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1. The rules and instructions for allotment of accommodation to the Service

Officers posted to Armed Forces HQrs / ISOs and units attached thereto in Delhi /
New Delhi are reproduced in the succeeding paragraphs. These rules are based on
the orders contained in Govt of India Ministry ofDefence letter
No.7506/93/1/Q3(B)/3768-Q/D-8/47 dated 04 Dec 47 as amended from time to time.


2. These rules will apply to all Commissioned Officers of the Army, the Navy
and the Air Force who are permanently posted to AFHQ / IS Organisations and units
attached thereto in Delhi / New Delhi. In the succeeding paragraphs, wherever the
word ‘officer’ occurs, it refers to only such Commissioned Officers.

Eligibility for Married Accommodation

3. Only married officers who are above the age of 25 years and held on the
permanent strength of AFHQ and units attached thereto and Inter Service
Organisations are entitled for allotment of Defence Pool accommodation provided
the family of the officer is residing with him. If his family is not residing with him,
he may be allotted single accommodation. The term “Family” for purpose of
allotment of accommodation means an officer, his wife or her husband, legitimate
children and step children residing with and wholly dependent on him / her. A
divorcee or a widower with dependent children will be treated as married.
Notwithstanding this unmarried officers of the rank of Maj Gens and equivalent
and above would be allotted one type below entitled / hostel accommodation in view
of their status. Only those officers of the rank of Maj Gen and equivalent and above
who are entitled to reserved accommodation will be allotted such accommodation
irrespective of whether they are married or not.

ADDENDUM As per CAO Letter No. 0203/AddlOffr/CAO/E-1 dated 27 Jul 18 on

PROVISIONAL REGISTRATION, Officers posted on prolonged overlap wherein the
incumbent assumes the appointment after sidestepping of the predecessor as Addl
Officer may be provisionally registered for MoD Pool Accn. These officers will be
considered for allotment of accn after mov of the predecessor and their seniority for
allotment of accn would reckon from the date of assumption of appointment provided
the predecessor officer is SOS of IHQ of MoD within two months. In case the
predecessor officer moves out after two months, the seniority of the incumbent officer
would reckon from the date of SOS of the predecessor officer.
4. The bachelor officers of the rank of Brig and below posted to AFHQ can be
considered for allotment of only hired / rent reimbursed accommodation based on
the following guidelines:-

a) That the officer should be the sole earning member to look after his dependent
parents / brothers / sisters. If he has other earning brothers/sisters, their
particulars regarding the age (s), profession / place or residence and why it is not
possible for his dependent parents/brothers / sisters to stay with him / them needs
to be given.

b) Where the request is on medical grounds, the nature of disease, the treatment
received and period for which further treatment will be required, should be clearly
indicated in the medical certificate. The medical certificate should be
countersigned by the DGMS of the service concerned.

c) That the officer or his parents or any dependent (brother / sister) does not own
a house. If they own any house, why they cannot reside in that house and
what were the accommodation arrangements for them earlier.

d) The duration for which the accommodation is required.

e) Where the posting of the officer in the station is on compassionate grounds,

whether the same has been made by the concerned authorities on the grounds
on which the allotment of married accommodation is sought by the officer.

f) Total income of the officer from all sources.

5. Bachelor officers seeking allotment of accommodation from Defence Pool

should submit their application containing the above information alongwith
supporting documents to the Officer of the JS (T) & CAO on merit and concurrence
of Ministry of Defence (Finance) obtained before making allotment.

Officers on Attachment

6. Officers on attachment or temporary duty to AFHQ are eligible only for single
officers’ Mess accommodation. They are not eligible for allotment of any type of
married accommodation from the Defence Pool during the period of attachment or
while on temporary duty to AFHQ. However, officers posted to Service HQ initially
on attachment followed by permanent posting will be allowed to stay in houses on
rent reimbursement basis during the period of attachment provided the following
conditions are fulfilled:-

a) The officer has moved his family to Delhi.

b) The officer has drawn transfer grant etc.
c) The officer has vacated married accommodation at the last duty station.

Officers posted on Deputation to Civil Organisations and other Non-Military

Organisations of Ministry of Defence

7. Allotment / retention of Defence Pool accommodation to officers posted on

deputation to civil organizations including SFF, Estt-22, NSG and to other non-
military organizations of the Ministry of Defence such as DRDO, DGQA and Coast
Guard will be governed by the provisions contained in Govt of India, Ministry of
Defence letter No.13(1)/89/D(Q&C) dated 31 Jan 90 placed at Annexure-I.
National Defence College

8. Service Officers posted at NDC are allotted accommodation in Raksha Bhavan

by NDC authorities. However, the balance Service Officers who cannot be
accommodated in Raksha Bhavan within the quota prescribed for this purpose by
the Min of Defence are eligible to apply for Defence Pool accommodation. Further,
Service Officers already in occupation of Defence Pool accommodation and
nominated to the NDC Course can retain the same accommodation for the duration
of the course after obtaining permission from JS (T) & CAO, provided the
accommodation in Raksha Bhavan does not remain vacant.

AMENDMENT. Officers posted to NDC for attending the course are not eligible to
regular accommodation through MoD pool since allocation of 23 houses in Shankar
Vihar (Vikram Vihar) in 2012 to NDC.



decision taken in PSOC meeting held on 29 Aug 2005, officers detailed for APPPA
Course are entitled to allotment of out of turn hostel accommodation for the
duration of the course at IIPA, Delhi.


DT 27 JAN 2015, Officers detailed for APPPA course at IIPA, Delhi who are in
occupation of MoD pool accn can retain the same for the duration of the course.
Officers posted to AFHQ on termination of APPPA course are entitled to
Station Seniority from the date of commencement of the Course or date of joining
IIPA, whichever is later.

HQ SFC (ADDENDUM). As per PSOC decision dated 17 Nov 2014 SFC officers shall
henceforth be eligible for only hired / hostel (temporary) accommodation or grant of
HRA from MoD pool. Their dependency for permanent accommodation shall rest on
SFC pool.

Types of Accommodation

9. The Defence Pool accommodation comprises the following:-

a) Regular b) 4/3 roomed Hostel

c) 2-roomed d) Hired
e) Houses on rent-reimbursement basis

Regular Accommodation

10. This consists of the following types of accommodation:-

(a) Type VIII Bungalows

i) Officers of the rank of Lt Generals & equivalents in the Navy and Air
Force are entitled to be allotted this type of accommodation. The three
Chiefs of Staff, the three Vice Chiefs of Staff, Commandant NDC, CDS
and VCDS are entitled to allotment of appointment houses of this type.
The remaining type VIII bungalows are allotted to PSOs, other Lt Gens &
equivalents in the Navy and Air Force based on their seniority.

(ii) PSOs of the three Service HQrs will take priority for this type of
accommodation over Lt Gens & equivalents (non-PSOs) in the Navy and
Air Force.

(iii) In the normal course, a house vacated by a PSO will be allotted to

incoming PSO of the same service but when more than one PSO is on the
waiting list, the senior-most PSO will be given preference. The order in
which PSOs take overriding priority for such allotment will be based only
on the date of assuming the appointment of PSO.

(iv) The total number of type VIII bungalows at present is 22.

(b) Type VII Bungalows

Lt Gens and equivalents in the Navy and Air Force take priority of this type of
accommodation. The remaining bungalows are allotted to Maj Gens &
equivalents. At present there are 49 such bungalows in the Defence Pool.

(c) Type VI Bungalows

Maj Gens & equivalents in the Navy and Air Force are entitled for allotment
of this type of accommodation. The number of Type VI bungalows available at
present is 17.

(d) Type VI Flats

Brigs / Cols and equivalents in the Navy and Air Force are entitled for
allotment of this type of accommodation (C-I or C-II flats). However, officers of the
rank of Maj Gens and equivalents in the Navy and Air Force would be entitled to
allotment of this type of accommodation, on overriding priority basis, in case
bungalow type accommodation is not immediately available for allotment to them.


(1) Maj Gens & equivalents in the Navy and Air Force and above are also
entitled to allotment of any lower type of accommodation including Hostel
accommodation on out of turn overriding priority if type VI/type VII
accommodation is not available for allotment.

(2) All General rank / equivalent officers who are given local rank against a
cadre post with the approval of the Government, on production of a
certificate to this effect from the Personnel Branch of Service HQ
concerned, will be granted seniority for entitled as well as one type below
entitled accommodation from the date of such promotion.
(e) Type V Flats

Officers of the rank of Brigs, Cols, Lt Cols, Majs and their equivalents in the
Navy and Air Force are entitled for this type of accommodation. These include
MES flats at Dhaula Kuan, Arjun Vihar, SP Marg, Sangli Apartments and CPWD
accommodation of the type of DI / DII / SO Flats at Chanakyapuri. While only Lt
Cols / equivalents are eligible for allotment of DI type accommodation, DII
type accommodation / SO Flats at Chanakyapuri and DI flats at Bharti Nagar are
allotted to only Majs / equivalents in the Navy and Air Force.


Officers are required to apply separately on the prescribed form for

allotment of Garage in Type V flats (D-I / D-II), Sangli Apartments and Arjun
Vihar area. The seniority for this purpose will reckon from the date of
occupation of the flat if the application is made within 15 days, failing which
the seniority will reckon from the date of receipt of application in Quartering
Office. Allotment of garages in these areas is restricted to only those officers
who are in possession of cars in their own / wife’s name. Request for change
of garage will be governed by the same rules as applicable to change of
accommodation as indicated in Para 46.



As per ISAAC decision dated 01 Apr 1999, officers of the rank of Maj Gen and
Equivalents in Navy and Air Force would now be required to indicate in the form
itself their willingness to accept lower type of accn. In case any officer fails to indicate
his preference for lower type of accn in the application form and subsequently applies
for allotment of lower type of accn, his seniority will be fixed for allotment of lower
type accn from the date of receipt of such application. Further as per past practice,
officers of the rank of Lt Gen/ eqvt in Air Force and Navy are given over-riding
priority over Maj Gen/ eqvts, if they opt for Type V/ Type VI flats.

AMENDMENT. As per decision of PSOC in its meeting held on 10 Aug 2015,

136 houses of Type V/Type VI Flats (lower type) has been earmarked for allotment
to Maj Gen/ eqvt as per Annexure . Apart from 136 houses earmarked, further 24
houses in other areas are allotted to the rank within the overall ceiling of 160 lower type

(f) Type IV Flats

Officers of the rank of Capt, Second Lt / Lt (Army) and their equivalents in the
Navy and Air Force are entitled to type IB accommodation at R K Puram,

(g) The total number of flats (regular) available in Defence Pool and their
allocation to various ranks of officers are given in Paras 98 & 99.
Hostel Accommodation (4 roomed / 3 roomed)

11. 4/3 roomed hostel accommodation is considered at par with regular

accommodation. This is available in the following areas :-

(a) Princess Park Hostel : For officers of rank of Brigs / Cols / Lt Cols and
their equivalents in the Navy and Air Force from a common roster. There are
two 4 roomed and fifty eight 3 roomed hostel accommodation in Princess

NOTE. The PPOH complex has been handed over to DG DE for construction of
National War Memorial and National War Museum and is no more a part of MoD pool
of accn.

(b) Jodhpur Hostel : Six suites are earmarked for allotment to Lt Cols /
Cols / Brigs and remaining for Majs and their equivalents in the Navy and
Air Force. The number of such suites is 43.

NOTE. The entire Jodhpur Hostel complex has been declared dangerous by CPWD and
no allotment is therefore, being made in the area

Hostel Accommodation ( 2 roomed)

12. This is considered inferior to regular accommodation and is available in the

following areas :-

(a) Curzon Road Hostel (21 Numbers) : For officers of the rank of Brigs / Cols
and their equivalent in the Navy and Air Force.

(b) Princess Park Hostel (25 numbers) : For officers of the rank of Lt Cols and
above and their equivalents in the Navy and Air Force by a common roster.

NOTE. The PPOH complex has been handed over to DG DE for construction of
National War Memorial and National War Museum and is no more a part of MoD
pool of accn.

(c) Jodhopur Hostel (4 numbers) : For officers of the rank of Majors and
equivalents in the Navy and Air Force.

NOTE. The entire Jodhpur Hostel complex has been declared dangerous by
CPWD and no allotment is therefore, being made in the area

(d) Pragati Vihar Hostel (73 numbers) : For officers of the rank of Majors and
above and their equivalents in the Navy and Air Force.


(i) 2 roomed hostel accommodation will be allotted to only those officers who
do not wish allotment of hired accommodation. Those who are already in
occupation of a hired accommodation will not be eligible for 2 roomed hostel
accommodation. Hence, officers’ name for 2 roomed hostel accommodation
will be included in the roster provided they apply to the Quartering Officer
stating that they are not interested in allotment of any hired accommodation.
But in such cases, officers are not eligible for issue of any Non-Availability
Certificate (NAC) for retention of any accommodation at the previous duty
station, in case hired accommodation is available for allotment.

