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FTHE FIVE RIN GS is produced by AEGunder licen se from

the Coast, Inc. a subsidiary of Hasbro , In c. no and © 2003
Wizard s of the Coast, Inc . All rights reserved .

ISBN 1-887953-79-5

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TH~ 07~n GA1i\~ COnT~nT
The following text is th e proper ty of Wizards of t he Coast , In c. an d is Co pyrigh t Th is pri ntin g of St'crt'tsof tilt' Scorpion no is don e un der ve rsion 1.001 of the O pen Game Lice nse and the
2000 Wiza rds of th e Coast, I nc ("W izards"). All Rights Reserv ed. draft vers ion of th e d 20 System Tradema rk Licen se, d 20 Syste m Trad em ark Logo Cu ide and System
Refere nce Document by permission of W izard s of the Co ast. Sub sequent prin tin gs of th is book wi ll
1. Definitions : (3) "Co ntributors" m eans the copyrig ht an d/ or trademark owners who have co n- in corporate final versions of the lice nse , gui de and docu me nt .
tribut ed Ope n Game Co nte nt: (h) "Derivative Material " mean s co pyrighted ma terial in cl ud in g
derivat ive wo rks and translations (incl ud ing int o other co m put er langua ge s), potat ion , mod ifica- AEe's int ention is to ope n up as much of th e boo k St'm'ts of tlu Scorpion as possi ble (0 be used as
lio n. correctio n, addi tion , exte ns ion, up grad e, im provem en t, co m pilation. abrid gme nt or o the r O pen Game Co nte nt (OGC), while maint ain ing product Identit y (PI) to all aSJX"Cts of th e u gw J of
form in which an existing wor k may be recast , transform ed or adapted; (c) "Distribu te" mea ns to the Five Rings int ellect ual properry. pub lishe rs wh o wish to use the aGC m ateri als fro m thi s book
reprod uce. Hcense. rent, lease, sell, broadcast, pub licly disp lay. tran smit or othe rwise distri bute; (d)
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"O pe n Game Co n te n t" mea n s th e ga me m ec h an ic and in clu d es the meth od s, proced u re s,
duci ng mate rial fro m Rokuga n in othe r OG L wor ks. AEG would apprecia te anyo ne usin g OCC
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en ha ncement ove r th e prior art and any addi tional conte nt clearl y ide ntified as O pen Game Con - materia l from Surets of the ScorpIon in o the r OC L works to kindly reference St.'m'tsof I'lt' Scorpion as
te nt by th e Co nt ributo r, and means a ny work cove red by th is Lice nse, including tra nslations and th e source of tha t materi al within the text of th ei r work . O pen Game Co nte nt m ay on ly be used
de riva tive works under co pyrig ht law, but speci fically excl ude s Prod uct Iden tity (e) "Prod uct Iden- u nder a nd in acco rd ance wi th th e ter m s of th e OG L as fu lly set fo rt h o n the pre viou s pa ge.
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art ifacts; creatures ch aracte rs; stories , storyline s, plot s, th em atic e leme n ts, di alogue , incidents, Ian- DESI GNATI O N O F PROD UCT IDE NT I11': The following ite ms art' hereb y de sign ated as prod -
guage , art wor k, sy mbo ls, de sign s, depic tio n s, lik en esses, forma ts, poses , co nce pts, themes and uct Id ent it y in acco rda nce w ith se c t io n l (e ) o f t h e O pe n Ga m e Licen se, ve rsi o n 1.0 a:
gra phic , photograph ic and other visual or aud io repre se ntati on s; names an d descripti on s of c har- An y and all ugend of tIlt' fi ve Rings logos and id en tifying mark s and t rad e dre ss, inclu di ng a ll
acte rs, spe lls, enc ha nt me nt s, perso na lities, team s, personas, liken esses and spec ial abilities ; places, Lege nd of the Five Ring s product and prod uct line names including but not lim ited to Rofmgi.ln,
loca tions, e nviron me nts , c reatures , equipme nt, magical or supe rna tural abilities or eff ects, logos, Creatures of Rokuga", .\ fagic of Rokugi.l n, \X'ity of tht Sew lUml, Way of tIlt' ShUgWJll, Way of the NinJa,
symbo ls, o r graphic design s; and any othe r trad em ark or regi stered tr adema rk clearl y ident ified as Iortuu es and Winds, St, rets (Iftht' UOII, and Secrt'ts 'If tIlt Mi.lPl tis, and the Lege nd of th e Five Rings and
Product identity by th e ow ner of th e Prod uct Ide nti ty, and wh ich specifically excl udes th e Ope n Rckugan logos; any elem ent s of th e Legend of th e Five Rings sett ing, incl uding but no t limit ed to
Ga me Co nte nt ; (£) "Trade mark" means rh e logos, nam es, mark , sign, mot to, design s th at are used
capitalized names, C lan nam es, family nam es, names of artifacts, na mes of spe lls, nam es of magic
by a Co ntri buto r to identi fy itse lf or its product s or the assoc iate d products co nt ributed (0 th e
and magician type s (incl uding but not lim ited [0 pur e blood magic, kage yakiin, ise zumi, sed an-
Ope n Ca me Licen se by the Co ntributo r (g) "Usc", "Used"or "Using" mea ns to use, Distri bute, co py,
edit , form at, modi fy, tran slate and othe rw ise create Derivative Materi al of O pe n Game Co ntent. (h) senzo, me ish od o, rsa ng usu ri, rejin a, and ish ike n ), ch arac te rs, cou ntri es an d em pires , creatures,
"You" or "Your" means the licen see in terms of thi s agrt"eme nt . races, spirits, geog raph ic locati ons , cu ltur al information . god s, Kami , Fort u nes , h istor ic eve nts,
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2. The Lice nse-This License applies to any O pe n Game Co nte nt th at co ntains a no tice ind icating Adve ntu res, exce pt m aterial noted in that wor k as O pe n Ca rne Co ntent; any and all stories , story-
th at the Ope n Ga me Co ntent may on ly be Used und er and in term s of thi s Licen se. You must affix line s, plots, th em atic eleme nt s, doc ume nt s with in th e gam e world (e.g. bu t not limit ed to Ak,,Jo's
such a notice to an y O pe n Game Co nte nt th at you Use . No te rm s may be added to or sub rracned ullden ltip, th e Tao ofSltinSfi, and Subtlrtyof thl' Court). quotes from c haracters or documen ts, and dia-
fro m th is License exce pt as described by th e Lice nse itself No other term s or cond itions may be log ue ; and all artwork, symbo ls, d esign s, dep icti on s, illu str ations, ma ps and ca r tog raphy, lik e-
applied to any Ope n C arne Co nten t distrib uted usin g th is Licen se. nesses, poses, C lan or faction al m on s,l ogos, symbo ls, or graph ic de sign s, exce pt such ele me nt s that
already appea r in th e d 20 Syste m Refe re nce Doc u me nt (e.g. M el f o r Mord enkain en ) and ar e
3. O ffer and Accept an ce: By Using th e O pe n Game Co nt e nt You in dica te Your acce ptance of th e already OC C by virtue of appea ri ng th ere. Th e above Prod uct Identi ty is not open Gam e Co nte nt.
te rms of th is License .
DESIGNA11 0 N O F O PEN CO NT ENT: Subj ec t to th e prod uct Iden rtry design ation above, (he fol-
4. Gra nt and Co ns ide ratio n : In con sideration for agreeing to use th is Licens e, th e Co ntributors
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gra nt You a perpe tu al. worldwide, royalry-Iree , non -excl usive licen se with th e exact term s of thi s
Licen se to Use, th e O pe n Ca m e Co nt en t. Int rodu ction : th e co mplete Scorp io n feat list on page 11, and th e new co urt ier abilities o n page
5. Represe nta tio n of Authorit y to Co ntribute: If You are cont ributing orig inal m ateri al as Open Cha pters 1- 6: All info rm ation th at is design ated as "ru les and op tio ns for th e d 20 System ..... by
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b . No tice of Lice nse Copyright : You mu st upda te th e CO PYRIG I IT N OT ICE portion of thi s USE O F MATE RIAL AS O PEN GAM E CONTE!':I: It is the clea r and expres sed inte nt of Alderac
Licen se to include th e exact tex t of the CO PYRIG HT NOTICE of any Ope n Game Cont e nt You are Ente rta in ment Group. In c. to add all classes, skills, feats, equipme nt, prestige classes, spell effec ts,
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except as exp ress ly lice nse d in ano the r, Inde pe n de nt Agreement with th e owne r of suc h Trade- Alde rac Entertainm ent Gro up, Inc. hereb y grants othe r OG L pub lishe rs a non-exclu sive. irre voca-
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Co nte nt shall ret ain all righ ts, ru le and interest in and to that Produ ct Ident ity these PI ele me n ts in th e good ies th em sel ves and for no other use . Fo r exa mp le, the feat nam e
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8. lde nriflcario n: If you di stribu te Ope n Game Co nt ent You mu st clea rly ind icate wh ich ponions Alderac Entert ain me nt Gro up. In c. The name ~ H i daM. howeve r, may not be used in any othe r way
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9. Upda ting th t" License: W izards or its designated Age nts may pub lish upd ated vers ions of th is Iden tity, and 2) good ies are co pyrig ht 2001, Ald erac Ente rt ainm ent Gro up, In c. all righ ts reserved.
Licens e. You may use an}' aut ho rize d versio n o f th is Licen se to co py, modify and di stribute an y
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Some of the po rt ions of th is book wh ich are delineated OGC orig ina te from th e System Reference
10. Co py o f thi s Lice nse : You M US[ incl ude a copy of this Lice nse wit h every co py of the Ope n Docu me nt and are e 1999, 2000 Wizard s of the Coas t, In c. The rem ain de r of these oce port ions
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NOTICE: ~ St'm'ts of tilt' ScorpIOn Co py right 2003, Alde rac En tertainm en t Gro u p.", In c.
11. Usc of Co ntributor Cr edir s: You may not mar ket or adve rti se th e Ope n Game Co ntent using
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mental regula tion th e n You may nor Use any Open Carne M ateri al so effe cte d. acco rd ing to th e term s o f th l.'d 20 System Lict'n se ver sion 1.0a. A copy of this Lict'n st"can hl.'found
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13. Tt'rmi na tion : Thi s Lict'llSt' will lt"rm inate auto matica lly if YOli fail to co mply with all term s
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and are used with permission . Oriental Advl'P1 turrs is a tradt'mark of Wi zard s of th t' Co ast, and used
wi th pennission . l.t'gt'Pld of tilt' fiw Rmgs, the Empire of Rok ugan, and all rt'lated marks an ' ,..and e
14. Reforma tio n: If any provision of th is Licen se is hdd to be un en forceabl e, such provision sha ll
he rcformt' d o nly to the ex tent nt'cessary to make it t'n forcea blc. 200 1 Wiz..ard s of th e Co ast, Inc. a subsidia ry of l lasbro, In c.

15. C O PYRIC I IT NO T ICE : Opt ' n Ca mt' Lict"nse v l .03 Co pyrig ht 2000, W izard s of the Coast , lnc . All co me nts of (h is book, regardless of dt"sign ation , are co pyrig h ted yea r 2003 by Aldenc Enle r·
Systt'm Refl>rt'nce DlX.'ument (d raft ve rsio n) Co py r igh t 1999, 2000 W izard s of th e Coas t, Inc . tainme nt Gro up, Inc. All right s re St~ rved . Repr odu ct ion or use witho ut th e wri llt'n perm ission of
System Refere nce Doc u m~ n t Copyrigh t 2000, Wiz..a rds of th t' Coast , Inc. Authors Jo nath an 'I\\ 'ee t, the publi sher is t'xpre ssly forb idden, excep t for the purposes of review or use co nsis ten t with the
~tonte Coo k, and Ski p Wi lliams, ba~ed on o rigina l ma tt' rial by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arn eso n. limit ed licen se above.
Playe r's I landboo k, 2000 \'(lizan l5o f the Coas t, Inc.
Dungt'o n Mastt"r's Guide, e 2000 W iz..a rds of th e Coas t, Inc.
Orienta l Adventures, 2001 Wizards of the Coa'it, lnc ,
Rokuga n, 'Q 200t Alde rac Ent er tainm e nt Gro up, Inc.
Cn'ature s of Rokuga n, Cl 200 1 Aldera c Ente n ainm ent Cro up, In c.
Magic of Rokuga n, @200 1 Alde rac Entt"rt ain mt'nt Gro up, Inc.
Way of th e Samura i, ~ 2002 Aldera c Entertain me nt Cro up. In c.
Way of th t"Ni nja , 2002 Aldera( En terta inm('nt Croup, In c.
\'(lay of the Sh uge nja, ~ 2002 Alde rac Ente rta in me nt Grou p, Inc.
Fort une s and Wi nds, 2002 Alde rac Ente rta inment Gro up. Inc.
S~(rt't s of tht' Lion , ~ 2002 Aldt'rac Entt~ rtai nm~ n1 G roup, In c.
Secrt't s of tht' ~tant i s, · 2002 Ald erac Ent enainment Grou p, Inc.
COn-T£n-TS s hos u ro Fu ruy ari
Vassals of the Shos uro Fami ly
Th e Kochako Famil y

Ryok o Owa ri Prison
42 Important Yogo NPCs
Yogo Ichiba
Introduction 4 The Toka gure Famil y 44 Yogo Koji 71
No Secrets (1) 4 shosuro Mechanics 44 Yogo Tjeki. 72
How to Use This Book 4 Thunder's Dagger Dojo 44 Vassals of the Yogo Fam ily 73
Cus toms of the Sco rp ion Clan 5 Sho su ro Butei Academy 44 The Tans aku Fam ily 73
Birt h 5 Ne w Kata 45 Th e Naganori Famil y 74
Gempukku 5 Tools of th e Sho suro Ninja 45 Yogo Mechanics 75
Co urtship 6 New An cesto rs 45 Whispered Secret Dojo 75
Superstition 6 Shosuro Ikawa 46 Yogo Tow ers Dojo 75
War. 7 s hos uro Hyobu 46 New An cestors 76
Retirement 7 Shosu ro Sus han um e 46 Yogo Itoju 76
Funerals 7 The Soshi. 47 Yogo [unzo 76
History of th e Sco rp ion Clan 7 No Sec rets (4) 47 Yogo Asami. 76
Ne w Mech an ics 10 The Soshi Provinces 48 Yogo Ward Ma gic 77
Co mplete Scorpion Feat List. 11 Major Sosh i Ho ldings 48 The Yogo Sh uge nj a Sc hoo l. 77
New Courtier Abilities 12 Shiro no Sosh i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 New Spell s 78
The Bayushi. 13 Pokau 50 Dete ct Ward 78
No Secrets (2) 13 Kashi Mura 51 Ward of th e Elements I. 78
The Bayushi Provinces 14 Min or Tsu ru chi H old in gs 51 Ward of th e Elements II 78
Major Bayu sh i H old in gs 14 Firs t Breat h Dojo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Ward of the Elem ents III 78
Kyuden Bayushi 14 Sh rine of the Sh adow's Eye 52 Ward of the Ele ments IV 78
Sh imo m ura 16 Ashio 53 Ward of the Elements V 78
Minor Bayushi Holding s 17 Sh inden Gyokuei. 53 Yogo Ward Ma sters 78
H otei Seido 17 Important Soshi NPCs 54 Ward Master (Prestige Class) 79
Sh urai 17 Sos h i Eiji. 54 Ichibas Co nsortiu m 80
Important Bayushi N PCs 18 Sos hi Kiyo 56 Ichi bas Co nso rtium (Prestige Class) . . 80
Bayu sh i Yoji ro 18 Sos hi Ui dori 57 Ichibas Conso rtiu m (New Path) 80
Bayu shi Sune tra 19 Vassals of th e Sosh i Fam ily 58 The Shadowed Tower C o m p o und 81
Bayu shi Kwan chai 20 The Na n bu Fam ily 58 Usin g the Co m po und
Bayu sh i Toru 21 Soshi Mechanics 59 in an Adventure 81
Vassals of th e Yoritorno Fami ly 22 New Ancestor s 59 Ho w to Use Thi s Informatio n 82
The Rokugo Famil y 22 Soshi Takasho 60 Sha dowed Tower Fo rces 82
The Aot ora Famil y 23 Sos hi Seiryoku 60 T he "Public Area" 83
Bayushi Mechanics 24 Sos h i Burezu 60 O bservatio n Cha mbe rs and Passages . . 84
Ne w Ancestor s 24 Ne w Magic It em s 61 The Temple and Q uarte rs 84
Bayushi Rikoji .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 The Scarlet Armor of Ill usion 61 The Shadowed Tower Map 85
Bayush i Sh oju . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 25 Sco rpion Clan Sec ret Spe lls 61 Behind the Veil 87
Bayu sh i Sh unse n 25 Beyond Noth ing 's Grasp 61 Pawn s of th e Scorpion 87
The Dojo of Bitter Lies 26 Reveal the Darkness 62 Contac ts of the Scorpion 87
Bayu sh i Guard ian Spirits 28 Sos h i's Ange r 62 T he Ash alan 88
T he Shosuro 31 Yukimi 's Smile 62 The Ash alan and th e Sco rp ion Today.. 88
No Secrets (3) 31 TheYogo 63 Asha lan Materials 90
The shosuro Provinces 33 No Sec rets (5) 63 The Shadowed Tower 90
Major Shos uro Holdings 33 The Yogo Provinces 64 O rig ins 90
Ryoko O wari 33 Major Yogo H oldings 64 Purpo se 92
Sh iro no Shos u ro 33 Kagok i. 64 Organ ization 92
Nihai Tower 34 Yogo Shi ro 65 Th e Sha dowlands Taint 92
Th e Shosu ro Butei Academy 35 Towe rs of th e Yogo 65 The Sha dowed Tower Mech an ics 92
Minor s hosu ro Holdings 36 Karandetsu Market 67 New Advantage 93
The Howling Fields 36 Minor Yogo Holdings 67 Sh adowed Powder 93
Ginasutra 37 Beid en 67 Typical Tower Enforc er/ W itn ess 94
Important Shosuro N PCs 37 Sha ma te Pass 67 Fushin, O nis u of the Scorp ion 94
Shos u ro Yudoka 37 Dokugumo Mura 68 The Scorpion Territory Map 96
Shos uro Hi gat suku 39 Extra -te rri toria l Holdin gs 69
"I am glad you came, Hatori," Chian said. "I have much to tell you."
~O S£C~£TS "Who are you and what do you want?" Hatori said, his practiced
voice taking a slightly irritated edge. "This is highly irregular,
?A~T ons Chian-san."
"o f course it is irregular," Chian said. "This meeting is not
"I do not like this, Hatori- sama," Otomo Tanej i said in a low voice. happening."
"We have no business here. We should leave." Hatori looked at the old ninja curiously. "Taneji, Sekko u, leave."
Hatori knelt in the shadowsof the abandoned shrine, head bowed Taneji opened his mouth to protest but Chinn spoke first.
in deep thought, or perhaps prayer. Taneji paced impatiently behind "No. Let them remain. If the three of you will go to Scorpion lands,
him. there should be no secrets between you."
"We learned precious little about the Phoenix during our time "Scorpion lands?" Taneji said sharply. "Why would we go to
here," Hatori said eventually, peering over one shoulder at his vassal. Scorpion landson the word ofa retired ninja?"
"The note you received at Kyuden Asakogave us ourfirst opportunity · "Because I believe that you may be able to prevent civil war from
to peer beneath the surface, to perhaps learn more than the daimyo destroying my clan," Chian said. "There is a conspiracy against the
are willing to tell us." rightful rulersof my clan."
"And so we sit in an abandoned shrine, waiting for Fortunes- "Civil war?" Sekkou said with somesurprise. "I hadheard nothing
know-who, on the basisofan anonymousnote someone stuffed in my about a civil war within the Scorpion."
bags at Kyuden Asako," Taneji snapped impatiently. "How do we Chien looked back at the shugenja. "You would not have heard
know this is not an ambush?" about it unless we willed it. Even in war, we are the Scorpion ."
Hatori chuckled. "You know that it is not. Most of my enemies Theold monk chuckled. "Especially in war."
think too little of me to botherkilling me. The rest prefer more direct "You would think that with the Scorpion's legendary intellect you
methods." could find betterpawns than us;' Taneji said quietly.
Taneji nodded, conceding the point. Their journey through the Chian looked at Taneji with some surprise. "What do you mean,
Lion provinces had staggered from one sticky political situation Otomo-san?" he asked.
to another, barely ahead of Hatori's old nemesis Ikoma Sume. "Taneji speaks of the bitterness we all feel;' said Hatori. "The Lion
In contrast, their time in the Mantis lands had concluded with both belittle us.The Mantis seek to use us. The Phoenix ignore us. It is
self-proclaimed champions deeming the old shisha unworthy of their becoming clear that in an Empire without an Emperor, the Great
concern. Clans have little respectfo r theImperia l Families. How do youexpect
"Still, this makes no sense;'Taneji said, tugging his mustache with a simple shisha and his vassals to help?"
onehand. "It is Imlike the Phoenix to be clandestine. When they seek "It is a matter of trust," Chian said. "Precisely because you have
an alliance, they ask for one openly. They do not scuttle about in the been so mistreated by the daimyo of the Great Clans, I believe the
shadows." conspiracy would have little use for you. Thus, you can be trusted.
"Perhaps the one we are waiting to meet is not a Phoenix," said You could root out this conspiracy and expose it to the light, where it
Fuzake Sekkou. The young shugenja had been sitting silently in will swiftly wither."
thechamber'scornerfo r several minutes. Taneji had nearly forgotten "I thought the Scorpion policed their own,"Hatori said.
his presence. "Impossible in this case," Chian said. "The stakes have become
"Not a Phoenix?" Taneji said. "What are you talking about?" personal, the judgment of our leaders clouded by ambition. Only an
"The Phoenix lands are largely unexplored," Sekkou said. "Count- impartial outsider canbringan end to this. will you aid us?"
less of these small shrines are scattered about the mountains and "Becoming involved in a Scorpion politics is a good way to end
forests. A man with something to hide can vanish here quite easily up dead;' Hatori said bluntly.
by finding religion, and the Phoen ix ask no questions so long as "Would not letting the Scorpion destroy themselves bring even
their research and tranquility are undisturbed. I think you might be greater harm?" Chian countered. "Where is your courageous Lion's
surprised how many of the wandering monks and shugenja in these heart, Hatori ?"
mountains were once outlaws." Hatori grimaced.Tanejiknew his master did notliketo be reminded
"That seems uncharacteristically grim coming from you," Hatori of his Lion origins, and that the monk knew of them suggested
said, looking up at the young Monkey shugenja. he had researched their backgrounds. "Say what you havecome to saY;'
"The grandfathers of the Monkey were ronin, Miya," said a Hatori said,"and I will decide if this errand is worth my time."
dry voice fro m the shrine's threshold. "Perhaps the boy speaks from "So be it," Chian replied. "Listen well, and I will tell you of the
experience." Shadowed Tower. .."
Taneji looked quickly at the door. A small, wiry man stood in the
shrine's entrance, clutching a staff in one hand. He wore the short-
sleeved robes of a wandering monk, his bald pate gleaming in the
candlelight. His skinny limbs were corded with muscle; he looked to
be made out of tannedleather. Hatori re mained kneeling.
"Miya Hntori-sum«,"the monk said,staff thumpingthestone floor
as he strolled inside. "I am glad you have come."
"Who are you?" asked Hatori, not looking back. Secretsofthe Scorpion is for player s and GMs who are int erested
"My name is Chian. Once I was a favored vassal of the shosuro in adding more depth to their visions of the Scorpion Clan.
family. In old age, I have fo und serenity in theTao." Unlike Way of the Scorpion, which described the hi story and
"I have never heardof you;' Hatorisaid. major institution s of the clan , thi s book gives finer detail to
"As a former ninja, I take that as a co mpliment," Chian said. the differ ent families , their organization, holdings, vass al
"Ninja!"Taneji hissed, watching the old man warily. famili es, and lesser-kn own schoo ls.
Chinn gave the courtiera lopsided smile and proceeded to ignore Sec rets of the Sco rpion is broke n down in to cha pte rs as
him. He strode toward Hatori and knelt with a groan, jointspopping. follows:
The Int roduc tion deals wit h th e Scor pion Clan's h istory,
some custo ms that th e clan embraces, and several new rul es
options for Scorpio n characters.
Chapters One th rough Four each deal with an ind ividual
family of th e Scorpion Clan: th e Bayushi, Shos uro, Sosh i,
and Yogo families. Each chapter present s information on the
family's holdings, including several points of int erest for each
hold ing, and adventure hoo ks for GMs; major NPCs within
th at family and descriptions of the vassal families that serve
th em; an d new ru les for characters from that family.
Cha p te r Five delves into a h idden stron gh old of the
Scorpion: th e sinis te r Sha dowed Tower. It con tains all th e
inform ati on a GM needs to use the Shadowed Tower head -
quart ers as th e centerpiece of a campaign, or a player needs to
have a backgro und involving th e Shadowed Tower.
Chapter Six details the darkest , mo st unpleasant truths
about th e Scorpion. Every clan has some shame buried deep
with in its histori es, and thi s ch apter explores the trag edi es
an d secrets th at the Scorpion hid e fro m eve ryo ne, ev en

h app en to b e in t he ar ea. A placard is po sted outsid e a
household for a week before a gempukku ceremony begin s,
giving th e samurai-to-be's name, parents, sensei, and dojo ,
Childbirth is a welcome event in Scorpion land s. It is an event
and inviting all to attend .
to be rem embered , with the lu cky parents celebrating for
The can didate is int rodu ced to everybody in attendance,
several days.The lords of the Scorpion often excuse the father
an d per sonall y presents a gift to every guest. Ideally the
of an in fant from h is duti es for a few days so that h e may
candidate will have crea ted these gift s wit h h is own hands,
commemorate the birth prope rly.
tho ug h extre me ly wealthy fami lies sometimes "lend" their
Sco rp ion pea sant s are gene ra lly no t treated as well as
childre n koku to purchase expensive gifts. A large nu mber of
peasan ts from other cla ns, so this custom mi tiga tes th ei r
gene ric gifts are set aside for gu ests who wande r in, calle d
resentment toward the samurai caste. In large villages someone ,
"face gifts" (i.e., gues ts need only show th eir faces to receive
somewhere, is always having a ch ild, so th ere are cons tant
on e). Face gifts are invariably of much lower value than th ose
festivities. In th e samurai caste th is custom strengthe ns th e
intended for invited guests, and need not have been created
bonds of loyalty within the family. A newborn Scorpion is
personally by the sam urai-to-be . This is no in sult to th e
welcomed fro m the first mom ent of hi s life . Relati ves and
unexpecte d gue sts , but rather a sign of res pect toward the
friend s pay their respects and offer th eir protection .
invited guests.
If there is one th in g Scorpion tak e very seriou sly, it is
Following the young samu rai's rather traditional ini tiation
a celebration. Tho ugh most serve as mere excuses to inv ite
ceremony, sake flows fr eely an d all present take off their
guests into the hou sehold (and perh aps gain some advantage
mas ks to en joy themselves. The h igh est-ran kin g sam urai
on them by loosening thei r tongues with sake and entertain-
never removes his mask, symbolizing th at the Scorp ion Clan
ment) ch ildbirth is an exception. Only family mem bers and
must always retain som e secrets . Entertainme nt is provided
close friends may visit the ho use hold following a Scorpion
and a good time is had by all.
birth . An out sider is on ly admitted if tru sted utterly. He who
Later that evening, after the gu est s depart, th e true
parti cipates in honoring a Scorpion birth is a Scorpion in the
cere mony begins. The yo un g sam urai is n ot info rme d
clan's eyes. Needle ss to say, this does no t happ en often .
of thi s pha se in advance, so thi s ofte n comes as a surprise .
Twin s are lucky, representing Scorpion friends or lovers
Th e samurai is taken to a private room by his sensei, and is
from a past life so loyal to each other th at they died at th e same
asked the guests' name s and wh at he learne d by how each one
instant , thus re -entering life togethe r. Also , as Bayu sh i
re ac te d to their gift. If the yo ung sam ura i's ans wers are
himself was Shibas twin , the birt h of twins invokes the clan's
satisfactory, th en he is given his first mask and welcomed as a
tru e Scorp ion .Those who fail are given only a scrap of cloth to
Triplets are not viewed with the same joy.The number three
cover th eir face , symbolic of the rough scrap Bayushi wore
is extremely unlucky to the Scorpion, so the birth of th ree
un til he could find a true mask. Th is scrap is immedi ately
ch ildren at once is a dire omen.
recognizab le by any adult Scorpion but m eanin gl ess to
everyone else. Some samurai choose to continue wearing th is
G£ Ji\?UI{ I{ U simp le mask even after the y have proven th emselves to thei r
Though som e clans are sec retive about their ge mp ukku sensei's satisfaction, as a symbol of the progress they hav e
ce re m on ies, the Scorpion are not. Everyone is invited , ma de. Scorpion are forbidden to spe ak of this cere mo ny,
incl uding visitors fro m other clans an d even stra ngers wh o and vehe mently den y its existence.To talk about it would ruin
its purpose - testing the future agents of th e clan without seldom refu se su ch an advantage when it presents it sel f,
their prior knowledge. A Scorpio n must always be prepared . they take a sincere joy in weddings. Scorpion see their loyalry
Those rare Shosuro who are chose n to receive kage yabin to th eir family as a matter of honor, and the opportunity to
(shadow bra nds ) are bra nded during this second ceremony. share that loyalry by inviting another into their clan fills th e
Sam urai who learned a great deal about th ei r gues ts are heart of a Scorpion with a happiness that outsider s can never
bran ded on the back, un de rarm, or othe r areas th at can be understand .
easily h idden . Those who learned no th ing are br and ed in An important detail regarding Scorp ion courts hi p is
areas difficult to conceal or, in some cases, no t branded at all. that Scorp ion see arranged marriages as contracts. Backing
out effe ct ively declares war on the oth er party's famil y.
COV~TSHI7 Any samurai who renege s on a Scorpion marriag e can expect
In a clan that takes as much pride in family and politics as the immediate retribution. Only a moderator of higher soci al
Scorpion, courtship is taken very serious ly. Marri ages are , statu s th an either of the engaged samurai can br eak off a
arranged well in advance , always to benefit th e famil y. Scorpion marriage without creating bad blood betwe en both
Marriage s for the sake oflove are rarer in th is clan than in any parties, and then only well in advance. A sam ura i wh o
other. Afte r all, a Scorpion can m arry on ly once . If th at abandons or mistreat s his Scorpion spouse earn s the ire of the
marriage is not to the clan's benefit, th an he has betrayed the spouse's entire family, even if the spouse marries outside the
clan thro ugh his selfishness. clan and is no longer technically considered a Scorpion.
Samurai we ddings are always preside d over by a Soshi Peasant marriages in the Scorpion province s are also
shugenja. A presiding Yogois un lucky, even if the shugenja in matters of great revelry. They are usually pre sid ed over by
question has already fulfilled his Yogo curse. A Yogo officiating monk s rather than shugenja; samurai rarely attend. The bride
the wedding might well invite the fam ily curse onto the an d groo m wear ma sk s during the ce re m o ny (a pract ice
marriage. Even Yogo family mem bers avoid such a thing - norm ally not indulged in by Scorpion peasants) to remi nd
who knows what might happen ? them who the y serve.
Like mo st Scorpion ceremo n ie s, weddings ar e grea t
celebrations open to all. Tho ugh th e initial ceremonies are as SV7~~STITlon
stately and reserved as any Rokugani wedd ing, the subsequent For a clan that prid es itself on logic, the Scorpion are highly
fes tiv iti es are notorious for their rio to us vigo r. Eve n a superstitious. They do not find thi s odd. Rokugan is a world
normally controlled Scorpion sam urai rel axes hi s faca de fille d wi th spirits (especially near the Shi nome n Forest),
somewhat to display true emo tion , cry ing openly or dancin g an d th ose sp ir its can be come wrath ful if n ot placate d.
in joy at the union. Som e who know th e Scorp ion we ll Supe rst ition keep s harmony with the spirit world, so th e
theo rize that th is is yet another ploy, intended to draw th eir Scorpion ma y di sregard the wr ath of inv isible ghost s an d
gues ts into lowering th eir guard . Alt hough the Scorpion continue living in a world based firmly upon logic. They do
not dwell on their num erous superstitions. A Scorpion samurai
says the prayer s he need s to say, don s wh atever fetis hes or
talismans he nee ds to wear tha t day, and th ink s no more on
th e matter.
The Scorpion have many superstitions th at other clans find
strange, suc h as sprinkling salt on a new garmen t or never
stepping backward through a threshold. Even th e Scorpion
cannot explain the origins of these superstitions, th ough they
embrace them.
Rats are lu cky, for the y serve Daikoku and th e Scor pion
revere the Fortune of Wealth . Those who kill rats are advised
to visit a templ e of Daikoku and beg for forgiveness. Cats are
crea t ures of ill ome n wh o kill rat s an d ang er Daik oku.
The Scorp ion often mu st keep cats on hand to preven t rats
from gett ing out of contro l, but atte mpt to avert Daikoku's
wrath by giving the ir cats rud e and unflattering names.
Sco rpio n h ave m an y supe rstitio n s regard in g be au ty,
especially in regard to women . A girl born with green eyes,
it is said, cann ot te ll a lie, an d to force her to do so d raws
the kami's wrath. A woman who does not cut her hair will be
faithful to her husband. Any samurai (even a male samurai)
who resem ble s hi s m oth er m or e than h is fathe r is loyal
and t rustwo rthy, especia lly if h is mother was pa rti cularl y
bea ut iful. Benten , Fort u n e of Romantic Love, love s the
Scorpion for th eir charm and grace, so a particularly attractive
Scorp ion is said to be "guided by Benten." A Scorpio n who
has an important secret can go to the Temple of Ben ten and
whisper it to her; she will keep the secret safe.
The number three is incredibly unlu cky, as Bayushi was the
third to fall in the Great Tournamen t to determine the first
Emperor. Scorpion never leave home in a group of three . It is
better by far to find a fourth, or leave in two separate group s.
permanently trap their souls in a tree . Their personal posses-
WA:a sions are left hanging from the tree limbs, though thieve s
Though their true power lies in the courts, the Scorpion are know to stay well away. The ghosts of Traitor's Grove enact a
a clan of warriors. Their army is not large com pare d to th e terrible curse upon any who steal from it, imposing a painful,
Lion, Crab, or Unicorn forces, but the wise general does no t lingering death.
relish facing a Bayushi gene ral on th e battlefield. T he Scorpion say that as the tree grows, its bark
The Scorpion deserve their reputation for ruthlessness in cu ts through the tra itor's sou l, causing grea t pain. On quiet
batt le. They believe th at un necessary bloodshed weakens th e nig hts, one can hear the traitors' moans in the grove, begging
Empire, so the mos t honorable way to end a battle is rapidly. forgiveness. On quiet nights, most avoid the grove.
If this means that a Scorpion m ust poison th e enemy's
supplies, h ire a ni nja to assassinate the opposing general,
or pay the enemy's ronin mercenaries to doub le-cross the m,
then that is acceptable. Scorpion officers say that "Victo ry HISTO~Y OF TH£
washes away all sins."
Failure, of course, is ano ther matter. Scorpion canno t abide i
failure in battl e. For a Scorpion to fail m eans th at all of his
underhanded tric ks, diversion s, and und erh and ed maneuvers
Yogo joins the Scorpion: year 36
were for naug ht, and th us he h as truly been d ish on ored .
Curse d by th e Fu Leng, the Phoenix sh ugenja Yogo, husband
Of course , for many Scorpion failure is a relative term . A wily
of Asako, is doomed to bet ray those he loves the most. Bayushi
Scorpion general may allow a Lion to triumph on th e field of
approac hes Yogo wit h a strange offer: join the Scorpion Clan.
battl e and see no dish on or in it if th e Lion 's vic tory serv es
Wh en Yogo prot ests th at he is curse d to betray those he loves,
a high er purpose for the Scorpion.
Bayu shi responds, "but you do not love me ." Yogo jo ins the
Scorpion and founds a family.
:a5:TI:a5:li\ 5:n T
Scorpion samurai look forw ard to retirement , the great reward The Day ofThunder: year 4 2
for a life of service to th e Empire. While a Crab or Lion may The Seve n Thunder s, led by Shinsei, confront and defeat
look upon a retired samurai with disdain, regr etting the lost the dark god Fu Len g deep within the Shadowlands, ending
opportunity to die in service to the Empero r, the Scorpio n do th e first war with the Ho rde. The on ly known survivor is the
not see th in gs this way. Dyin g for th e Em pire is good and stra n ge entity kn own as Shos uro, the Scorpion Thunder.
noble, but living for th e Empi re is bett er. Wounded and dying, she staggers toward the Empire with th e
Retired Scorpion samurai are viewe d wit h si le n t awe . Black Scroll s that conta in the secret of Fu Lerig 's defeat.
Young samurai show their elders the grea test respect. On th e way, she makes a pact wit h the Lying Darkness,
A samurai seeking guidance would be well advised to visit the a pr imordial entity tha t suffuses and sustains her until she
remote monasteries in the Bayush i provinces and listen to can reach her goaL
thei r retired samurai.
shosuro's return: year 4 2
Walking the way of th e Scorpio n is dan gerous inde ed ,
and any samurai clever enough to becom e an old Scorpion Shos uro return s to the Empire with the Black Scrolls.
She feigns death, allowing Bayushi to claim the right to guard
and retire in peace is a hero .
th e Scro lls . Struggling to control the Lying Darkne ss 's
influence within h er, Shosuro adopts the identity of Soshi
rt£~Aj.5 and foun ds another Scorpion family.
Scorpion funerals are strange events, celebrated with as much
joy and enthusiasm as a marriage, gempukku, or chi ldbirth. The death of Hantei: year 45
The Scorpion bel ieve that a sam ura i who se rve d the clan A lingering wound from th e war with Fu Leng finally claims
loyally wi ll be reward ed in death, his soul invi te d into th e life of Han tei, th e first Emperor of Rokugan . Weakened by
Bayus hi's hidden cavern to share secrets wit h t he Firs t his wo unds, th e Ha ntei asks his sibli ngs whether or not he
Scorpion. When a samurai dies, the Scorpion tell tales of his will die. Each lies to him except Bayush i, who tells him in no
loyalty and ho nor, hoping th at Bayushi will overhear the tales un certain terms th at he will die, an d th at he will be alone.
and wish to know more. H antei's o u trage is mo llified only slightly by Bayushi's
Like Scorpion m arriages an d gem pukku , all wh o wi sh assura nce th at, in time, the other Kami will join him.
to attend a Scorpion fun er al are welcom e. Scorpio n make
a special point of in viting th eir ene m ies to cla n fune rals, The Crystal Prison is create d : year 82
es pecially any ene my respon sible for th e death . To invite Aft er four decad es of st r uggli ng to co n t ro l the Lying
ene m ies fr om ou tsi de th e cl an requires the Scorpion Darkness, Shosuro surre nders herself to th e Kami Togashi in
Ch am pi on's perm ission, for under Scorpion law suc h an an att empt to find a cure for her mystical ailment. Although
invi tation is an open cha llenge. En emies who ans wer the Togash i cann ot remove the Darkness fro m Shosuro's soul,
invitation must be suprem ely confident or tota lly unaw are of he construc ts a chamb er of pure crystal deep beneath Kyuden
this tradit ion. Togashi to contain shosuro so that when th e Darkness finally
These conventions apply only to Scorpion who died with takes control, it will be containe d.
honor. Scorp ion who died disloyal to their clan are seldom Dis appearance of Bayushi: year 83
given a prop er buriaL Oft en their corps es are beheaded and The Kami Bayushi mysteriou sly disappears. His son fin ds his
left pron e in a field, to be devoured by wild animals. Those mask , hi s sword, and a bri ef note that reads "I h ave lost her
wh o be tr ay th e Scorpion an d are captur ed alive are more for ever." Bayushi's ultimate fate is never discovered . Some
unfortunate still. They are brought to th e depths of Traitor's Scorpion wh isper of a sec ret cavern wh ere Bayushi's spirit
Grove, wh ere Scorp io n sh ugenja use a pain ful proce ss to lives on , pre siding over th e mo st loyal of the Scorp ion dead .
Em erald Magistrates and Legions created: year 153 The Hare Clan is destroyed: year 11 23
At the reque st of Eme rald Champion Doji Hatsu, the famou s Manipulated by a Kolat splinter group, Scorpion general
judge Soshi Saibankan drafts the first charter for the Emerald Bayu sh i Tomaru seeks to cleanse h is name by leading a
Magistrates and the Emerald Legion. After years of service to massive Scorp ion force against the Hare Clan . The Hare are
the Eme rald Magistr ates, Saibankan returns to his clan and acc used of attacki ng a Sco rpion diplomat and seizing
spends the last decade ofhis life teaching his kin smen th e law materials tha t belo ng to the Scorpion. Usagi Oda, the Har e
and how it can be circumvented. Clan daimyo, is killed and most of the clan's meager holdings
are destroyed. of Odas children, his eldest son Ozaki escapes
Rulership of the Gozoku: years 391-435 and h is daugh ter Tomoe is taken hostage by Tomaru. She is
Masterm ind ed by Bayush i Atsuki , th e Emperor's master spy shortly thereafter taken by the Kolat.
and Scorpion Clan Champion, three powerful and influential
men form th e Cozoku, a conspiracy to rule the Empire from The Scorpion Clan Coup: year 11 23
behind the thron e.Togeth er with Doji Raigu and the Imp erial ' Dri ven by a lost prophecy of Uikku and the bloodsword
Scri be Shi ba Gaiju shiko, Atsuki arranges for the Emperor 's Ambit ion, Scorpion Champion Bayushi Shoju masterminds
heir to be kidnapped. an extensive plot to assassinate Hantei XXXVIII and his heir,
The Gozo k u ins ti ga te a number of progressiv e social ending the Hantei line before it can bring ruin to the Empire.
reforms du ring th eir rul e, eventually ins talling the form er Th e en or mity of such a task proves beyond the Scorpion's
kidnapped heir as a puppet Emperor while the y control th e capabilities, and th ey cannot hold Otosan Uchi against the
Em pire fro m behind the scen es. Their puppet's daughter combi ne d Gre at Clans . Furthermore, they are deceived by
Yug ozo hi me is fostered to th e Lion and be comes a strong, Phoenix magic into believing that th e Emperor's heir is dead
charisma tic lead er. She du els her siblings for th e right to when he in fact escaped the purge . When he returns to Otosan
succee d th eir fathe r as Emperor and takes the throne. With Uc h i foll owin g a has ty gemp ukk u ceremony in Phoenix
the support of th e Dragon and Lion , she shatte rs the Cozokus land s, he ends the Bayushi line by marrying Shoju 's wid ow,
hol d on the Empire. Bayushi Kach iko, and dissolves the Scorpion Clan.

Battle of Stolen Graves: year 510 The Scorpion in hiding: years 1123- 11 29
Sensi ng a link betw een the recent deaths of the Crane , Lion , Th e I mperial Leg io ns ma rch on a m issio n of vengeance,
and Crab Cha mpions and th e recent blade s given as gifts to destroying every Scorpion palace save Shiro Yogo. All Scorpion
the m by Asah in a Yajinden, Scor pion Champion Bayu sh i who do not abandon their family names are killed or exiled by
Rikoji sets hi s blad e aside and orders Soshi Taka sho, th e ve ngeful Legions. Bayush i Kachiko su btl y gives her
a reno wne d magistrate, to invest igate.Takasho tracks Yajinden followers a sing le command: "wait." Many Scorpion loyalists
to Otosa n Uchi and, with his rival Akodo Minobe, exposes the hide th eir mas ks and set their daisho aside, or build secr et
Bloo ds pe ake r cu lt and the threat of Iuchiban. Taka sho is co mpo unds in the Empire's deep mountains and forest s.
perso nally respons ible for the capture of Iuchiban. There, they plan their revenge.

Battle of Kenson Gakka: year 533 The Day ofThunder: year 1129
Following a failed atte m pt to annex Lion holdings to th e The Scorpion unexpectedly aid the Empire when Kachiko
north, the Scorpion are dealt a crus hing blow by th e Matsu commands the hidden Scorpion to ally with the army of the
ar mies. The on ly rem aining Scorpion se tt leme nt north of Seven Th unders. The appea rance of so many trained samurai
Beiden Pass, Shiro no Meiyo, is seized, and everyone within it bolsters the flagging armies, and many do not even pause to
is executed. The town is renamed Kenson Gakka, "Humility's question where the Scorpion have been all these years.
Lesson," as a testam ent to the Lion Clan's wrath.
Coronation ofToturi I : year 1129
The return of the Unicorn Cla n: year 815 Following Fu Leng 's defeat and a brief period of frant ic
The Unico rn Cla n returns to Rokugan aft er nearly eig ht rebuilding in Otosan Uchi , ronin and former Lion Champion
centuries wande ring th e lands beyond. Th ey are met with Toturi is crowned Emperor. One of Toturi 's fir st actions as
considerable resistance at first, as many Great Clans refuse to Emperor is to re store the Scorpion to Great Cla n status .
acknowledge that these rough barbarians are the Ki-Rin Clan's Bayushi Kachiko accepts her former hu sband's position as
children.The Scorpion seize this opportunity and deliberately Scorpion Clan Champion.
throwaway expendable troops against Unicorn armies at the
Battle of White Shore Plain. The Empire's pol itical climate Disappearance of Totu ri and
shifts in the wake of the Scorpi on defeat by th e newcomers. banishmen t of t h e Scorpion: year 1130
As others atte mpt to cur ry the Unicorn c lan's favor, many On the eve of his second anniversary as Emperor, Toturi I
Scorpion ope rations go unn oticed for decades. disappears. The only clues left behind are hi s blood stained
bedclothes in his private chambers in Otosan Uch i. Actin g as
The Three Man Alliance is fo rmed: year 1121 regent, Toturi's lieutenant Takuan orders Emerald Champion
After a series of minor skirmis hes, the Scorpi on send one of Kakita Toshimoko to punish the Scorpion for th eir "obvious
their prom ising young generals, Bayushi Tom aru , to crush the treac hery." Correctly believing the Scorpion innocent of th is
Minor Clans that border their land s to th e east: th e Fox, Wasp, crime ,Toshimoko banishes them from the Empire rather than
and Sparrow clans . Supreme ly confiden t of hi s abilities and ordering them killed. Toshimoko orders the Scorpion Clan's
forces, Tomaru drastically und erestimates his opposition and children to be fostered to the Crane Clan, osten sibly as
is ambushe d by the combined forces of all three clans.Tomaru insurance against their retaliation against Rokugan . In reality,
is utterly humiliated by the defeat wh ile th e Minor Clans are this is an act of mer cy, for Toshimoko knows th e children are
greatly emboldened by the success of their battle. The thre e unlikely to survive the difficult journey.
form a permanent alliance against the Scorpion Clan's
by th e treachery of Crane Champion Doji Kuwana n, wh o
UASSAJ.. f' Ali\IJ..I£S seeks to claim the Scorpion lands for his clan. The Crane take
the Mantis armies by surprise near the Crane-Sco rp ion
This book introduces a number of vassal families ,
lesser samurai who serve the greater families of border, and Yoritomo has little choice bu t to retreat .
Rokugan's clans. Though described in previous Gift of the Emperor: year'113 2
sourcebooks (such as Winter Court: Kyuden Seppun'" attd The Emperor Tot uri I h ol ds a contest to see wh o will
Rokugan"') these vassal families have never before been ultimately control the Scorpion land s. Each clan is allowed
specifically detailed. a single participant, and a lone ronin is permitted to enter as
Vassal families occupy an unusual social position well. The ronin emerges as th e victo r, and reveals h is tr ue
within the samurai class. Within the family and clan identity: Bayushi Aramoro, Bayushi Shoj us brother. Aramoro
that they serve, they are recognized by their unique requests the ret urn of the Scorpion's land s and rightful place
family name as a means of recognizing their distinctive among the Great Clans. For the seco nd tim e in his reign as
service to the clan. Outside the clan, however, they are Emperor,Toturi restores th e Scorpio n Clan.
identified by the name of the family they serve. Favor-
ing one's vassal name above the samurai family that one War in the Heavens: yea r 1132
serves when speaking to an outsider is presumptuous, During t he chao tic events surro u n di ng the death an d
implying that the individual presenting himself is so replacement of Lady Sun and Lord Moon, the Scorpion forces
well known that the listener would be more familiar retu rn to Rokugan. Among their num ber are seve ral gaijin
with his own lineage than that of the family he serves. from beyond the Burning Sands, including th e terribl e Senpe t
For example: Rokugo Ichiyo is a member of the warrior Abresax an d a num ber of en ig ma t ic Asha lan .
Rokugo vassal family of the BayushL To all members of Also acco mpanying th e Scorp ion is th e Kam i Shinjo, freed
the Bayushi and other Scorpion families, he is known from h er impriso n men t. A hu ge army of no ma dic Mo to
as Rokugo Ichiyo.To outsiders, however, he is known as accompanies th e Scorpion , rejoining their Unicorn brethren.
Bayushi Ichiyo. When presenting himself to others
outside the clan, Ichiyo may introduce himself as Devastation of Beiden Pass : year 1150
"Bayush i Ichiyo of House Rokugo" or simply "Bayu sh i The War of Spirits comes to a conclusion as Phoenix shuge nja
Ichiyo of Rokugo." If a member of any other clan should and Scorpion saboteurs collapse Beiden Pass upon the Steel
visit Ichiyo in the Rokugo family estate in Honored Chrysanthem um's armies.The Empire'scrossroads is destroyed,
Treaty City, then he would be entitled to refer to himself ' but Hantei XVI's attempt to claim the th rone is crushed.
by his vassal family name, for it is assumed the visitor Death of Tot uri: year 1158
realizes that he is in the Bayushi lands. En rou te to Ryoko Owari, possi bly to mee t with his illegiti-
mate son Akodo Kaneka, Toturi I is ambushed by a hu ge force
Crossing the Burning Sands: year 1130 of Shadowlands creatures. The Sco rpi on defend him as
Surviving the tr ek across th e desert through their sheer best they are able, but their hon or guard is caught completely
tenacity, the Scorpion forces arrive at Medinaat al-Salaam, off-gua rd by the massive h ord e of gob lins and Tsuno . Th e
an oasis city within the Burning Sands. They are assaulted by Onisu Fushin, Nig h tma re of th e Scorpion , cut s down th e
the Senpet Empire, a massive kingdom of polytheistic Emperor in a duel. The Scorpion are greatl y shamed by th eir
warriors and sorcerers. The Senpet enslave the majority of the failure to defend th e Emperor, and the Kuroiban immediately
clan and put them to work in their copper mines. Bayushi begin scouring th e Emp ire for the oni that murdered Toturi.
Kachiko is taken captive, but is mistaken for Selqet, a figure
The Shadowed Tower is revealed: year 1158
from Sen pet mythology. A handful of Scorpion escape A dangerous splinter group is revealed within the Scorpion,
captivity, including Bayushi Tangen and Shosuro Tage. led by th e returned spirit of Shosuro Fuyari - actually th e
Turmoil in Medinaat al-Salaam: year 1131 sp ir it of Gozo ku leader Bayushi Atsuki ma squerading as
With Selqers appearance, the factio ns in Medinaat aI-Salaam Fuyari. Th e group, called the Shadowed Tower , promotes a
are thrown in to chaos, as many believe a grea t pro phecy is return to the sha dows, abandoning th e high visibility that
about to be fulfilled . Kachiko is believed to be one of th e Four Clan Ch ampion Bayushi Yojiro has brought to the clan . The
Avatars, the figures necessary to free an entity known as th e me mbers of the Shadowed Towe r cons ide r mah o and other
Goddess. As the unrest increases, however, it is eventually foul practices acceptable ways to serve th e clan so long as th e
revealed that it is Shosuro Tage, no t Kachiko, who is an Avatar. result is worth th e risk. Man y notable personalities join the
Together with the other Avatars, Tage releases th e Goddess Tower, including Bayush i Ogura and Yogo Tjeki.
from a poisonous realm called the Black Earth. The Goddess,
Scorp ion governance of the Em erald Championship: 1158
worshiped througho ut th e Burning Sands, is non e other th an
At th e behest of Hantei Naseru , th e Scorpion oversee the Test
the Kami Shinjo, founder of the Unicorn Clan. of t he Em era ld Ch am pio n to replace th e ailing Kakit a
The Scorpion lands are contested: year 1131 Tosh iken. Scorp ion entrant Bayushi Kwanchai deliberately
Citing an Imperial edict that gives the Mantis th e duty of inj ures Sh iba Aiku ne, so n of Ph oenix Ch am pion Sh ib a
patrolli ng all no n-affiliated lands, Mant is Champion Yoritomo Tsukune, bring ing himself great dishonor. An Isawa shugenja
attempts to seize control of the forme r Scor pion land s. heals Aikune's leg, unintention ally disqualifying the Phoenix
Unknown to t he Empire, th is act is the res ult of a sec ret du e to th e stipulation th at on ly the Scorpion may perform
arrangement between the two clans whe rein the Mantis will religious ceremonies (such as magic) during the tourn ament .
safeguard the land until the Sco rpio n's ret urn . Bayu sh i The Crane contes tan t, Yasuki Ha chi, is declared Emerald
Aramoro's only son, Bayushi Aramasu , is given to the Mantis Champion, bu t everyone believes him to be in collu sion with
as a hostage to seal this bargain.The arrangement is complicated the Scorpion and Hantei Naseru to assure his victory.
Bayushi Kaukatsu appointed The information presented before the semicolon is th e
I m p erial Chancellor: year 1158 character's class and level in th e d20 System."'The information
The Scorpion Clan is chosen by the Otomo and th e Imperial presented after the semicolon is the ch aracter's rank and
Court to appoint an Imperial Chancellor, a sing le individu al schoo l in the L5R RPG 2E System .
wh o will be responsible for maintaining relations betwe en the Sometimes material mu st be presented for one sys te m
Four Winds. The Scorpion ch oice for cha nce llor is hardl y a or the other. In such cases , this text will be contain ed in a
surprise: Bayushi Kaukatsu, unrivaled master of th e Imp erial callout box with a gray backgro und, such as the on e below.
Court , accept s th e position on beh alf of his famil y and clan. The headers for these boxes will clearly label which information
is for the d20 System ?' and whi ch information is for the L5R
Otosan Uchi is destroyed: year 1159 RPG 2nd Edit ion ("L5R RPG 2E").
Cru shed in a sudden ons laug ht by th e Shadowlands Ho rde,
O tosan Uch i is reduced to a smo ldering ruin. Sever al Scor-
pion heroes are forged in the city's pyre, incl uding Bayushi C01i\7J-ETE SCO;t710 n
Tai, the shadowy warrior who aids Toturi Tsudao in defeating TECHniQUE "EAT J-IST
Daigotsu and drivin g him from the Imp erial Palace. Tai offers The follow ing table lists all feats available to samurai player
to clea nse the Ste el Thron e of it s Taint, while secretl y characters as bonus tech nique feats. This list supersedes th e
planning to take it to th e Shadowed Tower. ones pr esented in Oriental Adventures and Rolwgan :'" Feat s
which were prerequisites for other feats on thi s list have been
Bayushi Yojiro secretly retires: year 1159 added , and those with excessive prerequisites that did not fit
In the face of the Sha dowed Tow er's cu ltural revolution, the Scorpio n fighting style were removed.To balan ce thi s loss,
Bayus hi Yojiro secre tly retires. H e gi ves hi s handpicked other feats from the Player's Handbook'" have been added .
successor the Celestial Sword of th e Scorpio n as well as hi s Abbreviations for the locations of these feats are as follows:
sig n atu re armor. With these gifts , Yojiro's succ ess or can PHB=P!ayer's Handbook, MoR=Magic of Rokugan, SoSc=Secrets of
impersonate him, presenting the Shadowed Tower with a foe the Scorpion, WoNin=Wayof the Ninja.
th ey believ e they can ant icipate , but of whom they truly know
rSCO~710n T £ CH nJQU£ 7

1i\ECK nrucs You inflict great damage on unprepared opponents.

Pr erequisit e: Base attack bonus +12 or higher, Bayush is
Technique (three time s) or sneak attack +3d6 or higher.
Benefit : Whenever mak ing a snea k attack or using the
The Legen d of the Five Rings game setti ng has been officially
Bayu sh i's Technique feat , you infl ict an addi tio nal poi nt of
presen ted in two separate game systems, the Legend of the Five
Rings RPG 2nd Edition System (present ed in th e player's Guide damage for each bonus dam age d ie yo u ro ll du e to t hese
and Game Master's Guide) and Wizard s of the Coas t's d 20 abilities. (You now roll t de- t instead of ids damage on sneak
attacks or when using Bayushi's Techn ique.)
System?' (presented in Rolwgan,"" the official sup pleme nt to
Oriental Adventures""). While th ese two systems are somew hat
dissimilar, the setting present ed in both versions of the game BAYUSHI1S 1i\ASTE;tY
is the same, and thus it is our intent to present a source book rSCO~710n T£CHnIQU£7
th at is useful no matter whic h of these systems you choose Youapply yourself equally well to a variety of roles.
to use wh en running your game. Prerequisite: Int 13+, Versatile.
Ge n erally, whe n a new rule or mech an ic is pre sented , Benefit : Select a ch ara cte r cla ss fr om t he fo llowing:
whenever appl icable we will present equivalent d20 System?' courtie r, fighter, ink yo, monk , ninja, ranger, rogue, or samurai.
and L5R RPG 2E System version s in close proximity. You gain this cha racter class as an addit iona l favored class.
Sp ecial: You may gain this feat multiple times. Each time it
Rules and optio ns for th e d20 System>' look lik e th is.
applie s to a new additional favored class.
Rules and options for the L5R RPG 2E System look like
this. DAZZJ-lnG ST;tllt E
Occasionally, extensive new information may be exclusive r S CO~710n T£CHnJQU£7
to a specific system (such as New Path s for the L5R RPG 2E You can distract your opponent with a well-placed blow.
Syst em or new feats for the d 20 System?'). In suc h a case, Prerequisite: Bayushi'sTechn ique or sneak attack classability.
th e inform ation will follow the same convention as above . Ben efit : When m aking a snea k attac k or using th e
Th e d20 System ?' materi al will appear in black and th e L5R Bayu shi's Technique feat , you ma y gi ve up any n umber of
RPG 2E System material in blue . extra dama ge dice gained from th ese abilit ies to attempt to
In the case of ch aracters, occasionally, a character's name distract an opponent.This allows you to make a Bluff check to
will be followed by a short explanation ofhis charac ter class in create a diversion to hide as a free action (see the player's Hand-
lieu of full statistical informa tion . Such an example m ight book"'). You gain a +2 bonus to thi s roll for every damage die
look like thi s: you sacrifice.


