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Author: PeopleFirst Status: APPROVED

Author’s Job Title: HR Consultancy Issue Date: 1st March 2012
Owner: Asad Badami Effective Date: 1st April 2012
Owner’s Job Title: Managing Director Revision #: 00
Version (V): 01 Document ID: HRP&P

While the following signatories are the initial approvers of this document, any future update and
change request will be administered and managed by the HR and Administration department and
approved by the Managing Director.

PeopleFirst HR Consultancy 1st March 2012

Author: Signature Date

Asad Badami 1st March 2012

Owner: Signature Date

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1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Welcome Message ........................................................................................................................................ 9
1.2 Purpose of the Manual ............................................................................................................................. 10
1.3 Applicable Law ........................................................................................................................................... 10
1.4 Administration of the Manual ................................................................................................................. 10
1.5 Equal Opportunity ....................................................................................................................................... 11
1.6 Definitions .................................................................................................................................................. 11
2. ABOUT A-MAP ............................................................................................................................................ 12
2.1 Introduction to A-MAP .............................................................................................................................. 12
2.2 Business Goals........................................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Company Values ..................................................................................................................................... 13
3. RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION ........................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Purpose of the Policy .................................................................................................................................. 14
3.2 Eligibility .................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.3 Policy Statements and Application .................................................................................................... 14
3.3.1 Recruitment Planning ....................................................................................................................... 14
3.3.2 Recruitment Requests........................................................................................................................ 15
3.3.3 Job Descriptions ................................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.4 Sourcing ................................................................................................................................................ 15
3.3.5 Managing Applications ..................................................................................................................... 16
3.3.6 Short Listing Applications ................................................................................................................. 16
3.3.7 Selection Methods ............................................................................................................................... 17
3.3.8 Interview Arrangements ................................................................................................................... 17
3.3.9 Interviews.............................................................................................................................................. 17
3.3.10 References............................................................................................................................................. 18
3.3.11 Selection ................................................................................................................................................ 18
3.3.12 Successful Applications ...................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.13 Unsuccessful Applications ................................................................................................................. 19
3.3.14 Overseas Recruitment ....................................................................................................................... 19
3.3.15 Employee Referrals ............................................................................................................................ 19
3.3.16 Employment of Relatives ................................................................................................................. 19
3.3.17 Re-Employment of Former Employees ........................................................................................ 21
3.3.18 Emiratisation ....................................................................................................................................... 21
4. ON BOARDING AND JOINING FORMALITIES ................................................................................... 22

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4.1 Purpose of the Policy ................................................................................................................................. 22
4.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................... 22
4.3 Policy Statements and Application ................................................................................................... 22
4.3.1 Personal Information for Employment ........................................................................................ 22
4.3.2 Date of Joining ................................................................................................................................... 23
4.3.3 UAE Residence visa ........................................................................................................................... 23
4.3.4 Medical Check .................................................................................................................................... 24
4.3.5 Emirates ID .......................................................................................................................................... 24
4.3.6 Relocation Assistance ........................................................................................................................ 25
4.3.7 Opening a Bank Account................................................................................................................ 25
4.3.8 Passport Safekeeping ....................................................................................................................... 26
4.3.9 Home Country.................................................................................................................................... 26
4.3.10 Induction .............................................................................................................................................. 26
4.3.11 Probation and Confirmation .......................................................................................................... 27
5. EMPLOYEE PERSONAL DATA............................................................................................................... 29
5.1 Purpose of the Policy ................................................................................................................................. 29
5.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................... 29
5.3 Policy Statements and Application ................................................................................................... 29
5.3.1 Personal Data Collection and Protection ................................................................................... 29
5.3.2 Employee Files .................................................................................................................................... 29
5.3.3 Personal Data Updates .................................................................................................................. 30
6. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT .................................................................................. 31
6.1 Purpose of the Policy ............................................................................................................................. 31
6.2 Eligibility .................................................................................................................................................... 31
6.3 Policy Statements and Application .................................................................................................... 31
6.3.1 Employment Categories ................................................................................................................... 31
6.3.2 Employment Contract....................................................................................................................... 31
6.3.3 Non Disclosure Agreement.............................................................................................................. 32
6.3.4 Intellectual Property ......................................................................................................................... 32
6.3.5 Company Assets ................................................................................................................................. 32
6.3.6 Business cards...................................................................................................................................... 33
6.3.7 Mobiles and Blackberry ................................................................................................................... 34
6.3.8 Driving License ................................................................................................................................... 35
7. COMPANY CODE OF CONDUCT .......................................................................................................... 36
7.1 Purpose of Policy ........................................................................................................................................ 36
7.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................... 36
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7.3 Policy Statements and Application ................................................................................................... 36
7.3.1 Employee Conduct ............................................................................................................................ 36
7.3.2 Workplace Etiquette ........................................................................................................................ 36
7.3.3 Bullying and Harassment ................................................................................................................ 37
7.3.4 Dress Code ........................................................................................................................................... 37
7.3.5 Interaction with Customers ............................................................................................................. 38
7.3.6 Visitors in the Workplace ................................................................................................................. 38
7.3.7 Public Relations and Media ............................................................................................................ 39
7.3.8 Conflict of Interest ............................................................................................................................. 39
7.3.9 Other Employment .......................................................................................................................... 40
7.3.10 Compliance with the Law .............................................................................................................. 40
7.3.11 Conduct in Monetary Matters ........................................................................................................ 42
7.3.12 Entertainment .................................................................................................................................... 42
7.3.13 Acceptance of Gifts ........................................................................................................................... 42
7.3.14 Office Phones and Courier Services .............................................................................................. 42
7.3.15 Internet and Email ............................................................................................................................ 43
7.3.16 Downloading and Installing Unauthorised Applications......................................................... 44
7.3.17 Company Equipment and Vehicles .............................................................................................. 44
7.3.18 Company Accommodation ............................................................................................................ 45
7.3.19 Non-Smoking Policy ......................................................................................................................... 45
7.3.20 Drugs and Alcohol ............................................................................................................................. 45
8. PETTY CASH ................................................................................................................................................ 47
8.1 Purpose of Policy ........................................................................................................................................ 47
8.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................... 47
8.3 Policy Statements and Application ................................................................................................... 47
8.3.1 Purpose of Petty Cash ...................................................................................................................... 47
8.3.2 Requests for Petty Cash ................................................................................................................... 47
8.3.3 Handling Petty Cash ........................................................................................................................ 48
9. WORK SCHEDULE ..................................................................................................................................... 49
9.1 Purpose of Policy.................................................................................................................................... 49
9.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................... 49
9.3 Policy Statements and Application ................................................................................................... 49
9.3.1 Hours of Work .................................................................................................................................... 49
9.3.2 Time Records ....................................................................................................................................... 51
9.3.3 Ramadan Hours ................................................................................................................................. 51
9.3.4 Overtime............................................................................................................................................... 51
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9.3.5 Punctuality and Attendance.......................................................................................................... 52
9.3.6 Unauthorised Absence ..................................................................................................................... 53
10. LEAVE............................................................................................................................................................ 55
10.1 Purpose of Policy.................................................................................................................................... 55
10.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................... 55
10.3 Policy Statements and Application ................................................................................................... 55
10.3.1 Annual Leave ..................................................................................................................................... 55
10.3.2 Public Holidays .................................................................................................................................. 57
10.3.3 Sick Leave ........................................................................................................................................... 57
10.3.4 Hajj Leave ........................................................................................................................................... 59
10.3.5 Maternity Leave ................................................................................................................................ 59
10.3.6 Compassionate Leave ..................................................................................................................... 60
10.3.7 Unpaid Leave ...................................................................................................................................... 61
10.3.8 Leave Request Procedure ................................................................................................................ 61
10.3.9 Leave Salary Advance ...................................................................................................................... 61
10.3.10 Leave Amendments ......................................................................................................................... 62
10.3.11 Returning to Work ............................................................................................................................ 63
11. BUSINESS TRAVEL ..................................................................................................................................... 64
11.1 Purpose of Policy.................................................................................................................................... 64
11.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................... 64
11.3 Policy Statements and Application ................................................................................................... 64
11.3.1 Reasons for Business Travel ............................................................................................................. 64
11.3.2 Requests for Business Travel ........................................................................................................... 64
11.3.3 Business Travel Arrangements ....................................................................................................... 64
11.3.4 Business Travel Expenses .................................................................................................................. 65
11.3.5 Business Travel Expense Claim Procedure .................................................................................. 65
11.3.6 Business Travel Expense Disclaimer .............................................................................................. 66
12. COMPENSATION ....................................................................................................................................... 67
12.1 Purpose of Policy.................................................................................................................................... 67
12.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................... 67
12.3 Policy Statement and Application .................................................................................................... 67
12.3.1 Salary Components ........................................................................................................................... 67
12.3.2 Salary Payment ................................................................................................................................. 67
12.3.3 Salary Certificates .............................................................................................................................. 68
12.3.4 Salary Corrections .............................................................................................................................. 68
12.3.5 Confidentiality of Salary Information .......................................................................................... 68
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12.3.6 Salary Increment ............................................................................................................................... 68
12.3.7 Sales Commission ............................................................................................................................... 69
13. BENEFITS ......................................................................................................................................................70
13.1 Purpose of Policy....................................................................................................................................70
13.2 Eligibility ...................................................................................................................................................70
13.3 Policy Statements and Application ...................................................................................................70
13.3.1 Annual Air Travel Ticket .................................................................................................................70
13.3.2 Medical insurance ..............................................................................................................................70
13.3.3 Life Insurance....................................................................................................................................... 71
13.3.4 Workmen's Compensation ............................................................................................................... 71
13.3.5 End of Service ..................................................................................................................................... 72
14. REWARD AND RECOGNITION .............................................................................................................. 74
14.1 Purpose of the Policy ............................................................................................................................ 74
14.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................... 74
14.3 Policy Statements and Application ................................................................................................... 74
14.3.1 Company Bonus ................................................................................................................................ 74
14.3.2 Employee Recognition ..................................................................................................................... 74
15. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ............................................................................................................. 76
15.1 Purpose of the Policy ............................................................................................................................ 76
15.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................... 76
15.3 Policy Statements and Application ................................................................................................... 76
15.3.1 Annual Cycle....................................................................................................................................... 76
15.3.2 Performance Evaluation Process .................................................................................................. 76
15.3.3 Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................................ 77
15.3.4 Managing Poor Performance ........................................................................................................ 77
16. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT .......................................................................................................... 79
16.1 Purpose of the Policy ............................................................................................................................ 79
16.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................... 79
16.3 Policy Statements and Application ................................................................................................... 79
16.3.1 Identification of Training Needs .................................................................................................... 79
16.3.2 Training Plan ...................................................................................................................................... 79
16.3.3 Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................................80
16.3.4 Training Request Process .................................................................................................................80
16.3.5 Training Evaluation ..........................................................................................................................80
16.3.6 Training Cancellation ........................................................................................................................ 81
16.3.7 Trainees and Internships ................................................................................................................... 81
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16.3.8 Training Bond ...................................................................................................................................... 81
17. CAREER DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................................................ 83
17.1 Purpose of Policy.................................................................................................................................... 83
17.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................... 83
17.3 Policy Statements and Application ................................................................................................... 83
17.3.1 Promotions .......................................................................................................................................... 83
17.3.2 Internal Transfers ............................................................................................................................... 84
17.3.3 Succession Planning .......................................................................................................................... 84
17.3.4 Employee Development Opportunities ....................................................................................... 85
18. HEALTH AND SAFETY ............................................................................................................................. 86
18.1 Purpose of Policy.................................................................................................................................... 86
18.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................... 86
18.3 Policy Statements and Application ................................................................................................... 86
18.3.1 Health and Safety Standards......................................................................................................... 86
18.3.2 Occupational Injury .......................................................................................................................... 87
18.3.3 Evacuation .......................................................................................................................................... 88
18.3.4 First Aid ................................................................................................................................................ 88
18.3.5 Emergency Closing ............................................................................................................................ 89
19. CONCERNS AND GRIEVANCES............................................................................................................ 90
19.1 Purpose of Policy................................................................................................................................... 90
19.2 Eligibility .................................................................................................................................................. 90
19.3 Policy Statements and Application .................................................................................................. 90
19.3.1 Raising Concerns and Grievances ................................................................................................. 90
19.3.2 Raising a Concern ............................................................................................................................... 91
19.3.3 Responding to a Concern ................................................................................................................. 91
19.3.4 Untrue Allegations ............................................................................................................................. 91
19.3.5 Employee Grievances ....................................................................................................................... 92
19.3.6 Collective Grievance ......................................................................................................................... 93
19.3.7 Pay for time Spent in Grievance ................................................................................................... 93
20. DISCIPLINARY MEASURES ...................................................................................................................... 94
20.1 Purpose of Policy.................................................................................................................................... 94
20.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................... 94
20.3 Policy Statement and Application .................................................................................................... 94
20.3.1 Types of Disciplinary Action ............................................................................................................ 94
20.3.2 Acts of Misconduct ............................................................................................................................. 95
20.3.3 Acts of Gross Misconduct .................................................................................................................. 95
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20.3.4 Disciplinary Process ........................................................................................................................... 96
20.3.5 Suspension during Investigation .................................................................................................... 96
20.3.6 Appeals ................................................................................................................................................ 96
20.3.7 Resignation during Investigation ................................................................................................... 97
21. SEPERATION ............................................................................................................................................... 98
21.1 Purpose of Policy.................................................................................................................................... 98
21.2 Eligibility ................................................................................................................................................... 98
21.3 Policy Statements and Application ................................................................................................... 98
21.3.1 End of Employment .......................................................................................................................... 98
21.3.2 Resignation .......................................................................................................................................... 98
21.3.3 Termination ........................................................................................................................................ 99
21.3.4 Notice Period ...................................................................................................................................... 99
21.3.5 Retirement ........................................................................................................................................100
21.3.6 Death of Employee .........................................................................................................................100
21.3.7 Repatriation......................................................................................................................................100
21.3.8 Return of Company Assets ............................................................................................................. 101
21.3.9 Annual Leave Balance ................................................................................................................... 101
21.3.10 Cancellation of UAE Residence Visa and Work Permits ....................................................... 102
21.3.11 Exit interviews .................................................................................................................................. 102
21.3.12 Reference Letters ............................................................................................................................. 102
22. EMPLOYEE SUGGESTIONS ................................................................................................................... 103
23. FORMS AND TEMPLATES ..................................................................................................................... 104
LIST OF FORMS AND TEMPLATES ................................................................................................................... 104
24. PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................................................... 106

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Filename: Table of Contents

1.1 Welcome Message

Welcome to A-MAP.

I am pleased to welcome you to A-MAP and hope that your experience here will be challenging,
enjoyable and rewarding.

At A-MAP we believe that our people play a key role in the success of the business and each
employee contributes to achieving our overall aim of delivering the highest levels of customer
service and ensuring ultimate customer satisfaction.

The Human Resources (HR) Policy and Procedures Manual is intended to support our future
growth and enable us to implement good people management practices across the Company. I
encourage you to familiarise yourself with the contents of this manual and hope it will answer any
questions you may have about your employment with A-MAP.

I wish you a successful career with us.


Mr. Sabir Badami


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Filename: Introduction
1.2 Purpose of the Manual

The purpose of this HR Policy and Procedures Manual is to outline all aspects that govern the
employment relationship and define how the Company operates on a day to day basis with respect
to its people. The manual provides a formal framework to effectively manage people and forms an
important part of A-MAP’s approach to managing and supporting people irrespective their job
role or length of service.

The policies explained in the manual are supported with procedures, forms and templates to help
ensure a proper end to end implementation and to also ensure information is documented and

Employees are requested to consult their Department Manager and/or the HR and Administration
department should there be any question or concern relating to the policies described in this
manual. Employees are encouraged to deal openly and directly with their Department Manager in
order to create a favourable work environment where communication is transparent and attitudes
remain positive.

Any employee who requires help in accessing the manual or interpreting the policies should contact
the HR and Administration department.

1.3 Applicable Law

The policies have been developed in line with the laws issued by the Federal Government of the
UAE (UAE Labour Law). The policies are applicable to all employees except in the case where any
amendments in the Federal Law no 8, regulating Labour Regulation are more favourable to the
employee. All the policies contained in this manual and any subsequent amendments, form an
inherent part of all employment contracts issued to employees.

1.4 Administration of the Manual

All employees are responsible for adhering to the policies and guidelines stated in this manual.

Department Managers are responsible for ensuring consistent implementation of all policies and
procedures described in this manual.

The HR and Administration department is responsible for the administration of the manual which
includes any approved updates or amendments. The HR and Administration department is also
responsible for resolving any issues arising out of the interpretation of any of the policies. It is
expected that issues will be resolved with utmost concern for the employee and without
compromising the interests of the Company.

All changes, deletions or revisions to policy need to be approved and signed off by the Managing
Director (MD).

Any exceptions to these policies will be reviewed on a case by case basis and will need to be
approved by the MD.

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Filename: Introduction
1.5 Equal Opportunity

The purpose of A-MAP’s equal opportunity policy is to ensure that all employees are treated fairly
and consistently in all aspects of employment. This includes all activities relating to recruitment and
selection, training and development, performance evaluation and the day to day management of

All employees will be bound by this policy and have responsibilities for ensuring that they do not
behave in a discriminatory manner towards other employees and in particular they must not:
a. Discriminate in the course of their duties or in non work related matters against fellow
b. Induce others to practice discrimination,
c. Victimise individuals who have made an allegation on discrimination or have provided
information about discriminatory behaviour in the workplace.

1.6 Definitions

Company: Al-Muqarram Auto Parts (A-MAP)

MD: The Managing Director of A-MAP

Management / An individual formally appointed to manage a department

Department Manager:

Manager: An individual who has people management responsibility and

has employees reporting directly to them on a day to day basis

Employee: An individual who has signed an employment contract with


UAE Law: UAE Federal Employment Law No. 8, for 1980 on Regulation of
Labour Relations

Appeals Committee: HR Manager, Department Manager

Resolution: A decision made to help resolve a specific concern or issue

Hearing: A formal meeting, during which a situation is presented in order

to help determine the issue

Final Settlement: The last salary paid to an employee on separation, this includes
any outstanding amounts owed to the employee minus any
applicable deductions

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Filename: Introduction

2.1 Introduction to A-MAP

Al Muqarram Auto Parts Trading (A-MAP) is part of the Al Muqarram Group, which has over fifty
(50) years of business experience in Trading and Distribution both in Pakistan and the United Arab
Emirates (UAE). A-MAP was established in 2001 as a trading company specialising in the
distribution of aftermarket automotive spare parts, automotive batteries, tyres and lubricants.

With its headquarters based in the heart of Dubai, A-MAP has developed a global network of
branch offices in China, South Africa and USA. A-MAP has developed a strong competitive
advantage by establishing relationships with leading brands such as Solite, Asimco, RBI, Achilles,
and Fenix. It has built a strong market presence in the UAE and in international markets in North
Africa, Middle East, South Asia, CIS and Eastern Europe.

