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1.1 Scope o f the book I 1.1.3 Volume 3 4

1.1.1 Volume 1 / 1.2 Basic terms 6
1.1.2 Volume 2 3 1.3 Indexes and references 7

1 .1 SCOPE OF THE BOOK infrared sense organs, and magnetic sense organs were dis­
covered in the 20th century.
These three volumes contain a survey o f knowledge about Until the 17th century, the word “optics” meant per­
the mechanisms that enable humans and animals to per­ taining to vision. The study of binocular vision and space
ceive the three-dimensional structure o f the world and perception in general was fostered by those in the
use sensory information to guide their actions in three- P erspcctivist tra d itio n , which stressed the geometrical
dimensional space. M achine vision and computational aspects o f vision. The tradition started with Euclid in the
models are mentioned only where they contribute to an 3rd century B C and progressed through Ptolemy in the 2nd
understanding o f the living system. century A D ; Alhazen in the 10th century; Roger Bacon,
O u r 1995 book, {Binocular Vision andStereopsis , by I. P. Joh n Peckham, and Vitcllo in the 13th century; and
Howard and B. J. Rogers) dealt only with binocular vision. Aguilonius, Kepler, and Newton in the 17th century. They
In 2 0 0 2 we published Seeing in D epth , which dealt with all wrote books with titles containing either the word
all visual cues to depth. The scope o f the present three “optics” or the word “perspective.” The books formed a
volumes has been broadened to include distance perception continuous tradition.
by senses ocher than vision. Table 1.1 lists the sources o f Som e o f these works have been translated into English
information that animals use to detect the distances o f only recently. M ost visual scientists are unaware o f this
objects o r a distance traveled. There are also new chapters ancient Perspcctivist tradition, which culminated in
on how humans and animals reach, walk, and navigate in Keplers discovery o f the laws o f image formation in 1604,
three-dimensional space. N ew tons book of Optics in 1670 , and projective geometry.
The topics discussed in Seeingin Depth have been exten­ Many o f the early discoveries o f the Perspectivists, having to
sively revised and brought up to date with che addition o f do with visual perception, were forgotten after the l 7 th
3 ,0 0 0 more references and hundreds o f new figures. century and were rediscovered in the 19th and 2 0 th centu­
ries, without reference to earlier sources.
No account o f the history o f sensory science can ignore
1.1.1 VOLUM E 1
the fact that until modern times, medicine, science, and visual
The first volume provides a historical background and deals science in particular, were associated with mysticism and reli­
with basic coding processes, methods o f investigation, and gious dogma. In Europe before the 18th century, light was
basic visual mechanisms. identified with divine illumination descending from ethereal
It starts with a review o f the history o f our knowledge o f regions down to the earthy sphere of mortal existence.
the visual system, from 5 0 0 B C to the early 2 0 th century. Perception and thought were identified with the soul, and
The study o f visual mechanisms of depth perception has a philosophers were preoccupied with questions concerning
long history. It began in ancient Greece. The study o f audi­ the nature o f the immortal soul. Science and medicine broke
tory mechanisms of depth perception, including echoloca- free from these constraints on rational thought and empirical
tion, and the lateral-line system, did n ot start until the early investigation in the 18th century, although mystical ideas still
2 0 th century. T he otolith organs o f the vestibular system, flourish outside the mainstream o f science.
and sense organs responsible for kinesthesia were discov­ Devices that create imaginary visual worlds have always
ered in the second half o f the 19th century. Electrolocation, fascinated people. The ancients had to rely on masks,
T a b l e 1. /. S O U R C E S O F IN F O R M A T IO N F O R T H F . D E T E C T IO N O F D E P T H

V isual in fo rm ation

M onocular B inocular

Static Dynam ic

Perspective In te rp o s itio n L ig h ting Aerial Focussing Optic flow Vorgencc D isparity

Linear Occlusion Shading Optical haze Image blur Motion parallax Static Occlusion disparity
Texture Transparency Shadow Mist Accommodation Accretion/deletion Changing Position disparity

N on-visual inform ation

Self m ovem ent A u d itio n E lectric fie ld s Heat G eom agnetism O lfaction
Monaural Passive electrolocation
A ctive Passive Binaural Active electrolocation
Kinesthesis Touch
Echo location
Motor efference Otolith organs
Lateral line

puppets, and cheater. Peepshow boxes became popular in processed in complex ways, so that they may be acted on
rhc 15th ccncury. In the 16th century, development o f the and described, n ot merely detected or reconstructed.
camera obscura provided artists with a method for drawing Chapter 4 is an introduction to general principles o f sen­
in perspective. It developed into display systems that pro­ sory coding, starting with detection and going on to dis­
duced panoramic images o f the surroundings. In the 17th crimination, identification, and description.
century the shadow theater was imported into F.uropc from O ver one million axons from each eye feed into the
the East and the magic lantern was invented. During the human visual cortex, more than from all the other sense
18th and 19th centuries most cities in F.urope and America organs combined. The processing of these inputs involves
had panoramas, which were huge painted scenes displayed almost every part o f the cerebral cortex, which contains bil­
round the interior o f large arenas. After W heatstone lions o f neurons. Vision is therefore the main gateway to
invented the stereoscope in 1832, domestic stereoscopes understanding the central nervous system. Chapter 5 is a
became all the rage. Panoramas and stereoscopes were review o f the general physiology o f the visual system, with
eclipsed by the advent o f the cinema. We now have stereo­ an em phasison those mechanisms related to depth percep­
scopic movies and virtual reality displays with which the tion. T he physiology o f other relevant sensory systems is
viewer can interact. These display systems arc reviewed in presented in later chapters.
Chapter 2. The human visual system is the most complex system
Perhaps synthetic worlds will become so real and the known. How did such a system evolve? Chapter 6 starts
real world will become so contrived and managed that the with a discussion o f how eyes evolved independently in sev­
two will be indistinguishable. eral phyla, from simple eyespots to complex lens eyes and
Many psychophysical and analytic procedures have been compound eyes.
used to investigate mechanisms o f depth perception. Chapter 6 continues with an account o f how the visual
Chapter 3 provides a general introduction to these proce­ system develops. As the sense organs and central nervous
dures. Key references arc provided to more detailed system grow, billions o f cells form appropriate synaptic co n ­
treatments. nections, sometimes as many as 2 0 ,0 0 0 on one cell. How do
Perception must start with the detection o f relevant fea­ the multitudes o f growing nerve cells find their proper des­
tures o f the environment. All sensory systems consist o f sen­ tinations and form complex functioning networks? Our
sory cells distributed over a membrane. A stereoscopic understanding o f these processes has progressed rapidly in
movie camera can detect all visible features o f a scene. the last 5 0 years with the advent o f high-resolution m icro ­
Similarly, a microphone can detect all the sounds that a scopes and staining techniques that allow one to observe
human ear can detect. In theory, a movie created by infor­ living neurons and dendritic processes. This is the m ost rap­
mation picked up by a movie camera and microphone can idly developing Held in the whole o f visual science. W ith
be indistinguishable from the real scene. But cameras and these new procedures we can expect m ajor developments in
microphones do n ot perceive, they simply detect and recon­ our understanding of the growth of the visual system. The
struct stimuli. Perception represents the ability to respond complexity o f the visual system and o f the processes respon­
differentially to stimuli, and to discriminate, identify, sible for its growth arc overwhelming. Chapter 6 provides
and describe them. These abilities require that stimuli be only a general overview o f the subject.
The study o f the development o f the system prom ­ che visual axes so as со bring chc two images o f an o b ject o f
ises to be the most fruitful approach to understanding the interest o n to corresponding positions on the retinas.
development o f the whole central nervous system. This is
because, in the visual system, one can most easily see rela­
1 .1 .2 VOLUM E 2
tionships between genetic and experiential factors. Even
before the eyes open, activity arising in the eyes affects the The second volume is devoted to stereoscopic vision in cats
growth o f cell connections in the growing visual cortex. The and primates, including humans. Stereoscopic vision is
study o f the effects o f stimuli arising in the two eyes has defined as the detection o f che 3 -D struccure o f stimuli that
been particularly rewarding in young animals just after their relics on differences between che images in the two eyes.
eyes have opened. In the first place, the routing o f growing These differences are detected by specialized disparity
axons at the optic chiasm provides a model system for inves­ detectors, which occur at various levels of the central
tigating mechanisms o f axonal guidance. Secondly, more nervous system. The physiology o f disparity detectors is
than any other branch o f developmental neuroscience, the discussed in Chapter 11.
study o f the development o f binocular cells in the visual The fact that inputs from corresponding regions in the
cortex has revealed how genetic and experiential factors cwo eyes com bine in the visual corcex gives rise со several
interact. interesting problems. Signals from the two eyes that arise
Although every cell in the body contains the same ch ro ­ from the same object must be distinguished from signals
mosomes, different genes are activated in different types o f that arise from spurious superimposition o f nonmatching
cells and at different times during development. The m ech­ stimuli. M atching signals falling on neighboring points on
anisms that control specific activation o f genes are known .is the two retinas project to the same region in the visual
epigenesis. It has recently been discovered that visual expe­ cortex and fuse to create the impression of one image.
rience in early life activates genes that control development Nonmatching images falling on the same region in the two
o f the visual system. Sensory experience controls gene eyes rival for access to the visual system. Chapter 12 deals
expression even in the adult animal, in the processes respon­ with these issues.
sible for learning. Under certain circumstances, a stimulus seen by both
The study o f the development o f the structure and func­ eyes is perceived more readily and appears brighter than
tion o f the visual system is complemented by behavioral and monocular images. Under other circumstances, superim­
psychophysical investigations o f the developing animal. posed, neighboring, or successively presented binocular
These investigations are reviewed in Chapter 7, with an images engage in mutual suppression. Chapter 13 deals
emphasis on che development o f dcpch perception. Some with these phenomena. It also deals with interocular trans­
functions, such as reflex eye movements, develop under the fer. A visual phenomenon shows interocular transfer when
guidance of genetic factors with little influence from visual an aftereffect generated by presenting a stimulus to one eye
activity. O th er functions, such as stereoscopic vision, shows when only che ocher eye isopen . 'Hie study o f interne-
develop only when certain types of visual activity occur in ular transfer reveals how inputs from the two eyes arc com ­
certain critical time periods. All sensory functions become bined and, to some extent, where they are combined.
finely tuned by experience and complex relationships C hapter 14 deals wich che geomecry o f binocular space.
between them build over many years and even over the It starts by defining coordinate systems used to specify the
whole lifetime. posicions o f images in each eye and che positions of points
Much can be learned about the visual system by in space with respect to borh eyes. In theory, o n e can deter­
studying the consequences of early deprivation of sight in mine the locus o f points in space that project images to cor­
one or both eyes. M onocular deprivation within a critical responding locations in the two retinas. This locus is known
period after birrh severely disrupts vision in the deprived as the horopter. The horopter can also be derived empiri­
eye— a condition known as amblyopia. It also disrupts cally by measuring which points appear fused or aligned.
binocular vision and stereopsis. This topic has attracted a The issues are quite complex.
lot o f attention because o f the clinical importance o f Similar images in the two eyes that are sufficiently
amblyopia. Also, the behavioral and physiological conse­ near each other are combined in the primary visual cortex
quences o f experimentally induced monocular deprivation and passed on for processing to higher levels. The problem
in animals have revealed much about the way * the visual is to determine the stimulus features used bv the visual

system develops and functions. These issues arc reviewed in system to relate images in one retina with those in a corre­
Chapter 8. sponding region o f the other retina. These features could
Chapters 9 and 10 are concerned with oculom otor include proximity, or similarity of contrast, shape, color, or
mechanisms associated with the perception ofdepth. W hen morion. O n e can also ask whether the visual system per­
we attend to an object, the lenses o f the eyes automatically forms image matching only locally or both locally and glob­
accommodate to the correct distance. At the same time, the ally over wide areas. These questions arc discussed in
eyes converge horizontally, vercically, and by rocacion abouc Chapter 15.
Images in the cwo eyes may be superimposed or juxta­ o f absolute distance, depth scaling o f horizontal disparities,
posed to product* a perceptual effect n ot evident when and the perception o f 3 -D shape. These issues are discussed
either image is presented alone. Any such effect is known as in Chapter 20.
a cyclopean effect. Stereoscopic vision is a cyclopean effect An object in one location can influence the perceived
but there arc many others, such as cyclopean figural effects, spatial disposition o f an o b je ct in a neighboring location or
cyclopean m otion, and cyclopean acuity. These effects are o f an object seen successively in the same location. These
discussed in C hapter 16. effects come under the heading o f depth contrast and are
A nother issue o f cyclopean vision discussed in discussed in Chapter 21.
Chapter 16 is how stimuli moving in different directions in The appearance o f an o b je ct or the way we respond to it
the two eyes are unified into an impression o f coherent can be influenced by it.s perceived distance with respect to
mocion in one direction. A related question is how the other objects. For instance, the way an object appears to
directions o f an o b je ct detected by the two eyes are com ­ move with respect to another o b je ct is influenced by how
bined into one perceived direction. A nother interesting the objects are arranged in depth. Also, stimuli that interact
question is whether we arc aware o f which eye is seeing a when in the same depth plane may cease to interact when
stimulus that is presented to only one eye. This is known as separated in depth. This is a useful feature o f perception
utrocular discrimination. because it allows us to concentrate our attention on objects
Because the eyes are spatially separated, the images in in the plane of interest without being distracted by events
the two eyes formed by a three-dimensional display differ. occurring in other depth planes. For example, we can
These differences are known as binocular disparities and visually pursue a moving object at one distance while ignor­
form the basis for stereoscopic vision. Binocular disparities ing potentially distracting motion signals arising from
can involve differences in position, orientation, texture, objects at other distances. These issues are discussed in
color, temporal phase, or m otion. Also, part o f an o b ject Chapter 22.
seen by one eye may not be visible to the other eye, an effect The processing of binocular disparity has temporal as
known as monocular occlusion. Chapter 17 deals with the well as spatial characteristics. The question o f how the visual
extent to which each o f these differences is used as a basis system processes signals that arrive both at different times
for stereopsis. The chapter also asks whether differences in and in different locations is discussed in Chapter 23 .
the positions o f images produced by geometrical illusions Volume 2 ends with an account o f stereoscopic instru­
o r chromatic aberration can form the basis for stereopsis. ments and applications o f stereoscopy.
Discrimination o f differences in depth on the basis o f
binocular disparity is known as stereoacuity. Human stere-
1 .1 .3 VOLUM E 3
oacuity is truly remarkable. Under the best conditions, an
angular disparity o f only about 2 arcscc can be detected, Volume 3 deals with information about depth other than
which is equivalent to detecting a depth interval o f 4 mm at binocular disparity and with how humans and animals
a distance o f 5 m. M ethods for measuring stereoacuity and reach, walk, and navigate in 3 -D space.
the factors that influence it arc reviewed in Chapter 18. Information about depth arising from a specified stimu­
Binocular disparities can be considered on a point-for- lus feature is known as a depth cue. The first four chapters of
point basis and there is evidence that the visual system ini­ Volume 3 are concerned with visual cues to depth. Som e
tially registers disparities this way. Indeed it is difficult to information about the distance of an object can be gained
see how it could be otherwise. Higher levels the visual from the state o f accommodation o f the eyes. Also, the angle
system process patterns of disparities, such as differences in o f convergence o f the eyes could specify the distance o f a
the orientation, size, and shear o f the images in the two eyes. fixated object. However, these sources o f information are
The visual system also registers spatial gradients o f disparity, useful only for near distances because, beyond about 2 m,
including linear gradients that specify Hat surfaces inclined accommodation and vergence change only slightly. Chapter
in depth, and higher-order spatial derivatives o f disparity 25 deals with these processes.
that specify curvature in depth. The geometry o f patterns o f The impression o f depth can be very compelling when
disparity is discussed in Chapter 19. only one eye is open. Chapters 2 6 and 2 7 review the static-
The visual system uses disparities to detect depth steps, monocular cues to depth o f perspective and shading.
surface slant and curvature, and the shapes ol three-dimen­ Chapter 2 8 deals with the dynamic monocular cue o f
sional objects. The eyes are separated horizontally, which motion parallax produced by motion of an observer with
introduces disparities along the horizontal dimension. respect to a 3 -D display. The impression ofd ep th created by
Consequently, it had been generally assumed that only hor­ motion parallax has a striking resemblance to that created
izontal disparities are used to code depth. However, rhe by binocular disparity. Fundamentally, the two sources o f
images from an extended surface also possess vertical dis­ depth information are the same.
parities. We now know that the visual system uses these ver­ The next two chapters deal with how depth cues
tical disparities in a variety of ways, including the perception interact. Depth constancies are one manifestation of this
interaction. Perceptual constancy refers со the abilicy со which do not have color vision, allowed them to discrimi­
perceive a constant feature o f the world when chc proximal nate colors. Binocular cells developed in a goldfish when
scimulus is noc conscanc. For example, we can perceive the inputs from the two eyes were forced to grow into the same
size o f an o b ject in spice o f chc facc chac chc size o f ics rccinal tectum. Tliis indicates how stereoscopic vision could have
image varies wich chc distance o f chc objccc. Also, wre can evolved from a simple rerouting o f axons in the optic
pcrecivc chc shape of an o b ject in spice o f the facc chac chc chiasm. These issues arc also discussed in Chapter 33.
recinal image changes when chc o b je cts disposicion in 3-D Ultimately animals use information about chc distance
space is changed. and three-dimensional structure o f objects to guide their
Depch cues interact in many ocher ways. Informacion movemcncs and chcir manipulation o f objects. Chapcer 3 4
provided by с wo cues may be added or averaged, or one cue reviews chese processes.
may resolve chc ambiguicy of another cue. Cue interaccions W h ile mosc animals rely principally on vision со locacc
are investigaced by introducing conflicts between cues. The objcccs, nocturnal animals and animals living in featureless
conflicc may be resolved by weighting the cues, or one cue environments or opaque water must rely on the sound, heat,
may be ignored. Chapter 3 0 deals these and other ways in or electrical fields generated by objccts or reflected from
which depch information is combined. objcccs. The final chree chapters review the perception of
Ic is imporcanc for any animal со be able со detect the distance by nonvisual senses. M any o f these sensory syscems
mocion of objects in depch. Animals must avoid dangerous were discovered onlys reccndy.
approaching objects, navigate around objects, pursue Chapcer 3 5 reviews chc mechanisms chac allow- animals
retreating prey, and catch approaching prey. Dececcion o f and humans со judge che discances o f sound sources. The
motion in depch is also crucial in games such as crickec, chapcer also describes how ccrcain animals, such as whales,
cennis, and foocball. Pcrccpcion o f mocion in depch has сwo dolphins, and bacs, locacc objeccs by ccholocation.
componencs. The first is dececcion o f how long ic will cake Chapter 3 6 reviews cwo ocher depch-dececcion mecha­
for an objccc со move from one position со another. This is nisms. The firsc is cleccrolocacion. Som e aquatic animals
especially imporcanc when an objccc is on a collision course dccccc electrical pocencialsemicced by ocher animals. Tins is
wich chc animal. The second componenc is dececcion o f chc known as passive electro location. Certain fish cinic electric
direction in which an objccc is moving. Perception o f boch currcncs and chen dececc che discorcions o f che resulting
componencs depends on informacion provided by chc cleccric field produced by objcccs and ocher fish. This is
mocion o f che recinal images. Firsc, each image grows in size, known as active cleccrolocacion.
an etfecc known as looming. Second, che images in che cwo The second mechanism discussed in Chapcer 3 6 is
eyes change in binocular disparicy over time. Third, chc two dececcion o f chc discancc o f a source o f hear. C ertain beetles
images differ in che way chey move. The signals used in che dccccc discan с forcsc fires and fly coward chcin. They lay
visual perccpcion o f objcccs moving in depch and chc ways chcir eggs in chc dead crces. Snakes dccccc che hcac cmicccd
chey are processed in che nervous syscem are discussed in by cheir prey.
Chapcer 31. Ic is remarkable chac several neural mechanisms involved
Much can be learned abouc che visual syscem by scudy- in ccholocation and cleccrolocacion resemble chose used in
ing clinical defcccs and abnormalities. Damage со che eyes che visual syscem. For example, all these syscems involve par­
or chc visual corcex resulcs in defcccs confined со a particu­ allel processing o f discincc fcacures o f che stimuli, which are
lar region o f visual space. Damage со higher centers can pro­ dccccccd by discincc cvpes o f reccpcor. Also, chey all involve
duce visual neglecc, which is an inabilicy со actend со hierarchical processing o f increasingly complex features in
particular regions of space. Brain damage or generic defects higher neural centers.
such as albinism can also produce defcccs o f depch percep­ Navigation involves detection o f boch chc direction and
tion. These issues arc reviewed in Chapcer 32. discancc o f sites beyond che range o f sensory dcccccors. In
W e are largely ignoranc o f how dcpth-detection syscems one form o f navigation, foraging animals keep a record o f
evolved. Buc some insight into chc quescion may be gained che discancc and direction o f cheir movemenc from the
by scudying mechanisms o f depch perception chroughouc home sicc. This is known as pach incegracion. In crue naviga­
chc animal kingdom, from inscccs со mammals. Mosc o f our tion, an animal can dccccc chc location of a discan С home
knowledge abouc depch perccpcion has com e from chc site through information available within a given range. For
study o f cacs, primaces, and humans. Buc chcre is a bewilder­ example, homing pigeons return to cheir home sice from
ing variecy o f visual mechanisms for dececcion o f depch in locations chey have noc visited previously.
che animal kingdom. Chapcer 3 3 briefly reviews some o f Ic has recently been shown that some animals navigate
che highly specialized visual mechanisms chac have evolved by sensing the local direction o f the Earths magnetic field.
in response со che demands o f particular ecological niches. It seems chat some animals do cliis by sensing molecular
Relatively simple changes со an existing sensory system changes produced in special pigments in chc retina. Chapcer
can render an animal sensitive со new stimuli. For example, 3 7 provides only a b rief review' o f che vase copic o f naviga­
injection o f the gene for the red photopigment into mice, tion, with an emphasis on detection o f distance.
Saggital plane M id-body
V ertical axis ‘ or z axis


N aso-tem poral

H orizontal

A nterior-posterior

Figure I I . Axes o f the vertebrate eye. (A fi«r Howland m S Ho<*4 u id 2008)

The basic senses o f vision, audition, couch, smell, and

taste were known in ancient times. The vestibular organs
were discovered in 1875, and the sense organs responsible
for kinesthesia were discovered in die 1880s (see Howard
1982). Infrared sense organs in snakes were discovered in
193 7 (Section 3 6 .2 .2 ). Electrolocation in fish was discov­
ered in 1958 (Section 36.1.2). Sense organs sensitive to the
Earths magnetic field were discovered in the last 2 0 years.
There may be other sensory systems to be discovered.

1 .2 B A S IC T E R M S
An external reference fram e is required to specify the
Consider an axis system consisting o f three orthogonal axes orientation or location of a 3 -D object relative to other
contained in three orthogonal planes. An in trinsic refer­ objects. For the human body, roll is the orientation o f the
en ce system is one that is anchored to identifiable points in median plane, pitch is the orientation o f the frontal plane,
an object. The planes and axes o f a vertebrate eye arc shown and yaw is the orientation of the median plane with respect
in Figure 1.1 using a terminology recommended by to a specified external reference frame.
1 lowland and 1 lowland ( 2 0 0 8 ). The planes and axes o f the The following system is often used in the vision litera­
human body are shown in Figure 1.2. These are both intrin­ ture to specify the orientation o f a surface relative to a verti­
sic reference systems. An intrinsic reference system requires cal reference plane. In this system, slant is the dihedral angle
at least three noncollinear and identifiable points. The firsc between the surface and the vertical reference plane. T i l t is
step is to define a reference point in the object. For the the orientation o f the axis of slant relative to horizontal.
human body, this is the center o f gravity. Then one defines T ilt can also be defined as the orientation to vertical o f the
x,y, and z axes through the reference point with reference plane within which th e normal to the surface moves as the
to identifiable points in the object. In the human body, we surface is slanted. Spin indicates rotation o f the surface
use the midbodv axis (z axis) and лг and axes orthogonal to within its own plane. It is the orientation o f a defined line in
the midbody axis, as shown in the figure. Three orthogonal the surface, such as an axis o f symmetry, with respect to the
planes are then defined, each containing one pair o f axes. original orientation o f that line. These specifications are
T he mid frontal p lan e contains the у and z axes, the illustrated in Figure 1.3.
m idtransverse plane contains the x and у axes, and the In most experiments on the visual perception o f orienta­
median plane (midsagittal plane) contains t h e * a n d saxes. tion the stimulus is a line or flat surface that is rotated about
A frontal p lan e (sometimes called a frontoparallcl plane) is only a single axis: a vertical axis, a horizontal axis, or the
any plane parallel to the midfrontal plane. These axes and visual axis. For such stimuli, the following simplified terms
planes are intrinsic to the 3 -D object and rotate and move will be used. A frontal plane is a vertical plane parallel to the
with the object. coronal plane o f the head. S la n t is the angle o f rotation o f a
Vertical S lanted surface rotated
I in its ow n plane through
an a ng le o f spin



Figure i.J. Illu stration o f tilt, slant, am i sp in . T i lt is th e o rien ta tio n o f the

ax is ab ou t w hich a fron tal surface is slanted . Slan t is the angle through
w hich the surface is rotated ab ou t th e tilt axis. Sp in in the angle through
w hich a surfacc is rotated in its own plane w ith rcsp cct to it» original
o rien tatio n .

line or surface about a vertical axis in a frontal plane, signed

positive in an anticlockwise direction viewed from above.
r»g»r« Ы. D e fin itio n s o f slant, inclination» am i tilt. O th e r co n v en tio n s
Л wall with right side away has positive slant and a wall with
will be defined w hen requ ired.
left side away has negative slant. In clin a tio n is the angle o f
rotation about a horizontal axis in a frontal plane, signed
positive in a top away direction. Л floor surfacc has positive
inclination and a ceiling has negative inclination. S lo p e is
reference are listed in che subject index. A list of portraits is
any slant or inclination o f a surface away from a frontal
provided at the end o f each volume. Also, a list o f journals
plane o f the head. T i l t is che angle o f rotation o f a line from
cited and chcir abbreviacions is provided ac che end of each
the verrical abouc an axis orthogonal со a froncal plane,
signed positive in an anticlockwise direction. Figure 1.4
Throughouc che book, experimencs are suggested, which
illustrates these definitions.
could perhaps decide theoretical issues. These suggestions
The d istan ce o f an o b ject from an observer is sometimes
are printed in italics.
specified by che discancc between the midfrontal plane o f
There is no ocher book in princ dcvoced со che broad
the head and the froncal plane containing the object. Buc ic
copic of depch percepcion. G ibsons 7be Perception o f the
is more useful со specify che discancc of an object in terms
Visual World ( 1 9 5 0 ) was devoced largely со depch percep-
o f its radial distance from an eye or its radial distance from
cion, and his books on ecological optics are relevant (Gibson
a point midway between the eyes (cyclopean eye).
1961, 1 966). There are chapters on depth perception in
Volume 8 of the H andbook o f Sensory Physiology edited by
Held et al. ( 1 9 7 8 ), the H andbook o f Perception an d
1 .3 IN D E X E S A N D R E F E R E N C E S Performance edited by B o l f et al. ( 1 9 8 6 ) , and the Blackwell
H andbook o f Perception edited by Goldstein ( 2 0 0 1 ).
W h en a key term is first introduced, ic is printed in bold There have been several books on stereopsis and bin oc­
type. In the lisc o f references ac che end o f each volume, ular vision, including O gle ( 1 9 6 4 ), Ogle et al. ( 1967),Julcsz
che section numbers where each reference is mentioned ( 1 9 7 1 ), G ulick and Lawson ( 1 9 7 6 ), Solom ons ( 1 9 7 8 ) ,
are entered in square brackets. This lisc serves as che auchor Reading ( 1 9 8 3 ) Regan (1 9 9 1 a ), Howard and Rogers
index. Names o f people noc associated with a specific ( 19 9 5 ) , and Steinman et al. (2 0 0 0 ).
Hooks on vergence and binocular vision includc Schor Reviews o f stcrcopsis and binocular vision have
and Ciuffrcda ( 1 9 8 3 ) , Pickwell ( 1 9 8 9 ) , Schciman and been provided in journals by Arditi ( 1 9 8 6 ) , Tvlcr (1 9 8 3 ,
W ick ( 1 9 9 4 ), Goss ( 1 9 9 5 ), and Noorden and C am pos 1 9 9 1 ), and Patterson and Martin (1 9 9 2 ). Reviews on
( 2 0 0 0 ). Books on more specialized topics arc mentioned specific topics arc cited at the ends o f relevant sections in
throughout the text. the book.

2.1 The Greeks 9 2.7 Advent o f precise measurement 41

2.1.1 Ionian period 9 2.7.1 Precision visual instruments И
2.1.2 Classical period in 2.7.2 Psychophysics and experimental psychology 41
2.1.3 Alexandrian period 11 2.8 Lmpiricist-nativist controversy 12
2.1.4 Extromission and intromission theories i? 2.8.1 The protagonists 42
2.2 Science in the post-Greek period IS 2.8.2 The debate about eye movements 45
2.2.1 Ncscorians and Persians IS 2.8.3 The debate about visual direction 45
— tM I X Contacts with China 19 2.8.4 Debate about binocular vision 47
2.2.3 Indian centers of learning 19 2.9 Discovery o f perspective Г
2.2.4 Visual scicncc in the Arabic Empire 20 2.9.1 Perspective in the ancient world 4 7
2.3 Medieval Europe 2 4 2.9.2 Perspective during the 14th century 49
2.3.1 Medicine and science in Medieval Europe 2 4 2.9.3 Perspective in rhe Renaissance 5/
2.3.2 Lenses and spectacles 27 2.9.4 Devices for drawing in perspective 57
2.4 Hie Renaissance 2 7 2.9.5 Trompe loeil and anamorphic art 59
2.4.1 Background 27 2.10 Binocular vision 61
2.4.2 Leonardo da Vinci 2 S 2.10.1 Ptolemv on binocular vision 62

2.5 16th-and 17th-century Europe 2 9 2.10.2 Alhazen on binocular vision 66

2.5.1 Giovanni della Porta 29 2.10.3 European studies on binocular vision 6$
2.5.2 Benedetto Castelli 30 2.10.4 History o f the horopter 72
2.5.3 Vesalius and the development o f anatomy 31 2.10.5 Physiology o f stereopsis 73
2.5.4 The development o f visual optics 32 2.11 History o f visual display systems 75
2.5.5 Descartes .>5 2.11.1 Early display systems 75
2.6 Beginnings o f visual neuroscience 36 2.11.2 Advent 0 f t he steгсоscope 77
2.6.1 Detailed structure of the nervous system 36 2.11.3 Ster eop hotograp hy 83
2.6.2 Advances in understanding rhe brain 39 2.11.4 Stereoscopic movies $7

2.1 TH E GREEKS developments in all these fields were occurring in India and
C hina at about the same time. Also, C h in a was far ahead in
T he Egyptians anil Babylonians practiced medical ophthal­ many technologies (Needham 1962). There was a strong
mology in the third and second millennia B C (Duke-elder mystical clement in G reek thought. Myscery religions and
1 961). T h e fibers Papyrus, which originated in Egypt before oracles, such as those at Eleusis and Delphi flourished. The
150 0 B C contains an account of ointments used to treat notion o f supernatural agents and the immortal soul per­
diseases o f the eyes (Thorwald 1 9 6 3 ). In both Egypt and meated much o f G reek philosophy and science. However, a
Babylon diseases were thought to be due to malevolent few philosophers, such as Thales and the Epicurians, dis­
supernatural agents. T he Egyptians had some knowledge o f carded these notions in their theories o f the natural world.
practical geometry and astronomy, and we will see that this G reek civilization is divided into three periods: Ionian
knowledge was passed on to the Greeks. However, there do (pre-Socratic), Classical, and Alexandrian.
not seem to be any records about their knowledge of optics
o r vision.
2 .1 .1 IO N IA N P E R IO D
The Greeks laid the foundations o f mathematics, logic,
and political philosophy, ethics, and nacural philosophy in The Ionian period originated in the 6th century B C in
the Western world. However, it must n ot be forgotten that trading cities spread over the Mediterranean coastline,
especially in the region o f Ionia, off* the west coast o f
2 . 1 .2 С I. AS S 1С A 1. P E R I О D
what is now Turkey. T h ales (c. 6 2 4 - 5 4 7 B C ) is credited
with being the first Greek philosopher and mathematician. The classical period o f G reek civilization extended from
He was born and lived in the city o f Miletus on the coast o f 4 8 0 to 3 3 0 B C . It began when the Greeks overcame che
Asia Minor, which at that time was the center o f a large Persians, and Athens became che main center of learning.
trading complex. He visited Egypt and brought back the This was an unsettled period policically, especially during
study o f practical geometry to the Greeks. None o{ his writ­ che Peloponnesian Wars o f 4 1 4 со 4 0 4 B C . After che wars,
ings survive, bur commentaries suggest that he tried to Achens came under the domination o f Sparca for 3 0 years.
explain natural phenomena without reference to supernat­ Nevertheless, G reek art, drama, philosophy, and science
ural agents. flourished during this period.
P y th ag oras (c. 5 6 9 - 4 7 5 B C ) was born on the Greek S o cra te s ( 4 6 9 - 3 9 9 B C ) was born in Athens. His father
island o f Samos. He traveled widely in the Mediterranean was a sculptor. He worked as a stonemason before he
with his merchant father. Iamblichus (Clark 1989) wrote a devoted him self to discussing philosophical issues with the
biography o f Pythagoras. W h en he was about 18 years old, aristocratic youth o f Athens. He questioned popular opin­
Pythagoras visited Miletus, where he probably m et the ions, but offered no clear alternative teaching. It seems that
aging Thales and attended lectures by Anaximander. he produced no written work, and our knowledge o f his
According to Iamblichus, he spent several years in Egypt, thought is derived from the writings o f his pupil Plato.
where he was accepted into the priesthood o f one o f the P lato (c. 4 2 7 - 3 4 7 B C ) was born in Athens o f wealthy
temples. W h en the Persians conquered Egypt in 525 В С parents. He was a devoted student o f Socrates. He lied from
Pythagoras was taken to Babylon, where he became Achens after Socraces was executed in 3 9 9 B C and traveled
acquainted with Babylonian mystical rites. In 5 1 8 , o r ear­ widely in Greece, Egypt, Italy, and Sicily, where he absorbed
lier, he moved from Samos to C roton in southern Italy. 4
Pythagorean ideas chat com bined mysticism and mathemat­
There he founded a secret society devoted to discovering ics. In 3 8 7 B C , Plato returned to Athens and founded the
the mathematical-mystical principles underlying reality. Academy in a park just outside the city. The word “acad­
For the Pvthagorians, numbers had mystical significance by emy” was derived from Academus, the name o f a legendary
which those with knowledge could achieve spiritual purifi­ Greek who had once owned the park. Although there had
cation and union with the divine. M any o f the practices and been schools in Greece, Babylonia, Egypt, and C hina well
beliefs o f the Pythagorians resembled those o f the mystical before this cime, Placos Academy was probably the first pri­
practices o f the Egyptian priesthood. vate school for philosophy. It survived for over 8 0 0 years.
A lcm aeo n (c. 5 4 0 B C ) was born in the G reek city o f Plato remained head o f the Academy for 4 0 years until his
C roto n in southern Italy, probably between 5 4 0 and 5 1 0 death in 3 4 7 B C .
B C . H e would have been aware o f che Pythagorians but Plato’s works consist o f a series o f dialogues between
most scholars believe that he was noc a m em ber o f chac soci- Socraces and ochers. Like Socraces, Plato was chiefly inter-
ecv. He wroce several medical and philosophical works, buc esced in moral philosophy and regarded natural philosophy
only a few fragments have been preserved. Ic has been as an inferior form o f knowledge. In che Tiwacus, Plato
claimed chac Alcmaeon was the first to dissecc a human eye, described the cosm os— the macrocosm— as a living entity
buc chere is no evidence chat he dissected anything other with an immortal soul created by a god (see Bury 1946).
chan che eyes o f animals. He described the path o f the optic Lesser gods created the human body from the four elements
nerve and proposed that the brain is the center o f percep­ o f earth, water, air, and fire. From Alcmaeon he adopted che
tion and intelligence. For Alcmaeon, vision occurred when idea o f a divine immortal soul that dwelled in the brain,
objects are reflected in the surface o f the eye. He developed which was connected to the sense organs. It was the mission
a theory of the immortal soul, which was later adopted and of the reasoning immortal soul to create an internal copy
developed by Plato. (the microcosm) o f the harmony and beauty o f che cosmos
E m p ed o cles (c. 4 9 5 - 4 3 5 BC) was born into a (m acrocosm). A vegetative soul dwelling in the guts was
wealthy family in Acragas (Agrigentum) in souchern Sicily. responsible for bodily functions, lusts, desires, and greed.
He was a flamboyant poet, philosopher, and physician. A vital soul located in the heart was responsible, along with
He was said со possess magical powers by which he could the blood, for higher motives, such as courage, and for excit­
cure plagues, raise che dead, and control the weather. He ing the body into action.
proposed that all chings consisc o f che four clemencs, earth, For Plato, geometry and musical harmonies represented
air, fire, and water. He added the two forces o f attraction the divine unchanging truth behind reality. He rejected art
and repulsion, which he personified as Love and Strife. and sensory impressions as imperfect. The Academy there­
Empedocles was perhaps the first philosopher со produce a fore stressed che teaching o f geometry. However, Placo was
cheorv o f perception. He proposed that objects em it efflu­ noc a creacive mathematician and certainly/ noc a scientist.
ences that vary in shape and size and enter the sensory Am ong che pupils o f che Academy were che geomecers
organs. Eudoxus ( 4 0 8 - 3 5 5 B C ) and T lica ctetu s (417-3 69 ),
whose work laid the foundations for Euclid’s Elements o f ideas derived from Empedocles. He introduced the idea o f
Geometry. Eudoxus, like Thales and Pythagoras before him, images (eidola) emitted from objects and received by the
spent some time as a guest o f the Egyptian priesthood. He senses, where they give rise to sensation (aesthesis) and
taught M cn aech m u s ( 3 8 0 - 3 2 0 B C ) , who seems to have thought (noesis).
been the first person to describe the conic sections. Ep icuru s ( 3 4 1 - 2 7 0 B C ) was born on the island o f
A risto tle ( 3 8 4 - 3 2 2 B C ) was born in northern Greece Samos. He spent some time in Athens, where he probably
but grew up in Macedonia bccausc his father was physician attended Plato’s Academy and the Lyceum. However, he
to the King o f M acedonia. At the age o f 17 Aristotle was rejected Plato’s ideal forms and adopted the atomistic
sent to study in Plato’s Academy in Athens, where he system o f Democritus. In the year 3 0 6 B C , he and a group
remained for 2 0 years. Plato was 44 years older than o f followers established a school in Athens known as the
Aristotle, and conflicts between the two men soon devel­ G ard en . Unlike the other schools it admitted women and
oped. Unlike Plato, Aristotle valued the empirical study o f slaves. M embers pledged themselves to a life o f simple co m ­
natural phenomena. In 3 4 3 B C , King Philip o f Macedonia munity and the study o f the master’s philosophy.
appointed Aristotle to be tutor to his son Alexander. Epicurus, like Democritus, did n ot believe that super­
Aristotle returned to Athens in 3 3 5 B C , where he founded natural agents controlled natural processes. He believed
the Lyceum. W h en factions opposed to Alexander became that the soul was corporeal and did not survive after death.
active in Athens in 3 2 3 , Aristotle fled from Athens and died Consequently, Jews, and Christians rejected these beliefs.
o f disease in 3 2 2 B C . Epicurus rejected all forms o f superstition and magic. He
Aristotle was an encyclopedist and observer o f natural claimed that gods exist in the hearts o f men rather than in
phenomena. But, for him, every living thing had a soul that the heavens. The Garden, along with the other Athenian
sought perfection and union with the divine. The human Schools, was disbanded in A D 5 2 9. There was a revival of
soul consists o f three faculties— nutritive, sensitive, and an interest in Epicurianism with the publication o f Pierre
immaterial rational soul (nous). Nevertheless, Aristotle was Gassendi ’s L ife an d M anners o f Epicurus in 1647. This book
an empiricist in that he believed that all knowledge has its influenced the British philosophers Thomas Hobbes, John
source in sensation. He distinguished five senses and three Locke, and John Stuart Mill, as well as Thomas Jefferson.
perceptual qualities (sensibles). Proper qualities, such as F.picurus was an empiricist, holding that all knowledge
color and sound, were peculiar to one sense organ. C om m on originates from sensations derived from the five senses.
qualities, such as motion or shape, were apprehended by However, he was primarily a philosopher rather than a sci­
more than one sense organ. Inferential qualities were those entist. In his theory o f perception he adopted the ideas o f
associated with a familiar o b ject or person. He distin­ Democritus. According to these ideas, objects em it thin
guished between immaterial forms received by sense organs replicas (eidola) composed o f atoms that contact sense
and the material objects from which the forms arise. organs to producc sensations. W ith the aid o f memory, gen­
However, he had no clear conception o f what he meant by eral abstract ideas are developed and used to classify sensa­
forms. It is odd that Aristotle placed the seat o f sensation tions into recognizable categories. Errors occur only when
and reasoning in the heart. the wrong category is applied to a given sensation.
W h en Aristotle left Athens he bequeathed his library H ip p o cra tcs (c. 4 6 0 - 3 8 0 B C ) was born on the island
and manuscripts to his student Th eo p h rastu s (c. 3 7 0 - 2 8 6 o f C o s (K os) o ff the coast o f Asia M inor, where he founded
B C ). Theophrastus became director o f the Lyceum and for a medical school. He has been called "the father o f m edi­
the remainder o f his long life he made Aristotle’s theories cine.” The Hippocratic Corpus consists o f about 6 0 trea­
widely known. We are indebted to Theophrastus for most tises. People other than Hippocrates probably wrote most
o f our knowledge ofearly Greek visual science. and perhaps all o f them. The best-known treatise is the
D e m o critu s (c. 4 6 0 - 3 7 0 B C ) was born in Abdera in Hippocratic oath, which was most likely n ot written by
Thrace into a noble and wealthy family. He visited F.gypt, Hippocratcs. Hippocrates and his followers, including
Persia, and India. A t some time he was instructed in Herophilus, dissected animal and human eyes and described
Pythagoreanism and became a disciple o f Leucippus, from the main parts o f the cvc.
whom he acquired the atomic theory. He was interested in
all branches o f science. H e eventually returned to Abdera,
2 . 1 .3 A L E X A N D R IA N P E R IO D
where he gave public lectures.
According to the atomic theory, the world is composed The Alexandrian period of Greek civilization began in 3 3 0
o f an infinite number o f indivisible atoms in the void o f B C , when rhe center o f learning shifted from Athens to
space. The atoms differ in shape, arrangement, and magni­ Alexandria, the Egyptian city founded by Alexander che
tude. All natural events are due to the endless aggregation Great. Pharaoh Ptolemy Soter (died 2 8 3 B C ) was the first
and disaggregation of atoms. There are no gods but the Greek ruler of F.gypt. Like Alexander, he had been a stu­
whole universe is animated by a soul, which is made o f rhe dent o f Aristotle. He founded the Museum o f Alexandria,
lightest and most mobile atoms. Dem ocritus expanded using state funds to support over 100 scholars. It contained
a huge library, lecture rooms, an observatory, a zoo and
2 . 1 .3 b E u clid
botanical garden, and dissecting and operating rooms.
Several scholars from Aristotle’s Lyceum were brought over Euclid (c. 3 2 3 - 2 8 5 B C ) was born one year before Aristotle
from G reece to help in founding the Museum. died. It is n ot known where he was born, but he lived in
G reek rule over Alexandria ended in 3 0 B C , when Alexandria. Euclid was familiar with the geometry o f
Egypt becam e a Roman province and the last Egyptian pha- Eudoxus and Thcactctus, who worked in Plato’s Academy in
raoh, Q u een Cleopatra, died. Part o f the great library was Athens. This suggests that Euclid studied in the Academy.
destroyed during Caesars siege o f Alexandria. The other Euclid’s thirteen books o f the Elements o f Geometry
part survived until A D Зб 1. when it was destroyed by a mob placed the whole o f geometry known at that time into an
after the Christian emperor Theodosius ordered thedestruc- orderly sequence. The Elements were written in G reek but
tion o f pagan temples. Thus, G reek science survived in were later translated into Arabic. They were first translated
Alexandria for several centuries after the cicv cam c under into Latin from the Arabic by Adclard of Bath (c. 1 0 8 0 -
Roman rule. Alexandria became a city of schools, many of 1152), tutor to Henry II o f England. The first translation
which were devoted to mystery religions. into English was by Sir I lenry Billingsley in 1570. It was che
There were four main strands in philosophy and science primary textbook o f geometry at least until the advent o f
in Alexandria. The first was the development o f a medical non-Euclidcan geometry in the 19th century. It is one o f
school in which dissection o f human bodies was first prac­ the most published and studied books o f all time.
ticed. The second was the development o f mathematics and O th er extant works o f Euclid include two other works
the application o f geometry to the visual system. The third on geometry {D ata and On Divisions), a book on astron­
was the development o f astronomy. Finally, Alexandria was omy ( Pbaenom ena ), and the Optics.
a cosmopolitan commercial city, where people o f many Euclid’s Optics was written in Alexandria in about 3 0 0
races and from many countries interacted. It became the B C . It is the earliest known book on the subject. Burton
center o f diverse syncretic mystical cults that combined ele­ ( 1 9 4 5 ) produced an English translation. The term “optics"
ments from different religions, including Judaism, is derived from the G reek word for vision. Until the 17th
Hinduism, Christianity, Gnosticism, and Zoroastrianism. century, optics was mainly che science o f vision. It included
the study o f reflection (catoptrics) and refraction (diop­
trics) because of their effects on vision. The term “optics”
2 . 1 . 3 a Herop hilus and Erasistratus
now refers to the physics o f light, whether visible or not.
Ihere were several physicians in rhe Museum o f Alexandria. New terms such as “physiological optics,” “ophthalmology,”
Herophilus ( 3 3 5 - 2 8 0 B C ) and Erasistratus ( 3 0 4 - 2 5 0 B C ) optometry," and “visual science” are used for the study o f
have been described as the fathers o f anatomy. They dis­ vision and visual perception.
sected human cadavers in public and for the first time. It Aristotle and other G reek scholars before Euclid had
seems that they alsodissected living criminals (Fraser 1972). applied geometry to vision but Euclid’s Optics was the first
Egypt had an ancient tradition o f dissecting bodies as part systematic treatment. It laid the foundation for geometrical
o f the process o f mummification. optics, leading through Ptolemy and Alhazen to Kepler. In
The anatomists in the Museum described the nerves the G reek period, the mathematical approach to vision
leaving the brain and spinal cord as a network o f fibers dis­ became distinct from the philosophical approach and devel­
tinct from tendons and blood vessels. They dissected the oped a distinct terminology. People following the mathe­
human brain, described the convolutions o f the cerebral matical tradition that was built on the geometry o f light
cortex, and distinguished between sensory and motor rays became known as Perspectiviscs. They laid the founda­
nerves. They also discovered the brain ventricles, from tion for the use o f perspective in cartography and painting,
which they believed vital spirits flowed to the muscles along and for projective geometry and visual science. The philo­
hollow nerve fibers. sophical tradition continued as metaphysics and cpistcmol-
Many G reek philosophers, including Alcmaeon, ogy. The two traditions are still with us,each with its distinct
Anaxagoras ( 5 0 0 - 4 2 8 B C ) , and Hippocrates ( 4 6 0 - 3 7 5 literature. There is little con tact between them.
B C ) proposed that the brain was the center o f mental activ­ Euclid’s Optics begins with seven definitions, or postu­
ity and visual perception. However, Aristotle, Empedocles, lates. They declare that light proceeds from the eye in
and other G reek philosophers continued to place the straight lines in the form o f a cone, or pyramid, with its apex
center o f thinking in the heart and relegated the brain to centered on the eye. O n ly objects on which the cone o f light
cooling the blood. O n this question, Aristotle’s disciple, fills arc visible. O b jects subtending a larger angle at the eye
Theophrastus, disagreed with Aristotle and placed the appear larger. O b jects intersecting rays higher in the cone
center o f sensation in the brain. The anatomists o f in are seen above those intersecting lower rays, and objects
the Museum o f Alexandria did n ot doubt that the brain intersecting rays to the left are seen to the left o f those inter­
was rhe center for sensation, thinking, and the control secting rays to the right. Today we would encompass these
o f action. postulates by setting up polar coordinates on the retina.
The seventh postulate states that objects on which more Today we distinguish between the geometry o f retinal
rays fall are seen more clearly. This postulate arose from images (physiological optics) and accounts o f visual sensa­
Euclid’s assumption that the visual pyramid contains a fixed tions (psychophysical functions), because we know that a
number o f distinct rays. W it h increasing distance, an object given retinal image produces different sensations depending
becomes less visible because fewer rays strike it. Eventually on the context. Euclid knew nothing about the retinal image.
the object becomes invisible because it falls between rays. He did not describe experiments or apparatuses since he was
The same idea can be expressed in modern radiomctry or in concerned only with the geometry o f light rays and relied on
wave optics (Koenderink 1982). Theoretically, we can now mathematical proof. Presumably, he made visual observa­
divide light flux into rays, each containing one photon per tions buc he did not mention such things as shape constancy
unit time. The amount o f spatial information available to or aftereffects, which do noc follow from his cheorems.
any optical instrument is the number o f rays tailing on the Euclid described how a near objecc occludes a far objccc
instrument per unit area. N o optical instrument can exceed by an extenc that varies with the position o f cheobjeccs with
the limit imposed by the discrete nature o f light quanta and respect to the horizon and their distances from the eye. He
the wavelength o f light. Additional limitations on the spa­ extended this analysis to explain how an eye can n ot sec the
tial sampling of the image in an optical system are imposed whole of one half of a sphere. H e then described how two
by the optics o f the system and by the density o f receptors. eyes see more o f a sphere or cylinder than either eye alone
Euclid derived 6 5 theorems from his seven postulates. when the object is smaller than the interocular distance. He
Nearly all the theorems are concerned with geometrical was thus aware that the two eyes obtain different views o f a
relationships between the lengths and directions o f light solid object but did n ot state that this is a cue to depth. We
rays and the angles subtended at the eye by lines, arcs, and refer to this type o f difference between the two eyes’ views
surfaces. Although Euclid wrote about the appearance o f as occlusion disparity to distinguish it from disparity in the
objects, most o f his theorems refer only to the geometry o f positions o f the images o f the same o b ject (Section 17.2).
what we now call the optic array. A few o f the later th eo ­ W e refer to depth impressions caused by occlusion dispari­
rems refer to illusions, or perceptual effects arising from ties as da Vinci stereopsis (Section 17.3).
properties o f the visual system. Several o f Euclid’s theorems describe the basic principles
Today we would express almost all Euclid’s theorems as o f linear perspective. They declare that line elements sub­
statements linking the geometry o f light rays to the shapes tend different visual angles to an eye according to their rela­
and positions o f retinal images, without any reference to tive inclinations to the line o f sight and their distances from
appearances. The theorems form part o f whac we call physi­ che eye. Theorem 6 scates that parallel receding lines on a
ological optics. Euclid’s theorems and proofs are still valid, horizontal surface appear to converge. Theorem 8 states
except for his statements about emission o f light rays from chat "Equal and parallel magnitudes unequally discan с from
the eye. But direction of the rays docs n ot affect the geom­ che eye do noc appear (inversely) proportional to their dis­
etry. Several o f Euclid’s theorems are listed in Table 2.1 with tance from che eye.” Euclid’s cheorem is correct for a spheri­
corresponding statements in terms o f the geometry of the cal image plane like the retina, as shown in Figure 2.1.
retinal image. Image size is inversely proportional to distance only for a

T a b le 2 .1 . A S F .I .F .C T I O N O F F .U C L I D ’ S T H E O R E M S W I T H E Q U I V A L E N T S T A T E M E N T S IN M O D E R N T E R M S


Fu r л h o riz o n ta l s u r fa c c lo c a te d a b o v e ey e le v e l, th e p a rt* fu rth e r M o re d is ta n t o b je c t s o n a c e ilin g p la n e p r o je c t o n th e re tin a ab ov e

away a p p e a r low er. n e a re r o b je c t s .

A n a r c o f a c ir c le p laced o n th e sam e p la n e as th e eye a p p e a rs as a A n a rc in a p la n e c o n ta in in g th e n o d a l p o in t

s tra ig h t lin e . p r o je c ts o n th e re tin a as a s tra ig h t lin e .

W h e n th e c v c a p p ro a c h e s a sp h ere, th e p a rt seen w ill b e le ss, b u t W h e n th e eye a p p ro a c h e s a sp h e re , le ss o f its su rfa c c p r o je c ts o n th e

w ill seem to b e m o re . re tin a b u t th e im a g e in c re a s e s in a re a .

l o r a sp h e re w ith a d ia m e te r sm a lle r th a n th e d is ta n c e b e tw e e n th e F o r a sp h e re w ith d ia m e te r less th a n th e in tc r o c u la r d is ta n c e , th e

ey e s, m o re th a n th e h e m isp h e re w ill b e se en . c\rc lo p c a n im a g e e x te n d s b e y o n d h alf th e sp h ere.

W i e n th e e y e m o v es n e a re r to an o b je c t , th e o b je c t w ill ap p e a r to The mac o f t h e im a g e o f a n o b je c t is i n \ c r * c l y p r o p o r t i o n a l t o th e

g ro w larg er. d is t a n c e o f t h e o b je c t f r o m t h e e y e .

W h e n o b je c t s m ove a t e q u a l sp e e d , th o se m o re r e m o te м е с т to T h e a n g u la r v e lo city o f an o b je c t m o v in g a t con% tant lin e a r v e lo city is

m ove m o re xlowlv.
in v ersely p r o p o r tio n a l to its d is ta n c e .
А 8 his work in Alexandria, where he interacted with men who
^ - ч ч Im age planes had studied with Euclid. He was called “The great geom e­
ter.” He was a contem porary o f Archimedes o f Syracuse
( 2 8 7 - 2 1 2 B C ) , another giant o f mathematics. His main
work was che treatise on conics ( Conica ). It provided a gen­
eral theory ol conic sections, to which he gave che names
ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola. These words com e from
Greek words meaning “to fall shore ofT “to throw as far as,”
and “to chrow lurcher chan,” respectively. Originally, chev
probably referred to throwing rhe javelin. Apollonius was
apparently che firsc person со realize that the curves are sec­
bi*«rc 2 . 1. It I usem itart o f Euclid'* theorem S. The image produced on a flat tions o f one circular cone. He generated a circular cone by
im age plane by vertical line В is tw ice at lo n g as th a t produced by line anchoring the center o f a line and swinging one end round
A , tw ice as far from th e eve. B u t th e image produced on a spherical
che rim o f a circle. This generated cwo cones meeting at a
im age plane by line В is less chan tw ice th at p roduced by a line tw ice
as far from th e eve. In deriving theorem 8 Euclid used л diagram that
point. W'hen he cut a section through one cone to produce
illu strated p ro jectio n o n a curved surface. a hyperbola a second hyperbola was produced in che ocher
cone. Thus, che cwo branches o f che hyperbola were seen as
a single curve. However, no G reek geomecer fully general­
flat retina (Section 26.1.2 ). Several theorems deal with co n ­ ized che conic sections to include che plane or line. He came
ditions under which circles appear as ellipses. close со developing che notion o f axes.
O n e o f his theorems describes how a line element o f a G reek geomecrv, like che geomecry o f the ancient
given length subtends the same angle when its ends touch a Egyptians, was grounded in the metrical measurement o f
circle passing through che eye. Another describes how a fixed lines, angles, and areas. Abstract notions o f the continuum
object subtends the same angle when the eye moves along an o f points on a line, points at infinity, and nonmetric gcom-
arc o f a circle passing through the ends o f the object. This etries such as topology were alien to G reek choughc.
theorem is a short step from proving that the horopter is a O f che ciglu books o f che Conica only che firsc four were
circle through the two eyes and the fixated object, but chis preserved in Greek. However, chree o f che last four books
p ro o f had со wait until 1804 (Section 2.10.4). had been cranslaced by Arabic scholars in Baghdad in che
Seven o f che final theorems deal with visual mocion. 9th cencury and becam e known in Europe after they
O n e describes how an o b ject moving at the same speed as were translaced inco I.acin in 1661. An F.nglish cranslacion
che eye seems со scand still, while objects moving at ocher was produced by 'loonier ( 1 9 9 0 ). The writings o f Euclid
speeds appear to move. Another states that a stationary and Apollonius dominaced geomecry for cwo chousand
o b ject appears to move in the opposite direction to the years. The theory o f conic sections developed into the
motion o f nearby objects. W e call chis induced motion theory ol perspective and projective geometry (see Sections
(Section 2 2 .7 ). Ocher theorems state thac, as che eye moves 2.9 and 3.7.2c).
toward an object, the object seems to grow larger, and thac H eron o f A lexan d ria wroce on optics in abouc che year
an object increasing in sire appears to approach che eye. A I) 62 . He explained che laws o f reflection by the principle
Finally, Euclid stated that o f objects moving ac equal speed, chac lighc rays travel by che shorcesc pach, and developed a
chose more remoce seem slower. mechod for solving quadratic equations. He also invenced
O n che face o f it, these seven final theorems seem со che pneumatic device known as Heron s Fountain.
refer со percepcual effects chac Euclid had observed. I f any imporcanc advances in vision occurred in che 4 5 0
However, even these theorems may be restated in terms o f years becween che 3rd century B C and Ptolemy in che 2nd
geomecrical objcccs. For example, che chcorcm on image cencury A D all records o f chem have been lose (Hahm
size could be restated in the following way. An increase in 1978).
che size o f an objccc ac a fixed distance may create the same
change in che bundle o f lighc rays as chac crcaccd by an
2 . 1 .3 d Ptolemyф
approaching o b ject o f fixed size. So, finally, there is some
uncertainty about whether F.uclid was writing only about Claudius Ptolemaeus, or P tolem y (c. A D 1 0 0 - 1 7 5 ) , was a
geometrical properties o f lighc rays chac he had deduced or Greek-speaking astronomer, optician, and geographer living
abouc visual phenomena chac he had observed. in Alexandria during che reigns o f rhe R om an emperors
Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius. Although past its heyday,
Alexandria was still a greac center o f learning.
2 . 1 . 3 c Apollonius
Ptolemy is besc known for his work on planetary orbics,
Apollonius (c. 2 4 0 - 1 9 0 B C ) was born in the Greek city of which h esero u c in che M athcrnatikesyntaxis. Arabic schol­
Perga on the southern coast o f Asia Minor. He did most o f ars called ic A / tnaghesti, meaning "che greatest book.”
In F.uropc ic became known a s the Almagest. Ptolemy’s In Book II, Ptolemy discussed light and color and various
Geographia contains procedures for making maps and co n ­ classes o f stimuli, such as objects, sky, and shadows. He
tains 2 7 maps (sec Section 2.9.1). He also wrote Tetrabiblos, divided vision into three stages. The first involved the initial
a book on astrology in which he speculated about the influ­ contact between the eye and rays extending to external
ence o f planetary configurations on human affairs. objects. The second stage involved the immediate registra­
Som e time later, Ptolemy• wrote a five-volume work in tion o f simple visual properties such as color, size, and dis­
Greek, entitled Optics. It received little attention in tance. The third stage involved perceptual judgments
Ptolemy’s time. However, after its translation into Arabic, derived by inference from the simple properties.
probably in the 9th century, it became known to Arabic According to Ptolemy, visual Hux leaves the eyes at great
scholars and formed one o f the foundations for Alhazens speed to strike external objects and feel them. The further
Rook o f Optics in the 11th century. The first book o f the flux extends from the eye the weaker its capacity to sense
Ptolemy’s Optics and parts o f rhe fifth book were lost before what it touches. The direction o f an o b ject is detected by
Alhazens time. The other parts survive in a Latin transla­ the angle the ray makes with the visual axis (II, 2 6 ). T he size
tion o f the Arabic version made during the latter h alf o f the o f an o b jcct is provided by the angle formed at the eye by
12th century by Emir (Admiral) Eugene o f Sicily. the ravs from the extremities o f the object. The distance and
A t that time Sicily was flourishing under Norman rule slant o f a near o b jcct are apprehended by the lengths o f the
and was a meeting place for Arabic, Byzantine, and Greek rays that strike its surface. The distance o f a far object is
scholars and for scholars from Western F.uropc. Latin ver­ apprehended by the dimm ing o f the image with increasing
sions o f Ptolemy’s Optics from the I 4 t h century still survive distance.
in Berlin, Paris,and the Bodleian Library,Oxford. Alhazens He described how an o b je c ts perceived size depends on
Rook o f Optics was translated into Latin with the title De its angular subtense, its distance, and its inclination to the
aspectibus at about the same time. Alhazens book eclipsed frontal plane (II, 5 2 - 6 2 ) . He noted that a change in the
Ptolemy’s Optics, which became almost forgotten until very perceived distance of an object allects its perceived size.
recently. Govi published a Latin version in 1885. Lcjcunc These ideas form the basis o f what wc call size constancy
(1 9 5 6 ) produced a greatly improved annotated version of and shape constancy. H e discussed lateral motion in terms
the Latin text and a translation into French (Lcjcu nc 1989). o f the changing visual rays intersecting an objcct, and
Smith ( 1 9 9 6 ) produced an English translation. The brack­ motion-in-depth in terms o f shortening or lengthening o f
eted numbers in the following refer to volume and para­ rays (II, 7 6 - 8 1 ) . He described how shading creates an
graph numbers in Sm ith’s translation. impression o f 3-D in an otherwise flat surface (II, 128).
Historians of science have concentrated on the sections Ptolemy described several visual illusions. For example,
o f Ptolemy’s Optics that deal with what we now call physical he described how a person on a stationary boat on a swiftly
optics, but Ptolemy’s real interest was in vision and visual flowing river perceives the boat as moving. We refer to this
perception. He adopted Euclid’s geometrical analysis o f phenomenon as visually induced self-motion, or vection.
visual ravs, but his investigations extended into visual per­ W h en the person looks at the shore the river appears to
ception and, particularly, visual illusions. Ptolemy described move and the b o at is seen to be stationary (II, 131).
light as a form of energy, and realized that objects are not He also described how the portrait of a face appears to
visible unless illuminated. He nevertheless retained the follow a moving observer. He explained how the gaze o f
notion that light is emitted from the eye in the visual the painted face remains aligned with the visual axis of the
pyramid— a cone-shaped bundle o f rays that produce viewer as it would if the face were real and moved with the
sensations when they strike an object. He placed the apex of viewer (II, 133).
the pyramid at the center o f curvature o f the cornea. He Books II and HI also contain an account o f the geom e­
insisted that light rays form a continuous bundle rather try o f binocular vision. This account is described in detail in
than a set o f discrete rays separated by spaces, as Euclid had Section 2.10.1 o f this chapter.
postulated. He pointed out that if light rays were discrete, Books III and IV deal with reflection (catoptrics),
objects would appear discontinuous and a small o b jcct that including reflection from convex, concave, and polygonal
fell between rays would become visible again if the eye mirrors.
moved. The rays arc what wc now call visual lines, and the Book V deals with refraction. Phenomena due to refrac­
central ray, or “proper axis,” is the visual axis. He argued that tion, such as the apparent bending o f a half-submerged
only the central ray, which is normal to the corneal surface, o b jcct and the magnification o f objects seen through a
forms a clear sensation. O th er rays fall on the cornea bottle o f water, were well known to the Greeks and Romans,
obliquely and produce blurred impressions in the visual but Ptolemy seems to have been che first to investigate
periphery. He had no clear idea o f image formation and refraction quantitatively. He measured angles o f incidence
made no mention o f the optic nerves or brain. and refraction by h a lf submerging a protractor in water
Book 1 is lost but a summary in Book II indicates that and aligning a point seen in rhe water with a point above
Book I dealt with the relationship between light and the eye. the water (Delam brc 1912). He did this for various
com binations o f transparent media, and set out the results (c. A D 3 7 0 - 4 1 5 ) taught mathematics and philosophy in
in a table. He concluded that the ratio o f these two angles is the Neoplatonist school in Alexandria. She became head o f
constant for a given pair o f media. This is approximately this school in about A D 4 0 0 . For Christians, the teaching
true for small angles. The correct rule is that the ratio o f the o f the school was heresy, and Hypatia was murdered by a
sines o f the angles is constant. Christian m ob in the year 4 15 . It is ironic that the teachings
Several other Greek geometers flourished in Alexandria o f Plotinus and the occult Ncoplatonic 2nd-century litera­
after Ptolemy. These included D io p h a n tu s (c. A D 2 0 0 - ture from Alexandria became the focus o f interest in
284) and Pappus (c. A D 2 9 0 - 3 5 0 ) . Pappus wrote Christian Renaissance Italv.
M athem atical Collections, which is a commentarys on all
G reek mathematics known in his time. It deals with rhc
2 .1 .3 Г G a le n
geometry of spirals, conic sections, and other curved sur­
faces. Tw o well-known theorems bear his name. O n e of’ Galen (c. A D 1 2 9 - 2 0 1 ) was born in Pergamon, Asia Minor,
them concerns the generation o f a solid by revolution of a which was part o f the Roman Empire. He was the son o f an
plane and the other is a generalization o f the theorem of architect and was educated in Pergamon, Smyrna, and
Pythagoras, which is now part o f projective geometry. Alexandria. He practiced medicine in Pergamon, and was
Pappus was the first to announce the invariance o f cross- involved in healing gladiators in the amphitheater. At age
ratios o f four collinear points in polar projection (Section 3 2 he went to Rome, where he became a friend o f Emperor
3.7.2c). There was little advance in geometry between the Marcus Aurelius and physician (medicus) to three succeed­
3rd and 17th centuries. ing emperors. M uch o f his extensive writing perished in a
The surviving part o f the great library in Alexandria was fire in A D 191. His book l)e иfa parti ton corporis hum ani
destroyed by a mob in A D 361 after the Christian emperor (O n the uses o f parts o f the human body), which he c o m ­
Theodosius ordered the destruction o f pagan temples. pleted in A D 175, is available in English translation
To understand this period o f history, and subsequent (May 1 9 6 8 ). It consists o f 17 books, with Book 10 devoted
developments in European thought, we must take a look at to the eyes.
the conglomeration o f intellectual and mystical ideas in Galen dissected pigs, oxen, goats, and tailless apes, but
Alexandria at that time. n ot humans. He also experimented on living animals. For
example, he cut nerves and the spinal cord to reveal what
functions they served. Sometimes he erroneously general­
2 . 1 .3 e A le x a n d ria as a C e n c c r o f M y stery R e lig io n s
ized his findings to humans. He based his anatomy o f the
During the early centuries A D Alexandria was a melting eye on Herophilus of Alexandria, who described the eyeball
por o f mystical ideas deriving from Egyptian mystery cults, and optic nerve in about 3 0 0 B C . The optic chiasm was first
Hinduism, Persian Zoroastranism, Judaism, Christianity, described by Rufus o f Ephesus (c. A D 5 0 ) working in
and Greek mysticism. Alexandria. A spherical lens at the center o f the eye was
In the 2nd century A D the Christians set up a school thought to be the recipient organ and an extension of the
next to the Museum to counter what they regarded as heret­ brain. Galen regarded the retina as an organ that nourishes
ical teaching. O n e of its students, A m m o n iu s Saccas, the lens. It has been suggested that the lens was placed at the
turned against an exclusively Christian dogma and founded center o f the eye because it tends to migrate there in the
the Eclectic school, in which he advocated the idea o f a dead eye. Galen also proposed that each optic nerve is a
universal brotherhood based on a mix o f several mystery hollow tube, which projects from the rear surfacc o f the lens
religions. to the lateral cerebral ventricle on its own side o f the brain.
P lotin u s (A D 2 0 4 - 2 7 0 ) studied at the Eclectic He referred to these ventricles as the thalami, meaning
school for many years. He was born in Egypt but traveled in “inner chambers,” but overlooked the organ that we now
Persia and studied Indian philosophy before going to live in call the thalamus.
Rome, Plotinus was the founder o f what came to be According to Galen, “visual spirit,” or pneuma, is co n ­
known as Neoplatonism. Neoplatonism epitomizes the veyed from the brain to the eye along the hollow optic
syncretic fusion o f mystical thought from many cultures nerve. Pneuma leaves the eye and interacts with the air to
that occurred in Alexandria at that time. The writings o f form a sentient medium, which extends to distant objects.
Plotinus and those o f his student Porphyry exerted an This is essentially the same cxtromission theory developed
influence on the G nostic cults that arose in Alexandria. by the Stoics and Platonists 6 0 0 years earlier (Section 2.1.4).
These ideas became fashionable again in Renaissance Italy. He argued that visual spirit conveys sensations from the
An Islamic Neoplatonism is evident in contemporary lens along the optic nerve to the cerebral ventricles, where it
Sufi theology. mixes with “animal spirit.” Animal spirit is generated in the
Tlieon (c. A D 3 3 5 - 4 0 5 ) taught mathematics and base of the brain from “vital spirit” arriving from the heart.
astronomy in Alexandria and was one o f the last members o f The animal spirit is stored in the cerebral ventricles and
the Museum before it was destroyed. His daughter Hypatia circulates through nerves to different parts of the body.
Galen discovered the ventricles by dissecting a sheeps brain. emission theory, and the intromission theory. Each o f them
The notion that circulating fluids carry sensory information occurred in various forms.
and signals to muscles was consistent with the prevailing The extrom ission th eo ry is o f uncertain origin but it
theory o f four vital fluids, or humors. Л hydraulic theory o f has been identified with the Stoic philosopher Heraclitus
brain function survived into the 17th century and was (c. 5 3 5 - 4 7 5 B C ) and with Empedocles (c. 4 9 5 - 4 3 5 B C ).
adopted by Descartes. Galen rejected Artistotle's notion The theory was adopted by Alcmaeon, who was associated
that the seat o f sensation is in the heart. He concluded from with the Pythagorean school (early 5th century B C ) . Plato
observing effects o f head injuries that the brain is the seat o f (c. 4 2 7 - 3 4 7 B C ) , and Hipparchus ( 1 6 0 - 1 2 5 B C ) . Galen
“reason,” or 'mind,” rather than an organ tor cooling the adopted essentially the same theory in the 2nd century A D
blood, as Aristotle had proposed. (Cherniss 1933).
Galen stated that th co p tic nervescombine in die chiasm In the Timaeus Plato proposed a variant of the extromis-
to unite impressions from the two eyes into a single image sion theory. A stream o f light corpuscles from the eye
and direct the flow o f visual spirit into one eye when the coalesces with external light rays to create a sensory ray
other eye is closed. This idea gave rise to the idea o f a cyclo- within a cone-shaped volume o f air reaching out from the
pean eye located at the chiasm. W e shall see that this idea eye. Each ray in the cone o f air becomes an active sensory
was not overthrown until the 17th century. We now use the medium throughout its length. But this happens only after
term “cyclopean eye” to refer to the fact that we judge direc­ the fusion o f external light and rays from the eye somehow
tions o f objects as if we sec from a single eye midway between transform the air. The sensory rays feel the forms and
the eyes {Section 16.7). Galen described the six extraocular sizes o f the objects on which they impinge, like the fingers
muscles, although n ot accurately. o f the hand. The information is simultaneously conveyed to
Galen adopted Euclid’s optics. He described binocular the eve.
parallax and how each eye sees distinct parts o f an object, The Stoic philosophers and Plato’s disciples in the
such as a cylinder, which are com bined into a unified visual Academy adopted similar extromission theories o f vision.
impression. However, he did n ot relate this to the percep­ However, during the 3rd and 2nd centuries B C , these
tion o f distance or solidity. He suggested that binocular two groups disagreed about the reliability of sensory infor­
vision is advantageous because it extends the field o f view. mation and its relationship to knowledge (von Standcn
Book 10 contains a condescending explanation of why he 1978).
docs not describe the geometry o f light rays and binocular Several theorists regarded the image that can be seen
vision. He stated that his readers would nor understand reflected in a persons cornea as crucial to the visual process,
geometry and would hate him tor explaining it. The little believing that it represented the seen image seen by the
geometry he did provide is inaccurate and vague. Perhaps it person. Aristotle refuted this idea and explained that the
was Galen who did not understand geometry. Until at least image in the cornea is formed by reflection.
the 13th century, Galen’s writings were treated as dogma, The extromission theory was designed to solve the prob­
which inhibited experimentation. Siegel ( 1 9 7 0 ) reviewed lem o f how the visual world is externalized and seen in its
Galen’s theories o f perception. proper size. In touch, the problems o f external reference
Like Hippocrates and Aristotle, Galen believed that and proper size were regarded as solved because the fingers
four humors— black bile, yellow bile, blood, and phlegm, touch an external o b ject and the impression formed on the
circulated in the bodv. Diseases caused bv fluid imbalance
i •
skin has the same location and size as the object. So, in
were “cured” by bleeding, purging, or the application o f vision, something had to leave the eyes to touch an o b je ct so
herbs. Many procedures carried out today under the name as to detect its shape and size. But they realized that seeing
o f alternative medicine are no better. also requires external light, since one ca n n o t see in the dark.
The Romans developed land surveying, architecture, Thus, they concluded that the two forms o f light must
and engineering but added little to mathematics or science. somehow interact. Thedistance o f an o b ject was thought to
Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, known as Vitruvius, produced his be sensed by the length o f the light ray in the same way that
great work on architecture in about the year 2 0 B C . He the distance o f a touched o b ject is sensed by the degree to
included some discussion o f optics. Gaius Plinius Sccundus, which the arm is extended.
known as Pliny ( A D 2 3 - 7 9 ) , wrote the 3 7 books o f his The idea that the eye emits light may have been inspired
N atural History , which contain some mathematics. by the flash seen when a finger is pressed against the eye in
the dark— the pressure phosphene. This observation was
credited to Alcmaeon o f C roton in the 6th centuryШ B C .
2 .1 .4 E X T R O M IS S IO N AND
The extromission theory also provided an account of how
the visual world is actively explored by eye movements and
The Greeks were apparently the first to inquire into the by focused attention. It was not a logically impossible
nature o f vision. O ver time, two theories emerged— rhe theory. Bats and dolphins explore their surroundings wirh
extromission theory, also known as the emanation and emitted sounds (see Chapter 35).
Euclid, about 3 0 0 B C , adopted a simplified version o f See Siegel ( 1 9 7 0 ) and Hahm ( 1 9 7 8 ) for accounts o f Greek
the extromission theory. He postulated that light rays leave theories o f vision.
the eye in straight lines and that all objects on which they After the Roman conquest o f Greece, G reek learning
fall are seen. Ptolemy, in the 2nd century A D , adopted the continued with declining vitality in Greece, Rome,
same theory. Neither o f them made any attempt to define Alexandria, and in the Eastern Roman Empire o f Byzantium.
the nature o f the rays. Nor did they explain how the rays The three great centers o f learning in Athens: the
detect objects and convey information back to the eye. N coplatonist Academy, the Lyceum, and the Garden were
Rather, they used the idea o f rays as a mathematical tool to disbanded in A D 5 2 9 by order o f Justinian, the Christian
analyze the geometry of vision. Their analysis would have emperor o f Byzantium. Many o f the Greek-speaking schol­
been the same i f they had postulated that light rays enter ars migrated to Syria and Persia, taking their Greek manu­
the eye rather than leave it. scripts with them.
The in trom ission th eo ry was developed by Epicurus
( 3 4 1 - 2 7 0 B C ) , a follower o f the atomise school, founded
by Leucippus (c. 4 3 0 B C ) and his pupil D em ocritus (c. 4 6 0 2.2 S C I E N C E IN T H E P O S T - G R E E K
B C ). He proposed that objects continuously em it 3-D P E R IO D
images o f themselves, known as eidoLt or simulacra. The
images maintain the shape of the o b ject and move in straight
2 .2 .1 N E S T O R IA N S A N D P E R S IA N S
lines into the eye through the intermediate translucent
medium. Epicurus realized that images must shrink as they In the middle o f the 2nd century A D the small kingdom o f
enter the eye. The atomists were then left with the problem Osrhoene became the first Mesopotamian kingdom to be
o f how the image o f a given object shrinks by the correct Christianized (see W hipple 1 936). Christian scholars in
amount for observers at different distances. The substance F.dcssa, the capital o f Osrhoene, translated the Old
o f the images was variously described as atoms, corpuscles, Testament into Syriac. At about the same time, Jewish
or an ephemeral substance that peeled o ff a seen object, like scholars in Alexandria had produced the G reek version o f
the skin of an onion. the O ld Testament, the Septuagint. The scholars o f Edessa
Aristotle ( 3 8 4 - 3 2 2 B C ) , in his D e anim a (Aristotle learned G reek so that they could compare the two versions.
1 9 91 ) and De sensи >rejected the extromission theory. He As a consequence, they became familiar with Greek m edi­
argued that, according to this theory, we should be able to cine and philosophy. In about A D 3 6 4 they established che
see in the dark. He also rejected rhe idea o f a substance theological and medical school o f Edessa.
emitted by the object. Instead, he stated that images travel In A D 4 2 8 , a priest named Ncstorios became patriarch
to the eye as a disturbance o f the transparent medium o f rhe o f Constantinople. Three years later he was deposed by the
air, which he called the diaphanous medium. For Aristotle, orthodox Catholic C hurch at the C ouncil o f Ephesus
light could n ot travel in a vacuum. The disturbance was because o f a dispute about when chc soul enters the body.
thought to impresses itself on the eye like a seal expresses its He and his followers were excommunicated, whereupon
form on wax without anv transfer o f material from seal to they formed rhe Nestorian Church and moved to Edessa.
wax. However, Aristotle occasionally expressed things in The school o f Edessa became the center o f Nestorian teach­
terms o f the extromission theory. For example, in his ing and the center o f learning in the Middle East. The
Meteorologicay he accounted for the rainbow in terms o f Christian emperor Z eno had che school abolished in 4 8 9 .
visual lines leaving the eye. Alexander o f Aphrodisias in The Nestorians fled to Persia, India, Turkestan, and China.
about A D 2 0 0 suggested that Aristotle used the extromis­ Nestorian communities still exist in southern India.
sion theory in this context for mathematical convenience Remains o f Nestorian churches have been unearthed in
(see Frangenbcrg 1991). China.
Aristotle did n ot mention light rays but he had the idea King Kobad, o f the Sassanid dynasty, ruled Persia from
o f rectilinear propagation, since he realized that one sees 4 8 8 to 5 31 . He welcomed the Nestorians to Persia, where
double when a given point in space does n ot fall on corre­ they established a school o f medicine in the city o f G ondi-
sponding places in the two eyes. He described how an object Shapur (Gundishapur) in southwest Persia. Here they
on which the gaze is fixed appears double when the eyes are brought their translations o f Hippocrates, Galen, and
caused to misconverge by pressing against one eye with the Aristotle. King K obads successor. K ing Nushirwan sup­
finger (see Bcare 1906, 1931). This is perhaps the earliest ported the school during his long reign ( 5 3 1 - 5 7 8 ) .
known reference to binocular disparity. He did not discuss Justinian, the Christian emperor o f Byzantium, dis­
how the sizes and shapes of objects appear different when banded che Ncoplatonist Academy in Athens in A D 529.
rhe objects are viewed from different distances o r angles. King Nushirwan welcomed the exiled G reek scholars to the
George Stratton ( 1 9 1 7 ) translated Aristotle’s De sensu university of Gondi-Shapur, which became the world s lead­
(O n rhe senses) into English. See Lindberg (1 9 7 8 ) for ing center o f learning during rhe king’s reign. The school
details on the intromission-extromission controversy. had a facultv o f astronomv wich an obscrvacorv. W ith in che
Ф в 4
city, G reek J e w i s h , Nestorian, Persian, and Hindu scholars Block printing and movable type printing were first
exchanged ideas. The principal language was Syriac. The developed in C h in a in the T in g dynasty (A D 6 1 8 - 9 0 6 ) .
great teaching hospital, the Bimaristan, was built near the But most o f the Buddhist temples that contained printed
medical school. This was the first hospital defined as a place material were destroyed in the civil wars that brought the
for healing. The scholars at G ondi-Shapur reestablished the Tang dynasty to an end. The oldest known printed book
method o f learning developed by the Greeks in the comes from C h in a and is dated 8 6 8 . Islamic law forbade the
Alexandrian School. They met every day to read and discuss Koran to be printed. Since the Koran was thought to be the
ancient texts. The medical school became the model for all only book worth reading, very few books were printed in
subsequent medical schools in the Middle F.ast. the Islamic world until 1825, when the first press was estab­
The Mohammedans captured Gondi-Shapur in 6 3 8 , lished in Cairo.
but the school continued until the 10th century. The See Needham ( 1 9 6 2 ) for a detailed treatment o f early
Abbasid caliph, al-Mansur, employed 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 workers to Chinese science.
build Baghdad between 7 6 2 and 7 6 6 . He founded a medi­
cal school and the world s firsr free public hospital. Baghdad
2 . 2 .3 IN D IA N C E N T E R S O F L E A R N IN G
was the intellectual capital o f the world until the Mongols
sacked it in 1258. Many scholars moved from G ondi- Various land and sea trading routes had intermittently co n ­
Shapur to the new school. Nestorians and the school o f nected India with the Middle East since the 14th centuryJ
Gondi-Shapur thus formed a vital link that preserved G reek B C ( O ’Leary 1964). A bout 6 0 0 B C , a comprehensive trea­
learning and transmitted it to the Arabs when scholarship tise on anatomy, medicine, and surgery, known as the
was at a low ebb in Europe. Sushruta sarnheta was written in the classical language o f
Sanskrit. It is attributed to Sushruta, who has been called
the “father o f surgery," but there were probably several
2 . 2 .2 C O N T A C T S W IT H C H IN A
authors spread over a period o f time. It contains an account
During the late Roman and medieval periods, there was a o f eye diseases, such as glaucoma. Sushruta may have been
to-and-fro (low o f goods and ideas between C hina and the the first person to perform operations for cataracts.
Middle East over the 7,400-kilom eter Silk Road through Pythagoras and Dem ocritus visited India at about that time
Turkestan to Persia, Syria, and Constantinople. Also, in the and it has been suggested that many o f the ideas in the
medieval period, huge Chinese boats (junks), which were Sushruta saw heta were brought back to Greece (Bidyadhar
able to carry 1,000 men,sailed between Gungzhou in C hina 1941). The text was translated into Arabic in the 8th
to India, Arabia, and Alexandria. To the East went glass century A D .
manufacture, irrigation techniques, grapes, carrots, and Alexander the Great conquered parts o f northern India
Buddhism. To the West came gunpowder, the compass, the in the 3rd century B C , but his stay there was short-lived. In
stirrup, silk, jade, porcelain, paper, chickens, peaches, and A D 3 2 0 the G upta dynasty was founded in northwest
tea. A Nestorian priest is said to have brought the first silk India. The G upta kings founded a center o f scientific stud­
worm eggs back to the West hidden in a bamboo staff ies in the city o f Pataliputra. Also, an observatory was built
(Carter 1955). in the city o f U jjain, which had been a center o f trade with
Paper was perhaps the most im portant item to be the G reco-R om an world since the 2nd centurv A D . The
imported from C hina. It laid the foundation tor the devel­ mathematicians and astronomers in Ujjain had access to
opm ent o f printing and the subsequent explosive develop­ G reek writings, including those o f Euclid and Ptolemy.
ment o f learning and science in the West. The invention o f They developed the study o f mathematics by using Hindu
paper is credited to Tsai Lun in A l ) 104. Paper reached numbers, a decimal system, and algebraic symbols. In the
Samarkand between the 4th and the 6th centuries. In the 7th century the astronomer Brahmagupta wrote an astro­
8th century, the Persians learned how to manufacture paper, nomical manual known as the B rah n a Siddhanta
and it began to replace parchment. The 5th and most (Knowledge o f the sun).
famous Abbasid caliph, Harun-al-Rashid ( 7 6 4 - 8 0 9 ) , o f In the year A D 8 1 0 , Mohammed ibn Musa al-
Arabian Nights fame, ruled the Muslim empire at the peak K hw arizm i (died 8 4 7 ) introduced the Brahm a Siddhanta
o f it power. H e imported Chinese papermakers and into the Middle East, where it became known as the
established a paper factory in Baghdad in 7 9 4 . A factory Sindhind. It introduced Hindu numbers into the Arabian
established in Damascus became the main source o f empire. Two hundred years later, these same astronomical
paper in Europe. The technique o f papermaldng entered tables introduced the Hindu number system, now referred
Europe through Spain. The first paper mill in Christian to as Arabic numbers, into Europe. AI-Khwarizmi was the
Europe was founded in 1157 on the French side o f the founder o f systematic algebra (al-jabr). The term “algorithm”
Pyrenees. In Germany, paper was first made in Nuremberg is derived from his name. Thus, India formed a second co n ­
in 1 3 9 0 at about the time that block printing developed in duit by which G reek learning was preserved and extended
that citv.
i before being passed to the Arabs, and then to Europe.
2.2.4 V I S U A L S C I E N C E IN T H E G alenic-Stoic theory o f vision in which rays from the eye
A R A B IC E M P IR E interact with light rays to form a sensory medium in the air
that reaches o u t to sense objects. His translations were so
The Prophet Mohammed was bom in M ecca in A D 571.
valued that he is said to have received their weight in gold in
T he Muslim Empire eventually stretched from Samarkand
payment. Many leading scientists in the next generation
to Spain. It lasted until the Tartars overran the city o f
were his pupils. For an account o f his life and times see
Baghdad in the 13th century. The Moslem Empire toler­
M eyerhof (1 9 2 6 ).
ated other religions and races. Scholars working in the
empire included Arabs, Persians, Jews, and Christians.
Harun al-Rashid,becam e the Abbasid caliph in 7 8 6 . He
2 . 2 . 4 b A1 K in d i
and his son, al-Ma’mun who reigned from 8 1 3 to 8 33 ,
founded the House o f W isd om {B ait al-H ikm a) in their The first great Islamic scholar was Abu Yusuf Ya’q uib ibn
capital city o f Baghdad. Many o f the most learned Muslim Ishaq al-Kindi, a person o f royal descent born in the late 8th
scholars worked in this research and educational institute. century in the city o f Al-Kufa, which is now in central Iraq.
The Abbasids followed the injunction in the Koran that I le worked in Baghdad under the patronage o f the Abbasid
“the ink o f a scholar is more holy than the blood o f a martyr." caliphs and died in about 8 73 . He was an optician, musical
During this period Baghdad was the intellectual center for theorist, pharmacist, mathematician, and philosopher. I le
science, philosophy, medicine, and education. The library wrote about 2 6 0 books, but most have n ot survived. He
became the center lor translation o f G reek works into devoted him self to the teaching o f Aristotle. His most
Arabic. During the reign o f al-Ma’mun, emissaries were sent important extant work on vision was based on Euclid and
to the Byzantine Empire to collect Greek manuscripts, Ptolemy. It survives in a Latin translation made in the 12th
which were then translated into Arabic. century by Gerard o f C rem ona; entitled l)c aspectibus. It
Egypt came under the control o l the Fatimid dynasty in became a popular textbook, and its influence lasted lor
9 69 , after the fall o f the Abbasid Caliphate. The Fatimids hundreds o f years.
claimed descent Irom Fatima, the daughter o f the Prophet In line with his holistic and magical view ol the universe,
M oham m ed. At its greatest extent, their empire stretched al-Kindi believed that everything in the world produces
along the southern Mediterranean coast Irom Syria to rays in all directions, like a star, and that this radiation binds
Algeria and included Sicily. They traded with India via the the world into a network in which everything acts on every­
Red Sea. thing else to create natural and magical effects. Al-Kindi
adopted Euclid’s geometrical approach to vision, although
he criticized several o f Euclid’s ideas. For example, he argued
2 . 2 . 4 a J o h a n n itiu s that the visual rays emanating from the eyes arc continuous
rather than discrete (Lindberg 1971). He conducted exper­
Hunayn ibn Ishaq ( A D 8 0 8 - 8 7 3 ) , known in the West as
iments with shadows to establish the rectilinear propaga­
Johannitius, was a Nestorian Christian born in the town ol
tion o f light. He described how a clear view o f an object is
Hira and educated in the medical school in Gondi-Shapur.
built up by scanning the object with the ray o f clearest
At an early age he began translating Greek texts into Syriac,
vision— the visual axis. In spite o f this theoretical approach,
his m other tongue. Later he worked in Baghdad under rhe
and in spite o f his experiments, he clung to the emanation
patronage o f the Abbasid caliphs. He was the most prolific
theory o f vision. He argued that the 3 -D eidola o f the atom-
and precise translator o f Greek medical, scientific, and phil­
ists could not account lor effects o f perspective, such as the
osophical works. H e translated Euclid, Aristotle, Plato, and
elliptical appearance o f a circular object viewed at an angle.
almost all the works o f Galen. He also improved transla­
I le falsely reasoned that only an emanation theory could
tions produced by earlier Nestorians. He traveled to Syria,
account for perspective. Like his contemporary, Hunayn
Palestine, and F.gypt in search o f ancient manuscripts. For
ibn Ishaq, al-Kindi adopted the Galenic-Stoic theory o f
Nestorian Iriends and pupils he translated Greek texts into
vision. He did not realize that his theory o f light rays radiat­
Syriac, a language that disappeared from literature in the
ing in all directions provided a basis lor a more satisfactory
14th century. For Arabic patrons he translated into Arabic.
theory (see Lindberg 1978).
It was these translations that were later translated into Latin
in Europe. In addition, he wrote more than 100 books o f
his own in Arabic. These included Ten Treatises on the Eye
2 . 2 . 4 c Avicenna
and the Book o f the Questions on the Eye. These works were
very influential in Islam. The Ten Treatises were translated Attacks on the extromission theory appeared in the writ­
into Latin in rhe 11th century. This translation contains ings o f the Islamic physician Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn
the earliest known diagram of an eye and was the principal Zakariya al-Razi ( A D 8 6 0 - 9 3 2 ) , known as R hazes because
source o f information for Western scholars about he was born in Rai in Persia. These attacks continued in the
Galen’s theory (F.astwood 1982). Johannitius adopted the works o f his younger contemporary al-Farabi (Alpharabius)
(d. 9 5 0 ) and Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdullah ibn Sina (A D although he did not make explicit reference to them.
9 8 0 - 1 0 3 7 ) , known in the West as Avicenna. He used the same division ol the subject into vision troin
Avicenna was bom in Bokhara and became physician rectilinear rays, vision by reflection, and vision by refrac­
and vizier to the emir in Hamadan and later worked under tion, as in Ptolemy’s Optics. He also used a similar tripartite
the patronage o f the sultan o f Isfahan in Persia. His great division o f vision into image formation, immediate percep­
book Qaniin (C an on ) reviewed ancient and contemporary tion, and inferential perception. Alhazens work was not
medical knowledge and was used in Arabic lands and in well known in the Middle F.ast for 2 5 0 years after his death,
Europe for six hundred years. His writing was clearer and but became generally known after Kamal al-Din Abdu’I-
more systematic than was Galen’s. He discussed vision in the Hasan al-Farisi (died c. 1 3 2 0 ) produced his Tanqih al-
Canon and in several other books, including De anim a sen m andzir (Revision o f the Optics) in about the year 1300 in
sextus de naturalibus, which still exist. He refuted the emana­ Iran. This book reviewed all the subjects discussed by
tion theory o f vision in all its forms. He adopted Aristotle’s Alhazen and was supplemented by criticisms and new ideas
theory ot visual optics and Galens ideas on visual anatomy. (Sabra 1987a).
In his Book o f Directives an d Remarks he described the In the 12th century, an unknown person translated
cosmos as a series o f symbols through which one could seek Book o f Optics into Latin with the title Perspectiva.
knowledge o f the Divine (gnosis). See Lind berg( 1976) for a Fourteen medieval manuscripts produced between the 13th
discussion o f al-Kindi, Avicenna, and other Islamic scholars. and 15th centuries survive. In Basel, in 1572, Risner pro­
duced the Opticae thesaurus, A lhazeni arabis libri septum,
which contains the first printed version o f Alhazens book
2 .2 .4 d A lh a z e n
with added titles and annotations. It also contains V itellos
O f the Islamic scholars, Alhazen (Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn al- book Perspectiva, a 13th-century work based largely on
Hazan ibn al-Haytham) made the most significant contri­ Alhazen. The Opticae thesaurus became the principal source
butions to optics and vision (see Bauer 1912; W in ter 1 9 5 4 ; for optics in Europe until the 17th century. The original
ten Doesschate 1 9 6 2 ; C rom bie 1967). He was born in Arabic version o f Alhazens Book o f Optics produced by
about A D 965 in Basra in what is now southern Iraq. He Alhazens son-in-law in 1083 was unknown to Western
moved to Cairo, where he spent the rest o f his life teaching scholars until 1913, when Rescher made a brief announce­
and writing in che Azhar mosque and university under the ment o f its existence, but it remained unnoticed until che
patronage o t the Fatimid caliph Al-Hakim. investigations o f Krause in 193 6 (see Polyak 1 941). In 1989,
Alhazen died in about 1040. In his autobiography he A. I. Sabra o f the Department o f the History o f Science at
tells very little about himself, but provides a list o f ninety- Harvard University produced an English translation o f the
two o f his works, more than sixty o f which have survived. first three books o f the Book o f Optics from the original
He made significant contributions со physics, astromomy, Arabic version in Istanbul. In the following summary che
mathematics, optics, and vision. numbers in brackets refer to pages in Sabras translation.
Alhazen was a devouc Muslim and wrote books on phi­ Book I o f the Book o f Optics is devoted mainly to visual
losophy and theology. He stated that his empirical investi­ optics and the structure o f the eye. Alhazen firmly rejected
gation o f the world was based on the teaching o f the Quran. the emanation theory ot vision and described how rays ot
He argued that only God is perfect so that to discover truth light enter the eye from sources o f light such as the sun and
about nature one must not trust the sayings ot others but from objects that reflect and refract light. In the Greek
only knowledge gained by empirical observation. Human intromission theory, a visible object issues a copy o f itself to
error can be eliminated only by letting nature speak tor the eye. This raised the problem o f how multiple copies can
itself. Articles o f faith should not be applied to mathemat­ be sent to a multitude o f eyes over an extended period, and
ics or to the examination o f nature. Investigators should the problem ot how a copy o f a large object can enter che
approach a problem from every side and critically examine pupil. In solving these problems, Alhazen adopted al-Kindis
their own conclusions to avoid error and prejudice (Qadir idea that light radiates in all directions from each point o f
C A 1990; Sabra and Hogcndiijk 2 0 0 3 ) . This description o f an object. Instead o f an o b ject issuing copies o f itself, each
the scientific m ethod probably inspired Adelard, Magnus, point on an object emits or reflects light rays in all direc­
Bacon, and others to express similar ideas in Europe two tions and those rays that enter the eye produce an image.
hundred years later (Section 2.3.1). This geometrical analysis o f visual rays solved the problems
In the seven books o f his great synthetic work, the Rook raised by the older intromission theory and laid the founda­
o f Optics (Kitdb aU wandzir), he systematically summarized tions of modern geometrical optics, although Alhazen
whac was known about vision. He also used geomecrv and regarded light rays as geometrical conveniences rather than
experimental observation to explore new phenomena and as real.
develop new theories. Alhazen experimented with a “dark cham ber” into
Alhazen was familiar with the writings o f Aristotle, which lightencered through a small hole ro form an inverted
Galen, and Ptolemy and with the Conics o f Apollonius, image. This was what we now call the pinhole camera,
or cam era obscura (sec Section 2.9.4). Al Kindi had also and a diagram in Book 111 arc the only figures in the original
described such an instrument (W erner 1910). Also, a text. O th er diagrams were added later in Latin translations
camera obscura was described in the M o Ching, a Chinese (Bauer 1912).
work from the 4th century B C , and was used back then to Alhazen realized that the pupil is too large to allow the
prove that light travels in straight lines (R on an 1978). The eye to work as a pinhole camera. Although he did not
invention o f the camera obscura is often credited to Roger understand image lormation by a lens he realized that, lor
Bacon or Leonardo da Vinci. clear vision, each point on the recipient surface in the eve
The pinhole camera works because the aperture is so must receive light from only one o b ject point. He was thus
small that only a narrow beam ot light passes from each confronted with the problem o t how light from each object
object poinr to a each image point. Alhazen understood forms a disrinct image on the surface o f the lens without
that the image is sharp only when the hole is small. He being diluted by rays from other objects.
described how an eclipse o f the sun could be safely observed The solution Alhazen adopted was that the surface o f
by looking at the image produced by a hole in the wall ot a the cornea and the front surface o f the lens are concentric,
dark chamber. He used the image produced by a pinhole to so that those ravs striking the two surfaces at right angles
prove that light rays travel in straight lines and pass through pass unrefracted through the com m on center. He proposed
a small aperture without interacting. The camera obscura is that only rays striking each point on the surface o f the eye at
discussed in Section 2.11.1 b. right angles are allowed to pass into the sentient interior ot
Since the Muslim religion forbade dissection, Alhazen the lens. He realized that other rays arc refracted, and
based his ideas ot the anatomy ot the eye on Galen. Figure assumed that, because o f this, they are weakened (p. 124).
2.2 shows a diagram o f the eyes and visual pathways from W e now know that most rays falling on a given point on the
the earliest known copy ot Alhazens book. This diagram cornea reach the retina, but that each ray is refracted to a
point on the retina appropriate to its point o f origin in the
part o f the visual scene on which the lens is accommodated.
There is nevertheless some truth to Alhazen s idea o f
the predominance o f orthogonal rays. Light rays normal to
the retinal surface are more likely to enter the elongated
visual receptors than are rays at any other angle. This is the
Stiles-Crawford effect (Section 5.1.2a). Also, the c o m ­
pound eyes o f insects work in the way suggested by Alhazen,
since each ommatidium accepts light from only a narrow
visual angle.
In B ook V, Alhazen questioned his own theory and
admitted that refracted rays as well as normal rays are
detected. He thus grappled with the problem o f how the
cornea and lens form a clear image by refraction, but he
failed to find a solution (Sabra, p. 116; Lindberg 1976,
p. 7 6 ). A solution was n ot forthcom ing until Kepler devel­
oped a theory ot image formation in his A d Vitellionetn
Pandipomcna in 1 6 0 4 , which was published in his Dioptrice
in 1611.
Alhazen stated that the initial process o f sentience,
which we now call visual processing, occurs along radial
lines in the interior o f the lens. In his account, the lens senses
the images (forms) o f objects defined by the cone o f light
O p tic nerve rays that com e from the surface o f the object. The rays enter
the lens after striking the cornea and lens at right angles.
Each object produces a distinct cone o f rays, so that objects
are seen distinct from each other. He argued that the image
must be sensed before the rays converge to a point. In the
first place, sensation can n ot occur at the point where the
C ornea rays converge because images ot distinct objects would all
be fused together. In the second place, sensation cannot
Figure 2 .2. . M iattrit d iag ram o f th e visual system. D iagram from the B o o k o f
occur after that point because the image would be inverted.
O ptics (K icab al-m an azir) by A lh azen , copied bv his son-in-law in 1 0 8 3
from an earlier version {M S 3 2 1 2 , Faith L ib rary in Istan b u l). T h e lower He believed that the rear surface o f the lens is mounted on
figure is a key to che parts. the optic nerve. Like Galen, he believed that the form
(image) is conveyed along a sec o f hollow cubes in each optic Book II also contains descriptions o f basic visual fea­
nerve to the optic chiasm where the images from the two tures such as direction, distance, size, shape, continuity,
eyes fuse into the sensus comunus. He realized chat the recti­ m otion, and transparency. The phenomena include color
linear propagation o f light determines the spatial integrity constancy (p. 141), additive color mixing on a spinning top
o f the initial image. He also realized that once the “form” is (p. 145), the role o f texture gradients and the ground plane
conveyed into the curved optic nerve its spatial integrity in the perception o f distance (pp. 152, 179), size constancy
depends on retention o f the relative order o f parts within (p. 177), and the contribution o f eye movements to the
the optic nerve, rather than on rectilinear propagation. We perception o f motion (p. 193).
make a similar distinction between the retinal image formed Book III is concerned with errors and illusions in visual
by rectilinear propagation o f light rays and topographic perception. There are descriptions o f the equal motion o f the
projection along the axons ot the optic nerve. eyes (p. 2 2 9 ), induced visual motion (p. 2 6 1 ), and many other
Alhazens description o f image formation and his c o n ­ visual phenomena. The book also contains Alhazens ideas on
cept o f an image were very hazy (Eastwood 1986). Sabra binocular vision, which are reviewed in Section 2.10.2.
( 1 9 8 9 ) describes the uses that Alhazen made o f chc Arabic Books I V to V II are devoted со reflection and refrac­
word tor “torm” or ' image." Alhazen s ideas on basic visual tion. Alhazen made paraboloid mirrors, probably on a lathe,
processes, erroneous though they were in many ways, set the and explained how parallel rays arc brought со a single focal
stage tor subsequent developments in physiological optics point by such a mirror, although D io d es had proved this in
and, ultimately, for Kepler’s account o f image formacion. chc 2nd cencury B C . Alhazen rcpcaccd Ptolemy’s measure­
In addition to the discussion o f optics and the structure ments o f refraction, but failed to find the sine law, even
o f the eye, Book I contains descriptions o f several percep­ though he knew Hindu trigonometry. He discusscd magni­
tual phenomena including visual masking, dark adaptation, fication by a plano-convex lens.
afterimages, chc dependence o f acuicy and color perccpcion Alhazen described the apparent enlargement o f the
on luminance (pp. 5 1 - 5 4 ) , and color mixing (p. 97 ). Book m oon near the horizon, an effect known as the m oon illu­
I also contains a description o f corresponding retinal points sion (sec Section 29.3 .5). In the Almagest, Ptolemy explained
(p. 8 7 ), diplopia o f images tailing on noncorresponding the m oon illusion in terms o f refraction o flig h t through the
points, and fusion o f those falling on corresponding points atmosphere. However, in chc Optics he explained ic in terms
(see Section 2 .1 0 .2 ). Alhazen argued that the eye is round ot an illusory size change induced by differences in apparent
so that it may be moved quickly to bring the images o t dif­ distance. Cleomedes, who probably lived in the first cen ­
ferent objects o n to the region o f clearest vision— the region tury A D , had offered a similar explanation (Ross 2 0 0 0 ) . In
wc call the fovea (p. 104). He explained that clear vision is C h in a, Shu Hsi proposed a perceptual explanation o f the
built up from che separate impressions obtained as the gaze moon illusion in che 3rd or 4ch century A D (see Needham
moves over che scene. 1962, vol. 3, p. 2 2 6 ) . Alhazen, also, proposed an explana­
Book II contains some discussion o f image formation in tion o f the moon illusion in terms o f che relationship
the eye but is concerned mainly with visual perception. between apparent size and apparent distance (see Ross and
Although Alhazen referred to the lens as chc sentient struc- Ross 1 9 7 6 ; Sabra 1987b; Plug and Ross 1994). However, in
cure he also stated that no sensation is accomplished until a collection ot writings on the moon illusion, Alhazen did
the image arrives in che brain (p. 8 9 ). This seeming not rule out a possible contribution from refraction (Sabra
contradiction is resolved when we read that only the two 1996). Books IV to V II o f Alhazens Book o f Optics have not
primary sensory features o f light and color are sensed at the been translated into English.
recipient surface. The rest o f the 2 2 visual features that Although Alhazens Book o f Optics inspired many co m ­
Alhazen listed, such as direction, distance, size, shape, c o n ­ mentaries and derivatives, it was noc superseded until the
tinuity, m otion, and transparency, arc derived trom patterns early 17th century. Alhazens discoveries in optics and phys­
o flig h t and color at a higher level by recognition, inference, iological optics contained in Book I have been extensively
and memory. reviewed. His discoveries in visual perception, described in
Today we say chac the first stages of’ visual processing Books II and III, were mentioned by Priestley ( 1 7 7 2 ) and
occur in the retina to be followed by further stages in the reviewed by Bauer ( 1 9 1 2 ) . However, they have been almost
brain, involving complex interactions and memory. Wc also totally ignored by visual scientists, and many o f the phe­
distinguish, as did Alhazen, between the initial, preatten- nomena discussed by Alhazen are described as having been
tive, impression o f a visual stimulus and impressions gained discovered only in the last two hundred years (Howard
after higher levels o f processing (p. 2 0 9 ). Alhazens views on 1996).
the role o f inference and experience at an unconscious level It has been claimed that Alhazen founded psychophys­
(p. 136) are very similar to H elm holtzs theory o f uncon­ ics (Khaleefa 1 999). However, his methods were almost
scious inference (see Sabra 1 978). Alhazen also described a wholly descriptive. There is no evidence that he developed
level o f perception involving conscious knowledge (see general methods for quantifying visual phenomena
Q .W a n g e t a l . 1994). (Aaen-Stockdale 2 0 0 8 ).
2 . 1 .4 c Islamic C e n t e r s o f L e arn in g in Spain This influx o f knowledge caused a profound change in phil­
osophical and theological thinking. By the late 10th cen ­
In the 8th century, Islamic civilization spread westward
tury, knowledge o f astronomical tables, Hindu-Arabic
from its ccntcrs in Egypt, Damascus, and Baghdad. In the
numbers, and the astrolabe had spread from C ord oba into
10th century, the Umayyad caliph, uUHakam IIestablished
Christian Catalonia. The cables were used tor ascronomy,
Arabic and Jewish ccntcrs o f learning as far west as Sicily
astrology, and calculation o f church calendars. O th er texts
and C ord oba in Spain. His court in C ordoba contained an
from C ordoba concerned the theory and practice o f mea­
enormous librarv and attracted the foremost scholars. It
suring heights and distances. These cexcs fostered the devel­
outstripped any other center o f learn ingin Europe. Maslama
opment o f surveying. O th er texts sec ouc che principles o f
al-Majriti (d. 1 0 07 } founded a school o f mathematical and
astronomical studies in C ordoba. The Hindu astronomical
This influx o f knowledge led to the development ot the
tables that al-Khwarizmi had introduced into Baghdad in
curricula known as the crivium and quadrivium . 'flic criv-
A D 8 1 0 were brought to C ordoba. Maslama al-Majriti
ium consisced ot grammar, rhetoric, and logic. The quadriv­
revised them to fit the meridian o f C ordoba and added
ium consisted o f arithmetic, geomecry, music, and
tables for astrological calculations. These tables involved
astronomy. They were developed in the cathedral schools o f
calculations using Hindu numbers— the numbers we now
Orleans and Chartres, and in the city o f Liege in
use. Maslama al-Majriti also edited Arabic translations ot
Lotharingia. Liege was known as the Athens ot Lotharingia.
Ptolemy’s geometrical constructions that defined the opera­
In the 12ch cencury, Bernard o f Charcres and Thierry, who
tion o f the astrolabe.
were chancellors o f the school ot Chartres, and the Chartres
Averroes ( 1 1 2 6 - 1 1 9 8 ) was an important Islamic
scholar, W illiam o f Conches, were Platonists. They argued
scholar working in Cordoba. The Jewish scholar Moses ben
that the world is governed by geometrical order, which can
M aim on, or M a im o n id e s ( 1 1 3 5 - 1 2 0 4 ) , was born in
be comprehended through inquiry. G od set the world in
C ordoba but moved to Cairo, where he became physician
motion but, once started, it was governed by lawful m echa­
to the great Saracen leader Saladin. He wrote a well-used
nisms. There was opposition from theologians w ho stressed
synopsis o f Galen’s works.
the power o f G o d to work miracles and who objected to
Moslem religious zealots from north Africa subse­
any atcempc со rationally explain scripcurc.
quently burned most o f the books in the library at Cordoba.
Even before the Norman conquest o f England in 1066,
C ordoba fell to Spanish Christian forces in 1236. Granada
Lotharingian scholars had been brought into che cachedral
resisted for 2 0 0 years longer. The M ongols sacked Baghdad
cities o f England. The influx o f scholars into England
in 1258. By the 13th century, Arabic science had declined,
increased after the conquest.
but interest in science began to develop in Europe.
Because books and writing material were scarce, the
abacus was used tor teaching arithmetic, the celestial
spheres for geomecry and ascronomy, and che m onochord
2 .3 M E D IE V A L E U R O P E for music. The m onochord was a single scring on a resonanc
box. The idea was to use instrumencs со represenc che
number, measure, and proporcion o f che celestial spheres
2. 3. 1 M E D I C I N E A N D S C I E N C E IN
created bv God.
Also, because o f the scarcity o f books, there was an
T he empire o f Charlemagne ( 7 4 2 - 8 1 4 ) extended over emphasis on learning by mem ory (Yates 1966). In ancient
much ol what is now France and Germany. Charlemagne Greece and Rome, public speakers used the m nemonic
exhorted every cathedral and monastery in his empire to method known as the art o f memory. The speaker learned
establish schools and imported scholars Irom Ireland and to walk past a sequence ot “places” in a large imaginary
Italy. These schools formed the basis o f European universi­ building. Each “topic” o f the speech was represented by a
ties. M on ks working in the scriptoria o l the monasteries vivid “image” and placed in order on one ot che places.
produced magnificent illustrated manuscripts. But these D uring che delivery o f che speech che speaker mencally
were produced as luxury items for show rather then for walked around the building by a particular route and picked
scholarship. The empire broke up after che death o l up each topic in turn. 1c is a very powerful method, scill used
Charlemagne. O n e kingdom, known as L o th arin g ia, cov­ by stage mnemonists.
ered a wide strip ol land irom the North Sea to Italy. This During the 1 1th and 12th cencuries.ecclesiascical schol­
kingdom was later restricted to present-day Netherlands, ars working in Constantinople translated Greek and Arabic
Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany west o f the Rhine, the works inco Latin. But that activity/ ended when Chriscians
French provinces o f Alsace and Lorraine, and Switzerland. o f che 4th crusade with rhe connivance o f the doge o f Venice
It existed until the middle o f che 12th century.
/ sacked Constantinople in 1204.
Greek and Arabic learning entered Christian Europe The firsc organized medical school in Europe was
mainly irom the Arabic center ot learning in Cordoba. founded 109 6 in the health resort ot Salerno, which is near
the monastery o f M onte Cassino just south o f Naples. The for grinding flower, tanning, and metallurgy. The wealth
allied armies bom bed the monastery to dust in 1944, but it these mills generated helped to build the monasteries,
has been restored. C o n sta n tin iu s A frican u s ( 1 0 1 0 - 1 0 8 7 ) cathedrals, and universities.
worked in the medical school and in the neighboring m on­ W e will now sec that these events encouraged ecclesias­
astery in the 1 1th ccnturv. He translated into Latin many tical scholars in 12th-century Europe to take an interest in
books that had been translated from Greek into Arabic, or technology and, ultimately, in empirical science. The roots
had been written by Arabic scholars. o f technology and scicncc in Europe were laid in the m o n ­
G erard o f C rem o n a , an Italian who worked in loledo, asteries, cathedrals, and universities of the medieval period,
was an important translator ot Arabic books in the 12th well before the Renaissance.
century. The efforts o f these and other translators produced The growing interest in logic, stemming from the writ­
a revival of learning in Europe in the 13th century, and laid ings o f Aristotle, led some churchmen to question inconsis­
the foundation for the Renaissance and the growth o f tencies in the Hiblc. For example, the French scholastic
science (Sharif 1966). philosopher and logician, Peter Abelard ( 1 0 7 9 - 1 1 4 2 )
In the 12th and 13th centuries, medical schools founded taught in the cathedral school o f Notre Dam e in Paris. He
in Montpellier, Bologna, Padua, O xford, and Paris over­ stressed the logic and spirit ot inquiry o f Aristotle rather
shadowed the school at Salerno (Guthrie 1945). Universities than the idealism o f Plato. In his Sic et non he wrote, “We
in these cities developed a common curriculum and taught seek through doubt, and by seeking we perceive the truth.’’
in the com m on language o f Latin (sec Lc G o f f 1993). Adelard o f Bath (c. 1 0 8 0 - 1 1 5 2 ) played a major role in
In any age, the progress ot scholarship and science translating Arabic texts into Latin. He was probably aided
depends on the prosperity o f the culturc. The prosperity o f by Arabic-speaking Jews (Bu rnett 1997, 1998). Bath is a
Ancient Greece and Rome depended on conquest, trade, beautiful city in the southwest o f England. Adelard s father
and slave labor. The wealthy few who could engage in had probably com e to England from Lotharingia, as had the
learned pursuits had little contact with artisans and there­ Bishop o f Bath. Adelard was educated in the French towns
fore had no incentive to develop new technologies or engage o f I.aon and Tours. Like several other scholars o f that time,
in empirical science. During the so-called Dark Ages, after he visited the medical school in Salerno. He spent some
the collapse o f the Roman Empire, Roman technology, years learning Arabic in Antioch, in the wake o f the cru­
architecture, and roads tell into decay. sades. Later, he became tutor to King Henrv II o f England.
By the 9th century, new technologies began to emerge He produced the first full translation o f Euclids
in Europe. Agriculture was improved by the development Elements o f Geometry from Arabic into Latin. He distin­
o f the heavy Saxon plough coupled with crop rotation and guished between empirical inquiry, which seeks to discover
new methods o f harnessing horses. The invention o f rhe how things work, and theology, which is concerned with
horseshoe allowed horses to pull heavy loads. New sources why things are as they are. He took an active interest in
o f power were developed. The 13th century saw the intro­ practical science. He translated a Latin text on practical
duction of the overshot water wheel and windmills. They chemistry and the astronomical tables ot al-Khwarizmi. He
were used to power Hour mills, forging hammers, sawing wrote treatises on the abacus ( ReguLie abaci) and the astro­
mills, and hoists and pumps in mines. Although gears labe. He also performed experiments. For example, he
existed in antiquity, they were developed in the medieval showed that water does n ot How from a hole in the bottom
period for amplification and transmission o f power. Cams ot a closed vessel until a hole is made in the top to let air in.
and cranks were invented for conversion o f rotary motion This contradicted Aristotle’s theory o f natural place.
into linear motion. Improvements in metallurgy led to the R o b e r t G ro sseteste (b. с. 1 1 70 ) was the leading scholar
refinement o f existing precision instruments such as the in early 13th century England. He was bom in Sussex o f
astrolabe and compass. New instruments were invented, humble parents and was educated in Lincoln, O xford, and
such as the mechanical clock, precision balance and, in the probably also in Paris. He taught theology in Oxford and
14th century, the printing press with movable type. The later became chancellor o f the university. In 1235 he left

12th century saw the invention o f stained glass windows, Oxford to become Bishop o f Lincoln. He translated texts
spectacles, and basic tools such as the lathe and brace- trom G reek into Latin and wrote influential commentaries
and-bit. The wool industry developed, which eventually on Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics and Physics. He wrote trea­
produced great wealth in England, Holland, and Florence. tises on astronomy, the reform o f the calendar, sound, heat,
Many o f these developments occurred in, or were and optics. He adopted Aristotle’s ideas about scientific
encouraged by, the monasteries. In ancient Rome and inquiry. Inquiry begins with experienced facts (scientia
Greece, manual labor was performed by slaves. The monas­ quia) and progresses to an analysis o f complex phenomena
tic tradition emphasized the virtue o f manual labor. into principles. Deduction o f hypotheses derived from
Benedictine and Cistercian m onks were required to both abstract mathematical principles leads to the discovery o f
pray and engage in manual labor. The monasteries owned reasons for the fact (scientia propter quid). These ideas,
many o f the water mills that were the chief source o f power and similar ideas o f scholars like Albertus Magnus in Paris,
represented chc beginnings o f empirical science in F.uropc and chc Roman Catholic Church declared him the pacron
(C rom bie 1961). o f the natural sciences.
At chac cime, chere was no defined boundary between Albcrtus Magnus wrote an encyclopedia that concaincd
science and occult mysticism. The 13th and 14th centuries accurate technical information about such things as astron­
saw chc beginnings o f an influx o f Greek occult wricings omy, chemistry, and agriculture. In Swnma de creaturis he
into Europe. This literature constitutes the G nostic tradi­ discussed the senses and perception. H e expressed the belief
tion ot thought, which is conccrned with occult knowledge that all knowledge is founded on percepcual experience and,
and magical personal redemption— not science. The like Adclard o f Bath, separated empirical knowledge about
G nostic tradition incorporates a mixture o f ideas trom how things work from theological questions o f “why” His
Persian Zoroastrianism, from the Neoplatoniscs o f Greece writings on the sense organs and the brain followed Galen,
and Alexandria, and from the 2nd century Hermetic Avicenna, and Alhazen. In D ean im a he argued that the eye
liceracure o f Egypt (Yates 1964). operates like a convex mirror and concluded chat “che righc
O ptics was the most important science in 13th century side ot an o b je ct is located in the left part ot the eye and vice
Europe. l ight was primary because o f its association with versa.” He described how a soldier injured in chc left cemple
spiritual light in Christian theology and with the idea o f lost his vision in the right eye. He concluded that each optic
divine illumination chac leads со ccrcain knowledge o f nerve crosses со che opposite side o f che brain (sec Thciss
abstract Platonic forms. Light reaches the Earthly sphere o f and Grusscr 1994). This is the earliest known reference to
mortal existence, where ic unices wich chc soul in chc human the decussation o f the visual pathways.
body (the microcosm). The highest part o f the soul is the R o g er Bacon (c. 1 2 1 4 - 1 2 9 4 ) , the “d octor admirabilis,”
intelligence chac receives the divine light. Hut, che morcal was a Franciscan m onk who studied in Oxford under
body is weighed down and alienated by its Earthy existence. Robert Grosseteste and in Paris. He acknowledged the co n ­
Mortals aspire to escape che bounds o f Earthy existence and tributions o f Adclard o f Bath and used his translation o f
reunite with the divine essence both over cons ot historical Euclid’s Elements o f Geometry. He lectured on the
time and over a lifetime. The process involves progression Aristotelian corpus in Paris, where he met Albcrtus Magnus,
through stages represented by the steps o f a pyramid (Ja co b s with whom he shared an interest in empirical science.
ladder). Ic is possible for pure incellecc со gain knowledge o f Nevertheless, both men believed in astrology and mysti­
the universal and o f the immutable principles underlying all cism. Bacon was familiar with the works ot Aristotle, Galen,
creation and chereby glimpse che supreme cruch present in and Alhazen. In his Opus majus o f 1268 (Edited by J. H.
God. But this knowledge most often consisted o f knowing Bridges, Oxford, 1 8 97 ) he mentions that people with weak
the ethereal inhabitants ot the celestial spheres and magic eyes can use a lens for reading. His work, and especially his
spells. Musical harmony was identified with che harmonic Scientia perspectiva, was based on the geometrical optics ol
structure o f the planetary spheres. These ideas hark back to Alhazen, as were works on optics by other 13th-century
Plotinus, Plato, and G reek mystical cults. They are still with scholars.
us in the teachings of mystical cults. Roger Bacon has been eulogized as the founder o f
Grosseteste was seeped in the G nostic tradition (Lynch English empirical science and described as an experimental
1941). He wrote scriptural commentaries, and translated scientist, unique in his time. Buc a more sober assessment
chc Greek occult liceracure o f Pseudo-Dionysius. The anal­ shows chac B acon s ideas on empirical science differed liccle
ogy between light and divine illumination led Grosseteste from those o f Grosseteste, Albcrtus Magnus, and others
to believe chac gcomecry provides che key to knowledge. In (Thorndike 1958, vol. 3, p. 6 5 0 ) or from those o f Alhazen
his D e luce and his De m otи corporali et luce he described (Section 2.2.4d ). However, Bacon had access to a wider
illumination, or lux, as chc divine essence that pen с traces range o f ancient texts than had those who preceded him.
the nine planetary spheres (the macrocosm) through the V itcllo ( 1 2 3 0 - 1 2 7 0 ) lived in Poland and wrote
mediation o f angels. Perspectiva. This was based on Alhazen and was the first
A lb crtu s M agnus (c. 1 1 9 7 - 1 2 8 0 ) , known as Albert European treatise on optics (1 2 7 0 ).
the Grcac, was one o f the leading scholars o f this period. He Jo h n Peckham (1 2 4 0-12 91 ), Archbishop of
was born near U lm on the Danube, the son ot a lesser noble­ Canterbury, wrote the book Perspectiva communis, which
man. His actual name was Albert von Bollscadc. He studied was also based on Alhazen. The frontispiece is shown in
liberal arts at the University ot Padova before joining the Figure 2.3 (ten Doesschatc 1962; Lindberg 1983).
Dom inican order in 1223. He lectured and traveled in The word “perspective” was synonymous with the word
Germany and Paris and sec him self the task o f translating "optics.” The tradition of geometrical optics starting with
the entire works o f Aristotle into Latin. Thomas Aquinas Euclid and continuing through Ptolemy, Alhazen, Bacon,
was his pupil. Boch men cried со reconcile Aristotelian Vitello, and Peckham was known as the perspectivist tradi­
teachings with Christian theology and were attacked by tion, and che practitioners were known as the Perspectivists.
conservative theologians, who clung to Platonic and Neo- The tradition culminated in Keplers discovery o f rhe basic
platonic beliefs. In 1931, Albcrtus Magnus was canonized, laws o f optics.
The Chinese appear to have made lenses from rock crys­
tal or glass to focus the sun’s rays as early .is the 3rd century
(see Needham 1962, p.l 18). Magnifying lenses were used
in C h in a in the 12ch cencury for reading illegible docu­
ments and possibly for fine engraving, but do n ot seem to
have been used as spectacles until the early M in g dynasty in
che 15ch cencury (Needham 1962, p. 119).
The study o f refraction, or d io p trics, was begun in
Greek and Roman times. Alhazen mentioned the magnify­
ing propercies o f plano-convex lenses in che 11 ch cencury.
Kepler, in 1604, gave che first account ot image tormation
by a lens.
Spectacles seem со have been firsc made in abouc che
year 128 7 by an unknown person, probably a worker in
glass in Pisa, Italy. The principal evidence for this date is
contained in notes for a sermon delivered by the Dominican
friar Giordano da Rivalto, in che church o f Santa Maria
Novella in Florence on Wednesday, February 23, 1306. He
wrote, "It is not yet twency years since chere was found the
arc o f making eyeglasses.” This is the earliest known wriccen
reference со spectacles (Rosen 1956, p. 28).
Speccacle making was in che hands o f illiterate crafts­
Figure 2. v F ron tisp iecefiv »i P crsp tctiva com m u n is (1 5 0 4 ). The au thor,
Jo h n P cck ham ( 1 2 4 0 - 1 2 9 1 ) * was A rch b ish o p o f C anterbu ry. men and there was litcle wriccen about lenses until the 16th
T h e b ook sum m arizes the w ritings o f iiu clid , al-K in d i, A lhazen, century. R on ch i ( 1 9 7 8 , p. 6 7 ) could find no mention o f
G rosseteste» and B aco n . concave lenses tor the correction o f myopia earlier chan a
passing reference со cheir use in L a practica della perspettiva
In che early 14th century, the disastrous plague, the by Daniele Barbaro, published in Venice in 1568.
Black Death, spread over Europe and brought most scien­ The earliest known work o f art depicting spectacles is a
tific inquiry to a halt. Scholastic implications o f classical porcraic ac Treviso o f Hugh Sc. Cher, painted by Tommaso
learning for Christian doctrine and che exercise ot dialecti­ da Modena in 1352. Since Hugh St. C h er died well before
cal skills dominated learning in Europe. The Black Death the painter was born and more than 2 0 years before specta­
produced a shortage o f labor, which improved che living cles were invented, the spectacles in che porcraic arc an
standards o f those who survived. Also, it loosened the grip anachronism. Rosen (1 9 5 6 ) provides an amusing account
o l the medieval svstem
/ ot sert labor and ot the church and ot spurious claims chac speccacles were invented in Venice,
produced a redistribution o f wealth and political power. in England by Roger Bacon, in Belgium by Bacon trans­
This opened up new opportunities tor enterprising people. formed inco a Walloon, and in Germany.


2 .4 T H E R E N A IS S A N C E
The oldest known lenses were made in Egypt between 2 6 0 0
and 2 4 0 0 B C . They were plano-convex lenses o f high qual­
ity made from rock crystal, a form ot quart/. They formed
part o f artificial eyes placed in funerary statues during the The Renaissance was criggered by the growth o f wealthy
4th and 5 th dynasties o f the O ld Kingdom. These statues, centers ot trade in the cities o f northern Italy coupled with
with their eyes, can be seen in che Louvre and che Egypcian an influx o f ancient Greek and Arabic texts inco Europe. 1c
Museum in Cairo. The lenses create the impression that the was dominated by a revival ot inceresc in ancient mystical
eyes follow an observer walking past the statue. Enoch and ccxcs racher chan by an inceresc in science.
Lakshminarayanan ( 2 0 0 0 ) have built a replica o f one o f In 1438 Joh n Bessarion, Archbishop o f Nicea in
these eyes. Byzantium, came to Italy wich 6 0 0 G reek manuscripts. He
Lenses from Greek and Roman times have been exca­ left Byzantium because he ancicipaced its overthrow by the
vated. Aristophanes (c. 2 5 7 - 1 8 0 B C ) mentioned cheir use Turks. The Turks did overthrow che Byzantine Empire in
in focusing che suns rays со make fire, and Pliny (A D 2 3 - 7 9 ) 1453. These texts formed the nucleus o f the Marciana
mencions cheir use in cauterizing. Seneca (c. 4 B C - A D 65) library* in Venice. They
were studied bv *
scholars in
described how a glass ball filled with water magnifies letters rhe University o f Padua, which became a major center for
(Polyak 1957). learning.
In the 15th century, C o sim o de Medici founded the pioneered by Peter Ramus ( 1 5 1 5 - 1 5 7 2 ) at the university o f
Florentine Academy. The leading members were Marsilio Paris (O n g 1 974). Peter Ramus was born Pierre de la Ramee
Ficino ( 1 4 3 3 - 1 4 9 9 ) and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. in the village o f C u ts in France, where a plaque in his
Their main activity was translation into Latin o f the works memory can be seen on the town hall. It is odd that the
o f Plotinus and the G nostic occult literature known as the Latinized version o f his name is the Latin word for branch.
Corpus Hermeticum from 2nd-century Alexandria (King W h a t came to be known as Ram ism is essentially the draw­
1973; Dorcsse 1970). Alexandria had been a melting pot ing up o f branching structures to represent knowledge. The
o f mystical ideas from Persian Zoroastrianism, and Greek, m ethod was mainly pedagogical and was applied to logic,
Egyptian, Jewish, Indian, and Christian sources. grammar, medicine, and other areas o f knowledge. Ramus
The C ath olic C hurch persecuted heretical cults, such as was murdered in the horrific massacre of over 3 ,0 0 0
the Manichaeans, Albigcnsians, Cathars, and Beguins Protestants in Paris on St. Bartholom ew s day, August 24,
because they threatened the monopoly o f the church (see 1572. Catherine de M edici, the Catholic Queen o f France,
L c ff 1967). Nevertheless, several popes were fascinated by condoned the massacre.
Gnostic beliefs, which permeated European thought during
the Renaissance (Thorndike 1958, vols. 7 and 8; Westfall
2 .4 .2 L E O N A R D O DA V I N C I
1970; Thomas 1971; Shumaker 1972; C rom bie 1 996). It
has been argued that, during the Renaissance, mystical ideas Leonardo da Vinci ( 1 4 5 2 - 1 5 1 9 ) was born in Vinci near
o f natural magic and numerology spurred the emergence o f Florence, the son o f a notary and a peasant woman. He
empirical and theoretical science (Yates 1967). It was not studied painting in the studio of Verrocchio in Florence
until the 18th century that the two ways o f thinking parted and worked in the service o f Ludovico il M oro in M ilan.
company. Later he worked in Rome, Bologna, and Venice. In his last
Gnostic beliefs thrive among literate and educated years he lived in France in a house provided by King Francis
people, unlike witchcraft, which thrives am ong illiterate I. See ( ’ alder ( 1 9 7 0 ) and Kem p ( 2 0 0 4 ) for accounts o f his
people. Gnostic beliefs still exist in the Jewish Cabala, life and works. See M acCurdy ( 1 9 5 4 ) for a collection o f
astrology, Jungian psychology, Scientology, Rosierucianism Leonardos notebooks and Todd ( 1 9 9 1 ) for a collection o f
(Howe 1 9 7 2 ), and New Age cults (W eb b 1 976). They were Leonardos anatomical drawings.
evident in the ideology o f the Nazis and are evident in The following passage from Leonardo da V in ci has been
American biblical prophesy and in the pyramid on the viewed as the first suggestion that light travels as waves
American dollar bill. There is no limit to the idiocy o f such rather than corpuscles, as earlier writers believed. He
beliefs, the gullibility of believers, or willingness o f che mass wrote,
media to propagate them (M acDougall 1983).
Pope Gregory I X established the Office of the Just as the stone thrown into water becomes the
Inquisition in 1233. It was used initially to repress the center and cause o f various circles, and sound made
Cathars in southern France but became an instrument for in the air spreads out in circles, so every body placed
the general suppression o f heresy in Europe. In the 16th and within the luminous air spreads itself out in circles
17th centuries, the Inquisition and the protestant churches and fills the surrounding parts with an infinite
were guilty o f the horrific persecution o f witches. However, number o f images o f itself, and appears all in all and
astrology and alchemy were widely practiced and rarely all in each part.
prosecuted. Also, the Inquisition was rarely used to sup­ ( f i v w л L E O N A R D O m .u iu w n p tD ell А паимтш Fogli»

press scientific inquiry or technology. if/ t b t In stitute d e Fram e. C ited in I:u$fiJ> in K cd t 19$$,

During the Renaissance, the art o f m em ory became

increasingly associated with cosmic mysticism stemming In Lindbergs ( 1 9 7 6 ) opinion, this was an analogy
from translations o f Hermetic literature and the Jewish describing the propagation o f images and indicted nothing
Cabala. The aim o f the mystical scholar, or magus, was to about how light is propagated. Be that as it may, the quota­
learn the whole o f G o d s creation. This consisted o f the tion essentially reaffirms al-Kindi’s principle o f universal
planetary spheres and the multitude o f angels. Then, by radiation o f light rays. Leonardos knowledge o f optics was
using magic rites, a person could ascend through the spheres based on Alhazen cither directly, or through Bacon,
to unite with G od. This tradition is typified in the writings Peckham, or Vitello. Like Alhazen, Leonardo proved that
o f G iordano Bruno ( 1 5 4 8 - 1 6 0 0 ) (Yates 1 964), who was light from many objects passes through each point o f space
burned at the stake for heresy. by showing that many objects produce distinct images
W ith the advent of printed books and humanism in the through the same hole in a pinhole camera. He then proved
16th century, printed charts replaced the ancient art o f that light from any one o b ject is in each location o f space by
memory. Knowledge was classified into treelike structures. showing that several images o f the same o b ject are produced
General headings representing general principles were suc­ by several pinholes. He regarded the eye as a miracle o f
cessively subdivided into subheadings. The method was Nature and was amazed by the fact that all light rays
entering rhe eye pass through one narrow opening without the optic pathways end in the posterior ventricles, rather
interference. He wrote. than in the anterior ventricles as generally believed at that
time (sec Kcclc 1955).
This it is that guides human discourse to consider Leonardos writings on vision had no effect because they
divine things; here the figures, here the colours, here were in private hands until 1636. They were not studied
all the images ot every part of the universe are co n ­ until the end o f the 18th century. His detailed drawings o f
tracted to a point. О what point is so marvellous. human anatomy remained hidden in a c h c s t in Kensington
(From L E O N A R D O ’ S Codex AtUnrtcuf. Palace, London, until the end o f the 18th century (Calder
C ited In Eng!id/ In K eelс 1955» (>390) 1970; Todd 1991).
Leonardos contribution to drawing in perspective is
He observed the colors ot the spectrum formed by light described in Section 2.9.3 and his ideas on binocular vision
passing through a glass o f water. In his Six Books on Light are discussed in Section 2.10.3a.
an d Shade (Richter 1970, pp. 6 7 - 1 2 8 ) , Leonardo distin­
guished between attached shadows and cast shadows (see
2 .5 1 6 T H - A N D 1 7 T H - C E N T U R Y E U R O P E
Section 27.3.1). He noted the persistence ot vision by
observing how a swinging torch produces a circle o flig h t.
Leonardo boiled an eye in egg white and then sectioned 2 .5 .1 G IO V A N N I D E L L A PO RTA
it. Til is is one o f rhe first uses o f tissue embedding. His
Giovanni Battista della Porta (c. 1 5 3 5 - 1 6 1 5 ) (Portrait
drawings show a spherical lens, probably because a dead
Figure 2.4) was a flamboyant collector and investigator o f
lens becomes spherical. He compared the eye with a camera
obscura. He believed that an inverted image is produced in
the ccntcr o f the eye, but that rays cross again to form an
erect image on the head o f the optic nerve. He described
how a needle held in front o f a hole in a card elose to the eye
appears inverted. By moving the needle to diiterent parts ot
the pupil he showed that an image is formed by light enter­
ing any part ot the pupil (see Ferrero 1952).
W h ile believing that vision depends on light entering
the eye, it seems he believed chat vision had special powers
over things seen. He wrote:

. . . the wolt has power by its look to cause men to

have hoarse voices.” “T he ostrich and the spider are
said to hatch their eggs by lookingat them.” “Maidens
are said to have the power in their eyes to attract to MAGIC К
themselves the love ot men. in x x -B o o k o
(C ited in M A t : с: и К 1) Y 1954./Л23Л)
0 1 IN .B A P T I S T P O R T
, a N c c p o lit u iie :
This last statement has some basis in fact. In his later
writings he was less inclined to speculate about mystical
powers. 11ГС
Leonardo noted that the pupils ot animals, such as the
owl, increase in the dark. In early writings, he had the erro­
neous idea that objects appear larger when the pupil
enlarges. This idea may have arisen from his observation
that a dark object on a bright ground appears smaller than a
bright o b ject on a dark ground (Strong 1979, p. xxxii). After
1513 he referred to vision being intensified when the pupil
dilates (Lindbcrg 1983). He did n ot observe pupil changes
related to changes in accommodation. These changes were
described by Schciner in 1631. Leonardo made an accurate
drawing o f the optic chiasma and concluded that it was
FijL«r< 2 -*. G iovan n i B u titsu dclLx P e r u (с. I S 3 5 1615). H e is show n here
responsible for the coordinated movements ot the eyes.
o n the fron tisp iece o f a 1 6 5 8 English tran slatio n o t his b o o k M a g id c
Leonardo injected wax into the cerebral ventricles to N a tu ra lis { 1 5 5 8 ) . I Ic was a c o lle cto r and investigator o f natu ral
obtain an accurate idea ot their shape, and concluded that w onders, living in N aples.
natural wonders, a playwright, and translator o f Greek texts. observations. He described the effects o f using lenses o f dif­
His fathers house in Naples was a center for philosophers, ferent focal length and noted the range o f distance o f the
musicians, and poets. Giovanni founded a group calling projected image over which it remained in focus. He co m ­
themselves Oliosi (M en o f leisure). Each member was pared the camera obscura with the eye. He wrote:
required to have made a new discovery in natural magic.
"This was the first scientific society o f modern times although W e found by experiment that when the hole was
magic, superstition, and empirical enquiry were inextrica­ made notably larger, there also followed confusion
bly mixed. At age 2 3 he wrote M agiae Naturalis ( 1 5 5 8 ) , a and fogging up o f the images and when it was made
collection o f wonders, medical remedies, and recipes tor a very narrow the image appeared very dimmed (p. 7).
great variety o f things including transmutation o f gold,
hunting, and beautifying women. It was one o f the most H e described how the afterimage ot an illuminated
popular books o f its time. It was translated into English in window frame appears large when projected o n to a far
1658. Dover published a facsimile edition in 1957. surface and small when projected o n to a near surface.
Many popular books on “natural magic” were published He explained chis as follows:
during the 17th century. Gradually, empirical science
became divorced from superstition and the occult. once the image is impressed on che retina it occupies
In his major work on optics, De Refraction e Optices Parte a determinate area ot this tunica. W h en we turn the
L ibri Novem (1 5 9 3 ) Porta dealt with refraction and eye to an object like a white wall placed ten or thirty
expounded Alhazens view that an image is formed on the times farther away than the first [object], the already
lens by perpendicular rays in the manner o f a pinhole impressed area o f the retina will be covered with an
camera. He added his own view that this happened only image o f as large a portion ot the wall as greater is the
after a second inversion o f the image by reflection from the distance between the eye and the wall to the distance
back o f the eye, which acted as a concave mirror. The eye o f between the eye and the original object, (p. 26).
the scallop works this way (sec Section 6.1.3).
He was apparently the first to give an account o f binocular This clear statement o f E m m erts law was written 2 4 2
rivalry between differently shaped images in the two eyes. He years before Em m ert announced his law (see Section
also described two tests o f eye dominance, one based on bin­ 2 9 .3 .4 ). Castelli applied the same explanation to the moon
ocular rivalry and the other based on binocular parallax occur­ illusion (Section 29.3.5 ). He described a size-distance illu­
ring when one or the other eye is closed (see Wade 1998b). sion that occurs in drawings.
He knew that a lens in the aperture o f a camera obscura
improves rhe image and he obtained an erect image with a were a painter со draw . . . two equal figures o f
concave mirror. He knew that increasing aperture size men . . . against a background in such a way that one
increased illumination o f rhe image. However, he con tin ­ appeared in a place far away from our eye and the
ued to believe that the image in the eye is tormed on the other one nearer, we would then judge that the one
lens. He was perhaps che first to use che camera obscura for that is represented as much farther away as, so to
drawing, simply by tracing round the image. speak, a giant even though the two figures are ot
equal height, (p. 3 2 )


Most textbooks on perception contain such a picture
Benedetto Castelli ( 1 5 5 7 - 1 6 4 3 ) was born in northern Italy. (see Figure 2 9 .4 ), although nobody has cited Castelli. Also,
He was a priest and lecturer in mathematics in Pisa and then this is a clear statement o f the size-distance invariance
in Rome. H e was the first and closest disciple o f Galileo and hypothesis (see Section 29.3 .2).
die only member o f the Galilean school to write about vision. Castelli had a dig at classical scholarship. He declared
Ariotti ( 1 9 7 3 ) points out that Castelli has been totally that nature itself is “the original book o f every true knowl­
ignored outside Italy. He is not mentioned in the histories o f edge o f ours.”
visual science by Priestley (1 7 7 2 ) or Boring (1 9 4 2 ).
Castelli s Discorso sopra la vista was written in 1 6 3 9 and 1 care not the least a b o u t. . . those who do nothing
printed in Bologna in 1669. It is in the form o f a long letter other than collate diverse opinions from different vol­
to Giovanni Ciam poli, a prelate of the Roman Curia. The umes and . . . give birth to most extraordinary m on­
quotations in rhe following are from an English translation sters and to mosc futile chimerae o f new views. . . that
by Ariotti (1 9 7 3 ). The page numbers refer to the pages in have no odier reality than in the fantasies and in those
rhe original Italian text. sheets o f paper that rhey keep filling up (p. 20).
Castelli described several well-known and some novel
visual phenomena. Like della Porta, he describes a camera C ould rhe same ching be said abouc some present day
obscura with a lens and added some ot his own novel branches o f “scholarship”?
2 . 5 . 3 V F. S Л I. IU S A N D T H I D E V E L O P M F. N T O P

Prohibition o f dissection ot the human bodv/ was lilted in

the 14th century. Anatomists in Italy directed assistants to
perform dissections in front o f a large audience. Leonardo
da Vinci made the first detailed drawings o f human anat­
om y based on his own dissections in the hospital o f Santa
Maria Nuova, Florence. But his drawings and notes on
anatomy/ were not studied until the end o f the 18th century.
They can be seen in Todd (1 9 9 1 ).
Andreas Vesalius initiated the modern study o f human
anatomy (Portrait Figure 2.5). Me was born in Brussels in
151 4 and studied medicine in Paris, Louvain, and Padua,
where, che day after his graduation ac the age o f 25 , he was
appointed to the chair ofanatom y and surgery (see O ’Malley
1964). He became physician to Charles V in 1544. Charles
was Holy Roman Emperor, ruling Spain, parts o f Italy, and
the Netherlands. This position prevented Vesalius from
engaging in further research. After the abdication ofC harles
in 1559, Vesalius hoped to rccurn ro his chair in Padua, bur
was forbidden to leave Madrid by the new emperor, Philip
II. In 156 4 Vesalius made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. O n the
return journey, stormy weather forced him to land on the
island ot Zantc, where he became sick and died.
The great work De Corporis Hurnani Fabrica (Or/ the
Structure o f the I luma?) Body) was published in 1543, when
Vesalius was 29 years old (Figure 2.6). It contains many fine
anatomical drawings, including drawings o f the eye, based
Ftferc 2 .6 . T itle p ag efrom th e D c C orp oris Н и т л т F a b rica . T in s b o o k , by
A ndreas Vesalius, was published in 1 5 4 3 . It laid the fou n d ation o t
m odern anatom v.

on his own dissections. They are woodcuts made in Venice

by a master engraver in T itia n s workshop and assembled
into a book in Switzerland. Saunders and O ’Malley ( 1 9 5 0 )
reprinted the book from the same blocks.
Vesalius could not confirm that the optic nerve was
hollow, as required by G alens theory that it transported
visual spirits. In spite o f this, and his critical attitude to clas­
sical anatomy, Vesalius did not question the doctrine o f
animal spirits, which persisted inco the 17th century. He
also retained a spherical lens in the center o f the eye and
placed the optic nerve on the optic axis. Like Galen, Vesalius
believed that the optic pathways project to the lining o f the
most anterior o f the three cerebral ventricles.
It has been claimed that in the 12th century the Spanish
Arab Averroes ( 1 1 2 6 1198) described the retina as the site
ofimage formation. O thers havedeniedthisclaim (Lindberg
1983). Abn Rushd, another Spanish Arab scholar certainly
expressed the idea in the 13th century (Polyak 1957). In
Figure 2.s . if/d rat* Vesalius ( I 5 H - A n d r e a s Vesalius was b o m in 1543, Vesalius suggested that the retina is the sensitive
Brussels in 1 5 1 4 and studied m ed icin e in Paris, Lou vain , and Padua.
organ o f sight but produced no evidence.
H e was protcssor o f an atom y and surgery in Padua and physician to the
I lolv R om an Em perors C h arles V a n d P hilip II. (Гг.жс.%Рicce, Л. P/aqyjwtvf, Eustachio ( 1 5 2 0 - 1 5 7 4 ) , in his Tabulae Anatomicae,
E tttd ii M A \ Aj <! I r & u V . C /.iA V , I H i 1 У was the first person to recognize that the optic pathways do
not project directly со the brain bur first pass to the poste­
rior part of the thalamus (che lateral geniculate nuclei),
although his discovery was ignored for more than 150 years.
In 1854 Louis-Pierre G ra tio le t ( 1 8 1 5 - 1 8 6 5 ) discovered
the optic radiations projecting from the thalamus to the
occipital cortex.

2 . 5 .4 T H E D E V E L O P M E N T OF

Felix P latter ( 1 5 3 6 - 1614), professor of medicine at Basel,

was the first person со dissect che human body in a German-
speaking country. He was also the firsc со scace clearly chac
che recina is the recipient surface o f the eye, and produced
supporting anatomical evidence in his D e Corporis H um ani
Structura ci Usu o f 1583. He clearly described rhe recina
and ciliary muscles supporting the lens (Figure 2.7).
However, his accounc lacked a clear stacemcnc o f che diop-
cric principles ot image formacion.
Jo h a n n e s K epler ( 1 5 7 1 - 1 6 3 0 ) (Porcraic Figure 2.8) Fl&ucc 2 .K. Jo h a n n es K ep ler ( /57/ 1630). Jo h a n n e s K epler was b o rn in

was born of Lutheran parents in Weil near Stuccgarc. He W eil, G erm any. H e studied ac the U niversity o fT u b in g e n and taught
m athem atics at the P ro testan t sem inary in G raz. In 1 6 0 0 he becam e
studied ac che Univcrsicy o f Tubingen, inccnding со become
the assistant to th e astro n o m er T y ch o B rah e a t th e c o u rt o f Rudolph
a Lucheran clergyman. Inscead, he taught mathemacics ac II in Prague. W h e n B rah e d ied, K epler becam e co u rt m athem atician
che Proccscanc seminary in Graz. In 1600 lie became che and astrologer. H e was later a m athem atician in L in z, and finally in

assiscant to che astronomer Tycho Brahe ac che court ot R o sto ck . (FfcmMidi 1929)

Rudolph II in Prague. W h en Brahe died a year later, Kepler

became court mathematician and astrologer. From the exact
astronomical measuremencs gachered by Brahe. Kepler Kepler lived ac the height o f the witch-burning craze.
derived his three laws o f planetary m otion. After che abdi- His own mother would have been burned if he had not
cacion ot Rudolph II, Kepler became a machemacician in intervened. The horrific Thirty Years’ War raged in Germany
Linz. He died in Regensburg in 1630. during the last 15 years of his life. This war is vividly
described in the book I he 'thirty Years War by Wedgwood
( 1 9 9 5 ) . See Koestlcr ( I 9 6 0 ) for a biography ot Kepler.
In the 17th century, chemistry, ascronomy, and mathe­
macics were emerging from che myscical, hermccic cradicion
of choughc with which they had been inextricably co n ­
nected (Thorndike 1 958). Kepler’s attitude to astrology
was ambivalent. He cast horoscopes for the emperor bur
once remarked that the “wayward daughter, astrology,” had
to support the “honcsc dame ascronomy.” Ncvcrchclcss, he
believed in a world soul (anim a tnuneii) chat propagates
from the center (the sun) by rays o f light. H e also believed
that the stars and planets affect human affairs and that
com ets were portents o f the future.
Like Marin Mersenne in France, Kepler was among the
first to scace clearly
i che distinction between ccstablc scicn-
tific hypotheses and mystical speculation, and between che
use o f mathematics со describe natural phenomena and its
use in myscical numerology. This is clear in his famous dis­
pute with Robert Fludd, an English physician and devotee
o f che medical alchemical theories o f Paracelsus. The
alchemical tradition had its roots in Greece and C hina. It
permeated the G nostic, hermetic (G nostic) literature o f
Fij,urc 2.". F ir s t d ea r diagram o f t h e e v e . From Лг ГГ»г/>пЬH u m a n i rt t-iii 2nd century Alexandria. This liceracure was broughc
p u liln lic d b r Felix I 'L l ter l a И 5 ) . into Europe through the translations by the Renaissance
philosophers Marsilio Ficino and Giovanni Pico della sizes o f the sun and m oon from images produced in a camera
M irandola (Yates 19 6 4 ; Bonelli and Shea 1 975). Those obscura. His exploration o f the effects o f changing the size
wholly in chc occult tradition relied 011 ancient authority, o f the aperture and its distance from the image plane led
symbols, images, and analogies. him to consider the image formed in the eye.
In his Mysterium C.osmographicion o f 1597 Kepler stated Kepler derived his ideas o f the anatomy o f the eye and
that the planetary orbits conform to the diameters ol the the idea that the retina is the site o f image formation from
five nested Platonic solids {cube, tetrahedron, dodecahe­ Felix Platter s De Corporis HttmaniStructura et Usu o f 1583.
dron, icosahedron, octahedron). Ibis theory was inspired He also relied on the most accurate available drawings of
by concepts derived from the mystical Pythagorean tradi­ the eye in A natom ia Pragensis written in 1601 by Johannes
tion and from Plato’s occult ideas about rhe five regular Jessenius, professor o f medicine at W ittenberg.
polyhcdra. W h en Brahe’s measurements did n ot fit this As his starting point Kepler considered the problem
theory, Kepler relinquished it in favor o f his theory o fellip - raised by Alhazen— chat clear vision requires that each
tical orbits, as set out in his Harmonice M undi. Thus, poinc in the image plane receives light from only one point
Kepler s respcct for evidence allowed him to break free from in an object plane. Kepler rejected Alhazens solution o f
the suffocating influence o f occult beliefs. Kepler s work on allowing only normal rays to enter che eye, on the grounds
planetary orbits laid the foundation for N ew tons theory o f chat there would be no way со distinguish between normal
gravity. rays and slightly refracted rays. By analyzing the paths o f
W h ile in Prague, Kepler discovered chc geometrical light rays through a lens, he arrived at the corrcct solution,
principles of image formation on the retina, which were set which he then applied to the eye. The following quotations
out in A d Vitellionem Paralipomena, quibus Astronomiae arc from an English translation o f Kepler s A d Vitellionem
pars Optica Traditur ( 'things appended to Vitello, in which by D onahue (2 0 0 0 )
the optica! part o f astronomy is treated). M ost o f this work
was written in 1603 and it was presented to Emperor Since any point you please radiates in an orb, it will
Rudolph II, on New Years Day, 1604. The book is now therefore also radiate to the parts o f the orb, with
available in English translation (Kepler 1604). His theories the result that it will radiate to the whole o f the
were also presented in his book Dioptrics ( 1 6 1 1 ). Since small portion o f the little sphere o f the cornea, and
V itellos book o f optics was little more than a commentary will illuminate the iris and its black center, or the
on Alhazens book o f optics, one can say that Alhazen p ro­ opening o f the uvea. And sincc the cornea and the
vided rhe foundation for Keplers work. Kepler established aqueous humor that is beneath it, are a medium
the modern principles o f dioptrics and put physiological denser than air, th e rays sent down to the inclined
optics on a firm foundation. surface o f rhe little sphere are accordingly refracted
In Chapters I and II o f A d Vitellionem Kepler discussed towards the perpendicular. Thus those rays which
rhe nature o flig h t, which he described as consisting o f rays previously were spreading out in their progress
o f constant intensity traveling from a source in all direc­ through the air, are gathered together now that they
tions at great speed. H e explained how, for a uniform source, have entered the cornea.
intensity per unit area on a spherical surface decreased in ( K E P L E R 1604, p. 1 7 1 ).

proportion to the square o f the distance from the source.

He applied these ideas to the operation o f the pinhole Light radiating ouc from any point in an object plane is
camera. In Chapter III he discusscd reflection and in refracted by the lens со form a cone o f light, which co n ­
Chapter IV he presented measurements o f refraction. verges on a point in the image plane. Eight radiating from
However, like Ptolemy, he used only small angles and co n ­ any other poinc in the o b je ct plane converges in another
cluded that the angle of refraction was proportional to the point in the image plane. There is thus a one-to-one m ap­
angle o f incidence. T he correct rule is that the ratio o f the ping o f o b ject points o n to image points, and therefore
sines o f the angles is constant for a given pair o f media. refracted light rays do not dilute the image.
T h om as H arrio t, scientific advisor to Sir Walter Although convex and concave lenses had been used to
Raleigh, had stated the correct rule of refraction in unpub­ improve vision long before Kepler s time, he was the first to
lished notes in about 1601 (M cLean 1 972). W illeb ro rd explain their function. He wrote:
Snell, professor o f mathematics at Leiden, published the
correct rule in 1621 (German spelling Snel, Latin Snellius). Therefore, chose endowed with a point o f distincc
However, he did n ot use the sine terminology (Vollgraff vision that is rather distant, when they use convex
1936). glasses, they alter the cone of radiations of the same
Keplers analysis o f vision is contained in Chapter V, nearby point, so as to appear to arise as if from a dis­
entitled "D e m odo Visionis,” of A d VitelI ion on . He was tance, and to enter the e y e .. . . O n the other hand,
prompted to investigate image formation because o f diffi­ those endowed by nature with a point or distance o f
culties that Tvcho Brahe had been having in measuring the distinct vision that is short and close, by using
concave glasses, alter the cone o f radiations coming E ,
from the same distant point, so that it may seem as it
ic originates and enters che eye from nearby.
( K E P L E R 1604,[>.20!)

Like Alhazen, Kepler realized that optical principles

could not apply beyond che retina, because che opcic nerve
is nor straight and contains opacities. He clung to Galen’s
notion ot visual spirics, buc admicced chac he knew nothing
abouc visual processes beyond che recina. He wrote,

I say chac vision occurs when an image (idolum) o f

the whole hemisphere of die world chat is betore the
eve, and a little more, is set up at the white wall, tinged
with red, ot the concave surface o f the retina. How
Figure i.9. S c h c in c r s draw ing o f the eye. Fi\*in bit О.мЛг ni 1619.
this image o f picture is join ed together with the visual
spirits that reside in the retina and in the n erv e,. . . I
leave to che natural philosophers [Physici] accurate drawing o f an eye, showing che correct curvacure of
( K E P L E R !6 0 4 ,f.t6 S ). the cornea and lens and the correct position o f the optic
nerve, as shown in Figure 2.9. He proved experimentally
Kepler concluded that an inverted and left-right reversed that a miniature inverted image is formed on the retina
picture o f che visual scene is projected on the retina. He (Scheiner 1 6 1 9 ,1 6 3 0 ) . He did this by making a model o f an
wrote: eye. He also observed the image directly by cutting away the
back ot a bull’s eyeball.
Thus vision is brought about by a picture o f the Knowledge abouc che structure o f che retina had to wait
thing seen being formed on the concave surface o f until the microscope was developed in the 17th century. In
the retina. That which is to the right outside is the book Rosa Urstna Siva So/, published in 1630, Schcincr
depicted on the left in the retina, that to the left on compared the optics o f the eye with the optics o f a tele­
che right, that above below, and that below above. scope. I Ic correctly placed the nodal point o f the eye near
Further, green things are depicted in che color green, the center o f the eye and suggested that accommodation
and in general any object whatever is pictured in its involves both the forward and backward movement and
own color. So, it ic were possible tor cliis picture on flattening o f the lens.
che retina to persist when the retina was revealed by I Ic observed that an inverted image ot a small object
removing the anterior parts ot the eye which form it, held near the pupil appears in each o f several small holes in
someone with sufficiently sharp sight would recog­ a card held beyond the object. Porterfield developed this
nize the exact shape o f the hemisphere compressed effect into the first optom eter (Section 9.2.4).
inco che confined space o f the retina. W illia m M olyneux. a Dublin lawyer and scientist, pub­
( K E P L E R 1604,p. 170) lished his Treatise o f Dioptricks in 1692. Ic seems to have
been the firsc book on optics printed in English. O n page-
At first, Kepler was disposed to accept Alhazens solu­ 105 he proposed the correct answer to the inversion prob­
tion со che problem o f che inverccd image by posicing a lem. The perceptual system docs not have access to the abso­
second inversion, buc he soon abandoned this idea. He co n ­ lute orientation o f the retinal image bur only to its
cluded that a mental process was responsible for seeing the oriencacion wich respect to that indicated by other sensory
image in its correcc oricncation, which is tantamount to modalities. Molyneux was prompted to approach the pro b­
saying that he left the problem unsolved. lem in this way by reading Joh n Locke’s Essay Concerning
C h risto p h S c h c in c r ( 1 5 7 3 - 1 6 5 0 ) was born near Human Understanding ( 1 6 1 9 ). Molyneux also posed the
Mindelheim, Germany. He was a Jesuit priest and became question about what a blind person would see i f sight were
professor o f mathematics in Ingolstadt and advisor to suddenly restored (see Section 8.1.3).
Archduke Maximilian. Between 1624 and 1633 he lived in G e o rg e Berkeley ( 1 7 0 9 ), fellow o f Trinity College
Rome. He built telescopes and observed the sunspots, Dublin and later Bishop o f Cloync, also scaced che correct
which involved him in a priority dispute with Galileo. solution со the problem o f the inverted image (Portrait
Decails about his life and work have been provided by Figure 2 .1 0 ). See 1 Ioward ( 1 9 8 2 ) for an account o f investi­
Daxccker ( 1 9 9 2 , 1994). gations o f the effects o f inverting the retinal image.
In the book Oculus, published in 1619, Scheiner Any useful opcical system must change ics focal length
described the anatomy ot che eye. He produced che firsc when the distance o f the o b ject changes. Kepler speculated
Isaac N ewton ( 1 6 7 0 ) shone a beam o f sunlight ch rough
a prism and observed the resulting spectrum. In this way he
was the firsc со demonstrate chac white light contains all the
colors o l the spectrum. He concluded in his Opticks ( 1 7 04,
p. 26) chac “ The lighc o f che sun consists o f rays differently
Newton observed phosphcncs produced by pressing a
blunt probe against on his eyeball. He also described a
simple dcmonstracion ofchrom acic aberration in the human
eye. He held a hole in a card close to one edge o f the pupil
so chac lighc rays scriking che cornea obliquely were scrongly
refracced со form an image on che fovea wich visible chro-
macic fringes. This procedure is still used (see Seccion
Franciscus G rim aldi ( 1 6 1 3 - 1 6 6 3 ) discovered che phe­
nomenon ofditfraccion, which led him со suggest thac lighc
cravels in waves, like waves on che surface of a liquid. The
Ducch scientist Chriscian Huygens ( 1 6 2 9 - 1 6 9 5 ) devel­
oped che wave cheory of lighc (Huygens 1690). This theory,
as modified by Augustin Fresnel ( 1 7 8 8 - 1 8 2 7 ) , accounts
Figure2. 10 . G eorge B erkeley (1 6 8 $ I753X H e was born in D v sert, Ireland. for a wide range o f optical phenomena. The wave theory
H e b eca m e a fellow o f T rin ity C o lleg e D u b lin in 1 7 0 7 . B etw een 1 7 1 3 was contrasted wich N ew tons corpuscular cheory until che
and 1721 he traveled in England and Italy. H e th en held offices in
theories were combined in modern optical cheory.
the U n iv ersity
o f D u blin and was dean o f D err фv. H e visited A m erica
b etw een 1 7 2 8 and 1 7 3 2 . In 1 7 3 4 he becam e Bishop o f C lo y n c in In 1873 Ja m e s Clerk Maxwell ( 1 8 3 1 - 1 8 7 9 ) published
Ireland. (O il p ain tin g by J . Ssm b ert, 1 7 2 5 . N ation al P ortrait G allery, his four field equations that established the unity o f lighc
London) and clcccromagnccism. G u sto ff K irch o ff ( 1 8 2 4 - 1 8 8 7 )
showed thac the Huygens-Fresnel wave theory can be
deduced from Maxwells equations. These equations paved
chat accommodation is achieved bv back and forth movc- the way for Einstein’s theory o f relativity.
m e n c s o f the lens. In 1 6 7 1 , Jacqu es Rohaulc ( 1 6 1 8 - 1 6 7 2 ) Jean Mery ( 1 7 0 4 ) observed the blood vessels in che cats
constructed an artificial eye in which focus was changed by recina by shining candlelight through che pupil. In 1823,
moving the image surface. John Theophilus Dcsaguliers Purkinjc used che same mechod со observe che blood vessels
(1 7 1 9 ) proposed that changing pressure in the fluids o f the in che human recina (see Weale 1 994). In 1850 Helm holtz
eye caused the cornea to change its curvature. Scheiner invented the ophthalmoscope, which overcame che prob­
( 1 6 3 0 ) had speculated that the eye could accommodate by lem o f the observer’s head getting in the way o f the retinal
changing the shape o f the lens. Descartes ( 1 6 6 4 ) and image (H elm holtz 1851).
N icholas M alebranche ( 1 6 7 4 ), adopted the same theory.
In 1738, Wi l l i am Porterfield (c. 1 6 9 7 - 1771), a physician
2 .5 .5 DESCA RTES
in Edinburgh, introduced the term “accommodation” to
describe a change in the focal length o f the lens. After Rene Descartes ( 1 5 9 6 - 1 6 5 0 ) (Porcraic Figure 2 .1 1 ) was
observing a person lacking lenses he concluded that accom­ born o f Jewish parents in La Have near Tours in France. He
modation involves changes in lens curvature. He invented was educated at ajesu ic school in La Fleche, France, where
the optom eter for measuring the near and far points o f he formed a lifelong friendship wich his fellow scudenc
accommodation (Section 9.2.4). P ro o f chat the lens changes Mersenne. After studying law in Poitiers he lived aimlessly
its shape had со wait for experiments conducted by Joseph in Paris on his private income. He made a sudden decision
Pricsdcy ( 1 7 7 2 ) and Thomas Young (1 8 0 1 ). со cravel and joined the D utch Protestant army of Prince
Helm holtz (1 8 5 5 ) developed Youngs cheory o fa c c o m - Maurice of Nassau as a gentleman volunteer in che Ducch
modacion inco che generally acccpccd cheory. As che lens city o f Breda. The Ducch were fighcing for independence
accommodates for a near object, che ciliary muscles reduce from Spain wich che help of Cacholic France. During a long
tension in the fibers supporting the lens, which allows the lull in the fighcing Descartes m et a soldier scientist named
lens to relax into a more spherical shape (see Section 9.2.1). Isaac Bccckm an, with whom he studied mathematics. Then,
Descartes (1 6 3 7 ) speculated that presbyopia is due to after wandering through Europe for some time, he joined
the lensbecomingflatterw ich advancing age. The Dutchm an the Cacholic army of che Duke ot Bavaria. He seems со
Frans Cornelius D onders ( 1 8 1 8 - 1 8 8 9 ) produced a fuller have had an easy life as a gentleman soldier during che hor­
account o f dcfcccs in accommodacion (D onders 1864). rific Thircv Years’ War of 1618 со 1648. This war, wich ics
body as an automaton controlled by chc mind and soul
operating through the pineal gland. The consequences of
this misguided duality— the unfortunate division between
the material and mental— are still with us.
Dcscartes believed that cach optic nerve projects to its
own side o f the brain. He thus moved the site where visual
inputs com bine from the chiasm into the brain. He p ro­
posed that each fiber in the optic nerve projects to a specific
location on the lining o f the ipsilatcral ccrcbral vcncriclc.
From chere, inputs from che eyes com bine in che pineal
gland. He selected this gland because he saw it as the only
unpaired scruccurc in che brain thac could account for sin­
gleness o l vision. It is unlikely that Descartes had a clear
idea that corresponding points from the two eyes project to
the same location in the brain. Figure 2.12a seems to have
been added to the Traite de I'hommme after Descartes death
(see Wade 1998a).

Figure 2 . 11. Rent-D escartes (1 $ 9 6 -1 6 5 0 ). Rene D escartes w as born near

The French physicist, Ja c q u e s R oh au lt ( 1 6 7 1 ), sug­
lo u rs in F ran cc and ed u cated a t a Je su it sch ool in La Fleche, France gested that ipsilaterally projecting corresponding
A fter studying law in P oitiers he jo in ed the D u tch P rotestan t arm y o f fibers from the two eyes converge somewhere in the brain
Prince M aurice o f Nassau a n d . later, th e C a th o lic arm y o f th e D uke
(Figure 2.12 b ). Descartes’s ideas of brain structure and
o t Bavaria. H e then settled in H o lla n d , where he devoted him selt to
m ath em atics and philosophy. In 1 6 4 9 he m oved to S to ck h o lm to
function were largely speculative.
teach philosophy to Q u een C h ristin a . H e died o f p n eu m on ia during Descartes accepted the psychophysical postulate, which
his first w in ter there. (E n g rav in g by VC'. H o ll from a p ain tin g by Frans states that every percept is represented by a distinct scacc o f
H als in the Louvre» Paris. C o u rtesy C rerar Library* D r. So n n en sch ein
the brain. He also stated that the memory o f an object
C o lle c tio n , C h ic a g o )
involves the same brain scacc as that creatcd bv the actual
In his L a dioptrique ( 1 6 3 7 ) Dcscartes described the eyes
associated famine and disease, killed about one quarter as "feeling o u t” a distance by the convergence o f the visual
o f the population o f Germany and left most o f the country axes, as a blind man might feel out a discancc with a stave in
in ruins. each hand (Section 25.2).
Descartes moved from Paris to Holland in 162 8 to
devote him self to mathematics and philosophy. W hile there
he developed Cartesian geometry. In Holland, he was safe 2 .6 B E G IN N IN G S O F V IS U A L
from the clutches o f the Inquisition. This was the time when N E U R O S C IE N C E
Galileo was brought before the Holy Office. Heretics and
those accused o f witchcraft were burned at the stake by both
2 .6 .1 D F.ТА 11. F. D S T R U С T U R F. О F T H F.
the Catholic and Protestant churches. Even in Holland, he
was cautious about what he published. In 1649 he was
reluctantly persuaded to move to Stockholm to teach phi­ It is not clear who first made a microscope. T he Jesuit priest
losophy to 23-year-old Queen Christina. He died o f pneu­ A thanasius K irch er ( 1 6 0 2 - 1 6 8 0 ) , inventor o f the magic
monia during the first winter, aged 54. See Watson (2 0 0 2 ) lantern, was perhaps the first microscopist. His Ars Magna
for a biography of Descartes. et Umbrae contains observations on light and lenses and a
Descartes published his account o f vision in L a diop- description of his microscope. M arcello M alpighi ( 1 6 2 8 —
triqu e in 1637 and in TraitideI'hom m tne [Treatiseon M an) 1 6 94 ) was professor o f anatomy at Bologna, Pisa, and
in 1664 (English translation by Hall 1972). He set out to Messina. He was the greatest 17th-century microscopist
reconcile the scholastic Aristotelian account o f perception and the founder of histology. During the last three years of
with his mechanistic theory and his mind/body dualism. his life he was physician to Pope Innocent X II. His PuHi in
Descartes adopted K eplers ideas of image formation but ovo o f 1673 describes the neural groove, and the cerebral
retained Galen’s animal spirits. He believed these spirits and optic vesicles.The Ducchman A n to n Van Leeuw enhoek
were formed in the pineal gland and thac fine filaments in ( 1 6 3 2 - 1 7 2 4 ) made his first microscope in Delft in 1671. It
the optic nerves opened valves in the walls o f the ventricles is in a museum in Ucrechc. He made microscopes o f increas­
and pineal gland and allowed animal spirits to flow to mus­ ing quality (Leeuwenhoek 1675). He studied bacteria and
cles. These mechanical ideas were inspired by his interest in animal tissue, including nerve tissue. In 1674 he sent a
clocks, animated statues, and toys. Descartes saw the human communication to the Royal Society of London, which
(a) D escartes (1664) used K epler's theory o f im age form ation.
E ach optic nerve projects to the lining o f the ipsilateral ccrcbral
ventricle, an idea taken from G alen. Pairs o f corresponding points
m ap onto the pineal gland to form a unified im age.

(d) N ew ton , in about 1706, w as the first to suggest hem idec-

u ssation o f the pathw ays. H e erroneously fused corresponding
fibres in the chiasm a. (U npublished m anuscript, see C ron e 1992)

(b) Rohault (1671) adopted ipsilateral projection and com bined

corresponding fibres in the brain.
(c) T ay lor (1738) corrected N ew ton 's erroneous idea o f fu sion of
fibres in the chiasm a

(c) B rig gs (1676) adopted ipsilateral projection and described the (f) Porterfield (1759) rejected N ew to n 's hem idecussation. Like,
optical projection o f corresponding im ages. Rohault, he show ed how im ages p roject to corresponding points.

Figure 2. 11. F.arly draw ings o f the visual pathways.

stated that he could n o t find canals in the optic nerve, used che cerm “cell” to describe structures in sections o f a
as claimed by Galen. Harris ( 1 9 9 9 ) described the work ot cork. H ooke made some observations on the limits o f visual
early microscopists. resolution and, like Descartes, he was inceresced in the rela-
T h om as Young ( 1 7 7 3 - 1 8 2 9 ) was a physician in Sc cion becween resolucion and che diamcccr o f sensoryt end-
G eo rg es Hospital in London, and foreign secretary o f che ings in che eye. See Wade ( 2 0 0 4 ) for an accounc o f early
Royal Sociccv (Figure 2 .1 3 ). He was a distinguished lin- cxperimcncs on visual acuity.
guisc, Egyptologist, physicist, and physiologist and made Early microscopes had poor resolution, and images were
several significant contributions со visual science. He was discorced by lens aberracions. Ic was noc uncil che incroduc-
che firsc со demonstrate che wave nature o f light by observ­ cion o f achromatic lenses in the 1820s that details o f cellular
ing interference fringes produced by passing light through structures could be observed. J a n P u rk in jc ( 1 7 8 7 - 1 8 6 9 ) ,
an aperture. He was also che firsc со explain che mechanism in Breslau, and Jo h a n n e s M u ller ( 1 8 0 1 - 1 8 5 8 ) , in Berlin,
o f lens accommodacion and astigmatism (Section 9.2.2), helped to lay che foundations o f histology. T h e o d o r
and was che firsc со propose che trichromacic cheory o f color Schw ann , 1 8 1 0 - 1 8 8 2 ) described clearly che cell doccrinc
vision. See Robinson ( 2 0 0 6 ) for a biography. o f anatomy (Schwann 1839).
R o b e r t H o o k e ( 1 6 3 5 - 1 7 0 3 ) , professor of mechanics In 1830, Purkinjc dcmonscratcd chac shadows o f retinal
to che Royal Society, constructed che first compound m icro­ capillaries are visible when one looks through a pinhole.
scope and published drawings o f che microscopic scructurc H ein rich M u ller ( 1 8 5 4 ), professor o f anatomy at Wurzburg
o f com m on materials in his Micrograph ia o f 1665. He firsc in Bavaria, measured the parallactic displacement o f the
f 2.14. San tiago R am on у C a ja l ( I $ $ 2 1934). H e was born in the
Figure 2.i>. Tlx/niAs Youtig (1 7 7 3 IS 2 9 ). T h o m as Young w as born in village o l P c tilla d c A ragon in n o rth east Spain and studied m ed icin e in
So m erset, E n glan d , and stu died in L o n d o n , E d in b u rg h ,a n d G erm any. Z aragoza. A fter som e years as an arm y physician in C u b a he ob tain ed
U c was a physician a t S t. G e o rg e s I Josp ital in L o n d o n , and foreign his P h .D . in M adrid w ith M acstrc de San Ju a n . H e held academ ic
secretary o f th e Royal Society. H e was a d istinguished lin guist, ap p o in tm en ts in Z aragoza, V alencia, B arcelo n a, and finally M adrid.
E gy p tologist, physicist, and physiologist and m ade several significant H e was 5 5 in th is p h otog rap h . (From \U* >♦. 1907}
co n trib u tio n s to visual science.

the village o f Pecilla de Aragon in northeast Spain, the son

shadows o f capillaries for a given morion o f a lighc source. of a doctor. A s a young man his passion was arc buc, because
From chis, he compuccd chc discancc between the vessels o f his fathers opposition, he agreed to study medicine in
and the layer o f receptors behind them. The distance was Zaragoza. After some years as an army physician in C u ba he
chc same as che anatomically determined distance becwcen obtained his Ph.D. in Madrid with Maestre de San Juan.
chc blood vessels and chc layer containing the rods and He held academic appointments in Zaragoza, Valencia,
cones. Muller deduced chac photorecepcion occurs in the Barcelona, and finally Madrid (see Ramon у Cajal 1937).
outer scgmcncs o f chc rods and cones. Miillcr also described In 1887, while professor of histology in Barcelona, he
che principle layers o f che recina. visiced Madrid, where Luis Simarro incroduced him со
M ax Schultzc (1 8 6 6 ) showed chac chc fovea contains only che Golgi scaining procedure.
cones. Knowing thac the fovea and color vision do noc func­ Ramon v Cajal developed and popularized che Golgi
tion in dim light, he dcduccd that concs arc responsible for staining procedure and used it to reveal the cellular organi­
photopic color vision and that rods are responsible for sco- zation ot the spinal cord, recina, cerebellum, and cerebral
topic achromatic vision. Franz Boll (1 8 7 7 ) showed chac chc cortex in great detail (Section 5.4.1 a). He proposed the idea
recina changes color when exposed со lighc. This led со che dis­ thac informacion is received bvj dendrices and transmicced
covery o f rhodopsin by Willy Kiihnc and Carl F.wald (1877). to other nerve cells bv
the axon. He remained unsure about
In 1873 C a m illo G o lg i ( 1 8 4 3 - 1 9 2 6 ) discovered chac how information was passed from one cell со anocher, buc
silver nicracc scains many
nerve cells со reveal cheir fine rejecced the idea chat nerves form a continuous network.
structure. However, he failed to observe synapses. Like He discovered dendritic spines and growth cones and for­
R udolf von Kollikcr ( 1 8 1 7 - 1905) and others, Golgi mulated the theory o f neurotropism in the development o f
believed chac nerve cells form a continuous network, or the nervous system (see Section 6.3.3).
reticulum, throughout the body. Ironically, the develop­ In h isC ro o n ia n Leccure, delivered in London in 1894,
ment o f G o l g i s histological procedure soon allowed others, C ajal spcculaccd chac use and disuse ot neural circuics p ro­
such as W ilhelm Hiss ( 1 8 3 1 - 1 9 0 4) and Ramon v Cajal to duces a remodeling o f dendritic fields as a basis for memory
propose the neuron th eory, in which neurons are indepen­ and learning (see Section 6.5).
dent cells linked by synapses. See Shepherd ( 1 9 9 1 ) for a Ramon v Cajal wrote papers only in Spanish, which he
detailed hiscory o f che neuron theory. published in his own journal— Rivista frbnestralde histolo-
S an tiag o R am o n у C ajal ( 1 8 5 2 - 1 9 3 4 ) (Figure 2.14) gia norm al у patoldgica. His three-volume work Textura
was the founder o f modern neuroscience. He was born in del sistew a nervioso del hom bre у de los vertebrados was
published between 1899 and 1904. This work became gen­
2 .6 .2 A D VAN С E S I N U N D E R S ТА N D I N G
erally known only after it was translated into German by
Albrecht von Kolliker and into French by Ramon у Cajals
friend Leon Azoulay as Histologie du systbne nerveux de The earliest written reference to the brain is contained in an
I’hom m e et des venebres (1 9 1 1 ). Egyptian papyrus dating from abouc 1700 B C , which was a
Stephen Polyak visited RamOn у C ajal in 1924. He was copy o f a document from the O ld Kingdom, 1,000 years
inspired to apply C ajals methods to the primate retina, earlier. Sec Breasted (1 9 3 0 ) for an English translation. It
including the human retina. Polyaks book 'the Retina describes the brain protruding from a skull fracture, along
appeared in 1941. In 1 9 0 6 , Cajal and Golgi shared the with the meninges, and the cerebrospinal fluid. The
Nobel Prize in Physiology. In 1 9 0 1 , Cajal published a paper Egyptians believed that the heart was the seat o f the mind,
on stercopsis and binocular vision in a journal o f photogra­ which explains why, during the process of mummification,
phy in Madrid, in which he described a form o fran d o m -d o t they preserved the heart buc scooped ouc the brain and
stereogram, which is described in Section 24 .1 .5 (Bergua discarded it.
and Skrandies 2 0 0 0 ). Aristotle’s ( 3 8 4 - 3 2 2 B C ) De an bn a and Parva natura-
In Bologna, at the end ot the 18th century, Luigi lia contain discussions ot the five senses of seeing, hearing,
Galvani showed that electrical discharges produce muscle smell, taste, and touch and a vague discussion o f cognitive
contractions. W ith this discovery, the fluid theory o f nerve functions. However, he placed the center for perception
conduction was replaced by th e idea o f electrical conduc­ and cognition in the heart. In Alexandria, Hcrophilus
tion. In Berlin, in the 1840s, Emil Du Bois-R eym ond ( 3 3 5 - 2 8 0 B C ) and Erasiscracus ( 3 0 4 - 2 5 0 B C ) placed che
measured resting potentials in nerve and muscle, and cencer for perception and cognition in the brain. They
H elm holtz measured the speed o f nerve conduction. In described the nerves leaving the human brain and spinal
1877, Richard C aton used a galvanometer to detect electric cord as a network o f fibers distinct from tendons and blood
currents in the brains o f rabbits and monkeys (see O chs vessels. Thev described the convolutions o f the cerebral
2 0 0 4 ). cortex, and distinguished between sensory and motor
Discovery o f the mechanism o f nerve conduction had nerves.
to wait until the 2 0th century. К . C . C o le, H . J . Curtis, and Galen in the 2nd century A D placed higher mental
A . L . H odgkin, working in W oods Hole, Massachusetts, functions in the three ventricles o f the brain. Arabic schol­
discovered that the action potential in the giant axon ot the ars elaborated these ideas in a variety o f ways. Avicenna (A D
squid (diameter up to 1 m m ) is associated with a change in 9 8 0 - 1 0 3 7 ) , in De anitna , developed a five-fold classifica­
impedance between electrodes placed on opposite sides o f tion ot mental functions that were called internal senses.
the axon (C ole and Curtis 19 3 9 ; C ole and Hodgkin 1939). Albertus Magnus adopted this scheme in his D e anitna,
A. L. Hodgkin and A . F. Huxley ( 1 9 3 9 ) , in Plymouth, written in about 125 6 (see Steneck 1 974). The lowest level
England, made the first intracellular recording o f an action contains the function called com m on sense, which is what
potential by inserting a electrode into the giant axon. They we call apprehension or perception. This level receives
later developed a set o f equations that describe the ionic information from the five sense organs and extracts, relates,
currents that determine the properties o f the action poten­ and compares the perceived properties ot objects. This is
tial (Hodgkin and Huxley 1952). These H odgkin-H uxley followed by the imagination, which retains sensory infor­
equations provided the foundation tor computational neu­ mation when sensory objects are n ot present. These two
roscience. This work was done at Cambridge University. functions were placed in the anterior ventricles. Next comes
Until the middle o f the 2 0 th century there was a lively estimation, which is concerned with interring che incen-
debate about whether synaptic transmission was electrical cions o f persons and animals со carry ouc cercain actions.
o r chemical. We now know that both types occur. In 1933 This was placed in che middle ventricle along with fantasy,
Wi l l i am Fcldberg ( 1 9 0 0 - 1 9 9 3 ) , in Berlin, identified ace­ which allows a person to conjure up images o f objects that
tylcholine associated with the stimulation o f muscle tissue. do n ot exist, such as mythical monsters. Finally, memory
After the Nazis forced him to leave Germany he worked was placed in the posterior ventricle. Animal spirit circulat­
with H enry D ale ( 1 8 7 5 - 1 9 6 8 ) in Cambridge, England. ing in the ventricles activated each o f the five internal
They proved that acetylcholine is released at motor syn­ senses.
apses. Many investigators, such as Jo h n Ecclcs, continued to The ideas o f medieval and Renaissance physicians on
believe that all synapses in the C N S were electrical. In the the nervous system were based on a mixture o f G reek phi­
1950s, at University College, London, Bernard K atz and losophy and Christian theology. Following Plato, they
his associates elucidated the basic mechanism o f synaptic believed that desires and appetites were centered in the veg­
transmission (see Heuser 2 0 0 3 ) . In the 1950s several inves­ etative soul in the liver, passions and action were centered in
tigators identified glutamate as the main neurotransmitter the vital soul in the heart, and the cognitive functions o f
in the brain (see Section 5.5.2). See Robinson ( 2 0 0 1 ) for a apprehension, reasoning, and mem ory were centered in che
detailed history ot investigations o f synaptic mechanisms. immorral soul in che hollow ventricles ot che brain.
Ideas abouc chc anacomy and functions o f chc body championed by A lb re ch t H aller ( 1 7 0 8 - 1 7 7 7 ) , professor
began со change during the 17th century. In 163 6 dissec­ o f anatomy in G ottingen and leading physiologist o f his
tion became part o f medical training at Oxford. Medical time. It fitted in with chc nocion o f an indivisible “soul.”
students were allowed to dissect the bodv» o f anyone
в who Franz Jo s e p h G a ll ( 1 7 5 8 - 1 8 2 8 ) and J o h a n n G aspard
had been cxccutcd near Oxford. The new generation o f Spu rzheim ( 1 7 7 6 - 1 8 3 2 ) challenged chis omnipotcncial
anatomists began to question the dogmas o f Galen and idea. They argued from spurious evidence of cranial m or­
Aristotle. The discovery/ o f the circulation o f the blood by
/ phology, or “bumps on chc head” that particular functions
William Harvey ( 1 5 7 8 - 1 6 5 7 ) , physician to Jam es I and are localized in particular areas. This gave rise to the popu­
Charles I, set the stage for empirical investigations ot the lar fad o f phrenology, which is still with us.
nervous system. C h a rles Bell in England in 1811 and Francois
A t Oxford University, a remarkable group o f Harveys M agend ie in France in 1822 discovered the m otor and sen­
disciples sec out со map chc nervous syscem and brain (Frank sory roots o f the spinal cord. Bell, also, challenged the
1980; Zim m er 2 0 0 4 ) . This group included T h om as W illis omnipotential idea. Real evidence for functional localiza­
( 1 6 2 1 - 1 6 7 5 ) , R o b e r t Boyle, C h risto p h e r W ren, Jo h n tion in the brain was provided in 1861, when Paul Broca
W ilk in s, and W illia m Petty. ( 1 8 2 4 - 1 8 8 0 ) established a relationship between speech
Thomas W illis had been a Catholic royalist during the defects and chc left frontal lobe. In 1870, G . Fritsch and
civil war. W h en the monarchy was restored in 166 0 he was Eduard H itz ig ( 1 8 3 8 - 1 9 0 7 ) showed that stimulation o f
rewarded with the professorship o f natural philosophy at the motor cortex produced movements o f specific pares on
Oxford. The house in which he lived can still be seen in the contralateral side o f the body. For English translations
Merton Street. In 1655, Robert Boyle, another disciple o f o f these papers see Von Bonin (1 9 6 0 ).
Harvey, join ed the group at Oxford. W illis and Boyle both In 1855, B a r to lo m e o Panizza ( 1 7 8 5 - 1 8 6 7 ) , professor
wanted to explain the workings o f the body “without o f anatomy at Pavia in Italy, reported that damage to an eye
recourse to occult qualities, sympathy, or other refuges o f in various animals caused degeneration in part of the thala­
ignorance” mus and the contralateral posterior cortex. He also showed
W illis obtained the body o f a serving woman, Anne that lesions in the posterior cortex caused contralateral
Greene, who had been hanged for killing her stillborn baby. blindness. This was the first report o f the location o f the
Just as he was about to perform a public dissection she visual cortex. The work was written in a local Italian journal
began to breathe and W illis was able to revive her. She and is largely unknown, although Polyak ( 1 9 5 7 , p. 147)
recovered, married, and had three children. This incident gives credit to Panizza. See C o lo m b o et al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) for an
enhanced his reputation as a clinician, and his income. English translation o f Panizzas paper.
W illis and his assistants dissected animal and human H erm an n M unk ( 1 8 3 9 - 1 9 1 2 ) , professor o f physiology
brains. In 1664, W illis recorded chis work in Cerebri in Berlin, is usually credited with establishing the site o f the
Anatome: Cui Accessit Nervorum Descriptio et Usus. Tit is was primary visual cortex, although he erred in placing it on che
che first book on che brain. The original I.acin has been lateral surface o f the occipital lobe rather than at its poste­
translated into English (Feindel 1965). W illis saw che brain rior pole (M unk 1879).
as the scat of mental functions, with different functions By studying effects o f brain lesions, S a lo m o n H enschcn
localized in different regions. However, he speculated about ( 1 8 4 7 - 1 9 3 0 ) , in Stockholm , showed that the visual cortex
invisible circulating vital spirits. He coined the term "neu­ lies around the calcarine fissure. He was uncertain about
rology” and named many parts o f the brain, including the the representation o f the fovea. H . W ilb ra n d (1 8 9 0 ),
anterior commissure, claustrum, internal capsule, corpus in Hamburg, observed the effects of central scotomas.
striatum, and optic thalamus (see Hughes 1 991). He estab­ He dcduccd that each location in the visual cortex receives
lished that the optic nerves project to the thalamus. He inputs from a pair o f corresponding locations in the
described the circle o f arteries round the base o f the brain, two eyes.
which is known as the circle o f W illis. Christopher Wren Anatomists known as the decentralists, including D.
helped with the dissections and drew illuscracions o f the Fcrricr, C . von Monakow, and F.. Hitzig, objected to the
brain. O n ly later did he become the architect who designed idea o f a precise cortical mapping o f visual space, mainly
S t Pauls Cathedral in London. because they had observed visual defects from damage to
O n a November afternoon in 1660 twelve scientists, many parts o f the brain. We now know that visual defects
including W illis, W ren, W ilkins, and Petty, met at Gresham arise from cortical areas other chan che primary visual area.
College, London, where they decided to found a scientific The firsc maps showing the recinocopic organization o f
society. Forcunacely, the restored king Charles II was inter­ the visual cortex were obtained by recording visual defects
ested in science and granted che new society a royal charter. in soldiers with gunshot wounds to the head. The first stud­
It became the Roval Societv o f London.
/ i
ies were conducted by T . Inouye ( 1 9 0 9 ) in Japan after the
Many physicians in the 18th century believed chac ali Russian-Japanese war. G o rd o n H olm es ( 1 9 1 8 ) performed
parts o f the brain functioned in the same way. The idea was similar studies in England during the 1 9 1 4 - 1 9 1 8 period.
Ramon v Cajal suggested chat crossed and uncrossed tnathematiques. The user detects the offset o f two lines on a
axons from che two eyes remain distinct in the visual path­ secondary scale that slides parallel to the main scale. We
way. In 1913, M ieczyslaw M inkow ski, director o f the now use the term vernier acu ity со describe che offset o f
Brain Research Institute in Zurich, was the first to establish two lines thac can just be detected. It provides the most sen­
that they terminate in distinct layers o f the 1 G N. M inkowski sitive measure o f visual acuity.
also helped to establish that the visual cortex is the main The study o f spatial aspects o f vision was triggered by
recipient o f visual inputs and that the visual field is mapped W h ea tsto n es invention o f the stereoscope in 1836. The
in a precise and stable manner. In 1905 A lfred W . C am p b ell second h a lf o f the 19th century was marked by the measure­
( 1 8 6 8 - 1 9 3 7 ) o f Sydney published his Histological Studies ment ot visual illusions ot all kinds. The realization that
on the Localization o f the Cerebral Function. Sec Polyak something as subjective as a visual illusion could be mea­
( 1 9 5 7 ) lor a review o f early studies on the visual pathways sured had a profound impact. However, a typical illusion,
and cortex. such as the Muller-Lyer illusion, is noc due со a single visual
Clare and Bishop (1 9 5 4 ) discovered a visual area out­ process, and measurements are notoriously difficult to
side the primary visual corcex. This was the suprasylvian interpret. Great ingenuity is required to design stimuli and
cortex o f the cat, also known as the Clare-Bishop area. In procedures that tap specified processes.
the 1970s, Zeki revealed a series o f visual areas in the During the 19th century, specialized instruments were
monkey (see Section 5.8). invented that allowed precise measurement ot temporal
A lively historical account o f the cerebral cortex has aspects o f vision such as visual persistence, and reaction
been provided by Finger (2 0 0 0 ). times. In 1833 Plateau described an instrument for produc­
ing an impression o f continuous m otion from a sequence o f
images, which was based on Michael Faradays description
o f the process o f persistence o f vision. This eventually led со
2 .7 A D V E N T O F P R E C IS E the development o f cine photography (Section 2 .1 1 .3 ). In
M EA SU REM EN T 1845, W heatstone built a chronoscope for measuring short
time intervals. In 1859 Volkmann constructed a tachisto-
scope for controlling the duration o f stimulus presentation.
2 .7 .1 P R E C IS IO N V ISU A L IN S T R U M E N T S
For an account o f these developments see Wade and Heller
Before the advent o f psychophysics in the 19th century, (1 9 9 7 ).
investigations o f sensory systems were almost entirely quali­
tative and descriptive. In his Critique o f Pure Reason o f 1781
Immanuel Kant declared that the perception o f space and
2 . 7 .2 P S Y C H O P H Y S IC S AND
time is beyond the scope o f experimental science. He was
soon to be proved wrong.
The precise determination o f visual detection and dis­ The development o f instruments in the 19th century led to
crimination thresholds had to wait for the invention o f reli­ the need tor precise quantitative psychophysical proce­
able light sources and photometers in che early 20ch century. dures. The
publication o f Fechner’s Elem ente der
Early examples are che measurement o f the contrast sensi­ Psychophysik in 1860 filled this need.
tivity function by Schade ( 1 9 5 6 ) and o f the quantal effi­ G ustav T h e o d o r F ech n er ( 1 8 0 1 - 1 8 8 7 ) was born in a
ciency o f the eye by H ccht, Schlaer, and Pirennc (1 9 4 2 ). village in southeastern Germany (Portrait Figure 2 .1 5 ). His
T he second h a lf o f the 2 0 th century saw the arrival o f the father was the village pastor. In 1822 he graduated in medi­
oscilloscope and computers for vision research. cine at the university o f Leipzig. His interests then turned
D etection o f a simple stimulus such as a single light to mathematics and physics. In 18 3 3 , he was appointed p ro­
source would seem to be immune to ambiguities. However, fessor o f physics at Leipzig, where he stayed for the rest o f
with che development o f signal detection procedures in the his life. In 1840 he wrote a paper on afterimages produced
mid 20th century, it was realized that even a simple detec­ by lookingat the sun through colored glasses. Unfortunately
tion task is influenced bv the observers criterion, as well as he burned his retina while doing these experiments. During
by the sensitivity of the sensory system (see Section the three years it to ok for his sight to recover, he developed
ЗЛ.К1). an interest in religion and problems o f the soul and co n ­
Tlie precise measurement o f visual acuity, including ste- sciousness. Like Kepler, he developed a belief in a world
reoacuitv, began in the second h a lf ot the 19th century. The soul. I Ic believed that the universe, including animals,
vernier scale is the most precise visual measuring instru­ planes, and the Earth, was alive and conscious. He saw psy­
ment. It was invented by Pierre Vernier ( 1 5 8 4 1 638), an chophysics as a way to measure the relation between body
engineer who worked for the Hapsburgs. It formed part o f energy and mental energy.
his vernier calliper, which he described in 1631 in L a con­ E rn st H einrich W eb er ( 1 7 9 5 - 1 8 7 8 ) was also in Leipzig
struction, / ’usage, et les proprieties du quadrant nouveau de at that time. In his Tastsinn und Geweingefuhl (Touch and
2 .8 E iM Р I R I С I S T - N A T I V 1 S T

2 .S .1 T H E P R O T A G O N IS T S

The empiricist-nativist controversy that flourished in

Germany in the 19th century had its origins in the F.nglish
empiricists such as Hume, in K an ts concept o f the a priori
status of the percept and concept o f space, and the local sign
theory o f Hermann Locze. Helmholtz and Hcring were the
most vigorous opponents in the controversy. The battle
between these giants has been described by Turner ( 1 9 9 3 ,
Herm ann von H elm holtz was born in the Prussian city
of Potsdam in 1821 and died in 1894 (Portrait Figure 2. 16).
His father was a master at the Potsdam Gymnasium. His
mother was a descendant ot W illiam Penn. He did his d o c­
toral work with Johannes Muller in Berlin (Portrait Figure
2 .1 7 ). W h ile serving as a military physician, he was able to
conduct experiments in the Potsdam barracks. His first
fig u re 2. IS - G u s t a v Ц ) O u tО Г F c c h n e r ( I S O I f S S 7 ). (C o w m y Iiutitu rion experiments in physiology showed that energy is conserved
b b fiU K f. VC'nbiAiioe, D C >
in metabolic processes, leaving no room for che vital force
proposed by German idealist philosophers. He shared his
antivicalisc views wich his friend, Emil du Hois-Rcymond
general feeling) o f 1846 he seated chac che racio o f che jusc ( 1 8 1 8 - 1 8 9 6 ) , physiologist, founder o f electrophysiology,
noticeable difference in the intensity of a stimulus to the and essayist.
initial intensity is a constant. Fechner later expressed this
relationship in mathematical form, and called it W e b e r s
law. In about 1853 Fechner began to perform psychophysi­
cal experiments with the help o f his brother-in-law A. W.
Volkmann. Little was published until 1860, when the
Elementc der Psychophysik appeared. ’The b o ok immediately
attracted the attention o f H elm holtz, Hcring, and Wundt.
It laid the foundations o f experimental psychology, c o lo ­
rimetry, audiology, and optometry. Fechner s interests then
turned со experimental aesthetics.
Since then, psychophysics has become more and more
refined and sophisticated (see Chapter 3).
W ilh e lm M ax W u n d t ( 1 8 3 2 - 1920) in 1875 went to
Leipzig, where he founded the first laboratory of
experimental psychology in 1879. In spite of being recog­
nized as the founder o f experimental psychology, W undt
distinguished between physical and psychic causality. For
Wundt, psychic causality is based on immediate experience,
which can n ot be derived from physical causality (W undt
In 1893, O sw ald Kiilpe, W u n d ts assistant, wrote
Grundriss der Psychologic, in which he argued that
Figure i.i6. H erm ann I. ltd wig von H elm holtz. B o rn in P otsdam , G erm any
psychology should be based on the idea of a biological
in 1 8 2 1 . H e studied m ed icin e at the R oyal M ilita ry In stitu te in Berlin.
organism rather than a psychic entity. This approach was W h ile a surgeon in the Prussian arm y from 1 8 4 3 to 18-*8 he worked on
based on the writings o f the philosophers Avenarius and problem s in physics. H e was professor o t physiology at th e U niversity
F.rnst Mach. Kiilpe moved to Wurzburg in 1994 to found o t K on igsberg ( 1 8 4 9 - 1 8 5 5 ) , the U n iv ersity o f B o n n ( 1 8 5 5 - 1 8 5 S ),
and th e U n iv ersity o f H eid elberg { 1 8 5 8 - 1 8 7 1 ). From 1871 to 1 8 8 8
what became known as the Wurzburg school. These ideas
he was professor o f physics at Berlin U niversity. H e was awarded the
gave rise to logical positivism and behaviorism (sec Danziger G ra cfc M edal in 18 S 0 and m any o th e r h on ors. I Ic lectu red at the Royal
1979). S o ciety o f L o n d o n in 1 8 8 1 . H e died in 1 8 9 4 . Ko^n-ibc^o i9o:l
Hclmholcz ( 1 9 0 9 , vol. 3, p. 2) also wrocc,

wc always believe chac wc sec such objeccs as would,

under condicions o f normal vision, produce the reti­
nal image o f which wc arc actually conscious.

In attacking H cring’s nativisc theory o f visual dircccion,

he scaced ( 1 9 0 9 , p. 5 3 5 ),

I am inclined to think thac ic is even probable chac

chc growch o f chc muscles, perhaps coo even chc
efficiency o f nervous cransmission, is so adapced со
chc demands made upon ic during chc life ot che
individual, and perhaps by inheritance during the
life ot che species, chac the requisite movements
that are the most suitable becom e also che easiest со

Figure 2.17 Johan n es M u Her ( ISO / IS S S ). Professor o t anacom y and He weakened his case for empiricism by adm itting thac
physiology in B o n n and B erlin . (From Pc*r*k 1957). natural selection may also play a role. The nativist also takes
this view. But Helm holtz qualified this by adding the scace-
ment, “In any event, even if chis anacomicai mechanism
exists ic is merely conducive, and noc obligacory
In 1850 H elm holtz was appointed professor o f anatomy In pare 3 o f his H andbook o f Physiological Optics,
and physiology at the University o f Konigsbcrg, where he Hclmholcz defined and defended empiricism, buc Hering,
measured the speed o f nerve conduction and invented the chc nacivisc, was his real cargcc. O thers who supported chc
ophthalmoscope. He visited England in 1853 and tried empirical approach included W ilhelm von Bezold ( 1 8 3 7 —
without success to meet W heatstone. In 1855 he became 1 9 0 7 ), Sigmund F.xncr ( 1 8 4 6 - 1 9 2 6 ) , Alfred von Gracfc
professor o f anatomy in Bonn and, in 1858, professor ot ( 1 8 3 0 - 1 8 9 9 ) , Johannes von Kries ( 1 8 5 3 - 1 9 2 8 ) , and
physiology in Heidelberg. In chc 1850s his interests Willibald Nagel ( 1 8 4 8 - 1 9 1 7 ) .
shifted from nerve and muscle physiology to sensory Ewald H ering ( 1 8 3 4 - 1 9 1 8 ) (Porcraic Figure 2 .1 8 ) was
physiology. His Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik , born in Saxony. His father was a Lutheran pascor. He stud­
appeared in full in 1867. This has been the most influential ied medicine in Leipzig. There is no biography o f Hering.
book in visual science. In 187 0 he became professor o f Although not a scudent ot Johannes Muller, ic is ironic chac,
physics at the University o f Berlin. By 1875 lie had aban­ like Helmholtz, he was very much influenced by Muller.
doned sensory physiology for physics. He died o f a stroke in Hering practiced as a private physician between I 8 6 0 and
1894. Koenigsberger ( 1 9 0 2 ) produced a biography o f 1865, during which time he published his firsc papers on
Hclmholcz. binocular vision and wrocc chc five-volume work Beitrage
For H elm holtz, sensations were “signs o f external ztir Physiology. In 1865 he was appoinced professor o f phys­
objects” learned by “practice and experience.” He argued iology in che Milicary Medical Academy in V ienna, where
that sensations do not resemble the objects they symbolize, he worked on respiracion and binocular vision. His 'Theory
any more than letters o f chc alphabet resemble the sounds o f Binocular Vision appeared in 1868, a year after Helmholczs
they represent. He revolted against German idealist m eta­ Physiological Optics. In 1870 he succeeded Jan Purkinje as
physical philosophy, as expounded by such figures as Hegel. professor ot physiology ac che Universicy o f Prague where
For Helm holtz, metaphysical hypotheses were worthless if he wrocc chc book Spatial Sense an d Movements o f the Eye.
not accompanied by critical empirical invcstigacion. In 1895 he succeeded Karl Ludwig ac che Universicy o f
H elm holtz ( 1 9 0 9 , vol. 3, p. 5 3 3 ) stated: Leipzig. His final book, Outlines o f a Theory o f Light Sense,
appeared in 1920, cwo years after his deach. All chese books
The fundamental thesis o f the empirical cheory is: are available in English cranslacion.
The sensations ot che senses are tokens for conscious­ Hering acknowledged chc role o f learning in perception
ness, ic being left со our incclligencc со learn how со and rcsenccd being idencificd as a nacivisc. However, he
comprehend cheir meaning. . . . The only psychic insisced that basic sensory and perceptual mechanisms are a
accivicy required for chis purpose is chc regularly product of a long evolutionary process and occur mainly in
rccurrenc associacion becween cwo ideas which have or near che sense organs racher chan ac the level o f cogni­
often been connccccd before. tion. He vigorously opposed wliac he considered со be
rijtuM м у . Ernst M ach ( /S 3 8 -1 916). Born in Furas, M oravia. H e studied
in V ie n n a and b ccam c professor o f m ath em atics in G raz to r 3 years* in
Figure M i- F.watd H ering. B o m in A ltgersd orf, G erm any, in 1 8 3 4 . H e Prague tor 2 8 years, and finally, professor o t physics in V ien n a.
J < r O f l c i r t i i i i K h c n Naft*>atk»blioiKek)
o b ta in ed an M .D . from th e U niversity o f L eipzig in 1 8 5 8 . Betw een
1 8 6 2 and 1 S 7 0 he worked in th e P hysiological R esearch U n it ac the
U niversity o f L eipzig and th e Josep h s-A kad cm ie. In 1 8 7 0 he was
appointed professor o f physiology at the U niversity o t Prague. From
1 8 9 5 u ntil his d eath in 1 9 1 8 he was professor o f physiology at the tantamount to the “spiritualism” and idealism that
U niversity o f Leipzig. H e was aw arded th e G ra cfc M edal o t the G erm an H elm holtz abhorred. Hering looked forward to the day
O p h th a lm o lo g ica l S o ciety in 1 9 0 6 . 1930
when physiological psychology, including the physiology o f
consciousness, would replace the descriptive tradition ot
“philosophical psychology,” which investigated sensory
H elm holtzs undue emphasis on learning and experience. phenomena without regard for their organic basis.
His students and those devoted to his approach included In his Founders Day lecture at Berlin University in
Alfred Bielchowsky ( 1 8 7 1 - 1 9 4 0 ) , Carl von Hess ( 1 8 6 3 — 1878 H elm holtz declared,
1 923), Franz Hillebrand (1 8 6 3-19 26 ), and Armin
Tschermak-Seysenegg ( 1 8 7 0 - 1 9 5 2 ) . H erings views were First o f all, nacivistic hypotheses about knowledge
also supported by F.rnst M ach ( 1 8 3 8 1 916), his colleague o f the visual world explain nothing at all, but only
in Prague (Portrait Figure 2 .19 ). For an account o f Mach s assume that the fact to be explained exists, while at
contributions to visual science see Ratcliff ( 1 9 6 5 ) and the same time rejecting the possibility ot tracing
Banks (2 0 0 1 ). this knowledge back to reliably established mental
Hcring was 13 years younger than Helm holtz. He was processes.
sometimes deferential but usually attacked in a sarcastic and
vitriolic style. A sample ot that style can be found in the Helm holtz was irritated and frustrated by H erings
foreword to his book On the theory o f the Light Sense o f attacks but tried to maintain his composure. For instance,
1874. Hering wrote, he wrote ( 1 9 0 9 , vol. 3, p. 5 5 7 ),

that modern tendency in sensory physiology, which I have been obliged to make this criticism ot Mr.
has found its most acute expression in the Herings views o f the facts o f the case, but I trust it
Physiological O ptics o f H elm holtz, is n ot leading us will n o t be regarded as an expression ot personal irri­
to the truth, and whoever wishes to open up new tation on account o f the attacks which he has made
avenues o f research in this area, must first free him­ on my latest articles.
self from the theories which now prevail.
There was a strange futility about the battle between
He argued that, just as earlier physiologists had Helm holtz and Hcring, as there is about the whole nativist-
explained troublesome phenomena in terms o f vital forces, empirieist controversy. It was fueled as much by personal
so today, in treatises on physiological optics one secs invoca­ animosity as by scientific issues. W e will see in the following
tions o f the “psyche” or “inference.” For Hering, this was sections that, in spite o f the animosity between the two
men, H elm holtz came to agree wich m a n y o f H erings views, Helm holtz believed that the motion aftereffect is
and Hering came to agree with many o f Helmholczs views. due to eye movements. Ic seems that he was reluctant to
The disagreement stemmed largely from H erings vitriolic allow thac there are dedicated motion detectors at an early
attacks and from H elm holtzs reluctance to consider low- stage o f visual processing. Dvorak ( 1 8 7 0 ) , working under
level physiological mechanisms for such phenomena as see- Ernst Mach, pointed out that the eye-movement theory
rcopsis, color contrast, and coordinated eye movements. cannot account for the spiral aftereffect in which motion
The nativisc-empiricist debate about color vision has been in several directions occurs at the same time (see Broerse
reviewed by Kingdom ( 1 9 9 7 ). ’Ihc following three sections et al. 1994).
describe the debaces between Hering and Helmholtz about
three aspects o f spatial vision, namely eye movements, visual
2 . 8 .3 D E B A T E A B O U T V ISU A L D IR E C T IO N
direction, and binocular vision.
Steinbuch ( 1 8 1 1 ) was the first to propose a theory o f how-
visual directions are calibrated. He suggested that the spa­
2 . 8 .2 D E B A T E A B O U T EYE M O V E M E N T S
tial value o f each locacion is provided by che m otor response
Helm holtz argued that the eyes are separate organs, which, required to move the eyes to that location. In concrasc,
in principle, may be moved wholly independently. He Tourcual ( 1 8 2 7 ) proposed that che spacial senses are innacely
claimed that D o n d ers and Listings laws (Section 10.1.2d) calibrated (see Rose 1999). Lorze ( 1 8 5 2 ) coined the term
are habits acquired to facilitate clear and easy visual orienta­ “local sign” and also proposed a m otor theory o f spatial
tion. O n c e acquired and ingrained, however, the facility calibration.
can n ot be overridden by acts o f will. But movements other According to Hering ( 1 8 6 4 ) , each point in each recina
than habitual ones are anatomically possible. He argued has a local sign composed o f chree space values: ics eleva-
that by using prism glasses, which produce abnormal cion, azimuth, and depth value. He named che p o in to f fixa­
separation o f the visual axes, we can induce the eyes to per­ tion the core point ( Kernpunkt) and che vertical plane
form vertical or absolute divergences. He observed containi ng the horizon cal horopccr he n amed che A'crnftachc.
thac, when sleepy, he saw double images o f objeccs chat dif­ He stated that objects lying in this plane appeared to lie on
fered in a way chat indicated that the eyes had diverged ver­ a frontal surface. In H erings terminology, elevation and
tically o r cyclorotated. W h en fully awake, he could not azimuth signify the direction o f the point, and the poin ts
perform these eye movements voluntarily (Hclmholcz depth value is its signed lateral posicion relative со che fovea.
1910, vol. 3, p. 59 ). Points on rhe nasal retina have positive depth values and
Hering held chac che coordinated movements of the those on the temporal retina have negative depth values
eyes arc innate. He responded sarcastically to H elm holtzs (Figure 2 .2 0 Л ). Images w ith positive depth values appear
observation, beyond the convergence plane, even when only one eye is
open. Images with negative depth values appear nearer than
It is likely that the great H elm holtz in his dozing the convergence plane. The depth values o f images falling
state, had simply failed to notice chac he had allowed on corresponding points in the two retinas are equal anil
his head to nod со one side. This would produce che opposite, and the object lies in the horizontal horopcer. He
same rcsulc. speculaced chac all points on che horizontal horopcer appear
( H E R I N G 1864. p. 2 74 ). on a froncal surface. H e conceded thac che perception of the
absoluce discancc o f an objecc depends on learned cues
Hclmholcz recorted, rather than on innate mechanisms.
Hering claimed to demonscrace his cheory o f depch
I did n ot make che miscake which he (H ering) accri- values by fixating a point in the midline and observing
buces со me, and o f which even a person wich licde che double images o f a vertical wire nearer and со the left
training in observing double images could scarcely (Figure 2 .2 0 B ). He claimed that the image o f the wire on
beguilcy; namely, che miscake o f supposing chac che the nasal h a lf o f che left eye appears more discant than the
images were on dilferenc levels when chcy were really fixation plane and thac che image on the temporal half o f
side by side, simply because my head happened со be che righc eve appears nearer chan che fixation plane (Hering
tilted! 1865).
( H E L M H O L T Z , 1909. v o t X fo x n o u . f . 5 9 ). After crying со observe the effect, Hclmholcz wrote,

In his Theory o f Binocular Vision Hering insisted that I have gazed at the pin so long and so fixedly thac
there are no cyclovergence eye movements bur, in his later everything was extinguished by rhe negative after­
book on Tlx Spatial Sense an d Movements of the Eyes, he images___ I have never been able to persuade myself
agreed with H elm holtz that these movements exist, as that chis phenom enon occurred in rhe main as ic
indeed they do (Section 10.7) ought to occur according to che Hering cheory; and
depth values

Fipwc i n . H d n J/o ltz >

’ refu tation o f H cring i theory. I Ich n h o ltz argued that,
accord m y to H c rin g s th e o ry o f rc tiru l d ep th values, a wall seen 01» the
right hv on ly th e leti eve and on the left by on ly th e right eye should
appear to slant in op p osite d ire ctio n s a b o u t th e m id iin c.

H elm holtz ( 1 9 0 9 ) argued that, according to Hering, a

wall should appear inclined in opposite directions when
one eye sees only the nasal half and the other eye only the
temporal halt (Figure 2 .2 1 ). But this does n ot happen.
Hcring abandoned his theory o f retinal depth values after
this attack and agreed with H elm holtzs that stcreopsis is
based on binocular disparity. However, there is some truth
in H crin g s theory, as we shall see in Section 17.2.
в Helmholtz, supported his empiricism by the fact that
persons with restored sight do not recognize simple objects
Fiftwc 2 .20 . H cring i theory o f d ep th ы !ы ек (A ) A cco rd in g to H crin g , im ages
o n ca ch nasal retin a have positive depth values, and th o se on each (Section 8.3.3). However, he admitted that they rapidly
tem p oral retin a have negative depth values, as show n in the upper learn to distinguish between objects in different positions.
figure. ( B ; H e claim ed th a t a near wire on the left o f fixation produces He concluded that, prior to all experience, adjacent points
an image w ith positive depth value in th e left eye and therefore appears
are seen as adjacent (H elm holtz 1910, vol. 3, p. 2 2 7 ). This
beyond the fixation plane. Its rig h t-cy c im age has negative d ep th value
an d appears nearer than the fixation plane. H elm h o ltz could n ot was close to Hering s view.
co n firm th e effect. Helm holtz asked, i f perceptions are shaped by learning
to conform to the objects o f the world, why do we suffer
from illusions? He described two classes o f illusions. Those
I never should have ventured to lav the foundation o f the first class arise because identical impressions on a
o f a new theory o f vision on an observation made sense organ can be produced by distinct distal stimuli. For
with images that are half-extinguished in this fash­ example, the illusion that a stereogram viewed in a stereo­
ion. However, 1 admit that 1 may have been unskill­ scope is three-dimensional arises because it produces rhe
ful. Only, Mr. Hcring will have to forgive me for not same proximal stimulus as a real scene. Illusions o f che
being able to say that 1 have been convinced by this second class arise when a sense organ is used in an unusual
“overwhelming p r o o f ” o f the correctness ot his way o r is exposed to an unusual stimulus configuration.
theory, as he put it. H crings experiments on binocular visual direction per­
( H E L M H O L T Z S<S09, Г»1. i, />.55-/) suaded Helm holtz that directions arc referred to a point
midway between the eyes— the egocenter. Hue, for was more restrained and conceded several points to Hering
H elm holtz, this relation between images and direction was but he occasionally resorted to sarcasm. H elm holtz became
learned. It is odd that neither Hcring nor H elm holtz cited very frustrated by his encounters with Hering, as revealed
Ptolemy, Alhazen, Briggs, or Wells on this question (see in one o f his letters to his friend, du Bois-Reymond, dated
Section 16.7). February 1865 (Kirsten 1986).

