ·
I ledged to me that they executed the same. · ·
WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this Certificate first ·above
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said .~ounty and ;:5ta.te.
REOJRDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M •. In Book No. 1393 Page
14 of DEEDS Records of San Diego ~ounty, Calif.
J-OHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N~ C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoi~g_ is ~ full, true and correct· copy of
I Grant Deed from J. M. Asher Jr., and Mabel o. Asher to the City of San Diego. Being Document
No. 209416.
of the City o San Diego, California.

We, J,; M.o ·.Asher, Jr., and Mabel 0~. Asher, husband and wife, For and in consideration
of the sum of Ten and nojlOO D.ollars, DO HEREBY GRANT TO The City of San Diego a Municipal
Corporation,· for Street purposes only, ALL THAT REAL PROPERTY situated in the ~ity of San
Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
Lot "J" in Block one hundred eighty-seven ( 187) of Missi-on Beach, according to the
Map thereof No. 1651, filed in the office of tm County Recorder of said San Diego ~ounty,
December ·14, 1914; described as follows:
Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of said Lot "J:~; thence ;;;;iouth 81° 14' 30" West .
along the Northerly line of said Lot "J" a distance of' 5.06 feet to a point; thence ::3outh 13u
11' 00" East, a distance. of 50.15 feet to a point on the Southerly line of said Lot "J"; thence
North 81° 14' 30" East, along the Southerly line of said Lot "J" a dis,tance of 4.98 feet to
the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of said Lot "Jn
durving to the left through the arc of a circle whose radius is 2453.39 feet, a
distance of
50.28 feet to the place of .beginning.
l Lot "A''· in Block One 'Hundred Eighty~ seven ( ~B7} of Mission Beach, according to Map .
thereof No. 1651, filed in the office of the County Becorder of said San Diego County;

I December 14, 1914, described as follows:

Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of said Lot "A"; thence. South 81° 14' 30" West,
along the Northerly line of said Lot "A" a distance of 5.04 feet to a point; thence >:iouth 16°
18' 00" East, a distance of 50.44 feet to a point on the Southerly line 'of said Lot "A"; thence.
North 81° 14' 30" East, along tre ;:5outberly line of said Lot "A", a distance of 6.04"feet to
the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of said Lot "A»
curving to the left through the arc of a circle whose radius is 2453.39 feet a distance of
50.43 feet to the place of beginning.
Lot "A" in Block One Hundred Eighty-four ( 184} of Mission Beach,· according to the
Map thereof No. 1651-, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County,~.-,
December 14, 1914, described as drollows:
Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of said ~_ot "A"; thence South 81° 14'. 30"
West, along the Northe~ly line of said.Lot "A", a distance of 5.08 feet' to a point; thence
South 12° 53' 20". East; a distance of 50.13 feet to a point on the ~outherly line of said
Lot "A"; thence North 81° 14' 30"· East, along the Southerly line 'of said Lot "A"' a distance
/ of 5.48 feet to the Southeasterly corner thereof; tll9nce Northerly along the Easterly line
., of said Lot "A" cu::rving tO. ~he left through .the arc. of a circle whose radius is 2453.39 feet,
a distance of 1)0 .li. feet t .o t r.e place of beginning •
. Lot "J"- in Block. On~ Hundred Eighty-four (184) Mission Beach, according to the Map
thereof lfo.- 1651 9 filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County,
December 14, 1914, described as follows:
Beginning at. the Northeasterly corner of said Lot "J" thence South 81 o 14'. 30" West,
along the Northerly line of said Lot "J" a distance o:f 5. 98 fee~ to a point; thence South go 11
15' 50" East a distance pf 50.00 ,feet to a point on the Southerly line of said Lot "·J"; thence
.North 81° 14.1 30" East along the l:)outherly line of said Lot "J", a distance of 7.45 feet to
the ~outheasterly corner thereof; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of said /Lot "J'~
cur:ving to the left through the arc of a circle whose radius is 2453.39 feet, a (~§tance of
50.07 feet to the place of beginning. ·
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described premises; for street purposes,
unto the said Grantee, their successors, and assigns forever.
IN WITNESS our hands and seals this 25th day of April; 1927.

.On this 27th day of April; 1927, before me, Lulu McFarland, a Notary Public in and
for said County_ and State, personally appea:ted J. M~ Asher, Jr., and Mabel o. Asher, known
to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknow-
ledged to me that they executed the same. ·
Witness my hand and official seal the day and year in this cert i"ficate first above
LUTIU7 McFarland
Notary Public in and for said County and State • I
.RECO'liDElD AT· REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 C?' clock P .Iv1. In Book No. 1338 Page·
486 of Deeds Records of San Diego County; Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County ~ecorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I H.H;REBY CERTIFY·that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
~asement from J. M. Asmr, Jr., ·and Mabel 0. ASher to the City of San Di~go. Being Document
No. 209419.
Clerk of the· Ci t.y of San Diego; California.

By ~~/~~~~~~~~

. John Daneri and Aurelia Daneri, husband & wife For and in consideration of the sum
of ONE DOLLAR Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the
uounty of San Diego, St~te. of California, a.n easement and right-or-way for a. public street
over, along and across All that Real Property.situa.ted ·in the City of San Diego, County of
~an Diego State o'f California, bounded and described as follows:
_The east. 25 feet .of .Lot 4, Cave and McHatton Subdivision, according to Map thereof
flo. 159, filed in the office of the County Recorder o"f the County of San Diego, State of
<.;alifornia. l
To Have. and to Hold the above granted and described .easement and ·right-of-way as
and for a public street..
· Witness our ·hands and seals this 14th day . of July, 1927.
; I
On this 14th day of July A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven befor~ me,
Anne Fowler; a Notary Public in and for said County, residing fherei·n, duly commissioned and
sworn, persona·lly appeared JOHN DANERI and AURELIA DANERI known to me to be the persons
described in and whose names are subscribed to t m within instrument, and acknowledged :to me
that they executed the same. · ·
Witness my- hand .and Official Beal the. day and year in this certificat~ first above
Notary Public. in ,and !for the County of San Diego, I
(SEAL) State of Californi~.
My <.;ommissinn Expires
May 12, 1930•
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee JUL 20 1927 at 1 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1356 Page
234 of DEEDS• Records of San Diego County, Calif!
JOHN H. FERRY., Co~nty Recorder
By I~. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY.CERTIFY that· the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from John Daneri & Aurelia Daneri to the City ·of San Diegq. Being Document No. 20~490.
I /

lerk of t~t0/:Diego~California.
By , ~ _dreputy •.
. t . ~~~-?-~.
./ 4-JLl
Fanny n; Reynolds, Clement E• Reynolds, wife and husband., and Clara E. Kroff, a
widow, For and in consideration of the sum of 01m DOLLAE Do Hereby Grant to the City of San
Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement
and right-of-way for a public street over, along and acrose All that Real Property situated

, .'
I in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California·, bounded and described
as follows:
The east 25 feet of Lot 2, Cave and McHatton Subdivision; according to J~p thereof
No •. 159, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of San Diego, State of
Galifornia •
To Have Hold the above granted and described easement and right-of-way as
and for a public street.
Witness our hands and seals this 18th day of July, 1927.
· 0n thi's 18th day of July A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven bef.ore me,
Y.- A. Jacques a Notary .Public in and :t:or said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Fanny ~. Reynolds, Clement E.- Reynolds and Clara .!!:• Kroff,
known to me to be the persons described in azn whose names are subscribed to the within in-
st,rument; and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand anl Official ~eal t m day and ye,ar in this certificate first above
Notary· Public in and !for the County of sa:n .Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.

I RECORDED AT REQU~ST OF Gtee JUL 27 1927 at 47 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M. In ..tSook l'Jo.
1381 Page 44 of DEEDS. Records of San Diego County, Calif. '
JOHN H. FERRY, O>unty Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed ffom l!'anny N. Reynolds at alto the City of San l.liego. Being Document No. 209623.
City Clerk of the Ci~: San Diego, California.

Byar~ ~ Deputy.
/ .' ~-;--~ .?t. .
. UNION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation, of the City of San Diego, County of
San Diego, State of California, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS, do here-
by grant to ctTY OF SAN DIEGO, a Municipal Corporation, all that real property situated in
County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
The Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty-tWJ (32)
in Township Twelve (12) ·south of Range One (1) East of the San Bernardino
~eridian, containing· forty acres.
Subject to all existing encumbrances
To Have and to Hold the above ·granted and descril>ed premises, unto the said Grantee,
its succe~sors and assigns forever. .
WITNESSETH: That said corporation has caused this de·ed to be signed by its PreSi-
dent and Secretary and its corporate seal ·to be affixed hereto this 21st day of July, 1927.

I Signed and executed in presence of

By F. G. FORWARD, Vice President
By EUGENE SCHARR, Assistant Secretary
On this 21st day of July, 1927, before me, JOSEPHINE G.. JOHNSON, a Notary Public
in and for said County, personally appeared FRA1TK G. FORWARD known to me to be the Vice Pres-,
ident, and EUGENE SCHARR known to me to be the Assistant Secretary of the corporation that .
executed the within. instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within instru 1
ment on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation
executed the same. ·
Notary· Public in ·and for said County and state
3ECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk JUL 28 1927 at 34 Min. pa·st 11 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1348 Page 431 off DEEDS, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
. JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Union Title Insurance Company, to the City o:fl' San Die:go, California, being Document
no. 209867.
of California.

I I, Grace M. Sissons, an unmarried woman, for and in consideration of the benefits

to accrue by the locat.ion and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property
. .

hereinafter. described, do hereby grant 'to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation-, in
the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the construc-
tion, gperation and maintenance of a drain pipe and appurtenances, and the deposit of earth
material, through, over, upon and across all that real property situated in the City of San
Diego, County of san Diego, State of California, bounded and descriped as follows:
A portion of l!ot 6, Tract 1353, according to Map thereof No. 1353, filed __ in the'
Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said drain pipe easement being part-
icularly described as follows: .
, 'I
Beginning ·at the most easterly corner of Lot 5, said Tract No. 1353; thence South 88
degrees 23 minut·es East along the southerly line of said Lot 6, a dist~ce of 24.23 feet, thelj
TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 75 degrees 24 minutes East, a distance. of 100.31 feet t·o
a point; thence South 14 degrees 36 minutes East, a distance o~ 6.00 feet to a point; thence
South 75 degrees 24 minutes West, a distance of 77.45 feet to the southerly line of said Lot /
6; thence North 88 degrees 23 minutes we·st to the t\I'..ue point of beginning;
The easement and right of way for the ·deposit of earth material on said -property is
particularly described as follows, to-wit;
Beginning at the most easterly corner of said Lot 5; thence South 88 degre~s 23· 1
minutes East, along the southerly line of said Lot 6, a distance of 24.23 feet, the TRUE POIN~
OF BEGINNING; thence North 35 degrees-59 minute·a East, a distance .of 34.37 feet to a_point; I
thence North 75 degrees 24 minutes East, a distance of 75.20 feet to a point; thence South 14
degre~_s 36 min~tes East, a distance of 50.00 feet to a point; thence South 75 ~agrees 24 min-~1
utes West, a dlStance o:f 60.47 feet to a point on the southwesterly line of sa~d Lot 6, dis-
tant 27.91 feet southeasterly from the northerly corner of Lot 7, said Tract No. 1353; thence
northwesterly along the southwesterly line of said Lot 6 to the northerly corner of sai~ Lot
7; thence North 88 degrees 23 minutes West, a distance of 24.52 feet to the true point of be-
ginning. ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easements unto the said grantee,
ita successors and assigns, forever.
Witness my hand and seal this 2nd day of August, 1927.
On this 2nd day of August, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
B~ooks a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared Grace M. Sissona· known to me to be the person described in and whose name
is subscribed to the within instrument, and aclmowledged to me that she execute·d the same.
Witness my hand an~ Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
June 4, 1930. State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUE~T OF City Clerk AUG. 17 1927 at 25 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1392 Page 60 of Deeds, 3ecorda of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true an~ correct copy of
Deed, fr9m Grace M. Sissons, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No~ 210867.
ALLEN E. WRIGHT, City Clerk of the Citw

. UNION TRUST COMPANY of San Diego a corporation, o~ the City of San Diego, County o~ .
San Diego, statE! of California, for and in cons ide ration of the sum of TEN AND NO/ 100 DOLLA..'RS,,
Does 'Hereby Grant to CITY OF SAN DIEGO, a Municipal Corporation, all that real property sit- I
uated in the City of San Diego, County of San Di~go, State of California~ bounded and .descri l>lled
as follows: · · · · ·
The Easterly Twenty (20) feet of Lots Twenty (20) and Twenty-one (2t) in Block Three
Hundred Eighty-nine ( 389) of Pacific Beac~, according to map thereof No. 854 ,- filed in the ofij~
fice of the County Recorder of said San D~ego County, September 28, 1898. /
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises, unto the said Grantee,,
its successors and assigns forever, for street purposes.
In Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused this deed to be signed by' its Vice-
President and Assistant Secretary and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto this ~2th day 1
of August, 1927.

By 1!1 • B• THOMPSON, Vice President
A. H. Mac KINTOSH, Assistant Sec-
· On this 12th day of August in the year one thousand nine hundred and 27 before me,
Luella MacKintosh, a Notary Public in and for said County, personally appeared F. B•. Thompson
known to me to be the Vice-President, and A. :g. MacKintosh known to me to be the Ass•t. Sec-11·
retary of the corporation that executed the within instrument, known to me to be the persons
who executed the within instrument on behalf of tl:e corporation therein named, and acknowledged
to me that such corporation executed the same • II
L'QELLA :MacKINTOSH, Formerly 'Luella Dul!fy
!SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of· San Diego,
State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG. 17 1927 at 25 :Min. past 10 o'clock A.I\1.,
In Book No. 1392 Page 62 o:f Dee·ds, Records of San Diego County,· Calif.
IT0HN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS 1 Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and :foregoing· i a a full, true and correct copy o:f
Deed, from Un-ion Trus.t Company of San Diego, to the_ City of San Diego, California, being Doc-
ument No• 210969.

Union Title Insurance Company, a corporation, o:f the City o:f San Diego, County of
San Diego, State of California, :for and in consideration o,f_ the sum of Ten DOLLARS Does Hereij .
by Grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, f~r stree~ purposes, ~11 its rig~t,
title~and interest in and to all that real property situated ~n the C~ty of San D~ego, County
of san Diego, state of Cali:fornia, bounded and described .as :follows: . I .
· Beginning at the southvJest corner o:f the east eighty (80) acres of Pueblo Lot Seve:n-
teen Hundred Ninety-three ( 1793), thence westerly along _the south line of said Pueblo Lot. II
Seventeen Hundred Ninety-three (1793) a distance of thirty (30) feet, thence northerly paraliel
. . ~
to the west boundary line of saidj,eighty (80) acres of Pueblo Lot Seventeen Hundred Ninety-
three (1793), to the north line of Block Two Hundred Ninety-five (295), Pacific Beach, ac-
cording to official map No. 854 on file in the office of the County Recorder of said County,
thence easterly along said north lina of said Block Two Hundred Ninety-five (295) and its
easterly projection to said west boundar~ line of aforesaid east eighty (80) acres of Fueblo
Lot Seventeen Hundred. Ninety-three ( 1793), and thence south along said west boundary line ofi
said eagt eighty (80) acres of Pueblo Lot Seventeen Hundred Ninety-three (1793) to point of
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises, uhto the said Grantee,
and its successors, as a public street~
WillTHESSETH: That said Grantor corporation has caused this daed to be signed by its
.President and Secretary and its corporate seal to be affixed h.S.!redlo this 23rd day of June,
Signed and executed in presence of UNION TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY
County of San Diego,) s~ •
On this 2.3rd day of June, 1927, before me, A. Laurie Brazee, a Notary Public in and
for said ·county, personally appeared JOHN F. FORWARD,. JR., known to me to be the President,
and JAS. D. FORWARD, known to me to be the Secretary of the .corporation that executed. the
within instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf
of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me th:at such corporation executed the
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County and State.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG. 17 1927 .at 25 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1392 Page 63 of Deeds, rtecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I h~REBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
I Deed, from Union Title Insurance Co., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No.


Max Mayer ·and -Anna Mayer (husband· and wife,} Edward L~ E1 errall and Olive FerralJl.
husband and wife, Edward Strahlmann and Chrystal Strahlmann (husband and wife), Otto Strahl-
mann and Helen Strahlmann (husband and wife), Louis Strahlmann and Dolly Strahlmann (husband
and wife) Edmund Mayer and Olga Maye·r (husba~nd and wife), Mary F. Bell (a widow), and A. B.
·Titus (a bachelor), for and in consideration of the sum of 1Pen Dollars DO HEREBY GRANT TO the
City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, for street purposes, all that real property sit-
uated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and descri l:ied
as follows: I
Beginning at the southwest corner of the east eighty (80) acres of Pueblo Lot Seven-
teen Hundred Ninety-three ( 1793), thence westerly along the south line of said Pueblo Lot Se~­
enteen Hundred Ninety-three (1793) a distance of thirty (30) feet, thence northerly parallel
to the west boundary line of said east eighty.(80) acres OI ?ueblo Lot Seventeen Hundred
Ninety-three ( 1793), to the north line of Block Two. Hundred Ninety-five (295), Pacific Beach,
according to official map No. 854 on file in the office of the County Recorder of said Count;Y~,
thenc e easterly along said north line of said block Two Hundred Ninety-five (295) and its
easterly projection to said west boundary ,line of aforesaid east eighty (80) acres of Pueblo
Lot Seventeen Hundred Ninety-three (1793), an& thence south along said west boundary line of
said east eighty (80) acres of ?ueblo Lo~ Seventeen Hundred Ninety-~hree (1793) to point of
I comniencement.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and ~ascribed premises unto the said Grantee
and its succe~sors., as a public street.
WITNESS our hands and seals this 14th day of June, 1927.

J as.
. On this 14th day of June, 1927, before me A. v. Lyons, a Notary rublic in and for
said County and state, persone:lly appeared Max Mayer, Anna I~:Tayer; Edward Strahlmann, Chrysta]
Strahlmann, Otto Strahlmann, He len, Edmund l'iiaye r, Olga Mayer, Louis Strahlmann,
Dolly Stra]1lmann, Uary ]'. Bell, A. B. Titus, Edward L. Ferrall & Olive .i!'errall, known to me
to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing ina~trument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed the same.
WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this· Certificate first above
My Commission expires Notary Public in and for said· County and Stat~~
Jan • 9 , 19 30 •
3ECOrtDED AT :REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG. 171927 at 25 l.:Iin. past 10 o'clock A.I\1., In
I Book. No. 1392 .fage 59 of De~ds, Records of San Diego County, .Calif. ·
JOHN H. ElBj~BY, County Recorder
By N. C. PA..rtSONS, Deputy.

I HErtEBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full,. true and correct oopy af
' Deed, from Max J,Tayer, et ux., et. al. Being Document No. 211074.
of the Ci'· y of San Diego, California.
.d. j 1"/--.
THIS INDEITTU::tE, made this 15th day of August, 1927, ·between THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO,
a municipal corporation, in the County of san Diego, State of California, party of the first
part, and E. INEZ TOLLSTAM, party of the second part,
W I T N E S S E T H:
In order to effect an exchange of the easements and rights-of-way for street pur-
poses already he'ld and owned by The City of San Diego, over, ~long and across i~nds in Lot
16, of Rancho Ex-Mission of San Diego, acoording to Partition Map thereof filed in the of-
';I '

fice of the County Clerk of San Diego County, California, in the action of JUAN :M. LUCO, et
al., vs C01I:MERCIAL BANK OF SAN DIEGO, at al., No. 348 of the Superior Court of said San Diego
County, and named FIFTY-FOURTH STREET, for different, distinct and more available easements
and rights-of-way for street purposes over, along and across adjacent lands in said Lot .16,
Rancho Ex-Mission, located in the City of San Diego, California;
And in conside:ration of the premises, and in lieu of the easements and rights-of-
way for street purposes)dedicated upon that certain map, placed in escrow with the City Clerro •,1•

of said City, and named Las Alturas .No.5, the said party of the first part does by these prejs-
ertts remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said party of the second part all its right,
title, interest and estate in or to the following described easements and rights-of~way over,l
along and across Lot 16, of Rancho Ex-.Mission, according to Partition Map thereof filed with I
the County Clerk of San Diego County, California, in action of JUAN M. LUCO et al., vs. COM-
MERCIAL BANK OF SAN DIEGO, e t al·. No~ 348 of the Superior .Court of said San Die go County, ly-
ing 25 feet either side of a center line described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the center line of FIFTY-FOURTH STREET, according
to Map No. 1988 of Las Alturas Uo. 3, filed in the office of the County Recotder of said
County, prpduced northerly and northerly line of ~he right-of-way of the San Diego and Ariz-
ona Railroad (CUYA1~CA BRANCH}; trence northerly along a production of the center line of sa~d
.li'IFTY-FOURTH STREET, NO~ 11' E. 377.08 feet to a point; thence northeasterly along the arc o:B
a circle, .whose center line bears s. 89° 49' E. and is distant 150 feet from the last named
point, 138.75 feet to a point; thence N. 53° 37' 30" E. 252.12 feet to a point which is the
intersection of the center line of Glen Road and the southerly line of Beverly, according to
'M~p thereof No. 1129, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County.
ALSO .,.
That portion of said Lot 16, described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the center line of said Glen Road and the said
·southerly line of Beverly; thence easterly along said southerly line 42.03 feet to a point;
th.ence S. 53° 37 • 30" W. 33.79 feet to a point; thence No. 36 ° 22' 30" W. 25 feet to the point
o f be ginning • . · . II
TO RAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular said easements and rights-of-way together wit~
appurtenances unto the said party oi the second part, her successors and assigns forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part, having first been authorized
thereto by Resolution of the Common Council of the City of San Diego, has caused these pres-
ents to be subscribed by the Mayor and City Clerk of said City, and its corporate name and
seal to be hereunto affixed the day.and year first above written.
ALLEN H. W"RIGHT, Cit~ Clerk of said City • Mayor of said City.
On this 15th day of August, l927 before me, FRED W. SICK a Notary Public, in and
for said County and State, personally appeared HARRY c. CLARK, known to me to be the }.1ayor,
and AL'LEW.H. WRIGHT, known to be to be the City Clerk~ of The City of San Diego, a municipal
corpor'at !on in the State of California, known to me to be the persons who executed the within
instrument on behalf of said The City of San Diego within named, and acknowledged to me that
they executed the same, on behalf of and as the act and deed of such municipal corporation.
- Witness my hand and Official Seal, the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for Said County and_ State.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG. 17 1927 at 3 Min. past 3 o'clock P.M., In
Book No. 1232 Page 283 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. I
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of· .,.·.
Quitclaim Deed, from the City of San Diego to E. Inez Tollstam, being Document No-. 211023.
City Clerk of the Ci tydf/ San Diego, California.
B .v)1;.

Bank of Italy, National Trust and Savings Association, a corporation, of the City
of San Diego, County of San Diego, state of California, .EJG>Etand in consideration of the sum olf
2.1en DOLLARS does hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, for street
purposes, all its right, title and interest in and to all that real property situated in the
City of san Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
-Beginning· at the southwest corner of the east eighty (80) ~cres of Pueblo Lot SeveJ-
teen Hundred Ninety-three· ( 1793), thence westerly along the south line ·of said I"lleblo Lot II
Seventeen Hundred Ninety-three (1793) a distance of thirty (30) feet, thence· northerly para-
llel to the west boundary line of said east eighty (80) acres of lueblo Lot Seventeen Hundred
Ninety-three ( 1793), to the north line of Block Two Hundred Ninety-five (295), Pacific Beachl!
according to official map no. 854 on file in the office of the County Recorder of said CountY,,
thence easterly along said north line of said Block Two Hundred Ninety-five (295) and its
easterly projection to said west boundary line of aforesaid east eighty (80) ~_cres of Pueblo
Lot Seventeen Hundred Ninety-three (1793), and thence south along said west boundary line of
said east eighty (80) acres of Pueblo Lot Seventeen Hundred Ninety-three (1793) to point of
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises, unto the saidl Grantee!,
and its successors, as a public street. · - :
WITNESSETH: That said Grantor corporation has caused this deed to be signed by its
Vice President and Assistant Trust Officer and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto this
lOth day of June, 1927.
E. O. HODGE, Vice President
R. HAGENBRUCH, Assistant Trust Of-

. . 1-
> -~

State of California,) ,
County of San Diego,) ss.
· On this r_renth day of June, 1927, before me, Ruth Averell, a .Notary I-'ublic in and
for said County, personally appeared E. o. Hodge known to me to be the Vice President'; ·and
. -~·-, R. E. Hagenbruch known to me to be the Assistant Trust Qffi~er of the corporation that exe~
outed the within instrument, kriown to me to be the persons who executed the. within instrument
on behalf of the corporation therein named, and aclmowledged to me that s·uch corporation· ex-
ecuted the same.
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County and State
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG. 17 1927 at 25 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1367·Page 272 of Deeds, Records. of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FE~RY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy. ·
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above ,and foregoing is a ~ull, true and correct copy. of
Deed, from Bank of Italy, National Trust and Savings Association, to the City of San Diego,
being Document No. 211072. · . \

of the'City of San Diego, California.

· THIS INDENTURE, made this 22d day of August 1927, between THE CITY OF SAN DJEGO,
a municipal corporation, in the County of San Diego, state of California, party of the first
part, grantor, and CORNELIOUS COURTOIS, also known as CORNELIUS COURTOIS, party of the. ·sec-
ond part, grantee,
W I T N E S S ~ T H!
In order to effect an exchange of an easement and 'right-of-way for street purposes
already held and owned by The. City of San Diego, over, along and across lands in Lot 41, Ex-

I Mission Lands of San Diego, a'tlcording to map thereof No. 283 filed in the office of the· Coun-
ty Recorder of San Diego Co~nty, California,
And in co:p.sideration of the premises and. in lieu of the easement and right-of-way
for street purposes heretofore 'executed by said party qf. the second part, on the 4th day of
June, 1927, and.placed in escrow with the City Clerk of said City, the said party of 1he first
part,does by these presents -remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said: party of the
second p,art all its right., title, interest and estate ·in or to the following des pribed ease'"'"
ment and right-of-way over, along and across Lot 41, Ex Mission Lands of San Diego, accord-
ing to map thereof No. 283 'filed· in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County,
California, .more particularly described as follows:
All that .rea). property in the County of San Diego, state of Califorr:).i'a,; boundied and
described as follows:·.:. · · · · .i.·_ · I
The North 40 feet of the West one (1) acre of the East two (2) acres· of the North
half of the Northwest quarter of Lot 41, ·Horton's J;urchase of Ex Mission 'Rancho, according to
map thereof No. 283, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of·san Diego. I
TO·HAVE AND TO HOLD all and sin.gular the said easement, together with appurtenances,·
unto the said! .party .of the second part, his successors and assigns forever. I
· IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the saidi party of the first part, having been authorized there-
to by Hesolution of the Common Council. of The City of San Diego, has caused these presents · I
to be_ subscribed by the Mayor and City Clerk of said City, arid its corporate name and seal to
be· hereunto affixed the day and ,year first above written.
(SEAL) ATTEST: By HARRY C. CLARK, Mayor of._s;a-m• 'city
. •' .~~·:· •: I

ALLEN H. WRIGHT, •"'-''{::·:_.~

City Clerk 6f ~aid City~
On this 22d day of August, 1927, before me~ Fred w. Sick, a Nota~y Public in and
for said County and State; reslding therein, duly commissioned and sworn; personally appear-
ed HAR..-qY C• CLARK, known to me to be the Mayor and ALLEn H. WRIGHT, known- to me to· be the
City Clerk of . the City of. San Diego, a muniqipal corporation, ··the corporation that executed
the w·i thin instrument, ltnown to me· to be the' persons who executed the within instrument, on
behalf of· the corpo.ration there~n named,· and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed
the s a:r;e • ~: ···
IN WITNESS WHE~HEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the
day and year first above wr±tten in this certificate.
· (SEAL)
APPROVED AS TO FORM Notary Public in and for said County and State.
RECORDED AT ~QUEST OF City Clerk AUG. 23 1927 at 20 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M.,
In Book No. 1386 Page 168 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Cilif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B.· WOODARD, Deputy. '
I HEREBY CERTH1 Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Quitclaim Deed - authorized by Resolution 42697.
California .
.,. ....

THIS INDENTURE, Made this 22d day of August' 1927, between THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, a
municipal corporation, in the County of San Diego, state of California, party of the first
. part, grantor, and ~MUEL H. NORTON:, also known as ·L. H. NORTON, and WILLIAM H.• NORTON, also
known as w. H. NOHTON / as- joint tenants, parties of the second part, grantees,
W I T N E S S E T H: · - . -
· In order to effect an. exchange of. an ~~~~n1 an,d~t~a.Y :f.o-.L~1r~~UJE'_P~
vreat'lv:held and owned by The C1ty of San Dl.ego,"accor~.l!igto map there'OI-No. 283' fileCf in
t~eorrlrc'e9 of the County Recorder of San Diego County, California, · ..
And in considerati~~e2~ ttf.e premi:ses and in lieu of the easement and right of way
for street purposes heretoforeAbY said parties of the second part on the lOth day of May,
1927, and placed in escrow with the City Clerk of said. City,· the said party of the first pari

does by these presents reinise, release and forever quitclaim unto_ the said parties of the 11 .

second part all its right, title, interest and estate in or-to the following described ease- 1
ment and right of way over, along and across Lot 32, Ex-Mi8sion Lands of San Diego, according
to map thereof N6~ 283 filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego Countt, Calif~
ornia' more pA.rti cu lar 1~. d~ s cr i hedr as folloWS :, . t: ' . t'""',
ih'\_!:-pov:::t_,_'-'n. o-"f 1-.o-e $'-._ Ft- ,>:=,,<~...,. C:o...."'ds ,,.. St\-nO•e,jO,fA.<!.C..7,...ufhJ
,....,u ~ N~ l.."' ... f,-/eJ ln "f. e. u ff•«~. • r~ tJ..,_ r
· uy
c .... ..,-t;
~t( /1<?<>o,..Je.J,.I·Jf t;~e.. J
,~So. ~·eoo~rr-4-,.fb.-'ti~"-f""-.-ff,l E'J.~r-,-b<t.
----~ Beginning at he Southeast corner of said Lot 32; thence Westerly aiong' t1le ;;;outhef.-a.,f.l 1• ... •·.
ly line of said Lot 32, 409.83 feet to a point; thence N0° 11' E 40 feet to the true point
of beginning; thence Northeasterly along the arc qf a circle, whose center bears N0° 11' E I
and is distant 260 feet from the last named point, 77.14 feet to a point; th~nce W73° 11' E,
317~69 feet to a point; thence S 0° 11' W 83.66 feet to a point; thence S73° 11' w. 70.43 feet
to a point;· thence N89 o 49·' W 312·.48 feet to the true point of beginning. II
TO HAVE AND TO ~OLD all and si~gular the said easement, together with appurtenances,
unto the said parties of the second pa~t, their successors and assigns forever. I
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part, having first been authorized!
thereto by Resolution of the Common Council of The City of San Diego, has caused these pres-,1
ents to be subscribed by the Mayor and City Clerk of said City, and its.·corporate name and
seal to be hereunto affixed the day and year first above written,·~
ALLEN H. WRIGHT Mayor of said City.
City.Clerk of said City.
On this 22d day of .August 1927, before me, Fred w. Sick, a Notary Publie in and for,
said County and State, re8iding therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared 1
__ HAIL~Y c. CLARK, known to me to be the Mayor and ALLEN H. WlUGHT, known to me to be the City
Clerk of the City of San Diego, a municipal c9rpo.rat±.on, the corporation that executed the I
within instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument, on be-
half of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that suc.h corporation executed
the same.
IN WITrlESS WHEREOF, I .have hereunto set my hand and affixed . my official seal the
day .an:d in this certificate first. above. written.
.Ai?ROVED AS TO ] 10Rl\'I
PRED w. srcK, _, ~:
Notary Public in and for said County and State I
Att.orneys .
RECORDED· AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG. 23 1927 ~?t 20 Min. past 2 o'clock l'.M., In
Book No. 1367 Page 289 of Deeds, Records of San_ Diego- County, Calif. .
JOHN H. :B,ER?.Y, . County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARp, Deputy.
I. HEHEBY CERTIFY that the. above and foregoing is· a full, true and correct copy of
Quitclaim Deed, from. the City of San· Diego, to Lemuel H. Norton, et al, as authorized by
Resolution No.42695
City Clerk of the City of San Di~go, qalifornia •
. .Deputy.

THIS I!illENTURE, made thi~ 22d day of August 1927, between TEE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, a
municipal corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, party of the first
part, grantor, and E. T. GUYMON, JR., party of the second part, grantee,
. W I T N E S S E T H:
· · In order, to effect an exchange of an easement and right of way for street purposes!
already held and owned by Th~City of San Diego, over, along and across lands in Lot 31, Ex.
Mission Lands of San Diego, ~ccording to map thereof no. 28.3 filed in the office of the County
Recorder of San Diego County, California, · ·
And in consideration o£' the premises and in lieu of the easement and right of way
for street purposes heretofore executed by sa·id party of the second part, on the 13th· day of
May, 1927, .and placed in escrow with the City Clerk of said City, the said party of the first
part does by these presents remise'· ·release and foreve.r quit claim unto the said party of the II
second part all its right, title, interest and estate in or to the following described ease~
ment and right o.f way over, along and across Lot 31, Ex !viis s ion Lands of San Diego, according
to map thereof No. 283 filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego Coun,ty, Caifoi'-
nia, more particularlydescribed .as· follows:
That portion of Lot 31, Mission Lands of San Diego, according to map thereof N:o.
283,' filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of San Diego, more particular-
ly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of said Lot 31, 20 feet Easterly from
the Southwest corner of said Lot 31; thence Northerly along a line parallel to and 20 feet
distant from the westerly line of said Lot 31, 159.53 feet to a point; thence Northeasterly,
making an angle of 73° 0' with said .westerly line, 677.19 feet to a point; thence on.·.· a curve,
Southeasterly, tangent to the last named pourse, with a radius of 190 feet through an angle
of 46° 0', a distance of 152.54 feet to a point; thence Southeasterly tangent to said curve,
a distance. of 568.77 feet to a,point; thence Southeasterly on a curve, tangent to the last
named curve with a radius of 210 feet through an angle of 3° 24' 45" a distance of 12.51
feet to a point op the East line of said Lot ~1; thence South along ~aid last line a distanc~
of 60.41 feet to the ..Southeast corner of said Lot 31; thence West along the South line of Lot
31 a distance of. 56.71 feet to a point; thence Northwesterly along a line making an angle ofl
29° 0' with the South line of said Lot 31, a distance of 560.87 feet to a point; thence West-
erly on a curve tangent to the last named course, with a radius of 110 feet through ·an anglel
'of.46° 0', a distance of88.31 feet to a point; thence Southwesterly tangent to said curve a
distance of 672.04 feet to a point; thence Southerly on a curve, tangent to the last named I
course with a radius of 40 feet through an angle of 73°0' a distance of 50.96 feet to a poin'lf;
thence Southerly tangent to sai.d curve a distance of 46.27 feet to the point of beginning.
· TO HAVE .AND TO HOLD all and singular the said easement, together with appurtenances,
unto the saidl parties of the second part, thai~ successors and assigns· forever. . I . '
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first part, having first been authorized
thereto by Resolution of the Common Council of 11he City of San Diego, has caused ·these pres-
ents to be subscribed··.by the Mayor and City Clerk of. said City, and its corporate name and
seal to be hereunto affixed the day and year first above written·.

Mayor of said City.
City Clerk of said City •.


On this 22d day of August 1927, before me, Fred w. Sick a Notary Public in and
for said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appear-
ed HARRY C. CLARK, known to ffi6' to be the ~ayor and ALLEN H. WRIGHT, known to me· to be the
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, a- municipal corporation, the. corporation that executed
. the within instrument, known to me· to be the persons who executed the within instrument; on
behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowle.dged to me ·that such corporation executed
the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the
day and year in this certificate first above written.
'J.:J ..... :. . :: 1 ..! ...:. ' Notary Public in and for said Co.unty :and State
Attorneys 2
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG. 23 1927 at 20 Min• past(o'cl~ck P.M., In
Book No. 1392 Page 72 of Deeds, ~ecords of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B• WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY.CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Quitclaim Deed, from the City of San Diego, to E. T. Guymon, Jr., as authorized by Resolution
No. 42696. ·
City. Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By _ _ _ _.L.::,!Mecn~~.--o~Jn~.__.w~Jh=·

Jeunie M. Hymer, a widow, For and in consideration of One ( $1.00) Dollar and other
valuable considerations. Do Hereby Grant. to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation
in the Cqunty of San Diego, State of C8"lifornia, an easement of right-of-way for· street pur-
poses over, along and across. All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and describe.d as follows:
All that portion of lot 14, Block 17, Tract No. 2, Encanto Heights, according to
Map thereof No. ·1100, filed in the Office of tm County Recorder of said County, described
as follows:
Beginning at the Easterly corner of said Lot 14, thence along the Southerly line of
~aid Lot 14, West, 21.• 34 feet to a point; thence Northeasterly along the arc of a circle,
whose center bears North and is 45 feet distant from the last named point, 17.61 feet to a
point on the Northeasterly line of said Lot 14; thence along said Northeast~rly line s. 50°
43' E. 5.38 feet to the point of. 'beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement for public street pur-
poses only.
Witness my hand and ~eal\ this 4th day of June, 1927.
Approved as to Form
Approved as to Description



On this 4th day of June in the year ope thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven,
be fore re , J. B. MeLees, County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the Supe ri.or \Jourt in and
for said l)ounty, which is a eourt of record having a seal, persomlly appeared Jennie M.
~ymej':'_,. a widow, known to me to be the person described in and whose name· is subscribed to
and who executed tre annexe.d instrument, and acknowledged to me that she ex.ecuted· the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have beretinto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court
at my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this Certificate first above
[. B~ McLEES,
County Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the
Superior Court. · · .
(SEAL) .Deputy.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG. 23 1927 at 20 Min. past 2 o'clock :P.M.
In Book No. 1360 Page 445 of De·eds Records of· San Diego Couilt.y, Calif. .
JOHN H•. FERRY, County Recorder /
By' L. B. ,WOODARD; Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is· a full, true and' correct copy of
Deed from Jennie M. Hymer to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 210068.
City Clerk of the ei ty of San Diego, California.
By_ __ neputy~

H. E. ANTHONY and ]4YRTLE s. ~UT.HONY; huspand and wife For and in consideration of·
Ten dollars Do Hereby Grant. to tm City of· ~an Diego, a municipal corporation in the ·tJounty
of San Diego, State of California, an._easemen~ of rigl_lt-of-way for street purposes over, along
and across. All that Real Property s1tuated 1n the CJ.ty of San Diego County of San Diego
State of California, bounded and described as follows: ' '
' \
All that portion of Lot ~2~, and L·ots 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, ~32, 433, and 434;
inclusive, of Sunshine Gardens-, according to Map thereof No. 1~04-;- filed in the Office o'f
the ·County Recorder of .. sai 4 County·; described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the northerly line of said Lot 423,. 119.13' easterly from
the northwest corner of said Lot 423, thence along· the noit'therly line of Lots 423, 427 and
428 s. 89° 36' E• 70.44' to a point; thence southeasterly along the. arc of a circle, whose
center bears N.• 42° 43' 45". E• and is distant 475' from the last named point, 354.24' ·to a
point; thence east 61.88' to the.southeast corner of Lot 434; thence along the southerly lin€!1
of Lots 434, 433; 432 and 431 194.42' to -?6.28' easterly from the southwest corner o~
said Lot 431; thence northwesterly along the arc of a circle; whose center bears If~ 14° 17' 30"
E-. and is distant 525' from the. last narm d point, 312. 71.' to the point of beginning.
To· Have and to Hold the above granted a~d described ease :rent for public street pur-
poses •
Witness our hands and seals this seventh day of April, 1927.
Approved as to form . MYRTLE S. ANTHONY. (SEAL)
Approved as to Description

On this 11th day of April A•D., Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before
Anne Fowler, a Notary Public in and for said County_, residing therein, duly commissioned
me·:· .

and sworn, personally appeared H. E. Anthoney and Myrtle s. Anthony, known to me to be the
persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknow-
ledged to me that they executed the same•
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this Certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,

State of California.
My Commtssion Expires,
May 12, 1930.

RECORDED AT 'REQmE~T OF City Clerk AUG 23 1927 at 20 Min. past 2 o'clock P•M. In Booro
No. 1350 Page 367 Qf Deed Records of San Diego County, cali:f;:··::.>.i
JOHN H. FEBBY',. County Recorder
By L~ B. WOODARD~ deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that t-he·· above and foregoing is a full, true ana correct copy of
Deed from H. E. Anthony and ·wife to the City of San Diego. Being Docume.-nt No. 210070.
City Clerk o'f the City of San Diego, Cal~fornia.

/~ ~. ~0.
. . ' Deputy.


Olive Williams Hight, a married woman, formerly Olive Williams i For and in cons-ider-
ation of One ($1.00) Dollar and other vaLuable considerations. Do Hereby Grant to the City
of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an
easement of right-of-way. for Street purposes, over, along and across. All that Real Propertw
situated in the City of San Diego, ~oun'Cy of San Diego, State of California, bounded and I
described as follows:
That portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Sunny Slope Addition, according to Map thereof No.
1135, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows:
Beginning at the Southerly eorner of said Lot 1, thence along the Southeasterly line
of said Lot lN. 39° 18' E. ·21.34 feet to a point; thence Southwesterly along the arc of a
circle, whose center bears N •. 50° 42' w. and is 45 feet distant f'r:om the last named point,
22.23_ fee't to a point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot 1; thence along sai.d Southwest..,
erly line s. 50° 43' E. 5.38 feet to the point of beginning •.
'jo Have and to Hold the a hove granted and described easermnt for public Street pur-
poses only. · ·
Witness my hand and seal this 3rd day of June, 192 7.
Approved as to Form. Formerly OLIVE WILLIAMS (SEAL)

. I
. On this 3rd day of. June in the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven before
me, J. B• McLEES, County Clerk and ex-Officio Clerk of the Superior Court in and !fior said
County, which is a court of record having a seal, pe rsomlly appeared Olive Williams Hight,
formerly. Olive W.illiams, known to me to be the person described in and whose name is sub- .
scribed to and who executed the annexed instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed!
the sarre. .,
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto·set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court
at my Office rim the County of San Diego, the day and year in this Certificate first above
written~ ·· ·
County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the
Superior Court,
Deputy •
. RECORDED .AT REQUEtJT OF City Clerk AUG 23 1927, at 20 Min~ past 2 o'clock P.M. In
Book No. 1350 Page 365 of Deed Records of .San Diego County; Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY; County ·Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy•
I llliREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing i·s a full, true and correct· cop;y of
.Deed from Olive W• Hight to t h3 City of San Diego, California~ Be'tng Document No. 1H0072 •
:City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
, I' • '

By !/elk¥<¥, fA)~ _ _ _ Deputy.

'Dons. Haskett and Edith E. Haskett, husband and wife, For and. in consideration of·
One ($1.00) Dollar and other-valuable considerations, Do Hereby Grant to The City-of San
Diego; a municipal corporation, in the County of San Diego; State of California, an eal;)emen~
of right-of-way for Street purposed over, along and across. All that Real Property situated
in the City of San Diego, County-of San ~iego, State of Qalifornia, bounded and described
as follows: ·
That portion of Lot 39; Ex-Mission Lands of San Diego, according to Map thereof No.;
283, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the Northe)r].y line of said Lot 39, 30' Westerly from the
Northeast corner of said ·Lot 39, thence s. 0° 11' w. 40' to a point; thence N. 89° '49' w.
379.83' to a point; thence Northeasterly along the arc of a c.ircle; whose center bears 14.
oo 11' E• ·and is 340' distant from the last named point; 100.88' to a point; thence I~. 73°
11' E. 86.00' to a point on the NortherJ.y line of' said Lot 39; thence along said Northerly
line s. 89° 49' E•! to the point of beginning; said point being on the Westerly line
of :E1 orty-seventh·(47th) Street, as now established. ·
· To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement for public Street pur-
poses only.
Witness our hands and seals this 19th day of May~- 192 7 •.
Approved as to Form EDITH E. HASKETT (SEAL)
Approved as to Descrip~ion


On this 19th day of May A.D., Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me,
R. H. Biggs a ;Notary .Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned.
and sworn, personally appeared Don _s. Haskett and Edith E. Haskett husband and wife known
to me to be the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrwnent
and acknowledged to me that they executed the_ same. ·
Witness my hand and Of:ficial Seal the· day and year in this Certificate first above
·· R. H. BIGGS
Notary Public -in and for the County of Orange,
(SEAL) . State of California.
My Commission Expires,
December 19, 1929.

P.ECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG 23 1927 at· 20 Min. past 2 o'clock P •M. In
Book No. 1350 .Page 364 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H~ FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy •.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the· above· and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from :bon s. Haskett et ux to the City of San Di~go. Being Document No. 210076.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

I By_ _ _ _ /~~~--Deputy.

I; Herbert B. Higgins, a single man,· .li'or and· iJ?: consideration of One Dollar and
otmr valuable consideration. Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corp-
oration- in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easeJrent of right-of-~ay for
Street purpos~s, ove·r, along and across. A_ll that Real Property situated in the City of
San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Ga.lifornia, ·bounded and described as follows:
All that portion of __ Lot 16; Ex-Mission Raricho, according to Map thereof No. 70,
filed in the Office of the Uounty Recorder of said County,. included within a strip lying
2Q' each side of a center line, described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the west line of West Hollywood, according to Map thereof
No. 1551; at its intersection ·with the center line of Hollywood Drive, produced westerly;
.thence N. 89° 17' w. 828.08' to a point; thence northwesterly along the arc of a circle,
whose center bears N. 0° 43' E. and is 400' distant from- the ·last named point; 156. 61' to
a point; thence N. 66° 51' w. 85.90' to a point; thence ·northwesterly along the arc of a
circle, whose_ center bear-s .. s. 23° 09' W. and is 400 1 distant :from .the last named point,
155.80' to a point; the-nce N. 89° 10' W• 518.26' to a point, said point :t>earing N. 0° 20' w.
and distant 319.15' more or less from a point on the\ north line of the right-of-way of the
San Diego & Arizoi1a..Railroad (Cuyamaca Branch), which is easterly from the intersect-
ion of said north line with the west line of said Lot 16. · · .
. The lot 16, Ex-_:lvliss ion Rancho, refer red to above, is according ·to Map there of filed
in the Office of. the County Clerk of the County of San Diego, in action of Juan M. Luco,
et al., vs. Commercial Bank of San Diego, et al., No. 348 of the Actions of the Superior

Court of said . County, and not Map No. 70, as above noted.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easerrent for public Street

Witness ·my hand and seal th·is 14th day of May, 1927.
.Approved as to Form
Approved as to Description ·
On this 14t,h day· of ·May in the year one thousamd nine hundred and twenty-seven
·before me, .J. B. McLEES, County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Superior Court in and
for said Cqunty, which is a court of record having a seal, personally appeared Herbert ll.

Higgins, a single man, known to me to be the person described in and whose narre subscribed
to and who executed the annexed instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the
same. ,
In Witness Whereof I Have herelilnt·o set my:;yhand and affixed the seal of said Court
at my Office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this Certificate first above
County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the
(SEAL) Superior Court '
RECORDED AT REQUEST'OF City Clerk AUG 23 1g27 at 20 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In
Book ..No. 1350 Page 362 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
. JOHN H. FERRY; County Re cord~r
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HER~BY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, :tr~e and correct copy of
Deed from Herbert R. Higgins to tm City of San Diego. Being Document Uo. 21007a.
City Clerk of the l.Jity of San Diego, California.
By_ _ _ _ _/~~~e-rl'"'-~iJ.""""}h.::..;l.t....,..___.Deputy.


We, DOMINIK J-UB (also known as Dominick Jud} and ANNA JUD, husbarid and wife, For and
in consideration of ONE 00'LLAR and otter good and valuable consideration, Do He:reby Grant t9
The City of San Diego, Count;y of San D~ego, State of California, as easement of right-of-WaYj
. for Street purposes only, over along across. All that Real Property situated in the City .o:f:l
San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
All that portion of Lot 41, Ex-Mission Lands of San Diego, according to ~~p thereof
No.- 2a3, filed with the County Recorder of' said County, described as follows: • ·· ·
The south 20' of the north one half of the northeast quarter of said ·Lot 41.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement for public Street pur-
poses only.
Witness ·our hand and seal this 7th day of June, 1g27.

Approved as to form
On this 7th day o'f J'une, 1g27, before me Luella MacKintosh, a Notary Public in and
for said County and State, personally appeared 0; E. Judd, known to me to be the same per-
son whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as a subscribing Witness thereto, who
being by me first duly sworn, deposes and says: that he resides in the County_ of San Diego,
State of California: that he was present and saw DominiR Jud and Aru1a Jud, personally known
· to him to be the same persons described in and whose .name~s. a.:Jre subscribed to the within in-
strument as parties thereto, sign and execute the same and that the affiant then and there
subscribed his name to said instrument as a witness thereto.
WITNESS MY HAND and official seal the day and year hereinabove first written.
· I
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego, State of
(SEAL) California.

F~CORDED AT·REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG 23 1g27 at 20 Min. past 2 o'clock P.lVI, In
Book No. 13g8 Page 36 of.DEEDS Records of San· Diego County,· Calif. -·
· · JOHN H. FERRY, 8ounty ~ecorder
By' L. B. WOODARD, Deputy~.

I HEREB;r CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Domirilk Jud et ux to the City of San Diego. Being· Document No. 210092.
City Clerk of the City.of San .E>iego, California.

~y · /k~ ~~~Deputy.


