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A Four-Unit EFL Course for Adults

A Complete Set of Handouts to Use in the Classroom

Bruce Vorland

vorland [at]

Aichi Institute of Technology, Toyota, Japan

Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4

For several years I have been teaching four-day summer classes which are open to the
community at a local college. The classes are open to men and women of all ages and all
backgrounds. As it turns out, the members of the classes are mostly women of ages spanning over
forty years. For each of the four days we have one theme. I have chosen four themes that I think are
the most practical: Meeting Someone, Shopping, At A Restaurant and Traveling. Each lesson
consists of several segments, most of which are connected to that day's theme. To compensate for
the difference in abilities, I explain almost everything first in English and then in Japanese.

Day 1

I usually walk into the first day of class and tell everybody my name, where I live and where I'm
from in English. Then, right away, I switch to Japanese and explain what I expect to do in the next
four days. I tell them that we are going to try to use English as a communication tool, practicing
what we already know rather than trying to learn more words or sentence patterns. I explain that
we're all going to make a lot of mistakes and stress that the only person in the room whose native
language was English was me and so I was the only one who could (but, hopefully wouldn't) be
expected to use perfect English. I have found that the more I go on about this the happier and the
more relaxed the class is.

Next, I explain that I will introduce myself in English and that they should try to listen for what they
can understand. What they can't understand they should guess at and not let bother them. I introduce
myself, talk about my family and Minnesota (where I'm from) and include an anecdote or two in
Japanese. Afterwards, I pass out the four days of handouts explaining that we probably won't have
time to do everything. I have found that handing out all four day's worth is the best because it gives
those with the time a chance to prepare for the next day. I point out the introduction Quiz in the Day
1 handout and ask them to fill in as much as they can. I go around the room helping the ones who
find it difficult.
I ask the members to pair up with someone who has about the same English ability and we practice
the Meeting Someone For The First Time section and the What/Who Is Your Favorite..... section. I
try to get everyone to learn to volunteer information before they ask a question and have
constructed my pair practices to reinforce this. I explain that it is not only a friendlier way to ask
someone a question but it is also easier and less time consuming. With an outgoing group I
encourage them to practice with several partners. For advanced students I suggest that they add their
own questions.

The amount of time that I spend on Pronunciation depends on the group. I talk about some of the
sounds and explain that pronunciation practice is a good way to improve listening abilities. After I
have them repeat the sound groups I read one of the minimal word pairs and have them circle the
words that they hear. If there are a lot of the mistakes and there seems to be some interest I practice
those sounds again.

Day 2

After warming up with the Day 2 pair practice I continue on with useful Shopping shopping phrases
and a short explanation about money. Having real examples of US, Canadian, Australian dollars,
some coins, a personal checkbook and a credit card helps the explanation, raises the interest level
and helps the stragglers to keep up. I usually try to take a number of English language catalogs to
show, explain and pass around. Then, I hand out a stack of Thriftway Supermarket newspaper ads
to each pair and had them answer the questions in the Thriftway Quiz. The outside materials seem
to generate a lot of interest. In the quizzes I tried to include questions that would call attention to
interesting differences in customs and be a starting point for discussions.

Day 3

I take three or four different menus to explain and then a stack of the same kind of menu to hand
out. Tipping and table manners seem to be a good starting point for discussions.

Day 4

On the last day I take travel brochures, guides and maps to pass around and discuss. Asking what
countries members have been to, where they would like to go, what to pack for an overseas trip or
where to take a visitor from overseas all seem to generate discussion.

Useful classroom English, Getting to know each other, Introduction quiz, Meeting someone,
Write about yourself, What is your favorite...?, Pronunciation practice and quiz

Useful Classroom Sentences

I don`t understand.
I don`t know.


Once more, please.

What does ________________ mean?

How do you say ________________ in English?

How do you spell _______________?

Is this OK?

Getting To Know Each Other

What's your name?

My name is........................................................................

Where do you live?

I live ..................................................................................

Where were you born?

I was born in ....................................................................

How many brothers and sisters do you have?

I and.........................sister(s). .

Where did you go to school?

I went to ............................................................................

Are you married?

Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.

Do you have any children?

Yes, I have ................................................. / No, I don't.

What do you do?

I work at a ...................... / I am a housewife. / I am a student.

What do you like to do?

I like to ..............................................................................

......................................................... ?

......................................................... ?


A Quiz . . . . . . . How Much Did You Understand?

Mr. Vorland lives in ______________________ . He lives with his wife, Yuri, his oldest daughter,
________________ , his youngest daughter, Maia, and his son, ________________. Mr. Vorland
was born in _____________________ . He likes to ________________________ and
_________________________ . Minnesota is unbelievably ________________ in winter. The
Minnesota state bird is the ___________________ . There are about ________________ lakes

Meeting Someone For the First Time

A Hi, my name is ____________________ .

B Hello, I`m ____________________ . Where are you from?

A I live in Nagoya. How about you?

B I live in Nagoya, too.

A Are you married?

B Yes, I am. (No, I`m not.)

A Do you have any children?

B Yes, I have two children. One daughter is ten and the other is five.

A Nice to meet you.

B Nice to meet you, too.

Write About Yourself








What/Who Is Your Favorite . . . . . ?

My favorite fruit is .................. . What is your favorite fruit?

I like What is your favorite color?

..................... is my favorite food. What is your favorite food?

............................................. What is your favorite sport?

............................................. What is your favorite month?

............................................. What is your favorite ice cream?

............................................. Who is your favorite actor?

............................................. Who is your favorite leader?

............................................. Who is your favorite musician?

............................................. Who is your favorite sportsman?

............................................. Who is your favorite singer?

Pronunciation . . . . . . . Vowels

be big best am bus do book all clock age

need did bread and but juice could caught drop cake

clean fish dress back done new good saw got day
by down go boy first born are clear air fire

five how hope coin girl door art ear chair hire

like loud road toy learn more hard here hair tire

1. a. eat b. it 6. a. dead b. dad

2. a. laid b. led 7. a. made b. mad

3. a. said b. sad 8. a. fun b. fan

4. a. not b. note 9. a. fond b. found

5. a. cot b. caught 10. a. book b. back

Getting to know each other, Shopping, In a store, Write a shopping dialog, Shopping quiz,
Pronunciation practice and quiz

Getting To Know Each Other . . . . . Partner 1

I live (in, near)____________. Where do you live?

I like ________________. Do you like sports?

I have been to ____________. Do you like to travel?

I like ____________. What is your favorite ____________?

I like to play ____________. Do you like games?

I like ____________. What foods do you like?

My telephone number is ____. What`s your telephone number?

My blood type is____________. What`s your blood type?

I like ____________. What kind of music do you like?

I like to ____________. What do you like to do?

Getting To Know Each Other . . . . . Partner 2

I go shopping (in, at) ____________. Where do you go shopping?

I was born in ____________. Where were you born?

I will go to ____________. Where will you go this summer?

I like ____________. Who is your favorite actress? (actor)

I like to drink ____________. What do you like to drink?

I like ____________. Do you like sports?

I like ____________. What is your favorite color?

I don`t like ____________. What foods do you dislike?

I like ____________. What baseball team do you like?

My hobby is ____________. What is your hobby?


The store clerk:

May I help you? / Can I help you?

Are you looking for something?

What size?

Cash or charge?

Have a nice day!

The customer:

I`m looking for a summer sweater.

Where are the shoes?

Do you have winter coats?

How much is this?

Do you have this in size seven?

bills, coins, cash, personal check, charge card, plastic money, traveler`s checks,

100 cents ( ¢ ) = 1 dollar ( $ )

$ .25

twenty-five cents

a quarter

$ .99

ninety-nine cents

$ 2.50

two dollars and fifty cents

two and a half dollars

$ 89.99

eighty-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents

eighty-nine ninety-nine

In a Supermarket

A Do you have rice?

B Yes, we do. Its here.

A Where are the soft drinks?

B Over there.

A Thanks.

In a Convenience Store

A How much is this ice cream?

B It`s $ .75.

A Do you have chocolate?

B Sorry, we only have vanilla.

A OK. IÕll take two.

