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Herald of Life APRIL - JUNE 2001

Conscience is the
Conscience, as Voice of the Spirit
E.W. Kenyon has said, E. W. Kenyon
is the voice of our
Pastor Joe McIntyre
spirit. As we mature in
Christ, we learn to lis-
T he one who does not crave
righteousness has a smothered
By walking in Love we keep in
harmony with Heaven.
ten to the voice of our conscience. It conscience. Happiness comes from the sens-
becomes for us, as our minds are Conscience is often drowned in es. Joy comes from fellowship with
renewed, a safe guide in the affairs of life. a sea of sin. the Word. Joy is the companion of
Many believers, unfortunately, do not Man was created to fellowship love. Joy can be unspeakable and full
walk with a clear conscience before the with God. The spirit can find no rest of glory when the spirit and reason
Father. They fail to see the tremendous away from Him. The senses can give are in harmony with the Word.
difference between the power and value no peace to the human spirit. They Selfishness wrecks Love and
of the blood of Jesus and that of the blood cannot satisfy the heart cry. God destroys fellowship. Happiness can
of bulls and goats. Under the old coven- alone can answer that. never take the place of Joy. When
The human spirit craves fellow- Joy is destroyed, the heart is deso-
ant, there was a continuous reminder of
ship with Heaven, but there is no fel- late.
sin by the repeated offerings necessary to Religion gives happiness, but
lowship without righteousness, and
maintain rightstanding with God. In the there is no righteousness without never Joy. Christ can give Joy in the
New Covenant, however, Jesus has once eternal life. midst of sorrow, when happiness has
and for all offered Himself without blem- Sin consciousness is the slave- fled.
ish to God. His blood cleanses our con- driver of man. When man knows When the senses rule, the body is
science from dead works – works not that God has made him righteous, on the throne. The spirit is impris-
done in faith – so that we may serve God he becomes Satan’s master. oned. Faith is weakened.
effectively. There are no new creation spirits We walk in darkness when the
It is the Father’s will that we walk free without eternal life, the nature of Word is neglected. Prayer is but a
from guilt and shame. He would have us God. form. No zeal for souls. The senses
stand upright in His presence and enjoy Man is ruled by sin consciousness will put Self on the throne. Con-
born of spiritual death. Satan often science is no longer heeded. The
deep, rich fellowship with Him. Doing
keeps a new creation in bondage to Word no longer comforts. The
this honors the price that Christ paid to
sin consciousness through ignorance. guidance of the Holy Spirit is no
redeem us. Religious humility that glories Condemnation is of the spirit. longer sought. We are turning to
in weakness, sinfulness and failure, has Sense knowledge does not convict of man for help. Love no longer lights
replaced true humiliy in the lives of many spiritual things. the way. Self chooses the light of
in the Church. True humility glories in Here are some vital facts that the senses. Self has destroyed Joy.
what the Father has done for us in Christ, believers should know. Condem- Now it is seeking happiness.
not in human frailty. It honors the Father nation of sin is not of the senses Wisdom of the senses is usually
when we are filled with thanksgiving for until after one has sinned. Then dangerous. It is usually selfish and
His glorious redemption and the demon- sense knowledge sides in with the seeks only its own.
stration of His mercy and grace in the spirit and fills one with misery Selfishness feeds on the helpless-
and remorse. ness of others. Selfishness knows no
Cross and Resurrection.
Our spirit is the custodian of actual ties as brothers. It always
(continued on page 4) fellowship. Our spirit should always seeks its own, and lives but to satisfy
be in harmony with our reason. its desires. ✞
Herald of Life
NEWS of the Ministry
God Inside Minded
E. W. Kenyon
Among the most precious of the facts When some problem comes that baffles us
about the Divine Life is that we have God in again we will whisper, “Lord, here is your
us. opportunity, I cannot see through this, Thou
It does not seem possible. canst, and so I trust Thee to give Thy Wisdom
Human reason cannot grasp it. at this crisis.”
The human mind is staggered by it, but it What a Life!
is true that “Greater is He that is in you than Having that mighty One living in you.
He that is in the world.” Always there, always ready.
Bonnie & Jim Dofelmier Christianity is not a religion, nor science, His healing strength, His mental strength,
philosophy or metaphysics. His love strength, all inside us.

