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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Semester-VI of













MAY 2018


This is to certify that the Mini Project II entitled “Solar Powered DC – DC Converter”, submitted by
Krishnashree Kurup(15bee050) and Meera Gojiya(15bee056) towards the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for Semester-VI of Bachelor of Technology (Electrical Engineering) of Nirma University
is the record of work carried out by them under our supervision and guidance. The work submitted,
has in our opinion reached a level required for being accepted for examination. The results embodied
in this mini project work to the best of our knowledge have not been submitted to any other University
or Institution for award of any degree or diploma.


I must acknowledge the strength, energy and patience that almighty GOD bestowed upon me to start
& accomplish this work with the support of all concerned, a few of them I am trying to name

I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to my Supervisor, Prof. T. H. Panchal, Assistant
Professor, Electrical Engineering Department for his valuable guidance and motivation throughout my

I would like to express my sincere respect and profound gratitude to Prof. (Dr.) P. N. Tekwani,
Professor & Head of Electrical Engineering Department for supporting and providing the facilities for
my mini project work.

I would also like to thank all my friends who have helped me directly or indirectly for the completion
of my mini project.

No words are adequate to express my indebtedness to my parents and for their blessings and good
wishes. To them I bow in the deepest reverence.

Krishnashree Kurup(15bee050)

Meera Gojiya(15bee056)


In the present world there is a lot of increase in energy demand. Solar energy is the best option for
electricity generation because it is free and available everywhere. Solar energy is mainly generates
through the solar photovoltaic module. Maximum power point tracking is used for extracting the
maximum power from the Solar photovoltaic module (SPV). Maximum power point tracking (MPPT)
algorithms is used for achieving maximum power point. Microcontroller is used for control of the
MPPT algorithm. MPPT is used in photovoltaic systems to maximize the photovoltaic array output
power. Here new MPPT system will be developed consisting of mainly a Buck-type dc dc converter
and it is controlled by microcontroller-based unit. Here Perturb And Observe method will be used to
operate the PV system at maximum power point. The Perturb And Observe method tracks Maximum
power point (MPP) steadily and calculate the operating point at which battery is capable to produce
maximum power. The project aims to design various converters and development of MPPT algorithm
using closed loop design and its simulation.


MPPT ...................................................................................................Maximum Power Point Tracking

MPP ………………………………………………….................................................................Maximum Power Point

SPV ................................................................................................................Solar Photovoltaic Module

DAC ........................................................................................................... Digital to Analog Conversion



I-V Characteristics of Solar cell………………………………………………………………………………………………14

Flow chart for Perturb & Observe algorithm………………………………………………………………………….16

Block diagram of Perturb & observe with PI tuning……………………………………………………………….19




Acknowledgements …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4

Abbreviations ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5

List of Figures ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6

1 Introduction

1.1 Objective Of The Work………………………………………………………………………………………………….8

1.2 Solar energy………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
1.3 Advantages of solar energy……………………………………………………………………………………………9
1.4 Applications………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….12
1.5 Problem Identification………………………………………………………………………………………………….13


2.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………14
2.2 Advantages of MPPT…………………………………………………………………………………………………….14
2.3 MPPT Algorithms………………………………………………………………………………………………………….15

3 Control Strategies for DC-DC buck converter

3.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….17
3.2 Current mode controlled………………………………………………………………………………………………17
3.3 Voltage mode controlled/Perturb and Observe……………………………………………………………18
3.4 Voltage mode controlled with PI tuning……………………………………………………………………….18

4 Converter Design Calculation……………………………………………………………………………………………….20

5 P&O Method with PI Tuning…………………………………………………………………………………………………21

6 Future Work…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………22

7 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………23

8 References……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………24


1.1 Objective Of The Work

The main objective of Maximum Power Point Tracking(MPPT) is to extract maximum power from solar

photovoltaic module to charge the battery. Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms are

uses to achieve the maximum power point of solar panels. In this Maximum Power Point

Tracking(MPPT) technique microcontroller is programmed to produces maximum output power.