Auprey W. Marchand and Alice J:1• .Marchand, husband and wife, For and in cons ide rat ion
of One Dollar and other valuab€le. consideration, Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, State of California, an easement of right-of-way for Street purposes
only, over, along across. All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County
of San Diego, State of California, bounded ·and described as follows: .
All that portion of Lot 41, Ex-Mission Lands of San Diego, according to Map thereof
No. 2a3, filed with the County Recorder of said County·;··aescribed as follows:
Beginning at a point on the easterly line of said Lot 41 of sa:id Ex-Mission Lands;
331.30' sou~herly from the nortlieast c·orner of said Lot 41, thence S. 0° 20' w. along the
easterly line of said Lot 41 20' to a point; thence N. ago 10' 00" w. 933 •. 49''1 to a point;
thence S. 0° 20' W. 5'. to a point; thence N;, ago 10' 00'" W. 20 .• 76' to a point; thence south~
westerly along the arc of a circle, whose center bears S. 0° 50' w. and is distant 275' from
the last named po{nt, 156. 3a' to a point; the nee S :.·C'58. 0 15' W. 10g .14' to a point; the,nce
westerly along the arc of. a circle whose center bears N. 31,0._ 4~' w. and is distant 325'\
. .I

the last named point, 146.73' to a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 41; thence N;, oo
20' E. 50'. to a point; thence easterly along tbe arc of a cir_~le, whose center bears N• 6°
05 153" w. and is distant 275 1 from the last named point, 118.71' to a point; thence N. 58°
15' E:.·l09•14' to a point·; thence northeasterly along the arc of a circle whose center bears·
s. 31° 45' E. and .is distant 325 1 from 1the last named point, 56.50' to ~point;. thence S:.
89° 10 OO" E~ 1079.26 to t~--po:tnt::'of··1;1eglil.lilngXlg.
1 1
· · · ·
To:Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement for public street pur-

I· poses only. ·
Witness my hand and seal this 4th day of May, 1927.
Approved as to Form
Approved as to Description
... : ~· :·,' ..'.
. •'
On this 17th day of May A.D., lHneteen Hundred and· twenty-seven before me,
Mollie -Silver a .Notary Public in and for said. County., residing therein, duly commissioned
ahd sworn, personallya:ppeared Aubrey w. Marchand and Alice P;, Marchand his wife known to
me to. be the .persons described in and whose name they sub~cribed to the wi thi~ instrument,
and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
V~it:q.ess my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of PhiladelpHia
(SEAL) State of Pennsylvania.
My Commission Expires,
MAR• 25, 1929. .
In The. Courts. of Common of' Philadelphia Count·y
Acknowledgement (Notary)
I, J·ohn M. Scott, Prothonotary of the OQ.urts of' Common Pleas of said County, which
are Courts of Record having a· common seal, being the officer authorized by the laws of the
State of ·'J.lennsylvatl:ilB. to make the following Cart ifica te, acting by my Principal Deputy,
William J. ~:Kerns, or my Second Deputy_, Meredith Hanna do Certify, That Mollie Silver Esquire,
whose name is subscribed to the Certificate of the· acknowledgment of the annexed instrument
and thereon written, was at the time of such acknowledgment a NOTARY PUBLIC FOR THE Common-
wealth of Pem1sy1vania, residing in the County aforesaid, du,ly comminsioned and qualified to
administer oaths and affirmations and to take acknowled,gme nts and proofs of .DeedH3 or Convey-
ances for lands, tenements and hereditaments to be recor~Ied in said State of' J?ennsylvania,
and to all whose acts-, as such, full faith and credit.are and ought to be given, as well in
Courts of Judicature as elsewhere; and that I am __ we 11 acquainted with .the handwr:tti.Dg of the
said NOTARY PUBLIC and verily believe the signature t rereto is genuine, and· I further certify
that the said- Instrument is executed and acknowledged in conformity with the laws of the State
of Pennsylvania. · ·'
The impression of the seal of t.J::e Notary Public is not required by law to be filed
in this Office. • ·
In Test,itnony Whereof, I have rereunto set my hand·and affixed the seal of said Court,
this 17th day of May in the year· of our :ID.ord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven (.192 }
JOHN M. SCOTT; Prothonotary.
Principal Deputy Prothonotary.
Durante Absentia, Secundum Legem.

I RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG 23 19~7 at 20 Min. past 2 o'clock P~M. In
Book No. 1362 ~age 392 of' Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY:, <D:ounty Recorder
By L. B. vyo·oDAF.D, Deputy.·
I HEREBY .CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and corr.ect copy ·of
Deed. from A. w. Marchand et ux to tre City of San Diego. Being Document No~ 210096.
City Clerk of the City· of Sart Diego, California.

-" . " We! E. T·. Guymon· Jr. and Ernestine .Guymon, his wife, For and in consideration. of· One
;u>l.OO Dollar and other valuable cons ide rations Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a
municipal .corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement of right-
of-way for street purposes over, along and! across. All that Ee.a!_ property situated in the I .
City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows;
That portion of Lot 31, Ex-:~assion Lands of San Diego, according to Map thereof No.
283; filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, descr'll:bed as follows:
Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of said Lot 31, 20 1 Easterly from the
Southwest corner of Lat 31, thence N. oo 11 1 E·:. 25' .. to a point; thence s. 89° 49' E.
60.09 1 to a point; thence to the right along the arc of a circle, whose center bears s~ oo
11 1 w. and is 245' distant from the last named point, _111.64 1 to a point on the Southerly
line of said Lot 31; thence along said Southerly line N. · 89° 49 1 W~ 167.91' to the point of ~

I beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement for public st~eet pur-
poses only.
Witness our hands and seals thi sl3th day of May, 192 7.
Approved as to form
Approved as to Description
·on this 13th day of May A•D• Nineteen Hundred and twenty~ seven before m~, G~f. Clark
a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned ar:td sworn; per-
sonally appeared E. T~ Guymon Jr. and .Ernestine Guymon, his wife, known to me to be the per-

sons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed the saJIB.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this Certificate first above
Neta:y Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California. ·
My _Commission Expires,
March 11, lg3o.
RECORDED AT ~QUEST OF City Clerk AUG 23 1g27 at 20 Min. past 2 o'clock P.M. In BooM
No. 13ga Page 34 of DEEDS Be cords of San Diego ·county, Calif. ·
JOHN H. FERRY, . County Recorder
. By L. B.WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CER.riFY t ba. t t be above and foregoing is a full, true.1.and correct copy of
Deed from E• T• Guymon Jr. e.t ux to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 210101.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

Lemuel H. Norton (also known as L. R• Norton), and Sarah Norton, husband and wife;
William H. Norton, (also known as W. H. Norton), and Flora Norton, husband·and wife• For
and in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar and other valuable considerations. Do Hereby
Grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, in the County of San Diego, State
of California, an easerre nt- of right-of-way for Street purposes over, along and across.
All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego; State of
California, bounded and described as follows: .
That portion of Lot 32, Ex-Mission lands of San Diego, according to lflap thereof No·.
2a3, filed in the O:ffice of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows:
Beginning at a _point on the Southerly line of said Lot 32, 30 feet Westerly from the
Southeast corner of said Lot 32, thence N. ago 49' W-. alorig said Southerly line 1ga.1a feet
to a point; thence N. 73° 11' E. feet to a point;· thence S. ago 4g' E. 67.35 feet to
a point.; thence s. 0° 11' W. 40rdeet to the point of beginning; said point ...being on the
Westerly line of :E'orty-sevent:h (47t_p.) Street as now established. · - ·
11 o Have and to Hold -the above granted and described easerrent for public Street· pur-
poses only.
Witness our bands and seals this tenth day of May, 1927.
also known as L. H. NORTON
ailiso known as W. H. NORTON
Approved as to form
App~oved as to Description

On this lOth diay ·mf May in the year one thousand nine hundred-and twenty-seven, before
me, J ~ B. McLEES, County Clerk·al11id ex-Officio Clerk of the Superior Court in and for said
County, which is a court of record having a seal, personally appeared Lemuel H. Norton, also
known as L. H.; Norton; Sarah Norton; William H. Norton, also known as W. H. Norton; and
Flora Norton known to me to be the persons described in and whose names a,re subscribed to and
who executed the annexed instrument;. and acknowledged to me that they executed the same.
In Witness Whereof, I bave hereunto set my band and affixed !.the seal of said Court
at my office in the County of San Diego, tre day and year in this Certificate first above
County .. Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Superior
(SEAL) Court·.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Ci:ty. Clerk AUG 23 1927 at 20 .Min_! past 2 o'clock P.M~ In
Book No. 13a6 Page 166 of Deeds. Records ?f San-Diego County,, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
_By~. B. WOODABD, Deputy.

I HEP~BY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Lemuel H~ Norton·et alto the City of San_ Diego •. Being Document No. 210104. ·
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California•
By_-_ __ .1/ ..

. CORNELIOUS COURTOIS; a·lsb known as Cornelius Courtois a singae man, For and in con-
sideration of One & No/100 Dollars. Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, County of San
Diego, State of California, an easerrent of right-of-way for street purposes only, over along;
and across. All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, I
State of California, bounded and described as follows:
"-l ~)

All that portion of Lot. 41, Ex-Mission Landsof San :Pie go, according to Map thereof
No. 283, filed with the County Recorder of said County, described as follows:
The south 20' of the east ~ acres of the north half of the northwest guart·er of said
Lot-- ·41.
To Have ani to Hold the above granted and.described easement for public Street pur-

I Viitness my hand and seal this 4th day of June, 1927.


. ~·

Notary Public' in and for the County of .Los ·Angeles;
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission. Expires,
Feb. 1;;;1931.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG 23 1927 a:t. 20 Min. past 2· o'clock P ,;'M-;- In
Book No. 1232 Page 315 of Deeds Records .of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H.· FERRY,· County Re corder
By L. B. WOODARD,- Deputy.

I -
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the abo,ve and fo~going is. a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Cornelius Courtois to the City of San Diego •. Being Document No •.210107
City Clerk of the City o:f San Diego, California.
By ·-~--:}}),~Deputy.

D E E D . \

W. B. King and Lilly M. King, o:f Seattle, Washington husband and wife, F'or and in
consideration of One_ (~1.00) Dollar and .other valuable c.onsiderati.ons, Do. Hereby Grant to
The City of ~an Diego, Co:unty of San Diego, State of Californi~, an··e_asement ~f right-:-Of"- r.'

way for Street purposes only, over, along and across All that Eeal Property SJ.tuated J.n the
City of San ·Die go, County of San Diego, State of California,· bounded and described as follov~s:
. All that portion of Lot 41, Ex Mission Lands of San.Diego, according to Map thereof
No. 283, filed with the County. Recorde.r of said·County, particularly described as ·follows;
Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 41, 400.08' easterly from the
northwest corner of said Lot· 41, thence S. 0° 20 1 w. 331.70.1 to the true point o:f begLilnning;
thence N. 89° 10 1 oon W. 145. 74 1 to a point; thence easterly along the arc of a circle, whose
center bears s. 21° 47.1 19" E. and is distant 325 1 from the last- named point, 123.56 1 to a
point; thence s. 89° 10' 00" E. 20.76 1 to a point; thence S. 0° 20' w. 25' to the true point
of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement for public Street pur-
poses only.
Witness our hands and seal this 16th day of June, 1927. Q


Approved as to Form
A_pproved as to Description


On this 16th day of June A.D.• Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before· me,
F •. E. Knowles a Notary Public in and for said County?, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared W. B. King and Lilly M. King his wife known to me to be the
persons described in and whose name they subscribed to the within instrument, and acknow-
ledged to me that they executed the sa.rre.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year i-n this Certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the State of Washil~ton,
(SEAL) Re ·sidence at Seattle •
My Commission Expires·,_
Fe by 2, 1931.

RECORDED AT .REQUEST OF Gity of San Diego, AUG 23 1927 at 20 Min~ past 2 o 1 clock .LM.
In Book No. 1232 Page 3T3-of Deeds Records of San -Diego County, Calif.
JOHN·H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEP.EBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a fuil, true and correct copy of
'Deed from W. B. King _et ux to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 210116.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
By Deputy.
UNION TRUST COMPANY OF SAN DIEGO, a corporation, For and in consideration of TElL&
oojioo DOLLARS Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the .
county of San Diego, State of California, an easerrent of right-of-way for Street purposes,
over, along and across. All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County
of San Diego, State of California, bounded and de scribed as follows •
The north 40' of Lot 9, Bloc~ "A", West Hollywood, according to Map thereof No. 155],
filed in the Office. of the County Recorder of the said Courity.
To Have ani to Hold the a b6ve granted and desert bed property, unto the said Grantee;
its &ruccessors and assigns, for Street purposes only.
Witnesseth: That said corporation has caused this deed to be sigred by its Vice-
President and Assistant Secretary and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto this 3d day
of May, 1927.
(SEAL) Attest: By C. H. ENGLISH, Vice-.President
Assistant Secretary.
Approved as ±o Eorm
TURRENTil'lE & WRIGHT, Atton1eys
Approved as to Description

On this 3d day of .May, in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and. Twenty-seven, befo~e
me, Lulu. McFarland a Notary. Public in and for said County·and State, personally appeared
C. H. English known to me to be. the Vice President, and A. H. MacKintosh known to f:ne to be
the Assistant Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument, known to me
to be the persons who executed the within instrUJflent on behalf of the Corporation therein

named, and acknowledged to rre that such Corporation executed the same.
Witness my hand ani. official seal the day and year in t.lhl:is · Certificat~ first above
_(SEAL) Notary 2ublic in and for said County and State.
RECORDED AT F.EQUEST OF City Clerk AUG 31 1927 at 10 o 1 clock A.M. In Book No., 1385
Page 175 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif •.
JOHN·H.·FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSO~m, Deputy.
I HEF;EBY CERTU''Y that the a.bove and foregoing .is a f·ull, frue and correct copy o.f
.Deed from Union Trust, Co. to the City of Sa:n Diego. Being Document No. 210094.
City :.Clerk of. the . City of San Diego, Californ~a •

.By . ~-·~--Deputy.

W~, Thomas H. Serrin and Kathryn R. Serrin, husband and wife, For and in considera-
tion of the benefits ~o accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through and
across the property hereinafter aescri bed Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a
Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and
right of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along
and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,
::!tate of California, bounded.and described as follows;
A portion of .Lot 46, Block 33, Fairmount Addition to City H~ights, according· to Map/.thereof·
No. 1035, filed in .:the Office of the County Recorder of ~an Diego County, said easement
~nd right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the following·described
center line:
Beginn~ng at a point on the east line of said Lot 46, distant 5.00 feet north from
the southeast corner of' said Lot 46; thence northwesterly on a direct line rmking an angle
of 46 degrees 13 minutes with the east line of said Lot 46, a distance ·of 25.00 feet to a
To Have ancr··to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever. · ·
WITNESS our hands and seals this 8th day of July, 192 7.
. On this 8th day of July A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
E. H. Holmboe a Notary .Public in and for said County . residing the rein, duly commissioned
and sworn,· personally appeared Thomas H. Serrin and P..athryn R. Serrin,· known to me to be
the :persons describ~d ·in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknow-
ledged to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public' in. and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Cornmission Expires,
July 28, 1929.

RECORDED AT FEQUEST OF City Clerk AUG. 31, 1927 at ],.0 o 1 clock A.M.· In Book No. 1362
Page 421 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHlt H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.·
I HEREBY CERTIFY ttlat the above and foregoing is a full, true -and correct copy of
Deed from 11 homas H. ·Serrin and Kathryn R. Serrin to the City of San Diego. Being Document
No. 211592.
City C1e rk of .the_ ·.City o:f San Die go, Ca lifo mia.

/Jy._., ':m,. WA~

I By


_ THIS AGREEMENT, made this second day of July, 19 27, between the Unio-R- Trust . Company
of San DiE} go, a corporation, .Trustee under the Trust hereinafter described~ ra.rty of the
First Part, and rrhe City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, Party of the §econd, Part,
. WITNESS~TH: THAT, WHEREAS, said Trustee is the legal owner of all that property
situated in the. City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State o.f California, covered by the ,.
Deed of Trust hereinafter described; and,
WHEREAS, THE CITY OF SAJ:J DIEGO, for the b-enefit and impr.(!3lveme.nt of said property, .
is laying, const!iiucting and maintaining, or intending to construct, lay and maintain a drain .'".
pipe through, along and across a portion of said property, and
WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to the laying, construction, maintenance and
operation of said drain pipe that an easement and right o-f way for same shall be and remain
upon a portion of said property prior and superior to the terms and conditions incorporated
in said deed of trust; and
WHEREAS, all tre owners of the equitable interests under said mentioned deed of
Trust, have each granted an easermnt and right of way·to the party of the Second· Part,.
as follows; ·
Trust ·need, dated Ivlarch 16, 1926, made by F. ·n. Arrington, a widower, Joseph E.
Shreve and Est en Shreve, husband and wife, in favor of Paul Gr~enwood and E. W. De:unstedt,
as joint tenants, securing. one promissory note for the sum of $875.00 with interest, record-
ed March 23, 1926, in Book 1167, at page 402 et seq., of Deeds, records of the Offi.ce of the
County Recorder of said San Diego County,
r:L'he easement conveyed b'eing through, along and across a portion of Lot 7, Block E,

I Altadena, according to Map thereof No. 1663, filed in the Office of said County Recorder,
said easement.and right of way being six feet in width and particularly described as foililows,
to-wit: · . ·
Beginning at the northeast comer of said Lot 7; thence west: along the norfh line ofil
said Lot 7, a distance of 7. 25 feet to a point; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a
·point on the easterly' line of said Lot 7, distant 26.56 feet northerly from the southeaster]y
corner of said Lot 7; thence northerly" along the easterly line of said Lot 7 to the point or
place of beginning.·
. That, in cons_ideratio:r.J. of the-premises, the sum of ONE DOLLAR, and in further con~·
sideration of tre benefits derived and to· be derived from the construction,, operation and
maintenance of· a drain· pipe through, along' and across said property, said Party of the First
mentioned to the right o:f way and easement ·heretofore conveyed t·o the L'arty of the Second
Part, upon the designated portion of the property co~ered by such trust deed, so that said·
right of way and e aserre nt shall be come and remain prior and· superior to any and all of the
terms and conditions contafuned in or provided by said Det?d of Trust·.hereinabove referred to.
· IN WITNESS WHEREOF, trn said .Party of the First .t:'art has caused this instrument to
be signed by its Vice President and Assistant Se ere tary, and its corporate seal to be aff·ixeCl
hereto, the day and ~ar in this instrument first above written. .
(SEAL.) ATTEST: By F. B·. THO~.{PSON~ Vice-President.
·party of the 9econd Part.

On this second day of July, 1927, before me, Luella MacKintosh, a Notary Public in
and for said County and State, :re rsonally appeared F. B. Thompson, known· to me to be the
Vice Pres-ident and A. H. Mac.Kintosh, known to me to be the Assistant Secretary of the corpor-
ation that executed the within instrument, known to me to be the persons who. executed the
within i1istrument on behalf o:frthe· corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that
such co:rpora ti on executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and ~n this Certif'9,cate first above
(SEAL} Notary Public in and for said Coru1ty and State.
BEC0}1DED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG 31 192 7 at 10 o'clock A.M. In Book No .•. 1367
Page 322.of Deeds Records of .Sar~ Diego County; Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, €.oun ty .Re·corde r'
By N. C. P~RSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct of
Subordination Agreememb from Union Trust Co. of s. D. with the ;ei ty: o:f San Diego. B@ ing
Document No. 211603.
C_ity Clerk of the City of San Diego, California. l

By .___ Deputy.


I, Lena E. Bloch, a single woman, For and in consideration of the benefits..-to accrue
by the locatiQncand construction of a drain pipe through and across the property hereim:ifter ,,.
described Do hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of
San Diego, State of California, an easerr:ent and right of way for the construct-ion; operation
and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across. All that Real Property situated in ·:
the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as
· A portion of th~ North.65 feet,of Lot 16, Block.l, Stetson's Addition, according to
Map thereof No. 139, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego Cow1ty,
.particularly described-as follows:
Beginning at a point on the south line o.f the North 65 feet of said Lot 16, distant
2.00 feet east from the west line of said Lot 16; thence north on a line parallel to and dis-
tant 2.00 feet east from the west line of said Lot 16 to a point distant 3.00 feet south
from the north line of. said Lot 16; thence west at right angles to the last described line, .
a distance of 2.00 feet 1to thhe west line of said Lot 16; the nee north along the west line o:fl
said Lot 16 to the northwest corner of said Lot 16; thence east along the north line of sai~ : I 'J

Lot 16, a distance of 10.00 feet to a.point; thence at right ·angles-south a distance of 3.00 .. .
feet to a point; thence at right ·arJgles west, a distance of 2.00 feet to a point, said last ~ '

named point being distant 8.00 feet east from and at right angles to .the west line of said
Lot 16; thence south on a line rarallel to and distant 8.00 feet ,east from the west line of
.said Lot 16 to.the south line of the north 65 feet of said Lot 16; thence west along said
south line to the point of begi1u1ing.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee, .:.;
its successors and assigns, forever, for the construction of a drain pipe and appurtenances. '
V'Ji tness my hand and seal ,this 30th day of July, 1927.

On this 30th d.ay of July A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me,
E. H.- Holmboe, a Notary Public in ai:l.d for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, persomlly appeared Lena E. Bloch, known to me to be the· person described in and
whose name is subscribed ·to the within ·instrument ~ and a·cknowledged to rrie that .she exe-cuted
the same~
· Witness my hand and Official Sealqthe day and year in this certificate first above

Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State o:f California.
My Commission Exp1res,
July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT HEQUEST OF' City Clerk AUG 31 1927 at 10 O'c"lock A.M. In Book No. 1356
Page 309 of DEEDS Records of San Die go· County, Calif.
."JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. c. Parsohs, Dep:uty.
I H.EP.EBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Lena E. Bloch to the City o·f San Diego. Being Document No. 211604.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego,. California.

We, Louis Krinitzky·and Mary Krinitzky, husband and wife, For and in consideration
of the benefits: to accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across
the property hereinafter described Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of· Calj.fomia, an easement and right of way
.for the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across
All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Di$go, State of
California, bounded and described as follows: ·

-The East 6.00 feet of the We_st8.00 feet of the South 56.00 feet of Lot 16, Block 1,
Stetson's Addition; according to Map thereof No. 139, filed in the Office- of the County
Recorder of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above· granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever. . . .
Witness our hands and seals this lst day of July, 1927.
. . , LOU:t5} KRI1liTZKY (SEAL)
On this :b.,irst day"1-.of July A~D. Nineteen Hundred· and Twenty--seven before .me,
.t;. H. Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Louis Krinitzky and Mary Krinitzky known to me to be the per-
sons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first. above
written •.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
f SEAL) . State of California.
My Commission Expir~s,
July 28 , 192Q • ·
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City-Clerk AUG.31,1927 at 10 o'clock A.M.· In Book' No. 1332·
Page 350 of .Sat. of Mtgs •. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
,; JOHN H. FERRY, Cbunty Recorder
By N. ·C. PARSONS, Deputy. ~
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
.Deed from Louis Krinitzky et ux to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 211605.

City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.·
By_ __ ·I~ Deputy.
.. !


GEO. M. HAWLEY INVESTMENT COMPANY, a corporation, For and in cons ide rat ion of une
DOLLAR, Does Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County
of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction,
operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along ·and across All that Real .Property

I situated in the City of San Diego, County of San-Diegp, State·of California, bounded and
described as follows: ·
A portion of Lot 16, :Block 1, Stetson's Addition, according to Map thereof No. 139,
.filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement and right
of way being particularly described as follows, to-wit: .
Beginning at a. point on the south line of said ·Lot 16, distant 2.00 feet east from
the southwest corner thereof; thence north on a line parallel to and distant 2.00 feet east
from the west line of sa;i.d Lot 16 to a point distant 3.00 feet south from the north line of
said Lot 16; thence west at right angles to the Iast described line, a distance of 2.00 fee~
to the west line of said Lot 16; thence north along the· west line of said Lot 16 to the north-
west corner of said Lot .16; thence east along the North line of said Lot 16, a distance of
10 feet to .a point; thence at right .angles South a distance of 3.00 feet to a point; thence
at right angles west .a distance of 2.00 feet to a. point, said point being distant 8.00 feeti
east and at right angles from the west line of said Lot 16; thence south on a line parallel
to and distant 8.00 feet east from tbe west line of said Lot 16 to the south line of said ·
Lot 16; thence west along the south line of said Lot 16 to the point or place of beginning.
To Have and To Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever, for the construction of a drain pipe and appurtenances.
IN WITNESS WHEF.EOF; said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by
·its proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 4th day of August, 1927.·)
(SEAL) Attest: By GEO. M. 'HAWLEY, President •
.J •. K•. DURRILL, Secretary.


On this 4th day of August A. D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me,
Harry M. Rocco a. Notary Public in and for said County, residing· therein, duly commissioned
ani sworn, personally appeared Geo. M. Hawley known to me to be the President, and J .K.Durr'll
known to me to· he the Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument, known
to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the Corporation witH-
in named, and acknowledged to rre that s.uch Corporation executed the sarre.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in
the County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this Certificate first
above weitten. · ~
Notary Pub].ic in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California..
My Commission Expires,
· .July 15, 1931.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG 31 192!1 at·lo o'clock A·.M. In Boo~ No •. 1356,
Page 311 of DEEDS. Records of San Diego lCounty, Calif. ·
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
. ' .
I HBREBY CERTIFY that the·a.bove and. foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Geo. 1vi. Hawle·y Investment Co. to the City of San Diego. Being Document No.2116.06.
City Clerk of the· City of San Diego, California~
By_ _ _ __ Deputy.


Community Building and Loan Association, a Corporation For and in consideration of

One Dollar .Does Hereby Remise, release and quitclaim to The City of San Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of Calif'ornia., a.n easement and right of way
for the construct ion·, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across
All th& t Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, ·County of San· Diego, State of
California, bounded and desqribed as follows:
A portion of Lot 7, Block E, Altadena, according'to Iv!ap the-reof No. 1663, filed in
the Office of the County Be corder of said San Diego County., particularly descrLbed .a.s follows:
. Beginning at northeast corner of said Lot 7;; thence west along the north line of
said Lot 7, a distance of 7.25 feet to a point; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a
point on ~he ~af?terly line of said Lot 7, distant 26.56 feet northerly from the southeaster-
ly corner of said Lot 7; thence northerly along the easterly line of said Lot 7 to the point
or place of beginning.
To Have a1~d '11 0 Hold the above quitclaimed and described easement unto the said grantee
its successors and assigns forever. · . , I
. . IN WITNESS WHEF.EOF: said Corporation has caused this :instrument to be executed by its
proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this First day of· July, 1927.
- By JOHN B. STARKEY; President.
(SEAL) Attest:


I On this :B,irst day of' July A.D. lHneteen Hundred and Tenty-seven before me, .t;.H.Holmboe
a Notary Public in and for said County, residing there in, duly commissioned and sworn, per- I
sonally appeared John B. Starkey known to me to be the President, and Harold B. Starkey known
to me to be th~ Secretary of the Corporation that exe>cuted the within instrument; known to
me to be tbe persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the Corporation \vithin
named, and acknowledged to me·tha.t such Corporation executed the same.
In Witness Whereof', -I have hereunto set mu hand and -affioced my Official Seal, in the
County of San ·Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate first above
.lJotary Puhlic in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of
- . CalifoFnia.
my commision expires July.28, 192~.
. ' ,/


,RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerlc AUG 31 1927 at 10 o'clock A·.M. In Book No. 1356
Page 310 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif'.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, ID)eputy •.
I H.h:REBY CERTIFY that the above E.;nd foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from the ~ommunity Bldg. & Loa-n Ass11. to the City of San D:lego. B&ing Document No.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego~ California.
We, Gagor E. Anderson and Marie Anderson, husband and wife, For and in consideration
of One Dollar Do Hereby G:r:ant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the com~ity
of Sa~ Diego, State of California, .for Street purposes, All that Real Property situated in 1
the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as
. A portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Bay Ocean. View, according to Map thereof No. 1316, fi-led
in the Office of the County Recorder off said San Diego County, particularly described as I
follows: . .
· Beginning at the northwest corne:r of said Lot 1; thence .east along the north line ofi ·
said Lot 1,. a distance of 14.53 feet to a point; thence' southwesterly on a direct line to a
point on the west line of said Lot 1-, distant 18~08 feet south from thenorthwest corner of
said Lot l; thence nort.h a,long the west line of said Lot 1 to-the point or place of beginning.
· · To Have and to Hold the above granted and described proper.ty unto the. said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, for Street purposes.
Witness our hands and seals this lOth day of August, 192 7.
I' '

On this lOth day of August A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
E. H. Brooks a Not,ary Pl1blic j._I}....@_4 12£_ said County, residing the rein; duly commissioned
and sworn, personally apP1fBY:e<l,JV18.rfe Anderson, known to me to be. the persons described in
and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they
executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California. --~---
My Commission Expires,
. June 4 , . 1 9 3 0.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk .A,B"G 31 1927 at 10 o 1 cloak" A.M. In Book No. 1355

Page 343. of Deed_s Records of. San Diego County, Calif.

JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
ByN. 9· PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a :full, true and coz:re ct copy of
Deed from Gagor E. Anderson.and Marie Anderson to the City of San Diego. B ing Document
No. 211608.; · 9
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.·
By_ _ _ _ _ _..!../~~-~~k11.:...1.-!...,...~~_W~~a..·
~·_ _ _ Deputy.
Grable-Franci sco-Bleifuss Co • a corporation For and in consideration of the benefits
to accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property
hereinafter des.£Q_ibed, Do Hereby Gr~nt to the City of San Diego, a Municipal .Corpor~tion,
in the County of.San Diego, State of California, an easerrent and.right of' way for the con-
struction, operation and mainte:rlE.;nae of a drain pipe through, ·along and across All that Real
Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bound-
ed and described as follows: ·
A portion of Lot 29, Block D. Altadena, according to .Map thereof No. 1663, filed in
the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement and right of way
be :Lng particularly desc·cibed as follows: ,
Beginning at apoi'nt on the north line of said Lot 29, distant 24.43 f'eet west from
the northeast corner of said Lot 29; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a point on the
east line of said Lot 29, distant 32.03 feet south from the northeast corner of said Lot 29;
thence south alqng th~ east line of' sai.d Lot 29 to the southeast corner of said Lot 29; thence
west along the south line of said Lot 29, a distance of 1.47 feet to a point; thence north-
wes~erly on a direct line to a point on the north line of said Lot 29, distant 86.03 feet
east from the northwest corner of said Lot 29; thence east along the north 1 ine of said Lot
29, a distance of 7.54 feet to the point or place of beginning. ·
To Have and to HolP. tbe above granted and described easement un~o the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a right of way for a drain pipe.
Witness its hand and seal this 4th day ofA~g., 1927.

(SEAL) Atte·st:
- (SEAL)
) .
On this 4th day of August, 1927, blefore me, Mary E. Powers, a Notary .Public in and
for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
a1n sworn, personally appeared San Francisco known to me to be the Vice-President and
Roy F. Bleifuss known to me to be the Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within

I instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of
the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at
my Office in the County of San Diego, the day -and year in this Certificate first above
written. ·
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commis'sion .i£xpires
May 31, 1931.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG· 31 1927 at 10 o'clock A.lvl. In Book No. 1356
Page 313 of DEEDS Records of· San Diego County,· Calif.
JOHN H•. FERRY, Courity Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HERBBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Grable-Francisco,-Bleifuss Co. to the City of San Diego. Being Document Uo.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By_ _ _ _ _ _· ,I._;.~~:;.J..__,h,'-"'-'-'-.-"'W~klt~·
~e.~}+-'-·_ _ Deputy.


I ._ ....
THIS AGREEMENT, made this third day of August, 1927, between the Union Trust Company,
_of San Diego, a corporation, Trustee under the Trust hereinafter described, .Party of the
Part, and The City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, J:arty of the ~econd Part,
WITNESSETH: THAT, W~EREAS, said '11 rustee is the legal owner of all that property
situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, covered by the
Deed of Trust hereinafter described; and, --
WHEREAS, THE CI':PY OF· SAN DI.EGO, for the bene fit and improvement of said property, is
laying, constructing and- maintaining, or intending to lay, construct and maintain a sewer
pipe lfne through, along and across a ,portion of said property, and
WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to the laying, construction, maintenance and
operation of said sewer p_ipe_ line that an easement and right. of way for same shall be and
remain u·pon a portion of said property prior and superior to the terms and conditions in-
corporated in said Deed of frust; and
WHEREAS, all the own;rs of the equitable interests under said mentioned. Deed of
Trust, have each granted an easement and right of way to the Party of tbe Second Part, as
· Trust Deed, dated December 30, 1925, made by c. E. Rees and Sidonie Rees, husband
and wife, d.n favor · of Edward Morre 11 ·and Inez Ivlorre ll, husband and wife , se cruing one promis-
sory note for the sum of Nineteen Hui:tdred .D.o.llars with interest, recorded January 9' 1926' .
in Book 1141, at :r:age 453,_et seq., of Deeds, Re-cords of the Office of the County Recorder
of said San Diego County.
The easemer.rt conveyed .being. through, along and across'the southwesterly six feet of
Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block: 217, Middle~own, according to Partition Map thereof' made by
J. E. Jackson~ C• .B:., filed in the Uffie:e of the County Clerk of said San Diego County.
That,· in c ons.i,de rat ion of the prf:3mi se s, the sum of One Dollar, and ih further con-

I sideration of the benefits derived and to be derived from the construction, operation and
maintenance of' said sewer pipe line, said Party of the First Part HE:t-EBY SUBOHDINATES ALL
0], ITS RIGHT, TITLE AND IN~L8PJ£ST ru1der said Deed of 1'rust above ·mentioned to the right of
way and easensnt heretof,Jre CQnveyed to the Par~y of the Second Part, upon the designated
. portion of the property covered by such trust deed, so thut s.aid right of way and easement
shall become and re~in prior and superior to any and all of the terms and c<mndiifiions con-
tained in or provided by said Deed of Trust hereinabove referred to.
IN_ WITNESS WHEREOF, the said .Party of the l'irst Part h?-S caused this instrument to
be signed by its .Vice President and As.sistant Secretary, and its corporate seal to be affixed
hereto, the day and year in this i~1strument first above wr~tten.
. Party of the First :Part
. (SEAL.) Attest: By F. B. TH011PSON, Vice-President
A. H. MacKINTOSH, Assistant-SeC?retary.
STATE OF CALIFOPJHA,) . Party of.the .Second Part
. On this thirc1 day of August, 1.927, before me, ~uella MacKintosh, a Notary .Public in
· and for said Count;;,r, residing t re rein, duly commissi-oned and sworn, personally appeared
F. B. Thompso~1, knoVim to me to be the Vice-Presiden1; and A. H. MacKintosh, known to me to be
the Assistant Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument, known to me
to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corpor!ation within
named and acknowledged to rre that such corporation executed the sam~. ---.. .__,
Witness niy hand and Official Seal, the day and year in this Certificate first abo've

My Comm±ssion Expires,
March 26, 1930.
Notary Public in and for the County of $an Diego,
State of California.

RECORDED AT HEQUEST OF City Clerk AUG 31 1927 at 10 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1367
Page 320 of Deeds Records of San Diego 'county; Calif·.
JOHN H. :b..,ERRY, 0.ounty Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, fuputy.

I HERBBY CERTH,Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of·
Subordination Agreement from Union Trust Go. to the City of San Diego. Being _Document No.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By_ _ /~ ~.;It·
_" ~.~'}-
C. E. Rees and l:>idonie Rees, husb&nd and wife~ For and in consideration of the bene-
fits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and across the
property hereinafter described Do Here!?y Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corp-
oration, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easerrent and right of way for
the construction, operation·and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along and across
All that Real Property situated in tm City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of
Gali fornia, bounded and de sari bed as follows:
The southwesterly si:x: feet of Lots 7, 8 Slllld 9, Block 217, Middletown, according to
.Partition Map thereof made by J. E. Jackson, c. E. filed in the Office of the County Clerk
of said San Diego County. ·
To Have and to .Hold the above granted ana described easement unto the. said grantee,
its successors and assig1'1s, 'forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
Witness our hands and seals this 2nd day of May, 192 7·.
On this 2nd day of lvlay A.D. Nine teen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
E. H. Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing the rein, duly commissioned
and sworn, ~rsonally appeared c. E. Rees and Sidonie Bees, known to me to be the persons.
described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to
me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this Certificate first above I
Notary Public -in and for the COUl1.ty of San·Diego,l
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
July 28, ~929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Cler~ AUG 31 1927 at 10 o 1 clbck A.M. In Boo~ No.- 1362
Page 419 of Deeds Records of ::lan Diego County, Calif.
JOHI'i H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. 0. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HE1il£BY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, t-tue and correct copy of
Deed from C. E. Bees and Sidonie Rees to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 211611.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
By_ _ _ _ __ · Deputy.

I, Arthur A. Morris, an unmarried man, For and in consideration of the benefits to
accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and· across the propertyjl
hereinafter described, Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal.·Corporation; iDJ
the IJounty of San Diego, State of California-, an easement and right of way for the construct'-
ion, OJ>Sration and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along and across All that Real
Property situated in the Cdlt.y of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bound-
ed and described.- as follows:
A portion of Lots 28, 29, 30 and 31, Block G, Montclair, according to Map thereof
No. 1684, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement
and right of way being six feet in width, ·three feet on e&ch side of the following described
center line:
Beginning at a point on the southerly line of said Lot 28, distant 39.79 feet west-
erly from the southeasterly corner of said Lot 28; thence northwesterly on a direct line to
a point on the westerly line of said Lot 31, ·distant 165.57 feet southerly from·the north-
~esterly corner of Lot 35, said Block G.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever. 1_
Witness my hand and seal this 11th day of July, 1927.
. .
On this 11th day of July A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,.
1!;. H. Holmboe, a Notary rublic in and for said County; residing therein~ duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Anthur A. Morris, ·known to me to be the person described in
and whose name is subscribed to tbe within instrument, and acknowledged to me that.he ex-
e outed the same.
Witness my hand. and Official Seal the. day and year in this Certificate first above
written. p

Notacy Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEA~) State of California.
Iv1y IJommission Expires,
July 28, 1929.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF. City Clerk AUG 31 1927 at 10 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1362
Page 416 of Deeds Re.cords of San Die go County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
ByN. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Arthur A. Morris to. t be City of San Diego. Being Document No. 211612.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By_ _ _~~~--Deputy.

I, Catherine M. Madden, a single woman, For and in consideration of the benefits to
accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property
hereinafter described, Do Hereby Grant to the .City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation,
in the. County of S~n Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the con-
struct ion, ope rat ion and rra inte nane:e of a drain pipe through, along and a cross All that Rea~
Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, boundl-
ed and described as follows: . . · ·
A portion of Lots 19, 20 and ·21,·B1ock E~ Altadena, according to Map thereof .No.l66~ 7
filed in the Office of the County He corder of said San Diego County, said easement and right
of way being particularly described·as follows,.to-wit:. · · · I
Beginning at a- point on the north line of said Lot 21, distar:rt 49.87 feet west from
the northeast corner of said Lot 21; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a point on the
easterly line of said Lot 19, distant ·11.67 feet southerly from the northeasterly corner of
said Lot 19; thence southerly along the easterly line of said Ld>t 19, a distance of 10.14
feet to a point; thence northyvesterly·on a direct. line to a point on the north line of said
Lot 21, distant 16.52 feet east from the northwest corner of said Lot 21; thence east along
the north line of said Lot 21, a distance of 7 •. 39 feet to a point or place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever· •.
Witness my hand and :Seal this 12th day of July, 1927.


On this 12th day of July A.D. Ni119teen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
E. H. Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly coaunissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Catherine M. lviadden, known to me to be the person described
in and whose name is sw.bscribed to the within instrument, and acknow:J_edged to rre that she
executed the sarre •
·witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
written. ..
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929.

RECORDED AT Rfi;r,;.;uEST OJ!' City Clerk AUG 31 1927 at .10 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1232
Page ~·53 of Deeds Records of' ian Diego County, Calif.
JOID~ H. FERRY, Corurty Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTI:F'Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Catherine M~ Madden to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 211613.
. City Clerk of the City of Sa1i Diego, .Cdliforni~e{.

By_ _ _ ___,_/~=~:i:::l·~- o.·\1a~_l.u..AJJJ.u~J;.u'j;~·l~---Deput y.


THIS AGREEMENT, made this 14th day of July, 1927, between the Union Trust Company
of San~Diego, a cor.poration, Trustee under the trust he.reinafter described, .!?arty of the
First Part, and the City of San Die.g.o, a Municipal Corporation-, Party of the Second Part,
WITNESSETH: THAT, WHEREAS, said Trustee is the legal owner of all that property
situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, covered by the
Deed of rrrust hereinafter described; and, ·
WHEREAS, r:rHE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, for the benefit· and improvement of said property,
is laying·, constructing and maintaining, or intending to· lay, construct and ma.inta:im a. dr~in
pipe throuQ'h, along· and across a portion of said property., and · · .
WHEREAS, it is a condition presedent to the laying, construction, maintenance and
operation of said drain pipe that an easement and right of way for same sball be a:n.d remain
upon a portion of said' property prior and superior to the terms and conditions incorporate·d
in said deed of trust; and, .
WHEREAS, all the owners of the equitable interests.~der said mentioned Deed of
Trust, have each granted an easement and right of way to the Party of the Second Part, as
follows: ·
· ..Trust Deed, dated February 27, 1926, made by Emma Windham, in favor of Roy R. White
and OraL. White, husband and wife, securing one promissory note for the sum 9f $409.00 witti
interest, record&d March 16, 1.9.26, in ·Boo~ 1185, at page 201, et seq., of Deeds, records of
the Office of the County R~.corder of said San Diego County,· .
·The easement e:onveyed being ~.hrough, along and across a portion: of Lots 19, 20 and
21, Block~, Altadena, according to l>Jap thereof No. 1663, filed in the Office of said CountYi ..
Recorder, said easement and right of way being particularly described as follows:; to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 21, distant 49.87 feet·west from
the northeast corner of said Lot 21;. thence southeasterly on a direct line to a point on the
easterly line of s~id Lot 19, di.stant 11.67 feet :southerly from the northeasterly corner of
said Lot 19; thence southerly along the easterly line of said Lot 19, a distance of 10.14
feet to a point; trence northwesterly on a direct line to a.point on tline north line of said
Lot 21, distant 16.52 feet east from the northwest a.orner of, said Lot 21; thence east along
the north line of said Lot 21, a· d ista~1ce of 7.39 feet to tbe point or place of beginning.
That, in consideration of the premises, the sum of ONE DOLLAR, and in further con-
sideration of the benefits derived anl to be derived from the construction, maintenance and
operation of said drain pipe, said Party of the First Part IlliREBY SUBORDINATES ALL OF ITS
RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST under said Deed of Trust above .rr.entioned to the right of way and
easement heretofore conveyed to the Party of the Second rart, upon the designated portion
of the Property cove red by such trust deed, so that said right of way and easement shall bel
. come and remain prior and superior t o any and a 11 of the terms and conditions contained in or
provided by said Deed of Trust hereinabove referred to.
. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Party of the First Part has caused this instrument to
be signed by its Vice .!:resident arJd Assistant Secretary, and· its corporate seal to 1Je
affixed hereto, tre day and year in this instrument first above writteh.
-Party of the First Part.
(SEAL) Attest: By ·F. B. THOMPSON, Vice-President
. Assistant~secretary.
Party of the Second Part.
On this 14th day of July, 1927, before me, Luella MacKintosh, a Notary Public in
and for said County, residing there in, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared,
F. B. Thompson, ltnown to me to be the Vice-Pres.ida.nt and A. H. MacKintosh, known to me to
be the Assistant Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument, known
to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation
therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEilliOF, I have hereunto set muJ; hand and affixed my Official Seal, the
day· and year in this Certificate first above written. ·
Notary Public in and for the· Counfy of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of Califo~nia.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG. 31 1927 ·a_ t 10 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1386
Page 197 of Deeds. Records of ·san Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY,' County Recorder·
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Subordination Agreement from Union Trust Company to t.he . Cijry of San Diego. B_eing Document
No. 2116i4.
City Clerk of the City of San Die~o, California.

I, Emma Windham, a married woman, For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue
by the location .and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property hereinafte!1
·described, Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County
of San Diego, State. qf Califo·rnia, an .easement and right of way for the construction, oper- 1
ation and maintenance of· a drain pipe .through, along and across All that Real Property
situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of. California, bounded and
described as follows:
·A portion of Lots' 19, 20 and 21, Block E, Altadena, according to Map thereof No.
1663, filed in the Office qf the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easement
and right of way being particularly described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 21, distant 49.87 feet west from
.the northeas_t corner of said Lot 21; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a point on the
easterly line of said Lot 19, distant 11.67 feet southerly from the northeasterly corner of Lot 19; thence southerly along the easterly line of said Ltt 19., a distance of 10.94
feet to a point; ;thence northwesterly on a direct line to a point on the north line of said
r.;ot 21., distant 16.52 feet east from the northwest corner of said Lot 21; thence east along
the north line of said Lot 21, a distance of 7.39 feet to the point or place of beginning.
Said property being the separate property of the grantor herein.
To Have and to Hold the ab.ove granted and described easement. unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a r~ght of way for a drain pipe.
Wit11ess my hand and ~eal this 24th day of June, 1927.
COilli~,y OF SAN DIEGO:~:) ss
On this 24th day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before rre,
E. H. Holmboe, a Notary Public· in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and svwrn, persomlly. appeared Emma Windham, knO\m to me to be the person described in and
whose name is subscribe~ to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed
the same.
Witr:ess my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the Com1ty of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California~
My Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG 31 1927 at 10 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1268
Page 259 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, Cbunty Be corder.
By N. C•. PARSONS, Deputy •.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct cqpy of
Deed from Emma Windham to the City of San D±ego. Being Document No. 211615.
City Clerk of the City of San.Diego, California.
By_ _ _ _ ~~~---Deputy.
. I ..
. dt:)


We; Estella R. Bo~e and W. q. Bourne, wife and husband, and Fred 0. ·shaw ru1d Mrs.
'\ Mary Shaw, husba1m and wife, For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by ·the
location and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property hereinafter de-
scribed Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the <.Jounty of

I San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the c onf_:ltruction, operation
and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across All that Real Property situated
in the· City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described
as follows;
A portion of Lot 12, ~lock 22, Fairmount Addition to City Heights, according to
Map thereof No. 1035, filed in the Office 6~ the County Recorder of said San Diego County,
said.easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each of the
following descfibed center line~
Beginuing at a point on the west lil?-9 of said Lqt 12, distant .21.60 feet north from
the southwest corner of said Lot 12; thence southeasterly on a direct line ·making an angle
of 74 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds with the said west line of said Lot 12, a distance of
30 feet to a point. .
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto .the said grantee,
its successors and a·.ssigns, forever.. . ·
Witness our hands ai1d seals this 23d day of July, l9~ 7.
. . OF SAN DIEGO, ) ss
On this 23d day of July A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,
E. H. Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, .residing therein, duly commissi?ned
and sworn, personally appeared Estella R. Bourne, W.o. Bourne, Fred o.· Shaw and Mrs • .~viary
Shaw, known to Ire to be the persons 'described in and whose names are subscribed to the with-
in instrument, and acknowledged to me ·that they execut.ed·the same. ·
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day an.d yea'r in this Certificate first above

I written.

Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California. ·
My Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG 31 1927 at 10 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1350
. Page 391 of D~ed Records of San Diego ·County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy •
. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the abo\re and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Dee.d from Mrs. Mary Shaw et al to the ·city of San Diego. Being Document No. 211616.
City Clerk of the· City of San Diego, California.

By_ _ _-L/~_.!:;~.~-~:_:;-L.:;..'-£W::..::::As.a.ft~~~--Deputy.


I, William A. Shaw, a widower, For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue b;yj
the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through, along and across the property
hereinafter .described, Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a lv1unicipal Corporation,~··
in the County of. San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the con-
struction, operation and mintemnce of a .sewer pipe line through, along and across All that

I Real Property situated in the City of. San Diego,· County of San Diego, State of California,
bounded and described as follows: .
A portion. of Lot 10, Block_H. Montclair, according to Map thereof No. 1684, filed.
in the Offic:e of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said easerrent and right of·
way being six feet in width, three fee~ on each side of the following described center line:
Beginning ·at a point on the westerly line of said Lot 10, distant 8t;;).87 feet north-
erly from the southwesterly corner of said Lot 10; thence easterly on a direct line to the
southeasterly corner of said Lot 10.
To Have and to Hold the above g·ranted and described ease rent unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, for sewer purposes.
Witness my ~and and se~l this 13th. day of July, 1927.
On this ~3t·h day of July A.D. Nineteen .Ffundred and Twe.nty-seven before me,
E. H. Holmboe, a Notary l)ublic in and<for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared William A. Shaw, known to me· to be the person described in
and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledted to rre that he execut-
ed the same.
Witness my harid and Official Seal the day and in this cecr;-t ificat.e first above
N·otary Public in and for the Oounty of San l>iego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,

I July 28, 1929.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG 31 1927 at 10 o'clock A.M. In Boo~ l~o. 1362
Page 422 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Cali f •.
JOHN H. FERRY, 8:ounty Recorder
By N. _C. PARSONS , Deputy • .

I HEREBY CERT.IFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
.Deed from William A. Shaw to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 211617 •
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By Deputy.

I, .Anna Perry, formerly Anna Walker, a married woman, For and in consideration of
the benefits to accrue by- the loc:ation and construction of a drain pipe through and across
the pitloperty hereinafter described Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way
for the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through and across All that
heal Property situated in the City of S~n Diego, County of San Diego, State of California,
bounded and described as follows: ·
A portion of Lot 38, Block 21, Fairmount Addition to City Heights, according tp Map
.thereof No. 103.5, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said. San Diego County, said
easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the following
described center line::
Beginning at a .point on the east line of said Lot 38, distant 13.10 feet north from
the southeast corner of said. Lot 38; thence northwesterly on a direct line making an angle.
of 74 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds with the east line of said Lot 38, d distance of 20.00
feet to a point; tbe aforesaid property being the separate property of the grantor herein.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever.
Witness my hand and seal this 20th day of. July,_ 1927 •
On this 20th day of July A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before [:Je, E.H.Hoimb e,
a .rwtary Public .in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and. sworn, per-
sonally appeared Anna Perry, formerly Anna Walker, known to me to be the person de~rcribed in
and whose name is subscribed. to· the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she ex-
e outed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the· day and year in this Certificate first above
Notary Public in and rffor the County of San Diego,
( SBAL) . State of California.
My uommision Expires,
July 28, 1929.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG 31 1927 at 10 o'clock A.M. In Boo~ No. 1362
Page 418 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif'.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Anna Perry to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 211618.
City Clerk of the City of' San Diego, California.

By_ _ _ ·-._ _j__~-~-·__ Deputy.


We, Edwar.d IJ:.'ilton.and Annie Tilton, husband and wife, For and in consideration of the
benefits to accrue by the location and. construction of a drain pipE;1· through and across the
property hereinafter described, Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corp-
oration, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an ea8ement and right of way for /
the construction, operation and maintenanee of a drain pipe through, along and across All
that Real Preperty situated in the ·city of San Diego, County of·San Diego, State of California
bounded and described as follows: _~ · II
A portion of Lots 29, 30 ~nd 31, Block 31, Fairmount Addition to City Heights, accord-
ing to Map thereof No. 1035, filed in the Office of the ·County Recorder of said San Diego 1
County, said easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of
the following described center line:. \
Beginning at a point on the .west line of said Lot 31, ·distant 7.60 feet north from
the southwest corner of said Lot 31; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a point on the
south line of said Lot 29, distant 52.80 feet east from the southwest corner of said Lot 29.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever.
Witness our hands a1n seals this 6th day of Ju~y ,. 192 7.
On this 6th day of July A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E.H.Ho~boJ
a Notary rublic in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, per-
sonally appeared Edward Til ton and Annie Tilt on., known to me to be the persons described in
~nd whose 11.arres are subs~ribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they
executed the same. . .
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
written. · ·
Notary Public in and f.or the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California~
My CorrHni s s ion Expires,
July 28, 1929. ·

RECORDED AIJ:.' REQUES~ OF City Clerk AUG 31 1927 at 10 o '.clock A.M. In Book No. 1398
Page 59 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FEERY, Cbunty Recorder
By N.· C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Edward Tilton and Annie Tilton to the City of· San Diego. Being Document No.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

~~ ~. ~--Deputy.
By ·

I, AnnaL. Steffes, a widow, for and in consideration of the benefits to a'.ccrue by

the location and construction of a wingwall and earth fill on the property hereinafter de-
scribed do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of
San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction and main- \~.
tenance of a wingwall an~d the deposit of material on through along and across all that real -~·
prope·rty situated in the City of San Diego 'Bounty of San Diego, State of Ca~ifornia, bounded!! ~;.,~.
and described as follows to-wit; · ·. ,,1
The South Twenty feet of Lots One and Three in Block Six, Pacific Beach Vista Tract
according to map thereof No. 916, filed in the Office of the Recorder of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold t be above granted· and described easement unto the said Grantee
its successors and· assigns forever for the purpose hereinbefore described.
·Witness my·hand and seal this 8th day of July, 1927.
On this 8th day of July, 1927, before me, E. H. Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for
said County and State, residing the:rein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
AnnaL;, Steffes, ltliown to me to b.e the p3rson whose name is subscribed to the within instru-
ment and she duly acknowledged that she executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this Cert ifi ca te first above

My Commission Expires,
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
July 28_, 19 29.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG 31 1927 at .10 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1398
Page 57 of DEEDS Records of' ~an Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY., County R~corde·r
ByN. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
['HEREBY CERTIFY that tbe above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Anna L. ·.Steffes to t.m City o,f San Diego-. Being Document No. 211620.
'City Clerk of the City of S~n Diego, California.