In a Shoe Store
A Can I help you?

B Yes, I`m looking for some jogging shoes.

A What color?

B White.

A What size?

B Seven and a half.

A Just a minute..................... Please try them on.

B They`re just right. How much are they?

A They`re $69.99.

B I`ll take them.

A Cash or charge?

B Traveler`s checks.

Make a Shopping Dialog With Your Partner









Quiz . . . . . . . Thriftway

When is this sale?

What kind of store is it?

What is cheap in this store?

What is expensive in this store?

How much are Texas Ruby Red Grapefruit?

How much is a half gallon of ice cream?

How much is a 12 pack of Michelob Beer?

How much is a 5 lb. Fresh Maple Leaf Duck?

What can you buy this week that you can`t usually buy?

Would you buy a Garden Salad Mix? Why?

Pronunciation . . . . . . . Consonants
but chance do for get his just can last many

been change did find go he July cake long me

back chair dog fast game who jump keep let most

not put write same she to think that very was

now page read say short time thanks they violin one

name pay rich so shoes test thing this visit week

1. a. just b. dust 6. a. base b. vase

2. a. long b. wrong 7. a. cheap b. keep

3. a. see b. she 8. a. road b. load

4. a. they b. day 9. a. hue b. few

5. a. bog b. dog 10. a. shell b. sell

Getting to know each other, In a restaurant, Write a restaurant dialog, Menu quiz,
Pronunciation practice and quiz

Getting To Know Each Other . . . . . Partner 1

____________________ . Do you like sports?

____________________ . Do you listen to the radio every day?

____________________ . Do you like spaghetti?

____________________ . Did you eat breakfast this morning?

____________________ . Did you read a book this week?

____________________ . Do you use the telephone often?

____________________ . Is your birthday in July?

____________________ . What do you like to cook?

____________________ . Was English difficult in high school?

____________________ . Is your family from Nagoya?

Getting To Know Each Other . . . . . Partner 2

____________________ . Do you like to study?

____________________ . Do you go shopping often?

____________________ . Do you enjoy watching television?

____________________ . Did you go to _________ last summer?

____________________ . Did you talk to your friend recently?

____________________ . Did you play sports recently?

____________________ . Is your house near _______________?

____________________ . Do you like summer?

____________________ . Was your father a _____________?

____________________ . Were you a good student?

At a Restaurant

The waitress:

Smoking or non-smoking?

This way, please.

Would you like something to drink?

What kind of beer would you like?

Are you ready to order?

How would you like your steak?

.....(rare, medium, well done)

How would you like your potato?

.....(baked, mashed, fried, French fries)

What vegetable would you like?

What kind of salad dressing would you like?

How would you like your coffee?

.....(black, cream, sugar, decaf)

Would you care for dessert?

Is everything all right?

The customer:

Waitress! / Waiter!

Coffee, please.

Do you have apple pie?

I'd like a hamburger, please.

This is cold.

Check, please.

In a Coffee Shop

A Coffee, please.

B Cream or sugar?

A Black. Do you have decaf?

.....(decaffeinated coffee)

B Yes, we do.

A I'll take decaf.

In a Fast Food Store

A Two cheeseburgers, fries and a coke, please.

B What size coke and fries?

A Medium coke, small fries.

B It'll take about 3 minutes. Is that OK?

A Sure.

In a Restaurant

A A table for two, please.

B Smoking or non-smoking?

A Non-smoking.

B This way, please. . . . Would you like something to drink?

A A bottle of your house white wine.

B Here you are. . . . . . . Are you ready to order?

A I'll have a sirloin steak with a baked potato and onion soup.

B How would you like your steak?

A Medium.

B What kind of salad dressing would you like?

A What do you have?

B Thousand Island, French, Italian and Russian.

A Thousand Island.

B What would you like for dessert?

A Nothing, thanks.

B . . . . . . Is everything OK?

A Yes, everything's fine.

Make a Shopping Dialog With Your Partner








Quiz . . . . Mangy Moose

Is this an expensive restaurant?

Is the salad bar big?

How much are two dozen wings?

How much is coconut cream pie?

How much is Alaskan King Crab?