Mr. Hering has annoyed me considerably with his

2 . 8 .4 D E B A T E A B O U T
impertinent ways o f judging other peoples work
which, in part, he has not taken the trouble to under­
T he first encounter between Helm holtz and Hering stand properly. However, I do n ot want to treat him
occurred in 1864, when Hering was an unknown lecturer in in a nasty way since he is an intelligent man in his
Leipzig. The two men had independently produced a gen­ own way. liven though, at the moment, his views
eral solution ot the horopter. There was some dispute over conflict with mine, he is working out his own view­
priority (see Helmholtz 1909, vol. 3, p. 4 8 4 , footn ote 4) point in a consistent manner. He has been, as I have
but the main dispute concerned the inclination o t the verti­ heard, mentally ill and this has until now held me
cal horopter. Helm holtz believed it was shaped by experi­ back from bringing him down, which he has at times
ence to lie along the ground. Hering described the deserved.
inclination o f the vertical horopter as varying at random.
In general, Hering believed that binocular correspon­ It may have been frustration with Hering that caused
dence is innate. Helm holtz held an empirical view o f bin ­ Helm holtz to return to physics in 1875.
ocular correspondence, as described in Section 2 .10.5. He W e will see in Chapters 6 and 7 that the interplay
stated that, between genetic factors and experiential factors that gov­
erns the development o f the nervous system and visual
any theory that assumes that fibres proceeding from mechanisms is much more complex than either Helmholtz
corresponding places on the two retinas are united or Hering imagined.
in a single fibre that transmits the impressions in the
two eyes unseparated to the brain, is inadmissible
2 .9 D IS C O V E R Y O F P E R S P E C T IV E
and incompatible with the facts.
(1909, e d . 3, f>. 539)
2 .9 .1 P E R S P E C T I V E IN T H E
He reluctantly considered the possibility that corre­
sponding fibers split into two branches, two o f which unite In paintings from ancient F.gypt, Babylonia, and Assyria,
and two o f which remain distinct. See Section 1 1.9 for a depth is represented by overlapping images, but there is no
discussion o f this issue. hint o f any type o f perspective. O b jects at different dis­
The debate about whether binocular correspondence is tances were drawn in the same size. Human figures were
innate o r learned was centered on reports that people who drawn in front view or profile o r in a com bination o f front
squint develop an anomalous pattern o f binocular corre­ view and profile. Chariots were drawn in side view with one
spondence. Followers o f the nativist school allowed that circular wheel. G reek paintings before about 5 0 0 BC. were
anomalous correspondence can develop but argued that limited in a similar way. By about 5 0 0 B C , human figures
this does not prove that the normal pattern is learned began to be drawn at an oblique angle and wheels
(Section 14.4.1). Another long debate about the shape o f and shields seen at an angle were drawn as ellipses, as in
the horizontal horopter is described in Section 14.6.2. Figure 2 .2 2 (K n o rr 1992).
Helm holtz came to accept that the pattern o f retinal In about the year 2 4 A D the Roman architect, Vitruvius,
correspondence responsible for the form o f the horopter wrote Dc A rchitecture known in English as The ten books on
has an innate com ponent. In spite o f these concessions to architecture He stated that Agatharcus o f Samos ( 5 2 5 - 4 5 6
Hering, H elm holtz persisted in believing that experience B C ) had invented a method for painting scenes for the the­
shapes the development o f spatial perception. ater o f Dionysus in Athens so that they appeared in depth.
I he nativist views o f Hering and the empiricist views o f Such procedures were known assccnography ( skenographia ).
H elm holtz arose because each antagonist selected evidence Vitruvius wrote,
to suit his theory and each looked at different aspects o f the
visual process. For example, H elm holtzs trichromatic For in the beginning in Athens, when Aeschylus was
theory o f color vision and the apparently conflicting presenting a tragedy, Agatharcus set the stage, and
opponcncy theory o t Hering are now understood as differ­ left a commentary upon the matter. Instructed by
en t stages in a complex process. Both men became em otion ­ this, Dem ocritus and Anaxagoras wrote about the
ally involved. Hering used ridicule and bombast. Helm holtz same thing, how it is necessary that, a fixed center
f igure 2 .2 L P a in t i n g 0 П a (trccic VOSe (k a n ti)a r o s ). Frc-m the «rc o n d halt ot rh r $ t b t t n t iir v

B C (R r it iib M ntcism )

rijtuf* 1.23* G re e k p a r a lle lp n 'fp c s tu 'c . Гго-л» an A pulia n с л К я к г л к г . i r h c<nmr>- B C

being established, the lines correspond by natural
(W t r c b u r j;)
law to the sight o f the eves and the extension o f the
rays, so that from an uncertain object certain images
may render the appcarance o f buildings in the paint­ lower one tor a seated observer. N ot all receding lines co n ­
ing of the stages, and tilings which are drawn upon verge to one or other o f these vanishing points, suggesting
vertical ad plane surfaces may seem in one case to be that artists used an intuitive procedure rather than vanish­
receding, and in another to be projecting (Vitruvius, ing points. Several murals in perspective have also been
Book 7 , Chapter 2, p. 2. In an English translation by unearthed near Rome. Textual evidence reveals that the
Granger 1931). Romans, like the Greeks, painted stage sets in perspective
(R ich ter 1970; Little 1971).
O pinions differ about whether the word “center” refers The practice o f mapmaking influenced the development
to a vanishing point in the picture or in the center of the of painting in perspective. In 13th- and 14th-century Italy,
eye. Although this passage describes rhe general principle o f maps o f the Mediterranean were made for navigation. These
linear perspective it does not provide an exact geometrical so-called portolan maps consisted o f stretches ot coastline
procedure for drawing in perspective. with place names and a superimposed lattice o f radiating
Anaxagoras ( 5 0 0 - 4 2 8 B C ) is credited with writing a direction lines. In 1395 some prominent citizens ot Florence
book on scenography. Plutarch describes how rhe aristocrat formed a study group to learn classical Greek. In 1400, two
Alcibiades kidnapped a scene painter and forced him to members ot the group, Manuel Chrysoloras and Jacopo
decorate the walls o f his mansion (Little 1971). The prac­ d’Angiolo, journeyed to C onstantinople in search o f early
tice of painting the interiors of mansions with frescoes in G reek texts and returned to Florence with Ptolemy’s
perspective continued into Roman times. By about 425 Geographia, which was unknown in Western Europe at
B C , foreshortening began to show in G reek vase paintings. that time.
Half-open doors were represented foreshortened with This 2nd-ccntury work contained eight books and 27
inclined top and bottom edges, but the receding edges were maps, one o f which was o f the whole known world from
parallel rather than converged. Foreshortening and oblique Sweden and Russia in the North to the Nile in the South,
parallel lines were also used in drawings of buildings, as and from Gibraltar in the West to India in the East. 'Ihe
shown in Figure 2.23. About 3 0 0 B C , F.uclid provided work was translated into Latin in 15th-century Florence.
some geometrical analysis o f perspective in his Optics M ost importantly, the work provided three procedures
(Section 2.1.3b). tor mapping lines of longitude and latitude on the curved
Frescoes discovered in Pompeii have convergent per­ surface o f the earth o n to a flat surface (Edgerton 1975). In
spective, as shown in Figure 2.24. These date from before one procedure the eye was placed in the plane ot a defined
A D 7 9 , the year that Pompeii was engulfed by the eruption line o f latitude, which was drawn as a straight horizontal
o f M ount Vesuvius. The added construction lines show that line on the map. The central line ot longitude was then
the artist used two vanishing points in rhe midline. Perhaps drawn as a vertical line. W ith the eye as the center o f projec­
the upper one was designed tor a standing observer and the tion, other lines ot latitude and longitude were projected
Figure 2. 24 . D raw ing m ad e fr o m л m ural in Pom peii. Added bold lines approxim ately converge on tw o vanish in g p o in ts. A dded fine lines converge on
o th e r p oin ts usually, b u t n o t always, in th e m id lin c. (AH»f«dfrnm Lmle 1971)

inco che picture plane as curved lines. Ptolemy increased che

2 .9 .2 P E R S P E C T IV E D U R IN G T H E
spacing ot lines o f lacicudc as chcy approached chc Norch
14TH C E N T U R Y
Pole со avoid che crowding chac scricc projeccion creaces.
Unlike chc dircccion lines ot chc earlier porcolan maps, chc The arrises ot ancicnc C h in a and medieval Europe used
lines o f lacicude and longicude precisely indexed locacions overlap, height in the field, foreshortening, and oblique
on chc map. lines to represenc depch. There was no accempc со rcprcsenc
The eye is geometrically equivalenc со che projeccion parallel lines converging inco che distance. In fact, parallel
ccnccr, and chc ccncral line o f lacicude is equivalenc со che lines were often drawn diverging racher chan converging
horizon line o f a pcrspcccivc transformation. Thus, Pcolcmy wich discance, as in che examples shown in Figure 2.25. This
had developed che basic principles o f drawing in perspec­ may be because lines drawn in parallel perspective appear to
tive in chc 2nd ccncury, alchough he applied chcm only со diverge, as shown in Figure 2 .2 5 Л . An artisan copying a
cartography. The arrival o f che Gcographia in Florence in sketch drawn in parallel perspective o n to a fresco would
140 0 was one o f chc faccors chac led со chc devclopmcnc ot draw rhe illusion. This could then serve as a model for ocher
perspeecive in art in that city. It was also a major factor that arcisans and che ettecc would gee larger as successive genera-
inspired Columbus to sail across chc Atlantic. cions o f pupils copied from cheir masters.
M. Friendly has produced an illustrated history o f map- W hatever che Romans had learned abouc convergent
making and other graphic procedures ( http://www.mach. perspective was lost after che fall o f che Rom an Empire. Convergenc perspeecive did noc emerge again until the early
The Lacin word “perspecciva” refers со che cradicion ot I4ch cencury {Bunim 1940). During chc 14ch cencury,
applying geomecry to vision, developed by Euclid, Ptolemy, Gioeeo and his pupils, che Lorcnzeeci brochers, and Duccio
Alhazen, and the Perspcccivists ot medieval Europe. This began со use converging lines со dcpict riles on ceilings and
tradition culminated in Keplers discovery o f the optical floors, as shown in Figure 2.26. Avanzano and Giusco used
principles ot image tormacion. As we shall sec, practicing chc same procedures in Padua during che lasc quarcer o f che
artists developed methods o f drawing in perspective w ith­ I4ch cencury. However, while lines depiccing parallel
out reference to chc Pcrspeccivises, buc chc firsc formal receding edges somcrimes converged со a poinc, che same-
description o f perspective and che subsequent development vanishing poinc was noc used consiscencly for differenc parts
ot projeccivc geomecry owed something со che perspecciviscs. ot ehe paincing. These arrises followed cercain basic rules

i.*m c 2 .2 *. lu irly divergen t perspective. (A ) Illu so ry d ivergence o t parallel lines o n the apparently reced in g sides o f the draw ing o t an o b je ct.
(B ) A m osaic in P om peii (pkou^a^by John Н ш т) ( С ) A fresco in th e m on astery o f D e ca n i in Yugoslavia painted in the 13th or early 14t h century.
N o te the divergence o t the sides o t the c a rt and the haphazard perspective o n the tow ers. (Fk*«. 19ьб) ( D ) A fresco from the g ro tto o f T ou cn
H o u an g . C h in a , from the T a n g d yn asty ( 6 1 8 - 9 0 6 ) . N o te th e divergence o t the sides o t the table, (fro*» FoukjJ c I9&)

that had been described b v C en n in o C en n in i before G iotto. the fresco in the Lower C hurch at Assisi has a tiled ceiling
Cennini wrote, drawn in accurate perspective, even though the painting as
a whole is not in accurate perspective (Klein 1961). O n e
The mouldings which you make at the top o f build­ can still sec brackets at the location o f the two distance
ings should slant downwards from the edge next to points o f the diagonals in the painting. It was apparently a
the rooi; the mouldings half way up the face must be com m on practice in early 14th century Tuscan workshops
quite level and even, the mouldings at the base o f to draw diagonals on receding surfaces by rotating a piece o f
the building must slant upwards in the opposite string attached to nails (Panofsky 1927). Thus, artisans of
direction to the upper mouldings. the 14th ccnturv were using distance points before the use
U r K E M P I97S} o f the principal vanishing point and well before Viator gave
the first written account o f distance points in his De
In drawing tiled floors or ceilings in perspective, artists A rtificiali Perspectiva o f 1505. These artisan traditions pro b­
o f the 14th century seem to have used one or two distance ably originated in ancient Rome. The development o f per­
points (see Section 26.1 .2 ). Distance points are points on spective must have been delayed by the advent o f the Black
the horizon to which lines at 4 5 ’ converge. For example, Death in 1346.

Идо* 2 .27. Ih c baptistery o f San G iovanni, Florence. View from th e d o o r o f

the cath cd ral. (РЯо|.'^ripfe bv Brunn#r in P a m iw h 1 99 4 )


Figure 2. 1 *. Perspective in H lh-cen tu ry Italy, (A ) Tit с lu is t S u p p er by D u ccio

S ien a , M ils, d e ir O p e ra tlcl D u o m o . ( B ) Je s u s b e fo r e th e C a if, by G io tto
( 13 0 5 } . T h e c eilin g rafters show con v ergen t perspective, but the
in co n sisten t vanishing p o in t is above th e h orizon . Edges o f the dais
have parallel perspective.

Figvrc 2 .2s. Uhtstoation ofB rtin cU esebi) v iew in gdevke. I he observer stood
2 . 9 .3 P E R S P E C T I V E IN T H E R E N A I S S A N C E behind the p ictu re and looked throu gh a hole a t a reflection o i the
p ictu re in a m irror.
A precise procedure for drawing in linear perspective was
discovered by Filippo Brunelleschi ( 1 3 7 7 - 1 4 4 6 ) , the archi­
tect who designed the cathedral in Florence. In about 1420 viewing side. A suspended mirror produced a reflection o f
he painted the baptistery as seen from a distance o f about the painting, which filled the same visual angle as the bap­
3 5 m, which is inside the door o f the cathcdral, approxi­ tistery. Brunelleschi did not paint rhe sky. Instead, bur­
mately as seen in Figure 2 .27 (Dam isch 1994). The painting nished silver on the picture surface reflected the real sky and
has not survived. According to Brunelleschi’s biographer, drifting clouds. People were fooled into believing that they
A ntonio di Tuccio M anctti ( 1 4 2 3 - 1 4 9 1 ) , people stood in were looking at the actual building. The hole forced viewers
the cathedral doorway and, while facing the back o f the to look with only one eye, thus removing binocular cues to
painting, looked through a small hole in itsccntcr, as shown depth.
in Figure 2.28. The hole was as small as a “lentil” on the Brunelleschis second painting in perspective was o f
painted side and widened to the size o f a “ducet” on the the Palazzo della Signoria in the Palazzo Vccchio. It was
apparently larger than the earlier painting and was viewed chc scenc. Lynes suggests chat Brunelleschi overcame chis
directly in the location where it was painted. The parts cor­ problem by scanding back from che mirror and, with che
responding to sky were cut away so that when viewed from head in diffcrenc positions, marking che mirror with each
the correct position, the skyline in the painting coincided point of the scene as it aligned with the reflection of the end
with the skyline o f the real buildings in the Palazzo. This o f a rod inserted into a hole in the mirror. This could have
painting has also not survived. been the same hole that supported the gnom on. Lynes also
There are three theories about how Brunelleschi pro­ suggests chat Brunelleschi painted his second picture, that
duced his paintings. The first theory is that he used the o f the Palazzo della Signoria, by tracing ic on che window o f
measuring instruments and geometrical constructions avail­ chc church. In chis ease, no mirror was required, cither for
able to architects at chat time. These instruments included producing the paincing or for viewing ic.
rods, squares, quadrants, and mirrors. Geometrical co n ­ Neicher ot che above cwo mechods involves che explicit
structions consisted o f plans and elevations o f buildings. In use o f a vanishing poinc, alchough che paintings would c o n ­
his L ife ofBrunelleschi ( 1 5 5 0 ), Vasari stated that Brunelleschi tain a unified vanishing point. The third theory about
drew lines from a plan and an elevation o f the building he Brunelleschi s method is chac he used geomecrical principles
was painting to intersect planes according to what is now ot perspective. We have seen chac che basic ideas underlying
known as orthographic projection (see Hyman 1974). perspective were expressed in Euclid’s Optics, and Roman
Carter 1970) suggested that Brunelleschi used the co n ­ and 14th-century painters came very close со che corrccc
struction depicted in Figure 2.29. This resulted in the paint­ solution.
ing being a mirror image o f the scene, which would explain A few years after Brunelleschi painted the baptistery,
why Brunelleschi used a mirror to exhibit the painting. some painters in Florence began со use a unified vanishing
The second theorv is that Brunelleschi traced the poinc. For example, Masaccio, a friend ot Brunelleschi,
reflected image o f the baptistery on the surface o f a mirror painccd chc Trinity fresco in chc church o f Sanca Maria
(Krautheimer and Krautheimer-Hess 1982). Lynes ( 1 9 8 0 ) Novella in 1425 (Figure 2.30). Measuremenrs have revealed
concluded that Brunelleschi used a polished metal sundial.
The mirror inversion of the picture would not be apparent
in chc painting o f a symmetrical building seen through an
arch. But Brunelleschi muse have realized lacer that the
mirror image would be corrected when the picture was
viewed by reflection through a hole in the picture. He need
not have drilled a hole because a sundial would have had a
hole to support the gnom on. Sundials contained a series o f
etched lines converging on the gnom on, which may have
prompted the idea o f perspective. W h ere there was sky,
Brunelleschi could have simply left the polished surface o f
the mirror chac reflecced che real sky. Brunelleschi was a
friend o f che machcmatician Toscanclli, who used a large
sundial on checachedral in Florence со measure che alcicude
o f che sun ac noon. O n e problem wich paincing a piccure on
a mirror is chac che head o f chc paincer obscruccs che view o f

Plan P rojection plane

2 .30 . M asaccio's T rin ity fresco. T h is fresco was painted in the church
o t San ta M aria N ovella* F lo ren ce, in 14 2 5 . It is the oldest know n
Figure 2.29. Pcrspcccivc m eth od possibly used by B ru n d lc sc h i. (ЛЛлргсс! from p aintin g w ith a unified vanishing p o in t. (iW>:Gabnnctto Foto*r*£c<»<WL
Сдпсг 1970) SofMintcAilnwAxi Bciti Avthtici с Slonci, Kkucmc)
that ic has a unified vanishing point at eye level (Field et al. da Vinci. He wrote the first treatise on double-entry
1 9 8 9 ). It is believed to be the oldest known painting with a bookkeeping.
perfect vanishing point. It has been suggested that Like other humanists o f the Renaissance, Alberti was
Brunelleschi drew the sketch for this painting, but the evi­ fascinated with antiquity and read Greek and Roman
dence is not conclusive (ten Doesschatc 1964). authors, including Galen, Euclid, Ptolemy, and Vitruvius.
In 1 4 2 0 , G hiberti used inconsistent vanishing points He was aware o f the contributions o f Alhazen through the
when constructing his first baptistery door. Two o f the writings o f Roger Bacon, Joh n Peckham, and Vitcllo. He
panels o f the Gates o f Paradise, made in the 1420s and adopted the concept ol the visual pyramid and centric ray
1430s, embody a central vanishing point (Parronchi 1964). from Galen and relied on Euclid’s theorem 21 to establish
Strangely, the distance point o f one picture was the princi­ that the size o f an image in the picture plane is inversely
pal vanishing point of the other picture. The distance points proportional to the distance o f the object. He became inter­
and vanishing points arc nor on the same horizon, as they ested in cartography and applied ideas from Ptolemy’s
should be. O th er artists continued to use inconsistent van­ Geographia to construct a map ot Rome. He used a grid
ish ingpoints well after 1420 ( К rauthcimcr and К rautheimer- based on polar coordinates with th co rig in o n thcCapitoline
H ess 1982). hill (Edgerton 1975).
In 1435 L e o n B attista A lberti ( 1 4 0 4 - 1 4 7 2 ) wrote Pre-Renaissance drawings in partial perspective did not
D ellapittura . It was available only in manuscript form until rely on the scholarly perspcctivist tradition ot geometrical
it was published in Basel in 1540. The book was the first optics that included the works o f Euclid, Apollonius,
account ot the geometry o f drawing in perspective using a Ptolemy, Pappus, and Alhazen. Artists were probably illiter­
single vanishing point. A lbertis father, Lorenzo, was a ate and, in any case, would n ot have had access to ancient
banker who had been banished from Florence by a rival texts. Alberti did consult ancient texts, and his method
banking family. Leon grew up in G enoa and Padua and in derives mainly from perspcctivist geometry rather than
1431 became architect to Pope Eugene IV. Between 1431 from practical methods used by artisans. The geometrical
and 1434 he was in Rome, where he surveyed buildings and theory o f visual optics became known as perspectiva natu-
composed Latin letters for the pope. There is no indication ralis because it dealt with the formation o f the natural
that he saw ancient Roman murals drawn in perspective. image in the eye. The geometry o f perspective drawing
He traveled with the pope to northern Europe and in 1434 became known as perspectiva artificial is. or perspectiva
arrived in Florence just .us Brunelleschi was completing the practica.
dom e o f the cathedral, Donatello was completing the sculp­ The retina is spherical, but pictures are painted on flat
tured facade, and G h ib ertis doors were newly installed on surfaces. This has led to the mistaken notion that a drawing
the baptistery. This so impressed Alberti that he devoted in accurate perspective does not produce the same image on
himself to making the art ot Florence understandable to a the eye as the 3 -D scene. Panotskv ( 1 9 4 0 ) wrote, “ Perspective
wide audience. construction as practised in the Renaissance is, in fact, not
Betore the Renaissance, artists were tradesmen orga­ correct from a physiological or psychological point ot view.”
nized into guilds. Painting and sculpting were not part o f Bur in polar projection, the scene, the drawing, and the
the liberal arts, which included philosophy, grammar, dia­ retinal image o f the scene are projectivclv equivalent when
lectic, mathematics, and astronomy. N or were they part o f the picture is viewed from the same location as che eye o f
mechanical arts, which included architecture, navigation, the painter. A picture drawn on a flat surface is not isomor­
and medicine. This attitude toward artists probably origi­ phic with the image on the curved retina. However, a pic­
nated in Rome, where artists were usually slaves. Also, Plato ture is n ot designed to be a copy ot the retinal image but
had condemned painting because he argued that visual per­ rather to send to the eye the same optical array as that cre­
ception is subject to errors, which are compounded in ated by the scene (Pirenne 1952). The retinal image pro­
painting. Plato respected only knowledge based on mathe­ duced by a correctly drawn and viewed picture is isomorphic
matical certainty. Alberti and Renaissance artists saw per­ with the image produced by the scene.
spective as a way to ground painting in mathematics and A picture in perfect perspective may appear distorted
thus elevate it to the level o f geometry and astronomy. relative to the original scene (Section 26.3 .4). But this is not
Paolo T oscan elli ( 1 3 7 9 - 1 4 8 2 ) was a physician and due to incorrect perspective but to other visual cues indicat­
leading mathematician. Architects and artists such as ing that the picture is flat. W h en these cues are removed,
Alberti, Brunelleschi, Donatello, Uccello and, later, the distortions are no longer present.
Verrocchio and his apprentice Leonardo da Vinci, gathered In constructing drawings in perspective, Alberti proba­
at Toscanelli s home of on the banks o f the Arno. Leonardo bly used a small box with a peephole in the front surface.
learned mathematics and many other things from him. The floor o f the box (the ground plane) was marked out as a
Brunelleschi and Leonardo da V in ci were also close triends square grid. The tar end ot the box was the picture plane and
o f the Franciscan monk Luca P acioli ( 1 4 4 6 - 1 4 1 7 ) . He its base was the ground line. The groundline was marked o ff
too was a leading mathematician who taught Leonardo into equal divisions, corresponding to where the grid lines
on the floor plane intersected the groundline. A vanishing distance point and chc central vanishing point equals chc
point, P, was placed at eye level on the midline o f the pic­ discance becween che painter’s eye and the picture (see
ture plane (Figure 2.31 A). Diverging lines were drawn from Section 26.1.2 ). However, Alberti made no reference to dis­
the vanishing point to the points marked of! on the ground- cance points and was thus ignorant o f or discarded the
line. These lines indicated the images o f receding parallel methods used by 14th-century painters. Alberti’s method
lines on the ground plane. The picture plane was then drawn was known as the co n stru z io n e legittima.
in side elevation as a vertical line. The eye (station point) Alberti also described drawing in perspective using a
was drawn at the level o f che vanishing point ac a designaced glass plate or a lattice o f orthogonal threads suspended on a
distance irom the picture plane (Figure 2 .3 1 B ). Visual lines vertical frame, a method that became known as Leonardos
were drawn from rhe station poinc to each o f the equally window (see Section 2.9.4). In general, Alberti represented
spaced cransverse lines on che ground plane. Horizontal a picture as a section ot the cone ot vision.
lines w'ere drawn on che piccure plane chrough che points The notion o f a divine basis for geometry echoed down
where the visual lines intersected the picture plane, as shown the centuries and inspired Luca Pacioli to write his D ivina
in Figure 2 .3 1 C . The accuracy o f these transversals was proportione in 1509. In chis book he applied geomecry со
checked by drawing diagonal lines across the picture plane. archiceccurc, che arcs, che divine proportions ot che Placonic
Each diagonal should incersecc opposite corners o f all the solids, and chc human body. The Placonic solids are che tct-
squares chac ic craverses. Opposice diagonals incersecc che rahedron, cube, occahcdron, dodecahedron, and icosahe­
horizon line in cwo discancc poincs. The distance between a dron. They are che only regular polyhedra. Placo had
identified che regular solids wich che tour elemencs and che
universe. After Placo, Pacioli identified che five regular
solids wich che four elemencs o f carch, wacer, air, and fire,
plus chc cosmos. He also praised linear perspective.
Leonardo da V inci drew che diagrams for che book, one ot
which is shown in Figure 2.32.
Paolo U ccello ( 1 3 9 6 - 1 4 7 5 ) was an enchusiascic expo-
ncnc o f perspective. Piero della Francesca ( 1 4 1 4 - 1 4 9 2 )
wroce De Prospective Pingendi, which circulated only in
manuscript form during che Renaissance (sec Field 1986).
Daniele Barbaro ( 1 5 1 3 - 1 5 7 0 ) , chronicler ot the Venetian
Republic, included large parts ot Pieros treatise in his L a

Eye point
practica della perspettiva o f 1569.
In 1509 Jean Pclcrin (pseudonym V iator) (с. 1 4 4 5 —
1 5 24 ) wrote D e Artificial! Perspectiva. V iator was not an

Figure 2 .31. A lberti's (on slru ziotieleg iftim a. (A ) V an ish in g p o in t, P. is placed

o n the p ictu rc at cvc level. D iverging lin es, rep resenting the im ages ot
reced in g parallel lines, arc drawn to th e base o f th e pictu re.
(B ) In tersectio n s o f visual lines to equally spaced transversals o n the
grou nd plane arc p lo tted on the side o f the pictu rc plane. Figure 2 .32. D raw ing in perspective by L eon ard o d a 17nei. Thi s draw ing o f
( C ) T h e spacing o f the im ages o f transversals is ch ecked by draw ing a a cruncatcd d od ccah cd ro n was produced fo r Luca P acio lis D iv in a
d iag onal across the p ictu rc plane. P ro p o rtio n ? o t 1 5 0 9 .
Лиса pinM sM ft Viator. In the second edition o f his book, Viator
reciprocated by using some ot Diirer s drawings (Strauss
In 1525 Diirer published Unterxveisung der Messung
{Instruction o f M easurement), which remained the standard
German work on perspective for some time. It is divided
into four books. The first deals with lines, curves, and spi­
rals. He described a procedure for obtaining conic sections,
based on Apollonius’s treatise. However, he mistakenly
r«gufc2.J3. D iagraw illustrating distan ce points. L im a te r r e a is the ground drew the elliptical conic section as an egg shape. The second
Iinc,//>/*v* ftin im id tilis is the horizon lin e. T h e diagonals (Лил* book deals with polygons and the third with solid pyramids,
d y a m c tr a lis) end in the d istan ce p oin ts o n th e h orizon lin e. (Fr**» Vi*.** cylinders,architectural structures, and astronomical instru­
/><AfdJidjIi of 1W)
ments. The final book deals with polyhedra and the analysis
o f perspective. His interest in polyhedra no doubt derived
from his reading ot Paciolis Divina proportione with its
artist but secretary to I.ouis X I o f France and, later, a canon
illustrations by Leonardo da Vinci. Diirer developed his
ot the Benedictine abbey at Toul. His was the first book on own method ot perspective, which he called naberer Weg
perspective in northern F.uropc and the first anywhere to {Shorter way). This was A lberti’s construzione legittim a but
contain illustrations ot scenes in perspective. It contained with the station point moved to the projection plane. This
the first account o f distance points (see Figure 2.33). change revealed that Diirer had an imperfect understand­
However, we saw in the last section that distance points ing ot the geometry and it introduced distortions into
were used by painters in the 14th century. V ia to rs book is D iirers paintings (see Carter 1970; Ivins 1973). Panofsky
reproduced in Ivins (1 9 7 3 ). (1 9 7 1 ) has written a biography o f Diirer.
L e o n a rd o da V inci used the construzione legittim a until During the 16th century aseriesof authors in Nuremberg
about 1500. He then becamc dissatisfied with it because it produced books on perspective. The best known is Wenzel
took no account o f the curvature o f the eye or o f move­ Jam nitzer’s Perspectiva C.orporium Regularium o f 1567,
ments o f objects and o f the eye. He was frustrated by the which contains perspective drawings o f polyhedra but with
fact that a flat picturc never looks as solid as the real object, no instructions about how to produce them.
unless one views the o b ject with one eye. He explained that Ja n Vredeman d e Vries ( 1 5 2 7 - 1 6 0 4 ) was a D u tch
the impression o f depth with two eyes arises bccausc each architect and painter who worked in Antwerp, Danzig, and
eye seesdillerent parts ot a surface placed beyond an object at the court o f Rudolph II in Prague. He wrote illustrated
(see Strong 1979, p. 3 8 5 ) . He was thus aware that what wc pattern books for apprentice architects and engravers. In
now call monocular occlusion can create an impression o f 1604 he published Perspective, which became the leading
depth (see Section 17.3). He did n ot describe any other book on perspective in Holland. The book was reprinted by
kind o f binocular disparity. Dover in 1968. It contains only illustrations, one o f which
He was frustrated by his inability to represent in a draw­ is shown in Figure 2.34. In 1616, the D utch mathematician,
ing the full effect o f depth that is achieved by binocular Marolois, produced a book that contained a geometrical
vision (Wade e t al. 2 0 0 1 ) . In his later drawings da Vinci analysis o f perspective. This became the standard text on
con fined himself to portraying objects in isolation rather perspective for Dutch artists.
than in architectural settings. He represented motion in the G u id o b a ld o del M on te, (15 4 5 -1 6 0 7 ) published
form o f waves, whirlpools, birds in flight, the human figure Perspectivae L ibri Sex in Pcsaro, Italy, in 1600. This was one
in action, and the effects o f eye movements on the appear­ o f the leading texts o f the time. He pointed out that per­
ance o f things (Strong 1979, p. 3 9 2 ) . He would have been spective is not affected by rotation o f theeye (see Frangenbcrg
delighted to sec a stereogram or stereoscopic movie. 1986). A ndrea Pozzo ( 1 6 4 2 - 1 7 0 9 ) , clergyman, painter,
A lb rech t D iirer ( 1 4 7 1 - 1 5 7 8 ) o f Nuremberg learned and architect, wrote Perspectiva Pictorwn et Architectorum
about perspective during a visit to Bologna in 1506, proba­ in 1693. An English translation appeared in 1707, which
bly from Luca Pacioli, a mathematician and associate o f was reproduced by Dover in 1971. The English mathemati­
Alberti. After the meeting he became enthralled by geome­ cian Brooke Taylor ( 1 6 8 5 - 1 7 3 1 ) , wrote New Principles o f
try and bought a copy o f Euclid’s Elements. He had access to L in ear Perspective in 1715. This was the first geometrical
the manuscript o f De Prospective Pingendi by Piero della analysis o f perspective written in English.
Francesca, and to the manuscript version o f Alberti’s Della In o n c -p o in t perspective, all receding lines in the scene
pittura. But V ia to rs D e A rtificiali Perspectiva had the great­ (lines not parallel to the picture plane) are parallel to each
est ctfcct; soon after it appeared, the perspective in Diirer s other and therefore project to the same vanishing point, as
drawings and prints became more precise. Also, some o f shown in Figure 2 .3 5 A . In a one-point perspective paint­
D iirer’s drawings resemble those in the first edition o f ing, objects arc usually rectilinear and orthogonal to the
Figure 2 . v»- .In error in th e u se o f ‘t hree-poin t perspective. 71i с box m arked “ Г ’ is in clin ed to the h o rizo n tal. V anishing p o in t P 1 should th erefo re b e above
the h orizon line. V anishing p o in t P 2 is c o rre ct sin ce the co rresp on d in g sides o f o b je c t 2 arc b oth h o rizo n tal. {F ro m . I c V n . , ! « > ♦ )

frontal plane. In tw o -p o in t perspective, all receding lines the Renaissance avoided problems o f three-point perspec­
in the scene lie in parallel planes but are not all parallel to tive by n ot drawing inclined objects.
each other within those planes. The vanishing points for In the 15 ch century, manuals o f perspective drawings o f
different sets o f parallel lines lie on the same horizon line. In architecture and machinery began to circulate in Italy
a typical tw o-point perspective painting, all objects sit on (Ferguson 1977; Edgcrton 1991, Chapter 4 ). O n e o f the
horizontal or vertical surfaces but some are slanted about a most influential was an unpublished but widely circulated
vertical axis, as in Figure 2 .3 5 B . In th re e -p o in t p ersp ec­ illustrated manual Trattato d i arcbitettura written about
tive, not all receding lines in the scene lie in parallel planes. 1475 by Francescodi G iorgio M artini. O n e o f the surviving
The vanishing points for different sets of parallel lines do copies contains margin notes by Leonardo da Vinci. Thus,
not lie on a single horizon line. Som e objects are both the tradition o f recording and transmitting technical infor­
slanted and inclined, as in Figure 2 .3 5 C . The vanishing mation by perspective drawings was well established by the
points of inclined objects lie above or below the horizon 15th century, when Leonardo da Vinci began filling his
(Section 2 6 .3 .2 ). Brunelleschi s first painting involved two- notebooks with technical drawings.
point perspective because the baptistery sits on a horizontal In the 16th century, technical manuals o f industrial and
surface but is not rectangular. military machines drawn in perspective appeared through­
In his book on perspective, Viator drew objects at vari­ out Europe. In 1556 Georgius Agricola published De Re
ous angles but always on horizontal surfaces. H e therefore Metallica> the classic record of mining machinery (F.nglish
used only one- and tw o-point perspective. translation,Dover 1950). In 157 8 Jacques Besson published
De Vries drew a few inclined objects in his textbook but Theatre des instruments w atbew atiques et mtfebaniques in
incorrectly placed the vanishing points on the principal Lyon. In 1588 Agostino Ramelli published L e diverse et
horizon line. For example, in Figure 2 .3 4 , the box marked 1 artifieiose m achine in Paris. It contains hundreds of techni­
is clearly not horizontal, but one o f its vanishing points is cal drawings, many o f novel machines. Figure 2 .3 6 shows
incorrectly placed on the horizon. The vanishing point one o f Ramelli s drawings. O th er drawings from this period
would be correct only if the box were tapered in the direc­ arc reproduced in F.dgerton (1 9 9 1 ).
tion o f inclination. But de Vries probably did n ot intend to D enis Diderot, one o f the Encyclopedists o f 18th-cen­
draw a tapered block, since all the other objects in the pic­ tury France, produced hundreds o f drawings in perspective
ture are rectangular. It is evident that Viator did not under­ in his Pictorial Encyclopedia o f Trades an d Industry (English
stand three-point perspective. There is a passage in Piero translation, Dover 1987).
della Francesca’s D e Prospectiva Pingendi describing three- The mathematics o f perspective had its origins in
point perspective in the drawing o f a cube placed on one o f Mcnacchmus, Euclid, and Apollonius in the 3rd and 4th
its corners (Elkins 1988). M ost painters during and after centuries B C and in Pappus o f Alexandria in the 3rd
А В ' . ‘С
• 11

Figure 2. >5. Oner-, tw o-, a n d three-poin t perspective. C u b e on a h orizon tal surface w ith a face parallel to th e p ictu rc plane has a single v an ish in g p o in t, P I .
C u b e on a surface a t an angle to picture plane has tw o vanishing p oin ts. P2 and P 3 . on the h o rizo n . C u b e n o t lying o n a h orizon tal surface has three
vanish in g p oin ts, P 4 , P 5 , P 6 , n o n e o f w h ich arc on the h orizon .

mathematicians Girard Desargues ( 1 5 9 3 - 1 6 6 2 ) , Blaise

Pascal ( 1 6 2 3 - 1 6 6 2 ) , and J. V. Poncelet ( 1 7 8 8 - 1 8 6 7 ) . In
che 19ch cencurvФ came che German mathematicians Von
Staudt and Felix Klein (see Coolidge 1968).
For accounts o f the development o f perspective in arc
see W hice ( 1 9 6 7 ), Pirenne ( 1 9 7 0 ), Edgercon (1 9 7 5 ),
Descargues ( 1 9 7 7 ), Bartschi ( 1 9 8 1 ), W right ( 1 9 8 3 ),
Kubovy ( 1 9 8 6 ) , and Kemp ( 1 9 9 0 ). Perspective is discussed
more cxcensivcly in Chapccr 26.

2 .9 .4 D E V I C E S F O R D R A W I N G IN

Many artists used projection devices racher chan geometri­

cal constructions со draw in perspective. Albcrci described a
picture as a “window through which we look out inco a sec­
tion o f chc visible world.” In his Treatise on Painting
Leonardo da V inci described in detail a device for painting
in pcrspcctivc, which became known as Leonardo’s window.
The drawing was first made from a fixed vantage poinc on a
vertical plate o l glass and later transferred со canvas. The
device is illustrated in one o f D u rers woodcuts shown in
Figure 2 .3 7 A . Leonardo wrote,

Figure 2 . ve. A n early m ech an ical draw ing in perspective. Frumname*•!№*»</ Perspective is nothing but seeing an object behind a
uro fi.Jbit ГЛati'Jnc o f I SH8. sheec o f sm ooth transparent glass, on che surface o f
which everything behind the glass may be drawn;
these things approach the point o f chc eye in pyra­
ccncury A D . These early approaches to perspective centered mids; and chese pyramids cut che said glass.
on the conic sections— the projections o f a circle o n to a (see К E EL E W 5 A
plane (Section 3.7.2c). Further developments in the math­
ematics o f linear pcrspcctivc had to wait 1,400 years. In a variant o f Leonardos window che arcist viewed chc
Modern projective geometry was developed by the French scene chrough a grid o f chreads and transferred what was

Fifwc2.3,7. T w o types o t L eon ard o S window , bom Abiccfct Direr. Untt,w«inmEJet Мсшш,(Nurembiig, 11 W)

seen in each square to a corresponding square drawn on the use o f the camera obscura. Philip Steadman ( 2 0 0 1 ) has
canvas, as shown in Figure 2 .3 7 B . In the 17th century, demonstrated that Jan Vermeer o f Delft ( 1 6 3 2 - 1 6 7 2 ) may
Andrea Pozzo drew structures and figures in perspective on have used a camera obscura to paint his photograph-like
the curved ceiling o f the church o f St. Ignazio in Rome. He D u tch interiors. Hockney ( 2 0 0 6 ) has claimed that many
placed a horizontal grid below the ceiling, which corre­ artists after the 15th century used optical instruments, but
sponded to a grid on a small version o f the painting. some art historians reject his arguments. Som e early instru­
He then stretched a tight thread from a fixed point on the ments are shown in Figure 2.38. In about 1567 Robert
ground through each corner o f the grid to a point on the Hoyle made a camera obscura with a lens on an extending
curved ceiling (see Pirenne 1970). hood and an opening in the top for drawing landscapes, like
Before the invention o f photography many artists used a that shown in Figure 2 .3 8 B . In the instrument depicted in
camera obscura, in which the scene to be painted is pro­ Figure 2 .3 8 C , the artist sits in a cabinet and traces the image
jected o n to the canvas through a lens. Giovanni della Porta o f the scene reflected by a mirror on top o f the cabinet.
(Section 2.5.1) seems to have been the first to describe the Pictures drawn with these instruments were limited by the
camera obscura for drawing. He wrote in his Nattiriae size o f the drawing surface and by the angle o f view o f the
N aturalis (1 5 5 8 ), lens (W right 1983). See Ham m ond ( 1 9 8 1 ) lor a history ot
the camera obscura.
If you cannot paint, you can by this arrangement In 1806, the English scientist W illiam Wollaston
draw with a pencil. This is done by reflecting the ( 1 7 6 6 - 1 8 2 8 ) patented thccameralucida. In a “sec through”
image downward o n to a drawing board with paper. camera lucida the artist sees the scene through two reflect­
For a person who is skilful, this is a very easy ing mirrors that produce an erect image. O n e o f the mirrors
matter. is semitransparent so that the artist can see the scene super­
imposed on the drawing paper. In the “split pupil” camera
Artists tended to be secretive about their use o f artificial lucida the artist uses part o f the field o f view to see the scene
devices, presumably because they wished it to be thought through mirrors or prisms and the other part to see the
that they painted by pure skill. For example, Bernardo drawing paper. A camera lucida is more com pact than a
Bellotto ( 1 7 2 1 - 1 7 9 0 ) , known as C analetto, concealed his camera obscura. Versions ot the camera lucida tor use on
2 . 9 .5 T R O M P U L 'O E IL AN D

Renaissance artists were preoccupied with representing 3-D

scenes on a Bat surface. In the tradition ot painting known
as tro m p c I’o cil (tool the eye), the artist paints in perspec­
tive with the aim o f convincing viewers that they are look­
ing at a real 3 -D o b jcct or scene. The tradition goes back to
Roman times, when wall frescoes were designed to create
the impression o f a large room or garden. It is also repre­
А sented in the device used by Brunelleschi to display his first
painting in perspective. Renaissance artists painted objects
in perspective on walls, ceilings, and doors in great detail
and the same size as the real objects. They placed them
where one would expect to see real objects, such as cabinets
lull ot curiosities or rare books, and windows with outside
views. An example, executed in marquetry, is shown in
Figure 2.39.
Artists usually draw on a surface in a frontal plane.
A drawing in perspective creates the correct image in the
eye only when the eye is at the correct vantage point and the
picture is orthogonal to the line o f sight to the principal
vanishing point. A picture drawn on a canvas slanted about
a vertical axis produces the correct image only when viewed
with the picture at the same angle to the principal line o f
sight. Viewed frontally, the picture may appear a jumble ot
lines. This simple principle gave rise to the tradition o fa n a -
m orp hic a r t, which flourished in the 16th and 17th centu­
ries. Figure 2 .4 0 shows one o f the earliest anamorphic
pictures, entitled Vexicrbild (puzzle picture). It is a wood
engraving produced in about 1 5 3 2 by Erhard Schon, a pupil
o f Diirer. An anamorphic portrait o f Edward V I, painted in
1546, hangs in the National Portrait Gallery in London.
Hans H olbein s IheA m bassadors ,painted in 1 5 3 3 ,contains
an anamorphic skull. The scene was drawn on a frontal
canvas and then transferred point-by-point o n to a canvas at
a steep angle to the picturc.
In cylindrical anamorphic art, the picture is drawn so
that it appears in its true form only when viewed through a
vertical cylindrical mirror placed on the center o f the pic­
f.riiic 2 .м . E xam ples o f th e cam era obscura. (A ) C am era ob scu ra m ade by ture, as shown in Figure 2.41. Many ot these pictures
Jo h a n n Z a h n in 1 6 8 5 - T b e im age reflects o n to th in paper placed on depicted erotic scenes.
a plate o f glass. ( B ) A n 1 8 th -cen tu ry cam era ob scu ra. ( C ) A n 18th- A nother type ot anamorphic art involved painting the
cen tu ry French cam era obscu ra. A rotatable m irro r on to p reflected the
interior surfaces o f a box with tapering sides. W h en viewed
im age throu gh a lens o n to the draw ing surface at D . A lig h t trap under
the sca t provided v en tilatio n . The apparatus could be carried on poles through a peephole the interior ot the box appears as a rect­
like a sedan chair. (FromWight iss*) angular furnished room. The first box o f this kind seems to
have been built by one o f Rem brandts pupils, Carel
Fabritius o f Del ft ( l 6 2 2 - 1 6 5 4 ) . O n e o f his boxes is in the
microscopes still appear in the catalogs o f optical instru­ National Museum in Copenhagen (Hulten 1952). The box
ment makers. Sec Hammond ( 1 9 8 7 ) for a history o f the is triangular but appears as a rectangular furnished room
camera lucida. when viewed through a peephole.
W ith the invention o f photographic film, the camera Figure 2 .4 2 shows the plan o f a viewing box constructed
obscura developed into the camera. Artists could then paint by another pupil o f Rembrandt, Samuel van Hoogstraten
from a photograph, which is an image in a camera obscura ( 1 6 2 7 - 1 6 7 8 ) (van de G eer and de Natris 1962). The
captured on film. four surfaces fold to form a triangular room, which appears
F«*mc2.3*. 7rom p el'otik A n exam ple o f crom pc lo e il a r t by D o m e n ic o R osselli in the study o f che D u cal Palace o f U rb in o , 1 4 7 6 . T h e cab in ets and
cheir co n ten ts arc p ainted . (РЬоеодоЬ Ь>Alm*t GiruuU,» 1>ш.neb,IS9t)

Figure 2.40. .In am orpbtc art. P o rtra its o f C h arles V, Ferdinand I. Pope Paul 111, and Francis I em erge when the picture is viewed obliqu ely from the
Side, {lijdfrli&iby bkaiJ Sckun,«. 15 !2)
rectangular when viewed from the correct point.
Hoogstraten traveled to Rome and Vienna, where he was
patronized by the emperor. He visited London in 1 6 6 6 , the
year o f the G reat Fire, and finally settled in his native town
o f Dordrecht. An elegant viewing box that he constructed
at about that time is in the National Gallery in London.
This box portrays a series ot connected rooms and has two
viewing holes through which two interior scenes can be
seen. Another box, probably by Hoogstraten, is in the
Detroit Institute o f Arts (Hulten 1952). In his manual on
the art o f painting entitled Inleyding tot de Hooge Schoole
der Schilderkom r Hoogstraten wrote,

B u t I say that a painter whose work it is to fool the

sense o f sight, also must have so much understand-
in g o t the nature o f things that he thoroughly under­
stands by what means the eyes are tooled, (p. 24).
Figure 2. 11. A n am orphic m irror art. P o rtra it o f C h arles 1» с. 16 4 9 . In
G rip sh o lm C a stle, Sw eden.
The Ames distorted room described in Section 26.2.2 is
an anamorphic structure built for scientific purposes in
In 17th-century Italy, the principle o f anamorphic art
was developed on an architectural scale. For example, the
famous ceiling in the church o fS t. Ignazio in Rome, painted
by Andrea Pozzo, creates a compelling impression ot 3-D
columns with a multitude of human figures when the viewer
looks up while standing on a spot marked on the lloor
below. The painting is actually on the curved surface o t the
ceiling. The Palazzo Spada in Rome contains a real arcade
with misleading perspective, which looks elongated when
viewed from one end and shortened when viewed from the
other end. The Piazza del Campidoglio in Rome was co n ­
structed to enhance the sense o f distance and size. The
ancient Greeks evidently used the same principles to design
stage sets (Section 2.9.1). Stage designers and artists still use
these principles (see Wade and Hughes 1999).
The history o f anamorphic art is discussed and exten­
sively illustrated in books by Pirenne ( 1 9 7 0 ) , Mastai (1 9 7 6 ),
Baltrusaitis ( 1 9 7 7 ) , Lecman ( 1 9 7 6 ) , and Kemp (1 9 9 0 ).

2 .1 0 B IN O C U L A R V IS IO N

Since ancient times, artists have struggled with the problem

o f how to represent 3-D space in a picture. This preoccupa­
tion with 2-D pictorial space led to an emphasis on m o n ­
ocular cues to distance and away from binocular cues. Euclid
knew that the two eyes have different views o f 3 - D objects,
and Aristotle noted that one sees double images when a
finger presses against one eye (Section 2.1.2). But the prob­
lem raised in peoples’ minds was how we torm an impres­
Figure 2.42. 17th-<entury d istorted room . T h e tour panels fold in to a sion o f a single visual world, despite these differences
triangu lar b o x . W h e n viewed from the co rre ct p oin t o n the op en side,
between the two images. The binocular disparities and
th e room appears rectan gu lar and in c o rre ct perspective. The box was
painted by Sam u el van H o o g straatcn ( 1 6 2 7 - 1 6 7 S ). (In th e M u n icip al double images were regarded as something to be overcome
M useum o f ’I he H ague) rather than made use of.
Ic is amazing that the simple facts about binocular ste­ perpendicular to A B. Extend to them from each eye
reoscopic vision were n ot appreciated until about 170 years the visual lines GA, g b, da, d b. Let the eyes be co n ­
ago. O n e reason for this ignorance is that, even with one eye verged on the nearest rod G.
closed, a rich variety o f monocular information is available 34] A G and B G fall on the visual axes. O f the
for coding depth. Thus, the importance o f binocular stere- remaining two visual lines, A D is to the left o f
opsis is not apparent with casual observation o f everyday the visual axis o f the left eye and В D is to the right o f
scenes. the visual axis o f the right eye. Thus G is seen in one
location, because the two visual axes are correspond­
ing visual lines; but D appears double sincc visual
2 .1 0 .1 P T O L E M Y ON B IN O C U L A R V ISIO N
line A D is ro the left o f the visual axis o f the left eye,
In the 2nd century A D Ptolemy wrote a five-volume work but visual line B D is to the right o f the visual axis o f
in G reek, entitled Optics. Parts o f Books 11 and 111 deal with the right eye. Therefore when we cover the left eye,
binocular vision. The following quotations are from an the left image will n ot be seen; and when we cover
English translation o f these parts prepared by Dr. Fiona the right eye, the right image will nor be seen.
Somerset o f O xford University. The full translation is in 35] If the eyes converge on D, it will com e about
Howard and Wade ( 1 9 9 6 ). These sections are quoted at in the opposite way. Because A D and B D are on the
some length, since this is the earliest known account o t the visual axes D will be seen as one. G will appear
basic geometry o f binocular vision. Apart from a brief double because AG is to the right o f the visual axis
review by C ron e ( 1 9 9 2 ) , it does not seem to have been cited o f the left eye, and B G is to the left o f the visual axis
in the vision literature. The section and figure numbers o f the right eye. I f we cover the left eye, the image
correspond to those in Lejcunes French translation (1 9 5 6 ). which appears on the right on visual line A G will
The first sections com e from Book II. not be seen, and i f we cover the right eye, the image
which appears on the left on visual line B G will not
27] An o b ject appears in one location when seen be seen.
with only one eye, but when seen with both eyes an
o b ject is seen in one location only i f it falls on con- These sections describe the essentials o f binocular dis­
similar radii, namely those that have corresponding parity and the ditfcrence between what we now refer to as
positions with respect to the visual axes. And that crossed images produced by objects nearer than the conver­
comes about when the visual axes converge on the gence point and uncrossed images produced by objects
object to be seen, which happens when we see things beyond that point.
with a simple gaze and in the way which is natural
when we inspect an objcct. 36] If the visual axes are parallel so that they do not
converge on either rod [F ig u re2.43b] both rods will
C'onsimilar radii are now known as corresponding be seen double according to the principles we have
visual lines. The modern term will be used in the remaining presented.
quotations. 37] To demonstrate this clearly the near rod at L
should be painted white and the far rod at M black.
28] It seems too that nature sets up double vision so Therefore objects at I. and M will both be seen in
that we will look more and so that our viewing will two positions to the sides o f their actual positions.
be ordered and brought to a definite position. It is Therefore if we cover the left eye, the images which
natural for us to turn our gaze toward diverse loca­ are on the right side will not be seen; but if we cover
tions, our gaze shifts without our conscious etfort the right eye, the images on the left side will n ot be
with a marvellous and diligent turning m otion, until seen. Visual line A L will be more toward the right
both visual axes intersect on the center o f the object than line A M , and line BI. more toward the left than
wc wish to see, and other pairs o f corresponding line B M . In this way the images on the right will be
visual lines within the two visual pyramids are also seen through the left eye, and those on the left by the
brought into coincidence. right eye.
38] Again place the visual axes parallel and place
Here Ptolemy suggests that we have two eyes and double- the white rod on the visual axis o f the left eve and4

vision so that we will actively bring the visual axes o n to rhe the black rod on the visual axis o f the right eye
object ot interest. There is no suggestion that binocular [Figure 2.43c]. The distance between the rods is the
vision has anything to do with depth perception. same as that between the eyes. The two rods will be
seen as three.
33) L et A be the left eye and В the right eye 39] Through the corresponding visual lines, each
[Figure 2.43a]. Place two rods G and D on the rod will be seen as one, although neither ot them

(a) Eyes a t A and В converge on G , then on D. O bjects at G and D.

(f) E yes conve rg e on D. O bjects placed at H. Т. К

(b) V isu al a xes parallel. O bjects L and M a re on the m idline.

(g) E yes conve rg e on D. O bjects placed at H,T. К


(с) O bjects L and M are o n the parallel visual axes.


(h) E yes conve rg e on D. O bjects К and H a pp e ar a t M and S.

(d) O bjects L and M are outside the parallel visual axes.

(e) O bjects L and M are inside the parallel visual axes. (i) Eyes converge on E. Lines a lo ng GD. A Z. BH. and TK.

ttgurc 2 . i.v D iagram s fro m P toU m /s O ptics. In ca ch figure the eyes arc a t p o in ts A and B. Bold lines in dicate the visual axes, and bold letters in dicate the
physical lo cation s o f vertical rods or sm all o b jects.
falls on both axes because chc rods arc placed W h en wc cover chc righc eye, chc image o f chc whice
side by side. But through the noncorresponding rod on visual line BL. and the image o f the black rod
visual lines Л М and B L , che child, middle image will on visual line B M will noc be seen.
be seen, composed ot an image ol the white rod trom 4 3 ] I f che discance between L and M is less than
chc right eye and an image o f chc black rod from chc chac bccwccn chc eyes [Figure 2 .4 3 c], chc visual axes
left eye. I f we cover the right eye, the image o f arc со chc sides o f L and M.
the black rod to the righc side ot che middle and the 4 5 ] These phenomena occur only by vircuc o f chc
whice image o f che middle composice image will noc horizontal separation o f the eyes since the height
be seen. It wc cover che left eye, che image o f the and depth o f chc eyes are che same. Boch visual axes
whice rod on che left and che black image o f che curn unci! chev converge on chc chingto be seen. The
composice middle image will n ot be seen. eves can converge horizontally со ditfcrcnc posi­
40] For when we have joined chc noncorrespond- cions; buc they do n ot change their vertical angle o f
ing visual lines A M and BL , boch rods will be seen in vcrgence, since one ot the eyes is not placed higher
one posicion, namely chac on which chc cwo colors chan chc other.
com e cogcchcr; buc as concerns che remaining cwo
visual lines falling on Г. and M , chrough che righc o f Ptolemy goes on to discuss si/.c constancy, and returns
chem will be seen che black rod, and chrough che со binocular vision in Book III.
left che whice. Therefore when wc cover che righc
eye, che black rod on che righc and che whice pare o f 26] Lee us speak firsc abouc chac construction in
che central composice image will noc be seen; and which chc heads o f chc cwo visual pyramids (che
when we cover chc left eye, che whice rod on che left eyes) arc poincs A and В join ed by line A B and
and chc black pare o f chc cencral composice image divided ac chc middle ac poinc G [Figure 2 .4 3 f ] .
are not seen. And this is demonstrated by the figure Produce trom this middle point a pcrpcndicular
Figure 2.43c]. G D and let the visual axes A D and B D converge on
an object ac poinc D. Under these conditions object
Ptolemy was confused here, alchough chc confusion D is seen as one and in icscorrecr locacion.
may have been introduced in che translation from the Greek 27] I f through poinc D wc draw a line E D Z ac
o r from the Arabic. Ic is chc images projccccd by che corrc- righc angles со G D , anyching posicioned on chac
sponding visual axes (.-//. and BM) chac fuse inco a com pos­ line, since ic is ac chc head o f (in the same frontal
ice image on che cyclopean axis. Peolcmy incorreccly formed plane as) point I) , will appear as one and in its
rhe midline composite image from che images projected by correct location.
visual lines A M and BL. Ic is clear from Scccions 2 8 and 35
o f Book 111 chac he was well aware chat objects anywhere on Ptolemy claims incorreccly chac the locus ofsingle vision,
the visual axes are seen as one in the midline. The image ot what wc now call chc horopcer, is rhe froncal plane chrough
the black rod projected by AM is seen well со chc right chc fixacion point. Theoretically, it is a circle chrough the
and the image o f the whice rod projccccd by B L is seen well eyes and chc fixacion point. However, as Tyler ( 1 9 9 7 )
со che left. He may have been misled by his diagram in which pointed out, the difference between these loci is small
visual lines A M and BL incersecc. His dcscripcion o f which tor small angles ot eccentricity and, in any case, the
images disappear w'hen one eye is closed is also in error. The empirical horopccr is flaccer chan chc cheorecical horopcer
images would have disappeared in chc way he described it he (Seccion 14.6).
had inadverccndy converged racher diverged.
28] W h e n che line Н Т К is produced parallel to
41 ] W h e n chc discance bee ween chc rods is noc equal E D Z , and che eyes are converged on poinc D , an
со chat bccween che eyes, cwo rods will be seen in objecc ac poinc T will be seen in two locations H and
four locarions. K. Moreover, cwo objects positioned in H and К
42] I f chc discance bccween I. and M is grcaccr will be seen in three locations,T, L ,a n d M. They will
chan chac bccwccn chc eyes [Figure 2.43d] and chc both appear superimposed at poinc T as if chcy were
rods arc outside che visual axes, chc black rod will be one thing. In addition, they will appear separately,
seen in cwo posicions on che righc, since A M and H at point L and К at point M . Any object on LT
BM are both to rhe right o f rhe visual axes, and the and T M will be seen in the same manner on H K.
white rod will be seen in cwo posicions on chc left,
since A L and BL are со che left o f the visual axes. Here Ptolcmv asserts that an object on the midline
Thcretorc when wc cover chc left eye, che image o f nearer than the fixation point appears diplopic, with a sepa­
che black rod on visual line AM and the image ration equal to the disrance between the visual axes. O bjects
o f chc whice rod on visual line A L will noc be seen. on the two visual axes, with symmetrical convergence, arc
seen as a fused pair in the midline and as monocular images 351 It is fitting that nature should equalize the dis­
separated by twice the distance between the visual axes. tance between the two visual axes, and gather them
These ideas express the fundamental principles ofcyclopean in accordance with the position o f the thing to be
visual direction, which arc usually credited to Hcring seen. Therefore the visual axes are seen as tailing on
( 1 8 6 5 ) or Wells ( 1 7 9 2 ) (Section 16.7). the line through the midpoint between them and
the point where the axes converge. This line is equi­
29] If we converge on point T we will see D at points distant from the two visual axes and the two visual
E and Z. axes appear to coincide with it. O b jects on the two
3 0 This may be confirmed by someone using a visual axes arc in different directions since the visual
board on which two rods are placed. W hoever wants axes are inclined to each other. The only way they
truly to recognize their locations may discern them can be seen as one is it they are both seen as lying on
by placing a finger on the thing to be seen. For his an axis midway between them. And that middle axis
finger will land upon the object when it appears in should rightfully be called the com m on axis.
its correct location. W h e n the o b ject does not
appear in its correct location, his finger will not land Here Ptolemy explains the need to com bine the distinct
upon i t ___ m onocular headcentric visual directions into one. Ptolemy
3 1 . Those objects seen by corresponding visual called the axis on which objects on the two visual axes
lines, even if there arc two o f them, arc seen as if in appear to lie the com m on axis. It is now known as the cycio­
one position; but it n o t by corresponding visual pean axis.
lines, even if there is only one it will be seen as if it
were in two locations. 37] Let the lines A D and B D be the visual axes
3 2 I f we join lines л е , a z , z b , е в , t a , t b , b h , a k [Figure 2 .4 3 f ]. O b je cts on line F.DZ appear in their
[Figure 2.43g] any o f E , D. and Z will appear in one actual positions; but objects on line Н Т К appear
location, since A D and HD arc the visual axes, and displaced from their true positions.
the visual lines which converge on E and Z are cor­ 38] It is clear that points E, D, and Z will appear
responding visual lines because AF. corresponds to in their true positions, because each o f them falls on
B E and A Z corresponds to B Z . But H and К will the perpendicular to the com m on axis at the point
appear in one location T , since A H and В К are visual where the visual axes intersect and where the dis­
axes. Because BH and A К are noncorresponding tance from the visual axes to the com m on axis is
visual lines, H and К will appear at points I. and M. zero. Since the visual axes converge on the com m on
Because visual lines AT and В Т are noncorrespond­ axis, so points E, D, and Z appear in their true posi­
ing, point T will appear in locations H and K. tions. Therefore, each ot these objects will be seen in
its true position.
Here, Ptolemy restates that objects tailing on corre­
sponding visual lines arc seen as one. However, he is nor Tli is is a spurious proof o f the incorrect conclusion chat
correct in stating that points E and Z fail on corresponding the horopter is the frontal plane through the fixation point.
visual lines. To do so, they would have to fall on the locus o f Ptolemy realized that an o b je ct appears single and in its true
equal binocular subtense, which is a circle (the Victh-Mtiller position when it falls at the intersection o f two correspond­
circle) passing through the eyes. ing visual lines, but he failed to realize that this does not
generate a planar horopter. We will see that, in the 11 th cen­
3 4 ] If the line Н Т К (Figure 2.43h ] is not parallel to tury, Alhazen deduced that an o b ject appears single when it
line A B but instead A H is greater than B K ; and the subtends the same angle to the two eyes as that subtended
visual axes converge on point D , things placed on by the visual axes. From this, Alhazen proved that the
points К and H will appear on line G D , on either horopter is not a plane. However, description of the true
side o f point T. Hut К will appear nearer than H horopter had to wait for Pierre Prcvost in 1804. It is ironic
because the line H K is inclined to the plane AB on that the theorem o f Euclid that Prcvost used for this proof
which the eyes are positioned. Then H will be seen was well known to both Ptolemy and Alhazen.
at M , and К at S. Points H and К are such that per­
pendiculars from line G D from points M and S fall 4 3 ] W e can sec this more clearly i f we take a black
on points H and K. rectangular board [Figure 2 .4 3i] and mark o f f on its
shorter side two points A and В separated by the dis­
This rule about perpendiculars is somewhat arbitrary. tance between the eyes, and extend from the mid­
M ore accurately, an object on a visual axis and its apparent point G a perpendicular G D , and draw lines A E Z ,
location on the cyciopean axis lie on an arc centered on the B E H , and Т Е К , with Т Е К parallel to AB. C o lor
poinc o f convergence. G D white, Т Е К green, A E Z red, and B E H yellow.
Place the eyes .it points A and В and converge on a term “cgocentcr” or “cyclopean eye” to refer to the point
small o b ject placed at point E. from which visual directions are judged. We do not place it
44] Lines A Z and В H fall on the visual axes, and in the chiasm or think o f it as where images fuse. Like
the green line Т Е К will appear as one line, since it Ptolemy, Alhazen called the axis extending from the center
intersects the point o f convergence. Red line AF.Z to the fixation point the “com m on axis.”
and yellow line Б Е Н will appear superimposed on Alhazen stated that an object above or below a fixation
G D ; but each o f them will also appear in another point in the midline (the sagittal plane o f the head) is not
position, A E Z on L E M , and B E H on N E S. The seen double because its distance from the two eyes is the
white line G E D , will appear on lines A Z and B H . same and it therefore projects equal angles to the two eyes.
4 5 1 W h en we cover eye B, green line Т Е К is still This idea anticipated the modern concept o f rhe vertical
seen. But the white line on A Z , the vellow line on horopter (Section 14.7). He then discussed double
G l ) , and the red on LM will be hidden. The other images produced by an o b je ct nearer o r further away than
lines will keep the positions they had when both the fixation point, with both the object and the fixation
eyes were open. All this is consistent with what has point in the median plane. He invited rhe reader to view
already been determined. lines on a board extending horizontally trom the bridge ot
the nose, as shown in Figure 2.44. This resembles the
Ptolemy completed his treatment ot binocular vision figure used by Ptolemy. H e described the following visual
with a discussion o f th e binocular appearance o f oblique impressions.
lines and curves in the plane o f regard. An object at point 1 docs n ot appear double if it is not
Ernst Mach ( 1 9 2 9 ) gave an account o f Ptolemy’s work too far from the frontal plane through TKH , in which the
on binocular single vision and reproduced two diagrams eyes are converged. But an object at O, well away from the
similar to Figures 2.41 a and 2.4 l c , but there seems to be no plane o f convergence, appears double. He thus realized that
other reference to Ptolemy’s work on binocular vision in the small differences in visual angle arc tolerated without diplo­
visual science literature. M ost visual scientists do n ot know pia. W e now refer to this tolerated disparity as Panums
that Ptolemy/ wrote a book on vision. fusional area (Section 12.1). W e should call it Alhazens

2 .1 0 .2 A LH A ZEN ON B IN O C U L A R V ISIO N

In his Rook o f Optics, written in rhe 1 1th century, Alhazen

followed Galen in explaining that wc have two eyes so that,
when one is harmed, rhe other remains intact. He added
that two eyes beautify the face (Sabra 1989, p. 102). Like
Aristotle and Galen, he mentioned that an o b ject appears
double when a finger pushes one eye. Also, like Galen, he
pointed out that, when converged on a point, the visual axes
lie in o ne plane, which we now call the plane o f regard. He
stated that the two eyes always move together and by an
equal amount, so that the visual axes converge on the object
o f interest. As Heller (1 9 8 8 ) pointed out, this idea lay dor­
mant until the 19th century when Hering, without any ref­
erence to Alhazen, described the principle o f equal
innervation (Section 10.8.1).
In Chapter 6 o f Book I and Chapter 2 o f Book III,
Alhazen described corresponding points in the image planes
o f the eyes. He explained that visual lines from an o b ject
near the intersection ot the visual axes project to corre­ eye eye
sponding points in the eyes and appear single. Images fall-
ingon noncorresponding points are seen asdouble. Alhazen Figure 1A4. A lhazen'sgeom ctoy o f bin ocu lar vision. T h e b o лid is held
h orizon tally fro id th e bridge o f th e nose and fixation o n K . Sm all
therefore extended Ptolemy’s conccpt o f corresponding
o b je c ts arc placcd at K , 1%L , I. and Q . Line L Z appears as a cross
visual lines to that o f corresponding points in the eye, th ro u g h K . Lines B G an d A D appear a* four lines w ith the tw o cen ter
although he had no clear idea o f the image in the eye. lines superim posed on the m id lin c. O b je c ts Г and L produce double

Like Ptolemy, Alhazen believed that signals evoked by im ages, straddling th e m id lin e. O b je c t Q produces double im ages,
o n o n e side o t th e m id lin c. O b je c t I produces double im ages to o near
objects on the two visual axes travel along the optic nerves
to g eth er to be seen as tw o . O b je c ts at T and H appear single, but
to converge in a point he referred ro as “the center.” This o b je cts m ore e cc e n tric o n the sam e fro n ta l plane appear dou ble. (Fro*
point fits with what we now call the chiasm. W e use the Alh/u<n4 J
g 1
tu n » . S.tbt. , 1 9 9 9 , |». 2M t)
fusion a I area! O b jects closer со or far chc r chan chc These ideas o f Pcolemy and Alhazen have been almosc
fixacion poinc (poines L and F) appear double and on oppo- coeallv ignored. Figure 2 .1 2c is from Opbtbabnographia wric-
sicc sides o f chc fixated objccc when chey arc bccwccn chc ccn by William Briggs ( 1 6 5 0 - 1 7 0 4 ) in 1676. Ic illuscraces
visual axes. They appear on che same side o f chc fixated che facc chac objeecs on che visual axes appear in che mid-
o b je ct when chcv arc oucsidc chc region lying bccwccn chc line. W illiam C . Wells ( 1 7 5 7 - 1 8 1 7 ) gave an accounc o f
visual axes (poinc 0 ). Here he follows Pcolemy in describing cyclopean visual direction in his Essay upon Single Vision
che basic faecs abouc diplopic images and cheir relative with Two Eyes, wriccen in 1792, 8 7 years before Hering
order. wrocc his accounc in 1879. None o f chese auchors acknowl­
Small objeecs, T and H , in che same froncal plane as che edged chc concribucions o f Pcolcmy o r Alhazen.
fixacion poinc appear single when noc coo far from chc fixa­ Kamal al-Din Abdu’l-Hasan al-Farisi (died c. 1320)
cion poinc, buc double when well со che side. Alhazen reviewed A lhazcns wricings in his Tanqih al-m anazir
proved chis by showing chac che angle bccwccn an eccencric [Revision o f the Optics) in abouc che year 130 0 in Iran. A
o bjccc and che median plane was noc che same tor chc cwo diagram ot che binocular system trom one ot al-Farisi’s man-
eyes. He chus proved chac che locus o f fused images for a uscripcs is shown in Figure 2.45. Ic shows how rays from a
given viewing discance docs noc lie in a troncal line or plane, fixaccd objccc tall on corresponding points and how rays
as Pcolemy had believed. Ic is a picv chac he did noc go one from nearer or more discanc poincs fall on noncorrespond-
seep turchcr and apply Euclid’s geomecry, which was well ing poincs on che assumed reccpcive surface on che lens.
known со him, со show chac che locus o f fused images (che W hile che works o f Alhazen and ocher Arabic scholars
horopcer) is a circle passing chrough che fixacion poinc and became known in Europe in che 12eh cencury, cherc were no
chc cw'o eyes. dcvclopmencs in chc underscanding o f binocular vision
He followed Pcolemy in describing how chc cencral line, uneil chc Renaissance.
EZ, appears as cwo lines inccrscccing in chc fixacion poinc,
K. Finally, cwo lines, A D and BG , excending diagonally
from each eye and inccrscccing in chc fixacion poinc appear
as tour lines, wich chc middle cwo appearing close cogeeher
along chc median plane o f che head. He wrocc,

The reason why cwo ot che tour appear closer

cogecher is chis: when che cwo visual axes meec ac che
middle objccc, chen each o f che cwo diamcccrs will
be perceived by che eye nexc со ic chrough rays chac
arc very close со che visual axis; chus cheir forms
(images) will be very close со che cencer wichin che
com m on nerve (che chiasma) and cheir poinc ot
incerseccion will be ac che cencer itself, and chus che
diamcccrs will appear very close со che middle (chc
median plane), (p. 2 4 2 )

Noce chac Alhazen scaced chac lines falling “close со che

visual axes” appear close со che midline. His cheory predicts
chac lines on che visual axes appear as o n e on chc cyclopean
axis. Som e cimc after his Book o f Optics, Alhazen wrocc a
shore nocc enciclcd Doubts about Ptolemy. He claimed chac
Pcolemy was wrong, boch cxperimencally and in cheory, in
claiming chac visual lines meeting in the poinc o f conver­
gence appear со lie on chc com m on axis. Alhazen argued
chac chcv approach each ocher, buc do noc mccc (sec Sabra
1966). Buc Pcolemy was correcc— when lines are drawn
from chc cenccrs o f che pupils chey do indeed appear со
coincide in che cyclopean axis. Perhaps Alhazen did noc
have his lines lined up wich che ccncers ot chc pupils. Ic is
noc clear whv* Alhazen claimed chac Pcolemy 4 was cheoreci-
cally incorrcce when his own cheory prediccs chc cffccc chac
»:i*«c 2 .*> D iagram o f the b in o cu lar system by a l-l:arisi. From * l ab ccmury
Pcolemy reporced. This w'ork by Alhazen proves chac he had A ra b ic r a ji t u t i n p c w it h лп F .n g lith т г л я Л л п с о c i i W o f R t j S t .b k K j j n f t s .ViJrdt/ c f O ft r . . in t h e A v-ivo ly*

read Pcolemy s Optics. L i b r a r | ,h c in b u l .

2 .1 0 .3 E U R O P E A N S T U D IE S ON

2 . 1 0 . 3 a L e o n a r d o D a V in c i
o n B in o c u la r V is io n

Leonardo da V inci ( 1 4 5 2 - 1 5 1 9 ) , in Trattato della pitttira

(Treatise on Painting , wrote,

A painting, though conducted with the greatest art

and finished to the last perfection, both with regard
to its contours, its lights, its shadows and its colors,
can never show a relievo equal to that o f the natural
objects, unless these be viewed at a distance and with
a single eye.
( F rom л T ran si.(lio n o f L E O N A R D O ' S FRANCkSCI
Treatise by SieM ahon, /9 5 6 . p. /7 7 )
He described how an o b ject obscures from cach eye a
different part of the distant scene (see Figure 17.18). This is
occlusion disparity that had been described by Euclid and
Galen. However, they confined their attention to the fact LIBRI SEX
that one eye secs more o f one side o f a sphere than docs the tffiLplbu iuxtu acMatnmuUiris
other eye. Da V in ci also considered how regions ot a tex-
ew i
turcd background beyond an object arc seen only by one
* and described monocular occlusion as a source ot in tor-
mation about depth (sec Keelc 1955; Strong 1 979). He
observed that objects seen with both eyes appear rounder W A X TV ER P1/C , N
than when seen with only one eye. This topic is discussed in A n Rfc* MorelI
Section 17.2.4.

2 . 1 0 . 3 b A guilonius on B in o c u l a r V is ion

Franciscus Aguilonius (Francois d’Aguillon) was born in

Brussels in 1546, the son of the secretary to King Philip II.
He becam e a Jesuit priest in 1586 and died in Antwerp in 2,i(\ Frontispiece fr o m O ptu oru m L ib r i S ex. W ritten by Francois
D ’A gu illon (A g u ilo n iu s) in 161 3-
1617. He taught logic, syntax, and theology and was
charged with organizing the teaching o f science in Belgium.
In 1613 he published part one o f a three-part work on
optics designed to synthesize the work o f Euclid, Alhazen, His ideas on binocular vision arc in Book 2. He was
Vitello, Roger Bacon, and others. He died before com plet­ aware that binocular vision improves the sense o f depth but
ing the book . The published work consists o f six books with did not relate this to binocular disparity. He adopted Galen’s
the title Opticorum L ibri Sex. The frontispiece is shown in idea ot the cyclopean eye located in the chiasm. O n e ot the
Figure 2.46, and tw o o f several illustrations by Rubens are illustrations by Rubens shows putti dissecting the eye taken
shown in Figure 2.47. from a cyclops. In theorems 144 to 146 he clearly described
In his treatment o f visual optics and perception he fol­ how an o b je ct o f appropriate size and at an appropriate dis­
lowed the order o f topics in Alhazens book, but he did not tance occludes a far surface so that halt the far surface is seen
refer to Alhazen. Opticorum Libri Sex appeared 2 years by one eye and half by the other eye. He also described how
afier Keplers Dioptrice, but Aguilonius did not refer to a larger o b ject creates a region of the far surface invisible to
Keplers work on the formation ot the retinal image. Like either eye and a smaller o b ject creates monocular zones
Alhazen, he realized that clear vision occurs only if each separating a binocular zone (see Section 17.2.1). However,
object point is represented by one image point in the eye. lie did not relate these facts to depth perception.
Aguilonius followed Alhazen in believing that the image is Aguilonius used the term “horopter” to describe the
formed in the lens. He adopted Alhazens theory that only locus in space within which fused and diplopic images appear
light rays orrhogonal to the cornea and lens surface are clearly to lie. The word is derived from the Greek words “boros”
registered. meaning “boundary,” and “opter" meaning “observer.”

H&wc 2 .*s. D iagram s fro m A guilonius (16 1 y). (A ) A gu iloniu s defined the
h o ro p te r as th e plane in w h ich double im ages appear to lie. 'Hie eyes
a t A and В converge o n p o in t С on a fron tal plane, D E . Im ages o f an
o b je c t a t 1: p ro je ct o n to the plane a t G and H . T h o se o t an o b jc c t at 1
p ro ject to К and L. ( B ) L ocu s o t equ al subtense o f visual lines. Points
С and D on a circle throu gh the eyes a t A and В p ro je c t equal angles to
the eves.

terminus o f all things which exist beyond and on

chis side o f chc junccion o f chc optic radii.
( /613, Definition I0yp. I J J) .

Tlius, for Aguilonius, chc horopcer was noc based on the

concept o f corresponding points, which he does not discuss
in his book. However, in theorem 148 on page 52 he
к. *uгс 2 . *7. Etchings by R ubensfrom A guilonius (1 6 1 3 ). (A ) A m an. blind in
on e cv c, is show n having d ifficu lty reach in g fo r an o b je ct. Stated,
(B ) Ih e eves converged on a sm all sphere on a stem and the p osition s
o f its tw o disparate im ages w ere p rojected o n the far plane, w hich
A g u ilo n iu s defined as th e horopter. (FW. o/n Mr/Sex. The object on chc point on chc horopcer where the
ISi'illo hi Librjry.OfcfurJ) opcic axes meet is seen mosc clearly. In che second
place, objcccs lying on chc rest o f rhe horopter are
seen less clearly. In the chird place, most imperfectly
Aguilonius presented the diagram shown in Figure 2.48Л o f all arc seen those things which lie outside the

and wrote, horopter, which are seen as double.

L et the centers ot sight be at A and В which the Aguilonius went on to describe how only objects on che
straight line A В connects. The optic axes A C and horopter are seen in their crue location and he buile an
B C com e together at C , and through C , parallel со instrument со measure the spacing o f double images in che
A li runs a straight line, D E. horopter as he defined it. Rubens provided rhe fanciful
illuscration o f chis instrument shown in Figure 2 .4 7 B . In
He called this line chc horopcer and the vercical plane the actual in stru m en t chc vertical plane could be moved to
containing ic che horopcer plane. He continued, different distances from the observer.
Ic is clear trom Rubcnss illustration, trom Figure 2.47B,
The appearance o f all those objects placed in the and from Aguiloniuss account that he used his instrumenc
plane (ot regard) assume places for themselves. For со ploc projecCcd positions ot disparace images racher chan
example, F is a visible object, the optic radii AF and che locus o f fused images. Aguilonius maincained chat the
B F jo in at F, buc chey carry beyond the image o f the horopter, defined this way was a troncal plane passing
o bject, until chey site ic in che horopcer as in a chrough che poinc o f convergence. He probably believed
com m on terminus and station, where the twin sites chis because he visually projected the double images ot
o f H and G are placed. For an o b ject ас I, che images objeccs thac were well oucside rhe plane o f binocular fixa-
appear at К and L. In this way, che horopcer is the cion onco che froncal plane. We will see in Chapcer 14
chat chc horopcer, defined as che locus o f fused images, 2 . 1 0 . 3 c K e p le r o n D e p t h P ercep tio n
is approximacely a circle passing chrough chc poinc o f co n ­
In his Dioptricc o f 1611, Kepler explained depth perception
vergence and chc cwo eyes— che Viech-Miiller circle.
in terms ot the feeling o f rotation o f the eyes as they co n ­
Alhazen had already proved in chc 1 lch cencury chac the
verge o n an object. He probably derived chis m otor cheory
locus o f fused images is noc chc plane, alchough he
o f depth perception from Alhazen. Rene Dcscartcs also
did noc establish its shape. Aguilonius had read Alhazen
adopted che m otor cheory in his L a dioptriqtie o f 1637,
and cited him four times. However, he did not refer to
which contains a picture o f a blind man using two sticks to
Alhazens proof. Nor did he refer со Alhazens concepc o f
triangulate distance, which Dcscartcs described as analo­
corresponding poincs or со his demonstrations on cyclo-
gous to the use o f convergence by sighted persons. The
pean vision and chc limits o f fusion.
m otor theory o f depth perception and o f vision in general
Wc now define che horopcer as che locus in space in
was further elaborated by George Berkeley in his Essay
which an objccc muse lie со appear single, a definicion chac
Towards a New Theory o f Vision (1 7 0 9 ).
Aguilonius only hinced ac. O n page 156 o f his book
The cheory stemmed from che general belief chac depth
Aguilonius produced che drawing shown in Figure 2 .4 8 B
could not be detected by vision alone, since the image is
and the following statement:
two-dimensional. The deeper philosophical position under­
lying these views is that vision is mediated by images that
If objects fall upon different rays it can happen that
replicate the seen o b je ct— by pictures in che m ind— and
things ac different discanccs can be seen ac equal
chac chcsc pictures arc interpreted in terms o f motor actions.
angles. I f point С be directly opposite the eyes,
The modern view is that vision, like ocher sensory processes,
A and 11, with a circle drawn chrough che chree
is mediated by coding mechanisms that process informa­
poincs, A , B, and C . By cheorem 21 o f Euclid’s Third
tion about the perceived o bject, but not in an isometric
book, any ocher poinc 1) on ics circumference which
form or even, necessarily, in a copographic form. The coding
lies closer со the observer chan C , will subcend an
o f depth by binocular disparity is a good example o f non-
angle A D B which will equal angle A C B . Therefore,
topographic coding o f a spatial feature. The persistence o f
objeccs ас С and ac D are judged equally far from the
che old view caused che long delay in che discovery o f purely
eye. Buc chis is false, because poinc С is farcher away
visual mechanisms devoccd со che perception o f depth. The
chan D. Therefore a judgment o f distance is false
old idea o f pictures in che mind scill lingers on when people
when based on the angles between converged axes,
wonder why we do noc see upside down when che retinal
quod erac probandum.
image is reversed or when chey speculacc that the geomccri-
cal transformation o f patterns o f neural activity on che sur­
Ac firsc glance, ic looks as chough Aguilonius discovered
face o f the visual cortex has something to do with shape
che gcomecrical horopcer more chan 2 0 0 years before
recognition (Section 5.5.4d).
Prcvost and Viech and Muller. However, it is clear from chis
The set o f possible matches between che images o f an
quocacion that he was concerned to prove that objects equi­
array o f objects is known as the Kcplerian projection, which
distant from an observer do noc subcend equal angles to che
is described in Section 14.2.2. 1 have not been able to trace
two eyes. He thoughc o f his circle as che locus o f equal
che source o f chis idea in Keplers writings.
angles o f binocular subtense o f visual lines, racher chan as
che locus of zero disparity. Euclid him self had used the same
theorem со prove thac an objccc subtends che same visual
2 . 1 0 . 3 d N e w t o n o n B in o c u l a r V is io n
angle when an eye moves round che circumference ot the
circle passing chrough chc ends o f che o b ject and chc cencer Isaac N ew ton ( 1 6 4 2 - 1727) (Portrait Figure 2 .4 9 ) was che
o f che eye (see Burcon 1945, p. 3 6 7 ). Ic would have been an leading scientist o f his time. He made fundamencal discov­
easy seep со prove chat che locus o f equal binocular subcense eries in machcmatics, ascronomy, and optics. But he also had
and che locus o f fused images are cheorecically the same. a strong mystical streak and devoted much time to alchemi­
Aguilonius did noc cake chac seep, probably because, like cal experiments and mystical speculation.
Euclid, he did nor have a clear conccpeion o f how lighc rays W c now know thac, in humans, the inputs from only the
arc projccccd onto che retinas. temporal h a lf o f each recina projecc ipsilaterally. Inputs
The idea o f a froncal-plane horopcer persisted until the from the nasal h a lf o f each retina cross over, o r decussate, in
early 19th century, when Pierre Prcvost established thac the optic chiasm and project to the concralaceral half o f che
the locus o f fused images is a circle passing chrough che cen- brain. Isaac Ncwcon in his Optieks ( 1 7 0 4 ) was the first to
cers o f chc eves. Prevost used the same theorems thac propose chat visual inpucs segregace in chis way. He wroce,
Euclid and Aguilonius had used со establish che locus o f
equal angles ot binocular subcense. He was apparendy Are not che species o f objeccs seen wich boch eyes
unaware o f che Aguilonius contribution and did nor refer uniccd where chc opcick nerves mccc before chey
to Alhazen. come inco che brain, che fibres on che righc side o f
2 . 1 0 . 3 c O t h e r s in th e 1 7 th and 18 t h C e n tu r ie s

Several writers in the 17th and 18th centuries, including

the French physicist Ja c q u e s R oh au lt ( 1 6 7 1 ) , N icholas
M a leb ra n ch e ( 1 6 7 4 ), and R o b e rt B o y le ( 1 6 8 8 ) , stated
clearly that binocular vision contributes to the impression
o f visual depth. Like Aguilonius, they noted thac it is more
difficult to reach accurately for an object with one open eye
than with two open eyes. Rohault noted that, after losing
one eye, people recover the ability to judge the distances o f
objects. He suggested that they use parallax generated by
moving the head from side to side. Perhaps he was aware o f
the use o f binocular parallax by people with two eyes.
S ebastien Le C le rc ( 1 6 7 9 ), an authority on perspec­
tive, described clearly the differences between the images o f
a solid object in the two eyes, but did not relate these differ­
ences to the perception o f depth.
R o b e rt Sm ith ( 1 6 8 9 - 1 7 6 8 ) was master o f Trinity
College, Cambridge. In his Compleat System o f Opticks o f
F.fiuc2.'»$. Isaac N ewton. B orn in W o o lsth o rp c, England, in 1 6 4 2 . He 1738, he described how he sighted a distant object between
attend ed T rin ity C o lle g e o f C am brid g e U n iv ersity in 1661 and becam e
the points o f a vertical pair of dividers about 6 cm apart.
Lucasian P rofessor o f M ath em atics in 1 6 6 9 . In 1 6 8 9 he was elected to
Parliam ent and becam e m aster o f the M in t in 1 6 9 7 . H e was presiden t of W h en the dividers were placed at the correct distance, the
the Royal S o ciety from 1 7 0 3 u ntil he died in 1 7 2 7 . IГто. 195"* inner pair of diplopic images fused to appear as a rod extend­
ing down the midline from the hand to the distant object.
This is essentially
the same effect that Ptolcmvi and Alhazen
had observed when looking at the fused image o f lines
both nerves uniting there, and after union going
extending out from the two eyes.
chcncc into the brain in the nerve which is on the
W illia m Porterfield (c. 1 6 9 6 - 1 7 7 1 ) , a physician in
right side o f the head, and the fibres on the left side o f
Edinburgh, produced drawings o f an object as seen by each
both nerves uniting in the same place, and after union
eye (Figure 2 .1 2 f ) . He cited anatomical authorities in
going into the brain in the nerve which is on the left
rejecting N ew tons idea o f hemidecussation o f the visual
side ol the head, and these two nerves meeting in the
pathways (Porterfield 1759). Like Rohault ( 1 6 7 1 ) , he sug­
brain in such a manner that their fibres make but one
gested that corresponding visual fibers com bine in the
entire species or picture, h a lf o f which on the right
brain. After having had one leg amputated, Porterfield was
side o f the sensorium comes from the right side o f
able to give a firsthand account o f his phantom leg sensa­
both eyes through the right side o f both optic nerves
tions in his Treatise on the Eye, the M anner an d Phaenomena
to the placc where the nerves meet, and from thcncc
o f Vision o f 1759. He used these sensations to support the
on the right side o f the head into the brain, and the
general idea that visual sensations arc projected into space.
other h a lf on the left side o f the sensorium comes in
Jo h n Taylor ( 1 7 0 3 - 1 7 7 2 ) styled him self “O phthal-
like manner from the left side o f both eyes. (p. 3 46 )
miatcr, Pontifical, Imperial, and Royal.” Fie traveled F.uropc
performing eye operations on wealthy patrons. His opera­
He went on to explain that this is true only o f animals
tions for cataract on the composers J. S. Bach and G. F.
with frontal vision. He conccivcd o f each optic nerve as a
Handel resulted in their blindness. He claimed to have per­
multitude o f “solid, pellucid, and uniform capillamenta,”
formed the first operation for correction o f squint but, in
which transmitted vibrations causcd by light to “the placc
fact, Johann Dietfenbach ( 1 7 9 2 - 1 8 4 7 ) performed the first
o f sensation” in the brain. Newton believed that corre­
successful operation (sec Wade 2 0 0 8 ).
sponding fibers fused just after the chiasma, so that
In 1738, Taylor adopted N ew tons idea o f hemidecussa­
the brain received only one nerve from each pair o f
tion. He was the first person to correct the erroneous notion
corresponding retinal points, as shown in Figure 2.12d from
that the optic fibers from corresponding retinal regions fuse
one o f his manuscripts {see C ron e 1 992). He thus returned
in the optic chiasm (Figure 2 . 12c). However, we shall see in
to Galen’s concept o f the cyclopean eye. Newton stated that
the next section that conclusive anatomical cvidcncc on
similar images fuse to give the impression o f a single o bjcct
this question was not available until 1870.
when they fall on corresponding points and are seen as
Je a n T h eo p h ilc D csagu licrs ( 1 6 8 3 - 1 7 4 4 ) was an
double when they fall on noncorrcsponding points. He also
ardent disciple o f Newton (Wade 2 0 0 0 ) . He was born in
realized that dissimilar stimuli falling on corresponding
France o f Huguenot parents. W h en he was 2 years old, his
points rival rather than fuse.
father, fleeing religious persecution, brought him со to have been the first to realize this. He was aware o f che
England. He studied and taught at O xford and in 1714 position disparity in the images o f an o b ject out o f the plane
became demonstrator and curator o f the Royal Society. He o f convergence, but did n ot relate this type o f disparity to
investigated corresponding points and color rivalry by plac­ the perception o f depth. He used the term “horopter” in its
ing a candle on the visual axis o f each eye and viewing the m o d em sense as the locus o f objects producing single
candles through an aperture. In support o f N ew tons notion images. However, he believed the horopter to be a frontal
that corresponding nerves from the eyes fuse in the optic surface. He also wrote,
chiasm, Desaguliers claimed that different colors presented
to corresponding regions in the two eyes rival rather than An o b ject that is a little out o f the plane ( o f the
fuse. He argued that this supported New tons idea that horopter), may yet appear single . . . it will also shift
inputs from the two eyes rival for access to the com m on its place by winking either eye, and looking at it with
nerve in the chiasm. O th er early studies o f color rivalry are both eyes. (p. 113)
described in S ection 12.2.1.
Desaguliers ( 1 7 3 6 ) also conducted experiments to show Tli is description o f Pan urns fusional area was written
that the apparent size ot an object depends on its apparent 7 0 0 years after Alhazen had made the same point and 8 0
distance. W ith the visual surroundings in view, two candles years before the account provided by Peter Ludvig Panum,
o t the same size appeared equal in size when one was twice professor o f physiology at Kiel University. The quotation
the distance as the other. This is size constancy. W ith the also states the principle o f parallactic motion, although
surroundings eliminated by viewing through an aperture, Galen had made a similar observation.
naive observers continued to see two candles the same size
and at different distances when, in fact, they were the same
distance but one was half as high as the other. He related his
2 .1 0 .4 H IS T O R Y О F T H E H О R O P T E R
findings to the theory that the m oon illusion is due to the
greater perceived distance o f the horizon moon relative to For Ptolemy in the 2nd century, the locus o f objects
the zenith moon (Section 29.3.5). producing single images was the frontal plane through the
Jo s e p h H arris, master o f the M in t in London, who died fixation point (see Section 2.10 .1 ). Alhazen, in the 11th
in 1764, made drawings ot crossed and uncrossed dispari­ century, proved that the locus is n ot a frontal plane. He also
ties arising from objects nearer and further than the point defined a locus o f fused images forming a vertical line
o f fixation, as had Alhazen and others. He realized, as had through the fixation point in the median plane o f the head.
da V inci, that m onocular occlusions contribute to the Aguilonius introduced the term “horopter” but defined it
impression o f depth, not only within a single o bject, but as the frontal plane in which fused and diplopic images
also between an o b ject and its background, as revealed in appear to lie. Pierre Prcvost ( 1 7 5 1 - 1 8 3 9 ) was the first
the following passage from his Treatise o f Optics, published person to describe the horopter as a circle through the cen ­
in 1 7 7 5 ,1 1 years after his death. ters o f the eyes and the fixation point. In his Essais de phi­
losophic on etude de I’esprit hum ain , published in Geneva in
And by the parallax, on account o t the distance 1804, he wrote,
betwixt our eyes, we can distinguish besides the
front, part o f the tw o sides o f a near object not It follows from the stated law that, in the plane o f
thicker (wider) than the said distance and this gives the optic axes, the position o f those points seen
a visible relievo to such objects, which helps greatly single with the two eyes is a circumference o f a circle
to raise or detach them from the plane, on which which passes through the two centers o f the eyes
they lie. Thus, the nose on a face is the more remark­ and the intersection o f their axes. I refrain here from
ably raised by seeing each side o f it at once. These demonstrating this proposition which is easy to
observations, I say, are o t use to us in distinguishing deduce.
the figures o f small and near objects; and when the ( P R £ V O S T I $04, p. 173. T ransU uJinto Vntftsh by

breaks, prominences and projections are more c o n ­ S bipky< in d Rdto'tings 1970)

siderable, we do n ot want them. The distances

betwixt the legs o f a chair are visible many yards olf, Presumably, Prcvost s deduction o f the circular horizon­
and the projection o f a building is visible still far­ tal horopter relied on theorem 21 from Iiook III o f F.uclids
ther. But as the distance is increased, different Elements, which states that angles subtended by the cord o f
degrees of eminences, cavities, et cetera, disappear a circle on the circumference are equal. Prcvost incorrectly
one after another, (p. 171) described the vertical horopter as formed by rotating the
intersection o f the visual axes about the interocular axis.
It is clear from this passage that Harris realized that Vieth ( 1 8 1 8 ) was the first person to specify clearly
occlusion disparity is scaled by absolute distance. He seems the geometry o f the horizontal horopter, which he
direction in boch eyes, and are equidiscanc from A
and В which seems со me che correcc meaning, and
one asscrcs one sees chac ching singly whose images
fall on such corresponding poincs, chen, according
со chis rule, one sees chac ching singly which is situ-
aced wichin che boundary o f a sphere which passes
chrough O , U, P, hence, n ot what lies in che plane S
T , which one has called che horopcer.
{ V I E T H IS IS , p. 2 3 4 , Iin g liJ; tTiirnLufon b y A. Ilo u w d )

Here V icth incorrectly generalized his principle o f cor­

responding points in claiming chac che horopcer is a sphere
rather chan a circle. N o t all angles subtended by a chord
o n to the surface o f a sphere arc equal. We will see in Chapter
14 that che chcorctical horopter for parallel visual axes is an
infinite coroid formed by sweeping che horopcer circle
fr.fturc 2 .vo. D ra w in g itia lb y I u'tb ( IS IS ). V ic th used a draw ing like this
abouc che incerocular axis. Alexander Prevost (1 8 4 3 ) first
to prove chac the h oro p ter is a circlc passing through the o p tica l ccn tcr pointed o u t chac, when chc visual axes are converged, the
o f each eve (O and U ) an d fixation p o in t P. P oin ts A and В represent horopter is n ot a surface but a horizontal circle and a verti­
the foveas and arc therefore co rresp on d in g p o in ts. P oin ts M and К
cal line in the median plane (Section 14.6).
rep resent the im ages o f p o in t X and fall o n corresp on d in g p oin ts w hen
M is as far Irom A a s К is trom B . '[h is is true w hen angles о and u
Victh went on to state, as had Ptolemy and Alhazen,
a rc equal. B u t angles о and u arc equ al w hen angles x and p arc equal. chac an objccc positioned bccween che visual axes projects
A ngles x and p arc equal w hen they fall o n th e circu m fcrcn cc o f a images on opposice sides o f che image o f the fixation point,
circlc passing through О and U , since angles subtended on a circlc by
whereas an objccc со eicher side o f chc cwo visual axes pro­
co m m o n chord arc equal. L in e S T is the fron tal plane.
duces images chac fall on the same side o f the image o f the
fixacion poinc. Like others before him, he stated that images
defined as th e locus o f objccts producing fused images. I Ic ol an object nearer than the fixation point are crossed wich
wrote, respecc со che fixacion poinc, and chose ot an objccc beyond
che fixacion poinc are uncrossed. These ideas are explained
Firstly ic is correct and established from com m on more fully/ in Section 14.2.
experience, thac poinc P in Fig. 2 [Figure 2.50] Jo h a n n e s M iiller ( 1 8 2 6 ) produced a similar and inde-
cowards which boch eyes are direcced, or ac which pendenc analysis, buc became aware ot Viechs work, which
boch visual axes incersecc is seen singly. he acknowledged in his paper. Miiller ( 1 8 0 1 - 1 8 5 8 ) was
W h eth er che so-called corresponding poincs M protessor o f physiology and anacomy in Berlin. He caughc
and N, or more specifically, whether chesc images o f Hclmholcz and was one o f che founders o f experimencal
a poinc X are equidiscanc or ac unequal discanccs physiology. The chcorctical horizontal horopcer is now
from A and B, che images o f poinc P, chac depends known as the V ieth -M u ller circlc. Muller had che horopcer
on whether che angles о and u ac che pupil are equal passing chrough the ccncers o f che cwo lenses. He discussed
or unequal. However, о — v - x and u = v - p. binocular disparicy in che conccxc o f fusion and rivalry o f
T h erefore,. . . if x is equal со p, chen о is equal со u. binocular images and concluded chac che ditierences
Thus, in chac condition, where che angles p and x bccween che images in chc cwo eyes were coo small со be
arc equal, che images M and N arc cquidiscant from decected.
A and B, and chis case occurs when X lies on che cir­ In 1843, five years after W heatscone reported that dis-
cum fcrcncc o f a circlc, which passes chrough О and pa race images produce a sensation ot depth, Miiller agreed
U and P, because all angles on chis circumference are chac disparicy is involved in che perception o f depch.
subtended by chc same chord О U. Volkmann ( 1 8 3 6 ) firsc specified che geometrical assump­
tions underlying che chcorctical horopcer. Hclmholcz
Thus, Victh established that the locus o f single vision —the (1 8 6 4 ) generalized rhe geomecry o f che horopcer over che
horopcer— is a circle chrough che fixacion poinc and the visual field. For more dccails on che hiscory o f che horopcer,
cencer o f each eye. The theorem o f F.uclid that he used was see Shipley and Rawlings (1 9 7 0 ).
the same as chac used by Aguilonius со escablish che locus o f
equal angles o f binocular subtense. Victh continued,
2 . 1 0 .5 P H Y S IO L O G Y OF S T E R E O P S IS

Thus, if by chc expression corresponding points Before che 19ch cencury, cherc was a general consensus chac
one understands such poincs which lie in chc same each opcic nerve projcccs to its own side o f the brain.
Newton (1 7 1 7 ) had proposed that the nasal half o f each Tliis view stemmed from his empirical theory o f vision
optic nerve crosses over to the opposite side o f the brain and the associated theory of unconscious inference (Section
(Section 2.10.3d ). W illiam Wollaston ( 1 7 6 6 - 1 8 2 8 ) cited 2.8). W undt (1 8 9 4 b , p. 2 0 9 ) , who had been H elm holtzs
anatomical evidence that the optic nerves o f fish hilly decus­ assistant in Heidelberg, expressed the same opinion.
sate. He inferred corrcctlv that this is bccausc their eves arc
4 4
Sherrington ( 1 9 0 4 ), also, concludcd from his work on bin ­
placed laterally so that they have no need for corresponding ocular flicker that monocular images are processed inde­
points in the two retinas. He suffered from recurrent pendently, and that the final synthesis is “mental."
hemianopia, in which he was blind for objects to rhe right R am on у Cajal ( 1 9 1 1 ) proposed that inputs from cor­
o f the midline. He inferred, correctly, that this was due to responding regions o f the two retinas converge on what he
injury to the left thalamus, which receives uncrossed inputs called “isodynamic cells,” and that this mechanism forms
from the left half o f the left eye and crossed inputs from the the basis of unified binocular vision. This idea received
left h a lf o f the right eye. He concluded that the right thala­ experimental verification when Hubei and W iesel (1 9 5 9 ,
mus receives inputs from the right half o f each eye. These 1 9 62 ) reported that pairs o f afferent fibers originating in
observations provided the first empirical evidence in sup­ corresponding locations in the retinas o f the cat converge
port of New tons idea o f hem idee ussation (Wollaston on binocular cells in the visual cortex. They also reported
1824). that the monocular receptive fields o f cells that feed into
In 1870, Bernhard von Gudden produced conclusive each binocular cell occupy corresponding positions in the
anatomical evidence that the human visual pathways two eyes and arc similarly tuned to orientation. If the m o n ­
hem idee ussate. Von Gudden was an eminent neuroanato­ ocular receptive fields feeding into each binocular cell had
mist and professor o f psychiatry in Zurich and Munich identical structures and were identically positioned in each
(von Gudden 1870). King Ludwig II o f Bavaria was one o f eve, then all binocular cells would respond optimally to
his patients. The politicians were annoyed with King stimuli with zero binocular disparity. Depth could not be
Ludwigs use o f state funds in building the fantastic recovered from binocular information in such a system.
Ncuschwanstcin castle. They asked von Gudden to ccrtify This was the gist o f H elm holtzs argument against the idea
the king insane and have him incarcerated in Schloss Berg. of convergence ot visual inputs in the visual cortex.
O n the second day o f incarceration, in June 1886, the king The problem would be solved i f there were cells specifi­
asked von Gudden to walk with him by Lake Starnberg. cally tuned to similar images in slightly dilferent positions
Both men were later found drowned in shallow water. It is in the two eyes. Different cells would be optimally tuned to
generally believed that rhe king killed von Gudden and then dillercnt disparities. Simple as this idea is, it was not p ro­
drowned himself, but this has not been proved (Blunt posed until 1965. This is probably because the idea o f any
1970). cortical cell being tuned to a specific stimulus feature was
Before the 1960s, many visual scientists believed that not in vogue until 1959, when Hubei and Wiesel discov­
binocular stereopsis arose from high-level cognitive pro­ ered cortical cells tuned to stimulus orientation and move­
cesses rather than from the conjunction o f visual inputs at ment. Hubei and W iesel tailed to find disparity-sensitive
an early stage o f visual processing. This idea was motivated cells. However, they did not have close control over the
by the belief that only higher mammals have stereoscopic positions o f the eyes, and it is n ot clear trom their report
vision and by the observation that the 3 -D appearance o f whether they had thought o f binocular cells devoted to the
the world does not change appreciably when one eye is detection o f disparity.
closed. H elm holtz ( 1 8 9 3 , p. 2 6 2 ) wrote, Jack Pettigrew produced the first evidence o f disparity
detectors that occur at an early stage ot visual processing.
Wc therefore learn that two distinct sensations arc He did this work for his undergraduate thesis in the
transmitted from the eyes, and reach consciousness University o f Sydney in 1965. He got the idea while inspect-
at the same time and without coalcscing; that in g a ju lesz ran d o m -d o t stereogram and mentioned it to his
accordingly the combination o f these two sensations supervisor, Peter Bishop, who was working on binocular
into a single perceptual picture o f the external world cells in the cat visual cortex, but not with this particular
is n ot produced by any anatomical mechanism o f idea in mind. Bishop suggested to Pettigrew that he repeat
sensation, but by a mental act. the experiments o f Hubcl and Wiesel on the visual cortex o f
the cat using a Risley prism to control the disparity o f the
He realized that stereopsis depends on the registration images from a single display rather than using separate stim ­
o f disparities but argued that, uli for each eve.

The search for binocular cells selectively tuned to differ­

the coincidence o f localization o f the corresponding ent disparities was beset with the problem o f ensuring that
pictures received from the two eyes depends upon the images in the two eyes were in binocular register.
the power o f measuring distances o f sight which we Pettigrew solved this problem by paralyzing the extraocular
gain by experience. eye muscles with gallamine and curare.
Bishop cook Pettigrews thesis со a conference in
California in 1966 and showed ic со Horace Barlow, who
had j'usc set his graduate studenc, C olin Blakemorc, the cask
o f looking for disparity deceecors. Barlow invited Peccigrew
to work with him and Blakemorc at Berkeley. The three o f
them confirmed the presence o f disparity-sensitive cells in
the visual cortex ot the cat and reported their findings
in 196 7 (Barlow et al. 1967). They found that certain
binocular cells in the visual cortex ot the cat respond selec­
tively to line and bar stimuli having a particular binocular
Similar findings, based on work done between 1965
and 1967, were reported about the same time from the
University o f Sydney, Australia, by Pettigrew, Nikara, and
Bishop (1 9 6 8 ). The history ot these discoveries is described
by Bishop and Pettigrew ( 1 9 8 6 ). In 1977, G ian Poggio and
his coworkers at Jo h n s Hopkins University in Baltimore
first reported disparity detectors in the primary visual Figure 2 .51 - Л shadow tb cattr in P aris in th e 1S90*. T h e show was designed
by M . C aran d/\che and often depicted b attle scenes. S o m e parts o f the
cortex ot the monkey. Later developments are described in
silh o u ettes con sisted o f colored paper. A ssistants m oved them a e r o » the
Chapter 11. screen. The au dience viewed them from the o th er side w hile the band
For a detailed history o f ophthalmology see Hirschberg p la y e d m u s ic . <Fr..mHoPkm« IS^R)

( 1 9 8 2 ). For more details on the history o f visual optics

and binocular vision see Lindberg ( 1 9 7 6 ), Polyak ( 1 9 5 7 ),
and G ulick and Lawson ( 1 9 7 6 ). Wade ( 1 9 8 7 ) has provided
2 .1 1 .1 b C a m e r a O b s c u r a an d M a g ic L a n te r n
an interesting account ot the discovery ot stereoscopic
vision. In the camera obscura an image ot a scene is projected
through a small hole or through a lens onto the wall o f a
darkened chamber. The camera obscura had its origin in the
pinhole camera that was known from ancient times. During
the 16th century, several people added a biconvex lens,
2 .1 1 H IS T O R Y O F V IS U A L
which allowed more light to enter the dark chamber. These
included Girolamo Cardano, protessor ot mathematics in
M ilan, and Daniele Barbaro, a Venetian architect, inventor
2 .1 1 .1 EA R L Y D IS P L A Y S Y S T E M S ot the variable diaphragm and author ot L a practica della
perspettiva ( 1 5 6 8 ). The instrument was used tor observing
2 . 1 1 . 1 a S h a d o w g ra p h s
solar eclipses and for popular amusement (see Hammond
More than a thousand years ago, starting with the Tang 1981). Della Porta (c. 1 5 3 5 - 1 6 1 5 ) was probably the firsc
dynasty, showmen traveled all over C h in a with shadow person со use the instrument for drawing (Section 2.5.1).
plays. Shadows o f hand-operated flat puppets were cast Its use in drawing in perspective is described in Section
onto a screen ot fine paper or cloth to the accompaniment 2.9.4. Kepler coined the name “ca m era o b scu ra ”
o f music. The puppets often consisted o f thin colored paper A panoramic camera obscura produces an image ot the
so that the projected images were also colored. The audi­ surroundings on a horizontal surface in the center o f a large
ence sat in a darkened room. Shadow plays spread to all room. An operator rotates a mirror and lens mounted in a
parts ot the Far East and can still be seen in Java. In Java and cylinder on the ro o f tobringd ifferent parts o f the surround­
India the shadow theater sometimes tormed part ot reli­ ing scenery into view. Panoramic instruments exist in
gious ceremonies or funerals (H erbert 2 0 0 0 , vol. 3). Edinburgh, Bristol, the Isle o f Man, and in the C liff House
In the 17th century, shadow plays reached Europe in San Francisco. The one in the museum in Dumfries,
through Turkey. They were displayed in palaces and at street Scotland, was built in 1836. The oldest instrument in
corners. In the 18th century there were at least four Europe was built by the Viennese astronomer Miksa Hell
large shadow theaters in London, one with a screen 14 feet ( 1 7 2 0 - 1 7 9 2 ) in the Lyceum in Eger, Hungary. Its cross sec­
high. By the 19th century, wooden, hand-operated puppets tion is illustrated in Figure 2.52.
were replaced by mechanically operated metal puppets In the 17th century, these basic optical elements were
(see Figure 2 .5 1 ). People could buy puppet kits to create rearranged to produce the first projector— the magic lan­
shadow plays in their own homes (Thurman and David tern. It seems that the first magic lantern was built by
1978). Athanasius Kirchcr ( 1 6 0 1 - 1 6 8 0 ) , a Catholic priest. He was
Rotatable cylinder 2 .1 1 .1 c P eep sh ow s

During the 18th and 19th centuries, viewing boxes became

a popular form o f entertainment throughout Europe, Japan,
and C hina. They became known as peepshows. Most
people, and especially children, have an almost irresistible
urge to see what is hidden inside a box. Showmen carried
peepshow boxes from town to town either on their backs or
on a cart. Balzcr ( 1 9 9 8 ) has published a fascinating collec­
tion o f paintings and prints o f peepshows, one o f which is
shown in Figure 2.53. Showmen attracted a crowd by ring­
ing a bell or blowing a trumpet and extolled the wonders o f
the views displayed in their peepshow. In the 17th and early
18th centuries most people did n ot move far from the vil­
lage in which they were born. M ost people were illiterate,
and in any case there were no public libraries or magazines.
Peepshow boxes usually contained several scenes o f exotic
foreign places or battles illuminated by light entering
Fif*r« M i. P an o ram ic cam era obscu ra in Eger, H ungary.
through chc back or top o f the box or by candles inside it.
The showman changed scenes by pulling on strings
protruding from rhe side o f the box or by turning a crank.
born in Germany and worked in Rome, where he published
Som e showmen enhanced their show with a live monkey, a
Ars M agna Liu is et Umbrae ( 7 be Great Art o f Light and
music box, o r puppets. Som e peepshows became known as
Shadows) in 1648. Painted transparent slides were rear-
Raree Shows because chey showed rare objects or scenes.
projected o n to a taffeta screen by a lens attached to a lan­
The boxes contained several viewing apertures so that
tern containing a candle. He placed several slides on the rim
several people could look ac che same cime. A person bend­
o f a disc. He was a showman and made the pictures grow,
ing over со view a peepshow prcscnccd a good cargcc
shrink, and dissolve and rccurn transformed into other
forms. The Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens also co n ­
structed an early magic lantern.
Alter the discovery o f limelight at the end o f the 18th
century, magic lantern shows became a popular form of
public entertainment. Limelight was a brilliant flame pro­
duced by igniting jets o f oxygen and hydrogen on lime.
Before the advent o f photography, colored pictures were
painted on glass slides. After about 1850, black and white
photographic slides were hand painted with translucent
pigments. The superimposition of pictures from two pro­
jectors allowed one picture to be dissolved into another. A
rear-projected picture could be made to move or loom.
Mechanical slide holders allowed one part o f the picture to
move with respect to a fixed background (see C o e 1981;
H erb ert2 0 0 0 , vol. 2). In 1798 a show called Phantasmagoria
opened in a reputedly haunted chapel in Paris. Pictures o f
skeletons were projected onto billowing smoke to create an
impression o f solid writhing forms emerging from the
tombs o f the chapel. W illiam Nicholson ( 1 8 0 2 ) described a
Phantasmagoria presented by a Mr. Philipsthal at the
London Lyceum in 1802. Similar methods were used to
create ghosts on the theater stage (H opkins 1898).
Stories were created with sets o f slides accompanied by
spoken words. They often contained a moral message
(Household and Smith 1997). The magic lantern became
the modern projector. Operating in reverse with the addi­
tion o f light-sensitive film, it became the camera (Gcrnshcim I i*u « 1 .5 3 . A 1 9 tb * x'CJiturypccpfbow box. (Гохп $*rg<onc Bril and H i*fC jr«e Show, by

1969). Cruikth*ril;*.1>ininp4oft. W illiM ftt.published b j Т Ь л т м T<>$. Loudon IH ?J)

for pickpockets. The artist, Thomas Gainsborough, made a A diorama is a large display that typically fills much o f
peepshow box in about 1781 for which he painted pictures the visual field but does not extend through 3 6 0 * . Louis
on glass plates. Daguerre, before he turned to photography, built the
Viewing boxes with slides or short movie sequences Diorama in Paris in 1822. He and Charles Bouton painted
remained popular at seaside resorts until well into the 2 0th enormous pictures, 7 2 feet wide and 4 6 feet high, with
century. M any o f them titillated viewers with naughty translucent and opaque paints with subjects such as The
sccnes, with names such as “W h a t the butler saw.” Today Tomb o f Napoleon, Tl)e Beginning o f the Deluge, and Vje
they arc represented by the cinema, video games in amuse­ Grand Cana! o f Venice. These were exhibited in a large room
ment arcades, and television. with a mixture o f reflected and transmitted light controlled
by mirrors and shutters. In 18 2 3 , Jo h n Nash had a similar
structure built in Park Square, London. In both structures
up to 2 0 0 people sat on a circular platform, which rotated
2 .1 1 .Id P a n o r a m a s an d D io r a m a s
periodically to reveal a different scene. The building still
Л panoramic display is one that is projected onto a large exists, but nor the machinery. Dioramas created such real­
cylinder that encircles the viewer. In 1787, Robert Barker ism that audiences were convinced that they were observing
patented the idea of a panoramic display. The word “pan­ a 3-D scene.
orama” came into the language in the 1890s, although it is Painted dioramas that fill the field o f view for viewers in
not known who first used it. Robert Baker built the first a given position are still used as backdrops to exhibits in
panoramic display for large audiences in Edinburgh and manv/ museums, such as the Natural HistoryU Museum o f
London in 1797. Viewers stood at the center of a cylinder, New York. In recent times, realistic 3 -D moving displays
13 meters in diameter, which was painted with a view o f have been created in wide-angle cinemas such as those
Edinburgh or London as seen from a tall building. developed by the Imax Company.
Panoramas were built in many European and American The three-volume book A History o f Pre-Cinem a by
cities during the 19th century. Examples are shown in Herbert ( 2 0 0 0 ) contains a large collection o f original pub­
Figure 2.54. T he audience entered a central observation lications from magazines and journals that describe visual
platform from below, as shown in Figure 2.55. The display systems before the advent o f the cinema.
cylindrical canvas was illuminated by light from a window
round the r o o f o f the building o r from lamps suspended in
the building. Panoramas still exist in many parts of 2 .1 1 .2 A D V EN T OF T H E S T E R E O S C O P E
the world.
2 . 1 1 .2 a E a rly D e v ic e s fo r D i c h o p t i c V ie w in g
Panoramas were designed to reproduce a scene so accu­
rately that viewers could believe they were looking at the It was explained earlier in this chapter how Ptolemy and
real thing. They were an extension o f the trompe loeil tech­ Alhazen com bined the images o f distinct objects by co n ­
nique to fill the whole field o f view. The floor surrounding verging on an object in another depth plane. In the 18th
the audience contained a display o f real objects that blended century, Desaguliers ( 1 7 1 6 ) added the refinement o f view­
into the 2 - D scene painted on the cylindrical canvas, as ing objects on the two visual axes through an aperture. This
shown in Figure 2.56. Artists painted the scene on a scries removes the unwanted monocular images. Durour ( 1 7 6 0 )
o f flat canvases, which were then joined and formed into a removed unwanted monocular images by placing a board
cylinder. This introduced some distortion o f perspective, between the eyes as they converged on two side-by-side dis­
which could be avoided by use o f a camera lucida with a plays. Reid ( 1 7 6 4 ) viewed distinct objects through two
curved ruler, a device invented by a Frenchman called tubes aligned with the two visual axes. They all used these
Gavard in 1830. A t a later time the panoramic scene was devices to study corresponding points, binocular disparity,
made from a series o f photographs. Teams o f artists stand­ and binocular rivalry, but n o n e o f them realized that dis­
ing on a movable scaffold, as shown in Figure 2.56, trans­ parities could create impressions o f depth.
ferred the preliminary paintings or photographs piece by The first binocular optical instrument was a twin tele­
piece o n to the full-size canvas, which was typically 3 0 0 feet scope built in Middleburg, Holland, by the optician Hans
long and 4 0 feet high. This was done by drawing square Lippershcv in 1608. A Capuchin friar, Antonius Maria
grids on the painting and on the large canvas. A long Schyrleus de Rheita, was familiar with Lippersheys work
drawing instrument was used to transfer the image piece­ and built a binocular telescope in 1645. which he described
meal. Photographs could be converted into slides and pro­ in his book Oculus Enoch a t Eliae, published in Antwerp in
jected o n to the large canvas. D ifferent artists specialized in 1645.
painting people, buildings, and landscape. The whole p ro­ 'I he Capuchin m onk, Pere Cherubin d’Orleans, made a
cess took at least a year to complete. For a history o f the binocular microscope in 1677 and presented it to the dau­
panorama see Bapst ( 1 8 9 1 ) and the lovely book by phin o f France. Chcrubin d’Orleans ( 1 6 7 1 ) also made a
O etterm ann ( 1 9 9 7 ). binocular telescope in 1671. However, the images in these
Fijmc2& . P anoram as. (A ) T h e first Parisian p an oram a b u ilt on the Boulevard M o n tm artre in 1 8 0 2 . {bum R»P*t ik h. in Oeiicmunn m ? )
(B ) P anoram a M arignv b u ilt on the C ham p s-E lv sees in Paris in 1 8 8 6 . It exh ib ited th e Battle o t Buzenval and later a D ioram a o f Paris. In ab ou t 1 8 9 3
it was con v erted in to the Th eatre M arignv, w h ich still exists. <Ff<un l99?)<Fr«m IHH6. inOctuimmn
f.5iiic2 .sv Cross section o f a p an oram a. People en tered «it A and passed through passage В up to the observ ation platform C . T h ey viewed the cylin drical
display, t , w ith a visual angle ind icated by D . T h e flo o r consisted o f a m o ck terrain th at blended in to the p an oram ic display. (F«.mОкшш»» IW )

F>*uic2 .*6 . P ain tin g.г pan oram a. The scene d ep icts the B a ttle o f
n t «rc S ir C harles W heatstone. (E n grav in g from a p hotograp h in the
G etty sb u rg . It was ex h ib ited in N ew York at the end o f the 19th
U lu str.tted L o n d o n N ew s, 1 8 6 8 ,5 2 , p. 14 5 . R ep rod u ced by perm ission
century. (Fii'in I lop*.*, 1*98)
o f the Illustrated L on d on N ew s P icture L ib rary)

instruments were inverted, which reversed the sign o f dis­ che village ot Barnwood, near Gloucester, England. His
parity and created a pseudostereoscopic effect. Riddell father, W illiam , was a shoemaker who owned a shop in
( 1 8 5 3 ) added erecting eyepieces to a binocular microscope Gloucester, which is still there. W h en Charles was four
to produce a true stereoscopic effect (see Wade 1981). vears old the family moved to London, where his father
These instruments were not stereoscopes because the made musical instruments and gave lessons on the flute. His
stimuli were 3 -D objects. They were equivalent со looking pupils included Princcss Charlotte, the only daughter o f the
at the world through two tubes. future King George IV. She would have succeeded to che
throne if she had n ot died in childbirth at an early age.
As a young man, Charles made and sold musical instru­
2 .1 1 .2 b W h e a tsto n e
ments. He invented several musical instruments, including
The invention o f che scereoscope must be crediced со Sir the concertina. In 1823, Charles and his brother inherited
Charles W heacstone (Figure 2.57). He was born in 1 8 0 2 in their uncles music business in the Strand, London. In the
same year, Charles began to write scientific papers on m onocular cues (sec Helm holtz, 1909, vol. 3, p. 3 6 3 ).
acoustics. He became a triend ot Michael Faraday, who gave W h eatston e stated the principle o f the stereoscope thus.
lectures to the Roval
j Institution on W heatstones discover-
ies in acoustics. Wheatstone was shy and reluctant to give It being thus established that the mind perceives an
lectures. object o f three dimensions by means o f the two dis­
W heatstone later contributed to many fields, including similar pictures projected by it on the two retinas,
electricity, chronometry, optics, cryptography, and telegra­ the following question occurs. W h a t would be the
phy, and invented many useful devices. In 184 3 he published visual effect o f simultaneously presenting to each
a description ot the W heatstone bridge tor measuring elec­ eye, instead ot the o b ject itself, its projection on a
trical resistance, although he acknowledged that the bridge plane surface as it appears to that eye? To pursue this
had been devised by S. H. Christie. W heatston es inventions inquiry it is necessary that means should be
are described and illustrated in Bowers ( 2 0 0 1 ). Many o f contrived to make the two pictures, which must
them may be seen in the South Kensington Science Museum, necessarily occupy different places, fall on similar
in London. In 1834 W h eatston e became professor o f exper­ parts o f both eyes.
imental physics at K in gs College, London. He retained this { W H E A T S T O N E , 1838, p.

position for 41 years. He died in Paris in 1875.

Toward the end o f 1832, W h eatston e had two stereo­ His mirror stereoscope consisted o f two mirrors at right
scopes made by Murray and Heath, opticians in London. angles and two vertical picture holders (Figure 2 .5 8). In a
O n e was a mirror stereoscope, the other a prism stereoscope later version each half o f the instrument could be rotated
(see Gernsheim 1969). M irror stereoscopes are still called about a vertical axis centered under the eye. This changed
W heatstone stereoscopes. He then became involved with the angle o f convergence in the way still used in amblyo-
the electric telegraph and waited until 1838 before report­ scopes. He described twenty pairs o f pictures, or stereo­
ing his mirror stereoscope and his experiments with grams, that appeared three-dimensional when viewed in his
the instrument to the British Association in Ncwcastle-on- stereoscope. These included a scries o f points stepped in
Tyne in northeast England (W h eatsto n e 1838). However, depth, a cube, a cone, and a pyramid, as shown in Figure
his colleague Herbert Mayo, professor o f anatomy and 2.59. He observed that all these shapes appeared flat when
physiology at King’s College, London, gave an account ot the pictures in the two eyes were the same and appeared in
W h ea tsto n es stereoscope in his Outlines o f Human reverse depth when the pictures with disparity were reversed
Physiology, which appeared in 1833. to the two eyes.
W h eatston e called his new instruments stereoscopes. James F.lliot, a mathematician in Edinburgh, had the
Aguilonius had used the word “stereoscopique” in 1613 to idea in 1834 o f constructing a stereoscope but did not co n ­
denote binocular vision, and J. G. A. Chevallicr had used struct one until 1839. He was n ot aware of W h eatston es
the word “stereoscope” to describe an instrument that work until 1852. Elliots stereoscope consisted o f a box
created an impression ot solid objects trom a variety ot that allowed each eye to see one ot a pair o f stereographic

к$и>с2 .«&. W h e a t s to n e s first m ir r o r ste re o s c o p e . <F..mi w h e t* one 18 *S)

/kf Jj /«Г/J

/ \

• Гч* > /у/1

\ N /

/ 4
/ \ \

/ц /.• Л ,*

л М :
F.fiirc 2.S9. W h e a tsto n e S stereogram s. (From P ('x !w p h c .< : ТУ.ап4хИ4Ш c f t h e R*yd S n i f f y , l&tt)

pictures. It contained no mirrors or lenses (see Elliot 1852). arms allowed him to vary convergence while keeping
Figure 2 .6 0 shows a modified version o f E liots stereoscope disparity constant, and thus show that impressions o f
made by Lockett (1 9 1 3 ). depth do not depend on disparity alone. The invention ot
The essence o f any stereoscope is that it allows one to the stereoscope inaugurated the modern study o f stereo­
control the image in each eye separately. An experimenter scopic vision.
can thus isolate binocular variables and study their effects In 1852, W h eatston e presented a paper to the Royal
quantitatively— it provides an experimenter with dichoptic Society. He described the pseudoscope, which reverses
control. W ith his new instrument, W h eatston e dem on ­ the inputs to the two eyes. This reverses the sign ot
strated the relationship between binocular disparity disparity and makes concave surfaces appear convex and
and depth perception. His stereoscope with adjustable vice versa. In a communication to the Microscopical Society,
college principal at St. Andrews University, and secretary
to the Royal Society o f Edinburgh. His statue is outside
the Chemistry Departm ent o f Edinburgh University.
A lenticular stereoscope can be seen protruding trom his
Brewster witnessed W h eatsto n es demonstration o f a
mirror stereoscope at the meeting of the British Association
in 1838. He bought a model with which he began his own
experiments. At a meeting o f the Royal Scottish Society of
Arts in Edinburgh in March 184 9 he described a stereo­
scope in which two side-bv-side pictures were placed in a
box and viewed through prisms made from h a lf lenses,
which fused and magnified the images. He described the
instrument in his book The Stereoscope, published in 1856.
Brewster made his first prism stereoscope by cutting a
convex lens in h a lf and arranging each h a lf with its vertical
cut edge on the temporal side of an eye. Figure 2 .6 2 shows
an early version. Mr. Loudon, an optician o f Dundee, made
prism stereoscopes for Brewster. Brewster sent several to
F.Sorc2 .60 . E llio t’s slerc o seo p eo f I S3 9. M odified by L o c k e tt in 1 9 1 2 .
(F ro m L a d e n 1 9 1 »
members o f the nobilitv.
Examples of early stereograms produced for the prism
stereoscope are shown in Figure 2.63. The prism,or lenticu­
W heatstone ( 1 8 5 3 ) described the binocular microscopes lar, stereoscope is still referred to as the Brewster stereo­
made by Pere Cherubin d’Orleans in 1677 and by Riddell scope, although W heatstone had made one in 1832, before
in 1853. Brewster. The subsequent development o f stereoscopic
instruments in general is described in Chapter 24.
Brewster wrote an anonvmous / letter to the London
2 .1 1 .2 c B re w ster
Times in O c to b e r 1856. He disputed W h eatsto n es claim to
Sir David Brewster (Portrait Figure 2 .6 1 ) was born in have invented the stereoscope and to have discovered the
Jedburgh, Scotland, in 1781, the son o f the rector o f the principle o f stereoscopic vision. W heatstone effectively
grammar school. He died in 1868. He wrote many papers refuted Brewster and the two men engaged in an acrim oni­
on optics, especially on the polarization o f light, and ous correspondence in the Titnes. At a meeting o f the
invented the kaleidoscope. He was a scientific editor, the Photographic Society o f Scotland in 1860, Brewster
attacked W h eatston e again. He claimed that Euclid in the
3rd century B C and Giovanni della Porta in the 16th
century had described the principle o f stereoscopic vision.

! inure 2 .62 . E arly Rrtruutcrprism stereoscope ( IS 6 2). A m irror in chc hinged

Figarc2 .6 i. Sir David Brew ster. panel reflects lig h t o n to the stereogram .
Figm 2.64 tw o draw ings by Ja co p o C him cn ti (7 5 5 4 1614). Brew ster claim ed
th a t the draw ings arc stereogram s.

a stereoscope. Brewster obtained photographs in 1862 and

wrote, “The full stereoscopic relief o f C h im cn tis pictures
was seen and acknowledged by all” (Brewster 1862).
F.dwin Emerson ( 1 8 6 4 ) o f Troy University made
detailed measurements of the C him cnti photographs and
showed that the differences between the drawings were
accidental and n o t related to binocular disparity. For lively
accounts o f this debate sec Wade and O n o ( 1 9 8 5 ), O n o and
Wade ( 1 9 8 5 ), and Wade ( 2 0 0 3 ). The works of W heatstone
and Brewster have been edited by Wade ( 1 9 8 3 ). Gill ( 1 9 6 9 )
described early stereoscopes.
In the 1850s, the science o f binocular vision boomed.
During this decade, the percentage o f papers in vision
devoted to binocular vision increased from about 19 to
30% . About 7 0 % o f these papers were written by Germans,
including W undt, Helmholtz, Hering, Dove, Panum, von
Graefe, Meissner, and Nagel (Turner 1993).
Figure2.63. E arlyplrotographicsterw gran u . The upper stereogram is a
p h otog rap h o f the W h e a tsto n e family, taken by A n to in e C lau d et
probably in i lie m id -1 850%. (R ep rod u ced by pcrm i.w ion o f th e N ational 2 .1 1 .3 STEREO PH O TO G RA PH Y
P o rtra it G a llery ) T h e low er stereogram s arc views o f th e G reat
E x h ib itio n o f 1851 in the C rystal Palace, L o n d o n . T h e stereogram s Johann Schulze ( 1 6 8 7 - 1 7 4 4 ) , a German physician, pro­
should be viewed w ith a stereoscope o r w ith divergent fusion.
duced the first photographic images in 1725. He did this by
shining light on cut-out letters placed on a bottle contain­
ing a mixture o f chalk and silver nitrate. Tom Wedgwood,
Brewster described the pair o f pictures shown in son o f the potter Josiah Wedgwood, produced images o f
Figure 2 .6 4 by the Florentine artist Jacopo C him cnti botanical specimens on sensitized silver salts in 179 6 (see
( 1 5 5 4 - 1 6 1 4 ) . They are in the Musee W icar in Lille, France. Pollack 1 977). However, these men did not know how to
Brewster received a description o f the pictures in a letter fix the images. Joseph Nicephore Niepce, Cardinal of
written by Alexander Crum Brown, professor o f chemistry Amboise ( 1 7 6 5 - 1 8 3 3 ) , produced the first photograph in
at Edinburgh, who saw them on a visit to Lille. C ru m Brown about 1826, and Louis Daguerre produced his first
claimed that the binocularly fused drawings create a 3 -D successful daguerreotype photograph in 1837 (Portrait
picture. Figure 2 .6 5 ). Figure 2 .6 6 shows the first American patent
Although Brewster had not seen the pictures, he pub­ for a camera registered to Alexander W olcott, dated 1840
lished a letter in the Photographic Journal, in which he (see Schimmelman 2 0 0 2 ) . The principle o f making a trans­
claimed that they were stereoscopic images (Brewster parent negative from which positives can be produced was
I8 6 0 ) . W h eatston e obtained photographs o f the drawings introduced by che Englishman Fox Talbot in 1840 (see
in I8 6 0 . He showed that they did not produce depth in Arnold 1977).
Louis Daguerre
Jn rtrtZ o r

I .*•>«* 1 .66. F irst A m erican p a ten tfo r a cam era. T h e image is produced by a
con cave m irror.

W h eatston e realized that two photographs taken from

different positions would appear three-dimensional when
viewed in a stereoscope. In 1840, he asked T albot to take
stereo photographs, but the camera separation was too large
to produce the appropriate binocular disparities (Klooswijk
1991). In 1841, W h eatston e employed two photographers,
Richard Beard and Henry C.ollcn, to help him produce the
first effective stereophotograph, which was a portrait o f
Fox Talbot Charles Babbage, the inventor o f the first calculatingcnginc.
The following year, the Parisian photographer Antoine
Claudct produced daguerreotype stereophotographs tor
W heatstone, but these were not satisfactory because o f the
reflective surface ot the prints.
The first stereophotographs were taken by moving a
single camera through the interocular distance. Because
early film required long exposures, the subject had to be sta­
tionary for a long period. For example, W h eatston e’s young­
est child had difficulty sitting still, as evidenced by her
blurred image in Figure 2.63a.
In 1853, the Parisian photographer A. Q u in c t made the
first stereocamera, which he called the Quinetoscope.
Figure 2 .6 7 shows a patent for a stereocamera by Silas A.
Holmes o f New York in 1854. In 1856, J. B. Dancer inde­
pendently made a stereocamera in Manchester, F.ngland. It
is illustrated in Figure 2.6 8Л .
Nicephore Niepce
In 1896, the French company Jules Richard produced
KiSo i c P i o n e e r s o t photography. the “ Verascope.” This was the first mass-produced stereo
She was amused! W ith in three months, nearly a quarter o f
a million prism stereoscopes were sold in London and Paris.
Stereoscopic views o f the G reat Exhibition o f 1851, such as
those in Figure 2 .6 3 , were popular because people who
could not get to London were able to sec the exhibits.
Duboscq patented the prism stereoscope in 1852, but
the patent was successfully challenged and annulled in
1857. Claudet devoted him self to the improvement o f ste­
reoscopic photography. He patented a folding version ot
the prism stereoscope on 22 March 1853. This was the first
British patent for a stereoscopic device.
Figure 2 .7 0 shows a pocket stereoscope patented in
America on 8 M arch 185 3 by Jo h n F. Mascher ot
Philadelphia. Mascher also patented the miniature stereo­
scope shown in Figure 2.71. A rotary stereoscope holding
50 or 100 views was made in England in 1854. Figure 2.72
is an 1857 American patent tor a device ot this kind.
Stereoscopes made for the wealthy became very elabo­
rate. Examples are shown in Figure 2.73, including a mirror
stereoscope built in 1856 and a prism stereoscope o f 1862.
In 1854, George Swan Nottage, a man o f humble origin
and limited education, founded the London Stereoscopic
Com pany with the m otto “N o hom e without a stereo­
7fitnrjJAX, scope.” By 1858 the company had sold over half a million
Z/ue/i&s stereoscopes and its traveling photographers had produced
* - V
100,0 00 stereoscopic photographs o f famous places from
Fifiur 2.6 ?. Stcrco ca m cra p atented by S . A . H o lm es in 1 8 5 4 . many parts o f the world. Nottage became Lord Mayor o f
London and died in 1885, a wealthy and honored man.
Stereoscopic photography was introduced into the United
States in 1854 by W illiam and Frederick Langenhcim. They
camera. Kodak introduced their stereo camera in 1901. founded the American Stereoscopic C om pany in New York
These stereo cameras consisted o f two cameras side-by-side. in 1861.
In 1853, F. Barnard produced an attachment, known as the The idea for stereoscopic book illustrations was pat­
stereo reflector (Figure 2 .6 9 ) that converted a single-lens ented by P. B. (io d e t in 1857. The first book illustrated with
camera into a stereo camcra. The left-eye and right-eye views stereoscopic photographs was Charles Sm yths account o f
are reflected so that they project through the same lens and Tenerife, published in 1858. Another early book entitled
fall on opposite halves o f the film. In the Leitz stereo attach­ Stereoscopic Vietcs am ong the Hills o f New Ham pshire was
ment, prisms replaced the mirrors. The attachment for the published by the Bierstadt Brothers o f New Bedford,
C o n tax camcra contains a reflecting system and two minia­ Massachusetts, in 1862. Viewing stereograms in a book
ture lenses. The normal lens is replaced by the attachment. requires an open type ot stereoscope, which can be placed
The distance between the reflecting system and the lens for on the surface o f the book. Joh n Parker ( 1 8 5 8 ) described a
proper separation o f the images is proportional to the lens pair o f prisms with a partition extending from the bridge ot
aperture and inversely proportional to the tangent o f the the nose to the stereogram, like the one included with
angular field o f the lens. Volume 2 o f this book. In the same m onth, J. B. Spencer
Further developments in stereophotography are (1 8 5 8 ) described a similar stereoscope for use with books.
described in Maude (1 9 7 8 ). In 185 9 a Mr. Bennett o f London described the
By 1846, stereophotographs were being sold in James “Clairvoyant Stereoscope,” which was an open-sided hand­
Newmans shop in Soho Square, London. However, stcrco- held prism stereoscope with a sliding picture holder. Joseph
photography did n ot arouse much interest because stereo­ Beck ( i 8 6 0 ) patented an improved version in September
scopes were expensive. Brewster took his prism stereoscope 1859. Oliver Wendell Holmes, essayist and Harvard profes­
to Paris in 185 0 and engaged the optician Jules D uboscq to sor o t medicine, designed a similar handheld version ot the
built a number o f them, together with a set o f daguerreo­ prism stereoscope in 1863. In 1864, his friend Joseph Bates,
type stereophotographs. These stereoscopes were shown in added a sliding picture holder. The instrument was mass-
London at the Great Exhibition o t 1851. O n e was made produced for home entertainment in America and
for Q ueen Victoria who took a great interest in the device. Europe. It is readily available in antique shops, and is still
iif.urc 2.м llarlv stereoscop ic dcviccs. (Л ) Stereoscop ic cam era by J . B. D an ccr. 1 8 5 6 . (B ) A stcrcosco p ic cam cra by Lucicn B u ll. 1 9 0 3 . ( C ) Edison's
K in eto sco p e, 1 8 9 4 . ( D ) Ives K rom skop. lh rc c stcreop ositives w ith red, green, and blue filters co m b in ed to produce a co lo red stereoscop ic pictu re.
(S o u th K en sin g ton Scien ce M useum . Scien ce and S o ciety P icture Library}

manufactured. W endell Holmes (1 8 5 9 ) wrote three enthu­ In 186 2 Henry Swan (1 8 6 3 ) patented stereoscopic m in­
siastic articles in the Atlantic Monthly about stereoscopic iatures, which became known as “Swan cubes.” Transparent
pictures. He wrote, positives were mounted on two small prisms so that they
created a 3-D image when viewed from the correct posi­
The time will com e when a man who wishes to see tion.
any object, natural o r artificial, will go to the Ives built the device shown in Figure 2 .6 8 D for produc­
Imperial, National, or City Stereographic library ing colored stereoscopic pictures. Three pairs o f pictures
and call tor its skin or form, as he would for a book taken through red, green, and blue filters were viewed in a
at any com m on library, (p. 3) stereoscope containing rhe same three filters.
By 1862, more than a thousand professional photogra­
The Oliver Wendell Holmes Stereoscopic Research phers were producing stereoscopic photographs, which
Library is maintained by the National Stereoscopic were sold by the million. The Keystone View Company of
Association. The association publishes the bimonthly mag­ America acquired its main rival, Underwood and
azine Stereo World ( Underwood, and dominated the market. Until the advent
R ight-eye Left-eye
view view IT

F.guie 2.69. I b c stereo rcfltitor. A system o f m irro rs attach ed to a single lens

cam era con v erts it in to a stereo cam era in w hich the left-eye and right- I
eye views arc p ro jected to op p osite halves o f the film .

o f chc cinema, chc sccrcoscopc was the optical wonder o f

the age. Ic allowed people to see the world in 3 -D in the
co m fo rt o f their own living rooms (sec Earle 1979).
In 1880 the physicist August Fuhrmann opened the
Kaiser Panorama on the Untcr den Linden in Berlin. It
remained open until 1939. A 5-mccer diameter cylinder i:i*mrc2.7o. P o ck ct stcrcosco p c patent by J. I:. M asch cr, 1 8 5 3 .
housed 25 viewing stations, as shown in Figure 2.74.
Stereoscopic slides rotated past the viewing stations at
intervals o f a few minutes. Many photographers were there was a resurgence o f interest in stereoscopy with the
employed to collect photographs o f exotic places and advent o f the random-dot autostereogram, described in
headline-making events. Ac one cime chere were 2 5 0 Section 2 4 . 1.6.See Judge ( 1 9 5 0 ),D a r r a h (1 9 6 4 ),G e r n sh e im
Kaiser stereoscopic panoramas throughout Germany, The ( 1 9 6 9 ), and Morgan and Symmes ( 1 9 8 2 ) tor more details
German kaiser, the sultan o f Turkey, and the pope had on the history and methods o f stereoscopic photography.
copies o f the photographs for private viewing. Several thou­
sand o f these stereoscopic pictures were published in
2 .1 1 .4 S T E R E O S C O P IC M O V IE S
1915 in a book entitled Goldenes Rtich der 7entrale fu r
K aiser pun or am en . Joseph Plateau ( 1 8 0 1 - 1 8 8 3 ) was a Belgian scientist best
Stereoscopic peep shows lost their wide appeal when known in visual science for the Talbot-Plateau law and the
illustrated magazines becam e widely available. In 1992, Plateau spiral aftereffect. In his doctoral dissertation at the

Я Г * # .*

Figure 2.71. M in ia tu re stcrcosco p c p a ten t by J. F. M aschcr.

Л / 7

Fijere г.гу M u lti-im ag e stereoscope p aten t by Л . B cckcrs.

Fijpr« 1.73. Early dom estic Stcrcoscopc*. (Sm.ih К*п*.п|;».--> Some* Miiuum So#n«
*nd Society pirturr Library)

Fitmc 2 ."». W }eК л Ь сг Рлпоглт а. Tw enty*five people view ed 5 0 stereoscop ic slides th at changed p osition every few m in u tes inside the 1 5 -fo o t
d iam eter cylinder. ( Ь т О с и п ш ^ п 1 9 9 7 )
University o f Liege in 182 9 he observed that continuous device having been made. In a letter to the journal L a
motion can be created trom a series o f intermittently viewed Iwniere in 1852, Antoine Claudet described how he had
objects. Michael Faraday ( 1 8 3 1 , p. 2 1 0 ) made similar obser­ constructed a stereoscope in which one sees moving images
vations using superimposed toothed wheels rotating in and wrote that W heatstone was attempting to construct a
opposite directions. O n the basis o f these stroboscopic similar instrument. Although he announced that a full
effects, Plateau developed the “phenakistiscope* in 1833. It description o f these instruments would be published, the
consisted ot a disc with slits around the rim and a series o f publication never materialized (sec Gcrnshcim 1969 and
pictures in a ring concentric with rhe slits. The rotating disc Gosser 1977). It fell to rhe Parisian optician Jules Duboscq
was held in front o f a mirror, and the observer looked with to patent the first stereo moving picture device in 1852
one eye through the passing slits at rhe pictures reflected in (Duboscq 1857). He called it rhe “stereofantascope.” ltc o n -
the mirror. A picture trom the moving sequence appeared sisted ot Plateaus phenakistoscope and two mirrors, which
each time a slot passed before the eye. The intermittent stereoscopically com bined 12 pairs o f photographs, with
sequence o f pictures appeared as a single moving picture. At each pair placed along the radius o f a revolving disc. The
the same time, Simon Stampfer independently developed a radial arrangement introduced some distortion because
similar device in Vienna. the pictures tor the two eyes moved at different velocities.
A device that became known as the “zoetrope” was The followingycar Claudet (1 8 6 5 ) took out a British patent
invented by W illiam Horner ( 1 7 8 9 - 1 8 3 7 ) in Bristol in tor a similar device involving a prism stereoscope rather than
about 1834. A series o f pictures was placed on the inside o f a mirror stereoscope (see Gosser 1977). Czermak made a
a rotating cylinder and viewed through a sequence ot slits in similar instrument in 1855 (H elm holtz 1910, p. 357).
the opposite wall o f the cylinder. Several people sitting In 1859, Henri D u M o n t, a French civil engineer, pat­
round the cylinder could view this device at the same time. ented a series o f instruments tor showing moving stereo­
In 1853, Baron Uchatius mounted a rotating picture disc scopic images. In the version shown in Figure 2.75a pictures
and sectored shutter on a magic lantern to create moving arc placed on the outside o f two drums and viewed through
images. See Deslandes ( 1 9 6 6 ) and C o e ( 1 9 8 1 ) for accounts mirrors and slits in discs, which rotated with the drums. In
o f the history o f cine photography. early I8 6 0 , W illiam Shaw, in Middlesex, England, co m ­
In 1849, Plateau proposed that a binocular phcnakisti- bined a zoetrope with a mirror stereoscope and with a prism
scope would produce 3-D moving images, an idea he cred­ stereoscope to produce a moving stereoscopic peep show
ited to W heatstone. However, there is no record o t this (Shaw 1861). In the version shown in Figure 2.7 5b the pairs

(b ) S tereo p ee p sh ow . (c) Kinem Moscopo.

b y W illia m Shaw in 1860. Patented b y Sellers in 1861

ti£urc2 .7 $. Early d cv iccs for prod ucing m ovin g stereoscop ic images.

o f pictures were mounted on chc sides o f a rotating occago- In 1890, Frederick Varley, a civil engineer in London, work­
nal drum and viewed through cone-shaped apercures in a ing with phocographer W illiam Friese-Greene, patented
rocating cylinder so chat vision was cut ouc between pic­ the first stereo cine camera using a roll o f celluloid film
tures. O n e o f his displays was o f a moving train. He called (Varley 1890). The unperforated Eastman film was about
this instrument chc “sccrcotropc" and showed ic ac the 17 cm wide and 7 yards long with at most five exposures per
Incernational Exhibition o f 1862. In February o f I8 6 0 , second. This low exposure lrcquency severely limited the
Pierre H . Dcsvignes from Lewisham, Kent, patented a quality o f the moving image. Furthermore, the machine was
similar device and also used a train as one o f his pictures. He not suitable for commercial exploitation. In 1903 Lucien
proposed che use o f intcrmicccnc illumination со overcome Bull built the high-speed stereo camera shown in Figure
the problem o f image blur, buc there is no record o f his 2 .6 8 B . A rotating drum triggered a series o f flashes.
having built such a device. The first working cine projector was developed by Louis
Coleman Sellers ( 1 8 2 7 - 1 9 0 7 ) , an American engineer, and Auguste Lumicrc. They obtained celluloid film from
com bined a vertical zoetrope with a prism stereoscope in Eastman and coated it in their own factory in Lyons. They
1861, со make a stereoscopic peep show called chc “kinema- opened the worlds firsc movie house in Paris in D ecem ber
toscope” (Figure 2 .7 5 c). This was an advance on earlier 1895. The first film showed them feeding a baby. Many
devices because, instead o f lining a cylinder, the cards c o n ­ ocher invencors were involved in chc macuracion ofcin cp h *
taining the pictures radiated out from a central shaft so that otography into its present form.
their motion was along the line ofsighc rather than orthog­ Edison patented a stereoscopic version o f che kineto-
onal to it. This reduced image blur. The cards came into scope, buc chcre is no record that it was built. In 1903,
view one ac a cime as che shaft rotaced. Ac chc same cimc, an Auguste and Louis Lumicrc exhibited, in France, an
oucer cvlinder
/ with a series o f slots rotated between the anaglyph stereo movie entitled Larrivee du train. It lasted
cards and the stereo viewer, so chac vision was blanked out onlv a few seconds. In 1915, the Famous Plavers Film
i 4

between cards. Sellers built only one model, which he kept Com pany (later the Paramount Picture Corporation)
at home as a toy (sec Gosscr 1977). released three short anaglyph stereo films produced by the
In about 1870, W heatstone, also, constructed a stereo cinem a pioneer Edwin Porter (Hayes 1989). However,
zoetrope wich pictures arranged round the inside o f a rotat- there seems to be no record o f where these films were
ing cylinder. He added a pawl device, which moved the cyl­ shown.
inder intermittently so that it was stationary when each pair Harry K. Fairall produced the first commercially suc­
o f pictures was seen. H e was noc the first to use this impor­ cessful stereo movie The Power ofL ov e , which opened at the
tant principle. He did not use a shutter system to interrupt Ambassador Hotel Theater in Los Angeles in September
viewing between pictures (see Gosser 1977). 1922. In the same year, Educational Pictures released a
Interest in stereoscopic moving images lapsed in the group o f short stereo films called Plastigratm. They were
period after 18 7 0 , when modern cinematography was being made by Jacob Levenchal and Frederick Ives and shown in
developed. Eadweard Muybridge began his career as a p h o ­ New York. Also in 1922, W illiam Van Doren Kelley exhib-
tographer o f stereoscopic views o f N o rth America. During iced his shore movie Plasticon at the Rivoli Theater in New
che 1870s he developed a chronophocographic sysccm for York (Kelley 1 924). In 19 3 5 , Mecro-Goldwyn-Mayer
recording animals in mocion (Muybridge 1899). Ic involved released a series o f shore stereo movies called Attdioscopiks.
an array of 4 0 cameras, which were triggered in sequence These were che first stereo movies with sound (Norling
along chc path o f m otion. The resulting sequence o f images 1939). All these movies used color anaglyphs. This mcchod
is whac is required tor cinephocography. He mounted the does n ot allow che use o f color in the film.
sequence o f photographs round the rim o f a wheel and pro­ In 1935 F.dwin Land demonstrated a stereo film in color
jected them with a magic lantern to produce a brief moving using the polaroid method of separating the images. A t the
image. Hut the moving display lasted only abouc one second. New York World Fair in 1939 the Polaroid C om pany exh ib­
He attempted to make stereo versions ot these pictures. ited In Time u ith Tomotrow , a 12-minute 3 -D film ot a
Rcicnnc Marcy made a chronophocography sysccm using a Chrysler car assembling itself. The Zeiss-1 kon C om pany o f
single camera in which a sequence ot piccures could be caken Germany developed this process in the 1930s. It was used
in quick succession on a rotating glass plate. He used two by Raymond and Nigel Spottiswoodc, who produced the
cameras rather than 4 0 to produce moving stereoscopic first stereo film in full color and wich stereo sound for che
images (Marcy 1895). But his use o f a glass plate severely 1951 Festival o f Bricain in London.
limited the duration o f che projected picture. The develop- In 1922, Laurens Hammond and W illiam F. Cassidy o f
menc ot flexible film was che key to further success. che Teleview Corporation demonscraced a short science fic­
Louis Le Prince, a Frenchman living in Leeds, England, tion film called Radio M ania at che Selwyn Theater in New
seems to have been the first to use flexible film that moved York. This film used che "Teleview” sysccm, in which altcr-
intermittently to produce moving projected piccures (see nating left- and right-eye views o f a movie were projected on
C o e 1981). He pacenced his device in Leeds in 1888. a large screen. Each member ot the audience viewed the
screen chrough a rotating shuccer synchronized wich chc two stereoscopic images were projected chrough chc slits
alcernacion o f chc images on chc screen. In a modern version onco a screen inside the cylinder. The tapered cylinder pro­
o f chis sysccm, used by chc Imax Company ofToronco, m em ­ jected a scries o f radiating zones into the audience area. All
bers o f che audience view alcernacingpiccures on a wide-angle viewers in this area saw the alternating images correctly. The
screen chrough eleccricallyoperaccd liquid-cryscal shucccrs. rotation speed o f the cylinder was set to avoid stroboscopic
In Russia in the 1940s, Semyon Pavlovich developed a effects between the grill and the projector. A small system
scereo cinema syscem using a parallax gracing. The sysccm called the cyclostcreoscope was made for home use by
used 3 0 ,0 0 0 silver wires, weighing six cons, suspended in A. Mattey o f Paris (Blum 1983).
front o f che screen. Ic did noc require che use of viewing Projection systems using lenticular screens have been
glasses, buc had several drawbacks, including darkening o f used for stereo cinematic projection, but screens for large
che image, image diffraction, and dependence on viewing pictures are expensive, and several projectors are required.
position. Also in che 1940s, Professor Noaillon o f Belgium T he construction and projection o f lenticular-sheet stereo­
developed a radial converging grill with wide slits, which grams are described in Section 24.1.3b.
were rendered invisible by a rapid oscillation o f chc grill in There was a boom in stereo films based on the use o f
its own plane. Stereoscopic pictures were projecced through polaroid glasses in the 1950s and again in the early 1980s.
chc grill onco a screen so chac a m ember o f chc audience saw The recent Imax 3 - D films, based on the shutter system,
alcernace strips ot each picture presented to the two eyes. have been very popular. Stereoscopic television and video
The Frenchman Francois Savoye patented a similar system films have not been successful. Recent developments are
in 1942. Jennings and Vanet ( 1 9 5 2 ) developed a version o f described in Section 24.2.6.
this system in which an inclined cylinder o f black bars and This completes this historical review. Historical back­
slits, tapered trom top to bo ttom , rotated rapidly about its grounds to particular topics will appear in various parts ot
central axis. Alternating left- and right-eye vertical strips o f the book.


3.1 Psychophysics 92 3.2.6 Signal analysis 109

3.1.1 Psychophysical methods 92 3.3 Linear control theoryв 110
3.1.2 Dctcciion 100 3.4 Analysis o f nonlinear systems Hi
3.1.3 Resolution 100 3.5 Tim e series IN
3.1.4 Discrimination Ю1 3.6 Bayesian inference 116
3.1.5 Temporal thresholds №1 3.7 Concepts o f geometry IIS
3.2 Analysis ot linear systems 104 3.7.1 Symmetry and groups IIS
3.2.1 Nature o f linear systems
* 104 3.7.2 Types o f geometry 1 1 $
3.2.2 Fourier analysis 105 3.7.3 Non-Euclidcan geometries 124
3.2.3 Transfer functions 106 3.7.4 Analytic geometry /25
3.2.4 Point-spread and line-spread functions 10S 3.7.5 Differential geometry 127
3.2.5 The contrast sensitivity function iOX

3 .1 P S Y C H O P H Y S IC S Defined displays o f random dots have been used to investi­

gate the effects o f binocular disparity on the perception
o f motion-in-depth (Section 3 1 .3 ). O n the other hand,
3 .1 .1 P S Y C H O P H Y S IC A L M E T H O D S
a stimulus domain might be a set o f natural objects such as
3 . 1 . 1 a B asic Terms human faces.
An experimenter with an incomplete or incorrect
Traditionally, psychophysics is the quantitative study o f
knowledge o f a stimulus domain from which stimuli are
how people o r animals detect, resolve, discriminate, iden­
drawn produces incorrect data and false theories. An
tify, or categorize defined stimuli. This section provides
observer who responds to stimulus features outside the
only a brief outline ot psychophysics, with an emphasis on
stimulus domain o f interest to an experimenter produces
those methods used in the study o f depth perception.
misleading data.
Psychophysics was established with the publication o f
A response dom ain is the set o f measured responses
Fechner s Elcmente der Psychopbysik in I8 6 0 . For fuller
evoked by defined stimuli. There arc four main types o f
accounts see Guilford ( 1 9 5 4 ) , Torgcrson ( 1 9 5 8 ) , Swets
( 1 9 6 4 ), Green and Swets ( 1 9 6 6 ) , Carterette and Friedman
(1 9 7 4 ), Falmagnc (1 9 85 ), and Gescheider (1997). Computer
1. Performance o f a psychophysical ta*k The basic
programs have been developed for designing stimuli for
psychophysical tasks arc detection, resolution,
psychophysical experiments (Brainard 1997; Pelli 1997).
discrimination, categorization, identification, and
A stimulus dom ain is a defined set o f stimuli from
description. These tasks are defined later in this section.
which stimuli used in an experiment are drawn. It is a set ot
Performance may be indicated by a verbal response,
objects or events with defined features and selected values
which can range from a simple “yes” or “no” to a
o f those features. It may also contain rules o f composition
description o f a sensory experience. Otherwise,
and transformation o f those features and values. A defined
performance may be indicated by a physical response
stimulus domain is used to investigate some property ot a
such as pressing a key, an adjustment o f a stimulus, or
sensory or perceptual system.
sorting stimulus objects. In animals and preverbal
Stimuli mav4 be constructed in the laboratory.
i For exam- infants, responses consist o f such things as a
pie, Stiles ( 1 9 7 8 ) used two 10" patches illuminated with
change in gaze direction, pointing, or a conditioned
light o f various luminances and wavelengths to establish
the standard observer for color discrimination. Defined
sets ot shapes viewed at various inclinations in depth have 2. Speed * accuracy, or precision o fa motor response This
been used to investigate shape constancy (Section 29.4). could be a simple reaction time to a stimulus onset.
O r ic could be chc accuracy or precision o f pointing со particular task provides a yardstick for assessing the perfor­
or tracking a stimulus. mance o f a human observer on the same task. An ideal
observer for stereopsis is described in Section 18.3.5.
3- Involuntary reflex The response may be an involuntary
In a class A psychophysical p roced u re the subject is
reflex such as pupil dilation, eye accomm odation, or
presented with a discontinuity such as a luminance bound­
optokinetic nystagmus. These responses require no
ary in a bipartite field or an olfset between to lines (vernier
prior training and few instructions.
stimulus) (Brindley 1970). The subject adjuscs chc stimulus
4. N euronal activity The response may be the activity o f a until the discontinuity is no longer detectable. At the end
neuron or a group o f neurons in response to defined point, the two halves o f the stimuli arc indistinguishable in
stimuli. every way. It is assumed that, under these circumstances, the
signals arising in the sense organ from the two halves o f the
Behavioral responses to defined stimuli may be corre­ stimuli are identical. Even though the sensory signals arc
lated with neural responses within the sense organ or within identical, the stimuli producing them may not be physically
the brain (Ju n g 1961). For example, the psychophysical!)' identical. For example, two patches may perfectly match in
determined contrast-scnsitivity function may be related to color and generate identical signals in the eye but have very
responses o f retinal ganglion cells. different wavelength compositions. This is metamerism
The basic p ara m eters o f p erfo rm a n ce on any task (Section 4.2.7).
involving a response to a stimulus are accuracy, precision, Brindley stated that, when identical signals are sent to
magnitude, sign (e.g., near-far, move left:-move righc), the brain, the sensations they produce are indistinguishable.
and speed. In a simple psychophysical task, the basic param­ This is known as the psychophysical lin k in g hypothesis.
eters are accuracy and precision. Take the task o f setting In practice, it is difficult to determine whether two signals
one object (the variable) to appear at the same distance arc identical (Boynton and O n Icy 1962). It is logically pos­
as an o b ject at a fixed distance (the standard). The p o in t sible for a difference between two signals in a sense organ to
o f o b jectiv e equality ( P O E ) is the objective distance be lost at a higher level. For example, there is some evidence
o f the standard, Each setting o f the variable indicates that foveal stimuli are detected more rapidly than periph­
the distance o f the variable from the P O E , signed positive eral stimuli but chat the difference is compensated for at a
when the standard is beyond the standard and negative higher level.
when it is nearer than the standard. The p o in t o f subjective A class A procedure removes virtually all ambiguity from
eq u ality (P S E ) is the signed mean o f a scries o f settings. the task because the subject performs like a null-reading
A ccu racy is the signed difference between the P O E and instrument. A well-administered Class A psychophysical
the PSE. Accuracy is synonymous with co n sta n t error experiment is the most sensitive measure we have for reveal­
and bias. ing what is detected, resolved, or discriminated. Under the
After the P S E has been determined, the unsigned dis­ m ost favorable circumstances, sensory thresholds are near
tance o f each setting from the PSF. is calculated to yield a set the theoretical limit o f efficiency defined by the ideal
o f deviation scores. Precision is indicated by the mean o f observer.
the unsigned deviation scores. Precision may also be indi­ W h en we say an o b ject is detected or that two stimuli
cated by the variance, given by the mean o f the squared arc resolved or discriminaced, wc say noching abouc whac
deviation scores, or by the standard deviation, given by the subjcccs experience, ocher chan chat they experience a dis­
square root o f the variance. Precision is synonymous with continuity. W c do not calk abouc sensory “qualia,” such as
sensitivity, variability, and variable error. red patches and che like. We firsc use an inscrumcnc со mea­
The term ’ accuracy” is often used where “precision” is sure defined stimuli by a scandard procedure o f known
mcanc. Precision is also often used inappropriately со sig­ accuracy and precision, which we call che physical measure.
nify the mean o f unsigned deviation scores with respect to For example, wc measure chc phocomecric luminance o f
rhe P O E . This measure confounds accuracy and precision, stimuli relative to a physically defined standard. We then
and should be avoided. Accuracy and precision are inde­ map the physical measurements o n to the probability that
pendent, or orthogonal, measures. an observer detects each of a set of stimuli.
In assessing human performance on a detection or dis­ If wc have no instrument finer than a given sensory
crimination task, it is useful to have some measure o f the system, we can n ot measure the sensitivity o f that sensory
theoretical limit that can be reached by an ideal detector. system. For example, people who tcsc wool quality by couch
A detector that performs at chc theoretical limit is known or tea or wine by caste outperform all instruments so that it
as an ideal observ er for that task. For instance, it is possible is not possible to measure what they are doing in terms o f an
to calculate the performance o f an ideal observer for the ideal observer. O n e can measure only cheir repeat consis­
detection o f a spot o f light, given the number o f light quanta tency and consistency across testers. We can also compare
in the signal and the “noise" within which the signal is precision measured under one condition with that mea­
presented (Barlow et al. 1971). The ideal observer for a sured under another condition. W ith o u t some independent
measure we cannot compare accuracies. Som e sensations, averaging settings from trials in which the line starts at vari­
such as pain, have no quantifiable stimulus so that questions ous angles on either side o f the vertical.
o f precision and accuracy do nor arise. The m ethod o f c o n sta n t stim uli is used for measuring
In a class В p ro ced u re the subject matches or compares transient effects, such as aftereffects, which typically fade
two things with respect to some defined feature, while the exponentially. The method is also used when it is important
things dilier in some other feature. For instance, an observer to avoid presenting stimuli in an ordered sequence.
who adjusts the lengths ot the two halves o f the Miillcr-I.yer W h en the method o f constant stimuli is used to
illusion to appear equal is performing in a class B experi­ measure a threshold, values o f the stimulus around the
ment. It is class В because, after the lines have been matched, threshold are repeatedly presented in random order, and
the two halves o f the figure still differ with respect to the subjects report whether o r not the stimulus is present. The
arrows on their ends. In class В experiments it may be probability ot detection plotted as a function o f stimulus
difficult to be sure which aspect o f the stimuli the subject magnitude yields a psychom etric fu n ctio n , like that in
is responding to. The literature can be contused, with a Figure 3.1. As stimulus strength increases, the probability
welter o f conflicting theories and contradictory evidence. o f detection increases. A t first it increases slowly because o f
Examples are provided by the literature on the m oon illu­ noise in the sensory system. Detection rate then accelerates
sion (Section 2 9 .3 .5 ) and shape constancy (Section 29.4). and finally levels o f f to a probability o f one. Thus, the func­
Som e ot this contusion is due to the tendency to regard tion is usually an S-shaped curve in the form o f a cu m u la ­
a perceptual phenom enon as due to a single process at one tive norm al d istribu tion , or normal ogive. The threshold is
level in the system. For example, the apparent motion o f a usually defined as the stimulus value that is detected on
stationary o b ject seen against a moving background is 5 0 % o f trials.
known as induced m otion. But the effect can arise from The method o f constant stimuli may also be used to
processes in at least three levels in the nervous system measure discrimination thresholds. For example, one can
(Section 2 2 .7 ). The topic o f levels o f perceptual processing measure the accuracy and precision o f setting a variable
is dealt with in Harris and Jenkin (2 0 0 2 ). stimulus to match a comparison stimulus. About seven
The assumption that one can tap a particular process values o f the variable stimulus are selected around the PSE.
has worked well in class Л experiments. For instance, wc O n each trial, one o f these stimuli is presented briefly and
have the beautiful coincidence between the psychophysical the subject indicates whether, by a defined criterion, it is
spectral sensitivity curve and the physically determined greater or less than a comparison stimulus. The comparison
absorption characteristics o f extracted visual pigment. As stimulus may be presented with the test stimulus or just
soon as subjects arc required to isolate the stimulus features before it. Subjects are asked to make a decision, even when
being judged from among other features, they bring to bear the two stimuli look alike. The order o f presentations is ran­
a repertoire o f sensory, perceptual, and linguistic functions domized and each stimulus is presented many times. The
and skills. We no longer have a null instrument but a percentage o f trials in which the variable stimulus is judged
knowledgeable strategist. to be greater than (or less than) the standard stimulus is
plotted on the jy-axis against stimulus magnitude on the
л -axis to yield a p sy ch o m etric fu n ctio n like that shown in
3 .1 .1 b B a s ic P sy ch o p h y sica l M e t h o d s
Figure 3.1.
In the m eth o d o f ad ju stm en t the subject adjusts a variable The value o f the stimulus that yields 5 0 % “greatcr-than”
stimulus until it is detected or matches a standard with judgments is th e PSE. O ver the middle part o f the psycho­
regard to a specified feature. metric function, the probability o f a response is a linear
In the m eth o d o f lim its the experimenter increases or function o f stimulus magnitude. The 5 0 % point may there­
decreases the variable stimulus until the subject detects it or fore be derived by linear interpolation. The difference
indicates that it matches a standard. The mean signed error between the PSE and the P O E is the constant error.
o t settings with respect to the standard is the constant error. The value o f the stimulus that yields 7 5 % o f "greater than”
The variability o f settings about the signed mean measures judgments is usually taken as a measure o f the upper dis­
the precision o f the judgments, and reflects the sensitivity crimination threshold. The 2 5 % point defines the lower
o f the sensor y system. discrimination threshold. The difference between the PSE
I he method o fad ju stm ent and the method o f limits are and one or other o f the discrimination thresholds is the just
especially useful for measuring steady-state constant errors. n oticeable d iffercnce, or J N D.
For instance, to measure how an inclined surface affects the P rob it analysis (Finney 1971) is used to improve the fit
apparent inclination o f a superimposed test line, subjects o f a cumulative normal curve to a set o f data, and thus
are asked to set the line to the apparent vertical with and to derive more precise estimates o f the parameters o f the
without the surfacc. The difference between the mean function. The ordinate (response probability) and abscissa
signed errors indicates the extent o f the induced inclina­ (stimulus strength) are first transformed into standard
tion. Errors ot anticipation and habituation are avoided by scores (standard-dcviation units). This tends to render the
Psychometric functions may be fitted with a W cibull
fu n ctio n o f the form:

i//(r) = l-c.\ p (- a c K)

where V7 (c) is the probability o f detection o f a stimulus o f

intensity с , (X represents the effect o f the stimulus on the
sense organ, and /3 represents the effect o f noise (Wcibull
1951; Mortensen 2 0 0 2 ) . This function often fits data
well and ir models the effects o f probability summation
(Section 13.1.1).
Foster and B isch o f ( 1 9 9 7 ) developed a bootstrap proce­
dure for improving the accuracy o f thresholds derived from
psychometric functions, when the number o f trials is not
large. W ich m an n and Hill (2 0 0 1 a , 2 0 0 1 b ) reviewed proce­
dures for estimating parameters from psychometric func­
tions, assessing errors ot these estimations, and testing
goodness o f fit between models and data.

3 . 1 .1 c S ta ir c a s e M e t h o d s

The method o f constant stimuli is a nonadaptive procedure

because the stimulus presented on a given trial does not
depend on the way the subject responded to previous stim­
uli. In an adaptive p roced u re the value o f the stimulus on
В M agnitude of test stim ulus any trial depends on previous responses. Judgments about
stimuli that lie some distance from the P SE are less informa­
tive than those about stimuli near the PSE. It is therefore
best to concentrate stimuli near the PSE. Stimuli should
also be symmetrically arranged around the PSF. so as to
avoid biasing the results. Л derivative o f rhe method o f
limits, known as the staircase m ethod, is an adaptive pro­
cedure that provides an efficient way to achieve these
two goals.
In a simple staircase, stimuli are presented in ascending
or descending order until the response of the subject
changes. The order o f stimulus progression is then reversed
until the response changes again. Usually, after between six
and nine reversals, stimulus values converge on the PSE. If
С S tim ulus intensity
the step size between successive stimulus presentations is
H ypothetical fiy ib im c tr k fu m tiw s . (A ) D eriv in g a threshold from too great, the subject merely alternates between “yes” and
a co n sta n t stim ulus p ro ced u re. ( B ; D eriv in g th e PSF. and d iscrim in ation "no” judgments. If the step size is too small, time is wasted.
thresholds from a co n sta n t stim ulus procedure. ( C ) D eriv in g a threshold It is a useful strategy to start with a large step size and reduce
from a fo rced -ch o ice procedure.
it during the course o f the experiment. Л simple rule is to
halve the step size when the su bjects response reverses, and
double it again i f a specified number ot similar responses
psychometric function linear. Weights are then assigned to occur in succession (Levitt 1971). The threshold is the
each datum point in inverse proportion to its standard mean ot a criterion number ot trials after the judgments
error, which means that greater weight is given to points in have reached a constant level o f fluctuation. The difficulty
rhe upper part o f rhe psychometric function. In addition, o f deciding when a constant level has been reached can be
datum points near the center o f the psychometric curve arc- avoided by defining the threshold as the stimulus value
weighted more heavily because they contribute more to rhe above which 5 0 % o f rhe judgments are “yes.”
determination o f the position o f the curve than do points W ith a simple staircase, the subject can anticipate when
at cither end o f the curve. The best-fitting line is then to change the response. For instance, if several “yes” judg­
determined by weighted linear regression. ments have been made in succession, the subject may guess
that it is time to say “no,” even though no change in the assumed со be independent, and chac performance is scable
stimulus has been detected. The d o u b ic-sta ircasc m ethod over a sec o l crials.
reduces the effects o f sequential dependencies. In this The deccccability o f a given stimulus is defined as che
m ethod, two staircase sequences are run at the same time difference bccween che mean of che probability distribution
with stimuli from the cwo sequences interleaved in random o f responses generated by noise alone and the mean o f the
order (Cornsw eet 1962). distribution ol responses generated by noise plus signal,
Several variations o f the scaircasc m ethod have been divided bv the variance o f the distributions. Detectability is
4 4

devised. Taylor and Creelman (1 9 6 7 ) devised P E S T (param­ denoted by the symbol d ’ {d prime).
eter estimation by sequential testing). Watson and Pelli W ith in the threshold region, a subject is necessarily
(1 9 8 3 ) developed Q U E S T (quick estimate by sequential uncertain about whether a weak sensation is due to a signal
testing), in which the initial stimulus value is determined or to noise. The subjects task can be described as that o f
by chc mode (maximum likelihood) o f the experimenters estimating the likelihood chac che sensory accivicy on agiven
prior knowledge o f the probability density function ( P D F ) crial arises from noise plus signal, relative со che likelihood
o f threshold values over the population. The subject’s chat ic arises from noise alone. The ratio o f chese cwo likeli­
response is then used to construct a new P D F using Bayess hoods is che lik e lih o o d ratio and forms chc most efficient
rule (Section 3 .6 ). The next stimulus is presented at the new- basis for a detection task.
most likely threshold. At the end o f the procedure, the The way a person responds in an uncertain situation
mode o f the final P D F is considered the best estimate o f chc depends on the perceived rewards and penalties (payoff )
threshold. King-Sm ith et al. ( 1 9 9 4 ) developed a modified associated with each o f four types o f response. These are:
version o f Q U E S T . Kontsevich and Tyler 1 9 9 9) developed ( l ) correctly detecting a stimulus (h it), (2) saying a stimulus
a Bayesian adaptive procedure in which stimulus intensity is present when it is n ot (false positive), (3 ) n ot detecting a
on each trial is sec according со boch che expecced mean true signal (miss), and (4) not reporting a stimulus when it
chreshold and the expected slope o f the psychometric is not present (correct rejection). The payoff associated with
function. These methods require a fast compucer wich each type o f response is known as a p ay o ff matrix. For
adequace memory. example, i f one suspects that the house is on fire it is better
to raise chc alarm rather than delay until one can see che

flames. O n che other hand, a d octor might wish to obtain

3 .1 .Id S ig n a l D e t e c t i o n P ro ce d u re s
more evidence before telling a patient he is going to die
An absolute chreshold is che smallest magnitude o f a stimu­ o f cancer. The level o f sensory activity above which an
lus thac can be dccecccd on a given percencage ot trials. In observer reports a signal is the crite rio n level, denoted by
che classical procedure, a scimulus is presenced on every crial the symbol /3.
and subjects reporc whether or noc chey have detecced it. In The method o f signal detection separates the effects o f
the chreshold region, subjcccs are necessarily uncertain che observers criccrion, /3 , from changes in che detectabil-
abouc che presence ot che stimulus. They may improve their icy o f che stimulus, d\ Signals o f varying strengch in the
rate o f detection by adopting a lax criterion in which they region o f chc chreshold are presenced in random order,
report the stimulus when they are unsure. O n the other along wich cacch crials in which chere is no signal but only
hand, chey may lower cheir dececcion race by adopcing a noise in chc sensory sysccm. A record is kepc o f chc race ac
scriccer criterion in which chey reporc che scimulus only which cargccs are dccecccd in a given number of crials (hie
when chey are sure. Classical psychophysical mechods do race), and che race ac which cargccs are reporced when none
n ot distinguish between a change in the detectability o f a is present (false-positive race). These data are plotted on a
stimulus and a change in the willingness o f the subject to graph wich hie races along che у -axis and false-positive races
report its presence (the criterion level). The method o f along che x-cixis. A curve, known as che receiver operating
signal d e tectio n measures the separate contributions o f ch a ra cteristic, or R O C curve, is then ficced со che daca, as
these two faccors (Green and Swecs 1966). Thurscones shown in Figure 3.2.
(1 9 2 7 ) law o f com parative ju d g m en c was a precursor со W h en che hie rate increases in simple proportion to che
signal dececcion theory. false positive rate, the R O C curve is a diagonal line. This
A signal is a physical spatial or cemporal disconcinuicy signifies that the observer was merely guessing, since an
chac a sensory system is attempting to detect. The basic idea improved hit rate was achieved only by an equal increase in
is that neural discharges created by a signal are accompa­ false positives. At one extreme the subject never reports a
nied by noise arising from other stimuli or in the sensory stimulus, thus avoiding false positives buc scoring no hits.
t It is assumed that the noise level fluctuates over time Ac che ocher excreme che subject reporcs che stimulus on
at random around a mean value with a given variance. Ic is every trial, thus scoring che maximum number o f boch hies
also assumed chac che sensory response generaced by a signal and false positives. W h en mosc of che signals are detecced
varies ac random around a mean value, wich che same vari­ wich few false posicives, che curve rises steeply from che
ance as for noise alone. Responses on different crials are diagonal before leveling off'. The area between the R O C
ordinate values run between 5 0 and 100%. The stimulus
value correctly identified 75 % ot the time is taken as the
threshold. The 7 5 % point is the mean o f the psychometric
function based on the forced-choice procedure. The slope
o f the function indicates the rate at which performance
improves as stimulus strength is increased. It is the recipro­
cal o f the standard deviation o f the distribution o f responses.
The standard error ol judgments lor each stimulus value is
calculated by the equation tor the standard error o f a pro­
portion. The standard error is largest when subjects arc
most uncertain in their judgments, which is when the test
and comparison stimuli are most similar. As the percentage
ot correct responses increases, the standard error tends
to decrease. M cK ee e t al. (1 9 8 5 ) have described these
statistical procedures.
False positive rate An observer who is forced to choose between two stim­
uli that ditter in more than one respect may base choices on
Figure 3 .2 . A bypotht'diAtl set o f R O C atrtes. Sym bol d ' signifies chc a feature other than the one being studied. Thus, the forced-
d ccccta b ilitv* o t chc stim ulus, liach curve is a locus o f co n stan t
choice procedure produces spurious results when the exper­
d etectability. Ih c p osition a lo n g e a c h curve represents [ i. th e criterion
a t w h ich the su b ject is operating. imenter believes that observers are using one criterion when
in fact they are using another.
Psychophysical procedures that involve identification
curve and the diagonal indicates the detectability o f the and description are discussed in Section 4.6.
stimulus. The area corresponds to the probability o f detec­
tion in a two-alternative forced-choice task. It is a nonpara-
3 .1 . I f S c a lin g P ro ce d u res
metric measure that does not rely on assumptions about the
distribution o f responses. The criterion is given by the point Scaling is used for measuring the magnitude o f a percept
along the R O C curve at which the subject is operating. such as the brightness o f a patch o flig h t, the loudness o f a
Macmillan and Creelman ( 1 9 9 1 ) wrote a users guide for sound, or the distance o f a seen object. In simple scaling,
signal detection theory. subjects judge the magnitudes ot a stimulus attribute in
Signal detection methods can be used to plot the terms o f a familiar scale such as feet, o r ounces. However,
probability o f response o f single neurons in the visual we do not have well-learned scales for sensory qualities such
cortex to well-defined stimuli o f variable strength to yield a as loudness, brightness, or velocity. In such cases, it may be
n eu ro m ctric fu n ctio n (Parker and Newsome 1 9 98 ) (sec possible to teach subjects a scale. Another procedure is to
Section 4.3.1a). ask subjects to rate stimuli with respect to the mean value
o f a series o f stimuli o f different magnitudes. Otherwise
they can place stimuli in order. The ordering can be a simple
3 . 1 . 1 c F o rce d C h o i c e M e t h o d s
rank ordering, an equal-interval ordering, or an equal-ratio
Blackwell ( 1 9 5 2 ) designed a simple procedure for ensuring ordering. It can be on a one-dimensional continuum such
that a measurement o f a threshold is not affected by changes as size, velocity, or distance, or in a multidimensional fca-
in the observers criterion. Bergmann had proposed a simi­ ture space. Thus, in addition to discriminating between
lar procedure in 1858 (see Fcchncr I8 6 0 , p. 2 4 2 ) . Subjects stimuli, subjects arrange them in bins or in order. Readers
are presented with two stimulus windows,either at the same are referred to Torgerson ( 1 9 5 8 ) , Garner ( 1 9 6 2 ) , and
time or sequentially. In the case ot simple detection, one Falmagne (1 9 8 6 ).
window contains a stimulus while the other is blank.
Stimulus strength and the relative positions o f the two win­
3 .1 .1 g S tim u lu s P ro b es
dows are varied at random over a series o f trials. O n each
trial, subjects are forced to say which window contains the A stimulus probe is a comparison stimulus that creates the
stimulus; hence the name tw o-alternative fo rced -ch o ice same percept as a test stimulus but through the mediation
( 2 A F C ) procedu re. A two-alternative decision is indepen­ o f a distinct sensory system. For example, the test stimulus
dent o f changes in criterion, since subjects are forced to could be a depth interval between two objects created by
choose on each trial. The percentage ol correct responses is perspective alone. The probe could be a depth interval cre­
plotted on the у-axis against the value o f the stimulus on the ated by binocular disparity alone. Subjects adjust the dis­
x-axis, to generate a psychometric function, like that shown parity o f the probe until the depth interval o f the probe
in Figure 3.1. Since the chance level o f performance is 50% , appears to match the depth interval o f the test stimulus.
A probe may interfere with che cesc scimulus when probe O n e may chink chac one has uncovered che crucial scim­
and stimulus are presented at the same time. To avoid this ulus variable responsible for a particular percepcual effecc.
problem, the probe may be presented just after che test scim­ However, changes in cheselecced variable m ay be incidencal
ulus, and che subject may be allowed to go back and forth со changes in anocher factor thac one has noc considered. Ic
between che two stimuli until satisfied that they arc well is often difficulc со change one feacure o f a scimulus wichouc
matched. However, even when well matched with regard to changing ochers. For example, one may conclude chac che
the stimulus feature of interest the tw o stimuli still differ perceived size o f a surface parch is a funccion o f che density
physically and may still appear to differ wich regard со ocher o f texture elements. But the crucial factor may be the change
features. in the total number o f elements in the patch rather than
A probe does nor indicate che absolute perceived mag- density.
nicudc o f a cesc scimulus buc only how accuracely and pre­ It has often been claimed that Figure 3.3a demonstrates
cisely ic is judged relative со chc probe. Theoretically, a probe that vertical extents arc overestimated relative to horizoncal
would indicace the absolute perceived magnitude o f a test excencs. Buc che horizoncal element is partitioned into three
stimulus i f the probe were perceived with perfect accuracy sections while the vertical element is not. A partitioned line
and precision. But this is never the case. appears shorter than a clear line, whatever the orientation
A probe can n ot be used to measure che effect o f a o f che figure, as shown in Figure 3.3 (Finger and Spelc 1947).
variable on a given stimulus when the probe is subject to The visual field excends much furcher horizontallyШ chan
che same variable. For example, a depch probe defined by vertically, as dcpicced in Figure 3.3. A vertical line cherefore
disparity cannot reveal whether the slant o f a surface
defined by perspective declines over time. This is because
slanced surfaces, however chey are defined, appear less
slanced over time.
Probes can be useful for investigating the consistency ot
judgments o f a given stimulus feature defined by distinct
cue systems. For example, we will see in Chapter 3 0 that
probes have been used to study relationships between depth A. The vertical e le m e nt a pp e ars longer than the horizontal line.
judgments based on distinct depth cues.

3 .1 .1 b P h e n o m e n o lo g ic a l A nalysis

Many perceptual phenomena can be investigated by simply

asking subjects to describe what they see. Before the nine­
teenth century, most investigations o f the functioning o f
the visual system relied on this method. The G estalt psy­
B . The stem o f aT appears longer.w hatever its orientation .
chologists used chc m ethod extensively in che early part of'
che 20ch cencury. Mosc visual phenomena were discovered
by chance observation or by an inspired guess chac a given
phenomenon may occur ifscimuli arc arranged in a particu­
lar configuration.
For instance, Celeste M cC ollo u g h , extrapolating from
some work on chromatic aberration, ancicipaced chac some­
thing ot inceresc would be seen i f alcernacing gratings were
paired wich alternating colors. Thac led со che discovery o f
one o f che firsc concingenc aftereffcccs (Sections 4 .2 .9 c and C . A pp a re nt le ngths m ay be influenced by the oval visual field.

13.3.5). W heacscones discovery o f che scereoscope and his

qualicative observations wich a variecy o f stereograms
revealed che basic characceriscics o f chc human stereoscopic
O n ce a visual phenomenon has been discovered, the
stimulus conditions that give rise to it can be established
by comparing rhe probability o f its appearance under
ditferenc experimenral condicions. Powerful inferences can
be made abouc mechanisms underlying visual processes
D. A circular a perture rem oves the e ffe ct o f the oval visual field.
from qualicacive observacions made under cleverly devised
circumscanccs. Figure y \ 7be reTticahh&rizonbd illusion.
occupies a larger proportion o f the visual field than docs a the eyes, and an emotional stimulus. Also, a given percep­
horizontal line o f the same length. There is little i f any illu­ tual effect may be mediated by distinct sensory channels
sion when a cross is viewed through a circular aperture involving different neural processes. Thus, an impression
(Kunnapas 1 959). Even if there is a residual illusion it o f depth can be created by binocular disparity or by
remains to be decided whether it occurs in a gravitational motion parallax. Several distinct processes may contribute
frame of reference or in a retinal frame ol reference. to more complex visual phenomena such as the Miiller-
The question ot frames ot reference is illustrated by I.ycr illusion. Just because a perceptual effect has a name
Figure 3.4. Tw o o f the discs look like mounds, and two look does not mean it is due to one neural process. For example,
like hollows. W h en the figure is inverted, mounds become processes occurring at distinct levels in the nervous
hollows and hollows becom e mounds. In most textbooks, it system may generate brightness contrast (Section 22.4).
is concluded that the eonvexitv* or concavitv/ ot a shaded Also, there are three distinct forms ot induced visual
region is interpreted in a way consistent with the light motion (Section 22.7).
source being above with respect to gravity. However, when O n ly vigilance and imagination in designing control
Figure 3.4 is viewed with the head upside down, impres­ conditions can prevent one from failing to recognize a cru­
sions o f convexity and concavity are determined by the ori­ cial variable. Perhaps half the perception literature consists
entation o f the dark and light areas relative to the head o f claims that investigators have neglected crucial variables
rather than to gravity. But even this is not the correct and of counterclaims that the neglected variables were not
account, 'rhe figure can be viewed with head upright but crucial or were controlled for.
with the figure at a steep angle beneath the chin so that the
part o f the picture that is “top” with respect to gravity
3.1 . l i A n alysis o f Illu sio n s
and to the head is upside-down on the retina. Now the co n ­
vexities and concavities arc interpreted in a retinal frame o f Many visual phenomena arc designated illusions. But what
reference (Howard et al. 1990). is an illusion? The most general definition is that an illusion
A given response may be mediated by distinct stimuli is a judgm ent about an o b ject or event that does n ot agree
processed by distinct neural systems. For example, the with a judgm ent based on a more reliable m ode o f observa­
pupils dilate in response to a reduction in illumination, tion. For example, in the Miiller-Lyer illusion, the estimate
relaxation o f accommodation, a change in convergence ot o f the relative lengths o f two lines does not agree with mea­
surements made with a ruler.
Classical geometrical illusions, such as rhe Miiller-Lyer,
Zollner, and Poggendorft illusions, have been classified into
illusions o f direction and size, with various subdivisions
(sec C oren et al. 1976). Illusions may also be classified in
terms o f their known or assumed causes.

1. Physical illusions

A stick half immersed in water appears bent.

A layer o f hot air may appear like water.

2. O ptical dcfccts

Diplopia arises from lens aberrations.

3. Projcctivcly equivalent stimuli

The Ames room (Section 29.2.2b).

The double nail illusion (Section 15.4.6a).

4. Peculiarities o f retinal processes

Dark adaptation. Troxler fading.

I.*«€ 3.4. Fram es o freferen ce in sh ap efrom shading. W h e n the figure is Afterimages.

inverted , the m ou nd discs change in to hollow s, and vice versa. V iew in g
the figure w ith inverted head reveals th at the cru cial facto r is 5. Peculiarities o f processes in VI
orien ta tio n o } the discs to the head rather than to gravity. W h e n the
figure is viewed below the c h in alm o st parallel w ith body, with head T ilt contrast. Hering and Zollner illusions.
e re ct, the cru cial fa c to r turn s o u t to be the retinal orien tatio n o t
the discs. Induccd motion (Scction 22.7).
The m otion aftereffect. detect a luminancc gradient— the subject is not required to
respond to any other attribute o f the stimulus.
C o n trast o f size. The D e lb o e f illusion

6. Peculiarities ot processing at higher levels 3 .1 .3 R E S O L U T IO N

The m oon illusion (Section 29.3.5 ). 3 . 1 .3 a W i d t h R e s o lu tio n

Reversible perspective (Section 2 6.7). As two superimposed fine lines are separated, the two dis­
tributions o flig h t over their images separate to form a wider
7. C onflicting intersensory stimuli
distribution. This creates the impression o f a line increasing
Ventriloquism (Section 4.5.4b). in width. As the lines separate further, the two peaks o f
light distribution becom e sufficiently distinct to allow the
Vection (Section 22.7.3).
two lines to be seen. Thus, two spatially separated lines can
Visually-induced illusions o f self-tilt. be distinguished from two perfectly superimposed lines
8. Visual pathologies before they are far enough apart to be seen as two distincc
lines. This type o f resolution is width resolution. It exceeds
Anomalous correspondence (Section 14.4.1). the limits set by the Nyquist or Rayleigh criteria described

Phantom limb and neglect (Section 32.1.1). in the next section. In color, width resolution shows itself as
a loss o f saturation as a m onochromatic light is replaced by
two m onochrom atic lights that produce the same hue as

3 . 1 .2 D E T E C T IO N the original m onochromatic light. W id th resolution in

stercopsis is discussed in Section 18.11.2.
A stimulus is said to be detected when, over a series o f trials,
an observer reports its presence at above chance level.
3 . 1 .3 b R e s o lu tio n o f S tim u lu s S e p a r a tio n
A persisting patch o f light isdctcctcd when chc mean rate at
which quanta fall on the patch is discriminably different Two stimuli are fully resolved when they are detectable
from the rate at which quanta fall within the surrounding as two stimuli. For spatial resolution, the stimulus must
region (Section 5.1.5). A b rief patch o f light is detected excite two distinct detectors at a discriminably higher level
when the quanta per unit area on the patch is sufficiently than it excites a third detector in an intermediate location.
different from the quanta per unit area on the surround. Thus, a set o f detectors in a regular lattice can resolve a peri­
Because ot diffraction and other lens aberrations, the image odic stimulus, such as a black-white grating, only it the spa­
o f a sharp spot or line is spread across several receptors, so tial period o f the receptors is no more than half the spatial
that detection reduces to detecting a luminance gradient. period o f the grating (distance between two black bars).
In a typical detection task, a line o f a given length and This is known as the Nyquist lim it. A related statement is
luminance, on a background o f a different luminance, is that, tor a diffraction-limited system, two point sources can
varied in thickness until it is detected. For an illuminated just be resolved when the peaks o f their images are sepa­
line on a dark background, no line is so thin that it cannot rated by the radius ot the inner bright regions ot their dif­
be detected. This is because luminance can be increased to fraction patterns (A irys disc), as illustrated in Figure 9.3.
compensate tor any reduction in width to generate a dis- This is known as the Rayleigh criterion . For green light
criminable luminance gradient. O n e can talk about the ( 5 4 0 nm) and a numerical aperture o f 1.4, this criterion
minimum resolvable thickness ot an illuminated line onlv it в
imposes a resolution limit o f 2 4 0 nm. Resolution acuity is
the contrast between line and surround is specified. It has discussed further in Section 9.1.
been estimated from frcqucncy-of-sceingcurvcs that a short For temporal resolution, the excitation incurred by the
line o f light seen against a dark background is detected at first stimulus must subside sufficiently before the second
above chance level i f two quanta o f light are absorbed within stimulus is presented. The limiting factors are the speed ot
a critical area and within a critical time period o f about stimulus onset and the time constant o f the sensory
10 ms. Stimulus energy is completely summed within this system.
critical area (R icco ’s law) and critical time (B lo ch s law). The color system has only three channels— red, green,
T he critical area and critical time vary with light wavelength and blue cones. They have very wide and overlapping wave­
and retinal location (Boum an and van den Brink 1952; length tuning functions. Since neither che Nyquist limit
Schwarz 1993). nor the Rayleigh criterion is satisfied in a system with only
A black line seen against a bright background must be at three channels, our capacity to resolve wavelengths is zero.
least 0.5 arcmin wide to be detected, however bright rhe No matter what the wavelength composition o f a patch o f
background (H ech t and M intz 1939). A visual target can light, we see only one color. The color we see depends on
also be the boundary between two unequally illuminated the relative extent to which the different color channels are
regions. In all cases, performance depends on the ability to excited. I f two lights with different wavelength com ponents
excite the three channels in the same ratios, those lights two neighboringor intersecting short lines at slightly differ­
appear identical. The lights are said to be metameric ent orientations should metamerize their orientations—
matches. Л m eta m eric stim ulus is a com bination o f physi­ they should appear an intermediate orientation.
cal stimuli within a stimulus continuum that produces a Parkes et al. ( 2 0 0 1 ) showed that neighboring patches o f
sensation o f a single value within that continuum, even grating differing in orientation all appear orientated at
though the com ponent stimuli produce distinct sensations the mean orientation o f the set. Superimposed long lines
when presented separately. differing in orientation do not metamerize because they
T he wavelength componencs o f two lights become stimulate distinct regions o f the retina.
discriminably different when they are presented one at a For similar reasons, metamerism should be evident in
rime or in distinct locations. visual m otion, and there is evidence that it is. A display o f
Metamerism arises only in sensory systems consisting o f short-lifetime dots moving in different directions in the
detectors with overlapping band-pass tuning functions same general direction appears as a set o f dots moving in a
along a stimulus continuum. All visual features, other than mean direction. The discrim inability ot a change in the
luminance, contrast, and flicker, are processed by multi­ mean direction o f motion tor a mixed display o f dors was
channel systems and are therefore metameric, at least to the same as tor an array o t dots all moving in the same direc­
some extent. tion (Watamaniuk et al. 1989). W h en the directions o f
The visual local-sign system is metameric only locally. It motion are widely separated and dot trajectories do not
has about one million channels (ganglion cells). At the th e­ intersect, the two motions are discriminated.
oretical limit we can resolve a black and white grating with Furthermore, an array o f short-litetime dots moving in
bars as narrow as the diameter o f ganglion-cell receptive the same direction at different speeds resembles an array o f
fields. In other words, resolution is limited by the ability o f dots moving at the mean speed o f the set (W atamaniuk and
the neighboring receptive fields to detect differences in Duchon 1 9 9 2 ). Averaging o f direction or speed does not
luminance contrast. Tw o stimuli falling wholly within a occur when the dots have a long lifetime because the differ­
local retina region where the excitatory regions o f neigh­ ences between the com p on ent dots arc then discriminated
boring receptive fields mutually overlap appear as one stim­ on the basis o f relative changes in position o f identifiable
ulus in a position that depends on the mean or centroid o f dots. These results can be explained in terms o f metameric
the total luminance distribution. This occurs when two processes within the motion-detection system that arise
short parallel lines are presented together within an area o f because the tuning functions o f motion channels overlap.
about 2 arcmin, which is about rhe size o f the smallest Using similar methods, W illiam s et al. ( 1 9 9 1 ) estimated
receptive fields in the retina (W att e t al. 1 9 8 3 ; Badcock and that the direction tuning functions o f human m otion detec­
Westheimer 1985). This metameric merging o f stimuli tors have a half-bandwidth at half amplitude o f about 30".
occurs over larger distances in the peripheral retina, where They proposed that with a channel spacing ot 30°, the
receptive fields are larger. M etameric merging accounts for motion system consists o f 12 channels. Recording from
the limit ot grating resolution, at which adjacent lines o f a motion-sensitive cells in monkey V I yielded a similar
grating merge into a grcv patch. W h en lines are presented bandwidth (Section 5.6.4).
to distinct locations or successively, their separate positions Metamerism is discussed further in Section 4.2.7.
can be discriminated to much finer limits, just as wave­ Metamerism in the disparity system is discussed in
lengths o t light can be discriminated when colored patches Section 18.8.
are presented in different spatial locations. Spatial discrimi­
nations beyond the Nyquist limit are referred to as hypera­
cuity, as wc will see in Section 3.1.4. 3 . 1 .4 D IS C R IM IN A T IO N

3 .1 .4 a B a s i c F eatu res
3 . 1 .3 c R e s o lu tio n o f S e c o n d a r y Featu res
Tw o stimuli are discriminable it one is detectably dilferent
Resolution is more difficult to investigate in secondary from the other, given that they have been resolved as two
spatial or spatiotemporal features— features derived trom stimuli, either in space or in time. A metameric system with
the initial coding ot intensity, color, local sign, and time poor resolution can have exquisite discrimination. For
(Section 4.2.4). 'I his is because all secondary features can be instance, even though rhe wavelength-resolving power o f
also resolved by the million-channel, local-sign system. For the human eye is zero, we can discriminate between many
example, even i f orientation detectors could n ot resolve the hundreds o f spectral colors (or their meramers), as long as
angle between two long intersecting lines, the lines would they are presented sequentially (resolved in tim e) or to
still be perceptibly distinct because they fall on distinct different regions o f the retina (spatially resolved).
regions o f the retina. Spatial resolution requires detection o f a difference
Given that orientation is coded in the visual cortex by between rhe means o f two overlapping and simultaneous
detectors with overlapping tuning functions, it follows that distributions o f activity along the sensory continuum.
Since chc cwo distributions o f accivicy arc presenc ac chc Gcisler ( 1 9 8 4 ) described an ideal observer tor acuity
same time, performance is subject to the Nyquist limit and and hyperacuity. Snippe and Kocnderink ( 1 9 9 2 ) developed
metamerism. an ideal observer for width discrimination and hyperacuity
Discrimination depends on the detection ot a difference in mecameric sensory systems.
in the mean response o f one set o f dccectors and chc mean
response of either che same detectors at a different time or
3 . 1 . 4 b D i s c r im in a t io n F u n c tio n s and
o f a set of detectors in a different location on the sensory
D ip p e r F u n c tio n s
surface. There is no well-defined theoretical limit to chc
precision with which che mean o f a single distribution ot In general, a d iscrim in atio n fu n ctio n defines the discrimi­
excitation across a set o f detectors can be registered when nation threshold as a function o f the range o f values o f a
no confounding stimuli are present. given stimulus feature. Л stimulus is detected most effi­
The precision w-ich which che locacion o f a single scimu­ ciently when it excites a detector at che peak o f its cuning
lus can be registered depends on the square root ot the function. However, a difference between two stimuli on a
num ber o f phocons and cheir spacial discribucion. In neural feature continuum is discriminated best when che scimuli
cerms, precision depends on che race o f change ot response tall on the steep Hanks o f the overlapping tuning functions
across chc sec o f dececcors. The precision wich which che o f neighboring detectors. Ac such poincs che discrimination
location o f a stimulus can be detected by two detectors with chreshold falls со a m inimum. Thus, in any multichannel
overlapping tuning functions depends on che steepness o f system, chc discrimination chreshold should be lowesc
the cuning functions ac che poinc on che stimulus con tin ­ where che cuning functions overlap and highest at che
uum where che cuning funccions overlap. Thac is, ic depends maxima o f che cuning funccions. The number o f undula­
on che relative race o f change o f che signal in each o f che two tions will depend on che number o f overlapping channels
dececcors as che scimulus is moved over che scimulus co n ­ devoced со che dececcion o f chac feacure. A dip per function
tinuum. Resolution depends mainly on che signal-co-noise is a dip in a discrimination chreshold as one moves over a
ratio, and on chc cuning widch and dcnsicy o f sensory chan­ scimulus continuum.
nels along the sensory continuum. The noisiness o f the indi­ Thus, che basic reason for a dipper funccion is chat che
vidual channels seems to be less important tor discrimination responses to two values o f a given feature are most differ­
than it is for resolution (Bowne 1990). ent at the point on the stimulus continuum where che
The fineness o f discrimination compared wich resolu­ tuning functions o f adjacent detectors intersect. This is
tion explains hyperacuity. Examples o f hyperacuicy are where the signals in che dececcors change most rapidly. The
dececcion o f a change in separation becwecn cwo neighbor­ huc-discrimination function shown in Figure 3.5 is che
ing buc discincc points, and dececcion o f an offsec bccwccn best-known example (H urvich 1981).
cwo abuccing lines (vernier acuicy). Boch chcsc acuities O n e m ight expect the spatial-frequency discrimination
are several times finer chan rhe mean spacing o f recep­ function to show peaks at spatial frequencies where the
tive fields. Another example is the task o f setting a point tuning functions o f channels cuned со differenc scimulus
midway between cwo ocher points, which has yielded periodicities overlap. However, cells tuned со differenc spa­
chresholdsof approximately 1 arcscc (Klein and Levi 1985). cial periodicities are noc discributed evenly over the recina.
The key idea is chac if cwo simultaneous stimuli arc sepa­ For a gracing o f reasonable size this lack o f homogeneity
rated by less than about 5 arcmin they meeamerize. In a
resolution cask, chc stimuli arc necessarily crowded cogecher.
In a hyperacuicy cask they are spatially separated (Gcisler
The distinction between resolution and discrimination
(hyperacuity) in a locally mecameric spatial modality can be
vividly illustrated on the skin. W h e n the back is prodded
simultaneously by cwo poinced objeccs abouc 1 cm aparc,
che stimuli meeamerize into apparently one objecc ac an
incermediace position. The apparenc position o f chc fused
stimuli depends on cheir relative screngchs. Bekcsy ( 1 9 6 7 )
used che cerm “fu n n elin g ” for mecameric averaging. If chc
objeccs are presenced sequentially wich che same separation,
their distinct posicions can be discriminated (I.oom is and
Collins 1978). Metamerism is evident in the summation o f W avelength (nm)

responses ot cells in the somatosensory cortex ot alert m o n ­

Fipr«M . 7 be h u e d iscrim in atio n fim tio ri. T h e w avelength d ifferen ce
keys when neighboring points are applied simulcaneously required to p ro d u ce a just n o ticeab le d ifferen ce bccw ccn th e tw o halves
со the skin (Gardner and Costanzo 1980). o f a b ip a rtite stim ulus. (Adapted from Hurvich 1981)
would mask modulations o f the contrast sensitivity func- C hannel tuning functions

tion. Also, optical aberrations produce modulations ot the

contrast sensitivity function (Section 9.6.2b)
The visual position-detection system has one million
channels (ganglion cells). Modulations o f position discrim­
ination would therelore be evident only/ locallv.
* There has S tim ulus 1
been some debate about whether sensitivity to changes in va lu e (S) |
rhe separation o f two lines shows peaks and troughs, as the I
distance between the lines is varied (Hirsch and Hylton M axim um
1982; Westheimer 1 984). W ilson (1 9 8 6 ) interpreted data
from Klein and Levi ( 1 9 8 5 ) as showing peaks and troughs
like those in the hue-discrimination function.
Consider the task ot discriminating a difference in blur Z ero
between a test edge and a comparison edge with fixed blur. d ifferen ce

As blur ot the comparison edge is increased, the discrimi­

nation threshold declines to a minimum before climbing,
as shown in Figure 9.22. This is a dipper function tor
blur discrimination. Similar functions occur in contrast M axim um
discrimination. i change

Dipper functions have a special significance in multi­ С

channel systems centered on a physical norm (oppositional
systems). These include motion with the norm o f no
M inim um
m otion, orientation with the norm o f vertical, and binocu­ change
lar disparity with the norm o f zero disparity. A stimulus
that is not the norm is said to be on a pedestal. I f detect­ Pi$aK3.& D etection a n ild iio im in a tia i. (A ) H yp oth etical tu n in g fu n ctio n s
o f three d e te cto rs cen tered on a n o rm . ( B ) Sign ed d ifferen ce in firin g
ability is maximum at the norm then discrimination should
rate o f n eig h b o rin g d etecto rs as a fu n ctio n o f the value o f the stim ulus.
peak at values on either side o f the norm. In other words, ( C ) T h e fu n ctio n derived by d ifferen tiatin g the d ifferen ce signal. The
discrimination should improve as the comparison stimulus d iscrim in ation signal (relative rate o f change) is stron gest a t th e p oin ts
is placed on a pedestal, rhat is, moved some distance from where th e tu n in g fu n ctio n s arc steep est and in tersect.

the norm. In such a case the dipper function shows as a drop

in the discrimination threshold (rise in discrimination sen-
sitivity) as the pedestal value ot the comparison stimulus cell fired most vigorously to motion at the peak o f its
is increased followed by an increase in che threshold at
cuning function, it was most sensitive to changes in motion
higher pedestal values. This is illustrated in Figure 3.6 tor a direction (as little as 1 .Г ) when the stimulus fell on the
hypothetical opponent sensory dimension. flank of its tuning function (Snowden e t al. 1992).
Regan and Price ( 1 9 8 6 ) found undulations in sensitiv­
ity to changes in line orientation as che line was set in vari­
3 . 1 . 4 c D is c r im in a tio n w ith R e s p e c t
ous orientations. The highest sensitivity to changing
to a N o rm
orientation occurred at the vertical and the horizontal,
which suggests that the tuning functions o f orientation Oppositional stimulus continua are centered about a neu­
detectors intersect at these salient values. This means that tral value, or norm . We can ask what is che lease departure
the peaks ot the tuning functions occur on either side ot the from the physical norm that can be detected. For example,
main meridians. we can measure the threshold for detection o f offset o f a
Dipper functions in discrimination o f binocular dispar­ point from the straight ahead, tilt ot a line relative to verti­
ities are discussed in Section 18.3.3b. cal, or departure o f two stimuli from coplanarity. O n ly one
Physiological evidence reveals the difference between stimulus need be present, because the internalized norm
peaks o f detection and peaks o f discrimination. In the visual serves as the comparison. A norm, such as no m otion, grey
cortex o f the cat, cells tuned to stimulus orientation in the red-green opponent system, o r zero disparity in a
responded most reliably со stimuli oriented at the peak o f crossed'uncrossed disparity scale, is an inherent physical
the tuning function, but sensitivity to changes in orienta­ value in an oppositional scale. But the internalized values
tion was greatest on the flanks o f che tuning function chat we develop for each o f these norms arc subject to tem­
(Scobey and G abor 1989). porary modification (Section 4.2.9b).
Motion-sensitive cells in V 2 and in the middle temporal An experimenter may define an arbitrary norm that che
area ( M T ) o f the alert monkey had directional tuning func­ subject is required to learn such as the mean o f a set o f
tions with a half-width o f 50° at half-height. Although each repeatedly exposed stimulus values. Subjects are chen asked
whether each o f several stimuli is greater than or less than variable interstimulus intervals. This topic is discussed in
the memorized norm. more detail in the next section.
Isolated stimuli that are displaced with respect to a
norm tend to appear closer to the norm than they are. This
process is discussed in Section 4.2.9b. 3 .2 A N A L Y S IS O F L I N E A R S Y S T E M S
This completes the general discussion of detection and
discrimination. Recognition, identification, and descrip­
3 .2 .1 N A T U R E O F L IN E A R S Y S T E M S
tion arc discussed in Section 4.6.
A system is any device that transforms inputs into outputs
to perform some specified action. A function that defines
how well-defined inputs are transformed into specified o u t­
Temporal aspects o f sensory processing have been studied puts is a tran sfer fu n ctio n . The aim o f systems analysis is to
with a great variety ot procedures. O nly a brief outline o f design systems or to determine transfer functions o f exist­
these methods is provided here. ing systems. O n e must first specify the system. Human-
W ith a suprathrcshold stimulus, one can measure the made systems usually have well-defined inputs and outputs
time required to detcct it. In a typical experiment, subjects and well-defined com ponents, or modules, which can be
press a key as quickly as possible after a stimulus is presented investigated independently. Any natural system, such as the
to provide a measure o f the reaction tim e. The reaction eye, has a large number o f com p on ent systems and is itself a
time includes the time taken for the stimulus to be pro­ com ponent in a great number ot larger systems. O n e must
cessed stimulus (latency) and the time taken for the response specify the stimuli that one wishes to study. In the visual
to be prepared and executed. If the same response is used for system, these could be a set o f stationary black-white grat­
different stimuli, differences between reaction times pro­ ings, a set o f colored patches, a set o f objects at different
vide a measure ot differences in sensory processing time. distances, o r any other stimuli that evoke responses. O n e
These procedures have been used to study effects o f learning must then specify the responses and the features o f the
on the processing time for stereopsis (see Section 18.14). responses that one wishes to study. In the visual system, one
In some cases, the results o f temporal processing o f sen­ can measure the precision or accuracy o f detection, discrim­
sory inputs are reflected directly in a spatial percept. For ination. or recognition, or one can measure various attri­
instance, a difference in arrival ot sounds at the two ears ot butes o f eye
i movements, or ot neural activity
4 at some
a few milliseconds causes an apparent shift in the position specified sire in the nervous system.
o f the sound source that subjects can identify by simply In a given experiment, a defined system is a "black box,”
pointing in the appropriate direction, raking as long as they the internal structure o f which can be inferred only from
wish. Similarly, in the Pultrich stcrcophenom cnon, a target specified responses to a given set ot stimuli. Paradoxically, it
moving in a frontal plane appears to move in depth when is easier to infer the order in which subroutines are executed
image processing in one eye is delayed by introducing a dark in a nonlinear system than in a linear system. This is because
filter in front o f that eye. Л very precise mapping o f inreroc- linear systems are commutative so that rhe same outcome can
ular time differences into disparities can be obtained by be achieved by doing things in different orders, whereas non ­
simply asking subjects to indicate the depth o f the path o f linear systems are often noncommucative. In a linear system,
the moving target (Section 23.1). one can independently determine the transfer functions ot
In another temporal procedure, the duration o f time for subsystems and combine them mathematically to predict the
which the stimulus is presented increases gradually on suc­ transfer function o f the larger system. The transfer functions
ceeding trials until the subject reports either the presence o f o f in-series modules are combined by multiplication, and
the stimulus or some defined change in the stimulus. The those o f parallel modules are combined by addition. Modular
resulting measure is known as the tem poral threshold. The systems that combine in a linear fashion are easy to construct
temporal threshold tor stereopsis is discussed in Section (or to program genetically) and malfunctions are easy to
18.12.1. Subjects arc not required to respond rapidly but trace and treat locally. However, a linear system cannot per­
are merely required to say on each trial whether or not the form operations such as multiplication or division, o r .my o f
stimulus occurred, o r in which o f two windows it occurred. the other nonlinear operations that are known to serve
As the luminance intensity ot a stimulus is increased, the important functions in the nervous system (Section 3.4).
temporal threshold becomes vanishingly small. As the stim­ Many biological systems, such .us the heart, kidney, and
ulus is weakened, rhe temporal threshold increases up to a liver are modular units that can be made to operate in rela­
limiting value that depends on the capacity o f the sensory tive isolation. The visual system has certain obvious struc­
system to integrate stimulus energy over time. This thresh­ tural-functional modules, such as rhe two eyes, the lens, rhe
old reflects the tem p o ral in teg ration tim e. The capacity o f pupil, and the extraocular muscles. Physiological and psy­
a sensory system to integrate stimuli over time can also be chophysical investigations have revealed what look like
investigated by presenting brief stimuli in succession with modular structures in the neural structures o f the visual
sysccm, such as the various cell cypcs in che recina, che LCiN, discorccd oucpuc buc be linear when an error feedback signal
and che various in-series and parallel processing screams in is added. The following provides only a very general guide
che cencral nervous sysccm. However, no physiological со syscems analysis and indicaces sources from which more
sysccm is strictly linear and che performance o f che whole detailed information can be obcained. The analvsis of
sysccm is noc predictable from che responses o f modules concrol syscems is discussed in Seccion 3.3.
studied in isolation.
O n e may say chac die aim o f visual science is со identify
3 .2 .2 F O U R I E R A N A L Y S IS
and characterize functional modules, and со derive cheir
cransfer funccions and che rules governing cheir inccraccions. The fundamencal assumption underlying linear syscems
This is an ambitious encerprisc. Consider che bewildering analysis is chac che cransfer function o f a syscem is fully c h a r ­
array o f pocencial modular componencs chac one can choose acterized by ics responses to a sec ot sine-wave inpucs. In a
со invesrigace. O n e can select a pigmenc molecule, any recep- linear syscem,a sine-wave inpuc produces a sine-wave oucpuc
cor cell, amacrine cell, bipolar cell, o r ganglion cell, or any col­ wich che same frequency. The signal can be shifted in phase
lection o f chese retinal cells, or any synapse or collection o f and ics amplicude eichcr acccnuaced or amplified. O ver che
synapses, or che optic nerve or any o f che large number o f pare o f che frequency spectrum tor which che change in
visual cencers in che brain. For each componenc one muse amplicudc is conscanc, che syscem is said со have a flac
choose che stimuli and responses deemed to be ot inceresc. response. A low-pass system accenuaces responses above a
The visual sysccm and each o f ics componencs is sensitive со specified frequency, and a high-pass syscem accenuaces
an unspecifiably large number o f stimuli and responds in an responses below a specified frequency. A band-pass sysCem
unspccifiably large number o f ways. For example, a retinal cransmics inpucs over only a limiced band o f frequencies. In
recepcor is responsive со light, pressure, chemical changes, practice, che response o f any natural syscem begins со
and electricity, and responds by changing ics membrane weaken and evencually scops as che frequency o f che inpuc is
pocencial, cemperacurc, optical properties, oxygen consump­ increased bevond a cercain limic. Thus, all nacural svscems
i *

tion, and chcmical composicion. In addition, no cwo cclls arc eicher low-pass or band-pass syscems.
and no cwo eyes are exacdy alike. The visual system changes In 1807, Fourier escablished a fundamental cheorem,
over cime, because o f adapcacion, learning, and aging. Ic is which is used excensively in linear syscems analysis. His
also an evolvingsyscem wich a hiscory and, we hope, a fucurc. paper was rejected and n ot published until 165 years laCer.
An invescigacor muse decide which aspcccsof che sysccm The core idea is chac anv wavctorm can be synthesized by
i t a

со scudy and ac whac level o f generality and abscraccion. com bining a specified sec o f pure sine waves o f appropriace
There is no such ching as a complecc analysis o f any natural amplicudes and in appropriace phase relationships. A pure
syscem. The visual syscem is whac ic is. The descriptions and sine wave in che cemporal domain extends forever; ic has no
cheories thac we erecc are human conscruccs based on an beginning o r end. A pure sine wave in chc spatial domain
arbicrary selection o f some aspecc o f che syscem derived for extends indefinicely in space. If a complex waveform is peri­
some specific purpose and based on cercain assumptions. odic and rcpeacs ac a frequency ot F H z, che componenc
Even when a funccional description has been found chac sine waves include one wich a frequency o f F Hz (che funda­
mimics some aspecc o f the visual syscem, ic may noc specify mencal) plus sine waves wich frequencies chac arc multiples
che physiological scruccures involved. The reason for chis is of/-'. For example, che sine wave componencs o f a repecicive
chac a given function can be implemenced in many differenc square wave are a sine wave wich a frequency, F, equal со
physical syscems. Conscruccing a functional description is chac o f che square wave, plus all odd harmonics ( 3 F, 5 F,
like defining che algorichm ot a process chac can be executed 7 F , . . . ) wich amplicudes decreasing in inverse proportion со
by discincc machines, or hardware (see Marr 1982). frequency. Thus, che frequency componencs o f a repecicive
Syscems fall inco cwo main classes, linear and nonlinear, wavctorm are a series o f discrete componencs described
each requiring very differenc experimencal and machemaci- machemacically by a Fourier series.
cal procedures. In very general cerms, a linear syscem is one If che waveform is aperiodic, che frequencies o f che co m ­
in which che response со input// plus input В is equal со chc ponenc sine waves vary continuously and are described
sum o f che responses со A and В separacely. This is chc p r in ­ machemacically by a Fourier incegral. In eicher case, che
ciple o f su p erp osition . Also, in a linear syscem, chc response F ou rier cransform o f a signal gives che amplicude and phase
со a given inpuc is che same whenever ic is applied. This is ot each sine wave componcnc ot che original waveform.
che principle o f cime invariance. In practice, any sysccm is The amplicudc o f each com poncnc sine wave as a func­
linear only over a cercain range o f scimulus values. A co m ­ tion o f ics frequency is che am p litu d e speccrum o f che
plex sysccm such as chc eye behaves as a linear sysccm in signal. The phase o f componcnc sine waves as a function o f
some respeccs and as a nonlinear syscem in ocher respeccs. frequency is che phase spectrum o f che signal.
Componencs ot a syscem may be highly nonlinear and A transient signal is known as an impulse, or delta
yec produce a linear response when working cogecher. For function. The Fourier amplitude spectrum o f an impulse is
example, an amplifier may be nonlinear and produce a particularly importanc. For example, chc Fourier spectrum
o f a sound pulse consists o f pure cones o f all possible Period

frequencies, all o f equal amplitude. The set ol pure tones

coincide (arc in phase) at only one m o m ent in time. At all
other moments they mutually cancel because they are out o f
phase. A narrow vertical line is a spatial impulse, which, in
the Fourier domain, consists o f an infinite number ol verti­
cal spatial sine waves o f equal amplitude, which arc in phase
only at that particular location. At all other locations, rhe
sine waves cancel со a constant (dc) luminance level.
The F ou rier power spectrum o f a signal is formed by
P hase angle
squaring the amplitude o f each frequency term in the
Fourier transform. The power spectrum has peaks at the ri*4c* Л.7. Sine a n d o>unefu?i\ tio)is.
frequencies to which the system responds most vigorously.
For a mathematical treatment o f Fourier analysis see
Bracewell ( 1 9 7 8 ) and Brigham (1 9 7 4 ). Applications o f W hen spatially modulated signals are used we have the spatial
Fourier analysis to the visual system are discussed in amplitude transfer function and the spatial phase transfer
Section 4.4.1. function. The spatial amplitude transfer function is often
referred to as die modulation transfer function, or M T F .
The simplest spatially modulated signal is a black and
whicc grating in which luminance is spatially modulated
The transfer function o f a svstem
i is some measure ot the according со a cosine or sine funccion. O ver a phase interval
oucpuc plocced against the same measure o f che inpuc. O n e from 0° to 360° che cosine function is symmetrical and chc
imporcant measure ot a linear system is its gain. Gain is the sine funccion is asymmetrical, as shown in Figure 3.7. That
magnitude o f some feature o f che output divided by the mag­ is why they are somccimcs referred со as even-symmetric
nitude o f the feature o f the input that drives the outpuc. and odd-symmetric functions. The spatial frequency o f a
A m plitude gain is the amplitude o f che oucput divided by grating is the number o f complete white-black cycles in one
rhe energy level o f che inpuc. For example the amplitude gain degree o f visual angle, expressed as cycles per degree (cpd).
ot a visual receptor is the amplitude o f che generator potencial The spatial period ot a grating is the reciprocal o f its spatial
divided by che intensity oflighr falling on it. Velocity gain is frequency, or che angular subtense o f one cycle o f che
the velocity o f some response o f the system divided by the gracing. The luminance amplicudc ot a grating is che differ­
velocity o f some input signal. For example, the velocity gain ence in luminance between che peaks and troughs. The
o f the visual pursuit syscem is the velocity o f an eye move­ M ich clso n co n trast o f a grating is the difference between
ment divided by the velocity o f the moving stimulus. In depth the maximum and minimum amplitudes divided by the
perception, gain is the judged distance o f an object divided by sum ot the two amplitudes, as shown in Figure 3.8.
its actual distance. A gain o f zero indicates that there is no
output and a value o f 1 indicates that the output equals the
inpuc. A gain greater than 1 indicates amplification. A nega­
tive gain indicates that the sign ot the input has been reversed.
In particular, a gain o f - 1 indicates that the output is the
exact opposice ot the input. Gain is sometimes expressed in
decibels. For amplitude gain,£, one decibel (dB) = 20logj g .
Thus, a ratio gain o f 1 is equivalent to a decibel gain o f zero.
A second im portant measure o f a linear syscem is its
phase shift. W h en a system is stimulated by a sine wave,
phase shift is defined as the phase o f the output minus that
o t the input, indicated by degrees or radians. W h en the
oucpuc is delayed wich respect со chc input we have a phase i C baracteriitkt o f л tine-w avegrating. Sp atial freq u en cy is the
lag, and when the output anticipates the input we have a n u m b er o f lu m in an cc m od u lation s per degree o f visual a n g le— the
phase lead. A 180“ phase lead or lag brings che input and recip rocal o f th e p eriod . T w o levels o f co n tra st arc illustrated.

output into antiphase. A 3 6 0 n lead or lag brings che inpuc L m ax + L m in

and output into phase again. M e a n lu m in a n ce = -----------------------
Sinusoidally modulated inputs are used to measure rhe
L u m in a n c e m o d u la tio n = L m a x - L m in
transfer functions ot a system. W hen che input is a temporally
L m a x — L m in
modulated signal we have che temporal am plitude transfer M ic h c ls o n c o n tr a s t = ----------------------
fu n ctio n and the tem poral phase tran sfer fun ction . L m a x + L m in
Consider che image o f a sinusoidal gracing formed by an modulation o f a retinal image o f a grating is measured by
optical system. The amplitude o f luminance modulation o f scanning a photometer over the reflection o f the image. The
the image is attenuated by the summed effects o f optical ratio o fth e amplitude o f luminance modulation o f the image
aberrations, light loss, and light scatter. The am p litu d e to that o fth e stimulus defines contrast transmission, or gain.
atten u ation produced by an optical system is the reciprocal This is plotted .us a function o f the spatial frequency o f the
o f the gain o f the system. The spatial modulation transfer grating to produce the spatial modulation transfer function
function ( M T F ) o f the eye is the amplitude of luminance o f the optics o f the eye. This function indicates how effi­
attenuation o f the image o f a glaring on rhe у-axis as a func­ ciently the eve’s optical system transmits spatial sine waves.
tion o f the spatial frequency o f the grating on the x-axis. In The modulation transfer function o f a linear system can be
any practical optical system, amplitude attenuation is co m ­ used to predict the quality o f the image o t any pattern.
plete for all spatial frequencies above a certain value. This To specify an image in terms o f its Fourier components,
simply means chac chc system can n ot resolve gratings above a Fourier analysis o f t h e stimulus pattern is first performed.
a certain spatial frequency whatever their contrast. Each sine-wave component is then amplified or attenuated by
The concept o f amplitude attenuation can also be applied an amount determined by the modulation transfer function
to the visual system as a whole, including the optics and the o f the system. W hen the pattern is restored by Fourier synthe­
neural processes involved in a persons ability to detect the sis, it defines the spatial properties o f the image produced by
stimulus. In particular, human observers, like optical systems the system. The image is the result o f passing the visual display
are insensitive to gratings above a certain spatial frequency. through a set o f sine-wave luminance filters, each with an infi­
But they are also insensitive to gratings below a certain spa­ nitely narrow bandwidth. For a full specification ot the image,
tial frequency— they have a band-pass characteristic. The one must also know the spatial phase transfer function. The
range o f resolved frequencies for a grating ot a given contrast optical transtcr function is derived trom the amplitude and
is the sp atial-frequcn cy bandw idth o f the human visual phase transfer functions. W hen defined for all orientations o f
system at that contrast. Gratings with frequencies outside the image, it fully specifies the performance o f a linear optical
the spatial bandwidth appear as homogeneous grey patches. system in transmitting spatial information tor a given aper­
From Fourier’s theorem it follows diat a visual display, ture and optical axis. The temporal properties o f a system arc
however complex, in which luminance is modulated along specified by the temporal amplitude transfer function and the
only one spatial dimension, can be synthesized by superimpos­ temporal phase transfer function. O n e can combine two spa­
ing parallel sinusoidal gratings, with suitable frequencies, tial dimensions and time to produce a spatiotemporal
amplitudes, and phases. The gratings constitute the spatial Fourier transform . This transform specifies the unique set ot
Fourier components ot the display. In practice, luminance dritringsincwavc gratings at each orientation that arc required
cannot be modulated about zero since there is no negative to synthesize a given moving display. The spatiotemporal
light. All spatial patterns therefore contain a certain mean level transfer function o f a linear system is a complex-valued
o f luminance, which can be regarded as a dc, or zero spatial- function o f spatial and temporal variables.
trequency component added to the Fourier transform. Although a linear system can be formally described by a
Any two-dimensional visual scene can be synthesized by Fourier transform, one need n ot assume that the system
superimposing sets ot sine-wave gratings, with each set ori­ contains distinct components that actually carry out these
ented at a different angle in the plane o f the display. I f a set o f operations. Any system capable o f detecting the spatial
spatial sine waves is transmitted through a spatially homoge­ Fourier components o f complex patterns efficiently must
neous linear system, the image consists o f a set o f sine waves fulfill three requirements:
with the same spatial frequencies. The amplitudes ot com po­
nent spatial frequencies can be changed by different amouncs 1. It must possess a set o f independent and linear detectors
in a linear system. A linear system may also displace, rotate, or each ot infinite size and very narrow spatial-trequcncy
invert the image, because such transformations do not affect bandwidth.
spatial frequency. Strictly speaking, a linear system cannot
2. It must be spatially homogeneous.
magnify or minify the input, with all frequencies scaled up or
down proportionally. However, most optical systems either 3. It must cncodc both amplitude and phase.
minify or magnify the image. This need not violate the
assumption ot linearity, since it is only the linear dimensions The visual system does not satisfy these conditions.
o f the image that are minified or magnified, not the angles Receptive fields arc comparatively small and arc noc narrowly
subtended at the nodal point o f the optical system. tuned to spatial frequency. Also, they arc not homogeneous,
The spatial amplitude transfer function o f an optical since they become larger and less dense in the peripheral
system is derived by using a photoelectric probe to measure retina (Section 4.4.1a).
the luminance modulation ot the stimulus grating and ot the For an introduction to linear systems, see Toatcs (1 9 7 5 ).
image o f rhe grating at each o f several spatial frequencies For more details see Bracewcll (1 9 7 8 ), Cooper and M cG illem
within the spatial bandwidth ot the system. The luminance ( 1 9 6 7 ), and Brigham (1 9 7 4 ).
3.2.4 P O IN T-SPR EA D AND LINE-SPREAD syscem produces. In an opcical sysccm, chc oucpuc is an
FUNCTIONS image chac can be measured with a physical instrument. The
methods used со decermine chc modulation transfer func­
The po in t-sp read function is a measure o f the optica!
tion of che eye are described in Section 9.1.3b.
quality o f an image. Ic is related to che modulation cransfer
Several mechods may be used со measure chc modula­
funccion. Ic is che distribution o f lighc incensicy over the
tion cransfer function o f che visual system as a whole, includ­
image o f a poinc o f light. Even wich a well-focused image,
ing neural processes. The amplicude ot the output can be
diffraction o f light by die pupil, optical aberrations, and
derived from objective responses in the form o f eye move­
light scatter in the eye cause each o b ject point to project as
ments or the responses o f a neuron or o f a set ot neurons at
a blurred disc in chc image. The image disc produced by a
a specified level in the visual system. O n the ocher hand, che
brighc poinc o f lighc, however small, necessarily tails across
oucpuc may be indicaccd by psychophysical judgmcncs
abouc seven cones (see Sections 5.1.5 and 9 . 1.3).
made under specified conditions. De Lange ( 1 9 5 8 ) was che
T he discribution o f lighc over che image o f a chin line o f
firsc со apply linear syscems analysis со psychophysical daca,
light is the line-spread fun ction . A thin line in che spatial
in his investigations o f visual flicker.
domain is a spatial impulse, or delta fu n ctio n in the Fourier
Cam pbell and Robson (1 9 6 8 ) first applied these m eth­
domain. Impulses are used widely in testing nacural and
ods to psychophysical data derived from che use o f spatial
man-made communication syscems because the Fourier
pacccrns modulaccd in luminance. In chis application, che
transform o f an impulse is a sec o f equal-amplicude sine
oucpuc o f che visual syscem is defined as che luminance con-
waves extending across che whole frequency spcccrum. The
crasc required for detection o f a sine-wave grating at some-
crescs o f all che waves o f the sine waves coincide at che loca­
specified criterion for detection. Threshold concrasc plocced
tion ot the impulse. A t all other places, crescs and croughs
as a function ot spatial frequency is the co n tra st sensitivity
cancel. A spaciocemporal impulse is a scimulus confined
fu n ctio n , or C S F . It may be regarded as the spatial transfer
boch spatially and in time.
function o f the contrast-dctection mechanism o f the visual
W h en che eye is exposed со a chin line, ic is as i f a com ­
syscem as a whole ac che concrasc chreshold. A cypical
plete- sec o f parallel spatial sine waves were simulcaneously
concrasc sensitivity function is shown in Figure 3.9.
injecced into the visual syscem. The amplicude cransfer func­
W e will see in Chapter 18 that an analogous sensitivity
cion o f che eye determines how each componenc is attenu-
function relates the threshold for detection o f a modulation
aced, and che Fourier integral o f the amplitude cransfer
o f depth in a textured surface to the spatial frequency o f
funccion o f a linear syscem is ics response to a spatial impulse
depth modulation. In general, the spatial amplitude trans­
(che line-spread function). Put another way, chc spatial
fer funccion ot a syscem is a mapping o f chc amplicude o f che
amplitude cransfer funccion is the Fourier transform o f the
oucpuc onco che amplitude o f sinusoidal inputs o f varying
line-spread function. The line-spread function and the
spatial frequency. The temporal amplitude transfer func­
transfer funccion are chus equivalenc represen rations o f a
tion is a mapping o f che oucpuc onco sinusoidal inputs o f
linear visual system. This mathematical relationship forms
the basis o f many inferences abouc che performance o f the
eye, corcical cells, and che visual syscem as a whole.
The line-spread funccion resulting from diffraction
imposes an upper limic on che spatial frequency o f a gracing
that can be imaged on the recina. This limic in cycles per
degree is called che c u c o ff frequ en cy and is given by:

„ rrr d К
Cutoff frequency = — X -------
1 ; A 180

where d is pupil diamcccr and A is che wavelengch o f the

lighc. Aberrations ocher chan diffraction reduce che cucoff
frequency below chis chcorctical limic. and we will see
in the next section chac che finest grating chac a person can
d etect is further limited by neural factors beyond the optics
o f che eye.