THIS AGREEMENT, made. this 14th day of July, JL927, between the Union Trust Company
of San Die go, _a corporation, Trustee under the Trust hereinafter described, party o:f the
First Part, and The City of San Diego, a municipal corporation, Party of the Second Part,
WITNESSETH: THAT, WHEREAS, said Trustee is the legal owner of all that property
situated in the City of· San Dieg9, County of San Diego, State of California, covered. by
the Deed of Trust here ina fte r described; and, ·
WHE~S, THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO,:for the berefit and improveiiBnt of said property, is

I laying, constr'ucting and maintaining, or intending to lay, construct and maintaillll. a sewer
pip~ through, along and across a portion of said property, and ...
WHEREAS, it· is a condition ·precedent to the laying:~- construct ion, maintenance and
operation of said sewer pipe line that an easement and right of way for same shali be and
remain upon a portion of said property prior and superior to the terms and conditions in-
corporated in said deed of trust; and · · ·
WHERE~S, all the owrers of· the equitable interests under said mentioned Deeq. of
Trust, have each granted an easement and right of way to the Party of the Second Part, a~
Trust deed, dated January 26, 1925, made by Cloyd F. Fuller and Grace s. Fuller,
husband and wife, in favor of Rogan & Company, a corporation, securing one promissory note
of 120 monthly installments of $14.56 each with interest~ recbrd_ed January 31, 1925, in Book
1062, at page 299, et seq., of Deeds, records of the Office of the County Recorder o:f said
San Diego County. .
-The easement conveyed beillS through, along and across a portion qfLots 28,.29, 30 and
31, Block G, Montclair, according to Map thereof No. 1684, filed in the Office of the County
Recorder of said San Diego ·county, said easement and right of way being six feet in width,
three feet on each side of· the following described center line:
· Beginning at a point on the southerly line o-f said Lot 28, distant 39.79 feet west-
erly from the southeasterly ·corner of said Lot 28; thence northwesterly on a di:r:ect line to
a point on the westerly line of said Lot 31, distant 165.57 feet southerly from the north-
westerly corner of Lot 35,· said Block G. ·
That, in cons ide rat ion of the premises, the swjl of ONE DOLLAR, and in further con-
sideration of the benefits derived and to be der~.ved f!om the constr'uction, mintenance and
operation of said drain pipe, said Party of the .l!'irst Part HEREBY SUBORDINATES ALL OF ITS

RIGHT, TITI.£ AND INTEP..EST under said._ Deed of Trust above mentioned to the right of way and
easement heretofore conveyed to the P~rty of the Second Part, upon the desig1mted portion of
the property covered by such deed of trust, so .that 'Sa·id right of way and easeme1~t shall be-
come and rermin prior and supe;rior to any and all of the terms and conditions contained in or
provided by said Deed of Trust hereinabove referred to. ' ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said :Party of the :B'irst Part has caused this instrument to
he signed by its Vice President and A·ssistant Secretary,and its corporate seal to be affixed
hereto, the day and year in this instrument first above written. ·
Party of t~e First Part.
(SEAL) Attest: By F. B. THOMPSON, Vice-President
A. H. MacKINTOSH, Assistant-Secretary.

On this 14th day of July, 1927,. before rr.e, Luella ~~cKintosh a Notary Public in and
for the said County of San .Diego, State of California, residing therein, ~uly commissioned
·and sworn personally appeared F. B. Thompson known to me to be the Vice President and
A. H. Macihntosh known to me to be the Asst. Secretary of the Corporation that executed the
within instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf
of the Corporation therein nmned, and acknowledged to me ·that such· Corporation executed.the
In Witness Where of, I have .hereunto set m¥ hand and affixed my Official Seal, at my
Office in the County of San Diego, day and year in this certificate first above written.
Notary Public in and fiDr the County. of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
:My Cornmj ss ion Expires
March 26, 1930.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG 31 1927 at 10 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1398
Page 60 of DEEDS Records of San Die-go County, Calif.
.IOHN H. FERRY, Count;>r Re corder
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERriFY tba t t re above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Subordination Agreement from Union Tnust Co. of S. D. to the City of San Diego. Being
Document No. 211621.
City Clerk of the City of.San Diego, California.

By_._ _ _.L.>JJ..,..L£"""a-."""'l't-}h_, W~~~·____ Deputy.

We , G. W. l11Io sher and, Agnes R.; Mosher, husband and wife, For and in cons ide rat ion
of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through and
across the property hereina~ter described, Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a
Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and
right o.f way for the .construc·t ion, operation and maintenance .of a drain pipe through, along
and across All that Real Property situated in the City o•f San Diego, County of San Diego,
state of California., bou:nd.ed and described as follows: . .. ·
!i- portio.n o·f Lot 5, Bloc.:k E, Altadena, according to Map thereof No. 1663, filed in
the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego Com1ty, said easement ru1d right of way
bejng six feet in width, an.d p3.rticularly described as follows: ·
Begi_nning at, a point on the north line of said Lot 5, distant 19.0·3 feet east from
the northwest corner of said Lot 5; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a point on the
. south line _of said Lot 5, distant 47.82 feet east from the southwest corner of said Lot 5;
thence east along the south line of said Lot 5, a distance of 7.39 feet to a point; thence
n~rthwesterly on a· direct line to a point on the north line of said Lot 5, distant 26.42
feet east from the northwest corner of said lot 5; thence west along the north line of said
Lot 5 to the point or place o£ beg~nning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever.
Witness our hands ~nd seal15 this. 2nd day of July·, 1927~


On this second day of July A.D. lHneteen Hundred and twenty-seven befo~·e me;
E. H. Holmboe, a Notary Public in·and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared G;, w. Mosher and Agnes R. Mosher known to me to be the par-
sons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged
to me that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year i!l this Certific~te first above
·E. H. HOLMBOE C. . .. )
Notary Public in and for the ~ounty of San Diego,
(SEAL) State·of California.
My Commission Expires,
July 28; 1929.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG 31 1927 at 10 o'clock A.M. Boo~ No. 1362 In
Page -417 -of Deeds Records of @an-Diego Com1ty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
'By N. C. PARSONS, ~puty.

I HEREBY CERTIFY t.bat the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct e;opy of
I>eed from G. W. and Agnes R. Mosl:e r to the· City of San Diego. Being Doq:ument No. :211622.
City Clerk of the City 'of .San .Diego, California.

By_ _ _ _--'-/..:k!S.~o:::=
. .1.--~~:~l~Af~:J.a.--::'h=·+-~__Deputy.



We, Daniel Spear and Sophia Spear, husband and wife, For and in consideration of the
benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a. drain. pipe through and across the·
property hereinafter described, Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corpor-
ation, in the County of San Diego, State of california, an easerr.e:Ut and right of way for the
construction, op,e.?ation and mainter.JB.nce of a drain pipe through, along and across All. that
Heal Property sit~ated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California,
bounded and descr1bed as follows:

>. ·' \, ;,
' .'\
A por.tion of Lot 15, Block 31, Fairmount Addition to City Heights, according to I
Map thereof No. 1035, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County,
said easerre nt and right of way being six feet .in width, three feet on each side of the follow-
ing described center line:
Begilnning at a point on the west line of said Lot 15, distant 2 feet south from the
northwest corner of said Lot 15; thence easterly on a line parallel with and distant 2.00
feet south from the north line. of said Lot 15, a distance of 108.00 feet to a point; thence
southeasterly on a direct line making an angle of 47 degrees 30 minute·s to the right, a dist-
ance of 25.20 feet to a point on the east line of said Lot 15. ·
T.o Have. and to Hold the above grante.d and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, fore.ver.
Witness our hands and seals this 8th day of July, 1927.
On this 8th day o,f July A.D. N-ineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me,
E. H. Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, ;residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Daniel Spear and Sophia Spear knovm to me to be the persons
described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrrunent, and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official ~eal the da;r and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the Com1ty of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929.

RECORDED-AT REQUEST()]' Ci.ty Clerk A'trrG 31 1927 at 10 o'clock A.M~ In Book No. 1350
Page 394 of Deed Records of San Diego Counj:y ,- Cali f.
.JOHN H. FERRY, County Be corder

By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

1 HEREBY CERTIJPY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Daniel Spear and Sophia Spear to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 211623.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
By ~ 'Yb. IN~~;---Deputy.
M. C~ T~mbler and ~a:ry c. Tombler, husband. and wife, and Elias P. Jones and Emma w.
~ones, husba~d and wif'e, For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the location
and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property hereinafter described Do
Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corpor~tion, in the County of San Diego,
State of Californi'a, an easement and right of way for the construction, operation and main-
tenance of a drain pipe through, along and across All that Rea. 1 Property situated- in the Uit;v.l
of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California. bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lot 6, Block E, Altadena, according to .iviap thereof No. 1663, filed in
the Office df the County_ Recorder of said San Diego County, particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lot 6, distant 47.82 feet east from
the northwest corner thereof; thence southeasterly on a di-rect line to a point ·on the south
li_ne of said LOT 6, distant 72 •. 75 feet east from trn southwest cor:aer of said Lot 6; thence
east alor+g the south line of said Lot 6, a distance of 7.25 feet to the southeast corner of
said Lot 6; t~hence north along the east line of said Lot 6, a distance of 0.40 fo.ot· to a point;
thence north we st.e rly on a d ire_(}i, __ lipe to a. uoint on t_be nor.t.b- -l ..:l fl"'- o,£_ -<>?-l..:~_Lot 6, distant
-""-·---~------- ~~-- .. · · ......,. - - - - . . :.1 ·• the north line of
COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO,)sv the said grantee,
On this of_July, 1927, bef'ore me, E. H. Holmboe, a Notary.
Public in and· for the said. IJoti.nty of San Diego, State of California, ::cresfd·ing (SEAL)
therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Alexia C. Long, . (SEAL)
personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the with- (SEAL)
in instrument as a subscribing witness thereto who being by me duly ·sworn, ·
de_ppsed and said that she resides i:Q_.:,the said County of San .Diego, State of
California, that she was present and saw Mary C. Tombler perso11ally known to
h~_r ~o ?e the same -person described_ in ~nd whose_ name is _su,bscribed to the , fore me,
w1th1~ ~nstrum?n.t as a party th,,ere~o, s1gn and execute_ the same; .and that she Ly commissioned
the a ..J..flantf_.tnen and trnre subscr1?ed her na111e to S:B:id instrument as a witness.:les known to me
. In W1tn~ss ~ere of, I ~ve nereun~o set my hand and .affixed my offio-ial in~trument and
seal, at my off1ce 1n the CountY, of San D1ego, the day and year in thiS. ce:r:t·i- '
ficat·e first above written: · · · · · · ·
·, '' I
late first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My lJomrnission Expires mty of San Die go,
July-28, 1929... ·

;. t Book No. 1332


-' ·-~-·· ..... ~ J.:J ....... u ' vuunt y Recorder

By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

I HERJ:.:BY CE1tTIFY that the above and foregoing -is a ·full, true and correct oopy of
.Deed from M. C. et al to tm City of San Diego. Being Document No. 211624. ·
City Clerk of the City of·San Diego, Califo~nia.
By_ _ _ _ _j~~~--_Deputy.


I, Richard E. Sullivan, a single man, For and in consideration of the benefits to

accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through, along and across the pro-
perty hereinafter described Do Hereby Grant to the City of ~an Diego, a Municipal Corporati0n
in (he County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way.for the con- 11
structi.on; operation and m.aintenance of a drain pipe through, along and ac~e0sELAll that 1\ea]
Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, boundJIII
ed and described as follows:.
A portion of Lot 7, Block E, Altadena, according to Ivlap thereof No. 1663, filed int'
the Uffice of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, part.icularly described as
follows: , . .
Beginning at the northeast corner of said Lot 7; thence west along the north line·
of said Lot 7, a distance of 7.25 feet to a point; thence southeasterly on a direct line to
a point on the easterly line of said Lot 7, distant 26 .• 56 feet northerly from the south-
easterly corner of said Lot 7; thence northerly along :the easterly line of said Lot 7 to the
point or pl.a ce of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said gra?-tee,
its successors ·and assigns, forever. ·
Witness my hand and seal this 28th day of June, 1927.
On this 28th day of June A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, .
E. H. Holmboe, a Notary Pubf.ic in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Richard E. Sullivan, known to me to be. the person described
in and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to. me that he
executed the same •
. Witness my.hl;llid and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in-and for the County of San Diego,
f SEAL) . State of California.
My Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929.

RECORDED AT REQU'iJST OF City Clerk AUG 31 1927 at iliO o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1398
l)age 58 of DEEDS Be cords of San Diego County; Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS , Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY tba. t the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct oopy of
Deed from Richard E. Sullivan to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 211625.
City Clerk of the City of San Die go, California.



SOu:J.'HERN TITLE & TRUST COMPANY, a corporation, For and in consideration of One
Dollar Does Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal ·Corporation, in the County
of San Diego, state of California, an easement and right of way for the construct ion, ope r-
ation and mamntenance of a sewer pipe lir'S and appurtenances,. together. with a septic tank,
through, along and across All that ,Real Property si t,uated in the City o.f San Die'go, County
of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described. as follows: ·
A portio"n of Lot 6, Waterville Heights, according to Map thereof No. 748, filed in

the Uffice ·of the County Recorder of mid .;;,an Diego County:, !the po-rtion of said easement for.
the purpose of a sewer pipe line and appurtena.nces being six feet in width, three feet on
each side of the following described center line;
Beg inning at a point on the north line of said Lot 6, distant 2 52.33 feet east from
the southerly prolongation .of the. east line of 58th Street as now established; thence south-
westerly on a direct line making an angle of 24 degrees 58 minutes 30 seconds with the north
line of saial!. L'd>t 6, a dis~ance of 118.40 feet to a point; thence on an angle of 25 degrees
58 minutes 10 seconds. to the left, a distance of 230.13 feet to a point .on the southerly
prolongation of the east l;ine of said 58th Street, distant 228.70 feet south fro~ and at
right angles to the north line of said Lot 6;
The portion of said easement for the construction of a septic tank is particularly
described as follows, ·to-Wit:
Beginning at a. point on the southerly .prolongation of $he east line of said 58tp .
Street, distant 210 feet south from the north line of said Lot 6 (measured along the south-
erly prolongation o:f· the east line of said 58th Street);· thence at right angles west a dist-
ance of 10.00 feet; thence at right angles South a distance of 80 .• 00[lfeet; thence at right
angles east, a distance of 10.00 feet to the southerly prolongation of the east line of said
58th Street; thence northerly along the southerly prolongation of the east line of said 58th
Street, a distance of 80.00 feet to the point or place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the ·above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns foreve:r: for sewer purposes.
IN WIT~ESS WHZREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to-be executed by
its proper officers and its corporate seal affiXed this 16th day of June, 1927.
(SEAL) Attest: By .A. P. JOHNSON JR. ,President
R. s. REED, Secretary.


On this 16th day o:f June, A.D. 1\J'ineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven, before me, 1
w. W• .!:!:aston, a Notary Public in and. for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned an ;,,·

sworn, personally appeare~ A. P. Johnson, Jr., known to me to be the President, and R.S.Reedll
known to me to be the Secretury of the Corporation that executed the within instrument, 11

known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the Corporatiom
within named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in the
lJounty of San Diego, State of· California, the day and year in this Certificate first above
.l . .

. . ' ·::

' ..

. :'._'

Notary Public in and for the Coru1ty of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires, ·
April 15, 1931.

RECORDBD AT REQUEST OF City Clerk AUG 31 1927 at 10 o'clock A.M. In Book l~o. 1350
Page 392 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County l~.corder
By N. C. PARSON~, De put ;y.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoj_ng· is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from So. Title & Tr. Co. to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 211626.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, Galifornia.
· _._i~ }h_ vJ~
By_ _ _ ___ Deput;y-.

BANK OF ITAillY National Trust and Savings Association a ·National Banking Association
J!·or and in consideration of One Dollar Does Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Muni-
cipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and ·right
of way for the construction and rm.intenance of a wing wall and the deposit of material on,
through, along ani across All that Real Property situated i'n the City of San Diego, County
.of San Diego, State .of California, bounded and described as follows:
The South 20 feet of Lots 1 and 3 of Block Six, Pacific Beach Vista Tr~ct, according
to lVIap thereof Ho. 916, filed in the Office of the Recorder of said San Diego County.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and desc:tibed easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever for the purposes herein before expressed. ·
IN WITNE0S WHEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by
its proper officers this 12th day of July, 1927.


· By GEO. BURNHAM, Vice-President. I
R. E. HAGENBRUCH, Assistant
·Trust Officer.
·on this 12_th day of July A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before .rre,
Ruth J,..verell a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Geo. Burnham known to me to be the. Vice~President and
R. E. Hagenbruch known to _me to b~ the Assi.s~·ant Trust Officer of the Corporation that
executed the within instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within
instrument on· behalf of the Cor-poration within named, and ac~owledged to me that such
Corpol!'ation ex;ecuted the same.
In Witness Whereof, I ):lave hereunto set my hand and atffixed my Official Seal, in
the County of San Diego, State of California, 'the day and· year in this Certificate first
above written.
Notary Pub lie in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
December 23, 1929·.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Grantee Aug 31 1927 at 10 o'clock A.M. In Bo·ok- No• 1355
Page 344 of Deeds Records of San Die go County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. ·PAR~ONS, Deputy.

I I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing· is a full, true and correct· copy of
Deed from Bank of Italy to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 211627.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego·, California.



I, Susie Reinhardt, a widow, For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by

the location and construction of a sewer pipe line t_hrough and across the property herein-
after described·, do Hereby Remise, Release and Quitclaim to the City· of San Diego, a mun~ci­
pal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an ease~nt and right of
way for the construction, operation and mainte1~ance of a sewer pipe. line through, along and
acro,ss All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of ~an Diego, State
of California, boUllded and described as follows:
. A portion of .Lot 10, Block 15, Arnold & Choate's.Pueblo Lot B Addition, aco.ording
to M~p thereof No. 334, filed in the Offie:e of the County Recorder of said San Diego Coru1ty,
S{iid easerrant and right of way being six feet in w-idth, three feet on each side of the folldw-
ing descril;>ed center lfue: · I
Beginning at a point on the south 1ine of said L<Pt 10, distant 166.52 feet east from
the west line of Hawk Street (measured along the western prolongation of the south line of
said Lot 10 and the south line of said Lot 10); thence northeasterly on a direct line to a
point on the north line of said Lot 10, distant 174.80 feet east from the west line of Hawk
Street (measured along the western porlongation of the north line of said L·bt 10 and the
north line of said Lot 10) •
The grant-or herein or her successors in interest smll-upon request be entitled to
one free sewer connection on the above described property.
To Have and to Hold the above quitclaimed and described easement unto the said grantlee
its successors and assigns , forever. my harul' and seal this 23d day of .August, 192 7.
On this 23d day of August .A.D. Nineteen and Twenty-s~ven before me,
E. H. Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing the rein, duJ_y commissioned
and sworn, ::r;:ersonally appeared Susie Reinhardt known to me to be the person described in
and whose name is the within instrument, and acknowledged to HB that she ex-
eclil.ted the same.
Witness my hz::tnd and Officia 1 Seal the· day and year in this certificate first above I
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of Califo n1i~.
My Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk SEP 7 1927 at 30 Min. past 3 o'clock P.M. In Book
No. 1353 Page 468 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. ]'ERRY, Q1ounty Recorder
By N. C. PERSONS, Deputy.

I .HEBEBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Susie Reinhardt to the City of San Diego. Being Document No. 211704/
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By_ _ _ _ _.~-,;/~~::::~::~-k...I-LJ.."--'W~~=-=·"'4QI:--_ _ _ Deput y.

\ lt

. 'WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING COVJ:PA:NY, a corporation, For and in consideration of One I

DOLIJ.8.R, Does Hereby Remise, release and quitclaim to the City of San D;iego, a Municipal I·
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, Sfate of California, an easement and right of way
for the construction, operation and rmintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across
All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, CCounty o:f ~an Diego, State of
California, bounded and described as follows: '
A portion of Lot 23, Block E, Altadena, according to Map thereof No. 1663, filed in
the Office of the County Recorder of· said San Diego County, said easerre nt and right of way
being particularly described as follows: ,
Beginning at a. point on the north line of said Lot 23, distant 0.25 feot east from
the northwest corner ,of sai_d Lot 23; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a point on the
south line of said Lot 23, distant 20.66 feet east from ·the southwest corner of said Lot .~3;
thence west al()ng the south line of said Lot 23, a distance of 7.53 feet to a point; thence
I).orthwesterly on a direct line to a point on the westerly line of said Lot 23, distant 14.67
feet southerly from the northwesterly corner of said L0t 23; thence northerly along ·the westL
erly line of said Lmt 23 to the northwesterly corner of said Lot 23; thence east along the
north line of said Lot 23 to the point or place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted .and described easement unto the· said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by
its proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 28th day of June, 1927.
(SEAL) Attest: By JOHN T. WHITE, Vice-President.
H. M.H. LUND, Becretary.
111 OF ~r:nAH·:
ST .t:l.·A r~r"" \11.'.:1.
,.. . ·.--- .••• ) .
., ,. "


. _On -this 28th day of .Jrn1.e A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,

Wm. L. Coles a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissiored
and sworn, persoiJa.lly appeared John ~ • White known to me to be the Vice-President, and

·H. M. H. Lund known to .me to be the Secret~ry of the Corporation that executed the within
instrument, known to me to be the ::r;:ersons who executed the within instrument on behalf of
the CorprDration within named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the
In Witness Whereof,. I have be reunto set rrry hand and affixed my Official Seal, in the
County of Salt ~ake, State of Utah the day and year in this certificate first above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of Salt Lake,
(SEAL) State of Utah.
My Commission Expires 2-18-30.

REC0~11JED AT REQUE~T OF City Clerk SEP 7 1927 at 30 Min. past 3 o'clock P.M. In Book
No. 1385 Page 186 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.· .
By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a. fUll, tnte and correct copy of
Deed from Western Loan & Bldg., Co. to the City of San Diego. Being . .Document No. 211706.
City Clerk of the City.of San Diego, California.

By_ _ _ _ __j_~}n, kid~---.-. Deputy.


Fred W. Cobb, sometil!l3s known as F. W. Cobb, and Lillian K. Cobb, husband and wife,
For and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAP. Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego,
a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San ·Diego, State of California, an easement and
right @f way for a public street or highway, over along .and across All 'that ··Real Property
eituateddin the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Q3.lifornia, bounded and
described as follows~ · ·
The easterly 25 feet of Lot 2 of Cave and McHatton Subdivision according to Map
thereof No. 159, on file in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, California.·
:l1o Have and to Hold the a b ave granted and described easement and right of way as and
for a public Street.
.,, •. ;I" .

Wi tress our bands and seals this lOth day of September, 192 7.
sometimes known as F. W. CDBB (SEAL)
· Attorney in fact ·


On this lOth day of September A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me,
Y. A, Jacques a Notary Public in and for said. County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Lillian K. Cobb, known to me to be the person described in
and whose name is subscribed to the within inetrument, and acknowledged to me that she
executed the same.
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate fire.t aboye
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
. (SEAL) S;tate of California.,

On this lOth day of ·September, 1927, before me, Y. A. Jacques, a Notary Public in
and for said C0unty, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, persomlly appeared
-Lillian Kroff Cobb, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to. the within
instrument as the attorney in· fact of Fred w. Cobb, sometimes known as F. W. Cobb, and
acknowledged to me that she subscribed the of Fred W. Cobb, sometimes known as
F. w. Cobb, thereto as principal, and her own name as attorney in fact.
In Witness ·whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal in the
County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this Certificate first above
Notary .Public in and for the County of San Diego,

I (SEAL) State of California.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk SEP 141927 at 22 Min. rnst 11 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1353 Page 379 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
. JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
I HEREBY CER~:P IFY that the .above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Fred w~-Pobb & Lillia1i K. Cobb to the City of San Diego. Being Document I~o.
212068, I
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California·.

Fred'~ Cobb, sometimes known as F. w. Cobb, and Lillian K. Cobb, huspand and wife,
For and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLARS, Does Hereby QUITCLAIM to the City of
San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an
easement and right-of-way for a public Street over, along and ac~oss All that Real Property
situated in the City of Sa~ Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and
described as follows;
All that portion of Lots 1 and 2, Cave and McHatton .Subdivision, according to lllap
thereof No. 159, filed in the Office o:f the County Recorder of San Diego County, California,
lying withil'l a right-of-way sixty (60) feet wide, the center.line of which right-of-way is

I particularly described as follows:

Beginning at the southwesterly corner of said Cave and McHatton Stibd:HTision; thence
northeasterly along the southeasterly line of said Cave and McHatton Subdivision a distance
of 99.46 feet to a point; thence on a tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 400 feeit
through an angle of 14° 59' a distance of 104.60 feet to a point; t,hence easterly tangent to
said curve, a distance of 50.31 feet to a point; thence-on a tangent curve to the left,
having a radius of 400 feet, through an angle of 20° 45', a distance of 144.86 feet to a
point; thence. northeasterly tangent to last named curve a distance of 331.11 feet to a point;
tl-e nee on a tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 10~)0 feet, through an angle of 5°
46', a distance of 100.65 feet to a point in. said southeasterly line of said Cave and McHatt n
Subdivision; the nee along said southeasterly line, and the northeasterly production thereof
to a point distant 50 feet northeasterly from. the southeasterly corner of said Cave and Mc-
Hatton Subdivision. . ·
'Jlo Have and to Hold the above quitclaimed and described easement right-of-way unto
the said grantee, its successors and assigns forever as and f'or a public Street.
WITIIESS our hands and seals this lOth day of September, 1927.
sometimes known as F. W. COBB .
~ ~··-· .:··. J
· BY LILLIAN KROFF COBB ( .,:c.t>.,,
Attorney in fact.
On this lOth day of September, A.D. 1927, before me, Y.A. Jacques, a. Notary Fublic
in and for ~aid County, residing therein, duly commissior:ed and sworn, personally
Lillian K. -Cobb, known to me to be the person described in, and whose name is subscribed to

the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same~
WITNESS my hand and Qfficial Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary .t'ublic ·in an·d for the County of San lJiego,
{SEAL) State of California.

On this lOth day of September, 1927, before me, Y. A. Jacques, a Notary Public in
~~d ~or sai~ County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared
.L1ll1an Kro:t:f Cobb; known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within
instrument as the attorney in fact of Fred w. Cobb, sometimes known as F. w. Cobb, and·ac-
knowledged to me that she subscribed the name of Fred W. tJobb sometimes known as l!., •. w. Cobl:)
thereto as principal, and her own name as Attorney in fact. ' ·
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my.hand and affixed my Official Seal in
· ' I
the vounty of San Diego, State of Califo mia, the day and year in this Certificate first·
above written. ·
Notary Public in and for the 8ounty of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California. ·
RECORDED AT REQU.B~ST. OF City Clerk .SEP 14 192 7 at 22 Ivlin. past. 11 o'clock A.M. In
Book No. 1353 .!?age 480 of Deeds . ·Records of S~n Diei.go County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS, deputy
I HEREBY CER'rlPY that t_he above and foregoing is a full, true and correct .copy of
.Deed from :F'red W. Cobb & Lillian. Co?b to the C~ ty of San Die go. Being Document No·. 212074.
City Plerk of the City of San Diego,. Califomia.-

By_·------.~ Jh~~ -.-.Dep~ty •.

A S S I G N M E N T 0 F 0 P T I 0 N4
KNOW ALL MEN BY·THESE :2I~ESENTS: That· L Robt. F. Cowles, of.San Diego Cqunty, Ca]-
--ifornia, in cons·lder·ation of the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), the ·receipt·whereof -is here~
by acknowledged, have sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed and· by these presents ·do
sell, assign, transfer and.. ·co·nve·y ·unto THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, CALI.b,ORNIA, its successors or
. ~ssigns, all my right and interest in and to that certain option, or Order No. 153307 with
Union Title Insurance co., .dated December 31st, 1925, from E. z. Hitt to Robt. F. Cowles, gr, ant-
ing .the . : right to purchase· within thirty days, :fo~ the· sum o:f Four· Thousand Five Hut?-dred Do 111
la·rs .C$4·,500.00), the following .described rea·l estate situate~ ·in San Diego County, C~li:forllll
nia,. to-wit: • ··
·· · · Ail that portion of Lot 1 of Riverview Farms according to Map No. 1683, as described
in a certain deed from E. Monte Ranch Co. to E. z. Hitt and ·M. c. Hitt, d-ated December 26,
1923 and recorded Feb • 11, · 1924.
· WITl~SS my hand this 4th day of January, 1926.~
: ss.
. ·_Before the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for San Diego County, Califomia,
personally appeare'd .Rqbt-. F. Cowles·; known to me to be the person· who subscribed the fore-
going Assignment of Option to Purchase Real· Estate, and--ac·.knowledged·that he executed said
WITNBS~ lJlY h~d and Notarial Sea 1 this 4th day of January, 1926. .
. . ., FRANK M. DOWNER, JR.,
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County o:f San Diego,
My Commission" expires·, State of Cali:fo~nia.
July 30, 1929·.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk OCT. 5, 1927·at 30 Min-. past 10 o'clock A.M.,
In :aoo·k 1367 ?age 410 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif. .
JOHN H. FERRY; County ·Record·er

By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.

HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a

. true and correct oo)py of
assignment of Option from Robt .• F • Co.wle a, to the City o:f San· ·Diego·; Ca ~ifo.rnta·; bei~g Doc~
-J -

ument No~ 186759.
City Clerk of the 'City ·of San Diego, California.

By_........-;...___,__ ___.../c~~~~hto.:.
. W~;JL~.. (~-~~Deputy

CHARLES KELLY AND LILLA KELLY, ·husband and wife, as joint tenants for and in ·con-
sideration of the au~ of Ten and no/100 Dollars, do hereby grant to the City of San Diego a
right of way for alley or Street purposes over· and across All That Real ·property situated .
in City of ·san Diego, County of San Diego, state o:f California, bounded and described as ......
. '·
Commencing at a point in the South line o:f Lot Twenty-nine (29) Block Two Hundred
Fo-rty~t~o (.242), of University Heights, according to amended· Ma~~~cfeF by· G·.· A•. d' Heme court
in Boo~ 8, Page 36,. e t seq of Lie Pendens, in the office . of the County Recorder of eai4. San
Diego .. Caun~y·, which.. is 10.65 feet west of the .. Southeast- corner ·of said Lot Twenty-nine (29);
thence North on·· a· parallel· wi th .. the East -+ine .... of· ·said ·Lot Twenty-nine ('29:), 6 feet; thence II
West 40 feet more or· le·ss, to the East line ·of the ·land conveyed by Jim c. Slaughter and ·
Ruby M. Slaughter, to Laura T. Graft, by Deed dated June 15, 1921, and 'recorded in Book 854,
.Page -437 of Deeds, records of said County; thence South along the East 'line of the land eo II
conveyed to Graft, 6 feet;. t.hence East 40 feet ~or.e or less·· to point of commencement.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above· granted and described · unto the said Grantee
their· heirs and assigns forever•
· Witness our hands and seal this Eighth day of July, 1927.
Signed and Exe cut e'd in Presence of )
-------:----------..;,.,.;;..;----:--···t... ., ,. '
State of California,) sa.
(SEAt·) I
County of ·San Die·go,)
· On this Eighth day of July, 1927, before·"me, M. L. Weyaud a No.tary .Public in and·
for said County and ~tate, personally appeared .. Charles Kelly and Lilla Kelly, husbandand
wife, as joint tenants, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the fore-
going instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same • · II
· · WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this Certificate first above
My Commisai'on: Exp-i·re·s·· Notary-··Pub-lic· ·. i:n·· and . for . -~·aid-- County .. ·and State
March· 1, 1931.
RECORDED AT ~QUEST OF City Clerk SEP. 28 1927 at 30 Min• past 10 o'clock A.M., In
Book No• 1381 :Pag~ -2·08 -of -DEED~-~- Records of San Diego .County, Calif.

I JOHN H. FER.:i.Y, County Recorder

By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and forego·ing--is ·a .. ful·l, true-and·correct copy of
Deed, from Charles Kelly, e·t ux.,. t·o the ·City ·of..·San.. ·Diego·;· Californta;· ..being·- Document No.
City Clerk of th~ City of San- Diego, California.

I, Ida Benes-ch·,- ..a-widow,- ·for· and in· considerati-on of the· benefits to ·acqrue by the
location and constructi-on of a sewer- pipe· line through ·and ·a-cross the- property hereinafter de-
s crt·bed, ·do hereby· grant . to --The· City· of San Die·go·;- a--Mun-icipal Corpo-ration, in- the County of
San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of w~y for the construction, operation
and· maint anance of· a- sewer--pipe· ·line through·; along ·and ·a-cross... all that rea·l property situated
in .. the· City of San---Diego-, County of· San Diego, state of Califo·rniB"; bound·ed·-and described as
A portion of~ot 18 and·a portion of the South 62.60 feet of tot 17, Block 68,
Caruther's Addition, according to A'Iap thereof No• 27, filed· in the--Office of the County Re-
corder of said San Diego· County,· said easement and right of way being six fe~t in width, three
feet on ·each side· of· the following described center· line:
Beginning at a poing on· the .. eouth--·line· of said Lot 18, distant 634.83 feet west
from the southeast corner· of said Lot 18; thence· northe·ae terly on a dire·ct line to a point on
the· north· line of the· South 62•·50 feet of ·sa·id Lot·l7, diertant·-617.76· feet west from the

I northeast corner of the South 62.50 feet of ·said L~t 1~.

The grantee herein shall, at its expenee;,_connect the existing septic tank on the
above described prope-rty-·wit·h-t-he"·ae·werr-to-be·conetructed on the said land, for which-m. ease-
ment· is hereby-granted--.· The---said Lot 18 and South 52.50 feat of Lot 17, Block 58, Caruther's
Addition, shall not be· charged with or·as·se·ssed for any--portion· of the· cost of the sewer to l:le
constructed on .. the ground-for-- which an easement is hereby granted, and this deed is given and!
accepted on these ·understandings-- and-- conditione.·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and descrlbed easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever.
Witness my hand and seal this 6th day of September, 1927.
On this 8th day of September, A.D. Nineteen Hundred_and Twenty-seven before me, E.
H. Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Ida Benesch known to me to be the perso~ described in and w~ose
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the
Witness my hand· and Official Se~l the· day and year in this certificate first above
written •.
My Commission Expires, Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
July· 28, 1929. State of Californiai
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk SEP. _28 1927 at 30 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M., In
Boo·k ·No. 1381 Page 211 of DEEDS, Records of San Diego County, .-calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, Count-y Recorder ·
By L. B. WOODARD~ Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing i,s a full, tru~ and correct copy of
Deed, from Ida Benesch, to the City o·f San . Diego, Ca-lifornia,- being Document- No·. 212560.
City Clerk of tne City of San Diego, California.

D·E ED .
Lewis W. Fox, a--Single Man; for ·and in consideration· of the be·n-e-fi ts -to accrue by
the location and construct-ton of a drain pipe· through ·and· acro-ss- ~the prope r~y· hereinafter de-
·scribed, do here·by· grant to· The City of San Diego,- a· Municipal· Corporation,-in the County of
San- Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction, operation
and maintenan-ce---of a drain pipe through, along- ·and across all:tha·t -~ea·l· property. situated in
the City of San Diego, County· of San Diego, ·State ·of Ca·lifornia·,- bounded and described as fol-
lows: A portion o:f Lots 49 and 6~-, B~o6k 257, . Univ·e;·si.:ty Heig:tJ.te, according to\Amended I
Map--thereof made by G. A. d'Hemecourt, filed·in·the .Office o:f the· County Recorde·r of said San
Die go County, said easeme-nt and· right· of· wa-y being---particular-ly descri-bed· -as--follows, to-wit~
Beginning at a point· on· the north ·line--·of--~sa-id ·-1-ot 60, distant· 23.25 feet a·ast fro~
the no-rthwest corner of said··Lot 60·; thence·--e·as't along .. the·--north·line of-said. Lot 60~ ,~-.d-~s-1
tance--of 12.22 feet to· a point; thence ·southeasterly· on-- a dire-ct line to· a point on the· s_·o~::t\1}·
line of ea~d Lot 49; distant 46e07~feet east ·from-the· southwest corner--o·f sai-d Lot 49; th~n.~e-:.
west along ·the· south line· of-- said Lot 49, a distance of 12.22 feet to a point; the_ztce north::_

I westerly on a direct line to the· point· or ·place of· beg·inning-. '

·1 te-·eu:ccessors ·and ·as~ri·gns; forever.
Witness my· hand and seal this 12th day of September, 1927;~
- · . . · ..
To Have and to Hold the above granted and -d e-s·cri bed"- easement-unto the-..-sa·id- gra~te e,

O.N this 12th day ·of September A•D• Nine teen Hundred and Twenty· Seven---before· me,
.. Fre·d w. Sic~, a Notary Public in and·- for sa-id County, residing therein., .. duly ... commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared -~ewis w. Fox known to me to be the person described in and whose I
name is subscribed to the w1.thin instrument, and acknowledge-d: to me that he executed the same.
Witn~ss my hand and Official Seal the day and Year in this· certific,ate first above
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
My eommission·Expires, State of California·. · ·
.May 15, 1931.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk SEP. 28 1927 at 30 :Min. past :10 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1367 Page 397 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN B. l!,ERRY, County ·Recorder-
By E. B. WOODARD; Deputy;. ·· ·
I HEREBY CERTIFY 1hat the a bo·ve··and · foregoing·, is a full, true~-and ·correct copy of
1 '""·-·· Deed-, from Lewis w. Fox, to the City of San Diego, California, betng Document No. 212552.
City Cler-k of the City of San Die go, California.
By .. _ J.Lh, hJ. \A)~ _Deputy.

We, Norborne L. Wilson and·Bertha E. Wilson; husband and wife, for and in coneiderij
ation of the· benefits to accrue by the location and construction of ·a sewer ·pipe line through
and across- the property ·hereinafter described, do hereby grant· to ~}he City of San Diego, a II
Municipal Corpor·ation, in the County·of San Diego, State of California, an easement and righ1i
of way for the construction, operation· and ma·intenance··of·a sewer--pipe·line· through, along a~d
across all that real property -~ituated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego~ State of
Cali~ornia, bounded· and describe·d as follows: II
A portion of· Lot 19, Block 58, Caruthers·•· Addition·; according· to Map the·reof No. 2~,
!filed in· the Office· of the .County Recorder··of· said· San· Diego County·, said easement and righ1i
of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the following described center li*e:
Beg~ing at a point ·on the north line of said tot 19, distant 634.83 feet west from
the northeast corner of said Lot 19; thence· southwesterly on· a direct line· to a point on the 11
south line of said Lot ·19, distant 723.47 feet· west from the· southe-ast corner of ~raid tot 19 L
The entire· expense of cons-truction of the· sewer pipe line contemplated und-er· this I'
easement shall be borne· by the City of San Diego and the grantors or property hereinabove deJ
ecribe_d shall no·t_be assessed or required to pay any part thereof and·this·easement is·givenll
and accepted-upon these conditions. Tte grantors herein shall be giv~n a sewer connection to
the main sewer pipe line hereinabove· des·cribed -by· the- City free ·from cost. II
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described-- easement unto the said· grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever • . ·1
Witness· our hands and seals this 13th day of September, 1927.
On this 13th day of Septe·mber··A. D. Nineteen Hundre·d·--and Twenty-seven before·me,
E. H. Brooks· a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared ·Norborne··L. Wilson· and Bertha E. Wilson, known to me to be the pe:f-
sons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to
me that they executed the same. '
Witness my hand ~~d Official seal the day and year in this certificate first above
My Coxmission Expires, Notary Public in and for·the County of San Diego,
June 4, 1930. State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk SEP. 28 1927 at 30 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M.,
In Book No• 1367 Page 398.of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
" 'JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder··
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the ·above and foregoing is· a full, true and· correct copy of
Deed, from Norborne L·. Wilson, et ux;o·, to ·t·he· City· o't San. Diego, California·, ·being Do·cument
No • 212554.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

We, William· H. Sartain and· Helen· Sartain·, hu·sband.. and wife, fo·r--and in considerati0n
of the benefits· to accrue· by the loca-tion and· construction-of· a d·ra·in pipe_ ·through and across
the property hereinafter des·cr-i·bed- do· ..·her·eby grant· to The· City of San· Diego, a Municipal-·
Corporation, in· t_he Count-y.. of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right pf way
for the cons truct.ion, ··operation and maintenance o·f a drain· pipe· through, along and a cross
all that real pro·pe·rty situated in the City of San·Diego; County·of San Diego·, State of Cal-
ifornia,. bounded· and· des·cribed· as follows:
A portion of·tots 27 and 28, Block 196, University Heights, according to Amen_ded.
Map thereof· made by· G. A. d'Hemecourt, file·d in· the Office··of· the County Recorder ·of said
San Diego· County·,· said .. easement and ri"ght ·of" way be·ing particularly described· as follows,
l,3eginning at the so:uthwest corner of· said Lot 27; thence north along the west line
of. said Lo·ts 27 ·and 28 to the northwest corner of saidl Lot 28; thence east a long the north
line of said Lot 28, a--distanee of 0.91 feet to a point; thence southeasterly on. a direct
line to a point on· the south line· of said Lot ·27, distant 10_.51 feet east from the southwest
corner ot said Lot 27; thence wes.t along the south line of said Lot 27 to the point or place
of beginning. ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever.
., ·Witness our hands and- seals -this 16th day of August, 1927 •
On this 16th day .of August, A.D. Nineteeq Hundred an~ Twenty-seven before me, E. Hli
Holmboa a Notary Public in and for said County, residing there~n, duly commissioned and sworr,
personally appeared William R. Sartain and Helen Sartain known to me to be the persons descr:j.bed
in and whose names ar~ subscribed to the within instrument, and adtnowledged to me that the~~
executed the same. . ·

Witness my h,lihd arid Official Seal the day a·nd year in this ·eertificate. first,_above
written •
( SEAii) E •. H·. HOLMBOE
My Commission Expires, Notary .PUblic in· and 1fcrr -the·· County of San Diego,
July 28, 192~. . State of California~ · .· .
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clark SE:P. 28·1927 at 30 Min.;· past· 10 o ''clock A.M., In
Book No~ 13&7 Page 399 of Deeds, Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. -FERRY, County Recorder
By L •. B. WOODARD,· Deputy.
I '

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing . fs a ·full, true-- and-correct copy of
Deed, from William R.· Sartain, at ux.,·to the ..·City of··San···-Dtego·, California-·,- being Docuzmnt
No. 212656. ··
City Clerk of the City of San'Diego, California.

THIS AGREEMENT; made this 22nd ·day of August, i927, ·between the Union Trust Com- I
pany of San Diego, -·a· corporation·, .. Trustee under thr .. Trust ·hereinafter describe·d·, Party of the
First Part, and The ·City of San Diego, a municipal co·rporation,· Party of·the Second Part,
THAT, WHEREAS, said Trustee is the legal o·wner··of all the property the
City of San ·Diego, County of San Diego, state of Californi~, covered by the Deed of Trust
hereinafter described; and,
. WHEREAS, THE CITY OF SAN ·DIEGO, for the benefit and improvement .of said property,
is ·laying ,•- co·ns·t·ru·cti'ng· and ··maintaining; ·or· ··lnt e·nding ··to· lay; cons·truct ·and· mai·ntain a drain
pipe· through, along and across a portion· of said property, and,
WHEREAS; ·it is a cond.ition precedent to the laying, construction, mainten~nce and
operation of· said drain pipe that an··eas:ement··and ·;right· of way· for· same shall be· and remain

I upon· ·a portion· of eraid··pr·operty ·prior and--superior to the terms and conditione· ·incorporated
in said deed of trust; and, . .
WHEREAS, all the owners· ·of the equi·table lnte·rests ·under.. said nantioned deed of
trust, have each granted ·and ·easem·ent--and· right· of way to ·the ·Party ·of·t·he Second Part, as
follows: . ......--· · ·
Trus·t De·ed dated· April 25, 1927, ma·de· ·by-William ·R. Sartain and· Helen Art~in, hus-
band ·and wife, in· favor· of William studtmeister·,-- securing one promiss-ory note for the sum of
·Twenty.:..six ·Hundrecl. Dollars,· with interest, reco·rded May 10, 1927, in--Book 1368, at page 1,
et· seq., of Deeds, records· ·o·f the Office of the County Record·er of said Sari Diego County,
. The easement conveyed being through, along and acroa a a portion of Lots 27 and 28,
Block 196, University Heights, according to Amended M~p thereof made by G. ~. d'Heinecourt,
fi' led in the Office of said County· ·Recorder, saidl ·easement- and· ri-ght o f··way·· be·ing part i"Cul-
raly described as follows, to-wit: . .
Beginning at the ·southwest corner· of said Lot 27; thence· North al-ong the west line
of said Lots 27 and 28 to the northwest corner of said-Lot 28; thence east along the north
line of said Lot 28, a distance of 0.91 feet to a point; thence southeasterly on a direct
line to a point on'the south line of said tot 27, distant 10.51 feet east from the southwest
corner· of said· Lot 27; thence we·st along· the south ·line of said Lot 27 to the point or place
of beginning•
That,--in consideration-of t-he-pr·emi'ses, t:he·sum·of--One·Dollar·and in further con-
sideration of the benefits derived and to ·be derive·d:-· fr·om· t-he· construction, maintenance and
operation of -said drain ·pipe--, said Party of the· First··Part ·HEREBY 'SUBORDINATES· ALL· OF ITS
RIGHT,· TITLE AND· INTEREST und-er··said··De·ed· of . Trus·t ·ab·ove· ·nrentioned to·· the-.,.right ·o·f way and
easement --here·tofor·e . conveyed·· to· the· Part-y of the;· sa cond -Part·, upon the designated -portion of
the propertyv covered by such, deed of trua·t, ·so· that ·said right ·o·f way and ·e-asement shall be~
co·me· and ... remain ·prt·or··and · eu!fi-ior to any· and· all of the ·terms and conditions contained . in or·

I -provi-ded by said Deed of Trust hereina·bove referred· to.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the ·said Party of the First Part··has caused· t·bfs" instrument to
be signed by its Vice President and Assistant secre·t·ary·;··a·m~it·a--oorpora·te seal to be affixea
here·to·, ··the --d·ay· and· year· in this ins·trument first --above··wr'i·tten•·
Party of the First Part
(SEAL) ATTEST: By F. B. THOMPSON, Vice-President
Assistant Secretary
On this 22nd day of Augu(;!t, 1927, before me, Minnie Couffield·a Notary Public in
and fpr the said Co~ty of San Diego, State of California, residing therei~, duly commission,ed
and s·wornl"personally--appeared F. B.· Thompson known to me to be the .Vice. Preaidlent and A. H.
MacKtntosh ~own to me to be the Asst. Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within
Instrument on behalf of the CQpporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such CorpL
oration executed the same. · · . ·
IN WITNESS WHERE01!1 , !.have hereunto set myhand and·affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County ·of· ·san Diego, the day and. year in ·this certificate first ·above writ-
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
rtECO.RDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk SEP. 28 1927 at 30 Min. p·aat 10 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1381 Page 209 of DEEDS, Recorda of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FE-RRY; County Recorder

I By 1. B. WOODARD, Deputy·•
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a· full·, ·true· and correct copy of
Subordination Agreement, from the Union Trust Cb• ·of· San Diego, to the City of· San Diego,
California, being_ Document No. 212558.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By lc/4m)fl1. \AJ1ft-, Deputy


We, P. W~ Van· De Grift and Gertrud·e ..·M. Van De Grift, husband and wife, for· and in
consideration· o:f the· benef·i·ts ·to accrue··by . the location and cons-truc·t~on· . of a sewer ·pipe line
through and acro·ss· t-he propert·y ·hereina·fter··des·cribed do 'hereby· grant to ·The City ·of San II
Diego, a Muni·cipal· Corpo-ration, in· the County· of San Diego·, State of California, an easement ·
and right of ·way for· the· cons tru·ct·ion·,· operation· and"· mai·n·tenance ·of a-· sewer· pipe· line througt,

'' \
along and acros·s all that-re·al p:r·operty situated· in ·the· Ctty··of· San ·Diego, County· of··san Diego,
State of Californ-ia,-· bounde·d and ·described:· as ·follows: · ·
A portion of Loter, 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block E, Montclair, according to Map thereof No.
filed··in· the· Office of the Count·y :aecord·er·o··f··said San·-Die·go· County·; said easement and
right of way being six ··feet· in width,- t·hree fee·t·on·e·ach·· side·· of the· fo·llowi'ng ..described center
'' J
Beginning at a po·int on the northerly line of said Lot 1, distant 23.-53 feet west- I
erly· from the ·northeasterly corne·r·· of· s·atd· Lot 1; thence southeaste-rly .. on·· a direct lin·e to a
point on the eas·t-erly line of said Lot 4, distant 105.28 feet southerly from the northeaster-
ly cqrner of· said Lot ll ·
The grantee he·rein shall furnish at its expense .. Two (2) s·ewer ·connections on the
above de~cribed pr6perty~ ,
To Have and to Hold the above granted and·de·scribedeasement·unto the ·s·aid grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever, as a ·right of way for· ·a· s·ewer·pipe .. line •
· Witne·ss ..our-hands ·and ~eals this 7th day of June 1927.