Microcontroller performs this work by taking input voltage and current from solar panel, output

voltage and current from DC-to-DC converter, irradiance levels from light sensor and temperature

from temperature sensor. Maximum Power Point Tracking(MPPT) technique uses to operate the PV

system at maximum power point. In MPPT perturb and observe is most common method and it uses

to adjust the operating voltage of photovoltaic solar system and observes that output power of system

increases or decreases. The global spike in energy costs has led many to find alternative

and sustainable fuel sources. There are many options available today including wind, solar and

hydropower. Of the three, solar is the fastest growing, and almost everyone can learn to capture its

power to perform tasks like cooking; lighting, heating, and many other household chores. Two of the

key reasons many invest in harnessing the sun is to get energy for heating water in homes and to

generate electricity.

1.2 Solar Energy

By definition, solar energy is energy derived from the sun. The energy can be used directly to heat,

and light homes or it can be converted into electricity using solar energy technologies like solar panels.

People are increasingly investing in solar energy to save on out-of-pocket costs and get rid of

dangerous and expensive power lines.

Solar energy i.e. energy from the sun provide consistent and steady source of solar power throughout

the year. As our non-renewable resources are set to decline in the years to come, it is important for

us to move towards renewable sources of energy like wind, hydropower, biomass and tidal. The main

benefit of solar energy is that it can be easily deployed by both home and business users as it does not

require any huge set up like in case of wind or geothermal power. Solar energy not only benefits

individual owners, but also benefit environment as well. Solar energy is one of the most widely

used renewable energy source,The global spike in energy costs has led many to find alternative

and sustainable fuel sources. There are many options available today including wind, solar and

hydropower. Of the three, solar is the fastest growing, and almost everyone can learn to capture its

power to perform tasks like cooking; lighting, heating, and many other household chores. Two of the

key reasons many invest in harnessing the sun is to get energy for heating water in homes and to

generate electricity.

By definition, solar energy is energy derived from the sun. The energy can be used directly to heat,

and light homes or it can be converted into electricity using solar energy technologies like solar panels.

People are increasingly investing in solar energy to save on out-of-pocket costs and get rid of

dangerous and expensive power lines.

Solar energy i.e. energy from the sun provide consistent and steady source of solar power throughout

the year. As our non-renewable resources are set to decline in the years to come, it is important for

us to move towards renewable sources of energy like wind, hydropower, biomass and tidal. The main

benefit of solar energy is that it can be easily deployed by both home and business users as it does not

require any huge set up like in case of wind or geothermal power. Solar energy not only benefits

individual owners, but also benefit environment as well. Solar energy is one of the most widely

used renewable energy source.

1.3 Various Advantages of Solar Energy

There are many advantages that solar energy has to offer over traditional sources of energy like coal

and oil. Not only it is completely renewable but is also protects the environment. Here are some of

the advantages of solar energy.

1. It’s a renewable resource

Solar energy is a renewable source of energy as it can be used to produce electricity as long as the sun

exists. Sunshine occurs naturally. As long as we are alive, we are always going to see the sun, which

means it is infinite. This energy can be harnessed by installing solar panels that can reduce our

dependence on other countries for consistent supply of coal to produce electricity. This makes it an

attractive energy prospect for most countries that are looking to go completely green in the future.

Although solar energy can not be produced during night and cloudy days but it can be used again and

again during day time. Solar energy from sun is consistent and constant power source and can be used

to harness power even in remote locations.

2. It’s eco-friendly

If you are scavenging the internet in search of ways to minimize your carbon footprints, solar energy

is the surefire answer. Solar energy will not only help you dial back on your carbon footprint, but also

oversize your systems to ensure you live in a carbon-free house. Some states in the U.S. even allow

individuals to invest in other people’s roofs to create a lot more solar energy.

Solar energy is an alternative for fossil fuels as it is non-polluting, clean, reliable and renewable source

of energy. It does not pollute the air by releasing harmful gases like carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide or

sulphur oxide. So, the risk of damage to the environment is reduced. Solar energy also does not require

any fuel to produce electricity and thus avoids the problem of transportation of fuel or storage of

radioactive waste.

3. Cuts back on electricity bill

One of the most interesting things about solar energy is that it can help you minimize your annoying

utility bills. You can accomplish this by installing solar panels in your home. Solar energy takes up

energy consuming activities like heating water and heating homes. Solar energy has the potential to

save you up to 20% of your energy costs, even after financing costs are factored in. And with the ever

rocketing of electricity costs, you could save up to $60,000 in the next 30 years.