A-MAP has a strong customer focus and aims to deliver the highest levels of service to its customers.
With this approach, A-MAP has become one of the leading distributors in the automobile spare
parts industry and aspires to achieve the most consistent level of supply chain management system,
resulting in ultimate customer satisfaction.

A-MAP has experienced exponential growth over the past three (3) years. In addition to its Head
Office, A-MAP has two (2) retail showrooms and six (6) warehouses across Sharjah and Jebel Ali.

2.2 Business Goals

The business goals that A-MAP aspires to realise through the commitment of its employees are to:

 Grow local and international market share through exploring and tapping into new
 Generate new revenue streams through the introduction of new and innovative products and
 Implement the most consistent level of supply chain management.
 Consistently provide the highest level of customer service and increase customer satisfaction.
 Continue to build on value added services such as warranties and technical support to

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Filename: About A-MAP
2.3 Company Values

Everyone who is part of A-MAP is guided by core values which are as follows:

 Customer Trust
We work in a manner which enables customers to trust our business ethics and pricing structure.
We continuously seek to offer our customers high quality products and brands at the most
competitive prices and serve our customers with the highest standards of service.

 Passion:
We are passionate about our brands, our products, our achievements and our people. We
demonstrate confidence, enthusiasm and dedication in everything we do.

 Teamwork:
We work collaboratively as a team to support each others’ efforts in a reliable and respectful
manner. We strive to support each other to achieve both individual and Company goals.

 Empowerment:
We empower our talent and encourage our people to be proactive and take the initiative to
execute tasks and make effective decisions. Effective decision making and prudent risk taking is
encouraged and rewarded.

 Relationship:
We endeavour to build strong relationships with our suppliers, customers and any party
involved in doing business with A-MAP. We are transparent and ethical in all our interactions.

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Filename: About A-MAP

3.1 Purpose of the Policy

The purpose of this policy is to:

a. Provide a robust framework within which A-MAP can attract and retain people with the right
skills, qualifications and experience in order to ensure that it has the necessary resources to help
deliver the Company’s goals and objectives.

b. Ensure that the recruitment and selection process maintains high levels of professionalism and is
carried out in a timely manner.

c. Provide existing employees to the opportunity to develop and grow within the Company.

d. Enhance A-MAP’s employer brand by treating all candidates fairly, equitably and efficiently
and providing a candidate experience which is positive, irrespective of the outcome.

3.2 Eligibility

This policy applies everyone who is involved in the recruitment and selection process.

3.3 Policy Statements and Application

3.3.1 Recruitment Planning

a. All recruitment will be based on the following:

 Organisation Structure - this includes any new or additional roles which are identified in the
 Turnover – this involves filling any roles within the organisation that are vacant.

Recruitment Planning Procedure

b. At the beginning of the year, Department Managers should identify recruitment requirements.
This involves the following key aspects:
 Forecasting future recruitment needs which includes requirements for new roles, additional
roles or vacant roles within the department.
 Identifying which period during the year the recruitment requirements will arise.
 Determining the duration for which the role is required i.e. permanent full time position or
temporary position.

c. Department Managers will then need to develop a Recruitment Plan for their respective
department and submit this to the HR Manager, Finance Manager and the MD for approval.

d. The HR Manager is responsible for sharing all approved recruitment requirements and
communicating the approved headcount to Department Managers.

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Filename: Recruitment and Selection
e. Adhoc recruitment requirements that have not been forecast at the beginning of the year will
need be raised by Department Managers. In all such cases Department Managers need to
complete a Recruitment Request Form and submit to it to the Finance Manager and the HR
Manager for approval.

3.3.2 Recruitment Requests

a. Department Managers should to raise a Recruitment Request Form for all approved and
adhoc recruitment requirements.

b. Recruitment requests should define the purpose and key responsibilities of the role as well as
where it fits in the department structure. Department Managers are advised to do this by
asking the following questions:
 Will this role exist in the long-term?
 Does this role require to be filled at this time?
 Can the responsibilities be shared across the team?
 Is there an opportunity to promote someone internally into the role?

c. Department Managers should submit completed Recruitment Request Forms to the HR

Manager and Finance Manager for approval.

d. The HR Manager will communicate the outcome of the request or ask for further details to
support the request within five (5) working days from the date a request is received.

3.3.3 Job Descriptions

a. All recruitment must take place against the criteria for the role which is comprehensively
defined in the job description.

b. The HR Manager is responsible for developing job descriptions for all new roles and any roles
that need to be updated with inputs from the Department Manager.

c. The HR Manager is also responsible for evaluating new jobs within the organisation structure.

3.3.4 Sourcing

a. The HR and Administration department is responsible for sourcing suitable candidates for all
approved vacancies within the Company.

b. Job vacancies can be posted on recruitment websites, published in the local newspapers,
sourced by networking or through the use of authorised external recruitment providers.

c. Department Managers and employees can also refer suitable candidates to the HR and
Administration department should a vacancy arise. (Refer to section 3.3.15 for Employee

d. The HR and Administration department is responsible for ensuring:

 All job vacancies advertised are in line with the Company’s branding guidelines.
 Any external recruitment providers are in compliance with A-MAP’s business ethics.
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Filename: Recruitment and Selection
e. Recruitment advertisements, whether online or on paper should clearly indicate the:
 Job title
 Nature of the Company’s activities
 Job location
 Key responsibilities for the job
 Essential and the desirable criteria for job applicants
 Job tenure (contract length)
 Details of how to apply

f. All applications are to be channelled through the HR and Administration department and can
be submitted online through email or as a paper copy.

g. All applications must include an up to date curriculum vitae (CV).

3.3.5 Managing Applications

a. Job applications will be managed by the HR and Administration department and maintained
on a recruitment database.

b. All applications must be treated as confidential and circulated only to those individuals
involved in the recruitment process.

c. The HR and Administration department should acknowledge all job applications promptly and
present a positive image of the Company in all correspondence.

d. Department Managers and the HR and Administration department should ensure all
communication with candidates is in-line with the Company’s values and should provide a
positive candidate experience.

3.3.6 Short Listing Applications

a. The HR and Administration department will screen candidates to ensure the minimum criteria
for the job role is met and will prepare a short-list of candidates which is sent to the Recruiting
Manager for feedback and review. Ideally, the short-list should consist of a minimum of three
(3) suitable candidates for each vacancy.

b. Suitable candidates are those candidates who meet the job criteria stated in the job

c. Candidates in the Labour category must satisfy requirements such as the ability to read
numbers and / or standard words.

d. The Recruiting Manager will review the candidates short-list sent through by the HR and
Administration department and determine which candidates to invite for an interview.

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3.3.7 Selection Methods

a. The selection process must be agreed in advance between the Recruiting Manager and the HR
Manager so that all candidates have a fair experience and the selection process identifies the
best person for the job.

b. A variety of selection methods can be used in order to ensure the right candidate is selected,
such as an in tray exercise, case study, presentation, role play and an interview.

c. Face to face interviews must form part of the assessment for all roles except for roles in the
Labour category which can be conducted over the telephone and / or Skype.

d. Candidates that are overseas may be invited for a face to face interview depending on the
seniority of the role.

e. As part of the selection process, overseas candidates for Labour roles (e.g. Warehouse) will be
asked for medical fitness certificates from a medical institute in their home country.

3.3.8 Interview Arrangements

a. The HR and Administration department is responsible for contacting short-listed candidates

over the phone to invite them for an interview. The phone call should be followed by a
correspondence in writing confirming the interview schedule.

b. The above correspondence should include:

 Date, time and place of interview.
 Location map and / or directions to the interview venue.
 Contact details of a representative from the HR and Administration department in case the
candidate has any questions.
 Appropriate details of any assessment(s) where relevant.

3.3.9 Interviews

a. All interviews should be conducted jointly by the Recruiting Manager and the HR Manager.

b. The interview structure and questions asked should be consistent for all candidates and must be
agreed in advance of the interview.

c. The outcome of interviews for the recruitment of all senior level roles will be presented to the
MD and the MD will decide if a second interview is required.

d. Recruiting Managers, the HR Manager and interviewers involved in this process should
complete an Interview Evaluation Form which will be kept on record by the HR and
Administration department.

e. All candidates who are invited to participate in the interview process are required to complete
a Candidate Declaration Form which will be maintained by the HR and Administration
department for record purposes.

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f. Interviews for all roles, including those in the Labour category should be conducted in English.

3.3.10 References

a. All candidates who have satisfactorily completed the interview must provide a minimum of
two (2) employment references. If employment references are not available, the candidate
must provide two (2) personal references.

b. The HR and Administration department is responsible for obtaining references and conducting
reference checks through telephone and / or email.

c. The purpose of a references check is to obtain information such as a candidate’s length of

previous employment, job title, brief details of responsibilities, overall performance and reasons
for leaving.

d. Employment offers can only be extended to candidates subject to the satisfactory completion of
two (2) reference checks.

e. The HR and Administration department must inform the candidate prior to contacting any
references that have been provided by the candidate.

3.3.11 Selection

a. All selection decisions will be made jointly by the Recruiting Manager and HR Manager.

b. In cases where the Recruiting Manager and HR Manager cannot come to an agreement on the
selection decision, the situation should be escalated and presented to the MD.

c. The HR and Administration department is responsible for preparing employment offers in line
with A-MAP’s compensation and benefits framework and all such offers must be submitted to
the MD for signature.

d. The HR and Administration department is also responsible for handling contractual

negotiations. Any contractual negotiations that are not in line with A-MAP’s compensation and
benefits framework must be escalated to the MD.

3.3.12 Successful Applications

a. Successful applicants will be those whose skills and competencies meet the requirements
stipulated in the job description.

b. Successful applicants must meet the required medical criteria for UAE resident visa purposes
and be eligible for obtaining a UAE residence visa.

a. All applicants must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. The date of birth will be ascertained
from the passport copy or any other official document which records the date of birth.

b. All applicants may need to provide proof of academic/educational certificates which satisfy the
minimum requirements of employment for a specific role.
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c. A salary certificate from the current employer must be requested from a candidate before an
employment offer is extended.
3.3.13 Unsuccessful Applications

a. The HR and Administration department should notify all candidates who have attended an
interview and not been successful in their application.

b. The notification should be sent in writing directly to the applicant or through the agency within
five (5) working days of a final selection decision being made.

3.3.14 Overseas Recruitment

Overseas candidates for senior level roles or technical experts should be invited to the relevant A-
MAP office location for an interview. In all such cases:

a. The HR and Administration department will raise an Overseas Recruitment Request Form and
submit it to the Finance Manager and MD for approval.

b. Upon approval, the HR and Administration department should book a round-trip ticket for
the candidate to attend the interview. The class of travel for all overseas recruitment is

c. If the candidate is required to stay overnight, the HR and Administration department is

responsible for making accommodation arrangements at a hotel or serviced apartment.

d. All approved costs associated to overseas recruitment i.e. travel, visa and accommodation will
be borne by the Company.

3.3.15 Employee Referrals

a. A-MAP encourages all employees to identify and refer potential candidates for job vacancies.

b. All referrals should be raised through a Candidate Referral Form and completed forms should
have a CV attached to it and must be addressed to the HR and Administration department.

c. Department Managers and employees should ensure that the candidate referred is informed
and should not make any commitment or promises of employment.

d. A referred candidate will go through the same recruitment and selection process as any other
candidate who has applied for the same vacancy.

e. The referring employee will be notified if the referral has been successful and will not be held
liable for the outcome of any selection decisions.

3.3.16 Employment of Relatives

a. A-MAP does not encourage employment of relatives and where possible will not hire relatives
of any existing employees.

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b. A "relative" is defined as a spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, uncle, aunt,
cousin, niece or nephew of an employee or of an employee’s spouse. Relatives also include
"step" relationships such as step-child and step-parent.
c. It is A-MAP’s policy to avoid favouritism and any conflict of interest that may arise because of
employment of a relative.

d. In exceptional circumstances a relative may be considered for a role if s/he has suitable skills
and experience.

e. At the time of an interview the HR and Administration department should ascertain if a

candidate has a relative in A-MAP and record the name and department of the employee.

f. An employee who introduces a relative to A-MAP for employment must declare the
relationship to the HR and Administration department before the recruitment process begins.

g. Should a relative of an existing employee be considered for a vacancy they must meet the
minimum requirements of the job role. No preferential treatment will be given to relatives.

h. The HR Manager and the Recruiting Manager must ensure that fairness is maintained
throughout the recruitment process while considering relatives for a vacancy.

i. Relatives of employees will not be given preference over other candidates who may be more
suitable for the role.

j. No relative can be assigned to a position where they might influence salary, progression,
promotion or terms and conditions of employment.

k. No relative can be assigned to a position where they might have the opportunity to assign,
check, review and audit or otherwise affect the work of a relative.

l. Related employees must not report to each other.

m. Employees who marry cannot work in the same department or report to each other. It is the
responsibility of the Department Manager to inform the HR and Administration department of
such cases so that the necessary action as explained below can be taken.
 The HR and Administration department will assess the situation against job responsibility,
department, reporting lines in order to ensure no conflict of interest exists.
 Should a potential conflict of interest exist, one of the relevant employee’s will be re-
assigned to another department if a suitable vacancy exists within the Company.

n. Non-disclosure of relationships will be considered as an act of misconduct and will be subject to

disciplinary action.

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3.3.17 Re-Employment of Former Employees

a. Former employees of A-MAP may be considered for re-employment provided their previous
service was considered to be satisfactory.

b. It is the responsibility of the HR and Administration department to consider the following in

cases of re-employment of former employees:
 Suitability of the candidate for the vacant position
 Past performance and conduct
 Reasons for leaving

c. A former employee who is re-employed by A-MAP will be treated as a new employee. His/her
date of joining, for all administrative purposes will be the new date of joining which also applies
to the eligibility of any benefits.

3.3.18 Emiratisation

a. Emiratisation is an important focus for the UAE government and represents key policies that
influence the employment relationship and Law.

b. Where required by Law A-MAP will support the UAE government’s initiative and in doing so
will seek to attract UAE nationals with appropriate skills, qualifications and experience.

c. A-MAP employees who are UAE nationals will be aligned to the legal requirements placed by
the UAE Ministry of Labour and associated with the UAE Federal law (Labour Law).

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4.1 Purpose of the Policy

The purpose of this policy is to:

a. Effectively integrate employees into the Company. This includes an overall understanding of
the Company’s ways of working and an employee’s individual job role.

b. Provide specific information to all employees in relation to legal and contractual eligibilities
and / or requirements.

4.2 Eligibility

This policy applies to all employees.

4.3 Policy Statements and Application

4.3.1 Personal Information for Employment

a. On appointment and during the employment application process, all employees will be asked
to provide personal information, such as date and place of birth, passport details and academic

b. Data will be protected against risks such as loss or unauthorised access, destruction or

c. Personal data will not be disclosed or otherwise made available to third parties, except:
 with the consent of the employee;
 where required by Law;
 where it is necessary to comply with a contractual undertaking to which the employee is a
party e.g. for life or medical insurance purposes;
 if the HR Manager decides disclosure is in the legitimate interest of the employee or

d. The Company can request for police records from the country where an employee resided in
the last five (5) years.

e. Failure to provide authentic personal information required by the UAE Law or any
misrepresentations, falsifications, or material omissions in any of this information will result in
the Company withdrawing the extended employment offer or terminating employment.

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4.3.2 Date of Joining

a. The HR and Administration department and a new employee will agree on a start date on
which the new employee will officially report to work.

b. This start date is referred to as the date of joining and will be stipulated in the employment

c. The date of joining will be used for all administrative purpose and accrual of benefits such as
annual leave and End of Service (EOS).

4.3.3 UAE Residence visa

a. A-MAP secures a legal right for all its employees to live and work in the UAE.

b. It is a requirement for all expatriate employees to have received a UAE residence visa prior to
commencing their employment with the Company.

c. The HR and Administration department is responsible for organising UAE residence visas for all
employees and will undertake to collect, prepare and submit all the necessary paperwork.

d. The associated visa costs which will be borne by the Company are as follows:
 Work permit fees
 Labour approval and Labour card fees
 Labour contract fees
 Medical examination fees
 Visa application / immigration fees which includes visa printout, visa stamping and status
 Applicable visa fees for employees on probation or employed for a duration of upto six (6)
 Visa renewal fees

e. As part of the visa application process, employees may be required to provide original
documents that are certified / accredited by the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs. All associated
costs to this will be borne by the employee.

f. Administrative requirements and costs for obtaining dependent visas will be borne by the
employee with no liability to the Company.

g. Any fines will be investigated to determine the nature and reason of the fine. The payment of
the fine may be the responsibility of the Company or the employee depending on the reason
for the fine.

h. UAE residence permits are valid for a period of two (2) years and renewed by the Company on

i. All employees will be sponsored by the Company and cannot work for A-MAP while being
under another Company's sponsorship.
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j. In cases where a female employee would prefer to remain under her father's or husband's
sponsorship the Company will provide a labour card / work permit issued by the UAE Ministry
of Labour.

k. A-MAP does not take the sponsorship and registration of employees lightly; it is mandatory for
all A-MAP employees to live and work in strict compliance to the country’s rules and
regulations as well as to act in a manner that protects the interest of the Company at all times.

4.3.4 Medical Check

a. As part of the UAE residence visa application process, all new and existing employees must
satisfactorily undergo a medical check-up at a medical centre recognised by the applicable
UAE authority and approved by the Company.

b. The HR and Administration department is responsible for organising appointments for medical
check-ups and will communicate appointment details to employees in writing.

c. Employees in the Labour category can be notified through their Manager.

d. The costs for medical check-ups required for UAE visa purposes will be borne by the Company.

e. In the unlikely event that an employee does not satisfactorily pass the medical examination
s/he will be considered unfit for work. This will result in termination of employment on medical
grounds and the employee will be repatriated to his/her home country. The costs of repatriation
will be borne by the Company. (Refer to section 21.3.7 for Repatriation)

4.3.5 Emirates ID

a. It is UAE government’s strategy to contribute to individual and national security by enhancing

personal identity in the UAE, maintaining an accurate population register and providing
innovative e-Services to its residents.

b. All Emiratis and expatriates living in the UAE are legally required to have an Emirates identity
(ID) card.

c. The Company will support employees by providing them with information related to the
registration of Emirates ID cards.

d. Employees however will be personally responsible for managing related time and costs required
for the prompt issuance and renewal of their ID card and any fines incurred will be borne by
the employee.