S patial frequency (cpd)
Figure V9. C ontrast sensitivity function. C o n tra s t sensitivity o f a hum an
The m ethod used со decermine che amplicude o f che sys­ observ er fo r a sinc-w avc g ratin g , w ith a lu m in an ce o f 5 0 0 cd / n r.
tem s output must be adapted со che type o f output chac chc (Adapted from Campbell and Robson 1% 8)
varying temporal frequency. At suprathreshold contrasts, However, sensory detectors for a given feature arc n ot inde­
the output o f t h e visual system is assessed by asking observ­ pendent— they overlap. For instance, visual orientation
ers to match the contrast o f gratings at different spatial detectors have broad and overlapping tuning functions,
frequencies (Georgcson and Sullivan 1975). which undersample the stimulus dimension to produce
metamerism. Such detectors are inefficient for resolution
but are efficient for discrimination, as explained in Section
3 .2 .6 SIGNAL ANALYSIS 4.2.7. They also econom ize on space within the detector
3 . 2 .6 a B asis F u n c tio n s
A third attribute o f good coding primitives is their abil­
Any mathematical analysis applied to inpur or output sig­ ity to exploit redundancies in stimuli, and thus economize
nals is known as signal analysis. In applying such methods on signal transmission and processing (Barlow 1961). In a
one docs not necessarily assume that the system is linear. nonrcdundant visual world, each point varies in luminance
The first task is to decompose the stimuli being considered over the full range ot values in a totally random fashion and
into a set o f basis functions. For example, sine waves o f dif­ independently o f the luminance o f neighboring points.
ferent frequencies provide a set o f basis functions. Any well- Visual white noise has these characteristics. There is no way
behaved complex function can be synthesized arbitrarily to compress the signal from such a stimulus. Since long lines
closely by a set of sine and cosine functions, summed over a are rare in a white-noise world, there would be no point in
range o f frequencies and phases. A lso ,a complex function having detectors tuned to line orientation. There would be
can be analyzed into its com ponent sine-cosine functions. nothing to perceive in a white-noise world. In facc, natural
We can then ask whether the visual system as a whole ana­ visual scenes contain redundancies, since points with simi­
lyzes complex visual stimuli in terms o f a specified set o f lar luminance tend to cluster along lines or within areas and
basis functions. For this purpose, basis functions can be persist over time.
regarded as a set o f filters applied to the visual input, o r we For infinitely large homogeneous (shift invariant) detec­
can talk about a set o f visual channels or coding primitives. tors, Fourier com ponents are the most efficient way to
Physiologically, a visual primitive in the space domain is transmit inlormation about spatially redundant stimuli
the sensitivity profile o f the receptive fields o f a set o f simi­ (Bossomaier and Snyder 1986). However, for detectors
lar cells at the level o f the visual system being considered. with receptive fields o f finite size, like ganglion cells, wave­
For example, at the level o f ganglion cells, the visual primi­ lets based on oriented G abor patches with overlapping spa­
tives are the types o f receptive fields o f ganglion cells tial scales are well suited to exploit simple redundancies in
(Section 5.2.2). The idea can be generalized to the spa- natural images. As explained in Section 4.4.2, they achieve
tiotemporal response profiles o f cortical cells in V I or an optimal compromise between information preservation
higher in the visual system (Section 5.6.4). and econom y ot sampling over each stimulus dimension
It is important that the ser o f coding primitives is co m ­ (Sakitt and Barlow 1982; Field 1987; Olshausen and Field
plete. A set is complete with respect to a defined stimulus 1996). Little attention has been paid to the most efficient
domain when each discriminablc stimulus within that way to exploit temporal redundancy in natural images.
domain can be represented by a distinct weighted sum o f the
primitives. For example, zero crossings (regions o f maximum
3 . 2 . 6 b C o n v o lu tio n
change in luminance) do n ot form a complete set o f visual
primitives because there are textures that appear different but O n ce the sensitivity profile o f a linear detector is known,
produce the same representations in terms ot zero crossings the magnitude ot its response to any stimulus can be speci­
(see Daugman 1990). G abor functions, described in Section fied. The distribution o flig h t intensity across the receptive
4.4.2, provide a complete set o f basis functions (Young 1987; field o f the detector is plotted. At each location across the
Koenderink 1990). In a complete coding system, the number detector, stimulus magnitude is multiplied (weighted) by
o f independent degrees ot freedom in the code is at least as the local value o f the sensitivity profile o f the detector.
large as the dimensionality o f t h e stimuli. The resulting function is the con volu tion fu n ctio n for
A second important attribute o f coding primitives is that detector. In general, the convolution function derived
their linear independence. A coding process is optimally from two continuous functions f{ t ) an d ^ (r) tor t > 0, is:
efficient when the primitives are independent, so that each
primitive captures a property o f the input not captured by / ( ') * „ ? ( ') = \ f { t - u ) g { u ) d u

any other. Independent primitives are often described as

orthogonal but, mathematically, primitives that are noc The order ot the opcracions makes no difference, or f\ t)g {t)
orthogonal can be independent. g {t) f { t ) . Calculation o f a convolution function and its
In biological sensory systems, detectors for distinct inverse is eased by the fact that the Laplace transform o f a
sensory attributes are generally independent. For instance, convolution equals the product o f the Laplace transforms
the color o f a line is noc affected by the lines orientation. ot the two functions (see the next section). The convolution
funccion can be integraced со yield a single number, which
represents the response o f that detector to that stimulus at
chat instant. Keeping the stimulus in che same locacion, the
procedure can be repeated for each o f the set o f detectors
that overlap the locacion o f che stimulus. The resulcing
numbers plotted against the positions o f the centers o f the
кinure У Io. B asic d em en ts o f a lin e a r сon h o ! system .
detectors yield a one- or two-dimensional spatial response
profile to that stimulus over chac region o f chc recepror
surface. O n e could convolve the spatiotemporal sensitivity In proportional error control, the feedback signal is pro­
functions o f a sec o f cells wich rhe spatiotemporal distribu­ portional со the error. W ith constant input, proportional
tion ot stimulus intensicy to derive a function that repre­ control results in a steady-state error. The sceady-stace error
sents the total response o f the syscem to a stimulus over a may be reduced by incegracing chc error signal over a time
defined time interval. interval (integral control). However, this renders che syscem
insensicive со rapid fluctuations in input— it lowers its fre­
quency response. Differenciacion o f the inpuc improves che
3 .3 LINEAR C O N T R O L T H E O R Y frequency response buc renders che system insensitive со
constant inputs. Models usually contain both integral and
C o ntro l theory was developed in response to che need to differential elements. The stability and accuracy o f a concrol
design physical systems that achieve some specified goal in syscem m aybe improved by adding appropriate filters in the
response to changing conditions. The syscem may be a forward loop or feedback loop. C om puter programs, such
simple thermostac, an automatic pilot in an aircraft, or as C A D software can be used to design appropriate filrers.
the cleccric grid system. The branch o f control theory The error is sampled ac defined intervals in a sampled data
concerned with understanding how human operators inter­ system, and continuously in a continuous sysccm.
act with a physical control system is known as human Many biological systems can be described by a differen­
factors. tial equation. For example, the force ( f ) required to rotate
C o ntro l theory is also concerned wich che design o f an eye or move an arm is the sum o f three forces.
models that simulate the responses o f a naturally occurring
system to specified inputs. In it simplest form, a ' model” is 1. Force со overcome elascicicy, which is resistance chac
rhe transfer function o f che whole syscem. The svscem is depends on posicion 0 .
treated as a single "black bo x” with a single transfer func­
2. Force to overcome viscosity, which is resistance that
tion. Finer levels o f analysis can be achieved by dividing rhe
depends on velocity, d9 jdr.
model into a set ot in-series or parallel components. Each
com ponent is a “black box” specified only by its transfer 3. Force to overcome inertia, which is resistance chat
function. Its internal structure is undefined. The combined depends on acceleration, d O/dt'.
transfer functions o f subcomponents equal che cransfer
tunction o f the whole linear system. There is no theoretical A coefficient is the value o f a tunction when the variable is
limit to the extent to which a model can be subdivided. set at unity. If che coefficient o f elasticity is E, that o f viscous
O n ce a model has been designed it is implemented by a resistance is К and that o f inertia is M (mass), then:
sec o f physical com ponents with the same transfer functions
or by a computer program. The model is assessed by measur­ F -_E e + v < * ^
dr dr
ing how closely its outputs to specified inputs resemble
those o f the system being modeled. A model consists o f an A first-order system contains no terms higher than the
input stage, with appropriate filters, one o r more in-series or velocity ccrm, and a second-order system contains an
parallel controllers with defined transfer functions, and an inertial term.
oucpuc chat changes the state o f the thing being controlled. Differential equations are not easy со solve because chc
The thing being controlled may be a defined part o f the terms are not algebraic quantities that can be added or sub­
system, known as the “plant,” an external object, or another tracted. The differencial of an exponential function equals
svstem. the value o f the function, so that if we convert the terms o f
The flow o f signals from che input to the output is a differential equation into exponential functions then we
the forward loop o f che syscem. Feedback loops convey can creac chem as algebraic quantities. This is whac che
error signals trom some later stage in che system to one L ap lace tra n sfo rm docs. Mathematically, the Laplace
o r more com ponents ac earlier stages. An error signal transform is derived from rhe convolution o f the function
usually modifies che response o f a com ponent so as со to be solved, f ( 0 ) , and an exponential function, i'° with
rescore the oucpuc o f che system со som e defined goal stace exponent s9 . The function с 0 is known as che kernel,
(Figure 3.10). and the Laplace transform is denoted by F(*). It is the area
under the curve formed by multiplying the function and T a b le /. SO M F. F U N C T IO N S A N D L A P L A C E

the kernel at each value ol в This process is represented by TRA N SFO RM S

the formula:
L a p la c e
In p u t fu n c tio n s tra n s fo rm
F U ) = \ ' - * f( e ) d e
Im pulse у = infinity
W h en fO is zero for negative values o f в and the real at x = 0

parr o f the complex variable s is zero, Laplace and Fourier

transforms are the same. I
S te p у = К for x>0
The Laplace transform o f each term in a differential у = 0 for x<0 s
equation is found in a table. The overall solution of the
equation is then obtained by algebraic procedures. The
Linear ram p К
у = Kx
resulting Laplace transform is converted back into non -
г.aplacian form by again looking in the table. In general, all
bounded continuous functions have a Laplace transform.
In most practical cases, a function has a unique Laplace E xponential decay у = e -ax I
transform and a transform has a unique inverse function.
For example, the Laplace transform o f an exponential
function, e ‘l is Sine w ave sin (wf) ot
*■* K I 7 s2+tu2
F ('" ) = \ e “/ ( e " ) *

E xponential e - w sin (lvt) ш

Since s is not a function o f time, it is treated as a constant. dam ping ( s + 0 ) 2 +- ft»2

T ra n s fe r fu n c tio n s
F (e" )= | « dt
t -i) dy
1 r dx
s— a
2nd deriva tive d 2y
s -a I
Integration M t)d t s
Table 3.1 shows examples o f Laplace transforms o f input
functions and of transfer functions that describe the way
the system transforms the input. This process continues until the output hovers about chc
For example, let the input be a step and the transfer goal state. The Laplace transform o f t h e error signal fc'CO
function be integration. In Laplace terms the input is 1/s equals the Laplace transform o f t h e input, л(.'), minus che
and the transfer function is 1/s. The output is the product, Laplace transform o f t h e output, y(s). For an introduction
namely 1/s2, which is the Laplace transform o f a ramp. Thus, to Laplace transforms see Grove ( 1991) .
a step passed through a system that integrates produces a The e lo sed -lo o p gain,£(.<) o f a system is the amplitude
ramp output. o f some attribute o f t h e output divided by che amplicude o f
I f a system contains several linear processing stages in che same attribute o f che input when the system is operating
series, the overall gain is the product o f the com ponent under feedback control. For example, the closed-loop gain
gains and the overall phase lag is the sum o f the com ponent o f vergence can be defined as the vergence movem ent o f the
phase lags. Also, the Laplace transform o f an in-series set o f eyes divided by the opposed angular displacement o f che
com ponent transfer functions is che product of the Laplace images in the two eyes. G ain may also be defined in terms
transforms o f the separate transfer functions. The Laplace o f other attributes o f the stimulus and response, such as
transforms of linear in-parallel cransfer functions may be velocity. Gain in decibels is 2 0 times the logarithm o f p ro­
summed. ’I hus, a single transfer function can be derived for portional gain. Thus, a proportional gain o f 1 is equivalent
the whole linear system. The Laplace transform o fth e input to 0 db.
times the Laplace transform of the transfer function o f a The o p c n -lo o p gain, G(s) o f a system is the amplitude
system gives the Laplace transform o f t h e output. o f t h e oucpuc divided by che amplicude o f che inpuc when
A mismatch between the output and some specified che feedback loop is cut. For example, this can be done by
goal state generates an error signal, £ . This signal can feed feeding che signal from an eye-movemenc monicor to a
back to the input with sign reversed. This brings the output mechanism that controls the m otion o fth e stimulus, so that
closer to the goal state, which reduces the error signal. che image does not move when che eyes move. There is
a simple relationship between G(s) and the closed-loop
g a in ,^ ):

e{s) = x { s ) - y { s )

y{s) = G(s)e{s)
;( .( ) = G ( .« ) [.v ( i) - y ( i) ]

;'U )| l + C ( j) ] = 6'(i).vU )

M - G{S) ( \
A s) I ^ ( 7)xU)
y{s) Пцхи* у 11. A dam pin gfu n ction . R ep resen tin g che ex p o n en tial d ecay o f a
^ = <?(*) sinusoidal oscillacion .
Therefore =
+ G(s)
also depends on the damping ot the system. It damping is
If the feedback mechanism has rhe transfer function H(s) set to a critical value, the system changes from one state to
then the closed-loop gain is: another without sinusoidal oscillations. If a system is over­
G(s) damped, it reaches the steady state more rapidly than a
# (* ) = critically damped system. An undamped system will either
oscillate indefinitely, or become unstable. A system will be
Thus the closed-loop gain equals the open-loop gain divided unstable if the gain o f the feedback loop is greater than 1 or
by the open-loop gain minus one. For example, if I/(s) is 1 if the phase lag of the feedback loop exceeds a critical
and the closed-loop velocity gain o f visual pursuit is value.
0.9 then the open-loop gain is 9. Thus the eyes will move at The stability o f a linear system can be investigated
9 times the velocity o f the visual target if the feedback loop by plotting gain against phase on polar coordinates,
is cut. If the closed-loop gain is 0.5 the open-loop gain is 1. a graph known as the Nyquist diagram . It can also be inves­
I f a sinusoidal signal is applied to a linear control system tigated by the roo t locus procedure (lTAzzo and Houpis
the output is also sinusoidal, with the same frequency. The 1995).
amplitude o f rhe output may be larger (positive gain) or Many neural systems show spontaneous or stimulus-
smaller (negative gain) than that o t the input. Also, the gain initiated oscillations. Two coupled oscillators are phase
may vary with the frequency o f rhe input. A graph o f gain locked when the phase between them is constant. Two cou­
against the frequency o f the input to a system is known as pled phase-locked oscillators in antiphase arc in push-pull
rhe gain B o d e plot. mode and their combined output is the difference between
The phase lag ot a linear control system is the extent to their amplitudes. Tw o oscillators in phase are synchronized.
which rhe output lags the input, measured by rhe phase A chain o f coupled phase-locked oscillators can generate a
angle between a sinusoidal input and the corresponding traveling wave. For example, the m otion ot a snake is gov­
sinusoidal output. A plot o f phase lag against rhe frequency erned by a traveling wave o f neural activity. Synchronized
o f the input is the phase B o d e plot. If phase lag is a co n ­ neural systems are discussed in Section 4.3.4.
stant fraction o f the period o f rhe input it is a constant Exponential functions describe the time course o f many
time lag. natural processes. Any natural process has a tim e co n stan t,
Many processes, such as a swinging pendulum, have a which indicates how rapidly it reaches a new steady state
natural frequency o f sinusoidal oscillation. W h e n the driv­ when disturbed.
ing function o f an oscillating system is switched otf, the The general exponential function, as graphed in
amplitude o f oscillation decays because o f friction and vis­ Figure 3. 12 is^ = a t* . C onstan t a defines the intersection
cous damping. The amplitude, в ot a damped oscillation ot ot the tunction on the у -axis. Constant b defines the
frequency ft» can be described as the product o f a sinusoidal slope o f the function. W h en b is positive, the function
f unction and an exponential damping function, as shown in describes a growth process and when b is negative it describes
Figure л. 11, and described by: a decay process. The number e is the base o f natural loga­
rithms and equals 2 .7 1 8 . It equals che sum ot the following
9 = ac * sin со/ series:

where a and b are constants. The rime taken for a sysrem to 1 1 I 1 1

e - — I— H— H------ h— ...
reach a steady state after a stimulus has been switched on 0! 1! 2! 3! 4!
I f г equals one second, che function falls со 1 o f ics initial
value in one second. The cime constant is a measure ot how
long it cakes a process со decay. Many natural physiological
and perceptual processes obey an exponential funccion
approximately. For examples o f models applied со vcrgcnce
eye movements see Section 10.5.11.


The response o f a linear syscem to any inpuc can be calcu-

laced when ics response со each o f an appropriate sec o f sine
waves (or, equivalencly, its response со an impulse) is known.
This is because any signal can be rep resen ced as a sec ot sine
waves o f appropriace amplicude and phase. This is noc crue
ot a nonlinear syscem. There are many cvpes o t nonlinearity,
and there is no general method for characcerizing all non ­
linear systems. However, several procedures have been
Raised to a power .v, it becomes: applied to the visual syscem. Types o f nonlinearicy in che
0 1 2 * 4
visual system are listed in Section 4.4.4.
. .V .V X X X
с = ----- 1------ 1-------1------ 1----- In chc Volccrra mechod ic is assumed chac nonlinearicies
0! 1! 2! 3! 4! arise trom inceraccions becween impulses occurring ac dif­
W h en e* is differentiated, the series is unchanged since each ferenc times. For a single dececcor generating impulses ac n
term bccom cs the term before ic: differenc cimes, che potential interaction between impulses
J x 01 2 5 4 is proportional to che produce o f cheir inccnsicies. The con-
de x x x x x
——= — i— н-------1------ 1— ... cribucion o f interactions to the response o f the syscem ac
dx 0! 1! 2! 3!4! cime t is che producc o f impulse inccnsicies over che sec o f
This means chat the slope, or differential, o f an exponential cime intervals multiplied by a function o f the n time inter­
function, is everywhere equal со the value o f the function ac vals, a function known as a Volterra kernel. The svstem is
chac poinc. characterized by the integral o f these products over che sec
ot n impulses. The zero-order cerm, or kernel, indicaccs che
response when no scimulus is presenc. For low-amplicude
dx stimuli the firsc-order cerm (n = 1) dominaces che response,
In ocher words, rhe race o f growth or decay ot an exponen­ and che kernel is che linear componenc o f che sysccm.
tial funccion is proportional со the presenc magnitude o f A linear syscem has no cerms higher chan che firsc. Higher
the funccion. For example, if rabbits were lefi to reproduce rerms indicacc deviacions from linearicy, which become
unhindered, the increase in numbers would follow an expo­ more apparent as signal size increases. The mechod can be
nential funccion because the race at which chey reproduce generalized со a system o f multiple inpucs.
would be proportional со che number o f rabbics. During World War II, W iener developed the mechod ot
My = t then .v= log^y. Thus, an exponential function is W iener kernels for invcscigacing nonlinearicies in re flee ced
che inverse o f a lo g a rith m ic funccion. sonar signals. The mechod is defined in Cerms o f a system’s
In the time domain, a*, in the equation у = equals response со whice noise and can be used for syscems chac
cime, t. Let b =1 /Т where г is che time conscanc. Then an (1) do noc change rapidly over cime and (2 ) becom e linear
exponential function o f time is: as signal screngch is reduced. Firsc, chc response o f chc
syscem со Gaussian (whice noise) stimuli is measured. Then
che W ien er kernels arc calculaced. These are essentially
y —ae r
orchogonal cerms in a power series. O n ce che kernels arc-
W h ere a is che value o f у ac cime zero (a^ = a, since = 1) known, chc response o f che syscem со any inpuc waveform
and r is che cime ac which у = ae'\ W h en t - x , can be calculated.
The zero-order cerm represencs che response o f che
у —ле 1——■- —- — —0.368л syscem со a scacic inpuc. The firsc-order cerm represencs che
* 2.718
linear characceriscics ot che response, and higher cerms rep-
Thus, after cime г che value o f the exponential function rcsenc nonlinearicies. The values o f the kernels depend on
falls со abouc one-chird o f chc value ic had ac cime zero. che nacure ot che scimulus. Ideally, responses со an infinitely

M a i e p i a n , за х и щ е н и й а в т о р с ь к и м прав ом
long Gaussian white-noise stimulus allow one to predict the immune to che effects o f noise than arc W ien er kernel
response o f the system to any stimulus, because all stimuli methods.
are contained in white noise. In practice, one must use finite Nonlinear systems may also be studied by building an
stimuli o f limited spatial and temporal bandwidth (for analogcomputer with similar nonlinear features, and having
details see Marmarelis and Marmarelis 1978). it compute outputs to defined inputs. The analogcomputer
Л variant ol the W ien er kernel m ethod, which has constitutes a model o f those aspects o f the system being
improved signal-to-noisc ratio, involves testing a system studied. The adequacy ot the model is tested by seeing how
with a small set o f superimposed sine waves rather than well it simulates the behavior o f the system with previously
white noise (B en n ett 1933). V ictor ( 1 9 7 9 ) used this proce­ untested inputs. Also, a digital computer can be pro­
dure to analyze responses o f single neurons in the visual grammed to simulate a nonlinear system. For example,
pathway (see Section 5-6.4). Lehky et al. (1 9 9 2 ) characterized the nonlinear receptive
In another approach, the stimulus consists o f a spa­ fields ofcom plcx cells o fth e monkey visual cortex by record­
tiotemporal sequence ot binary signals in the form o f a grid ing the responses o f cells to a great variety of patterned
ofblack and white squares modulated in time (Sutter 1992). stimuli. An artificial neural netw ork was then created for
The display is constructed from a repeating binary sequence each neuron, using an iterative optimization algorithm. The
o f length 2n - 1, known as a maximum length shift-regiscer responses o f t h e ccll to some stimulus patterns defined the
sequence, or M -seq uen ce. The order o t n is made suffi­ training set for the neural network. The cell’s responses to
ciently large so that the repeating sequence is not apparent. patterns n ot used in the training set were predicted with a
Such a sequence approximates a white-noise stimulus, since median correlation o f 0.78.
all spatial and temporal frequencies are represented equally. For discussions of ncural-network methods see
The stimulus is easy to generate and allows tor rapid calcula­ Rumelhart and M cClelland ( 1 9 8 6 ) , H inton ( 1 9 8 9 ), and
tion o f the first- and higher-ordcr W ien er kernels. For Miller et al. ( 1991) .
example, a two-dimensional M-sequence display has been Neural network models can be used to characterize the
used to map the spatiotemporal structure o f t h e receptive reccptivc-ficld structure o f cells, but do not indicate the
field o f a cortical cell (Reid et al. 1997). function o f the cells. Network models o f binocular dispar­
The structure o f the stimulus determines which aspects ity processing are discussed in Section 11. 10.2. For a discus­
o f a cell’s receptive field are revealed. For a linear system, a sion o f nonlinear visual processes see Pinter and Nabet
sparse stimulus is sufficient, because only the first W iener ( 1 9 9 2 ).
kernel is relevant. For nonlinear systems a reasonably dense
stimulus is required to reveal the higher-ordcr kernels. For
example, more details o f a cells receptive field are revealed 3.5 TIM E SERIES
with finer stimuli modulated at higher temporal frequen­
cies. However, a finer stimulus has less stimulus energy and, The above discussion o f analysis o f events over time is part
it the stimulus exceeds the resolving power ot the visual of the broader subject known as tim e series analysis. A
system, it becomes indistinguishable from uniform grey. time series is a scries o f measurements o f a defined process
The overall transfer function o f a linear system does not made over time. T im e series analysis is designed to reveal
reveal the presence or nature o f linear com ponents because trends and recurring events in a single process (univariate)
the same overall transfer function can arise from a multi­ or relationships between two or more processes (bivariate
tude o f equivalent components. To explore the inner work­ or multivariate). The methods also apply to series o f mea­
ings ot a linear system one must probe the input-output surements made over space.
relations o f each com ponent. The first task in analyzing a time-varying or space-vary­
For a system consisting ot a cascade ot linear and n o n ­ ing signal is to distinguish between signals due to changes
linear components, the characteristics o f the nonlinear in the input to the system from those due to noise fluctua­
com ponents can uniquely determine the response charac­ tions. Noise often consists o f high-frequency random fluc­
teristics o f the whole system (Spekrcijse and Re its 1982; tuations, which can be removed by taking a moving average
Korenberg and Hunter 1986). For example, when stimu­ over successive sets o f data points. This is tantamount to
lated with superimposed stimuli o f frequency F x and F ,, a passing the data through a low-pass filter.
nonlinearity, such as rectification, produces cro ss-m o d u la ­ 'I he effects o f noise can also be reduced by applying
tion produ cts, or complex harmonics, o f the general form a well-defined stimulus many times and averaging the
nF{ ± for integral values o f я and m. The relative ampli­ responses over many cycles o f stimulus repetition. Signal
tudes ot these terms depend on the nature o f the non lin­ averaging emphasizes com ponents in the response that are
earities. time-locked to the stimulus, and attenuates com ponents
Regan and Regan ( 1 9 8 8 , 1989) provided a mathemati­ due to noise, which average out over several cycles o f stimu­
cal analysis o f these methods and applied it to the process­ lus repetition because they arc nor correlated between one
ing ot binocular signals (Section 11.7). This method is more repetition and the next.
Standard signal-averaging procedures overlook episodic the variance o f the whole time scries. The spectral density
noise such as bursts and oscillations. Thcscr events can be function is in the frequency domain, and the autocorrela­
characterized by phase-locked spectral analysis, which tion function is in the time or space domain. However, they
measures the dilierence between responses to each cycle are closely related. A spectral density function based on a
o f a periodic stimulus and the response average. Standard total variance normalized to 1 is the Fourier transform o f
signal-averaging procedures also tail to register stimulus- the autocorrelation function.
engendered variations in response to particular cycles o f a In bivariatc analysis, a scries o f measurements o f one
periodic stimulus. Episodic activity generated by the stimu­ process can be correlated with measurements o f a second
lus, but not time-locked to it, can be revealed by power process over lag intervals trom 0 to some specified value to
spectrum analysis or as peaks in the autocorrelation func­ produce a cro ss-co rrela tio n fun ction . After allowance has
tion, as described below (Schitf et al. 1 999). Long-term been made tor contaminating effects o f autocorrelations in
variations can be removed by passing chc data through a each process, the cross-correlation function reveals comm on
high-pass filter. Signal averaging has been used extensively fluctuations in the two processes over time or space. For
in the analysis o f cortical activity (Section 11.7). example, the visual system can be said to cross-correlate the
Trends can be revealed by fitting the data to a defined images in the two eyes over a spatial transformation to
polynomial function by the least mean squared error proce­ reveal how one image should be matched to the other
dure. W h en data are passed through two filters in series, the (Section 15.1).
final output is obtained by the process o f convolution, A cross-spectral density fu n ctio n is the Fourier trans­
which was described in Section 3.2.6b. These procedures form o f the cross-correlation function between two pro­
can be found in any textbook o f statistics. cesses. There are several forms o f the cross-spectral density
The au to co rrelatio n fu n ctio n is one ot the main tools function. The cross-amplitude spectrum measures how the
for revealing recurrent patterns in a process. The correlation amplitudes o f two processes are related, and the cross-phase
coefficient is derived between N observations made at spectrum indicates how their phases arc related.
repeating intervals o f time o r space and the identical set o f The c o h e re n ce fu n ctio n is the frcqucncy-domain
observations displaced by a lag interval of k. W h en к is zero, analog o f the squared cross-correlation coefficient. It
the correlation coefficient is necessarily 1. This value is expresses the extent to which two processes covary as a
ignored. The correlation coefficient, >y between the set o f function o f frequency and has been used in the analysis o f
measurements made at interval t (.v) and those made at synchronous neural activity (Scction 4.3.4g).
interval t + 1 (x + , ) is firsr obtained. This is essentially the A c h a o tic system is one in which a small change in its
mean ot the products ot the paired deviations from the state at time zero leads to an exponential growth in uncer­
mean divided by the sample variance. It is a measure o f how tainty about its future state. The Earths atmosphere is
similar the value o f the function at interval / + 1 is to its chaotic. C ortical neural networks with recurrent excit­
value at interval r. In this case, the lag interval, k, is 1, and atory and inhibitory circuits m aybe chaotic (Van Vreeswijk
the coefficient measures any tendency for neighboring and Sompolinsky 1996). Chaos imposes a limit on our
events to be related. Then measurements two intervals apart ability to predict behavior. Short-term predictions are to
(к = 2) are correlated to give and so on for values o f X- some extent possible in a chaotic system, but not long-term
usually no greater than N /4. Each o f the к correlation coef­ predictions.
ficients, rt, can be plotted as a function ot the lag interval The French mathematician Rene Thom developed a
(k) to give the autocorrelation function, or correlogram. branch o f mathematics known as ca tastro p h e theory. The
The process should be stationary; that is, it should n ot co n ­ theory has been used widely in biology, sociology, eco n o m ­
tain long-term trends. For a random series o f events, all ics, and psychology to dcscribc systems that undergo sudden
coefficients tor £ > 0 varv
/ randomly
/ about zero. Л series changes o f state, like the stock market, outbursts o f anger,
containing short-term dependencies, in which neighboring and nerve impulses. However, many o f the models based on
values tend to be the same, shows large coefficients for small catastrophe theory have come under attack because o f their
values o f к. Л scries with a regular alternation shows coeffi­ lack o f mathematical rigor and their disregard for empirical
cients that alternate in sign. The coefficients o f a sinusoidal evidence (Kolata 1977). There seem to be no applications
series also vary• sinusoidallv.
* Peaks in the autocorrelation to space perception.
function can represent the contributions o f different tem ­ A stoch astic svstcm
¥ is formed from a multitude ot
poral o r spatial frequency components. Autocorrelation independent interacting factors. The output o f a stochastic
functions will be encountered in Sections 11.10.1 and system resembles that o f a deterministic chaotic system, and
13.1.4b. it is difficult to distinguish between them. However, a sto ­
I chastic process does nor allow short-term predictions while
he power spectral density fu n ctio n o f a process rep­
resents the contribution o t each sinusoidal spatial or tem ­ a chaotic system does. Also, the autocorrelation functions
poral frequency to rhe variance o f a series o f measurements. o f the two types o f system differ. Stochastic analysis has
The area under the whole spectral density function is been applied to binocular rivalry (Section 12.10).
For a general account o f time series analysis see Chatfield composition and transformation. However, it is only
( 1 9 9 7 ). T im e series analysis can be applied to the dynam ics selected features o f objects, not the objects themselves that
o f n on lin ear systems. This branch o f mathematics has not arc in a visual stimulus domain used in an experiment. Any
been applied to any o f the topics discussed in this book. For natural object has an unspecifiably large number o f features,
an introduction to nonlinear dynamics see Kaplan and many o f which, such as temperature, atomic structure, and
Glass ( 1 9 9 5 ) and W ilson (1 9 9 9 a ). weight, are not visible unless transduced by an instrument.
Thus, an unspecifiably large number o f stimulus domains
can be defined over a given set o f natural objects. Scientific
3.6 BAYESIAN IN FER EN C E instruments reveal ever more properties o f natural objects
but they have n ot revealed all rhe properties o f any natural
In 1763 T . Bayes published a theorem concerning how object.
people make judgments when playing games. The modern Each member o f rhe set o f static or dynamic visual dis­
form o f Bayess theorem was developed by Laplace ( 1812) . plays in a well-defined stimulus domain has a certain pro b­
Sec Dale ( 1 9 8 2 ) for an account o f the early history o f Bayess ability o f occurrence. The distribution o f probabilities over
theorem. the set o f displays is the prior probability distribution o f
Bayesian analysis applied to perception has its roots in the stimulus domain, or d o m ain prior, denoted by p{SD).
Helm holtz’s theory ot unconscious inference, which is A domain prior may be defined in terms ot a set ot stimuli
summed up by the statement, “such objects arc always imag­ used in an experiment o r in terms o f the probabilities o f
ined as being present in the field ot view as would be there occurrence o f specified objects or events in a given context
in order to produce the same impression on the nervous in the natural world.
mechanism, the eyes being used under ordinary normal Consider an observer who makes certain assumptions
conditions" (H elm holtz 1910, vol. 3, p. 2). about a given stimulus domain. The set o f assumptions, cor­
Bayesian inference is based on conditional probabilities. rect o r incorrect, about the set o f stimulus objects is the
A conditional probability o f event A, given a particular o b serv er’s stim ulus d o m a in , (OD). I f some o f the assump­
value o f state В is expressed by p { A \ B ) . A conditional tions are correct, the observer knows something about the
probability o f event A can be expressed over a range o f domain. For an observer with correct and complete knowl­
values o f state В to yield a probability distribution o f edge o f the domain, SD = OD. The observer may have
event A over variable B. For example, we could state the assumptions about the relative probabilities o f various dis­
probability o f a man’s being bald at each age between 1 and plays in the stimulus domain. The distribution o f assumed
100 years. probabilities over the set of displays is the observer s prior
Like any other account o f perception, Bayesian analysis probability distribution, or observer prior, denoted by
starts by defining a stim ulus d o m a in ( S D ) . A visual stimu­ P(OD).
lus domain is a set o f objects or events defined with respect A particular retinal image can arise from more rhan one
to specified visible features and selected values ot those fea­ object. For example, an inclined circle and a frontal ellipse
tures, plus the rules o f composition and transformation of' can produce the same retinal images. Identical images p ro­
those features and values. The stimulus domain is not merely duced by distinct distal stimuli are essential am bigu ities ot
a stimulus that happens to be present at a given mom ent but the stimulus domain. Image ambiguity can also arise because
rather the defined set from which particular stimuli are o f noise in the visual system, such as optical opacities, light
drawn. dispersion, distortions, scotomata, or eye tremor. Som e o f
The complete stationary visual stimulus domain is the these sources ot noise can be allowed for. For example,
set o f discriminably different scenes. If the scene were the effects o f chromatic aberration can be discounted
broken down into a 1,000 by 1,000 pixel array with each (Section 4.2.9c) and so can the effects o f eye tremor. O th er
pixel occurring at one o f 10 discriminably distinct levels o f forms o f noise, such as defects o f accommodation, involve
luminance, the stimulus domain would contain 1 0 : :" " li: loss o f information, which cannot be restored. These are
displays. F.ach display would, in theory, produce a distinct essential sources o f noise. However, an observer may know
response. A world consisting o f random sequences ot such what type o f information is missing and thereby estimate
arrays would concain no redundancy and no structure. the degree o f uncertainty introduced by an essential source
There is no point in thinking about such a domain except to ot noise.
measure the ability to detect whether cwo such displays are The distribution o f the relative probabilities o f obtain­
correlated (Section 15.2.1). ing a given image, /, overall displays in the stimulus domain
For a synthetic stimulus domain, such as displays on a is the dom ain lik elih o o d fu n ctio n , denoted by p ( l \S D ) .
computer monitor, rhe rules o f feature com position and 'Ihe domain likelihood function can be derived onlv
/ by
* a
transformation may or may n ot conform to those in natural person with complete knowledge o f the stimulus domain
scenes. Stimulus domains defined with respect ro natural and o f the transmission characteristics o f the visual system.
objects or events necessarily conform to natural rules o f The likelihood function derived from whatever assumptions
chc observer makes about these things is the o b serv er lik e ­ they have lim ited knowledge o fth e stimulus dom ain or o f
lih o o d fu n ctio n , denoted by />(/ 1OD) . visual noise. The perform ance o f a human observer can be
A visual system has access to only the retinal image and assessed with respect to that o f t h e ideal perceiver only for
must decide which display in the stimulus dom ain most stimulus dom ains that can be fully specified by the experi­
probably produced that image. C onsider an observer with menter, that is, when the dom ain prior can be specified.
com plete knowledge oi the stimulus dom ain and of the O pen sets ol objects, features, o r events in natural scenes,
image form ing system. Each display o f the stimulus domain such a faces, distances, or velocities can n ot be fully speci­
will have a certain probability o f producing a given image. fied. For natural scenes, the best an experim enter can do is
The distribution o f these probabilities over all displays o f observe a large sample and derive a statistical probability
rhe dom ain is the posterior probability distribution for a distribution o f the o bjects, features, or events, and use this
given image, or simply the dom ain p o ste rio r, denoted by as the prior probability.
p\SD |/ ) . The probability that a given image has been pro­ Bayesian methods arc useful in artificial visual systems
duced by display X rather than by display Y will depend on in which the designer can fully specify the optical system
the relative probabilities o f occurrence o f the two displays, and knowledge com petence o f the machine. Bur difficulties
p{SD), and on how likely it is that each display could pro­ can arise even in m achine vision. If the m achine is operating
duce that image, p ( l \S D ) . M ore precisely, with natural scenes, the stimulus dom ain and the prior
probabilities are difficult to specify. Even a simple and well-
p (S D \ l)ap (l\ S D )p {S D ) defined stimulus dom ain can be problem atical, as illustrated
by Bertrand s paradox in which tw o m ethods ot measuring
Dividing by a norm alizing factor />(/) we obtain the basic the probability that a randomly selected chord o f a circle is
Bayesian formula. longer than the side o f an inscribed equilateral triangle give
different results (Bertrand 1889). A lbert (2 0 0 0 ) showed
that similar problems arise in defining the prior probabili­
ties o f directions o f m otion o f a point moving at random in
The norm alizing factor is simply the integral o f all products 3-D space (secjep so n et al. 1996).
o f likelihood functions and priors. An observer’s best Bayesian estim ate o f a given stimulus
’Ihe dom ain posterior indicates the probabilities that p{O D |/ ) is derived from the observers prior, p(OD), and
each o i the possible stimulus displays could produce a given likelihood fu nction, p { ! |OD) . For a human observer, the
image in a given visual system. The final decision about q u an tities p(O D ) and p(l\ O D ) are, typically, difficult to
which display is present will depend on the gain fu n ctio n , estimate because the experim enter must know what the
that is, risks or costs involved in m aking particular errors o f observer assumes or knows about che stimuli and abouc
stimulus identification. C h oo sin g the mode, o r maximum uncertainties in the visual system. But one may question
o f the posterior distribution, maximizes the chance o f whether human observers have even an approximate idea o f
selecting the correct stimulus. O n the o ther hand, choosing the relative probabilities ot scenes in any significant stim u­
the mean o f the distribution m inim izes the least square lus dom ain. Even i fp(O D ) and p( l \OD) can n ot be quan­
error ot the estim ate. The range o f proximal stim uli that are tified, it may be possible to com pare the perform ance o f an
accepted as arising from a given o b ject also depends on the observer on a visual recognition task with that o f an ideal
gain function. For example, it is better to falsely conclude perceiver.
that a dangerous o b ject produced an ambiguous image than Assuming a noise-free visual system, an ideal-perceiver
to falsely conclude that a harmless o b ject produced the analysis can be used to define the least am ount ot inform a­
stimulus. tion in the retinal image required for the specification o f
A fully determ ined stimulus dom ain is one that can be
displays in defined stimulus dom ains. For example, it has
fully described in term s o f either specified features or speci­ been shown that the com plete 3 -D m etric structure o f a
fied rules o f com position. For example, the five regular scene can be recovered trom just three views o f four nonco-
polyhedra are fully specified by their sides, edges, and co r­ planar points (U llm an 1 9 7 9 ), or from just tw o views o f
ners. Linear perspective is an ideal dom ain specified by rules eight points (Longuet-H iggins 1981) (Section 2 8 .2 .2 ).
o f transform ation because projections from three to two Applications o f Bayesian statistics to pcrccption arc dis­
dim ensions can be fully specified (Section 2 6 .1 .1 ). The cussed in Knill and Richards (1 9 9 6 ) and in Mamassian et al.
inverse projection is underdetermined because a given (2 0 0 1 ). W itk in ( 1 9 8 1 ) used Bayesian m ethods to develop a
image can be produced by different objects. An ideal per- model o f the perception o f shape from texture. Read (2 0 0 2 )
ceiver is one that has com plete knowledge o f a stimulus developed a Bayesian model o f stereopsis. Yang and Purvcs
dom ain and o f che uncertainties introduced by visual noise (2 0 0 3 ) developed a Bayesian model o f errors o f perceived
and essential am biguities (Section 4 .6 .3 ). Such a perceiver distance in term so f the probability distribution ofd istanccs
can identify displays accurately w ithin lim its set by essential in defined scenes. Knill (2 0 0 3 ) developed a Bayesian model
ambiguities. Hum an observers fall short of the ideal when o f the differential probabilistic structure of depth cues.
3.7 CO N CEPTS OF GEOM ETRY original state is a cy clic g rou p o f o rd er n. Thus, successive
rotations o f a line by 6 0 c form a cyclic group o f order 6 (C 6).
It is a subgroup o f the group o f rotations through 30" (C , J .
The order ot any subgroup ot a group o f order n is a factor
In the m ost general sense, a symmetrical pattern is formed o f n (Lagrange’s theorem ). I f n is prime, there are no sub­
by the repetition o f a pattern over space or tim e according groups.
to a simple transform ation rule that preserves the m etric Croups with the same abstract structure are isom orp hic.
structure o f the pattern. A linear transform ation o f an ele­ Tw o problem s that appear different on rhe surface may be
m ent creates a frieze pattern; a rotation creates circular isom orphic. For example, the problem ot why o n e s reflec­
structures; reflections create bilaterally symmetrical pat­ tion in a m irror is reversed left to right but nor top to
terns, as shown in Figure 4 .1 5 . D ilatation and shear are not bottom is isom orphic with the follow ing problem . Place
included because they are not isom etric transformations. twro pennies heads up and one penny tails up. By turning
M ost objects contain one or more ot these symmetries, the pennies two at a time make them all tails up. C an you
and symmetries occur in the fundamental subatom ic continu e turning pairs o f pennies until they are all heads
processes responsible for the structure o f the universe. up? The m irror problem is discussed in Section 4.6.3e.
O u r visual system is particularly sensitive to symmetries G roup theory is beautifully explained in Grossm an
(see Section 4 .6 .3 c). and M agnus (1 9 6 4 ), Budden (1 9 7 2 ), and Shubnikov and
G roup theory is a branch o f m athem atics dealing with Koptsik (1 9 7 4 ).
symmetries and other simple transform ation. A group is a G roups formed by continuous, or infinitesim al, trans­
set o f things (elem ents) and a binary operation th at can be form ations are known as g rou ps (H offm an 1966).
applied to any pair o t elem ents in the set. The binary opera­ A Lie group is a differentiable m anifold. The local differen­
tion can be m ultiplication, addition, a rotation, a transla­ tial operators o f Lie groups are know n as o rb its and occur
tion, or any other operation that, when applied to any pair in orthogonal pairs: horizontal and vertical grids tor defin­
o f elem ents, maps in to another elem ent o f the group. The ing translations, concentric and radial patterns tor defining
binary operation betw een two elem ents a and b can be rep­ rotations and dilations, and orthogonal hyperbolic patterns
resented by the sign tor m ultiplication, ab, or by the sign for for defining hyperbolic rotations. The operators can be
addition, a I b. A group must satisfy the following axioms: commutatively com bined by summation and multiplication
to form a Lie algebra.
1. The operation that defines rhe group must be clo sed , Patterns o f optic flow and som e processes in spatial
which means that it must not produce elements outside vision, such as size and shape constancy, can be described in
the defined set. For example, the odd integers are not terms o f Lie orbits (sec S ection 4 .7 ).
closed under addition, and therefore do not torm a
group with addition. The even integers form a group
3 .7 .2 T Y P E S О F G E О M F. T R Y
under addition.

2. The set must contain an id en tity elem en t, e. The group Every group o f transform ations has an associated geometry.
Each geom etry describes the properties o f patterns under
operation applied t<> the identity elem ent and any other
clem ent, a, leaves a unchanged. Thus ae = a. For a defined group o f transform ations. The transform ations
must satisfy the group axioms o f closure, identity elem ent,
example, e for the group form ed by m ultiplication o f
natural numbers is 1. For addition, г1is zero. For inverse elem ent, and associativity. The following geom etries
arise from different groups ot transform ations.
rotation, e is zero degrees.

3. Each elem ent, a, has an inverse e lem en t, a 1. Th e group

operation applied to any elem ent and its inverse 3 .7 .2 a G e o m e tr ie s B ased on C o n g r u e n c e ,
produces the identity elem ent. Thus, ал 1 = e. For Iso m etry , an d S im ila rity
example, in addition, - 2 is the inverse o f 2, so that Two shapes are congruent when they can be exactly super­
2 + - 2 = 0 , the identity elem ent. imposed. C o n g ru en ce is a null transform ation, and a geom ­
4. The operation m ust be associative. Thus, ( ab)c = a{bc). etry based on congruence allows one to plot shapes on axes
A group may or may n o t be com m utative. Thus, ab may and specify their internal dim ensions and positions. But it
or may n o t equal ba. does not allow for translation o r rotation.
Iso m etric g eo m etry adm its rigid m otions, namely
The p erm u tatio n group o f a set o f numbers represents translation, rotation, and m irror reflection. It preserves
all ways in which the set may be mapped onto itself. shape and size, but n o t position or orientation, as in
Th e perm utation group o f all num bers contains all other Figure 3.13a. In this geom etry, any tw o isom etric shapes
groups as subgroups (C a lcy s theorem ). A group in which can be brought inco exact congruence by an appropriate
n repetitions o f the same operation return the group to its translation and/or rotation.
Sim ilarity g eo m etry admits rigid motions plus dilations/ o f lengths along a line or o f segments on parallel lines, and
con traction . It preserves shape, but not size, position, or che ratio o f areas o f any two figures in a plane. It does not
orientation, as in Figure as in Figure 3 .1 3 b . preserve angles, size, or the ratios o f noncollinear distances,
In the visual constancies, we readily recognize an object as shown in Figure 3 .1 3 c. The fundam ental theorem o f
whatever che position, orientation, or size o f its retinal affine geom etry is that any triangle in an o b ject plane can be
image. These are the transform ations that define isom etric projected o n to any triangle in any image plane, given that
and sim ilarity geometries, and, in some sense, the visual one is allowed to arrange the two planes at an appropriate
system muse carry ouc chese cransformacions. Any cwo sim i­ angle.
lar shapes can be brought into congruence by translation, Shadows cast by the sun provide an example o t an affine
rotation, and change o f size. Euclidean geomecry is based transform ation, since che lighc rays are effectively parallel.
on the transform ation group o t similarities. C ertain types o t binocular disparity involve affine transfor­
mations o f shear, as we will see in Section 19.3.3.

3 .7 .2 b A ffine G e o m e tr yi
3 .7 .2 c P ro je ctiv e G e o m e tr y
Affine geom etry adm its rigid m otions, dilations/contrac­
tions, plus shear. Ic preserves collinearity, parallels, che ratio Projective geom etry adm its rigid m otions, dilations/con­
tractions, shear, and nonparallel projection. It preserves co l­
linearity, concurrence, and order o f points, buc noc parallels,
lengths, or angles, as shown in Figure 3.13d . The notion ot
angles betw een lines has no m eaning, and all triangles are
projectively equivalent, as are all rectangles.
Projective geom etry grew out o f the geomecry o f che
conic sections. These are the projection s ot a circle o n to a
(a) Isom etry
plane. The theory o f co n ic sections was developed by
M enaechm us, Euclid, and Apollonius in the 3rd and 4th
centuries B C , and by Pappus o f Alexandria in the 3rd cen­
tury A D . Interest in projective geom etry was fostered by
che developm ent o t drawing in perspective in 15th-century
Italy (Section 2 .9 .3 ). The foundations o f modern projective
geom etry were developed by the French mathem aticians

(b) S im ilarity
Gerard Desargues ( 1 5 9 3 - 1 662), Blaise Pascal ( 1 6 2 3 -1 6 6 2 ) ,
and J. V. Poncelet ( 1 7 8 8 - 1 8 6 7 ) , and by the 19th-century
G erm an m athem aticians Carl Gauss, Karl Von Scaudt,
Felix Klein, and G eo rg Riem ann; the Hungarians Farcas
Bolyai and his son Janos B olyai; and the Russian Nikolai
Projective geom etry is imporcanc in vision because che
retinal image is a projection o f the scene. Each visible point
is mapped by a straight projection line to one poinc in che
image plane. W h en che projection lines are parallel (parallel
projection) and the image plane is flat we have an affine
geometry, which preserves parallels and ratios ot lengths,
(c) A ffine transform ations
bu t not angles. W hen the projection lines pass through one
point (polar p ro jection ), we have a projective geometry,
which preserves collinearity, concurrence o f intersecting
lines, and relative order o f points, but not parallels, lengths,
areas, or angles.
In projective geometry, ratios o f distances along a line
are not preserved, buc cro ss ra tio s o t distances am ong tour
collinear points are preserved, as shown in Figure 3.14.
A p ersp ectiv ity is a mapping ot a defined set o f points by
projection onto a second set o f points on an image plane.
A p ro je ctiv ity is a mapping o f a sec o t points onto another
(d) Point perspective
set by one or a sequence o f perspectivicies. A projectivity
Figure 3-D- Types o fp ro jectiv e tran sform ation . can chus be che product ot tw o or more perspectivities.
А' Figm M6. The S iobiu s net. S ta rt by draw ing lines throu gh chc fou r black
n o n co llin c a r p oin ts. M ark th e new p o in ts w here these lines in tersect.
. , .. _ AC AD
C ross ratio (or line AD = ----- / ------ D raw lines throu gh chc new p oin ts to form yet m ore poincs. I f the
BC BD process is continued» th e p o in ts eventually hll chc w hole surfacc.
А ' С ' A ' D'
C ro ss ratio for line A ’D’ = ---1 - / ------------------------
B ’ C* B 'D *
lines intersect. The points have a defined position, since
AC AD A ' C ' A 1D'
By the rule o f cro ss ratios ----- / ------------------- = ---- / -- each is collinear with two intersecting lines. By continuing
BC 8 D B ' C ' B'D'
to link up the newly form ed points the whole surface is
F ijn r t 3. 14. The cross ratio. eventually filled w ith points in determ ined positions. This
is known as the M obiu s n e t (Figure 3 .1 6 ).
Dcsarguess theorem is another fundamental theorem
The set o f successive perspectivities are said to be in projec­ o f projective geometry. It states that, for triangle ARC, and
tive correspondence. Por example, in Figure 3 .1 5 , the points its projection A R'C\ the intersections o f the three pairs o f
on line 1 are in projective correspondence w ith points on corresponding sides are collinear. The p ro o f is easy to visu­
line 3 because they arc both projections o f the points on alize by applying the following principles:
line 2. W h en tw o people in different positions look at the
same o b ject, the images in their eyes are in projective co r­ 1. The images o f any tw o coplanar lines intersect.
2. Л line and its projected image lie in the same plane as
Sets o f col Iinear points arc in projective correspondence
the center ot projection.
when they have the same cross ratio. In general, any set o f
four points on a straight line has the same cross ratio as their 3. Two nonparallel planes intersect in a straight line.
images formed on any flat image plane.
The fundam ental theorem o f projective geom etry is that L et triangle A B C and its image A ’B ’C' projected from
tour points, with no three collinear, com pletely determ ine point 0 lie in nonparallel planes, as in Figure 3.17.
a projective transform ation. To prove this, jo in any four From (2 ), each pair o f corresponding sides o f the triangles is
noncollincar points by lines to create new points where the coplanar with O. From ( l ) each pair o f sides must meet. But
the triangles lie in distinct perspective planes that, from (3),
must m eet in a line. Therefore, all pairs o f corresponding
sides m eet in the same line. The intersection o f two perspec­
tive planes is the perspective axis. The theorem is true

figure 3.IS- P rojcctive I'orrapw fU ncc. T h e p o in ts on lin e I a rc in p ro jectiv e

co rresp o n d en ce w ith th e p o in ts o n line 3 b o th sees o f poincs arc F ig « M7. Desarp<es ’ theorem . C o rresp o n d in g sides o f projcccivclv
p ro jectio n s o J th e p o in t* on lin e 2 . eq u iv alen t triangles converge o n th e sam e straight line.
for any polygon because any polygon can be divided into О
W h en we p roject a circle from a point, rhe projection
lines form a double cone. The projections o f a circle on
planes passing through the cones form chc co n ic sectio n s,
as shown in Figure 3 .1 8 . The projection is a hyperbola when
the plane cuts both cones. It is an ellipse when the plane
cuts only one cone. It is a parabola when che plane is parallel
to one o l the projection lines, but it reduces to two straight
lines when the surface passes through che apex o f che cone.
It follows that the circle, hyperbola, ellipse, and parabola are
projeccively equivalent. ЛИ these shapes can be described
analytically by equations o f the second degree.
M any people falsely in tu it chac an oblique seccion o f a
cone is egg-shaped racher chan elliptical. The G erm an artist,
A lbrecht Diirer, made this mistake (Panofsky 1971, p. 2 5 6 ).
The Belgian m athem atician G . P. D andelin, in 1882, pro­
duced the following elegant p ro o f chac che cross section o f a
cone is an ellipse (see C ou ran t and R obbins 1956).
Let a plane cut a cone to form surface E, as in Figure 3.19.
Place tw o spheres w ithin the cone so that they touch the

C ircle

cone along parallel circles C t and C, and touch surface E at

points /•’ and From any point P on the circum ference o f
E draw lines to and F ,. Also from P draw a line to the
cone apex, 0 and through points 5 , and 5 , on circles C, and
C , Now P F { = PS, because they are tangents to the same
sphere. Similarly, PF, = P S It follows that:

P F X+ P F : = P S , +PS,

Buc PS{ + PS, = SlS„ which is che discance along che surface
o f the cone betw een the parallel circles. This distance is
independent o f che position o f P on the circum ference
o t E. Therefore, P F { + PF, is constant for all positions of P
on E. But this is the definition o f an ellipse, namely chat che
sum ot che distances from che two foci to the edge o f an
ellipse is constant. Therefore E is an ellipse and F } and F, arc
its foci.
The notion o f the cross ratio can be extended to points
on a curve. Any sec o f four points on a circle preserves che
same cross racio when projected o n to any line through any
other poinc on the circle. Also, the pencil o f rays to a sec o f
poincs on a circle trom another point on the circle is co n ­
gruent (form che same angles) wich the pencil o f rays to the
b.Rurc з. i s. 7b e to n ic section s. same points trom any o ther point on the circle, as shown
2. If you can go from a to b through a defined set o f points
in a given order then you can go from the image o f /г to
the image of/» through the images o fth e same points in
the same order.

3 . Points in a surface remain in the surface in the

transform ed image. Points outside remain outside.

4. Points on the boundary o f a surface remain on the

boundary in the transformed image.

5. A surface is closed if it is finite but has no boundaries,

like the surface o f a sphere.

Jo rd a n ’s theorem states that a simple closed line (one

with no ends) divides a plane into an inside and an outside.
Fi*«rc 3 .20 . Cross ratios o f poin ts on л circle. I he cross ratio o t any set o f tour
p o in ts o n a circle, such as p o in ts А , В , C . and D . is preserved w hen they All points on the same side o f the line have the same p o la r­
arc p ro jected throu gh any o th er p o in t on the circle, such as p o in ts P I ity, and all points on opposite sides have opposite polarity.
and P 2 . A lso , the angle form ed by the rays from any p o in t P o n a circle Any two points with the same polarity are co n n ected . They
to a given pair o f p oin ts on the circle rem ains th e sam e w herever p o in t P
arc simply connected i f there arc no holes in the surface.
is o n the circle.
Jord an’s theorem is im plicitly embedded in the figure-
ground m echanism o t the perceptual system, w hich allows
in Figure 3 .2 0 . This follows from Euclid’s theorem thac rhe us to recognize the difference between the inside and o u t­
angles subtended by the cord o f a circle to any point on the side o f a figure. The perception o f figure-ground relation­
circum ference o f the circle are equal. This theorem forms ships can be difficult with a com plex figure like that shown
the basis for the locus o f single binocular vision, or horopter in Figure 3.21. W c must use a cognitive strategy o f tracing
(see S ection 14.5). In general, a set o f four points on any round the figure to solve the problem. We may recognize
co n ic section preserves the same cross ratio when projected when Jord an s theorem has been violated, as in Figure 3.22,
through any other point on the conic section. even though we may not be able to say why.
A co n ic section may also be defined as the set o f inter- Jord ans theorem is true on a spherical surface but not
sections o f projcctively related lines. For example, a locus o f on other 3 -D surfaces. For example, not all closed lines on a
equal vergence o f the eyes is a locus o f intersections o f visual torus divide the surface into two. W h en the M obius strip,
lines from centers o f rotation o f the eyes that m eet in a co n ­ shown in Figure 3 .2 3 is cut along the full length o f the
stant angle. Also, a locus o f isoversion is a hyperbola defined dotted line the strip remains single. The surprise generated
by the locus o f intersections o f visual lines that rotate from when the strip is cu t in this way and yet remains conncctcd
equal angles in opposite directions (see Figure 10.10). indicates that our perceptual system assumes that Jord an s
For an introduction to projcctivc geom etry see C oxctcr theorem holds in this case.
(1 9 6 4 ). For applications to vision see Section 26.1.1.

3 .7 .2 d T o p o lo g y

Topology is rubber-sheet geom etry in which a pattern may

be deformed in any way as long as it is not cu t or join ed to
another pattern. It adm its rigid m otions, dilations, con trac­
tions, shear, nonparallel projection, plus elastic deform a­
tion. It preserves connected neighborhoods and edges, and
also relative order o f points and routes between points.
M etric properties such as lengths, angles, areas, or cross
ratios are not preserved. In topology, one cannot distinguish
between a doughnut and a coffee cup! A topological trans­
formation preserves all points and their neighbors. Thus all
mappings are b iu n iq u e (one to one) and con tin u ou s.
Topological transform ations obey the following rules.
KiguK3 .21 . I h e M insky spiral. It is d ifficu lt to see th at the figure on the
left con sists o t tw o spirals w hile th at o n the rig h t con sists o f o n ly one.
1. As the distance between two points reduces to zero, the The d ifferen ce can be d etected on ly by m en tally tracin g round the
distance between their images also reduces to zero. figure. (From Minsky and Papcrt 1969)
Fi*«rc 3.2*. I b e М оЫ ш strip. A M obiu s scrip is a real o b jc cc wich o n ly on e
edge and o n e surface. Ic co n trad icts chc assum ption chac a com p lete
edge defines tw o surfaces. W h e n c u t alo n g th e d o tted line the strip
Fцигс 3 .22 . - in im possible object. re m a in s o n e lo o p .

The geom etries listed above form a hierarchy, because geomecry, and are called au tom orp h s. For example, in iso­
theorem s true in any one o f them arc also true in those ear­ m etric geom etry, chc different orientations o f a shape arc
lier in the lisc. Each set o f transform ations is a subset o f automorphs. In projective geom etry, all shapes that project
those following it, as shown in Figure 3.24. Topology is the chc same image arc autom orphs. In cach ease, the au to­
m ost general geom etry because its theorem s are true in all morphs form an equivalence class. A n equivalence relation
other geom etries. is reflexive (any elem ent is equivalent to itse lf), symmetrical
In any geom etry, the features o f patterns chat remain ( i f a is equivalent to b then b is equivalent to a ), and transi­
unchanged are invariants. The paccerns arc said to be equiv­ tive ( i f a is equivalent to b and b is equivalent to с then a is
alent over the set o f transform ations that are allowed in the equivalent to r).

Allowed tran sform ations Pre se rve d properties

S ym m etry transform ations

Identity, connections, collinearity, parallels, angles, size, orientation, position

S ym m etry


Identity Identity, connections, collineanty, parallels, angles, size, orientation


Isom etric Identity, connections, collinearity, parallels, angles, size

Sim ilarity Identity, connections, collinearity. parallels, angles

S hear

Affine Identity, connections, collinearity. parallels

P erspective

Projective Identity, connections, collinearity


Topological Identity, connections

X R andom

Random > Identity

m otion

F ig u re 3 . 24 . Geometries an d transforsnationgroups.
A co n fo rm a l tra n sfo rm a tio n preserves continu ity and infinity. It is the only postulate o f Euclidean geom etry that
local angles but does n o t necessarily preserve collinearity or deals with points at infinity.
parallels. Ricm annian geom etry on curved surfaces can be N on-Euclidean geometries are consistent with the pos­
defined in terms o l conform al transform ations o f Cartesian tulates o f Euclidean geom etry except the parallel postulate.
coordinates. These geom etries were developed in the 19th century by the
The projection o f each h a lf o f the retina onto the surface G erm an m athem aticians C arl Gauss, Karl Von Staudt, Felix
o f the visual cortex is basically a conform al transform ation. Klein, and G eorg R icm ann; the Hungarian m athem atician
So is rhe projection o f the sense organs in rhe skin onto Janos Bolyai; and the Russian m athem atician Nikolai
the sensory hom unculus in the somatosensory cortex. Lobachevsky,
Hem idecussadon involves a discontinuous mapping o f the In non-Euclidean geometries, there can be many parallel
nasal and tem poral hem iretinas so that the retina as a whole lines through a point. For example, in the non-Euclidean
is n o t mapped onto the visual cortex topologically. The way hyperbolic geom etry developed by Klein, all real points occur
organs change in shape during em bryology or evolution can inside a circle. Each cord o f the circle is defined as a straight
often be described by conform al transform ations that arise line o f infinite extent and distances arc defined in terms o f
through differential rates o f growth (allom etric grow th). cross ratios. Two lines intersect if thev/ m eet inside the circle.
For example, shapes o f shells in related genera o f molluscs But lines that meet on the circumference o f the circle are
and shapes ot prim ate skulls (see Figure 4 .1 0 ) can be defined as parallel because all points on the circumference
described by conform al transform ations. D ’Arcy W entw orth are defined as being at infinity. By this definition, there is an
Thom pson described these transform ations in his book infinite number o f lines through a point inside the circle that
On Growth an d Form (Thom pson 1952). They were also are parallel to a line not passing through the point.
described by Julian Huxley in Problems o j Relative Growth In non-Euclidean geometries, the axes are curved. A space
(1 9 3 2 ). o f positive curvature is elliptical, and the coordinates o f a
O u r ability to recognize cartoon drawings and family Riemannian elliptical geometry lie on the surface o f a sphere
resemblances betw een faces suggests that our visual system or ellipsoid. These geometries are elosed, since an ellipsoid
is capable of carrying out conform al and topological and a sphere lorrn closed surfaces. A space o f negative curva­
transform ations o f visual stimuli. ture is hyperbolic, and the axes o f a Riemannian hyperbolic
geom etry lie on a hyperbolic cone, or saddle (C oxeter 1961).
This geometry is not closed. Einsteins theory o f the curva­
3 .7 .2 e B e y o n d T o p o lo g y
ture o f space-time under the influence o f gravity is the best
A more general geom etry than topology would be one that known application of non-Euclidean geometry.
preserves spatial and tem poral continu ity o f points but not In any geom etry, rhe shortest distance between two
connected neighborhoods and edges, or relative order ot points is called a geodesic and is defined as a straight line. In
points o r routes betw een points. M olecules undergoing Euclidean geom etry, geodesics arc conventional straight
Brow nian m otion, particles in a dust storm , or a swarm ot lines and all straight lines are geodesics. Parallel straight
locusts would conform ro such a geometry. lines never m eet. In Riem annian geometry, geodesics
A still m ore general geom etry would be one in which (straight lines) are curved when considered trom the point
point identity is preserved but nor spatial and temporal o f view o f Euclidean geometry. For example, in spherical
continuity. Points would be allowed to move discontinu- geom etry constructed on the surface o t a sphere, all straight
ously. The values o f stock in the stock market would co n ­ lines (geodesics) are great circles, or equatorial circles that
form to such a geometry. cut the sphere in half. The shortest distance between two
Finally, o n e could have a geom etry in which som e or all points on the surface o f a sphere is along the great circle
points are n o t preserved. Q uantal noise and the distribu­ through the points. That is why airplanes navigate along
tion o f men in battle would conform to such a geometry. great circles on long journeys.
All great circles on a sphere intersect, like lines o f longi­
tude on the E arth , so that no two straight lines in this
3 .7 .3 N О N - E U С L ID E A N G E О M E T R IE S
geom etry can be parallel in the sense ot n o t m eeting. In
In Euclidean geom etry, length and angles have meaning. vision, the images o f all Euclidean straight lines fall on great
Accordingly, geom etries based on isom etries and similari­ circles o f the spherical retina. Therefore, the retinal images
ties are Euclidean. In this sense, affine and projective geom ­ o f two noncollinear straight lines in o b je ct space can n o t be
etries are non-Euclidean. In Euclidean geometry, there is parallel. The images o l any pair o l parallel straight lines, it
only one line through a given point that is parallel to a extended, converge in both directions onto points on op p o­
second line. This is the p o stu la te o f the u n iq u e parallel. site ends o f a diam eter o f the eye. O n e can draw concentric
All attem pts to prove it have tailed, since it is not derived circles on a sphere, like lines ot latitude, but, except tor the
from the other postulates o f Euclidean geometry. The paral­ equatorial line, such circles are not geodesics. A n image
lel postulate asserts that parallel lines do n o t m eet even at that does n o t lie wholly on a great circle on the retina is
necessarily chc image o f a curved or hcnc objccc. The image A2

o f a curved line tails on a great circle only when the line lies
wholly in a plane chrough che nodal poinc o f chc eye.
In Euclidean geom etry, the angles o f a triangle sum со
180“. In a Riem annian geomccry chey sum со more o r less
than 180". For example, in spherical geometry, the angles o f
a triangle form ed by the intersections o t three great circles
sum со more chan 180°.
Spherical geomerries used to specify retinal locations
and binocular disparities arc described in S ection 14.3.2.
The geom etry ot visual perspective is discussed in Section
26.1. The application o f non-Euclidcan geomecry со chc
description ot 3-D shapes is discussed in Seccion 26.6.1.
Accemprs со conscruct a non-Euclidcan geom etry o f visual
space are described in S ection 4 .7 .2 .

3 .7 .4 A N A L Y T IC G E M E T R Y

In analytic geomecry, locations o f poincs are specified by

coordinates. Lines, curves, and surfaces and relationships
betw een them are specified by algebraic equacions. The
C a rtesia n c o o rd in a te s ot a point are specified by its dis­
tance along each o f tw o or three orthogonal axes. The p o lar
co o rd in a te s o f a point are its distance trom a central point
and ics radial direction wich rcspecc со chc ccncral poinc.
Polar coordinates are used to specify locations o f points on
the retina (Seccion 14.3.1) and directions o f eye positions
(Section 10.1.2d ). Axis syscems used to specify binocular
disparity arc described in Section 14.3.2. In these systems
there is no way to represent points and lines at infinity in
the extended plane ot projective geometry. For this purpose
we use hom ogeneous coordinates.
H o m o g en eo u s c o o rd in a te s were invented by M obius
in 1827. O riginally they consisted o f che sides o f a criangle
Л >Л„ЛХ,as in Figure 3 .2 5 . The position ot any point in the
triangle is specified by its distance from each o f the three Figa>< H om ogeneous coordinates. (Л ) I he bar y ccn tric coord inatcs
apexes. It, at each apex, a weight is placed proportional со o f a p o in t arc the d istan ces from each o f three apexes o r each o f three
sides o f a triangle. T h e three d istan ces can be norm alized to 1.
che discance o f che poinc from chc apex, chen che position o f
(B ) H om ogen eou s co o rd in ates in a triangle cu ttin g 3 -D co o rd in a te s set
che poinc is che center ot gravity, or cencroid, o f che criangle. a t 60". T h is system is used to p ro je c t ab solu te ( X , Y, Z ) p o in ts in 3 -D
Thac is why criangular hom ogeneous coordinaces arc called co lo r space (red lines) in to relative (x , y, z) values in a 2-L ) ch ro m aticity
b a rv cen tric co o rd in ates. diagram (b lu e lin es). ( C ) H om ogen eou s co o rd in ates in a rectangular
plane, H , parallel to th e X , Y plane o f 3 - D C a rte sia n axes. The
The position o f a point may also be specified by its
co o rd in ates o f p o in t P, w here a lin e through th e origin (O ) in tersects
perpendicular distance from each side ot che triangle. plane H , arc (x h , yh, w ). \v is th e h eigh t o f H above the X , Y p lan e. A ll
Triangular hom ogeneous coordinates are used for speci­ p o in ts on the line О and 1* have the sam e h om og en eou s coordin ates.
fying trichrom atic color values in the C IE color system. In
this system, the x-,y~, and г -axes o f 3 -D color space arc used
to represent the absolute lum inances o f standard red, green, origin (O ) and che point. The coordinates ot che poinc in
and blue m onochrom atic wavelength com ponents in a chc chromacicicy plane arc chc chree perpendicular discanccs
given color specim en. The x-,y-, and г -axes may be set at 6 0 ” from each o f che three sides o f che triangle, namely x,y, z , as
rather than at 90°. In this case a plane placed across them in Figure 3 .2 5 b . The values o f x, у , and z arc normalized to
form s an equilaceral triangle, as in Figure 3 .2 5 a . The height add up to 1. The coordinates represent the relative propor­
o f the chrom aticity plane above the origin signifies lum i­ tions o f red, green, and blue in chc color specim en. In chc
nosity. Any 3 -D point in X, Y, Z space can be projected center o f the triangle, there are equal amouncs o f red, green,
onto the chrom aticity plane by drawing a line chrough rhe and blue so che color chcrc is gray.
The above examples show that 2-1) hom ogeneous axes o f a point in plane H onto a second plane H ’ can
arc a projection o t 3 -D axes into a plane. Thus, in 2-D h om o­ be represented analytically by the following set o f linear
geneous coordinates a point is specified by three numbers equations,
rather than bv the two numbers o f 2 -D Cartesian coordi- X / = a ,x b + b ,y 4 + c , (0
nates. Hom ogeneous coordinates express only relative values,
Уь = ai xb+bzy t +c 2(0
since all points on a line through the origin have the same
hom ogeneous coordinates. They all project to the same point (o'=axxh + biy t +C f(0
in a plane. That is why they are called homogeneous coordi­
Theorem s in projective geom etry becom e theorem s about
nates. In general, hom ogeneous coordinates are a projection
num ber triplets defined by these transform ations. Tliis
o f n-dimensional coordinates into an n-1 dimensional space.
branch ot mathematics is an aly tic g eo m etry . Theorem s can
Absolute values are lost, leaving only relative values.
be easier to prove when expressed in algcbraic form , but one
H om ogeneous coordinates can be used to indicate
may lose sight o f the spatial structures that the equations
movements or projections ot objects in space. L et the coor­
represent. In visual sciencc the spatial structures arc the
dinates o f a point with respect to orthogonal 3 -D Cartesian
im portant things.
axes be (лг, j', z). [.et H be a plane containing hom ogeneous
Suppose one wishes to translate, rotate, o r shear a shape
axes. Plane H can have any position and orientation relative
in a 2 -D com puter graphics display. In a plane defined by
to the 3 -D axes. It has alreadvi been noted that the chrom a-
tw o-dim ensional Cartesian axes, point \x,y) can be carried
ticity plane cuts all three axes o f 3 -D color space to create a
to point [x',y') by the following transform ations:
triangular plane.
Translation through Tx and Ту
For representing spatial transform ations it is usual to set
plane H parallel to the X - , _y-axcs and orthogonal to the x' = x + Tx>/ = у + Ту
г -axis o f 3 - D space, as in Figure 3 .2 5 c. For example, an artist
Scaling by Sx and Sy
sets the easel orthogonal to the depth dim ension ot the
scene being painted. W h en the easel is set at an angle, the x' = x Sx,y' = у Sy
painting is anam orphic (sec Section 2 .9 .5 ). Let the height
Rotation about the origin through в
(position on the г -axis) o f plane H above the x ,у plane be
w. For sim plicity, plane H is confined to the positive quad­
rant ot space. A line through the origin ^point O ) of the x' = x cos в - у sin 0, у ‘ - у cos О+хмпО
Cartesian axes intersects plane H in point [xh,y t ,(o). 'Ihese
are the hom ogeneous coordinates o f the point. Therefore, Transform ations o f a plane figure can be achieved by carry-
as in any polar projection, each point in plane H is associ­ in gou t these calculations for cach point o f chc figure. In any
ated with a line passing through the origin ot 3 -D axes. Each transform ation, directed line elements (vectors) that map
line is associated with a point in a given plane. into line elements with the same direction are eigenvectors,

The 2-D hom ogeneous coordinates ot a point are and che scalar m ultiple chat transform s an eigenvector into
its image is an eigenvalue. Eigenvalues arc the n roots o f the
represented by the triplet [xb,yh,(o) where x b - x /0 )
equations representing chc transform ation.
and y b= y /(Q . Tw o points are the same in h om o­
geneous coordinates if they are proportional. Thus These calculations can be carried o u t more efficiently by
expressing chc poincs in hom ogeneous coordinaccs and chc
[xb>yb,0)) = {axh,ayb>a(0). Scaling moves plane H along
cransformacion as a m ultiplication o f two matrices. The
the z-axis. W e arc free to give 0) any value. For many
hom ogeneous coordinates o f the point in its original posi­
purposes it is convenient to make CO= 1 .
tion form a one-dim ensional matrix {x,y, CO). The coeffi­
Any line in plane H is defined by the intersection o f a
cients o f the three cransformacion equations arc arranged in
plane through О and plane H. Since any line is the locus o f
points that satisfy a linear equation, a 3 by 3 matrix that characterizes that transform ation.
M ultiplying the point m atrix by chc equation matrix gives
the matrix o f the transformed values o f the point {x\y\(o').
ax+ by+ c = 0
The rules o f matrix m ultiplication arc described in any

we can call the ordered set o f three coefficients [ayb , and f] textbook on m atrix algebra. These matrix rules represent,

rhe hom ogeneous coordinates o f a line. For the line at infin­ in com pact form , the operations that solve a set o f linear
ity (the horizon) W = G. In general, points and lines in equations.

hom ogeneous coordinates are both represented by three The 3 by 3 matrices that represent the movements and
numbers. This reflects the duality o f points and lines in pro­ rotations o f a point in a plane are as follows:
jective geometry. For every theorem about points there is an
I 0 0
equivalent theorem about lines.
Translation = (,v'. y',l) = Ia,^,I| 0 I 0
In hom ogeneous coordinates, geom etrical theorem s can
be reduced to algebraic theorems. For example, the projection T T 1
i' 0 0 W c let (0 = z j d + 1, which denotes the magnification
o f t h e projection (S ectio n 2 4 .1 .1 ). The coordinates o f a
Scaling = ( x ' . f Л) = \х,уЛ) 0 s о
point in the plane are related to those o f a point in 3-D
О О 1
space by:

cos# sin# 0
[дг', у', z\w ] = [xjlO, у /10, zj (0 ,1]
Rotation = [х '.у , 1) = [дг, у, 1] —sin# cos# О
О 0 1 These procedures are used in com puter graphics to move
objects w ithin a display or to create 2 -D displays from 3-D
The equations may be expressed in short forms: scenes. C alculations are faster if objects are represented by
polygons. A m ovem ent or projection o f an o b jcct can be
p ' = r r ( r / r y ) achieved by transform ing only rhe apexes o f the polygons.
For more details on these methods see Hearn and Baker
r = P S (,,s ,)
(1 9 8 6 ), Foley c t al. ( 1 9 9 0 ), and Faugeras (1 9 9 3 ).
P ' —P R ($ )

Successive translations and rotations o f a point can be 3 .7 .5 D IF F E R E N T IA L G E O M E T R Y

derived by adding the transform ation matrices. Successive
In differential geom etry one defines a basic set o f local
scalings o f a point can be derived by matrix m ultiplication.
differential operators, namely translation, rotation (curl),
Adding or m ultiplying matrices is known as co m p o sitio n .
dilatation (div), and tw o types o f shear \def) which can
C om position yields a single m atrix that represents a set o f
be com bined algebraically to describe any continuous
transform ations in a com pact form . This provides consider­
transform ation o t points on a surface or in a volume.
able econom y o f com putation. For small rotations, substi­
D ifferential geom etry is used extensively in analyzing
tuting 1 for c o s0 achieves further economy.
airflow in aerodynamics.
In general, m atrix com position is n o t com m utative—
W hen we move through a visual scene the retinal image
the order o f operations affects the result. However, the sim ­
undergoes continuous transform ations known as o p tic
ilarity com positions o f translation, scaling, and rotation arc
(low, which can be described in terms o f the operators o f
comm utative.
differential geom etry (W crkhovcn and K ocndcrink 1990).
The m ethod can be generalized to three dim ensions. In
O p tic flow inform s us about our self-m otion and about the
this case, we project 4 -D C artesian coordinates o n to 3 -D
3-D layout ot objects in the visual scene (C hapter 2 8 ). We
hom ogeneous coordinates. Therefore, each p o in t is repre­
are very sensitive to changing patterns o f optic flow, which
sented by four numbers (л-, у, z, «•)* or vx f( 0 , y / t 0 , zjO), 1).
suggests that our visual system em bodies continuous space-
Transform ations are now represented by 4-by-4 matrices.
time transform ation operators. There is physiological evi­
For example, the m atrix for rotation o f a point in 3-D space
dence that visual centers in the brain contain cells that
about the z-axis becom es:
respond selectively to the differential operators o f geom etry
co40 —sin 0 0 0
(Section 5.8.4e). We do not know which set o f primitive
sin 9 cosd 0 0 transform ation operators the visual system uses. I Iotfman
0 0 10 (1 9 6 6 ) suggested that the system uses rhe differential opera­
0 0 0 1 tors o f Lie groups. K ocndcrink (1 9 9 0 ) has proposed that
we use the similar set o f basic operators o f differential geom ­
etry. Perhaps different geom etrical operators arc used for
Th e projection o f p o in t {x,y, z, 1) in 3 -D space o n to point
different purposes in different p a rtso fth e brain. Differential
(.v/, y',z',(0) in a plane norm al to the z-axis and distance d
operators have been applied to the analysis o f patterns o f
from the origin is represented by:
binocular disparity (Section 19.3.3).
■1 0 0 0 1 Also, in differential geometry, one defines various types
0 10 0 o f curvature that can be used to describe sm ooth 3-D
[x,y,z,l\' objects. Applications to visual perception arc described in
0 0 0 1f d : S ection s 2 0 .4 .2 and 26.6.1.
00 0 1J The brain is, am ong other things, a geom etry engine.

4.1 Stimuli and sense organs 12S 4.5.2 Relationships within a feature system 163
4.1.1 Specification o f stimuli 128 4.5.3 Jointly tuned detectors 165
4.1.2 Structure o f sense organs 129 4.5.4 Associations bccwccn distinct features 16$
4.2 Types o f sensory coding 130 4.5.5 Stimulus covariance 167
4.2.1 The nerve impulse 130 4.5.6 Nested sensory systems 168
4.2.2 Analog processing 131 4.5.7 Multicue systems 170
4.2.3 Monopolar and bipolar dececcors 132 4.5.8 The sice and order o f visual processes 175
4.2.4 Primary coding 133 4.5.9 Multistable percepts 177
4.2.5 Secondary coding 136 4.5.10 Rules o f visual structures ISO
4.2.6 Feature detectors 139 4.6 Types o f perceptual judgment 1S2
4.2.7 Metamerism 141 4.6.1 Detection, resolution, and discrimination 1S2
4.2.8 Sen so rv opponencv 143 4.6.2 Categorization, scaling, and identification 183
4.2.9 Contrast effects and normalization 144 4.6.3 Perceptual descriptive processes 18$
4.3 Temporal coding 145 4.7 Geometry applied to visual space 193
4.3.1 Temporal characteristics o f neural spikes 145 4.7.1 Implicit principles o f visual geometry 193
4.3.2 Temporal coding in single neurons 146 4.7.2 The geometry o f visual space 193
4.3.3 Detection o f rime intervals 147 4.8 Mechanisms o f attention 195
4.3.4 Temporal synchrony of neural activity 148 4.8.1 The nature o f attention 195
4.3.5 Temporal coding o f spatial features 154 4.8.2 Stimulus factors in attention 106
4.4 Coding primitives 155 4.8.3 Attention and stimulus crowding 19S
4.4.1 Fourier components 156 4.8.4 Attention and consciousness 201
4.4.2 Gabor functions and wavelets 158 4.8.5 Stimulus externalization 203
4.4.3 Other visual primitives 15* 4.9 Plasticity o f basic visual functions 203
4.4.4 Nonlinear visual processes 159 4.9.1 Basic findings 203
4.5 Higlicr-order sensory systems 162 4.9.2 Causes o f cxpcricncc-dcpcndcnt plascicicy 204
4 .5 .1Types o f sensory proccssi ng 162

4 .1 S T IM U L I A N D S E N S E O R G A N S to describe the physical nature o f what che environm ent

offers an animal wich respecc to how che anim al behaves.
For exam ple, the ocean affords fish with a fluid within
4 .1 .1 S P E C I F I С AT I О N О F S T I M U 1.1
w hich chey can swim. Sound waves afford a basis for echo-
The firsc seep in investigating sensory systems is to define locacion, and electric fields in water afford a basis for clec-
pr i mar y stimuli. These are light, sound, heat, chem icals, crolocation. The idea o f afFordances is related to the idea o f
m echanical stimuli (pressure, tension, vibration, and constraints. For exam ple, a horizontal surface in a gravita­
inertia), electricity, and magnetism. tional field affords support buc constrains m otion to one
Any primary stimulus has a set o f local properties. For plane. Binocular disparity affords stereoscopic vision but
example, all light signals have intensity, direction, wave­ constrains it со a limiced range o f distances. AfFordances
length. polarity, duration, and phase. For stim uli distrib­ and constraints are com plem entary ideas.
uted over space or tim e, each local property can have spatial 'th e next seep is со understand how stim uli impinge
and temporal derivatives. For light, derivatives include on sense organs. Any sense organ is designed to dececc
contrast, patterns o f lum inance and color, and m otion. only one prim ary stimulus. Thus, each prim ary stimulus
We then ask what stim uli are available in an anim als requires ics own sense organ. The scimulus seleccivicy o f a
environm ent and which are m ost relevant to the survival ot sense organ depends on ics structure. In the eye, it depends
the animal. Jam es G ibson (1 9 7 7 ) used che word “afFordancc” on the cornea, lens, and visual pigments. In audition ic
depends on chc structure o f chc pinna, ear ossicles, and pressure applied to the eyeball, vibration, and electric
cochlea. pulses. However, the m echanical structure o f a sense
W c muse chen explore ways in which a primary scimulus organ is designed to preferentially transm it one type o f
could, in theory, be detected. A nim als can use only m echa­ stimulus energy, called the ad eq u ate stim ulus. Thus,
nisms that arc achievable by living tissue. For example, ani­ the m echanical properties o f the eyeball, orbical tissues,
mals can not d etect electrom agnetic signals outside a narrow and receptors norm ally shield the eye from form s o f
range o f wavelengths. energy other than light. Similarly, the m echanical
Given chat a prim ary stimulus has been detected, we properties o f the skull and the cochlea protect rhe
muse then explore how che local properties o f that stimulus receptors on the basilar mem brane ot the ear trom
may be dccecccd. For example, a visual recepcor can n ot reg­ form s o f energy other than sound. The semicircular
ister che phase ot light because che frequency ot lighc waves canals respond preferentially to head rotation because
is too high. Any light d etecto r should be able to register their sensory hair cells project into a fluid-filled
light intensity. The direction o t a light source can be annulus, and the utricles respond preferentially to head
detected only if the detector is in a pit, or is associated with tilt because their sensory hair cells have heavy crystals
a waveguide or lens. There are tw o ways to d etect wave­ attached to them.
lengths o f lighc. A colorim eter uses a prism to spread wave­
lengths out. The human eye detects chrom atic aberration in 2. Efficient collection o f stimulus energy Structures
associated with sense organs are designed for efficient
the same way and uses it со code che sign o f accom m oda­
transmission o l a specific type o f energy to the sensory
tion. But the best m ethod for color vision is to use pigments
epithelium . For exam ple, the ossicles in the middle car
with different absorption characteristics.
act .is a lever that m atches the im pedance o f air to that
The next step is to theoretically explore ways in which
o f the fluid in the inner car. In som e sense organs,
the spatial and tem poral derivatives o f signals may be
muscles direct the receptors to different positions or
detected. O n e way is to have receptors with com plex recep­
directions. M obile hands, eyes, and pinnae arc examples.
tive fields. Each rcccptor responds only when a particular
spatial or temporal pattern falls on the receptive field. This
The m echanical structure o f sensory end organs ensures
would require a large num ber o f recepcors, mosc o f which
that stimulus energy is efficiently collected. For
would be inactive at a given tim e. A better way is to have exam ple, the outer segm ent o f a retinal recepcor form s a
receptors sensitive to only primary stimulus features and
waveguide in which lighc reflects trom che inner wall.
then converge rhe outputs o f these d etectors in different
This prevents lighc from escaping (Section 5.1.2a). The
ways o n to detectors at a higher level. D ifferent first-order
dense hexagonal packing o f cones in the central retina
spatial or tem poral derivatives could be detected in parallel and their alignm ent with the center o f che pupil also
in distinct neural centers. Higher order spatial or temporal
facilitates efficient collection o f lighc. Light absorption
derivatives could be detected by a succession o f converging in retinal recepcors is facilicaccd by che placcm cnc o f
outputs over an in-series set of neural centers.
pigm ent molecules on a folded membrane.
W e will sec that these processing strategics have been
adopted by many animals for che detection o f spatial and 3. Spatial distribution o f stimuli The simplest sensory
tem poral derivatives o f many types o f prim ary signal. For systems consist o f a single detector that increases its rate
exam ple, visual patterns o f sensory stim ulation trom human ot response m onotonically as stim ulation strength
eyes, patterns from the ears o f bats, and patterns o f electric increases. The simple eyespots o f some invertebrates arc
fields trom the electric sense organs o f fish are all detected o f this type. M ore com plex sensory systems, such as the
by parallel and in-series neural centers at various levels in skin, eye, and ear, have many receptors distributed over
the central nervous system. In all cases, the neural centers a m em brane. In the skin, stim uli are applied directly to
have a similar multilayered scruccure. differenc locations, w hich ensures chat che spatial
distribution o f receptors corresponds to che spatial
distribution o f stimuli. The car has a basilar membrane
4 .1 .2 S T R U C T U R E OF SEN SE O RG A N S
chat is sensitive to traveling waves and creates an
M osc sense organs consist o f receptors arranged on a sen­ ordered distribution o f frequencies over the hair cells.
sory epithelium supported by a m echanical structure. The The sem icircular canals o f the vescibular system are
epithelium and supporting structure have intricately arranged in orthogonal planes so that different
designed m echanical properties, w hich serve the following directions o f head rotation are coded distinctly. Th e lens
four purposes: o f the eye ensures a faithful distribution o f light to form
an image. O u r two laterally separated eyes produce
1. Filtering appropriate stimuli Each sensory end organ is images that contain binocular disparities tor the coding
sensitive to several primary stim uli. For instance, in o f depth. Vergence eye movements bring the images in
addition to light, retinal receptors are sensitive to the tw o eyes into spatial correspondence.
4. Trophicfunctions an d protection Som e structures unlike a cam era, involves com plex filtering processes that
associated with sense organs, such as blood vessels and analyze the neural signals into a m ultitude o f simple fea­
glands, serve trophic functions. Sense organs arc tures such as position, color, m ovem ent, and size. Simple
designed so chat these structures do not interfere with features are com bined into com plex features. At this level,
stim ulus d etection. Thus the cornea and lens do not neural processes can be said to co d e stimulus features.
contain capillaries. Instead, they have highly specialized Finally, we generate percepts (descriptions) and store them
trophic mechanisms. The capillaries o f the retina are in memory, where they can be compared with current stim ­
kept away from che fovea and are placed so that chey do uli or used to construct abstract ideas. At this level, neural
n o t form sharp shadows. The audicory system filters out processes can be said to rep resen t o b jects and events, real or
auditory effects o f blood circulation. Associated imaginary.
structures or muscular systems protect sense organs A t a particular time, we process only those parts or fea­
against injury or sensory overload. The eyelids, tures o f the visual scene to which we are attending, even
epiderm is, and the muscles o f the middle ear arc though nonattended stimuli are transduced in the retina
examples. and reach the visual cortex. Thus, m echanism s o f perceptual
awareness can be decoupled from the early stages o f visual
processing. They may also be decoupled from response
m echanism s because we can perceive w ithout responding
4 .2 TYPES OF SENSORY CODING and we can learn to respond in a multitude o f ways to che
same stimulus.
A sensory end organ transduces a spatiotem poral pattern o f The following discussion starts with a description o f
stimulus energy into a corresponding pattern o f electro­ sensor y transduction processes. This is followed by a descrip­
chem ical activity, w hich produces neural discharges in tion o f processes responsible for extraction o f inform ation
a sensory nerve. In the sim plest case, neural discharges from the neural discharge.
from a sense organ are linked m ore or less directly to a
response m echanism . For example, in che simple phocotaxic
4 .2 .1 T H E N E R V E IM P U L S E
response o f a m aggot, changes in light intensity as the
animal moves its head from side to side causes chc head со Sensory receptors are analog devices that respond to stim u­
cum in che direction o f least stimulus intensity (Fraenkel lus energy by a graded change in mem brane potential,
and G unn 1 961). The coding process consists essentially ol known as a g en erato r p o ten tial (Section 5.1.2a). Graded
a simple transduction and som e am plification. N o features potentials also occur at synapses throughout the nervous
o f the stimulus are extracted, other than its tim e varying syscem, where they are know n as p oscsynaptic p o ten tials.
intensity. G eneracor potentials produce all-or-nonc a ctio n p o te n ­
A higher level o f com plexity is illustrated by the response tials, or nerve impulses. A nerve impulse is the basic unit
o f the sem icircular canals o f the vestibular svstem to head for long-range cransmission o f inform ation in the nervous
rotation. The responses cause the eyes to rotate in the op p o­ syscem. Transduction o f lighc energy inco nerve impulses
site direction to chc head. The time-varying response from involves a com plex sequence of m olecular mechanisms
each canal and che spatial stim ulation over the three canals chac cake abouc 0.2 s, as described in Section 5.1.2b . These
are processed, but nothing else. Signals reach the extraocular m olecular m echanism s am plify the signal and provide a
muscles through a three-neuron pathway. feedback gain-concrol m echanism .
In the vertebrate visual system, light triggers certain The auditory system must operate with much shorter
simple responses with a m inim um o f processing. For latencies because it resolves sounds with frequencies up to
instance, changes in light intensity evoke the pupillary light abou t 2 0 kH z. Accordingly, the transduction process in
reflex, and image blur evokes lens accom m odation. These the hair cells o f the cochlea is more direct and does not
responses are involuntary and do not involve pattern vision involve such a com plex sequence o f m olecular messengers
or conscious perception. Like the eye, a cam era autom ati­ (H udspeth 1989). In the interest o f speed, the auditory
cally operates the diaphragm and the focusing mechanism. system relinquishes the am plification and gain control
Inform ation abouc all visual feacures is contained in the provided by the slower visual transduction process.
bundle o f light rays entering the eye (chc optic array). The An action potential is a transitory change o f about
spaciocemporal paccerns o f lighc reaching che retina are 9 0 mv in the standing potential across the cell m em brane o f
transduced in to spatiotem poral patterns o f neural activity. a neuron. The standing potential is due to a concentration
We often sav chac visual features are coded in che neural dis- o f positive ions outside the cell, w hich is m aintained by
charge. O n e could say equally well that a scene is coded by a m etabolic activity. An action potential is triggered when
digital camera or a symphony is coded into grooves in a positive sodium and potassium ions migrate through pores
vinyl disc. At this level it is best to say that the stimulus is in che cell m em brane and briefly reverse che sign o f the
transd uced in to neural activity. A perceptual m echanism , mem brane potential. The total current generated by ion
migration is modeled by the H o d g k in -H u xley eq u atio n s nerve condu ction ensure that these tw o requirem ents
(H odgkin and Huxley 1 952). The action potential travels at are m et. First, the velocity o f conduction o f impulses
up to 2 m/s in unmyelinated axons, and up to hundreds o f along a given axon is constant. Sccond , after an impulse
m eters per second in myelinated axons. Velocity increases has been transm itted, the cell is unresponsive, or
with increasing axon diameter. In myelinated axons, action refractory, for a few m illiseconds. Consequently, nerve
potentials jum p betw een gaps (nodes) in the insulating impulses are discrete and cannot get out o f order. Also
myelin. This increases speed o f conduction. In a given the refractory period lim its the upper frequency o f
neuron, all action potentials have the same am plitude and, nerve condu ction to about 5 0 0 impulses/s.
on that account, are said to obey the a ll-o r-n o n c law.
In the visual system, action potentials are first form ed in S ince the ampli rude o f a n eu r a 1spike is fixed, an impu lse-
retinal ganglion cells. The axons ot ganglion cells carry code system cannot use amplitude modulation tor trans­
action potentials to the thalamus, where they are relayed to m itting inform ation. In the single axon, inform ation can be
neurons that p roject to the visual cortex o f the brain. transm itted only in terms o f the tim e o f occurrence ot
Л typical cell in the visual cortex has a structure consisting impulses or as a tem poral frequency or a m odulation o f
o t a tree o f branching dendrites, each with a multitude tem poral frequency.
o f dendritic spines, and a single outgoing axon. Incom ing C om pu ters use an impulse code to constru ct a digital
nerve impulses impinge on synapses on the dendritic spines. (num ber) code. In a defined tim e interval, an electrical
Excited synapses convey graded potentials to the cell body signal signifies the binary num ber 1, and the absence o f a
(som a) o f the neuron. A ction potentials generated in the signal signifies 0. Each signal codes one b it ot inform ation.
soma or the initial segm ent o fth e axon convey signals to the A message is conveyed as a string o f binary numbers, o f
next neuron in the chain. defined length (a word). A clock defines the tem poral posi­
Slowly rising action potentials mediated by calcium ions tion o f each binary num ber in a word. H ence both tim e and
are also generated in dendrites. D endritic spines are active signal strength are quantized in a digital code.
elem ents th at are capable o f am plifying or filtering excit­ Neural impulses do n o t occur in discrete tim e intervals.
atory potentials. Slight local changes in the m orphology o f So there is no digital coding in the nervous system. Sensory
spines can m odulate their functional properties (Tsav and nerves do not transm it inform ation about w hether an
Yuste 2 0 0 4 ). impulse did or did not occur in a defined tim e interval.
A ction potentials also propagate back from the soma However, synchrony betw een signals in different neurons is
into the dendritic tree. W e will see in Sections 6 .4 .3 and 6.5 used in neural signaling (see Section 4 .3 .4 ). A single recep­
that backpropagating action potentials are involved in syn­ tor transm its inform ation about the state o f depolarization
aptic plasticity (Stuart and Sakm ann 1 9 9 4 ; M agee and o fth e receptor, w hich depends on stimulus m agnitude. 'I he
Johnston 1 997). generator potential is lawfully related to the logarithm o f
Because it has fixed am plitude, an action potential is a stimulus intensity, and the frequency o f impulses in a sen­
qu antized signal. A system that transmits signals as a tem ­ sory neuron is a m o n o to n ic function ot the generator
poral string o f quantized impulses is an im p u lse-cod e. An potential over the linear range.
im pulse-code is used tor long-range transmission in the
nervous system, ju st as it is in the digital com puter. An
efficient im pulse-code has the following requirem ents:
Axons are designed for long-range transmission o f inform a­
1. It must use quantized signals ot fixed amplitude. Such tion. However, the m ost im portant coding processes do not
signals are relatively im m une to the effects o f noise occur in axons but at synapses, where signal transmission
w ithin the system because they are stronger than all but obeys very different rules, and inform ation trom many
the m ost severe noise. sources can be com bined using operations such as addition,
subtraction, m ultiplication, and mutual in hibition . These
2. Signals should get neither weaker nor stronger during
operations are typically analog, local, and nonlinear. In a
transm ission. An axon with a diam eter o f 1 mm has a
com puter, logical operations are perform ed by and-gates
resistance o f about 1 0 “ ohm/cm, which is abou t 10
and or-gates, which are perfectly structured connections
times higher than that o f metal. I f signals in an axon
betw een binary elem ents. The nervous system does n o t pos­
relied on electrical condu ction, they would fade w ithin
sess perfect structures o t this kind. W hatever logical opera­
a few millim eters. Nerve impulses are boosted to a fixed
tions it perform s arise from a statistical and changeable
amplitude at the nodes o f Ranvicr, which occur along
weighting o f a m ultitude o f inputs at synapses (M el 1994).
myelinated axons at intervals proportional to axon
Inform ation can be transm itted at a much higher rare
by an analog neural signal than by neural spikes (de Ruyter
3. D uring transm ission, signals must not coalesce and van Steveninck and Laughlin 1 9 9 6 ). Also, analog pro­
must preserve their temporal order. Two properties o f cesses occurring in parallel w ithin a large netw ork can be
perform ed much m ore rapidly than equivalent in-series dendritic patterns. Differcnc patterns serve distinct fu n c­
digital processes executed in com puters (K o ch e t al. 1986). tions such as addition, m ultiplication, and gain control
Analog processes are dedicated to a particular task, whereas (Silver 2 0 1 0 ).
com puter programs may be m odified. Lack o f flexibility is For example, there are cells in the mammalian brain­
not a disadvantage in a system that subjects all inputs to the stem that acc as coincidence detectors for sound localiza­
same lim ited range o l translorm ations, and for which speed tion. They respond maximally when inputs from one ear
o f processing is im portant. However, we will sec in che next arrive at one cluster o f dendrites at the same tim e as inputs
chapter that parallel processes in neural netw orks possess lrorn the other ear arrive at a distinct cluster ol dendrites.
some flexibility. Flexibility is achieved by growth processes, Th e separation o f the cwo dendritic clusters increases signal
by serial processing performed at a later stage, and by atten ­ strength because signals arriving on neighboring dendrites
tion mechanism s. Stim ulus-contingent changes at synapses show nonlinear saturation, and hence have a high thresh­
allow for som e short-term flexibility in processing and for old, while those arriving on distinct dendrites sum linearly
long-term learning. and have a low threshold (A gm on-Sn ir et al. 1 9 9 8 ). A sim i­
Synaptic transmission is graded rather than quancal. lar m echanism could d etect coincidence o f stim uli within
Each cortical neuron is studded with up to 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 syn­ or between the eyes.
apses arranged on a com plex o f branching dendrites. Analog Synapses on local branches o f che dendricic cree o f pyra­
processes convey signals to the cell body (som a) o f a cortical midal cells form distinct processing units. Each unit could
neuron. However, all-or-none neural spikes mediated by be sensitive to a particular spatiotem poral paccern o f inpucs
calcium ions also convey signals from dendrites to the soma. representing a particular com plex feature. Also, the co u ­
These spikes are slower than sodium spikes that travel along pling betw een each dendritic branch and che soma o f che
axons. Also, action potentials backpropagate from the soma cell is su bject to m odification (see S ectio n 6 .5 .5 ).
to dendrites o f cortical pyramidal cells. These potentials can Thus, che real work o f che nervous system is achieved by
prom ote subthreshold calcium action potentials initiated nonlinear analog processes within clusters o t synapses on
by excitatory inputs (Larkum et al. 1 9 9 9 ). This coupling o f the dendritic branches o f each neuron. T h equantal impulse-
action potentials facilitates detection o t coincidence ot code system is simply a way to get inform ation along an
inputs arriving at a pyramidal cell from different layers o f axon from one synaptic cluster со che next w ithout loss.
the visual cortex. The m agnitude o f this coupling depends C om puters are quantal and digital throughout, both tor
on the proxim al-distal distribution o f dendritic branches transmission o f signals and for signal processing.
(Schaefer et al. 2 0 0 3 ). The extent and distribution o f back-
propagation trom soma to dendrites are more restricted
4 .2 .3 M O N O P O L A R A N D B IP O L A R
after several action potentials have occurred in sequence
(Spruston ec al. 1 9 9 5 ; Yuste and D enk 1 9 9 5 ).
Shore inh ibitory interneurons cransmic signals in an Som e stimulus features have direction as well as magnitude.
analog fashion. These signals inhibit rather than excite the They are said со be oppositional, or b ip o la r stim u lu s fea­
cells they impinge on. Excitatory and inhibitory interac­ tures. For exam ple, visual m otion along a given axis is a
tions at a given synapse depend on the relative locations ot bipolar feature, since the m otion can be in either o f two
inputs on che dendrites, on ionic currents released by stim u­ directions. Som e receptors are b ip o lar d e te cto rs because
lation, and on the m agnitude ot m em brane conductances. they produce a bipolar response to bipolar stimuli. They are
We will see in Section 5.5. I f chat glial cells, w hich o u t­ thus able to code both the magnitude and direction o f b ip o ­
number neurons, are also involved in cortical activity lar features. For instance, a hair cell in a cupula ot a sem icir­
(Nedergaard 1994). N eurohorm ones carried in the blood cular canal hyperpolarizes when the head rotates one way
o r cerebrospinal fluid regulate neural activity at target sites and depolarizes when it rotates the other way. Since there
throughout the nervous syscem. O th er influences, known are no negative nerve impulses, neurons can produce b ip o ­
as n eu rom o d u lators, modulate neural transmission, rather lar responses only with respect to a resting state o f m ain­
chan evoke neural impulses. For example, axons originacing tained discharge. Thus, afferent fibers from che sem icircular
in subcortical centers such as the locus coeruleus carry neu­ canals m aintain a steady discharge that decreases when
rom odulator у signals to m ost parts o f che cerebral cortex the head turns one way / and increases when it turns che
(Section 5 .5 .2 g ). O th er neurom odulatory signals arise in ocher way.
the cerebral cortex (K atz and Frost 1 9 9 6 ). For example, Lighc intensity is a m onopolar stimulus since there is no
corticofugal impulses from che visual cortex to che laceral negative light. Retinal receptors do n o t generate bipolar
geniculate nucleus m odify the response characteristics ot receptor potentials— they all hyperpolarize when stim u­
geniculate cells. lated. The stimulus feature o f light-on as opposed to lighc-
There is a great variety o f dendritic patterns in cortical o ff is bipolar, but light-on and light-off responses are
neurons (see Figure 5 .2 0 ). Stellate cells, pyramidal cells, and achieved in two discincc secs o f bipolar cells into which the
inhibitory/ intcrneurons in the visual cortex have distinct receptors feed. They are called bipolar because ot their
structure, not because o f their function. Functionally, each vestibular detectors because they control eye-stabilizing
bipolar cell is m onopolar. It acts as a half-wave rectifier, reflexes and postural responses, which must be rapid.
since it responds to alternate half-cycles o f a stimulus oscil­
lating in lum inance. A bipolar cell does not respond to a
steady stimulus. A cell producing distinct signals for light 4.2.4 PRIMARY C O D IN G
increase and light decrease would have to m aintain a con­
4 .2 .ч а In tro d u c tio n
stant discharge when there is no change in illum ination.
Similarly, m ost sim ple cells in the visual cortex have There are two basic coding processes in the nervous system.
little or no m aintained discharge. They act as half-wave rec­ The first is response coding, w hich is defined by the char­
tifiers with respect to the distribution o f dark-light stimuli acteristics o frh c response o f a receptor or neuron. It includes
falling on their receptive fields. Each cell responds to only variation in the strength ot the response as a function ot the
one half o f the cycle o f stim ulation produced by a dark-light strength o f the stimulus. Thus, in the eye, light intensity
grating m oving over the receptive field o f the cell. The full affects the strength o t the generator potential o f rods and
range o f stim ulation is covered because cells occur in pairs cones. Stim ulus onset, offset, and duration affect the tem ­
in quadrature spatial phase (S ectio n 5 .5 .3 ). poral m odulation o f receptor potentials. These responses
There are several reasons why it is m ore efficient to becom e coded in terms o f tem poral characteristics o f neural
d etect a bipolar feature using oppositely tuned m onopolar spikes in ganglion cells.
detectors rather than a bipolar detector: The second basic coding process is labeled-line coding.
It is defined in terms o t which o t a set o t receptors or neu­
1. M onopolar detectors do not need a maintained rons is responding. A t the receptor level, labeled-line coding
discharge. depends on there being dillerent receptors. For example,
position is a primary labeled-line feature coded in terms
2. Any disturbance o f m aintained discharge upsets the
o t the location o t receptors on the retina. C ones are diller-
calibration o f a bipolar detector. For instance, alcohol
cntiallv tuned to long, m edium , and short wavelengths to
upsets the m aintained discharge o f vestibular receptors,
produce labeled lines lor color processing.
with well-known consequences.
A coding process evident at the level o f single receptors
3. Tw o m onopolar detectors have double the dynamic will be referred to as a prim ary coding process. A stimulus
range o f a bipolar detector. feature coded by a primary sensory process is a primary
feature. Secondary features are coded at a level beyond the
4. O utputs o f m onopolar detectors can be com bined to
produce a difference signal or ratio signal that is
The outputs o f primary coding in retinal receptors are
independent o f changes in a stimulus feature to which
elaborated by neuronal processing in the retina. The elabo­
both detectors are equally sensitive. For instance,
rated signals code secondary features such as local lumi­
if the output o f a cell in the visual cortex that is tuned
nance contrast and color opponency. These features are
to one orientation is subtracted from that o f a detector
coded in the responses o f ganglion cells. The coding o f other
tuned to another orientation, the resulting signal
secondary features, such as movement, orientation, and
is independent o f the overall luminance o f the
binocular disparity, is delayed until the visual cortex.
Still other secondary features, such as complex patterns o f
5. N onlinearities in each detector may be canceled when optic flow and higher spatial derivatives o f disparity, are
tw o opposed signals arc com bined. An example o f this coded in higher visual centers. All processes representing
is provided in S ection 3 1 .4 .1 . secondary or higher features are derived from primary
coding processes.
There is a price to pay for detecting a bipolar feature Philosopherssince Aristotle have distinguished between
with m onopolar detectors. There must be twice as many prim ary sensations and secondary sensations. Primary sen­
m onopolar as bipolar detectors. Also, there must be an sations, like seen length and size, were said to resemble the
opponcncy m echanism that com bines the tw o half-wave stim uli that give rise to them . Secondary sensations, such as
rectified signals in to a unitary signal. D etecto rs (hair cells) warmth and taste, were said to differ from their stimuli. Hut
in the sem icircular canals arc bipolar and do not rectify the this is a misleading distinction. Sensory inputs are related to
head-acceleration signal. For them , the need to econom ize some aspect o f the stim uli that create them . That is why
on the num ber o f detectors and subsequent analysis o u t­ they contain inform ation. For example, sensations o f tone
weighs the disadvantage o f m aintaining a discharge when bear some relationship to the frequency o f sound vibra­
the head is n o t moving. Also, these detectors respond to tions, even though tone is basically coded by the location o f
only one stimulus feature and do no need an opponent excitation along the basilar m em brane o f the inner ear.
mechanism to discount the effect o f stimulus intensity. The distinction betw een prim ary and secondary sensa­
Sim plicity and speed o f processing are im portant for tions gave rise to a futile debate betw een idealists, who insist
that sensations are all we know, and realists, who believe in tim e and intensity (R ouse 1952). A similar law in p h o to ­
an objective world that transcends sensations. The problem chem istry is known as the Bunson-Roscoe law.
arose because sensations were treated as isolated idealized Each retinal ganglion cell receives inputs from several
entities, such as pure red, and pure tones. But there is no receptors through a com plex cellular net work. The netw ork
unique relationship between a given sensation o f “red” and defines the rccep tiv c field o f the ganglion cell. F.ach co rti­
a particular wavelength o flig h t. The same co lo r sensation cal cell receives inputs from several ganglion cells, which
can be produced by many wavelength com binations. Also, define the receptive field o fth e cortical cell. The response o f
the sensation produced by a given com bination varies with a retinal ganglion cell or o f a cell in the visual cortex is deter­
the spatial and tem poral features o f surrounding stimuli. m ined by the spatiotem poral structure ot stim uli tailing
Nevertheless, perceptual experiences and the actions associ­ within its receptive field and nor merely by the total stimulus
ated with them form consistent and coherent patterns energy (S ectio n 5 .5 .3 ).
com m on to all people. W e experience paradoxes, illusions, Although lum inance changes by 10 log units between
and delusions. But we can reveal errors by observing rela­ starlight and sunlight, visual receptors have a dynam ic
tionships betw een events and finding percepts that are m ost range o f only abou t 3 log units. Furtherm ore, a ganglion
consistent and reliable. By and large, our perceptual systems cell can transm it up to a frequency ot only about 8 0 0
are effective in detecting the structure o fth e local environ­ impulses per second. The cells refractory period prevents it
m ent and controlling our behavior in that environm ent. from firing at a higher rate. At least tour m echanism s serve
Primary and secondary features and prim ary and sec­ to allow the visual system to com pensate tor the lim ited
ondary sensory coding that will now be discussed have dynamic ranges o f the receptors and transmission system.
nothing to do with the primary and secondary sensations o f
the philosophers. 1. Pupillary responses The pupils control o f the am ount o f
light entering the eye.

4 .2 .4 b C o d in g Stim u lus Intensity 2. Nonlinear compression o f response sensitivity at high

lum inance. This is due to such causes as saturation o f
The physical intensity o f an adequate stimulus is the energy
bleached visual pigm ent and o f neural responses.
falling on unit area o f a sensory surface in unit time. W hen
an adequate stimulus varies in intensity bu t nor in any other 3. General or local adaptation The visual system adapts its
respect, the frequency o f nerve impulses generated in an sensitivity as a function o f local or mean level o f
afferent sensory neuron is typically some m o no to n ic, satu­ luminance. This process is equivalent to placing a neutral
rating iu nction ot stimulus intensity, modified by effects ot density filter over the whole or part o f the visual scene.
spatiotem poral interactions betw een sensory inputs and by
4. Subtractive adaptation This arises from lateral
sensory adaptation. The firing rate o f many sensory affer­
inhibition betw een the “O N ” and “O F F ” regions o f chc
e n t declines exponentially when a constant stimulus is
receptive fields o f ganglion cells. Ic reduces responses to
applied to the receptor. These are p h asic sen so rs that trans­
even areas o f even lum inance com pared with responses
m it inform ation abou t changes in stim ulation, rather than
to spatial or temporal contrast boundaries. This type o f
about its absolute level. C ells that m aintain a response to a
visual process is responsible for sim ultaneous and
steady-state input are to n ic sensors.
successive contrast.
The direction from which a stimulus impinges on a
receptor may also affect its power to evoke a response. For 5. Segregation of 'ON an d 'OFF ganglion cells Th is
instance, a retinal cone is m ore sensitive to light that arrives doubles the dynamic range o f che visual system.
from the direction o f t h e cen tcr o f the pupil than to light
arriving trom other directions— a phenom enon known as
4 .2 .4 c P rim a ry L a b e le d -L in e C o d e s
the S tiles-C ra w fo rd effcct.
Under certain conditions, the response o f the visual A primary labeled-line code depends on the sensory rcccp-
system depends on the total physical energy falling w ithin cor stim ulated. The main sensory m odalities, such as vision
the area and tim e interval over which stimulus energy is and audition, arc labeled lines because receptors in each
integrated. In the psychophysical dom ain, the area relation­ m odality respond to one primary scimulus and evoke dis­
ship in vision m anifests itself as R ic c o ’slaw . This states that, tin ct sensations. The concept o f labeled line receptors is
tor a stimulus of fixed short duration and with a diam eter ot related to the concept o f sp ecific nerve energies associated
less than about 2" o f visual angle, the detection threshold is wich Johannes M uller (1 8 4 3 ), although the idea originated
inversely proportional to the product o f the area and inten­ before M uller (see Boring 1950, p. 8 0 ; and Rose 1999).
sity o fth e stimulus (G raham et al. 1 9 3 9 ). The rime relation­ However, we now know that different sensory systems p ro ­
ship m anifests itself as B lo c h s law, which states that, tor a duce distinct sensations by virtue o f the centers o f the brain
stimulus o f a fixed small area and a duration o f less than 0.1 into which they feed rather than by virtue o f differences in
s, the threshold is inversely proportional to the product ot neural activity.
ЛИ detectors operating in a labeled-line system have a the axons in optic nerves is no longer required. It is only
band-pass tuning function, in which the firing rate at first required that the specific connections that each neuron
increases and then decreases as che value o f the labeled-line makes be preserved until spatial inform ation is encoded
feature is varied over the detection range o f the detector. into a nontopographic form , or evokes a response. The fact
For example, the response o f a single retinal cone increases that the visual hemificlds are represented in different hem i­
and then decreases as a point ol light is moved across it. The spheres or that the mapping o f the retina o n to the cortex
spatial tuning function is thus two-valued, which in tro­ can be described as a conform al logarithm ic function
duces an essential ambiguicy into che response o f any single (Section 5.5.4d ) has no significance for spatial coding. In
labeled-line detector. The tuning function ot a receptor to the nervous system, only the con nection s that cells make
changes in stimulus intensity is a single-valued function. with ocher cells are relevant. The geomecry o f che disposi-
A nother reason for am biguity in a labeled-line detector is cion o f cells on the cortical surface is irrelevant tor coding
chat a change in response can be due со either a change in o f topographic inform acion, although ic is im portant for
stimulus intensity or to a change in the labeled-line feature econom izing on the lengths o f neural connections.
to which the detector is tuned. There has been a long debate abouc whecher local signs
W ith in any sensory system, there are two basic types o f are innate o r calibrated through experience (see Section
labeled-line systems. The first is defined by the spatial loca­ 2 .8 .3 ). The debate centered on the restricted idea o f a one-
tion o f the receptors on the sensory epithelium . These are to -o n e correspondence between retinal location and per­
to p og rap h ic co d es. In the eye and the skin the topographic ceived visual direction. Hut a richer set o f concepts emerges
code indicates spatial location. In the ear, it codes frequency when one considers the topology o t visual space. C onsider
and is referred to as a to n o to p ic cod e. The second primary the follow ing propositions regarding retinal local sign.
labeled-line system is defined by the filter characteristics o f
different recepcors. In the eye these arc the rods and the 1. A point stimulus evokes a sensation o f only one point.
three types o f cone. This system codes achrom atic stimuli N point stimuli evoke a sensation ot N points when
and long, m edium ,and short wavelengchs o f light. Differenc they arc sufficiently well separated.
types o t receptor in the skin code pressure, temperature,
2. Closely adjacent stimulus points are perceived as
and pain. These types o f labeled-line system will be referred
to as recep to r-ty p e co d in g . G eneral types o t coding will
now be discussed in m ore detail. 3. The relative order o f stimulus points is preserved in the

4 .2 .4 d P rim a ry T o p o g ra p h ic C o d in g 4 . The greater the distance between stim ulus points, the
greater the pcrccivcd distance between them.
A sensory m odality can have only one to p o g rap h ic labeled -
lin e system . This is because each receptor in a given 5. C o llin car stim ulus points appear collinear.
system has a distinct position on the sensory epithelium .
6. A stronger version o f proposition 5 is that images
Topographic sensory inputs project o n to che cerebral cortex
arising from straight lines are perceived as straight. This
to torm a to p o lo g ica lly co n tin u o u s m apping. Stim ulation
carries the corollary that a line perceived as straight
o f a given receptor evokes an impression o f a given value on
when imaged on one part ot the retina is perceived as
a sensory continuum , which is the lo cal sign o t the recep­
straight when imaged on any other part.
tor. The local sign o f a sensory cell is a function o f how it is
connected in the central nervous system, rather than o f its 7 . The relative directions o f stimulus points are preserved
position in che sensory m em brane. However, sensory recep­ in the percept.
tors do not change their positions on the sensory epithe­
lium and the order o f receptors is preserved in the cortex. The first five propositions arise from innate mechanisms
Therefore, one may talk about receptors coding location on chat are noc modified by experience. Even H elm holtz, the
the sensory surface. arch em piricist, believed chat proposition 3 depends on
A sensory system can devote its topographic system to innate processes. The last two propositions are not necessar­
only one sensory feature, which is the local sign, or to p o ­ ily true and are modified by experience. Tims a period o f
graphic, feature for that sensory system. This will be called exposure to curved lines induces straight lines to appear
the lo cal-sig n exclu sion rule. For both vision and couch, curved. G eom etrical illusions attest to the fact that proposi­
position is the local-sign feature. For audition, it is frequency, tions 6 and 7 are su bject to short-term experience.
and for the utricles it is direction o f head acceleration.
The retinal image has a precise geom etry, w hich can be
4 .2 .4 e R c c c p to r -T y p e C o d in g
encoded only it receptors m aintain a fixed spatial order.
O n ce the spatial attributes o f an image have been coded into All labeled-line systems in a given sensory modality,
nerve impulses in ganglion cells, a fixed spatial ordering o f other than the local-sign system, are n o n to p o g rap h ic.
They depend on differences betw een che filter characteris­ from several receptors o r neurons, it is refereed to as
tics o f different receptors rather than on positions o f p o p u latio n co d in g (Section 4.6 .2 b ).
receptors on the sensory epithelium . They could be called Secondary coding starts in the recina. O n e retinal system
rcce p to r-ty p c la b eled -lin e codes. N ontopographic sen­ consists o f O N -bip o lar cells and O F F -b ip o lar cells (Section
sory inputs p roject onto the cerebral cortex to form 5 .1 .3 ), which com bine to create the receptive fields o f gan­
d iscrete m aps rather than continuous topographic maps. glion cells that code local contrast. C o lo r is initially coded
O n e such system is the three-cone color system, in ac che level o f chree types o f cones. However, the secondary
which the receptors act as differential filters for wavelength. feature o f color opponency is coded at the ganglion-cell
For a given intensity of light, the response of a retinal cone level, and color constancy is coded at the cortical level.
is a bell-shaped function o f the frequency (wavelength) o f O rientation could be coded by receptors that differ in shape
the light. C o lo r is not a posicion-dependcnt stimulus fea­ or by ganglion cells wich elongated receptive fields. But
ture. A com plete set o f color receptors must be present at visual receptors and ganglion-cell receptive fields have c ir­
each location o f the local-sign system, which itself has only cular cross sections. Single receptors are incapable ot coding
one com plete set o f channels. This imposes a constraint on m otion direction o r binocular disparity. C od in g o f visual
the num ber of color channels. I f color were coded by many features such as m orion, oriencacion, and disparity is delayed
channels, only a subset o f these channels would be activated until the visual cortex.
at a given tim e by a given stimulus. This would degrade the We are able to see the m otion, orientation, and relative
spatial resolution o f the local-sign system. Also, i f there depth ofstim u li ateach location in the visual field. Therefore,
were many color channels, the retina would have to be tor each location in the visual field, there must be a co m ­
impossibly large. It was this logic th at led Thom as Young plete set o f secondary detectors for each o f these features.
(1 8 0 2 ) to propose that there are only three types o f However, secondary features do not require dedicated reti­
receptor for color, and that they have widely overlapping nal receptors because the outputs from a given set o f recep­
wavelength tuning functions. tors can be configured in different ways to code different
The only way to escape this constraint is to devote one secondary features. The form ation o f d istinct channels for
part o f the eye to color coding and a distinct part to spatial secondary features can occur in the retina or can be p ost­
resolution. The m antis shrimp has eyes o f this type. A cen­ poned until inputs reach the visual cortex. In a com plex
tral set o f low-density om m atidia contains at least ten types visual system, it helps to postpone coding o f secondary
o f color pigm ent, which filter the incom ing light. They are features because there is more room in the brain than in the
thus capable o f resolving the chrom atic spectrum . Two eye for che necessary neural processes.
flanking sets o f high-densitv achrom atic om m atidia resolve There are two basic types o f secondary coding. The first
the image spatially. The three sets o f om m atidia in each eye is response coiling, which involves the temporal character­
converge on che same location in space. See Section 33-2.1 istics o t neural responses. This is discussed in Section 4.3.
for m ore details o f these remarkable eves.
The second is labeled-line coding, or m ultichannel coding,
O th er nontopographic labeled-line systems include which will now be discussed.
olfactory and taste receptors.
A ll primary sensory features in a given sense organ are
4 .2 .5 a M u ltip lc -C h a n n c l Systems
coded in term s o f (1 ) the tem poral features o f responses
such as latency and frequency, (2 ) local sign, or (3 ) recep­ It is unfortunate that the word “channel” is n o t well defined.
tors with d istin ct tuning functions for a nontopographic People talk about the visual channel as opposed to the audi­
feature. In the visual system, this means that receptors can tory channel, the visual m otion channel as opposed со che
signal only intensity, tem poral changes in intensity, oculo- color channel, and about the red, green, and blue channels
cencric direction (local sign), and wavelength. C od ing for w ithin che color svstcm.
In this section a m ultichannel
o ther features must be deferred to beyond the receptors. system is defined as one composed o f an array o f labeled-
Types o f sensory coding are listed in Table 4.1. D eferred, or line detectors for a given stimulus feature. Typically, each
secondary, coding will now be discussed. d etecto r has a bell-shaped cuning function with a response
peak and two flanks over which the response falls to zero,
and som etim es to below zero. For instance, a retinal cone
4 .2 .5 SEС О N D A RY С О D IN G
shows a band-pass response when the wavelength o f a light
S eco n d a ry stim ulus features are those features that are noc o f fixed intensity is varied, or when che position o f the scim­
coded in terms o f responses o f single sensory receptors. ulus is varied. Also, a hair cell in che auditory cochlea shows
They are spatial or spattotem poral derivatives of primary a band-pass response as the frequency o f a tone o f fixed
stimulus features. C o d in g processes that require the co o p ­ intensity varies. However, for any detector with a band-pass
erative activity o f several receptors or o f several neurons at a tuning function, two stim uli lying on opposite flanks o f che
later stage o f processing arc secon d ary co d in g processes. cuning function generate the same response. Therefore the
Since secondary coding involves integrating inform ation responses o f single detectors are ambiguous.
The universal solution to this problem is to have d etec­ obligatory. However, in a secondary coding system,
tors tuned to different bu t overlapping bandwidths within metamerism in one spatial feature may be compensated
the stimulus continuum . D etectors with the same band­ by another spatial feature. For instance, different
width and peak sensitivity constitute one channel ol a orientations o f a set o f lines may n o t be resolvable by
m ultichannel system. D etectors in different channels dirfcr the orientation-d ctection system but may be resolved by
in their peak sensitivity and span different ranges o i the the position-detcction system.
stim ulus continuum . For color, there are three channels—
M etam erism is discussed in more detail in Section 4.2.7.
red, green, and blue cones. For retinal position, rhere are
about one m illion channels (ganglion cells). W c can say 2. Confounding effects o f intensity The response o f a
that all secondary m ultichannel coding involves com bining d ctcctor in a m ultichannel system is ambiguous because
the responses from a set ot detectors with overlapping changes in the stimulus feature to which the detector is
tuning functions. D etection o fth e value o f a particular stim ­ tuned arc contoundcd with changes in stimulus
ulus depends on the com bined output ot the stimulated intensity. The am biguity can be resolved by using the
detectors. difference in response ot tw o neighboring dctcctors
A lthough the response o f any channel is ambiguous (Section 4 .2 .8 ), or by norm alizing the response o f a
across the two halves o f its tuning function, the com bined given ceil by dividing its response by the mean response
responses ot the set ot activated channels provides a unique o f neighboring cells (Section 5.5.3).
output tor each value o f the stimulus continuum . Thus, a
particular value o t a stimulus feature evokes a particular 3 . Confounding one feature with another A given neuron in
com bination o f responses in a particular set o f overlapping the visual co rtex is tuned to more than one stimulus
channels, w ithin the lim its o t resolution. For example, each feature. l;or example, many cells in rhe visual cortex are
wavelength o f the visible spectrum evokes a unique response tuned to both the direction ot m otion and the
in the set ot red, green, and blue cones. orientation o f a stimulus. However, the spatial
A single channel o f a m ultichannel, labeled-line system distribution o f neurons tuned to one feature differs
can determ ine the value o f a stimulus with a precision no trom that o f neurons tuned to another feature.
finer than h alf the width o f its tuning function. This pres­ The visual system is therefore able to com bine
ents no problem it there are many channels, as in the independently the outputs that arise trom the different
m illion-channel local-sign system o f the eye. However, stimulus features. This is an econom ical process.
according to the local-sign exclusion rule, there can be no If each neuron in the visual cortex were tuned to
more than one m ultichannel local-sign system in a given only one o f N stimulus features instead o f to all the
sense organ. But fortunately, ir is not necessary to have features, the num ber o f neurons would have to be
many narrowly tuned channels to achieve good discrim ina­ multiplied by N.
tion. The value o f a stimulus can be detected with great pre­
cision from the outputs o f a tw o-channel system. The There are at least two reasons why it is better to cover a
G erm ans used this fact during World War II. Their b o m b ­ wide stimulus continuum with several detectors rather than
ers navigated down the locus o f equal volume o f signals with only one.
from tw o overlapping radio beams. Any departure from In the first placc, the design o f an efficient detector for
this locus was immediately detected by a change in the one end o f a teaturc continuum usuallv differs trom that ot

strength o f t h e signal from one beam relative to that from a detector at the other end. For example, a detector for high
the other. For this type o f system to work, the tuning func­ spatial frequency (fine patterns) is fundam entally different
tions o f t h e channels must overlap, but the output o f each from a detector for low spatial frequency (coarse patterns).
channel must retain its identity. Also, a detector o f vertical lines has a vertically oriented
All multichannel systems are presented with the following receptive field, w hich renders it relatively insensitive to hor­
sources o f am biguity: izontal lines. Even tor trcqucncy-coded detectors o f stim u­
lus intensity, the stimulus range is typically partitioned
1. Metamerism Any detector system with only a few am ong several detectors with S-shaped tuning functions at
overlapping tuning functions is able to d ctcct the value different positions along the stim ulus-intcnsity continuum .
o f a single stimulus but has reduced capacity to resolve Thus, rods operate at low intensities and cones operate at
tw o or more stimuli presented at the same tim e to the high intensities.
same set ot detectors. Such systems arc m etam eric In the second place, m ultichannel systems are less sub­
sensory systems. For example, the same color je c t to the effects o f noise. This is because the effects o f noise
impression can be created from different com binations arc reduced when signals with independent sources o f noise
o f wavelengths and luminance. There is no cure tor this arc com bined. O n e can think o f the ou tp u t o f each channel
type o f am biguity in a primary sensory system such as o f a m ultichannel system as a vector w ith length determ ined
the color-detection svstcm. The metamerism is by signal strength and direction by the peak value o f the

S E N S O R Y C O D IN G • 137
cuning funccion o f chac channel. The veccors of' all active subchreshold summacion со sensory processing
neurons are com bined со form che population veccor, which o f 2 -D spatial concrasc stim uli was reviewed by
forms che escimacor for coding chc scimulus. An optim al G raham (1 9 8 9 ). Subchreshold summacion in binocular
cscimacor should, on average, produce che correcc value vision is discussed in S ection 13.1.
(ic should be unbiased) and ic should have minimum vari­
3. Range o f masking A briefly presenced suprachreshold
ance (noise). Deneve ec al. (1 9 9 9 ) developed a biologically
stimulus elevaces che chreshold for a briefly presenced
plausible neural necwork chac simulaced a m ultichannel
stimulus presenced in che same or a neighboring
syscem for dececcion o f scimulus orientation. By making
location, ac che same cime or in close rcmporal
cercain assumptions abouc chc cuning functions and che
contiguity. This is known as masking. For exam ple, one
cype o f noise, chey showed chac chc model perform ed as
can determ ine the range o f spatial frequencies over
an ideal dececcor. See Abbocc and Dayan (1 9 9 9 ) for a dis­
which a masking grating elevates the chreshold o f a
cussion o f che effects o f correlated noise in m ultichannel
superimposed test grating (Stroineyer and Julesz
1 9 7 2 ; W ilso n et al. 1983). After allowing for
probability sum m ation and nonlinear interactions,
the results suggest chac chere are ac lease six spatial-
4 .2 .5 b C h a n n e l T u n in g Funccions
scale channels with a half-am plitude bandwidth o f
Tlie cuning funccions ofseparate channels in a m ultichannel abouc 2 .2 occaves for che lowesc spacial-frequency
syscem arc measured by ploccing che response frequency of channel, and about 1.3 octaves for the highest channel
single neurons as a funccion o f changes in che value o f a (W ilso n 1991a)- Binocular masking is discussed in
given fcacure. C hannel bandwidch is usually specified by Section 13.2.
h a lf che widch o f che cuning funccion ac h alf ics heighc.
4 . Comparison o f detection thresholds with identification
Channel bandwidch may be measured by four psychophysi­
thresholds I f cwo stim uli on a given sensory continuum
cal procedures:
stim ulate discincc sensory channels, the idencicy o f each
scimulus should be apparcnc at the same contrast at
1. Range o f adaptation In chis procedure o n e measures
w hich it is dececced. This is because each labeled-line
che range o f values o f a cesc scimulus for w hich che
channel produces a d istinct sensation. Two such stimuli
dececcion chreshold is elcvaccd by previous adapracion
arc said со be perfeccly discrim inated. Stim uli chac are
со a similar scimulus o f fixed value. The procedure
not perfectly discrim inablc stim ulate channels with
can be repeaced for differenc values o f che adapting
overlapping tuning functions. For example, Nachmias
stim uli (Blakem ore and C am pbell 1 9 6 9 ). Ic is assumed
and W eber (1 9 7 5 ) found that gratings o f 3 and 9 cpd
chac che cffcccs o f adapcacion cransfer from one
were perfectly discriminaced at the contrast at which
channel со anocher only when cheir cuning funccions
they were just detected. Using this m ethod, W atson and
Robson (1 9 8 1 ) concluded that there are abou t seven
2. Range o f subthreshold summation C onsider a variable channels devoted to the detection o f spatial frequency
feacure such as oriencacion, velocity, or disparicy chac is (S ectio n 5 .6 .3 ).
dccecccd by cells wich overlapping cuning funccions.
Discincc subchreshold stim uli chac fall wichin che O n e can also ask how many channels span che total
bandwidch o f che cuning funccion o f a cell may bandwidth o f a detection system for a given sensory feature.
summace со produce a suprachreshold scimulus— an For color there are three, and for local sign there are about
cffccc known as subthrcshold sum m ation. By varying one m illion. Estimaces o f the num ber o f channels for
che relacive values o f cwo simulcaneous stim uli over a m otion, spatial scalc, and binocular disparity vary betw een
sensory continuum , one can decermine the stimulus three and about 20. A related question is what proportion
range o f subchreshold sum m ation. This reveals che o f the bandwidth o f a detection system docs the mean
bandwidch o f channels dcvoccd со a Оgiven sensorv/ bandwidth o f d etectors occupy. This proportion is not
feacure. For example, che cuning bandwidch o f the reciprocal o f the number o f channels, since channels
oriencacion dececcors has been inferred from che overlap.
range o f orien cations over w hich subchreshold It is generally assumed chat a m ultichannel system is
sum m ation o f cwo differencly oricncaccd stim uli more sensitive to a change in the value o f a stim ulus feature
occurs (Thom as and G ille 1 979). Similarly, che spatial- when the tuning functions are narrower. In investigating
frequency bandwidch o f dececcors has been inferred this question Pouget et al. (1 9 9 9 ) used che facc chat che
from the range o f spatial frequencies over which ju st noticeable change o f a stimulus value is proportional
subchreshold summacion o f gracing acuicy occurs to the square root o f Fishers measure o f inform ation (see
(G raham and Nachm ias 1 9 7 1 ; Sachs cc al. 1971; Brunei and Nadal 1998). For a population o f N neurons
W ilso n and G elb 1 984). The application o f with Gaussian tuning functions distributed evenly over a
stimulus continuum and with independent noise with Locally, a sensory system can have a sm all num ber o f
variance a2, Fisher inform ation is given by: channels with distinct tuning functions but show a
continuum o f tuning functions over the retina. In this
type o f system one would expect to find undulations in
the discrim ination function for small stim uli that
stim ulate a local discrete set o f detectors, but a sm ooth
where f ( 0 ) is the mean activity o f neuron i in response to
discrim ination function for large stimuli that stim ulate
stimulus value 0, and f ( 0 ) is its derivative with respect
a wide range ot d etecto r types over a large area. C olor
to 0. It follows from this equation that the inform ation,
may be the only visual feature coded by channels with
and therefore stimulus discrim inability, increase as tuning
overall hom ogeneous tuning functions.
width decreases. A ccording to their analysis the optim al
tuning curve has a width equal to 1/N. Pouget et al. also Visual features derived from spatial coding, such as
showed that sharpening tuning functions by inhibitory m otion, spatial scale, and orientation are grossly
interactions at a higher level does not necessarily improve in hom ogeneous because o f the steep increase in the
discrim ination because the process introduces correlated size o f the receptive fields o f ganglion cells as one
noise am ong neurons. In o ther words, processing occurring moves away from the fovea. For the same reason,
beyond the initial stage o f detection cannot increase the binocular disparity is coded by channels with
inform ation con ten t o f a stimulus. Pouget et al. (1 9 9 8 ) inhom ogeneous tuning functions. This issue is
developed a nonlinear recurrent network model o t popula­ discussed further in S ection 11.4.2.
tion coding.
2. Relative distribution ofdifferent types o f receptor The
color system is inhom ogeneous in this respect since the
4 .2 .5 c C h a n n e l H o m o g e n e ity proportions o f red, green, and blue cone types vary
from one locarion to another. The oricntation-d ctcction
C onsider a detection system in w hich, for each location
system is probably hom ogeneous in this respect.
in the visual field, there is a set o t band-pass detectors
(channels) that covers the detectable range o f the stimulus
feature. The ch an n el h om o g en eity o f such a system can be
4 .2 .6 FEA TU RE D E T E C T O R S
defined with respect to each o f the follow ing criteria:
4 .2 .6 a D e fin itio n o f F eatu re D e te c to r s
1. Homogeneity oftuning functions 'I he tuning functions o f
A featu re d e te cto r is a neuron whose firing rate varies as a
channels for a given feature are hom ogeneous when
function o f a change in a defined stimulus fearure. The cells
they are sim ilar over the total area o f the sensory
tuning tunction to a particular stimulus feature is measured
epithelium where the detectors occur. For exam ple, for
by recording irs firing rate as rhe feature is varied for a stim ­
each type o f cone, the chrom atic absorption function is
ulus presented in the cell’s receptive field. A stimulus feature
the same wherever the cones occur in the retina. The
is ch an n eled at a specific level in the nervous system when
discrete nature o f the three chrom atic channels is
detectors for that feature exist at that level. In other words,
revealed by humps and dips in the hue-discrim ination
the feature is represented explicitly at that level (Man-
fu n ction , since hue discrim ination is best where the
1982). Light intensity is channeled at the receptor level,
tuning functions ot neighboring color channels overlap
since a change in light intensity changes the response o f
(Section 4 .2 .7 ). H ue-discrim ination functions are
receptors. O th er prim ary visual features channeled at the
derived from stimuli subtending 2°. However, since the
receptor level are position, flicker, stim ulus duration, and
visual pigments are rhe same over wide areas o f the
wavelength. C ontrast and color opponcncy are channeled
retina, the peaks ot the discrim ination tu nction should
in the retina at the ganglion-cell level. M otion is channeled
occur at the same wavelengths wherever the stimulus is
at the ganglion-cell level in the frog and rabbit, but in pri­
mates it is first channeled in the visual cortex. O rientation
The detectors o f the m otion-detection system do not and disparity are, also, first channeled in the visual cortex.
have hom ogeneous tuning functions. M otion detectors In the retina they are u n ch a n n elcd .o r d istrib u ted .
based on small receptive fields in the central retina are It is inefficient ro have more than rhe m inim um num ber
sensitive to low velocities, while m otion detectors based o f features channeled at the receptor level. It many specific
on large receptive fields in the visual periphery are features were encoded there, m ost receprors would be inac­
sensitive to high velocities. A lthough the m otion- tive m ost o f the tim e and this would degrade acuity. It is
detection system may be a three-channel system in rhe better ro have a ser o f receptors with m ore or less rhe same
sense that three detectors span the velocity bandwidth broad response characteristics so that gradients o f light
o f rhe system at any locarion, rhe bandwidrhs vary in a intensity may be detecred at all rerinal locations. It is also
continuous fashion over the retina. undesirable to channel many features at the ganglion cell
level because chis would increase chc size and complexicy o f che oucpuc o f the sec o f m otion-sensitive cells that it excites.
the eye. It is better to channel secondary features in the cen­ Since che two sets o f cells are at least partly distinct, each
tral nervous system, where there is more room and where stimulus feature is coded distinctly, although n o t necessar­
cells can be specialized for detection o f specific secondary ily in the activity o f individual cells (see A b b o tt and
or higher-ordcr stimulus features. Sejnow ski 1 9 9 9 ). However, this simple view must be m odi­
fied because evidence reviewed in S ection 5 .6 .7 shows that
the same pattern o f response o f cortical cells can be p ro ­
4 .2 .6 b C o d in g D e n sity and P opu lation C o d in g
duced by stim uli possessing different com binations o f
Л system in w hich each neuron responds to only one stim u­ mocion direccion and orientation.
lus exhibits highly specific, or lo cal co d in g . A com puter The response specificity o f a cell in che visual cortex
keyboard uses local coding. M ost o f the time, m ost neurons varies as a function o f che responses o f other neighboring
would n o t respond and chc system could represent only cells outside the classical receptive field. Thus, efficiency o f
N stim uli. A system in which inform ation is represented by inform ation transmission ot cells in che visual cortex o t alert
che com bined activity o f all neurons exhibits d en se co d in g . monkeys increased as m ore o f a patch o f a com plex scene
The coding is called dense because, with mosc natural visual was exposed (V in je and G allant 2 0 0 0 , 2 0 0 2 ). Recurrent
scenes, each neuron would have a high probability o f firing. influences arising from attention and learning also increase
In dense coding, inform ation is present in the spatioccinр о­ the response selectivity o f co rtical cells (Section 5.6.8).
га I paccerns o f accivity, as in a hologram . For N neurons, Rao and Ballard (1 9 9 9 ) argued that a cortical neuron
each signaling a binary stace, a dense code could represent that is influenced by stim uli outside its receptive field detects
2 s patterns. A system in w hich each neuron responds to a the difference between an inpuc signal and che predicccd
few stimulus features exhibits sp arse co d in g with respect value o f thac signal. O nly the difference between the signal
со those feacures. Sparse coding com bines efficiency wich and its predicted value is transmitted to higher centers. This
reasonable capacicy to carry inform ation. A nything that predictive coding reduces redundancy of transmission.
increases the feature specificity o f cells narrows their tuning Z ohary (1 9 9 2 ) developed an algorithm tor determ ining
functions and increases the sparseness o f coding. A t the how many cells in an ensemble o f cortical cells, each tuned
same tim e, the informacion con ten t o f responses o f indi­ to two stimulus dimensions, is required to match the psycho-
vidual cells increases and che responses o f neighboring cells physically determ ined perform ance of che animal.
becom e decorrelaced. This decreases coding redundancy
and cherebv improves m etabolic efficiency.
4 .2 .6 c In te r a c tio n s B e tw e e n F eatu re D e te c to r s
Each recinal receptor responds to a m ultitude ot visual
features, and coding is therefore dense with respect со stim ­ Feature detectors do noc form a neac set o f discincc parallel
ulus features. The only specificity is with respect to simple m odules, each serving a discincc stimulus attribute. They
features such as position, lum inance, and wavelength. Many interact in che following ways:
cells in the striate and peristriate areas show selective tuning
to contrast, length, color, m o tio n , orientation, and binocu ­ 1. Spatial an d temporal binding o f a given feature
lar disparity. Their coding is therefore sparser than that ot N eighboring scimuli and scimuli in temporal sequence
retinal recepcors. These feacurcs are m ore com plex chan tend со be correlated because objects tend to have
chose coded locally in che retina. The single co rtical cell spatial and tem poral extension. O n e can regard cortical
can n ot be said со code any o n e o f chese feacures unam bigu­ cells that respond to spatially or tem porally extended
ously, since variations in firing rate may be due со a change stimuli, such as angles or specific patterns o f m otion,
in any one or any com binacion o f chem. A t higher levels o f as reducing the redundancy o f natural images
visual processing, coding becom es sparser because cells ( Rao and Ballard 1999). This issue is discussed in
becom e selective со even m ore com plex feacures (Barlow Section 4.5.2b .
1961). For example, cells in the infcrotem poral cortex
2. Rinding distinct features O b je cts possess parcicular
respond selectively to faces. Sparse coding econom izes in
concatenations o f distinct visual features that must be
energy consum ption (Levy and Baxter 1996). This is im por­
recognized as belonging to the same objecc. Ihis issue is
tant in the brain, which accounts for up to 50% o fth e total
discussed in S ection 4 .5 .4 . Also, objects defined by
energy consum ption o f the body.
different feature com binations must be perceptually
It is believed that particular stimulus features are distin­
segregated from each other and from the background
guished in a sparse coding system by che cooperative acciv­
(Section 5 .6 .7 ).
ity o f populations o f cortical cells tuned to that feature. This
is known as p o p u lation co d in g . For example, che orienta- 3. Compositefeatures The outputs from feature detectors in
cion ot a line may be uniquely coded by the output o f the set discincc stimulus dom ains may be com bined ac an early
o f orientacion-sensicive cells chat che given stimulus excites. scagc o f processing со form dedicated com posite feature
The direction o f m ocion o t che same line could be coded by detectors. For example, signals from m otion dececcors
and signals from disparity detectors feed into m otion- that disappear after the prisms have been w orn for a few
in-depth detectors (Section 3 1 .3 ). days. Again, the neural system com pensates for them.
TIi is adaptation process is reflected in the M cC oIlough
4 . Inter featurefacilitation The location and shape o f a
effect, in which exposure to gratings with particular
visual contour may be defined in terms o f lum inance,
com binations o f color and orientation produces
color, m otion, texture, or binocular disparity. The
long-lasting coupling betw een perceived co lo r and
precision o f localization o f a contour improved as more
orientation (Sections 4 .2 .9 c and 13.3.5).
attributes were added (Rivest and Cavanagh 1996).
M cG ra w c t al. (2 0 0 3 ) found that the apparent location 7. Mutual dependency The interpretation o f o n e feature o f
o f a small patch coincided with the centroid o f the an o b ject can depend on the value o f associated features.
distribution o f luminance or o f texture w ithin the For example, the perception o f relative m otion depends
patch. W hen the tw o distributions were skewed in on the perceived relative depth and transparency o f
opposite directions, the apparent location ot the patch objects (Section 2 2 .5 .3 ). These effects depend on
depended on the relative contrasts o f the tw o stimulus com plex and highly nonlinear feedback processes by
features. However, precision was poorer than when only w hich the outcom e o f one perceptual process influences
one feature was present. Thus, consonant features other processes.
improve the precision o f localization while conflicting
features degrade it.
Poom (2 0 0 2 ) found that subjects could d etect aligned
edge segments em bedded in random ly oriented A m cta m erie stim u lu s is a com bination o f physical stimuli
segments when the segments were defined by within a stimulus continuum that produces the same
lum inance, by m otion, or by disparity. However, adding sensation as another com bination o f stim uli w ithin that
m ore features did not improve perform ance. Perhaps continuum . The com pon ent stimuli com prising the m cta­
these features would facilitate each other when near the merie stim uli are discrim inable when presented separately.
detection threshold. M ctam crs arc physically different stimuli that create the
same sensation. M etam ers form an equivalence class under
5. Cue invariance W c can d etect the m otion o f edges the operation o f resolution but not under the operation o f
defined by lum inance, texture, color, or disparity discrim ination. For example, the same color can be pro­
(Regan 1 999). F.ach o t these feature systems could have duced by many m ixtures o f m onochrom atic lights. W e
its own m otion-detection m echanism. However, in can n ot resolve the wavelength com ponents o f a colored
cases like this, it is m ore econom ical to converge the area but we can discrim inate betw een these com ponents
outputs o f the various feature detectors on cue-invariant when they are presented one at a tim e o r in different
cd gc-dctcctors before the detection o f m otion locations.
(Cavanagh e t al. 1 990). Som e cells in V I o f the c a t and M etam ers arc som etim es confused with p ro jcctiv ely
m onkey responded to boundaries defined by texture, eq u ivalen t stim u li. A frontal square is projectively equiva­
lum inance, or contrast (Leventhal et al. 1998). This lent to a family o f slanted tapered shapes and, under reduced
suggests that cue invariance occurs initially at the level conditions, they look the same (Section 2 6 .1 .1 b ). The
o f edge detection rather than at the level o f m otion equivalence is produced by the geom etry o f visual rays pro­
detection. jectin g o n to a tw o-dim ensional retina. In contrast, meta-
meric stimuli arise because o f the way stimuli arc processed
D epth can be detected by cues such as vergence,
by the receptors and nervous system. In both cases there is
perspective, m otion parallax, or disparity. In this case,
loss o f inform ation about the distal stimulus.
cue invariance cannot occur at the level o f contour
M etam ers should also be distinguished from stim ulus
detection because these are not all contour-detection
eq u ivalen ce in m u lticu e system s. For example, binocular
processes. Each cue system must have its own depth-
disparity creates sensations o f depth that resemble those
d ctcction m echanism . Their weighted outputs then
created by m otion parallax. However, the basic detectors
converge o n to a cue-invariant depth detection system at
are very different. They pool their inform ation but the pool­
higher levels in the visual system (Section 11.5).
ing does not involve metamerism.
6. Cross talk Repeated exposure to particular Inferences from the use o f metameric stim uli are based
com binations o f features can cause one feature to affect on two assumptions. First, once stim uli have been co m ­
the perception o f another feature. The chrom atic bined m etamerically, inform ation about the com ponent
aberration o f the eye produces color fringes along stim uli is lost in that fcature-dctection system. Second, two
black-w hite borders. However, we do n o t see these stim uli that produce identical sensations generate identical
color fringes because the visual system applies a physiological activity at som e location in the nervous
correction at a neural level. Prisms produce color tringes system. It follows from these assum ptions that the identical
appearance o f tw o metamerieally m atched stimuli can n ot Binocu lar disparity detectors arc also partially
be disturbed by any change applied equally to the metamer- merameric (Section 18.8.2).
ically com bined neural signals. I f two metamerieally
A t the other extrem e, the visual local-sign system
matched stimuli remain matched for all possible changes
contains one m illion channels (one m illion ganglion­
applied equally to both , then the m ctam cric process must
cell receptive fields). Each channel has a tuning tunction
be at the initial site o f processing o f that sensory system.
defined as response am plitude as a function o f rhe
Conversely, if a change applied equally to tw o stimuli
location o t a stimulus wichin che recepcive field. This
disturbs a meram eric march, a process that detecrs rhe
system is merameric only w ithin each sm all region
applied sensory change m ust precede the merameric pro­
where the receptive fields o f ganglion cells overlap.
cess, or there is a nonlinear feedback betw een later and ear­
Two stim uli falling tn an overlap region appear
lier stages o f processing. Thus, we infer that trichrom acy is
as one stimulus at che centroid o f the total
achieved at rhe fron t end o f rhe visual system from the facr
lum inance distribution. O th er stim uli are
that merameric color m atches continu e to match tor all
states o f adaptation o f the eve (G rassm anns third law). For
a m ore detailed analysis o f this logic see Brindley (1 9 7 0 ). Similarly, the frequency coding system in audition is
Also, the shape o f the m eram eric m atching function for merameric only locally w ithin each critical band— a
color (the C IE color ch art) provides a basis tor inferences region along the basilar mem brane over which hair-cell
about the nature o f the cone m echanism s responsible for tuning functions mutually overlap.
2. The number o f processes for detecting the feature
M etamerism arises only in sensory systems consisting o f
detectors with mutually overlapping band-pass tuning func­ O n ce color signals are metam erized, there are no
tions along a particular stimulus continuum . All m ultichan­ subsequent visual processes that can recover the
nel sensory systems o f this type produce some degree o f com ponent signals. Also, once tw o neighboring stimuli
metamerism. All visual features,other than lu m inance,con­ have been metamerized inco one stimulus in an
trast, and flicker, arc processed by m ultichannel systems and interm ediate location there arc no processes that can
are, at least to som e extent, merameric. resolve them . Tw o short lines metamerize o n to one
The degree o f metamerism in a sensory feature depends line at an interm ediate orientacion. Buc the
on the following tw o factors. orientations o f long lines do not metamerize because
the orientacion o f a long line may be detected by the
1. The num ber o f channels devoted to the feature At one local-sign system. Similarly, short-duration elements
extrem e, rhe receptor stage o f rhe color sysrem is wholly moving in dilfercnt directions may metamerize in to one
m eram eric, since it has only three overlapping channels elem ent m oving in an interm ediate direction. But
over the whole stimulus continuum . The system has no long-duration moving elem ents do not metamerize
wavelength resolution it ca n n o t exceed the Nyquist because their d istin ct trajectories are detected by the
lim it. local-sign system.

The orientation system is only partially merameric, In any system o t detectors with overlapping cuning
because it has m ore than three channels. O rientations functions, any one detector produces an ambiguous
are metamerized only when they fall in a region o f signal because it responds to any stimulus w ithin its
channel overlap. C ells in the visual cortex have tuning range. The outputs o f several detectors must be
orientation tuning functions with a half-am plitude, com bined to produce a precise signal. W h en a stimulus
half-height bandwidth betw een 15° and 30° (S c ction does nor excite a representative sample o f detectors for a
5 .6 .2 ). Intersecting short lines at slightly different given feature, that feature will be misperceived. For
orientations therefore m etam erize and appear as one- exam ple, rhe color o f a stimulus confined ro a small
line at an interm ediate orientation (Parkes er al. 2 0 0 1 ). central area is not correctly registered because it tails to
Lines that differ sufficiently in orientation appear stimulate all three types o fc o n e . This effecr is known as
distinct. small-field tritanopia. Similarly, the perceived
orientation o f a sh o rt isolated line fluctuates over a
For rhe same reason, m orion is only partially merameric.
range o f about 30*, presumably because it fails to
There seems to be general agreem ent chat the direction
stimulate a balanced set o f orientation detectors
tuning functions o f m otion sensitive cells in the visual
(Andrew s 1967). A similar process may explain the
cortex have a half-height at halt-am plitudc o t about 30°
autokinetic effect, in which a stationary isolated bright
(Section 5.6.4a). For a 5 0 % overlap between channels
spot appears to move erratically.
this would give six channels. Studies o t m otion
metamerism have yielded a sim ilar value M ctam cric systems exhibit several relaced propercies,
(Section 3 .1.3). which are discussed in subsequent sections o f this chapter.
4.2.8 SEN SORY O P P O N E N C Y intensity and tim e o f arrival o f sounds at the two ears. This
mechanism codes the direction and distance o f t h e sound
An opponent, o r bipolar, stim ulus feature has a natural bal­
source (Section 3 5 .3 ).
ance point, or norm . For instance, “v e rtica lly ” is a norm
for orientation, “equidistance” is a norm for relative depth,
and “stationarity” is a norm in a scale o f m ovem ent from 4 .2 .8 c O p p o n e n c y a t th e C o r tic a l L evel
o n e direction to the opposite direction. O ppositional stim ­
W e will see in Section 5.1.3 that midget bipolar cells in the
ulus features are detected by opponent sensory systems.
retina arc divided into O N -bipolar cells, w hich respond to
Strictly speaking, an opponent sensory system extracts the
light increase, and O FF-bip olar cells, which respond to light
difference betw een inputs from tw o oppositely tuned detec­
decrease. In spite o f their names, these cells arc not op p o­
tors for a bipolar sensory continuum . However, the term
nent cells, since each cell responds only to either light
“opponency" is often used to denote any sensory m echa­
increase or light dccrcase. Their outputs arc com bined in the
nism in which a difference signal is generated, even i f the
visual cortex. It has been claimed, but not confirm ed, that
stimuli do not form a bipolar sensory continuum .
inputs from ganglion cells converge in push-pull fashion on
double-opponent cells in the visual cortex (G ouras 1991).
4 .2 .8 a O p p o n e n c y a t th e L evel o f R c c c p to r s Single cells that respond selectively to orientation,
m otion, or binocular disparity occur first in the visual
The sim plest sensory opponent mechanisms occur at the cortex. Although each o f these stimulus features is opposi­
level o f the sensory end organ. Such end organs are bipolar tional, the detectors are not. For example, an orientation
receptors that m aintain a resting potential. For example, the detector responds maximally to stimulus tilt in only one
end organs in the sem icircular canals o f the vestibular system direction, and m otion detectors respond to m otion in only
operate as bipolar receptors. Turning the head in one direc­ one direction. Similarly, disparity detectors arc not op p o­
tion deflects the cupula in the opposite direction and hvper- nent detectors, since they do n o t maintain a resting dis­
polarizes the sensory hair cells. Turning the head in the charge (Scctio n 11.4.1). However, there arc good reasons
opposite direction depolarizes the hair cells. W hen the head for concluding that outputs o f detectors tuned to stimuli
is stationary, the hair cells m aintain a resting potential. on either side o f a norm are com bined in the cortex to pro­
R etinal receptors do not m aintain a resting potential duce a difference signal. A difference signal is advantageous
and are therefore n o t bipolar receptors. There is one excep­ since it is n o t affected by changes in contrast. A change in
tion to this rule. Lizards have a p arietal eye on top o f the contrast affects both d etectors equally.
head. Each receptor contains a green-sensitive opsin that In the dom ain o f visual orientation, opponency makes
causes the receptor to depolarize in green light and a blue- orientation discrim ination independent o f co n trast over
sensitive opsin that causes the cell to hyperpolarize in blue a wide range o f concrasts (Regan and Beverley 1985).
light (Solcssio and Engbretson 1 993). Independence o f contrast has also been reported for discrim­
ination ot spatial frequency (Regan 1982), speed (M cKee
c ta l. 1986), and temporal frequency (Bow ne 1990).
4 .2 .8 b O p p o n e n c y a t th e P r e c o rtic a l L evel
Judgm ents o f either the orientation, spatial frequency,
Th e vestibular system contains a sccond opponency m echa­ or contrast o f a grating presented with different com bina­
nism at the level ot the vestibular nuclei in the brainstem. tions o f the three attributes were just as precise as when the
Inputs from the three m atching pairs o f sem icircular canals grating varied in only the attribute being judged (V in cen t
on opposite sides o f the head com bine in a push-pull tash- and Regan 1995). Thus, subjects precisely judged one
ion in the vestibular nuclei to signal the direc tion o f head sensory feature when the stim ulus varied with respect to
rotation (see Howard 1 982). features n o t being judged. Since individual cortical cells
In the trichrom atic color-detection system, inputs from respond to changes in many features, the ability to isolate
red cones and green cones are com bined in an antagonistic, one feature must depend on opponent processes between
o r seesaw fashion, as are those from blue cones and yellow sets o f differently tuned cells. The ratio o f responses o f two
(red plus green) detectors. This process occurs in the retina detectors can be used for the sam e purpose.
to produce the opponent center-surround organization o f D etectio n o f binocular disparity is largely independent
the receptive fields o f parvocellular ganglion cells. Since o f lum inance and contrast (S cctio n 18.5.1), which suggests
a change in lum inance affects members o f each opponent that opponency between crossed and uncrossed disparities
pair equally, color opponency produces signals that vary is registered at a higher level in the nervous system. In
with hue, independently ot changes in lum inance. The C hapter 2 0 wc will see that the extraction o f other types
lum inance signal is derived by adding rhe inputs from red o f difference signals w ithin rhe disparity system renders
cones and green cones. stereoscopic vision immune to the effects o f misconver-
T h e olivary nucleus in the brainstem contains a type gence, image m isalignm ent, and unequal m agnification o f
o f opponency m echanism that detects differences in the the images in the two eyes.
Binocular rivalry is a type o f sensory opponcncy operat­ Physiological correlates o f sim ultaneous and successive
ing betw een distinct stim uli in the two eyes. This topic is contrast effects have been revealed in the responses o f single-
discussed in C hapter 12. cells in the visual cortex (see Saul and Cynader 1989).
Л related mechanism for rendering the response o f fea­ Psychophysical measurement o f contrast and assimila­
ture dc tec tors invariant to changes in contrast is to scale tion provides inform ation about the properties o f feature-
(divide) the response o f each cell by the pooled response o f d etection systems, such as the num ber and bandwidth o f
neighboring cells. This type o f autom atic gain control is channels coding a given feature.
called response n o rm alizatio n (H eegcr 1992a; Carandini Successive contrast effects can o ccu r betw een stimuli
and H eeger 1 9 9 4 ). The term “norm alization” is also used to presented successively. For example, a line appears to be dis­
describe processes in opponent systems, as discussed in the placed away from the location o f a previously seen line in
next section. an adjacent location. Effects o f this kind were first described
by G ibson (1 9 3 3 ). K ohler and W allach (1 9 4 4 ) gave them
4.2.9 C O N T R A ST EFFECTS AND the name figural aftereffects (see Sections 2 1 .1 .2 and
NORMALIZATION 2 1 .6 .1 b ).

4 .2 .9 a C o n tr a s t and A ssim ilation

4 .2 .9 b N o rm a liz a tio n
In many instances the way a stimulus appears is affected by
adjacent stim uli presented at the same time. For example, It is characteristic o f oppositional stimulus dim ensions that
a grey patch appears darker when next to a lighter patch inspection o f a stimulus displaced from the norm causes
than when next to a brighter patch. In in d u ccd visual th at stimulus to appear more like the norm and induces a
m o tio n a stationary spot appears to move in the opposite coherent apparent shift o f stim uli over the whole stimulus
direction to a moving background. Also, when parallel lines dim ension. Jam es J. G ibson used the term “norm alization”
are slightly further apart than about 4 arcm in they appear to refer to the tendency for stimuli in an oppositional scale
to repel each other (K oh ler and W allach 1 9 4 4 ; Badcock to regress to chc norm . Thus, when one looks at a tilted line,
and W estheim er 1 9 8 5 ). These are sim ultaneous co n tra st, it gradually appears more vertical. This is tilt n o rm aliza­
o r repu lsion , effects. tio n . After tilt norm alization has been induced, a vertical
C ontrast effects also occur in the spatial-frequency line looks tilted in the opposite direction with respect to
dom ain (see Howard 1 9 8 2 ). In the dom ain o f orientation, the induction line. This is the tilt aftereffect. The aftereffect
simultaneous contrast reveals itself as geom etrical illusions can be as large as 5° when che test stimulus is presenced for
such as the H ering illusion. C o n trast effects in the percep­ 100 ms (W olfe 1984). W ith continued observation, curved
tion o f depth are discussed in Section 2 1 .4 and those in lines com e to look straighter, and o b jects at different dis­
m otion-in-depth in Section 3 1.7. tances appear more equidistant. In m otion norm alization, a
Under other conditions, adjacent stim uli may attract m oving display appears to move more slowly. After m otion
each other. For example, gray bars in a pattern may appear norm alization has been induced, a stationary stimulus
brighter when next to w hite bars than when next to black appears to move in the opposite direction to chac o f the
bars (S ectio n 2 2 .4 .1 ). Also, the discance betw een two paral­ induction stimulus. This is the m o tio n aftereffect.
lel lines is underestimated when they are separated by a gap O ver tim e, in natural scenes, stim uli in an oppositional
slightly greater than is needed to resolve them (Bad cock dim ension are symmetrically distributed about the norm,
and W csdicimcr 1985). These are assim ilation, or attraction, w hich is che mean value. A persiscenc asymmetry o f stim u­
effects. lation with respect to a norm signifies that there is a system­
It is generally believed that simple contrast effects occur atic distortion o f visual processing. Rescaling responses over
because o f spatial overlap betw een inh ibitory regions o f the the sensory continuum adjusts the system to the distur­
tuning functions o f detectors for a particular visual feature. bance. For example, on average, the natural world contains
Consequently, neighboring d etectors engage in mutual as many lines slanting or curving one way as lines slanting or
inhibition. C ontrast effects enhance signals associated with curving another way. Even if a natural o b ject in the world is
changes in stim ulation, relative to signals associated with slanted, the slant it creates in the retinal image balances out
regions o f steady stim ulation. Assim ilation could be due as che observer moves abouc and views ic from different
to spatial sum m ation o f excitatory signals from adjacent directions. A persistent slant or curvature over the whole
feature detectors o f the sensory continuum . In general, co n ­ visual field signifies that the visual system is wrongly cali­
trast effects operate over a greater spatial range than do brated and in need o f correction. A fter a w hile, systems
assimilation effects. Presumably,
this is because the inhibi- thac detect orientation, curvature, or m otion automatically
tory regions o f the tuning functions o f feature detectors adjust themselves. The prevailing mean value o f stimuli
extend beyond the excitatory regions. Also, inhibitory lat­ on an oppositional scale is subtracted from the value o f
eral con nection s between cortical cells extend further than ocher stimuli chac may be presenc. For example, a vercical
excitatory connections. line appears tilted in the opposite direction to a tilted
surrounding frame. Thus, norm alization can be regarded as However, these seemingly simple effects may be specific to
an autom atic rccalibration, or error-correcting mechanism incidental features o f the induction stimulus, such as its size
(Andrew s 1964). or the surroundings. I f so, they may be best described as
The term "norm alization” is- also used to refer to the contingent aftereffects. C o n tin g en t aftereffects last a long
neural process o f dividing the response o f a feature-detector tim e because the normal visual environm ent does not co n ­
by the pooled response o l neighboring cells so as to render tain persistent com binations o f the particular features that
the response o f the feature detector invariant to changes produce contingent aftereffects.
in stim ulus contrast. This process implies division, rather There is evidence that cells in the visual cortex o f
than subtraction. monkeys adapt specifically to stimulus contingencies.
A plausible physiological explanation for Gibsonian However, this was shown only for linked stim uli w ithin the
norm alization can be provided in terms o f adaptation single visual dim ension ot orientation (C arand ini et al.
w ithin opponent mechanism s. O n e must assume that the 1997). The m ost significant contingencies are probably
tuning functions ot detectors tuned to opposite sides ot the those between distinct stimulus dimensions.
norm intersect at the position o f the norm and that a stim u­ Concingenc aftereffects can be understood as m echa­
lus appears at the norm when the distribution o t activity in nisms to correct tor cross talk between feature-detectors.
the set o f detectors is symmetrical. For instance, after a line The orientation-color contingent effect may be responsible
just o tf the vertical has been inspected tor some tim e, it tor the tact that we are n o t aware o t chrom atic aberration in
should appear displaced toward the vertical because the the optical syscem o f che eye, or in speccacle lenses chac we
detector on that side o t vertical will have becom e adapted, use habitually (Section 9 .6 .5 c). The visual system treats co n ­
o r fatigued, relative to che one on the other side o f vertical. stant chrom atic aberration as arising from som e feature o f
Inspection o f a vertical line has no effect because it excites the visual system
rather than from the environm ent. The
the two detectors equally. Similarly, the opponent colors relevance o f contingent aftereffects to binocular vision is
red and green norm alize coward gray, whereas inspection o f reviewed in S ection 13.3.5.
an equal mixture o f red and green (gray) does n o t produce Som e stimulus contingencies arise from recurring struc­
norm alization. tures and events in the visual environm ent (Section 4.5 .5 c).
The tuning functions o f channels in oppositional sen­ For example, an approaching o b ject produces loom ing o f
sory systems are symmetrically disposed about the norm . If che retinal image and changes in disparity (Section 3 1 .2 .2 ).
the norm occurs ac the peak o f che tuning tunction o t the Buc che coupling o f loom ing and disparicy is noc fixed like
cencral channel, d etection would be optim al for a stimulus che coupling of color and oriencation in chrom atic aberra­
at the norm but sensitivity to change would be greatest on tion. The visual system develops specialized m ulticue detec­
either side o f rhe norm . If the norm occurs where the tuning tors for rapid detection o f rhe variable coupling between
functions o f tw o channels intersect, sensitivity to change such recurring stimulus complexes.
would be greatest ac che norm , buc detection would be
optim al on either side o f the norm (see Figure 3.6).
N orm alization is due ro selective adaptation o f ch an­
4 .3 T E M P O R A L C O D IN G
nels, but its effect on a particular stimulus depends on the
num ber and tuning widths o f channels along a sensory

4 .2 .9 c C o n t in g e n t A fte re ffe cts 4 .3 .1 a N e u ro m e tr ic F u n c tio n s

Sensory adaptation can elevate the threshold for a few The probability o f response o f a sensory neuron plotted
minutes. There are also adaptation processes chac can last against stimulus strength forms o f a cum ulative probability
i o r even weeks. The besc known o f chese are che co n cin - curve, or n cu ro m ctric fu n ctio n . A similar psychometric
gene aftereffects. For example, a period o f exposure со function is obtained when the probability o f seeing is p lo t­
red vercical lines alternating with green horizontal lines ted against signal screngch in a psychophysical cxpcrimenc
produces a long-lasting aftereffect in which vertical lines (Section 3.1 .1 b ).
look slightly green and horizontal lines look slightly red Fitzhugh (1 9 5 7 ) obtained the first neurom etric fu n c­
(M cC o llou g h 1 9 6 5 ). S ee Vul et al. (2 0 0 8 ) for a discussion cion from signal-dececcion analysis o f responses o f ganglion
o f transient and long-lasting aftereffects. cells in the cat to flashes o f light. Extensions o f this approach
Long-lasting adaptation effects have also been reported are described in Section 5.1.5.
after exposure to single visual features such as spiral m otion This linkage betw een neural responses and psychophys­
(Favreau 1979) and visual tile (W olfe and O ’C onnell ical responses has been extended to responses o f cortical
1986). In these cases, long-lasting effects occur when test cells. For exam ple, the sensitivity o f cortical cells tuned to
trials do not im mediately follow the induction stimulus. binocular disparity has been compared with psychophysically
determ ined depth thresholds (Section 1 1 .4 .1 ). This type The lower the response variability, the smaller will be
o l investigation forms the basis o l the growing field ol the num ber o f cells required to reliably indicate the pres­
co g n itiv e n eu ro scien ce (Parker and Newsome 1998). ence o f a given stimulus. W ith highly variable responses,
The threshold o f the m ost sensitive single cells in the optim al decoding would require deriving a weighted sum ot
visual cortex corresponds to the behaviorally determ ined neuronal responses (see Jazayeri and M ovshon 2 0 0 6 ).
contrast threshold (Barlow et al. 1987; DcValois and
DcValois 1 9 8 8 ). The m ost sensitive cells in the visual cortex
4 .3 .1 c A dap tation and D iscrim in ab ility
o f anesthetized cats signal differences in spatial frequency
o r orientation that are only slightly larger than the differ­ The sensitivity ot retinal receptors is an inverse function
ence thresholds determ ined psychophysically (Bradley e t al. o f retinal illum ination. C ells in the visual cortex exhibit
1987). Similarly, the orientation discrim ination o f monkeys contrast adaptation, in which response frequency is adjusted
determ ined psychophysically is sim ilar to the sensitivity o f to the prevailing level o f contrast. This prevents response
cortical cells to changing orientation obtained in the alert saturation to high-contrast stimuli and increases dynamic
monkey (Vogels and O rban 1 990). In monkeys, the thresh­ range.
old o f cells in M T and M S T to the degree o f coherent C om plex cells in the visual cortex o f the monkey
m otion in a display o f random dots is sim ilar to the also show pattern-specific adaptation. A b rief presentation
psychophysically determ ined threshold (Section 5.8.4b ). ot a grating in a specific orientation causes a temporary
These facts do n o t mean th at single cells unambiguously shift in preferred orientation o f cells in the same neighbor­
code variations in one stimulus feature. hood away / trom the orientation o fth e induction stimulus
(M uller e t al. 1999; Felsen et al. 2 0 0 2 ). Loss o f responsiv-
ity to a persisting stimulus conserves m etabolic energy
4 .3 .1 b R esponse Variability
and increases discrim inability for orientations in the neigh­
The frequency o f response of a neuron anywhere in the borhood o f the adapted orientation. Stimulus-specific
visual system is not precisely the same when a given stim u­ adaptation improves discrim inability because it reduces
lus is repeated. Any such variance in response is called the correlation between signals arising from stimuli with
in trin sic noise. The ability o f any detector to d etect a signal sim ilar orientations.
depends on the ratio o f signal strength to variance due to
noise— the sig n a l-to -n o ise ratio. There are two basic types
4 .3 .2 Т Е M P О RA L С О D I N G 1N
o f intrinsic noise. A dditive n oise is a constant level o f noise
added to signals o f any strength. For additive noise, the sig-
nal-to-noise ratio declines as signal strength is reduced and Visual stim ulation produces receptor potentials in retinal
may exceed signal strength in the neighborhood o f the receptors and a m odulated release o f glutamate neuro­
stimulus threshold. M u ltip licativ e n oise is proportional to transm itter m olecules from bipolar cells. A ganglion cell
signal strength, so that the signal-to-noise ratio remains transforms such signals trom the set o f bipolar cells in its
constant as signal strength is varied. There has been some receptive field into bursts o f one ro six action potentials
debate about w hether m ultiplicative noise is an intrinsic (spikes) separated by quiescent periods. This pooling pro­
property o fth e way single neurons respond or w hether it is cess reduces the variability o f neural responses to a given
due to properties o f neural netw orks. stimulus. D iscrete bursts o f firing o f ganglion cells o f rab­
The variability o ft h e spike count o f a neuron is charac­ bits, cats, and primates recur with high precision when the
terized by the ratio o f the variance to the mean (F a n o ratio). same stimulus is repeated (Berry et al. 1 9 9 7 ; Uzzcll and
For a random Poisson process the expected ratio is 1. Several C hichilnisky 2 0 0 4 ; Freed 2 0 0 5 ).
investigators have reported that the firing ot neurons in C o rtical neurons show stereotyped differences in the
V I is highly variable, and conform s to a Poisson function waveforms and repetitive firing properties o f their action
(see Softky and K och 1 993). However, Kara et al. (2 0 0 0 ) potentials. Neurons in the mammalian neocortex can be
found that response variability o f cells in the visual cortex o f classified into four types according to their temporal dynam­
the anesthetized cat to be m uch lower than previously ics. These are: "regular spiking,” "tast spiking,” "bursting,”
reported. Nevertheless, they found that variability o f firing and “intrinsic-bursting” neurons (Section 5.5.1c).
increased from retina to L G N to visual cortex. G ur and B u rstin g cells in the visual cortex show characteristic
Snoddcrly (2 0 0 6 ) recorded trom retina, L G N , and V I ot bursts o f stimulus-evoked activity containing up to about
alert monkeys in response to optim ally oriented bright bars. six spikes w ithin a 25-m s period. Som e pyramidal cells in
For suprathrcshold stimuli, response variability was no layers 2 to 6 ot the visual cortex of the cat respond with svn-
higher in the cortex than in the retina, when rhe effects o f chronized bursts with a burst frequency o f betw een 3 0 and
eve m ovem ents were taken into account. The mean Fano 5 0 H z in response to depolarizing current. They have been
ratio was only 0 .3 , both in cortical layer 4 and in other called ch a tterin g cells (Gray and M cC o rm ick 1996;
cortical layers. C ardin et al. 2 0 0 5 ). Bursts are more reliably related to the
oriencacion and spatial frequency o f che stimulus chan arc Much higher tem poral resolution can be achieved by phase
single spikes (see Lisman 1 9 9 7 ). Single spikes can arise coding than by frequency coding. In the first place, phase
spontaneously, and therefore represenc noise. M ultiple coding may be based on ju st cwo spikes. Secondly,
spikes rarely occur spontaneously. Also, m ultiple bursts are phase coding is not lim ited by the upper frequency o f
more likely со trigger a postsynaptic response than arc single neuronal firing.
spikes, especially when the bursts converge on a given syn­ C om pu ter sim ulations o f cortical pyramidal cells have
apse. C hattering pyramidal cells send collaterals into other revealed that they could, in theory, d etect coincidence
cortical layers and ocher cortical regions and may play a key betw een single spikes in the subm illisecond range (Sofiky
role in generating synchronous co rtical activity, discussed 1994).
in S ection 4 .3 .4 (see Sam onds and Bonds 2 0 0 5 ).
It is generally assumed that single neurons convey infor­
4 .3 .3 a T em p o ra l C o d in g by P aired S e n se O rg a n s
mation in terms o f spike frequency and chac che probabilicy
o f an action potential per unit tim e is proportional to firing A given stim ulus may arrive at one sense organ betore it
race. This is known as che Poisson m odel. W ith refractory arrives at another sense organ. For example, the relative
periods betw een 5 0 and 100 m s, the maxim um rate of trans­ tim es ot arrival o f sounds at the tw o ears depends on the
mission is betw een 10 and 2 0 spikes/s. The bandwidch o f a direction o f the sound source (Section 3 5 .3 ). Auditory
spikc-trequcncy system is therefore very lim ited. afferents converging in the superior olive form a delay line
The Poisson model docs not account for why ganglion in which the tim ing o f inputs from the tw o ears is co m ­
cells tend to respond in discrete bursts o f spikes rather than pared. This system requires submillisecond tim in g o f binau­
at a continuously varying race. Theoretically, a discrete burst ral coincidence. This is achieved by regulating the distances
o t spikes can convey up to 3.6 bits ot inform ation per spike. betw een axon nodes (see Sabatini and Regehr 1999) and by
This is much more than is conveyed by spike frequency a gradient o f potassium channels (M athew s et al. 2 0 1 0 ).
alone. Uzzell and C'hichilnisky (2 0 0 4 ) found that spike-time Echolocation is a special case. For example, dolphins use
variability in primate ganglion cells decreases wich increasing the interval betw een the emission o f a click and che arrival
stimulus strength, probably because o f lim itations imposed o t the reflected sound to estimate the distance o l an o b ject
by the refractory period. (Section 3 5 .8 .3 ).
The inform ation that can be coded by frequency o f dis­ Electric fish d etect the phase o f electric signals pro­
charge o f a single neuron is limited by the highest frequency, duced by their own electric organs relative to the phase o f
which is typically less chan 100 Hz. A lso, it takes tim e to signals produced by other fish with a resolution o f 1 0 c,s
obtain a reliable estim ate o f discharge frequency. These lim ­ (Section 3 6 .1 .2 ). This remarkable perform ance has been
itations apply where the frequency o f neural spikes codes modeled in terms o f the Hodgkin-H uxley equations o f spike
stimulus intensity. They could also apply in a labeled-line generation in single neurons (Takagi and Kawasaki 2 0 0 3 ).
coding system in which the value o f a stimulus feature is There is some evidence that synchrony betw een inputs from
coded in terms o f the relative frequencies ot responses across the two eyes is involved in stereopsis (Section 23-3).
a set o f distinctly tuned channels. A m oving o b ject stimulates neighboring receptors
Precise detection ot spike frequency requires detection sequentially. For example, a m oving spot o f light stimulates
o f interspike intervals. It is not clear how a ccll codes such retinal recepcors sequentially, which d iggers a response in a
intervals or how a postsynaptic cell is influenced by the m otion detector. For a review o t m echanism s o f m otion
spike frequencies o f several im pinging neurons. A less pre­ detection see Sm ith and Snowden (1 9 9 4 ) and Section 5.6.4.
cise but more plausible coding ot spike frequency could be
the simple spike count in the interval over which a postsyn-
4 .3 .3 b S e n so ry S c a n n in g
aptic cell integrates spikes. The higher the count the greater
the probability that the postsynaptic ccll would fire. For a A sense organ may scan a stationary o b ject, cither interm it­
single neuron, the num ber o f spikes w ithin an integration tently or continuously. In vision, scanning consists o f inter­
tim e o f say 5 0 ms would be very few. However, it is possible m itten t saccadic eye movements, which occur at a velocity
that recurrent collateral con nection s in a neural network o f about 6 0 0 7 s . The eyes move sm oothly only when pursu­
could extend the integration tim e to 5 0 0 ms (see R olls e ta l. ing a moving o b ject. Visual inputs are somewhat suppressed
2 0 0 6 ). and images are severely blurred during saccades. The eyes
O th er aspects o f temporal coding have been reviewed are reasonably stationary during intcrsaccadic intervals,
by D inse et al. ( 1 9 9 0 a ). which are typically about 2 0 0 ms. W h ile the general struc­
ture o f a visual scene can be registered during one fixation,
several fixations are required for the detection o f che detailed
4 .3 .3 D E T E С T I О N О F T 1M E IN T E R V A L S
structure o f large o b jects or scenes. A person first registers
W h en coding involves com paring the tim ing o f responses the general layout o f a scene and then concentrates fixations
o f detectors, tem poral phase rather frequency is used. on regions o f greatest interest. The detailed structure o f a
scene can be registered when che image is moved at random the stim ulus feature. For different detectors, the minimum
into different positions, as long as the image dwells in each latency would occur at different values o f the feature. Thus,
position for about 2 0 0 ms. In o ther words, inform ation can instead o f frequency tuning, the orientation detectors
be presented to the fovea in any order as long as the overall would show laten cy tu n ing, in which the latencies rather
structure o f the scene remains constant. Furtherm ore, in then the frequencies o f the responses o f the excited d etec­
vision, changes to the general structure o f the environm ent tors are com pared. The crucial stimulus becom es the order
can be detected w ithout making an eye m ovem ent, as long in which the detectors respond. This is a rapid process
as the change does n o t occur in an unattended locarion or because it requires the registration o f only one spike in each
during asaccadc. The order o l fixations is im portanc only in detector.
the special case o f reading, where m eaning is conveyed by The latencies o f the first spikes can be used only on the
the order ot a long string o f letters and words, although not initial presentation ot a stimulus. It would help if a stimulus
by rhe exact form o f the letters (M cC o n k ie and Z ola 1979). were sampled interm ittently. M icrosaccadcs may serve this
Also, when scanning a norm al stationary scene it is n o t nec­ purpose. Perhaps the visual system uses latency tuning for
essary to register the m ovem ents o f the eyes. Registration o f rapid initial registration o f features and frequency tuning
eye m ovem ents is required only tor estimating the m otion tor subsequent processing.
o f an isolated o b ject or o f the whole scene. People with Although there is no physiological evidence o f latency
tunnel vision must register eye m ovements to build up a tuning in the visual system there is evidence o t such tuning
coherent impression o f a scene. in the somatosensory system. Johansson and Birznieks
W h en we recognize an o b ject by touch, the fingers typi­ (2 0 0 4 ) recorded responses o t afferents trom skin receptors
cally scan continuously over the o b ject. It is not necessary in the human index finger. A small flat or spherical object
to hold the hand still. In fact, a stationary o b ject is difficult was moved over the finger in different directions with d if­
to recognize because the skin sense organs adapt rapidly. ferent applied pressures. For all afferents, response fre­
Unlike vision, the tactile senses cannot detect the general quency and the latency o f the first spike varied as a function
structure o f the environm ent w ithout exploratory groping o f the direction o f movement. For slow-acting afferents
movements. In an unfam iliar environm ent, impressions arising from Ruffini corpuscles, frequency and latency
gained from successive tactile encounters with o b jects must varied together as m otion direction changed. For other
be integrated with inform ation about the direction and afferents, the two response features varied independently
extent o f m ovem ents o f the hand. W h en the hand moves and presumably conveyed different types o f inform ation.
over a stationary o b ject, inform ation about rhe direction D ifferent afferents showed m inim um latency for different
and extent o f m otion ot the hand is provided by the tem po­ directions ot m otion. The direction o f stimulus m otion
ral sequence o f inform ation from the skin senses. W hen rhe could therefore be derived from the pooled response laten­
hand moves from one o b ject to another, intorm ation about cies o f a set ot afferents that a given stimulus excites. The
the m ovem ent o f the hand is provided by kinesthesis and/ response latency o f each afferent was reasonably constant
o r ctfcrcnce. In either case, an impression o f the size and when the same stimulus was repeated.
shape o f an o b ject or about the layout o f o b jects in the envi­ W h ile latency tuning may be used in the initial coding
ronm ent depends on intorm ation about the m otion ot the o f sensory features, it is less plausible at higher levels o f
hand. In touch, the order in which inform ation is picked up visual processing, where differential condu ction tim es are
by skin receptors in relation to movements o f the hand or likely to influence the tim e o f arrival ot spikes.
fingers is the crucial tactor. Rolls et al. (2 0 0 6 ) recorded sim ultaneous responses o f
groups o f cells in the monkey interior tem poral cortex to
each o f a set o f com plex stimuli. A Bayesian probability pro­
4 .3 .3 c D ifferential L aten cies o f D e te c to r s
cedure was used to estim ate the inform ation contained in
In a m ultichannel system, the different detectors are tuned the tim es o f arrival o f the initial spikes in neighboring neu­
to different values ot a particular feature. For example, some rons, in the spike co u n t over the initial 2 0 ms, and in che
cortical cells show a peak frequency in response to stimuli relacive order o f spikes. M ore informacion was contained in
in one orientation while other cells respond m ost vigor­ the spike co u n t than in the initial spikes. The order o f arrival
ously to other orientations. The orientation o t a given stim ­ o f spikes contained no effective inform ation.
ulus is said to be coded in term s o f the relative frequencies
o f the responses o f all the detectors that are excited by the
stimulus. In this system, rhe frequency o f response o f each 4 .3 .4 TEM PO RA L SY N C H R O N Y OF
detector must be registered. N E U R A L A C T IV IT Y
Thorpe et al. (2 0 0 1 ) argued that this process is too slow
4 .3 .4 a S o u rc e s o f S y
n c h ro n iz e d A c tiv ityv
to account for the speed with which com plex stimuli are
recognized. Ihey proposed that rhe latency o f each detector Synchrony o f firing o f subcortical or cortical neurons to a
o f a m ultichannel svstem varies as a tunction o f the value o f given stimulus has been studied by recording trom a pair o f
neurons, and deriving a time-averaged measure o f the ram ifying in layers 3 and 4 (I.linas et al. 1991). In the
tem poral correlation betw een spiking events. It is possible absence o l stim ulation, these oscillations have an amplitude
to measure synchrony o f firing in a large num ber o f cells o f 5 mv and arc in the 5 to 2 0 Hz range. C om puter m odel­
in great detail, and to distinguish betw een synchronous ing indicates that during stim ulation, and with appropriate
firing arising from direct stim ulation, that due to lateral synaptic coupling, much higher frequencies could be gener­
interactions, and that due to feedback from higher centers ated (Silva et al. 1 9 9 1 ). D ifferent types o f inhibitory
(G erstcin and A crtscn 1 9 8 5 ; A crtsen e t al. 1 9 8 9 ; Vaadia interneuron respond preferentially to different input fre­
e t al. 1 9 9 5 ; Sm ith and Kohn 2 0 0 8 ). quencies (Pike et al. 2 0 0 0 ). Thus, an oscillatory input may
R etinal ganglion cells and L G N cells respond with pre­ be decom posed into distinct frequency com ponents pro­
cise spike tim ing to tem porally fluctuating visual stim uli. In cessed bv d istinct neural networks. M ost interneuronal
the cat, the precision o f tim ing is the same lor cells o f a given connections are local. However, it requires only a few long-
type ( X or Y ). Tem poral precision increases as stimulus range interneurons to trigger synchrony betw een distant
contrast is increased (Reinagel and Reid 2 0 0 2 ). Cells in the locations (Buzsaki e t al. 2 0 0 4 ).
recipient layers o f t h e visual cortex also respond with pre­ The use o f synchrony in the responses o f paired sense
cise spike tim ing, but the precision o l tim ing decreases in organs was discussed in the previous section. It has been
higher visual centers. Thus inform ation conveyed by spike proposed that synchrony o f firing o f subcortical or cortical
tim ing could be conveyed to the visual cortex (see Ticsinga cells could also provide sensory inform ation, improve sensi­
e t al. 2 0 0 8 ). tivity, aid stimulus binding, serve as an attention m echa­
C ells in the visual cortex exh ibit spontaneous synchro­ nism, and provide a basis tor learning. Let us now consider
nized oscillations and weaker stimulus-driven synchronous these possible functions o f synchronous firing.
oscillations. These could originate in the retina or lateral
geniculate nucleus (Ariel et al. 19 83; G hose and Freeman
4 .3 .4 b S y n c h ro n o u s F irin g an d S tim u lu s T u n in g
1 9 9 2 ). M ultielectrode recordings in the L G N revealed
synchronized oscillations o f 6 0 to 114 Hz evoked by Visual stim ulation causes groups o f adjacent cells in the
large spatially continuous stationary or moving stimuli visual cortex ot both anesthetized and alert cats to discharge
(Neuenschwander and Singer 1 9 9 6 ). The oscillations origi­ in synchrony at frequencies o f between 3 0 and 8 0 Hz (Gray
nated in the retina, but it was argued that they alone could and Di Prisco 1997). This so-called gam m a frequency is
not account for oscillations at the cortical level. Projections outside the frequency range o t spontaneous background
from subcortical centers to cholinergic and G A BA ergic activity responsible for rhe alpha rhythm or the 4 - to 7-H z
cortical synapses m odulate the frequency, am plitude, and tlieta waves that occur during sleep (G ray and Singer 1989;
phase o f cortical oscillations (Rodriguez e t al. 2 0 0 4 ). M unk et al. 1 9 9 6 ). C o rtical cells fire in high-frequency
A second source o f stimulus-driven synchronous
* co rd - bursts containing two to tour spikes at intervals o f 15 to
cal activity could be the subthreshold oscillation o f rhe 3 0 ms, w hich is approximately one period o f the gamma
m em brane potentials o f many cortical pyramidal cells cycle.
in layer 5 o f rhe visual cortex and other cortical areas A visual stimulus evokes synchronous responses in cells
(G utfrcund et al. 1 9 9 5 ; Gray and M cC o rm ick 1 9 9 6 ). These ot the prim ary visual cortex separated by up to 7 mm. Such
oscillations would potentiate the responses o f cells when cclls have nonoverlapping receptive fields. The responses o f
they are phase locked with the frequency ot incom ing stim ­ cells with similar tuning to orientation, m otion, or spatial
uli. O n e type o f subthreshold oscillation is mediated by a frequency are m ore closely synchronized than the responses
regenerative voltage-gated m odulation o f calcium conduc­ o f cells that differ in tuning (B raiten bcrg 1985; Konig
tance across the cell m em brane. A second type is mediated et al. 1995). This correlated activity is mediated by
by m odulation o f sodium conductance. Both types o f oscil­ lateral connections in the visual cortex (Section 5.5.6).
lation can trigger spikes if the m em brane is sufficiently Synchronized discharges o f nearby pairs o f cells in the cat
depolarized. visual cortex are stimulus dependent and not a simple co n ­
Third, stimulus-driven or spontaneous synchronous sequence o f t h e responses o f the separate cells. Although
cortical activity could be generated by lateral connections the optim al tuning o t cell pairs to spatial and temporal
betw een cells, by tim e delays in recurrent inh ibitory loops frequency and velocity was found to be sim ilar to that o f
in the cortical netw ork (Freem an 1 9 7 5 ), or by feedback the com ponent cells, the receptive fields o f cell pairs were
trom higher centers. There is evidence chat precise temporal narrower and their responses were briefer (G hose et al.
synchrony o f cells in V I extends over about 3 mm and arises 1994a). This suggests that synchronized discharges o f
trom lateral connections, while slow synchronous m odula­ neighboring cells achieve a higher spatial and tem poral res­
tions extend at least 10 mm and involve feedback from olution than is achieved by single cells. The precision o f
cxtrastriate cortex (Sm ith and Kohn 2 0 0 8 ). response synchrony o f neighboring cells in the monkey
‘Ih crc is evidence that oscillatory activity originates in visual cortex is reduced as stimulus contrast is reduced
inhibitory interneurons in cortical layer 4 with collaterals (K ohn and Sm ith 2 0 0 5 ).