[Samurai 6/ Berserker 4/Shad ow la n ds Veteran 10; H id a rSCO~71on T£CHnJQU£7
Bushi 5/Hida Avenger 3] You know how to best take advantage of a helples s opponent.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +8 or higher.
COJi\?L~T~ scoanon T ~CH ruQU ~ f'~AT LIST
Feat Prerequisite Location
Annor Focus Armor Proficiency Rokugan
Bayushi's Invincib le Edge Base attack bon us +12 or higher SoSe
+3d6 damage dice from sneak attack
or Bayushi's Technique
Bayushi's Mastery Int 13+, Versatile SoSe
Bayushi'sTechn ique Base attack bonus +2 or higher Rokugan
Int 13+,Way of the Scorpion
Blind-Fight PH B
Daisho Specialization Base attack bonus +5 or higher Rokugan
Weapon Focus: Katana or Wakizashi
Dazzling Strike Bayushis Technique or sneak attack SoSe
Depths of the Void Void Use, Samurai Rokl/gan
Differen t School By DM perm ission on ly Rokl/gan
Dodge Dex 13+ PHB
Expertise Int 13+ . PHB
The Folding Leg Base attack bonus +8 or higher WoNin
Bluff Skill, Pincers and Tail
Power Attack , Sunder
Way of the Scorpion
Greater Daisho I Samura i level 13th+ MoR
Greater Daisho II Samurai level 15th + MoR
Greater Daisho III Samurai level t zrh- MoR
Greater Daisho IV Samurai level 19th + MoR
Improved Disarm Int 13+, Expertise PHB
Improved Trip Int 13+, Expertise PHB
Improved Initiative PH B
Know the School Knowledge (clan or famil y, 2 rank s) PHB
Lightning Reflexes PH B
Mobility Dex 13+, Dodge PHB
Pincers and Tail Base attack bonus +4 or high er Rokl/gan
Bluff Skill, Way of the Scorpion
The Pince rs Ho ld, the Tail Strikes +10 Base attack, Int 13+ Rokugan
Bluff Skill, Expertise
Improved Initiative
Strike at th e Tail
Quick Draw Base attack bonus +1 or higher PHB
Ruthless Sting Base attack bonu s +8 or higher SoSe
shosuro'sTechnique Poison (4 ranks ) SoSe
Soul Forge Iro n Will or ances tral daisho MoR
Masterwork weapon or armor
Speed of the Kami Base attack bonus +3 or high er Rokl/gan
Dex 13+
Improved Initia tive
Void Use
Spring Attack Base attack bonus +4 or higher PH B
Dex 13+
Spring Attack
Strike at the Tail Base attack bonus +6 or higher Rokugan
Int 13+
Expe rtise
Imp roved Disarm
Void Use Rokl/gan
Way of th e Scorpion Rokugan
Weapon Finesse Base attack bonus +1 or high er PH B
Proficiency with weapon
Weapon Focus (katana) Base attack bonus +1 or high er PHB
Martia l Weapon Proficiency (katana)
Benefit: Wh en attacki ng any oppone nts denied thei r Dex
bon us to armo r class, yo ur c ri t ica l th reat multiplier is
increased by one. For example , a threat range of 19- 20/ x2
becomes 19- 20/ x 3.

r5CO ~i'IOn T::CHnJQU::7
Youare a master of poison .
Prerequisite: Poison (+ ranks )
Benefit: Any poison tha t you administer has its save DC
increased by 2. If you have the Poison Use ability, the DC is
increase d by an additional 1.

At fourth level, and every third level thereafter, members of
the courtier charact er class gain cou rtier abilities chose n from
a sho rt list (see page 35 of Rolwgan"'). Scorpion courtiers can
come from nearly any Scorp ion family (with only the Yogo
having very few), and the following new courti er abilities are
available to any Scorpion Clan court iers. Memb ers of other
clan s who have taken the Differen t Schoo l feat and applied it
to the Scorpion may also learn these abili ties. The normal
courtier abilities are still available for Sco rpion co urt ie rs.
Shallow Waters (Ex): No secrets re main h id de n to a
skilled Scorpion court ier. By conversing with an individual
for one min ute, the court ier can make a Sense Motive check
oppose d by the target 's Bluff, Intimidate , or Diplomacy
(target's cho ice, depending on how they wish to react to the
courtier ). If th is chec k is successful, the courtier can learn any
one of th e following abo u t his ta rget : Hon o r, align men t,
character level, anyone saving th row bonu s, or anyone ability
sco re . Any effects tha t co nceal or confuse th e readi ng of
Honor or alignm ent (such as the Perce ived Hon or feat or
undetectable alignment) obfuscat e the info rma tion obtaine d.
Scrutiny's Sweet Sting (Ex): A Scorpio n swiftly learn s th e
vanitie s and weaknesses of tho se around him , and kn ows best
how to exploit them. If the cour tier spends at least an hour in
a social setting with a spe cific individual (not n ecessarily
speaking to them, but at least observing them ) he gains a ++
bonus on all Dip lo macy , Gat he r Informat ion , In tim idat e,
Bluff, Spot , and Listen chec ks pe rtai ning to that indivi dual.
This bonus last s fo r o ne mo nth, an d can be rene wed by
spe ndi ng ano ther hour wit h the target in a social environ-
ment. Th is ability may be selected twice, providing a +8 total
bon us. (Fellow mem bers in a player cha racter's party almost
always qualify as targets of this ability.)
No Mo re Ma sks (Ex): A true master can fractu re an oppo-
n ent 's will with nothin g more tha n a well placed wo rd .
As a stan dard action, the co urtier may insult an opponent.
The target mu st make a w ill save (DC 10 + half th e courtier's
level + the courtier's Charisma modifier). If the co urtier is
successful, the target suffers t d+ temp orary Wisdom damage.
Th is ability may be used a number of times per day equal to
the courtier's Charis ma modifie r +3. A target can be redu ced
to zero Wi sdom wit h this abi lity, becomi ng so co mplete ly
unhinged th at they fall into a catato nic stu por: th e work of a
tru e Bayushi master.This ability may be taken multiple times,
gra n ti ng an extra n umber of uses pe r day eq ual to the
courtier's Charisma modifier +3 each time.
"I did notfind that unusual;' Tanejisaid. "Standard practice for an
unexpected visitor. No doubt he is in conference with his advisors at
this very moment, hoping to determine the reason for our presence. TK~
Meanwhile, I have no doubt that his servants are listening to us,
hoping we will revealsomething ofour purpose here."
Hatori looked at Taneji in mild amusement. He knewTaneji had BAYUSKI
little loveforScorpion,and took a quiet joy in annoying them. To his
surprise, the shoji screen slid open and Yojiro stepped into the room.
The old Master of Secrets settled wearily into the seat at the head
of the table, groaning as his joints popped. The Bayu shi family controls the most land and the greatest
"It has been som e time, Hatori-sun ," Yojiro said, regarding the share of arable farmland in the Scorpion provin ces. However,
shisha calmly from behind his mask."w hat brings you to Kyuden it also falls to them to guard the southern border against
Bayushi?" the Crane without benefit of th e mountainous terrain that
"Truth to tell, it was nostalgia;' Hatori replied. "As there was no protect s mo st other Scorpion borders. Fortunately, battles
Winter Court this year, I missed our conversations. I was hoping to between the Scorpion and Crane traditionally take place in
catch up on what has transpired in Scorpion lands in the last year." the courts, not on the battlefield, but the Bayushi samurai
"Really?" Yojiro asked archly. "And why would you saythat? Of all patrol these land s vigilantly nonetheless.
the Great Clans, the Scorpion is perhaps the only one not at conflict Bayushi lands are rich in natural resources, giving the
with its fellows. Only the Mantis have reason to seek vengeance upon family a great deal of wealth to call upon to secure favors with
us, and they are currently occupied with theirown internal struggles. other families. Their larg est exp ort is rice, for the Bayu shi
The Scorpion are at peace." rypically grow far more than is required to sustain their own
"I have already visited the Mantis Clan, as you are no doubt population. They also make a fair amount of profit dealing in
aware;' Hatori said. poppies for use in medicinal opium.
Yojiro nodded slowly. "w ell, you are certainly welcome here,"
Yoj iro said. "Far be it fro m me to deny hospitality to the honored
representative of the Imperial Houses. Simply let me know what you
wish to see, and when, and I will arrange for your escort." Ii\AJO~ BAYUSHI
"You may find that inconvenient," Hatori said with a chuckle.
"Our journey here was somewhat on impulse. We have no true plan
for where we intend to go, or when, and I would hate to bother you
with constnn! updates as to our location."
The Bayushi are a rich family, and they guard their wealth well.
"It is no botherat all," Yoj iro said firmly. "If you have no itinerary
The Bayushi's major holdings are siruated in easily defensible
in mind, then I will arrange one for you."
areas and are defended by elite Bayushi bushi. In addition, the
"That is not necessary," Hatori said. "I can prevent myself fro m
Scorpion often draw upon favors from the Imperial Families
getting lost."
to supplement th eir own troops wi th Seppun miharu and
"I imist;' Yojiro replied. "For your own protection."
Imper ial Legionnaire s. It is not unusual to see Doji Legion-
"I thought you said that these lands were at peace," Taneji
naires bound by the ir honor to prote ct th e Bayushi's property.
"And they are," Yojiro said calmly. "Were you a Scorpion, they It is a situation that the Bayushi cannot help but view with great
amusem ent (in fac t, the Bayu shi occa siona lly specifica lly
would be quite safe. Sadly, not all Scorpion are as courteous toward
arrange for such appointment s).
visitors as those of my household. I would hate for you to wander
somewhere that you are not welcome. Yo u will, of course, accept my
itinerary and an honor guard of my finest samurai. You will go I{YV.,En BAYVSHI
where I wish you to go when I tell you go there. You will see U.OCATIOn 510)
what I allow you to see when I allow it. All in return for my Th e hom e of the Sco rpion lord s is amo ng the mo st
hospitality." Yoji ro's voice was polite but firm. It was clear that he magn ificent palaces in Rokugan. The massive palace per ches
would tolerate little argument. on a high plateau , dominating th e surrounding countryside.
"Of course," Hatori said, watching the Master of Secrets warily. The castle is extremely well fortified, and has been attacked
"How could I refuse such a generous offer, Yojiro-sama?" only a hand fu l of times in eleven cen turies. It stands at th e
crossroads of several major highways and is thus a center for
trade and co mmerce. Visitors are welcom e, an d are treated
with th e fines t of Scorpion hospitality (especially if the y are
influential samurai or have come to trade with th e clan).
Following the Scorpion Clan Coup, the Imperial Legion s
burned Kyuden Bayu sh i. The Sco rpio n mad e no effort
to defend it. In stead , th ey fled int o th e for ests or into the
undiscovered hidden basements bene ath the castle. When the
clan was full y rein stated , the y began rebuilding the palac e
exactly as it was, a proce ss that was somewhat delayed by their
exile to the Burn ing Sands.
Today Kyuden Bayushi stan ds as grand and proud as ever.
To look upon it one would never know that it was rendered
into splinters and ash not thirty years ago.
Kyuden Bayushi is surro unded by a great maze, a maste rpiece
of e ng inee ri ng de signe d in pa rt by Kai u wh o owe d t he
Bayushi favors, but modified in th e intervening years so th at
only the Bayushi kn ow its secrets. Many pat hway s actu ally
sh ift as peop le pass throu gh , an d th e wall s are carefull y
design ed to disorie nt and confuse visitors.
Duri ng times of peace , visitors to the palace are invited to
test th eir cun n ing by fi n di ng their own way thro ug h the
maze. Sin ce it cha nge s reg ularly, th ere is no single reliabl e
path to t he cas tle . Th e guards th at te nd the lab y rinth
do becom e fami liar with the sh ifting passages after years of
wandering th em, and can guide any person wh o does not wish
to challenge the maze to the castle proper.
In time of war, th e guards ca n ac tivate the lab yrint h's
deadly traps with a simple flick of a switch . Spiked deadfalls,
explosive magical wards, and crus h ing walls are on ly a few
weapon s th at th e labyrinth brings to bear.

A"v~nTV~~ HOOK
Challenge: In the court of Kyud en Bayushi resides a young
sam u rai-ko, Bayush i M asae. Besid es h aving an indirect
re lat ion to th e ruling h ou se of Bayu shi , Ma sae is cl ever,
beau tiful , an d tal ented, and ha s caugh t th e eye of severa l
visiting diplomats seeking a political marriage .
Focus: Masae's father has given her leave to choose her own
hu sband, so long as th e cho ice bene fits th e clan. She has th ere-
fore announced an op en challenge. In th e morning , all her
prospective su ito rs will gathe r in Bayu sh i's Lab yrinth .
The first to find his way to the exit will win her hand. If the
player characters are not interested in the prize , perh aps their
lord will ask them to participate on his behalf.
Strike: Among her many suito rs is a ruthless Shos uro
samur ai who has somehow obtaine d a map of the Labyrinth's
current config uration. He has sec retly activated th e deadly
traps that guard th e maze. He knows how to avoid them, but
he plans to scrape him self up just enough to avoid suspicion.
In the meantim e, the other suito rs (incl u din g the player
characters) may well be walking into a deathtrap.

sJ,.~~?mG J,.AK~
H idden ben eath Kyuden Bayushi , thi s lake is whe re Bayushi
departed th e mortal realm. At th e end of the War Against the
Darknes s, both Bayush i Kach iko and th e Shadow-corrupted
Shos u ro also ca me to th is cave rn , wh ere Bayushi's sp irit
combine d th eir souls and brought them peace. This lake is, in
fact, a passage to Meido , the Realm of th e Dead. In truth,
Bayushi never truly died , but retreated to thi s gloomy realm to
watch over his clan and wait for th e day th at Sho suro would
retu rn to him . Bayushi dwells simultaneously in both realms ,
tho ugh his phy sical presence has remained in Meido so long
that he no long er has solid form in the mortal realm . He some-
times manifests above th e lake to see how his descendants are
fari ng , appe aring as a terrifying spectral vis age. Bayu shi's
wisdom is nevertheless great , and those who chance to meet
him here would be advised to heed his word s.

This stand of trees is but a short walk south of Kyuden Bayushi.
The trees here never bear leaves or fruit ; instead the discarded
weapon s, arm or, and masks of countless samurai hang from
th eir limb s. Thi s is Traitor's Grove, Hayashi no Urag irimono,
the fate of tho se who would betray the Scorpion.
Traitors to the clan are brought here and, in a painful ritual BA.YV5HI KAWAli\V~
known on ly to the Sco rp ion, the ir so uls are permanently [Sh ugenja 8 ; Soshi Shugenja 3]
embedded in a tree. As the trees grow, th e bark cuts th rou gh She is often called "the ghost of Traitor's Grove ." She is
the traitor's imprisoned soul. The wi nd carries the painful a silent, eerie presence, moving abo ut her duties, never speak-
mo an s of these trapped souls; combine d with th e chimes of ing to or acknowledging anyone . Her mask is an
discard ed possession s, Traito r's Grove is always h aunted by expressionless face of pure silver, a dagger painted on its fore-
a strange, mo urnful song . head to symbolize the sacred knife that transfers traitorous
Traitor's Grove is ten ded by a sing le sh ugenja. W hile some spirits into the trees in the grove. She has lived in the forest for
believe hi s dut y is to guard th e priceless weapo ns th at ha ng twenty years, never venturing beyond the grove.
fro m t h e trees, this is not so. An y wh o would stea l fro m Kawam ura is a rarity - a shugenja from the Bayushi family.
Traitor 's Grove risk the curses of th e Bayu shi family; only th e Her family h ave traditionally been the guardians ofTraitor's
most fooli sh atte m p t g ra ve robbery h ere. In fact, the Grove, an honor that others might not envy but that she takes
sh ug enja's true purpose is no t to act as guar dian, bu t to tend · very seriously. As the eldest child of her family, she wa s
th e tr ees - to k eep th em h ealth y an d strong so that their chosen as the guardian. She will take no husband and bear
captive souls will nev er escape. no children; Traitor's Grove is no place to raise a family. When
she passes on, h er duties will pass to her nephew, Hoitsu.
Kawamu ra goes about tending the grove without pride
or sorrow. Decades here have stripped her of all emotion.
She is boun d eternally to the trees just as the spirits of the
dead are , and in the night sh e hears them whisper their
Occasionally, Bayushi Yojiro vi sit s Traitor's Grove and
Kawamura emerges to speak with him. At these times she
shares with the Master of Secrets what she has seen and heard
here. This is the only time Kawamura is known to speak;
she will speak to no one but the true Scorpion Champion.

(LOCATiOn 51'1)
This high-altitude village has a cool climate, and receives
the first frost earlier than any other place in Bayushi lands.
As winters in Rokugan can be extremely harsh, the sigh t of
frost in Shimomura always sends a shockwave throughout the
lan ds as messengers scramble to alert neighboring villages to
the coming frost .
Frost Village is a major holding for the Bayushi , for it is near
the most fertile farmlands and thickest forests .The road from
Shimornura to Kyuden Bayushi is well tended and carefully
guarded while the peasants carry the fruits of their labor to
their samurai lords .

BA.YV5HI ~.YOJ <iVA~"IAn Of' 5H 1 1i\01i\V~A

[Sam urai 9; Bayushi Bushi 3]
Recently appointed as steward of Shimomura, Bayushi Ryo
is a bitter man. Once he was yojimbo to an important cour tier
in Otosan Uchi. During Daigotsus invasion of the capital city,
his charge was killed by a shard of flying plaster. Dejected and
horrified, Ryo planned to commit seppuku to follow hi s
master, but was forbidden . He had not truly failed , so hi s
death would serve no purpose. In stead , he was ordered to
return to Kyuden Bayushi and receive a new assignment.
And so now he is here , guarding farmers and lumberjacks.
He wo uld have gladly accepted a po st on the front lines.
He would have embraced gloriou s death to expunge the
shame of his failure. Instead he is now a tax collector,
a protector of rice and wood. Ryo looks to the south, the Crane
lands, and prays that some day he will see an arm y marching
toward him so that he can bleed his sh ame away.
li\lno~ BAYUSHI The village of Sh utai (Location S13) lies at th e en d of a little -

HOLDinGS tr avel ed back wate r roa d, all but forgo tte n by everyone
but Imperial cartographe rs. There is little here to interest th e
visit or. Th e surro und ing farms usua lly pro d uce enoug h to
feed the village population , and th e village is nestled in a low
valley wit h its back to th e River of Gold. Most of the trade that
HOTEl SEIDO passes through Shutai comes an d goes by rive r. A few small
The shrine to th e Fortu ne Hotei (Location S12 ) lies in a
docks reach into the waters, but nothi ng that would spark the
beau tiful mountain land scape above th e placid waters of Aka
inte rest of any river barge captain or passing traveler.
Mizu-Umi (location SS in Ronugan; location UU in th e Game
This is precisely how the village's band its wan t th ings. It is
Master's Guide). The lake has a violent history, but the monks
a poorly kept secret th at mo st ronin bandits who opera te in
who care fo r th e great shrine overlook th at unfo rt un at e
the surro unding areas make their base in Sh utai. Fortunately
circu mstance.The lake is most often painted red not by blood,
for th em , th ey are so far removed from Rokugan's ric he st
but by th e rising and setting sun. O n calm days th e lake is a
land s that magistrates pay them no hee d.These ban dits live by
flawless mirror, reflect ing th e summits of the surrounding
preying upon river traffic and by setting up ambushes along
mount ains and everlasting blu e sky above.
th e ro ads to Kyuden Bayu sh i. They strike and t he n flee to
The mo nks here are largely retire d samurai who have taken
thei r haven in the village of Sh utai. They keep a shallow-draft
reli gious vows. Un like som e at other tem pl es, they do not
riverbo at in a secret cove a few miles from th e village , with
believe eve ry minute should be spent in meditat ion . They
wh ich they raid pa ssing river traffic and nearby villages.
prefer to spend time seeking enlighte nment through artistic
All the river villages with thirty mil es of Sh utai pay th e pirates
expression, and have th eir area's incredible natural beauty to
tri bute , though t h e band it s are careful n ever to pr ey on
work with . The shrine is dom inated by a huge torii arch with
villages or boats prot ected by Scorp ion bush i.
footings resting in th e lake's waters down the mountainside
A man named Ichi bei leads these band its. His fath er was a
from the temple.
ron in in Totu ri 's Arm y, an d whe n Toturi ascended to th e
Ostensibly, thi s shrine lies within Bayushi provinces, but
throne, Ich ibei' s fathe r fel t betra yed. As the Black Ronin,
since it is exempt from taxes by Imperial decree, th e Scorpion
Totu ri had stoo d for some thi ng, but as Akodo Totu ri, he was
larg ely ignore it. Man y retired samurai wh o co me he re are
ju st another arrogant samura i taking what he did not deserve.
former Bayushi , so it has many ties of blood to the Scorp ion
Ichib eis fathe r lived the life of a band it, and sired Ichibei with
clan . In fact , one reaso n the sh rin e an d temple may have
a prostitute from Ryoko Owari. He took Ichibel with him to
su rvived th e Scorpion clan purge after th e Clan War was its
raise him as a warrior and a free man. He owes allegiance to no
distan ce from the Bayushi and the Scorp ion clan as a whole.
Emperor, to no clan , to no fami ly except th e mem ory of his
During that interregn um th e number of m onks here
fa th er, wh o died of an illn ess before Ic hi bei was twen ty.
in creased dra matically, to ret urn to normal agai n once the
Ichibei carries on hi s fath er's beliefs and way of life, preying
Scorpion Clan came out of hiding.
upon those unfortunate enough to cross his path .
The art produ ced by th e monks of Hotei Seido is among the
T h e bandits liv e with in the town prope r u nl ess the y
simplest and mos t profo un d in the Empire . Thei r simple ink
receive word from their network of peasant informant s that
paintings of birds and insects capt ure th e creat ures' essence,
magistrate s are inve stigat ing th e area, then retreating to their
rivaling the Kakita artisans' work. En chanting ha iku both
hideout a few miles up river.Their haven is an abandone d mill
playful and profound, sublim e garde ns are also passionate
that fell in to di su se over a century ago. Fro m the ou tside ,
works of the H otei monks.
th e mill appe ars to be about to collapse, but that is a deception.
The bandit gang has carefully rep aire d the roo f and walls.
IZO The mill is also well suited for defense. The walls are stone,
[Monk 5/Samurai 5; Monk 2/Bayushi Bus hi 2] with narrow windows, and th e door is thic k, heavy wood wit h
The maste r of th e H otei Sei do is a monk k nown as Izo . a bolt on th e in side. Th e band it s' riv erboat usually rest s
In his younger days he was a typic al Bayushi warrio r: ade pt, moored in side the lean-to boath ou se on the side of th e mil L
agile, and rut hless. His life was torn apart by his clan's exile to
th e Burning San ds, for he h ad been engaged to a bea utiful
Iuch i gi rl who m h e loved very much. He we nt wi th the
[Figh ter 8; True Ronin 3]
Bayushi to th e lands beyond the Burning Sands. He saw the
Ichibei is a hard man, with a bod y and face crisscrossed by
barbarian trib es of that terr ible yet wondrous place. He saw
th e scars of h is vio len t life. He dr esses in roug h clothes of
mu ch of th e world, bu t in all his travels he wanted nothing
woven hemp, and carries a massive ono as his favored weapon.
more than to re turn to h is homeland, perhaps to see on ce
He cares lit tle for anyo ne exce pt h im self, but he does hold
agai n th e lovel y bride h e h ad lost. He search ed for he r,
a modicum of lo yalt y to ward th e m en wh o fo llo w h im .
but ne ver saw h er agai n , nor co uld he asce rtain h er fat e.
His loyalty to them, how ever, falls far short of any dang er to
She van ished durin g the War Agains t the Shadow, never to be
himself He would leave th em beh ind in a heartbeat to save
seen again.
his own life.
Now he is growi ng old, preparing him self for his next life.
He disdains tho se wh o live with in th e bounds of conven-
He spe nds his days studyi ng th e Tao, pr acticing kata by the
tional Rokugani socie ty. He is a true ronin, and a tru e rebeL
lakesh or e in th e early dawn, and writing poetry about th e
He loves the comforts and luxu ries gaine d by his own efforts.
vicissitudes of life, the changing seasons, and pang s of regret
Th e strong enjoy the fruits of th e weak.
for those he lost as a young man. H is poetry rivals that of any
Kakita , and he is some time s invited to th e Scorpion court
to read his poetry and invoke Hot ei's bene volen ce.
A"ln~nTV~£ HOOK. Though he ne ver sough t pe rsonal glory, it was Yojiro's
Challenge: A pea sant girl from a nearby village ha s run de stiny to h ave gr eat respon sibilities p us hed upon h im.
away from th e poverry of her famil y home. No one in the vil- At Shoj us com man d, he allowed the Empire to thi nk th at he
lage knows where she might have gone. she did leave a letter had abandoned hi s cl an durin g th e Scorpion Cla n Co up.
for her parents, statin g that she is running away because she He did so on ce again during h is clan's exile during th e War
has fallen in love with a man who will not sell her to a geisha Against the Sh adow, h iding in the Empire when all other
house. Scorpion were comm ande d to leave on pain of death .
Focus: If pressed , th e girl's father admits that he ha s Near the en d of the War Again st the Shadow, in a move that
discu ssed sell ing hi s daughter to a gei sha house in Ryoko shocked many within the clan, Kach iko na me d Yojiro her heir
Owari. Th e girl is pr et ty and grac eful , an d would make a fine as Scorpion Cha mpion. Shortly thereafter, she disappeared .
geish a, an d hi s family is so desperately poor that the y cannot Th ough th e Sco rpion were rel uct ant to follow a notorio us
feed everyone . Her father deeply regrets that she found out . j u ns h in , th e truth ab out Yojiro's lon g service to t he cla n
Right now, he knows it was all a terrible mi stake, and he wants becam e cle ar. Fo r yea rs h e had feigne d d isl oyalty to the
his daughter safe ly returned. A few da ys before the girl's Scorpion to protect the clan's ancestral sword Itsuwari, wh ich
disapp earance, Ichibei and hi s bandit gang cam e to demand otherwise would h ave been destroyed by the clan's ene mies.
tribute from the village headman, and the girl witnessed the At Shojus com mand he had agreed to becom e an exile within
exch an ge. Her mother noticed that the girl had been acting a clan of exiles, an d at Kachiko's command he hid in the shadows
unusual afterward, asking many questions about the bandits. at the risk of hi s own life and honor. Yojiro h ad surv ived for
Strike: Th e girl fell in love with Ichibeis fiery demeanor years surr oun ded by enemies and cons idere d a tra itor by h is
an d devil-may-care attitude. Ichibei noticed her as well; brethren. Who was more qualified to lead th e Scorpion?
she is quit e pretty, after all. Knowing that his gang is known to During the Battle of Oblivion 's Gate h e firs t donned the
freque nt th e village of Shutai, she fled there, hoping to meet fear some mask and massive armor that becam e h is trade mar k.
Ich ibe i an d offe r herself to him. Ichibei's response was not At the time, he gave no thought to in tim idating hi s ene m ies
wha t she expec ted. He amused himself with her for a couple or serving as an example to hi s fellow Scorpion. Simply put,
of days, then de cided sh e would fetch a handsome price at he lacked con fidence in hi s m artial abilities (h e had little
a geisha h ou se in Ryoko Owari. He is currently holding her battlefield experience at th e tim e) and wished only to make
captive un til h e accum ulates enough stolen goods to fen ce in certain th at he did n ot die in th e battl e, leavin g th e Scorpi on
Ryoko Owari. The n he plans to take her with him and sell her lead erl ess. During th e Grea t Clan s' race tow ard Volt urnum
to the hi gh est bidd er. Now th at she knows what kind of man he proved h is me ttle , leading th e Scorpion armies to victo ry
Ichibei really is, she wan ts nothing more th an to go home and aga inst a force of ogre s fo ur times as large as hi s own.
beg her father's forgiven ess. Afterward it seemed non e wo uld question Yojiro's right to rule
his clan again .
Over th e nex t few decades, Yojiro became one of the m ost
feared daimyo in Roku gan . Un der h is guidance, the Scorpion

IIi\?O;tTATlT dom inated the co urts, oversha do wi ng their Crane riva ls.
H is ma nipu lat ions were essentia l to Toturi's success in th e
War of Spi rits, leading the sp iri t ar mies to th eir crus hi ng

BAYUSIiI defeat in Beiden Pass. He form ed a n etwork of loyal ninja led

by Sh osuro Yudoka, wh o not only refused to dr aw upon th e
lingering power of Nothing but aggressively hu nt ed survivi ng

Tl?CS Goju. He forge d a secret alliance with Matsu Nimuro, keeping

peace wi th th e Sco rpion's most aggres sive n eighbors. Yojiro
ca me to enjoy h is ro le as M ast e r of Se crets, and quie tly
relished th e power he wielded as Scorpion Champion.
BAYUSHI YOjl:aO When h e di scover ed th e existence of a group call ed the
1i\AST~:a Of' S~C~~TS Sha do we d Tower, his confidence wa s sh att e red. He h ad
th ough t his clan unified, un swerving in th eir loyalty. In stead
The Master of Secre ts is a legen d amo ng the Scorpion.Th ough
h e discovered a conspiracy ben t on h is per sonal downfall,
few rem emb er his tru e face , n one w ho ha ve m et Bayu sh i
led by one of h is mos t trusted advisors. Yojiro realized that this
Yojiro can forget his smooth, comm an ding voice and intimi-
was hi s truest test - if th e Shadowed Tower h ad dedicated
dating presen ce. When ever he appe ars in public Yojiro always
the mselves to h is down fall, then he would present th em with
wears heavy armor and a frigh teni ng dem on mempo.Tho ugh
a new ene my, an ene my the y did not know so well . Worki ng
ma ny say th is is do ne to frig hten hi s ene mies, th e truth is that
with Yogo Koji and Sho suro Yudoka, Yojiro helped Bayushi
he does so to set an example for hi s own clan. Yojiro ha s always
Sune tra undergo the tra in ing she would require to tak e hi s
bel ieved that th e Scorpi on are , fir st an d forem ost, a clan of
pl ace not only as Master of Secret s an d Scorp ion Champion,
warri ors. When he appears, he look s th e part.
but as Bayushi Yojiro.
Bayu shi Yoji ro h as few regret s. Cri ticiz ed for hi s juns h in
At almo st sixty years old , Yojiro h as accepted that he is no
(honorable) natur e early in hi s life, he was often ch ided as an
lon ger th e man he once was. Hi s mind is as sh arp as ever, bu t
"ho nes t" Scorp ion. He did not wear a mask, using only a high-
hi s body bet rays h im. Hi s heavy armor makes h is bones ache.
nec ked collar to conceal hi s lower face as a nod to clan tradi -
Hi s dem on mask causes hi m to sweat an d breath e heavil y if h e
tion. Rising to a posi tion as a magistrate , mo st thought tha t
wears it for too long. Though h e enjoyed hi s reign, h e ha s
suc h an hone st an d trusting person co u ld h ardly hope
com e to accept that hi s time as Champion as done .Th ough he
to progress further in the Clan of Secrets. However, Yojiro's
is secretly re ti re d , h e h as co n ti n ued to serve, m onitorin g
keen mind and unswerving loyalty did not go unnoticed by
Sunetra from a hidde n monastery near Kyuden Bayushi,
Scorpion Champion Bayushi Shoju .
comm unicating directly through Shosuro Yudoka.
Occasionally, when the new Ch ampion must appear as BA YVSHI YOj'I~O
herself, Yojiro ventures forth and fulfills hi s old role once Male human Scorpion , Samurai 5 / Courtier 5/ Emerald
more . Ironic ally, he must be cautious; he is no longer the true Magistrate 9: CR 19; Medium-size humanoid (human); HD
Scorpion Champion, and many wards (including the Cham ber 5dl 0+5 plu s 5d6+5 plu s 9d8 +9j hp 138j ln it: +5j Spd 20 ft. j
of Sword s) no longer react appropriately to hi s pre sence. Ark +5 keen katana of speed +18/+13/+8 melee, i dio-s damage;
He mu st be wa ry at all times lest he acci dentally ma ke a AC 25 (touch 11 , flat-footed 24); SQ Ances tral Daish o, Class
mistake and expose hi s grand illu sion. Ironically, he fin ds Skill- Diplomacy (family bonus), Courtie r Ability (Eyes See
the se missions - walking about disguised as himself- quite the Heart), Emperor's Seal, Gossip, In His Name, Strength of
th rilling. After years of ruling Kyuden Bayushi as Master of Purpose +8, Saiba n ka n's Method, Sty le and Grace, Talent ,
Secret s, he is finall y faced with a challenge once more . Wealth; Honor 2; AL LG; SV Fort +13, Ref +14, will +22;
Str 11, Dex 7 (13), Con 12, Inr 20, W is 18, Cha 18 (22);
Maximum Void: 2; Height: 5 ft. 6 in. (Note: these statistics take
YOJT~O·S li\ASI{ into account penalties and bonu ses for Yojiro's advance d age.)
(UnlaU~ n~li\U~AnAI) skills and Fea ts: Speak Lang uage (Ashalan, High Rokugani,
Though Yojiro wore no true mask for much of his Mekhem, Rokugani, Senpe t), Battle +14, Bluff +32 (+28 to feint),
early career, h e adopted a fearsome demonic mempo Decipher Script +13, Diplomacy +47, Gather Information +32,
up on his ascension to his position as Scorpion Clan Hide +6, Iaijutsu Focu s +14, Innuendo +34 (se n d) +28
Ch a m p io n . He has never changed this mask and (receive), Intimidate +34, Knowled ge (etique tte) +13,
seldom appears without it, to the point that most who Knowled ge (law) +20, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +13,
know him recognize him only by the mask. In a very Lis te n +14, Move Sil en tly +6, Read Lips +13, Ride +6,
real way, the mask has become Yojiro's true face . Search +27, Sen se Motive +26, Spo t +28; Alertness, Armor
Thus, it is no surprise that the mask has gained the Proficiency (heavy), Bayu sh i's Technique (X2), Iron Will,
properties of a senzo, a spontaneously enchanted Leadership, Pincers and Tail, Pin cer s Hold the Tail Strikes,
nemuranai. Though the mask has been passed on to Political Maneuvering, Versatile (Bluff, Innuendo), Void Use,
Bayushi Sunetra, it yet carries great power due to Way of the Scorpion.
Yojiro's legendary tenure as Master of Secrets. Possessions: +5 great annor of shadow and silent moves, +5 keen
When worn by anyone other than the true Scorpion katana of speed (ancestral daisho ), cloak of charisma +4, courtier's
Champion, the mask has no magical abilities. obi, gloves of dexterity +6, haori of resistance +5, periapt of proof
against poison, ring of protection +2.
0 20 SY ST E m :
Yojiro's mask is a minor artifact with the standard BAYVSHI YOj'I;lO
abilities of a senzo (see Magic of Rokugan, page 58). Earth: 3
The person who wears the mask gains a +10 bonus to Water : 3
all Charisma- and Wisdom-related skill checks. Fire: 5
In addition, he gains a special immunity to divination Air : 6
spells. Whenever such a spell targets the wearer, he is Void: 4
immediately aware of the attempt and may choose to Sch ool/Rank: Bayushi Courtier 4 / Bayushi Bushi 3
render himself immune or to confuse the results as Dojo: None
he pleases. H on or: 2.8
For example, a detect thoughts spell targeting an Glory: 9.5
individual wearing Yojiro's mask would instantly alert Advantages: Allies (Lion Clan), Benten's Blessing , Read Lips,
the wearer that someone was attempting to read his Voice
thoughts (though it would not reveal who). The Disadvantages: [unshin, Reputation (Honest), Soft-He arted ,
wearer could force the spell to fail outright, or he Unluck (3 point s)
could deceive the caster into believing the spell Skills: Battle 4, Courtier 9, Diplomacy 5, Etiquette 8, Gossip 6,
succeeded, creating false surface thoughts to be read Horsemanship 2, Iaijutsu 4, Investigation 6, Katana 5,
by the spellcaster. Kuenai 7, Law 5, Poison 4, Seduc tion 6, Sincerity 8

J.S;l ;li'(i 2 £: BAYUSHI SUn~T~AJ

Yojiro's mask is a powerful nemuranai that grants
its wearer prodigious courtly skill. The person
scoan on CLAn CH Ali\i'lon
Hantei Naseru ha s called Sunetra "everyth in g a Sco rpion
who wears the mask gains four Free Raises on all sho uld be." She is clever, in quisi tive , manipulative , witty,
Awareness- and Perception-related rolls. In addition, beautiful, an d deadly. Though she doe s not have great fame
he gains a special immunity to divination spells. within her clan, that is to her advant age. She is th e perfect spy,
Any spells that would divine information about the and the Scorpion lords often call upon her when all else has
mask's wearer are automatically detected , and can failed. She has overcome many of her clan's enemies with her
either be canceled or confused as the wearer wishes. sword, but has defea te d many more with her poi se , grac e,
For example, a Secrets on the Wind spell targets the and ice-blue eyes.
individual wearing Yojiro's mask. The wearer can force Whe n the Scorpion Clan was exiled to the Burning Sand s,
the spell to fail outright, or he can deceive the caster man y of their children remained behind, to be cared for by
into believing the spell succeeded , creating a false the Crane. The Scorpion were never expe cted to return, and
conversation overheard by the magic. the Crane brought up the children as members of the clan ,
teach in g them t hat their par ents h ad been tra itors and
cri m ina ls. When the Scorpion did co me ba ck , Kachi ko BA YUSH I SUn£T~
offered to return the "favor" th e Crane had done by adopting Female human Scorpion, Sam u rai S/Courtier 4: CR 12;
several Crane ch ildren . Th e Cran e reluctantly agreed, but Medium-size humanoid (h uman); HD Sdl0+8 plus 4d6+4;
selected children from the least important Crane families. hp 99; [nit: +7; Spd 20 It.; Atk Churetsu (+5 uorpal katana of
These chil dren wer e, in turn, trained in the Scorpion ways. speed) +17/+ 17/+ 12 mele e, rdro- s damage; AC 21 (touch 12,
Upon their gempukku th ey were given the choice to return to flat-footed 19); SQAncestral Daisho, Class Skill - Diplomacy
the Crane or to swear fealty to their adopted parents. (family bonus), Courtier Ability (Your Life is Mine), Gossip,
Su n et ra, an ad opted Daidoj i ch ild, ch os e to remain in Style and Grace, Talent , Wealth; Honor 2; AL LG; SV Fort +8,
the Scorpio n Clan. She had littl e waiting for her at home. Her Ref+7,will +12; Str 15, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 18;
paren ts had been slain in th e War of Spiri ts. Her fam ily's Maximum Void: 2; Height: 5 ft. 1 in.
Crane hold ings were nearly non existent. Her brother barely Dojo: Dojo of th e Red Crane. Kata: Strik ing as Fire, Striki ng
remembered her , fo r he had left to join the Crane armies . as Wind
whe n she was very young and they had never written to each skills and Feats: Speak Language (High Rokugani , Mekh em,
other. Sune tra saw great er potential for advancement in th e Rokugani, Senpet), Bluff +33 (+29 to feint), Diplomacy +38,
Scorpion, so she did not regret her choice. She did, however, Disgui se +35, Gather Information +26, Hide +24, Innue ndo
fi n d it ver y in te res ting when her brother Ha chi be cam e +26 (sen d) +18 (receive) , Intimidate +35, Knowled ge
daim yo of th e Yasuki fam ily. Sunetra was adopted by th e (etiquette) +5, Knowledge (n obility and royalt y) +5, Move
Bayu sh i an d raised by th e mo st prominent members of Silently +24, Perform +22, Sense Motive +25; Ar mo r
th at esteemed family. Even Bayushi Yojiro had a hand in her Proficiency (heavy), Bayu shi 's Maste ry (courtier), Bayushi's
teachings, an d h er skill an d intellect soon won her an Technique , Iron W ill , Pin cers and Tail , Versatile (Bluff,
appointment to Otosan Uchi. Disguise ), Versatile (H ide, Move Silently), Void Use, Way of
s hortly after her arrival in the Imperial City, Hantei Naseru the Scorpion.
notic ed h e r abil ity. He offere d her a position as a spy, Possessions: +2 shadow great armor of silent moves, Churetsu
in formant, an d me ssenger fo r him. Bayushi Yojiro saw the (see introduction), courtier's obi, gloves of dexterity +2, haori of
obvious advantage in having a Scorpion agent aiding the son charisma +2, Yojiro's Mask(unique item, see sidebar).
ofToturi , and gave Sunetra free rein to aid him so long as no
harm came to the Scorpion.
Sune tra's first important missi on for Naseru came during
the Test of the Eme rald Champion . Fea rin g th at a st rong Earth: 3
Emerald Cha mpi on co ul d complicate the struggle for the Water : 4
th ron e, Naseru wanted to insure th at the tournament winner Fire: 4
would appear weak and ineffe ctive. Sune tra arranged matt ers Air: 4
so that Bayushi Kwanchai would make it to th e semifinals and Void : 3
inj ure Shi ba Aikune, hi s oppon en t. As o n ly Sco rp ion School/Rank: Bayushi Bushi 3/ Bayushi Courtier 1
sh ugenja h ad been granted pe rm ission to preside over the Dojo: Dojo of th e Red Crane
tourna ment's religious ceremonies, Aikune was disqualified Honor : 2.8
when a Ph oenix sh uge nj a m agicall y healed h is inj ury. Glory: 9.5
The res ult wa s that Yasuki H ach i - Su net ra's brother - Advantages : Dangerous Beauty, Heartless, Kharmic Tie
became Emerald Champion. Sune tra found the tu rn of event s (Yasuki Ichi bei)
am us ing, eve n more so because h er elder brother d id not Disadvantages: Dar k Secret (Cran e Blood), Fascina tion
recognize her in her identity as a Scorpion. (Hantei Naseru),
When the tim e came for Bayushi Yojiro to select a Scorpio n Sk ills : Acting 6, Defense 3, Diplomacy 4, Etiquette 4,
to replace h im as Champion, Bayushi Sune tra was his fir st Heraldry 3, Iaij utsu 2, Intimidation 6, Investigation 5,
cho ice. Th ough she had not been born a Scorpion, she had Kenjutsu 3, Kyujutsu 2, Poison 3, Shuriken 3, Sincerity 5,
chosen to be a Sco rp ion, and ha d embra ced their ways and Stealth 6,Tanto 3
ph ilosophy like no other. She was adept in th e arts of disguise Kata: Striking as Fire, Striking as Wind
an d m isd ir ection, an d had learn ed the co ur tl y ar ts from
Naseru him self. Though Sun etra was uncerta in if she could BAYUSHI I{ WAnCHAI
handle th e respon sibility, she co uld not den y Yojiro's call ,
and has settled un easily into her new role.
scoanon CLAn Ii\A:aTy:a
Bayushi Kwanchai 's name is known in all Scorpion Clan dojo,
Sunetra is burd ened by her new duties. She is un comfortable for his presen ce is feared in every one of th em. Kwanchai was
in Yojiros massive armor and fearsome mask; she does no t feel pro ud to gain entry to Ho nor's Lesson Dojo sh or tly after
lik e h ersel f. She do es not like the idea of so m an y lives his gempukku, th ough this event had mo re to do with th e
depending upon her, or of so many enemie s set to kn ock her influence of his un cle, Bayushi Kaukatsu, tha n any display of
from her place.Though she has not traditionally depend ed on talent.
oth ers , she fe els very alon e in h er n ew ro le . Yojiro, Koji, Sad ly, th e young sa mu rai seem ed impe rvious to Sos h i
Yudoka, and Han tei Naseru all kn ow her identity, bu t none of Tishis best atte mpts to ins truc t him in th e way of the sword,
th em ca n truly h elp her. Un til th e Sha do we d Towe r is laun ching into every training session with boundless passion
defeated she mu st rul e the Scorpion alone , from the shadows, bu t little skill. He was un cout h, rude, and often started brawls
and let none know wh o she is. Nonetheless, she is determ ined wit h ot he r students (brawls he generally lost). As oft en as
no t to fail. She m ight fin d it mildly iron ic that she and her not his reckless techniques injur ed hi mself or his opponent ,
broth er, two lowborn and forgo tte n Crane children, sho uld and Kwanchai was frequently berated for hi s clum siness and
com e to be th e Master of Sec re ts an d Eme rald Champ io n, stupidity.
but she has no tim e to dwell on irony.
Tishi grew impatient with Kwanchai, but fearing that to it that Kwanchai was accompanied by more levelhead ed
expel him would offend Kauk atsu, he instead gave Kwanchai agen ts. At the wedding of Ikoma Otemi and Shosuro Yasuko,
a courier mission deep within th e TWilight Mou ntains. He was Kwanchai came perilously close to challenging th e Emerald
to deliver a crystal mempo to the Oracle of Earth, a gift from Champion to an iaijutsu duel. Were it not for Sosh i Tish i's
the Soshi to than k th e Oracle for his aid in their hu nt for intervention, the peaceful ceremon y might ha ve di ssolv ed
a ma ho- tsukai wh o had been plagu in g th eir sout hern farm- into violence.
lands. The mi ssion would have been dan gerous even for th e W he n th e city of Ryoko Owari was recently attacked by two
most h ighl y t ra ine d st ude n ts of Honor 's Lesson . Tis hi Onisu, Kwanch ai was among th e first Scorpion heroes to fight
expected the ill- trained Kwan ch ai to di e, ridd ing Honor's them. During the ensuing battle Kwanchai was last see n
Lesson of an inco mpetent stu dent without bringing dish on or embracing the Onisu of Betrayal , laughing as they were both
to the dojo. co n su m ed in flame s, plumme ting from Moment 's Edge
Beyond all logic and reaso n, Kwanch ai survived. He some- Bridge to vanish into the Bay of Drowned Honor.
ho w avoi de d all co n tact with hostile Cr ab sa m u rai. Each day Kwanch ai's fellow Dar k Swor d stu dents sta nd at
He enc ou ntere d no Shadowlands creature s, restl ess gaki, or the bay's edge in quiet vigil , awai ting the day that Kwanchai
wandering beasts during his trek th rough the haunted mo un - will emerge from the water and step fo rward to lead th em
tain s. He arrived at the Tower of Vines in record time , disap- again. The studen ts do not mourn his loss, for the y kn ow th at
pointed at how boring hi s missio n was proving to be . a true student of the Dark Sword doe s not die so easily.
The Oracle of Earth greeted Kwan ch ai with rypical aloofness,
causing Kwanch ai to grumble, "W hen will I earn the resp ect BA.YUSHI KUlAnCHAI
I deserve?" Male human Scorpion, Samurai 3/Bitter Li es Swords-
Kwan chai had asked an O racle a que stion. The Elem ental man 5: CR 8; Med ium-size humanoid (h uman); H D 8d l 0+24j
Dragons' wisdom overcame the Oracle, and he gave Kwancha i hp 104j Init: +2; Spd 30 ft.; Atk +2 lrotana 12/ +7 melee, idr o- s
his answe r. He told him to journ ey to the western Shinomen damage ; AC 19 (t ouch 13 , fla t-foot e d 17); SQ An ce stral
fores t, wh er e he would find a small hut in the ruins of the Daisho, Clas s Skill - Diplomacy (family bonus); Honor t ;
Naga city Iyoti sha . Within it dwelled the sensei who would Al, CN j SV Fort +11, Ref +8, will +3j Str 13, Dex 14, Con 17, '
lead him to greatness. Int 8, Wi s 7, Ch a 18; Ma ximum Void: 2; Height: 5 ft. 2 in .
Kwan ch ai eagerly embarked upon thi s qu est, th ank ing the Dojo: Dojo of Bitter Lies. Kata: None.
Oracle with polite since rity for the first an d only tim e in his skills and Feats: Spea k Language (Rok ugan i), Climb +7,
life . After ma ny mon th s of searc h in g, Kwan ch ai found Escape Art ist +8, Iaiju tsu Focus +9, In timidate +15, Jump +7,
the sensei to whom he had been dir ect ed : Bayu sh i Tan ge n, Perform +15, Ride +7; Blind -Fight, Great Fortitude, Void Use,
th e so-called Failed Mar tyr, the crea tor of th e Dark Sword of Way of the Scorpion, Weapon Focus (katana).
Bitter Lies sty le of swords ma ns h ip. Kwan cha i had heard of Possessions: +2 ashigaru armor, +2 katana (ancestral daish o),
Tangen, and begged th e old sam urai to teac h him his secret amulet of natuml armor +1, haori ofresistance +1, ring ofprotection +1,
techn iques. vest ofescape.
Tangen refused. r,

After th e Scorpion's exile to the Burning Sands, Tangen had

become surly and bitter. He had realized that no matter what
Earth : 4
challenge he faced, no matter wh at foe he fought , he always
Water: 3
tri um phed, not th rough skill but through she er dumb lu ck.
Fire: 2
Wi th th is realization Tange n had ceased to fin d any joy in life.
Air: 4
The re were no more challe nges. The re was no more glo ry in
Void : 2
victory. Non etheless, Kwan cha i begg ed Tangen to teach him.
Sch oo l/R an k: Bayushi Bushi 2 / Bitter Lies Swo rdsman 1
After months of pestering, Tangen finall y agreed for reasons
Dojo: No ne
of h is own.
Honor: 1.3
Afte r th ree years in the Sh ino me n, Kwanchai returned to
Glory: 3.1
Ryok o O wari. He had abandoned the te ach ings of Honor's
Advant ages: Daredevil, Great Destiny, Luck (3 ranks)
Lesso n Dojo , adopting Tangen's unique sty le. Kwan chai's
Disadvantages: Antisocial (4 po in ts ), Bad Reput ati o n
return infuria ted Soshi Tishi, who had long sin ce assumed
(insane), Brash
th at he had died. Kwanchai's uncle, Kaukatsu , was strangely
Sk i lls: Ath letics 5, Defense 4, Horsem ans hi p 2, Iaiju tsu 4,
pl ea sed. Kaukatsu had h eard many tales about th e Failed
Intimidation 6 , Kenjutsu 5, Kyujutsu 4, Poison 3,
Martyr from h is father. Tangen was one of the most efficient
Sincerity 2, Stealth 1
pawn s the Scorpion Clan had ever had - ready and willing
to do anything the y asked, with an uncanny ability to survive
(if not succeed) on even the deadliest missions. Kaukatsu was BAYVSHI TO:aVJ
not surp rised that brash young Kwanchai's destiny was linked DISAIIO\!J~D :aonln
to Tang en's, and, for th e firs t tim e, saw th e bo y's potential. Rokugo Toru (known as Bayu sh i Toru to those outside hi s
Kaukat su inv ited hi s nephew into hi s own household, and family) is a grim, solitary man. He spends much of h is time in
com m en d ed him for red iscovering the lo st Dark Sword the seedy sake houses of the Cit y of the Rich Frog , Nanashi
techniques. He even encouraged Kwan chai to take on Mura, East Hub Village, and any other pl aces wh ere ron in
stude n ts of hi s own, sharing Tangen's lost techniques with a congregate. He is a generally dour and misanth rop ic in divid-
new generation. ual who keeps to himself, do es th e job he's hired to do, and
Kwanchai 's ego was fueled by his uncle's praise. He became seldom ask s que sti ons. To many, he is the worst example of
eve n m ore ego t is t ic al an d in sufferable th an before . On what a ron in can becom e - a filthy dog who cares not h in g
missions of any delicacy whatsoever, Kaukat su always saw to for honor, onl y for gold .
He is even so bold as to continue to refer to himself by his Fire: 2
form er Bayu shi family name, a gesture that most see as a Agility: 4
feeble attempt to intimidate others. The Bayushi remember Air: 3
how Toru dishonored himself during the War of Spirits , flee- Void: 3
ing his un it at Beiden Pass. For his crimes he was expelled School/Rank: Bayu sh i Bush i 1 (Scorpion Ronin, Insight
from hi s clan. Toru's en counters with Scorpion magistrates Rank 2)
invariably end in violence, with Toru defending his right to Dojo: None
keep hi s name with the edge of hi s sword . He is the worst a Honor: 2.3
Scorpion can become: a traitor, an outcast, an exile. Glory: 0.0
The truth, as is usually the case with a Scorpion, is some- Advantages: Large, Silent
thing else entirely. Wh ile Toru is indeed a ronin and spends Disadvantages: Black Sheep, Socia l Disadvantage (Ron in)
mu ch of his time performing unsavory missions for the high- Skills: Athlet ic s 3, Defen se 3, Escape 2, Hisomu 3,
est bidd er, hi s tru e loyalty is to the Master of Secrets . During Horseman ship 3, Iaijutsu 2, Kenjutsu 4, Kuenai 4, Kyujutsu 3,
the War of Spirits he was one ofYojiro's most cunning spies, Poison 3, Sincerity 2, Stealth 3
though his allegi ance to the Scorpion often interfered with
his work. He would often be recognized on secret mission s, or
distrusted because others believed he sought some advantage
on the Bayushi's beh al£ VASSALS OF TH£
For thi s reason , Toru volunteered to become the Master of
Secrets' per sonal agent. Torus act of dishonor was staged so BAYUSHI FA1i\ILY
th at he could be cast out without question. He has since acted
as Bayushi Yojiros underhand, taking responsibilities that no
ack nowledge d Scorpion agent would dare. While there are TH~ :aOI{UGO
others mor e skilled and experienced, Torus lack of affiliation
Some say that the Lion Clan is th e Emperor 's right hand , th e
with th e clan allows him to act un seen, to perform actions
Cra ne , t he Empe ror's left h and , and th e Sco rpion t he
beneath even a Scorpion's honor with no fear of shaming his
Emperor's under-hand.The Bayushi family has an und er-hand
lord .
as well, and that han d is the Rokugo family.Most believe that
Ot he r than Yojiro only the ninja master, shosuro Yudoka,
the Scorpion clan is involved in nea rly every illicit tra nsac-
kno ws ofToru's existence (and the handful ofothers like him ).
tion , under-hand ed venture , or dish onorable pur suit: sake
Even Sune tra does not know ofToru. Yudoka has been waiting
houses, opium den s, geisha ho uses, broth el s, sm uggling,
for the right time to inform th e young Champion that she has
gaijin trade route s, blackmail, extortion. Th e list is long, but
such a potent weapo n hid ing in the shadows .
some h ow th e Bayush i famil y maintain s a venee r of
Each time Yojirocalls upon Toru, he knows well that he will
respectability. How can they do this while taking part in such
be asked to do th e impossible. He has assassinated a Goju who
disrepu tabl e enterprises? They have the Rok ug o do it for
infiltrated the hom e of the Toritaka daim yo. He has stolen arti-
facts from Kyuden Isawa. He has spied upon Bloodspeakers in
Wh en the Scorpion Clan was reinstate d after the Second
the Twilight Mountains.Toru accepts these assignments with-
Day ofTh under, man y Bayushi realized that th e positio n of
out complaint, and carrie s them out with ruthless efficiency.
th eir clan was still tenuous at best. They m ust avoid any
He looks forward to the times when the Master of Secrets asks
appearance of impropriety or risk losing their newl y regained
him to do the impossible; it is the only time th at he is truly a
status. But how could they con tinue th eir old practices?Trade
Scorpion once more.
in secrets was a Scorpion staple, an d most of those secrets
were gained th rou gh disreputa ble means. The answer came
BA YUSH . TO~W almos t by accident. After the ir reinstatement, they began to
Male human Scorpion, Rogue 4/Fighter 2: CR 6; Medium- reclai m m an y of th eir h old in gs in vario us lands. Ge isha
size humanoid (h uman); H D 4d6+16 plu s 2d l 0+8; hp 53; Init: hou ses, sake parlors, and other such enterprises had to be
+2; Spd 20 ft.; Ark paired +1 wakizashi +9/+9 melee, Idl0+3 reclaimed, because the se places were indispensable sources of
damage; AC 17 (touch 12, flat-foot ed 15); SA Sneak atta ck information and wealth.
+2d6 damage; SQ Class Skill - Intimidate (family bonus), In th e outlying villages of th e Bayushi provinces, the Scor-
Evasion , Uncanny Dodge (Dex bonus to AC); Honor 2; AL CG; pion found a group of ronin in con trol of most of th ese enter-
SV Fort +8, Ref +6, w ill +1; Str 18, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 14, Wis prises. These ban di ts , le d by a wi ly an d resourceful man
10, Cha 12; Maximum Void: 2; Height: 5 ft. 10 in . known as Rokugo , had seen a lucrative opportunity when the
Dojo:The Brother's Gift. Kata: Striking as Ear th. Scorpion clan was cast out . Rokugo and his follower s moved
skills and Feats: Speak Language (H igh Rokugani, Mekh em, quickly to assert their control over these places, using intimi-
Rok uga n i), Bluff +8, Cli mb +13, Escape Artist +9, Gather dation and outright force . The occupying Imperial Legions
In fo rm atio n +8, Hi de +7, Innuendo +8 (sen d) +7 (receive), did not wish to sully their honor with ties to such places but
Jump +13, Move Silently +7, Open Lock +9, Ride +8, Spot +7, did recognize that they were nece ssary to supply routes and
Use Magic Device +8; Ambidexterity, Cleave, Power Attack, troop mora le. Rokugo's band of ron in kept the places open and
Two-Weapon Fighting, Void Use, Weapon Focus (wakizashi). reaped much wealth. They did not operate in the open, how-
Possessions: +1 partial armor, paired + 1 wakizashi. ever. Rokugo knew that the occup ying troop s would eradicate
him and hi s motley band if they were di scovered, so they
BAYUSH . TO~U wor ked in secret , mu ch like the Scorpion before th em .
Earth: 3 Rokugo an d hi s follower s were not sur prise d when th e
Strength: 4 Scorpion clan was rei nstated; only a fool could live in th eir
Water: 3 former provinces and not realize th at the Scorp ion had taken
to the sha dows. By the tim e the came back, the Rokugo had oned.The fate of pri son ers is un certain at best. Most never see
grown wealthy, and extended their con trol beyond th e form er th e out side world again.
Scorpion territories even as far as Otosan Uchi. It was a matter The castle is only a few decade s old, and all the laborers and
of days after the Scorpion Clan was reinstated before the clan engineers who built the castle are fiercely loyal to th e Scor-
was movin g to retake its old holdings. They found Rokug o pion clan, or else died mysterio usly after its completion .The
and his und erground organization. Rokugo family is wealthy, enjoying the proceeds of geisha
The Bayushi immediately moved to reassert their cont rol houses and sake parlors across the Empire. The castle main -
over the ir former assets, and no clan knows how to exert pres- tains a force of two hundred soldiers, and the y are among the
sure like the Scorpion. Rokugo was a bold man, however, and most ruthless of all Roku gani warriors . Its highland location is
a gambler as well. He would die before he gave up everything easily defen sibl e, an d t he secret of it s locat ion is close ly
he had fought so hard to gain, and he would be damned if he guarded. The only people who come and go are the Rokugo
let the Bayushi have it easily. He was nevertheless not a fool, themselves. Loyal peasants populate a small village near the
and he kn ew that a group of ron in could not win a war with a castle. The Rokugo know well fed and lavishly rewarded ser-
Great Clan. In stead , he made the Scorpion an offer. He would vant s are the most likely to remain loyal. As a result, Rokugo
keep eve ry thi ng he and hi s fellows had earn ed during th e heimin are probably the wealthiest anywhere.
Scorpion's exile. He would turn over to th e Scorpion all finan - Shiro Rokugo hides the inner workings of perh aps th e
cial record s and informatio n that th e holdings had accum u- most dishonorable family in the Empire. The secrets th at pass '
lated in th eir absence. In return, he expected fealty and the through thi s place could shake the foundation of every great
righ t to contin ue running th e establishments they had taken clan and Imp erial hous e, which is preci sely why its location is
over. such a carefully guarde d se cret. Most Rokugo send their
Th e Bayu shi were impresse d by Rokugo's boldness. As rep orts an d information h ere to be di stributed to their
many of th eir samurai had died in the Clan War, th e idea of Bayush i masters. The Rokugo wo ul d, of course, swear th at
incorporating a clever, resourceful band of ron in and regain- every scrap of it goes to the Bayushi, but this wou ld be diffi-
ing the ir hol dings witho ut bloodshed was an offer they could cult to ver ify. The Bayushi accept a certain amount of graft
not refuse.Thu s the Rokugo vassal family was born. from the Rokugo; after all, if the Rokugo can fool Bayushi tax
Rokugo h ad confronted the Bayus hi an d wo n . H e h ad collectors, they can fool anyone in the Empire.
gaine d a degree of legitimacy and maintained co ntrol of
everything he had achieved. Wi th the Bayushi behind h im, TH~ ~OKUCiO f'Ali\IJ.Y
hi s sphe re of influen ce exploded to include Vi rtua lly every Favo re d Class: Figh ter
province in th e Emp ire. He took a large portion of his hidden Starting Honor : 0.5
riches and built a small castle in the highlands near Kyuden Class skill: Intimidation
Bayush i.This location gives him relatively easy access to all of Sta rting Outfit:
Scorp ion territ ory. 1. Disguise kit and 80 Koku.
In many cases, th e establish ments that the Rokugo oversee
do not even know the name of those whom they serve.Today,
TH~ ~OKUCiO f'Ali\IJ.Y
th e Rokugo family is a family of secretive enforcers, smug-
Benefit: +1 Strengt h
glers, spies, th ieves, thugs and blackguar ds. They ser ve the
Beginning H onor: 0, plu s 5 boxes
Rokugo, and thus the Bayushi, with fierce and ru thless loyalty.
Glory: 0.5 (as opposed to th e norm al 1.0)
Today, Rokugo is an old man , but he sired many children,
skills: Regardless of what schoo l th ey attend, a Rokugo
both legitimate and otherwise, and adopted many of his most
may sacrifice one rank in any of their schoo l skills to gain
loyal followers. The Rokugo family has its hand s in or its eyes
a rank (or an additional rank) in Intimidation.
on nearly every underworld enterprise.The majority of secret
information th e Bayushi receives comes through the Roku go
family and their network of underworld informa nts and TH~ AOTO~
assets.Thus far the Roku go family has had a great deal of prob- Aotora, the Green Tiger, beg an h is life as a simple peasant
lems wit h the Shadowed Tower. Many have been seduced by herbali st in service to the Bayushi famil y. He and his family
the Tower's acti vities , and jo ine d th at sinis ter organization. tended the gard en s of Kyuden Bayush i befo re th e Scorp ion
Rokugo himself is still a fervent Yojiro loyalist and is sickened clan was banished to the Burning Sand s. Throughout his life,
by this display of disloyalty. He has several of his own agents h e qu ietl y catalog ue d the m edicinal properties of every
on special missions to root out any sign of Shadowed Tower known plant in Scorpion land s. He had not begu n this daunt-
influence, with little success. He is curren tly conside ri ng in g task on his own. Bayushi Shoju h imself comm ission ed
drawing upon outside help, tho ugh he knows th at Yojiro dis- him to do so, in th e days before the Scorpi on Clan Coup. His
approve s of such actions where th e Shadowed Tower is con- real name is lost to tim e; Aotora is the code name Shoju gave
cern ed - Scorpion police their own . him in their secret communications.
Un der th e guise oflegitimate research, Aotora was to docu-
ment th e effect s an d anti dotes of plant poiso ns. H e qui etl y
contin ue d hi s research against the day wh en hi s masters
Shiro Kurai shi is located two hours' ri de north of Kyuden
would return . Bayu shi Sh oj u died without m e n tion in g
Bayu sh i. The castle does not appear on any map, for th e
Aotora's efforts to anyone.
Rokugo rarely have ope n rela tio ns wi th anyo ne other th an
When th e Scorpion returned, Aotora was an old, old man.
their Bayushi lords. The castle is relatively small, hidden by
His body was failing. He feared he woul d die before present -
forests and natural features . Hi dde n sentries guard all path s
ing the fru its of his research to anyo ne. He did not wan t his
leading to the castle. Anyone entering Rokugo land s mu st
life's work to be in vain , and he respected th e new Scorpion
know one of several secret code -words, or possess a writ from
daim yo, Bayu shi Yojiro. H e approached th e Bayu sh i cau-
a Bayushi nob le, to enter. All others are captured and impris-
tiously, implyin g that he m igh t have somethi ng th at th ey
wanted. When Aotora showed Bayushi Yoj iro the room full AOTO;tA no En
of hand-written scrolls catalogui ng decade s of meticulo us Aotora no Kouen , the Garden of the Green Tiger, is th e
botanic al research, Yojiro was amazed. Aotor a had continued beautiful garde n wh ere Ao tora perfo rmed most of hi s
h is effo r ts throughout the troubles without rewa rd or research. Aotora was not on ly a devoted researc her, he was a
acknowledgment. Yojiro imme diately grant ed his famil y th e ma st er gard en er, an d h e passed h is knowl ed ge on to hi s
sta tus of Bayush i vassals, and commissione d Aotora and his children . The Garden of the Green Tiger is lush and beaut iful
chil dren to contin ue thi s research in perp etu ity. at fir st glance , wi th perfectly pruned bu sh es, a gurgling
Aotora's loyalty to his Scorpio n masters had rewarded him , stream, and well-tend ed cherry trees. Camo uflaged amon g the
but th e cost was high. His research was not meant to altru isti- foliage, however, are hundreds ofdifferent plant varieties u sed
cally advance bot an ical knowled ge; it was to find new and in creating med icin es, poisons, and antidotes. Any herbalist
deadl y poison s. His research en tailed the testin g of various who visit s th e garden recognizes th is im medi ately. Anyone
concoction s on livin g su bjects, both human and an ima l. wishing to create an herbal poison, antidote , or medicine can
It also led to a horrible accident. Three of hi s five ch ildren find what he seeks here.
accide n ta lly exposed th emselves to a pot ent slow-ac ting
contact poison he was testing. All of them died, but not before TH E AOTO;tA f'A1i\ILY
th ey touched their mother and their grandmother. In a single
Favored Class: Rogue
afte rn oon, Aotora lost hi s entire family, exce pt fo r hi s two
Starting Honor: 1
oldes t chi ld re n, a son and a dau gh ter. Aft er that, h e wa s
Class skill: Knowled ge (herbalism) and Poison
forever scarred. Aotora died ten years ago.
Starting Outfit:
Today, th e Aotora family consis ts only of Aoro ras survi ving
1. O ne dose each of two different poi sons, tant o,
children and the ir families. They faithfully continue Aotora's
set of herbalist's tools, 50 koku .
re search, stea di ly amass ing knowl ed ge of th e effect s of
botanical poison s and medicines.
Benefi t : +1 Intelligence
Beginning Honor: 1
Glory: 0.5 (as oppo sed to th e normal 1.0)
skills: Regardless of what school they attend, a member
of th e Aotora family may sacrifice one rank in an y of
their schoo l skills to gain a rank (or an additional rank ) in
Herbalism or Poison.

