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Vocabulario académico 3 Texto 5: Consumers’ attitude

Vocabulario académico en un artículo de investigación

1. Lea las categorías debajo.

a. Explaining the significance of the findings or contributions of the study

b. Explaining the significance of the current study
c. Establishing the importance of the topic for the world or society
d. Identifying a knowledge gap in the field of study
e. Setting out recommendations for practice or policy
f. Referring to previous work to establish what is already known
g. Establishing the purpose or aim of the paper/research
h. Outlining the structure of the paper or dissertation
i. Making recommendation for further research work
j. Summarizing the main research findings
k. Restating the aims of the study

2. Conteste:
a- ¿Esperaría encontrar ejemplos de estas categorías en un paper? ¿Por qué?

b- ¿En qué sección del artículo esperaría encontrar frases que se refirieran a esas
categorías? Justifique.



3. Las oraciones debajo fueron extraídas del texto Consumers’ attitude. Clasifíquelas de
acuerdo a sección y función. (Copie y pegue las oraciones en el cuadro).
 The issue of managing this waste has been increasingly gaining attention of both
authorities and the general public.
 This will ultimately contribute to minimizing waste and preserving the environment
knowing that no published articles on consumers’ attitude and behaviour within the UAE
context, to the knowledge of the authors, exist in this area.

 It was found that there is a gap between consumers attitude toward recycling and their
actual behaviour and practices.
 The aim of this paper is to examine consumers’ attitude and behavior towards domestic
waste recycling in UAE and to put forward some suggestions to improve participation in
 The aim of the current study was to investigate this issue through randomly distributing a
structured and specially tailored questionnaire to 989 participants.
 Therefore, government and non-governmental agencies are recommended to intensify
their recycling awareness campaigns taking into consideration this diversity in languages

 Results of the current study show that there is a lack of awareness on domestic waste
recycling among large sections of the UAE society.
 This lack of awareness needs to be addressed when trying to improve domestic waste
recycling behaviour and practices of consumers through well- planned and executed
continuous public awareness campaigns
 The above literature reveals that recycling of domestic waste would not be possible
without the contribution of the public. People’s attitude is found to be key to the success
of any recycling program.
 It is clear from the literature review that there is a scarcity of research in areas related to
consumers’ attitude and behaviour on recycling in developing countries including UAE.
More research is recommended in this area.

Introduction  Example 

Establishing the importance of the  The issue of managing this waste has been
topic for the world or society
increasingly gaining attention of both authorities
and the general public.

Establishing the purpose or aim of the  This will ultimately contribute to minimizing
waste and preserving the environment knowing
that no published articles on consumers’
attitude and behaviour within the UAE context,
to the knowledge of the authors, exist in this
 The aim of this paper is to examine consumers’
attitude and behavior towards domestic waste
recycling in UAE and to put forward some
suggestions to improve participation in
 The aim of the current study was to investigate
this issue through randomly distributing a
structured and specially tailored questionnaire
to 989 participants.

Referring to previous work to establish The above literature reveals that recycling of domestic
what is already known waste would not be possible without the contribution of
the public. People’s attitude is found to be key to the
success of any recycling program

Explaining the significance of the

current study

Conclusion Example 

Restating the aims of the study

Explaining the significance of the  It was found that there is a gap between
findings or contributions of the study consumers attitude toward recycling and their
actual behaviour and practices.
 Results of the current study show that there is a
lack of awareness on domestic waste recycling
among large sections of the UAE society

Setting out recommendations for

practice or policy   Therefore, government and non-governmental
agencies are recommended to intensify their
recycling awareness campaigns taking into
consideration this diversity in languages

Making recommendations for further  This lack of awareness needs to be addressed

when trying to improve domestic waste
recycling behaviour and practices of consumers
through well- planned and executed continuous
public awareness campaigns
 It is clear from the literature review that there is
a scarcity of research in areas related to
consumers’ attitude and behaviour on recycling
in developing countries including UAE. More
research is recommended in this area.

4. Relea las oraciones extraídas del texto. Observe las frases subrayadas. ¿Qué palabras de esas
frases subrayadas incluiría en un glosario de términos académicos?

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