~g~~~Yo~Fc~~~!~~:~~:~ ss.
On 'this 7th day of June A~D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-se·ven before me; E. H. i

Holmboe, a Nptary Public in and ·for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and .'I

sworn, persona·lly appeared P. w. Van De Grift and Gertrude .. M. Van De Grift, known to· me ·to
be the persons describe.d in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and ac-
knowledged ·to me ·that they executed the same.
Witness· my hand and Official Seal the··da·y and year in·this.. certificate·first above
!vlY Commies ion Expires,
July 28 ;· 1929 ...
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of; California. I
.RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk SEP• 28 1927 at 30 Min. paE~t 10 o'clock A.M., In
'Book·No. 1367 Page 401 of Deeds, Records of San Diego .County, Calif•
. JOHN H. FERRY, Bbunty Recorder·
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from P •. w·. Van De Grift, et ux·., to the City of San Diego, California, being Document
. No. · 212560.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

I, b,red Sandell, a single man for and in-consideration of the benefits to aco.rV.e
by the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property hereinafter
described, do here·by. grant· to The City· of San Diego·; a Municipal Corporation, in -t~e Coli.nty
of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction, oper-
ation and maintenance of·a drain pipe·through,along·and across all that· real property·sit-
uate·d in the City of Sa.n· Diego, County of San Diego, State of· California, ·bounded: and· de- .
scribed ·as follows: ,' ·

. A port ian of Lot 6, Block 34, Fairmount Addition to City Heights, according to Map
thereof No. 1035,·filed in the Office of the County·Reco·rder·of·sai:d San·DiegoCounty, said
ease·ment and ·right· of· way being six feet in width, three feet on each side ·of the f9llowing
described center line: ·
Beginn-ing at a point on the west line· of said ·Lot 6,- distant 2•50 ·feet-, south from
the' northwest .. corne·r of ·sa·id .. Lo·t· 6; thence southeasterly on an angle of 46 degrees -13 minutes
with the west line· of said Lot 6, a distance of 25 feet to a point.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and descr-ibed easement unto· the said grantee,
it~ succes~or~ and .. assigns~ forev~r.
· Witness 'my·-hand "and ·seal this 25th day of August, 1927.
On .this ·25th d·a·y .of August A.D. Nineteen Hundred an~ Twe:qty-seven befo·re ·m~, E• --H-.
Holmboe, a Notary Public· in· a.nd for· said .County·,· residing therein; duly commissioned .. and··
sworn·; personally appeared .Pred Sandell known to me t·o be the person described in and whose
name is subscribed to the· wit·hin instrument, and· ·acknowledged· to me that he· executed the same.
Vii·tness my hand· and Official Seal the· d:ay and yaar· in this· certificate first· above
My Commie a· ion Expires, Notary .Public·· in··and for· the County of· San Diego,
July .. 28, 1929··· · State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Cler$: SEP. 28 192·7,· at· 30 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M., ]·n
Book No. 1385 Page 277. of DEEDS, Records of San Die go County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Re cord·er
By 1. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and· foregoing is a full, t:rzue·-·and correct copy of
- Deed, from Fred Sandel~, to the City of San Diego, California, being Document No. 212562.
City Clerk of the City orf San :;Diego, California.
• • ~I! A
By_~------.....P.:s.~_~u£~M~\1..KJo-.~\tV~.MJA~4~r--:~----:-.-D.epu ty •

. DEED ,
We, Thayer H. Clark and Azile c'lark, husband and' wife, for and in consideration·
of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and
across the property hereinafter described, do hereby grant t~ The City of San Diego, a.Mun-
icipal Corpo-ration, in the County of San Diego, state of Cal~fornia, an easement and r~ght

of ·way for the conetruc~.ion:,:· operatio.n and maintenance· .of a sewer· pi:pe line--through, a· long
and acros·e ·-all· that· rea-l·prope·rty situated in-the· City of San--Diego,· County--of ·San Diego,
State of California,· bounded· and deecri·bed as fo llowe:
The south four .. feet of ·Lot 2, Block 41, Tract No·. 1368·, be·ing ·a reeubdi:vieion of a
portion of>Fairmount ·Addition, according to Map thereof No·. 1368,. filed in the Office of the

I · County Re-corder ·of said· San· Diego County. -

I · · To Have and to Hold the above· granted· and··de e cr'ibe·d ··e-asement unto ·the· aai d gran tee,
its successors and assigns, forever, ae· a right o~· way· for-- a sewer ·pipe line.
·-· Wi tne·ss- our· hands· and seals this 6th day --of·--september 1927.


On Board· U.s. s. Sumner·, ( 333)
State of California ) ~e.
County of San Diego )
On this 6th- day of September A.D. Nineteen Hundred· and· ·TWenty Seven-before me,
Lieut-Comdr. William J. Butler, U.S.N. Authorized to admini-ster oaths to·· Naval Personnel, pe~­
~ 31n.nal:lv_atlJ).e_arJ!_d,__~b~~er H. Clark known to me to be the person described in and whose name

1 ' '- I HEREBY CERTIFY· that th b

- ''"''' '•·.· · · · · -~-c' - -'-:~.--.~~-, :-.o~.~!'-;1 t" ml:! t,·h~'~·t ·hA:...:.exe.cuted the same •
- >' ·.. - ... ; <.- :. , :,: f"
. c.Caopl?fof ~eed from .Thayer H•. C~a:k o:~1d a~:1.lfeoregoing is a full, true. and: correct
,. . :. ' '. rt·ifi·cate first above

. 1 ornla, being Document No. 212564. Cla.rk to the City of Sa_ n,· ·,p~ego~; ...·. R
.. _.. ,_ .. . . -R, Lieutenant Command-
ALLEN H. WRIGHT :.·.·.~··~~ l 1 -·''.:...' •. . :. S. SUMNER (#333)
City_ .. ~~-e.-~.~-- °_~ t~e City 9f Sa,n :Pi,egp_; .Cal,ifo,rnia.
. ·1t 10 o'clock A.:M., In
By >". .',JK~. ·IJlL~' ·;: :;··:;,· .:De~uty.· .
)ounty Recorder
ct= .." .
. ' i>, Deputy •
------------ 1-f
DE E D .
We, FRANK F.- FAUST and RUTH K. · .lMUST, husband and ·wife, for--and ·in consideration

I of the bene'fits to a-ccrue by the location and~·c·ons·truction of· a sewer pipe ~ina . through and
across--the prope:J;"ty hereinafter·descr·ibed, do hereby· grant· to The City of San Diego, a·lHunic-
ipal Corpora-tion, in the· Couzity of--san Diego, State of California, an easement and- right_ of
way far· the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along and
across .all that real property situated in· the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State
of California, bounded and described as follows: . , ~
A portion of Lots 16 and 17, Block 30, City Heights, f4c·cording to Amencfed Map there-
of No. 1007, filed in the Off-ice of the·County Recorder of·said San Diego County, together I
with a portion of the east 10 feet of Jefferson Street lying westerly from and adjoining
sai-d~ lots, as vacated and close4 to public UEJ.e by Resolution No. 379 of the Board of Trustees
of t·he City of East San Diego, said easement and ·right ·of way being six feet in width, three
on each·side of the following described center line: -
Beginning at a point on the south line of·said Lot 17, distant 74·.01 feet west from
the southe·ast corner of said Lot 17; thence northwesterly on a direct line to a point on the I
west line of Lot 16, Block 30, City Heights, as shown on the·Map of !-.1ontclair No. 1684, filed
in the Office·of said County Recorder; distant 13.13 feet north·from the southwest corner ofl
said Lot 16. .. .
The- grantor herein or his successors in interest shall be entitled to one sewer lat-
eral connection upon said property wit~out cost, upon applicati6n to the city and after com-
pletion of the ma·in sewer -pipe line above described. ·
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever.
Witness our hands and seals this 12day of Sept. 1927.
:b1 RANK .l!,. · FAUST (SEAL)
RUTH-.K.- :b'AUST (SEA 1)

I On this 13t.h day of September A.D. Nineteen ·Hundred and· Twenty-seven before me,
Rose Weisenbach, a Notary Public ·in and for said County, ·residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared FRANK F. FAUST and RUTH K. FAUST·, husband and wife, _known to
me to be the-persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrfunent,
and acknowledged to me that they executed the same~ .
-- Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary }'ublic In and for· .. the County of San Die go,
My Commission Expires State of California.
Feb. 15, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk SEP. 28 1927 at 30 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1385 Page 280 of DEEDS, Reco:_rds of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County ··Recorder
· By L. B. V\OODA~D, Deputy •
.I HEREBY ·cERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a furl, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Fr~nk 1!1 • Faust, at ux., to the City of San Diego,· California, being· Document. No.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

Qoifl....,'<V.__- . ;. .\~AJI.oQ.
. ~'
itQ,<;- ~~1+---·,___.,_De. put y •

Birdie I. Winther, an unmarried woman, for· and in· consideration--of the ben~fits by

I the improvement of Guy Street in front of the hereinafter described property do hereby grant
to The City of San Diego,· a Municipal ·Corporation, in the County o£ ·San Diego, State of Cal- .
ifornia, an easement~·and righ;t, ... of-way for the construction o£ a retaining wall;· and for the
deposit of earth material through· over and across all that real property s·ttuated in the
City· of San Diego:, County of San Diego, State ·of Califo·rnia, bounded· and-- de·scr'ibed as fol-
lows: --
The northeasterly forty (40·) feet of Lots 21, 22, 23 .. and 24, Block 32, Middletown
Addition, according-to Partition Map thereof in Suit' entitled Roark vs. Forward, et ala.,
filed in the office of the County Clerk of said San Diego Coun-ty._
To Have and to Hold the·· above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever.
Witness my hand and seal this first day of September, 1927.•
On this first day of September A.D. Nineteen-Hundred and twenty•seven before· me~ E.
M. Boutwell, ,·a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally ·appeared ~ir~i:e ·I• Winther·;· an·unmarri·ed:·Lwoman·;· known· to me to be t·he persdn
described· in and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me
that she executed the same. ·
Wi~ness my hand and Qffi cial Seal the Q;ay and year in this certifi.cate first· above
(SEAL) Notary .. Public in and· for· the·· County· of.. San ·Diego·,
State of California.
RECO~DED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk SEE. 28 192'7 at 30.Min• past 10 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1388 Page 159.of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder--
By L. B·. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CE'RTIFY that the above and foregoing is· a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Bi.rdie I/~- Winther, to· the· City of San Diego; California; ·being Document No •
212569. 1
City Cl~rk of the City of San Diego, California.
By .. ·· Deputy.
We, 0. c• .b .- Sorenson and Chris tine Sorenson, husband and wife, for and in consider-

ation of One Dollar do hereby grant to The City of San Diego, a Mhnicipal Corporation, in the
County of San Die go, State of California; for street or·· alley purposes, all that ·rea 1 pro pert~
·aituated~in·the City of San Diego, County of San Diegp, State of California, bounded and
scribed as follows·:
· The South-6.00 feet of the North 40 feet of the West 23 feet of tot.2, Block 14, T.
de- I
J. Higgins 1 Addition, according to Map thereof No. 242, filed in .the Office 'of the County Re-
corder ·of said· San Diego County; ALSO, ·. ·
The South 6.00 .feet of that porjhion of the east 10 feet· of Herbert Street ly;ng
west of and ad joining said property, as vacated and· -closed to public use by Reso lti.tion No.
lp805 of the Common. Coun·ctl of the .. City of San Diego, California.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and: ·deect~ibed property unto the· said grantee·,
its successors and assigns, forever, for s treat or alley purposes·.
· Witness our hands and seals t-his 27th-day of August 1927.
. 0. ·c. F. SORENSON (SEAL)
On this 27th day ·of August A.D. N~:lfeteen· and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
Holmboe; a Notary Publi<;l in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and swor.n,
personally appeared 0. c. F. Sore·nson and· Christine Sorenson, known· to· me to be the persons
described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same.
Witness my hand· and Official Sea·l the day and· year· in· this certificate first a·bove
My ·co.mmi:ss·ion Expi·res ·, . Notary ,Public in and for· the·· County of San Diego,
July 28, 1929. --~
State of California.
.RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk SEP. 28 1927 at 30 1Un• ·past 10 o 1 clock A.M., In
Book No .• 1388 .Page 162. of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. 1!1 ERi.tY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing: is a full, true· and correct copy of
Deed, from o. c, F. Sorenson, et ux., to the City of San Diegq:,: California,. being Document
No. 212572.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
____De put y.
By----.;;...___ _ __,_/Je=~hn~-'-}JIQ,."~·)AK. JjJ. . .:L.i. : l: :l~. a. .-" +
. . DEED
UNION TRUST COM.PANY OF SAN DIEGO, a corporation, of the City of San Diego, County
of San Diego, State of California, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN & 00/100 DOL- 1
LARS, Does hereby grant to the CITY OF SAN DIEGO, a municipal corporation,· an easement and rjjght-
of-way for street purposes only, over1, along and\~cross,all that real property situated in th~j
City o·f San Diego, County o:f San Diego, State of California, bounded: and· des·cribed as follows:
The south~Ftfty· (50-)--l:eet of the ·Nort-h ·one Hundred Ninety (190) feet of that· por- II
tion oi Lot Eight:·!.(8); Hedland Tract, according to map thereof No. 732, filed in the office
of the County Reco·rder .. of said San Diego 'County, October 20, 1892, lying West of Garden Drive
as said Drive is shown on·Map No. 1778 of Redland Gardens Extension, filed in the office ·of II
the County· Recorder of said San· Diego County, January 11, 1924.
· To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises, unto the said· Grantee,
its ··succes sora and assigns forever, for s-treet purpos as only. · I
of Julyi 1927.
In Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused this ·deed to be signed by its Vice
.President and .A8sistant Secretary and· it's corporate .. seal ·to be affixed he·reto this 28th day I
(SEAL) ATTEST: By F. B. THOMPSON, .Vice President
J. L. BOLLING, Assistant Secretary~
STATE 01:!1 CALIFORNIA!~:) ss •
on this 30th day of July in the year one thousand nine nimdred and 27 before me,
Lulu Mcl:!1 arland, a Notary Public in and for said Count.y., personally appeared F. ;s. Thompson
known. t.o me to be the Vice President, ~nd J •. L. Bolling, known to me to be the Ass~. Secre-:
tary of the corporation that exe~mted the.~wtthin inst;rument, known to me to be the persons
'who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged
· · II
to me that such corporation executed the same.
(SEAL) Notary· Fub1i:c in·· and·· for· th·e .. ·County--of--San Diego,
State of Californ~a.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk SEP. 28 1927 at 30 Min·. --Past ·10 o'clock A.M., In

I Book No. 1388 Page.l63 of Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County· Rec6,rder .
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing·-ts-a full, true and corr.ect copy of
Deed, from Union Trust Company of· San·Diego·, ·to· the· City· . of· San Diego,. .. Californ·i:a, being
Document No. 212574.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

. ·DEE D
I, Bertha P. Hyde, a widow, for and in consideration of the benefits to accnue by.
the location and construction of a box drain throug·h and acrose· the property he·reinafter de-
scribed, do hereby ·grant . to The City of San· Diego·; a· Muni-cipal Corporation, in·the County of
San D'ie·go, state of California, an easement and right of way for the construction, operation
and maintenance· of· a drain· for: storm ·waters· through', along -and acroe·e· all that real property
situated in·the· City·of San Diego, County of San· Die·go·, state of California, bounded and de-
scribe·d ·as 'follows·: ·
A Portion· of Lots· 1 ,-. 2, 45, -46 and 47, Block 257, Hayden·' a Subdivision, according
to Map thereof\ No. 24, filed ·in the Office·of ·the .. county Recorder df said San. Diego County,
said easement and right of way ·be·ing· particularly -descri-bed as follows, to-wi.t·:
· - Beginning at a point· on the northwe·sterly ·line of said Lot 1, distant 90.00 feet
southwesterly from·the northerly· corne·r ..of said Lot 1; thence northeasterly on a direct line
to apoint on·the northeasterly line·of said 'totl, distant·24•12 feet southeasterly from
I the northerly co:rner of said L.ot 1; thence southeasterly a·long ·the· northeast·erly line of said
Lots 1 and 2 to .the easterly corner .. of said Lot ~; thence southwesterly in a direct line to ~
point. on the southwes~erly line··of·saidLot·.l, distant 12.51 feet northwesterly from t.he south-
erly corner of said Lot· 1; thence northweste'r1y .. a1ong the southwesterly line of said Lot 1 I
to the westerly said Lot 1; thence .. northeast_erly· along the northwesterly line of said
Lot l to the point of beginning; ALSO,
Beginning at a pofnt· on ·the southwesterly· line .. of sai-d--Lot 47; distant 4.48 feet·
southeaster-ly· from· the· westerly corner of·· said Lot 47; thence northeasterly on a direct line
to a point on the northeasterly line of said Lot 46·, distant 16.99 feet southeasterly from
the northerly corner of said Lot 46; thence southeasterly along the northeasterly line ·of sa~d
Lots 46 and 45 to a point distant 7.13 feet northwesterly from the easterly corner of said Lqt
45; thence southwesterly in a· direct line ·to ·a po·int on the-southwesterly line of said Lot 46,
.. / distant 19.64 feet northwesterly +rom the southerly corner of said Lot 46; thence northwest-
erly along the southwesterly line of said Lots 46 and 47 to the point or place of beginning.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described· easement unto the said grantee,
i·ts -successors ~nd assigns; forever.
Witness ·my hand and seal this 16th day of August, 1927.
On this 16th day of August A.D. Nineteen Hund·re~d and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
Holmboe a Notary .Public in and for said County·, residing ;therein, duly commiE~sioned and sworn,
personally appeared Bertha P_. Hyde known to me to be the person descr'ib.ed in and whose name
is subscrib-ed to the within instrument, and acknowledged ·to me· that·slie executed the ·same• ·
· Witne·ss my hand and Official se·al the· day and year in this certificate first above

My Commission· Expires·,· Notary ·Public· in-· a·nd- ·for--the.. County of San· Diego,
July 28 , 19 29 • State of California.- "·
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk SEP. 28 1927 at 30 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M., In
Book No. 1388 Page 165 of Deed Hecords of San Diego County, Calif. J ....
JOHN H. ]"'ERR;l, Count~ecorder­
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEi.tEBY CERTIFY that the above ancl foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Bertha J?. Hyde, to the City ·of San Diego, Ca lif'ornia, being Document No • 212576.
City Clerk of ·,the City of San Diego, California.
By_ _ _ _ _ _ _/~---.-..-.....·_\to'-"+-', ._..w. . . .d. ......~""-1,;,.,..____.Deputy •.
THIS INDENTURE,- made this 15th day of ·Augus-t, 192·7, between THE CITY OF SAN D'IEGO,
a-·munici-paly.. corpora·tion, in the County--of San ·Diego; Stafe of· California, party of the first
part, and E. INEZ TOLLS TAM, party· of the se·cond··part; ·
. W I T N E S S E T H:
In order· to effect an· exchange of· ·the eafi!ements and rights-of-way- for .. stre·e't pur-
poses already held and owned· by THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, over, along and·acroes lands in Lot
16, ;of· itancho· Ex-Mission of San Diego, according to J?~rtiti'on ·Map thereof filed· in the ·of-.
fice of the County ·Clerk o.f San Diego County, California, in the action of JUAN M. IlUCO, et
al'~, vs. COMMERCIAL ·BANK OF SAN DIEGO, et .al., No. 348 of the Superior Court of said San Dieg0
County, and ~named ·FI.l!,TY-FOURTH STREET, for different,. distinct and more avai.lable---easemen:ts
and r·ights·-,_of-·way for a treat purpo see over, along and across adjacent lands in ,said Lot· 16,
z.tancho Ex-Mission, located in the City of San Diego, California; .,
And in consideration of the premises·, and in lieu of the easements and rights-of-
way for street purpos~s dedicated upon that certain map, placed in escrow with·the City
Clerk of said City, and named Las Alturas No.5, the said party o~. ~he first part does by
these presents r,emise·; releas·e and forever quitclaim unto the·:· said party ·of the· second par1t
all its -right, title, interest and estate in·or to. the fqllo.wing described easements and
rights-of-way, over, along and across Lot 16, of RanchO Ex·dvliffsion, according to Partition Map
thereof filed with the County Clerk of Dan Diego County';· California, in action of JUAN ·M.
LUCO et al., vs., COMMERCIAL BANK OF SAif DIEGQ, ;e·t- a~. No;· 348 of the Superior Court.·:o.f said
San Diego County, lying 25 ·feet either side of the:.c~nter line des.cribed as follows:
. ; \.. .
Beginning ~t the intersection ·of the. cen tar line of FIFTY-FOURTH STREET,
· ae.eordtng to Map No. '1988 of· Las Al tur·a·s No. 3, filed in the office of
the County Recorder·of said:County, produced northerly and the norther-.
ly line· of--the· right-of-way of the San Diego and Arizona Railroad ( CUYA-
MACA B;tANCH);. thence northerly ·a-long. a production of the· center line of "
said·FI.PTH-FOUR';PH STREET, N0° 11-' 3. 377.08 feet to·a point; thence· north-
easterly along the·arc of a cir·c-l:e,-whose center line bears·s. 89·0 49' E •.
and is distapt 150 feet from the last named point, 138.75 feet to a point;~ .
themJe N·•· 53° 37' 30" E. 252.12 feet to a point which is the intersec-
tion of the center line of G.len Road and the southerly line of Beverly, ac-
cording to -M~p·tl!ereof No.· 1129, filed in the·office of the County Recorder
of said County.
That portion of s·aid Lot 16, described as :follows:
· B~ginning at the inte-rsection of the center line of said Glen Road and the
said southerly line of Beverly; thence easterly along said southerly line
of 42.03 feet to a point'; thence s. 53° 37' 30" w. 33.79 fee_t_to. a point;
thence N·. 36° 22' 30" w. 25 feet to the point of beginning.
TO HAVE A!ID TO HOLD al~ and singular said easements and· rights-of-way together with
appurtenances unto the said party of the second part, her ·succesE!ors and assigns forever• ,, I
:. .IN WITN;ESS WHEREOF, the·saidl _party of the· first part, having. firs-t ·be·en authoriz_ed
thereto by Resolution of the Commo~ Council of the City of San Diego, has caused these pre.ei.:-
ents to be suhs cri bed by the Mayor and City Clerk of said City, and! its corporate name( and·
seal· to ·be: hereunto affixed the day· and year first· a·bove written.
ALLEN H. WRIGHT Mayor-If said City.·
City Clerk p:f said City.
I HEREBY CERTI·FY that the ·above and foregoing is a full, true and correct oopy of
(~uitclaim. Dee~ from the City of San Diego to E. Inez Tollstam, being Document No• 215990.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By .., Deputy..

. DE~D .
I, CLARA TESTER STERN, a widow, for and in consideration of the benefits to· accrue
by the lo9ation and constru·ction of a SE)Wer pipe line through and across the property here-
inafte+- described, do hereby grant to ~he City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the
County of San Diego, State 9f California, an ease!I)e nt and right. of way for the cons.truction,
ope rat ion and maintenance ·of a sewer pipe line an~rappurtenances, throug}J., along and· across
all that real property situated in fhe .CJty of ·san Diego., County of· San Diego, ·stat.e of Cal-
ifornia, bounded and described as follows: ·
A portion of Lots 17, 16, 15, :14 and 13, Resubdivision of a part of Carruther's
Addition, according to Map thereof No. ·1557, fi'le d in the Office of the County Recorder of
said San Diego County, said easement and right of way being six feet in width; three feE3t on
each Si<1e 'Of the following descri-bed·center line·: d; J7/.f'Jfee.t yye.s.-i. {'f t1'"- ,, ... ihee...~ic.ur-nQ,rofsc.iJL.-rt~
0 ,,,

Beginning at a point on. the north line of said Lot 1~ ;,A thence so.uthwesterly
on a direct line to a point on the south line of said Lot· 15~ distant 567.75
feet west from· the southeast corner of said Lot 15; thence continuing south-
westerly along said last described line, a distance of'30.69 feet to a point;
'thence southeasterly on a direct line to a point on the south line o:f said Lot
17, distant 517.76 feet west from the southeast corner of said Lot 17.
· The· city shall install at its own expense an L and connection from the above· de-
scribed property, at the· time the above.: sewer main· line is· constructed.
To Have and to Hold the ab'ove granted and describ'ed easement·unto the··said grantee,
its successors ·and assigns, ·forever·.
Witness my hand:· . and ·seal this let day of September, 1927.
The City shall also install at its own expense a sewer connexion between existing
septic tank now serving cottage located near south line of above described property and the
sewer line to be constructed. suc}f connection to be laid on surface of ground only.
On this First day of Septembe·r··A.D. Nineteen· Hundred and Twenty-seven ··before me,
E. H. Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appe~ared Clara Tester Stern, known to me· to ·be· the person described in
and whose name is subscribed to the within.instrument, and acknowledged to me that she exe~
outed the ·same • · · ·
Witnesa· my hand and Official Seal the·day and year·in this certificate··first above
My Cor.1mission Expires, Notary :Public in and for the County of San ·Diego.,'
cJUly28, 1929. State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Cler~ SEP. 28 1927 at 30 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M., In
Book No.-1392 Page 163 of Deeds, Reco·rds of San Diego County, Callf.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that _the above and foregoing is· a-full, true and correct copy o:f '\
lJeed, from Clara Tester Stern, to the City of San Diego; California,- being Document No.• .'
City Clerk of the City. of San Diego, California.
By. -J.CkJm·.}'vJ. \)\[-vli<, .Deputy.

Charla's o. Robinson, of Chicago, Cook County, Ill.
'John B~ Wright~ of Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb• .
F·or and in consideration of the sum of. ONE DOLLAR-., ·to in hand paid, and
the. farther cons ide ration that the same shall"' be used for street purposes only, DO HBREBY
GRANT TO tba- City of· East San Diego, California, ALL THAT REAL PROPERTY ·situated in .i.:.:ast San

I Di_ego, County of San D-iego, State of- Califomia, rounded and described as follows:
- -· All-that portion of the North t of-the N_ortheast t of section 34", 'l'ownship 16-south,
Range 2 West, San Bernardino Meridian, b.ounded and described· as follows, .to-wit;_
A strip- 40 feet ·wide, being 20 feet on each, measuring at right angles to the
center line of said 40 foot wide strip, said center line being described as follows:
_ Beginning at a point on the West line of·N' t of the.- NEt, Section 34·, 837.5• feet
Southerly of the N. W cormr of the NEt Section 34, said West line bears S '24 minutes 30
seconds w. . .
Thence S 31 degrees 49 minutes E. 2.28 feet to a point-, said point being the beginning
of a curve concave- to the left, t4ence a.long said cu.rve to .the left whose radius is 300 feet
a distance -of 75.66 feet, th:ro~gh an angle of 14_degreee 27m:inutes to a·point, thence
tangent S 46 degrees 16 minutes E 116.33 feet to a point, thence along a curve to the left
whose _radius is 30 feet, a distance of 71.44 feet t~ough an angle- of 1:~6- degrees 26 minut~s
to a .point, thence ~angent N2 degrees 42 minutes W 38.90 feet :to a point, thence along a
curve ooncave to the right whose radius is 200 feet_ a distance of 127.35 feet through an
angle of 36 degrees 2.9 minutes to a point, thence a. curv~ coneave to the right whose
radius is 211.08 feet a distance Of 92.• 53 feet through an angle of 25 degrees 7· minutes to
a point·, thence· along a curve concave to the right whose radius is 36-1.78 feet a distance
of 94.35 "feet through an angle o'f 14 degrees 56 minutes 30- seconds. to a point, thence.along
a curve concave to the right whose radius is 374.12 feet a distance of 129.12 feet· through
an angle of 19 degrees 46 minutes 30 ~eco~s t!) a point, thence tangent S 86 degrees 23
minutes E 6.53 feet_.;to a point, thence along a curve concave to the right whose radius is-
137.91 feet a distance of 113.29 fe<3't through an angle of-47-degrees 4 minutes to a point,
thence B.long a curve concave to the left· whose radius is 30 feet a distance of 58~49 feet
through an angle- of 113 degrees 42 ·minutes 30 secqnds to a point, thence tangent N 28 de-
grees 58 minutes 30 seconds E 34.70 feet to a point, thence along a ~urve concave to the right
whose radius is 75 feet a distance of 106.23 feet through an angle of 81 degrees,9 minutes

I to a point, thence along a curve concave to the right whose radius ·is 184.21 feet a distance
of 125.87 :fe&t through .an angle of' 39 degrees 9 minut~s t·o a point, thence tangent S 30
degrees 43 m:tnutes 30 seconds E 86~07 feet to a point, thence along a curve concave to left
whose radius .is 35 feet, a distance of 84.89 feet through an angle of~ 138 degrees 58 minutes
to a point, . .nee tangent N 18 minutes 30 seconds E 76.31 te·e.t to a point, thence along a
curve oonoave to the right whose radius is 187.99 feet a· distance 9f 217.37 feet through an
angle ·of 6~ degrees 15 minutes to a point, thence tangent N 76 degrees 33 minut'es 30 seconQ.s
E 12.15 feet to a point, thence along a curve concave to the. right whose radius is 200.92 ·
feet, a distance of 217.01 feet· through an angle of 61 degrees 58 minutes to a ·point,. thence
along a curve concave to the right whose radius is 409.74 :feet a distance of 91.54 feet .
through an angle Of 12 degrees 48 minutes to a point, thence along a curve concave to _the·
right whose radius is 463.20 feet, a distance of 208.85. feet through an angle of 25 degrees
50 minutes to a point thence. tangent S 2 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds E 114.03- feet to a
point, thence along ·a curve concave to the left whose radius is 300 feet a distance of 54.25
feet through an angle of 10 degrees 1 minute to· a point, thence tangent S 12 degrees 56 ·.
minutes '30-seconds E"l93.43 feet to a point, thence along a curve to the left whose -radius-
is 88.14 feet a distance. of 200.83 fe·et through an angle of 130. degrees .33'minutes to a poi~tt,
thence tangent N 36 degrees 30 minutes E 124.01 feet to a point, thence along a curve concave
to the right whose radius is 50 f'eet, . a distance of93,32 fee.t through an.angle of 106 de-
grees 5.6 minutes to a point,: thence tangent s 36 degrees 34 minutes E 50.60 feet t_o ~ point,
thence along a curve concave to the right whose radius is 75 feet a distance of 119.88
feet through an angle of 91 degz:ees 35 minutes to a point, thence .tangent. N 51 degrees 51
minutes E 31.21 feet to a point, thence along a curve ooncave to the right whose radius is
100 feet a distance of 124.41 feet through an angle of 71 degrees 17 .minute.s to a point,
thence tangent s-56 degrees 52 minutes E 42.73 feet to a point, thence along a curve concave
to the left 146.87 feet, whose radius is 15.0 feet .thr.ough an angle of 56 degrees 6 minutes to
a point, .thence N 67 degrees 2 minutes E 386.40 feet to a point on the east line _of the N

I ! ·of the N E t, Sect.ion 34, said point belng 267.22- feet north of the Southeast corner .of -•.
the- N t of the N E t of section 34, Township 16 South, Range_ 2 West, San Bernardino
Meridian. -
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises, unt.<;> the said Grantee
for the purposes above expressed -
Witness hand and seal this.;.;.;&~_ _ _ _day of_ _ _ ___..;._ _ _~l~1~---
Signed and Executed' in the Presence of · CHARLES 0. ROBIN;sON
on· thlis 9th day of October A. D. Nineteen Hundred and Sixteen, before me \fV. M•
Morning a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein~ duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Jqhn B. Wright and Jessie E. Wright husband and wife known to me
to be the persons whose names are,supscribed to the within instrument and. severally acknow-
ledged t o· me that they e xe cute d the sa me •
IN h ITNESS WHEREOF, I have he,reunto set my hand and affixed my Notorial Seal at my .
office in L&ncoln County of Lancaster, State o:f Nebraska, 'the day and year in this Certificate
first above writ ten.
(SEAL) Notary Publ~.c
RECORDED AT BEQUEST OF Gtee (K. F. Du Bois)(Nov. 22 1916 at 52 Min. past lOo'clook
A.M., In Book No.723 of Deeds Page 28 Et. Seq~, Records of San Diego County, California.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy· of
Deed from Charles 0. Robinson and J·ohn B. Wright, to the City of San Diego, California.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By_ _ _ _ ___,/~~~~Yb..:.....

-/·.< ~
:""::;t.·-· ~< .:
r, HENRYs. TOWLE, of Chicago, -County of Cook and State. of Illinois, for and in con~
sideration of the ~um of One $l.QO·) Dol·lar, to him in hand paid, and the further consider~
at ion that the same shall be used ·for street purposes only, DO HEREBY.· GRANT .. TO the .. City of··
East San Diego, California, all that real pro,perty situated in East San Die.go, Cotmty of San
Diego, State of California, bounded and described as .fol·lows:
ship Sixteen (16) South, Range Two (2) West, San Bernardino meridian, bounded· and described
as follows, to wit:.· . ·
. .
All that. portion of the Northwest Quarter ( 1/4) of Sect ion Thirty.;. four·· ( 34) ~ T·own--
A strip forty feat wide bei·ng twenty feet on each side measured at .right angle.s to
center line of said forty foot wide strip, said center line being described as follows:
Beginning at a point at the intersection of the center line of North Ch6llas County
Road and. the North line of Section 34, Township 16 South, Ra~e 2 West, a distance of 1169.0@
feet Easterly of the Northwest corner of'_ Section 34, said North line of Northw~st-quarter
bears N 89 degrees. 60 minutes thirty seconds W, thence s. :34 degrees twenty-three minut·ee
thirty seconds w. 203.44 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the left, thence easter-
ly along said· curve whose radius is 76 feet, a distance of· 94.01 feet through an angle of jj
seventy-one degrees forty-nine minutes to. a point, thence tangent south thirt·y-seven degrees,
Twenty-five minutes thirty second·s E. 86 •.80 feet to a point, thence along a curve concave to II
the left whose radius is 3oo·.oo feet'. a distance of &97. 70 feet through an angle of thirty.;..
seven degrees thirty-.four minutes to a point, thence tangent south l5eventy-f6ur degrees fiftYJ-: /~
nine minutes thirty seconds E~ · 428.68 fe·et to a point, thence along a curve concave t~ ~he 1
right whose radiUs iS 300 feet a distance of 138.14 feet through an angle of twenty~sht ·
degrees twenty.:.three minutes to a point, thence tangent S 48 degrees 36 minutes 30 se·cond~ .
E •. 163.47 feet .. to a point, thence along a curve concave to the left whose radius is 200 ·
feet, a distance of 162.78 feet through an angle of 46 degrees 38 minutes to a point, thence __.... ~~ ..
tangent N. 84 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds E. 97 .• 89 feet to a point, thence along· a··cnrve
concave to the left whose radius is 300 feet a dista nee of 89·. 68 ·feet through an· angle of
17 degrees 6 minutes thirty seco-nd~ to beginning of a curve concave to the· right,· thence·
along said-curve concave to the right whose radius is 366~82 feet a d'istance of 149.17. feet
through an angle of £3 degrees 18 minutes to a point, thence tangent S 89· degrees. 3 minutes
E 60.22 feet to a point, thence· along a curve to the right whose radius is 100 feet a 'die~"
tance of 99.89 feet through an angle of 57 degrees·l4 minutes to a point; thence tangent s.
· 31 degrees 49 minutes E. 104.88 feet to a point, said point intersectf,3 the East line of the ;_I·

North t of the Northwest t, Seottoll 34, Township 16 Sauth, Barge 2 West; 837.64: feet South-
erly of the Northeast corner of the Northwest t Section 34, Township 16 South, Range 2 West.·
· TO. HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described premises' unto the . ;..sai'd GrBlilltee
for the purposes above expre.s~d. · . · , · ·
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the f'oregoing·gra:nt, which is for street ·purposes only, has .
been expressly made· subject ·to the condition that should the land of the Northwest One-quart~r
(!) of Section Thirty-four (34), Township Sixteen (16) South, Range Two (2) West, .San Ber•
nardino.Mer1dian, situated in East san Diego, County of San Diego and State of Cali.fomia,
be subdivided by thff said He.nry s. ~ 0W~, or by his grantees, into block's, :l,?ts,_ streets and

alleys,·.that the road for the construction of which the fore.going right of way has been .
granted shall be changed in location, without expense to the owners of said land, so as to··-
follow the neal!est adj·acent streets of any subdivision which may be made·, .as soon as such
streets are so graded; or otherwise improved·, as to be caps ble of "use for street· purposes;
and that when said street or streets -are thus capable of use for street purposes; said strip
of land forty (40) feet wide which is hereby conveyed shall -revert to and become reinvested.
in the said Henry s. Towle, or his grante~s, as fully and entirely as though this conveyance
had not been made. · ·
WITNESS my hand and seal this ·27th day of November; 1916.
Signed and .!!;xecute.d ·in the presence of HENRY s.' TOWLE (SEAL}
On this 27th day of November, A. D., Nineteen. Hundred and Sixteen, before me WAill.'ER
H. REDFIELD, a Notary Public in and for said County., residing therein, duly commissioned and
swom, personally appeared HENRY s. TOWLE, known to me to be the person whose name is sub-
scribeq.. to the within instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, at my ooffice in
the <.:ity of <.:hicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, the day and year in this Certificate
first above written.
Notary Public.
(SEAL) My commission expires June 14, 1917.
RECORDED AT BEQUEST OF K. T. Du Bois nee. 7 1916 at 18 Min. past 1 o'clock P.M~, in
Book No·. 721 of Deeds Page 366 Et. Seq., Records of San Diego County, California.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder

By N. C. PARSONS, Deputy.,

MARKET LEASI:NG COMPANY a corp or at ion, of the City of San Diego, County of :::an Diego,

State of. <.:alifornia. For and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND N0/100 DOLLARS, DOES
·IERJ!;BY C~RANT TO EDWARD SUMMERS all that real property situated in THE CITY OF 'EAST SAN DIEGO,
County of· san Diego State of California bounded and described as· follows~
LQts Seven (7}, ~ight (8), Nine {9) and Ten (101 in Block One (1) of City Heights
jA:r;wex .No. 1, in the City of' East -San Diego, <.;ounty. of San Diego, State of· California, accor-
d~ng to the lvlap thereof No. lOQl, filed in the off~oe of tm Recorder of said San Diego
County, July 18, 1906.
This deed is subject to the second installment of the state and county taxes for the
wear 1922, and is also subject to building restrictions of record. ·
I 1'o have and to hold tm above granted and described premises, unto the said GranteEt,
!his heirs and assigns forever. ·
I In Witness Whereof, said corporation has caused this deed to be signed by its ·
fresident and Secretary and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto this l s t -
Q.ay of .C'ebruary 1923.
·igned and executed in presence -of By MAX RABINOWITZ President ,
( St.:AL) ~ecretary.
STATE . OF· CAL.IFORNIA ,·· ) s e.
On this day of l!'ebruary in the year one thousand nlhne hundred and twenty-
three before me J.· WEINBERGER~ a Notary P"Q.blic in and for said County, personally-appeared
MAX RABINOWITZ known to rne to be the President, and HYME P~BINOWITZ.khown to me to

I be the Secretary of the corporation that executed the within instrument, known
to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf" of the corporation
therein named, and acknowledged to m that such corporation executed the same.
Notary Public in and· for the l.iounty of. San Diego, State of
(SEAL) ·.·•.
:RECORDED AT BEQUEST OF Gtee Feb. 9 1~23 at 24 Min. past 4 o.' clock P.M.; in Hook
No. ·927 Page 74 of Dee@.s Records o·:r San Diego Ceunty, Calffr.1 4

· JOHN H~ FERRY, ,.County Recorder '. . ~

By· L....B.· WOODARD, Deputy

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy o:f
.Deed from Market Leasing Company to Edward Summers who is giving a partial :release to the
City of San Diego, Califo mia • '
ALLEN. R;· WRIGHT. . . .
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By ckk )1,. vJ.d?~ Deputy.

IN D E.N T U R E -
THIS INDENTURE made this 13th day of March, 1923; between ED. FLETCHER and MARY C.
B. FLETCHER·, husband and wife, parties of the first part, and the CITY-oF-EAST .SAN D:lliGO,
CALIFORNIA, a mnnicipal corporation, party of the second part,
WI ~ N E S S E T H:
THAT WHEREAS the said Ed Fletcher heretofore entered into an agreement whereby .he·
agreed to sell, transfer ani convey unto the said party of the second part, all his right,

I title and interest in and to the property· hereinafter described (excepting such articles.
of personal property as had been between the first day of July, 192~ and the making of said
contract, incorporated in said water system, and such articles of said personal property as
might thereafter be incorporated in said water system prior to the delivery of the possession
of said system to the purchaser or its assigns):; and I
-- WHER!j!AS said Railroad Commission .has heretofore approved said agreement and authorized
the sale of said property pursuant to the provision-s of said agreement, and for the considerl
at ion of Thirty-one Thousand ( $31,000.00) ·Dollars to be paid as provided by said agreement,
on or before the 30th day of .April, 1923, and the said order of said Commission approving
such sale is in full fo rc.e ·and effect; ·· . ·
NOW, THEREFORE in consideration of tm pre-mises -and pursuant to the said order and
the said agreement, and in oonsideration of the said sum of $31,000.00 paid to the said
parties of the first part, the receipt whereof is he.reby acknowledged, the said parties of
the first part do he.reby grant, af;sign, sell·, transfer and convey unto the said party of
the. second part all their right and title to, and interest and estate in, all that certain
real and personal property situated in the City of East San Diego, County of San Diego, Stat
of California, described as follows, tq-wit: The water d~stributing system now owned,
managed and controlled by said parties of the first part within the exterior boundaries of
the-City of East Sail Diego, Cal·ifomia, including all its water mains, water pipef:3, service
pipes, meters, meter boxes, accessgries, fixtures, attachments and equipment now attached to
and forming part of said water distributing system, all contracts for the purchase or sale
of water within said··. City· of East San Die go, to which the Fairmount Water Company, a cor-
poration, is a party and heretofore assigmd or transferred to the said Ed Fletcher; the.
West Fifty {50) feet of.Lots.Thirty-seven (37) and Thirty-eight· (38) in Block ]1 orty-nine·
(49) of City. Heights in said City of East San Diego, according to amended map thereof No.
1007 on file in the office o·f tm .County Recorder of the County of: San Diego iil said State
of·California-, excepting therefrom, hov.ever, the-south Ten (10? feet -of·the·Wes1; Fifty (50}

I feet of· said Lot Thirty~seven (37); and in addition thereto the following·: · ~0 Meter boxes,
200 feet of two-inch Standard pipe· new, seven two•inch Meters, one one-inch Indent Meter,
two eleven-inch Lambe.rt Meters, Meter Parts, Fittings; 30 Service Cocks, six two-inch ·
Valves, twenty 2 x 3j4 Tapping Saddles, 240 two-inch Leak Clamps, 149 small leak. clamps; 25
eight• inch Leak Clamps, 12 six-inch Le~ clamps; one four-inch Vise, }.one Emery Grinder, ·
three Crow Bars, two Wagon Vises, one pair Chain Tongs, two four-foot Chain Tongs, three
eighteen-inch Stillson- Wrenches, three twenty-four-inch Stillson Wrenches, two fo~rteen•inch
Stillson Wrenches, three ten-inch St~llson Wrenches, four Monkey Wrenches, three pa·irs three-
wheel CUtters, one.pair 3/4 inch.Rollers; one pai::r Three-wheel Cutters for three-inch pipe,
one p~ ir three-wheel Cutters for fourrinch pipe, .three Meter Wrenches, two Armstrong Stock
and Dies, Two sets Dies, one Beaver Ratchet Stock and Dies,·three Gate· Keys, 'fwo ~l'apping
Outfits, Sundry small tools, two Braces and Bits, one Wagon Jack, one Lead Melting·Pot, two
La'dles, Lanterns, four Pitchfo.rks ,_ two Wheel Barrows, Cutter Whee~s, one- Beaver Stock and
Die's; one Bulldog Stock and Die, two Hand Saws, one Hack Saw, foilr Hammers; one seven-pound
Sledge, Miscellaneous Small Tb<?ls, one Safe, one Standing Desk, one Desk and Typewriter,· two
_Letter Files, three Swivel Chairs, one Gas Radiator, one Electric Fan; one Adding Machine;
one eighty-pound Anvil, one Post· Drill, fifty :feet 3/4-inch hose, two sets Single Harmss,
one Buggy, one Forge, one one-ton Ford Truck, one Ford Runabout, one old Wagon, one Horse,
all blue prints, maps, profiles and records showing the location of·all parts, gates, valves,
mains, pipes, and all easements, if any, of said water distributing system, except such ·
articles of pe·rs anal property as have b:een incorporated in said system since .July 1st, 19~.2.
·· · This conveyance is made mbject to. all taxes and assessi'D9nts now i&-_.lien.or encum-
branlce ~pon said property, or any of the same.
· -·To HAVE AND TO HOLD all tm right, titl.e, interest and estate of said parties of the
first part in and to said above described, granted, transferred and assigned property unto
said party··of the second part, its succes.~ors and assigns forever. .
···· · IN WITNESS WHEREOF .the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands

I the day and year first above written;.

~6~;~y O~F ~~iF~~a~ ~ SS •
On this 13th day of March, 1923, before me, Lou B. Mathews, a Notary·p'ublic·
in a·n(i-for said County and State,. residing there·in, duly commissioned ant sworn, personall-y
.. .,.. .
. appeared ED FLETCHER AND MARY c. ·B. JH~TEHER, knonn to me to be the pe rs ans whose names are
subscribed to- t_he foregoing instrument, and they acknowledged to me that they executed the
. 454

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my
office in said county and state tm day and-year first above written.
"' Notary Public in and. for t be County
of San Diego, State of California.
My Commission expires December 7th, 1926.
RECORDEDAT REQUEST OF W. w. Easton (Hil.e) Mar. 17.1923 at 33Min. past 11 o'clock
A. M., in Book No. 920 Page 467 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN ~H. FERRY; County Recorder
By N~ C. PARSONS, Deputy.
. -
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above .and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of.-· 1 ·
an Indenture between Ed F'let9her ·and Mary C;, B. Fletcher and the City of San Diego, Californ:iJa.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
By ~ ffi.W~< Deputy.
. d
TH:+S INDENTURE _made this 13th day of March, 1923, between FAIRMOUNT WATER COMPANY, a ; ~--'~
. !

corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, party of the !···.
first part, anq ED FLETCHER, of San .Diego, California, party of the second part,
W r T. N E. S S E T H: ;: ;

THAT WHEREAS the said party of the first part, and Ed Fl~toher heretofore entered
int_o an agreement whereby the said party qf the first part agreed t0 sell, transfer and con-
vey unto the said party of the seoo~d part, all its right, title and interest in.and-·to the
:·. pro:Perty hereinafter described _(excepting such arti<Jles of personal property as had been; .
., . ;~ between the first day of July, '1922 and the making of said .contract, incorporated in said
·< W'a ter system, and such arti ole s of said personal property as might thereafter be inoorpor-
. ,· ated in said Water system, prior to the deli very of the p<:>ssession of said system to the ·
~.purchaser or his assigns);- and said agreement was made subject to the approval of the Bail-
road· Commission of the State of California; and ·
WHEREAS said Railroad ·Commission has he r~tofore approved the said agreement, and
I authorized the sale of said property :pursuant to the provisions of said ag:reement and for the
· consideration of Thirty One Thousand ( $3l,OOQ.OO) Dollars to be paid, as provided by said
agreement, on or before the 50th day of April, 1923, _and the order·:· of said Commission approv-
ing such sale_ is in fu:ll force and effect~
NOW THEREFORE," in consideration of the premises., and pursuant to the said order and
the said agreement, and in consideration of the sai~ sum o.f $31,000.00 paid to the said
party of the first part, the receipt ·whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said party of the
first part does hereby grant, ass~, sell, transfer and convey unto the said party of the
second part/ all its right_, title and interest in and to the Water Distributing System and
property hereinbefore r~fefrre·d to, owned, managed and controlled by the s_aid party of the -
first part, within the exterior boundaries of th,e City of East, San Diego, County of San
Diego, State of California, and north thereof, including all its water mains, water pipes,
service pipes' meter's' mete_r boxes' accessories, fixtures, attac,hments and equipment now
attached to and forming a part of said Water Distributing System, ail contracts. f,)r the pur-·
chase o·r sale of water within said City to which said party of the first part is a party; and
the West Fifty ( 60') feet of Lots Thirty-seven ( 37) and. Thirty-Eight ( 38) in Block Forty.;;;fiine ·
(49) of City Heights in' said City of East San Diego, pounty of San.Diego, State. of California,
according to amended map thereof--No. 1007 _on file in the office of the· County Re·corder of the
County of San Diego 'in·said State of California, excepting theref~oin, however, the south"i'eh
(10) feet. of the west Fifty (60) feet of said Lot_Thirty•s~ven (37); and in addition. thereto·
the following: 50 Meter Boxes, 200 feet of two-;l.nch Stalilidard pipe new, seven two-inch 11lleters,
one one-inch Indent Meter, two eleven-incp. Lambert Meters, Meter Parts,· Fittings, 3.0 Service
Cocks, ~ix two~inch Valves~ twenty 2 x 3/4 Tapping Saddles, 240 two-inch Leak Clamps, 140
small Leak Clamps, 26 eight-inch Leak Clamps, 12 ~ix~inch ~eak Clamps, one four•inch Vise one
~Emery Grinder, thref!t Crow Bars, two Wagon Vises, one pair Cbl:lin Tongs, ~wo four-feet C~in
1tongs, three eighteen-inch Stil;tson Wr~nches, three twenty~four inch Stillson Wrenches, two
;:fourteen-inch Stillson Wrenches, three ten-:inch Stillson Wrenc}les, four Monkey Wrenches, thretjt
pair three-:wheel cutters, one pair 3/4 inch Rollers, o~e pair Three•wheel cutters for three-inch
pipe,· one pair Three Wheal CUtters for four-inch pipe, thr~e Meter Wrenches, two Armstrong
ptock and Dies, two-set dies, one Beav~r Ratchet Stock and Dies ,'three Gate Keys_, Two Tapping
putfi~s, Sundry small tools; two, Braces and Bits; one Wagon J~ck, one Lea.d Melting Pot, two
~dles~ Lanterns, four Pitchforks, two wh~el barrows, cutter wheels, one Beaver Stock and ·
jDief?, one Bulldog Stock and Die, two_ Hand Saws, one ~ack saw, four hammers, one. seven pound
~ledge, miscellane0us small tools, one safe, 9ne standing desk, one desk and typewriter; two
~etter files, three swivel chairs;_one gas radiator, one electric fan, one adding machine,
pne eighty-pound anvil, one :post drill, fifty feet 3/4 inch hose,. two sets single harness;
one buggy, one forge , one one-ton Ford truck, one Ford Runabout , one old wagon, one horse 1
~11 blue prints, ~ps, profiles ~nd records showing the location of parts, gates, valves,
mains, pipes; and all easements, if any, of said water distributing system; except such
~rticles of said perso~l property as have been incorporate4 in said system since July lst,
I This conveyance is made subject to all taxes and assessments now.a lien or encum-
branoe upon sa:il d_ property, or any of the same. . . .
I TO HAVE 'AND ~o· HOLD all the said right~ ti!le, interef!t and estate in and to said
property unto the sa·J.d party of the second pa:rt, hJ.s heirs and assigns forever.
1 · 'IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said~party of the first part has caused this indenture to be
~xecuted in its corporate name and under its cor,pq!ate seal by its President and Secretary
thereunto duly authorized, the day a.nd year :f;'irst a'Qove written.
(SEAL) By ·o. W. COTTON Presi~ent
By W. S. HELLER Secretary
· On this 13thrday of March, A. D. 1923, before me, Pansy R. comstock, a Notary Public
in and for said County, personally appeared o.· W. 9otton, known to me to be the"clent,
and w.• s. Heller, known to me to be the Secretary of FAIRMOUNT WATER COMPANY, the" corpor- ·
at ion that e xe cute d t·he f o rego'ing rume nt , and known to me to be the pe rs ons who e xe cute d
said instrument on beha~.f of said corporation therein named; and acknowledged to me t}lat
such corporation ex~cute'd the· sane. . · · · · · ·· · · -
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have -he·reunto set my hand· and affixed my official seal in 'my '
. I

office in the said County and State the day and yea:r; in this certificate first above writ-
Notary Public in and for the County
(SEAL) of· San Diego, State of California.
My Commission Expires, b'ebruary 15, 1926.