Synchrony o f firing o f spatially aligned ganglion cells when the bars moved in aco m m on direction (se e G ra y c ta l.
could facilitate the response o f cortical cells tuned to 1 9 9 1 ). Pairs o f cells with different preferences for m otion
stimulus orientation (A lonso c t al. 1996; M eister 1996). direction in M T o f the alert m onkey responded in syn­
Correlated activity betw een cells with different tuning chrony when stimulated by a single o b ject m oving at up to
characteristics could help to resolve the am biguity in the 6 .7 7 s , but not when stim ulated by d istin ct moving objects
response of single cells. For example, cells that respond both (K reiter and Singer 1996).
to dark and light bars may fire in synchrony only in the A set o f cortical cells with overlapping receptive fields in
presence o f a dark bar (C h ose c t al. 1994a). the cat visual cortex responded in synchrony when stim u­
Dan et al. (1 9 9 8 ) showed theoretically and experi­ lated by a single bar. However, when stimulated by two d if­
mentally that more inform ation can be extracted from а ferently oriented superimposed bars, the cells segregated
pair of neurons that tend to fire in synchrony than from the into assemblies according to orientation preference. The
firing rates o f a sim ilar uncorrelated pair o f neurons. cells in each assembly were synchronized but there was no
Synchronous inputs are more likely to drive cortical cells correlated firing betw een the assemblies (Engel et al. 1991).
through Hebbian synapses that act as coincidence detectors O n e long bar induced scronger synchrony chan cwo smaller
(Section 6 .5 .1 ). collinear bars in che same location (Ncuenschwander and
O n the other hand, C ardoso de O liveira c t al. (1 9 9 7 ) Singer 1996).
found that responses o f cells in M T and M S T becam e syn­ A 4 0 -H z com ponent o f the human visual evoked p o ten ­
chronized ju st before an expected stimulus was presented. tial (V F.P) was stronger in response to a coherent figure
Firing becam e desynchronized as a function o f stimulus than to a spatially noncoherent figure (Tallon-Baudry et al.
contrast at the onset o f a stimulus moving at up to 2 9 7 s 1 9 9 6 ). Rodriguez et al. (1 9 9 9 ) presented subjects with a
with respect to a stationary background. They concluded pattern that could be perceived as meaningless shapes
that m otion direction is coded by differential rates o f firing or as a face. Synchronized V E Ps at the gamma frequency
rather chan by synchronization alone. Desynchronization occurred at widely separated regions o f che human scalp
o f firing in the region o f an attended moving stimulus, when the person reported seeing a face. The physical stim u­
whatever its direction, relative to synchrony in the back­ lus remained the same, only the percept changed. The
ground could be used со segregate che scimulus from ics responses becam e desynchronized as the person made a
background. m otor response.
Tem poral synchrony o f the pattern of neural activity C ells in widely differenc corcical areas and in different
evoked by a given stimulus, coupled with desynchroniza­ hemispheres responded in synchrony with near zero phase
tion betw een one pattern o f activity and others, could allow lags at betw een 35 and 8 5 Hz to a stimulus to which che
the same network to code discinct stimuli in rapid succes­ cclls were similarly tuned (Hckhorn c t al. 1 9 8 8 ; Jagadcesh
sion and distinguish betw een several temporally or spatially et al. 1 9 9 2 ). This cype o f synchronous activity was m ost
overlapping scimuli (M iln er 1 9 7 4 ; von der M alsburg and pronounced in response to stim uli w ith continuous co n ­
Schneider 1 9 8 6 ; Singer and Cray 1 9 9 5 ). W allis and Rolls tours and com m on m otion, as one would expect ot a system
(1 9 9 7 ) have shown chac a hierarchically organized syscem that helps to bind distincc feacures o f a given o b ject (C ray
o f feature extracting processes o f this type can build repre­ et al. 1 9 9 1 ; Freiwald ec al. 1 9 9 5 ). The oscillations need not
sentations o f objects that are independent o f position, size, themselves codc stimulus-specific inform ation. They could
and aspect. serve to coenergizc sets ot feature detectors for che form a­
tion and consolidation o f ccll assemblies in the process o f
learning. O n ce a cell assembly has been consolidated, syn­
4 .3 .4 c Syn ch ron ou s Firin g and Stim u lus B in d in g
chronous activity could activate it for the purpose o f object
Singer and G ray (1 9 9 5 ) proposed that spatially separated recognition. Synchronous activity in a distributed set ot
neurons in che visual system fire in synchrony at gamma fre­ cells can be evoked quickly enough to allow a fam iliar o b ject
quencies ( 3 0 - 8 0 H z) when stim ulated by a single o b ject to be recognized in a fraction o f a second (Gray et al.
o r by a set o f stimuli chac are pcrcepcually grouped inco a 1 9 9 1 ).
single o b ject. This may be called the b in d in g -by-sy n ch ron y Vaadia et al. (1 9 9 5 ) found correlated spatiotemporal
hypothesis. Synchronized firingcould enhance the response patterns o f firing in the frontal lobe that varied according to
o f a pool o f cells chac respond со che same scimulus objccc. the task thac che monkey was perform ing. The possible role
Such activity could bind responses coconnecccd or grouped o f synchronized
activitvi in binocular rivalry
is discussed in
scimulus elem ents spanning many receptive fields. Ic could Section 12.10.2.
chus be pare o f a m echanism for figure-ground segregation However, other evidence does n o t support the binding-
and figural grouping. The following evidence supports che by-synchrony hypochesis. Young ec al. (1 9 9 2 ) found no
binding-by-synchrony hypochesis. evidence o f stimulus-evoked synchronous accivicv in che
• i

Tw o parallel bars scim ulacingcorcical cclls wich discinct 3 0 со 6 0 Hz range in che prim ary visual corcex or in chc
receptive fields evoked widespread synchronous activity middle-cemporal area ( M T ) o f eicher the anesthetized or
alert monkey. Som e signs o f oscillation were found in the It is not clear how synchrony o f firing in distributed
inferotem poral cortex, but only in the alert monkey. C hose neurons arising from a given stimulus can be distinguished
and Freeman (1 9 9 2 ) could find no consistent relationship from synchrony arising from responses to o th e r stim uli that
betw een discharges in cortical cells and specific features ol are presented at the same tim e (Shadlen and Movshon
the stimulus other than stimulus strength, as reflected in 1999).
the mean firing rate o f cells. Engel et al. (1 9 9 2 ) suggested
that oscillatory responses m ight have been missed in these
4 .3 .4 d S y n c h ro n o u s F irin g
studies because the responses were not strictly periodic and
an d T e x tu re S e g re g a tio n
contained a broad band ot frequencies.
Synchrony o f firing betw een pairs o f neurons in monkey The results o f som e psychophysical experim ents support
V I was found to be no greater when both receptive fields the idea that neural synchrony is involved in figure-ground
lay in a figure region than when one receptive field was in segregation. It has been claim ed that a texturcd region can
the figure and one was outside it (Lam m e and Spekreijse be detected w ithin an identical textured surround when the
1 9 9 8 ). Also, R oelfsem aet al. (2 0 0 4 ) found no synchrony in two regions are presented sequentially at rates betw een 12
the 3 0 - 8 0 H z range betw een cells in V I that responded to and 4 2 H z, if the phase difference is at least 10 ms (Leonards
different locations along a continuous line. However, the et al. 1996). A set o f collinear line elem ents was more easily
mean firing rate o f the cells was elevated when the monkeys detected w ithin a set ot randomly orientated elements
attended to the line. (see Figure 4.5b ) when the two sets were presented asvn-
Thiele and Ston er (2 0 0 3 ) measured the degree o f syn­ chronously (U sher and D onnelly 1998). The interplay
chrony in the response o f cells in M T o f the alert monkey. betw een depth cues is influenced by the degree o f temporal
O rthogonally m oving gratings elicited less synchrony when synchrony betw een con flictin g cues (see C hapter 3 0 ).
they were biased to form a coherent plaid pattern than O th er psychophysical evidence argues against the role
when they form ed separately m oving gratings. This is the o f synchronized neural activity in texture segregation. Kiper
opposite o f what one would expect from the hypothesis et al. (1 9 9 6 ) found that perform ance on a texture segrega­
that stimulus binding is fostered by synchrony. tion task was not affected by whether the texture elements
Palanca and D eA ngelis (2 0 0 5 ) pointed out that syn­ in the regions to be segregated were flickered in phase or in
chronous activity is to be expected between cortical neu­ antiphase. Lee and Blake (1 9 9 9 ) reported that subjects
rons with overlapping receptive fields or betw een neurons could d etect a textured figure that differed trom the back­
with collinear receptive fields and lateral connections. ground only in tem poral synchrony. A textured region in
A strong test o f the binding-by-synchrony hypothesis which elements reversed m otion direction in synchrony
would be the presence o f synchrony between neurons with stood out from the background in w hich reversals o f direc­
receptive fields that do not overlap and arc n o t collinear. tion were n o t synchronized. However, Farid and Adelson
They found that rhe synchrony o f responses o f pairs o f well- (2 0 0 1 ) showed that a simple tem poral band-pass filter could
separated neurons in monkey M T was no greater when the convert the difference betw een the two regions o f the dis­
cells were stimulated by d istin ct closed figures than when play into a difference in contrast. W h en they elim inated
they were stimulated by a single closed figure. In a second this factor, subjects could not d etect a textured figure
test, the stimulus was a parallelogram moving past four defined by a difference in tem poral synchrony.
apertures that occluded the corners o t the figure. W h en the In spite o fd o u b ts about the use o f widespread synchrony
apertures were made visible against the background, the o f neural activity in visual coding, there can be no doubt
parallelogram appeared com plete. W hen the apertures were that relative tim ing o f inputs to the two ears or eyes affects
cam ouflaged, the shape becam e disconnected. Responses o f spatial coding. Also, synchronous inputs at particular syn­
pairs o f cells were slightly m ore highly synchronized when apses are involved in tuning cortical cells during early devel­
the apertures were visible. However, the same increase in opm ent and in perceptual learning, as we will see at various
synchrony occurred in a control condition in which only points in this chapter and in C hapter 6 (see Trotter et al.
the apertures were presented w ithout m oving stim uli. Thus, 1992).
the increased synchrony may have been due to an increase
in the num ber o f figural elem ents rather than to the
4 .3 .4 e S y
n c h ro n iz e d A c tiv ityJ and A tte n tio n
perceived organization ot the elements.
Ray and Maunsell (2 0 1 0 ) argued that if the gamma In states o f reduced attention and sleep, large cell popula­
rhythm is to play a role in stimulus binding it must be tions in the co rtex engage in high-am plitude synchronous
consistent over cortical regions coding the given feature. activity ac less than 10 H z. D uring arousal, the reticular
However, they found that gamma oscillations in V I o f alert activating system o f the brainstem disrupts this synchro­
monkeys varied with stimulus contrast. Furtherm ore, the nized activity but facilitates stimulus-dependent oscillatory
gam ma rhythm is weak or absent for stim uli o flo w contrast, activity at frequencies in excess o f 3 0 Hz ( Munk et al. 1996).
small size, or low spatial frequency. A ttcntional processes are probably very im portant in
organizing neural activity into unitary patterns. Sillito
et al. (1 9 9 4 ) reported that synchronized activity in the
visual cortcx o f the cat induccd sim ilar high-frcqucncy
synchronized spike potentials in relay cells o f the LG N .
They suggested th at this feedback mechanism conccntratcs
neural circuitry o n to the stimulus. However, they found
that this activity could arise trom slow corticallv induced
covarying resting potentials rather than from covarying
spike potentials (Brody 1998).
T h e strength and pattern ofsynchronized firing between
widely different parts of the cat cerebral cortex have been
shown to depend on the stimuli to which the cat is attend­
ing (C ardoso de O liveira et al. 19 9 7 ; Roelfsem a ct al. 1997).
For example, cells in cat cortical areas 17, 7 , and 5 fired in
synchrony in the 4 to 12 H z range when the visual stimulus
was one associated with a learned action but nor when the
stimulus was novel (von Stein et al. 2 0 0 0 ). This suggests
that synchronization is associated with top-down neural
processing. Perhaps the fam iliar stimulus attracts more ».i. A nne Trcism an. She o b tain ed а В .Л . trom C am brid ge
attention than the novel stimulus. Fries c t al. (2 0 0 1 ) found U n iv ersity in 1 9 5 7 and a P h .D . in psychology from O x fo rd U niversity

that neurons in cortical area V 4 ot the monkey showed w ith C . O ld field in 1 9 6 2 . A fter w ork in g in the M .R .C .
P sych olin gu istics Research U n it in O xfo rd and the Bell L ab oratories in
increased synchronization in the 35 to 9 0 Hz range and
N ew Jersey* she was ap p oin ted lectu rer in psychology at O xfo rd
decreased synchronization in the < 17 H z range when the U niversity in 1 9 6 8 . She was professor o f p sy ch ology a t the U niversity o f
stimulus was one to which the animal was attending. B ritish C o lu m b ia from 1 9 7 8 to 1 9 8 6 and at the U n iv ersity o f

Synchronization could increase the efficiency o f synaptic C a lifo rn ia at Berkeley from 1 9 8 6 to 1 9 9 4 . Sin ce 1 9 9 л she has been the
Jam es S. M cD o n n e ll Professor o f P sychology a t P rin ceto n University.
transmission o f specific inform ation passing from V 4 to the
She w on the Spearm an m edal o f the B ritish Psychological S o ciety in
inferior tem poral cortex, where pattern inform ation is p ro ­ 1 9 6 3 and the H ow ard C ro sb y W arren M edal o f t h e S o cie ty o f
cessed. W e are still left with the problem ot how patterns ot E xp erim en tal Psychologists in 1 9 9 0 . She was elected a Fellow o t the

activity in cell assemblies are accessed (Engel et al. 1992). Royal S o ciety in 1 9 9 0 and a m em b er o t the N atio n al A cadem y o f
Scien ces in 1 9 9 4 .
Trcism an (1 9 8 8 ) proposed that visual attention must be
directed serially to each o b ject in a display whenever more
than one feature is used to distinguish an object trom other
o b jects (P ortrait Figure 4 .1 ). C rick and Koch (1 9 9 0 ) pro­ synaptic contacts are strengthened when activity in a
posed that attention based on stimulus position binds prcsynaptic cell is tem porally correlated with activity in a
neural activity arising from diverse features o f an object, postsynaptic cell. Synaptic con tacts arc weakened when
and that this process is facilitated by tem poral synchroniza­ activity in the two cells is n o t correlated. Synapses behaving
tion o f the responses o f neural centers activated by the in this way are known as H cb b ian synapses. D etails about
various features of the o b ject. There is evidence involving H cbbian synapses arc provided in Scction 6.5.1.
fM R I in humans that the parietal cortcx is involved in W hen two prcsynaptic cells converge on the same
directing attention to particular locations when multiple postsynaptic m em brane, the activity in either prcsynaptic
o b jects arc shown in different locations but not when they cell is more highly correlated with that in the postsynap­
are shown sequentially in the same location (Shafritz et al. tic cell when the inputs arc synchronous rather than asyn­
2002 ). chronous. This is because the postsynaptic membrane
Synchronized activity could involve feedback loops that summates potentials from synchronous signals more effec­
help to sustain a pattern o f neural activity responsible for tively than from asynchronous signals. Neural impulses in
short-term memory. Tallon-Baudry et al. (2 0 0 1 ) observed two axons converging on a simple cell in the c a t’s visual
sustained synchronized activity betw een regions o f the cortex produce a stronger postsynaptic response when
extrastriate cortex o f tw o human subjects when they were they arrive w ithin about 7 ms o f each other (Usrey et al.
required to memorize a pattern and com pare it w ith a 2 0 0 0 ). Thus, correlated activity in two or more afferent
second pattern presented after an interval o f up to 2 s. pathways gains preferential access to the nervous system,
and, over tim e, leads to increased transmission efficiency in
that pathway.
4 . 3 . 4 f S y n c h r o n o u s A c tiv ity an d L e a rn in g
Persisting increases in synaptic transmission arc known
H cbb (1 9 4 9 ) speculated that learning depends on com peti­ as lon g-term p o te n tia tio n (L T P ). W h en converging inputs
tive reinforcem ent o t synaptic contacts. He proposed that arc persistently uncorrclatcd the synaptic strength o f the
one mosc highly correlaccd wich che postsynaptic pocencial Poo 1998). This is known as spike cim ing-dcpendenc
increases ac the expense o f the synaptic strength o f the other. p lasticity ,o r S T D P (see S ection 6.5.2).
Furtherm ore, L T P in one group o f synapses can be associ­ Long-term depression induced by advanced postsynap­
ated with lon g -term depression (L T D ) o f responsiveness tic activity could form the basis for predictive coding in
in neighboring inactive synapses, mediated either by ch em i­ which postsynaptic accivicy arising from higher cencers
cal ditFusion o r by lateral dendritic con nection s (Scanziani and generated in advance o f stim ulation gates the inputs
e t al. 1 996). according to w hether they conform to what is anticipated
These processes have been studied m ost extensively in (R ao and Ballard 1999). M odels ol .ST D P and its possible
the hippocampus, a region o f the cortex involved in memory. uses have been reviewed by Bi (2 0 0 2 ) and Kepees ec al.
Long-term potentiation has also been recorded in the (2002 ).
auditory cortex o f adult monkeys (Ahissar ct al. 1992). H ebbian synapses are imporcant in the development
W h en neighboring neurons in chc auditory cortex were o f the visual sysccm, particularly in chc developm ent o f
induced to fire at the same tim e, the connection between binocular vision (Sections 6 .6 .3 and 6 .7 .2 ). For discussions
them increased. Asynchronous stimulation reduced the co n ­ o f Hebbian synapses, see Clochiaux ec al. (1 9 9 1 ), Dan
nection betw een them. However, these changes occurred and Poo ( 1 9 9 2 ), M algaroli ec al. (1 9 9 5 ), and Cicri and
only when the monkeys were accending to chc audicory M alenka (2 0 0 7 ). Scructural changes underlying m em ory in
stimuli. adult animals have been reviewed by Bailey and Kandcl
A neural net wich a broad distribution o f conduction (1 9 9 3 ).
and synaptic delays could use the H ebbian rule to learn
static patterns (ccll assemblies) and tem poral sequences
4 .3 .4 g M o d e ls ©( S y n ch ro n iz e d A ctiv ity
such as tunes (H erz c t al. 1 989).
A Hebbian synapse strengthens synapses when converg­ Several investigators have developed neural netw orks that
ing inputs are synchronized. It can therefore be thought o f model synchronized activity in the visual cortex (Eckhorn
as a covariance detector responding to w hat is com m on c t al. 1990; Schuscer and W agner 1990; Grossbcrg and
betw een tw o inputs. Som e sensory systems act as difference Som ers 1 9 9 1 ;S p o r n s e t al. 1 9 9 1 ; W ilso n and Bow er 1991;
d etectors since chcv respond to what is different between Niebur et al. 1 9 9 3 ). Som e models are based on known
two inputs— they decorrelate the input (D an et al. 1996). properties o f excitacory pyramidal cells and inhibitory
For instance, a ganglion cell does n o t fire when ics receptive interneurons (T ra u b et al. 1 9 9 6 ; W right et al. 2 0 0 0 ). Ghose
field is evenly illum inated but does fire when there is a and Freeman (1 9 9 7 ) developed a model o f cortical oscilla­
lum inance gradient across the receptive field. Ganglion tions that would arise from the integration ot oscillatory
cells work this way because o f mutual inh ibitory co n n ec­ signals in the L G N and from intrinsic oscillations o f cells in
tions w ithin the inner plcxiform layer o f the retina cortical layer 5.
(Section 5.1.4e). The advantage o f this system is that mes­ Chawanya et al. (1 9 9 3 ) developed a neural netw ork
sages are transm itted to the brain only from regions where model that simulates synchronized oscillations w ithin and
spatial or tem poral changes occur— the regions char arc betw een oriencacion colum ns o f chc visual corccx. In che
m ost informative. m odel, che screngch ot che phase correlations between
M utual inh ibitory m echanism s arc responsible for co n ­ different colum ns reflects the length and con tin u ity o f
trast processes and opponent processes at various levels in bar-shaped stimuli (see also K onig and Schillen 1991).
a variety o f sensory systems. O p p on en t m echanism s detect Schillen and K onig (1 9 9 4 ) described a netw ork model
changes in one stimulus feature in the presence o t changes that developed synchronized firing after a period ot
in som e other feature (Section 4 .2 .8 ). tem poral correlation betw een the activation o f distributed
Barlow (1 9 9 1 ) referred to mutual inhibitory mechanisms assemblies responding to different features o t an object.
as anti-H cbbian, because they d etect differences rather than Christakos (1 9 9 4 ) provided a mathematical basis for analy­
coincidences. H e suggested that H ebbian and anti-H cbbian sis ot synchrony in neural necs using the co h eren ce fu n c­
m echanism s work together at successive levels w ithin chc tio n , which expresses the extent to which two processes
processing hierarchy o f the visual system— H ebbian m echa­ covary as a function o f frequency. It is the frcqucncy-
nisms d etect coincidences betw een inputs, anti-H cbbian dom ain analog o f the squared cross-correlation coefficient.
mechanisms sharpen the distinctions between sets ot detected Ritz et al. (1 9 9 4 ) based a netw ork model o f collective
coincidences. oscillations in the visual cortex on local inhibition between
In the standard account o f L T P it is assumed that pre- single spiking neurons. Parodi ct al. (1 9 9 6 ) developed
and postsynaptic activities o ccu r simultaneously. However, a model based on the detection o f differences in arrival
tem poral relationships between these events are im portant. cime o f incegrated visual inpucs as opposed to differences
Postsynaptic spikes that follow presynaptic spikes within in spikc-train frequencies (see also Gawne et al. 1996).
2 0 ms induce LTP. Those that precede presynaptic spikes by M echanism s o f neural synchrony have been reviewed by
up со 2 0 ms induce long-ccrm depression (L T D ) (B i and Scurm and K onig (2 0 0 1 ).
evidence o f significant nonlinearities in spike trains pro­
4 .3 .5 T E M P O R A L C O D IN G O F
duced by cortical neurons, at least to static stimuli
(Fotheringham e and Baddeley 1997).
Up to now we have assumed chat che cemporal characteris- The approach makes tw o novel claims. First, that
tics o f neural responses code only temporal variations in responses o f single neurons contain d istinct tem poral co m ­
stimulus intensity and relative times o f responses. It is gen­ ponents that relate to d istin ct stimulus features. Second,
erally assumed that spatial features o f stimuli are coded in that the nervous system is capable o f decoding this tem po­
terms o f the location and types o f neurons. ral inlorm ation. The traditional view is that transmission ot
A group at the N ational Institute o f H ealth in Bethesda sensory inform ation in the single axon is in terms o f response
proposed the radical idea that tem poral aspects o f the frequency, with tem poral m odulation serving to indicate
spike train code spatial features o f a stimulus (R ichm ond only tem poral m odulations o f stimulus strength.
and O pcican 1987, 1990; Richm ond et al. 1 9 9 0 ; Gawne Even i f the spike rrain o fsin g le neurons contained infor­
et al. 1991). They recorded from the L G N and from com ­ m ation about a variety o f stimulus features, additional
plex cells in the visual cortex, as alert monkeys fixated neural processes would be required to extract it. Since there
small patterns o f black and w hite squares and rectangles is n o evidence about what these processes would be, the
(W alsh patterns). The patterns varied along three dim en­ approach leaves che problem o f scimulus analysis in the ner­
sions— pattern, duration, and contrast. 'I he spike train o f a vous system unsolved. G iitig and Som polinsky (2 0 0 6 )
cells response to each stimulus was sm oothed to produce a developed a com putational model o f a neuron chat learns со
spike-density profile over the first 2 6 0 ms. C om ponents respond differentially со dilferent spiking patterns.
that accounted for successively smaller correlations between Furtherm ore, che analysis was based on only a subset o f
stimuli and the response profiles over the set o f stim uli were values o f tw o or three stimulus features exposed tor a fixed
determ ined by principal com ponents analysis. A weighted duration. G olom b e t al. (1 9 9 4 ) found a well-defined set o f
sum o f rhe com ponents represented the response o f a cell principal com ponents in the spike train o f cells in the lateral
to a particular stimulus. The first com ponent was corre­ geniculate nucleus, but only for a stim ulus o f fixed duration.
lated w ith mean firing rare. Higher com ponents presum­ A typical cell in the L G N or visual co rtex is also influenced
ably arose from differential latencies o f subregions o t the by stimulus m otion, color, flicker, disparity, and size. Thus,
receptive field or differential delays in recurrent inhibition in practice, the jo b o f disentangling the contribution o f
from different regions o f the receptive field. The effect on each value o f each feature to the principal com ponents
the spike train o f varying one stimulus feature depended on o f the spike train o f a single neuron becom es difficult to
the value o f the o ther features. Thus, the features inter­ perform.
acted nonadditivcly. The response was the same tor many Tovcce et al. (1 9 9 3 ) applied a similar analysis to responses
com binations o f the stimulus o f pattern, duration, and co n ­ ot cells in the primate tem poral cortex to faces. They tound
trast. I lowever, principal com pon ent analysis o f the spike that the first principal com ponent o f the spike rrain (mean
train allowed the investigators to extract som e inform ation spike frequency) accounted tor about 7 0 % o f the variance.
about each stimulus feature, and about com binations ot Furtherm ore, they found that about 85% o f chc inform a­
features. tion about firing rate available d u rin g a400-m s period could
In another study w ith Walsh patterns, spike trains ot be extracced during chc firsc 5 0 ms o f rhe cells response.
cells in V I , V 2 , and V 4 were found to contain a temporal Almosc h a lf o f it was available in the first 2 0 ms.
code for color and a distinct tem poral code for pattern Signals from the visual cortex to the inferior temporal
(M cC lu rkin and O ptican 1 996}. They suggested that pat­ cortex pass through four stages. Each stage adds about 2 0
tern and color are processed in distinct multiplexed tem po- ms to the total latency o f response in the temporal cortex
ral-code channels, rather than in distinct labeled-line (R o lls 1992). 'Птis suggests that effective inform ation about
channels. This would facilitate binding o f spatially related firing frequency is extracted in abouc 2 0 ms ac each scage o f
features. processing. If we assume a firing race o f 100 H z, chis means
Gawne (2 0 0 0 ) found that stimulus orientation was th at firing frequency escimaces in a single neuron are based
related to spike frequency o f com plex cells in m onkey V I on up to five spikes. Tovee et al. found that only about 19%
but that contrast was related to response latency and and 8.5 % o f the inform ation in a spike train was contained
spike m odulation. Both features could be reliably recovered in the second and third principal com ponents, respectively.
from stimuli that varied in both contrast and orientation Furtherm ore, a good part o f this inform ation was tound to
when the responses o f several neighboring neurons were reflect rhe latency o f rhe cells response. Ihey concluded
pooled. that features o f the response train o ther than latency and
The principal com ponents m ethod reveals independent mean firing rate are probably nor significant for cortical
com ponents only if the underlying structure o f the spike processing.
train is linear. The approach seems to be justified because a The rapidity o f visual processing is also indicated by
nonlinear m ethod based o n neural netw orks did not reveal the finding that the cortical potential evoked by a decision
thac a com plcx scene exposed for 2 0 ms did not contain a human scalp ( m c c t al. 1 9 9 3 ; Bach and M eigen
specified o b jcct, occurred w ithin 150 ms (Thorpe et al. 1997). Fahlc (1 9 9 3 ) found that a phase difference o f
1996). only 5 ms betw een the tem poral m odulation o f groups
H eller et al. (1 9 9 5 ) applied a neural net analysis to spike o f spatially hom ogeneous points was sufficient for
train inputs to m onkey V I . They concludcd that variations perceptual segregation o f one group o f points from the
in firing rate could n o t be resolved over intervals shorter background.
than about 25 ms.
2. Matching binocular image* The tuning characteristics o f
To investigate rhe temporal resolution lim itations o f
the com ponent m onocular receptive fields o f a
principal com ponents analysis V icto r and Purpura (1 9 9 6 )
binocular cell in the visual cortex tend to be similar.
measured the spike latency, spike coun t, and interspike
The cross-correlation o f signals arriving at an array o f
interval in 3 5 2 neurons in V I , V 2 , and V 3 ot alert monkeys
binocular cells could indicate w hether the eves are
during the first 2 5 6 ms o f exposure to gratings varying in 4

properly converged on a given stimulus (Section

orientation and spatial frequency, and to checkerboards
11.10.1). A process th at com pares patterns o f spikes in
varying in contrast, elem ent size, and texture type. M ost o f
tw o or more neurons is known as a co rre la tio n code.
the cells showed evidence o t stimulus-specific tuning by
A model o f this has been provided by M urata and
spike latency and spike interval, but only about h alf showed
Shim izu (1 9 9 3 ).
evidence o f tuning by spike count.
O ram c t al. (1 9 9 9 ) found large num bers o f stimulus- 3. Detection o f disparity discontinuities T ootcll c t al.
elicited and precisely timed spike patterns in the L G N and (1 9 8 8 c ) reported enhanced neural activity (as reflected
visual co rtcx but concludcd that many o f these patterns in the uptake o f dcoxyglucosc) along cortical loci
arose bv
4 chance and carried no inform ation that was not corresponding to borders between differently texturcd
available in the spike count. Reinagel and Reid (2 0 0 0 ) ana­ regions o f a stimulus display. Tins enhanced activity was
lyzed the spike-train responses o f L G N cells to defined evident only when the display was viewed binocularly.
random sequences o f flashing light and concludcd that
4. Discrimination o f complex temporal stimuli Com plex
som e cells use tem poral patterns to encode temporal infor­
temporal stim uli are produced by m oving stimuli.
m ation. Each cortical cell receives thousands o f excitatory
Reinagel and Reid (2 0 0 0 ) found that a defined random
and inhibitory inputs, each o f which fluctuates over time.
series o f flashes produced its own characteristic
The resulting chaotic activity o f a neural netw ork puts
temporal pattern o t discharges in an individual neuron
constraints on the use o f precise tem poral patterns (Van
in the L G N o fth e cat.
Vrecswijk and Som polinskv 1 996).
H igher-ordcr com ponents in the temporal waveform
do n o t necessarily have to be analyzed to be useful. Rather
than conveying inform ation abou t stimulus features to 4 .4 C O D IN G P R IM IT IV E S
higher levels ot processing, they may be involved only in
low-level detection o f texture boundaries for the following Signal analysis is concerned with finding a set o f basis
tour purposes: fu n ctio n s that can synthesize any com plex signal, as
described in Section 3.2.6a. For example, sine waves o l d if­
1. Identification o f surface discontinuities An evenly ferent frequencies and phases provide a set o f basis func­
texturcd surface has a consistent texture, color, contrast, tions, which can approximate any well-behaved function
and m otion, so that detectors tor that region respond arbitrarily closely. A good set o f basis functions should be
with similar and synchronous response trains. This com plete, m eaning that they must be able to synthesize all
synchrony would enhance responses ot the cells onto stimuli. They should also be independent, m eaning that
w hich the detectors converge because synchronous each function captures a stimulus property not captured by
inputs summate at synapses. H ence, the postsynaptic another function.
cells would resonate to an input from an evenly We can ask w hether the visual system contains a set o f
textured region. A t the boundary o f two texturcd basis functions by which it analyzes com plcx visual scencs.
regions, there would be a discontinuity in the pattern o f The basis functions can be regarded as a set o f filters applied
resonance, which could be used to locate the boundary, to the visual input, or wc can talk about a set o f visual chan­
even before any analysis o f particular texture features nels o r coding primitives. Physiologically, a set o f basis fu n c­
had occurred. There is evidence that cells in the visual tions in the space dom ain is the sensitivity profiles o fth e
cortex with sim ilar responses to stimulus orientation receptive fields o f a set o f similar cells at a given level o fth e
fire in synchrony (Section 5 .5 .3 ). Evidence o f neuronal visual system. For example, at the level o f ganglion cells,
mass activity related to texture segregation, which is the primitives are the spatial tuning functions o f rcceptive
independent o f the visual feature defining the textures, fields o f ganglion cells (Section 5 .1 .4a). The idea can be gen­
has been revealed in visual evoked potentials trom the eralized to the spatiotem poral response profiles o f cortical
cells (Section 5 .5 .3 ). The general m ethods of'signal analysis The first condition is n o t satisfied in the visual system,
were discussed in Section 3 .2 .6 . Visual primitives that have since receptive fields are comparatively small and not nar­
been proposed For the visual system will now be discussed, rowly tuned to spatial frequency. A lso, there are many non-
starting with Fourier com ponents. linearities in the visual system. The con d ition o f spatial
hom ogeneity is also not achieved, since receptive fields
becom e larger and less dense in the peripheral retina.
4 .4 .1 F О U R IE R С О M P O N F. N T S Nevertheless, a typical receptive field in the retina is m axi­
4 .4 .1 a T h e V isu a l Sv stem as F o u rie r A n aly zer mally sensitive to a spatially periodic stimulus o f a given
period, and reccptivc fields vary in size and thus vary in
A linear system transm its signals o f different frequencies their preferred spatial periodicity. G anglion cclls with d if­
w ithout distortions or interactions. For many purposes, it is ferent sizes ot receptive field are often called spatial-
convenient to specify the spatial Fourier com ponents o f a frequency channels. The term “spatial-scale channels” is
visual display. As we saw in Section 3 .2 .2 , it is a particularly better because it does n o t suggest that the visual system per­
useful procedure when one is testing the linearity o f a forms a Fourier analysis, which would require receptive
svstem. fields o t infinite size.
The French m athem atician Duffieux (1 9 4 6 ) was the The im portance o f phase can be illustrated by consider­
first to apply Fourier analysis to optical systems. The lens ing the Fourier transforms o f a thin line and white noise.
o f the eye is a reasonably linear transmission system. The They have the same am plitude spectrum since they can both
D utch engineer D eLange (1 9 5 8 ) analyzed the visual be decom posed into sets o f equal amplitude sine waves o f
response to flickering light in terms o f temporal frequen­ all spatial frequencies. They differ only in their phase spec­
cies. O tto Schade (1 9 5 6 ) was the first to apply Fourier tra. Phase is random tor w hite noise but, tor a line, the peaks
analysis to spatial aspects o t vision. o f the sine waves coincide at one location.
The way an optical system, including that o f the eye,
resolves images ot different spatial frequencies provides an
adequate measure o f its perform ance. But that does not 4 .4 .1 b N u m b e r o fS p a tia l-F r e q u e n c y C h a n n e ls
mean that the eye perform s a Fourier analysis o t the input. The spatial-frequency tuning o f a visual channcl depends
It simply means that we can use Fourier analysis to assess its basically on the size and internal structure o f receptive fields
perform ance, as explained in Section 9.1.3. o f ganglion cells. There is a gradual increase in the size o f
A system that merely transm its different spatial frequen­ receptive fields w ith increasing retinal eccentricity. I f the
cies does not detect the different frequency com ponents in internal structure o f receptive fields scales in the same way,
com plex signals. For detection o f com ponents the different there must be a continuous gradation o f the bandwidth o f
frequencies must stim ulate distinct detectors. The system spatial-frequency channels over the whole retina. The
may then carry o u t a Fourier analysis, or redcscription, o f im portant question is how many channels arc present in
the input to produce output signals that indicate the am pli­ each local region o t visual space.
tude and phase o fe a c h frequency com ponent in the input. Four psychophysical procedures have been used to
The human ear can be said to produce at least a crude determ ine the num ber and bandwidth ot spatial-frequency
temporal Fourier analysis o f sound patterns. This is because channels in a local region o f the visual field.
the ear has many distinct frequency channels, each respond­
ing to a narrow range o f sound frequencies. 1. Method o f adaptation C hannel bandwidth is indicated
C am pbell and Robson (1 9 6 8 ) proposed that the visual by the range o f spatial frequencies over w hich an
system has distinct channels, each tuned to a particular adapting grating elevates the threshold o f a
range o f spatial frequencies. C onsequently, they argued that subsequently exposed test grating (Blakem ore and
the system achieves a spatial Fourier analysis o t visual pat­ C am pbell 1969).
terns. The idea th at the visual system perform s a Fourier
analysis can be misleading. In theory, any system capable o f 2. Method o f subthreshold summation C hanncl bandwidth
detecting rhe spatial Fourier com ponents o f com plex pat­ is indicated by the range o f spatial frequencies over
terns efficiently must fulfill three requirem ents: which subthreshold gratings reduce the threshold o f a
superimposed test grating (G raham and Nachmias

1. It must possess a set o f independent and linear detectors 1 9 7 1 ; Sachs c t al. 1971).

each o f infinite size and very narrow spatial-frequency 3 . M ethod o f masking C hanncl bandwidth is indicated by
bandwidth. N o t only detectors of low spatial frequency, the frequencies over which suprathreshold masking
but also detectors o f high spatial frequency must be large. gratings elevate the threshold o f a superimposed test
grating (Strom cyer and Julesz 1972; W ilso n c t al.
2. It must be spatially homogeneous.
1983). After allowing for etfccts o f probability
3. It must encode both am plitude and phase. summation and nonlinear interactions, the results are
reasonably consistent with there being ac least six
spatial-scale channels in the visual system with a
half-am plitude bandwidth o f abou t 2.2 octaves for
Im pulse (all frequencies)
die lowest spadal-frequency channel, and about
1.3 octaves for the highest spatial-frequency channel С
(W ilson 1991a). '(/> 03
a <D
4 . Comparison o f detection an d discrimination In this С
03 (Л
m ethod the contrast at which two gratings are detected Q.
(Л a>
w— =5
is com pared with the contrast at which they are о Q-
discrim inated. II they are the same it is assumed that the e
tw o gratings stimulate d istin ct spatial-frequency
T em poral o r spatial frequency
channels. W ith this m ethod, W atson and Robson
(1 9 8 1 ) concluded that there arc seven distinct spatial- ,. 2. The im pulse a n d p u re lin e wave. A tem p oral im pulse (delta
frequency channels. fu n c tio n ) o ccu rs at a specific tim e , w ith en ergy spread evenly over the
w hole tem p oral-freq u en cy sp ectru m . A pure to n e co n ta in s on ly on e
freq u en cy b u t ex ten d * over an in fin ite period o f tim e. Sim ilarly, a spatial
im pulse o ccu rs at a specific lo c a tio n , w ith energy d istribu ted over the
4 .4 .1 с D e te c tio n o f S p a tia l F re q u e n c y w hole spacial-frequency sp ectru m . A pure spatial sine wave has on ly on e
an d P o sitio n vpalial frequ ency b u t exten d s over in fin ite space.

Investigators have raised the question o f w hether spatial

frequency and spatial position arc coded by the same or
The same argum ent applies it we substitute spatial fre­
by distinct m echanism s. At first glance this appears to be­
quency tor tem poral frequency and position for time. The
an empirical issue» requiring an experim ental approach.
ideal spatial-frequency detector is narrowly tuned to spatial
However, at least part o f the answer can be obtained from a
frequency and has a long space constant (infinitely large
theoretical analysis, once the general properties o f a partic­
receptive field). The ideal position detector is broadly tuned
ular system are know n. G abor (1 9 4 6 ) applied this analysis
to spatial frequency and has a small receptive field. It is
to tem poral signals in acoustic systems, rather than to spa­
impossible to design a sensor that can perfectly detect both
tial frequency and position in the visual system. However,
types o f inform ation. If both types o f inform ation are
the conclusions apply to both domains.
required trom the same detector, there must inevitably be a
I f the tem poral frequency o f a signal is represented on
com prom ise, which is expressed by the fact that, in any
the .v-axis and tim e on the у-axis we have a tim c-freq u en cy
d iag ram . C onsider an impulse o f sound occurring at a well-
defined time but with energy distributed evenly over the
Tim e constant x bandwidth > 1/2
whole frequency spectrum (an impulse, or delta function).
An impulse in the tim e-frequency diagram is a horizontal A consequence o f this relationship in the space dom ain is
line (Figure 4 .2 ), I f a systems response to an impulse is that, i f we define the sensitivity o f a detector to differences
know n, one can calculate its transfer function. This is in position as Ds, and its sensitivity to spatial frequency as
because a linear systems response to an impulse is the Df, then the product o f these uncertainties can n ot be less
Fourier integral o f its transfer function. than one-half, or
C onsider, next, a pure tone with a well-defined fre­
quency but infinite duration. It is represented in the time- Ds x Df> 1/2
frequency diagram by a vertical line. Any signal o f finite
duration is interm ediate betw een an impulse, w hich is This reciprocity between tw o uncertainties is essentially che
determ inate in tim e bu t n o t in frequency, and a sine wave, same as that expressed in Heisenberg s principle o t uncer­
w hich is determ inate in frequency but indeterm inate in tainty. This states that it is impossible to know both the
tim e. A detector can be designed to extract inform ation position and frequency characteristics (mass) o f a funda­
about the tim e o f events bu t disregard frequency, or to m ental particle at the same time. The best com prom ise
d etect frequency and disregard tim e. For instance, an ideal betw een detection o f position and spatial frequency is
oscillograph with uniform response over all frequencies and achieved when Ds X D f is a minim um , which in the ideal
a very short tim e constant (qu ick decay o f response) is an case is 0.5. G abor defined the d etecto r for which this is
instrum ent o f the first type. A set o f narrowly tuned oscilla­ true. In the space dom ain, the requirem ents are m et if the
tors, each with a long tim e constant (prolonged resonance), sensitivity profile o f each detector is a Gaussian (norm al)
may be regarded as an example o f the second type o f instru­ distribution multiplied by a sine or cosine function. This
m ent. O n e instrum ent can n ot do both jo b s efficiently is known as a G a b o r fu n ctio n . A Gaussian function has
because the design characteristics are incom patible. the unique property that its Fourier transform is also a
Gaussian function. A t each location, there should be pairs also be decomposed into G abor patches derived from a
o f detectors with sensitivity profiles in phase quadrature. Gaussian function o f specified width.
These two requirem ents are summarized by the expression: G abor pointed o u t thac there exists a class o f real-valued
functions that are more general than G abor functions and
S (дг) = e zr cos I n F x ( or sin 2 J l F x ) which also maximize chc joinc dcccccion o f position and
where 5 (x ) is the norm alized sensitivity profile o f a d etec­
tor, s is the standard deviation o f rhe sensitivity profile, F is
the optim al spatial frequency to which the detector is tuned,
and .v is distance along the дг-axis (Kulikowski 1980; Elongated G abor patches, as defined above, provide a rea­
M arcclja 1 980). sonable fit to the 2 -D response profiles of simple cells in the
Tw o sensitivity profiles are in quadrature when one is visual cortcx o f the cat (Jo n es and Palmer 1 9 8 7 ) and o f the
phase-shifted 90° with respect to the other, like sine and monkey (Ringach 2 0 0 2 ). Furtherm ore, cortical cells with
cosine functions. A cosinc function betw een 0° and 180" is even-symmetric (cosine) and odd-sym m etric (sine) sensi­
symmetrical, whereas a sine function is asymmetrical. tivity functions are in quadrature (their sensitivity profiles
A Gaussian profile m ultiplied by a cosinc wave produces arc relatively phase-shifted by 90"). There is evidence that
an even-sym m etric G abor function and a Gaussian profile- cells in quadrature occur in pairs in the visual cortex, with
multiplied by a sine wave produces an odd-symmetric different pairs tuned to different regions o f the spatial-
G abor function. O n e can think o f a G abor function as the frequency spectrum (Pollen 1981). This suggests that the
image produced by looking at a sinusoidal grating through visual system achieves an optim al com prom ise between
a Gaussian window. The grating is the carrier, and the detection o f spatial frequency and detection o f stimulus
window is the envelope. The scale o f a G abor function position. This arrangem ent is also ideally suited for o p ti­
varies according to the width o f the envelope. W h en the mally deblurring images and reducing noise in the visual
envelope is very wide, the G abor function is a sine wave input.
(narrowband display), and when it is very narrow, the G abor These ideas have been generalized to two spatial dim en­
function becom es a thin line, or delta function (broadband sions and to the dim ension o f orientation (Daugm an 1984,
display). An interm ediate case is shown in Figure 4.3. Thus, 1 9 8 5 ). The sensitivity profiles o f the receptive fields o f
for a given spatial frequency o f the sine wave, the spatial- simple cells in the visual cortex can be described as 2-D
frequency bandwidth o fth e patch is inversely proportional G abor functions with different spatial periodicities, even-
to the size o f the envelope. or odd-sym m etric profiles, and oriented at different angles.
There is thus a family o f G abor functions extending Each detector has an orientation bandwidth o f about 15°,
from a sine wave to a line (Graham 1989). At interm ediate a half-am plitude spatial-frcquency bandwidth o f about
values, the G abor function is a spatially localized patch o f 1.5 octaves, and a lengch-co-widch racio o f abouc 2:1.
damped sine or cosine waves, known as a G abor patch. Just A branch o f m athem atics known as w avelet th eo ry has
as any visual scene can be decom posed into sine waves it can been applied in vision (Young 1 9 8 7 ; Daugman 1 9 9 0 ,1 9 9 1 ;
Farge ct al. 1 9 9 3 ). Wavelets, are localized, self-similar, undu-
latory functions derived from G abor functions. They differ
with respect to size (dilation), position (translation), and
phase. I f the wavelets are anisotropic, like G abor patches, or
the elongated receptive fields of cortical cells, they also
Cosine input Gaussian-window Gabor-patch differ in orientation (rotation ). Even with a sparse sampling
function function of size and orientation, one can construct any com plex pat­
tern from an appropriate set o f wavelets, with a resolution
lim ited by
the smallest wavelets in the set. Wavelets are effi-
cicnt in that the dim ensions o f position, spatial scale, and
orientation arc detected independently with no cross talk
(sec Sakitt and Barlow 1982).
W e shall now see that the receptive fields o f cells in the
visual system can also be fitted by other functions with
other properties.

Gabor patch
F,««rc «.>. A G abor patch. A G abor patch is constructed by m ultiplying a
patch with a sinusoidal lum inancc profile with an aperture with л Th e receptive field o f a ganglion cell can be considered to
Gaussian (norm al) lum inancc profile. (A d ap ted fro m G rah am 1 9 8 9 } be an excitatory area with a Gaussian sensitivity profile
Sensitivity A system conform s cxactly to any one o f them . Spatial filters
__ P o sitiv e may improve the efficiency o f low level coding, but visual
//\\ G a u s s ia n
processes arc too nonlinear to be described by any set o f
linear filters. Also, linear image transform ations do not
solve the problem o f visual recognition, they simply
^ N eg ativ e
G a u s s ia n postpone it.

Figure 4 .4 . D ifferen ce o f G aussian sensitivity profile. (A ) A n idealized

sensitivity profile o l л ganglion cell receptive field depicted as th e sum 4 .4 .4 N O N L IN E A R V IS U A L P R O C E S S E S
o f a narrow positive G aussian d istrib u tion rep resenting the excitato ry
co m p o n e n t o f the c e lls response and a broader negative Gaussian Since a linear system can only add or subtract, other forms
d istrib u tion rep resenting the in h ib ito ry c o m p o n e n t o f the
o f com putation must depend on nonlincaritics. The basic
response. (B ) A 3 'D sensitivity profile o t a ganglion ccll. I he "volu m es"
o f the ex citato ry and in h ib ito ry regions are equal» so th at w hen the nonlinearity in a digital com puter is che tw o-state transis­
receptive field is evenly illu m in ated , the firing rate o f the cell is the same tor. C om putations other than addition carried o u t by the
as in th e d ark . (Adapted from Rodicck 1965} nervous system depend on nonlinearities at synapses. There
are several types o f nonlincarity in the nervous system.
For som e types, che system is approximately linear over
superimposed on an inhibitory area w ith a som ew hat wider a lim ited range o f amplitude m odulation. An essential
Gaussian sensitivity profile. The com posite sensitivity pro­ n o n lin earity is one that does n o t approach linearity when
file is known as a d ifferen ce o f G au ssian s (D O G ). The input am plitude is reduced. M ultiplication, division, and
D O G profile o t a ganglion cell is circular symmetric, or iso­ rectification arc essential nonlinear processes. The follow ­
tropic, as in Figure 4 .4 . The receptive field o f a cortical ing is a list o f com m on nonlinearicies encountered in
cell may be represented as an elongated D O G . It is even-
sensory systems.
symmetric (cosine) when the excitatory and inhibitory
com ponents are spatially in phase, and odd-symmetric
1. Thresholds In the region o f the threshold, the rcccptor
(sine), when they arc 90° our o f phase.
potential is a nonlinear funccion o f light incensicy and
Assume that the receptive fields o f the basic units o f the
the principle o f superposition docs n o t hold. O n e
visual system conform to these specifications. In that case it
reason for chis is that additive noise increases in
would be useful to use stim uli w ith these spatial characteris­
proportion to the signal as signal strength is reduced
tics, since they are m ost easily detected. Hugh W ilson and
(m ultiplicative noise is a constant fraction o f signal
others have used D O G s extensively in the study o f contrast
strength). A nother reason is that stimulus events
sensitivity and stereoscopic vision, as we will see in later
becom e quantal near che chreshold. For inscance,
chapters. A D O G stimulus, unlike a sine-wave grating, has
w hether or not light is dctcctcd depends on the
a well-defined location in space. It also has a peak, or center
statistical probability o f lighc quanca falling on a
spatial frequency, which can be varied by changing the
rcccptor plus the probability o f quanta being absorbed
width of the com pon ent Gaussian distributions.
by pigm ent molecules. A third reason is thac sensory
Since a Gaussian function is not a pure sine wave, it
responses may be quantal and therefore subject to
necessarily has a certain spatial-frequency bandwidth. By
random fluctuations. For instance, a synaptic response
differentiating a Gaussian, one obtains a Gaussian with a
depends on the release o f a threshold num ber o f
narrower bandwidth. The sixth and tenth derivatives o f a
neurocransmiccer molecules from synaptic vesicles.
Gaussian function, known as D 6 and D IO , are often used in
visual experim ents, including those on stereopsis. Stork and Beyond the receptor level, neurons produce spike
W ilso n (1 9 9 0 ) showed that Gaussian derivatives are real- potentials in an all-or-nonc fashion. Thus, stimulated
valued functions, w hich, like G abor functions, maximize receptors w ithin che receptive field o f a ganglion cell
the jo in t detection o f position and frequency. Being real- produce a neural spike in the ganglion ccll when the
valued they have the advantage that they require only single com bined generator potential reaches a threshold value.
detectors rather than the paired dctcctors in quadrature In the presence o f uncorrclatcd noise, som e receptors
required by complex-valued G abor functions. will be nearer threshold than others at any time. This
O th er types of mathem atically defined filters have been produces response variability, w hich smooches the
borrowed from physics and used to characterize low-level response o f the ganglion ccll to variations in stimulus
visual processing. These include zero crossings (M arr 1 9 8 2 ), strength in the chreshold region (Anderson et al. 2 0 0 0 ).
Cauchy functions (K lein and Levi 1 9 8 5 ), dipoles (K lein Similarly, in the cortcx, spontaneous synaptic accivicy
and Levi 1 9 8 6 ; Klein et al. 1 9 9 0 ), and cepstral filters enhances the probability o f an action potential to weak
(Yeshurun and Schwartz 1 9 9 0 ) (Section 15.2. Id ). Although stimuli buc reduces the response to a larger stimulus
each formalism has advantages, it is unlikely that the visual (Shu Y e t al. 2 0 0 3 a ).
2. Compressive an d accelerating nonlinearities In a may be up- or downregulaccd by the direction o f
compressive nonlinearicy the response o f a system atten tion or the position o f the eyes (Salinas and Their
saturates as stimulus strength is increased. This is 2000).
known as a ceiling effect. The logarithm ic relationship
G anglion cells, relay cells in the lateral gcniculatc
betw een stimulus intensity and the generator potential
nucleus, and sim ple cells in the visual cortex are
o f retinal receptors is a nonlinear function o f this type.
reasonably linear, in that their responses to complcx
A system may be linear over its operating range but, as
stim uli can be predicted from the superim position o f
the intensity o f a stimulus is increased beyond a certain
their responses to simpler stimuli. C om plex cclls in the
level, the response levels off to an asym ptotic value.
visual cortex and visually responsive cclls in higher
In an accelerating nonlinearity, the output accelerates visual centers, such as the inferior temporal cortex and
relative to the input. This typically occurs near the parietal cortex, respond in a highly nonlinear way.
sensory threshold. The output is raised by a power D etecto rs at all levels o f the nervous system show
greater than one. Raising an input by a power greater inh ibitory interactions, w hich arc believed to reduce
than one introduces an accelerating nonlinearity. activity within hom ogeneous regions relative to activity
Several characteristics o f binocular cells in the visual at boundaries between distinct regions. The result is
co rtex can be accounted lo r i f it is assumed that inputs that contrast, rather than lum inance, determines
are squared (Section 11 .1 0 ). activity ac higher levels o f the visual system.

3. Rectification M any neurons act as half-wave rectifiers o f M any detectors show subthreshold summation in
the input since they respond only to displacements which a subthreshold stimulus presented to one
in one direction along the stimulus continuum . d ctccto r is brought above threshold by the
R ectification arises when the stim ulus dim ension is sim ultaneous subthreshold stim ulation o f a second
bipolar and extends in both directions with respect to a dctcctor. This type o f nonlinear facilitation occurs in
norm , but for which the sensory detectors are the response o f binocular cells in the visual cortex to
m onopolar. For example, retinal bipolar cells arc inputs from the two eyes (S ectio n 11.4.1). The
half-wave rectifiers because they respond either only to nonlinearity is extrem e in so-called ANL) cells, which
stimulus onset or only to stimulus offset. Also, many respond only to sim ultaneous inputs from the two eyes.
m otion detectors in the visual cortex respond only to
Interactions betw een neurons can change the gain o f a
m otion in one direction. W e will see th at some
neural system, or change the tim e and space conscancs
detectors o f binocular disparity are also half-wave
o f rcceptive fields o f sensory neurons— both nonlinear
rectifiers in that they respond only to crossed or only to
processes. Enhancem ent o f responses со synchronized
uncrossed disparities (Section 11.4.1}. The com bined
inputs relative to nonsynchronized inputs is also a
output o f two half-wave rectifiers, with signs ignored,
nonlinear process.
produces a fully rectified signal. Full-wave rectification
is formally equivalent to squaring the inputs, since Logical, or Boolean, operators such as A N O -gates and
squaring removes signs. For example, if the signals from O R -gatcs involve a type ot m ultiplication based on
O N -cen ter and O F F -cen te r receptive fields were threshold processes. An example o f an A N D -gace is
com bined w ithout regard to sign it would produce a provided by cells in the visual cortex chac respond only
fully rectified signal that would indicate an edge when both eyes are stimulated (Section 5.7.2d ). A set o f
whatever the sign o f its contrast. A fully rectified signal Boolean operators form s che basis o f che p ercep tron
o f binocular disparity would signal the am plitude o f a model o f visual processing (R osenblatt 1958). A
disparity w ithout indicating its sign. The com bined perceptron mechanism can carry ouc many types o f
output o f two half-wave rectifiers, with signs intact, com putation, but cannot com pute distributed
reconstitutes the original signal. Thus the output signal functions such as figure-ground segregation. In general,
from two rectifiers may be linear even though each any real continuous function can be approximated by a
rcctificr is nonlinear (see W arland et al. 1997). polynom ial. Polynom ials can be derived by multiplying
Advantages o f rectification in sensory systems were inputs from a set o f detectors, and can be used to
discussed in Section 4 .2 .3 . com pute a broader set o f functions than can be
com puted by a “perceptron” (K o ch and Poggio
4 . Multiplicative nonlinearities M ultiplication o f two
1 9 9 2 ).
signals is a nonlinearity, since the output is more chan
the sum o f inputs. M any neurons are su bject to D etectio n o f correlation betw een sensory inputs
m ultiplicative gain co n tro l, w hich affects the strength involves a nonlinear process ot m ultiplication. For
o f their response but not their tuning functions. For exam ple, chc Pearson correlacion coefficicnc is chc mean
example, the discharge o f neurons in the visual cortex o f che produces o f normalized deviacions from rhe
mean. The dececcion o f chc direccion o f a moving stimulus. Buc chis term inology is racher arbitrary since
stimulus necessarily involves a multiplicative lum inance-defined edges are not necessarily detected by
nonlinearity. For exam ple, in the Reichardc m otion linear processes and the visual system docs n o t contain
detector, a linearly filtered output from one detector is Fourier m echanism s in the strict meaning o f the term.
m ultiplied by the delayed output from a neighboring Furtherm ore, a second-ordcr stimulus, such as a figure
detector and then averaged over tim e (Rcichardt defined by texture, can be converted into one with
1 987). People can detect the degree ot correlation Fourier com ponents if ic is firsc rcccificd. In che visual
betw een images presented to rhe tw o eyes syscem, full-wave rectification can be achieved by
(Section 15.2.2). pooling the inputs from O N -ccn tcr and O F F -cen tcr
receptive fields. This introduces a spurious doubling o f
Responses ot a H cbbian synapse, which arc responsible
the spatial frequency o f the stimulus, which can be
for synaptic plasticity and learning, depend on the
removed by subsequent fileering ac an octave lower chan
product o f the prcsynaptic potential and the
chc spurious signals. The resulcing signal can then
sim ultaneous postsynaptic potential (Section 6 .5 .1 ).
activate a detector o f stimuli defined bv lum inance. For

5. Cross~madulation products The response o f a linear example, a Reichardc m otion detector can detect
system to tw o superimposed sine waves is two sine first-order m otion defined bv m otion o f luminance-
waves with their frequencies unchanged. The output o f defined edges. However, it cannot detect second-order
a nonlinear system to two sine waves consists o f the two m otion o f edges defined by contrast or texture.
sine waves (the fundam entals) plus harm onics o f each However, a Rcichardt detector can detect a second-
sine wave, plus sums and differences o f the harm onics o f ordcr signal after it has been rectified and filtered
the tw o sine waves, such as 3 F I + 2 F2. C ross- (C h u bb and Sperling 1988; W ilso n and Kim 1994).
m od u lation p ro d u cts are characteristic o f nonlinear
7 . Adaptation an d hysteresis Sensory adaptation, defined as
systems. Each type o f rectifying nonlincariry produces
short-term m odification o f the response o f a sensory
characteristic cross-m odulation products. Therefore,
system exposed to constant stim ulation, is a
one can infer the type o f rectifier in a given system by
nonlinearity because it violates the timc-invariance
measuring its cross-m odulation products, and
assumption o f linear systems. Sensory adaptation
consulting a catalog o t rectifiers.
amplifies transient inputs relative to sustained inputs. It
Regan and Regan (1 9 8 8 ) developed a general is equivalent to differentiating the input.
m athematical treatm ent involving the zoom fast-Fourier
The response o f a neuron subject to adaptation is
transtorm . This gives a very high resolution o t the
greater when a given value o f stim ulation is reached
cross-m odulation products produced by two sine-wave
from a low value chan when ic is reached from a high
inputs. W h en applied to the analysis o t evoked
value. As stim ulus strength is slowly increased and
potentials generated in the human visual cortex
decreased over a given range, the response-stimulus
by tw o lights flashing at dilferent frequencies,
function does n o t traverse the same path but traces out
it produces a sharp separation between stimulus-related
a loop, known as a hysteresis loop. The binocular
signals and signals arising from noise, as shown in
fusion m echanism shows hysteresis in that the disparity
Figure 13.12.
at w hich initially fused stim uli becom e diplopic is not
Z hou and Baker (1 9 9 6 ) recorded trom cells in visual the same as the disparity at which initially diplopic
cortical areas 17 and 18 o f the cat, w hich responded со stimuli fuse. Binocu lar fusion is a bistable system in
m oving cross-m odulation products (spatial beats) ot which change o f state with changing disparity is
superimposed sine-wave gratings, even though the saltatory rather than continuous (Scctio n 12.1.6).
spatial frequencies o t the gratings were outside the
8. Learning The long-term m odification o t a response
tuning range o f the cells. Cross-m odulation products
to a given stimulus through learning is a nonlinear
arc n o t detected by a purely linear system, since they arc
n o t represented in che Fourier dom ain. Any syscem
generating cross-m odulation products must thcretorc 9. Bistable percepts Spontaneous changes in the
involve nonlinear processing. inrerpreracion o f a visual scimulus, such as those chac
occur in reversible perspcccive and ambiguous figure-
6. Second-order stimuli Scimuli defined by lum inance are
ground displays are nonlinearicies. Ihese nonlinearicies
often referred to as first-order, linear, o r Fourier stimuli.
in high-level control systems are difficult if not
They arc distinguished from second-ordcr, or non-
impossible to specify mathematically.
Fourier stimuli defined by texture, disparity, or m otion.
They arc callcd non-Fourier stim uli because they arc not Procedures for analyzing nonlinear systems were
represented in the lum inance Fourier spectrum o f the reviewed in Section 3.4.
4.5 HIGHER-ORDER SENSORY from the sense organs is processed serially or simultaneously
SYSTEMS (in parallel). For example, the join ts o f a lim b are structur­
ally in series bu t inputs from jo in t receptors are processed
As a basis for discussion, visual primitives will be defined as simultaneously.
those stimulus features that arc channeled at the retinal
level. These include position, brightness, contrast, spatial
4 .5 .1 b T y p es o f Ju d g m e n t an d S tim u li
periodicity, color, and flicker. M otion will be included as a
visual primitive, although it is channeled in the visual cortex A relation al ju d g m en t requires inform ation from two or
in some animals. All highcr-order visual features are derived more sensory inputs. For example, che task ot judging che
from these primitives. position o f the unseen hand relative to the torso is rela­
tional, since one can n ot perform it i f inform ation from any
o f the join ts is missing. A m u lticu e ju d g m en t, like that o f
4 .5 .1 T Y P E S O F S E N S O R Y P R O C E S S IN G judging depth trom each ot several depth cues, is not rela­

4 .5 .1 a Serial and Parallel Processing tional since each cue can operate alone. However, a cue may
be ambiguous, or u n d erd eterm in ed . For example, a ju d g­
Sensory inform ation related to space perception is com ­ m ent o f a change in o b ject size based on a change in image
bined in a great variety o f ways for diverse purposes. W c size is ambiguous because a change in image size can be due
often distinguish between serial p ro cessin g and parallel to a change in o b jcct size or o b je ct distance. An am biguity
p ro cessin g o f sensory inform ation in the central nervous in one cue may be resolved by another cue. For example, the
system. am biguity o f image size as a cue to distance may be resolved
There are three types o f serial processing: by binocular disparity.
Sensory inputs are d isso ciab le when judgm ents can be
1. Hierarchical processing within a feature system In made on the basis o f each one, at the same tim e as a judg­
hierarchical processing a given stimulus' attribute is m ent about the relationship betw een them. For example,
processed sequentially at increasing levels o f complexity. one can judge the orientation o f each o f two lines as well as
For example, visual disparity is processed at successively the angle betw een them . In binocular fusion, fused images
higher levels in the nervous system to code more are n o n d isso ciab le because the visual system has no access
com plex patterns o f disparity. to the separate locations ot fused images, only to the dispar­
ity between them. The images are dissociable when the
2. Sequential processing o f distinct features In this type o f
disparity is beyond the range o t fusion.
serial processing, d istin ct stimulus attributes are
Sensory inputs are in d ep en d en t when a jud gm ent based
processed sequentially. For instance, color and
on one input does n o t affect a judgm ent based on che
binocular disparity are processed serially since some
other. Ashby and Townsend (1 9 8 6 ) discuss types o f percep­
color processing occurs in the retina before binocular
tual independence. G arner (1 9 7 4 ) distinguished between
disparity is processed in the visual cortex.
in tegral and sep arable stimulus dim ensions. Integral
3. Serial search In serial search, stimuli in different dimensions necessarily coexist, like hue and saturation,
locations o r different attributes o f a given o b ject arc- while separable dim ensions may occur independently o f
attended to in sequence. one another, like shape and flicker.
For purposes such as com paring colors or chc orienta­
In a parallel system, different stimuli or different attri­ tions o f lines, the visual system seeks to isolate specific stim ­
butes o f a stimulus arc processed simultaneously by neural ulus features. For other purposes, it is an advantage to have
m echanism s laid o u t in parallel. For example, rods and cells that respond to a particular com bination o f stimuli.
cones operate in parallel, as do O N -ganglion cells and O F F - A stimulus attribute that is defined in terms o f two or more
ganglion cells. Two types o f sensory input m aybe processed stimuli is a h ig h cr-o rd er feature. Sensory systems that
in parallel initially and then com bined into one processing proccss highcr-order features fall into six classes.
stream. For example, inputs from the two eyes are processed
in parallel before they are com bined in the visual cortex. 1. Systems that detect relationships within a feature system
T h e terms “serial” and “parallel” can also be used to The visual system forms a hierarchy in which neural
describe the structural organization of sense organs with signals within a given feature system com bine to form
respect to a given task. For example, the sense organs in the detectors for increasingly com plex patterns. For
jo in ts o f the arm are structurally in series with respect to example, at a higher level o f processing, spatially
judging the position o f che finger in relation to the torso. distinct stimulus elem ents are grouped into figures
Systems o f this kind are nested. The tw o eyes are structur­ according to the G estalt laws of proxim ity, continuity,
ally in parallel. W h eth er sense organs are structurally nested and similarity. D isconnected but aligned line elements
or in parallel has n othing to do with w hether inform ation tend to be grouped to form a figure, especially when
there is evidence that the elem ents appear disconnected 6. Multicue systems In many cases a given stimulus
because o f occlusion. A t a still higher level the attribute may be detected by distinct sensory
conju nction o f line elem ents can define a corner, mechanisms. For example there are several distinct
a T -ju n ctio n , or a surface. sources o f inform ation about the relative distances o f
cwo objects. D etection w ithin a m ulticue system
The visual system also constructs a hierarchy o f
typically involves weighted averaging o f inform ation
spatiotem poral patterns progressing through simple
(Section 3 0 .1 ).
m otion and relative m otion to com plex Row fields. In a
sim ilar way the auditory system detects tones, chords,
d J 4
Each o f these types o f processing will now be consid­
and melodies.
ered in m ore detail.
2. Systems jointly tuned to two or more features Many
cortical cells respond to more than one stimulus feature. 4 .5 .2 R E L A T IO N S H IP S W IT H IN
Responses are said to be sep arable when the tuning A FEA TU R E SYSTEM
function lor one feature is not affected by the value o f
4 .5 .2 a C o n s tr u c tio n o f Low-Level
another feature. Separable tuning simplifies the
Feature D e te cto rs
detection o f variations in single features in a population
o f cells. Responses arc in sep arable when a cell is At the retinal level, responses o f receptors are com bined to
responsive to particular com binations o f different form the receptive fields o f the various types o f ganglion
features (see Section 5 .6 .5 ). Such cells d etect high-level cells. Aligned ganglion cells form che orientated receptive
features. For example, some cells in the m edial temporal fields o f cells in che visual cortex. N eighboring ganglion
cortex ( M T ) respond to specific com binations o f cells feed into cortical m otion detectors. These processes
disparity and m otion (Section 11.5.2a). are discussed in Section 5.6.2.
The processing o f sim ilar inputs from paired sense
3. Learned feature associations A t a higher level o f
organs provides the basis for some o f the m ost precise sen­
processing we learn recurring associations between
sory mechanisms known. D etection of binocular disparities
features. For example, different con ju n ction o f color
form s the basis for stereoscopic vision, as we will see in
and shape can be used to distinguish different objects.
Chapters 11 and 19. The deccccion o f incensicy and time
M u ltid im en sio n al sca lin g deals with how we compare
differences betw een sounds in the two ears forms the basis
and classify stimulus o b jects chat differ with respect to
for auditory localization, as we will see in C hapter 35.
cwo or m ore features (see Davison 1983). The differenc
features o f an o b je ct are processed by distinct
m echanism s buc muse be recognized as belonging со che 4 .5 .2 b D e te c tio n o f Figural G rou p in gs
same o bject. This is the problem o f feature binding. The ability to perceive coherent o b jects is basic to visual
Associative learning involves Boolean operations o f perception. The G estalt psychologist M ax W ertheim er
class inclusion and exclusion. (1 9 2 3 ) proposed several principles o f figural organization,
or visual grouping, to explain how a set o f isolated stimuli is
4 . Systems that detect stimulus covariance Judgm ents
perceived as a coherent pattern (see KofTka 1935). These
based on detection o f covarying features o f rhe world
principles are spatial or tem poral proxim ity, continuity,
are referred to as percep tu al co n stan cies. The
sim ilarity o f form , com m unality o f m otion, and good figure
constancies allow us со dececc invariant properties o f
(Pragnanz), as discusscd in Section 4 .5 .1 0 a . We are more
the world in spite o f changes in the proximal stimulus.
sensitive to stimulus elem ents chac are pare o f a figure chan
A covariance can be a constant ratio, product, or
to elem ents that arc part o f a background (Section 2 2 .1 .2 ).
correlation becween stimulus elem ents or between
We are parcicularly sensicive со collinear visual stimuli.
stim ulus features.
For example, collinear secs o f docs stand out w ithin an irreg­
5. Nested sensory systems In a nested sensory system a set o f ular array o f dots, as shown in Figure 4 .5 Л . People are also
sense organs is embedded in a series o f jointed body sensitive to collincar points chat traverse a 3-D random
parts. For example, the position o f che hand with array o f points, when disparicy provides che only inform a­
respect to the corso is indicated by the vector sum o f the tion about their collinearity (U tta l 1983; Hess c t al. 1997a).
arm -joinc angles scaled by the lengths of the arm However, people are more sensitive to collinear points lying
segmencs. Similarly, che posicion o f a poinc o f lighc with in one depth plane than to points that traverse several depth
respect to the unseen torso is indicated by the vector planes. The stereoscopic im plications o f these effects are
sum o f che retinal location o f rhe image, the direction o f discussed in S ection 16.6.
gaze, and the position o f the head on the body. M organ and H o to p f (1 9 8 9 ) suggested that diagonal
D etection w ithin a nested system involves vector
lines seen running betw een che intersections o f regular grid
addition. pacccrns are due со che activation o f collinearity detectors.
• • •• • -• •
% •. • .* •••• • • • •• ; •• •.
- .• • • • ; : : ; .•л ••
• •

•• •• •
.. •• : •• •• •••• ••
••.. • •• •• ••

•• •• .* •. * .*

•••' *.• >• '•* : •! • • :•

• • • • • ;• #

х 1 ^ 1 1 / I Г - i / / 1 / 1 1 / 1 " _ 1 /
и/ : \_ и/ i _\_ I
' “ / / I * \■ / _" V / I X
/ I. /\ , I / /_ / I. / %^ . I / /_
^ — . I\ \ ^ \^ \к '' \
, ^ N- I1 ч - ' - , Л , * \- , 1 % - ' - , ?
' " - I, \ ' <» - Л - \ | I , , Ч1 *1
\- \- '/ Л
- J . 11
; V ' |- / / \ \ * J .1" V! ' , iп~ * * /

/I " / W ' \' ( '_ '/ / ! V ,4 / / - V V

F.j;urc «.5- D ela tio n ofA lign ed dots a n d lines. (A ) A ran d om p attern plus a
radially expanded copy form a radial Gla&s p attern . {G la ss a n d P erez
1 9 7 3 ) ( B ) A ligned elem en t* arc d etected m ore easily than elem ents
o rth o g o n a l to th e line throu g h the sec. T h e sets o f elem en ts arc shown
o n th e right. (RcdfAsvn from 19V?)

W c arc also particularly sensitive to aligned line clc-

»’i*ur< •.6. C on flict b etw een lo c a l a n d g lo b a l orien ta tio n . (Л ) Th с Ic t tc rs appear
m ents (Polar and Sagi 1994). Thus, aligned line elements
tilted in the d irectio n o l the line elem ents. ( B ) T h e co n c e n tric rings
arc easy to d etect as a coherent figural grouping am ong ran­
appear to form a spiral. (Adapted from Fraser 1908)
dom ly oriented line elem ents, as can be seen in Figure 4.5 В
(Field et al. 1993). The line elem ents need n o t Ы1 on a
straight line b u t can form tangents to a curve. Furthermore, orientation detectors that not onlv* have the same o rien u -
the line elem ents may be a few degrees o u t o f alignm ent and rion tuning but also have aligned receptive fields (N elson
still be interpreted as belonging to the same figure. An array and Frost 1 9 8 5 ). These linked orientation detectors could
of- line elem ents is m ost difficult to d etect when the lines arc form alignm entdetectors responsible for modal and amodal
at 4 5 ° to the axis o f the array (Ledgeway et al. 2 0 0 5 ). con tou r com pletion, as described in the next section.
People can also detect aligned G abor patches in a H igher levels o f neural processing arc also involved in link­
stereoscopic random array in w hich alternate patches lie in ing the output o f these cells (Sheth et al. 1996; M attingley
different depth planes (H ess and Field 1995). ct al. 1997).
Sim ple recurring patterns, such as corners, T-ju nction s, Human cortical areas V 3 , V 4, V 7 , and V 8 showed f M R I
and intersections have specialized detection systems in responses to illusory contours (M endola ct al. 1 9 9 9 ). C ells
higher visual centers o f the brain (Section 5.8.3b ). in V 2 and V 3 of alert monkeys responded selectively to the
The perceived orientation o f an array of line elem ents is figure-ground depth order indicated by line term inations in
distorted when the line elem ents are not aligned, as can be overlapping rectangles (Baum ann et al. 1997).
seen in the well-known “crazy letters" illusion shown in
M organ and H o to p f (1 9 8 9 ) referred to sets o f co n ­
Figure 4 .6 A , or the Fraser spiral shown in Figure 4 .5 В nected orientation detectors with sim ilar orientation tuning
(Fraser 1 9 0 8 ). Pattern perception is subject to error arising as c o lle c to r u nits. Field et al. (1 9 9 3 ) called them asso cia­
from nonlinear interactions, as in geom etrical illusions, tio n fields. A m ore specific nam e for an association field
tilt con trast, and figural aftereffects. It is also su bject to concerned with orientation is alig n m en t d e te cto r. One-
ambiguity, as discussed in Section 4.5.9. C angeneralize the idea to cover associations betw een other
C ells in the primary visual cortex that are tuned to the feature-detectors. An association field o f collincar points
same orientation are linked bvi excitatoryJ lateral conncc- would be a c o llin e a rity d e tecto r. A n association field based
tions (Section 5.5.6a). Linkages are particularly strong for on the size or color o t texture elements could allow one to
perceive figures defined by these scimulus feacures. An move in characteristic patterns (Johansson 1973). The
association field ot m otion detectors with sim ilar direction perception ot patterns o t m otion is subject to error. For
sensitivities could underlie the perception o f shape defined example, in induced m o tion , a stationary o b ject appears to
by m otion (the Cicstalt phenom enon o f com m on fate). move when seen against a moving background (Section 22.7).
A set o f d etectors o f this type would form a m o tio n c o h e r­ Patterns o f m otion may also be ambiguous. For example,
en ce d e te cto r. D etectors o f binocular disparity could unite oblique, orthogonal gratings moving in opposite directions
points on a surface to form a co p la n a r d e te cto r (see Hess past an aperture can be seen as a coherent plaid moving in a
c t al. 19 9 7 a ). The existence o f dececcors for differenc cypes direction and at a velocity that represent the vector sum o f
o f stimulus coherence makes the visual system particularly the com ponenc m otions, or they can be seen sliding over
sensitive to spatial and tem poral discontinuities, such as each other (Section 2 2 .3 .3 ).
discontinuities of contrast, m otion, texture, and binocular
disparity. A t a discontinuity, different coherence detectors
are stimulated or a region o f stimulus coherence is detected 4.5.3 J O I N T I. Y T U N E D D E T E С T O R S

against a region o f random stimulus elements. Responses o f cells in che visual corccx vary as a funccion o f
the location, orientation,spatial frequency, and direction o f
4 .5 .2 c M o d a l and A m o d al C o m p le tio n m otion o t a stimulus wichin chc reccpcivc field. Responses
со differenc feacures arc said со be sep arable when che
W e readily perceive an o b ject as com plete when parts are tuning function for one feature is noc affected by changes in
occluded by o ther objects o r by parts o t the same o bject. che value o f anocher feacure. The response o f chc ccll ac any
This is known as am od al co m p letio n . An o b ject with parts instant is the simple sum o f ics response to che values o f
occluded by another o b ject is more rapidly recognized che cwo feacures. The responses o f a ccll are in sep arable
than the same o b ject with the same parts simply depleted when che cells tuning function to one feature is modified
( Joh n son and Ohshauscn 2 0 0 5 ). The role o f am odal com ­ bv che value o f a second feacure. This involves nonlinear
pletion in depth perception is discussed in Section 22.2.4. processing.
C ells in che inferior tem poral cortex o f che monkey, For example, morion dececcors in chc visual corccx show
which responded when the animal recognized a shape, also space-time inseparability because there is a spatial shift o f
responded when the shape was partially occluded. Therefore, activity w ithin chc receptive field over tim e (Section 5.6.4).
these cells respond to amodal com pletion o f partially C ells in the medial temporal cortex ( M T ) are disparicy-
occluded o b jects (К о vies et al. 1 995). m otion inseparable because chey arc tuned со particular
W e also sec an o b ject as com plete when parts ot it arc com binations o f disparity and direction o f m otion. For
invisible because the o b je ct has the same lum inance and example, they may be selectively responsive to m otion in a
texture as the background. In ocher words, we sec a com - particular depch plane relative to che plane in which the
plcte o b ject when part o f it is cam ouflaged. This is know n as eyes arc converged. There are cclls in V I and M T thac
m odal co m p letio n . The apparently com plete contour is respond to an o b ject approaching che head along a parti­
know n as an illu sory co n to u r. Som e cells in area Vr2 o f the cular crajeccory (Seccion 3 1 .8 .2 ). Ic has been claimed
visual cortex o f the monkey respond со illusory contours chac some cells in the visual cortex are sensitive to parti­
(v o n d er H eyd tan d Pecerhans 1989). cular com binations o f temporal disparicy and spatial
disparicy. However, there is con flictin g evidence on chis
4 .5 .2 d C o m p a rin g Spatially Separaced O b je cc s issue (S ectio n 2 3 .3 ).

We can readily discrim inace differences in a given feacure

bccween spatially separated stim uli. For example, we can 4.5.4 AS SО С IAT I O N S В ET W EEN
d etect differences in the relative positions, lengths, or orien­ D IS T IN C T FEATURES
tations o f two spatially separated stim uli presented at the
4 .5 .4 a B in d in g th e F eatu res o f an O b je c t
same tim e. There is evidence that discrim ination o f such
differences depends on specialized sensory systems thac reg­ Many objects have com binations o f characteristic features.
ister sim ultaneous responses in cortical cells some distance For exam ple, bees have a characteristic size, shape, noise,
apart (M organ and Regan 19 8 7 ; K ohly and Regan 2 0 0 0 ). and color. T ax o n o m ic featu res can be very com plex, as in
These svstcms
t involve lateral connections betw een cortical faces and in animal and plant species. W e have to discover
cells (Section 5 .5.6). them and they often defy precise analysis.
The presence o f many visual areas, each devoted to spe­
cific features or parts o f a visual stimulus, raises the problem
4 . 5 .2e Perception o f D y n a m ic Relationships
o f how this distributed activity is synthesized into the per­
There arc dynam ic relationships between stim uli w ithin a cept o f a single o bject. This has been dubbed the ‘ bin d in g
given feature. For example, the parts o t the human body p ro b lem ” (H in to n et al. 1986). D ifferent visual objects are
juxtaposed and may overlap and move. Thus, a given pat­ Feature-integration theory is supported by confusions,
tern o f neural activity is only fleetingly related to a given called illu sory c o n ju n ctio n s, which occur when attention
stimulus o b je c t— che same cells may code features o f several is overloaded (Trcism an and Sch m id t 1 9 8 2 ). C onsider chc
com plex objects in rapid succession. follow ing examples.
The binding problem has tw o aspects. In the first place, First, when subjects arc asked to describe the color o f
parts o f an o b ject occurring over many receptive fields must briefly exposed letters they som etim es confidently report
be recognized as belonging to a single o b ject. This is spatial seeing the letters in the wrong color. Evidence from patients
b in d in g . For insrance, the boundary o f a large objecr stim u­ with a unilateral attention deficit has been equivocal, but
lates many orientation detectors, and their outputs must be some studies seem to confirm that illusory conjunctions
related to form a coherent percept o f che o b je c ts shape. The occur in the hemifield affected by a unilateral attention
role ot spatial interactions betw een cortical neurons in this deficit (Arguin et al. 1994). Fricdm an-H ill ec al. (1 9 9 5 )
process was discussed in Section 4 .2 .6 c. In the second place, described a 58-year-old man with bilateral parieco-occipical
objects possess concatenations ot visual features that must lesions who contused the colors o f simultaneously pre­
be recognized as belonging to the same o bject. This is sented letters and objeccs, even when they were presenced
featu re bin d in g. tor several seconds. He was also unable со report the relative
It has been suggested chat feature binding involves chc spacial posicions o f cwo o b jects displayed on a screen.
convergence ot diverse neural activities evoked by a given In the second example ot illusory conju nctions, a 12°
ob ject o n to a single cell devoccd to recognicion o f chac wide display o f red dots fianked by green docs moved
particular objecr. Such cells have been called g ran d m o th er upward while a superimposed 12° wide display o f green
cells. Such a mapping process requires an impossibly large docs flanked by red docs moved downward. W h en looking
number ot dedicated cells and connections. A t any instant, ac chc center o f the com bined display, subjects erroneously
only a tew o f the high-order cells would be active (the reported that all che red docs moved upward and all chc
coding would be extremely sparse). green docs moved downward. In ocher words, che conjuga-
A nother suggestion is that responses offeature-extracc- cion o f color and mocion in che ccnccr o f chc visual field
ing systems in ditferent processing streams and at several decermined che perceived conjunccion o f features in the
levels o f processing becom e bound into a particular spa- periphery (W u et al. 2 0 0 4 ).
tiotem poral pattern o f activity (Z ek i and Shipp 1988). There has been some dispute abou t the interpretation o f
Each neuron participates in many ditferenc patterns, and experim ents on illusory con ju n ctions (Tsai 1989; Green
only che spatiotem poral response o f a particular cell assem­ 1991). G reen (1 9 9 2 ) argued that a distributed process that
bly is unique to a particular o bject. This is known as a docs n o t require an act o f attention binds visual features
d istrib u ted rep resen tation . A distributed system can score and copographic location directly and locally. The follow ­
many m ore o b jects than there are neurons in the netw ork. ing arc som e factors, o ther than failure o f early feature
It has been proposed chac responses o f widely dispersed integration, chac may cause illusory conjunctions.
neurons responding со che same objccc are bound by cheir
synchrony o f firing. However, che evidence for chc role o f 1. Som e illusory conjunccions could be due со unusual
synchrony in stimulus binding is equivocal. It is difficult to persistence o f vision, so chac afterimages are carried
understand how synchrony arising from processing differ­ from one objccc со anocher as che eyes scan chc scene.
ent parts or features ot a given o b ject could be distinguished P alin o p sia is a clinical con d ition in which a visual
from that arising from responses to unrelated objects that perception recurs after the o b ject has been removed.
are presenc a che same tim e (see Section 4.3 .4 c). Illu sory visual spread is an illusory spacial extension ot
Proponents o f fea tu re -in teg ra tio n th eo ry suggest that a seen objccc (sec C ricchley 1955).
visual features and location are initially processed indepen­
2. Som e illusory conjunccions could result from
dently and arc bound by an act o f accencion. For example,
inadequate visual resolution o f the stimuli. This may
chc accuracy in reporcing the colors o f objeccs was found to
have been a factor in the effect reported by Wu et al.
be independent o f che accuracy o f reporcing their shapes
described in che previous paragraph. The stimuli that
(Trcism an and Clelade 1 980).
showed the illusory conjugation were more than 6°
O th er invcstigacors have produced evidence chac the
away from the fovea.
above eifect is due to difficulties in registering or recalling
the locacion o f stim uli chac are presenced for only a b rief 3. Som e illusory conju nction s could result from
period. Joh n ston and Pashlcr (1 9 9 0 ) obtained only weak confusions ac che level o f recall racher than at the level
evidence that identification o f an o b ject feature is indepen­ o f perceptual registration.
dent o f localization o f che objecc. Also, contingen t afteref­
fects (Section 4 .2 .9 c ) arising from inspection o f two The problem o f binding different features o f an o b je ct is
con join ed features are not affected by m anipulations o f m ost severe if one adopts a strictly hierarchical model of
attention (H ouck and Hoffm an 1 986). visual processing (W olfe and Cave 1999). A ccording to this
m odel, outputs o f distinct feature processing streams arc from different objects. O therw ise the stimuli will be per­
united to reconstruct the visual scene, and only this recon­ ceived as linked, and spatial offsets will n o t be detected. For
structed scene is available to consciousness. The binding example, ifo n e hears a bell ringing and sees a bell, the sound
problem is cased i f the visual system can access inform ation seems to com e trom the seen bell, even when the heard and
from each o f the various processing stages and streams seen bells are up to 30 " apart. The ventriloquist effect does
according to the type and level o f analysis the perceiver is n o t occur when the sound is not one that the seen object
perform ing. It is reasonable to assume that the spatial layout would em it (Section 3 5 .6 .1 ).
o f the scene, simple feature d etection, and o b ject segrega­ In measuring intersensory discrim ination, the task
tion are achieved in V I . Area V I is consulted when these should be performed w ithout error feedback. O therw ise,
simple aspects o f the scene are being attended to. perform ance will improve with practice.
High-level processing streams are engaged when atten­
tion is directed to specific features, o bjects, or events for the
recognition o f o b jects or events. Dam age to high-level cen­
ters may impair o b ject recognition while leaving visual Som e stimuli covarv systematically. As one stim uluschangcs,
acuity and figure-ground segregation intact. Also, high- one or more other stim uli change in characteristic ways. The
level processing may be needed to disam biguate ambiguous covariation may be defined by a correlation, a product, a
figure-ground relationships. For example, contours due to ratio, or by a more com plex relationship, such as m ultiplica­
shadows must be distinguished from those due to o b ject tion after squaring. Judgm ents o f stimulus covariance are
boundaries, and o b ject boundaries may be partially occluded relational because they cannot be performed unless both
o r cam ouflaged. Such problem s require high-level process­ sensory inputs are present. The following types o f stimulus
ing because they usually require inform ation to be inte­ covariance may be distinguished.
grated over wide areas o f the visual scene o r over a temporal
sequence o l scenes. The results o l attention driven high-
4 .5 .5 a In cid en tal C o v a ria n c c w ithin
level processing feed back to and modulate the activity o f
a Sen sory Svstem
cells in V I (Section 5 .6 .7 ). To-and-fro activity betw een all
levels o f cortical processing continues until the perceiver is The perceived features o f a stimulus can covary because o f
satisfied that objects have been recognized (Lee et al. 1998; som e characteristic o f the visual system. For exam ple, the
M oradi and Sh im ojo 2 0 0 4 ). chrom atic aberration o f the eye creates color fringes o f co m ­
plementary color on opposite edges o f an o b ject. We do not
normally n otice these color fringes. However, after lenses
4 .5 .4 b Intersensory R elation sh ip s
that correct the chrom atic aberrations o f the eye have been
A person may respond to relationships between stim uli in worn for som e tim e, color fringes becom e visible when che
different sensory modalities. The task o f judging som e attri­ lenses arc removed. Thus, there must be som e mechanism in
bute o f a stimulus in one m odality with respect to the same the visual system that com pensates for chrom atic aberration
attribute in another m odality is referred to as cross-m od al (see Section 9 .1 .3 ). C hrom atic aberration varies with the
m atch in g. For example, we can set the length ot a seen rod distance ot a stimulus trom the plane ot fixation and
to match the length o f a rod estimated by touch. therefore provides inform ation about relative depth
The sense organs involved in an intersensory relational (Section 9 .6 .2 ).
task arc structurally in parallel with respect to a com m on
reference frame. The frame may be part o f the body, such as
4 .5 .5 b C o v a ria n c c B e tw e e n M o to r E ffc r c n c c
the г body axis; an external reference frame, such as gravity;
an d A ffe re n ce
o r a com m on internalized m etric, such as centim eters,
degrees o f angle, or straightness. O n e can think o f the speci­ We can regard the m otor command, or cffcren cc copy associ­
fied stimulus attribute o f an object generating distributions ated with a voluntary movement as a type o f sensory input.
o f neural activity in the feature-detector systems o f each o f A voluntary movement also produces stimulation o f sense
the two sensorvi modalities. Each distribution will have a organs. For example, when we move our eyes, the image o f a
mean and a variance. Intersensory discrim ination depends stationary object sweeps across the retina. Von H olst and
on the least difference betw een the m eans o f the two distri­ M ittelsraedt (1 9 5 0 ) called these forms o f sensory stimulation
butions that can be detected. Intersensory scaling depends reafference to distinguish them trom exaffcrencc, which is
o n com paring tw o suprathreshold stimuli. Ideally, the vari­ sensory stimulation that does not arise from voluntary move­
ance o f an intersensory com parison task should equal the ment. Eflcrence copy scaled by reafference expresses the invari­
sum o f rhe variances o f the tasks performed separately in the ant relationship between voluntary m otor commands and
two m odalities. C o n stan t errors should add algebraically. consequent sensory stimulation. Over many repetitions o f
In measuring intersensory discrim ination, subjects voluntary movement, animals learn how cffcrencc and reaffer­
should believe that the stimuli in the tw o sense organs arise ence are related (von Holst 1954). The sight o f self-produced
movements o f the limbs plays a crucial role in infant develop­ observer. Size constancy refers to the ability to use this
ment (H eld and Bauer 1967; Bahrick and Watson 1985). relationship to estimate the linear size o f an o b ject at
P rop rio cep tiv e reafferen ce consists o f stimuli from different distances (Section 2 9 .2 .2 ).
jo in t receptors, muscle spindles, o r the vestibular system
2. For a small spherical o b ject moving toward an eye at a
that are correlated with voluntary m otor efference. Over
constant speed, the rate at which its image increases in
tim e we learn the relationships betw een efference and prop­
size is proportional to the velocity o f its approach
rioceptive reafference. A mism atch betw een the current
and inversely proportional to the tim e to impact
efference-rcafference relationship and rhe learned relation­
(Section 3 1 .1 ).
ship signifies the presence o f an external stimulus or force.
live m ovem ents generate proprioceptive reafference, 3 . The binocular disparity produced by tw o objects
which provides an error signal for long-term calibration ot separated in depth by a fixed distance is inversely
the o cu lo m oto r system. K itten s wich section o f afferents
proportional to the square o f the distance o f the
from the extraocular eye muscles suffer perm anent deficits nearer o b ject from the observer (Section 14.2.3).
in visual-m otor coordination and depth discrim ination
(Section 3 2 .5 ).
E x tero cep tiv e reafferen ce consists o f tactile, visual, or
4 .5 .4 d C o v a ria n c e o f O b s e rv e r-In d e p e n d e n t
auditorv* stim uli that are correlated with m otor efference
S tim u li
arising from voluntary m otion o f some part o f che body.
We also learn whac stim ulation to expect trom a given self­ Som e features o f the world covary independently o f their
produced m otion. Л mism atch betw een expected and relation to the observer. A stimulus covariance may involve
actual stim ulation signifies that part o f the reafierent signal a simple association w ithin a given feature system. For
is due to external events rather than to self-m otion. A per­ exam ple, the direction and speed at which a ball moves
sistent m ism atch in either proprioceptive or exteroceptive varies with the direction and speed o f an o b ject that impacts
reafference signifies that the system is in need o f recalibra­ it. A covariance may be betw een different sensory systems.
tion. This happens as the body grows during infancy or For example, the hotter it gets, the higher the m ercury in a
is injured. Even a short period o f m ism atch between self­ therm om eter. Som e covariance relationships are very co m ­
produced m otion and reafierent visual or auditory signals plex. For example, an em bryo changes in com plex interre­
can lead to recalibration o f the system. For example, we lated ways as it develops.
readily learn to adapt pointing responses со visual targets W hen two or more stimulus features vary in a consis­
viewed through displacing prisms (H ow ard 1 9 8 2 ). tent way one can define a function chac specifies che covaria-
An example o f stim ulus covariance based on exterocep­ cion.
tive reafference is as follows. T h e depch between tw o objects The percepcion o f scimulus covariance is discussed fur-
equals che ratio o f che velocicy o f parallaccic m ocion between cher in Section 4 .6 .3 .
the images o f the objects to the velocity o f sideways head
movem ent, scaled by the distance o f the nearer objccc
4 .5 .6 N E S T E D S E N S O R Y S Y S T E M S
(Section 2 8 .3 ).
A nested sensory system consists o f sense organs embedded
in a series, or chain, o f join ted body pares. For example,
4 .5 .5 c Stim u lu s C o v a ria n cc and
inputs from proprioceptors associated with che shoulder,
Perceptual C o n sta n cie s
elbow, and wrist form an in trasen so ry nested system ,
Many stimulus features covary in a characteristic way as a which enables us to judge the 3 -D position o f the unseen
tunction o f the position, orientation, or m otion ot an object finger in relation to the torso (see M atthew s 1988). The
relative to che observer. Judgm ents based on such covarying efference copy associated w ith active m ovem ent ac each
features are referred to as percep tu al co n stan cies. They jo in t can also be regarded as a sensory input. The position o f
allow us со detect invariant properties o f the world as we che hand wich respecc со che corso is indicaced by chc sum o f
move about or as the stimulus o b ject moves. The basic prob­ che arm -joint vectors, with each vector scaled by the length
lem o f perceptual constancy is to define the invariant fea­ o f the segment o f the arm distal со che joinc (lm am izu ec al.
tures in stim uli viewed from different vantage points and in 1 9 9 5 ; Pagano and Turvcy 1995). The lengchs o f limb
different sizes and locations (see Riesenhubcr and Poggio segmencs form part o f che body schema, or incernal repre­
1999). An experim enter must define these invariances before sentation o f the body. This schema operates largely at a
asking whether observers use them , and that is not always preconscious level. Phantom limbs experienced by ampu­
easy. 'I he following are examples o f covariance functions: tees illustrate that the body scheme is independent o f the
somesthccic-proprioccpcive syscem.
1. The size o f an o b je c ts retinal image is inversely The nested sensory and m otor com ponents o f the arm-
proportional to the distance o t the o b ject from an jo in t system and eye-head system arc depicted in Figure 4 .7
WRIST* EL BOW- SкKMJLDER EYE-HEAO-NECK the movement. These arc m otor integrators. The transforma­
NfcSlfcU SYSTEM NESTED SYSTEM tion into a pattern o f muscular contractions at the level o f
4 Visual targe:
m otor coders depends on both the direction o f movement
ExUaoeuta» and the load opposing the m otion. The transformation is
S m u sctes
probably achieved by other colls in the prcm otor cortex,
basal ganglia, and cerebellum (see Georgopoulos 1991).
An example o f an in tersen sory nested task is that o f
judging the direction o f a visual object with respect to the
torso by vector addition o f the local sign ot the retinal
image, and the sensed positions o f eyes in head and o f head
on body (see Figure 4 .7 ). The system is subject to constant
errors, especially when the eyes are in an eccentric position
^ * / т V V (R ossetti e t al. 1994). The position and m ovem ent o f the
V I • Torso /
/ / I •• eyes is registered by cfference copy, or corollary discharge
SPATIAL / / V V V (Som m er and W urtz 2 0 0 2 ). Proprioception may also be
CODERS "*V _ involved (Steinbach c t al. 1988). The position o f head on
у !; body is coded mainly by proprioception, bu t etference
could be involved. Th e spatial coders process inform ation
trom each sense organ or generate the m otor com m ands to
muscles at each jo in t. Integrators process inform ation from
'F ^ b o R D I N ^ R ^ T ' ‘
Eyro-hard Hand-eye Sensory-sensory a set o t nested receptors or generate coordinated m otor
A-------------------- , outputs to the neck muscles and extraocular muscles.
Spatial inform ation from the eyes and other sense organs
Figure 4.7. The eye-band I'oordinatioH system. Structural com ponents (b o ld ) is integrated at several levels in the nervous system. Sonic
arc linked by jo in ts with muscles and sense organs. Dashed lines arc cells in the posterior parietal cortex (areas 5 and 7 ) o fth e
sensory or m otor nerves and short bars are neural centers. Spatial coders
m onkey are influenced by proprioceptive signals from both
process sensory input* and m otor cffcrcncc. Integrators process
inform ation from in-scrics sense organs or to in-series musclcs. the eyes and the neck, and seem to be concerned with
C oord inators relate sensory inform ation from the arm with that from coding the bodycentric direction o f gaze (B ro tch ic c t al.
the eye-head system or relate sensory inputs w ith m otor outputs. 1995). Visual inputs and eye-position inform ation interact
Examples o f cffcrcncc-copy and rcatlcrcncc signals arc shown.
at various subcortical and cortical sites (Section 18.10).
Such cells could serve as spatial integrators for rhe headcen-
tric direction o f visual stimuli (Andersen and Zipser 1988).
together with coding processes responsible for relating the Som e cells in the parietal lobe and prem otor cortex respond
tw o svstems
* in the control o f movement o f the hand to a to visual and tactile stimuli that arise from the same
visual target. location (Section 5.8.4g ).
A hand reaching for an o b ject moves in nearly a straight Nested systems adapt to the growth o f the body, and to
path. This suggests that arm m ovements arc initially p ro ­ unusual sensory inputs. For example, people readily adapt
grammed in extrinsic coordinates that map the trajectory o f their pointing to visual targets seen through a displacing
the hand relative to the body, rather than in intrinsic jo in t prism (Howard 1982). A P E T scan o f the human parietal
coordinates (Haggard et al. 1 995). Moreover, arm trajecto ­ cortex has revealed changes associated with such learning
ries involve intersensory co d in g , since they are planned in (Glower c t al. 1996). W h en an optical system gradually dis­
terms o f their visually perceived straightness rather than in torted the visual trajectory ot the hand into a curve, subjects
terms o f their actual straightness (W olpert c t al. 1995). unconsciously adapted the reaching m ovem ent to maintain
M ovem ents must finally be coded into contractions o f mus­ an apparently straight path (Flanagan and Rao 1995;
cles. This is not a simple task, since the same arm position W olpert c t al. 1995), although the path that visually appeared
can be achieved in many ways (So cch tin g and Terzuolo straight was not actually straight (W olpert ct al. 1994).
1988). A nested system is com m utative if the tem poral order o f
Som e cells in the posterior parietal co rtcx o f the monkey operations does n o t affect the outcom e, as for rotations ot
are influenced by proprioceptive inputs from two or more the eyes, head, and torso on vertical axes. R otations o f an
arm joints (M ountcastlc c t al. 1 9 7 5 ). Som e cells respond eye about three hypothetical gimballed axes o f horizontal
when the lim b is in a particular posture (C ostan o and gaze, vertical gaze, and torsion are noncom m utative, since
Gardner 1 981). These cells could serve as sensory integra­ the final position o fth e eye depends on rhe order in which
tors (see Section 5 .8 .4 e ). Som e cells in the prem otor cortex the movements occur. Eye movements are com m utative
and basal ganglia respond to the direction o l an arm move­ if they occur only about axes in a plane fixed to the head—
m ent irrespective o f the muscle pattern used to im plem ent L istings plane (Section 10.1.2d).
Tasks performed by vector addition w ithin a nested sen­ judgm ents o f the relative depth betw een tw o objects may
sory system are relational and dissociable. For example, the be based on binocular disparity, perspective, accom m oda­
task o f judging chc position o f the hand relative to the torso tion, and o b ject overlap. The sensory systems involved are
is relational since inform ation trom all the join ts is required, structurally in parallel rather than nested.
and ic is dissociable because a person can judge chc angle ac M ulticue judgm ents are n o t relational, since chey may
any jo in t as well as the position o f the hand relative to the be based on any one o f the cues in isolation. M ulticue sys­
body. The com ponents o f nested syscems are typically inde­ tems can be incrascnsory or incersensory. Incrasensory mul-
pendent in the sense th at a judgm ent o f rhe scace o f one cicuc judgm ents are typically nondissociable. For example,
com ponent does n o t affect that o f another. we do noc have separate access to depth impressions gener­
C o n stan t errors o f judgm ents based on che com ponencs ated by each cue to depth when they arc presented together,
o f a nested syscem should sum algebraically to produce the bu t only to a single impression o f depth. The com bination
constant error o f a judgm ent o f che relationship between o f the cues is obligatory. D ifferent com binations o f cues can
com ponents. For example, directional errors in the local- give rise to the same percept. Thus one cue may be traded
sign system o f the retina, in che sense o f position o f the eye, against another. The difference cucs arc therefore com bined
and in the sense ot position ot the head on the torso should metamerically. C o m bin in gcu es this way improves discrim i­
add to produce che overall error in judging the direction o f nation. H illiset al. (2 0 0 2 ) produced evidence th at intrasen-
a visual o b je ct relative to the unseen body (Section 16.7). sory shape judgm ents, such as judgm ents o f the shape ot an
The variance o f judgm ents based on the separate co m p o ­ o b ject by binocular disparity and perspective, arc nondis­
nents should sum to produce the variance o f the relational sociable. However, they tound that intersensory shape
judgm ent. This is che addicive v arian ce hypothesis. judgm ents, such as judgm ents o f the shape o f an o b ject by
vision and by touch at the same tim e, are dissociable. The
com bination o f intersensory inform ation is n o t obligatory.
4 .5 .7 M U L T 1С U E S Y S T E M S This makes sense, because an o b ject we are feeling may not
4 .5 .7 a T h e N ature o f C u es be the o b ject that we are looking at.
Three broad types o f m ulticue system may be
Som etim es, the same percept is generated by different distinguished.
sources o f sensory inform ation. For example, a percept ot
self-rotation is produced by stim ulation o f the semicircular Type J Convergence o f low-level signals
canals o f the vestibular sysccm or by m otion o f the visual
Relatively simple signals from distinct sense organs
scene. The m ultiple cues that indicate depth are the main som etim es converge at an early stage o f processing со pro­
concern o f Volume 3. duce a signal chac controls a relatively simple response or
Perceptually equivalent sources o f in form ation are often judgm ent. For example, the accom m odative response o f the
referred со as cu cs. But the term “cue” is ambiguous. It can
eye is jointly controlled by blur o f the retinal image and che
refer to a property o f the distal stimulus or o f the proximal state of vergence o f the eyes (Section 10.4). Visual signals
stimulus, or it can refer со one o f the sensory processes that
arising from m otion o f the w hole visual scene generate
code the proximal stimulus. For exam ple, a cue can be an optokinetic nystagmus and inputs trom the sem icircular
approaching o b ject, a change in the size o f the objeccs
canalsgenerace vestibular nystagmus. Visual m otion signals
image, or one o f the sensory processes that code changing and vestibular signals converge on cells in the vestibular
image size. O n e o f these sensory processes involves registra­
nucleus so as to join tly control nystagmus. W e will see in
tion o f changing area, and another involves registration of
Section 22.6.1 that signals from the stereoscopic system
m otion. These processes are independent. O n e can change
also feed into chiseyc-m ovem enc sysccm. Anocher example
area w ithout stim ulating m otion dececcors by using discrete
o f low-level convergence is chc convergence o f interaural
increm ents or equilum inant stim uli. Also, one can create an
intcnsity-differcnce signals and interaural tim e-of-arrival
impression o f increasing area in a m otion aftereffect from a signals in the olivary nucleus for detection o f the direction
rotating spiral w ithout changing the area o f the image. The
o f a sound source (see C h ap ter 3 5 ).
m otion syscem icsclf may consist o f several morc-or-lcss
independent sensory channels, such as short-range and Type 2 Convergence of high-level signals
long-range m otion detectors. W c could call these m otion
D istin ct complex signals from the same sense organ or
channels different cues to m otion. from different sense organs may provide inform ation about
the same feature o f a distal stimulus, such as its three-
dim ensional structure. Although the different signals p ro ­
4 .5 .7 b Types o f M u lticu e System
vide inform ation about the same distal stimulus, they are
In a m ulticue system, there are tw o or more relatively inde­ processed in different locations and may differ in their sta-
pendent types o f sensory inform ation for a response to or a bilicy, ambiguity, and range. Therefore, high-level neural
judgm ent abouc a specified scimulus accribute. For example, processing is required to com bine these diverse sources o f
inform ation into a single percept. Cells that respond in the 5. Multisensoryjudgments o f stimulus magnitude The issue
same way to diverse signals associated with a single percept is how dilferent sources o f inform ation com bine to
are said to be featu re invariant. determ ine the perceived m agnitude o f a stimulus
attribute. D o they com bine additively, by averaging, by
Type Systems involving categorical judgm ents a m ultiplicative process, by use o f the m ost reliable
In the lirsft tw o types it was assumed that the judgment in fo rm atio n ,o r in some other way? This issue is
o r response varied continuously over a range o f values. discussed in the next section.
However, many judgm ents are categorical in that they fall
into tw o or more discrete values. For example, phonemes
can vary continuously, but a speaker o f a given language 4 .5 .7 c M u lticu e Averaging
perceives discrete categories. Similarly, strokes in written
According to the central tendency theorem , the best esti­
letters can vary continuously bur readers see distinct letters.
m ate o f a quantity is the mean o f independent sources o f
W h en a phonem e or letter stroke falls on the decision
inform ation. If one source is more reliable than another, the
boundary between tw o categories there is categ o ry a m b i­
best estimate is a weighted mean. In assigning weights to
guity. For example, when a sound is interm ediate between
sensory cues it is im portant to define the judgm ent. A cue
a “b” and a “d,” listeners hear one or other phonem e accord­
with high weight for ordinal judgm ents may contribute
ing to the context.
nothing to quantitative judgm ents. For example, the over­
Systems involving discrete stimulus values necessarily
lap cue to depth has high reliability for judgm ents o f depth
involve categorical decisions. For example, which o t two
order but provides no inform ation about the m agnitude o f
objects overlaps the other is a discrete variable and gives rise
relative depth. O n the other hand, relative m otion betw een
to a categorical response o t the occluding o b ject being in
the front and back o f a transparent rotating o b ject provides
fron t o f the occluded o b je ct (Section 2 7 .2 ).
reliable inform ation abou t relative depth but is ambiguous
Studies o f m ulticue systems have been concerned with
with respect to which is the fron t and which is the back o f
the follow ing issues:
the o b ject (Section 2 6 .7 ).
The defining characteristic o f an averaging system is
1. Early convergence o f sensory signals (Section 4 .5 .7 d ).
that sensory inform ation is summed and divided by the
2. Sensory summation an d masking O n e issue is whether num ber o f inputs. If the strengths o f tw o cues are л, and s,
the detection threshold is lower for a stimulus seen by and their weights arc w and u\, cue averaging can be
both eyes than tor a stimulus seen by only one eye, after represented by
making allowance for the increased statistical +U'lS2
probability o f detection with two eyes (Section 13.1). w , 4- H'2
Л second issue concerns the circum stances under
which different stimuli interfere with each other Division by the sum o f che weights converts them into
(Section 13.2). relative values, w hich sum to unity. Any constant error in
one cue system will distort the judgm ent in proportion to
3. Multistable percepts The issue under this heading is
the num ber o f cues involved and the weight given to each.
w hether rhe stability o f o n e interpretation o f an
W eights assigned to cues may vary with their m agnitude or
ambiguous stimulus is influenced by the addition ot
with changes in features such as spatial and tem poral fre­
other inform ation. The stability o f a percept is indicated
quency. In that case, cue averaging is nonlinear (Anderson
by three factors, (a) its latency, (b) its probability ot
occurrence on different occasions, and (c) its resistance
I f tw o sources o f inform ation that code the same quan­
to spontaneous change (Section 4 .5 .9 ).
tity are com bined in the m ost efficient way, the reciprocal o f
4. Creation o fa commonframe o f reference O b jects may be the total variance should equal the sum o f the reciprocals o f
detected by tw o o r m ore sense organs that operate in the com ponent variances (Fisher 1966). Thus the reciprocal
distinct fram es o f reference. For example, sound sources o f the variance o f a judgm ent based on averaging cues Л and
are coded in a hcadccntric fram e o f reference, whereas R ( K . ) should equal the sum o f the reciprocals o f che
the seen o b ject making the sound is initially coded in a variances o f judgm ents based on each cue separately, or:
retinal fram e o f reference. These d istin ct frames o f
1 _ 1 J_
reference are reconciled in the superior colliculus and
posterior parietal co rtex for the purpose o f directing the Ум ~ У АЛ У»
eyes or hands to an o b ject (Section 5.8 .4 c). There is This means that judgm ents based on several cues should
evidence that tactile and visual stimuli are transformed be more precise than those based on one cue.
into a com m on frame o f reference in the prem otor In a cue-averaging system, two or more cues provide
cortex (G raziano and G ross 1998). independent estim ates o f the same continuously variable
stimulus feature. Lack o f agreem ent betw een the estimates cue o f changing image size to m otion in depth is not
constitutes a mutual error signal. In the absence o f other absent when image size is held con stan t, because constant
inform ation, the observer can n ot know which estim ate is image size is a cue that a stimulus is n o t m oving in depth
correct. For small discrepancies, the best strategy may be to (S ectio n 3 1 .3 .1 ).
use a weighted average. However, even in statistics, averag­ Nonlinearity in cue averaging may arise for the following
ing may not be the best strategy when tw o estim ates differ reasons:
widely. It is usually better to question the validity o f one ot
the estim ates. Large discrepancies betw een cues are resolved 1. The strength o f a cue may vary in a nonlinear fashion
either by cue averaging or in one o f the other ways discussed with respect to the judged feature. For example,
below. vcrgcncc increases with decreasing viewing distance
C onsider first som e examples ot cue averaging. according to a tangent function. This means that
Images in the tw o eyes that have a binocular disparity vcrgcncc can be a cue to distance only over short
appear in an interm ediate direction that depends on their distances. The relative binocular disparity between the
relative luminances. The same images appear in distinct images o f tw o o b jects decreases as a function o f distance
directions when they are seen one at a time (Section 16.7.3). squared.
The apparent brightness o f an evenly illum inated
2 . Cues may be affected in different ways by changes in
surface viewed with both eyes is a weighted mean ot
associated sensory features such as spatial frequency,
the brightness o f the images seen by each eye separately
contrast, or color. For example, depth cues such as
(S ectio n 13.1.4).
overlap and disparity operate in both the lum inance
These examples are Type 1 m ulticue systems (low-level
and chrom atic dom ains, while others, such as shading,
convergence), since stimuli are ncurally com bined at an
operate in only the lum inance domain (Cavanagh
early stage. They are nondissociable. In other words, we do
n o t have access to the tw o sources o f inform ation, which
may be regarded as repeated measures o f the same quantity. 3 . Tlie weighting function for cue averaging may vary with
Averaging ot inputs occurs m ost clearly in such cases and the level o f agreem ent betw een cues. The cue-averaging
shows evidence o f being reasonably linear. system may be switched o ff when cues are highly
In more com plex cases, cue averaging is likely to be n o n ­ discrepant. For example, Zacharias and Young (1 9 8 1 )
linear. For example, the location or m otion o f a visual co n ­ suggested that vestibular and visual cues to self-rotation
tour may be defined in terms o f the visual attributes o f arc averaged when they arc consistent, but that one cue
lum inance, color, m otion, texture, or binocular disparity. is ignored when they are highly inconsistent.
Th e literature on how precisely wc discrim inate shapes
defined by different features is reviewed in Regan (1 9 9 1 b ,
1999). Rivest and Cavanagh (1 9 9 6 ) found that the preci­
4 .5 .7 d M u lticu e T rad in g
sion o t localization o f a contour improved as more
attributes were added. Rivest c t al. (1 9 9 7 ) found that W hen distinct stimuli generate the same perceptual effect,
im provem ent ot orientation discrim ination with practice changing one stimulus can som etim es null the effect o f
transferred betw een bars defined by color, by lum inance, changing the other. For exam ple, the sensation o f a sound
and by m otion. These findings support the idea ot a pooling source in a particular direction relative to the body midline
o f inform ation from the different featurc-detcction systems can be generated by a difference in tim e o t arrival o f sounds
w ithin the same sensory m odality, but the pooling is highly at the two ears or by an interaural difference in sound inten­
nonlinear. sity. An apparent displacem ent o f a sound source produced
The relative distances o f objects in depth may be derived by an interaural tim e difference can nulled (titrated ) by a
from any one or any mixture o f a variety o f depth cucs displacement produced by an intensity difference and vice
including binocular disparity, visual parallax, and perspec­ versa (H arris I9 6 0 ). The set o f null points for different
tive. It has been claimed that depth cues either add or aver­ values o f each sensory cue defines a trad in g fu n ctio n
age. For example, Bruno and C u ttin g (1 9 8 8 ) reported that in m icroseconds per decibel. Examples o f a trading fu nc­
perceived relative depth between simple squares is based on tion in stereoscopic vision are titration o f binocular dispar­
the sum o f the m onocular cues o f size, relative height, occlu ­ ity against m onocular parallax (Section 3 0 .2 .5 ) or against
sion, and m otion parallax. However, M assaro (1 9 8 8 ) inter­ perspective (Section 3 0 .3 ).
preted the data according to a model in which perceived C u e trading is convincing only when the two cucs inter­
depth is based on che m ost reliable cue. See Section 2 8 .1 .2 act in a continuous fashion. Titration o f one cue against
for m ore discussion o f this issue. another allows one to investigate the degree o f equivalence
Experim enters som etim es assume that a given cue is betw een cues and their relative efficiency. The existence o f a
absent when it is held at a value o f zero while o ther cues are cuc-trading function is evidence that inputs from two cue
varied. But this is a false assumption. For example, the systems converge to produce a signal com m on to both.
C u e trading is m ost evident in Type 1 (low-level conver­ accepts the least noisy stimulus w ith a bias toward the word
gence) m ulticue systems. For exam ple, interaural intensity that best fits in to the con text o f other words spoken.
differences are converted in to tim e differences because the It iseasy to confuse acue-confirm acion mechanism with
m ore intense sound is processed with shorter latency. This cue averaging in a Type 3 (categorical) m ulticue system. For
tim e difference and the tim e-of-arrival difference arc then example Trueswell and Hayhoe (1 9 9 3 ) concluded that the
converted in to the same position-dependent signal by a magnitude o f perceived depth betw een tw o squares is an
delay line in the olivary nucleus (Van Bcrgeijk 1962). average o f inform ation from disparity and overlap (Section
In o ther cases, cue trading may occur in the integration 3 0 .4 ). However, they measured the probabilities o f seeing
o f discrepant signals from different cue systems at a higher each interpretation averaged over trials, not the magnitude
level o f processing. For example, m otion-in-depth produced o f perceived depch. The averaging was done by che experi­
by image expansion can be traded against m otion-in-depth menters, not by the subjects.
produced by changing disparity (G ray and Regan 1996). Thus, in depth perception, we may accept the m ost
This topic is discussed in Section 3 1.3.4. highly weighted cue and the one m ost consistent with other
C u e averaging and cue trading occur convincingly only inform ation and then seek for confirm ation in ocher cues.
betw een cue systems that generate sim ilar signals at a rela­ If the other cues to depth do n o t agree, they may be reinter­
tively early stage o f processing. O th er m ulticue systems preted or ignored rather than averaged wich che m ost
resolve large discrepancies by one o r other o t the following reliable cue.

4 .5 .7 f C u e R c in c c r p rc ta tio n
4 .5 .7 e C u e C o n firm a tio n and Percept Stab ility
A co n flict between cues to a particular stimulus feature may
Som e m ulticue systems do not average but simply confirm be resolved by a reincerprecacion o f the stimulus situation.
o r supplem ent one another. C ue confirm ation operates This happens in a Type 2 (high-level convergence) multicue
m ost clearly in Type 3 (categorical) m ulticue systems in syscem when a change in a stimulus feature is ambiguous, or
which the task is that of interpreting b ista b le p ercep ts or u n d erd eterm in ed . For example, a change in the size o t the
recognizing discrete stim ulus categ o ries. Cue confirm a­ image o f an o b ject could arise from m otion o f chc o bjecc in
tion operates like voting, where weighted values o f the vari­ depch, buc ic could also arise because che objecc is changing
ous cues are summed to determ ine the strength o f a given in size. Thus, a change in image size is an elem ent in two
interpretation o f the stimulus. Since the alternative inter­ in tersectin g co v arian ce fu n ctio n s; the invariant relation
pretations are discrete, the pooled voting strength o t the between image size and distance for a given o bject, and the
different cues determ ines the sta b ility o f a given interpreta­ invariant relation betw een image size and o b ject size for a
tion, n o t its m agnitude. An interpretation is stable when it given distance.
has a high probability o f recurring under similar circum ­ The following rule could operate. W h e n there is a severe
stances, has low latency, and does n o t change as the stimulus co n flict betw een tw o cues to a stimulus feature, the more
is m aintained. ambiguous cue will be reincerpreced. If neither cue is am big­
The reversible perspective ot a 3 -D skeletal cube pro­ uous, a con flict causes a recalibration ot the cue systems
vides an example o f cue confirm ation for a bistable percept. rather chan a reincerprecacion. C u e recalibracion is discussed
Perspective reversals occur m ore frequently when the cube below. Cue reinterpretation can be continuous or saltatory,
is viewed m onocularly rather than binocularly (Howard as che follow ing examples will show.
1 9 6 1 ). The stability o f a particular depth interpretation o f a W h en a change in the size o t the images ot an object
bistable 3 -D cube depended on the additive contributions m atches the changing disparity between the images, we see
o t disparity and the relative contrasts o f tar and near sides. an o b ject o f fixed size moving in depth. But i f the images
The m agnitude o f perceived depth was noc affected, only ics change in size w ithout an equivalent change in relative dis­
sign (Sperling and D osher 1 9 9 5 ). parity, then the o b ject appears to change in size by an
A n example o f cue confirm acion for a cacegorical judg­ am ount that accounts for that discrepancy. This reinterpre-
m ent is the increased certainty about what word is spoken tation resolves the con flict betw een cues to depth because
when we can both hear the speaker and see the lips moving. the com pon ent o f changing size that is noc com m ensurate
Th e tw o sources o f inform ation do n o t average since they with changing disparity is no longer accepted as a cue to
arc n o t com posed o f continuous variables. U nder normal depth. There would be a residual perceptual co n flict only if
circum stances, they simply confirm each other, and supple­ che o b ject were noc expecced со change in size, or if ocher
m ent each o ther if one or the other source is weak. sensory inform acion, such as taccilc inform ation, signified
Perform ance on this type o f cask involves high-level stim u­ chac ic was nor changing in size. The residual discrepancy
lus categories stored in memory. It the word heard does not may be resolved in another way. For instance, the object
prom pt recall o f the same word as that prom pted by sight o f may be perceived as nearer chan ic is because a given change
the speaker s m outh, as in a badly dubbed movie, the system in disparity produces a smaller change in image size tor a
nearer objccc chan for a far objccc. The general principle is (Scctio n 9 .8 ). In a second example, the am biguity o f the
thac enunciated by H elm holtz (1 9 1 0 , vol. 3, p. 2 ), “such sign o f depth perspective is resolved by the two-valued
o b jects arc always imagined as being present in the field o f cue o f stimulus overlap (Section 3 0 .4 ).
view as would be there in order to produce the same impres­
3. Complementary ranges Mu Itiple cues typically extend
sion on the nervous m echanism , the eves being used under
the stimulus range o f a feature-detecrion system. This is
ordinary normal conditions." This proposition is given
because one cue may be more effective at one end o fth e
quantitative expression in Bayesian analysis described in
stimulus range, and a second may be more effective at
Scction 3.6.
the other end. For example, binocular disparity is most
In the above example, cue reinterpretation involves
effective for near viewing, while perspective remains
reassigning a change in a particular scimulus feacure from
effective for distant viewing. Also, the effectiveness o f a
one covariance function to another, where both functions
cue tor a given stimulus feature may differ as a function
em body distinct continuous variables (Type 2 high-level
o f some other stimulus feature. For example,
systems). In the following example, cue reinterprctation
accom m odation becom es an ineffective cue to distance
involves a change o f state o f a two-valued feature (Type 3
for stim uli with low spatial frequency, while perspective
categorical system).
is relatively immune to a lowering o f spatial frequency.
Л wire cube spontaneously reverses in apparent depth
when viewed for some time. After it reverses, the cu b e’s per­ 4. Filling in O n e cue may fill in for a second cue that is
spective is reinterpreted to conform to its new depth. If the hidden or not attended to. For exam ple, sight o f
cube is rotating, each reversal o f perspective changes the som eone speaking may help us to recognize a word that
percept from that o f a rigid cube rotating in its actual direc­ is difficult to hear. M ultiple cues p ro tect against loss or
tion to that ot a nonrigid trapczoid rotating in the opposite pathology o f one cue system.
direction (Howard 1 9 6 1 ; Sperling and D o sh cr 1995).
5. Provision o f an error signal O n e cue may provide an
error signal that is absent in another cue. For example,
4 .5 .7 g C o m p le m e n ta ry M u lticu e System s the cxtraocular muscles provide little or no feedback to
indicate the adequacy o f the vestibulo-ocular response
D ifferent sources o f informacion may com plem enc each
induced by head rotation in the dark. If the eyes arc-
other, each providing som ething lacking in the other. The
open there is an error signal in che form o f recinal slip
following are som e o t the ways in w hich this can happen:

1. Disambiguation o f cue attribution The ambiguity in one

sensory cue can be resolved by a second cue. For
4 . 5 .7 h C u e D o m in a n ce
example, a given o to lith input may be produced by head
acceleration or by head tilt. This am biguity manifescs M ore reliable cues arc m ore heavily weighted in a con flict
itself in the inability o f pilots flying in clouds to detect situation. This is known as cue dom inance. In extrem e cases,
w hether the aircraft is accelerating or clim bing. The one source o f inform ation com pletely overrides conflicting
am biguity may be resolved by sight o f the ground or by inform ation. For exam ple, when a bell is seen in one place
inputs from the sem icircular canals, which register head and heard in a place less than 30° o f subtense away it seems
rotation bu t n o t linear acceleration. to be located where it is seen rather than where it is heard.
This is the basis o f ventriloquism . W hen a felt o b ject is o p ti­
Prior exposure to an unambiguous stimulus may bias
cally m inified it feels smaller than when viewed normally
the interpretation o f an ambiguous stimulus. For
(R o c k 1965).
exam ple, prior exposure to a corrugated surface
defined by the unambiguous cue o f binocular disparity
biases the perceived depth o l a corrugated surface 4 .5 .7 i C u e D issociation and A lternation
defined by the ambiguous cue o f m otion parallax
W hen the co n flict betw een two cues is severe, the cues may
(S ectio n 2 1 .6 .2 b ).
dissociate and create an impression o f two objects. This can
2. Disambiguation o f stimulus sign Som e cues are happen in one sensory modality. For example, when the
ambiguous with regard to sign but n o t w ith regard to interaural delay cue and the interaural intensity cue to the
m agnitude. H ie am biguity o f sign may be resolved by a direction o f a sound source are widely different, one hears
second cue, w hich is often a two-valued stimulus two sounds. C u e dissociation also occurs for cues in differ­
lacking quantitative inform ation. For example, image ent modalities. For example, a seen bell more than 30° away
blur is an am biguous cue to lens accom m odation, from a heard bell dissociates into two, a seen bell in one
because an o b je ct nearer than the focal point produces location and a heard bell in a second location.
the same blur as one beyond the focal point. The sign o f Instead o f becom ing dissociated, discrepant cues may
chrom atic aberration o f the lens resolves the ambiguity alternate. For example. Van F.e et al. (2 0 0 2 ) found that.
when chc cucs o f disparicy and perspective со chc slant o f a is often com bined in a highly nonlinear fashion, which
surface in depth were highly discordant, many subjects defies simple analysis. A fuller account o f intersensory sys­
alternated bccwccn seeing slanc appropriace со disparicy and tems is provided in Howard (1 9 9 7 a ). Interactions between
slanc appropriate со perspective. different sources o f inform ation for the perception o f
relative depth are discussed in C hapter 3 0 .

4 .5 .7 j C u e R e c a lib r a tio n
4 .5 .8 T H E S IT E AN D O R D E R O F
C u e con flicts may lead со long-cerm recalibracion o f m u lti' V IS U A L P R O C E S S E S
cue syscems. This is mosc likely со occur when both cues are
unambiguously related со a given percepcual incerprecacion. 4 .5 .8 a L o ca tin g Visual Processes
For example, an unusual relationship betw een convergence Psycho physically
and fam iliar size affects che scaling o f perceived dcpch The following tests have been used to reveal w hether an
( O ’Leary and W allach 1 980). Л change in perceived dis- effect occurs in the recina or the cortex.
cances o f objeccs, as revealed by pointing wich unseen hand,
was produced in subjects who inspected cheir own feet tor 1. Interocular transfer An induction stimulus is presented
3 m inutes chrough base-out prisms (C raske and Crawshaw to one eye for some tim e followed by a test stimulus
1974) (see Section 2 5 .2 .6 b ). presented со che ocher eye. It is argued thac any
interocular transfer o f the effect produced by the
induction stimulus must arise in binocular cclls in the
4 .5 .7 k R e c r u itm e n t o f N ew C u c s
visual cortex. Tins argum ent is n o t always valid. An
In early developm ent, animals learn to use sensory inform a­ afterimage shows intcrocular transfer, in the sense that
tion. Evidence reviewed in Section 33.8.1 indicates chac an afterimage impressed on one eye is visible when chac
animals can learn C o use novel sensory inform ation. But eye is closed and the other eye is open. This does not
w hat evidence is there that human adults can learn to rccruic prove that afterimages are cortical. It simply means that
novel cues chat affect che way chey perceive. H aijiang ec al. activity arising in a closed eve still reaches the visual
(2 0 0 6 ) exposed subjects to a rotating wire cube with cortex and can appear superimposed on whatever the
all depth cues present. W hen the objective direction o f open eye is seeing. This interpretation is confirm ed by
rotation was reversed che locacion o f che cube o r ics direc­ the fact chac an afterimage is no longer visible when the
tion o f cranslacion was changed. After 45 m inutes, each eye containing it is paralyzed by the application o f
o f these added cues to che direction o f rocacion affected pressure to che eyeball (Oswald 1957). To prove that an
the apparent reversal in direction in a cube lacking depth aftereffect is cortical, one must show that it survives
inform ation. paralysis o f the eye. Interocular transfer is discussed in
S ection 13.3.

4 .5 .7 k S u m m ary* 2. Monocular independence In this procedure, opposite

induction stimuli arc presented to each eye and the
This section provided a classification o f che ways in which
aftereffect is tested in each eye separately. For instance, a
sensory inform ation is com bined within and bccwccn sense
leftward-moving tcxtured display is presented to the
organs. Roughly speaking, inpucs from nested systems com ­
right eye and a rightward-moving display is presented at
bine by vector addition,com parative judgmencs are derived
che sam e tim e to the corresponding area o f the left eve.
by subtraction, the detection o t invariants and scaling o f
A stationary cesc pattern is chen presenced со each eye in
one inpuc by another are achieved by division or m ultiplica­
curn со reveal w hether the direction o f the aftereffect in
tion, and multiple cues to the same judgm ent may be com ­
each eye is appropriate to that eye’s induction stimulus.
bined by averaging. However, cue averaging occurs only for
If it is, then at least some aftereffect must have been
signals that signify continuous changes in the same stimulus
generated in pathways specific со each eye. I f che
variable. Signals that indicate discrete values, such as depth
aftcrcrtccc in each eye is just as scrong as when chac eye
order, com plem ent each other, strengthen a given interpre­
alone is exposed to an induction stimulus, chen che
tation o f a stimulus, o r reduce am biguity, rather than engage
processes responsible for the aftcreffecc are independcnc
in averaging. C u e conflicts are resolved in cerms o fc u e trad­
in the cwo eyes. I f che aftereffect were generated wholly
ing (averaging), by reintcrpretation o f covariancc functions,
in a pathway com m on to both eyes, induction stim uli o f
by cue dom inance, or by dissociation. The ways in which
equal magnitude but opposite sign should cancel when
sensory inform ation and cffcrencc are com bined, whether
presented со opposite eyes. Experim ents involving this
by addition, subtraction, m ultiplicative scaling, or averag­
procedure are reviewed in Section 13.3.
ing, depends on the physical organization ot the sensorim o­
tor systems but also on the purposes for which the 3 . Cyclopean procedures Enable a stimulus to be
inform ation is being used. In any case, sensory inform ation presenced со che visual corcex w ithout a corresponding
stimulus on the retina. There are three basic ways to Cyclopean procedures are described in more detail in
do this: C hapters 13 and 16.

Л . Paralysis o f an eye For instance, i f an afterimage

4 .5 .8 b D e te rm in in g th e O rd e r of
formed in one eye is still visible after that eye has
V isual Processes
been pressure paralyzed, one must conclude that
afterimages can be generated at a central site. It is difficult, if n o t impossible, to establish the precise site
o f postrecinal visual processes by psychophysical procedures
B. Direct stimulation o f the visual cortex D irect
alone. However, psychophysical procedures allow one to
stim ulation o f the visual cortex by an electric current
make inferences about che order in w hich distinct processes
creates visual phosphenes. Fortification illusions o f
o ccu r in the nervous system. These are known as psycho-
migraine are a naturally occurring cyclopean
an ato m ical p ro ced u res (Julesz 1 9 7 1 ). It is argued chac
stimulus, since they arise from a direct disturbance
because one percept depends on anocher, ic muse be p ro ­
o f the visual cortex (W ilk in son 2 0 0 4 ).
cessed ac a later stage. Buc che logic may be flawed. For
C . Use ofdichop tic stimuli In this procedure, distinct example, from che fact that the perceived direction ot
stimuli are presented to the two eyes in a stereoscope m otion o f a grating in an aperture depends on the way line
(dichoptically) to create an effect not evident in ends are interpreted, it has been concluded that line p ro ­
either m onocular stimulus. A dichop ticcom p osite cessing precedes the processing o f m otion (Section 2 2 .3 .1).
stimulus is one in w hich the effect produced by But a mocion signal could be excracced firsc and then rein-
com bining images from two eyes is sim ilar to the cerpreted after line ends are assessed. In other words, a given
effect produced by com bining the same images in visual feature can be processed in several stages; some ot
the same eye. For instance, a display o f lines which precede and others follow the processing o f another
presented to one eye can be com bined dichoptically feature. Also, the outcom e o f a perceptual process could
with a different display o f lines in the other eye so feed back to an earlier stage or to a parallel stage and affect
that they form the same com posite shape that would what is occurring there. W ith o u t supporting anacomical or
be produced by com bining the lines in one eye, as in physiological evidence, one may n o t be able to draw firm
Figure 4 .8 . The literature on dichoptic com posite conclusions about the order in which sensory features are
stimuli is reviewed in Section 16.3. processed merely from the way one perceptual phenomenon
depends on another.
A purely dichoptic stimulus is one that is uniquely pro­
The logic is firm in ocher cases. For example, the d etec­
duced by com bining the images from the tw o eyes. For
tion o f a disparity-defined shape in a random -dot stereo­
example binocularly disparate stim uli create an impression
gram must occur after binocular disparities are processed.
o f depth. D ichop tic stimuli interact to produce binocular
The shape is not present in the input from either eye.
rivalry, binocular disparity, or dichopcic m otion or flicker.
It a perceptual process occurs more rapidly than it would
Each o f these effects may be used to synthesize a cyclopean
take neural feedback to occur, one may conclude chac ic
shape. O n ce synthesized, a cyclopean shape may be moved
involves feedforward processes.
by simply m oving the dichoptic boundaries that define it.
I f an effect in scimulus feature A occurs only for cercain
values o f scimulus feature B, then it is reasonable to co n ­
clude that feature В is processed before feature A. For
instance, certain effects, such as perspeccive illusions, occur
wich stimuli defined by luminance buc noc wich chromacic

stimuli. Thev therefore occur after chromatic and achromatic

channels arc partitioned.
If tw o sensory inputs produce the same perceptual effect
we can infer th at they feed in to a com m on neural process.
For example, binocular disparity and m onocular m otion
parallax produce similar impressions o f depth. O th e r psy­
chophysical evidence supports the idea that they feed into a
com m on m echanism (Section 3 0 .2 .5 ).
Psychophysical procedures can allow one to character­
ize nonlinearities, such as signal rectification, ceiling effects
(compressive nonlinearity), and spatiotem poral interac­
tions betw een stimuli. They can also reveal whether distinct
к.диг. 1 ..V J didw ptic composite stimulus. Fusion o f the two upper displays visual features, such as d istinct cues to depth, interact in a
product* the lower thapc. linear or nonlinear fashion (C hapter 30 ).
4 .5 .9 M U L T IS T A B L E P E R C E P T S

4 .5 .9 a Types o f M u ltistability

W h en a stimulus allows m ore chan one interpretation, the

pcrccpt is said со be undcrdecermincd. D ifferent intcrpreta-
tions may com pete for attention and alternate as one co n ­
tinues to view the stimulus. Such figures are said со be
ambiguous, and the percepts are said to be n iu ltistable.
Am biguous figures fall into two broad classes.
(a) S ectored discs.

A. Figures with m ultistable structuralfeatures

In the first class o f am biguous figures the alternative
percepts consist o f different ways in which simple structural
feacures o f a stimulus are organized. The following scimuli
produce mulcistable percepts.

Figure-ground relationships An example is the M altese

cross and its derivatives shown in Figure 4.9a. Figures
ot this kind occurred in Rom an mosaics and were
(b) The N e cke r cube. (c) T h e S chroder staircase.
popular in European art in the 18th and 19th centuries
(P iccolin o and Wade 2 0 0 6 ).

Depth orderfrom overlap This topic is discussed in

Sections 2 2 .1 .2 and 2 7.2.

Reversible perspective Examples arc shown in

Figures 4 .9 b and c. This topic is discussed in
S ection 2 6.7.

Depth from shading This topic is discussed in

(d) A rotating textured sphere (e) Interchanging the w hite
Section 27.3.2.
a lternates betw een leftw ard and and black sectors creates
rightw ard rotation. a m biguous a pparent m otion.
Direction o f real motion An example is shown
in Figure 4.9d . This topic is discussed in *.», E xam ples o f am bigu ity based on sim plefeatures.
Section 28.5.

Patterns o f apparent motion For example, four flashing

lights arranged in a square create various patterns o f 4 .5 .9 b W e ig h tin g o f C u e s
apparent m otion that change during a period ot
W ith a com plcccly ambiguous scimulus, ditferenc intcrprc-
inspection (Ram achandran and Anstis 1983). Also, an
cacions occur wich equal frequency. The scimulus is said со
interchanging patcern o t black and whice scccors, as
be unbiased. If stimulus informacion favoring one intcrprc-
shown in Figure 4 .9 e , creares ambiguous apparenc
cacion is more evidenc chan chac favoring ocher interpreta-
cions, wc have biased ambiguity. For example a 2 -D N cckcr
cube is just as likely to be seen in one depth order as in
IS. Figures that produce two or m orefam iliar objects the other, but a 3-D outline cube is seen for longer in its
In che second class o f ambiguous figures the alternative true depth order. The relative durations o f different inter­
percepts consist o f d istin ct fam iliar objects, each o f which pretations of an ambiguous stimulus provide a measure
represents a different way in which the figural elem ents o f a o f che weighting attached to various types o f stimulus
com plcx stimulus arc organized. Figure 4 .1 0 contains three inform ation.
examples that have been used in many studies o f multistable W e can think o f the relative probabilities o f different
perception. They arc the “My wife and m y-m othcr-in-law ” interpretations o t an ambiguous stimulus as torm ingdips in
figure (B orin g 1 9 3 0 ), Jastro w s duck-rabbit figure, and a probability landscape. The deeper the dip, the m ore stable
R u bins tacc-vasc figure. Since both interpretations arc the percept. The perceptual system may becom e locked in
fam iliar o bjects, a person must be fam iliar w ith them in an interpretation that docs n o t represent the cruc scacc o f
order to experience figural reversal. che world. This could be avoided if che syscem were subjecc
The following processes contribute to the way in which со inscabilicy or jicccr thac shakes it out o f a shallow dip
ambiguous stim uli are interpreted. in to a deeper dip. This would be equivalent to random ,
aftereffects were elim inated by presenting the test staircase
monocularly. The adaptation process must occur at a high
level where depth order is assessed independently o f specific
depth cues. Adaptation effects in reversible perspective
o f dynamic displays arc discussed in Sections 26.7.1
and 30.5.1.
K ohler 1,1940) proposed that ambiguous figure-ground
stimuli, such as R u bins cross, reverse when rhe neural pro­
cesses underlying one interpretation becom e satiated. Kohler
did not have a clear idea o f how neural systems satiate. But
we now have physiological evidence that visual channels
adapt during continued stim ulation (Section 4 .2 .9 ).
Adaptation o f the neural processes responsible tor a
particular interpretation o f an ambiguous stimulus should
facilitate the emergence o t another interpretation. This
(a) B o rin g 's w ife -m o th e r.
would be equivalent to the dip in the probability landscape
becom ing less deep over time. For example, the rate o f rever­
sal o f the Neckcr cube increases over a period o f observa­
tion. The increase in reversal rate occurred with interm ittent
viewing as long as the intervals between stimulus presenta­
tions were not longer than about 0.5 s (O rbach et al. 1963).
Thus, with continuous or briefly interrupted viewing, the
processes responsible tor both interpretations became
(b) Ja stro w 's d u c k -ra b b it.
simultaneously adapted. W ith interruptions longer than
about 1 s the adaptation process recovered so th at the same
interpretation persisted from o n e exposure to chc ncxc.
Leopold ec al. (2 0 0 2 ) measured che race o f alcernation
o f several ambiguous figures including a rotating cube,
and che race o f rivalry o f orchogonal gratings. The rate
was greatly reduced when chc stimuli were presented tor
3-second periods interrupted by 5-second blank periods.
They argued thac an adaptation process couldn’t explain
chis effect. Buc one could argue that the dom inant interpre­
tation would recover from adaptation during the 5-s blank
(c) R u b in 's face-vase. interval and therefore reappear when the stimulus returned.
In o ther words, interruption o f an ambiguous stimulus
!'•;•»< Exam ples o f am biguity b ated on fam iliarity .
forestalls adaptation o f che dom inant stimulus, which is
then preserved over interrupcions. However, when an
ambiguous rotating cylinder was interrupted and made to
or stochastic, fluctuations in the depth o f a dip in the prob­ reappear in a different location the previous interpretation
ability landscape (Taylor and Aldridge 1974). TJiis type o f did n o t reappear above chance level (C h en and He 2 0 0 4 ).
proccss is described in Section 15.2.1 in con nection with Thus, whatever is preserved over interruptions is location
the task o f finding the best match between binocular specific.
images. For a N eckcr cube, a rotating sphere, and an ambiguous
m otion pattern a given interpretation was preserved over
4-s interruptions when a distinct stimulus was inserted into
4 .5 .9 c A d ap tation o f Specific Processing C h an n els
the interruption period. Also, particular interpretations o f
Prolonged exposure to one alternative o f a reversible figure each o f two interleaved ambiguous patterns tended со be
increases the probability that the o ther alternative will be preserved (M a ic r c t al. 2 0 0 3 ).
seen. For example, inspection o f a stereogram o f the
Schroder staircase, in which disparity caused it to be seen as
4 .5 .9 d A ctive Scarch
if from above, increased the probability that an ambiguous
zero-disparity staircase was seen as i f from below (Virsu There has been som e debate about whecher particular types
1 9 7 5 ). After 1 m inute o t adaptation, the effect lasted about o f eye m ovem ent cause reversals o f perspective in simple
2 0 s. Harris (1 9 8 0 ) obtained the same effect when disparity reversing figures or occur after a reversal. Pheifier et al. (1 9 5 6 )
found chac characteristic eye movements followed rather may assume a peculiar form . For example, a cube viewed
than preceded perspective reversals o f the Schroder along a diagonal appears as a hexagon. This is known as an
staircase. accidental viewpoint. Also, in an accidental view point, the
Л related question is whether perspective reversals are images o f certain disconnected edges may appear to be co n ­
determ ined by the part o f the figure chat the observer fix- nected, and other edges may be hidden. A small change
ates. Am biguous figures, such as the N ecker cube, reverse from an accidental view point produces a sudden change in
whichever part is fixated. However, o f the two central co r­ the proximal image. The accidentally connected lines may
ners o f the N ecker cube, the one thac is fixaced is more fre­ suddenly becom e disconnected and hidden edges visible.
quently seen as the nearer corner than is the corner chat is V iew points for w hich the image docs n o t change abruptly
noc fixated (Ellis and Stark 1 9 7 8 ; Kawabata e t al. 1978). arc called generic viewpoints. In general, the m ost likely
The effects o f eye fixation are particularly evident in o b ject is one that would produce a gradual change in the
figures such as rhe duck-rabbit figure or B o rin g s young proximal stimulus over a change in view point (Freeman
w om an -old woman (Tsai and K olbet 1985). Fixation on 1994).
the upper part o f Boring’s figure brings the salienc feacures The general principle is that we prefer interpretations o f
o t the young woman onco the fovea, while fixation on the ambiguous stimuli that arise trom a generic viewpoint
lower pare brings che salienc feacures o f che old woman onco rather than those that arise from a particular vantage point.
the fovea (G arda-Perez 1 989). The same rule operates in the perception o t the three-
W e can actively seek a given incerprccacion o f some dimensional motion o fo b jects (Kitazaki and Shim ojo 1996).
ambiguous stim uli, by searching in specific locations or for There is behavioral evidence that monkeys perceive am big­
specific features, w ith or w ithout m ovements o f the eyes. uous displays according to the same rule (U k a ct al. 1999).
The gestalt notion o f "figural goodness” is related to
that o f generic view point (K offka 1935). For example, a
4 .5 .9 e A ssu m p tion s and C o n te x t
cube viewed along a diagonal appears as a 2-D hexagon
In traditional experim ents on ambiguous figures, subjects rather than a cube because a hexagon has good symmetry
were instructed that there were tw o interpretations. Girgus, and has fewer edges than a cube (H ochberg and Brooks
R ock, and Egatz ( 1 9 7 7 ) found that about h a lfo fa g ro u p o f 1960).
adult subjects did not report reversal o f a Rubin vase-face or The interpretation o t an ambiguous figure can be influ­
a N ecker cube during a viewing period of 6 0 s, buc did so enced by its direction o f m otion. For example, the o b ject in
when inform ed chat there were tw o interpretations. In a Figure 4.11 was seen as a swan when it moved to the right
later study R ock and M iteh cn cr (1 9 9 2 ) used less familiar and as a cat when it moved to the left (Bernstein and C ooper
ambiguous figures, namely a M altese cross, the M ach book 1997).
figure, and a figure that could be either a ch ef or a dog. O n ly The way an ambiguous stimulus is interpreted can be
seven o f 18 subjects saw reversals in less than 3 0 s, but saw affected by context. For example, Bruner and M inturn
reversals readily when told what to look for. R ock et al. (1 9 5 5 ) showed that:
(1 9 9 4 ) found that none o f a group o f 2 5 children between
the ag esof 3 and 5 years experienced reversals ot the Rubin
4 . 5 . 9 f C o n s c io u s C o n c ro l o f A m b ig u o u s F ig u res
vase or o f an ambiguous duck-rabbit drawing. Four o f the
children did not experience reversals even when told what To some exten t one can control the rate at w hich an am big­
to look for. uous figure alternates betw een its cwo interpretations.
Som e assumptions that determ ine the way we interpret O n e would expect people to have more control over the
am biguous stim uli may be learned at an early age and reversal o f ambiguous figures th at denote m eaningful
function w ithout conscious awareness. They are implicit objects than over the reversal o f abstract figures. In co n fo r­
descriptive rules, or schemata. These rules express very m ity with this expectation, Striiber and Stadler (1 9 9 9 )
general assumptions about properties o f real world scenes,
and place constraints on the interpretation o f potentially
am biguous stim uli (Howard 1974).
O n e example o f an implicit rule is that stimuli that could
have been produced by either a convex or concave surface
arc usually seen as convex, presumably because we see more
convex surfaces chan concave surfaces (Section 2 7 .3 .2 ).
The generic view point assumption provides another
example o f an im plicit descriptive rule. A given o b ject can
be viewed from different positions, in different orientations,
4.1 1. Effect of'm ovem ent on figu ra l am biguity. The ob jee t lookc d
o r under different lighting conditions. These arc generic like a cat w hen m oved to th e left and like a sw an w hen m oved to
variables. For certain viewpoints, the proximal stimulus the right.

Ъь \а
found chat subjects could bold a particular interpretation o f that the fusiform gyrus was activated, as revealed by the
Jastrow s duck-rabbit figure or R u bins vase for longer than fM R I, when people reported seeing the face interpretation
a particular interpretation o f the N ecker cube, o r the o f R ubins vase but not when they reported seeing the vase
M altese cross. interpretation.
Long and T oppino (2 0 0 4 ) reviewed che topic o f percep­
tual ambiguity.
4 .5 .1 0 R U L E S O F V IS U A L S T R U C T U R E S

We live in a highly structured world. O b jects in natural

4 .5 .9 g Neural C h a n g es Related to
scenes tend to have certain characteristics and tend to
M u ltistable Percepts
be arranged in certain ways. These characteristics can be
In any ambiguous figure, the interpretation changes classified as o b ject structure, scene structure, and scene
although rhe stimulus rem ains the same. Any change in the semantics.
way a stimulus is interpreted must be accom panied by some
change in the nervous syscem. In human subjects, fM R I
4 .5 .1 0 a Principles o f O b j e c t S tru ctu re
recordings have been used to locate such changes in the
cerebral cortex. M ost natural scenes contain objects disposed on surfaces.
Kleinschmidc et al. (1 9 9 8 ) recorded fM R I responses O n e o f the basic tasks ot visual perception is to segregate
from five human subjects as they observed R u b in s vase or objects and register their structure.
B o rin g s young w om an -old woman figures. Each change in Figural regions have certain characteristics. For exam ­
interpretation was accom panied by transient activity in the ple, in the Rubin cross, the region seen as figure appears
ventral occipital cortex (m iddle fusiform gyrus), posterior bounded and in the foreground while the nonfigure region
intraparietal cortex, and some frontal areas, including the appears to be continuous and extend behind the figure
frontal eye fields. A t the same tim e, there was a transient region.
depression o f activation in the visual cortex. However, the The G estalt psychologist M ax W ertheim er (1 9 2 3 ) p ro ­
same transient changes occurred whichever interpretation posed several p rin cip les o f figural o rg an izatio n , or visual
becam e dom inant. This means that these neural events were grouping, to explain how sets o f stim ulus elem ents are per­
related to perceptual changes rather than to the percepts ceived as a coherent pattern (see K oflka 1 9 3 5 ). Som e o f
themselves. Responses in the frontal eye fields could have these principles are illustrated in Figure 4 .1 2 .
been due to saccades occurring during the transitions. The principles are:
However, eye m ovem ent recordings revealed that subjects
remained fixated on che fixacion spot. Proximity In a mixed set o f similar scimulus elements,
Sakata et al. ^1994) tound the response o f many cells in those that are closer together form perceptual groups.
area 7a in the parietal lobe showed periodic changes when Kubovy et al. (1 9 9 8 ) varied the relative spacing o f
the monkey viewed an am biguous rotating trapezoid (Am es colum ns and rows in a regular dot m atrix and asked
window). subjects to report whechcr chey saw colum ns or rows.
Sterzer et al. (2 0 0 2 ) recorded fM R I brain activity while The probability o f a given grouping decreased
human subjects viewed a bistable spinning segmented ring, exponentially as the distance betw een the dots for that
as shown in Figure 4.9e. Reported reversals ot the direction grouping was increased relative to the distance between
o f mocion were accom panied by cransienc changes in the the dots tor the alternative grouping.
parietal and frontal areas. In particular, changes occurred in
Similarity Elem ents that are sim ilar in shape,
V 5, an area known to be associated with processing visual
orientation, or color tend to be seen as grouped, as in
m otion (Section 5.8.4b ). There was no activation w ithin the
Figure 4.12b .
ventral stream o f neural processing, the stream concerned
with pattern perception (Section 5 .8.3). These results show Continuity Originally, the principle o f continuity
that the parts o f the brain activated by bistable stimuli referred to how we segment intersecting lines. In Figure
depend on the perceptual category o f the percepts. However, 4 .1 2 c continuous sm ooth lines arc seen in preference to
the fM R I m ethod was noc sensitive enough to detect lines that contain sharp angles. However, when lines
whether the location o f neural activity in V5 depended on form a closed shape, as in Figure 4 .1 2 d , the principle o f
the perceived direction o f m otion. Single-cell recordings line continuity may be overridden. The principle has
from that area in monkeys have shown that different cells are also been used to explain how we link disconnected
tuned to different directions o f m otion (Section 5.8.4b). elements. For example, aligned line elements are readily
The human fM R I reveals that the fusiform gyrus and detected w ithin a display o f randomly oriented line
superior tem poral sulcus are particularly active when people elements. This topic was discussed in Section 4.5.2b .
view faces, while rhe lateral occipital lobe is active when The principle has also been applied to how we perceive
nonface objects are viewed. Andrews et al. (2 0 0 2 ) found an o b ject as com plete when parts are occluded by
Many natural o b jects deform in characteristic ways. An
(a) G rouping by proxim ity. o b ject may consist ol articulated rigid com ponents, like the
parts o f a human body. Plastic o b jects may undergo co n ­
o o * * o o * * o o * tinuous and reversible deform ations, like a human face or a
(b) G rouping by sim ilarity. crcc blow ing in chc wind. These objects preserve topological
properties o f continuity and connectedness. O th er objects
undergo continuous but nonrcvcrsiblc deform ation, like a
growing anim al, a wave on the ocean, or a cloud blowing
in the wind. Still other objects undergo discontinuous
deform ation, such as a wave breaking on the shore, a tree
breaking in che wind, or ccll division.
All chese rules arise because o f che way our norm al envi­
ronm ent is constructed. Tlievi are evident in the second-
(c) G rouping by continuity. order statistics o f natural scenes. However, second-order
statistics do not distinguish between structure arising trom
regular textures and that arising from che scructure o f
objects. Elder and G oldberg (2 0 0 2 ) developed a way ot
characterizing chc G estalt laws o f grouping in terms o f chc
sequence o t cangencs chat define connected contours. Rules
o f o b ject structure have little or no application in a snow­
storm or tog. In the deep ocean the only visible things arc
(e) G ro up in g by sym m etry. patterns o f light em itted by fluorescent creatures.
People can apply these rules with objects they have not
Figure*. I J . Рг-inciptesojjiguralgrouping.
seen before. Knowledge o f an o b je c ts shape helps when
only part o f it is visible. Also, knowledge o f an o b ject s size
another o b ject (am odal com pletion) or rendered helps in judging its distance.
invisible bccausc the o b ject is camouflaged against the A well-defined fam iliar o b ject can be perceived in an
background (m odal com pletion). These topics are unspecifiably large num ber o f ways, according to the
discussed in Section 2 7.2. descriptive dom ain w ithin which che perceiver is operating.
For exam ple, in looking at a face, o n e may attend со its age,
Good figure In G erm an, chis is known as the principle
sex, race, expression, or any o f a num ber o f ocher features.
o f Pragnanz. The principle states that we have a
For each feature there arc rules that govern the way faces are
preference tor seeing shapes that arc closed, sm ooth,
classified, although che rules may be difficult со specify.
sym m etrical, and contain che least num ber o fsid es
The knowledge and incerests o f the perceiver determ ine the
(Barrow and Tcncnbaum 1 981).
dom ain w ithin which o b jects are identified or classified (see
Common motion This principle is vividly illustrated by Section 4 .6 .3 ).
moving a subset o f a display o f random dots coherently
with respect to the other dots. The moving dots 4 . 5 . 1 Ob P rin cip le s o f S c c n c S tru c tu re
suddenly form a pattern, which disappears as soon as
The above rules apply to images o f simple objects seen in
the dots stop moving. The effect is known as shape
isolation. Their application to the images o f natural scenes
fro m m o tio n .
becom es very uncertain because edges are often obscured by
texture and shadows.
For any 3 -D o b jcct, the arrangem ent o f edges, corners,
The relationships between objects in natural scenes gen­
and surfaces obeys certain rules, which can be called stru c­
erally obey some very general structural ru Ics. The following
tu ral rules fo r o b je c ts (M ackw orth 1973). These rules will
are som e examples.
be discussed in Section 27.1.
A t a higher level, solid objects arc perceived as 1. Support M ost o b jects resc on a surface chat is
com posed o f sim ple g eo m etric co m p o n e n ts such as gravitationally beneath them.
cylinders, blocks, wedges, and cones, which the perceptual
2. Orientation to gravit y M ost o b jects have a
system uses со conscruct im plicit descriptions (M arr 1977;
distinguishable top and b o tto m , and chc axis join in g
Bicderm an 1987).
the top and bottom is usually an axis o f bilateral
A t a higher level still, fam iliar com plex o bjects, such
symmccry and vcrcical.
as chairs, houses, autom obiles, and com puters, are per­
ceived in terms o f fu n ctio n a l co m p o n en ts (Tversky and 3. Opacity M osc objeccs are opaque and occlude more
Hcm cnway 1 984). distant objects along the same line ot sight.
4. Shading a n d shadows Rules governing shading and laboratory o r a set o f naturally occurring objects. The set o f
shadows arc described in Section 2 7 .3 . possible responses to the defined stim uli defines che
response dom ain (Section 3 .1 ). This book is mainly co n ­
5. Relative motion M oving objects produce characteristic
cerned with responses involving some kind ol judgm ent.
patterns o f relative m otion w ith respect to other
Judgm ents may be classified into d etection, resolution, dis­
crim ination, categorization, recognition, identification, and
description. They form a task hierarchy. This ordered sec o f
casks involves a hierarchical sequence o f processes in che
4 .5 .1 0 c Principles o f S c e n e Sem an tics
nervous system. Successful perform ance at a given level o f
C onstraints can be imposed on the interpretation o f a 2-D the hierarchy requires successful perform ance at all lower
image if the perceivcr has knowledge about particular scenes levels buc n o t ac any higher level. However, perform ance ac
or objects, which Biederinan (1 9 8 1 ) called scen e sem antics. a higher level may improve perform ance at a lower level.
Here are a few examples o f scene semantics: For example, it is easier to detect a fam iliar o b ject than an
unfam iliar objccc.
1. Object probability The probability that a given o b ject is
in a scene varies with the scene. For example, in a living
4 .6 .1 D E T E C T IO N , R E S O L U T IO N .
room the head o f a tiger is likely to be part o f a rug, but
in a forest it is likely to be part o f a living tiger.
The basic casks o t d etection , resolution, and discrim ination
2. Fam iliar arrangements For example, if the scene is a
were described in Section 3 .1 . All sensory systems transduce
room , then floor, ceiling, windows, and doors can be
specific torins o f energy falling on an array ot detectors into
identified by their relative positions (Tenenbaum and
neural responses so thac spatiotem poral variations in stim u­
Barrow 1 977). A schem a, or frame (M insky 1 9 7 5 ) is a
lus energy may be detected and discrim inated. The co m ­
structural description o f an o b ject or scene, or a nested
plexity o f subsequent neural processing depends on the use
sec o f descriptions.
to which the inform ation is put.
3. Inferencesfrom localfeatures Partial inform ation from an For the visual system, we can think o f these uses form ing
image or from som e ocher source may evoke a particular an evolutionary sequence, involving increasing com plexity
stored frame from am ong a sec o i possible frames. o f neural processing in a hierarchy ot neural centers. For
Further exploration o f the image will reveal whether exam ple, lens accom m odation uses simple attributes o f
this is the mosc appropriate interpretation (see the visual input, such as image blur and chrom atic aberra­
M cA rthu r 1982). For exam ple, a cartoon ist can use a tion, and is controlled by subcortical centers (S ectio n 9 .6 ).
few simple lines to evoke the idea o f a com plex scene. A m ore recently evolved level o f concrol allows accom m o­
dation to be coupled to vergence cvc movements.
4 . Effect o f context on interpretation o f local features O p to kin etic nystagmus (O K N ), in its prim itive form , is
D epending o n chc conccxc, a given o b ject can be evoked by retinal m otion signals chat arc extracted over a
perceived in an unspecifiably large num ber o f ways. For wide area and processed in the accessory optic system and
example, in different contexts, a cube can be a box. a vestibular nuclei. In higher mammals, O K N is supple­
dice, a lump o f sugar, a building, a stool, a brick, a m ented by more highly processed signals from the visual
compucer, or many other things.
cortcx (Section 2 2 .6 .1 ).
5- Patterns o f motion an d events Natural objcccs move and Neural processing tor simple responses such as accom ­
inceracc according to chc rules o f physics. C ollid in g and m odation, eye movements, and postural control can involve
falling objects rebound at specified velocicies and in fairly com plex relationships betw een dilierent sensory
specified directions. W ater and traffic flow in inputs, bu t this processing is stereotyped and occurs with
characteristic paccerns, and foocball players move in m inim al conscious awareness o r control. Sensory-m otor
characccristic ways. F.pisodcs such as the day-night cycle learningcan be involved, as when a child learns to walk, but
and storm s produce characteristics sequences o t events. the learning does n o t involve conscious knowledge o f che
decailed scruccure or contents o f the visual world. For these
types o f response, stimulus am biguities in one sensory
4 .6 TYPES OF PERCEPTU A L system are usually resolved by another sensory system. The
JU D G M E N T processes are those o f detection and discrim ination only.
M ore com plex inputs are required for the conscious
A visual stim u lu s dom ain is a sec o f objects or events with perception o f the three-dim ensional layout o f the visual
defined visible features and values o f those features, plus the world for guiding movements and tor navigation. For
rules o f com position and transform ation o f those features these purposes, elaborate neural processes occur in several
and values. A stimulus domain mav * be a set o f stimuli in a hierarchical and parallel visual centers (Section 5.8.4).
These processes allow us со perceive objeccs and features o f an experimencer has assigned со a given objecc. Thus, in
objeccs «is rem aining chc same under incidental transform a­ addicion со cacegorizingstim uli, subjects must learn specific
tions o f size, distance, oriencation, m otion, and lighting. responses to different stimulus categories. Subjects can
These are chc basic p erce p tu a l co n sta n cies described in identify a single stimulus only when they have prior know l­
C h ap ter 2 9 . These higher visual processes also allow us со edge o f the relevant categories. A good deal o f perceptual
perceive objects as d istin ct entities even when they are par­ learning consists o f isolating salient features or partial cues
tially occluded, as described in C hapter 2 7 . Finally, they as aids to rapid identification (G ibson 1967).
allow us to perceive che m ovements o f arciculaced or plastic The interior tem poral cortex and prefrontal lobes are
objects, as described in Section 2 8.4. the regions o f the brain devoted to o b je ct categorization,
recognition, and identification (Section 5 .8 .3 ). C ells in
these regions in the alert m onkey have been found to
4 .6 .2 C A T E G O R IZ A T IO N , S C A L IN G ,
respond to particular objects chac the animal has been
trained to recognize, the im plication being that the cells
In simple ca te g o riz a tio n , subjects group, or classify, a set o f respond to parcicular concatenations o f stim ulus feacures.
stim uli according to defined criteria. In the simplest case, However, Freedman et al. (2 0 0 2 ) found chat cells in che
subjects arrange stim uli in to feature-defined secs wich no froncal corcex respond to stimulus categories that che
order within or betw een the sets. For example, colored monkey has been crained to construct, even after the stimu-

o b jects in one set, round o b jects in a second set, and moving lus features defining the category boundaries have been
objects in a third set. A simple categorical schema is assumed changed.
to exist when som e aspect o f behavior is contingen t on the It has yet to be shown that the response o f an “o b ject
presence o t a relatively simple scimulus feature o r set o t fea­ recognition” cell depends on how an animal regards an
tures. For instance, the aggressive posture o f the robin red o b ject (what descriptive dom ain ic is using). For example,
breast is contingent on its seeing a patch o t red on a birdlike an animal could be trained to use a box as a seat, or as an
o bject. Signs o f this kind are known as releasers. M ost o b ject to throw, or as an o b ject to open. W ould the response
releasers described by the ethologists are o f this simple kind. o f a cell varv
* with the wav
* that the animal intends to use
M ore com plex taxonom ic schem ata underlie che ability со the box ?
categorize things in terms ot several feacures. M odels o f perception o f the ‘'perceptron” type, such as
In simple sensory scalin g, subjects categorize stimuli “Pandem onium " (Selfridge 1 9 5 9 ), essentially embody che
in term s o f their value on a defined dim ension. It can be caxonom ic level o f perform ance. That is, percepts are
simply rank ordering, equal-interval ordering, or equal- defined in terms o f the presence or absence o f weighted
racio ordering. The ordering can be on a one-dim ensional elem entary stim ulus features. Also, m ost studies o f con cept
continuum such as size, velocity, o r distance, or in a m ulti­ form ation have involved the study o f conjunctive or dis­
dim ensional feature space. Thus, in addition codiscrim inac- junctive categorical concepts such as large green objects
ing becween stim uli, observers arrange them in bins o r in versus small red objects. It is as it zoology never got beyond
order. Readers are referred to Torgerson ( 1 9 5 8 ), G arner Linnaeus. The m athem atics underlying categorical behavior
(1 9 6 2 ), and Falmagne (1 9 8 6 ). is set th eo ry . A set is a collection o f item s belonging to a
Ac a more com plex level, people classify stim uli accord­ defined class, but having no internal structure. Perhaps the
ing to a com plex set o t rules. Subjects need have no prior belief that categorical percepts are primary arose out ot the
knowledge o f the categories if they are shown a representa­ b elief that set theory is basic to logic and mathematics.
tive sample ot stim uli in each category. Even tor categories M any aspects ot perception require analysis in terms o t a
that have been learned, people may have no explicit under­ richer sec o f m athem atical ideas, such as group theory, pro­
standing o t the criteria that determ ine class membership. jective geometry, and che calculus o f variations (G clfand
For instance, we classify faces by sex, age, and race but are and Fom in ( 2 0 0 0 ). These mathematical tools add the
not necessarily aware o f the features that we use. notion o f structure to that o f class membership.
R eco g n itio n involves even m ore com plex neural pro­
cesses. In a simple recognition task, subjects state whether
they have or have n o t seen a stimulus on a previous 4 .6 .3 P E R C E P T U A L D E S C R IP T IV E
occasion. PR O C ESSES
In an id e n tifica tio n task, subjects em it a distinct learned
4 .6 .3 a D escriptive D o m a in s
response to all stim uli in a defined category and different
responses to stimuli in each ot the other defined categories. A rep resentation is som ething that is accepted as resembling
Th e response may be an action that is specific to that class o f some defined aspects o f a specified thing (objecc, event, or
o bjects. For example we may be said to have recognized a idea) o r s e to f things, tor some specified purpose. A d e scrip ­
spade when we select it to dig a hole. O cherw ise, che tion is a representation involving com position rules within
response may be a convencional name o r a novel name chac a d escrip tive d o m ain . A described o b ject is seen as a
m em ber o f a see o f items with which it is equivalent in some Even at the prelinguistic level, wc classify o b jects into
respect. This process involves memory ot the equivalence hierarchies o t su pcrord in atc and subordinate categories.
relation. W hen operating at the descriptive level wc can: For exam ple, at the supcrordinatc level we distinguish
betw een living and nonliving objects. At an interm ediate
1. A ttend to one or other aspect o f an o b jcct in response level wc distinguish betw een cats, dogs, and humans. A t a
to centrally determ ined requirem ents or criteria, such as subordinate level we distinguish between difterent breeds
perform ance o f a task or the search tor an answer to a o f dog or between our own dog and other dogs. M em bers o f
problem. a supcrordinatc class share only very general properties.
For example, all animals share the general property o f self-
2. C o m bin e subroutines in a novel fashion to suit the
generated motility. M em bers o f a subordinate class may be
demands o f a com plex task. This enables us to define
similar in all but one small feature. Semantic nets may be
new equivalence relations w ithin an existing set o f
used to simulate these processes (Findler 1979).
discrim inated stimuli and thus derive ever more
These perceptual descriptive categories reflect the struc­
com plcx descriptive functions or dusters o f such
ture o f the world and our interactions with the world ( Rosch
et al. 1 9 7 6 ). Natural scenes contain a variety o f distinct
3. Perform som e function that is specifically related to the objects that fall in to natural classes determ ined by related
descriptive structure o f an o b ject or event. features that persist over tim e. For example, m ost land ani­
mals have fur and legs, while most birds have feathers and
Presymbolic descriptive rules are implicit descriptive fly. Im plicit descriptive rules express general properties ot
rules, or schemata. They may be perceptual descriptive real scenes, and place constraints on the interpretation o f
functions that allow us to recognize com plex stim uli or potentially ambiguous stim uli (H ow ard 1974).
events or they may be perceptual-m otor functions that Through learning, wc develop hierarchical descriptive
allow us to perform com plex skills such as riding a bicycle structures. These structures do not require language since
or juggling. They may be learned at an early age and func­ they are evident in nonhum an specics. Experts in a task,
tion w ithout conscious awareness. For example we soon such as recognizing makes ot car or interpreting X-ray
learn to recognize people w ithout conscious awareness ot images, develop refined descriptive structures. For example,
rhe processes we use. Presymbolic schem ata involve an see Tanaka and Taylor (1 9 9 1 ) and Schyns and Rodet
internal analog representation o f rules and structures. At (1 9 9 7 ).
rhe sym bolic level we describe objects and events in terms At the symbolic level wc con stru ct elaborate classifica­
o f arbitrary symbols, such as words or pictures. These tion schem es, such as the Linnaeus classification o f animals
descriptive systems are learned deliberately and w ith co n ­ and plants, which can be passed to person to person. By
scious effort, although they operate with little conscious com parison, perceptual descriptive systems are loose co n ­
effort when thev are well learned. glomerates o f locally uniform systems w ithin which there is
H elm holtz ( 1 9 1 0 ), in revolting against Germ an idealist com putational power over local descriptive domains. But
philosophers, stated that sensations do not resemble the there is no com m on syntax or grammar, and no com m on
o b jects they symbolize, any more than letters resemble the set o f axioms or rules beyond the local domain. H ence, pre­
sounds they represent (Section 2 .8 .1 ). For H elm holtz, linguistic descriptive processes do n o t have the descriptive
sensations were “signs that we have learned to decipher” power ot a sym bolic language although, in practice, they
But this idea ignores the fact that neural events, and the usually outperform sym bolic systems. For example m ost
sensations they produce, are lawful transductions o f people can recognize when the rules o f perspective have
stimuli arising from external o bjects, while stim uli such been broken even though they have no explicit knowledge
as words, are totally arbitrary signs o f the o b jects they o f those rules. W e normally perceive things or behave with
denote. In the form er case, the external o b je ct can be recon­ respect to them quite adequately w ithout being able to say
structed from knowledge o f the eyes optics and the filter how we do it. O nly when we can express adequately what
characteristics o f neural processing. If there is any am bigu­ we are doing arc wc able to outstrip our own prelinguistic
ity, at least a range o f possible stimuli can be recovered. performance.
The development o t sensory and perceptual mechanisms The piecemeal specific schematic structures typical o f
involves learning, but not learning o f arbitrary signs. In perception are adaptive for an evolving creature, where the
the case o f language, purely perceptual processes can first priority is to develop the capability to deal with many
indicate the shape or sound o f a word. However, recovery o f diverse and local contingencies in a complex environment.
the o b ject denoted by the word requires knowledge o f the General computational power is a luxury that can evolve later.
arbitrary symbols o f the language. I Iclm holtz’s view also Perception is not language-like in the sense o f using symbols,
ignores the possibility that the visual system is genetically but it is language-likc in the sense o f having some uniform ity
programmed to interpret certain stimulus features in o f representational structure within local schemata (Ncisser
certain wavs. 1967; Newell and Sim on 1972; Bryant 1974).
A lthough we arc generally conscious of* the things we group that generates che sec o f five Platonic solids (regular­
perceive we are not conscious o f im plicit descriptive pro­ sided polygons) are ideal descriptive dom ains. Linear per­
cesses. For exam ple, we may recognize people while noc spective is also an ideal dom ain, for it is possible to fully
being aware o f che facial features that we use. W e also behave describe linear projection trom three to tw o dimensions
appropriately in com plex skills and social inceraccions w ith­ (Section 2 6 .1 ). An ideal descriptive system is one that has
o u t explicit knowledge o f the rules that guide us. The struc­ com plete knowledge o f an ideal descriptive dom ain. It may
ture o f im plicit knowledge can be inferred only from construct descriptions that a less adequate system does not
behavior. For exam ple, we can infer from che way a child understand. Also, only a p erfect system can com pletely
speaks chac the child has acquired som e knowledge o f the assess the adequacy o f another system.
rules o f grammar. But the child is noc consciously aware o f There can n ot be an ideal perceiver for a natural objecr,
chose rules. tor nobody can know all there is to know about a natural
o bject. A theory o f perception maps the descriptive struc­
tures ot a perceiver— n o t into the world— but into a verbal
4 .6 .3 b Feature D e te c to r s and
or mathematical description o f some abstracted aspect of'
Perceptual Sch em a ta
the world that che investigator creates. The em pirical study
Dedicated neural units seleccively tuned to a composice o f perception and cognition is essentially che study o f che
feature code higher-order features, such as the direction ot constraints o t natural pcrceivers and thinkers and o t the
approach o f a visual o b ject. A system o f dedicated hardware ways in w hich such constraints change with experience.
o f this cvpe is che mosc efficient and rapid way o f coding Such an enterprise is always lim ited by the adequacy o f the
vital types o f inform ation that recur frequently. The exten­ explicit descriptive functions that investigators possess, chac
sion o f this idea to more com plex features has given rise to is, by the adequacy o f the descriptive structures ot science
che concepc of' che p o n tifical c ell, or grandm other cell— and mathematics.
a cell specifically dedicated to the recognition o f features as The description o t an ideal perceiver tor a given domain
com plex as o n e s grandm other. The notion o f dedicated is essentially che prescription o f what must be done to suc­
hardware at this level o f com plexity has severe lim itations, ceed in a specified task that faces a perceiver with defined
since it would require an explosively large num ber o f discriminacion capacicy. Such a prescription can also be
dedicated cells, each o f w hich would be dorm ant most regarded as a feasibility test— it establishes chat the speci­
o f the time. fied task is solvable. It defines chose aspects o t the task that
A more efficient cod in g process for com plex features is are attributable ro rhe requirem ents o f the task (given the
d istrib u ted co d in g . This is analogous to com puter pro­ discrim ination constraints ot the perceiver).
gram m ing, in w hich com plex forms are stored as general M ost, if nor all, com puter sim ulations o f perceptual
descriptions o t com ponents and rules o f com position (algo­ processes attempc со con stru ct an ideal perceiver for a
rithm s). Language works this way, and rhe higher processes defined task performed in the co n text o f a defined set o f
o f perception have language-like properties. For instance, environm ental constraints. Psychologists, studying natural
when we recognize a face we construct a type o f description pcrceivers, need to define the stim uli, the task, and the envi­
by com bining features from different parts o f the face, an ronm ental constraints in as perfect a form as possible. O nly
ability reflected in the way a portrait is built up by police then can they determ ine che descriptive structures that
sketch artists (see Rolls 1 9 9 4 ; Rolls and Tovee 1995). people use, with all their contrad ictions, contusions, and
W hereas che num ber ofscim uli that can be encoded by local omissions. W e need sim u latio n so f interesting ways in which
pontifical cells increases linearly with che num ber o f cells, perception fails and o f systems that learn by failing.
the num ber o f stim uli that can be encoded by distributed There is an unspecifiably large num ber o f ways to
descriptive processes increases exponentially with the describe any natural object. For example, consider the per­
number o f cells. Rolls ec al. (1 9 9 7 ) produced physiological ceptual and conceptual descriptive dom ains that relate to
evidence thac faces are coded by a distributed process in the the human bodv.
temporal lobe o f the monkey. We will see in Section 5.8.3b
thac neural processes in che inferior temporal cortex are 1. К i>iesthetic body Th is refers to the sensory and
involved in coding perceptual descriptions o f objeccs. perceptual processes th at underlie our ability to judge
che relative spatial dispositions and movements o f
unseen body parts.
4 .6 .3 c The Ideal Pcrceiver
2. Seen body This refers our ability to visually recognize
An ideal descriptive domain is one thac can be fully
parts o f our own body o r direcc che gaze Co a particular
described, that is, one about which all answerable questions
part o f the body.
can be asked and answered. The finite groups o t machemac-
ics are prototypes o f perfect descriptive dom ains. For 3. Body schema This is the set o f descriptive rules and
exam ple, the 17-space group o f crystallography and the scored daca responsible tor che sense o f familiaricy wich
our own body. Ic is responsible For che phancom limbs when presented with an incom plete stimulus. For example,
chat people report after am putation. This schem atic they can be asked to interpolate che pach followed by an
structure is probably intim ately connected wich che objccc when ic moves behind an occludcr. In whac may
m ocor com m and centers that direcc movements and be called the “w hcn-does-it-look-right” technique subjects
body parts. pick out the corrcct stimulus from am ong several displays.
Finally, one can measure a person’s ability to adapc to anom ­
4 . Body image This is the set o f descriptive rules chac
alous cxpcricnccs. The behavioral methods for teasing out
enables us to imagine our own body.
the structure o f perceptual schem ata need enlarging and
5. Conceptual body This is chc knowledge scruccurc chac systematizing.
allows a person to make such statem ents as “I have two The following are som e examples o f descriptive dom ains
arms, one nose, and ten fingers.” for which there is good cvidcncc that they arc represented
ac chc perccpcual prelinguiscic level.
6. Pictorial body This enables us to recognize ourselves in
drawings and pictures.
4 .6 .3 d T ra n s fo rm a tio n s
7. Anatomical body This is that set o f data and rules thac
enables chc surgeon со navigate the body o f a patient or This section deals wich chose scruccural feacures o fcla sse so f
pass an anatomy exam ination. It is a collective product objects that are invariant under contorm al transform ations.
o t human perccpcion and intellect. These are point-for-point cransformacions chac preserve
angles buc noc lengths, straightness ot lines, or parallels.
Think o f the variety o f descriptive dom ains chac we can These transform ations occur in the evolution and growch o f
use when we look ac a face. We can recognize it as a face biological forms. The classic discussion o t the invariant
racher chan noc a face. W ichin chc dom ain o f faces chere are properties o f natural objects is contained in D ’Arcy
discincc feacures chat allow us to recognize the species, sex, W entw orth Thom pson’s book On Growth an d Form , first
family, and individual. O th er feacures allow us со recognize published in 1916. Figure 4 .1 3 shows three primate skulls.
changes that can occur in a given facc, such as aging or O n casual inspection, they do not seem to have a similar
changes o f mood or health. Finally, there arc sicuational fea­ shape. However, if one o f chcm is plocccd on Carccsian
tures that allow us to recognize chc orientation, vantage coord inaces, che ocher skulls can be derived by applying a
poinc, and m orion o f a facc. All these features arise from the contorm al transform ation со chc coordinates.
same basic anatom ical structures and ways o f m oving that Carcooniscs have developed similar mechods for produc­
define a facc. W c perceive faccs in all these ways wichouc ing cartoons, which scrcss certain essential features o f chc
necessarily being aware o f whac feacures wc are using. We
recognize fam ily rcscm blanccs and carcoon drawings o f
fam iliar people (D od w cll 1983).
The cask o f analyzing perceptual syscems is furchcr com -
plicaced by che facc chac, for any defined cask, a person may
call on m ore than one dcscriptivc system for an answer. But
the answers may noc agree, in w hich case we say chat the
person has an illusion. For instance, chc amputee wich a
phancom arm will decide he has tw o arms when lie relcrs со
his body schem a, buc chac he has only one arm when he
refers to his seen body. In the M iiller-Lyer illusion, die lines
appear unequal in Icngch when “cycballcd” but arc reported
as equal when end-to-end m atching is applied. It is som e­
times not possible со decide which description to trust.
C him panzee
The science o f perceptual systems consists o f studying
the structure, growth, and adequacy o f such rule systems and
relationships between chcm. Ic is a matccr o f empirical inves­
tigation, just how che various syscems relate, and the safest
initial assumption is that they funccion indcpcndcncly.
Bayesian analysis has been used со investigate the ade­
quacy o f observers’ prior knowledge o f a stimulus domain
on their ability to discriminace or identify stim uli (see
Scction 3 .6 ). In a broader co n tcxt, chc adequacy o f pcrccp-
cual schem acacan be studied by the following procedures. In Figure \. 1 3. TriiftsJannAlions tn the evolution o f dculls. (Adapted from D'Arcjr
the production m ethod, subjects extrapolate or interpolate Wcmworih Ihompson 1952)
(a) Translation sym m etry

(b) Rotation, o r point sym m etry (c) R eflection sym m etry

t agurс 4 . 1 1. Transfirm atU m s used by caricaturists. (From Rulesf i r Draming

C a rica tu res b y Гтдгки G ro se 1 7 8 8 )

original. Artists also use such m ethods to explore the rela­

tionships between faces of' different types so as to improve (d) G lide-reflection sym m etry

their graphic descriptive powers. Figure 4 .1 4 is from an

li(«> 1.1 v T he fo u r basic types o f sym m etry.
18th-century text on the techniques ot* drawing, which
employed the same m ethod used by Thom pson (1 9 5 2 ).
There are two descriptive dom ains in any transform a­
tion. O n e is the transform ation rule, and the o ther consists The visual system is particularly sensitive со symmetries
o f the invariants that survive the transform ation. o f all kinds (Kahn and Foscer 1981; Fisher and Bornscein
W e can ask what transform ations and invariants o f 1982). Mosc invescigacors have concencrated on m irror
visual stimuli people can norm ally recognize or can be symmetry (C orballis and Beale 1970; Barlow and Reeves
taught to recognize. The perceptual constancies, such as size 1 9 7 9 ; Barret ec al. 1999; Tyler 1999). See Howard (1 9 8 2 ,
and shape constancy, involve the appreciation o f simple Chapcer 14) tor a review o f studies on the perception o f
rules o f transform ation (C h ap ter 2 9 ). A ttem pts have been symmecry in shape recognicion. Lee us look ac one inceresc-
made to reveal whether people use more complex transfor­ ing case involving symmetry in three dim ensions, which
mation rules, such as the cross ratio o f projective geom etry illuscraces che im porcance o f che concept o f chc group in
(Section 2 6 .3 .3 b ). There is a large literature on the ability o f perception and cognition.
people to recognize objects from different viewpoints. Mosc people say chac cheir image in a m irror is reversed
There have been many studies ot biological m otion, involv- trom left to right but not reversed top to b o ttom . But they
ingsuch things as che ability to recognize the sex o f a person cannoc understand how a symmetrical m irror can produce
trom the m otion ot points ot lights attached to the body a seemingly asymmetrical effect. C rou p theory solves the
(T r o je e ta l. 2 0 0 5 ). problem.
Take an asymmetrical o bject, such as a hand. Let the
дг-axis be bccween little finger and rhumb, the Y-axis be
4 .6 .3 e Sym m etry•

between finger tips (top) and wrist (b o tto m ), and the г -axis
L et each point in a given pattern be mapped o n to a distinct be between palm (fro n t) and back. C all che opposite ends
point in a second pattern. For all pairs ot points, let the o f an axis its poles. L et a 180°-rocacion abouc the л -axis be
mapping involve the same isom etric transform ation o f picch (/>), that abouc the jy-axis be yaw (y), and that abouc
translation, rotation, reflectio n ,o r glidc-reflection. The two the г -axis be roll (r). D cnoce congruence betw een the poles
patterns are said to have translation, rotation, reflection, or o f an axis o f one hand and che poles o f che same axis o f
glide-reflection symmetry about a defined axis o f sym m e­ another hand by 1, and denote noncongruence o f poles by
try, as shown in Figure 4 .1 5 . A translational o r rotational 0. Start with two identical hands in the same orientation
m apping may be repeated about the same axis o f symmetry and allow ISO0 o f rotation about each o f the three axes.
to form a series o f connected or separated symmetrical pat­ If we take the axes in the order xyz, all relative orientations
terns. A pattern may have cwo or m ore axes o f symmetry o f o f rhe identical hands are represented in the group
the same or different types. For example, a square has tour Table 4 .1 . Ic is a group because it is closed, associative, and
axes o f m irror symmetry and one axis o f i oration symmecry. contains an identity elem ent (no location) and an inverse
Mosc com m on objects have ac least one axis o f mirror elem ent (opposite rotacion) (Section 3 .7 .1 ). The symmetry
symmetry. For a fascinating introduction to the su bject o f o f che group cable indicaces chat the group is commucacive.
symmecry see Shubnikov and Kopcsik (1 9 7 4 ). This means thac che order o f rocacions does noc make
T a b le I . ! . T H E G R O U P T A B L E F O R M A T C H IN G T W O T a b le 1 .2 . T H E G R O U P T A B L E F O R M A T C H I N G
I D E N T IC A L O B J E C T S . O N E O B J E C T IS R O T A T E D 180* E N A N T IO M O R P H S . O N E O B J E C T IS R O T A T E D 180"
A B O U T E A C H A X I S F R O M F .A C H O F A S F .T O F A B O U T E A C H A X IS F R O M E A C H O F A S E T O F
I N D I C A T E S M A T C H E S A L O N G T H F X - , Y -, A N D Z - A X E S

A X I S OK R O T A T I O N 011 000 1 10 101

ООО O il 101 110
101 110 000 011
010 001 1 11 100
001 010 100 III
III 100 010 001
I0U 1)01
The group table is shown in Table 4.2. No entry in Table 4 .2
111 010
is the same as any entry in Table 4 .1 , because one can go
from Table 4.1 to T ib le 4 .2 only by reflection, w hich changes
any difference. The group may also be represented by а the m atch on only one axis. H ie two groups arc said to be
Cayley diagram. In this ease, the Cayley diagram is the blue coscts o f the larger group formed by com bining them.
tetrahedron in Figure 4 .16. Each apex o f the diagram is a The tw o groups can be com bined to form one com m u ­
state o f relative orientation o f two identical objects, and tative group by adding the operation o f reflection, as shown
each side denotes a 180" pitch, vaw, or roll rotation o f one by the green lines in Figure 4 .1 6 .
o b ject relative to the other. The answers to all m eaningful questions about m atch­
Now take tw o hands o f the same person or a hand and ing an o b ject and its m irror reflection are contained in che
its m irror reflection. They cannot be made congruent along group table. All arguments betw een people with incom plete
all three axes. O b je cts o f this sort are cnantiom orphs. knowledge o f the group are spurious, like those between
two blind men who feel different parts o f an elephant.
Paradoxes stem from misrepresentations o f the group.
010 The statement that o n e s m irror image is reversed left-
right but not up-down is misleading. It can be seen in Table
4 .2 that an o b ject and its cnantiom orph can be m atched on
any pair o f axes o r on none, depending on w hether the
operation o f translation, pitch, yaw, or roll is applied before
the o b jects are com pared. Thus we can walk into own reflec­
tion and m atch all but the front-back. O r we can imagine
ourselves rotated about the body’s x-axis (p itch ) and match
all but the head and feet. O r we can rotate about the Y-axis
(yaw) and match all but the hands. Finally, we can rotate
about the Z-axis (roll) and leave all axes unmatched. There
is no logical priority for any one o f these operations.
W hen we wish to identify the left and right hands o f a
person facing us, we naturally rotate or imagine ourselves
rotated about the Y axis to bring the head-feet and back-
fron t axes in to congruence. W e intuitively realize that the
left and right hands are congruent only when the o ther two
body axes are congruent. W e do n o t need a rotation to iden­
tify the head and feet or the front and back o f another
person because these features have distinct shapes. I f all
Hj.mc4.i6. A 3 -D C aU y diagram form irror-reflectu m . The blue tetrah ed ron people had blue left hands and red right hands we would
ind icates how th e X - , Y -, and Z -a x cs o t tw o id en tical 3 -D o b je c ts can be n o t need to apply a rotation to identify left and right
m atched by 1 8 0 ° ro ta tio n o f on e o t th e o b je c ts a b o u t each o f three
o rth o g o n a l axes. T h e red tetra h ed ro n in d icates all ways in w h ich an
o b je c t and it m irro r reflection (cn a n tio m o rp h ) can be m atched . Each Youngchildren behave differently. Even i f they can iden­
set o f th ree n u m b ers in d icates w h eth er the o b je c ts m atch ( I ) or d o n o t tify their own left and right hands they get confused when
m a tch (0 ) alo n g th e X * . Y -, and Z -a x c s respectively. E ach red and blue asked to identify the hands o f a person facing them and are
line represents a ISO 1' rotation ab ou t the roll (r ), p itch (p ), o r yaw (y)
more likely to say that the hand directly facing their left
ax is o f o n e o b je c t relative to the other. E ach green lin e represents
reflection o t o n e o b je c t relative to the o th e r a b o u t an axis in d icated by hand is a left hand. The answer is correct with the mirror
w hich o f th e th ree num bers changes. image, but not with another person.
The m irror problem arises because we confuse the and yec inform us abouc che world. W c know m orecercainly
enantiom orphic m irror image of ourselves with the body of chat there cannot be an o b ject in the world that fits the
another person and apply the same rotation test. W ith the description “sixth regular solid” than wc know any fact
m irror image, the test reveals that left and right do not derived from observation. It was this that led Plato to dispar­
match when the ocher two body axes arc congruent. W e say age perception and idealize geometry. Thus we know things
the m irror has produced a left-right reversed image. W c find about the world by referring to group structures within
it difficult to imagine m atching ourselves with our m irror abstract descriptive syscems as well as by observacion.
image by a tran slation ,or a rotation abouc chc .v-axis (p itch ) The m ost powerful scientific theories are those that
o r the г -axis (ro ll) because wc intuitively realize that these describe grouplike structures, such as M en d cleef s table o f
operations bring one or both o f rhe o ther body axes into chem ical elem ents, crystals, or fundam ental particles,
noncongruence. However, i f we apply chcm, wc see chat it is because these group structures tell us what to look tor, and
just as valid to conclude thac our mirror image is reversed what kinds o f things can n ot be found. There seem to be no
fronc-to-back, head to toe or along all three axes as it is to psychological studies o f group concepts, although Piaget
say that it is reversed left со righc. used the con cept o f groups inform ally in his theory o f co g ­
People also puzzle over why the m irror image o f print is nitive development. Por an introduction to group theory
left-right reversed, bu t noc upside dow n. C onsider a printed see Budden (1 9 7 2 ).
word on a transparent plate o t glass. The print and ies reflec-
cion arc boch normally orienccd wich rcspecc со a viewer.
4 . 6 . 3 f E q u ilib riu m Stru ctu res
Thus, a m irror does n o t reverse or invert print. We see the
o ther side o f the print in the m irror but, since the cwo sides The forms o f natural objects have a regularity that results
are the same, this has no effect. W ith print on opaque paper from the interplay o f com peting forces. A snow crystal
we must either rotate the paper vertically o r horizontally to has a six-fold symmetrical branching structure because
see ics reflection. A ccording to which rocation we apply we o f the interplay betw een che forces acting during its
see the print either reversed or inverted. It is n o t the mirror growth and certain constraints in the system. D ’Arcy
that causes che reversal or inversion buc the rotacion applied W entw orth Thom pson (1 9 5 2 ) showed how the forms o f
to the sheet o f paper (G regory 1999). many animals are determ ined by similar principles. For
The m irror problem dem onstrates that our descriptive instance, Figure 4.17a shows the skeleton o f a radiolarian,
structures arc often an incom plete subset o f more valid and and Figure 4 .1 7 b shows the same form constructed by dip­
com plete group structures, w hich it is often possible со ping a tetrahedral frame in a soap solution. The principle
define abstractly. A well-defined group is che theory o f that determ ines these shapes is referred to as the principle
the ideal perceiver (and thinker) for that descriptive o f least effort, or the principle o f equilibration. The shortest
task. The theory ot the ideal perceiver can be com plete route on the surface o f a sphere (geodesic), the brachisto-
w ithin chc dom ain o f a specified group, buc there arc always chrone problem (the curve o f m ost rapid fall in a diagonal
more general group structures (theories) to be discovered. d irection ), and che shapes ot honeycom b and living cells are
M athem atical descriptions allow us to define groups thac other examples o f equilibrium systems, w hich can be under­
are m ore complece, more com prehensive, and more certain stood with the help o fth e calculus ot variations (see C ourant
than those chat our percepcual syscem exhibics. Machcmacics and Robbins 1 9 5 6 ). These structures arc essentially eq u ilib ­
thus provides an abstract theory o f perception or intelli­ rium states that maximize or m inim ize the values ot certain
gence in terms o f w hich we can assess natural perception or variables.
intelligence. The layout o f the cerebral cortex seems to be governed
A ny theory o f natural perform ance in a given dom ain is by these principles (Section 6 .4 .2 ). The principle o f least
an account o f how rhe assumptive structures that are effort also applies to certain form s ot behavior. For example,
inferred from behavior relate to the ideal perceiver for that the principle is represented in the path we follow when we
dom ain. The ideal perceiver is a system that knows the com ­ run round obstacles. This is determ ined bv
J the inertial
plete structure o f a defined descriptive dom ain, and is both forces accing on che m oving body and by reflexes and skills
an account o t what is perceived and of "how " it is perceived. that we are not aware o f exercising.
It docs noc prescribe the hardware (neurons, cransiscors, The principle also operates in perception when we per­
etc.) needed to realize a perceiver, but it can specify the ceive the apparent path o f an o b ject as it moves behind an
operations (program ) th at the perceiver could carry out, as occluder o r when wc resolve ambiguous stimuli. The way
fully as one wishes. we interpret ambiguous stereoscopic displays seems to be
A bstract groups have always fascinated people. This fas­ guided more by a preference for flat surfaces rather than for
cination is apparent in the way che G reeks, Kepler, and arr­ geodesic surfaces (Section 2 2 .2 .1 ).
ises such as Escher have pondered the group o t five Platonic A nother related set o t structures is the spirals, as repre­
solids. These are che only possible regular-sided solids. Such sented in the shapes o f shells, horns, whirlpools, and in
groups are fascinating because chey are derived by ehoughe the flight o f m oths round a flame or ot diving talcons
spatially, and causal relationships may be represented as
intersections, pointers and the like, as in flow charts, family
trees, sw itchingcircuits, state diagrams, and Cayley diagrams
(abstract state diagrams o f groups).
There have been relatively few studies o f the perception
o f causal structures. M ich o tte (1 9 6 3 ) investigated the phe­
nom enology o f causal impressions. H e set out to prove that
impressions o f causality are direct and unlearned rather
than interred trom a sequence of events, as proposed by
British em piricists such as Hume. However, M ich o tte did
n o t study young children (see O lum 1 9 5 6 ), nor did he
study the ways in w hich adults change their descriptions as
a result o f experience. Therefore, his results, interesting
though they are, tell us n oth in g about w hether impressions
ot causality are innate or learned. Furtherm ore, M ich o ttes
experim ental procedures have been called into question
(a ) S ke le to n o f a ra d io la ria n (Callimitria agnesae) (Joynson 1971).
Paradoxically, the technique th at M ich o tte used is ideal
tor investigating the role o t experience in the perception ot
events, the thing that M ich o tte him self did not study.
G ruber et al. (1 9 5 7 ) investigated this question. They
showed th at delaying the tim e betw een rhe removal o f a
support and the collapse o f a bridge modified the impression
o f what caused the bridge to fall.
Implicit physics is a branch of psychophysics concerned
with how accurately and precisely people make judgm ents
or perform tasks thac embody some natural property o f
(b ) Soap film o n w ir e fra m e . T h e in n e r sh ap e v a rie s in size.
physical objects. There are four psychophysical procedures
f * . rc 4.17. Equilibrium structures. (From D ’A rc y W en tw o rth T h o m p son 1 9 5 2 ) for revealing the assumptions that underlie the perception
of events.

(Section 3 3 .6 .2 ). The appeal ot spirals in art suggests that 1. Extrapolation In this procedure the subject observes
we appreciate the underlying orderliness o f these structures, an event sequence, such as an o b ject moving in
but behavioral studies seem to be lacking. a spiral. The m otion is interrupted, and the subject
Branching structures are also well represented in nature. extrapolates the m otion by moving a point o f light,
The perceptual recognition o f different species o t tree or by selecting one o f several m otion paths. This
involves the building o f a descriptive domain that operates procedure has revealed that m ost people expect a ball
over the relevant variables, such as the num ber and spatial will move in a curved path when released from moving
disposition o t branching patterns at each node and the dis­ in a circular path. It actually moves in a straight
tance betw een nodes. Botanists have developed formal tangential path.
descriptive systems tor this purpose. The theory o t the ideal
2. The “when-does-it-look-right method In this procedure
perceiver o f spirals and trees is the m athem atical theory o f
the su bject is shown a sequence o f simulated physical
spirals and trees (phyllotaxis). It is the jo b o t experimental
events and is asked to select the one this is physically
psychology to determ ine to what exten t a human observer
correct. For exam ple, the su bject may be shown a movie
is or can becom e such an ideal perceiver tor defined
o f two balls colliding and then separating, only one o f
structural domains.
which is a true depiction o f tw o actual balls.

3. The "cognitive prism m ethod The subject is exposed for

4 .6 .3 g Causal S eq u e n ces— S tru ctu res o f Events
som e time to an event sequence that is distorted by
W h en we ask “w hat caused ‘X,’” we seek a description o f a som e means hidden from the subject. For example,
structure o t events in which " X " plays the role o t a neces­ subjects may be trained to catch a ball that moves in
sary consequent event. In theory, there is always an infinite an unnatural trajectory. O n e can measure how long it
num ber o f such descriptions, but the con text in which the takes to adapt and to what extent the adaptation affects
question is asked usually prescribes the type o f answer their perception o f the true trajectories o f moving
required. Sequences o t events over time may be represented objects.
4. V)e method o f confrontation M ost people maintain tim e, have fallen faster than if they were n o t join ed by the
grossly distorted assum ptions about the natural world. thread. But, i f this were so, one would have to say that one
For exam ple, many people believe that o b jects that o f the weights was pulling the other, which is impossible.
differ in weight fall at different velocities, that a moving The onlv• wav
в to avoid this contradiction is to assume that
ball rebounds from an identical stationary ball, and that heavy and light weights fall in equal tim e (air resistance
a thrown o b ject falls straight down alter reaching its apart).
peak height. In the m ethod o f confrontation one asks Perhaps at the root o f all theoretical scientific advances,
what people do when confronted with a display that there is a confrontation experience— a realization that the
contradicts their assumptions. old form ulation leads to a con trad iction . C o n fron tatio n
experiences are at the root o f perceptual learning, that is,
For example, m ost people believe that liquid in a tilted the acquisition o f more adequate and valid perceptual struc­
jug slants up toward the spout in proportion to the angle o f tures. C on fron tation s are also fundam ental to the scientific
tilt (Howard 1 978). In chis case, people assume a propor­ enterprise o f constru cting adequate models ot perceptual
tional relationship betw een two sensory features that does processes.
n o t exist— liquid remains horizontal as a jug is tilted. The perceptual system also em bodies im plicit rules
An amusing example o f naive understanding o f spatial about how m otion, occlusion, depth, transparency, and
relationships was provided by H in to n (1 9 8 7 ). L et a large shadingare related in real world scenes (Stoner and Albright
collection o f pins be released at random . As the pins fall in 1993). Im plicit perceptual schemata involving stereoscopic
a vacuum, will there be more vertical o r m ore horizontal depth are discussed in Sections 22.1 and 2 2 .2 .
pins? There will be many m ore horizontal pins becausc
there is only one way a pin can be vertical but many ways in
4 . 6 . 3 h S y m b o lic D e s c rip tio n s
which it can be horizontal. W h a t about falling pennies?
M ost people have a very inadequate understanding o f An ex p licit d escrip tive p ro cess is represented at the co n ­
natural dynamics, such as falling o b jects, bouncing balls, scious level and is built on the use o f symbols. Symbols
and objects released from circular m otion. People’s under­ allow things to be named and described in arbitrary abbre­
standing o f natural dynamics is discussed by Proffitt and viated representations that form the basis for an econom ical
Gilden (1 9 8 9 ). Nevertheless, artisans with no formal edu­ m nem onic system. Sym bols enable us ro define new equiva­
cation built elaborate devices through a process o f creative lence relations w ithin an existing descriptive dom ain and
im agination and trial and error (Ferguson 1977). thus derive ever more com plex descriptive functions or clus­
In some cases, people believe two features are noc related ters of such functions. Sym bolic descriptive processes can
when they are. For exam ple, m ost people say that a loop o f have great com putational depth, generality, and economy,
string held in the shape of a square encloses the same area as in the descriptive structures of science or when a person
when it is pulled in to a rectangle. They becom e confused derives a m athem atical theorem from a set o f axioms or
when the string is pulled out until the area is zero. They learns the distinctive features o f different makes o f au tom o­
assume that deform ing a loop o f string is the same as cu tting bile. W e can recursively apply a symbolic system to itself.
a shape and reassembling the pieces. The isoperim etric prin­ For example we use language to describe the grammatical
ciple states that the area o f a rectangle enclosed by a perim ­ structure o f a language. Im plicit descriptive functions
eter o f constant length is the product o fle n g th and width, underlying perception are not used recursively in this way.
which is greatest when the tw o dim ensions are equal. The perceptual system does n o t describe itself.
The history o t science is replete with examples ot how To describe an o b ject verbally one m ust identify rele­
progress was held up because people had an inappropriate vant features and their spatial or tem poral relationships.
assumption about how objects and events are related. For However, we may not be able to describe an o b ject that we
exam ple, before G alileo, everyone believed th at heavy can recognize. For example, people are generally poor at
objects fall faster than light objects. They also had an inap­ describing faces from memory. Also, we may not recognize
propriate m ental picture o f the path of' a projectile, and an o b ject that we can describe. Patients with agnosia can
believed that if the world rotated an o b ject would fall at an describe fam iliar objects w ithout being able to recognize
angle when dropped from a tower. M ost people still have them . W e can describe unfam iliar or imaginary objects.
the same erroneous m ental structures. There is an unspecifiably large num ber o f ways to describe
W hen invalid assumptive structures are found, we can any natural o b ject because an o b ject has an unspecifiably
apply the confrontation procedure described above. This is large num ber o f features— ic can be perceived as belonging
just what G alileo him self did when he becam e the first со any o f a large num ber o f scimulus domains.
person to realize that the mass o f an o b ject does nor affect Natural languages do noc achieve the sam e degree
the tim e it takes to fall a given distance. H e imagined two o f uniform ity o f symbolic expression that is achieved by
weights linked together by a fine thread. 'Ihey now becom e the formal systems o f logic and m athem atics. Languages
a heavy weight and should, by the assumptions made at the are relatively loose conglom erates o f specific descriptive
dom ains, unified by a com m on grammar (phonem ics, understand how perceivers acquire the ability to “con su lt”
syntax, and inflection) bu t n o t by a com m on set ot axioms the natural world.
or function rules. There is com putational power within Instead o f observing a real o b ject wc can observe an
local dom ains but often verv little between them . This is analog o f the object. The analog is isom orphic with some
why people tolerate so many contrad ictions and fail to aspect o f the o b ject. A photograph or retinal image is spa­
appreciate what may appear to others as obvious relation­ tially isom orphic w ith an o b ject as seen irom a particular
ships. Humans invent and enlarge the scope ot sym bolic vantage point and is said to be an “image” o fth e o b jcct. If
descriptive systems in historical rime. an image is blurred, faded, enlarged, projected at an angle,
An explicit description o f an o b ject may include the rotated, or stretched, it may be possible to restore or
nature o f its parts and the way they are organized, rhe “norm alize” it to congruence with the o b ject and apply a
way the item changes over tim e, and what it does when han­ superim position o r “tem plate-m atching” test to check its
dled in some way. M insky (1 9 6 1 ) called these descriptions identity.
“articular” descriptions to distinguish them from simple M ost com puter pattern-recognition devices operate in
class assignm ent descriptions (see also Clowes 1971). Such this way. M ental images can be rhought o f as analogs o f
descriptions are potentially infinite tor any o bject, tor they objects in this sense, but many good arguments have been
may be applied recursively; that is, each product o f analysis put forward tor doubting that the tem plate-m atching pro­
can be an item ot further analysis. cedure plays a dom inant role in human pattern recognition
The descriptions that we trust the m ost are used to (N cisscr 1967; Pylyshyn 1973). There is no need to repeat
define and construct what we call reality. W e then use this those arguments here.
con stru ct to test the validity o f other descriptive systems. The medium in which an analog o f an o b ject is repre­
Generally speaking, today s scientific descriptions are based sented can be arbitrarily related to the o b ject or event.
on identity m atching operations such as are involved in Temporal events can be represented as spatial analogs and
using rulers and reading a vernier scale, or m atching D N A vice versa. For example, a phonograph record is a spatial
sequences. These highly valid and often highly sophisticated a n a lo g o f a piece o f music, and a radio signal is isom orphic
modes o f perceiving and describing the world were devel­ with a televised picture. The frequency o f nerve impulses
oped in historical tim e. The less developed they are, the less can be described by an experimenter as an analog o f the
adequate are the means o t resolving contradictory experi­ intensity o f a stimulus. For any system to recognize that
ences, and humans invent the co n cep t o f “magic.” That is, som ething is isom orphic with som ething else it is necessary
they deliberately tolerate contrad ictions by saying that they lo r the system to express the structure o f the two things in a
exist in the world and not just in their own imaginary com m on medium o f representation. O n e can n o t com pute
descriptive domains. over incom patible data.
Even when techniques and knowledge are generally In an analog com puter, variables in a uniform analog
available for resolving con flictin g experiences many people, medium, namely voltages in an electrical netw ork, are set
who should know better, accept magical explanations ot up to be isom orphic with a defined physical system, such as
illusory effects, such as the conjuring tricks o f m ediums and an aerodynamic system used for designing aircraft. The
stage mystics. sense organs achieve a general uniform ity o f expression by
We can discover new descriptive dom ains by observing transducing all stim uli in to patterns o f nervous activity
objects and events in the natural world. For exam ple, we (see Rushton 1 9 6 1 ). Such a uniform medium o f expression
may walk around an o bject, or fly around the m oon to provides the basic “hardware” com patibility that any natu­
discover its 3 -D structure. We invent m icroscopes and ral or artificial com puter requires. However, in spite ot this
telescopes to reveal new worlds. underlying uniform ity in the nervous system, any given
We can use the world .is an analog com puter. For stimulus o b ject may com e to be represented in the nervous
example, the correct shape o f an arch (a catenary) can system in a variety o f ways. For instance, an o b ject is coded
be determ ined by hanging a rope. W e can determ ine the very differently by the eyes than by the sense o f touch. If the
gravitational con stan t by observing a swinging pendulum. perceiver is to recognize that a seen o b je ct is the same as a
In each case, we get a “readout” ot a natural process in felt o b ject it must converge the two coded representations
the form o f a stimulus display. W c need sense organs, knowl­ into a com m on com putable form .
edge, and a perceptual schema or an explicit theory W hen we use an analogcom pu ter we do essentially the
with which to interpret the display in relation to the task same thing as observing natural objects or events but speed
we are perform ing or the question we are asking. We the process up and bring it within a smaller spatial and tem ­
can also use the world as a memory/ store in the torm ot poral compass by sim ulating the feature o f the world we are
objects or events that can be displayed or attended to at interested in. W h en we use a digital com puter, we eco n o ­
will. Hum ans are m ore intelligent than digital com puters mize further by having a single m achine that can simulate
mainly because they have a two-way interface with rhe any well-defined feature o fth e world within a uniform and

natural world. O n e task ot any theory ot perception is to econom ical medium o f expression (digital symbols).
The mosc powerful representational and descriptive sys­ for som e m inutes induces an aftereffect that resembles the
tems are more sym bolic than analogical. A syscem is sym­ other m em ber ot the pair. For exam ple, inspection ot a
bolic to the extent that units o f expression are arbitrarily radial pattern creates an aftereffect o f concentric rings and
related to the items represented. All sym bolic systems retain vice versa (M acKay 1961). G allant et al. (1 9 9 3 ) found some
som e analogical features. For instance, expressing the fo r­ cclls in area V 4 o f the m onkey that responded selectively to
mula for a circle in term s o f noncom plcx, positive, rational stim uli resembling one or another o f the Lie orbits. Lie
numbers implies som e isom orphism between the selected operators are related to the operators o f differential geom ­
properties o f the number space and chc spatial properties o f etry that have been used to describe patterns o f binocular
circles. M athem atics is the isom orphic mapping o f aspects disparity (Section 19.5).
o f real or imaginary things inco a structured symbol system Although geom etrical operations arc em bodied in che
with rigorously defined axiom s and syntax. visual system, we are not consciously aware o f them.
Sym bolic systems often involve che conversion o f W ith o u t specific training, im plicit rules do not provide a
descriptions inco linear scrings o f symbols. Thus, whac may basis tor explicit knowledge. Nevertheless, we are aware
be an underlying n-dim cnsional descriptive scruccure is when a visual scene does not conform to the usual geom et­
reduced to an n-1 dim ensional expression. As in the projec­ rical principles. For example, we can usually tell when a
tion o f objects into a picturc plane, this reduction o f dim en­ drawing does not have the correct perspective and wc are
sions leads to am biguity. Thus, rules of syntax are needed to puzzled by drawings, such as those by the artist Escher, that
disambiguate the symbol string and parse it back in to a violate the principles o f topology.
higher dim ensional structure, what psycholinguists call a
syntax-free expression or deep structure.
4 .7 .2 T H F. G E O M E T RY О F V IS U A L SPA С E

For ordinary purposes we use Euclidean geom etry to record

4 .7 G E O M E T R Y A P P L IE D T O the positions o f objects in the world. O n a cosm ic scale,
V IS U A L S P A C E Einstein used non-Euclidean geom etry to describe the
intrinsic curvature o f space-time in the neighborhood ot
massive objects. O n e can ask w hether the visual system has
4 .7 .1 IM P L IC IT P R IN C IP L E S OF
an intrinsic geom etry in terms o f w hich the positions o f
o b jects are perceived. I f so, this geom etry should manifest
'lb rhe excenc chac we use perspective со make judgmencs itself in the way people perform psychophysical tasks, and
abouc relative distances, the visual system must embody we should be able to derive the basic parameters ot the
the rules o f projective geom etry that were described in intrinsic geom etry o f visual space.
Section 3 .7.2c. However, people are not aware o f these The axes o f Euclidean geom etry are straight, and
rules. This issue is discussed in C hapter 26. Euclidean space has zero curvature. In Riem annian hyper­
The generic view point described in S ection 4 .5 .9 c is a bolic geometry, space is curved. A space o f positive curva­
general example o f how che visual syscem em bodies some ture is elliptical, and the axes o f a Riem annian elliptical
general rules about the spatial structure o t objects. geom etry lie on the surface ot a sphere or ellipsoid. A space
An o b je ct may appear com plete when only part o f it is o f negative curvature is hyperbolic, and the axes o f a
in view. The perceptual system em bodies a set ot structural Riemannian geom etry lie on a hyperbolic cone. In Euclidean
rules about how corners, edges, and surfaces are connected geom etry, the angles o f a triangle sum to 180°, but in
in 3 -D o b jects, and how a changing image can signify a solid Riem annian geom etry they sum to more or less than 180°.
rotating o b ject (see Section 2 8 .5 ). O b jects that do not co n ­ For example, on the surface o f a sphere, the angles o f a
form to these rules, such as the o b ject in Figure 3 .2 2 are triangle sum to more than 180c.
imm ediately recognized as impossible. However, we are In Euclidean space, the shortest distance betw een two
usually unable to state why the o b ject is impossible. These points (a geodesic) is a straight line but, in Riemannian
perceptual abilities mean that the visual system muse geom etry, geodesics are curved. For example, the shortest
em body some o f the principles o f topology that were distance betw een two points on the surface o t a sphere lies
described in Section 3.7.2d . This issue is discussed in along the equatorial circle, o r great circlc, through the
Section 2 7.2. points. Since all great circles intersect, like lines o t longi­
Basic transform ations ot visual stim uli, such as the tude on the Earth, geodesies in elliptical geom etry cannot
changing size or shape o f the retinal image as an object be parallel in the sense o f never m eeting. I f we assume that
moves in 3-D space, or patterns o f optic flow produced by the space o f visual perception is Riemannian with constant
self-m otion can be described in terms o f Lie operators curvature, then the main task is to determ ine the constant
(Section 3 .7 .1 ). It has been proposed that these operators that determ ines that curvature.
are embedded in the visual system (H offm an 1 9 6 6 ; Dodwell W h ile visiting the D artm outh Institute in New
1 9 8 3 ). Inspection o f one m em ber o f any pair o f Lie orbits Hampshire in 1 9 4 5 , R ud olf Luncburg was shown some
data on spacc perception chat did noc conform со Euclidean lines appear parallel. O n the other hand, they may adopt an
geometry. H e also considered the puzzling results in the analytic criterion and report that the images converge
Blum enfcld alley experim ents (Blum cnfeld 1913). In the (C arlson 1962). Even i f subjects are carefully instructed,
d ista n ce alley, subjects are shown a pair ot fixed lights on one cannot be sure about the criterion they use because they
the horizon, one on each side o f the median plane. A pair o f themselves may not be fully aware o f what they arc doing.
test lights is then presented at dilferent distances on the Also, judgm ents o f the size and distance o f objects vary with
horizon plane and the subject adjusts their separation until the psychophysical method (Ehrenstcin 1 9 7 7 ). The quest
it appears the same as that o f che fixed lights. In che parallel tor a unified geom etry ol binocular visual space based on
alley, subjects adjust two receding lines ot lights term inat­ judgm ents made under conditions o f reduced depth in for­
ing in the fixed lights until they appear parallel. In Euclidean m ation is doom ed to failure.
space the settings in the two tasks should m atch. In fact, the Koenderink and van D o om (2 0 0 0 ) used a different
lights in the parallel alley arc usually placed nearer rhe procedure. O bservers stood in one spot on a large meadow
median plane than are those in the distance alley. with knee-high grass and distant trees and buildings. By
I.u n eb u rg (1 9 4 7 , 1 9 5 0 ) concluded that settings in alley rem ote con trol, they set a horizontal pointer supported in a
experim ents correspond to a non-Euclidean hyperbolic cu be to align with a sphere, w ith both pointer and sphere at
geom etry— a geom etry o f constant negative curvature. In eye level. The pointer and sphere were at chc same distance
the mapping trom Euclidean o b ject space to visual space, and 120° apart. D istance varied up to 2 5 meters. Thus, the
egocentric directions arc preserved, bu t near distances arc pointer, sphere, and subject formed a triangle and the co r­
expanded and far distances are contracted. This conclusion rect setting o f the arrow was 30°. The curvature o f
has general validity only if the perceptual geom etry remains Ricm annian geom etry can be derived from the exten t to
the same across various tasks. But we will now see that this which the sum o f the angles o f a triangle departs from 180°.
is noc so. The triangle derived from pointer settings indicated a space
A parallel array o f lights probably provides more infor­ of positive (elliptic) curvature tor near distances and a space
mation abouc absolucc and rclacivc discances chan do chc o f negative (hyperbolic) curvature for far distances. The
two pairs ot lights in the distance alley. For example, sup­ transition occurred at about 2 meters. O n e crucial factor is
pose thac the distances o f the lights in the distance-alley are the accuracy o f che angular seccing o f che pointer and sup­
underestimated relative to the distances o f the lights in the porting cube to the required angle o f 30° as a function o f
parallel alley. Because o f size-distance scaling, observers distance. Binocu lar disparity would probably becom e inef­
would perceive the distance-alley lights as closer together fective at about 2 meters, leaving only perspective. If the
than the parallel-alley lights. results arise from a changing bias in the local setting o f the
Luneburgdied in 1 9 4 9 ,but Blank and others continued arrow to 30° they tell us little about the global geometrical
to work on che cheory in che Knapp Laboratory at Columbia structure o f visual spacc.
University until 1 9 5 2 (B la n k 1953, 1958). Relevant experi- In a later experim ent, rhe locations o f the pointer, target,
mencs were also performed by Zajaczkowska (1 9 5 6 ), and observer formed a right-angled triangle. Settings o f the
Shipley (1 9 5 7 a , 19 5 7 b ), Foley ( 19 6 4 ), Indow and W atanabe pointer to the target were noc che same after chc positions o f
(1 9 8 4 ), Rosar ( 1 9 8 5 ), and W agner (1 9 8 5 ). the target and pointer were interchanged. The results rule
This work was mocivaced by a desire со find a consiscent out the existence o f a consistent subjective scale o f straight-
im plicit geom etry ot visual space that underlies all visual ness becween two points. They therefore rule out the notion
experience, analogous to geom etries used in physics to o f a simple hom ogeneous spacc underlying visual percep­
describe the structure o f space-tim e. But the formal theory tion (K oend erink et al. 2 0 0 8 ).
is based on a restricted set o f assumptions and viewing co n ­ An array o f vertical rods in a froncal plane appears со lie
ditions and tells us n othing about visual mechanisms. The on a convex surface at near distances and on a concave sur­
experim ents are highly artificial and chc geomecry chcy facc at far distances. This is known as che H cring-H illebrand
reveal varies widely/ between individuals and betw een tasks. deviacion. This is noc due со an inherent curvature o t b in ­
The results o f a given experim ent may have little to do w ith ocular visual space but rather to a lack o f relevanc discancc
how we perceive spatial relations in com plex visual scenes inform ation. W h en more inform ation is added, the distri­
(H e ch t et al. 1 9 9 9 ). In any case, human space perception is bution o f the lines is perceived correctly (Section s 14.6.2
subject to adaptation, contrast, figural interactions, cue and 20.6.5a).
interactions, and long-term recalibration. Furthermore, d if­ Koenderink et al. (2 0 0 2 ) had subjects set a vertical pole
ferent visual subsystems may conform со different geom e­ to the same frontal plane as two ilanking poles with all cues
tries, because different cues are affected in different ways by to depth present. The Hanking poles were 2 or 10 m from
changes in stimulus conditions. the subject and 3 0 , 6 0 , or 120° apart. Tw o o f the four sub­
There is also the problem o f instructions and scoring cri­ jects performed almost perfectly, bur there was a general
teria. A person viewing railway lines extending into che dis­ tendency for the rods to appear frontal when they fell on a
tance may adopt a realistic criterion and report that the surfacc concave toward the subject. Thus, an array o t frontal
poles would appear convex (negative curvature). This is Even com plex stim uli autom atically accracc our atcen-
opposite to the result obtained by K ocndcrink and van tion. For example, we react autom atically to potentially
D o o m with the pointing task, which indicates that the dangerous objects and to sexually attractive people. W'c
“curvature” o f visual space is task-specific. respond more rapidly to a peripheral stimulus when it is
C uijpers c t al. (2 0 0 0 ) asked subjects to rotate a test bar one that we sec anocher person looking at (Friesen et al.
on a vertical axis until it appeared parallel to a com parison 2 0 0 5 ). W c rapidly notice objects that suddenly appear in
bar. Both bars were horizontal, at eye height, and seen the center o f a visual scene, especially when wc do n o t expect
against wrinkled black plastic. Errors increased linearly to see them in that co n text (Biederm an 1 9 8 1 ). In all these
with increasing separation o f the bars, and were up to 4 0 u. cases the stimuli have a built-in salicncy and are said to
Errors did nor vary with viewing distance. C uijpers e t al. exhibit attentional capture.
(2 0 0 2 ) used the same apparatus, but changed the task to W h en we deliberately plan a course ot action we first
that o f setting the bars into collinearity. However, these search for relevant stimuli or memories. This involves refer­
deviations were m uch smaller than the parallel-setting ring to informacion stored in memory. Relevant stimuli gain
errors in the earlier experim ent. These results confirm that accencional salicncy. Usually, we arc in a familiar environ-
the intrinsic geom etry of visual space varies w ith the type menc and our behavior involves a continuous sequence ot
o f task. more-or-less familiar actions. W e therefore know where to
W e must discard the notion o f that the m etric o t visual look for relevant stimuli. For example, when driving we
space conform s to a consistent geometry. know where to look for road signs. The relevance o f stimuli
The geom etry ot binocular visual space is discussed in che visual field is sec by the demands o f the task and by our
further in Section 2 6.1. fam iliarity with che environm ent and the task. In an unfa-

miliar environment we search tor relevant stimuli and may

be bewildered when we do not find any familiar objects.
4.8 MECHANISMS OF ATTENTION For any natural scene there is an unspecifiably large
number o f stimuli that may be relevant to a given task. For
example, when a person drives a car, salient stimuli include
4 .8 .1 T H E N A T U R E O F A T T E N T IO N
red lights, stop signs, approaching pedestrians, and optic
A ttention is the process o f concentrating lim ited percep­ tlow. The same stim uli may have no salicncy for a passenger
tual, m nem onic, and response resources on the task o f who, instead, may be interested in the con ten ts o f a shop
im m ediate im portance. All stim uli are initially processed in window. Also, for any stim ulus o b je ct there is an unlim ited
parallel in the sense organs, thalamus, and primary cortical num ber o f tasks that could be performed. These tacts are
areas. But the initial processing is carried o u t only to a cer­ easily ignored in studies involving a restricted set o f stimuli
tain level, which has been called the prcattcntivc level and well-defined responses.
(Neisser 1 967). Itw ould require an impossibly large am ount A distinction is drawn between stimulus features that
o f neural m achinery to analyze all sensory inputs in arc processed in parallel that immediately “pop o u t” in
detail. In any case, there is a response bottleneck in rhe mixed displays, and features that arc identified only after a
response system. We can move a lim b or the body in only serial search (Beck 1967, 1 9 7 2 ). A feature is said to be pro­
one direction at a time. cessed in parallel when the time taken to find a single o b ject
Visual items ot particular interest are fovcatcd, attended with one value o f the feature is independent o t the num ber
to, and processed in greater detail at the level o f focal atten­ o f surrounding o b jects that have a different value o f chc fea­
tion. Typically an act o f visual attention involves the follow­ ture. For instance, the tim e taken со find a vertical line set
ing stages. am ong horizontal lines is independent o f che num ber o f
horizontal lines in the display. Features processed in parallel
are described as being processed preattentively because one
4.8 .1 a Task and S tim u lu s Selection
does noc need to perform a serial search to find them.
Som e simple stimuli have an innate salicncy, which impels A feature is said to require a serial search when the time
us to attend to them and respond to them whatever we arc- taken to find an o b ject with a given value o f the feature
doing. For example, a sudden m ovem ent in peripheral increases with che num ber o f ocher objcccs in chc display
vision triggers a startle response and autom atically causes (Trcism an 1988).
the gaze to shift in that direction. A loom ing o b ject on a Visual features that are processed preattentively include
collision course generates an avoidance response, while an orientation ,color, curvature, flicker, m otion, size, and depth
o b je c t noc on a collision course does not. A sudden move­ (Julcsz and Bergen 1983). Each o f chese features is served
m ent o f rhe ground generares an autom atic postural bv dedicated feature detectors, either in the retina or in the

response. A loud noise or an unexpected tactile stimulus primary visual cortex. However, we will see that m ore co m ­
generates a startle response. These responses involve only plex stimulus features served by dedicated detectors at a
bottom -up processing of stimuli. higher level may also be detected preattentively.
Features thac are processed preattentively arc noc vase-profile figure or B o rin g s w ife-m other-in-law figure,
immune to the effects o f attention. For exam ple, an oddly the perceived identity o f the figure may change w ithout any
oriented elem ent was identified in a briefly exposed array change in the stimulus. Even w ithout a stimulus, we can use
less accurately when subjects had to identify a letter pre­ our attention processes to recall a particular memory, imag­
sented at the same tim e (Joseph et al. 1 9 9 7 ). This type o f ine a real o r con cocted o bject, or execute a particular
attcntional blockage was found not to operate betw een a action.
visual stimulus and an auditory stimulus (D uncan et al. The basic purpose o f attention is to engage those per­
1997). ceptual, memory, and overt response processes appropriate
to the perform ance ot a given task. Signals in the visual
cortex from an attended o b ject or feature are passed to rel­
4 .8 .1 b Sw itch o f A tten tion
evant high-order processors. Signals from nonattended
W h en a stim ulus relevant to a given task has been found, objects are simply n o t passed on to higher centers. They
attention must be disengaged from the o b ject that is pres­ continue to be processed at lower levels, but the objects
ently fixated and reengaged on the task-relevant o b ject remain unidentified and not remembered (Everling et al.
(Posner 1 980). The disengagemcnc process is revealed by 2 0 0 2 ; Pinsk et al. 2 0 0 4 ).
che fact chat a saccadic eye movement to a newly attended
o b je ct has a shorter latency when the gaze is not initially
4 .8 .2 S T I M U L U S F A C T O R S IN A T T E N T I O N
centered on another o b ject (M ackebcn and Nakayama
1993). There has been a debate about whether we attend to loca­
Typically, we shift our gaze to bring the image o f a salient tions, to o bjects, or to stimulus features. These alternatives
o b je ct o n to the fovea, where it can be processed in detail. are som etim es treated as distinct theories o t attention.
We can attend to an o b je ct in the visual periphery while However, each factor is involved in determ ining the span o f
fixating a central o bject, but the low resolution o f the attention and the ease o f visual search. W h ich factor is
peripheral retina allows us to process only its coarse fea­ d om inant depends on the stimulus and the task. The fol­
tures. A change o f gaze may n o t be required when attention lowing is a b rie f review o l the voluminous literature on this
shifts from one feature to another feature o f the same topic.