(ii) Officers are required to apply separately for allotment of servant quarters /
garages in Curzon Road Hostel. Allotment of garages is restricted to only
those officers who possess cars in their own / wife’s name. The priority for
this will reckon from the date of occupation of the suite if the application is
made within 15 days, failing which the seniority will reckon from the date of
receipt of application in the Quartering Office.

Hired Accommodation

13. This comprises houses hired by office of the JS (T) & CAO on Government to
landlord basis in NOIDA (houses constructed by AWHO & AFNHB only) in selected
colonies of Delhi / New Delhi. Houses hired on a monthly rent of Rs.6000/- are
allotted to officers of the rank of Brig and above and their equivalents in the Navy
and Air Force and those hired for Rs.5500/- per month are allotted to officers of the
rank of Maj and above and their equivalents in the Navy and Air Force while houses
hired for Rs.5000/- per month are allotted to Capts and below and their equivalents
in the Navy and Air Force. Houses hired for Rs.5000/- per month can also be allotted
to officers above the rank of Capts / equivalents in case they opt for the same.

CORRIGENDUM. As per GOI LETTER NO. 2(1)/2000/D(Q&C) dated 18 Jun 2009 the
monthly rent for hiring of private houses (rent at rental ceiling rate) in Class X (earlier
classification as A-1) cities has been revised to Rs. 11000/- for the rank upto Col/
equivalent in Air Force and Navy and Rs. 12000/- for ranks higher than Col/
equivalent in Air Force and Navy.

14. In case of non-availability of any type of accommodation officers are also

permitted to sponsor private houses which will be taken in the pool and allotted to
them irrespective of their position in the seniority list. Such houses are invariably
hired for a period of 33 months. The addresses and details of houses which the
house owners have agreed to place at the disposal of JS (T) & CAO for being
sponsored by officers are available with CAO / E-II (Room No.42, ‘E’ Block). The
officers may see the list in that section during the enquiry timings between 1430 to
1630 hrs on working days. An officer sponsoring a house for hiring would be
required to stay for a minimum period of 11 months from the date of hiring and such
an officer would not be considered for allotment of any other accommodation during
this period.

15. Officers allotted hired accommodation will be required to shift to alternative

accommodation that may be allotted to them when shifting of the officers become
necessary on administrative grounds such as if the present house becomes due for
release on expiry of the lease period. On failure of an officer to shift to such
alternative accommodation, he would be declared as an unauthorized occupant of
Defence Pool accommodation and he would be liable to pay rent at damages rate.
Besides, the case will also be reported to appropriate authorities for disciplinary
action. The officer will also be liable for action under the Public Premises (Eviction
of Unauthorised Occupants) Act, 1971.
Rent Reimbursement Houses

16. In case no married accommodation is readily available for allotment, the

officers may be permitted to hire a house on rent reimbursement basis if they so
desire. As per rules, prior permission of the Station Commander (JS (T) & CAO) to
hire a house on rent reimbursement or to live in own house on rent reimbursement
basis is required. Otherwise, permission shall be granted from the date of approval
of such requests by Station Commander or from the actual date of occupation of
accommodation whichever is later.

17. Officers who wish to sponsor houses either on hiring basis or on

reimbursement basis may apply for the same on the prescribed format give in the
Format Section.

House Rent Allowance

ADDENDUM. The entitlement and condition of grant of HRA to service officers has
been provided in GoI Letter No. 10(55)/98/D(Q&C) dated 29 Sep 99 and GoI Letter No.
10(55)/98/D(Q&C) dated 11 Feb 2008 which are annexed.



Authority and Application for Allotment

18. The JS (T) & CAO will be the Station Commander for purpose of
administration, allotment and recovery of rent in respect of the accommodation in
the Ministry of Defence Pool. The allotment of married accommodation will,
however, be made on his behalf by the Quartering Officer in the Office of the JS
(Trg) & CAO, Ministry of Defence.

19. An officer on his permanent posting to an office of AFHQ / IS

Organisations / Units attached thereto will apply for allotment of married
accommodation to the Quartering Officer on the prescribed form (in duplicate)
placed at Annexure-II within a period of seven days of his assuming permanent
appointment. Any change in the details furnished in the application form must be
communicated in writing to the Quartering Officer immediately on occurrence.

20. In accordance with the ranks, the Quartering Section will maintain separate
waiting lists. These are as follows:-

(A) Regular / 3-4 Roomed Hostel Accommodation

(a) PSOs
(b) Lt Gens / Equivalents
(c) Maj Gens / Equivalents
(d) Col / Brigs / Equivalents
(e) Lt Cols / Equivalents
(f) Majs / Equivalents
(g) Capts / 2nd Lts / Lts / Equivalents
(For Type IV, R K Puram)

(B) Hired Accommodation

(a) Maj to Brig & Equivalents – For hired accommodation in

National Capital Region (NCR)

(b) Capts / 2nd Lts / Lts / Equivalents - For hired accommodation

in National Capital Region
(c) Hostel Accommodation (2 roomed)

Maj to Brig & Equivalents in the Navy and Air Force. Names of only
those officers who are not interested in any hired accommodation will
be kept on the roster for this type of accommodation.

AMENDMENT. As per the decision of PSOC in its meeting held on 25

Jul 2004, separate pool for Brig and equivalent was created in 2006.

Fixation of Seniority

21. An officer’s seniority will be fixed from the date he takes up permanent
appointment in AFHQ / IS Orgns plus the period of ante-date seniority, wherever
admissible provided he makes his application for accommodation within 7 days of
the date of his assuming permanent duty. In case of his applying for
accommodation after seven days of his date of assumption of permanent duty, the
officer’s seniority shall be fixed from the date his application for accommodation is
actually received in the Quartering Office.

22. In case an officer is promoted to a higher rank subsequent to the date of his
arrival in the station, the date of promotion will determine priority for allotment of
accommodation to which the officer is entitled on such promotion provided the
application for higher class of accommodation is made within seven days of the date
of such promotion. Otherwise the date of seniority will reckon from the date of
receipt of application from the officer. The officer will not be deprived of his
seniority in a lower class of accommodation appropriate to the rank prior to his
promotion in case entitled accommodation appropriate to the rank then held has not
been provided to him till the date of promotion. In case at the time of promotion an
officer is already in occupation of a quarter, he will not be required to surrender the
same till he is allotted a quarter as per his revised entitlement.

EXCEPTION. As pre PSOC decision in its meeting held on 23 Aug 2001 officers posted
to AFHQ on termination of HDMC / HCC / HACC / DSCC / TSOC and granted
compulsory Leave / EJT may apply for MoD Pool Accn after ten days of termination of
the course. Their seniority for accn would reckon from the date of receipt of their
application, however, they will be considered for allotment of accn on assumption of
substantive appointment and SOS of their predecessor.
Ante-Date of Seniority

23. The conditions governing grant of ante-date seniority are generally contained
in Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter No.45600/Q3 (b-i)/3822-Q/D(Q&C) dated
29 July 1978. Briefly the conditions applicable for grant of ante-date seniority for
Service Officers in the Defence Pool are as under:-

(a) In case an officer is posted from a field area / modified field area as
determined by the Govt of India from time to time, his seniority will be ante-
dated by half the period he spent in the field / modified field area.

(b) Similarly, in case an officer is posted to Delhi after afloat service, his
seniority will also be ante-dated by half of the period he spent on sea.

(c) The above benefit of ante-dating the seniority by half of the period will
also be admissible to the officers posted from the stations where married
accommodation was not available.

(d) Officers posted to stations where married accommodation cannot be

provided to them under any arrangements or to field service areas where they
are precluded from taking their families for not less than six months in the
previous duty station, will on posting to Defence HQrs have their seniority
ante-dated by half the period they spent in the previous duty station,
irrespective of whether their families have retained family accommodation at
the last family station / separated family accommodation.

(e) Officers who take their families to stations in field where married
accommodation has been constructed, will not be allowed any ante-date of
seniority for allotment of accommodation at new duty station. Likewise
officers taking their families to field area, even at their own expense and with
the permission of the competent authority will not be allowed ante-date of
seniority for allotment of accommodation at the new station.

(f) Officers who are accorded permission to take their family to stations in
field areas but do not utilize the permission, will be granted ante-date of
seniority for allotment of married accommodation at the new station in the
normal manner. This provision will not apply to stations where field service
concession have been finally withdrawn.

(g) A period of less than 3 months spent with the family before an officer
is posted to Defence HQ will not constitute a break of separation for purpose
of the grant of ante-date seniority.

(h) Officers posted from UN Missions and IMTRAT will be granted ante date
seniority by half of the period of the tenure for the purpose of allotment of


For claiming ante-date seniority, an officer will produce the relevant field
area, sea seniority service certificate on the prescribed format placed at
Annexure-III and in case served in a Peace Station where accommodation
was not provided, NAC on the format at Annexure-V from the Competent
Authority within 14 days from the date of assumption of permanent duty.
Claim for ante-date seniority not received within 14 days of assumption of
permanent duty will not be considered.

AMENDMENT. As per PSOC decision in its meeting held on 17 Jul 2013, officers
posted from CI ops/ High Risk Area/ field area and were in occupation of reserved
accommodation/ appointment house during such tenure, shall be permitted to avail
the benefit of ante date seniority, on the grounds that the requirement of staying in a
earmarked accn is the organizational/ functional requirement owing to critical nature
of their posting. The incumbent has no other option to exercise but to stay in the
earmarked accn which cannot be equated to a married accn or rather does not serve the
purpose of a married accn as the families of such officers are not permitted to stay with
them at these stations.

Station Seniority

24. Officers on the regular strength posted from any of the Units in Delhi, New
Delhi, Tughlakabad and Palam area to AFHQ are eligible for seniority from the
original date of their posting to such a station immediately prior to their posting to
AFHQ. For this purpose, the officer has to apply while filling up the application for
married accommodation on the prescribed format duly certified by the competent
authority from the previous unit. Such seniority will not be admissible to officers
posted from Civil Ministries / Department / Organisations located in Delhi / New
Delhi as mentioned in Ministry of Defence letter No.13(1)/89/D(Q&C) dated 31 Jan
1990 (Annexure-I).

ADDENDUM. As per Govt of India letter No. 41187/PSOC-95/CAO/Q-1 dated 27 Jun

1995, the facility of grant of station seniority for purpose of allotment of married
accommodation from the Defence pool has been extended to officers posted
permanently to any units of AFHQ/ISA in Delhi/ New Delhi from Faridabad, Hindon
and Gurgaon and vice versa.

Seniority in case of officers on attachment followed by permanent posting

25. In case the attachment of an officer to AFHQ is converted into permanent

posting without any break, he will be granted seniority from the original date of

After Marriage

26. If an officer is married after his posting, the seniority for allotment of married
accommodation will count from the date of receipt of application in the Quartering
Office after his marriage.

Procedure for Allotment

27. Offer of allotment in respect of bungalows will be made as soon as vacation

reports are received from the concerned CPWD authorities. In respect of all other
types of accommodation, offer of allotment will be made normally on 1st and 3rd
Fridays of the month. The offer letter will contain a list of vacant houses and
eligible officers as also the date / time by which the acceptance will be entertained
and the date of allotment.
28. The officer whose name appears in the offer letter should personally ensure
that his reply is sent by hand to reach Quartering Officer by the prescribed time and
date. Replies received late would not be normally entertained. Officers can exercise
a choice in the matter of selection of accommodation depending on their position in
the offer letter. Thus the senior most officer accepting the accommodation can
choose any house in the offer letter. The next officer can similarly exercise his
choice. While officers may indicate their preference for the houses offered as above,
they are obliged to give acceptance for all the houses offered to avoid relegation.
However, officers who have applied for allotment in specified areas, before the offer
is made as per rules, need indicate their preference only for the accommodation
located in the area / floors they have specified. Allotment will be made strictly in the
order of the seniority of the officers in the offer list vis-à-vis the preference given by

29. In case of non-availability of an officer at the time of receipt of the offer letter
due to exigency of service etc. the same will be communicated to the Quartering
Officer under the signature of his next superior officer along with supporting
documents and this will not bring about any relegation for allotment of
accommodation. However, such communication should reach the Quartering Officer
before expiry of time and date prescribed in the offer letter. Letters received after
the prescribed time and date will not be accepted. In case the officer proceeds on
leave / temporary duty after receipt of the offer letter he should nominate another
officer to accept / take over the accommodation on his behalf. Otherwise he will be


30. An officer will be relegated to the bottom of the waiting list in case he does
not send his acceptance as explained in the preceding paragraphs within the period
specified in the offer lists or refuses to accept a house duly allotted to him. The
period of relegation for different type of accommodation is under:_

(a) Type VIII Accommodation:- Officers are relegated for six months.
Relegation of PSOs for this type of accommodation will be regulated as

(i) In case of refusal, PSOs will be relegated for type VIII

accommodation for a period of six months. However, since there is no
separate pool of Type VIII accommodation for PSOs and non- PSOs, they
will be relegated for this type of accommodation among PSOs only. In
other words, a PSO even if relegated will have precedence over non-
PSOs for allotment of accommodation.

AMENDMENT . As per PSOC decision dated 03 Jul 2014, PSO’s relegated

for Type VIII accn will figure at the bottom of the waitlist of PSO’s at the
time of relegation, he will however, still be senior in the waitlist to PSO’s
registered subsequently.