G od is faithful and He has

promised to supply all of our
needs according to His riches in
It is God living His own life in us.
It is our union with Diety.
My great need is to so educate myself
through the Word that I may be ever con-
We become the house in which God lives. scious of His indwelling presence.
Christ Jesus. In our last newsletter Our mind becomes His instrument. No matter how great the difficulties or
we informed our readers about the The sooner we become God inside mind- what the trouble may be, I know that
large printing expenses we had
ed, the quicker will we learn to use the force “Greater is He that is in me than He that is
incurred due to so many of the
books having to be reprinted all at that is within us and when any emergency in the world.”
once. You also have been faithful arises we will whisper softly to ourselves, May our hearts grow continually to con-
with your tithes to this ministry and “The Greater One is in me.” sider Him as living in us.
we are so thankful to report that
through your generosity, we have
been able to pay off the balance due
to our printers. Praise God!
“The Hidden
Man” is now avail-
able on audiocas-
Did You Pray for Me?
sette. This audio Did you speak my name this morning?
book consists of six As you went to God in prayer?
tapes and our
introductory price Did you ask for strength and comfort,
is only $25.00. Be For my burdens and my care?
sure to order your
copy right away.
I am sure that someone prayed;
“The Two Kinds
of Righteousness” will be our next For my day has been so bright.
book on tape and we are consider- My faith is strong and undefeated;
ing putting into book form the
“Personal Evangelism” course. Your My work burden is so light.
thoughts and opinions are most wel-
come. You may preview all of our You must have mentioned to the Father
tapes via our website at That I needed strength and power
Thank you for keeping the And a helping hand to guide me
Ministry in your prayers and may Safely through the testing hour.
God richly bless you all. ✞
Thank you, friend, that you remembered,
PRISON MINISTRY BOOK FUND: When you stole away and prayed.
CAN YOU HELP? To present unto our Father
Would you like to bless a prisoner with one of Dr. Kenyon’s Kind petitions for my aid.
faith building books? The Prison Ministry Book Fund is
very low from the large response we have had and it could — Author Unknown
use your help. Just mark your donations to the PMBF.

