Heth Should Not Be For Profit !!!!!!

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Governor Charlie Baker’s Office

Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon St.

Office of the Governor, Room 280
Boston, MA 02133

Hello. It is with great enthusiasm that I construct this memo, with the hope that my request be
taken wholeheartedly.

My name is Brian O’Neil, I am humbly reaching out to the office of Charlie Baker. I have been
struggling with treatable health issues for years. My diagnoses have been psychosocial rather
than physical limitations. Since I was eight, I have suffered from clinical depression that harbors
doubt for my future, although I am able to thrive in my vocation given the proper medical care.

I recently received a response from The Massachusetts government, and or MassHealth, that
includes a medical insurance plan without any prevention and cost of $340 per month with a
4,000 dedcutble ! i lost my job 1 We are living in a society where preventative medicine is a
cornerstone to a prosperous full, healthy happy life, thus a more successful community.
However, it seems that in my case file, prevention is grossly overlooked which is actually
exorbitant to the tax system and the people that support this system. Additionally, if I need to
access the emergency rooms… I have no assets and thus the bill will eventually have to be
written off.

My request is to ask that my case be reconsidered to include basic preventative services, such
as, yearly physical exams with a mid- level practitioner or physician, access to metal health
services, and reasonable prescription benefits. I feel that this will help me to help my
community better.

Waiting until I become so sick that my only option is a monetarily inflated hospital emergency
room seems to be working against the ethos of how to actually save money.

Please consider my request to a MassHealth Basic HMO plan.

Brian O’Neil

Citations ! i lost my job in a restaurant ( 5 bays bistro, they did not want to pat my the 15 per hr hey
were as the onew is to cheap and and it is a small palace that can't fit more than 66 pear fire code
now 33 ans half capacity and factoring in how many you need to runt the business i understand, the
fourth guys in the kitchen is not needed . nor willing to work for$ 11/hr after taxes and rencar ensure
and loan food. It is unreasonable to expect to have to pay $340/Mo with said deductible and live.
Our system is broken. Heth should not be for profit !!!!!!

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