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Mahant J Transl Med (2020) 18:158 Journal of
Translational Medicine


Translational medicines “Ecosystem”

Vijay Mahant*

Aim and scope Funding sources for the bio-industry include private

This section aims to provide a forum for the topics or government grants, venture capital, private inves-
spanning the translational research ecosystem beyond tors, corporate partnerships, public capital markets
academia. The section will include both research and (IPOs), philanthropists, charity organizations and private
opinions about the role of patients, government policies, foundations. However, newly established bio-industry
healthcare providers, bio-industries such as biotechnol- companies such as biotechnology and pharmaceutical
ogy and pharmaceutical companies, regulatory agencies, companies are often caught in the “Valley of Death” [2]
ethics, payers, investors and academia in advancing novel phase—the critical and challenging transition from
medicines. Particular focus area will include opportuni- developing a promising drug to securing funding for con-
ties and challenges in collaborating with industry and tinued development and validation of its therapeutic and
the role of stakeholders in the translational research commercial potential. Navigating the “Valley of Death”
“ecosystem”. is an integral part of the learning experience and can
Translational medicine is an ecosystem, connecting be rewarding if the process is managed successfully and
a group of independent but interrelated stakeholders effectively with a well-seasoned management team.
to promote advances in healthcare. It is comprised of Many young bio-industry companies facing the “Val-
patients, academic and industrial research and develop- ley of Death” phase saw an opportunity to mitigate these
ment professionals, commercialization teams, investment challenges when the “Right-to-Try” Act [3] was passed
capital, regulatory agencies which enforce government by the U.S. Congress and signed by President Trump in
policies, ethics and health insurance payers. These stake- May 2018. Right-to-Try laws were created with the inten-
holders often have conflicting goals and objectives and tion of allowing terminally ill patients who have failed
are operating within an evolving ethical framework. In standard-of-care treatment to try experimental therapies
today’s world that is so interconnected by technology, the (drugs, biologics, devices) that have completed at least
new ideas and advances in healthcare echo across disci- Phase I testing of the Food and Drug Administration
plines to create an extensive and interrelated system. (FDA) regulatory process. The impact and the outcome
The primary role of medicine and health care organi- of these laws on the ecosystem is too early to predict.
zations is to benefit patient health, including longevity, The risks associated with the “Right to Try” experimen-
quality of life and affordability. Historically, drug discov- tal drugs may be mitigated when the experimental drug
ery often has had roots in academic institutions [1]. Some is combined with an approved drug or the drug has gone
of the best examples of collaborations between academia through further studies such as the Phase II approval
and industry in the realm of drug discovery include process. Funding may be further impacted by one or
Copaxone, Emtriva and Taxol. Research and commer- more factors such as the approval or disapproval of a
cialization platforms have become the primary catalysts drug by the FDA. Implementation of government policies
for funding, with investment as a driver of the ecosystem. such as the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”
(PPACA) will inherently impact one or more parts of the
*Correspondence: According to the upper echelon theory of management
MediLite Diagnostika, Inc, San Diego, USA [4], the beliefs and background of chief executives affect

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Mahant J Transl Med (2020) 18:158 Page 2 of 3

the strategic choices and outcomes of their organiza- The alliance trend amongst stakeholders is global as
tional collaborations. Cultural differences between aca- exemplified by the Experimental Cancer Medicine Cen-
demic institutions and bio-industries can include trust, tre (ECMC) [7] based in the UK. The ECMC helps bio-
intellectual property ownership and compensation. These industries develop cancer drugs through strategic and
challenges can be mitigated by cultivating and nurturing functional partnerships with a team of world-class scien-
a flourishing relationship between academia and bio- tists and clinicians focused on delivering drugs for early
industries with effective communication, transparency, phase clinical trials. While most of the collaborations
trust, and confidence. Another challenge that academia involve academia and bio-industries, the signing of the
often faces is the “over visionary syndrome”. This may collaboration between Mayo Clinic (USA) and Enterprise
have less impact on bio-industries which must consider Ireland in 2014, for economic development and job crea-
capital risk, market potential, time to commercialization, tion in Ireland [8], presented an alternative partnership
regulatory issues and reimbursement issues. structure. Global collaborations among bio-pharma com-
Pharmaceutical industries have recently undergone a panies have also been evolving to become alliances which
paradigm shift and initiated “science hubs” with academic cover the range of drug development from research ini-
institutions to accelerate biotechnology innovation. tiatives to the co-marketing of drugs (such as Lipitor) and
Examples of discovery programs [5, 6] include GSK’s Tres are exemplified by partnerships between Pfizer, Yaman-
Cantos Lab Foundation, Pfizer’s Centers for Therapeutic ouchi and Almirall-Prodesfarma and Menarin.
Innovation, Lily’s Phenotypic Drug Discovery Initiative Some of the “quantum” transformations in health care
and Merck’s SAGE Bionetworks and Clinical and Trans- and collaborations in the future are envisioned in artifi-
lational Science Awards Program. Academic institutions cial intelligence, machine learning, “big data” [9], data
have reciprocated by establishing translational research refineries, quantum computing, encryption of patient’s
centers such as the University of Pennsylvania’s Institute personal data using “quantum entanglement”, and the
for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics (ITMAT), emergence and growth of specialized branches of medi-
Stanford University’s SPARK, Harvard University’s Cat- cine such as space medicine. The orchestration and
alyst program and The Fred Hutchinson/University of integration of multi-disciplinary sciences, engineering,
Washington Cancer Consortium. Translational research financing, regulations, and medicine will play a criti-
has gained further momentum and has been expanded to cal role in anchoring and shaping the shared vision and
harness expertise by partnering with bio-industries man- goal of improving healthcare, longevity and quality of life
ufacturing consortiums such as NIIMBL (National Insti- at an affordable cost. The participation of experts in the
tute for Innovation in Manufacturing). ecosystem is welcome and encouraged to contribute to
Strategic and cross-functional collaborations between advancing translational medicine for a common mission,
academic institutions and bio-industries have been gain- vision and goal.
ing momentum over the last decade due to the mutually
Authors’ contributions
beneficial and synergistic values each party brings to the Drafted and submitted the manuscript editorial. The author read and
table. One of the primary goals for these collaborations approved the final manuscript.
is improving scientific knowledge about diseases, drugs,
and their pathways, as well as finding ways to apply this Competing interests
knowledge in a clinical setting to benefit patients’ health, The author declares that he has no competing interest.
longevity, quality of life and affordability. Some of the
Received: 28 October 2019 Accepted: 26 February 2020
synergistic values academic institutions bring to the col-
laborations include credibility, wealth of knowledge and
experience in early stage research, intellectual property,
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7. Centre for experimental cancer medicine. https​://www.barts​cance​r.londo​ Publisher’s Note

n/centr​e-for-exper​iment​al-cance​r-medic​ine/. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in pub-
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