4 .8 .2 a L o catio n -B ased A tte n tio n

4 .8 .1 c Sen sorv/ E n h a n ce m e n t
According to the spotlight theory ot attention, at any
There is behavioral evidence that the effective contrast m om ent wc assimilate inform ation only w ithin a particular
o f an attended visual o b ject is enhanced and that o f sur­ area o f visual space. In one sense, this theory is trivially true.
rounding nonattended objects is reduced (C ap u to and We can detect fine detail only w ithin a radius o f about Г
Guerra 19 9 8 ; C utzu and Tsotsos 2 0 0 3 ). Physiological evi­ round the fovea. But the other claim o f the theory is that
dence suggests that these etfccts are due to feedback the spatial resolution o f chc accencion mechanism is much
from higher centers (Vandutfel et al. 2 0 0 0 ). Tsotsos e t al. coarser than the basic spatial resolution o f the visual system.
(1 9 9 5 ) modeled these processes. Reynolds and Chelazzi This issue com es under the heading o f visual crow ding,
(2 0 0 4 ) reviewed the evidence that top-dow n attcntional which is discussed in the next section.
modulation o f neural activity is due to increased contrast
4 .8 .2 b O b je c t-B a s e d A tten tio n

O bject-based theories o f attention stipulate that perception

4.8.1 d E n g ag em en t of Relevant
takes place in tw o stages. Ac the preactentivc stage che
H ig h -O r d e r Processes
visual scene is scgmcnccd into d istin ct objects on the basis
The real w ork o f visual attention starts only after we have o f con tou r continuity and proximity, and sim ilarity o f
foveatcd a selected o bject. We must then decide which parts texture, color, and m otion. At the focal a tte n tio n stage a
o r which features o t the o b ject we are interested in and what particular o b je ct is sclccced for detailed processing (Neisser
responses to make. For any real o b ject there is an unspecifi- 1967).
ably large num ber ot parts or features that can be attended This theory is clearly true when we are presented with a
to anil an unspecifiably large num ber o f responses that can display o f well-separated simple objects. For example, it is
be made. For example, when wc look at a face we can attend easier to d etect two distinct features ot an o b ject than to
to its sex, age, expression, race, spatial attitude, m otion, detect che same two features discributed betw een two
o r to any num ber o f other general features. We may also objects (D u n can 1984).
attend to any local feature o f the face, such as the nose or a But m ost o b jects consist o f many parts. For example,
dim ple in the chin. In an am biguous figure, such as Rubin s the Jacquard silk-weaving loom shown in Figure 4 .1 8 has
separate simple features but not on com binations o f
features. This is called the featu re-in teg ratio n th eory
(Trcisman 1988). O n e problem in applying the theory is
that ol defining a simple feature. There are at least three
ways to define a simple feature.

1. Sim ple features may be defined as those that are

processed in parallel. This definition renders the
feature-integration theory circular.

2. A second approach is to define a simple feature as one

involving only one sensory dim ension, such as position,
color, m ovem ent, or orientation. There is then the
problem o f defining what is m eant by one sensory
dim ension. For instance, all the so-called single features
studied by Treisman (1 9 8 2 ) are really conjunctive
because the stim uli differed in retinal position as well as
in the feature being studied.

Treisman and Gelade (1 9 8 0 ) argued that stimulus

identification precedes localization while Sagi andju lesz
(1 9 8 4 ) and G reen (1 9 9 2 ) showed that identification
and localization can proceed in parallel. The answer one
gets depends on the nature o f the task (Saarinen 1996).
An identification task can be simple, such as saying
which is the odd stimulus, o r it can be com plex, such as
describing the stimulus. Similarly, a localization task can
be that o f reporting the position o f a stimulus, saying
F.Rurc « .is . 7b ejd cifu a rd stlk tvcA tingU om . The w hole loom is an o b jccc but how many odd stimuli there are, or saying where an odd
so to o arc all o f its m any p arts and saibparts.
stimulus is with reference to other stimuli.

3. Finally, one can define a simple feature as one processed

hundreds o f pares, each o f w hich can be regarded as a dis­ by a dedicated feature detector at an early stage in visual
tin ct o b ject. W h en we attend to the whole o b ject we recog­ processing. O n this basis, a conjunctive feature would
nize it as a loom and can give it a name. W e can also attend lie detected preattentivelv i f it had a detector
to and name each m ajor com pon ent, such as the fram e, specifically tuned to specific feature conjunctions.
the shuttle, or the cloth. We can also attend to su bcom p o­ A moving target letter X was rapidly detected when set
nents. For example, we can attend to the belt that contains in an array o f stationary X s and moving O s. Thus a
the weaving code, to one horizontal elem ent o f the belt, con ju n ction o f form and m otion was detected
or to one hole in one elem ent. M any parts o f the loom preattentively (M cL eod et al. 1988). A conju nction ot
lose their distinct identity as parts o f a loom when seen in color and form was also detected preattentively (W olfe
isolation. et al. 1989). Treisman has agreed that certain
conjunctive features are processed in parallel and
discussed various theories to account tor this type ot
4 .8 .2 c Feature-Based A tten tion
processing ( Treisman and Sato 1990).
The time taken to find an object that differs from other
objects is independent o f the num ber o f objects in the dis­ A related issue is whether one can acquire, through
play when the target o b ject and the distracters differ in learning, a dedicated d etecto r for a given feature. W ang
terms o f a simple feature such as color, line orientation, or et al. (1 9 9 4 ) found that a letter S is easily seen am ong m irror
m otion. However, it has been reported that detection o f an reversed S s but only when the shapes arc vertical, that is,
o b ject defined by the con ju n ction o f two or more simple when the S looks like a letter.
features is serial (Trcism an and G cladc 1980). For example, People can conduct a parallel search in a 2-D display
a line that is both red and vertical does not pop out when for a feature such as color for which there are d etectors at
em bedded in a display o f lines that can be either red and each location ot the display. We will see in Section 2 2 .8 .2
horizontal or blue and vertical. A ccording to this evidence, that the same is true for the detection o f visual features in
visual processing at the prcattcntivc level operates on disparity-defined 3 -D space.
4 .8 .3 A T T E N T IO N A N D S T IM U L U S for some tim e a patch o f grating, either alone or flanked by
C R O W D IN G patches in o ther orientations. The tw o stim uli produced the
same elevation o f the contrast-detection threshold in a sub­
4 .8 .3 a The Basic Features o f C ro w d in g
sequently presented isolated test patch ol the same orienta­
Spatial attention has been likened to a spotlight that selects tion. In other words, the crowded patch produced the same
stimuli from w ithin a given area o fth e visual field. The pro­ orientation-specific adaptation as che isolated patch, even
cess works best when a person is required to respond in а though the orientation o fth e crowded patch could n o t be
well-defined way to a fam iliar isolated o bject. For example, detected. 'Ihus, signals confused at a high level were resolved
we readily identify a letter presented on a blank background. at a low-level. He ec al. concluded chat crowding is due to
Bur the attentional m echanism may have difficulty isolating the low spatial resolution o fth e attention m echanism .
a relevant o b ject when it is set am ong other objects. For C row ding in hyperacuities could be m ediated by lateral
example, a letter flanked by other letters takes longer to cortical con nection s (see Scction 5 .5 .6 ). The spatial range
recognize than an isolated letter. This effect is known as ot crow ding is similar to the spatial range ot these co n n ec­
crowding. Crow ding weakens as the distance betw een the tions, and both processes show a sim ilar dependence on
target letter and the distractcr letters increases (Friksen and stimulus eccentricity (Tripathy and Levi 1994). Also, che
F.rikscn 1 974). B u t crow ding increases as the stim uli are range o f crow ding in vernier acuicy corresponded со che
moved into the retinal periphery. Boum a (1 9 7 0 ) summed spacing ot ocular dom inance colum ns in che visual cortex
up these effects by stating that the critical spacing for (Levi D M et al. 1 9 8 5 ). Registration o f position involves
identification o t neighboring stimuli is roughly halt the integrating inform ation over a relatively large area in the
eccentricity. The critical spacing is independent o f die stim ­ visual cortex. Levi e t al. referred to this cortical integration
ulus objects or their size. This has becom e known as area as a "perceptive hypercolumn. '
Bourn a’s law.
A grating is not detectable when its spatial frequency
4 .8 .3 c Low Spatial R eso lu tio n o f A tte n tio n
exceeds about 6 0 cpd. This is not crowding. It is due to the
lim ited resolution o f eye optics and the spacing o f retinal It has been argued that the atten tion spotlight has low spa­
receptors. tial resolution so that the identification o f an o b ject is
Crow ding differs from masking that occurs when super­ degraded by nearby similar objects. But »r is difficult to
imposed stim uli are presented simultaneously or succes­ understand why the spatial resolution o f high-level visual
sively (Section 13.2.1). A masked stimulus is noc visible, processes should be any worse than that o f rhe basic resolu­
whereas a crowded stimulus is visible but not recognizable. tion o f the visual system. W e have no difficulty attending to
M asking is explained in term s o f inh ibitory interactions a particular doc in a random -dot display, as long as doc den-
between excitatory and inhibitory regions ot the receptive sicy does n o t exceed the basic resolution ot the visual system.
fields o f ganglion cells o f co rtical cells. It occurs at a low- If the attention mechanism had low spatial resolution,
level o f visual processing where stim uli com pete tor access crowding would occur for all simple stimulus features. But
to further processing. In crow ding, all the stim uli are the color o f a patch becom es m ore evident when the patch
detected but interfere with each other at the level where is surrounded by patches in other colors. The color o t an
spatial features arc integrated into distinct objects (Pelli isolated spoc cends со fade wich sceady fixacion. Similarly,
et al. 2 0 0 4 a ; Pelli and Tillm an 2 0 0 8 ). the m otion o f an isolated spot is difficult to detect but is
The follow ing sections describe three ways to think easy to detect when seen in the con text o f spots m oving in
about crow ding: ditterent directions (H oward and Howard 1 9 9 4 ). These
etfects arc the opposite o f those predicted from low resolu­
tion o f the attentional spotlight. Tightly packed colored
4 .8 .3 b C ro w d in g E ffc c ts in H ypcracu itics
dots engage in m etam eric color m ixing, as in co lo r printing.
Vernier acuity and other hyperacuities can be a few seconds Also, closely packed dots m oving in different directions
o f arc. They reflect the capacity o f the visual system to regis­ metamerize to an interm ediate m otion direction. But
ter the relative positions o f two stimuli in distinct locations. metamerism occurs onlvJ when the stimuli fall within
Vernier acuity is degraded when the test lines are flanked by the resolution lim its o f the low-level feature-detection
parallel lines several m inutes ot arc away (W cstheim cr and mechanism. M etamerism is noc crowding.
Hauskc 1 975). Stereoscopic acuity is also degraded by
flanking lines (Section 18.6.2a). In boch cases, crow ding is
4 .8 .3 d Effects o f C o m p e titiv e Figural G rouping
evident when the test stimuli and flanking stimuli are pre­
sented to different eyes (see Section 13.2.5). This proves Crow ding with com plex stim uli is due principally to am bi­
that the etfects are cortical. guities in figural grouping. For that reason it is evident only
He et al. (1 9 9 6 ) showed that crow ding in orientation for stim uli consisting o f spatially organized elements.
discrim ination is a high-level process. Subjects inspected Stim ulus elem ents ot neighboring objects becom e grouped
F^urc «. 19. C row ding d u e to com peting grouping o f tines. The square is d i tliciilc
to d c tc c t w hen n o t shaded.

with elem ents o f the target o bject. This grouping is most

likely to occur .it high levels o f visual processing, where
com plex structures arc segregated and detected. The follow­
ing evidence supports this conclusion.

1. Overlapping shapes with multiple groupings It is not easy

to see the square in Figure 4 .1 9 when it is n o t shaded.
This is because chc lines com prising the square also form
shapes with other lines. This is the principle o f
cam ou flage. A m biguity o f figure-ground organization
or o f figural interpretation are special cases that were
discussed in Section 4.5.9.
Fig«rc 4.20. Perception o f in teg ral $ -D structure. (A ) Each o b jc c t has many
2. Overlapping shapes with unambiguous grouping W c
parts seen as fo rm in g to o n e o b je c t. ( B ) W h e n superim posed, th e tw o
readily recognize a com plex 3 -D o b ject as one object
o b je c ts can still be seen. ( C ) A d ifferen ce in c o lo r helps to segregate chc
even though it consists o f many overlapping parts, as in o b jects. ( D ) Sep aration in d ep th produced by fusing th e tw o im ages
the two objeccs in Figure 4 .2 0 A . In each o b ject, che helps to segregate the o b jects.

pares form a coherent structure because lines jo in in

consistent ways that conform to a 3 -D structure. O b je ct
shapes. Thus, the letter v in Figure 4.21 is difficult to
coherence is also fostered by the bilateral symmetry o f
detect when embedded in cursive script. But a vertical
each o bject. W c still rccognizc the two objects when
offset or the addition o f vertical lines betw een the
they are superimposed, as in Figure 4 .2 0 B . They remain
letters helps со segregace che letters. These effects cannot
distinct objects bccausc the lines in one drawing do not
be explained by lateral inhibition or by low spatial
coincide with or abut those in the other. A t any
resolution. The vertically shifted lecters occupy a smaller
wc can acccnd to one o f the overlapping drawings and
area than the letters in a linear string. A ccording to the
ignore the other. This is easier when the shapes differ
spatial resolution accounc chis should make ic more
in color or arc separated in depth, as in Figure 4 .2 0 C
difficult со resolve the offset leccers. Also, the vertical
and D.
lines should increase the effect o f lateral inhibicion.
T ip p er (1 9 8 5 ) briefly presented superimposed drawings
o f two objects, one in red and the other in green.
Subjects were asked to attend to the red o b ject and
ignore the green o b jcct. O n e second later they were
asked со name che red o b ject in a second pair o f
superimposed drawings. They responded more quickly
when che two red objeccs were same com pared wich
when che second red objccc was chc one chcv had
previously ignored. This atten cional p rim in g effect
illuscratcs thac it takes tim e to disengage actention from
one ob ject and sw itch it to a second o bject.
Figure 1.21 . A m biguous grou pin g o f neighborin g shapes. T h e letter v is difficu lt
3. Ambiguous grouping o f neighboring shapes A to d c tcc t when jo in ed to O ther letters. T h e v is easier to see when
becom e difficult со dceecc when joined to vertically staggered o r w hen vertical m arkers segregate the letters.
T h e effects in Figure 4 .1 9 arise because there arc several The basic problem arises because neurons ac higher
ways со group che stimulus elem ents. This problem levels o f che visual system have large receptive fields. The
would scill arise even if chc atccncion mechanism had receptive fields must be large because the neurons integrate
high spacial resolution. inform ation from a given region so as to d etect stimulus
configurations such as curvcd lines, angles, or various types
Spatially defined stimuli, such as leccers, chat differ in
o f contour junctions. But this means that the receptive field
color or morion do noc show crow ding. They “pop our”
o f a given neuron may contain elem ents from two o r more
racher chan being grouped with neighboring scimuli. For
distinct figures that happen to be contiguous or superim­
example, D river and Bayliss (1 9 8 9 ) found that moving
posed. Suppose chac by the cooperative processing o f several
discraccer leccers had lictle effect on chc accuracy or
neighboring neurons or by prior knowledge o fth e stimuli,
speed o f recognition o f a stationary letter. The adverse
one figure is recognized. It would then be beneficial it other
effects o f flanking lines on vernier acuicv were removed
interpretations or figural groupings o f che scimulus complex
when the vernier lines and the flanking lines differed in
were suppressed. This has been termed the n eig h b o rin g
color, concrasc sign, or disparity (Sayim ec al. 2 0 0 8 ).
in h ib itio n hypothesis. A ccording to this hypothesis, once
Also, che concrasc or tile of a (la b o r patch becam e more
a given figure has been attended to and recognized,
difficult to detect when surrounding patches were made
overlapping or neighboring figures that fall w ithin the same
similar in orientation or length (Saarela e t al. 2 0 0 9 ).
receptive field should be suppressed. Physiological evidence
Thus, visual stimuli with similar simple spatial features
showing that attention increases sensitivity со chc attended
are passed on to a high-order mechanism, where they
o b ject was presented in Section 5.9.2. L et us look at the
becom e subject to ambiguous grouping. Hue chc
behavioral evidence for this hypothesis.
am biguity ofgrou p in g is resolved if the stim uli differ,
A spot placed on one region o t a reversible figure-ground
especially if they differ in a nonspatial feature, such as
display, such as a M altese cross, is detected at a lower lum i­
color or m otion. Also, there is less crow ding between
nancc when that region is seen as a figure than when the
scimuli separated in depch (Section 13.2.4b).
same region is seen as ground (Frank 1 9 2 3 ; W eitzman
4. Effect o f supporting context M ost natural objects consist o f 1963; W ong and W eisstein 1982). Also, neurons in V I of
many parts, some o f which may be perceived as parts o f the monkey respond m ore vigorously to texture elements
very different objects, as illustrated in Figure 4.22. belonging to a figure than to che same elem ents belonging
In such cases, an o b je ct’s perceived identity is revealed by to aground region (Lam m c 1995).
ics conccxc. This is che reverse o f crowding. Cave and Zim m erm an (1 9 9 7 ) trained subjects to
recognize a target letter in an array o f letters. After
subjects were proficienc ac chis task they were asked to
N / respond to the presence o t a small dot that appeared
# w ithin the display on some trials. Reaction tim es were
shortest tor a d ot superimposed on the target letter but were
V longest when the doc was adjacent со chc cargec. This sug­
gests that there is an inhibitory zone round an attended
O th er evidence tor the neighboring inhibition hypoth­
esis com es from the phenom enon o f atten tio n a l capture.
The attention is captured by a stimulus with abrupt onset or
one that is discincc from ocher objects in an array. Several
i investigators have shown that o b jects adjacent to a stimulus
that has captured the attention have a heightened detection
threshold or a longer response latency com pared with stim ­
uli more distant from the attended stimulus (sec M ounts
2000 ).
The effects o f figural grouping on stereoscopic vision arc
discussed in Section 22.1. D ie hop tic crow ding is discussed
in Scction 13.2.5. Crow ding in stereopsis is discussed in
Section 2 2 .5 . le. Stereoscopic depth as an attention-getting
stimulus is discussed in S ection 22.8.
M echanism s o f visual attention are reviewed in Koch
and U llm an (1 9 8 5 ), D esim one and D uncan (1 9 9 5 ), Kastner
i .*.!« «.22 Ih e effect o f con text on object recognition. T h e dark o b jc c t could be
a sproutin g seed, b eetle, absent nose ( its tru e id en tity ), o r spear, and Ungerleider (2 0 0 0 ), and C orbetca and Shulman
d ep en d in g on co n tex t. (2 0 0 2 ).
simple features. Thus, conscious perception is not the end
4 .8 .4 A T T E N T IO N AND C O N S C IO U S N E S S
product o f a hierarchical process. Rather, different types o f
Consciousness is difficult to define. W e know very little perceiving are possible from the outputs o f each stage o f
abouc chc mechanism o f consciousness and arc unable со processing from V I to the highest levels.
chink o f what would be involved in designing a machine C rick and K och (1 9 9 5 ) argued that visual conscious­
chac would be conscious. ness does n o t occur unless a visual area projects directly to
In general, we are conscious o f those sensory events and the prefrontal lobe, which they understood to be the high­
responses thac recur in different forms and abouc which wc est point in the visual hierarchy. They argued that, since the
have to make decisions based on past experience. Thus, we prim ary visual cortex ( V I ) docs not project directly to chc
arc not conscious o f the sensory and response processes frontal cortex, we are n o t aware o f the processing that occurs
involved in digestion because, although different foods in V I . A ccording to chis view, visual consciousness should
must be processed in different ways at different stages, the cease when the frontal lobes are removed. Hut this is n o t so.
processes are fundamentally the same throughout life. The Visual consciousness ceases when V I is removed, but that
internal m ilieu of the bodv• is reasonably• stable so that its does not prove that V I is the sole site o f visual conscious­
regulation can b e assigned to routine processes abou t which ness. It simply means that all visual inform ation passes
we need n o t be conscious. The external world is changeable, through V I . Visual consciousness is not lost after removal
and novel circum stances constantly arise. Sim ple animals ot any other visual area. Removal ot specific areas produces
that live in local and restricted environm ents rely on a losses in one or m ore specific visual abilities. For example,
repertoire o f relatively constant response mechanisms. But damage in V 4 produces an inability to recognize colors
animals that move over large distances betw een diverse (Section 5.8.3a) and damage to a region in the temporal lobe
environm ents must possess com p lex behavioral repertoires. produces an inability to recognize faces (S ectio n 5.8 .3 c). In
They must learn the characteristics o f many different such cases there is no loss in basic visual abilities such as
situations so as to recognize when a learned pattern o f acuity or the ability to perceive the locations o f objects.
responding needs to be adjusted to novel circumstances. Consciousness operates at four levels:
W e can say som ething about w hich parts o f the nervous
system are required for the conscious perception o f visual 1. Perception W e can be aware o f or n o t aware o f a given
stimuli. All consciousness, visual o r otherw ise, ceases after stimulus at each o f various levels o f cortical
damage to the upper brainstem in the region o f the hypo­ processing— namely d etection, discrim ination,
thalamus. All consciousness o f visual stim uli ceases when recognition, and description.
the primary visual cortex ( V I ) is removed. Som e visual
2. Decisions W e can be aware o t deciding to make a given
areas beyond V I operate in p arallel. Each area processes
response or the response can be autom atic.
distinct types o f inform ation that can be processed inde­
pendently o f processing in other parallel pathways. Damage 3 . Responses W e can be aware o f or not aware o f a response
to such an area can produce a lack o f awareness o f a particu­ we have made.
lar stimulus feature. O th er areas operate in sequence to
4 . Thought processes We can attend to and be conscious o f a
form a processing hierarchy. In this case, processing in each
memorized or imaginary o b ject or event.
area depends on inform ation supplied by areas earlier in the
hierarchy. Inform ation from areas that operate in parallel
There is some evidence for each o f the following
may be com bined at a higher stage. Also, processing o f
inform ation in earlier stages may be modified by feedback
from higher stages.
1. W e can be aware only o f things that involve neural
A t higher levels o f the hierarchy the stimuli that cclls
events in the cerebral cortex. W e are n o t aware o f simple
respond to becom e m ore com plex. Each higher stage need
responses, such as pupil dilation and vestibular
take only th at inform ation from preceding stages that it
nystagmus, w hich involve only subcortical processing.
requires for the processing it performs. For example, a center
Sahraie c t al. (1 9 9 7 ) described a patient with damage to
devoted to the recognition o f faces need not be concerned
the visual cortex who could indicate the direction in
with inform ation that specifies the location or size o f the
which a stimulus was moving if forced to make a
facc. But that docs not mean th at inform ation n o t passed
decision. He was usually not aware o f the moving
o n to higher stages is lost to consciousness. Each hierarchi­
stimulus, and fM R I revealed activity* mainly
/ in
cal stage provides a different level o f inform ation and that
subcortical centers. O n occasions when he was aware o f
processed at each stage is available to consciousness when
stimulus m ovem ent, fM R I activity was evident in the
needed. If a higher center is lost, wc may not be able to rec­
prestriate cortex and prefrontal area 4 6 .
ognize particular o b jects bu t we can still perceive the
detailed structure o f the visual world and perform basic 2. We can be aware o f things that involve neural events in
tasks such as stimulus detection and discrim ination o f any part o f the cerebral cortex.
3. W c are aware only o f dhings chat wc attend to or o f things before the interruption. W hen a blank rcctanglc suddenly
that force themselves into our attention. The covers a nonattended o b ject, leaving the rest o f the scene
phenomenon o f change blindness demonstrates that we visible, subjects sec the rectangle but can n ot report rhe
are n o t aware ot visual things that wc arc not attending to, identity o f the o b je ct that has been covered (O ’Regan c t al.
even though they generate activity in V I and elsewhere. 1 9 9 9 ). C hange blindness dem onstrates that nonattended
A stimulus that we arc not attending to may suddenly objects do not enter awareness.
intrude into consciousness. For example, we become Merely looking at som ething docs n o t ensure that wc
aware o f making a startle response to a loud sound or to a are aware o f it. To be aware of an o b ject wc must have
loom ing object in peripheral vision. Also, we arc aware ot attended to it and processed it. But there is an unspecifiably
making corrective postural responses evoked by a sudden large num ber of ways of processing a given o b ject. By an act
movement ot the surface we are standing on. o f attention wc can access the inform ation processed by V I
or by any other cortical visual area according to the task wc
As we practice skills such as driving, typing, or playing
are perform ing.
the piano, we becom e less aware ot the stimuli that guide
W atanabe c t al. (1 9 9 8 ) provided one piece o f evidence
our actions and o fth e decisions we make. We begin to
in support ot this idea. They found that V I o f humans
respond automatically. There is physiological evidence
showed enhanced activity, as revealed by magnetic response
that as we becom e proficient at a skill the centers o f
imaging (t M R l), when subjects attended to an array ot dots
neural activity shift from higher centers, such as the
executing simple translatory m otion but not when the dors
prefrontal cortex and cingulate sulcus, to subcortical
executed expansion m otion. But both types o f m otion
centers, such as the cerebellum and putamcn (Della-
enhanced activity in area V 5 , an area devoted to che d etec­
Maggiore and M cIntosh 2 0 0 5 ; Putter mans et al. 2 0 0 5 ).
tion o f patterns o f m otion (Section 5.8.4b ).
In general, wc arc m ost aware o f stimuli about which we
A nother piecc o f evidence was provided by C o rb etta
must make decisions, and o f responses in novel situations.
e ta l. (1 9 9 1 ). The region o f extrastriate co rtex showing m ost
4. O u r attention can be directed to a stimulus even though activity in a PF.T scan varied according to which feature was
we are not aware o t the nature o t that stimulus. A ttention being attended to in a discrim ination task. A ttention to
was found to be automatically allocated to a loom ing shape accivaced chc ventrom edial occipital region, and
stimuli on a collision trajectory even when subjects were attention to movement activated area V 5 , a region corre­
n o t aware o f the difference between such a stimulus and sponding to m onkey M T (C o rb etta et al. 1991).
one that was on a near-miss trajectory (L in c t al. 2 0 0 9 ). Som e people experience vivid hallucinations, especially
5. C enters th at code the location or stimulus feature that when half-awake. However, m ost people do not expcriencc
wc arc actcnding to are distinct trom cortical areas hallucinations when fully• awake. H allucinations would
where decisions are made about what we attend to. This interfere with the perception o f the real world. Visual cen ­
issue is discussed in Scction 5.9. ters have evolved to be silent when not stim ulated. Patients
with the C h a rles B o n n e t sy n d rom e have weak vision but
It would require an impossibly large am ount o f neural experience strong hallucinations. The co n ten t o f the illu­
m achinery to process all sensory inform ation beyond a sions experienced by a group o f these patients was related to
simple level. Hut this is not necessary because there is the areas o f the brain showing enhanced fM R I (ffytchc
a physical lim it on the responses that we can execute at a et al. 1998). For example, patients who hallucinated faces
given tim e. For exam ple, a lim b can move in only one direc­ showed enhanced activity in che middle fusiform gyrus, an
tion at a time. We must therefore select those stimulus area known to be involved in facial recognition. Patients
objccts o r events that arc relevant to the actions we arc plan­ who hallucinated in color showed activity in V 4 , an area
ning at a given tim e. Also, we must process relevant features involved in color processing.
o fth e selected stim uli, at the level o f discrim ination, recog­ There must be a mechanism for selecting the neural p ro ­
nition, or description that is required. W c allow other cesses that we arc attending to. It seems that the parietal
o b jects and o ther features th at are n o t relevant to the task lobes and subcortical areas such as the pulvinar and thal­
to tade from consciousness. am ic reticular form ation arc involved in d irecting attention,
The selective effects o f attention on awareness arc and hencc awareness, to visual stim uli and to stimuli in
dramatically revealed by the phenom enon ot change b lin d ­ other senses.
ness. W hen a com plex scene is m om entarily interrupted, The attentional system, in con ju n ction with stored
people do not notice large changes in unattended parts ol memories, creates and controls a stream o f co n sciou sn ess.
the scene. For example, in a picture o f a street scene, people Tliis involves four com ponents:
do nor notice that a large building has been removed while
the scene is flashed off and on again (R cnsink et al. 1997;
1. Consciousness o f self-idcntitv.
Sim ons and Levin 1 9 9 8 ). The change is noticed only when
the subject was paying attention to that part ot the scene 2. Consciousness o f self-location in space.
3. Consciousness o f the general 3 -D structure o f the An afterimage is not clearly externalized when viewed
environm ent and o f the identity* and structure o f with m oving eyes. Also, the pressure phosphcne created by
o b jects o f particular interest. pressing on the side o f the eye appears inside the head.
Bach-y-Rita et al. (1 9 6 9 ) transform ed signals from a
4 . Consciousness ot progression through tim e, past and
video camera into tactile stim uli on the skin o f the back.
present, and consciousness o f anticipated events and
W ith practice, blind subjects recognized simple objects and
plans tor future actions.
detected their relative positions. They spontaneously
reported that the stim uli seemed ro com e from in fron t o f
Thus, one o f the m ajor functions ot attention is to direct the camera rather than trom the vibrators on the back.
the con ten ts o f the stream o f consciousness. W e are aware o f However, W h ite (1 9 7 0 ) showed chat blind subjects learned
our continuous existence as the same person. The spatial to externalize tactile stimuli onlv# when thev/ controlled the
inform ation that we receive at a given m om ent is set within m otion o f rhe cam era (see Secrion 3 4 .5 ).
the co n text o f the learned structure o f the local environ­
m ent and o f whatever knowledge we have o f the extended
environm ent. We also maintain a continuous ordered 4 .9 P L A S T I C I T Y O F B A S IC V IS U A L
record o f events over our lifetime. F U N C T IO N S
U nder ordinary circum stances, we do these things so
well that we take the process for granted. Hue we can som e­
times be abruptly reminded o f the im portance o f an intact 4 .9 .1 B A S IC F I N D I N G S
stream ot consciousness. W hen we awake in an unfam iliar It seems that practice does not improve grating resolution in
place it can take several seconds before we recover a sense o f either the central or peripheral retina (B en n ett and
self-location. Also, we can lose all sense o f self, location, and Westheimer 1991; W estheim er 2 0 0 1 ). Sim ple grating reso­
tim e when com ing our o f an anesthetic. People with dem en­ lution depends on the spacing o f detectors, and it is difficult
tia associated with parietal-lobe damage may suffer a perma­ to see how practice could affect it. However, Fiorcntini and
nent loss o f self-identity. In extrem e cases, patients deny Berardi (1 9 8 1 ) found that subjects improved in discrim inat­
their own existence, a symptom known as depersonaliza­ ing the waveforms o f com plex gratings over 1 0 0 - 2 0 0 trials.
tion. In o ther cases, patients lose all sense o f location even in Hyperacuities, such as vernier acuity, depend on more
their own house. They may also lose their sense o t tim e, and complex neural processes that m ight well change with prac­
feel that events that occurred long ago occurred recently tice, especially for stimuli presented in the peripheral retina.
(C ritchley 1 955). In earlier studies, practice was tound to have little effect
on the hyperacuity task o f gap bisection (K lein and Levi
1985) or three-point alignm ent (B en n ett and W estheim er
4 .8 .5 S T IM U L U S E X T E R N A L IZ A T IO N
1991). However, in a more recent study, practice over sev­
The ancient G reeks wondered how we perceive an external eral weeks improved the ability to center a line between two
visual world. This is the problem o f stimulus externaliza- other parallel lines presented 5° away from the fovea (C rist
tion. There was no problem in touch because the fingers et al. 1997). The im provem ent was largely specific to the
touch an external o b ject and the impression formed on location and orientation o f the lines and showed little
the skin has the same size as the o bject. D istance is transfer to a vernier alignment task.
indicated by the extension o f the arm. So it was believed Several investigators have reported an im provem ent o f
that, in vision, som ething had to leave the eyes to touch an vernier acuity with practice, but there were wide individual
o b je ct so as to detect its shape and size. The extromission differences. M cK ee and W estheim er (1 9 7 8 ) found that
theory was designed to solve the problem o f how visual improvements in vernier acuity after 2 0 0 0 practice trials
objects are externalized and seen in their proper size ranged from 2% to 70 % , even w ithout error feedback.
(Section 2 .1 .4 ). Saarinen and Levi (1 9 9 5 ) exposed four subjects to 8 0 0 0
W e now understand that the crucial factor in external- vernier acuity trials spread over several days. O n e subject
ization in any sensory m odality is the interplay between showed no im provem ent while one showed a six-fold
m otion o f stim uli and the activity o f the perceiver. For improvement. Subjects who improved also showed a nar­
exam ple, auditory stim uli seem to be inside the head when rowing o f orientation tuning around the orientation o f the
they delivered through headphones so that they m ove with test lines, as assessed by the masking effects o f noise ele-
the head (Section 3 5 .1 .1 ). menrs at various orientations. This is in line with other evi­
Presumably, infants soon learn to externalize the dence that vernier acuity is closely linked to orientation
visual world as they move their eyes, head, and body. discrim ination.
However, there are reports o f patients with head injuries for Improvement on vernier acuity with vertical test lines did
whom the world appeared tw o-dim ensional, like a picture not transfer to test lines rotated by as little as 10° or to test
(Section 3 2 .3 .1 ). lines in another retinal location (Fahle 2 0 0 4 ). Also, there
was no transfer to other casks, such as curvature discrimi­ by relacive m otion o f line elements improved with practice.
nation, oriencacion discrim ination, or sccrcoscopic acuicy In this case, the learning was not specific to che oricncation
(Fahlc and F.delman 19 9 3 ; F ah leec al. 1 9 9 5 ; Fahle 1997). o f line elements or to the direction o f m otion (Vidyasagar
Practice produced some im provem ent in Snellen acuity and Stuart 1993).
(see Bennecc and W estheim er 1991). It had been assumed chac percepcual learning occurs only
Practice has been found to improve discrimination o f dif­ when arcention is direcced со che relevant stimulus. However,
ferences in line oriencacion. For example, Vogels and Orban some recenc evidence has challenged chis view (see Sasaki
(1 9 8 5 ) asked subjects со reporc whether a luminous bar et al. 2 0 1 0 ). The physiological basis o f the effects o f learning
was clockwise or anticlockwise with respect to a previously and attention are discussed in Sections 5.6.8 and 5.9.1.
presenced scandard. Performance improved for oblique orien-
cacions o f che scandard buc not tor the two principal orienta­
tions. Presumably, the subjects discrimination o f orientations 4 .9 .2 C A U SE S O F E X P E R IE N C E -D E P E N D E N T
around che vertical and horizontal was already well practiced. PLA STIC ITY

The well-known oblique effect indicates chac oblique orienta­ 4 .9 .2 a G ro w th Factors

tions are less well discriminated than principal orientations.
Schoups et al. (1 9 9 5 ) found thac practice greatly In che infanc, visual resolution and acuicy improve because
improved the ability to detect whether a 2.5° patch o f grat­ the optical structures o f che eye develop. The growth o f che
ing wasclockw isc or anticlockwise with respect to an oblique eye is guided by signals arising from che blur o f the image, a
grating. The improvement did n o t transfer to a gracing in a process known as emmetropizacion (see Section 6.3 .1 c).
new location or in a new orientation. It did transfer between Also, the sensitivity and cuning specificity o f cortical cclls
eyes. This suggests that the training affected specific orienta­ to stimulus features such as m otion, orientation, and dispar­
tion detectors early in the visual system. However, Zhang ity improve with age (C hapter 7).
ct al. (2 0 1 0 ) obtained transfer o f improvement in orienta­
tion discrim ination o f G abor parches from the fovea to a 5°
4 .9 .2 b E ffects o f E rro r Feedback
peripheral location. But transfer occurred only when sub-
jeccs had received preliminary cescing ac che peripheral loca­ There is con flictin g evidence about the role o f error feed­
tion. The prelim inary testing must have somehow produced back in the im provem ent o f vernier acuity with practice.
a high level improvement in the decision process. Fahlc and Edelman (1 9 9 3 ) reported improved vernier
The orientation tuning o f cells in V I takes 3 0 to 4 5 ms acuity after prolonged practice w ith no knowledge o f
to develop (sec Section 5 .6 .2 c). Ic therefore takes tim e for results. Im provem ent was specific to the orientation o f che
the oblique effecc со manifesc icself (Macchews ec al. 2 0 0 5 ). stimulus. However, H erzog and Fahlc (1 9 9 7 ) found chac,
Scrong ec al. (2 0 0 6 ) found that practice reduced the time w ithout error feedback, 10 subjects showed no mean
chac subjeccs required со discrim inace che oriencacions o f improvement o f vernier acuity. All subjects showed
successively presenced C ab o r pacches. The improvement im provem ent (m ean 14.7% ) when the experim enter p ro ­
was the same for principal and oblique orientations o f rhe vided a direction error signal on each trial. I.carningdid not
standard. Thus, practice improved dccection ot principal o ccu r when che feedback was uncorrelaced wich responses.
oriencacions in the initial period o f uncertainty. Poggio et al. (1 9 9 2 ) proposed that che nervous syscem
D iscrim ination ot direction o t m otion showed some sets up task-specific neural modules that improve in sensi­
im provem ent for stim uli in rhe same retinal location and tivity when the task is repeated. They illustraced chis idea by
m oving in the same general direction as the training stimuli a com puter sim ulation o f a neural netw ork th at manifested
(Ball and Sekuler 1 9 8 7 ). improved perform ance in a vernier acuity cask when p ro ­
The fact that che effeccs o f practice on simple discrim i­ vided wich appropriace feedback. NaTvc observers showed a
nation casks are limiced со the retinal location and spatial similar cask-specific im provem ent in vernier acuity over a
features o f the training stimuli suggests that they occur at an few tens o f trials when given knowledge o f results. The
early level in the visual system. The fact that training trans- model replicated several features o f human perform ance,
fers bccween the eyes (Section 13 .4 .1) suggests that changes such as chc dependence o f vernier acuicy on chc length and
occur after inputs from the two eyes have been com bined relacive orientation o f the test lines.
in V I . W e will see in S ection 18.14 that stereoacuity In a rcal-lifc sicuacion ic is noc clear whac consticuccs
improves with practice. visual feedback for resolution or acuity. There are no
Practice has much m ore effect in more com plex tasks obvious error signals.
involving many stimulus features than in simple discrim ina­
tion tasks involving one stimulus feature. We learn to recog­
4 .9 .2 c R e c ru itm e n t o f Resources
nize novel o b jects or fam iliar objeccs in novel oriencacions.
We also learn to search for a shape am ong discraccers Im provem ent may also occur because o f an increase in the
(Fine and Jacobs (2 0 0 2 ). The ability со sec a shape defined efficiency with which a particular configuration o f cortical
ceils processes sensory signals. Learning, as ordinarily
understood, need n o t be involved. It could simply be a С

m atter o f t h e nervous system recruiting its local resources £

tor the perform ance o f a repeated specific task. <TJ
Im provem ent in a discrim ination task could be due to о
increased tra n sd u ctio n efficien cy . This is the efficiency 40 1 ■ Im proved calculation
SI efficiency
with which the stimulus is transformed into neural signals.
Improved efficiency could arise from a narrowing o f the Im proved transduction
tuning functions o f cortical detectors for the features efficiency
involved in the task. It could also involve recruitm ent o f 0.1 1
detectors with neighboring tuning functions, to provide a E xternal noise (arcm in)
better sampling o f stim ulus features.
Tran lAuctin n an d catiu latu m cjfkim cy . P rcd ictcd learning-
Improvement in a discrim ination task could also be due
induced ch an g cs in tran sd u ctio n and calcu lation ciR cicn cy as a
to increased ca lcu la tio n efficien cy . This is the efficiency o f fu n ctio n s th e level o f n oise applied to th e stim ulus. (Adapted from
the visual system’s ability to make correct decisions on the l.i ct at. 20CI4)

basis o f noisy neural signals. In Section 5.1.5 it is explained

that intrinsic noise in the visual system determ ines trans-
duction efficiency. It was also explained that the level o f concluded that there was a change at an interm ediate
intrinsic noise is indicated bv
the knee in the function that level where inputs from different orientation detectors
relates the threshold to the level o f external noise applied to are weighted in m aking a decision. O n e can n ot assume
the stimulus. Any im provement in transduction efficiency that all forms o f perceptual learning involve the same
shifts the knee o f the function down and to the left, mechanisms.
as shown in Figure 4 .2 3 . Any im provem ent in calculation
efficiency shirts the curve down but leaves the position o f
4 .9 .2 d A tte n tio n C o n tr o lle d R e c ru itm e n t
the knee on the x-axis unchanged.
o f Resources
I.i e t al. ( 2 0 0 4 ) obtained im provem ent in the detection
o f a vertical m isalignm ent betw een tw o side-by-sidc rows o f R ecruitm ent o f resources to a particular task would pro­
dots. The position o f each d ot was randomly perturbed, duce a perform ance decrem ent on tasks that use the m echa­
keeping the m ean vertical position o f each row constant. nisms that have been diverted to the specific task. I Iowevcr,
They measured the change in threshold as a function of the this problem would be overcome i f the system temporarily
level o f position noise added to the stimulus. 'Ih e results modified local neural netw orks according to the demands
indicated that im provem ent was due more to increased cal­ o f a given task. In this case, signals from higher centers
culation efficiency than to improved transduction efficiency. would direct local network in V I to be modified in one way
The visual system improved in its ability to extract the mean for one task and in another way for another task.
position o f each row o f dots in the presence o f the applied We will see in Section 5.6.8 that local netw orks in the
perturbation. primary visual cortex ( V I ) adjust themselves to the demands
D oshcr and Lu (1 9 9 9 ) applied similar m ethods to o t different tasks. Changes in V 1 could conceivably be stim ­
determ ine the source ot im provem ent in an orientation ulus induced. But they are more likely to be induced by sig­
discrim ination task. They concluded that, for this task, nals from higher centers triggered by attention to a
learning involves an im provement in noise suppression particular stimulus and a particular task. In other words,
(transduction efficiency). They also concluded th at there the processes involved in generating neural changes arising
was no change in the tuning functions o f orientation detec­ from practice may not be the same as those responsible for
tors nor any change in decision strategies. Instead, they storing the required changes.

5.1 The eye 206 5.5.5 C o r t i c a l la y e rs 25/

5.1.1 G e n e r a l s t r u c tu r e o f c h c e y e 206 5.5.6 L a te ra l c o r tic a l c o n n e c tio n s 252
5.1.2 R e c e p to r s 207 5.5.7 B lin d s ig h t 2$6
5.1.3 B ip o la r , h o r iz o n t a l, a n d a m a c r in e c e lls 209 5.6 Stimulus tuning o f cells in V I 25<5
5.1.4 G a n g l io n t e ll s 24 5.6.1 C o n t r a s t s e n s itiv ity o f c o r t i c a l c c lls 256
5.1.5 L ig h t d e t e c t i o n 2/5 5.6.2 O r i e n t a t i o n t u n in g 257
5.2 Lateral gcniculate nucleus 216 5.6.3 S p a t ia l- p c r io d ic it y t u n in g 260
5.2.1 S tru c tu re o f rh e I.GN 2 16 5.6.4 S p a tio r c m p o r .il t u n in g o f c o r t i c a l c e lls 261
5.2.2 P r o p e r tie s o f LGN re la y c e lls 2 1S 5.6.5 Cells tuned to multiple features 2 6 3
5.2.3 B in o c u la r re s p o n s e s in L G N 220 5.6.6 Cytochrome oxidase areas o f V I 2 6 4
5.3 Visual pathways 221 5.6.7 C o n t e x t u a l and fig u ra l r c p o n s e s in V I 266
5.3.1 V is u a l in p u r s ro s u b c o r t ic a l c e n t e r s 221 5.6.8 Effects o f learning on runing functions in V 1 26$
5.3.2 The c h ia s m a n d o p t i c t r a c t s 222 5.7 Columnar organization o f the cortex 2 7 0
5.3.3 Hcmidecussarion 222 5.7.1 C o lu m n t o p o l o g y 270
5.3.4 P a r t it io n in g o f h e in ir e t in a s 224 5.7.2 O c u l a r d o m i n a n c e c o lu m n s 274
5.3.5 Corpus callosum 226 5.8 O ther visual areas 278
5.4 Ncurophysiologieal procedures 229 5.8.1 I n t r o d u c t io n 278
5.4.1 Histological procedures 229 5.8.2 Areas V2 a n d V3 2 S I
5.4.2 U s e o f in v irro tis s u e s lic e s 231 5.8.3 The ventral pathway 2S3
5.4.3 Methods applied ro the living brain 232 5.8.4 The dorsal pathway 2 S 7
5.4.4 C o n t r o l l i n g n e u r a l a c tiv ity 236 5.8.5 E v id e n c e f o r d isri n c r p ath w ay 's 296
5.5 The visual cortex 237 5.8.6 M u lt im o d a l re s p o n s e s 297
5.5.1 C o r t i c a l c e lls 237 5.9 Physiology o f visual attention 298
5.5.2 Cortical synapses and ncurotransmittcrs 240 5.9.1 G e n e r a l a t t e n t i o n m e c h a n is m s 29$
5.5.3 R e c e p tiv e fie ld s o f c c ll s in th e v isu a l c o r t e x 246 5.9.2 Location-specific cortical effects o f actencion 299
5.5.4 V is u a l c o r t ic a l p r o je c t i o n s 24S 5.9.3 Stimulus-specific effects o f attention 3 0 0

5 .1 T H E EVE The inner surface o f the sclera is lined with the choroid,
w hich is lined w ith the retina. The optic nerve leaves the eye
from the optic disk. This is known as the blind spot because
5.1.1 G E N E R A L S T R U G T U R K О F T H E EVE
it contains no receptors.
The cross section o f the human eye is illustrated in Figure 5.1. The pupil and associated iris muscles arc just in front o f
Th e human eye is approximately spherical with a diameter the lens. They form an aperture that controls the am ount o f
o f about 2 4 mm. Larger animals have larger eyes, except light entering the eye. Changes in the size o f the pupil also
that birds rend to have unusually large eyes in proportion to affect the optical quality o f the image and the eye’s depth o f
their body size. A nim als with larger eyes have an advantage focus, as explained in C hapter 9 . For a given viewing dis­
because the size o f the image increases with eye size and tance and level o f illum ination, the pupil automatically
a large eye can house more receptors, which increases adjusts in size to achieve the best com prom ise betw een
sensitivity. these optical factors. The ocular m edia transm it about 75%
The cornea has a width o f abou t 12 mm and a radius o f o f incom ing light at a wavelength o f 5 0 0 nm and about 80%
curvature o f about 8 mm. Its refractive index is about 1.38 at 5 6 0 nm (N orren and Vos 1974).
and its power is about 4 3 diopters, which is about 70 % o f The human lens has a diam eter o f about 9 mm and a
the eye’s total refraction. The cornea is continuous with the thickness o f about 4 mm. It is supported by the ciliary m us­
sclera, w hich form s the w hite outer structure o f the eye. cles and ligaments. The fluid-filled cham ber in front o f the

Rod Inner
Horizontal cell layer

A m acrine
cells Inner
p tex tfcrm

Ganglion cells

Axons to
optic nerve

of light

Figure i. I . H orizontal section through th e right hum an eye. (R « Jr » n fro m Fv-hjJk.

I>57) I'ig v r c s . 2 . th e gen eral structure o f the retina. (A J-ip ic J from D < m ltng j » J B u n u i i 1 9 6 6 )

lens is the aqueous cham ber and thac behind the lens is the
For details o f the structure o f the eye, see Polyak (1 9 5 7 ),
vitreous chamber.
Davson (1 9 6 2 ), Charm an ( 1 9 9 1 ), and O yster (1 9 9 9 ).
The refractive index o f the lens increases m onotonically
Section 6.3.1 deals with the developm ent o f the eye.
from 1.38 in the surface regions to about 1.4 in the core
region. This gradient o f refraction (G R IN ) increases the
refractive power o f the lens and reduces its spherical aberra­ 5.1.2 R F.C F.PTO RS
tion. The visual axis is the line join in g the point on which
5 .1 .2 a S tru c tu r e o f R e c e p to rs
the eye is fixated and the center o f the fovea. The o p tic axis
is the best-fitting line through the optic ccntcrs o f the four The retinal receptors are densely packed in the outer layer o f
refractive surfaces o f the eye. These are the outer and inner the retina— the layer furthest removed from the source o f
surfaces o f the cornea and o f the lens. The optic axis inter­ light. There are tw o main types o f receptor— rods and
sects the retina about 1.5 mm from the fovea on the nasal concs. R o d s have high sensitivity, an exclusively peripheral
side and about 0.5 mm above the fovea. It thus makes an distribution, and broad spectral tuning. C o n e s have
angle o f about 5° to the visual axis. This is known as the lower sensitivity, and high concentration in the fovea with
an gle alpha. The optical dcccntration o f the image o f a fix­ decreasing concentration in the peripheral retina.
ated point causes the image to be asym m etrical, an effect There arc chrcc types of cone, each with a distinct spec­
known as co m a. C om a is partially compensated for by an tral tuning, peaking at around 4 5 0 nm (Blue or S -c o n e s),
opposite decentration o f the pupil. 535 nm (G reen or M -co n cs),a n d 5 6 5 nm (Red or L -co n cs).
See Section 14.1 for the geom etry o f the visual fields To identify different types o f con e, the optical aberrations
and Section 9.1 for a discussion o f optical aberrations o f the o f the eye are first measured and corrected by adaptive
human eve
« and lens accom m odation. optics (see Section 9 .6 .5 a ). Photographs o f the human
The retina is a multilayered
Ф m em brane with an area o f retina are then taken after each o f the different photopig­
about 1,000 square mm. It is about 2 5 0 /mi thick at the ments has been bleached by an appropriate m onochrom atic
fovea, dim inishing to about 100 /mi in th e periphery. light (R oord a and W illiam s 1999; H ofcr et al. 2 0 0 5 ). This
The fine structure o f the retina is depicted in Figure 5.2. procedure has revealed that S-cones (blue cones) constitute
This structure was first revealed by Ram on у C ajal using the 6% o f all cones, w ith little variability betw een people. O n
G olgi staining m ethod, and was described in a series o f the other hand, the ratio o f I. concs to M concs (the L:M
papers betw een 1888 and 1933 (sec Polyak 1941). cone ratio) in eight males with normal color vision varied
The retina is separated from the choroid hv a pigmented between 5 2 .7 % and 9 4 .3 % , w ith a mean o f about 71% .
epithelium , which absorbs light and prevents light that has Figure 5.3 shows an example in w hich the different types o f
passed through the retina from being reflected back onto co n c have been artificially colorcd. Generally, the distribu­
the rcccptors. In nocturnal animals this epithelium reflects tion o f L and M cones was found to be random . But a
light and thus improves sensitivity at the expense o f image random distribution necessarily produces patches that co n ­
quality. tain only one type o f cone. These patches could explain why
r.*u.< У4. V)c сочс m osaic o fth e ccu m tljivca. P ic m osaic o f in n e r conc
Segment* at th e center o f (be fovea o f th e m acaque m onkey. The conc
d e n s ity is about 151 ,0 0 0 /m m ', and the mean in tc rc o n c distance is
2 .8 / J i l l . (From Miller 1979 with kin Jp < rro iw .n o f Spnn£<r SeHnc«48ii*incw M«du)

Figure s .i D istribution o f (on e types in rise hum an retin a. T lic photograph

o f the retina was taken a t 1.5“ on the nasal side o f the fovea. C o lo rs
in d icate the S (b lu e ), M (g ree n ), and L (red ) con es. In this exam ple the o fth e receptors. M iiller (1 8 5 4 ) measured the m agnitude o f
ratio o t L co n es to M c o n c s was 6 5 .5 % . (From I .«I 2005) this parallactic m otion, and, by applying his results to reti­
nal anatomy, deduced that light is absorbed in the outer
segments o f rods and cones.
gracing acuity measured wich gratings illum inated by light F.ach receptor has an elongated outer segm ent, an inner
thac stim ulates only L or only M cones is no worse than that segment, a cell body, a short axon (5 0 to 5 0 0 /nn), and a
measured with w hite light (C avonius and Estevez 1975). single synaptic term inal, as shown in Figure 5.2. The outer
Blue cones are sparse and occur singly, so that the blue-cone segment is about 5 0 ftm long and consists o f a m em brane
system has lower sensitivity and lower resolving power. The folded into about 7 5 0 lavers
to form a stack o f disks. A bout
patchiness o f L and M cones may also explain why an array 10” m olecules o f photopigm ent are packed along the mem­
o f small w hite abutting disks on a dark ground appears in brane so that light passing through the layers stands a good
different pastel colors (Skinner 1932). chance o f being absorbed. From tim e to tim e, disks arc shed
The retin al m ag n ificatio n fa c to r is the linear distance from the outer segment and absorbed by the pigm ent epi­
on the retina corresponding to one degree o f visual angle. In thelium that lies betw een the retina and chc choroid layer o f
the human fovea it is about 0 .2 9 mm/dcg (W illiam s 1988). the eyeball (Young 1971).
The adult human retina has betw een 4 and 6 m illion cones The image plane o f the eye is at the level o f the inner
with a peak density ot betw een 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 and 3 2 0 ,0 0 0 per segments, but all the photopigm ents are in the outer seg­
m m 2 at the fovea declining to about 6 ,0 0 0 per m n r at an ment. l.ight entering the inner segment o f a receptor at the
eccentricity o f 10° (C u rcio et al. 1 9 9 0 ). The primate fovea correct angle is guided in to and along the outer segment by
is a centrally placed pic abouc 1.5 mm in diameter, which internal reflection. The two segments therefore act as a
contains a regular hexagonal mosaic o f cones with a mean waveguide, which concentrates light quanta in to the outer
spacing o f betw een 2 and 3//m (M iller 1979) (Figure 5.4). segm ent and prevents light scatter beyond the image plane
The central fovea, which is about 0 .2 7 mm in diam eter and o f the inner segments. Their efficiency as waveguides is
subtends about 1", contains at least 6 ,0 0 0 cones. I he human enhanced by the fact that their diam eter is similar to the
retina has 100 m illion or m ore rods, which are absent in the wavelength o f light. I f the diam eter o f receptors were less
fovea and reach a peak density o f about 1 6 0 ,0 0 0 per m n r at than about 2 //m, light would leak from one to the other
an eccentricity o f about 20° (O sterberg 1935). Retinal (Snyder and M iller 1977). Because o f these design require­
receptors constitute about 7 0 % o f all sensory receptors in m ents, the diam eter o f cones is remarkably con stan t over
the human body. the animal kingdom and is the ultim ate factor lim iting
A fine meshwork o f blood vessels lines the inside o t the visual acuity.
retin a,so that light must pass through them before reaching M ost light enters the inner segm ent o f cones at the co r­
the receptors. The shadows o f the blood vessels becom e vis­ rect angle because the outer segm ent is aligned with the
ible when one looks through an illum inated pinhole. As the center o f the pupil. This is the direction from w hich most
pinhole is moved from side to side, the shadows undergo light rays com e. Rods are less well aligned with the pupil.
parallactic m otion because they are som e distance in front C laudet (1 8 5 8 , p. 2 2 5 ) reported that a Dr. Scrrc had
proposed thac receptors are aligned wich che nodal point o f opsin in the receptor. The restoration process takes about
the eye. M odern optical procedures can reveal the align­ 1.5 m inutes in cones and about 5 minutes in rods.
m ent o f individual cones in the living eye. The alignm ent The visual transduction process is studied by placing a
is very precise, with very little disarray over a set o f recep­ piece o l living excised retina under a m icroscope and draw­
tors (R oorda and W illiam s 2 0 0 2 ). This explains why wc ing the outer segm ent o f a single receptor into a m icropi­
are m ore sensitive to light passing through the center o f pette 2 //m in diameter. In the dark, positive sodium and
the pupil than to light passing through its margin. This calcium ions flow into the outer segm ent and o u t from the
fact is know n as che S tiles-C ra w fo rd effect {Stiles and inner segment. This creates a resting potential difference o f
Craw ford 1 9 3 3 ). This m echanism reduces che effects o f abouc - 4 0 millivolcs. W hen chc receptor is illuminated with
light scatccr and o f aberrations in the lighc that passes a spot o f light, the flow o f ions is reversed and the electrode
through the margins of the eye's optical syscem (see Enoch picks up the resulting m em brane current.
and Tobey 1 9 8 1 ). A single response o f a rod is influenced by the num ber
Som e alignm ent of receptors is present in the retina o f ot photons absorbed over a period o f about 2 0 0 ms. Vision
che neonate, and is presumably determ ined by the way is still possible when only one photon arrives in the rod
receptors are packed together. However, an active process integration tim e (Baylor et al. 1 9 8 4 ). This represents an
must control the fine alignm ent o f the receptors ic enorm ous degree o f am plification (Baylor cr al. 1 9 8 7 ). The
recovers in an area that has been disturbed by retinal detach­ 2 0 0 ms integration time means that rods have high sensitiv­
m ent (C am pos et al. 1 978). Also, receptors becom e less ity but low temporal resolution. The spectral sensitivity
well aligned after an eye has been occluded for several days, function o f rods determ ined physiologically is sim ilar to
but becom e aligned again after the occluder is removed the function relating psychophysically determ ined scotopic
(F.noch et al. 1 979). A person whose pupil in one eye had visibility to wavelength.
been displaced 3 mm for 2 5 years showed maxim um sensi­ A recep to r p o ten tial is a noisy, continuously graded
tivity for light entering from the center o f the displaced electrical signal (analog signal). Graded potentials also
pupil (Honds and M acl.cod 1 978). A man who had bilat­ occur locally at synapses and w ithin dendrites throughout
eral cataracts removed showed a shift in the direction o f the the nervous system, where they are known as p o stsy n ap tic
Stiles-Craw ford effect from the preoperadonal region o f p o ten tials.
the pupil o f m axim um brightness to the postoperacional The norm al range o f lum inance sensitivity o f che human
region o f maximum brightness (Sm allm an et al. 2 0 0 1 ). eye extends about 3 log units from roughly 10” cd/m2 to
10* ' cd/m2. The lum inance o f stim uli varies about 10 log
units. Specialized m echanism s com pensate for the limited
5 .1 .2 b T h e R e c e p to r P o te n tia l
dynamic range o f the eye (Section 4 .2 .3 ).
Light is absorbed in the outer segment ot rods by the
photopigm enr rh o d o p sin , which consists o f che procein
5 .1 .3 B IP O L A R , H O R IZ O N T A L .
opsin bound to the chrom atophore 11 -f/V-retinal. Light
causes 1 1-w -retinal ro isomerize (change its shape) into
11 -/rv7W>retinal and becom e unbound from opsin. This The second main layer ot the retina consists o t bipolar cells.
initiates an am plifying cascade o f chem ical events chac The region containing synapses betw een the receptors and
results in hydrolysis ot guanosine m onophosphate (G M P ) the bipolar cells is the o u ter p lexiform layer. Each bipolar
molecules. In the dark, unhydrolyzed G M P molecules ccll receives inputs from only con es or only rods conveyed
bind to the cell m em brane and open che channels chrough by the ncurotransm itter glutamate. However, the two types
which sodium and calcium ions en ter the outer segment. o f bipolar cell converge onto ganglion cells. There is only
Hydrolyzed (IM P m olecules allow the channels to close, one type o f rod bipolar cell but many types o f cone bipolar
resulting in a fall in the concentration o f sodium and cal­ ccll, defined by the shape and stratification o f their axon
cium ions w ithin che cell and hyperpolarizacion o f che cell terminals in the in n er p lexiform layer. M id g et b ip o lars
membrane. in the central retina are fed by only one cone. They serve
The m em brane o f rhe inner segment o f a retinal recep­ the red-green com ponent o t color vision and high visual
tor contains a sodium-potassium ionic pump that modifies acuity. M idget bipolar cells are turthcr divided into
rhe voltage changes induced in the outer segm ent and in iti­ O N -b ip o la r cells, w hich respond ro light increase, and
ates the release o f che ncurotransm itter glutamate into the O F F -b ip o la r cells, which respond to light decrease. Axons
synaptic clefr on the co n e term inal (see Yau and Baylor o f O N -bipolars term inate in rhe inner h alf o f rhe inner
1 9 8 9 ). These events take abouc 0 .2 s, which is similar to the plexiform layer, while axons ot the otf bipolars term inate in
integration tim e for rod vision measured psychophysically. the ourer half. D iffu se co n e b ip o la rs are fed by several
A com plex series o f chem ical reactions in the pigment epi­ neighboring red and green cones and are either O N -bipolars
thelium , known as the retin oid cycle, restores 11 -trans* or O FF-bipoIars, each subdivided into six types, which differ
retinal to the cis torm and reunites the chrom atophore with in their tem poral characteristics. Som e exhibit a sustained
response and some a more transient response, depending
on the rate o f recovery o f glutam ate neurotransm itter.
Diffuse bipolars carry a lum inosity signal and have high
sensitivity, but may have som e chrom atic specificity. Rods
and blue concs feed exclusively inco specialized O N -bipolar
cells (Kouyam a and M arshak 1 992).
Each cone o f che central retina contacts all six types o f
diffuse bipolar cells and ac lease cwo types o f midgec bipolar
cells. Furchermore, che dendritic trees o f each cype o f bip o ­
lar cell form a complece and independenc coverage o f rhe
recina. Thus, any spot ot light on the retina stim ulates at Telodondria

lease one o f each type o f bipolar ccll (Hoycocc and W assle

S ynaptic ribbon
1999). This means chac the separation o f visual inputs into
S ynaptic vesicles
at least 10 parallel filters, or channels, begins in chc outer invagination
plexiform layer ot che retina. horizontal cells
Each rod cerminaces in a spherical synapcic struccure, bipolar cells
about 2 //m in diameter, called a spherule. Each rod co n ­
tacts horizontal cclls and betw een 2 and 5 bipolar cells, and
each bipolar cell is ted by up to 4 5 rods (K olb 1 9 7 0 ). Each C o n e tria d
cone term inates in a flat synaptic p ed icle. There are three 1 /ЛП
types o f synapse at the receptor level.
S ynaptic ribbon
1. Gap junctions These occur on fine radiating processes S ynaptic vesicles
(telodendria) and make electrical co n tact with similar
processes on neighboring cells. Transm ission across the
gap is m ediated by co n n cx in s contained on the From horizontal cells
m em branes o f boch cells. Gap junctions connecc rods
From bipolar cells
wich rods and cones wich cones (D eans ec al. 2 0 0 2 ). Rod spherule

They also connecc am acrine cells with bipolar cells. R o d tria d

M ice lacking the relevant connexin show abnormal

Fipir* S-5. Term inals a n d synapses o f rods a n d cones. (R«kawn from0>wr
responses in O N -typ e bipolar cells (Giildenagel e t al. ТЪ<Нш*лмЕу 1999)
2 0 0 1 ). Gap junctions also co n n ect horizontal cells and
probably contribute to che cencer-surround
organization o f che receptive fields o f ganglion cells. In the dark, the neurotransm itter L-glutam ate or a
sim ilar substance is continuously released from recepcors
2. Synaptic invaginations Rod spherules have up со three
inco bipolar cells (D ow ling 1 9 8 7 ). W hen a receptor
synapcic invaginacions and cone pedicles have 4 0 or
absorbs lighc, less neurocransmiccer is released. This causes
m ore, each o f w hich contacts one type o f bipolar cell.
O N -bip olar cells со becom e hyperpolarized and O F F -
Thus, a single cone can contribute to many types o f
bipolar cclls, w hich form flac synapcic conneccions, со
bipolar cells. Each invagination typically contains a
becom e depolarized. The difference is due to the fact that
single dendritic bouton from an O N -bip o lar ccll and
O N -bip olar cclls express a m etabotropic glutamate recep­
two boutons from horizontal cells, known collectivelvi
to r while O FF -bip olar cells express ionotropic glutamate
as a triad synapse. The m em brane in each synaptic
receptors as defined in Section 5 .5 .2 ). Bipolar cclls, like
invagination contains a synaptic ribbon, about 1 //m
receptors, respond in a graded (analog) fashion to changes
long, surrounded by syn ap tic vesicles containing
in stimulus strength.
neurotransm itter (glutam ate), as shown in Figure 5.5.
H o rizo n tal cells run laterally in the outer plexiform
The synaptic ribbon helps to m aintain the release o f
layer over a distance o f about 1 mm. They respond in a
vesicles during periods o f prolonged visual stim ulation
graded fashion to release o f glutamate from rods or cones,
and to coordinate the sim ultaneous release o f vesicles
using ionotropic glutamate receptors. H orizontal cells
required for precise tim ing (M atthew s and Fuchs
release rhe inhibitory neurotransm itter G A B A . O n e type
2 0 1 0 ).
o f horizontal cell receives inputs from green cones or red
3. Fat synaptic boutons These occur only on cone pedicles. cones w ithin its dendritic field, and makes inhibitory co n ­
The boutons near a synaptic invagination contact tacts with several cone bipolar cells. For example, some
dendrites of O N -bip olar cells. Those away from an horizontal cells receive inputs from red cones and send
invagination co n tact dendrites o f O F F -b ip o lar cclls. inhibitory inputs to synapses co n n ectin g green cones to
bipolar cells, while other horizontal cells operate in reverse o f excitatory and inh ibitory regions. Receptive fields with a
fashion. A second type o f horizontal cell receives inputs central excitatory region and inhibitory surround arc
primarily from rods or blue cones. known as O N -c e n tc r recep tive fields. They cause the gan­
These reciprocal con n ection s betw een different types ol glion cell to fire preferentially to the onset o f a stimulus in
cone were believed to form the basis for the first stage o f che recepcive-field center. Ganglion cclls w ith chis type o f
color opponency. However, it now seems that this is not the receptive field are known «is O N cells. Those with an in h ib ­
case (D acey et al. 1 9 9 6 ). H orizontal cells also make direct itory central region and excitatory surround arc known as
synapses with neighboring horizontal cells o f the same type O F F -c e n te r recep tive fields. They cause the cell to fire to
so that, collectively, they form a resistive netw ork. Signals in stimulus offset. Ganglion cells with this type o f receptive
horizontal cells are also believed to feed back to cones in field arc known as O F F cells. O N cells tend to have larger
the form o f a delayed depolarization, but the extent and receptive fields, and their responses are m ore rapid and
significance o f this process has been a subject o f debate more linear than those o f O F F cells (C hichilnisky and
(Burkhardt 1993). Kalm ar 2 0 0 2 ).
A m acrin e cclls occur in the in n er plexiform layer G anglion cclls have overlapping receptive fields because
betw een bipolar cells and ganglion cells. In this layer, ama­ receptors supply inputs to several ganglion cells (see
crine cells form in h ibitory con nection s with bipolar cells C hichilnisky and Baylor 1999). Those with overlapping
and ganglion cells. Their dendritic fields extend up to 1 mm receptive fields that are either both O N -ccn ter o r both
in diameter. O F F -cen ter tend to fire at the same tim e, w hile those with
A m acrine cells generate the first all-or-none actio n opposite-sign centers tend n o t to fire at the same time
p o ten tia ls. An action potential is all-or-none because it has (M astronarde 1 9 8 3 ). O N -ccn ter and O F F -cen te r receptive
con stan t am plitude for that nerve cell (see Section 4 .2 .1 ). fields feed into pathways that remain d istinct as far as the
W hereas a receptor potential is local, an action potential is visual cortex (Schiller 1992).
a b rief event that travels along an axon, sometimes for co n ­ The center o f an O N -cen tcr ganglion cell receives direct
siderable distances. The speed o f propagation o f an action signals from several receptors through O N -bip o lar cclls,
potential is proportional to axon diameter, which varies and indirect signals trom horizontal cells that originate in
betw een 0.1 and 2 0 ftm in vertebrates. In large axons, O F F bipolar cells. The center o f an O F F -cen te r ganglion
condu ction speed reaches 120 m/s. cell receives direct signals from O F F -b ip o lar cells, and
Thirty types o f amacrine cclls have been described. They indirect signals from horizontal cells that originate in O N
differ in rhe type o f bipolar cells they receive inputs from , bipolar cells. Thus, bipolar cells act on ganglion cells in a
which is related to their depth w ithin the inner plexiform “p u sh-pu ir mode. We will see in Section 5 .1 .4 f that the
layer. 'I hey also differ in the lateral spread o f their dendritic push-pull m ode increases the dynamic range o f ganglion
fields and in the ncurotransm itter they use (see Rowe 1991). cells to luminance and ensures that the strongest signals
Each type seems to fulfill a d istin ct function, although rhe com e from where lum inance changes spatially or over time.
functions served by m ost of them remain obscure. The These are the signals containing useful intorm ation.
dendritic fields o f the different types o f am acrine cell may
overlap, but in m ost cases the fields o f each type tile the
5 .1 .4 b T y p es o f G a n g lio n C c lls in C a ts
retina w ithout overlap (M acN eil and M asland 1998).
The retinas o f cats contain at least 10 types o f ganglion cells,
each o fw h ich is believed to tile the retina. A b o u t h alf are X
5 .1 .4 G A N G L IO N C E L L S cells or Y cells (R o ck h ill et al. 2 0 0 2 ) , which arc subdivided
into O N -typ es and O FF -typ es according to w hether che
5 .1 .4 a R e c e p tiv e F ield s o f G a n g lio n C e lls
ccnccr ot che receptive field is excitatory or inhibitory
G anglion cclls form the third and final outer layer o f the (F.nroth-Cugcll and Robson 1 9 6 6 ). Type X cclls (/?cclls)
retina. Their axons form the optic nerve, which extends to are m ost dense in the central retina. They have small recep­
the lateral geniculate nucleus. tive fields with segregated excitatory and inhibitory regions
D ischarges o f the whole optic nerve were first recorded trom which signals are summed in a linear fashion. Their
by Adrian and M atthew s (1 9 2 7 ) in the eel. The firsc axons conduct ac a velocicy becween 15 and 2 3 m/s and
responses from single ganglion cells were recorded by project m ainly to cortical area 17. They are m ost sensitive
H artline and Graham (1 9 3 2 ) in che arrhropod L i m ulus, со high spaCial-frcqucncy and low tcm poral-frequcncy
and by H airline (1 9 3 8 ) in rhe frog. The receptors that Stimuli.
direcdy or indirectly atfect the firing o f a given ganglion cell Type Y cells a cells) are m ore evenly distributed over
is the receptive field o f che ganglion cell, a cerm incroduced the retina. They have larger receptive fields thac are not
by H artline. segregated into clearly defined regions, and show n o n ­
Kuffler (1 9 5 3 ) showed that ganglion-cell receptive fields linear summation o f lum inance distributions. Their axons
in che cac recina are circular, wich a concentric organization conduct at between 2 0 and 3 0 m/s and project mainly to area 18. They respond bcsc to low spatial-frequency (Reid and Shapley 1 9 9 2 ). Lennie et al. (1 9 9 1 ) suggested
and high tem poral-frequency stim uli (Pasternak et al. that, at least for eccentricities up to 10°, the recepcive-field
1995). center consists o f a single S, M ,o r L e o n e , and the surround
O th er ganglion cells are known as W cells. They have contains a random m ix o f cone types, which feed into b ip o ­
large receptive fields concentrated in the central retina. lar cells through horizontal cells. This type o f recepcive
They have thin axons that conduct at a velocity o l between field organizacion creates at least som e color opponency.
2 and 18 m/s, and project to cortical areas 17, 18, and 19 However, recenc evidence suggests that, in the macaque
and to rhe pulvinar in the thalamus. The functional proper­ monkey, ganglion cells receiving inputs from either L (red)
ties ot other types o f ganglion cell are n o t know n. Som e are cones or M (green) cones do not receive any input from
photosensitive (Section 5 .1 .4 e) and som e seem to he sensi­ S (blue) cones (Lee 1 9 9 6 ; Sun et al. 2 0 0 6 ). This means that
tive to the Earth’s m agnetic field (Section 3 7 .5 ). the capacity o f the parvocellular syscem to resolve high spa­
The retinas o f primates arc tiled by at least 13 types o f tial frequencies is not degraded by rhe chrom atic aberration
ganglion cells. The tw o m ost com m on types are broadly produced by shorc-wavelength light.
classified into c o lo r-o p p o n e n t cells and ach ro m a tic cells It had been assumed that horizontal cells in che outer
rather than X and Y cells. plexiform layer co n n ect cones o t opponent types, buc there
is evidence that chey co n n ect all types o f cones (D acey et al.
1 9 9 6 ). Am acrine cells form ing inhibitory links between
5 .1 .4 c C o lo r - O p p o n e n t G a n g lio n C e lls
m idget ganglion cells in the inner plexiform layer arc also
C olor-op p on en t ganglion cells have small cell bodies, thin indiscrim inate with respect to che spectral specificity o f che
axons, and small, dense dendritic trees. They are known as cells chey co n n ect (C alk in s and Sterling 1996).
m idget g an g lion cells, parvocellular cells, or simply P cells. C olor-op p onen t ganglion cells have small receptive
“Parvo” is Latin tor “small." They project to the p arv o cel- fields, low sensitivity to lum inance, but high sensitivity to
lular lam in ae o f the L G N and then to layer 4 C B in the chrom atic m odulation. They conduct nerve impulses at
visual cortex. They constitute about 7 0 % o f ganglion cells. medium velocity. They produce a sustained response to
Each cone contributes, directly or indirectly, to at least continued stim ulation wich a high degree o f linearicy in
two m idget bipolar cells, o n e O N -cen tcr and one O F F - their temporal response. Their small receptive fields enhance
center (K o lb 1 9 7 0 ). Red cones (L cones) and green cones spatial resolution and enable them to respond со stimuli
(M cones) feed inco the cellular netw ork o f the retina to with high spatial frequencies. Their sustained characteristic
create four types o f color-opp onent ganglion cells. 'Iheir reduces their tem poral resolution. Thus, parvocellular cells
receptive fields are (1 ) red O N -ccnter/grecn O FF-surround, in the m onkey can resolve gratings up to 4 0 cpd buc are
(2 ) green O N -center/red O FF-surround , (3 ) red O F F - m ost sensitive to temporal frequencies o f only 10 Hz
center/green O N -surround, and (4 ) green O FF-ccnter/red (D errin gton and Lennie 1 9 8 4 ). C o lo r opponency is
O N -surround. T h e firsc tw o types correspond to inner reduced at scocopic lum inance levels.
m idget ganglion cells and the latter two types to oucer
m idget ganglion cells. The receptive fields o f inner and
5 . 1 .4 d A c h r o m a tic G a n g lio n C e lls
outer midget cells torm distinct mosaic coverings ot the
retina. Sim ilar opponent structures are created from yellow A ch ro m atic gan glion cells are called parasol gan glion
(red plus green) and blue cones (S cones) teeding into a dis­ cells, or m agnocellular cells (M cells). They have large
tin ct class o f ganglions cells known as bistratified ganglion receptive fields and project to the m ag n o cellu lar lam inae
cells. o f the L G N and then to layer 4 С a in the visual cortex.
The firing rate o f a color-opponent ganglion cell They con stitu te abou t 10% o f ganglion cells. They have
increases above the baseline when the excitatory region is recepcive-field centers and receptive-field surrounds made
stim ulated m ost and decreases below the baseline rate when up o f rods o r M (green) cones and L (red ) cones. There has
the inhibitory region is stim ulated most. For example, a cell been dispute about w hether the m agnocellular pathway
with a red-excitatory center and green inhibitory surround receives inputs from S (blue) cones, but recenc evidence
produces an increased response to a long-wavelength stim u­ suggests that they do not (Sun et al. 2 0 0 6 ).
lus and a decreased response to a medium-wavelength stim ­ Achromatic ganglion cells have high contrast sensitivity,
ulus. N ote that single opponent cells do not respond to are broadly tuned to wavelength, and do n o t show color
chrom atic boundaries. We shall see later that che tour types opponency. They are referred to as b ro ad b an d cells.
o f red-green ganglion cells converge on so-called double- However, for some o f them , rhe receptive field center and
opponcnc cells in che visual cortex thac produce signed dif­ surround are not in spectral balance, and color opponency
ference signals related ro local color contrast. is revealed under certain conditions o f stim ulation (Shapley
A ccording to che tradicional view, che receptive field ot 1 9 9 1 ) (Portraic Figure 5 .6 ). Som e have O N -cencer recep­
a color-opp onent ganglion cell contains cones o f one type cive fields and others have O F F -cen te r receptive fields.
in che cencer and o f anocher single cypc in che surround Their large receptive fields enhance their lighc-colleccing
there arc at least 10 types o f ganglion cclls that arc neither
m idget cells n or parasol cells, but little is known about the
functional properties o f these cclls. For more details on
the structure and function o f the retina see Dow ling
(1 9 8 7 ), W assle and B o yco tt ( 1 9 9 1 ), Lee ( 1 9 9 6 ), and
R odieck (1 9 9 8 ).

5 . 1 .4e C o n n e c tio n s an d R esp o n se s o f

G a n g lio n C c lls

In humans, the total num ber ot ganglion cells varies between

0 .7 and 1.5 m illion. In che central retina, ganglion-cell
densities vary betw een 3 2 ,0 0 0 to 38,000/ m m 2. D ensities in
che nasal retina are 3 0 0 % higher than those at correspond­
ing positions in the temporal retina. D ensities in the supe­
rior retina are 60 % higher than those in the inferior retina
(C urcio and Allen 1990). Visual consequences o l retinal
asymmetry are discussed in Section 14.6.2a.
For each cone in the central fovea of che monkey retina
Figure5-6 R obert ShapUy. B o rn in N ew York 1 9 4 4 . H e graduated in there arc three to four ganglion cclls. Each ganglion cell
ch em istry and physics from H arvard in 1 9 6 5 and ob tain ed a P h .D . in receives inputs trom more than one cone and each cone
neu roph ysiology from the R ock efeller U n iv ersity w ith H . K . H artlin e
influences several ganglion cells. A t an eccentricity o f about
in 1 9 7 0 . A fter p o std o cto ra l w ork at C am brid ge U niversity he becam e
15° there is one ganglion cell per cone. In the peripheral
an assistant professor at R ock efeller U niversity in 1 9 7 2 . In 1 9 8 7 m oved
to the C e n te r for N eural Scien ce at N ew York U niversity, where he is retina there arc many more concs than ganglion cells. In the
N atalie C lew s Sp en cer Professor. H e w on the N Y U Sokol award in m onkey retina ganglion-cell density decreases from abouc
1997. 50,0 0 0 / m n r near chc fovea to about 800/m m 2 in the nasal
periphery and to about 100/m m 2 in che cemporal periphery
(W assle et al. 1 9 9 0 ). Thus, the precision with which the
efficiency and render chem sensitive ac lower lum inance. retina samples the distribution o f lighc in che image declines
C ells with large receptive fields have higher sensitivity also syseematically with increasing eccentricity.
because they have a higher signal-co-noise racio. Noise is A single recepcor, even in che fovea, cypically co n trib ­
due to fluctuations in photon distribution and to spontane­ utes to the center and surround o t several ganglion-cell
ous events at che photopigm ent and synapcic levels. W hen receptive fields. In other words, neighboring receptive fields
N receptors feed into one receptive field, the total noise is of ganglion cells overlap. Overlap improves the signal-to-
proportional со \(N. noise ratio by averaging responses over several receptors.
M agnocellular ganglion cells have large-diam cter axons It also produces uniform ity ot contrast sensitivity over
and consequently con d u ct nerve impulses rapidly. They che retina. O ptim al uniform ity is achieved by separating
show a transient response to continued stim ulation. Their recepcive-field centers by twice the standard deviation of
large receptive fields reduce cheir spacial resolution, buc the reccptive-field profile. However, overlapping receptive
cheir transicnc characteristic improves their cemporal reso­ fields are less econom ical and increase response redundancy.
lution so chac chey are able to respond to higher races o f See Borghuis c t al. (2 0 0 8 ) for a discussion o f this issue.
flicker and higher velocities o l m otion than the sustained For reccptive-field centers arranged in a square lattice
color-opp onent cclls. In the monkey, broadband cclls can and separated by distance a, as in Figure 5 .7 Л , the m ini­
resolve gratings up to a spatial frequency o f only about mum radius of the receptive fields required for com plete
10 cpd but are m ost sensitive to tem poral frequencies o f coverage is a/\'2. For receptive fields arranged in a hexago­
2 0 Hz (D errin gton and Lennie 1984). nal lattice, as in Figure 5.7B , the m inim um radius for co m ­
Selective staining has revealed that about 6% o f gan­ plete coverage is a/ \'3. For a given type o f ganglion ccll, the
glion cells serving the foveal cen ter are parasol cells and that ratio of recepcive-field spacing to reccptive-field diam eter is
each cell receives inputs Irom 3 0 to 50 cones (G ru n ert et al. close to that predicted trom the m ost efficient coverage tor
1 9 9 3 ). This means chat chey have a spacial resolution o f a hexagonal lattice ( W assle et al. 1981). Thus, at every point,
about 4 arcm in. Foveal acuity, w hich is about 1 arcm in, the retinal image is efficiently sampled for che differenc
must therefore depend on m idget ganglion cells. visual feacures chac each o f che differenc cypes o f receptive
G anglion cells are classified in other ways according to field dcccccs.
che organizacion o f cheir receptive fields, but this goes The areas o f cencer and surround regions o f che recep­
beyond the scope o l this book. In the retinal periphery tive fields ot boch opponenc and achrom atic ganglion cells
o f operation increases che dynamic range o f ganglion cclls
to changes in lum inance (Sterling 1990). The O N -chan nel
can be selectively blocked by applying am inophosphonobu-
а tyrate (A P B ) to an anim als recina. This impairs the anim als
ability to detect lighc increm ents and reduces contrast sen­
sitivity. However, responses to shape, color, and movement
are impaired only mildly (Schiller et al. 1986).
'Ihe partition o f receptive fields into excitatory and
inhibitory regions and the tem poral biphasic response
ensures that the strongest signals com e from regions where
lum inance changes spatially or over tim e. These are che sig­
nals rhat contain useful inform ation. Ganglion cells are
insensitive to areas o f even anti unchanging lum inance.
Local regions in natural scenes rend со have che same lum i­
nance chac persiscs over time. Ganglion cells can be said to
reduce the redundancy present in the inform ation provided
by natural scenes, and thus economize on neural transmission
(Barlow 1961).
Several investigators have reported that, as lum inance is
К*аг«$.7. C overage of'gangfion’ceU rcceftivefields. (A ) F o r a square lattice- o f reduced, ganglion cells lose their inhibitory surround
receptive Helds, a u nits a p art, (he m in im u m radius o f coverage is a f \!2 responses (Barlow et al. 1 9 5 7 ; M uller and D acheux 1997).
(B ) F<ir a hexagonal la ttice, th e m in im u m radius is a / J J . (Ad^Kitrom
However, other investigators have n o t confirm ed chis effect,
W i t J c c i iL 1 9 8 1 )
at least atsuprathrcshold scotopic levels o f lum inance (Troy
ec al. 1999). Loss o f inhibicion would improve light sensi-
increase in proportion ro eccentricity. A t all eccentricities tivicv bu t degrade sensitivity to stimuli o f high spatial fre­
the receptive fields o f achrom atic cells have about twice quency or high rates o f interm ittence. W ith decreasing
rhe area o f those o f opponent cells. Peak sensitivities o f lum inance, the frequency o f response o f O F F -ce n te r gan­
center and surround regions are inversely proportional to glion cells falls more rapidly than chac o f O N -ccn ter cells
receptive-field area, and hence ro eccentricity, so that spa­ (R a m o a e ta l. 1 9 8 5 ).
tially integrated contrast sensitivities (contrast gains) are Adapcacion со che mean level o f illuminacion occurs
constant over the visual field (C ron er and Kaplan 1995). entirely in che recina. G anglion cells and cells in V I adapt ro
M ost ganglion cells m aintain an irregular discharge in the mean level o f contrast. Thus, contrast adaptation is due
the absence o f stim ulation. The irregularity o f the m ain­ to both retinal and corrical processes (see Kohn 2 0 0 7 ).
tained discharge, especially in the low-frequency range, is Inspection o f a high-contrast grating for some tim e reduces
also evident in the power spectrum o f the responses o f gan­ concrasc sensicivicy, so chat a low-conorasc gracing may be
glion cells to stim uli. The irregularity in dim light arises invisible for some cime. Concrasc adapcation is specific to
from chc stochastic quantal nacurc o f lighc and from random the spatial frequency and orientation o f rhe adaptation
variations in the initiation o f neural spikes (R obson and grating.
Troy 1 987). The form ation o f che recinal image and visual Following onset o f high-contrasc scimuli, ganglion cclls
resolution are discussed in Section 9.1. of the salamander showed three changes, starting in less
Nerve impulses in ganglion-cell axons take longer со than 0.1 s and developed over 10 s.
reach the optic nerve the greater their distance from the
optic disk. However, at least for X cells o f the cat, chis dif­ 1. Reduction in integration time, which reduced
ferencial delay is com pensated for by the increase in axon sensitivity to low spatial frequencies.
diam eter with increasing ccccntricicy. Axons with greacer
2. Reduction in contrast gain, w hich protected against
diam eter con d u ct m ore rapidly (Stanford 1987).
response saturacion.

3. An initial increase in spike frequency followed by a slow

5 . 1 . 4 f A d a p tiv e C o d in g in G a n g lio n C e lls
reduction. The initial increase indicated chat a change
It was explained in Section 5 .1 .4 a that ganglion-cell recep­ o f contrast had occurred, and che subscqucnc rcduccion
tive fields contain excitatory and inhibitory regions thac protected against saturation (Baccus and M eiscer 2 0 0 2 ).
receive inputs from O N bipolar cells and O F F bipolar cells
respectively. Thus, ganglion cells show spacial antagonism Ganglion cells also adapt to the local spacial and temporal
between the center and surround o f their receptive fields features o f the stimulus. Hosoya et al. (2 0 0 5 ) exposed a rab­
and a biphasic tem poral antagonism . This push-pull mode b its retina со a flickering checkerboard for several seconds.
Л tier adaptation, responses o f ganglion cells to a flickering depletes the stock o f unbleached pigm ent molecules and
checkerboard became about 50% weaker and responses to a depletes neurotransm itter vesicles trom the prcsynaptic
flickering uniform field increased by about 40% . The reverse m em brane o f ganglion cells. These processes allow a system
changes occurred after adaptation to a uniform flickering with lim ited dynam ic range to cope with changes in light
field. Exposure to a flickering horizontal grating decreased intensity o f ten orders o f magnitude.
ganglion-cell responses to a horizontal grating and increased In an ideal detector (one free ol internal noise), sensitiv­
responses to л vertical grating. Thus, ganglion cells adapt to ity to a change in lum inance should depend only on random
the predom inant local spatial structure so as to becom e less fluctuations in rhe number o fq u an ta absorbed by the detec­
responsive to more predictable (redundant) stimuli. tor (DeVries 1 9 4 3 ; Rose 1 9 4 3 ). I f we assume that these fluc­
tuations follow a Poisson distribution, the detectability o f a
luminance increm ent should be proportional to the size ot
5 . l . 4 g P h o to se n s itiv e G a n g lio n C e lls
the change. Also, detectability should increase as the square
In rodents, and probably in all mammals, about 1% ot gan­ root ot the pedestal lum inance, a relationship known as the
glion cells contain photosensitive m elanopsin. These cells d cV ries-R o se law (C oh n c t al. 1 9 7 5 ). These predictions
torm an electrically coupled network in the inner retina held tor frog ganglion cells only over a small range ot low
that acts as a ph otod etector rather than an im agc-detector pedestal lum inance. At higher levels, the increm ent thresh­
(Berson et al. 2 0 0 2 ). The cells respond with spikes in mice old is proportional to pedestal lum inance (W eber’s law).
lacking rods and cones (Freedm an et al. 1999). They depo­ A signal-detection measure o f the sensitivity o f ganglion
larize in response to light, like rods and cones o f inverte­ cells in the cat s eye to a change in lum inance could be m od­
brates, but unlike those o f vertebrates. They have very low eled quantitatively only when noise in the receptors was
tem poral resolution (D o et al. 2 0 0 9 ). The cells p roject to taken into account (Levick et al. 1 9 8 3 ).
the su p rach iasm atic nucleus via the suprachiasmatic tract. Rose (1 9 4 8 ) introduced the con cept o f the qu antal
This nucleus controls the circadian rhythm , as explained in efficien cy o f any system that detects a stimulus at low light
Section 5.3.1. It is also involved in the pupillary light levels. If the average num ber o fq u a n ta absorbed in a given
response. This whole system matures before the system tim e by a given detector is N, with a deviation ol >/]V , then
serving image detection. the smallest change in N that can be detected, д N is:
M igratory birds possess a distinct class o f ganglion cells
known as displaced ganglion cells (Britto et al. 1988). There ДЛ’ = JN (i)
is evidence that they contain light sensitive cryptochrom es
that detect the earth s magnetic field (Section 3 7 .5 .6 ). where is the sig n al-to -n o ise ratio. It can be shown diat:

l \ = L C '( X ' (2)

5 .1 .5 L IG H T D E T E C T IO N

It has been estim ated that between 15 and 50 % o flig h t W h ere /r, is a constant that depends on the optical param­
quanta striking the cornea o f rhe cat are absorbed by rods. eters, quantal efficiency, and integration tim e o f the detec­
Under dark-adapted conditions, cat retinal ganglion cells tor, L is the lum inance o f the stimulus, С is the threshold
respond on average with one or more nerve impulses per contrast, and a is rhe angular subtense o f the stimulus.
photon absorbed by the visual pigm ent ( Barlow e t al. 1971). Thus, for optical or visual systems with sim ilar optical prop­
Thus, at the absolute threshold, ganglion cells can transm it erties and integration times, quantal efficiency is propor­
inform ation on quantal absorptions very efficiently and tional to che square o f the threshold contrast. Rose estimated
w ithout a threshold nonlinearity. Psychophysical experi­ the quantal efficiency of' the human eye as 5% for a small
ments have shown that the human visual system
has a similar b rief spot on a low lum inance background at threshold
efficiency ( H e c h te ta l. 1942). lum inance (see also van M eeteren 1 9 7 8 ). Receptors in the
A cone integrates photons over about 50 ms. W ith in eye are subject to noise arising from random fluctuations in
the lum inancc range o f a cone the num ber o f photons arriv­ the num ber o flig h t quanta arriving at a given location in a
ing in the integration tim e varies between about 100 and given tim e, and from variations in absorption o f light
1 0 ' (Sch n ap f e t al. 1990). W ith in the linear range o f the quanta. But, in addition, there is noise due to random fluc­
visual system, the num ber o f quanta absorbed is propor­ tuations in the biochem ical processes w ithin the retina,
tional to the lum inance o t the light (Barlow and Lcvick including thermal instability ot the visual pigments and o f
1 9 6 9 ). The hyperpolarization o f the cell m em brane is the neural transduction processes (Lam b 1987). Visual
proportional to the rate o t absorption o f light quanta by inputs arising from spontaneous events in the retina art-
photopigm ent. known as “dark lig h t” (Barlow 1957). ЛИ these sources o f
Light sensitivity is reduced after exposure to bright noise are known as the in trin sic n oise ot the visual system.
light (ligh t adaptation) and increased afier exposure to dim N eighboring retinal cones arc interconnected by
light (dark adaptation). C ontin u ed exposure to bright light gap junctions, through which electrical signals can pass.
Strong signals spreading over a wide area o f the retina would system. The calculation efficiency can then be derived
wash o u t differences in visually evoked potentials and by dividing the quantal efficiency by the transduction
thereby degrade visual resolution. However, it has been efficiency.
shown that the signals carried by gap ju n ction s spread no This procedure has been used to determ ine whether
further than the radius o f image blur arising from the eye’s practice in a psychophysical task improves transduction
optics (S ectio n 9 .1 .1 ). These local signals tend to even out efficiency or calculation efficiency (see S ection 4.9 .2 c).
the uncorrelated random noise across neighboring cones The form ation o f the retinal image and visual resolution
leaving correlated activity due to the stimulus relatively are discussed in Section 9.1.
unchanged. In this way, gap ju n ctio n s betw een cones
improve the signal-to-noise ratio (DeVries ct al. 2 0 0 2 ).
E xtern al n oise is a perturbation ot that feature o f a 5 .2 L A T E R A L G E N IC U L A T E N U C L E I
visual stimulus that is being investigated. For example, lum i­
nance jitter can be added to a stimulus patch or random
5 .2 .1 S T R U C T U R E O F T H E LG N
spatial fluctuations o f am plitude or contrast can be added
to a sinusoidal grating. The thalamus is a subcortical structure through which
In the absence o f external noise, the threshold in a alm ost all sensory nerves pass on their way to higher cen ­
psychophysical experim ent measures how well the visual ters. The two lateral g en icu late n u clei (LC iN ) are the part
system transform s a given stimulus into a decision. This o f the thalamus through which visual inputs pass on their
transform ation involves tw o stages— the form ation o f a way to the visual cortex.
neural signal and a decision stage. T ran sd u ctio n efficien cy The axons o f ganglion cells leave the eye in the optic
indicates how well the stimulus is converted into neural nerve. Alter passing through the optic chiasm , the axons
signals. Intrinsic noise reduces this efficiency below a value form the optic tract. In higher mammals, m ost o f the axons
o f 1. C a lcu la tio n efficien cy¥ indicates how well the visual in each optic tract go to the ipsilateral lateral geniculate
system makes correct decisions on the basis o f noisy neural nucleus. In each L G N the axons segregate into distinct
signals. It the input is specified in term s o f light quanta, the layers, or lam inae, where they synapse with relay cells
luminance threshold specifies the quantal efficiency o f (Perry et al. 1 9 8 4 ). The axons o f relay cells go to the prim ary
the visual system for that stimulus, which includes trans­ visual cortex.
duction efficiency and calculation efficiency. Thus, quantal The projection ot the visual field o n to the primate LG N ,
efficiency equals the product o f transduction efficiency and shown in Figure 5.8, has been revealed by use o f retinal
calculation efficiency. lesions (Brouw er and Zeem an 1926; ('la rk and Penman
Visual scientists have attem pted to obtain separate mea­ 1 9 3 4 ) anil, in m ore detail, by m icroelectrode recording
sures ot transduction efficiency (intrinsic noise) and calcu­ (M alpeli and Baker 1 9 7 5 ). The horizontal retinal meridian
lation efficiency. Engineers specify the intrinsic noise o f an divides rhe LG N along its axis o f symmetry. The lower
amplifier by measuring the noise level o f the outpuc at each
o f several frequencies as a function o f the level o f an input
o f white noise. At low levels o f external noise, output noise Lateral
is dom inated by intrinsic noise and remains relatively co n ­
stant. W h en the external noise begins to exceed the intrin­
sic noise, the output noise as a proportion o f input noise
begins to rise more steeply. The noise level at which this
begins to happen is known as the eq u iv alen t in p u t noise.
Thus, the position o t the "knee" in the output function is
taken as a measure o f the intrinsic noise o f the system.
A similar procedure has been used to determ ine the
intrinsic noise o f the visual system with respect to specified
detection tasks. For example in a tw o-interval forced choice
lum inance detection task, the square o f the contrast thresh­
old in decibels specifies the output noise level. This is plot­ L o w e r field

ted as a function o f the level o f external noise in decibels M e d ia l

that has been added to the stimulus. The level o f external Retina LGN
noise where the slope o f the threshold function begins to
change is taken as a measure o f the intrinsic noise o f rhe Figure s-я. P rojection o f th e visualfie ld auto the LG X . S ch e m a tic view o f the
right hem ificld o f th e m o n k e y s recina and its p ro jectio n o n to the dorsal
visual system tor chat task (P clli 1 990). The intrinsic noise
surface o f layer 6 o f the left L G N . N u m bers represent degrees, ’the
includes fluctuations in absorption o f light and neural insta­ blue lines are azim u ths, and th e black lines arc elevations. T h e red lines
bility and indicates the transduction efficiency o f the represent th e lim its o f chc visual field. Quforwn fom м fekcr 1975) field is represented in the medial superior h alf and the
upper field in the lateral inferior half. The vertical meridian
o f the visual field divides the L G N in the orthogonal direc­
tion. The fovea is represented at the posterior, or caudal
pole, and peripheral regions arc represented at the anterior,
or rostral pole. In the macaque L G N , 10,000 times more
parvocellular neurons are devoted to each unit area ot
the fovea than to each unit area o f the far periphery
(M a lp c licc a l. 1996).
The LG N o f the ca t contains four principal laminae des­
ignated A , A 1, C , and С 1, and two others known as C 2 and
C 3 . C ells in laminae A and С receive their inputs from the
contralateral eye and those in laminae A l and C l from the
ipsilateral eye. The tw o A laminae con tain sim ilar types o f
cells but the cells in lam ina C , which originate in the nasal
hem iretina, are considerably larger than those in layer C l , V entral
which originate in the tem poral hem iretina. The axons o f
Fi**rc$.9. I b e la tera lg en h u la te nucleus. L am in atio n and p ro jectio n
m ost X and Y cells term inate in laminae A and A l with
co lu m n s in a co ro n a l se ctio n o t the L G N o f a m onkey. A co lu m n is
about 6 2 % o f all Y cells term inating in lamina A l. The
defined as having 9 0 % o f the cclls w ith a single visual d ire ctio n . Inputs
С lam ina receives a few X and Y cells but mainly W cells. from the ipsilateral eye term in ate in L am in ae 2 , 3 . and 5 , w hile those
W cells are a heterogeneous group o f slowly conducting from the con tralateral eye term in ate in lam inae 1 ,4 , and 6 . (From
S x c n U g o t i u i 1 9 7 3 «»*tli k i n J p c n o i w i o e o f S f n a ^ c r S i * c m c * B u u n c » * M e d ia )
ganglion cells. Their large receptive fields have poorly
defined excitatory and inh ibitory regions and poor spatial
and tem poral resolution. Also, the ca ts L G N has tw o asso­
ciated nuclei— the medial interlam inar nucleus and the The region devoted to the m onocular temporal crescent ot
geniculate wing (Kaas et al. 1972). the visual field receives only crossed inputs and therefore
The retinogeniculate pathways o f monkeys have been contains only tw o lam inae— one P and one M lam ina (Kaas
investigated by tracing the retrograde transport o f horse­ et al. 1 9 7 2 ). Inputs to each lam ina in the L G N arc projected
radish peroxidase from specific layers o f the L G N to spe­ in systematic retinotopic order. Inputs from corresponding
cific types ot ganglion cell in the retina (Perry et al. 1984). areas o t the two eyes lie in p ro je c tio n colu m n s running at
The pathways have also been investigated electrophysiologi- right angles to the laminae, as shown in Figure 5.9. In each
callv bv recording trom cells in the living L G N (K aplan and lam ina, ganglion cells with O N -cen tcr receptive fields and
Shapley 1 986). those w ith O F F -cen te r fields term inate on distinct cells.
The axons o t color-opponent ganglion cells (P cells) A ccording to one estim ate, magnocellular inputs reach
term inate in the four dorsal laminae in the primate L G N , the LG N o f the monkey, on average, 17 ms before parvocel­
where they synapse with relay cells (Figure 5.9). These are lular inputs (Schm olcsky et al. 1 9 9 8 ). But, it has been
the parvocellular lam inae, or P lam inae. Inputs from the claim ed that this temporal advantage is elim inated by rhe
ipsilateral eye go to laminae 3 and 5. and those trom the time inputs reach the visual cortex, because the more num er­
contralateral eye go to laminae 4 and 6. The whole visual ous parvocellular inputs converge on cortical cells more
channel, including color-opponent ganglion cells, the than do magnocellular inputs (M au n sellet al. 1999).
P laminae o f the L G N , and the cortical pathways to The primate LG N also has so-called k o n io cellu lar cells,
which they lead, form s the p arv o cellu lar system . or К cells, which have physiological properties sim ilar to
The axons o f achrom atic ganglion cells term inate in the those o f W cells in cats. They occur m ainly in three ipsilat­
two ventral laminae o f the L G N , known as the m agnocel- eral and three contralateral lavers in the L G N but some are
lular laminae, or M lam inae. Inputs from the ipsilateral eye scattered in M ccll and P cell layers (H endry and Yoshioka
go to lamina 2, and those trom the contralateral eye go to 1994). They torin fewer and smaller synaptic term inals than
lamina 1, as shown in Figure 5.9. A chrom atic M ganglion do P and M cells and have larger receptive fields (Shostak
cells, the m agnocellular laminae, and the cortical pathways et al. 2 0 0 3 ). They relay inputs from blue cones to c y to ­
into which they feed form the m ag n o cellu lar system. chrom e oxidase blobs in layers 1 and 3 ot the visual cortex,
In the part o f the L G N devoted to the central retina to the superior colliculus, and M T . G roups o f large neurons
there arc four P laminae and tw o M laminae. In parts that tend to occur in К-cell layers, with properties similar to
devoted to the peripheral binocular visual field, there are К cells, project to V 2 , V 4 (Section 5.8.3a), the inferior tem ­
onlvs tour lam inae— tw o P and two M laminae. The blind poral cortex (Section 5.8 .3 b ), and M T (S ectio n 5.8.4b ).
spot is represented in che transition zone betw een the six- These pathways may be responsible for blindsight (see
layered and four-layered regions (Lee and M alpeli 1994). Section 5 .5 .7 ). In the L G N , К cells receive substantial
inputs from V I and arc the only I.G N cells to receivc inputs which is connected to layer 4 C 0 f — the layer receiving
from the superior colliculus (H endry and Reid 2 0 0 0 ). inputs from m agnocellular layers o f the L G N (Lund and
The neuroanatom v o f the L G N is reviewed in Garey B o o th e 1 9 7 5 ; Fitzpatrick e t al. 1994).
c t al. (1 9 9 1 ). R etinogeniculate synapses involve the A M PA recep­
tor subunit G lu R l on rhe postsynaptic mem brane (see
S ection 5.5.2c). This receptor generates slow responses with
5.2.2 PROPERTIES OP LGN RELAY CELLS the high amplitude and precise tim ing required for trans­
mission o f visual inform ation. Visual activity is involved
5 .2 .2 a In p u ts to L G N R elay C e lls
in the buildup o f G lu R l receptors in retinogeniculate syn­
Th e receptivc'field o f each relay cell in rhe L G N is funda­ apses (K ielland c t al. 2 0 0 9 ). C orticogenicu late synapses
mentally the same as that o f the ganglion cell with which it involve che receptor subunit G lu R 4, w hich generates tasc
is connected. Furtherm ore, there arc as many relay cells as responses o f much smaller amplitude, appropriate to their
ganglion cells, although there may be some divergence and role as m odulators ot visual inputs (Sherm an and Guillcrv
convergence o f optic nerve fibers o n to L G N relay cells 2002 ).
(Schein and M onasterio 1 9 8 7 ). C orticofugal inputs to the L G N do n o t produce
Each neuron in the L G N receives a direct excitatory responses in I.G N cells in the absence o f visual inputs.
input from only one eye. However, there are inputs trom However, these feedback circuits enable the cortex to influ­
places o ther than the retina. Also, there are extensive in h ib ­ ence the responses o f L G N relay cells. In particular, feed­
itory and excitatory interactions between cells in the L G N back can change the firing o f L G N cells between burst
(M arrocco and M cC lurkin 19 7 9 ; K ato et al. 1981; Ahlscn mode and tonic mode (sustained mode) (sec Sherman
et al. 1985). All inhibitory interactions involve interneurons, 2 0 0 1 ). We will now see that they m odulate the spatial and
which produce the neurotransm itter gam m a-am inobutyric temporal properties o fth e center-sur round organization o f
acid (G A B A ) (see M ize and M arc 1992). L G N relay cells.
O n ly about 12% o f synaptic ju n ctio n s found on genicu-
late relay neurons o f the cat originate in the retina. A bout
5 .2 .2 b S p a tio te m p o ra l R esp o n se s o f L G N C e lls
50% derive from layer 6 o f the visual cortex. The other
30 % are com posed o f inhibitory (G A B A crgic) inputs In the dark, m ost relay cells in the L G N m aintain a low rate
from intcrncurons and cholinergic, noradrenergic, and o f neural discharge o f betw een 10 and 2 0 impulses/s (see
serotonergic inputs from rhe perigeniculate nucleus, brain­ Snodderly and Gur 1995). This is considerably lower than
stem reticular form ation, tegm entum , superior colliculus, the spontaneous firing rate o f ganglion cells (Kaplan c t al.
pretectum , and locus coeruleus (Sherm an and Koch 1986; 1987). O n ly som e cortical cells into which the L G N feeds
M ontero 1 992). Inputs to the monkey L G N are similar have a m aintained discharge— the rest are silent in the dark.
except that chey do not include noradrenergic synapses Inhibitory circuits in the I.G N and cortex muse be respon­
(Bickford et al. 2 0 0 0 ). sible tor this progressive reduction o t spontaneous activity
M any inputs to the I.G N from sources o ther than rhe betw een retina and cortex.
eye term inate in interlam inar spaces, where they synapse The response rate o f ganglion cells and ot L G N relay
with dendritic extensions o f cells in the main laminae (see cells increases with increasing stimulus contrast. C ontrast
Casagrande and Brunso-Bechtold 1988). gain is the increase in firing rate per unit increase in contrast
All direct cortical inputs to I.G N relay cells arc excit­ in the linear range. The contrast gain o f ganglion cells is
atory and originate from layer 6 o f the visual cortex. They higher than that o f relay cells. Kaplan et al. (1 9 8 7 ) co n ­
innervate corresponding retinotopic regions in the L G N , cluded that the L G N contains a nonlinear gain control
and the orientation selectivity and O N -O F F zones o f the m echanism that attenuates transmission as stimulus co n ­
cortical cells m atch those o f t h e I.G N cells. However, it trast increases. This m echanism could be due to inhibitory
seems that the feedback and recipient cells are reversed in interneurons in the L G N or to inhibitory influences arising
spatial phase (W a n g e t al. 2 0 0 6 ). Also, each axon innervates from other subcortical centers or the visual cortex. This
several L G N relay cells (see C udeiro and Sillito 2 0 0 6 ). The response com pression could prevent response saturation
cortex also exhibits indirect inh ibitory influences on I.G N in cortical cells. Each cortical cell receives inputs from sev­
relay cells through G A B A ergic L G N interneurons or the eral L G N cells. If these inputs were summed linearly, the
thalam ic reticular nucleus. response o fc o r deal cells would soon saturate. Thus, response
Injection o f tracers has revealed that parvocellular layers com pression in the L G N extends the dynamic range o f co r­
o f the L G N receive m ost o f their inputs from che upper halt tical cells and enables them to code contrast and perform a
o f cortical layer 6, which is connected to cortical layers spatial and tem poral analysis o f the visual stimulus.
4C /2 and 4 A — the layers receiving inputs from parvocel­ The response o f a relay cell in the cat L G N increases
lular layers o f the L G N . M agnocellular layers o f the I.G N as a grating stimulus reaches an optim al size, after
receive all cheir inputs trom cells in the lower halt ot layer 6, which the response decreases, as shown in Figure 5.Ю Л
(B o n in ct al. 2 0 0 5 ). This is know n as size tu n ing. The o p ti­ clicitcd a stronger response when the visual cortex was
mal size is determ ined by the size o f the excitatory part o f intact (Przybyszcwski et al. 2 0 0 0 ).
the receptive field and by the strength o f the in h ibitory sur­ C ai c t al. (1 9 9 7 ) recorded from L G N relay cells in cats
round. A low -contrast grating docs n o t show size tuning .is bright and dark bars were Hashed for 13 ms on different
because it docs nor activate the in h ibitory surround. parts o f the receptive fields. M ost cclls had a ccntcr-sur-
The response o f a relay ccll saturates as the contrast o f an round organization and responded with a 3 0 ms burst above
optim al grating stimulus increases. This is c o n tra st satu ra­ the resting level followed by a sim ilar period o f activity
tion. However, saturation did n o t show for a small stimulus below resting level. The response o f the receptive-ficld sur­
that did not encroach on the inhibitoryi surround o t the round was typically delayed relative to that o t the center.
cells receptive field, as shown in Figure 5 . ЮН. C ells in the m agnocellular lam inae o f rhe L G N have
Bonin et al. (2 0 0 5 ) accounted tor size tuning and co n ­ longer latencies to stim ulation than cells in parvoccllular
trast saturation in the cat L G N mainly in terms o f the orga­ layers. This reduces differences in latency arising at the reti­
nization o f receptive fields o f ganglion cells. They agreed nal level. Also, cclls in magnocellular laminae have larger
with previous investigators that inhibition in chc L G N receptive fields, greater sensitivity to lum inance contrast,
arises trom stimuli beyond the receptive fields ot ganglion and better temporal resolution than cclls in parvoccllular
cells, as defined by classical m ethods (Solom on ct al. 2 0 0 2 ; lam inae (L evitt c t al. 2 0 0 1 ).
W ebb e t al. 2 0 0 5 ). However, they claimed that the standard Relay cells in the L G N respond either tonically wich a
mcchods grossly underestim ate the size o f the reccptive- discharge that persists as long as the stimulus persists or
field surround o f L G N ganglion cells. O th er investigators phasically with a rapid burst ot 2 to 10 spikes. Transition
have confirm ed that size tuning in the L G N results from betw een these modes depends on the initial hyperpolariza-
changes in receptive fields o f ganglion cells (N o lt ct al. tion o f the cell m em brane, which depends on inputs from
2 0 0 4 ). However, Bonin et al. did n o t excludc a contribu ­ the visual cortex and subcortex. Sherm an (1 9 9 6 ) suggested
tion from inhibitory interneurons in the L G N or from that relay cclls fire in tonic mode when specific objects arc
feedback from the perigeniculate nuclcus. being inspected and in arrhythm ic bursts when chc animal
B o n in c t al. argued that feedback from the visual cortex is searching tor an o bject. Feedback from the cortex m odu­
is not a m ajor factor in inhibitory effects in the L G N lates pattern-specific center-surround interactions in the
because the effects were not orientation specific and were receptive fields o f L G N cells (C udeiro and Sillito 1996).
less extensive than cortical receptive fields. Also, ablation ot C o rtical feedback also alters the tem poral response
the visual cortex in the marm oset m onkey did not abolish properties o f L G N cells (M arrocco et al. 1996). It induces
surround inhibition in the L G N (W ebb et al. 2 0 0 2 ). correlated firing o f L G N relay cclls in response to moving
However, stimuli confined to rhe classical receprive field oriented stimuli (Sillito e t al. 1994). Also, feedback from

20 ' 5% 2 0% 4 0 %

' S tim ulus
| contrast
-Й 80
t 60 100%
о 40%
с 40

£ 20

0 .5 1 2 4 8 16
D iam eter (deg) C o n trast (%)


Fi£Uf с 5.Ю. S h e tuning a n d contrast uU uraticn in th e LOW. ( A ) R esponses o f L G N cclls as a fu n ctio n o f stim ulus d iam eter for each o f fou r con trasts.
( B ) Responses a s a fu n ctio n o t co n tra st fo r each o f three stim ulus diam eters. T h e solid lines arc p red ictio n s from a m odel. T h e stim uli were gratings
presented a t th e op tim al values o t 0 .2 4 cpd and 7 .8 H z. (.vbpecd fr.™ *ш п
chc cortcx through the reticular com plex and perigeniculate 5.2.3 B I N O C U L A R R E S P O N S E S IN LGN
nucleus may enhance the response o f active sites in the LG N .
5 .2 .3 a B in o c u la r R esp o n se s in C a t L G N
This could be an attentional mechanism (C rick 1984).
Relay cells o f the L G N o f the cat give brisk excitatory
responses to stimuli presented to the dom inant eye for that
5 .2 .2 c O r ie n ta tio n S e n sitiv ity o f L G N C e lls
cell. They respond weakly or not at all to stim uli presented
The dendritic fields o f retinal ganglion cells in the L G N are to the other eve.
However, stim ulation o f the nondom inant
organized radially (Schall et al. 1 9 8 6 ). M ost relay cells in eye may enhance or in h ibit responses to stim ulation o f the
the cat and m onkey L G N are sensitive to the orientation ot d om inant eye (N oda et al. 1972). For exam ple, a weak co n ­
stimuli, especially stim uli w ith high spatial frequency ditioning shock applied to one optic nerve facilitated the
(D aniels et al. 19 7 7 ; Soodak c t al. 1 9 8 7 ; Shou and LevcnthaJ response o f L G N neurons to a test shock applied to the
19 8 9 ; Sm ith et al. 1 9 9 0 ). Relay cells tend to respond prefer­ other optic nerve (M arshall and T albot 1940; Bishop and
entially to stimuli arranged radially with respect to the Davis 1 9 5 3 ). Also, the response o f many relay cells was
fovea. A bout one-third o f the L G N relay cells o f rhe cat inhibited by a con d ition in g stimulus applied to the non-
were found to be sensitive to direction o f m otion. Like co r­ d om inant eye (Suzuki and K ato 1 9 6 6 ). The direct excit­
tical cells, they arc especially sensitive to m otion o f stimuli atory and indirect inhibitory inputs to relay cells arise from
with low spatial frequency (Thom pson et al. 1994a). In the corresponding regions in the tw o eyes (M archiafava 1966;
cat, som e tuning o f L G N cells to orientation and m otion Sanderson et al. 1969, 1971; Singer 1 9 7 0 ).
seems to arise in the retina since ic survives removal o t the G uido et al. (1 9 8 9 ) measured the responses o f L G N
visual cortex (Thom pson et al. 1994a). However, removal relay cells in the eat to a drifting grating presented to the
o f inputs from areas 17 and 18 reduced the num ber o f L G N nondom inant eye for those cells. Stim ulation reduced the
cells tuned to oblique orientations, which suggests th a tco r- spontaneous discharge in 29 % o f the cells and produced
ticofugal projections have an influence on orientation weak excitatory responses in 25% . Som e cells showed both
tuning in the L G N (Vidyasagar and U rbas 1 9 8 2 ). C o rtical types o f response, according to the spatial frequency o f che
cells are m ore strongly tuned to orientation and direction o f stimulus. These responses were stim ulus-tuned with respect
m otion than are L G N cells. C o rtical cells show differential to orientation and spatial frequency, and occurred in X , Y,
tuning to orientation over the whole range o f spatial fre­ and W cells in all L G N layers (b u t see C . W an g ct al. 1994).
quencies to which they respond, rather than со only a pare M urphy and Sillito (1 9 8 9 ) obtained sim ilar results.
o f that range (Thom pson et al. 19 9 4 b ). Binocular inhibition was more com m on in cells receiving a
Synaptic boutons o f individual corticofugal axons are d om inant input from the ipsilateral eye than in those receiv­
sparsely distributed over a wide region o f the LG N . ing a dom inant input from the contralateral eye (Suzuki
However, within this region, there is an elongated region ot and Takahashi 1970). A pplication o f bicucullinc, an antag­
high synaptic density with an axis that is either parallel to or onist to the inh ibitory neurotransm itter G A B A , blocked
orthogonal to the receptive field ot the parent cell in the the inhibitory responses but revealed excitatory responses
visual cortcx (M urphy c t al. 1 9 9 9 ). The parallel feedback in cells previously unresponsive to the nondom inant eye
could serve to enhance the orientacion specificicy o f cortical (Pape and Eyscl 1986; Murphy and Sillito 1989). Binocular
cells by synchronizing the response o f inputs from the interactions in the L G N o f the cat are n o t disparity tuned
L G N . The orthogonal feedback could enhance the m otion- ( X u c c t a l. 1987).
direction sensitivity o f cortical cells. Indirect influences in the L G N are postsynaptic and
may be m ediated by intrageniculatc connections, by projec­
tions from other subcortical nuclei, such as the nucleus o f
5 .2 .2 d A ro u sa l R esp o n se s in th e L G N
the optic tract, o r by corticofugal inputs from the visual
In cats, responses o f L G N cells to light were facilitated by cortcx. A bou t 25 % o f cells in the cat visual cortex project to
concurrent stimulation o f the skin (H o tta and Kameda the I.G N . Som e arc com plcx cortical cells serving binocular
1963). In alert monkeys, rapid eye movements, blinks, and or m onocular segments o f the visual field. O th ers are simple
auditory and som csthctic stimuli produced nonspecific cells, serving only binocular regions. Thus, at least some
responses in the L G N , even in the dark (Feldman and C ohen corticofugal influences are involved in binocular vision
1968). These responses may he related to attention (Sherman (Tsum oto and Suda 1980).
and Koch 1 9 8 6 ), but their nonspecificity suggests a general There is some dispute about the role o f cortical inputs to
arousal function rather than attention to specific locations or the L G N . Som e investigators found that binocular interac­
stimuli. Electrical stimulation o f the mesencephalic tegmen­ tions in the cat LG N require an in tact visual cortex. Reports
tum, an arousal mechanism in the brainstem, increased the that interocular influences are greatest when stim uli pre­
response o f relay cells in the L G N (Livingstone and Hubei sented to the two eyes differ in position, orientation, co n ­
1981). This increase was particularly evident for stim uli in trast, and m ovem ent prompted the suggestion that cortical
the centers o f the receptive fields (H artveit et al. 1993). influences on L G N cells facilitate transmission o f signals

J r h e b e r r e c h t lic h g e s c h i i t z t e s M ate
from stim uli lying on the horopter, and arc involved in featureless flashes were used, since binocular interactions
binocular fusion and rivalry (S ectio n 12.3) (Schm ielau and revealed by psychophysical procedures depend on the pres­
Singer 1 9 7 7 ; Varela and Singer 1987; Grunew ald and ence o f contours (Section 12.3.3).
Grossberg 1 9 9 8 ). O th er investigators reported that binocu­
lar interactions in the I.G N do not require corticofugal
inputs (Sanderson et al. 19 7 1 ; Murphy and Sillito 1989; 5 .3 V IS U A L P A T H W A Y S
T u m o sa cta l. 1 9 8 9 a ; Tong ot al. 1 992).
In the cat, responses o f I.G N cells to stim ulation o f the
dom inant eye were n o t m uch affected by changes in the ori­
entation or direction o f m otion o f stimuli presented ro the
nond om inant eye. However, responses o f L G N cells were In the monkey, about 90 % ot axons in the optic tracts go to
affected by changes in the spatial frequency o f those stimuli the I G N and on ro the visual co rtex, as described in Section
(M oore et al. 1 992). This suggests that corticothalam ic p ro ­ 5.2.1. In the cat, only 7 7 % o f ganglion cells project to the
cesses balance the responses to small interocular differences I.G N (Illin g an d Wiisslc 1 9 8 1 ). In rod en ts,on ly about 37 %
in stimulus contrast, by adjusting the relative contrast gains o f ganglion cells p roject to the L G N . A bout 95% o f gan­
o f inputs from the tw o eyes (Section 18.5.4). Perhaps b in ­ glion cells in rodents p roject ro the superior colliculus, and
ocular rivalry and gain control are served by different pro­ many o t the axons reaching the L G N are branches o t these
cesses in the L G N . M cC Iurkin et al. (1 9 9 4 ) suggested that axons (M artin 1986). In each case,ganglion-cell axons that
cortical feedback to the L G N m odulates the number and do not project to the L G N project to other subcortical
temporal waveform o f spikes in parvocellular neurons so .is structures.
to enhance differences in response to distinct stimuli. Thus, subcortical nuclei receive visual inputs from
C o rtical feedback in the m onkey has been found to be also op tic-tract axons that do n o t p roject to the L G N or from
responsible tor m odulation o t the response o f L G N cells to collateral branches o f axons that do project to the LG N .
a Hashing spot by a grating presented outside the receptive The su p erio r co llicu lu s is a m ajor recipient o f to p o ­
fields o f the cells (M arrocco et al. 1996). graphic visual inputs. In primitive vertebrates it is the m ajor
recipient area for visual inputs. In some mammals, such as
the rat and tree shrew, it seems that both visual hemifields
5 .2 .3 b B in o c u la r R esp o n se s in P rim a te L G N
are represented in each superior colliculus (K aaset al. 1974).
There has been con flictin g evidence on binocular responses In mammals, the superior colliculus is mainly concerned
in the prim ate L G N . Rodieck and Dreher (1 9 7 9 ) reported with the control ot saccadic eye movements (G u itton
that rhe response o f cells in rhe L G N o f the m onkey to 1991).
stim ulation o f the cells’ dom inant eye was partially sup­ The p retectu m also receives topographic visual inputs
pressed when the non d om in an t eye was stimulated ar the by way o f the accessory optic tract. The pretectum is co n ­
same time. But this occurred only in magnocellular lam i­ cerned with the co n tro l o t pupil diam eter and optokinetic
nae. M arrocco and M cC Iurkin (1 9 7 9 ) found that about eye movements, as described in Section 22.6.1.
13% of cells in both the parvo- and magnocellular laminae The su p rach iasm atic nu clei in the hypothalamus
o f the L G N o f the m onkey responded only ro binocular receive visual inputs through rhe retinohypothalam ic tract
stim ulation. These studies were conducted on anesthetized (Schein and M onasterio 1 9 8 7 ). The projection involves
and paralyzed monkeys. only a small num ber o f ganglion-cell axons and is not
M ultiple electrodes applied to the L G N o f alert m on­ topographic. The suprachiasmatic nuclei contain the master
keys revealed four types o f binocular interaction to light clock that controls the day-night circadian rhythm . In
flashes in both the parvocellular and magnocellular laminae humans, this rhythm involves a day-night fluctuation o f
(Schroeder et al. 1 9 9 0 ). Stim ulation o f the nondom inant body temperature and nocturnal secretion o f m elatonin by
eye reduced the response below the spontaneous level for the pineal gland.
one type o fc e ll and increased it above this level for a second Regulation o f the circadian clock and the pupillary light
type o f cell. For a third type o f cell, the response was less response depends only on the am ount o t light. These
vigorous to binocular stim ulation than to stim ulation o f responses require the eye to act only as a photom eter. They
only the dom inant eye. For a fourth type o f cell, rhe response survive in m ice with genetic degeneration o t the rods and
was more vigorous to binocular stim ulation than to m on­ cones but n o t in m ice lacking ganglion cells (Freedman
ocular stim ulation. Since rhe researchers used m ultiple elec­ et al. 1 9 9 9 ). D ye tracing has revealed that ganglion cells
trodes, they could not estim ate the proportion o f cells projecting to the suprachiasmatic nuclei contain photosen­
showing rhese different responses. The latency o f interac­ sitive m olecules o f n ielan op sin (Berson er al. 2 0 0 2 ). The
tions was to o short to involve corticofugal influences. pupillary response can be driven cither by the rods and
However, rhe later response com ponents could have been cones con taining regular photopigm ents or by ganglion
due to cortical influences. It is unfortunate that only cells containing mclanopsin. The pupillary response does
not occur in rnicc lacking both melanopsin and rods and
cones (van G elder 2 0 0 3 ).
The h ippocam pu s in the old cortex also receives direct
visual inputs. The hippocampus and the neighboring
amygdala have reciprocal con nection s with visual areas in
the neocortex and also con nect with the pulvinar region ol
the thalamus.


The axons o f ganglion cells leave the eye to form the o p tic
nerve. Each optic nerve has a diameter o f 3 to 4 mm and
contains over a m illion axons. Alter passing out o l the retina
at the optic disk, che optic nerve travels about 5 cm to end in
the o p tic chiasm , named after the Greek letter chi because
it is shaped like an X . In m ost vertebrates, m ost o f the
axons Irom each eye cross over to the contralateral side in
the chiasm. This is known as decussation from the Latin
decussate, meaning to divide crosswise. In primates and some
other mammals, axons from the nasal hemiretinas decussate
at the chiasm , but those trom the temporal hemiretinas
remain on the same side. This is known as hem idccussation.
The nerves that emerge from the chiasm form the o p tic
tracts. In primates, axons from the tem poral h alf o f the left
eye jo in decussated axons from the nasal h alf o f the right
eye to form the left optic tract. Axons from the temporal
h a lf o f the right eye join decussated axons from the nasal
h a lf o f chc left eye to torm the right optic tract. In this way,
inputs from corresponding locations in the two eyes com e
into close proxim ity in the optic tract.
Each optic tract leaves the chiasm and term inates in the
ipsilateral L G N , where the incom ing axons synapse with
relay cells. A xons o f rhe relay cclls leave the LG N on
each side and fan out to torm the o p tic ra d ia tio n s, which
course backward and upward to term inate in rhe visual
cortex in the ipsilatcral occipital lobe ot the cerebral cortex i. V u visu alpathw ay/. A xon s trom th e rig h t h a lf o f ca ch eye (left

(Figure 5 .1 1 ). h em ificld ) p ro ject to the right o ccip ital lo b e, and th o se from the left
h a lf o f cach eye (rig h t h em ificld ) p ro ject to the left o c cip ita l lobe.
In submammalian vertebrates, the o p tic nerves almost
fully decussate in the chiasm , so that each L G N receives
inputs mainly trom the contralateral eye. Ramon у Cajal It is believed th at the crossing over o f visual inputs to
(191 1) proposed that this prim itive condition evolved to the opposite visual cortices led to che crossing over o f che
preserve the spatial integrity ot the central neural map ot m otor pathways. 'Ih is ensured that visual inputs from a
the images from the two eyes. Because o f the optical inver­ given h alf o t space control chc limbs on the same side o f che
sion o f each retinal image, the continuity o f the central body. N obody has proposed a better explanation o f visual
mapping is disrupted across the hemispheres when the and m otor decussation.
pathways are undccussatcd, as in Figure 5 .1 2 A . The central
map is continuous when the pathways decussate, as in
5 .3 .3 H EM ID E C U S S AT I О N
Figure 5 .1 2 B . The spatial integrity o f the internal map is not
im portant as such, since spatial location is coded in cerms ot In animals w ith full hem idccussation, axons from the right
fiber con nection s and patterns o f firing, noc in terms o f spa­ h alf o f cach eye project to the right L G N , and those from
tial maps. However, transcallosal fibers co n n ect spatially the left h alf o f each eye project to the left L G N . W ith in
adjacent regions from opposite sides o f rhe m idline, so that cach L G N , inputs from the two eyes remain in distinct lam ­
visual stimuli in the m idline region can be processed. These inae, where they synapse with relay cells. Relay cells from
con n ection s for decussated pathways are shorter than for cach LG N project through the optic radiations to chc ipsi-
undccussatcd pathways. lateral visual cortex. Because o f the reversal o f each retinal
visual field, which depends on the extent to which the eyes
are in a lrontal position. This relationship is known as
the iN cw ton-M ullcr-G u dd cn law. Thus, the proportion o f
uncrossed fibers is alm ost zero in the rabbit, about one-
eighth in the horse, one-fourth in the dog, one-third in the
cat, and h alf in primates, including humans (W alls 1963,
p. 3 2 1 ). In m ost submammalian species the weak ipsilateral
projection o f the visual pathways is not related to the degree
o f overlap o f the visual fields (H ergueta et al. 1992). This
question is discussed in more detail in Section 3 3 .8 .2 .
In mammals, the N ew ton-M iiller-G udden law applies
only to the retinogeniculate pathway. Retinal projections to
the hypothalamus are n o t topographically organized. They
seem to be concerned with synchronization o f m etabolic
activity with the day-night and seasonal cycles. The prim i­
tive condition o f t h e rednohypothalam ic pathway in n on ­
mammalian vertebrates is one o f equal ipsi-and contralateral
inputs. This condition is also present in primitive mammals,
such as anteaters, sloths, and bats. O th er nonprim ate spe­
O p tic a l in v e rs io n
cies, such as the cat and tree shrew, have a predom inance o f
contralateral inputs to the hypothalamus. Primates have a
predom inance o f ipsilateral inputs (M agnin e ta l. 1989).
The boundary in the retina between decussating and
D e c u s s a tio n
nondecussating ganglion cells is known as the nasotem poral
division. In primates, it falls approximately along the
m idvertical meridian o f the retina (Fukuda et al. 1989).
C o h e re n t im a g e
In nonprim ate mammals, the position of the nasotem ­
В poral boundary varies according to the type o f ganglion
cell. Som e types o f cell remain fully decussated, whether
they arise in the nasal or in the tem poral retina (Lcventhal
et al. 1988). In the rat, uncrossed axons arise from a periph­
eral region in each temporal hemifield. These regions
у serve the 40° binocular field straight ahead o f the animal.
у However, even in these regions, m ost ganglion cells p roject
O p tic a l in v e rs io n
contralateraliy (C ow ev and Franzini 1979; Cow ey and
Perry 1 9 7 9 ). Som e axons bifurcate and p roject to both
H e m id e c u s s a tio n
In birds such as pigeons, hemidecussation occurs beyond
the thalamus (C hap ter 3 3 ). The nasotem poral division is
discussed in more detail in Section 5.3.4.
C o h e r e n t a n d
O n e im portant function o f hem idecussation is to bring
s u p e r im p o s e d
im a g e s
inputs from corresponding regions in each retina to the
same location in the brain, as illustrated in Figure 5 .1 2 C .
This allows the visual system to com pare inputs from
Ftgurr 5- J *• Ушла!pathw ays. (A ) U n d ccu ssatcd pathways form а roughly corresponding regions o f the two retinas with a
d isjoin ted m ap. ( B ) Full d ccussarion form s a co n rin u o u s map.
m inim um length o f connections. This process provides the
( С ) I lem idecussacion fo rm s superim posed im ages in fron tal-cycd
an im als. (A f i« R ^ « n « » « i у С ф ! 1 9 1 1) basis for detecting binocular disparities and hence for bin­
ocular stereoscopic vision. The other function o f hem ide­
cussation is in the control o f binocular eye movements.
image, the left h a lf o f the visual field (left hem ifield) is rep­ W hen the gaze moves over the visual scene, the eyes o f ani­
resented in the right cerebral hemisphere, and the right mals with stereoscopic vision must move together to ensure
hemifield is represented in the left hemisphere. that light from rhe same points in the visual scene projects
In m ost, but not all mammals, the optic nerves hem idc- to corresponding points in the tw o retinas.
cussate. W h en they do hemidecussate, the ratio o f uncrossed Binocular inputs are not essential for coordinated
to crossed fibers is proportional to the size o f the binocular version eye movements, since the eyes move through equal
angles when one eye is closed (Section 10.1.3). Even ver- Disparate images to
opposite hemispheres
gence eye m ovements, which converge the visual axes on a
selected o b ject at a particular distance, occur when one I
eye is closed. However, both version and vergence eye
movements arc m ore precise when both eyes arc open All im ages to
\uncrossed imaaes
7 All im ages to
(S ectio n 10.5).
Stereoscopic vision is well developed in mammals with
frontal eyes, such as cats and primates. In these animals, visual
inputs trom corresponding regions in the tw o eyes converge
on binocular cells in rhe visual cortex, which are tuned to
binocular disparity (see C hapter 11). There are also some
disparity-tuned binocular cells in some mammals with later­
ally placed eyes and small binocular fields, such as rabbits,
sheep, and goats. Som e nonmammalian species, such as cer­
tain insects, amphibians, and birds, have frontal vision and
perhaps some binocular depth perception (C hapter 33 ).
The binocular field and the associated mechanism ot
corresponding points are n o t necessary for the perception
o f a unified visual field. A nim als with a large binocular field
suffer diplopia when the m echanism s responsible for co n ­ Figwc у 13. D ivisions o f / b e visti<ilfield. Im ages in b o th eyes from the light
junctive and disjunctive eye m ovements are damaged, as in b in o cu lar regions p ro je c t to o n ly the left or to on ly the right cerebral
strabismus. A nim als with laterally placed eyes have only a hem isphere. Im ages from the dark b in o cu lar region s p ro ject to opp osite
hem ispheres. R eg io n s nearer than the h o ro p te r produce crossed im ages.
small binocular field, and are therefore less affected by stra­
R eg ion s beyond the h oro p ter produce uncrossed images.
bismus. They no dou bt experience a unified panoramic
visual field, which may extend 360°. Birds with strongly lat­
eral eyes have a region o f high acuity in each eye. W hen Consider an o b ject lying between the visual axes. The
they inspect an object they can use one or the other eye. images o f an object beyond the fixation point fall on the
They presumably have a m echanism that allows them to nasal halves o f each retina and those o f an o b je ct nearer
attend to detailed inform ation arising from one eye or the than the fixation point fall on the tem poral halves.
other (Voss and Bischof 2 0 0 3 ). In both cases, the images project to opposite cerebral
W e experience a unified visual field when the nasal h alf hemispheres. If the nasal and temporal inputs are perfectly
o f each ey es visual field is occluded. A simple way to dem ­ partitioned in the chiasm , no binocular cells in the visual
onstrate this is to hold up against the nose an occluder just cortex would receive direct inputs from these disparate
wide enough to make the nasal lim it o f vision for onc- images, and stereopsis based on direct inputs would be
eve coincide w ith the nasal lim it for the other eye. Three impossible for such objects. In fact, stereoscopic acuity is
fingers are about the correct width. The visual field seen particularly good for objects on the m idsagittal plane near
with such an occluder looks com plete, although it is com ­ the fixation point. Therefore, there must be cortical cells
posed of only abutting monocular temporal hemifields. The serving the m idline region that have receptive fields in
inputs from the two hemifields are processed in opposite either the two nasal hem iretinas or the two temporal
cerebral hemispheres. W e can attend to any location in the hemiretinas.
com bined field. Evidence for this convergence o t inputs has been p ro ­
Section 5.5 .4 provides m ore details about the visual vided from the cat. A strip o f cortex at the boundary
pathways. betw een areas 17 and 18 o t each hemisphere contains
binocular cells with receptive fields that overlap in the
vertical midline o t the visual field (Ston e 1966; Leicester
5 .3 .4 P A R T IT IO N IN G O F H E M IR E T IN A S
1 9 6 8 ; Blakem ore 1969). C o rtical cells serving the midline
In the higher mammals, inputs from the nasal hemiretinas region near the foveas have receptive fields with centers up
decussate in the chiasm and those from the temporal to 3° on opposite sides o f the m idvertical meridians o f the
hem iretinas remain undecussated. For objects to the left of tw o eyes. C ells serving more eccentric regions above and
both visual axes (Figure 5 .1 3 ) both images project to the below the retinal equator have receptive field centers that
right visual cortex. For objects to the right o f both visual extend up to 10° into opposite hemifields (Payne 1990)
axes both images project to the left visual cortex. Images are (P ortrait Figure 5 .1 4 ). These types o f cell in the cat are
said to have uncrossed disparity when the o b ject is beyond driven by Y cells, are broadly tuned tor orientation, and are
the horopter and crossed disparity when they are nearer strongly dom inated by the contralateral eye (D iao et al.
than the horopter, or locus o f single vision (S ectio n 14.2). 1 9 9 0 ).
tran sitio n zone. The transition zone in cach
hemisphere receives inputs from the contralateral
temporal retina and from che ipsilatcral nasal recina
intermixed with inpucs chac are segregated at the
chiasm . The transition zone o f the cat is about
1.5 mm wide.

W h ile few if any X cells in the nasal hem iretina o f the

cat project ipsilatcrally, 5% o f Y cclls and 60 % o f W cclls do
so (Stone and Fukuda 1974). W cells have large receptive
fields and project mainly to subcortical nuclei such as the
medial interlam inar nucleus and superior colliculus. This
suggests that W cclls arc involved more with the control o f
vergence than with stereopsis. However, Pettigrew and
D reher (1 9 8 7 ) found cells in cortical area 19 o f the cat,
which received inputs from W -type ganglion cells, and were
tuned to zero disparity or to uncrossed disparities.
After sectioning one optic tract o f the rhesus monkey,
F>£urc5.i4< B ertram Payne, B o m in tg v p t in 1 9 5 3 . H e ob tain ed л B .S c. in
1 9 7 4 and a P h .D . in 1 9 7 7 in z o o lo g y Irom the U n iv ersity o f D u rh am ,
Nissl staining o f the retina revealed that some ganglion cells
England. H e co n d u ctcd p o std o cto ra l w ork a t the M ed ical C o lleg e o^ survived in both ipsilatcral hem iretinas (Sto n e et al. 1973).
Pennsylvania. In 1 9 8 4 lie m oved to B o sto n U niversity S c h o o l o f These surviving ganglion cells m ust therefore have projected
M ed icin e, w here he becam e professor in the D e p a rtm e n t o f A n atom y
to the contralateral optic tract. Retrograde labeling o f gan­
and N cu rob io logy . H e d ied in 2 0 0 4 .
glion cells ot the macaque monkey with horseradish-perox-
idasc revealed a few ipsilaterally projecting cells in the nasal
retinas and a few contralaterally projecting cells in the
Two m echanism s could underlie bilateral projection
tem poral retinas. Both types o f cell were w ithin a P-w idc
to cclls in rhe m idline region. The firsc is im perfect parti­
vertical strip around the midvertical meridian, which
tioning ot inputs at the chiasm . The second involves
expanded to 3° in the pcrifoveal region (B u nt and M incklcr
intcrhcm ispheric con nection s projected through the corpus
Fukuda c t al. (1 9 8 9 ) obtained similar results in chc
Linksz (1 9 5 2 ) suggested that the nasal and temporal
Japanese macaque using retrograde labeling with peroxidase
hem iretinas are not perfectly partitioned. Im perfect
and fluorescent dyes and physiological recording. There was
partitioning could be due to the following three factors.
a marked asymmetry in the perifoveal region. Ipsilaterally
1. Large receptivefields G anglion cells with large receptive projecting cclls bounded the nasal fovea, bu t there were
only a few contralaterally projectin g cells on the tem poral
fields in the m idline region receive inputs from
edge o f the fovea.
receptors in both halves o t the retina. Kirk ec al. ( 1976a,
Cow ey and Perry (1 9 8 0 ) found no evidence o f nasotenv
1976b) recorded from ganglion cell axons that crossed
poral overlap in the superior colliculus o f the rhesus
in the chiasm in cats. They found that, although the
receptive fields o f X cells did not encroach m ore than
0.5° across che retinal m idline, those of Y cells and
3. Bifurcating ganglion cells R am on у C ajal (1 9 1 1 )
slowly conducting W cells encroached 15° or more over
observed, in several mammalian species, bifurcating
che m idline.
axons in the optic chiasm that appeared to send
2. Incomplete segregation In cats and primates, axons from branches to opposite hemispheres. However, these
the m idline region o f the retina are incompletely axons may not have originated in the retina.
segregated in the chiasm . Thus, in a region extending Cunningham and Freeman (1 9 7 7 ) concluded that m ost
about 1 to 2° on either side o f chc vertical retinal cclls in the far tem poral retina o f rats send axons to
m eridian some ganglion cells in the cat project to the both optic tracts. Cowey and Perry (1 9 7 9 ) detected
ipsilatcral I.G N and som e to the contralateral I.G N uncrossed axons by injecting horseradish peroxidase
(Sto n e 19 6 6 ; N ik a ra et al. 1 9 6 8 ; Sanderson and into one L G N o f rats. They concluded many axons
Sherm an 1971; C ooper and Pettigrew 1979; I.cvick arising in the tem poral retinas bifurcate and send
et al. 1 9 8 1 ). From each L G N these incompletely branches to both hemispheres.
segregated inputs project to the border region between
cortical areas 17 and 18 in cats or betw een areas V I and However, Jeffery et al. (1 9 8 1 ) pointed out that many
V 2 in primates. This cortical region is called the axons in the optic tract arise from cells in the cortex.
They injected ditferenc retrograde tracers in the two lateral C ells in areas 17 and 18 o f the cat cerebral cortex that
geniculate nuclei o f t h e rat. These tracers revealed only a receive callosal con nection s occur in periodic stripes. The
few ganglion cells in the tem poral retina that sent axons to stripes becom e more evident further than 2 mm from the
both geniculate nuclei and hence to both cortical hem i­ 17/18 border. They correspond to stripes that stain for
spheres. In cats, also, the axons o f a few ganglion cells in cytochrom e oxidase (Boyd and M atsubara 1994).
the temporal retina bifurcate and project to both cerebral In the monkey, 80% o f cells with transcallosal co n n ec­
hemispheres (Illing 1 980). tions occur near the V 1/V 2 border and arc from the foveal
A lthough the ganglion cells that give rise to bifurcating area. The o ther transcallosal cells are from retinal regions
axons are in the parts o i the retina that overlap in the visual above and below the fovea and extend 7 mm into V 2 trom
field, they seem to be too sparse to play a role in stereopsis. the V I /V2 border in finger-like bands. In V I , the terminals
In any case, it is difficult to see what role they could play. ot these neurons are confined to cortical lavers * 2, 3, 4 B ,
Bilateral projection from the foveal region could explain and 5. In V 2 , they occur in all layers (Kennedy et al. 1986).
foveal sparing, in which vision is preserved around the Theoretically there are three principal ways in which
fovea following damage to one visual pathway. However, callosal fibers can co n n ect cells in the tw o hemispheres.
eccentric fixation may create a false impression o f foveal
sparing (W illiam s and Gassel 1962). Also, foveal sparing 1. Transmidline connections C o n n ectio n s o f this type link
does n o t always occu r; som etim es there is foveal splitting, cortical cells in the two hemispheres that receive inputs
in which the scotom a partitions the fovea. from locations in the two eyes on opposite sides o fth e
The results o f a study by Leventhal et al. (1 9 8 8 ) may vertical m idline. The linkages occur between cortical
solve this problem. labeling in the cells that arc equal distances on either side o fth e
macaque revealed cells in the nasal retina that projected V 1/V 2 border. These con nections are said to form a
ipsilateraliy but no cells on the tem poral side that projected m irror-sy m m etric p attern , as illustrated in Figure 5.15.
contralaterally. From this, it follows that damage to one- ('e lls linked in this way are therefore able to process
visual pathway should produce foveal sparing in the co n ­ binocular disparities that span the m idline. Fine
tralateral eye and foveal splitting in the ipsilateral eye. They m idline disparities could also be coded by the narrow
cited clinical cases that conform ed to this prediction. zone o f overlapping direct inputs from the two visual
hemifields. Bu t, we will see that callosal con nections in
V 2 and o ther extrastriate areas extend well beyond the
m idline and can therefore code large disparities that
The corpus callosum carries signals from one cerebral hem i­ cannot be coded by direct visual inputs.
sphere to the other. In each hem isphere, transcallosal fibers
2. Corresponding connections C o n n ection s o f this type link
originate in a recip ien t zone, and connections trom the
cortical cells in the tw o hemispheres th at receive inputs
other hem isphere term inate in a p ro je ctio n zo n e. In each
from neighboring locations on the same side o f the
hemisphere the two zones are coextensive and form the
m idline in the two retinas. They form a n o n m irro r-
callo sal zon e (Van Essen et al. 1 9 8 2 ). In chc primary visual
sym m etric p attern , as illustrated in Figure 5.16. These
cortex the callosal zone is approximately coextensive with
connections could code disparity between stimuli that
che transition zone— che zone that receives incompletely
arise from one h alf o f visual space. However, these
segregated inputs from the L G N . Thus, each callosal zone
disparities are already coded by direct inputs from the
spans the 17/18 border in cats or the V I/ V 2 border in
tw o eyes along pathways that segregate at the chiasm.
monkeys and receives inputs from near the vertical retinal
If these callosal con nection s exist, it is not clear what
meridians. In both cats and monkeys, the boundary region
function they serve.
is well served by interhcm isphcric connections (C houdhury
c t al. 1 9 6 5 ; Hubei and W iesel 19 6 7 ; Harvey 1980). 3. Monocular connections C o n n ection s o f this type link a
In the cat, callosal connections have been traced with cell with an input from one eye with a cell in the
anterograde and retrograde staining agents. A t the level o f opposite hemisphere with an input from the same
the fovea the callosal zone is about 1.5 mm wide, which rep­ location in the same eye, as illustrated in Figure 5.17.
resents an area o f visual space extending about 2" on either These connections do not code binocular disparity
side o f the m idline. T h e region broadens out symmetrically because they link inputs from locations in one eye. Like
above and below che fovea to reach a width o t about 20'J at corresponding con nection s, they form a n o n m irro r-
an eccentricity o f 30° (Payne and Siwek 1 9 9 1 ). The rate at sy m m ctric p attern . They could help to create a
which the width o f the callosal region increases roughly seamless impression o f the visual scene by linking cells
corresponds to the race ac w hich che size o f the receptive in each recina chac respond to the same stimulus.
fields o f cortical cells increases. This means that, at each
eccentricity, the callosal region contains approximately che Lewis and Olavarria (1 9 9 5 ) found different patterns o f
same num ber ot cortical cells (Payne 1991). callosal connections in different regions o f the callosum o f
M idline

A rea 17 A rea 17

4 3 1 -2 -3 -4

C o rp us callosum C o rp us callosum

Figure5.IS- T ransm idlinecallosalcon nections. Л rep resentation o l callosal s. i*. C orresponding callosal connections C allo sal co n n e ctio n s th at link
co n n cccio n s chac link co rtica l cclls rccciv in g inputs from op p osite sides co rtica l cells rccciv in g inputs from the sam e lo ca tio n s in the tw o eyes. In
o f the m id lin c in the tw o eyes. In this exam ple, cells in the tran sitio nal this exam ple, cclls in the tran sitio n zon es innervated by crossed
zones innervated by the crossed pathways from che tem poral pathways from the tem p oral h em iretin as arc linked to cclls in V l
h em iretin as arc linked . A lso, cells in V I innervated by the crosscd innervated by crosscd pathways from the nasal hem iretinas. The
pathw ays from the nasal h em iretin as arc linked. T h e linkages form a linkages form a n on sym m ctric p attern a b o u t the m idline.
m irro r-sy m m etric p attern ab ou t chc m id line.

the rat. M edial and lateral callosal regions form ed trans- connections betw een cells that receive inputs from the same
m idline connections conform ing to the mirror-symmetric location in the same eye. For example, in Figure 5 .1 7 , a cell
pattern. These con nection s could code disparities spanning in area 17 that was 3 mm away *
from the 17/18 border was
the m idline. The lateral callosal region formed m onocular linked to a cell in che transition zone o f the other hem i­
con nection s betw een cortical cells serving the same region sphere. A ccll that codes retinal position 1 in area 17 o f the
in one eye. These conform ed to the nonsym m ctric pattern. left hemisphere connects with a cell that codes the same
We will see in Section 6 .4 .6 d that these patterns develop in retinal location in chc transitional zone o f the right hem i­
different ways.
/ sphere. Similarly, a cell that codes retinal position - 1 in
Olavarria (1 9 9 6 ) used fluorescent dyes со trace cal­ area 17 o f the right hemisphere connects with a ccll that
losal linkages in the cat. They tound many m onocular codes the same position in the transitional zone o f the left
M idline th at this pattern is what one would predict from m onocular
callosal connections. The inputs to the transition zone in
one hemisphere are from the contralateral eye, while those
to area 17 in the other hemisphere are from the ipsilatcral
eye. Figures 5.15 and 5 .1 6 show that for both transmidline
and corresponding callosal connections, the inputs to both
hemispheres are from the contralateral eye.
'I here seems to be no evidence about w hether cats
have m irror-sym m etric callosal connection s or w hether the
pattern o f con nection s varies in different parts o f the
Visual areas V 2 , V 3 , V 4 , VP, M S T , and the inferotem -
poral cortex in the m onkey also receive transcallosal inputs
(Van Essen and Zcki 1 9 7 8 ; Maunsell and Van Essen 1987).
Areas with large receptive fields, such as M S T and the infer-
otcm poral cortex, show the m ost extensive inputs from the
ipsilateral visual field. Callosal connections are m ost dense
near the representation o f the vertical meridian. This helps
investigators to identify boundaries o f those areas (Van
Essen et al. 1982).
H istological procedures revealed that the callosal zone
extends about halfway across area V 2 o f the monkey. These
connections link inputs from locations in the tw o eyes on
opposite sides o f the vertical m idline. They therefore co n ­
form to the m irror-sym m etric pattern (Abel ct al. 2 0 0 0 ).
They could serve the detection o f coarse disparities p ro ­
duced by o b jects near the m idline. There are no reports o f
nonsym m etric callosal con nections in the monkcv.
Single-cell recordings in V 4 o f the alert monkey revealed
that purely inhibitory transcallosal con nections extend sev­
D ecussated
A re a 17 Sr.- tem po ra l tra cts A rea 17 eral degrees beyond the vertical m idline. Ir has been sug­
Transition gested that these widespread inhibitory influences are
zones concerned with color constancy and figure-ground segrega­
1в A rea 18
tion rather than with stereopsis (D esim one e t al. 1993).
4 3 2 1^0 - 1 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 4 3 2 Л 0 ^ 0 ^- 1 -2 3 4
A natom ical studies on human brains revealed transcal­
losal terminals along the boundary between areas V I and

C o rp us callosum
V 2 and in surrounding areas (C larke and M iklossy 1990).
Use of fM R I in humans showed that transcallosal regions
Figure5-17. M on ocu larcallosalcon n ection s. C allo sal c o n n e ctio n s th at link are particularly extensive in areas such as M T and the lateral
co rtic a l cclls receivin g inputs fro m th e sam e lo catio n in on e eve. In this
occipital area that have large receptive fields (T ootell et al.
exam ple all the inputs in the tem p o ral retinal hcm ifields. 'Ih c
c o n n e c tio n s form a n on sym m etric p attern a b o u t the m id line.
It seems that inform ation carried by the callosal path­
way is confined to low spatial and low tem poral frequencies
hemisphere. In each case, a cell outside rhe transitional zone and high contrasts (Berardi and Fiorentini 1987; Berardi
con nects with a cell inside the transitional zone and both c t al. 1987).
cells receive inputs from the same location in the same eye. Callosal projections o t visual inputs have been revealed
M onocular callosal con nection s in the cat conform to psychophysically in humans. Subjects used one hand to
ocular dom inance colum ns in a predictable way. Olavarria press one o f two keys to indicate whether a m onocular
(2 0 0 1 ) found that m onocular callosal connection s form target was to the left or to the right o f fixation. The proce­
stripes that m atch ocular dom inance stripes. Callosal co n ­ dure was repeated with the other hand. Reaction time was
nections w ithin the transition zone correlated with colum ns 25 ms shorter when the visual target was projected to the
dom inated hy rhe contralateral eye. But callosal co n n ec­ same h a lf o f the brain as that controlling the manual
tions in area 17 in the opposite hemisphere correlated with response, even when the target was only 15 arcm in away
colum ns dom inated by the ipsilatcral eye. The same rela­ from the m idline (H arvey 1978). This result argues against
tionships were evident in strabism ic cats. Figure 5 .1 7 shows the ideaofoverlap o f visual projection in the midline region.
It is what one would expect if chc longer reaction cimc C ertain types o f cell, such as amacrine starburst cclls in the
involves a longer route through chc callosum . Lines and retina, do not take up the silver salts. Furtherm ore, only
M ilner (1 9 8 3 ) measured simple manual reaction tim es and very few o f the stainable cells take up the stain in a given
obtained an advantage o f about 2 .4 ms when che scimulus application. This is an advantage because it allows individ­
was in che same h a lf o f the brain as chac controlling the ual cells to be isolated from overlapping cells.
hand. The simple reaction tim e is a purer measure ol inter- In the N auta m eth o d , cells or axons in a structure such
hem ispheric conduccion cime chan che choice reaction time as the I.G N are destroyed or severed in the living animal.
used by Harvey. Som e tim e later, staining reveals degeneration o f cells or
The corpus callosum could serve che follow ing func­ axons in corresponding areas o f the visual corcex (H ubei
tions: and W iesel 1 9 6 9 ). This staining procedure is som etim es
difficult со apply.
1. C reation o f a unified field o f view. In more rcccnc m ethods, particles, proteins, or dyes are
injected into preserved or living cells in a cell culture
2. Supplem enting binocular inputs to cortical cells serving
through a visually guided fine pipetce. In anocher mcchod,
che midline region. Saint-A m our ec al. (2 0 0 4 ) found
known as p h o to fillin g , all the cells in a cell culture absorb
chac cwo acallosal subjects could noc decect plaid
chem ical agents. Particular cells are then irradiated wich a
m otion when cwo superimposed d ichoptic gratings
fine laser beam . This oxidizes one o f che chem ical agents
were presenced in che m idline region. Normal subjeccs
into a fluorescent form , which diffuses throughout the
reporced plaid m otion wich these stim uli, and all
selected cells. The 3-D structure o t che selected cells can
subjects reported plaid m otion in stimuli away from the
be recorded by a sensitive cam era attached to a scanning
m idline region.
microscope. Scanning m icroscopes are described in
3. Providing for che detection o f binocular disparity across Section 2 4 .2 .3 .
the m idlinc. This topic is discussed in Section 11.9. C h em ical agents o r flu o rescen t dyes can be injected
into living neural tissue, where they are absorbed by neu­
4 . Providing for the transfer o t visual-m otor skills from a
rons and tran sp o sed in eicher che anterograde direction to
trained hand to che untrained hand or between
nerve terminals o r in the retrograde direction to the ccll
hemifields. People lacking a corpus callosum or those
soma. The agent can be visualized in the dead anim al by
w ho have had a calloseccom y• show deficits in all tasks
staining, by fluorescence, or by radioactivity. C ells that pro­
that involve transfer o f inform ation between
duce branching axons can be detected by a double labeling
hemispheres (Gazzaniga and LeD oux 1978; Lassone
technique. Discincc dyes are injected in regions where che
e t al. 1 995).
suspected branching axons term inate. The originating cells
are those that acquire both dyes by retrograde cransporc
The functions o f the corpus callosum have been
(van der K o o y e ta l. 1980).
reviewed by Lcporc et al. (1 9 8 6 ) and Kennedy e t al. (1 9 9 1 ).
In one procedure, the enzyme horseradish peroxidase is
Tlie developm ent o f the corpus callosum is discussed in
transported retrogradely from a site o f injection in the living
Section 6 .4 .6d.
animal to ccll bodies, where it is detected histochcm ically
after the anim al has been killed. This type o f procedure
reveals the m ultiple sources ot afferent fibers entering a
5.4 N E U R O P H Y S I O L O G I С A L
particular neural structure, such as a region o f the cortex.
Neurons contain in trin sic ch em ical m arkers, such
as a protein that is specific to a given type o f ccll. Specific
This section provides only a b rief review o f procedures used
proteins can be recognized because they bind to specific
to study the structure and functions o f the nervous system.
com m ercially available antibodies marked with fluorescent
dyes. This procedure is known as im m u n oh isto ch em istry .
5. 4. 1 HISTOLOGICAL PROCEDURES Iilood scrum contains many (polyclonal) antibodies.
Single (m on oclon al) antibodies that bind to specific pro­
5 .4 .1 a S ta in in g P ro ced u res
teins arc obtained from purified ccll lines derived from
Nerve cells can be stained in a slice o f neural tissue and m ice cancers.
viewed in a co n fo ca l m icroscope (see S ection 2 4 .2 .3 ). In che In the procedure known as in situ h ybrid ization a
N issl m eth o d , aniline dyes arc used to stain ribosomal radioactively labeled synthetic sequence o f nucleic acids,
R N A to reveal the shape o f the cell bodies (somaca) o f neu­ known as a p ro be, is created. W hen applied to a section o f
rons. In the G o lg i m eth o d , neural tissue is stained with brain tissue, the probe binds ro a specific m RN A m olecule
silver sales. Ram on у C ajal used chis m ethod to trace neural responsible tor assembling a given protein in the ribosomes
structures and con nection s in the recina. The mcchod o f cells. After unbound probe m olecules arc washed away,
is difficult to apply, and the results are unpredictable. neurons containing the labeled probe are revealed.
The shape and identity o f a cell is evident under the one to direct a recording electrode to particular cells in cell
m icroscope it chem ically marked proteins are distributed cultures or in the living brain.
throughout the cell. However, it may be difficult to isolate In the tw o -p h o to n scan n in g m icro sco p e fluorescent
single cells from am ong cells o f the same type. I f the protein dyes are excited when they absorb two photons o f near
is localized in the synapse, the cells containing it will be dif­ infrared light alm ost simultaneously (D en k et al. 1 9 9 0 ; Tsai
ficult to identify unless the synapses occur in well-defined et al. 2 0 0 2 ). Two photons com bine their energy to excite a
layers, such as the inner plexiform layer o f the retina. dye m olecule th at norm ally requires dangerous ultraviolet
D etection o f an intrinsic protein that is specific to a given light. The specimen is irradiated by a focused pulsed laser o f
type o f cell can be com bined with a staining procedure that about 100 fs ( 1 0 o l s) duration at a repetition rate o f 8 0
reveals the whole cell. In this way one can identify the ncu- M H z. The long wavelength o f the laser does not damage
rotransm itters or synaptic receptor proteins used by specific living tissue. A xial resolution is improved over that o f co n ­
types o f cell. ventional scanning m icroscopes because the probability o f
These and other procedures for observing the m icro­ tw o-photon absorption decreases rapidly away from where
structure o f cortical circuits have been reviewed by Sm ith the laser is focused. Also, long-wavelength light penetrates
(2 0 0 8 ). neural tissue to a depth o t about 1 mm, which is greater
There are various procedures for labeling cells that arc than the penetration o f visible light. Photobleaching and
sensitive to particular stim uli. In au torad iograp h y a mix­ tissue damage is confined to the neighborhood o t the
ture o f tritiated proline and tritiated fructose o r dcoxyglu- focused laser beam . Also, the local excitation o f dye m ole­
cose labeled with carbon 14 is injected into the eye o t a cules allows the image to be detected w ithout the use o f a
living anim al. The radioactive tracer gradually travels up the confocal pinhole aperture.
optic nerve and becom es concentrated in metabolically The resolution o f any conventional m icroscope is lim ­
active cells in layer 4 o f the visual cortex. The eye o f the ited by the diffraction lim it, or N yquist lim it. The resolu­
living anim al is then exposed to particular stim uli for an tion lim it is about 2 0 0 nm laterally and 6 0 0 nm axially.
hour or more, which causes the radioactively labeled sugar Recently, several procedures have extended resolution down
to be selectively
absorbed bv
neurons in the visual cortex to about 45 nm in three dimensions.
that respond to that stimulus. The resulting patterns o f The sim u lated em ission d ep letion m icrosco p e
radioactivity in thin sections o f the visual cortex arc ( S T E D ) improves resolution by projecting an annular laser
recorded on film to produce autoradiographs. beam (the S T E D beam ) around the prim ary laser beam.
This process reveals all cells in a given slice o f visual The S T E D beam suppresses fluorescence round the diffrac­
cortex that respond to a particular stimulus feature, tor tion pattern produced by the primary beam , leaving only
example vertical lines. The separate slices o f an autoradio­ the fluorescence produced by the center o f rhe diffraction
graph can be com bined by com puter reconstruction into a pattern. This new m icroscope allows one to view activity-
com plete 3-1) pattern o f cells responding to a given stim u­ driven changes in synapses and activity o f actin filam ents
lus feature, as illustrated in Figure 5.44. w ithin dendrites at about 2 8 frames per second with a reso­
lution o f about 6 0 nm (Niigerl and Bonhoeffer (2 0 1 0 ). In
another procedure, fluorescent dyes attached to specific
5 .4 .1 b M icroscopy
cells or m olecules are repeatedly switched on and o f f by a
In a conventional m icroscope, light trom out-of-focus parts laser beam. Resolution is improved because only a random
o f a specim en dilutes the focused image, although com puter subset o f probe m olecules is activated during each activa­
algorithm s can help to remove out-of-focus images. tion cycle. Also dves with different colors may be activated.
Separation between image planes can be improved more The images from several activation cycles are collated to
effectively by using the co n fo ca l scan n in g m icrosco p e. form a single high-resolution image. There are several ver­
A p o in to f light is focused in an aperture in the o b ject plane. sions o f this procedure, such as stochastic optical-recon-
The illum inated point or fluorescence em itted from the struction m icroscopy (S T O R M ) and photoactivation
specimen is imaged in a confocal aperture in front o fth e localization m icroscopy (P A L M ). Lateral resolution o f
detector, which may be a video cam era or a photom ultiplier 25 nm has been achieved by these procedures. Images p ro ­
( Boyde et al. 1990). Light trom planes o ther than the plane duced by focusing at different depths w ithin a specimen can
o f focus does n o t enter the image aperture. I his is known as be com bined to create 3 -D images (H uang et al. 2 0 0 8 ).
near-field m icroscopy as opposed to conventional far-ficld These m ethods allow several proteins to be labelled and
microscopy in w hich the lens is som e distance from the localized in 3-D on the prcsynaptic and postsynaptic m em ­
specim en. The focused beam must scan the specim en to branes o f synapses w ithin the brain (D ani e t al. 2 0 1 0 ).
produce a full image. Resolution is improved by using a Scanning a volume o f neural tissue with a single beam o f
laser beam rather than light trom a conventional light light using a tw o-photon or confocal m icroscope takes
source. M ore details about confocal m icroscopes are pro­ up to 1 s, which provides inadequate tem poral resolution
vided in Section 2 4 .2 .3 . The confocal m icroscope allows for recording action potentials. H olckam p et al. (2 0 0 8 )
overcame this problem by illum inating a tw o-dim ensional Synaptic con n ection s betw een two cells can be identified by
sheet o f neural tissue with a collim ated beam that allows injecting the cells with different fluorescent dyes that em it
the whole focal plane o f the m icroscope to be imaged at light o f different wavelengths. Three-dim ensional images o f
the same time. The sheet o f illum ination is eoupled to the cells can be constructed by use o fth e confocal microscope.
m icroscope objective so that the tissue can be rapidly Brain slices can be kept alive for long periods, so the growth
scanned in depth. Photoblcaching o f the tissue is avoided o f axons, dendrites, and synapses may be observed (D ailey
because illum ination falls on each layer o f tissue for only a 1964). These and related m ethods used to elucidate the
short tim e. The m ethod may be applied over a long period. cellular structure o f the retina are reviewed in Masland and
H olckam p e t al. called this procedure o b jectiv e-co u p led Raviola (2 0 0 0 ).
p lan ar illu m in atio n m icroscopy. In im m unohistochem ical staining, a fluorescent an ti­
Scanning neural tissue in depth by changing the m icro­ body binds to specific neurons or specific proteins in a cell
scope objective or by deflecting m irrors is too slow to cap­ culture. The same tissue can be labeled with several fluores­
ture events related to neural signals, which occur on the cent probes and then scanned with a confocal m icroscope
order o f milliseconds. Reddy ct al. (2 0 0 8 ) have developed a with laser beams o f several wavelengths.
svstcm in which a laser beam is steered almost instanta- In another procedure, a gene that expresses a marker
neously to any location in a 3 -D space by two pairs o f iner­ agent is introduced into the genom e o f a virus. The viruses
tial-free acousto-optic deflectors. This new system will used for this purpose are com m on human viruses geneti­
allow one to simultaneously visualize events occurring in cally modified to render them nontoxic. The virus is injected
3 -D dendritic structures. into a selected region o f the nervous system or into a cell
The con stru ction o f 3 -D images o f neural activity that culture, where it attaches to the cell mem branes o f neurons.
change in real tim e is com putationally intensive. But new It becom es absorbed in to the cytoplasm and eventually into
hardware and software have reduced the cost o f com puter the cell nucleus, where it expresses the marker agent (see
systems. See Feng et al. (2 0 0 7 ) for a review o f these new Davidson and Brcakeficld 2 0 0 3 ).
systems. A com m only used marker agent introduced in this way
is a green flu orescent p ro te in (G F P ) derived lrom a jelly­
fish (C halfie et al. 1 9 9 4 ). Lines o f tran sg en ic m ice have
been developed that express G FP or spectral variants in spe­
Slices ot brain tissue may be kept alive or grown in culture cific types o f neuron throughout the nervous system (Feng
dishes. T h e procedure was first used in rhe 1920s, bur the et al. 2 0 0 0 ). In an extension o f rhe transgenic procedure,
in v itro study of neural activity had to wait until the devel­ Livct et al. (2 0 0 7 ) used m ultiple fluorescent proteins to
opm ent o f m icroelectrodes in rhe 1950s. Slices o f neural label hundreds o f axons and synapses in distinct colors in a
tissue retain synaptic con n ection s but lack normal inputs local volume o f living neural tissue. They called this the
and necessarily contain many damaged cells. Individual cells rainbow system .
are m ost easily observed in slices thinner than 2 5 0 jUm . The small size o f the G F P m olecule allows it to difluse
Thicker slices preserve synaptic structures. Slices o f neural evenly throughout the cell, including the dendrites and
issue are usually kept alive for about 12 hours, but this can dendritic spines. It does not spread to the extracellular space
be extended to days or weeks. Em bryonic nerve tissue may or to neighboring cells (L o et al. 1994). The protein is n on­
be cultured, and its developm ent may be studied over a toxic and does n o t require added substrates. The fluorescent
period o f m onths. The cells may form synaptic connections cells may therefore be observed in slices o f living cortex or
and show spontaneous electrical activity. Em bryonic cells in the living brain through a window in the skull. In this
from d istin ct regions may be cocultured to reveal interac­ way, it is possible to observe changes in dendrites and den­
tions betw een them . dritic spines during synaptogenesis or during a learning
Particular types o f cell may be grown in isolation, which process.
allows one to study the effects o f introducing defined The G FP protein may be fused with o ther proteins spe­
factors. However, the effects o f one factor studied in isola­ cific to subcellular com partm ents, including the ch rom o­
tion may not predict the effects o f that same factor when somes (R o b in et et al. 1996). This procedure has revealed
o ther factors arc present. Also cultured neurons o f a single that chrom osom es have defined positions in the nucleus
type can form synapses only with themselves (autapses). and that they are in constant shuddering m otion, which
Ultimately, m echanism s found in vitro should be investi­ probably facilitates gene interactions and helps proteins to
gated in the intact nervous system, or in vivo. find their binding sites in the genom e (M arshall 2 0 0 2 ).

5 .4 .2 a S ta in in g Living Cells 5 .4 .2 b S y n a p tic A c tiv ity an d M o le c u la r In te r a c tio n s

F lu o rescen t tra ce r dyes, such as lucine yellow, can be N one o f rhe above procedures reveals synaptic activity
injected into neurons in slices of living neural tissue. directly. In a procedure being developed for this purpose.
neuron cultures are infected with a virus con taining a fluo­ discovered that bind specifically to one type o f synapse. We
rescent protein (luciferase) coupled to a protein that binds will see in Section 5.5.2 that such synthetic ligands have
specifically to synaptic vesicles. D uring synaptic activity the been used to distinguish different types o f excitatory and
vesicles release the luciferase in to the extracellular medium, inh ibitory synapses. Excitatory potentials generated by
which has been injected with luciferin. The com bination o f sodium channels are inhibited by tctro d o to x in derived
luciferase and luciferin creates a burst ol fluorescence, which from the Japanese pulfcr fish. O th er toxins derived from
is observed in a m icroscope. A bou t 2 4 synaptic vesicles frogs cause sodium channels to open. We will see that
must be released to produce a visible response (M iesenbock these toxins have been used to investigate the role o f action
and R oth man 1 997). potentials in cortical plasticity.
It is now possible to visualize dynamic interactions
between protein molecules in a single cell using enzym e
frag m en t co m p lem en ta tio n assays (E G A s). An enzyme is 5.4.3 M ETH O D S APPLIED TO THE
split into two parts, each o f which is fused with a protein. LIVING BRAIN
W hen these proteins interact, the enzyme halves com bine
5 .4 .3 a O p tic a l Im aging
to form an active enzyme that causes fluorescence in a
substance injected into the cell (Sp otts e t al. 2 0 0 2 ). O p tical im aging involves recording activity-relayed changes
Procedures used to study the developm ent ot the in the reflectance o t neural tissue. The m ethod was used
nervous system arc reviewed in Section 6.2. first with in vitro slices o f neural tissue by H ill and Keynes
/ 4

( 1 9 4 9 ). It is now used in the living brain (Frostig 2 0 0 2 ).

Changes in reflectance can be enhanced by infusing the
5 .4 .2 c E lectrical R e co rd in g in C ell C u ltu res
living neural tissue with a dye that changescolor in response
In cell cultures or thin brain slices a recording electrode can to neural activity.
be directed under the m icroscope to particular cells identi­ V oltage-sensitive dyes applied to the cortical surface
fied by a fluorescent dvc. In these in vitro preparations, the bind with the m em branes o f neurons. Newer dyes have lim ­
long-range con n ection s o l the neurons are disrupted and it ited toxicity. Changes in m em brane potential produced by
is not possible to stim ulate the cells from a sense organ. neural impulses cause changes in fluorescence. An electrical
Recently, it has becom e possible to record from identified stim ulus is adm inistered ro a given location or the animal is
cells in vivo (M argric et al. 2 0 0 3 ). Particular cells are labeled exposed to specific stimuli. Photodiodes or a video recorder
with fluorescent dyes that are excited only when they absorb are used ro d etect rhe changes in fluorescence over a region
two photons simultaneously, as described in Section ot the cortical surface (Blasdcl 1992a; O rbach and Van
24 .2 .3 c. C clls up to л depth o f 0.5 mm can be identified and Essen 1993). 'I he m ethod has a tem poral resolution o f 2 ms
recorded from . Axial resolution is improved over that ot and a spatial resolution o f 5 0 to 100 f l m (Grinvald and
conventional scanning m icroscopes because the probability Hildesheim 2 0 0 4 ). A single pixel in the recorded image
o f tw o-photon absorption decreases rapidly away trom does not indicate the activity o f a single neuron bu t rather
where the laser is focused. the mean potential change mainly from the dendrites o f
In the patch clam p p ro ced u re, a hollow electrode is several neurons. O n e must allow tor the tact that dendrites
applied to the m em brane o f the cell. In the whole-cell pro­ in a given cortical area may arise from neurons in a neigh­
cedure, the underlying m em brane is punctured. This pro­ boring area. However, by observing the effects o t different
vides m ore precise recording o f fast current changes than stim uli or o f the same stimulus at different strengths, the
does a fine penetrating electrode. Agents, such as enzymes, spatial resolution o f the m ethod can be improved to about
may be injected into the cell and their effects on the cells 5 0 fJ m . The method has been used to record the spread
response or chem ical com position measured. In a second o f cortical responses over the visual cortex and to study
procedure, a fold o f m em brane, which ideally contains one cortical dynamics.
synaptic pore, is sucked into the end o f the electrode. Y an get al. (2 0 0 7 ) used a voltage-sensitive dye to record
A ncurotransm itter o r synthetic ligand is applied through neuronal activity w ithin a 1 -c n r area o f V 1/ V 2 in alert

the electrode. This binds to receptors on the patch o f m em ­ monkeys. Reponses to dashed lines sweeping radially
brane and the resulting electrical activity is recorded. In revealed the cortical mapping o f retinal meridians.
m icro io n o p h o re sis a neurotransm itter is applied through Responses to concentrically swept lines revealed the m ap­
a fine pipette to a postsynaptic mem brane, and the response ping o f retinal eccentricity over the same area. The mapping
o f the neuron is measured by a m icroelectrode. had a precision o f about 0 .2 mm and was obtained over a
A ligand is any chem ical th at binds to a specific recep­ recording period o t only 4 minutes.
tor. Since all excitatory synapses in rhe brain respond ro rhe C alciu m -sen sitiv e dyes becom e fluorescent in response
ncurotransm itter glutam ate, this naturally occurring neu­ to calcium ions released during synaptic transmission. The
rotransm itter cannot be used to distinguish one type o f dye can be loaded through m icroelectrodes into individual
synapse trom another. But synthetic ligands have been neurons. Yuste and Katz (1 9 9 1 ) developed a m ethod for
loading calcium-sensitive dyes in to hundreds o f neurons in Tli is new method allows one to view the activity o f
slices o f living brain tissue. M ore recently, the dyes have thousands o t neurons in a region ot the brain at single-cell
been loaded into the living brain (Stosiek et al. 2 0 0 3 ). resolution. O h ki e t al. could observe the distribution o f
Stim ulus-specific regions o f neural activity in the visual cells tuned to ditferent orientations and directions ot
cortex may also be mapped by staining naturally occurring m otion with a precision o f 2 0 - 3 0 Цт , w hich is far higher
chem icals associated with neural activity, • such as cv * to- than that obtained by other m ethods. This method has
chrom e oxidase (T ig g cs c t al. 1 9 9 2 ), G A B A (H endry et al. great potential. However, it does not have the temporal
1 9 9 4 ), and protein kinase (H en d ry and Kennedy 1986). resolution required to record action potentials. Also, for
It was m entioned in Section 5.4.2a that lines ot trans­ some unknown reason, calcium-sensitive dyes are poorly
genic m ice express genetically encoded fluorescent proteins absorbed by cells in adult animals. Sonic dyes are taken up
in specific types o f neuron. Neural activity and m orpho­ by both neurons and glial cells. However, cell-specific dyes
logical changes in a specific area o f the brain can be viewed have been developed. Also, transgenic mouse lines are avail­
by a 2-ph oton contocal scanning m icroscope (Section able that express fluorescent protein in acell-specific manner
5.4.1 b) through a window in the head o f such m ice. An area (Ikegaya et al. 2 0 0 5 ).
can be viewed over a period ot weeks.
Neural activity also induces im m ed iate early genes to
5 .4 .3 b E le c tro p h y s io lo g y
express proteins required tor the growch or m odification o f
synapses. Im m unocytochem ical staining reveals the pres­ In single-cell electrophysiology a fine electrode is injected
ence o f these activity-dependent factors in particular neu­ into the brain through a hole in the skull. The electrode may
rons (Chaudhuri c t al. 1 9 9 5 ). O n e such gene, known as Arc, be a fine glass tube filled with an electrolyte, but the m ost
expresses a protein in dendrites only when the neuron is com m only used electrode is a tungsten filam ent coated with
excited (Lyford et al. 1 995). This leaves a lasting trace in an insulator. In extracellular recording, the tip o f the elec­
the developing visual cortex that can be revealed in tissue trode is placed near a neuron. It records m ainly the neural
sections. Tli is m ethod has been used to observe the devel­ spikes produced by the nearest cell but not pre- or postsyn­
opm ent o f the visual cortex (Tagawa et al. 2 0 0 5 ). aptic currents ot particular neurons. In intracellular record­
* introduce deleterious side effects. Even w ithout ing, an electrode with a tip o f less than 1 fAin in diam eter
dves, active cortical areas reflect slightly less light than inac­ penetrates rhe cell m em brane. It registers excitatory or
tive areas. These intrinsic changes in reflectivity on the sur­ inhibitory synaptic potentials o r currents with respect to a
face o f the cortex can be photographed. Illum inating the grounded reference electrode placed outside the cell.
surface o f the co rtex with light ot wavelengths between 6 0 0 The electrode is guided to particular regions o f the brain
and 6 3 0 nm reveals fairly rapid changcs in reflectivity due with the help o f a brain atlas. However, which cell an elec­
to changes in hem oglobin. Wavelengths o f 5 5 0 or 8 5 0 nm trode contacts is partly a m atter ot chance, and it is not
reveal the slower changes in blood volume ('I s o e t al. 1990; always possible to be certain w hat type o f cell it is. W ith
Frostig 19 9 4 ; Pouratian and Toga 2 0 0 2 ). The method has m ultiple electrodes, responses may be obtained trom several
been used on the exposed cortical surface o f humans under­ cclls in a given neighborhood. This procedure is usually car­
going surgery (Pouratian et al. 2 0 0 3 ). However, even small ried o u t on the anesthetized and paralyzed anim al, but it
movements o f the brain, such as those caused by breathing can also be applied to an alert animal since, once applied,
o r the pulse, degrade the record. The m ethod has low tem ­ electrodes cause no discom fort.
poral resolution and reveals changes only in the surface o f Single-cell recording has also been performed in sub-
the cortex. However, new optical methods are being devel­ cortical and cortical regions o f the human brain during
oped that reveal neural activity in deep neural tissue with surgical procedures for conditions such as Parkinsons
high tem poral resolution (See Frostig 2 0 0 2 ). disease and epilepsy (Engel et al. 2 0 0 5 ).
O ptical m ethods reveal only the average activity o f Traditionally, single-cell recordings have been used to
many cells, with a resolution o f no more than 100//m. In an record changes in responses o f a cell as a stimulus, such as a
exciting developm ent, O hki et al. (2 0 0 5 ) loaded a calcium - bar o f light, is moved over the cclls receptive field. This pro­
sensitive dye in to the som ata o f thousands o f neurons in a cedure typically reveals the distribution o f excitatory and
given region o f the visual cortex o f living rats and cats. All inhibitory zones w ithin the receptive field.
the neurons that were excited bv/ a defined visual stimulus Using a single stimulus probe to plot the structure o f a
becam e fluorescent. Fluorescent neurons in a region about receptive field is a tim e-consum ing procedure. The reverse
4 0 0 f.lm in diam eter were viewed simultaneously by tw o- co rre la tio n p roced u re is more efficient (D eA ngelis et al.
photon microscopy. All the active neurons to a depth o f 1993a). In this procedure a continuous series ot briefly
about 4 0 0 Цт could be observed by focusing the photon exposed bar-shaped stimuli is presented. The stimuli occur at
beams to ditferent depths. However, this depth did not different positions w ithin the spatial confines ot the recep­
extend as far as cortical layer 4 , where visual inputs arrive in tive field and at ditferent tim es w ithin the tem poral epoch
the cortex. over which the response o f the cell persists. The responses o f
the cell arc then cross-correlated backward in time In a typical experim ent, rhe experimenter relates the
with the input to yield the spatiotem poral response profile location, magnitude, and form o f VEPs to parameters o f the
o f the cell. The method works only i f the cell behaves stimulus. A well-defined repetitive visual stimulus is applied
linearly, and Can theref ore be applied only to simple cortical and the response is then filtered and averaged over many
cells. cycles o f stimulus repetition. Signal averaging emphasizes
In a developm ent o f this procedure called local sp ectral com ponents in the V E P that are time-locked to the repeat­
reverse co rre la tio n a dynam ic dense noise pattern is pre­ ing stimulus. It attenuates com ponents due to extraneous
sented to an area about three tim es larger than the receptive stimuli and intrinsic noise, w hich, being unrelated to the
field o f a cortical cell. Spike trains recorded from the cell are stimulus, average out over several stimulus repetitions.
correlated with the frequency spectra o f the noise pattern. Standard signal-averaging procedures overlook episodic
This reveals local variations in frequency tuning within the noise such as bursts and oscillations. These events can be
receptive fields o f both simple anil com plex cortical cells, characterized by phase-locked sp ectral analysis, which
and also effects due to surround suppression (N ishim oto measures the difference between responses to each cycle ot a
et al. 2 0 0 6 ). periodic stimulus and the response average. Standard signal-
Recording from single cells is tim e-consum ing, espe­ averaging procedures also tail to register variations in
cially when one wishes to map responses o f cells over large response to particular cycles o f a periodic stimulus. Such epi­
areas o f the cortex. H ubei and W iesel (1 9 7 7 ) remarked that sodic activity generated by the stimulus, but n o t time-locked
single-cell recording is “like trying to cut the back lawn with to it, is revealed by standard power sp ectru m analysis, as
a pair o f nail scissors.” The following electrophysiological peaks in the autocorrelation function (S c h iffe t al. 1999).
procedures allow one to record neural activity over large In another procedure, responses o f the same region to
areas, but they have lim ited spatial resolution. distinct stimuli are recorded or recordings are made o fth e
responses o f distinct cortical regions to the same stimulus.
The degree ot coherence (shared power) betw een these
5 .4 .3 c E le c tro e n c e p h a lo g ra p h y
recordings as a function o f stimulus frequency is used to
In electroencephalography, electrodes are applied to the derive a coherence function. A coherence function is the
scalp, and the pooled activity o f cells in the underlying frequency dom ain analog o fth e (squared) cross-correlation
cortex is recorded as defined visual stimuli are presented to fu n ction , and its value varies betw een 0 and 1. In this way,
the subject. one can assess the exten t to which distinct stim uli evoke the
Because o f their high level o f interconnectivicy, cortical same response and distinct cortical regions respond to the
neurons tend to fire in synchrony. Furtherm ore, subgroups same stimulus.
o f cells tend to fire at different frequencies. In addition to A com m only used procedure is to identify prom inent
these spontaneous firing patterns, groups o f cells tend to peaks and troughs in the V E P according to their amplitude,
respond together in characteristic ways in response to par­ latency, anil polarity. There are many sources o f uncertainty
ticular stim uli. The synchronous firing o f groups o f cells in interpreting these com ponents. For instance, H arter
generates fluctuating electrical fields that can be detected et al. (1 9 7 3 ) reported that only the late ( 2 0 0 - 2 5 0 ms) co m ­
either at the surface of the brain o r on the scalp. ponent o f the evoked response reflects the activity o f b in ­
Electrical fields generated by the visual co rtcx are known ocular cells, as indicated in a greater response to identical
as visual evoked p o ten tia ls {VF.Ps). Pyramidal cells are the stim ulation to both eyes than to rivalrous inputs. O th ers
m ost likely source o f VF.Ps. A pyramidal cell runs at right have found that only the early com ponent ( 1 0 0 - 1 6 0 ms) is
angles to the cortical surface and forms an electrical dipole correlated with stereoscopic vision (Regan and Spckreijse
when it generates nerve impulses. A single electrode on the 1 9 7 0 ). Results also depend on electrode position, stimulus
scalp is affected by the activity o f thousands o f pyramidal contrast, and, as wc will see below, the spatial and temporal
cells, since the meninges, skull, and scalp diffuse and aver­ properties o fth e stimulus. There is also a good deal o f inter­
age the potentials arising from the underlying area o f tissue. subject variability. Regan (1 9 8 9 ) has provided a thorough
Records can be taken onlv from cortical tissue that runs review o f human brain electrophysiology.
parallel to the surface o f the brain and not from tissue
w ithin fissures.
5 A .3 d M agn с to en cep h a lo g ra p h y
Prom inent types o f synchronous activity arising from
the visualcortex in clu d caip h aw av csatafrcq u cn cy between In m agnetoencephalography, the m agnetic fields generated
8 and 13 H z,evid ent in awake subjects, d elta waves between by neural activity in the human brain can be recorded with
0.5 to 4 Hz that arise in the sleeping subject, and b e ta waves supercooled m agnetom eters (see Regan 1 9 8 9 ; Hamalainen
between 14 Hz and 3 0 Hz that arise when rhe su bject is et al. 1993). M agnetic signals, unlike electric signals, are not
engaged in an attentive task. G am m a waves at even higher smeared by the skull. This m ethod and electroencephalog­
frequencies are detected in single cells or small groups o f raphy are the only non invasive procedures with m illisecond
cells but n o t at the scalp. tem poral resolution.
5 .4 .3 c Tom ography have a tem poral resolution o f about 2 s and a spatial resolu­
tion o l abouc 1 mm. Ic provides m ore inform ation than the
In positron-em ission tom ography ( P E T ) a sugar con tain ­
F.F.G o r PF.T scan.
in '; a radioisotope, such as 0 ( ., is in jcctcd intravenously.
The fM R I record consists o f voxel units, each o f which
W hen a positron em itted by the isotope interacts w ith an
indicates chc collcccivc accivitv in thousands o f neurons.
electron, two gamma rays arc em itted in opposite direc­ j

Single voxels show only a weak sensitivity to th e orientation

tions. Each pair o f rays triggers a pair o f coincidence d etec­
o f a stimulus or to the direction o f attention. However,
tors on opposite sides o f the head. Several pairs o f detectors
multivariate techniques applied to the spatial pattern ol
are placed in an annulus and the intersection o f the diam e­
voxels over a large area o l the visual cortex can reveal more
ters jo in in g active detectors indicates sources o f positron
details o f responses (Leopold and W ilk e 2 0 0 5 ).
em ission in the plane o f the annulus. Sources o f activity in a
M apping the visual areas o l che human cortex is difficult
volume o f the brain are detected by several annuli stacked
because they lie mainly in deep sulci, which vary in position
to form a cylinder. To improve sampling density, the cylin­
and complexity from one person to another. Also, discinc-
der oscillates through a small angle about its central axis.
cions between areas are noc easy to define. Modern computers
Active sites recorded in a 3 -D axis system indicate regions
allow cortical areas to be mapped in a variety o f configura­
o f high glucose metabolism in the brain. Regions o f high
tions (Van Essen e ta l. 2 0 0 1 ) (P ortrait Figure 5 .1 8 ). By ana­
glucose metabolism arise in regions o f high synaptic activity
lyzing images in a series o l planes the folded co rtical surface
(Lriksson et al. 1 9 9 0 ). The m ethod has a spatial resolution
can be represented in a planar map.
o f up to about 1.5 mm but poor temporal resolution. It is
The fM R I procedure has produced retinocopic maps ol
labor-intensive and expensive.
V I and extrastriate visual areas in the human brain. This
was done by recording activity produced by flickering tex-
cured patterns in che form o f rotating segments and expand­
5 . 4 . 3 f M a g n e tic R c s o n a n c c Im ag in g
ing rings (see Engel 1996). The maps are similar to those ol
M agnetic resonance imaging (M R I) was developed in the
1980s. A part o f the body is exposed to a hom ogeneous
m agnetic field with a strength o f betw een 1.5 and 4 .7 Tesla.
This aligns chc m agnetic m om ents o f protons in chc nuclei
o f elements with odd atom ic weight. Hydrogen is the most
com m on atom o f chis cypc in chc brain. A pulse o f radio
waves o f a specified frequency m om entarily perturbs the
alignm ent of- chc nuclci o f hydrogen acorns. O n rccurning со
the aligned state, the atom s em it radio waves at a frequency
and with a dccay constant characteristic o f the chem ical and
physical structures in which they lie. By applying a small
gradient со chc applied m agnetic field across chc brain and
by changing the orientation o f this gradient, one can obtain
d istin ct radio signals related to position w ithin che living
brain (Narasim han and Jacobs 1 964). The head must be
held firmly in one position.
In che 1990s M R I signals began to be used to detect
transient local increases in the level o f oxygenated blood
due to local synaptic activity in the central nervous system
(Ogaw a ct al. 19 9 2 ; M enon ec al. 1998a). These signals arc-
known as blood-oxygen-level-dependent ( B O L D ) signals,
and chc procedure is known as functional magnecic rcso­
nancc imaging (f.V lR I). After sensory stim ulation the local
change in blood oxygen peaks after about 1.5 s (Vanzetta Р1фие*.|*. D av id С Van Essen. H e o b tain ed a B.S. in ch em istry from the
and Grinvald 1 999). A less localized changc in blood flow C a lifo rn ia In stitu te o f T ech n olog y in 1 9 6 7 and a P h .D . from Harvard
in 1 9 7 1 . H e con d u cted p o std o cto ral work w ith Г). H . H ubei and
takes several seconds. The am plitude o f che fM R I signal
T . N . W ic s c l a t H arvard, w ith J . K . S. Jan sen at the U niversity o f O slo ,
increases linearly with the scrcngch o f local neural accivicy and w ith S. M . Z c k i at U niversity C o lleg e, L o n d o n . H e o b tain ed an
over a m oderate range. See Logothetis and W andell (2 0 0 4 ) academ ic ap p o in tm en t in the division o f biology at the C a lifo rn ia
and Logothetis (2 0 0 8 ) for reviews o f fM R I. In stitu te o f T e ch n o lo g y in 1 9 7 6 . In 1 9 9 2 he was appointed Edison
Professor o f N cu rob io logv at W ash in g to n U n iv ersity S c h o o l ol
The fM R I procedure is noninvasive and does not
M ed icin e, S t. L ou is, where lie is the d ire cto r o f th e M cD o n n ell C en te r
involve exposure to radiacion. Ic may chcrcforc be applied o f H ig h er Brain F u n ctio n . In 2 0 0 2 he w on the K ricg C o rtic a l
over a long period. Although the signal level is low it can D iscov erer Award (C a ja l C lu b ).
the corresponding areas in the m onkey brain, boundaries
betw een visual areas can be mapped by recording the loca­
tions where traveling waves o f neural activity triggered by
m oving stim uli reverse in direction.
The m ethod can locate cortical areas sensitive to partic­
ular stim uli and measure changes in response associated
with changes in stimulus location, contrast, color, and
m otion (H ceger 1 9 9 9 ). It can also d etect neural activity
associated with changes in attention (Section 5 .9 ), with
perceptual changes in ambiguous stimuli (Section 4 .5 .9 b ), - 3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
and with binocular rivalry (S ectio n 1 2 .9 .2 f). It can detect >/ilisecond Second M in u te H o ir D ay

activity created by illusory effects such as the m otion after­ T em poral resolution (log s)

effect (C ulham c t al. 1 9 9 9 ) and subjective contours. It is

F ig u r e у 1 9 . M e t h o d s f o r s t u d y in g t e r n a r y p r o t e s t in g . (A fro m C h u r< h U n 4
also used to localize neural deficits (W andell 1999).
Typically, a specified test stimulus and a baseline stim u­
lus are presented for a few seconds many times. At each
location, the activity induced by the baseline stimulus is areas and thus affect regions rem ote from the site o f the
subtracted from that induced bv¥ the test stimulus. The dif- lesion. Also, neighboring areas may, over time, take over the
ference signals are superimposed on a map o t the cortex to functions o f the ablated region.
reveal where activity has increased in response to the defined In the em bryo o f certain animals, tissue from one region
stimulus. Since the hemodynam ic response lags the neural o f the nervous system (the d on or region) may be trans­
response by about one second, the m ethod cannot be used planted in to another region (the host region). In certain
to track m ost rapid changes in neural response. However, it anim als, sense organs may be transplanted or an extra sense
can detect onset tim e differences betw een the responses organ may be transplanted from another anim al (D u n n ett
from different regions o f the brain with an accuracy o f and Bjorklund 1992).
about 3 0 ms. For example, when the subject perform s a In tran sg en ic proced u res, a foreign gene is introduced
visual m otor task, it can detect differences in response times into the fertilized egg ot an anim al, usually a mouse. In a
betw een visual and m otor areas that correlate with reaction related procedure, one o f the genes o f an animal is disabled
times determ ined behaviorally (M enon et al. 1998b ). Also, so that it no longer produces a particular protein. In this
it can detect changes in response strength that occur as the way, the effects o f the absence o f that protein may be stud­
temporal interval betw een tw o stim uli, such as tw o flashes ied. G en etic procedures are discussed in more detail in
o f light, is increased up to about 100 ms (Ogaw a et al. Section 6.2.
Signals from fM R J have m ultiple com ponents. The in i­
tial dip is believed to originate from oxygen transport from
capillaries associated with local neural events. Later signals Several procedures have been devised for directly
originate from m ore global effects o f deoxvgenation and controlling neural activity in the absence o f sensory sti­
blood flow. U nder certain conditions, the local com ponent mulation. These procedures are used for the following
can be enhanced by using two stim uli, such as orthogonal purposes:
gratings, which generate differential responses in indepen­
dent groups o f neurons. The local fM R I response can 1. To trace neural connections through the com bined use
resolve orientation and ocular dom inance colum ns in alert o f stim ulating and recording procedures.
monkeys and humans (Grinvald et al. 2 0 0 0 ; K im et al.
2. To investigate the overt behavioral effects o f stimulating
2 0 0 0 ; C h en g e ta l. 2 0 0 1 ).
specified neurons.
The spatial and tem poral resolutions o f m ethods o f
studying neural systems are depicted in Figure 5.19 3. ’lo investigate rhe effects o f stim ulation on the ability
(C hurchland and Sejnow ski 1 9 8 8 ). M ethods o f brain o t animals to detect, discrim inate, o r interpret specific
mapping are reviewed in Toga and M azziotta (2 0 0 2 ). stimuli.