Most who vis it the Bayu sh i lands come away with th e
impression that the Bayushi do not revere their anc es to rs.
This impression is incorrect. While the Bayushi do not build
great shrines to their ancestors as the Lion or Crane do, they
have great respect for the shi ryo. So great is their respect that
they feel that it need not be spoken of publicly, much like th e
bond s of loyalty the Bayushi bear for one another. Ancestral
shrines are generally small, priva te affairs carefully hidden
from the eyes of outsiders.Typically these shrines are found in
secret passages within the family castle, or remote mountain
passes and forest groves. Onl y the most tru sted allies may see
these shrines, where the Bayushi believe th eir ance stors guard
the secret s of ages long past.
Some Scorp ion kn ow of Shojus condition. They adamantly
BAYU5HI :a1l{03"1 refuse to adm it to outsiders that he is a gaki. In their eyes, he
Tho ugh less revered than man y other Scorpion Champions, is a shiryo, sen t fro m th e ble ssed field s ofYom i. Any who
Bayushi Rikoji is perhaps on e of the greatest Scorpion leaders would say otherwise risk the Scorpion's wrath .
in history. His great success stems not from any action that he (Note: Though he is not technicall y an anc estral spirit,
took, but a single action that he chose not to take. Bayushi Sh oju is mechanically identical to an an cestor in both
Rik oji was the Scorpion Cha m pion who received Yash in , systems.)
the Bloodsword Ambition . Rikoji did not trus t th e gift, and
never allowed himself to touch it. In stead, he sent his agen t,
Soshi Takasho, to investigate the blade. Rikojis wise inaction
eventually result ed in the discovery and defeat of Iuch iban r SCO~i'IOn AnC5:STO~ BAYUSHI SHOjUI
the Bloodspeake r. You possess the pati ent cun nin g of Bayushi Shoju, master-
mind beh ind the Scorpion Clan Coup.
Benefit: As a move -equivalent action, you may choose to
no '"001- study one oppo nent. For the rest of the day you gain a +4
in sight bonus on all Bluff ch ec ks against that opponent ,
You are difficult to deceive by magical or mundan e mean s. includ in g fei n tin g in combat. You may u se this ab ili ty
Benefit: You gain a +4 bon us to all Sense Motive checks, a number of times per day equal to your Inte lligence modifier.
and a +4 on all saves vs. illusion. Any spells that sense gaki or other malevolent spirit s always
sense a strange presence around you.
:a1l{03"1 AnCE5To:a: BAYU5 H I
( (J i'Oln T S) 5H03"U
You gain two Free Raises on all Perception checks. Wh en ever (2 i'OlnTS)
confronted wit h a magical illusion, you may make a Percep- You possess th e same cool, calculating mind as Bayushi Shoju.
tion chec k vs.TN 25 to see th e truth. (This is in addition to any You may add your Intelligen ce to th e total of all Awareness-
normal chances you receive to pierce th e illu sion , and you r base d skill ro ll s, and yo ur Awareness to the total of all
Free Raises apply.) Intelligence- based skill rolls.
Any spells th at sen se gaki or othe r malevolent spirits always
BAYU5HI 5H03"U sense a strange presence aroun d you.
Bayushi Sh oj u ma st erm ind ed the Scorpion Clan Co up ,
seizing the city of Oto san Uc h i an d ho lding it against the BAYU5 H I 5HUn 5 En
assemble d ar m ie s of the cla n s. He assassin ate d Hantei I mmortalized in Kakita Ryoku's n ovel , Wi nter, Bayu sh i
XXXVIII in fu ll sigh t of h is I mperia l Gua rd. For a time , Shunsen serve d as yojimbo to Scorp ion Ch amp ion Bayush i
he held th e Emerald Thro ne as Shoj u th e First. Outside the Ujiro. In a gatheri ng of Clan Champions, Ujiro challenged th e
Scorpion Clan, Bayushi Sho ju is revil ed as on e of history's othe r clans to prove the ir loyalty superior to the Scorpion's.
greatest villains. Within it, he is quietly celebrated as a hero. As a test of loyalty, he would give a command to his yojimbo.
Scorpi on samurai know the true motive behind Shoju's The other Ch ampions wo uld foll ow sui t, issuing th e same
Coup. The Scorpion were heirs to a great prophecy, one that command, an d if any hesit ated th ey would be di squalified.
warned of Fu leng's coming and the Second Day of Th un der. The other Cha mpions agreed, an d Ujiro immediately gave
s hoj u acted out of loyalty. He slew the Emperor to save the Shunsen his comma nd: "Kill me."
Empire , knowing full well that he would lik ely be slain in Shunsen did n ot h esit ate, bu t st ruc k down his lord an d
turn and rememb ered as a villain. He put into action a plan to then took his own life. No othe r Champion would dare do the
dismantl e a dyna sty without any but his most loyal subjects same. Ryoku recorded th e events in her journ al, and s huns en
suspecting his motiv es. became a sterling example of Scorpion loyalty.
In th e eyes of his clan, Shoju exemplifies what it means to
be a Scorpion.They look upon him as one of their most valued
5CO:a71 0~ 5 1-0YAI-TY
Iron ically, Shoju is not a shiryo at all. rSCO~i'I O n AnC5:STO~ BAYUSH I
Though he attacked Otosan Uchi with the best of intentions, SH UnS5:nI
Shoj u defied the Cele stial Order in an unprecedented way. Your loyalty to your lord is unquestionable.
Wh en he died, his soul was cast into Gaki-do, the Realm of the Benefit : Chose one per son whom you serve (preferably
Hungry Dead, to wander until it had absolve d itself. Shoju's yo ur lo rd or daim yo, no t an othe r pla yer cha rac te r) when
hunger took a form rarely seen among the gaki of that Spirit selecting th is feat. Wh en acting in th is in dividual's defen se
Realm. Shoju hungers for courage, the same courage that he you are im mune to fear effect s and gain a +6 sacre d bonus
bore in abundance , but put to poor use. He wanders the passages against all mind-affecting effects.The person you prot ect may
between Gaki-do and the mortal realm , and when he fin ds a voluntari ly give your service to ano ther, transferrin g th is
suitable soul, he inspires them to deeds of great bravery. effect to th at per son.
With their suc cess he feeds , unseen and unno tice d. If the p erso n tar get ed by this prot ection eve r dies,
His pre sen ce doe s no harm, and often brin gs abo ut grea t th e benefit s of th is feat are perman ently lost and you r
deeds. One day, he will be free to move on to the blessed fields Charisma is permanently redu ced by th ree.
of Yomi. He takes a quiet pride in the good th at he is allowed
to accomplish, and know s that the Fortunes could have been
far less mer cifuL
"Kill me if you mu st, Failed Martyr !" he roared. "I will be
AnC~STo:a: BAYUSHI undone by tactics. I will be undone by magic. I will be und one
SHUnS~n by stre ngth or even by shee r per sisten ce, bu t if I must be
(3 7 01nTS) defeated by dumb luck, let the gods kill me now."
Like your ances tor, your loyalty is unquestionable. Select on e And a lightning bolt struck the Sen pet commander from a
person whom you serve (preferably your lord or daim yo, clear sky.
not an othe r pla yer ch aracter). You are immune to all Fear Though Tangen fre ed his imprison ed Scorpion brethren
effects while protecting the person you serve, and gain three and escaped, he was greatly dispirited. He had always tho ught
Free Raises on all Tests of Honor made whil e defending him . his victories a product of natural talent, bu t now there was no
The person you protect may voluntari ly give your service question that he wa s in cre dibly lu ck y. Looking back on
to another, transferring th is effect to that per son . his life, he realized th at all of his victories were no thing more
If the per son targeted by this protection ever die s, the th an dumb luck. Dazed and di sillu sion ed , Tangen decided
benefits of this anc esto r are perman ently lost an d you r to test hi s lu ck 's limits by ret urning to Rokugan alone .
Awarene ss is perm anently redu ced by one . Th e journey sho uld h ave been impossible . The normally
difficult trip across th e blazing desert was brok en by a freak
th un derstorm that pr ovided all the water Tangen required.
The Un ico rn soldiers guarding the pass never noted hi s
"OJ O OF presen ce, as they wer e all taking shelter from the rain .
Realizing th at all of his successes had been merely a chain of
B I TT£~ LI£S ridiculous coincidences,Tangen retreated to the depths of th e
Shinomen Forest to live as a hermit.
For three decad es Tangen lived in solit ude. Eventually
Classes : Figh te r, Sam u ra i, Bitter Lie s Swordsman
he moved into th e slee ping cit y of Iyotisha . Th ere , at least,
the slumbering Naga provided some company. When a young
Schools: Bayush i Bu shi, Bitter Lies Swordsman bushi nam ed Kwancha i sought out Tangen and demanded to
(New Path) learn th e way of th e Dark Sword, Tangen refused. He had
come to see th e power of his technique as a curse, and would
not Willingly share that cu rse with another. Kwanchai would
HISTO:ay have none of it. After mo nths of relentless pestering, Tangen
The Dojo of Bitt er Lies is relatively new, though its orig ins became quite irri tated. He finally taught the young bushi the
st re tch ba ck three decade s to a sa m ura i n amed Bayu sh i Dark Sword technique just to be rid of him. He believed th at,
Tangen. The Scorpion hi stories remember Tangen as a great like his other students, Kwanchai would not be able to master
hero of th e Clan War, on e who frequently succee ded despit e th e tech niques.
overwhelming odd s. What the histories do not record is the ToTange n's quiet horror, he was wrong.
fact tha t Tangen was often sent on the se missions to rid the Tangen's cur se of luck has been passed on to hi s student.
clan of hi s pr esence. Tangen was a loud, bo ori sh , arrogant
samurai wh o made a nuisance ofhimsel£ A descendant of the T:aADITlon
origi nal Bayushi Tangen wh o wrot e the seminal Scorpion text Since hi s ret urn from Tangen's hu t, Kwanchai has atte mpt ed
Lies, he me mo rize d h is ances to r's teachings quoted them to spread th e Dark Sword's teachings. Drawing upon his uncl e
loudly even in the most inappropriate circumstan ces. Kaukatsu's influ en ce, Kwanchai obtained enough resources to
Tange n dev ised h is own technique, the Dark Sword of cons t ruc t a sma ll dojo for th e st udents of Bitter Lies near
Bitter Lies, and gladly offered to teach it to any who wished to Kyuden Bayushi, subtly hidd en in the Seikitsu Mountains.
learn. Sadly, more often th an not Tangen 's students end ed up Though Bayushi Tangen had lim ited success teachi ng the
seriously injured wh en atte mpting to replicate his style. Again Dark Sword to others, Kwanchai and his discip les have had no
and again th e clan atte mpted to rid itself of Tangen, but again pr obl em s. Th e key, it seems , is a calm, balanced, and logical
and agai n h e survive d. While th er e wa s no qu est ion that mind - if you have one, you can never learn the technique.
Tange n lacked his name sake's skill and int ellect, he possessed All stude nts of Bitt er Lies must consequently be extremely
devilish luck. Wh en all othe rs fell around him,Tangen always zealous; some would call th em "mad."The stu dents of Bitter
survived. O thers began to call Tange n th e "Failed Martyr " Lies keep an eye ou t for others lik e th em sel ves. Any wh o
for h is complete inability to die wh en he was suppose d to, allow their overzealous loyal ty to the Scorpion Cla n to
though never in his presence. consume their sanity are welcom e in Kwanchai's dojo.
During the Scorpio n'sexile to the Burnin g Sands,Tangen was Ini tially, Bayushi Yojiro was uncomfortable with the idea of
inevitably among the first to escape th e Senpet copper min es. a dojo full of madmen embracing the teach ings of a madm an
A cave -in killed th e rest of hi s work crew and shatte red his not a day's travel from Kyuden Bayushi. Eventually, howev er,
chains, allowing Tangen to flee and wage a secret war against his Bayushi Kaukatsu pers uaded him that Tangen's students could
clan's capto rs. The Senpet repea tedly tr ied to recapture him , be qu it e useful to the clan if used Wisely. In h is ow n day,
and failed. The Scorpion whispered tales of Tangen, the Failed the Failed Martyr was a valued agent. Whenever a situ ation
Martyr , and the Senpet came to fear his darin g attacks. could not possi bly get worse, Bayushi Kachiko sent Tangen .
On one occasion, Tangen had planned a darin g solo raid The results were seldom what she had intended, but generally
again st a Senpet mili tary outpost. Tang en's pl an unraveled were more harm ful to the clan 's enemies. An entire dojo of
nearly insta ntly, but when th e arche rs turned to fire , a watch- samurai as lucky asTangen at th e beck and call of th e Bayushi
tower sud denly toppled, killin g the entire unit. The Sen pet family would be un stoppable .
co m m an der threw down h is sword in fru stration an d
confronted Tangen.
Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on one's In either case , Sharaku gladl y agreed to take Kwanchai's
perspective ), Kwanc hai's stu den ts do not sha re Tan gen's place as sensei. This way, he can remain in the dojo, teaching
insane luck. While all Bitt er Lies swordsmen do seem to be the students even as he learns from them, and never need fear
extremely lucky, Kaukatsu's plan to create an army of Tangens the Bitte r Lies tech niq ue failing him in a moment of crisis.
was not as successful as he wo uld have h op ed . Th e Failed The Kolat , in th e m eant im e, have mixe d feelings about
Marryrs neverthe less make excellent pawns. Sh araku's work. While non e can arg ue th at the Bitter Lies
swordsmen seem to possess supernatural good luck, the fact
T~AlnlnG that their luck is proportionat e to their madness is disturbing
The students of Bitter Lies are expecte d to be inti mately aware and their unswerving loyalty to the Scorpion is discouraging.
with the original Bayushi Tangen's teachings. Tangen's Lies is Th e Kolat pla ce gr eat value o n or de r, discipline, control,
not mer ely required reading ; all students mu st memorize th e and defian ce of the sam urai order. What the Failed Martyr's
ent ir e volume an d be prep ar ed to qu ot e it. Lagg ard s are students have created is. . . un settl ing.
punished with ph ysical labor and grue ling calisthenics.
Ano ther co mm on method of tra ining is spring patrol. 170jO Of" BI TT~~ J.1 ~5
As wint er warfare is un common in Roku gan, clans frequen tly B~n~f"IT5
dispatch large groups of soldiers on spri ng patrol as soon as Being a student of Bitt er Lies is a mixe d blessing. While a
the ground thaws . Spring pa tro l can ofte n be boring an d Bitter Lies Swordsman can count on a great deal of loyalty
uneventful, bu t it can also be the deadliest mission imaginab le from his fellow students, th e Empire considers them lunatics.
if the clan's neighbors are on the move. For such a deadly o f course , the fact that Bitt er Lies Swor dsmen are lunatics
and unp red ictable mission, Bitter Lies swordsmen are the make s thi s somewhat easier to bear.
natura l choice. Spr ing patrols aroun d Kyuden Bayushi are
always accompanie d by a handful of Bitter Lies Swordsmen.
The officers in the area think of them as "lucky."
Being a student of Bitter Lies inspires fear in one's opponent
- if not fear for your talen t with the blade, then fear for the
5~n5~1 madness that led you to walk th e Failed Martyr's path.
There hav e on ly been three true sensei in the dojo 's short
history.The first, of course, was Tangen, who taught Kwanchai. Benefit: Th e swo rds man suffe rs a - 4 penalty on all
The second was Kwancha i, who taught the fir st ha ndful of Diplom acy chec ks wit h others who are aware of hi s
students. Sadly, Kwanchai's lust for advenrure and drive to prove school's nature, bu t gains a +4 bonus on all Intimidate
him self made him a poor choice as permanent sensei. He even- checks with tho se who have heard of his dojo.
tually handed his duties to on e of his first students, Sharaku .
The se nsei of Bitter Lies fulfi lls th ree separate dut ie s. Benefit: The swordsman ha s a +10 TN penalty to all
First, he must keep an eye out for rumo rs of other pro spective Courtier and Diplomacy checks with others who are
students. Not all samurai have th e right mix of dumb luck and aware of his school's nature, but gains two Free Raises on
ins ani ty to ma ster the Dark Sword, so he mu st ch oose his all Intimidation rolls against those who have heard of hi s
stude nts care fully. Second, h e must care for the stu den ts. dojo.
As all Dark Sword stu de nts are somewhat un stable , it is a
constant chore for the sensei to make certain that they don't T~mmG B£n£FIT
unleash their insa ne zeal upon each other. Third, he must The most obvious benefit of th e Dojo of Bitt er Lies is access to
train th e students. Though thi s seems obviou s, the first two the ir uni que technique, th e Dark Sword of Bitter Lies.
duties can be extremely time consuming, so th e sensei must
be conscien tious in setting aside tim e for training. Benefit: Assuming the swo rds m an m eet s all other
requi reme nts , he may enter the Bitter Lies swor dsman
BA.YVSHI SH A~I{VJ prestige class.
s£ns£1 OF TH£ "O,J"'O OF BITT£~ LI£S Benefit: Assuming the swordsman meets all other
[Fighter 3/Bitter Lies Swordsman 5; Bayushi Bushi 2/ requirements, he may take the Bitter Lies Swordsman
Bitter Lies Swordsman 1] New Path.
Like most Bitter Lies Swordsmen, Sharaku is loud , arrogant,
and obnoxious. He spits when he talks. He punctuates every BITT ~ ~ J.1~5 5WO~175Ii\An
sentence with a laugh like a braying donk ey.He cannot hold a
conversation for more t han two minutes wi tho ut quoting (?~~5T I G ~ CJ.A55)
Tangen's Lies. Those wh o speak wit h h im for any length of The schoo l of Bitter Lies was founded shortly befor e th e Clan
tim e cannot help but conclude that he is not entirely san e. War by the infamous Scorpion Clan Martyr, Bayushi Tangen .
Sharaku is aware of his reputation, and he approves. To be a Bitter Lies student is a dubious honor at best. While it
Sharaku's insaniry is a carefully produced act. As a member cannot be denied that Bayushi Tangen and his most notorious
of the Kolat Dream Sect, he find s the idea that a mortal man stu dent, Kwanch ai, have performed extraordinary feats, th e
can becom e en tirely invincible by emb raci n g m ad n ess sensei of most dojo attribute th ese cir cumstan ces mor e to
fascinating. Though Sharaku can understand Kwa n ch ai's dumb luck and stubborn stupidity th an to skill. Regardl ess,
teachings an d can practice the Dark Sword technique well the Dark Swor d school has gathered a sm all following (no
enoug h in th edojo's confines, he fin ds that when he needs it more th an six or seven studen ts at any time) an d any wh o
in combat, the technique does nothing. Apparently, he is not truly wish to embrace the path need only to prove themselves
insan e eno ugh. Or pe rhap s the technique does not func tion to the Bitter Lies Swordsmen.
since h is true loyalty is to the Kolat an d not the Scorpion.
O ne th in g can n ot be denied - tho ug h their training is Luck of the Dark Sword: Once per day per level in this
un conventional , the st ude n ts of Tangen are inexplicably class the Bitt er Lies Sword sman can reroll any attack roll , skill
effec tive. Their refusal to back down or surren der in th e face ch eck, or saving throw that he makes during combat or any
of ins urm oun table odds h as won them begru dging resp ect other life-or death situa tion. If th e new result fails and would
from th e more established Scorpion sch ools, and their habit of dir ectly result in the swordsman's im me diate death (such as
surviving leth al situat ions that wou ld fell mo re conservative faili ng a Clim b ch ec k whi le dang ling ove r a vat of boi lin g
sam urai can not be denied (or ex p lain ed). Their battle cry, pit ch ), he may roll a thi rd time, but must keep the final result.
"Prepare to face the Dark Sword of Bitter Lies!" in spire s dread Glory of Bitter Lies: At 3rd level the Bitter Lies swords-
in allies an d en em ies alike. man become s im mune to all fear effects, an d gains a +2 morale
Hit Die: d10. bonus on all saves again st mind -affectin g effects.
Embrace the Dark Sword: At 5th level, the swordsm an
~~aUI~~1i\~nTS has mastered th e Dark Sword technique. Each time he defeat s
To qualify to be come a Bitter Lies Swordsman, a ch aracter an oppon en t with equal or greate r H it Dice, th e swordsman
mu st fulfill th e following criteria. gain s a +2 bonus on all att ack and dam age ro lls for th e rest
Base Attack Bonus: +3. of t h e comb at. This bon us st acks with all oth er bonuses,
Feats: Great Fort itud e, Way of the Scorpion . including mult iple applications of th is ability.
Special: A Bitter Lies Swor dsman mu st agree to teach the
ch aracter. Ge nerally, on ly th ose who h ave been ass igned BITTE~ LIES SWO~DSJi\An
m issions gua ra n tee d to en d in certa in death but h ave (nEW 7ATH )
ne ve r t he le ss triumph ed th rou gh dum b lu ck an d she er Technique Rank: 2
bu llhea de dne ss are deem ed worthy to learn Tan gen -sarna's Path of Entry: Bayush i Bush i 1
te ch nique s. Th e st u d en t m ust reno u nce all for mer d ojo Path of Egress : Bayush i Bush i 2
(losing all forme r dojo benefits), em bracing onl y th e Dark Technique:The Dark Sword of Bitter Lie s - Devised by
Swo rd's te ach in gs. Those who exhibit un usu al "cowardice " th e in fam ou s Bayu sh i Tangen , t hi s technique allows the
(such as fleeing from superior numbers or refusing a ch allenge swordsma n to succeed where all others woul d fail. When ever
for any reason ) are cast out an d target ed as en emi es. facing an opp on ent ofgreater In sigh t Rank , he rolls an d keeps
add itional dice on all attack rolls equal to th e differen ce, bu t
CJ.ASS SKIJ.J.S never mo re d ic e tha n his ranks in th e Lu ck Advan tage.
The Bitter Lies Swordsman's class skills (an d key abi lit y for In addition , the swordsman roll s an d keep s dice equal to h is
each skill) are Bluff (Ch a), Craft (In t), Iaij uts u Focus (Ch a), ranks in the Luc k Adva ntage in all life-or-dearh situations
Intimidate (Ch a), and Profession (W is). outside of combat (such as attempting to climb over a vat of
Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + In t mod ifier. boiling pitch).
Sho uld the swordsman ever retreat in the face of superior
CJ.ASS "~ATU~~S numbe rs or skill, or ever fail to attack his mo st powerful
Weap on and Armor Proficiency: Bitter Lies swordsmen oppone nt as soon as he can , this technique cannot be used for
are profici ent in all simple and martial weapons as well as in one day.
light and medium armor. This n ew official version of the Dark Sword technique
Foolish Bravery: So long as they n eith er retreat nor falter, updates and supersedes the one presen ted in Bayushi Tangen's
a Bitter Lies swo rdsman cannot be defea ted. W heneve r the description in Way of the Scorpion.
Bitter Lie s swordsman attacks a m ore powe rful enem y,
he gains a +1 morale bonus on all attack and dam age rolls for
every three levels or Hit Dice h is oppone n t has greate r th an
h is own (minimum one ; no bonus is appli ed if th e oppo ne nt is
of equal or lesser level). This applies on ly if th e Bitt er Lies
Swordsman immediately attacks what he perceives to be the
mo st powe rfu l foe present (in case of a tie, he may choose).
should the swordsma n retreat or fail to attac k (or at lea st
pursue his opponent) for even a single rou nd , use of this Loyalty is integral to the Way of the Scorpion. For man y
ability is lost for that combat. Bayushi , loyalty becomes so ingrained that even death cannot
If th e most powerful opponent present is defeated, then end it. Some Scorpion are so fervently dedicated to their clan
thi s bonus applies to the surviving most powe rfu l op ponent, that watching over their de scendants fr om Yomi is not
and so on, unt il all applic able opponents have been defea ted . enough. Perhaps on ce every othe r generation a Scorp ion is
At 4th level this bonus increases to +2 for every th ree levels of born who is so fanatically loyal that he returns from the grave
diffe rence. to protect his clan.


Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Specia l
1d +1 ~ +2 +0 Foolish Bravery (+1/3 levels)
2nd +2 +3 +3 +0 Luck of the Dark Swo rd
3rd +3 +3 +3 +1 Glory of Bitter Lies
4th +4 +4 +4 +1 Foolish Bravery (+2/3 levels)
5th +5 +4 +4 +1 Em brace the Dark Sword
These guard ian spirits are generally a sad , confused lot. of energy from its own supern atural essence. This does 3d12
Clinging to their past lives, they have lost their place in the damage to the spirit, but also inflicts 3d12 negative energy
kharmic cycle. Until they can be convinced that they must damage on all targets in a 3o-foot cone, Reflex save half (DC 13
move on , they go through the motions of their former lives, + the guardian spirit's Charisma modifier). The spirit rypically
attempting to hel p their descendants. These spirits fail to onl y uses this attack as a last resort. If it dies from using thi s
understand that they are dead and have no concept of time . abiliry, it always rejuvenates.
A guardia n spirit may fight in the name ofa Cha mpion no one Special Qualities: A Bayushi guardian spirit retains all the
remembers, or refuse to surrender except at the com mand of base creature's special qua lities and also gains the following
an Emperor long dead. Usually they get in the way more than qualities:
they help, frighteni ng their descen dants or acci den ta lly Ancestral Sense (Ex): A Bayushi gua rdia n spiri t natu rally
damaging the temples and shrines they mean to protec t. senses all of its descendants within 100 feet.These spirits tend
Most Scorpion sh ugenja will go out of their way to help to follow th eir descend ant s, seeking guidance and becoming
these lost souls move on to the Spirit Realms where they enraged when they fin d none.
belong . Very rarely one of these guardia n spi rits becom es Incorporeal (Ex): Can be harm ed only by other incorporeal
aware of his surroundings, recognizing the time and place in creatu re s, +1 o r bett er magic weap o n s, o r magic , wi th a
whic h he lives. Upon realizin g th e truth of their exist ence , 50% cha nce to ignore any damage fro m a corporeal source.
mos t such spirits move on to the appro pria te Spirit Realm . Can pass through solid objects at will, and its own attacks pass
The only rece nt example of a self-aware guard ian spirit is th rough armor. Always moves silently.
Bayush i Baku , a spirit who has haun ted th e halls of Kyuden SRequal to th e base creature's HD (Maximum 20)
Bayushi for centuries and frequently offers hi s advice to th e Loses all Ance stor and Void Use feats.
Scorpion Champion and hi s kin. Baku knows that he should, Reju venun on (Ex): A Bayush i guardia n spi ri t th at is slain
by all right s, h ave moved past th e mortal realm man y reforms with full hit point s in the spot wh ere its body origi -
centuries ago. However, he claims to have work yet to be done nally died after th ree days have passed. A Bayush i gua rdian
in this realm, and that he cannot enter Yomi until it is don e. spirit can not be perman ently killed until th e reason for its
W hat t his wo rk may be is unknow n , for the records of return has been resolved , or it is banished by a reibai (see Magic
Bayushi Baku's mortal life were lost whe n the Lying Darkn ess of RoJwgan"', page 14).
attacked the histories at Shiro no Soshi. Turn Resistance (Ex): A Bayush i gua rdian spirit has +4 turn
C~£AT lnG A BAYUSHI Saves: Same as base creature.
Ab iliti es : Sam e as base creature, except that the Bayushi
GUA~OI An S?I~IT guardian spirit has no Constitution or Strength score, and its
"Bayushi Guardian Spirit" is a template tha t can be applied to Cha risma score inc reases by +4.
any human memb er of the Scorpion Clan (referred to here- Skills: Same as base creature.
after as the "base crea ture"). The creature's type cha nges to
"undead" and it gains the "spirit" and "incorporeal" subrypes.
Feats: Same as base creature.
It otherwise uses all th e base creat ure's statistics and specia l
abilities excep t as noted here.
Cli m ate/Terrain: Any land and und erground.
I, .
Organiz ation: Solitary )
Hit Dice: In crease to d12 Ch alle n ge Rating: Same as base creature +2
Speed: Bayu sh i gua rdian spirits have a fly speed equal to Tre asure: Non e
thei r normal land speed, with perfect maneuverabiliry. H o n o r : Sam e as base creature, though they are usually
AC: Natu ral armor is th e same as th e base creature, but dishonorable.
applies onl y to incorporeal en counters. The spirit retains any Alignment: Same as base creature , though they are usually
armo r it typi cally wore in life , th ou gh this armor bonus lawful evil.
app lies on ly to inc o rpo rea l att acks . T he spirit also ga in s Advan cem en t: By character class.
a deflection bonus equal to its Charis ma modifier (if positive).
Attacks: The spi rit reta in s all th e base creature 's atta cks,
thoug h those rel yin g on physical con tac t do not affec t SAli\?L£ GUA;lOIAn S?I;lIT
corporeal creatu res. This example uses a 12th level hu man samurai as th e base
Da mage: Against inc orporeal creatures , the spirit uses the creatu re.
base crea ture's dam age ratin gs. Against corporeal creatures ,
the spi rit us ually canno t deal physical damage at all. Even BAYUSHI BAK.U.
spells cast by the spirit have no effect on corporeal targets. CiUA~I1IAn Si'I~T (SAJi\U~1 12)
Special Attacks: The spirit ret ain s all th e base creature's Med ium-Size Undead [Incorporeal, Sp irit]
special attacks, th ou gh those relying on physical contact Hit Dice: 12d12 (78 hp )
cannot affect corporeal creatures . It also gains the following Initi ative: +3 (+2 Dex, +1 Int)
special attacks: Speed: Fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Fear (SII): The spirit contin ually radiates a fear effect in a AC: 15 (+2 Dex, +3 Cha)
six ty-foot rad iu s surro un ding it self (DC 14 + th e spiri t 's Attacks: +12/7/+2 incorporeal tou ch
Cha risma mod ifier ). All crea tures within the area with less Damage: Incorporeal touch Id 6 co ld plus Id 6 negative
Hi t Dice than th e spi rit mu st save or be come pan icked. All energy
creatures within th e area of equal or gre ate r Hit Dice must Sp ecial Attacks : Fear, pain touch, soul burn
save or become shak en. Special Qualities: An cestral sense, in corporeal, SR 12,
Pain TOllch (Ex):The spirit may inflict Id 6 cold damage and rejuvenation, turn resistan ce, und ead qualities
I d6 negative ene rgy damage on corporeal targets by touch . Saves: Fort +8 Ref +6 w ill +8
SOIl I Burn (SII): Onc e per day, the spirit may channel a cone Abilities: Str - , Dex 14, Con - , Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 17
Skills: Bluff +18, Dip lo m acy +21, Iai jutsu Focus +18,
Perform +18, Sense Motive +15, Tumble +17. c:aEATlnG A BAYUSHI
Feats: Bayushi 's Tech ni que (xz), Expertise, Improved Trip , GUA:aDIAn S71:aIT
Know the Schoo l (Scorpion), Pin cer s and Tail, Ruthless Bayush i Guardian Spirits are create d just like any Scorpion
Sting, Versatile (Bluff, Tumble), Way of the Scorpion, character. Add th e following Special Abilities:
Fear: Equal to the Spirit 's Air Ring.
Climate/Terrain: Any land or underground Pain Touch: The spirit can no longer atta ck normally,
Organization: Solitary but inflic ts 3k3 Wounds with a touc h, ignoring th e targ et 's
Challenge Rating: 14 arm or on all attack rolls.
Treasure: None Soul Burn: Onc e per day th e spiri t can belch forth a fiery
Honor: 0 cone of energy compos ed of its own su pe rnatural essence.
Alignment: Lawful evil This inflicts 5k 5 Wounds on all ta rget s in a 3D-foot co ne
Advancement: By character class in fron t of the spirit, in cluding th e spirit it sel f. The spi rit
typicall y only uses th is attack as a last resort . If it dies from
C01i\BAT using th is ability, it always rejuvenates.
Fear (Su): The spirit contin ually radiates a fear effect in a Ancestral Sense: A Bayu sh i gu ardian sp irit n aturall y
six ty -foot radi us surro und ing itse lf (DC 14 + the spiri t's senses all of its descendants within 100 feet.These spirits tend
Charisma modifier). All creatures with in th e area with less to follow th eir descend ant s, seeking guidance and becoming
Hit Dice t han the spiri t must save o r becom e panicked. enraged wh en th ey fin d none.
All creatures within the area of equal or greater Hit Dice must Incorpor eal : Can pass through solid objects. Can only be
save or become shaken. harmed by spells or magic weapon s.
Pain Touch (Ex): The spirit may inflict Id6 cold damage Magic Resistance: All spells targetin g the Guardian Spirit
and I d6 nega tive energy damage on co rporeal targets by have their TNs raised by th e spirit's Earth x 5.
touch. Void Loss: The gu ardi an spirit can no lon ger spend Void
Soul Burn (Su) : Once per day, the spiri t may ch an nel a Points.
cone of ene rgy from its own superna tural essence. This does Passage Sense: Bayush i guardia n spiri ts can sense any
3d12 da mage to th e spirit, but also inflicts 3d12 negative passages to Yomi, Meido , or Toshigo ku within one mile and
energy damage on all targets in a 3D-foot cone , Reflex save half avoid such areas stubborn ly (they do not wish to risk losing
(DC 13 + the guar dian spiri t's Charisma modifier). The spirit th eir place in the mortal realm ).
typically only uses this attac k as a last reso rt. If it dies from Rejuvenat ion : A Bayu sh i g ua rdian sp irit th at is slai n
using thi s ability, it always rejuvenates. reforms with fu ll h it po ints in th e spo t whe re its bod y
Sp eci al Qualities: A Bayushi guardian spirit retains all the origin all y d ie d after three days h ave passed . A Bayus hi
base creatu re's specia l qualit ies and also gains th e following guardian spirit cannot be permanently killed unt il the reason
qualities: for its return has been resolved, or it is banished by a shugenja
Ancestral Sense (Ex) : A Bayushi guardian spirit naturally (requires a specia l casting of Commune with 6 Raises made
senses all of its descendants within 100 feet. These spirits tend for this purpose).
to follow their descendants, seeking guidan ce and becoming
enr aged whe n they find non e. BAYUSH I BAKU
Incorporeal (Ex): Can be harme d only by oth er incorporeal CBA YUSH I CiUA;l.OIAn S71;l.ITl
crea tu res , +1 or better m agic wea po ns , o r m agi c, with a Earth: 3
50% chance to ignore any damage from a corp oreal source . Water: 3
Can pass through solid objec ts at will, and its own attack s pass Fire: 5
through armor. Always moves silently. Air: 5
SR equal to th e base creat ure's HD (Maximum 20)
Void: 2
Loses all Ancestor and Void Use feats. School/Rank: Bayushi Bushi 4
Rejuvenation (Ex): A Bayush i gua rdia n spirit tha t is Dojo: Non e
slain reforms with full hit points in the spot where its bod y Honor : 0.4 (2.4)
originally di ed after three day s have passe d. A Bayu sh i Glo ry: 0.0 (dead)
guardian spirit cannot be permanently kill ed un til the reason Advantages: Heartless, H igh er Purpose (guide the Bayushi
for its return has been resolved, or it is bani shed by a reibai family), Perceived Honor (2 rank s), Precise Memory
(see Magic of Rokugal1"', page 14). Disadvantages: Medd ler, Proud
Sp irit Qualities (Ex): Bayushi guar dian spiri ts gain a +4 Skills: Courtier 4, Defen se 4, Hand to Hand 6, Iaijutsu 5,
racial bonus against all enchantmen t effec ts exce pt th ose Invest igation 4, Kenjut su 4, Kyujutsu 3, Poison 2, Sincer ity 6,
of other spirits. They can sense any passages to Yomi, Meido, Stealth 2.
orTo shigoku within one mile and avoid such areas stubbornly Sp ecial Abilities: Fear 5, Pain Touch, Soul Burn, Ancestral
(they do not wi sh to ri sk losing their place in the mo rta l Sense, In corporeal, Magic Resistan ce (+15 TN ), Void Loss,
realm ).
Passage Sense , Rejuvenati on.
Tu r n Resistance (Ex) : A Bayus hi gua rdian spirit has +4
turn resistance.

"That would be interesting to see;' Fuzake Sekkoll saidr , eyeing

thecIty on the horizon warily. "1 would imagine it is quite easy to
walk intosuch a cityand become lost cimong the layers offiction."
The journey from the Bayushi lands had been uneventful, "1 thought you had many allies among the Scorpion, Hatori-
afact thatcame asnosurprise to Miya Hatoriand his companions. sarna:!Taneji iiiterjecte~, tllming to look at his master. "YOll must
The grOIJp was attended by lUI impressive guard ~ ofa dozen men have come to the lands of the.Shosuro manx times, y:ct ave
handp!cked hythe Scorpion Champion. The implicafio;;~as clear never carne to PaintedCity?" '
to a l~who beheld t~ caravan - theywere to be undistur6ea not With a careful tone, Hatori replied, "I have all ny
only by the Scorpion, bllt by anything at all. Hatori 'w~l sl!ghtly houses, Tanej i-sar . That is the duty of a shisha." T . aged
concerned about their. visibility within the lands of the S;;'rpion Miya spoke nofurther, it wasclearto both Taneji ana Seklwll that
clan.lf there was indee4 a shadow conspiracy within the clan to wasn't the complete truth. Hatori's manner indicated that it was
overthrow Yojiro's rule, this wasyerhaps not the best time to be an answer best left for another time.
announced as hon~red guests oftheMaster ofSecrets. J One of the Scorpion riders broke from the front rank and
"Hmm," OtomoTaneji murmured, just Ioud enough to get trotted IIp to Hatori's sidf. "My lord," hesaid quickly,oowing in his
the attention of Hatori and Sekkou. "We have almost arrived." saddle. "We aPl1roach thecity. YOII wollld have thj:.ijin,or of riding
The courtier pointed at thewestern horizon. ahead of us to be announced to Shosuro-FllYll yari, the famous
All three menlooked fonvardas the camvan ere tedanother lOw playwright whoresides here. It isoursincerest hope you willnot be
rise. A city of considerable size WllS coming into viewjllstasLaTa offended by the unworth y manner in which we raeivel'oll,
Sun was starting to sink intothe west. The buildings were all tall a samuraiof the Imperial House."
and colored distinctly, which coupled with the SIlnset to cast long Haton dismissed the man with a CIIr t n o~ and :gave his two
and sin i~ter shadows ov~r the area . By gazing nt it now, Taneji vassals a warningglance beforefo llowing the Scorpion to thefron t
could hardly get a grasp onust how Inrge or developed thecitywas. of the party. Taneji and Sekkou IInd erstood wh,tf Hatori was
"Painted City," Hatorisilid to his two vassals. "It is the citythat ~hi~kin~ - they. had not pla'lIIed to stay asthe guests ofanyone
111 particular, and there had been no message fro m Painted City
has grown arollnd the famed Shosllro school fa: entertainers.
Thollgh 1 have neverhaa the pleasure ofVisiting, it is said the city indicating a change ofplans.-
changes each such a manner tha(it is tampletdy ItJlad not talien 10)1g for their journey in the lands of the
ilifferent after a year. Everyresident is an actorfr(m~ theBltteiDojo Scorpion to become i~yeresting. ~ .
p!aying a different role every turn of the sellson.11ijl, is
/tke a great p lllY, a teshlment to the skill offhe Sh,? ".
P! '
Hatori sat alone in the room with the Scorpion, having dismissed Hatori smiled brightly. "You speak fro m experience, l'uruyari-
Taneji and Sekkou intootherareasof the massive Academy grounds. san?"
Something about this meeting seemed wrong. He had decided he "o h yes," the Shosuro said, genuine amusement in his voice.
could not afford to have any distractions as he met with Furuyari. "It was a trick I resorted to on many occasions. I masqueraded as
The man was a veryimportant Scorpion. a peasant during the first performance of One Winter's Snowfall.
Not just a Scorpion, Hatori corrected himself. A seven-hundred- It wasquite enlightening."
year-old Sco rpion returned from the afterlife, along with so many Theshisha laughed loudly this time."Your perfonnersdidn't notice
others during the Battle of o blivion's Gate. He was a legend in two anything out ofplace?"
different eras. Hatori had dealt wit h returned spirits before; "o f course not.They weren't looking for me to be there." Furuyari
the centuries of wisdom they held always made him feel inadequate. joined in Hatori'spolite chuckles.
"It is unfortunate your companions are not present, Hetori-suma," "I have read of that performance. It was at the Winter Court,
Furuyari began, reachingfor the steaming pot oftea that say between was it not?"
them. "Talesof your journeys are just now beginning to reach my oId Furuyaripaused for a moment. "Yes it was, though I am surprised
ears, and I think their perspectives would be a delightful insight the histories would record such a thing."
concerni ng man y things." With his free hand, he motioned to "It was an eventful year. That was the same Winter Court at
Hatori's empty cup with an unspoken question. which the Scorpion Champion's son, Bayushi Tamono, defeated the
"They have indeed gained valuable experience over the past Emerald Champion in a duel."
months, Furuyuri-san," Hatori said pushing his teacup away. "o f course;' Furuyari said with a broad grin. "How could I forget?"
"It is a shame they could not join us;' the man replied, blue eyes He laughed sincerely.
gleaming behind hishalf mask. Furuyari obviously hadCraneblood, Hatori laughedaswell, though deepwithin a chill passed through
or perhaps Imperial. him. He had studied the Soshi Histories for a time in his youth.
"It is for your own welfare, trust me;' Hatori chuckled. "Taneji is They were a pit of anachronisms and errors even before the Lying
too taken with your reputation as a brilliant man of the court, and Darkness ravaged them. The duel he hadjust referred to was one he
Sekkou is a fawning admirer of your plays. I do not think they'd knew well from the Lion Histories and the Mi ya Archives;
be able to contain their excitement."With a small flourish, Hatori the shosuro Histories had mistakenly placed the event a century after
produced a humble, nicked teacup fro m thefo ldsof his obi. "I brought it hadhappened. It wasan error they hadnevercorrected even though
my own cup, Funlyari-san. A custom of Ryoko Owari, thegreatest of Hatori had pointed it out on several occasiol15.
the shosuro cities. I mean no offense." Bayushi Tamono had died twenty years before Shosuro Fu ruyari
"Of course;' the Scorpion said with a pleased grin, nodding at the was born.
cup as Hatori set it down. The playwright poured the cup half full, Whoever this man was, he was not Shosuro Furuyari.
and then served himself while speaking. "I am honored that you Hatori allowed his laughter to die down and began to stand.
learn the customs of the Sliosuro, Hatori-sama. As for your vassals, "Furuyari-san, it is good to know that for the unfair sinister
I do not believe I would mind someone who thought highly of my reputation the Sco rpio n carry, an old Miya can still count on the
work. If I did not want the attention I would have kept my plays to hospitality of the Shosuro. I think I should collect my errant vassals
myself." Furuyari smiled warmly and added, "But I do understand and retire fora few hours if I am to see this play of mine."
yourconcern about fawning admirers. You are something ofa writer Furuyari smiled as he rose. "o f course, Hatori-san. Thegro undsof
yourself, are you not?" the Shosuro Academy are yours to explore. If you need anything,
Hatori set the teacup at the very edge of the table and nodded just I have informed my servants and subordinates to attend your every
before he raisedthe teacup to his lips. Although hefeared the shosuro whim."
sitting mere feet from him would recognize what he was doing, the "Thank you;' was all Hatori said, fatigue suddenly obvious in his
shisha trapped the drink in the space between his gums and lips fo r face as he turned to go.
a moment beforeswallowing.The Kitsuki hadtaught him that many
Scorpion poisons caused a noticeableirritation ofthegums. The lesson
had saved Hatori more than once. Though he had many friends For several minutes, Fu ruyari stood alone in the small chamber.
in the Scorpion, the Miya could not rid himself of the feeling that Finall y, another voice seemed to whisper fro m all around. "He is
Furuyariwould never be counted amongthem. nothing, Shosuro-sama. A doddering, tired old Imperial, just as you
"I am mostly a historian, but I have written a few plays;' Hatori suspected."
said, placing the cupon the table, empty. If the shosuro had noticed "o f course heactsfoolish andold;' Furuyari hissedback, picking up
him testing the tea, he gave no indication. "My travels alongside his own teacup and examining it thoughtfully. "We all wear masks."
Emperor Toturi during the Clan War gave me a unique view on Furuyari toyed with his teacup idly, eyes narrowed in thought.
events. Much to my contentment, my plays have been received with "You seem upset, my lord;' the voice said.
a minimum ofcriticism." "He knows."
"Ah, yes. I believe two are currently beingproduced here;' Furu yari There wasa pause. "How?"
said with warm admiration in his voice. "One of our elder sensei "I erred," Furuyari said. "I was foolish to speak of my stolen past
is convinced your Ride of th e Wolf Legion should be a standardof with a historian."
thecurriculum." "Shall I attend to him?"
Hatori bowed his head humbly."Your teachersdome much honor. "No," Furuyari said. "Yojiro'sguardsare no mere gesture; they will
Nothing tests the talentsofa good actor like a bad play." protect Hatori with their lives. Killing him now would be difficult."
The Scorpio n laughed outright. "A peacekeeper, a playwright , "All men have a weakness, my lord. All men have families."
and nowa man ofhumor. I can see why my clan is so takenwith you, Furuyari smiled. "Of co urse," he said. "Go to Hatori's estates.
Miya Huron.' Furuyaritook anotherdrink, and set down his empty Arrangefor a suitabledistraction."
cup. "You must stay for thi s season's performance of An Akodo's Furuyari thoughtlessly set his teacup down. The table shook just
Shadow, Hatori-sama. It is educational to watchothersperformyour enough that Hatori's abandoned cup tumbled down and smashed
play, especially if they do not know the writer is there." The Scorpion's intopieces.
eyes shined with mirth.
as Imperial Chancellor demands he stay in the political center

TK£ of Rokugan. However, since his arrival , the Unicorn's control

over the city has gone from tenuous to practically nonexis tent
wit hin the span of a few months.

