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Pre First Year (2020)

F.Sc. Test-1 (Solution)
Roll No:___________
Chemistry Time Allowed: 60 min.
Maximum Marks: 30

Q.1 Encircle the correct answer cutting, overwriting will result in loss of marks. (1 × 8 = 8)

i. Isotopes differ in:

(A) Properties which depends upon mass

(B) Arrangement of electrons in orbitals

(C) Chemical properties

(D) The extent to which they may be affected in electromagnetic field.

ii. Select the most suitable answer from the given ones in each question:

(A) Isotopes with even atomic masses are comparatively abundant.

(B) Isotopes with odd atomic masses are comparatively abundant.

(C) Isotopes with even atomic masses and even atomic no. are comparatively abundant.

(D) Isotopes with even atomic masses and odd atomic no. are comparatively abundant.

iii. Many elements have fractional atomic masses. This is because:

(A) The mass of the atom is itself fractional.

(B) Atomic masses are average masses of isobars.

(C) Atomic masses are average masses of isotopes.

(D) Atomic masses are average masses of isotopes proportional to their relative abundance.

iv. What kind of molecular ions are more abundant?

(A) Anionic (B) Cationic

(C) Neutral (D) All have same abundance

v. Which one of the following is macromolecule:

(A) Sucrose (B) Glucose

(C) Cellulose (D) All above

vi. Which of the following is the molecule of compound:

(A) H2 (B) O2

(C) F2 (D) HCl

vii. The number of isotopes of Palladium are:

(A) 4 (B) 5

(C) 6 (D) 11

viii. How many natural isotopes occur in nature:

(A) 200 (B) 40

(C) 280 (D) 300

Q.2 Write the short answers of the following questions. (2 × 7 = 14)

i. What is molecule? Describe its types on the basis of no. of atoms.

Ans: Molecule

The smallest particle of an element or compound which exist independently is

called molecule. e.g. HCl, H2O

Ø Monoatomic (such molecule which consists of only one atom.e.g; He, Ne etc)

Ø Diatomic (such molecule which consists of two atoms.e.g; H2, HCl etc)

Ø Polyatomic Molecules(such molecule which consists of many atoms.e.g; C6H12O6 etc)

ii. Differentiate between Anion and Cation.

Ans: Cations

A ¾¾¾® A+ + e-

a) When an atom loses electron, it forms cation.

b) Endothermic process

c) Na+, Mg++, Al+++


B + e-¾¾¾®B-

a) When an atom gains electron, it forms anion.

b) Formation of uninegative ion is exothermic process

c) F-, O-2, N-3

iii. What is molecular ion? How it can be generated?

Ans: When a molecule releases an electron then Molecular ion is formed. e.g; CH4+

Key points:

These ions can be generated by passing high energy electron beam as α-particles or X-rays
through a gas.

iv. What is meant by relative atomic mass.

Ans: (Definition ) The mass of an atom of an element as compared to the mass of an atom of carbon
taken as 12. e.g; Relative atomic mass of H is 1.008 amu

v. Define Isotopes? Discuss Monoisotopic elements.

Ans: (Definition) Atoms of the same element can possess different masses but same atomic number.
Such atoms of an element are called isotopes.

e.g; C-12, C-13, C-14

Key points:

Those elements which have only one isotope are called Monoisotopic elements e.g; Au, As, I, F

vi. How do you deduce Average atomic masses of elements from the relative isotopic

Ans: Fractional atomic mass is the average atomic masses of all isotopes and their relative abundance.

(20 × 90.92) + (21 × 0.26) + (22 × 8.82)

(1) Fractional atomic mass of neon =

= 20.18 a.m.u
vii. Why we cannot see an atom by naked eye?

Ans: To see the smaller objects, wavelengths of visible light should be smaller from the size of an
object. An ordinary microscope can measure the size of an object upto or above 500nm. But the
diameter of an atom is 0.2nm. The size of atom is much smaller than wavelength of visible light
so a clear and accurate image of an atom cannot be obtained

Q.3 (a) Discuss the function of Mass Spectrometer to determine the relative atomic masses of

isotopes of an element. (4)


Ø Principle

m/e is ploted as abscissa (x-axis) and relative number of ions as ordinate (y-axis)

Ø Types

Aston’s and Dempster’s mass spectrometer

Ø Vaporisation chamber

Ø Ionization chamber:

10-6 to 10-7 torr pressure of sample, fast moving electrons are thrown upon them.

Ø Electric field:

500 to 2000 volts is applied between perforated accelerating plates.

Ø Magnetic field

The ions are separated on the basis of their m/e values

Ø Mathematical relationship

m/e = H2r2/2E

Ø Electrometer

Develops the electrical current.

Ø Carbon scale

The current strength thus measured gives relative abundance of ions of a definite m/e values.
Compare with C-12 isotope which allows us to measure the exact mass number of the isotope

Ø Diagram
Q.3 (b) Differentiate between empirical and molecular formula with examples. (4)


Molecular Formula:

Actual no. of atoms of different elements present in a molecule of a compound

e.g; Benzene (C6H6) , Glucose ( C6H12O6)

Empirical Formula:

The simple whole no. ratio of atoms of different elements in the molecule of a compound.

e.g; Benzene (CH), Glucose (CH2O)

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