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Training lawyers, prosecutors, judges to ensure better rights protection for migrants and refugees
victims of human trafficking (TRAIN-PRO-RIGHTS)

The interface between human trafficking and asylum. The application of the EU
Charter of Fundamental Rights to victims requesting asylum in Europe
18 -19 June 2020
Online access Go-To Meeting Platform
Event organizer: Association Pro Refugiu Romania, in partnership with Center for the Study of
Democracy Bulgaria and Centre for European Constitutional Law Greece
18 June 2020
13.00 -13.20 Login by participants to check audio and video connection
13. 20 -13.30 Welcome Speechеs
Ms. Silvia Antoaneta Berbec, President, Association Pro Refugiu
13.30 – 14.00 The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights – an overview
 the scope and content of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
 fundamental rights and general principles of EU Law
 the legal effect of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Ms. Elena Lazar, Lawyer, Bucharest Bar
14.00 – 14.30 The international protection of victims of human trafficking. The relationship
between the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and the CoE Anti-trafficking
Convention and the Refugee Convention
Ms. Silvia Antoaneta Berbec, Lawyer, Bucharest Bar
14.30 -14.45 Break

14.45 – 15.15 The identification of victims of human trafficking in asylum procedures

Ms. Milena Kadieva, Lawyer, Director Gender Alternatives Foundation, Bulgaria
15.15 -16.00 Questions and Answers Session
Moderator: Silvia Antoaneta Berbec, Association Pro Refugiu
16.00 End of first day

19 June 2020
13.00 – 13.20 Login by participants to check audio and video connection
13. 20 – 14.00 Migrants and their vulnerability to human trafficking
International Organization for Migration-Romania Office
Ms. Emma Smith, Counter-trafficking Officer
14.00 – 14.30 Victims of human trafficking requesting asylum. Dublin Regulations. The right to
remain on EU territory during the examination of the asylum claim

This training was funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020). Its contents
represent the views of the event organisers and are their sole responsibility. The European
Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it
Ms. Maria Mousmouti, Centre for European Constitutional Law, Greece
14.30 -14.45 Break
14. 45 – 15.15 Psychological perspectives on human trafficking in the context of the asylum claim
Ms. Gabriela Ionescu, Psychologist, Association Pro Refugiu
15.15 -16.00 Questions and Answers Session
Moderator: Gabriela Ionescu, Association Pro Refugiu
16.00 End of second day

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