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4.3.6 Relocation Assistance

a. Relocation assistance applies to all new employees recruited from overseas or relocated from
one Company location to the other.

b. Employees who are recruited from outside of the UAE or relocated will be provided with a one-
way air-travel ticket from their home country or current place of residence to the location of

c. The class of travel for all employees irrespective of his/her role will be economy and the
accompanied baggage allowance will be as per the air travel ticket entitlement issued by the

d. In addition, newly appointed employees from outside the UAE who are not provided with
Company accommodation can request for temporary accommodation.

e. In the above case the HR and Administration department will make bookings at a hotel or a
serviced apartment for the employee on arrival into the UAE.

f. Temporary accommodation will be provided for a maximum period of one (1) month during
which the employee is expected to find alternative permanent accommodation.

g. For the duration an employee remains in temporary accommodation, his/her accommodation

allowance will be deducted from the monthly salary.

h. The relocation policy does not apply in cases where a new employee is recruited locally from
within the UAE.

i. The HR and Administration department is responsible for assisting new employees relocate to
the UAE and processing any related relocation requests.

4.3.7 Opening a Bank Account

a. On joining, all employees are required to provide bank account details for transfer of their
monthly salaries and other dues from the Company.

b. Employees should have a UAE-based bank account at A-MAP’s preferred bank i.e. Noor
Islamic Bank.

c. A Salary Certificate may be required for opening an account which can be obtained from the
HR and Administration department. (Refer Section 12.3.3 for Salary Certificates)

Once the bank account is activated, employees must inform the HR and Administration
department and provide the necessary account details by completing the Bank Details Form.

d. Employees should open a bank account in the UAE within a period of up to one (1) month from
the date of joining.

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e. Salaries can only be transferred into one bank account held solely or jointly by the employee.

f. A-MAP will at no time undertake to transfer employee’s salary into a bank account outside the

4.3.8 Passport Safekeeping

a. The Company will retain passports of all employees in the Labour category as a matter of safe

b. The Company will also retain passports for employees who hold roles where there is financial
risk or liability e.g. handling of large amounts of cash.

c. Department Managers are responsible for identifying any such job roles.

d. The HR and Administration department responsible for safe custody of all passports maintained
by A-MAP.

e. Where passports are retained by the Company an employees can request for his / her passport
from Company by completing a Passport Safekeeping Form. The form should be submitted to
the HR and Administration department who will process the request within twenty-four (24)

f. It is the responsibility of all employees to ensure that their passport is valid at all times. Renewal
fees are not paid for by the Company.

g. The HR and Administration department will send passport renewal reminders to employees
whose passports have been retained two (2) months prior to the expiry date.

4.3.9 Home Country

a. The home country is defined by the nationality of an employee as per his / her passport at the
time of employment.

b. The home country is established for all employees and will be used for all administrative
purposes, such as annual leave air travel ticket entitlement, relocation and repatriation.

c. Once established, the employee’s home country will not be changed except when the
employee’s citizenship is changed, and the UAE residence visa is transferred to the new

d. The HR and Administration department is responsible for establishing an employee’s home

country and maintaining it on employee file for record purposes.

4.3.10 Induction

a. All new employees will receive a structured induction in order for them to settle into their new
role. The Manager and the HR and Administration department are responsible for elements of
the induction.
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b. Mangers are responsible for:
 Introducing new employees to the business and department.
 Providing new employees with a job description and explaining the responsibilities of the
job role.
 Ensuring new employees have access to all the information and resources they need to
carry out their job responsibilities.
 Supporting new employees to effectively carry out their job responsibilities.
 Communicating expected performance standards.

c. The HR and Administration department is responsible for:

 Introducing and familiarising employees with A-MAP’s HR policies and working
 Explaining internal HR processes and completing any necessary joining formalities.
 Ensuring Company assets are issued on time. (Refer to section 6.3.5 for Company Assets).

d. New employees are responsible for asking any questions related to their employment with A-
MAP and where necessary requesting for further clarification and support required to carry out
their job responsibilities.

4.3.11 Probation and Confirmation

a. The first six (6) months of employment for all new employees will be considered as the
probationary period.

b. The probationary period is intended to give new employees the opportunity to demonstrate
their ability to achieve a satisfactory level of performance and to determine whether the
position meets his / her expectations.

c. Managers are responsible for monitoring performance throughout the probationary period and
formally confirming employees on satisfactory completion of their probationary period.

d. Managers are also responsible for promptly addressing performance issues identified during the
probationary period in order to set expectations and encourage improvements.

e. Any significant absence/leave will automatically extend the probationary period by the length
of the absence.

f. Employees can only be on probation once during their employment with the Company and the
duration of all such periods cannot be altered for any reasons other than absence.

g. The probation period does not apply to confirmed employees who are promoted or transferred
internally within the Company.

h. During the probationary period, either the employee or the Company can terminate
employment at any time with seven (7) days written notice.

i. The Company reserves the right to terminate the services of any employee whose performance
is unsatisfactory during the probationary period.

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j. Employees who resign or are terminated before completing the probationary period will not be
entitled to any benefit encashment e.g. encashment of annual leave
k. The Company’s Repatriation policy will apply to employees who are terminated before the
completion of their probationary period. (Refer to section 21.3.7 for Repatriation)

Probation Confirmation Procedure

l. Managers should conduct a probationary performance evaluation meeting with new

employees and discuss performance against defined job responsibilities.

m. The outcome of the probationary performance evaluation meeting should be documented

by the Manager in the Probation Evaluation Form.

n. A copy of the completed form should be forwarded to the HR and Administration

department at least two (2) weeks prior to the end of the probationary period.

o. Upon satisfactory completion of the probationary period, the employee will receive a letter
from the HR and Administration department confirming them into the role.

p. All such documents will be maintained on employee file for record purposes.

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5.1 Purpose of the Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline the reasons and establish the process for collecting, updating
and maintaining personal data.

5.2 Eligibility

This policy applies to all employees.

5.3 Policy Statements and Application

5.3.1 Personal Data Collection and Protection

a. On appointment, all employees will need to provide personal data which will be used for
administration purposes.

b. Personal Data can include but is not limited to the following:

 Passport details
 Mailing addresses
 Telephone numbers
 Names of dependents
 Emergency contact detail
 Bank details
 Education certificates

c. Personal Data will be collected lawfully and fairly and where appropriate with the consent of
the employee.

d. The HR and Administration department is responsible for maintaining confidentiality of an

employee's personal data.

e. Personal data will not be disclosed or otherwise made available to third parties except in the
situations defined in section 4.3.1. (Personal Information for Employment).

5.3.2 Employee Files

a. The Company maintains an employee file for each employee in line with the requirements of
the UAE Law and HR best practices.

b. Employee files include information such as an employee’s job application, CV, leave records,
training records, performance review, salary increases, and other employment related records
and any disciplinary sanctions.

c. All such files are maintained by the HR and Administration department and access to
information in employee files is restricted to the HR and Administration department.

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Filename: Employee Personal Data
d. In specific circumstances, Managers can request for access to view employee files. All such
requests need to be approved by the HR Manager.
e. Upon approval, Managers will be given access to view employee files under the supervision of
the HR and Administration department.

f. The HR and Administration department will maintain a log of Managers who have requested
to view employee files.

5.3.3 Personal Data Updates

a. Employees are expected to update to their personal data by ensuring their records are
accurate and any additions or changes are notified promptly to the HR and Administration

a. Employees who wish to update their personal data must complete a Personal Details Form
and/or a Bank details form and submit it to the HR and Administration department processing.

b. Employees may be required to attach documents to support any changes in their personal
details e.g. tenancy contract to support changes in residential address.

c. The Company will not bear any responsibility for loss of any benefit due to inaccurate data
provided by an employee.

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6.1 Purpose of the Policy

The purpose of this policy is to explain the guidelines pertaining to the terms and conditions of

6.2 Eligibility

This policy applies to all employees.

6.3 Policy Statements and Application

6.3.1 Employment Categories

a. All employees can be categorised in to three (3) groups determined by job role.

b. This categorisation is non-discriminatory and any variation between employees is limited to the
terms and conditions of employment as described in the employment contract.

Employment Category Definitions

 Management – employees in the Management category hold a management or

supervisory role. They are accountable for the performance of their department or team.
 Staff – employees in the Staff category hold sales, administrative or support roles.
 Labour – employees in the Labour category are those who carry out manual tasks which
include roles such as drivers, messengers, warehouse helpers, and office boys.

6.3.2 Employment Contract

a. The employment contract ensures that both the Company and employees understand the basis
on which employment has been agreed.

b. The employment contract sets out the terms and conditions of employment and is extended to
employees before joining A-MAP.

c. The employment contract contains terms of employment such as the date of joining, job title,
basic salary, allowances, hours of work, benefit entitlements and probationary details.

d. In addition, the employment relationship between A-MAP and an employee is governed by

the HR policy and procedures manual.

e. Upon signing the employment contract an employee agrees to follow and abide by any
applicable rules and regulations implemented by the Company and the UAE Government.

f. The HR and Administration department is responsible for issuing employment contracts and
maintaining original signed copies on employee file for record purposes.

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g. The HR and Administration department will provide employees with a copy of their signed

h. All employment contracts are considered confidential and must be safeguarded.

6.3.3 Non Disclosure Agreement

a. Prior to commencement of employment with A-MAP, all employees will be required to sign a
Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

b. The HR and Administration department is responsible for issuing and maintaining a copy of the
signed NDA which will be maintained on employee file for record purposes.

c. All such agreements are valid throughout the employment period and two (2) years after

d. A-MAP considers any breach of confidentiality an act of gross misconduct which will result in
disciplinary action upto termination.

6.3.4 Intellectual Property

a. Any work or product produced (in whole or in part) by an employee of the Company, as part
of his / her responsibilities, which pertains to the business, remains the intellectual property of A-

b. This applies whether or not the work or product is produced during regular working hours or by
using any of the Company's facilities.

c. Such work or product may include ideas, concepts, computer software, writings, art works and
copyrightable or patentable materials in any format.

d. All employees will promptly make the work or product available to the Company. Such work
or product will be owned by A-MAP and will vest in the Company to the full extent permitted
by UAE Law.

e. In this regard, employees will, upon request and without additional compensation submit any
relevant documents necessary to protect the Company’s right to the work or product.

f. Upon termination of employment it is the responsibility of each employee to ensure that a

complete handover is provided which includes all materials, list of contacts, documents,
equipment and information related to their work and its progress.

6.3.5 Company Assets

a. On appointment, employees will be provided with assets required to perform their day to day

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b. Managers should determine which assets are needed depending on the job role. This may
include items such as company vehicles, telephones, mobile handsets, uniforms, workstations, or
c. The HR and Administration department is responsible for issuing and maintaining a record of
all Company assets and collecting assets on separation when employees leave the Company.

d. On issuance of any assets an employee will be required to sign a form confirming acceptance of
all assets and confirming their responsibility to look after the assets issued to them.

e. It is the responsibility of employees to ensure Company assets are well maintained and handled
with care.

f. All costs related to the maintenance of assets (wear and tear / upgrades) will be borne by the

g. Employees are expected to report any damages to Company assets in a timely manner. Any
damages / loss must be reported to the HR and Administration department.

h. An employee will be liable for any loss or damage of Company assets as a result of negligence
or misuse.

i. Any assets that are stolen should be reported immediately to the Manager and / or the HR and
Administration department and must be supported by a police report

j. Wilful damage to or sale of a Company assets for personal profit by an employee will be
considered an act of gross misconduct and will result in disciplinary action.

k. All assets remain the property of the Company and must be returned in proper condition.

(Please refer to section 7.3.17 for details on use of Company Equipment and Vehicles)

6.3.6 Business cards

a. Business cards will be issued to employees depending on the nature of their job. This includes
the following:
 Management roles
 Client facing roles
 Employees representing the Company for interactions with vendors, suppliers, government
agencies and other external parties.

b. It is the responsibility of Managers to determine which roles require business cards.

c. The HR and Administration department will maintain a list of all roles across the Company that
require business cards and confirm the correct job title is printed on a business card.

d. Business cards are considered to be a Company asset and must only be used for business

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e. All business cards must be issued in accordance with the Company standards and / or branding
guidelines for logo, titles etc.

6.3.7 Mobiles and Blackberry

a. Mobile handsets and blackberries may be issued to employees to facilitate business related

b. The eligibility criteria for mobile handsets and blackberries for employees at all levels of the
Company is defined below:
 All Managers
 Employees who frequently travel outside the UAE i.e. at least once every 3 months
 Employees who need to be contacted for emergency purposes 24/7

c. Department Managers will determine which roles require a mobile or blackberry device and a
list of all such job roles will be maintained by the Finance and Accounts department.

d. A usage limit will be defined by the Company based on business need. The maximum limit will
be determined by the Department Manager and approved by the Finance Manager.

e. Any amounts exceeding the usage limit will be automatically deducted through payroll.

f. In cases where the maximum limit is exceeded due to business related calls, this should be
presented to the Department Manager for review and approval.

g. Employees who hold Company provided mobile or blackberry devices must be contactable
during travel and / or leave.

h. All mobile and blackberry devices issued to employees should be used for business purposes
only. In situations where an employee maybe need to use his/her mobile or blackberry device
for personal reasons s/he is responsible for declaring such calls to the Finance and Accounts

i. The IT department is responsible for managing the procurement of all mobile or blackberry

j. The Finance and Accounts department is responsible for monitoring as well as preparing
monthly usage reports. This includes fees and charges.

k. Misuse of such devices will be considered as an act of misconduct and may result in disciplinary

l. Company provided mobile or blackberry devices will remain the property of the Company
(Refer to section 6.3.5 for Company Assets).

Please refer to the Finance and Accounts department for more detail.

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6.3.8 Driving License

a. The Company may support existing employees in obtaining a driving license should they move
to a job role that requires this to carry out role responsibilities.

b. The Company will support eligible employees by bearing the cost of a full set of driving lessons
and two (2) driving tests. Any further costs will be borne by the employee.

c. An external candidate must hold a valid driving license if they are applying for a role that
requires them to drive.

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7.1 Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this policy is to clearly define the Company’s code of conduct expected. This includes
conduct whilst at work, whilst representing the Company and whilst outside of work.

7.2 Eligibility

This policy applies to all employees.

7.3 Policy Statements and Application

7.3.1 Employee Conduct

a. Employees are responsible for their conduct at all times. Personal responsibilities include but are
not limited to the following:
 Carry out work related duties and responsibilities professionally in the best interest of the
 Adhere to all rules and regulations governing the Company’s operations and to refrain
from all practices or activities that may endanger A-MAP employees or property.
 Follow and abide by applicable rules and regulations issued from time to time by the
Company, the Government of Dubai, the Government of Abu Dhabi or the Government of
the UAE.
 Not engage in full / part time employment with other companies / persons, or be associated
with or have an interest in other businesses / companies.
 Not disclose / publicise any information relating to the business and / or its sales or
operations to any party other than to A-MAP appointed and authorised employees.
 Adhere to the Company’s Code of Conduct
 Communication in a transparent and ethical manner.
 Adopt a customer focused, professional and helpful attitude while dealing with customers
and colleagues and speak with honesty, confidence and respect.
 Avoid waste or extravagant use of resources.

7.3.2 Workplace Etiquette

a. The Company strives to maintain a positive work environment where employees treat each
other with respect and courtesy.

b. The Company encourages all its employees to be conscientious and considerate toward other
employees and the work environment.

c. Listed below are some guidelines that define a list of behaviours that will help create an ethical
and professional work environment with minimal disruptions:
 Be conscious of how your voice travels and try to lower your voice when talking on the
phone or to others in open areas.
 Try to minimise unscheduled interruptions of other employees while they are working.

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 Minimise talking between workspaces or over cubicle walls. Instead, have conversations
with others in their workspace or in meeting rooms.
 Try not to block walkways while carrying on conversations.
 Keep socialising to a minimum and try to have conversations in areas where the noise will
not be distracting to others.
 Refrain from using inappropriate language (swearing).
 Avoid discussions around personal life / issues in conversations that can be easily overheard.
 Clean up after yourself and do not leave behind waste or discarded papers.
 Avoid eating lunch and any food with a strong odour on your desk, cubicle and / or office.
 Employees should use the pantry for having lunch or any meals and snacks during the day.
 Keep your mobile tones low or keep have them on silent.
 Avoid having any music songs or tunes as ringtones on your mobile phone during work
hours. This includes background tunes from any movies.
 Keep the area around your workspace in an orderly and tidy manner.
 Replace paper in the copy machine and printer paper trays when they are empty.
 Retrieve print jobs in a timely manner and be sure to collect all the printed pages.
 Be careful not to take or discard others' print jobs or faxes when collecting your own.

7.3.3 Bullying and Harassment

a. The Company believes all its employees have the right to work in an environment free from
harassment on the grounds of their gender, race, religious beliefs, political opinion, marital
status, disability, age or nationality.

b. A-MAP seeks to ensure that the working environment is sympathetic to all its employees and
customers, and that anyone who has any business dealings with the Company is treated with
dignity and respect.

c. Such harassment will not be tolerated and will be considered as an act of gross misconduct
which will result in disciplinary action.

7.3.4 Dress Code

a. It is in the Company‘s best interest to present a professional image to its customers, suppliers,
and the public at all times.

b. In general the appropriate dress code for employees in the Management and Staff category is
one that is smart-professional and modest i.e. business suits with collared shirts and ties for men
and business suits (skirts or trousers), abaya or modest formal dress for ladies.

c. Only employees who are Emiratis can wear their national dress. For all other employee’s
cultural or ethnic dress is not considered an acceptable as part of the dress code.

d. Employees who are issued with uniforms and safety gear such as boots must wear them at all
times in the workplace.

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e. All employees are expected to maintain high standards of personal cleanliness, neatness and
dress in business attire which is consistent with the corporate culture within the UAE.

f. If an employee does not comply with the established dress code, s/he may be asked by their
Manager or the HR and Administration department to leave the workplace and return with
appropriate attire. Under such circumstances, this time will be deducted from the employee’s

g. Employees are encouraged to consult their Manager should there be any questions relating to
the Company dress code.

7.3.5 Interaction with Customers

a. The continued success of the Company is dependent upon the customer service. For this reason
it is the responsibility of all employees to represent A-MAP to customers in a manner that is
professional, friendly, prompt and helpful.

b. Maintaining a strong "customer" focus is integral to the success of the Company and all
employees are responsible for serving customers in a manner that meets and / or exceeds
customer expectations.

c. All contact with the public and customers including telephonic or personal interactions must be
handled in a professional manner and in accordance to A-MAP’s code of conduct.

7.3.6 Visitors in the Workplace

a. To provide for the safety and security of employees and to protect A-MAP facilities, only
authorised visitors are allowed in the workplace.

b. Inviting visitors to the workplace should be for business purposes only; personal visitors are not

c. All authorised visitors in the workplace must be received in a professional manner, and will
receive directions or be escorted to a meeting room. Visitors should not be left to find their own
way around the office.

d. Visitors should be informed that they need to enter A-MAP offices through the main entrance
and report to reception on arriving and advise when leaving.

e. All meetings with authorised visitors must take place in designated meeting rooms which can
be booked through HR and Administration department.

f. Meetings should not take place in the office reception area under any circumstances.

g. Employees who have invited visitors to the workplace are responsible for their conduct and

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h. Employees are also responsible for ensuring all Company property, equipment and information
is protected against theft or unauthorised access.

i. If an unauthorised individual is seen on A-MAP premises, employees should immediately notify

their Manager or if necessary direct the individual to the main reception.