(ii) The relegation imposed on a non-PSO for a Type VIII

accommodation will held good even if subsequently he becomes a PSO
during the currency of the relegation period provided, other PSOs
already on the waiting list at that are undergoing relegation for refusal to
accept the same accommodation. In that case, his name will be entered
below the names of other relegated PSOs already on the list.

(b) Type VII Bungalows: Officers of the rank of Lt Gens and equivalents are
not relegated for refusing this type of accommodation. Maj Gens /
equivalents will be relegated for six months.

(c) Type VI bungalows: The period of relegation is three months.

(d) Regular Accommodation: The period of relegation is six months.

(e) 3-4 Roomed Hostel Accommodation: Officers who have got this type of
accommodation approved as specified area will be relegated for six months.
Others will not be relegated for regular accommodation for non-acceptance of
3-4 roomed hostel accommodation. However, they will not be considered for
this type of accommodation for second time, if they refuse to accept the same

(f) Hired Accommodation / 2 Roomed Hostel: Period of relegation is three


31. On completion of the period of relegation as above, the officers name will be
restored in the waiting list with the original seniority. An officer relegated twice
will be considered for allotment only on receipt of a request from him in writing
after the period of second relegation.

Waival of Relegation

32. The waival of the period of relegation will be considered on merit by the JS
(T) & CAO / Director in charge of quartering in CAO’s Office, in case an officer
applies for the same. The officer should submit his application to the Quartering
Office giving reasons for condoning the relegation, duly supported by documents
and recommended by the next superior officer.

Penalty for Non-Occupation of Houses Allotted After Giving Acceptance

33. An officer who fails to collect the allotment letter or occupy the
accommodation allotted to him in accordance with the acceptance given by him, is
liable to face the following actions:-

(a) He will be relegated for 6/3 months depending on the accommodation


(b) He will be charged damages rent from the date of such allotment till the
date of immediately following offer.

AMENDMENT . In terms of GoI letter No. 10(55)/98/D(Q&C) dated 29 Sep

99 officers who do not occupy an allotted accn are liable for deduction of 20
days HRA and 10 days license fee.

AMENDMENT. As per decision taken in ISAAC meeting held on 18 Feb 2016,

officers are liable to charged either of the two penalties of damages rate of rent
or deduction of 20 days HRA and 10 days license fee depending on whether the
officer is already in occupation of Govt accn or claiming HRA.

Allotment in Specified Areas

34. Officers can request for allotment of married accommodation in specified

localities/ places broadly covering the following situations.

(a) Request on medical grounds duly supported by medical certificate

from the authorized medical attendant.

(b) Request on grounds of children’s education duly supported by

certificate from the concerned school.

(c) Request on administrative grounds duly recommended by the

applicant’s Director General / equivalents.

35. Application for allotment in specified areas should be submitted to the

Quartering Officer along with necessary documents as mentioned above, as soon as
possible, in any case before accommodation is offered to the officer. Such
applications from other officers who have been offered accommodation will not be
entertained. An officer cannot specify more than three localities and no alteration /
deletion etc. will be allowed after acceptance of the request by the competent

AMENDMENT. As per PSOC decision in its meeting held on 29 Mar 2017,

henceforth, officers registered for MoD pool accn may be permitted to specify only one
area choice instead of three area choices as per existing norm. Subsequently two
changes to specified area be permitted prior to officer’s name appearing in offer letters.

Deferment of Allotment

36. An officer without losing his position on the waiting list may request in
writing for deferment of his name for a specified period. The minimum period of
deferment will be three months and any extension thereof will also be for a definite
period which will not be less than one months at a time likewise. Officers
proceeding on annual / sick leave for at least a period of one month can also have
their allotment deferred for the period of such leave. No deferment is, however,
allowed during temporary absence on out station or on short leave. Such officers
should make arrangements for acceptance/ occupation of accommodation, if offered /
allotted during this period. The provision of rules of deferment will be subject to
the stipulation that Govt owned / hired / requisitioned accommodation does not
remain vacant in the station.

Out of Turn Allotment

37. Out of turn allotment of accommodation is made either on medical or

administrative grounds:-

(a) On Medical Grounds :

(i) Out of turn allotment of regular accommodation will be considered

by the PSOC only. Application for allotment of accommodation on
medical grounds are required to be made to the Chairman, Principal
Supply Officers’ Committee (PSOC) through the respective Quartering /
Works Dte. The application should be accompanied with a medical
certificate from AFC / MH duly countersigned by the respective DGMS.
Such allotments will be restricted to only D-II type accommodation.

(ii) Out of turn allotment of hired accommodation in Delhi / 2 roomed

hostel accommodation on medical ground is approved by the JS (T) &
CAO / Director in charge of Quartering in CAO’s Office. Application for
accommodation in such cases along with medical certificate from AFC /
MH duly countersigned by the respective DGMS should be submitted
through the Service rep concerned, i.e. Addl DG Quartering in case of
Army Officers. Dir of Naval Works in case of Naval Officers and Dir of
AF Works in case of Air Force Officers. Officers allotted hired
accommodation / 2-roomed hostel accommodation on medical ground are
not eligible to apply for allotment of regular accn on medical grounds as
mentioned in Para 37 (a) (i) above.

(b) On Administrative Grounds :

(i) Allotment of regular accommodation on administrative grounds

is approved by the PSOC. The procedure for submission of
application is the same as in the case of on medical grounds.

(ii) Hired accommodation / 2 roomed hostel accommodation on out

of turn basis on administrative grounds is approved by the ISAAC.
Applications in such cases duly recommended by the Director
General under whom the officer is serving should be submitted to
the Chairman, ISAAC through the respective Service reps of the

Out of Turn Allotment to Officers Holding Specified Appointments

38. Officers holding 31 specified appointments as per list placed at Annexure-IV

are entitled for allotment of regular accommodation / one type below entitled regular
accommodation on out of turn basis. Such officers are required to submit their
application to the Quartering Officer for out of turn allotment on their assuming
charge of the specified appointment duly recommended by the concerned PSO
under whom they are serving.

ADDENDUM/ AMENDMENT. As per subsequent PSOC decisions, the current

appointments which are entitled to regular accommodation/ one type below entitled
accn/ hostel accn has been updated in Annex-IV (41 appointments).

Out of Turn Allotment to Staff Officers

39. One of the Staff Officers to any PSO is entitled to allotment of out of turn
hired / 2 roomed hostel accommodation. The officer, has, however, to produce a
certificate from the concerned PSO that no other staff officer in his Secretariat has
availed of the benefit of such an out of turn allotment.

Out of Turn Allotment to Officers Posted from Abroad

39A. Officers on their posting back to India from Indian Missions or after a course
of instruction or deputation from abroad are entitled to allotment of hired/
temporary accommodation on overriding priority. They are not eligible for grant of
any ante date seniority. However, officers posted from UN Missions and IMTRAT
where families are not permitted, would be entitled Field Area Concession in terms
of ante date seniority concession. In addition such officers will also be entitled to
allotment of hired / temporary accommodation on overriding priority.

CORRIGENDUM. As per PSOC decision dated 12 Mar 2013, officers who are
proceeding to foreign countries to attend courses of instructions on their posting to
AFHQ may granted Field/ Sea time seniority subject to provision of certificate signed
by Commanding Officer/ Head of Branch that the officer did not stay with his family
during the tenure of the Course abroad. The provision of out of turn allotment of
Temporary/ Hostel accommodation stands withdrawn.

Allotment to Officers on Study Leave

40. Officers on study leave and attached to Branches / Dtes of Service HQ can
apply for married accommodation from Defence Pool. However, they will be
entitled to allotment of only hired accommodation or houses on rent reimbursement
basis. The officers on study leave may also be permitted to avail House Rent
Allowance in case they do not avail the facility of allotment of hired
accommodation/accommodation on rent reimbursement basis.

Officers nominated to pursue fellowship / Research paper with IDSA/USIS or

any other course such as IIT etc. shall be treated at par with officers on study leave
for the purpose of allotment / retention of accommodation.

ADDENDUM. As per ISAAC decision dated 06 Jun 2002, service officers posted to
New Delhi for proceeding on Course to IIT Delhi be allotted only hired accn (including
HRR/ HRA). The Committee also decided that the officers proceeding to IIT, Delhi
from the Service HQrs/ ISOs be shifted to hired accn, in case they are in occupation of
Defence Pool regular/ 3-4 roomed hostel accn.

CLARIFICATION. As per ISAAC decision dated 24 Nov 2014 officers who are
permitted to retain MoD pool hired / temporary accommodation for the duration of
the Study Leave, on completion of the Study Leave are required to hand over the
accommodation occupied by them within 05 working days.

Provision of Accommodation to Re-Employed Officers

41. Allotment of accommodation to re-employed officers and posted to AFHQ

will be made as follows :-

(a) Officers already in occupation of regular accommodation when re-

employed within 90 days of their superannuation will be shifted to
accommodation entitled to the ranks against which they are re-employed.

(b) Those re-employed officers who seek fresh allotment of accommodation

may be given accommodation only from the pool of ranks against which
they are held on re-employment.
AMENDMENT. As per GoI Letter No. 0203/Re-employed/Retn/CAO/E-1 dated 31
Mar 2006 allotment of MoD pool accommodation to re-employed officers will be
regulated as per the rank held at the time of retirement.

Allotment of Regular Accommodation on Dehiring of Hired Houses

42. In case the lease of hired accommodation in occupation of an officer expires

and the owner is not willing to extend the lease, allotment of out turn regular
accommodation to the officer can be made by the JS (T) & CAO by condoning a
maximum waiting period of three months.

Allotment of Accommodation to Officers Relinquishing Charges in Rashtrapati


43. Officers holding appointments in Rashtrapati Bhavan are required to vacate

the accommodation at the President’s Estate on their posting out. These officers will
be allotted out of turn married accommodation from Defence Pool in case they apply
for the same.

Allotment of Accommodation for Marriage Purposes

44. Service Officers who are entitled to allotment of accommodation from

Defence Pool can be allotted married accommodation for a period not exceeding
seven days on payment of special licence fee for their own marriage or the marriage
of their children and near relations such as brother, sister, nephew, niece subject to
availability. The type of accommodation to be allotted for this purpose will not be
higher than the entitled class of the applicant.

Mutual Exchange

45. Mutual exchange of accommodation is not permissible except with the prior
permission of the Quartering Officer provided the accommodation is of the same
type and both the officers are not due for posting out / retirement within next six

Change of Accommodation

46. An officer may seek only one change of accommodation in the same class on
completion of six months’ stay in the accommodation occupied for special reasons to
be mentioned in the application. Seniority for change will be reckoned as under:-

(a) From the date from which an officer becomes entitled to allotment of
accommodation, if he applies for change within one month after completing
six months’ stay in the accommodation occupied.

(b) If application for change is made after the prescribed period as

indicated in (a) above, the period by which the officer’s application is late will
be deducted from his original seniority for determining seniority for change
of accommodation.
(c) After the seniority for change of accommodation has been determined
in accordance with (a) & (b) above, change of accommodation will be allowed
from a common roster along with fresh allotment.

(d) Change of accommodation in the same class is permitted only once. In

case accommodation is offered as change and the officer does not give his
acceptance, no further change is offered.

AMENDMENT. As per PSOC decision dated 10 Aug 15 the benefit of ante-date

seniority and station seniority would not be granted while the officer apply for
change of accn after six months. Their seniority will reckon from the date of
assumption of appointment / initial seniority fixed without grant of ante-date /
station seniority.

When Husband and Wife are Employed at Delhi

47. When both husband and wife are in service in AFHQ, only one unit of
accommodation will be allotted to them in accordance with seniority of either of
them on the waiting list in the proper class. Where, however, either husband or wife
is in civil employment in Delhi, Govt accommodation (General Pool or Defence
Pool) will be claimed only from one source.

Shifting of Officers to Alternative Accommodation on Administrative Grounds

48. If the Station Commander desires the occupant officer to change from one
accommodation to another for administrative reason or when in occupation of an out
of class accommodation (higher or lower) or when the house occupied has been
approved for dehiring, demolition and so on, the officer should move without any
representation to the alternative accommodation offered to him. Failure to move
will render the officer liable to payment of licence fee at damages rate as applicable
to unauthorized occupants besides disciplinary action.

Unauthorised Use of Accommodation

49. If an officer to whom a residence has been allotted uses the residence or
premises or permits them to be used for any purposes which the Station
Commander, Ministry of Defence considers to be improper or if it is found that an
officer has knowingly furnished incorrect information in any application or written
statement with a view to securing an allotment, the Station Commander may without
prejudice to any other disciplinary action that may be taken against him:-

(a) Declare him to be ineligible for a residence in New Delhi or Delhi for a
specified period.

(b) Cancel the allotment of that residence to him and require the officer to
vacate the Govt accommodation forthwith.