The traditional m ethod for controlling local neural

5 .4 .3 g N eural A blation and G ra ftin g
activity is to apply an electric current through an electrode.
Lesions may be made surgically or by application o f a chem ­ The wave o f electrical depolarization locally releases neu­
ical agent. The anim als behavior is then examined. It is rotransm itter. The m ethod can be applied to tissue cultures
often difficult to restrict damage to a defined area o f the or to an alert animal. It provides precise tim ing but has poor
brain, and the lesion may cu t connections betw een brain spatial resolution because all neurons in a certain range are
affected. Also, electrical stimulation can n ot be used to The method has also been used to study the effects o f
inhibit neural responses. changes in cortical activity that outlast the period o f stimu­
Both excitatory and inhibitory responses may be p ro­ lation (sec Barker 19 9 9 ; Siebncr and Rothwell 2 0 0 2 ).
duced by the local application o f excitatory or inhibitory
neurotransmitters. The procedure has been refined by trans-
fusing the neural tissue with neurotransmitters that remain
5 .5 T H E V IS U A L C O R T E X
inactive until photolvzed by local application o f ultraviolet
light. The light is said to “uncage” the neurotransmitter.
However, the method has limited temporal and spatial 5 .5 .1 C O R T IC A L C ELLS
5 .5 .1 a T h e G e n e r a l S tr u c tu r e o f
In 2 0 0 5 a group at .Stanford University laid the founda­
C o r t i c a l N e u ro n s
tion for o p to g cn e tics (Hoyden c t al. 2 0 0 5 ) . Genes that
express light-sensitive opsins and promoters that control A typical cortical neuron consists o f a cell body, or soma,
their expression are derived from algae and packaged in a from which emerge one o r more basal dendrites and a single-
virus. W h en injected into the brain the virus delivers the axon. The fluid inside the neuron is known as the cytosol,
opsin genes to neurons in wide areas o f the brain. The opsin and all the contents o f the cell other than the nucleus arc-
proteins are expressed only in those cells that activate the known as the cytoplasm . Each cell is lined by a membrane.
specific promoter. The proteins are related to rhodopsin The soma contains the nucleus, which contains the ch ro ­
and have no adverse effects on neural tissue. W h en trig­ mosomes. It also contains the m ito ch o n d ria , which are
gered by light o f a specific wavelength the opsins in that concerned with cell metabolism.
particular group o f cells can rcversiblv excite or inhibit In neurons, .is in other cells, the outer membrane o f the
neural responses in the intact animal. For example, when nucleus extends through the cytoplasm as a folded phos­
locally excited by blue light, one opsin ( C h R 2 ) depolarizes pholipid membrane known as the end oplasm ic reticulum.
neurons to produce excitatory action potentials. W hen O n e part o f the membrane is studded with ribosom es,
excited by yellow light, the other protein (N’p H R ) releases which are the sites o f protein synthesis. Synthesized protein
calcium ions that hyperpolarize and therefore inhibit the molecules migrate from the endoplasmic reticulum to
same neurons Zhang et al. ( 2 0 0 7 ) . Millisecond pulses ol another reticular structure known as the G o lg i apparatus,
yellow light may inhibit single action potentials or continu- where they are converted into, for example, glycoproteins,
ous light may maintain inhibition over a period o f time. hormones, and neurotransmitters. The proteins also receive
The procedure has high temporal and spatial resolution molecular labels that determine their final destinations after
although it may be difficult ro deliver the trigger light to they leave the Golgi apparatus.
deep regions in the primate brain. Thus the experimenter Neurons, like other cells, also contain a cv to sk elcto n
may control the activity o f specific types o f neuron. At the consisting o f microtubulcs, microfilaments, and neurofila­
same time, other wavelengths may be used to excite fluores­ ments. M icro tu b u les are lined with polymerized molecules
cent dyes that indicate which neurons have responded. of che protein tubu lin. In neurons, vesicles move along che
Also, at the same time, the behavior o f the animal may be microtubules carrying material from the soma to the axon
observed. Thus, application o flig h t pulses o f various wave­ terminal by an terog rad e tran sport. This is particularly
lengths may used to finely control neural activity and important when the cell is growing. Vesicles also travel from
observe that activity. It remains to be seen whether these the axon terminal to the soma by retrog rad e tran sport.
procedures can be applied to neural tissue in deep layers o f This is important for conveying signals to the nucleus
the brain. regarding the proteins required by the growing cell. Vesicles
In transcranial m ag n etic stim ulation a magnetic field travel at a speed o f up to one meter per day.
is induced in the brain by applying a brief high-current The m icrofilam en ts consist o f strands o f the protein
pulse through a coil o f wire held over the scalp. The mag­ actin. We shall see in Section 6 .4 .3 that they are involved in
netic field induces an electric current in the brain, which the growth o f axons and dendrites. The neurofilam ents
flows at right angles to the lines o f the magnetic field. The consist o f strong strands o f long protein molecules. ‘I he
electric currcnt triggers a mixture o f excitatory and inhibi­ c c n tro s o m c is a central com ponent o f the cvtoskelcton
tory activity in the brain tissue beneath the coil, which is (see Scction 6.4.5b).
typically 9 cm in diameter. The effects are therefore n ot very The neocortex contains two main types o f excitatory
local. The procedure has been used to investigate gross neurons, several types o f inhibitory neurons, and many
changes in the activity o f the m otor cortex following strokes types o f glial cells. Excitatory neurons are circular spiny
and skill acquisition. It has also been used ro study the stellate cells, m ost o f which radiate dendrites in all direc­
effects o f temporary disruptions o f activity in defined tions, and pyram idal cells that have triangular cell bodies
cortical areas. For example, it has been used ro study rhe with a single long apical dendrite and several shorter basal
effects o f stimulation of the visual cortex in blind people. dendrites (Figure 5 .20 ). Inhibitory neurons are devoid o f
— — — _v

Types of excitatory cells

1СЮ u m

------ 1 ------
Chandelier cell Large basket cell Small basket cell Bouquet cell

Types of sm ooth inhibitory cells

$. 10. ly p cf e f c d i i n th e т ат т лЧ лп iitu .il cortex. D o tte d lilies in d icate boun d aries o f co rtic a l layers. (Pre^CilbctronJ Wtc«] miwid.p.rmhac.r. fmm U*<wi)

spines and, on char account, are called sm o o th cclls (see the mammalian neocortex. Their axons form chc white
Figure 5.20). matcer o f che cerebral corcex. Pyramidal cells occur in all eor-
In the macaque visual cortex there are approximately cical layers except layer 1. Л basal dendritic tree descends
1 2 0 ,0 0 0 neurons per cubic millimeter, which is about twice from the base ot the soma and an axon with apical dendrites
as many as in other pares o f the cortex ( O ’Kusky and ascends from the apex o f the soma. The apical dendrites o f
C olonnicr 1982). There are about the same number o f glial pyramidal cells in layer 5 form distinct vertical clusters, which
cells. O n average, there arc over 2 ,0 0 0 synapses per cell, and ascend inco layers 4, 3, and 2. Back-propagating sodium
each cortical cell provides between 7 ,0 0 0 and 8 ,0 0 0 syn­ action potencials initiated in the somata o f these cells can
apses to other cells. Each cell connects to thousands o f other facilitate subthreshold calcium action potentials initiated by
cells (divergence) and receives inputs from thousands ol stimuli impinging on apical dendrites (I.arkum et al. 1999).
other cells (convergence) (Salin and bullier 1995). Details This produces synchronous coupling between inputs arriv­
o f cell types in the visual cortex are provided in Peters and ing at different layers in the visual cortex. Pyramidal cells o f
Rockland (1 9 9 4 ). layer 4 have cone-shaped clusters o f apical dendrites.
The basic dendritic morphology ol neurons is deter­ The d en d ritic shafts o f all excitatory* neurons contain a
mined genetically. For example, cortical stellate cells and multitude o f small d en d ritic spines. A pyramidal cell has
pyramidal cells develop in cell culture even when isolated approximately 10,000 spines. The postsynaptic membranes
from neighboring cells (Threadgill et al. 1997). However, o f most excitatory synapses occur on the heads o f dendritic
we will see in Chapter 6 that the detailed patterning o f den­ spines. Each spine is connected to the dendritic shaft by a
drites depends on sensory inpucs and on interactions with narrow neck wich high electrical resistance. Thus,each spine
neighboring cells. is a localized synaptic compartment. M ost spines do n ot
contain microrubulcs buc do concain acycoskclcton o fc o n -
cracrile actin filaments, which cause rapid changes in spine
5 .5 .1 b Pyram idal C ells

structure, especially in developing neurons (Section 6.4.3).
Pyramid cclls occur in the cerebral cortex o f mammals, birds, Small modifications o f the morphology o f spines can alter
fish, and reptiles. They make up abouc 7 5 % ot neurons in the efficiency o f synaptic transmission and the filtering
properties o f the synapse (Tsay and Yuste 2 0 0 4 ). It is Regular sp iking neurons fire rapidly at stimulus onset but
believed that most plastic changes responsible for learning adapt to a steady level within about 100 ms. Fast spiking
occur at dendritic spines (Section 6.5.1). neu ron s show little or no adaptation and are usually in h ib­
Each pyramidal cell receives about 10,000 synaptic itory. B u rstin g o r ch atterin g neurons produce periodic
inputs, o f which 7 5 % are excitatory. Excitatory inputs from bursts o f 2 to 6 spikes with interburst intervals o f 3 0 to
neighboring stellate and pyramidal cells arrive on synapses 50 Hz. In trin sic-b u rstin g neurons tire with a burst ot
on dendrites near the soma (proximal dendrites). Inputs spikes followed by a pause and a tonic Spike train (C onnors
from distant pyramidal cclls, the thalamus and other brain­ an d G u tn ick 1990; Gray and M c C o r m ic k 1 996). These dif­
stem nuclei, and from the basal forebrain arrive on the distal ferences depend on the intrinsic properties ot ion channels
dendritic tuft. on the cells soma and dendrites (Solom on et al. 1993).
M ost inhibitory synapses on pyramidal cells occur on They have been modeled by equations derived from the
dendritic shafts on the axon and ccll nucleus (soma). They H o d g k in -H u xley e q u a tio n s o f time-dependent responses
arise trom cortical inhibitory stellate cells, the brainstem, ot ion channels on neural membranes (W ilson 1999b).
and the basal forebrain (claustrum). Similar differences exist in the response properties o f
Axons o f pyramidal cells are the major output co m p o ­ m otor neurons, such as those controlling eye movements
nents o f the neocortex. They contain only excitatory (gluta- (Section 10.10).
matergic) synapses. Axons from pyramidal cells in layer 6 o f
the primary visual cortex project to the extrastriate cortcx.
5 .5 .1 d S p in y S te lla te C e lls
M ost o f them project to just one extrastriate area. However,
a few cells in cat area 17 project to both areas 18 and 19 Spiny stellate cells are the second type o f excitatory cortical
(Bullier et al. 1984). Also, a tew cells in monkey V I project cell. They occur only in cortical layer 4. Almost all inputs to
to both V2 and M T (Sincich and H orton 2 0 0 3 ) . A larger the primate visual cortcx from the I.G N impinge o n spiny
number o f M T cells project back to both V I and V 2. Thus, stellate cells. These cells project horizontally within layer 4
feedforward projections arc more target-specific than arc and to a lesser extent to other layers, but their dendrites
feedback projections. remain mainly within the same local vertical column o f
Pyramidal cclls o f V I also project to ipsilatcral and per­ cclls. S o m e spinv stellate cells in layer 4 B o f the primate
haps also to contralateral subcortical regions (Creutzfeldt visual cortex project directly to the middle temporal area
1977). The subcortical regions include the pretectum, supe­ ( M T ) (N’assi and Callaway (2 0 0 7 ).
rior colliculus (Berman et al. 1 975), pulvinar, I.G N , and O n ly about 10% o f excitatory synapses impinging on
other areas ot the thalamus (Gattass et al. 1979; Casanova spinv stellate cells ot layer 4 originate from the L G N , the
e t al. 1989; Fitzpatrick et al. 1 994), the caudate nucleus, and rest originate from subcortical nuclei, neighboring spiny
the cerebellum by way o f pontine nuclei (Brodal 1972). stellate cells, and pyramidal cells, especially along recurrent
Details o f cortical efferents are provided by Swadlow (1 9 8 3 ). axons from layer 6 (Fitzpatrick ct al. 1985; Freund et al.
Pyramidal cells in area V I receive excitatory feedback signals 1989; Ahmed et al. 1994). Recurrent excitatory circuits arc
from the extrastriate visual areas to which they project. therefore very prominent in the visual cortcx.
Pyramidal cells also form excitatory networks within
V I (Jo h n so n and Burkhalter 1 997). In cortical layer 6 there
5 . 5 . l e S m o o t h I n h ib it o r y C e lls
are eight types o f pyramidal cells. O n e type receives and
transmits signals to magnocellular layers 4 B and 4C(X. Sm ooth cortical cclls arc inhibitory (G A BA ergic) interneu­
Another type receives and transmits signals to parvocellular rons that release the neurotransmitter У-amino-butyric
layers 2 , 3 , and 4C(3. O ther types transmit and receive inputs acid, or G A B A . Inhibitory synapses form about 15 to 2 0 %
within the same layer. O n e type receives and transmits to all o f synapses in the visual cortex. Inhibitory interncurons
cortical layers (Briggs and Callaway 2 0 0 1 ) . receive both excitatory and inhibitory inputs onto synapses
Feedback signals trom extrastriate areas teed onto on their somata.
relatively few inhibitory G A BA ergic interneurons in V I . There are three main types o f inhibitory interncurons:
Feedback from area V 5 in monkeys improves the responses chandelier cells, basket cells, and bouquet cells. Figure 5.20b
o f cells in V I , V 2 , and V 3 to figure-ground stimuli (Hupc shows that they differ in their patterns ot dendritic arboriza­
et al. 1998). Feedback from higher visual areas may tion, but the functional significance o f the ditferent types is
also enhance responses to stimuli to which the animal is not known (Anderson et al. 1993; Markram ct al. 2 0 0 4 ).
attending (Section 5.9.2). They also differ in thespeed and regularityof their responses.
Som e maintain a steady response to continued stimulation
while others adapt (see Gupta et al. 2 0 0 4 ) .
5 .5 .1 c T em p oral D y n a m i c s o f Pyramidal C ells
Interncurons occur in all cortical layers, including layer
Pyramidal cells in the mammalian neocortex have been clas­ 1, which is devoid o f excitatory cells. They arc most dense in
sified into tour types according to their temporal dynamics. layers 4 A and 4 B , which receive geniculocortical inputs
(Douglas ct al. 1995). Although most interneurons operate o f C a ions over the astrocytc network may be responsible
over short distances, axons o f basket cells spread laterally up lor cortical spreading depression.
to 2 mm (Kritzcr et al. 1992). Interneurons do not send It has been claimed that astrocytes in cell cultures release
axons outside the cortex. Som e types o f interneuron occur glutamate and other molecules, such as adenosine and
only in particular cortical layers. Sonic G A B A crgic cells G A B A , to either the prcsynaptic or postsynaptic membranes
slowly release neuropeptides that can cither excite or inhibit o f neurons. This process is known as gliotransm ission. It
other neurons (Douglas et al. 1 995). Inhibitory synapses has also been claimed that gliotransmission modulates syn­
are discussed in Section 5.5.6b. aptic transmission between neurons (Bezzi et al. 2 0 0 4 ;
Perea et al. 2 0 0 9 ) . However, more recent evidence suggests
that astrocytes do nor modulate excitatory synaptic trans­
5.5.1 f G lial C e lls
mission, at least in the hippocampus (Agulhon et al. 2 0 1 0 ;
In the central nervous system o f vertebrates there are at least H am ilton and Atrwell 2 0 1 0 ).
ten times more glial cells than neurons. There are two main We will see in Sections 6.4.4 and 6.5 that astrocytes are
types o f glial cell— microglia and macroglia. M icro g lia also involved in synaptogenesis, cortical development, and
defend against invading microorganisms, act as phagocytes synaptic plasticity. They have been shown to be a source of
in removing dead cells, and provide trophic factors, includ­ regeneration in damaged retinas o f chickens (Fischer and
ing neurotrophins, to other glial cells and neurons. They Reh 2 0 0 1 ) .
also direct the migration o f neural stem cells to damaged O lig o d en d ro cy tes form myelin sheaths around axons
areas o f the adult C N S o f the mouse (Aarum et al. 2 0 0 3 ). in the central nervous svstcm.
Schwann cells form che
M acroglia consist o f astroglia and oligodendrocytes. sheaths in the peripheral nervous system (Section 6.3.3c).
Astroglial cells include astrocytes, Bcrgmann glia, and The structure and connections o f astrocytes and oligo­
Miiller cells. dendrocytes are subject to experience-dependent changes
W h en stained, a stro cy tes appear as star-shaped cells, (Jo n es and G reenough 2 0 0 2 ).
but the branching ramifications o f each ccll fillapolyhedral
volume with little overlap between the domains o f neigh­
boring cells. Each ccll has five to eight major extensions,
each o f which ramifies into fine appendages. In the human
cortex, there are about four astrocytes tor every neuron. M ost neurons in the central nervous system have a ccll body,
Astrocytes perform a variety o f trophic functions. Some or soma, from which a com plex dendritic tree and a single
form the protective seal between blood capillaries and the axon arise. The dendricic tree o f excitatory neurons consists
brain, known as the blood-brain barrier. They deliver glu­ o f branching shafts, each with a multitude o f dendritic
cose to neurons from blood capillaries. Astrocytes near syn­ spines. Dendritic trees contain thousands ot synapses and
apses remove surplus neurotransmitter from the synaptic spread over hundreds o f micrometers. The dendrites o f
cleft and extracellular space, and help to maintain ionic bal­ inhibitory (sm ooth) neurons have tew spines. The single
ance, especially the balance o f potassium ions. Reduction o f axon branches into collaterals some distance from the soma.
the number o f glial cells in the vicinity of synapses reduces The soma, axon, o r dendrites can form prcsynaptic or post­
synaptic efficiency (O liet c t al. 2 0 0 1 ). synaptic structures. However, axons form m ost o f t h e prc­
Before the 1990s it was believed that glial cells served synaptic elements (synaptic boutons) that convey signals to
only tropic functions. It is now known chat many astrocytes the dendrites o f other neurons. Dendritic spines form most
form a reticular network linked by gap junctions (low-resis- o f che excitatory postsynaptic elements. They receive signals
tancc synapses that allow direct electrical coupling). Glial from synaptic boutons o f other neurons and convey them
cells envelope synapses o n dendritic spines. A single cortical to che soma and chen to the axon, which is the main output
astrocyte can form more than 3 0 ,0 0 0 gap junctions with pathway o f the neuron.
itself or with adjacent astrocytes. Activation o f an astrocyte In che cat s visual cortex, 8 4 % o f synapses are excitatory,
depends on release o f calcium ions (C a 2') from the cell’s and about 8 0 % o f these occur on dendritic spines, 2 0 % on
endoplasmic reticulum. Ncurotransmitters released at syn­ dendritic shafts, and only 0.1% on the cell body (soma) o f a
apses activate receptors on glial cells and evoke waves of postsynaptic cell. Inhibitory synapses arc usually formed on
Ca ions. Waves o f intracellular C a ions also arise spontane­ smooth dendrites o f intcrncurons. Mosc o f chcm occur on
ously, especially in the developing nervous system. Glial dendritic shafts rather chan on dendritic spines, and 7%
cells may be involved in generating synchronous neural occur on the som a (see Edwards 1 995). Thus, most synapses
activity (Alvarez-Maubecin ct al. 2 0 0 0 ; Havdon 2 0 0 1 ; on somata are inhibitory. Dense collections o f synapses arc-
Newman 2 0 0 3 ) . called glom eruli.
Neurons conduct brief action potentials at high speed Synapses are less than one micron in diameter and occur
over long distances, astrocytes conduct slow, long-duration at densities o f about 4 billion per mmr in rhe rar correx (see
calcium spikes over short distances. Long-range transmission M cAllister 2 0 0 7 ).
Synapses on dendrites near the soma are known as Generator potentials produced by sensory receptors acti­
proxim al synapses, while those remote from the soma are vate voltage-gated synapses. Voltage-gated synapses may be
known as apical synapses. Theoretically, inputs from apical unidirectional or bidirectional. They have a high threshold,
synapses should be attenuated relative to those from proxi­ but are last acting and capable ot synchronizing responses
mal synapses because they have further to travel before in neural tissue. They conserve the sign o f depolarization o f
reaching the soma. In pyramidal cells o f the neocortex, the presynaptic membrane.
excitatory potentials reaching the soma arc indeed weaker In cold-blooded animals, gap junctions continue to
from distal synapses than from proximal synapses. However, be fast acting when chemical synapses are slowed by
in neurons in the hippocampus, potential amplitudes are low temperatures. Thus, in some invertebrates and lower
independent o f their site o f origin because distal synapses vertebrates, gap junctions are used in escape and warning
have a compensatory increase in the density ot glutamate mechanisms.
receptors (W illiam s and Stuart 2 0 0 3 ) . The implications o f G ap junctions occur in the vertebrate retina, where they
these differences are discussed in Section 6.5.2. help to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (Section 5.1.3).
Until the middle o f the 2 0th century there was a lively They also occur throughout the primate neocortex (Bennett
debate about whether synaptic transmission was electrical and Zukin 2 0 0 4 ).
o r chemical. W e now know that both types o f synapse exist. Electrical couplings across gap junctions are prominent
Synapses that involve direct transmission ot ions are known between neurons during the development o f the nervous
as electrical, or voltage-gated synapses. Those that involve system. Specific connexins expressed in certain brain areas
the secretion ot a chemical neurotransmitter are known as only in early development are crucial for neuron differentia­
ligand-gatcd synapses. There are two types o f ligand-gated tion and synaptogenesis (Maxeiner et al. 2 0 0 3 ).
synapse, ionotropic synapses and metabotropic synapses. G ap junctions con nect inhibitory interneurons in the
The types o f synapse set out in Table 5.1 will now be briefly thalamus, ccrebellum, and cerebral cortex. There seem to be
described. two independent networks o f connected interneurons—
fast spiking and low-threshold spiking (Galarreta and
Hestrin 2 0 0 1 ) . It is believed that these networks facilitate
5 .5 .2 a V oltage-G ated Synapses
synchronization o f neural activity.
M ost voltage-gated electrical coupling between neurons
occurs at gap ju n ctio n s. Adjacent membranes o f neighbor­
5 . 5 . 2 b I o n o t r o p i c L ig a n d -G a te d Synapses
ing cells contain well-aligned channels formed by proteins
known as co n ncxin s. There arc at least 10 connexins in the The structure o f a typical d irect, or io n o tro p ic ligand-
mammalian central nervous system. Som e occur only on gated synapse is shown in Figure 5.21. I he axon o f the
specific types ot cell. Electrical current is carried across the presynaptic cell forms presynaptic m em b ra n es at each
channels mainly by potassium ions, but small molecules o f a series o f small swellings, or b o u tou s, which are 0.5 to
may also pass. (lap junctions are triggered by a voltage dif­ 1.0 ,um in diameter. Each bouton contains m itochondria
ference between the two cells produced by a nerve impulse. and a reserve pool o f synaptic vesicles. The vesicles are
synthesized in the G olgi apparatus and bound to a web o f
contractile microfilaments o f actin. Each vesicle is about
T a b le 5 ./ . T Y P F .S O F C O R T I C A L S Y N A P S E
3 0 nm in diameter. A typical presynaptic membrane

T rig g ere d by a v o lta g e c h a n g c a cro ss gap ju n c tio n s .

M itochondrion
In v o lv e n c u r o tr a n s m itte r s a c e ty lc h o lin e , s e r o to n in , g lu ta m a te . Bouton
V esticles with
connecting filam ents
Io n o tr o p ic S ynaptic
cleft P ostsynaptic density
T rig g ere d d ire c tly by a n c u r o tra n s m itte r .
A M PA ty p e
K a in a tc ty p e A ctin m icrofilam ents
N M D A ty p e E ndoplasm ic reticulum

M e ta b o tr o p ic

Spine a pparatus
T rig g ere d by n c u r o tr a n s m itte r -4* c a sc a d e o f v cco n d a ry m o le c u le s.
D endritic spine

In v o lv e th e in h ib ito r y n c u r o tr a n s m itte r G A B A .
r>«»< s.21. D iagram o f a typical (ortu at synapse. fan, b l . u J . 1991}
contains hundreds o f vesicles, each loaded with about 1,500 only a brief contact with the ccll membrane and arc recyclcd
molecules o f neurotransmitter. Neurotransmitter molc­ rapidly. This so-called kiss-and-run retrieval o f vesicles helps
culcs formed in the cytoplasm arc pumped into vesicles by to conserve resources (Harata c t al. 2 0 0 6 ).
vesicular transporter molecules embedded in the vesicle O th er vesicles take several seconds to be recvcled or
wall. Tli us, transporter molecules control the concentration remain on the presynaptic membrane until there is another
o f neurotransmitter molecules in the vesicles (Varoqui and nerve impulse (Aravantis ct al. 2 0 0 3 ; G andhi and Stevens
Erickson 1997). Specific transporter molcculcs have been 2 0 0 3 ) . It seems that some vesicles migrate between the prc-
identified for glutamate, G A B A , and other neurotransmitters synaptic membranes o f neighboring synapses (D arcy et al.
(Bcllocchio et al. 2 0 0 0 ). 2 0 0 6 ) . Tli is may help to coordinate the firing patterns o f
Vesicles migrate from the reserve pool to rhe presynap­ neighboring synapses.
tic membrane, where they are ready for release. O n ly a few There are three main groups ot neurotransmitter—
vesicles are available for quick release at any instant. After a am ino acids, catecholamines, and monoamines. Figure 5.22
period ot intense synaptic activity, the pool ot available shows examples from each group. In the cerebral cortex all
vesicles becomes depleted. It can take several seconds to excitatory synapses involved in the rcccption and proccss-
replenish the vesicles. Removal o t calcium ions trom the ingot information trom the sense organs use the neurotrans­
synaptic terminal after intense activity accelerates the rate mitter glutam ate. Inhibitory synapses use theclosely related
o f vesicle recovery (Wesscling and Lo 2 0 0 2 ) . am ino acid 7-am ino-butyric acid (G A B A ). C ortical syn­
A nerve impulse triggers an influx o f calcium ions into apses that use other neurotransmitters arc described in
the presynaptic cell, which releases a cascade ot chemical Section 5.5.2g.
events involving phosphorylation o f the protein synapsin The release o f ncurotransmitter from one vesicle at each
by the enzyme ca lm o d u lin -d ep en d en t protein kinase II synaptic bouton can be regarded as one quantum ot synap­
( C a M K I I ) (Turner ct al. 1999). Synapsin molecules are tic excitation. It has been claimed that a synaptic bouton
arranged on actin filaments associated with synaptic vesicles releases only one vesicle at a time. Each vesicle contains a
(Sankaranarayanan ct al. 2 0 0 3 ) . These molecules release fairly constant number o f neurotransmitter molecules,
vesicles containing neurotransmitter from the reserve pool which activates almost all the receptor sites on the adjacent
so that they can migrate to the active zone at the synaptic postsynaptic membrane. According to this view, the
membrane. strength o f response at a synapse depends on the number o f
W h en the synapse is activated, vesicles that have receptors at the site (Korn and Faber 1991). Ninio ( 2 0 0 7 )
migrated to the active zone fuse with the presynaptic questioned this view and concluded that single vesicles
membrane— a process known as ex ocy to sis (Zcnisek et al. do not saturate the postsynaptic membrane. Thus, response
2 0 0 0 ) . Neurotransmitter molecules are thereby released strength depends on the number o f vesicles released (see
into the synaptic cleft in less than a millisecond. The m ol­ Stevens 1995) and on the number ot receptor molcculcs
ecules cross rhe cleft, which is about 2 0 nm wide, and attach
to rcccptor molecules on the postsynaptic membrane. O ne
A m in o a c id n e u ro tra n s m itte rs
action potential in the presynaptic membrane releases about
2 0 0 synaptic vesicles.
G lutam ate C O O H - C H 2 - C H 2 - CH - N H 2
At many synapses, vesicles arc released spontaneously at I
a very low rate trom a resting p o ol. These vesicles generate CO O H

m in iatu re postsynaptic p o te n tia ls,o r minis. Tagging vcsi-

cles with fluorescent molecules has revealed that vesicles
released spontaneously from the resting pool are distinct Y-aminobutyric acid COOH - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - NH2
trom vesicles released by neural activity trom the reserve (G A B A)
pool (Frcdj and Burrone 2 0 0 9 ) . Furthermore, spontane­ A c a te c h o la m in e n e u ro tra n s m itte r
ously released vesicles may be released some distance
from the synaptic clcfi and activate distinct locations on
A drenaline
the postsynaptic membrane. Spontaneous potentials may
be involved in tuning synaptic sensitivity (Section 6.5.4).
After synaptic transmission, neurotransmitter mole­
cules arc rapidly absorbed from the synaptic clcft by astro­ A m o n o a m in e n e u ro tra n s m itte r
cytes and a sodium-ion process on the presynaptic
membrane. Spent vesicles are recycled and recharged with CH2 - CH2 - nh2

neurotransmitter. Recycling o f single vesicles has been Serotonin

observed by introducing molecules that produce fluores­
cence when released from the vesicle. Som e vesicles, espe­
cially those at small synapses, do not fully collapse but make Figure s .: 2. E xam ples o f н см ош ш уп Ш еп .
on the postsynaptic membrane. Synaptic activity leads Rcccptorson ligand-gatcd synapses can be experimentally
to an increase in the number ot receptor molecules (see activated by an agonist, which can be a naturally occurring
Scction 6.4.4). ncurotransmittcr or an amino acid extracted from another
Neurotransmitters activate receptors lining the postsyn­ source. A synapse may be blocked by an an tag o n ist, which
aptic membranes o f excitatory synapses. These membranes can be a natural inhibitory ncurotransmittcr or a synthetic
4 «

occur mostly on spines that are distributed in great num­ molecule.

bers along each branch ot the dendritic tree ot the postsyn­ Rcccptor molcculcs spanning the postsynaptic m em­
aptic cell. The receptor m em brane o feach excitatory synapse brane are anchored to mobile actin filaments within the cell
contains a dense collection ot receptor sites, actin-binding by specific actin b in d in g proteins. These proteins regulate
protein molecules, and a heterogeneous population o f the polymerization o f actin and control the arrangement o f
actin filaments and proteins that torm a molecular scatfold. the actin filaments. C ontraction ot actin filaments trans­
The whole structure is known as the postsynaptic density forms blunt spines into the other types during early devel­
(K im and Shcng 2 0 0 4 ) . The pre- and postsynaptic m em­ opm ent and during learning in the adult. Depolymerization
branes are held in register by filamentous proteins that span o f actin reduces the number ofclusters o f N M D A receptors
the synaptic cleft. These molecules have been implicated in and the number ot spines containing A M PA receptors
synaptogenesis and synaptic plasticity (McAllister 2 0 0 7 ). (Allison et al. 1998). These receptors are described in the
Dendritic spines can be small and blunt, elongated, or next section.
elongated with an expanded end (pedunculatcd). Actin Since ligand-gated synapses involve the diffusion o f
microfilaments that torm the cell cytoskcleton extend into molecules across a relatively wide synaptic cleft they are
the dendritic spines. Microtubules that extend down the much slower than voltage-gated synapses. However, they
dendritic shaft do not extend into the spines. have low thresholds and act as amplifiers, since presynaptic
Receptor molecules line p o res in the postsynaptic activity releases many molecules o f neurotransmitter.
membrane through which ions pass into the postsynaptic Each muscle fiber receives only an excitatory input, typ­
ccll. A cylinder formed from five glycoprotein molecules ically from only one motoneuron, through a synapse involv­
surrounds each pore, as shown in Figure 5.23. The five ing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. In contrast, each
glycoproteins differ to form distinct reccptor subunits that neuron in the ccntral nervous system
receives many
determine the specificity o f responses to diverse inputs' atory inputs, mostly on dendritic spines, and many inhibi­
(M onyer et al. 1992). W h en activated by a neurotransmit­ tory inputs, the most effective o f which impinge on the ccll
ter, the molecules lining the pore momentarily change their body. The resulting potentials propagate electrotonically to
shape and allow ions to pass. The channel then closes and is the cell body, where they are integrated over a certain time
refractory for a few milliseconds. The flow o f ions can be
period to produce action potentials in the axon. There may
measured by applying a patch clamp over the pore. also be a few synaptic inputs on the axon, which modulate
The clamp is a fine glass pipette containing the neurotrans- the action potentials.
mitter or a synthetic ligand molecule, which binds to the The production o f energy in all tissues involves cycles ot
receptor. ph osph orylation and dephosphorylation o f molecules.
Nerve impulses and neurotransmitters in all types ot ligand-
Pore gated synapses lead to the production o f enzymes known as
p ro tein kinases. Each kinase phosphorylates and thereby
activates a particular protein in the neuron cytoplasm.
Som e activated proteins trigger release ot neurotransmitter
in presynaptic neurons, others set o t f complex chains o f
chemical events in the postsynaptic neuron, which are
responsible for growth and learning.
Chemicals produced by synaptic activity travel to
the ccll nucleus and trigger protein synthesis. In protein
synthesis, the nucleotide base triplets in the D N A o f the
chromosomes in the cell’s nucleus arc transcribed into mes­
senger R N A (m R N A ). The m R N A molecules pass through
small pores in the nucleus membrane into the cytoplasm,
where they attach to the endoplasmic reticulum. There the
information is translated into a sequence ot amino acids
required for a particular protein. Protein molecules are
then transported along microtubules to where they are
needed. More details o f these mechanisms are provided in
F igurc 5 . 1У G en era! stru ctu re o f a n io n o tro p ic recep to r p ore. Section 6.6.1.
5 .5 .2 c Types o f Io n o tro p ic R ecep tors Receptors at N M D A synapses have a prolonged response
and are under strong inhibitory control. They also have
There «ire three types o f ionotropic receptors on the post-
the unique feature that they are blocked by extracellular
synaptic membranes o f ligand-gated cortical synapses. For
magnesium ions. They respond only when these ions
all o f them, the excitatory neurotransmitter is an amino
are driven out by depolarization o f the postsynaptic
acid derived from glutamate. Synapses vary in the types and
membrane induced by simultaneous activation o f associ­
distributions o f receptor molecules and in the types o f ion
ated n o n -N M D A receptors on the same postsynaptic
channels on the postsynaptic membrane, which determine
how they transform inputs into nerve impulses. Although
Activation o f receptor molecules on the postsynaptic
all types o f receptor respond to the same glutamate neu­
membrane allows an influx o f calcium ions into the post-
rotransmitter, each type is identified by its response to a
synaptic spine. This activates calmodulin-dependent p ro ­
specific agonist derived from other sources. The three types
tein kinase 11 (C a M К 11) and other enzymes, which increases
o f receptor are:
the numbers and synaptic efficiency o f A M PA receptors
(Sm art 1 997). Activation o f N M D A receptors also leads to
1. A M PA receptors These receptors are identified by their
protein synthesis and cvtoskeletal changes in dendritic
response to a -amino-3'hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-
spines. We will see below and in Sections 6.4.3 and 6.5 that
4-proprionic acid (A M PA). They are also known as
these stimulus-contingency features o f N M D A receptors
qu isq u alate receptors. The receptor molecules on the
allow them to mediate growth, plasticity, and learning in
postsynaptic membrane o f dendritic spines consist o f
the visual cortex.
molecular complexes composed o f subunits G lu R I to
The three basic types o f receptor (A M P A , kainatc, and
G lu R 4 . Activation o f A M PA receptors opens sodium-
N M D R ) arc subdivided into at least 16 subtypes that are
or potassium-ion channels. This process mediates most
identified by their responses to synthetic ligands containing
o f the rapid excitatory synaptic transmission in the
dilferent peptide subunits (Hollm ann and Heinemann
mammalian central nervous system.
2. K ainate receptors (KARs) These receptors are identified The variety o f receptors provides a molecular basis lor
by their response to kainatc agonists extracted from diversity and specificity o f postsynaptic mechanisms. The
plants. These agents are more potent and more specific different types o f receptor are differentially distributed
than glutamate— the endogenous cortical in the mammalian brain, although N M D A and Л М Р Л
neurotransmitter. Like A M PA receptors, kainatc receptors tend to occur together on the same postsynaptic
receptors open sodium- or potassium-ion channels, but membrane (Kaczmarck et al. 1997). Thus, they arc activated
show a longer activation than do A M PA receptors. by release o f glutamate in the same synapse. Ihc signifi­
cance of this coactivation is discussed in Section 6.5.1.
3. NM DA receptors These receptors are identified Geniculocortical transmission in cortical layer 4 o f the cat
by their response to the synthetic agonist N -m eth y l- is mediated mainly by A MPA and kainatc synapses. All
D -a sp a rta te ( N M D A ) . They are also sensitive to a three types mediate intracortical transmission in layers 1 ,2 ,
number o f other chemical agents, such as glycine and and 3 (Larson-Prior et al. 1991). In the human striate cortex,
polyamines. Activation o f these N M D A receptors N M D A receptors are most dense in layers 1 to 4 C , with
opens calcium-ion channels in addition to sodium and highest density in layer 4 C . A M PA receptors are m ost dense
potassium channels. in layers 1 ro 3 and least dense in layers 4 B and -1C. Kainatc
and metabotropic receptors are fairly evenly distributed.
Receptors for N M D A contain three main subunits. The types o f synapse do not vary between cortical columns
Subunit N R l is required for synaptic activation, and sub­ (Albin 1991).
units N R 2 an d N R 3 modulate the response (ValtschanofF
and Weinberg 2 0 0 1 ). Subunit N R l is fast acting while sub­
5.5 .2d M c ta b o tr o p ic L ig a n d -G a ted Synapses
unit N R 2 responds more slowly (Banke and Traynelis
2 0 0 3 ). Variations in the subunits produce diversity in the In an in d ire ct, o r m eta b o tro p ic ligand-gated synapse,
way synapses respond to a given input. Thus different neu­ the ncurotransmitter binds to a receptor consisting o f
rons process similar inputs in different ways. Also, the com ­ an extracellular ligand-binding region, a transmembrane
position o f the subunics can determine how a neuron region, and a cytoplasmic region in the cell. The cytoplas­
responds to converging inputs. For example, cortical pyra­ mic region binds to a G -protein (guanosine triphosphate
midal neurons respond to high-frequency local inputs binding protein) (Kunishima e t al. 2 0 0 0 ) . The activated
from rhe same hemisphere but only to low-frequency cal­ subunit o f rhe g-prorein moves along rhe intracellular
losal inputs from the opposite hemisphere (Kumar and surface and activates a cascade o f molecules, known
Huguenard 2 0 0 3 ) . Thus, a given neuron can process inputs as second messengers. O n e second messenger is cA M P
from different channels in fundamentally different wavs. (cyclic adenosine monophosphate), another is nitric oxide.
Second messengers have widespread effects in che cell, Autapses are synapses made by a neuron onto itself.
including gene activation. M etabotropic synapses fall into Fast-spiking inhibitory interneurons form autapses, which
eight classes according to the amino acid sequence o f the decrease the rate o f repetitive firing. They modulate the syn­
receptors on the postsynaptic membrane. They are identi­ chrony of firing ol neural networks to which the interneu­
fied by their responses to synthetic agonists and antagonists rons arc couplcd (Bacci c t al. 2 0 0 3 ).
(Riedel 1996). They respond to hormones and to a variety
o f neurotransmitters, including glutamate, norepinephrine,
5 . 5 . 2 f R e c e p to r s on P resy n a p tic M e m b r a n e s
and serotonin. M etabotropic synapses have an onset time o f
hundreds o f milliseconds. W h ich is much longer than that The presynaptic membranes o f excitatory neurons and
o f ionotropic synapses. inhibitory interncurons can contain kainate, A M FA, or
N M D A ionotropic receptors or metabotropic receptors
(Lerma 2 0 0 3 ).
5 .5 .2e In h ib ito ry Synapses
Activation ot presynaptic receptors by glutamate is a
Inhibitory interncurons in the cortex work in partnership retrog rad e sign alin g system. Activated receptors modu­
with excitatory pyramidal cells but are shorter and faster late the release o f neurotransmitters in both excitatory and
acting than pyramidal cclls. There is a bewildering diversity inhibitory synapses (Engelman and M acD erm otc 2 0 0 4 ) .
o f interncurons. M ost o f them are excited o r inhibited Som e presynaptic receptors are autoreceptors activated by
by two or three neurotransmitters, which include nora­ the neurotransmitter released by the same presynaptic
drenaline, muscarine, serotonin, and glutamate (Parra et al. membrane. They are also activated by cannabinoids released
1 998). The main inhibitory neurotransmittcr produced by from the postsynaptic membrane (Freund et al. 2 0 0 3 ) .
interneurons in the cerebral cortex is У -am in o -bu tyric O th er presynaptic receptors are activated by distinct
acid ( G A B A ) , an amino acid derived from glutamate (Mize neurotransmitters released by neighboring neurons.
and Marc 19 9 2 ; Gutierrcz-Igarzact al. 1996). The molecule Cholinergic receptors are triggered by afferents from cen ­
exists in various forms, which bind to different receptor ters in the basal forcbrain. S o m e receptors involve G A BA-
molecules. Ion channels on the postsynaptic membrane o f mediated presynaptic inhibition, while others facilitate
an inhibitory synapse consist o f a cluster o f five receptor neurotransmitter release. The functions o f receptors on pre-
subunits each with an extracellular peptide, a transmem­ synaptic membranes arc n ot known (M acD erm o tt et al.
brane sequence, and a large intracellular loop (D e Bias 1999; Pinheiro and Mullc 2 0 0 8 ).
1 996). Fast acting G А В А Д receptors are o f the direct io n o ­
tropic type, and G A B A ( receptors are o f the slow-acting
5 .5 .2 g O t h e r C o r t i c a l N e u r o tr a n s m itte r s
metabotropic type (M oss and Smart 2 0 0 1 ) . Interncurons o f
the same dynamic type are connected by electrical synapses, The neocortex receives inputs from a variety o f subcortical
which generate synchronized spikes within cach o f the two areas, each involving a distinct neurotransmitter. These are
networks (G ibson et al. 1999). amines rather than glutamate. C ortical cells contain a vari­
Inhibition can work in two ways. In h y pcrpolarizing ety o f receptors for each o f these amine transmitters. They
in h ib itio n the change in membrane potential is determined act as modulators o t neural activity in the cortex rather than
by the linear sum o f negative and positive currents. In transmit sensory information or motor outputs.
sh u n tin g in h ibition the excitatory response is reduced Afferents trom the basal nucleus o f M cv
n ert in the ros-
by a nonlinear increase in membrane conductance (Borg- tral brainstem project to m ost parts o f the thalamus, where
Graham et al. 1998). Inhibitory synapses near the zone they constitute about 9 0 % o f brainstem afferents. They
where nerve spines are generated producc proxim al in h ibi­ relay to all parts o f the neocortcx, terminating in synapses
tion, which is capable o f blocking all excitatory responses that release the neurotransmitter acctv lch o lin e. These cho-
o f the cell. Inhibitory synapses on particular dendrites linergic neurons excite fast nicotinic and slower muscarinic
produce distal in h ib ition , which can selectively inhibit receptors, and have indirect inhibitory effects through
particular branches o f the neuron or produce graded G A B A receptors. Cholinergic neurons also project from
inhibition (Vu and Krasne 1992). the claustrum in the basal forebrain directly to pyramidal
In general, inhibitory interneurons modulate the thresh­ cclls and G A B A interneurons in all parts o f the cortcx
old for initiation o f action potentials on dendritic spikes, (Section 5.5.4b).
and play a major role in controlling the activity o f cortical Cholinergic afferents operating through nicotinic
neural networks. Short- and long-range lateral inhibitory receptors promote intracolumnar inhibition, while those
interactions fine-tune neurons to specific stimulus features, operating through muscarine receptors reduce some forms
such as orientation (Section 5.5.6b). Feedforward, and o f inrralaminar inhibition (X ian g e t al. 1 998). These sys­
feedback inhibition generates synchronous and oscillatory tems regulate the How ot information in the cortex. They
responses (Section 4.3.4). Inhibitory circuits are also seem to control selective attention and perhaps conscious­
involved in attcntional gating (Section 5.9). ness (M cG eh ce and Role 1996; Perry et al. 1999). They are
involved in chc generation o f hallucinations and cognicivc
disorders in conditions such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, and
Alzheimer’s disease (sec Alkondon et al. 2 0 0 0 ).
Inputs from the substantia nigra and ventral tegmentum
also project to the ncocortcx, especially the prcfrontal cortcx.
Their synapses involve the neurotransmitter dopam ine.
Five different receptors tor dopamine are distributed in
distinct regions o f t h e central nervous system. Dysfunction
o f this system is implicated in Parkinsons disease and
Fine unmyelinated axons originating in the locus
coeruleu s in the dorsal pons provide a diffuse innervation
ot the cerebral cortex, largely to layer 6 (Levitt and Moore
1979). Neurons from the dorsal portion project to the
visual cortex. Their synapses release the ncurotransmittcr
norep ineph rine. The locus coeruleus is probably associated
with attention and has been implicated in cortical plasticity
(Section 8.2.7h).
Axons trom the raphe nucleus and p o n tin e reticu lar
form atio n project to all cortical areas. Their synapses release
the ncurotransmittcr seroto n in . In the monkev4 visual Figure D a v id H . Hubert. B o rn in W in d so r, C an ad a, in 1 9 2 6 . H e
graduated in m athem atics and physics in 1 9 4 7 and in m ed icin e in 1 9 5 4 ,
cortex, rhe strongest projection is to layer 4. In the cat, there
b oth from M c G ill U n iv ersity in M o n treal. B etw een 195*4 and 1 9 5 8 he
are some serotonin axons in layer 4 during the first tew con d u cted research at th e W alter Reed A rm y In stitu te o f R esearch . In
weeks o f life. In the adult cat, the strongest projection is to 1 9 5 8 he m oved со the lab o rato ry o t S . K ufflcr at th e W ilm c r Institu te o f

layers 1 to 3 (Gu et al. 1990). These projections seem to be Jo h n H o p k in s I lo sp ital. In 1 9 5 9 th e w hole lab o rato ry m oved to
H arvard U niversity M ed ical S c h o o l to torm the new D e p a rtm e n t o t
involved in the control o f the sleep-waking cyclc. Synapses
N cu robiology. In 1981 he w on the N obel Prize in M cd icin e w ith
in many cortical cells contain receptors for all these neu- T o rsten N . W ie se l and R og er Sperry.
rotransmittcrs in addition to receptors for glutamate.
Peptides secreted by the Golgi apparatus in the soma o f
nerve cells are carried to the axon terminal, where they act have circular-symmctric reccptive fields that resemble those
as neurotransmitters. E n d o ca n n a b in o id s are specialized o f either the parvocellular or magnocellular cells in the
neurotransmitters released from the active postsynaptic L G N that teed into them (Blasdcl and Fitzpatrick 1984).
membrane. They thus act as retrograde transmitters (see Thus, their response does not depend on the orientation o f
Section 6.5.3). the stimulus. The other cxcitatory cclls in the primary visual
Synaptogenesis and changes in synapses that occur cortex are pyramidal cells. M ost o f them have elongated
during learning are discussed in Section 6.4.4. reccptive fields and respond most vigorously to bar stimuli
that are aligned with the long axis. They are said to show
orientation specificity (Scction 5.6.2). They fall into two
5 .5 .3 R E C E P T I V E F I E L D S O F C E L L S IN
classes, simple cells and complex cells, according to the
organization o f their reccptive fields, and their functional
A neuron within the visual cortex responds when an appro­ properties.
priate stimulus tails within a specific retinal area. That area Each sim ple ccll receives inputs from about 3 0 cclls in
is defined .is the receptive field o f th e co rtica l cell, and its the L G N . The receptive fields o f some simple cells have a
position in the retina is Specified by the location ot its center. symmetrical (cosinc) distribution o f zones— a central cxcit­
Receptive field centcrs arc represented retinotopically atory zone and two inhibitory flanks (O N -cen ter cells) or
within each layer o f the visual cortex, although this arrange­ an inhibitory center with flanking cxcitatory zones ( O F F -
ment is perturbed by local random scattering of the same center cells). The receptive fields o f other simple cells have
order o f magnitude as the size o f the receptive fields at each an asymmetrical (sine) distribution o f zones— an cxcitatory
location (Hubei and Wiesel 1 9 77 ) (Portrait Figures 5.24 zone flanked by a single inhibitory zone, as depicted in
and 5.25). Figure 5.26. Excitatory zones are known as O N -rc g io n s
We will sec in Section 5.5.6 that the response ot a corti­ bccausc they show an cxcitatory postsynaptic potential
cal cell can be modified by stimuli that fall well outside the (E P S P ) to stimulus onset and an inhibitory postsynaptic
receptive field defined by single stimuli. potential (IP S P ) at stimulus offset. Inhibitory zones arc
Each spiny stellate cell in layers 4A and 4 C o f the visual known as O F F -r e g io n s because they show an I PSP at stim ­
cortex receives a direct input trom only one eye. These cells ulus onset and an F.PSP at stimulus offset (Fcrstcr 1988).
Tlic inhibitory potentials sharpen responses ro briefstimuli
and improve orientation selectivity.
In V I o f rhe monkey, simple cclls with a single excit­
atory zone receive excitatory inputs from only the parvocel-
lular or only the magnocellular layers o f the I.G N . Some
simple cells have multiple excitatory zones and may receive
mixed parvocellular and magnocellular inputs (Malpeii
et al. 1981).
Tlic frequency o f response of a simple cell to a stimulus
filling its receptive field is a linear sum o f its responses
to spots of light falling in each O N and O F F zone of its
receptive field. Thus, simple cells integrate luminance in a
linear fashion. M ost simple cclls have little or no main­
tained discharge in the absence o f stimulation. A simple
cell does not respond to even illumination of its receptive
field, because, with even illumination, excitatory responses
are canceled by inhibitory responses. As a dark-light grating
o f appropriate spatial frequency and orientation is moved
over the receptive field of a simple cell the response of the
ccll is maximal when the bright bars coincide with the
f.rui. i.iv Tontcn N . W ietel. B orn in U p p sala, Sw eden , in 1 9 2 4 . H e
O N -zones and zero when they• coincide with the O F F -
ob tain ed an M .D . a t the K arolinvka In stitu te, S to c k h o lm , in 1 9 5 4 and
was p o std o cto ral fellow and assistant professor in o p h th alm o lo g y a t the zones. The ccll acts as a half-wave rectifier with rcspccr to
Jo h n s H op kins U n iv ersity M ed ical S c h o o l from 1 9 5 5 to 1 9 5 9 . In 1 9 6 0 the spatial distribution ot dark-light bars falling within its
he m oved to H arvard M ed ical S c h o o l, where he becam e R o b ert rcccptivc field.
W in th ro p professor o f n cu robiolog y. In 1 9 8 3 he m oved to the
The full range of stimulation is covered because simple
R ock efeller U n iv ersity in N ew York, w here lie wav V in cc n t and Brooke
A sto r Professor o f N cu ro b io lo g y and university president from 1 9 9 2 to cells occur in pairs with opposite spatial phase— sine and
1 9 9 8 . H e is now presid en t em eritus. In 1 9 7 8 to 1 9 7 9 lie was president cosine (Heeger 1992b). Elongated G abor patches, as defined
o f th e S o ciety tor N euroscience. H e has received m any hon ors, in Section 4.4.2, provide a reasonable fit to the 2-D response
in clu d in g th e 1981 N obel Pri/.c in M ed icin e w ith David H u b c la n d
profiles o f simple cells in the visual cortex o f the cat (Jones
R og er Sperry, tlic Fricndcnw ald Award o l th e A ssociation for Research
in V ision and O p h th a lm o lo g y in 1 9 7 5 , th e K arl Lash Icy Pri/.c o t the and Palmer 1 9 87 ) and of the monkey (Ringach 2 0 0 2 ).
A m erican P h ilo sop h ical S o c ie ty in 1 9 7 7 , th e L cd lic Prize from H arvard In spite o f their basic linearity, simple cells show three
U n iv ersity in 1 9 S 0 , and the H elen K eller Prize tor V isio n Research in types o f nonlinearity— their response saturates at high
stimulus contrasts, they respond more rapidly at high
contrasts, and their response to superimposed orthogonal
stimuli is less than their response to a stimulus in one orien­
tation (cross-orientation inhibition). These nonlinearities
could arise from a gain-control mechanism that depends
on scaling (dividing) the cell’s response by the pooled activ­
-+ Ч -- ity o f neighboring cclls— a process called norm alization
(a) (Carandini and Heeger 1 994). Normalization makes it pos­
sible for a cells response to critical features o f the stimulus,
such as motion, orientation, and binocular disparity, to be
n ^ - independent o f stimulus contrast.
The receptive fields of co m p lex cells are not clearly seg­
regated into excitatory and inhibitory zones. This causes
them to integrate luminance in a nonlinear fashion. A grat­
ing drifting across the rcccptivc field o f a simple ccll pro­
duces a modulated response. However, the same stimulus
produces an unmodulated response in complex cells. Even
so, complex cells are selectively tuned for orientation,
spatial frequency, and direction of motion.
Figurc$.2 l. Types o f rcccptivcficU . (a) A n O N -c c n te r rcccptivc field o f Hubei and Wiesel (1 9 6 8 ) found that many cortical
a ganglion c c ll. (b ) A n O F I ’-c c n tc r rcccptivc field o t л ganglion ccll.
cells have inhibitory zones at either one end ot their recep­
( c ) - ( g ) R cccp tiv c fields o f sim ple cclls in cat visual co rtex . T h e rcccptivc
fields arc show n w ith preferred o rien ta tio n s o t 4 5 * . (AdjpuJ from Hubd*ml tive field (single end-stopped) or at both ends (double
Wioc* 1962) end-stopped).
Simple cells tend to be stellate cells and complex cells The cencral parts o f che recina are represented near che
tend to be pyramidal cells. However, this correlation caudal pole o f the occipital lobe, and the monocular cres­
between structure and function is noc perfect (G ilbert and cents are represented more rostrally. The vertical meridian is
W iese1 1979). In Hubei and W iesels hierarchical model, represented along the border between V I and V 2. Each
simple cells teed inco complex cclls. G hosc ec al. (1 9 9 4 b ) hemisphere receives a topographic representation o f che
revealed only polysynaptic excitatory connections from concralaceral halt ol visual space.
simple to complex cells and monosynaptic excitacory co n ­ Monkeys have direcc visual inpucs со M T from konio-
nections from complex to simple cells in che cat. There is cellular cells o f che L G N (Sin cich ecal. 2 0 0 4 ) . Koniocellular
evidence that the phase invariance o f complex cells arises cells have large receptive fields and cheir input to M T could
from recurrent cortical inpucs from ocher complex cells account for che survival o f some sensicivity со mocion in the
rather than from a pooling o f inpucs from a sec o f simple absence o f V I ( B a r b u r e ta l. 1993).
cells wich differing phase sensitivities (C h an ce ec al. 1999).
Som e complex cells receive inpucs trom only rhe parvo-
5 .5 .4 b O t h e r Inputs to th e V isual C o r tc x
cellular o r only che magnocellular layers o f chc I.G N . Ocher
complex cells receive a mixed input (Malpeli et al. 1981). The lateral geniculate nucleus is not the only subcortical
The structure o f receptive fields o f cortical cclls is dis­ nucleus to send inpucs со che visual corccx. The neocortex as
cussed in more detail in Section 5.6. M ost cells in the visual a whole, including che primary visual cortex and other visual
cortex o f cats and primates receive inputs from both eyes areas, receives inputs from more chan 2 0 subcorcical areas.
(Section 5.7.2). These binocular cells therefore have two These include the nucleus o f Meynerc, che subscancia nigra,
receptive fields, one in each eye. che locus coeruleus, and che poncine reticular system chac
There is a predominance o f simple cells in the primary were mentioned in Section 5.5.2g. They also include the
visual cortex o f cats. In the monkey, no more than 2 2 % o f superior colliculus, hypothalamus, the pulvinar, and the
cells in V I were designated simple by the spatial mapping claustrum.
criterion. However, by the criterion o f response modulation The pulvinar is part o f che thalamus wich a neural struc-
to a drifting grating, about 5 0 % o f monkey V I cells were ture similar to chat o f che L G N . Ic is noc evident in small
designated simple ( O ’K e efeeta l. 1 998). Kagan et al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) mammals. Ic increases in relacive size in primaces, and espe­
used both criteria on the same cells and found that 14% o f cially in humans. There are some direcc inputs from che
cells were simple cells with nonoverlapping responsive concralaceral eye, buc che pulvinar receives most o f its
zones and 7 8 % were complex cells with overlapping zones. inputs from the ipsilateral cerebral cortex. Ic sends recipro­
They suggested that high estimates ot the number o f simple cal conncccions со V I , V 2 , V 4 , M T , and che parietal, infcr-
cells by the modulation criterion arose from classifyingcells occmporal, and prefrontal cortcx (see Stepniewska 2 0 0 4 ).
with overlapping zones as simple cells. There are also connections from the pulvinar to audi­
Wc will see in Section 5.6.2b that the orientation tuning tory and somatosensory areas (Adams e t al. 2 0 0 0 ; Gutierrez
o f cortical cells is at least partly determined by interac­ ec al. 2 0 0 0 ) . The pulvinar contains a crude map ot the co rti­
tions between simple and complex cells and inhibitory cal sheet, including ac lease cwo reprcsencacions o f che visual
interneurons. field. However, representations o f neighboring cortical
areas overlap, which provides for indirect inceraccions
bccween cortical areas. The overlap regions in the pulvinar
5.5.4 VISUAL C O R TIC A L P R O JEC TIO N S correspond to regions with direct cortical interactions. This
is referred to as the "replication principle” (Shipp 2 0 0 3 ) .
5 .5 .4 a P rim a ry In p u ts to th e V isu a l C o r t c x
The pulvinar is implicated in the control o f visual atten­
The primary visual cortex in each hemisphere is mainly on tion (Robinson and Petersen 1992; Levitt ct al. 1995;
the banks o f the calcarine sulcus. This is the deep horizontal G riev eetal. 2 0 0 0 ) . It probably processcsstimuli that require
fissure on che medial surface o f the occipical lobe ac the rapid responses, such as visual looming, that signifies
caudal pole o f chc ccrebral corccx. The visual corccx o f sub- impending collision (K ing and Cowey 19 9 2 ; Mcscre ec al.
primates is known as Brodm anns area 17. In primaces, it is 1 9 9 2 ; Beer e ta l. 2 0 0 2 ) .
referred to as V I . It is also known as the striate co rtcx Responses o f some cclls in che pulvinar arc niodulaced
because o f the prominent stripe o f Gennari it contains. by the posicion o f the eyes, like responses o f cells in the pari­
Each optic radiation projects from the main layers o f etal cortex. These cells chus code signals in a hcadcentric or
the L G N to form the m ajor inpuc со che ipsilateral primary bodycentric frame o f reference. Som e pulvinar cells respond
visual cortex. Intralaminar neurons in the L G N also projecc before the onset o f self-initiated arm movements, even
to che visual cortex. Som e L G N afferents bifurcate and before responses occur in the primary motor cortex or
project to both V I and V 2 (Kennedy and Bullier 1985). posterior parietal cortex (Cudeiro et al. 1 989).
'Ihc recinocopic order o f incom ing axons in chc primary 'Ihc claustrum is a narrow band o f neurons in the basal
visual corccx o f each cerebral hemisphere is preserved. forebrain with reciprocal connections with many areas o f
chc cerebral cortex, including visual, somatosensory, and between V I and V2. Magnification was 1.5 greater along
auditory cortical areas. O n e part oi the claustrum contains the vertical meridian (across ocular dom inance columns)
a topographical map o f the contralateral visual held and than along the horizontal meridian. In monkey V 2 , cortical
binocular cells sensitive to stimulus motion and orienta­ magnification was reported to be about 1.5 greater across
tion. In the cat, claustral affcrents project to layers 1 ,6 , and stripes than along stripes (Shipp and Zeki 2 0 0 2 b ).
4 o ft h e visual cortcx. Som e affercnts that reach layer 4 co n ­ In primates, M decreases with increasing retinal eccen­
tact inhibitory interneurons and seem to be involved in
tricity. Cowey and Rolls ( 1 9 7 4 ) estimated M for humans
end-stopping o f receptive fields (Sherlc and LeVay 1983; from impressions o f light (phosphenes) evoked by elec­
LeVay 1986; Edelstcin and D enaro 2 0 0 4 ) . trodes implanted at various locations on che visual cortex
The primary visual cortex also receives inputs from (sec Brindley and Lewin 1968). At an eccentricity o f 2°,
higher visual centers in the cerebral cortex, including the M was approximately 4 mm/° and declined monotonically
temporal occipital area (D isder et al. 1 9 9 3 ), M T (Section to 0.5 mm/0 at an eccentricity o f 25°. Another estimate puts
5.8.4b), and the lateral intraparietal area ( L I P ) (Felleman M at 11.5 mm/° for the human fovea (Drasdo 1977).
and Van Essen 1991). The change in the magnification factor as a function o f
Recent evidence indicates that V I receives inputs from eccentricity is known as M scaling. For all positions in che
the auditory cortex and from the polysensor у area o f the visual field, a microeleccrode must move between 2 and
temporal lobe (Falchier et al. 2 0 0 2 ) . These inputs could be 3 mm over the surface o f the monkey visual cortex before an
involved in the take over o f the visual cortex by auditory entirely new region o f t h e visual field is represented (Hubei
inputs in the congenitally blind (Section 8.1.4b). and Wiesel 1974a). This suggests that the same number o f
millimeters o f visual cortex is devoted to each ganglion-cell
receptive field. O n e estimate is that 0 .8 8 mm o f human
5 . 5 . 4 c C o r t i c a l M a g n ific a tio n F a c to r
visual cortex is devoted to one ganglion-cell receptive field
The co rtica l m agnification facto r (M ) is the distance in (Ransom -H ogg and Spillmann 1980). It follows that the
millimeters between two points on the surface o f t h e visual cortex devoted to each degree o f visual field is directly
cortex that corresponds to one degree o f visual angle in the related to the mean size o f ganglion-cell receptive fields
visual field (Daniel and W hitteridge 1961). The distances (Rolls and C ow ey 1970; Rovamo and Virsu 1979; Virsu
can be measured along radial (isopolar) lines or along isoec- and Rovamo 1 979). But the mean size o f receptive fields is
centricity lines. The two measures, which are n ot the same, inversely related to visual acuity.
may be combined ro yield an areal m agnification factor, In summary, ganglion-cell receptive fields, and hence
which is the area (in m n r ) o f cortex devoted to each area o f areas o f the retina that can just resolve two stimuli, are rep­
visual angle (in deg2). resented by equal areas in the visual cortex. Because gangli­
The area of cortex devoted to the fovea is disproportion­ on-cell receptive fields are smaller and therefore denser in
ately greater than that devoted to the peripheral retina. the fovea than in chc periphery o f the retina, the fovea
A bout 3 0% o f the human visual cortex is devoted to the claims proportionately more of the cortical surface (M is
central 3° o f the retina. In the macaque M is about 16 mm/° greater). W h en allowance is made for the decrease in
at the fovea. Also, more visual cortex is devoted to the lower M with increasing eccentricity, grating resolution, vernier
visual field than to the upper visual field (Van Essen et al. acuity, and stercoacuity are about the same at all eccentrici­
1984; Tootell et al. 1988d ). ties (Levi et al. 1 985). Thus, visual hyperacuity depends on
The right and left eves are represented in the visual the number o f processing units in the visual cortex that are
cortex bv alternate ocular dominance columns. The col- devoted to a task irrespective o f retinal location. A com pli­
umnsrun mainly parallel to the vertical meridian. Therefore, cating factor is chat receptive fields in the central retina are
the magnification factor should be about twice as large fine enough to provide an adequate sampling o f t h e image
across ocular dominance columns than along them. Sakitt produced by the eyes optics, but receptive fields in the
(1 9 8 2 ) claimed that, in the macaque monkey, the visual periphery undersample the image.
cortex extends about twice as far across to ocular d o m i­ There has been some dispute about whether the varia­
nance columns than it does parallel to the columns. Tootell tion in M arises simply from differential density o f ganglion
c t al. ( 1 9 8 8 d ) agreed that there could be some expansion o f cclls over the retina, or, w hether each foveal ganglion ccll
cortical representation perpendicular to ocular dominance feeds into more cortical cells than each ganglion cell from
columns buc pointed out that the shape of the visual cortex the peripheral retina. In the macaque, Wassle et al. ( 1 9 9 0 )
varies widely from animal ro animal and provides no basis counted three to four ganglion cells for each foveal cone,
for inferring the anisotropy o f cortical magnification. one ganglion cell per cone at an eccentricity o f about 15°,
Blasdel and Cam pbell (2 0 0 1 ) used an optical technique to and many more cones than ganglion cells in the periphery.
map the projection o f the retina on the monkey visual They concluded that che 1 0 0 0 -to -l change in ganglion
cortex with great precision. In the foveal region the ocular ccll density with increasing eccentricity accounts for the
dominance columns are perpendicular со the border change in M.
Azzopardi and Cow cy ( 1 9 9 3 ) cam c со chc opposite radial direction near the fovea. They derived a modified
conclusion. They used a retrograde tracer со determine version o f the function that provided a good fit to their
directly the number o f ganglion cells projecting со mea­ data. Their function contains a shear factor that corresponds
sured areas o f the seriate cortex o f the macaque monkey. to the magnification factor being larger across ocular
Foveal cones were allocated 3.3 times more corcical cissuc dominance columns than along them.
than peripheral cones in one animal and 5.9 times more in Schwartz ( 1 9 8 0 ) illustrated how, in a logarithmic m ap­
a second animal (see also Perry and Cowev 1985). ping, the cortical images ot squares of different sizes are
Using che same recrograde cracer method, Azzopardi transformed into images o f rhe same size and shape, but in
et al. ( 1 9 9 9 ) showed thac chc racio o f parvocellular со mag­ different locations. In a similar way, retinal images that arc
nocellular units in the macaque L G N decreased from a rotated with respect со each other are transformed into
mean o f 35:1 at the fovea to 5:1 at an eccentricity o f 15°. images differing in spatial phase. Schwartz argued that the
However, the fovea was represented ac higher levels in the recognition o f size- and orientation-invariant features in
visual system to a greater extent than predicted trom gangli­ the image formed by such a system reduces to the com puta­
on-cell density. Popovic and Sjostrand ( 2 0 0 1 ) came to rhe tionally simpler process o f deriving translation-invariant
same conclusion from an analysis ot human visual resolu­ properties. According to this view, the logarithmic retin-
tion and ganglion-cell density, and chc paccern o f f M R I ocortical mapping is part o f a process for extracting size-
responses trom human V I as a function ot the area ot a and orientation-invariant properties o t visual objects.
rotacing checkerboard (Engel ec al. 1997). O n e problem wich chis theory is that the invariance
Bijl ec al. ( 1 9 9 2 ) produced psychophysical evidence chac applies only to images centered on the fovea. The image ot a
changes in ganglion-cell densicy account for the variation given o b ject changes in size and shape as it is translated over
o f concrasc sensitivity over the visual field for high spatial the retina (see Cavanagh 1982; Schwartz 1 983). Another
frequencies. However, they found thac, for low spatial fre­ problem is that this theory o f shape recognition is essen­
quencies and for the detection o f localized disks, perfor­ tially a template-matching model. Such a model applies
mance depended on variations in both ganglion-cell density only to very simple invariant features.
and the degree o f overlap o f receptive fields, especially in But there is a deeper problem associated with any theory
the nasal hemifield. o f o b ject recognition based on the topology o f corcical
It has also been claimed that, for the parvocellular mapping. The geometrical layout o f the cortical “image” is
system, the number o f afferents from the L G N per unit area n ot represented in the activity o f cortical cells. Corcical cells
o f VI is nearly constant. However, for magnocellular code che local sign o f their origin on che retina not their
system, the number o f afferents per unit cortical area location in the cortex. All features are coded in che central
increases steeply with increasing eccentricity (Schein and nervous system in terms o f ccll connections and the simul­
Monasterio 1987). There is a constant number ot m agno­ taneous and successive patterns o f cell firing, not in terms o f
cellular afferents per point image, defined as the area of' che spacial dispositions o f cells on the corcical surface. The
cortex activated by a stimulus at a point in space. This is notion o f a topographic code, in the sense ot the spatial
equivalent to che number o f recepcive-field centers of' arrangement o f cells over a surface, ceases to have any sig­
ganglion cells chac overlap a given poinc on the retina. nificance beyond the retina. Spatial maps in the cortex
demonstrate со an experimencer where spatial information
is processed but, tor the perceiver, the spatial organization
5 .5 .4 d T o p o lo g y o f C o r tic a l M ap p in g
o f the stimulus is represented only by spatiotemporal
Schwartz ( 1 9 8 0 ) described the mapping o f the retina onto patterns ot neural connections.
the primary visual cortex by che conformal logarithmic Cortical mapping in V I in each hemisphere has four
function, prominent features:

(0 = * Io g (z + rf) (3) 1. 1,be mapping is approximately M -scaled "I his allocates

equal space in the cortex to equally discriminable
regions o f oculocentric space.
where 2 is a complex number denoting the position ot a
point on the retina, 0) is a complex number representing the 2. The mapping is topographic Ic preserves the spatial order o f
position o f the stimulus on the cortex, and k and a are co n ­ inputs. However, cortical mapping is discontinuous across
stants. A function is conformal i f its first derivative (in this the visual hemifields, and alternating columns ot visual
case che magnification factor) is isotropic (independent o f cortex in each cerebral hemisphere are devoted to each
orientation) and if the sizes ot local angles are preserved. eye (Section 5.7). Laceral inhibition is required only
S c h ira e ta l. (2 0 0 7 ) used f M R I to derive che mapping o f between cclls that are near neighbors because lateral
V I and V 2 in humans со within 0.5° o f the center ot the inhibition serves со attenuate che response from regions
retina. 'Ihey found thac the complex-log funccion overesti­ o f local homogeneous activity, thus accentuating the
mated the dependency ot the areal magnification factor on response from regions wich high gradients o f activity.
This ensures thac information regarding changes in as layer 4 C p , and in layer 4 Л (Hubei and W iesel 1977;
stimulation passes to the next level o f analysis, thereby Toocell ec al. 1988a). Cells in che middle o f layer 4 C receive
economizing on information transmission (Barlow 1961). inpucs from layers 4 C a and 4 C / J . and therefore inputs
Also, pooling of spatial anti other information is required from both parvocellular and magnocellular layers o f the
more often over small regions than over larger regions. L G N (see Yoshioka cc al. 1 994). Som e L G N inpucs, prob­
Thus, keeping spatially contiguous regions together ably W cells, projecc со superficial levels o f layer 3 and
economizes on chc lengths o f dendritic connections. sparsely со layer 1, ac lease in che cac and squirrel monkey
(Ficzpatrick e t al. 1983).
3- The mapping prorides uniform coverage for each featu re
Layer 4 B o fth e visual cortex contains a dense horizontal
Each cortical location contains a complete set o f cells
plexus o f myelinated axons. A majority o f cells are pyrami­
tuned to che following visual features: eye o f origin,
dal cells and a minority are spiny stellate cells. Magnocellular
color, orientation, spatial frequency, and motion
cclls in layer 4C o r project mainly ro the spiny stellate cells
(Swindale et al. 2 0 0 0 ).
in layer
/ 4 B in the same 1-mm-wide vertical column o fco rti-
4. The mapping is continuousfo r each featu re In each cal tissue (Yabuta er al. 2 0 0 1 ) . The spiny stellate cells receive
location, the different values o f orientation preference only magnocellular inputs and pass them on со layers 2 and
and mocion preference are mapped in order, wich 3 in che same column and со neighboring columns (Katz
discontinuities at chc end o f each sequence o f feacure et al. 1989). Many pyramidal cells o f layer 4 B receive both
values (Das and G ilbert 1 997). These mappings are parvocellular and magnocellular inputs (Sawatari and
discusscd more fully in Section 5.7.1. An ordered Callaway 19 9 6 ; Yabuta and Callaway 1998). We will see
mapping juxtaposes cells that process similar features later that cells in layer 4 B that carry magnocellular signals
within a local region o fo cu lo ccn tric space, so that local project to M T in che dorsal stream ot visual processing,
neural processes, such as facilitation and inhibition, can while those carrying mixed signals project со V 2 .
be achieved economically. Parvocellular cells in layer 4 C(3 projecc abundandy Co
blob and incerblob regions o f layers 2 and 3. These regions
T he responses o f some cells in the primary visual cortex are defined in Section 5.6.6.
and other visual areas are modulated by the direction o f Layer 4Ccc also projeccs sparsely со layer 5, and layers
gaze (see Sections 5.8.4c). 4 C a and 4 С Д project sparsely to layer 6.
Many cells in layers outside layer 4 are binocular. Layers
2 anil 3 project strongly to layers 5 and 6, which project
back inco layers 2, 3, and 4 (Gilberc and W iesel 1979;
The mammalian visual cortex is a convoluted sheet o f tissue Ficzpatrick et al. 1985). These relationships are shown in
about 3 mm thick. It consists o f six main layers designated Figure 5.27.
layers 1 to 6, with layer 1 at the outer surface and layer 6 Pyramidal cells in layer 5 o f rhe monkey V I receive
bordering the inner white matter. Details o f cortical layers inputs trom all other layers, but mosc o f chcm do noc
are presented in Section 6.4.2. Layer 4 is known as the gran­
ular layer. O th er layers are extragranular. The white matter
consists o f bundles o f axons that project to and from sub­
cortical nuclei and between cortical regions.
The primary visual cortex o f t h e cat (area 17) receives
inputs from chc A laminae o f che L G N — the laminae where
X ganglion cells ccrminate. C ortical area 18 receives some
inpucs from che A laminae and from chc С laminae— chc
laminae where Y ganglion cells terminate. Area 19 receives
inputs from che С laminae and from cxcrageniculacc cell
groups (see Hollander and Vanegas 19 7 7 ; Pasternak ec al.
The primary visual cortex o f primates ( V I ) receives
inputs from all the main laminae o f t h e I.G N . Inputs from
each eye project to distinct spiny stellate cells in layer 4.
Inpucs from L G N intcrlaminac reach ochcr cortical and
subcortical areas (Section 5.8).
Inputs from the magnocellular laminae o f t h e primate
L G N terminate in spiny stellate cclls in the upper half o f
layer 4 C , known as layer 4 C a . Inputs from the parvocel­ s. 2 " . In rracorticalconnections o f th e car's visu al cortcx. The num bers refer
lular laminae terminate in che lower half o f layer 4 C , known to layers o f chc visual co rtc x . (AtL*«c<J frvm Gilbert iod Wk»cI ]$№)
project out o f V I . Instead they form feedback connections similar preference for stimulus orientation (Nelson and
with cells in layers 2 and 3, and 4 B (Briggs and Callaway Frost 1 9 8 5 ; T so et al. 1986; G ilbert and W iesel 1989;
2 0 0 5 ). Hirsch and G ilbert 1991). The same preferential linkage
The major output from V I to V 2 arises from pyramidal has been found in layers 2 and 3 o f the visual cortex o f tree
cclls in layer ЗА (Lachica ct al. 1992). Axons from pyrami­ shrews ( B o s k in g c t al. 1997) and in layer 3 o f squirrel and
dal cells in layer 6 o f the primary visual cortex project to the owl monkeys (Sincich and Blasdel 2 0 0 1 ).
thalamus and claustrum. Thus, cclls with axially aligned receptive fields are co n ­
Cell connections in the visual cortcx have been reviewed nected more richly than cclls with parallel receptive fields,
by Henry ( 1 9 9 1 ) , Valvcrde ( 1 9 9 1 ) , Peters and Rockland which in turn are connected more richlvi than cclls with dis-
( i 9 9 4 ) , and Callaway (1 9 9 8 a ). tinct orientation preference. W e will see in Section 5.5.6c
that connections between aligned receptive fields could
enhance the visibility o f continuous edges.
5.5.6 LATERAL C O R TIC A L C O N N E C T IO N S Retrograde tracing has revealed that lateral connections
in cortical layer 6 have relatively small terminal clusters and
5 . 5 .6 a E x c it a t o r y L ateral C o n n e c t i o n s
originate in giant Meynert cells (Rockland and Knutson
M ost excitatory and inhibitory synaptic connections onto 2001 ).
cortical neurons arise from other cortical neurons. Collaterals In primates with strong ocular dominance columns, any
from the axons o f pyramidal cells in primate cortical layers 2, anisotropy o f lateral connections related to orientation
3 , 4 , 5, and 6 o f V I and V 2 project horizontally up to 8 mm. tuning o f cells is difficult to detect because it is masked by
This represents several reccptive-field diameters. an anisotropy related to eye dominance. Stettlcr ct al.
O ptical recording from the surface o f the visual cortex ( 2 0 0 2 ) infected cells in a local area o f V I o f the macaque
in conjunction wich microelectrode recording has revealed with an adenovirus that expresses a green fluorescent
that a local visual stimulus induces neural spikes in a small protein ( G FP). The protein spreads to all parts ot an infected
area and subthrcshold activity over a wider area (Das and ccll, but n ot to other cells. Figure 5 .2 8 Л shows chc laceral
Gilbert 1995a). By applying a voltage-sensitive dye to the spread ot pyramidal cells traced trom a stack of images p ro­
visual cortcx o f the monkey, one can observe the spread o f duced by a confocal microscope. The connections spread
neural activity evoked by a locally applied visual stimulus in over a diameter o f about 7 mm, which corresponds to abouc
real time. Activity was found to spread over the cortex Irom 4° o f the visual field at an eccentric icy o f 4°. Theconneccions
its initial locus at a velocity o f between 100 to 2 5 0 JUm/s. cover between eight to ten orientation columns. Beyond
The activity covered an area with a radial space constant ot the first Г , they show a 0.5° periodic clustering that matches
1.5 mm along ocular dominance columns and o f 3 mm the periodicity o f columns defined by orientation tuning.
orthogonal to the columns (Cirinvald e t al. 1994). Stettlcr et al. used the same procedure to map the lateral
According to one escimate, derived from horseradish connections in V I formed by feedback from V 2 . Figure
peroxidase labeling, 8 0 % ol horizontal connections are with 5 .2 8 B shows these connections. They spread over about the
other pyramidal cclls and are excitatory, while 20 % are with same area as the intrinsic connections buc less densely. They
smooth inhibitory interneurons (M cG uire ec al. 1991). show some periodic clustering, but chis does noc match the
However, chese anatomical differences do n ot determine periodicity o f orientation columns.
che relacive screngths ot inhibitory and excitatory co n nec­ Adorjan et al. (1 9 9 9 ) developed a model o f orientation
tions, because the effects o f inhibition could be amplified tuning based on intracortical excitatory connections.
relative to the effects o f excitation. In monkey V I , surround Lateral linkages are more com m on between columns ot
suppression is most extensive in layer 4 B , while surround the same ocular dominance than between chose o f opposice
summation is most extensive in layer 6 (Sccniak et al. dominance and becween blobs and blobs or interblobs and
2001). incerblobs chan bccween blobs and inccrblobs (Livingscone
Excitatory horizontal projections from pyramidal cells and Hubei 1984; Yoshioka ec al. 1996). Binocular regions
are typically longer along one axis and produce spaced clus­ o f chc visual corccx arc nocconnccccd со monocular regions
ters o f predominantly excitatory synapses (Rockland and (M alach et al. 1993).
Lund 1982, 1983; G ilbert and Wiesel 1985; Rockland
1985). These long excitatory connections have been investi­
5 .5 .6 b In h ib ito r y L a tera l C o n n e c t i o n s
gated by retrograde tracing with 2-dcoxyglucose, by corre­
lating discharges o f pairs o f cells over various time delays. Estimates, based on eleccrophysiological recording, o f che
They have also been investigated by autoradiography after percentage o f cells in che visual cortex ot che cat chac exhibit
monocular stimulation by differently oriented gratings surround suppression vary from 10% to 80% . Buc some
(Schm idt ct al. 1997a). investigacors used a criterion o f 100% suppression while
These procedures have revealed that, in rhe cat, long- others used less srringenc criteria. Also, some investigators
range excitatory connections link pyramidal cells with a measured inhibition only from the end o f the receptive
over the cortical surfacc. In regions where orientation pref­
erence changed smoothly, neighboring pyramidal cells
had similar orientation tuning and overlapping receptive
fields. Das and G ilbert suggested that inhibitory interac­
tions between such cells sharpen their orientation tuning.
In regions where orientation preference changed rapidly
(pinwhcels), neighboring cells had distinct orientation
tuning and nonoverlapping receptive fields. They suggested
that interactions between these cells are associated with
processing features such as corners and T-junctions.
Sengpiel et al. ( 1 9 9 7 ) measured responses o l cortical
cells in cat area 17 to an optimally oriented grating filling
the receptive field as a function o f the orientation of a sur-
1 mm roundinggrating. S o m e surround inhibition was evident in
------- 1 A 3 2 out o f 37 cells. For most of these cells, suppression was
weakest when the two gratings were orthogonal. For other
cells, inhibition was weakest when the gratings had the
same orientation. O th er cells showed maximal inhibition
at flanking orientations or over a wide range of relative
The response o f a cortical cell should increase as an opti­
mally oriented grating increases in size to fill the cell’s recep­
tive field. Further increases in the size o f the grating should
reduce the cclls response. Walker ct al. ( 2 0 0 0 ) investigated
this question by recording responses of cells in cat area 17 to
circular optimally oriented gratings. As the size o f the grat­
ing was increased, the responses at first increased and then
leveled off’ as the grating filled the rcccptivc field. W ith fur­
ther increase in size, the grating extended beyond rhe classi­
cal rcceptivc-field and the response of 5 6% o f simple and
complex cells fell by between 10% and 100%. There was no
correlation between suppression and the orientation of the
В grating. For binocular cells in all cortical layers, there
Figure L a te r a l connections in 17 . (A ) H o rizo n tal c o n n e ctio n s from a
was very little surround suppression for stimuli presented
lo cal region in th e upper layers o f m acaque V I . The cen tral region is left separately to the two eyes.
b lan k . ( B ) Feed back c o n n e ctio n s in layer 1 o t V I arising from all layers In the cat, there is evidence o f inhibitory interactions
o f a lo cal region in V 2 . (From Stcttlcr ct aL 2 0 0 2 " . t h pcrtnm iun In x a KUrvici)
in the L G N (O zeki et al. 2 0 0 4 ) . Matsubara et al. ( 1 9 8 5 )
found lateral interconnections in area 18 ot the cat
field, while others measured inhibition all round the between cortical cells with orthogonal orientation prefer­
rcccptivc field. ences. These connections spanned only 2 mm and were
Short-range and mainly inhibitory connections in area inhibitory (G A BA ergic).
17 ot the cat extend up to 8 0 0 Цт . They decline in number Buhl et al. ( 1 9 9 4 ) described three types o f local inhibi­
with increasing distance from a given point on the cortical tory interneurons in th eh ip p o ca m p u so fth e rat. (1) “Basket
surface. In contrast to the patchy arborization ol long-range- cells” synapse on the somata ot principal cells and cause
excitatory lateral axons, these short-range connections are rapid hyperpolarization followed by rebound. These cells
largely circular symmetric and independent o l orientation could cause synchronous firing o f large cell populations.
preference ( К ritz cret al. 1992; B o sk in g etal. 1997). (2) “Axo-axonic cclls” synapse only on the initial segment
Das and G ilbert ( 1 9 9 9 ) measured the strength o f the o f the axon o f the principal cells. They seem well suited to
largely inhibitory connections between pairs o f neurons in control the discharge o f principal cclls. (3 ) “Bistratified
the upper layers o l cat area 17 as a function o f their lateral cells” make synaptic contact with the base and apical den­
separation and orientation tuning. The strength o f co n n e c­ drites ot principal cells and have properties like those ot
tions declined with increasing separation of the Stimuli and Hebbian synapses (Section 6.5.1).
was largely independent o f the orientation tuning o f the There is thus a division o f labor between different in h ib­
cells at separations up to 8 0 0 ,Um, O ptical imaging was itory interneurons in controlling the synchronous activity
used to plot the pattern o f orientation preference o f cclls ot cortical cells. M ost inhibitory connections arc local,
buc only a few long-rage connections arc required со induce со see chc stimuli, even chough they may n ot be clearly
long-range oscillatory activity (Buzsaki et al. 2 0 0 4 ). discriminated trom each other.
Szabadics ct al. (2 0 0 1 ) found similar inhibitory nccworks
The visibility* o f a central stimulus at or below threshold
in the somatosensory cortex o f the rat. It is not vet known
4 в
is increased by che addition o f suprachreshold
whether similar inhibitory nccworks exisc in che visual
surrounding stimuli (Knierim and Van Essen 19 9 2 ;
Grinvald c t al. 1 994). This is because noisy fluctuations
W e will see in what follows chac che balance o f excita­
in activity due to surrounding stimuli contribute to the
tion to inhibition in chc visual corcex depends on che rela­
response o f the subthrcshold central stimulus and bring
cive posicions,orientations,spacial frequencies, and eoncrascs
it into the detectable range by a process known in
o f stimuli. Furchermore, inhibicory and excitacory effeccs
physics as response reson an ce. This type o f interaction
may occur in che same cell with different latencies.
could enhance the visibility o f weak pares o f a paccerncd
stimulus. Stemmier et al. (1 9 9 5 ) have modeled these
5 .5 .6 c F u n ction s o f Lateral C o n n e c tio n s inhibitory and facilicacory processes.

Lateral cortical connections could serve any or all o f the fol­ 3. Sharpening orientation tuning Surround suppression
lowing functions: relatively enhances the response in regions where
orientation changes. It can be understood as a mechanism
1. Response norm alization Lateral inccraccions m ay be tor detection o f orientation contrast. Similarly, human
involved in normalization ot the response ot a cortical discrimination o f a change in che oricncacion o f a line is
cell. Normalization is a nonlinear process that divides better when surrounding lines are orthogonal rather dien
the response o f a cortical cell by the pooled response o f parallel to che cesc line (Li ec al. 2 0 0 0 ). These inccraccions
surrounding cclls (Carandini and Hcegcr 1994). It depend on long-range laccral connections. Scccccr ec al.
renders the response o f cortical cells to features such as (2 0 0 0 ) developed a model o f these processes.
oricncacion, m otion, and disparicy independent o f
stimulus contrast (Section 5.6.2d). Lateral connections 4. Detection o f figuralstim uli A region that differs from its
may also be involved in che regiscracion o f chc surroundings appears as a figure on aground. Also,
brightness o f surfaces (Rossi and Paradiso 1999). collinear stimuli that define an edge are more visible
than noncollincar stimuli. Both these effects could
2. Im proved visibility at low contrast Lateral interactions depend on lateral conneccions within the visual cortex.
improve the visibility o f low-concrast stimuli. They arc discussed in Section 5.6.7. Lateral connections
According to one cheory, chc screngch o f chc inhibicory may also explain some geometrical illusions, tilt
surround ot receptive fields ot cortical cells is reduced at contrast, and figural aftereffects in which a stimulus
low contrasts (Somers ec al. 1 9 9 8 ). Sccniak ec al. (1 9 9 9 ) appears displaced away from a neighboring stimulus
found no evidence o f a consiscent change o f chis kind. (see Howard 19 8 2 , Chapter 4).
Instead chcv found chac chc extent o f the cxcicatory
region ot receptive fields increased at low contrascs. 5. Comparison o f widely separated stimuli I .ong-rangc
They suggesced chac, ac low concrasc, cxcicacory cortical connections could be involved in the task o f
conneccions develop bccween cortical neurons comparing stimuli some distance apart. Kohly and
with overlapping receptive fields. Ac high concrasc, Regan ( 2 0 0 2 a ) found thac humans could rapidly
these connections are inhibited. This theory also compare che oriencacions and locations o f luminance-
involves removal o f inhibitory influences at low defined cesc bars several degrees aparc while ignoring
contrast. scimuli placed bccween them. Subjects could noc have
looked from one bar со che ocher because the bars were
Interactions between stimuli also depend on their presenced for only 160 ms. N or could subjects have
relative contrascs (Lcvicc and Lund 1997). Stimuli thac attended to the bars sequentially because the bars were
manifest orientation-specific or spatial-frequency- presented in different locations from trial to trial.
spccific inhibitory interactions at high contrasts show Subjects could perform the same task when the bars
mutual facilitation at low contrasts (C an n o n and were defined only by motion or only by disparity.
Fullcnkamp 1993; Kapadia ec al. 2 0 0 0 ) . The response ot They could do chis even when the two bars were
cells in the ca ts visual cortex со a grating ju st above the defined by distinct features (Kohly and Regan 20 0 2 b ).
concrasc threshold was facilicaccd by che collinear
Kohly and Regan concluded that the visual system
flanking gratings with separations up со abouc 12" contains a comparator mechanism that mediates fast
(M izobe ec al. 2 0 0 1 ) . Ac higher contrasts, facilitation
comparisons between stimuli some distance apart.
was replaced by mutual inhibition. This suggests thac
inhibicory mechanisms have a higher threshold than 6. Construction o f specialized receptivefields C ortical cells
excitatory ones. The imporcanc ching ac low concrascs is linked by short-range cxcicacory conneccions could be
involved in chc construction o f detectors tuned to These facts suggest that inputs arc conveyed to reacti­
specific patterns, such as corners and T junctions. This vated cortical cells through horizontal axons o f cells with
would increase the sparseness o f coding and the similar orientation preference (Darian-Sm ith and Gilbert
effic ienc y o f neural transmission and storage (sec 1995). Part o f this elfccc could be due со a lowering o f the
Scction 4.2.6c). There is physiological and chrcshold o f horizoncal cclls or chc removal o f G ABA ergic
psychophysical evidence lor angle d e tecto rs that arc inhibicory influences around the affected area (Gilbert
tuned to the angle between lines rather than to the and W iesel 1992; Das and G ilbert 1995a; C h in o 1997).
orientations o f single lines (Sillito e t al. 1995; Heeley But there is also evidence o f axonal sprouting ol laterally
and Buchanan-Sinith 1 9 9 6 ; Regan et al. 1996). Thus, projecting neurons (D arian-Sm ith and G ilbert 1994).
even at an early stage o f processing in the primary visual A localized lesion in one retina o f kittens during the
cortex, orientation detectors engage in interactions that critical period o f development abolished responses o f cor­
could be involved in the detection o f higher-ordcr responding cortical binocular cclls to stimulation o f thac
features o f the visual world. In cortical area V 4 , most region. However, after some time, che corresponding bin­
cells respond better to angles and curves than to simple ocular cclls began со respond Co scimuli applied со regions
lines (see Section 5.8.3a). round che lesioned area (C h in o ec al. 2 0 0 1 ) .
A lesion in che monocular zone o f chc peripheral recinal
7. M asking The response o f a cell in the visual cortex to a
creaces adeafferenccd region in the contralateral V I of adult
grating is reduced when an orthogonal grating is
monkeys. After several months, some cells in chc deaffer-
superimposed on the gracing, even when the
enced region began to respond to stimuli applied to the
superimposed grating is n ot visible when presented
boundary o f the retinal binocular zone. B u t most cclls were
alone. Masking effects o f this kind are usually explained
unresponsive after a year (R osa ct al. 1995). Thus plasticity
in terms o f intracortical inhibition or in terms o f
varies with location in the visual cortex.
inhibitory influences arising in higher centers. However,
O ccluding a local region o f the retina creates an artifi­
Carandini ct al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) reviewed evidence that masking
cial scotoma. O cclusion o f the retinal rcccptivc field o f a
is due to depression o f thalamocortical inpucs.
cortical ccll in the cat accompanied by stimulation o f the
8. Interactions between stimuli in different eyes Lateral surrounding retinal area over a period o f 10 minutes caused
connections are involved in interactions between a five-fold increase in the area ot the occluded receptive field
dichoptic stimuli. Thus, a cortical ccll that responds (C h in o cc al. 19 9 2 ; Pecccc and Gilberc 1992).
only to excicacory inputs from one eye may be A local artificial scotoma applied in one eye also
suppressed by inpucs presented to the other eye expanded chc rcccpcivc fields o f corcical cclls serving chac
to which that cell does not normally respond region in che ocher eye (Volchan and G ilbert 1995). This
(Scction 11.4.1). suggests chac expansion o f the rcccpcivc field is due со
recruitment o f previously subchreshold lateral conneccions.
9. Adaptation to scotomata Lateral pathways may be Orientacion tuning and ocular dominance ot the cells were
involved in adaptations to cortical scotomata. For not affected, and receptive fields returned со chcir normal
example, amputation o f a linger in the adult monkey size when scimulaced (D as and Gilberc 1995b).
causes cclls in che affccced region o f che somacoscnsory D cA n gelisccal. ( 1 9 9 5 ) failed со find changes in che size
corcex со become sensicive со inpucs from adjacenc or scruccurc ot corcical rcccpcivc fields ot cacs during appli­
fingers (Merzcnich cc al. 1983). cation o f an artificial scotoma. They found only short-term
and reversible changes in the responsiveness ot surrounding
A 10'J lesion in one retina of adult cacs did noc affccc the cclls. A small stimulus near the boundary o f an artificial sco­
recinotopic organization o f the corresponding region o f the toma was perceptually displaced toward the center ot the
visual cortcx. But after removal of the other eye, cclls serv­ scotoma (Kapadia ct al. 1994).
ing the lesioned region began to respond to stimuli in the Thus there is uncertainty about the extent o f cortical
adjacent region (Kaas ec al. 1990). Silent regions in the plasticity in the adult cortcx. See Wandell and Sm im akis
L G N do n ot recover, so cortical recovery must involve (2 0 0 9 ) for a revie w o f this question.
changes within the cortex. Kalarickal and Marshall (1 9 9 9 ) produced a com puta­
Schmid e t al. ( 1 9 9 6 ) found that after a local lesion was tional model o f these processes, based on plasticity o f in h ib­
induced in one retina o f the adult cat, the corresponding itory and excitatory lateral connections.
cortical region began to respond со scimuli applied near che
lesion. Firing races were unusually low and cransicnc. The 10. Long-tenn changes in cortical responses Lateral pathways
change was evident within a few hours after che induction could be involved in long-term stimulus-dependenc
o f a recinal lesion (Calford ec al. 1998). Local deaccivacion changes in cortical responses. Long-term changes in
o f long-range cortical projections abolished these responses synaptic conduccivicy along laceral pathways in the
(Calford et al. 2 0 0 3 ). ca ts visual cortcx have been induced by pairing
synaptic responses with conditioning shocks o f light scatter o n to intact regions o f the retina had been co n ­
depolarizing current (H irsch and G ilbert 1993). trolled (K ing et al. 1 9 9 6 ; Faubert et al. 1 999). See Cowcy
( 2 0 1 0 ) for a review o f blindsight.
11. Short-term memory an d attention Local recurrent
neural networks involving a balance between
excitation and inhibition generate patterns o f stable
5 .6 S T IM U L U S T U N IN G OF
activity that could be responsible for short-term
memory (Durstewitz et al. 2 0 0 0 ) and the e lfe c ts o f
attention (Shu Y et al. 2 0 0 3 b ).
5. 6. 1 C O N T R A S T S E N S I T I V I T Y OF
5 .5 .7 B L IN D S I G H T
In response ro a drifting grating, simple cells in the visual
In blindsight, residual visual functions are evident in m o n ­ cortex o f the cat fire at a frequency that depends on stimu­
keys lacking a visual cortex or in monkeys or humans with lus contrast. M ost cells have a contrast threshold below a
lesions in the visual cortex (Weiskrantz 1987; Stoerig and contrast o f 0 .05 (Skottun et al. 1987). Above the contrast
Cow cy 1997). The residual functions do not usually evoke threshold, firing frequency shows an initial acceleration and
с о nsc ious aware ness. then a linear dependence on contrast up to a contrast ot
The pupillary response and optokinetic nystagmus sur­ about 0 .3 , after which the response saturates at a contrast o f
vive removal o f V I because these responses are controlled about 0 .7 5 (Dean 19 8 1 ; Albrecht and H am ilton 1982).
by subcortical centers (Brindley ct al. 1 9 6 9 ; Pasik and Pasik The slope, o r gain, o f the contrast/response function varies
1982). from cell to cell, as does the position o f the linear portion o f
Blindsight could be due to visual inputs to cxtrastriate the function along the contrast axis. For binocular cells, the
areas routed through subcortical centers such as the supe­ slope o f the contrast/response function was steeper for a
rior colliculus. pulvinar, and claustrum. For example, mosc stimulus presented to the dom inant eye than for one pre­
neurons in monkey M T remain weakly responsive to visual sented to the nondom inant eye, but was most steep when
stimuli after complete removal o f V 1 ( Rodman et al. 1989). the stimulus was presented to both eyes (Chao-yi and
The cells in M T still showed directional selectivity and bin- Creutzfeldt 1984). C ortical cells also adjust their contrast
ocularitv. If these cells receive inputs from the pulvinar, sensitivity by scaling their response by the pooled response
their direction tuning must arise in M T , because the pulvi­ o f neighboring cells. This type o f automatic gain control is
nar does n ot contain direction-tuned cells after removal o f called respon se n orm alizatio n (Carandini and Heeger
V I . Sincich et al. ( 2 0 0 4 ) found visual inputs to M T from 1994). The variance o f the response o f cortical cells increases
koniocellular cells that occur between the parvocellular and with increasing response amplitude (Tolhurst et al. 1981).
magnocellular layers o f the L G N . These cclls have large This may account for why contrast discrimination is best at
receptive fields, and their input to M T may account for the low contrasts (W ebers law).
survival ot some sensitivity
to motion after removal ot V I . Hawken and Parker ( 1 9 8 4 ) found that cells in the visual
M ovingstimuii in the blind hemifield o fh u m an patients cortex o f the monkey with relatively high contrast sensitiv­
evoked f M R I responses in V3 and M T even though the ity were segregated from those with relatively low sensitiv­
patients were n ot aware o f the stimuli (G oebel e t al. 2 0 0 1 ). ity. They identified the former with the magnocellular
Transcranial magnetic stimulation o f M T , but not o f V 3, system and the latter with the parvocellular system. The
impaired the ability o f hemianopic subjects to detect contrast sensitivity o f L G N cells is similar to that o f cells in
motion coherence in an array o f spots (Alexander and V I . However, cells in M T (Section 5.8.4b) have enhanced
Cowey 2 0 0 9 ). contrast sensitivity. This is probably because many m agno­
Patients with cortical lesions who exhibit blindsight are cellular cclls converge to form the receptive fields o f cells in
particularly sensitive to m otion. However, Azzopardi and M T , which are about 100 times larger than the receptive
Cowey ( 2 0 0 1 ) found that, although patients could detect fields o f cells in V I (S c la r e ta l. 1990).
motion and discriminate the direction o f motion o f simple The contrast threshold o f a cortical cell as a function o f
bars, they could not discriminate the direction of motion ot the spatial frequency o f a drifting grating defines the cells
gratings, plaids, or random-dot patterns. contrast-sensitivity function. The perceived spatial fre­
Several contam inating factors must be taken into quency o f gratings increased as contrast was reduced
account when assessing blindsight. Hemianopic patients (Georgeson 1 980). This suggests that, as contrast is reduced,
may have islands o f intact receptors in the affected hemi- the peak spatial frequency o f a cortical cell is reduced.
ficld o r detect scattered light (Fendrich et al. 1 992). This Therefore, at low contrast, a grating o f a given spatial fre­
could n ot explain blindsight in patients with the entire quency optimally stimulates a cell that normally responds
cerebral hemisphere removed. Also, hcmisphcrcctomizcd to a higher spatial frequency. In conform ity with this sug­
patients could n ot detect any features o f visual stimuli after gestion, the peak spatial frequency o f cortical cells tuned to
frequencies above 0 .6 5 cpd fell slightly as contrast was
reduced (Skoccun et al. 1986a).

5 . 6 .2 O R l l i N T A T IO N T U N I N G

5 .6 .2 a O r i e n t a t i o n T u n in g F u n c tio n s

It was explained in Section 5.5.3 that ganglion cells have

circular receptive Helds buc chat cortical cclls inco which
they feed have elongated receptive fields. Boch simple and
complex cclls in V I respond best when a line or edge is ori-
ented along the long axis o f the cell’s receptive field. The
scimulus orientation thac evokes the scrongcsc response in a
given cell is its preferred o rien tatio n . The funccion relating
chc firing race of a ccll со chc oricncacion o f a line ccnccred
within its receptive field is ics o rien tatio n tu n in g fu n ctio n .
An example from the cac is shown in Figure 5.29. The full
tuning bandwidth o f a cell is indicated by the width o f the Fifwc5.30. R u ssellL . DcValois. B o r n in A m e s . I o w a , in 1 9 2 6 , b u t s p e n t th e
tuning function ac half chc hcighe o f ics maximum response. firs t 1 7 y e a r s o f h i s life w i t h h i s m i s s i o n a r y p a r e n t s i n I n d i a . H e
o b t a i n e d h is Л . В . a t O b c r l i n C o l l e g e i n z o o l o g y a n d p h y s i o l o g y in
Band widths o f cells in the monkey striate cortex range from
1 9 4 7 a n d a P h . D . in p h y s i o l o g i c a l p s y c h o l o g y t r o m t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f
6 “ (sharply peaked cuning) со 180° (flac cuning). The mean M i c h i g a n in 1 9 S 2 . F o l l o w i n g a p o s t d o c t o r a l a p p o i n t m e n t in G e r m a n y ,
is about 40°, which covers about a quarter o f the maximum h e j o i n e d t h e f a c u l t y a t I n d i a n a U n i v e r s i t y in B l o o m i n g t o n . L a t e r , lie

range o f 180° (DcValois ct al. 1982) (Porcraic Figure 5. 30). b e c a m e p ro fe sso r o f p s y c h o lo g y a n d p h y sio lo g ic a l o p tic s a t the
U n i v e r s i t y/ o f C a l i f o r n i a at B e r k e l e y/. H e d ie d in 2 0 0 3 .
The oriencacion bandwidch, decermined psychophysi-
cally in humans by a masking procedure, has been found to
decrease wich increasing spacial frequency o f a cesc gracing
It is believed that the orientation o f a stimulus is coded
from about 60° ас 0.5 cpd to 30° at 11.3 cpd (Phillips and
by chc response o f che see o f dcccccors wich orientation
W ilson 1984). Although orientation-sensitive cells respond
tuning functions that overlap the orientation o f the stimu­
mosc reliably to stimuli orienced ac che peak o f che tuning
lus. This p o p u la tio n -co d in g process is revealed in the tilt
function, their sensitivity to changes in orientation is great­
aftereffect. Inspection o f a tilted grating for several minutes
e r on che sceep flanks o f the cuning funccion, where the
causes a vertical grating to appear tilced in che opposice
change o f response per unit change in orientation is greatest
dircccion. There is physiological evidence chac chis aftcrcf-
(Sco b ey a n d G abor 1989).
fecc is due to reduced response o f cells tuned to the orienca-
cion o f chc adapcacion scimulus relacive со chc response o f
cells tuned to neighboring orientations. This shifts the pop­
ulation response со a vertical tcsc gracing in a dircccion
opposite that o f the adaptation stimulus (Dragoi et al.
2 0 0 0 ) . However, there is also physiological evidence chac
che preferred orientation o f cells shifts away from che orien­
cacion o f an adapcacion stimulus (Jin ec al. 2 0 0 5 ) . This
second effect works in the opposice direction and reduces
che magnicudc o f che cilc afrcrcffccc.
C ratin g resolution, vernier acuity, and orientation dis­
crimination arc highesc when chc scimulus clcmcncs arc
aligned with the vertical or horizontal retinal meridians
rather chan wich oblique meridians. These anisocropics
com e under the heading o f the o b liq u e effect (see Howard
1982). Ic has been rcporccd chac chcrc arc more cclls runcd
to vercical and horizoncal orientations than to oblique ori­
S tim ulus orientation (deg) encacions in chc visual corccx o f cac and monkey (DcValois
ec al. 1982). Ic has also been rcporccd chac cclls cuncd со chc
F.*u»e$. 2 *. O rkntation tuning fu n ction o f л cortical c c ll T u n in g fu n ctio n principal orientations are more narrowly tuned to orienta­
o f a s i m p l e c c l l in t h e c a t ’s v is u a l c o r t c x t o t h e o r i e n t a t i o n o f a lin e .
tion than arc cclls cuncd со oblique oricncacions (O rban
D i s t a n c e a is h a l f t h e w i d t h o t t h e t u n i n g J u n c t i o n a t h a l f - a m p l i t u d e ,
a n d i n d i c a t e s t h e c e l l s o r i e n t a t i o n s e l e c t i v i t y . T h i s p a r t i c u l a r f u n c t i o n is and Kennedy 1981). However, others had failed to find chis
a sy m m e trica l. Bars arc stan d ard errors. (К с Л м и и fro m I i r ^ j d u n d i r . J A lbu* anisocropy (W ilson and Sherman 1976; Poggio cc al. 1977).
These differences may have arisen because o f rhe small
number of cells sampled anti because of differences between
simple and complcx cclls and bee ween foveal and peripheral
Li cc al. ( 2 0 0 3 ) reinvestigated this question by record­
ing from over 4 ,0 0 0 cells in the visual cortex o f the cat
within 15° o f the foveal representation. Cells tuned to
principal orientations were more numerous and had nar­
rower tuning functions than cells tuned to oblique orienta­
tions. The anisotropies were evident only in simple cells,
especially those tuned to high spatial frequencies. Through
an analysis o f linear and nonlinear com ponents in orienta­
tion tuning o f simple cells, Li et al. concluded that intracor-
tical mechanisms plav a major role in the oblique effect.
Responses ot orientation-selective cells in the cat visual
cortex were largest when a grating was orientated radially
1 i*ur* $.ji. M k h a d P . Stryker. H e o b tain ed b is P h .D . in n curophysiology
with respect to the fovea (Levick and Thibos 1 982). This is
Irom M l Г. H e is professor in th e K eck C e n te r for Integrative
known as the radial bias. Pavnc and Herman ( 1 9 8 3 ) found N eu ro science a t the U n iv ersity o f C a lifo rn ia at San Francisco.
that cclls with receptive fields within 12° o f the fovea
preferred horizontal or vertical stimuli. However, a prefer­
ence tor radial or circumferential stimuli was also present. Each com partm ent is activated by a stimulus in a distinct
Vidyasagar and Henry ( 1 9 9 0 ) found that only monosynap- orientation. Comparcmencs wich different oriencacion tuning
tically driven cortical cells showed a radial bias. The radial
are randomly distributed over the dendritic tree (Jia et al.
bias could arise subcortically. 2 0 1 0 ) . The overall tuning o f a ccll must therefore arise from
The peripheral retina ot the monkey also has a radial the integrated activity over the dendritic tree.
organization (Schall cc al. 1986). At eccentricities beyond The opposing idea is that orientation tuning arises from
20°, human observers are more sensitive to a radial gracing excitatory or inhibitory interactions between cortical cells.
than to gratings in other orientations (Rovamo et al. 1982; Sillito ( 1 9 7 5 ) claimed that orientation tuning was lost after
Temme ec al. 1985; Westheimer 2 0 0 3 ). A radial bias has intracortical inhibition was abolished by application of
been found by f M R I in both humans and monkeys (Sasaki bicucullinc to the ca ts visual cortex. However, single cclls
ec al. 2 0 0 6 ) . * injected with an inhibition blocking agent retained their
orientation tuning (Nelson ct al. 1994). Thus, direct inhibi­
tory inputs are n ot necessary for orientation tuning ot cor­
5 .6 .2 b M ech an ism s o f O riencacion T u n in g
tical cclls, but they could scill be involved.
Hubei and W iesels original idea was chac che oriencacion There is evidence that both mechanisms are involved in
selectivity ot a cortical cell derives from the fact that each
orientation tuning. The initial cxcitatory inputs from chc
excitatory corcical cell receives inpucs from several L G N L G N produce broad orientation tuning o f cortical cells,
neurons with overlapping circular receptive fields that are which is then sharpened by mucual facilitation o f corcical
aligned on che rccina. Confirmacion o f chis idea in che cac cells tuned со the same orientation coupled with mutual
and ferret has been provided by Stryker ( 1 9 9 1 ), Chapman inhibition o f cclls cuncd to other orientations (Sillito ct al.
et al. ( 1 9 9 1 ) , Reid and Alonso ( 1 9 9 5 ) , and Fcrster cc al. 1980a; Hata et al. 1988; Volgushev et al. 1993; Sato et al.
( 1 9 9 6 ) (Portrait Figure 5. 31). 1996; C ro o k ct al. 1997; F.yscl et al. 1998). Intracortical
In cacs, few neurons in layer 4 C B are scrongly cuncd со inhibition could sharpen the tuning o f cclls for boch spacial
orientation, but cells to which they project in layers 2 - 3 arc frequency and orientation by attenuating their response to
strongly tuned. Dye injected into layer 4 o f chc visual corcex low spatial frequencies (Vidyasagar and Mueller 1 994). In
ot tree shrews revealed that, in each location in layer 4, cells one model, intracortical inhibition and the amplifying
with aligned circular rcccpcivc fields projecced со the same effects o f recurrent excitation enhance the preexisting weak
cell in layers 2 - 3 со form an orientation-tuned cell (M ooser orientation tuning created by orientation bias in L G N neu­
ec al. 2 0 0 4 ) . Thus converging inputs from cells with aligned rons or by convergence o f inputs from the L G N wich
circular receptive fields provide che inicial oriencacion aligned receptive fields (Vidyasagar et al. 1996). Shevelev
tuning. However, tuning is refined by other excitatory and ct al. (1 9 9 8 ) found that intracortical inhibition sharpens
inhibitory processes. the orientation tuning o f one class o f cortical cells but p ro­
Two-photon imaging revealed that calcium signals are duces stimulus dependent changes in preferred orientation
generated within discincc comparcmencs o f che dendricic and tuning width in a second class o f cells, which they called
trees ot cells in lavers 2 - 3 of the mouse visual cortex.
Hirsch ct al. ( 1 9 9 8 ) found that the temporal attributes tuned to orientation. O rientation tuning developed 3 0 - 4 5
ol excitatory responses o f simple cells in cat area 17 to ori­ ins after stimulus onset. The orientation preference o f these
ented stimuli matched those o f inputs from the L G N . cclls remained stable throughout the response period. By
However, inhibitory responses were governed mainly or contrast, many cells in other layers showed two peaks, and
wholly by cortical interneurons linking cells with opposite their preferred orientation was not stable over time. They
contrast polarity. This separation o f excitatory and inhibi­ concluded that the broad orientation tuning ol cells in
tory processes could endow the visual cortex with a wider layer 4 C arises from a direct feedforward mechanism but
dynamic range. Hirsch et al. ( 2 0 0 3 ) revealed two types o f that the narrower tuning o f cells in other layers arises from
inhibitory intcrncuron in layer 4 of the cats visual cortex. intracortical inhibition.
Both were driven by L G N inputs. For one type, designated These results support the idea o f two classes o f orienta­
in h ib ito ry sim p le cells, the receptive fields were similar to tion detectors. The first class have rapid onset ot tuning that
those o f excitatory simple cells except that the subregions relies on feedforward mechanisms. This fast feedforward
had opposite contrast sensitivities. The inhibitory cells and mechanism allows the animal to assess the orientation o f a
their excitatory neighbors also had similar orientation stimulus rapidly. The second class ( “scanners”) rely on recur­
tuning. These cells could improve orientation and spatial- rent circuits, and their orientation tuning is modified by the
frequency selectivity and increase the stability o f cortical short-term characteristics o f the visual task.
activity (Lauritzcn and Miller (2 0 0 3 ). Mazer e t al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) challenged these findings. They
The receptive fields and temporal properties o f the other used the reverse correlation procedure (Section 5.6.4b) to
type, designated in h ib ito ry co m p lex cclls resembled those measure the temporal dynamics of spatial-frequency and
o f excitatory com plex cclls. These cells were not tuned to orientation tuning o f cells in V I o f alert monkeys. They
orientation. They could perhaps help to make the responses found very few cells for which orientation tuning or
o f orientation-tuned excitatory cells invariant to contrast. spatial-frequency tuning varied substantially over time.
Perhaps the response ot cortical cells tuned to orienta­ They concluded that orientation sclectivitv arises from
tion is enhanced by a tendency tor spatially aligned the convergence o f visual inputs with similar temporal
ganglion cells to fire in synchrony (see Meister 1996). dynamics.
Mechanisms o f orientation tuning have been reviewed by The response o f a V I neuron to an optimally oriented
Ferster and Miller ( 2 0 0 0 ) and Shapley et al. (2 0 0 3 ). grating is reduced by superimposition o f an orthogonal
grating. This type o f response is known as cross-oricntation
suppression. Smith et al. ( 2 0 0 6 ) tound that the effect
5 .6 .2 c T em p o ral A spects o f O rie n ta tio n T u n in g
occurs so quickly that it must depend on dircct feedforward
Inhibitory or excitatory mechanisms, precortical or co rti­ signals or fast-acting retinal interneurons. In surround
cal, that help to determine the orientation selectivity ot a suppression a neurons response to a grating is reduced by
cortical ccll could involve feedforward loops o r recurrent the presence o f a surrounding parallel grating. The long
feedback loops. Celebrini e t al. ( 1 9 9 3 ) demonstrated that latency o f this effect suggested to Smith et al. that it depends
the orientation sclectivitv o f cclls in rhe visual cortex o f the on feedback from higher centers.
monkey is present and fully tormed in the first 10 ms
o f their response. O th er investigators have found that,
5 .6 .2 d Im m u n ity to C h a n g e s in C o n t r a s t
although optimal orientation tuning o f most cells in the cat
visual cortex is stable over the first 100 ms, tuning becomes As contrast increases, o n e might expect that stimuli outside
sharper during this period (Volgushev et al. 1995). the preferred orientation ot a cortical cell would begin to
Sharon and Grinvald ( 2 0 0 2 ) used voltage-sensitive dyes excite the ccll. This would broaden the orientation tuning
to measure the dynamics o f orientation tuning in area 17 o f o f the cell. This is known as the iceberg effect. However,
the cat. Tuning width did not vary over time, as o n e would changes in contrast have very little effect on the orientation
expect from feedback processes, but response amplitude selectivity o f cortical cells (Sclar and Freeman 1982).
increased between 5 0 to 8 0 ms after stimulus onset, suggest­ O n e theory is that contrast independence is achieved by
ing a tccdback mechanism. However, voltage-sensitive dyes inhibitory/ interactions between cortical cells tuned to dif-
average responses o f many neurons and therefore do not fcrcnt orientations. For example. Trover et al. 0 9 9 8 ) pro­
measure the dynamics o f single cells. posed such a mechanism for contrast independence. In the
Shevelcv et al. ( 1 9 9 3 ) tound that only about 3 7 % o f model, L G N inputs have an orientation-tuned com ponent
cells in the cat visual cortex showed stable optimal tuning that varies with the spatial phase o f rhe stimulus relative to
during the first 6 0 0 ms o f their response The other cclls, that of the receptive field, and an untuned com ponent that
identified as “scanners,” showed systematic shifts in tuning, is n ot sensitive to phase. Excitatory cortical connections
first in one direction and then in the other. between cells with the same phase sharpen the tuned
Ringach et al. ( 1 9 9 7 ) found that the orientation tuning com ponent, while inhibitory connections between cclls in
o f cells in layer 4 C o f the monkey visual cortex were broadly antiphase eliminate the untuned component.
Another theory is that contrast independence is
achieved solely by feedforward mechanism. For example,
Finn e t al. ( 2 0 0 7 ) propose that independence results from
nonlinear properties of the excitatory pathway, such as nor­
malization o f responses over different cortical cclls and
response saturation.
There is evidence that receptive fields of ganglion cclls
lose their inhibitory responses at low luminance (Section
5.1 A c). However, cells in the visual cortex o f cats and m o n ­
keys retain their tuning to orientation and m otion at low
luminance (Ram oa ct al. 1985; Duffy and Hubei 2 0 0 7 ).
According to this evidence, the orientation tuning o f co rti­
cal cells is n ot afiected by changes in the organization of
ganglion-cell rcccpcivc fields.

5 .6 .3 S PAT 1A 1. -P F. R I О D I C I T V T U N I N G

Cortical cclls arc also differentially tuned со che spatial peri­

odicity of a grating within their receptive field (Cam pbell
and Robson 1968). Such cclls are said to have a preferred
spatial frequency although, strictly speaking, spatial fre­
quency cannot be specified within a restricted area. The s Л2 . A nthony M ovshon. B o m in N ew York in 1 9 5 0 . H e o b tain ed л
P b .D . in ncuroph ysiology an d visual psychophysics from C am brid ge
spatial-lrequcncy tuning function ot a ccll is the change in
U n iv ersity in 1975- In 1 9 7 5 he jo in ed th e d ep artm en t o l p sy ch ology at
firing rate as a function o f the spatial frequency o f a
N ew York U niversity, w here he is now Silver Professor. From 1991 to
stimulus grating ol fixed contrast. The spatial-frcquencv 2(103 he was an investigator o f chc H oward H ughes M edical Institute.
tuning functions o f simple and complex cclls in the cats H e was elected to the N ational A cadem y o f S cicn cc s in 2 0 0 8 .

visual cortex have a full bandwidth at half amplicude o f

between 0.6 and 1.9 octaves (Movshon et al. 1978) (Portrait
Figure 5 .32 ). The spatial-frequency channels serving che found that spatial-frequency tuning is sharpened at low
central retina o f the cat seem to be spaced at half-octave contrasts tor cells in V I , especially for cells sensitive to high
intervals over a tocal spacial-frequency range o f 2.5 occaves spatial frequencies. '1 his sharpening seems со be due to
(Pollen and Feldon 1979). Thus, neighboring channels expansion o f the excitatory region ot receptive fields at low
overlap, and abouc six channels cover che cocal range o f concrasc.
spatial frequency. During the initial 5 0 ms o f response, cells in V I o f the
Psychophysical evidence reviewed in Section 4.4.1b macaque became more sharply cuned to spacial frequency
suggests that the central region of the retina is served and their preferred spatial frequency shifted upward
by abouc seven discincc spacial-frequency channels with (Bredfeldt and Ringach 1002). Thus, it takes time for cells
overlapping tuning functions. in V I to reach their final response characteristic.
For chc besc response, che scimulus muse fill the cells Prolonged exposure to a gracing o f a parcicular spacial
receptive field. But it must n ot extend beyond it, because frequency reduces the sensitivity of cells in V I that prefer
scimuli oucside che classical receptive field can modify the thac frequency. Also, the tuning functions o f cells tuned to
response of a cortical cell. Simple cells in the visual cortex of neighboring spatial-frequencies are skewed away from the
cat and monkey, on average, responded best when about 2.5 spacial frequency o f chc adaptation grating. C clls tuned to
cycles ol a grating fell within the receptive field (D e Valois the orchogonal spatial frequency are not affected. Kohn
ct al. 1985). C om plexcells responded best to about 3 cyclcs. ( 2 0 0 7 ) reviewed these and other adaptation effects.
N o cells preferred more than 7 cycles within their receptive Parker and Hawken ( 1 9 8 5 ) measured (a) spatial-
field. Simple cclls, and most com plcx cclls tuned to a nar­ frcquencv tuning functions o f cclls in the visual cortcx o f
rower range ot spatial frequencies had receptive fields with the monkey tor a high-contrast grating, (b) the change in
more cycles. probability o f firing o f a ccll .is a function o f a changc
The preferred spatial frequency o f cortical cells is essen­ in spatial frequency and, (c) sensitivity o f cells to a change
tially the same for different stimulus contrasts (Albrecht in spatial phase o f a grating. The results were comparable to
and Hamilton 1982; Skoccun ec al. 1986a). The sensitivity o f psychophysical measures o f human hyperacuity.
cells to changes in orientation and spatial frequency improves A non-Fourier stimulus is one not defined bvs modula-
with increases in contrast buc reaches a maximum ac quice tion o f luminance. Such scimuli are also known as second -
low contrasts (Skottun et al. 1987). Sceniak et al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) o rd er stim uli. For instance, a second-order grating can be
made by superimposing a low-frequency modulation o f half-amplitudc o f about 5 0 й. For cclls in M T , Treue c t al.
contrast on a high spatial-frequency sinewave grating. Since (2 0 0 0 ) obtained a value o f about 30°. Although cells in M T
mean luminance does n ot vary at the modulation frequency, responded most vigorously to stimuli moving in the pre­
the grating contains no Fourier com ponents at that fre­ ferred direction, they were m ost sensitive to changes ot
quency. However, many cortical cells o f the cat responded m otion when the stimulus excited the ccll on the flank o f its
when the second-order spatial frequency fell within their direction tuning tunction.
spatial-frequency bandwidth (Z h ou and Baker 1994; It has been proposed that only two or three cemporal-
Marcschal and Baker 1998). frequency channels are required to account for human
Responses to other second-order stimuli, such as a speed sensitivity, as opposed to direction sensitivity (Sm ith
grating formed by modulation o f relative motion or modu­ and Edgar 1994).
lation o f binocular disparity, have been tound at higher Relative motion is a more potent stimulus than absolute
levels o f the visual system. Ic has been proposed chac second- motion. Thus, neurons in V I o f the monkey responded
order stimuli are processed in specialized visual channels. more vigorously to relative m otion o f random-dot displays
For example, i f che outputs o f first-level filters that respond than to homogeneous motion o f che docs (C a o and Schiller
to a contrast-modulated grating are rectified and squared, 2 0 0 3 ) . Cells sensitive to relative m otion have also been
they can be used to create a rcccptivc field chat is similar found in M T (Section 5.8.4b).
to one that responds to a luminance-modulated grating
(Z h ou and Baker 1996). There is ample psychophysical evi­
5 .6 .4 b Sp atiotem p oral Responses o f C o r tic a l Cells
dence that we perceive second-order stimuli, as will become
apparent at various places in chis book. The delay between the response o f an L G N relay ccll and
that ot its associated cortical cell is about 3 ms, and the
monosynaptic delay between cortical cells is about 1.5 ms.
5 . 6 .4 S PA T I О T F. M P O RA L T U N I N G О F Many cortical cells show a biphasic response to a brief
C O R T IC A L CELLS stimulus.
C o rtical cells are differentially tuned to temporal fea­
5 .6 .4 a T u n in g to M orion
tures o f stimuli falling within their receptive fields. Also,
In submammalian vertebrates, such as frogs, turtles, and cells in V I o f the monkey show a lower cu to ff and greater
birds, cells tuned to direction o f motion are tound in the diversity in their temporal-frequency bandwidth than do
retina (Macurana et al. I 9 6 0 ; Maturana and Frenk 1963; ganglion cells or L G N cells (Hawken et al. 1996).
Jensen and Dcvoe 1983). Motion-selective cells are also The amplitude transfer function o f a cell describes che
found in the retinas o f some mammals, such as rabbits and amplitude o f the cells response as a function o f either the
squirrels (Barlow and Hill 1963; Michael 1968). temporal or spatial frequency of the stimulus. The phase
O n ly a few motion-selective cclls have been found in transfer function describes the temporal or spatial phase o f
the cat retina (Sto n e and Fabian 1966), and none has been the cell’s response as a function o f the temporal or spatial
found in the primate retina (D e M onasterio 1978). Visual frequency o f the scimulus respectively. From the phase
evoked potentials trom the retina (E R G s) and the cortex o f transfer function it is possible to inter the latency o f a co rti­
humans have revealed that most, if not all, processing o f cal cell and whether it has an odd- or even-symmetric recep­
motion occurs in the cerebral cortex (Bach and Hottmann tive field (H am ilton et al. 1989). The amplitude and phase
2000). transfer functions together specify the sp atiotem p oral
M ost cells in the visual cortex o f primates respond best transfer function ot a cortical cell. In a linear system, the
when the stimulus moves in a particular direction, the amplitude and phase o f the response is n ot affected by
preferred d irectio n . The axis o f the preferred direction o f changes in contrast. W h ile variations in contrast have little
an orientation-tuned ccll is at right angles to the long axis o f or no effect on the shapes o f the amplitude and spatial phase
its receptive field (Livingstone 1998). Thus, the columnar transfer functions o f cortical cells o f cats and monkeys, an

organization o f cells in the visual cortex based on axes o f increase in contrast causes a tcmporal-frcquency-dcpcndent
preterred motion corresponds to the columnar organiza­ advance in temporal phase and a shortening ot latency
tion based on preferred orientation. Som e cclls respond to (A lbrecht 1995).
movem ent in either direction along a given axis and are said O n e can think o f a cortical cell as having a spatiotempo­
to be bidirectional. Some cclls in the visual cortex o f the cat ral tuning tunction and a spatiotemporal structure to its
respond over a wide range o f stimulus velocities but may be receptive field. Plotting the spatiotemporal structure o f the
dircccionally selective over only high or only low velocities. receptive field o f a cortical cell using a single stimulus probe
Ocher cells respond only over low velocities (Duysens ec al. is a time-consuming procedure. The reverse correlation
1987). p ro ced u re is more efficient ( D cA ngclis et al. 1993a). Bar-
For cells in V2 and M T o f monkeys, Snowden et al. (1992) shaped stimuli are presented at different positions and at
obtained direction tuning functions with a halt-width at different times within the receptive field. The responses o f
the cell are cross-correlated with the inputs to yield the spa­ the temporal response o f this ccll is biphasic. In the second
tiotemporal impulse response o f the cell. The method works example, there is a spatial shift o f activity within the recep­
only if che ccll behaves linearly, and can therefore be applied tive field over time. The ccll is said to show space-tim e
only to simple cortical cells. inseparability (space and time interact). Cells o f this type
An example o f chc spacioccmporal structure o f chc show a prefcrcncc for stimuli moving in the direction in
receptive field o f a simple-cell is shown in Figure 5.33A . which their spatiotemporal tuning function is ''tilted” in
Each slice represents chc momencary activity within the the spacc-time domain.
excicacory and inhibitory regions o f the receptive field. The Cells with space-time separable response profiles are
sequence along the time dimension represents the temporal generally not selective tor a particular direction ot motion.
phasing o f the response. Figure 5 .3 3 B shows the plot o f the After allowing for the nonlinearity o fth e response ofsimple
receptive field along one spatial dimension on the abscissa cells to contrast, DcAngclis et al. (1 9 9 3 b ) predicted the
and over time on the ordinate. In the first example, the direction selectivity o f simple cells from che spatiotemporal
positions o f the excitatory and inhibitory regions arc- profiles ot their receptive fields. The results indicated that
constant over time, and the ccll is said to show space-tim e simple cclls embody a linear spatiotemporal filter (see also
separability. The response ot the cell is the simple product M cLean and Palmer 1989, 1994).
o f its spatial response and its temporal response. Note that The spatiotemporal structure o f the receptive fields o f
complex cells cannot be derived trom their responses to
single spots or bars, because the responses are nonlinear.
However, responses ot complex cells to two spots or bars
have been used to examine their spatial frequency tuning
100 ms and motion selectivity (M ovshon et al. 1978; Emerson et al.
1 992). Responses to two stimuli have also been used to
explore the disparity sensitivity o f complex cells, as described
in Scction 11.4.1.
Mazer et al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) used the reverse correlation proce­
dure to measure the temporal dynamics ofspatial-frcquency
tuning and orientation tuning o f cells in V I o f alert m o n ­
keys. The spatial-frcqucncy and orientation tuning o f
most cells were separable. However, there were small insep­
arable components. A few neurons showed a decrease in
the bandwidth o f orientation tuning with increasing spatial
frequency. Also, there was ccndency tor cclls with longer
latencies to be tuned to higher spatial-frequencies.

5 .6 .4 c M o d els o f Sp atio tem p oral Responses

T he so-called en erg y m odel has been used to account for

the spatiotemporal responses ot cortical cells. In this
model, cortical cells summate inputs from two or more sub­
units, which could be simple cells. Each subunit has a linear
spatiotemporal filter followed by static nonlinearities that
half-rcctify and square the output (Adelson and Bergen
0 Space, x (dog) 4
1 985). In o n e form o f the model, rectification results in one
pair ot subunits responding to luminance increase ( O N
bifurc 5.H. Spatiorem poral response p rofiles o f sim ple id ls in air's visual ior rex.
units) and the other pair to luminance decrease ( O F F
(A ) E ach panel is th e reccptive-field profile o f t h e cell a t л particu lar
tim e after stim ulus o n set. W h ite areas rep resent responses to a flashed units). In each pair, one unit is 90° phase shifted in space
b rig h t bar and dark areas are responses to a flashed dark bar. T h e and in tim e with respect to the other, to torm a pair in
p ro jectio n o t the panels prod uces the sp atiotem p oral profile o t the quadrature.
ccll lo r o n e spatial d im en sion ov er tim e. Solid lines arc boundaries o f
Emerson (1 9 9 7 ) produced physiological evidence for a
brigh t-excitatory* "on ” response regions. D ashed lines are boundaries
o f dark-excitatory, "otF” response regions. ( B ) Sp atiotem p oral response two-subunit energy model for simple cells. Gaska et al.
profiles o t sim ple cclls Irom 8-w cck -old ca t. The exam ple on th e left ( 1 9 9 4 ) tested the model by deriving the sccond-ordcr
shows sp acc-tim e separability in w hich the response profile is the W iener kernels (Section 3.4) from responses to white noise
p ro d u ct o f the space and tim e profiles. The exam ple o n the right show *
of complex cells in the monkey visual cortex. The kernels
spacc-tim e inseparability. This ccll is selectively responsive to m o tio n in
th e d ircccio n o f t h e - tilt" o f spatiotem poral region s in the receptive field predicted the way the cells responded to drifting gratings,
profile. (From DcAiifcclivct al. UwJ « mIi pmn Hilort) and the results were consistent wich the energy model.
Peterson et al. ( 2 0 0 4 ) found that the spatiotemporal Separable tuning simplifies the process o f detecting varia­
tuning ot neighboring pairs ot simple cells in area 17 ot the tions in single features in a population o f cells.
cat showed temporal phase differences o f less than the 90° Cells in V I that are tuned to motion direction have
predicted by the simple energy model. They suggested that inseparable space-time tuning Junctions, as explained in the
the directional selectivity o f some cortical cclls in the cat is
previous section. Otherwise, most cells in the primary visual
derived from phase offsets between LCiN alfcrents feeding cortex have separable tuning to orientation, m otion, and
into the ccll. O th er cclls derive their direction selectivity disparity (Grunewald and Skoumbourdis 2 0 0 4 ) . Different
by summing activity from nonselective cortical cells that stimulus features are distinguished by the cooperative activ­
differ in spatial and temporal phase. The minimum phase ity ot the population o f cortical cells tuned to that feature.
difference required for direction selectivity is less than 90". This is known as popu lation coding. For example, the ori­
The energy model predicts many features o f the feedfor­ entation o f a line could be uniquely coded by the output o f
ward responses o f many simple and complex cells, such as the set o f orientation-sensitive cclls that rhe given stimulus
the way they respond to single bars, double bars, drifting excites. The direction o f motion ot the same line could be
gratings, and white noise. However, the model does not coded by the output o f the set o f motion-sensitive cells that
account for how responses ot simple and complex cclls arc- it excites. Since the two sets o f cells arc at least partly dis­
modified by activity in neighboring cells or by feedback tinct, each stimulus feature is coded distinctly (see A bbott
trom higher centers. For example, Hccger ( 1 9 9 2 a ) pro­ and Sejnowski 1 999).
posed that the output o f complex cells is normalized by the Tliis simple view has been challenged by evidence that
mean response ot neighboring cells. Jacobson et al. (1 9 9 3 ) the same population response over a cortical area can be
concludcd that a cascade o f linear filtering followed by produced by stimuli possessing different combinations
rectification and squaring provides a more accurate descrip­ o f motion direction and orientation. Basole et al. ( 2 0 0 3 )
tion o f simple cells than o f complex cells. However, they argued that the idea o f population coding is based on the
produced evidence that, even tor simple cells, other forms use o f drifting gratings that move and vary in spatial fre­
o f non linearity, such as surround suppression, play a quency, only in a direction orthogonal to the grating. They
significant role in their response. dissociated motion direction and orientation by using a set
Jagadcesh e t al. ( 1 9 9 7 ) recorded intracellular synaptic o f similarly oriented short line elements that drifted in a
potentials in simple cells in the cat visual cortex evoked by a direction that was orthogonal or nonorthogonal to the
sequence o f stationary sinewave gratings. A linear model lines. O ptical imaging in the visual cortex o f ferrets revealed
applied to the data predicted rhe direction selectivity o f patterns o f cortical activity over populations o f cells tuned
the cclls, but the tuning width indicated by the synaptic to different orientations. W h en the short lines moved in an
potentials was wider than that indicated by the extracellu­ orthogonal direction, rhe response pattern was similar to
lar action potentials. It thus seems that a nonlinear mecha­ that produced by a grating o f long lines drifting in the
nism between the synaptic input and the output sharpens same direction. However, when the lines moved in a nonor­
direction sensitivity. thogonal direction, the response pattern resembled that
Reid c t al. ( 1 9 9 1 ) found some evidence o f sharpening o f produced by a grating moving in a different direction. In
directional selectivity o f simple cclls by nonlinear inhibi­ other words, the same population response in orientation-
tory interactions. Removal o f intracortical inhibition by tuned cclls was produced by twro stimuli moving in different
chemical suppression ot CiABA reduced directional selec­ directions.
tivity o f simple cells in areas 17 and 18 o f the cat (Crook liasole et al. pointed out that short line elements possess
e r a l . l 9 96 , 1997). stimulus energy at many orientations in the Fourier domain.
O th er aspects o f spatiotemporal coding were discussed W hen a short line moves, each orientation com ponent
in Section 4 .3 . M otion sensitivity in higher visual centers is moves at a speed that depends on its orientation to the
discussed in Section 5.8. direction o f motion. The peak o f the population response
dependson th cco m p on cn t whose speed isoptimal. Changes
in the speed o f t h e drifting line elements changed the pat­
5 . 6 .5 C E L L S T U N E D TO M U L T IP L E
tern o f cortical response and also the preferred orientation
o f single cortical cells. The long lines o f a large grating pos­
T he response o f each neuron in the visual cortex is modu­ sess energy over a small range o f orientations so that changes
lated by changes in each o f several visual features. Thus, a in the speed o f a grating produced much less change in the
given neuron can n ot be said to code a n y o n e feature unam­ pattern o f cortical response or the orientation tuning o f
biguously. single cells.
Responses are said to be separable when rhe tuning Basole et al. concluded that these results are difficult to
function for one feature is not affected by the value o f reconcile with the idea o f population coding in V I .
another feature. Ideally, the response o f rhe cell (firing rate) However, they did not report whether the ferrets could dis­
is the sum o r product o f the responses to each feature. criminate the orientations ot the stimuli that produced the
same population response. Given chat die stimuli w ercdis-
eriminable, they must have produced different responses
somewhere in the visual system. In fact, there must have
been differences in V I because all subsequent stages receive
their input directly o r indircctlv from V I .
At the primary level o f visual processing in V I it is desir­
able to code low-level features simultaneously/ over the
whole visual field— preattentive vision. If cells in V I were
not jointly tuned it would be necessary to have a complete
set o f single-feature detectors for each feature at each loca­
tion. Population coding using cells tuned to several features
but with separable tuning functions economizes on the
number of cells. However, this system is not economical in
terms o f metabolic energy because, with typical natural
scenes, most cells are active most ot the time. Also, because
o f response saturation and noise, the tuning functions
are not completely independent. Thus, population coding
involves some loss o f information (Grunewald and
Skoumbourdis 2 0 0 4 ). Nevertheless, population coding is
the best system for dctccting low-level features simultane­ Fig«r<£.34. M arg aret IIbn g R itcy . B orn in Shanghai in 1 9 4 1 . She ob tain ed
an М .Л . in scien ce ed u catio n at C olum bia U n iv ersity in 1 9 6 6 and a
ously over the visual field. But it is not suitable tor detecting
P h .D . in n curoanacom y w ith H . J . R alsto n at Stan ford U n iv ersity in
high-level features based on particular combinations o f stim­ 1 9 7 0 . Sh e con d u cted p o std o cto ral work w ith R . W . G u illcry at the
uli. That requires cells with inseparable tuning functions. U n iv ersity o f W isco n sin and A . Lasansky and M . F ou rtes at the
Responses are insep arable when a ccll is responsive to N ation al Institu tes o f H ea lth . Sh e was on the facu lty o f th e D ep artm en t
o t A n atom y at th e U n iv ersity o f C a lifo rn ia at San Fran cisco trom 1973
particular com binations ot different features. Tuning to
to 19iS 1. In 1981 she jo in ed the D e p a rtm e n t o f C e llu la r Biology,
particular feature combinations involves nonlinear pro­ N cu rob io logy, and A n ato m y at th e M ed ical C o lleg e o f W isco n sin ,
cesses, and is characteristic of cells that respond to high- w here she is now professor. R ecip ie n t o f th e M artin Luther K in g
level features. For example, cells in the medial temporal H u m an itarian Award, M ed ical C o lleg e o t W isconsin in 1 9 9 7 , and the
R oy and S h errin g to n Award presented by the G o rd o n Research
cortex ( M T ) respond to specific com binations o f disparity
C o n fe re n ce o n "B ra in E n ergy M etab olism and B lood F lo w ” in 2 0 0 6 .
and m otion (Section 11.5.2) and cells in the interior tem­
poral cortex respond selectively to faces. Since stimuli
exhibiting a particular high-level feature occur infrequently,
cells that respond to that feature are inactive most o f the investigated the physiological properties o f regions with
time. D etection ot such features is said to involve sparse high levels o f cytochrom c oxidase and found that they arc
coding. It would be impossible to simultaneously engage all centered on the ocular dom inance columns and contain
high-level feature detectors tor each stimulus in the visual cclls not tuned to orientation. These regions arc called
field. blobs, or puffs. The spaces between the blobs have a lower
For a given stimulus, the visual system engages only concentration o f cytochrom
e oxidase and arc known as
those high-level processes relevant to the task being per­ in terb lo b s. The centers o f the blobs are about 0.4 mm apart,
formed. In any case, visual resolution is severely degraded making about 5 blobs per m n r and a total of about 15,500
a few degrees away from the fovea, which means that in chc binocular visual field o f the macaque (Schein and
high-level detectors in the periphery can detect only coarse M onasterio 1987). The density ot blobs is about halt this
features. F.yc movements and attention funnel activity value in the monocular visual cortex. The number o f L G N
from V I to those high-level detectors that the perceiver is parvocellular cells projecting to each blob remains constant
interested in dctccting. at about 1 10 over the visual field o f the monkey. C ytochrom e
oxidase blobs seem to be present in all primates and form
elliptical patches aligned with ocular dominance columns
5.6.6 C Y T O C H R O M E O XIDA SE A R E A S O F VI
in primates with such columns. They also occur in area 17
In 1978, Margaret W ong-Rilcv informed Hubei and Wiesel o f the cat (Murphy ct al. 1995).
that she had found clusters o f cells with a high concentra­ O cular dominance columns have also been revealed bvф
tion of c y to c h ro m e oxidase in monkey V I . Cytochrom e staining for cytochrom e oxidase in autopsy specimens o f
oxidase is a metabolic enzvme
* found in rhe mitochondrial the brains o f humans with monocular loss (Section 5.7.2a).
membrane ot neurons. Its concentration is a sensitive indi­ C ytoch rom c oxidase is concentrated in cortical layers
cator o f neuronal activity (Wong-Riley 1979a, 1989) (Portrait 4 A and 4 C — layers associated with the parvocellular
Figure 5 .34 ). Tw o years later, H o rton and Hubei (1 9 8 1 ) system— and in layer 6, which projects to subcortical nuclci,
Figure$.3$. Jo n a th a n С H orton. B o rn in E d m o n to n , C an ad a, in 1 9 5 4 . He R oger B. //. Tootell B orn in San Fran cisco . H e ob tain ed a B .A .
ob tain ed an Л .В . from S tan fo rd U n iv ersity and a P h .D . from Harvard in psychology a t the U n iv ersity o f C a lifo rn ia , San ta B arbara, in 1 9 7 5
U n iv ersity w ith D . H u b cl and Г. \X icscl. In 1 9 9 0 he jo in ed the faculty and a P h .D . at Berkeley in 1 9 8 5 . H e con d u cted p o std o cto ral work at
a t the U n iv ersity o f C a lifo rn ia , San Francisco, where he is the W illiam H arvard M ed ical S ch o o l. H e gained an academ ic ap p o in tm en t in
F. H oy t pro fesso r o f n eu ro-op h th alm olo g y, vice ch a ir o f the n cu ro biolog y at H arvard M ed ical S c h o o l, in 1 9 8 8 . H e is now professor
D e p a rtm e n t o f O p h th a lm o lo g y , and a m em b er o f the neu roscience o f radiology a t H arvard M cd ical Sch oo l.
p rogram . H e rcccivcd th e T rou tin an -V cron n cau Prize from the
Pan-A m erican A ssociation o f O p h th a lm o lo g y ( 1 9 9 9 ) , a Lew R .
Wavvcrman M erit Award from Research to Prevent B lind n ess ( 2 0 0 0 ) , which may explain why maintained neural discharges in
and the A Icon Research In stitu te Award ( 2 0 0 5 ) .
the dark occur specifically in cytochrome-oxidase
regions (Snodderly and Gur 1995). This also explains
why cytochrome-oxidase cells show high metabolic
including che L G N (Snodderly and C u r 1995). The litera­
ture on cycochrome oxidase in che visual corccx was reviewed
by W ong-Riley ( 1 9 9 4 ) and Sincich and Horton (2 0 0 5 a ) It has also been claimed that onlv a few interblob
(Portrait Figure 5 .3 5 ). Cells in the blobs and intcrblobs cells show some color opponcncy (Livingstone and
have been distinguished in the following ways, although Hubei 1984). However, evidence for the relationship
there is some debate about some ot these distinctions. between color coding and cytochrome-oxidase
blobs is not conclusive (see Sincich and H orton
1. It has been claimed thac mosc blob cells arc noc cuncd to 2 0 0 5 ).
orientation, while almost all interblob cells are tuned to
4. Blob cells respond best to gratings with low contrast,
orientation. However, F.dwards ct al. ( 1 9 9 5 ) found no
low spatial frequency, and high temporal frequency.
correlation between orientation tuning and blobs.
Interblob cells prefer higher contrast, high spatial
2. The excitatory regions o f the receptive fields o f blob frequency, and low temporal frequency (Toocell ec al.
cclls are larger than those ot interblob cclls (Snoddcrlv 1 9 8 8 b ; Shoham ec al. 1997).
and Gur 1995).
5. In the binocular cortex, blobs occur in rows, which tend
3. It has been claimed that color-opponent ganglion cclls to be superimposed on the ccntcrs o f ocular dominance
converge on so-called double-opponent cclls in columns (H o rto n 1984; T so et al. 1990). Cells in these
cytochrom e oxidase blobs (Tootell ct al. 19 8 8 c) regions respond to excitatory inputs from only one eye.
(Portrait Figure 5.36). Some blob cells specialize in red/ Cells in intermediate regions respond to both eyes.
green opponcncy, others in bluc/ycllow opponcncy. However, using voltage-sensitive dves, Landisman and
These cclls produce signals related to local color T so (2 0 0 2 ) found that about 2 5 % o f cytochrome-
contrast, which arc independent ot overall luminance, oxidase color patches extended across ocular dominance
since an increase o r decrease in luminance affects the columns. M onocular enucleation in adult monkeys
inputs in the same way, leaving the difference signal the leads to a reduction o f cytochrom c oxidase activity in
same (Gouras 1991). An opponcncy mechanism ocular dominance columns corresponding to that eye
typically operates with respect to a resting discharge. (H o rto n and H ocking 1998a).
6. Ы оЬ cells o fsim ila r type tend to be laterally connected, spatial-frequency stimuli (coarse detail) and the interblobs
as do interblob cells. Blob cells and interblob cells do contain cells tuned to high spatial-frequency stimuli
not interact (Ts’o and G ilbert 1988). (fine detail), with a gradual transition between the two,
rather than a dichotomy.
7. Blob cclls o f V I project mainly to thin stripes in V 2 ,
DcValois and DeValois argued that the predominance
which process color. Interblob cells project to thick and
o f color-coded cells in the blobs is a simple consequence o f
pale staining interstripes o f V 2, which process colorless
the f i c t that parvoccllular cclls operate as color-opponent
form (see Section 5.8.2).
cells for low spatial frequency stimuli and as luminance-
T he functional properties o f cells in the blob and contrast cells for high spatial-frequency stimuli. This accords
intcrblob regions arc not sharply segregated; border cclls with the analysis provided by Ingling (Section 11.5.4).
can show both color and orientation specificity (T s’o and They also argued that the finer tuning tor orientation in
G ilbert 1988). Also, the contrast sensitivity and spatial- the interblobs is a consequence o f the fact that cells tuned
frequency tuning o f cortical cells change gradually between to higher spatial frequencies also have narrower tuning
blob and intcrblob regions (Edw ardset al. 1995). for orientation. The two views both end up with a similar
In the monkey, blobs receive inputs from the magnocel­ division o f cell types, but the DeValois scheme makes this
lular layers ot the L G N routed through cortical layers 4 C ( * division consequent on a fundamental segregation o f cells
and 4 В and from parvocellular layers routed through corti­ according to spatial-frequency tuning.
cal layers 4 Л and 4 C f i . T he interblob regions receive par-
voccllular inputs through layers 4 Л and 4C/3 and from 5 .6 .7 C O N T E X T U A L A N D F IG U R A L
mixed magnocellular and parvocellular inputs from cells in R E S P O N S E S IN V I
the middle o f layer 4 C (Lachica ct al. 1992, Yoshioka c t al. 5 . 6 .7 a E f f e c t s o f C o n t r a s t i n g C o n c e n t r i c S tim u li
1994). Both regions therefore receive mixed magnocellular
and parvocellular inputs. S o m e cells in the cat’s visual cortex respond more vigorously
There are two views about the significance o f the blob- to an optimal stimulus filling the receptive field when the
intcrblob division o f the parvoccllular system. According to stimulus is surrounded by stimuli that have a contrasting
Livingstone and Hubei, it represents a dichotomy into a orientation, size, spatial frequency, or direction ot motion
channel specialized for color but n ot form and a channel (Nelson and Frost 1978; G ilbert and W iesel 1 9 9 0 ; G ilbert
specialized for colorless form. DeValois and DeValois et al. 19 9 1 ; Kooi ct al. 1 9 9 4 ; Kastncr ct al. 1996; Walker
(1 9 8 8 ) proposed a different scheme in which the primary ct al. 1999; Jones ct al. 2 0 0 2 ) .
distinction between blobs and interblobs is in spatial-fre- Similar effects have been found in primates. In V I o fth e
qucncy tuning (see also DcValois 1991). This schcmc is alert monkey chc response o f a ccll to a particular stimulus
illustrated in Figure 5.37. Blobs contain cells tuned to low tended to be suppressed when a textured surround was
added. The degree o f suppression increased with increasing
density o f the surround (Knierim and Van Essen 1992).
Responses o f cclls in V I to a line were enhanced when the
line was surrounded by lines in a different orientation
(Nothdurft ct al. 2 0 0 0 ) . C clls in V I and V 2 o f the monkey
responded more strongly to a disk o f parallel lines when
background lines were orthogonal rather than parallel to
the lines in the disk (Marcus and van Essen 2 0 0 2 ; Muller
et al. 2 0 0 3 ).
For some cells in the cat visual cortex, the inhibitory
effect o f similarly oriented stimuli could be evoked dichop-
tically (DeAngelis et al. 1994). This suggests that it depends
on intracortical inhibitory connections rather than those in
the L G N .
The response of cells in V I ot alert monkeys to a tex­
tured region filling the receptive field varied according to
whether the region differed trom its surroundings in dispar­
Left eye Right eye ity, color, luminancc, m otion, o r orientation (Lam m c 1995; al. 1996). However, G um m ing and Parker ( 1 9 9 9 )
f * . rc 5.3?. P irtw bed organ ization o f p rim a te visu al cortcx. Each m o d u le (b lo b could not rcplicatc the modulating effect o f t h e disparity o f
plus in tcrb lo b region ) is d om inated by on e eve. A lo n g radii, cclls are
the surround.
tuned to progressively h ig h er spatial frequ en cies b u t have the same
orien ta tio n preference. O rie n ta tio n preferen ce ch anges sequentially A similar response enhancem ent occurred when m o n ­
around the cen ter o f the m od u le. (Г о т DcV*bi**Ad DcValoi* keys detected a patch shaded to simulate concavity set
am ong patches shaded со simulate convexity (b ee ec al.
2 0 0 2 ) . The response ot cells to an even area o f illumination
varied with chc illumination o f che surrounding area in a
manner analogous to changes in the perceived brightness ot
a gray patch as the luminance o f chc surround is varied
(Rossi and Paradiso 1999). h
These inhibicory mechanisms could provide a physio­
logical basis for che percepcual segregacion o f texcured
regions, since the response o f cells ot this type would be
enhanced by texture boundaries.
Psychophysical evidence shows that visual acuity and
shape discrimination arc degraded when a test stimulus is
flanked by similar stimuli (Sections 4 .8.3, 13.2.3). The
processes responsible must be cortical, since the effects are
present when che ccsc and flanking scimuli are presented
to different eyes (Westheimer and Hauske 1975). Also,
a texture element is easier to detect when surrounded by
different rather than by similar elements.
Figvrc 5 .Л U ri P olat. B orn in Israel in 1 9 5 3 .1 Ic o b tain ed a B .S c. from the
H ebrew U n iv ersity,Jeru salem , in 1 9 7 7 and a P h .D . in n cu ro b io lo g y
5 .6 .7 b R esponses to A ligned S tim u li wich D o v Sagi at the W cizm an n In stitu te o t Scien ce in 1 9 9 3 . I Ic
worked a t the S m ith -K cttlcw cll
Research In stitu te in San Francisco
In the cats visual cortex, Nelson and Frost ( 1 9 8 5 ) revealed from 1 9 9 3 to 2 0 0 0 . H e is now se n io r scien tist in the G o ld sch lcg cr live
a highly specific torm ol facilitation between neurons Research In stitu te at Tcl-A viv U niversity.

wich aligned oriencacion tuning functions. In alert m on­

keys, chc response o f complex cells in V I со a line was
enhanced when a collinear line was added oucsidc chc patches were not accompanied by increased variability
receptive field (Kapadia et al. 1 9 9 5 ,2 0 0 0 ) . Also, cells in VI (Kasamatsu ct al. 2 0 0 1 ) . Thus, collinear stimuli improve the
responded more vigorously when a sec ot aligned line clc- signal-to-noise ratio, especially near the threshold.
mencs in a display o f random lines was made more salienc by Facilitatory interactions in the visual cortex could help
increasing che number or decreasing che spacing of che in che percepcion ot a concinuous figure chac is pardy
aligned lines. The change in scimulus saliency was reflected occluded (Seccion 4.5.2c). Sugica ( 1 9 9 9 ) found chac cells in
in the ability ot che monkeys со dccecc chc aligned lines V I ot che monkey responded со a bar with a disk across its
(Li ec al. 2 0 0 6 ) . center when the disk was stcrcoscopically in front o f the bar
Evoked pocencials trom che human visual cortex were so as to create che impression o f a concinuous bar beyond an
stronger for a set o f aligned scimuli chan for a sec o f scimuli occludcr. The cclls did noc respond when rhe disk was scc-
wich differenc oricncations (Polac and Norcia 1996). reoscopically beyond che bar elements. Dragoi and Sur
Lateral interactions in the visual corcex arc influenced (2 0 0 0 ) have modeled orientation-specific facilicacory and
by che relative contrascs ot stimuli. Responses o f cells in the inhibicory interactions in che visual corcex.
cat visual cortex to a low-contrast G abor patch were The perception ot a subjective contour in a blank region
enhanced by a flanking high-contrast and aligned G abor between aligned edges, as in che Kanizsa criangle (Figure
patch. However, responses to a high-concrasc G abor pacch 2 2 .2 0 ) could be due со laccral corcical inccraccions. Cells in
were reduced by boch aligned and orchogonal flanking VI and V 2 o f che monkey responded со a figure defined by
G abor pacchcs (Polac ec al. 1998). subjective- concours indicated by disconnected but aligned
The preferential linkage ot cortical cells with aligned boundaries (von der Heydc and Pecerhans 1989; Marcus
rcccptivc fields could serve as a mechanism for alignment and van Essen 2 0 0 2 ) . The response laccncy o t such cells was
detection, as discussed in Section 4 .5 .2 c (M itchison and abouc 7 0 ms in V2 but 100 ms in V I . This suggescs chac che
Crick 1982). For example, collincar stimuli show mutual response in V I was due со feedback from V 2 (Lee and
facilitation o f detectability to a greacer degree chan scimuli Nguyen 2 0 0 1 ) . Cells chac responded со subjective concours
wich similar oriencacions buc which are noc collinear (Polac had end-scopped recepcive fields and responded со shore
and Sagi 1 9 9 3 , 1 9 9 4 ) (Porcraic Figure 5 .38 ). scimuli chac cerminaced in line ends or corners wichin che
Normally, che increased response ot a cell со increasing cells receptive field (H eider ec al. 2 0 0 0 ).
scimulus screngch is accompanied by a proporcional increase Laceral connections o f pyramidal cells in visual areas
in variability ot responses со repeated stimulus presenta­ such as che interior ccmporal corcex and che ccmporal
tion. However, increases in responses o f cells in cat area 17 polyscnsorv area (area S T P ) cover an area more chan six
to a G abor patch in the presence ot flanking collinear rimes chac o f pyramidal cells in V I (Elscon ec al. 1999).
Presumably, chis is due со che seleccivicy o f chcsc areas was n ot registered. The late response was also absent in
tor complex stimuli thac span a large area. W e will see in anesthetized monkeys (Super et al. 2 0 0 1 ).
Section 5.8 thac more complex cypes o f figural processing Tli is latter finding may explains why Hupc et al. (2 0 0 1 b)
occur in V 2 , V 3 , and in che ventral processing path­ did not observe feedback in V I with a 100 ms delay in anes­
way. Neural activicy in differenc pares o f chc brain chac thetized monkevs. Thev did find chac che firsc 10 ms o f
underlies a particular percept may be linked by response response o f V I neurons to a moving bar was affected when
synchronization (see Section 4.3.4). M T was inactivated by cooling. However, one need not
conclude that feedback from M T occurs with such short
latency, because the bar was already moving before itentercd
5 . 6 . 7 c E ffe c ts o f S tim u lu s O r g a n iz a tio n
the receptive field o f t h e ccll being recorded.
Л related question is whecher a group of lines organized Angelucci et al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) argued from anatomical and
inco a recognizable shape evokes a greaccr response in che physiological evidence that monosynaptic lateral co n n e c­
visual corcex chan the same lines in random order. tions in V I o f t h e monkey extend tar enough to account for
I.i ncs forming a pattern evoked a greater f'M КI responsecontrast-dependent changes in the size o f receptive fields.
in the human laceral occipical corccx than did randomly However, they found that only lateral connections in the
arranged lines (Murray etal. 2 0 0 2 ) . However, V I responded extrastriate cortex extended far enough to account for tig-
less vigorously to a patterned stimulus than to the random ural interactions that depend on stimulus tigural features.
lines. Similar differences were found between randomly Tli is issue is not yet resolved.
moving dot arrays and coherent motion thac defined a
shape. Murray ec al. suggested that stimulus redundancy
5 .6 .7 d E ffe c ts o f D iffe r e n c e s in P erceived Size
detected in higher centers feeds back to V I . In other words,
activity in V I is reduced after a simple paccern has been It is generally thought that the area o f excitation in V I is a
discovered in a complex scimulus. function o f the size o f the stimulus. However, Murray et al.
Neurons in V I o f che alerc macaque monkey responded ( 2 0 0 6 ) found that the area o f the f M R I response from che
more vigorously to texture elements belonging to a figure human visual cortex increased about 20 % when an object
chan со che same elemencs belonging со a ground region was merely made to appear larger. This was still true when
(Lam m e 1995). However, Rossi et al. ( 2 0 0 1 ) found that they controlled for differences in the contrasts o f the back­
cells in V I responded to a figure region only when a cexturc ground. They concluded that the receptive fields o f cells in
boundary fell in the receptive field. They concluded thac VI V I increase in size as a function o f rhe perceived discance o f
neurons signal ccxcure boundaries but do not distinguish an objccc. Such changes in reccptive-field size have not been
between figure regions and ground regions. revealed in recordings from single cells. However, the
There has been conflicting evidence about whether fig- tuning ot some cells in V I , V 2 , and V 4 со changes in
ural effects in V I arise within V I or involve feedback from stimulus size has been found to depend on che discance o f
higher centers. In one study, the orientation-specific sur­ the stimulus (D obbins e t al. 1998). Another possibility is
round effect in cat area 17 cook only 8 to 2 0 ms to develop, that, as the perceived distance o f a given o b je ct increases,
which suggests that it does not depend on feedback trom there is a larger spread ot activity over lateral connections
higher centers {Knicrim and Van Essen 1992). In a more in V I .
recent study, surrounding lines produced nonspecific inhi­
bition during the initial period after stimulus presentation.
The orientation-specific effect occurred with a latency ot
about 7 0 ms, suggesting that it arose from feedback from
higher centers (Nothdurft et al. 1 999). However, Hupe Changes at synapses that occur during learning are discussed
ec al. ( 2 0 0 1 a ) found thac inaccivation o f V2 did noc atfecc in Section 6.4.4. Cortical plasticity in development is dis­
interaction effects in V I , at least in anesthetized monkeys. cussed in Section 6.5. A variety o f simple visual tasks, such
Furthermore, C ro o k et al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) found that facilitation as vernier acuity and orientation discrimination improve
produced by surrounding collinear stimuli was reduced or with practice (see Section 4 .9 ). Improvement o f stereoacu­
abolished by focal inaccivacion o f collinear neighboring ity with practice is discussed in Section 18.14. The present
cells in V I . seccion deals with changes in the responses o f cells in the
Lee ec al. ( 1 9 9 8 ) proposed that the late ( > 1 0 0 ms) pare visual cortex that accompany improvement in visual tasks
o f che response o f V I neurons is influenced by feedback with practice.
from higher visual cencers responsible for figure-ground The response properties o f cortical cclls are often inves­
segregation. 'I he early componenc o f response o f V I neu­ tigated in anesthetized animals. This procedure cannot
rons occurred whecher or nor che monkey percepcually reg- dcccct effects due to highcr-order processing such as recog­
iscered chc scimulus objccc (as indicaced by saccadic nition o f objects, attention, or motivation. A growing body
rcfixacion), buc the late response was absent when the object of evidence trom work on unancsthetizcd animals indicates
thac these factors modify the responses o f cortical neurons. or orientations o f simultaneously presented stimuli could
The concept o f sets o f cortical cclls with fixed tuning func­ involve changes in the way cortical cells interact over hori­
tions to specific stimulus features must give way to a view o f zontal connections. Crist et al. ( 2 0 0 1 ) recorded from cclls
the cortex as a highly flexible organ in which the response in the visual cortex o f two monkeys before and alter they
characteristics o f cclls arc conditional on simultaneous were trained on two casks. O n e cask was со dccccc when a
activity in other cortical and subcortical centers in the brain line was midway between two other parallel lines. The other
and on feedback from higher centers. cask was со fixacc a scimulus. The monkeys showed substan-
The receptive fields o f cells in che somatosensory cortex cial improvement in the tasks, but the basic properties of
and auditory cortex undergo considerable reorganization cortical cells such as cheir location, size, and oriencacion
following either intracortical microstimulation or sensory cuning did noc change. However, improvement on the
stimulation (Dinse c t al. 1 9 9 0 b ; Recanzone et al. 1993). bisection task was accompanied by a change in the way a
W ith in area 17 o f chc cat, long-term changes in synaptic cclls response was modulated by chc presence o f a flanking
conductivity along lateral pathways have been induced by line. This change was noc evident when monkeys performed
pairing synaptic responses with conditioning shocks o f chc fixacion cask.
depolarizing current (H irsch and G ilbert 1993) (Section In another experiment, Christ et al. trained monkeys on
5.5.6). This suggests thac lateral pathways are involved in a bisection task with three parallel vertical lines and on a
stimulus-dependent changes in cortical responses. Collinear vernier-alignment task with three end-to-end vertical lines.
line segments arc easier со detect chan nonaligncd segmencs After training, all five lines were presented cogcchcr and chc
(Scction 4.5.2b). The facilitator у effect o f alignment may be monkeys performed one or other task according to the
modified by attention or by learning (Ito e t al. 1998). color o f che cencral line. W h en chey performed chc biscc-
In iontophoresis, charged molecules are introduced into cion cask, responses o f cclls in V I to che central line were
tissue by an clcctric current. M cLean and Palmer (1 9 9 8 ) modulated by flanking parallel lines (side-flank tuning).
paired stimuli with specific orientation or spatial phase with W h en they performed the vernier task, responses were
iontophorecic applicacion ofexcicacory glucamace or inhibi­ modulated by Hanking aligned lines (end-flank tuning).
tory G A B A to chc visual cortex o f cats. This procedure pro­ Thus, the local neural network changed in a task-dependent
duced long-term increases or decreases in the response o f manner, even though chere was no change in chc scimulus.
cortical cells to stimuli close to the orientation or spatial In effect, the information provided by neurons in V I was
phase o f t h e conditioning stimuli. enhanced in a specific way according to chc cask.
’Ihere is conflicting evidence about whether tuning In another experiment from the same laboratory two
functions o f neurons in the primary visual cortex are monkeys were trained со dccccc an aligned sec o f line clc-
affected by training on a specific discrimination task. mencs in a random array of similar line elements (L i et al.
Schoups et al. ( 2 0 0 1 ) trained monkeys over a period o f 2 0 0 8 ) . Initially, responses o f cclls in V I to collinear lines
months со idencify che parcicular oriencacion o f a gracing. and randomly arranged lines were rhe same. After training,
This increased che slope o f che orientation tuning functions an embedded set of collinear lines induced strong responses
o f cells in V I tuned ro orientations close ro che trained o ri­ specific to chc trained retinal location.
entation. It produced no change in the preferred orienta­ Thus local neural networks in V I modifvi their June-
tion o f cells, the number o f cclls responding to the trained cional scruccure in a cask-dependenc manner. This contex-
orientation, o r response variability. cual modification is presumably directed by signals arising
G hose ct al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) trained monkeys in an orientation from higher levels in the visual syscem chac arc criggered by
discrimination task over a six-month period. Improvement attention to a specific stimulus and a specific task. These
was oriencacion specific buc only marginally locacion spe­ higher centers must store chc required modifications so chac
cific. They found no changes in oriencation tuning o f the correct modification can be applied when the animal
cells in V I o r V 2 chac could account for chc improved performs a given cask.
oriencation discrimination. It is noc clear what caused the Changes in the primary visual cortcx have been detected
difference between chcsc results and those o f Schoups cc al. after more complcx learning tasks. Visual scimuli having
Furmanski et al. ( 2 0 0 4 ) trained monkeys for one m onth behavioral relevance as a result of learning evoke stronger
со dccccc low-con erase oric need pacccrns. Training produced responses in corcical cells. Thus, abouc one-chird o t chc cclls
a 3 9 % increase in the f M R I response from V I to stimuli in in V I o f the monkey increased cheir response by abouc 2 0 %
che crained oriencacions. They suggesccd chac chere was an when che stimulus was one chac che animal had been crained
increase in the number o f cells responding со these orienta- co recognize (Haenny and Schiller 1988). A similar response
cions, which implies chac some cclls changed cheir preferred increment plus a narrowing o f orientation tuning was shown
oriencacion. by about chree-quarcers o f cells in area V4. Buc these effects
The above cxperimcncs involved successive compari­ could have been related to a change in arousal.
sons so chac chere was only one scimulus in view ac any Changes in tuning functions o f cells resulting from
cime. Pcrcepcual learning involving the relative locations learning have been found in M T and M S T (Section 5.8.4b),
for they arc activated by stimulation o f the same
single class of peripheral receptors, from almost
identical peripheral rcccptive fields, at latencies
which are n ot significantly different for the cells o f
the various layers.

(M OUNTCASTLE ! 9 $ 7 ,p .4 0 S )

The cortex develops by columnar growth from progeni­

tor cclls lining the embryonic ventricles (see Chapter 6).
This lining contains a protomap o f the prospective
cytoarchitectonic areas (Rakic 1988).

5.7.1 CO LU M N T O P O L O G Y

The cells in each small column of tissue running at right

angles to the cortical surface o f the primary visual cortex
have the same tuning to stimulus orientation, although
there is sometimes a reversal oforientation tuning at layer 4
(D o w 1991). These columns ot similarly tuned cells arc
г.*«.« s .j* C harles G ilbert; H e o b ta in ed д В .Л . from A m h erst C o lleg e in known as oriencacion colum ns. In each column there are
197 1 and a P h .D . w ith D . H u b cl and T . W iesel from H arvard
thousands o f cells with similar orientation preference. In
U niversity in 1 9 7 7 . B etw een 1 9 7 7 and 1 9 8 S he held academ ic
ap p oin tm ents at H arvard M ed ical S ch o o l. In 1 9 8 5 he m oved to the the cat and monkey, the orientation preference o f cclls
R ock efeller U n iv ersity in New York, w here he is now A rth u r and Jan et rotates smoothly through its full range of 180°, as one tra­
Ross Professor. H e w on the K rieg C o rtic a l K udos, C o rtic a l D iscoverer verses across the cortical surface through a distance o f
Prize in 1 9 9 3 and the W . A lden Sp enser Award in 2 0 0 2 . H e is a
between 0.5 and 1.0 mm. W ith in each colum n a random
m em b er o f th e N ation al A cadem y o f Scien ces.
variation in orientation tuning is superimposed on the
transition ot tuning between columns ^Hethcrington and
V 4 (Section 5.8.3a), chc inferior cemporal corccx (Scccion Swindale 1999).
5.8.3b), and the frontal lobes (Seccion 5.8.4g ). Frith and Binocular cells in each local column o f the visual cortex
Dolan (1 9 9 7 ) reviewed the brain areas responsible for have a predominant excitatory input trom one eye. They arc-
modification o f responses according to stimulus familiarity. segregated from cells in a neighboring column that have a
See Buonom ano and M crzcnich (1 9 9 8 ) for a review o f co r­ predominant input trom the other eye. Left-eyc and right-
tical plasticity, and G ilbert et al. ( 2 0 0 1 ) for a review o f t h e eye columns form alternating stripes over the surface o ft h e
neural basis o f learning (Porcraic Figure 5.39). cortex. These are known as o cu lar d o m in a n ce colum ns.
W ith in each ocular dominance column, the monocular
receptive fields ot each binocular cell have similar tuning tor
5 .7 C O L U M N A R O R G A N IZ A T IO N position, orientation, and temporal properties. Ocular
OF THE CO RTEX dominance columns are discussed in the next section.
Hubei and Wiesel (1 9 7 4 b ) favored the view that orien­
Lorente de N o ( 1 9 4 9 ) was the first person to propose that tation columns form bands orthogonal to the ocular d o m i­
chc cerebral corcex is organized inco columns. He studied nance bands. However, this ice -cu b e pattern o f columnar
patterns o f synaptic linkages anatomically and showed that organization had to be revised when it became evident that
they run predominantly vertically from layer to layer with columns containing cclls tuned to a particular orientation
fewer connections running horizontally. Sperry e ta l. (1 9 5 5 ) do not form continuous bands. Instead they are interspersed
provided the first functional evidence o f columnar organi­ with patches o f neurons (blobs) containing cclls n ot tuned
zation. He lound that vertical slicing of the visual cortex to orientation. In some regions, known as lin ear zones, iso-
produced little or no ctfccr on the ability o f cats to perform orientation contours run in parallel over distances o f
fine visual discriminations. Mountcastle ( 1 9 5 7 ) produced between 0.5 and 1 mm, and orientation preference changes
the first clcctrophysiological evidence o f columnar organi­ lincarlv wich distance across the contours. The linear zones
zation by recording from single cells in the somatosensory are interrupted by a variety o f nonlinear zones. At ridge­
area o f the cat. He wrote, shaped fractures, orientation preference changes abruptly
by less than 90°. At singularities, orientation preference
neurons which lie in narrow vertical columns, or changes by more than 90°, increasing cither with clockwise
cylinders, extending from layer II through layer IV rotation or with counterclockwise rotation around rhe
make up an elementary unit o f organization, singularity. This is the pinw hccl pattern depicted in
the same preferred spatial frequency (Berardi ct al. 1982).
Tolhurst and Thompson ( 1 9 8 2 ) found some local aggrega-
cion o f cells with similar spatial-frequency tuning but co n ­
cluded that spatial-frequency tuning is not closely tied to
either cortical layers or columns.
According to a study using optical imaging in the visual
cortex o f the cat, cclls preferring high spatial frequency
( X pathway) are segregated from those preferring low spa­
(a) Positive singularities cial frequency ( Y pachwav). Regions coding low spacial fre­
quency tended to occur in rhe cencers o f ocular dominance
columns (H iibencr ec al. 1997).
m \ \
Anochcr opcical imaging scudy on chc cac found chac
v ^ spacial-trequency domains, like orientation domains, were
organized continuously in pinwheel patterns (Everson etal.
1998). Issa et al. ( 2 0 0 0 ) produced a finer map ot spatial-
frequency domains in chc visual corcex o f che cac by co m ­

t tty
bining imaging with microeleccrode recording. They tound
a complccc and continuous represencacion o f spacial fre­

m tl
(b) N egative singularities
quency within each hypercolumn (0 .7 5 mm). The low and
high excremes o f che range tended со occur in discincc pin-
wheel singularities tor oriencacion preference. There was
Figure 5.-*o. Types o f sin gu larity fon n cd by pattern s o f lectors* no significant relacionship bccwcen low spatial-frequency
domains and ocular dominance columns. Issa ec al. argued
chac spacial-frequency excremes chac occur on chc cencers o f
Figure 5.40a. Ac saddle points, orientation preference oriencacion pinwhcels ensure chac all oriencacions are repre-
rotates clockwise in cither direction trom one axis and scnccd ac chesc rare buc imporcanc spacial frequencies. Less
counterclockwise from rhe orthogonal axis (Blasdel 1992b; cxcrcme spatial frequencies arc mapped concinuously round
Obertnayer and Blasdel 1993). chc oriencacion pinwheel.
Ic has been suggested chat a giant M c y n c r t ccll occupies Sirovich and Uglcsich ( 2 0 0 4 ) argued chat these optical
the center o feach singularity (von Seelen 19 7 0 ; Braitenberg imaging studies were subject to artifacts arising from blood
and Braitenberg 1979). Mcyncrc cclls arc solitary giant circulation. Using an improved method, chey found no evi­
pyramidal cells in layer 5 o f che visual corcex thac send richly dence tor columnar organization for spatial frequency.
branched apical dcndriccs inco cortical layers 1 and 2, and W hen chey reanalyzed the data from Everson et al. chey
other dendrites inco layers 5 and 6. These are che layers in tound thac they agreed with their own results.
which intracorcical and subcortical connections originate The preferred direction o f motion o f a cortical ccll is
(Chan-Palay e t al. 1974). Large cells resembling Meynert orthogonal со its preterred orientation. The com bined ori­
cells also occur in layer 6 o f V I and project directly to M T entation/direction preference o f a cell can thus be repre­
and to the superior colliculus (Shipp and Zeki 1989), which sented by a directed line element (a vector). Maximum
suggests that these cells are relaced to che processing ot continuity o f both orientation and direction preference
motion. would be achieved it, round each singularity, orientation
Singularities o f orientation preference (pinwheel cen ­ preference cycled twice through its 180" range o f values,
ters) tend to occur along che cencral axis o f each ocular while direction preference cycled once through its 360°
dominance column and coincide with peaks o f ocular d o m ­ range o f values. In the scheme depicted in Figure 5.40 a, ori­
inance (Crair ec al. 1997). Cycochrome oxidase blobs also entation/direction preference changes in an ordered
cend со occur along rhe same axes buc are noc coincident sequence round the ccntcr o f the singularity, so that cells
with che singularities (Barcfeld and Grinvald 1992). Linear with a particular orientation/direction prctcrence radiate
iso-orientation contours tend to be orthogonal to the out from the center to form a pinwheel pattern. C ells tuned
boundaries between adjacent ocular dominance columns to progressively higher spatial frequencies are arranged ouc
(Blasdel ec al. 1 995). Fractures, where oriencacion prcfer- from che center, and different blobs have different ch ro ­
cncc changes abrupcly by less chan 9 0 “, ccnd со be eichcr matic properties (DeValois and DeVaiois 1988).
parallel to or orthogonal со ocular dominance bands Theoretically, the pinwheel pattern is only one o f three
(Blasdel and Salama 1986). patterns that can be torined trom a vector field by con tin u ­
There has been some disagreement abouc che corcical ous deformations involving a cyclic periodicity of 360°.
representation o f spatial frequency. It has been reported Concentric and radial paccerns define posicive singularities,
that neurons in one layer o f che visual corcex o f che cac share and a hyperbolic pattern defines a negative singularicv.
as shown in Figure 5.40. Consider a stimulus vector while direction preference changes through only half its
(directed line element) moving clockwise over «1 circular 3 6 0 ° range. A second orientation singularity is required to
path round a singularity in a plane. If the orientation/direc­ cover the other h a lf o f the range o f direction preference.
tion preference ol the cells chat the vector encounters also Since direction preference does not change round an
changes clockwise then the pattern o f preference forms orientation singularity, the periodicity o f a cyclic change in
either a radial or concentric pattern, as in Figure 5.41a. orientation preference becomes 180° rather than 360°. Let a
Iso-orientation loci and loci ofstim ulus alignment coincide stimulus vector move clockwise over a circular path round a
in the radial pattern but are orthogonal in che concentric singularity and encounter cells for which oriencacion pref­
pattern. O n the other hand, a counterclockwise change in erence also changes clockwise through 180°. This generates
stimulus preference produces rhe hyperbolic pattern in the loop pattern shown in Figure 5.4 lc. The tri-radius pat­
Figure 5.41b (Penrose 1979). In this pattern, iso-orientation tern shown in Figure 5 . 4 Id is generated when the cyclic
loci coincide with loci o f stimulus alignment only along path and rhe changing orientation preference have opposite
cardinal directions. These are the only types o f singularity signs. Fingerprints, Zebra stripes, and stripes on several spe­
that allow for continuous transformations o f vectors. cies o f fish conform to this topology. If a loop is assigned a
However, we shall see that cortical patterns contain value o f +1 and a tri-radius pattern a value o l —1, a cyclic
discontinuities. path that contains one o f each type o f singularity has a
For cells tuned to a particular orientation, those tuned value ot 0. In general, the value o f any circular path over
to motion in one direction are spatially segregated from the plane is the algebraic sum o f the values o f the singulari­
those tuned to motion in the opposite direction (BonhoeHer ties contained within the cyclic path. In both the loop and
and Grinvald 1993). Thus, orientation preference cycles tri-radius patterns all the iso-orientation loci are radial,
through its 180° range only once round each singularity. but the stimulus-alignment loci are radial only at certain
Radial, concentric, and hyperbolic patterns, together
with linear grids, form the family o f differencial operators
(orbits) o l Lie groups (Section 3.7.1). Recordings trom
single cells distributed in a grid over the ca ts visual cortcx
have revealed a cyclic organization o f orientation prefer­
ence (Swindalc ct al. 1 9 8 7 ; D ow 1991). Cyclic patterns o f
orientation-selectivity have been revealed more directly by
the optical imaging ot lighc reflected trom the cortical sur­
face (T so et al. 1 990). Blasdel ( 1 9 9 2 b ) used optical imaging
(a) Positive singularities, 3 6 0 J rotation period
to reveal both loop and tri-radius patterns ot orientation
preference in V I o f the monkey.
Regions o f the visual cortex responding to a grating pre­
sented in a particular orientation have higher absorption o f
red light because ot the presence o f deoxyhemoglobin.
(b) N egative singularity Bonhoetfer and Grinvald ( 1 9 9 3 ) used this procedure to
3 6 0 ' period
produce detailed maps o f orientation preference in area 18
o f the cat. VCeliky et al. ( 1 9 9 6 ) , also, used optical imaging
and confirmed that orientation preference cycles once
round each singularity with a 180° discontinuity in direc­
tion preference, and that two singularities are required to
cover the full range o f direction preference.
Thus, iso-orientation domains are subdivided into
patches selective for motion in opposite directions. There is
some tendency for orientation singularities to occur in pairs
with opposite signs and to be connected by iso-orientation
bands running at right angles со che boundary between
the two ocular dominance columns that contain them
(c) Positive singularity (d) N egative singularity (Blasdel and Salama 1986; Bartfeld and Grinvald 1992).
180 period 180' period C onn ection s between orientation singularities o f t h e same
sign form saddle points. Figure 5 .4 2 shows loci o f iso-
r.*ort 5 .41 . The topology o jco rtica l columns. L ines rep resent loci o f icccp tiv c-
oriencation preference superimposed on ocular dominance
ficld align m en t. D o tte d lines represent loci o fc iju a l orien tation
preference. Bars w ith an arrow represent o rien ta tio n and d irection columns derived from optical imaging (Obermayer and
preferences. Blasdel 1993).
i-.fiurc5.i2. C ortical colum ns ofm on key /7 . Iso -o rien tatio n lines (gray) arc
draw n at in tervals o f 1 1 .2 5 ’ . Black lines arc b ord ers o t ocu lar
d om inan ce bands. (F rom O b erm ay cr and Blasd cl, C o p y rig h t 1 9 9 л by
chc S o c ic tv o f N eu ro scien cc)

It had been generally believed that cells at the center o f

orientation singularities at pinwhccl centers arc not tuned Figure N icholas S im u late. B o rn in E dinburgh in 195 1. Me ob tain ed a

to orientation. However, detailed single-cell recording near В .Л . in natural scicn ccs a t C am brid ge in 1 9 7 2 and a P h .D . w ith P.
B en jam in in n cu ro b io lo g y a t Sussex U n iv ersity in 1 9 7 6 . H e did
the singularities revealed that they contain many cells
p o std o cto ral w ork w ith C . Blakcm ore and H . Barlow a t the
sharply tuned to orientation (M aldonado ct al. 1997). The Physiological L ab oratory, C am b rid g e. H e was assistant professor in the
apparent lack ot orientation tuning arises when responses D ep artm en t o f P sychology and Physiology ac D alh o u sic U niversity
arc averaged over the singularity. O h k i ct al. (2 0 0 6 ) used a from 1 9 8 4 to 1 9 8 8 . C urrently, he is professor in the D ep artm en t o t
O p h th a lm o lo g y a t the U n iv ersity o f B ritish C o lu m b ia , C anad a.
calcium-sensitive fluorescent dye to reveal the simultaneous
activity o f many cclls in pinwhccls in the visual cortex o f
cats (see Section 5.5.4d ). Many neurons selective to partic­
ular orientations were clearly present even near the pin- type and opposite interactions between cells of the oppo-
wheel centers, although their responses were weaker and site type (see also Linsker 1986). In a development o f t h e
more broadly tuned than those o f cclls away from the ccntcr. model, orientation singularities tended to becom e centered
A more recent study has revealed that cells in regions where in ocular dominance columns it, during development, plas­
orientation preference changes slowly arc more finely tuned ticity o f selective tuning is turned off first within ocular
to orientation than are cells in regions where orientation dominance columns (Swindale 1 992). A neural network
preference changcs rapidly, as in the pinwhccl centers model o f the cyclic organization o f orientation tuning in
(Nauhaus et al. 2 0 0 8 ). the visual cortex has been described by C osta ( 1 9 9 4 ).
Toward the end o f his life, Alan Turing ( 1 9 5 2 ), the p io ­ McLaughlin et al. (2 0 0 0 ) developed a neural network
neer o f computer science, became interested in biological model o f orientation tuning based on both the anatomy
form. He demonstrated theoretically that diffusion o fa c ti- and the feedforward and feedback responses ofcells in layer
vator and inhibitor chemical morphogens over idealized 4 Cot o f macaque V I . They predicted that cells near pin-
cclls in a growing organism results in a variety o f static or wheel centers would be more sharply tuned to orientation
oscillatory patterns. The type o f pattern depends on the than cells away from the center. However, Maldonada et al.
relative rates o f diffusion and the reactivity o f t h e m orpho­ failed to find such a difference in tuning. K an g er al. ( 2 0 0 3 )
gens (sec also P enget al. 2 0 0 0 ). These T u rin g p attern s have produced a model that predicts homogeneous tuning
been demonstrated in an actual medium and resemble the functions.
columnar and blob-interblob patterns o f the visual cortex The topological complexity ot V I arises because its two-
(Kapral and ShoWalter 1995). It has been shown that inter­ dimensional surface maps multiple values o f each o f several
actions between morphogens and their inhibitors can features. The mapping could be achieved by a selt-organizing
account tor feather patterns in birds and hair-follicle pat­ system that reconciles the following requirements (Kohonen
terns in m icc (see Maini et al. 2 0 0 6 ) . 2001 ).
Swindale ( 1 9 8 0 ,1 9 8 2 ) (Portrait Figure 5.43) developed
a model o fth e development o f cortical columns. The model 1. Complete regions Cells coding a complete range o f
is based on short facilitator у and long inhibitory neural or stimulus features should be packed efficiently in each
chemical interactions between cortical cclls o f the same cortical region.
2. Continuousfeatu re representation The full range o f Left-eye columns alternate wich righc-cyc columns. The pro­
values ot each feature should be represented jections of the ocular dominance columns on rhe corcical
continuously in cach cortical region. surface arc known as ocular dominance scripes.

3. Sim ilarity o f neighboring cells W ith in each feature

system, cclls with similar stimulus preferences should be 5 .7 .2 a M a p p in g O c u l a r D o m i n a n c e C o lu m n s
neighbors so as to economize on connections and
O cu lar dominance columns were firsc revealed by recording
facilitate the formation o f receptive fields of cells higher
from single corcical cells discribuced over che corcical sur­
in the visual system.
face (Hubei and W iesel 1959). Colum ns were then revealed
4. Feature separability Maps o f different features over the anatomically in the monkey by che Nauca method, which
cortex should be separable. For example, che mapping involves tracing areas o f cell degeneration in che corcex p ro­
of orientation preference is distinct from the mapping duced by selective destruction o f L G N cells arising from a
o f ocular dominance. See Yu et al. ( 2 0 0 5 ) for a given eye (Hubei and Wiesel 1 9 6 9 ), and by silver staining
discussion o f this issue. (L e V ay etal. 1 975).
Grafstein and Laureno ( 1 9 7 3 ) showed that a mixture of
'Flic sizes and shapes o f oriencacion columns are highly
tritiated proline and fructose injected into che eye o f a
variable among cacs, although gcnccicaliy rclaccd animals
mouse travels up che axons o f che optic nerve through relay
show some similarity in column scruccure (Kaschube ec al.
cclls in the L G N and becomes concentrated in cells in layer
2002 ).
4 of the contralateral visual cortex. The resulting patterns of
C ortical copology is noc immutable. Electrical stimula­
radioactivity in chin sections o f corcical cissue can be
tion of a ccll in the visual cortex o f adult cats over a period
recorded on film to produce autoradiographs.
o f several hours induced changes in che oriencacion tuning
Wiesel e t al. ( 1 9 7 4 ) used che autoradiograph procedure
o f cclls over a region extending several millimeters (Goddc
to reveal the ocular dominance columns in the macaque
ec al. 2 0 0 2 ). Single-cell recording revealed chac che preferred
oriencacion o f neighboring cells was shifted toward chac o f
In a related procedure, deoxyglucose labeled with
chc stimulated cell. O ptical imaging o f chc cortical surfacc
carbon 14 is injected inco an animal, which is then exposed
revealed extensive restructuring o f the pattern o f orienta­
со scimuli presenced to one eye for an hour or more (Sokoloff
cion selectivity in thac neighborhood.
ec al. 1977). Cells taking up radioactive tracer in the hem i­
The copology o f ocular dominance columns is discussed
sphere contralateral to che injecced eye are chose chac nor­
in th eS cccio n 5.7.2c. For compuccr models o f chc copology
mally receive a scrong excitatory inpuc trom chac eye. Since
o f che visual corcex see Tanaka ( 1 9 9 1 ) , Erwin ec al. ( 1 9 9 5 ),
cells wich balanced ocular dominance also receive excicacory
Swindalc ( 1 9 9 6 ) , and Grabska-Barwinska and Malsburg
inputs from the ipsilaceral eye, che dark bands produced
(2 0 0 8 ).
by injection o f one eye must overlap those produced by
injection ot the ocher eye.
5 . 7 .2 O C U L A R D O M IN A N C E C O L U M N S
The separate autoradiographs from successive slices o f
Hubei and Wiesel ( 1 9 5 9 ) , working with che cac, provided the visual corcex can be combined by compucer rcconscruc-
the firsc evidence o f convergence o f inpucs from che cwo cion inco a complete pattern o f columns. Using data on che
eyes o n to cells in che visual corcex. In che macaque monkey, topography ot the visual cortex, the pattern ot ocular dom i­
they reported chac cach local group of cells in layer 4 C nance columns can be transposed onto a 3-D map o f the
receives excitatory inputs from only one eye (Hubei and visual cortex, as shown in Figure 5-44.
Wiesel 1 968). More recent evidence from alerc monkeys
suggests chac many cells in layer 4 C receive inpucs from
boch eves, racher chan from only o n e (Snoddcrly and Gur
1995). Ipsilaceral inpucs may derive from pyramidal cells in
layer 6 (W iser and Callaway 1997).
Signals are relayed from layer 4 C со cells in ocher layers
in che same vertical column o f corcical cissue. Mosc o f chese
cclls also receive inpucs from chc ocher eye from cclls in layer
4 C in a neighboring column (Hubei and Wiesel 1962).
Alchough binocular cclls in cach local column o f chc visual
corcex receive inpucs from boch eyes chey receive an excic-
acory input predominantly from one eye. The cclls arc said
to have ocular dominance. Cells with similar ocular dom i­
O cular dom in an ce ban ds o fm o n k ey visu al cortex. Pattern derived
nance form bands o f tissue running through the thickness o f from a series o f au toradiograp hs and transposed o n to a 3 - D m ap o f die
che corcex. These are known as ocular dom inance columns. v i s u a l C O r C e X . (From U V i y c t Д Cnpyngh* by i t * S o n n y o f N r tirnifiow c)
slides o f the visual cortex stained for natural produces o f
neural activity induced by the open eye. These products
include cytochrom e oxidase (Florence and Kaas 1992;
Tigges et al. 1 9 9 2 ; DeYoe et al. 1 995), G A B A (Hendry
ct al. 1 994), protein kinase (H endry and Kennedy 1986),
and m R N A transcription molecules thac regulace gene
expression (Chaudhuri ec al. 1995).
The development o f ocular dominance columns is dis­
cussed in Section 6.7.

5 . 7 .2 b P ro p erties o f O c u l a r D o m i n a n c e C o lu m n s

In the cat’s visual cortex, in a region corresponding to a strip

extending 12" on eicher side o f t h e vertical midline, abouc
Figure 5*45. P hotograph o f o ttd a r dofu in an ce bands. T aken from chc visual
c o rtc x o t a living m onkey. D ark bands arc d om in ated by the left eve. 9 0% of complex cells and 7 0 % of simple cells are binocular.
The bou n d ary betw een V 1 and V 2 is across chc cop o t chc picturc. O nly layers 4 and 6, which receive direcc inpucs from the
O cu la r d o m in a n ce bands d o n o t cross th is boundary. <FmmT.W al. i w , L G N , contain appreciable numbers of monocular cells.
R cp n atcd with pctitmwon from A A A S)
Beyond 12°оп eitherside o fth e midline,contralateral inputs
gradually become more numerous than ipsilateral inputs.
Finally, in the monocular crescent, all cells receive their inpuc
In another method, dves sensitive to voltage changes only from the contralateral eye (Berman et al. 1982).
associated wich neural impulses are infused into the cortex Each binocular ccll has two receptive fields, one in each
o f an alert animal. O n e eve
j is stimulated,7 and the ocular eye, with similar oculocentric positions. The two receptive
dominance columns are revealed by scanning the cortical fields are similar in cheir tuning to orientation and spatial
surface with a video recorder (Blasdel 1992a). Neural activ­ frequency, and many have similar tuning to temporal fre­
ity causes slighc changes in the reflectivity o f the cortical quency and direction-of-m otion. They also have the same
surface even without the use of dyes. These changes in co rti­ length-summation, end-scopping, and simple or complex
cal reflectivity can also be photographed. Figure 5.45 shows characceriscics (Hubei and Wiesel 19 6 2 ; 1968; Maskc ec al.
an example ot an in vivo photograph ot ocular dominance 1984; Skoccun and Freeman 1984; Hammond and
columns in monkey V I that were obtained in this way by Fothcrgill 1991). The orientation preferences ot monocular
T so e ta l. (1 9 9 0 ). cells are distributed isotropically, while those o f binocular
O cular dom inance columns have been revealed in post­ cells, especially in the central retina, tend со clusccr abouc
mortem sections o f the human visual cortex (H itch cock horizontal and vertical meridians (Payne and Berman 1983).
and Hickey 1980). They have also been revealed by staining Binocular cells that respond to excitatory inputs trom
for cytochrom e oxidase o f V I taken from the cadavers o f eicher eye do so wich similar short latency. This suggests
humans who had been blind in one eye. The columns arc chat they receive direct inputs from cells in layer 4 serving
about 1 mm wide, running at right angles to the 1 7 - 1 8 che ipsilaceral and concralaceral eyes, racher chan a direcc
border (Horcon and Hedlcy-Whice 19 8 4 ; Horcon ct al. input trom one eye and an indirect input trom the other
1 990). M ore recently, che complece pattern o f columns has (Ito et al. 1977). Also, the complete pattern o f synaptic
been revealed by cytochrome-oxidase staining flat-mounted inputs from the two eyes, involving monosynaptic excit­
specimens o f the whole o f V I from six monocular humans atory inputs and polysynaptic excitatory and inhibitory
(Adams et al. 2 0 0 7 ) . Colum ns had a mean width o f inputs, are the same (Ferster 1990). The issue ot differential
8 6 3 fJm. The number o f column pairs varied between response latencies is discussed further in Chapter 23.
7 8 and 126, and the column patterns were highly variable. This fundamental similarityф of the two monocular
Cytochrome-oxidase patches were centered on ocular receptive fields feeding inco a binocular ccll allows chc
dominance columns in layer 4 C except in one specimen in visual syscem со match the images in che cwo eyes. This is a
which patches and columns were noc aligned. Squirrel prcrcquisicc for chc crcacion o f a unified binocular field.
monkeys show the same lack of correlation between cvto- Nevercheless, differences becween che receptive fields of
chromc'oxidasc patches and ocular dominance columns binocular cclls do occur. The com ponent monocular rcccp-
(Section 5 . 7 . 2 f ). cive fields o f simple cells in each corcical column o f the cac
O cu lar dom inance columns have also been revealed the visual corcex have spacial phases chac vary bccween 9 0 and
f M R I from the human corcex (M e n o n e ca l. 1997; Grinvald 180° (Pollen 1981; DeAngelis ec al. 1 999). This could allow
e ta l. 2 0 0 0 ; C heng e t al. 2 0 0 1 ). for econom y of linkages becween cells in phase quadracure,
O cu lar dominance columns may also be mapped by as described in Seccion 4.4.1c. Ic could also allow for che
suturing or removing one eve and, some days later, preparing formacion ot complex cells wich responses indcpendcnc o f
stimulus position within the receptive field, and for noise tendency o f bands to run across the elliptical visual cortcx
reduction. W e will see in Chapter 11 that differences in spa­ at right angles to the 17/18 border. LeVay ct al. ( 1 9 8 5 )
tial position o r phase o f the receptive fields o f binocular found this tendency to be stronger in the monkey than in
cells form the basis for detecting binocular disparity and for the cat. They argued that this is the simplest way to co m ­
stereopsis.The region o f visual cortex containing a full 180" bine circular monocular retinotopic maps o n to an elliptical
cycle o f orientation preferences has roughly the same width surface. Also, it minimizes anisotropy o f the magnification
as an ocular dominance column. Regions containing a factor across and along bands. Anderson et al. (1 9 8 8 ) found
full set o f orientation-tuned cells for each eye are called only a weak tendency for the bands in area 17 to run at right
hypercolumns. In the monkey, hypercolumns have a angles to the 17/18 border in the cat, although this ten ­
diameter o f 0.5 to 1.0 mm at eccentricities up to at least 15 й. dency was more pronounced in area 18. They pointed out
There is a surprising degree o f variability between m em ­ that L G N layers and the striate cortex have similar oval
bers o f t h e same species. For example, one macaque monkey shapes, so that the cortical axis is n ot elongated along any
had 101 pairs o f ocular dom inance columns along the VI/ axis by intcrdigitating L G N inputs.
V 2 border, while another monkey had 154 pairs. Also, Jones ct al. ( 1 9 9 1 ) developed a computational model
mean column width varied between 3 9 5 and 6 7 0 jUm based on these differences between monkeys and cats,
(H orton and Hocking 1996a). Each hvpercolumncontains which accurately predicts the different ocular-dominance
all the cell types required for coding the full range o f visual patterns in the two species. Similar models were developed
features in the area o f t h e visual field from which it derives by G oodhill and W illshaw ( 1 9 9 0 ) and by Bauer (1 9 9 5 ).
its inputs (Hubei and W iesel 1974a). Neighboring hvper- Chklovskii ( 2 0 0 0 ) argued that the theory that the
columns receive inputs from overlapping retinal regions, topology o f ocular dom inance bands is designed to m ini­
and each hypercolumn is fed by the same number o f gan­ mize cortical stretching does n o t explain the different ori­
glion cells. Excitatory and inhibitory dendritic connections entation o f bands in the parafoveal region. They proposed
extend over several columns (see Section 5.5.6). that, in each part o f the visual field, ocular dominance bands
arc parallel to the direction o f the most frequently occur­
ring binocular disparity. They argued that, in the foveal
5 . 7 . 2 c T o p o lo g y o f O c u l a r D o m i n a n c e C o lu m n s
region, disparities are predominantly horizontal while, in
In the c a ts visual cortex, columns with left-cye ocular dom ­ the periphery, they tend to follow isoeccentricity lines.
inance form a series ot isolated patches and shore parallel This arrangement minimizes the lengths o f connections
bands interspersed with similar patches and bands with between cells that register disparate images, as illustrated in
right-cye dominance. The bands often bifurcate or end in Figure 5.46.
blind endings (Lowel et al. 1988). They run mainly perpen­
dicular to the border between areas 17 and 18 (Lowel and
5 .7 .2 d O c u l a r D o m i n a n c e S c a lc
Singer 1987) and extend through all rhe layers o f the visual
cortex (Tootell et al. 1988c). In the cat, the bands in area 17 Hubei and W iesel ( 1 9 6 2 ) introduced a seven-group o cu la r
cluster about 0.4 mm in width but can be up to 0.55 mm in d o m in a n ce scalc. Cells in group 1 respond only ro inputs
both the central and peripheral visual field (Lowel 1994; from the contralateral eye, and those in group 7 respond
T iem an and Tumosa 1 997). The bands are wider in area 18 only to inputs from the ipsilateral eye. The eye nor evoking
(Shatz et al. 1977; Anderson et al. 1988). In V I o f the a response in a given cell is known as the silent eye. ( ’ ells in
macaque monkey the ocular dom inance bands for the co n ­ group 4 respond equally well to inputs from either eye, and
tralateral eye were found to be about 0 .4 7 mm wide. Those cells in the other groups have a corresponding degree ot
for the ipsilateral eye were about 10% narrower (Tychscn ocular dominance. In the monkey, 7 2 % o f cclls in V I fall
and Burkhaltcr 1997). into groups 2 to 6 (Schiller et al. 1976). The way cells are
In each half o f the visual cortex, the whole binocular classified in a particular animal depends on the method
contralateral hemifield is retinotopically mapped onto the used to categorize the responses. For a given m ethod, it has
ocular dominance bands o f the left eye, and again o n to the been found to be stable over a period o f 8 hours (M acy et al.
ocular dominance bands o f the right eye. A long bands, this 1 982).
representation is approximately continuous, although it The scale o f ocular dominance is based onlv on the
varies as a function o f changes in orientation preference excitatory effects o f stimulation from each eye separately. It
(Das and G ilbert 1997). Across ocular dominance bands, takes no account o f inhibitory connections o r ot the few
there is an alternation between left- and right-eye bands. cells that respond only ro binocular stimuli (Griisser and
For details o f how these interrupted retinotopic representa­ Griisser-Cornehls 1965). The classification ot cortical cells
tions are organized see Hubei and Wiesel (1 9 7 7 ). into ocular dom inance columns is further complicated by
To some extent, ocular dominance bands follow isoec­ the fact chat the ocular dominance o f some complex cells
centricity lines. However, LeVay and Voigt ( 1 9 8 8 ) claimed varies over time and depends on the spatial frequency and
that the band pattern in the cat is determined mainly by a velocity o f the stimulus ( Hammond 1979, 1 981).
Left retina strong dom inance arc probably those chat codc large
The effect produced by stimulation o f the silent eye may
be inhibitory and thus reduce the response evoked by stim­
ulation o f the dom inant eye. O n the other hand, it may
involve subthreshold facilitation and lower the threshold o f
response to stimulation o f the dom inant eye (Griisscr and
Griisser-Cornehls 19 6 5 ; Henry et al. 1 9 6 9 ; Bishop et al.
1 9 7 1 ; Poggio and Fischer 1977; K a to e t al. 1981).
Since all direct visual inputs to cortical cells in layers 4 C
and 4 A are believed to be excitatory, one must conclude
that che suppressive effects produced by stimulation o f che
silent eye involve lateral connections (Section 5-5.6).
Application o f bicucullinc (a G A B A antagonist) to the sur­
face ot the ca ts visual cortex caused cells that were strongly
or exclusively driven by one eye to becom e responsive to
both eyes (Sillito et al. 1980b).
Hammond and Kim ( 1 9 9 6 ) found that, for binocular
complex cells in the visual cortex ot the cat, the suppressive
effect o f stimulating the nondom inant eye on the response
to stimulation ot the dom inant eve
varied with the relative
orientations and d irec tio n so f motion o fd ich o p tic stimulus
gratings. Som e cells showed interactive effects when paral­
lel gratings moved in opposite directions, others showed
effects when orthogonal gratings moved in orthogonal
directions, others when the gratings moved in either o f
these two ways, and still others when the moving gratings
В had different but similar orientations. A final group showed
no suppression or only variable suppression. These inhibi­
(■■sure5 .46 . O rien tation o fo cu la r dom in an ce bands. I he distan ce betw een
tory connections could be involved in binocular rivalry that
p o in ts in V I will be greater i f o cu la r d o m in an ce stripes arc orth og on al
to the d ire ctio n o t a disparity, as in (A ), than i f they arc aligned w ith the occurs between distinct images in the two eyes.
d ire ctio n o f the disparity, as in (B ). ( A d .p it J iV »» ck U v m L h 1000 )

5 . 7 . 2 f O c u l a r D o m i n a n c e in N ew W o rld M o n k e y s

Several lines ot' evidence show thac cclls in the centers Primates evolved at least 6 0 million years ago. There are two
o f ocular dominance columns have strong monocular suborders. The first— the prosimians— includes tarsiers,
dominance, while cclls in intermediate positions receive lemurs, lorises, and galagos. The other suborder— the
excitatory inputs from both eyes. Thus, radioactive tracer anthropoids— includes New World monkeys. O ld World
injected into one eye migrates to the centers o f ocular dom ­ monkeys, and hom inoids (great apes and humans). The
inance columns for chat eye (H o rto n and Hocking 1996c). New World monkeys (Platyrrhines) separated from the
Also, monocular enucleation causes loss o l cytochrome Old W orld monkeys (Catarrhines) about 3 0 million years
oxide activity in che centers o f ocular dom inance columns ago(Fleaglc 1988).
lor that eye (H o rto n and H ocking 1998b). O cular dom inance columns have been found in all O ld
World monkeys and hominoids that have been studied
(Hendrickson e t al. 1978; Tigges and Tigges 1979; Sengpiel
5 . 7 . 2 c D i c h o p t i c In te ra c t io n s
et al. 1996). They have also been found in at least one pros­
The ocular dominance scale takes no account o f the imian species, the bushbaby ( Galago ) (Glendenning ct al.
fact that almost all cells in groups 1 and 7 lying within 1976). New World monkeys have eye-specific laminae in
the binocular field, and classified as exclusively monocular the L G N , although the parvocellular laminae are n ot as
by Hubei and Wiesel’s criterion, are affected by the simulta­ well defined as in O ld World monkeys (H endrickson e t al.
neous stimulation ot the corresponding region in the 1978). However, as we shall now see, n ot all New World
silent eye. In fact, cells with scrong ocular dominance monkeys have well-defined cortical ocular dominance
show evidence o f scronger binocular interactions o f columns.
this type than do cells classified as having a balanced The New W orld spider monkey [Ateles atcr) has
binocular input (Gardner and Raiten 1986). Cells with anatomically distinct ocular dom inance columns in V I ,
as revealed by autoradiography. They arc especially evident found in cortical layer 4 C o f squirrel monkeys lacking
in layer 4 B , and there is a good deal o f overlap between ocular dominance columns (Adams and H orton 2 0 0 6 a ).
them (Florence ct al. 1986). M ost cells outside layer 4 C were found со be binocular and
The New World capuchin monkey (Cebus ape I I a) has responded selectively to disparity, but few o f chcm showed
eye-specific L G N layers. Singlc-unit recording revealed that chc scrong ocular dom inance evidenc in Old World m o n ­
most cells in the V I are binocular with a preference lor one keys (Livingstone et al. 1995). Thus, ocular dominance col­
or the other eye. Staining tor cytochrom e oxidase revealed umns are not required for the occurrence o f monocular
ocular dominance columns in che V I (Rosa et al. 1992). cells in layer 4 G or for stereopsis. It seems chac squirrel
Staining applied 8 monchs after removal ot one eye also monkcvs
/ also lack cortical columns that selectively
i code
revealed ocular dominance columns (Hess and Edwards oriencacion, even chough che monkeys dececc scimulus
1987). oriencation (Van Hooscr et al. 2 0 0 5 ).
Squirrel monkeys {Saim iri scittreus) have excellent Squirrel monkeys reared with one eye removed, showed
stereoscopic vision (Livingstone et al. 1 9 95 ) (Porcrait no evidence ot ocular dominance columns (Hendrickson
Figure 5 .4 7 ). However, early studies reported chac chey have and Tigges 1 985). Two o f four squirrel monkeys made
only tainc ocular dominance columns (Humphrey and strabismic at an early age showed some evidence ot ocular
Hendrickson 1983; Tigges ec al. 1984). M ore recently, dominance columns in layer 4C/3 o f V I (Livingstone
staining tor cytochrom e oxidase after monocular enucle­ 1 996). However, Adams and H orton ( 2 0 0 6 b ) poinced ouc
ation revealed that some squirrel monkeys had clear and that since many normal squirrel monkeys show ocular dom ­
sharply segregated columns while others had very faint col­ inance columns it is difficult to prove that strabismus has
umns. S o m e monkeys showed columns in only one region any effect.

ot V I . O n ly four out ot a group o f 12 monkeys showed The New World owl monkey (Aofes) shows only taint
clear columns (Adams and Horton 2 0 0 3 ). In a scudy involv­ ocular dominance columns (Kaas cc al. 1976; Hendrickson
ing finer anatomical resolucion, ocular dominance columns cc al. 1978). However, ocular dom inance columns may be
were observed in chc squirrel monkey, buc chey were only obscured by noise in autoradiography.
abouc 225 ,Llm wide, che narrowest found in any animal. Adult New World marmosecs [Callithrixjacchus) show
They were organized in a fractured, irregular mosaic and no evidence o fo cu lar dom inance columns wich autoradiog-
did not correspond with the discribucion o f cycochrome raphy. O cular dom inance pacches evidenc in 3-m onth-old
oxidase blobs, as chey do in other animals (H orcon and marmosets disappear during the first year. These patches are
Hocking 1996b). Nevercheless, many monocular cells were retained in adult animals reared with one eye occluded
(D cBruyn and Casagrande 1981; Spatz 1989; Sengpiel
et al. 1996). Ic is noc known whecher ocher New World
monkeys show chis early loss ot ocular dominance patches.
It seems unlikely that genes for ocular dominance co l­
umns evolved separately in New and O ld World monkeys.
The emergence o f columns after monocular occlusion in
New World monkeys suggests that the mechanism tor their
formation is present, even chough they are noc evidenc in
the normal adult. Epigenetic factors such as the area ot V I
and chc degree o f convergence o f visual atferencs may
account for variability among New World monkeys. The
size o f the cortex and che separacion o f che eyes arc larger in
larger animals, and ocular dominance columns seem со be
confined со chc larger species o f New World monkeys. The
squirrel monkey and che owl monkey have stereoscopic
vision. Thus, well-defined ocular dom inance columns arc
noc required tor stereopsis.

5 .8 O T H E R V IS U A L A R E A S

5 .8 .1 IN T R O D U C T IO N
i.Smt 5.->* M argaret Livingstone. S h e graduated from M I T in 1 9 7 2 and
Axons leaving the primary visual corccx emerge from pyra­
o b ta in ed a I’ li.D . trom H arvard M cd ica l S ch o o l in 1 9 7 9 . She
con d u cted p o std o cto ral w ork a t I’ rin ccto n and th e n w ith D avid H ubei midal cells in layers above and below layer 4. Axons from
at H arvard. She has rem ained at H arvard M cd ical S ch o o l. layers 2 and 3 project retinotopically со cxtrastriate areas.
Figure$•**£• C h ar!n G. Grots. H e o b ta in ed an Л .В . in b iology from
H arvard U n iv ersity in 1 9 5 7 an d a P h .D . in psychology from
C am brid ge U n iv ersity w ith L arry W eiskrantz in 1 9 6 1 . B etw een 1961 lijere s.4*. M ain visual areas in the hum an cereb ral cortex. I he dorsal stream
and 1 9 6 5 he was p o std o cto ra l fellow and assistant professor at M I T . goes from V I and V 2 throu gh V 3 to M T ( V 5 ) an d M S T and on to the
A fter tw o years a t H arvard U n iv ersity he m oved to P rin ceto n parietal lo be. Ih c %cntral stream goes from V I and V 2 to V 4 and the
U niversity, w here he in now professor o f psychology. H e is л m em ber o f in fero tem p oral co rtcx .
the N atio n al A cadem y o f Scien ces and was awarded the A m erican
Psychological A ssociation D istin g u ish ed Scien tific C o n trib u tio n Award
in 2 0 0 5 . Many cells in all extrastriate visual areas arc binocular (Zeki
1979). Figure 5 .49 depicts the layout o f visual areas.
There is some uncertainty about the criteria for defining
'Hie visual corcex also sends incracorcical fibers to visual dilferent visual areas. Zeki ( 2 0 0 3 ) proposed that a visual
areas in che interior Cemporal corcex, che pariecal lobe, che area should have a more or less complete map o f the contral­
frontal lobe, and со several subcorcical nuclei (Gross 1973) ateral visual field and a distinct set of anatomical co n nec­
(Porcraic Figure 5.48). tions and functional properties. Some, but not all, areas
Visual areas around che scriace corcex are known as che have a distinctive cytoarchitecture.
extrastriate co rtex, or prescriate corcex, although these In cars, both areas 17 and 18 receive inputs from the
cerms do n ot seem to have precise definitions. In primates, L G N . In primates, V I receives almost all the direct visual
the extrastriate cortex includes V 2 , V 3 , V 3 A , and V 4 in the inputs from the main laminae o f the I.G N . Area V 2 receives
occipital lobe. It also includes the middle temporal area inputs from interlaminar layers only, either directly or
( M T ) , the medial superior temporal area ( M S T ) , the ven­ chrough che superior colliculus (Bullier ec al. 1994). Areas
tral posterior area (V P ), the ventral occipitotemporal area V 4, and M T in primates receive some inpucs from boch che
( V O P ), and the ventral interparietal area ( V I P ) (Zeki 1974; main laminae and chc interlaminar layers o f the I.G N
W ong-Riley 1 9 7 9 b ; Maunscll and Van Essen 1983a). (Bullier and Kennedy 1983).
Thirty-two distinct visual areas have been revealed in M ost visual ccntcrs, along with other parts o f the n eo ­
the brain ot the monkey, with over 3 0 0 pathways co n n ect­ cortex, are reciprocally connected to several subcortical
ing them (Felleman and Van Essen 1991; Van Essen et al. areas (see Section 5.5.4b).
1 992). Together they occupy about 6 0 % ot the monkey The striate cortex ( V I ) in each cerebral hemisphere
neocortex. No doubt other visual areas remain to be contains a fine and well-ordered representation of the whole
discovered. contralateral visual hemifield. The visual hemificld is repre­
The retina is clearly mapped retinotopically in V I and sented in a much less orderly fashion in each extrastriate
V 2. Using t M R I recording, Gardner e t al. ( 2 0 0 8 ) found visual area. The representation is coarser in extrastriate areas
that all 12 visual areas in the human occipital cortex, includ­ because the receptive fields are larger and there arc topo­
ing M T , code stimuli retinotopically. At some higher level, graphic discontinuities in the mapping from one visual area
stimuli must becoded in a headcentric or bodvcentric frame to another. It seems that patterns ot discontinuities vary
o f reference for judging the directions ot objects and tor between differenc individuals o f t h e same spccics (see Rosa
controlling arm movements (Section 3 4 .3 ). and Tweedale 2 0 0 4 ) . In some visual areas, parts o f the visual
At least ten visual areas have been identified in che pari­ field arc exaggerated relative to cheir representation in V I
etal lobe. These areas occupy most or all o f Brodmann’s and other parts are diminished or absent.
area 7. The inferior temporal cortex also contains many The cells within the boundaries becween one visual area
visual areas (Gross 1973). The frontal lobe contains the and another— for example, between V I and V 2 — have
frontal eye fields and other areas related to visual functions. receptive fields along either the vertical or horizontal
occurs when chc outputs o f one area are processed in dis­
tinct ways. Hierarchical processing occurs when processing
carried o ut in a given area depends on information supplied
by another area. Beyond V I , visual areas become smaller
and the receptive fields o f cclls become larger and more
specialized. Also, beyond V I , the relationship between
response frequency and stimulus contrast bccom cs scccpcr
so chat cells have narrower dynamic ranges and act more
like on-oH switches (Sclar ec al. 1 990). This suggests that
the information processed at each stage o f a hierarchy is
available trom that scage buc is noc carried in detail to higher
stages (Lennie 1998). Each higher stage takes only that
information from the preceding stage that it requires for
the processing it performs.
Thus, each hierarchical stage provides a different level ot
information, and information from each stage is available
when needed. It higher centers are lost, we may not be able to
recognize things but weean still perceive the detailed structure
Iigiif. s.w. A lan Con ey. B o rn in Sunderland, England. H e obtain ed a
o f the visual world and perform basic tasks such as stimulus
degree in natural sciences and a P h .D . at Em m anuel C olleg e, C am bridge.
A fter a year at the M edical S ch o o l o f R och ester University, he returned to detection and discrimination o f simple features. Thus, percep­
C am brid ge as a lecturer in the D epartm ent of Experim ental Psychology. tion is not the end product ot a hierarchical process. Rather,
A fter a further year as a V isitin g Fulbright Fellow at Harvard University, different types o f perceiving arc possible from the outputs o f
be w ent to L in coln C o lleg e, O x fo rd , as a Royal S o cicty research fellow
each stage ot processing trom V I to che highesc levels.
and a N uffield senior research fellow. H e becam e reader in experim ental
psychology a t O xford in 1 9 7 3 and ad h om in cm professor o f physiological As one proceeds со higher visual cencers ic becomes
psychology in 1 9 8 1 . From 1991) to 1 9 9 6 he was d irecto r o f the M R C more difficult tor an investigator to determine what pro­
Interdisciplinary Research C en tre for Brain and Behaviour. In 1 9 9 " he cesses arc occurring. Important differences between one
becam e a M edical Research C ou n cil research professor. H e has been
visual area and another may not be revealed by the tuning
president o f the European Brain and Behaviour S o cicty and the U K
Experim ental Psychology Society. H e is a fellow of the Royal Socicty. characteristics o f single cclls but only bv properties o f larger
functional units. Even if patterns o f connections between
cortical cells are known, their functions are difficult to inter­
retinal meridians. Fibers running through chc corpus callo­ pret without knowing what the system is designed to accom-
sum connect regions representing the vertical meridians. plish.Anothcr problem is that simple stimuli may not reveal
These boundary regions can сhe re to re be recognized by a differences between cortical areas. As one ascends the pro­
sudden change in recinotopic representation. cessing hierarchy, cells are selective to ever more specific and
O n e consequence ot this juxtaposition ot cells from the complex stimuli. It is difficult to decide which o f an infi­
main retinal meridians is that retinotopic representations o f nitely large set ot stimuli to use. Investigators often employ
visual hemifields in succeeding visual areas are mirror images a shotgun approach using an arbitrary set o f complex stim­
o f each other (Cow ey 1979) (Portrait Figure 5.50). This has uli. Moreover, from mom ent to m oment, receptive fields ot
made ic possible to map borders ot visual areas in the human cortical cellschange in size and perhaps in tuning character-
cerebral cortex by inspecting f M R I images produced by istics according со the spatiotemporal properties o f the
phase-encoded retinal stimuli (Sereno et al. 1995). stimulus. Also, visual experience or lesions can induce long­
O n e might ask why, in some cases, cells with different term changes in receptive fields (Section 5.6.8).
tuning functions are assembled in alternating columns O n ce the tuning specificity o f cells in a given area has
within the same visual area while, in ocher cases, they are been determined there is still che quescion ot how chac
assembled in distincc cortical areas. The answer is probably tuning was achieved. The scimulus seleccivicy o f cells in a
that cells are juxtaposed in the same area when lateral co n ­ given visual area could be due со one or more ot che tollow-
nections are required between chem so chac chey can code ing processes.
higher-order scimulus feacures, such as motion in depth.
1. Converging inputs Each cell could receive converging
Different cvpes ot cells are assembled in distinct areas when
inputs from cwo or morediscincdy cuncd cells in che
extensive local interactions are not required because each
same or another cortical area. For example, a cell tuned to
area is specialized for the processing o f a particular feature.
The processing o f cach type o f information requires cclls two lines forming a corner may receive inputs from two
cells, each tuned to single lines in distinct orientacions.
wich distinct properties.
Som e visual areas operate in parallel, while ochers opcrace 2. L ateral connections Spccificicy could arise trom laccral
in sequence to form a processing hierarchy. Parallel processing excitatory or inhibitory connections within a given area.
It is debated whether orientation specificity o f cclls in lighc-scaining in tcrstrip c. The surface o f area V 2 o f chc
V I arises through convergence o f L G N inputs or macaque monkey has about 12 stripe cycles (R oe and Ts’o
through intracortical connections (Section 5.6.2). But 1995).
the same issue arises at every transition trom one visual W ith in each stripe cycle, a region of visual space is
area to another. remapped three times, once in the thin stripe, once in the
thick stripe, and o nce in the interstripe. At each stripe
3. Feedback Specificity could arise, or at least be modified,
border there is a topological “jum p back” discontinuity, like
through feedback from an area higher in the processing
that between ocular dominance columns in V I . Adjacent
stripe cycles represent adjacent regions o f space, and the
mapping is continuous between stripes o f a given type
M ost investigations ot single cells at or below the level
across the cycles (R o e and T so 1 9 9 5 ; Shipp and Zeki
o f the primary visual cortcx have been conducted on anes­
2 0 0 2 b ). However, there is considerable scatter ofreceptive-
thetized animals. Anesthetics probably mask effects of
field locations at the borders between the stripes.
feedback from higher centers, even at the level o f the L G N .
In humans, the cytochrom e oxidase stripes o f V2 are
Also, anesthetics must surely affect even the basic process­
replaced by a rather disorderly jumble ot patches (see Tootell
ing carried out by cclls in higher visual areas. The full
ct al. 1996).
functions o f higher visual centers can be obtained only by
Hubei and Livingstone ( 1 9 8 7 ) proposed the following
using alert animals.
tripartite projection from V I to V2.