I RECORDED AT REQUEST OF W. W. Easton (Hile) Mar. 17 1925 at 32 Min. past 11 o'clock

A. ·M., in ·Book No. 920 Page 456 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of an _
Indenture between Fairmount Water Company and Ed Fletcher and the City of San Diego,
Ca.1ifornia! ·
ALLEN . H~ WRIGHT ... _..
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

. EL CERRITO PARK ·coMPANY, a corporation, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN
DOLLARS; does hereby grant to The City of East San Diego, a municipal oorpozation, An· ease-
ment for public highway purposes over a11· that real prQperty situated in the County of :San
Diego; State of California, bounded and described as follows: · . .
The West Twenty-five ( 25) feet ·of Lot IJ.'we_nty-two ( 22) of East Redlands according to
map thereof No. 816, on file in the office of the County Recorder of said San ·Diego County;
the same to be used solely for street purposes as a part of and addition to El Ce_rrito D:r:iv
as ·aaid drive is ,shown on the·· map of Redland Gardens No. 1751 on file in the office of the
County Recorder of said San Diego County.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD. the above granted and described easement, ~to the said Grantee,
its successors and assigns forever. .
ni WITNESS WBEREOI!', saii d corpozation has caused this deed to be signed by its..,....;.;---:-~---1
I President and .
lOth day of May, 1923.

Signed and executed in presence of

Secretary and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto this
· ··
{SEAL} . . F. E. 'PATTERSON Se ore tary .-
On this 15th'day of May in the year one thousand nine hundred and Twenty-thr~e before
me; Gladys Warren, a Notary Public in and for said county, personally appeared Alexander
Reynolds; known to me to be the President, and F. E• Patterson, known to me to be
the . . ~eo_retary of the corporat_ion that executed the within instrument, known
to me to be the pers oP:_s who exe_cuted the wi.'f:hin .instrument on behalf of th~ corporation
therein named·, and acknowledged to me that· such corporation .executed the sane.
.I Notary Public in and for the CountY
(SEAL) of San Diego, State of California.
My Commission Expires Jan. 28,. 192p.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF W. W. East on Jul •. 7 1923 at 6. Min •.past 9 o'clock A• M·., in
Book No. 958.Page 19. of deeds Records of San Diego County, Gaiif.
JOml H~ "FERRY, County Re.corder
By N. A. PARSONS Deputy.·
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from EL CERRITO PARK COMPANY to The City of San Diego.
:I!J~ty Clerk of the City of San D~.ego ·, C,alifornia .•

I By________.-.:...:.fk4n~:Ja,....~Yn~..:.·~J~N~A~·Jt~~~-___ Deputy •
D 'E;::E D·
· Peter Johnson, unmarried of East San Diego; in San Diego County· California For and
in consideration of the· sum of ONE DOLLAR, to him in hand paid, and the· fa~ther consideration
that the sarn9 shall be ,used for streat :purposes only, doe.s hereby grant to the City of· East
SanDie$o, California, all that real property East San Diego,_County of San
Diego; State of· California, bounded and described as follows: · .
· · All that _po~tion of Lots one (1·) and tw9 (2·), in Block 192 of .·City Heights, according
to the amended map thereof No. 1007, filed in.the office of the Recorder of San Diego coun;ty,
CS.lifornia, October 3, 1906, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a pofnt
~n the North line of said Lot one ( 1) wha.oh point is 63.0 feet East of the Northwest corner
of said Lot thence South Forty ( 40) degre~s Forty~eight ( 48) minutes wes.t 66~(_)5 feet to a
point on the South line of said Lot two (.2) which point is 19.48 f~e·t East of the Southwest
corner of said Lot Two ( 2.) thence east along the South line of said Lot a distance of 8.52
feet to a lYoint on said line which point is-28.0 feet East of the Southwest corner of said
Lot Two (2) thence North Thirty-nine (39) degre~s fifty~six (56} minutes East 33•0 feet to
a point, which point is the beginning of a o~rve concave south~ast with a radius of Ninty-
1 four ( 94) feet the.nge northeast along said curve a distance of 40.67 fee:t . to the point of
intersection of said curve with the North line of said Lot one (1) said point being 78.26
fe&t East of the Northwest corner of said Lot one (1) ·thence West 15.26 along said .line to
the point of beginning.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described premises, unto the said Grantee
for·the purposes above expressed
WITNESS his hand and seal this 20th day of Ootobe~ 191~.
Signed ·and Executed in the ·presence of ·· PETER JQHNSON (SEAL)




On this 20th day of Octobe-r A. D~ Nineteen Hundred and Ninteen, before me Arthur T.
French, a Notary·Publio in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Peter Johnson, unmarried, known to me to be the person whose
name· is subscribed to the within instrument aild he aclalowledged to me that he executed 'the
Sa.I}B ..

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and ·affi,IXS:d my-official seal at·:my
office in San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in thiS
Certificate first above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of
(SEAL) San Diego, state of California.
. BE CORDED AT REQUEST OF John A.· Blakiston Oct. 8 1923 at 25 Min. past 2. Q 'clock P.M.;.
in Book No. 968 Page 118 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. £. PAR~O~~S Deputy
'•1,._ .··

I HEBEBY CERTD"Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true _and correct copy of ' '
Deed from P~ter Johnson, unmarried, to City of San Diego.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California•
By_ _ _--:..;.1~=~
~.~....k.£..U,.I._w.;.__,..;~~~'t~·- ..____Deputy.
George E. Be~tt _and. ]louise H. Bennett, husband and wif~; for and in consideration
of the sum of Ten 8c rio/100 DOLLARS, do hereby grant to the City of East San Di~go, a munici-
pal corporation; all that real property situated in the City of East San Diego, County of
San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: · . · ·
· Lots Twenty-two (22), Twenty-three (23), and Twenty-four (24), in Block Forty-five
(45}, of City Heights, in the City of East San Diego, County of ·San Diego, State of Calif..o·
ornia, according to amended map thereof No. 1007·~ filed in the· office of the· County Re~
corder of said San Diego County, October 3, 1906. Subject to a mortgage in ·favor of David
F. Gorman, made by the grantors herein, of even date herewith, in· the sum of $12,500.00;,
TO HAVE AND"TO HOLD the above granted and described premises, unto. the said Grantee
its successors and assigns forever,
WrTNE~S our hands and seals this Fourteenth day of October, 1920.
Signed and Execute_d in presence Qf GEORGE E. BENNETT (SEAL)


On t·his 14th day ·of October, 1920, before me; FrSiillkie A. Sicher, a Notary Public in
and for said County and State, personally appeared George E. Bennett and Louise H. Bennett,
Husband and Wife, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing
instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. · ·
WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this Certi'ficate first above
I .
(SEAL) - Notary Public in and for said County and Sta-te.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Union Title Co. of San Diego (Squire) Oct. EO 1920 at 9- o' clodik
A. M. in Book No. 833 of Deeds Page £33 Et. Seq.• , Records o:fSan Diego County, California•
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. £.PARSONS, Deputy.
. I

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and corr~ct copy of j
Deed from George ~·- Bennett a~d Louise H. Bennett, husband and wife to the City of San Diego •
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California. 1

By_ _ _ _----&.;;/Jzu:;,l,Qr.~=-..
Simon L~vi Company, a corporation, of the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,
State of California, for and in consideratiQn of the sum of TEN C$10.00) DOLLARS do hereby
grant to City of East San Diego, a municipal corporation, all that'real property situated
in the City of East San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California; bounded and de-
scribed as follows:/ . . ,
The South tw6H1ty feet of Lot Twenty ( 20) and the South twenty :feet of Lot Twenty-nine
(29) in Block Forty-one (41) of City Heights, according to the amended map thereof No. 1007;
filed in the office of the CountY Recorder of said San Diego County, October 3, 1906.
· . TO HAVE AND PO HOLD the above granted and described premises, unto the said Grantee
its succe.ssors and assigns forever, for the purposes of a public alley.,
WITNESSETH:- That said corporation has.caused this deed to be signed by its President
and Secretary and its corporate seal to be affio:d hereto this 28th day of December, 1921.
Signed and e~ecuted ~n presence of By·BERNARD LEVI President
P;. VanDenbrugh · By WAilrER J. DAVIS Secretary


On this 29th day of December, 1921, me, Arthur T. French, a Notary P·ublic in ·
and for said County, .pars anally appeared Bernard Levi known to me to be· the President,
and Walter J. Davis known to me to be the Secretary of the corporation that executed the .
within instrument·~···knqwn to me to 'be tb.e persons who exe outed the within instrument on be..;. j
half -of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed!
the saDie" - ---. . .ARTHUR T. FRENCH · . . . I
Notary Public in and for said County and State.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF W. W. Easton No~. 1, 1922 at 8 Min. pastE o'clock P.M., in
Book No. 891 of iiDeede Page 333Et. Seq., Ee9ords ofSanDiego County, California.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. ~. PARSONS Deputy
. -
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing· is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Simon Levi Company a corporation to City of San D~ego _a municipal· corporation.
City ·Clerk of the City of San Diego, Califoriiia.

KNOW ALL MEN BY· THESE PRESENTS: · That J •. W. Wiley. the party of the :first part, :for
and in consideration of the sum of One ($1.00} and no/100 DOLLARS, lawful money of the
United States of America, to him in hand paid by City of·East San Diego the party of tht:t
second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, bar-

gain, ~ell and convey, unto the said party of the second part, its suc9eseors and assigns;
all water pipes and fixtures thereunto connected composing and constituting the water dis-
tributing system in Belle Crest Addition·in said City of'East San Diego, County of San
Diego, State of California; nine water meters forming part of said water distributing system
one of each of said water m~ters ·being located on the following Lots in said Belle Crest
Addition, to~wit:. ~ots 1, a, 18, 21 and 24 in Block A, Lots 2, 10 and 20 in Block Band
the water meter in Castle Street near the intersection o:r Euclid Avenue connecting said wate~
distributing system with the water pipe line belonging to the City of San Diego; and that
certain water right granted to the said'J~ w. Wiley by the City of San Diego by Ordinance
No.-5017 of said City. .
-To·· HAVE AND TO HOLD the same to the said party of the ·second part, its successors
and assigns fore_ver. And he does for himself, his heirs~ execut:or~ and administrators;
covenant and agree to and with the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns;
:, '·
to warrant and defend the sale of· said property, goods ·and chattels, hereby made unto thE;!
said party of th~·second, its successors and assigns, against all and every person or
persons, whoms~ver;: lawfully claiming or to claim the same.
WITNESS his hand and seal this 16th day of November, 1923.
Signed·and executed in presence of J. w. WILEY (SEAL)
On this 1'6th day of November Ninete~n HUI1drEtd and Twenty•three before me, Arthur T.
French a Notary Public in and for said County and State; residing therein, duly com~issioned
and sworn; personally appeared J.~ w. 'Wiley known to me to be the person described in and
whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed
the saiiS. · ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal; at my

I office, in said County of· san Diego, State of California, the day and year .an this ce:J;tifi-
cate first above written.
Notary Public in and for the bounty of San Diego,
(SEAL) . . State of California.
RECORDED AT RE~UEST OF A. T. French Nov. 17 19 23 at 26 Min. past 9 o ' A.M.; in
Book No• l l Page 256 of Bill of Sale Records of san Diego County, Calif.
· . JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. £. PARS~NS Deputw.
I HEREBY CERTI:E,Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and co.rrect copy of
Bill ·of Sale from J ~ w. Wiley to City ·of San Diego. ·
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By_ _ _---'J.-=~~le~\::10~.~~·_w~;~~~·""t,j ___Deputy.

. Mary Cole. McMartin (Widow) for and ~n _consideration o.f the sum of TEN DOLLARS, Do
hereby- grant to The City o·f .C.:ast san Diego/ a municipal corpo_ration all that real pr.operty
situated in The City of East San Diego County of San Diego, State of California, bounded
and described as follows:. ·
An undivided one fourth Ct} interest 'in and to Lots Forty-five (45'), Forty-six (46},
Forty-seven (47), and Forty-eight .(48) in Block Twenty-two (22·) of Besubdiyision of
K and Bl·ock L- of Teralta, in the County of San Diego, State o£ California., according to
official. map thereof No. 1037 filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego
County, March 8, 1907.

I ·To HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and. described premises unto the said t7rantee
its ·successors and assigns for~ver.
WITNESS my hand and seal this ~3rd day of October, 1923.
Signed and Executed in Presence of . MARY COLE McMARTIN (SEAL)
COUNTY 0:&, . POLK )
· On this 23rd day of October, 1923 before me, D. c. McMartin a No.tary ·-~ublic, in and
for said County and State, personally appeared 114ary· Cole- McMartin.lwldow) ·mown to me tq be
the person whose nam is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, _an(), aclalowledged to me
that she exe outed! the same. · ·
WITNESS my hand and Official Seal, the day and year in this certif:i.cate.first.above·
Notary Public in and for said County and state.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF A. T. French Nov. £8, 1923 36 Min. past 1 o'clock P.M. in Book
. No. 977 Page 147 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Cs.lif. . . .
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
· . . . . By N. £~ PARSONS Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full~ true and correct. copy of
Deed, from Mary Cole McMartin to The City of San Diego, being Document No. ~07857.
C~ty Clerk of.the City of San Diego, California..
By_ ____..__.c....;/~;..;;....=·
Alice Gertrude Atherton (widow) for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS,
do hereby grant to Th_e City of East San Diego, a muni'cipal corporation all that real propertYtl The City of East San Diego, County of San Di~go, State of California, bounded and
described as follows:: ' · . .
An undivided one :b'ourth (t} interest in and to Lots J!.,orty-:five (45), Forty-six (46),
Forty-seven (47), and Forty-eight (48} in Block Twenty-two (22) of Resubdivision of ~lock K
and Block L of Teralta, in the County of ban Diego, State of California, according to
official map thereof No. 1037 ·filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego ·..
County, March 8, 1907·.

·· .•. ' . .f

TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described premises unto the said Grantee
its successors and assigns forever.
·WITNESS my hand and seal this 23;rd·da.y of October, 19f3
Signed and Executed in Presence of ·ALICE GER~PRUDE ATHERTON (SEAL}

STA1'E · Ol!' IOWA ) SS.

On this 23rd day of October, 1923.before me, D. c. McMartin a Notary Public, in and
for said county and State, personally appeared Alice Gertrude .Atherton known to ~e to be
the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument,· and acknowledged to me
that she executed the same.
WITNESS my hand and Official Seal, the day and year·in this certificate-first above
Notary Public in and for said. county and State. . ' ~

RECORDED.AT·REQ.UEST OF A. T. French.Nov. 28,.1923 at 37-Min. past 1 o'clock .P.M.,
in Book No. 977 .. Page 149. of Deeds Records of San J)iego County_, Calif. ·
· JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
·By N• .C. PARSONS Deputy.
I HEREBY CEB'riFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Alice Gertrude Atherton to The City of ::san l)iego, being Document No. 207858.
·City Clerk of the city of San lJiego, lJalifornia.

D E .E D
I, Ella J;. ·Cole, widow, of Pasadena, California, for and ip consideration of the sum
of TEl-l DOLLARS, do hereby grant to· 'the City of East San ·niego, a municipal corporation all
that real property situated in city of East San Diego, County of San Diego, State o.f Calif-
ornia, pounded and described·.as follows~ . ·
·· ·An ~divided one fourth (i,) interest in and to Lots Forty-five, forty-six, forty~
seven, and forty~e.Jgl).t in Block Twenty~two (22) of Resubdivision of Block K and Block L of
Teralta; in the County of San Diego, State of California, according to ~fficial map thereof
No. 1037 filed in the office· of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, March 8, 1907.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described premises unto the s.aid Grantee
its successors and assigns forever. .,,.
· WITNESS my hand and seal this 13th day of November, 1923.
Signed and Executed ·in Presence of ELLA J. COLE (SEAL)
On this 13th day of November, 1923. before me, Chester R. Pyle a Notary Public,. in
and for said County and State, personally appeared Ella J. Cole, Wido·w, ·of Pasadena, Calif-
ornia, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribeq. to the foregoing instrument,
and acknowledged to me that she executed the same.
WITNESs· my ha!,ld and Official Seal, the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Pu,blic in and for said County and State
-RECORDED AT REQUEST OF A. T. French Nov. 28 19;e3 at 38 !ran·•. past 1 o'clock P.M., in
Book No. 967·Page 208 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
.. By N. ~. PARSONS Deputy
I HEF.EBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correc..t copy of
Deed, from EllS J. Cola, _Widow, to The City of San Diego,· being Document No·. r2.07859.
City Clerk of the City of' S~n Diego, California.

By_ _ _ _____._.~~~YM~..:....·'"""'tN~Jih=t.o1~---Deputy.

Nicholas Steinmetz, a single man, of the city of San Diego, County of San Diego,
State of California, for and·in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS, do hereby grant to
the City of East San Diego, a municipal corporation all that real property situated in
County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
An. undivided one fourth (t) interest in and to Lots·ve . ( 45), Forty-six (46),
Forty-seven (.47) and Forty-eight (48) in Block Twenty-two (_22) of Resubdivision of Block K
and Block L of Teralta; in the County_ of San Diego, State of California, according to offic-
ial ~P thereof No. 1037 filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County,
March 8, 1907. '
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described premises unto the said Grantee
its successors and assign? forever.
·WITNESS my hand and seal this 5th day of November, 192~.
Signed and Execute~ in' Presence of NICHOLAS STEINMETZ (SEAL)
On this 5th day of No~ember; 1923. before me, William H. Evans a Notary Public, in
and for said County and State; personally appeared Nicholas Steinmetz, a single man known
to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged
to me that.he executed the same. ·- · ·
·- WITNESS my hand and Official Seal, the day and year ih this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Public in and far said County and State.
RECORDED AT RE@UEST OF A. T. French Nov. 28 1923 at 35 Min. past 1 o'clock P.M •., in
Book No., _977 Page 146 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
' JOHN H. FERRY, . County Be corder
By N. E. PARSONS Deputy
RE-FECOBDED AT REQUEST OF· J. A. Blackston Dec• 26, 1923 at 36. Min• past 1 o'clock .1::'.
M., in Book No. 971 Page 457 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FER~:, County Recorder
By N. A. PARSONS Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Nicholas Steinmetz to City of San Diego; Document No. 207860.
City Clerk of the City of ::3an Diego.b California.
By /~ ~-·:·W~ _eputy.
· THIS AGREEMENT, made this 24th day of .August, 1927 ,_ between the Union Trust Company
of San Diego, a corporation, Party of t~e First Part; and The City of· San Diego, a munici-
pal corporation, Party of· the Second Part,


W I T N E S S E T H:

City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, covered by ·the ne·ed of· Trust
hereinafter described; and, ·
THAT·; ·vmEBEA$, said T·rilstee is the legal owner of alr that property situated in t~~

- - WHEREAS, THE. CITY OF SAN DIEGO,· for the benefit and· improvement of· sai.d property, is
laying, constructing and maintaining, or intending to lay, construct and maintain a drain
pipe through, along and across a portion of said property, and ·
WHEREAS, it is a condftion precedent to the laying, construc·tion,· maintenance and
operation of said drain pipe that an easement and right· of· way for same shall be and remain
upon a portion of said property prior and superior to the terms and conditions incorpozated
in said deed ·of trust; and ,_, ·
. WHEF.EAS, all the owners of the equitable ·interest's under said mentioned Deed of Trust, }
have each granted an easement and right of way to the Party of the Second Part, as f~llows; i.
Trust Deed, dated October 9, 1925, made-by Bertha P. Hyde, a widow, and Noah L. '!_
Hayden, a single man, in favor of A. H. Knoll, securing one promissory note for the sum of · :
$190.00 with interest, recorded March 13·,- 1926, in Book 1189, at page ·148, et seq., qf ~eeds,
records of the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County;
···· The easement conveyed being through, along and across a portion of-Lots 1, 2; 4f?, 46
and 47, Block 257·~- Hayden's Subdivision, according to Map thereof· No. 24, filed in the
Office,·of said County Recorder, said easement and right of way being pa.rticulairly described
as follows; to-wit: · ·
Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of said Lot 1, distant 90.oo·feet
southwesterly from the northerly corner of said Lot ~-; thence northeasterly on a direct line
to a point on the northeasterly line of said. Lot 1, di-stant 24.12 feet southeasterly from
the northerly corner of said Lot 1; thence southeasterly a long the no'rtheasterly line of
said Lots- 1 and f to the easterly corner of said Lot 2; thence southwesterly in a direct
line to a point on the southwesterly line of _said Lot 1, distant 12.51 feet northwesterly
from.the southerly corner of said Lot 1; thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line
of said Lot 1 to the westerly corner of said Lot 1; thence northeasterly along the north-
westerly line of said Lot 1 to the point of beginning; ALSO,
Beginning at a point on the s outhwe ste rly line of said Lot 47·~- distant 4.48 feet
· southeaster1y from the westerly corner of said Lot 47; thence northeas~erly on a direct
line to a point on the northeasterly line of said Lot 46, distant 16.99 feet southeasterly
from the northerly corner of said Lot 46i.. thence southeasterly along the northea:sterly line
of said Lots 46 and 45 to a point distant 7.13 feet northwesterly from the easterly corner
of said Lot 45; thence southwesterly in a direct line to a point on the southwesterly line
of said Lot 46, distant 19.64 feet northwesterly from the srnutherly corner of said Lot 46;
thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of said Lots 46 and 47 to the point or
place of beginning. . ·
That; in consideration of the premises, the sum of One Dollar, and in further con-·
sideration of the benefits derived and to be derived from the construction, maintenance and
ope ;ration of said drain pipe, said Party of the First Part HEREBY SUBORDTilATES ALL OF- IIDS
EIGHT; TITLE AND INTEREST under-said .Deed of Trust above mentioned to the right of· way and
easement heretofore conveyed to the Party of the Second'Part, upon the designated portion
of the property covered by such trust deed, so that said right of way and easement shall
become .and remain prior and superior to any and all of· the terms and conditions contained
in or provided by said Deed of Trust hereinabove referred to.
·IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Party of the First Part has caused this instrument to
be signed by its Vice•President -and Assistant ·Secretary, and its corporate seal: to be
affixed hereto, the day f!,nd year in this instrument ffrst above written.
Party o·f the First Part

Attest: A. H•. MacKINTOSH


On this E4th day of August, in the year One Thousand. Nine Hundred and twenty-seven,
before me, L. J. Williams a Notary_ Public in and for said. County and State, personally
appeared F. B. Thompson known to me .to be the Vice President, and. A. H. MacKintosh known
to me to be the Assistant Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within inst-rument, ·"''-
known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf. of the Corporation~->
·therein-named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed _the same.
~I~NESS my hand and official seal the day and-year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Public in·and for said County and ~tate.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Sep• 28 1927 at 30 Min. past :t,O. o'clock A.M., in
Book-No. 1392 Page 164 of Deeds. ·Records of San Diego County, Calif.
-- JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By- L., B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Subordination Agreement, from·union Trust Company of San Diego to C~ty of San Diego,
Document No·. 212590.
City Clerk of the City of,San Diego, California.
Union Trust Company of San Diego a- corl10ration; of the City of San Diego, County of ·
San-Diego, .state of Califor11ia, for and in conside:vation of the sum of TEN &: 00/100 DOLLARS;
does--·hereby grant to The. City of· San Diego, a ·municipal corporation, all that real p·roperty
situated in the City of--san Diego, County of San Diego, State of· ililifornia, bounded and
described as follows: ·
The Easte-rly half ..of the alley· in Block ~.,ifteen ( 15") , adjoining Lo.t s Eighteen ( 18) to
Twenty-four ( 24) inclusive on the West, and ·the Easterly half of the Alley in Block i:wenty-
two (22} a·d--joining Lots Si~een· (16) to Twenty~eight (28) inclusive on the West. and the
we·sterly half of the Alley in said Block Twenty-two ·(2~), adjoining Lots Three l3)- to Fifteail!
( 15')_ inclusive on the _East, all being in Bird Rook Addition, according to Map; thereof No.
1083; filed in the qf-Iice of the County Recorder of said ·sa~ Diego County, January 27, 1908,
as closed and vacated September 29, 1913 by Resolution No. 15214 of the Coinmon Council of
the Uity of San Diego. .
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described premises, unto the said Grantee,
its sucaessors and assigns forever. · ~ . - ··
.. IN WITNESS WHEP~OF~ said corpora~ion has caused this deed to be signed by its Vice
Pre:sident and Assistant Secretary and 1 ts corporate sea 1 to be. affixed hereto t~is 22d day
of September, 1927.
(SEAL} By F. B. THOMPSON Vice Preside~t. ..

Attest:' A. H. MacKINTOSH Assistant Se_cretary.

On this 22d day of September in the year one thousand nine hundred and· 27 before me,
Lulu McCormick, a Notary Public in and for said County, pe~sonally appeared F. B. Tnompson
known to me to be the Vice President, and A. H·. MacKintosh known to me to be the Asst.
Secretary of the co rp'orat ion that exe outed the within instrument, known to me· to be the·
persons who ·executed the within instrument on behalf of the _corporation th;erein named, and
acknowledged to me· that such corp'orat ion executed the s~nie. .
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California·. ··
( SE.AL}
RECORDED AT ·REQUEST OF City Clerk Oct. 5 1927. at 30 Min. past 10 o ,.clock A. M.', in
Book No. 1376 Page 352 ol" DE~D8 Be cords of San Diego County,' Calif.
JOHN H~ FERRY, County Recorder
--~·.. ; By N. C.. PARSONS Dep~ty
: ...
I HEREBY CERTIFY that tm above ana, foregoing is a: full, true and correct copy of ·
Deed; from Union Trust Company of San Diego to The Ui ty of San Diego, Document No.212~42·.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
By_ _ _ _ _J.~'..L~k~~lli~·..K.W~~~·
'.; '

=,:.;g·.__ _ _.Deputy.
Ida B. Mertz, a widow For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue· by the lo-
cation and construction of a sewer· pipe line through and across the proper.ty hereinafter
;. described, Do Hereby Grant to The City of ::lan D~ego, ~ Municipal CoiJ>oration, in the County
'·, of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction, oper-
ation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line and appurtenances, through, along,and across All
that neal Property situated in the City off San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Calif-
ornia, bounded and described as fol~ows: . . . .
A portion of Lot 10,. Block 15, Arnold & Choate's Pueblo Lot B Ad4.ition, according to
Map thereof No. 334, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County,
said easement and right· o:r way b.eing six feet in width, three feet on each side of the fol-
lowing described· center line~ · ·
Beginning at a point on .the south line of said L'ot 10, distant 166.52 feet east ,from
the west line of Hawk Street (measured along the westerly prolongation of the south line
of said Lot 10 and the south line of said Lot 10); thence northeasterly on a direct line to
a point on the north line of said Lot 10, distant 174;80 feet east from the west line· of -
Hawk ;:,treet (measured along t l'B westerly prolongation of the north line of said Lot 10 and ·
the north line of said Lot 10) •· '
The grantee herein shall at ·its expense, upon-request, furnish one free sewer connec-
t ion on the above de scribed property. ·
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever.
WITNESS my hand and seal this 14th d.ay of September, 1927.
On this 14th day of September A. D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me,~.
H• Holmboe a Notary Public in and for said County, :residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, :personally appeared Ida B. Mertz known to me to be the person des.cribed in and whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledg_ed to me that she executed the
same. . .
WITNESS MY HAND and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate firs.t above
Notary Public in and for the County of. San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California•
My Uommissi on Expires, July 28 , 1929. , . .
F~CORDED AT REQUEST OF City Ulerk Oct. 5 1927 at 30 Min. past 16 o'clock A. M., in
Book l~o. 1376 Page 350 of DEEDS Records· of San Diego uounty, Ualif~ ·
JOHN H. FERRY, County necurder
By N. C~... PARSON~ Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the abave and fore going is a full, true and. correct copy of
Deed, from Ida B. Mertz, to The Uity of :San lliego, lJocument No. ,212843
City Clerk of the tJity of ;:)an Diego, Ualifornia.
By_ _ _ __..../~~=->--h..L...

We, Olin w. lXillespie an~ ,!!;dna Gillespie, husband and wife, For and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by tile location and construct ion of a drain pipe through and ac-
rose the property hereinafter described~ Do Hereby Grant to T~e City ~f San Diego,.a Mun-
icipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right
of way for the construction,· operation and maintenance of~ drain pipe through, along and
across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County.of San Diego, State
of Califo mia, bounded and described as follows:. · ·
The West three feet of Lot 7, Block 476, C. C~ t?eaman 'e Subdivision of Part of the ·
East. 1/2 of Pueblo Lot 1122, according to Map .thereof ·No.; 530, filed in the Office of the
:'· Co.unty Recorder of eai d San: D~e go County. . . . - ··
TO HAVE AND T9 HOLD the.above ·granted and described e~se~en~ unto the said grantee,
its ·successors and assigns, forever •

WITNESS Oltr hands and seals this day of September, 1927.
On this 16th d"ay of September, A. D. 'Nineteen Hundred and Twenty~seven ·before me,
I E~· H~ Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned
atid sworn, personally appeared Olin W. Gillespie and Edna Gillespie, known to me to be the
persons described in and whose .names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknow-
ledged to me that they executed the same.
WITNESS my·hand and Official Sea~ the day and year in this certificate .first above
wri 1;ten.
Notary Public in and for the County of ~an·Diego,
~tate of California.
My Commission Expires, July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUESr.l' OF City Clerk Oct. 5 1927 at 30 Min. 10 o'clock A-. ·M. in
Book No.. 1385 Page 299 of DEEDS Records of San Die go County, Calif •
. JOHN H. FERRY', County Recorder
By N. .e.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Olin w•. and Edna Gillespie to The City of San Diego, Document No. 212844.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
By_ _ _ _~_....._,__Yn~--·W~~
............·':P--._ _ _ Deputy.
E. ~. Withall., and Olive K. Wtthall, husband and wife For and in consideration of
the benefits to accrue by ~a location·.f:l·nd construction of a sewer pipe line through, along
and across the property l;Je.r~inafter de-scribed Do Hereby Grant to 1'he City o:f San Diego, a
I Municipal Corporation, in the. County of San Diego, State of C~lifornia, an easement and
right of way. for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sew~r pipe line through,
along and across AlJ.. that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San
Diego, State of Califomia, bou:.1ded and described as follows:
The North six feet of Lot 33, Block 44, Tract No. 1368·, being a resubdivision of a
portion of Fairmount Addition, according to Map thereof No~· 1368; filed 1n the· Office of
the County Recorder of sa~d ~an Diego County. · .
The City will make one· 'sewer connection without charge within the above described
property, upon request of the grantor he rein or their successors in interest. ·
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns; forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe li~e.
WITNESS our hands ani seals this 20 day of September. 1927
On this 20th day of Sept. A.· D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty seven before me, Gao.
M. Pierson a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commis~ioned and
sworn, personally appeared E. G.; Withall known to me to be ·the person described in and whose
name· is subscribed to the within instrument, am acknowledged to me that he executed the
WITNESS my hand and Official Seal the day and year- in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for said County
(SEAL) and State.

I My Commission Expires,
Nov. 30, 1930.
On this 21st day of September A. D., 1927, before me, E. H. Holmboe a Notary Public
in and for the said County of ~an Diego, State of-California, residing therein,
missioned and sworn, pe~sonally appeared Oliye K. Withall personally known to me to be the
person whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument, and duly acknowledged to me that
she executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aff·ixed my official seal at my
office in the Couat y of San Diego, the day and year in this certifi-cate first above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of ban viego,
(SEAL) State of Califo mia.
My Commission expires, July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Oct. 5 1927 at 30 Min. past 10 o'clock A. M. in
Book No. _13.76 Page 356 of DEEDS Records of San D-iego County,.-Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
, lly N. .G, J_>ARS ONs· Deputy

I HEREBY CERTIFY that t.he abo~e ~d foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from ·E. G. Withall·;..~t ~ilx. t~o The City of San Diego; Document No. 212845
City Clerk of the City of San. Diego, California.

By_ _ _____..~~----...~'lli...;....a.:o..~\A....._;)_jJ~~"""'t~-~~-Deputy.
BANK OF 'ITALY 1: NATIONAL. TRUST & SAVINGS ASSOCIATION For and in consideration of· th9
sum of ONE DOLLAR (~1.00), lawfUl money-of the United States of America; in hand'paid, re-
ceipt of which is hereb·y acknowledged. ~oes H~reby Grant to The City of san Diego, a
Municipal Corporatio~, in the County of -sln.Diego, St.ate of California, an easement and
right of way for a,Sanitary Sewer through, along and across All that Real Property situated
in the City of San ,Piego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described
as follows:
. ~' ' ·.: . The Southeasterly six (6) feet of Lot Six (6), Blo·ck Six (6) of Bayside Country Club
.. :; -· ',
Estates Unit #1, Map Number 2009; now on file in the office of the County Recorder of the .


County· of San Diego, State of California.

TO HAVE AND '110 HOLD the ·above granted and described easement unto the said gra.n.te·e,
its successors and assigns forever for Sanitary Sewer purposes only.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by it~ ...
.. '
proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this Second day of September, 1927 .• ':.


BY L•. G. BRADLEY Vice President. .
Attest;. i H. R. MOORE Assis·tant ·Trufit O:fficer
' On this Third day of September A. D. Nineteezi Hundred and twenty-seven hefore me,
Huth Averell a Notary Public in ,and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and!
sworn, p:~rsortally appeared L. G. Bradley known to me to be .the Wice-President, and H~ R.
Moore known to me to be the 4ssistant Trust Officer of the Corporation that executed the
within instrument, known to me to be the persons who elltecuted the within instrument on be-
half of the Corporation within named, and acknowledged to me. that such Corporation executed
the same. . -
IN WITNESS WHEREO~, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal,. in the
County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California •.
( B~AL)
My Commission Expires,
December 23rd, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Oct. 5 1927 at 30 Min. 10 o'clock A. M. in
Book No·. 1385 Page 300 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N;. C.• PARSONS Deputy
'I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true a1_1d correc·t copy of
Deed; from Bank of Italy, National. Trust !?c Sayings Association to ·city of San Diego,
Document No. 212846.·
City Clerk of the City of ;:;;an 'Diego, California.

. \

DE E D ,
I, We Pitts Ellis and Olive R. Ellis, Husbakd and Wife as joint tenants of the City
and County of ~an Diego and State ~:f California For and. in Consideration of the benefits to·
accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a water pipe line through and across
the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to
them in hand paid, the rece~pt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City
of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego; State. of California, an·
easement and right of way through, along and across all that certain real property situate
in the City of San Diego, County of_San Diego, State of California, particu'larly described
as follows, to~wit: . ·
The South ten feet of lot ( ::·L ) all of lot ( M ) Block 8, In Davis· Subdivision Qf West
Teralta •• Also West Teralta, Tract (A}, North 60 feet of South 296.6 feet of' Lot (.A)
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described right of way unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever, as a right -of way for a sewer pipe line.
Tlie: purpose of this easern9nt and right of way is for the construction and maintenance
of a privB:te sewer and water pipe ~ine lateral inside the property lines, it being under~
stood that the City of San Diego is .not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the
construction and mainten.B.nce. of sewer and li'Jatel' laterals over and across this easment.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Pitts Ellis and Olive R. Ellis have hereunto set their hands and
seals this 14 day of Septemb-er 1927.
On this 14th-day of September, 1927, before m~, ]'.B. Blake a Notary Public in and·for
the said County of San Diego; State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Pitts Ellis and Olive R~. Ellis personally known to me to be the
persons whose narres are subscr-ibed to the within_instrument, and they duly acknowledged to
me that they executed tm same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
·office in the County of· San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
Notary Public in and for the Coun.ty of San Diego,
(SEAL) State .of California ·
My Commission Expires July 7, .1931
RECORDED AT REQUEST_ O:b, City Clerk Oct. 5 1927 at 30 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M. ·In Book
No. 1367 Page 412 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
) JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS Deputy.
.• !•
. • ;, I HEREBY CEBTII'.Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct· copy of
Dee-d, from Pitts and Olive R.- Ellis t 9 City of San Diego, Document No. 212847.
City Clerk of the City of t3an Diego, California.
\ '""' \~ ;

~~-- By________,~'"""'~~~k~.;_·. ;:;.;~" ')d£;. :~19----_Deputy

.: : .,
.... ,·,"',..
:·~~~:~.~~~~-.~j' \ •
, DEED'· ..
-~~-:::;_-_',·:_:;{_:". ~' WE, JOHN l!,. IAMS AND JOSEPHINE IAMS, husband and-wife For.and-in Consideration· of
. the benefits to accrue by the location, oonstruction arid maintenance of a water. pipe line
. through and across tre property herein desqribed, and in--consider,.~ ion. of ·the· sum of One
. ._ · ·., Dollar ( $1.00) to us in hand paid, the receipt whe :reof is hereby ·a:·cknowledged, do hereby
:;,.::{·.·..,,grant to the City of San Diego, ·a municipal co:rporation in the County of ~an Diego, State of
'; :,. · California, an easement arid right of way through., along and across all that certain real
· property situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of 'California, par-
ticularly described as follows, ·to-wit:

I'-:.,; 'I
The West four feet of the East 66 feet of Lot 26, B~ock 2, Teralta, according to Map
thereof No. 1237<,- filed in the Office of the County Recorder· of· said San Diego County.·
·To· HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described right of way unto the said gra.Illlteq,
its successors and assigns forever, as a :right of· way for a water pipe Tine.
· The purpose of this easement and right of ·way is for tre cons~ruction and maintenance o

of a private water connection inside the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to ·be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and
maintenance of said laterals over and across this easment.
· IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 27th day of August
On this 27th day of-August, 1927, before me, Thos. B. Getz a Notary Public in and for
the --sa::i.d County of San Diego, State of Califo mia, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared John F. Iams and Josephine IB.rns husband and wife personally knoWII!~ . ,
to me to be the persons w.hose names are subscribed to the w.ithin instrum~nt, and they duly ;
acknowl_edged to me that they executed the same. · .
mN v'H'J.1NESS V'lliEREOF; I have he reu.rito set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written._.,
Notary Public in and for the County of San uiego,
(SEAL) . Btate of California
My Commission expires January·8th, 1931.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Oct. 6 1927 at 30 M'in. past 10 o'clock A. M. In
Book No. 1376 Page 348 of nEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H.· FERBY, County Recorder
By N~ C. PARSONS Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that t be above and fo·regoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Jo_.p.n F. and Josephine Isms to 'l'he City of San Diego, Document No. 212848•

City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By_ _ _..,.;;.~=~-Yh~,...·-'..:;.W-=_"""'dtJ~t~-=----Deputy.
WESTERN. LOAN & BUILDING. COMPANY,_ A CORPOP.A['ION, For and in consideration of ONE
DOLLAR Does Hereby quitc·laim To 'l'he City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the
County of San Diego, State. of CB.lifornia, for street or alley purposes, All that .Real
Property situated in t·he Ci_ty of San Diego; C.ounty of San Diego, State of California, bound-
ed and described a:s follows:
· All those portions of Lots Twenty-seven (27), Twenty-eight ·c !8} and Twenty-nine ·( 29)
·ih Block 242, Univer-sJty Height-s, according to Amended Map thereof made 15y G. A. d'Hemecourt,
in Book 8, Page 36, et se·q~., of Lis Pendens, in the Office of the County necord~r of said
San Diego County, bounded and de scri be.d as fo rrows: .
Commencing at a point in the south lim of said Lot 29, which is 10.66 feet west from
the southeast corner of said. Lot 29; thence north on a line parall'el with the east line of ·
said Lot 29, 6.00 feet; thence e.ast on a line parallel with the south lines of Lots 29~ 28
and 27, 40 feet; thence south on a line parallel with the east line of said Lot 27, 6.00
fee~ to a point in the south line of sald Lot 27; thence west along the south lines of Lots
27, 28 and 29, 40.00 feet to a point of beginning.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above quitclaimed and described easement unto the said gra~mtee,
its suco(\)ssors and: assigns forever
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by _its
proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 6th day of September, 1927.
GSEAL) By v. R. ~~DSE~ Vice-President.

) SS•
Attest:· H. M~ H. ]Jund Se_cretary.

On this 6th day of ~eptember A. D. Hineteeil Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, L. w.
Smeltzer, a Notary Public in and for said tJounty, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn,·personally appeared V. R. Madsen knovvn to me to be_the ~ice~:President, and H.• M. H.
I Lund knovvn to me to b·e the .Se ere tary of the. lJorp oration that exe outed the within instrument,
known to me to be. the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the Corporatioa
/ within named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same.·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in the
1 County of ~alt Lake, State of Utah the day and year in this certificate first above written.

Notary Public -in and for the- County of Salt Lake,
State o:f Utah
Residing at Salt Lake City, Utah.
My CommisSion Exp-ires,- 9-:23-27
RECORDED AT EEQUEST OF City Clerk_Oct. 5 19£7 at 30 Min. past 9 o'clock A.M., In Book
•,. ( No. 1376 Page 363 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that tl'B above and foregoing is a full, true. and corr.ect -copy .of
Deed, from Western Bldg. & Loan to City of 9an Diego, Document No. 212849.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
:; ,,
By /~)b. lA]~:- Deputy.
I, Phyllis B. Merrill., in consideration of One ~nd No/100 ($1.00) DOLLARS to me in
hand paid,- tre·_receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby Remise, Release· and for-
ever Quitclaim to, the City:of San Diego, California, for street or alley purposes.!. all that
real property situated in the City of San D-iego, County of San Diego, State of California,
described as follows: · · ·
All those portions of Lots Twenty-seven (27), Twenty-eight (28) and Twenty-nine (29)
in Block Two Hundred Forty-two ( 242) o_f University Heights, according to amended map there-
of made by G. A. d'Hemecourt, in Book 8, page .36 et seq. of Lis Pendens, in the office of
:- I
the County Recorder o:f said San Diego County, bounded and described as follows~-
Commencing ·at a point· in the South line of said Lot Twenty-nine ( 29),. whic~ is 10.65
feet West of ·the Southeast corner of said Lot Twenty-nine ( 29 )·; thence North on a line
paralle 1 with the East line of said Lot Twenty-nine ( 29) six feet ( 6 .ft •); thence East on a
line parallel with the South lines of Lots Twenty-nine (.29)~ Twenty.-eight {28), and Twenty~
seven (27) forty (40ft.) feet·; thence South on a line parallel with. the East line of said
Lot Twenty-seven ( 27) six '6) feet to a point in the South line of said Lot Twenty~seven;
thence west along the South lines of Lots Twenty-seven (27)l Twenty-eight (28) and Twenty-nrune
(2~) forty (40) fee-t to the point· of commencement.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD to the said grantee, its sucoe ssors or assigns for street or. alley
WITNESS my hand th~_s 24th day of June, 1927.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of ) PHYLLIS B. MERRILL (SEAL)
ON THIS 24th day of June A. D., 1927 before me JOSEPHS. 'CAMPBELL, a Notary P~blic .in
and for said County and Stat~, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally
appeared Phyllis B:. Merrill, knqwn to me to be the person whose name· is subscribed" to the
within instrument, and acknow].edged to me that she executed the same.
- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto- set my hand and affixed my official seal the day
·and year in this certificate first above written.
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County and State.
RECORDED AT REQUEST O:P City Clerk Oct. 5 1927 a.t 30 Min. past 10' o'clock A.• M. In ... ' .:··
.... -,,
Book No. 1376 Page 349 of DEEDS Be cords of San Diego County, Calif.
'JOHN H·; FERR'Y, County Recorder
... By N. C. PARSONS Deputy
~ ~; 'l. : ' ••• ·'.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing. is a full, true and correct. copy of · I ' ~.
.. •"':
' ;.'

Quitclaim Deed, from Phyllis B. Merrill to City of San Diego, Calif., Document No.212850.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego,' California.·

I, Mary K. Gongaware, a Widow; For and in Consideration of the benefits to accrue by
the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through and across the property
herein described, and in consideration·of the sum of One Dollar {$1.00) to me in hand paid,
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do I hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a
municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, a'n easem~nt and right
of way .through, along and across all that certain real property situate in the City of San
Diego, County of San Diego-, State of california, particularly described. as :follows, to-:wit;
.&11 of Lot two (2), Block H, excepting th~ West Eighty-eight ( 88) fe1et, of Altadena.,
in the City of San Diego, County o:f San Diego,. State of California., according to inap there~
of No. 1663, filed in the office of tm County Re-corder of said San Diego\ county, March 15
1915. .
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the a·bove granted and describe.d right of way unt~the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever; as a right of way for a sewer pipe . .
The purpose of this easement and right of way is· for the construction and maintenance
of a. private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City of
San Die go is not to be he ld 1 ia ble for any damage resulting from t be construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment. - · · · · · ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and sea 1 this 7th day of September
On this 9th day of Sept ember, .192 7, before me. H. P.. Neptune a Notary Public in El.nd for,
the said County of San Die go, State· of California, residing there in, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Mary K. Gongaware personally known to me to be the person whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and she duly acknowledged to me that she ex-
e QUted the san;e. · · ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF,· I· have hereunto set my hand and. affixed my official s~al, at my 1
office in the. County of San .Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written •
(SEAL) Notary . Public in and for the County of san Diego,
My, \Commission Expims May 17, 1931 State of California. ·
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Oct. 11 1927 at ~ o'clock P~M. In Book No~ 1385
Page 316 of Deeds'Records of San Diego County, Calif•
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Mary K. G0ngaware to City of San Dieg0, Document No. '213Q~5.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
By_ _ _ _ _~/J~e.Rt~o~ot:an~Ynu:...;.·....lw~:dl.~·~,.---Deputy.
D E E .D
I, Scott s. Graves (a single man) For and in Consideration of the benefits to accrue
by the location, co-ns tructi·on and maintenance of a sewer line throug4' and aero ss the proper-
ty herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar l$1.00) to me in hand
paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City of San Diego;
a municipal· corporation in the County of San Diego, St~te of California, an easement and
right of way th·rough, along and across all that certain real property situate in the City of
San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California~ particularly described as follows, to-
wit: ' ·
~ The east 41 ft. of the west 82 ft. of lots Twenty-five (25)1 Twenty-s,ix (26) ,_Twenty-
seven (27·), and Twenty-eight (28) in Block Four (4) of Frarry Hts. · · · · ·-
TO HAVE ANDP TO HOLD the above granted and described right of way unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns f·oreve~, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside the P.r.ope.rty lines,· it being understood that the City of
San Diego is not to be held liable·for any damage resulting from the construction and
". ' 'i

maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF', Scott s. Graves h~s hereunto· set his hand and seal th'is 30t.h. day,
of June 1927.

I On this 28th day of July, 1927, before me, •£la.Jlde M. Shell a Notary Public in and for,.:, /;
the said County of ::>an Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and -1: ,,
sworn, personally appeared Scott· S. Graves personally known to·me to be the person whose =Y·'
name is subscribed to th.e ·within instrument; and he duly acknowledged to me that he executed
the saine.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have be reunto set my hand and affixed my official seal·, at my
office in· the County o"f San Diego, the p..ay and year irt this ·certificate :f;irst above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Die go·,
My Ct>mmission expires April 20, 1930 State of California·
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Oct. 11 1927di1; 3_o'clock P. M. In Book No. 1406· . ~- .
Page 98 of Deed.s Records of San Diego County, Calif. .
. JoHN· H. FERRY, County Recorder ' { ,.

By ~· B~ WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of.
Deed., from Scott: s. Graves to City of San Diego, Document No. 21302·6.
City Cle·rk of the: City of San Diego, California. -~- ·.

By . Deputy ~ I~ ',

' I ~; ,• .::.

I, We, Arthur M. Barber, a bachelor, and Harriett B. Barber For and· in Consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location~ constrnctton and maintenance of a ·sewer line
through and across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One
,1'' ,.
Dollar ($1.00) *e in hand piid, the receipt whereof is ·hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant ·'
to the City of ·San Diego; a municipal corporation in the · Coun~y of San Diego, State of Ca~if...;/,"
·Oi'nia, an easement and right of way through, along and across all that certain real proper-
ty situate in the City of San Diego, County o:r· San Diego·, State of California, particularly
described as follows, to-wit: · ·
The east five feet of the ·south fifty "feet of the north one hundred feet of Lot Nine,
in Block One Hundr~d Twenty, University Heights A'ddition to the City of Sa.i:m Diego, according
to amended map thereo·f made by G. A. d'Hemecourt. ·. . - .. .
TO_ HAVE AND 'ro HOLD the above granted ani described right of way unto· the said grantee,
-its succeE;;sors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer ·pipe line.
· The purp,o~.e ·of this easement and right :of way is for the· construction and maintenance·
'., ~ ~-~
of a· private sewer .lateral inside the property lines, it being understood· that the City of
San Diego is not to .be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment. · ·
·· ..... IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto ·set our hands and seals this 15th day of July
On this 15th day of' July, 1927, before me, JOSEPHINE G~ JOHNSON, a Notary Public in
and. for the said Co~nty_ of San Diego,- State of California, residing therein, duly commiss-
ioned and sworn, personally appeared HARRIETT B. BARBER and ARTHUR M. BARBER~ personally
known to me to- _be. the parsons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and he
duly acknowledged- to me that they executed the sane • · ,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego,. the day and year in this certificate first above written.
Notary Public in and. for the ·County of ban Diego,
(SEAL) State of Califo rilia.
My Commission expires June 11, 1930.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Oct. 11 1927 at· 3co'clock P.M., In Book No. 1406
Page 97 of Deeds Record-s of San Diego County, .Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Arthur M. Barber and Harriett B. Barber to the City of ~an Diego, _Document No.
City Clerk of tl's· City of San Diego,· California.
By_________.~==~-Yh~~-~VV~d~~=='r-___Deputy •
•, DE E D .,,
I, We, w. s. MILBERY and· KATHRYN MILBERY, husband and wife, For and in Consideration
of ~he benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line.
through a-nd acrO<ss tre property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One
Dollar ($1.00) to us in hand pai'd, the receipt wher..eof is hereby acknowledged, do he;r:eby
grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of
California, an easement and right of way through along and across all that certain real
prope-rty situate in the City of San. J)iego, County of San Diego, State of California, par-..
ticularly -described as· fo·llows, to-wit; ··
The East Four (4) .feat of the South l!1 orty:six (46) feet of Lot Thirty-six (369 of the
Re-subdi vision of· Block Forty ( 40) of Normal Heights, as per map I~lf.
I TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and. described right of·way unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns fqrever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The pu:rpose of this easement and right of way is for the constr·uction and maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside the proi>erty 1ir1:e. ~,.it being understood· t·hat the t;i ty of
San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of· sewer laterals over and across this easment•
IN WITNESS WHE!lliOF, we have hereunto set our hands· and· ·seals this fourteenth day of
\ ..
September 1927·•

'':' ,:
·. ~;


~:~:~~~~~- ·:: .
,· ,··'
. ·, ·,.. ,,:_;·

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COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, ) .. . ·' , ..
~. ,· ~' ~

· On this 14th. day of :-Jeptembe·:r, 1927, before me, the undersigned a Nota~ Publi'~'-in:
and for the said County of San Diego, ~tate of· California, residing therein, duly c~mmiss•
ioned and sworn,personally appeared w. s. Milbery and Kathryn Milbery perso·nally kno!ln,··to
me to be the persons whose names a;re subscribed to the within instrume-nt, and they· duly ac-
knowledged to· me that they executed tl;le sarm. · ::__,. ~.~•: . ~~
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my officia~ seal, ~~- my ·

....... ""~


office in ·the County of ·san Jjiego, the day and year in this certificate :first above Vfr!t.ten.
JOHN V. RUSH t!: ~ ·.'....
Notary Public in and for the County o:f San Dt~go,
(SEAL} State of California · ~:;,_)
't·: I'
My Commission expires August 31., 1930-. .
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Oct. 11 1927 at 3 ·o'clock P. M. In Book No. 14'06
Page 96 of Deeds Records of San Diego uounty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERHY; County Recorder
By L. B•. WOODARD Deputy , .
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the a_bove and forego'ing is a full, true and correct copy o:f ·,·;.
Deed, from w. s. Milbery and Kathryn Milbery to the City of San Diego, Document No. 213028.
ALLEN H; WRIGH1'" . ,.
City Clerk of the City· of San Diego, Ualifomia. ~.

