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MCQ Instructions

MCQ Instructions
• For Final Exams, there will be 1 question containing 25 MCQ
worth 25 marks covering material for Part 1, together with
other questions
• Each MCQ:
 +1 mark for correct response
 0 marks for no response
 – 0.25 marks for incorrect response (!!!)
• Minimum total marks: 0
• Please bring along 2B pencils, eraser, sharpener, etc. for
MCQ, in addition to other essential items (calculator, Student
Card, pen, correction fluid, formula sheet, ruler, etc.)
• Undefined symbols have their usual meanings
ME2134 Fluid Mechanics I MCQ-1
MCQ Instructions
MCQ Instructions
• Bubble forms will be provided:

Sample of bubble form is available in IVLE Workbin

ME2134 Fluid Mechanics I MCQ-2
MCQ Instructions
Points to Note when Using Bubble Form
• Use only 2B pencils to shade your answers (Do not use a pen
to shade!)
• Shade the bubble completely, but not extending beyond to
other bubbles, using a pencil:

• Completely erase any mistake or stray mark. Use eraser and

not correction fluid
• Each question only has 4 choices: A, B, C or D  You should
not shade E!
• Each question only has one correct answer  Do not shade
more than one choice for each question
ME2134 Fluid Mechanics I MCQ-3
MCQ Instructions
Points to Note when Using Bubble Form
• Shade your matriculation number and write your matriculation
number in the blank spaces provided above the bubbles. Leave
any unused column blank:

If your matriculation
number starts with Remember
one alphabet, eg. to shade the
A1234567B, start last
shading from alphabet in
column 2 and your
leave column 1 matriculation
blank number

ME2134 Fluid Mechanics I MCQ-4

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