Note : For the purpose of the rule, “improper use” shall include:-

(i) erecting unauthorized structures in any part of the residence;

(ii) using the residence or a portion thereof for purposes other than those for
which they are meant such as for commercial use, and

(iii) unauthorized extension from electric and water connections or tampering


Subletting of Accommodation

50. It is not permissible to sublet accommodation including any part thereof such
a garage or servant quarter. Officers doing so will be deprived of their allotment and
will also be debarred from getting accommodation from the pool for such period as
may be decided by the Station Commander, Ministry of Defence, besides being
liable for disciplinary action.

Handing / Taking Over of Accommodation

51. Officers will be personally responsible to ensure that vacant possession of the
accommodation under their occupation is made over to the concerned MES / CPWD
authorities by the date when they cease to be entitled to retain occupation thereof,
under intimation to the Quartering Officer. Similarly, the accommodation allotted
will be taken over through the concerned MES / CPWD authorities and the date of
occupation of the accommodation will be separately intimated by the officer to the
Quartering Officer.



On Transfer

52. Officers are eligible to retain the allotted Defence Pool accommodation during
the tenure of their current appointment in the Defence HQrs. An officer cannot
retain the Defence Pool accommodation beyond ten days after he is transferred out
of his present appointment / tenure in Defence HQrs. Officers vacating their
accommodation will invariably report in writing to the Quartering Officer before
their departure as to when they will vacate the accommodation. Officers not doing
so will be liable for disciplinary action. They are also liable to be charged rent at
damages rate until such time as intimation of vacation is received by the Quartering
Officer. An officer, however, can be permitted to retain the accommodation for the
bonafide use of his family in the special circumstances mentioned in the succeeding

On Attachment / Leave immediately after S.O.S.

53. The period of 10 days allowed for vacation of the accommodation can be
extended in the following circumstances :

(a) Officers placed on attachment to Defence HQrs immediately after they

are SOS from Defence HQrs
They may be permitted to retain the family accommodation for the
entire period of attachment on payment of normal rent and the date
of termination of attachment will reckon as the crucial date for allowing
further retention of family accommodation.

(b) Officers granted leave-cum-joining time

Retention of Defence Pool accommodation at normal rates will be

permitted till the date of completion of leave-c um-joining time and the
concession of further retention of accommodation, if any, would follow
from that date.

(c) Officers granted extended joining time

Retention of Defence Pool accommodation would be permitted for

the entire period of extended joining time and the date of completion of
extended joining time should be taken as crucial date of allowing any
further retention of the accommodation.

(d) Officers granted annual leave-cum-joining time cum extended

joining time with or without attachment

Retention of the Defence Pool accommodation would be allowed for

the entire duration as in (c) above.

On Transfer to a Peace Station

54. An officer on transfer from AFHQ / ISOs to peace station can retain the
Defence Pool accommodation beyond 10 days of his SOS on ground of non-
availability of accommodation in the new station or on academic grounds of their
children. For this, the officer, on transfer should decide within a maximum period of
two months from the date of SOS whether he would opt to retain the
accommodation on ground of NAC or children’s education and send an intimation to
the Quartering Officer in writing. The option once exercised will be treated as final
and no change of option will be permitted. Officers will not be permitted to
combine the options for retaining accommodation on grounds of non-availability of
married accommodation at the new duty station and on children’s education.

On Grounds of Non-Availability of Accommodation (NAC) at the new duty station

55. An officer who opts to retain the Defence Pool accommodation on NAC
grounds should submit his application to the Quartering Officer along with non-
availability certificate as per the format placed at Annexure-V signed by the
competent authority within two months of his SOS. Officers of the rank of
Brigadiers and below / equivalents occupying regular / 3-4 roomed hostel
accommodation will be shifted to hired accommodation after two months from the
date of SOS, if they are desirous of retaining accommodation in the Defence Pool on
NAC basis. However, officers of the rank of Maj Gens and above/equivalents
occupying bungalow type of accommodation will be shifted to Type VI/ Type V
flats, if they are desirous of retaining accommodation in the Defence Pool on NAC
basis. They may also be permitted to live in private houses on rent reimbursement
basis but the rent in such cases will be restricted to separated family scales. Sanction
for retention of accommodation on NAC shall be granted only after the officer shifts
to alternative accommodation in such cases. Shifting to alternative accommodation
is compulsory and failure to do so will render him liable to face eviction proceedings
as well as charging of rent at damages rate, as applicable to unauthorized occupants.

56. Retention of accommodation on NAC grounds upto a period of one year will
be granted by JS (T) & CAO while sanction exceeding one year will be accorded by
the ISAAC. The veracity of NACs submitted by the officers for periods exceeding
one year will be verified by the respective Service HQ before the case for retention
of the accommodation is considered by the ISAAC.

57. It will be the personal responsibility of the officer to obtain NAC from the
competent authority and forward the same to the Quartering Officer well before the
expiry of the permitted period of retention.


ISAAC decision dated 13 Apr 2018, an officer may be granted a period of 10 days to
vacate the accn on expiry of validity period of NAC or allotment of FAFA, whichever is
earlier, for the purpose of shifting from one house to another.

Retention upto the end of current School / College Academic Year of the children

58. Officers can be permitted to retain the same accommodation till the end of
current school / college session of the children in accordance with Govt of India,
Ministry of Defence letter No.A/07832/Q3(B-i)/176-S/D(Q&C) dated 23 April 1973
even if married accommodation becomes available provided an application is made
on the prescribed form together with a certificate from the Head of the Institution
where the children are studying indicating the commencement and termination of
current academic session. Such retention will be further subject to the following

(a) Married accommodation at the new duty station does not remain vacant
during the period.

(c) The officer will not be eligible to rent free single accommodation and
allied services at the new duty station for the period he retains family
accommodation at the last duty station on account of children’s education.

59. Officers who are entitled to reserved accommodation at the new duty station
will also be permitted to retain the Defence Pool accommodation on account of
current school / college academic year of children’s education. In such cases, the
officer will pay for the reserved accommodation at the new duty station at normal
rent liability and pay for the accommodation allowed to be retained at Delhi at
normal rent liability.

59A. (GoI Letter No.07832/Policy(Qtr)/2348/D(Q&C)/2003 dated 30 Jun 2003).

Academic session in respect of wards / children of service officers studying in Class XII
would extend up to 31 Jul as a special case subject to the following conditions :-

(i) No further extension will be granted beyond 31 Jul.

(ii) The above concession will be applicable for the academic session ending
2003 onwards.


EDUCATION. As per ISAAC decision dated 19 Feb 2008 officers holding
accommodation of grounds of Children Education may be permitted to vacate the
accommodation within 05 working days after termination of the period of retention.

ADDENDUM. As per decision of PSOC in its meeting held on 23 Aug 2001, officers
undergoing HDMC/ HCC course and retaining MoD pool accn of grounds of Children
Education may be granted a grace period of 10 days after the date of termination of
course for retention of accommodation.

Retention of Defence Pool Accommodation by Service Officers upto the end of

current year of professional / technical courses

60. The retention of accommodation by an officer can be permitted till the end of
the current academic year of the professional / technical course of their children in
accordance with Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter No.A/ 07832/Q3(B-i)/2798-
Q/D(Q&C) dated 22 October 1981, subject to the following conditions in addition to
the condition laid down in Para 58(a) and Para 58(b) :-

(a) Retention will be permitted only in respect of those professional /

technical courses which are either conducted by the Govt Institutions on a
regular basis or have been recognized by the Ministry of Education as regular

(b) Retention of accommodation would under no circumstances be

permitted beyond one academic year of the child.

(c) This concession will be admissible only if no hostel accommodation is

available in the institution conducting the course and a certificate to this effect
has been produced from the Head of the institution.

Retention of Accommodation for Second Academic Year

61. Under normal circumstances the rules do not provide retention of Defence
Pool accommodation for the second academic year. However, genuine cases of
hardship may be considered by the Government provided the following conditions
are fulfilled :-

(a) The facility of retention of accommodation for the second academic year
will be available only where the child goes to Class X or XII. This will not be
admissible in the case of college going children.

(b) The curriculum at the new duty station school is not available / taught
which the child of the officer is studying. Certificate to this effect will be
produced by the officer from the competent education authority of the new
duty station.
(c) No hostel facilities are available at Delhi where the child is studying.
Certificate to this effect from the principal of the school will be produced.

(d) Retention for the second academic year will be permitted, only in respect
of one child.

(e) The officer will be required to shift to alternate hired accommodation for
the second academic year in case of occupation of regular / 3-4 roomed hostel

(f) The rental liability for retention during second academic year will be
equivalent to the rental ceiling prescribed for hiring a house at Delhi for the
rank of the officer seeking such retention.

(g) Application for retention for the second academic year should come from
the officer immediately on his posting out to new duty station after verifying
the chances of admitting his children in a school at the new duty station.

Officer posted to Field Area

62. (a) Officers posted to a field area are required to apply for allotment of
separated family accommodation in accordance with SAO/10 S/86 with a copy
of such application to the Quartering Officer. On confirmation from the
Station HQrs concerned that their names have been registered for allotment
of separated family accommodation, the officer will be shifted to hired
accommodation, if in occupation of regular / 3-4 roomed hostel
accommodation and permitted to retain hired accommodation till the
allotment of separated family accommodation to them. The application for
allotment of separated family accommodation must be made within two
months of their date of SOS. Officers not applying for allotment of separated
family accommodation can be permitted to retain the accommodation for a
maximum period of two months only.

(b) On allotment of separated family accommodation by the concerned

Station HQrs, the officer should vacate the Defence Pool accommodation
under intimation to CAO’s Office. Failure to move to separated family
accommodation will result in charging of rent at damages rate besides facing
eviction proceedings under the PPE Act.

(c) During the period of retention, if there is any further posting,

retirement of any such other contingency from the new place of posting, the
officer should intimate the same to the Quartering Officer immediately. The
officer will be solely responsible for any lapse and will have to face the
consequences for any delay in sending such intimation, as applicable to
unauthorized occupants.

AMENDMENT. As per PSOC decision dated 25 Aug 2011 officers attending HCC /
HDMC and granted retention on Children Education Grounds till termination of
current academic session on their subsequent posting from the course to high risk areas
to be allowed to retain accommodation for 06 months from the date of termination of
the course.
AMENDMENT. The provision for grant of retention on posting to a modified field,
afloat, high risk area, high intensity, anti-insurgency areas / formations in field /
operational areas / CI (Ops) has been revised as per GoI Letter No.
39987/12/Retn/CAO/E-1 dated 17 May 17. As per the revised policy, officers posted to
field / equivalent areas are entitled to retain MoD pool accommodation on production
of NAC on bi-monthly basis from Stn HQ, Delhi Cantt / nearest base port / AF Stn
Palam subject to a maximum period of 08 months.

Retention of Accommodation by the family of Deceased Service Officers

63. The family of a deceased service officer can retain Defence Pool
accommodation (Govt owned / hired / privately hired accommodation on
reimbursement) in accordance with Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter
No.582161/Q3(b-i)/4027/D(Q&C) dated 29 Aug 89 for a period of six months after the
death of the officer or until vacation of the accommodation by the family whichever
is earlier on payment of normal licence fee and allied charges. Such families shall
also be permitted retention of the accommodation for a further period not exceeding
4 months beyond the initial period of retention of six months or till the expiry of the
school / college academic year of the children, whichever is earlier on payment of
double the normal licence fee. In all such cases, charges for water, electricity and
furniture will be recovered at the rate as applicable to the non-entitled personnel.

64. Any further retention beyond 10 months may be granted by the Govt of India,
Ministry of Defence on merits under special Government sanction. The rent
recoverable in such cases will be at the rate of revised rental ceiling rates prescribed
for hiring of accommodation for the rank of the deceased officer at Delhi where the
accommodation has been allowed to be retained by the family of the deceased
officer. In case lower category or hostel type accommodation has been provided to
the family then the rent will be recovered at the rate of revised rental ceiling
applicable for hiring of alternate accommodation and charges for water, electricity
and furniture will be recovered at full rates as applicable to non-entitled personnel.

65. The JS (T) & CAO may also permit allotment of alternative accommodation
(Govt owned and not hired or rent reimbursed) from Defence Pool to families of
officers who died at a station other than Delhi. Retention of the accommodation so
allotted will be regulated as mentioned in the preceding paragraphs.

AMENDMENT. As per GOI letter No. 13(40)/97-D(Q&C) dated 16 Aug 1999, the
retention of Govt accn by the families of deceased service personnel will be allowed in
the following manner :-

(a) For initial period of two years in all cases of death while in service by the
Station Commander on payment of normal license fee and allied charges.

(b) In case of those service personnel who died in action/ operational war
duties including counter insurgency related action, additional one year over
and above the period of two years may also be allowed on payment of normal
rent plus allied charges with the approval of Chief of Army Staff, Chief of
Air Staff and the Chief of Naval Staff as the case may be on the merits of the
case. The extended period of retention will not be permissible in cases where the
deceased personnel or his/ her dependants own a house at the place of
(c) QMG and equivalents of the other two services may allot alternative
defence pool accommodation of the entitled category to the families of the
deceased service personnel at a place other than last duty station in consultation
with the local military authorities at the time of allowing initial period of two
years. However, allotment of alternative defence pool accommodation will be
made only on receipt of intimation of availability of accommodation from the
Command concerned under whose jurisdiction the accommodation is sought to
be allotted.