SKOSU~O T £A~" ~07 15 LA n "

Teardrop Island is located in the center of Kawai no Kin river,
and represents everything that makes the City of Storie s what
it is. Countless geisha houses, opium rooms, sake houses ,
The Shos uro family lands share no borders wi th the ot he r an d ot her such esta blis h me nts stand in open view from the
Great Clans, surroun ded on all sides but the west by their streets that line the sma ll islan d whi le drun ken revelry and
cousins in the Scorpion. The Shinomen Forest stan ds to th e other disgraceful actio ns are always happ en in g in the dark
west and marks the edge of Scorpion lands. Historically the corners unseen. Respectable samurai ope nly slan der the area,
Scorpion have patrolled to the Shinornen's eastern border , but everyone eventually visits. Most come to enjoy the island 's
rarely venturing into the sacred woodlands. Because of th eir comforts, which inclu de opium and many o ther illega l
relative distance from the major powers in the Empire, th e pleasures . Many samur ai come to Teardrop Island ini tially to
Shosuro provinces have historically been the most peacefu l in retr ieve a wayward companion on ly to become em broiled in
the clan . the endless altercations that erupt there. Visitors are expec ted
Within the past hundred years, the Shosuro lands have seen to set aside their weapons for "polish ing" while they sample <
the Nagas rise and subsequent decline in the Shinome n Mori , th e island's lux uries. Those wh o wish to remain anonymous
survived the clan's ban ish men t on two occas ions, and now are provided with bask et ha ts to co ncea l their faces du rin g
deal wi th th e incursions of Tsuno and ot he r Shadowland s their visit . Most Scorpion vis ito rs, of co urse , already have
beasts th at have att empted to make a home in the Sh inome n, masks.
Thoug h the Shos uro provin ces are secluded, they are far from
uninteresting. A",,£ n TV~£ HOOK
Th ough th is is no t a tru e adventure ho ok, it is worth no ting
th at nearly every impo rtant excitement that erupts in Ryoko
li\AJO~ SHOSU~O Owari cen te rs on its vast opi um tra de, whic h encompasses
both medi cin al opium and that smuggled for illicit use. Minor

HOL"lnGS lords fr equently ge t th e m sel ves ki lled attempting

to claim a small part of th e illegal trade, and characters may be
drawn into a silen t war betw een two rival faction s within th e
Though hardly th e Scorp ion Clan's "face," th e Shosuro fam ily's Ci ty of Green Wall s. While ha rdl y th e on ly thing that can
architecture is always stylish and graceful. Those wh o deal cause conflic t within Ryoko Ow ari, cha rac ters th at spen d
with the Scorpion's most importan t personages spe ak to more than a few day s within th e City of Stories inevitably
th e Bayus hi, but t he affa ir is h ost ed on Sh os u ro land s. encounter a tentacle of the opium trade.
The shosuro are fame d for their kab uki th eater and some- Maybe the cha racters could get the idea the y could brin g it
times un settling arts of impersonatio n; hardly a single major to a halt. .. only to di scover that as long as there's a Ryoko
Shosuro city lack s a notable playho use and library. It is also in Owari, th e opium trade will be alive and well. The endless
the hi dde n bac krooms of t hese ci ties t h at th e infamo us intrigue and violenc e su r rou n d in g the illegal sa le an d
shosuro ni nja trai n in their dark arts. m ovement of opiu m h as cl aimed the live s an d hono r of
samurai far cleverer th an the y.
(LOCATiOn 53) SKI:ao no SKOSV:ao
Journey's En d City. Th e City of Green Walls. The City of (LOCATion 55)
Stories. The City of Lies. Ryok o Owari has alw ays be en a The breathtaking Sh osuro anc es t ral home rival s th e Doji
center of intrig ue, wealt h, corru ption, and other facets of high estates in beauty an d t h e Isawa temples in elega nce .
society, an d with the destr uct ion of Otosan Uchi it is now Th e castle's design borders on the bizarre , though all wh o have
the larges t city in th e Empi re. see n the structu re agree that it is magnifi cent . Eve ry new
Recent eve nts h ave led to an in flux of powerful nobles year the s h os u ro cha n ge the castl e's decorations, layou t,
coming to the City of Green Walls; th e mos t notable is Hant ei and surroundin g lands. Each year's cha n ge is sub tle, but no
Naseru. Lik e hi s sib li ngs, the An vil h as op enly d eclared two generations grow up with the same Castle of Pretending.
himself the single righ tfu l heir ofToturi and nam ed Ryoko As th e prim ar y st age for the Sco rpion's mo st im porta n t
Owa ri th e n ew center of Roku gani governm ent. Naseru , meetings with other clans, Shiro no s hos uro is among the
the most politically active of th e Four Winds, has drawn many mo st ho spitabl e Scorpion Clan holdings. Dignitari es fro m
functio naries fro m Otosan Uchi to his court in the city. th e other clans agree that the Sho suro are more welcomin g
Though techn icall y Ryok o O wari is curre n tl y und er than their cousins, but the wise take thi s as a cue to be even
the control of Unico rn governor Sh injo Osema , the pre sen ce more careful
of Im pe ria l Cha ncello r Bayushi Kauk at su blunts Unicorn T h e shosuro pala ce is be st known for two things -
in flue nce. While the Unic orn magistrate s enforce th e cit y's th e Silken Smile Th eat er and the grea t Shosuro Gard en s.
laws, the Scorpio n's power in Ryok o Owari makes it nearly Man y vi sit the Scorpion lands solely to tour th ese si tes ,
impossible fo r any accusa tio n to stic k, pro vid ed a Scorpion which are without equ al in the Empire. The Shos uro are quite
can even be implicated. Bayushi Kaukatsu claims that his du ty accommodating, goin g to great len gth s to put visitors at ease.
Unlike other Scorpion fami lies, they play up the Scorpion
Clan's deceitful reputation so they can portray themselves as
the exceptions to the rule . HIGHWAYS Of" TH::
N aiv e ou tsid er s do indeed trust the shosuro more than SHOSU~O i'~OUlnc::s
oth er Scorpion. Of course , an y secrets they spill are rapidly The Journey (con n ects S3 to S6) - Some believe that
communicated to the clan leader s. The Journey derives it s n ame from the fact that it
stops at Journey's End City, others say that Ryoko
TH£ 5H05V~O <7A~O£n5 Ow ari took it s n ame from the road that leads to it.
The infamous shosuro Gardens are often compared to the In either case , The Journey is among the finest roads
Doji fam ily's Fantastic Garden s, though never in a Crane's in Rokugan. This is largely due to the frequency of
presen ce. Where the Crane gard en s are elegant and beautiful, travelers to Ryoko Owari, coupled with the wealthy
th e s h osuro Gardens are exotic and alluring. The Gardens . and in fl u en tial nobles residing there who wish
car ry a sinis ter reputation, of course, for it is here that the to make their travels to and from the city safe and
Scorpion keep samples of the mo st virulent poisonous plants pleasant. Th ou gh historically well guarded, Ryoko
in all of Rokugan . They do so by specia l permission of the Owari has recently become home to Hantei Naseru
Eme ra ld Magi strate s, fo r this is also where the Sho suro an d the Imperial Chancellor, Bayushi Kaukatsu,
prepare an tidot es to these poison s for the magistrates. (If a few Because of this and the resulting influx of diplomats
of th e rarer bloom s occa sionally d isappear to be given coming to the ci t y, Th e Journey is among the most
to Shosuro ninja, the magistrates are none the wiser.) heavily patrolled highways in the Empire.
Visitors can view a great many flower s and plants here that
cannot be found anywhere else within the mainland Empire. The Emperor's Road (connects S6 to S7 and S5) -
The Shos uro have cultivated tall trees that only grow leaves on Though Nihai Tower serves no particular importance
their upp erm ost reach es, creating a canopy over the whole to the Imperial family, it stands in the center of
garde n th at resembles a mesh ceiling supported by pillars all Shosuro lands and between both Shiro no Shosuro
about. Naturally, the Shosuro caution visitors not to touch any and Yogo Shiro. Many Imperial troops guard the path
of th e flowers or to venture from the path. In truth, most of between the two strongholds and make their base
the visi ble pl ants are in dividually harmless. The deadliest within the Shosuro outpost between them. The road
Shos uro poison s are all component mixtures of several herb s, leading to Shiro no Shosuro is substantially busier
perfectly safe on their own. Exceptions to thi s rule are kept in that the one leading to the sinister Yogo castle.
seclu ded areas of the gard en, monitored at all time s by vigilant
samurai guardians. The Path ofThunder(con n ects S10 to S9)-The road to
the great Shrine of Osano-Wo stops short in the small
town of Ginasutra, where pilgrims are made to walk
TH£ 51J.K£n 51i\1L£
on rocky terrain and dirt paths for the rest of
An extreme ly po pular pl ayh ou se , th e Silken Smile has their journey. The Path of Thunder is maintained as
become such a cente r of activity that plays have been written a courtesy from the Shosuro to the monks of Shinden
based on events that have transpired there. Inspired to fur y Osano-Wo, and a token force of Shosuro bushi patrol
and passion by acts portrayed on th e Silken Smile's stage, the highway. Though the Scorpion are not particularly
many samurai have lost their lives, honor, or both shortly after known for their regard for the Fortunes and Shinsei,
visi ti ng th e pl ayh ou se . The Sh os uro are n aturall y up set the Shosuro realize the wisdom in keeping the
by these inci dents , but after all, is not in spiration th e point of Rokugan's largest sect of militant monks pacified.
thea ter? For as many samur ai as dish onor themselves in the
Silken Smile, how man y m or e are in sp ired to emb rac e
bu shido and perform acts of great bravery?
Many magis trates and influential lord s have attempted to niHAI TOW::~
close the Silken Smile by both force and guile. All have failed, (LOCATion 5 6)
an d the colo rful pl ays pe rfo rme d h e re hav e con ti n ue d Nihai Tower is often referr ed to as "Shos uros Heart," for it is
without interruption since the Smi le's founding in 231. Even centered almos t perfectly betw een every thing of impo rtance
after the Scorpion Coup, th e Silken Smile was saved by th e within th e Shos uro provinces. The structure has stood since
intervention of O tomo Ban u , who had been so grea tly the early Scorpion settleme nts of th e area th at would one day
inspired by a play that he could not stand to see the playhouse becom e the Shos uro land s. For four genera tions, Nihai Tower
destroyed . During th e Scorpion's exile, Banu intervened again. was actually th e st rongho ld for th e fam ily's lead ers wh ile
Tho ugh the Silken Smile stood quiet and empty during th ese Sh iro no Shos uro was be ing cons tructed. Several cha mbe rs
time s, it was waiting when th e s hos uro returne d. th at h ou sed the Shos u ro's no bi lity remain intact an d are
Recen tly th e pl ayh ou se ha s see n a drop in atte n dance maintain ed sho uld they ever need to fill tha t role again .
due to the de str uction of Beid en Pass. Th e Unicorn Clan's During the Scorpion Clan's exile across the Burning San ds,
stranglehold on Seikitsu Pass has turned away most th at do many Shosuro agent s remained in th e Empi re and based their
not have personal alliances with the Unico rn or the Shogun, clandestin e activities out of thi s anci ent strongho ld.
Ako do Kaneka. At any oth er time , the Shos uro m ay have Since th e completion of Shiro no Sho suro, Nihai Tower has
found this infuria ting, but between th e Sha dowed Tower 's coordinated all th e Shos uros military endeavors. The Bayushi
rise, the con flict between the Four Winds, constant raids from typically send many of their first- and secon d-year bushi to the
the Shinomen by the Tsuno , and ot her events bedeviling the Tower to complement the Shos uro who study the bushi's path .
Empire, the family has far greater pro blem s than a struggling As the Shosuro have no publicly acknowle dged dojo to teach
playhou se. combat and martial skills, th e Bayushi maintain a dojo within
Nih ai Tower.
Within the rece nt years, th e number of bush i station ed The Scorpion, meanwhile, embrace d him as one of th eir own,
at Nihai Tow e r ha s n early doubled du e to th e ac tivity of as a true son of the shosur o. O n that day, Haronobu knows,
Shadowlands beasts within Shinomen Mori .Though far from Gonkuro's son will accept hi s ninj a-to with a grim smile and
an easy target, th e loss of Nihai Tower would give an enemy be given his first assignment - to find and kill hi s true fathe r.
easy access to nearly every m ajor point within Scorpion Such is th e vengeance of the Scorpion.
con t rol. T he shos uro wo ul d also be rendered prac tic ally
helpless as almost every roa d within Shosuro land s tr avels TH 5: niH AI TUnn5:1-5
near or through the stronghold.The Scorpion are dedicated to The storage basement of Nihai Tower co nnec ts to a nearly
ensuring th at possibility remains only that. forgotten latticework of tunnels and rooms that sp raw l
beneath the ground for miles in every direction. The longe st
THUnD 5:~' 5 D AC:;C:; 5: ~ DOJO tunnels follow the major roads that lead away from the strong-
Thunder's Dagger is the on ly bushi dojo in the Shosuro land s. ho ld. These passages were beg un when construc tion of Niha i
It also conven iently explains why many Sho su ro ni nja are Tower began and were planned on connec ting the tower with
competent with the use of swords. Claiming to have stu died at nearby Scorpion cities with several "vent" points th at reach
Th under's Dagger Dojo is more acceptable than confessing to the surface between the rwo locations. In practice , th e project
the family 's mo re secretive practices. Wh ile perhaps no more was eventually aban doned. The task of digging tunnels under
than a tenth of Shosuro samurai ever train as bu shi, more th an the en tirety of the Scorpion provinces was too enormous
half of them claim that th ey have trained at Th under 's Dagger, to be completed, even with the aid of magic. Even unfinished,
at another Bayushi bushi dojo, or even at the Bayushi Courtier the tunnels are still extensive.Those who know them well can
Sch ool. The lie is covered somewhat by th e fact th at man y pass un seen through almost the entirety of th e Scorpion
graduates of the Shosuro Ninja Academ y mak e Nihai Tower provin ces.
their base of operations, so the dojo appe ars to have as many
students as the s hosuro claim. Further, th e dojo's presen ce is a TH~ SH OSU~O
practical necessity for the Shosuro. The Scorpion Clan is too
large for the Bayushi to rem ain th e onl y family to produce
BUT~I ACA"~1i\.Y
bushi in any significant number. North an d eas t of Shi ro no Sh osu ro is the famou s Bute i
The school takes its name as hom age to the first Scorpion Acad em y. The mo st talen ted Shosuro ac tors re ceiv e their
Thunder, Sho suro. The schoo l developed a un ique technique tr aining her e, between Nihai Tower an d Sh iro no Shos uro,
several generations ago an d adde d it to the Bayu shi style Th e Acad em y gro unds encompass a decent-si zed city
of fighting. The technique is taught exclusively at Thun der's alongs ide th e Emperor 's Road, which makes it heavily visited
Dagger dojo and as a resu lt a Bayu sh i bushi's appointme nt by Scorpio n and outsiders alike. Visitor s to Shiro no Shos uro
to be station ed at Ni hai Towe r h as a sing ular honor - often stop over in the Academy to view the pra cticin g butei
the chance to learn the Th under's Dagger technique. before atte nding a play at th e Silken Smile.
Naturally, m ethod s of acting and entertainment are not
all tha t are taught at th e But ei Academ y. The butei are the
Shos uros master s of infiltration and impersonation. Notable
[Sam urai 5/Ninja 5; Bayush i Bush i 4] students receive instru ction on th e arts of poison, stealth, and
The current master of Th un der's Dag ge r Dojo is the even assassination. Th e Butei Academy is har dly a true ninja
resourceful and dangerous Bayushi Haro no bu. Haronob u dojo, however - thi s education is reserved for the students
remaine d a senior se nse i amo ng the ranks of Nih ai Tower tha t show both th e int erest an d talent for such a ca reer.
un til three years ago when the previous Master Sens ei was The vast majority of students are aware that the school is more
assassina ted. Haro nob u and several other sensei personally than it seems but are conten t to learn their craft of poetry and
under took the task of fin di ng t heir lo rd 's murderer acting.
and extracting reve nge , but only Ha ronob u retu rned alive.
Few questions were asked, as the trail led Haro nobu and hi s
peers to Yoritomo Gonkuro, a powerful Mantis lord . As th e
on ly survivor an d clea rly th e most capab le, Haro no bu was Th e Shosuro fam ily's Butei Dojo was fou nded in 179, just as
granted the late sensei's positio n an d the entire affai r was th e Sho suro were becom ing a powerful family in their own
con sidered just an ot her incide n t in the poor re lat io ns right .The Shos uro daimyo at the time,Taysuke, was a juns hin
berween the Scorpio n and Mantis clans. wh o was p rivate ly d istu rb e d by his cl an's reputation as
The truth is sligh tly deep er. Haron obu did not avenge hi s man ipulators and assassins . In an att empt to prove that the
master's death as his clan believes. In stead, Bayushi Haronobu Scorpion could bring grea t good to the Empire, he founded
confronted the Mantis, an d after a deadl y bat tl e in wh ich a school for the arts, to entertain the court s.
H aronobu's com pan ions fell , h e spared the ki ller's life. The Sho suro dai myo's growing school of talented actor s,
In return, Haronobu exacted a pr om ise from the Mantis. mu sician s, and storytellers drew the attention of the Scorpion
Haronobu would take Con kuros youngest son , to be raised as Champion Bayus h i M arih im e, who imm ediately saw the
a Scorpion. Despe rate to save his own life, Gonkuro agreed, potential in such agents. He secretly planted the clan's mo st
faked his death , and fled in to hidin g. tal ent ed ninja se nsei in Tays uke's school , and privately
For ten years Haro nobu has trained Gonk uro's son. The boy in st ru ct ed h is butei in th e tech n iqu es they would need
remembers nothing of his forme r life. He thin ks of him self as to truly serve the Scorpion. Ten years later, the school's first
a Scorpio n, of Haron obu as his fathe r. In three more years the acting troupe emerged and was a great success . The "Scorpion
boy will undergo his gempukku, and on that day, Haronobu Players" t rou pe tr aveled through ou t the Scorpion land s
will tell hi s adopted son th e truth - of how the methods and at first, but th ey were soon invited in to houses in the Phoe nix,
techniques tha t h e loves so much were almost destroyed, the Crane , and even th e Lion lands.
and that hi s true fathe r abandoned him to save hi s own life.
[Ninja 5!Bu tei 10 ; Shosuro Butei 5]
The current leader of Painted City is an old actor with
unparalleled fir st-hand experience in the art of deceiving
others. He - and to call Miyo "he" is an assumption, for none
truly know whether the old actor is male or female - has
lived in Painted City on and off for sixty years. He recently
returned after an absence of nearly ten year s, an unusuall y
long time.
Mi yo's mo st recent disgui se was that of a contemplative
Matsu samurai-ko named Uona. He had perfected thi s guise
to such a degree that he even participated in several battles
under her identity. Several Lion's Pride members owe th eir
lives to Uona's quick thinking, and Miyo privately took joy in
the glory he felt fighting for th e hon or of th e Lion.
In his guise as Uona , Miyo grew truly fond of many Matsu
nobles and became great friend s with the garrison commander
at Kaeru Toshi. His affection for tho se he manipulated grew
greater each day. Finally, Miyo was convinced that he would
never be able to master his weaknes s and perform his dut ies
for the Scorpion. He had stayed in one pla ce , in one ro le,
for too long. With a heavy heart , he stripped off his Lion armor
and returned home to Painted City.To those who knew Matsu
Uona , she simply vanished in the night.
Som etime s in the Painted City, Miyo weeps for the life
he has lost, for the role he enjoyed too mu ch . . .

A17I1::nTV;t:: HOOK
Challenge: A character's daimyo has offered the assistance
of that ch arac ter as a personal favor to one of h is allies.
Shosuro Taysuke was pleased with th e troupe's popularity, The assignment is straightforward - the ally's son has slipped
and requests flooded in from powerful Scorpion lords to place away into th e night and the characters are ordered to find out
one or more of the ir children at th e Butei Academ y. Bayushi what happened to him.
Marihime was mu ch m ore im p re sse d wi th the ease with Focus: Fortunately, the errant young man did not scurry off
which Taysuke's players moved freely from house to hou se, and into the night at random. Dazzled by the tales of the Shosuro
the information they provided upon their return.Tatsuya lived Butei and mocked by hi s father for hi s lov e of th eat er ,
his ent ire life ne ver knowing the tru e purpose to wh ich his the daimyo'sheir has gone off to enroll with the Shosuro at th e
students had been bent, and died happy th at his life had served Butei Academy.
a no ble purpose. His replacem ent did no t sha re hi s junshin Strike: The Shosuro have not only taken th e bo y in ,
ten dencies, an d the Sh osu ro But ei becam e th e m ast er ful but have also been impre ssed with his talent. The young heir
organization of spies and impe rsonators that th ey are today. is now a part of Painted Ci ty for the season an d cou ld be
anyone , any whe re. Unless th e ch aracter 's lord has a tru ly
7AmT::17 CITY significant amount of influenc e, the Academ y masters will
Th e sma ll ci ty sur roun ding t he Sho suro But ei Academ y not help th e characters, being loath to int errup t the season's
is a testament to the Shosuro's skill. Th e entire city is lik e flow. Of course, they are quite willing to allow the characters
a magnifice n t play to amu se an d en te rta in visitors wh ile to en te rt ain th em by running aroun d the city li ke fools
Academy students hon e their skills. Each resident plays a role lookin g for th e young man .
define d for the m by the current "script" devised by the master
sensei and senio r Academy students. Each season, th e script
changes, and th e Academy students enter different roles th at
th ey must maint ain at all times, even in the presen ce of other li\1n-O~ SHOSU~O
students. Every year the stru ctures within the city change as
well, furt her amusing repeat visitors. H OL"ln GS
The Shosuro are complet ely guileless in th eir use of th is
ci ty as a gigantic train ing gro unds for t hei r stu de n ts and
the entertai nm en t of others. As a byproduct of its den izen s' TH~ HO\!lJ.lnG F I~J."S
faithfulness to their role s, Painted Cit y is one of th e safest The flat lands bord er ed by the Path of Th un der and the
locations in Scorp ion lands. Scores of s hosuro assassin s wh o Empero r's Road are known as the Howli ng Fields. The name
study with the Butei Academy become silent guardians each comes from the low, mournful howling th at can be h eard
season, protecting the peace and un in terrupted flow of th e whenever a strong wind blows across the grassy plains. The
town's scri pt. Messy assassinations cause problem s that "m ay legends that sur rou nd th e Howling Fields are innume rable,
present learning experie nces for the actors involved, but also ranging from simple stories of wandering ghosts to fantastic
lea d to impossib ly complex investigations for any sign of tales of blood-red apparitio ns riding in huge formations every
a real fact in the midst of a false reality. new moon . All the tales agree upon one thing - there is some-
thing terribly wrong with the Howling Fields. Report s about TH£ 5H;Un£ OT 5H05V~0
the area that can be substantiated are several disappearances, The only cons tant Scorpion pre sen ce in Gin asutra centers
mu ltiple incidents of magic gone un im agin ably awry, on the huge Shrine of the Scorpion Thunder. The villag e
and madness striking those of soun d mind without warni ng. headman always makes his report to the Scorpion magistr ates
These inci dent s have begun within the past generation, and in th e massive temple , and meetings between any two
have all been repor ted to th e lords of the Scorpion. Wit hout Scorpio n always converge there. The struc ture is somewhat
fail, the response is, "We wi ll handle the situation. Do not out of place when seen again st the backdrop of the village,
return to the Ho wling Fiel ds ," and no more. Any attempt thou gh it is located a quarter of a mile outsid e the village
to investigate furt her by minor no bles or groups of errant borders. Most villagers believe the temple is haunted, and all
samurai are eit her term in ated abrup tly by th eir supe riors. of them avoid it for one reason or another.
Wise Scorpion take th e hint tha t th ere is something that not The Shri ne of shosuro is built in a surprisingly traditional
even the Scorpion can trust their own with , whil e the foolish m an ner, given the Shosuro's penchant for dramatic and
are undone by the mysterious forces in the Howling Fields or opulent designs. The Shosuro accept that th e First Thunder's
pu t to death by their own clan . ro le was t hat of a champion of mortal m an , and one of
Shinseis chosen. Because Shosuro submitted herself to such a
TH£ ~~AII£ OT OnnOTAn~V position, her descendants honor her with a style more in lin e
The true story of the How ling fields stretches back over th irty with the Brotherhood's tradit ions.
years. W hen Hitomi slew Lord Moon, she took Onno tang u's
power and magnificence. As a heavenly, primal force, Hi tomi
could no t undo the dark ness tha t Lord Moon h ad carried
since the unive rse 's creatio n, an d she feare d she could
n ot carry it with in her self and ma ster it. Instea d, sh e cast
Onno ta ngu's h at red, rage , and jea lousy into the Realm of
Morta ls. She placed all of th ese things in the Scorpion's care,
a clan that had pro mised to aid th e Dragon Clan in th eir tim es SJiOSU~O
of nee d. The Shos uro flatlands were th e ideal place because
few dared jo urney the re, and th e Sco rpion - mast er s of
detec ting unseen threats - could possibly make use of Lord
Moon's remains somehow.
Though there is no single structure that sign ifies wh ere
Lor d Moon's esse nce is hidden , th e Shos uro hav e ere cte d SHOSU~O YUDOI{A.
three false shri nes in th e area to confus e t hose wh o SHOSU~O f"AIi\ILY DAIIi\YO
mig h t kn ow what they were look ing for. Th e weight of th is The Shos uro daim yo is an un usual m an , even among the
respons ibility is so huge that on ly th e Scorpion family daim yo Scorpion. Like many of his fellows, Yudoka lives a hidden life
kno w of it, as does the clan Champion, and the master of the alongside th e one he presen ts to the Empire. Unlike other
nearby Temple of Osano-Wo (the Fortune of Fire and Thunder Scorp ion, it is th e hard and sinister side of his soul that he
has vowe d that Onnotangu's si niste r in fluence m ust be exposes to Rokugan, hiding any preten se of hu manity under
contained and not corrupt th e Plains of Thu nder to the west). his billowing cloak and porcelain mask. Few can tru ly call the
All work in silent cooperation to ens ure the secrecy of the Shosuro daimyo their ally, and onl y on e man dares to call him
Grave of Onnotangu. a friend - Bayushi Yojiro. Non e but th e Scorpion Champion
These field s h ave becom e hom e to the un quiet ghost of kn ow ju st how ne ar Yudok a treads to the edge of madness,
a dead god . It is a burden th e Scorpi on take very serio usly. and it is Yojiro's influence that has kept the ninja in comp lete
control of himsel£
GlnASUT ~A Yudoka was born three years befor e th e Scorpion Clan
Coup, the eldest son of Shosuro Hametsu and his wife Mikiko.
(J"OCATIOn 5 9)
Hametsu considered himself th e mo st successful s hosuro
The small town of Ginasutra is a shosuro holding only in the
daimyo in generation s, an d saw h is yo ung h ei r as h is
most technical sense. As it lies on th e outer edges of Scorpion
opportunity to continue the family's prosperit y after he had
territory and is only known for its connection to the Shrine
passed on. Yudoka was guarde d by every resour ce Hametsu
of Th under, th e presen ce of Shosuro influenc e is minimal.
had at his disposal, even during the Clan War. Hametsu did
Milit ary presence in the city is unnecessary as the sohei of
his job so well, few realized th at Yudoka existed.
Osano -Wo are worth a legion of bu shi, and the holy order
When the Scorpion we re exiled from th e Empire, t he
causes no trouble when left to its own device s. Th e Shosuro
Shosuro daim yo did th e only thing that he knew wou ld save
keep a claim on th e town simply because it requires nearly no
his son - he abandoned him as a nameless Scorp ion child,
mai n te nance , so any tax they collect is almost pure profit.
with nothing to ident ify his birth righ t. The nin e-year-old hei r
Most Ginasutra peasants are hardl y aware they are beholden
would never survive bein g h id den amo ng th e Scorpion
to a Scorp ion daim yo. New s from acros s the Empire rarely
caravans bound for th e Burnin g San ds , an d wh atever had
reaches them. Passing samurai are the best source of recent
moved against th e Scorpion Clan would surely come after th e
news, and the y are usually un comfortable at the prospect of
children of important lord s.
spending more than an hour or two in any Scorpion holding,
It was during hi s aban donme nt that the heir of Shos uro
no matter how rural. Gina sutra is the perfect stereotypical
Hametsu finall y came int o hi s own. Without the suffocating
peasant backwater village, often to the amusement of passersby
presence of his father, he passed his gempukku training under
who deign to stay overnight or longer. Due to the Shrine of
the handful of Shosuro ninja still in Roku gan and took the
Osano-Wo's influence, the village peasants are well educated
name Yudoka. Sh osuro Yudoka quickl y becam e one of
and highly spiritual, albeit unaware of current events.
Bayushi Ararnoro's most talent ed students. Perhaps because no Yudoka did not see Nishiko for months. After th e Battle of
one knew the boy's lineage, he risked his life constantly in the o blivion 's Gate, Nis hi ko was never heard fro m again, and
line of duty. For tw o yea rs , Yudo ka advanced in skill an d Yudoka resign ed himself to his loss - she had clearly fallen in
ac k n owledged rank amo ng th e Shos uro ninja until he battle, eit he r slain by th e Shadowlands Horde or con sume d by
was training h is own small group of in itiates. Among these th e Lyin g Darkness. He prayed it was the former. When he
fledgling ninja were several young Scorpion liberated from later heard reports of an assassi n named "Coju Nishiko"
th e Crane's care, incl uding a young woman nam ed Nishiko, slaughtering samurai on the Kaiu Wall, he was outraged.
It too k on ly a month for their mu tual feelings to man ifest. Yudoka insisted that th e Shos uro Tejina undergo a lengthy
While the Shosuro to ile d under cover of darkness, th e inquisition to determi ne th e effects of their magic on those
Empire slipped into chaos. The re seemed to be no end to the who used it. His advisors apologized profusely, stating that he
dangers that threatened the Scorpio n. Desperate to do what was n ever told t he exte nt of th eir activities because their
she could, Nishiko spied even on th e highest-ranking s hos uro inv olve me nt with th e Lyin g Dark ness was best forgotten .
in an attempt to learn everyt hing she could. When th e young No one had meant to deceive Yudoka; it was only a matte r no
woman over heard Yudoka's name mentioned as a candidate on e wi shed to raise again. When th e true fate of Sho suro
for "Shadow Brand ing," an d discovered the unfortunate but Nishiko became clear, Yudoka agreed that the Shosuro were
necessary effec t it wou ld have on him, she revealed he rself clea rly in n eed of a n ew b eginnin g. From tha t moment
and offered to take his place. She was less skille d, forw ard , Yudoka also took great pains to point out that the
she reasoned, and therefore less of a threat should she be lost Shosuro family trained assassins, not ninja . As far as the
to the Lying Darkness. Impre ssed by her skill an d coura ge, shosuro lord was concerned, the ninja were corrupted pawn s
the Shosuro agreed . of the Darkne ss that begged for extermination.
When the Scorpion returned, Yudok a an d Ni shiko were Without preamble, he ordered every Shosuro practitioner of
separated in the confusion of a thousand different dut ies that shinobi int o an all-out crusade against the Goju and Ninube
had to be undertaken to sec ure the Scorpion's posi tion and that had survived the War Against the Darkness. What followed
strike back at the Darkness . The Shosuro elders th at return ed was a brutal extermination, as s hos uro raiding parties hunted
also came for Yudoka at the or de r of Shosu ro Ha me tsu - the sha dow ninja even within the Shadowland s' borders.
though the daim yo did not return from th e Burning Sands, Yudoka was a brilliant and fearless leader, and only a handful of
he made it clear his son must be found and named heir to the his agents fell in combat with the Goju as hundreds of Shadow
family. At a meeting with Hametsu's former hatamoto,Taberu , spawn that died underneath the assassins' blades. Their quiet
Yudoka refu sed to accept th e responsibility. He claimed th at war went on un seen and unnoticed even by the Crab, despite
th ere was no way th at he could be proven to be h is fathe r's the fact that most Goju were destroyed in their land s.
h e ir. Tabe ru replied that Yudo ka h ad alr ead y proven it. Since that time , the Goju have learn ed to fear Yudoka and
In Yudokas youth Hametsu had carefully dosed Yudoka with his minion s. Tho ugh more tha n a generation has passed, his
warui paseri - one of the Sho suro Gardens' deadliest poisons. seet hing fur y at the Darknes s has not abated. Indeed, it has
Only Hametsu's true son would be immune to a large dose - only evolved to incl ude the Shadowland s that now control the
suc h as th e one he h ad cons ume d while din in g with Goju. Wh en the Tsuno raids began and Emperor Toturi I was
Harnetsus hatamoto. Yudoka could den y th e tru th no longer. kill ed wi thin Scorpion borders, Yudoka initially saw only
Suddenly buried in responsibility as the Shosuro daimyo, a frus trating distraction from the quest that had consumed his
Yudoka could not slip away to find his lover. life. He was the first human samurai to kill aTsuno in personal
combat, but he considered the battle a mere distraction from
his hu nt for the Goju. As months have passed, it has become
clear to th e Scorpion tha t Yudoka and his elite assassin s are
inva luable against the creatures the Scorpion now battle.
For now, he is content to slaughter th e Tsuno and goblins that
dare attack the land s he calls hom e.
He has seen Nishiko twice since that time , and both tim es
the abomination that wear s his lover's face has eluded him .
Now tha t the Shadowed Tower's existence has redire cted his
atten tions a second time, he is not content to pla y along.
The Tower reminds him too much of what th e Shosuro once
were - fools who believe they can control th e darkness.
Yudoka knows if he doe s not do his utmost to concl ude th e
Shadowed Tower's thre at as quickl y as possible, he may never
have the chance to avenge Nishiko's corrupti on .

Ma le human Scorpion (Ft r6/Nin 12): CR 18; Medium-size
humanoid (h u man) ; HD 6dl0+12 plus 12d 6+24; hp 137;
Init +11; Spd 40 ft.; AC 27 (touch 14, flat-footed 27); Atk +3
keen ninja-to +22/ +17/ +12/ +7 melee (l d6+5 damage); SQ Class
ski ll - Poi son (fam il y bonu s), Ninj a Dodge (+3), Snea k
Attack +6d6 , Poison Use , Speed of Darkness, Shadow Run ,
Uncanny Dod ge (Dex bonus, flanking); Honor: 0; AL LE;
SV Fort +11, Ref +14, w ill +6; Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16,
Wis 11, Cha 14; Maximum Void: 2; Heigh t 5 ft. 7 in.
Skills andFeats: Speak Language (Rokugani, High Rokugan i),
Balance +15, Bluff +10, Climb +14, Escape Artist +12, Hi de +26,
Jump +18, Move Silently +26, Rid e +1 2, Spo t +8, Swim +1 4 ,
Tumble +20; Bayush i'sTech nique, Blind -Fight , Deflect Arrows,
Ex otic Weap on Pro ficie ncy (Pin cers an d Tai l), Ex pe rt ise,
Im p ro ved Disarm, Improv ed Initiativ e , Improv ed Tr ip,
Mob il it y, Poiso n Im m un ity (waru i paseri), Sp ring Attack ,
Strike at th e Tail, Untouch able, Void Use.
Dojo: Brother 's Gift; Kata: Dw ell in Darkness , Poi soned
Possessions: +4 keen lawful crysteel Pincers and Tail (see sidebar),
+3 keen ninja-to, kote of armor +5, cloa k of stealth (as cloak of
elvenkind), bootsof stealth (as bootsof elvenkind),amulet of natural
armor +4, black stone netsuke (casts darkness as a 10th level sorcerer
3/ day), ring of protection +4. In addition, Yudoka carries tools
useful to h is activities as a ninja th at vary depending on the
tim e of day an d mission at hand, including many marvels of
Kaiu engineering and Dragon miz ugusuri tha t he has picked
up in h is travels.

Earth: 4
Willpower: 5
Wat er: 3
Perception: 6
Fire: 5
Agility: 7
Air: 5
Reflexes: 7
Void : 4
School/Rank: Shos uro Shi nobi 5, Bayu shi Bushi 2
Dojo: Brother 's Gift
Honor: 0.6
Glory: 8.1
Advantages: Magic Resistance (2 ranks), Poison Immunity
(warui paseri), Quick, Social Position (Sh osu ro Family
Daimyo),True Friend (Bayushi Yojiro)
Disadvantages: Driven (h unt remaining Goju ), Insensitive
Skills: Athletics 5, Blowgun 4, Climbing 3, Climbing Tools 6,
Defense 6, Exp losives 5, Hand -to -Hand 7, Intimidation 5,
Inve sti gat io n 5, Kyu jutsu 6, Lore (Lyin g Darkness) 8,
Ninja-to 8, Poison 7, Shi n tao 3, Stealth 8
Kata: Dwell in Darkness, Poisoned Wind

H~:aAL" Of" TH ~ SHoGUn
s hosur o Higatsuku knows there are few cert ain things in this
world, but one has been mad e clear to him - the Fortunes are
greatly am used by his suffering. It was clear sin ce birth that
Higatsuku was a bri ght and gifted ch ild, but as the son of an
unimportant Scorpion fun ctionary it was assumed hi s poten-
ti al would go to waste. Higatsuku had other plans, and he
becam e som ething else entirely. had a fair chance of unraveling intricate Scorp ion plots if he
A murderer. tried, but Higatsuku learn ed th at if th at same wi se gen eral
He did not kill with a blade in the back like a ninja, or call chose not to think, he would kill himself as surely as if he had
out hi s opponents in a duel as if he were a swaggering Bayushi att empted to duel Lady Moon.
bu sh i. Hig atsuku mastered th e art of manipulation, studying The young Shosuro gained a reputation as a de spi cable
every facet of the human psyche in order to learn what drives antagonist who took joy in the mi sery and fury of other s.
men and women. More importantly, Higatsuku learned what His signatu re maneuver was to make someone lose hi s or her
could make them do someth ing they would usually never do; temper in a seemingly innocuous manner, or at a time when
some th ing again st their honor, their word , or even their char- no one of importance was looking .. . only for it to become
acter. Though th e art of manipulating the actions of others clear that the timing or audience was more significant th an
was no t particularly unique among the Scorpion, Higatsuku his victim had imagined.Three times, Higatsuku ha s done hi s
took a surp risingly direct approach: in sults. An Akodo bushi
own work. Th ose three men thought to stop Higatsuku with When H igatsuk u ran back to h is contact with Yojiro, he was
steel wh ere words had failed them. They learned far too late surprise d to learn tha t th e Mast er of Secrets h ad predicted
that the simpering Scorpion courtier had planned hi s battle s Kan ek a's act ion s p er fectly. H igatsu ku 's m in d reeled at the
well. Each tim e H igatsuku was challenged, th e out come was im plicatio ns . Did th e Sco rpi on not fu lly support Naseru ?
t he same. Some unexp ected party, a sam u rai in de b te d to Wh y w ould th ey li e to h im ? Was Kaneka so clever that
H igats u k u, ste ppe d fo rward to champion the Scorpion . th e Sco rp ion truly desir ed to sup port h im ? Tho ugh he was
Tho ugh he never dr ew his blad e, he kill ed hi s en emies swiftly confuse d, one th in g was clear - he was now a captive vassal
and sure ly. of Ak od o Kan ek a, the politic al adv is or an d herald of the
As fate would have it, word of H igatsuku's actions reach ed unrecogni zed eldest ch ild of Toturi I.
th e ears of Bayu sh i Pan eki , who pa ssed it al ong to hi s For over a year, Higatsuku has performed a superb balanc-
Cha m pion . This all occ u r re d as th e impending con fl ic t ing act, appearing clever eno ugh to rem ain useful to Kaneka ,
b etween th e Fo u r W ind s wa s becoming clear . Clea rly, but not cun ning enough to outsm art him . He con stantly find s
Hi gatsuku was manipulative , inventive, and ruthless. As far as himself in ho stile territory eve n wh en not at h is lord 's side
Bayu shi Yoji ro was conce rn ed, Higatsuku was pe rfect for due to th e n aked h atred th e Shogun's allies bear for his clan .
a plan he had been cons idering for months. The Mantis and Unicorn are openly disgusted by Higa tsukus
At first, the young shosuro was surprised to be invited presence, while the Lion mak e no effort to hide their mi strust
to Otosan Uchi by the Champion himself. On the trip to of th e Scorpion courtier. Kan eka allows their feelings to run
the Imperial Cap itol, however, Higat suku assured unchecked so long as it is cle ar that no h arm is to come to
h im self his dreams h ad come true and that the H igatsuku; h e is a value d advisor despite their misgivings.
hi gh est ranks of his Clan had heard of hi s unequaled Higatsuku ha s
skill. Yoji ro inform ed th e Shosuro court ier that he fo und that this in dif-
wou ld be the key player in a game that would fe rence is a doub le -
en d w ith the assass ina t io n ofYoritomo edge d sword, and has
Aramasu. sh am ed a Unicorn
H iga t su ku was assig ne d a partner in bu sh i and a Mantis
th is m ission, th e lovely s hos uro Yasuko . sh ugenja by his
The two Scorpion sough t to di stract res po n se to their
Ara mas u in the h om e of Akodo verbal abuse. When
Kane ka , an d sim u ltan eou sly trick th ey took their
Kaneka into n ot interfering with th e complaint to Akodo
battle. O nce this h ad be en achieved , Kaneka, the Shogun simp ly
the tw o co urtiers sto od ba ck as an replied, "Do not com e mewl-
ambush par ty le d by Bayu shi Kamnan ing to me when you have
slew Ara mas u an d h is gu ards. fai led by u nderestimat ing
Though Higats u k u k n ew he w as Higatsuku's strength. If you
witnessing th e culmi nation of year s th ink I would allow myself to
of precise pl anni ng, he could barely be atte n de d by useless filth , you
bring h im sel f to take his eyes fr om are rwice the fool he has made the both of
Yasuko during m ost of th e even t. She you out to be." Since tha t inci dent, few are willing
was lovely, devastating in her int elle ct, to ope n ly co nfro nt th e Sco rpion, thoug h he is
and as ruth less as H igatsuku wished liked even less, if that is possible.
to be. H e could not pu sh h er out As for H igatsuku, hi s time with th e Shogun's
of his m ind , try as h e m ight. army has up set h is soul. Whi le it can hardl y be
Ins tea d, Higat suku foc use d said the Shos uro courtier ha s any fondness
on a n ew m issio n - th e for h is lord , Higatsuku cannot deny that he
sh am ing of Totu ri's una c- ha s come to h on estl y re spect and admire
kn owledged so n. After th e Akodo Kan eka for both his skill with his own
incident wi th th e M ant is, th e actions and tha t of others. Higatsuku has come to
Bast ard wo u ld b e in a st ick y p o lit ic al situ at io n, h avin g the conclusion th at th e rwo of them are of a common mind -
witnessed th e out break of war betw een rwo Great Clans and both recognize th e worth of goading opponents int o under-
done no thing.The s hos uro hoped to tak e advantage of thi s for esti ma ti ng th em . Slowly, the young Scorpion is be coming
hi s clan, perhaps earni ng a favor from Kaneka 's rival, Naseru. more comfortable wit h the idea of serving under the Bastard
Higa tsu k u atte m p te d to goa d Kan ek a as h e h ad goa ded and is willing to sha re this view with others.
so many othe rs. Un like th e ot he r tim es, H igatsuku h ad n o
champion in reserve. He h oped on ly to cause th e Bastard to SH OSU ~O H ICiATSUKU
strike out agains t him, to h arm h is own claim on th e throne Male human Scorpion; Courtier 7: CR 7; Medium-size
throug h an act of dish onorable violence . humanoid (h uman); HD 7d6; hp 27; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15
To Higa tsu k u's su rp ri se, Kan ek a saw throu gh the pl ot. (touch 12, flat -foo ted 13); Atk +1 dueling katana +3 mele e
Instead of turn in g on h im in blind fury, Kaneka struc k him (l d10+1 dam age); SQ Class skill - Poison (fam ily bonus),
hard acro ss th e jaw in a contro lle d m an n er an d dic tated to Wealth, Talent, Style and Grace, Gossip, Courtier Abiliti es (No
Higatsuku what h is fate would be. The Bastard said that one More Masks); Honor: 1; AL NE; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, will +7;
day h e wo ul d be Emperor, an d he needed men of political Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 17, Wi s 14, Cha 16; M axim u m
acumen at h is side to pre pare for that da y. Kan eka gave Void: 2; Height 5 ft. 4 in.
Higatsu ku h is life; in return, he would serve the Bastard.
Skills and Feats: Speak Langua ge (Rokugan i, H igh Rokugani), Se veral years after his appoi n tme n t as Sco r p io n Cla n
Battle +7, Bluff +16 , Diplomacy +10 , Forger y +13, Games Ch am pion, Atsuki also beca me frie n ds wi th tw o other lik e-
(Sadan e) + 12 , Gath er Inform at ion +13, Hid e + 15 , minded samurai - Doji Raigu, heir to th e Crane Ch ampion,
Innuendo +13, Listen +7, Kn owl edge (Etiquett e) +13, Move and Shi ba Gaijus hiko , the Im pe ria l Sc ri be and th e m ost
Silen tly +7, Read Lips +8, Sen se Mot ive +12; Iron Will , Martial infl uential Phoenix in Otosan Uchi. It was not long before th e
Weapon Proficienc y: Katana , subtle Ma nipulator (Ancestor: three me n realized th at n ot on ly did the y sh are a com mo n
Bayush i Ako ru), Versat il e (Forgery, Hi d e, Mo ve Sil en tl y, goal, b u t tha t b etw een t h em they h eld th e power an d
Battl e) Void Use. infl uence to make th eir ho pes a reality.
Dojo: Dojo of Lies; Kata: Non e. It soon became clear Ha ntei Fujiwa was not th e sort of man
Possessions: +1 dueling katana, amulet of mind shielding, haori who would see th eir wisdom for wha t it truly was.Th e Hant ei
of protection +2. Emperor favo red the use of streng th an d milit ar y mi gh t as
a catalyst for change, so met h ing tha t At suki , Rai gu , and
SHOSV;:l,O HI~ATSVKV Gaij ushiko all believed would on ly lead to wasted lives an d
Earth: 2 a folly that ha d been p assed dow n fo r years. W ith a heavy
Willpower: 4 heart, Bayu shi At su ki suggeste d an alt ernative co u rse of
Water: 3 action to his fellow s. Tho ugh h e did n ot wish to br in g harm
Perce ption: 4 or heartache to the Emperor, it was cle ar that h is duty as a
Fire: 4 sa m u rai dictated that he put the Em p ire 's goo d abo ve the
Air: 4 Emperor's edicts.The three me n conversed late into th e night,
Void: 3 plo tting out th e co urse of the ir actions for ye ars to co me ,
School/Rank: Bayush i Courtier 3 knowing no force coul d oppose th eir concerte d effort.
Dojo: H on or 's Sacrifice Wi thin th e nex t wee k, agents of Bayushi Atsuki kidnapped
Honor: 1.3 the heir of H ante i Fujiwa just as Doji Raigu's father was found
Glo ry: 5.7 mysteriously dead.The Crane's position was suddenly tenuous,
Advan t ages: Crafty, Read Lip s, Soci al Position (Advisor to especially agai nst the Lion that constantly threaten ed their
Akodo Kan eka) bord ers. Without th e support of h is allies amo ng th e Doji an d
Disadvantages : Unluck (2 ranks) Bayus hi, Fujiwa turn ed t o his t rus te d co unse lor Shiba
Skills: Courtier 5, Eti que tte 4, Forge ry 4, Investigation 2, Gaijushi ko for advice. The Im perial Scribe co u nse le d the
Kenjutsu 2, Law 2, Sadane 6, Sincerity 4, Seduc tio n 1 Empero r to capitulate to th e Scorpion Ch ampion's demand s.
Kata: No ne . Eventually, Gaijush iko proposed , the Emperor's allies would
find the ir footing and support him on ce again, making this
IISHOSU:aO f'U:aUYA :a. 1I onl y a temporary setback for the Son of H eaven . Th e H an tei

Ii\AST~:a Of' TH~

relu ct antly agreed an d ced ed much of hi s Imperial po wer
J priva tely to Atsuki.
SHA"OW ~" TOW~:a Doji Raigu easily too k control of h is clan, lending m ilit ary
Ask s h osuro Furu yari wh o he is and he will have a tho usan d aid to Atsuki, an d Gaijus hiko ens ure d th e rem ote Phoenix fell
answers pr epar ed . He has countless nam es, all with ide ntiti es in to lin e. Th e pl an was perfect. The alliance was called the
and liv es of thei r ow n that Furuyari would be p leased to Gozo k u , an d at las t th ey w ere free to purs u e th e goal
dem on str ate. He is the consum mate Scorpion actor an d poet of improving all of Roku gan, building up on tr adition ins tead
- gen ial and clever, taking th e trad em ark acidic hu mor of hi s of wallowing in it.
family and turning it int o a bit of ente rtainm ent for eve ryone Or so Atsuki had hoped. Not all of hi s lieutenants sh ared h is
pre sent. Sho suro Furu yari is a living legend, easily the mos t vision. Man y of his officials fell to decadence and corruption.
fame d playwright of hi s age, returned through oblivion's Gate The gran ddaughte r of Fujiwa was turned again st th e Gozoku
during the ti tanic st ru ggle agai ns t the Lying Darkness. Alliance. After for ty years of prosperity, th e ghosts of th e past
Sho su ro Furuyari is a loyal and loved servant of the Empire cam e for Atsuki and he was powerless to stop them. With hi s
who sided with th e armies of Toturi I and turned agains t his rule opposed by the Lio n and Dragon clan s, the Scorpion
fellow spirits to serve the cause ofju stice. Sh osuro Furuya ri is Cha mpion watched helplessly as everyone tu rn ed their backs
a respected and h ighl y valued Scorpion sam ur ai, holdi ng a on him , once again em bracing the past an d d est royin g
position on Bayushi Yojiros personal council. shosuro Furyari everythi ng he had worked to bu ild.
is the icon to which Scorpion playwrigh ts aspire. W hen Atsuki was bro ugh t before the Empress, h e realized
Shosuro Furuyari is a com plete fiction. how alone he truly was. Even Shiba Gaijush iko betrayed h im.
The man claiming the name Furuyari first lived over seven The Phoe nix testifie d that th e Scorpion Ch ampion had black-
h un d red ye ars ago . Bayu shi At suki was a passion ate man mai led th e Phoe nix into allying with h im. Outraged, Atsuki
who valued the quality of life in the Empire an d con stantly drew his ancestral blade on th e Sh iba, pr epared for th e first
m edit ated upon way s to im p rove it. By the time Atsuki time in h is life to fig h t for h is belief with steel rath er than
became th e Clan Champion, he had come to greatly adm ire words. He was cut dow n by Seppun blades.
the Shosuro and their ab il ity to charm those in d ividua ls Some thought that pe rha ps At suk i's spirit was damned to
immune even to the Bayu shi's greatest courtiers. Atsuki's Gaki-do for his crimes , while man y am ong the Scorp ion
ch arism a and philosophies soon ma de h im the Emperor's claimed that he h ad reache d Yomi - h e was a true Scorp ion to
tru st ed frie n d . Both men were particula rly fo cused on th e en d , afte r all. No ne knew that Bayu sh i Atsuki's fin al
improving the Empire as a whole in stead of attempting to thou ghts of vengeance had banish ed hi s spirit to Toshigoku.
main tain a de sirable status quo. Their approac hes differed , Hi s bu rn in g h atred at those who betrayed him con dem n ed
and tho ugh th e Han tei listened to his friend and adv isor, him to wa n der th e Realm of Slau gh te r. Instead of being
he had a mind of his own. subverted into a mi ndless tool of destruction, Arsuk is th irst
for revenge too k h im o nto a com p le te ly di fferent p ath .
It focused h is m ind to such a perfect point that not even the Will +12; St r 14, De x 16, Con 12, Int 18, W is 14, Cha 24;
ove rwh elm ing in fl u en ce of Toshigoku cou ld deter him . Maximum Void: 2; Height 5 ft. 6 in .
Silent, Atsuki wat ch ed an d waited for a time that he could Skillsand Feats: Speak Languag e (Rokugani, High Roku gani),
esca pe hi s fat e an d return to the Em pire for those wh o h ad Bluff +30, Disgui se +32, Decipher Script +27, Diplomacy +30,
betrayed h im . He que stion ed all th ose who ventured int o th e Gathe r Informat ion +30, H id e +36, Kn owled ge (h is to r y:
Realm of Slaughter, learnin g as m uch as he could abo ut th e Scorp ion Clan ) +19, Knowledge (m ah o) +27, Listen +25, Move
Empire. Sile n tly +36 , Per form +30, Se nse Motive +25, Use Magic
And he planned. Device +15; Depths of th e Void, Ear of th e Emperor (An cestor:
Wh en oblivion's Ga te wa s torn open by th e co n fl ic t Mi ya), Ichi-Miru, Iron Will, Perceived Honor (X2), Political
between Rokugan an d the Lying Darkness, Atsuki saw h is Maneuvering, Skill Focu s (Disgu ise) , Versatile (Disgu ise,
opportunity and strode forth. After the Goju's defeat, he was H ide, Knowledge (maho), Knowledge (law)), Void Use .
qu ite surp rise d to see what h ad become of hi s beloved Empire . Possessions: +3 lawful katana ofspeed, haori ofprotection +5, cloak
Th e sam e ronin rabble he once laugh ed out of the Empe ror's of stealth (as cloak of elvenkind), boots of stealth (as boots of
court now stood beside th e Grea t Clans as the Mantis.The lost elvenkind),bracersof annor +4, maskof charisma +4, periapt ofproof
Ki-Rin Clan had retu rn ed , an d now calle d the mselve s th e againstpoison, ring of mind shielding.
Unicorn. Hundred s of years h ad passe d .. . but no thi ng h ad
trul y cha ng ed. It took him no time to realize two things about "SHOSV~O f'V ~V.YA ~ "
th e curren t Emperor, Toturi the First . It was clear Toturi was Earth: 3
an enligh tened an d compassionate ru ler, th e kind th at could W illpower : 5
effec t great and wo nderful improvements upo n th e Empire. Water: 3
It was also clear, however, th at Toturi was still a Lion at heart . Perception: 5
He would keep with tradit ion n ot because he thought it was Fire: 5
th e best choice, bu t beca use it was th e wis dom of those who Int elligen ce: 6
h ad come before. Air: 5
Atsuki saw that he h ad wor k to do. Awareness: 7
Whe n th e Steel Chrysanthe mum's spirit armi es threaten ed Void: 4
Rokuga n , Atsuki stepped forward to offe r th e Scorpion hi s Sch ool/Rank: Bayush i Bushi 4/ Bayushi Courtier 4
ancien t wi sdom . When others aske d who he was, At suki Dojo: Non e.
supplied a carefully prepared answer - s hosu ro Furuyari. Honor: 0.1
The ruse was perfect, as "Sho suro Furuyari" had been a pen Glory: 9.9
n ame Scorpion playwrig hts h id be hin d when th ey we re Advantages : Perceived Honor, Precise Memory, Benten's
unsure how their work would be received. He easily slid into Blessin g
the role of the fic t it io us au thor an d was quickly acc epte d Disadvantages: Overconfi dent, Forsaken
by the Scorpio n and in turn, th e Empire. Skills: Acting 7, De fe nse 5, History: Scorpion Clan 8,
When it was clea r Rokugan was no longer threatened by its l aij u t su 5, Kenjutsu 6, Kyujutsu 5, Lore (Ma h o) 4,
past, Furuyari set upon a new obje ctive of recon structing th e M an ipulati on 7, Mi m ic 6, Poetry 5, Poison 7, Shintao 4,
Gozo k u. Th ose wh om h e wish ed reven ge on h ad lon g ago Sleight of Ha nd 6, Sincerity 9, Stealth 6
passe d into h istory . . . some thi ng th at Furuya ri had spent h is Kata: None.
life movin g away from. In order to gain h is position , he would
h ave to reclai m hi s old m antle as Sco rp ion Ch am p io n .
Tho ug h Furuyari co ns ide re d atte m p t ing to work w ith
Bayu sh i Yoji ro , the retu rned sp irit kn ew that he would be VASSALS OF TH£
u n ab le t o fu nc t io n as any m an 's su bord in ate. While h e
re spected Yojiro , th e fact re ma ine d that th e m an's loyalt ies
were to the Emperor. He had to be rem oved.
Furu yari has on ly recently revealed himself fully to Yojiro,
as it is far too late for th e cu r ren t Champio n to stop t he
Shadowed Tower and the plots h e h as ena cted. Soo n, Yojiro TH£ I{OCH AI{O
will bu ry himsel f with his weakness, and Furuyari will be As the Emperor 's unseen agents , th e Scorpion mu st
there to take control. Furuy ari doe s not con cern himself at all con stantly en sure the Empire's security from hidden threats.
with the conflict s betw een th e Four W ind s except in sofar as it As th e Bayu shi's rig h t hand, th e Sho suro are oft en h anded
affects hi s plans. He does not care wh ich of Totur i's children the less savory duties of this charter so that th e Bayu shi can
claims the Steel Th rone . He ha s alread y readied hi s plan s for operate in plain sigh t.Thi s arrangement became clear early in
each of th em. the Empire's hi stor y, and has continued from she er necessity.
But wh at if the hi dden threat again st the Empire was not an
outside force , but the Scorpion Clan itself? Th is con undru m
wa s m ade apparent in the fort y ye ars wh en the Go zoku
Male human Sc o r pio n , Courtier 12/Rogue 8 : CR 20;
Alliance took control of the Imperial Court an d th e Empire
M ed iu m -size human oid (h u m an); HD 20 d 6+20 ; hp 13 7;
from the Hantei line and made an affron t to the Way of
In it +11; Spd 30 ft.; AC +22 (touch 13, flat-footed 19); Atk +3
Heaven. While the Bayu sh i follow ed th eir daim yo's orders
keen ninja-to +12/+7/+2 (l d6+ 5 damage); SQ Class skill -
eagerly, th e Shosuro were dumbfounded by this turn of
Diplomacy (fam ily bonus), Wealth, Style, Talent and Grace,
events. Surely if Bayush i had inten ded his descendants to rul e
Gossi p, Courtie r Abilit ies (3), Lead er ship, The Heart Speak s,
the Empire , h e would h ave cha llenged H antei in stead of
Sn eak Att ack (+4d6), Evasion , Unca n ny Dod ge (Dex bon us,
kn eelin g before the First Emperor an d swearing to guard hi s
can't be flanked ); Honor: 1 (3); AL LE; SV Fort +7, Ref +13,
line against threats from the sha dows.
The shosuro could do nothing against the Bayushi due to resemble the inner room s of a trad itio nal family stro ng ho ld.
their own bonds of Scorpion loyalty. They watche d, helpless, The tunnels contain eve rything the vassal fami ly needs to
as th e Gozo ku ma de a puppe t of no t one Ha n tei Em peror, su rvive save farm lan ds and livestock, but suc h thi ngs are
but tw o. Afte r the Gozo k u we re fi na lly cr us he d, Ats u ki's provi ded by the Shos uro , Non e have seen th e Koch akos in ner
successo r and the Shosuro daimyo came to an agreement - sa nc tu m except the Shos u ro d aim yo - o the rs are kept
just as Hantei asked Bayush i to gu ard th e dark corne rs of his discouraged fro m expl oring th e area by th e large mountain
Empire, th e Shos uro wou ld have to guard the Scorpion from cat s the Kochako br eed as pets. Occas io n ally, wanderin g
th e darkness in th eir own hearts. The Scorpion Cha m pion Tainted beasts attemp t to nest in the tun nels, on ly to attract
cha rge d the s hos uro daim yo wit h finding th e mo st selfless the Koch ako 's swift atte ntion. As suc h, th e small area th e
ninja he had th at could stay tru e to th e First Scorpion's ideals vassal famil y occupies is perhaps th e safest locati on within th e
and his oath to Hant ei,These silen t agents would answer only Spine of the World Mountains . . . as lon g as you do not attrac t
to the Shos uro, and th ey would remain hidden even from the their wrat h.
Bayush i to forestall the Scorpio n's ambi tion from endangering
th e Empire onc e again.
Chief am ong th ose chosen to gua rd the Sco rpion from
corru p t ion was th e qu iet an d wi se man ca ll ed Koch ako.
Shos uro Koch ak o was not a particularly t alente d ninja ,
nor was he an exceedingly ruthless Scorpion, bu t he possessed
exactly th e drive and ambition that was needed. He was loyal,
irre proac hable in hi s code of honor, and had a flawless judge
of character. Kochako gathered almost two h und red of h is
m ost tru stworth y stud en ts and retired to the m ou n tain s
northeast of Nihai Tower.The re, Kochako trained h is stu dents
an d hi s suc cess ors in ab solute an on ymity an d si lence .
The Kochako do not participate in the Empire's politics and
they d o not ass oci ate with an y out side the Shosuro, who
d el iver th e fami ly update s of cu rre nt eve n ts via a special
ciphe r kn own only to th e rul ing member s of both families.
Since th e Kochako's founding , th e Shos u ro daimyo ha s
always kn own of thi s pot ent weap on at hi s di spo sal, bu t he
rarely calls upon them. To thi s day, th ose with in the Scorpion
come to th e Bayus hi elders w hen anot he r Scorpion ha s
crossed th e line one too many times, and in turn, the Bayushi
come to the Shos uro daim yo for actio n. Wi thout exception,
th e target is investigated and dispat ch ed if he is guilty. Those
who think to use the Shos uro's unnamed assassins as pawns
inste ad find themselves th e Kochako's vict ims.
Currently, the Koch ako h ave h ad their hands fu ll wit h
a sin gle target - th e Shadowed Tower. Th e threat th e Tower
represents falls clea rly int o th e dictat es set down by Shosuro
Kochako ce nt ur ies ago . Ho wever, m att er s are m uc h more
com plicated th is tim e as the Shadowed Tower 's rhe toric has
th e Kochako as ki n g th emselves: wh o is the traitor to the
Scorpion ?Th e follower s of Shadowed Tower seek to end what
the y see as th e weak and ineffective rul e of a junshin, a ma n
wh o cou ld lead the Scorpion to destruction . For the first time
in h istory, the Kochako find themselves divided, as several
agents dispat ched to in ves tigate the Tower h ave fai led to
return, due not to capture but to defection.
Shosuro Yudoka, the Sho suro daimyo, knows the Master of
th e Shadowed Tower's iden tit y and is not blind to the irony THS KO CH A KO FAmll.,y
that th e ver y thing that the Koch ako wer e form ed to fight Favored Class: Ninj a
against is now in a position to con trol them. Starting Honor: 0
The Koch ako are almost exclusively ninja tra ine d in the Class Skills: Wilderness Lore
Shosuro schools, tho ugh some multi-class as range rs to cope Starting Outfit:
with life in their rug ged homeland . Only rare ly doe s 1. Masterwork yumi.
a Kochako show a talent for the kami, and these are trained
in the Sosh i land s under the Shosuro name.
T H S KOC H A KO FAmll.,y
Benefit: +1 Agility
TH S T Vn n S l.S OF THS KOC H AKO Glo ry: 0.0
Within sigh t of Nihai Tower is a lat ticewo rk of cave rns an d Special: Kochako famil y members who attend the Soshi
cave openings that run throughout the Spine of the World Shugenja School may choose to give up Explosives from
Mountain s.The Kochako call the se hall s their stronghold, and their beginning skills to increase their starting Athletics
have carved a series of chambers deep in the mountains that or Poison skill to 2 ran ks.
TH :: TOKAGV~:: f'A1i\Il-Y
Benefit : +1 Intelligence
Early in the Scorpion Clan's develo pment, the Shosuro had a
Glory: 0.5
single objective - to serve the Bayushi as spies and assassins.
Special: Tokagure family members may give up any one
As time progressed, th ey be came much more than sim ple
of their startin g skills to gain Poison or Herbali sm ,
agent s of subterfuge. The Shosuro served as poets , entertain-
or increase their starting Poison or Herbalism ski ll to
ers, co urtiers , and myriad other ro le s within the clan.
2 ranks.
However, the family's leaders ensured that they would always
be able to fill the ir du ty to the Bayushi as their primary allies
and mo st tru ste d agents. To this end, much of the Shosuros
resources went toward their Sh inobi Academy and their
research into deadly poisons. After several gen erations, it was
clear th at the still Shosu ro lacked focus. Some sort of shift was
necessar y to en sure th e Sho suro would not slip up in their
respon sibilities.
The Shosuro daim yo realized that the aspect of their duties
th at produced the least return for the effort invested was their
gardening and associated poison research . Unles s something

THU n.,, £~· S

changed, said the Shosuro lord to his council, they could not
se rve the Bayu shi and th e Empire co rrectl y. W hile the TH £
meth od s of integrating th e Shosuro assassi ns and the
m embers of th e Butei academ y had already come abo ut ,
none had a way to maintain the expense of both money and
manpower that the Shosuro Garden s required.
Classes: Fighter, Ninja, Rogue, Samura i, Shadow Scout
An elder daimyo h ad sat silen tly th rough the meeting,
atte mpting to devise a complicated and wise answer as his
peers had. In the end , however, his answer was a simp le one . Sch ool s : Bayu sh i Bush i, Shos uro Ninj a, Th un de r's
"I will do it," he said fin ally. "I will gather samurai dedicated to Dagger (New Path)
caring for and exploiting th e gardens so that the rest of the
daimyo can go about their affairs."The answer was so simple SOCIAl- B::n::f'IT
tha t the other daimyo were stu nned. In stead of dividing the
None .
Shosuro's focus in a myri ad of direction s, an order would be
made to tend th e gardens. Though the duty was hardl y glori-
ou s, it was a n ecessary on e fit for a nameless vassal family. T~Alru nG B::n::f'IT
The Shosuro daimyo agreed and named shosuro Tokagure Be n efit : At th e be gin ni n g of th e round , yo u ma y
th e first lord of th e Tokagure family. With the approval of his increase your initiative score by one -half your character
daimyo, Tokagure Yoshi gath ered the peasants that handled level, rounded down (minimum one). If you choose to
the garde ns an d elev ated them to samurai status in sec ret, use th is ability, all of your dam age rolls suffer a circum-
maki ng the m h is loyal followers. Between their pea sant stance penal ty equal to thi s init iative bonu s for th e rest of
or igin s and th eir humble duties, the Tokag ure are atypical the round.
Sco rpio n . They fav or wr y humor an d are not n atu rally
deceptive. They are content to while away their tim e in the Benefit : You ma y rai se you r in itiative score by twice
vast Shosuro garden s, and most have an unsettling hab it of your Insight Rank. If you choose to do so, subtract an
treating th e countless plants under their care like children. equal amount from all your damag e rolls for the roun d.
Most Tok agure hav e pet names for each type of plant they
kno w and ofte n talk to the m as if the y were sen tient
beings. In some truly disturbing cases, Tokagure hold entire
conversations for hours with their charges.
The Tokagur e possess no family land s, in stead calling th e
myriad Shos uro garden s th eir hom e. Th e Tokagure fam ily's
seat of power, if it can be called such, is located within th e
Shosuro Gardens in Shiro no s hosuro .
The Tokagure rarely atten d any established school, instead Classes: Rogue, Ninja, Butei (Prestige)
pa ssi ng down th eir kn owledge fro m o n e genera tion
to another.
Schools: Shosuro Butei

TH:: TOKAGV~:: f'A1i\Il-Y SOCIAl- B::n::f'IT

Favo red Class: Rogue Students at th e Shosuro Butei Academy are skilled in not only
Starting Honor: 1 in the art of deceiving othe rs, but also in maki ng others want
Class Skills: Knowledge (Poison) to believe that something is true whe n it obviously isn't.
Starting Outfit:
1. Wakizashi, one vial of mild poison. Benefit: Cha racte rs from the Shosuro Butei Acade my
add twice their Chari sma modifier (instead of applying it
once) to th eir Bluff skill checks. This bonus does not
work against hostile creatures.
Benefit: characters from th e Shosuro Butei Academy
may ad d tw ic e th eir In sight Ran k to their Act ing ~AlnBOW CJ.OAI{
skill checks. This bonus does not work again st hostile Modeled after the infamou s Rainbow Cloak of Sh osuro,
characte rs. the se capes may sh rin k or lengthen at the wearer's mental
command. The Rainbow Cloak can become long enough to
enclose the wearer's whole form , or shrink to a small flap of
T';l.AInInG B£n£f'IT
cloth hanging just below the shoulders. The cloaks can also
emit an entrancing di spla y of subtle color and patterns to
dazzle tho se whom the ninja wishe s to escape.