By /~'m, 1/J~JL.. Deputy. c.

THIS AGREEMENT,· made this 29th day of, August, 1927, between the Union Trust Company
of San Diego, a corporation, Trustee under tm rl'rust hereinafter_ described, Party of the first
Par:t, and 'l'he-:- City of :::ian J)iego-, a munll:cipal corporation, ?arty of the Second Part; ·
THAT, WHEREAS, said Trustee is the legal owner o:f all that property situated in the
City of ·san Diego, County of San 1Ji~go, State of California, covered b'y the Deed of ·1'rust
hereinafter described; and, .
WHEREAS, THE CITY ·oF . SAN DlliGO, for t m benefit and improvement of sa:i,d prope·rty is
accepting and dedicating a portion thereof for alley or street purposes; and, .
VIHEREAS, all the owners ·of the equitable· interests under said mentioned Deed of Trust,
ha:ve each conveyed! an easement and right of way ·for street purposes to the Party of t.hS
Second Part, a·s follows; ···· · .
Trust Deed, dated l!'ebruary 5; 1927, made by Phyllis N. Merrill in :favor of Lloyd B.
J·ones and Helen E. Jones, husband and wife, securing one note for the sum of $1709.25, with
interest·, recorded li,ebruary 24, 1927, in Hook 1325, page 150. et ·seq., of Deeds, records of
the Office of the County Recorder !Sf said s·an Diego uourity,'
~·he easement conveyed being through, along and across a portion of Lots 2.7, 28 and 29,
Block 242, University Heights, according t.o ·Amended Map thereof made by G. A. d 'Hemecourt,
in Book 8, page 36, et seq., of Lis Pendens, in the Office of the County ·Recorder of said
San Diego, said easement and right of way for street or alley purposes. being particularly
described as __follows, to~wi t:
· Commencing at a point on the south line -of said Lot 29 which is 10.65 feet west from
the southeast corner of said Lot 29; thence Nerth on a line parallel with the east line_ o:f
said Lot £9, 6.00 fee·t; thence east on a..~.line parallel with the south line ·Of Lots f9, 28,
and a7, said Bloc_k 242, a distance of 40.00 feet to a point·; thence· South on a line parallel
with the east line of .said Lot 27~ 6.00 :feet to a point on the south li~ of· said Lot 27;
thence west along the south line of Lots 27, 28 and 29, 40.00 feet to the point o:f commence-:-
NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WIT.NESSETH: That,. in consideration of the premises,
the sum of One l)ollar, and in further consideration ·of the benefits derived ~nd to be de,-
rived by the a,_cceptance ·of said easement for· street purposes, sa.:E d Party of th.e Fi:ts'1: Part
mentioned to.the right of way and easement for str,e_et purposes heretofore conveyed to th~
Pa·rty of the ·second Part, upon the designated port'ions of the property covered by such
deed of trust, so that said right o:f way and easermnt shall becane and remain prior and
superior to any and all of the terms and conditions contained in or provided by said Deed of
Trust hereinabove referred to •
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tlE said Party of the :E'irst Part has caused this instrument to be
'signed by its Vice President and Assistant Secretary, and its corporate seal to be affixed
hereto, the day and year·in this ins.trurmnt first above written.
Party of· the. :First Pa;rt
(SEAL) Vice-President
Attest:A. H.MS:o:Ki:INTOSH


On this day of August, in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and twenty-seven,
before me, L. ·J. Williams a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally
appeared F. B.· Thompson known to me to be the Vice President, and A. H. McKintosh known to
me to be the Assistant s·ecretary of the Corporation that executed the with~n :i,nst.rum~nt,
known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrurmnt -on behalf of the Corpor-
ation therein named, and acknowledged to rm that such Corpomt!on executed the ·same.
Witness my hand and official seal the ·day and year in this certificate first above-
written. ·
OSEAL) . Notary Public in and for said County and State.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Oct. 11 1927 at 3 o'clock P.• M. In Book No. 1406
Page 94 of Deeds Be co rd·s of San Die go Count y, Calif. ·

JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERT.IFY that t m above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Subordination Agre.ement, :from Union Trust Company of San D'iego .to the City of San Diego,
Document No. 213029• •.
Cit_y Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.


- ----- --~~~~~~~~~~----------___::__ _ _ _ _....;._';....,'~::.:;.
'· .,, .•
I, Iver Johnson and Marie Johnson, husband and wife For and· in Consideration of the
benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer and water line
through and across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of ·one
Dollar ($1.00). to them in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby
grant to the City af San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of ban Diego, State of

I California, an easement and right of way through, along and across all 'that· certain real
property situate in t h:l City of San Die go, County of San Diego, State of California, par-
ticularly described as follows to-wit:. · .·.
· The West Thirty-five (35) feet af Lots Twenty~five (25) and Twenty-six (26) and the
South Fifteen (15) feet of ·the West Thfrty~five (35) feet of· Lot Twenty~seven (2~) _all in
Block Five (5) o:r·city Heights An~x No.2, according to map thereof No. 102~, file_d in the
office of the County Recorder of ~an Diego County, January 12; 190T~ · ·
TO.HAVE AND TO HOLD tm above granted and described right of way unto·the said grantee
its successors and assigns forever, as a: right of way for a· sewer pipe line.
The purpofe of this easement and right of way is for the construction and maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City of
San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment.
IN WITlfESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set .our hand and seal this 14th day of September
On this 22nd day·of September, 1927, before me, J. G. Walstad a Notary Public in and
for the said County of· San Diego, State of Cali:fomia, residing therein, dtily commissioned
and sworn, persOJnally appeared Iver Johnson and Marie Johnson personally·kilown to ine to be
the pe·rsons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly acknowledged
to me that they executed the same. . · .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal., at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day·and year in this certificate first above written.

· Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego;
My Commission expires March 18, 1930. ·
ctate of Calif.o rnia.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City .Clerk Oct. 11 1927 at 3'o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1406
Page 93 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif•
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
· By L. B. WOODARD Deputy •.
I-HEREBY CERTIFY that the· above and foregoing- is a full, true_and correct copy of
Deed, from Iver Johnson and Marie Johnson to the City of San Diego, Document No. 213030.
City Clerk of the· City of San Diego,. California.
By . -~b,. w_dL·~ Deputy.·
D·E ED· ;
I, Bettie M. Storey For and in Consideration of the benefits to accrue by t.he location,·
construction and maintenance of a sewe~ line through and across the propert·y herein describeq,
and in consideration af the sum o:ff' One Dollar ($1~00) to 1'Jl9 in hand paid, the receipt whereof
is he·reby acknowledged, do hereby grant to. the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation
in the County of San Diego, State of Califomia, an easement and right of way through, along
~nd across all that certain real propert-y situate in the City of San Diego, County of San
Diego, State of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit: ·
Lots Land M, Block Three (3), :;:aerra Palk Addition. .
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described right of way unto the said grBl'il•tee,
its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line. ·
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside the property lims, it being understood that the City of
San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across thi-s easment. ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOlP, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day of August 1927. ·
On this 24th day of August, 1927, before me, B. c. Roberts a Notary Public in and for
the said County .of Los AngelBs, State of Cal.ifornia, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Be~t_tie M. Storey pe rsonal~y known to me to be the -person whose
name is subscribed to the within instrurren t, and she duly acknowledged to me that she ex-
ecuted the same.· · ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixe4__ my official seal, at my
office in the County of. Los Angeles, the day and year in this certificate first above wri ttell!.
(SEAL) .Notary Public in and for .:the County of Los· Angeles,
My Commission expires Dec. 17, 1930. State of California. .
RECORDED' AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Oct. 11 1927 at 3·o'cloak P.M., In Book No. 1406
Page 9~- of Deeds .. Record.s of.San·Diego County, Calif. .
. JOHN H. FERRY, County Re9brder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy~
I HEREBY CERTIFY that t.te above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Belttj;e M. Storey to the City of San Diego, .Document No. 21303_]...-
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, Californi~.
By_ _ _ _"'-/~~..-....._Yh~,...._W=~~"'\:·:----:--Deputy.
~, We, Henry Pfister and Wal burga B. Pfister, husband and wife, as joint tenants, For
and in Consideration of the benefits to _accrue by the location, construction and maintenance
of a ~ewer lim through and across the ·property herein· described; and in consideration of ·
the sum of One Dollar- ($1.00) to us in hand J!l&.id; the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged
to hereby remise, release and quitclaim to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in'
the County of' San .Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way through, along
and across all that certain real property situate in the City of San Diego, County of san

Diego State of California, particularly described as follows, to-witt

'Lotis Land M, Block Three (3), Sierra Park Addition.
TO'HAVE AND' TO HOLD the above quitclaimed and ~ascribed right of way unto the said
grantee· its successors and assigns forever', as a right of way for a· sewer pipe l~ne. -
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside the pro'pe rty ltile s, it being understood that the City of
San- Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction' and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easinent. ·
IN--WITNESS WHEREOF~ we ·have hereunto set our hands and seals thi~ 19th day of August
1927. . . . . HENRY PFISTER (SEAL)
On this 19t~ day of August, 1927, before me, Adolph J. Mende a Notary Public in and for,
the said County bf San Diego, State of California, residing therein, .duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Henry Pffster_and Walburga B~ Pfister, personally known to me to
be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly acknowledgeCl
to me that they executed the sane.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereimto set my hand and affixed my official seal~ at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this ~certificate first above wri~ten•
Notary Public in and for the County of·sanDiego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires Sept. 20, 1930.
EECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Oct. 11 19~7 at 3 9'clock P.M;~ In B'ook No. 1381
Page 269 of Deeds. Recot(ls .. of Sail Diego County, Calif. ·
JOHN H. 'FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy '
I HEREBY CERTIFY-that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Quitclaim DeeCl, from Henry Pfister and Walburga B. Pfister, to The City of San Diego, Document
No-. 213032.

Cit y Clerk of the City .of San Diego , California.
By____________ "rh-W~

'', I, L. G. Blayden and Gwenydd ·~l~den, Husband and Wife For and in Consideration of the
benefits to accraie by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through and
across tm property herein de.scribed; ani in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00)
to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledg~d,- do we hereby grant to t be
City-of San Diego, a muniCipal corporation in the County of·San Diego, State of California,
an easeme:p.t and right of way through, along and across all that certain real property situate
in the Gi ty of San Diego, County of .:>an Diego, State of California, particularly described
as follows, to-wit:
Lot Orie ~1) in Block H of Altadena, in the City· of San Diego, County of san Diego,
State of California, according to map thereof No. 1663, filed in the office of the County
Recorder of said San Diego County, March 15 1915, excepting therefrom the west Eighty-two
( 82} feet there of. .:
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above grante~ and described right of way unto the said grarLtee,
its successors and assigns forever, as a right of- way for a sewer pip~ line. ·
·The purpose of this ea~emen~ and right of way is for the construction and maintenance
of a private sewer lateral insid~ the property lines, it being understood that the City of
San Diego is not to be held liable :fb r any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals aver ·and aero ss this easment. · -· . ·.
IN WITNESS WHEREOJ.;,, We have .bB reunto set our hands and seals this 7t.h day of Septemb·er
·192 7 • L. G. BLAYDEN (SEAL) ·
On this -lOth da·y of Sept,•r,,l9.2 7, be fore me, H. P •. Neptune a .Notary Public in and for the
said County of San Diego, State of California; r~siding therein, duly commissioned and f?Worn;
personally appeared L. G. Blayden and Gwenydd Blayden personally known to me to be the
persons whose names are subscribed to t re within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me
that they exe outed the same. .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have he re:unt? sat my hand and af_fixed my official sea 1, at ni:1
office in the County of San .Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above wrltdien.
Notary Public in and for the County of ~an Diego,
(SEAL} · State. of California.
My Commission ~xpires May 17, 1931.
RECORDED AT REQlT.Li;:ST OF City Clerk Oot. 11 1927 at ~ o 1 clock P.M. In Book No. 1381
·Page 267 of DEEDS. Records of·san Diego Count7, Calif. ·
. . JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By ~. B. ~OODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY. that~ the above and foregoing is a'full,-true and correct copy of
Deed, from L. G. Blayden a~ Gwenydd Blayden to tm City of San Diego, Document No. 213033.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

_.. I, L. Sirotin (individual property) For and in Consideration of the benefits to accrue
by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer li~e through and across the property
herein described; and in consideration of the sum. of One Dollar ($1.00) to· in hand paid,
lthe receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, to hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a
municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an _easement and right
lof way· through, along and across all that certain real property situate in the City of San
!Diego, Liounty of jan Diego, State of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit:
The northerly four feet of lot -F- Blk. #122 Horton's Addition . · ·
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described right of way unto the said gran~ee
its successors and assigns forever, as a right o~ way for a sewer pipe line. '
I '.Phe purpose of this easement and right of way is· for the construction and maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside the property li~s, it being understood that the City of

San JJiego is n()t to, .be held liable for any 'damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment~ ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, L. SIROTIN has hereunto set 'HIS hand and seal this 26th day of
August, 192 7·.

On this 26th day of August, 1927, before me, N.Steinmetz a Notary .Public in and for_ .
the said tJounty of ::3an Diego, ::state of Ualifomia, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn personally appeared :r,. ~irotin personally _knovm to me to be the person whose name is·
subscfibed to the within instrument, a_nd he duly aclmowledged to -ID3- that he_ executed the
same. ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aff~xed my official seal, at my ·
office in th.e County of: san Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written•
Notary Publ~c in and for the County of San Pieg.p, State 'of "'
(SEAL) California.
_My Commission expires Dec. 13th, 1928.
~CORDED AT REQ.UEST.OF City Clerk Oct·. 11192·7 at 3 o'clock P. M~·. in Book No. 1381
Page 2 66 of DEEDS. Records of San Diego County, Calif~
JOHN H. FERRY~ County Recorder
By-L. B. WOODARD. Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy .·of
Deed, from L. Sirotin to the City of San Diego, Document No .• 213034.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By /,kf.a.-u, ~,LA/~ Deputy.

rl; We, w. Jl''• Rood· and Cora Belle. Rood, joint owners-For and in Consideration ·of the
benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through
and· across the property here in described, and in_ consideration of the sum of One Dollar
($1.00) to in hand paJ.d, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged; does hereby grant
to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of
California, an easement and right of way through, along and across all that cert.ain real
property situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego_, State of California, par-
ticularly d~scribed as fo.llows, to-:-wit: · ·
West 55 feet (Fifty\.Five feet) Lot Thirteen (13) Block Fourteen (14) Normal Heights,
San Die.go ; Cal. __ . . .
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described right of way unto the said grantee,
its successors. and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right ·of way is for the· construction and maintenance
of~ private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City of
San 'J;)iego is not to be held liable for any dam·age resulting from the construction and main-
tenance. of sewer laterals over and across this -easment. · ·
·IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands an~ seals this· 29th day of July
On this 29th day of'J~ly, 1927, before me, A. E. Grigsby a Notary Public in and for
the said County of San Diego·; State of' California, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, pe·rsonally appeared W~ l!,. Rood and Cora Belle Rood joint owners personally known to
me to be the persons whose naiiB s are subscribed to the within instrument, and he. duly ac- ,
knowledged to me that they executed the sane. ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my, at my

office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
. A. E. GRIGSBY ..
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California. ·
My Commission expires May 15, 1931
I RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Oct. 11 1927 at 3 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1381
!Page 265 of DEEDS. Records of San Diego County, Calif. .
. JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
~ed, from w. F. Rood & Cora Belle Rood to the City of San Diego; Document No. 213035.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
. D.E E D
I, Olive H. Beals For and in Consideration of the benefits to accrue by the location,
coristruction and maintenance of a sewer line through and across the property herein described,
a:ild in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00·} to in hand paid, the receipt whereof
~s hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant to the City of San Diego~ a municipal corporation
~n the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way within four
feet of the southern line on that certairi real property situate in the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego 1 ~tate of Cal-~fomia, particularly described as follows, to-wit~
ISan Diego,
Lot ~,ourteen ll4} Block Fourteen (14) Normal Heights, City of San D:i,ego, County of
State of California:. _ . ·
I · TO HAVE AND TO H?LD the a.:'!:>ove grante~ and _described right of way unto the said grantee,
iits successors and assJ.gns forever, as a rJ.ght of··way for a f?ewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and maintenance
pf a private s_ewer lateraJ,.·inside the property lines, it being und;erstood that the -City of
San Diego and Olive H. Beals is not to be held liable fo·r any damage resulting from the
bonstruction and maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and sea 1 this 28th day of July 1927.
I .
On this 28th day of July, 1927, before me, A. E. Grigsby a Notary Public in and for
the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing. therein, duly commissioned and ·
sworn, personally appeared Olive· H. Beals personally known to me to be the person whose name
is subscribed to the within instrument', an~ he duly acknowledged to me that she executed the
same. · -·.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official se·al, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day andyear in this certificate first above written.
Notary Publj,~ in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) · · '/State of O:llifornia •
.My Commission expires May· 15 1931
·RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Oct. 11 1927 at 3·o'clock P.M., In Book No~ 1381
Page 264 of DEEDS• Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY~ County Recorder
By L~ B•. WOODARD · ·Deputy

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and fo·regoing is a full, true and correct copy of
·Deed, from Oli-ve H. Beals to ~~e City_ of San Diego, Document No. 213036.
City Clerk of tm City of San Diego, California.

By_ _ _..;......:./c...;a:CU,..i~k20~'->b:..r;_~_,....IA~I=~~·,_____Deputy.
D 'E E D
I; E. c. Morrill For and in Consideration of-the benefits to accrue by the location,
construction and maintenance· of· a sewer line through and across the property herein described!,
and in consideration of t·he sum of One Dollar ·( $1.00) to ME in hand paid, the re·ceipt whereo~
,. is hereby acknowledged, 'Q;o hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation
in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way through, along
and across all that certain real property situate in the City of San Diego, County o-f San
Diego, State of· California.. particularly described as follows, to-wit~
Lot Twenty-seven (27 J, Block Thirty-two (.32}, Nonna:l Heights, according to map thereof
on file in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ·the above granted and. described right of way unto· the -said ·grantee,
its successors and assigns forever·, as a right of way for ·a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside the property. lines, it being understood that the·City o'f
San Diego is not· to be held liable for any damage resulting from the· construction and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment. ·
.. ~<·'.• · IN ·WITNESS WHEREOF, I, E-. C. MORRILL have hereunto set MY band and sea 1 this . 28th day
of JULY 192 7.
-COUNTY 'OF SA.N DIEGO, ) r.~ v-
On this 28th day o-f JULY, 192 7, before me, CHARLES G. OTIS a Nqtary Public in and for the ~.._
said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared E. c. MORRILL pe rs ona.lly knovm to me to be the person whose name is sub-
scribed to the within instrument, and he duly ac!cnowledged to rre that he executed the same•
IN. WITNESS WHEREOF, I have_ hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my·
office in the County of· San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of S~ Diego,
(SEAL) State of California•
My Commission E£xpire s Oct. 30, 192:8.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Ci1ty Clerk Oct. 1119£·7 at 3 o'clock P.M-., In Book No. 1386
Page 292 of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Calif. ·
JOHN H. FERRY', County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD Depu-ty
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the ·above a:nd foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Dee:d, from-E. c. Morrill to the City of San Diego, Document No~ ~13037.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California. I
By /~k. !Ali~ IJeputy.
We, c. K. Hudson and Blanche M. Hudson,· husband and wife, For and in consideration of
the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across
the' property hereinafter described; .no Her~by Grant to The City of San Diego, a Muni.cipal
Corporation, in the County of San Diego, ~tate of California, an easement and right of way
for the construction, o:reration·and rmintenance of a drain p_ipe through, along and across
All that Real Property,situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego~ State o:f ·
California, bounded and described as follows: .
The East ·one foot of· the West one-half of Fourth Street closed to plliblic use by the
Common c.;ounci 1 of the City of San Diego, California, adjoining and cont iJ{tious to Lots 38,
39,40 and.41, Block 7, Fift;ll Street Addition, according to Map thereof No. 577, filed in
the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
This easement shall not prohibit the use of the ground .affected .thereby for building
or. other beneficial purposes, but shall be subject, ,however~ to the rights he'rl::}in conveyed.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the· above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,.
its successors and assigns, forever.
WITNESS cmr bands and seals this 17th day of October, 1927. ,
On this 17th day_ of October A. D. Nine-teen Hundred and Twenty-seve.n before me; E. H.
Brooks a Notary Public in and for ·said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn;
personally appeared c. K. Hudson and Blanche .M. Hudson known to me to be the persons de-
scribed in :and whose na,IIB s are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they executed the· sarre.
WITlmss MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL the day and year in this certifi·cate ·first above
No.tary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
· My Commission zxpires, June 4, 1930.

RECORDED AT EEQ.UEST OF City Cl·erk Oct. 25 1927 at 13 ·Min. past 1 o'clock, P .,M. ·, In
Book No~ ~385 :Page 371 of DEEDS • Re·cords of San Diego County, Calif.
JoHN· H: · FERRY~- ·county Recorder
By·N·~- C~ PARSONs· Deputy .

I HEREBY CERriFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
J;iee·d, from c. K. Hudson and Blanche M. Hudson to the City of San Diego, Document .No.2·13780.
. ALLEN' H.· WRIGHT.....
City Clerk of the City_ o:f San- Diego; California.

Isa·iah L. Lockhart,· also known as r. L. Lockhart~ husband of Lusta M. Lockhart, For
and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the location and cop.struction of a drain ·; ·.
pipe through and acrose the property hereinafter described, Do Hereby Grant to The uity of
San Diego, a Municip1l Col:poration, in· the County of San Diego, State of California, an
easement and right of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe
through.·, along and across All that f'lea 1 Property situated in the City of· San Diego, County
of San Diego, State of Cal'if'omia, bounaed and described as follows:
The West three feet of the East 1/2 of Fourth Street closed to public use by action of
th3 Common ··council of the City of San Diego, California, adjoining and contiguous to Lots
12, 13', 14 and 15, Block 6·, Fifth Street Addition, according to Map thereof No. 577, filed
in the Office of the County Recorder· of said San Diego County. ·
This easement shall not prohibit ~he use of the ground affected thereby for building
or ·other beneficial purposes, subje' ct, however, to the, rights herein conveyed.
Said property is t.I:B separate property of the grantor herein.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described easement unto the said gr~tee,
its successors and assigns, forev~r.
WITNESS my hand am seal this 14th day of· October, 192 7.

I On this 14th day of October A. D. Nineteen Hundr~d and Twenty-seven before me; ~· H.
Bro.oks a Notary Public in and for ~aid uounty, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally app3ared Isaiah L. Lockhart, also known as I. L. Lockhart, known to rm to be
the person described in and whose narre is subscrib.ed to the within instrument, and acknow-
ledged to me that he executed th3 same.
WITNESS my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
written. ·
Notary :Public in and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
My Commission Expires, June 4, 1930.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Oct.£6 1927 at 12 Min. past 1 o'clock P.M. In Book
No. 1385 Page 369 of DEEDS Recox-ds of San Diego ·county, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS Deputy
I HEREBY CERriFY. that t be above and foregoing is. a· full,· true and correct copy of
Deed, from Isaiah L. Lockhart, to the City of San Diego, Document No. 2:!:-3781.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By_ _~_IL.;l~~-~L....!Yn-~,"""'w~1~Jt~41l'1·~_. ____.Deputy.

THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, a mun~cipal corporation in the County of San Diego, ~tate of

I California, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar !$1.00), .DOES HEREBY Rt;IviiSE,
right, title and interest in and to the foll.owing described real property situated in the
County of San Diego, State of California, to-wit:
Lot 69 of the Hancho Mission of San Dieg_f?,_ according to Referee's :Partition .Map in the
action, entitled, "San Diego Realty Company, a corporation, vs. Maria Y. 01~era de 1'oro, et
al.," and numbered 15191, in the Superior Court of the State of t;alifornia, in and for the
County of San Diego. ·
· ·
!and TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above quitclaimed premises untp the said grantees, their heirs
assigns forever. ·
I· IN 'iJITNESS WHEREOF, said The City of San Diego has causedtthis instrument to be ex-
ecuted by its Mayor and attested by its City \Jlerk, this 24th day of October, 1927. ·
M~yor of' 'l'he City of _san Diego,
(SEAL) California.
City· Clerk of The ·city of :san Die go ,
· California.


IU:or said On this 24th day of October, A.D. 1927, before me FRED w. SICK,· a Notary .Public in and
County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared HARRY c.
jCLARK, known to me to be the r\aayor, and ALLEN H! WRIGHT, known to me to be the City Clerk of
. t;i ty of ;Jan lJiego, the municipal corporation that executed the within. instrument ' known
·1Fo me. to be t.I:B persons who executed the within ~nstrume nt on. behalf of said mund:eipal cor-
iPOratl.on, and acknowledged to me that such municl.pal. corpora t1.on executed the same. ·
I IN WITNESS If/HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, in the
pounty of san lJiego, 'State of t;alifornia, the day and_ year in this certificate firs.t above
14' RED W. . s I CK
I Notary Public in and for the t;ounty
(SEAL) of san iliego, state of t;alifornia.
. ~ ·.~· ; ;

I HEP~BY CERTIFY that tm above am for·egoing is a full, true and correct copy of
uitclaim Deed, from t;ity of san Diego to Bruce Waring and Madge Blunt waring, Document
~. " ·~· .

;~·~.:.....{:~~:··•.·.. .... '
· No. 214009.
City Clerk of the· ~Jity of· San .Diego, California.

By_ _ _ _~l4£iii.&,~~-~Y11\L::.J.!.'....::W~J..:~.o1t~·~,._·------::Deputy
Elizabeth M. Tunnell and Jane c. Tunnell, joint tenancy For and in consideration of the
sum of One ($·1.00) DOLLARS. Do Hereby Grant to City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation~
_for street· :purposes, All That Real Property situated ip. the City of ::3an Diego County of San
Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:. ·
Beginning at a :point on the Westerly line of Lot Twenty-s~ven (27) of Soledad Terrace,
Pacific Beach from which the Northwesterly corner of said_ Lot Twenty-seven (27') bears· North-
140 50' West 66.86 feet; thence North 60° 1' East a distance of 231.30 feet to a :po1nt on the
Easterly- line of said Lot Twenty..; seven- ( 27f; thence· South 15° 24' East an~ alohg the Easterly
line of said Lot Twenty-seven ( 27) a distance of 6.38 feet; thence South 43° 36' West a
distance of 119.66 fee-t;· thence South· ·60° r' -·we-st a distance of! 125.74 feet to _a :point on the
Westerly line of said _Lot T~enty:;seven (27}; thence North 14° 50' West and along the Westerly
line of said Lot Twenty-seven (27.) a distance of 41.44> feet to the :point of beginning.
Being a portion of Lot 27~ Soledad Terrace, according :to Map thereof No. 1618, filed
in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego Colinty. ·
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described :premises unto the sai,d Grantee its
successors and assigns forever, for street purposes, as and for a :portion of Tuna Lane.
WITNESS our hands and seals this 28th-day of.A:pril, 1927. · ·
Signed and Executed in Presence of ( ELIZABETH M. TUNNELL (SEAL)
On this 9th day>of May, 192 7, before me, Pearl Franklin, a Notary Public in and fo;r
said County of Coolt and State of Illinois, personally appeared Jane c·. Tunne 11 ·known to me to
be the :person;~whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me
that she executed the same.
WITNESS my hand and official seal the~ day and year in this Certificate first abov&
· Notary Public in and for said County of Cook
(SEAL) and State of Illinois
On this 16th day of May A.D., 1927, before me, A. L. Clark a_Notary Public in and for
the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, :personally appeared Elizabeth M. Tunnell~ a single woman :personally known to me to
be the :person whose name is subscribed tro the within Instrument, and duly acknowledged 1to
me that she exe outed the same. ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and·affixed my official seal at my
office in the· County of san Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
A. L. CLARK '--- . -
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California:.
My Commission expires April ?1, 192 8.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF A•- W. Street Gtee •.Nov. 2 1927 at 3 o'clock P.M~, In Bo6k No.
1388 Page 253 of· Deep.. ·:Records of San Diego County, Calif. .
JOHN H_. FERRY~ County Recorder
By L. :B'~ WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTH,Y that the above and foregoing is a --·full, t:r;ue and correct copy of
Deed, from Elizabeth M. Tunnell and Jane c. Tunnell to the City of San Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, Documerut No. 21404·7•

City Clerk of the ;city of San Diego, California •
I, Rattle w. Moore, a widow, ·For and in Consideration of the benefits to accrue by the
location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line through and across the :pro:pe rty herein
described, and _in consideration of tlB sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to us in ·hand paid, the re-
ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby· grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal
corporation .in the County Qf San Diego, State of California, an e.asement and right of way
through, along and· across all that certain real :property .situate in the City of San Diego,
County of San Diego, State of California, :particularly described as follows, to-wit:
_ 3 ft; wide in a Southeasterly direction from House located on we,~sterly 25 ft, to cess~
pool located on---Easterly 25 ft. of Lot 52 ~ Elk c. of Villa Lot·s 165 to 184 inclusive of
Normal ~its according to Map thereof 1157 filed Dec. 10 • 1908 . .
I· TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described right of way unto the said grantee,
·i.ts' suocessors a~d assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer :pipe line. -
- The :purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and maintenance
of a :private sewer lateral inside tie property lines, it being understood that the City of
San Diego is not to be he:td liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-.
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment. ·
IN_ WITNESS WHEREOF,- I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 20th day of October 1927.
On th-is 20th day of October, 1927, before me, w._ J. St•Clair a Notary Public iii and
for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, :personally app3ared Hattie W. Moore perso~lly known to me to be the :person.
whose name is subscribed to the within instru.rmnt, and she duly acknowledged to me that she
exe outed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day· and year in this certificate first above wri tten.o
_ W. J. ST.CLAIR - -
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) ·.,. State of California.
My Commission expires May 12, 1931
l .
·RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee. Nov. 2 1927 at 3 o'clock P.M., In Book No. 1388 Page 248
of Deed.- Records of -·san Diego County, Cs.lif. ·
JOHN H. FERRY; County Recorder
By· L. B~. WOODARD Deputy

I HEREBY-CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Hattie w. Moore to the City of San Diego, Do·cument No. 214050.
City Clerk_ of the City of San·D{egc;>; California.

By /JR~ 'Xb> vJ~ Deputy.

We, Willi_am J. Grower and Elizabeth N. ·Crower, husband and wife as joint· tenants, For·
and in Qonsideration of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenam3e
of a sewer line ·through and across the property herein described, ·and in consideration of ·
the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to us in hand paid, the receipt ·whereof is hereby acknowledge_d,
do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal the County of San .Diego,-.
State of Cs.lifomia, an easement and right of way through, along. Blid across all that certain
real property situate ,in the City of· San Diego; County of ·San Diego, State of California,
particularly _de scribed as f'ollows, to-wit:
Lot Qne ( 1} and Two ( 2) in Block Two Hundred One (201) of Middletown, in the lJi ty of
San Diego, .
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described right of way unto the said. grarm.tee,
its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
11he purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainteriance
of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it bei'ng und~rstood that the City of
San Diego is not to' be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main-
tenance of. sewer laterals over and across this easment. ·
· IN WITNESS .WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 12th day of ~eptember
1927. .


On this· 6th day·of·October, 1927, befo:re me, Adolph J. Mende a Notary Public in and for
the said County of ~an·Diego; State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and
f3WOrn, personally appeared William J •. Crower·and Elizabeth N. Grower; personally known to
me to be-- the :rersons whose names are subscribed to the within in~trument, and they duly ·
acknowledged to_ m that they executed same.
IN WITNESS WHEP~OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my ·
office fn the -County of San .Diego, ·tl:e day and year iri this certificate first above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of pan Diego;
(SEAL) . State of California.
My qommi.ssion expires :.:Jept. 10, 1930 .
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee. Nov. 2 1927 at 3 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1419 Page 20
of .Dee ds.t .Records of San Die go County, Calif •
JOHN H. FERRY~ County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above ·and foregoing. is a full, true ap.d correct copy of
Deed, from William J. Grower and Elizabeth N. Grower to the City of San Diego; Document
No. 214051• ' --,i· • • •


City Clerk of th·e City of San Diego, California.

By_ _ _ _._...:._;J~~~-~.k.:;...;.:..·_.::W~~~·+-_ _ _ Depu ty.


I We, Earl A. Lombard ani Het.tie Lombard, husband and wife, as joint tenants, F'or and in
Conside;ration of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of
a sewer· line throu~ and across tre property· he rein described; ap.d in consideration of the
sum of One Doila r { $1.00) to us in 1E. nd paid,· the receipt where of is·. here by acknowledged, do
hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego,
State· of California, an easement and right of way through, along and across all that certain
realp~operty situate in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego.; State of. California,
particularly described as follows, to-wit: . · ·
Lot Eight (8),. Block Ninety (90),. City Heights. "
~ 0 H.AVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described right ·of way unto the said g·rp-n::tee,

its successors and assigns forever; as a right of way _for a· ~ewer pipe line. _
The purpose· of this easement and· right of way is for the construction and maintenance
of a private sewer ~teral inside the property lines., it being understo·od that the uity of
Sail Diego is not to be held .liable for any damage re·sulting from _the 'construct:!on and main-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment. ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this lOth day of- October.
1927. ..,,·
·on- this lOth day of October, 1927, before me, Adolph.J. Mende a Notary Public in .and
for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared Earl A. Lombard and Hettie Lombard, personally known to me to
be the persons whose narres are subscribed to the within-instrument, and they duly acknow-
ledged to me that they executed the same.
IN WITNESS VffiEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my'official seal, at my

I office in t be County of San Diego, t be day and year in this certificate first above written.

Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego;
State ·of California.
My Commission expires September 10, 1930
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee. Nov. 2 1927 at 3 o'clock P.M., In Book No. 1423 Page 6
of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H.· FERRY, County Recorder
By L.·B. WOO:qAiij)'" Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and,correct copy'of
Deed from Earl'A. Lombard arid 'Hettie Lombard to the City of San Diego, Document No.2i4052•
' . . ALLEN H·~ . WRIGHT' . ..
City Clerk of the City of san Die go ; California.
By_ _u/{;&..:~L~a.:a4,..o•.,;.:::';:
:SOS.d"t-._ _ _ _ Deputy •

Street Lien Corporation, a corporation l!'or and in consideration of the benefits to
acqrue by the location·and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property
hereinafter described, Does Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation,
in the County of ·san Diego,- State· of Cali:fomia~ an easement and right of way for ·the con-
struction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across, All that
Real 1'roperty situated in the City of San Diego, _County of San Diego, St~te of Cali:fomia,
bounded and described as follows: · ·
A portion of Lots 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, Block 196, University H~ights, according to
Amended Map thereof made by G. A. d'!fe.rmcourt, filed in the • Office_ of t·he County Recorder
of said San Diego County, together With a portion of the ea~t 10 feet of Florida Street·
closed to public use adjoining said Lots 14 and 15~ said easement and right of way being
particularly described as follows, to-wit: ·
·•.· Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 18, distant 52.62 feet west from the
southeast corner· of said Lot 18; ~hence northwe!sterly on a direct line to a point on the
east line of Fl'orida Street as. I}Ow established, distant 5~95 fee~ north from the inter-
section of the westem prolongation of the south line of said Lot -14 with the said east
·line of ]'lorida Street; .tlie~ce soutt+ along the said east line of Florida street, a distance
of 17.73 feet to .a point·; thence s ou.theas te rly on a -direct l_ine to a point on th~ south .
line of said Lot 18, distant 68· •. 92 feet VJ.est from the southeast corner q_t said Lot· 18; thence
east ~long the south line of said Lot 18, a distance .of 16.30 feet to1ME·point or place. of
beginning. . ' ' ·
~0 HAVE AND TO HOLD tm above granted and describ~d easement unto the said grantee, its
succesi,~ors and assigns forever. ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by 'its
proper. officers and its corpor'ate seal affixed this 29th day of September, 1927.

. .

513 Commonwealth Bldg.
Attest·: ELEANOR F. STEDDOM Secretary.
On this 29th day of September A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
Holmboe, a N9t~ry Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally app3ared Helen May Steddom, known to me to be the ·President, and Eleanor
F. Steddom, known to me to be the Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within
instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of
the co-rporation within named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the
IN WITNESS WHE.BEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affi-xed iny Official Seal, in t be
County of San Diego, State of· California, the _day and, year ·in this certificate firs:t above
written. · ·
Notary Public in and for the County of ;Jan Diego,
(SEAL) ::5ta te of California.
My <Jommiss ion Expires, July 28 ,· 1929·
'· RECORDED :AT REC~UEST ·oF Gtee Nov. 2 1927 at·3 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1388 P~ge 251 pf
Deed Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
Ey L. B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and: f.oregoing is a full, true and.cor:;rect copy of
Deed, from Street Lien Corporation to the'ii!City of San Diego, Document No~ 214:053.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego,. California·.

By..;..·---_,_L:./~~~...I'\:'lo.~._,ljw~~~g.-..---Deputy. .·
Luellah E. Barlow, a married woman, il'or and in consideration of the. ben~fits to accrue l)y
the· location and construction of a drain pipe· through and across the property hereinafter
described, Do Hereby Grant to :i1 he l:ity of San Diego, a Municip~l l:orporat~on, in the County
of ::Jan Diego, State of l:alifo rnia, an easement and right of way for the construction, oper-
ation and maintenance of.a drain pipe through, along and across All that 1~eal Property
situated in the tJity of ::>an Diego, County of San Diego, state of California, bounded and
described as follows::
A portion of Lot 21, Block 196, University Heights, according to Amended Map thereof _,
made by G. A. d'Hemecourt, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said. San Diego
County, said easement and right of way being particularly described as follows; to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the north line of said Lo~. 21, distant 22.97 feet west from
the northeast corner of said Lot 21; thence southeasterly on ~ direct ·line to the southeast
corner of said Lot 21; thence north'along the east line of sai~ Lot 21, a distance of 17.73_
feet to a point; thence northwesterly on a direct line to a point on the north line of said
Lot 21, distant 6.67 feet west from the northeast corner of said Lot 21; :thence west along
the north lim of: said Lot 21 to the point or· place of beginning.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted ·and described easement unto the said grantee, its
.successors and assigns, fore-ve-r, as a tight of Wf.Y for a drain pipe.
WITNESS my hand and seal this 4th day of October, '192·7. ·
On this 4th day of October, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and 'Twenty-seven before me, E. H•.
Holmboe a Notary Public in and far said County, residing therein, duly' commissioned and 'sworn,
personally appeared Luellah 1!;._ Barlow, known to me to be the -person described in and whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the
same. ·
WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL the day and year in this certificate first a'Qove
. !
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego;
.';, (SEAL) ~tate of California.
My Commission Expires, July 28, 1929.
. ~ ~: ·~.
;;··:i._..:.,t;.<:'~ J
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee. Nov. 2, 1927 at 3 o'clock E.M., In Boo~ No. 1376 Page 444
of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Galif.
J.oHN· H. ~E.RRY~ County Recorder
By L. B. WO_ODARD. Deputy ~ - :

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of

I Deed, from Luellah E. Barlow to The City of San Diego, Document.No. 214054.
City Clerk of the City of San D·iego, California.

By_ _---"1./cUIIo'/.L.olrR.~?0104
~·}1:::-----Depu t y •
.· .,:·.:.

;"• UNION TRUST COMPANY OF SAN DIEGO, a corporat.ion, For and ·in consideration of One ($1.001.
Dollar and o'ther valllable considerations. Do. Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego; a
municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement of right-
of-way for street purposes," over,_along and across. All that Real Property situated in the
City of San Diego; County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as fol-
lows • , :. : '· ,,,
that portion of Lot 8, ttD", West ~ollywood, according to map thereof No. 1551;
filed-in the office of the County Recorder ·of said County, more particul.B.rly taso;ri1!ed as.
Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 8; thence Westerly along the Southerly
line of said Lot 8, 50 feet to a point ; thence Northeasterly along the arc of a circle, whose
center bears NO~ 45" E and is distant 50 feat from the last named point, 78l.54 feet to a
point on the Easterly line of said Lot 8; thence Southerly along the Easterly :)..ine of said
Lot 8, 50 feet to the point of beginning.
·TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described easement for pub;I.ic ·street purposes
only. . ·
WITNESS our bands and seal this· 28th day ·of September 1927.
By C. H. ENGLISH Vice President . (SEAL)
AttE3st: A. H. MacK;INTOSH (SEAL)

Assistant Secretary.
· On this 28th day of September, in the year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty-seven,
before me, Lulu MoCormiok a Notary Public in and for said County and State; P.~rsonally
appeared c. 1 H. English known to me to be the Vice· President, and A. H. Macl~:intosh known to
me to be the Assistant' Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument,
known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the t;orpor-
ation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same.
- WITNESS my hand and official seaJ,, the day and year in this certificate first above
written. ·
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for said County and state.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City· ylerk Nov. 2 1927 at 3 o'cloc~ P.Me; In Book No. 1392
Page 238 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JoHN· H·. FERRY~ .. County Recorder
By N. Q•. PARSONS Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that.the above and foregoing is'a full, t+ne and correct copy of.
Deed, from Union Trust Company o:f San Die go to City of San· Diego, Document No. 214055·•
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By_______.-+-/~ ...
The SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA HOME BUILDI.NG coz·,, a corporation and Henry Nolte For and in con-,

sideration of the benefits to accrue by the location.and construction of a drain pipe throiz.~2-~
and across t~ property he_r~inafter·described, .Does Grant to The City of San Diego, a J _
municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right·
of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe thro.ugh,. along and
a1cross All that ..Real Property s.i tuated -in the City of San ;Diego; County of San .Die.go, State
of California, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lot 34, Block 34, Fairmount Addition to· City He·ights; according to Map
thereof'No. 1035, filed ~n the O~fice CJf the County Recorder of San Diego County, said
easement and right of way being six feet ii,l width, three feet on each side of the following
described center line; ·
Beginning at a point on the east line of said Lot· 34, distant 2.'!2 feet south from the
northeast corner of said Lot 34·;_thence northwesterly.on a di~&ct line making an angle of
27 degree;s 41 minutes with the east line of said Block 34, a distance of 2.40 feat to an
intersection With the north line of said Lot 34.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the abov~. grant.ed and describe.d easement unto the said grantee; its
successors and assigns. forever. . .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: Henry Nolte and said Corporation has caused this instrillnent to be
executed by its proper ·offi'cers and its co.rporate seal affix.ed this 3d day of October, 1927.
By J. BLOKER Pre-sident
Attest:. .REGINA W. COKER Secretary
On this 4th day of Octob~r A.D. lHneteen Hundred and 1'wenty-seven bef.ore' me, E• H.
Holmboe a Notary Public in and for said County, re~iding therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared J. Bloker known to me to be the Presiden~, and Regina w·~. Coker

I known to me to 'lb:e the Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument,.
known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the Corporation
within named, and acknowledged to. me that such Coryoration executed_ the sarrne•
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal---in the

County of San Diego; Sta·te o.f.".Califomia~ the day and year in this certificate fifsta:bove-:..
written. '.~··· · · · )
Notary Public in and for the County of san Diego~~-
(SE.AL) State of California.
FY Commies ion Expires , July 28, 1929.


On this 4th day of Octobe-r A.D., .1927, before me, E. H./ Holmboe a Notary Public· in and
for the said County of San Diego, State· of California, residing therein, duly C<?ffimiesioned:
and sworn, personally appeared' Henry Nolte, personally known to me to. be the person whose
name is subscribed to the within- Instrument, and duly acknowledged to me that he exe cute·d
the same. · ·
~N WITNESS \AffiEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official sea 1 at my
office in the County· of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.
·· I'
,. E •. H. HOLMBOE
Notary Public in and for the County of S~n Diego,
(SEAL) ,_. State of California r i · ·I
My Commission expires July 28, 1929.
,:. RECORDED AT F~QUEST OF City Clerk Nov. 2 1927 at Z o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1388 Page I

249 of Dee.Ci Records of San Diego County, Calif. ::•· I

JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder . ·!
By N. C.· PARSONS Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY the ab~ve and foregoing is a full,- true and correct copy of·
Deed·1 from Southern California Home Bu-ilding co., et a·l., to the City of San Diego; Document
No. ~14056.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California~

Hy_-_ _ _t(...J~==.J..-,;..h..;....L.-·...:::.tA..w:.J......
I. c. T. Lang, a married man, For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the
location and construction of a darin pipe through and acrose the property hereinafter de~
scribed, Do Hereby Grant to rr'he City of San Diego, a Muni cipa-1 Corporation, in the County ctif
San Diego,, .State o:f Califo mia, an easement and right of way for the construction, operation
and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and acrose All that Real· Property situated
in the City of s·an Diego, County of San Diego, State of ·california, bounded and described
as follows: · .
A portion of Lots 35 an.d 36, Block 34, Fairmount Additi~n to City Heights, according to
Map thereof No-. 1035, filed in the Office of the. County·Recorder of said·San Diego County, .
said ·easement and right of way being siX feet· in width, three feet on each side of the fol-
lowing described center line:
Beginning at a point· on. the- south line of said Lot 35, distant 1.;11 feet west from the
southeast corner of said Lot 36; t·hence northwesterly on a direct line making an angle of
62 degrees 19'minutes with the south line of said Lot 35, a distance of 40.65 feet to a
point. · .
Said property being the separate property of the granttor herein•
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors ·and assigns, forever •
. WITNESS my hand and seal this 4th day of October, 1927.
On this 4th day of October A.D. Nineteen Hundred and TwentY,Eseven before me, E. H.
Hoftmboe; a Notary Public ~nand for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared c. T. Lang, known to me to be the person de~cribed in and whose
name· is4subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the
same •
. . WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego;
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Nov. 21927 a~ 3o'clock P.M., In.Book·No. 1423 Page 4
of Deeds Records of San Die~o County, CaJLif•
JOHN H. FERRY,_ County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS. Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY ,that the above and foregoing is a fu,ll, true and correct copy of
Deed, :from c. T. Lang to The City of San Diego, Document No. 214_057.
City Clerk of t he City of :Jan Diego ,: Cali fo rnia •

I~ n~-. ._"~a....>.-lo'""""'
•, ·~
Yh ·N.ilJ'dr.
111·~--Deputy, •.
.Union Trust Company of San Diego, a corporation, For and in _cQ_n,~~-deration of One ($1•00)
Dollar and other valuable considerations. Do Hereby Grant to the City of sa:n Diego; a
municipal corporation in the Cou-nty of s_a.n Diego, State· of California; an easement of right-
of-way for street purposes, over., along and across. All that Real Property situated in the
City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as fol-
That portion of Lot 1, Block ttE", .West Hollywood, according to map thereof No. 1551,
filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County, more particularly described as
Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 1; thence Easterly along the Northerly
line of said. Lot 1, 50 feet -to a point; thence Southwesterly along the arc of a circle,.
whose center bears soo 45" W. am is distant 60 feet from the last named point; 78.54 feet to
a point on. the Westerly l; of said Lot 1; thence Northerly along the Westerly line of said
Lot 1,_ 50 feet to the Point of beginning. - . -
·TO HAVE AND TO .HOLD the above granted and described easement for public street purposes
WITNESS our hands and seal .this 28th day of B~ptember 1927.
By -C. H. ENGLISH Vice President (SEAL·)'-·
(SEAL) Attest- A. H. MacKINTOSH Assistant Secretary (SEAL)
' ~ .. _:,.l) STAT_f,; OF CALIFOHNIA;
·.. '· -. . . COuNTY
' ' On this 28th day of September, in the yea.r One 'l'housand Nine Hundred and 'l'wenty-seven,
before me, Lulu·McConnick a Notary Public in and for said County·and State, persc;y;p.a.lly.ap-
peared c~ R~ English known to me to be the Vice Pr.esident, and A. H. MacKintosh known to me
to be the Assistant Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument, kndw.n
to me to be the per-sons who executed the within instrument on behalf. of the Corporation
therein nained, and acknowledged to me that such Corporatio~ executed the same.
· Witness my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above

I written.
Notary Public in an~ for said. County and State.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Cle~k Nov 2 1927 at 3 a'clock:· P.M.; in Book No. 139f Page
237 of Deeds· Records of san· Diego County, Calif.. .
JOHN H. FERRY; County Recorder
B~ ·N. C. PARSONS Deputy
I HEREBY CER:PIFY that the .above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Union Trust Company o:f San Diego to the City of ;:)an Diego, Document No. 214058.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, <Jalifornia.
By_ ___,..._-~.~~.
~..:..h,.4J·w..·_--=w~·..&.d£~"'+ ___ Depu ty.
1 ~ .~~
. ''I

We, Frank Gabrielson and Tekla Gabrielson, husband and wife as join~ tenants, l!'or and '·
in Consideration of the benefit-s to accrue by the location; construction and maintenance ;:·
of a sewer line through and across·the property herein described, and in consideration of ;:
the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,t
do hereby grant to the <Jity of ~an Viego, a municipal corporatio~ in the uo~nty of ~~n ·
Diego, State of California, an easement and right of.way through, along and across all that
certain real property situate ill the City of San Diego, County of .:ian D:J.ego, State of
California, particularly described as follows, to-wit:
Lot One (l} in Block Forty ~ight (48), of Middletown, in the City of ~an Diego, County
of !::lan Diego, .state of California, according to the parti~ion map t~ereof made by J •. E.
Jackson, and on file in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego.County.

I 11 0 HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described right of way unto the said gran tee,
its· successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and maintenance
of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the lJity &f

San Viego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and main~
'tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment. ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and· seals this 23rd day of September
On this '23rd day of Septembe·r, ·1927, before. me, Adolph J. Mende a Nqtary Public in and
for the f3Sid County of San Diego, State. of California, ,:residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, pers.onally appeared JPrank Gabrie lso~ a.nd 'i'~k11.a Gabrielson personally known to me
to be the peroons ·whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and t.hey duly .acknow-
ledged to me that they executed the same.·· . , . ··· ·
· IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereti.nto set' my hand and ~ffixed my offic'ial .seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in. this certificat~ first above written.
Nptary Public ·in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of Californi_a.
My Commissi·on exp-ires Sept • 10,- 1930 .~
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Nov E 1927 at· 3 o 1 clock P·.M. In·- Book No .• 1423 Page 2
of Deeds Record.s of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
. By N. C. PARSONS Deputy

I . I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, t'rue and ·correct copy of
al)eed, from Frank Gabrielson and. 1 e~la Gabrielso.n to the City. of San Diego, Document No.
214059. {

City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By_ _ _---J:)b.~/e4
l~41;,g,""---~~:~L\-I.'~w~d~a..'.t=""'}_ _Deput Y.•
Mead.;.Haskell Company, a corporation of the City of San Diego, County of San Dieg·o,
State of 'Califom.ia, For and in Consideration of the benefi~s to accrue by the location,
construction and maintenance of a sewer line through and . across the property bf:!rein de-
scribed, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to it in ha·nd paid, the re-
ceiJ?t whereof is hereby acknowledged; does hereby remise, release and to the City
of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of Cal_ifornia, an
easement and right of way through, along and across all that certain real property situate
in the City of San Diego, County of 3an Diego, State of California, particularly described
as follows; to-wit~ · '·
Lot Eight (8), Block Ninety (90), City Heights. .
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above quitclaimed and described right of way unto· the· said
grantee, its successors and assigns -forever, as a right of way fqr a s_ewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and maintenance
of a private sew~r lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the City of
San Diego is not to be __ held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and
maintenance of sewer laterals· over and across this easment. ' -
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Corporation has caused·this instrnment to be signed by its
President and Secretary and its Corporate 8eal to be affixed hereto this 5th day of
August 1927. ·
By JOHN N. HASKELL ·Pves~dent (SEAL)
(SEAL) H. B. HASKELL ~ecretary· (SEAL)
On this lOth day of October, 1927, befo~e me, Helen Jacobs a Notary Public in and for
the ·said County of .;;ian Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn; personally appeared John N~ Haskell, known to be to be the President and H. ]j•
Haskell, known to me to be th3 Secretary of the corporation that executed the within
47~ 'v ,• ' :

instrument, known. to me to be the perso~s who e~cuted the within instrument on behalf of
the corporation therein named, and· acknowledge~~o me that such co~oration executed th~
same. · .
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my ··
office in the County of San Diego; ·the day and year in this c~rt:f:ficate first above. written.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego;
(SEAL) State of California. ·
My Commission expires Dec. 14, 1930:. ·
RECORDED AT FEQUEST OF· City Clerk Nov 2 1927 ~t 3 o'clock_P~M., In Book No. 1423 Page 5
of Dee·ds Records of San Diego County, Calif.·
JOHN H. FERRY, Coup~y Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS Deputy
I HEREBY CERriFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy 9-f. ·
QUITCLAIM DEED, from Mead Haskell Company to the City of San Diego• Document No. 214060~
City Clerk of the _City of San .Diego, California.