AMENDMENT. The provisions of GoI letter No. 13(2)/2005/D(Q&C) dated 16 Aug

99 has been amended by GoI letter No. 13(2)/2005/D(Q&C) dated 09 Mar 2006 to the
extent that in exceptional circumstances the period of retention as given in para 1(b) of
GoI letter dated 16 Aug 99, may be extended by another six months with the approval
of respective Services Chiefs.

Retention of Accommodation by an officer posted out of Defence Headquarters on

medical grounds

66. The cases of retention on medical grounds of the dependent members of

family posted out of Defence HQrs may be considered on merit and retention of
accommodation may be allowed under special Govt letter and subject to the
following conditions:-

(a) Retention would be given on extreme compassionate grounds where the

dependent of the officer is suffering from some terminal disease or
hospitalized requiring emergent treatment and where shifting of the patient
would endanger his / her life. The officer will be required to produce
medical certificate from Govt / Military hospital and will also have to
establish that required medical facilities are not available at the new duty

(b) Retention of the same accommodation will be permitted upto a period of

not more than four months on payment of four times the normal licence fee.

(b) In case retention beyond four months is sought, the officer will be
required to shift to a lower type of accommodation. Officers upto the rank
of Brigadiers / equivalent will be shifted to a hired / 2 roomed hostel
accommodation and Maj Gens and above equivalent to a type V flat. Rent
for such retention will be four times the normal rent.

(c) The total retention in these cases under no circumstances would be

longer than one year.

Retention by Re-employed Officers

67. Service Officers who are re-employed and are posted out of Defence HQrs can
retain Defence Pool accommodation on payment of licence fee at normal rates
subject to the following condition:-

(a) This will be applicable only to such officers who have not availed LPR
and are re-employed by the Defence Services within 60 days from the date of
(b) Retention of family accommodation in such cases will be allowed only on
production of “Non-availability of married accommodation Certificate” from
the Station Commander of the new duty station as per existing orders.

(c) Married accommodation at the new duty station does not remain vacant.

(d) The officer will have to pay rent and allied charges for the single
accommodation at the new duty station.

(e) Officers retaining regular / 3-4 roomed hostel accommodation will be

shifted to hired accommodation entitled to the ranks against which they are

68. The concession regarding retention of Defence Pool accommodation upto the
end of current school / college academic year of the children will also be admissible
to such re-employed officers, subject to all the conditions mentioned above except

69. Retention of accommodation by officers re-employed in AFHQ / ISOs itself

will be governed by provisions mentioned in Para 41 above.

AMENDMENT. As per PSOC decision dated 15 Dec 2009 officers who are re-
employed continuous to their superannuation on their posting to high risk area are
permitted to retain MoD pool regular accommodation for a period of 06 months. The
decision is now further amended to the extent provided under revised policy on
retention on posting to field / high risk area in terms of GoI Letter No.
39987/12/Retn/CAO/E-1 dated 17 May 17.

Retention of Accommodation on grounds of Exigency of Service

70. In case an officer who has been permitted retention of the Defence Pool
accommodation on any ground is unable to come to Delhi to handover the
accommodation by the due date because of non-grant of leave on service exigencies,
he may be permitted retention of the accommodation by the ISAAC for a maximum
period of two months on payment of normal rent. This is subject to the condition
that the officer produces necessary certificate from an officer of the status not less
than GOC / FOC / AOC of the Army / Navy / Air Force as the case may be. The rent
payable for further retention on exigency of service ground beyond two months
would be at damages rate. It was further decided by the ISAAC in its meeting held
in April 1999 that the officer can retain the accn for seven days more after the expiry
of the period of EOSC.

ADDENDUM. As per ISAAC decision in its meeting held on 01 Apr 99, in case of
retention of accn on grounds of exigency of service, the officer would be allowed
retention upto seven days from the date he was granted leave after the exigency.

AMENDMENT. As per PSOC decision issued vide Policy Letter No. DMW/32200/1/PSOC
dated 12 Jul 2001 officers posted to high intensity, high risk and anti-insurgency areas and
permitted retention of DP accommodation for six months will not be allowed any further
retention of DPA on any grounds. In all other cases, retention of DP accommodation due to
exigency of service will be permitted for 01 month by GOC and additional 01 month by GOC-
in-C / eqvts. There will be no further extension. Officers entitled for reserved accommodation at
new duty station shall not be entitled for retention of accommodation at previous duty station on
EOS grounds unless permitted retention of accommodation at previous duty station on children
education grounds. This policy will be effective from 01 Aug 2001.

Retention of accommodation by Officers on Study Leave

71. Officers proceeding on study leave for a period of more than six months and
attached to Branches / Directorates of Service HQrs during the study leave will be
shifted to hired accommodation in NOIDA or they may be permitted to sponsor
houses in Delhi or to live on rent reimbursement basis.

Officers occupying two roomed hostels accommodation before proceeding to

study leave may be permitted to retain the same for the duration of the study leave.

72. Officers attached to any units not attached to AFHQ will seek allotment of
accommodation from that unit and vacate the Defence Pool accommodation. For
retention beyond ten days of SOS of SOS of AFHQ, the officer will be required to
produce NAC from the unit to which they are attached. Other conditions for
retention on NAC grounds will be applicable to them.

Retention of accommodation on Deputation

73. Retention of Defence Pool accommodation by service officers on their transfer

to any civil Ministry / Department / Public Sector Undertaking / Semi Govt
Organisation will be governed by the provision contained in Govt of India, Ministry
of Defence letter No.13(1)/89/D(Q&C) dated 31 Jan 1990 (Annexure-I).

Retention by officers proceeding on Course of Instruction

74. Service Officers detailed on a course of instruction in India can retain the
Defence Pool accommodation for the duration of the course or upto a maximum
period of six months, whichever is less. If on completion of the course, the officer
proceeds on leave, he will be entitled to retain the accommodation during the period
of such leave also. On posting to a new duty station on termination of the course /
leave, he will be treated as transferred from AFHQ.

75. Service Officers detailed on courses of instruction in India, duration of which

exceeds six months will be treated as transferred from AFHQ and the retention of the
Defence Pool accommodation will be permitted either on NAC or educational

Retention by Service Officers proceeding ex-India on Course of Instruction /


76. An officer proceeding ex-India on a course of instruction or on deputation for

a period of more than three months but less than 12 months can retain the Defence
Pool accommodation provided he has not availed of the concession of free
conveyance for the family to a selected place of residence in India.

77. In cases where the period of instruction / deputation ex-India does not exceed
one year but is subsequently extended to exceed one year, the officer can retain the
accommodation provided the family is not entitled to proceed ex-India at Govt

78. If, however, the extension of the period of course of instruction / deputation
entitles the officer to passage for his family under Travel Regulations, retention of
accommodation will be allowed only till the date on which the first available
passage for the family can be arranged. This will however be without prejudice to
the family being allowed to retain the accommodation till the end of the School /
College term and in the event of such retention being granted, retention of the
accommodation will be allowed only till that date on which the first available
passage for the family can be arranged after the date of the end of the School /
College term.

ADDENDUM. As per GOI Letter No. 0203/Foreign Course/CAO/E1 dated 31 May

2006 and GoI letter No.88285/UN Mission/CAO/E-11 dated 11 Sep 2006, officers
permitted to retain accn for the duration of the course abroad/ deputation to UN
Mission in terms of para 76 and para 77 above are allowed further retention of accn for
a period of six weeks from the date of termination of the course/ date of de-induction
from UN Mission.

Retention of Accommodation after Retirement

79. Retention of accommodation by service officers after retirement / invalidation

/ superannuation from service will be regulated as per terms and conditions laid
down in Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter No.13(1)/86/ D(Q&C) dated 03 July
1991 (Annexure-VI).

CORRIGENDUM for SSC officers. Govt of India letter No. 13(1)/86/D(Q&C) dated
29 Nov 2016. (Annexure-VIA)

80. Retention for a further limited period can be considered by the Ministry of
Defence on compassionate grounds provided the officer is prepared to pay the rent
at damages rate in advance for the period for which retention is sought. Application
with supporting documents and a crossed bank draft drawn in favour of CAO,
Ministry of Defence towards rent at damages rate for the full period for which
retention is sought should be submitted to the Quartering Officer immediately after
retirement of the officer but not later than 15 days in advance before the expiry date
of three months of retention mentioned above. However, such a request will be
subject to its being granted by the competent authority and as such in case it is not
accepted by the competent authority the demand draft will be returned to the officer.

ADDENDUM. As per Policy Letter No.41187/Retn/CAO/E-1 dated 05 Sep 17, the

retention for a further additional period of 01 month only beyond the permissible
period of 03 months can be considered on the following compassionate grounds,
provided the officer is prepared to pay the rent at damages rate in advance:-

(a) Medical condition of the officer or his dependent who may be suffering from
serious ailments.
(b) Educational requirement of their children appearing in examinations.
(c) Sudden demise of family member / performance of last rites / rituals.
(d) Marriage ceremony.
(e) Delay in handing over of own house / flat duly supported by certificate from
Retention of Accommodation on Invalidment

81. Service Officer can retain the Govt accommodation including privately hired
accommodation on rent reimbursement basis for a maximum period of three months
after the date of invalidment from service on payment of normal rent.

Retention of Accommodation after Resignation / Dismissal

82. Service Officers are not entitled to retain accommodation after the date from
which the resignation is accepted or date of dismissal from service.

Retention on Final Release from Re-employment

83. An officer who has not availed of the full concession of retention of Govt
accommodation for three months after his retirement from service, will be allowed
on final release from re-employed service the balance period of retention.

Retention of Accommodation on subsequent posting

84. If an officer is posted out from AFHQ / ISOs to another station (Station A) and
subsequently to another station (Station B), while retaining Defence Pool
accommodation, he will be permitted to retain the Defence Pool accommodation
under special Government sanction either on grounds of NAC or children’s
education grounds provided the officer is posted out and SOS from Station A to
Station B before the date of expiry of the earlier sanction given, if any, for retention
of the accommodation. In the event of Station B being a field area, further retention
of the Defence Pool accommodation will be regularized under the normal rules
applicable on posting to field area mentioned in Para 62 above.

AMENDMENT. As per ISAAC decision dated 17 Nov 2009, the scope of Para 84 of
MoD Accn Rules has been enhanced to the extent to incorporate all subsequent changes
made in retention schedule including high risk area provisions to bring uniformity in
rules / procedures.



85. Charges for rent, water, light, furniture and any other services will be
recovered in accordance with the orders in force from time to time. Arrangement for
recoveries will be made by the Quartering Officer in consultation with the Unit

Licence Fee

86. Licence fee is charged from officers who are in occupation of Defence Pool
accommodation (accommodation constructed / hired / requisitioned by Ministry of
Defence including accommodation constructed by the Ministry of Urban
Development and loaned to the Defence Pool) as per rules and conditions laid down
in Government of India, Ministry of Defencee letter No.1(1)/87/D (Q&C) dated 13
Jan 88, copy placed at Annexure ‘VII’. These rates will also be applicable to
recovery of licence fee from officers occupying houses on rent reimbursement basis
with the permission of the competent authority.

Damages Rent

87. When an officer is in unauthorized occupation of Defence Pool

accommodation (regular / hostel / hired), the rent to be charged is at damages rate in
accordance with the provision contained in Government of India, Ministry of
Defence letter No.B/68628/Q3(b-i)/2450/D(Q&C) dated 27 May 88 as amended vide
corrigendum No.B/68628/Q3(b-i)/2667/D(Q&C) dated 11 Jun 91 copies placed at
Annexures VIII & IX, respectively. The rent at damages rate as per these order is
Rs.40/- per Sq.Mtr. of the living area in respect of type ‘A’ to ‘D’ (Type I to IV) and
Rs.45/- per Sq.Mtr. of the living area in respect of type ‘E’ and above (Type V and
above) including hostel accommodation. In addition, garden charges and other
charges, as are applicable will also be recovered.

Recovery / Reimbursement of Furniture Hire Charges

88. Recovery / reimbursement of furniture hire charges from officers in

occupation of Defence Pool accommodation will be made as per rates and conditions
laid down in Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter No.C/00578/ Q3(B-
i)/744/D(Q&C) dated 26 Feb 90, placed at Annexure X.

Reimbursement of Water / Electricity Charges

89. Officer can claim reimbursement of water and electricity charges as per
provision mentioned in Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter NO.1(2)/89/D
(Q&C) dated 31 Jul 89 placed at Annexure XI.



