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PASPAC e-Newsletter

January 2011

Dear Brothers,

These past two months have seen changes in our Region that are worthy of special note and
also of a new effort at communication with the Passionist Family throughout the wider
PASPAC configuration.


JAPAN - Vice Province Congress - 29 November - 4 December 2010

On 3 December 2010 the Vice Province of the
Japanexe Martyrs, elected a new Vice
Provincial and Council. Father Paul of the
Cross Kazuhiro MATSUMOTO fills this role of
leadership. The Council members for the Vice
Province are Fathers Isaia Hidetoshi KISHI
(First Consultor) and Francis Katsunori
NAKAMURA (Second Consultor). Isaia served
as the previous Vice Provincial and his successor Paul is
the youngest (37) Leader in the PASPAC Region.

The Congress was held in our

beautiful Retreat Center in
Mefu, Takarazuka City outside the city
of Osaka. The photograph of the
maple trees in their Fall splendour
was taken by the Superior
General, Ottaviano D'Egidio
during the course of the Congress.

Australia - Papua New Guinea – Indonesia – Philippines – India – China – Vietnam – Korea - Japan
KOREA - Province Chapter - 7 - 12 December 2010

Immediately following the Congress in Japan, the Chapter of the Province of the Korean Martyrs was
held in Seoul at the Retreat Center located in the northern part of that vast city.
As in Japan, a new Leadership team came into being with the election of Fathers Peter Dong-Ho
SHIN as Provincial Superior
(9 December), Andrew Ki-Ho SONG as
First Consultor and Peter Jae-Seong OH as
Second Consultor (10 December).
This Chapter began with a
pilgrimage to one of the sites of
the Korean Martyrs located on an
island very near the place where
there were recent attacks my the
armed forces of North Korea. The
attacks were quite recent, and certainly
formed the thoughts and prayers
for peace for this country that has
known so much suffering as a
result of war. There was an
ecumenical element to this
pilgrimage with further visits to a
large Buddhist Temple and an
Anglican Church located nearby.
Despite the cold, the warmth of
shared fraternity kept the cold at bay.

INDONESIA - Province Chapter - 10 - 15 January 2011

The membership of the Province of Our Lady of Peace met in Chapter and discussed the pressing
issues facing them. Father Sabinus LOHIN was re-elected to his third term as Provincial Superior
with Fathers NICODEMUS chosen as Vice Provincial and Antonius JANGGA, Markus ADU and
Stephanus SURYANTO as Consultors. Markus Adu had served for a number of years as a missionary

Australia - Papua New Guinea – Indonesia – Philippines – India – China – Vietnam – Korea - Japan
in Papua New Guinea. The Chapter ended upon a very sad note with the death of one of the
Father Matius Sanding died on Saturday
morning - January 15. Matius was just 41
years of age - and served as the Rector of our
Seminary in Sekadau, West Kalimantan. This
unexpected ending to the business of the
Chapter added a somber note to an otherwise
joyful experience. May Matius rest in the
eternal embrace of our Heavenly Father and
our Mother, Mary, Queen of the Congregation.
Father Matius Sanding, C.P.
Born 3 March 1969
Professed 22 August 1994
Ordained 8 August 2002
Died 15 January 2011

All Powerful God,

out of love for Christ and His Church
Matius served you faithfully
as a Passionist Priest.
May he rejoice at the coming of Your glory
and now enjoy eternal happiness
in Your Kingdom.


MANILA Language Programme

Since this past August three candidates from Vietnam have been studying at the Assumptionist
Language Programme being offered at Loyola Heights, located very closely to the Saint Paul of the
Cross Theologate operated by our Philippine Province. They have been residing at our Passionist

Australia - Papua New Guinea – Indonesia – Philippines – India – China – Vietnam – Korea - Japan
house and walking daily to the language
programme. They are scheduled to
complete their studies by late March and
then move on to the PASPAC novitiate
in Australia. They are being directed by
Father Rene Ventajar, a member of the
Philippine Province, as they make their
final preparations for the novitiate. A
prayer on the part of all the members of
PASPAC would certainly be appreciated
for these young men so that they successfully finish their English exams and preparation for this
important year.

ADELAIDE House of Novitiate

In addition to the five novices who began on various dates their novitiate experience almost a
year ago, a sixth novice will soon be added to their number.
On January 27 2011, Erick Niriyagira
will formerly begin his time as a
Passionist novice with a ceremony in
which he will be clothed in the
Passionist habit. Erick is in the
formation programme of the Australian
Province, and joins the International
PASPAC Novitiate. Erick, originally
from Burundi, came to Australia with
his family as refugees. Erick is pictured here
with Father Jacob Otieno Oyugi of our Kenyan
Vicariate - currently studying in Templestowe, Victoria, Australia.
Erick will join the five novices currently coming to the end of their canonical year. The
profession ceremony of Peter, Joseph and Matthew from China and Truc and Thomas from Vietnam
is fast approaching. On February 28 2011, in the Church of St. Paul of the Cross in Glen Osmond,
which is attached to our monastery there, these five young men will profess their first vows as
Passionists. This is an historical event for PASPAC certainly - and perhaps even more so for our

Australia - Papua New Guinea – Indonesia – Philippines – India – China – Vietnam – Korea - Japan
global Congregation. The prayers and support of the Congregation and most particularly of the
members of of our PASPAC Region have made this event possible so that the Congregation will find
itself in new places, doing new things, keeping alive the memory of the Passion of our Lord Jesus on
the Asian mainland. Please continue to pray and support this most important aspect of our fraternal
solidarity with one another and the peoples whom we serve.

Pictured are our Passionist Novices in Glen

Osmond along with Brother Stanislaus
Tyler, a member of the local community.

I close asking for your prayers once again, especially for our efforts in Australia and the Philippines.
Most especially I pray for our formation directors - Father Rene in Manila and Fathers Willy and
Tomy in Adelaide. May they continue their fine service to the future of the Congregation in Asia and
the Pacific.

Your brother always in the Crucified

Bro. Laurence M. Finn C.P.
Executive Secretary - PASPAC

Australia - Papua New Guinea – Indonesia – Philippines – India – China – Vietnam – Korea - Japan

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