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Look at the following exercises in your "Top Notch, workbook" and do them in a word file:

 LESSON 12 - TASK 4.  
Lesson 1- Exercise 6.  Page 72

Lesson 2- Exercise 7.  Page 73

Lesson 2- Exercise 8.  Page 73

Lesson 3- Exercise 9.  Page 74

Lesson 3- Exercise 11. Page 74

Once you finish the exercises, upload the word file here.

Lesson 1- Exercise 6.  Page 72

6. Choose three famous people to describe.

1. Brad Pitt: he is an actor and film producer. He is tall, green eyes, blonde

2. Angelina Jolie: she is a pretty actress high; your nationality is United

States and Cambodian. Eyes brown.

3. Nicolas Cage: he is American actor and producer. Are good-looking, old,

eyes blue.

Lesson 2- Exercise 7.  Page 73 Lesson 2- Exercise 7.  Page 73

7. Write the parts of body. Use words from the box.

1. Head.

2. Neck

3. Arm

4. Hand

5. Leg

6. Foot
7. Shoulder

8. Chest

9. Stomach

10. Hip

11. Knee

12. Ankle

Lesson 2- Exercise 8.  Page 73

8. What happened? Write a sentence about each picture.

1. She burnet her hand

2. Broke her hip

3. Fractured arm

4. He has a wound on his arm

5. Fractured foot

Now complete the conversation.

6. A: that happened to you.

B: I hurt my arm.

7. A: apparently he burned your hand.

B: Actually, yes. It does.

Lesson 3- Exercise 9.  Page 74

9. Check the remedies for each ailment.

A cold: have some tea.

A fever: see a doctor.

A sore throat: take something.

A stomachache: eat

A backache: lie down

A toothache: see a dentist.

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