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Statutory Construction
Atty. Hazel Faith Hormillosa, JD, MBA, CIPM

House Rules


House Rules

Class beadle
Ø  Elect one for the class
Ø  Will act as the point person

Official Communication
Ø  Google classroom or
Ø  Thru the Beadle

House Rules

Mode of Delivery
Ø  Mix (Synchronous and Asynchronous)

Online Rules
Ø  No recording of lecture (be attentive)
Ø  Video on at all times
Ø  Audio on mute unless you are reciting
Ø  keep at least 2ft distance from your camera


House Rules

Grading System
5% Attendance
10% Hand-written Case Digests
15% Class Recitation
30% Midterm Exam
40% Final Exam

House Rules

Ø  Forms part of your grade

Ø  Beonline at least 15 minutes before schedule so you will have

time to address any technical issues you may encounter


House Rules

Ø  Must be presentable

Ø  No sandos, caps, shades, pajamas, etc.

Ø  Observe proper grooming

Ø  Be on “school mode” regardless of your location

Case Digest

1.  Train you to identify the relevant facts, the parties’ contention,
the issues, and the reasoning of the Court

2.  Remember the case

3.  Make studying easier

4.  Practice using your hands to write and not your fingers to type

5.  Experiment and commit to your penmanship

6.  Find the pen you are willing to marry


Case Digest Format
1.  Yellow pad paper
2.  Limit to maximum of 2 pages only; if its more than 2
pages, its no longer a case digest
3.  Observe margin and 1 space between paragraphs
4.  Do not use the back page

Case Digest Outline
1.  Facts
2.  Plaintiff’s Arguments
3.  Defendant’s Arguments
4.  Issue
5.  Law and Provision Subject of Statutory Construction
6.  Ruling (with Ratio Decidendi)


Case Digest Submission
1.  2 cases per class schedule
2.  Choose among the assigned cases for the day
3.  Scan or take a clear photo
4.  Submit anytime before class

*If you will submit more, you will only be graded for 2

*You are free to share your case digests with your classmates

Graded Recitation
an act of orally relaying an act of orally relaying words
words you see as written analyzed by your
in a book, document, or a hippocampus which are
relevant reading material stored in your brain through
your neurons via an
electrochemical process

“words” refer to a collection of thought, idea, principle, concept, or even an

entire case, etc.

You recitation will be graded, not your reading abilities.


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