THE HIBERNIA- SAVIl~GS AND LOAN SOCIETY~ a corporation, of the City and Co:unty·of·san
:E ra~cisco; State of C~lifomia, For and in consideration of of the benefits to accrue by the

location and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property hereinafter de- '•.· '. I

scribed, Does Hereby Remise, release and quitclaim to The City of San Diego, a Municipal \
. ~·...

Corporation, in the County of Sari Diego, State of-California; an easement and right of·way
for the construction, ·operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across
All that Real Property situated in the ·City of·San Diego, County of San Diego, State of
California, bounded and described as follows:·
A por~ion of Lot 15, Block 23, :E1airmount Addition to City Heights, according to Map
thereof No. 1035, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said ·san Diego County, said
easement a·¢ right o_f ·way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of· the follow•
ing described center line:
Beginning at a ·point on the west line of said Lot 15, distant 4.85 feet south from the
northwest qo_rner of ·said Lot 15: thence· southeasterly ~>n a direct line making an angle of
71 degrees 46 minutes with the west line of said Lot 15, a distance of 18.95 feet to a point•
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above quitclaimed and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its
proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 26th day of October, 1927.
By E. J. TOBIN Presidenti -
(SEAL) Attest: c. B. TOBIN Secretary. Pro Tem
On this Twenty-sixth day.of October, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven, before me;
CHAS. T. STANLEY-,. a Notary Public in and for said City and County, residing therein, duly
commissioned and sworn, personally appeared E. J. To·bin, known to me to be the President,
and c. B. Tobin, known to me to be the Secretary Pro 'fern of the Cqrporation that executed-
t-he within instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument· on
behalf of the Cepporation within named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed
the .same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and ~cffixed my Official Seal, in the·
County of San Diego, State of Califo.rnra, the day and year in this· certificate first above
Notary Public in and for said City and County of
(S.l!:.AL) San .:B1 rancisco, State of California.
My Commission Expires, August, 1930.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Nov 8 1927 !it 5 Min. past 10 6' clock Ao.M., In Book
No. 1406 .:Page 211 of Deeds Records of San Diego County,_ Calif."
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTH'Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of.
Quitclaim Deed., from THE HIBEHN!A SAVINGS AND LOAN :SOCIETY to the City of San Diego; Document
[~o. 214388 •
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California·.
By_ _ _~~~~:::~a-._"bu;;,~.~MIL.<Jj~i.u.t·81-,_--_ _ Deputy.

Western States ]'inance Corporation; a corporation, .!!'or and in consideration of the
benefits to accrue b.Y the location and construction of a .drain pipe through and across the
property hereinafter described, Does Hereby Grant to The t;i ty of San Diego, a Municipal
Corporation, in t~e County of Sa.n .Diego, State ·of California, an easement and right of way
for, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across
All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County. of San Diego, State of
California, bounded and described as follows: _ .
. A portion of Lots 25 and 26, Block 196, University Heights; according to Amended Map thene..;.
of made by G. A. d'Herrecourt, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego
County, particularly described as follows, to-wit: · ·
Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 25, distant 7.89 feet east from the
southwest corner of said Lot 25; thence northVIlesterly on a direct line to a point on the
west line of said Lot 26, distant 41•10 feet north from the southwest corn~r of said Lot 2·5;
thence north along the west line of said Lot 26, a distance of 8.90 feet to the northwest
corner of said Lot 26; thence east along the north line of said Lot 26, a distance of 10.51
feet to a point; thence southeasterly in a direct line to a point on the ·south. line of said
Lot 25, distant 20.11 feet east -from the southwe~t corner of said Lot 25; thence west along
the south line of said Lot 25, a distance of 12.22 feet to tbe point or place of b_eginning•
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD .the above granted and described easement unto the sa-id grantee,·
its successors and assigns forever. ·
.,; -~

IN WITNESS W:H:b:BEO:E': said Co.rpora tion has caused this instrument to be exe outed
proper officers and its corporate seal affiaced this lOth day of October, 1927 •
By D. J. WESSELS Presiient •. '
{SEAL) Attest: E. ~UDOLPH KELL! Secretary.

On this 11th day of 0ctober A.D. Nine teen Hundred and 1'wenty-seven before me, B •. H.
Brooks a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared D. J. Wessels known to me to be the President, and E • .hU.dolph
Kelly known to I1J9 to. be the Secretazy of the Corporation that executed the within instru..;.
ment, known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the
Corporatiqn within named, and acknowledged to me that such· Corporation executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEP.EOF, I have hereunto set my mnd ·and affixed my Official Seal, in the
County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
( ~EAL} . State of California •.
My Commission Expires,
~une 4, 1930.
RECORDEB AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Nov 8 19.2;7 at 5 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M., in Book
No. 1406·Page 21.3 of Deeds Records of i:lan Diego. County, Calif. ·
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
. ' . Deputy

I .HEREBY CERTIFY that tm above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Western States Finance Corp., to City of· San Diego, Document No·. 214389.
City Clerk of the City of San· Diego, California.

THIS AGREE.MENT, made this 24th day of October, .192-7, ootween Ci ti~ens Trust and Savings
Bank, a corporation of Los Angeles, California, Trustee under the trust hereinafter des-
.cribed, Party of tl;le ]'irst Part, and The City of Sa_n Diego, a municipal corporation, Party
of the Second Eart,
w I T N E S S E T H: .
,THAT, WHEREAS, said Trtis tee is the legal owner of a.l'l that property st tuated in the CitY!
of ~an Diego, County of ~an Diego, State of California, covered by the Deed of Trust here-
inafter described; and,
WHEREAS, THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO, for t be benefit and improvement of said prope:rty, is
laying, constructing and maintaining, or intending to lay, construct and maintain·a drain
pipe through, along and across a portion of said property, and,
WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to the laying, construction, maintenance and oper-
ation of said drain pipe that an easement anq right of way for same shall be and remain
upon a portion of said property prior-and superior to the terms and conditions incorporated
in said deed of trust; and, ·
WHEREAS, all t~ owners of the equitable interests under said mentioned Deed of 1'rust,
have each:granted an~ easement and right of way to the Party of the Second Part, as fol-
lows: .
Trust De~d, dated June El, 1927, by Mike J. Kunkel and Estella E. Kun1cel, husband
and wife, in favor of Helen A. Nelson and Florence E. M<;>rrison, securing one promis~ory
note for tm sum of Twenty-one Hundred Dollars with interest, recem-ded ~uly 26; 1927; in
Book 1368, at page 232, et seq.; of IDeeds, records of the Office of the County Recorder of
said San Diego .County, .
The easement conveyed being through, along and across a portion of Lots 25 and 26,

I Block 196, UniverE!i ty Heights, according to Amended Map the I_'eof made by G. A •. d 'Heme court
filed in the Office of said County Recorder, said easement and right of way being par-
ticularly described as follows, to-wit: .
Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 25, distant 7.89 feet east from the
southwest corner of said Lo~ 25; thence northwesterly on a direct line to a point on the
west line of said Lot 26, distant 41.10 fee"t north from the southwest corner of said Lot 26;
thence north along the west line .of said Lot 26, a .distance· of 8.90 feet to the northwest
corner of said Lot 26; thence east along the north line . of said Lot 2 6, a. distance of 10.51
feet to .a point; thence southeasterzy in a direct line to·a ·-point on the south line of said
Lot 25, distant 20.11 feet east from the southwest corner of said Lot 25; thence west along
· the south line of said .Lot 25, a distance of 12.22 ·fee't to the point or place of beginning.
NOW, THEREFO~E, THIS AGPEE.MENT WIT.NESSETH: That, in conside:ration of the premises, the
sum of One Dollar, and in furt.l::er consideration of benefits derived and to be derived
from the cop.struction,_o_pe.ration and maintenance of said drain pipe, said Party of the J:!'irst
mentioned to the right of way and easement heretofore· con~eyed to the Party of the :::>econd
Part, upon the designated portion of the property covered by such trust deed, so that said
easement and ~ight of way shall become and remain prior and s~perior to any and all of the
terms and conditions contained in or provided by said Deed of Trust hereinabove referred to.
·',IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said ·Party of the .l!'irst .Part has caused this instrument to be
sigmd by its ~ice President and Asst. Secretary, .and its corporate seal to be affixed
hereto, the day and year in this instrument first above written.
Party· of the ~~rst Eart
By., W. H. COMSTOCK Vice-President
(SEAL) Attest; J. w. BACHMAN Asst.-Secretary.


On this 24th day of October A.D., 1~27 before me, D. L. PATTERSON a· Notary Public in and
for the said County and State, residing therein, ,duly commissioned and sworn,. personally
appeared W. H. COMSTOCK lcnown to Ire to be the Vice President and J. w. BACHMAN known to me
to be the Asst. Secretary of the Uitizens 'l'rust and Savings Bank the Corporation that· ex-
ecuted the within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instru-
ment, on behalf of the uorporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such 0orpor-
ation exe outed· the same. ·
...... ·· "·\.'.,:;_,_;, . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, l have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and
' ' ..
·' year in this certificate first above written. ·
(SEAL) Not~ry Puplic in and.for said uounty and 0tate.

RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Nov. 8 1927 at 5 Min. past 10. o'clock A.M., In Book
No. 1406 Eag~ 214 ,of Deeds Records of ::5an Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Hecorder
By L. 13. WOOD.ARD Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and .correct copy of ··
Suibordination Agreement, from Citizens ~.'rust & savings .bank, a Uorp., to 1'he City of San
Diego,. Document No. 214390.. . .·
City Clerk of· the .City of ~an Diego, California.

By_ _ _..f.../~~ia:l.-k.LJ-'0-!-,. ..lo-'IM~Js.a.'.Jd.c!t.~'t---De put Y.


I, Myrtle Gottstein, ror and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the. location
and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property hereinafter described, Do
Hereby_ remise, release and quitclaim to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in
the County of San Diego,, State of California, an easement and right of way for the con-
struction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and.across All that
Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California,
bounded and described· as follows.:.
A porfion· of Lots 25 and.£6, Blpck 196, University Heights, according to Amended· Map
thereof made by G. A. d'Hemeco11rt, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San
Diego County, particularly follows, to.;.wit: .
Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 25; distant 7.89 feet east from the
southwest corner of said Lot 2p; thence northwesterly on a direct line to a point on the
~est li~e of sa~d Lot 26, di~tant 41.10 feet north from the southwest corner of said Lot
25; thence north along the west line of .said Lot 26, a distance of 8.90 feet to the north-
west corner of said Lot 26; thence east along the north line of said Lot 26, a distance of
10.51 feet to a point; thence southeasterly in a _direct line to a point on the south line
of said Lot 25, d:j.stant 20.11 feet east from the southwest corner of said Lot £5; th~nce
west alorig the south line of·said Lot 25, a distance of 12.~2 feet to the point or place of
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above quitclaimed and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns. . .
WITNESS my hand and seal this 15th day 9f October, 1927.
On this 15th day of October A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E-; H.
Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for. said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appsared Myrtle Gottstein, known to me to be the person described in and
whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that.she executed
the same.
WITNESS tiT HAND AND OFF~CIAL_SEAL the day and year in this certificate first above
Not~ry Public in and for the Co~1ty of ~an Diego,
(SEAL} State of California.
My Commission Expires, July 28, 1929.
. RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Nov. 8 1927 at 5 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M., In Book
No. 1423 Page 32 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B·•. WOODAR.D Deputy
!'HEREBY CERTIFY that the ·above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
·~uitclaimDeed, from Myrtle Gottstein to the City of San Diego, Document No. 214391 •

I, <I• ,1 •

, __
City Clerk of the Ci~Y of San Diego, California.

By_ _--L...;/~=-
=.1::4__ ~\n..~aw-··~w:::...£,..a..c::IL_·~~---Deputy.
;~ ~· ... ··~ k:,
j I


A. Will Angier and M'~iss B. Angier, h~sband and wife, For and in consideration of the
benefits to accrue by the location and construct ion of- a drain pipe through an·d across the
property hereinafter described, Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, -a Muri.icfpal Cor~
poration, in the qou!lty of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way .for
the construction, operation and maintenance. of a drain pipe through, along and across All
that Real Property situated in the City of ~an Diego, County of San Diego, State of Calif-
ornia; bounded and described as follows:
A portion of the 40 feet of ]'alcon Street closed to ·publ.ic use by action of the
Common Council of said City of San Diego, contiguous and adjoining Lot c, Block 375,
Horton's Addition, said easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on
each side of the . following described center line: .
Beginning at a point on the east line of Falcon Street as now established; distant 25
feet south from the intersection of said east line of ~'alcon Street with the western pro..;.
longa.tion of the north line of said Lot c; thence southeasterly on a. direct line making an
angle· of 55 degrees with the· said east line of Falcon. Street, a distance of 45 feet to ·a
point. . ·
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and. described easement unto the said. grallitee·,
its successors and assigns, forever.
WITNESS our mnds and seals this. £6:th day of q_~~ober, 1927.
COUJ:TTY OF SAN DIEGO, ) . . . .. .
On this 26th day of Octobe·r A•D•Niiletee n Hundred and fwenty-seven be for~ ·me, Lillian
M. Gabbs, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared A. Will Angier and M'liss B. Angier known to me te be the persons1
described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to
me that they exe outed the same.
WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL the day and year in this certificate first above
(SEAL) Notary Public. in and for the County of San Die go,
My Commiss ~on Ex:p_ire s, ·fJuly 18, 1928 • State of California.
1, • ;

RECORDE~ AT F~QUBST OF City Clerk Nov. 81927 at 5Min. past 10 o'clock A. M., In Book
No. 1406 Page 2:J,.6 of Dee.ds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JoHN· H. FER.RY ~ County Recorder
'By L. B. WOODARD Deputy

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of

I Deed, from A. Will and M'liss B •. Angier;-to The City.of San .Diego, Document No. 214392.
. A L!iEN H. :WRIGHT . _ - -
City Clerk of ·the City of· San Diego, Ca~ifornia.;;i"""'~aa;;aQ..,.,.,j>n~·~r"""'»""""ut;,.;;;;·
~r"''::._._____ Deputy.

LOS ANGELES. BOND and SECU~ITIES COMPANY - a. Corporation lfor and in consideration of One
DOLLAR, Does Hereby Remise, nelease and quitclaim to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Cor-
poration, in the County of San Diego, State of California,· an easement and right of way for
the construction,·operation and maintenance of a drain pipe; through, along and across All
that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Calif- .· ..
ornia,· bounded. and described as follows:· · · .
· A portion of Lots, 24, 2£?, 26, 27 and 28, Block 31, lfairmount Addition to City Heights,
according to Map thereof No. 1035, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San .,

Diego County, said easement and right of way oeing six feet in width, three feet on each
side of the following described center line~ · ·
Beginning at a point on the south line .of said Lot 24, distant 15.71 feet west from
the southeas,t corner of said Lot 24; thence northwesterly on a direct line to a point on
the north line of said _Lot 28, distant 72.20 feet west from ·the northeast corner of said
Lot 28.
TO HAVE AND TO HO~ the above quitc~aimed and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever. .
IN WITNESS 'WHEREOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by its
proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this· 18 day of October, 1927.

By 0. V. TROMPETER Presidept.
Attest F. A. MAGINNIS Secretary.

On this 18th day of October A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-Seven before me, Elsie a.
Smith a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
pers_o~lly appeared 0. v. 'l'rompeter known to me to be the. President, and.],. A. Maginnis
known to me to be the Secretary of the Corpor.ation that executed the within instrument,
known to me· to be the persons ~ho executed the within instrument on behalf of the Corporat~on
within named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREO:B', l have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official seal, in the
County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of Los Angeles,
(SEAL) . State of California.
My Commission Expires September 15, 1930 •
. RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Nov. 8 1927 at 5 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M., In Book
No. 1423 Page 33 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN'.•H·~ FERRY, County Recorder
By.· L. B. WOODARD Deputy.
I HEP.EBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy· of
Deed, from Los Angeles Bond and Securities Co., a Corp.; to the City of San Diego, JJocument
No. 214393.
.ALLEN rr;· WRIGHT.. .
City Clerk of the City oi San Diego, California.

I By_ _ _ _~l~~~""")a44
"..:_'~w::..a;..AoJt~cr..;...·_ _ Deputy.

We, ~yivester Kipp and Belinda A. ~ipp, his wife, J!'or and in consideration of the bene..;.
·fits to accrue by the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across the
property hereinafter described, Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Cor~
poration, in the Cou11ty of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for
the construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across All
that Real Property si tuateq.. in the City of San Diego, Cou..nty of San Dieg9; State of Ualif-
ornia, bounded and described as follows: · .
A portion of Lots 26, 27 and· 28, Block 31, .l!'airmount Addition to City Heights, accordip.g
to Map thereof No. 1035, filed in the Office of the· County Recorder of said ::Jan Diego County,
said easement. and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the fol-
lowing des cri b~d center line : · · .
, ./ Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 26, distant 37.77 f~et west from the
;:, · woutheast corner of said Lot 26; thence. northwesterly on a direct line to a point on the
north line of said lot 28, di·stant 72.20 feet west from the northeast corner of said Lot 28.
T.O HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee, its
successors ·and assigns.
WITNESS our mnds and seals this lOth day of October, 1927•
On this lOth day ·of October A.D., Nineteen Hundred and 27 before me, Solon s. :Kipp a
Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned' and sworn,. per-
sonally appeared Sylvester Kipp and Belinda A. Kipp; his wife; known ·to me to be the persons
described -in and whose names are subscribed to· the within instrument, and acknowledged to
me that they executed the· sane. · .
WITNESS MY· HAND AND OF:E'I CIAL SUL. the day and year in this certificate first above
written. ·
Notary Public in and for the -County of San Diego,
(SEAL} State of Califo mia.
My Cornmiss ion Expires Oct • 15~i93o
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Nov. 8 1927 at 5 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M., ln Book
No. 1423 Page 35 of. Deeds }(a cords .,of ~an Diego County, Calif.
· - JOHN H. FERRY, County- Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the_ above and foregoing is a full, true_ and correct copy of
Deed,_ from Sylvester Kipp and Belinda A.· Kipp, to The C~ty of San Diego, Document No. 214394•
City Clerk of the Uity of San Diego, Ca_lifornia.
Hy_ _ _~f4L~~~~ ~w=dt.,.;:;;- .-. .
~-~~·_ _Deputy.

Vie, N. J. Baxman and Tillie s. Baxman, husband and wif~_,_ .. and Frank F. :B,aust and Ruth . .:.. ,
!K. Faust, husband and wife, J!'or and in cons ide rat ion of the benefits t b accrue by the -loca--
tion and construction of a drain pipe through and across the property hereinafter described,
Do Hereby Grant to The City of" San Diego, a Municipal Corporation; ·in the C<:mnty of ·san Diego,
State of California.,. an easement and right of way for the construction, operation and main-
tenance of a drain pipe through and across the property hereinafter described, .All that Real
Property situated in the City of· San Diego, County o;f San Diego, State . of California, bound:..
ed. and described ae. follows:
-A. portion o:E' Lot 6-, Block 23, Fairmount Addition to City Heights, according to Map
thereof N_o. 1035; filed in the 6ffice of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, said .. '-.; ·'"

easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each of the following . ' : ~· ..
described center line~ <

Beginning at a point on the west line of said Lot 6, distant 6.00 feet south from the
northwest corner of said L·ot 6; thence southeasterly on a direct line making an angle ·of 23
d~grees 49 minutes with the west line of-said Lot 6, a distance of 20.77 feet to a point on
the south line of said Lot 6, distant 9.00 :feet east :from -the southwest corner of said Lot- 6.
TO HA Vi£ AND TO HOLD the above granted and described easement uri to the said _grantee,
its successors and ass~gns, forever.
WITNESS our hands and seals this 4th day of October, 1927.
N. J. BAlalAN (SEAL)
RUTH K. FAUSt' ( L.~,~-; .. )
l On this ~th day o~ October A.,D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-s·eve·n before me, .1!.:. H.
iHolmboei a Notary Pu-blic in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
'sworn, personally appeared N. J. Baxman and Tillie S. Baxman, known to me to oe the persons
~escribed in and. whose names are subs·cribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me·

t hat they e~ecuted the sane.

rit~en. . . .·
· · ·
WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL the day and year in this certificate first above

Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,

. ·

{SEAL) State of California.

,MY Commission Expires, July 28, 1929.
On this ll:th day of October, 1927, before me; Rose Weisenbach a Notary·Public in and
for the said Uounty of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared FRANK F. FAUST' and RUTH K. FAUST personally known to me to
be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly acknow-
ledged to me that they executed the same.··
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto' set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the Uounty of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above written.

( SE.AL)
Notary Public in and for the uounty of San Diego-,
State of California.
My commission expires ~·eb. 15, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Nov. 8 1927 at 5 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M!; In Book
No. 1423 Page 36 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Ualif.
JOHN H. FEERY, County Hecorder
.By L. B. WOODARD DeJ:)uty
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing ts a full, true and correct copy of
De~d, from N. J. B~xman and 'l'illie ~. Baxman; l!'rank F. and Ruth K. Faust, to the Uity of
San Diego, Vocument No. £14395.
City Clerk of the ui ty of ~an Die go, California •.

By_..;.__ ___,_)_;::We-x,=~h~.,_.l~t!.J~.i1J4l.:wl"f:f~-.....;..·Deputy.

Mercy Hospital of the Sisters of Mercy of the City of San Diego, California, a cor-
poration, l!'or and in consideration o:f One Dollar Hereby Grant to ·The City of San
Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in t_he county of ~an Diego, State of Galifornia, an easement
and right of way for the. construction, operation and maintenance of a drain pipe through,
along and across All that .Heal Property si tua:ted in the Ui ty of San Diego, CoUl~,ty of San
Diego, State of. California, bounded and described as follows:
A portion of Lot 15, .Jjlock 23, l!'airmount Addition to City Heights, according to Map
thereof No. _1035, filed in the Office of the County Recor-de·r of said San Diego county, said
~asement and right of way being six in width, three. feet on each side of the following
described center line: . .
Beginning at a poi.nt on the west line of said Lot 15, distant 4.85 feet south from the
northwest corner of said Lot 15; thence southeasterly on a direct line making an angle of
71 degrees 46 minutes with the west line of said lot 15, a distance of 18.95 feet to a
TO HAV.b.; AlJD TO HOLD the above g·ranted and described easement unto the said grantee its
successors and assigns forever. . '
IN WlTNESS WHEREOF; said. Corporation has caused th~s instrument to be executed by its
proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 7th day of October, 1927.

Witness to the signature of of the Ci t:r
Qf San .Diego, Cal ifo.rnia
Sister Mary Liguori McNamara: By SISTER MARY LIGUORI McNAMARA President

On this 7th day of October A.D-. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H.
Holmhoe a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworD!,
personally appear~d Sister Mary Patri·ce O'Dwyer known to me to be the Secretary of the Cor-
poration that executed the within instrument, known to me to be the person·who executed the
within instrument on behalf of the Corporation within named, and acknowledged to me that sucH
Corporation exe outed . the same.
·IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ·I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in the
County of San Diego; State of California, the day and year in this certificate first above
E. H. HOLMBOE . ',, :··..
No~ary Public in and for the County of San Diego; ' : ....
(SEAL) · State of California. : ,.

My Commission Expires,
July £ 8 , 192 9 •


On this 7th day of October, 1927 ,· before me, E. H. Holmboe, a Notary Public in and r.
for said County and State, residing there in, duly commissioned and sworn; personally appear-
ed M• .B. McMahon, personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the
within instrument as a subscribing witness thereto who being by me duly sworn, depose.d and
said that ·she resides in said County of San Diego, State of California, that she was present
and saw Sister Mary Liguori McNamara personally known to her to be the same person described
in and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as President of the corporation
within named, known to her to be the person who executed. the within instrument on behalf of

the corporation within named, sign and execute the same; and that she, the affiant, then 1
there subsc'r±'bed ·her name to said instrument as a witness;
· Witness my. hand and Offic.ial Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
N.otary Public in and· for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My C0mmission .Expires· July 28'·; 1929 · ·
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Nov. 8 1927 at 5 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M., In Book
No •. 1385 Page 397 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WObDARD Deputy

I HEREBY GEHTIFY that the above and foregoing i·s a full, true and correct copy of
,Deed, from Mercy Hospital of the Sisters of Mercy of San. Diego, Calif. to the City of ::5an
Diego, Document No. 214396.
City Clerk of the Ci:ty_ of San Diego, California .•

By______~·Ak£~~~~.~~~·~kV~~~~·~· ______Deputy.
· George G. Hull and Minnie M. Hull husband and wife. For and .,i..n considl_eration of One
($1.00} Dollar and other valuable considerations. Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego,
a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement of
right~of-way f0r sewer purposes, over, along and across •. All that Real Property situated in
the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as

I foll0WS: . .
The North 5 feet of Lot 28, Block 5, sun Harbor Tract No. 1, acc0rding to map No.l619,
filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County.
The South 5 feet Qf Lot 2;~, Block 5, Sun Harbor Tract No. 1, according to map .thereof
No. 1619, filed in the office. of the County Recorder of s~id County.
It is further stipulated B:nd agreed; That when sewer is put in oil the above de.scribed
property there shall be four Y's, or proper extensions for the connection of pipes from anw
and all buildings that m~y be erected on said lots, viz; two Y's or extensions, forty feet .
from the alley and two Y's or extensions sixty feet from the alley, .without additional cost
to the owners.
TO HAVE.AND TO HOLD the above granted and described e:asement for sewer purposes only.
WITNESS our hands and seals this 7th day of September 1927.
On this 7th .day of September A.D., Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before ~me, J. M.
Ramsay a Notary Public in and for said County, residing there in, duly commissioned and sworn;
personally appeared George c. Hull and Minnie M.- Hull·, husband and wife. known to me to be ~·· '{•

the persons described S;nd whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknow-
ledged to me that they executed the same. ·· . . -
WITNESS my hand and Officia 1 Seal the day and year in this certificate first above
written. · ·

. Notary Public in and for the County of Lawrence; ~tate of
My Commission expires June 17, 1930
South Dakota

INo. 1268 Page 347 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif. .
RECORDED A1' REQUEST OF. City Clerk Nov. 8 1927 at 5 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M. In Book
. '·; JOHN H. FERRY~· County Recorder
By L. B•. WOODARD ·Deputy
I HEREBY CERTI:E'Y t the above and foregoing is_ a full, true and correct copy of
~eed, from George c. Hull and Minnie M. Hull, to The City ~f San Diego, Document No.214397.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
By /Mz., ~- W;eli,., ,. . Deputy.

Buelah Proffer, a single woman, For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue·by
the location and construction of a drain pipe through and across the pro:IE:rty hereinafter de-
scribed, Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego; a Municipal Corporation; in the County of
San Diego, State of Califoznia, an easement -and right of way for the construction, operation
and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across A,l1 that Real Property_ situated iil
the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded-and ·de~cfibed as
follows; .
A portion of Lots 24 and 25, Block 31, Fairmount Addition to City Heights; according
I! /.
to Map thereof No. 1035, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County,
said easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet 6.n each side of the tol-·
lowing described center line: . · ·
Beginning at a point on the south line of said Lot 24, distant 15.71 feet west from
the southeast corner of said Lot 24; thence northwesterly on a direct line to a point on the
north line of said Lot 25, distant 37.77 feet west from the nort~ast corner of said Lot 25.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described easement tinto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever.·
WITNESS my hand and seal this 14th day of October, 1927.
On this 14th day of· october, A.D., Ni1~teen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, E. H•
Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, r~siding there in, du+y commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Buelah Proffer, a si'ngle woman, known to me to be the person
described in ·and whose na~re .is subscribed to the within inst-rument, and acknowledged to me
that she executed the same. ·
· WITNESS MY HA.r~D AND O.I!'~'IUIAL ~.J:!,;A1 the day and year in this certificate first above:·
written. ·
Notary Public in and for the County. of :Jan Diego;
(S.r.;AL) 0tate of California.
My Commission Expires, July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT P.EQUES1' OF City Cle·rk Nov. 8 192~ at 5 Min. past 10 o'clock A;,M'!, In Book
no. 1385 .Page 399 of DEED~ Records of San Diego County, Calif'. _
JOH.N H. FER.R~, County Recorder
By L. B~ WOODARD . Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed, from Buelah Proffer to The City of San Diego, Document No. 214398o
City ~lerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By_ _ _ _.~/Jg£-==-th1~--~.....;...>,.·-=W.;::..oiJ!;e,,...'
~·,--'.._ _Deputy.

Emne tt Yates and Rosario +a tes, husband and wife, Minnie Baldwin and Anna Zan zig, For
and in consideration of the ben~fit I? \to accrue by the location and· constru·ct ion of a drain
pipe through and across the property hereinafter des:eribed; Do Hereby G:rant to The· City of
San Diego., a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Die.go, State o~ California, an
easement and right of way for the construction, ope ration and maintenance of a drain pipe
through, along and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego,. County
of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: ·
· A portion of Lots 19 and 20, Block 196, University Heights, according to Amended Map
thereof made by G.· A. d'Herre:court, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San ·
Diego County, said easement and right of way being particularly described as follows; to.;.wit:
Beginning at a point on the north line· of said Lot 19, .distant 52.62 feet west from·
the northeast cor~r of said Lot 19; thence southeasterly on a direct line to a point on the
south line of said Lot 20, distant 6. 67 feet west from the southeast co·rner of sa.,id Lot 2:0;
thence west along the south line of said Lot 2·0, a-distance of 16.30 feet to a point; thence
northwesterly on a direct line to. a point on the north line of said Lot 19, distant 68.92
feet west from the northeast corner of said Lot 19; thence east along the north line of said
Lot 19, a distanee of 16.30 feet to·the point or place of beginning.-- ·
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee, its
successors a.nd ass_igns, forever.
WITNESS our hands and seals this 7th day of October; 19?7.
Eiv'lMETT nmES::' (SEAL)
. ' )
. On this 7th day of October A.~-. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me·, E. H.
!Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said (l;ounty, residing therein, duly commissioned and
!sworn, pe r_s·ona l+y appeared Er,nmett Yates, Rosario Yates, Minnie Baldwin and Anna Zanzig;
!known to me to be the persons .described -in and whose names are subscribed to the within
instrument,. and acknowledged, to me that they executed. the. same • ·
WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL the day-and year in this certificate first above
' Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) _ State of California.
My Commission Expires,
guly 28, 1929. .
I P.ECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Nov. 8 1927 at 5 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M!, In~ Book
No.l385 .Page 400 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Gali f. .

JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD DeP.uty
~IT: HEREBY.:~CERTIFY\:that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Dee~,
from Emmett .Yates, Rosario Yates, Minnie Baldwin and Anna Zanzig, to The City of San Diego;
Document No. 214399.
City Clerk of the City of ·san Diego, Califo mia..

By_ _ _ _..Ji.../Jko~=-:.'Th.u.· !~#.o:::~dlQol~~-<~r----Deputy.

Lynn A. Schafer, a widow, For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue by the
location and. construction of' a drain pipe through and across the property hereinafter des-
cribed, Does. Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal· <Jorporation, in the County
of San Diego, State of C~lifornia, an easement and right of way for the construction, oper-
ation and maintenance of a drain pipe through, along and across All that Real Property

I situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of Galifo;rnia, bounded and
described as follows: ·
A portion of Lots 16 and 17, Block 35, Fairmount Addition to City Heights, according
to Map th·ereof No. 1035, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of :said ban Diego County,
·Said easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feE:'t on each side of the fol-
lowing described center line:
·Beginning at the northwest co·rner of said Lot 17; thence southeasterly on a direct
line making an angle of 27 degrees 14 minutes with the north line of said Lot 17, a distance
of'22.49 feet to a point. Said property being the separate property of the grantor here~
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
i t·s successors and assigns,· forever.
WITNESS my hand and seal this 27"day of Sept, 1927.
On this 27rt day of Sept A·. D·. Nineteen Hund·re.d.· and 1fwenty Seven before ,me, H. E .. ·
Donohoe a Notary Public in and. for said County, residing therein, duly commif?sioned and sworn,
personally appeared Lynn A• Schafer, widow· known to me to be the person described in and
whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed
the same • ·
WITNESS MY HAND AND OF:V'ICIAL SEAL the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of Lewis,
(SEAL) State of Washirgton.
My dommise ~on Expires,

I Dec• 14, 192 8.

BECORDED·AT BEQUEST OF-City' Clerk Nov. 81927 at 5 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M., In Book
Uo. 1268 Page 345 of Deeds Recor-ds of San Diego County,· Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and f·oregoing is a full, 'true and correct copy of Deed,
from Lynn A; Schafer to The City of San Diego, Document No. 214400.
i~LLEN ·H: . WRIGHT....
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

We, Lemuel L. Fish and Lula ·I • .I!; ish, husband and wife, For and in cons ide ration of the
benefits to accrue by the depos:iit ·of' earth material over and_ ac:;rass a portion of the pi'oper-
ty hereinafter described, Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation;
in the County of San Diego, State of Califomia, an easement and right of way for.the de-
posit of earth material over, upon and acrose All that Real Property situated in the City of
:san Diego, County of ~an Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
The west 10 feet of Lots 43 and 44, Bloek 195, University Heights, according to Amen-
ded I~Iap thereof made by G. A. d'Hemecourt, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of
said San Diego County. · . · ·
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever. ...
WITNESS our hands and seals this lOth day of' September, 1927.



On this lOth day. of .September, A•D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, .c: .. H.
-Brooks a H"otary Public in and for said county, residing ·therein,- duly c·ommi.ssione·d and . ,
. . sworh··
personally appeared Lemuel L. Fish and Lula I. Fish, known to me to be the persons described
in and whose nazre s are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they
executed the same.
WITN,ESS MY HAND AND OFF! CIAL SEAL the day and year in: this certificat'e first above
Notary Public in and for the County o'f San Diego,
(SEAL) ::ita'te of California.
My Commission Expires, June 4, 1930.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee Nov. 23; 1927 at 3 o'clock P.M. In Hoqk No. 1381 ~age 443
. .._.,'
of DEEDS, Records of. San Diego <Jounty, <Jalif.
JOHN H. FERhY, County ~~corder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Deed;
from Lemuel L. and Lula I. J!'ish, to 'l'he City of' San Diego, Document No. 214904.
City Clerk of the <Jity of .:;Jan lJiego, Galifornia.

:,:; Hy______~---~~~~}b~.~\~AJ~J~~~;~~·--___ Deputy.

• ·i

I, :h'ay Smith, and Hellie M. Smith l!'or and in consideration of the benefits t9 accrue by
the deposit of ear~h material over and across the po rti.on of the pr9perty ·hereinafter -de-·
scribed,~Do Hereby nemise, release and quitclaim to 'l'he ~Jity of :san Diego, a MunicipalCor-
' ., 1'.
poration, in the county of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for
the deposit of earth material, over, upon and acrose All that. Real Property situated in the
.. 1 City of San Diego, County of ::ian Diego, State of California, bounded and described as.fol..;.
~.. .:( .. ; lows:
·. · · r::. ;
': : The West 10 feet of Lots 43 and 44, Block 195, University Heights, according to Amen-
) ;
ded Map thereof made by G. A. d'Hemecourt, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of
said San.Diego County.
TO HAVE l.ND TO HOLD the above_granted and described eas·ement unt·o . the sai'd. grantee,
its successors and assigns•
WITNESS my hand and seal this 21 day of Oct •, 1927 •



On thts 21st. da.y of October A.D·. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before tne ,· FAIRF.A,X
COSBY a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly' commi'ssioned and sworn,
personally appeared FAY SMITH known t·o me t.o be the person described in and whose name is
subscribed to the w:i thin instrument, ~nd acknowledged to me that she executed the same.
WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL the day all!d year in. this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for the County of Los Angeles,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission Expires,
Feb. 4; 1930.
On this 21st day of October, A. D., 1927, before me, E• H. Holmboe, a Notary Public
in and· for the said Cpunty of San Diego, State of California·, residing therein, duly com.;.
missioned.and sworn, personally appeared Nellie M. Smith personally knom to me to be the
person whose name is subscribed to the within Instrument·, and duly aclmowledged to me that
she executed the same.
IN WITNESS VillEBEOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at my
office in the County of San ' Diego, the day and year in this certificate first abqye ~ritten•
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego, :.\'
(SEAL) State of California. :·.

My Comm,i ssi on ex pi res,

July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee.· Nov. 23, 1927 at 3 o 1 clgck P.M. In Book No.-1381 Fage'444
of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Cal~f. ·
JOHN H• .E'E.HBY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy ., .

I HEREBY CERTI.b'Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Deed,
from Fay Smith and Nellie M. Smith to.The City of San Diego, Document No. 214907~ I
City Clerk of the City of Sap. Diego, California.
By_ _ _~~~~~-}b.......,_,.....:aAl"'-4..t"""'U.......,:'i;-~_-_ _ _Deputy.
THIS AGREEMENT, made this first day of November 1927, between the Union Trust Conipany
of San Diego, a corporation, Trustee under the Trust hereinafter described, Party of .. the ·
First Part, and The City of San Diego,· a municipal corpomtion, Party of the Second Part,
THAT, WHEREAS', said Trustee is the legal owner of.all that property the
City of San Diego, Col?-lltY of San Diego, State of California, covered by the Deed of Trust
hereinafter described; and, · · ~ .
WHEREAS, The· City of San Diego, for 1 the benefit and improvement qf said property is
grading and p~ving or intending to grade and pave the alley adjoining said property, and
WHEREAS, it is a condition precedent to said work that an easement and right of way
shall be and remain upon a portion of said property prior and superior to the terms and con-
ditions incorporated in said deed of trust; and,
WHEREAS, all the owners ·of the ·equitable interests under said mentioned deed of trust,
have each gran ted and easement and right of way to the Party of the Second Part, as follows;
Trust :Deed dated September 1, 1926, made by Lemuel L. Fish and Lula: I. It1 ish, husband
and wife, in favor of Josie Wardle, securing one .promissory note for the sum of Twelve
Hundred :E'ifty Dollars, with interest, re oorded Septe'mber ·29, 1926, in Book 1£69, at page 177,
et seq., of Deeds, records of the Office of the County Recorder _of said. San Diego County,
~J:Ihe easement conveyed being for the depos1 t of earth material over, upon and across
the west 10 feet of Lots 43 and 44, block 195, University Heights, according to Amended Map
thereof made by G. A. d'Hemecourt, filed in the Office of the said County Recorder.
the sum of One Dollar and in further consideration of the benefits derived and to be derived
from the construction, maintenanc·e and operation of· said earth fill, said Party of the J!'irst
mentioned to the right o~ way and ~asement heretofore conveyed to the Party of the Second
Part, upon the designated portion of the property covered· by sU:ch deed ·of trust, so that said
right of way and· easement shall become and remain prior· and superior to an_y and all. ,of the
terms and conditions contained in or provided by said Deed of Trust hereinabove referred to.
· IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Party of the First Part has caused t·his instrument to be
signed by its Vice-President and Assistant Secretary, and its corporate. seal to be affixed
,-hereto, the day and year in this instrument first above wri~ten. _
Party of the· First· Part
By, F. B. rrHOMPSON Vice-President
(SEAL) ,· -· Attest: A. H. MacKINTOSH Assistant-Secre~ary

; On this 2nd day of November; in the year One Thousand Nine !i'!IDdred and twenty-seven;
'). before me, Minnie Couffiel<ii: a Notary Public in and for said County and State, persona:;Lly
· ;:·l~':,,, • appeared F. B. Thompson known to me to be the Vice-President·, and A. H. Mac_Kintosh; known '.
to me to be the Assistant-Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within.instrument,
known to me to be the persons who executed tre within instrument on· behalf of the Corporation
'therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the same. · ·
·,.: · WITNESS my hand ani official seal the day and ye~r in this certificat~ first above
..' · -· :written.
. ··i.
(~EAL) Notary and for said County and State •
.' . .·· RECORDED AT BEQUEST OF Gtee. Nov. 23, 1927 at'3 o 1 clock P.M.,.In Book No. 1361 Page 396

of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.

JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L.. B·. WOODARD · Deputy

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the ·above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Subordinatioi_l Agreerrent, from Union Trust Company to The City of San Diego, Document No.

I 214908.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By___.t_ _--~Jk~~~~~~;~VV~~~-~~'Tr----~-Deputy.

DEE n·
We; Catherine Watson Paton, Marjory Irel~a and Annie McNab, For and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location and· construction of a se·wer pipe line through and
across the property hereinafter describea, Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Mun~
icipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right
of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along
and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego,
State of Cf;ilifomia, bounded and described as foll9ws~ . .
-The northwesterly six. feet of Lot·17, Block 5, Lorna Alta No. 1, according to Map there-
of No. 1078, filed in the Office of the County .Hecorder of said San Diego County.
The City of San Diego will upon request of the Grantors herein, furnish a free sewer
connection on the above described property, as soon as the sewer to be built under the terms
of the above described easement has been constructed.
The above grant of a free sewer connect ion shall inure to the benefit of the c;rantors'
successors in interest. ·
TO HAVE AlW TO HOLD the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns.
WITNESS our bands and seals this 11th day of October, 1927.


Her Attorney in Fact
On this 11th day .of October A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Seven before me, George
A. Wood a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn; personally appeared Catl:erine Watson Paton and Annie McNab known to me to be the
persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowled-
ged to me that· .they exe outed· the same.
WITNES::i MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL the day and year in this certificate first above
written. ·
Notary Public 'in and for the County of Milwaukee, .,
( $EAL) State of Wisconsin.
My Commission Exnires
~ ' Apri 1 19, 1931.
On this 11th da·y of October, 1927, before me,-.George A. Wodd:, a Notary Publ·iC in and
for. said County and State, residing therein, duly commissione.d and sworn,. personally appear•
ed .Catherine l"latson Paton, _!n~ to me t·o be the pers.on whose name is subscribed to the
within instrument as the Attorney in l!'act of Marjory Ireland and acknowledged to -me that she
subscribed the name of Marjory Ireland thereto as principal and her own name as Attorney in
Witness my hand and Official Seal the day and year in this certificate first above

My Commission expires,
Notary Public in and for said County and State.
April 19, 1931.
Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court )
I, the undersigned., Clerk of the Cir.cui t Court of the County of Milwa'ukee, in the State
of Wisconsin, (said Court being a Court of Record and having common law jurisdiction, a· clerk
and a seal), do hereby certify that George A. Wood, Esquire; whose name appears subscribed to
the· annexed instrument, was at the date thereof a Notary Public within and for said State,
residing in said County, du~y appointed and qualified, and empowered by the laws of said
State to administer oot_hs, take depositions and acknowledgments of deeds, and perform such
other du:tie.s:sas by the law of na. t·ions, or according to com~mrcial usage, may be performed by
Notaries Public, and that to his acts and attestations as such, full faith and credit is and
ought to be given in Court and out. I f]J.rther certify that I am well acquainted with the
[signature and handwriting of. the aforesaid Notary ?ublic, and I verily believe said signature,
tpurpo.rting to be his, is genuine, and that the seal hereto attached is a correct impression
of his official seal. ·
l IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I· rui ve hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said L;ourt at
;Milwaukee, in· said County, this 12 day of Oct. 1927.
( SEAL) Cle rk of Circuit Court
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee. Nov. 23, 1927 at 3 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1361 Page 398
of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif. .·.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder

By L. B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEP.EBY CERTIJ!1Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
!pee,d, from Catherine Watson Paton, Marjory Ireland and Annie McNab to The City of ;:san Diego·;
rr ocument No. 214911.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By_ _ _ _ _lc:..;::~==......=.Th~-~W-=-4=·
' q

I, Nora Marshall, an unmarried woman, For and in consideration of an ~xchange of sewer
easements and other valuable consideration., Do Hereby Grant to '11 he City of San Diego, a .Mun..;.
icipal corporation; in the County of San Diego, State of California, an ease~rent and right
of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along
and across All that Real Property situated in the City of San Diego;· County of 5an· Diego,
State of California, bounded and described as follows:
·The northwesterly six feet of Lot 17, Block 5, Lorna Alta No. 1, according to Map ~here­
of No. 1078 filed in the 5;ffice of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
The City of San Diego will upon request of the Grantor herein, furnish a free sewer
connection on the above described property, as soon as the sewer to be built under the terms
of the above described easement has been constructed.
The above grant of a free sewer-·connection shall inure to the benefit of the Grantor's
successors in interest.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee;
its successors and assigns.
WI~ NESS my hand and sea 1 this 3d day of October, 1927.
com~TY OF SAN DIEGO, ) .
On this 3rd day of October A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, Ethel
Jelinek a Notary .Publ"ic,in.and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Nora Marshall, an unmar:rie d woman known to me to be the person
described in and whose ~me is subscribed to the within instrument; and acknowledged to me
that she execute.d the same. ·
WPPNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL .. the day and year in this certificate. first above
Notary .Public in and for the County of ~an Diego,
(SEAL) ~tate of California.
My Commi s s ion Expires ,
March 31, 1930. .
RECORDED AT REQ~~ST OF Gtee. at 3 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1361 Page 400 of.Deede
Records of San Diego County; Calif.
JOHN H. Flj:RRY, uou.nty .He corder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from .Nora Marshall to 'l,he City of San Diego, Document No. 21491£.
City Clerk of the ~.;i ty of San Diego, California.

By_ _ _ _.,.~=~\n...&...:,.>- W~ . . _,
..&....,-.Llie~·t"""·_ _Depu ty.

We, Agnes B. Bollinger, ::Jue Elizabeth Abbott-and Margaret L. Fickeisen For and· in con-
sideration of the sum of te,n (10) DOLLARS, Do Hereby Grant to the City of ;;;ian .lJiego, .a Mun-
icipal LiOrporation, in the County of San Diego, State of· California, All that Heal Property
situated in the Uity of San Diego, County of ~an Diego, State of Galifornia, bounded and de-
scribed as follows: ·
All of Lots 1 and 34, and the westerly 17.~2 feet of Lots 2 and 33, -Block 3, of Ocean
Villa Tract, according to .Map thereof No. ,977, on file in the office of the County 'Recorder
of San JJiego County,. California • .
All of Lot 1, and the westerly 17.2 feet of Lot 2, Block·3, First Addition to Ocean
Villa Tract, according to Map thereof No. 1039, on file iri the office of the ·County Recorder
of San JJiego County, California. ·
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described premises unto the said grantee·,
its successors and assigns, ftQ-rever for street purposes; as and for a portion of Allison
WITNESS our hands and seals this. 14th day of Sept. 192 7.
On this 14th day of September A.D. Nine teen Hundred and twentyseven before me, Jessie
M. Humphrey a Notary .Public in and for said county-, residing therein·, duly commissioned and
sworn; personally appeared AGNES B. BOLLINGER and MARGARET L. · FI CiiliiSEN and SUE ELIZABETH
ABBO'l,, known to In9. to be the perspns described in and whose names are subscribed to the with-
in instrument·, and acknowledged to me that he executed the sama.
, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed UIY Official Seal, at my
office, in the LJity 9f Los Angeles, county of Los Angeles, ;)tate of· California, the day and
year in this certific~te first above written.
Notary Public in and for the ~.;oun~y of Los Angeles,
(SEAL) ~tate of Galifornia.
My commission expires December 20, 1930.
RECORDED A1 REQUEST OF Gtee • Nov. 23, 192 7 at 3 o'clock :P.M. In Bo(!)k No. 1398 .Page 330

of DEEDS Records 9f San Diego County, LJalif.

JOHN H. FERRY, ~.;ounty ~ecorder
Ijy L. B. '!IOOD.ABD Deputy
I HEREBY QERTIFY that ,the above ·and foregoing is -a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from AgneeeB. Bollinger, Sue Elizabeth Abbott and Margaret L • .b'ickeisen to the LJity of
San Diego, Do9ument No. 2+5013.
City l.;lerk of the LJity of ::>an lJiego, california.
by________..t..;;/JgA;.,==·l-.\a.IUQ,.o4\.Q<M:..:::;JdAo:~IQol,ob-'---Depu t y.
D E 1~ D
:·.- Howard R• Kavanagh, a single man, E'or and in consideration of the benefits to accrue
: ,·:.·1.,. hy the location apd construction of a sewer pipe line through and across the property here-
,· ;. inafter described, Do Hereby 11-rant to 'l'he City of :::5an JJiego, a Municipal corporation, in the
•• · I '
- - -- --·-


County- of San Diego, State of California, an easement and r~ght of way for the construction,
ope-ration and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along and across All that J:(eal
Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, ~tate of Cal~fornia, bound..,
ed and described as follows~-
-The northeasterly six feet· of Lot 4, Block 34, Point Lorna Heights, according to the

Official Map thereof filed in the Office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described easement unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever. · -
· WITNESS my hand and seal this 26th day of, October, 1927.
. On this 26th day of October A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-: seven before me, Wesley
Dixon a Notary Public in and for said County, residing ·therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
perso1mlly appeared HOWARD R. KAVANAGH knovm to me_ to be the person described in and whose
name· is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the
WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL the day and year in this certificate first above
notary P-Ublic in and for said County and State
Notary Public in and for the County of Alameda,
(SEAL} -State of California.
My Commission expi :res
November 16, 1930
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee. Nov. 23, 192 7_,at 3 o'clock P.• M. In Book No.· 1415 Page 97
of Dee'd Records· of· San Diego County, .. Calif.
JOHN H~ FERRY~ County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTI:F·Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of.
Deed from Howard R. Kavanagh to The City o:f San Diego, Document No. £14915.
City Clerk of the City of San Die go, Cal~fornia ~ Deputy.
By_ _ _~J.r:~..~uk~..._!h:..!:.U.'~w~;&U~'

Adolph Muehleisen· and Vesta c. Muehle isen, husban•d and wife E'or and in consideration
of the benefits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer pipe line through and
across the property hereinafter desc:ri-)?ed, Do H~reby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Mum.;.
icipal Corporation, in the County of San_Diego, State of California, an easement· and right
of way for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sewer pipe line through, along
and across All that Real Property situated in the City _of San Diego, County of San Diego,
State of California, bounded and described as follows:- · -
A portion of the northeasterly 1/2 of State Street ciosed and a portion of the north-
weste:rly 15 feet of Vine·street closed adjoining'and· contiguqus:to Lots 5 and 6, Block.l52,
Mid'dletovm, said easement and right of way being six feet in width; three feet on each side
of the following described aenter line:. . -
Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of Vine Stree_t aslnow established, dis.;.
·tant 14.80 feet northeasterly from the northwesterly prolongation of the center line of
state Street; thence northwesterly on a direct line to a.point on a_line drawn parallel with
and distant 205 feet southeasterly from the southwesterly prolongation of the northwesterly
line ·of said Block 152, said point being _distant 3.00 feet northeasterly from the northwest.;.
· e:rly prolongation of the center line of State Street (measured along said parallel line). ·
Said Middleto~ being according to Partitiop Map thereof made by J. E. Jackson, C. E.;
filed in the Office of the County Clerk of said San Diegq Coun~y. ·
TO H.iiVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and descr:i,bed e.asement unto the said grBnltee,

I its successors ·and af?signs; forever. . ·

WITNESS our hands and seals this 7th day of October.~ 1927.
On this 7t~ day of October A. D.· Nineteen Hundred and 11 wenty~seven before me., E. H.
Holmboe, a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and swo1m,
personally appeared Adolph Muehleisen and Vesta c. Muehleisen, known to me to be the persons
described· in and whos·e names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me
that they exe outed tre sam1e. ·
. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL the day and year in this certificate first above
Notary Public in and for· the County of San D,iego,
(SEAL), Sta.te of California.
My _Commission Expires,
July 28, 1929.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee. Nov. 23, 1927 a·t 3 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1415 Page 96
of Deed Records of San Die_g~ County, Calif •.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is _a full, .true and correct c~py of
Deeci ·from Adolph Muehle-isen and Vesta c. Muehleisen to The City of San Diego, Document No.
. ':":
... '1•--.:,--, City _Ole rk -·of 'the· City of ~an Diego, California.
.~· • .,r"""

·}~ ;~

' ~-· '.