ItATA ';l.A ln BO\!1 C1-0 A I{ rt120 S.YST£1i\1

The Rainbow Cloak is a jet black cloth that grants the wearer a
+2 circumstance bonus to his Kuji-Kiri skill che cks (see Way of
the Ninja, page 33) and a +5 circumstance bonus to his Hide
TH£ THUn,,£~·s "AGG£~ skill checks. In addition, the cloak may activate a color spray ."
rSCO';l.710n I{ATAI onc e per day, as cast by a 10-level sorcerer (save DC 11).
Preparation Time: 30 minutes Caster Level: 5th ; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous It em ,
Duration: 120 minutes color spray or faerie fire; Market Price: 3,000 koku; Weight: lib.
You have mastered the ways of Nihai Dojo, wh ich teach es
qui ck , dead ly attacks. This kata gu ides th e prac ti tione r ';l.A ln BO\!1 C1-0A I{ r2nD £DITIOM
through a slow an d steady dan ce with two sh o rt blades The Rainbow Cloak is a jet black cloth th at gran ts th e wearer a
focusing on shallow stabbing motions th at keep the invisible Free Raise on his Kuji-Kiri and Stealth skill rolls. (See Way of
oppo nents off guard . the Ninja, page 33, for the Kuji-Kiri skill.)

Requirements: Way of the Scorpion, Weapon Focus BJ.ACI{ST £ £ J. SHU~II{£n

(Any Small slashing or piercing weapon ), Dex 13+. Tho ug h the ninja have many enemies , none are more
XP Cost: 750 for m ida ble than those who wield the karni's power .
Effect: When attacking with a light piercing or slashing An unwa ry ninja can find himself immobilized by the power
Small weapon , you gain a +5 train ing modifier to your of magic or blasted into oblivion by a shugenjas spells. To thi s
ini tiative roll, but can only use your action s to attack with end , the Sh osuro h ave developed a way of di srupting th e
the weapon for that round. W hen attacki ng with two shugenja's power, if only in an unr eliable manner for a short
such weapo ns, you fight as if you had the Ambidext erity time . Any reprieve against the supe rn atur al is better th an
and Weapon Finesse feats, but do not gain th e initiative none .
bon us. You choose one weapon this feat affects whe n thi s
kata is learned and gain these bonuses wi th only that
weapon. If at any time you use a Medium-sized or larger B1-ACI{ST £ £ 1- SHU';l.JI{£n rD20 S.YST£1i\1
weapon du ring this kata, you suffer a - 5 traini ng penalty A Blacksteel Shuriken is a +lshuriken that casts a targeted dispel
to all attack and damage rolls. magic as a 10th level sorcerer when it strikes a spellcasting
creature. In addition, any Concentration check against damage
School Rank: Bayush i Bushi 2 or shosuro Shi no bi 2 from a Blacksteel Shuri ke n inc urs automatically fails unless
Cost: 4 the caster spe nds a Void Point. These items come in groups
Effect: Wh en atta ck in g with an aig uc h i, ta n to , or of ten.
wak izash i, you roll on e extr a die for in itiative but can Caster Level: 5th ; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Ite m; Market
on ly use your action s to attack with the weapon for th at Price: 1,000 koku ; Weight: l ib.
roun d. When attacking with two such weapon s, you gain
an extra attack for th e round with your off-hand , but roll B1-ACI{S T £ £ 1- SHU';l.JI{£n [2nD £DITIOM
two fewer dice on all attack rolls. If at any tim e you use A Blackstee l Shuriken is identical to a normal shuriken unless
any other weapon during this kata, you always drop your it is thrown at a sh ug enja or other character capable of
h igh est di e rolled on attac k an d da m ag e ro lls (to a sp ell castin g. The sh uriken di spels one magical effe ct
min imum of one die). currently affecting th e shugenja and causes the TN for th e
n ext spell t hat charac te r casts to be raised by 15 unless
the caster spends on e Void Point.

Tho ug h th e Scorpion m ay n ot be th e only cl an to cl aim Th e mo st famous Sho suro of hi story are pl aywrights and
proficient ninja , the y have cer tainly had th e long est time to actors. The Shosuro revere the se art isans, to be sure, but there
perfect the ir art. Over th e years, the Shosuro have developed are an equal number of oth ers th at few out side the family have
several item s that aid th eir agents in the ir missions. Below are any knowledge of. Assassins, sp ies , thieves, and eve n th e
description s of two such objects that are reserved only for the arc h ety pal ninja are found am on g this sec retive fam ily 's
most deserving Scorpion nin ja. history, and the dutiful s hosuro samurai pay hom age to each
SHOSU~O IItAWA even -han ded leade rship cr eated an environment where
virtually everyone could flourish, and it is generally regard ed
In the yea rs before th e Scorpion Clan's attemp te d co up in as a golden era in the city 's hi story.
Otosan Uchi , a young samurai named Shos uro Ik awa came to
prominence. Unlike mo st Shosuro, Ik awa was a fierce warrior.
Hi s nature was like ice, cold and unforgiving . He died durin g
the Scorpion Clan Cou p, alongside a Lion who shared h is rAnC~STO ~: SH OSV~O H.YOBV1
name. Many wondered what mysteries Ikawa held , for wh ile You flourish in the urban environment.
many knew of h im, none truly kn ew h im. Ben efi t : A number of times per da y equal to yo u r cla ss
Ikawas father was a Scorpion dip lomat who was sent to visit level, you ma y ad d a +4 competence bonus to an y ability
(an d spy upo n) the Lion Clan. He ha d an affair with a young check, skill check, or save. This bonus can onl y be used when
Akodo woman. Shortly after his affair wa s consummated, you are within a settlement that is the size of a large town or
he swiftly returned to Scorpion lan ds, ne ver realizing she had larger (see the DUNGEON M ASTER'S Guide;" page 137 for settlement
borne him a son. Ikawas Scorpion an d Lion son s were born on sizes).
the same day. Each spent hi s ch ildh ood ign orant of the other,
an d each took h is father 's name at hi s gempukku. The two AnC£STO~: SH OSU ~O
m en met year s later wh en th e elder Ikawa was dri ven mad by H'yOBU
the Lying Darkness and murdered hi s former Ako do love r.
The half-brother s joi n ed tog ether on a mi ssion of justice,
(5 i'OJnTS)
hunted down their possessed fath er, an d destroyed hi m. The sp irit of Shosuro Hyo b u g u ides an d prot ects those
They m et again a second time , years later on the fields of who share her love of Ryok o Owari. Th e role of a samurai is
battl e at Otosan Uchi during the Scorpion Clan Coup. The re unimportant: magistrates, b ush i, an d co urtiers alike have
th ey salute d each other , drew their swords, an d killed eac h sh ared th e gift of her guidance in the past. Like her be loved
othe r with a single sword stroke. cit y, Hyobu do es not discrim in ate. Descen dants of Hyobu
Shosuro Ikawa guid es those who catc h h is eye from Yomi. may roll one additional die on all H igh Skill roll s while wit hin
Samur ai who are devoted to their fami ly an d clan, to the point any large village or city.
of personal sacrifice, often receive his direction an d guidance .
unaU£ STIOn A BI-£ D£VOTIOn His tory records the nam e Sh osuro Sus h an u me am ong the
rAnC~ S T O ~: SH OSV~O IKAWA1 Sco rpion's gre at est an d m ost d evious m an ipulat or s.
In a bizarre political arrange ment, the beaut iful young wom an
You will go to any lengths to protect the honor of your fam ily.
wa s married to M at su Uji, gove rn or of a so u the rn Matsu
Benefit: Once pe r day, you may add +6 to any check th at
province . T he Ikorna records place h e r at th e h ead of a
would prevent an honor loss to a member of your fam ily.This
con spiracy wh erein she seduce d her hu sband 's karo an d had
in cludes saves and skill chec ks, although the bonus is reduce d
her hu sband assassinated in an attempt to take control of the
to +2 if you choose to spe nd it on an attack.
province and cede it to her clan.
AnC£STO~: SHOSU~O Another version of this tale exists, however. Sus ha n ume,
abu sed an d neglected by her husband, is said to have fallen in
IItAWA love with Akodo Sanjuro.The honorable Sanjuro came to hat e
(6 i'O JnTS) hi s lord for hi s abu se of Sus ha n ume . When a je alous h and-
Desce n dan ts of Sh osuro Ik awa sh are h is selfless devotion to m aiden betrayed th e lovers, Sanj uro was forced to kill Uji
th e greater good of th eir fami ly and clan. Once per day, the in a du eL Overwhe lme d with gui lt at hi s dis ho n or, Sanj uro
ch aracter gains a number of Fre e Raises equal to hi s Void th en slew Sus han ume and fell upon hi s own blade. The Lion
Ring. These Raises may be used on any social or combat roll declared th e play Mercy, writt en by Susha n ume's descendan t
for an action th at would p revent ano th er m ember of the Matsu Sinoku, a blasph em ou s abomi nation du e to its account
charac ter's fam ily from losing honor. of th ese even ts, and Sino ku was kill ed immediately followi ng
th e play's only perform an ce with in Lion lan ds.
The no n descrip t dau gh ter of a minor Yogo lord, little was
ex pecte d of Hyo b u . She was ave r age in appearance, and rA nC~ST O~: SH OSV ~O SVSHAnV1il ~1
though she was extreme ly bri ght, her famil y was full of bright You ca n move oth ers to emotions th at th ey mig h t n ot
and sparkling daughters. Hyobu always took a back seat to her normally experie nce .
sisters, and while it did not both er he r overm uch, she resigned Benefit: You m ay double your Charisma modifier when
herself to a life of med iocrity. att empting to alter the attitude of an NPC. (see the DUNGEON
Hyobus life cha nge d when she married Sho suro Akitada, M ASTER'S Guide;" page 149 for rules on altering NP C attitudes. )
th e governor of Ryoko Owari Toshi. For years th eir marriage
was tumultuou s becau se Hyobu could not understand her AnC£STO~: SHOSU ~O
husband's overwhe lm ing love for th e cit y. Eventually, she SUSH AnUIi\£
asked him to teach her, and she too cam e to love it. When h e
died , she took hi s place as regent until the ir son cam e of age to
(2 i'OlnTS)
take over govern ance of both the city an d th e prov in ce. Sushanume's spiritual descendants can sub tly ch ange the
Alth ou gh Hyob us ru le en de d with th e Scorpio n's downfall mood of others as th eir ancestor on ce did . The character can
fo llowing the Coup, many older citizens within the city add double hi s In sight Rank to all Awaren ess re lated skill
remem ber h er ru le fondly. Her calm, patient manne r and rolls.
Hatori looked up. A W6man hovered in midair, supported by the
swirling winds. A feathered half mask covered her face, hiding her
elegant features. s he was dressed in fine robes of blood-red silk,
the Shosuro mon emblazonedover her heart. A silver amulet bearing
the symbolofan open eye hung about her neck.
"Most men lose their strength when they look into the abyss," ?~Ollln-C£S
the woman said. "You seem to enjoyit."
The Soshi have cont rolled th eir province s since th e dawn of
"Foolish courage," Hatori said with a chuckle. "I blame my
the Empire. They initially settled in th e lands they now hold
upbringing. Lady Soshi Uidori, I presume." Hatoribowedlow.
see ki ng secl usion for bo th prac tica l and spiri tual reasons.
Uidori only smiled and inclined her head. She landed lightly on
Th eir expe ri mentation wit h the Lying Darkness and th eir
the roof nearby and whispered a short prayer. The howling winds
other illegal vent ures would have been impo ssible in a more
immediately ceased, allowing Hatori to steady himself. He smoothed
accessible region . Thro ughout their history, the Sosh i have
his rumpled kimono and ranone hand through his hair. .
kept their land s largely ignored by the Empire, as the y were
"You wished tospeak with me:' Uidori said, eyeing Hatori intently
both inconvenie nt and strategically unimportant. Sin ce the
asshe walkedacross the roof. "So speak."
creation of Seikitsu Pass, however, the Soshi have been forced
"I must apologize, but I am taken somewhat aback, my lady,"
to open the ir borders to trade and cultural exchange with the
Hatori replied. "Do you meet all your guests likethis?"
Un icorn .
"Only the interesting ones."
Mo st visit ors to th e Soshi land s are eithe r mer chants or
Hatori nodded. "I have heard some disturbing rumors of late,"
Scorp ion from th e othe r families. Supplies of all kind s pass
he said. "I came toinvestigate."
through Shiro no Soshi and Kashi Mu ra on the banks of the
"Rumorsconcerning the ShadowedTower?" sheasked, oneeyebrow
River of Gold. Large amounts of opium, in both medicina l and
rising behind her mask.
somewh at less legal forms, pass th ro ugh Soshi hand s and
Hatori paused. "Yes. Though you are the first since my informant
filt er out of the ir te rritories through tr aders in Pokau and
to speak ofthem so openly."
through Shosuro connection s down-river in Ryoko Owari
Uidori shrugged. "The kami here are friendly to me. They will
Toshi. Before the Great Crater's creation and th e devastation of
protect us from unwanted attention, magical or otherwise. You may
Beiden Pass, such trade was limited. Now, however, the Soshi
speak freely. The other Scorpion lords may be content to hide this
have a profitable distrib ution system that has allowed them to
problem from outsiders, but I do not think this is a problem that can
expand the ir trade throughout Rokugan.
be solved with silence."
"My informant said something similar."
"Plant two persimmon seeds in different soil, the fruit will be the
same," Uidori said. "So it is with wisdom."
"W ho are the Shadowed Tower?" Hatori asked. "W hat do they
Uidorifrownedas shepaced slowly toward him."Theybelieve that
the leadersofourclan havegrown too weak, that we are not prepared
to use the resources we have at hand to our best advantage. Among The Soshi take great pride in using illusion and misdirection
their ranks they count maho-tsukai and Darkness-spawn. Those of to monitor an d control traffi c through the ir provinces.
theTower believe that they can control such things.Those whofollow Unwelcome travelers sometimes find themselves trapped in
Yojiro remember that it was such arrogance that nearly destroyedour a pit at the Soshi's mercy moments after trave ling on a
clan during the War Against the Shadow." perfectly fine road . Even during the Scorpion Clan Co up,
"You say 'those who follow Yojiro,''' Hatori said. "Does that mean th e Soshi provinces were mostly ignored by th e Imperi al
that you do not support Yojiro or the Shadowed Tower?" Legions, wh o found patrolling the "haun ted" road s more
" I obey my lord," Uidori said firmly, "but my loyalty is to the trouble than it was worth .
Empire.Thisfeudbetween Yojiro and the ShadowedTowerendangers The Soshi value locations that provide secrecy as well as
usall. I will not participate in foo lishness." The Soshi daimyo paused seclusion. The family knows many caves and paths in the
beside Hatori, considering the distant mountains. Hatori could smell Spine of the Worl d Mountains with whi ch th ey can mov e
herfragrance on the wind, like lotus and cranberries. She was likely rapidly an d un seen throug h their lands. More rec en tly ,
less than half his age, but he fo und her quietconfidence and eloquent th e Soshi have come to accept the ir new place in Scor pion
manner intriguing. commer ce and trade and h ave, accordingly, co me to value
"Uidori-sama, you cannot stand aside in a civil war," Hatori said. sites th at allow ease of travel for their customers.
"W hen I was a Lion, I watched the Kitsu fall to corruption. Some
stood against thedarknessand some embraced it, but it wasthosefew SHI;l.O no SOSH I
who chose neither side that did the greatest damage of all, standing (LOCATion 5 2)
idly by while my cian consumed itself." Located in the middle of the An'ei provin ce, Shiro no Soshi is
"Who said that I am doing nothing?" Uidori replied, looking upat the Soshi family's ancestral home. Shiro Soshi is th e onl y tru e
him with a faint smile. She reached out with one hand, stroking castle within the Soshi provinces. Wh en th e Soshi wish it ,
Hatori 's cheek with the tips of her fingers. "Who do you think sent the Castle of Organization can be quite difficult to reach , as all
Chian tofind you, Hatori-san?" th e roads leading to it are warded with illusion magic. During
the Scorpion Coup, Sh iro no Sosh i was de st royed by th e
Imperial Legions. W hen the Sco rpion we re reinstat ed ,
it was the first castle to be rebuilt. In fact, th e Soshi had been
slowly rebu ildin g th e castle during the Scorpion's banishment,
hiding th eir new construc tion with illusion.
After the Coup, many Soshi found new identities as ronin.
Working as mercenaries and guide s, they kept an eye on Shiro
no Soshi wh ile keeping themselv es fed . The Spine of the
World Mountains that surround their ance stral ho me earne d
a reputation for being haunted. Small gro ups vent ure d into
th e mountains to try and fin d Shiro no Soshi, but none ever
came back.
Sh iro no Soshi has little military use beyond its position at
th e source of the River of Gold. No othe r families or Clans
want the castle and its location is inconvenient for tro op s.
Th e winding Road of Treac hery's Soul also mak es Sh iro no
Soshi nearly impossible for non-Scorpion to fi nd . This is
because of t he n at ur al maze fo rmed by th e m ounta in s
surrounding it and the illusions and traps that th e Soshi have
enchanted the road with over the years. Some enchantments
have recently been taken down to encourage visitors, but they
still mu st retain a Sos h i guide to ma ke it to th e cas tle
uns cath ed.
The Soshi castle is a med ium -sized structure, approximately
seventy feet tall, with six levels above groun d and two below.
To the ever-in crea sing n um be r of visi tors, Shi ro no Soshi
looks like an y other cas tle, with a ta ll m ain building
surro un ded by many sma lle r ones. Absent is the normal
stockade found around fortified castles, as th e mountains do
a much better job than wooden walls could.
To the trained eye of a Scorpion, th e castle is far different
from it s ou ter appe ara nces . Man y rooms are filled with
illusion s to conc eal thei r actual purpose to out sider s. There is
no in dicatio n t hat the two b el ow-ground levels exist ,
and entra nces to those levels are carefully watched by guards
and encha ntments. W h en t he mos t powerful wa rds ar e
activated, many places in the castle become deathtraps.
All of this illu sion an d concea lmen t pro tect s the Soshi 's
deepest secrets. Eve n though t hey offici ally renounced
shadow magic after discovering its con nec tion to th e Lying
Darkness, th e Soshi continue to clan des ti ne ly expe riment YOGO TA n3"1n
with dangerous magic, albeit in mu ch smaller numbers. Most [Shugenja 14 ; Yogo Shugenja 5]
experimentation takes place at the Dojo of th e Closed Eye, Yogo Tanjin is the ward m ast er resp o n sib le for th e
be hin d powerful wa rds and in the presen ce of vete ran protective spells surrounding Shiro no Soshi and the enc hant-
shugenja. ments that prote ct the road to the castle. His position has been
Shiro no Soshi's remote location also protects the family's a hereditary one , passed down through th e years to ensure
opium processing ope rations from pr ying eyes. While the th at the castle's secrets are onl y known to the ward master and
rocky lands around the castle cannot support the poppie s that the Soshi daimyo. Over two decade s ago, Tanjin received th e
are refined for opium's many uses (both legitimate and other- position from his father, YogoMurenshin. Since then, he has
wise), the remainder of the conversion process takes place in st ren gth en ed the wards surrounding the cas tle while
thi s castle. After the raw opiate is brought up the road from weakening t h e ones that protect t he road to the Sos hi
Pokau, it is coo ked, mixed and altere d in complex facilities an cest ral ho me . The middle-aged Yogo is well awar e of th e
reminiscent of Agasha laboratori es. Many of thes e activities value of his wards and the opiates that the y prot ect. He visits
go on in the two und er gro un d levels, an d on ce th e final th e castle's und erground floor s often, ensu ring th at the wards
product is ready, it is shippe d to Pokau by caravan or down - are in place and working correctly.
river to Ryoko Owari Toshi from a secret port ju st east of the Recently, many ward s alo n g th e road hav e begu n to
castl e. Such sh ip men ts are ty pically escorted by Sos h i malfun ction. While Tan jin blames th ese problem s on
shugenja and ninja and received under cover of night. Even wandering spirits, he knows th at the y are mo stly hi s fault .
legal me dicina l op ium is t ra ns ported in suc h a manner, Hi s addiction to the opiates produced at Shi ro no Soshi has
as such caravans make an attrac tive target for band its. begun to seri ously interfere with h is work. Tanjin doesn't
Shiro no Soshi h as becom e some what of a conun dru m, know how mu ch longer he can concea l his failure, but is well
inviti ng traders and visitors, yet still requiring a great deal of aware th at if Uidori or Yukimi find out , his death will not be
secrecy and illusion, and th e Soshi would have it no other way. long in coming.
The air of confusio n surro unding th eir actio ns only makes
their opponents react slowly wh ile they try to guess the true TH=' 1:703"0 OF TH £ C1.0S£1:7 =Y£
direction the shugenja family is going to take. Hidden in the shadow of Shiro no Soshi, the Dojo of the
Clo sed Eye is a tra ining ground fo r a great many Soshi
shugenja. Classes on th e dark methods of sabotage, poisoning
and subterfuge are taught along side the shugenja art s here,
m ak in g this do jo 's st ude n ts amo ng th e deadliest in th e
Empire. (More infonnation on Yukimi and the Dojo of the Closed i'OI{AU
Eye can be found in Way of the Shugenja:") U.OCATIOn 51)
Located on the Kinbou province's west end , Pokau was once
505HI KA~VKO a sma ll village, filled wi th qu iet farme rs, barely aware of
[Shugenja 10 ; Soshi Shugenja 3] anyt hing out side of their town . When th e Unicorn returne d
Tho ug h o riginally a Sh osuro, Sos hi Karuko was fou nd centuries ago, it barely registe red here. As soon as new trade
to have a great deal of magical ability du ring her gemp ukk u caravans showed up in their little town, however, the peasan ts
and was fostered to th e Soshi to take advantage of such gifts. there understood th at their lives would change .
The Soshi beli eved she would best be served by traini ng in The Unicorn expande d trade in th e region, sending eno ugh
multiple dojo, to give her mor e experience and so she could traffic through the town to expand its boun daries and create
report back with knowledge of othe r clan s she had visited. a need for trading grounds outside the village.The townspeople
After an incide n t involving a Kitsu master and hi s wanted enough distance from the traders to keep thieves and
impressionable son, she was shipped back to Shiro no Soshi bandits away, but not so much th at the merchants wouldn't
an d re fu sed ent ry by the sen sei of ot her visit the village's shops for supplies or th e local bar for sake.
mystic dojo. The informa tion she The village contin ued to expand , eventually becoming a full-
provi de d to the cl an was valua ble, fledged city.
bu t she secre tl y wi sh es she co uld Pokau soon becam e the swiftest and most efficient
have continued to travel the Empire; waypoint for travelers from th e southern provinces to
she liked it. reach Shiro Iuchi or the Unico rn palaces to the north.
Sos hi Karuko is a resp ect ed While the passes through the mountains here were
student at the Dojo of the Closed Eye, not as wide or traversable as tho se at
having dev el oped m an y useful Beiden Pass, th ey were suitable for
easily-conceala ble vari ation s on small caravans or groups of samurai.
common spells. She was recently While th e growing city expande d for
given a posi tio n as a m in or the next decade, even tually th e city's
sensei, teachi ng classes on more residents believed that Pokau had
tra ditional shuge nja practices, reached its proper size. Through -
including the reve ring of one's ou t th e next two hundred years ,
ances tors an d worshi p of including th e Clan War an d
specific kami. Em peror Toturi's reign, they
would be corre ct.
The devastat ion of Beiden
Passforced trade th rough Pokau.
Challenge: The Dojo of
The city 's population exploded .
th e Closed Eye has recentl y
One mo rn in g everyt hing was
begun to hav e p roblem s
normal, and the next broug ht
with a ghost ha un ting the
provincial daimyos from both th e
stu den ts ' room s. M aste r
Unico rn an d the Soshi , each
Sensei Soshi Yukimi has been
claiming part of the city for their
un able to comm unicate with
gro up. Strained to their limits,
the sp irits and ha s assig ned
businesses in Pokau ran out of
Karuko to handle the matte r, as she
supplies . A lin e of carava n s
is more familia r with t he Sp iri t
formed to go through the small
Realms than her daimyo.
passes no rt h of Pokau, growing with
Focus : Sosh i Karuko, while
each day.The Soshi provincial daimyo took
having trained briefly under a
advantage of the situation, ch argi n g heft y
Kitsu master, is in search of
tolls to enter the passes. Within weeks
anyone who coul d help her
the cha os died down sligh tly, but
with the spirit hau nting.
Rokugan's ec o nomy was su re to
Sh e ha s co n ta cted the
suffe r immense ly if a faster way
characters in hopes th at one
could not be found through the Spine
of their number will be able to help , either
of th e World Moun tain s. Too man y businesses
with th eir own abi lities or by finding a soda n-senzo or
had depended on movin g their merchandise through Beiden
yorei -ryou shi (phantom hunter) who will trad e his services
Pass an d couldn't affo rd to sen d it all the way around
for knowle dge or money.
the mountains to th e east or west. Fortunately, Lord Sun was
Strike: W h at Karuko do esn 't know is th at th e spi rit
mer cifuL
haunting the dojo is that of her former Kitsu master's son,
Hurling a gr eat ball of fire from th e sky, Lord Yakamo
who, after learning Karukos tru e nature, committed seppuku
created a passage th rough the Spine of the World Mountains:
out of shame, feeling he had betrayed his family to the enemy.
the Great Crater. This destroyed the rubbl e blocking Seikitsu
His spirit cannot communicate directly with Karuko and will
Pass, which h ad been closed by Akodo On e- Eye in the
only respond to someone fam iliar with yorei. He can only
Empire's ea rlies t da ys. Th e Un ico rn cl eared th e pass
be put to rest if Karuko returns to th e Kitsu Tombs and
and qui ckl y set up a garrison at eithe r en d, seiz ing on th e
apologizes to his fath er, something tha t she is highly unlikely
oppo rtunity to control thi s ne w resource. Once again the re
to do (as it would likely result in her death ).
was a passage large eno ugh for caravans to go th rough both
coming and going. Merchant s in Pokau immediately started I{ASHI Ii\U:aA
usin g the Sei kitsu Pass an d Sosh i p rofits from the Poka u This large village occupies the western bank of th e River of
passes d ri ed up. Still, the increased tr ade through Pokau Go ld about h alfway be tween Shiro no Sosh i and Ryok o
meant there were more travelers for the Soshi to tax. Owari, where the foot hi lls give way to plains and the river
Soo n afte r the Great Crater's creation, having seen the becomes easily navigable. It afford s tho se who travel down
profit s that could be made from commerce, the Soshi decided Merchant 'sEase Road easy access to further trade opportunities
th at th ey wanted to encourage trade through th eir province s in Ryok o Owari or any other port further down th e river.
and began construc tion of what is now known as Merchant's While originally just a small port , the last ten years have made
Ease Road. Over the past decade, the road has brought many Kashi Mura into a large village. Th e ne xt time an Imperial
merch ants and visitor s to the Soshi province s and allows the census is taken, the town will most likely be upgr aded to a city.
caravans a fast route from Pokau to Ryoko Owari by the road The Soshi have a large number of boats that th ey hir e out to
an d th en th e Soshi boat s that can be found in Kashi Mura . visitors. Most wish to go to Ryoko Owari, but some want to
travel further down stream to Shiro no Shosu ro, Ginasutra
(where a road to th e Shrine of Osano-Wo begins) or even all
i'OKAU T~ADlnCi Ci~OUnD5
the way down the River of Gold through Cran e and Cr ab
The Pokau Trading Grounds were onc e a few small mer chant territory to where it empties into Earthquake Fish Bay.
sta lls an d a we ll. Si nce the population explosion, it has A small part of the taxes on tho se traveling Merchant's Ease
become both a bazaar and a merchants' quarter. Geisha houses, Road has gone to support Kashi Mura , but most goes straight
bars and other seedy establishments popped up in and around into the Soshis pockets.The Soshi value the road and th e port ,
the bazaar, seeking to take advantage of all the koku passing however, an d m ainta in both . Enough com me rce co m es
through the merchan ts' h ands. This area h as becom e one th rough the town tha t man y merchants don't mind wh en th e
of th e largest tra ding grounds in Rokug an and th e amount Soshi tax collectors come around, but some of them wish th ey
of money being passe d aro un d dwar fs eve n the economy weren't so close to the corruption of Ryoko Owari. Others,
of Ryoko Owari. The area is rife with corr uption and all the especially tho se with sh ipments the y don 't want to be checked
traffic makes it difficult for th e local magistr ates to do their by th e local law enfo rce ment, are glad tha t there are a few
jobs. magistrates they can bribe to look the oth er way.

ADIli:n TU~i: HOOI(

Ch allen ge: Merchants have begu n co mplaining to th e
local magist rate s of thieves an d vandals , who hav e been li\1n.O;l. SOSHI
attacking their warehouses an d dam agin g far more
m er ch andise tha n they stea l. Prominent t ra ders h ave HOL"In.GS
thr eaten ed to take matters into th eir own han ds if someth ing
isn't don e soon.
Focus: The head magistrate is a Soshi and well aware of
the thefts. unfortuna tely for th e m erch ants, he is th e on e
f"1:aST B:a~ATH 003'0
directing the robberies! The tru e magist rate was re cently (J.OCATIOn 515 on i'ACii: 96)
replaced by a corrupted Goju dup licate. The Goju have been At th e foo thi lls of th e path to Shi ro no Sosh i (S2), on th e
getting information from the dupl icate to fur the r th eir outskirts of Pokau (S1), lies the peculiar First Breath Dojo.
infiltration of Pokau. As the Goju have litt le nee d for wealth , Nearly a th ird of all Soshi atte n d First Breath Dojo, and
hi s minions have sto len little . However, th ey h ave don e unlike most dojo, tho se children attend the school for only a
a great deal of damage , hoping to weaken the Scorpio n's yea r an d a ha lf. While there, the st u dents learn about
resource s. th e world they were born into. Over the course of their stu dy,
Str i ke: After bei ng approached by the m erch an ts to th e stu dents gain a cursory knowledge of history, geograp hy,
solve the theft problem and being made aware that the local philosophy, etiquett e, swordplay, an d everything else that
magistrate s have don e nothi ng so far, the characte rs have a samurai of Rokugan needs to know.They learn th eir place in
to fi nd out wha t th ey can abo ut th e h ead m agistrat e an d th e world , and th eir place in th e clan.
decide what to do. Obviously, if they found ou t abo ut h is Amon g the prim ary goals of First Breath Dojo is to cater to
replacement, it will be easier to oust him , but that is easier said tho se children who have no aptitude for spea king with the
than done . . . kam i. That gi ft is relativel y co m m o n am ong t he Soshi ,
but unlike some shuge nj a fam ilies (such as the Phoenix's
THi: i'J.AIn5 Of' THUnD i:~ Isawa fam ily), it is nowhere ne ar universal. At First Breat h
Only a small part of the Plains of Thu nder is considered a part Dojo, tho se unfortunates born without it find th eir niches -
of Soshi territory. Most is either un claimed or within the Hare not as priests, but as nearly anything else.The Bayushi provide
Clan's holding s. The Soshi construc ted Merchant's Ease Road th e clan with bu shi an d cou rtie rs, an d t he Sho suro with
on the Kinbo u provi nce 's recognized sout he rn border and, cou rtie rs an d less public sam urai, so t here are n o large
while connecting Pokau to Kashi Mura , it also acts as a visible categories for th e no n-shugenj a Soshi to filLTh us, the Soshi
bu ffer betwee n th e Sos hi an d Usagi patrols who m ight find it useful to send their unblessed ch ildren to do whatever
otherwise conflict. their hearts desire, so long as th ey do it welLThe combination
of freedom and enthusiasm tend s to provide effective samurai,
even if their sk ills are esoteric. When a Scorp ion n eed s
som eone interested in sailin g, ikebana, or Ashalan history,
often the Soshi have just such an indiv idual who discovered
his talent at First Breath Dojo.
First Breath Dojo does not ignore shugenja children. Many SOSH I 1{\!lAI "AnJ s ::ns::1
shugenja gr adu ates find the ir experience has helped them
considerably, as it gives th em a focus for their shugenja gifts. Of" f"1~ST S~::ATH "03"0
[Courtier 3; Bayushi Courtier 1]
Thanks to First Breath Dojo, th e Soshi have perhaps the most
Kwaidan is a young Scorpion woman wit h a bright smile
versatile shugenja in th e Empire.
who cares for the chil dren she teaches as if they were her own .
She has become quite good at conceali ng her true feeling s and
Note: Only Soshi characters may attend First Breath Dojo.
her shattered dreams of glory. Her parents were both powerful
While most stu dents later go on to other dojo, each character
sh ugenj a, who expec ted their child to be equally talented.
may still only retain one set of dojo benefits.
She greatly disappointed them , having not a whiff of mystical
SOCIAl. S::n::f"ITS Kwaidan attended First Breath Dojo and while she absorbed
None. her lessons, she also watched the teache r just . . . teach . She was
fascinated with the concept of the power of words, to inform
T~lnln~ S::n=f"IT S or mi slead , and this led her down the courtier's path .
Be n efi t : Stu de n ts of First Breath Dojo selec t one However , she could never bring her self to draw up on th e
non -exclu sive skill. If it is a class skill, they gain a +3 Scorpion's more potent te chniques. She was ju ns h in, too
compe te nce bonus to all ro lls with that skill. If it is a hon orable to bring herself to truly master th e Way of the
cross-class skill, the y perm anently gain it as a class skill Scorpion.
and receive a +1 competence bonu s with all uses of that Embarrassed and ashame d, she returned to First Breath Dojo
skill. and accepted a positio n as a sensei. While she has found th at
she is an excellent teacher, she knows beyond a doubt that she
Benefit: Students of First Breath Dojo may sacrifice two has no glory in her future. Even yet, she does not trul y mind.
starting skills from their school to begin wit h a single She may claim no glory, but her duty is to guide the next
non-Bugei skill at Rank 3 (wh ich can be raised with generation's leaders and heroes.
character points normally). The skills sacrificed mu st be And that is enough.
different from the skill learned.
SH:aln £ Of' TH£
(I.OCATIOn S16 on i'A~:: 96)
Deep in the mountains of Kinbou provinc e lies the Soshi
shadow temple known as the Sh rine of th e Shadow's Eye.
It was con struc ted ages ago in a well -conceal ed and easily
de fen sibl e locat ion in th e mountain s, but was used on ly
infreque ntly until 113 2, wh en the Scorpion returned fro m
th eir exile and the Lying Darkness' minion s began to take
dire ct action all acros s Rokugan. The Soshi, wh o had lon g
feared that the ir magic would lead Rokugan to a dire fate ,
began to gather at the Shrin e and set into motion plans th ey
had prepared to defeat the Darkne ss.
Before the y could put their plan into action, th e Shri ne was
attacked by Goju nin ja and destroyed. All Soshi who kn ew of
its existence and purpose died or were consumed in a single
There are non e today wh o kn ow with any cert ainty what
the plan was. The Soshi kn ow the rum ors of a Shadow-curse
on th e Shri ne, and even many ninja were loath to go there due
to the curse's power. The only Soshi who br aved the sh rine
were th ose heavily involve d in adva nced fo rms of Tejina
(shadow magic), and the y never spoke of what they did there .
It is believed (correctly) that the Scorpion Champion was
allowed to know what happ en ed in that dark place, tho ugh
wit h the whirlwind of eve n ts that su rrounde d the Coup,
it is believed th at Shoju was th e last Champion to know.
In 1151 , Scorpion cens us-takers redi scovered the shrine
after two decades of und istu rbed rest. The Sos hi were
naturally curious, and set to investiga te it . They found no
evidence of any inhabit ation or use, save crystal-lined kanji
carvings that identified the place as th e 'Sh rin e of th e
Shadow 's Eye' and hailed it as the last line of defense against
Not wanting to ignore this potentially useful shrine, and
despite the general sense of unease that the place exuded , the
Soshi reclaimed the sh rine. It is used today mostly for spell
research into da ngero us areas - including an attempt to little hope among the pea sants for a good en ding. Tanaka,
redevelop Tejina to be safer and usable witho ut attrac ting the a capa ble leader in a position far beyond h is experience ,
Shadow Dragon's atte nt ion. Efforts thus far have had m ixed drea ds the coming revolt but has no idea how to prevent it.
results, but work proceeds regardl ess. He fea rs askin g U idori for military aid , for to do so would
make him appe ar incompetent and cause him to be replaced
BA ss:ms:nT Of' THS: S:YS: with someo ne who does not understand the village and its
Below th e Shrine , hidden underground , is a t h ree -room peopl e as he does.
complex. It is here that the trul y dang erou s Tejina is practiced. In stead, Tanaka has petitioned Soshi Uidori for food and
Dark co nj uri ng of fac ele ss beings, transformation s an d supplies to calm the peasants. Even if thi s petition is met ,
infec ti ons of Nothing, an d even attempts to re create th e th ere is still th e issue of downs tream pollution. Ryoko Owari
an ni h il ati n g proje ctile attack s the Goj u use have been will share th e fate of Ashio if nothing happens soon - and
pra cticed here . Anyone wh o says that Tejina is useless since such an occurren ce would not only threaten the City of Lies,
th e following th e Shadow's naming is unfamiliar with th e bu t bring th e Scorp ion into conflict wit h the Unicorn who
happen ings of th ese room s, as it is crystal clear th at Tejina is technically ru n the city.
still an effective and powerful form of magic.
The basement is warded with crystal and jade, and is sealed ASHIO :TAUS: mlns:
off from th e out side with th e most powerful wards th e Yogo Despite bein g in operation for nearly five month s, progress
can provide. All of th is offers little true prote ction should the has been slow. The mine currently has only one level , but it
Shadow Dragon ever learn th at th e shrine exists. Despit e thi s, cou ld go very deep. The Soshi mining expert called in to
th e Soshi dr eam of the day the y will find a way to steal the ins pec t the mine co uld not give a proper estimate on how
power of Nothing back from the Shadow Dragon and have it much jade is contained wi thin . Needless to say, it is a rich
serve the Scorpion fully. prize for th e village, an d for th e Scorpion Clan as a whole.
However, th ere hav e been concerns . The mine's value is
ASHIO unquest ion ably immen se, tho ugh the cost of keeping it in
opera tion is equally hu ge. Many mining experts among both
Cl.OCATIOn S1' on f'ACiS: 96) th e Kaiu and th e Soshi families are quite certain that within
Ashio has traditionally been a small but productive farm ing anothe r year of ope ration, the River of Gold will be almost
community, located at the foothills of the Spine of the World complete ly inhospit able to fish for ne arly a hundred miles
on the River of Gold 's east bank. Ashio occupies a pe culiar downstream.The Scorpion are not eager to pollute a river that
place in Scorpion geogr aph y - it straddles the provinces of so man y rely on , yet at the same time the y do not wish to give
both Kinbou and An'ei, th ough taxes are paid entirely to An'ai up their supply of jade - especially as jade has become scarce
provin ce. Th e peasant s of Ashio do not conc ern th em selves in recent years.
with polit ical matters, preferring instead to remain a peaceful Solut ions both magical and mundane are being sough t.
settlement.The y pay their taxes each year without complaint, The Kaiu , while eager to aid the Soshi in thi s matter, have thus
and there has not been an upri sing of any sort in remembered far come up with no practical ideas.The Isawa, unmotivated to
histor y. Even the man y crises in the past fifty years that the lend any of th eir true experts, have bee n less fort hcoming.
Scorpion and the Empire faced barely tou ched Ashio - it held
no strate gic value for the Empire's foes. Th e villagers say
"The world turns, Ashio does not ," and that is preci sely how SOSHI TAnAKA
the y like it. [Samurai 4; Bayushi Bushi 2]
All that ch an ged nearly a year ago , when jade was Tanaka is a sm all ma n wh o has bee n th rust into a large
discovered in the hills at the edge of town. The village was dispute. Born a low-ranking Bayushi, he was wed to h is true
instantly thrown into chaos as high-ranking officials from the love - a high-r ankin g Sos hi wo m an - just after h is
Soshi family came to investigate the claim , and Kaiu miners gempukku. She died in ch ildbirth with th eir first chi ld, and
began poking about the village looking to trade for the with her died his h eart. Sud de n ly alo ne in th e world,
valuable mat erial. When the mining experts cam e and he quickly became bitter and resentfuL After an unfortunate
discovered a truly enormous jade vein, the village celebrated. accident at hi s dojo that crippled his sensei, he was sen t to
The mine's wealth would bring pr estige an d prosperit y to Ashio where he wouldn't have any fur the r "accidents."
Ashio , which had never known either. Twenty years later, Tanaka has calmed down considerably.
The only samurai in re sidence, Soshi Tanaka, was qu ite He never remarried and has proven to be a wise and capable
pleased at the attention . His domain, given to him as a leader of a tin y fa r m ing vill age. H e is res pected by th e
punishment for youthful misdeeds, became famous and community, and le ad s h is life witho ut regret . However,
important. He was even honored with a visit from his daimyo , his patience has been put to the limit with th e mining debacle.
Soshi Uidori, when the mine began construction. He ha s com e to genuin el y love the pe asan try of Ashio,
It did not take long for the local opinion of the mine to sour. and their misfortune is his. He has been extre mely active in
Runoff from the mine flooded several rice paddies in the area, securing food for his people while ens uring th at those who
completely destroying the crop . After two months had gone are taken into the mines are not treated too harshly; they may
by, the river began showing signs of pollution. Fish died en be peasants, but the y are his peasants.
masse. Over the past winter, the inhabitants of Ashio came
near starvation until Tanaka began rationing the food and SHlnD£n G.YOI(U£I
requested more . Now that the winter has left , the peasants of With the Lying Darkness' demi se, th e Soshi lost many un ique
Ashio are left with poisoned fields, a dead river, and mounting abilities that had characterized the ir particular style of magic
debt purely so they can survive. It 's only a matter of time for over a thousand years. This loss of focus has allowed th e
before the y revolt , and given the mine 's importance, there is Sosh i to diversify considerably, bu t not everyo ne within th e
family believes th is is a ben eficial effect. Some believe that the
Soshi will never reclaim the ir former glory unle ss the y learn
to access the power of Nothing, th e primordial emptiness that 11i\?O~TATlT
was the source an d ori gin of th e Lyin g Darkness. As mo st
scho lars do not bel ieve Nothing to be an in h ere ntly
corrup ting influence, th ere are th ose within the Soshi leader-
ship who have quietly endorsed th is research, allowing it to
SOSlil Tl?CS
continue well removed from th e publi c eye.
These effo rts ha ve not gone co m ple te ly unnoticed . SOSHI £13'1. scoanon
There are othe rs among th e family's prominent sensei that are CLAn Ji\Anl?ULATO:a
adaman tly oppose d to the notion of res earchi ng Nothin g. Soshi Eiji has many acquaintances and allies among the court s,
They h ave m ad e th eir fee lings well kn own to th e Sos h i but few would consider him a friend. He is an acerbic, sarcastic,
lea de rs hi p, an d alt ho ug h th eir opi n io ns ar e respected, · condesce nding man wh o takes obvio us pleasu re in manip-
the decision has been made to perm it the research. Not willing ulating and belittling others. As an hon ored st udent at the
to aba n do n th eir oa ths of loyalt y, these in divid uals hav e Dojo of Lies he is quit e adept at getting wha t he wants even
accede d to thei r lords' wishe s, but have not abandoned the from his enemies, and will do what he needs to do to succeed.
issue alt ogether. In st ead , th ey hav e gathe re d a handful of Eiji is the youngest son of a powerful Soshi lord. While he
thei r best stude nts and set th em to di scovering a means of showed great wit and cunning from an early age, h is father
combating Noth ing directl y. Th ese talen ted shugenja have made it clear th at it wo ul d be his elder brother, Ippe i,
been given a home where th ey may conduct their research in who would inheri t th e family's hol dings. Eiji was doomed to
peace: Shinden Gyokuei, the crystal templ e. obscurity His elder brother, in the meant ime, was a lazy man
Shinden Gyokue i is not cons tructed from crystal, of course , with no amb ition s beyond cha rming the local geis ha with
for suc h an endeavor would be both exceptionally difficult impressive gifts. Wh ile Eiji squandered his meager
and expensive beyond im agini ng . There is a sign ific an t inheritance on favors to train at the Dojo of Lies, Ippei saw no
amount of crys tal used in the temple's de coration, but the need to bother with such training. Ippei's future would be
walls are wood and stone. While there are few visitor s to the bright no matt er wha t he did , an d he often mocked Eiji for
temple, loca te d as it is within th e Twilight Mountains far working so hard to scrape out a future .
south of Scorpion holdings, those wh o see it marvel at the Eiji's soul was sickened by the tho ug ht that his potential
temple's simp le, elegant beau ty.The crystals' real purpose is to could be crippled by an acciden t of birt h while Ippei wanted
serve as a focus fo r the Sos hi's research . Mu ch of it was for nothing and wasted so much. He endured Ippei's insults
donated by the Kuni fami ly, who are experienced with calmly, hiding behind a facade of tolerance, and all the while
working crystal and wh o sha re a desire to find an means of plotted his revenge. When the War of Spirits came, Eiji was
defeating Nothi ng sho uld it threaten the Empire again. call ed up o n as a recrui te r, riding forth to deliver the
Emperor's edict s and call inactive samurai int o duty. It was a
SO SH I HI~KI dan gerous duty, sometimes demanding that Eiji ride into
[Sh u genja 9 ; Sos hi Sh ugenja 3] lands that had already fallen into the Steel Chrysanthemum's
Hiraki is an in tell igent an d pa ssiona te m an who h as han ds. Again, Ippei mocked his younger brother. He had used
devoted hi s life to seeing th e Scorpio n returned to a state of his wealth to draw upon favors from the Imperial Families,
absolute purity. The no tion that there are tho se among his clan insuring that he would be allowed to avoid combat.
who embrace the practice of maho and who consider con sort- Eiji had had enough . Stealing into the recruiting head-
ing with Nothing disgusts and outrages him . His rage stems quarters of Otosan Uchi, he destroyed the documents th at
from his experience, as he was a Shosuro by birth and lost his protected his broth er from active duty. He replaced them with
brother to the Lying Darkness during th e Battle of Oblivion's forgeries of his own design, ordering that Ippei be reassigned
Gate. Even more tragically, his broth er survived the Battle and to the Dragon/phoenix border, where the fight ing was
now serves the Shadow Dragon voluntarily. Hiraki lon gs to heaviest. One month later, despite his feeble protestations,
help his brother's soul fin d rest, but he know s that he can best Soshi Ippei was called to battle for the first time . He did not
serve his family and clan at Shin den Gyokuei. return. Soshi Eiji received the bloodied daisho and ash-filled
urn with grim satisfaction, and assumed cont rol of his dead
brother's holdings.
Through a careful campaign of manipulation, cru elty, and
blackmail, Eiji quadrupled his family's holdings. He won great
respect and admiration from his clan, rising SWiftly through
the court 's rank s, tho ugh he found no joy in his success. At the
end of the War of Spirit s, Soshi Eiji was rewarded for his guile
with the position of Scorpion ambassador to th e Cran e.
Eiji accepted the mission graciou sly, though he left later
than he had intended; arranging for attendants to care for his
estates over the winter took time . Du ring h is jo u rn ey
to Kyuden Doji, the snows set in early. Eiji was trapped in
a howling blizzard , unable to see th e road ar ou n d him .
He became separated from hi s entourage, wander ing th e
wilderness alon e. Eiji knew then th at he would die, an d in
wh at he thought would be his final moments he reg rette d
having lived such a wicked life.
To his surprise , Eiji stumbled upon a yo un g girl in th e The kit sune took the name Kiyo, though her hu sband
wood s. s he was hauntingly beautiful , though clad only in always calls her by th e name she called herself when the y met
scraps of torn clothing. Dressed as she was, it was obvious that - Snowfla ke . Eiji truly love s her; he is court eo us, kind,
she would not survive the blizzard. Impulsively, Eiji removed and loving toward her and keep s her secret zealously. When
hi s thick woolen cloak and offered it to the girl. She was she is no t with him, he feels hollow. All the title s, wealth , and
deeply touched by his selfless gesture, but returned the cloak commendations he has earn ed are nothing beside her sincere,
to him and guided him from the woods, seemingly unaffected innocent love. Eiji continues to treat others with ruthlessness.
by th e cold. Eiji was surprised to see that the forest where he He know s that it disturbs Snowflake , but he also know s that
had become lost was nearl y with in sight of Kyuden Doji. he cannot afford to show mercy or his en emie s will destro y
Entranced by the mysterious girl, Eiji begged her to come him fo r h is weakness. He ha s done hi s be st to ke ep h er
with him . She refu sed, telling him that she was not human, igno rant of his work.
but a kit sune. Eiji did not care, and insisted once again that After th e attack on Otosan Uchi, Sn owflake becam e ill.
she come with him to Kyuden Doji. Again , she refused, for A terrible fever settled upon her and she refused to allow any
alone witho ut her family there wou ld be no place for her in shugenja to heal her. Eventually, Eiji received an anonymou s
the human world. A thi rd time Eiji insist ed, for he knew that letter offeri ng aid without the use of shugenja. The letter
he loved her. She would not be alone - she would be his wife. implied that the sender knew of Kiyo's inhuman origins , and
She agreed , so long as he told no one of her true origins. would keep silent on the matter in return for future favor s.
Despe rate, Eiji agree d. Two days later, three hooded figures One of these promises was that Snowflake would n ever
arrived . They cured Snowflake of h er fever an d dep art ed , allow elemental magic to be cast upon her. She also swore th at
leaving Eiji instruction s on how to contact them for payment. every question she wa s po sed would be answered with
Eiji has realized, to his horror, th at he has becom e indebte d to ano ther que stion. Third, she promised that within on e year
th e Shadowed Tower. He cannot see a way to free h im self she would find and marry a worthy mortaL
without ris king Sno wfla ke's sec ret an d her life. Given the Lad y Kitsu n e, the greatest of the fox-spirits, warn ed
choice between se rving his cla n and savi ng h is love, Eiji Sn owflake before sh e left that th e world of men was
knows that he must choose Snowflake. dan gerous. If she was not careful, she would lose herse lf
It is not a choice he looks forw ard to making. . . to m ortal vio lence, sin, and corruption. Sn ow flake was
unconvin ced. She knew that Rokugan held great peril,
SOSHI =I:rl but she had also heard tales of great heroe s. She wanted to go
Male human Scorpion, Courtier 10: CR 10j Medium -size to this Empire, to mee t the se heroes.
humanoid (h uman); HD 10d6+10j hp 54j Init: +OJSpd 30 a. unfortunate ly for Snowflake, th e first man she met was no
Ark wakizashi +8 me lee , l d6+2 dam age; AC 14 (touch 11, hero. In a raging blizzard she found Soshi Eiji . When the
flat-footed 14); SQ class Skill - Inn uendo (family bonus), young courtier offered his own cloak to warm her, an act that
Courtier Abilities (Shallow Waters, Voice, Your Life is Mine), surely wo uld have resulted in h is own deat h by exposure ,
Gossip, Style and Grace, Talent, Wealth , Ho no r (1); AL NE; she believed that he was the worthy man who would become
her hu sband . On that day she took th e nam e Kiyo and adopted
SV Fort +4, Ref +3, will +12; Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 18,
Wis 16, Cha 17 (19); Maximu m Void: 5j He ight: 5 ft. 4 in. her guise as a mortaL
Dojo: Dojo of Lies; Kata: None Sometimes Snowflake wonders if she mad e th e rig ht
Skills and Feats: Speak Language (Ashalan, H igh Roku gani , choice. She knows tha t Eiji is often a wicked man. Tho ugh he
Mekhem, Rokugani, Senpet), Bluff +23, Deciph er Script +14, does his best to hide his true nature from her, she has seen th e
Diplomacy +24, Disguise +22, Forgery +8, Games (Sadane) + 16, pain and misery he causes. And yet, she will always rem emb er
Gather Information +23, Hide +8, Innu end o +23 (send) +16 that Eiji risked his own life to save her when he did not even
(rece ive), Intimidate +22, Kno wle dge (Ch ikush udo) +8, know her. She sees the love in h is eyes wh en he looks upon
Kn owledge (etique tt e) +11, Kn owl ed ge (n ob ili ty an d her, and she knows that he is n ot wh oll y evil - not yet .
roy alty ) +11, Listen +13, Move Si lently +8, Pe rform +14, She knows that there is kin dnes s deep with in him. She knows
Search +14, Sense Motive +20, Spot +13; Depths of the Void, th at he is worthy. She knows that , given tim e, she can warm
Iron Will , Leadership (14), Perceived Ho nor, Political Maneu- his cold heart and change his ways.
veri ng , Skill Focus (Sens e Motive), Versatile (Forgery, Hide, Sadly, time is the one thing she do es not have. In three
Knowledge (Chikush udo), Move Silen tly), Void Use. more month s Kiyo's tab oo will be br ok en . If she can n ot
Possessions:amuletofnatural armor +1, bracers ofarmor+2, circlet help Eiji overcome his dishon orable nature and prove himself
ofpersuasion, haoriofcharisma +2, ringof protection +1,wakizashi. a hero , her own existence will be forfeit .