7.3.7 Public Relations and Media

a. Any interaction with press and media on behalf of A-MAP is restricted to the MD and anyone
else nominated by the MD.

b. The Business Development and Marketing department must always be involved with any
media interactions.

c. The Company’s official spokesperson is the MD and any employee who has been authorised by
the MD to accept / participate in interviews and / or to speak directly to the media at either
exhibitions or events.

d. All media enquiries or invitations to publicly represent the Company should be referred to the
Business Development and Marketing department who will assess the invitation and make
recommendations as well as provide the necessary support.

e. All media interviews should be arranged through the Business Development and Marketing
department and a member from this department may be present to attend the interview and
to provide support and guidance if necessary.

f. The Business Development and Marketing department is responsible for preparing written
questions and answers (Q&A’s) and key messages to support the spokesperson(s) involved to
the full extent.

g. Any business information released to the press and media must be agreed and approved by
the MD and the Marketing Manager.

h. All financial information released to the press and media must be provided and approved by
MD, Finance Manager and the Marketing Manager.

i. All Company branding must be used in line with the Company’s branding guidelines.

Please refer to the Marketing department for more detail.

7.3.8 Conflict of Interest

a. It is the Company’s policy to avoid situations that create an actual, potential or perceived
conflict between an employee’s personal interests and the interest of the Company.

b. A conflict of interest exists when an employee’s loyalties or actions are divided between the
Company’s interests, or those of another, such as a competitor, supplier, customer, or personal

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c. All employees are expected to use good judgment, to adhere to high ethical standards, and to
avoid situations that create an actual or potential conflict between personal interests and the
interests of the Company.

d. Conflict of interest should be avoided. Should employees be unsure as to whether a certain

transaction, activity, or relationship constitutes a conflict of interest s/he should obtain
clarification from their Manager.
e. Listed below are some guidelines that describe possible situations where conflicts of interest
could arise. It is not an exhaustive list however it does describe some of the more common
conflicts which employees should avoid:
 Working for a competitor or supplier.
 Engaging in self-employment in competition to the Company.
 Using confidential information for personal gain or the detriment of the Company.
 Having a direct or indirect financial interest in or relationship with a competitor or supplier.
 Using Company assets or resources for personal use.
 Acquiring any interest in property or assets of any kind for the purpose of selling or leasing it
to the Company.
 Committing the Company to give financial or other support to any outside activity or
business for personal gain.
 Not declaring personal gifts or entertainment from competitors, suppliers, or potential
 Declaration of kinship with any colleague / identification of relative.

7.3.9 Other Employment

a. It is against the UAE Law for employees to hold any other job or be gainfully employed by any
other means whether it is full time, part time or self employed during their employment with

b. If an employee is involved with any voluntary work which does not include any income or
material gain, this must be declared to the HR and Administration department for information
and record purposes.

7.3.10 Compliance with the Law

a. It is the responsibility of all employees to acknowledge and comply with all the laws of the UAE.

b. If an employee commits offences that violate the country’s Law s/he will be subject to
immediate termination of employment regardless of any penalties applied as a result of
criminal proceedings. Such offences can include but are not limited to the following:
 Illegal importation or exportation of goods
 Propagating violence
 Fraud
 Seeking or accepting bribes
 Use of illegal drugs
 Downloading or possession of pornographic material or hatred documents

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c. Employees must not use their position or the relationships established in the course of their work
to inappropriately influence or interfere with action being considered by through an internal
investigation or external law authorities.

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7.3.11 Conduct in Monetary Matters

a. The receipt and custody of Company money is restricted to those required to do so by their job
responsibilities and duties.

b. No other employee should accept money or make payments on behalf of the Company unless
specifically authorised to do so by his / her Manager.

c. Any money accepted on behalf of the Company must be accounted for immediately and in
accordance with formal instructions.

7.3.12 Entertainment

a. In cases where an employee may be entertained as part of the job role, s/he has to bear in
mind that s/he represents A-MAP at all times.

b. Should invitation appear lavish or inappropriate to an employee, s/he should ask his / her
Manager for advice.

7.3.13 Acceptance of Gifts

a. Gifts given to employees from the Company’s customers, suppliers, associates or any party
involved in doing business with A-MAP can result in a potential conflict of interest.

b. If employees receive any such gifts s/he must declare it by completing a Gift Declaration Form
and submitting it to the HR and Administration department for review.

c. The HR and Administration department will review the request on a case by case basis and
either permit the employee to keep the gift or donate the gift to a charitable cause.

7.3.14 Office Phones and Courier Services

a. To ensure effective use of office phones, employees should always use an appropriate greeting
etiquette and converse in a courteous and professional manner.

b. It is important to remember that customers form a perception of the Company based on all
interactions including phone conversations. For this reason all employees are expected to
confirm and convey information or messages given to and received from customer calls
appropriately and disconnect the phone call only after the customer has done so.

c. Personal phone calls should be limited in time and generally restricted to urgent or emergency
communications, regardless of whether an employee is making or receiving telephone calls.
Personal calls should be restricted to break periods whenever possible.

d. Personal use of the office phone for international calls and the use of A-MAP’s paid courier
services for personal correspondence are strictly prohibited.

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e. Employees will be required to reimburse A-MAP for any charges resulting from the personal use
of the office phones of postal services.

7.3.15 Internet and Email

a. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for using Company email and internet. It is
intended to minimise offensive or inappropriate behaviour when using the internet and email.

b. The Company recognises that the use of the internet and email are increasingly important
business tools. They provide rapid communication and useful access to information, resources
and ideas.

c. Computers, computers files, data contained within the email system, access to the internet and
software made available to employees are the property of the Company.

d. Proper and appropriate use of these resources is of utmost importance to the Company and
the use of such resources should be for business purposes only.

e. Employees should not use the Company’s email for personal use.

f. Employees should ensure that the business information contained in email messages and other
transmissions are accurate, appropriate, ethical and lawful.

g. Employees should also ensure the correct branding guidelines are applied and if required,
speak to his/her Manager for advice.

h. The Company reserves the right to monitor internet use and to retrieve and read any data
composed, sent or received through the A-MAP’s online connections and / or stored on internal
computer systems.

i. All internet data that is composed, transmitted or received through the Company’s computer
communications systems is considered to be part of the official records of A-MAP and, as such, is
subject to disclosure to Law enforcement or other third parties.

j. The following provides a non-exhaustive list of behaviours that are prohibited and will be
considered as gross misconduct that will result in disciplinary action:
 Using the Company's time and resources for personal matters / activities.
 Sending or posting discriminatory, harassing, threatening messages or images.
 Stealing, using or disclosing someone else's code or password without authorisation.
 Copying, pirating or downloading software and electronic files without permission.
 Sending or posting confidential material, trade secrets or proprietary information outside of
the Company.
 Violating copyright laws.
 Failing to observe licensing agreements.
 Engaging in unauthorised transactions that may incur a cost to the Company or initiate
unwanted internet services and transmissions.
 Sending or posting messages or material that could damage the Company’s image or

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 Participating in the viewing or exchange of pornography or obscene materials.
 Sending or posting messages that defame or slander other individuals.
 Attempting to break into the computer system of another Company or person.
 Refusing to cooperate with a security investigation.
 Sending or posting chain letters, solicitations or advertisements not related to business
purposes or activities.
 Using the internet for political causes or activities, religious activities or any sort of gambling.
 Jeopardising the security of the Company’s electronic communications systems.
 Conveying personal views as those of the Company.
 Sending anonymous email messages.
 Engaging in any other illegal or inappropriate activities.
 Spending time social media during work hours such as viewing, updating profiles or
chatting or on Facebook, MSN, and Twitter etc.

Please refer to the IT department for more detail.

7.3.16 Downloading and Installing Unauthorised Applications

a. It is Company policy NOT to download, install or use any pirated or illegal software. Any
software used on Company premises or Company assets must be legally acquired and the use
of such software must comply with all aspects of the related software purchase agreement.

b. Employees should not load or download any software onto the Company’s system without prior
approval from the IT Manager. This is to avoid possible licensing infringements, as well as to
ensure that viruses are not imported into the system.

c. Employees should notify their Manager of any breach of this policy.

d. Employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.

Please refer to the IT department for more detail.

7.3.17 Company Equipment and Vehicles

Employees are expected to exercise care, follow all operating instructions, safety standards and
guidelines, and carry the appropriate permit / license when using A-MAP owned / rented
equipment, tools or vehicles.

a. Unauthorised passengers are not allowed in A-MAP vehicles. Prior approval must be obtained
the Manager before transporting employees for business related purposes.

b. All employees are responsible for ensuring that they protect Company property and equipment
against theft or access by unauthorised individuals.
c. Prompt reporting of damage, defects and the need for repairs can prevent deterioration of
equipment and possible injury.

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d. Employees should notify their Manager if any equipment, machines, tools, or vehicles appear to
be damaged, defective or in need of maintenance / repair.

e. Employees who incur traffic fines while driving Company vehicles are liable to settle of such

f. Any improper, careless, negligent, destructive or unsafe use of equipment, tools and vehicles
may result in disciplinary action.

7.3.18 Company Accommodation

a. Employees must ensure that they behave in a responsible manner whilst residing in Company
provided accommodation.

b. Due care must be taken of all property e.g. furniture and household equipment provided in the
accommodation. Any loss or damage of such property must be immediately reported to the
Department Manager and / or the HR and Administration department.

c. It is the employees’ responsibility to ensure all A-MAP property is protected against theft.

d. Unauthorised visitors are not permitted in Company provided accommodation unless prior
approval is obtained from the Department Manager.

e. Under no circumstances are visitors permitted to stay over-night.

f. Female visitors are not allowed in Company provided accommodation.

7.3.19 Non-Smoking Policy

a. Smoking is prohibited in all public buildings, offices and other enclosed areas. It is also
prohibited in all Company vehicles and areas outside such as building entrances.

b. Employees are expected to keep smoking breaks to a minimum during working hours.

c. Smoking in areas designated as non smoking and hazardous may result in disciplinary action.

7.3.20 Drugs and Alcohol

a. The Company seeks to maintain safe and efficient working conditions for all its employees by
providing an environment free of alcohol and the use of illegal drugs.

b. It is prohibited for employees to use, possess, distribute, sell or be under the influence of alcohol
or illegal drugs while on Company premises and while conducting business related activities off
Company premises.

c. The legal use of prescribed drugs is permitted on the job only if it does not impair an employee's
ability to perform the essential functions of the job effectively and in a manner that does not
endanger the safety of the employee or others in the workplace.

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d. Being under the influence of alcohol or narcotic drugs whilst at work will result in disciplinary
action up to and including termination of employment.

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8.1 Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this policy is to:

a. Define the types of transactions wherein petty cash provisions can be utilised.

b. Streamline the procedure for petty and minimise petty cash funds as far as practicable.

8.2 Eligibility

This policy applies to the Finance and Accounts department, all Department Managers and any
employee requesting for petty cash.

8.3 Policy Statements and Application

8.3.1 Purpose of Petty Cash

a. The purpose of petty cash is to support the requirement of small adhoc business expenses.

b. Petty cash transactions include the following:

 Incidental expenses such as Salik payments or taxi fares
 Small one-off adhoc payments
 Emergency expenses
 Single transactions under AED 5000/-
 Payments for less than AED 50/-
 Any transactions up to AED 10,000/- that benefits the Company with discounts for
payments made in cash.

c. The use of petty cash should only be when necessary and when payments cannot be settled
through the standard Company payment procedures.

d. A petty cash limit will be agreed between the Finance Manager and the MD.

8.3.2 Requests for Petty Cash

a. When a petty cash payment is required, a petty cash request form must be completed by the
employee and approved by the Department Manager. Any requests by the Department
Manager must be in line with the defined limits and will be approved by the Finance Manager.

b. Petty cash payment can be claimed either in advance or for reimbursement of pre-approved

c. Once approved, petty cash will be issued by the Company Cashier. The Cashier will issue
monies between the hours of 0830 hrs till 1700 hrs from Sunday through to Thursday.

d. All approved petty cash requests should be issued within one (1) working day.

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e. Anyone receiving petty cash will need to sign a payment voucher to confirm the receipt of

f. All original receipts must be submitted as proof of purchase / payment for all petty cash

g. Receipts for petty cash payments / purchases where cash has been issued in advance must be
submitted to the Finance and Accounts department within one (1) working day.

h. Where original proof of payment / purchase is not provided, the Company will not reimburse
any monies. In the case of petty cash payments made in advance the Company will deduct this
from the employee’s salary if a receipt is not submitted within the required timeframe.

i. Any breach of the above policy will be considered as gross misconduct and will result in the
disciplinary action.

8.3.3 Handling Petty Cash

a. Anyone who is issued with or handling petty cash will be held responsible for any shortfalls and
therefore due care and attention must be taken in this respect.

b. The Finance Manager and the Cashier are the appointed custodians the Company’s petty cash
funds and are responsible for its safe custody.

c. The custodians are responsible for ensuring that no one has any unauthorised access to petty
cash funds and that all funds are protected from any risks.

d. Daily closing and reconciliation of petty cash must be in line with the Company procedure.

e. Any shortfalls in petty cash will be investigated to the full extent. Any shortfalls that cannot be
justified will be treated as gross misconduct and handled through the Company’s disciplinary

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9.1 Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines pertaining to attendance and work schedule.

9.2 Eligibility

This policy applies to all employees.

9.3 Policy Statements and Application

9.3.1 Hours of Work

a. Employees are contracted to work for up to forty eight (48) hours per week. The weekly
working hours do not include the daily one (1) hour break.

b. Friday is the weekly day off for all employees.

c. The working pattern can vary based on the nature of operations, job role and location of work.
The applicable working hours will be posted on all workplace entrances used by employees.

d. Employees should avoid working beyond regular working hours or during the weekend, unless
officially requested to by their Manager.

e. In instances where employees may be required to remain in the office after working hours, s/he
will need to be accompanied and should not be left alone.

f. Should an employee need to attend the office during the weekend, this should only be for
business purposes and prior permission must be obtained from their Manager. Anyone required
to attend during the weekend must be accompanied.

g. Anyone found or reported to be on work premises after the official working hours without
authorisation from his/her Manager will be subject to disciplinary action.

h. The normal work schedule for employees is as follows:

Head office

 The standard working week for all employees in the Head Office is five (5) days as described
in the table below:

Days of the week Hours of work Break

Sunday to Thursday 0800hrs – 1830hrs 1330hrs – 1430hrs
Table 01: Hours of Work, Head Office

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 The standard working week for all employees based in the Showroom is six (6) days from
Saturday to Thursday.

 Employees based in the Showroom are entitled to alternate Saturdays off.

 The break on a Saturday is thirty (30) minutes which can be taken anytime between
1200hrs and 1400hrs and must be agreed between the Department Manager and employee
in order to ensure customer requirements are met.

 It is the responsibility of the Manager to roster and inform each employee the date of his/her
alternate day off at least one (1) month in advance.

 It is the responsibility of the Manager to also ensure operational coverage is maintained

during all official work hours.

 The working hours for the Showroom is described in the table below:

Days of the week Hours of work Break

Sunday to Thursday 0830hrs – 2000hrs 1330hrs – 1600hrs
Saturday 0830hrs – 1500hrs 30 minutes
Table 02: Hours of Work, Showroom

Technical Centre

 The standard working week for all employees based in the Technical Centre is six (6) days
from Saturday to Thursday.

 Employees based in the Technical Centre are entitled to alternate Thursdays off.

 The break on a Thursday is thirty (30) minutes which can be taken anytime between
1200hrs and 1400hrs and must be agreed between the Manager and employee.

 It is the responsibility of the Manager to roster and inform each employee the date of his/her
alternate day off at least one (1) month in advance.

 It is the responsibility of the Manager to also ensure operational coverage is maintained

during all official work hours.

 The working hours for the Technical Centre is described in the table below:

Days of the week Hours of work Break

Saturday to Wednesday 0830hrs – 1830hrs 1330hrs – 1430hrs
Thursday 0830hrs – 1500hrs 30 minutes
Table 03: Hours of Work, Technical Centre

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 The standard working week for all employees in the Warehouse(s) is six (6) days as
described in the table below:

Days of the week Hours of work Break

Saturday to Thursday 0830hrs – 1730 hrs 1330hrs – 1430hrs
Table 04: Hours of Work, Warehouse

9.3.2 Time Records

a. All employees are required to record their attendance which includes ‘time-in’ and ‘time-out’
on a daily basis through an automated attendance register.

b. Any significant absences from the workplace must be pre-approved by the Manager and
logged appropriately.

c. If an employee fails to record ‘time-in’ or ‘time-out’, this will be considered a breach of

Company policy and unauthorised absence.

d. Altering, falsifying and/or tampering with time records is considered as gross misconduct and
will result in disciplinary action.

e. If any corrections need to be made to the time records, the employee should discuss the changes
with their Manager and the Manager must submit an approval of any changes to the HR and
Administration department for processing.

9.3.3 Ramadan Hours

a. During the month of Ramadan, the normal working hours for all work schedules will be
reduced by a minimum of two (2) hours per day without the one (1) hour daily break and / or
nursing break.

b. Ramadan hours for all A-MAP work locations will be set and communicated by the HR and
Administration department.

c. Department Managers are responsible for ensuring all business requirements are met and
customer service levels are maintained during Ramadan.

9.3.4 Overtime

a. Employees are expected to maintain a healthy work life balance and are expected to complete
their work during the designated working hours.

b. In order to meet operational requirements employees may be required to work additional

hours. Any hours worked in excess of forty eight (48) per week hours is considered as overtime.

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Overtime Entitlement:

c. Eligibility for any overtime compensation is paid only to employees in the Labour category.
Employees in the Management and Staff category are not entitled to any overtime
d. All overtime must be authorised and approved by the Department Manager in advance.

e. Overtime on a daily basis should not exceed two (2) hours. In the case of operational
emergency if overtime exceeds two (2) hours per day this must be authorised in advance and
approved by the HR and Administration department.

f. Friday is considered as the weekly day-off for all employees. In cases where an employee is
required to work on that day, s/he will be compensated with a substitute day off or be paid
150% of his/her basic salary.

g. Overtime for employee in the Labour category will be paid at the following rates in compliance
to the UAE Law:

Overtime hours worked Rate

0400 to 2100 hours 125% of the total hourly rate
2100 to 0400 hours 150% of the total hourly rate
Fridays 150% of the basic hourly rate or a substitute rest day
Table 05: overtime calculation

h. No payment is made for periods of less than fifteen (15) minutes. Overtime worked is rounded
off to the nearest 30 minutes for recording and payment purposes.