5 . 8 .2 A R E A S V 2 A N D V3 1. The blob regions o f V I , which contain mostly

nonorientation-specific, color-coded cells ot the
5 .8 .2 a A rea V 2
parvocellular system, project mainly to thin stripes.
Area 18 in cats receives some direct visual inputs from the
2. The intcrblob regions o f V I , which contain orientation-
main laminae ot the L G N . In primates, V 2 receives visual
tuned cells o ft h e parvocellular system, project to both
inputs from only interlaminar regions o f rhe L G N . About
the nonstaining intcrstripcs.
9 0 % of visual inputs to V 2 com e trom V I .
In the macaque monkey, area V 2 is not partitioned into 3. Cells ot the magnocellular system project from layer
ocular dominance columns. However, it shows alternating 4 C a to pyramidal cells in layer 4 B o f V I and then
stripes when stained for cytochrom e oxidase. The cy to - predominantly to the thick stripes o f V 2 (Blasdel et al.
ch ro m e -o x id a se strip es run over the surface o f V 2 approx­ 1985; DcYoc and Van Essen 1985; Livingstone and
imately perpendicular to the border with V I , as shown in Hubei 1987).
Figure 5.51, and extend through all cortical layers (Tootell
ct al. 1 983). F.ach stripe cycle is about 1 mm wide and Thus, Shipp and Zeki (2 0 0 2 a ) found cclls sensitive ro
consists o f dark-staining thin and thick stripes and a motion direction (magnocellular) only in the thick stripes,
cclls sensitive to orientation mainly in thick stripes and inter-
stripes, and cells sensitive to color (parvocellular) mainly in
thin stripes. These functional divisions between stripes were
most evident in cortical layers ЗА and 3B. They were least
evident in layers 1, 2, and 6 — layers that receive feedback
from higher centers in which signals are integrated.
This division ot ccll types into stripes is n ot complete*.
There is also a magnocellular input to the thin stripes
(Nealcy and Maunscll 1994). Also, each type of stripe co n ­
tains cells tuned to color and depth, color and orientation,
or to all three features (T so et al. 1989; Levitt ct al. 1994;
Anterior G egen fu rtn eret al. 1996).
Sincich and H orton ( 2 0 0 2 ) proposed that V I to V2
projections arc organized into a bipartite system. According
to this system, cytochrom e oxidase blobs project to thin
stripes while intcrblobs project to both pale stripes and
thick stripes. They proposed that the distinct properties o f
pale and thick stripes arc produced in V 2 rather than by
Figure 5 -51 - C ytochrom e ox id ase areas o fib e visual cortex. S c c tio n from layer 3
having distinct origins in V I (Sincich et al. 2 0 1 0 ).
o i the lateral surface o ( the visual c o rtc x o f th e squirrel m onkey, stained
fo r c y to c h ro m c oxidase. The s p o t t e d area is V I and the ad jo in in g By com bining single-unit recording with in vivo
S trip e d a r e a IS V 2 . (Гшш Тоок11и>1. l9H3.KcpnntcdiYirh ршпшшп from ДАAS) optical imaging T so et al. ( 2 0 0 1 ) revealed a finer functional
organization within each thin, pale, and chick stripe o f V 2. 5 .8 .2 b C o r tic a l A rea V 3
Each stripe contains patches tuned for color, orientation, or
In the monkey, V 3 forms a narrow strip along the dorsal
disparity. W ith in disparity-tuned patches mosc cells prefer
border o f V 2. It contains a representation o f the whole co n ­
vertical stimuli. Between colored patches and disparity
tralateral visual field. Cells serving the inferior quadrant o f
patches there are cclls jointly tuned to color and disparity.
the visual field have larger receptive fields, arc more direc­
W ith in colored patches, darker regions respond to equilu-
tion selective, and less color selective than those serving che
minant color and lighter regions to stimuli defined by
superior quadrant. This difference may be related to the fact
that acuity is lower in the upper field than in the lower field.
The pulvinar (Section 5.5.4b), a thalamic nucleus, sends
These differences prompted Burkhalter et al. ( 1 9 8 6 ) to des­
inputs to the thick and thin stripes o f V 2 buc not со the
ignate the part o f V 3 representing the superior contralateral
interstripes (Levitt et al. 1995).
quadrant as' a distinct visual area, which they called area VP.
The tuning characteristics o f cells in V 2 resemble those
Buc Zeki ( 2 0 0 3 ) argued that such a division into distinct
o f cells in V I , except that cells in V 2 have larger receptive
areas' is unjustified.
fields, are m ore likely to be binocular, and are almost all
Area V 3 in monkeys is organized retinotopically and
complex cells (Zeki 1978).
receives inputs from V I , mainly from layer 4 B , and from
Cells in V 2 , unlike those in V I , responded to subjective
V 2. It projects to V 3 A , V 4 , the temporal visual area in chc
contours and texture-defined contours (von der Heydt et al.
ventral pathway, and to M T , M S T , and the posterior and
1984; Marcschal and Baker 1998).
ventral intraparietal areas in the dorsal pathway (Fcllcman
For about half the cells in V 2 and V 4 and some cells in
et al. 1997a; Lyon and Kaas 2 0 0 1 ) . Human areas V I , V 2,
V I o f the alert monkey, the response to an edge or line was
and V 3 seem to be homologous to those in macaque.
modulated according to which side ot a figure the edge or
Cells in V 3 , have larger receptive fields than cells in V2.
line belonged to, even though the stimulus in the receptive
M ost arc orientation selective. Cells with similar orienta­
field ot the cell remained the same (Z h o u et al. 2 0 0 0 ) . Some
tion tuning are organized into columns. A bout h a lf the
cells were also selective for the contrast polarity o f an edge.
cclls are selective for direction o f motion, especially those
Responses to border-ownership of an edge in a cells recep­
serving the lower visual field. They respond to first-order
tive field occurred when che edge that defined border own­
and second-order motion ot contrast-defined edges. Their
ership was well outside the receptive field (Zhang and von
response to second-order motion is greater chan chat o f cells
der Heydt 2 0 1 0 ). They concluded that these responses
in V I and V 2 (Sm ith ct al. 1998). Cells in V 3 prefer lower
depend on recurrent signals from higher centers. The
spatial frequencies and higher temporal frequencies than
response o f a ccll to the edge o f a figure with appropriate
cells in V 2 (Gegenfurtner et al. 1997).
sign was enhanced only when rhe monkey attended to rhe
Estimates o f the proportion o f cclls in V 3 showing color
figure (Q iu et al. 2 0 0 7 ) . Also, responses related to figural
selectivity vary between about 15% (Baizer 1982; Felleman
transparency, which were based on border ownership, took
and Van Essen 1987; Adams and Zeki 2 0 0 1 ) and 54%
110 ms to develop (Q iu ct al. 2 0 0 7 ) .
(G egenfurtner ec al. 1997).
The response o f a ccll to border-ownership quickly
About half the cclls in V 3 are tuned to binocular dispar­
changed when the border ownership o f the stimulus was
ity (Burkhalter and Van Essen 19 8 6 ; Felleman and Van
changed. However, the response persisted with a time co n ­
Essen 1987). In the macaque, cells in V 3 with similar join t
stant o f about 4 0 0 ms when the figure-ground cues were
tuning to orientation and disparity are organized into co l­
removed so as to leave the figure-ground relationship
umns (Adams and Zeki 2 0 0 1 ) . This organization is well
ambiguous ( O ’Herron and von der Heydt 2 0 0 9 ) . See
suited to the extraction o f higher-order disparities and dis­
Zhaoping ( 2 0 0 5 ) for a discussion o f this topic.
parity gradients required for the perception o f 3 - D form.
About 7 0 % o f cells in V 2 o f monkeys showed uniform
W e will see that V 3 projects to the posterior parietal cortex,
preference for orientation over their receptive fields. Buc
which is concerned with processing 3 -D form.
many cells showed different orientation preferences in sub-
Beyond V 2 and V 3 , visual processing is partitioned into
regions o f their receptive fields. Mosc commonly, subre­
a ventral pathway serving mainly the parvoccllular system
gions were tuned to orientations 90° apart. Thus, these
and a dorsal pathway serving mainly the magnocellular
cells responded selectively to local combinations o f orienta­
system. I lowever, this division is n ot complete. Fluorescent
tions such as angles, intersections, arcs, circles, hyperbolic
tracers revealed that the major pathways have distinct p ro­
and polar gratings (Hegdc and Van Essen 2 0 0 0 ) and rcxturc
jections to subcortical nuclei (Baizer et al. 1993).
elements defined by variations o f orientation (Hegde and
Van Essen 2 0 0 3 ; Anzai e t al. 2 0 0 7 ) . M ost response varia­
tion was accounted for by the first two principal co m p o ­
5 .8 .2 c C o r tic a l A rea V 3 A
nents o t the stimuli. Thus, cells in V 2 are n ot specialized
for the detection o f a narrow range o f complex shape Area V 3 A lies along the border o f V 3 but contains a distinct
characteristics. representation o f both lower and upper visual fields, and
distinct functional properties and connections (Felleman connections with the inferior temporal cortex (Felleman
and Van Essen 1 991). The border between V 3 and V 3 A et al. 1997b).
represents the vertical retinal meridian and is connected by The properties o f the parvocellular system feeding into
the corpus callosum to the corresponding region in the V 4 and then to the inferior temporal cortex suggest that
opposite hemisphere. Area V 3 A receives inputs from V I , these structures are specialized for pattern discrimination,
V 2 , and V 3. In the macaque, cells in V 3A have large recep­ color vision, and fine stereopsis. Each ol these features will
tive fields and are less selective to the speed and direction o f now be discussed.
m otion than are cells in V 3 (G a s k a e ta l. 1988). By contrast, Many cells in V 4 o f the monkey are selective for orienta­
f M R I procedures have revealed that V 3 A in humans is tion, although the widths o f their tuning functions are
m ore m otion selective than V 3 (Tootell et al. 1 997). Some broader than those o f cells in V I . Regions tuned to differ­
cells in V 3 A ot the alert monkey respond to the position o f ent orientations are spatially organized, at least in the part
relatively small stimuli in a headcentric frame o f reference, devoted to the central retina (G hose and T s o 1 997). Some
while others respond to stimuli in an oculocentric frame o f cells in V 4 are specifically tuned to the slant ot lines in depth
reference (Galletti and Battaglini 1989). (H in kle and C o n n o r 2 0 0 2 ).
M ost cells are selective for the spatial frequency o f grat­
ings and tor the length and width o f bars (D esim one and
5.8.3 T H E V E N T R A L PATH WAV
Schein 1 987). However,cells in thealert macaque responded
The parvocellular system projects mainly from V I , V 2 , better to features such as angles and curves pointing in a
and V 3 ventrally to V 4 and then to the inferior temporal particular direction than to simple edges or bars (Pasupathy
cortex, the superior temporal polysensory area, and frontal and C o n n o r 1 999). Pasupathy and C o n n o r ( 2 0 0 2 ) were
cortex (Baizer ct al. 1 991). This is known as the ventral able to reconstitute a stimulus shape from the responses o f a
pathway. population o f such cells.
Som e cells in V 4 o f the monkey respond selectively to
periodic patterns such as concentric gratings, radial pat­
5 . 8 .3 a C o r t i c a l A re a V 4
terns, and hyperbolic patterns that resemble Lie orbits
An area in the lingual and fusiform gyri in the inferior por­ (Gallant et al. 1993, 1996). The response o f these cells was
tion o f the occipital lobe o f humans is the homologue o f largely invariant over changes in the position of the stimu­
area V 4 in monkeys. In primates, V 4 receives some direct lus. Pigarev et al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) found that most cells in the
inputs from the L G N (Yukie and Iwai 1981; Biillier and anterior part o f V 4 o f the monkey had elongated receptive
Kennedy 1983), which may explain why a patient lacking a fields radiating out from the fovea. In the alert monkey,
visual cortex retained some color discrimination (Stoerig these cells responded to radial motion. Similar cells were
and Cowey 1 989). But V 4 receives most o f its inputs from tound in the corresponding area in the suprasylvian gyrus o f
V I , about 5 0 % o f the outputs o f V 2 , and some outputs the cat (Rodionova et al. 2 0 0 4 ) .
trom V 3 (Nakamura c t al. 1 993). The receptive fields ot the specifically tuned cells must
In earlier studies, the anterior part o f V 4 was designated be built up by com bining inputs from cells in V I or V 2.
V 4 A because cells in that part respond less strongly to Their construction is presumably helped by the patterns ot
moving bars than do cclls in V 4. However, most investiga­ orientation and direction preference exhibited in these
tors do n ot subdivide V 4 (Felleman and Van Essen 1991). areas.
O n thebasisofhum an fM RI responses to colors, Hadjikhani Som e cells in V 4 are selective for speed o f motion
c t al. ( 1 9 9 8 ) distinguished between V4v and a new area, (C h en g et al. 1 9 9 7 ), and some are selective for motion
which they called V 8 . But Wade et al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) and Zcki direction. Som e cells respond selectively to motion-defined
( 2 0 0 3 ) found no sound basis for subdividing V 4. boundaries (Tootell and Hadjikhani 2 0 0 1 ). It seems that
There arc extensive lateral connections in V 4 , and cal­ V 4 processes simple shape features required for the recogni­
losal connections are widely distributed within V 5 (Van tion o f complex shapes at higher levels in the ventral
Essen and Zcki 1978). In V 4 o f the macaque only the cen ­ pathway.
tral 35° o f the contralateral visual hemificld is represented, Responses o f cells in V 4 are subject to the effects o f
in a crude and rather disorderly fashion. This m ay be related learning. Yang and Maunsell ( 2 0 0 4 ) trained monkeys to
to the fact that the cells have large receptive fields, which, improve their orientation discrimination for gratings co n ­
being color coded, are confined to the central retinal region fined to a narrow range o f orientations and to a specific
(Gattass et al. 1988). Retrograde labeling has revealed that location. After training, cells in V 4 with receptive-field
V 4 has modular compartments that receive inputs from locations and preferred orientations within the trained range
either thin stripes (parvocellular channel) or interstripe showed enhanced responses and narrower orientation
regions (magnocellular channel) o f V 2 , and V 3/V 3A , tuning.
although there is some cross-channel convergence (DeYoe Lesions in V4 in monkeys do nor have much effect on
e t al. 1994). There are also reciprocal channel-specific basic visual functions, such as contrast or motion sensitivity.
However, they severely disrupt performance on some form- interlaminar zones o ft h e L G N (H erndndez-G onzalezetal.
discrimination tasks, such as discrimination o f the relative 1 994). Some areas o f chc temporal cortex are purely visual,
orientation o f lines or selection o f an o b je ct that differs while others receive visual, auditory, and somatosensory
from other objects (Heywood et al. 1992; Schiller 1993; inputs.
Merigan 1 996). Ablation o f V 4 produced severe deficits in In the monkey, area I T consists o f two distinct but
the ability to select less prominent stimuli from an array, and interconnected cytoarchitectonic areas. The first is a poste­
in the ability to generalize discrimination learning to new rior area known as T E O . The second is an anterior area
stimuli (Schiller and Lee 1991). Similar symptoms have been known as Т Е . Area T E O has extensive connections with
noted in a human patient with lesions in V 4 (Rizzo ct al. the parietal lobe. Its connections to the trontal lobe are lim ­
1992). Merigan (2 0 0 0 ) produced evidence that these effects ited to areas 8, 12, and 4 5 (Section 5 .8 .4 f). Area Т Е has
are not due to abnormal levels ot crowding or disruption ot fewer connections with the parietal lobe than does area
attention. Responses in V 4 are modulated in complex ways T E O but more extensive connections with the frontal lobe,
by the animals attcntional state (Section 5.9.2c). namely to areas 8, 11, 12, 13, and 4 5 (W ebster et al. 1994).
It is not clear whether V 4 in humans is analogous to V4 Area IT also connects with the medial temporal lobe ( M T ) ,
in monkeys. Positron-emission tomography (PF.T ) revealed as discussed in the next section.
that blood flow to V 4 was higher when human observers All cclls in I T have large receptive fields that almost
discriminated the relative areas o t shapes that overlapped always include the fovea and extend into both left and right
than when they discriminated the areas o f shapes that did halves o f the visual field. The lateral connections o f pyrami­
not overlap (Larsson et al. 2 0 0 2 ). Human f M R l revealed dal cells are very much more extensive than in V I (Elston
that V 4 is activated by shapes defined by illusory contours e ta l. 1999).
o r by shapes defined by binocular disparity in random-dot Many cells in monkey I T respond selectively to a par­
stereograms (M endola et al. 1999). ticular shape over a two- or four-fold change in the size o f
Blood flow to V 4, indicated bv * PET, increased when the stimulus (Sato et al. 19 8 0 ; Sary et al. 1993; Ito et al.
human subjects viewed a colored display {Z ek i c t al. 1991). 1 995). T he cells show the same selectivity when the stimu­
Patients with lesions in V 4 suffer a form o f color blindness lus is moved several degrees away from the fovea o r as the
known as cerebral ach rom ato p sia (Zeki 1 990). Patients animal moves its gaze (D iC a rlo and Maunsell 2 0 0 0 ) . Thus,
describe the world in terms o f gray, although the three cone the cells show considerable size and p o sitio n invariance.
mechanisms are intact. Thcv* can discriminate between an Cells in I T responded to a grating whether ic was defined
ordered and disordered array o f isoluminant chromatic by luminance contrast, by m otion, or by texture (S.iry et al.
stimuli, as long as chey are adjacent (Hcvw ood et al. 1991). 1 995). The response to a given outline shape was not
Achromatopsia is often accompanied by other visual defects affected when rhe contrast polarity was changed or when
such as loss o f contrast discrimination. C o lo r agnosia is a the shape was mirror reversed. However, the response
ditferent disorder in which patients can discriminate colors changed when the figure-ground appearance o f the display
but are n ot able name them. was changed (Baylis and Driver 2 0 0 1 ) . Therefore, cells in
O n e patient with achromatopsia could see depth in a I T respond to shape rather than to lower-level features char
random-dot stereogram presented with red-green anaglyph define the shape or to the position, contrast polarity, or
filters even though he could n ot detect the red stereogram orientation o f the shape. In other words, the cells show
elements when he looked through the red filter (Hendricks cue invariance.
ct al. 1981). Disparity detection must depend on processes Cells in I T also respond to shapes defined by binocular
at a stage earlier than that responsible for the color defect. disparity (see Section 1 1.5.3b). Som e cells responded more
In monkeys, V 4 lesions had little or no effect on color strongly to solid objects than to projected images o f che
discrimination or on the ability to select an odd color in an objects, even when only one eye was open (Gross et al.
array (Heywood et al. 1992). Perhaps achromatopsia 1 9 7 2 ). Janssen et al. ( 2 0 0 0 a ) found that about 5 0 % o f cells
involves a deficit in color appearance rather than ot color in the lower part ot Т Е in the macaque were selective tor
discrimination, or perhaps lesions in humans involve disparity-defined 3 -D shape, while very few cells in the
white matter, which is spared by experimental lesions in lateral part o f Т Е showed this selectivity.
monkeys. M ost cells in I T o f macaque monkeys respond to par­
For the role o f V 4 in stereopsis see Section 1 1.5.3a. ticular views o f one or more object. The response o f cells in
I T to familiar shapes in a particular orientation was
enhanced after monkeys had been trained to categorize the
5 . 8 .3 b In fe r io r T e m p o r a l C o r t e x o f O ld
shapes presented in that orientadon (Freedman et al. 2 0 0 6 ).
W o r ld M o n k e y* s
However, some cells in I T responded to all views o f one or
The in fe rio r tem poral c o rte x ( I T ) in O ld World monkeys more o f a set o f familiar objects (Logothctis et al. 1995;
receives mosc o f its visual inputs from V 4 and provides feed­ Booth and Rolls 1998). 'Ih ecclls showed view point invari-
back to V4. There are also some direct visual inputs trom an cc. The objects could have been codcd in terms o f

U r h e b e r r e c h tlic h g e s c h i i t z t e s Mater
features, such as color, which do not vary with orientation. similar sizes, orientations, or color did noc produce distinct
But the objects used by Booth and Rolls did n ot possess patterns o f response over the cell population. Therefore, the
such features, which suggests that viewpoint invariance population response reflected the categories into which the
was built up by com bining the outputs o f cells sensitive to monkeys classified familiar objects.
particular views o f the objects. Lesions in the inferior temporal and medial temporal
Som e cells in the monkey superior temporal sulcus cortical areas o f monkeys disrupt the ability to discriminate
( S T S ) ot the inferior temporal cortex respond selectively to between previously learned complex patterns. Lesions do
faces (Perrett et al. 19 8 2 ; Rolls e t al. 1994). 'I he responses o f n ot affect discrimination o f simple features such as differ­
som e o f these cells are invariant with respect to the posi­ ences in orientation (H olm es and Gross 1 984). Therefore,
tion, size, and view o f the face (G o ch in 1996; Wallis and this area is implicated in the retrieval o f visual information.
Rolls 1997). The early part ot the responses o f neurons in Lesions in T E O disrupt the ability to learn complex
S T S was related to chc general features o f the face, while rhe patterns (M ishkin 1982).
later parts o f the responses were related to the finer details, Area I T has reciprocal connections with the perirhinal
such as the identity and expression o f t h e face (Sugase et al. cortex o f the limbic system, an area associated with memory
1999). encoding. Som e cells in I T responded specifically to co m ­
Area I T has no topographic organization (Fujita et al. plex stimuli that a monkey had stored in short-term memory
1992; Gross 1 992). Som e cells in IT, particularly the ante­ in a delayed matching task (Miyashita 1 9 8 8 ; M iller et al.
rior part (T F.), respond best to particular com binations o f 1993).
stimulus features such as texture, shape, and color, but they W e will see in Section 5.8.4g that cells that respond to
respond at different rates to a variety o f stimuli (Tanaka familiar stimuli occur in the inferior convexity o f t h e fron­
c t al. 1991; Kobatakc and Tanaka 1994). Neurons tuned to tal lobe, to which I T projects. However, these cells retain
similar complex stimulus features are aligned in columns responsiveness to memorized stimuli for longer periods
normal to the cortical surface. These cortical columns can than do those in I T (M iller et al. 1996). Also, it seems that
be regarded as units from which more complcx descriptions frontal-lobe cclls respond selectively to general stimulus
can be constructed (Tanaka 2 0 0 3 ). categories rather than to particular objects (Freedman et al.
Tsunoda et al. ( 2 0 0 1 ) recorded from single cells and 2 0 0 3 ).
registered the optical images from the surface o f I T o f m o n ­ The superior tem poral polysensory area ( S T P ) lies in
keys as they were presented with a variety o f complex the upper bank o f the superior temporal sulcus. It receives
objects. The results suggest that an o b ject is represented by information about visual motion from M S T o f t h e dorsal
the activation ot a particular set o f cortical columns, each o f stream and information about visual form from the inferior
which represents particular features o f rhe objcct. The same temporal cortex (C usick et al. 1995). The S T P is closely
techniques also revealed that some cclls in Т Е were acti­ related to the ventral intraparietal area discussed in Section
vated by a particular spatial arrangement o f parts o f a co m ­ 5.8.4e.
plex o b ject but not by the parts in isolation or by particular Neurons in the S T P responded well to moving stimuli,
simple features o f objects, such as color, or shape (Yamane including complex patterns o f motion such as those p ro­
e t al. 2 0 0 6 ) . Also, many cells in monkey I T were tuned to duced by a moving person (O ram and Perrett 1996;
the 3-1) orientation and principal curvatures o f surface Thompson et al. 2 0 0 5 ) . Som e cells in S T P responded selec­
elements (Yamane et al. 2 0 0 8 ) . tively to 3 -D structure defined by motion parallax (Anderson
The majority o f I T neurons o f the monkey responded and Siegel 2 0 0 5 ).
selectively to those visual features o f objects that the ani­
mals used to categorize the objects (Sigala 2 0 0 4 ; Nielsen
5 . 8 . 3 c H u m a n L a tera l O c c i p i t a l C o r t e x
e t al. 2 0 0 6 ) . Particular cells were not sharply tuned to par­
ticular shapes but responded to several shapes with related The human lateral o ccip ital c o rtc x ( L O C ) lies between
features. Responses were enhanced in monkeys that had V 3 and V 5. It is n ot clearly analogous to V 4 or M T o f Old
been trained to discriminate between members o f a set o f World monkeys. Larsson and Hccger ( 2 0 0 6 ) produced
2 8 complex shapes. Also, after training, the responses o f f M R I evidence that each L O C contains two representa­
cells to different shape categories became more distinct tions o f the contralateral hemifield, which they designated
(Kobatake et al. 1998). L O l and 1 .0 2 .
Kiani et al. ( 2 0 0 7 ) recorded responses o f several hun­ The L O C showed stronger f M R I activity in response to
dred cells in I T o f alert monkeys to each o f a large set o f objects than to texture patterns. The objects could be famil­
familiar objects. The response patterns were similar for iar faces, com m on objects, or abstract sculptures (Malach
objects that helonged to the same general category. Response et al. 1995). The f M R I responses from the anterior o f the
patterns reflected grouping o f stimuli into m ajor categories L O C were largely independent o f changes in the size or
such as animate versus inanimate, and into subcategories location o f t h e stimulus (Grill-Spccror et al. 1999). Also,
such as human faces versus monkey faces. O bjects that had the activation produced by a given o b ject was the same
whether the o b je ct was defined by luminance, texture, or to specific types o f stimuli will be found in the L O C by
motion (G rill-Spector et al. 1998). Thus, responses o f the methods with higher spatial resolution than f M R I.
human L O C , like those o f monkey I T show position, size, In humans, face-selective neurons are found in the
and cue invariance. fusiform face area (F FA ), which overlaps the lateral occipi­
The fM R1 response o f the human lateral occipital cortex tal area. Damage to this area can lead to deficits in Lice rec­
was weaker when the same shape was presented again com ­ ognition, or pro so p ag n osia (Damasio et al. 1990). The
pared with when a shape was replaced by a different shape. human f M R I revealed activity in the fusiform face area
Thus, che L O C responds strongly to changes in shape. The when the ambiguous Rubin vase-face figure was seen as a
f M R I response remained weak when the same shape was face but not when it was seen as a vase (Hasson et al. 2 0 0 1 ).
presented whether or noc ic was partly occluded. However, Thus, this area responds specifically to faces rather than to
the response increased when che perceived shape ot an local stimulus features that comprise the face.
ambiguous scimulus changed, wich no change in chc stimu­ In humans, f M R I has revealed that distinct regions o f
lus (Kourtzi and Kanwisher 2 0 0 1 ) . Also, a change from a the interior temporal cortex are active during the process ot
line drawing to a grayscale rendering o f che same shape did memorizing complex visual stimuli and during retrieval o f
not activate the L O C , but the drawing ot an o b je ct pro­ memorized items (Gabrieli et al. 1997). The response ot
duced a stronger response than a scrambled version o f the cclls in the inferior temporal area is also modified by atten­
drawing (Kourtzi and Kanwisher 2 0 0 0 ) . In other words, tion (Section 5.9.2c).
the L O C responded to perceived shape rather than to an The f M R I procedure has revealed that the L O C in
unprocessed pattern o f stimulation. humans is activated by both visual objects and objects
There has been someconflictingevidence about whether detected by touch (Amedi et al. 2 0 0 1 ).
the L O C is activated more strongly by solid objects than by
two-dimensional shapes. Kourtzi and Kanwisher (2 0 0 0 )
5 .8 .3 d M e d ia l T e m p o r a l L o b e
found that activation was no stronger for line drawings o f
3 -D objects in which depth was represented by occlusion The interior temporal cortex projects strongly to the medial
and perspective than for 2 -D outline shapes. O n the other temporal lobe, which includes the parahippocampal gyrus,
hand, Moore and Engel ( 2 0 0 1 ) found that activation hippocampus, perirhinal cortex, entorhinal cortex, and
increased when subjects perceived a given stimulus as a 3-D amygdala. (Nava et al. 2 0 0 1 ; Squire et al. 2 0 0 4 ).
o b ject rather than as a 2 -D arrangement o f parts. However, The parahippocampal region provides major inputs to
che crucial factor may nor have been che 2 -D versus 3-D the hippocampus. Som e cells in the hippocampus respond
appearance ot che stimuli. It may have been the fact chac the selectively to the location o f the animal in the visual envi­
parts o f the stimuli appeared connected into a single o b ject ronment with which it is familiar. These are known as place
only when che stimuli appeared solid. Both che 2 -D and the cclls { O ’Keefe and Nadel 1 9 7 8 ; Eskandar et al. 1992;
3 -D scimuli used bv Kourtzi and Kanwisher were coherent W ilson М Л and McNaughcon 1 9 9 3 ; R o lls e ta l. 1998; Best
objects. et al. 2 0 0 1 ) . The hippocampus is also involved in ocher
The fM Rl response to a stimulus weakens over repeated forms o f memory (W ood et al. 1999).
presentations. Kourtzi et al. ( 2 0 0 3 ) found that f M R I Increased blood flow has been detected in the h ip ­
responses in the human L O C adapted to stimuli with rhe pocampus when human subjects recognize the spatial
same 3-D structure but different 2-D retinal shapes due to coherence o f 3-D objects (Schacter et al. 1 995). Patients
rotation o f the object. Responses did not adapt to stimuli with with bilateral damage to che hippocampus were unable to
the same 2 -D shapes but different perceived 3 -D structures, remember where objects had been seen (Gattan 1994) or to
such as convex versus concave objects. This suggests that the associate a spoken word with visual stimulus (Bechara et al.
L O C is specifically sensitive to 3 -D structure. 1995).
Welchman et al. ( 2 0 0 5 ) measured f M R I responses Cells in the perirhinal cortex, entorhinal corcex, and
while subjects judged the dihedral angle formed by two amygdala o f the monkey are selectively responsive to c o m ­
computer-generated slanted surfaces. Slant was defined plex objects, faces, or familiar places (Leonard ct al. 1985;
by various com binations o f perspective and disparity. Suzuki et al. 1 997). Kreiman et al. ( 2 0 0 0 ) recorded from
Responses in V 5 and L O C varied in accordance with single cclls in these three areas and from the hippocampus
changes in the 3-D structure o f the display and wich the o f alert human patients undergoing surgery for epilepsy.
weighcings thac different subjects assigned to the perspective The patients were given the task o f discriminating between
and disparity cues. pairs o f objects, such as faces, buildings, and animals. O f
Murray et al. ( 2 0 0 3 ) recorded f M R I responses in the 4 2 7 neurons tested, 14% responded selectively со chc
L O C ro moving random-dot patterns, 2-D and 3-D line cacegory со which che shapes belonged.
drawings, and 3 -D shapes defined by m otion. Responses to Raizada and Grossberg (2 0 0 3 ) have developed a neural
motion-defined shapes were confined to che superior lateral model o f feedforward, feedback, and horizontal connections
area ot che L O C . Ic is possible chac other subregions devoted in and between cortical layers and between the different
ccntcrs o f the ventral stream. The model simulates the
effects o f stimulus filtering, attention, and perceptual


In primates, the magnocellular dorsal pathway projects to

areas V 3 , the middle temporal area ( M T ) , and the medial
superior temporal area ( M S T ) (Shipp and Zeki 1985;
Krubitzer and Kaas 1 9 9 0 ; M otter 1991). It then feeds into
the superior temporal polvscnsorv area ( S T P ) and the pos­
terior parietal cortex. Figure 5.52 shows these relationships.
This system is specialized for coding low spatial
frequency, fast flicker and m otion, spatial location, and


F ro n ta l lo b e P re m o to r c o rte x ri^urc $.5>w P eter I I . Schiller.\ B orn in 1 9 3 1.1 le o b tain ed a B .A . in

h ip p o c a m p u s F ro n ta l lo b e
psychology from D u ke U n iv ersity in 1 9 5 5 and a P h .D . from C lark
1 ________ 1 ____ U n iv ersity in 1 9 6 2 . H e co n d u cte d p o std o cto ral w ork in the d ep artm en t
In fe ro te m p o ra l area P a rie ta l area o f psychology at M I T from 1 9 6 2 to 1 9 6 4 .1 Ic th en gained an academ ic
p osition at M I T , w here he now o ccu p ies the D o ro th y Poitras C h a ir for
m edical physiology. H e received an N1H M erit Award.

A re a V4 M T (V 5) a n d MST
Shape O rientation
coarse stereopsis. These functions are associated with the
C olour D isparity
D isparity Motion analysis ot the spatial positions and motions of objects, the
---------------- 1 ■—

I A re a V3 a n d V 3A A rea V6
visual motion arising from self-motion, and the visual guid­
ance ot motor responses (Ungerleider and Mishkin 1982;
Schiller et al. 1990; L ag aeetal. 1993; Hietanen and Perrett
O rientation
1996) (Portrait Figure 5.53).
C olour
D isparity Rizzolatti and Matclli (2 0 0 3 ) suggested that the dorsal
stream contains two substreams. The first is a d orso-dorsal
stream arising in areas V 6 and V 6 A , and feeding into areas
T h in s trip e s In te r s trip e s T h ic k s trip e s
Colour O rientation O rientation
M I P and V IP o f the parietal lobe, and then to the premotor
V2 C o lo u r Motion cortex. This stream is concerned with the control o f visually
D isparity D isparity
guided actions. The second substream is the ventro-dorsal
stream that arises in M T and feeds to the inferior parietal
lobe. This stream is concerned with space perception and
B lo b s In te r b lo b
the planning o f responses.
C o lo u r O rientation
D isparity The main areas o f the whole dorsal stream are depicted
C olour in Figures 5 .4 9 and 5.52.

5 .8 .4 a T h e P a r i c t o - O c c ip i t a l R e g io n

The parieto-occipital region lies between the occipital

and parietal lobes. It contains areas V 2, V 3 , and V 3A .
The medial paricto-occipital region contains areas V 6,
LGN and V 6A .
A rea V 6 receives retinotopically ordered inputs from
V I , V 2, and V 3 , and projects to other ccntcrs in the dorsal
stream. The receptive fields o f its cells are larger than those
o f cclls with similar coding properties in area V 3 . In the
monkey, some o f t h e cells in V 6 have receptive fields defined
Figure 5.52. Pathways connecting visual areas. V isual areas o l chc m acaque
w ith an in d icatio n o f fu n ctio n a l sp ecialization *. (A&pr«! fVr<" P*YoriiufV*A in hcadccntric coordinates, which means that they remain
F w n 198Я1 fixed when the eyes move (Galletti et al. 1993).
A rea V 6A contains cells chat receive both visual and
somatosensory inputs and is reciprocally connected to the
premotor cortex controlling arm movements. Lesions in
V 6 A o f monkeys produce misreaching to visual objects
wich the contralateral arm (Gallctti ct al. 2 0 0 3 ).

5 .8 .4 b C o r tic a l A rea M T / V 5

In monkeys, the middle temporal area ( M T ) is a small,

heavily myelinated area on the posterior bank o f the supe­
rior temporal sulcus. In humans, Y'5 is the area correspond­
ing to M T . These areas are specialized for detection o f
motion. In the cat, the suprasylvian co rte x (Clare-Bishop
area) is the main cortical area devoted to processing motion
(Rauschecker ct al. 1987; Kruger c t al. 1993).
There arc some inputs to M T from the superior collicu- »i*uxcs.5*- Jo h n M a u m d l. B orn G re a t Baddow , Essex, E n glan d , in 1 9 5 5 .
lus(Rodm an ct al. 1990; H artig ct al. 1991). There has been H e ob tain ed B .S c. in z o o lo g y a t D u ke U niversity in 1 9 7 7 and a P h.D .
in b iology a t the C a lifo rn ia In stitu te o f T e ch n o lo g y in 1 9 8 2 . He
conflicting evidence about the existence o f direct inputs
con d u cted p o std o cto ral w ork w ith P eter Sch iller a t M I T . H e held
trom the L G N to M T . However, a recent study by Sincich academ ic ap p o in tm en ts in the C e n te r tor V isual S cie n ce at the
ct al. ( 2 0 0 4 ) has confirmed the existence o f direct inputs in U niversity o f R o ch este r from 1 9 8 5 to 1 9 9 2 . H e is now professor in the
the monkey. M ost o f these inputs arise trom koniocellular division o f neu roscience and d ep artm en t o f o p h th alm o lo g y a t Baylor
C o lleg e o f M ed icin e, H o u sto n . H e is an investigator o t the H oward
cclls that occur between the parvocellular and magnoccllu-
H ughes M ed ical Institute.
lar layers o f the L G N . These cells have large receptive fields,
and their input to M T could perhaps contribute to chc
survival ot some motion sensitivity after removal of V I .
Area M T receives its major inputs from layer 4 В o f V I , quadrant o i the visual field (Van Essen et al. 1981; Maunsell
either directly or indirectly via V 2 and V 3 . It also receives and Van Essen 1987) (Portrait Figure 5 .5 4).
strong inputs from the parietal cortex. The diameters ot receptive fields of cells in M T are about
The neurons that project directly from VI to M T 10 times larger than those o f cells in V I and increase with
are mostly stellate cells in layer 4 B that convey only magno­ increasing eccentricity (Albright and D esim one 1987).
cellular inputs. The few pyramidal cells in layer 4 B that Receptive fields defined by single stimuli are surrounded by
project directly to M T probably also convey magnocellular regions within which stimuli do n ot have a direct effect but
inputs. These direct inputs to M T are specialized for fast modify the response to stimuli in the receptive-field center
transmission ot motion signals (Nassi and Callaway (Allman et al. 1985). As one would expect from their mag­
(2 0 0 7 ). nocellular inputs, cells in M T have high contrast sensitivity
Neurons in V I that project indirectly to M T are pyra­ and do not respond to equiluminant colored stimuli
midal cells that convey both magnocellular and parvocel­ (Tootell e t al. 1995).
lular signals. Inactivation o f this pathway in the alert The major function o f M l is the coding o f patterns o f
macaque specifically degraded the tuning o f M T cclls to visual m otion for the control o f smooth pursuit eye move­
binocular disparity (Ponce et al. 2 0 0 8 ) . Inactivation ot the ments (Newsome et al. 1 988), postural control, and for
V I to M T pathway did not disrupt vergence eye move­ chc dcceccion ot objcccs moving in 3 -D space. M ocion-
ments. These results suggest that the indirect pathway sensitive cells o f M T are also tuned со binocular disparity
conveys disparity information from V I to M T. (Maunsell and Van Essen 1983b). This subject is discussed
M ost ot the target cells in M T are spiny stellate cells in Sections 11.5.2a and 31.3.
(Anderson ct al. 1998). They arc binocular complex cells In monkeys, lesions imposed in M T specifically elevate
with fast conducting axons (Maunsell et al. 1990; Movshon mocion discrimination thresholds (Newsome and Рагё
and Newsome 1996). 1 988). A patient with bilateral lesions that included V 5 was
Cells in M T back project to layer 6 in V I and a few cells unable to experience objects moving in depth or objeccs
in layer 6 project to M T . ('e lls in M T also project to layer 1 moving faster chan lOVs, even chough she could perceive
but only for stimuli outside the central 10° o fth e visual field stationary objects (Zihl e t al. 1983).
(Shipp and Zeki 1989). Electrical stimulation of cclls in M T can influence a
Area M T contains an irregular but complete topo­ m onkeys judgment o f t h e direction in which a random-doc
graphic representation ot the contralateral visual hemifield. display wich a variable degree ot cohercnc mocion is moving
The central 15° o f the hemifield occupies over half the sur­ (Saitzman et al. 19 9 2 ; Nichols and Newsome 2 0 0 2 ). Also,
face ot M T . There is also an emphasis on the lower temporal responses ot cclls in M T ot monkeys are reduced when
stimulated for some time by stimuli moving in the cells’ pre­ parallax produced, for example, by lateral motion o f slant­
ferred direction. The magnitude ot this neural adaptation is ing o r inclined surfaces o r o f surfaces at different distances.
consistent wich the magnitude o f the motion aftereffect in O th er cclls respond best to the second spatial derivative o f
humans {van Wezel and Britten 2 0 0 2 ) . motion produced by motion ot 3-D curved surfaces. These
M ost motion-selective cclls in M T o f the monkey arc cclls seem to be designed to d ctcct velocity gradients in pat­
cue invariant, which means that they respond to first-order terns ot optic flow generated by selt-motion or to register
motion o f luminance-defined contours but also to second- chc 3 -D layout o f objects from patterns o f relative motion
order motion o f contours defined by concrasc, texture, (X ia o ct al. 1995; Buracas and Albright 1 9 9 6 ; Treuc and
flicker, or disparity ( O ’Keefe and Movshon 1998; Albright Anderson 1996). Liu and Van Hulle ( 1 9 9 8 ) developed a
1992). neural network model o f the responses o f cells in M T to
W it h moving sine-wave gratings, the m otion tuning morion.
functions o f 7 5 % o f M T cells in the monkey varied with M otion parallax between two objects is an ambiguous
the spatial frequency ot the grating. For one ot the cells, stimulus tor relative depth unless the parallax is generated
preferred speed fell from 4 0 to 1 .5 7 s as spatial frequency by motion o f the head. Thus detection o f the sign o f depth
changed from 0 .1 2 5 to 4 cpd. However, with square-wave produced by m otion parallax requires the observer to com ­
gratings, which contain multiple spatial frequencies, speed bine information about motion o f the retinal images and
tuning was largely independent o f the spatial period ot the information about head motion (Section 28.3). Nadlcr
grating (Priebc et al. 2 0 0 3 ). Since the images o f most natu­ cc al. (2 0 0 8 ) recorded from cclls in M T o f two macaque
ral objects contain a mixture o f spatial frequencies, M T monkeys as they fixated a stationary stimulus while a patch
cells normally provide a signal that is independent o f the o f random dots was moved laterally
co-and-fro to simulate
torm and spacial-frequency content ot the moving stimuli. various depths between the fixation point and the patch. In
Cells in V I arc responsive to boch the orientation and the head-motion condition the motion o f the patch was
the direction ot motion ot local stimuli. There is an essential accompanied by sideways motion ot the m onkeys head. In
ambiguity in signals produced by a moving line. D etection chc image-mocion condition the same retinal motion was
ot the pattern ot m otion o t a complex object requires sig­ created but with the head scacionary. In the image-motion
nals from V I cells to be com bined. C ells in V I respond condition M T cclls responded with opposite phase but
selectively to com ponent motions o f superimposed gratings similar amplitude to both directions o f motion o f the patch.
moving in orthogonal directions, while cells in M T respond In the head-motion condition, some cclls responded when
to the composite plaid motion o f the whole display the motion indicated that the patch was far and other cells
(Snowden et al. 1 9 9 1 ; Movshon and Newsome 1996). Huk responded when the patch was near. Thus, the cclls co m ­
and Heeger ( 2 0 0 2 ) noted the same preference for plaid bined image m otion with signals indicating head motion to
motion in f M R I recordings trom M T in humans. W h en derive signals that indicated the sign o f relative depth
rhe perceptual coherence o f rhe plaids was reduced, rhe between the fixation point and the moving patch.
response from M T declined. Rust et al. ( 2 0 0 6 ) produced a X iao e t al. ( 1 9 9 7 ) recorded trom M T o f macaque m o n ­
cascade model in which M T cclls act as linear hirers thar keys in response to the projected image o f a textured surface
com bine signals trom populations ot nonlinear cells in V I . rotating in depth. In this type o t display the velocity gradi­
However, M T cells do not com bine m otion signals ent o f the pattern o f m otion parallax indicates che slant o f
derived trom gratings presented dichoptically (Tailby et al. the surface. The orientation o f the rotation axis is indicated
2 0 1 0 ) . Thus cells in M T only com bine motion signals aris­ by the direction o f chc gradienc o f motion parallax. A sub-
ing trom the same eye. In humans, dichoptic orthogonal stancial number o f cells were selectively responsive to the
gratings producc rivalry rather than plaids, unless the grat­ orientation o f the rotation axis. The cells had asymmetric

ings are brief or have low contrast (see Section 12.3.6b). receptive fields appropriate tor the detection o f the direc­
Wc will now sec that M T is involved in the detection o f tion o f motion (Rees et al. 2 0 0 0 a ).
patterns o f optic flow created by self-motion or by the The activity o f M T cclls is influenced by changes in the
motion o f 3 -D objccts. perceived direction o f motion when chc physical stimulus is
In the owl monkey, M T has distinct bands (Born and unchanged. Bradley ct al. (1 9 9 8 ) trained monkeys со indi­
Tootell 1 992). Cells in some bands respond best to motion cate the direction o f motion o f an ambiguous 2 -D projec­
in the same direction over a large area and arc therctore sen­ tion o f a revolving transparent textured cylinder. Many
sitive to motion produced by head rotation. Cells in other neurons in M T changed cheir activity whenever the dircc-
bands have center-surround antagonistic receptive fields. cion-of-mocion percepc changed, even though che scimulus
The response to a cencral moving stimulus is inhibited by remained the same. However, most o f chesc cells responded
surround morion in the same direction and enhanced by more vigorously when the cylinder was seen rotating in a
surround motion in the opposite direction (Allman et al. given direction rather than in the opposite direction (sec
1 985). These cells therefore respond besr to relative motion Section 11.5.2a). From the same laboratory, Grunewald
(first spatial derivative o f m otion), which arises trom motion cc al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) obcained similar results in M T and some
stimulus related changes in some cells in V I . Dodd ct al. random dots increases the fM R1 signal from V5 (Moutoussis
(2 0 0 1 ) showed that the correlation between responses o f et al. 2 0 0 5 ).
cclls and the m onkeys reports arc not due to eye move­ O rban ct al. ( 1 9 9 5 ) identified an area adjaccnt to V 5 in
ments, response bias, sensory adaptation, or attention to humans that responded to shapes defined by motion. They
particular locations o f the stimulus. callcd this the k in e tic occipital region ( К О ) . Using f M R I ,
O n e can therefore predict an anim als response to Van O ostende et al. ( 1 9 9 7 ) found that this area responded
ambiguous or near threshold stimuli trom the response ot more strongly to motion-defined shapes than to simple
cortical neurons. Such predictions are known as ch o ice motion or to shapes defined by luminance contrast.
p ro b ab ilities (Britten ct al. 1996). However, Zeki ( 3 0 0 3 ) disputes the claim that К О is a dis­
Cells in M T and M S T are subject to effects o f learning. tinct visual area. He considers it to be part o f V3.
Zohary et al. ( 1 9 9 4 ) found a 13% increase in sensitivity ot The fundus ot the superior temporal sulcus ( F S T )
motion-sensitive cells in M T and M S T o f the monkey asso- receives inputs from M T . Mysore ct al. ( 2 0 1 0 ) found that
d ated with a 19% improvement in the ability to discrimi­ m ost cclls in the F S T ot monkeys were selective for specific
nate directions o f motion. 3 -D shapes defined by motion parallax, such as slanted
The f M R I response from V 5 in humans was stronger planes, saddles, and cylinders. The responses were independent
during periods when a flickering random-dot display o f the position or size o f t h e stimuli. Area F S T contained
appeared to move than when it appeared stationary (M uckli more cclls of this type.
ct al. 2 0 0 2 ). The response from V I did not change as the
percept changed. Activity in human V 5 , revealed by t M R I,
5 . 8 . 4 c C o r t i c a l A rea M S T
has also been found to be influenced by a motion aftereffect
induced in a stationary stimulus (H e ct al. 1998). The medial superior temporal cortcx (monkey M S T or
The P E T scan has revealed that V5 in the human brain human V 5 A ) rcccivcs a major input from M T . Inputs co n ­
is specialized for motion (Z ek i et al. 1991). Magnetic reso­ verge, so that receptive fields o f cells in M S T , especially in
nance imaging ( f M R I ) revealed that area V 5 is particularly the dorsal portion, are larger than those o f cclls in M T
responsive to 3 -D stimuli undergoing rigid or nonrigid (Ungerlcider and D esim one 1 986). This suggests that
motion (O rban et al. 1999) (Portrait Figure 5 .55 ). Also, reccptive fields o f M S T cclls arc constructed from the
different regions of V5 respond to circular, radial, and trans­ receptive fields o f M T cells.
lator)' patterns ot optic flow (M o rro n c et al. 2 0 0 0 ). In monkeys, the threshold degree ot coherent motion in
Increasing the directional coherence o f a display o f moving a display o f random dots required to produce a response o f
individual cclls in M T and M S T was similar to the psy-
chophysicallv determined threshold. The two thresholds
varied in the same way to changes in stimulus properties
(Celebrini and Newsome 1994).
Cells in M S T are sensitive to patterns ot optic flow,
especially to global patterns o f visual motion such as trans­
lation, rotation, expansion/contraction, and rotation in
depth (fanning). Responses to motion were more position
invariant than those in M T (D uffy and Wurtz 1991, 1997;
Graziano ct al. 1994; Lagae et al. 1994; Bradley ct al.
The motion specificity o f M S T cells could be due to
inputs cither from subregions sensitive to distinct linear
directions (direction mosaic hypothesis) or from subre­
gions sensitive to similar patterns ot optic flow (vector field
hypothesis). Position invariance o f responses o f M S T cclls
supports the latter hypothesis, although M S T cells arc not
entirely position invariant (Tanaka ct al. 1989; Duffy and
W urtz 1 9 95 ) (Portrait Figure 5 .5 6 ). Som e M S T cells were
influenced by the direction ot gaze and by the direction o f
Fifwc 5-5S- G uy O rban. I le o b ta in ed an M .D . in 1 9 6 9 . a degree in pursuit eye movements (Squatrito and Maioli 1996).
en g in eerin g in 1 9 7 4 , and a P h .D . in n eu rophysiology in 1 9 7 5 , all from Cclls in M S T respond in ditferent ways to optic flow
chc U niversity o f Leuven, B elgiu m . B etw een 1 9 7 0 and 1 9 8 2 he was a due to self-motion and signals arising from the motion o f
research assistant fo r the N atio n al Fund tor Scien tific R esearch and
objects. They could therefore be involved in coding the
associated lectu rer in the m ed ical sch ool a t the U n iv ersity o t Leuven.
Sin ce 1 9 8 2 he has been a professor in the D e p a rtm e n t o t N cu roscicn ccs direction o f heading as one moves through a 3 -D scene
in th e m ed ical sch ool o t th e U n iv ersity o t Leuven. (Page and Dutfy 1999; Logan and Dufty 2 0 0 6 ) . There are
motion and binocular disparicy. For some o f these cells chc
disparity preference in che ccncer o f che receptive field dif­
fered from chac in chc surround (Eifuku and Wurcz 1999).
They chus responded to spatial gradients ol disparity and
could be involved in perceptual segmentation o f moving
camouflaged objects.
The response o f motion sensitive cclls in M S T is sub­
stantially* the same whatever feature defines the motion
boundary. Thus, the preferred direction o f cells was che
same for mocion o f a d o t pactern, a solid or an outline
square, and o f a region defined by flicker (Gccsam an and
Andersen 1996). 'Hiis suggescs chat M S T is involved in che
dececcion ot shape from mocion. For chis purpose, one
would expecc connections со che inferior ccmporal corcex.
The dececcion o f binocular disparicy in areas M T and
M S T is discussed in Scccion 1 1.5.2a.

F>Rurc5.S*- R obert И . W urtz. B orn in S t L ou is in 1 9 3 6 . H e received an

Л .В . from O b c rlin C o lleg e and a P h .D . trom the U niversity o f 5 .8 .4 d R oscral S u p e r io r T e m p o r a l C o r t e x
M ich ig an w ith Ja n ie s O ld s. H e did p o std o cto ral w ork in the
d ep artm en t o f physiology, W ash in gton U niversity, and at th e N ational M T and M S T are in chc caudal superior temporal corcex.
Institu te o f H ealth . In 1 9 6 6 he jo in ed the lab o rato ry o f n eu robiology at There has been some disagreement abouc che tunccions ot
N 1H and in 1 9 7 8 he founded the lab oratory o l sen sorim otor research
chc roscral superior ccmporal corccx. Som e invcscigacors
in the N ational Eye Institute. R o b e rt W u rtz was elected to the N ational
A cadem y o f Scien ces in 1 9 8 8 , the Institu te o f M ed icin c o f th e N ational have claimed chac ic is associated with spatial orientation,
A cadem y o f Scien ces in 1 9 9 7 , the A m erican A cadem y o l A rts and while others have claimed chat ic is associated wich objccc
Scien ces in 1 9 9 0 . H e was president o\ the S o c ie ty for N euroscience in recognicion. The area receives polysensory inputs from che
inferior pariccal lobe o f chc dorsal scream associaccd wich
spacial oriencacion and from the inferior cemporal cortex
ot the vencral scream associaccd with objecc recognicion.
more cells in M S T responsive to radial expansion than cells Therefore, this area is probably associated wich both func-
responsive to contraction (Gccsaman and Andersen 1996). cions (see Karnath 2 0 0 1 ).
Expansion is associated with forward self-motion. Page and Vaina ec al. ( 2 0 0 1 ) found chac chis region was accivaced
Duffy (2 0 0 3 ) Found chat neurons in monkey M S T co m ­ in che human M R I when subjects performed discrimina-
bined visual and vestibular signals in coding heading direc­ cion tasks involving biological mocion, such as recognizing
tion. Elcccrical scimulacion of cclls in M S T ofalcrc monkeys a human walker from a pattern o f moving light poincs.
biased their judgments o f heading direction (Britten and The traditional view is that lesions in the right inferior
van Wezel 1998). parietal lobe cause visual neglect, in which the patient is
The responses o f cells in M S T were found to be inde­ unable to fixate, accend to, or recall objeccs in che concralat-
pendent o f chc prcccding scimulus (Paolini cc al. 2 0 0 0 ) . In eral field (Section 32.1.1). However, Karnath ct al. ( 2 0 0 1 )
other words, they were not tuned to specific changes in found that neglect in patients wich no ocher visual-field
chc flow field that might arise as the animal moves along a detects is due со lesions in che roscral superior cemporal
complex path through the environment. corcex, che basal ganglia, or pulvinar. They concluded chac
M any cells in M S T responded during pursuit eye move­ chesc three cencers form a cortico-subcortical network
ments or со che retinal motions o f single spots or large dis­ underlying spatial awareness. The left superior temporal
plays thac iniciacc ditfcrcnc cypcs o f visual pursuic (Komacsu cortex in humans is associated with language.
and W urtz 1888a, 1 9 8 8 b ; Bradley ecal. 1996). This includes
visual pursuit o f objcccs moving in depch.
5 . 8 .4 e P o s te rio r Pariccal C o r c e x
Som e cells in monkey M S T responded specifically to
objcccs rocacing in depch, some со objcccs rocacing abouc a The human poscerior parietal cortex includes che superior
horizontal axis, ochers to objcccs rocacing abouc a vercical parietal lobe, che inferior pariccal lobe, che intrapariccal
axis (Saico ec al. 19 8 6 ; Sakaca ec al. 1986). Som e cells in che sulcus, and rhe medial parietal corcex. These areas are sec
dorsal M S T o f a lc r c monkeys responded со cilc alone, со ouc in Table 5.2. In che monkey, che intrapariccal sulcus is
slanc alone, or to both the tilt and the slant o f a surface. Tilt subdivided, as shown in the cable, and the inferior parietal
and slanc were defined by gradicncs o f motion o f random- lobe contains areas 7a and 7b.
dot surface patches (Sugihara et al. 2 0 0 2 ) . Some cells in Visual and eye-posicion signals interact at various sub­
chc lateral-ventral region o f M S T were jointly tuned to cortical sites, including the superior colliculus (Sparks and
l . i b l e 5 .2 . A R E A S W IT H IN T H E P O S T E R IO R

P A R IE T A L L O B E .

S u p e r io r p a r ie ta l c o r tc x (B A 5 an d 7)

In fe r io r p a rie ta l c o r te x (B A 7 a , 7 b , 3 9 a n d 4 0 )

In tr a p a r ie ta l su lcu s

L a te ra l in tr a p a rie ta l a re a ( L I P )

M ed ia l in tr a p a rie ta l a re a ( M I P )

V en tral in tr a p a r ie ta l area ( V I P )

A n te r io r in tr a p a rie ta l a re a ( A I P )

M e d ia l p a rie ta l c o r tc x

Porter 1983) and pulvinar (Robinson et al. 1990). The

posterior parietal cortcx is the main center for coordination
o f visually guided movements o f arms, head, and eyes in
relation to an object to which an animal is attending
(Hyvarinen 1982; Bruce and Goldberg 1985; Medendorp
et al. 2 0 0 5 ). Пциг<*.$7. У ст ог R. Siauntcastle. B o rn in Sh clbyv illc, K en tu cky, in 191 8.
H e o b tain ed an M .D . from Jo h n s H op kins H osp ital in 1 9 4 3 . Sin ce
T he position o f a visual o b ject is first coded in a retinal
19-48 he has been at the Jo h n s H op kins U n iv ersity wSchool o t M edicin e.
frame o f reference, which must then be transformed into a H e was pro fesso r o f physiology from 1 9 5 9 to 1 9 8 0 and professor o f
headcentric frame o f reference by taking eye position into n cu ro scicn cc from I 9 S 0 со 1 9 9 1 . Awards inclu d e the Lashlcv
4 Prize o f
account. Finally, the position of the visual o b je ct must be the A m erican P h ilo sop h ical Society, the S c h m itt Prize and M ed al at
M .I.T ., the G o ld M edal o t the Royal S o ciety o f M cd icin c, chc G erard
transformed into a bodvcentric frame o f reference for the
Prize o f chc Sociccv for N eu ro scien ce, the Lasker Award, the M cG ov ern
purpose of guiding limb movements (see Figure 4.7 ). Prize and M edal o f t h e A .A .A .S .. and the N cu ro scicn cc Prize o f the
Som e cells in the monkey posterior parietal cortex N .A .S .
responded to a stimulus in a given retinal location, but
response magnitude depended on the position o f t h e eyes
in the orbits (Andersen et al. 19 9 0 ; Duhamel et al. 1992). Siegel and Read ( 1 9 9 7 ) recorded from cclls in area 7a
O th er cells were influenced by proprioceptive inputs from o f monkeys viewing random-dot displays undergoing
one, two, or more arm joints (Mountcastle et al. 1975; translation, rotation, or radial motion in a frontal plane.
Leinonen et al. 1979) (Portrait Figure 5 .57 ). O th er cells Som e cells responded differentially to opposite directions
were influenced by proprioceptive signals from the neck o f optic flow, such as radial expansion versus contraction.
(Brotchie et al. 1995). O thers were active when the animal There was a predominance o f cells more sensitive to
reached tor or manipulated an o b ject in a given location. expansion than to contraction. O th er cclls responded dif­
Their activity was independent ot the trajectory of the arm ferentially to distinct classes o f optic flow, such as radial
movement (Hyvarinen and Poranen 1974; Bushnell e t al. versus rotary*
1981; Bradley et al. 1996). Sakata ct al. (1 9 9 4 ) found many cclls in area 7a o f t h e
Recordings from the human parietal cortex using monkey that responded selectively to rotation of a slit in a
f M R I revealed regions o f activity related to memory-guided given direction in 3 -D space. The response o f some o f these
movements o f rhe eyes and arm in a gaze-centered frame o f cells showed periodic changes when the monkey viewed an
reference I’ Medendorp et al. 2 0 0 3 ). ambiguous rotating trapezoid (Ames window) monocu-
Area 7a in the inferior parietal lobe contains binocular larly. Som e cells responded best to motion in depth defined
cells with large receptive fields. It seems to be specialized tor by looming, others to motion in depth defined by changing
coding the bodvcentric positions o f objects in extrapersonal disparity, and others to motion in depth defined by either
space, tor directed reaching and navigation (Snyder et al. stimulus (see Sakata e t al. 1997).
1998). Area 7a has some inputs from rhe vestibular system Ferraina et al. (1 9 9 7 ) recorded from cells in area 7a as
and trom centers that code eye position. It therefore receives monkeys reached to objects that the animals fixated or did
information required for coding the headcentric locations not fixate. Som e cells responded selectively to eye position,
ot objects (see Zipser and Andersen 1 988). Area 7a projects others to the position and motion o f the hand. But most
heavily to the hippocampus, an area involved in spatial cells responded to a combination ol hand position and eye
memory and navigation (see Andersen 1997). position.
The lateral and medial intraparietal areas ( L I P and Many neurons in I.IP responded when the monkey was
M I P ) receive visual inputs via V 3 A , M T , and M S T , as well about to make a saccadic eye movement or arm movement
as auditory, somcsthctic, and vestibular inputs. They also (Snyder ct al. 1997, 1 998). O th er cclls responded in rela­
receive eye-position signals from the superior colliculus, tion to eye movements in 3-D space (Section 10.10.2). The
and inputs from the ccrcbcllum, basal ganglia, and frontal responses o f these cclls in the alert monkey did not depend
lobes. directly on sensory inputs or m otor outputs. It seems that
Area L IP projects to cortical areas concerned with the they cncodc a movement that is about to occur, even after
generation o f arm movements, including M IP, the prefron- the visual target has been removed (Eskandar and Assad
tal motor cortex, and the neighboring parietal-reach 1999). Electrical stimulation o t cells in L IP evokes saccadcs
region (P R R ) (Batista and Andersen 2 0 0 1 ; Andersen and (Thier and Andersen 1998).
Bunco 2 0 0 2 ) (Portrait Figure 5 .58 ). Area L IP also projects The stimulus selectivity of cells in U P depends on the
to areas concerned with generating saccadic eye movements, stimulus feature to which monkeys had been trained to
including the superior colliculus and the frontal eye fields make a saccadic eye movement. Thus, cells showed location
(Section 10.10.2). selectivity after monkeys had been trained with location-
In the monkey, L IP seems to be specialized lor coding defined targets, and color selectivity after they had been
the headcentric positions o f stimuli to which the animal is trained with color-defined targets (T oth and Assad
attending. Som e cclls responded preferentially to an 2002 ).
attended stimulus in a given headcentric direction, whether A change in the stimulus to which human subjects were
or not the animal made an eve movement to the stimulus attending was associated with 1M RI activity in the lateral
(C olbv ct al. 1 9 % ) . O th er cclls responded to stimuli at a intraparietal cortex (I.IP ). A change in the response made
given distance. Som e cells were tuned jointly to direction to a given stimulus was associated with activity in the medial
and distance (Sakata ct al. 1980; Andersen and Mountcastle intraparietal cortex (M I P ) (Rushworth et al. 2 0 0 1 ).
1 983). These cells bring auditory and visual stimuli into a T he medial intraparietal c o rtc x ( M I P ) is specialized
com m on headcentric frame o f reference (Andersen and for processing stimuli within reaching distance. Cclls in this
Bunco 2 0 0 2 ). area responded to either somatosensory or visual inputs or
both, and were sensitive to stimulus features such as direc­
tion and movement. Some cells maintained their response
duringa memory-guided response (see Colby and Goldberg
Cells in the monkey superior parietal lobe (area 5)
responded selectively to rhe position o f the hidden arm and
also to the position of a visible false arm, if it was realistic
(Graziano et al. 2 0 0 0 ) . Ferraina et al. ( 2 0 0 9 ) recorded in
the superior parietal lobe while monkeys reached to m em o­
rized objects at different distances. The response o f 6 1 % o f
tested neurons depended on the starting position o f the
hand, while the response o f 13% depended on rhe vcrgcncc
angle ot the eyes. The results indicate that the superior pari­
etal lobe com bines information about eye position and
hand position to encode target distance from the initial
hand position, that is, in hand coordinates.
The ventral intraparietal area ( V I P ) receives inputs
from M T and M S T (Baizer ct al. 1991). Chem ical tracers
have revealed visual, tactile, vestibular, and auditory inputs
(Lewis and Van F.sscn 2 000). Electrophysiological procedures
have, also, revealed that some V I P cells are bimodal or mul­
timodal. Som e cclls responded to both visual and tactile
stimuli. The preferred direction for a visual stimulus was
correlated with the position o f a tactilc stimulus applied
F.Surt5.s*. R ich a rd /I. .b id erie» . H e ob tain ed а В .Sc. in B io ch em istry from
the U n iv ersity o f C a lifo rn ia , D avis, in 1 9 7 3 and a P h .D . in physiology to the head or body (D uham el et al. 1998). Som e cells
from Jo h n s H o p k in s M ed ical S ch o o l in 1 9 8 1 . H e was on th e faculty of responded to visual motion and to vestibular stimuli
the Salk Institu te in L a Jo lla from 1981 to 1 9 S 7 and the facu lty o f M I T (Brem mer et al. 2 0 0 2 ) . These cells could be involved in the
from 1 9 8 7 to 1 9 9 4 . In 1 9 9 4 he jo in ed the B io lo g y D ivisio n o f C a ltc cli
detection o f self-motion. Som e cells responded to visual
in P.iv.ulcna, w here he i* th e Jam es C . Bosw ell professor o f neu roscience
and d ire cto r o f t h e Sloan C e n te r for T h eo retical N eurobiology. and auditory stimuli. Their visual receptive fields overlapped
R ecip ie n t o f t h e Sp en cer Award at C o lu m b ia U n iv ersity in 1 9 9 4 . their auditory receptive fields (Schlack et al. 2 0 0 5 ).
Cclls in monkey V IP arc specifically sensitive to optic were about to be manipulated. Many o f these cclls were
flow. Som e cells responded lx*st to a stimulus moving from binocular.
any azimuth direction toward a particular point on the O th er cclls in A IP that responded moderately or not at
facc (impact direction) (C o lb y et al. 1 9 9 3 ). Som e cells also all to visual features o f objects showed selectivity for the
responded to tactile stimuli applied to a particular location type o f handgrip involved in reaching for and grasping
on the face. Electrical stimulation o f these cells evoked objects o f different sizes, shapes, and orientations (Murata
appropriate head withdrawal and defensive movements ol ct al. 2 0 0 0 ).
the hand (C o o k e et al. 2 0 0 3 ). DeSouza et al. (2 0 0 0 ) found an area in the human intra-
O ther cells in V IP responded to textured surfaces parietal sulcus that showed f M R I activity during pointing
rotating in deprh or to patterns o f optic How simulating to a visual target. The response was enhanced when subjects
rotation in depth. But these cells were not specifically sensi­ looked in the direction of the pointing hand. They sug­
tive to rotation in depth, as were cells in M T or M S T gested that this area could be involved in transforming reti­
(Schaafsma et al. 1997). Vanduflel et al. ( 2 0 0 2 ), also, found notopic locations into arm-centered motor commands.
that motion in depth did not evoke specific fM R I responses Areas A IP and LIP in the monkey showed f M R I activation
in the monkey ventral intraparietal area. However, this area in response to both the 2 -D and 3-D structure o f small
showed specific f M R I responses to motion-in-depth in objects consisting o f line elements, and o f small surface
humans. patches (Durand et al. 2 0 0 7 ) .
I.ike cclls in M S T , V IP cells show position invariance, Posterior parietal lesions in humans cause deficits in
which suggests that the vector field mechanism operates for grasping and manual manipulation (Pause et al. 1989).
them (Schaafsma and Duysens 1 996). Also, like some cclls Patients could imitate the finger movements o f another
in M S T , some V IP neurons encode the direction o f visual person and had little loss of somatosensory sensitivity.
stimuli in terms o f headcentric coordinates (D uham el ct al. However, they were deficient in generating hand move­
1997). ments in response to objects detected visually or factually.
The a n te rio r intraparietal area (A 1P ) receives inputs T he f M R I from normal subjects revealed that area A IP is
from area L IP and projects to the premotor cortex specifically activated during grasping !,Binkofski et al.
(Nakamura et al. 2 0 0 1 ) . Sakata ct al. ( 1 9 9 9 ) (Portrait 1998).
Figure 5.59) lound cells in A IP o f the alert monkey that In a related area in the lateral bank of the caudal intra-
responded selectively to the visual shape, size, and 3-D parietal sulcus ( C I P ) o f monkeys, Sakata ct al. ( 1 9 9 9 )
orientation o f objects that were being manipulated or found cells that were selectively responsive to the 3 -D ori­
entation o fb a rlik c objects portrayed in a stereogram. O th er
cells in the same general area responded selectively to the
3 -D orientation ot surfaces defined only by disparity in a
random-dor stereogram (Taira e t al. 2 0 0 0 ) . Many neurons
in this area also responded to the 3 -D orientation o f sur­
faces defined only by texture gradients. Their responses were
invariant over different patterns of texture (Tsutsui et al.
Shikata et al. ( 2 0 0 1 ) showed that areas within the intra­
parietal sulcus in humans showed FM RI activity when sub­
jects discriminated the 3-D orientation ot a surface defined
by the monocular cue o f texture gradient.
O n e can think o f the parietal lobe as containing a
✓ representation o f the position and motion o f the body
and ot body parts in relation to external objects that
are guiding behavior (C oh en and Andersen 2 0 0 2 ).
M o to r com m ands and contingent sensory inputs (realfer-
ence) keep the representation updated (W olpert ct al.
1 998). However, mechanisms involved in willing a move­
H id fo Sak*rta. B orn in Sap p o ro , Ja p an , in 1 9 3 4 . H e graduated
ment and in detailed planning o f a movement remain
in liberal a m in 1 9 5 5 and in m ed icin e in 1 9 5 9 from T o kyo U niversity.
H e o b ta in ed a D .M .S . in physiology from T o kyo U niversity in 1 9 6 4 . mysterious.
B etw een 1 9 6 4 and 1 9 7 3 he held academ ic a p p o in tm en ts at O saka C ity The role o f t h e parietal lobes in attention is discussed in
U niversity, th e Scrips In stitu te o f O cean o g rap h y in San D ieg o , and the Section 5.9.2b. D efects in spatial perception and behavior
Jo h n s H op k ins U n iv ersity S c h o o l o f M ed icin e. In 1 9 7 3 he m oved to
arising from damage to the parietal co rtcx are discussed in
th e T okyo M etro p o lita n In stitu te lor N c u ro s c ic n c c s where he becam e
head o f the L ab o ra to ry o f N cu ro scicn ccs. In 2 0 0 0 he becam e professor Section 32.1. The visual control o f reaching is discussed in
ac N ih o n U niversity. Scction 34.3.
For a review o f the parietal lobes see Stein ( 1 9 9 1 ) , со make (Kim and Shadlen 1998). Cells in che frontal eye
C am initi ( 1 9 9 5 ). Sakata e t al. ( 1 9 9 7 ) , Galletti et al. ( 1 9 9 7 ), fields code eye movements in 3 -D coordinates. They pro­
and Andersen and Bu n eo ( 2 0 0 2 ). duce signals for both version and vergence appropriate for
tracking an object in 3 -D space (Fukushima et al. 2 0 0 2 ).
T h iscom plcx signal must be decomposed so thac brainsccm
5 .8 .4 Г F r o n ta l L o b e s
mechanisms responsible for version and vergence receive
The distinction between ventral and dorsal processing correct signals (Section 10.10.3).
streams extends into the frontal cortex. In che monkey, the Cells in the frontal eye fields normally respond to any
posterior parietal cortex o t the dorsal stream projects to the stimulus to which the animal is about to make a saccadic
principal sulcus and arcuate regions o f rhe frontal cortex. eye movement. In monkeys trained to fixate targets o f only
Cells in these regions respond to spatially localized stimuli one color, cells in the frontal eve

field became selectively
and maintain their response when the animal is required to responsive to stimuli o f that color (B ich o t et al. 1996).
remember the location o f a stimulus after it has been
removed (Funahashi e ta l. 1989).
5 .8 .4 g P r e m o t o r C o r t e x
The interior temporal cortex ot the ventral stream proj­
ects to area 8 in the arcuate sulcus, area 12 in the inferior In primates, the ventral intraparietal area ( V I P ) , che lateral
prefrontal convexity, and areas 11 and 13 on the orbital sur­ incraparietal area (L IP ), and medial superior temporal
facc o f the frontal cortex (Ungerleidcr et al. 19 8 9 ; Webster cortex ( M S T ) project to area 7 b in the posterior parietal
e t al. 1994). The response o f cells in these regions is rela­ lobe, which projcccs to the premotor corcex, especially che
tively independent o f che size, orientacion, and color o f ventral region (area 6 ). Tactile, visual, auditory, and propri­
complex patterns. Cells continued to respond to a pattern oceptive sources o f information converge in the premotor
during intervals when the animal was required to remember cortex, which is concerned with the control o f movements
the pattern (W ilso n et al. 1993). Lesions in these areas in ot the mouth, head, and arms. The premotor cortex projects
monkeys and humans produce deficits in the recognition o f to the primary m otor cortex and spinal cord.
complex objects, such as faces and words. The premotor cortex contains a somatotopic represen­
Event-related f M R I in humans revealed that retention tation o f the body, especially o f the arms, face, and mouth.
o f items in spatial memory is associated with activity in Som e cells respond preferentially to one sensory modality,
trontal area 8, while selection ot an item trom memory is while other cells arc bimodal or trimodal (Kurata and Tanji
associated wich accivicy in froncal area 4 6 (Rowe ec al. 1988). For example, some cells in rhe premotor cortex
2 0 0 0 ). responded to tactile stimuli applied to a particular region o f
Som e cells in che laceral prefroncal corcex o f monkeys skm, to visual stimuli placed near che same region, and со
responded seleccively со computer images o f dogs and sounds originacing within a distance o f about 3 0 cm trom
cats chac che monkeys had been crained со carcgorize. Eye the head (Graziano ec al. 1999).
movemencs and psychophysical tescing revealed that the In che monkey, a near o b ject approaching the body is a
monkeys were responding ro many features o f che stimuli. particularly effective stimulus for rhe premocor corcex. The
The cells responded to the same stimulus categories after receptive fields o f mosc visually sensitive cells in the prem o­
the boundaries between the categories had been changed by tor cortex do noc change with changes in che direction o f
morphing the shapes (Freedman et al. 2 0 0 2 , 2 0 0 3 ). gaze (Fogassi et al. 1996). For most cells with a tactile recep­
Cells in che prefrontal cortex o f alert monkeys chac tive field on the arm, the visual receptive field moved when
responded in che period between presentation ot a stimulus the arm moved (Graziano et al. 1997). Also, most cells that
and the m onkeys response to the stimulus did so in a responded to the position o f the arm, as indicated by prop­
manner that varied with the type o f reward received rioceptive scimuli, changed the location o f their visual
(W atanabe 1996). receptive field when the arm moved (Graziano 1999). Thus,
Som e cells in the frontal cortex responded to “what” these “arm + visual” cells code visual stimuli in bodvcentric
features when monkeys were required to remember an coordinates. Similarly, for m ost cells that responded to
object. O th er cells responded to "where” features when touch on a particular area on the face, the visual receptive
they remembered a location. Som e cells responded to either field changed as the head rotated. These “face + visual” cells,
“what” or “where” features according to the task. Ocher like some cells in the VIP, code visual stimuli in headcentric
cells responded со boch “what” and “where” features ac coordinates (Graziano ec al. 1997).
rhe same time (R ao ec al. 1997). Thus, parvocellular and The responses o f many cells in rhe ventral premotor
magnocellular systems projecting to the troncal lobes have corcex o f che monkey (area 6) were related со movements o f
different, buc overlapping, functions. different parts o f the forelimb (Kurata and Tanji 1988).
The ventral and dorsal streams converge on the frontal Many cells in che monkey premocor and m otor areas
eye fields (Bulliereral. 1 9 9 6 ). Cells in chis region responded responded in relation to only rhe direction or only che dis­
in relacion со eye movements thac a monkey was planning tance ot an arm movement to visual targets, while ocher
cells were jointly tuned to direction and distance (Fu c t al. O n e reason for interconnections between regions p ro­
( 1 9 9 3 ). This topic is discussed further in Section 34.3.2. cessing ditferent features is that ambiguity in the location o f
The responses o f some cells in the monkey premotor contours defined by one feature can be resolved by refer­
cortex were correlated with specific m otor acts such as ence to another feature. Thus, information flow between
grasping an o b ject with the hand or mouth. Som e cells different systems allows one to exploit redundancies in the
responded in relation to movements oi the whole hand visual world.
while others responded in relation to precise grasping move­
ments o f the fingers (Rizzolatti ct al. 1 988). Postures involv­
5 .8 .5 b Sp ecific E ffects o f C ereb ral Lesions
ing the hand were systematically mapped with respect to
positions round the body (Graziano et al. 2 0 0 2 ) . Unilateral The effects o f lesions within the parvoccllular and m agno­
ablation of area 6 in the macaque produced a failure to bite cellular systems ot the monkey support the idea o f two
food presented contralaterally to the lesion and inattention processing streams. Lesions in the parvocellular laminae
to objects in the contralateral visual field. Electrical stimula­ ot the L G N produced deficits in color vision, fine pattern
tion o f local regions o f the monkey premotor cortcx evoked discrimination, and fine stereopsis (Schiller et al. 1990).
coordinated postures o f hand and head (G entilucci et al. Lesions in the parvocellular retinogeniculate pathway
1988). reduced chromatic sensitivity at all spatial frequencies and
Bimodal cells coding visual stimuli in armcentric and achromatic sensitivity at high spatial and low temporal fre­
headcentric coordinates have also been found in the puta- quencies (Merigan 1989). Lesions in V4 also produced
men. This is a subcortical nucleus in the basal ganglia receiv­ color-vision defects, although they were less severe and less
ing inputs from the parietal lobe and premotor cortex permanent than defects produced by lesions in the L G N .
(Graziano and Gross 1993). Lesions in the inferior temporal lobe produced deficits in
Reaching and grasping are discussed in more detail in object recognition (Pohl 1973).
Section 34.3. Humans with lesions in the inferior temporal cortex
can n ot discriminate between shapes in a similar orientation
but can discriminate between shapes that differ widely in
5 .8 .5 E V I D E N C E F O R D I S T I N C T P A T H W A Y S orientation. Dijkerman e t al. ( 1 9 9 6 ) described a patient
with visual form agnosia arising from damage to the inferior
5 .8 .5 a In teraction s B etw een Ventral and
temporal cortex. She could not match the orientation o f
D o rsal Pathways
one disk to that o f another. However, she could accurately
The anatomical distinction between the ventral and dorsal grasp a disk displayed in ditferent orientations, presumably
cortical streams is by no means complete. There is evidence through the mediation o f an intact parietal system (see
o f partial convergence o f parvoccllular and magnocellular Section 5.8.4c).
inputs even in the primary visual cortex (see Schiller ct al. Milner ( 1 9 9 7 ) described a patient with carbon m onox­
1990). In addition, there are extensive interconnections ide poisoning who could n ot discriminate between stimuli
between all visual areas, especially between rhe temporal that differed in size, orientation, or shape even though she
and parietal lobes (DcYoe and Van Essen 1988). could perform skilled actions that required the registration
Although the main input to V4 is from the parvocellu- o f those stimulus attributes. The literature on the dissocia­
lar system, a few sites in this area show evidence o f inputs tion between perception and action was reviewed in Milner
from the magnocellular system (Maunsell ct al. 1990; and G oodalc ( 1 9 9 5 ) and is discussed in Section 34.3.5.
Ferrera et al. 1992, 1994). Monkey M T receives strong Lesions in the magnocellular laminae o f the L G N pro­
magno- and parvoccllular inputs from V I (Nassi c t al. duce deficits in motion perception, high-frequency flicker
2 0 0 6 ) . The anterior superior temporal polysensory area perception, and pursuit eye movements (Schiller et al.
( S T P ) receives inputs from both dorsal and ventral path­ 1 9 90 ) as well as reduced contrast sensitivity for low spatial
ways and contains cells jointly tuned to the form and motion frequency gratings modulated at high temporal frequencies
o f visual stimuli (O ram and Pcrrctt 1996). (Merigan and Maunsell 1990). Lesions in M T produce
Some cells in the monkey posterior parietal cortex (L IP ) similar deficits (Dtirstelcr et al. 1987). Lesions in the poste­
responded differentially to different shapes, even when the rior parietal cortex in man and other primates arc associated
animal was not performing a m otor task (Sereno and with loss ot spatial memory, disturbances ot spatial atten­
Maunsell 1998). However, neurons in L IP are n ot as sensi­ tion, and defects in representing spatial relations (Critchley
tive to differences between shapes as are neurons in the inf- 1955). These defects are discussed in Section 32.1. Humans
erotemporal cortex o f the ventral stream (I.ehkv and Sereno with lesions in the parietal cortex can discriminate between
2 0 0 7 ). Shape selectivity in 1.1 P may depend on inputs from shapes but can n ot discriminate between rotated shapes
V 4 and the interior temporal cortex (Webster e t al. 1994). (Walsh and Butler 1996).
Bur even if this is so, shapes are processed in different ways It has been proposed that rhe magnocellular system is
in the two streams. solely responsible tor coding depth and that the parvocellular
system is blind to binocular disparity (Livingstone and Hubei 5.8.6. M U L TIM O D A L RESPONSES
1988). Cells sensitive to binocular disparity are certainly pres­
A m ultimodal, or cross-modal effect is one in which
ent in areas V 3 and M T , which are considered part o f the
the activity o f a cell is affected by stimuli in more than one
magnocellular system (Maunsell and Van Essen 1983b ;
sensory modality. Crossm odal effects are o f four basic
Felleman and Van Essen 1987). However, the idea that dispar­
ity detection is confined to the magnocellular system must be
rejected, as we will sec in Section 11.5.4.
1. Nonspecific m odulation in unim odal areas M ost cells in
T h e picture that emerges is o f many retinotopically
the primary visual cortcx arc unim odal, although some
coded visual areas, which process different visual features.
cells that receive inputs from the peripheral retina also
The system is hierarchical in that each area receives its inpurs
receive inputs from the auditory co rtcx and the
from the striate cortcx, sometimes by way o f other areas. The
polysensory area (S T P ) o fth e temporal lobe (Falchier
system is also parallel in that there is divergence into distinct
et al. 2 0 0 2 ). Also, nonvisual stimuli can evoke a
areas that handle different visual features simultaneously.
generalized response in V I . Thus, M urata et al. (1 9 6 5 )
Th e areas acting in parallel interact through lateral connec­
obtained responses to pinpricks or a handclap in about
tions. At the same tim e, centers higher in the sequence send
50% o f cells in the visual cortex o f the cat. A given cell
recurrent signals back to earlier stages. Som e higher centers
responded in the same way when the pinprick was
receive visual inputs from the pulvinar o r other subcortical
applied to different parts o f the body. This suggests that
centers before they receive inputs from V I . They could
the responses were due to general arousal rather than to
therefore modulate inputs from V I by feedback (see
location specific cross-m odal innervation o f the visual
Felleman and van Essen 1991; Z eki 2 0 0 1 ). The system is
cortcx. Very few cells in V I responded to a tactile
probably also multilayered in the sense that the output o f
cach processing unit is available to consciousness. Finally,
the parallel pathways converge into processes that determine 2. Location-specific modulation in unim odal areas
the perception o f com plex objects and events and action Extrastriatc areas such as V 2 , V 3 , and V 4 arc
(see Grossberg 19 9 0 ; Rockland and Van Hoesen 1994). believed to be unim odal. However, fM R I responses
A simple view is that unitary percepts o f o b jects and o f from the human lingual/fusiform region (V 4 ) revealed
spatiotemporal relationships arise only after inform ation that the response to visual stim ulation was boosted
from the interrelated parallel streams is com bined. But if bv
concurrent tactile stim ulation o f the hand when
each visual feature were processed independently, some the visual and tactile stimuli were in rhe same location
means would have to be found to keep contours defined by in external space. Tactile stim ulation alone had no
different features in register. The feature-binding problem effect (M acaluso et al. 2 0 0 2 ). This type o f effect is
would be cased it the only unitary percept ot the visual probably due to feedback o f signals regarding the
scene as a whole were that o f crudely processed general fea­ position o f the hand and o f the gaze from higher
tures form ed before the streams segregate. D istin ct and spe­ centers.
cialized processing would be concerned only with rhe
3 . Location-specific responses in polysensory areas Several
analysis ot particular regions or features o f the primitive
areas o t the brain contain cells that respond in a
scene. There may be no overall unitary percept derived by
location-specific way to stimuli in more than one
com bining the outputs from parallel higher-order process­
modality. These are true polysensory areas because
ing streams. There is good evidence that parts o f a scene
cells respond to stimuli in either o f two or more
that are not attended to arc perceived only in the crudest
m odalities or to the com bination o t stimuli in more
term s for purposes such as control o f posture, detection o f
than one modality. Polysensory areas include rhe
self-m otion, control ot eye movements, and redirection o f
superior colliculus (Stein and M eredith 1 9 9 3 ), the
polysensory area (S TP) o f rhe tem poral lobe, the
The ultim ate representation o f the perceptual world
parietal co rtex (Scctio n 5 .8 .4 c), and the prem otor
may be a high-level associative netw ork, which “consults"
visual inform ation provided by whichever visual centers are
relevant to a given task (H ochstein and Ahissar 2 0 0 2 ). 4 . Responses to common features In cross-modal m atching
For example, if the task is that o f detecting o b ject boundar­ we judge som e attribute o f a stimulus in one m odality
ies or discrim inating betw een simple stim uli, such as with respect со the same attribute in another modality.
two orientated lines, the netw ork may consult only V I . For example, we can set the length ot a seen rod to
It the task were that o f m otion discrim ination, it may m atch the length o f a felt rod. Presumably, at some
consu lt M T ,a n d ifitw e re that o freco g n izin g a visuaJ o b ject level in the nervous system, multimodal features
it would consult the inferior tem poral cortex. A ttention such as size, location, m otion, and sm oothness are
is the process that allows us ro consu lt different visual represented in a form that transcends particular
processes. senses.
5 .9 P H Y S IO L O G Y O F V IS U A L A ttention was found to be autom atically allocated to a
A T T E N T IO N loom ing stim uli on a collision trajectory even when subjects
were not aware o f the difference between such a stimulus
General features o f attention were described in Section 4.8. and one that was on a near-miss trajectory (Lin et al.
Any shift o f visual attention w ithin or between o b jects is 2 0 0 9 ).
accom panied by changes in neural activity in different areas Responses ot some cells in the pulvinar were modulated
o f the extrastriate cortex. There are tour types o f attention by the position o f the eyes. O th er cells responded before the
enhancem ent o f the responses o f cortical cells. ‘Ih c first onset o f scll-in itiated arm m ovem ents,even before responses
results trom general arousal, the second is location specific, occurred in the primary m otor cortex or posterior parietal
the third is stimulus specific, and the fourth results from corcex (C udeiro e t al. 1989).
learning. These effects will now be discussed. The th a la m ic reticu lar nucleus (G uillery c t al. 1998)
and the p o n tin e reticu lar form atio n project ro all parts o f
the cerebral cortex through the m ediation o f the neu-
5 .9 .1 G E N E R A L A T T E N T I O N M E C H A N IS M S
rotransm ittcr seroconin. These nuclei, along wich cencers
The activity o f relay cells in the L G N is enhanced in states in the hypothalamus, are involved in the control o t the
o f general arousal (Scctio n 5 .2 .2 d ). Livingstone and Hubcl slecp'Waking cycle.
(1 9 8 1 ) found that cells in the primary visual cortex o f alert The lo cu s co cru lcu s in the dorsal pons diffusely
cats generally show a reduced spontaneous firing rate and innervates the cerebral cortex through the ncurotransm it-
an enhanced response to visual stim uli com pared with when ter norepinephrine {L ev itt and M oore 1 9 7 9 ). It is probably
the anim al is asleep. Som e cells in V I and V 2 respond more associated with attention and has been im plicated in
vigorously before saccadic eye m ovements but n o t specifi­ cortical plasticity (Section 8.2.7h ).
cally to eye movem ents to stimuli in the ce lls receptive field The nucleus o f M eynert in the basal brainstem projects
(R obinson et al. 1 9 8 0 ; M oran and D esim one 1 9 8 5 ). In to all parts o f the cerebral cortex through the m ediation o f
o ther words, the enhanced response at the level o f the LG N the neurotransm itter acetylcholine. This system seems to
and early stages o f cortical processing is not location- control selective attention and perhaps consciousness
specific or feature-specific, but reflects a change in general (M cG eh ee and Role 1 9 9 6 ; Perry et al. 1999). It is involved
arousal. in the generation ot hallucinations and cognitive disor­
In states ot reduced attention and sleep, cortical ders in conditions such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, and
cells engage in high-am plitude synchronous activity at A lzheim er’s disease (see A lkondon et al. 2 0 0 0 ). This system
less than 10 H z. In the awake state, attention is accom pa­ seems to provide region-specific atccntional m odulation o f
nied by greater synchrony o f neural responses in several activity in the cerebral cortex (Sarter and Parikh 2 0 0 5 ).
visual areas at frequencies over 35 Hz (sec Section 4 .3 .4 ). Rats perform ing a task that required close attention to
For example, the general activity o f V I o f the monkey was stim uli showed an increase in acetylcholine release in the
higher and m ore highly synchronized 100 ms bctorc pre­ frontoparietal cortcx. Rats making similar responses that
sentation o f a stimulus that che animal reported chan before did n o t require close atten tion showed much less acetylcho­
presentation o f a stimulus that the animal failed to report line activity (Arnold ct al. 2 0 0 2 ).
(Super c t al. 2 0 0 3 ). T h e anim al was presumably more alert Several lines o f evidence suggest that the right cerebral
when it reported the stimulus. Also, responses ot cells in cortex is involved in sensory attention. Rats lacking inputs
M T and M S T becam e synchronized ju st before an expected to che right cortical hemisphere from cholinergic neurons
stimulus was presented (C ardoso de O liveira ct al. 1 9 9 7 ). in the basal forcbrain had impaired ability to detect
The p u lv in ar is a part o f the thalamus that receives m ost stimuli relevant со perform ance o f a learned cask. Loss o f
o t its inputs from the ipsilateral cerebral cortex. It sends cholinergic inputs to the left hemisphere increased the
reciprocal con nection s to V I , V 2, V 4 , M T , and the parietal, num ber o f false alarms when no scimulus was presenc.
infcrotem poral, and prefrontal cortex (Stepniew ska 2 0 0 4 ). M arinez and Sarter (2 0 0 4 ) concluded that the right cere­
There are also con nection s to auditory and somatosensory bral hemisphere mediates stim ulus selection while the
cortical areas (Adams et al. 2 0 0 0 ; G utierrez e t al. 2 0 0 0 ). left cerebral hemisphere m ediates executive aspects o f
The pulvinar contains a crudc map o f the cerebral cortcx, attention.
including at least tw o topographic representations o f the G ood perform ance o t human subjects on a sensorim o­
visual field. The pulvinar is im plicated in the control o f tor task was associated with fM R I activation o f the right
visual attention (R obinson and Petersen 1 9 9 2 ; Levitt o ral. frontoparietal co rtex coupled with decreased activity in
19 9 5 ; Grieve et al. 2 0 0 0 ). It probably processes stimuli that the left lim bic and eingulate areas (Law rence et al. 2 0 0 3 ).
require rapid responses, such as visual loom ing chac signifies These results accord with the fact that visual neglect is
impending collision (K ing and Cow cy 1 9 9 2 ; M estrc et al. associated with lesions in the right hemisphere (see
19 9 2 ; Beer eca l. 2 0 0 2 ). Scction 3 2 .1 .1 b ).
5 .9 .2 L O C A T IO N -S P E C IF IC C O R T IC A L monkeys could d etect smaller changes in the lum inance o f
E F F E C T S O F A T T E N T IO N a stimulus when the corresponding area o f the frontal eye
fields was electrically stim ulated. The effect ceased when the
5 .9 .2 a L o ca tio n -S p e c ific E ffects in V I , V 2 , and V 3
interval betw een stimulus onset and electrical stimulation
The fM R I response in the lateral geniculate nucleus was greater than 3 0 0 ms.
increased w hen human subjects attended to a flickering
grating in the left or right hcmifield rather than to a foveal
5 .9 .2 b L o c a tio n -S p e c ific E ffe c ts in th e
stimulus ( O ’C o n n o r 1)H c t al. 2 0 0 2 ). Responses o fsin g le
D o rs a l S tream
cclls in subcortical structures, such as the superior colliculus
and pulvinar, increased when m onkeys redirected their M otion-sensitive cells in M T and M S T o f the monkey
attention to the stimulus (R obinson and Petersen 1992; responded more vigorously when the animal attended to
Robinson and Kertzm an 1 995). the m oving stimulus (Treue and Maunsell 1999). C ells in
Responses o f cells in V' 1, also, are influenced by the locus M T o r M S T responded more vigorously when a monkey
o f attention. For example, the response o f cclls in V I was attended to a stimulus m oving in the receptive field o f
enhanced when the stimulus within the receptive field was the cell than when it attended to a stimulus outside the
o n e for which monkeys had been trained to perform a dis­ receptive field, even though the two stim uli were identical
crim ination task (Vidvasagar 1 998). However, the effects (Treue and Maunsell 1 9 9 6 ; C o o k and Maunsell 2 0 0 2 ).
o f attention on responses o f single cells in m onkey V I have Also, the m ost responsive part o f the receptive field o f
been generally found to be small (M aunsell and C o ok cells in monkev/ M T shitted in the direction o f the stimu-
2 0 0 2 ). Also, while attention strengthens the responses o f lus w ithin the receptive field to which the monkey was
cells in a given region it does n o t affect the tuning o f cells to attending (W o m elsd o rfet al. 2 0 0 6 ).
visual features such as orientation (M cA dam s and Maunsell The fM R I from V 5 (the center in the human brain co r­
1999). responding to M T ) was m ost active when subjects attended
The effects o f attention are greater in later stages o f visual to a moving stimulus ( O ’Craven c t al. 1 9 9 7 ). Transcranial
processing. This is what one would expect ot a mechanism m agnetic stim ulation o f human V I produces a stationary
designed to activate those high-level processes involved in phosphene. Stim ulation o f V5 creates a moving phosphene.
processing attended objects. All o f V I is active when we However, the m oving phosphene could n o t be seen when
view a scene, but activity is required only in the specific the corresponding region o f V I was stimulated just after
higher processes that relate to the o b ject o f attention. stim ulation o f V5 (Pascual-Leone and W alsh 2 0 0 1 ). From
The fM R I showed large systematic changes in neural the tim ing o f these effects, Silvanto et al. (2 0 0 5 ) concluded
activity in V I o f human subjects as they changed their that feedback from V5 to V I influences the con ten ts o f
attention from one peripheral location to another awareness arising trom activity in V I and V 5.
(Brefczynski and DeYoe 19 9 9 ; G andhi c t al. 1999). M any cells in the parietal lobe o f monkeys responded
However, subdural electrodes applied to a local area ot the more vigorously to a stimulus when the animals attended to
human visual co rtex revealed that attention produced only it, reached for it, fixated it, or were about to make a saccadic
modest response enhancem ent, similar to that shown by eye m ovem ent toward it (Lynch et al. 1977; Bushnell et al.
single unit recording in monkeys ( Yoshor et al. 2 0 0 7 ). 1981; R obinson e ta l. 1 9 7 8 ,1 9 9 5 ). Sim ilar cells exist in the
A tten tion did n o t increase visual evoked potentials o f prelunate and frontal lobes (W urtz et al. 1 9 8 0 ; Fischer and
cells in V I during the initial 50 ms after a stimulus was pre­ Boch 1 9 8 1 ). For many o f these cells, the stimulus could be
sented. It therefore seems that the facilitation evident in the either a visual or auditory target in a given location (Vaadia
fM R I was due to feedback from the extrastriate cortex e ta l. 1986).
(M artin ez et al. 1 9 9 9 ). The fM R I response in V I , V 2, and The posterior parietal cortex and the prefrontal cortex
V 3 was enhanced in humans while they made difficult exhibited transient fM R I activity as human subjects shifted
stimulus discrim inations (R ees et al. 2 0 0 0 b ). The enhance­ their attention betw een visual and auditorv/ stimuli
m ent was related to the location o f the stim uli and the (Shom stein and Yantis 2 0 0 4 ).
difficulty o fth e task but persisted during intervals between The P E T scan has also revealed that attention to a
stimulus presentations. Behavioral evidence for enhanced particular place or a particular o b je ct produces activation
visibility o f objects in an attended location was provided in o f the parietal and frontal lobes in humans (Fink et al.
Section 4 .8.2c. 1997). The PF.T scan revealed activation o f the superior
The local enhancem ent o f neural activity in an attended
parietal cortex when subjects attended to a peripheral target
area o f V I could be associated with activity in the corre­ whether or not they made an overt response. However, the
sponding region o f rhe frontal eye fields associated with a frontal cortex was activated only w hen subjects made an
saccadic eye movement to a stimulus in that area. In co n fo r­ overt response to the attended o b ject (C o rb etta c t al.
m ity with this idea, M oore and Fallah (2 0 0 4 ) found that 1993).
Patients with damage to the parietal or frontal cortex stim ulus in a defined location that a person is fixating or
show increased reaction tim es when changing attention reaching for.
from one o b ject to another (Petersen et al. 1989). In extreme Bender and Youakim (2 0 0 1 ) measured responses o f
cases, patients totally neglect stim uli in the contralateral neurons in che L G N as monkevs
/ viewed a scimulus to which
hemifield. This topic is discussed in Section 32.1.1. chey had been trained со attend or an irrelevant scimulus in
che same location. C clls in the L G N showed no evidence
5 .9 .2 c L o ca tio n -S p c cific E ffects in the of attcncional m odulation. It was noted in the previous
Ventral Stream section that the human fM R I indicates artentional m odu­
lation in the L G N . The difference between these results
Cells in V 4 o f the rhesus m onkey responded more strongly to could be due to use o f single-cell responses versus global
a grating when the animal attended to the grating rather than fM R I responses. It could also be due to the fact that the
to a stimulus outside the cclls receptive field. The tuning fM R I study looked ac locacion-specific accencion whereas
curves o f the cells were not affected by a change in attention chc single-neuron scudy looked ac scimulus-specific acten-
(M cAdam s and Maunsell 1999). For a given ccll, attention cion. Tliis is a general problem when using chese two proce­
caused a proportional increase in its responses to stimuli in all dures со invescigace chc effects o f atcencion. See Murray
orientations. This suggests that attention produces a multi­
(2 0 0 8 ) for evidence on chis question.
plicative scaling o f che response o f a cell (Maunsell and A test spot superimposed on one region o f a reversible
McAdams 2 0 0 0 ). Cells in V 4 also increased their response to figure-ground display, such as a Rubin s cross, is detected at
a stimulus when it was near a second stimulus to which the a lower lum inance when that region is seen as a figure than
animal was attending, and the effect depended on the dis­
when the same region is seen as ground (Frank 1923;
tance between the tw o stimuli (C o n n o r et al. 1996). W citzm an 1963; W ong and Wcisscein 1 9 8 2 ). Neurons in
C ells in areas V 2 and V 4 showed a 3 0 - 4 0 % increase in
V I o f the macaque m onkey responded more vigorously to
firing rate when monkeys attended со a locacion in which texture elem ents belonging to a figure than to chc same
they expected a stimulus to appear, even though there was elem ents belonging to a ground region (Lam m e 1995).
no stimulus in that location (Luck ct al. 1997). In human For many cells in monkey V I , the response со a line
cortical areas V 1, V 2 , and V 4 , {M R I activity increased when w ithin the receptive field is enhanced by the presence o f an
subjects attended to a stimulus or со the location where a aligned line outside the receptive field (Kapadia et al. 1995).
stimulus was expected (K astner c t al. 1 9 9 9 ). A ttended and This facilitatory effect was enhanced when animals attended
expected stim uli also evoked fM R I activity in the parietal со the carget line and a com parison aligned line that they
lobe and frontal eye field. Presumably, the increased activa­ had been trained со com pare in brighcness. Acccntion had
tion со expected stim uli in V I and V 2 was due to inputs no facilitatory effect when animals attended ro a locacion
arising in these higher centers. away trom che carget line. N or did the locus o f attention
Electrical stim ulation o f the frontal eye fields in the affect the response o fcells to an isolated line (Iro and G ilbert
monkey at below the strength required to initiate a saccadic 1999). This suggests that signals from higher centers involved
eye m ovem ent enhanced neural activity in a recinotopically in learning and attention feed back ro V I . These signals
corresponding site in V 4 (M o ore and A rm strong 2 0 0 3 ). affect stimulus-specific interactions betw een cells in V I
In the human inferior tem poral cortex (lateral occipital with widely separated receptive fields. These top-down
cortex) the fM R I response was stronger when attention effects could be used to m atch internal represen cations ot
was directed со an objecc placed am ong neighboring objeccs
stimulus configurations against current visual inpucs.
(Kascner et al. 1 9 9 8 ). W h en monkeys selected a test bar in a particular orien­
C clls in V 4 have smaller receptive fields than do cclls in tation from am ong bars in o ther orientations, cclls in V I
higher centers o f the ventral scream. H o p f ec al. (2 0 0 6 ) and V 2 showed enhanced response to the selected bar
hypochesized chac V 4 is involved when atten tion is directed (M o tter 1 9 9 3 ). Enhancem ent did n o t occur when monkeys
toward a small o b ject sec am ong small objeccs and rhe lat­ attended to a bar with no surrounding bars. Also, in V I o f
eral occipital cortcx is involved when attention is directed
the monkey, response со a curved line chat che animal was
to a large o b je ct set am ong large objeccs. This hypothesis cracking was stronger chan that to an intersecting curve that
was generally confirm ed by chc relative fM R I activation of
was n o t being cracked (Roelfscm a ec al. 1998).
the cwo areas. It is reasonable to assume that detection o t simple visual
features precedes detection o f chc figure-ground organization
5 .9 .3 S T IM U L U S -S P E C IF IC E F F E C T S O F o f a visual scene, which must occur before attention can be
A T T E N T IO N directed to a particular figure. Roeltsem a e t al. (2 0 0 7 )
recorded from cells in V I as monkeys perform ed a task that
5 .9 .3 a Stim u lu s-Sp ecific E ffects in the L G N and V I
required first feature detection, then figure segregation, and
Accencion-selcccive processes may be relaced со specific finally selective attention to one o f tw o figures. A lter pre­
stim uli or со a specific visual feature rather than to a sentation o f a brief stimulus, feature-related responses had a
latency o f 4 8 ms, figure-related responses had a latency o f
5 .9 .3 c Stim u lu s-Sp ecific E ffects in the
5 7 ms, and responses related to selective attention had a
Ventral Stream
latency o f 137 ms. Thus, the different phases o f stimulus
processing were reflected in m odulations o i the responses Attentional gating related to stimulus features has also been
o f cells in V I . These results do not prove th at the different revealed in area V 4 o f the monkey (M oran and D esim one
processing phases are performed in V I . The response m od­ 1985). Bender and Youakim (2 0 0 1 ) found that cells in the
ulations with longer latency could depend on feedback pulvinar, V 2 , V 4 , and area 7a responded more vigorously to
from higher visual centers. an attended stimulus chan to an irrelevant scimulus.
C ells in V 4 have receptive fields betw een 2 and 4 Uwide
and respond со color and spacial accribuces o f scimuli. Cells
5 .9 .3 b Stim u lu s-Sp ecific Effects in the
responded more vigorously when the color or lum inance o f
D o rsal Stream
a bar in the receptive field o f t h e ccll m atched the color or
C ells in m onkey M T responded more vigorously to a lum inance that the animal had been trained to select in a
moving stimulus when, in a discrim ination cask, che animal discrim ination task. Response enhancem ent was indepen­
selected a stimulus moving in the preferred direction o f that dent o f the location o fth e stimulus (M o tter 1994).
cell (B ritten cc al. 1 9 9 6 ). An effective scimulus feacure for a given cell is one со
W hen humans attended to the relevant feature in a w hich chac cell responds. W hen stim uli with effective and
dececcion task, they were beccer able to d etect a slight ineffective features were presented simultaneously within
change in color, m otion, or shape ot a set o t sim ilar objects. the receptive field o f a cell in area V 2 or V 4 , the cell
Ac the same tim e, che region o f excrascriace cortex showing responded only when the monkey attended to the effective
mosc activity in a P E T scan varied according to which fea­ stimulus (L u ck et al. 1 9 9 7 ; Reynolds ec al. 1999). W h en ic
ture was being attended со. Atcencion to shape accivaced che attended to the ineffective stimulus, the response to che
ventrom edial occipital region, and attention to movement effective scimulus was suppressed. An ineffective scimulus
accivaced area V 5 , a region corresponding со m onkey M T presented outside the cells receptive field had no power to
(C o rb etta et al. 1 991). in h ibit responses. In further experim ents, two different
Atcencion has a large effect on the response o f cells in effective stimuli were presented in the same receptive field
various regions o f the pariecal lobe. The response scrength o f cells in V 2 or V 4. The cells responded m ost strongly to
o f cclls in the m onkey ventral intraparietal cortex (V IP ) whichever stimulus the monkey attended to. Thus, a signal
increased the m ore che anim als attended to che scimulus in presumably arising from higher in che nervous system deter­
a m o tion -d ctcctio n cask (C o o k and Maunsell 2 0 0 2 ). Cells mined which ot two stimuli gained access to cells in V 2 and
in che laceral area (L IP ) showed Jicde response V 4. Responses o f cells in V I , V 2, and V 4 were not enhanced
со a stimulus in their receptive fields unless the stimulus was when monkeys attended to a single isolated stimulus.
behaviorallv salient, either because ic suddenly appeared or Ogawa and Komatsu (2 0 0 4 ) arranged six stim uli in a
because it was a stimulus to which the animal was about to circle round a fixation point. O n e stimulus had a different
make a saccade (G o ttlieb c t al. 1 998). color and one stimulus had a different shape. M onkeys were
The fM R I has revealed chac che human right anterior trained to make an eye movement to either the uniquely
incerpariecal area (A IP ) and superior parietal cortex are colored stim ulus or to the uniquely shaped stimulus. Mosc
involved in directing attention to a task-relevant o b ject in a neurons in V4 showed a significanc increase in response
particular location when other o b jects are shown in differ­ when the stimulus w ithin the rcccpcivc field contained che
ent locations, but not when the o b jects are shown sequen­ feature to which che animal was responding.
tially in the same location (Shafritz et al. 2 0 0 2 ). See Astafiev The cffccts o f attention on responses o f cells in V 4 o f che
ec al. (2 0 0 3 ) for m ore inform ation on the areas o f the human m onkey ac a given inscanc depend on che probability o f
parietal and frontal cortex involved in directed attention occurrence o f a critical stimulus at chat instant. G hose and
and pointing. Maunsell (2 0 0 2 ) trained monkeys to respond to a change in
C onstancinidis and Steinm ecz (2 0 0 5 ) found chac an the orientation o f a patch o f bars ac one o f tour locations.
odd-colored square in an array ot nine squares presented tor The change occurred ac random cimes after the stimulus
5 0 0 ms elicited the scrongesc response in m onkey area 7a appeared. The spike frequency o f cells in V 4 over time
even when the m onkevs i were trained n o t to look at the odd reflected the changing probability that the stimulus change
square. Thus, stimulus oddity is a salient stimulus whether would occur. Thus, attentional m odulation ot neural activ­
o r nor rhe animal responds to the odd stimulus. However, it ity reflected che anim als anticipaced tim e o f occurrence o f
is n o t clear how much o f the response to the odd stimulus chc critical event.
was due to its sudden appearance. Sakata et al. (1 9 9 4 ) found A process o f attentional gating has also been revealed in
the response o f many cclls in area 7a in the parietal lobe the interior temporal cortex o f the monkey. M any cclls in
showed periodic changes when che m onkey viewed an chis area have recepcive fields covering chc whole recina.
ambiguous rotating trapezoid (Am es window). Som e cells responded more vigorously when a feature ot the
stimulus, such as color, was one to which the animal had to selectively when the patients imagined different categories
attend to in order to solve a discrim ination task (Fustcr and o f objects.
Jervev 1 9 8 1 ). The response to an effective stimulus was
inhibited when the anim al attended to any ineffective stiin-
5.9 .3d G eneralized Feature-Based A tten tio n
ulus. Also, cells in the tem poral cortex were activated when
monkeys found an o b ject they w ere looking for within a The experiments m entioned so far in this section showed
com plcx natural scene. The activation occurred shortly that responses o f cells in various visual areas are influenced by
before the m onkeys moved their eyes to fixate the found both the location and feature o f t h e attended object. Thus,
o b je ct (Shcinbcrg and Logothctis 2 0 0 1 ). attention to a particular stimulus feature in a given location
The fusiform area in the ventral occipitotem poral cortex enhances the response o f cells that serve that feature in that
contains cells that arc specifically activated by faces. The location. But a true feature-based attcntional mechanism
human fM Rl revealed activation in the fusiform area when that is independent o f spatial attention enhances the response
subjects imagined a face, although n o t to the same extent as ot particular feature detectors wherever the stimulus is in
when they viewed a real face. Andrews et al. (2 0 0 2 ) found visual field. The following experiments demonstrate feature-
that the fusiform area was activated, as revealed by the based attention that generalizes over the visual field.
fM R I, when people reported seeing the face interpretation The response o f a ccll in M T to a stimulus moving in a
o f R u bins vase but not when they reported seeing the vase given direction was modulated according to the direction
interpretation. o f m otion o f a rem ote stim ulus to w hich the monkeys were
The parahippocampal area was activated when subjects attending (Treue and Trujillo 1999). But this modulation
imagined a fam iliar place (O 'C raven and Kanwisher 2 0 0 0 ). did not occur when the monkeys did not attend to the
This area is known to be associated with recognition ot rem ote stimulus.
places. In change blindness, people are not aware o f changes M cAdam s and M aunsell (2 0 0 0 ) recorded from cells in
to unattended objects in a com plex scene when the scene is V 4 o f monkeys. The response o f a cell to the orientation o f
momentarily interrupted. a G abor patch in its receptive field was enhanced when the
Beck et al. (2 0 0 1 ) had subjects fixate a central stimulus animals attended to the orientation o t a rem ote stimulus,
while an array o f faces or an outdoor scene was momentarily
J 4
but not when they attended to the color o f the rem ote
interrupted. D uring the interruption, one o f the faces or (la b o r patch. Thus, attention to a specific feature enhanced
part o f the scene changed. The fusiform face area showed responses to that feature over the visual field.
fM R I activation only when subjects noticed the face Saenz et al. (2 0 0 2 ) asked human subjects to attend to
change. Similarly, the parahippocampal area was activated dots m oving in one direction in a 5" display containing dots
only when the place change was noticed. 'Ih c parietal lobes moving upward interspersed with dots moving downward.
and prctrontal cortex were activated when either the face The display was several degrees to one side ot a fixation
change or rhe place change was noticed. point. A display o f dots moving in only one direction was
C clls in the hippocam pus and related areas o f the displayed several degrees to the other side ot the fixation
m onkey respond selectively to com plex o bjects, such as point. The fM R I responses in V I , V 2, V 3 , and V 5 to the
faces or fam iliar places. Kreim an et al. (2 0 0 0 ) recorded single display were enhanced when the attended dots in the
from single cells in the hippocampus region o f alert human mixed display were moving in the same direction as those in
patients undergoing surgery for epilepsy. The patients the single display.
were given the task o f discrim inating betw een pairs o f These experim ents dem onstrate that attention to a
objects, such as faces, buildings, and animals. O t 4 2 7 neu­ particular stimulus feature can enhance responses o t cells
rons tested, 14% responded selectively to the category sensitive to the same feature, which is distributed over a
to which the shapes belonged. The cells also responded large area.

6.1 The evolution o f eves 30$

6.4.6 Development of cortical connections $45
6.1.1 Introduction >0.? 6.4.7 Ccll differentiation $48
6.1.2 Simple cycspo t s $04 6.5 Mechanisms o f neural plasticity $49
6.1.3 Lens eves 305 6.5.1 The Hebhian synapse $S0
6.1.4 Compound eyes $07 6.5.2 Spike timing-dependent plasticity 353
6.2 Experimental methods $ o s 6.5.3 Presynaptic processes in I.TP and LTD 35-#
6.3 Development o f the eye and visual pathways $09 6.5.4 Synaptic scaling 355
6.3.1 Development o f the eye $09 6.5.5 Compartmentalized dcndritic plasticity 355
6.3.2 Development o f the retina .Ш 6.6 Neural activity and cortical development 356
6.3.3 Growth of the optic nerve and tract $13 6.6.1 Neural activity and gene expression 356
6.3.4 Segregation o f axons at the chiasm 3/5 6.6.2 Spontaneous neural activity $58
6.3.5 Development of the LGN $18 6.6.3 Hcbbian synapses and visual development $58
6.4 Development o f the brain $21 6/i.4 1)eveIopment o f feature detectors $59
6.4.1 General development of the nervous system $2! 6.7 Development o f cortical columns $60
6.4.2 Growth o f cortical areas $ 2$ 6.7.1 Column segregation $60
6.4.3 Mechanisms o f axon guidance $26 6.7.2 Mechanisms of column development $62
6.4.4 Syn.iptogenesis $$$ 6.7.3 Induction o f ocular dominance columns $66
6.4.5 Formation of cortical layers $$9

6 .1 T H E E V O L U T IO N OF EYES C reationists assert that only a tully formed complex eye is

use to an anim al. 'Ihe eve

is said to have irreducible
complexity. They conclude from this chac an eye could arise
6 .1 .1 IN T R O D U C T IO N
only by intelligent design by a supernatural being. Hut both
The vertebrate eye is the m ost com plex m echanism that we the assertion and chc conclusion arc false. A simple light-
know. In his book On the Origin o f Species (1 8 5 9 ) Darwin sensitive spot provides the basis for phototaxis and detec­
w rote: tion of the day-night cycle. Even plants orient their leaves to
the light. The com petitive advantages that animals gained
“To suppose that the eye, wich all its inim itable co n ­ by each improvement o f light-detcction organs provided
trivances . . . could have form ed bv natural selection,
strong pressure for their evolution from simple eyespots to
seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree. com plex camera-like eyes.
Yec reason tells me, that if numerous gradations ЛИ eyes require a light-sensitive photopigm ent. In most
from a perfect and com plex eye to one very im per­ eyes it consists o f the protein opsin w ith an attached chro-
fe ct and simple, each grade being useful to its pos­ m ophore (Section 5.1 .2 b ). The photopigm ent is embedded
sessor, can be shown со cxisc; it further, the eye does in a photorccepcor cell. There are cwo basic types o f p h o to ­
vary ever so slightly, and the variations be inherited, receptors, rh a b d o m cric and ciliary . Rhabdom eric recep­
which is certainly the case; and i f any variation or tors are prevalent in annelids, molluscs, and arthropods.
m odification in the organ be ever useful to an animal They have apical microvilli and the phocopigm ent contains
under changing conditions o f life, then the difficulty r-opsin. Lighc evokes a depolarizing response. C iliary recep­
o t believing that a perfect and com plex eye could be tors occur in che eyes o f higher vcrcebraces. They have an
form ed by natural selection, though insuperable by apical cilium that forms a folded m em brane containing
our im agination, can hardly be considered real.” phocopigmcnc. The phocopigmcnc concains с -opsin, and
(p. 186) light evokes a hyperpolarizing response. M any worms,
molluscs, and arthropods possess both types o f receptor. directions o fth e light. Pigm ent on ju st one side o f the recep­
Also, som e ganglion cells in many vertebrates contain to r provides at least some directional inform ation.
r-opsin (A rendt 2 0 0 3 ). This suggests that the photorecep­ Echinoderm s (starfish, sea urchins, and sea cucum bers)
tor m echanism s o f all anim als evolved from a com m on show visually mediated behavior including seeking shelter
ancestor, w hich contained both types o f receptor m echa­ in crevices from predators, daily m igrations, and color
nism (N ilsson and A rendt 2 0 0 8 ). changes. Som e sea cucum bers and starfish have ocelli on the
It is not possible to gain much inform ation about the tips o f their tentacles (Yoshida et al. 1 9 8 3 ). However, in
evolution o f eyes from fossils. However, the wide range o f m ost echinoderm s, photodetectors are distributed over the
types o f eyes in living animals indicates how eyes may have transparent calcite endoskeleton.
evolved. O n ly a general account is presented here. See Land The calcite plates covering the arms o f som e brittlestars
and Nilsson (2 0 0 2 ) lor a fuller account. form into spherical structures 4 0 - 5 0 mm in diameter.
Aizenberg c t al. (2 0 0 1 ) produced evidence that these
structures serve as lenses that focus light on the underlying
6 .1 .2 S IM P L E E Y E S P O T S
photoreceptors. The surface o f the animal forms a
Eugltnu gracilis is a single-celled protozoan that both per­ com pound eye.
forms photosynthesis like a plant and captures prey like an Blevins and Johnsen (2 0 0 4 ) produced evidence that the
animal. It has a single eyespot near its large flagellum. The sea urchin (Strongylocentrotuspurpuratui) detects the direc­
eyespot consists o f a paraflagellar body attached to the base tion o flig h t by using its spines to screen off-axis light from
o f the large flagellum and a neighboring cluster o f red lipid­ photoreceptors distributed over the body surface. Sea
like droplets, as shown in Figure 6.1. There has been some urchins responded to an o b ject subtending 10° but not to
uncertainty about the nature and location o f photopig­ one subtending 6.5° ( Yerram illi and Johnsen 2 0 1 0 ).
ment. Jam es et al. (1 9 9 2 ) revealed that the absorption spec­ Som e flat worms (Platyhelm inthes) possess eyespots.
trum resembles that o f rhodopsin and that the pigm ent For example, the larva o f the parasitic trem atode [Multicotyle
m ost likely resides in the paraflagellar body. The eyespot purvisi) has two eyespots on the anterior margin o f the
presumably controls the m otion o f the flagellum so as to dorsal side o f the body. Each eyespot contains two rhabdo-
d irect the Euglena to light when it is photosynthesizingor meric receptor cclls that point in opposite directions, with
to food objects. an associated pigmented cell. This arrangement presumably
An eyespot must have light-absorbing pigments on at improves the animal’s ability to d etect the direction o flig h t.
least one side if it is ro register the direction o flig h t. W ith Each receptor is connected by a dendrite to a sensory cell
no pigments, the receptor could register only the general outside the eyespot, as shown in Figure 6 .2 (R oh d e and
light level because it would respond in the same way for all Watson 1991).
Larval segmented worms (annelids) possess simple eyc-
spots. For example, larvae o f the polychaete ( CapitcH
Large flagellum
species) possess a pair o f eyespots, each with one rhabdo-
P igm ented
m eric sensory ccll and o n e pigm ent cell, as shown in Figure

6 .3 (R hode 1 9 9 3 ). W rapping o f the pigm ent cell round the
P hotosensitive
p araflagellar body receptor ensures that light com ing from one direction is
m ost effective. As they mature, the larval eyes are replaced
R eservoir
with eyes containing tw o or three sensory cells. These eyes
C on tractile
vacuole presumably have increased directional selectivity.
M ore com plex eyespots contain several photoreceptors
S m all flagellum lining the inside o f an open eyecup. A layer ot pigm ent cells
C hloroplast behind the receptors ensures that only light com ing through
the aperture o f t h e cup stim ulates the receptors. Also, the
N ucleus
receptors facing in the direction o f a light source, such as
V ario us cell
the sun, will be stim ulated m ost. Such eyes typically contain
up to 100 receptors and arc under 100 mm in diameter.
They have evolved independently many times (Salvini-
Plawen and Mayr 1 9 7 7 ). Som e o f them arc cverse eyes,
in which the receptors are on the aperture side o f the
nerves. O th ers arc inverse eyes, in w hich, as in vertebrate
1 mm eyes, the nerve fibers intrude between the aperture and
the receptors.
Fijorc 6 . 1. D iagram o f th e p rotozoan Euglena. Euglena has a sim ple eyespot An eye w ith a very small aperture would be a pinhole
co n sistin g o f a p h otosen sitiv e body and p igm ented drop lets. eye, analogous to the pinhole camera. Som e molluscs, such
R habdom eres

M icrofibrils

N ucleus


P igm ent cell

H o riz o n ta l s e c tio n
l'i$m 6.-*. V ie eye o fN a u tilw . N autilus has tw o m ob ile lateral eyes ab ou t
R eceptor cell
1 cm in d iam eter. Л small ap ertu re fo rm s cru d c im ages o f
Dendrite M uscle fibers b iolu m in escen t o b je c ts on the retina. T h e eye has n o c o m c a or lens but
operates m ore like a p in h ole cam era. (I • wv . n g м e >

as che abalone ( H aliotis ) and the cephalopod Nautilus pos­

sess pinhole eyes.
N ucleus
Nautilus pam pilius is a living fossil that has remained
unchanged since the Jurassic, 4 0 0 m illion years ago. It has
R habdom eres tw o lateral eves
about 1 cm in diam eter with no corneas or
lenses (Figure 6 .4 ). The receptors line a cavity with a vari­
able aperture. Statocyst organs register body rotations and
m ediate com pensatory rotations ol the eyes so as to stabi­
lize the images (H artlin c c t al. 1979).
As in a pinhole cam era, the image ot the Nautilus eye
t.Ru.cfei. liye o t tre im to d c flat w orm (M ulticotyle purvisi). (R ed .— .. f a sharpens as the aperture is decreased. But a small aperture
R o h t lc jn J W a n c n И 9 1 }
lets in little light. The aperture o f the eye decreases from
about 2.8 mm to 0.4 mm as light intensity increases.
However its grating resolution is, at best, only about 11°
(M untz and Raj 1984). Nautilus forages at night at a depth
o f about 100 m. At this depth the only clearly visible objects
D ir e c tio n
o f lig h t arc spots o f biolum inesccncc em itted by small animals
and areas o f decaying m atter on which Nautilus feeds.
Its pinhole eye will form discinct images o f these spots.
These images, tactile and olfactory senses, and a lateral-line
system must be adequate for the environm ent in which
N u c le u s Nautilus lives.

6 .1 .3 L E N S F.YES
S u p p o r tin g
The full power o f vision depends on chc evolution o f eyes
capable ot torm ing an image. Such an eye requires either a
lens, a concave mirror, or a spherical array o f light guides,
each with a narrow acceptance angle. These types o fev e will
be bricflvj described.
S e n so ry
m ic r o v illi Lens eyes evolved, independently, in coelcnteratcs,
annelids, som e gastropods (snails and slugs), ccphalopods
1 цт
(squid, cuttlefish, and octopuses), arthropods, and fish.
S in g le Even a very simple lens is bccccr chan no lens since ic
p ig m e n t cell
improves resolution w ithout having to reduce the size o f
P ig m e n t
chc apercurc (pupil).
g r a n u le

Simply increasing the refractive index o f t h e fluid in a

b Rurc<>.v liycvpoc o fla r v a o t p olych actc, C ap itclla. fAJ^tcdfromRitodr 1993) simple cvccup improves resolution. Such eyes occur in som e
gastropods and molluscs but they do noc form a sharp image. They and chc pit eyes look upward through chc
image (Land 1981). refractive widow o f the wacer surface. The four rhopalia are
Л lens is gready improved i f its rcfraccive index increases co n nectcd to a single nerve running round chc bell-shaped
coward its center. This reduces che focal length and increases mantle.
the effective apercure. Macchiessen (1 8 8 2 ) discovered chac Hox jellyfish show positive phototaxis. C o ntractio n s o f
fish lenses have a refraccive-index gradienc. The focal lengch the mancle are controlled by the intensicy o flig h c falling on
o f such eyes is abouc 2.5 cimcs cheir radius. This is known as chc lower lens eyes so as to keep the jellyfish in wcll-illumi-
che M atthiessen racio. We now know that the lenses o f all natcd regions in the mangrove lagoon where their prev
vertebrace eyes have a refraccive-index gradient. (copcpods) aggregate (Ciarm and Bielecki 2 0 0 8 ). Box jelly­
The full value o f a lens is achieved when the divergent fish also show visually guided obstacle avoidance. An object
beam o t light trom each point o f an o b ject is converged in the water, such as the rooc ot a mangrove cree, subcending
onto one point in the receptor surface. Unless che refractive a visual angle o f more than 12° triggered an avoidance
power o t the lens can be changed, only objects at a specific response (G arm et al. 2 0 0 7 ). B o th chcse responses are con-
distance are in focus. Hut even w ithou t accom m odation, a crollcd by lighc falling on che lower lens eyes. The behavioral
lens provides considerable improvement. significance o t che ocher eyes is noc yec known (G arm and
Hox jellyfish (phylum C nidaria) are the m ost primitive M ori 2 0 0 9 ).
animals known to possess lens eyes. They have tour sets ot In annelid worms, lens eyes have been found onlv in
eyes arranged around the mantle. Each set is on a structure polychaeces. For example, Vanadis tagensis is several cenci-
known as a rh op aliu m , which is about 0.7 mm long. Each mecers long and swims in che ocean. It has cwo eyes, each
rhopalium has six eyes; an upper lens eye, a lower lens eye, wich a cornea, pupil, lens, recina, and excrinsic muscles. The
two pit eyes, and cwo slic eyes. Figure 6.5 depicts the lens lens is spherical buc its optical properties and whether it can
eyes o f Tripedalia cystophora, a small box jellyfish living in accom m odate are n o t known. The retinal detectors point
C aribbean mangrove lagoons. Each lens eye has a cornea, a toward the pupil (everse) and are backed by a pigm ent layer.
lens, a pigm ent layer, and a retina. The lenses o f chc lower A group o f light-sensitive cells, known as chc secondary
eyes have a gradient o f refraction and produce a sharp image. retina, occurs on one side o t che pupil (H erm ans and Eakin
Hut che image is focused well beyond the retina, so that the 1974).
eyes can detect only large objects. The receptors o f che lower Vanadis, like som e ocher polychaeces, lives in che ocean
eves have receptive fields with a half-width o t about 20° ac a considerable depch, where long wavclcngchs bccom e
(N ilsson et al. 2 0 0 5 ). The lower eyes and che slic eyes look progressively accenuaced. W ald and Rayporc (1 9 7 7 )
downward. The lenses o t che upper eyes produce a less sharp suggcsccd chac chc main and secondary rccinas have differ­
ent spectral sensitivities. Com parison o f che cwo speccral
regions could allow che worm со dececc its depth in che
C ornea
The eyes o t polychacte larvae consist ot only one pig­
Upper m ent cell and one or, occasionally, tw o sensory cells. The
lens eye
larval eyes may persist after the adult eyes have form ed and
Balloon cell are often referred со as anterior eyes (Suschhenko and
Purschke 2 0 0 9 ).
P igm ent
Neural M ost molluscs have simple eyecups. Som e gastropod
layers molluscs have lens eyes. For example, the eye o t the snail
H elix has a lens consisting o f a simple sphere o f jelly with a
G astric
refractive index higher than that of the surroundings.
Tli с periwinkle snail {L it tor in a irrorata ) inhabits che
Low er upper intertidal zone and is active when the tide is out. It
lens eye
has cwo eyes, each at the base o f one o f its tentacles. Each
eye has diam eter ot about 2 5 0 mm and contains a cornea,
pupil, and a spherical lens in which the refraccivc index
increases coward the core. The lens produces a sharp image
on the cvcrsc retina. Ic docs noc seem to have an accom m o­
S ta to c y s t C iliary la ye r o f retina
dative m echanism . The mean spacing o f the photodetectors
is about 1.7°. Behavioral data indicated that chc animals
100 jim could detect a vertical stripe 0.9" in diam eter (H am ilton
et al. 1983).
Figure 6.5- A n e v e o f th e je lly fis h (T r ip e d a lia c y s to p h o r a ). ( R c J r ^ n and C ephalopod molluscs (squid, cucdefish, and octopuses)
from N ib*on cl jI. 2005) have the m ost elaborate eves of all invertebraces. Their eyes
have all che features o f an advanced vertebrate eye, includ­ photoreceptors co n n ect directly with ganglion cclls that
ing a cornea, pupil, lens, and retina. They have ciliary mus­ project to the hypothalamus. These eyes resemble the pineal
cles for focusing the lens and extraocular muscles. However, eye o f nonmammalian vertebrates.
there are some significant differences between cephalopod Early vertebrates, such as lampreys, evolved about 5 0 0
eyes and vertebrate eyes. C ephalopod photoreceptors arc m illion years ago. The eyes o f larval lampreys resemble those
rhabdom eric, while vertebrate photoreceptors are ciliary. o f t h e hagfish. Lampreys take several years to reach m eta­
Cephalopod retinas are everse with only one neural layer. morphosis. During this tim e the eyes develop a lens, cornea,
Vertebrate retinas are reverse and have several neural layers. extraocular muscles, and a multilayered retina like that o f
These differences indicate that the eyes o f these two groups higher vertebrates. C o ntin u ity in em bryological develop­
evolved independently. They provide a remarkable example ment o f these eyes suggests that there was a similar
o f convergent evolution. continuous evolution o f the eyes (Lam b et al. 2 0 0 7 ).
Telescopes may use lenses or concave mirrors. M ost
anim al eyes use a lens, but the eyes o t scallops use a concave
6 .1 .4 C O M P O U N D EYES
m irror (Land 1 965). Scallops (Pecten) are bivalve molluscs
with up to 100 eyes, each about 1 mm in diameter, arranged C om pound eyes probably evolved trom a collection ot eye­
betw een small tentacles round the gap between the shells. spots in the C am brian, about 5 4 0 m illion years ago.
Each eye has a lens with hom ogeneous retractive index, C om pound eyes from that tim e can be seen in fossil
which abuts the retina. The image is therefore formed well Trilobitcs (see Section 3 3 .2 .1 ). A part from a few bivalve
behind the retina. The eye’s spherical rear surface is lined molluscs and an annelid, com pound eyes are confined to
with a reflecting tapetum to form a concave mirror. The the arthropods, although not all arthropods have co m ­
m irror reflects light com ing through the lens to torm an pound eyes. Sigm und Exner (1 8 9 1 ) provided the first
image on the spherical retina where it abuts the lens, as detailed account o f com pound eyes. There are tw o basic
shown in Figure 6.6. types of com pound eyes— apposition eyes, which occur
N ot much is known about the evolution o f vertebrate mainly in diurnal insects, and superposition eyes, which
eyes. Jawless chordates, such as the hagfish, evolved about occur in nocturnal insects and deep-water crustaceans.
5 5 0 m illion years ago. They have bilateral eyes with no lens, Figure 6 .7 illustrates the basic structure o f an apposi­
iris, or extraocular muscles. In the two-layered retina. tion eye. It consists o f many om m atidia. Eachom m atidium
has a cornea, a crystalline cone, and eight receptor cells
(rhabdom eres) that together form a radial structure known
as the rhabdom . The hexagon-shaped corneas form the
outer spherical surface o f che eye. The rhabdom acts as a
light guide in which all the light entering the cornea ot
chat ommacidium com bines to produce one sensory signal.

C rystalline

’ igm ent

R eceptor cell, consisting of 8
o r rhabdom ere rhabdom eres

Im age form ed by the lens

m em brane
R eceptor
Figure 6.6. Diagram o f th e scallop eye. T h e le n s f o r m s a n im a g e w e ll b e y o n d axons
th e r e t in a . T h e l ig h t is r e fle c t e d fr o m t h e c o n c a v e ta p e tu m t o fo r m a
s e c o n d im a g e o n th e c o n c a v e r e tin a . (H m .c J fw n .llf u r o u LaoJ 196S) Нд«гс 6.7. D ia g r a m o f s c c t i o n o f a n a p p o s it io n c o m p o u n d e y e.
Each om irucidium poincs со a slighdy differenc pare o f che 6 .2 E X P E R IM E N T A L M E T H O D S
visual field so thac together they produce a mosaic image ol
the environm enc (H orridge 1980). The study o f che developm ent o f che visual syscem involves
The field o f view (acceptance angle) o f an om m atidium a variety o f anatom ical and physiological procedures, some
is chc angle chac ics cip subcends ac che nodal poinc o f che o f which can be applied in the living animal (in vivo), while
corneal lens. This angle is typically at least Г . The angular others are applied in cultures o f living cells taken from the
spacing of om m atidia is abouc che same. If om m atidia were brain (in vitro).
spaced more widely there would be m ultiple blind spots. If In the tran sp lan tatio n p roced u re, cells or whole organs
they were spaced m ore closely, the receptive fields o f the are transferred from one location (the donor region) to
ommacidia would overlap unnecessarily. Consequently, another location (chc hose region) in the em bryo. This may
apposition com pound eyes have poor resolution. However, be the em bryo ot the same anim al or an em bryo o f a
they have a large field o f view and arc highly sensitive со differenc animal (D u n n ect and Bjorklund 1 9 9 2 ).
movement. Som e com pound eyes d etect che polarizacion o l These procedures were pioneered by Roger Sperry
lighc. Som e inseccs, such as bees, flies, and che preying ( 1 9 5 1 ), who won che Nobel Prize in 1981. They reveal
mancis, have a specialized zone ot ommacidia with higher whecher chem ical agents responsible tor the growth o t par­
resolucion. In this zone che eye is flattened and che facets are ticular cissucs are specific со che cissue or со che cellular
larger. The flacccning allows m ore om m atidia to receive environm enc in which the tissue grows.
light from a spoc, w hich gives higher resolucion. In the reroucing p roced u re, sensory neurons are caused
In su p erp o sitio n co m p ou n d eyes the receptors torm a to innervate a region in the nervous system that they do not
single surface (recina) lying abouc halfway betw een chc sur­ norm ally innervate. For example, chis procedure has
face o f che eye and ics center o t curvacurc. The recina is sepa- revealed chac visual inputs rerouted to the auditory cortex
raced from che optical com ponents o f che eye by a clear o f ferrets induced cells in the auditory cortex to develop
zone. Lighc rays entering neighboring om m atidia from a receptive fields like those o f cells in the visual cortex
single point in space are refracted, o r in some cases reflected, (Section 6.4 .2 c).
to torm a single image point on the retina, as illustrated in Transplantation and rerouting procedures arc particu­
Figure 6.8. The overall image is erect. As many as 3 0 neigh­ larly applicable in lower vertebrates, such as fish and
boring om m atidia may concentrate light upon a single am phibians, which possess remarkable powers o f regenera­
receptor. Therefore, superposition eyes have better resolu­ tion. For example, Sperry (1 9 4 3 ) severed the optic nerves o f
tion and are m uch m ore sensitive chan apposition eyes. tadpoles and allowed them to regenerate with rhe eyes
For a fuller trcacmcnc o f the evolucion o f eyes see Walls rocaced 180". Visually guided responses со flies were pcrma-
(1 9 6 3 ) and Land and Nilsson (2 0 0 2 ). nendy reversed. Sperry concluded chac opcic nerves possess
Depch-deteccion m echanism s in anim als wich com ­ a chem ical marker indicacing cheir origin in che retina.
pound eyes are discussed in S ection s 33.1 and 3 3 .2 . The The h e te ro ch ro n ic p ro ced u re involves transplanting
evolution o f frontal vision and stereoscopic vision is im m ature cells at one stage o t em bryonic development into
discussed in Section 3 3.8. a culcure o f cells derived from anocher stage o f develop­
m ent. This procedure reveals the factors that determ ine the
cype o f cell an immacurc cell will form.
In che cell cracing p ro ced u re the fate ot m igrating neu­
rons is followed by labeling them wich a chem ical marker,
such as critiated thym idine. In neurogenesis, a given cell
divides repeatedly to form a cell lineage. The cclls derived
trom a particular progenitor ccll can be traced by infecting
progenitor cells with a retrovirus that expresses a green fluo­
rescent protein. The virus transfers trom a progenitor cell to
its offspring bu t not to other cells. Grow ing cells containing
the fluorescent protein can be viewed directly and co n tin u ­
ously by time-lapse videomicroscopy (O kad a et al. 1999).
Recently, there has been an increase in the use ot geneti­
cally manipulated animals to scudy chc developmenc o f che
nervous system. In the tran sg en ic p ro ced u re a foreign gene
is introduced inco chc zygote o f an anim al, usually a mouse.
Since the gene is passed on ro che offspring, many m ice with
C e n te r o f eye chc same generic m odification can be produced. The goal is
со introduce a gene th at affects che expression o f a particu­
Fi*vrc6.a. D ia g r a m o f a s u p e r p o s itio n c o m p o u n d e y e . lar procein in a defined cvpe o f neuron.
The transgenic procedure reveals che roles o f particular A natural m utation may also knock our a particular
proteins in developmenc and o f m echanism s chac govern gene. The study o f defects, such as albinism , can reveal
the expression o f proteins. The procedure is lim ited by avail­ mechanisms underlying development.
ability o f recom bination agents chac affect expression o f These anatom ical, genetic, physiological, and behavioral
particular genes. procedures have accclcratcd the growth o f knowledge abouc
In che g en e k n o ck o u t p ro ced u re a gene product is che developmenc and diseases o f che nervous syscem.
removed or a gene is introduced chat expresses a toxin chac
inhibits production o f specific proteins. This procedure
may prevent specific cells trom developing. For example,
6 .3 D H V F . L O P M E N T O F T H F , E Y E A N I)
retinas o f a transgenic mouse containing a toxin-producing
gene linked to the red opsin gene were devoid o f cones.
Anim als with an inactivated gene may develop com pensa­
tory m echanism s thac mask the normal effects ot che gene. 6 .3 .1 D E V E L O P M E N T O F T H E EYE
Also, cransgenecic knockout animals may die before che
6 .3 .1 a G e n e ra l D e v e lo p m e n t
effeccs ot transgenic procedures can be investigated
(G oldow iz et al. 1 992). It is not practical or desirable to The retina develops from chc o p tic v csiclc, an oucgrowch o f
apply these procedures to primates. the forebrain, as shown in Figure 6.9. After m aking concacc
In the tran sfeccio n procedure, D N A is introduced into wich chc overlying cccodcrm , chc vcsiclc invaginaccs со form
a virus, such as che herpes virus, chac has been rendered non- che opcic cu p, which is actached to the brain by the o p tic
coxic. The virus, which is known .us a v ecto r, is introduced stalk . The lining o t the opcic cup forms chc recina, and the
inco a sclecccd region o t che nervous syscem or inco cell cul- oucer surface o f che cup form s the pigm ent epithelium . The
cures, where it is taken up by cell nuclei. The ideal vector overlying ectoderm is induced to form the lens and cornea.
infects only cells o f a specified type that can express the The ventral surface o f both cup and stalk invaginate to form
D N A carried by the vector. The D N A expresses a marker chc o p tic fissure. The sides o t the fissure fuse, and axons
agent, which is usually a fluorescent protein, as described in from the retina begin to enter the optic stalk, which becom es
Scction 5.4.2a. This procedure can be used in prim ates to chc opcic nerve.
reveal w hich genes are involved in regulating cell grow th. Ic The volume o f chc eye o f chc adulc human is abouc chrcc
can also reveal genes chac alter chcir expression in response times that o f the eye o f che neonate. The eye grows propor-
to neural activity. cionacclv less chan chc bodv as a whole, which increases in
Marked viruses thac pass across synapses allow one со volume abouc 20-fold. The corneal surface increases about
trace neural con nection s (Callaway 2 0 0 5 ). 50% , while chc area o f chc recina approximaccly doubles

Optic cup
Optic vesicle Indentation

Growth of lateral portions

Side views w ith ectoderm removed Fissure of the
optic cup
Pigment epithelium

Optic stalk Optic stalk

8 v 9 a
Groove Groove
Lens vesicle
Sections corresponding to the side views

(■■Ku>c6.9. D ev elo p m en t o f th e hum an eye. io6)

from 5 9 0 m n r со 125 0 m n r (Scam m on and W ilm er 1950). knockout o f the gene Cx50 expressed by the lens results in
The axial length o f the eye increases from about 15.5 mm at reduced growth o fth e lens and eye (W h ite 2 0 0 2 ).
birth to its adult value o f 2 4 .5 mm, w hich is reached ac The com m unality o f gene expression through many
about the age o f 13 years. A bout h a lf the increase occurs in phyla has led som e evolutionary biologists to propose that
the first 2 years (Larsen 1971). This means chac an infancs all eyes had a com m on ancestor and evolved only once. But
eye requires about 8 5 diopters o f refraction to focus an the eyeless gene also occurs in animals that lack eyes and has
image, com pared with about 6 0 diopters for an adult eye other functions even in animals thac possess eyes. If che dis­
( I .otmar 1976). Also, the small size o f an infancs eye means tinct types o f eyes in different phyla evolved independently,
that Г o f visual angle corresponds to betw een 0 .1 8 and as seems likely from o ther evidence, the preexisting eyeless
0.2 mm on the rccina, com pared wich 0 .2 9 mm on che gene was probably recruited in each case because o f its
adult retina (H am er and Schneck 1 9 8 4 ). Thus, for a given general ability to initiate activity in a com plex netw ork o f
stimulus, rhe recinal image in rhe infanceye is considerably genes, nor only that responsible for eye development
smaller chan that in the adult eye. (Travis 1997).
The lens o f chc human eye has adiam ecer o f abouc 9 mm
and a thickness o f about 4 mm. It is composed almost
6 .3 .1 c E m m etrop ization
entirely o f protein m olecules in long fiber-like cells arranged
in tightly packed and interlocking concentric layers, like the In many vertebrates, including primates, the eyes o f n e o ­
layers o f an onion. See Section 9 .2 .2 for more details abouc nates are too short in relation to their optics. As a result, che
the lens. The inner layers develop first to form the lens eyes of human neonates are hypermetropic when the
nucleus. As the lens grows, the outer epithelium adds new intraocular muscles are paralyzed with acycloplegic drug so
layers to form the lens cortex and then the outer lens cap­ that the lens is focused at infinity. This m eans that the image
sule. D uring the first 5 postnatal years the equatorial diam ­ o f a distant o b ject lies beyond the retina. W hen the muscles
eter o f the lens increases about 2 mm. After that, the lens are not paralyzed, the eyes o f human neonates tend to be
grows throughout life ac a rate o f about 2 0 nm per year myopic (H ow land 1 9 9 3 ). The normal adult eye is em m e­
(O yster 1999, p. 5 0 4 ). tropic, so that the image o f a distant o b ject is focused on the
The developm ent o f the visual fields is discussed in retina w ithout accom m odative effort.
Section 7 .2 .4 . The developm ent o f emmetropia with age is know n as
em m etro p izatio n . In the first 3 years the refractive power
(curvature) o f rhe human cornea decreases by about 4 .8
6 .3 .1 b G e n e tic C o n t r o l o f Eye D e v e lo p m e n t
diopters from an initial mean value o f 53 diopters. In the
It has been escimared char ac lease 2 ,0 0 0 genes arc involved first 12 years the axial length o f the eye increases by about
in the grow th o f an eye. They form a com plex hierarchical 9 mm trom an initial mean value o f 15.5 mm. Sim ilar
conrrol netw ork. C ertain hom eocic genes express transcrip­ changes occur in rhesus monkeys (Bradley cc al. 1999).
tion factors that initiate the genetic expression ot proteins These changes are partly under genetic control and partly
responsible for the developm ent o f the eye. For example, under visual control (T ro ilo and Wallman 1 9 9 1 ).
the gene eyeless initiates eye form ation in the fruit fly. Eyes The axial length of the eyes o f young cats and chickens
do not develop when the gene is absent (Q u m n g c t al. adapts ro com pensate for a refractive error induced by lenses
1994). W h en the gene was turned on in a leg, wing, or (W allm an and Adams 1987; Schaeffel et al. 1988). Eye
antenna, a com pound eye developed in that location growth increased with hypermetropia induced by negative
(H aider et al. 1 9 9 5 ). However, in som e parts o f the lenses and was inhibited by myopia induced by positive
flvs body the eyeless gene has other functions. O th er genes, lenses. However, the em m etropization mechanism is more
such as dachshund, also initiate eye developm ent in the responsive to myopic defocus than to hyperm etropic d efo ­
fruit fly. cus. For example, equal alternating periods o f myopic and
A gene sim ilar to the eyeless gene occurs in many other hyperm etropic defocus produced hypermetropia, showing
phyla, including cephalopods (squid and octopu s), fish, th at myopic defocus had a greater effect (W inaw er et al.
birds, and mammals. In m ice, the gene is known as Pax-6. 2 0 0 5 ).
This gene is active throughout m orphogenesis. It isexpressed U nder normal circum stances, animals are exposed to
first in the optic sulcus and then in the eye vesicle, lens, objects at many distances and the eyes becom e em m etropic
retina, and cornea. It is remarkable that the Pax-6 gene from for viewing at infinity. C ats raised in cages thac restrict
a mouse im planted in to the leg o f a fly produces a com ­ vision to near distances were more myopic than normal cats
pound eye (H aider et al. 1 9 9 5 ). In humans, the gene is (Belkin et al. 1977). W ild soet and Schm idt (2 0 0 1 ) exposed
know n as /in iridia (O liver and Gruss 1997). chicks to a M altese cross on an opaque surface at one focal
C o n n exin genes encode the proteins thac link gap junc­ distance tor 4 days. A + 2 5 D lens induced myopia o t 7 D.
tions betw een cells. Signals passed over gap ju n ction s coor­ The myopia was reduced to 1.7 I) when the surface was
dinate developm ent in com plex structures. For example, made transparent so that the animals could see more
distant o bjects. Thus, the growth o f t h e eye adjusts to the the eye and hence myopia (Gw iazda et al. 1 9 9 9 ). Schor
range o i depths in the environm ent. (1 9 9 9 ) has developed a model o l these processes.
O n e can ask w hether active accom m odation is required Even in adults, excessive near work, such as reading,
for em m etropization. W ild soet and Schm idt (2 0 0 1 ) dis­ increases myopia (Section 9 .6 .2 ). There is also evidence that
abled accom m odation by sectioning the ciliary nerves. Now the axial length o f the human eye decreases with advancing
myopia induced by stim uli at several distances was the age to com pensate lor a decrease in the depth o f t h e ante­
same as that induced by a stimulus at one distance. They rior cham ber and o fth e refractive power o f the cornea and
concluded that active accom m odation is involved in lens (G rosvenor 1987).
em m etropization. Schacffcl c t al. (1 9 9 0 ) found chat dis­ A change in the axial length o fth e human eye ofbetw een
abling the accom m odative system did nor affect how ch ick ­ 2 and 2 0 um, corresponding to a change o fb etw een - 0 .0 3 6
ens adapted со imposed myopia. However, chey used and - 0 .0 1 5 diopters, occurs as em m etropcs or myopes
unrestricted vision and lower power lenses. accom m odate (D rexler et al. 1998). This change seems to
Em m etropization requires a stimulus that indicates be caused by contraction o f the ciliary muscles. Long-term
the sign o f defocus o f the image (see Section 9 .8 ). This changes in axial length in those engaging in near w ork could
could be chrom atic aberration. There is evidence that arise from the cumulative effect ot these changes.
chrom atic aberration is involved in em m etropization. In addicion, there is evidence th at loss o f contrast in the
M yopia produced by form deprivation was more severe in image over long periods increases the axial length o t che
chickens raised in m onochrom atic light than in those raised adult eye (Hartmann and Schaetfel 1 9 9 4 ). W hen the eyelids
in white light (Schm id and W ild soet 1 9 9 7 ). However, o f a young m onkey were sutured so that only diffuse light
chickens raised wich a positive lens in m onochrom atic light entered the pupil, the eye developed an increased axial
showed the same corrective elongation o f the eye .is animals length and a consequent axial myopia (W iesel and Raviola
raised in w hite light (Schaetfel and Howland 1991; 1979; Tigges c t al. 1 9 9 0 ). O th e r investigators could not
W ild soet et al. 1 993). Presumably, cues to the sign o f replicate this effect in monkeys (von N oordcn and Crawford
defocus other than chrom atic aberration were sufficient 1 9 7 8 ), but W allm an et al. (1 9 7 8 ) obtained sim ilar effects in
(Section 9 .8 .2 ). chickens.
Since defocuscd images induce com pensatory eye H oyt et al. (1 9 8 1 ) found axial myopia in infants to be
grow th, stim uli with high spatial frequencies are not associated with prolonged early eyelid closure due to third
required (Schaetfel and D icth er 1 999). For chickens, spatial nerve palsy and o ther causes. They suggested th at the effect
frequencies o f about 1 cpd were m ost effective in p rom ot­ m ight arise from m echanical or thermal effects o f eyelid
ing proper eye growth (Schm id and W ild soet 1997). closure, since patients with corneal opacification did not
W hatever their spatial frequency, images o f low contrast have myopia.
do n o t prom ote em m etropization. Schm id et al. (2 0 0 6 ) In contrast to the general finding that form-deprivation
exposed 8-day old chickens to 1.6 cpd square-wave gratings induces elongation o f the eye (m yopia), som e studies have
tor 5 days. The gratings varied in contrast but had the same reported hypermctropia after less severe deprivation or in
mean lum inance. C o n trast o f less then 4.2 % produced association with strabismic amblyopia (see K iorpes and
marked myopia, as indicated by the eyes refractive error W allman 1995). M yopia is discussed further in Sections
and axial dim ensions. Som e myopia was evident with c o n ­ 9.2.1 and 9.6.2.
trasts o t less than 4 7 % . Schaetfel and Howland (1 9 8 8 ) and Flitcroft (1 9 9 8 )
Visual experience is also involved in em m etropization have developed m odels o f em m etropization. The topic has
in primates. However, the m agnitude ot adaptation to lenses been reviewed by Young and Leary (1 9 9 1 ) and Schaetfel
in primates is not as large as that in chickens. Four infant and Howland (1 9 9 5 ).
monkeys fitted with a + 3 D or - 3 D lens in fronc ot one eye
and norm al vision in the o ther eye adapted fully to the
anisom etropia. N one o f the monkeys adapted to 6 D o f 6 .3 .2 D EV E L О P M E N T О F
anisom etropia. Som e, bu t n o t all monkeys showed consid­ T H E R E T IN A
erable adaptation to 6 D lenses worn over both eyes (Sm ith
6 .3 .2 a S tru c tu r a l D e v e lo p m e n t o f th e R e tin a
and Hung 1 9 9 9 ). See also Sm ith et al. (1 9 9 4 ) and Hung
et al. (1 9 9 5 ). The precursors o f retinal cells develop from the inner layer
A ccom m odative error due to interactions between lens o f che optic cu p — an outgrow th o f che forcbrain. Ganglion
accom m odation and convergence o f the eyes has been cells differentiate first, followed by cones, horizontal cells,
im plicated in the developm ent of myopia in humans. bipolar cells, and lastly rods. C ells develop first in the cen ­
M yopic children show enhanced accom m odative conver­ tral retina. A t first, the cells are not confined to their proper
gence (Jia n g 1995). A child who is esophoric must relax layers in the retina. In che visual corcex, radial glial cells
accom m odation to maintain single vision. 'Ih c resulting guide cells to their proper locations (Section 6 .4 .6 ).
image blur during near work could induce axial growth o f But chere are no radial glial cells in the developing retina.
The differentiation and distribution o f retinal cell types is abouc 5" o f chc central retina is verv immature. There is a
controlled by che following mechanisms: foveal depression, but all cell layers extend across it rather
than being parted as in the adult retina. The principal
1. Early cclls produce m olecular markers. For example, m echanism for form ation o f the foveal depression is m igra­
before ganglion cells develop in the mouse, two tion o f ganglion-cell bodies in the inner retinal layers away
m em bers o f chc Eph family o f receptors (E ck and Elk) from the center (K irby and Steineke 1992).
.ind their ligands are discribuced over the retina. Eck At 2 6 weeks o t gescacion che inner segments o f rods and
receptors are distributed in a high temporal со low nasal cones arc rudimentary. There are no outer segments until 3 6
gradient, and cheir ligand form s a reciprocal gradient. weeks o f gestation. Foveal cones ot the one-week-old intanc
Elk receptors arc distributed in a high vencral со low have inner and outer segments that are only about one-six-
dorsal gradienc and cheir ligand forms a reciprocal ceench the length o f adult segments. In the neonate periph­
gradienc (M arcu sec al. 1 996). Thus the temporal-nasal eral recina, the inner and outer segments o f rods and cones
and vcncral-dorsal recinal coordinaces are specified by are 3 0 to 50% o f adult length. The outer segments o f cones
orthogonal reciprocal m olecular gradients. Also, in continu e to elongate over a period o f up to 5 years. Foveal
chickens, EphB recepcors are expressed in a high vencral cones becom e narrower with age, trom 5 to 7.5 m icrons
со low dorsal gradienc in chc plexiform layer o f the wide at birth to 1.8 to 2.2 m icrons in the adult (Yuodelis
developing recina. M acching ligands are discribuced in a and H endrickson 1986). The decrease in diam eter means
reciprocal gradienc (Braisced ec al. 1997). th at a foveal cone subtends between 1.5 and 2.2 arcmin at
the nodal point in the neonate eye and about 0 .5 arcm in in
W c will see lacer chac Eph recepcors and cheir ligands
the adult eye.
are involved in guiding axons through the chiasm , the
The larger receptor aperture in the intanc eye severely
I.G N , and the visual corcex.
reduces che etfeccive contrast o f high spatial-frequency
2. The dendritic fields o fe a c h type o f ganglion cell form images (Banks 1988). The retina o f an 11-m onth-old infant
into a regular mosaic (G alli-Resca 2 0 0 2 ). For chis со is sim ilar to that o f che adulc in boch che periphery and
happen, che dendrices from sim ilar cells must recognize fovea (A bram ov et al. 1982). The retina o f the monkey
and repel each ocher on concact. This causes chem со tile shows a sim ilar developm ent, but the fovea is more advanced
che recina wich licde overlap. Extra cells added in a ccll at birth than in the human (Sam orajski et al. 1965;
culture repelled the dendrices ot similar neighboring H endrickson and Kupfer 1976).
cclls to form smaller rcccptivc fields. W h en ganglion The visual field is smaller in human infants under 8
cells were removed trom a region, che dendrices o f weeks o f age than in the adult (Scctio n 7 .2 .4 ), but to whac
sim ilar neighboring cells moved inco che gap, although extent this is ilue to optical factors rather uhan maturation
there seems to be an upper lim it to the size ot ganglion- o f chc recina is noc known (Schw artz et al. 1987).
ccll dendricic fields (see cc al. 2 0 0 4 ). The dendricic
fields o f different cvpcs o f cell did not repel each other
and therefore overlapped. The end result is that each 6 .3 .2 b Fu n ctional D ev e lo p m e n t o f Recina
type o t ganglion cell receives an efficient and com plete G anglion cclls develop first, then cones, am acrine cells, and
sampling o f che visual field. horizontal cells. Bipolar cells, rods, and glial cclls develop
3. Incorrecdy positioned cells are eliminaced (see C o o k last ( Robinson 1991).
and Chalupa 2 0 0 0 ). In all vertebrate species that have been exam ined, waves
of action potentials spread over the developing retina and
The development o f die human retina has been recorded produce correlated firing o f neighboring ganglion cclls.
from 13 weeks o f gescacion. At this age, the mosaic o f foveal These discharges occur before retinal receptors have devel­
cones is identifiable and has a density o f abouc 14,000 cones oped. M am m alian ganglion cells show spontaneous neural
per m n r (Hendrickson and Yuodelis 1984; Diaz-Araya and activity• well before birth. This activity/ occurs in the rat retina
Provis 1992; Hendrickson and Drucker 1992). By 2 4 weeks by at least em bryonic day 17 (G alli and Matfei 1988).
o f gestation, cone density in the central retina is approxi­ O p tical imaging using a calcium-sensitive dye in n e o ­
mately 3 8 ,0 0 0 per m n r, compared wich an adulc value ot over nate ferrets revealed that waves o f spontaneous firing o f
100,000 per mm2. C o n e density is inversely related to cell- ganglion cells spread over each o f a varying mosaic o f local
soma diameter. The increase in cone densicv in the fovea is areas o f the retina at intervals ot at least 5 0 s (Feller ec al.
due со migracion o f cells coward che fovea from a circumfcr- 1 9 9 6 ; W ong et al. 1995; W ong 1999). These waves o f activ­
cncial region o f undilferentiaced cells, rather than to cell ity occur when rctinocortical connections are being formed
division within the ccncral region (Diaz-Araya and Provis and cease jusc before the eyes open (W ong and O akley
1992). 1996).
O n e week after birch, che human peripheral recina In rabbits, early retinal discharges arc blocked specifi­
resembles chac o f che adult, but che macular region covering cally by acetylcholine antagonises. Since acetylcholine
occurs only in scarbursc am acrinc cclls, the spontaneous In the cat, betw een the tim e o f eye opening at postnatal
firing must originate in this subclass o f am acrinc cells, which day 7 and postnatal day 2 1 , the interm ittent bursts o f spon­
synapse with ganglion cells and ocher am acrinc cclls (Z heng taneous activity in ganglion cells change to a more regular
et al. 2 0 0 6 ). D ifferent functional classes o f ganglion cells spontaneous discharge. Just after eye opening, only a few
develop their own firing patterns. After postnatal day 4 , ganglion cells respond to light, buc by poscnacal day 10 they
cholinergic synapses are reduced and G A B A ergic synapses all respond (T oo tle 1993).
becween the am acrinc cells swicch from being excitatory to The inner retina o f m ice, and probably all mammals,
being inh ibitory (Z h en g e t al. 2 0 0 4 ). contains a netw ork o f ganglion cells containing the p h o to ­
In m ice, selective application ot antagonists tor differ­ pigm ent melanopsin (Section s 5 .1 .4 g ). These cells project
en t types o f neurotransm itter revealed that early cholinergic to chc suprachiasmacic nucleus, w hich concrols chc circa­
retinal synapses are replaced by glutamacergic synapses dian rhyrhm (see Section 5 .3 .1 ). G anglion cells containing
betw een bipolar cells and ganglion cclls (W ong and Wong melanopsin respond ro light from chc day o f birch. Thus,
2 0 0 1 ). Before the eyes open, waves mediated by acetylcho­ chis system develops before the system responsible for regis­
line are replaced by waves mediated by glutamate. These tering visual images. The density o f ganglion cells co n tain ­
waves involve asynchronous bursts o f activity in O N and ing melanopsin declines as the retina matures (Sekaran et al.
O F F ganglion cclls. They presumably help to segregate 2 0 0 5 ). There is evidence that prim ates possess a similar
these functionally distinct pathways (Kerschensteiner and system (H ao an d Rivkces 1999).
W ong 2 0 0 8 ). The developm ent o f functional retinal synapses can be
In the adult mammalian retina, O N and O F F bipolar followed by im m unocytochem ical labeling o f the synaptic
cells and the distinct ganglion-cell dendrites into which they glycoprotein, S V 2. This protein is correlated with the pres­
teed are segregated in distinct strata in the inner plexiform ence o f synapses, as revealed by the electron m icroscope
layer. Tootle (1 9 9 3 ) claim ed th a t ganglion cells in the devel­ (O kada et al. 1994). Synaptic developmenc follows a foveal
oping retina o fth e cat and rabbit are initially either O N or со peripheral progression and occurs tor rods before cones
O F F types. However, m ore recent evidence shows that ac chc same retinal eccentricicv. M ocilicy ofd endricic filopo-
immature ganglion cclls in the ferret retina show both O N dia associated with synaptogcnesis can be observed by
and O F F responses to a flash o flig h t (W ang c t al. 2 0 0 1 ). time-lapse confocal m icroscopy after transfection wich a
Initially, O N and O F F bipolar cells are n o t segregated, and fluorescent procein.
ganglion-cell dendrites ram ify throughout the plexiform
layer. Later, O N and O F F ganglion cells occur in distinct 6 .3 .3 G R O W T H O F T H E O P T IC N ER V E
sublaminae ot the inner plexiform layer. Thus the develop­ AND TR A C T
m ent o f synaptic connections in the ferret retina involves
6 .3 .3 a S tr u c tu re o f chc O p t ic N e rv e and T ra c t
both the growth and the pruning ot dendrites. Segregation
o f O N and O F F ganglion cells in the mouse retina requires G anglion-cell axons grow over the recina coward chc optic
visual stim ulation (T ia n and Copenhagen 2 0 0 3 ). disk. They are guided by a variety o f chem ical growth fac­
In m ice, ganglion cells begin to respond to light stim u­ tors. These include adhesion molecules, such as intcgrin
lation o f t h e receptors by postnatal day 10, just before the and calm odulin in che excracellular macrix, and adhesion
eyes open. In the cat, electrical stim ulation induces spikes in molecules on che growing ganglion-cell axons (Z elin a cc al.
about a third o f ganglion cells by em bryonic day 30 2 0 0 5 ).
(5 weeks before b irth ). By em bryonic day 5 5 , alm ost all Ac che opcic disk chc ganglion-ccll axons leave chc recina
ganglion cells are capable o f generating repetitive discharges. со form che opcic nerve. In th ecac, axons begin со grow inco
Discharges are abolished by application o f tetrodotoxin, che opcic nerve by abouc chc 30ch em bryonic day (Shacz and
which indicates that they are mediated by sodium Srecavan 1986; O kada ec al. 1994) (Porcraic Figure 6 .1 0 ).
ions(Skaliora et al. 1 993). They then progress through the opcic chiasm to the lateral
Presumably, this early spreading activity helps in the geniculate nucleus (L G N ).
developm ent o f t h e tangential retinal netw ork even before The m orphogen S o n ic hed gehog plays a crucial role in
the development o f structures responsible for activating the recinal developmenc. In che recinal periphery, where icscon-
optic nerve. Spontaneous waves o f retinal activity are also cencration is low, it attracts growth cones o f ganglion-cell
required for the developm ent o f precise visual pathways. In axons. In che central recina, where concencration is high, ic
m ice lacking this spontaneous activity, retinal projections inhibits m ovem ent o f growth cones. The centrally directed
ro the superior colliculus failed to form rhe precise mapping growth o f ganglion-ccll axons is disrupted when the expres­
found in norm al m ice (M cLaughlin et al. 2 0 0 3 ). Also, the sion o f S o n ic hedgehog is disrupced (K olpak ec al. 2 0 0 5 ).
deficient m ice lacked fine-scale retinouopic mapping in the This m orphogen is also involved in che dcvclopm cnc o f che
L G N (G ru bb et al. 2 0 0 3 ). W e will see in Section 6 .6 .2 that chiasm and cerebral corcex (Section 6 .4 .7 ).
spontaneous retinal activity is also Involved in the develop­ W h en ganglion-ccll axons arc w ithin about 5 0 p of
m ent o f the visual cortex. che head o f che opcic nerve chey are guided inco che nerve
subcortical ccntcrs. The inner layers o f the optic tract o fth e
cat consist ot crossed and uncrossed axons from the co n tral­
ateral nasal and ipsilatcral tem poral hemiretinas. Axons in
these layers therefore show a sharp hem idccussation. The
superficial layers consist mainly o f fine axons from the
whole contralateral retina and the ipsilateral temporal
retina. Thus, these layers contain axons from the temporal
retina th at have crossed che chiasm . Axons in rhe superficial
layers arise late in developm ent, when signals that direct
axons from the tem poral retina to take an uncrossed course
arc weakened (Reese et al. 1991).
Secondary axons grow from rhe L G N along the optic
radiations to layer 4 o f the visual cortex. C ells trom each
pare o f the retina co n n ect with specific locations in the
L G N and cortex. See H olt and Harris (1 9 9 3 ) tor a discus­
sion o f retinal markers that determ ine che mapping o f visual

Figure6 .№. Carla J. Shan. B o m in N e w Y o rk C it y in 1947. She o b taine d

а В .Л . in c h c m is try fro m R a dclitfe C ollege in 1969 and a P h .D . in
6 .3 .3 b C o m p e titiv e Survival o f G an g lio n C clls
n e u ro b io lo g v fro m H a rv a rd M e d ic a l S chool w ith D . H u b e i and T .
W iese l in 1976. She c o n d u cte d p o s td o c to ra l w o rk w ith Pasko Rakic
G anglion-cell axons grow toward their target areas in sub­
a t H a rv a rd M e d ic a l S chool. In 1978 she jo in e d the fa c u lty at S ta n fo rd
U n iv e rs ity , D e p a rtm e n t o f N e u ro b io lo g v , w here she bccam c professor
cortical nuclci such as chc superior colliculus and LG N . The
o f n e u ro b io lo g v in 1989. In 1992. she m oved to the D e p a rtm e n t o f destinacion of a given axon seems со be determ ined by the
M o le c u la r and C c ll B io lo g y a t Berkeley, w here she bccamc professor rccinal region from w hich ic originaccs. Thus,ganglion cclls
o f n e u ro b io lo g v and an in ve stig a to r o t th e H o w a rd H ughes M e d ic a l
from a transplanted area ot the protoretina in the toad still
In s titu te . In 20 0 0, she bccam c N a th a n M arsh Pusey Professor o f
N c u ro b io lo g y in the D e p a rtm e n t o f N e u ro b io lo g v a t H a rv a rd M e d ic a l
grow toward the destination appropriate to the original site
School. H o n o rs in c lu d e th e G o lg i A w a rd fro m I'id ia in 1992, the (Fraser 1991). We will see later thac other factors determ ine
Silvo C o n te A w a rd fro m the N a tio n a l F o u n d a tio n fo r B ra in Research the precise way in which ganglion cclls make synaptic co n ­
in 199Л, th e C h a rle s A . D a n a A w a rd fo r P ionee ring A c h ie v e m e n t in tacts with target cells in the LG N.
H e a lth and E d ucatio n in 1995, the A lc o n A w ard fo r O u ts ta n d in g
C o n trib u tio n s to V is io n Research in 1997, and th e Bernard Sachs
G anglion-cell axons start to grow into chc opcic nerve ot
A w ard fro m the C h ild N e u ro lo g y S ociety in 1999. She was elected to the cat on the 19th em bryonic day. By the 39th day, the
the A m e ric a n A cad cm v o f A rts and Scicnccs, in 1995 to the N a tio n a l nerve contains about 6 0 0 ,0 0 0 axons. By two weeks after
A ca d cm y o f Scicnccs, in 1997. D r Shatz was president o f the S o cicty fo r
birth, the number o f axons has declined to the adult value
N euroscience, 1 9 9 4 -9 5 .
of about 1 6 0,000 (Lam ct al. 1 9 8 2 ; Ng and Stone 1982;
W illiam s e ta l. 1986).
by the growth factors lam in in and n ctrin -1 (D cin er ct al. In the monkey, by the 95 th em bryonic day, the optic
1997). As rhe axons advance along the optic nerve they nerve contains about 2.85 m illion axons com pared with 1.6
change their responsiveness to nctrin-1 Irom attraction to m illion in chc adult. Axons arc lost m ost rapidly between
repulsion. This allows them to advance into the netrin-1 the 95th and 120th em bryonic days, which is just when
free regions o l the optic nerve (Shcw an c t al. 2 0 0 2 ). retinal terminals segregate inco d istin ct layers in the LG N
Axons in the optic nerve form into bundles, or fascicles, (R ak ic and Riley 1983). The surplus o f optic nerve axons is
that are enclosed by interfascicular glial cclls. G row th cones due со overproduction of ganglion cells rather than to
arc distributed at random am ong older axons both within axonal branching o f existing neurons (Perry ct al. 1983;
fascicles and in different parts of the optic nerve. In the Sefton 1986). In both normal cats and in cats with one eye
monkey, growth concs becom e conccntratcd in the outer removed there is elose agreem ent between the num ber o f
layers o f the optic nerve by em bryonic day 4 5 . However, ganglion cells and the num ber o f optic nerve fibers ac each
even in the late em bryo, growth cones penetrate between scage o f developm ent (C halupa c t al. 1984). A sim ilar loss
older axons in deeper fascicles o f the optic nerve far of mocor axons innervacing muscles has been noced during
from the outer pial m em brane o t glial cclls (W illiam s ct al. early dcvelopmcnc (C ow an 1973).
1 9 9 1 ). C ells in che LG N w ith which ganglion cells make syn­
In the optic nerve, ganglion-cell axons reach the optic aptic concaccs secrcce che neurocrophic growch taccor
chiasm , where they undergo hemidccussation (see Section (Section 6 .4 .3 d ). C om petition for this grow th factor deter­
6 .3 .4 ). mines which opcic-nerve axons survive and which die. The
After leaving the chiasm , ganglion-cell axons enter growch factor binds to receptor molecules on the surface o f
the optic tract, which term inates in the I.G N and other the growing axon (see Allendoerter et al. 1994). Signals are
then transported rapidly down the axon to chc ccll soma, is prevented by X-ray irradiation, axons do n o t increase in
where they regulate the genetic expression o f proteins diamecer, showing thac growth o f axon diam eter depends
required for cell growth and survival (Spencer and W illard on some factor derived from the myelin sheath (C oleilo
1 9 9 2 ). In the absence o l che growch factor the neuron dies. e t al. 1994).
D eath o f ganglion cells in tissue culture is prevented when In chc human visual system, myelination proceeds from
the culture contains target cells o r a grow th factor derived che brain coward the eye. Axons arising from the fovea
from target cells. In the growing visual system, ccll death is myelinate before chose arising from the peripheral retina.
prom oted by removal o f che growch factor (see R a ff ec al. M vclination o f subcortical visual pathways is com plete by
1993). Deach is prom oted in cells wich severed axons chc chird postnatal m onth (Yakovlev and I.ccours 1967)
because chey arc cu t o ff from che growch factor (Bray and chac o f the geniculocortical pathways by the seventh
e ta l. 1 992)." m onth (M agoon and R obb 1981). M yelination o f the cere­
G anglion cells in tissue culture respond to the neu- bral cortex system is n o t com plete until early adulthood.
rotrophic growth factor only when they are in an active In the peripheral nervous system, myelin sheaths arc
state (M eyer-Franke cc al. 1 9 9 5 ). C cll growch and survival form ed from Schwann cells. D eveloping and regenerating
chus depend boch on che growch faccor and activation o f peripheral axons express a receptor for B D N F that controls
the ccll. Som e growch faccors are highly specific, and ensure myelinacion (Cosgaya ec al. 2 0 0 2 ). Sec Sherm an and Brophy
that only appropriate synaptic contacts survive (Korsching (2 0 0 5 ) for a review o f m echanism s o f myelinacion.
1993). A sim ilar com petitive m echanism operating at the
cortical level is described in S ection 6.7.2d .
Removal o f one eye reduces che num ber o f cells com per­ 6 .3 .4 S E G R E G A T IO N O F A X O N S
ing for thalam ic connections. W hen hamsters and rats had A T T H E C H IA S M
one eye removed in ucero, the optic nerve from the remain­
6 .3 .4 a G en eral D ev elo p m en t o f th e C h iasm
ing eye had about 2 0 % m ore axons than a norm al optic
nerve (Sengelaub and Finlay 1 9 8 1 ; Jeffery and Perry 1982). W h en ganglion-cell axons reach che chiasm , they segregate
In cats with one eye removed prenatally, che rem aining eye- into those from che ccmporal hemirccinas chat remain on
had about 1 8 0 ,0 0 0 ganglion cclls com pared with 1 5 0,000 the same side, and those from the nasal hem iretinas that
in a norm al eye, and the receptive fields o f cortical cells were decussate to chc concralaccral side. Two m echanism s have
smaller in m onocularly enucleated cats than in norm al cats been proposed со account for chis segregation. In the firsc,
(C h alu p aecal. 19 8 4 ; Scone and Rapaport 1 9 8 6 ). Ganglion growing axons respond со structural o r chem ical signals as
cells o f an eye in which action potentials were blocked by they approach che chiasm . In che second, axons from the
tetrodocoxin died ac chc norm al rate, bur cells o f che n on ­ cemporal retina grow at random to one side or che ocher,
treated eye died ac a reduced race (Schcecz ec al. 1995). and chose caking che wrong route are subsequently
In chc developed retina o f the monkey, the density o f elim inated.
ganglion cells has been reported to be 3 0 0 times higher in Sretavan (1 9 9 0 ) injecced a fluorescent dye inco chc opcic
the foveal region than in che far periphery (Perry and Cow ey tracc (postchiasm ) o f em bryonic mice (Portrait Figure 6 . 11).
1 9 8 5 ). However, m ore recently, the density o f ganglion The dye rctrogradcly labeled axons in che opcic nerve (prc-
cells has been estim ated to be 1,0 00 tim es higher in the chiasm ) according to whecher they were destined to cross or
fovea (W asslc e t al. 1 990). The processes responsible for the remain on chc same side. C han and G uillery (1 9 9 4 ) labeled
developmenc o f chis differential density are noc fully known. recina! regions o f em bryonic racs. These procedures revealed
The loss o f ganglion cells and their segregation in to areas o f thac ganglion-cell axons have a recinocopic order as chcv
different dcnsicy is accom panied by differencial growth o f leave che retina, alchough axons from differenc classes o f
the retinal surface. ganglion ccll inccrminglc. W h en axons rcach chc chiasm
chey lose their recinocopic order. Axons from dorsal and
vencral retinal regions inccrminglc wich chose from nasal
6 .3 .3 c M vW clination
and tem poral regions (W alsh 1986). Thus, che partition
M yelin is a fatty substance chac forms an insulacing sheath mechanism chac decides whecher a given axon dccussaccsor
around each axon o f the voluntary nervous system. In the not has n othing to do with the relative positions o f axons in
central nervous syscem, myelin sheachs are form ed from a chc opcic nerve (D ragcr 1985).
type o f glial cell known as o lig o d cn d ro cy tcs. Th e produc­ D uring the first stage o f developm ent in che em bryonic
tion o f oligodendrocytes is jointly concrolled by a growch mouse, axons from the vcntroccm poral rccina chac are des­
faccor and electrical activity in the axons (Barres and Raff tined со be uncrossed arrive at the chiasm before other
1993). G anglion-cell axons begin ro myelinate after the axons and grow directly inco che ipsilaceral opcic tract w ith­
period o f axonal loss and the process mostly occurs poscna- out approaching the m idline (M arcus and Mason 1 9 9 5 ). In
rally. A xon diam eter and condu ction velocity are correlated later stages, crossed and uncrossed axons arrive at the chiasm
with the thickness ot the myelin
< sheath. W hen mvclination
/ ac chc same cime. A xons from che cemporal rccina ac firsc
pauses in which growth cones spread out and project filopo­
dia. As the axons reach "decision regions" in the optic
chiasm or I.G N , the periods o f advancc arc short and the
pauses are prolonged for one hour or more. During pauses,
growth concs enlarge and develop a com plcx structure.
Filopodia "seek o u t" the appropriate pathway in the chiasm
or the correct target cclls in the I.G N (Bovolcnta and
M ason 1987). The growth cones o f uncrossed axons becom e
highly branched wich filopodia. They then turn toward the
ipsilateral opcic tracc before reaching che chin raphe, or
seam, o f cells along the chiasm atic m idlinc (Sretavan and
Rcichardt 1 9 9 3 ;G o d e m e n ce ta l. 1 9 9 4 ; M arcus e ta l. 1995).
They are deflected by a chem ical signal, which forbids them
from crossing the m idline (G o d em e n te t al. 1990).
Removal o f one eye in feral m icc and ferrets, before
axons reach chc chiasm , reduced che num ber o f uncrossed
axons trom the surviving eye in the optic tract. Uncrossed
axons accumulated at the chiasm (see Taylor and Guillerv
F »fp r< 6 . П . D arisf W. Sretavan. H e o b ta in ed hiv B .S c . in ncurophyM oIogy
1 9 9 5 ). M onocular enucleation in the neonate, alter axons
from M c G ill U niversity4 and a P h .D . from S tan fo rd U n ivcrsitv
C a rla Shat/ in 19 8 5 . A fter a p o std o cto ra l fellow ship at R ockefeller have reached the L G N , increased the num ber o f uncrossed
U n iv ersity he jo in ed th e d ep a rtm en t o f o p h th alm o lo g y am i physiology axons (C h an and G uillery 1 9 9 3 ). This suggests that a chem ­
in the U n iv ersity o f C a lifo rn ia a t San Fran cisco in 1 9 9 4 , w here lie is ical signal that guides uncrossed axons through the chiasm
now an associate protestor.
is activated by crossed axons trom the other eye as they pass
through the chiasm . M onocular cnucleacion did noc affect
the routing o f uncrossed axons but it did abolish the pause
tollow the same route as those trom the nasal retina as they in axon growth at chc chiasm (Sretavan and Rcichardt
grow coward che m idline o f rhe chiasm , buc at chis poinc che 1993).
temporal fibers bend sharply toward the ipsilateral side. O th er evidcncc suggests that axons arising from the
Thus, in che mouse, chere is an age-dependenc change in che nasal and temporal retina interact at the chiasm . Culcurcd
process o t segregation at the chiasm . nasal growth concs o t the chick retina are ju st as likely to
Axons from the tem poral hem iretina o f che monkey grow in a culture o f nasal axons as in a culcure o f cemporal
took an ipsilateral route through the chiasm by em bryonic axons, whereas tem poral growth con cs grow only in a cul­
day 3 6 (M eissirel and Chalupa 1 9 9 4 ). This is before cross­ ture o f temporal axons (B onhoeffer and H u f 1985).
ing axons trom the nasal hem iretina reach the chiasm . Thus, Temporal growth cones in culture collapse when they co n ­
the first uncrossed axons do n o t require pioneer crossed tact nasal axons. This suggests that nasal (crossed) axons
axons trom the opposite eye. They are presumably guided produce an inh ibitor specific to temporal growth concs
by a specific chem ical. By em bryonic day 4 2 , there was a (R aper and Grunew ald 1990).
clear segregation o t crossed and uncrossed axons in the In marsupials, uncrossed axons do not approach the
optic tract. The early uncrossed axons occupied the lower chiasm m idline. Instead, they remain grouped in the lateral
region. These pioneer uncrossed axons may be lost at a later region o t the chiasm . This is also true o t at least one placen­
age, since the deeper layers o f the adult optic tract consist o f tal mammal, the tree shrew (Jeffery c t al. 1998).
crossed fibers. Injection ot a m onoclonal antibody tor glial cells
As retinal axons approach the chiasm they defasciculate revealed a palisade o f radial glial cells straddling the chias­
and spread out. Radial glial cells replace the interfascicular matic midline o f the em bryonic mouse. G row ing ganglion
glial cclls. G row th concs accum ulate in subpial regions ccll axons enter the radial palisade and co n tact glial cclls,
am ong the endfeec o f che radial glial cells (C olello and trom which they pick up cell surface molecules with oppos­
Guillerv 1 9 9 2 ). However, chis ordering is lost in the m id­ ing effects on crossed and uncrossed axons (C olello and
line o f the chiasm (C olello and C olem an 1 9 9 7 ). As axons Cauillery 1992). Also, in the em bryonic mouse, a V-shaped
leave the chiasm they4 becom e bundled again to form the I *
pattern o f specialized neurons ( C D 4 4 neurons) develops in
optic tract. the neuroepithelium at the site o f the future chiasm a day or
The growth ot pioneer axons along the optic nerve and two before ganglion-ccll axons arrive at the site. These neu­
tract o f cats and mice can be observed wich cime-lapse video rons express neurocrophins and cell surface molecules,
m icroscopy after the axons have been labeled with fluores­ which either prom ote or in h ib it axon growth (Sretavan
cent dyes. Periods o f advance, during which growth cones et al. 1994). Their effects on grow ing axons can be
are elongated and have tew filopodia, arc interspersed with seen when retinal cells are cocultured with cells trom the
chiasm atic m idline o f em bryonic m icc (W a n g e t al. 1995). lacking F.phBl (W illiam s ct al. 2 0 0 3 ). The closely related
Alter a specific antibody had removed these epithelial neu­ receptor, Ep hB 2, is less elfective in directing axons into the
rons, subsequently arriving ganglion-cell axons failed со ipsilateral pathway (Petros c t al. 2 0 0 9 ). In the mouse,
decussate (Sretavan et al. 1 9 9 5 ). Specific inhibitory m ole­ only about 3% o f axons project ipsilaterally. After em bry­
cules have also been revealed in cultures o f growing gan­ onic day F. 16, the chiasm expresses less ephrin-B2, and most
glion cells Irom the em bryonic rat, an animal in which only arriving axons decussate. The developing chiasm does not
a few axons trom the ventrotem poral margin ot the retina express ephrin-B in animals, such as zebra fish and chickens,
project ipsilaterally (W izenm ann c t al. 1993). that have few if any uncrossed axons (Nakagawa et al.
2000 ).
Crossing at the chiasm is not merely a default route
6 .3 .4 b M o le cu la r R o u tin g M ech an ism s
taken by axons in the absence o t repulsion by o f ephrin-B2.
in the C h iasm
Tine ccll adhesion m olecule N r-C A M is expressed by co n ­
In many animals, including insects, fish, and mammals, the tralaterally projecting ganglion cells (W illiam s et al. 2 0 0 6 ).
retinas, optic stalk, and various regions o fth e growing ner­ It attracts axons in to the crossed pathway. W h en N r-C A M
vous system express proteins known as S lit 1, S lit2 , and is disabled, m ore axons p roject ipsilaterally. After the criti­
SIic3. The axon receptors for these ligands are known as cal period, N r-C A M attracts these axons and all other axons
R o u n d a b o u t, or R o b o receptors. In fru it flies {Drosophila), into the crossed pathway.
S lit expressed by m idline glial cclls repels ganglion-cell Recently, genes th at determ ine the routes taken by gan­
axons that have inappropriately crossed the m idline (Kidd glion cell axons through the chiasm have been discovered.
c t al. 1999). In zebra fish lacking R obo receptors, axons that Zinc finger ( Zic) genes are involved in the developm ent o f
enter the wrong pathway at the chiasm are n o t corrected, as left-right asymmetry o f the body plan. In m ice, the tran­
they are in anim als with R obo receptors ( Fricke e t al. 2 0 0 1 ; scription factor Z ic 2 is expressed only in ganglion cells des­
Hutson and C h ien 2 0 0 2 ). tined to p roject ipsilaterally. These are the 3% o f ganglion
S lit also prevents ganglion cclls from innervating inap­ cclls in the ventrotem poral retina that also express E p h B l.
propriate brain areas in zebra fish. In m ice, S litl and S lit2 The expression o f Z ic2 ceases once the ganglion cclls have
provide repulsion signals that d irect axons along their passed through the chiasm . The proportion o f ganglion
appropriate paths before they enter and after they leave the cells expressing Z ic2 in toads, m ice, ferrets, and chickens
chiasm . They also torm an inhibitory system that guides correlates with the size o fth e ipsilateral projection (H errera
axons to their destinations in the diencephalon (m idbrain), et al. 2 0 0 3 ).
as described in Section 6 .4 .3 b . In m ice deficient in both The transcription factor Islet-2 (Is l2 ) is expressed only
S litl and Slit 2 , growing axons are m isrouted in several in ganglion cells destined to project contralaterally. These
pathways, including the optic nerves, corpus callosum, cells occur in all parts o f cach retina o f the mouse. M ice
and thalam ocortical tracts (Bagri et al. 2 0 0 2 ; Plump et al. lacking the Ы 2 gene have an increased num ber o f cclls
2 0 0 2 ). The Slit-R ob o system is also involved in the migra­ expressing Z ic2. Consequently, there is an increase in gan­
tion and differentiation o f cortical cclls, as we will see in glion cclls projecting ipsilaterally (Pak c t al. 2 0 0 4 ). It thus
Section 6 .4 .7 a . seems that the expression o f Isl2 in crossing ganglion cells
F.phrin ligands and their recep to rs are involved in regulates the num ber o f ipsilateral axons.
the developm ent o f several parts o f the nervous system, B rain F a cto r 1 (B F 1 ) is expressed in the developing
including the retina (Section 6 .3 .2 ), I.G N (Section 6 .3 .5 ), nasal retina and B rain F a cto r 2 ( B F 2 ) is expressed in the
corpus callosum (Section 6 .4 .6 d ), chiasm (Section 6 .3 .4 b ), tem poral retina. These proteins are also known as Foxgl
and visual cortex. А -class ephrin ligands interact with and Foxdl respectively. They guide the developm ent o f
Л -class Eph receptors. В -class ligands interact with B-class retinal axis polarity. The same proteins are also expressed in
receptors. Both ligands and receptors are bound to ccll the chiasm . In m ice lacking B F 2 (F o x d l) the normally
m em branes. For example, in the frog Xenopus, ganglion uncrossed axons in the chiasm cross over. Also, E p h B l and
cells destined to remain uncrossed at the chiasm express the transcription factor Z ic2 are boch m issing in m ice lack­
EphB. Tli is receptor protein binds with the ligand ephrin-B, ing B F 2 (H errera et al. 2 0 0 4 ).
which is expressed in the chiasm during metam orphosis, The m orphogen Sonic-H edgchog (Sh h ) is also involved
when uncrossed axons reach the chiasm. in axon segregation at the chiasm . It is expressed at the dien­
The ligand ephrin-B2 is strongly expressed in radial glial cephalon m idline. Its receptor, B oc, is present in ganglion
cells in the chiasm m idline in the mouse when the chiasm is cells destined to project ipsilaterally. A t the chiasm , Shh
form ing during em bryonic days E 1 4 -E 1 6 . It repels acts on ganglion cells containing Boc to prevent them from
ganglion-cell axons that express the receptor EphBl into crossing (Fabre et al. 2 0 1 0 ).
the ipsilateral pathway. These ipsilateral axons arise in the In summary, ganglion cells in the temporal retina des­
ventrotem poral retina. Ipsilateral projections are eliminated tined to p roject ipsilaterally express E p h B l, Z ic2, Brain
when ephrin-B2 is blocked and are severely reduced in mice Factor 2 , and Boc. G anglion cells in the nasal retinal
destined to p roject contralacerally express Isl2, Brain 6 .3 .5 D E V E L O P M E N T O F T H E LGN
Factor 1, and N r-C A M .
6 .3 .5 a L G N L a m in a tio n
It has been reported that many axons from the temporal
hem iretinas o f the fetal rat, ferret, and cat take the wrong The structure o f the lateral geniculate nucleus (L G N ) was
route at the chiasm and are subsequently elim inated (Jeffery described in S ection 5.2.1.
1984, 1 990). This provides a second mechanism lor axon In the ferret, which has stereoscopic vision, inputs to
segregation at the chiasm . However, there is som e uncer­ the L G N are mapped rctinotopically at birth. However,
tainty about this m echanism , since o ther evidence from segregation into d istin ct lam inae is not com plete until one
m ice, ferrets, and cats suggests thac during early fetal stages or two weeks after birth (Jeffery 1 9 8 9 ). In the neonate, che
all axons from the temporal hem iretinas take the ipsilaceral ipsilateral inputs arise from rhe temporal hem iretina, as in
rouce but, at a later stage, decussate and remain decussated. the adult. Initially, contralateral inputs arise from the whole
The lace decussation could occur because the chem ical retina. O n ly later do they arise from the nasal hem iretina
signal forbidding decussation o f temporal axons fades or (Jeffery 1990). The same is true o f retinotectal projections
because late-arriving axons arc insensitive to that signal (see to the superior colliculus o f the rat (Land and Lund 1979).
Sretavan 1 9 9 0 ; Reese and Baker 1992; Baker and Reese In the ferret, inputs from O N -cen tcr and O F F -cen ter
1993). Decussated tem poral axons o f cats arc o f a specific receptive fields segregate into distinct layers in the third
type, but their function remains obscure. postnatal week.
In all mammals, axons from the nasal retinas fullvdecus-
In the cat, afferents from the contralateral nasal retina
sate. In fetal monkeys, the adult pattern o f hcmidecussation invade the L G N by the 32n d day o f gestation. This is about
is evident before the developm ent o f ocular dom inance col­ 10 days after the firsc ganglion cells develop and about
umns and before the period o t ganglion-cell death (Chalupa 5 weeks before birth. Afferents trom the ipsilateral tem po­
and I.ia 1991). ral hem iretinas invade the L G N about 3 days later than
Axons o f ganglion cells em erging from the chiasm form those from the contralateral nasal hem iretinas (Shatz 1983).
the optic tract. Crossed and uncrossed axons form pairs. This may be a consequence o f the recent evolution o f the
Axons segregate according to the type o f ganglion cell (par- nondecussating pathway. Visual effects o f this asymmetry
voccllular, magnocellular, W -cclls). Axons o f each type arc discussed in S ection 22.6.1. Regions o f the I.G N receiv­
acquire a retinotopic order. Those from the upper and lower ing from the central retina (m edial parts o f each lam ina)
halves o f the retina segregate in to anterior and posterior develop before those receiving from the peripheral retina
segments o f the tract respectively. Segregation o f dorsal and (lateral parts o f each lamina) (Sretavan and Shatz 1987). In
ventral regions is controlled by factors carried on glial cells the cat, inputs from the cwo eyes ac first interm ingled and
(Reese et al. 1 9 9 4 ). These processes arc controlled by becom e alm ost fully segregated into distinct layers by about
regulatory genes that express patterns o f proteins in overlap­ the 54th day o f the 64-day gestation.
ping longitudinal dom ains in the forebrain (M arcus e t al. D endrites in the L G N o f neonate cats have many spines
1999). and growth cones. A bout 4 m onths after birth, growth
G A P -4 3 (neurom odulin), a m em brane protein cones disappear, chc num ber o f spines decreases, and den­
secreted by growing axons, may be involved in guiding dritic arborizations becom e rescricted со the laminae ot the
axons as they leave the chiasm . D isruption o f the gene for eye o f origin (D e C ourcen and Garey 1 9 8 2 ). In humans,
G A P -4 3 in rat em bryos caused many axons to grow in sim ilar changes excend over a longer period (G arey 1984).
random directions as they left the chiasm (K ruger e t al. C orticogenicu latc and geniculocortical interconnec­
1998). They form ed abnorm al connections in the I.G N tions also develop in the prenatal and postnatal periods in
and superior colliculus (Sretavan and Kruger 1998; Zhu the cat. These interconnections developed even after retinal
an d ju lien 1 999). afferents were removed as they started to invade the L G N
Thus, three transform ations o f axons occur in the region (G uillcry c t al. 1985).
o t the chiasm. (1 ) A xons torm into crossed and uncrossed Injection o t radioactive tracers into the eyes o f monkey
pairs. (2 ) They segregate according to cell type. (3 ) Each cell fetuses revealed that all I.G N cells are formed by the 64th
type reestablishes a retinotopic order. W ith in this transi­ day o f the 169-day gestation. Their segregation into six lam ­
tion zone the glial cclls change from an interfascicular inae occurred betw een the 6 4 th and 110th day (Rakic
organization to the radial organization typical o f the dien­ 1 9 7 6 ) (P ortrait Figure 6 .1 2 ). Huberm an et al. (2 0 0 5 a )
cephalon (Reese c t al. 1994). Ganglion ccll axons then enter found that, in che macaque monkey, inputs were extensively
rhe lateral geniculate nuclei, where they segregate into dis­ interm ingled in all layers except parvocellular layers 5 and 6
tin ct laminae. on day 69. Segregation was com plete by day 7 8 in all chc
The developm ent o f the chiasm has been reviewed by parvocellular layers and, by day 8 4 , it was also com plete in
G uillcry et al. ( 1 9 9 5 ), Jctfcry ( 2 0 0 1 ), and Petros c t al. the m agnocellular layers 1 and 2. The L G N ot che nconacc
(2 0 0 8 ). A bnorm alities o f dccussation o f axons at the chiasm m onkey has che same general m orphology and laminar
are discussed in Section 3 2 .6 .2 . structure as that o f the adult.
neonatal L G N . They concludcd that formation ofeye-sp c-
cific projections depends on selective loss of whole axons.
Three m echanism s could be involved in the formation
o f eye-specific L G N laminae.

1. Time o f arrival o f afferents G anglion-cell axons from the

contralaccral cvc arrive before chose from the ipsilateral
eye. This idea has noc been tested.

2. Axon guidance The early postnatal developm ent o f

eye-specific laminae in the ferret L G N depends on
gradients o f guidance molecules. Nasotemporal
gradients of EphA receptors expressed by L G N axons
interact with a high laterovcntral to low mediodorsal
gradient o fth e ligand ephrin-A in the L G N . Axons
from the contralateral eye express a high level o f EphA
(see Section 6.3.2a) which causes them to be repelled by
the high concentration o f cphrin-A in the A laminae.
O n the other hand, the low concentration o f EphA in
Figure6.12. Pasko Rnkic. B o rn in R u m a, Yugoslavia. H e ob tain ed an M .D . ipsilateral axons causcs them to be attracted to the low
and P h .D . trom B elgrad e U n iv ersity an d jo in ed the facu lty a t the
concentration of ephrin-A in the A l laminae.
H arvard M ed ical S ch o o l in 1 9 6 9 . In 1 9 7 9 he m oved to Yale U niversityd
S ch o o l o t M cd icin c, w here he is now D u b c rg Professor o f N cu roscicn cc
O vcrcxprcssion o f EphA forces chc axons inco the
and d ircccor o f t h e Kavli In stitu te fo r N cu ro scicn cc. H e rcccivcd the wrong lamina (H uberm an ec al. 2 0 0 5 b ).
G era rd , B ristol-M yers, Lashlcy. Pasarow, and Fyssen awards and is a
m em ber o f the N atio n al A cad cm y o t Scien ces. The human em bryonic retina is different. Instead o f a
nasotem poral gradient o f EphA it expresses a high level
o f EphA in che center, w hich decreases toward the
G anglion cclls in chc eye o f the em bryonic monkey nasal and temporal poles. The ligand, cphrin-A , is
diverge inco m agnocellular and parvocellular types soon expressed in a com plem entary gradient. This evolution
after chcir lasc m itotic division. The two types o f axon p roj­ o f distinct nasal and temporal gradients is associated
e ct to discincc alternating L G N laminae. Innervation o f with the evolution o f frontal vision and
parvoccllular laminae begins before innervation o f m agno­ hemidecussation. The human L G N expresses a single
cellular laminae (M eissirel et al. 1997). In the neonate high lateroventral со low m ediodorsal gradienc o f
monkey, m agnocellular and parvoccllular neurons arc ephrin-A ligands and a com plem entary gradient o f
clearly distinguishable on the basis o f their responses to EphA, as in lower mammals (L am b o t et al. 2 0 0 5 ).
visual stim ulation, although immature cclls have a lower
3. Neural activity Tin's mechanism o f lam ination in chc
spontaneous rate o f firing and longer latency than do those
L G N is discussed in the next section.
of- adult cclls.
In a study o f 5 3 human brain s,cells in the parvocellular
layers o f the L G N were found to reach almosc cheir adulc
6 .3 .5 b L G N L a m in a F o rm a tio n and N eu ral A ccivicy
size by age 6 m onths, while cells in the magnocellular layers
continued to develop rapidly up to age 12 m onths. After W h ile eve-specific laminae in the L G N are form ing, burses
that, both types o fcell developed slowly to reach their adult ofsynchronized nerve impulses arise in che recina (M eister
size at about 2 years (H ickcy 1977). ec al. 1991; M ooney ec al. 1 9 9 6 ). They are gcncraccd by
Prenatal segregation o f inputs into eye-specific laminae waves o f high-frequency accivicy cransmicced over che recina
in the L G N involves an inicial coarse segrcgacion inco sim i­ by acecylcholine released from scarbursc am acrinc cells.
lar cell types: X , Y, and W types in the cat and m agnocel­ In the second postnatal week in the mouse the retinal activ­
lular and parvoccllular types in primates (Casagrande and ity arises from glutam atcrgic synaptic transmission.
C o n d o 1988). M ice with a genetic defect in cholinergic synaptic trans­
In the cat, this segregation is followed by growth o f ter­ mission in the early postnatal period do not develop eye-
minal arborizations and elim ination o f inappropriate axonal specific laminae in che L G N (T o rb o rg ccal. (2 0 0 5 ). Insccad,
side branches (Sretavan and Shatz 1986a). In each LG N inputs from the two eyes segregate in to coarse patches
lamina, inputs from one eye elim inate inappropriate (M uir-R obinson et al. 2 0 0 2 ).
synaptic con tacts from the other eye (Shatz 1990b ). In the G anglion cells in the cat retina generate action poten­
m acaquc, Snider ct al. (1 9 9 9 ) found no cvidcncc o f tials by em bryonic day 30. The subsequent increase in
retraction o f inappropriate axonal side branches in the sodium -m ediated action potentials coincides with the
period o f innervation o fth e L G N by ganglion cells (Skaliora and impel them to form their own connection s with
et al. 1 993). Spontaneous retinal activity subsides after the relay cells.
eye-specific layers have formed in the L G N . The segregation o f laminae in the L G N o f neonatal fer­
In the tree shrew, L G N laminae do n o t develop follow­ rets was n o t affected when the synchrony o f spontaneous
ing bilateral cnucleation (Bru nso-B echtold and Casagrandc discharges was disrupted by pharmacological depletion o f
1985). In the cat, inputs from one eye are n o t sufficient for am acrine cells (H ubcrm an et al. 2 0 0 3 ). Perhaps the activity
developm ent o f L G N laminae. W hen Srctavan and Shatz from the tw o eyes remained sufficiently different to pro­
(1 9 8 6 b ) removed one eye in cars at em bryonic day 23, m ote segregation. Segregation was disrupted when all
before axons had reached the L G N , axons of the remaining spontaneous retinal activity was blocked.
eye developed a norm al m orphology and loss o f axonal C om petitive synaptic interactions generated by sponta­
branches, but projected diffusely rather than being confined neous neural discharges arc probably also responsible tor
to norm al eye-specific laminae. the fact that ganglion cclls with O N -cen reran d O F F -cen ter
W hen sodium -m ediated action potentials in ganglion receptive fields segregate into d istinct layers in the L G N
cells o f the cat were unilaterally blocked by tetrodotoxin and csrablish distinct con nection s with relay cclls (H ahm
betw een em bryonic day 4 5 and birth, eye-specific L G N et al. 1 9 9 1 ). The segregation o f inputs trom O N -ccn ter and
lam ination was disrupted. There was a proliferation o f inap­ O F F -cen te r ganglion cells in the ferret I.G N coincides with
propriate dendritic growth across normally be eye-specific the onset o t distinct spontaneous firing patterns from the
layers (Sh atz and Stryker 1 9 8 8 ). D end ritic m orphology was two types o f receptive fields. D uring the first 2 postnatal
affected less by bilateral blockage o f action potentials than weeks, both types o f ganglion ccll fire in a sim ilar way. But,
by unilateral blockage (D alva c t al. 1994). as G A B A inhibitorycircu icsd evelop in the retina, the firing
In the ferret, eye-specific laminae in the L G N develop rate o t O N -ccn tcr ganglion cells declines relative to that ot
during the prenatal period. D uring this period, spontane­ O F F -cen te r cells. This difference in firing rate allows
ous discharges in ganglion cells produce excitatory postsyn­ H ebbian synapses (N M D A synapses) for the two types o f
aptic currents in both N M D A and n o n -N M D A synapses ganglion cell to form d istin ct layers. Segregation did not
in the L G N (M oon ey et al. 1 9 9 3 ). W h en this neural activ­ occur after blockage o f N M D A receptors (Fischer K F et al.
ity was pharm acologically blockcd in one retina som e axons 1 9 9 8 ). Blockage o f N M D A synapses in early developm ent
from the active eye invaded laminae that norm ally received seems to have two effects. It removes the basis for com peti­
inputs from the inactive eye (Penn ec al. 1 9 9 8 ). However, tive access to L G N neurons and it prevencs the removal o f
only a few axons invaded rhe laminae o f rhe inactive eve.
/ 4
inappropriate synaptic connections (see Section 6.4.4b ).
Thus, the projection ot m ost axons to the L G N of the ferret The developm ent o f d istin ct tem poral patterns o f sponta­
does not depend on spontaneous retinal activity (C oo k neous activity through the growth o f specific inhibitory
et al. 1 999). circuits at specific times may be involved in other develop­
In monkeys, segregation o f I.G N laminae was severely mental processes.
disrupted by prenatal removal o f one eye, although some
segregation o f m agno- and parvocellular regions was still
6 .3 .5 c F u n c tio n a l D e v e lo p m e n t o f th e L G N
evident (R akic 1 981). O n ce established, L G N lam ination
is im m une to effects o f postnatal visual experience. M onkeys W ich in the first 4 postnatal weeks, cclls in the LG N o f k it­
deprived ot vision in one eve trom birth to 2 7 weeks devel­ tens showed low rates o f m aintained discharge to illum ina­
oped a substantially norm al L G N . This was so in spite o f tion, weak and long-latency responses to flashed scimuli,
the fact that this type o f deprivation leads to a reduction in and an absence ot surround inhibition. By 4 weeks, the spa­
the num ber o f binocular cells in the visual cortex (Blakem ore tial characteristics o f the receptive fields achieved their
and V ital-D urand 1986a). adult form . After 4 weeks the tem poral response o f cells
Thus, segregation o f eye-specific lam inae in rhe LG N becam e m ore biphasic, and there was a large decrease in
during the prenatal and early postnatal period depends on response latency and response duration (C a i c t al. 1997).
nerve impulses arising in the retina. These inputs are also C ells o f che X-cype showed mature response properties
required for the postnatal m aturation o f L G N synapses. before Y-tvpc cells (D aniels ct al. 1978). Early geniculate
However, at that stage, inputs arising from visual experience responses were mainly cxcitatory. Inhibitory circuits
in normal anim als are more effective than electrically evoked matured later (R am oa and M cC o rm ick 1994).
potentials in nonseeing kittens (K alil 1990). The spacial resolution o f a ccll in chc L G N is indicated
By the Hebbian rule (Section 6 .5 .1 ), synapses firing in by rhe highest spatial frequency o f a drifting high-concrasc
synchrony in a given region reinforce cach other and sup­ grating that evokes a response in the ccll. Blakem ore and
press activity at synapses firing out o f phase with the dom i­ Vital-D urand (1 9 8 6 b ) reported that the spatial resolution
nant input. Spontaneous activity is synchronized within ot L G N cclls with receptive fields at an eccentricity ot more
one eye bur nor between eyes. It is assumed that these pat­ than 10" was much the same in the neonate m onkey as in
terns o f synchrony drive similar axons into their own layers the adult. However, for the foveal region, L G N cclls in the
neonate m onkey resolved only up to about 5 cpd compared accom panied by differentiation o f cells into general types
with 35 cpd in the adult. laid o u t in specific regions.
In a more recent study, M ovshon et al. (2 0 0 5 ) found Each cell nucleus contains tw o com plete sets o f ch ro ­
that L G N cells in neonate m onkeys responded vigorously to mosomes. Each set contains the D N A com prising the
stimulation but showed less spontaneous activity than cells genetic code. A t the initiation o f protein synthesis a partic­
in the adult monkey. The characteristic spatial-frequency ular D N A sequence, known as a p ro m o to r, binds to a set o f
tuning o f m agnocellular (M cells) increased from 2 to 4 cpd tran scrip tio n fa cto rs and R N A p olym erase. W h en the
during the first 4 weeks. T h e spatial-frequency tuning o f polymerase has been phosphorylated it begins transferring
parvocellular cells (P cells) remained constant at 2.3 cpd inform ation from the DNA to form a m essenger
during the first 4 weeks and doubled by the age o f six months. rib o n u cle ic acid (m R N A ). The construction o f a particu­
Thus, initially, M cells developed more rapidly than the P lar m R N A is term inated by another D N A sequence.
cells. For both types o f cell, an increase in spatial-frequency Tit is process is known as tra n scrip tio n . Each m RN A co n ­
tuning represents a decrease in the size o f excitatory recep- tains a linear sequence o t co d o n s. Each codon specifies a
tive-fields. During the first m onth, responses o f L G N neu­ particular am ino acid. The m RN A s emerge from the
rons were attenuated at low spatial frequencies, which nucleus and move to the site in the cell where protein syn­
indicates that their receptive fields had developed the thesis occurs. Proteins destined to be inserted into the cell
center-surround organization o t cells tound in the adult. membrane are assembled in R ib o so m e s distributed on an
The tem poral tuning function o f an L G N cell is indi­ en d op lasm ic reticu lu m . Proteins destined to remain
cated by its response to temporal m odulations o f a grating o f w ithin the cell are assembled in unattached ribosomes,
optim al spatial frequency. Hawken et al. (1 9 9 7 ) found that known as free ribosom es. Ribosom es read the codons in
the temporal resolution o f M cells in the neonate monkey order and assemble polypeptides, which build up into the
was low but rapidly improved over the first 2 months. protein m olecule (U em ura c t al. 2 0 1 0 ). W hen the last
M ovshon e t al. (2 0 0 5 ) found that the overall shapes o f codon (the stop codon) has been read, the com pleted pro­
temporal tuning functions in neonate monkeys were sim i­ tein m olecule is released from the ribosom e. This process is
lar to those o f adult monkeys. The m ajor change was an known as tran slatio n (Husi et al. 2 0 0 0 ; Steward and
increase in the frequency o f tem poral responses. At 1 week, Schum an 2 0 0 3 ).
M cells had a median tem poral-frcquency tuning o f D evelopm ent depends on interactions betw een many
2 3 .4 Hz com pared with the adult value o f 4 9 .7 Hz. The genes arranged in a hierarchy. At the top o f the hierarchy are
corresponding values for P cells were 8.1 Hz and 22 Hz. the master genes, o r hom eogenes. lhey produce h om eo-
The contrast sensitivity ot L G N cells can be measured p ro tcin s containing core sequences o f am ino acids, known
by recording responses to gratings o f optimal spatial and as h o m co b o x sequ en ces. These sequences are the same in
tem poral frequency as a function o f contrast. M ovshon invertebrates and in vertebrates, including humans. They
c t al. found that the contrast sensitivity o f M cells (as arc said to be conserved over long periods o f evolution.
indicted by the slope ot the contrast response tunction) H om coproteins are transcription factors that bind to spe­
increased from 129 to 2 2 9 during the first 24 weeks. For P cific sequences o f genes and thereby control the production
cells the increase was from 2 4 to 34. ot m orphogens. M orp h o g cn s torm gradients in the devel­
Movshon e t al. concluded that changes in the size o f oping em bryo that determ ine its m orphological structure.
rcccptivc-ficlds account for changes in spatial resolution o f The result is that hom eogenes specify the general body plan
L G N cells, and that changes in synaptic functions account o f the animal and the general structure o f particular organs
for changes in temporal resolution. They also concluded that (G ehring 1 9 8 7 ). O n ce the general structure has been
visual performance in young primates is lim ited by the imma­ form ed, other transcription factors, acting at particular
turity o f the visual cortex rather than o f the retina or LG N . tim es or in particular locations, turn on genes that control
The developm ent o f the L G N was reviewed by the developm ent o f particular body structures. Thus, che
Casagrandc and Brunso-Bechtold (1 9 8 8 ). The evolution o f final structure depends on the hierarchical sequence
the mammalian visual pathways was reviewed by H enry and and spatial interaction o f many transcription factors
Vidyasagar (1 9 9 1 ). (Section 6 .6 .1 ).
Patterns o f cell differentiation in the em bryo arc deter­
mined by gradients o f m orphogens. A m orphogcn is a pro­
6 .4 D E V E L O P M E N T O F T H E B R A IN tein produced in a restricted region o f em bryonic tissue
from w hence it diffuses to form a long-range concentration
gradient. Three families o t m orphogens have been identi­
6 .4 .1 G EN E R A I. D E V E L О P M E N T О F T H E
fied: W ingless ( W N T ) , Hedgehog (H g ), and the trans­
form ing growth factor (T G F ) . The position o f a ccll on a
Em bryonic developm ent o f the vertebrate nervous system morphogcn gradient determ ines the type o f cell into which
starts with successive cell divisions o f the fertilized egg it will differentiate.
In chc developing nervous system, a gradient o f the
W N T m orphogen decermines the anccrior-postcrior axis
o f chc neural plate. The Hg m orphogen specifies chc dorsal-
vencral axes o f the neural tube. Pyramidal neurons develop
from the dorsal telencephalon, and inhibitory inccrncurons
develop from che vencral telencephalon. W h en the H g m or­
phogen is inhibited in em bryonic cultures in vitro, all the
cells in che neural plate develop into pyramidal neurons.
The cells then differentiate in to various types o f pyramidal
cells, presumably under checoncrol o f local factors (Gaspard
ec al. 2 0 0 8 ). There is evidence chac hom coprotcins also act
as m orphogens (Brunec ec al. 2 0 0 7 ).
M orphogens bind со recepcor m olecules on em bryonic
cells. I l l is triggers a cascade o f m olecular signals chac pro­
duce changes in gene expression. Ac a later stage, che same
m orphogens help со concrol chc growth o f axons and
cherebv4 decermine che basic scruccurc o f che nervous svscem

and sense organs (sec Sanchcz-C am acho cc al. 2 0 0 5 ).