Earth: 3 Female kitsune Scorpion , Courtier 6: CR 6; Medium-size
Water: 3 fey (spirit); HD 6d6; hp 30; Ini t: +3j Spd 30 ft.; Atk tanto +3
Fire: 3 melee , ld4 dam age ; AC 13 (touch 13, fla t-footed 10)j
Intelligence: 4 SQ Courtier Abilities (Taunt and Rally), Goss ip, Style and
Air: 4 Grace, Talent, wealth, kit sun e qualiti es, shapeshifter abilities
Void: 3 (Alias, Animal Ton gue, Ghos t Tong ue , Pack So ul , Silver
School/Rank: Bayushi Courtier 4 Tongue ), spirit qualities, taboos (cannot allow shugenja to use
Dojo: Dojo of Lies magic on her, must ans wer que sti on s with questions, mu st
Honor: 0.4 (1.4) marry a worthy human), Honor 3; AL NGj SV Fort +4, Ref +4,
Glory: 4.7 Will +14; Str 8, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 21; Ht : 5'.
Advantages: Bente n's Blessing, Heartless, Perceived Honor Dojo: None; Kata: Non e
(1 rank) skills and Fe ats: Speak Lan gu age (Ch ik ush udo, Hi gh
Disadvantages: Insensitive, Spoiled, True Love (Snowflake) Rokugani, N aga, Rokugan i), Blu ff +20, Dip lomacy +22 ,
Skills: Acting 5, Cipher 5, Courtier 5, Dip lom acy 6, Disguise +16, Games (Go) +9, Gat her Information +18,
Etiquette 6, Forge ry 4, Gossi p 5, Investigation 6, Law 5, Heal +8, Hide +5, Knowledge (etiquett e) +9, Knowl edge
Manipulation 7, Poetry 4, Sadane 4, Seduction 5, (n obility an d ro yalt y) +9, List en +12, Mov e Sil ently +5,
Sincerity 7, Stealt h 3 Perform +15, Sense Motiv e +12, Spot +12; Iron Will, Soul of
Kata: None the Heavens (x3), Versatile (Disguise, Heal).
Possessions: haori ofresistance +2, fee t ofthe kitsune.
SOSHI I(IYO, "SnO\!lf"LAI( ~··
Snowflake was always an investigativ e sort of kitsune. She SOSHI ItIYO
wande red th e edges of Chikushudo, greeting other spi ri ts Earth: 2
wi th innoce n t curiosity and making fri ends wherever she Water: 3
traveled. Eventually, she decided that she would venture into Fire : 4
the Realm of Mort als. The journ ey was not easy, and like all Air: 4
shapes hifters she was required to bind herself with powerful School/Rank: Bayushi Court ier 2
taboos to protect her immortal spirit from th e mortal realm's Dojo: None
influence . Honor: 3.2
Glory: 2.1
Advantages: Idealistic omen.Taoshi did not wish his children to be born under such
Disadvantages:True Love (Soshi Eiji) a dar k clo ud, so he quickly concealed all kno wledge of the
Shapeshifter Abilities: Alias, Anim alTongue, Ghost Tongue, event. He used his magic to wipe all memories of th e younges t
Pack Soul, Silver Tongue triplet from the me mo ry of those present at the b irth,
Taboos: Cannot allow sh ugenja to use magic on her, must including his own wife. With a second spell, he escaped along
answer ques tions wi th ques tion s, mu st marry a worthy the passages of the Way, carryi ng the baby away to a hidden
human. tower deep in the moun tains.
skills: Acting 4, Courtier 4, Diploma cy 3, Etiquette 3, Go 2, A less compassionate man might have slain th e third child;
Gossip 3, In vestigation 4, Law 2, Medicin e 2, Sincerity 3, Taoshi instea d raised h er in sec re t, naming her Miroko.
Seduction 2, Poison 1, Stealth 2 When she grew older, he told her of her sisters, and even
occasiona lly replaced Miroko with one sister or the other so
SOSHI UIDO:aI. that none would be force d to grow up in solitude. Taking one
ano the r's places soon became something of a game to Uidori,
SOSHI f'AJi\IJ.Y DAIJi\YO Yukimi, and Miroko. It was a gam e that the three of them
At twenty-six, Sosh i U idori is you n g for a da imyo of a played against the rest of th e world , whil e their father looked
shugenja family. She has served in the role for th e ten years on in pride. Before he left to fight in th e War of Spirits, Taoshi
since her mother and father were slain in the War of Spirit s. gave the sisters three amulets, so that each could speak to the
Despite her inexperience, Uidori has proven to be an efficient others regardles s of distance .
leader. She has a sharp, agile mind and is expert on a variety of When Taoshi died, the sisters decided to put their game to
subjects. Though she is a terrible, powerful enemy, she can be a more serious use. Miroko's existence was still unknown by
quite ch arming when she needs to be. Even the kam i are any others. When the need arose, she was always prepared to
enchanted by her pleasant demeanor. When her family take Yukimi's du ties at th e Dojo of th e Closed Eye, or to rule
require s her , she always arrives swiftly, aware of danger even the clan in Uidori's stead. Likewise, Uidori and Yukimi both
before it arises.Through her sister Yukimi, Uidori keeps close became familiar with each othe r's lives and habit s, and could
tab s on the Dojo of the Clo sed Eye and take s the mo st take one anot her's place in an instant.
promising students into her per sonal instruction. The arrangement works well for th e triplets, as each can
Not surprisingly, there is a secret behind Uidori's great draw upon anot her's stre ngths. Uidori possesses grace, charm,
success as a daimyo. When she was born, she was the eldest of and diplomatic abili ty th at make her well suited as daimyo.
triplets, born to daimyo Soshi Taoshi and his wife, Mutsumi. Yukimi's mastery of magic is unmatched , and thus her role as
Among the Scorpion, the birth of triplets is seen as an ill
the dojo of the Closed Eye's sen sei is only natural. Miroko is (arcan a) +12, Kn owledge (Fo rt u n es) +12, Kn owled ge
a talented thief and impersonator and a deadly hand-to-hand (Sh in tao) +12, Listen +8, Scr y +12, Spell craft +12, Spot +8;
combatant. she serves as her sisters' eyes and ears, assuming Blessing of Air, Chosen By the Karni , Ele me n tal Insight ,
their identities when they need to move outside Shiro no Friendly Kami, Medium, Void Use.
Soshi unseen. Spells per Day (6/ 8/8/5; b ase DC 18 + sp ell level for Air
Together, Uidori and her sisters represent the best th at th e spe lls, 16 for other spe lls ; Ele me n ta l Foc us - Air, Soshi
Soshi family has to offer. Th ey are powerful, versatile, and School): O-Level - commune with elements, daze, detect magic,
unpredictable. By relying upon the strength of many, they flash of insight, flight of doves, ghost sound, guidance, read magic;
have become a powerful whole. 1st - change self, cure light wounds, detect snares and pits,
expeditious retreat, eye shall not see, obscuring mist, quiescence ofair;
2nd - detect thoughts, importune kami II , know the shadows,
minor image, reflecting mirror; 3rd - clairaudience/clairvoyance,
glyph ofwarding, invisibility.
Possessions: amulet of the Soshi sisters (see sidebar), bracers of
armor +3, haori of charisma +2, haori of resistance +2, Murlynd's
spoon, ringof counterspells, wakizash i.

Earth: 3
Water: 3
Fire: 3
Intelligence : 4
Air: 5
Void: 4
School/Rank: Soshi Shugenja 4
Dojo: Dojo of the Closed Eye
Honor: 3.1
Glory: 7.0
Advantages: Benten's Blessing, Blessing of Ai r, Friend ly
Kami , Great Potential (Air spells), Medium, True Friends
(Miroko, Yukimi)
Disadvantages: Dark Secre t (triplets), Unluck (2 ranks)
Spells: (Spells marked with " are memorized) By the Light of
Lord Moon, Commune", Evi l Ward , Eye Sha ll Not See",
False Face", Fires of Puri ty, Mists of Illu sion ", Path to Inner
Peace , Reflective Pool , Sacr ed Grou nd , Sec re t s on th e
Wind", Sense", Slayer's Kniv es, Summon Fog, Sum mon",
Symbol of Air
Ski lls : Acting 5, Calligraph y 4, Diplom acy 5, Eti quette 5,
Meditation 6 , Shintao 3, Sincerity 5

TH5: nAnSU
In th e year 153, Soshi Saibankan drafted the cha rte r und er
SOSHI UI170:;U wh ic h th e Emperor's enforcers, the Emerald M agistrat es,
Female human Phoenix Shugenja 7/N i n j a 5: CR 12 ; would ope rate. An accomplished courtier and admin istrator ,
Medium-sized humanoid; HD 12d6+24; hp 69; Init +5; Spd 30 Saiban ka n saved coun tless live s by efficiently runnin g the
ft.; AC 16 (tou ch 13, flat -foot ed 13); Atk wa kizas hi+ 7/+ 2 Emerald Magistrates. Nat ura lly, h is success earn ed him many
me lee , tds dam age; SA Snea k attack +3d6 dam age; SQ Class ene m ies.
skill - In n uendo (fam ily bon u s), Eleme ntal focus (Air) , While travelin g through Otosan Uchi at n igh t on official
Ninja Do dge +2, Poison Use, Se nse Elements , Speed of business , Saibankan was ambu shed by a group of arm ed thugs.
Darkn ess; H on or: 3; AL NG ; SV For t +7, Ref +11, w ill +9; His yojim bo was stabbed in the b ack , sla in ins ta n tly.
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 15, In t 15, Wi s 12, Cha 20 (22); Maximum Sai bankan drew his swo rd but found him self h eavil y
Void: 2; Hei ght: 5 ft. 5 in. outnumber ed . Then, to hi s surp rise, a band of peasants came
Dojo: Dojo of the Closed Eye. to his rescue . Their leader, Nanbu, was a simple bud oka wh o
s kills and Feats: Speak Lang uage s (Ashalan, High Rokugani, had alwa ys ad m ired Saib an k an . Seein g th e le genda ry
Kami, Rokugani) Co nc en t ratio n +12, Diploma cy +18, mag istrat e in t rouble , h e rall ied h is fe ll ow s an d ca me
Disgui se +15, Innuendo +12 (sen d) +5 (receive), Knowledg e to hi s aid.
Saiban kan survived th e att ack becau se of th eir help, nnnsv KOCHOKO, FA1i\ILY DAI1i\YO
an d rew arded Nanbu an d hi s fell ows by gra nting them [Courtier 4/Samurai 3; Monkey Bushi 2/ Bayushi Courtier 1]
position s in his personal guard. Over th e next twenty years, Kochoko, born Nan bu Kochohime, was sent to a Shintao
Nanbu and the othe rs wo uld perform man y tasks for monastery to be kept safe when the family was dissolved .
Saiban ka n and th e Emerald Magistrates, ta sks that were Her time with t h e mon ks taught he r pati en ce. Sh e was
beneath a samurai but still vitally important. After raising his recalled by her father on ce he found a safe hom e among th e
son in Saibankan's se rvice, Nanbu finally died on an Mon key, and raised among the strange wisdom of th at Min or
assignment for his lord, holding off a group of bandits while Clan . She has few ambition s outside of protecting h e r
a m essenger esc aped to bring word of their loca tion to fledgling family, and her greate st desire is to see her family's
Saibankan. holdings restored and made fertile again. Altho ugh she would
Nanbu's son , named for hi s father, continued to se rve never adm it it, she harbors a slight gru dge against her clan for
Saiban kan . Wh en Saiba n kan di ed , he worked for h is abandoning her family du ring the Coup, and it is for this
daughter, Soshi Sayok o. Sayoko was a sh ugenja, not an reason th at she kee ps abreast of goings-on within th e
Emerald Magistrate, and despised the peasant who followed Scorpion .
her with such mindless loyalty. Despite her contempt, Nanbu
served Sayok o rel entlessl y, and nearly died uncovering
5H I ~O nAnSU
a rival's plot to poison he r. Sayoko realized th e asset she had
To refer to th e Nan bu estates as a "Shiro" is optimistic. A small
squandered, and used her own magic to sna tch Nanbu from
keep, the Nan bu family 's home is little more than a series of
th e brink of death.
farm house s, eno ugh to house th e Nanbu and their peasant s.
Sayoko thereafter treated Na nbu wit h the res pec t du e
Wh en Koch ok o re tu rn ed to Shiro Nan bu , sh e began
a loyal servant. s he prom ise d h im th at so lon g as hi s sons
a search for an y surv ivi ng fami ly member s. Fewer th an a
carried his name, that th ey would serve his family.The Nanbu
dozen surface d, mostly old men and women. A few Monkey
continued to serve the Sosh i loyally, and a century later th e
samurai, fo rme r st u den ts of Tzur ui , accompanied her.
Soshi daimyo proclaimed them an official vassal family. They
Ostensibly th ey had come until the Nanbu are on their feet,
we re given a small keep in a seclude d valley. Th ough they
but after eight years the y're still here. Kochoko is trying to
guarded the Sosh i farmlands and produced wealth for the ir
rebuil d th e family, and any young samurai wh o prove th em-
Soshi masters , the Nanbu eventually became little more than
selves to her stand a good chance of being offered a place in it.
a note in the Scorpion tax collectors' journals .
As they were rarely called for duty, the Nan bu became
rustic, backwood s samurai. While th ey still trained as bushi, TH~ nAn SV FA1i\ILY
the Nanbu rarely saw combat, or even a mem ber of anot he r Favored Clas s: Samurai
clan, for nearly seven hund red years. Despite thei r isolation , Sta rting Honor: 1
their ded ication to th e Soshi was unq uestio ned , an d they Class Sk ills: Gather Inform ation
practiced the samurai arts without faiL Starting Outfit:
In late 1123, the Nanbu wer e di ssol ved followi ng th e 1. Masterwork nagamaki
Scorpion Clan's attempted coup in Oto san Uch i. Tho ugh the 2.300 Koku
Nanbu had not participated in the Coup, they were not above
the Imperial Legion s' vengeance. The Nanbu daimyo, Nanbu TH ~ nAnSV FA1i\ILY
Tsu chiya, bo ugh t th e live s of hi s family wit h hi s ow n, Benefit: +1 Perception
committing seppuku to convince the Emera ld Magistrates of Glory: 0.5
his family 's innocence through ignorance. His heir, Nanbu Special: Nan bu who attend the Bayushi Bushi School
Tzuru i, joined Toturi as a ronin during the Clan War, and later may choose to give up Poison or Sincerity from their
became a founding member ofToku's Monk ey Clan. beginning skills to increase th eir Defense to 2 ranks.
After Tzurui's dea th du rin g th e final days of the War of
Spiri ts, his frien d and daimyo Toku sen t a request to the new

Soshi daimyo, Uidori . Several months later, Tzurui's daught er
was invited to take over Shiro Nanbu and its ho ldings, with
the Soshi's bl essings. Since then, Nanbu Koch oko an d her
small gro up of followe rs have restored life to th e valley tha t
had lain fallow for so long.
Before the Coup, th e Nanbu were a parochial family, with
little knowle dge or influence regarding the rest of Rokug an.
None outside the Scorpion, and few within the clan, knew or
care d abou t th em . The family was con te nt to oversee thei r
lan d and peasantry, and th e Empire was content to igno re
them .
After their reforma tion, however, th e Nanbu have chosen
n-£w An-C£STO~S
to take a much more active role in the world. Thei r daim yo, Unconventional though they may be, th e Soshi are a family of
Kocho ko, regularly visits Shiro Soshi, and has even had an shugenja, with all th e reverence for their ances tors th at such a
audie nce with Bayus hi Yojiro. She corres ponds freque ntly role entails. Because the Soshi have maintain ed suc h a low
wit h her frie nds in the Imperial Fami lies and the Monkey profile throughout history, th e ances tors they revere are often
Clan, most notably Toku's own daught er, Miyako. unknown to tho se out side th e clan.The Soshi know, however,
that glory and destin y are not th e same.
A talen ted sh uge nja and magistrate, Soshi Takasho spent If ever there has been a life of more thwarted poten tial than
much of hi s life admi nist ering the Ryoko province of hi s that of Soshi Seiryoku, then that poor soul has escaped the
father. In the six th century, Scorpion Champion Bayushi notice of Scorpion historians. Records of her gempukku show
Rikoji became suspicious that the blade s Asahina Yajinden that she was an extremely talented sh ugenja, loved by the
had forged as gifts for man y clan champions had played a role spirits. Great things were expected of her , and teachers and
in several recent de aths. Owning one suc h blade himsel f family lavished praise upon her. Quieter accounts say that the
(which he had never touched ), Rikoji summoned Takasho to adoration caused Seiryoku to grow care less an d arrogant.
hi s palace and comman ded him to find Yajinden, who had On a trip to assume control of her fam ily's opi um cartel,
recently disappeared in Otosan Uchi. Soshi Seir yoku was kidnapped by a Kol at sp linter sec t.
Takasho's investigation in Otosan Uch i, alongside Imperial She was tortured relentlessly until she willi ng ly gave her
legionn aire Akodo Minobe, eventually exposed the Blood- name to an oni. After that, the Kolat owned not on ly her body,
speaker 's horror an d treachery. While Minobe led his fellow but her soul. She struggled again st th em for yea rs, never
Legion naires agains t Iuchiban's undead creations, Takasho's giving in to the demon wi thin her, but was eve ntually
cunning and insight ful mind found the Bloodspeaker's escape consumed and damned to Iigoku forever.
route , where he laid th e blood sorcerer low with a powerful Forever was surpris ingly brief Before Seiryokus soul could
spell, allowing th e Emperor's forces to apprehend him. be tom asunder by the dark forces of that malevolent realm,
Takasho was given a high -ranking position in the Imperial sh e was freed by th e Blessed Guard of Yorni , the souls of
Magistrates, and eventually became one of the chief assistants honorable sam urai who cons idered it their duty to rescue
to the Eme rald Ch am pion. Along with his ancestor Soshi even the mo st loathsome hum an souls from [igoku.
Saibankan , h e is still amon g the best-known Soshi in the Imprisoned within Yomi to med itate up on th e enormity of
Empire's h istor y. H is guiding spiri t remains activ e among her sin s, Seiryoku le arned to reach thro ug h the ve il to
his family, watch ing over the most cunning and perceptive of Ningen-do, the mortal realm . Now she counse ls others not
his descendants. only to avoid the mistakes she made, but to avenge her tragic

COl." I l15:nG5:f'UI.
rscoamon AnC;:sTO~: sOsHI s;:I~'yOI{V:r
You long to avenge your ancestor's persecutors, the Shadow-
land s and the Kolat.
Benefit: Yougain a +1 circumstance bonus to all attack rolls
versus all Shadowland s creatures and versus any opponent
with the Shadowlands subtype or affiliated with the Kolat in
any way.Youmu st declare when you intend to gain thi s bonus,
and if you att empt to appl y this bonu s against an opponent
who is innocent of th e association , you lose the ability to use
th is feat for one week per Hi t Die of the target .

(6 i'OlnTs)
Des cendant s of Sosh i Seir yo ku gain her un dying ha tred
of tho se who willingly sell the ir souls to darkn ess, and for the
5:115:;l. WATCHf'UI. enig matic Kolat. Wh en the character genuinely believes an
rscoanon AnC;:sTO~ 50sHI TAKAsH O:r opponent is Shadowlands Tainted or a Kolat member, he may
You are far more perceptive than tho se around you. att em pt to call upon th is ancestor's power. If the target is
Benefit : When spending a Void Poin t on an y Listen , guilty of the associa tion, the character rolls one additional
Searc h, Sens e Motive , or Spot check, th e benefit s are die for all attac k an d damage rolls against that target . If the
doubled. This is cumulative with any incr eased Void effects character attempts to use this ability against a target innocent
such as th ose conferred by the Kitsuki s Method feat. of any association with the s hadowlands or Kolat, the character
loses th e ability to use this bonus for a period of time equal
AnC5:STO;l.: SOSHI to one week per rank of Insig ht the opponent possessed.
(5 zomrsr SOSHI BU;l.5:ZU
The Scorp io n's his torical records hold precious little
Th e gu iding sp irit of Sos hi Takasho sub tly draws h is
informatio n on Soshi Burezu, and it was not until th e War
de scendants' att en tio n to minute details that th ey migh t
against the Darkn ess ended that scholars made any significant
otherwise miss , in cr easin g th eir powers of perception to
atte mpt to discover more about thi s mysterious individual.
levels far beyond the no rm. Descendants ofTakash o may
History tells of a surly young man, the son of Soshi and a bride
keep one additional die on any Perception roll s. Any Void
who died during childbirth. Much of his early life was spent
Point spent on a Percep tion -related roll adds two dice instead
in secl us ion , as he was kn own to be of no torio usly weak
of one.
constitutio n. Wh en Soshi died many years later, control of the
family passed to the virtually unknown Burez u, who was 25 at protection.This protection acts as blessingsof ]izo cast by a 15th
the time. Many Scorp ion feared tha t the young man would level caster, canceling all of th e armor 's other magical effects
prove incapable of man aging the family's affairs. (other th an its +5 enhancement) until th e pro tectio n effect
Altho ugh Burezu proved hi mself to be only an ade quate ends or is canc elled by the wearer. Finally, Air spells are cast
daimyo, the clan was shocked to discover what an exceptional by the wearer as if he were one level highe r.
teache r he was. His time in seclusion allowed him to master
intricacies of his father's uni que magical style th at no other
studen t had ever been able to reproduce. Further, his patient
TH £ SCA:aJ.£T A ;ui\O:a
and insightful instruc tion allowed him to pass the secrets of Of' 1J.J.u s lo n
these abilities on to his students, contributing a great deal to Th is heavy armor is a heavily enchanted nemuranai passe d
the partic ular brand of magic th at th e Soshi would practice for down for generations. The Scarlet Armor of Illusion's wearer
over a thousand years. gains a +20 to his or her TN to Be Hit . Wh ile it weighs as much
In t ru t h, Bu rezu was the ch il d of Sho suro (wh o lat e r as any othe r set of heavy armor, the wearer may ignore any
became Soshi ). Some speculate that Bayushi may have been p en alti es to att ackin g or performing actions for wearing
his father, but the re is no way to confirm this. Regardless of h eavy arm o r. Th e Scarlet Armor can take on the form of
his parentage, Burezu doubtl ess received the Lying Darkn ess's any ad ornment that the wearer desires , in any color or
power from his mother, an d this greatly attribute d to h is combination desired. Its wearer is considered to be consta ntly
re pu tatio n as one of th e m ost powe rful and innovat ive und er the effec ts of Way of Still Waters an d Perceive
shugenja of his age. Upon his death, Burezu's spirit ascended Harmony. Once per day the wearer may activate the air kami's
to Yomi, whe re it was cleansed of its Darkness affliction . His p rotection . This protection cancels all the armor's ot her
descendants have the slightest hint of Shadow ability without magical effects (except for the increase to the wearer's TN to
act ually having been con sume d by that now -defunct entity. Be Hit), including its shape shifting effect, for te n rounds or
until the wearer cancels the ability. Duri ng th is time,
the armor protects the wearer as if he were affected by the
"A;tI{ H£:aITAG£ spell Blessings of [izo with no Raises. Finally, if th e wearer is
rAnC£STO~: SOSHI BV~£ZV:I a shugenja, they gain a Free Raise on any Air spells they are
You possess the vaguest hint of th e Lying Darkness's power able to cast while in the armor.
through your ancestor's bloodline.
Benefit: You gain damage resistance - / 1. Magic and any


weapons created with crystal ignore thi s effect. Unlike other
Ancestor feats, this feat may be taken multiple times, so long
as it is first taken at t st level. Each tim e it is taken increases
the DR by 1. If thi s damage resistance ever exceeds 4, you gain S E C~ET S?ELL S
the Darkness subtype (see Creaturesof Rokugan,'" pages 4-5) and
are vulnerable to all effects that no rmally target creatures
of that type.
B£.Yon" n OTHlnGIS G:aAS?
Abjuration [Air]
AnC£STo:a: SOSHI BU:a£ Z U Level: shu 5
C\J ?OlnTS) Components: V; S, DF
Burezu's descend ants are as hardy as the Darkness's min ions, Casting Time: 1 action
turning aside attacks tha t should kill them . The character Range:Touch
gains a Carapace ratin g of 2. This rati ng may be inc re ased Target: Creature touched
through experience points. The cost is equal to the next level Duration: 2 rounds/level or until discha rged
x5. For examp le, a charac ter could spend 15 experie nce points Saving Throw: None
to increase his Carapace rating to 3. If th is Carapace rati ng Sp ell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
ever exceeds 4, the character gains one Shadow Point.
White bands of light ene rgy surround th e subject, racing up
and down h is form. These bands of energy h ave multipl e
TtEW 1i\AGIC 1. The subject of th is spell gains a +4 deflection bonu s to his

ITE1i\S AC again st any creatu re with th e Lying Darkn ess or Shadow

2. Spells of 4th level or lower with the Shadow descriptor are
negated by th is spell's effects.
TH£ SCA:aJ.£T A;ui\O:a 3. If desired , th e subject of th is spe ll m ay, as a free
Of' 1J.J.uslon action , attempt to counterspell any spell with the Shadow
This set of great annor +5 is a heavily en chanted minor artifact. de scriptor that targets him . Th e di sp el ch eck is ma de
While it weigh s as much as any other set of great armor, it has normally. Whether the counte rspell att empt succeeds or
no armo r check penalties and can take on the for m of any fails, use of this action disch arges and ends th e spell.
clothing or adornment th at the wearer desires, in any color or
combin ati on of co lors. It s wearer is cons tantly under the
effects of true seeing and freedom of movement spells. On ce per
day, the wearer may, as a free action, activate the air kami's
with thi s spell, the caster protects the target from th e Lying
~~II~Al. TH~ "A;U{n~SS Dar kn ess an d its mi nio ns . Wh ite ban ds of light ene rgy
Divination [Air] sur round the subject, racing up and down h is form. These
Level : Shu 1 band s of energy have several effects: First, th e subject of this
spell gain s a +10 bonus to his TN to Be Hi t by any creature
As detect evil, exce pt th at the spe ll det ect s Lying Darkness
with any number of Shadow Points. Second, spells of Mastery
or sh adow creatures, spells an d m agic it em s, an d you are
Level 3 or lower th at were cast against the target by creatures
vulnerable to an overwhelming sha dow aura . It does not
with Shadow Points are negated by this spelL Finally, thi s spell
detect undead, but doe s detect creatures with the Shadow-
will absorb th e effects of on e Shadow Bolt tha t strikes the
lands Taint if th ey also have Lying Darkness or Shadow
target. Once a Shadow Bolt is absorbed, th is spell imm ediately
subtype s.
ends, its protection exhausted.
Enc hantment [Mind -Affecting] (Air)
~~II~Al. TH~ "A;U{n~S S
Element: Air
Level: Shu 9
Mastery Level: 1
Com p on en t s: V, S, DF
Duration: 5 round s
Casting Time: 1 action
Area of Effect: Self
Range: Long (400 ft + 40 ft./level)
Range: 10 f1. Radius
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 round/level This spell allows th e caster to detect the Lying Darkne ss's
Saving Throw: will partial minions or any Shadow-related item. For th e spell's duration,
Sp ell Resistance: Yes Reveal the Darkness divines the location of any creatures with
an y nu mber of Sh adow Poin ts, th ou gh it will no t specify
This spell allow s you to str ip all skill kn owledg e from on e
exac tl y what the y are (i.e. Sha dow-b randed cha rac ters,
being for the spell's duration.The target is allowed a will save
Shadow-Walker s, Goju famil y memb ers, etc.). This spell can
at th e time of casting to avoid the spell's effec ts. If the save
also help locate any item that was crafted by such creatures,
is mad e, the target can use his skills normall y, albeit at a - 4
dete ctin g th e Nothing's lingering touch upon them .
to all of his skill checks. with a failed save, th e target is unable
to use any ranks in any skills he possesses for th e duration .
All skill rolls made during this spell's dur ation by the affected SOSHI1S AnG ~~
target are made as if they were completely unskilled. Element: Air
Mastery Level : 6
YUI{UR.l1S Sli\ l l.~ Duration: 1 minute
Area of Effect : 1 target
Abjuration [Air]
Range: 500 ft.
Level: s hu 6
Com p on en ts: V, S, DF By sum mo n ing the Air kam i's rage , the sh uge nja can
Cas t ing Tim e: 1 action te m por ari ly re d uce the sk ills of eve n th e m ight iest of
Range: 20 ft. opponents to nothing. As his memory is assaulted, the target
Area: 20 ft. radius , centered on you of th is spell forgets th e training he has previou sly received ,
Duration : 10 minu tes/level dropp ing all of his skills to Rank o. In addition, the target may
Saving Th row: None not use any of his school Techniques that involve skill rolls of
Spell Resi stance: No any kind . He may still use Raw Trait rolls to attempt action s.

This spe ll was cre ate d by Sosh i Yuki m i duri n g her first
YUI{ Ili\IIS Sli\ l l.~
years as a sensei at th e Dojo of the Closed Eye and is largely
Element: Air
responsible for her ascen sion to th e positio n of Master Sensei.
Mastery Level: 4
You summon the air kami to suppress any spell or effect with
Duration: 10 minutes
the Illusion , En chantment or Mind-Affecting descriptors
Area of Effect : 20 ft. radius centered on the caster
withi n the area of effect. Spells cast by casters of highe r level
Range: Self
tha n you are entitled to an opposed caster level check to avoid
th is effec t. You ar e inform ed whic h spells are currently This spe ll was create d by Sos hi Yukirni during her fir st
subject to negatio n, whether or not the negation is successful, years as a sensei at the Dojo of the Closed Eye and is largely
and who cast the negated spells. If you so desire, any spell responsible for her ascension to the position of Master Sensei.
being suppresse d by Yukimi 's smile may be reinstated or The shugenja casting th is spell summons the power of Air to
suppressed again instantl y as a free action . reveal and suppre ss any spells or abilitie s involving illusion ,
enchantment or the subversion of a subject 's wilL While this
B~YOn" n OTHln G1S G~AS? spe ll is in effect, t he caster is aware of the spells being
Element: Air suppressed an d may rein state or suppress their effects again
Mastery Level: 3 at wilL
Duration: 1 minute Raises may be used to extend the duration of this spell by
Area of Effect: 1 Target 2 minutes per Raise.
Range: Touch
to be Otomo Shikan's son?" Seeing the mute nod, Ichiba smiled.
"I dea lt with some of your father's men on occasion. That was years
back, ofcourse."
"I remember;' said Taneji quietly.
"Theyalwaysdo;' nodded Ichiba, somewhat proudly.
"Yogo Ichiba. Are we to leave forthe Yogo provinces, then?" Hatori ?~OUlnC~s
asked. "would you have us complete our little odyssey through the
The smallest family in the Scorpion Clan, th e Yogo contro l
Scorpion landswith a visit toYogo Shiro?"
relativ ely little land. Over th e centuries, th ey have learn ed
"No. You have seen all that I hoped you would. Your mission,
that ambit ion inevitably leads to disaster, and thu s they have
if it can be called such, is finished." Chian's mood was inscrutable.
come to accept what is th eir s and aspir e to little else. It has
"Is there something in the Yogo lands you do not wish us to see,
been over five hundred years since the Yogo atte mpte d to
then?" Sekkou inquired. "Perhapsthe secret ofthis ShadowedTower is
ann ex any new holdings, and despite their relatively meager
resources , they seem unint erested in expanding their borders.
"Sekkou is right;' Hatori insisted. "If we have come this far, I will
not be dismissed like some common servant. I will hear a reason we
are not to visit the Yogo provinces, or I will make the arrangements
"Hatori," said Ichiba quietly, his smile now gone. "Is your father
still alive?"
The aging historian fro wned at the strange question. "My father The Yogo h ave a deci de dly different ou tloo k fro m m ost
died many yearsago. I fail to see how this is relevant." shugenja famili es. They are not part icularly concern ed with
''And did the two of you reconcile before hisdeath?" t he administrati on of shri nes an d temples be yond th e
There was a long pause, during which Hatori's countenance minimum th ey deem necessary to perp etu ate thei r status as
darkened. "No," he said finall y. "He considered me the ultimate shugenja.The Yogo consider it th eir primary du ty to safeguard
traitor to my name andfamily. He.. . he insistedon hisdeathbedthat th e Scorpion's sec re ts. All othe r conc er n s are seco n dary.
he hadno son." The holdin gs th ey consi der most important are th ose that
Ichiba nodded. "Now imagine that pain, that betrayal, on an aid them in th at du ty.
enormous scale. An entire family. And extend that suffering and
betrayalfor ten centuries." He locked eyes with Hatori. "That is what I{AGOI{I
it means to be a Yogo. We have endured pain such as yours for
(J,.OCATIOn 511)
centuries. Visitors are notwelcome in our home. Leave us toour grief"
Although located near th e heart of Bayushi lands, the village
Hatori reflected on this, then finally nodded briefly. "As y011wish."
of Kagok i falls with in th e Yogo famil y's provi nces by a lit tle
He turned to glance at his two vassals. "But I still do not understand
le ss than a mile. Becau se the vi llage is so im porta nt,
why you brought us here. It seems to serve no purpose. Why did you
it is always home to a large contingen t of Bayush i sol diers,
reveal thi s conflict to us, and what side is it that you wish us to
an d most visitors to the Sco rpi on lands assume th at it is
a Bayush i ho lding. The Yogo care little for the opinions of
The monk looked mildl y surprised. "Why, neither, of course.
out siders, an d have done not hi ng to correct this perce ption
I would have thought that you hadcome to thisconclusion yourself by
de sp ite that it is th ey wh o do the lio n's sha re of the work
admi nistrating and tending to the village's affairs.
"Neither?" asked Sekkou incredulously. "But how can we do that?
Kagoki sits in the middl e of the most fertile Scorpion lands,
Who is in the right?"
and annually produces a surplus. The fields surround ing the
"Both, of course," Chian said calmly. "Bayushi Yojiro has led his
village are so fertile and so extensi ve th at the Yogomu st bring
clan to an unprecedented peak of power. unfortunately, in doing so in addit io na l lab orers during h arvest season . Some h ave
he has exposed a clan that has worked to remain unseen for over a
speculated that the Yogo use some form of question able magic
thousand years."
to en hance Kagok i's rice fi eld s. W hile they can n ot be
"And the Tower," co ntinued Ichiba, "seek only to restore the
bothered to refut e such claims , the Yogo are well aware that
Scorpion's rightful place in the Empire, as all our ancestors would
th e only result of such a practice would be the who lesal e
have wished. In doing so, however, they have broken the most sacred
destru ction of an extremely valuable resource .The only magic
tenet of our beliefs: unquestioned loyalty."
used in the fields around Kagoki are the same prayers to the
Hatori shook his head. "You did not bring us here to expose this
Fortunes that all clans use.
conflict at all, did you? You want it to remain hidden, even after all
In addi ti on to its agricultural val ue , Kagoki also often
serves as a sort of diplom atic h eadquarters for the Yogo.
"You are correct, Hatori-sum«," Chian said lightly. "I only wished
The village is rea sona bly acce ssible to the representatives
for you to witn ess firsthand the depth and scope of our internal
of othe r families and clans. Any need th e Yogo have to meet
with th e Bayush i or with th e Crab or Crane clans is usually
"Why?" asked Taneji quietly.
satisfied wi th a brief meeting held within the famil y's
It was Ichiba who provided the answer. "So that you will stay
holdings in Kagoki.
away. And more importantly, so that you will direct others to do the
same. Yo u have seen what awaitsthose who become embroiled in this
most intimate of disagreements. You will serve as our guardian, TH - YOCiO £5TAT£
Hatori. Keepothersaway. This is a Scorpion matter." Smaller yet more pleasant than YogoShiro, the family's estate
Within the inn's darkenedconfines, with shadowscrawling across at Kagoki is a major center for diplomacy. The most frequent
the surface ofevery wall, and with twodangerousandenigmatic men guests are Bayushi, as th e ruling Scorpion family maintains a
standing before him awaiting an answer, there was little Hatori considerable presence within the city.The post as administrator
could dobut agree. of th is facility is only given to the most prom ising and shrewd
Yogo, as they are inevitably ba rraged with me rc ha n ts an d request Hats umi's assistance. She is owed countless favors by
. amba ssadors atte mpti ng to arra nge favora ble trades for th e dozen s of important individuals throughout th e clan and th e
food surp lus from the city's fields. Similarly, th ese estates are Empire. She has never called any of them in, bu t if th e need
home to the incredibly infrequent Winter Courts hosted by arose she could easily command th e aid of an y Great c lan .
the Yogo fami ly. As might be expec ted as a result of such Hat sumi is surpri singly straightforward for a Scor pion.
importance, th e estates are both exten sive and well-furnis hed. Many suspect her hon esty is some sort of facade . Hat sumi
doe s not use a traditional Scorpion mask, but rather carries
BAYVSHI mlJ..IKO. AmBASSAt70~ TO TH£ a number of han dled facemasks th at she holds befor e her to
represent her various moods.
[Courtier 12; Bayu shi Cou rtier 4]
A for me r stude nt of Bayush i Kauk atsu , Mil iko fell out of At7I1£ n T V ~£ H OOK
favor following a disgraceful inci dent with a Kakita duelist Ch allen ge: The characters are sent to YogoShiro bearing a
in the Ako do court several years ago . While the Bayu shi me ssage to Yogo Hatsumi from their lord . Their orders are
recognize tha t Miliko is a talente d court ier, th ey have lost to deliver the message, then await her response. The ir instru c-
their faith in her abilities. In the Yogocou rt, she can serve th e tion s have led them to beli eve that the m essage co ntains
family wi th little cha nce of furt her disgr ace. Her duties in a request for Hatsumi to accompany them and perform some
Kagoki involve the appropriation of resources from th e Yogo service for their lord .
farms to serve the clan . Focus: Upon receiving th e mes sage the characters carry,
Miliko is not at all pleased with her current circumstances. Hatsumi and the other Yogo at Yogo Shiro grow cold toward
At first she recogn ized th at the y were a result of her failure in the part y.They are polite, but reserve d.
court an d resign ed her self to her n ew duties. Over ti me , Strike: Hat sumi had recently requested aid from th e th e
howeve r, she has come to resent remaining in Kagoki. Miliko characters' lord. Despite her numerou s services for him in the
feels tha t she has redeemed herself for her previou s failure past, he does not feel indebte d to her and has refused.This has
and believes she should be returned to a prop er court. To th e pla ced th e cha racte rs in th e mi ddle of wh at could becom e
Scorpion, howe ver , sh e is far more useful wh er e she is; open conflict between th eir lord and the Yogofamily.
they h ave long sinc e or chestrated th e do w nfall of
those res pons ible for Miliko's fall from grace , including a TO\!li::aS Of" THi: .YOGO
p restigious Kakita an d in famo us Ako do , an d m an y in If Yogo Shi ro is characterized as sinister, then surely th e Yogo
Rokugan believe th at Miliko is some dark mas ter mi n d Towers can be described only as intimi dating. The Towers are
pulling stri ngs from th e shadows. It is far more beneficial to less th an a half-century old, as the y were constructed to serve
the Scorpion to allo w others to believe this th an to allow as a military outpost for th e Imperial forces that occupied th e
Miliko to return to court. Scorpion land s following thei r failed coup in 11 23. Initially
th e Legion s had planned to use existing Scorpion stru ctures,
.YOGO SHI:aO but when nearly two entire Legions were kille d by th e smoke
from the burning Shos uro Gardens, it was decided that new
(J,.OCATIOn S,) buildings would be construc ted instead. The YogoTowers are
If th ere is a mor e sinister, uninviting castle than Yogo Shi ro amo ng the few suc h bu ild in gs th at survive d bot h the Clan
with in Rokugan , it is said, surely suc h a place wo uld be War and th e Scorpion's banishm ent across th e Burn ing Sands.
occ upied only by ghosts and oni. The somewh at iron ically Yogo Shiro ho st s courts on ly in fr equ ently, but n o court
nam ed "Castle of Learning" is not visited often. Few people h as eve r been held in the Yogo Tower s. It is th e shugenja
are inte rested in atte nding the infrequent Yogocourt sessions, equivalent of a military in stallation. Its sole purpose is as the
and even fewer are tru ly welcome. One week of each month primary school for th e Yogo family, and it is rare in deed that
a witch-hunter from the Kuni family or an Asako Inquisi tor any member of that family reaches retirem ent without having
atte n ds. The two gro up s alternate their visit s so th at eac h spe nt at least a por tion of the ir tim e studyin g at th e Towers.
family sees the Yogo once every two months. This seemi ngly
invasive practice was requested by the family daimyo in th e
Clan War's aftermath, when the Yogo were still widely reviled
due to th e traitor, Yogo [unzo.
Yogo Shiro squats in the worst lands in all the Scorpion
hold ings. The castle is built upon the Seikitsu Mountains'
inner edge, and the plain s that surro und th e en trance to th e
mount ains are a desolate stretch of swamp land. This area was
specifically selected by the original Yogo no t only because of
hi s m el an ch ol y, but to ens ure that he and h is would be
e ns u re d privacy fo r man y years to come. His plan was
a resounding success: the Yogorarely draw atte ntion.


[Shugenja 14; Yogo Shugenja 5]
Altho ugh she is not th e daimyo of her fami ly or th e sense i
of her dojo , Yogo Hat sumi is nevertheless among th e mo st
powerful shugenja in the Scorpion land s. Whe n members of
other families requir e something to be protected , they always
[Sh u genja 17; Yogo Shugenja 5] If the Yogo overlook the mi stakes of th eir past, the y will be
The po sition as Master of th e Towers is am ong the most doomed to rep eat th em as their poisoned karm a re cycles
powerful within the Yogo family, and carries great influe nce through the Celestial O rder. Only th rough understanding th e
with the other Scorpion families as well. It would be a simple en or mi ty of th eir m isd eeds can t he Yogo hope to fre e
matter to abuse that powe r, or to exploit it for person al gain. them selves of the dark magic that afflicts them.
Fortu nately for th e Scorpio n, Yogo Iesh ige is not tempted by Thi s is the philosoph y of a small gro up of Yogo wh o have
worldly concern s. He is driven by his vision for th e future, be en sea rc hi ng for a way to b reak th e Curse. This gr oup
a day when th e Yogo will defeat th e prejudice of othe rs, even form ed aro u n d se ve ra l Yogo Towers se n sei who sh ared
th e Yogo Curse itself, and stand with the Isawa, Kitsu, Iuch i, a di slik e of th e Tansa ku vassal family. Convinced th at the
and Asahina as equals.This is Iesh iges vision , and he will work vas sal fa mily was doing not hing to furt h er the Curse's
toward it until the day of his death . removal, th ese dissiden t sensei began research ing mah o and
O the r Yogo leaders have tre mendous respect for Ieshige black magic in order to understand the nature of that wh ich
and all he has accomplishe d, but th ey also regard him with afflicted th em . If th e Curse's nature could be ascertained, they
caution. Hi s single-minded devotion is commendable, but it reason ed, the n perh aps a means of reversing its effects could
has bee n this same obsessio n that has caused the down fall of be found.
many Yogo in the past. So long as Ieshige con tin ues to direct The shugenja responsible for this phi losophical movement
his instruc tio n in the prop er di rection, the re is no reason to were secretive, of course , but it was impossible to keep secret
doubt him . Yogo Koji is ever watchful, how ever, and sho uld inde fin itely.The Kuni tsukai-sagasu and the Asako inquisitor s
Ieshige begin to stray from the pa t h , Koji will ha ve him may have been in distant land s, but the Yogo Kuroiban were
eliminate d before his good name and deeds can be sullied by in th e Towe rs ' ow n h om eland. The initial di sco very and
corruption. investigation of thi s group result ed in a strange compromise:
the philosoph ers were no t practicin g maho, merely studying
it. Th eir in teres ts and motivations were genuine, and their
in iti al resea rch was prom ising. Rel uctantly, th e Kur oib an
stood back and allowed the shugenja to continu e th eir work.
Th e materi als being stud ied at the Tower s were pla ced
within a chamber beneath the struc ture, locked inside a seri es
of wards more powerful than any created befor e th em . Several
Kuroib an are secre tly active amo ng th e scholars, const antly
searching for any sign ofTaint or ill intent. If the scho lars who
study at the so-called Chamber of Curs es ever show even th e
sligh test sign of treach ery, th eir entire organizati on will
be eliminate d in less th an a day.

A[7I1=n TV~~ HOOK

Challenge: T h e ch arac ters ar e tr aveling t hro ug h th e
Scorpio n land s when the y en counter a m erchant b ein g
attacke d by b an d it s. Th e merchant's only pr ot ection,
a shugenja, lies dead at th e scene as the character s arrive.
Focus: Assuming th at the characters save the merch ant , he
spins an imp ressive tale. He is transporting sens itive cargo
from Yogo Shiro bou nd for Ryoko Owari. The merchant does
not know what the cargo is, only that it is important and needs
to be delivered as soon as possible.The bandit attack kill ed his
only protection, the sh ugenj a assigne d from Yogo Sh iro to
escort h im to Ryoko Owari. He assures th e cha racte rs tha t
they will be amply rewarded if the y assist him in reach ing the
Strike: The m erchant is a rogu e sc ho la r fro m th e
Yogo Towers . He has stolen an ancie nt mah o text with the
assi stance of a Bloodspeaker ce ll in th e Scorpio n land s.
He killed his partner, the shu genja, in order to take the artifact
and sell it to a corrupt Kuni shugenja he kn ows. The Blood-
speakers are aware of his treachery and atte mpted to intercept
the text before he could reach hi s contac t in Ryoko Owari.
The Kuroiban will also want to make sure th at the man is
stopped, and the Kuroiban are not in the habit of explaining
them selves to out siders.
I{A:aAnD£TSU Ii\A:aI{£T
W h ile most of the Yogo's trade with other Scorpion families is
conduc te d through th e vill age of Kagoki, th e bulk of their
trad e with other clans is coordinated through the Karande tsu
Market. The market appeared du ri n g the Clan War wh en
ronin merchants, many of whom bore a striking resemblance
to former Scorpion merchants, ga thered here. Fro m th e
market , these "re ni n" ranged all acro ss Rok ugan pe ddling
their ware s, returning periodically to dis cus s their fin din gs
with other merchants . If the Scorpion Clan benefited from
thi s open exch ange of information, it was doubtless purely
coinci dental.
Since the Scorpion's reformation and recent rise to power in
th e Empire's courts, the Karandetsu Market's role within the
clan ha s diminished. With th e Sosh i and Sh osu ro families
back in op eration, the Karand et su network of undercover
merchants is not as effective by comparison. The market still
serves it s purpose, however, and in the years following the
Clan War it was dr amatically reorgan ized by Yogo Ichiba,
a merchant considered to be among the most ruthless and
manipulative Scorpion of that or any era.
The merchants of Karand et su Mark et ar e a particularly
devious and successful lot. They readily re sort to illegal
practices to ensure their contin ued livelihood as merchants.
Many among the Scorpion suspec t the Karand etsu merch ant s
of criminal activities, but so long as they maint ain a legitimate
appearance and their efforts aid the clan, they gladly look the
other way. In the meantime, the merchants con tin ue to train
new members and expand their opera tions . B£ID£n
U.OCATIOn 5 8l
.YOGO 5UT£BO Once th is small city was an extremely important Scorpion
[Sh ugen j a 9/Kuroib an 2 ; Yogo Shugenja 2, Kuroib an 1] hold in g, the gateway for trad e wit h the Empire's northern
Given the sheer volume of ma terials tha t pass thro ugh reach es. Dragon, Ph oen ix, and Lion merchants co n duc ted
Karandetsu Market, it stands to reason that corrupted Yogo the ir bu siness in Belden, and more traveled through th e city
could easily move illicit materials thro ugh the crowded maze on thei r way to th e Crab and Crane lan ds to the sou th. Th is
of merchants and merchandise wit h littl e risk of discovery. prosperity came wit h great risk, as the battl es that periodically
The notion th at corrup tion could arise fro m their lands is en velop ed Beid en Pass ine vitably involved the city in some
anathema to the Kuroiban, an d they h ave sta tio ne d one fashi on .
of their age n ts at the Market. For the p ast six month s, W ith the conclusion of th e War of Spirits , t he crucial
that position has been fille d by YogoSutebo. crossroads at Beiden Pass was destroyed by a combination of
Sutebo is an in tense, broo ding young man who consi de rs Scorp ion, Lion , and Phoenix sh uge nja . Sud de nly, th e clan's
hi s assignment distas tefu l, b ut extremely im portan t. major trade route was completely closed off. Altern ate routes
He is well aware that h is family has fallen into darkness on ce were quick ly identified, but th e damage to the city of Beiden
because of a failure of vigilance on the part of the Kuroiban, was don e. With in mo n ths , th e me rcha nts an d trading houses
and he will not allow suc h a th in g to occ ur again if he can were gone, and the city was a pale shadow of its former glory.
prevent it. The mercha nts of Karand etsu believe he is a stric t With typica l Scorpion efficiency, however, the Yogo have
and irreproachable customs inspector, and do not suspect his foun d new purpose for the city of Beld en. Although there is
dual nat ure . In the six months since h is postin g, Sutebo has no evi de nce whatsoever to link the family to the activities,
no t yet found any corru p ted mat erials movin g through the Beid en is a center for smugglers who traffic in illici t materials.
marke t, but he knows it is on ly a matter of tim e before he The sm all mo u n tain passes tha t re main open allow small
dis covers the pipeline that delivers its foul cargo to th e groups or single in divi duals to move acro ss the mou n tains
Shadowed Tower. discreetl y. W h ile th is is virt ually usele ss for trade, it is an ideal
situa tion for sm ugglers. Forged documents, sensitive papers,
and even small amounts of contraband such as illegal opi um
or gaijin artifact s can be quietly ushe red across the mount ains
an d del ivered anyw here in northern Rokugan.

Minor hol dings are generally left to the management ofvassal SH AIi\AT£ ?ASS
families or even trusted peasant admi nis trators.The Yogohave Although far too sma ll to se rve as a m ajor ro ute th ro ugh
weightier ma tters to occu py th eir t ime than ov ersee in g th e mountains as Beiden Pass did , th e rec en tl y discovered
merc hants and farmers. Shamate Pass doe s permit small gro ups to pass through th e
Spine of th e World Mountains. For th e mo me n t, only small
diplomatic envoys or limited magistrate and merch ant gro ups
may pass. In a rare example of diploma cy, the Scorpio n scouts
who discover ed the pass informed the Lion of its existe nce DOI{UGUm.O m.U;ul
and entered into an agreement wherein th e Scorpion defend An unremarkable Village in virt ually every way, Dokugumo
th e northern entrance to th e pass and th e Lion defend th e Mura lies at the foothills of the Spine of the World Mountains.
southern entrance . No significan t roads lead to the Village, only a few minor
The pass is named in honor of Mat su Shamate , a form er paths in a cons tant state of disrepair. The Village, wh ile not
Bayu shi who married the renowned Lion office r, Matsu particularly resourceful, produces enough crops to sustain its
Hat aki , an d died sh ortly thereafter of myst eri ou s causes. inhabitants and to meet its tax req uirements. Providing all
Hataki believed that his wife had been murdered by a jealous that is requir ed of it as it does, the village is of little int erest to
Scorpion lover, and searched the Empire for two years before the average Yogo.
confron ting hi m in th is pass. Th ough outnumbered by the As with so man y Scorpion matters, Dokugumo Mura is
Scorpio n's ronin henchmen , Hataki aven ged his love before far more th an it seems. The swampy areas surrounding the
succumbing to hi s wounds. He died surrounded by his fallen village are den sely populated with insects, and thu s attract a
foes, preser ving t he hono r of the Lion an d the Scorpion part icularly venomous species of red spider.The Village's peas-
at once . A wandering peasant , hidin g in the n earb y rock s, ant s have become quite famili ar with methods of capturi ng
happened to witness th e battle and carrie d word of it to Matsu an d cari ng for these spiders an d ext racting their venom.
Nimuro, who or dere d that th e pass be named in honor of The rare visitor s to th e village are often overwhelmed when
Hataki's love. The Scorpion Champion agreed, and both clans the y see the spiders crawling all over virtually everything in
agreed to use the pass in peace. Despite th e growing alliance the Village.Though their poison is deadly, the spiders' jaws are
bet ween t he I korna fam ily an d Bayushi Kaukatsu , too weak to bite human beings, so th e peasants do not fear
the majori ty in both clans are somewhat uncomfortable with them . Homes, cart s, furnitu re, an d even ch ildren are often
the arra nge ment , but none are willing to counter mand th e seen with the spiders crawling across their shoulders or up
orders of thei r respective champions. and down their torsos. To th e people of Dokugumo Mu ra,
the spid ers are as common as chickens or dragonflies. The y
rarely even notic e the creatures.
The large quantities of spider venom that are gathered by
[Sam urai 9; Matsu Bu shi 3] the villagers are turned over to the Yogowith their bi-monthly
The Lion samurai who commands the honor guard on the taxes. Much of th e venom is used in th e Yogo 's bizarr e
Scorpio n side of Shamat e Pass is perhaps the doure st man in alchemical experiments, but not all. Th e family utilizes th e
all of Rokugan. Only a few months ago, he lost his brother to rem ainder for far more nefariou s purposes. The Yogo have
the Scorpion. Far from being able to seek vengeance upon that been known to make a gift oflarge quant ities of venom when
hate d clan, he has been relegated to guarding their interests. meeting privately with Shosuro family members.
His fellow Mat su likewi se have mixed feelings about their
du ties. The one thing th at eases their hearts about living
YOGO A~KU. [70SHIJ\. Of' [70KUGUmO
and working so close to Scorp ion is the tale of Matsu Hataki's
bra very. Each n ight the Mat su gather in their guardhous e, mu~
tell the tale of Matsu Hataki, Hit aru's cousin, and then drink [Kumo Sh ugenja 12; Kumo Yogo Sh ugenja 4]
to his hon or. Upo n his arrival in Dokugumo Mura many years ago, Yogo
Sometimes the Scorpion from th e other end of th e pass are Ariku was eager to beg in his duties. H e was fr esh from
allowed to stand by and listen .The Scorpion neve r fail to raise his gempukku and saw his appointment to the small Village as
a cup in Hataki's honor. Hitaru wondered at first if the y were th e first ste p in a long climb to greatness among th e Yogo
tr uly since re , but over th e last few weeks he ha s com e to magistrates. He often spoke of his dream to serve the clan and
wonder what they would have to gain by lying. later the Emp ire as a high-ranking law officer, and his since r-
Perhaps so me Sco rp ion ar e not as di shonorable an d ity an d devotio n to dut y impressed his superiors. Since that
hear tless as their reput ation suggests. tim e, ho weve r, he h as rar ely be en h eard fro m, an d has
actually turned down prom otion s on two separate occasions.
BAYUSHI i:ITA~OU The magis trates he serves assume th at a secl uded life in a
[Rogue 8; Bayushi Bushi 3] small Village has robbed him of all ambition and good sense,
The captain of the Scorpion honor guard in the Lion lands so they leave him th ere to perform a duty no one else wants.
has earn ed the Matsu's res pect, an acco mp lis h me nt few The real Yogo Arik u die d six months after his arrival in
Bayushi can claim . Eitarou's sister, Sha mate, was murdered , Dokugumo Mura. His incredible powers of percept ion
and each famil y blamed the other, calling for blood. Eitaro u quickly deduced tha t something was amiss in the village, and
knew t hat Sharnate's husband Matsu H ataki co uld n ot be he discovered a nest of ku mo in th e hills. Rath er tha n risk
guilty of such a crime, and convinced his father not to purs ue exposure and lose their valuable position in th e village, the
vengeance on th e Lion. Hataki found th e killer with Eitarou's kumo killed and devoured Ariku and substituted one of their
subtle assis tance, and thus the stain on th e honor of both own as his replacement . That was years ago, and thus far no
families was expu nged . one suspects that anything at all un usual is h appen ing. Other
Fu rt her, it was Eitarou who suggested th e exc ha nge of than the spiders, of cou rse.
gua rds between the two clans, and togeth er he and Hataki's
cousin Hitaru we re gra nted the ho nor of defending thei r TH;: KUmO J\.i:ST
siblings' me mo ry. On the northern end , Eitarou guards the Nestled deep in the foothills and ro ck s sur ro un din g
pass that bears his beloved sister's name with no thought of Doku gumo Mura is an ancient nest of kumo, a sinister race
deceit or sabotage against the Matsu. At least, not yet. of sh ape-sh ifting spiders. The se kumo are not like typi cal
members of th eir species, as they prefer to dwell und erground
rather than in the gigan tic webs th eir kind normally creates.
They have create d a vast network of tunnels from which they
can spring and cap tur e thei r prey in a moment, retu rn in g
ins tan tly to the gr ound. The ku mo prefer to prey up on
wildlife , but also consume the bodies of dead villagers. A few
of their brood masquerade as human morticians who arrange
to trans port all corpses to the ir lair for consump tion.
The kumo are ex tre mely prot ect ive of their home and
"t hei r" village. Th ey realize th at th ey have achieve d an
arrange m ent that perhaps no other memb er of their hated The Yogo rarely take a protr acted interest in things outside
race has ever managed. The humans use th e spiders, and the their borders. Considering their family 's small size , they
spiders use the humans.The y will go to any length s to protect simply do not possess the resources necessary to maintain any
it, including th e murder and replacem ent of any individual sig nifican t n um be r of extra-territorial holdings . There are
wh o threat en s their way of lie. Yogo Ariku was one suc h only a handful of exceptions, each one of them un iqu e and
in dividual, an d that problem was dealt wi th satisfactorily. important to th e family in its own way.