Overtime Request Procedure

a. All overtime must be approved by the Department Manager in advance.

b. The Manager must complete an Overtime Payment Request Record for all employees in the
Labour category and submit it to the HR and Administration department.

c. The HR and Administration department will calculate and verify overtime in accordance to the
Company policy.

d. Upon approval the previous month’s overtime payment will be transferred into the employee’s
bank at the time of payroll.

9.3.5 Punctuality and Attendance

a. To maintain an effective work environment, employees are expected to come to work on time
and maintain a disciplined work schedule at all times.

b. Employees should notify their Manager as soon as possible in advance if they cannot avoid
being late to work.

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c. Each Manager is accountable for employees under their supervision and is expected to monitor
their punctuality and attendance. Managers can request the HR and Administration
department for attendance reports if required.
d. Employees who fail to attend work punctually and/or do not work the minimum contracted
work hours will be subject to disciplinary action.

e. If an employee is late or absent without authorisation on a regular basis, s/he may be placed on
an attendance monitor. Repeated lateness or absences may result in disciplinary action up to
termination of employment.

f. The disciplinary action for lateness applicable to all employees is described below:
 During a rolling month if an employee is late on three (3) or more occasions the Manager
will meet with the employee to establish the reasons for regular lateness.
 The aim of the meeting is to understand the reasons for lateness and agree on an
improvement plan.
 The improvement plan should be agreed and documented between the employee and

g. The Manager is responsible for monitoring the employee’s lateness/attendance pattern and if it
fails to improve, the following action will be taken:
 First Verbal Warning
− The Manager will issue a verbal warning to the employee and notify the Department
Manager and HR and Administration department in writing.
− The employee will be monitored for a further one (1) month from this date and a copy
of the written document will be maintained on employee file for record purposes.
 First Written Warning
− If within this monitoring period the employee again reports to work late on three (3) or
more occasions s/he will be given a written warning and will trigger another monitoring
period of a further one (1) month from this date.
− A copy of the first written warning will be maintained on employee file for record
 Final Written Warning
− If within this second monitoring period the employee again reports to work late on
three (3) or more occasions s/he will be given a final written warning and the
disciplinary action that follows may lead to termination of employment.

h. All warning letters will be issued by the HR and Administration department with inputs from
the Manager.

9.3.6 Unauthorised Absence

a. An employee will be considered on unauthorised absence if s/he does not seek and / or receive
approval from the Manager for an absence from work for any duration.

b. Where an employee is on unauthorised absence, the Manager is required to inform the HR and
Administration department.

c. The HR and Administration department is responsible for ensuring that necessary deductions
are made from the employee’s salary.
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d. Deductions will be applied to any unauthorised absences and will be calculated to the nearest
hour, on a pro-rata basis.

e. On returning to work, an employee is required to give a full explanation to his/her Manager for
the unauthorised absence and this may prompt monitoring or disciplinary action.

f. An employee who is on unauthorised absence for seven (7) consecutive days or more will be
subject to disciplinary action which may result in termination in absentia.

g. An employee who is on unauthorised absence for twenty (20) non-consecutive days or more in
any given year will be subject to disciplinary action which may result in termination in absentia.

h. Any cases of absconding will be handled by the HR and Administration Department in line with
legal procedure prescribed by the UAE Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.

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10.1 Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this policy is to clearly define the responsibilities and Company specific regulations
for all kinds of leave. All leave explained in this section is in compliance with the UAE Law.

10.2 Eligibility

This policy applies to all employees.

10.3 Policy Statements and Application

10.3.1 Annual Leave

a. Annual leave allows employees to benefit from time off from work with full pay and benefits. It
is intended to give employees time to rest, recuperate and achieve a balance between work
and non-work commitments.

b. Employees are expected to avail their annual leave in the year that it is accrued. Leave will
only be encashed if an employee has been unable to avail his / her leave due to operational

c. Annual leave periods will not trigger deductions in any salary and an employee’s salary will be
paid on the regular monthly payroll date unless the leave salary has been taken as a leave
salary advance.

d. Encashment of leave should not exceed fifteen (15) days per year and encashment will be
calculated at basic + housing allowance as per UAE Law.

e. An employee is entitled to an annual leave of thirty (30) calendar days on successful

completion of one (1) year of service. (Refer to section 13.3.1 for Annual Air Ticket entitlement).

f. Annual leave is accrued on a monthly basis, for every month an employee works, two and half
(2.5) calendar days of leave will be accrued to his / her leave balance.

g. For operational reasons employees in Management category are expected to split their annual
leave into two (2) or more occasions. Each occasion of annual leave should not exceed fifteen
(15) calendar days.

h. Employees in the Labour category are able to combine their annual leave entitlement over a
two (2) year period and avail up to sixty (60) calendar days in one (1) occasion.

i. All annual leave requests must be approved by the Manager and will be granted based on
operational requirements and availability of leave.

j. An employee who has an outstanding loan / advance must repay this before taking any leave
unless there are sufficient funds to cover the loan or advance from the End of Service benefit.

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k. Employees should plan their leave at the beginning of the calendar year. Where this is not
possible, employees should submit the leave request to their Manager at least four (4) months
in advance in order to allow their Manager to plan for leave coverage.

l. In cases where it is operationally not possible to grant leave, Managers will discuss the reasons
with the employee and reschedule his / her leave to an agreed date.

m. Managers are responsible to plan for his / her employee’s annual leave in line with operational
requirements ensuring that operational effectiveness is maintained throughout the year.

n. Department Managers are encouraged to develop an annual leave plan for their respective
department at the beginning of the year to effectively manage annual leave requirements.

o. Under no circumstances however can an employee work during his/ her annual leave for more
than once in two (2) successive years.

p. Any changes in annual leave dates driven by either operational requirements or an individual’s
circumstances should be submitted to the HR and Administration department in advance.

q. If for any unforeseen reason an employee is unable to resume work as scheduled, s/he must
notify his/her Manager and obtain necessary approval for an extension of the leave period.

r. Once the employee returns to work the Manager should meet with the employee to establish
the reasons for the delay in resuming work and need to consult the HR and Administration
department before deciding on any action to be taken.

s. If the reason for the delay is not justifiable and / or not acceptable then the employee may be
subject to disciplinary action.

t. If in exceptional circumstances an employee is called back to work whilst on annual leave on

the Company’s instructions, such days / hours will be treated as working days / hours and will be
credited back to the employees leave balance, in whole or part days / hours as applicable.

u. In the above case, costs incurred because of the unplanned recall from annual leave may be
reimbursed upon the approval of the Manager. These costs are non-refundable payments such
as hotel, travel, flight booking cancellation, prepayments etc.

v. If an employee falls sick during his / her annual leave, this period will be considered as an
inherent part of his / her annual leave.

Annual Leave during Probation

w. An employee is not entitled to any annual leave during the probationary period.

x. An employee is entitled to two (2) days of annual leave per month after successful completion
of the six (6) month probationary period up until completion of one (1) of service.

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y. Should an employee have a compelling reason and requires leave during such time, s/he will
need to consult his / her Manager. Leave during probation will be reviewed on a case by case
basis and approval will be based on Management discretion.
z. Any annual leave approved during the probation period will be considered as unpaid leave.

10.3.2 Public Holidays

a. All employees are entitled to public holidays declared by the UAE Ministry of Labour for the
private sector with full pay.

b. As most of the public holidays are based on the lunar months of the Hijri calendar, the precise
dates will be officially communicated by the HR and Administration department as and when

c. The official public holidays in the UAE are described in the table below;

Public Holiday Number of days

Hijrah / Islamic New Year’s Day 1
New Year’s Day 1
Eid Al Fitr 2
Eid Al Adha 3
Birthday of Prophet Mohammad 1
Ascension of the Prophet (Isra & Meraj) 1
National Day 1
Table 06: Public Holidays

d. Any additional Company-wide holidays will be communicated by the HR and Administration


e. In cases where an employee is required to work on a public holiday, s/he will be compensated
with a day in lieu of the holiday plus 50% of his / her total salary or the employee will be paid
150% of his / her total salary.

f. All the situations explained above need to be pre approved by the Manager and Department
Manager and submitted to the HR and Administration department.

10.3.3 Sick Leave

a. Sick leave allows employees who are unable to carry out their work duties due to personal
illness/injury to take time off from work.

b. Once an employee has satisfactory completed his / her probationary period plus three (3)
months following the probationary period s/he will be entitled to sick leave not exceeding
ninety (90) days, consecutive or non consecutive days, in respect of each year of service.

c. The first fifteen (15) days will be with full pay, the subsequent thirty (30) days will be with half
pay and remaining period will be unpaid as described in the table below.

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Days off sick Pay Rate
1st 15 calendar days Full pay
2nd 30 calendar days Half pay
Any subsequent periods Without pay
Table 07: Sick Leave entitlement

d. Employees are not entitled to any paid sick leave during the contractual probationary period
plus three (3) months following the probationary period.

e. Employees must provide a medical certificate for all absences due to sickness exceeding two (2)
or more consecutive days. Should the period of sickness exceed five (5) or more consecutive
days the medical certificate will need to be attested by a recognised medical authority.

f. Sick leave cannot be combined with annual leave, however in cases of long term sickness an
employee can request prior approval to combine sick leave with annual leave to
accommodate recovery from long term sickness.

g. If an employee takes sick leave on three (3) separate occasions during one (1) rolling year, the
Manager will meet with the employee to establish the underlying causes for the sickness to
check the individual’s fitness for work.

h. In such cases, the Manager can place the employee on a monitoring period of six (6) months in
order to closely monitor the employee’s absence due to sickness and must ensure that a medical
certificate is provided by the employee for each sick day taken thereafter.

i. The Company reserves the right to send an employee for a full medical check up to an
authorised doctor or a medical institution. The cost of any such referral will be borne by A-

j. If an employee is unable to return to work following the ninety (90) days of sick leave, the HR
and Administration department will assess the employee’s fitness to return to work and if it is
assessed that the employee will not be able to return to work or the recovery period is not
specified, the Company can terminate employment on medical grounds in line with the
employee’s contractual terms.

k. Employees are required to inform their Manager as soon as they are aware they will not be
able to attend work and before the scheduled start of their workday. In such cases the
employee is required to phone the Manager. SMS notifications are not acceptable.

l. On resuming work from sick leave employees must complete a Leave Request Form and
attach medical certificates if appropriate. Employees should then obtain written approval from
his / her Manager and submit it to the HR and Administration department for record purposes.

m. If a medical report / certificate is not approved or deemed inappropriate, then these days will
not be counted as sick leave and will be treated as unpaid leave.

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n. Benefit accruals such as annual leave, medical insurance and ticket entitlement will continue
during the period of paid sickness
o. End of Service benefit will not accrue during unpaid leave periods
10.3.4 Hajj Leave

a. Hajj leave allows those employees participating in the Hajj pilgrimage to benefit from time off
from work without pay.

b. All Muslim employees, upon the completion of one (1) year of service with the Company are
eligible for thirty (30) calendar days of leave without pay for performing the Hajj pilgrimage.

c. Such leave is available once in the course of an employee’s entire service with A-MAP and will
not be deducted from other periods of leave.

d. The leave period will include the Eid Al Adha and any other public holidays which may fall
within the leave period.

e. Employees must make their own travel arrangements for Hajj leave and pay all their own

f. Employees requesting for Hajj leave should notify his/her Manager four (4) months before leave
being taken and must submit their application for leave at least four (4) months prior to the
requested leave date.

g. Requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis and must be approved by the Manager
based on operational requirements.

h. Applicants must submit a letter from a reliable travel agency or a copy of his / her passport
stamped by the relevant authorities confirming intended participation in the Hajj.

i. On their return from Hajj leave, employees should submit a copy of the stamped Hajj visa page
of their passport to the HR and Administration department. Failure to do so will be considered
as misconduct and will result in disciplinary action.

10.3.5 Maternity Leave

a. Maternity leave allows expecting female employees to benefit from time off from work with
full pay and benefits.

b. Female employees are entitled to maternity leave with full pay for a period of forty-five (45)
calendar days, including both pre and post natal periods, provided that she has completed one
(1) year of continuous service with the Company.

c. A female employee who has not completed the aforesaid period of service will be entitled to
maternity leave with half pay.

d. Public holidays and weekends that fall during maternity leave do not extend the leave period.

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e. For a period of up to eighteen (18) months on returning from maternity leave and from the
date of birth of the child, a female employee may take two (2) nursing breaks of thirty (30)
minutes per break on a daily basis.

f. These two (2) additional breaks will be considered as part of the working hours and will not
result in any reduction in salary.

g. The breaks can be combined upon approval from the Manger and do not apply during the
month of Ramadan.

h. If an employee suffers from any illness with childbirth, maternity leave may be extended up to
an additional one hundred (100) consecutive or non consecutive days of unpaid leave which
must be certified by an approved medical authority.

i. With the approval of the Manager, an employee may combine her maternity leave with any
outstanding balance of her annual leave.

j. Employees must inform the Manager of their leave plan by the fourth (4th) month of their
pregnancy, and submit their application within four (4) months of the requested leave date.

k. An employee is also required to submit the appropriate medical certificate from a recognised
medical authority for the leave to be approved and processed by the HR and Administration

l. Benefit accruals such as annual leave, medical insurance and ticket entitlement will continue
during the approved maternity leave period.

m. End of Service benefit will not accrue during the additional unpaid illness period.

10.3.6 Compassionate Leave

a. Special compassionate leave with pay may be granted to all employees in case of death of
his/her immediate family member (i.e. next-of-kin: spouse, child, parent, brother and / or sister).

b. Employees are eligible for three (3) calendar days in the case of death of an immediate family

c. With the approval of the Manager, an employee may combine compassionate leave with any
outstanding balance of his / her annual leave.

d. In cases where an employee has not successfully completed his / her contractual probationary
period, compassionate leave maybe be granted as unpaid leave.

e. The employee must inform his / her Manager immediately, before the first day of absence.

f. On resuming work the employee must apply for compassionate leave and submit a copy of the
death certificate to HR and Administration department.

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g. Benefit accruals such as annual leave, medical insurance and ticket entitlement will continue
during the approved compassionate leave periods.

10.3.7 Unpaid Leave

a. Unpaid Leave allows those employees who no longer have any annual leave balance to take
time off from work.

b. All employees who have exhausted their annual leave entitlement and have completed one (1)
year of continuous service with the Company can request for unpaid leave.

c. All such leave should be taken in exceptional circumstances and request for unpaid leave will
be carefully reviewed on a case by case basis and must be approved by Management. Unpaid
leave will be approved based on operational requirements.

d. Unpaid Leave can be combined with annual leave which has not yet been exhausted with the
approval from Management.

e. Any approved unpaid leave periods will be calculated on total salary and are not taken in to
consideration when calculating the End of Service Benefits, bonus payments or end of year

f. During periods of unpaid leave it is the employee’s responsibility to ensure any repayment of
loans/ advances are settled.

g. The employee’s salary and allowances will be deducted on a pro rata basis for the number of
days taken as unpaid leave.

10.3.8 Leave Request Procedure

a. Employees must complete a Leave Request Form which can be obtained from the HR and
Administration department.

b. All completed Leave Request Forms must include supporting documents in-line with the
applicable leave policy for example medical certificates for sick leave.

c. All leave requests must be approved by the Manager and Department Manager and should be
submitted to the HR and Administration department for review and processing.

d. The HR and Administration department is responsible for ensuring that employees have the
required length of continuous service, have not been granted previous leave and that the leave
is duly scheduled.

e. Any questions and concerns pertaining to any type of leave entitlement or leave balance
should be addressed to the HR and Administration department.

10.3.9 Leave Salary Advance

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a. Leave salary advance allows employees to request for their monthly salary in advance of the
approved annual leave period.

b. An employee can request for the leave salary to be paid to in advance of the leave period
commencing, provided the period of the leave duration is thirty (30) calendar days.
c. Leave salary advance only applies to periods of annual leave.

d. Pay and benefits will be suspended for employees who do not return from annual leave on the
expected date.

e. If an employee does not return to work, applicable deductions will be made from his / her End
of Service benefit.

Leave Salary Advance Request Procedure

f. Employees must complete a Leave Advance Request Form which should to be approved
by the Manager and submitted to the HR and Administration department for review and

g. All requests for the leave salary advances should be submitted to the HR and
Administration department two (2) months prior to the leave date.

h. All approved requests for Leave Salary Advances will be processed through the monthly

10.3.10 Leave Amendments

a. Any leave extensions / adjustments for all types of leave must be pre-approved by the Manger
and Department Manager.

b. The Manager and / or the employee must notify the HR and Administration department of any
amendments to leave and where required provide supporting documents.

c. The HR and Administration department is responsible for making any necessary payment
adjustments and/or any adjustments to an employee’s leave balance.

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10.3.11 Returning to Work

a. All employees returning from any type of leave should inform their Manager and the HR and
Administration department in writing once they have returned to work.

b. Employees who do not report back to work after the last day of the approved leave, will be
considered on unauthorised absence and the necessary salary deductions will be made.

c. Salary and benefits will be suspended for employees who do not return to work on the
expected date.

d. If an employee returns to work later then the approved leave period, the Manager should hold
a meeting with employee to establish the reasons for the late return. Following this the
Manager will take the appropriate action in accordance to the unauthorised absence policy
which may result in disciplinary action.

e. If the late return is related to a sickness/hospitalisation/contagious disease, then the employee

should again notify the Manager and the HR Manger about the delay and provide a medical
certificate by a recognised authority.

f. The medical report should provide detailed information including investigation, diagnosis and
treatment. In this case, the extra days may be recorded as sick leave.

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11.1 Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this policy is to:

a. Define business travel expenses borne by A-MAP.

b. Provide guidelines for making appropriate business travel arrangements and identifying as well
as reporting related expenses.

11.2 Eligibility

This applies to all employees who are required to travel for business purposes.

11.3 Policy Statements and Application

11.3.1 Reasons for Business Travel

a. Business travel is when employees may be required to travel away from their regular work
location to carry out work related duties/requirements.

b. Business related travel (“business travel”) could be for a variety of reasons such as site / client
visits, attending exhibitions, conferences, seminars, road shows meetings and / or training

11.3.2 Requests for Business Travel

a. The need for travelling on business is identified by the MD and / or the Department Manager,
Manager and / or an employee in Sales.

b. Managers are responsible for discussing business travel requirements with their employees,
clarifying requirements and defining expected outcomes of the travel.

c. Employees must complete a Business Travel Request Form and Business Travel Expense Plan
which should be approved by the Management and then submitted to the Finance Manager
for final approval.

d. Once approved the Business Travel Request Form and Business Travel Expense Plan should be
submitted to the HR and Administration department who will make the necessary travel and
accommodation arrangements.

11.3.3 Business Travel Arrangements

a. Standard business travel arrangements include the flight and accommodation.

b. The class of travel for an employee required to travel for business purposes is economy. The
flight carrier will be selected based on suitability of flight times, availability and cost.