THIS AGREEMENT~"' made this 2nd day of November 1927, between the· Southern Title & Trust'
Company, a corporation, Trustee· under the 'l'rust hereinafter described, Party of .the· First
. ·.·

. Part·, and The City pf San Diego; a munic~pal corporation,· Party of the. Second Part 1
-.·. f•• ·,
W I T N E S S E T H:
T.S:AT, WHEREAS~ said Trustee is t re legal owner of all that real property situated in

,, .: '

the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, covered by the Deed of
Trust :hereinafter described;: and,
WHEREAS, The City of San Die go, · for the benefit and improvement of said property is·
laying and constructing or intending to lay and construct a ~ewer pipe line through. and
across a portion of tm property hereinafter described, and, .
WHEREAS, it is-a condition precedent to said-work that an easement and right of way
shall be and remain upon said property prior and superior to the terms and conditions in~
corporated in said deed of trust; and,
WHEREAS, all the_ owners of the equitable interests-under said mentioned deed of trust,
have each granted an easement and right of way to the ,Party of the Second Part; as follows;
Trust Deed dated May 4, 1926, made by Adolph Muehleisen and Vesta c. Muehleisen, hus-
band and wife, in favor of Otto Paul· Guterson and Sarah L. Guterson, husband and wife, se-
curing one promissory note for the--sum of Fifty-five Hundred Dollars, with interest, record-
ed May 17-, 1926, in Book 1189, at _page 475, et seq., of Deeds, ·records of the Office of the
County Recorder of·said San Diego County,
The easement conveyed being through, along and across a portion of the northeasterly
1/2 of State Street closed to public use and a portion of the northwesterly 15 feet of Vine
Street ·closed to public use, adjoining and contiguous to Lots 5 and 6, Block 152, Middletown,
said easement and right of way being six feet in width, three feet on each side of the fol-
lowing described center line:. · · - .:
Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of Vine Street as now established, dis-
tant 14.80 feet northeasterly from the northwesterly prolongation of the center line of Stat
Street; thence northwesterly on a direct line to a point on a line drawn parallel with and
, ..
distant 205 feet southeasterly from the southwesterly-prolongation of the northwesterly line
of said Block 152, said point being distant 3.00 feet northeasterly from the northwesterly
prolongation of the center line of State Street (measured along said parallel line); Said
Middletown being according-to Partition Map thereof made by J. E. Jackson, c. B., filed in
the Office of the County Clerk of said San Diego County.·
NOW, THEhEFORE, THIS l1GEi.i.:EMENT WITNESSETH: ~I_that, in consideration of the premises,
the sum of One Dollar and in further consideration of the benefits derived and to be derived
from the construction; opemation and maintenance of said sewer pipe line, said Party of the
above mentioned to the right-- of way and easement heretofore conveyed to the Party of the--
Second Part, upon the designated portion of the property herein describe.d and affected by
said deed o~ trust, so that said right of way and easement shall become and remain prior
and superior to anw and all of the terms and conditions contained in or provided by said
Deed of Trust ,hereinabove referred to.
IN WITNESS ViliEREOF, the said Party of the First Part has caused this instrument to be
signed by its Vice President and Ass't Secretary,· and its corporate seal to be affixed here--
to, the day and year in th,is instrument first above written.
Party of the First Part
(SEAL) By, E. E. Hubbell Vice-President
Attest~ H. E. CRANE A-pecretary
On this 2nd day of No_yember, 1927, before me, E. H. Holmboe a Notary Public in and for
the said County of San Diego; State of California, residing t.h,erein, d11ly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared E • .E. Hub be 11 ~nown to me to be the Vice President and H. E.
Crane known to me to be the Assistant Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within
instrument, me to be the persons who exec~ted the within Instrumen~, known to me to
be the.persons who executed the within Instrument on_behalf of the Corporation therein named;
and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the sane. · · -
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day and:year in this certificate first above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego;
(.SEAL) :~ State of California.
My Commission expires July 28, 1929 •.·
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee. Nov. 23, 19271~at 3 o'clock P.M. In _Book No. 1399 Page 498
of Tr. Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Hecorder-
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY tmt the above and ilioregoing is a full,· true and -correct copy of
Subordination Agreement from Southern Title & Trust Co. to the City of San Diego, Document
No. -214919.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By_ _ _ ___..,l1eRnx,~""--"-h
..........~w. . .~=-
"""'~·~~-··_ _Deputy.

We, JAMES E. YOUNG anl MINNIE_ L. YOUNG, husband and wife, :B'or and in consideration of
Ten Dollars Do Hereby Grant to The City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in .the. County
of San Diego, State of California,·for street purposes, All that Real Property ~ituated in
the City of San Diego, County of San _Diego, State of California, bounded and de·scribed as
follows: ·
Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of Block 408, Old San Diego, according
to Miscellaneous Map No. 40, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County,
California, sai~ line being the southeasterly line of Taylor Street, distant 75.00 feet nortl!-
easterly from the most westerly corner of said Block 408; thence., southerly along a curve to
the left, with a radius of 57.00 feet, tbe center of which bears· southeaster!~~ making an
anr::le of 90 degrees with the southeasterly line of_ Taylor Street, a distance of 89.60 feet;.
thence northwesterly along a line drawn parallel to and distant 18 feet northeasterly from
the northeasterly line of San Diego Avenue, a distance of 17.00 feet to a point of curve;
thence along. a curve to the right, with a radius of 40.00 feet, the center of which bears.
northeasterly making an angle o:f 90 degrees with a line drawn parallel to and distant 18.uO
feet northeasterly from the northeasterly line of San Diego Avenue, ;3. distance of 62 • 80
feet to a point of tangent, said last named point being on the southeasterly line of Taylor
Street; thence northeasterly along the southeasterly line of Taylor Street, a distance of
17.00 feet to the point or place of beginning; Being a portion of Lot 1, Block 408, said Old
San Diego.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described property unto the said grantee, its
successors. and assigns·~ forever, for- street purposes.
WITNESS our hands and seals this 16th day of August, 1927.
JAMES Er.;i:J:M'(QUNG ( SEAL ) .
On this 16th day of: August A.I!. Ninete.en Hundred. and twenty":"' seven before ·me, Luella
MacKintosh a Notary Public in and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared James E. Young and Minnie L. ~oung kpown to me to be the persons
described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument,_ and a.cknowledged to

I me that they executed the same.

WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL the day and year in this certificate first above
LUELLA MacKINTOSH formerly LUELLA D~~:v~y . ,
Notary :Public in and for the County of ::.Jan lJiego,
(SEAL} ~tate of California.
My Commission ~xpires,
March 26, 1930.
RECORDED AT F:EQUEST OF Gtee;. Nov. 23, 1927 at 3 o'clock P.M. In. Book N·o. 1398 Page
332 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif;. ·-.....:
Jomr H'~ ':FERRY, County Recorder
By L.· B~ WOODARD J)eputy
:\:: .'
I HEREBY CEBTilfY that t be above and foregoing is a full, true and ·correct copy .of
Deed from Janas E. Young and Minnie L. Young die. the City of San Diego, Document No.214862 •
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

We, JAlv1ES E·. YOUNG. and MINNIE L. ·YOUNG, husband and wife, 1l1 or and in consideration of
the sum of ten (10) TEN AND N0/100 DOLLAR~, Do Hereby Grant to the City of ~an Diego, a Mun-
icipal Corporatioh, in the County of San. Diego, State of Calif·omia, All that Real .l:'roperty
situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of ~alifornia, bounded and de ...
scribed as follows:· .

I Beginning at the most westerly corner of l:llock 408, Old San Diego, according to Mis-
cellaneous Map ~o. 40, thereof, filed in\the office of the Recorder of ~an Diego Coili1ty,
/Ca-lifornia.; thence northeasterly along the northwesterly line of said block 58 feet to a
s point· of curve; thenoe ~9ntherly along the arc of a circle concaved to. the east a distance
of 62.83 feet to a point of tangency, the center of which circle bears southeasterly 40 feet
from and at right angles to the northwesterly line of said block, and is distant 58 feet
.northeaster~y_ from the southwesterly line of satd block; thence southeasterly along a line
parallel to and distant 18 feet northeasterly from the southwesterly line of said block to
a point distant 443.79 feet from the aforesaid point of tangency; thence southeasterly 63.39
feet in a direct line to· a point on the so:.utheasterly line of said· block distant 35;.5 feet
northeasterly from the most southerly corner of said Block 408, Old San Diego; thence south-
westerly along the southeasterly line of said block 35.5 ·feet· to the most southerly corner
of said block; thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of said block 503.5 feet to
the point or place of beginning. . ·
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described premises unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever for street purposes; as and for a portion of ::ian Diego
Avenue. •·
WITNESS our hands and seals. this 16th day of August 19?7. ~
On this 16th day of August A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty-seven before me, Luella
MacKintosh a Notary Public in and for said ~ounty, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Jarres E. Young and Minnie L. ":x:oung kn9wn to me to be the persons
described in and whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, a~d ack:p.owledged to me
that they executed- the same. · · .

I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at my
office, in the uounty· of iJan Diego, 0tate of Ualffornia, t-he day and year i~ this. certificate
first above writ~en. -
Notary Public in and for the uounty of ~an viego,
(SEAL) · State of California.
. . RECORDED AT REQUEST 0]' Gtee. Nov. 23, 1927 at 3 o' P .•.M. ·In Book ~o. 1381 l)age 441
of DEEDS. ·Records of San Diego -County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from James ·E. Young and Minnie L. Young· to the City of San Diego, Document 214866·•
City Clerk of t .re City· of ~an Diego, California.

·.By /~ 'h,. t.NdlL'o · Deputy.

f ·-t.
• t ~ ••

We, Malvine .Rottman, a married woman, Charles Kraushaar, a widower, Morris Breitbard
and Bessie Brei tbard, husband and. wife, William Wolff and Katherine Wolff, husband and wife,
For and in consideration of Ten (10) DOLLARS, Do Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a
Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State of California, All that· Real Proper~
ty situated ·in the· City· of San Diego, C~unty of ·San Diego, State of Califom~a, bounded and
described as follows: , .
. That portion of' Lot 11, in Block 180 of the Subdivision of Pueblo ·Lot ll5.7;:;f1q.r Mannasse
and· Schiller, according to map thereo·f No. 209, filed in the office of th~ '::9~ll.nty<l:\~corder
of San. Diego County, California; July l:l.; 1870 described as follows:: Begi"i}_i~:;i:!Jg ·~if". the in-
tersection of the southerly prolongation of the E)ast line of Seventeenth Stre·et in Sherman's
Addition with tre northwesterly line of Lot 11; thence southerly along the's'outherly prolong-
ation of the east line of Seventeenth Street to the southeasterly line of Lot 11; thence south-
westerly along the' southeasterly line of Lot 11 to the northeasterly line of Logan Avenue;
thence northwe·sterly along northeasterly line of Logan Avenue to the northwesterly line
of Lot 11; thence northeasterly along the northwesterly line of Lot 11 to the place of be-
ginning; containing 854 square feet.
Also, that portion of Lot 12 in Block 180 of the Subdivision of Pueblo Lot 1157 for


Mannasse and. Schiller; according to said map thereof No .• 209, desc!ibed as fo,llows: Be-
ginning at the intersection of the southerly prolongation of the east lihe of Seventeenth
Str.eet in Sherman's·Addition With ·the northwesterly line of Lot 12; thence southerly along
the southe.rly prolongation of the east line of Seventeenth Street to the northeasterly line
of Logan Avenue; thence northwest~rly along the northeasterly line of Logan Avenue to the
northwesterly line of Lot 12; thence northeasterly along the northwesterly line of Lot' 12 to
the place of. beginning;· containing 149 sg'!Jlare feet. ·
Said Sherman·'s Addi.tion being according to Map thereof No. 278, on file in the office
of said County Recorder of San Diego County, Califo mia.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described premises unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever.
· WITNESS our hands and seals this 31st day of October,·l927
R. s. CRANE as· to Morris Bre±tbard MALVINE ROTTMAN (.SEAL)


·· On this second day of Novemb·er, A.D. Nineteen Hundred and twenty~seven before me, E.
M. Boutwell a Notary Public in.and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and
sworn,· personally appeared Malvine Rottm~n, Charles Kraushaar, Morris Breitbard, Bessie
Breitbard, William Wolff and Katherine Wolff known to me to be the persons described in and
whose names· are· subscribed to the within instrument; and acknowledged to me that they ex-
ecuted the same. ·
IN WITNESS WEEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at my I
office, in the City of San Diego., County of San Diego, State of Galifornia, the day and year
in this certificate first above written. · · ·
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego,
( i:sEA L) State· of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee. Nov. 23, 1927 at 3 o'clock P.M. In Book No. 1386 Page 428
of Deeds. Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FE.HRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD Deputy
I HEREBY CERTI:B'Y that the above and foregoing is afull, true and correct copy of
Deed· from Malvine Rottman, Charles Kraushaar, Morris Breitbard, Bessie Breitbard, William
Wolff ··and :t;:atherine Wolff. to The City of San Diego; Document No. 214863.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By_ _ _..;./~=.
=·~...-b~·~w~.~.dl<a~·f~· ___Deputy.


I, James. Hervey Johnson,a single man, For and. in consideration of the sum of ten· ( 101
DOLLARS, no· Hereby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Munli:!llipal Corporation, in the County of
San Diego, State of California, All that Real·;p~eperty situated in the City. of San .Diego, ·J
County of San .Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
That portion of Lot 5, Map of Pueblo Lot ~783, according to Map thereof No. 839, on fiae
in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, California, bounded and described ~s
follows: .
Beginning at the intersection of the northerly prolongati'on of the ea~teriy line of
Allison Street with the northerly line of l!'irst Addition to Ocean Spray Tract, according to
Map thereof No. 1033, on file in the office of said County Recorder; thence northerly along
the northerly prolongation of the easterl~' line of Allison Street 174.15 feet to an inter-
section with the southerly line of First Addition to Ocean Villa ~Pract, according to Map
thereof No. 1039, on f'ile in the office of said County Recorder;; thence westerly along the
southerly line of .first Addition to Ocean Villa 1.1 ract, 80 feet to a point; thence southerly
along a line paralle 1 to and distant eo feet westerly from the nort~erly prolongation of the
easterly line of Allison Street a distance of 174.2 feet to an intersection with the north-
erly line of ])irst Addition to Ocean. Spray Tract; thence easterly along the northerly iine
of the aforesaid addition a distance of 80 feet to the point or place of beginnin.g. ··
TO HAVE .AND TO HOLD the above granted and described premises unto the said grantee, its
successors and assigns, forever for street purposes; as and for a portion of Allison Street.
WITNESS my hand and seal this 7th day of September, 1927.
On this 7th day of September A.D. Nineteen Hundred and Twenty-seven before me, F. G•
Blood a Notary Public in·and for said County, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn,
personally appeared James Hervey Johnson known to me to· be the person described in-·and whose 1
name is subscribed ·to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at my
office, in San Diego, County of ~an Diego, State of California, the day and year in this
certificate first above written.
Notary Public in and for the County of San Diego; State of
(SEAL) California.
~CO~D~D AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Dec~ 1 1927 at 11 6'clock A.M. In Book No. 1361
Page 422 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif •
JOHN H. FE!mY, County Recorder
By N. C. ?ARSONS Deputy

I HEREBY CER'I'IFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true i;ind correct copy of Deed
from James Hervey Johnson to The. City of San Diego, ·Document No. 216084.
City Clerk of the City of San. Diego, California.
UNION TRUST COMPANY JF S.fl.N DIEGO, A corporation, l!'or and in consideration of the sum
of ten (10) .DOLLARS, lJoes Hereby urant to the City !Sf ban Diego, a Munli:cipal Corporation,
in the County of ;)an Diego, State of California, All that Real Property situated in the
tJity of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded ~nd described as fol-
lowst . ·

I · All of Lots 1 and 34, ·and the westerly 17.2 feet of Lots 2 ap.d 33, in Block 2, Ocean
Villa Tract, according to Map. thereof No. 977, on file in the office of ·the County Record-
er of San Diego County; California. .
· TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described premises unto the said grantee, its
successors and assigns, forever for st.reet purposes; as and for a portion of .Allison Stree~tl
I.N WITNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused this deed to be signed by its Vice-
President and Assistant Secretary and its corporate seal to be affioced hereto this 19th
day of November, 1927. ·
(SEAL) Assistant Secretary"
On this 19th day of November, A. D. Nineteen Hundred and _twenty-seven before me,
Minnie Coufffeld, a Notary -.Public ~n and for said County_, residing there i~, duly ?ommission-
ed ?.-.nd sworn, personally appeared l!. B. 1l'homps on, ltnown to. me to be the v J.ce-Pre s1dent , and 1
A. ~· ¥acKintosh, known to me to be the, Assistant-Sec!etary of the Corporation that executed
the~within instrument, and known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrumentJ
on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation
e xe cute d the .· sa me • .
IN WITNESS WHEliliOJ:i', I have he·reunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at my
office, in San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, ~he day and year in this
certificate first above written~

Notary .f'ublic in and for the County of t.:Jan Diego, State of
RECORDED AT HEQUEST OF City Clerk Dec. 7 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1430 Page
48 of DEEDS Records of Jan Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. A. PARSONS Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full~ true and correct copy ci'f .Deed
from Union Trust. Co. to The City of San Diego, Document No. 2~6085.
City· Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

By_·_ ___,_IJ&e~-kv!~-4h~_. .._·.¥,;W~~=-

=:t.:ll.l-._ _Deputy.

SAN DIEGO 3LECTF:IC RAILWAY COMPANY, a corporation, of the City of San Diego, County of
San Diego, State of California, For and in consideration of the sum of Ten'·(lO).DOLLARS
Do H~reby Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation; in the County of San
.Diego, State of Calif.ornia, All That Real Property. Situated in the City of San Diego, Cpunty
of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows: .
All that portion of the westerly 330 feet of the ·south 660 f~et of the east 80 acres of
Pueblo Lot 1793. of the rueblo Lmt_ds. of The City of San Diego, designated as .Depot urounds
on the Map of Pacific Beach No. 854, on file _in the office of the County Recorder of San
Diego County,_ California, boup.ded and de-scribed as follo'ws: Beginning at the intersection
of the southe·rly prolongation ·of the westerly line of Allison Street with the northerly line
of the above-described. depot grounds; thenc_e s_outh 14° 57 t 30"' east, 660 feet to the point

I of intersection of the northerly prolongation of the westerly line of-Mission Bo~levard with
the northerly line of Pacific Avenue; thence north 75° 23' ·east, along tpe northerly line .of
Pacific .Avenue, a distance of 80 feet to a point; thence north 14° 57' 30" west, a distance
of 660 feet to a point on the northerly line of said depot grounds; thence south 75° 36' wesit
along the northerly line of said depot grounds a distance of 80 feet to the point or place
of beginning.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described premises, unto: the said Grantee;
its heirs and a: s s igns forever. · .
WITNESSETH: That said corporat fon has caused this deed to pe sg~ed by its Vice-
President and Assistant-Ge cretary and its corporate sea_l to be affixed hereto this ~liM day
of November , 1927.
W. CLAYTON Vice-President.
(SEAL) R. L. REGAL Asst-Secretary.
On this 3rd day of November, 1927, before me, M. M. Widenor, .a Notary Public in and for
said County, personally appeared w.- CLAYTON known to me to be the ,Vice-President; and R. L.
REGAL known to me to be the Assistant-tiecretary of the co·rporation that executed the within
instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the
corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same.
( EEAL) Notary Public in and for said County and State.
RECORDED AT REQUEST Ol!' City Clerk De~~ 7 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M~ In Book No. 1433
Page _18 _gf DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif. ·
· · JOHN H. lP~RRY, County Recorder
By N. .~~·';~·PARS OliJS Deputy
I HEREBY CERTIFY tm t the above and foregoing is a full, true and ci orre ct copy of Deed
from San Die:go Electric Railway Company to City of San Diego, Document No. 216086 .•
City Clerk ~f 1;he City of San Diego, California.

By_ _ _.L.:.I~~~ 9
:::IQ_b~.:...·~w~:&=·"'-'l;l ,l~_-
.f. _ _ _Deputy.

I, We Palmer Hughes and IVIarian ::togers Hughes husband and wife as joint tenants For
and in Consideration of the· benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance
of a sewer line through and across the prop~rty herein described, and in consideration of the
sum of One Dollar ($1•00) to them in hand paid; the receipt whereof is he'reby acknowledged, II
to hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of san Die-go,
State of· Caf.l:.lfornia,. an easement and right o'f way through, along and across all that certain
real property situate in the City of San Diego, Cobnty of San Diego, state of California,
particularly described as fdllows, to-wit: · ·
A strip of land three (3) feet in width along the northerly line of the easterly
sixty three (63} feet of lot nineteen (19) in Block Two (2} in Cente~ Addition to La Jolla
TO HAVE.AND TO HOLD the above granted and described right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a ~ewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and main-
tenance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines, it being understood that the
City of San Diego is· not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction
and maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment.
IN WITNESS WHE3EOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this fifteenth day of
November, 1927.
On· this ·1-5th day of .November, 19 27, before me, Hugh B. Cassidy a Notary Public ih
and for the said County of San Die go, state of California, residing there in, duly c ommi.s sionii
ed and sworn, personally appeared Palmer Hughes· and Marion 3ogers Hugpes personally knovvn te
me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, ·and he duly ac-
knowledged to me that they executed the same. ·
IN WITNESS VifHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal·, at my
office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this· certificate first above written.
My Commission Expires July 24, 1929.
Notary Public in and. for the County of San Diego,

State of California.
RECORDETI AT REQUEST OF City Clerk Dec. 7 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1406
Page 30$. of Deeds Records of San .Diego Coimty, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. g. PARSONS Deputy
I HEREBY CERTI:B1 Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correc.t copy of
Deed from Palmer Hugl;les et ux to City of San Diego, Document No. 216087.
City Clerk of the City ~f San Diego, California.

By_ _ __,_,~
' ~~}n-'-''--w---"'AJt~-
.... ....·~·--........;-__,;Depu ty.
. 1
We, SOUWHERN INVESTMENT COMPANY, a Corporation of San Diego, Por and in Consider-
ation of the benefits to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer
line through and across the property herein described, and in consideration of the sum of
One Dollar ($1.00) to it in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does
hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego,
State of California, an easement and right of way through, along and across all that certain
real property situate in the City of San Diego, County of Sart Diego~ State of California,
particularly described ap follows, to-wit: · · . ___ 1
!Tortherly one hundred (10:0) feet O"f Lot .l!,our (~)in Block "E" in Starkey's Pro§lpect:.
Park, in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map
thereof No• 1729, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said San Diego County, May
6' 19 22.
TO ·HAVE AND TO HOLD the aqove granted and described right of way unto the said gran1iee,
its successors and ~ssign~ forever, as a ri~ht of way for a sewer pipe. line: . ~
The purpose of this easement and r~ght of way is for the construct~on and ma~ntenanee
of a private sewer latera~ inside the property lines, it being understood that the City of
San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resu+ting from the construction and main"-
tenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment.
IN WITNESS WHE:UEOF, SOUTHERN INVEST!\'!ENT COMPANY has hereunto set their hands and
seal this lOth daj of November, 1927. ·
(SEAL) . Secretary.
On· this lOth day of November, 1927, before me, Ethel M. Williams a Notary Public in
and for the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissione-d
and sworn, personally appeared John B. starkey known to me to be the Vice President and 1
Harold B. Starkey known to me to be the Secretary of the Cornoration that executed the within
instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Insturment on behalf of tll1e
Corporation therein named, and acknowle~ged to me that such Corporation executed the same. II
IN ~VITNESS WHEREO.JJl, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed ky official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above writd!Bll.o
Notary l'ublic in and for the Cou4,ty of San Dmego, State of
(SEAL) California.
My Commission ex~ires
April 11, 1930
. ':
RECORDED AT ~-1EQUEST OF City Clerk Dec. 7 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No. 1433
·-1 Page 21 of DEEJ)S .He cords of San Diego County, Calif •
JOHN H. FERRY, County i1ecorder
By N. C. PARSONS De·pu t y
I .HEHEBY CERTI1PY that the above and foregoing is a full, true anQ.. correc~ copy of
Deed from Southern In:vestment Co. to City of San Diego, Document No. 216088.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
By · ~ <AI~ :m. Deputy.
B.A.NK O.b1 ITALY NATIONAL T~-?.US~[! AND S_.~ VHWS ASSOCIATION, a National Banking As so cia-
pion, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the United States of America.
For and in Consideration of the pene:f:'i ts to acdrue by the· location, construction and main-
tenance· of· a sewer line through and across the property herein described, and in consider-

I ation of the sum of One Dollar ($1•00) to us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby ac-
knowledged, do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a municipal corporation- in the County
of San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way through along and across all
that ·certain real property situate in the City c:·f San Diego, County of San Diego, State of
California, particularly described as follows, to-wit:
The North Forty (40) feet of Lot Five (5) in Block On~ (1) of Normal Heights, in
the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map the reo:[ No.
985 filed in the office of the County rtec.:order of said Ssn Diego County, :May 9, 1906~........,.~-·.·· I
· TO lL'iVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described right of way unto the said gran-
tee, its successors and assigns;fo~ever, as a right of way for a sewer pip~ linei
The purpose o:t· this easement and right of way is for the construction and mainten- ·
ance of a private sewer lateral inside the property lines~ it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction and
maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment.
IN WITNESS WHE.L1EO:B1 , we have hereunto set our hands j;his fourth day of November,
By L. G. iSJ:tADLEY ($~A_L_). 1Vice Pr~_~t.
Asst. Trust Officer
S~J.lATE 1011 CA LI.B,ORN IA, ) SS
COU.N'J.lY 91!,., SAN DIEGO,}
On this 4th day of November, 1927 before me, Ruth Averell a Notary Public in and fo~
said County, personally appeared 1. G. Bradley known to me to be the Vice-President and H.
E. Hagenbruch known to me to be the Asst. ~Prust Officer of the Corporation that executed the
within instrument, known· to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf

I of the Corporation therein named, and aclmowledged to me that such Corporation executed the
Notary ?ublic in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) . State of California.
:rtECGWED A'11 REQUE:=~T 01!1 City Clerk Dec. 7, 1~:27 at 11 o'clock 1~. M. In Book No. 1386
Page 493 of Deeds. 3eco~d8 of Sen Diego County, Calif, '·
JOHN H. :B,E~GY, County :.~ecorde·r
• By N. C•. :PA:i.~SONS .Deputy.
I HE3EF.f CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and co:cre ct copy of
Deed from Bank of Italy-National Trust and Savings .Association to The City of San Diego,
Document No. 216089.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

.. -'-"'!::a-..::i::+,---L\h~
.• ~W~~J~·'t~e"'*'f,....."_.__.Deputy.

I, :Robert L. Sterling and Gertrude sterling Par and in Consideration of the
to accrue by the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line throu~h and acrtlllss
the p~operty herein described, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar (~l.OO) to ~n
in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby ac.k:nowledged, do hereby-grant· to the City of
San .Diego, a municipal corporation in the County of San Diego, State of California, an ease-
ment and right of way through, along and acorss all that dertain real property situate in
the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as
follows, to-wit:
The Nortn .B1 orty (40) feet of lot five (5) in Block One (1) of Normal Heights.·
TO ·H..4.VE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described right of way unto the said grantee,
its euccessors and assigns forever, as a right of way for·a sewer pipe line.
The purpose cif this ~asemant and right of way is for the construction and mainten-
ance of a private sewer lateral insid.e the property lines, it being understood that the City
of San Diego is not to be h,eld liable for any damage resulting from the construction and
maintenance of sewer laterals over and ac~oss this easment.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this. 26th day of
October, 1927.
·on this 26th day of october,. 1927, before me, Reina Smith a Notary Publia in and
for the said County of San Diego, State of Califopnia, residing therein, duly commissioned
and· sworn, pe·rsonally appeared =~obert 1. Ste.rling and Gertrude Sterling personally known to me.
to be the persons whose names are -subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly acknow-
ledged to me that they executed the same.
IN WI.TNESS WHEREO:B,, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the County·of San Diego, the day and year in this certificat4 first above written.
Notary Public in· and for the County of San Diego, State of
(SEAL) California.
My Commission Expires,
@ct. 31, 1928.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF City Clerk De.c. 7, 1927 at ll o'clock A. M• In Book No·. 1430

I Page 47 of DE;EDS Records of san Diego County, Calif.

\ ~-.
JOHN H. ] 1ERRY, County :rtecorder
By N. C. PARSONS Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and c·orrect copy of
Deed fro.m Rooert L. ·sterling et ux to City of san Diego, Document No. 216090.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
D E E D. I
I, Harry H·. Schwartz, a bache lor, .Por and in Cons ide rat ion of the benefits to accrue !.'

by the location, construction and maintenance of a se•wer line through and across 'the propert!
herein described, and in consideration of the sum·of One Dollar t$1.00) to me· in hand paid,
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to the City of San Diego, a
municipal corporation i~ the County of San Diego, State of Califormia, an easement and right
of way through, along and across all that certain real property situate in the City of San
Diego, County of San J;>'iego, State of California, particularly described as follows, to-wit:
The East one·;;.·half of Lots "G" and "H", of Block One hundred and twenty-nine, in
Hortons Addition. ·
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted .and described right of way unto the said gran-
tee, its sucoessors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a se;we;r_ pipe line •
. The purpose. of t:P,is easement and right of way is for the construction and main-
tenance of a private sewer latera~:inside the property lines, it being understood that the
City of San Diego is not to be he1d liable for any damage resulting from the ·construction
and maintenance of sewer laterals-over and across this easment.
IN WITNESS WlBlE.:tEOF, I have hereunto hand and seal this 21st day of October
On this 21st day of October;. [1:927, before. me, . Adolph J. :Mende a Notary Public in
and for the said County of ·san Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commission-
ed and sworn, personally appeared Harry H. Schwartz personally known to me to be' the person
whose name is subscribed to the ·within instrument, .and he duly acknowledged ·to me that he
exe.cuted the same. · ·
IN WITNESS . WHEREOF; I have. hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in this cer-tificate firt~t above
Notary Public in, and for the County of San Diego,
State of California.
My Commission expires,
September 10, 1930. ·
RECORDED AT REQUEST 01!1 City Clerk Dec. 7, 192:7 at 11 o'clock A.M. an Book No·. 1433
Page 19 of DEEDS Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FEllliY, County Recorder
By· N. C. l'ARSONS Deputy_

I HEREBY CERTI.l!1 Y that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Harry H. Schwartz to the City of San Diego, Document No• 216091.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.

WE, JOHN BIRD and MARY A. BIRD, husband and wife,. 1Por and in Considers. tion of the
ben~fits to accrue by the location and construction of a sewer line by the City of San Diego,
California, through and across the property hereinafter described, and in consideration o£
the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), to us in hand paid, the receipt o:f whereof is hereby acknow-
-ledged, d.o hereby grant to the City of san Diego, a municipal corporation .in the County of
San Diego, State of California, an easement and right of way for the construction and main-
tenance of a line of sewers through, aLong and across all that. certain real property, situate1
in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described
as follo~s, to~wit:
The South ·f'our (4) feet of the North Sixty-five (65) feet of the North Two Hundred
.twenty-five (225) of 'the East ]1 ifty-three (53) fe~t of the North Three.Hundred (300) feet of
Lot Twenty-five ,t25) in Block "lin of Teralta-Heights, according to map thereof No. 1009,
filed in the office. of the :aecorder of said San Diego County, October 5th, 1906·~
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above 6ranted a~d described right of way unto the said City
of San Diego, its successors and assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
, I
IN WITNESS vVh"EREO.b' we have hereunto set our hands and seals this twenty-fifth
day o·f' July, 19 27.
On this 25th day of July, 1927, before rr_le, JOHN v. RUSH a Notary .Public in and for
the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and t':".·~·!.'
sworn, personally appeared JOHN BE~D and l.JARY A. BIRD per~onally known to me to be the per-
sons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and he duly acknowledged to me
that they executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed :ny official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego; the day and year in this certificate first above
. JOHN V. imSH
Nota1·y Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission_ expires August, 31, 1930.
RECORDED AT REQUEST O:E' C.i ty Clerk Dec. 7, 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In Book No.l386
Page 494 of Deeds. Records of San.Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By N. C. PARSONS Deputy.

I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above:. and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Jphn Bird and Mary A. Bird to the City of San Diego, California, Document No. 216.092.
City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
I, .d. E. Me Coy and Vera N. McCoy ]1 oc and in Consideration of the benefits to
accrue by.the location, construction and maintenance of a sewer line throuih and across the
property lb.e.ret:ril. described, and in consideration of the .sum of One Dollar (.;pl.OO) to us in
hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant to ~he Oi'tly of San

Diego, a municipe.l corporation in the County of San Diego, .State of California, an easement
and' right of way through, along and across all that certain real property situate in the
·City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, particularly described as fol-
lows, to-·wi t:
Lot 5 in Block B of Normal Htgs. being a resubdivision of Villa Lots 117 to 127
inclusive and a portion of Villa Lot 116 of Normal Heights according to Map No. 1156,
filed Dec. 10, 1908.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above granted and described right of way unto the said
grantee, its successors and- assigns forever, as a right of way for a sewer pipe line.
The purpose of this easement and right of way is for the construction and main-
tenance of a private sewer lateral ·inside the property l-ines, it being understood that ·the
City of San Diego is not to be held liable for any damage resulting from the construction
and maintenance of sewer laterals over and across this easment;
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands and seals this Tenth day of
August, lS'27·. · ·
n. E. McCOY (SEAL)
On this lOth day of August, 1927, before me, Viola Dodge a Notary Public in and for
the said County of San Diego, .state of California, residing t'herein, duly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared R. ·E. McCOY and VEnA N. McCOY personally known to me to be the
persons whose names subscribed to the within instrument, and they duly acknowledged to me
the.t they executed the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at my
office in the ·courity bt San Diego, the day and y~ar in this certificate first above written.
. VI0'4A DODGE formerly VIOLA WILSON .

. My Commis8ion Expires
March 18, 1930
Notary ?ublic in and for the County of San Diego, State of
California •

REC03DED AT rtEQUEST OF City Clerk Dec. 7, 1927 at 11 o'clock A.M. In ·Book No. 1406
Page· 301 of Deeds Records of San Diego County; Calif.
JOIDJ H• .li~RRY; County 3ecorder
By N. C. PARSONS Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY'that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from ~. E. McCoy and Vera· N. McCoy to the City of San Diego, Document No. 216093.
·city Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.


Mercy Hospital of the~isters of Mercy of the City of San Diego, Calif., a corp-
oration, For and in consideration of the benefits to accure to the grantors herein from the
location of a public highway over, along and across the Iands hereinafter described Do Here-
by grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal C9rpora tion, .in the County of San Diego,
State of California, for Street purposes only All that ~eal Property situated in the City
of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded and described as follows:
Begining at the most southerly corner of lot 6 as said lot 6 is delineated and so
designatt;;d on That certai-n Map entitled 11 G.A. Bush·Additionn etc., and filed in the Off;ice
of the County Recorder of San Diego County said Map being Map #1915, San Diego County Recor1s,

I and running thence north 18 degrees 38 minutes and'40 seconds east 100.02 feet; thence along
the arc of a curve to the right, the radius of which'· curve is 200.79 feet, and the chord of I
whi·ch arc bears north 28. degrees 40 minutes and 20 seconds, east a distance on said arc 70.~8
feet; thence tangent to said curve north 38 degrees and 41 minutes east 75.06 feet;. thence I
along the arc of a curve to the left, -~he radius of which curve is 15.31-feet, and .the chord
of which arc bears north 12 degrees 42 minutes and 21 seconds west, a d~stance on said arc
27~55 feet;. to· a point on the northerly bound,lY' 0f Lot l,·G.A.Bush Addition, as said .Lot l
is delineated and so designated on said Map· of G.A.Bush Addition; thence south 25-degrees
and 48 minutes west 204.77 feet; thence along the arc of a ·curve to the left, the radius of
which curve is 749.6 feet; and _the- chord of which arc. bears 'south 24 degrees 10 minutes and
50 seconds west a distance on said arc of 42.59 feet to a point on the w~sterly·boundary of
said Lot 6; thence south 0 degrees and 42 minut,es east 30.12 feet; to the point of begi.ning.
Being portions of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6~ of said Map of G. A~ Bush Addition,
and lying all_within the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns, forever for Street purp9ses;
Witness our hands and seals this 6th day of May, 1927.
On this 6th day of May, 1~27, before me, A.It;.• Hoss, a Notary fublic ·in and for the
said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, du=!.y commissioned and sworn,

personally appeared Sister Mary Lygori McNaruara known to Jne to be trre President and Sister
Mary Patricia O'Dryer known to me to be the Secretary of the Corporat-ion that executed the
within instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on be-
half of the Corporation thereinnamed, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed
the same. ·
IN WITNESS WHEHEOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Office seal, at my
Office in the County ofSan Diego, the day and year in this Certificate first above written.
Notary .Public in and for the County of San Diego, State of
(SEAL) California.


RECORDED·· AT REQUEST OF A. 'H. Wright SEP 21 1927 at 32 Min. past 10 o 1 clock A.M.
In Book No. 1404 Page 24 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy. '
I HEREBY CERTIH'Y that the above and foregoing
Deed from Mercy Hospital of the Sisters of Mercy to the
No. 212349.
is a full, true and corr-ect .copy of
City of San Diego. Being ·Document
', '

City Clerk of the City of San Diego, California.
By ___,

Mercy Hospi-tal of the· Sister-s of Mercy of the City of ~an Diego, Calif., a corp-
.... oration, For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue to the grantors herein from the
location of a public highway over, along and across the lands her.einafter described Do Here-
by Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, for Street purposes only All
Real Property situated. in the City of San .Diego, County of San Diego, State of California,
bounded and described as follows: · · ,
v All of Lot 2 as said Lot 2 is delineated and so designated on that certain Map en-
,~·t titled "Map of Fleischer's Addition to San Diego," etc., filed in the Office of the County
Recorder of S~n Diego County, California, February 4th, 1896; said Map ~?ing #811, San Diego
County Records, lying easterly of the following described line:
Beginning at a point on the southerly line of said Lot 2, distant on said line north
83 degrees and 18 minutes east 244.74 feet from the southwesteriy corner of said Lot 2, and
running then.ce north· 17 degrees and 3 minutes east 383.65 feet; ·thence along the arc of a
curve to the left, the radius of which curve is 560 feet, and the chord of which arc bears
north 6 degrees, 50 minutes ,east a distance on said arc of 199.75 feet to a point on the north
erly line of said Lot 2. distant on said line south 77 degrees 57 minutes east 159.18 feet
from the southeasterly corner of lot 15 of said Fleishers Addition.·
Being a portion of said, Lot 2, Fleis.C.her' s Addition, and lying all within the City
of San Diego, County of San Diegb, State of California.
To Have arid to Hold the above granted and described premises unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns forever for Street purposes.
In Witness Where.of, said Corporatioi? has caused this instrument to be executed by
its proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this· eth day of May, ·1927.
Witness: G. L. Wilson OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO.
(SEAL) Attest:
SISTEH M ~ PATRICIA 0 1 DWYEH_, Secretary.
. '
On this 6th day of May, 1927, before m~, A. L. Ross a Notary Public in and for the
said-Courity of San Diego, State of California,(residing therein, duly commissioned and·sworn,
personally appeared Sister Mary Liguori McNamara, known to me to be the President and Sister!
Mary Patricia 0 1 D~yer, knovm to me to be the Secretary of the Corporation that executed the
within instrument, -known to me to be the persons• who executed tbe within Instrument on behal1· ·
of the Corporation the·rein named-, ~nd acknowledge·d to me that such Corporation executed the
same. · ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I-have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal; at
my office ±ii__ the___ County of San Diego, the day and year in this certificate first above writt .. n.
. A. L.~HOSS
Notary_Public in and for the County of San Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee SEP 21 1927 at 33 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M., In Book
No. 1350 Page 443 of Deed Records of San Diego County, .Calif.
JOHN H. FERHY, Co-unty Hecorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Mercy Hospital of the Sisters of Mercy to the City of San Diego. Being Document
No. 212350.
City ·Clerk of the City of SanDiego, California.

. ------------~--' ~~~JAJ~~ ___Deputy.

' -~

Mercy Hospital of the Sisters of1Mercy of the City of San Diego, Calif. a corpora-
tion, For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue to the grantors herein from the
location of a public }1ighway over, along. al?~ across the lands hereinafter described Do HerebYi,.
Grant to th~City .of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, for road purposes only All that Real
Property situated in the City of San Diego, County of San Diego, State of California, bounded
and described as follows: · I·
All of Lot A, as said Lot A is .. delineated and so designated on that certain Map en-
titled "Map of Fleischer's Addition to ~an Diego," etc., filed in the Office of ~he County I.
Recorder of San Diego County, 8alifornia, February 4th, 1896, said Map being #811, San Diego
County Records, lying easterly of the following ·desc~ibed line:
Beginning at a point on the northerly line of said Lot A, distant thereon north
83 degrees and 18 minutes east 214~18 feet from the northwesterly corner of said Lot A, and
running thence south 17 degrees and 3 minutes west 112.12 feet to the southerly line of said
Lot A.
Being a portion of said Lot A, and lying all within the City of San Diego, County
of San Diego, State of California.
To Have and to Hold the above granted and described premises unto the said grantee,
its suc-cessors and assigns forever for Street purposes.
· - I~-Witness Whereof, said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by
its_ proper dfficers and its corporate seal affixed this 6th day of May, 1927.·
(SEAL) Attest:

On this 6th day·of May A.D. 1927, before me; A. L. Ross a Notary-Public in and
for said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, auly commissioned and
sworn, personally appeared Sister Mary Liguori McNamara .knqwn to me to be the President,
and Sister Mary Patricia O'Dwyer known to me to .be the- Secr·etary of the Corporation that
executed the within instr·umen t, known to me to be the persons who executed the within In-
l ,.
strument on behalf of the Corporation therein named, and acknowl~dged to me that such Corp-
oration executed the same. ·
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at
my office in the County of San Diego, the day and year in'this Certificate first above written.
A•. L. HOSS . .: I
(SEAL) Notary Public in and for San Diego County, State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee SEP 21 1927 at 34 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M.; in Book
No. 1367 .Page 383 of Deeds Records of San Diego County, Calif.
JOHN H. FERRY'~ County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD~ Deputy.
I HEHEBY CERTIFY that the ab.ove.and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Dee¢! from Mercy Hospital of the Sisters of Mercy to the City of San Di.ego. Being .Document
No. 212351.
City Clerk of the City Df San Diego, California.

I By

Mercy Hospital of the Sisters of Mercy of the City of San Diego, C~lif., a corp-
oration, For and in consideration of the benefits to accrue to the grantors herein from the
location of a public highway over, along and across th~ lands hereinafter described Do Herer
by Grant to the City of San Diego, a Municipal Corporation, in the County of San Diego, State
of California, for Street purposes only All that Real Property si_ tuated in the City of San
Diego, County of San Diego, State of Californie., bounded and described as follows: ·
Beginning at the southwest .:corner of Lot 9, as Lot 9 is delineated and so- designated
on that certain Map entitled 11 G. A. Bush Additionn etc., and filed in the Office of the Coulhty
Recorder of San Diego County, said Map being Map #1915, San Di·ego County; Records, and Tunni*g
thence north 89 degrees and 18 minutes east 19.12 feet; thence northerly· along the arc of a1
curve to the right, the radius of which curve is 669.6 feet, and the chord of which arc beaFs
north 12 d~grees and ~3 minutes east, ·a distance on said ar~ of 309.7 feet; thence tangent
to said cu·rve north 25 degrees and 48 minut~s east ·159.1· _feet to an intersection with tp.e ·
westerly line of Lot A, and the easterly line of Mission ·valley Way, as said Lot A and said
Mission Valley Way are shown· on said Map of G. A. Bush Addition, distant thereon south-38
degrees and 41 minutes west 82.19 feet from the nor.thwest corner, of said Lot A; thence along
last _.said line south 38 degrees and 41 minutes west 74.23 feet;. thence along the arc of a
curve to the left, the radius of which curve is 140. 79 feet, and the chord of which arc
bears south 28 degrees, 40·minut~s and 20 seconds west a distance. on said arc 49.27 feet;
thence tangent to said curve south 18 degrees, 38 minut·es and 40 seconds west 272.53 feet;
thence south 0 degrees and 42 minutes east -53.65 feet to the point of beginning.
Being a portion of L.ots A, 7, $, 9, of said _,Map of G. A. Bush f?.ddition, and lying
all within the City of San Diego, County of San Diego; State of California.

1 To Have and to Hol.9-- the above granted and descrj.bed premises unto the said grantee,
its successors and assigns; forever for Street purposes.
Witness our hands and seals this 6th day ·of May, 192?.
On this 6th day of May, 1927, before me, A. L. Ross a Notary Public in and for
the said County of San Diego, State of California, residing therein, duly commi~ssioned and
sworn, personally appeared Sister Mary Liguori McNamara known to me to he~. the .?resident and
Sister Mary Patricia 0 1 Dvzyer known to me to be the Secretary of the Corporation that execut,d
the within instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on
behalf of the Corporation therein named, ·and acknowledged to· me that such Corporation executed
the same. I
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have he-reunto set my hand aml affixed my official seal, at
my office in· the County of San Diego, the day and year ~n tb.J,~ certificate first above vv-rJtiten.
Notary Public in and for the County of'San.Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
RECORDED AT REQUEST OF Gtee SEP 21 l927 at 35 Min~ past 10 o'clock A.M., In Book
No. 1385 Page 249 of DEEDS -H.~ cords of San Diego Cou'nty, Calif.
JOHN H. FEii.RY, County Recorder
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HET-\EBY CER'lTli',Y that t:q.e above and for~going is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from Mercy Hospital of the Sisters of Mercy to the City of San Diego. Being Document
No. 212352.
City Clerk of the City of San ~iego, California.

By_____-.______ L~~_,___,t.Y_~
;"; .'
..:.·. ~· . ;.

>SaT). Diego T·rust and Savings Bank, a corporation, For and in· consideration of One !
DOLLAR, Does Hereby Remise, release and quitqlaim to the City of San Diego, a Municipal corpl
oration, in the C9unty of San Diego, State of California, ap··easement and right of way for •'
the construction, operation and maintenance. of a drain for sto"vm water_s, through, along and
across All that Real Property situated in the City of San.Diego, County of San Diego, State

of California,. bounded and described as follows: ~ 'I

A portion of Lots 1, 2, 45, 46 and 47, Block 257, Hayden's Subdivision, accordtng \
to Map thereof No. 24, filed in the Office bf the County Recorder of said San Di.ego County,
said easement and right of way being particularly described as follows, to-wit:
Beginning· at a point on the northwesterly line of said Lot 1, distant 90.00 feet
southwesterly from the northerly·corner of said Lot 1; thence northeasterly on a direct line
to a point on the northeasterly line of said Lo~.1, .distant 24.12 feet southeasterly from
the northerly corner of ·said Lot 1; thence southeasterly along the northeasterly line of sai<ii
Lots 1 and 2 to the easterly corner of said Lot 2; thence southwesterly in a direct line to II
a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 1, distant 12.51 feet northwesterly from the
southerly.corner of said Lot 1; thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of said Lot
1 to the westerly corner of said Lot·l; thence northeasterly along the northwesterly line of
said Lot 1 to the point or place of beginning; ALSO, ,
Beginning at a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 47, distant 4.48 feet
southeasterly from the ~vesterly corner of. said Lot 47; thence northeasterly on a direct line
to a point on t~e northeast£xly line of said Lot 46, distant 16.99 feet southeasterly from
the northerly corner of said Lot 46; thence southeasterly along the·northeasterly line of
said Lots 46 and a point distant 7.13 feet northwesterly from the easterly corner of
said Lot 45; thence southwesterly in a dire~t line to a point on the southwesterly line of ,·
said Lot 46, dis ta.nt 19.64 feet northwesterly from the southerly corner of sc:dd Lot 46; thenme
nor~hw~sterly al:ong the southwesterly line of said Lots 46 and 47 to the point or place of· J

beg1nn1ng. · . .
To Have and to Hold the above quitclaimed and described easement unto the said
grantee, its succ.essors and assigns forever. ·
IN WITNES$ WHEHEOF: said Corporation has caused this instrument to be executed by
its proper officers and its corporate seal affixed this 19th day of August, 1927.
(SEAL) Attest:
c. L. R~ED, Assistant Secretary.
By-c. W. WILSON, Vice-President. I
. '
On this 19th day of August A.D. Nineteen-Hundred and Twenty-seven.~before me,
Angeline Theede a Notary Public in and for said County, res:lding therein, duly commissioned
and sworn, personally appeared C. w. WILSON known to me to be the.Vice President, and
c. L. ·'REED knovvn to me to be the Assistant Secretary of the Corporation that executed the
within instrument, known to me to be the- persons who executed the within instrument on be-
half of the Corporation within named, and acknowledged· to me that such Corporation execute~
the same.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, in 1
the County of San Diego, State of California, the day and year in this certificate first above
written. · 1

Notary Public in and for the County of San· Diego,
(SEAL) State of California.
My Commission expires,
January 30th, 1930.
RECORDED AT BEQUEST OF City Clerk SEP 28 1927 at 30 Min. past 10 o'clock A.M.
Jn Book No. 1388 Page 160 of De~d Rebords ef San Diego
County, Calif. .
JOHN H. FERRY, County Recor&er
By L. B. WOODARD, Deputy.
I HEHEBY CERTIFY that t-he above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Deed from S. D. 'l'r. & Say. Bk. to th~ City of San Diego. Being Docuinent No. 212570.
i · r
C~ty. Clerk of the City of San Diego, Calif·rnia.

By _ _ __ ~ ~.w_d£,1-___peputy J ~ -·. ...


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