4. Can enhance the value of a home

If you are looking to sell your home in the future, suffice to know that installation of solar technologies

can significantly increase its value. This especially manifests in areas where buyers are more likely to

buy a home installed with solar panels like high populated cities where environmental degradation is

taken seriously by the authorities. According to research findings, solar panels can add up to $20,000

to the value of a house. This figure represents the amount required to install a solar panel, which

means you will be able to recoup your money when you sell the property. That represents a bright

investment in your property.

5. Requires little maintenance

The cost of installing a solar panel can be high. But once it’s up and running, you will enjoy the benefits

for many years, while injecting just a small amount for its maintenance. If your energy needs change

and you desire to add more panels, it would be a lot easier. Initial cost that is incurred once can be

recovered in the long run that range from 10 years – 15 years. Apart from this, solar panels does

not create any noiseor release any toxic substances.

6. Easy Installation

Solar panels are easy to install and does not require any wires, cords or power sources. Unlike wind

and geothermal power stations which require them to be tied with drilling machines, solar panels does

not require them and can be installed on the rooftops which means no new space is needed and each

home or business user can generate their own electricity. Moreover, they can be installed in

distributed fashion which means no large scale installations are needed.

With the advancement in the technology and increase in the production, the cost of solar panels have

come down slightly. Areas where cost of electricity is high, payback times can be even lower.

7. Can Be Used in Remote Locations

Solar energy can be of great boon in areas which have no access to power cables. It works great in

remote locations where running power lines would be difficult or costly. Solar panels can set up

to produce solar energy there as long as it receives the sunlight.


1.4 Top 5 Common Examples of Solar Energy

Solar energy is growing fast, and more people are taking advantage of this free and renewable

resource. Its efficiency also continues to increase, rendering it a lot more attractive to businesses and

industries. Some common examples of solar energy include?

1. Solar water heating

Many are not fully aware that solar water heaters and solar space heaters are cost-effective and

efficient ways of heating homes without having to go the expensive route of installing solar panels.

Solar space heaters capture the sun’s energy and turn it into thermal energy with the aid of air or

liquid medium. Solar water heaters, on the other hand, make use of water as a means of thermal


Solar heating systems are come as active or passive. Active systems make use of pumps in order to

allow movement of water, hence, generation of heat. Passive systems, on the other hand, use natural

circulation. One aspect that makes thermal heating systems stand above other heating systems like

oil and gas pumps is the capability to heat an entire swimming pool at an insanely inexpensive rate.

2. Solar cells

Solar cells are used to power many things ranging from calculators to entire businesses. Although

small cells have been used over the years to power tiny things like calculators, the past few years has

witnessed large cells making inroads into the marketplace. Large cells have the capacity to power

entire homes. They are cool sources of energy due to their friendliness to the environment. They are

also long lasting; require minimal maintenance and are cost-effective in the long run.

3. Solar tech

Electronics these days come with features that can enable charging using solar energy. A common

example is the solar powered charger that is able to charge any electronic from tablets to cell phones.

Solar powered flashlights also exist today that are able to be charged just by exposure to sunlight. As

more emphasis is being placed on solar energy, there is no shadow of doubt that solar will continue

to be embraced by lots of people for products that can be powered by sunlight. A typical example

where solar energy has successfully been used to power an electronic device is the Apple smart watch.

Unlike a conventional watch, an Apple smart watch doesn’t need to be plugged in to recharge every


4. Solar lighting

Most homeowners enhance the aesthetic value and efficiency of their homes by incorporating

outdoor solar lighting. Unlike conventional exterior lighting, solar lighting does not need sophisticated

set up because the lights come with wireless technology and capture the sun’s energy during the day

to alleviate the need for traditionally supplied electricity during the night.

While solar lights have not been as popular as solar panels, they are fast catching up with smart home

thermostats and LED light bulbs as energy efficient products that can help bring down energy bills. On

top of that, solar lighting comes with a whole lot of elaborate lighting arrays that can substantially

enhance the outdoor appearance of any property. These lighting products are cheap ($20 per light)

and easily obtainable at local retail shops. The low cost and ready availability aspects are the reason

for the proliferation of street lights today.

5. Rooftop solar

Due to the huge array of gadgets available on the market today, most disregard the most vital use of

solar energy, which is rooftop solar. While solar power has many uses including charging batteries and

fly airplanes, it can also play a critical role of dialing back on carbon footprints and energy bills.

A rooftop solar can save a homeowner thousands of dollars each year.