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Filename: Business Travel
c. Employees travelling to high risk areas will be eligible for international travel insurance under
the Company’s insurance plan.

d. Employees must always carry the card issued under the international travel insurance plan
which can be used for medical or civil emergency.

11.3.4 Business Travel Expenses

a. Incidental expenses incurred by employees during business travel which are paid for by the
Company include the following:
 Visas
 Standard daily meals for which employees should attempt to spend less than USD $50 per
 Laundry for trips exceeding five (5) days for upto a maximum of USD $20 per day
 Transport to and from the airport + client / hotel location
 Car rental only when other ground transportation such as hotel shuttle, taxi, Company
vehicle is not available or more costly
 Petrol, toll and parking fees
 Conference fees, training / seminar fees etc
 Currency conversion surcharges or commissions
 Small business supplies and services (photocopies, faxes, postage, telephone and internet
connection fees)
 Postage / shipping costs associated with mailing business materials
 Roaming telephone charges
 Clothing for travel to countries that have weather conditions which are below zero (0)
 Meetings with customers or vendors. Such meetings should be with those individuals who
have decision making authority or significant influence for future business opportunities

b. Incidental expenses incurred by employees during business travel which will not be paid by the
Company include the following:
 Meals purchased on short trips less than eight (8) hours
 Expenses for accommodation that exceeds negotiated rates
 Bar bills and toiletries
 Replacement of lost or stolen articles
 Business accessories
 Charges for in room movies
 Laundry trips on trips of less than five (5) days
 Gifts such as flowers, chocolates etc unless written approval is obtained through email prior
to date of purchase
 Alcohol and tobacco

11.3.5 Business Travel Expense Claim Procedure

a. Employees going on business travel need to identify related expenses prior to the travel date
based on the list of items defined in the above section (11.3.4).

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b. Employees should then document all identified expenses in the Business Travel Expense Plan
and submit the completed Plan to their Manager for approval.
c. All approved forms should then be submitted to the Finance and Accounts department for
review and verification.

d. The Finance and Accounts department is responsible for approving travel expenses and
arranging required funds in advance of the business travel date.

e. Upon returning from business travel, employees must complete a Business Travel Expense
Report which should include original receipts for individual expenses.

f. The completed Travel Expense Report should be approved by the Manager and should be
submitted to the Finance and Accounts department for review and record purposes.

g. Any unused funds must be returned to the Finance and Accounts department.

h. The Business Travel Expense Report should submitted no later than five (5) days upon returning
from business travel.

i. Any expenses incurred that are in excess of the amount identified prior to going on business
travel can be claimed upon return through the Business Travel Expense Report and must be
supported by an original payment receipt.

j. Any business travel expenses that are not accounted for and / or supported by an official proof
of payment should be submitted to Management for approval and Finance and Accounts
department for processing.

k. Any business travel expenses that are not been approved will be deducted from the employee’s

11.3.6 Business Travel Expense Disclaimer

Any breach of the travel expense policy and falsifying any travel expenses is considered an act of
gross misconduct and will result in disciplinary action. Falsification of following items will be subject
to appropriate disciplinary action:
 Relationship of expenses to Company business
 Purpose for which costs and expenses were incurred
 Validity of supporting documentation

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Filename: Business Travel

12.1 Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this policy is to explain the guidelines pertaining to an employee’s salary.

12.2 Eligibility

This policy applies to all employees.

12.3 Policy Statement and Application

12.3.1 Salary Components

a. An employees’ gross salary is composed of the following components:

 Basic salary
 HRA allowance – which includes elements such as accommodation and transport

b. The percentage split between an employee’s basic salary and HRA is 60:40.

12.3.2 Salary Payment

a. The Company will pay all employees their salaries on a monthly schedule through an online
bank transfer to their registered bank account within UAE.

b. The regular salary payment date is the 10 of every month. Employees will be paid on time by

this date for the previous month’s service.

c. The amounts paid are their gross salaries plus any entitled credits and less any authorised

d. All employees are given confidential salary slips at the beginning of each month, which list
credits, deductions and net payments. These need to be signed and returned to the Finance
and Accounts department by the 7th of every month.

e. Should an employee be on leave or business travel during that time, the payment will go
through on the scheduled date and the employee should sign and return the payment slip as
soon as s/he resumes work.

f. Any submissions for payroll such as overtime needs to be handed to the HR and Administration
department by the 25th of every month.

g. Any submissions made after the 25th of every month will be paid in the following month’s

h. The Company ensures that all employees receive the correct amount of salary in each pay
period on the scheduled pay day each month.

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Filename: Compensation
i. In the unlikely event that there is an error in the salary calculation, employees should promptly
bring the discrepancy to the attention of the HR and Administration department so that
corrections can be made as quickly as possible.

12.3.3 Salary Certificates

a. Employees may request the HR and Administration department to issue salary certificates
which may include the following:
 A letter to be issued to a bank / government organisation confirming salary details.
 A service certificate at the end of the employee’s service describing service dates, final job
title and salary details.

b. Such requests must be submitted to the HR and Administration department through email and
will take up to two (2) working days to process.

c. Employees in the Labour category who have no access to email should send such requests
through their Manager.

12.3.4 Salary Corrections

a. In cases where the Company is found to have paid less than the agreed monthly salary to an
employee, the shortfall will be fully backdated to reflect the correct remuneration.

b. Payment for all such situations stated above will be made based on the calculated shortfall in
the salary payment immediately or in the following payroll.

c. In cases where the Company is found to have paid more than the agreed monthly salary to an
employee, the entire additional amount will be deducted from the employee’s salary.

d. The amount will be recovered in full either immediately or as monthly deductions depending
on the individual circumstances.

12.3.5 Confidentiality of Salary Information

a. Salary information is strictly confidential and this information is restricted to only those
individuals who are responsible for the payroll process and / or involved in deciding salary

b. The disclosure of any salary information by an employee or the HR and Administration

department will be considered an act of misconduct and may be subject to disciplinary action.

12.3.6 Salary Increment

Salary increments may take place for the following reasons:

a. Review of A-MAP's salary structure against the market and / or cost of living
 When such a review takes place A-MAP may decide to increase elements of the salary
structure which may include basic and/or allowances.

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 An increment based on the above may or may not include all roles depending on market
conditions and is not a guaranteed increase.

b. Based on results of the performance evaluation

 Salary increments maybe granted at the discretion of management based on performance
 Performance related increment will based on the basic salary and must be within the salary
range for the job role

c. Employees are not entitled to an annual salary increment based on years of service or seniority

d. Employees will need to complete one (1) year of continuous service before they are considered in
the annual salary increment decision.

12.3.7 Sales Commission

Please refer to the HR and Administration department and / or the Sales Manager for details on
the Sales Commission policy.

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13.1 Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this policy is to explain the entitlement and scope of employee benefits.

13.2 Eligibility

This policy applies to all employees.

13.3 Policy Statements and Application

13.3.1 Annual Air Travel Ticket

a. Employees are eligible for one return air travel ticket from Dubai to the nearest international
airport in their home country on an annual basis.

b. The home country is defined based on the nationality of an employee as per his/her passport at
the time of employment.

c. The home country defined for all UAE Nationals for the annual air travel ticket entitlement is
the United Kingdom (UK).

d. The class of travel is economy for all employees.

e. The airfare will be calculated on the average of the high and low season rates of the airfare to
the home country.

a. The first entitlement to the annual air ticket will be paid upon completion of twelve (12)
months of continuous service with the Company. Thereafter, an employee will receive his / her
entitlement every year on the anniversary of their joining date.

b. The payment will be made through the payroll month which falls immediately after the
anniversary of an employee’s date of joining.

c. In case of termination, the employee is entitled to an encashment of the air travel ticket and
the airfare will be calculated on a pro-rated basis.

13.3.2 Medical insurance

a. The Company provides comprehensive medical insurance cover for all its employees. The
insurance plan will be in accordance to the eligibility criteria as defined in A-MAP’s
compensation and benefits framework.

b. The scheme provides financial protection against unpredictable medical, hospital and surgical
expenses in addition to regular medical check-ups.

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Filename: Benefits
c. Details of the various plans are covered in the medical insurance brochure provided by the
insurers and can be obtained through the HR and Administration department.
d. Employees in the Management and Staff category are personally responsible for paying any
‘deductible amount’ charged by medical institutes.

e. The Company will bear the cost of any ‘deductible amount’ charged by medical institutes for
only those employees who are in the Labour category.

f. The Company reserves the right to amend the policy and change the medical insurance
provider from year to year.

g. The Company will not be liable for cases not covered by medical insurance.

13.3.3 Life Insurance

a. Employees are eligible to request for a life insurance plan upon successful completion of six (6)
months of service.

b. The associated costs for the insurance plan is will be covered as defined below:
 50% of the associated costs will be borne by the Company
 50% of the associated costs will be borne by the employee

c. Details of A-MAP’s life insurance plan is covered in the brochure provided by the insurers and
can be obtained through the HR and Administration department.

13.3.4 Workmen's Compensation

a. Employees who are injured at work while performing work related responsibilities are eligible
for the workmen’s compensation which will be in full compliance with Chapter eight (8) of the
UAE Law.

b. Compensation will only be issued after conclusion of an investigation and approval on the
related compensation from the HR and Administration department.

c. Workmen’s compensation will not apply due to any injuries that arise form to an employee’s
negligence and lack of common sense.

d. Employees who are injured at work while performing work related responsibilities are eligible
for their full salary entitlement plus full medical cover throughout the period of treatment or
for upto six (6) months, whichever is less.

e. In the above case the treatment costs will include but are not limited to the following:
 Hospital stays
 Surgical operations
 X-ray and medical diagnosis
 Medicines and rehabilitation
 Costs of any transport costs related to the treatment

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f. In cases where the recovery and treatment time exceeds six (6) months, the compensation will
be reduced by half for a further six (6) month period or until the employee fully recovers or is
declared disabled, whichever occurs first.
g. Where an accredited medical institution confirms that an employee cannot return to pre-injury
duties on medical grounds, the HR and Administration department will attempt to find
suitable alternative employment within the Company.

h. Where the above is not possible, continuation of employment will be decided by the HR and
Administration department in consultation with the concerned Department Manager, and in
full compliance with the UAE Law.

i. For permanent disability resulting from an accident during employment, the Company will
compensate employees in accordance with the UAE Law.

j. In the unfortunate death of an employee due to a work related injury or illness, an employee’s
estate (family) will be compensated in Compliance with the UAE Law.

k. All employees are covered under the Company’s workmen’s compensation plan and details of
this plan can be obtained from the HR and Administration department.

13.3.5 End of Service

a. Under the UAE Labour Law, a benefit payment is due to expatriate employees who have
served the Company for any period in excess of one (1) year.

b. UAE National employees are enrolled in the Statutory Pension Scheme in accordance to the
provisions of the UAE Law.

c. The Company’s End of Service benefits entitlement for its employees is in compliance to chapter
seven (7) of the UAE Law.

d. The End of Service benefit will be calculated based on the last basic salary earned. The benefit
takes into consideration the number of years an employee’s of service to the Company.

e. The End of service benefit is described below and in any situation of the aggregate amount of
benefit will not exceed two (2) year's of an employee’s basic salary.

f. Any periods of unpaid leave are not taken into consideration while calculating an employee’s
service period.

End of Service Benefit

 In the event of resignation for employees:
− 7 days basic salary for the first three years of service
− 14 days basic salary for three to five years of service
− 30 days basic salary for over five years of service
 In the event of termination:
− 21 days basic salary for the first five years of service
− 30 days basic salary for each additional year of service

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g. An employee may request for up to 70% his/her accrued End of Service benefit as an advance.
h. This request can only be made on the completion of three (3) years of service.

i. The decision to pay any advance against the accrued End of Service benefit will be at
Management discretion.

j. The End of Service that is finally paid at the time of separation (where eligible) will be adjusted
in line with any advance payment taken.

k. The payment of an employee’s End of Service benefit is conditional on the return of all
entrusted Company property, assets, funds and bank clearance if applicable. The value of
damaged / unreturned Company assets will be deducted from the employee’s final settlement.

l. Where the amount owed to the Company exceeds the final settlement or End of Service
benefit, the employee is required to pay the outstanding amount from his / her personal means
and will not be released from A-MAP’s sponsorship / employment unless all financial matters
are settled.

m. End of Service benefits will be paid on the completion of relevant separation formalities.

n. The Company reserves the right to forfeit the End of Service benefit if an employee is
terminated due to an act of gross misconduct or abandons work without notice with the
exception of the reasons specified in Article 121 of the UAE Law.

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14.1 Purpose of the Policy

The purpose of this policy is to:

a. Provide incentives and motivate employees to perform their duties at the highest level.

b. Reward and recognise all employees for their contribution in achieving A-MAP’s targets.

c. Ensure that part of the reward package is variable and based on business and individual

14.2 Eligibility

This policy applies to all employees who have successfully completed one (1) year of service with the

14.3 Policy Statements and Application

14.3.1 Company Bonus

a. Bonus is a variable annual payment designed to be paid based on the Company’s and
individual employee’s performance.

b. The Company’s performance will be assed based on achievement of A-MAP’s financial and
non financial targets.

c. The Company will assess an employee’s individual performance and contribution to the
business using the performance evaluation process.

d. Any bonus will be paid at the discretion of the MD and the annual bonus amount needs to
be approved by the MD.

e. If an employee’s has been or is on unpaid leave during the year, his / her eligibility for a
bonus will be calculated on a pro rata basis for the actual period of service.

f. If an employee resigns before the annual bonus payment and is serving his / her notice
period, the entire bonus is forfeited.

14.3.2 Employee Recognition

a. The Company values its employees’ and recognises and rewards employees for outstanding
performance and contribution.

b. Outstanding performance / contribution may include:

 Cost savings
 Process improvements

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 Significant business improvements
 Exceptional levels customer service

c. Nominations for the reward and recognition scheme can be made by:
 Department Managers
 A-MAP customers
 Other employees

d. Nominations for the internal and recognition scheme can be made by completing Employee
Recognition Form which should be submitted to the HR and Administration department.

e. The HR and Administration department is responsible for reviewing the nominations. Final
decisions will be taken by the MD.

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15.1 Purpose of the Policy

The purpose of this policy is to:

a. Encourage a performance based culture by recognising and rewarding good performance.

b. Ensure the annual performance evaluation process is conducted in a consistent and accurate

c. Ensure employees understand and know what is expected of them.

d. Provide input which helps identify training and development needs for each employee.

15.2 Eligibility

Employees who have successfully completed their probationary period with the Company at the
time of the annual performance review will take part in the performance evaluation process.

15.3 Policy Statements and Application

15.3.1 Annual Cycle

a. The performance evaluation process is an annual, twelve (12) month cycle, from January to
December each year.

b. Performance evaluation is an ongoing annual process which involves the Manager and an
employee working closely together to set and agree specific goals and regularly review
performance against these goals.

15.3.2 Performance Evaluation Process

Managers are responsible for evaluating the performance of employees in their team. The
evaluation process can be broken down in to key stages as outlined below.

1. At the beginning of the year the Manager and the employee will agree and document
specific goals. These goals should be SMART goals i.e. Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Relevant and Timed.

2. A formal mid-year meeting should take place between the Manager and the employee to
discuss progress against the set goals and any areas of improvement needed. This discussion
should be documented and a copy should be submitted to the HR and Administration

3. A formal end of year performance evaluation meeting should take place between the
Manager and the employee. During the meeting the Manager will evaluate the overall
performance and discuss what the employee has done well during the year and discuss any
areas of improvement. This performance review is a two way process in which the

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Filename: Performance Evaluation
Manager and the employee contribute jointly to the performance discussion. The outcome
of the evaluation meeting should be documented in the end of year Performance
Evaluation Form.

4. During the course of the year the Manager and the employee should meet at regular
intervals to discuss progress against the agreed goals. These meetings can be agreed
mutually and can take place on a monthly basis or at a minimum on a quarterly basis.
These discussions should also be documented to help the Manger and the employee track
progress and performance and can be used to support the formal mid-year and end of
year performance evaluation meetings.

5. The Manger will consolidate and document the employee’s performance in order to be able
to formally evaluate the employee’s overall performance.

6. The performance evaluation results will then be used to determine any performance bonus
or increments if applicable.

15.3.3 Roles and Responsibilities

a. It is the role of the Manager to continually monitor an employee’s performance, provide

guidance and support as required to ensure employees meet and exceed their individual goals.

b. It is the role of an employee to perform against agreed goals.

c. It is the role of the HR Manager to facilitate the performance evaluation process and
communicate dates for the mid-year and end of year reviews.

15.3.4 Managing Poor Performance

a. Managing poor performance is an important part of the performance evaluation process. All
employees can expect that the Company will address poor performance with the intention to
support employees to improve their performance to an acceptable standard.

b. Managers are responsible for identifying specific instances of poor performance and formally
discussing this with the employee highlighting specific expectations of improvement.

c. The Manager should explore reasons for poor performance and seek to provide support,
coaching and where appropriate training in order to improve the performance.

d. All poor performance discussions should be clearly documented in an improvement plan which
defines expected areas of improvement. During the discussion the Manager will stipulate a time
frame within which improvements should be made and will set this as a monitoring period.

e. Monitoring periods for employees should normally be between the duration of one (1) and
three (3) months.
f. The Manager is responsible for ensuring that the improvement plan is adhered to and reviewed

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Filename: Performance Evaluation
g. An employee is expected to make every effort to improve his / her performance and to ensure
improvement in performance. Should there be any issues that prevent performance
improvement it is the employee’s responsibility to inform his / her Manager.
Poor Performance Procedure

h. The initial poor performance discussion will constitute a formal verbal warning about the
employees’ performance and an improvement plan which defines the monitoring period of
up to one (1) month will be documented and submitted to the HR and Administration
department for record purposes.

i. If poor performance does not improve to the expected standard, the employee will remain
on monitor and the monitoring period will be extended to a further one (1) month. The
employee will also receive a formal written warning about his / her poor performance, which
will be maintained on employee file.

j. If poor performance does still not improve to the expected standard, the employee will be
placed on a final monitoring period of one (1) month and will receive a final written warning.
The warning will include a notice to the employee informing them that if poor performance
continues during the final monitoring period this could result in termination.

k. The Manager should provide specific details of all poor performance issues based on which
the HR and Administration department is responsible for issuing warning letters.

l. A copy of the warning letter(s) is given to the employee and a copy is maintained on
employee file and will remain valid for a period of up to one (1) year.

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Filename: Performance Evaluation

16.1 Purpose of the Policy

The purpose of this policy is to:

a. Ensure A-MAP supports employees to undertake training which is recognised by the Company
as necessary for performing their current role and is in line with business requirements.

b. Ensure that individual training and development plans are aligned to the overall needs of the

c. Create a culture within A-MAP that motivates employees to learn, and to provide them with
opportunities for training and development.

16.2 Eligibility

This policy applies to all employees that have been confirmed in their positions.