Time limit for occupation of an accommodation after allotment

90. An officer will be allowed a period of five working days from the date of
allotment to occupy the accn allotted to him failing which the allotment will be
cancelled besides other penalties mentioned in the allotment rules. If an officer,
who is required to move from one allotted residence to another in the Defence Pool,
remains in occupation of both the residence for not more than seven days, rent
liability in respect of the first residence will cease on the occupation of the second
residence. In case of retention of the first accommodation for more than seven days
in such cases, the officer will be charged rent at damages rate for the first
accommodation from the date of occupation of the second accn till final date of
vacation of the first accommodation.
Surrender of Accommodation

91. An officer may surrender the accn at any time. While the officer will retain
his original seniority in waiting list for re-allotment, he may not necessarily be
allotted the same accn which was surrendered by him. Ordinarily, no allotment of
married accn can be claimed for a period of six / three months from the date of
surrender depending on the type of such accommodation i.e. regular or hired / hostel

Definition of Unauthorised Occupant

92. Officer in occupation of Defence Pool accommodation will be treated as in

unauthorized occupation of the same in accordance with the definition of the term
“Unauthorised Occupant” given in Section 2 (2) (g) of the Public Premises (Eviction
of Unauthorised Occupants) Act, 1971. The definition of unauthorized occupant as
per the said Act is “Unauthorised occupation in relation to any public premises
means the occupation by any person of the public premises without authority for
such occupation, and including the continuance in occupation by any person of the
public premises after the authority (whether by way of grant or any other mode of
transfer) under which he was allowed to occupy the premises has expired or has
been determined for any reason whatso-ever.”

Estate Officer

93. Chief Administrative Officer and the Dy Chief Administrative Officer have
been appointed as Estate Officer to exercise the power in respect of Defence Pool
accommodation under the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupantss)
Act, 1971 vide SRO 235 dated 21 Jul 78 published in Gazette of India (Part II Section
4) dated 05 Aug 78 subsequently amended vide SRO 141 dated 02 Jun 79 and SRO 15
dated 03 Jan 83.

Rental Ceiling for hiring of married accommodation

94. The rental ceiling for hiring of married accommodation for officers posted to
AFHQ in Delhi are as per the rates given in Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter
No.2(2)/84/D(Q&C) dated 15 Apr 88. The rates applicable to various ranks of officers
in the Army and their equivalents in the other two service as per these orders are as

Rank Rental Ceiling

(a) Brig & above & equivalent Rs.2100/- p.m.

(b) Maj to Col & equivalent Rs.1900/- p.m.
(c) Capt & below & equivalent Rs.1800/- p.m.

CORRIGENDUM. As per GOI LETTER NO. 2(1)/2000/D(Q&C) dated 18 Jun 2009 the
monthly rent for hiring of private houses (rent at rental ceiling rate) in Class X (earlier
classification as A-1) cities has been revised to Rs. 11000/- for the rank upto Col/
equivalent in Air Force and Navy and Rs. 12000/- for ranks higher than Col/
equivalent in Air Force and Navy.
95. The above rates have also been extended for hiring of houses in NOIDA
constructed by AWHO and AFNHB vide Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter
No.2(2)/84/D(Q&C) dated 28 Jul 88.

Hiring of houses on Rent Reimbursement basis located outside the municipal limits
of Delhi

96. Officers can apply for rent reimbursement of their own houses in cities such
as Gurgaon, Faridabad, Noida (houses constructed other than by AWHO / AFNHB)
located outside the municipal limits of Delhi. Their application should be
accompanied by the following documents:-

(a) A copy of the sanction issued by the Director General / his equivalent
in Service HQ under whom the officer is working, permitting him to live
in his own house outside Delhi.

(b) Documents to prove that the house belongs to the officer.

(c) A copy of the site plan and a rent reasonable certificate from the
Municipal / Central / State PWD / Registered Architect indicating clearly
the total area of the accommodation and the maximum rent payable at
prevailing rates in the area.

97. Permission for rent reimbursement in such cases can be accorded only with
the concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Fin).

Allocation of regular accommodation in Defence Pool to various ranks

98. At present, the total number of regular accommodation (flats) including those
placed by Ministry of Urban Development at the disposal of Ministry of Defence is
164. The allocation of 1599 of these flats to various ranks of officers is given below
and the remaining 45 flats as indicated in the succeeding paragraph.

Area Col/Brig & Lt Col & Maj & Eqvts Capt & Eqvts
Eqvts Eqvts

DK-I 40 40 30 --

DK-II 60 85 50 --

SPM 53 128 90 --

AV 85 226 170 --

Sangli 44 28 28 --

C-I/C-II 46 -- -- --

D-I -- 31 -- --

D-II -- -- 203 --

99. In addition to the above, 45 houses have been set aside in Dhaula Kuan
Complex for Maj Gen / equivalents. Out of these, 40 flats are earmarked in Dhaula
Kuan Part-I and 5 in Part-II. If, however, General Officers decide to stay in any other
locality, the concerned pool would be given house in Dhaula Kuan.

AMENDMENT. As per decision of PSOC in its meeting held on 10 Aug 2015, 136
houses of Type V/Type VI Flats (lower type) has been earmarked for allotment to Maj
Gen/ eqvt as per Annexure . Apart from 136 houses earmarked, further 24 houses in
other areas are allotted to the rank within the overall ceiling of 160 lower type houses.

AMENDMENT. The revised updated list of number of houses available in different

areas in various rank pool as on 31 May 2019 is enclosed as Annexure -

Procedure for issue of ‘No Demand Certificate’ after retirement

100. A ‘No Demand Certificate’ (NDC) is required to be issued by the Quartering

Officer in the case of retiring officers to CDA / AFCAO to enable the latter to finalise
the account of the officer. For this, the officers should apply on the prescribed
format available from Quartering Office just before proceeding on retirement. The
officer should clearly indicate his post retirement address in the application for NDC
to enable the office to contact him in case of any need. NDC will be issued by the
Quartering Officer only after vacation of the Defence Pool accommodation and
clearance of all dues such as damages rent for overstayal and barrack damages, if any
by the officer

Procedure for vacation of hired accommodation

101. An officer in occupation of a hired accommodation, before its handing over to

the CPWD / MES authorities, should clear all thee water and electricity bills upto the
date of its vacation. The officer should approach Section CAO / Quartering-II with
the original receipt for payment of water / electricity charges along with a photocopy
thereof. SAO / Quartering-II will issue necessary clearance after verifying the bills
paid. The original bill will be returned to the officer and the photocopy will be
retained by Section CAO / Quartering-II. The officer will thereafter, meet the
CPWD/MES authorities along with the clearance issued by the SAO / Quartering-II
for handing over the accommodation. No clearance will be issued based on
provisional bills.
(Please refer to para 7 of the Rules)
Govt of India
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi-110011

the 31st January, 1990.


The Chief of the Army Staff

The Chief of the Naval Staff
The Chief of the Air Staff

Subject: Allotment / retention of Defence Pool Accommodation to service officers posted

on deputation to civil organizations and other non-military organizations of
Ministry of Defence.


In supersession of all the existing rules/instructions on allotment/retention of

Defence Pool accommodation to service officers posted on deputation to civil organization
including SFF, Estt 22, NSG and also to other non-military organizations of the Ministry
of Defence such as DRDO, DG QA, Coast Guard, etc., I am directed to convey the sanction
of the President to regulate the retention/allotment of accommodation as per the following
(a) Officers posted on deputation to civil organisations:-
i) Deputationists who are proceeding to civil organisations on voluntary
basis and are in occupation of Defence pool accommodation have to
vacate the accommodation within a period of two months when
deputed to civil departments and within 10 days when deputed to
public undertakings.
ii) Deputationists who are posted to civil organisations at peace stations
such as SFF, Assam Rifles, Coast Guard, Cabinet Secretariat on
tenure basis without being given any Option shall be provided
Defence pool accommodation at the station of their posting in their
own turn as if they had been posted to any other station within the
Armed Forces. These officers shall have the right to retain the
accommodation at the last duty station on the basis of children’s
education, NAC and other such grounds under the same terms and
conditions as are applicable to regular officers. These officers shall
also have the right to apply for and occupy regular accommodation
from the General pool on civil side at the station of their posting, if
they do not wish to avail hired Defence pool accommodation.
iii) Deputationists who are posted to civil organization on tenure basis in
the same station without being given any option should be shifted to
hired accommodation within two months of their transfer in case they
are in occupation of regular accommodation/3 roomed hostel
accommodation. However, these officers may continue to retain the
same accommodation in case they are already in occupation of hired
accommodation/two roomed hostel/rent reimbursed accommodation.

(b) (I) Officers posted on deputation to DRDO, DGQA and Coast Guard and other
Departments under Ministry of Defence in stations other than Delhi-New
i) Deputationists who are permanently, seconded and posted in station
other than Delhi and New Delhi, shall not be allotted regular Defence
Pool accommodation built out of Army budget. The Defence Pool
regular as well as hired accommodation already in occupation by the
present occupants will be required to be vacated within the stipulated
period of two months. Defence Pool hired accommodation already
allotted to DRDO and DGQA officers will be transferred to their own
pool provided fresh hiring in lieu of such accommodation is possible.
Henceforth, DRDO and DGQA will hire houses for their own officers
or accord sanction for hiring on rent reimbursement basis. Defence
Estates Organisation Service and MES should deal directly with
R&D and DGQA officers and allotment of funds from R&D and
DGGA Budget for payment of rent to the land-lord. Non-availability
of married accommodation certificate in the Station will be issued by
the DRDO and DGQA organisations and not by the Station
Commander. Station HQrs will, whenever possible, assist these
authorities in providing single accommodation to DRDO and DGQA
officers from within their existing resources without resorting to
fresh hirings.
ii) Service officers posted on tenure basis to DRDO and DGQA will be
provided with regular Defence Pool accommodation/hired
accommodation in their turn at par with other service officers posted
in the station. Officers posted to Coast Guard HQrs on tenure basis
shall be governed under the provisions of para 1(a) (ii) and 1(a) (iii)

(b) (II) Officers posted on deputation to DRDO, DGQA and Coast Guard and
other Departments under Ministry of Defence at Delhi and New Delhi.
i) Deputationists who are permanently seconded shall not be allotted
Regular Defence pool accommodation build out of Army Budget.
However, hired Defence pool accommodation shall be allotted under
the arrangements of CAO.
ii) Deputationists officers, who are permanently seconded to DRDO,
DGQA and Coast Guard and have been allotted regular Defence
pool accommodation by the CAO prior to issue of this letter will be
allowed to retain that accommodation till alternative hired
accommodation is provided to them by the CAO or they are posted
out of the station whichever is earlier.
iii) Deputationists officers, who are permanently seconded to DRDO,
DGQA and Coast Guard and have been allotted regular Defence Pool
accommodation by the Station HQrs Delhi prior to issue of this letter
will be allowed to retain that accommodation till alternative
accommodation is provided to them by their Departments or they are
posted out of the Station or for a maximum period of two years,
whichever is earlier.
iv) Service officers posted on tenure basis to Coast Guards will be
governed under the provisions of para 1(a) (ii) and i(a) (iii) above.
However, officers posted on tenure basis to DRDO and DGQA shall
be treated at par with other regular officers posted to Defence HQrs
in the matter of allotment of accommodation.

(c) In addition to the above, the service officers proceeding on deputations to civil
organization on tenure basis including DRDO, DGQA, Coast Guard under
Ministry of Defence (where they are not in receipt of Deputation Allowance)
shall be entitled to:
(a) If in occupation of regular or hired accommodation and the deputation is
in the same station, the officers are to be permitted to retain, the
accommodation in occupation.
(b) Hired accommodation only, if the deputation is to a station other than the
last duty station.

(d) Officers posted to SFF and Assam Rifles in Field Area

Officer posted on tenure basis to a field area on deputation, such as SFF or

Assam Rifles, will be permitted to exercise their option for retaining
accommodation and opting for separated family accommodation as in the
case of any other officers posted to a field area.

(e) Officers posted back on completion of tenure on Deputation from civil

organization to parent Arms and services
i) On posting to Formations/Units in peace and in Occupation of
General pool accommodation.
Deputationists who are posted back on completion of tenure from
civil organization to formations/units in peace stations shall be
allotted Defence pool accommodation one type below i.e.
hired/requisitioned house within two months.

ii) On posting to Field Area and in occupation of General Pool

Deputationists who are posted back to their parent arms and
service in field areas on completion of tenure from civil
organization shall be allotted a separated family accommodation
on over-riding priority within two months by the respective station
commanders on receipt of applications as per AO 191/179.

iii) Officers on posting to formation/units in peace stations and are in

occupation of Defence pool hired accommodation.
Deputationists on reversion from civil organizations to their
parent arms and service and who are in occupation of Defence
Pool hired accommodation shall be allowed to retain the
accommodation on NAC/children’s education ground as per
existing orders as applicable to regular service officers. No over-
riding priority shall be accorded in allotment at the new duty

iv) Officers on posting to field area and are in occupation of Defence

Pool Accommodation.
Retention of accommodation on children’s education ground till
allotment of separated family accommodation shall be regulated
as applicable to regular service officers as per the existing rules.