ADllan TV~a HOOK. THE ~'yOJ(O O\!lA~1 ?~SOn

Ch allen g e: Wh ether as part of th eir duty or p ure ly as Perhaps the most un savory locale in a city famous for them,
a favo r to anoth er, the cha racters are required to del iver a the prison in Ryoko Owari is piously disregar ded by virt ually
m essage to Yogo Ariku, the do sh in of Dokugum o Mura. every samurai in the city. Everyone agrees that it is necessary
The trip is long and difficult , and th e characters' arrival in the and th at it plays a vital role in the legal system that keeps the
village will most likely be a disturbing one given the over- city functio ning, but few care to enter or even look upon the
whelm ing number of tin y re d spiders tha t fill th e village . build ing.
Focus: Yogo Ariku is happy to see visi tors, and proves The prison is no t o nly used by the city's magistrate s,
a most hospit able host despite the meager accommodations but sees a great deal of traffic from detainees from beyond its
he can offer. Once he receives th e message the characters have walls as well, as Ryoko Owari is the dist rict an d prov incial
for h im , hi s mood darken s some wh at, but h e sti ll seems capitaLThe re are inevi tably up to a dozen individuals awaiting
pleased. If asked , he quite conversationa lly reveals th at h is ju stice . Unlike some other clans, the Scorp ion are not at all
orders are to report to YogoShiro for reassignment. hesitant to use tortu re to elicit a confession, particularly once
St ri ke : Th e kumo are most displea sed with th is tu rn of th ey have decided th ey have th e proper individual in custody.
events. They will atte mpt to fake Arikus death in such a way of course, no samurai would dare stoop so low as to perform
that will leave th e body hopelessly disfigured. Of course, to do such a gris ly, dish ono rable deed , but given past experience,
th is, they will require a body. Th ey will most lik ely select a the Scorpion require a clan mem ber to oversee the eta as they
villager, unl ess a character seems to be a troubl esome sort that carry out their grim task. Gen erally, this witness is a Yogo, as
the nest might be better off with out. .. they are used to accepting the tasks no other Scorpion desires.
YOGO SHI~KOJ \!IA~O£n Of' betw een. In on e particularly disapp ointing en deavor, Ichiba
lost a lucrative deal to a Daidoji me rchant. Not content with
TH- ~OKO O\!lA~ 7~son h is vict ory, th e Daid oj i m ock ed Ichiba in front of several
[Sh u gen ja 9; Yogo Shugenja 3]
pa ssers-by. W hi le ou twa rdly he maintained a self-effacing
If passersby in Ryoko Owari are unfortunate enough to
calm, some thi ng snapped deep inside Ic hiba, That night ,
hea r a scream escape the city prison's silenced walls, it is
he administ ered a special poison to several large dog s and
inevitably Yogo Shiriko's face that surfaces in the ir m inds.
lo cked th em in th e sta ble with the Dai doji's steed and
If the y are lucky, they shudder and move on .The unfortunate
packhor ses. The poison did not kill the dogs but drove them
ones are plagued by nightmares. Shiriko is the most reviled
mad , causing them to slaughter every ani mal in the stable an d
woman in all of Ryoko Owari. Despite her beauty, th ose asked
then turn on each other. The next day, the Daidoji directed
to describe her invaria b ly re mem ber twis te d sc ars an d
h is outrage at th e inn's owner for failing to supply adequate
a horrible scowl on her face at all times.
sec u ri ty whil e Ich ib a quie tl y offe re d h is condolences and
Shiriko's stigma stem s from the fact that she person all y
took the Crane's place in th e tra de agree ment.
oversee s the to rtu re of every inmate in th e p ri son.
Just to amu se him self, Ich iba also purc h ased th e remains of
Her emo tio n less demeanor as she patiently que st ion s men
the animals and sold th em for a healt hy profit to th e local
and wo men in co m plete ago ny h as u nn er ved even the
leatherworker, The saddle on Ichiba's own horse was ma de
h ard iest m agistrat es, an d few wish to have anyth ing to do
from that batch ofleath er.
wit h her once the ir bu siness is comp lete.
Th at event was a turning po int in Ichibas life. He emb raced
the mo st ruthless, deceitful me thods po ssible, ut ilizing them
to brutal effe ct . In sh ort order he becam e one of the clan's
mo st successful patrons, and while few outsi de the clan liked
or trusted him, many ch ose to trade with h im for their own
benefit. When the Co up's afterma th drove him in to hiding,
hi s many enemies gleefully tore his h oldings apart, claiming
wh at they wanted an d des troying the re st . Ichiba wat ched
an d wait ed for his opportunity to return the favor, for he had
relo cated h is most valuable merchandise to hidden caves in
th e Spine of the World Mountains months before th e Coup.
From th e shadows, Ichiba an d his agents methodically
destroyed everyone of hi s enemie s, leaving th em with n o
holdings, no wealth, an d no honor. More than on e committe d
seppuku to alleviate the shame the y had brought upon their
families. N o one wa s more su rp r ised than Ich ib a when
the Scorpion were reinstated, and he returned to business
with far fewer competitors.
The Scorpion's exile to the Burning Sands did not affect
Ichiba greatly. After surviving the trip across the desert, Ichiba
ingratiated himself to the Sen pet and served as a liaison rather
than a miner. When the Scorpion eventually freed th em -
selves, Ichiba took advan tage of th e contac ts he had made and

11i\?O;tTATlT forge d seve ral lucrative deals on gaijin weapons, armor, an d

magic. He came out of th e Scorpion exile one of the richest
men in Roku gan.

YOGO Tl?CS Most of the time, the Scorpion leaders leave Ichiba to hi s
own devices, as they know full well he will serve them be st
without their supervision. On occasion, however, Ichiba is
given a name by a messenger from Yogo Shiro or Kyuden
Bayush i. When this happens, Ichiba turns all other conce rns
SIJ.I( 1i\E:aCH AnT
over to his subordinates. From the moment he receives such
a message, his only concern is th e absolute and utter destruc-
Rapidly approaching his sixtiet h year of service to the tion of tha t individual. He spares no expense, and ha s even
Scorp io n C lan , Yogo Ichiba is perhap s th e sin gle most destroyed thousand s ofkoku's worth of hi s own merch andi se
successfu l merch ant pat ron th e clan h as ever known. His in his gran diose schemes of ruination . In the Scorpion's eyes,
· .(
mer chants ha ve penetrated the trad ing circles of virtually this is an unquestioned demonstration of Ichiba's loyalt y.
every sam ura i fam ily in Rokugan , an d tens of th ou sands of While Ichiba certainly is loyal, however, he doe s not ru in th e
crates, sc rolls, and other m erchandise bearing hi s chop are ene mies of the clan because he is ordered to do so. He does it
scatte red all across the land . Th e few merchant patrons because he enjoys it.
among the other Great Clans who do not know Yogo Ichiba Now that Ichiba is approaching a time wh en he will have
are those who are not worth hi s time. no choice but to ret ire, he ha s begun looking for a possibl e
Ichiba's rise to prominence began early, in the years prior to replacement. During hi s tim e in hiding following th e Coup,
th e Scorp ion Clan Co up, when he wa s a simple merchant. he aided in establishing the Karandetsu Mark et , wh ich ha s
With precious few resources at his disposal, Ichiba had little rema ined the seat of hi s powe r in th e intervening yea rs.
to aid him in h is effort s but honeyed words and a disarming He trains others there to use th e method s h e has perfect ed,
sm ile. Those were not enough to earn th e favor of those with and the vast majority ofsuccessful Scorpion merch ant patrons
wh om he was tr ading, and h is succe sses wer e few an d far have spent at least some of their time tr ain ing at Karand etsu.
.YOc;O 'CH'SA, 5.1.K m5:~CHAnT some time , evaluating him for memb ersh ip. Wh en th ey saw
Male human Scorpion Courtier 13: CR 13; Medium -size that his Curse had manifested , and that he had emerged from
humanoid (h uman); H D 13d6+26; hp 72; Init +8; Spd 30 ft.; the hor ror of th at incident without a broken spirit, they kn ew
AC 16 (touch 13, flat-footed 13); Atk +10/+ 5 melee (1d4+4, +3 that he would become on e of them .
tanto); SQ Class Skill - Knowledge (Shadowlands) (family Koji was still ve ry mu ch a so ul in an gu ish wh en th e
bonus), w ealth, Talent, Style and Grace, Gossip, The Heart Kuroiban approa ched him . His strength and spirit refused to
Spea ks, Courtier Abilities (Scru tiny's Sweet Sting, Sha llow allow him to despair, bu t his pain had not yet healed. At first ,
Waters, Weakn ess is my Strength, Wh isper from the Soul); he turned them away pure ly on reflex so that he might better
Ho no r: 1; AL LE; SV Fort +6, Ref +7, will +14; Str 13, Dex 16, deal with his wounds. The Kuroiban pers isted , for while Koji
Con 14, Int 21, Wis 19, Cha 22; Height 5 ft. 1 in. did not realize it, they could not allow him to risk th e secrecy
skillsand Feats: Speak Langu age (Rokugani, High Rokugani , of their order by walking free if he denied them. It was not
Naga, Nezumi), Appra ise +21, Bluff +27/ +31 (feint/ social), until one of them offered him the chance to destroy th e cult
Deciph er Script +21, Diplomacy +29, Forgery +21, Gather that had killed his family that he paused, then accept ed.
Information +27, Intim idate +29, Knowledge (etiquette) +21, Despite the he sitation at the time of hi s joini ng the
Knowledge (law) +21, Knowledge (Shinrao) +12, Poison +21, Kuroiban , Koji threw himself into the task with a fervor that
Profession (m erchan t) +24, Sense Motive +20; Depths of few in the order had ever witnessed. He excelled at th eir grisly
th e Void , Iron W ill , Poli ti ca l Maneu vering, Skill Focu s work , and in less th an a decade he had risen to becom e the
(Profession (merchant), Bluff) , Versatile (Appraise, Forgery, order's leader. When hi s elder brother died with no heir,
Knowled ge (law), Poiso n), Voi d Use, Way of the Scorpion Koji became the first Yogo in history to serve as both th e head
Possessions: bracelets of armor +3, cloak of resistance +2, +3 tanto, of the Kuroiban an d th e Yogo fam ily daim yo. Again, it is
and whatever merchandise Ichiba has at the time. a tremendous burden that no oth er would want, but Koji
shoulders it without complaint. That he has maintained the
Kuroiban's secrecy despite maintaining suc h a h igh profil e
'yOc;O 'CH'SA, 5 .1.K m5:~CHAnT
among his family and clan onl y increa ses th e regard in wh ich
Earth: 3
his fellow Kuroiban hold him.
Water: 3
Perception: 6
Fire: 3 'yOc;O KOJ", 17A.m.YO Of' TH5: 'yOc;O
Intelligence: 6 Male human Scorpion Shugenja 8/ Ku roiban 5/Ward
Air: 5 Master 5 : CR 18; Med iu m-size huma noid (h um an ); HD
Awareness : 7 18d6+72; hp 135; Init +6; Spd 60 ft., 30 ft. spider climb ; AC 22
Void : 4 (touch 15, fla t-foo te d 17); Atk +5 wabzash i +16/ +11 mel ee
Sch ool/Rank: Bayushi Courtier 4 (i de- s) or by spell; SQ Class skill - Knowledge (Shadow-
Dojo: Kyuden Bayushi land s) (fam ily bonus), Eleme n t Focus, Sense Elem ent s,
Honor: 1.1 Heightened Wards, Grea ter Ward ing, Ward ing Meta magic,
Glory: 4.8 Superior Wardin g (xz), Ward Sen se, Ward Dispel, Seek th e
Ad vantages : Allies (m an y), Blackmai l (m any), Precise Darkness, Find the Darkness ; Honor: 1; AL N; SV Fort +9, Ref
Memory, Read Lips, Socia l Position (m aster of th e +11, Will +21; Str 16, Dex 20 (22), Con 17 (18), Int 16, Wis 21,
Karandetsu Market ), w ealthy Cha 21 (23); Heig ht 5 ft. 9 in.
Disadvan t ages : Bad Reputation , Elde rly, Gree dy, Sworn Skills and Feats : Speak Language (Rok ugan i, H ig h
Enemies (many) Rokugani, Ashalan, Kami), Balance +28, Bluff +14, Climb +18,
Skills: Co mme rce 7, Courtier 5, Et iqu ette 5, Forge ry 5, Concent ratio n +21, Jum p +26, Knowledge (h istory) +19,
Investigation 4, Intimidation 4, Law 4, Poison 4, Shi nt ao 3, Kn owl ed ge (M ah o) +24, Kn owledge (Sh adowlan ds) +23,
Sinceriry 6, Seduction 2 Move Silently +36, Tumble +26; Depths of the Void, Enhance
Kata: None. Wards, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell,
Versatile (Balan ce, Blu ff, Climb, Jump, Move Sil ently,
Tumble), Void Use
YOGO I{ OJ I, " A lli\YO Of" Spells Known (6/8/ 8/7/7/7/ 7/ 6/5/3; base DC 16 + spell
TH ~ YOGO li\1J.Y leve l; Elemental Focus - Air): 0 - commune with elements
Other Scorpion regard YogoKoji as simultaneously one of the (any), daze, detect magic,disrupt undead, fla sh of insight, gathering
most tragic and most heroic individuals his family has seen in swirl, guidance, know direction, resistance, Suitengu's surge;
gen era ti o ns . Th e Yogo Curse m anifest ed in him in ea rly 1 - cryptic cipher, cure light wounds, feather fall, protection fro m
middle age, and in such a way that he was left with virtually taint, sense spirit, speed of breath; 2 - eat's grace, detect thoughts,
nothing: while he raced to save his wife and child from a sect detect ward, remove paralysis, silence,wind wall; 3 - call lightning,
of Moon cult is ts, he discovered that h is fathe r, the age d cure serious wounds, haste, invisibility, magic circle against taint;
daim yo Yogo Masuhiro, was also a target. He raced back to 4 - clouded mind, cure critical wounds, discern lies, the fire from
save his father , but was too late. He learned the next day th at wit hin , spell immun ity ; 5 - bad khanna, flam e strike, spell
his wife and child ha d been slain in hi s abs enc e. No on e resistance, summon nature's ally V; symbol of air; 6 - antimagic
would have been surp rised if Koji had collapsed under such field, cloudbll, heal, wind walk; 7 - chain lightning, guardian of
a blow; what man could recover from seeing all that he loved air, importune kami VII (air only), spell turning; 8 - phase door,
taken fro m him in a single day wit h no one to blam e but slayer's knives, waves are ever changing; 9 - elemental swarm,
him self? walking the way.
Koji did recover. In fact , it was h is streng th in th e face Possessions: +5 armored gi, glovesofdexterity +2, haori ofcharisma
of suc h tragedy that allowed him to fi n d a new purpose. +2, Koji's boots (act as bootsofe1venkind,slippersofspider climb, and
Th e Kuroi ban ha d been keeping watch over Koji for quite boots of springing and striding), obi of resistance +2, +5 wabzashi.
YO<qO xo.n, OAlln.YO Of' THE YO<qO serve the clan , if not the man who rul ed it. Tjeki's service to
the clan has been flawle ss, an d he has rise n to th e prestigious
f'AliULY position of a master sens ei.
Earth: 4
Two years ago,Tjeki's time finally came. He was approa ched
Willpower: 6
discreetly by a group of othe rs wh o also felt th at Yojiro's rule
Water: 3
was a disgra ce. Th eir goal , th e sh adowy figures assured h im ,
Perception: 6 was a return to th e Scorp ion's tru e glory, whe n th ey ruled from
Fire: 4 the sh adow s an d all wh o stoo d agains t th em died . It was the
Air: 6
mo st rapturous moment ofYogo Tjeki's life. In th at ins tant , he
Void: 4 cast hi s lot with th e Sh adowed Tower.
School/Rank: Yogo Shugenja 5, Kuroiban 1
Since that tim e, Tje ki h as m ade many sacrifices. He ha s
Dojo: Towers of th e Yogo
accepted that some Sh adowed Towe r members use maho in
Honor: 1.8 order to advanc e th e group's agen da, bu t he does not like it.
Glory: 6.6 It smac ks of Yogo [un zo's treachery to him, and he must
Advantages: Blessing of Air, Social Position (Yogo daim yo)
constantly stru ggle against a lifetim e of ins tinct to force him-
Dis advantages : Driven (d est roy the Taint), Lost Love
self to tolerate such foul practices. H is comra des understand
(h is fam ily)
h is re serv ations, h owever, and even allow h im to serve the
skills: Athletics 5, Defense 4, Calligraphy 3, History 4, con sp iracy in a manner befit ting h is ins ti ncts: Yogo Tjeki
Kenjutsu 4, Lore (M ah o) 8, Lore (Sh adow lan ds) 6,
is the Sh adow ed Tow e r 's si le nt enfo rcer. It w as h e who
Meditation 4, Shintao 4, Sincerity 5, Stealth 6, Tanto 2,
conceived of using W it nesses to poli ce Shadowed Tower
Theology 4
maho -tsukai. He keep s careful tabs on every memb er who is
Spells: As Yogo daimyo and head of the Kuroiban~ Koji
known to possess a gift for the black arts . If ever he discovers
has access to virt u ally any spell known to the Scorpion as
that they have become irrevocabl y Tainted or tha t they are
well as ma ny tha t are supposedly secrets of other clans.The using maho in any capaci ry other th an to ben efit the Tower,
sole exception is the Tejina mag ic practiced by the Soshi
he exe cutes them in st antly. It is no t a duty he has had to
family, which calls upo n forces that Koji has no experience
perform often, but one th at h e accepts wit h both solemnity
and vigor.


TO\!l£:'it. En.I="o:'it.C£:'it. = nf'O~c ::,~
Tjeki's paren ts were Scorpi on wh o survived the Clan War and
Male human Scorpion Ninja 6/Shosuro Tejina 10: CR 16;
the Scorpio n Clan's rein stat em ent. Th ey filled hi s youth with
Med iu m -size humanoid (h u m an); HD 16d6 +80 ; hp 136;
tales of Yogo [unzo's b etrayal and the importance of loyal
In it +7; Sp d 60 ft. ; AC 22 (tou ch 15 , flat-footed 17);
service to th e cla n. Tales of h eroes like Bayu sh i Yojiro,
Atk +15/ +10/ +5 melee [+17/ +12/ +7 to Lost] ( Idl0+5 [+2d6+2
who retain ed hi s name to serve Kachiko, Bayu sh i Shoju, wh o
to Lost] [+14d 6 sneak attack to flanked], +2 bane (Lost) slayer's
sacri ficed ev eryth in g to sto p the Dark Karni, and Bayushi
katana (soul forge d» , +19 ranged Id4+1 +1 returning aiguchi;
Kach iko, wh o stood again st Fu Len g when none other could,
SQ Class skill - Kn owled ge (Sh adowlan ds) (fam ily bonus),
gave young Tjeki hope for the future.
Snea k attack +7d6 , Ninja Dodge +2, Poison Use , Speed of
Then Toturi disappeared, and the Scorp ion were banished
Darkness, Uncanny Dodge (can't be flanke d, keep Dex bonus
from th e Empire.Tjeki and many of his peers wh o had not yet
to AC wh en flatfooted), The Silent Sou l, Sh adows an d Air,
been th rou gh th eir gempukku were fostered to the Crane as a
An E mpty Breeze , Sha do wed Soul, Soul Forge (k atan a);
mea ns of en suring their parents did not retaliate again st the
H onor: 2; AL J_N; SV Fort +13, Ref +20, Will +17; Str 17,
o ther Gre at Cla ns. During the two yea r s he spe n t with
Dex 21, Con 20, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 19; Height 5 ft. 7 in .
th e Crane, Tjeki learned many things, including what other
skillsand Feats: Speak Language (Rokugani, High Rokug an i),
clans thought of hi s hero es. Yojiro was not a Scorpion hero,
Bal an ce +26, Bluff +13, Concentration +15, H id e +34,
but a traito r wh o turn ed hi s back on hi s clan twic e in order to
Ju m p +12 , Lis ten +22, M ove Sile n tly +24, Sp ot +22,
save h im self fro m per secution . Bayu sh i Sho ju was ben eath
Spe llcraft +12,Tumble +26; Iron Will , Mobility, Needle Strike ,
con tem pt, a traitor who murdered the Emperor for hi s own
Silent Spell , Soul Forge (+2 bane (Lost) slayer's kata na), Spri ng
ambition. Kach ik o was an opport u nistic ma ni pulator wh o
Attack, Void Use
only aide d the Thunder s becau se she h ad n o other choice.
Spells Known (3/4/ 4/ 3/1 base DC 14 + spell level): 0 - daze,
Tjeki's ent ire world was sha ttered. When h is parents returned
ghost sound, mage hand, reflection of memory, Shosuro's touch,
with the Scorpion from across the Burning Sands, th e idealistic,
silent sound; 1 - charm person, darken the veil of sleep, expeditious
chee rful chi ld they h ad left beh ind was gon e. In his place was
retreat, spider climb; 2 - darkness, invisibility, edge of nothing,
an inte nse , bro oding young man with a keen interest in how
see invisibility; 3 - darkness' blessing, haste, hold person, silent step;
the clan was governed.
4 - lesser geas, polymorph self.
When Bayu sh i Yojiro assu m ed the posit ion of Sco rpion
Possessions:cloak ofresistance +3, jingasa ofdisguise, 3 +1 returning
Clan Cham pion a fe w yea rs later, Tje ki wa s outraged .
aiguchi, +5 shadow armored gi, slippers of striding and springing,
He would not follow a false hero, and he would serve hi s clan
Tjeki's katana (soul forged +2 bane(Lost) slayer's katana).
like a tru e sam urai, n ot some pa the tic, cowe ri ng imitation.
Despite hi s smoldering anger,Tjek i was no fooL He knew that
he m ust keep h is true feelings h idden or face th e wrath of
Yojiro 's supporters. I n stead , he d evel op ed hi s affinity for
magic while appearing to be a pe rfectly loyal vassaL He could
~nf'O~C~ ~
Earth: 5
Water: 3
Perception 5
Fire: 3
Air: 4
Void : 4
School/Rank: Shosuro Tejina 3, Soshi Shugenja 2
Dojo: Hidden Moon Dojo
Honor: 2.1
Glory: 4.2
Advantages : Blessin g of Air , Multiple Schools, Social
Position (Master Sensei of Hidden Moon Dojo)
Disadvantages: Dark Secret (Sh adowed Tower), Dri ven
(ch ange balance of power in Scorp ion Clan), Obliga tion
(Shadowed Tower)
Skills : At h le tics 4, Callig ra phy 4, Defen se 3, H istory 4,
Intimida tion 5, Lor e (Mah o) 5, Lore (Sh adowlan ds) 3,
Me ditatio n 4, M im icr y 3, Sh in tao 4, Sinc erity 5, Spell
Research 5, Stealth 4, Tanto 4, Theol ogy 4 .
Spells: As master sensei of a major Scorpion shugenja temple,
Tjeki has access to virtua lly any illusion spell in existence,
plus many that he has developed on his own. His abilities
exte n d to Shos uro Tejina abilities as we ll as th e
Air-based magic Soshi style of magic.


TH£ TAnSAI(U Tansaku 's quest continued for nearly two de cade s befor e
Yogo's tale is one of Rokugan's gre ate st t rage dies . By all he realized th e grim truth: the curs e could not be broken.
account s Yogo was a noble and righ teou s man , so th e curse The dark lord Fu Leng had played a direct role in cursing Yogo,
laid upo n him during the fir st war with Fu Leng was not and no mortal power was able to remove the blight from
only in sidious in it s effec ts, but also in its duration: it h as Yogo's mortal bloodline.The only way he could find to remove
continued to haunt those of his bl ood for over a thousand the curse was to remove that which it fed upon. If no Yogofelt
years. Dur ing that time, countless attempts to lift the curse any love at all, then the curse would wither and die. Tansaku
have been made , but none have ever borne fruit. The Yogo knew that the solution was ridiculous,so he quickly discarded it.
take small comfort from the fact that one small family bran ch , Undaunted, he instead turned his attention to circumventing
the Tans aku vassal famil y, is cons tantly pu rsuing a mean s the curse's effects. If he could not cure the illness, then perhaps
of removing the curse. he could at least alleviate the symptom s.
Early in th e family 's history, Yogo's granddaughter Hiriko, For another full decade , Tan saku and the handful
the family dai myo, commission ed a particul arly inte lligent of shugenja wh o had joined him in his research delved into
and cunning young scholar nam ed Yogo Tansaku to study th e various magical sty les from across th e Empire, each on e
curse's effects and a means by which it might be broken. Most renowned for its ability to foresee the future. When Tansaku
considered this a fool's errand , and attributed it to the fact th at appeared before YogoHiriko thirty years after his assignment,
Tan saku h ad been blithely un aware th at Hi rik o h ad been h e could offer no mean s of breaking the curs e. Inst ead ,
quit e fon d of h im in their youth , but that her love h ad not he offered a pred iction for his daimyo: he told her the way in
been requited. Some went so far as to speculate that Hiriko which th e curse would impact her specifically and a mean s
hoped for Tansaku to fail so that she might cast him out from by which suc h a fate might be avo ide d. Hiriko was not
th e fam ily. Wheth er or n ot the re was an y t ru th to t hese part icularly impressed . In fact , sh e publicly denounced
allegations,Tansaku accepte d the mission dut ifully. Tansaku and stripped him of his nam e and rank , ordering him
W hile socially ine p t, Yog o Tan saku was und eniably a to a monaste ry. Many in the family considered such a decree
fiercely intelligent man possess ed of unwavering devotion petty and vindictive, but none would voice their oppo sition,
an d an incredible will to succe ed. Undaunted by the notion for Hiriko was a wrathful daimyo.
that th e greatest shugenja in th e Empire had attempted and Two years afterTansaku's disgrace, Hiriko succumbed to the
failed to lift Yogo's curse, he thr ew himself into the task with a cu rse exactly as he had predicted she would. The matter
fervo r th at few cou ld match . He resear ched obs cure text s quickly became the sole topic of conversation in all major
th rougho ut the libraries of the Great Clans, none of whom Scorpion courts, and this time it wa s Hiriko who was
would refuse a man on such a nobl e mission. disgraced. She retired to a monastery, and her son Tomohiko's
fir st action as Yogo daimyo was to recall Tansaku from the Scroll being opened, which in turn led to the awakeni ng of
monastery back into service for the clan. Unfortunately, Fu Leng during the Clan War. The highly secretive Kuroiban
Tansaku had vanished, lost during a winter snowstorm while work tirelessly to cleanse th e Empire fro m th e predatio ns
he searche d the nearby forest for food to sustain the starving of tho se similar to [unzo , but the Yogos devotion to avoiding
monk s.The curse had shown itself immune even to Tansaku's history's mistakes has a more public face in th e tin y Naganori
attempts to reveal it - for Tansaku had been Hirikos one true fam ily, a st ran ge marriage between th e Kun i and Yogo
love. Sadde n ed, Tom ohiko granted Tansaku's remaining families.
followers leave to take the vassal name Tansaku in hi s honor. After th e Scorpion Clan's attempted coup in Otosan Uch i,
Since th at time, th e Tan saku famil y ha s tireles sly the clan's dissolution left a great deal of resources unattended.
research ed means of predicting and counteracting the Yogo Most Scorpion holdings were divided amon g th e neighb oring
Curs e's effects. Research into a means of breaking the curse Cr ab, Cr an e, and Un icorn clan s. Familiar with the Yogo's
altogether has never stopped, but the Tansaku recognize that exposure to vari ous dark infl u ences ove r the ce n turies,
th eir ability to work suc h powerful magic is virtually the Imperial Court placed th at family's hold ings in the Kuni
non -existent. family's care. In a particularly dark rwist of fate, the insidiou s
pl an s of Kuni Yori and the high-rankin g members of hi s
TAnSAKU TO~"-S: family during that time period resulted in the appointment of
Like most vassal families, the Tansaku do not appear wealth y, a young and inexperienced shugenja named Kuni Naganori to
particularly when one assesses their extremely meager hold - oversee th e legendary Yogohold ings.
ings. This is a misleading front, however, as the Tansaku are The inexperienced Naganori proved a capable and genial
the riche st vassal family in the Scorpion Clan. The Yogo allot administrator. The people of the Yogo provin ces, including
the Tansaku tremendous resources to continue their research . the many servants, peasants, and ron in wh o assisted him
The small, una ssuming keep that serves as their headquarters (m any of whom were former Yogo), foun d it di fficu lt not
looks like a commo n mountain watchtower, albeit somewhat to develop a certain fondness for his person ality and even -
larger than average. handed leadership. Und er hi s guidan ce, th e Yogo provinces
Within th e con fines of Tansaku Torid -e, the descendants sustained onl y min imal damage and were spared the ravages
of Yogo Tans aku plumb heaven's mysteries in 'an attempt to that many Scorpion provin ces sustained.
foresee future events. They are rapt pupils of prophecy and When the Clan War ende d, Naganori stunned the Cr ab
have studied at length the methods and messages of history's Clan when by refu sin g to return to t he Kun i. Yori had
greatest proph ets: Uikku, Isawa Norikazu, Agasha Hamanari, disgraced th e entire lin e, he insisted, and he wou ld have no
the Ora cl es of Light , an d th e like. The current daimyo, part of such a treache rous lot. Naganori abandoned his family
Tansaku Ikaru , corresponds regularly with Hamanari, widely name and th e teachings he had received from the Kuni family,
regarded as the modern age's greate st seer. taking up the mantle of a ronin. His tenure as a wave man was
short. Th e reconst ituted Yogo fam ily swiftly offered h im
fealty, including control of his own family within th eir ranks,
in recognition of hi s years of just service to the lands and
Favored Class: Shugenja
peasant s that were once th eirs. At first he resisted. He had
Starting Honor: 2
abandoned Kuni Yori's family; why then would he join Yogo
Class Skill: Scrying
Junzo's?The Yogo were insisten t, begging for his aid. With the
Starting Outfit: aid of such hon or abl e an d fort h right sh ugenja as himself,
1. Six 1st lev el divine sc ro lls and one 2nd lev el
th eir fam ily could not fall to dark n ess again. Eventually,
divine scroll (no Fire spells)
Naganori agreed and became a Yogo. He took a Scorpion wife,
and adopte d th e Yogo nam e. He was awarded vassal famil y
THS: TAnSAKU f'AIilI~.Y status by Yogo Masuhiro to aid in th e execution of his dutie s.
Ben efi t : +1 Intelligence Kuni Naganori's aban don me nt of h is previous fami ly's
Beginning Honor: 2, plu s 5 boxes teachings and philosophies was absolute . He even went so
Glory: 0.5 (instead of the normal 1.0) far as to destroy the scrolls he h ad acc umulated since h is
Skills: Regardless of wh at school they attend, Tansaku ge mp ukku an d ren ounce the shugenja way altoge t he r.
family memb ers may sacrifice one rank in any of th eir The family 's reco rds insist that he never cast another spell
sch ool skills to gain a ran k (or an addi tio nal rank) in for th e rem aind er of hi s life, although many consi de r th e
History or Lore (Divination). tale apocryphaL Naganori and those loyal to him focused on
Special: If they are Yogo sh ugenja sch ool stude n ts, tra ck ing down Shadowland s beasts rema ining within th e
Tansa ku fam ily members may change their beginning Scorpion hold ings. In a sho rt period of time, Nagano ri and his
spells from 3 Air, 2 Water, 1 Fire to 3 Water, 2 Air, 1 Fire. fo llowe rs h ad scoured th e Sco rpion provinces' rem ot est
If they choose to do so, th eir Affinity changes from ward corne rs, destroying th e goblins, oni, ogres, and oth er various
spells to any spell th at provides inform ation regardi ng creatures th at had wandered in from the Shadowland s durin g
the futu re or event s that have no t yet taken place. They the Clan War.
retain their Deficien cy for Eart h spells. The decades since th e Clan War have honed the Naganori
into a razor-edged blade against th e Shadowlands. Unlik e the
THE nAGAnO:a1 Kuroiban, Asako Inquisit ors, an d Kun i Witch-hun ters,
Even though the Yogo guarded the Black Scrolls for centuries, the Naganori are little concern ed with hunting down maho-
an d despite all of their good works since the Clan War, the tsukai or Tainte d humans. They ins tead track th e beasts and
sing le mo st memo rable member of that prestigious family wretc hed , mindle ss Shadowland s spawn th at escape that dark
is unques tiona bly Yogo [unzo. It was [unzo's m isdirect ed realm and enter the Empire. They also consider it their sacred
devotion to Bayushi Shojus memory th at led to the first Black duty to ens ure th e Scorpion's continued sec recy. The sites
where the Black Scrolls were formerly hidden, for example, A small nu mber of Wh ispered Secret students have joined the
are routinely checked by the Naga nori, as these si tes now Sh adow ed Tower con sp iracy, an d th eir wards pro tec t th at
radia te Tain t from their lon g proximity to Fu Len g's spi rit. secretive group's resour ces as well.
Classes: Kuroiban (prestige), Shugenja
nAGAnO;tl 1i\U~A
Th is sma ll village is h idd en deep in the mountains found Schools: Kuroiban, YogoShugenja
in Fukitsu provin ce's north ern reaches. It is not particularly
fertile , pro ducing only en ough foo d to sustain thos e who SOCIA1. B~n~f'IT
dwell there. The village meets its tax requirement s thro ugh a Even tho ug h the st udents of Whispered Secr e t doj o ar e
small mine that produ ces ore for low-grade steeL While thi s generally regarded as the finest ward mast ers in Rokugan ,
ore is not of sufficie nt quality for weapon s, it is an adequate this reputation is not sufficient to over com e th e gen er ally
building material and can be used in th e creation of a wide poor image the Yogofamily have.There is no social ben efit for
variety of non-offensive items. attending this dojo.
The center of Naganori Mu ra is a small building scarcely
lar ger th an one of Ryok o Owa ri's in ns . The Naganori ,
who number roughly two dozen samurai, are no t parti cularly T~lnmG B ~n~f' IT
concerne d with appeara nces or with luxury.Such things have The exclu sive emp hasis of Whispered Secret dojo is on the
in the past led to arrogance and , ultimately, corruption, and mystical proces s of placing protective wards. Expectations are
th ey could do so again if not abandoned. con siderable, and st ude n ts who can no t m eet the m are
excused to lesser dojo.
TH~ nAGAnO;tl f'A1i\I1.Y Benefit: You may add your Charisma mod ifier to th e
Favored Class: Ranger damage rolls of all ward spells you create.
St arting Honor: 2
Class Skill: Wildern ess Lore Benefit: You may add your Insight Rank to the damage
Starting Outfit: rolls of any wards you create.
1. Masterwork ashigaru armor and 50 koku
TH~ nAGAnO;tl f'A 1i\I1.Y Wh en the Yogo family reorganized in th e wake of [unzos
Benefit : +1 Perception betra yal, they chose a ne w home for their prima ry shugenja
Begin n ing Hon or : 2, plus 5 boxes sch ool. Yogo Shiro rema in ed th e famil y's sea t of pow e r,
Glory: 0.5 (as oppose d to the norm al 1.0) of course, for not even so non -traditional a family as the Yogo
Sk ills: Regardless of what school they attend, Naganori would dare cast aside over a th ou sand years of tradition and
family me mbers may sacrifice on e rank in any of their ances try, but thei r principal school was reloca ted to the
school skills to gain a rank (or an additional rank) in ren amed Yogo Towers. Th e stark yet elegant style typical for
Hunting or Inves tigatio n. the Legion s has been stri pped away, replaced by the severe,
Other: May only atte nd Bayushi or Yogo schoo ls. menacing Yogo style.
Classes: Shugenja, Rogue

Schools: YogoShugenja


Like their kin smen who stu dy at YogoShiro, those who study
1i\ECKAnJCS at the Yogo Towers are already at a substantial penalty becau se
of the ir family's poor reput ation. While the Towers are feared
and misunderstood by many, th ey are not afforded any special
con siderations in court.Th ere is no social benefit for this dojo.
WH I Si'£~£D S£C~£T DOjO
While th e primar y Yogo sh ugenja tem ple is loc at ed
elsewhere, th e scho ol contained within Yogo Shi ro is more T~mmG B~n~f'IT
specialized. All Yogo are II versed in the practice of placin g Th e sensei of th e Yogo Towers train their students to be
wards, but onl y the most skilled and gifted students stu dy at perceptive above all else, for the weak mind will overlook
th e Whisper ed Secret Dojo, perhaps the most pr est igiou s things that a well-trained samurai can turn to his advant age.
school the family maint ains. Some question the Yogo's use of Wh ile others di smi ss the Yogo, they are alw ays looking,
the term "dojo" as opposed to the more traditional "temple," always search ing for something to turn to their advantage.
but the Yogodisregard such concern s. Th at th eir presen ce unsettles their opponents only makes
Ironi cally, th e Whispered Secret Dojo is among the better- th eir task easier.
known Yogo institutions. Its students are spect acularly gifted Benefit: Spot is always a class skill for you. If it is already
at placin g wards, the preventative magic barriers that the Yogo a class skill, you gain a +1 bon us on all Spot checks.
used to defend the Scorpion's secrets. When the Black Scrolls
were under Scorpion control, wards placed by Wh ispered Benefit: Yougain a Free Raise on any Perception-related
Secret students and sensei protected them. Today th e clan's roll a number of times per day equal to your In sight
most private resources are similarly protecte d, incl uding vari- Rank.
ou s nemuranai and the residences of man y fam ily daim yo.
There is no more hated nam e among th e Yogo than that of
Yogo [unzo, the Great Traitor. Few rememb er his decades of
Am ong the Yogo family, reverence for one's ancestors is loyal service to Bayush i Shoj u, an othe r of Rokugan's most
an obligation and often a curse. The Yogo inevitably betray reviled names. Iunzos devotion to his dut y and his lord was
th ose wh om they love , and the de ad are no exception. unwavering, even when Sho ju fell under th e influence of
Remembering individuals who have committed terrible sins Ambition, one of Iuchibans Blood sword s. Wh en Shoju was
is difficult at best, but it is the duty of all true samurai to honor killed, [unzo was driven so mad with grief th at he opened a
the ir ancestors. The Yogo can at least take comfort in their Black Scroll to take vengeance upon the Empire that slew his
family's few true heroe s, and in the fact that the burden they lord.
bear is through no fault of their own . It is meager consolation, The Black Scroll's power transform ed [u nzo into an undead
but it is all that the Yogohave. servan t of Fu Leng, th e Fallen Kam i. Un de r th at dark
influence, Iunzo laun ched a campaign of terr or that crippled
Rokugan. Villages, cities, mon asteries, and libraries burned all
YOGO ITOjU across the land as [unzo and his creatures scoured th e Empire
Ever th e guardian of dark sec rets, the Scorpion Clan was
on their cam paign of destruction . His forces butch e red
particularly horrified by the return of Iuchiban to the Empire
thousands. Adult s and children alike quavered in fear at the
centuries ago. It was exactly this type of apocalyptic event that
mention of his name. When Otaku Kamoko crushed [u nzos
the ir clan had worked against for centuries, and the brutal
undead form beneath th e hooves of her migh ty steed at the
dem on strati on of exactly what their vigilance protected
second Day of Thunder, the Emp ire rejoiced.
against was soberin g indeed.
In the darke st pits of [igoku, Yogo[unzo's soul still exists.
In the aftermath of Iuchibans imprisonment, the Scorpion
His spirit is so strong that not even th e form less oni that
Champion held a coun cil of his most trusted advisors to find a
haunt that realm can break it. He has forged his own tin y
way to prevent such a thing from happening again. YogoItoju,
emp ire from the stuff of darkness, and ru les it with an iron
th e Yogo daimyo's younger brother and a powerful shugenja,
fist. He still look s to the morta l realm , how ever, and haunts
requested the Ch am pion's leave to form a small cabal
the souls of those who share his passions and outlook.
of sh ugenja wh o would sco ur the Empire in search of
(Note: Though [unzo is not technicall y a sh iryo, he is
bl ossoming threa ts an d destroy them utterly. When the
mech anically identical to an ances tor in both systems.)
Champion asked why such things were not better left to the
Kuni witch-hunters or the Asako Inquisitors , Itoju responded,
"Because they are not Scorpion and therefore do not under- SOUL Of" TH~ DAli\ n~ D
stand what is required of such a task." He was given leave to rAnC::S TO~ .YOGO J"'UnzOI
cre ate the Kuroiban at once, an d beg an h is work that day. The darkness in your soul shines through, weaken ing oth ers
Like all too ma ny Yogo, Itoj u's life en ded in tr aged y. with its foul energy.
His youngest broth er and secon d-in-co mmand was captured Pre requisites: Evil alignment, dishonorable.
by a Bloodspeaker cult, and Itoju was forced to allow him to be Ben efit : Once per day, after any successful atta ck on an
killed in order to bu y th e time the Kur oiban need ed to opponent, whe t her a m el ee st ri ke or a spell, yo u may
discover the cu lt's allies. Although pr aised for hi s act ion s, tem porarily reduce that subject's Strength exactly as a rayof
Itoju never recovered from the loss of his brother, and retired enfeeblement cast at your character leveLThe Fortitude save vs.
to a monastery sho rtly the reafter. th is effect is equal to 11 + your Charisma modifier.

Sl nI S T ~~ GUA ~D I A n YOGO jUnzo

rAnC:: STO~ .YOGO ITOJ"'UI (8 7 01nT S)
You study the darkness and protect others from its power. Descendants of Yogo [unzo may weaken others with the dark
Benefit: You gain a +6 bonus on all saves to resist accumu- energy of th eir ow n sou ls. This is n ot a maho effec t,
lating Shadowlan ds Taint. When one of your allies within 25 but ins tead uses dark chi and other unwholesome energies.
feet has to make a Forti tude save to avoid becoming Tainted or After a successful melee strike or a successful targeting of an
inc reasing his Taint , you may choose to make th e save in his opponen t with a spell, the ch aracter may make an opposed
stead. If you fail the save, both you and th e original recipient Willpower roll with the target. If th e character is successful,
gain one point of Taint. If you ever will ingly learn or use a the target rolls rwo fewer dice on all Stren gth and Agility rolls
maho spell, th e benefits of th is feat are lost. (minimum on e) for a number of minutes equal to rwice the
character's In sight Rank.
(5 701nTS) YOGO ASAIi\I
Those guided by the spiri t of Yogo Itoju are selfless opponents In her youth, Yogo Asami was notable for little aside from her
of the Shadow lands and all its influences. Such characters roll beauty. She displayed no part icular aptitud es and few noticed
three additional dice to resist gaining the Shadowland s Taint. her beyond commenting th at she would grow into a beautiful
In addi tio n, the character may choose to roll in place of any woman. Th e shosuro daimyo's daughter Kachiko, however,
individuals wit hin twe nty fe et t ha t must roll to resist saw m uch , m uch more. She took th e girl into her service
the Taint. If the roll fails, both th e cha racter and th e original when she realize d that the two bor e a striking resemblance.
individual gain one point of Taint. If a character with Und er Kachiko's tutelage, Asami became a master deceiver,
thi s ancestor ever willingly learns or uses a maho spell , the and often ma squ er ad ed as Kach ik o so she could pursue
benefits of this feat are lost. her own agen das unseen by the public eye. To facilitate the
deception, Kachiko saw to it that Asami was tra ine d by the
finest teachers of the Shosuro. The end result was noth ing less .YOGO SHUGi:njA SCHOOL
than spectacular: Asami virtually became Kachik o in all ways ca J.a 1i\a n TAl. F OCUS: AI~
that mattered. 1 Ward of the Elements I (see New Spells)
As the you ng wom en grew older, their ph ysical differences 2 Know the Shadow s
eventually prevented th e ru se from being contin ued. Asami 3 Ward of the Elements II (see New Spells)
con tin ue d to se rve h er m istres s in all ways , even when 4 Whispering Winds
Kachiko was married to the Scorpio n Champion. 5 Ward of the Elements III (See New Spells)
6 Vengean ce of Kaze-no-Kam i
DIST:aACTlnG covnrsnnncs 7 Ward of the Elements IV (See New Spells)
8 Slayer 's Knives
9 Ward of the Elements V (SeeNew Spells)
Your beau ty is so stu n n in g tha t oth ers fi n d it difficult to
concentrate in your presen ce.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13+. THi: .YOGO
Benefit : Once per day, yo u m ay select one target and SHUGi:njA SCHOOL
use your natu ral charms to wr eak h avoc on his ability to Benefit: +1 Perception
concentrate and function. Your target suffers a - 4 penalty to skills : Calligraphy, Hi story, Lore (Maho), Lore (Sh adowlan ds),
all Concentration checks an d Cha rism a-based skills for a Meditation,Theo logy, anyone High Skill.
nu mber of ho urs equal to half your character level, round up. Beginning Honor: 1, plus 5 boxes
You mus t remai n in relatively clo se prox imity to the target Beginning Spells: Sen se , Co m mu ne , Summo n , 3 Air,
(within 200 feet and in plain sight) for this effect to remain 2 Water, and 1 Fire spell.
active. Yogo sh ugenja school students gain an Affinity for ward
spells (see below), and have a Deficiency for Earth spells. Wh en
.YOGO ASAnU attempting to create an Earth ward (a ward th at targe ts an
oppon ent 's Air rin g), these two cance l on e another.
CG 7 01nTS)
Descendants of Yogo Asami may focus their considerable
wiles on a single target, who loses concentrati on as he WA~[7 1i\ACiIC
becomes fascinate d with the magnificent creatu re before him. Wards may be created of any Mastery Level up to the caster's
The character may focus on a sing le target, causing the target Scho ol Rank. Creating a ward requires the caster to roll the
to lose two dice from any social skill rolls and Medi tatio n relevant Ring, keeping School Rank , ver sus a TN equal to the
rolls. Th is effect lasts for a maximum nu mber of hou rs equal ward's Mastery Level x 5. Raises may be taken to increase th e
to the descendant's Insight Rank. The character mu st rem ain damage rolled , not kept , by one die (see below). Wards require
relatively close to the target (with in 200 fee t an d in pl ain 10 minutes pe r Ma stery Level to create. For each full time
sigh t) for this effect to rem ain active. increment the sh ugenja spen ds beyond this, he gain s a Free
Raise, up to a maximum equal to the sh ugenja's Void. A ward
has a varia ble duration according to the Insight Rank of its
creator at the time of its creatio n (see Table 4-1 below). Wards
YOGO WA;t" can cover an area up to ten tim es th e caster 's Insight Rank in
feet from the warded area's center.
Ii\AGIC Attempting to enter an area protected wit h a ward requires
an individual to make a contested Ring roll versus the caster.
The caster rolls (not keep s) a nu mb er of additional dice equal
O ne of man y strange parallels between the Kun i an d Yogo
to his School Rank (this dice pool is set during the ward's cre-
families is in the results of their magical research. The Kun i
ation and does no t inc rease later even if the caster's School
have spent centuries learning the secrets of magically bind ing Rank or Ring s increase). If unsuccessful, the individual may
crea tu res or individuals, preventing them from leaving a not enter the warded area and suffe rs Wounds with a DR equal
particular location . The Yogo have instead mastered warding,
to the ward's Mastery Level. If successful, the individual may
the practice of erecting magical barriers that prevent others
enter th e warde d area , but still suffers Wounds with a DR
from entering a particular are a. This ha s proven ext remely
equal to the ward's Mastery Level minus one . Each tim e the
useful, giv en th e Yogo family's previous duty of gu arding ward is breached, lower the ward's dice pool by one for all
the Black Scrolls. Today, they use it in the service of their
future attempts for anyone to enter the area.
Champion , protecting the Scorpion Clan's secrets from
prying eyes. TAB LE 4-1: WARD DURATION
The secret of ward magic is known onl y to the Yogofamily, Ins ight Rank
and none bu t the st udents of their sch ool are permitted to of Creator Duration
learn it. No one outside the Scorpion Clan is ever permitted 1 5 ho urs
to stu dy ward magic under an y ci rcumstances. Th e process 2 5 days
involves erecting barriers of opposing ele mental fo rces 3 5 weeks
that magically bar individuals strong in certain aspe cts from 4 5 months
a certain area. The wards are infu sed with the essence of th eir 5 5 year s
crea tor, meaning that the more powerful t he individual 6 50 years
creating the ward is, th e more powerful and long-lasting th e 7 500 years
ward will be. 8 Permanent
An £'xAn\i'L£ Shugenja tra in ed by the Yogo fam ily are gifte d at placi ng
Yogo M irabi , a Ran k 2 Yogo sh ugenja, prep ar es to cr eate wards, powerful spells th at prevent others from entering an
a ward agains t Eart h. Having an Earth ring of 3, Mirabi rolls enchanted area . An y sen tient being atte mp ti ng to en ter
3k3 to create a Rank 2 ward (roll 3 Earth, keep 2 School Rank a warded area mu st ma ke a Will save agains t th e spell or
+ 1 Affinity).The 1N for thi s roll is 10. This ward is extreme ly suffer 2d4 dam age per round while inside th e warded area.
important , so Mira bi decla res one Raise and also decid es The individual may roll a new will save eve ry rou n d it
to spend an additional 20 minutes beyond th e normal 20 remains in the area, and thre e successful w ill saves terminate
minutes required for this ward (ML 2 x 10 minutes) to gain a the effect.
Free Raise. The roll is successful, so the ward is created and
will last 5 days. WA:aD Of' TH £ £J.£Ii\£nTS II
Two days later, Shinjo Khen-Chi attempts to pass th rough Abjuration
the warded area. Khen -Ch i has an Earth of 4, so he must roll Level : Shu 3
4k4 versus the ward's 5k3 (Mirabi's Earth + School Rank, keep
Earth). Khen-Chi succeeds, bu t st ill suffe rs a tota l of 4k 4 As ward of the elements I, but the damage is inc reased to 3d6.
Wounds (2k2 for a ML 2 ward , 1 die fro m a decl ared Raise,
1 die fro m th e Free Raise due extended casti ng time). Now WA:aD Of' TH£ £J.£Ii\£nTS III
that the ward has been violated, subsequent attempts to pass Abjuration
through it by othe rs will call for th em to ro ll th eir Earth Level: shu 5
versus 4k 3 (on e fewe r rolled die aft er th e breaking of
th e ward ). The damage dice remain 4k4 so long as th e ward As ward of the elements I, bu t th e damage is increased to 4ds.
continues to exist.
WA:aD Of' TH£ £J.£Ii\£nTS III
Abju rat ion

SI'~LLS Level : shu 7

As ward of the elements I, but th e damage is increased to sdio.

D£T£CT WA:aD WA:aD Of' TH£ £J.£Ii\£nTS II

Level : shu 9
Level: s hu 2
Com p on en t s: V, S As ward of the elements I, bu t the damage is increased to 6d12.
Casting Time: 1 min ute
Range: 60 feet
Area: Quarte r circle emana ting from you to th e extreme of
Elem ent: Air
the range Mastery Level : 1
Duration: Conce ntration Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Non e Are a of Effect: See below
Spell Resistance: No Range: See below
You can de tect the pr esen ce of ward s. Although ward s can This spe ll detects the specific energies th at are harnessed
norma lly be detected by use of detect magic, thi s spell offer sub- when a shugenja creates a ward. The basic casting of th e spell
stantially more information du e to its intent to search for the reveals only the p res ence of such wards, although each
specific energies used in creating a ward.This spell detect s the successful Raise made during casting can reveal one of th e
presence of an y magical effect res ult in g from the use of following pieces of information (caster's choice ): the ward's
a spell who se title co n tai n s th e word "ward" or "glyph." area of effect, the caster's Insight Rank , the ward 's damage
The amount of information gained depend s on how long you rating, or the ward's dice pool versus those who try to cross it.
concentrate: This spe ll allows a shugenja to perc eive wards p laced
1 st round: The presenc e of any wards in th e spell 's area. anywhere in his line of sight up to a maximum of 75 feet away.
2n d round:The area of effect a detected ward prote cts, and
the creator's leveL
3rd round: The name of the spell used to create th e ward. YOGO WA~"
WA:aD Of' TH£ £J.£Ii\£nTS I The shugenja of the Yogo family may be revi led, but the ir
Abjuratio n mastery of the art of ward magic cannot be deni ed. Though
Level : Shu 1 t he stude nts of Whispered Secret Dojo are n o doubt th e
Components: V, S greatest master s of thi s art, many other Yogoalso display great
Cas ting Time: 1 minute/level talent with the creation of wards. Yogo player characters that
Range: Touch seek to specialize in this form of magic are advised to become
Area: 25 ft./level radius ward masters.
Duration: 3 days/level
Saving Throw: Will (see below)
Spe ll Res istance: No
prestige class. He does not , however, gain any other benefit a
It.U:aOIBAn WA:aD character of tha t class would have gained (improved chance of
Ii\AST~:aS turning or controlling undead, metamagic or item creation
A quick glance reveals many similarities between feats, increased range of sense elements, and so on). This essen-
the ward master p r e st ige class and the Kuroiban tially means th at he adds these leve ls to the level of som e
p r e s tige class d es crib ed in Way of the Shugenja . oth er divine spellcasting class he has, then determ ines spells
These t wo sc h ools of the Yogo fami ly have similar per day, caste r level , and spells kn own . If th e character had
philosophi es an d techniques , and t he extremely mor e than one spellcas ting class before he became a ward
secretive Kuroiban often go about in the guise ofward m ast er , he mu st decid e to whic h class he adds eac h level
m aster s. for th is purpose.
In t he case of characters who take levels of both Note on "wards"; Man y of the following abilities refer to
the Kuroiban and the ward master prestige class, "wards" or "ward spells." For the purposes of the ward master
all abilities ofb oth classes stack, with the exception of prestige class, a ward spell is any spell tha t targets an area and
Greater Warding. The second time a character would has a duration greater th an one hour.
gain t he Greater Warding ability he instead gains a Heightened Wards (Su): At t st level , the ward master's
free bonu s m et amagic feat. art begins to b ecom e m or e difficu lt to circumven t than
norm al. The DC to disabl e the wa rd maste r's wards is
in cr eased by h is level in th is pres tige class . Add itionally,
WA:aD Ii\ AST~:a th e ward's caster level is increase d by the ward master's level in
th is class for th e purposes of resistin g dispel magic and other
(?:a~STIG~ CLASS) dispelling effects.
Yogoward masters are always shugenja. They are selected for Greater Warding (Su) : At 2n d level , the casti ng time of
their atte ntion to fine detail and dedication to th e clan. any glyph ofwarding,greater glyphof warding, or guardsand wards
H it Die : ds, spell cast by the ward master is divided by ten , to a minimum
of one min ut e.
~;:aUI~;:Iil;:n TS Warding Metamagic (Ex): At 3rd level, th e ward master
To qualify to become a ward master, a character must fulfill all can u se metamagic feat s more effec tivel y when casting
the following criteria. ward spells. The final spell level increase after applying any
Clan: Scorp ion. m eta magic feat to a ward spell is reduce d by one , to a
Feats : Enhance Wards, Extend Spell. minimum of one .The exception to th is is Exten d Spell, which
Speci al: Ability to cast 3rd level divin e spells. can be applied to any ward spell once with out any increase in
spell leveL
CJ.ASS SIOJ.J.S Superior Warding (Su): At 4th level, the wards placed by
The ward maste r's class skills (an d the key ability for each th e ward master become even more potent. Any damaging
skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decip her Script spells created by wards cast by th e ward master are en hanced,
(Int, exclusive skill), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all skills, taken inflicting +1 damage per die of damage inflicted .
ind ividually) (Int), Scry (Int, exclusive skill), Spellcraft (Int), Ward Sense (Ex): At 5th level, the ward master can sense
Spot (Wis). all wards in a 100-foot radius around him self with a successful
Skill Points at Eac h Level: 2 + Int modifier. Spellcraft check vs. DC 15. Thi s is a move -equivalent action .
Use of thi s ability does not reveal th e specific types of ward,
onl y th at the y exist and the general area th ey cover.
CJ.ASS f';:ATU~;:S
Ward Dispel (Su): At 5th level , th e ward ma st er ca n
All of th e follo wi ng are class feature s of th e ward ma st er attempt to dispe l any ward by voluntarily entering its area.
prestige class. This has the effect of a dispel magic cast by the ward master.
Spells Per Day: A ward master continues his mor e gen eral However, if this dispel attempt fails, the ward is immediately
stu dy of eleme ntal magic as well as more in-depth study of di scharged. The ward master automatica lly fails his saving
wards. For each level he gains in this class, he gains new spells throw and can apply no spell resistance against th e resulting
known and spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a effect.Thi s abiliry may onl y be applied to any given ward once
divine spellcasting class he belonged to before he added th e per day.


Clas s Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Bonu s Save Save Save Special
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 +1 level of existing class
He ightened wa rds
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 +1 level of existing class
Greater warding
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 +1 level of existi ng clas s
Warding metamagic
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 +1 level of exist ing clas s
Superior warding
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 +1 level of exist ing clas s
Ward sense,ward d ispel
Base Attack Bonus: +3.
WA~" Ii\AST~~ (n~W '?ATH ) Feats: Leader sh ip, Skill Focu s (Profession (merchan t» .
Techniqu e Rank : 3 s k ills: Bluff (8 ranks), Profe ssion (merchan t) (10 ranks),
Path of En try: Yogo Sh ugenja 2 Sense Mo tive (8 rank s).
Pat h of Egress : Yogo Shu genja 3
Technique: Ward Mastery - You may add your rank in
this New Path to any of your former sh ugenja scho ol ran ks. CLASS SKILLS
You gain no Affinit y or Deficiency for th is n ew Path, bu t The conso rtium me mber's class skills (and the key ability for
retain any Affinity or Deficiency formerly acquired. You gain each ) are Appraise (In t), Bluff (Ch a), Decipher Scrip t (In t,
Free Raises equal to your Void on all warding magic. exclusive sk ill), Dipl om acy (Ch a) , Forgery (In t) , Gather
Info rma tion (Cha), In timidate (Cha), Listen (Wish), Profes-
sion (Wis), Read Lips (Int, exclusive skill), Search (Int), Sen se
Motive (Wis), and Spot (Wis).
ICHIBA1S s kill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.


Weapo n an d Armor Prof iciency: Members of Ic hi ba's
Durin g the years preceding the Clan War, the Scorpion were Consort ium re tain all previous weapon an d arm or
disbanded an d scattered to the four winds. On ly fools believed proficiencies, They gain profi cien cy in all simple weapon s if
they were truly gone , however, an d the cl an continued to they do not alread y possess such proficiency.
operate despite heavy losses and reso urce shortages . Among Failure Is Not An Option: No true student of Yogo Ichiba
the clan's most valued resou rces dur in g th is dark time was ever fails in negotiations. Three time s pe r day, the merch ant
Yogo Ichiba, th e premier merchant patron in the Scorpion may immediately re-roll any failed skill chec k. Any single roll
Clan . may only be re-rolled on ce.
From h is pla ce of hi ding, Ichiba coordi nated h is many Courtier Ability: At the 2nd and 4th levels, the conso rtium
vassals to carry on the trade he on ce conducted in their place. me mber may select one courtier ability offered by the courtier
Foll ow ing hi s careful in structions , seem in gly innocuous character cla ss. He m ust me et all prerequisites for a give n
peasant merchants gathered a great deal of extremely valuable abi lity in order to ta ke it . He ma y not tak e cla n-specific
information regarding the other Great Clans, all of which was courtier abilities other than Scorpion courtier abilities.
returned to Ichiba and, through him, given to the Scorpion Charm & Style: A true master kn ows that a deal is made
forces in hid ing . purely on th e merits of one's present ation. The merchant may
After th e Scorpion were rein stated by the Emperor Toturi , double hi s ability sco re mo difier when using any Wi sdom-
Ichiba elevat ed hi s mo st trust ed vassals to po sitions as h is or Charis ma-related skill,
lieu tenants and bade them train others. In a short tim e, lchiba Above Re p r o a ch (Su): T he reputa tio n of Ich ib a's
sa t at the head of a great web of d evious and cu n n in g m er ch ants is suc h th at even m ag ic ca n no t un ravel their
merchants, all of whom answer ed to the Scorpion Clan alone. de ceit. Th e conso rti um member is affec ted by a perm an en t
Ichiba con tin ues to di rect the cons or tium th at bea rs hi s undetectable alignment and non-detection effect. He may remove
name. The dozens of merchants who serve the Scorpion Clan or rein stat e th is ability as a free action. He also gains a bon us
through commerce serve a du al purpose : the y accrue equal to hi s Charisma mod ifier on all saving throws agains t
the fun ds and materials that the clan ne ed s to continue its divination magic.
activities, an d th ey gather information fro m all ports of call
throughout the Empire . It is a simple syste m, yet on e th at ICHIBA1S COnSO~TIVIi\
work s flawlessly. (n~W '?ATH)
Techn ique Rank: 4
ICHIBA1S COnSO~T IV Ii\ Path of En try: Any Scorpion school 3
('?~~S T l c;~ CLASS) Path of Egress: Reenter the same school at Rank 4
Mem bers of Ic hiba's Co ns o rt iu m tend to come from th e Tech nique: Ichiba's Tech nique - Members of Ichi ba's
courtier and expert classes. The y are selected for keen mental Con sortium gain wealt h from tho se under their com ma nd.
abilities and their shrewd busine ss sense . Th e cha racte r gains a number of koku equa l to h is Insigh t
Hit di e: ds. Rank x 100 per month, alth ough th is wealt h will be taxed at
year's end like any other reso urce . In add ition, the character
may choose to im mediately re-roll any failed no n-combat roll
;t-au l;t::m ::n TS
up to th ree tim es per day, keeping th e better roll in each case.
To qualify to become a consortium member, a cha racter mu st Any single roll may only be re-rolled once.
fulfill th e following criteria.
Clan: Scorp ion.