The Two Kinds of Consciences E. W. Kenyon

W e know that there are two kinds of

consciences because Paul clearly
describes them.
In Acts 23:1 it says, “And Paul, looking
myself are one. My conscience is the speak-
ing part of myself. Or, if you want to be more
specific, it is the voice of the spirit within
myself. The voice of the recreated spirit or
steadfastly on the council, said, Brethren, I the natural spirit. That voice and that con-
have lived before God in all good conscience science and spirit are one.”
until this day.” Hebrews 9:13-14 “For if the blood of goats
I say, “But Paul, how is that?” He says, and bulls, and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling
“That was my conscience before I was Born them that have been defiled, sanctify unto the
Again. You see I had the conscience of a cleanness of the flesh: How much more shall
with whom Satan dealt with in the Garden.
Jew, and that conscience would have permit- the blood of Christ, who through the eternal
He imparted his own nature to our father
ted me to crucify the Son of God. But now, Spirit offered himself without blemish unto
Adam; then Adam died in spirit. We have
I have a conscience, I have the conscience God, cleanse your conscience from dead
been made alive in spirit by receiving the
of God.” works to serve the living God.”
nature and life of God.”
I can hear someone say, “Paul, I do not It could also read like this, “To cleanse
“Paul, did the Mosiac Covenant deal with
understand you. What do you mean by your spirit, the hidden man of the heart, from
man’s spirit?”
conscience?” dead works.” The works of law and the sacri-
“No, it dealt with the exterior man, the
Paul answers, “It is the voice of my re- fices of the First Covenant were dead works.
man of the senses. Man was judged by his
created spirit. My old conscience was the I want to call your attention to another
conduct. If with his lips he cursed God, the
voice of my unrecreated spirit that was dom- phase of this.
penalty was death. If with his hands he mur-
inated by Satan. Our good brother Peter calls In 1 Cor. 8:7-12 we have a remarkable pic-
dered, he was dealt with. The law deals only
it ‘the hidden man of the heart.’ I call it the ture of babes in Christ who have recently
with the things heard, seen, or felt. God goes
inward man. We mean the same thing. It is come out of heathenism. They have been
beyond that, He gives a new commandment
the real you and me. When that person with- accustomed to going into the heathen temple
to a New Creation man. ‘A new command-
in you speaks, you call it your conscience. It to get their mid- day meal. They would eat
ment I give unto you, that you love one anoth-
is the real you, your recreated spirit.” the meat offered in sacrifice.
er even as I have loved you.’ John 13:34.
“Can you tell us Paul, how that spirit, that These new converts are just beginning to
“You know the Word, love, there, was
unrecreated man, is made into a new man?” see that an idol is simply Satan in disguise,
evidently a word that Jesus coined. It was
“You see,” says Paul, “God recreates or and they haven’t any right to eat meat that
Agapa, a new kind of love. The old kind of
gives birth to a new spirit. You remember has been offered to Satan as a sacrifice.
love is Phileo, born of selfishness. But this
Ez. 36:26-27, ‘A new spirit will I put within you Not all these new converts realize this.
new kind of love is born of God. It is God’s
and a new heart will I give you. I will take Some of them have what Paul calls a weak
nature coming into man.”
away the stony heart (the spiritually dead conscience.
heart) and I will give you a heart of flesh, the “A new spirit will I put That is striking when you think about it.
heart of a new creation’.” (literal translation) Some folks have strong consciences.
“Do you mean, Paul, that the words heart within you and a new heart Their spirit is the strongest part of them.
and spirit are the same?” will I give you.” When they are New Creations their recre-
“Oh yes! When He says, ‘Love thy God ~ Ez. 36:26-27 ated spirits should be the strongest part of
with all thy heart,’ He means all thy spirit.” them. When sense knowledge wants to rule
“The most amazing thing to me, brother
“You kind of confuse me yet, Paul. What them, their spirit rises up and takes over the
Paul, is that you imply that when a man is
is the difference between your spirit and your senses. They make wonderful Christians.
Born Again he has a new self.”
soul?” Others have a weak conscience that is
“Yes, that is true. Wherefore, if any man
“Your soul is your reasoning faculties that ruled and governed by a sense knowledge
is in Christ there is a new creation. The new
receives all its knowledge and impulses from brain.
spirit and new heart spoken about in Ezekiel
your five senses. Your spirit is utterly inde- In 1 Cor.10:25 Paul tells us, “Whatsoever
becomes a reality in the New Creation man.”
pendent of the senses. Your spirit is the real is sold in the shambles, eat, asking no ques-
“But Paul, tell us more about man’s con-
you. Your senses are not the real you, nor tions for conscience’ sake.”
science. What is your conscience, in reality?”
your brain or reasoning faculties. They are Whose conscience? Not his, but the con-
Paul says, “May I ask you a question? Is
the exterior. They are the seeing and feeling science of the man who offered him the meat.
a man’s voice a part of himself? If you heard
part of man. This hidden man of the heart is
me speaking behind a curtain you would say,
the part with whom God deals. It is the part (continued on page 4)
that is Paul talking. Then my voice and
The Two Kinds of Consciences E.W.
(continued from page 3)
In the twenty-seventh verse we read, “Why is my liberty judged by the con- even as I also am of Christ.”
“If one of them that believe not biddeth science of another? If I by grace partake, When we listen to our recreated spirit,
you a feast, and ye are disposed to go; why is evil spoken of me?” we will walk in love, and we will not
whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking But here love enters in. “Whether stumble, nor will we cause our brother to
no question for conscience’ sake.” therefore ye eat, drink or whatsoever ye stumble. Our conscience, the voice of our
Paul tells us that the meat is not un- do, do all to the glory of God. Give no recreated spirit will lead us. This new
clean, he has prayed over it. occasion of stumbling, either to Jews, or conscience will speak to us with the wis-
But He says, if the brother by your to Greeks, or to the Church of God.” dom of God and will cause us to walk
side has a weak conscience and says, Love comes in to take control of the uprightly, and to be well-pleasing to our
“Brother Paul that meat was offered up to Believer’s conduct. Heavenly Father. ✞
the devil, you must not eat it,” Paul says, Now Paul says, “Be ye imitators of me,

Your Conscience (continued from page 1)

There are two necessary ingredients Lordship be a Reality in our lives. We New Covenant that He will remember
to maintaining a clear conscience belong to Him and have been bought our sins and lawless deeds no more
before the Father. First, we must accept at the price of His poured-out blood. and we press on with Him without
the gift of Righteousness. In the New We are not our own. We know in our condemnation.
Covenant we are Righteous by faith in hearts whether or not His Lordship is a Faith requires a clear conscience.
the Resurrection of Christ. “If you settled issue in our lives. If we are Strong faith is the fruit of enjoying our
believe in your heart that God raised Father-pleasers seeking to honor Him Righteousness in His presence. Our
Jesus from the dead and confess with first in our lives our conscience will be hearts are filled with assurance as we
your mouth that Jesus is Lord, you shall clear and our hearts will not condemn bathe in His acceptance. Confidence in
be saved. For with the heart one us. We are able to forget ourselves and His Word becomes almost unconscious.
believes to Righteousness and with fellowship with Him in an unhindered Trusting Him becomes effortless.
the mouth one confesses to Salvation” way. His overflowing grace floods our You have the blood of Jesus to main-
(Rom. 10:9,10). We believe unto or into hearts and we rejoice in His continuous tain a clear conscience before your
Righteousness. It is a free gift of God’s mercy toward us. Father. Honor the price Jesus paid and
grace, not something we work to attain. Then, if we do miss the mark, we take advantage of His grace. You are a
Notice that we confess that Jesus is confess our sin and receive His forgive- Father-pleaser. ✞
Lord. It is also necessary that Jesus’ ness. We believe the promise of the

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