1.5 Problem Identification

Solar energy is considered one of the major sources of renewable energy, available in abundance and

also free of cost. Solar photovoltaic (PV) cells are used to convert solar energy into unregulated

electrical energy. These solar PV cells exhibit nonlinear characteristics and give very low efficiency.

Therefore, it becomes essential to extract maximum power from solar PV cells using maximum power

point tracking (MPPT).



2.1 Introduction

The Block Diagram Of MPPT is shown in figure 1.1 below.The Solar panel is taken as input.Solar panel

produces voltage in the range of 12 V to 21 V.The input voltage of solar panel is taken as 20 V.The

output of solar panel is given to DC-DC converter. The solar panel uses to provide power to the DC-DC

converter. Here two sensors is taken into consideration which are mainly Current sensor and Voltage

sensor. The output of solar panel is given to MPPT controller via voltage sensor and current sensor.The

output of MPPT controller is given to DC-DC converter via Digital to Analog Conversion(DAC).The DC-

DC converter is uses to produces power and the output of DC-DC converter is given to the load.

2.2 Advantages of MPPT

A MPPT solar charge controller reduces complexity of the system and increases output of system
components at higher efficiency.

MPPT solar charge controller is used to control DC-DC converter directly.

MPPT solar charge controller is much less efficient in low power applications.

2.3 MPPT Algorithms

a. Perturb and Observe:-The Perturb and Observe method is used to track maximum power

point.It can calculate the power at PV array by determining value of voltage and current. In this

method the controller adjusts the voltage by a small amount from the array and measures power;

if the power increases, further adjustments in that direction are tried until power no longer

increases. This is called the Perturb and Observe method and this method can result in oscillations

of power output. Perturb and observe is the most commonly used MPPT method due to its ease

of implementation. Perturb and observe method results in top-level efficiency. In this Perturb and

Observe method the variation in PV array voltage and current can be determined by linking

present and past value of voltage and current. In this Perturb and Observe method on the left of

MPP voltage is incremented so maximum power point is achieved while the right of MPP voltage

is decremented so maximum power point is achieved. If power increases perturbation should be

kept in same direction and if power decreases perturbation should be kept in opposite direction.

b. Incremental Conductance:-The Incremental Conductance method is used to track power

under fast varying atmospheric conditions.The incremental conductance algorithm is based on

the fact that slope of the current power vs voltage of PV module is zero at the MPP.The

incremental conductance can determine that the MPPT ahs reached the MPP and stop

perturbing the operating point.The incremental conductance can track rapidly increasing and

decreasing radiation conditions with higher accuracy than Pertub and Observe.

c. Constant Voltage:-The constant voltage MPPT method is also known as open voltage

method.In the ”constant voltage” MPPT method the power delivered to the load is momentarily

interrupted and the open-circuit voltage with zero current is measured.In this constant voltage

method the output voltage is regulated to a constant value under all conditions and the output

voltage is regulated based on a constant ratio to the measured open circuit voltage (VOC).In this

constant voltage method the ratio of the MPP voltage to VOC is only approximately constant so

possible optimization takes place.


d. Current Sweep:-The current sweep method uses a sweep waveform for the PV array

current.In this current sweep method the I-V characteristic of the PV array is obtained and

updated at fixed time intervals.The maximum power point voltage can be computed from the

characteristic curve in this current sweep method at the same time interval.


3.1 Introduction of DC-DC Buck Converter

Voltage-mode control and Current-mode control are two commonly used control schemes to

regulate the output voltage of dc-dc converters. Both control schemes have been widely used in low-

voltage low-power switch-mode dc-dc converters design. Both methods a maintains a precise output

voltage regardless of variation in input voltage and load conditions.

3.2 Current-mode Controlled Buck Converter

The control scheme that is widely used for dc-dc converters is current mode control. Current mode

controlled buck converter usually have two feedback loops: current feedback loop and a voltage

feedback loop.In this current-mode controlled buck converter the inductor current is used as a

feedback state. In this current-mode controlled buck converter the buck converter circuit operates

at continuous conduction mode depending on the state of the switch. In this control scheme the

current is sensed by shunt resistance and voltage drop across shunt resistance is compared with

reference voltage(Vref). By comparing voltage drop across shunt resistance with reference voltage

error is generated. The error that generated is given to PI controller and further proceed by PWM

controller. In this PWM controller pulses will be increases and decreases gradually. This pulses are

given to Mosfet and Mosfet will be fired.