16.3 Policy Statements and Application

16.3.1 Identification of Training Needs

a. All training activities must be related to an employee’s job duties and responsibilities.

b. Identifying training and development needs can be broken down in to the key stages as
outlined below:

1. Department Managers and their teams, identify and review department training and
development needs. This is achieved through reveiwing departmental business
requirements, team meetings, meetings with the HR and Administration department etc.

2. The employee, in partnership with their Manager, will identify individual training and
development needs. The performance evaluation meeting is the main opportunity for
identifying individual development needs.

16.3.2 Training Plan

a. Following the identification of training needs, the HR and Administration department will
develop an annual training plan with inputs from the Department Managers and data from
the performance evaluation process.

b. The training plan should include training needs identified across the Company as well as an
estimated training budget for the following year for each department.

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16.3.3 Roles and Responsibilities

a. Department Managers are responsible to support employees in identifying specific

development needs and prioritising them.

b. The HR and Administration department is responsible for the following:

 Supporting Department Managers to identify and prioritise training needs.
 Producing an annual training plan and ensuring it is delivered effectively.
 Recommending training and development budgets across the the Company.
 Sourcing appropriate training and development providers.
 Organising of training and development programmes.

16.3.4 Training Request Process

a. All training which is considered to be essential for the operation of the department whether
planned or adhoc will need to be raised through the Training Request Form.

b. Employees attending training need to complete a Training Request Form to meet training
needs proposed and approved by the Management.

c. The Manager and employee will set and document the objectives that need to be achieved
through training and should clearly state what behaviour or skill will be developed as a result
of the training request.

d. The completed form will be submitted to the HR and Administration department, who will
review the request against the training plan and determine associated training costs.

e. All planned training requests will then be forwarded to the Finance department for verification
against the training budget.

f. Any unplanned or adhoc requests will need to be escalated to the MD for approval.

16.3.5 Training Evaluation

a. Evaluating the effectiveness of training is important for the Company to ensure it gets a return
on its investment.

b. As part of this evaluation employees who have attended training will be required to complete
a Training Evaluation Form which will be submitted to the HR and Administration

c. All employees who attend training on behalf of the Company will be expected to share this
learning with their colleagues and Manager. This will help to transfer skills and knowledge
amongst other team members.

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16.3.6 Training Cancellation

a. An employee must provide notice of cancellation of attendance at a training course in line with
the cancellation terms agreed with the training provider.

b. If an employee cancels his / her attendance due to an operational emergency without sufficient
notice for cancellation, the Manager will be offered the option of enrolling a replacement
employee on the course.

c. If an employee cancels his / her attendance due to a personal emergency without sufficient
notice, the reasons will be reviewed on a case by cases basis and a decision will be made based
on the discretion of the Management.

16.3.7 Trainees and Internships

a. The Company provides an opportunity for students in secondary studies or at university or

college i.e. Interns in the UAE or abroad, to participate in on-the-job training and work

b. Students studying appropriate subjects will be selected to spend the period determined by
course requirements, minimum of four (4) weeks and a maximum of six (6) months, with the

c. Applications are submitted to and reviewed by the HR and Administration department and
discussed with the respective Department Manager.

d. It is the responsibility of the Manager to ensure all Interns have a set of clear objectives for the
duration of the internship, and evaluates the Intern against the objectives at the end of the
internship program.

e. The contractual terms for all selected interns will be set and agreed by the HR and
Administration department.

16.3.8 Training Bond

a. Employees may be required to sign a Training Bond to ensure a return of investment to the
Company for certain professional training programmes and / or courses.

b. The duration of a training bond will be up to two (2) years upon completion of the training
course and will depend on the value and length of training.

c. If an employee resigns during the period of a Training Bond, s/he will need to repay the cost of
the training.

d. The amount of this repayment will be calculated on a pro rata basis over the period from the
date of completion of training course. This may be recovered through an employee’s final
settlement or End of Service benefit.

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e. An employee will not be required to make any repayment in situations where termination is
due to redundancy.

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17.1 Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this policy is to:

a. Develop leadership capabilities to support the achievement of A-MAP’s business goals.

b. Ensure that the Company supports employees in their efforts to acquire knowledge and
develop their abilities in line with their current and future job responsibilities.

17.2 Eligibility

This policy applies to time employees who have been confirmed in their positions.

17.3 Policy Statements and Application

17.3.1 Promotions

a. The purpose of promotions is to grow and develop employees within A-MAP.

b. A promotion will take place when a vacancy exists at a higher level and an employee who
meets the requirements of that vacancy is promoted in to the role.

c. If a job role increases in size, scope or content and is evaluated to be of a high grade then this
may create an opportunity for promotion.

d. An employee will be promoted if s/he meets the requirements of vacancy. The promotion
decision will be based upon the employee’s past performance and if the criteria for the role is
met i.e. required skills, experience and qualifications.

e. When a suitable promotion opportunity arises this will be posted as an internal vacancy in
order to give employees an opportunity to express an interest in the role.

f. Employees will need to submit an application for the promotion opportunity which should be
supported by a letter stating reasons for their interest in the role and a copy of their CV.

g. All expressions of interest will be taken in to consideration in a fair and objective manner and
the decision to promote will be based on the employees performance and meeting the criteria
of the job role.

h. Employees must complete twelve (12) months of service to be eligible to apply for a promotion.

i. Employees undergoing a disciplinary process or under disciplinary sanctions will not be

considered for a promotion.

j. When an employee is promoted, the period of time to move from one job to another should be
no longer than the contractual notice period to enable the Manager to find a suitable

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Filename: Career Development
k. The HR and Administration department is responsible for facilitating A-MAP’s promotion
process and the Managers are responsible for supporting their employees to grow and develop.

17.3.2 Internal Transfers

a. Transfers can take place for the following reasons:

 In the interests of the business and to enhance resource utilisation or utilisation of skills.
 Transfer to support growth and development of skills and knowledge.
 In situations where an employee’s skills do not meet the requirements of the role and may
be better suited to a role in another department as long this is at the same grade or lower.

b. Employees being transferred must meet the job requirements for the new role and will not be
required to undergo a probation period in their new position.

c. A release period not exceeding two (2) months should be agreed between the current Manager
and the HR and Administration department.

d. During the release period an employee who is being transferred will be required to train / coach
his / her successor and ensure a comprehensive handover takes place within the agreed

17.3.3 Succession Planning

a. The purpose of succession planning is to ensure high performers are identified and retained and
critical job roles are not at risk.

b. Succession planning needs will be identified through two (2) key aspects which include:
1. Identification of high performing and high potential individuals through past performance
2. Identification of critical job roles which include management and technical specialist roles.

c. For each critical position a number of key successors should be identified and developed. The
number of successors can vary depending on the nature of the job and availability of talent.

d. HR Manager and Department Manager and/or individual in a critical role are jointly
responsible for preparing a detailed development plan for the employee who has been
identified as a high performer or high potential individual.

e. The plan should outline specific activities and trainings that the employee will engage in order
to develop required skills and competencies for the role. The plan should also include a
timetable with milestones for assessing progress.

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17.3.4 Employee Development Opportunities

a. The Company provides development opportunities to help grow employees in to more senior

b. Such opportunities arise when roles within the Company become vacant for a limited period of
time e.g. in cases of long term leave.

c. In such situations an employees may be asked to take on ‘acting’ roles for vacant positions. The
period of acting should not exceed six (6) months.

d. The employee in the ‘acting’ position will remains on his / her current compensation and benefit
package during this period.

e. If the position the employee is acting in becomes vacant, the promotion policy applies. (Refer to
section 17.3.1 for Promotions)

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18.1 Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this policy is to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment for all
employees, customers and visitors.

18.2 Eligibility

This policy applies to all employees.

18.3 Policy Statements and Application

18.3.1 Health and Safety Standards

a. A-MAP views health and safety as an integral component of the working environment and will
facilitate all reasonable action required to avoid and prevent occurrence of accidents or injuries
at workplace.

b. Employees are expected to use common sense, to obey safety rules, and to exercise caution
while carrying out all work activities.

c. Employees are also required to take all reasonable steps to protect their own safety, as well as
the safety of colleagues, customers and visitors.

d. Employees must immediately report any unsafe conditions to their Manager and / or the HR
Manager. All reports can be made without fear of reprisal.

e. In the case of accidents that result in injury, regardless of how significant the injury may appear,
employees should immediately notify their Manager or the HR and Administration

f. Employees who are issued with safety gears as part of their uniform must wear them whilst
carrying out their duties at all times.

g. The HR and Administration department will maintain a record and prepare any necessary
reports of all accidents that occur at the workplace while an employee is performing his / her

h. Any behaviour which violates safety standards causes hazardous or dangerous situations, or
failure to report or remedy such situations when appropriate, is considered an act of gross
misconduct and will result in disciplinary action.

i. Employees with ideas, concerns or suggestions for improving health and safety standards are
encouraged to raise them with the HR and Administration department. (Refer to section 21 for
Employee Suggestion Scheme)

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18.3.2 Occupational Injury

a. Occupational Injury" means disability, illness or death which is attributed to an employee’s


b. Employees who sustain illness or any injuries at work should inform their Manager.

c. All near misses should also be reported to the Manager to prevent future incidents or accidents.

d. The Manager is responsible for documenting all accidents and near misses in the Incident Report
Form. Completed forms should be submitted to the HR and Administration department for
record purposes and other further action.

e. The HR and Administration department is responsible for providing guidance on health and
safety issues that may arise in the workplace.

f. An injury will be regarded by the Company as an "Occupational Injury" in any of the following

 The employee was engaged in assigned duties, and the injury occurred as a direct result of
these duties.

 The injury occurred due to exposure to materials and / or conditions harmful to human
health whilst engaged in the assigned duties.

 The injury occurred when the employee was travelling to or from their workplace,
immediately before commencement or after completion of duty, and without a diversion
from the normal (or most direct) route.

 The injury occurred even though protective clothing/equipment were provided and worn,
and all operational procedures were followed.

g. An injury will not be classed or recognised as an Occupational Injury if it was the result, either
fully or partly, of the employee’s own negligence.

h. Employees who are absent as a result of authorised sickness, due to industrial sickness or injury,
will receive pay during such absence in accordance with the UAE Labour Law.

i. Where an accredited medical institution confirms that an employee cannot return to pre-injury
duties on medical grounds, the HR and Administration department will attempt to find
suitable alternative employment within the Company. Where this is not possible, continuation
of employment will be decided by the HR and Administration department in consultation with
the concerned Department Manager, and in full compliance with the UAE Labour Law.
(Repeated Statement from section 13.3.4)

j. For permanent disability resulting from an accident during employment, the Company will
compensate employees in accordance with the UAE Law. Compensation will be issued after

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conclusion of an investigation and approval on related compensation by the HR and
Administration department.

k. The HR and Administration department is responsible for maintaining records of occupational

injury that may arise.

l. All Managers are responsible for identifying any risks associated with the activities associated
with his / her team.

m. All employees are responsible for ensuring that they understand the Company’s health and
safety standards and procedures are abide by these. Any health and Safety risks must be
reported immediately to the Administration Manager.

n. The Administration Manager is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the work environment is
safe and free from any work place hazards.

18.3.3 Evacuation

a. At the sound of the fire alarm, all employees, regardless of their work location must evacuate
the building premises immediately and assemble at the designated assembly area.

b. The HR and Administration department is responsible for ensuring each Department Manager
has a copy of the evacuation plan and is informed of the escape route and designated
assembly point.

c. The Department Manager is responsible for communicating the information in the above
statement to their respecting departments.

d. Employees are responsible for familiarising themselves with the Company’s evacuation plan
and the escape route.

e. It is the responsibility of all employees to ensure fire doors and passage ways are kept clear and
unobstructed at all times.

18.3.4 First Aid

a. First aid boxes should be placed in all work locations and there must be a minimum of one (1)
first aid box for every hundred (100) employees.

b. An employee who is trained on first aid will be responsible for administrating the first aid box
and the names and contact details of the selected employees will be posted next to all first aid

c. The use of the First Aid kits is limited to treating minor injuries or injuries that need immediate
attention prior to proper medical care.

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18.3.5 Emergency Closing

a. Severe weather conditions, fire, power failure, earthquake or other emergency conditions may
require the closure and vacating of the work location.

b. Employees directly affected by the closure of operations will be on paid leave for upto a certain
duration of the closure.

c. HR and Administration department is responsible for notifying employees of all such closures
and keeping employees informed about the expected duration of the closure and its impact.

d. Furthermore, this leave will not be deducted from an employee’s annual leave balance. Where
an emergency closing is not authorised, failure to report to work may be considered
unauthorised absence.

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19.1 Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this policy is to:

a. Provide prompt and effective resolution of concerns and grievances and a fair resolution

b. Encourage consistency, transparency and fairness in the handling of workplace problems or


c. Allow the Company to seek an informal resolution where appropriate but allow for more
formal proceedings should the circumstances demand.

19.2 Eligibility

This policy applies to all employees, irrespective of position or length of service.

19.3 Policy Statements and Application

19.3.1 Raising Concerns and Grievances

a. The Company has established a means of communication whereby an employee can present
his / her concern or grievance to the Company and readily obtain a decision before relevant

b. All employees can raise a grievance or concern without fear of reprimand.

c. To maintain a collaborative working environment, Managers are encouraged to resolve

concerns and grievances informally through discussion to the satisfaction of all parties where

d. It is the responsibility of Managers to investigate all concerns and grievances that may arise
among his/her employees, endeavour to settle them and ensure compliance with the
Company’s policy and procedure within his / her respective team.

e. The HR and Administration department must be kept well informed of all grievance
proceedings and ensure that they are handled effectively and sensitively.

f. The HR and Administration department is responsible for:

 Providing advice and assistance in the handling of concerns and grievances.
 Analysing the issues involved in the concerns or grievances handled in all departments.
 Recommending appropriate measures to avert the recurrence of similar grievances.

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19.3.2 Raising a Concern

a. Employees should come forward and voice any concerns that may arise in the workplace. A
concern can include but is not limited to the following:
 Financial malpractice or fraud
 Failure to comply with a legal obligation
 Breach of health and safety practices
 Criminal activity
 Violation of rights / justice
 Improper conduct or unethical behaviour
 Attempts to conceal any of the above

a. Any concerns about a workplace situation should be raised with the Manager and / or
Department Manager. However, in certain situations, if this is not possible and the concern can
be raised to the HR and Administration department.

b. At the first meeting an employee’s concerns will be noted and the employee will be invited to
set out in writing, the background and history of the concern.

c. The employee is not expected to prove the truth of the allegation; however s/he will need to
demonstrate that there are sufficient grounds for the concern raised depending on the severity
of the issue / concern.

19.3.3 Responding to a Concern

a. The Company recognises that employees need to be reassured that the concern has been
properly addressed.

b. An employee’s concern will be taken seriously and s/he will receive a written acknowledgment
of their concern form within five (5) days of raising it from the relevant Manager and / or the
HR and Administration department.

c. The HR and Administration department will investigate all disclosures and the action taken will
depend on the type and severity of the concern.

d. Subject to legal or other constraints, the employee may receive information about the outcome
of any investigation.

19.3.4 Untrue Allegations

a. It is expected that an employee will make an allegation in good faith. However, if it is proven
that an employee has deliberately made malicious or vexatious allegations s/he will be subject
to disciplinary action.

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19.3.5 Employee Grievances

a. An employee can raise a grievance when s/he fees believes there has been a violation of the
employment contract, Company policy or for any non resolved issues between employees.

b. All employees are expected to report a grievance under the Company’s grievance procedure
which is defined at the end of this section.

c. In establishing a grievance procedure, the Company recognises the following:

 The use of the grievance procedure will not in any way reflect unfavourably on the
employment status of any employee.

 The grievance procedure is not intended to nor will it be construed as restricting, limiting or
otherwise affecting whatever rights an employee may have under the UAE Labour Law.

 Employees should be given a fair hearing by their Manager concerning any grievances they
may wish to raise.

 Employees have the right to appeal against a decision made by their Manager. (Refer to
section 20.3.4 for Appeals Procedure)

 Employees can be accompanied by a fellow employee of their own choice when raising a
grievance or appealing against a decision when raising a grievance or appealing against a

d. A decision rendered by the Department Manager will normally be considered final. However,
should an appeal be raised by the employee against the decision, the Department Manager if
applicable and the HR Manger will then get involved.

e. Employees whose services are terminated due to poor performance are not eligible for raising a
grievance under the Company’s grievance procedure. Such cases would already have been
thoroughly reviewed by the Department Manager and the HR Manager prior to the decision to
terminate their services.

f. All grievances are treated as highly confidential and must not be discussed with third parties
other than those involved in the grievance procedure.

Grievance Procedure

a. Grievances will be addressed within agreed timeframes and at the lowest possible level of
Management. The procedure for handling individual grievances can be broken down into three
(3) key stages as outlined below:

 Stage 1
− Employees should raise all grievances with their Manager and attempts should be
made as far as possible to resolve the concern informally and through discussions.

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− If this is not possible, the employee should present a grievance in writing to his/her
Department Manager. The employee will be required to explain, the background and
history of grievance, giving names, dates, places and reasons why they are concerned
about the particular situation.
 Stage 2
− The Department Manager should prepare a written report on his / her findings and the
outcome of the discussions with the individual.
− A decision recommended at the level of the Department Manager will normally be
considered final.
− The grievance report will be sent to the HR and Administration department and a
record of the grievance will be maintained on employee file for record purposes.
− In cases where a mutually agreed settlement is not reached within five (5) working
days, the employee may ask the Department Manager to refer the matter to the HR
− An employee can appeal his / her case to the HR Manager for reconsideration if the
decision rendered by the Department Manager is not supported by reasonable

 Stage 3
− The HR Manager will analyse and review the background of the grievance as well as
the decision rendered by the Department Manager.
− The HR Manager may interview the employee and arrange for a meeting with the
employee and the Department Manager.
− At this stage the HR and Administration department is responsible for preparing a final
report for all grievances that are appealed.
− Depending on the nature and severity of the grievance, HR Manager reserves the right
to present certain cases to the MD for final review and approval.

19.3.6 Collective Grievance

a. A collective grievance refers to any dispute between the Company and its employees, which
involves the common interest of all or certain group or category of employees.

b. The Company encourages that all situations of collective grievances are heard by the HR
Manager in the first instance. In such circumstances the person in question should be informed of
the dispute in writing and be provided an opportunity to respond accordingly.

c. The Company will handle collective grievances in full compliance with chapter nine (9) of the
UAE Law.

19.3.7 Pay for time Spent in Grievance

a. Employees will be exempted from work without loss of pay for the time spent in attending
scheduled grievance meetings.

b. An employee is obligated to continue his / her duties when not in discussion with Company
representatives in accordance with the grievance procedure.

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20.1 Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this policy is to:

a. Establish fair and consistent guidelines for the behaviour standards expected from employees
both inside and outside the workplace and work hours.

b. Outline disciplinary measures that will be taken if an employee exhibits behaviour that is
deemed to be of a criminal nature or professionally unacceptable.

c. Ensure fair treatment of all employees and ensure that disciplinary measures are prompt,
consistent and impartial.