Class Base Fort Ref Will
Level Attack Bonus Save Save Save Specia l
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Failure is not an opt ion
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Courtier ability
3rd +2 +1 +1 +3 Charm & style
4th +3 +1 +1 +4 Courtier ability
5th +3 +1 +1 +4 Above reproach
• It is po ssible the characters are m agi st rat es assign ed to SHA[70WiL[7 TOWiL~ SHU<:iiLnJ A
Ryok o O wari. Eventually the missing peasant s, tales of dark Human Scorpion Shul0 : C R 10, M ed iu m -sized
sorcery, an d outrigh t war between the two factions within humanoid; HD 10d 6+20j h p 67 ; Init +7j Spd 30 ft .;
the Scorp ion will become significant enough to involve th e AC 20 (touch 13, flat-footed 17)j Attack wakizashi +2 +7;
cha racte rs. Honor 0; AL LEj SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +8; Str 10,
A more direct involvement may include an all-Scorpio n Dex 16, Co n 14, In t 17, Wis 8, Cha 16j Heigh t 5ft . 2in .
part y handpicked by the cla n's rig h tful leader s to combat Skills and Feats: Speak Lan gu age (Rokugan i), Alc he my
th e Shadowed Tower's efforts. Infiltra tio n an d reconnais- +16, Co ncent ration +15, Diplomacy +18, Kn owled ge
sance of th e com pound could take wee ks of game tim e and (M ah o) +16, Kn owl ed ge (Sco rp io n Clan) +16,
co uld even serve as the purpose of an entire campaign if Kno wledge (Sh adowlands) +16, Scry +16, Spellcraft +16j
h andled prop erl y. Blessing of Air, Hand of the Shadowed Tower, Improved
Ini tiative, Iron Will, Void Use ; Dojo: None ; Kata: No ne ;
• Most lik ely, one or more of the characters h ears a ru mo r
of an geis ha house or opium den that is far be tter than any-
Spells Known (6/ 7/ 7/ 7/ 5/ 3; base DC 14 + spell level:
Ele me ntal Focus - Air, Soshi School): 0 - accounts of
thing else th e City of Green Walls has to offe r. W he ther
Shorihotsu, cleanse, crow's vision, flash of insight, gathering
th ey in te n d to break up this ill egal operation or simp ly
swirl, light, kami's guidance, purity, stun the mind, whispers of
partake of it, the ch aracte rs may find themselves getting
the wind; 1st - blessed winds, by the light of Lord Moon,
involved in mu ch more than they imagined.
false face, pain, ray of enfeeblement, wind-borne slumbers;
2n d - eyes shall not see, greater quiescence, kiss of the toad,
HOW TO US~ THIS limb disruption, mists of illusion; 3rd - bestow curse, castleof
In.f"O;ui\ATIOn. air, glimpse ofthesoul's shadow, watchful spirit; 4th - thefires
Eac h m ajor ar ea of the city is presen ted h ere wi th all th e fro m within, see the seer, whispering winds; 5th - purity of
info rma tion a GM n eeds to use it . Eac h section co nta ins air, pierce the soul;Possessions: wakizashi +2, amulet of natural
a hea ding en title d "At a Glance", which summarizes all the armor +3, bracers of armor +4, obi of protection vs, normal
various compo nents of th at area. More specific portions of th e missiles, ring of undetectable alignment.
strongho ld are given their own descriptions, wh ich m ay
be read aloud to players if the GM so desires. GMs are encour- SH A[70WiL[7 TOW iL~ WITn=SS
aged to alte r or expand the information presented here to suit H uman Scorpion Saml0 : CR 10 , Me dium-sized
their own uniqu e games. humanoid , HD 10d10+10 j hp 73; Init +9; Spd 20 ft.; AC 19
(to uch 13, flat -footed 16)j Att ack keen katana +1 +14/+9
SH A DOW~D TOW~~ f"O;tC~S me lee or yumi +3 (sh o rt bow) +16/+ 11 ranged (i ds - i
As sho uld be clear fro m the map and design of th e com po un d, dam age); Honor OJ AL LEj SV Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +7j
the Sha dowed Tower wished the location to be both inviting Str 17, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12j Height 5ft.
an d im pregna ble. The number of n o n -Scorp ion that eve n 7in.; skills and Feats: Sp eak Language (Ro k u gan i),
have the fain tes t clu e the organization exis ts can be counted Bluff +14, Diplomacy +13 , Jump +15, Knowledge
on one hand. Th e Sh adowed Tower values its sec recy above all (Sh adowlan ds) +8, Iaijutsu Focus +13, Intimidate +13,
things, an d is willing to eliminate anyone th at could possibly Sense Motive +13 j Bayushi's Technique, Depths of the
threaten th at sec recy without h esitation . Th ou gh th e Den of Void, Improved Critical (Katan a), Improved Disarm,
Sin (th e ma in room) appears ve ry ligh tly defend ed , gu ard s Improved Ini tiative, Pincers an d Tail, Void Use, Way of
co ns tantly watch the room throug h pe eph oles, an d pairs of the Scorpion, Weapo n Focus (Katan a o r Short bow);
bushi freque n tly patrol the hi dden backr ooms. Coupled wit h Dojo: Honor's Lesson; Kata: Striking as Fire ; Possessions:
the fac t that several sh ugenja in service to th e Shadowed keen katana +1 (ancestral daisho), wakizashi +3 (ancestral
Tower call the com pound home, going where one isn't wanted daisho ), +1 lamellar armor, yumi +3, and 20 arrows.
within the compoun d is hardly a h abit-form in g experience. (Note: A Witness will on ly be found in the company of
one of the maho-tsukai in the compoun d, and only one
SHA[70WiL[7 TOWiL~ SA1i\U~AI per ma ho -tsukai).
Human Scorpion Sam6: CR 6, Medium-sized
humanoid; H D 6d10+6j hp 40j Init +9j Spd 20 ft.j AC 19 SHA[70WiL[7 TOWiL~ SA1i\U~AI
(touch 13, flat-foo ted 16)j Atta ck katana +1 +10/+5 melee Earth: 3
or yumi +1 (sh ort bow) +10/ +5 ranged (i dsu damage); W illpow er: 4
Hono r OJ AL NE ; SV Fo r t +6, Ref +5, Will +5j Str 16, Wa ter: 3
Dex 16, Con 12, Int 14, Wi s 10, Cha 12; Height 5ft. 6in. j Fire: 3
Skills and Feats: Spea k Lang uage (Rokugan i), Bluff +10, Agility: 4
Climb +11, Dip lomacy +9, Jump +11, Iaijutsu Focus +9, Air: 3
Intimi date +9, Sense Motive +9j Bayu shi's Technique, Void : 2
Im proved In itiative, Pince rs an d Tail, Void Use , Way of Sch ool/Rank: Scorpion Bush i 2
the Scorpion, Weapon Focus (Katana or Short bow ); Dojo: Glory/Honor: 1.2/0.4
None; Kata: Stri king as Fire; Possessions: katana +1 (ances- Skills: Defense 4, Iaijutsu 3, Kenjutsu 4, Kyujutsu 5, Poison 2,
tral daisho ), wa kizas hi (an cestral dai sho), +1 lamellar Sincerity 3, Stealth 5
armor, yumi +1, 20 arrows . Advant ages: Quick
Disadvantages: Inse nsi tive
We apons & Armor: Katan a, wakizashi , yumi and 20 arrows ,
light armor
SH ADOWS:D TOW=~ 1i\AH O..TSUKA I HOIJ=1. (1i\A t' t'olnT 1)
Earth: 3 Th e on ly en tra nce known to those ou tside th e Sha dowe d
Willpower: 4 Tower is connected to an unremarkable h u t th at could on ly
Water: 2 house an eta . No one un aware of the co m po u nd's locat ion
Perception: 4 gives the hovel a seco nd tho ught , as Ryoko Owari's peasa nts
Fire: 4 know better than to becom e inquisitive. A single Shadowed
Air: 5 Tower sam u rai on t he in sid e views all co m ers thro ugh a
Awareness: 6 moving slat on the front . A pass cod e is required for entry, and
Void: 3 there are several th e guard is ins tructed to acc ept. Eta and
School/Rank: Soshi Shugenja 4 other peasant s th at are inv ite d to becom e vi ctims of th e
Glory/Honor: 3.5/0.0 Towe r's rituals are given the code "silver rain."
Skills: Calligraphy 3, Etiquette 5, Wealth y and influential nobles tha t th e
Lore (Maho) 7, Lore (Shadowlands Taint) 7, Sha do we d Tower wi sh es to learn se crets
Meditation 6, Shintao 3, Si ncerity 6, fro m are given the code "h eavy fog ."
Spell craft 5 All othe rs are told any number of imaginative
Advantages: Hand of the Shadowe d Tower codes to gain en try and rema in gen erall y ignored
Disadvantages: None by the masters of the compound. Gaini n g en trance '
Weapons & Armor: Wakizashi, tanto in suc h a manner is intentionally melodram atic;
Spells (Innate abilities are it al ici zed) : the Shadowed Tower agents know tha t indulgin g
Sense, Commune,Summon, By the Light of one's appetites is only half th e att raction of the
Lord Moon , Quiescence of Air, com pou n d. Most of their wealth y patrons tak e
Wind-Borne Slumbers, Echoes on a Breeze, an ev en grea ter delight in the cl and estin e
Mist s of Illusion, Secrets on the Wind, atmosphere the place offers .
Essence of Air, The Eye Shall Not See,
Wall of Air, Poison of the Windspider TH5: STAI~W5:1.1. (1i\At' ?OInT 2)
The se stairs are steep, so climbing th em wh ile
SH ADOWS:D TO W =~ WITns:SS under th e effects of an ill ici t su bs ta nce is
Earth : 3 d ifficult at best. The stairs are pu re black
Willpowe r: 4 stone, polished to a reflective sheen. Un der
Water :3 the low torchligh t that illuminates t he
Strength: 4 area, the stairs resem ble a rippling river
Fire: 4 of black fluid , The ri sers are spaced
Agility: 5 irregularly, so attackers wh o charge
Air: 4 qui ckly downst airs almost in variab ly
Void : 3 lose th eir footing.
School/Rank: Scorpion Bush i 4
Glory/H on or: 1.2/0.4 TH5: DEn Of' sin
s kills: Defense 6, Iaijutsu 5, Kenjuts u 6,
(1i\At' t'OlnT 'I)
Kyujutsu 7, Lore (Shadowlands Taint) 6,
Poison 4, Sincerity 5, Stealt h 6 The main attra ction of the compound is
Advantages: Quick, Combat Reflexes th is area, ca lled t he Den of Sin. o f all
D isadvan t ag es: Depen dent (rnah o -tsu kai the rooms within th e Sha dowed Tow er
in their care) compound, th e Den of Sin is invaria bly by far
Weap o ns & Armor: Kat an a, wak izash i, the mo st active. The Den is a huge chamber
yumi and 20 arrows, light arm or split up into smaller room s by removable shoji
screens. These sub-chambers ma ke a poor
substitu te for thos e wh o can no t afford the
TH£ II?UBLIC·· private chambe rs, but eventually most
A:a£A people are too distracted to notice
the eve nts in ot he r chambers.
AT A G1.AnC= Any manner of en tertainment may
St ar ting with the aboveground be found her e, legal or otherwise.
hovel th at ser ves as the main The proprieto rs h ave stocked the
entrance, this are a includes the Den of co m po un d with some of th eir fine st
Sin and the private rooms for those with the wealth to afford Liquid Void (opiu m sus pe nde d in sake) in addition to the
a more enclosed sett in g. These areas are often strewn with sake, shoku, and wom en within arm's reach at any point in the
customers laying about in varying degrees of stupor. Geish a Den . A th ick haze of smoke hovers just above the floor at all
wander about looking for tho se who don't seem to be enjoying tim es of day, which only adds to th e mystique of th e dim ly lit
themselves enough, with the in tent to ensure each visit to the area. Two Shadowe d Tower sam urai spend most of their tim e
com pou n d is m emorable. Two groups of th ree Shadowed mo nitoring the visitors in thi s area.
Tower samurai wander about this area ensuring nothing gets In addit ion to the patrols, on e Shadowed Tower samurai is
out of hand. Given the exceedingly relaxing atm osphere of positioned on either side of the doo r leadin g to the storeroom
the settin g, outbursts of a violent nature are rare. con nec ted to the Den of Sin. Six Shadowed Tower samurai are
stationed within the Den of Sin at all times to quell possible
violence fro m within an d meet assaults from the stairwell. or remove the maho- tsukai in this area depending on whether
A samurai lu rk s at each corner of th e room, and two more or not th e players are bein g challenged in their attempt to
are disguised as visi tors to the compo und. Th e four corner infil trate the Tower.
sam urai and storeroom guards will suppo rt th e two in th e
middle with arrow fire unless the two are ou tnumbered by A~CHE~ ?OST (mAl' ?omT ,)
equal or superior foes. In that case, th e hidd en corne r samurai T hose th at m an age to find their way th rough th e sec ret
drop their yumi and immediately attack. passage in the sout hwest corner of the Den of Sin will likely
In case of an invasion, the Shadowed Tower agen ts will not be riddled with arrows from the archer post located due south
hesitate to fire even if gues ts are in the way. of th at secret door. The post always contains a minimum of
th ree Sha dowed Towe r samurai who have practiced firing
?~IIATa CHAmBE~S (mAl' ?OlnT 6) th rough th e small archer slots. Even without forewarning of
Reserved for favored or powerful guests , the private chambers an attack, the samurai have orders to fire on anyone ent erin g
are located just off the Den of Sin . Unlike the sub-chambers · th e passage that is not accompanied by one or mo re members
of the Den, these room s are always used by a single guest and of the Shadowed Tower.
at least one geisha. There are two private chambers tha t are
completely sealed off to provide complete seclusion. These are The archers in this area have tot al con cealment again st
generally held by wealt hy visitors of no in teres t to th e range d attacks and cannot be attacked by mele e weapons
Shadowed Tower besides the financia l. The th ird (nort hern- th rough the archer slots.
most) chamber can be viewed from an observation room to the The arche rs in th is area are concealed well enough th at
north. Gue sts in this room always sit facing away from th e the ir TN to be hi t by ranged attacks is raised by 20. Spells
north wall, en suring that perceptive visitors have no chance of that create range d attack effects such as The Fires From
seeing the agent s of the Shadowed Tower spying on the ir talks. Withi n ha ve their TN raised by 15 . Melee we apons
Only the compound's most skilled and loyal geisha entertain cannot strike the arche rs in the post.
in thi s room , as they are expected to extract information from
gues ts discre etly and efficiently. Between th e mu sic and th e
eve r-p rese n t op ium and sake, most gues ts readily fo llo w TH~ T~Ii\?L~
topics of conversation wherever a skilled geisha leads.
AnD QVA;l.T~;l.S
OBS~~ATlon CHAIi\B~;l.S
AnD ?ASSAG~S The backrooms include a large temple dedicated to Bayush i
and a secret staircase up to the group's aboveground holdings.
AT A GLAnC- Outsiders not escorted by a member of the Shadowed Tower
Several secret doors in the walls lead to passages that members are attacked on sight - no questi on s asked. A breach of thi s
of the Shadowed Tower may take to secretly observe the events area is the highest sort of security threat and the Shadowed
within the Den of Sin, the stairwell, and the northern private Tower forces will relocate themselves accordingly. Only after
chamber. One Shadowed Tower Samurai is statio ne d at each intrusio ns int o the back room s have been dealt with will th e
major point of the observation ch ambers - th e stairwell, Shadowed Tower forces return to any other skirmishes in the
the western side of the Den, the eastern side of the Den, and compound. Outsiders who witness what the compound hid es
th e northern private ch amber. There is at least one hollo w can no t be allowed to escape. The se areas contain an y of th e
point every five feet where a hole can be knocked in the wall, t h ree wandering maho -tsukai that are not in a specific
allowing clear arc he r fire into the are a seen th rough th e location.They are lightly defended in comparison to the front
spyholes. Samurai stationed behind the spyho les are under sections, as it is nearly imp ossible for intruders to reach this
strict orders not to take any action unless the Shadowed Tower sectio n of the compound.
forces within the areas are being overwhelmed.There is usually
enough time between the start of any altercation and the need THE TEm?L= (m Al' ?OlnT 8)
for support fire from the observation passages for at least two The largest single ch amber in the com pound is the h uge
additional samurai to arrive where th ere was only one before. temple that dominates the back room s. Her e th e members of
the Shadowed Tower perform their dark arts, and the floor is
GVA~" ?OST (mAl' ?OmT 3) spott ed with bloodstains that cannot be remov ed even with
The main storage of th e Sha dowed Tower 's weapons within thorough cleaning. At th e room's so ut h en d is a raise d
the compound is located in a corne r chamber within the main platform bearing a sto ne alt ar, dominat ed by a sta tue of
guard post just off the stairwell.Two Shadowed Tower Samurai Bayushi, Thi s not only honors the Kami but also reminds the
sta nd guar d over thi s cache at all tim es with orders to onl y Shadowed Tower shugenja th at the clan's eyes are always upon
relinquish weapon s at a standard issue or at the commands of them. The blood has run freely over thi s altar and dried th ere
one of the three sh ugenja or Witne sses within the compound. - attempts at cle anliness hav e been foil ed by th e hein ou s
reality of the rituals conducted upon it. The cha mbe r is
?~IIIATE CHAmBE~ OBSE~ATIOn completely dark save for the slight illumination from the
altar 's candles. There are two Shadowed Tower samu rai, one
(mAl' ?OlnT 5)
each in the north and west corne rs, cons tantly on guar d in the
As described in map point 6, this chambe r is used to view
room . The gua rds are pre sent even wh en the rituals of the
the northern privat e chamber. At any tim e, one of th e three
Shadowed Tower maho-tsuk ai are in progress.
sh uge nja is lik el y to be obse rv ing th e privat e ch amber,
accompanied by his Witness. GMs sho uld feel free to includ e
The unnatural darkness of the room grants a +10 circum - SQ Cla ss ski ll - Bluff (fam ily bon us), Sneak Attack
stance to all Move Silently and Hide skill checks made +5d6, Evasion , Unca nny Dodge (Dex bon us to AC, can't
farthe r th an five feet away from the altar. be flanke d), Special Ability (Bo nu s Feat ); H on o r 0;
Al, LE; SV Fort +8, Ref +6, w ill +7; Str 13, Dex 22, Con 13,
The unnatural darkness of the room grants two Free Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 17; Height sfr. Sin.; skills and Feats:
Raises on all Stealth skill rolls made farther than five feet Speak Language (Rokugan i), Appraise +16, Bluff +18,
away from th e altar. Climb +18, Decipher Script +16, Diplomacy +18, Disable
The rare outsiders who stumble across a ritual will find at least Device +16, Disguise +16, Forgery +18, Hide +29,
two resident maho-tsukai in the room with two or more eta Jump +18, Listen +15, Move Silently +29j Ambidexteri ty,
sacrifi ces on th e altar. Four more Shadowed Tower Samura i Blin d-Fight, Improved Cri ti cal (Aiguchi), Improved
are reassigne d h ere from other po sts, wat ching over eac h Two -Weapon Fighting, Twist the Knife, Two -Weapon
ritual in case some thing goes awry. Fighting, Void Use, Weapon Finesse (Aiguchi), Weapon
Focu s (Aiguchi), Weapon Specialization (Aiguc h i);
Dojo: Non e; Kata: None ; Possessions: keen aiguchi +2,
BA«'~CKS (1i\Ai' i'OlnT 9) keen aiguchi +2, 5 potion of invisibility, black stone netsuke
This drab room is wh ere the Shadowed Tower samurai sleep (casts darkness as a 10th level sorc erer 3/day), ring of
and meditate each day. Several of the guard s' tatami mats have protection +3,+3 light hide armor, bracers ofdexterity +4, cloak
makes h ift shrines laid out nea rby in addition to per sonal of stealth, bootsofstealth, variou s poisons.
trinkets of various types. It is unlikely for more than five or six
Shadowe d Tower samurai to be sleeping here at any on e time.
There are twenty total guards in th e compound and any that BAYUSHI nOKI
are not on active duty are either asleep in this room or in Earth: 4
Ryoko Owari proper. Willpower: 4
Water: 3
Perceptio n : 5
STAI«.W;:J.J. (1i\Ai' i'OlnT 10) Fire: 3
Thi s stairway leads to the aboveground buildings controlled
Agility: 6
by the Shadowe d Tower in Ryoko Owari. More often th an not ,
Air: 3
th is is how Sha do we d Tower agents enter and exit the
Awar eness: 5
compound. At this point in th e stru cture, there are no further
Void : 4
guard smen - an outside force that could strike from either
School/Rank: Scorpion Bushi 4
th e hovel or the aboveground building to thi s point would not
Glory/Honor : 2.7/ 0.2
be stopped by more guards h er e. As a cursory sec u ri ty
Skills: Cipher 5, Defense 4, Iaijutsu 3, Kenjutsu 5, Kuenai 5,
measure , the stairs are hidden by a secret door to discomm ode
Kyujutsu 5, Poison 6, Sincerity 7, Stealth 6,Tanto 5
Advantages: Crafty, Precise Memory
Disadvantages: Fascin ation (Language and Text), Small
1i\AST;:«.'S aUA«.T;:«.S (1i\Ai' i'OInT 11) Weapons & Armor: Katana, wakizashi , tanto, yumi and 20
The se rooms are th e personal dwell ing of Bayush i Noki, the arrows, light armor, various poisons.
ma ster of the compoun d. Th ese ro oms are completely off
limits to everyone excep t Noki , his gue sts, and hi s per son al C;:J.J.S (1i\Ai' i'OInT 12)
bodyguard . The qu art ers are divided into a forward room Th e recessed room to the temple's east contains th e Tower 's
Noki uses to receive his guests and his masters, his personal pr isoners. The cells are filled nearly to capaci ty with th e
sleeping qua rters (the northeast room ), and the quarters for moaning or un con sciou s eta that survive the maho-tsuk ai's
his bodyguard (the southeast room). Noki's personal room is a ritu als, suffused with Taint but not yet corru pted enough to
wealth of information on the Shadowed Tower's history and destroy. There are never more than two such victim s in a cell;
relations. His journal an d no tes give several n ames of key they are in th e last stages of exposure before they are fully Lost
agent s of th e Shadowed Tower within Ryoko Owari, th ough to th e Tain t and subsequen tly discarded by th e Sha dowed
th ey are written in Noki's per sonal ciphe r. Though Noki is Tower. Prisoners here can number up to th irty, all eta and low
the master of a large ope ration for th e Shadowed Tower, he is rank ing peasant s. If allowed out of thei r cages, th e prisoners
relatively unknown to the public and such journa ls would be will be to o subdue d by th e opium and the Taint-in duce d
im proper testimony to brin g against the po werful nobles insanity to do anything but wail and groan. It's entirely possible
mentioned therein. However, th ey can easily be the seeds for one or more peasants could go into a frenzy catalyzed by their
future dealing s with the Shadowed Tower or put the party on sudden taste of freedom . If the party is feeling especially lucky,
the trail of other opera tives. they may free the peasants that have developed Shadowland s
Reading Noki 's jo urnal requires a Decip her Scrip t skill powe rs and get out of the way, hoping th at the Shadowe d
check (DC 25) or a comprehend languages spell. Tower agents are foolish enough to stand in their path .
The peasants also represent a problem . Local autho rities may
Reading Noki's journal req uires a Cipher/Intelligence not have the capacity to h andle a mob of Tainte d peasants.
skill roll vs.TN 20. Most likely, they will attempt to quietl y bum the victims of the
Shadowed Tower and be don e with it (The Scorpion will be
BAYUSHI n OKI eager to hu sh up any word of the Tower). Canny cha racters
H u man Scorpion Ftr4/Rog10: CR 14, Med ium-sized may suggest th e peasants be taken in by a temple to live out
humanoid; HD 4d10+10d6+14; hp 82; Init +9; Spd 30 ft.; their days in prayer to balance their tortured souls and keep
AC 25 (touch 19, flat-footed 19); Attack keen aiguchi +2 the Taint in check. This th read could be left hanging or quickly
+17/+ 12/+7 and keen aiguchi +2 +17/+12 (off-hand) melee; resolved at the GM's discretion.
land s. The Scorpion feared that they could be easily drawn Rath er than exec ute th em for a crime th ey could not hav e
into such a large conflict, or that the y might miss the perfect commit ted, he saved their lives by fostering their children to
opport un ity to make foo ls of both clan s at the same tim e. the Crane and ban ishing th e adult s beyond th e mountains to
Kikamono adopted the guise of Yasuki Heikichi and sadly said the Burning Sands.
goodbye to the comforts of the Shosuro land s. The Scorpion Clan's trek across the vast desert was not easy.
Aft er n earl y a gen er ation of laboring an d suffe ring as a Man y died of th e exc ruciating co n di tions, and eve n more
mer e m er ch an t patro n, Kik amono's lu ck cha nge d for th e perish ed once they reached th eir de stination . Even as the
better. Daidoji Hac hi's appointme nt as the legal heir of th e Scorpio n reached the end of th e desert , the y were attacked by
Yasuki lin e gave th e Scor pion butei ju st th e cha nce he was th e mer ciless forces of the Sen pet Em pire. Exha uste d and
looking for. "Heikichi'' quickly relocated with the Yasuk i who deh ydrated , the Sco rp io n would doubtle ss have been
turned to the Crane as loyal vassals. All the while, Kikamono completely extermina ted had not th e Sen pe t comma nders
has kept a close eye on the developments betwe en th e Crab mistaken Bayushi Kachiko for a figure out of their myth ology.
and Crane, includi ng th e arrival ofAkodo Kaneka. Playing the role to save her people, Kachik o arrang ed for her
clan to be imprisone d and ens lave d rather than destroyed
TOGASHI GI;tI outrig ht. She knew that given time, her people could be freed
Tho ugh th e Scorpion have a close and valuab le alliance from the Senpet coppe r mines.
wi th the Dr agon Cl an , m an y Sco rpion lea de rs During the long months of her confinement in the
see th e value of co ntin uing to m oni to r their gaijin city of Medin aat ai-Salaam, Kach iko met many strange
mysterious allies. One such case invol ves the an d unusu al people . Among t he m ost unusu al we re th e
recent eve nts surro un di ng th e holy man Ashalan, a race of immortal mystics wh o used a form of tattoo
called Togashi Cir i. Though hardly a man magic reminiscent of th e Togas hi's, Kachi ko wisely ma de
of si n or vice , Giri was unfo rtunat e inr oads with these powerful individu als, and whe n the time
enough to secretly dishonor himself and fina lly came to liberate her peopl e, she counted
the Dragon at the wedding of Ikoma Otemi several Ashalan among her allies. Th e Scorpio n's
to Shosu ro Yasuko. Tho ug h h e was calle d rea p pearance in Rokugan was all th e more
upon to pe rfo rm the ce re mo ny of u n io n shoc king due to the appearance of allies such
between the two samurai, Giri was plagu ed as Hojyn th e Ashalan sorcerer among th eir
by imp ure th oughts about the bride. He medi- ranks.
tated for hours but could not clear h is mi nd ;
in the end , he concluded that Shosuro Yasuko
could only be a vile temptres s from th e
Shadowland s. The acc usatio n an d the
en suing chaos is th e st uff of rumo r
throughout the Em pire to thi s day.
of course, the events did not escape the
notice of the large num ber of Scorpion that
atten ded. Giri was appro ached by Soshi Eiji ASHALAn AnD
and was told that in hon or of th eir clan s' THE scoanon
re la tio ns , he would assis t th e Dra go n
in keep in g the day's events a sec ret.
Time and discretion have lessened
Naturally, the monk's impure tho ughts the role the Ashalan play within
about the brid e wo uld also remain the Scorpion Cla n . Bayushi
unmentioned. ofcourse, the Scorpion Yojiro took full advantage of his
would require a favor in return, to be st ra nge allie s' abi lities during
provided by the Dragon h ol y man the War Against the Shadow and
perso nally. Wishing to do whateve r he the War of Spirits, but at the
could to prevent any shame from falling conclusion of t h ose epic con-
on him self, Giri quickl y agreed . So far, the fron tations, he realized that the
Scorpion have yet to collec t on their favor, con tinued pre sen ce of the Ashalan
and each passing day only makes Giri imagine would bring const ant scr utiny upon
something more horrible tha t the Scorpion could his clan , something neither his clan nor
be waiting to ask. the Ashalan desired. Unwilling to give
up such a valuable resource , Yojiro instead chose to secret his
few Ashalan allies in hidden strongholds across th e Empire
THE ASHAJ.AI\ and beyond its borders.
The Ashal an, a virtually immortal people, recognized the
need to remove themselves from the public eye until the
In the aftermath of Emperor Toturi's disappearance in the year xenophobic atmo sphere of Rokugan relaxed enough to accept
11 30, the Scorpion Clan again became the popular scapegoats th em . Th e Scorpion used their resource s and con tacts to
of the Em pire. Many demanded their deaths for daring to construc t priv ate strongholds in the mo st remote locati on s
raise a hand against the Emperor for the second time in the ir avail abl e: the depth s of the Shinomen Mori , the de solat e
clan's hi story, even tho ugh this time they were blam eless. peaks of the Twilight Mountains, the unta med jungles of the
The Eme rald Champion of th at pe riod , Kakita Toshimoko , Island s of Silk and Spice, and even th e mountains beyond the
recogn ized that th e Scorpio n would never be so carele ss. Un icorn Clan's expansive holdings.
Dice + Ash alan's Cha ris ma modifier ) to cause one of these
ASHAJ.An che ck s to fail. Crea tu res that ar e tattooed cease aging
Medium-sized Humanoid completely and are subject to th e effects of dominate person as
Hit Dice: I d8 (4 hp) if the spell had been cast by a 12th level sorcerer. Any Ashalan
Initiative: +1 (Dex) may iss ue com m an ds to the creature as if they were the
Speed: 30 ft. casting sorc erer. Ash alan them selves are imm une to thi s
AC: 13 (+1 Dex, +2 natural) effect.
Attacks: Dagger +1 melee On ce per week , the tattooed creature may attempt a will
Damage: Dagger 1d4-1 save (DC 20 + level of the Ashalan currently in possession of
Face/ Reach : 5 ft. by 5 ft.j 5 ft. the creature) to attempt to break free. Those few who manage
Special Qualities : Immunities, light sen sitivity, shadow to free themselves from the Ashalan often flee, for any other
cloak, tatto o of domination, will save Ashalan can renew the domination by making a successful
Saves: Fort +0, Ref +2, will +4 opposed Charisma check against them as a stan dard action.
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 12, Con 8, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14 Will Save (Ex): All Ashal an h ave a +2 racial bonus to all
Skills: Craft:Tatto o +4, Move Silently +3 will saves.
Feats: Iron will
Climate/Terrain: Any desert , underground, temperate.
Organization: Usually solitary, occasionall y in groups of 3-5. The favored class for all Ashalan is sorcerer. Ot her common
Challenge Rating: 1 cla sse s include rogues and paladin s - an o rde r of holy
Treasure: Standard warriors called the Blood -Sworn who defend the Ashalan
Honor: Nil race's interests.
Ali gnmen t: Usually lawful neutral
Advan cemen t: By character class

The Ashalan are a mysterious race from beyond Rokugan and

acro ss the Burning Sands that closely resembles human s.
The y are tall , gaunt individuals with no hair and extremely
pale, almost albino skin. Every known member of the race is
covered in strange, mystical tattoos. It is possi ble that th ese
tatt oos are in some way related to the Ashalan's immo rtality,
given thei r pen chant for tattooing others (see below).

The Ashalan are not particularly threa tening physicall y.
The y prefer to deal with foes through subordinates or slaves,
using their sorcery from afar to ensure victory.Those few who
are forced to defe nd themselves, however, are formidable foes.
The Ashalan have centuries to learn various fight ing styles,
even if th ey are reluctant to use them.
I m m u n ity (Ex): Ashalan are immune to all non-magica l
poison and disease.
Light Sensitivity (E x): Ashalan suffe r a - 1 pe nalty
to attack rolls in bright sunlight or in the radius of a daylight
spell. Asha lan sunbu rn easi ly, an d prolonged exposure to
sunlight over long perio ds of time is very un healt hy for them,
inflicting 1 permane n t point of Constitution dam age
per week of such exposure.
Shadow Cloak (Sp): An Ashalan can draw up the shadows
around him to conceal his presence . Ashalan using this ability
gain a +15 to Hide chec ks whe n motionless, and +10 to Hi de
che cks when moving. This ability is a standard action. If th e
Ashal an is spott ed, his tattoos appear to be pulsatin g softly,
revealing their magical natu re. An Ash alan who makes any
form of attack (melee, ranged, or magical) loses th e ben efit of
Shadow Cloak immediate ly.
Tattoo of Domination (Su): The Ashalan have the ability
to imb ue others with mys tical tattoos similar to tho se of th e
Ash alan . These tattoos mystically bind th e creature to th e
Ashalan race, making it a slave to the will of any Ashalan that
commands it. The tatt ooing process takes 72 hours, during
which the Ashalan must succeed at th ree consec utive Craft
(tattoo) chec ks (DC 20 + target creature's level). The creature
being tattooed may make a Will save (DC 10 + Ashalan's Hit
TH£ kHA[7:TA
An exquisitely crafted polearm with blades on both end s, the
khadja is the preferred weapon of the elite Ashalan warrior
caste. Khadja are frequently enchanted and can be customized
to fit the needs of individual warrior s.
The khadja is a Large exotic weapon. It in flic ts ds
damage, h as a threat range of 19- 20, and po ssesses a
critical hit multiplier of x3 . Youget a +2 to your opposed
ASHAJ.An attack roll when attempting to disarm an ene my whe n
Earth: 4 using a khadja (including the opposed attack roll to avoid
Fire: 5 being di sarmed yourself if you fail to di sarm yo ur
Air: 4 enemy).
Water: 3
The khadja is a polearm with a DR of 1k3. Khadja are
Perception: 6
alway s of at least Fine quality and confer upon thei r
Void: 4
wiel der a Free Raise for all attack rolls. Using a khad ja
TN to be Hit: 30
requires use of the Khadja weapon skill.
Skills: Athletics 3, Craft (Tat tooing) 8, Defen se 4,
Spell Research 8, Weapon skills (varies) 4-6
Spells: Ashalan do not use conventional Roku gan i magic, C;tYST££J.
but can invok e effects identical to the spells By the Light of Normal crystal tempered with myst ic rituals and sh aped
Lord Moon and Cloak of Night. through magic can be crafte d into a supern atu rally ha rd
Sp ecial Ab ilities : Ashalan possess the follo wi ng special subs tanc e th e Ash alan call cry stee l. Cry stee l re tains t h e
abilities. normal pure qual ities of crys tal, but is as hard as steel and
I mmunity: Ashalan are completely imm une to all poisons cannot be shattered by any conventional means.
and diseases, even those th at are create d th rough magic. Crysteel can be shaped into virtually any bladed weapon.
Light Sensitivity: Ashalan suffer a +3TN penalty to all rolls Such weapon s possess an innate +1 enhancement bonus.
made in bright sunlight. Exten ded exposure to sunlight is They poss ess a Hardness of 15 an d 20 h it point s. Th e
unhealthy for them , causing th em to lose one point of Earth market price for any such weapon is 1,800 koku plus the
per week of expo sure. This lost Earth may be restored by cost of a masterwork weapon of the same type.
one week of rest in darkness.
Shadow Cl o ak: Ashalan may wrap themselves in Crysteel weapons must be of Fine quality or better, and
shadows, hiding them from onlookers. When remaining always roll at least one additional die for all attack and
motionless, an Ashalan may roll five additional dice for all damage rolls. A crysteel katana may be purch ased by a
Stealth rolls. If moving , this bonus is reduced to three dice. Scorpion character with a 5-point Inheritance advantage.
Tattoo of Domination: The Ashalan can imbue others with
mystical tattoos similar to those of the Ashalan
themselves. These tat toos mystically bind the creat ures to
the Ash alan race , ma king it a slave to the will of any TH£ SH A DOW£ D
Ashalan that commands it . The tattooing process takes
three days, during which the Ashalan mu st succeed at three
Craft (Tatt ooing) rolls (TN 5 x the target's Insight Rank).
The creatur e being tattooed may make a Willpower roll (TN
equal to the Ashalans Craft roll) to negate one of the rolls.
Creatures that are tattooed cease aging completely. Any oaisms
Centuries ago, the Scorpion, Phoenix , and Crane clans united
Ashalan may issue commands to the creature as if he were
to sile n tl y overthrow the Ha ntei Dyn ast y. Tho ugh th e
the tattoo's creator.
Emperor remaine d upon th e throne , his power had shifte d
Indomit able will: The will of the immortal Ashalan is nearly
in to their hands. Th is was th e Rule rsh ip of th e Gozo ku ,
impossible to break. Any attempt to confuse or control the
a period th at proved that while the Emperor's power may be
thoughts of an Ashalan , whether through skill use or spells,
absolute , the Emp eror himself was not invincible.Though th e
has its TN increased by 15. If the Ashalan is entitled to roll
Gozoku eventually fell, th e memory of th eir accomplishment
to resist, he rolls and keep s three additional dice.
remained .
Void: Ashalan possess Void, but may not spend Void Points.
Most look back up on th at period as a dark tim e, a tim e
Their Void Ring determines the number of Raises they may
when the Emperor was a mere puppet and corru pt officia ls
make on any given roll and applies to certa in skills.
lined their pocket s. Others see the Gozoku reign as a time of
progre ss, when art, culture, and law un derwe nt a great period
ASH AJ.An li\AT=:~IAJ.S of growth. Many of th e new legal in stitu tion s developed by
There are several secrets that the mysterious Ashalan brought the Gozoku wer e later appro pr iated by the Hantei Dynasty
with them from the Burn ing Sands . The se secrets serve th e and continue to be used today. Still, many of those insti tutions
Scorpi on well, but only when it is necessary and approp riate. were originally designed to keep the Emp eror in check, a fact
The Scorp ion are not willing to risk exposing thei r secrets to most would rather forget.
the rest of the Emp ire, and use the se items and materials very Some Scorp ion look back up on that tim e wit h fondness ,
spa ri ngly. Non e outside the Ashalan, not even among the a time wh en th eir clan rul ed the Empi re through Gozoku
Scorpion, know the secrets of creating these item s. mastermind Bayushi Atsuki. The fact that the y were forced to
ally with the Crane and Phoenix to accomplish this is some- carefully, learni ng his habits and his techniques, so th at when
what bothersome, but in the Scorpion view this was obviously he would ine vitably challenge the Master of Secrets he would
an allia nce of convenie nce . Iron icall y, Cr ane and Phoenix be well prep ared.
scholars who specialize in the Gozoku period also frequen tly It was als o during the War of Spirits th at Atsuki m et
view the oth er two clans as pawn s, and th emselves as th e true Bayush i Ogura. Rare for hi s family, Ogur a was a sh ugenja.
leaders.The truth of how the Gozoku came to power, and how Ogura'sfather, Bayushi Kaukatsu, had littl e respect for his son,
the y managed an Empire, has been lost to the ages. cons idering his calling as a shugenj a str ange and aberrant.
Or has it? Ogura, in turn, thought his father foolish and closed-mind ed.
At th e end of the Gozoku 's reign , Bayushi Atsuk i refused As h is fathe r's service offer ed li tt le opportunity, Og ura 's
to an swer to the Emperor's jus tice. Cut down by Seppu n ambi ti on drove h im to seek help elsewh ere. By cha nce ,
guardsmen , his soul flew to Toshigoku, the Realm of Slaughte r. Ats uki di scovered Og ura and was qu it e eag er to gain th e
He refused to allow h is mind to be cons ume d by Satsu gai, shugenjas help .
the madness of that hell ish realm. In stead, he focused intently At t h e en d of th e war, At suki was co un ted amo ng the
upon his life, wondering how he had failed, schemin g how to He roes of Rokugan, spi rits wh o served with their mortal
succeed ifhe were given a second chance. Though he was not descendants and thu s were allowed to remain and swear fealty
able to resist th e Realm of Slaugh ter 's co ntrol fo reve r, to Toturi. Atsuki used his fame and prestige to seek out others
he focused it. His anger was turned toward his own failures, lik e himself, ambitious Scorpio n unhapp y with th e clan's
dwelling on them , analyzing them, trying to le adership. H e began to build a n etwork of spies and
determine how he failed. Atsuki wandered informants. However, he was not yet ready to make
the Fields of Slaughter while battling his h is move to ta ke over th e
own past. He que stioned all new arrivals cl an; h e would require a
when he could, learning as much about the more subs tan ti al po wer
Empire as po ssible before the madne ss base first.
overcame them. He collected information It was at this tim e th at
and made plans. Ogura happen ed upon a cell
When oblivion's Gate opened, Atsuki was of Blood sp eake r cult ists
one of the fir st to ch arge through into the op erating in Scorpi on lands.
mo rtal realm . The madness ofToshigoku Sending his agent s to infil trate
faded, but his memories, his plans, remained. the cult, Ogu ra discovered that
Atsuki knew better than to reveal himself to
the Empire, and instead took the identity of
Shos uro Furuya ri. Furuyari was a popular
playwright among the Scorpion, though
h is work was actually the result of three
othe r writers seeking to gain greater fame
by combining their work under a single
nom de plume. Atsuki adopted Furuyar i's
ident ity, knowing that none could prove that
he was not who he claimed to be. Having
returned to life, he seized the opportunity to
create the Gowku anew.
During the War of Spirits Atsuki
quickly realized that allying with
Hantei XVI would be foolish in the
extreme.The Steel Chrysanthemum
knew nothing of the modern world .
He was boorish , intolerant , and often
violent toward his vassals. In a sittin g
Emperor, such behavior would have
been tolerated, but given a choice it was
obvious that the Empire would back
Toturi. Thus, Atsuki allied him self
with th e mortals. He helped the
Scorpion gather information about
the Steel Chrysanthemum, and
gained the Hantei's trust so that
his armies could be destroyed
at Beiden Pass. Duri ng this
time he also came to know
Bayushi Yojiro . Though he
respected Yojiros intellect and
tactical prowe ss, Atsuki thought it
was unfortunate that the Scorpion Champion was so
completely dedicated to the Emperor. Atsuki watched Yojiro
While maho is the source of th e Shadowe d Tower 's power ,
its leader s are not maho-tsukai. Bayush i Ogu ra is the only
shugenja with any real influence within the Tower, and even
he is clo se ly mo ni tored. Bayu sh i At suki and ot he r
like-minded Scorpion samurai (many of them also returned
spirits) lead the Tower from location s acro ss the Scorpion
provinces. Though the Shadowed Tower is referred to as if it
were a ph ysical place , there is no physical Shadowed Tower.
The name is intended as a distraction, to cause enemies of the
orga nization to hunt for a headquart ers that does not exist.
The agents of the Tower meet regularl y in secret locations,
mostly underground. Most of these holdings belong to Atsuki
under vario us pseudon yms, purcha sed using the wealth he
was granted at the end of the War of Spirits or the ill-gotten
gains of his Shadowe d Tower operati on s.


While the Tower engages in maho , the Taint is not tolerated.
All Shadowed Tower maho -tsukai must report regularly to
Atsu ki or one of his lieutenants so that they may be examined
for signs of the Taint . All shugenja are appointed a "Witness,"
a yoji mbo who also serves as t heir anchor. The W itness
cautions h is charge against succumbing to the power of
the Tain t. Sho uld a sh ugenja sh ow an y mental or ph ysical
symptoms of the Taint, it is hi s Witness' duty to ki ll h im
withou t warning.Thus far the system has worked remarkably
well, and none of the Shadowed Tower shugenja have fallen to
they h ad developed a technique that allowe d th em to the madne ss of the Taint (though a handful have fallen to their
minimize the Tain t acc u m ulate d through th e pract ice of Wit nesses).
blood magic. Intrigued, Ogura wiped ou t th e cell and stole No ma ho ritual is allowed unless the maho-tsukai has a
their research. willing target (usually a peasant addled by Shadowed sake or
After a few mon ths of study,Ogura perfected the technique, rice) to accept his corruption. These Tainted subjects are kept
allowing him to use maho with out accumulating the Shadow- under lock and key un til their Taint becom es excessive. Wh en
lands Taint if a willi ng subject acce pted the corruptio n. they begin to display obviou sTaint symptoms, th ey are swiftly
Furt he r, he learned how to use mah o to subtly infect food, killed by a Jade Strike , Evil Ward, or similar magic and their
drink, and other substances so that th ey would erode the will bodies cremated.
of whoever consumed th em. He presen ted hi s findings to
Atsuki. The Gozoku lo rd was he sit ant to rely upon dark
powe rs, but he co uld not den y th e advan tage Ogura's
tec hniques offere d. Thro ugh use of maho the Sha dowed SHA"OWE"
Tower qu ick ly spread it s influen ce. Peasant pawns were
corrupted so th at Shadowed Tower shugenja could use blood
magic wit hout h arm . I n fl uen tia l sam u rai were qu ietly
subverted, turned into un witting pawns.
li\ECH AnlCS
The ShadowedTower's purpose is simple.They wish to rule the nEW '"E AT
Empire as the Gozoku once did, controlling th eir allies and
enemies from the shad ows. Atsuki believes tha t the current HAno Of' TH~ SHA"O\!l~O TO\!l~~
leadership of the Scorpion is weak, too depe ndent upon th e
rSC O ~71 0n f'~AT:r
Emperor.They have become afraid to take risks, to seize power
You can extend your Shadowlands Taint into a willing target.
at any cost. Atsuki does not intend to ignore th e lesson his clan
Prerequisites: Knowledge (maho ) 6 rank s, Knowledge
learne d during the clan War, th e terrible price th ey paid when
(Shadowlands) 6 rank s
Yogo[u nzo opene d the Black Scrolls. Neith er does he intend to
Benefit: You can ignore all Shadowlan ds Taint normally
let one failure turn his clansmen into cowards.They should not
acc um ulated via m ah o by cas ti ng a mah o spell ritually.
ignore past mistakes, but neither sho uld th ey disregard th e
Multiply th e spell's norm al casting time by ten . You must be
resources th ey have at hand - incl uding maho.
tou ching a willing, in telli ge nt livin g crea ture during the
The Shadowed Tower engages in smuggling, bl ackmail,
casting; at th e en d of th is tim e all Sha dow lan ds Taint you
information gathering and assassination. Their services are
would have accumula ted is given to the target instead.
not available to outsiders as are those of similar organizations
Eac h time you use this feat you must make a Will save
(such as the Kolat). Shadowed Tower operations benefit the
(DC 15) or take 1d4 points of Wisdom damage that cannot
Tower, and only the Tower.
be healed by any means. A "1" on thi s roll is autom atically
a failur e. When your Wi sdom is reduced to ze ro, you
immediately gain aTaint modifier equal to your high est ability SH AD OW~D ?OWD~;t
modifier and become a Lost NPC under the control of the Shadowed Powder is the Shadowed Tower's deadliest weapon .
DM. If Wisdom is normally your spellcasting ability score, It is a colorless, odorless, flavorless powder that can easily be
you take Charisma damage instead . mixed with rice, sake, Liquid Void, or any other consumable
Additionally, this power allows you to learn and cast maho substance. Any wh o consume it find the ir will slowly sapped,
spell s witho ut having the Sha dow lands Tai nt normall y their ability to resist the Shadowed Tower worn away.
required to do so. You must still meet the level requirements An y individual who cons um es a do se (on e pinch ) of
normally. Shadowed' Powder suffers a - 2 penalty to all Will saves
Sp eci al: This feat is on ly available to members of the and Wisdom related skill checks for the next 24 hours, or
Shadowed Tower organization. until a neutralize poison or similar magic is cast upon them .
Mult iple doses of Shadowed Powder are cumulative. All
n~w ADIlAnTAG ~ pen alties are doubled if the source of the save or chec k
involves someone encouraging the target to ingest more
HAn" OF TH:: SHA"OU1= " TOU1:: ~ Shadowed Powder.
(6 i'OlnTS) Caster Level: 3rd; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, Heart of the
Shadowed Tower; Marnet Price: 500 koku .
You can ignore all Shadowlands Taint normally accum ulated
via maho by casting a maho spell ritually. Multiply the spell's An y in di vidual who cons umes a do se (on e pinch) of
normal casting time by ten . You must be touching a willing, Shadowed Powder suffers a - 5 penalty to all Willpower
inte lligent living creatu re during the casting ; at the end of th is and Earth rolls fo r the n ext day, or until a spe ll that
time all Shadowlands Taint you wo uld have accumulated is removes poi son is cast upon them. Multiple do ses of
given to the target instead. Sha dowed Powder are cumulative. All pen alties are
Each time you use this ability you mu st make a Willpower doubled if the roll involves someone enco uraging th e
roll vs. TN 25 or your Void Ring is permanently lowered by 1. target to ingest more Shadowed Powder.
W he n your Void Ring is reduced to zero, you immediately Creating one dose requires six hours of work and
gain Taint equal to your highe st Ring and becom e a Lost NPC access to a variety of rare and expensive herb s found in
under th e control of th e GM. the Scorpion land s. Only characters with the Hand of
This Advantage is only available to memb ers of the th e Shadowed Tower Advantage can crea te this
Shadowed Tower organization. At least one rank of powder.
Lore (Maho) and Lore (Shadowlands) are required
to take this Advantage.
TYi'ICAJ. SH A[70W~[7 TOW~~
Human Scorpion Samurai 5: CR 5; Medium-size humanoid
(human); HD sdio-io, hp 37; Init +2 (+1 Dex, +1 Int), Spd 30
N GHT1i\A ~£ ofl
ft. ; AC 14 (touch 11, flat -footed 13); Atk katana +9 me lee ,
ldl0+4 damage or yumi +6 ranged, t ds damage; Honor: 1;
AL LE; SV Fort +6, Ref +2, will +3; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14,
Int 12,Wis S, Cha 10; skills andFeats:Speak Language (Rokugani, Fushin hold s a special place among the Onisu. It was Fushin
H igh Rokugani ), Bluff +S, Diplomacy +9, Iaijutsu Focus +S, who killed Emperor Toturi, causing the Empire to be thrown
Intim idate +S, Sense Motive +7, Tumble +9; Bayu shi's into chaos. Fush in is quite proud of its actions, frequently
Technique, Pinc ers and Tail, Versati le (Bluff, Tumble), Void bragging of its deeds to the other Onisu. It generally glosses
Use, Way of the Scorpion; Possessions: Katana, ma sterwork over the fact that it was under Daigotsu's control at the time ,
ashigaru arm or, tanto, wakizashi , yumi and 20 arrows. and it was truly the Dark Lord who dealt the killing blow.
Fushin sees the victory as its own .
Not surp risingly, Fushin is the least trustworthy of the
TYi'ICAJ. SH A[70W~[7 T OW~~
On isu. The demon often break s off alone , hat ching plots and
~n.f'O~C~;UWITn.~SS schemes to gain power for itsel£ As a creature of pu re betrayal,
Earth: 3 suc h is its nature . Daigotsu is awa re of Fush in's abe rran t
Water: 3 tendencies, and watches Fushin carefully. For the most part ,
Fire: 3 the Onisus schemes bring greater harm to the Empire than to
Air: 3 the Lost, so Daigotsu tolerates them. Occasionally Fushin goes
Void: 2 too far and Daigotsu is for ced to slay it, sen ding the Onisu
School/Rank: Bayushi Bushi 2 sc re am in g ba ck into Jigoku to consider its cri m es u ntil
Dojo: None a month passe s and it can be granted physical form again.
Honor: 1.5 Fushin is rather embarrassed by its most recent foray into
Glo ry: 2.0 the Empire, in which it and Muchitsujo (the Unicorn Onisu)
Skills: Athletics 3, Courtier 2, Defense 3, Iaijuts u 3, embarked upon a reign of terror in the heart of Ryoko Owari.
Investigation 2, Kenjutsu 4, Kyujutsu 3, Poison 2, Sincerity 3 Though Fushin slew many Scorpion bushi, it was slain in tum
by Bayushi Kwancha i, the mad student of th e Failed Mar tyr.
Fushin is uncertain how to deal with this humiliating defeat,
so for the moment it sulks in the shadows of the City of the
Lost. One day it shall return and wreak glorious venge ance .
Fushin is a m assive red-s kin n ed crea tu re cove re d in
overlapping plates of chitinous armor. It has four arms, each of
which wield s a katana in on e hand. It is known to prowl th e
Shinomen Forest, and has recently been sight ed among th e
ranks of the free ogres in the Twilight Mountains.

f'USHIn. OniSU Of' BET~A.YAJ..

nICiHTmA~E Of' THE scoanon
Large Outsider (Evil, a ni, Shadowlands, Spirit)
Hit Dice: i sds + 64 (136 hp )
Initiative: +S (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 40 ft.
AC: 2S (- 1 size, +4 Dex, +15 natural)
Attacks: 4 Huge +5 dishonorable katana, +23 melee
Dam age: Huge katana 2d6+12 +2d6 damage vs. hon or abl e
Face/Rea ch : 5 ft. by 5 ft. / l0 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-like abilities , enhancem en t, summon
weapons, weakening gaze
Special Qualities: Oni Qu alities, damage redu ction 20/+ 4
vade), honorable vulnerability, regeneration 3, rejuvenati on,
SR 25
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +14, w ill +15
Abilities: Str 24, Dex rs, Con is , Int 20, W is 20, Cha 30,
Taint 12
Skills: Bluff +26, Concentrat ion +20, H ide +20, Iaiju tsu
Focus +26, Kn owl edge (His tory) +21 , Kn owl edge
(Scorpion) +21, Knowledge (Shadowlands) +21, Knowledge
(Yum e -do) +21, Move Sil ently +20, Search +21, Sense
Motive +21, Spot +21, Listen +21.
Feats: Cleave, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (katana), Improved f'VSHIn. ON S V Of' B=T~A.YA~.
Ini tiative, Multidext erity, Power Attack.
N(iHTm.A~E Of' THE SCO~i'IOn
Earth : 4
Clim ate/Ter rain: Shadowlands, Yume -do , an y lan d an d
Fire: 4
Water : 5
Organization: Solitary
Ch allen ge Rating: 15
Roll s when Attacking: 10k7
Treasure: Standard
Rolls for Da mage: 7k4
Honor: Always 0 Honor
TN t o Be Hit: 45
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Carapace: S
Adv ancem en t : 13-24 HD (Large); 25-36 H D (Huge)
Wounds: 30: +5j 55: +10,70: +15j SO: +25i 120: Dead
Special Abilities:
COm.BAT Fear 6 (This fear stems from the oni's gaze; any opponent
Fushin takes great delight in sapping th e will to fight from its who make s a Raise on all attacks directed at the Onisu to avert
opponents with its gaze, the n slicing them to pieces with its his gaze can ignore th is Fear.)
blades. It usually travels with a pack ofTsuno Ravagers and at Multiple Anns: Fushin can attack four time s per round, once
least one Soultwister. More recently, it has been seen in th e with each arm.
company of free ogres. Enhancement: Any time a person within 100 feet of Fushin
Enhancem en t (Ex): Any time a person within 100 feet of commits a dishonorable act of betrayal (such as defying his
Fushin commits a dishonorable act of betrayal (such as defy- lor d's commands or fleeing from battle while his comrades
ing his lord's commands or fleeing from battle whil e his com- remain behind) one of the Onisu's Traits (an d all associated
rade s remain be hind), the Onis u gains i ds tem po rary hit attri butes ) increases by one. This benefit lasts for one week,
points. All other benefits of adva nce me nt (such as hi gh er afte r wh ich time the Onisu loses one bonus Trait per week
saves, base attack , and caster level for spell-like abilities) are un til it returns to the above statistics. The oni grows slowly
also gained . This benefit lasts for one week, after wh ich tim e larger each time it draws upon bet rayal in suc h a mann er.
the Onisu loses one bonus hit die per week un til it returns to Honorable Vulnerability: Any time a person within 100 feet of
the above statistics . Each time the On isu gains ten levels from Fushin commi ts an act of selfless loyalty, one of the Onisu's
thi s ability, it increase s by one size category. Traits (and all associated attributes) decreases by one. This
Honorable Vulnerability (Ex): Any tim e a person within penalty remai ns for one week , or until the Onisu can cancel
100 feet of Fushin commits an act of selfless loyalty, th e Onisu the effect with its en hancement ability. If one of the Onisu's
receives a negative level. This negative level remains for one Traits is reduced to zero, it perishes.
we ek , or until the Onisu can can cel th e effec t with its Passages: The Onisu can cast Detect Passage, Passage In to
enhancement ability. If the Onisu is reduced to zero levels due Darkness, and Passage Int o Dream at will. (See Fortunes and
to thi s effect, it perishes. Winds. )
Oni Qualities (Su): All oni h ave ce rtain qu alities, Carapace: Weapons th at have been dipped in th e waters of
described on page 5 of Creatures of Rokugan~ Yume- do ignore Fushiris Carapace rating.
Regeneration (Ex): Holy and h on or abl e wea po ns do Rejuvenation: If slain, Fus hin can be harvest ed from the
normal damage to Fus hin, as do wea pons th at h ave been Realm of Dreams once more via a special rit ual kno wn only
immersed in the water of the Realm of Dreams. to th e Dar k Lord Daigotsu an d the Tsuno Soultw isters.
Rejuvenation (Su): If slain, Fushin can be harve sted from The Onisu cann ot be restored more often th an once a month.
the Realm of Drea ms on ce mo re via a special ritual known Summon Weapo ns: If separated from its katana, Fushin can
only to the Dark Lord Daigotsu and the Tsuno Soultwisters. sum mon them to its hand s again as a free action . If Fushin is
The Onisu canno t be restored more often th an once a month. destroyed, its swords vanish.
Spell-like abilities: at will - cause fear, detectpassage", dispel
magic, know alignment, passage intodarkness", passage into dream",
protection fro m good. 3/day - desecrate, emotion, gaijin flames,
haste. These abilities are as cast by a 16th level sorcerer (DC 20
+ spell level). Spells mark ed with an asterisk are described in
Fortunes and Winds.
Summon Weapons (Su): If separated from its katana ,
Fushin can sum mon them to its hands again as a free action.
If Fushin is destroyed, its swords vanish.
Weakening Gaze (Su) : An y enemy th at meets Fushi n's
gaze must mak e a Will save (DC 24) or becom e pan icked.
Bat Kunizakai Province Sh3 Kawa Province
Ba2 Hizoku Province Sot Kinbou Province
Ba3 Chuuou Province So2 An'el Province
Ba4 Nezuban Province So3 Yuma Province
Sht Ryoko Province Yot Fukitsu Province
Sh2 Kakushikoto Province Yo2 Belden Province


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