How much is Beef Stir Fry?

What is made from scratch daily?

Can you find a Japanese word?

What restaurant would you like to go to?

What would you like to order?

Pronunciation . . . . . . . Consonants

you zoo black bread beauty draw dwell fly from few

use zero blood break bugle dream dwarf floor front future

year zebra blow break beautiful dress dweller flat friend fuse

glad great human class cry quit place present school screen

glass green humor clean crazy quick play pretty sky scream

glove grow huge climb cream quiet please price score screw

1. a. glass b. grass 6. a. very b. berry

2. a. Sue b. zoo 7. a. climb b. crime

3. a. hues b. fuse 8. a. grow b. glow

4. a. fly b. fry 9. a. scream b. screen

5. a. pray b. play 10. a. police b. please

Getting to know each other, Traveling, Staying at a hotel, Sightseeing, Write a dialog, Map
quiz, Pronunciation practice and quiz

Getting To Know Each Other . . . . . Partner 1

I have been to __________ . Have you?

I like to eat ____________ . Do you?

I like to go to _____________. Do you?

I like to watch ____________ . Do you?

I enjoy ___________ . Do you?

I often ____________ . Do you?

I am ___________ centimeters tall. How about you?

I can ____________ . Can you?

I study English because ____________ . Why do you study?

I sometimes _____________. What about you?

Getting To Know Each Other . . . . . Partner 2

Where is ___________?

What is north ( south, east, west) of ____________?

Which way is ____________?

How far is _____________ from Nagoya?

How can I go to __________________?

How many kilometers is it to _________________?

How much time does it take to get to _________ from here?

What is the best way to go to ______________?


Asking Directions:

Where is the post office?

Which way is the post office?

How far is the post office?

How can I get to the post office?

Giving Directions:

Turn right at the bank.

It's two miles east of here.

Go north two blocks.

.....(north, south, east, west)

It's next to the Esso gas station.

In Front Of The Department Store

A Excuse me. Where is Thriftway Supermarket?

B It's near the post office.

A How can I get there?

B Go south three blocks. It's on the left.

A Thanks.

Looking For the International Hotel

A Is this the way to the International Hotel?

B Yes, it is.

A How far is it?

B About 5 minutes.

A Thanks.

Staying At a Hotel

Useful Sentences:

This is Itoh in room 307.

Please wake me at six.

Please pick up my suit for dry cleaning.

I'd like a bottle of champagne.

When does the bar open?

Please pick up my bags in room 307.

At The Hotel

A My name is Tanaka. I have a reservation.

B Yes, your room is 307. Here's your key.

A Please send up my bags.

B Yes, sir. / Yes, ma'am.


Useful Sentences:

What tours do you have of the city?

Where is the museum?

What tourist attractions do you recommend?

I'd like to rent a car.

Do you have a map?

Where can I find information?

At The Front Desk

A What tourist attractions do you recommend?

B The aquarium is nice.

A How can I get there?

B Take the number 25 bus.

A How much does the bus cost?

B It costs $1.50.

A How much time does it take?

B About 20 minutes.

A What time does the aquarium open?

B It opens at 9:30.

A Thanks.

Make a Dialog With Your Partner









Quiz . . . . . Jackson Hole Picture Map

What state is this map from?

Is the food good at the Sugarfoot Cafe?

What number is the Village Inn near?

How many banks are there in Jackson Hole?

What restaurant is near the 49er Inn?

What are two Chinese Restaurant names ?

What would you like to do and see?

Pronunciation . . . . . . . Consonants

square shrine sleep small snow speak spring stamp straight three

squid shrimp slow smell snake speech spray stand strong throw

squeak shrink slipper smile snore sport spread star street throat

laughs maps guests belt bath six hats baths canÕt tenth

graphs steps rests adult with likes cats deaths went seventh

coughs trips tests insult teeth cakes visits paths count ninth

1. a. tense b. tenth 6. a. straights b. straight

2. a. bath b. bass 7. a. tease b. teeth

3. a. rest b. rests 8. a. throw b. throat

4. a. pass b. paths 9. a. stray b. spray

5. a. square b. scare 10. a. THE b. END

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