(f) Deputationists on reversion from Public Sector Undertakings/State

Government and are not in occupation of General Pool/Defence Pool

Deputationists who are not in occupation of Defence pool/General pool

accommodation and on reversion from Public Sector Undertaking/State
Governments to their parent arms and services in peace station shall be
allotted Defence Pool accommodation one type below of their entitlement
within 10 days. Similarly, officers posted to field area shall be allotted
separated family accommodation as per AO 191/79 on priority within 10

2. Rental liability-Officers posted/deputed on civil appointment under Central/State


In the case of service officers posted on deputation to civil appointments under

Central/State Governments and allowed retention under the above provisions, the
borrowing Central/State Deptts, Ministries will accept the rental liability. The rent
will be recovered from them as under:

(a) Defence Pool accommodation

Full flat rate of licence fee for the type of accommodation occupied.
Furniture, when provided by MES, will be charged at assessed rates i.e. 10%
of the capital cost of furniture per annum. Charges for electricity and water,
when supplied through the MES, will be billed at full All India Flat Rates.

(b) Civil accommodation obtained from ministry of Works and Housing, Dte
of Estates.

Rent will be billed under FR 45-A i.e. at the rates at which it is paid by the
Defence to Ministry of Works and Housing. Allied charges for furniture,
electricity and water, where provided by the MES, will be billed as indicated
against (a) above.

(c) Defence Hired/Requisitioned accommodation

Rent will be billed at the rate payable to the house owners. Charges for allied
services, where provided by the MES, will be billed in accordance with (a)

3. Deputationists on reversion to the parent service shall not be allowed to claim

ante-date seniority unless they have served in the field area in which case normal
rules for ante-date seniority shall apply as laid down in SAO/10/S/86. Similarly,
officer reverting from deputation and posted at the same station will not be granted
ante-date seniority.

4. Army Instruction 122/66 as amended vide Army Instruction 128/69 is hereby

cancelled. The provision of Government of India, Ministry of Defence letter No.
4(15)/58/99/S/D(MS) dated the 25th February, 1970 relating to allotment /retention
of accommodation by service officers deputed on civil appointment under
Central/State on Governments and Public Sector undertakings shall be deemed to
have been amended to the extent as applicable.

5. This issues with the concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance) vide their
U.O. No. 93/W-I of 1990.

Yours faithfully


Under Secretary to the Government of India
(Please refere to para 19 of the Rules)


1. Rank_____________________ Personal No ____________________________________________
Full Name(IN BLOCK LETTERS) ____________________________________________________
2. Service (Regt/Corps) _______________________________________________________________
3. Expected date of Superannuation __________________________________________________
(Any change in the date of superannuation should be intimated to CAO/E-1 immediately)
4. If re-employed:
(a) Date of termination of re-employment : ______________________
(b) Post against which re-employed (Encl re-emp order) : ______________________
5. Account Number and Account ____________________________________
Office responsible for Pay & Allowances ____________________________________
6. Complete office Address:
Appointment Held _______________________________ Dte & Branch _________________
Room No. ____________ Building/Block ________________ Location _________________
E-mail id (Compulsory) _______________________________________________
7. Office Telephone Number _______________________(please give civil/ mobile number).
8. Details of Officer whom you have relieved (Enclose copy of Movement order/Gen form of the
predecessor): -
(a) Name ___________________________________
(b) Appointment held by him ___________________________________
(c) Unit to which he is posted & date of SOS ___________________________________
(d) In case retired, date of retirement ___________________________________
9. Date of Promotion to the present rank ___________________________________
10. No & Date of posting Order ___________________________________
11. Date of assumption of present
Appointment (Permanent duty) ___________________________________
(Enclose 2 copies each of Posting Order, Movement Order & Assumption report / Gen Form / Arrival Report)
12. Have you been posted to AFHQ/IS Orgn from a Unit located within Delhi area and while serving
there were you in receipt of CCA at Delhi Rates? If so complete Appendix B and submit seniority certificate
from the unit..
13. Date of Birth ___________________________________
14. Date of Marriage ___________________________________
15. Whether spouse is a Govt. Servant. If so, details of accn allotted (if any to Spouse.
16. Number of Children _____________________________________
17. Particulars of accn occupied at present _____________________________________
18. Whether interested in lower type of accn, and if so order of preferences
(a)_______________________ (b) _________________________ (c)______________________
(Applicable to Maj Gen & above/equivalents)

Note : Offer letters are normally issued on 1st and 3rd Friday of each month. You are requested to check the
offer letter personally/through a rep/telephonically. (Tel : 23014796/6105/3802)
1. Received initial application with thanks from ___________________________________________ at
_________hrs on ________________.

(Signature of Recipient)
19. Whether you are retaining accn at your last duty station? If yes, please state whether it is : -
(a) On ground of Children Education upto : _____________________________
(Name will be considered for allotment only on personal request)
(b) On any other grounds (state grounds) upto: _____________________________
Note : NAC will be provided up to the date for which seniority has been covered for allotment of regular/hostel/hired accn.
20. If you are posted to DRDO, DGQA, DG AQA, DTE OF PLG & COORD, DTE OF
STANDARDIZATION, DTE OF TECHNICAL DEV & PRO (AIR) etc., state whether you are

21. Whether you are entitled to any ante dated/Delhi Station seniority. If yes, information in this
regard to be submitted as per Appx ‘A’ for ante-dated seniority and Appx ‘B’ for Delhi Stn Seniority,
alongwith application form latest within 14 days from the date of permanent posting.

Place: _______________ Signature_______________________

Certified that: -
(a) I served in operation area/afloat appointment service/abroad for the period from ___________________ to
_______________ prior to my posting to AFHQ/IS Orgn/attached units w.e.f _________________________.
(Enclose certificates in the format at Annexure III of Accn Rules Book).
(b) I did not stay with my family for a period of three months or more at any time during the period
mentioned at (a) above.
(c) I served in Peace station for the period from ___________________ to ________________ and during that
period, married accn was not available for allotment to me there. A certificate of Non Availability of Married Accn
from OC/allotment authorities (as the case may be) of the previous duty station of posting is enclosed as per
Annexure -V of Accn Rules Book).
(d) I did not stay with my family for a period of three months or more at any time during the period mentioned
in Para (c) above.

Place: ___________________ __________________________________

Date: ___________________ (Signature of the officer)

Office Stamp ___________________________________

(Signature & Designation of the Counter-signing officer). This
should be counter-signed by the next superior officer
in rank only)
Annexure –III
(Please refer to Para-23 of the Rules)



Certified that : -
(a) IC ____________ Rank _________ Name ___________________________
has served in full field service concessional area/modified area/afloat
appointment from _____________ to ________________.
(b) He was not allotted with Service/Hired Married Accn whilst on posted strength of
this station.
(c) He has not stayed with his family at this station in any type of accn whether
permanent, temporary, hutted, hard-luck or basha or even under his own arrangement for
a period of three months or more at any one time.

(Station Commander)
Equivalent of AF & Navy
Station: SEAL
(Please refer Para 38 of the Rules)
As on 31 May 2019


(Please refer to para 55 of the Rules)


Certified that ______________________________________ posted to the Station

w.e.f. _________________ and applied for allotment of married accn on
_______________. After grant of antedate seniority his seniority for accn has been fixed
from ___________________.

2. The officer cannot be provided married accn in the Station by any means referred to in
Para 9 of Ministry of Defence letter No 7506/93/1/D (Q&C)/47 dated 4th Dec 1947, as amended
from time to time, reproduced in SAO 10/S/86.

3. The number of officers on the waiting list in the Station for allotment of
permanent accn is __________ and for temporary accn is __________. The officer’s
position is _________for permanent accn and __________ for temporary accn. He is
likely to be provided permanent accn Government owned/hired by _________________
and temporary accn by ______________.

4. Further certified that no officer junior to him on the waiting list has been allotted any
type of family accn and the officer has not been granted NOC for claiming HRA for a period of
more than three months.

5. The NAC is valid for the period from _______________ to __________.

Station: New Delhi Signature of the Station Commander

Or the authorized allotting authority
Dated: (SEAL)
Annexure VI
(Please refer to para 79 of the Rules)
No. 13(1)/86/D(Q&C)
Annexure VII
Appendix A
Appendix A-1
Appendix `B`
Appendix `C’
Appendix `D’
Annexure VIII
Annexure –IX
Annexure X
Annexure XI
Annexure -



DHAULA KUAN-I 75 45 30 0 0 0 150

DHAULA KUAN-II 0 28 45 97 30 0 200
SP MARG 6 29 73 127 36 0 271
ARJAN VIHAR (MS) 0 25 99 267 93 0 484
ARJAN VIHAR (DS) 8 9 7 0 0 0 24
SHANKAR VIHAR REGULAR 6 69 146 210 72 0 503
SANGLI APARTMENTS 10 8 26 34 22 0 100
DWARKA 0 15 77 185 46 0 323
SEKHON VIHAR 0 26 103 195 76 0 400
RANGPURI D/S 0 8 30 36 11 0 85
RANGPURI M/S 0 5 57 121 73 0 256
ANUJ VIHAR 8 2 6 8 1 15 40
SHANKAR VIHAR HOSTEL 0 36 105 164 95 0 400
BAPA NAGAR 4 2 0 0 0 0 6
CHANAKYAPURI (C-II) 5 0 0 0 0 0 5
MOTI BAGH (C-II) 8 5 1 0 0 0 14
TILAK LANE (C-II) 2 0 0 0 0 0 2
SHAHJAHAN ROAD (C-II) 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
SEC-13 RK PURAM(Type C-II)) 0 4 5 0 0 0 9
CHANAKYAPURI(D-I) 2 0 0 14 0 0 16
RABINDRANAGAR (D-I) 2 0 0 11 0 0 13
SEC-13 RK PURAM(Type D-II)) 0 0 0 0 11 0 11
SUJAN SINGH PARK 0 1 2 1 0 2 6
BHARATI NAGAR (D-I) 0 0 0 8 0 0 8
CHANAKYAPURI (SO) 0 0 0 12 12 0 24
CORNWALIS ROAD(D-II) 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
MAHADEV ROAD (D-II) 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
MEENA BAGH (D-II) 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
MOTI BAGH(D-II) 0 0 0 24 34 0 58
SHAHJAHAN ROAD(D-II) 0 0 0 2 0 0 2
ANDREWS GANJ (D-II) 0 0 0 0 5 0 5
CHANAKYAPURI (D-II) 0 0 0 0 23 0 23
KAKANAGAR (D-II) 0 0 0 0 28 0 28
LODHI ROAD COMPLEX (D-II) 0 0 0 0 2 0 2
NANAKPURA (D-II) 0 0 0 0 28 0 28
NETAJI NAGAR (D-II) 0 0 0 0 21 0 21
PANDARA ROAD (D-II) 0 0 0 0 16 0 16
WEST KIDWAI NAGAR (D-II) 0 0 0 0 12 0 12
RK PURAM (SEC-II) 0 2 0 95 0 26 123
PRAGATI VIHAR HOSTEL 0 0 7 24 22 0 53
CURZAN ROAD HOSTEL 0 5 16 0 0 0 21
TOTAL 136 325 835 1638 772 43 3749
DT 10 AUG 2015

The forms to be used while submitting request for various purposes are given in this
Section. Wherever forms are not prescribed such as for change of accommodation, retention of
accommodation on NAC grounds, waiver of relegation etc officers may submit their
applications on plain paper alongwith prescribed documents.



1. Rank & Name of the Officer

2. Designation
3. Office Address
4. Date of Joining
5. Date of Submitting Initial Application
6. Ante Date Seniority if any
7. Reasons for Sponsoring Hiring House
8. House No & Locality
9. Owner’s Name/Relationship with the Officer
10. Rent Being Paid To the Owner Per Month
11. Date on Which You Intend to Shift
12. Whether the house is Self Constructed or
by any Other Agency such as DDA, AWHO
13. Whether the House is Sponsored for
Hiring or on Rent Reimbursement only
14. In case the house was on r/r or hiring
earlier, details may be given
15. Rent being paid to owner

Place_________________ Signature_________________________________

Office address_____________________________


Tele no ___________________________________


Documents to be attached
(a) Application in the prescribed format from the owner in case the house is sponsored
for hiring. If only rent-reimbursement is required, no need for attaching the application from
the owner.
(b) SKETCH/PLAN of the house clearly indicating the portion occupied by you
(Applicable for houses in Delhi/New Delhi)
(c) PLINTH AREA CERTIFICATE issued by AWHO/AFNHB in case the house is
located in AWHO/AFNHB colony of NOIDA.
(d) ROAD MAP indicating the route from C-II Hutments to the said accommodation
highlighting any prominent landmarks enroute.
Form No. 2


1. House no., floor & address :
2. Name of the owner(s) :
3. Details of accommodation :

Space Size (in Ft) Total Area No. of Whether

(in Sq Ft) Ceiling attached
Fans WC/Bath exts
(a) Drawing/dining Room
(b) Bed room No. 1
(c) Bed room No. 2
(d) Bed room No. 3
(e) Lounge/Lobby
(f) Study/Dressing Room
(g) Store room
(h) Verandah
(i) Bath Room No. 1
(j) Bath Room No. 2
(k) Kitchen
(l) Car/Scooter Garage

Total Plinth Area Total Carpet Area

4. (a) Servant room (minimum size 7x5) Yes/No
(b) Servant WC/Bath Yes/No
(c) Car Parking Space Yes/No
5. Separate electricity meter Yes/No
6. Booster pump fitted Yes/No
7. (a) Date of last White Washing/distempering
(b) Date of last Painting/Polishing of wood-work, any metal work
8. Minimum license fee per month
9. Whether the house was hired for the Defence Pool Yes/No
10. Whether the entire living unit is offered for hiring Yes/No
11. Whether the owner is in Govt. Service (Civil/Defence) Yes/No
12. If reply to 11 above is yes, the likely date of retirement/superannuation.
13. Details of Govt. accommodation occupied by the owner.
Note :- Electricity and water charges in all cases are to be paid up to date by the owner and
in proof thereof, receipts are to be produced by the owner prior to signing the lease
(i) It is certified that I am aware of the terms and conditions of the agreement and I
agree to give my house to the government of India on lease for a period of 33 months.
(ii) Separate electricity / water meter are existing in the premises.
(iii) In the absence of booster pump in regard to FF/SF, house will be hired subject to
the condition that in case house water supply becomes inadequate at a later date, the
owner will provide booster pump as and when required.
(iv) I also undertake that I will not claim retention of any Govt. accommodation
occupied by me on the plea that the above mentioned house of mine is on hire in the
Defence Pool.
Date: Tele:
Place: Tele (R) :
Signature of the Owner/Attorney
& Present Address
Sponsored by I.C. No. ______________________________________ Rank ______________
Name _____________________________________ A/c No. __________________________
Date ______________________ Office Address &Tele ______________________________.