3.3 Voltage-Mode Controlled Buck Converter Or Perturb And Observe Method

Voltage mode control is another scheme that is widely used for buck converter. Voltage mode

control (VMC) is widely used because it is easy to design and implement and has good community to

disturbances at the references input. Voltage-mode control only contains single feedback loop from

the output voltage. It consists of a controlled switch S (MOSFET),an uncontrolled switch diode D

(diode),an inductor L,a capacitor C , and a load resistance R. In this voltage mode controlled buck

converter. In this voltage mode controlled buck converter the switch is controlled by analog PWM

feedback logic. The voltage-mode control cannot correct any disturbance immediately until it is

detected at the output since the disturbances are delayed in phase by the inductor and capacitor

prior to the output. In this scheme the voltage across switch which is controlled by PWM logic is

compared with reference voltage(Vref). By comparing voltage across switch and reference

voltage(Vref) the error is generated. The error that generated is given to PI controller and further

proceed by PWM controller. In this PWM controller pulses will be increases and decreases gradually.

This pulses are given to Mosfet and Mosfet will be fired.

3.4 Perturb And Observe Method With PI Tuning

The block diagram of perturb and observe with PI tuning is shown in fig. below. In this method the

solar panel is taken as input and its voltage is 20 V taken. The input capacitor is taken as filter and it

uses as filtering purpose and it mainly uses to provide stiffness to d.c link. The output of solar panel

is given to filter via Voltage Sensor. The output of filter is given to buck converter and buck converter

is uses to step down the voltage from d.c link. The output of Buck converter is given to 12 V battery.

The Voltage Sensor will sense the voltage and when 12 V battery’s maximum charging voltage is 14 V

than battery’s output will be 1. By summer the voltage sensors output 1 is summing with voltage of

1 V and this will gone to PI controller. The PI controller is produces error zero and output is given to

buck converter.


Specification Of Buck Converter

For buck converter design mainly calculation of inductor L value, capacitor C value is

required. The specification of buck converter is as below.

• Power rating of solar panel for buck converter P=40W

• Input voltage taken for buck converter Vin=17.90V

• Switching frequency taken for buck converter fs=50KHZ

• Output voltage taken for 12 V,7.2 Ah lead acid battery Vout=15V

• Maximum charging current of 12 V,7.2 Ah lead acid battery Imax=2.30Amp



The simulation of Perturb and Observe method with PI tuning is shown in fig. below.In this Perturb

and Observe method with PI tuning the solar panel is taken as input and its voltage is 17.90 V taken.

The input capacitor is taken as filter and it uses as filtering purpose and it mainly uses to provide

stiffness to d.c link. The output of solar panel is given to filter via voltage sensor. The output of filter

is given to buck converter and buck converter is uses to step down the voltage from d.c link. The

output of buck converter is given to 12 V battery. The voltage sensor will sense the voltage and when

12 V batterys maximum charging voltage is 14 V than battery’s output will be 1.By summer the voltage

sensors output 1 is summing with voltage of 1 V and this will gone to PI controller. The PI controller is

mainly uses to produces error zero. The limiter will keep output is equal to input and keep input is

with in limit. The comparator is used to compare triangular wave voltage source signal with constant

signal and due to this square wave output is generated. PWM square wave pulse is generated and

mosfet will be fired. In this perturb and observe operating voltage of the dc link is between the solar

panel and the buck converter.


Waveforms Of Perturb And Observe Method with PI Tuning

The charging current vs time plot obtained is shown in fig. below. From the plot it

is shown that the charging current obtained in this perturb and observe method with

PI tuning method is approximately 6.2 Amp.

The battery voltage vs time plot obtained is shown in fig below. From the

From the plot it is shown that the battery voltage obtained in this perturb and

observe method with PI tuning method is approximately 12.62 V.



1. MPPT Schematic Design

2. MPPT Hardware Implementation



The output current-voltage characteristics of solar arrays are nonlinear, and the operating conditions

of the optimum PV power gained from the PV array is affected by solar irradiation, cell temperature

and loading conditions. Therefore, a maximum power point tracking control is needed to continually

match the PV internal resistance with the loading effect, hence ensuring that maximum power is

transferred to the load. The idea of implementing the MPPT algorithms through digital controllers can

be applied to all methods if it were possible to minimize error functions.



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