Design For Healing Notes

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• Why learning about theories is important?

- As artists and designers our goal is to communicate through our work.

- This is why I believe learning about theories and vocabulary is
- Because through learning them we are more capable to communicate
clearly and make the best work possible.
• Why design for healing?
- Physical environments can influence our health and wellbeing
- A space’s aspects has the potential to support someone’s physical,
psychological, and spiritual needs.
- All of these have mayor effects on patients and staff in health care
which resulted in a theory called “Design for Healing”
• What is design for healing?
- Design for healing is a “human centric” theory that focuses on creating
spaces which welcomes patients into a comfortable, safe, and relaxing
- This theory depends on Evidence-Based Design
- In other words… using research and evidence to see how different
spaces have an effect on a person’s perspective and wellbeing
- Design for healing is used all throughout designing
hospitals, mental health institutions, senior spaces, and anything
regarding a person’s health
• Using Design for Healing:
- Architects, interior designers, and researchers came up with 4 key points
that follow the design for healing theory which all ties up with the
benefits and challenges this theory has.
- Reducing or eliminating environmental stressors
- Providing positive distractions
- Enabling social support
- Giving sense of control
• What are the benefits and challenges in design theory?
- Good design improves your mental and physical health
- Promotes a sense of overall wellbeing between patients, visitors, and
- Create a positive experience which result into positive outcomes for
- Having to consider factors like practicality and functionality rather than
- Designing having in mind that the space will have to withstand
thousands of people using it daily
• Examples:
- Use of nature
- Use of daylight
- Organization
- Open spaces

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