Signature of the Officer

Recommendation by the members of the Inspection Board who may amend the calculations
given overleaf, if necessary as a result of (physical) verification.

House inspected on
Station Commander Rep / Army Rep / Naval Rep / Air Force Rep
For completion by sanctioning authority

Sanctioned/Not Sanctioned


1. House no., floor & address :
2. Name of the owner(s) :
3. Details of accommodation :

Space Size (in Ft) Total Area No. of Whether

(in Sq Ft) Ceiling attached
Fans WC/Bath exts
(a) Drawing/dining Room
(b) Bed room No. 1
(c) Bed room No. 2
(d) Bed room No. 3
(e) Lounge/Lobby
(f) Study/Dressing Room
(g) Store room
(h) Verandah
(i) Bath Room No. 1
(j) Bath Room No. 2
(k) Kitchen
(l) Car/Scooter Garage

Total Plinth Area Total Carpet Area

4. (a) Servant room (minimum size 7x5) Yes/No
(b) Servant WC/Bath Yes/No
(c) Car Parking Space Yes/No
5. Separate electricity meter Yes/No
6. Booster pump fitted Yes/No
7. (a) Date of last White Washing/distempering
(b) Date of last Painting/Polishing of wood-work, any metal work
8. Minimum license fee per month
9. Whether the house was hired for the Defence Pool Yes/No
10. Whether the entire living unit is offered for hiring Yes/No
11. Whether the owner is in Govt. Service (Civil/Defence) Yes/No
12. If reply to 11 above is yes, the likely date of retirement/superannuation.
13. Details of Govt. accommodation occupied by the owner.
Note :- Electricity and water charges in all cases are to be paid up to date by the owner and
in proof thereof, receipts are to be produced by the owner prior to signing the lease
(i) It is certified that I am aware of the terms and conditions of the agreement and I
agree to give my house to the government of India on lease for a period of 33 months.
(ii) Separate electricity / water meter are existing in the premises.
(iii) In the absence of booster pump in regard to FF/SF, house will be hired subject to
the condition that in case house water supply becomes inadequate at a later date, the
owner will provide booster pump as and when required.
(iv) I also undertake that I will not claim retention of any Govt. accommodation
occupied by me on the plea that the above mentioned house of mine is on hire in the
Defence Pool.
Date: Tele:
Place: Tele (R) :
Signature of the Owner/Attorney
& Present Address
Sponsored by I.C. No. ______________________________________ Rank ______________
Name _____________________________________ A/c No. __________________________
Date ______________________ Office Address &Tele ______________________________.

Signature of the Officer

Recommendation by the members of the Inspection Board who may amend the calculations
given overleaf, if necessary as a result of (physical) verification.

House inspected on
Station Commander Rep / Army Rep / Naval Rep / Air Force Rep
For completion by sanctioning authority

Sanctioned/Not Sanctioned
The Quartering Officer
MOD, CAO/E_1, New Delhi


1. I request that a clearance may please be given in my favour. The requisite particulars are given
below: -

(a) I was posted to Delhi w.e.f __________________ .I am proceeding on

deputation/transfer to _______________________________ w.e.f ____________________(copy
of posting order & movement order enclosed. Please mention the details of your unit of posting
in full without abbreviations)

(c) My new unit is located in Peace / Operational / Afloat / High Risk Area.
(d) I am at present in occupation of MOD Pool Accommodation No
(e) I intend to vacate the accommodation on ________________________

(f) As my posting is to a peace station, I intend to retain the accommodation either on CEG
or on NAC grounds and the ground will be intimated within 2 months.

(g) I have received a copy of rule position explaining grounds for retention of MOD Pool
Accommodation. **

2. I am aware that on my posting to a field area. I have to vacate the MOD Pool accn within 2
months and in all other cases within 10 days w.e.f the date of SOS except with specific sanction by the
CAO’s office for further retention as authorized in the rules, failing which I am liable to be charged
damages rent w.e.f date of SOS and eviction proceedings under the Rules.

3. The particulars of Govt accn (including hostel, hired and rent reimbursement house) occupied
by me during the period of my posting at Defence Headquarters are given below: -

4. I undertake to clear all the outstanding dues in respect of present accn at the time of its
vacation. I also undertake to intimate any subsequent change in my date of posting, failing which I am
liable for disciplinary action under rules.

Rank & Name ________________________
Personal Number ______________________
CDA (O) A/c No _______________________
Dated:_____________________ Dte & Branch_________________________
E-MAIL ID : ________________________________
To be countersigned by the concerned Works Dte (with stamp/seal)



(a) Officers are advised to real the MoD Pool Accn Rules/Govt Instructions on the subject in their own

(b) An officer cannot retain the MOD Pool Accn beyond 10 days from the date of SOS unless he has
been specifically permitted to retain the accn in accordance with MOD accn rules.


(c) An officer can retain MOD Pool Accn either on NAC basis or on Children Education Ground for
which the officer must exercise his option within two months of the date of SOS and option once
exercised is final If the retention is sought on CEG, he can continue to live in the present accn till end of
the current academic session. If retention is applied on NAC basis, the officer is required to shift to hired
accn within two months of SOS if he is occupying regular/3-4 roomed hostel. Accn. The officer must
contact the Quartering Officer either personally or through a duly authorized representative before the
expiry of the two months from the date of SOS for taking over alternate hired/rent-reimbursed accn
without any choice, failing which he would be liable to be charged damages rent after two months of date
of SOS besides facing eviction proceedings under PPE Act.
1. Request for retention on grounds of children education ground is to be submitted on the
prescribed format available in the Quartering Office, with requisite certificate from the principal of the
school/college (in original) also in prescribed format.
2. If retention is sought on NAC grounds, the NAC must be furnished in original affixing the stamp
of the issuing authority. It is the personal responsibility of the officer to submit NAC within two months
from the date of SOS or before expiry of the permitted period of retention and shift to alternative hired
(d) Retention is allowed for a period of two months of SOS only. For further retention of accn, till
allotment of SFA by Stn HQ, the officer is required to shift to hired accn, if in occupation of regular/3-4
roomed hostel accn. For this the officer must contact the Quartering Officer for taking over alternate
hired accn before the expiry of the stipulated period of two months failing which he will be liable to be
charged damages rent for unauthorized occupation of the accn besides eviction proceedings under PP
(EUO) Act 1971.
NOTE: Officers posted to field area/afloat appointment and intending to retain MOD Pool Accn must
apply for SFA to the Station of his choice under intimation to this office within two months of date of
SOS. Copy of this application must be sent to the Quartering Officer.
As per Govt letter No 39987/12/ CAO/Q-3 dated 07 Mar 1998, retention of the MOD Pool Regular accn
can be permitted for a period of SIX MONTHS from the date of SOS subject to furnishing the following
documents: -
(a) Written confirmation within seven days from SOS from Stn HQ that the officer
has registered his name for allotment of SFA.
(b) A certificate from concerned works Dte (ADG LWE, QMG Br/ DAFW/DNW
etc) stating that the unit to which the officer is posted is located in such an area)
(c) Copy of movement/Posting order.
The officer is required to shift to alternate hired/rent-reimbursement accn on expiry of the period of six
months from the date of SOS. For any further retention beyond six months from SOS due to non-
availability of SFA, the officer must contact the Quartering Officer either personally or through a duly
authorized representative for taking over alternate hired/rent-reimbursement accn before expiry of the
stipulated period without any choice.
Further, it is also stated that as per PSOC directions dated 23 Mar 2005, officers who are so
permitted to retain the accn, if desirous of moving into alternate hired accn due to non-availability of SF
Accn are required to apply for the same before expiry of four months of retention period.

The Chief Administrative Officer
Ministry of Defence
New Delhi - 110 011


I request that No Demand Certificate or a Final Demand Memo may please be issued in
my favour at an early date. Relevant particulars are given below: -
(a) I am at present in occupation of _______________________________, which I intend to
vacate on _________________________.
(b) I retired/resigned/was released or due to retire/will be released from service w.e.f.
___________________________(enclose a copy of retirement/release order).
2. The particulars of accn (including Hostels and leased and requisitioned houses) occupied by me
from the MOD Pool in Delhi/New Delhi are given below: -

3. I have stood surety for the following Government Servants in respect of accn allotted to

4. An undertaking regarding the recovery of any outstanding dues for licence fee/electricity/water
charges barrack damages etc in respect of the accn occupied by me and mentioned in Para 2 above is
enclosed in triplicate.
5. My post retirement address, along with mobile number and e-mail id, is as under: -

Yours faithfully,
Rank & Service No
Office Address:

I hereby undertake to pay any outstanding dues for license fee/damages rent/electricity /water
charges/barrack damages etc in respect of the accn occupied by me and mentioned in Para 2 of the

Place Name ________________________________
Date Service No& Rank ___________________
CDA (O) A/c No ______________________



1. Personal No, Rank & Name :

2. Date of Assumption in AFHQ :

3. Accommodation Presently Occupied :

4. Date of occupation of accn :

(Enclose photo copy of occupation report in case of CPWD areas)

5. Particulars of the car (If application is for allotment of Garage)

(a) Registration Number :

(b) Whether the car is in officer’s name

or in the name of officer’s spouse :

(c) Date of purchase of Car :

Certified that the above information is correct. I undertake to surrender the garage
within one month of the sale of the car or apply for retention of garage in case of purchase of
another car.
(Note:-Please refer to instructions on overleaf)

Signature _____________________
Office Address_________________
Office Stamp & Seal _______________________________

TeleNo _______________________
PART II(to be filled by CAO/E-1)

1. Date of occupation of accommodation :

2. Date of receipt of application in CAO’s Office :
3. Date of seniority for Garage/SQ :

- - 200


1. As per MoD pool Accommodation Rules, officers are required to apply

separately on the prescribed form for allotment of car garage for Type – V flats (D-I and
D-II only), Arjun Vihar and Curzon Road Apartments areas, and for allotment of
servant quarters in Curzon Road Apartments only.
2. Allotment of garages in these areas is restricted to only those officers who are in
possession of cars in their own / spouse’s name.
3. The seniority for this purpose will reckon from the date of allotment of the flat if
the application is made within 15 days (from occupation), failing which the seniority will
reckon from the date of receipt of application in CAO/E-1.
4. Offer letters for garages / SQs are issued along with the offers for married
5. There is no relegation for not giving acceptance to offers for garages / SQs.
6. However, if an officer who is allotted garage / SQ based on his acceptance, fails
to collect allotment letter or fails to take over the allotted garage / SQ, his name shall be
deleted from the waiting list for garages / SQ, without further intimation to him.
7. An officer is not eligible to apply for garage / SQ if he has been posted out from
AFHQ, and is retaining MoD Pool accn on permissible grounds.
8. Copy of registration certificate of car is required to be submitted by the officer to
CAO/E-1 at the time of collection of allotment letter.



1. Name :
2. Rank :
3. Personal Number :
4. CDA (O) Account Number :
5. Office Address :
6. Telephone Number :
7. Date of Reporting at Delhi :
8. Name of person getting married and :
relationship with the applicant
9. Type of Accn and the locality where :
accn is required
10. Period for which Accn is required for :
marriage purposes
11. Certified that : -
(a) The accommodation if allotted will be vacated within the authorized period.
(b) I shall pay special licence fee for the above period with effect from the date of allotment.
(c) I shall produce the invitation card in proof of above while taking the allotment letter.
(d) I am at present in occupation of house No _____________________.

Place: ________________________________
(Signature of the Officer)
PART II (to be filled by CAO/E-1)

Whether fulfills the conditions mentioned : YES/ NO

In Para 44 of MOD Accn Rules

- - 20


- - 20
1. Received initial application with thanks from
___________________________________________ at _________hrs on ________________.

(Signature of Recipient)


ISAAC 2019


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