20.2 Eligibility

This policy applies to all employees.

20.3 Policy Statement and Application

20.3.1 Types of Disciplinary Action

a. In the event of an employee committing misconduct, the following disciplinary actions may be
taken depending on the nature and seriousness of the violation or misconduct and the implied
or actual consequences:
 Verbal warning: issued by the Manager to an employee. A verbal warning should be
documented and a copy will be maintained on employee file and will remain valid for a
period of six (6) months.
 First written warning: issued by the HR and Administration department in consultation with
the Department Manager to an employee. The letter will be maintained on employee file
and will remain valid for a period of one (1) year.
 Second written warning: issued by the HR and Administration department in consultation
with the Department Manager to an employee and will remain valid for a period of one (1)
 Final written warning: issued by the HR and Administration department in consultation
with the Department Manager to an employee. The letter will be maintained on employee
file and will remain valid for a period of two (2) to five (5) years depending on the nature
of the offence.
 Termination of employment or action short of termination approved by the HR and
Administration department and / or the MD and in full compliance with chapter six (6) of
the UAE Law.
 Salary deductions / fines which should not exceed more than five (5) days salary for each
incident in any given month.
 Delay of promotion for up to one (1) year.
 Suspension from duty for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days without pay.

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20.3.2 Acts of Misconduct

a. Although a single act of misconduct will not normally result in termination of employment,
cumulative acts of misconduct may result in termination of the employment contract. Listed
below are examples of acts of misconduct that can result in disciplinary action:

 Unauthorised absence from work.

 Failing to adhere to prescribed working hours.
 Refusal to undertake reasonable amount of overtime.
 Wilful hindering of operations or work schedules.
 Undertaking activities detrimental to recovery whilst taking time off due to sickness.
 Deliberately failing to maintain an acceptable standard of performance or to achieve the
required level of output, excluding issues of capability.
 Unauthorised use or misuse of Company property or equipment or information.
 Disregard of health and safety practices, procedures and rules.
 Unauthorised presence on Company property.
 Concealing the misconduct of others.

20.3.3 Acts of Gross Misconduct

a. Gross misconduct is conduct so serious that it effectively breaches the employment contract and
so justifies the Company taking disciplinary action up to termination of employment without
notice and End if Service benefit.

b. While it is possible to give examples of actions which may constitute gross misconduct, each case
will be considered in the light of its particular circumstances.

c. The following list broadly shows the type of offences that would constitute gross misconduct and
be grounds for termination of employment:

 Disclosure of competitive information such as operations related information including but

not limited to techniques, materials, tools, processes, pricing, client contract information,
bids and proposals.
 Deliberately damaging or stealing the Company property / assets.
 Deception or fraud at work, for example, falsifying application form details, bonus sheets,
personal records or sick certification documents.
 Committing serious criminal offences at work.
 Committing proven criminal offences outside work that deem the employee unfit to
perform his/ her duties or to be trusted.
 Destruction, misuse or improper disclosure of official documents or records.
 Being under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol whilst on duty.
 Fighting or physical assault in uniform or on work premises or during working hours.
 Serious acts of noncompliance to Company policy.
 Action or conduct that could potentially damage the Company’s reputation.
 Deliberate disregard of safety practices, procedures and rules.
 Harassment of other employees.

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 Accepting bribes.
 Accepting gifts or compensation of any sort without explicit consent from the Company.
d. In situations where employees feel subject to, or witness any form of misconduct, they should
promptly report the matter their Manager or the HR and Administration department.

20.3.4 Disciplinary Process

a. Should an employee commit and act of misconduct or gross misconduct this will initiate a
disciplinary hearing to investigate the incident.

b. The hearing will be conducted by the Department Manager to establish the facts surrounding
the incident. The investigation may involve interviews with other employees who may have
been involved or can share information about the incident.

c. All interviews must be conducted confidentially and formally documented.

d. The employees undergoing a disciplinary can be accompanied by a fellow employee of their

own choice.

e. The investigation must be completed within three (3) working days of the incident.

f. The investigating Manager will make a recommendation based on his findings as to whether
the employee was in breach of Company policy and if there has been an act of misconduct or
gross misconduct.

g. Based on this recommendation, the HR Manager will decide upon the disciplinary action.

h. The employee will be informed of the decision in person and in writing.

20.3.5 Suspension during Investigation

a. In exceptional circumstances, an employee may be suspended for a period of up to one (1)

month without pay depending on the nature of the offence being investigated. Should the
investigation find no case to answer, then the salary deduction will be reimbursed immediately.

b. The HR and Administration department must be consulted in all decisions relating to suspension
of an employee to protect the interests of the Company and any investigation.

20.3.6 Appeals

a. An employee can appeal against the disciplinary measure if s/he can substantiate the reasons
for disciplinary are not justified.

b. A formal appeal “hearing” will be arranged during which an employee must have a fair and
reasonable opportunity to present his / her point of view unless this is clearly not possible, e.g.
where an employee has absconded.

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c. The appeals committee will hear the employee’s views and report key findings of the hearing.
No member of the committee should be directly involved in the situation to avoid any conflict
of interest, bias or subjectivity.

d. An employee can choose a representative to accompany him / her to the hearing if they so
wish. If the representative is a standing member of the appeals committee they will be excused
from hearing the case.

e. The committee may decide to change disciplinary measure or revoke this based on the
outcome of hearing.

Appeals Procedure

a. The appeals committee is made up of a Department Manager from another department and
the HR Manager. The decision of the appeals committee is considered final.

b. An employee under investigation however may appeal against the decision to the HR
Manager for reconsideration within five (5) working days from the date the decision has been

c. All appeals must be made in writing clearly stating the reason for appeal and will only be
considered where the action relates to a final written warning and / or termination, and valid
grounds for appeal are provided.

d. In cases where the issue cannot be resolved by the appeals committee a more Senior Manager
appointed by the MD may get involved.

e. All appeals made will be responded within five (5) working days from of the date an appeal is
received, indicating acceptance or rejection (with reasons).

f. The appeals committee will have the final decision on the disciplinary action and will also have
the authority to confirm, decrease or rescind the disciplinary action imposed. No further action
will be taken once a final decision has been made by the appeals committee.

20.3.7 Resignation during Investigation

a. Resignation of an employee during investigation will not prevent the continuation of the
disciplinary measures against him / her. The resignation will be held until the disciplinary process
has been completed.

b. Resignation during investigation may not impact on the End of Service benefit of an employee.
However a decision on End of Service benefit will be taken only once the investigation has been

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21.1 Purpose of Policy

The purpose of this policy is to:

a. Ensure a smooth exit process for all employees.

b. Explain the guidelines for the process of the separation from A-MAP.

21.2 Eligibility

This policy applies to all employees.

21.3 Policy Statements and Application

21.3.1 End of Employment

a. An action by either the employee and / or an action by the Company is required to bring an
end to the employment contract.

b. As required by the contract, termination must be in writing from one party to the other - a
verbal advice has no validity.

c. Managers are responsible for informing end-of-employment to the HR and Administration

department in order to ensure the completion of all separation procedures.

21.3.2 Resignation

a. Resignation is a voluntary act initiated by an employee to end his / her employment with the

b. Employees are required to submit a resignation letter in writing stating the effective date of
resignation to his / her Manager.

c. Employees are encouraged to state the reason of resignation in his / her resignation letter and
will be required to serve the notice period stipulated in the employment contract.

d. The Manager should submit the resignation letter to the HR and Administration department
and the acceptance of the resignation letter; this will be formally communicated to the
employee in writing within five (5) working days by the HR and Administration department.

e. The effective date of the resignation is the date of the Company’s formal acceptance of the
employee’s resignation.

f. Where a resignation is not formally accepted by the HR and Administration department within
the stated timeframe, it will be treated as an acceptance starting from the date the resignation
was submitted to the Manager.

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21.3.3 Termination

a. The Company may terminate an employee for the following reasons:

 Serious offence (gross misconduct) - without notice or EOS benefit
 Redundancy - with notice and EOS benefit
 Retirement - with notice and EOS benefit
 Poor performance - with notice and EOS benefits
 Unauthorised absence for 7 consecutive days - without notice or EOS benefit
 Medical grounds - with pay and full benefit entitlement in line with the UAE Law

b. In all such cases, the HR and Administration department will send a notice of termination and
the employee.

c. Where an employee on limited contract is terminated, the Company will compensate the
employee. The compensation should not exceed the aggregate salary due for a period of three
(3) months or the remaining period of the contract. This is not applicable if the termination is a
result of a disciplinary action.

21.3.4 Notice Period

a. All employees are required to provide notice should they wish to resign. The notice period may
vary from one (1) month to two (2) months depending on the job role and will be specified in
the employment contract.

b. Where the employment contract is terminated by either party, an employee will normally be
required to work the full contractual notice period. Employees will, in this situation, be entitled
to any applicable basic salary, allowances and benefits up to and including the last day of

c. Where the Company does not require the employee to work during the contractual notice
period, the HR and Administration department will indicate this in writing to the employee,
and will make a payment of any applicable basic salary allowances and benefits in-lieu-of-
notice. Where the employee agrees to this, then the last day of service is brought forward to a
mutually agreed date and the employee will be fully compensated for the contractual notice

d. Where an employee fails to work the full contractual notice period without the agreement of
the Company, basic salary, allowance and benefits will cease on the last day of work.
Additionally, a pro-rata amount of the applicable basic salary and allowances for the notice
period not fulfilled will be deducted from the final settlement due.

e. Employees who have been terminated following a disciplinary measure may not be entitled to
a notice period or payment in-lieu-of-notice.

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21.3.5 Retirement

a. The retirement age for all employees is sixty (60) years of age.

b. The Company reserves the right to extend employment beyond the retirement age on a year
to year basis based in exceptional situations which are listed below:
 No suitable replacement has been found.
 A recognised medical authority certifies the employee’s fitness to carry out his/ her
responsibilities effectively.
 The Manager and the HR Manager approve the extension in writing the employee accepts
the extension in writing.

c. A minimum notice period of six (6) months will be given to the employees before their 60 th
birthday indicating whether the Company wishes either to apply the normal retirement age of
sixty (60) years or request an extension.

d. Where the Company prefers an extension, it is up to the employee to agree or reject the
extension on an annual basis.

e. Where an extension has been mutually agreed, the HR and Administration department will
issue a new employment contract confirming the extension of an employee’s retirement age.

f. For UAE National employees, the retirement policy will be subject to UAE Pension Authority

21.3.6 Death of Employee

a. In the unfortunate event of the death of an employee the Company will bear the following
 Repatriation of the human remains of the deceased to the home country.
 An economy-class return-ticket for one family member, relative or a friend, to accompany
the body of the deceased to the home country.
 Repatriation of all the personal effects of the deceased.

b. All payments to which the heirs of the deceased employee are entitled are made to the
"named beneficiaries” in the insurance or joining forms or in accordance to the Sharia Court,
which decides on the manner of distribution for Muslim employees.

c. The above payments include the final settlement and End of Service benefit.

21.3.7 Repatriation

a. All Employees including those who have not completed their probation are eligible to
repatriation at the end of their employment.

b. Repatriation includes a one way air travel ticket to the individual's home country and any
repatriation entitlements as per the terms and conditions of the employment contract.

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c. A-MAP will not cover any repatriation expenses in cases where an employee is joining another
Company. In this case the associated travel costs should be borne by the other Company.

21.3.8 Return of Company Assets

a. Employees are responsible for all Company property, materials, or written information issued to
them or in their possession and control.

b. Employees must return all Company assets issued to them to the HR and Administration
department prior to the last date of their employment.

c. Where necessary, the Company may withhold the value of any items that are not returned
when required from an employee’s salary.

d. The Company may also take full action deemed appropriate to recover or protect its assets.

e. The HR and Administration department is responsible for collecting assets given to the
employee in the course of their work.

f. On concluding employment, a clearance certificate must be duly signed by the employee and
the HR and Administration department before the final release of any benefits and / or final
settlement. Failure to do so may result in the Company having to withhold the final settlement.
(Refer to section 6.3.5 for Company Assets).

21.3.9 Annual Leave Balance

a. In case of the termination of employment or resignation of an employee, the employee may be

required to take the remainder of his / her leave entitlement during the notice period.

b. Any exception to the above statement will need to be reviewed on a case by case basis and
approval will be based on Management discretion.

c. An employee is entitled to two (2) days of annual leave per month after successful completion
of the six (6) month probationary period up until completion of one (1) of service.

d. Where an employee’s service period is more than one (1) s/he is entitled to two and a half (2.5)
calendar days of annual leave per month.

e. Annual leave encashment will be calculated on a on a pro-rata basis on basic salary +

accommodation allowance as per UAE Law. (Repeated statement)

f. The HR and Administration department is responsible for maintaining a balance of all leave
entitlements and managing any encashment of annual leave.

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Filename: Separation
21.3.10 Cancellation of UAE Residence Visa and Work Permits

a. At end of the employment, the employee’s and his / her dependants’ residency visas will be

b. The HR and Administration department is responsible for visa cancellations and the release of
sponsorship and this will be in full compliance to the UAE immigration rules.

c. Any information related to cancellation of UAE residence visas and work permits should be
addressed to the HR and Administration department.

21.3.11 Exit interviews

a. Exit Interviews will be conducted with employees prior to their separation from the Company.

b. The exit interview will be conducted by the HR and Administration department and is
intended to gather information about the employee’s decision and / or reason for exiting.

c. The HR and Administration department is responsible for conducting exit interviews, analysing
and compiling the interview feedback.

d. Based on the analysis the HR Manager will periodically review and formulate
recommendations to address the key issues raised in the exit interviews and generate a report
of the findings for the MD to review.

e. The confidentiality of the exit interviews is maintained at all levels and only the trend and
analysis of the exit interview is shared with the MD.

f. The ‘Exit Interview Questionnaire’ is for internal use only, and is to be used by the HR and
Administration department as a guideline for the interviewer to ask questions to exiting

21.3.12 Reference Letters

a. Employees may request a Service Certificate Letter from the HR and Administration
department, stating the duration of employment, capacity and job responsibilities, salary and
recommendation if applicable.

b. Managers should not provide any additional written references without referring to the HR and
Administration department and cannot under any circumstances issue any references on A-
MAP letterhead.

c. An employee may however provide name and contact details of their Manager for verbal
references, if required.

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Doc ID: HRP&P V1 Page 102 of 107
Filename: Separation

a. Employees are encouraged to contribute to the Company’s future success and growth by
submitting suggestions that result in business improvements.

b. A suggestion is an idea that will support business through:

 Solving a problem
 Reducing costs
 Introducing innovative ideas on products and services
 Improving operations or operating procedures
 Enhancing customer service levels
 Improving health and safety standards
 Reducing waste of office supplies or other resources

c. All suggestions should contain a description of the business scenario or issue, a detailed
explanation of the recommendation and the reasons why it should be implemented.

d. Employees will need to complete Employee Suggestion Form and submit it to the HR and
Administration department for review.

e. All suggestions will be reviewed by the HR Manager and appropriate suggestions will be
submitted to the MD for approval prior to its implementation.

f. All accepted and implemented suggestions will be linked to the Employee Recognition policy.
(Refer to section 14.3.2).

The latest version is available with the HR and Administration department.

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Doc ID: HRP&P V1 Page 103 of 107
Filename: Employee Suggestions


The forms and templates that arise out of this HR Policy and Procedures Manual are listed below
and a copy of this can be obtained from the Company’s Web Portal.

Employee Acknowledgment Form

Recruitment and Selection

1. Recruitment Plan (excel)
2. Recruitment Request Form
3. Job Description Template and Guidelines
4. Candidate Referral Form
5. Overseas Recruitment Request

On Boarding and Joining

6. Bank Details Form
7. Passport Safekeeping Form
8. Probation Evaluation Form
9. Relocation Assistance Form

Employee Personal Data

10. Change in Personal Details form

Terms and Conditions of Employment

11. Company Assets Declaration Form

Code of Conduct
12. Gift Declaration Form

Petty Cash
13. Petty Cash Request Form
14. Petty Cash Reimbursement Form
15. Petty Cash Adjustment Form (to be completed at the time of submitting original proof of
payment against petty cash requests)

Work Schedule
16. Overtime Request Form (excel)

17. Leave Request Form
18. Leave Salary Advance Request
19. Leave Amendment Form
20. Annual Leave Plan (excel)

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Filename: Forms and Templates
Business Travel

21. Business Travel Request Form

22. Business Travel Expense Plan
23. Business Travel Expense Report

24. Salary Correction Form
25. Salary Correction Notification

26. Request for a UAE Driving Licence

Performance Evaluation
27. Performance Evaluation Form MID Year
28. Performance Improvement Plan
29. Guidelines for Managing Poor Performance
30. Performance Evaluation Form Annual

Training and Development

31. Training Plan (excel)
32. Training Request Form
33. Training Evaluation Form

Career Development
34. Internal Vacancy Application (Promotions)

Health and Safety

35. Incident Report Form

Raising Concerns and Grievances

36. Grievance Report

Employee Suggestions
37. Employee Suggestions Form

The latest version is available with the HR and Administration department.

Printed copies are considered uncontrolled and possibly outdated.
Doc ID: HRP&P V1 Page 105 of 107
Filename: Forms and Templates

The procedures that have been developed to support an end to end implementation of the HR
policy are listed below and are available on the Company’s Web Portal.

Recruitment and Selection

1. Raising a Recruitment Request
2. Developing Job Descriptions
3. Sourcing
4. Selection for Recruitment
5. Employee Referrals

On Boarding and Joining Formalities

6. On Boarding
7. Visa Processing
8. Confirmation of Probation
9. Employee Personal Data
10. Employee Files Access
11. Personal Data Updates

Terms and Conditions of Employment

12. Company Assets

Code of Conduct
13. Interaction with Media
14. Acceptance of Gifts

Petty Cash
15. Petty Cash Procedure

Work Schedule 16
16. Overtime Request
17. Unauthorised Absence

18. Leave Request
19. Leave Salary Advance Request

Business Travel
20. Business Travel Request
21. Business Travel Expense Claim

22. Payroll
23. Salary Corrections
24. Salary Certificate Request

Performance Evaluation
25. Managing Performance
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Filename: Procedures
Training and Development
26. Training Needs Analysis
27. Training Request
28. Training Evaluation

Career Development
29. Promotions

Raising Concerns and Grievances

30. Grievances
31. Collective Grievances

Disciplinary Measures
32. Disciplinary

33. Resignation
34. Notice Period
35. Retirement
36. Death
37. Final Settlement
38. Separation – overall procedure

Employee Suggestions
39. Employee Suggestion

The latest version is available with the HR and Administration department.

Printed copies are considered uncontrolled and possibly outdated.
Doc ID: HRP&P V1 Page 107 of 107
Filename: Procedures

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