The nervous system develops from che neural cube, as
r>go««6.ij. R oger Sperry. H e was born in H a rtfo rd , C o n n e c tic u t, in 1 9 1 3 .
described in Section 6.4.2. C cll division (m itosis) is accom ­ H e received his В .Л . in English trom O b erlin C o lleg e in 1 9 3 5 and a
panied by differentiation of cells into differenc cypes and P h .D . w ith Paul A . W eiss a t th e U n iv ersity o f C h ica g o in 1 9 4 1 . A fter
migration o f cclls from che layers in which chcy were formed a p o std o cto ral year w ith K arl S. L ash lcy at H arvard, h e held academ ic
ap p o in tm en ts in th e D ep artm en t o f P sychology at th e U niversity
со layers in which chey will ultimacely function. N euronal
o f C h icag o . In 195-t he becam e professor o f p sy ch o bio logy a t the
m ig ration involves chc whole ccll, including che cell C alifo rn ia In stitu te of T ech n ology. H e w on a m u ltitu d e o f academ ic
nucleus. O n ce che cell nucleus reaches ics destination the awards and was awarded the N obel Prize in Physiology in 1 9 8 1 . H e
axon grows to form synapses wich dendrites on ochcr neu­ died in 1 9 9 4 .

rons in che same layer, in differenc layers, or in discincc

regions. The tip o f chc axon forms a grow th co n e, which
extracellular substrate through w hich the axons are
navigates through intervening tissue. In grow th co n e navi­
growing. W h en sim ilar molecules mutually attract cach
gation the cell body is stationary. Som e axons, such as chose
ocher, che binding is said со be h o m o p h ilic. C A M s also
in che opcic tract, grow through considerable distances. The
provide craccion for movemenc of the growch cone over
human brain contains about 10i: neurons, and each neuron
che subscrace. Thus, an adhesive subscrace form s a
form s synapses with hundreds o f others. It has been esti­
"highway" along which growch cones advance. Some
mated that halt o f an anim als genes are devoted to che
C A M s bind axons cogccher inco bundles. The axons
growch o f che nervous syscem.
fascicu lacc со form nerves, such as che opcic nerve.
Paul W eiss (1 9 3 9 ) cham pioned che view chac axon
Axon growch also depends on mechanical interactions
growch is largely determ ined by physical properties o f the
betw een cells or betw een cells and o ther structures.
surrounding tissues rather chan by chem icals produced by
C A M s arc discussed in Scction 6.4.3b.
chc target site (W eiss and Taylor 1 944).
His student, Roger Sperry, had different ideas. H e devel­ 2. L ocal guidance molecules These ligands are secreted by a
oped the ch en io a ffin ity th eo ry , according to w hich specific fibrous matrix known as the ex tra cellu la r m a trix or bv *

con nection s between nerve cells are determ ined by m olecu­ astrocytcs. Four major fam ilies o f local guidance ligands
lar markers (Sperrv 19 6 3 ; Freeman and G uidon 2 0 0 2 ) have been identified: netrins, slits, sem aphorins, and
(Porcraic Figure 6 .1 3 ). W e will see chac boch factors are cphrins. Each ligand attaches to specific rcccptor
involved in chc developm ent o f t h e nervous system. Also, m olecules on the m em branes o f axons growing through
we now know that spontaneous and stimulus-induced thac local region. This produces signals in che growch
activity in growing neurons is involved in form ing and cone chat keep the axons on track. At ch oice points,
m aintaining correct connections in the nervous system. such as the optic chiasm , some axons grow in one
Ligand m olecules expressed by growing cells bind with direction while others grow in another direction. Som e
recep to r m olecules expressed by other cells. Three broad guidance* molecules attract axons inco chc corrccc
types o f m olecular markers are involved in guiding axons to channel, while others repel axons away from the
their destinations. in corrcct channcl. C cll adhesion ligands can also
provide directional inform ation at choice points. The
1. Cell adhesion molecules (С/I Ms) Som e C A Ms expressed cffcct thac a given ligand has on a growing axon depends
by growing axons bind with sim ilar C A M s on the on chc cvpc o f recepcor expressed by chc axon. The same
ligand can be an attractant for one type o f axon and a axis o f the em bryo. The anterior-posterior axis and che
repellent for another type. Also, the receptor expressed dorsoventral axis o fth e growing neural tube are determ ined
by a given growing axon may change over time. Thus, a by m orphogens derived from the neighboring notochord
given axon may be attracted by a given ligand at one (presumptive backbone). The neural tube is lined with a
location and repelled by the same ligand when it ncuroepithclium o fm u ltip o ten tstem cells thac arc destined
reaches another location. These guidance m olcculcs are to form the brain, spinal cord , oculom otor nerves, retina,
discussed in Section 6 .4 .3 . and iris.
Stem cells in the neural tube migrate back and forth
3. Long-range guidance molecules These ligands diffuse
between the inner and outer surface o f the tube. During
through em bryonic tissue from their p o in t o f origin to
intervals between m igrations they divide. D uring migra­
form chem ical gradients that guide the axons to their
tions they synthesize D N A . This cyclic m ovem ent is known
destinations. They arc known as n cu ro tro p h in s. There
as the elevator m ovem ent. The ventral neural tube forms
arc tour m ajor families, each with distinct receptors.
m otor neurons that emerge trom the ventral nerves o f the
M orphogens also help to guide growing axons to their
spinal cord and brainstem . The dorsal part form s sensory
destinations. N curotrophins are discussed in Sections
neurons that em erge from dorsal sensory nerves.
6 .4 .3 and 6 .4 .7 .
Som e stem cells m igrate to the outer layer o fth e tube as
they differentiate into neuroblasts, which form neurons, or
O n ce axons have reached their destination they form appro­
into glioblasts, w hich form glial cells. The rem aining stem
priate synapses with the dendrites ot other neurons (see
cells divide at ditferent rates in different parts o f the tube to
Section 6 .4 .4 ).
form the forebrain, m idbrain, hindbrain, and spinal cord.
T h e basic structures and m echanism s o f the visual
The shapes ot brains ot different vertebrate species can be
system begin to develop in the early em bryo and becom e
modeled by a com puter sim ulation o f differential growch
fully functional several m onths after birth. Initially, devel­
rates in the neural tube (Fujita 1990). The neural crest
opm ent o f the visual system is genetically programmed.
form s above the neural tube. Neural crest cells form che
However, even before birth , spontaneous discharges from
autonom ic nervous system, m ost sensory nerves, and the
the retina affect the form ation o f neural connection s in the
cornea, sclera, and ciliary muscles o f rhe eye.
visual pathways and brain. After birth, stimulus-dependent
The brain has three main subdivisions— hindbrain
neural activity determ ines the precise com bination o f path­
(rhom bencephalon), m idbrain (m esencephalon), and fore-
ways from the two eyes and the fine-tuning o f the whole
brain (prosencephalon). The hindbrain contains the fourth
visual svstem.
i ventricle, brainstem nuclei, and cerebellum. The midbrain
G enetic and experience-dependent processes do noc
contains the third ventricle and the colliculi. The forebrain
operate independently. G en etic processes set the stage for
derives trom the anterior region o f the neural tube. It is
neural activity, and neural activity affects the expression o f
subdivided into che diencephalon and celencephalon. The
genes. Activity-regulated gene expression determ ines the
diencephalon concains the thalamus and hypothalamus,
type and level o f protein synthesis, which in turn affects the
and gives rise to che opcic vesicles chac form che recina.
establishm ent and refinem ent ot neuronal circuits, as we
The ventral telen cep h alo n forms che subcortical basal
will see in S ection 6 .6 .1 .
ganglia (caudate nuclei, putam en, and globus pallidus). The
Visual m echanism s are modified by growth processes
dorsal telen cep h alo n forms the 6-layered n eo co rtcx , the
extending throughout infancy. These growch processes
3-laycrcd archicortex (hippocam pus), and the olfactory
include: ( l ) changes in the size and shape o f the eyes and
cortex. In mammals, the tw o cerebral hemispheres ot the
their scccing in chc head, (2 ) modificacions o f accom m oda­
ncocortex expand over the diencephalon and m idbrain.
tion and vergence, (3 ) changes in the size o fth e retina, (4)
Each hemisphere contains a cerebral ventricle. The n eocor­
myclinacion o f che visual pachways and visual corcex, and
tex form s alm ost 8 0 % o f che human brain.
(5 ) changes in the distribution o f dendrites and a reduction
In mammals, mosc G A B A inhibicory incerneurons o f
in the density o f synapcic concaccs.
che neocorcex develop in che subcortical ventral forebrain
C ontem plation o f the myriad o f com plex factors thac
and migrate tangentially to populate the entire cortex.
rcgulacc chc developmenc o f the visual system induces a
However, retroviral labeling in tissue cultures o fth e em bry­
sense of awe.
onic forebrain o f humans, revealed that 65 % o f interneu­
rons originate in the dorsal telencephalon. O n ly 35 % o f
6 .4 .2 G R O W T H O F C O R T IC A L A R EA S interneurons originate in the ventral forebrain (Lecinic
ec al. 2 0 0 2 ).
6 .4 .2 a D iffe re n tia tio n o f t h e M a in A reas
The morphogen H g expressed by the S o n ic hedgehog
Th e vertebrate central nervous system starts with the estab­ gene {Shh ) determ ines the differential rates of growth o f
lishm ent o f the neural plate, w hich invaginatcs to form the different parts o f the brain (B ritto et al. 2 0 0 2 ). For example,
neural tu b e that runsdorsally along che ancerior-poscerior Hg expressed by the neural tube governs the expansion o f
the early forebrain and m idbrain, including che cerebral increasingly folded into gyri (convolutions) and sulci
vesicles. D efective signaling results in reduced cell prolifera­ (grooves).
tion and collapse o f the ventricles (Tannahill cc al. 2 0 0 5 ). D uring the first h a lf o f the gestation period the human
The sonic hedgehog gene probably played a decisive role in cerebral cortex has very few gyri or sulci. A m ong the first
the evolution o f the vertebrate brain. sulci to appear are the parieto-occipital and calcarine sulci
In mammals lacking the Sonic hedgehog gene, the cere­ (Polyak 1 9 5 7 ). As the cortex grows, convolutions becom e
bral hemispheres fail со separate— a condition known as increasingly com plex.
holoprosencephaly. I he tw o eyestalks fuse to produce one Ac birch, che human brain as a w hole isonlyone-quarcer
cyclopean eye in the center of the forehead— a condition o f ics macurc volume (Sauer ec al. 1 9 8 3 ). The volume o f the
known as cyclopia (M in g c r al. 2 0 0 2 ; C ordero ec al. 2 0 0 4 ). adult human brain can vary becween abouc 1180 and 1625
Holoprosencephaly is the m ost com m on congenital fore­ c m 3, and that o f the n eocortex betw een about 5 7 4 and 8 2 9
brain defect in humans. Ic occurs in 1 in 16,000 neonates cm \ w ithout any correlated variation in incelligence (Filipek
but probably occurs in 1 in 2 5 0 em bryos. M ilder forms et al. 1 9 9 4 ). The human brain represents about 2% ot the
show as a facial deform ation. In its excreme form ic is fatal. total body weighc buc accouncs for abouc 20 % o f the oxygen
The Hg m orphogcn is also involved in regulating ccll consum ption ot the body.
division and survival in chc em bryonic axial skeleton, spinal The relative sizes and locations o f different regions o f
cord, recina, optic nerve, hippocampus, and cerebellum the neocortex are under the control o t several genes. For
(C h ian g ec al. 1996). Thus, che m orphogcn produced by exam ple, E M X I and PAX6 are expressed by neural progen­
the Son ic hedgehog gene acts at different times and in dif­ itor cells in opposing gradients over the neocorcex before
ferent places со perform che same basic funccion o f regular- thalam ic afferents invade che cortex (Bishop ec al. 2 0 0 2 ).
ing cell division and survival. W e will see later that finer subdivisions o f the cortex are
The W N T m orphogens expressed by the gene fV ntl are determ ined by activity in afferent neurons.
also involved in the general growth o f the nervous system The mammalian visual cortex, described in Section 5.5,
and in chc form ation o f differenc corcical areas (see C ian i is part o f the convoluted surface o f che neocorcex. Before
and Salinas 2 0 0 5 ). birth in primates, and particularly in humans, the visual
The neocorcex o f mammals is enlarged relative со ocher cortex grows more rapidly than other parts o f the brain. At
parts o f the brain, mainly because o f an expansion o f the cor­ birth it has reached about h alf its mature volume, which it
tical surface (H olm an 1985). The neocorcex o t primates has reaches abouc 4 m onths after birch. The adulc visual corcex
about five times the volume o f that o f insectivores, after allow­ occupies abouc one-thirriech o f rhe cortical surface. The
ance has been made for general increase in brain size (Barcon visual cortex o f the human neonate is between 1.4 and 1.7
and Harvey 2 0 0 0 ). O n average, there are over 13 billion neu­ mm th ick, compared with betw een 2.1 and 2.5 mm in che
rons in the adult human neocorcex (Braengaard et al. 1990). adulc (W ong-R ilcy e ta l. 1993).
The mammalian neocorcex concains areas for cach sen­ The num ber o f ganglion-cells, n, and therefore che
sory m odality as well as mocor areas and areas associated num ber o f relay cells in the L G N , increases as the size o f the
wich a variety o f cognitive and em otive functions. All co rti­ eye increases. To m aintain con stan t visual resolution, the
cal areas have six layers with an average total thickness o f num ber o f cortical processing units (hvpercolumns) should
about 0 .2 6 cm , which is sim ilar in all mammals wich brain increase in proportion to n. But ro m aintain constant angu­
volumes greater than about 3 c m ' (H ofm an 1 9 8 9 ). C ells in lar resolution, the num ber o f cells in each hypercolumn
che deepest layer (layer 6 ) p roject со che chalamus, chose in should increase by n vl. Therefore, the overall num ber o f
layer 5 p roject to subcortical nuclei other than the thala­ cortical cells should increase in proportion to n times « ' : ,
mus, and chose in upper layers 2 and 3 projccc со ocher co r­ or n ' Stevens (2 0 0 1 ) found chac, over 2 3 primates includ­
tical areas. Layer 4 is the main recipient layer. All cortical ing humans, the num ber ot neurons in V I was proportional
areas have the same basic cellular consticuencs and show to che 3/2 power o f the number o f L G N cells.
evidence o f colum nar organization. In the human visual cortex, cell density is over 1 m illion
Across vercebrace species, brain weighc increases as a per m m ' at 2 weeks o f gestation. Ic decreases со abouc 9 0 ,0 0 0
power funccion o f body weighc (H ofm an 1989). The cere­ per m m ' at birth and to about 4 0 ,0 0 0 per m m ' at age 4
bral cortices ot small mammals, such as the mouse, are m onths. C ell density then remains stable (Lcuba and Garey
sm ooth, or lisscnccphalic. If brains o f increasing size were 1987). 'I his loss o f cell density is due to overall growth, since
to remain similar in appearance, the surface area would there seems со be no loss o f neurons in chc visual corcex
increase as the tw o-thirds power o f the volume. In fact, the with aging.
area o t the mammalian cerebral cortex increases alm ost in
proportion to its volume. This means thac che brains o f
6 .4 .2 b In trin s ic S p e c ific ity o f C o r tic a l A reas
larger mammals must fold in order со tie in to an econ om i­
cally sized skull— chey becom e gyren ccph alic. Thus, with D uring developm ent, che types o f cell inco w hich a cell may
species ot increasing size the cerebral cortex becom es develop becom e progressively restricted. The zygote is a
non-self-renew ing to tip o te n t cell because ic gives rise со cortical area at a ccrtain period, in che absence o f influences
every cypc o f cell but docs n o t renew (unless ic forms frater- trom the surroundings o f the cells. For example, progenitor
nal cwins). C ells in differenc regions o f che em bryo becom c cclls from chc presumpcive lim bic syscem express a specific
specialized со produce the cells appropriace со chac region. genetic factor after they have been isolated in vitro (see
They are referred со as self-renewing m u ltip o te n t stem Section 6 .6 .1 ). In vertebrates, n eu rogen ic genes similar со
cells, or siinplv stem cells. They divide со form ocher m ulti- those concrolling neurogcnesis in invereebraces, co n tro l the
p o ten t cclls o r differentiate inco more specialized p ro g en i­ specification o f different cortical areas and ccll types.
to r cells. 'I he progenitor cells for che ccntral nervous syscem A second m echanism o f cell differentiation depends on
becom e further specialized into n cu ro b lasts, which form asymmetric ccll division in which daughter cclls express d if­
neurons, and g lio b la sts, which form oligodendrocytes and ferent quantities o f regulatory proteins to form a chem ical
ascrocyccs (Delaunay ec al. 2 0 0 8 ). gradient (Lew is 1996). C hem ical gradients over growing
These processes are controlled by various Sox tra n scrip ­ axons arc reciprocally m atched to gradiencs in receptor
tio n factors. For example, chc S o x B l cranscription factors regions. This is known as the “handshake” m odel ot
induce seem cells со produce ocher stem cells rather than developm ent.
differentiate, while m em bers o t chc SoxE group determ ine
the cvpe o f cell chat a seem cell form s (sec W egner and Scolc
6 .4 .2 c In flu e n c e o f T h a la m o c o r tic a l In p u ts
2 0 0 5 ).
The human genom e concains chousands o f D N A For some progenitor cells, there is a critical period during
sequences chac produce RN A s chac do noc code for pro­ which they can adopt the m orphological and chem ical fea­
teins. These include transfer RN A and ribosom al R N A , tures characteristic o f a cortical area into w hich chey have
which have imporcanc functions. However, ic had been been transplanted (see Levitt e t al. 1997). Thus, the detailed
thought th at mosc noncoding RN A s are m olecular fossils structure o f intracortical connections, in parcicular che
wich no function. Ic is now em erging chac many large n on­ recepcive-field structure o t neocortical sensory areas, seems
coding RN A s inceracc wich cranscripcion faccors to control to be determ ined by thalam ic sensory inputs rather than by
em bryonic cell differentiation, including neural differentia­ intrinsic properties ot progenitor cells.
tion (Guccman et al. 2 0 0 9 ). Frost and M etin (1 9 8 5 ) induced visual atferencs o f neo-
N oncoding R N A s wich only 2 2 nucleotides arc known nace hamscers eo innervate rhe growing somatosensory
as m icroR N A s, or m iR N A s. Their expression varies from cortcx. Visual stim ulation in the mature animals revealed
tissue to tissue and over che developmental sequence. They cells in che somaeosensory corcex wich well-defined recino-
bind со m R N A s and regulate chc cranslacion process chac copically organized receptive fields resem bling those in the
produces proteins (G u o cc al. 2 0 1 0 ). Som e m iR N A s pro- norm al visual cortex. Late em bryonic cells destined ro form
m occ replication o f stem cells, while ochers prom ote differ­ pare o f the visual cortex ot the rat, acquire somatosensory
entiation o f seem cells (M elto n cc al. 2 0 1 0 ). They are also inputs when transplanted into the developing som atosen­
involved in neurogcnesis in chc subvencricular zone o t the sory area. Consequently, a piece ot transplanted visual
mamm alian brain (Seccion 6 .4 .2 d ). Also, m iR N A s are cortex formed chc arch itectonic features characterised o f
cransporced со specific comparcmencs o f che dendritic fields the som atosensory cortex. Thus, somatosensory inputs to
o f developing neurons, where they help to regulate den­ the foreign piecc o f visual co rtcx determ ined the character­
dritic growth responsible for synapcogenesis and synaptic istics o f that piece o f cortex (Schlaggar and O ’Leary 1991).
plascicity (see Seccion 6.6.1b ). Visual atfcrents o f neonate ferrets have been induced
Studies involving che use o t tissue culture, cell lineage, to innervate the auditory thalamus and cortex. Visually
and ccll transplantation have shown that che em bryonic responsive cells in the auditory cortcx formed a retinotopic
nervous syscem exhibits laminar and regional specificities. map. They showed orientation and direction selectivity and
These arise from fam ilies o f procein m olecules (m orp h o­ simple and com plex receptive field organization, although
gens) expressed ac specific tim es by specific groups o f genes. their receptive fields were larger than those o f cells in the
The proceins in chc corcical place form densicy gradiencs visual cortcx. The cells were less sensitive than cclls in the
and spacial patterns before thalam ocortical atferencs arrive. visual corcex (R o e ec al. 1992). Ferrers reared with a rewired
G enes expressing m orphogens are curned on by cran­ auditory cortex in one hemisphere and a norm ally wired
scripcion faccors known as hom eoproceins expressed by cortex in the other hemisphere responded to visual stimuli
mascer genes, known as hom eogenes (see Seccion 6 .4 .1 ). directed to the rewired auditory cortex. However, the co n ­
There are at lease 25 hom eoproceins expressed in rhe em bry­ crasc sensitivity o f che rewired auditory cortex was lower
o n ic forebrain. In addition, several nonhom eogcne cran­ chan that ot the normal visual cortex (von M elchner et al.
scripcion faccors are expressed in specific regions and layers 2000 ).
o f the developing cerebral corcex (B u lfon e ec al. 1995). Thus, che rcccptive-ficld structures o f diticrcnc areas o f
Particular progenitor neural cells are genetically the neocorcex are determ ined by the identity o f cells that
programmed со produce proceins specific to a particular migrate into them trom the thalamus rather than by the
identity o f cells ascending from the ventricular zone. (2 0 0 1 ) nor Koketsu et al. (2 0 0 3 ) could find any newly p ro ­
However, the co rticoco rtical and efferent con nections o f duced neurons in the neocortex o f the macaque. Like other
the visual cortex are n o t much affected by cross-modal investigators, they found new neurons only in rhe hip­
m anipulations (see Sur et al. 1 990). Thus, the efferent co n ­ pocampus and olfactory bulb. O th er evidence, reviewed by
nections o f the visual cortex arc specified before the devel­ Au and Fishell ( 2 0 0 6 ), argues against neurogenesis in the
opm ent o f cortical layers or thalam ic inputs. primate neocortex.
Adult fish and am phibians arc able to restore cortical There has also been some dispute about whether neu ro­
con n ection s after rhe optic nerve has been cur (Sperry genesis occurs in postnatal humans. Shankle et al. (1 9 9 8 )
1951). G anglion-cell axons regenerate and find co rrect co n ­ analyzed some earlier anatom ical data and concluded that
nection s in the tectum . This docs not involve the creation the num ber o f cortical neurons more rhan doubles between
o f new ganglion cells {Beaver et al. 2 0 0 1 ). If the cu t ends of the ages o f 15 m onths and 6 years. However, Korr and
am phibian optic nerves are grafted onto rhe ipsilateral optic Schm itz (1 9 9 9 ) questioned the assumptions underlying
tract they torm con nection s with the ipsilateral tectum . their analysis and concluded that it provides no evidence ot
After recovery, the animals exh ibit reversed optokinetic postnatal ncurogcncsis in the hum an cerebral cortcx.
nystagmus and m irror-im age reversal ot movements in Stem cells from the human em bryonic torebrain propa­
response to prey (Sperry 1 945). The adult visual tectum o f gate in vitro and differentiate to form neurons or glial cclls,
fish and am phibians treat the crossed inputs as if they but it is n o t known w hether stem cells are present in the
originated in the eye that norm ally innervates that cortical central nervous systems o f adult humans (C arpenter et al.
hemisphere. 1999; Korr and Schm itz 1999).
Severed neurons in the central nervous system (C N S )
in many lower vertebrates, including new ts and salaman­
6 .4 .2 d N c u ro g c n c s is an d R e p a ir in A d u lt
ders, regenerate and find their way back to their original
N e rv o u s svstem s
destination. Also, the central nervous system o f very young
Ncurogcncsis can be detected in the central nervous system mammals and birds is capable o f substantial repair after
by first labeling neurons with a neuron-specific marker and damage. However, damaged neurons in the C N S o f adult
then applying an agent (B rd U ), w hich labels D N A during mammals do n o t regenerate. Severed axons form character­
cell division. C ells carrying both labels m ust be dividing istic retra ctio n b u lbs surrounded by glial scar tissue and
neurons. the debris o f myelin sheaths. O n the other hand, severed

T h e retinas o f adult fish, am phibians, and birds contain axons in the peripheral nervous system (P N S ) o f adult
mulcipotent stem cells that are capable o t regenerating dam­ vertebrates, including mammals, may regenerate.
aged recinal neurons (Fischer and Reh 2 0 0 1 ). Several factors could account for rhedifference between
M ultipotcnt stem cells occur in various regions o f the the regenerative capacities o f C N S and P N S neurons in
brains ofad ulrrodcnrs, including the hippocam pus(Tashiro mammals. Th e myelin sheaths o f PN S neurons are derived
et al. 2 0 0 6 ), spinal cord, olfactory bulb (Livnch et al. 2 0 0 9 ), from Schwann cells, while those o f the C N S are derived
and chc lining o f the ventricles. A pplication o f growth fac­ from oligodendrocytes. After neuronal damage, the debris
tors induces these cells to differentiate into neurons or glial of myelin sheaths in the C N S remains for a much longer
cells in vivo and in vitro (Reynolds and Weiss 1 9 9 2 ; M cKay tim e than myelin debris in the PN S. It seems that the myelin
1997). Neurogenesis is inhibited by the transcription factor scar tissue surrounding severed C N S axons produces chem ­
Sox9. A noncoding RN'A (m iR -1 2 4 ) regulates the expres­ icals that inhibit regeneration. These chem icals may include
sion ot S ox9 (C h e n g e t al. 2 0 0 9 ). Neurogenesis is controlled guidance m olecules such as nctrin and ephrin that repel
by the balance o f these two factors. axon growth (see Case and Tessier-Lavigne 2 0 0 5 ).
Pharm acological suppression ot neurogenesis in the The cerebral cortex is reviewed in M ountcastle (1 9 9 8 ).
hippocampus o ft h e adult rat impaired associative learning
(Shors et al. 2 0 0 1 ). Stem cells in the ventricular lining o f
6 .4 .3 M E C H A N IS M S O F A X O N G U I D A N C E
the brain o fth e adult mouse rarely divide in norm al animals
but divide rapidly after spinal cord injury (Johansson e t al. This section reviews the m echanism s that guide, accelerate,
1999). It seems that m icroglia guide m igrating stem cclls to or retard the growth o f axons in the central nervous system.
a damaged area (Aarum et al. 2 0 0 3 ). Axon growth occurs at the growth cone at the tip o f the
There has been a debate about whether ncurogcncsis axon.
occurs in the neocortex o f adult subhuman primaces (R akic The direction o f axon growth is partly determ ined by
19 8 5 ; Bourgeois et al. 1 994). Gould et al. (1 9 9 9 ) produced the physical structure o t the extracellular matrix. Also, car­
evidence that, in adult macaques, new neurons are con tin u ­ tilage and other tissues form barriers chat guide axonal
ally produced in the subventricular zone of the pretrontal, growth. Extracellular spaces in em bryonic neural tissue
posterior parietal, and inferior Temporal areas, bur not in form channels through which neurons migrate or axons
the striate cortex. However, neither Kornack and Rakic grow. However, we will see that growing axons are mainly
controlled by a variety o f protein ligands secreted by cclls in
the extracellular matrix or by the area toward which the
axon is growing. Som e cclls act as guide-post cclls that guide
axons at each o f a series o f choice points or indicate where
synapses should form . O th ers provide a scaffold along 1 mn

which growing axons progress. See C hao e t al. (2 0 0 9 ) for a

review o f the role o l cell interactions in axon guidance.
Each ligand from a guidepost or scaffold cell binds with
a specific receptor on the axon. The bound receptors
undergo a conform al change thac activates a procein kinase
enzyme. This results in the receptor being tagged with a
phosphate group. Som e ligands bind che axon со che extra­
cellular matrix. Som e attract the growth cone while others
repel it. Som e accelerate axon growch while ochers cermi-
nace ic. Som e phosphorylaced receptors trigger a cascade o f
chem ical events chac spreads down che axon со che cell
nucleus. There, the signals evoke genes to express proteins
required for cell grow th. The proteins are conveyed along
tubules in the axon to where thevф are needed. M olecular A В
signals in growch cones has been reviewed by Huber ec al. Fi&«rc6 .14. M obility o f dendriticJU opodia. (A ) A pyram idal n eu ron in the
(2 0 0 3 ). visual c o rtc x o f a 2-day-oId m ouse im aged by tw o -p h o to n m icroscopy.
'Ih c in set area is show n m agnified in (b ). ( B ) Fram es from a tim e-lapse
The variety and com plexicy o f chese processes is bewil­
video show ing the m in u tc-to -m in u tc m ovem en t o f filop od ia on a single
dering. Tliis chapccr provides only an outline o t som e ot
d en d rite. Ih c filopodia tend to clu ster around the grow th co n c a t the
chese processes. tip o t the d en d rite. < г « .т P o m r * Л . 200 * )

6 .4 .3 a T h e G ro w th C o n c
o f 1 m inute, vcsiclcs rapidly migrated along m icrotubulcs
Grow ing axons and dendrites form grow th co n es trom into that region o f che growth cone m em brane where cal­
which extend weblike la m ellip o d ia and finger-like cium ions had been released. This produced some curning
filo p o d ia. These extensions are several m icrom eters long. in chat direction. They suggested chac insertion o f new
They form and retract on a m inute-by-m inute time scale, as material in to the mem brane produces an asymmetrical dis­
depicted in Figure 6 .1 4 (Portera-C ailliau et al. 2 0 0 3 ). tribution o f chem icals and causes the m em brane to expand
Filopodia control che race and direccion o f axon growch asymmetrically. D uring chc initial period chcrc were no
and branching. Pioneer axons have several radiacing filopo­ changes in the dynamics o f m icrotubules or in the num ber
dia chat dececc m olecular markers in che surroundings. or length o t filopodia. Calcium ions released asymmetri­
Axons growing along a pach marked ouc by pioneer axons cally into growth cones on a repulsive substrate (lam inin)
have fewer filopodia. W h en an axon encouncers an obstacle, had no effect on vesicle transport. Thus, in the initial period,
ics grow th co n e collapses and lateral elements develop from asymmetrical insertion o f material inco che cell mem brane
the axon and from trailing axons in the same fasciculated is involved in grow ch-conc actraction but noc in growth-
bundle. Som e elem ents develop into new growth cones cone repulsion. A few minuces after reception o f signals,
(D avenport et al. 1 9 9 9 ). These events can be observed by growth cones com e under the control o f cytoskclctal
time-lapse photography o f fluorescent growth cones dynam ics, as we will now see.
(H alloran and Kalil 19 9 4 ; Mason and W ang 1997). Filopodia and lamellipodia contain actin filam ents,
Filopodia also form on growing dendrites during synapto- w hich arc assembled by polymerization o f actin m onom ers
genesis. This topic is discussed in Section 6.4.4. at the distal end o f che growth cone. Filam ent assembly is
Exposure o f one side o f a growth cone to attractive cell controlled by agents known as actin n u clcators (Pak cc al.
adhesion m olecules produces an increase in calcium ions on 2 0 0 8 ). Tlie filam ents self-assemble into meshlike patterns
that side. Thus the initial signal is an asymmetrical release o f in lam ellipodia, inco linear bundles chac extend along
calcium ions in chc growth cone. Neuronal growth stops it a filopodia, or into arclike structures. The actin filam ents flow
blocking agent depletes the store o f calcium ions (Takai ac a vclocicy o f abouc 100 jun/min со chc proximal region o f
et al. 1 9 9 8 ). The role o f calcium in neural developm ent was che growing con e, where the polymer chain is disassembled
reviewed by W ong and G hosh (2 0 0 2 ). into m onom ers, which arc rccvclcd. The proccss is known
Tojim a et al. (2 0 0 7 ) observed the effects o f an asym­ as che accin tread m ill. The turnover tim e o f actin filaments
metrical release o f calcium ions into growth cones on an in hippocam pus neurons is about 4 4 scconds (Star c t al.
attractive substrate ( L I , N G F, or M A G ). W ith in a period 2 0 0 2 ). Th e net rate o f growth cone advance is determ ined
by chc balance betw een actin fiber assembly ac che tip o f the As the axon grows, the m icrocubulcs extend into the lam el­
cone and actin fiber m igration away from the cone. W hen lipodia and filopodia. They then consolidate to torm a new
the growch co n c advances, polymerization o f accin filamencs segment o f the growing axon or new dendritic spines. W hen
increases and retrograde actin flow decreases. The opposite a growth cone retracts, the niicrotubules depolymerize and
effects accom pany conc recraccion. Accin circulacion is retract. The m icrotubulc cvtoskelcton determ ines the final
attenuated during cone advance because the actin filaments shape o fth e dendritic spine.
becom e anchored to the cytoplasm ic dom ains ot cell sur­ Tim e-lapse m icroscopy in cultures o f cortical neurons
face m olecules, such as N -cadherin, which in turn are from mature m ice revealed that niicrotubules rapidly
anchored by their extracellular dom ains to the fibrous extra­ polymerized and extended inco dendritic spines and filopo­
cellular matrix (Lin and Forscher 1995; Sutcr cc al. 1998). dia and then, after a few m inutes, depolymerized and
The rate ot growth cone advance is correlated with the retracted (H u et al. 2 0 0 8 ). They extended into only a small
m echanical coupling betw een N-cadherin receptors percentage o f spines at a given time. O n e and som etim es
(catenins) and retrograde actin flow (Bard e t al. 2 0 0 8 ). two m icrotubulcs moved into a spine from either the proxi­
This know n as the m o lecu lar clu tch m echanism . mal or the distal end o fth e dendrite. This would allow them
If the growth cone becom es attached to the extracellular to deliver proteins from the soma or from the end o f the
matrix on one side, it grows in that direction. W h ile the dendrite. The num ber and duration o f intrusions increased
shaft o f the growing filopodia is attached to the extracellu­ when the cell culture was stimulated with K C I and decreased
lar matrix, lam ellipodia (veils) develop that control the when activity was reduced by tctrodotoxin. These activity-
direction o f growth cone advance (Stcketec and Tosncy dependent intrusions could be involved in torm ing and
2 0 0 2 ). Thus the m olecular clutch m echanism regulates the m aintaining spines in learning and synaptogenesis.
form ation and m ovem ent o f filopodia and lam ellipodia and Inhibition o t m icrotubule dynamics reduced the num ber ot
determ ines the direction o f axon growth. This activity can dendritic spines (G u c t al. 2 0 0 8 ).
be observed in living neurons by coupling a green fluores­ M icrotubules control the movements o f actin filaments.
cent protein (G F P ) to proteins that bind the niicrotubules Extracellular m olecules no longer attract or repel growth
to the substrate (Stepanova et al. 2 0 0 3 ). The processes are concs when m icrotubulc activity is pharmacologically
depicted in Figure 6 .1 5 . Axon growth differs from chc pro­ blocked. Furtherm ore, application o f a drug that stabilizes
cess ot m igration o f neurons described in Section 6.4.5b. niicrotubules on one side ol a growth cone causes the cone
Behind the actin filaments, a parallel bundle o f m icro - to grow in that direction (Buck and Zheng 2 0 0 2 ). W c shall
tu bu les form s as a cytoskeletal netw ork chat extends down see that the activity o f actin filam ents and m icrotubulcs is
the length ot the axon. Substances required tor axon growth governed by gradients o f many intracellular and extracellu­
are transported along the niicrotubules in in tracellu lar lar proteins. Som e are actraccants, while others are repel­
vesicles to the tip ot the growing axon or dcndrice lents (sec D ent and G ertier 2 0 0 3 ).
(M artenson c t al. 1 993). Thus, che speed and direccion o f a growth conc is u lti­
Each m icrotubule is form ed in the growth co n c by mately determ ined by the magnitude and asymmetry o f
polym erization o f tubulin m olecules into a linear array. cytoskeletal dynamics controlled by receptors on the sur­
face o f the grow th cone. However, these processes take time
G rowth to develop. W e will now see chat the initial response o f a
growth cone is influenced by asymmetrical expansion o fth e
M ic ro tu b u le s ^ ^D isa sse m b ly f jj^ e n ts outer m em brane o f the growth conc.

6 .4 .3 b C e ll A d h e s io n M o le c u le s ( C A M s )

Axons grow along a substrate formed by pioneer cells, radial

P rolein
glial cells, astrocytes, and the extracellular matrix. Each
growth cone possesses a rich array o f cell adhesion m ole­
cules (C A M s). These are receptors that bind with ligands
"7 expressed by glial cells on the extracellular matrix. Som e
C ell adhesion m olecule
receptors anchor che growch cone to the substrate by bind­
E xtracellular matrix
ing to ligands secreted by the substrate. O th er receptors
F i*m с 6.i*. A dvance o f л g r v w ih м н е, C c ll ad hesion m olecu les em bedded respond to ligands that determ ine which pach the growing
across rhe ccll m em brane o f t h e grow th c o n c a ttach to j»lvcoprotcins axon will take.
o n chc extracellular m atrix. P rotein m olecules link the ccll adhesion The ligands produced by glial cells on rhe extracellular
m olecu les to accin filam ents in chc g row th co n e. A s che grow th c o n c
matrix arc g ly co p ro tein s. They include n c trin , lam in in ,
advances, th e retrograd e flow o t th e filam en t netw ork is atten u ated and
the m icro tu b u lcs m ove forw ard w ith the grow th co n e. ( К с Л гд м a tr<>rn I i n Jfl«i
fib ro n e ctin , and ten a.vein secreted by astrocytes (a type
(Ч нясЬо 1^ $ ) o f glial cell) (Sanes 1 9 8 9 ; D ityatev and Schach ncr 2 0 0 3 ).
The extracellular matrix is substantially rcduccd after cortical synaptogcnesis is not fully understood but they
growth ot the nervous system is com plete. presumably help to label cortical dom ains so that growing
A ctivation o f cell-surface receptors by glycoproteins axons recognize them.
controls the polymerization and backward circulation o f Three subfamilies ot cadherins have been identified, but
actin filam ents from their assembly point at the tip o f there arc probably many m ore. The extracellular dom ain o f
the growth cone to the place where they are disassembled acadherin m olecule varies w ithin subfamilies and the intra­
(Luo 2 0 0 2 ). cellular, or cytoplasm ic dom ain varies between subfamilies.
Som e glycoproteins on the extracellular matrix are Each type o f cytoplasm ic dom ain triggers a distinct type o f
attr actants. O thers are repellents and create exclusion zones reaction in the cell. Wu and M aniatis (1 9 9 9 ) identified 52
from w hich axons are deflected (P in i 1 9 9 3 ). Som e glyco­ human cadherin genes in three clusters, each with a co n ­
proteins attract some axons and repel others (see Tcssier- stant region, coding a cytoplasm ic dom ain, and a variable
Lavigne and G oodm an 1 996). A ttractants prom ote actin region, coding extracellular domains. They speculated many
polym erization, while repellents decrease it. A ntibodies o f types o f cadherins are created in neurogenesis by rearrange­
glycoproteins in h ib it axonal growth (C oh en c t al. 1986). m ent o f variable D N A regions relative to constant regions,
Filopodia o f a growth cone observed under the m icroscope in the same way that the im m une system generates a m ulti­
in vitro collapse com pletely when chem ical repellents arc tude o f T -cell receptors and im m unoglobulins. The great
applied (Fawcett 1993). variety o f cadherins and their extracellular binding
G lycoproteins may also have enzymatic or proteolytic m olcculcs could ensure that synapses arc formed between
properties that m odify the extracellular medium in which specific cells.
growth concs move (P ittm an 1985). N -cadherins provide a signal that stops thalam ocortical
The type o f glycoprotein m ost active in a given cortical axons when they reach cortical layer 4 . Som e cadherins arc
region may change over time (C oh en e ta l. 1986). F.xposurc expressed in the cerebral co rtcx o f mice lacking thalam ocor­
to a growth factor can alfect subsequent responses to the tical projections (M iyashita c t al. 1999). Thus, these intrin­
same growth factor (D iefenbach c t al. 2 0 0 0 ). Also, as an sic m olecular markers specify the basic organization o f the
axon grows trom one cellular environm ent into another, the visual cortex independently o f visual inputs.
type o f extracellular glycoprotein to which it responds The differential expression o f o ther cadherins and other
changes because ot intrinsic changes within the growth genetic growth factors is n o t evident until after thalam ocor­
co n e (sec Dodd and Jcssell 19 8 8 ; S o n g c t al. 1997). Thus, tical axons have invaded the developing co rtcx (Nakagawa
growth cones encounter a com plex spatiotem poral pattern ct al. 1999). These factors arc responsible lor the influence
o f chem ical influences as they m igrate through the extracel­ o f thalam ocortical inputs on the developm ent o f the visual
lular matrix (see Letourneau et al. 1 9 9 4 ). cortex. In animals blind from birth, auditory and tactile
Som e extracellular glycoproteins, such as lam inin and inputs invade the visual cortex and m odify its basic archi­
fibronectin, appear only during neurogenesis in mammals tecton ic structure (see Section 8 .1 .4a). Th e role ofcadherins
but remain in animals, such as fish and frogs, which are able in synaptogenesis is discussed in Section 6.4.4.
to regenerate the optic nerve. O th er molecules, such as Integrins are the second family o f transm em brane
tenascin, remain in the adult mammalian brain. Interactions receptors on growing neurons. There are at least 25 integ­
betw een extracellular m olecules and ccll adhesion m ole­ rins. Each is a receptor for specific sim ilar (hom ophilic
cules are involved in long-term potentiation (Section binding) or dissimilar (hcterop hilic bind ing) molecules on
6 .4 .4 f) underlying learning in the adult brain (see Jon es the extracellular matrix or on adjacent ccll membranes.
1 9 9 6 ; M ueller 1 999). Thus, the cell adheres to another ccll or to the extracellular
Specific glycoproteins bind to specific ccll adhesion m atrix, and signals carricd to the interior o f the ccll guide
m olecules (R eichardt 1 992). The receptors tall into at least its growth.
three families: cadherins, integrins, and immunoglobu­ Cell-surface receptors carry signals from the extracellu­
lins. Each m olecule has an extracellular dom ain and a cvto- lar binding site to the cytoplasm ic dom ains inside the cell
plasmic dom ain linked by a transm em brane segment. The (C hallacom be c t al. 1996). These signals converge onto
extracellular dom ain determ ines specific connections o u t­ sm all protein m olecules that belong to a superfamily known
side the axon, and the cytoplasm ic dom ain interacts with as G T I ’ases. Som e o f these m olecules help axons adhere to
the cells cytoskelcton to determ ine the shape and m otility the substrate. O thers stimulate axonal growth by decreasing
o fth e growing cell. Integrins are localized on regions o fth e the retrograde flow o f actin while others inhibit growth by
cell m em brane that are d istin ct from the regions containing increasing actin flow. Som e induce the growth cone to co l­
cadherins and im m unoglobulins (N akai and Kam iguchi lapse. Signals also travel to the soma o t the growing neuron,
2002 ). where they control gene expression o f proteins involved in
C a d h e rin s are a supcrtamily ot transm em brane pro­ m orphogenesis (Palecck et al. 1997; Luo 2 0 0 2 ).
teins that m ediate a wide range o f cellular interactions Immunoglobulins are a third family o f cell adhesion recep­
during neurogenesis and in the adult brain. Their role in tors on growing neurons. A subgroup ot immunoglobulins.
known as M A G occurs in myelin and glial cells. M A G pro­ o f the cell, a process known as forw ard and reverse sig n al­
m otes axonal growth in the em bryo but inhibits growth ing. There are several numbered subtypes o f each receptor-
postnatally. This sw itch is accom panied by a decrease in ligand class. They are involved in the developm ent o f many
A M P receptors (C ai e t al. 2 0 0 1 ). Thus, M A G is responsible body tissues in vertebrates, including the neuromuscular
for the inability o f mature axons to regenerate. system and the visual system (W ilkin son 2 0 0 1 ). They are
Signals conveyed by different receptors may interact. involved in the developm ent o f the retina (Section 6 .3 .2 ),
For example, signals conveyed through cadherins interact chiasm (Scctio n 6 .3 .4 ), and L G N (Scctio n 6 .3 .5 ).
with those conveyed through integrins (Lilicn e ta l. 1999). In fish, Ephrins are involved in guiding axons growing
from cach sensory area of the thalamus to their proper des­
tinations in the tectum . For example, in zebra fish they
6 .4 .3 c S h o r t-R a n g e G u id a n c e M o lc c u lc s guide visual afferents to their target cells in the tectum
(Brennan c t al. 1997).
Short-range guidance m olecules that determ ine the direc­
The neurocpithelium and radial glial ccllso f the chicken
tion o f axon growth originate w ithin the tissue through
tectum express a high dorsal to low ventral gradient o f
which the neuron is growing. A growth conc is very sensi­
ep h rin -B l ligand during the tim e when afferent axons are
tive to side-to-side differences in concentration o f guidance
grow ing into the tectum . This gradient m atches a com ple­
molecules. Such differences alter the side-to-side balance ol
m entary gradient o f Eph receptors in the afferent axons.
filopodia and hence determ ine which way the axon grows.
These two interacting gradients guide axons to their desti­
Long-range agents originate lrom a more distance source.
nations in the tectum along the ventral-dorsal axis. A gradi­
They arc discussed in the next section.
ent o f the ligand ep hrin -B 2 in deeper layers o f the tectum
There are four main fam ilies o f short-range guidance
may control developm ent o f lam inar patterning in the
molecules. These arc:
tectum (Braisted c t al. 1997).
The ligands ephrin-A 2 and ephrin-A5 form an anterior-
1. Ephrinsand their Eph receptors.
posterior gradient w ithin the chickcn tcccum. A com ple­
2. N etrins and their U N C 5 receptors. m entary gradient o f EphA receptors derived from the retina
helps to guide axons to their destinations along the anterior-
3. Scm aphorins and their neuropilin receptors.
posterior axis (H ansen et al. 2 0 0 4 ). In low concentration,
4 . Slits and their roundabout (R o b o ) receptors. EphA receptor m olecules are attractants. In high co n cen ­
tration, they are repellents.
G row ing axons com e under the co n tro l o f different short- Axon tracing in normal and m utant mice has revealed
range guidance molecules at different times and at different that ephrins control the cortical area ro which axons from
positions along the growth path. Particular m olecules are different sensory areas o f the thalamus project. The ephrins
delivered from the endoplasm to the ccll m em branes o f par­ occur in the internal capsule in the ventral telencephalon
ticular growing neurons by a process o f exocyto sis. W h en through which the growing sensory axons pass on their way
they arc no longer required, they arc returned to the end o­ from the thalamus to the cortcx. In this region, a rostral-low
plasm by a process o f cn d o cy to sis. to caudal-high gradient o fep h rin -A 5 ligands m atches co m ­
R eceptor molecules span the ccll m em brane to form an plementary gradicntsofEphA receptors in the thalamic axons
extracellular com pon ent and an intracellular com ponent. (D ufour c t al. 2 0 0 3 ). This process results in an anterior-
At certain tim es, growth cones secrete proteases that cleave posterior mapping o f the growing axons. This same region
these com ponents and thereby release the intracellular com ­ contains a gradient o t the genetic transcription factor
ponent into the ccll interior, where it travels to the ccll ( Ngn2), w hich specifies the responsiveness o f axons to guid­
nucleus and regulates the expression o f particular genes. ance factors (Seib t c t al. 2 0 0 3 ).
This m echanism is discussed in m ore detail later. EphA receptors are also involved in establishing the
Ultimately, guidance m olecules direct growth cones by retinotop ic mapping in the superior colliculus o t the mouse
controlling the dynamics o f the m icrotubules and actin fila­ (Brow n c t al. 2 0 0 0 ).
ments in the growth cone, as described in Section 6.4.3a. D onoghue and R akic (1 9 9 9 ) used D N A probes to
Thcv/ do this through
w the mediation o f the Rho family
/ ot
exam ine the distribution o f ephrins in slices o f macaque
guanosine triphosphatases (R h o G T P a s e s ) (see O ’D onnell visual cortex at days 6 5 ,8 0 , and 95 o f the 165-day gestation
c t al. 2 0 0 9 ). period. They found that som e m em bers o f the EphA/
E p h rin s consist o f cphrin-A and cp hrin-B ligands, ephrin-A class o f molecules are expressed in different pat­
which bind selectively to p ro tein ty ro sin e kinase recep ­ terns in the em bryonic cortical plate, co rtical lam inae, and
to rs, known as F.phA and EphB respectively. Because both cv toarchitccton ic cortical zones before the arrival o f thal-
the ligand and its receptor are anchored to ccll membranes, am ocortical afferents. For example, when cells arc prolifer­
they arc able to guide particular cells to particular locations. ating in the ventricular zone and m igrating ro rhe cortical
Ephrin/Eph com plexes transm it signals both into and o u t plate (day 6 5 ), EphA 6 is expressed in the region o f the
cortical plate corresponding to chc future visual cortcx, and from the pial surface o f the cortex attracts dendrites o f pyra­
EphA 3 is expressed in the region corresponding to layer 4 midal cclls. Thus, the same ligand-rcceptor pair has op p o­
o fth e future extrastriate cortex. site effects on opposite ends o f pyramidal cells. The
O th er EphA/ephrin-A m olecules are expressed or difference is due to an asymmetrically localized enzyme in
becom e differentially distributed in the cortical plate only growing pyramidal cclls (Pollcux et al. 2 0 0 0 ). W e will see in
after the arrival o f thalam ocortical axons (day 8 0 - 9 5 ) . For Section 6.4.5a that scm aphorins arc also involved in guid­
exam ple, ephrin-A5 becom es concentrated posteriorly and ing em bryonic neurons to their target layer in the cortex.
ephrin-АЗ anteriorly during this period. In som e cases, cells S lits are large secreted proteins that occur in various
that becom e linked by Eph receptors and ephrin ligands regions o f the growing nervous system o f many animals,
break apart in about 3 0 m inutes and then repel each other. including insects, fish, and mammals. There are three main
The break occurs because the ephrin molecules are cleaved S lit ligands (S lit 1, Slit 2, Slit 3 )c a c h w ith a Roundabout, or
by a transm em brane protease that is coexpressed with R o b o , axon receptor. They form a general inh ibitory system
cphrin-A 2 (H atto ri et al. 2 0 0 0 ). that prevents ganglion-cell axons from invading inappro­
The ephrin-B I ligand appears in the cortical neuroepi­ priate areas o f the thalamus, hypothalamus, superior co llic­
thelium at the onset o l neurogenesis and declines when it is ulus, chiasm , and corpus callosum (N iclou et al. 2 0 0 0 ;
com plete. The ligand is expressed on radial glial cells and Ringstcdt c t al. 2 0 0 0 ). The different types o f Slit ligands are
form s a high-to-low gradient between the ventricle and pial expressed in different places and at ditferent tim es during
surface (Stuckm ann ct al. 2 0 0 1 ). EphB receptors also regu­ developm ent (Erskine c t al. 2 0 0 0 ). Their role in the devel­
late the developm ent o f dendritic spines and synaptogencsis opm ent o f the optic chiasm was discussed in S ection 6.3.4.
(see Section 6 .4 .4 b ).
Interactions between glial cells and neurons mediated
6 .4 .3 d L o n g -R a n g e and A x o n G u id an ce
by EphA 4 and its ligand ephrin-АЗ are involved in the reg­
ulation of dendritic spines. The mapping o f visual inputs As an axon approaches to w ithin about 3 0 0 jun ot its target
o n to the visual cortcx is degraded in m ice that arc geneti­ ccll in the thalamus or co rtex the action o f glycoproteins
cally deficient for ephrins-A 2, -A 3, and -A 4 (G ang et al. secreted by the extracellular matrix is switched off, and
2 0 0 5 a ). Ephrin-A s and retinal activity contribute to the the growth cone com es under the control o f diffusible
developm ent o f topographic maps in both the colliculus n cu ro tro p h in s secreted by the target cell (see K orsching
and visual cortcx o f m ice (Pfeitfenbcrger et al. 2 0 0 6 ). 1993; Lindsay et al. 1 9 9 4 ; C hao 2 0 0 3 ). It is n o t known
There is thus a considerable econom y in the way the w hether this change is mediated by the neurotrophins o r by
same m olecular markers are involved in different wavs i at an intrinsic tim ing mechanism in the growing axon.
different stages o f developm ent and in different locations. N eurotrophins arc a family o f four related proteins:
N ctrin sa rc ligands produced by thecxtracellular matrix. nerve grow th fa c to r (N G F ), b rain -d eriv ed n eu ro tro p h ic
W e have already seen that they act locally to bind the growth fa cto r (B D N F ), and neurotrophins N T -3 and N T -4 / 5 .
cone to the extracellular m atrix. But netrins also diffuse sev­ The N G F is restricted to specific areas ot the central ner­
eral m illim eters from their point o f origin and serve to vous system while the o ther factors arc more widely distrib­
guide growing axons. Netrins act as attractants for some uted. N eurotrophins peak in the neonatal period ot neural
axons and as repellents for o ther axons, depending on the developm ent.
receptors in the growth cone. Also, for a given growing Rita Levi-M ontale ini and Stanley C o h en , in the labora­
axon, nctrin can change from an attractant to a repellent. tory o f V icto r Hamburger in St. Louis, discovered the first
For example, N ctrin-1 attracts ganglion-cell axons into the neurotrophin, the nerve grow th facto r. They were led to
optic nerve and then acts as a repellent to prevent them the discovery by noting that deletion o f target tissue reduced
from leaving the nerve. This change can be initiated by the survival o f m otor and sensorv neurons. I.cvi-M ontalcini
decreased neural activity at A M PA synapses. Increased and C ohen received the Nobel Prize in 1 9 8 6 (see Robinson
neural activity induces the opposite change (M in g et al. 2001 ).
1997). Nctrin-1 also prom otes the growth o f thalam ocorti­ N eurotrophins are produced by neurons, glial cells, and
cal axons. Asymm etric binding o f N ctrin -1 to the growth fibroblasts. Som e neurotrophins are released into the extra­
cone induces axon turning. Like other ligands, they cellular m atrix, w hile others remain bound to ccll m em ­
stimulate genes in the growth co n e to express proteins branes (K atz and Callaway 1992). Agents secreted by
(see Barallobre et al. 2 0 0 5 ). neurons modulate the secretion o f ncurotrophins. O t par­
S cm a p h o rin s are a large family o f cell-surface and extra­ ticular im portance is the fact that rhe production o f B D N F
cellular diff usible proteins that repel or attract growth concs in particular synapses can be m odulated by stimulus-
by activating rhe membrane receptor n eu rop ilin . Sem a- induced synaptic activity (see Section 6.5.1c).
phorin 3 released from the marginal zone of the developing G row ing axons produce one or more cell-surface pro­
cortex regulates the growth o f pyramidal cells toward the cor­ teins, each o f which is a receptor for one or m ore neurotro­
tical white matter by acting as a repellent. But semaphorin-3 phin. These are the n eu ro tro p h in recep tors. There are two
main types— chc cvrosinc recepcor kinases, or T rk re ce p ­ (G eh ler c t al. 2 0 0 4 ). Thus, active RhoA inh ibits the growth
tors, and the p 7 5 receptor (Barbacid 1994; Lewin and o f filopodia.
Barde 1 996). The neurotrophins B D N F and N T -3 and the p75 neu­
Trk receptors are high-affinity receptors, which means rotrophin receptor are expressed in the cortical subplate o f
that each one binds with a specific neurotrophin. They are the visual co rtcx when thalam ocortical axons invade che
expressed by trk genes at the appropriate tim e during devel­ cortical plate. The neurotrophins acting on the p 75 recep­
opm ent. ТгкЛ binds with N G F , T rkB binds with B D N F tor increase the form ation o f filopodia on neurons growing
and N T 4 , and T rk C binds with N T -3 . After binding, the in the subplate (M cQ m llen et al. 2 0 0 2 ). M ice lacking the
Trk receptor undergoes dim erization (b o n d in g o t tw o simi­ gene for N T -3 or for p75 show a reduction in thalam ic
lar m olecules) and autophosphorylation. These changes ini­ inputs to the visual cortex (M a et al. 2 0 0 2 ).
tiate an intracellular signal cascade in the axon, which It seems that neurotrophins' are sufficient to guide axons
spreads to rhe ccll nucleus. The cascade involves the tyrosine to their destinations in chc tectum o f am phibian larvae,
receptor kinases and the R h o family o f guanosine triphos­ such as the axolotl. Axons reach their destination when
phatases (R h o G T P a se s) (Thrcadgill c t al. 1 9 9 7 ). So-called forced to travel an unusual route in the absence o f nerve
truncated T rk B receptors on astrocytes lack the intracellu­ impulses (H arris 1984).
lar tyrosine kinase dom ain and respond by releasing calcium In both infant and adult m ice, the brain-derived neu-
ions trom intracellular stores (R ose et al. 2 0 0 3 ). rotrophic factor (B D N F ) acting through TrkB receptors
The p75 recepcor is a low affinity recepcor chac binds and sodium ion channels on dendritic spines can depolarize
with all neurotrophins (Rodriguez-Tdbarct al. 1990) Newly the cell m em brane within milliseconds. This initiates a train
formed neurotrophins arc known as p ro n eu ro tro p h in s o f action potentials sim ilar to those initiated by neurotrans-
because they possess a term inal fragm ent o f am ino acids m itters (Blum et al. 2 0 0 2 ). There is som e evidence that
know n as che “p ro reg ion ." In m ature n eu ro tro p h in s, the grow th cones are also attracted by neurotransmitcers
prorcgion is removed. Proneurotrophins bind selectively to secreted by target cells (Z h eng et al. 1994).
p 75, while mature neurotrophins bind to Trk receptors Fitzsim onds and Poo (1 9 9 8 ), M cA llister et al. (1 9 9 9 ),
(see Lu 2 0 0 3 ). W e will see that the tw o types o f neurotro­ and R cichardt (2 0 0 6 ) reviewed neurotrophins.
phin have very different effects. Failure to distinguish
betw een these opposed effects probably explains some
6 .4 .3 e P ro te in S y
n th e sis an d N e u ro n a l G ro w th
con flictin g results.
Trk receptors are influenced by signals em anating O ver a period o f minutes, nerve growth faccors send signals
trom o ther receptors and also influence the responses ot to genes in the cell nucleus, which lead to transcription o f
o ther receptors (C h a o 2 0 0 3 ). For exam ple, activation o f m RN A s. The niR N A s are carried to the growth con c, where
the p 75 receptor can increase the affinity ot Trk receptors they express specific proteins required tor cone growth and
for specific neurotrophins (B en cd etti c t al. 1 9 9 3 ). This is guidance.
only one o f many cases ot cross talk between receptor W hen growth is com plete, genes expressing relevant
systems. proteins are switched off. For example, rhe lk l-2 protein
This section is concerned with signals initiated by neu­ produced by the bcl-2 gene fosters the growth o f ganglion-
rotrophins chac guide growing axons to their destination. In ccll axons in chc retina. Loss o f Bcl-2 suppressed axon
addition, signals triggered by neurotrophins spread to the growth while excess production o f Bcl-2 in adult m ice
cell som a, where chey concrol ccll differentiation and sur­ allowed severed ganglion ccll axons to regcneracc (C hen
vival. N eurotrophins are also involved in activity-dependent ecal. 1997).
synaptic plasticity during the critical period, as we will see The G A P -4 3 procein, also known as neurom odulin, is
in Sections 6 .5 .1 c and 6.7.2. They are also active in the adult present in developing and regenerating growth cones. It
nervous system, especially in areas that arc involved in learn­ interacts with extracellular growth factors and binds with
ing, such as the hippocampus. For example, B D N F pro­ calm odulin (Vancura and Jay 1 9 9 8 ; Zhu a n d ju licn 1999).
m otes long-term potentiation (I.T P ) in the hippocam pus G p ro tein s (guanine nucleotide-binding proteins) are
by increasing the density o f synaptic vesicles (T yler et al. attached to the inside o f the ccll m em brane. They route sig­
2001 ). nals received from many types o f m em brane-spanning
Som e neurotrophins attract axons growing toward a receptor molecules со several distinct intracellular path­
particular target cell while others prevent axons from grow­ ways. These pathways form a com plex n etw ork o f in te ra c t­
ing into particular regions (C h ao 1992; Lindsay ec al. 1994). ing p ro tein m o lecu les w ithin the ccll chac regulate cellular
N eurotrophins activate intracellular pathways that regulate processes such as genetic transcription, ccll m otility, and
rhe dynam ics o f the accin cytoskeleton w ithin the filopodia secretion. *lhe network consists o f local m odules devoted
o f growth cones. For example, neurotrophins binding to to specific functions (M aslov and Sncppcn 2 0 0 2 ).
che rcccpcor p75 reduce che accivicy o f the protein RhoA. 'I he m otility o f growth cones is controlled by guanosine
This increases the length o f filopodia on growth cones triphosphatases (G T P a s e s ), including R ho, and Rac.
Rho G T P ases prom ote the protrusion o f lam ellipodia and Application o f C aM К 11 to cultured slices o f the rat hip­
hence the advance o f the growth cone. Rac-type G TPases pocampus prom oted the growth o f filopodia and form ation
prom ote cel! retraction (D eM ali et al. 2 0 0 3 ). These p ro ­ o f dendritic spines (Jou rd ain e t al. 2 0 0 3 ). O n the other
cesses are involved in both developm ent and learning hand, a m odest release o i calcium ions activated ca lcin cu -
(Neves et al. 2 0 0 2 ). rin p hosphatase, which repelled growing axons in the
It was explained in Section 6 .4 .3 a that the growth and em bryonic spinal cord ot Xenopus (W en et al. 2 0 0 4 ). The
guidance o f filopodia on growth cones depends on the tw o processes therefore provide a mechanism for axonal
extension o f actin filam ents. The protein B -actin is rapidly guidance.
produced in the growth cone when it is stimulated by O th er members o f the calm odulin kinase family
growth factors, For example, asymmetrical stim ulation o f (C aM К I and C aM К IV ) also control the growth and
cultured em bryonic spinal neurons from the trog Xenopus branching o f growth cones. Inhibition o f C a M K I causes
with B D N F produced an asymmetrical accum ulation o f growth cones to collapse (W ayman c t al. 2 0 0 4 ).
m R N A tor B-actin . The consequent asymmetrical expres­ Neural activity not involving neurotransm itter release is
sion o f B -actin induced the growth co n e to turn in the involved in axonal guidance. Spontaneous fluctuations in
direction o f greater stim ulation (Yao et al. 2 0 0 6 ). intracellular calcium ions occur throughout the cell bodies
Asymm etrical stim ulation o f growth cones in em bryonic o f developing neurons, including the dendrites and growth
retinal cells by netrin had a similar effect ( n g e t al. 2 0 0 6 ). cones. These fluctuations increase in frequency when a
Thus, newly synthesized B -actin at the site o f signal recep­ growth cone halts its advance at a choicc point. Also, the
tion controls the direction in which growth cones grow. frequency o f fluctuations is inversely related to the rate o f
Protein degradation (proteolysis) is an im portant m ech­ axonal growth. Suppression o f calcium transients prom otes
anism o f axon growth. Proteolysis involves the attachm ent axon growth in am phibians and in mammals (Tang et al.
o f a chain o f polypeptide u b iq u itin molecules to proteins 2 0 0 3 ). Waves o f calcium ions spread over the em bryonic
by a process known as poly-ubiquitination (H crshko et al. cortex through electrical coupling over gap ju n ction s rather
1 9 8 0 ). Tliis marks the proteins for destruction by the p ro - than by synapses (Section 6 .6 .2 ). Electrical coupling
tc a s o n ic — a protein disposal unit in each cell. A ttachm ent betw een gap ju n ction s is prom inent betw een neurons
o f a single ubiquitin m olecule (m on o-u biq u itin ation ) to during the developm ent o f the nervous system. Specific
proteins is involved in controlling the strength o f synapses types o f gap junction that occur only in early development
(Hegde and D iA n to n io 2 0 0 2 ; D iA n to n io and H ickc are crucial for neuron differentiation and synaptogenesis
2 0 0 4 ). (M axeiner et al. 2 0 0 3 ). Spontaneous neural activity in the
G uidance m olecules and signals they produce create the developing I.G N was discussed in S cctio n 6.3.5b .
com plex central nervous system. The com plexity depends In amphibians, axon growth may depend on spontane­
on genetic regulation ot their expression at different phases ous neural activity involving potassium ions rather than
o f developm ent, and context-sensitive interactions between sodium ions. W hen M cFarlane and Pollock (2 0 0 0 ) blocked
the different guidance systems (Yu and Bargmann 2 0 0 1 ; potassium channels, developing ganglion cells o f the trog
D ontchev and Letourneau 2 0 0 2 ). But we will now see that Xenopm grew aberrantly in the optic tract and optic tectum .
the fine structure o f the cortex also depends on activity- Thus, different forms o f neural activity may be involved in
dependent changes occurring at Hebbian synapses. different groups o f animals.

6 . 4 . 3 f A c tio n P otentials
6.4.4 S Y N A P T О G E N E S I S
W e will see in S ection s 6.6.1 and 6 .6 .2 that synaptic activity
6 .4 .4 a Form ation o f Synapses
involving release o t neurotransm itters is n o t required tor
initial form ation o f thalam ocortical con nection s or o f co r­ The various types o f synapse were described in S ection 5.5.2.
tical layers. However, neural activity is required for the Presynaptic boutons, containing ncurotransm itter vesicles,
refinem ent and m aintenance o f cortical synapses (Section occur on axons. M ost excitatory postsynaptic elements
6 .6 .3 ). For example, blockage o f sodium -dependent excit­ occur on dendritic spines. The postsynaptic m em brane co n ­
atory activity by tetrodotoxin ( T T X ) disrupted synaptic tains the postsynaptic density, consisting o f receptors and a
developm ent (Shatz 1990a). However, T T X did nor affect com plex o f proteins. Typically one bouton makes synaptic
the growth o f axons to their destination. contact with one spine, but some boutons con nect with
Depolarization o f the presynaptic membrane by neural more than one spine (K n o tt et al. 2 0 0 6 ).
activity releases calcium ions. These ions initiate release o f M ature spines are a few m icrons long but vary in shape
neurotransmitters and prom ote rhe production o f the and volume. 'Ih eir volume can vary between 0.0001 and
enzyme calcium /calm odulin-dependent p rotein kinase II 1 [im. Synapses may change in efficiency o f transmission, as
(C aM К 11) (Section 5.5.2c). See Catrcrall and Few (2 0 0 8 ) for wc will see in Scction 6.5. By shape, spines fall into three
a review ot the role o t calcium channels in neural plasticity. categories: thin spines, stubby spines, and spines with
bulbous heads (mushroom spines). Rearrangem ents o fth e Synaptogenesis observed in time-lapse m icroscopy can
actin cycoskclccon cause spines to change their shape. o ccu r in a period o f 1 to 2 hours (O kab e et al. 2 0 0 1 ). A
Synapses can also occur on dendritic shafts, especially in yellow fluorescent protein is expressed in pyramidal cclls o f
young animals. Several lines o f evidence suggest that spine the visual cortex in a strain ot transgenic mice. G rutzendler
and shaft synapses arc separate and serve different functions ct al. (2 0 0 2 ) used a scanning m icroscope to observe the fine
(see A oto ct al. 2 0 0 7 ). However, neural activity causes some structure ot particular cells over m onths through a window
shaft filopodia to be converted into synapse-bearing in the skull o f these mice. In 1-m onth-old m ice, rapid exten­
dendritic spines (Portera-C ailliau et al. 2 0 0 3 ). sion, retraction, and elim ination ot dendritic filopodia
D uring early developm ent, axonal boutons and den­ could be seen over an observation period o f 4 hours. O ver
dritic spines grow and retract over a period o f minutes. This the first 4 weeks m ost filopodia were elim inated. O nly
process can be triggered by synaptic activity Filopodia rarely were they seen to convert into spines. Also, during
occur in large numbers on young dendrites. As synapses the first m o nth , the num ber o f spines decreased. O th ers
mature, the number o l filopodia decreases, but only it the have reported a similar early pruning ot spines.
synapses are active (Frcdj c t al. 2 0 1 0 ). Som e but nor all o f In adult animals the spine and synapse population stabi­
the filopodia are replaced by mature dendritic spines. New lizes. Som e stability o f synaptic connections in the adult is
spines can also form w ithout passing through a filopodial required tor long-term memory. However, synaptogenesis
stage (M arrs et al. 2 0 0 1 ). O nly a fraction o f nascent syn­ occurs in the cerebral cortex o f adult animals. O ver a period
apses stabilize into mature synapses (N iell ct al. 2 0 0 4 ). o f 1 m onth, 96 % o f spines in adult m ice remained in the
Electron m icroscopy o f the hippocam pus ot neonate same locations and few new spines developed. However,
rats has revealed that filopodia and lamellipodia on den- many adult spines showed marked changes in length or in
dritic spines are highly m obile and seek out con tacts with head diameter. These changes were seen over a 3-day obser­
axons or with axonal filopodia (Fiala c t al. 1998). However, vation period. Changes in spine length and volume are co r­
there is a rapid turnover o f filopodia in the neonate cortex. related with changes in postsynaptic density and also with
They have a half-life o f only minutes. Som e filopodia the cfficicncy and filtering properties o f synaptic transmis­
develop into dendritic spines and synapses that have a halt- sion (M urthv et al. 2 0 0 1 ). G rutzendler ct al. observed cells
life o f days or more, by postnatal day 12, synapses develop m ainly in cortical layers 1 and 2, while synaptic plasticity
on dendritic spines. Tim e-lapse m icroscopy in the optic has been studied mostly in layer 5. Perhaps synapses in layer
tectum o f the zebra fish has revealed that alm ost all gluta- 5 o f the visual cortex or in other cortical areas arc less stable
m atergic synapses form from dendritic filopodia. Inh ibitory over time.
synapses torm on sm ooth dendrites o f interneurons. The growth o f new dcndriric spines in the barrel cortcx
Local calcium -ion transients occur w ithin seconds after (serving tactile inputs from the whiskers) o l adult m ice over
a filopodium has contacted an axon. The higher the fre­ a one-m onth period has been observed by in vivo imaging
quency o f these transients the more stable is rhe synaptic coupled with serial-section electron m icroscopy (K n o tt
co n tact (l.ohm ann and B on h oeticr 2 0 0 8 ). These calcium et al. 2 0 0 6 ). Newly developed spines were thin and usually
transients help filopodia to distinguish betw een glutamater- lacked synapses, bur all spines that persisted tor more than 4
gic and G A B A ergic axons (Lohm ann and Bonhoeticr days were larger and had synapses, indicated by the presence
2 0 0 8 ). o f a postsynaptic density. M ost o f the new synapses co n ­
Grow ing axons in the developing visual cortcx have “hot tacted with existing presynaptic boutons, which already had
spots” that release the neurotransm itter glutam ate under .it least one synaptic con nection with other parent dendrites
the influence o t spontaneous neural activity or, later, under (m ultisynaptic boutons). K n o tt et al. concluded that, in the
the influence o f visual stim ulation. Orav ct al. (2 0 0 6 ) found adult cortcx, spine growch precedes synapse form ation.
that the m otility o f filopodia and dendritic spines was New synapses are formed on new spines, m ost o f which
reduced when slices o f m ouse cortex were bathed in A M PA grow toward preexisting presynaptic boutons. The topic o f
or N M D A during the period o f synaptogenesis. The degree form ation and plasticity o t dendritic spines has been
o f spine m otility did not depend on the types o f receptors reviewed by Alvarez and Sabatini ( 2 0 0 7 ), Parrish c t al.
that the neurotransm itters activated. Inhibition o f the ( 2 0 0 7 ), and H oltm aat and Svoboda (2 0 0 9 ).
m obility o f actin filaments responsible for spine m otility In cultures o f pyramidal cclls from chc hippocam pus o f
causes the grow th-cones o f spines to round up and becom e adulc rats, sm all dendritic spines form ed,changed in size, or
more stable and regular (Fischer et al. 2 0 0 0 ; G od a and were elim inated over a tim e span o f hours, even when
Davis 2 0 0 3 ). Low -frequency stim ulation, w hich induces N M D A synaptic activity was blocked. But these changes
long-term depression o f synaptic activity, also stabilizes were amplified in the presence o f normal synapcic accivicy
actin activity through the m ediation o f N M D A receptors (Yasumatsu et al. 2 0 0 8 ). Large spines were stable and did
(Star et al. 2 0 0 2 ). This is a m echanism for experience- noc change in size, even in chc presence o f synapcic accivicy.
dependent m odulation o f actin filam ent dynamics and Tli is suggests that small dendritic spines and che synapses
dendritic spine form ation. chat torm on them are involved in new learning, while large
spines carry mature synapses responsible for m aintaining boutons were replaced. Large-scale changes in chc axonal
long-term memories. branching pattern were not observed, but small side
Initial co n tact betw een an axon and dendritic filopodia branches bearing boutons appeared and disappeared from
is followed by a rapid rise in calcium ions in the growth one week to the next.
conc. The conc then slows down and rounds off. C ell adhe­
sion m olecules bind the pre- and postsynaptic membranes.
6 .4 .4 b M o lecu lar Factors in Synaptogenesis
O n the presynaptic m em brane, calcium channels and the
m achinery o f synaptic vesicles develop. C ell adhesion molecules (C A M s) embedded in the pre-
Packets o f immature synaptic vesicles tagged with green and postsynaptic m em branes play a m ajor role in synapto­
fluorescent protein (G F P ) have been seen traveling along genesis. For example, n eu ro lig in s are cell adhesion proteins
the presynaptic axon toward a newly formed synapse, where that becom e localized on the postsynaptic m em brane of
they are involved in the creation o f the m achinery o f the developing excitatory synapses. They are ligands tor neur-
presynaptic m em brane (Ahm ari et al. 2 0 0 0 ). O n the post­ exins, which are proteins localized on the presynaptic m em ­
synaptic side, receptors and the m olecular and structural brane. The two molecules engage in reciprocal signaling
com ponents o t the postsynaptic density develop. (G ra f et al. 2 0 0 4 ). Neuroligins induce differentiation o f the
Synaptogenesis has also been studied in the adult brains presynaptic m em brane, while neurexins induce differentia­
of monkeys. Tim e-lapse m icroscopy revealed changes in tion ot the postsynaptic m em brane. However, the develop­
presynaptic boutons on axons (S te ttle r e t al. 2 0 0 6 ). C clls in ment o fth e postsynaptic mem brane lags behind that o fth e
V I o f adult macaque monkeys were stained with green fluo­ presynaptic m em brane. Addition of neuroligin to a culture
rescent protein and observed by tw o-photon m icroscopy in containing pre- and postsynaptic neurons induced che
the living brain at 1-week intervals. Figure 6 .1 6 shows an developm ent o t synaptic vesicles in the presynaptic m em ­
example o f a pyramidal cell in the superficial layers o f t h e brane (Sch ciffelc ct al. 2 0 0 0 ). Removal o f neuroligin
cortex. Presynaptic boutons can be seen on the branching arrested developm ent ot the presynaptic membrane.
long-range horizontal axons. Synapses on axonal shafts Activation o f ncurexin by neuroligin also helps со bind che
betw een boutons are rare. The size ol a presynaptic bouton pre- and postsynaptic m em branes and activate presynaptic
is related to the size o f t h e postsynaptic density and to the C a channels chac crigger the release o f ncurotransm ittcr
number o f synaptic connections. O bservations of the same (M issler et al. 2 0 0 3 ).
cells at weekly intervals revealed that som e boutons were There are over 1,000 varieties o f ncurexin and many
elim inated and others added, with che total num ber rem ain­ neuroligins. Thisdiversicy helps in the developmenc o f dis­
ing more or less constant. D uring 1 week, abouc 7% o f the tinct types o f synapse. For example, overexpression ot
neuroligin-1 in cultured neurons increased responses o f
excitatory synapses, while overexpression ot neuroligin-2
increased responses o f inhibitory synapses (C hubykin et al.
2 0 0 7 ). B o th effects depended on synaptic activity, which
suggests that neuroligins contribute to activicy-dependenc
strengthening o f neural circuits.
O cher families o f cell adhesion molecules are involved
in synaptogenesis and they too occur in many form s (see
W ashbourne ec al. 2 0 0 4 ). For example, chc cell adhesion
protein N -cad h erin accumulates at nascent synapses that
form at filopodia-axon concacc points. Ic binds wich
eaten ins, which link with the actin cvtoskelcton and c y to ­
plasmic signaling pachways chat control gene expression.
These m echanism s allow cadherins to influence the struc­
ture o f both che presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes
of developing synapses (see Bam ji 2 0 0 5 ). A t the same time,
cadherins respond to activity occurring across the synapse.
In mature synapses cadherins are required for long-
term potentiation (L T P ), control the m orphology o f den­
dritic spines, and help in che final stabilization o f mature
The ligand ephrin-B secreted by the presynaptic m em ­
Figure6. 16. . /p y ra m id a l ccll in I '/ o fth e yttacaquc. Til с ccll was labeled wich
brane and its F.phB receptor on the postsynaptic mem brane
green flu orescent p rotein and chc im age co n stru cted from a stack o f
views through a d ep th o f 3 0 0 fim by tw o -p h o to n m icroscopy in the are involved in the development o f excicacory synapses on
living brain, ( lic e Metier ct d. 2 0 0 6 »»uli paiumiun h o e Klvcvjer) dendritic spines (Penzes et al. 2 0 0 3 ). M ice lacking F.phB
recepcors have reduced filopodia m otility and reduced pyramidal cells. Thus, m olecular signals passed between
numbers o f synapses (Kayser c t al. 2 0 0 6 , 2 0 0 8 ). Also, the astrocytes and neurons regulate the structure o f excitatory
ligand ephrin-B secreted by the postsynaptic mem brane is synapses. Visual stim ulation o f N M D A synapses in the
involved in the developm ent o f synapses on dendritic shafts tectum o f Xcnopus tadpoles produced rapid structural
but not on spines (A oto et al. 2 0 0 7 ). changes in astrocytes (Trem blay et al. 2 0 0 9 ).
Exposure to an enriched visual environm ent improves M uller and Best (1 9 8 9 ) transplanted living astrocytes
the m aturation o f basic visual functions, such as visual from neonate kittens into one hemisphere o f the visual
acuity. This effect has been shown to depend on visually co rtex o f adult cats and dead astrocytes into the other hem i­
evoked expression o f molecules such as the insulin growth sphere. After 4 to 8 weeks o f m onocular deprivation, a
factor (IG F -1 ) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor change in the ocular dom inance o f cells occurred only in
(B D N F ). Blocking the expression o f B D N F in the retinas the hemisphere with living neonate astrocytes.
o f neonate rats retarded the dendritic segregation in gan­ C ultured retinal ganglion cells have much higher synap­
glion cells, which reduced visual acuity (I.and i e t al. 2 0 0 9 ). tic activity when astrocytes are present. A strocytes increase
C h o n d ro itin -su lp h a te p ro teog ly can s (C S P G s ) are the influ xofcalciu m ions and the num ber ofvcsicles released
im portant com ponents ot the extracellular matrix. In the at the presynaptic m em brane. G anglion cells cultured tor
critical period o f neuronal plasticity their expression is co n ­ 14 days with astrocytes produced many m ore synapses than
trolled by visual experience. Toward the end ot the critical cells cultured w ithout astrocytes (U llian et al. 2 0 0 1 ).
period, C S P G s form p crin eu ro n al n ets round neurons in During synaptogenesis, astrocytes produce a variety o f
the visual cortex. These nets inhibit axonal and dendritic cell adhesion molecules, including fib ro n ectin and glial
growth and thereby stabilize neuronal patterns in the adult grow th fa cto rs (Lem ke 2 0 0 1 ) that arc required for cortical
cortex (Pizzorusso ct al. 2 0 0 2 ). Proteoglycans work in co n ­ plasticity.
junction with the Sonic Hedgehog m orphogcn in co n tro l­ A strocytes also secrete th ro m b o sp o n d in s at a high
lingcell division (C h an ct al. 2 0 0 9 ). level during developm ent o f the central nervous system.
These large protein m olecules attach to the extracellular
m atrix and bind to receptors on the mem branes o f neurons.
6 .4 .4 c R o le o f A stro cy tes in Svnaptogcncsis
Addition o f throm bospondins to cultures o f ganglion cells
A strocytes, a type o f glial cell, constitute more than h alf the stimulated the proliferation o f synapses (C hristopherson
cells in the human brain. They provide m etabolic supporc et al. 2 0 0 5 ). M ice lacking throm bospondins developed up
and clear surplus ions and neurotransm itter molecules from to 4 0 % fewer cortical synapses (see Ehlers 2 0 0 5 ).
the synaptic cleft. A strocytes form a reticular netw ork C h o le stero l secreted by astrocytes is another critical
linked by gap ju n ction s (Section 5.5. I f ) . The role o f radial factor in synaptogenesis (M auch et al. 2 0 0 1 ). D uring the
astrocytes in guiding the m igration o t neurons to their period o f synaptogenesis the cholesterol available from neu­
proper cortical layers is discussed in Section 6.4.5. The rons must be supplemented by that provided by astrocytes
period o f synaptogenesis in the developing central nervous (see Pfrieger 2 0 0 2 ).
system coincides with rhe period when astrocytes develop.
A strocytes are also involved in synaptogenesis.
A strocytes in slices o f living neural tissue taken from the
6 .4 .4 d Tlic R o le o f G A B A c r g ic N eurons
brainstem o f early postnatal m icc and stained with fluores­
in Synaptogenesis
cent protein were observed by time-lapse laser scanning
(H irrlingcr e t al. 2 0 0 4 ). O ver a period ot m inutes, astro­ In early cortical developm ent, G A B A acts as an excitatory
cytes extended lam ellipodia m em branes and filopodia to (depolarizing) rather than inh ibitory transm itter. Excitatory
neuronal cell bodies and over active synapses. They are G A B A crgic interneurons form the first active neural n et­
well situated to regulate synapse form ation, stability, and work. Inhibitory G A B A crg ic synapses between interneu­
rons and pyramidal cells form later. The early excitatory
D uring developm ent, astrocytes increasingly ramify G A B A crgic netw ork in cooperation with activation o f
around dendritic spines at synapses. Spines on the dendrites N M D A synapses influences ccll m igration and synaptogcn-
of' Purkinjc cells in the cerebellum were less m obile when esis in many parts o f the nervous system (O w ens and
physically constrained by astrocytes (Dunaevsky et al. K ricgstcin 2 0 0 2 ; Bcn-A ri c t al. 2 0 0 4 ; Wang and K ricgstcin
2 0 0 1 ). However, astrocytes do m ore than physically restrain 2 0 0 8 ). W e will see in Section 6 .4 .5 b th at G A B A is involved
spines. 'Ih e receptor EphA4 occurs on dendritic spines o f in form ation o f cortical layers.
pyramidal cells in the hippocam pus ot adult m icc (M urai The early excitatory G A B A system also controls activity-
et al. 2 0 0 3 ). Its ligand, ephrin-A 3, occurs on the mem branes dependent dendrite form ation in che developing cortex.
o f astrocytes that envelop the spines. Activation o f Introduction o f G A B A antagonists into cultures o f em bry­
EphA4 by astrocytes causes spines to retract. M ice lacking onic n co cortex o t the rat reduced the growth o f dendrites
the gene for EphA 4 develop irregular spines on dendrites o f (M arie et al. 2 0 0 1 ).
Also, the conductance o f existing recepcor sites the other car on another set. Electrical stim ulation o f
increases (B cn k c et al. 1 998). Neural activity associated one set ot dendrites rapidly produced elongation ot that
wich long-term depression (L T D ) triggers the set and retraction o f the other set (Sorensen and Rubel
production ol the protein kinase R ap , which leads to 2 0 0 6 ).
removal o fA M P A receptors from the postsynaptic
Changes in postsynaptic dendritic spines are produced
density. This involves the process o f cn d o cy to sis,
/ form ation o r contraction o f accin filaments in chc
described in Section 6.5.1a.
spine. These changes have been observed w ithin
It was explained in Section 5.2.2a that synapses in chc seconds o f synaptic activity (Fischer c t al. 1998).
L G N that transm it inputs from the retina involve chc A ctin-binding proteins released from the postsynaptic
A M P A receptor subunit G lu R l. Visual activity is density control synapcic accivicy and form ation and
required for the insertion o f G lu R l receptors in the contraction o f actin filaments. The crucial factor is the
postsynaptic membranes o f these synapses (K ielland equilibrium between filamentous actin (F-actin ),
ct al. 2 0 0 9 ). which increases the efficiency o f synaptic efficiency,
and globular actin (G -accin ), which decreases synaptic
T h e developm ent o f synapses involves reorganization o f
efficiency (O k am o to ct al. 2 0 0 4 ).
the cytoskeleton by regulation o f actin dynamics, as
described in Section 6 .4 .3 a . Accin dynamics involves During long-term potentiation (L T P ),g lu tam ate
R h o G T P ases that are activated by stim ulation o f molecules secreted by endosomes are delivered to the
N M D A synapses (Sin et al. 2 0 0 2 ). postsynaptic membrane. As L T P progresses,
endosom es migrate into the dendritic spines, which
O n ce a synapse has been modified by long-term
enlarges the spines (Park c t al. 2 0 0 6 ). M orphological
learning ic becom es m ore resistant to further
changes in dendritic spines, produced by dynamic
m odification. D uring learning, the N M D R receptor
changes in the actin cytoskeleton, arc associated with
subunit N R 2 a increases relative to che N R 2 b receptor
increases in synapcic transmission and reduction in
subunit (Q u in lan et al. 2 0 0 4 ). The N R 2a receptor has a
response latency (Yustc and B onhoeticr 2 0 0 1 ). For
higher threshold than the N R 2 b receptor, so that its
example, the actin-binding protein c o rta c tin , which is
increase renders the synapse m ore resistant со
conccntratcd in dcndritic spines, controls the size and
m odification. These processes are discussed in more
shape o f dendritic spines. Its removal leads to depletion
detail in S cctio n 6.5.1a.
o f spines, and its ovcrcxprcssion causes spines to
3. Increase in the area o f synaptic membranes A synaptic elongate. Stim ulation o f N M D A synapses facilicaces
m em brane may increase in area by increasing its chc remodeling accivicy o t corcaccin and causes chc
curvature or by increasing the num ber o f dendritic protein to be redistributed to the dendritic shaft
spines contacted by axon term inals. Such changes have (I lering and Shcng 2 0 0 3 ). See Pak and Sheng (2 0 0 3 )
been observed by the electron m icroscope in cultured and Jaworski et al. (2 0 0 9 ) for a discussion o f proteins
slices o f rat hippocam pus betw een 3 0 to 6 0 minutes involved in shaping or elim inating dendritic spines.
after bursts o f electrical stim ulation (Buchs and Muller
In the mouse visual cortex, dendritic spines are highly
1 9 9 6 ; Toni et al. 1 999). The num ber o f rcccptor zones
mobile during the critical period o f cortical plasticity,
on the postsynaptic m em brane may also be increased by
especially in m ice deprived o f vision from birth
perforations in the mem brane (Edwards 1995).
(M ajcw ska and Sur 2 0 0 3 ) . Tli с m em brane rcccptor
4 . Changes in dendritic spines Laser scanning ot cultured N o tch 1, w hich is activated by ligands on neighboring
slices from rhe rat hippocam pus infected with a virus cclls, inhibits neurice growch in chc visual corccx. This
expressing a fluorescent protein has revealed the fine recepcor is im plicated in experience-dependent
structure o f dendrites and dendritic spines. Tim e-lapse synaptic plasticity during the critical period (D ahlhaus
imaging showed that, w ithin 6 0 s after 100 H z tetanic e ta l. 2 0 0 8 ).
scimulacion, new dendritic spines developed and
As synapses mature chey becom e less dependent on
existing spines elongated. The effects were localized to
actin dynamics (Z hang and Benson 2 0 0 1 ).
w ithin about 100 jmi and were abolished by an
Spontaneous release o f neurocransmitcer is required to
antagonist for N M D A receptors (M alctic-Savatic c t al.
maintain dendritic spines on cortical neurons
1 9 9 9 ). Low -frequency repetitive stim ulation that
(M cK in n ey e ta l. 1 9 9 9 ). Interactions betw een glial
induced long-term depression reduced the diam eter o f
cells and neurons are also involved in form ation and
spines and produced a small reduction in spine density
stabilization o f dendritic spines (Section 6.4 .4 c).
(Niigerl et al. 2 0 0 4 ; Zhou et al. 2 0 0 4 ). C ells in the
nucleus laminaris o f chc ch ic k s auditory system receive O n e would cxpcct learning a specific task to produce
inputs trom one ear on one set ot dendrites and from changes in specific regions ot the brain. Y an g eс al.
D uring neurogcnesis, progenitor cclls in the ventricular
zone change to an asymmetrical, or stem -cell, mode ot divi­
sion. O n e daughter remains a progenitor ccll tethered to
the preplate, and the other differentiates into a neuron or
glial ccll, which undergoes no further division. Progenitor
cells may also generate in term ed iate p ro g e n ito r cells that
migrate to the subvcntricular zone before dividing symmet­
rically into tw o neurons that continue to migrate toward
the cortical plate (N o cto r et al. 2 0 0 4 ). The genes Brain
factor-1 and Sonic hedgehog determ ine when the transition
trom symmetrical to asymmetrical division occurs
(H anashim a ct al. 2 0 0 2 ; Palma e t al. 2 0 0 5 ).
Progenitor cells that migrate radially from the ventricu­
lar zone divide asymmetrically two or more times to form
radial clusters o f cells o f the same type, either excitatory
neurons or glial cells (M cC o n n ell 1995a). The radial clus­
ters from the set o f related progenitor cells form horizontal
rows o f “cousin” cells w ithin the cortical laminae.
The num ber o f times each progenitor cell divides
Figure & is. D evelopm ent o ft h e hum an visu alcortex. (A ) P h o to m icrograp h asymmetrically to form neurons determ ines the number
o f a N issl-staincd scctio n throu g h the visual c o rtc x o f 17-w cck hum an o t cells in each cortical colum n. The number is fairly co n ­
fetus. N eurons develop in chc ventricular z o n e , lin in g the cerebral stant in mammalian species, since the thickness o f the
ventricle. T h ey m igrate throu gh the in term ed iate zon e and co rtical
cortex does not vary. Late in neurogcnesis, progenitor cells
subplatc со the co rtic a l plate, ju st below chc pial surface o f t h e brain.
T h e six layers o t the visual co rtex arc n o t yet visible, but develop in the divide symmetrically into two differentiating cells, leaving
co rtica l plate. ( B ) P h o to m icro g rap h o f t h e visual c o rtcx o t th e hum an the preplate almost depleted o f progenitor cells (Caviness
n eon ate. T h e six layers arc form ed , and the subplate has transform ed c t al. 1995).
in to largely n eu ron -free w h ite m atter. ifUphnuJfam Yjnctal. permit*»
B o th G A B A and glutamate are strongly expressed in
fru m tl*c»icr S o c n i c )

the ventricular zone o f the developing cortcx. It seems

that they induce progenitor cclls to divide symmetrically
W h en lam ination o f the visual co rtcx is com plete, the со produce other progenitor cclls rather than neurons
interm ediate zone and subplace form the neuron-free white (Section 6 .4 .5 ). Ultim ately this increases the num ber o f
matter, and glial cells becom e stellate astrocytes. cells in the cortex (Haydar et al. 2 0 0 0 ).
Progenitor cells in the retina and central nervous system
that divide symmetrically have the m ito tic spindle parallel
6 .4 .5 b C c ll lin ea g e and M ig ra tio n
to the neuroepithelium so that the cleavage plane is o rth og­
Cells derived trom a particular progenitor cell can be traced onal to the epithelium . This causes N um b protein m ole­
by infecting the progenitor cell with a retrovirus thac trans­ cules to be distributed equally to the daughter cells. In
fers only to the cell’s offspring. The virus expresses a green progenitor cells that divide asymmetrically, the cleavage
fluorescent protein (G F P ), which can be viewed co n tin u ­ plane has rotated so that it is parallel to the m em brane. This
ously by time-lapse videomicroscopy (H atanaka and causes Num b molecules to be distributed mainly *
to the
M urakami 2 0 0 2 ). daughter cell that remains a progenitor cell. The o ther cell
Early in neurogenesis, progenitor cells in the ventricular differentiates into a neuron. Num b inhibits cell differentia­
zone divide about tw ice a day, so that the num ber o f cells tion by blocking the signals sent to the cell nucleus by the
more than doubles each day. A t first, most progenitor cells protein N o tch . M utant mice lacking the gene for Numb
divide symm etrically to produce m ore progenitor cclls that rapidly depleted their progenitor cells after the onset o f
remain in the ventricular zone. In the mouse, each initial neurogenesis (Petersen et al. 2 0 0 2 ). However, there is some
cell produces about 2 5 0 progenitor cells. If we assume that dispute on this question (sec Castaneda-Castellanos and
each progenitor cell produces all the cells in one cortical Kriegstein 2 0 0 4 ). Later in developm ent. Num b allows cell
colum n then the final number o f progenitor cells deter­ differentiation (sec C ayouettc and R a ff 2 0 0 2 ).
mines the num ber o f colum ns. The gene Brain factor-1 co n ­ The rotation o f t h e spindle axis during progenitor cell
trols the duration o f the ccll division cycle and hence the m itosis in living slices o f mouse neural tissue has been
num ber o f times a progenitor cell divides symmetrically to observed w ith time-lapse m ultiphoton m icroscopy co m ­
torm o ther progenitor cells (T ao and 1992). It is there­ bined with nucleic acid staining (Haydar et al. 2 0 0 3 ). There
fore responsible for the evolutionary expansion o f the is evidence that the process is under m olecular control
cerebral cortex. (Sanada and Tsai 2 0 0 5 ). The centrosom e is also involved in
chc orientacion o f chc micocic cleavage plane (W a n g cc al. Pia

2 0 0 9 ).
Nadarajah ec al. (2 0 0 1 ) observed cwo cypes o f radial ccll
m igration in slices ot em bryonic mouse brain: locom otion
and tran slocation . In locom otion , a radial glial ccll guides
the whole neuron to its final destination. In translocation,
the neuron extends a leading process along the glial cell over
which the nucleus o f rhe cell migrates. Som e cells migrate
by locom otion m ost o f the way to their destination and
then sw itch ro translocation. W h en cells reach their desti­
nation they must recognize stop signals, disengage trom the
glial ccll, and becom e organized into a cortical layer. We
will see in the next section that the glycoprotein rcclin
secreted by C ajal-R ctziu s cells is involved in this signaling
process (see Nadarajah and Parnavelas 2 0 0 2 ).
D uring cell locom otion , ccll adhesion molecules
(C A M s) on the soma o f the cell form gap ju n ction s with
C A M s on the radial glial ccll. Downregulation o f these
C A M s in the rat impaired m igration o f neurons to the co r­
f ig ur e i9 . C e ll m igration in the developing n co co rccx . (K<Jwn fom
tical plate (E lias c t al. 2 0 0 7 ). M igrating cells extend filopo­ X .».l <гл'л1| Jii«i Rtrnivcta* 20 01)

dia, which rapidly extend and retract along the glial cell.
A cytoskeleton o f m icrotubules holds the soma o f the
m igrating cell in the lagging region ot the cell and projects 1 9 9 5 ; Reid et al. 1 9 9 5 ). The progenitor cclls divide sym ­
into che filopodia. m etrically as they migrate to produce a series o f evenly
Neuroblasts m igrating from the ventricular zone to the spaced nonm igratory daughter progcnicor cells.
cortical plate o f che em bryonic corcex express several cypes The tim ing o f cell differentiation is controlled by inter­
o f Cl A BA receptors. Introduction o f G A B A to tissue slices actions betw een factors intrinsic to the developing cells and
o f im m ature corcical cissue prom otes the radial migration extrinsic chem ical signals from ocher cells. For example,
oi neuroblasts. G A B A also acts as a stop signal to term inate stem cclls, which produced neurons or glial cclls in high-
migration (see Reprcsa and Ben-A ri 2 0 0 5 ). densitycellculcures,diffcrcnciaccd into sm ooth muscle cells
The centrosom e is an essential com ponent o f the m icro­ when cultured at low density (Tsai and M cK ay 2 0 0 0 ).
tubule cytoskeleton. Together with the G olgi com plex it is Presumably, this effect depends on differential rates o f d if­
rhe primary source o f m icrotubules. As rhe cell migrates, fusion o f a chem ical across ccll m em branes. The effect o f a
the centrosom e moves forward ahead of the soma. It has given chem ical agent depends on when it is applied. For
been suggested that the centrosom e transm its the pulling example, sites on progenitor cells receptive to an epidermal
forces generated by the cytoskeleton to the som a. W hen the growth factor increase in num ber during embryonic- devel­
cell changes its direction o f m igration, the centrosom e opm ent. W h en a retrovirus introduced extra receptor sites
becom es reoriented (see H igginbotham and Glecson in the early stages, the progenitor cells behaved like chose in
2 0 0 7 ). later stages and differentiated in to glial cells rather chan
Vesicles move w ithin the m icrotubules during cell loco ­ inco neurons (Burrows ec al. 1997).
m otion. There are accin filamcncs near chc soma o f migrac- A progen icor cell in its early phase o f cell division, when
ing neurons but not in the filopodia. In this respect, cell transplanted into an older host, behaves like the cells o f the
locom otion differs from axon growth. host (Gray and Sanes 1 9 9 1 ). A progenitor cell in its late
Tim e-lapse im aging has revealed that m igrating neurons phase o f ccll division retains its initial idcncicy when crans-
first move rapidly away from the ventricular zone and then planted. If ic was destined to migrate to layer 6, it continues
halt in the sub ventricular zone for as long as 2 4 hours. to do so when transplanted into che visual corcex o f an
During this interval they becom e m ultipolar and extend animal ac the stage when cells were m igrating in to layers 2
and retract processes in a highly dynamic manner. Som e and 3 (M cC o n n ell and Kaznowski 1 9 9 1 ). Thus, a young
cells migrate back toward the ventricular zone before finally progenitor cell is capable o f form ing several types o f cell
m igrating to the cortical plate (K ricgstcin and N octor depending on its environm ent. As tim e passes, progenitor
2 0 0 4 ). These processes are depicted in Figure 6.19. cells lose their com petence со form a variecy o f cclls.
Som e progenitor cells and a few postm itotic differenti­ Axons growing in cultured slices o f immature visual
ating cells from the ventricular zone o f the dorsal forebrain cortex from che fcrrcc arborized w ithin cheir appropriace
m igrate laterally, som etim es changing rheir direction o f layer. Neural activity arising from outside the cortex is thus
movement (O ’Rourke et al. 1 9 9 2 ; Kornack and Radic noc required. However, inhibicion o f neural activicv in chc
now see thac selective ablation o f these structures in geneti­ afferents cerminace alm ost exclusively in layer 4 B . The ter­
cally m odified m ice severely disrupts cell m igration and m inal arbors o f both types o f cell increase in size and co m ­
form ation o f cortical layers (X ie et al. 2 0 0 2 ). plexity as they mature (Pospichal et al. 1994).
G hosh et al. (1 9 9 0 ) used kainic acid to ablate subplate After thalam ocortical axons reach their destinations in
neurons in the visual corcex o f fetal cats on em bryonic day the cortex they lose cheir growch cones, branch, and form
4 2 , when the first L G N axons had arrived in the subplate. synapses. These processes can be observed in cultured
This prevented L G N axons trom innervating their normal explants from the em bryonic or postnatal co rtex o f the rat
target cells in cortical layer 4 . The effect seems to be specifi­ (M olnar and Blakem ore 1999). Axon growth is arrested by
cally related to the loss o f subplate neurons, because appli­ a m olecular stop-signal emitced by the cells o f layer 4 . The
cation o f kainic acid directly to layer 4 did nor produce this stop signal seems to be the transmembrane glycoprotein
deficit. A blation o f subplate neurons in 1-week-old kittens, N -cadhcrin. W hen N-cadherin was blocked in living co rti­
just after the innervation o f'cortical layer 4 by I.G N axons cal slices from neonacal rats, thalam ocortical axons failed to
but before the form ation o f cortical columns, disrupted the scop and concinucd со grow chrough layer 4 until chey
form ation o f orientation and ocular dom inance colum ns in reached che corcicai surface. Also, blockage o f N-cadherin
the region above the ablated area (G h osh and Shatz 1992b, actenuaccd the growth o f thalam ocortical axons through
1944). layers 5 and 6 (Poskanzer et al. 2 0 0 3 ).
Subplate ablation in 1-week-old kittens impaired trans­ After the co rtical layers have form ed, the cells
mission ofvisual inputs from the I.G N (Kanold et al. 2 0 0 3 ). in the various lavers develop at a uniform rate (Lund et al.
This loss o f cortical activity could have disrupted column 1977).
form ation because it removed the basis for com petitive
innervation o f cortical cells. However, the effects o f abla­
tion could also have arisen if chem ical markers that deter­
6 .4 .5 d L o ss o f S y n a p tic D e n s ity
mine colum n form ation were located in che cortical
subplate. In the rac, synapcic densicy in chc visual corccx increases up
A blation o f subplate neurons in cat fetuses disrupted со che third postnatal w eek. It then decreases to adult levels
the developm ent o f axons from the visual cortex to the by day 25. Activity-dependent release o f cell adhesion m ol­
L G N (M cC o n n ell et al. 1 9 9 4 ). The subplate therefore aids cculcs at N M D A synapses has been im plicated in these
in the developm ent o f both geniculocortical and co rtic o ­ developm ental changes (Butler ec al. 1999).
thalam ic pathways. In chc primace visual corccx and in the cortcx as a whole
The neurotransm itter glutamate acting on N M D A there is a rapid increase in the density and total num ber o f
receptors serves as an actraccanc for cells m igrating inco che synapses and in the thickness o f layers just before and after
corcicai place (B e h a rc ta l. 1 9 9 9 ). Thencurocrophins B D N F birth (R akic et al. 1 9 8 6 ). In che macaque monkey, synaptic
and N T -3 expressed in che corcicai subplace increased che density wichin the visual corcex increases exponentially to
tormacion ot filopodia on growing neurons (M cQ u illen the third postnatal m onth, after w hich ic decreases, ac firsc
cr al. 2 0 0 2 ). M ice lacking che gene for N T -3 showed a slowly and chen more rapidly со reach ics adulc value after
reduction in thalam ic inputs to the visual cortex ( M a c t al. about 5 years (Bourgeois and R akic 1993).
2 0 0 2 ). Loss o f subplate neurons produced an increase in In humans, this increase is mosc rapid between the
brain-derived neurotrophic factor (B D N F ) in the affected ages o f 2 and 4 m onths bu t continues to about 8 m onths,
region (L ein et al. 1 9 9 9 ). An oversupply o f B D N F in mice when mean synaptic density reaches about 2 5 ,0 0 0 per
produces an early m aturation of G A B A ergic inhibition and neuron. After about 8 m onths a massive but slow loss o f
an early onset and early closure o f the critical period for for­ synapses occurs. Synaptic density reaches the adult level o f
mation o t ocular dom inance columns. Thus, subplate neu­ about 1 0 ,0 0 0 synapses per neuron by abouc the age o f
rons are involved in the m aturation o f cortical inhibition 11 years.
(see S ection 6 .7 .1 ). There is no evidence o f neuron loss during chis process
Subplate neurons and their axons can thus be regarded buc, because o f increasing brain volume, ccll densicy declines
as a tem porary scaffold for the initial developm ent o fg en ic- and corcicai layers becom e thinner during rhe firsc few post­
ulocortical con nection s, their segregation in cortical layers, natal m onths in boch monkeys and humans ( O ’Kusky and
and the subsequent developm ent o f cortical colum ns. After C o lo n n icr 1982;G arcy an d d cC o u rccn 1983; I luccenlochcr
cortical layers have form ed, m ost subplate cells die, along and de C ourcen 1987; Zielinski and H endrickson 1992).
with the lateral con n ection s o f L G N neurons w ithin the Loss o f synapses in chc visual cortcx is related to chc devel­
subplate (Shatz ct al. 1 9 9 1 ; Bourgeois and Rakic 1996). opm ent o fo cu lar dom inance colum ns in which inputs from
Thalam ocortical axons grow radially chrough deep corcicai the tw o eyes com pete for synaptic access to binocular cclls.
layers 5 and 6 со reach cheir descination in layer 4. It is thus part o f the process by w hich neural networks
M agnocellular afferents term inate mainly in cortical develop in response to maturational and environmental
layer 4 A , but some term inate in layer 3 C . Parvocellular demands.
6 .4 .6 D E V E L O P M E N T O F C O R T IC A I C o n n ection s betw een cclls w ithin chc main cortical
C O N N E C T IO N S layers show evidence o f early exuberance followed by elim i­
nation o f superfluous connections. The evidence reviewed
6 .4 .6 a Interlayer C o r tic a l Synapses
in Section 6.4.4a suggests that N M D A receptors are-
The basic m orphology o f chc cerebral corcex is determ ined involved in elim inating surplus synapses.
genetically. However, we will see chat the detailed pattern­
ing o f dendrites depends on sensory inputs and interactions
6 .4 .6 b Inccrcolum n C o r tic a l Synapses
betw een neighboring cells.
Spiny stellate cells of cortical layer 4 are the primary Fibers of pyramidal cells running parallel to the co rtical sur­
recipients o f visual atferencs. In the cat, che projeccions o f face link cortical cells with similar orientation cuning in
layer 4 cells to cortical layers 5 and 6 are com plete by post­ layers 2 to 6 (Section 5 .5 .6 ). Long-range fibers extend up to
natal day 15. C o n n ectio n s w ithin layer 4 , w hich are che 6 mm and form fine branches distributed in repeating clus­
m ost com plex, take 2 0 days to mature. C o n n ectio n s from ters corresponding to the repeating orientation-selective
layer 4 to layers 2 and 3 take even longer со mature. colum ns (G ilb ert and W iesel 1979; Rockland and Lund
Callaway ( 1998b ) labeled neurons for cytochrom e o xi­ 1982; Luhm ann c t al. 1986).
dase in living brain slices from V I o f prenatal macaque In the cat, crudclv cluscered horizoncal connections
monkeys (P ortrait Figure 6 .2 0 ). C onn ection s between the develop from layers 2 and 3 before the arrival o f co n n ec­
main cortical layers developed with a high degree o f selec­ tions from layer 4, but the fine-tuning o f horizontal co n n ec­
tivity, suggesting that these connections are genetically co n ­ tions occurs only after the arrival o f inputs from layer 4
trolled. In cultured blocks o f cortex from 10-day-oId rats, (Callaway and Katz 1992).
axons grew m ost effectively on a m em brane prepared from Hata et al. (1 9 9 3 ) traced the developm ent of horizontal
the cortical layer containing their target cclls. Presumably, connections by analyzing correlations betw een spike trains
target cells produce a layer-specific growth factor (C astellan i recorded simultaneously at different lateral locations in the
and Boltz 1 9 9 7 ). For exam ple, layer 6 neurons form co n ­ visual cortcx o f kittens, a procedure developed by Pcrkcl
nections in layer 4 but bypass layer 5. The appropriate co n ­ et al. (1 9 6 7 ). D uring the first 2 postnatal weeks, these co n ­
nections develop in vitro, which shows that extrinsic nections were wholly excitatory. Inhibitory linkages devel­
influences are n o t involved. However, the connection s were oped by the fourth week. Also, the connection s were
less specific when intrinsic spontaneous activity was sup­ widespread betw een cells with very different orientation
pressed by cecrodotoxin (Danczker and Callaway 1998). preferences and did not show the clustered distribution evi­
Thus, although layer-specific connections arc determ ined in dent in the adult. By week 7 , the con nection s becam e co n ­
part by m olecular markers on target cells, local spontaneous fined to a radius o f about 6 0 0 ц т and со cells wich similar
neural activity must also be involved. oriencation tuning. A t the same time, the clustering pattern
emerged. Hata ec al. also found chac correlaced firings devel­
oped first in layer 4 but, by postnatal week 7 , the frequency
o f firing in layer 4 declined to the low level typical o fth e
adult and was overtaken by firing rates in other layers.
The refinem ent o f lateral connection s involves che
growch and elim ination of synaptic con n ection s rather than
cell death (Callaway and Katz 1990).
The clustering of lateral connections is less precise in
cats binocularly deprived during chc first few weeks o f life
(Callaway and Katz 1991). Ruthazer and Stryker (1 9 9 6 )
observed significant clustering o f laccral connection s in chc
cat by postnatal day 21. C lustering was further refined
during days 34 to 3 6 , when cclls acquired their orientation
Dalva and Katz (1 9 9 4 ) studied the developm ent o fc o n -
nections in cultured slices of visual cortex from the ferret.
The slices were perfused with a form o f glutam ate that
remains inactive (caged) until activated by ultraviolet light.
By recording from a given cell .is neighboring cells were
Figure6.Ю. E ihu an lM . C allaw ay. H e o b ta in ed his P h .D . from the activated by an ultraviolet laser they were able to map out
C a lifo rn ia In stitu te o f T e ch n o lo g y in 1 9 8 8 and did p o std o cto ral work
patterns of lateral connections. They confirm ed that local
a t th e R ock efeller U n iv ersity and D u ke U niversity. H e is now professor
in the system s n eu rob iolog y lab oratories a t the Salk in stitu te for connections are overproduced before birth and are subse­
B io log ical Stu d ies, La Jo lla , C a lifo rn ia . quently reduced as long-range connections develop.
W hen action potentials in the visual cortex o f ferrets layers before the age o f about 2 0 weeks. Later, they arise
were silenced by infusion o f tetrodotoxin from postnatal mainly in layers 2 and 3. D uring the same period, cells p ro ­
day 2 1 , the horizontal con n ection s did not develop the jectin g from area 17 to area 18 form into clusters through
adult clustering pattern (Ruthazer and Stryker 1996). It the elim ination o f projections Irom intercluster zones (Price
seems that the initial clustering depends on spontaneous et al. 1994}. These gross macurational changes do n o t depend
neural activity at the level o f the L G N or cortex, but that on visual experience, since binocular deprivation up to 2 8
the fine-tuning o f the clustering pattern depends on cortical weeks ot age did n o t stop them (Price and Blakemore 1985).
neural activity arising from visual experience. However, However, binocular deprivation and blockage o f afferents
Butler et al. (2 0 0 1 ) found that the developm ent o f lateral from the L G N reduced the density and precision o f the pro­
and interlayer con nection s from pyramidal cells in different jections from area 17 to area 18 (C aric and Price 1999).
layers o f the ferret visual co rtex are affected in different ways
by rhe absence o f cortical neural activity. Thus, one can n ot
6 .4 .6 d D e v e lo p m e n t o f th e C o r p u s C a llo su m
generalize over different classes o f connections.
B u rk h alteret al. (1 9 9 3 ) used a fluorescent dye to observe The structure o f the corpus callosum was described in
the developm ent o f lateral connections in a series o f post­ Section 5.3-5. In the cat, transcallosal connections are pres­
m ortem human visual cortices from 2 4 weeks o f gestation ent at birth, bu t rhe zone in each hemisphere from which
to 5 years postnatal. Lateral connections first emerged at 3 7 they originate (callo sal efferen t zone) and the zone to
weeks o f gestation, after the developm ent o f radial co n n ec­ which they project (callo sal term in al zo n e) are spread out
tions at right angles to the cortical surface. As in the cat, over areas 17 and 18. O nly later do they becom e restricted
lateral con nection s showed first in layer 4 B, bu t also in layer to the boundary region between areas 17 and 18.
5 and then in layer 6. Fiber density increased rapidly, lead­ Before the arrival ot axons at the m idline, radial glial
ing to the form ation o f a uniform plexus at 7 weeks postna­ cells in each hemisphere migrate through the dorsal septum.
tal. The patchiness typical o f lateral con n ection s in the adult M igrating cells differentiate in to astrocytes under the influ­
cortex emerged after the 8th postnatal week. Longer-range ence o f a fib ro b la st grow th fa c to r (F G F ). They form two
lateral con nection s in layers 2 and 3 did not emerge until m idline populations o f astrocytes, one above and one below
the 16th postnatal week and reached their adult form by the corpus callosum , known as the in tcrh cm isp h eric
the 15 th m onth. These long-range con nection s were patchy brid ge. In m ice, the bridge forms 2 days before the appear­
to begin with and rem ained patchy. Layer 4 B is associated ance o f pioneer callosal axons and fades after the corpus
with rhe m agnocellular system, and layers 2 and 3 w ith the callosum is formed (Silver et al. 1982). 'Ihese are the first
parvocellular system. This suggests that, in the co rtex, the astrocytes to develop.
m agnocellular system develops before the parvocellular M ice lacking the gene for rhe fibroblast growth factor
system. exhibit callosal dysgenesis (Sm ith et al. 2 0 0 6 ).
I .ong-rcrm changes in synaptic conductivity along these G row ing transcallosal axons in vivo and in vitro are
lateral pathways in the ca ts visual co rtex have been induced guided through the intcrhcm ispheric bridge between the
by pairing synaptic responses with con d ition in g shocks o f two populations o f glial cells. The glycoproteins nerrin and
depolarizing current (H irsch and G ilbert 1 9 9 3 ). The results S lit2 secreted by the extracellular m atrix are involved in the
suggest that these pathways are involved in stimulus- guidance o f these axons (Serafini c t al. 1 9 9 6 ; Shu T and
dependent changes in cortical responses. Long-range lateral Richards 2 0 0 1 ; Shu T et al. 2 0 0 3 ). A lso, Fph receptors and
con nection s could serve a variety o f functions, as listed in their ephrin ligands occur in the developing corpus callo ­
Section 5.5.6. sum. The corpus callosum does not develop, or develops
N eurotrophins are involved in the developm ent o f col­ incompletely, in m ice lacking one or m ore o f these recep­
lateral con nection s betw een cortical cells receiving visual tors (M endes et al. 2 0 0 6 ).
inputs (spiny stellate cells in layer 4 ) and betw een cclls in After the glial bridge has been cut, the axons that would
layers 3 and 5. They are also involved in development o f have crossed form into a pair o t neuronal knots (neurom as)
con nection s betw een cortical output cells (pyramidal cells) next to the central fissure. However, the axons begin to cross
and cells in layers 2, 3 , and 5. Also, B D N F regulates the it the bridge is repaired at an early enough stage (Silver and
expression o f one o f the receptors for the ncurotransm itter Ogawa 1983).
dopam ine (Section 5 .5 .2 g ) in the central nervous system The glial bridge does n o t form in mammals with co n ­
(G uillin et al. 2 0 0 1 ). genital absence ot the corpus callosum. In acallosal humans
an aberrant longitudinal bundle o f axons w ithout organized
term inations forms in the w hite m atter ot both hemispheres
6 .4 .6 c Transcorcical C o n n e c tio n s
(Loeser and Alvord 1 9 6 8 ). This is known as P ro b s t’s
In the cat, the projections of transcortical axons from area bu n d le. It consists o f axons that were prevented from cross­
17 to area 18 are established before birth. However, these ing in the fetus. Instead they turn in a sagittal direction in
axons are evenly distributed between the various cortical the ipsilateral hemisphere. In acallosal m ice, many axons in
Probscs bundle cerminace ipsilaterally in chc same regions Three paccerns o f conneccions in chc corpus callosum o f
as intrinsic association axons (O zaki c t al. 1 9 8 9 ). Callosal the rac were described in Section 5.3.5. Symmetrical co n ­
agenesis is often associaced wich disorders such as hydro- nections link cells in the two eyes on opposite sides o fth e
cephalus, m icrogyria, abnorm al cerebral fissures, or absence m idline and are therefore capable o l registering binocular
o f cranial nerves. disparities chac span chc m idlinc. Nonsymmecric co n n ec­
The firsc axons Co cross chc m idline arise from the cingu- tions link cortical cclls that receive inputs from neighboring
lacc gyrus, in the archicortcx. These pioneer axons probably locations on chc same side o f chc m idlinc in chc cwo rccinas.
guide axons from che neocorcex со cheir descinacions (Rash A second cype o f nonsym m etric con nection s link cclls with
and Richards 2 0 0 1 ). an input from a region in one eye wich cells in che opposice
In che cerminal zone, developing callosal afferents hemisphere with an input from the same region in the same
migrate along radial glial fibers, which guide chem со their eye. See Section 5-3.5 for more details. These m on ocular
destinations in chc various layers o f rhe corcex (N orris and co n n ectio n s cannot register disparity bu t presumably serve
Kalil 1 9 9 1 ). A xon growch cones advance rapidly within the to create a unified visual field.
callosal cracc wich only b rief pauses wich excensions o f D uring early developm ent, chc eyes are noc well aligned
filopodia. They then extend radially through the cortical so that there is little correlated activity arising Irom corre­
layers until chey reach chc targee region. Ncxc, chcv pause sponding regions in the cwo rccinas. Buc chere is good co r­
and produce transitory branches and show repeated cycles relation betw een inputs to the two hemispheres from
o f advance and withdrawal as i f sensing ouc cheir environ- regions in the same eye. Thus, the developm ent o f m onocu­
menc (H alloran and Kalil 1 9 9 4 ). lar connections could be guided by correlated inputs from
D uring che firsc poscnacal week o f che cac, chc callosal the same region in one eye rather chan from corresponding
cerminal zone in each hemisphere becom es restricted to the regions in the tw o eyes. Even in strabism ic animals, one
boundary becween areas 17 and 18— che region corre­ would not expect these callosal zones со be alfecccd by
sponding to the vertical m idline o f the visual field. During strabismus.
chc firsc 3 poscnacal monchs, chc callosal ctfcrcnc zone The developm ent o f callosal conneccions becween co r­
becom es less densely populated and also restricted to the responding locations in the two eyes could be guided by
m idline region (In n ocen ti 1 981). correlated accivicy arising from chc cwo eyes after chc eyes
C'allosal connections develop at about the same time as have becom e aligned. W e will sec in Seccion 8 .2 .2 b chac
ocular dom inance colum ns (Aggoun-Aouaoui ec al. 1996). unbalanced visual inpucs produce an asymmccrical cransfer
In macure cacs, cells in areas 17 and 18 chat receive callosal o f signals through the corpus callosum .
con nection s occur in periodic stripes that stain with cy to ­ Early binocular cnuclcacion in racs and cacs reduced chc
chrom e oxidase (Boyd and M atsubara 1994). num ber o f cells in areas 17 and 18 receiving callosal co n n ec­
Ic has been suggested that callosal connections that sur­ cions (Olavarria and van Sluyters 1995). In enucleated rats,
vive are chose receiving correlaced inpucs from correspond­ che mirror-image paccern o f conneccions in the medial
ing regions near the vertical meridians o f the two eyes. These region o l the callosum was the same as that in norm al rats.
arc binocular con n ection s. Cacs reared wich severe scrabis- However, the nonsym m etric paccern o f conneccions
mus would lack correlaced visual inpucs Irom che cwo eyes becween inpucs Irom che same side o l che m idline, which
and should cherefore lack chc basis for chc scleccivc survival occurs in che laceral region o f normal racs, was replaced by a
o l callosal conneccions. For less severe strabismus, callosal symmetric pattern (Olavarria and Li 1995).
zones should be displaced inco chc concralaceral hemisphere In a subsequent paper Olavarria and H iroi (2 0 0 3 ) found
lor divergenc squinc and inco the ipsilateral hemisphere lor that these changes occurred only when the rats were cnuclc-
convergent squinc. Ic has been claim ed chac, in scrabismic accd bccwccn poscnacal days 4 and 6. This evidence suggescs
cats, the efferent and recipient zones o f callosal connections that the symmetric pattern o l connections is the basic one
are discribuccd со an abnorm al degree beyond che midline but that it is replaced by a nonsym m etric pattern in che lac­
region (Lund ct al. 1 9 7 8 ; Innocenti and Frost 1979; Lund eral region o f the callosum during postnatal days 4 and 6.
and M itchell 1979a). The basic sym m etrical pattern does not require visual inputs
However, Berm an and Payne (1 9 8 3 ) found chat the cal­ and presumably develops under the guidance o f m olecular
losal term inal zones o f cxocropic or esocropic cacs were in markers. The nonsym m etric paccern requires visual inpucs
their norm al positions. Furtherm ore, Bourdet ct al. (1 9 9 6 ) and presumably depends on correlaced visual inpucs.
found thac cacs raised wich even severe surgically induced F.tfeccs o f binocular deprivacion on che developmcnc o f
convergent or divergenc strabismus did noc show an abnor­ che corpus callosum vary with the type o f deprivation.
mal distribution o l callosal zones. A ccording to this evi­ Binocular lid suture produced a greater reduction o f cal­
dence, balanced binocular inpucs from corresponding losal con nections than bilateral enucleation { Innocenti and
regions in chc cwo eves are noc required lor che chinning Frosc 1 9 8 0 ) or dark rearing (Frost and M oy 1989).
and regional rescriccion o f callosal neurons. See Boire ec al. Thus, stim ulation chrough sutured eyelids is worse chan no
(1 9 9 5 ) for a discussion o f chis issue. stim ulation.
Innocenti and Frost found chat binocular enucleation These spatiotem poral m echanism s determ ine how an array
produced a wider than normal distribution o f callosal co n ­ o f initially identical prim ordial cells develops in to a well-
nections, while lid suture and dark rearing produced a dis­ ordered pattern o f diverse cell types.
tribution that was slightly narrower than normal. This Interactions betw een com plem entary m orphogen gra­
suggests th at either light o r spontaneous retinal activity dients also serve to guide growing axons to their destina­
control the width o f callosal connections. tion. Som e m orphogens act as attractants and others as
repellents. Som e are attractants at low concentration and
repellents at high concentration. For example, a low ante­
6 .4 .7 С E L L D 1F F E R E N T I AT I О N
rior to high posterior gradient o f a receptor molecule in
6 .4 .7 a M o rp h o g e n s and C c ll D ifferen tiation axons from retinal ganglion cells interacts wich a com ple­
mentary gradient ot a ligand in the optic tectum o f birds.
M orp h og en s are proceins produced in a restricted region
This ensures that each ganglion ccll connects w ith che
o f em bryonic tissue from w hence they diffuse to form a
appropriace cell in the tectum . N ote that a single gradient is
long-range concentration gradient. Three families have
n o t sufficient. For example, i f the receptor m olecules were
been identified: W ingless ( W N T ) , 1 ledgehog (H g ), and a
evenly distributed over ganglion cells all their axons would
third family. M orphogens operate at all stages o f develop­
all be attracted to one end o f the tectal gradient. C o rrect
m ent. They determ ine the basic anterior-posterior axis ot
mapping o f cells from one region o n to cells o f another
the early em bryo and the ventral-dorsal axis o f the neural
region requires an interaction o f counterbalanced forces o f
tube. Ac a later stage they help to form the basic structure ot
attraction and repulsion. C ell m igration may also depend
the retina, chiasm , and cerebral cortex.
on m echanical rather than chem ical interactions between
M orphogens bind to receptor m olecules on em bryonic
cells o r between cells and other structures.
cclls. The local concentration o f the m orphogen and the
type o f receptor m olecule determ ines w hich o f several types
o f cell a prim ordial cel! differentiates into. M orphogens and 6 .4 .7 b D e v elo p m en t o f C o r tic a l C c ll Types
cheir receptors induce changes in the genetic transcription
C o rtical neurons differ in the structure o f their dendritic
m echanism s in the cell nucleus.
arborizations and these differences are reflected in differ­
A concentration gradient o f one m orphogen may be
ences o f function. 'Ihere are tw o basic types o f excitatory
superimposed on that o f another m orphogen to create a
neurons in the co rtex; spiny stellate cells, m ost o t which
com plex pattern o f cellular environm ents. D ifferent m or­
radiate dendrites in all directions, and pyram idal cells that
phogens may trigger different responses in the same recep­
have triangular cell bodies w ith a single long apical dendrite
tors. O n e m orphogen may in h ib it the effect o f another
and several shorter basal dendrites (see Figure 5 .2 0 ).
m orphogen. Thus, a cell’s fate may depend on the com bined
Progenitor cells in the neocortex that express the gene
effects o f more than one m orphogen. Th e effect o f a m or­
EtnxJ give rise to excitatory neurons (pyramidal cells and
phogen may also be modified by the presence o f nonprotein
spiny stellate cells), C ajal-R ctziu s cells, and glial cells.
G A B A ergic interneurons have a distinct lineage (G orski
T h e m orphogens and receptor molecules genetically
et al. 2 0 0 2 ).
expressed by a given cell change over time. After a cell has
D uring development, many pyramidal cells lose their
differentiated, its response to m orphogens is turned off.
apical dendrite and becom e transformed in to stellate cells.
This turning o ff can be achieved by endocytosis and subse­
Tliis can be observed in vivo and in cell cultures (Threadgifl
quent degradation o f receptor molecules or by production
et al. 1 9 9 7 ). It seems to be controlled by neurotrophins
o f antagonistic m olecules. C ell differentiation is also influ­
expressed in the extracellular matrix. This process could be
enced by interactions with neighboring cells.
under genetic control but it could also be influenced by
There are n o t enough m orphogens to determ ine the
neural activity. M ore research is required on this question.
m illions o f type o f cell. I lowever, the type o f cell that an
In Section 6.4.5a it was explained how N um b protein
undifferentiated cell develops in to depends on the follow­
m olecules determ ine w hether progenitor cells in many
ing faccors.
body tissues o f both invertebrates and vertebrates differen­
tiate or remain undifferentiated.
1. Location on superimposed m orphogen gradients.
The N o tch / D elta system is another signaling pathway
2. The types o t receptor molecules. involved in the developm ent o f several body tissues in inver­
tebrates and vertebrates. The N otch family o f cel I-surface
3- The age o f the cell.
proteins are receptors for D elta ligands attached to the
4. The cell’s neighbors. m em brane o f a neighboring cell. A ctivation o f a N otch
receptor by ccll-to-ccll co n tact sends a signal to the cell
5. Spontaneous o r stimulus-evoked activity.
nucleus that controls the expression o f several genes. In the
6. Epigenetic m echanism s (sec Scction 6.6.1) developing cerebral cortex, cells m igrating along radial glial
discussed in Section 6 .6 .3 . Their role in chc developm ent o f im plicated in spatial m emory (Fa/.eli 1992; Sherry c t al.
ocular dom inance colum ns is discussed in Sections 6.7.1 1 9 9 2 ). However, synaptic plasticity has been observed in
and 8 .2 .3 . many cortical areas, especially during early development.
For example, synaptic con n ection s can be rcversiblv
strengthened or weakened in brain slices o f chc cac visual
6.5.1 T H E HEBBIAN SYNAPSE cortex. Tli is was done by correlating postsynaptic responses
generated by stim ulation o f w hite maccer wich dcpolariza-
6.5.1 a B a sic M ech a n ism o f the H c b b ia n Synapse
cion or hyperpolarizacion o f che poscsynapcic mem brane by
H cb b (1 9 4 9 ) proposed that synaptic contacts strengthen currenc delivered chrough che recordingeleccrode (Fregnac
when sim ultaneous activity in pre- and postsynaptic cells is ec al. 1 9 9 4 ).
correlated, and weaken when it is uncorrelated (Portrait C onsider cwo presynapcic cells converging on che same
Figure 6 .2 1 ). Ariens-Kappers c t al. had proposed a similar synapse or on neighboring synapses on a single neuron.
idea in 1936. Synapses behaving in this way are called W h en aecivicy in the presynaptic cells is synchronous, it is
Hebbian synapses. They were described in Section 4 .3 .4 f. more highly correlated with activicy in chc poscsynapcic cell
See C itri and M alenka (2 0 0 7 ) for a review o f synaptic chan when che inpucs are asynchronous. This is because che
plasticity. poscsynapcic m em brane sum maces pocencials from converg­
Long-term potentiation was first reported by Terje ing synchronous inputs more effectively chan from asyn­
Lom o in 196 6 (sec L o m o 2 0 0 3 ). Bliss and Cardncr-M edw in chronous inpucs. The ouccom e is chac correlaced accivicv in
(1 9 7 3 ) provided experim ental support tor the H ebbian cwo or m ore converging inpucs leads со long-term p o te n ­
mechanism o f synaptic plasticity. They reported chat repeti­ tiation (L T P ) o f the transmission efficiency o f that path­
tive activation ot cells in preparations in vitro o t the way. W h en converging inputs are persistently uncorrelated,
dentate nucleus o f adult rabbits produced long-lascing aug­ the synaptic strength o f che one more highly correlaced wich
m entation o t synaptic transmission. Subsequently, most che poscsynapcic pocential eventually increases, while the
work on synaptic plasticity has been conducted on chc other suffers lon g-term depression (L T D ).
hippocam pus— a region ol the old cortex, or paleocortex. Changes in synaptic strength on a given neuron are
mainly confined to chc local group o f synapses on chc
neuron on which the inputs converge. Unstim ulated syn­
apses on cclls w ithin about 7 0 jun o f an active Hebbian syn­
apse may also m anifest L T P (Engert and BonhoefFer 1997).
However, L T P also involves a general change in che
incrinsic excicabilicy o f all che synapses on a neuron (see
Zhang and Linden 2 0 0 3 ).
The crucial events underlying neural plascicicy ac
Hebbian synapses involve che coaccivacion o t che N M D A
and n o n -N M D A recepcors (A M P A , kainace, and meca-
bocropic receptors) that were described in Section 5.5.2).
Two or more cypes o f recepcor on chc same poscsynapcic
m em brane are said со be colocalized . Each receptor co n ­
sists o f several glycoprotein m olecules surrounding a pore.
The glycoproteins round each pore differ to form distinct
receptor subunits, which help to determ ine chc specificicy
ot responses со diverse inpucs со a given synapse. The dis-
cincc subunics differentiate during early developmenc,
apparencly in response со specific presynaptic inputs (Shcng
e ta l. 1 9 9 4 ; G ottm an n et al. 1997).
The response o f n o n -N M D A receptors depends only
Figure 6 . 21 . D on ald O. H cbb. B orn in C hevter, N ova S c o tia , C an ad a, in on presynaptic release o f the neurocransmicccr glucamacc.
1 9 0 4 . H e o b ta in ed а В .Л . in psychology from D alhou sie U n iv ersity By concrast, the response of N M D A receptors to glutamate
in 1 925- H e was л sch o o ltea ch er for several years b efore o b ta in in g a
is blockcd by m agnesium ions unless the poscsynapcic
P h .D . w ith K arl Lashlev in psy chology a t H arvard U n iv ersity in 1 9 3 6 .
In 1 9 3 7 he becam e a fellow o f chc M o n trea l N eu rological Institu te m em brane is depolarized. The postsynaptic m em brane is
w ith \Xr. Penficld, and in 1 9 3 9 he o b ta in ed an acad cm ic ap p o in tm en t depolarized by chc accivacion o f fasc accing n o n -N M D A
at Q ueens* U niversity in C an ad a. In 1 9 4 2 he m oved to th e Ycrkcs recepcor sices (parcicularly A M PA sices) on che sam e posc­
L ab o ra to ry in Flo rid a, and in 194~ he was appointed professor o t
synapcic m em brane. Backpropagating action potentials
psychology a t M c G ill U n iv ersity in M o n treal. A fter his retirem en t in
1 9 7 2 he retu rned to D alh o u sic U n iv ersity as professor em eritus. w ithin the postsynaptic dendrites may also be involved, as
H e died in 1 9 8 5 . described in Section 6.5.2.
Electric shocks delivered at a frequency o f 5 H z to the o f C a M K Il into in vitro hippocam pal cclls enhanced
white m atter underlying both the hippocam pus and the synaptic transmission and axonal growth (Shirke and
visual cortex produced a long-term increase in synaptic M alinow 1997; Jourdain ct al. 2 0 0 3 ). Ac neighboring syn­
conductance, except when an antagonist inhibited N M D A apses, lacking N M D A activation, C a M K Il weakens synaptic
receptors (K im u ra e t al. 1 9 8 9 ). Inhibition o f N M D A syn­ transmission (Prate ct al. 2 0 0 3 ). This double action generates
apses in neonatal rats triggered a wave o l ccll death in the structural rearrangements in synaptic connectivity.
hippocampus and in the parietal and frontal lobes Stim ulation that produces concentrations o f calcium
(Ikonom idou et al. 1999). ions below the critical level triggers long-term depression
D uring I.TP, the release ot glutamate by the presynaptic (L T D ) o f synaptic conductance (Singer 1990; Kirkwood
m em brane follow ing removal o f magnesium ions by posc- and Bear 1 9 9 4 a ; Ghosh and Greenberg 1995; Scanziani
svnaptic depolarization triggers a voltage-dependent et al. 1996). The critical level ot stim ulation tor the transi­
response in the N M D A receptors. Tli is produces a graded tion betw een L T P and L T D is itse lf increased after a period
release ot postsynaptic calciu m ion s into the cell. W hen the ot increased activity and decreased after a period ofdecreased
concentration o f calcium ions exceeds a critical level it trig­ accivicy (Kirkw ood cc al. 1 9 9 6 ). The low level o f calcium
gers an accum ulation ot activated enzymes, known as ions associaccd wich L T D may arise because o t lasting depo-
p rotein kinases, in cytoplasm ic structures abutting the larizacion o fth e postsynaptic m em brane after the poscsyn-
postsynaptic receptors (Lism an 1989; Asztely and apcic spike For a review o t chis and relaced copics see
Gustafsson 1 9 9 6 ; D i C risto c t al. 2 0 0 1 ). These include Karmarker cc al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) and M oncgom crv and Madison
с A M P-dependent protein kinase (P K .C ) and calcium/ (2 0 0 4 ).
calm odulin-dcpcndcnt protein kinase 11 ( C a M K I l). The A M PA recepcors on che postsynaptic membrane
W h ile m ost protein synthesis occurs in the cell soma, are activated by glutamate. They m ediate the responses o f
C a M K Il is synthesized in the dendrites, because dendrites the major fasc-acting excitatory synapses in chc brain. The
contain m R N A for the expression o f this protein (M iller receptors consist o f subunits G lu R l to G lu 4. D uring LTP,
c t al. 2 0 0 2 ) (see Section 6 .4 .4 ). Sec Wayman c t al. (2 0 0 8 ) C a M K Il binds со N M D A rcccpcors on chc poscsynapcic
tor a review o f the role o f calm odulin-kinases in synaptic membrane. This accivaces G lu R l recepcor molecules
plasticity. (Carroll ec al. 1998). Ic also leads со the insertion o f new
There are tw o isoform s o f C a M К 11. The first, C a M К I la , A M PA receptors into the mem brane (Lism an and
responds to activity at N M D A receptors and high calcium Zhabocinsky 2 0 0 1 ). The A M PA recepcor molecules are
levels. 'I he secon d ,C aM К 11 responds to activity at A M PA cransporccd to the postsynaptic m em brane from secretory
synapses and low calcium levels. The ratio o f a to (6 isoforms structures w ithin the ccll known as en d osom es. The end o­
is inversely regulated by neural activity (Thiagarajan et al. somes contain a reserve o f A M PA receptor molecules
2 0 0 2 ). This may help in the hom eostatic regulation o f (P ark er al. 2 0 0 4 ).
C a M K Il activity. Sensory experience during che critical period o f devel­
Calcium /calm odulin kinase 11a acts as a m olecular opm ent o f the mouse barrel cortex (an area serving tactile
switch. A transient rise in calcium ions during synaptic inputs from the whiskers) increased the delivery o f G lu R l
activity moves it into its active, phosphorylatcd state. receptor m olecules to the postsynaptic mem brane o t
Activated C aM К I la is translocated from the dendritic A M PA synapses (Takahashi c t al. 2 0 0 3 ).
cytoplasm to the synaptic density o t the postsynaptic m em ­ G lu R l receptor molecules have long cytoplasm ic tails
brane. Tli is process has been observed in vivo over a period (C -cails) chac can be identified in living neural cissuc by tag-
o t m inutes in specific synapses ot zebra fish by tagging gingchem with a green fluorescent protein (G F P ). Subunits
C a M K Il with a green fluorescent protein (G leason c t al. G lu R 2 and G lu R 3 o f A M PA reccptors consist o f molecules
2 0 0 3 ). with short cytoplasm ic tails. Kopec e t al. (2 0 0 7 ) revealed
The protein kinase molecules remain active for that G lu R l recepcors play a dual role in LTP. The C -cails o f
about 6 0 minutes after the trigger stimulus has ceased the reccptors play an essential role in increasing the size o f
(Otm akJcov c t al. 2 0 0 4 ). This m aintained activity is due dendritic spines, while chc rcccpcors’ ion channcl increases
to protein phosphatases attached to the protein molecule synaptic efficiency.
that allow ic to autophosphorylate (C olbran 2 0 0 4 ). After rcduccd synapcic accivicy, chc num ber o f AM PA
Experience-dependent cortical plasticity in the visual cortex recepcor molecules is reduced, w hich leads со L T D
is absent in m ice lacking the gene responsible for autophos­ (K irkw ood cc al. 1 9 9 6 ; Zhu cc al. 2 0 0 2 ).
phorylation o f C aM К 11 (Glazew ski et al. 2 0 0 0 ; Taha ec al. Thus, che crucial evenc in L T P is an increase in AM PA
2 0 0 2 ). There is con flictin g evidence about w hether inhibi­ recepcors on che postsynaptic m em brane by protein kinases
tion o f C a M K Il reverses L T P after ic has been induced produced by activacion o f N M D A recepcors. The crucial
(C h en ec al. 2 0 0 1 ). evenc in L T D is a decrease in A M PA rcccpcors on che posc­
Accivation o f C a M К 11 increases the perm eability o f the synapcic m em brane (see Song and Huganir 2 0 0 2 ). The
cell m em brane со calcium ions. Furrherm orc, introduction cwo processes acc cogether in a given region. Also, LT P at
inhibitory synapses is involved in che production o f L T D ac 6 .5 .1 b M e ta b o tro p ic R eceptors and
excitatory synapses (Kom atsu and Yoshimura 2 0 0 4 ). Synaptic plasticity
D uring I.TP, Л М Р Л receptors move from the endo-
M etabotropic glutamate receptors are often adjacent to
somcs to the synaptic m em brane. D uring L T D , Л М РА
NMDA receptors on the postsynaptic membrane.
receptors arc removed from the postsynaptic m em brane.
M etabotropic receptors involve a cascade o f second messen­
"The molecules destined for removal becom e attached to
gers (Section 5 .5 .2 d ), which are im plicated in long-term
u b iq u itin , a process known as u b iq u itin a tio n . The marked
potentiation (B o rto lo tto et al. 1994; Riedel 1 9 9 6 ; Benquet
proteins arc brought into a pit that closes ro form a capsule
et al. 2 0 0 2 ). W h en a m etabotropic glutamate agonist is
in the cytoplasm o f the cell (Scctio n 5.5.2a). This process is
applied to the visual cortex, the response o f N M D A syn­
known as e n d o cy to sis. In the capsule, the molecules are
apses is potentiated (W ang and Daw 1996). The second
assembled into a lvsosom
/ c where thevi are broken down
messengers o f m etabotropic receptors may also be involved
(Hegde and D iA n ton io 2 0 0 2 ). U biqu itin ation , and hence
in memorv consolidation.
turnover o f proteins on the postsynaptic density, increases
M etabotropic receptors are particularly prevalent
with increased synaptic activity and is mediated by a family
during the critical period for form ation o f ocular dom i­
o l protein kinases (Pak and Sheng 2 0 0 3 ).
nance colum ns (Reid 1995). There is evidence th at they
O th er types o f receptor, such as N M D A and G A B A
provide an alternative to N M D A receptors in induction o f
receptors on postsynaptic m em branes, show the same
L T P in the neonate (Section 6 .6 .3 ) However, m etabotropic
dynam ic balance betw een mem brane insertion and endo-
receptors are not involved in the long-term depression o f
cytosis (sec C arroll and Ztikin 2 0 0 2 ). Endocytosis o f recep­
responses o f cortical cells to stim ulation o f a visually
tor m oleculcsdoes m ore than regulate synaptic transmission.
deprived eye (sec Section 8.2.6b ).
For example, endocytosis o f ncurotrophins atfects a cell’s
trophic functions (C arroll e t al. 2 0 0 1 ).
Postsynaptic m em branes in the immature cortex lack
6.5.1 с O t h e r Factors in Syn aptic Plasticity
A M PA receptors. In the absence o f A M PA receptors, acti­
vation o f N M D A receptors is blocked by magnesium ions. The brain-derived ncurotrophic factors B D N F and N T 3
For this reason im m ature synapses have a high threshold and their associated Trk receptors are implicated in activity-
and are called sile n t synapses. D uring the first postnatal induced L T P at Hebbian synapses (K angand Schum an 1995;
m onth, neural activity and neurotrophin activity cause Patterson et al. 2 0 0 1 ; G ottm ann et al. 2 0 0 9 ). Responses aris­
N M D A synapses ro acquire A M PA receptors and rhe ing Iroin release o f neurotransmitters are amplified by action
response threshold declines (Feldm an and Knudscn 1998; potentials initiated in postsynaptic dendrites by BD N F.
Rumpel et al. 1 9 9 8 ; Petralia et al. 1 999). Pairing a weak burst o f presynaptic stimulation with a brief
A ctivity-induced m odifications o f synaptic strength application o f B D N F to the postsynaptic dendrite induced
becom e consolidated into perm anent patterns only after immediate and robust L T P (Kovalchuk et al. 2 0 0 2 ).
several repetitions o f a stimulus. For an hour ot so after ini­ Production o f B D N F increases in the neighborhood o f
tial induction o f LTP, introduction o f new stimuli can cause neuronal activity and ncurotrophins enhance release o f
a reversal to the original state (see Z hou and Poo 2 0 0 4 ). ncurotransm itter in presynaptic neurons containing the
During learning, the N M D R reccptor subunit N R 2a receptors for B D N F (Thoenen 1995). To be effective in
increases relative to the N R 2 b receptor subunit (Q uinlan controlling activity-dependent plasticity, the effects o f
et al. 2 0 0 4 ). The N R 2a reccptor has a higher threshold than B D N F m ust be restricted to active synapses. U nlike other
the N R 2b receptor, so that its increase renders the synapse ncurotrophins, the B D N F m olecule has a very limited
more resistant to m odification. range o f diffusion. Also, the effects o f B D N F are spatially
The basic activity-induced postsynaptic changes at a restricted because the TrkB receptor molecules for B D N F
Hebbian synapse may be summarized as follows. Excitatory form on the postsynaptic mem branes o f activated synapses
inputs that coactivatc N M D A and A M PA receptors above (sec Nagappan and I.u 2 0 0 5 ).
a critical level increase the number and efficiency o f A M PA Introduction o f B D N F potentiated the response o f
receptors on the postsynaptic m em brane. Excitatory inputs in vitro N M D A receptors and rapidly elevated their intrac­
below the threshold for activation o f N M D A synapses ellular calcium levels (Jarvis et al. 1 9 9 7 ). A dm inistration o f
decrease the num ber and efficiency o f A M PA receptors. N G F or B D N F to slices o f cm brvonic
i rat brain increased
This form s a m echanism for detecting coincid ent and co r­ the amplitude o f stimulus-evoked synaptic responses and
related activity in inputs converging on a cell. O f particular B D N F increased the frequency o f spontaneous responses
im portance for this book, these processes provide a m echa­ (C arm ign o to et al. 1 9 9 7 ). M utant m ice,deficient in B D N F ,
nism for establishing use-dependent neural netw orks sensi­ showed shrinkage ot cortical neurons and retraction of
tive to binocular disparity. Berns et al. (1 9 9 3 ) developed a dendrites (G orski et al. 2 0 0 3 ).
com puter m odel o f this process. O th er structural changes The inhibitory neurotransm itter G A B A , and the neu­
underlying learning were described in Section 5.6.8. rotransm itter norepinephrine are o ther factors implicated
in chc developm ent o f che visual corcex. This topic is dis­ race was increased to 50 H z. Thus a reasonable repetition
cussed further in Section 8.2.4. rate is required to depolarize the postsynaptic membrane
Astrocytes arc also involved in transmission at N M D A to the level necessary for I.T P (Sjostrom et al. 2 0 0 1 ).
synapses. G lutam ate released at n o n -N M D A synapses stim ­ It seems that single backpropagating potentials do not
ulates neighboring astrocytes to release the am ino acid remove che m agnesium -ion block at N M D A synapses.
D -sc rin e into the synaptic gap o f N M D A synapses. The A temporal integration o f voltage is required. The depen­
gene for D -serine is active in these astrocytes. Application dence o f neural plasticity on both spike tim ing and spike
o f an enzyme that degrades D -serine reduced transmission frequency is com plicated by the fact that a given presynap­
at N M D A synapses in rat brain slices (W olosker e t al. tic potential may be both preceded by and followed by p ost­
1999). Also, clam ping the release o f D -serine from astro­ synaptic potentials (see Sjostrom 2001 for a discussion o f
cytes blocked L T P in neighboring cells in the hippocampus this issue).
(H enncberger ec al. 2 0 1 0 ). Although backpropagating accion potentials reach
proximal synapses (those near the som a), they are strongly
accenuaced when they reach the distal synapses.
6.5.2 SPIKE T IM IN G -D E P E N D E N T
Backpropagating action potentials in pyramidal cells in
layer 5 o fth e rat neocortex increased the am plitude o f post­
Tem poral relationships betw een pre- and postsynaptic synaptic potentials in distal synapses when the tim ing o f the
events are im portant in I.T P and L T D . This is known as two events was similar to the tim ing requires for induction
sp ike tim in g -d ep en d en t p lasticity , or S T D P (Karm arkcr o f L T P (Stu art and Hausser 2 0 0 1 ).
c t al. 2 0 0 2 ). Lisman and Spruston (2 0 0 5 ) raised some o bjection s to
In slices o f pyramidal cells from the rat neocortex, back- the view that backpropagating potentials provide the only
propagatingaction potentials were initiated in the postsyn­ postsynaptic potentials required for L T D . They pointed
aptic neuron by stim ulating the cells soma. A t about the out that the evidence was based on the use o f artificially
same tim e, the presynaptic neuron was stim ulated. The induced backpropagating potentials in the presence o f weak
response ot the synapse was increased (L T P ) when, over excitatory potentials. G olding et al. (2 0 0 2 ) found that
many repetitions o f the stimulus sequence, the presynaptic strong synaptic stim ulation induced L T P in distal synapses
stimulus preceded the postsynaptic stimulus by 10 ms. The in hippocam pal cells when tetrodotoxin blocked backprop-
response o f the synapse was depressed (L T D ) when the pre- agatingaction potentials. They produced evidence that L T P
synaptic stimulus followed w ithin 4 0 ms o f the postsynap­ in distal synapses depends on depolarization induced by
tic stimulus (M arkram et al. 1 9 9 7 ). regenerative neural spikes generated locally w ithin small
In a similar experim ent using slices o f cells from rhe rat dendritic dom ains. A zouz and Gray (2 0 0 0 ) and Letzkus
hippocampus, postsynaptic spikes that followed presynap­ et al. (2 0 0 6 ) produced further evidence that spike tim in g -
tic activation within 2 0 ms induced LTP. Spikes chac d ep en d en t plasticity depends on faccors operating locally
preceded prcsynaptic spikes by up to 2 0 ms induced L T D within the dendritic tree o f the neuron.
(B i and Poo 1998). Pyramidal cells with cell bodies in cortical layer 5 o f the
Spike tim ing influences the developm ent o f the tuning neocortex receive excitatory inputs trom proximal synapses
o f cells in the developing nervous syscem. For example, in layer 5 and from distal synapses in layers 2 and 3. Inputs
repetitive exposure ot the tectum o t Xenopus tadpoles to a trom distal synapses are attenuated relative to those trom
bar moving in a given direction led to the developm ent o f proximal synapses because they have further to travel before
cells tuned to direction o f m otion (M u and Poo 2 0 0 6 ). reaching the soma (W illiam s and Stuart 2 0 0 3 ). Also, the
Spike tim ingcan also produce changes in the tuning func­ amplitude o f backpropagating potentials is attenuated in
tions o f cells in the adult visual cortex. For example, repetitive distal synapses.
pairing o f visual stimuli in different orientations induced a Using patch-clam p recordings and tw o-photon imag­
shift in orientation tuning o f neurons in the visual cortex o f ing, Sjostrom and Hausser (2 0 0 6 ) found that a given stim u­
the cat (Yao and Dan 2 0 0 9 ). Pairing a b rief flickering grating lus generated I.T P in proximal synapses and L T D in distal
with stimulation o fth e visual cortex o f the cat shifted the ori­ synapses o f the same pyramidal cell. The gradient o f plastic­
entation preference o f cells in a direction that depended on ity between L T P and L T D was a function o f the degree o f
the order o f the paired stimuli (Schu ett et al. 2 0 0 9 ). backpropagation o f potentials along the axon. Boosting
A ctivity-induced synaptic plasticity also depends on backpropagation to the distal synapses changed the L T D
stimulus-induced spiking patterns. For example, after a pair into LTP. Thus, the magnitude o f backpropagation from
o f pre-and postsynaptic spikes, succeeding spikes w ithin up layer 5 regulates the sign and magnitude o f plasticity in
to several tens o f m illiseconds had no effect (Froem ke and superficial co rtical layers. Inputs to proximal synapses in
D an 2 0 0 2 ). pyramidal cells o t cortical layer 5 are mainly local, while
‘Ihe effectiveness o f presynaptic potentials preceding inputs to distal synapses in superficial layers are from higher
postsynaptic potentials by 10 ms increased as the repetition co rtical centers. Thus, inputs trom local centers could
regulate the sign and degree o f cortical plasticity in synapses plascicicy. In some scud ics, L T P was prevenced by inhibicion
activated by higher centers. o f nitric oxide synthesis (Schum an and M adison 1991).
The above mechanism does n o t work for all neurons. However, ocher invcscigacors have rcporccd chac sensory-
For example, for neurons in the hippocampus, potential dependent plasticity resulting from m onocular depriva­
amplitudes arc the same for proximal as tor distal synapses tion in kiccens is noc affected by inhibicion o f nicric oxide
because distal synapses have a com pensatory increase in synchesis (Reid ec al. 1996a). M ore recent evidence sug­
the density o f glutam ate receptors (W illiam s and Stuart gests thac cherc is more chan one way со synchesize nicric
2 0 0 3 ). oxide. A nim als in which the genes for both types o f
A ctivation o f cholinergic and adrenergic neurom odula- synthesis arc deleted do noc show synapcic plascicicy
tor receptors can also determ ine w hether a given relative (H olsch er 1 9 9 7 ).
tim ing o f presynaptic and postsynaptic firing produces LT P Ephrin-B ligands and cheir EphB recepcors are also
or L T D (Seo l et al. 2 0 0 7 ). Thus, chc behavior o fth e animal, implicated in presynapcic changes. Introduction o f the
as it affects the activation o f neurom odulators, can control ligand ephrin-B produced an increase in the density o f pre­
corcicai plascicicy. synaptic vesicles (D alva e t al. 2 0 0 0 ). Inactivation o f E p hB2
Long-term depression chac depends on advanced post- receptors in cortical-cell cultures decreased the frequency
synapcic accivicy is anci-H ebbian because ic dececcs differ- o f synapcic evencs (Kayser ec al. 2 0 0 6 ).
cnees rather chan coincidences. Ic could form che basis tor Ic is now known that N M D R receptors occur on the
predictive coding in which postsynaptic activity arising presynaptic mem branes o f both excitatory and inhibitory
trom higher centers and generated in advance o t scimula- cortical cells. Their activation by glutamate modulates neu-
cion gaces che sensory inpucs according to whecher chey rotransm itter release in many pares o f che nervous syscem
conform со what is anticipated. For reviews o f spike (see M acDerm occ et al. 1 9 9 9 ). This m odulation occurs on a
cim in g-d cpcn d cn c plascicicy see Bi ( 2 0 0 2 ), Kepees ec al. second-by-second basis and is shore lascing.
(2 0 0 2 ), and Dan and Poo (2 0 0 6 ). Sjostrom ec al. (2 0 0 3 ) produced evidence that presyn­
aptic N M D A receptors are involved in some forms o f LTD .
They proposed thac presynapcic N M D A recepcors detect
activity in the presynaptic neuron by responding to the glu­
tamate neurotransm itter released from the presynaptic
Up to now, only postsynaptic changes at Hebbian synapses m em brane. O th er receptors on the presynapcic mem brane
were considered. Buc L T P and L T D also involve changes in ( С В 1 receptors) d etect activity in the postsynaptic m em ­
che presynapcic neuron. brane by responding со cn d o ca n n a b in o id s released from
'Ih c usual mechod ofm easuringneurocransm iccer release che poscsynapcic m em brane.
is со record postsynapcic potentials elcctrophysiologically, a Repeated coactivacion o f N M D A and C B 1 recepcors
method chac does n o t clearly distinguish becween prc- and induced L T D in pyramidal cells in che rac visual corcex. For
postsynaptic changes. Patch clam p recordings trom the pre­ che cwo recepcors со be coaccivaced, accivacion o fth e p ost­
synapcic m em brane ofcu lcu red hippocam pal synapses have synaptic m em brane muse precede chac o f chc presynapcic
revealed that repetitive correlated firing ot pre- and post­ membrane. O therw ise, cndocannabinoids would n o t reach
synapcic neurons resulcs in rapid and persiscenc enhance- the presynaptic m em brane while neurotransm itter was
menc o f presynaptic excitability, lowered spiking threshold, being released. Thus, this process is a form o f spike tim in g -
and reduced variability o f spike frequency (Ganguly et al. d ep en d en t plasticity. The critical tim ing was found to vary
2 0 0 0 ). Long-term potentiation is noc induced by eicher with che availabilicy o t cndocannabinoids.
poscsynapcic depolarizacion alone o r by presynapcic s im u ­ A similar process produced L T D ac inhibicory synapses,
lation alone (O tsu et al. 1 995). which released excitatory pyramidal cells from inhibition
Pharm acological m ethods allow one со visualize chc and thereby enhanced L T D in pyramidal cells (Chevaleyre
release ot neurotransm itter trom presynaptic vesicles at and Castillo 2 0 0 4 ).
individual synaptic boutons (M algaroli e ta l. 1995). A fluo­ Thus, boch presynapcic and poscsynapcic processes are
rescent marker ot presynaptic activity has revealed enhanced involved in L T P and L T D . Boch depend on C a M K Il and
neurotransm itter release after L T P (Z akharenko c t al. on correlaced accivicy ac N M D A synapses. However, more
2 0 0 1 ). Inhibition o f the presynaptic enzym e, calcium - recenc evidence shows that the presynaptic mechanism
calm odulin-dependent kinase II (C a M K Il), abolished operates only before the critical period o f cortical neuro­
these changes wichouc afFeccing poscsvnapcic LTP. plasticity. C orlew et al. (2 0 0 7 ) demonstrated a rapid loss o f
Changes in the presynaptic neuron require a retrograde presynaptic N M D R recepcors in che visual corcex o f m ice ac
messenger from the postsynaptic m em brane. O n e possibil­ the onset o f the critical period. Before the critical period,
ity is the diffusion o t nieric oxide from the postsynaptic induction o f spike tim ing-dependent L T D depended on
m em brane (M oncague ec al. 19 9 4 ; Wu cc al. 1 9 9 4 ). There accivacion o f presynapcic N M D R recepcors. D uring and
has been a dispute about the role o f nitric oxide in synaptic after che cricical period, L T D depended on activation o f
inputs representing a particular stimulus feature. They Tliis opens up specific nuclcosom cs to transcription factors,
called this branch-spikc plasticity. Since different branches which facilitates transcription o f specific genes. O th er
o f a neuron could be sensitive to different stimulus features, enzymes add methyl groups, condense the nucleosom es,
the neuron could com bine inform ation about different and suppress gene expression.
features. G en e transcription is also controlled by m ethylation o f
G row ing axons are controlled by a variety o i protein cytosine. This is one o f the four nucleosides that form the
ligands' secreted by the extracellular matrix. D uring early base pairs o f the D N A genetic code.
developm ent, dendrites o f mature synapses in the brain M ethylation may be short-lived or may persist and be
becom e wrapped in a dense mesh formed from the extracel­ passed on to other cclls in the same cell line of the develop­
lular matrix. This stabilizes synapses by hindering the diffu­ ing anim al. M ethylation o f histones and cytosine is specific
sion o f A M PA receptor molecules and other mem brane to the particular type of cell. Barski e t al. (2 0 0 7 ) produced
proteins betw een cclls. Frischknecht et al. (2 0 0 9 ) proposed a map o f m ethylation o f histones in the human genome.
that inhibitoryJ effects o f the extracellular matrix form den- The com plete pattern o f m ethylation o f cytosines in the
dritic com partm ents th at contain specific surfacc proteins. human genom e has been mapped in tw o types o f cell— stem
This would allow for the delivery o f A M PA receptors to cells and fibroblast cells (L ister et al. 2 0 0 9 ). This type o f
particular synapses in a dendritic tree and thereby produce work will ultim ately reveal the epigenetic maps o f a wide
changes in particular synapses. variety o f cell types.
Epigenesis affects basic developmental processes. For
example, animals possess two sets of chrom osom es, one
from each parent. In mammals, about 100 genes are
6 .6 N E U R A L A C T IV IT Y A N D
expressed from the genom e derived from only one or the
С О R T 1 С A L D КV E L О P M К N T
other parent. This is known as genom ic im printing.
M ethylation o f histones and cytosine determ ines which o f
6 .6 .1 N E U R A L A C T IV IT Y AN D G EN E a pair o f genes is expressed (C icco n e et al. 2 0 0 9 ).
E X P R E S S IO N The m ost remarkable thing for the subject o f this book
is that m ethylation o f histones and cytosine during devel­
6 .6 . Ia Neural C o n tr o l o f G e n e Tran scrip tion
opm ent is controlled by the activity o f cells. In the develop­
Tlie human genom e contains about 2 5 ,0 0 0 genes arranges ing visual system, gene expression in particular neurons is
along the D N A double helices o f the chrom osom es. They governed by visual experience. For example, neural responses
code the basic catalog o f all proteins. After fertilization, the activate histone dcacctylascs that regulate the expression o f
zygote divides in to pluripotcnt identical cells. A fter that, proteins required for m aturation o f synapses in early devel­
different tissues becom e progressively specialized for spe­ opm ent (see A khtar et al. 2 0 0 9 ). This explains why visual
cific functions. Therefore, specific genes must be activated experience in neonates has dram atic effects on the develop­
in different tissues and at different times so as to provide the m en t o f the visual system.
relevant proteins. Neural plasticity, including learning, also Neural activity at N M D A synapses also affects how the
requires proteins to be expressed by specific genes in nuclei of neurons in the hippocampus are folded (W ittm an n
specific neurons at specific times. ct al. 2 0 0 9 ). The pattern o f folding affects how calcium sig­
M olding o f gene expression in different tissues and at nals from active neurons gain access to the nucleus so as to
different times during developm ent is known as epigenesis. m ethylate particular histones. Thus changes in the geom etry
In the last 3 0 years there has been an explosive increase in of the nucleus constitute another epigenetic mechanism.
knowledge ofepigenesis (H irabavashi and G o to h 2 0 1 0 ). As a given type o f ccll divides, the pattern o f methyl.»-
C hrom osom es do n o t consist only o f D N A . In each tion and acctylation is conveyed to the genom e of the new
chrom osom e, the D N A helix is wrapped round a core co n ­ ccll. The process takes time so that there is a period during
sisting o f four types o f historic proteins, Н 2 Л , H 2 B , H 3, which signals impinging on the cell can m odify the pattern
and H 4 . Each repeating D N A unit o f 147 base pairs wraps o f m ethylation and acctylation (S ch arf et al. 2 0 0 9 ). This
round four pairs o f histone m olecules to form a disk-shaped process o f changing m ethylation is responsible for the d if­
nucleosonic. The nuclcosom cs form an array, like beads on ferentiation o f cells from stem cells to precursor cclls to spe­
a string. cialized mature cells. O n ce a nerve cell has matured it does
H istone molecules con tain lysine and arginine am ino n o t divide again. However, neural activity still controls
acids that protrude from the nuclcosom c. These am ino m ethylation o f D N A and the expression o f proteins
acids may be modified by phosphorylation or by addition required for learning in the adult animal (sec M iyashita
o r removal o f one o r m ore methyl or acetyl groups. These et al. 2 0 0 9 ; G upta et al. 2 0 1 0 ; F en g eraL 2 0 1 0 ; M iller et al.
m odifications either activate or suppress transcription o f 2 0 1 0 ).
particular genes. For example, histone d cacctylascs Epigenetic processes during developm ent affect the
(H D A C s) remove acetyl groups from histone molecules. phenotype but do not affect the D N A genetic code.
However, chere is a grow ing body o f evidence chac c t al. 2 0 1 0 ). Many other activity-regulated genes have now
som e patterns o f m cthylation or acetylation o f histones in been found (see Flavell and G reenberg 2 0 0 8 ).
germ cells mutate and are inherited across generations. M em brane depolarization increases calcium ions and
Unlike D N A m utations, epigenetic m utations are revers­ activates members o f the C R E B (calcium /cA M P response
ible. They could control the race o f mucacion o f particular elem ent binding proteins) family o f transcription factors.
D N A genes or patterns ol genes (see Jablon ka and Lamb These factors lead to che production o f the brain-derived
2 0 0 5 ). neurotrophic factor (B D N F ) and molecules involved in
activation o f N M D A synapses and activity-dependent
growth o f dendrites ( Wayman e t al. 2 0 0 6 ). C o rtical plastic-
6 .6 .1 b N e u ra l C o n t r o l o f G e n e T ra n sla tio n
icy depends on activation o f C R E B and coactivator
The epigenetic m echanism s discussed so tar affect gene molecules (T O R C ’s) (L i e t al. 2 0 0 9 ).
expression by controlling transcription o f inform ation со C ats that were dark-reared during the critical period for
m R N A s in che cell nucleus. Epigenesis also involves control ocular dom inance form ation showed decreased production
o f how m R N A s translace inform ation to produce proteins. o f B D N F in the visual cortcx. Blockage o f visual inputs
This p o sttran scrip tion al co n tro l is achieved by m icroRN As trom one eye during the critical period reduced B D N F pro­
(m iR N A s). They are small noncoding RN A s, w hich means duction in eye-specific LG N lam inae and in eye-specific
that they do not express proteins. M ore than 2 0 m iRN A s ocular dom inance colum ns in the visual cortex (Lein and
have been discovered (S cctio n 6 .4 .2 b ). Shatz 2 0 0 0 ).
Neural activity releases calcium ions that produce a cas­ The concentracion o f some transcription factors in che
cade o f m olecular signals, including C R E B , chat pass to the visual cortcx can vary over a few hours, depending on the
cell nucleus. The signals lead to the transcription ot m RN A s strength o f stim ulation (W est et al. 2 0 0 2 ). For example, che
and m iR N A s. In neurons, m R N A s and m iR N A s are trans­ concentration o f the transcription factor o f the gene zif268
ported along niicrotubules to local sites (Section 6.4.3a). decreased in the contralateral visual cortex ot rats when
The m iR N A s modulate the activity o f m R N A s and thus inputs from one eye were blocked by tetrodotoxin o r occlu­
regulate protein translation in dendrites and synapses. Local sion (W orley c t al. 1991). In monkeys, ocular dom inance
control o f protein synthesis is more efficient than control in colum ns serving an eye with a sutured eyelid contained less
the cell nucleus because it can be guided by local activity in o f this transcription factor relative to colum ns serving che
cellular subcom partm ents. Also, local control allows tor the open eye (Chaudhuri e t al. 1995; K am in skaet al. 1996).
coordinated expression o f functionally related proteins A ctivation o f N M D A synapses by glutamate stimulates
when and where they are needed (M ikl et al. 2 0 1 0 ; Szaro im m ediate early genes to express proteins in developing
and Strong 2 0 1 0 ; W ang e t al. 2 0 1 0 ). synapses (Kaczm arek and Chaudhuri 1 9 9 7 ; Scheetz et al.
Specific m iR N A s operate in con cert with a G T P asc 2 0 0 0 ). For example, the immediate-early gene Arc, pro­
protein ro control activity-induced growth o f dendrites in duces a protein in dendrites only when the neuron is excited
cortical neurons (V o et al. 2 0 0 5 , 2 0 1 0 ). C o n tro l is medi­ (Lyford et al. 1995). This protein controls the num ber o f
ated by regulation o f t h e activity o f the actin cytoskeleton AM PA receptors in the postsynaptic m em brane o f N M DA
(Siegel e t al. 2 0 0 9 ). M iR N A s also influence cell diflerentia- synapses and thus influencessynaptic plasticity. M onocularlv
tion and form ation o f cellular networks (see Fineberg deprived m ice lacking Arc did not show a shift in ocular
e t al. 2 0 0 9 ). dom inance o f binocular cells in the visual cortex (M cC u rry
et al. 2 0 1 0 ). A ctivation o f Arc in the developing visual
cortex leaves a lasting trace that can be observed in tissue
6 .6 .1 c A ctiv ity -R e g u la te d G e n e s
sections. Tagawa et al. (2 0 0 5 ) used these traces to observe
Sensory signals release ncurotransm ittcr at central synapses. the developm ent o f contralateral and ipsilateral projections
This induces an influx o f calcium ions, which triggers a cas­ to the visual cortex o f normal m ice and m ice subjected to
cade o f signals that pass to the cell nucleus where they m onocular deprivation.
induce particular genes to produce transcription factors. M ajdan and Shatz (2 0 0 6 ) assayed levels o f m RN A s in
These are known as im m ed iate-early genes, but a better the visual cortex o f norm al and m onocularlvi enucleated
name would be activ ity -reg u lated genes. Transcription mice. A large set o f genes was maximally activated during or
factors are proceins bind to specific D N A sequences just after the critical period o f cortical plasticity. They called
and thereby transfer (transcribe) genetic inform ation from these ag e-sp ecific genes. The expression o f m ost o f these
D N A ro messenger ribonucleic acids (m R N A s) required genes was downregulated in che contralateral cortex serving
for the production o f specific proteins. the enucleated eye but was normal in the ipsilateral cortex.
The first activity-regulated gene to be discovered was A few genes were upregulated in the contralateral cortex.
c-fos, which encodes the Fos transcription factor. The co n ­ Thus, age-specific genes are responsible tor creating che
centration o f Fos increases in an area o f the chick s brain proteins required for the basic structures o f neurons and
when the chick is being imprinted on its parent (see Suge synapses.
M ajdan and Shatz also identified 11 genes th at were into ocular dom inance colum ns (Stryker and Harris 1986).
down regulated by m onocular enucleation, not only during M utant m ice lacking the acetylcholine receptor for genera­
the critical period but also throughout development. tion o f retinal activity in chc first postnatal week showed
Furtherm ore, these genes were still regulated in the visual reduced grating resolution and imprecise mapping o f visual
cortex o f dark-reared m ice. They called them the com m on inputs in the visual cortex (Rossi c t al. 2 0 0 1 ; G ang et al.
set genes. They arc associated with the signaling systems 2 0 0 5 b ).
responsible tor visually driven cortical plasticity. For exam ­ In addition со rccinal accivicy, neuronal accivicy occurs
ple, the gene R d t f which is responsible for rhe production spontaneously over dom ains o f becween 5 0 and 100 pm in
o f neurotrophins, was one o f the m ost robustly regulated slices o f corcex trom the neonate rat. In each dom ain, waves
genes in this set. N eurotrophins are required for cortical o f intercellular calcium propagate from a central trigger
plasticity during the critical period. cell. Propagacion occurs over gap ju n ction s between neu­
New neurons are produced in the hippocam pus o f adult rons and betw een glial cells. Synapses are not functional at
mice. But whether particular hippocam pal cells survive this stage (Yuste et al. 1 9 9 5 ). D om ain activity is elicited by
and form synapses depends on neural activity at N M D A infusion o f inositol triphosphate— a molecule involved in
synapses (Tashiro et al. 2 0 0 6 ). the second-messenger system ot m etabotropic glutamate
In conclusion, age-specific genes are regulated by visual synapses (K andler and Katz 1998). The cortical neuronal
activity only during periods in which the structures that dom ains are elongated in a radial direction, which suggests
they are responsible for arc developing. O n ce the structures thac chey aid formacion o f corcicai columns.
are grown, age-specific genes are turned oil. O n the other G araschuk et al. (2 0 0 0 ) used a tw o-photon scanning
hand, the com m on set genes are regulated by visual activity m icroscope со observe slices o f rac neocorcex. Sponcaneous
at all ages. However, their capacity to influence m ajor struc­ oscillacions involving intracellular calcium ions spread over
tures in the visual cortex is lim ited after the age-specific the longitudinal axis o f the whole cortex at intervals o f
genes have com pleted their work. several minutes. These oscillacions depended on glucamace
The broad topic o f structural changes underlying rcccpcors, buc ic is noc d ear whecher they involved normal
m em ory in adult animals was discussed in Section 5.6.8. synaptic transm ission. They could be involved in the growth
This topic was reviewed by Bailey and Kandel (1 9 9 3 ) and o f long-range horizontal cortical connections.
Edwards (1 9 9 5 ). For reviews o f neural plasticity in the After synapses have m atured, a new type o f spontaneous
visual cortex see Rauschecker (1 9 9 1 ). activity emerges, which depends on chem ical synaptic trans­
In summary it can be stated that sensory experience and mission ( O ’D onovan 1999).
behavior affect the way genes arc expressed in the nervous All neurocransmicccr release is scoppcd in che brain o f
system. The pattern o f gene expression recursively affects m ice lacking che типе IS - / gene. By em bryonic day 18 che
sensory processing and behavior. Behavior in a particular brainscem lose ics neurons and che neocorcex resembled
environm ent over generations exposes a species to selective chac o f neonaces. However, soon after birch, che corcicai
pressure to improve the sensory-m otor m echanism s that neurons ot che deteccive m ice dcgeneraced (Verhagc ec al.
enable that species to operate in that environm ent. The 2000 ).
selective pressure is removed or modified it a species enters Thalam ocortical projections and cortical topology were
a new environm ent, acquires a new sensory system, or normal in mucanc m ice lacking stimulus-evoked synapcic
begins to behave in a different way. Given that parents pass activity, but retaining spontaneous neurotransm itter release
on patterns o f behavior to the next generation, the linkage (M olnar ec al. 2 0 0 2 ). There was no loss o f cells in chis case.
betw een behavior and genetic expression will be indirectly Thus, ic seems that, at least in m ice, neural activity
inherited. See Borrelli et al. (2 0 0 8 ) for a review o f epige­ involving release o f neurotransm itter is not required for ini­
netic processes responsible for neural plasticity. tial form ation o f cortical layers. However, we will see that
neural accivicy is required for che refinemenc and maince-
nance o t cortical synapses.

M am m alian ganglion cells generate spontaneous neural

activity well before birth and before maturacion o f retinal
receptors (see Section 6 .3 .2 ).
The local waves o f spontaneous firing in the retina pro­ O bservations o f in vitro slices o f visual co rtex trom rats and
duce near-neighbor correlations o f firing o f cells in the m ice revealed chac long-term pocenciacion ac N M D A syn­
developing L G N and visual cortex (H anganu et al. 2 0 0 6 ). apses is involved in neural plasticity in the developing visual
Spontaneous neural activity arising in the retina is involved cortex (Kirkw ood ec al. 1993; Weiss et al. 1 9 9 3 ; Kirkwood
in guiding afferent axons through the subplate to their and Bear 1994b).
target cclls in the visual cortex (Scctio n 6 .4 .5 ). Blockade o f Kirkwood ct al. (1 9 9 5 ) induced L T P in slices o f
retinal activity disrupted the segregation o f visual afferents rat visual cortex. Susceptibility to L T P peaked during the
mature in the first 4 weeks, bv which time the monkey
J 4
neural activity. Cytochrom c-oxidasc blobs are evident in
begins to show evidence of stereopsis. the human visual cortex by the 24 th postnatal day and arc-
A t 31/ 2 weeks, the singularities in the orientation well organized by the fourth m onth. C ytochrom e-oxidase
system show a tendency to lie in the centers o f the ocular stripes in V 2 are weakly evident in the human neonate
dom inance colum ns, and the iso-orientation contours run (W o n g -R iley ct al. 1993). In contrast, both blobs and stripes
orthogonally across the borders o f ocular dom inance col­ are clearly evident in the visual cortex o f the neonate
umns, which is the adult pattern. The full adult pattern o f macaque, although the distribution o f the enzyme is not the
ocular dom inance is established in monkeys by the age of same «is in the adult (H o rto n 1984; Kennedy c t al. 1985;
six weeks (LeVay et al. 19 8 0 ; Tychsen and Burkhalter H orton and H ocking 1996c).
1997). The next section deals w ith factors that control the
The transition from a state o f uniform binocular inner­ developm ent o f ocular dom inance columns.
vation in layer 4 C to one o f m onocular dom inance is
believed to involve a phase of exuberant proliferation and
hom ogeneous distribution o f synaptic terminals followed 6.7.2 M E C H A N I S M S OF C O L U M N
by selective pruning or withdrawal ot inappropriately co n ­ DEVELOPMENT
nected dendrites. It has been suggested that pruning is
6 .7 .2 a Io n o tr o p ic Sy n ap ses
accom panied by an expansion and m aturation ot appropri­
ately connected dendrites. The process also involves a bal­ Hebbian synapses d etect synchronous activity. In the devel­
ance between excitatory and inhibitory connections, as opm ent o f ocular dom inance columns, the synchronous
described in the next section. activity is that betw een inputs arriving from the two eyes.
A n ton in i and Stryker (1 9 9 3 ) used im m unohistochcm i- The following lines o f evidence suggest that the segregation
cal procedures to trace growth processes at the cellular level. o f distinct ocular dom inance colum ns depends on N M D A
They revealed that widely extending but immature branches synapses activated by the ncurotransm itter glutamate
ofg en icu loco rtical afferents are elim inated at the same tim e (C on stantin e-P aton c t al. 1 9 9 0 ). In the first place, the den­
that other branches grow in length and com plexity and seg­ sity o f N M D A synapses increases abruptly in all layers o f
regate into patches according to their eye o f origin. the visual cortex o f kittens during the period when inputs
M echanism s involved in the developm ent o f ocular dom i­ from the tw o eyes segregate into ocular dom inance co l­
nance colum ns are discussed in the next section. umns. After this period, the density declines to the adult
Stim ulus-dependent changes in light absorption by rhe level (Bode-G reuel and Singer 1989; Fox et al. 1989;
cortical surface revealed that, in the first 31/2 weeks, ocular C z e p ita c ta l. 1994).
dom inance colum ns o f the cortex o f the monkey increased Synapses in the im m ature cat cortex lack AM PA recep­
in width by about 20% . This is about tw ice the rate at which tors. For this reason they have a high threshold and are
the periodicity o f the distribution o f orientation prefer­ called silent synapses. During the first postnatal m onth,
ences increases (Blasdel et al. 1 9 9 5 ). The area ot the visual active N M D A synapses acquire A M PA receptors, and the
cortex in an adult car is more than double that at birth . The response threshold declines (Feldm an and Knudsen 1998).
area increases about 50% between postnatal weeks 3 and 10 W h ile ocular dom inance colum ns are form ing, N M D A
(D u ffy e t al. 1 998). synapses in the visual cortex o f the rat arc m ore numerous
O n e would therefore expect ocular dom inance colum ns and more active than those in the adult (C arm ign oto and
in the cat to increase in width betw een 3 and 10 weeks. But V icin i 1992). High activity o f N M D A synapses is therefore
2-deoxyglucose staining showed that colum n spacing did associated with cortical plasticity.
not change after the age o f'3 weeks (R ath jen c t al. 2 0 0 3 ). It Infusion o f an N M D A antagonist in the cat visual
is unlikely that ocular dom inance colum ns subdivide after cortex profoundly suppressed responses to visual stim ula­
this age because the growth o f visual inputs is com plete by tion (M iller et al. 1989a). Also, the experience-dependent
the age o f 3 weeks. However, the 2-deoxyglucose procedure coordinated mapping ot ipsilateral and contralateral p rojec­
reveals ocular dom inance colum ns only for the central tions onto the tectum o f developing frogs (Xenopus) was
visual field. The central retina develops before the periph­ disrupted by application o f N M D A antagonists (Scherer
eral retina. Therefore the cortical region representing the and Udin 1 9 8 9 ).
central field could develop first. R athjen et al. suggested R oberts and R am oa (1 9 9 9 ) used histochem ical and
that ocular dom inance colum ns o f cats form in the part o f in vitro patch-clam p procedures to measure the postsynap­
the visual cortex representing the central visual field by the tic receptor subunits o f N M D A synapses in the developing
age ot 3 weeks, but continue to form tor the peripheral visual cortex o f the ferret. Before the period o f ocular-
visual field after that age. dom inance plasticity, there was a preponderance o f N R 2B
C ytochrom e oxidase is present in the cortical plate ot receptor subunits. After eye opening, subunits N R l and
the human brain by the 26th week o f gestation. W hen N R 2A increased rapidly, bur N R 2 B increased beyond its
this enzyme is stained, it provides a sensitive indicator ot initial level only after day 30. This is the period o f greatest
ocular dom inance plasticity, when the animal is m ost sensi­ transm itters. They are called neurom odulators because they
tive to m onocular deprivation. A t the same time there was a modulate responses o f cells to glutamate. Application o f the
decrease in the decay tim e o f receptor mediated synaptic neurom odulators acetylcholine and noradrenaline to che

currents. visual cortex o f anesthetized neonate kittens facilitated

G lutam ate synapses chat are selectively sensitive to the stimulus-induced changes in ocular dom inance and orien­
synthetic ligand Л М Р А are also particularly numerous at tation selectivity (G reuel et al. 1988). Also, noradrenaline
the tim e o f maxim um cortical plasticity in cats (D ud ek and is involved in the adaptive response o f cortical cclls to
Bear 1989). m onocular deprivation (Section 8 .2 .7 h ).
C o rtical plasticity has been m ost extensively studied in D uring early developm ent, the visual cortex and ocher
ocular dom inance induced by early m onocular deprivation, cortical sensory areas o f the rat display a prom inent but
as discussed in Section 8.2.4b. transient pattern ot acetylcholinesterase. This enzyme indi­
cates activity at acetylcholine synapses. The activity appears
mainlvв in laver
« IV, where thalam ocortical axons terminate.
6 .7 .2 b M c ta b o tr o p ic Sy n ap ses
It may help togu id e incom ing axons. Binocular enucleation
Ionotropic synapses (N M D A , A M P A , and kainatc) are results in an alm ost com plete loss ot this enzyme, which
ligand-gated glutamate synapses. M ctabotropic synapses dem onstrates that it depends on afferent neural activity
operate through the G -p rotein , second messenger system, (R obertson et al. 1987).
as described in Scction 5.5.2d. This system has eight main In the visual cortex o f kittens betw een 3 0 and 8 0 days o f
types o f receptors (m G lu R s) on the postsynaptic m em ­ age, cells receptive to serotonin are concentrated between
brane. They are identified by the agonists th at trigger them. cytochrom e oxidase blobs (K ojic et al. 2 0 0 0 ). Application
D uring developm ent, the receptor types becom e differen­ o t serotonin increases synaptic plasticity in these interblob
tially distributed over the cortical layers. In cats, type 1 regions bu t decreases it in the blobs. These location-specific
receptors occur in all cortical layers except layer 4 , and this effects o f serotonin may therefore prom ote the develop­
distribution docs n o t change with age. Type 5 receptors m ent o f cortical colum ns. Serotonin is expressed by neurons
becom e concentrated around the layer 4/5 border during originating in the raphe nucleus (Section 5.5.2g ).
the first 5 postnatal weeks. Initially, receptor types 2 and 3
are evenly distributed but disappear from layer 4 between
6 .7 .2 d C o m p e titio n fo r N eu ro tro p h in s
postnacal weeks 4 and 6. These changes in receptor distribu­
tion must be influenced by visual stim ulation because they The development o fo cu la r dominance columns depends
are postponed by dark rearing (Section 8 .1 ). The disappear­ on com petition between visual afferents for access to a
ance o f receptor types 2/3 from layer 4 is correlated with neurotrophic growth factor produced by cortical cells.
the segregation o f ocular dom inance colum ns (Beaver and A ctivation ot Trk receptors in the cell m em brane by
Daw 1 9 9 9 ). A ctivation o f these receptors increases the level neurotrophins is required tor cell survival. A dm inistration
o f A M P receptors on the postsynaptic mem brane (Reid ot the neurotrophins N G F or B D N F activates Trk recep­
e t al. 1996b). The A M P channel is closely associated with tors and thereby reduces neuronal death, or ap o p to sis
cortical plasticity. (H ofer and Barde 1 9 8 8 ). Proneurotrophins activate the
Evidence reviewed in Section 6.6.3 shows that rcccptor p 75, which prom otes cell death (C h ao 2 0 0 3 ).
m ctabotropic synapses are involved in cortical plasticity Thus, two forms ot the same neurotrophins have opposite
before the N M D A system matures. However, pharm aco­ effects.
logical blockade o f m G luR s receptors had no effect on the O n ce afferents reach their target cells they com pete for
developm ent o fo cu lar dom inance colum ns in m icc(H cn sch neurotrophins that determ ine w hether a given cell survives.
and Stryker 1 9 9 6 ). It therefore seems that, by the time They also modulate axonal and dendritic arborization.
ocular dom inance colum ns develop, the involvement o f A cell gains com petitive advantage in accessing neurotro-
m ctabotropic receptors in visually induced plasticity has phin by virtue o f both spontaneous and stimulus dependent
been replaced by that o f N M D A receptors. activity in the ccll. W hen activity in a developing cortical
neuron was pharm acologically suppressed, fewer synaptic
boutons developed on that neuron (Burrone et al. 2 0 0 2 ).
6 .7 .2 c O t h e r N e u r e tra n s m itte rs
Thus, axons form synapses preferentially on more active
All intracortical excitatory synapses and cortical synapses neurons. U niform suppression o f activity in a set o t cortical
receiving inputs from the sense organs involve the neu- cells had no effect. Suppression o f activity at a mature
rotransm icter glutamate. But the cortex also receives inputs synapse resulted in a com pensatory increase in synaptic
from a variety o f subcortical areas. Each o f these inputs efficiency.
involves a distinct ncurotransm ittcr, such as acetylcholine, N euronal activity increases the local production o f neu­
noradrenaline, dopam ine, and serotonin (Scctio n 5.5.2g ). rotrophins, which enhance transm itter release in presynap­
C o rtical cells contain a variety ot receptors tor each o t these tic neurons containing the appropriate receptor molecules
eyes o f m onocularly deprived kittens, but only during the com petition o f afferent axons from the two eyes for access
critical period o f colum n form ation (H ata et al. 2 0 0 0 ). to cortical cclls (E llio tt e t al. 1997; Harris e t al. 1 9 9 7 ; von
Infusion o f neurotrophins N G F, B D N F , or N T -4/ 5 also der M alsburg 19 79; F.lliott and Shadbolt 1996, 1999,
counteracted effects o f m onocular deprivation in the rat 2 0 0 2 ). The input that is m ost active gains access to the
visual cortex (I.odovichi c t al. 2 0 0 0 ). Form ation o f ocular cortical cell.
dom inance colum ns was also disrupted by inh ibition o f the Bienenstock e t al. (1 9 8 2 ) and Swindalc (1 9 8 2 ) devel­
ligand T rkB lor these neurotrophins (C abelli e t al. 1997). It oped m odels based on the idea o f com petition between
seems that neurotrophins chat activate TrkB during the c r it­ inputs from the two eyes plus excitatory and inhibitory
ical period prom ote connections between cortical cells even interactions between cortical cells. The model developed by
though there is no correlated activity from the eyes. Bienenstock et al. emphasizes com petition in che temporal
The fourth neurotrophin, N T -3 , or its ligand TrkA , has dom ain rather than in the spatial dom ain and has been
no effect on colum nar developm ent because it is expressed im plem ented by Blais et al. (1 9 9 9 ).
at an earlier stage. M odels o f the second type stress the role o f the correla­
Ultim ately, plasticity and consolidation o f ocular d om i­ tion o f sim ultaneous patterned inputs from the two eyes
nance colum ns depend on proteins produced by specific (see G o o d h ill 1993). N eighboring regions o f a typical visual
genes. Neural activity induces immediate-early genes to scene tend to be m ore sim ilar in lum inance, color, orienta­
produce m R N A transcription molecules, which induce tion, and m otion than do nonneighboring regions. Because
genes to produce specific proteins. For exam ple, membrane o f this, stim uli falling on the same retina arc correlated to an
depolarization and the consequent increase in calcium ions extent that decreases with increasing distance between
activates mem bers o f the C R F .B family o f transcription them . B u t inputs from neighboring regions in the two reti­
factors. These factors induce genes to produce the brain- nas also tend to be correlated. Correlated inputs torm stron­
derived neurotrophic factor (B D N F ) and m olecules that ger synaptic connections than do inputs that are not
activate N M D A synapses. These molecules are required for correlated. Thus, cortical binocular cells will have com pet­
ocular dom inance plasticity. ing tendencies to co n n ect with neighboring cells from the
O th er studies on the role o f neural growth factors in the same retina as opposed to corresponding cells from the two
developm ent o f ocular dom inance colum ns arc discussed in retinas. O cu lar dom inance colum ns represent a com p ro­
Section 8 .2 .3 . mise betw een these tw o tendencies. A stronger correlation
betw een inputs from the two eyes leads to narrower
6 .7 .2 e B a la n c e b etw ee n E x c ita tio n an d In h ib itio n
M iller et al. ( 198 9 b ) developed a model that takes
Th e balance betw een excitation and inhibition spreading account o f four factors thac influence the developm ent o f
over the cortical surface may be a m ajor factor in colum nar ocular dom inance columns. These are: (1 ) the initial pat­
developm ent. H ensch and Stryker (2 0 0 4 ) pharm acologi­ terns o f cell connectivity, (2 ) patterns o f correlated activity,
cally modified cortical inhibition in kittens tor 1 m onth, (3 ) interactions betw een neighboring cortical cells, and (4)
starting 2 weeks after birth. Local application o f diazepam, constraints on synapric strength. Erw in and M iller (1 9 9 8 )
which enhances inhibition, produced three effects in the modeled the developm ent ot both ocularly matched orien­
neighborhood o f the infusion site. These were (1 ) reduc­ tation colum ns and ocular dom inance colum ns o n the basis
tion in the binocularity o f cells, (2 ) widening o f the ocular o t correlated inputs.
dom inance colum ns, and (3 ) sharpened segregation o fth e W oodbury c t al. (2 0 0 2 ) introduced a threshold fu nc­
colum ns. An agent that reduced in h ibition produced local tion for activation o f cortical cells in to M illers m odel. This
narrowing o f the columns. allowed the model to simulate the increasing topographic
Hensch and Stryker concluded that G A BA -m ediated refinem ent o t the cortical map in addition to the develop­
inhibition controls local com petition between inputs from m ent o f cortical colum ns.
the eyes for access to binocular cells. Increased inhibition Nakagama and Tanaka (2 0 0 4 ) developed a model o f the
increases com p etition, which reduces the num ber o f b in ­ coordinated developm ent o fcy to ch ro m e oxidase blobs and
ocular cells and widens the colum ns. Increasing inhibition ocular dom inance colum ns. The m odel is based on corre­
has the same effect as early strabismus, which decorrelates lated activity betw een inputs from various types o f ganglion
rhe visual inputs. T h e role o f inhibition in cortical develop­ cells in the tw o eyes. As the strength o f correlation increases,
m ent is discussed further in Section 8.2.4a. the blobs merge across ocular dom inance colum ns, as in the
cat’s visual cortex. The m odel also predicts the effects o f
m onocular and binocular deprivation on che form ation o f
6 .7 . 2 f M o d e ls o f D e v e lo p m e n t
ocular dom inance colum ns.
o f O c u la r D o m in a n c e
W iem er et al. (2 0 0 0 ) applied an algorithm developed
M odels o f the developm ent o f ocular dom inance columns by K ohonen (1 9 9 5 ) to simulate the developm ent o f
fall into tw o types. Those o f the first type stress the role o f the representation o f orientation, ocular dom inance, and
Ruthazer c t al. (2 0 0 3 ) induced dual innervation o f one connected neighborhoods could be related to regions o f
optic tectum o f tadpoles o f the frog Xenopus. They used dendritic arborization. A ction potentials in the optic nerves
time-lapse images from the tectum o f che living tadpoles to arc required for che form ation o f ocular dom inance co l­
observe the changes in the branching o f retinotectal axons. umns in three-eved frogs (R eh and C onstantine-Paton
O cu lar dom inance bands appeared som e weeks after abla­ 1985). Thus, colum n form ation could depend on local
tion o f one tectum . They observed that correlated neural synchrony o f spontaneous neural firing.
activity in axons from the same eye shaped the m orphology
o f axonal arbors, which produced ocular dom inance bands.
6 .7 .3 d C o n s tr u c tio n o f a C o m p o s ite
The process involved elim ination ot inappropriate branches
plus selective stabilization o f appropriate branches. Both Fawcett and W illshaw (1 9 8 2 ) constructed a com posite eye
processes required neural activity at N M D A synapses. trom two nasal halves or two tem poral halves trom opposite
Hem isphereccom y perform ed on epileptic human sides o f the head o f Xenopus larvae. As wich double inner­
patients produces hem ianopia (loss of vision in one hem i- vation from a transplanted eye, the inputs from the co m ­
field). M uckli e t al. ( 2 0 0 9 ) reported the case o f a 10-year- posite eye formed roscrocaudaJ eye-specific colum ns in che
old girl with congenital absence o f the right cortical tectum .
hemisphere and m ost o f the right eye. Remarkably, she had
close to norm al vision in both hemifields and good bilateral
6 .7 .3 c A b la tio n o f th e T e m p o ra l R ccin a
m otor coord ination. Thus afferents from the nasal h alf o f
the left eve must have been rerouted at the chiasm to follow Ide e t al. (1 9 8 3 ) removed the temporal tw o-thirds o f an eye
an ipsilateral route to the in tact left hemisphere. Responses bud o f the em bryo o f the frog Xenopus. The remaining nasal
in V I to stim uli presented to the left eye recorded by fM R I portion grew in to a normal-appearing eye. In the mature
revealed that the maps representing che ipsilaceral and frog, each h alf o f the retina projected to the entire contral­
contralateral visual fields in V I were m irror symmetric and ateral tectum in stripes alternating with stripes trom the
overlapping, resembling the con d ition in albinism. other h alf o f the retina. In chis case, the inputs were from
However, in extrastriate regions in V 2 and V 3 there was an the same eye o f the same anim al so that the factor determ in­
alternation o f dom inance o f contralateral and ipsilateral ing segregation o f inputs was neither eye o f origin nor
inputs. M uckli et al. suggested that the initial mapping in animal o f origin. The crucial factor was probably the greater
V I resulted from gradients o f Ephrins in che retina but chat synchrony of firing betw een near-neighbor inputs, since
rhe later maps arose from com petition betw een neural abolition o f neural activity by application o f a neurotoxin
activity arising from the tw o retinas. prevented the induction o f ocular dom inance colum ns in
goldfish (M eyer 1982).

6 .7 .3 c T ra n sp la n te d T h ird Eye
6 .7 .3 f S u m m ar v
In a frog em bryo, an eye bud can be transplanted from
another em bryo to form a third eye (C onstantine-Paton All the evidence reviewed in this section supports the amaz­
and Law 19 7 8 ; Law and C onstantine-P aton 1981). The ing conclusion that ocular dom inance colum ns appear in
opric nerves o f rhe natural eye and those o f a nearby trans­ animals that do not norm ally possess them . N ot only thac,
planted eye grow to innervate the same tectum , where they buc che colum ns con tain binocular cells with m atching
form 200-um -w idc ocular dom inance colum ns resembling tuning function in chc m onocular receptive fields. Again,
those ot mammals. The initial projection o t inputs to the this occurs in animals that do not normally possess
appropriate region o f the tectum is presumably due to binocular cells. This means chat the m echanism s required
chem oaffinity. However, the subsequent segregation into tor the developm ent o t ocular dom inance colum ns and bin­
ocular dom inance colum ns results from conHicc between ocular cclls were already present before stereoscopic vision
two eye-specific topographic mappings. Each eye seeks evolved. These facts have a profound significance for under­
со preserve connecced neighborhoods and со m inim ize standing how stereopsis evolved. This topic is discussed in
con tacts with inputs from the other eye. The width o f Section 33.8.

7.1 Procedures 368 7.3.6 Vergence 379

7.2 Development o f visual functions 369 7.4 Development o f visual depth perception ISO
7.2.1 Acuity and color sensitivity $69 7.4.1 Perception o f distance 380
7.2.2 Orientation sensitivity 372 7.4.2 Perception o f 3-D form 383
7.2.3 Flicker and motion sensitivity* 373 7.5 Development o f binocular vision 38$
7.2.4 Development o fth e visual liclds 375 7.6 Development o f stereoacuity 386
7.3 Growth o f the oculomotor system
176 7.6.1 Preverbal stereo tests 386
7.3.1 Accommodation 376 7.6.2 Standard stereo tests 387
7.3.2 The pupillary response 377 7.6.3 VEPs and development o f stereopsis 388
7.3.3 alignment 377 7.6.4 Stereoacuity in the aged 389
7.3.4 Pursuit eye movements 378 7.7 Development o f auditory localization 389
7.3.5 The saccadic system 379

7 .1 PROCEDURES no longer evident. The stimulus is then changed in a

defined way, and the extcnc to which interest is
Th e developm ent o f visual perception has been studied by restored is determ ined by observing the in fan ts eye
the follow ing procedures. movements or bv indications o f arousal such as
increased heart rate. The scimulus is chen changed
1. Reaching The experim enter records the accuracy with in the reverse direction. As a con trol, each stimulus is
which infants reach for objects in different directions or flashed o ff and on again.
at different distances.
5. Operant conditioning The preceding procedures use a
2. Avoidance behavior The in fa n ts reactions are recorded built-in response and require a m inim um o f
as it is presented with a stimulus such as a visual c liff or prelim inary training. In operant con d ition in g, the
an approaching o b ject. su bject is first trained to respond to a reinforced
stimulus while a stimulus differing in som e crucial
3. Preferential looking Som e stim uli are naturally attractive
respect is not reinforced. A subject who learns
to infants. For instance, infants spend more time
to make differential responses to the stimuli
looking at chc m ore brightly colored o f two stim uli or
is deem ed to have the capacity to discrim inate
the one chat moves, flashes, or has higher contrast. They
them . It is difficult to design stimuli thac
may also prefer a 3 -D display to a flat display. The
differ in the factor being studied and not in
preferential-looking procedure was introduced by Fantz
irrelevant factors.
(1 9 6 5 ). The infant is shown tw o stim uli side-by-side,
and a record is kept o f the tim e the infant spends gazing 6. Pursuit eye movements The ability o f an infant to
at each. The person w atching the infant’s eyes does not d etect a stimulus may be revealed by m oving the
know w hich stimulus has been presented and follows a stimulus and observing w hether che in fan ts eyes track
forced-choice, bias-free procedure in deciding w hether it. O p to kin etic nystagmus (O K N ), is present in che
the infant is looking at one stimulus o r the other (Teller neonate (Sh ea et al. 1980).
7. Physiological procedures These include recording the
4 . Dishabituation This is a variant o f preferential looking, electroretinogram , visual evoked potentials, and the
The infant is shown a stimulus until signs o f interest are fM R I.
7 .2 D E V E L O P M E N T O F V IS U A L

7 .2 .1 A C U IT Y AN D C O L O R S E N S IT IV IT Y

7 .2 .1 a D ev elop m en t o f C o n tr a s t Sensitivity

'Ihe concrasc-sensicivity function is che reciprocal o f

contrast threshold plotted againsc the spatial frequency
o f a grating with a sinusoidal m odulation o f luminance
(Section 3 .2 .5 ).
C o n trast sensitivity can be measured in monkeys by
training them to discrim inate betw een a grating and a blank
field. Tli is procedure revealed chat sensitivity to spacial fre­
quencies below 5 cpd approached adulc levels by the 20th
week, and that sensitivity со higher spacial frequencies
improved until the 2 8 th week, when the concrasc-sensitivity
function acquired its adult form (B o o th e ec al. 1980).
Preferential looking has been used со measure the con-
A nthonyM . N orcia. H e received his В .Л . in psychology from
trast-sensicivicy function o f infants betw een ages 1 and 3 ih c U niversity o f M in n eso ta am i his P h .D . in p sy ch ology from I.eland
m onths (Atkinson et al. 19 7 7 ; Banks and Salapatek 1978) S tan fo rd J r U niversity. H e is now a se n io r scien tist at th e S m ith -
and 4 and 6 m onths (Pctcrzell cc al. 1995). O ne-m onth-old K cttlcw cll Rye Research Institu te in San Francisco.

infants showed little evidence o f the drop in sensitivity

below 1 cpd th at is evident in older children and adults.
W ith increasing age, che peak o f che sensicivitv funccion
shitted со higher spatial frequencies.
Infant concrasc sensicivicy has also been measured by use
o f visual evoked potencials (V E P s) (P irch io et al. 1978;
Norcia et al. 1 9 8 6 ,1 9 9 0 ). Norcia ec al. (1 9 9 0 ) tesced infants
betw een the ages o t 2 and 4 0 weeks. The high-frequency
lim it improved from 5 cpd at o n e monch со 16.3 cpd ac 8
m onths to 3 2 cpd tor adults. They obtained higher contrast
sensitivities in infants chan did Pirchio ec al. or invescigacors
using behavioral procedures. For example, the co n trast scn-
sicivicv o f 10-week-old infancs was close со adulc levels wich
spacial frequencies below 1 cpd ( N orcia et al. 1988) (Portrait
Figure 7 .1 ). Sensitivity to higher spatial frequencies took
longer со reach adult levels. Like che behavioral studies,
evoked pocencials showed a devclopmencal crend coward
greater contrast sensitivity and extension ot sensitivity to S patial frequency (cpd)
higher spacial frequencies, as shown in Figure 7.2.
ri*»r« ?.2. C ontrast sensitivity from evoked potentials. M ел n с о n t rast -
M ovshon and Kiorpes (1 9 8 8 ) concluded chac group
sensitivity I u n ctio n s for ten I0-\vcck-old in fan ts and live ad ults. Error
averaging o f daca in earlier scudies produced che erroneous bars in d icate 9 5 % co n fid en ce lim its. (R««Jr.>wn fr»m 198$)
conclusion chac the contrast-sensitivity funccion o f young
infants does not show che low-frequency falloHFat low spa­
tial frequencies. Their reanalysis o f che earlier data revealed Ac all ages, concrasc sensicivicy and gracing acuicy are
thac che fallotf in scnsicivicy ac low spacial frequencies, typi­ higher in the foveal region than in che periphery (Courage
cal o f che adulc, is presenc even in 1-monch-old infancs. and Adams 1996). Ac ages betw een 10 and 3 9 weeks, grat­
Using preferencial-looking and opcranc procedures, ing acuity and contrast sensitivity, revealed by V E P s, were
Gwiazda ec al. (1 9 9 7 ) found chac betw een ages o f 2 and 4 abouc 2.3 times higher for a grating in the central 2° o f chc
m onths there was a one octave loss o f scnsicivicy tor a 0.38 visual field chan for one in an annulus becween 8 and I6 r in
cpd gracing, coupled wich again in sensicivicy ac higher spa­ chc periphery (Allen cc al. 1996).
cial frequencies, as shown in Figure 7 .3 . They proposed that In 241 children, contrast sensitivity had not reached
che loss for che low spacial frequency is due со developmenc adult levels by age 7 years (Scharrc c t al. 1990). Gwiazda
ot laceral inhibicion. et al. (1 9 9 7 ) confirm ed this result.
I I l l l l l l l I i I I II III i I A -L L L U i

0.1 1 10 100
S patial frequency (cpd)

_L ± _L
F ip u t 7.X Contrast um itivity in an infant a t fo u r agcr. (A d a p t e d fru m G v w d a « a
4 6 8 10 12 14
1* 7 ) Age of infants (months)

»‘i£ur*7.i. S ttw p V E P g ra tin g a c u ity a t a fu n ction o f a g e. M ean gracing acu ity

for 1 9 7 in fan ts w ith 9 5 % co n fid cn cc bands derived from the sweep
V E P p ro ced u re. ( A i L f u d f«om N o r t t o n d T>t ct 1УЙ5)
7 .2 .1 b D e v e lo p m e n t o f G rating A cu ity

G rating acuity is the highest spacial frequency o f a sinusoi­

dal lum inance grating with maximum contrast that can just counrerphase-m odulated grating. They obtained estimates
be resolved. It is the upper lim iting spatial frequency o f the o f grating acuities o f 13 arcm in (4 .6 cp d ) at 1 m onth and
contrast-scnsitivity function or the angular subtense o f one 3 arcm in (2 0 cpd) at about 12 m onths, as shown in
period o f a grating with the highest detectable spatial fre­ Figure 7.4. The mean adult acuity with this procedure was
quency. G rating acuity improves as the retina, lateral genic­ about 3 2 cpd (N orcia et al. 1 9 9 0 ). These acuities are much
ulate nuclei, and visual cortex mature. Three behavioral better than those reported from behavioral studies or other
criteria have been used to assess grating acuity in young evoked-potential studies referenced in their paper. The
infants. frequ ency-sw ept V E P provides a finer determ ination
because it is fast and therefore immune to adaptation. It is
1. The occurrence o f optokin etic nystagmus in response to also immune to effects ot probability summation (Section
a moving grating, 13.1.1). G rating acuity obtained by this m ethod was only
slightly better with binocular viewing chan with m onocular
2. The pupil response to a grating presented against a
viewing» and was similar in the two eyes (H am er et al.
background with the same space-average lum inance.
3 . A ch ild ’s tendency to look at a patterned stimulus. The mean grating acuity o t 106 infants below the age
o f 5 m onths, assessed by preferential looking, differed
These procedures do not always produce th e same betw een che cwo eyes by 1 octave. Although che results were
results. However, behavioral procedures have indicated that very variable, this difference fell to about 0 .5 octaves by age
acuity fo r high 'C on trast gratings improves from approxi­ 9 m onths. The superiority o f binocular over m onocular
mately 100 arcm in at 1 m onth, to 2 0 arcmin at 3 m onths, to acuity was evident after age 6 m onths (B irch 1985) (Portrait
10 arcmin at 12 m onths, and to th e adult value o f 1.5 arcmin Figure 7 .5 ).
(4 0 cp d ) at 5 years o f age (D obson and Teller 1978; Jacobson
et al. 19 8 2 ; Mayer and D obson 1982; Banks and Stevens
7 .2 .1 c D e v e lo p m en t o f V c r n ic r A cuity
19 8 5 ; C o ck er et al. 1 994).
M aurer c t al. (1 9 9 9 ) tested grating acuity in 28 infants Vernier acuity is a hyperacuity because it is finer chan chc
immediately after their vision had been restored by removal
• 4
mean spacing o f retinal cones. U nlike resolucion acuicy, it is
o f cataracts between 1 week and 9 m onths o t age. Their noc subject со che N yquist lim it (Section 3.1 .3 b ). Several
acuity was no better than that o f neonates bu t showed signs investigators have inquired w hether chis superioricy o f
o f im provement after only 1 hour and continued to improve hyperacuity is present in young children.
over a 1 -m onth rest period. Thus patterned visual inputs are M anny and Klein (1 9 8 5 ) measured vernier acuity in
necessary tor the postnatal developm ent o f acuity. infants from 1 to 14 m onths o f age. They firsc used a prefer-
N orcia and Tyler (1 9 8 5 ) recorded evoked potentials ential-looking procedure, in w hich the child’s direction o f
trom the scalps o f intants in response to a frequency-swept, gaze was recorded while one o f two horizontal lines was

370 • BASIC M E C H A N I S M S

M aterial c h r a n e n y a u to r s k y m pravom
к ju.c7.5- E ileen Bin//. B o rn in N e w Y ork in 1952. She o b ta in e d а B .A .
fro m chc U n iv e rs ity o f C o n n e c tic u t in 1974 and a P h.D . fro m the ShinsukcShim ojo. B o m in T o k y o in 1955. H e o b ta in e d his B .A .
U n iv e rs ity o f C a lifo rn ia at Santa B arbara w ith J. M . Foley in 1979. in e xp e rim e n ta l psych o lo g y fro m the U n iv e rs ity o f T o k y o in 1978 and a

A fte r p o s td o c to ra l w o rk a t M I T she m oved to the R etina F o u n d a tio n P h.D . fro m M I T in 1985. A fte r a p o s td o c to ra l fe llo w s h ip at the S m ith *

o f the S outhw est, w here she is n o w se n io r research scientist and a d ju n ct K e ttlc w c ll Eye Research In s titu te in San Francisco* he was associate

p ro lcsso r o f o p h th a lm o lo g y a t the U n iv e rs ity o f Texas S outhw estern professor o l psych o lo g y in T o k y o u n til 1997. H e is n o w professor in

M e d ic a l C enter. th e b io lo g y d iv is io n o f c o m p u ta tio n & neural systems in the C a lifo rn ia

In s titu te o f Technology-

rcplaccd with a line wich a vernier offset. They also used a bars may he degraded by crow ding relative to chac for a
tracking procedure in which the infants’ eyes were observed single bar.
as the vernier target moved from placc to placc. In both pro­ Zankcr ec al. (1 9 9 2 ) used a cw o-choicc prefcrcncial-
cedures, the experim enter could not see the stimulus but lookingprocedure in which che child chose becween a single
had to infer ics posicion by w atching chc infancs eyes. vcrcical bright bar containing tw o offset segments and a
Vernier acuity improved to a mean value o f abouc 2 arcmin straighc bar. Vernier acuicy increased from abouc 2 5 arcmin
ac age 11 m onths, com pared with a mean adulc value o f ac 2 m onths o f age to chc adulc value o f abouc 0.2 arcmin ac
abouc 0 .2 5 arcm in. A cuity was higher and less variable wich 5 years o f age. Gracing acuity developed more slowly from
chc cracking procedure chan wich chc cw o-choicc proce­ about 8 arcm in at 2 m onths to abouc 1 arcm in ac 5 years.
dure, perhaps because che cracking procedure included a Gracing acuicy was beccer chan vernier acuicy during che
mocion signal and an accom panying sound. firsc year, after which vernier acuity becam e progressively
Sh im ojo ec al. (1 9 8 4 ) used looking со mea­ better than gracing acuicy.
sure vernier and gracing acuities o f infancs aged 2 со 9 In spice o f variacions in scimuli and procedures, all invcs-
m onths (P ortrait Figure 7 .6 ). For vernier acuity, infants cigacors agree chac vernier acuicy changes from being worse
were shown a square-wave vertical grating o f 1.1 cpd and со being superior со gracing acuicy. The change occurs
chc same gracing wich a horizontal offset. The offset grating becween 3 and 12 months.
oscillated up and down in cime wich a beep sound. This was C ark cct c t al. (1 9 9 7 ) measured vernier and resolution
designed со encourage chc infancs со acccnd со chc scimulus. acuities in children aged from 3 со 12 years. The vernier
Ic was assumed chac che m ocion would be detected only stimulus was a bright vertical line with several offsets along
when chc off sc с was dccccccd (sec Skoczenski and Aslin ics length. The resolution scimulus was a vertical dashed line
1 9 9 2 ). For gracing acuity, a square-wave vertical gracing of with variable density o f dashes. Vernier acuicy was always
variable spatial frequency was presented on a gray field. superior со resolution acuicy and improved more rapidly
Vernier acuity was inferior to grating acuity at 2 m onths o f wich age. Becween age 3 and 12, vernier acuicy improved
age, buc by 9 m onths, vernier acuity was 2.5 arcmin while from 15 arcsec со 6 arcsec— 2.5 rimes. M ean dashcd-line
gracing acuicv was only 5 arcm in. Vernier acuity developed resolution improved from 7 0 arcsec со 4 8 arcsec, a much
in parallel with stereoacuity as reported in Held cc al. smaller difference. Carkccc cc al. concludcd chac, ac all ages
(1 9 8 0 ). Sh im ojo and Held (1 9 8 7 ) reporced sim ilar crends. in cheir sample, vernier acuity was finer than expected from
O n e problem is chac vernier acuicv for otfsccs o f multiple chc densitv o f retinal concs.

D E V E L O P M E N T O F P E R C E P T U A L F U N C T IO N S • 371

Material chraneny autorskym pravom

7 . 2 . Id Causes o f Visual Im m aturity* with age would explain why vernier acuity improves more
rapidly than resolution acuity. However, C arkcct et al.
Th e visual perform ance o f human neon arcs may be lim ited
(1 9 9 7 ) found that developm ental changes in both vernier
by any o f the following factors.
and resolution acuities were larger than could be accounted
for by improved photon capture. They concluded that the
Л . Preneural factors. developm ent of central neural processes is involved in
1. The optical quality an d aperture o f the eye. The growth im provem ent o f acuity. W illiam s and B oothe (1 9 8 1 ) had
o f the eye s accom m odation mechanism is controlled reached the same conclusion in their studies with monkeys.
by image blur in the process ot em m etropization (see Using a sim ilar analysis, W ilso n (1 9 8 8 ) concluded that pre­
Section 6.3.1c). neural factors play a greater role in lim iting visual perfor­
m ance in neonates than was found in the Banks and Bennett
2 . The capacity o f the retina to sample the image. The study.
sam pling capacity o f the retina depends on the Adult amblyopes, especially strabismic amblyopes, are
photon-capture efficiency o ft h e receptors and like young children. They have low vernier acuity relative to
receptor spacing. resolution acuity because o f deficits in central processing

3 . Instability o f gaze an d convergence. (Section 8 .4 .2 ).

Such analyses are valuable but can be no better than the

B. N euralfactors. set o f assumptions and the data on which they arc based.

1. Noise in the sensory transduction process (see

Skoczenski and N orcia 1 998). 7 .2 .1 e D e v e lo p m e n t o f C h r o m a tic S e n sitiv ity

2 . Immature stimulus tuning ofreceptive fields o f In the first m onth or two, infants are very poor at discrim i­
ganglion cells an d cortical cells. nating betw een ditferent colors or betw een achrom atic and
chrom atic stim uli, especially at the blue end o f t h e visible
3 . L ack o f inhibitory cortical connections. This would
spectrum (Varner et al. 1985; Adam s et al. 1991). By 12
produce spatial blurring o fth e image.
weeks, m ost infants can discrim inate hues over the whole
4 . Immature cortical synapses. spectrum.
Banks and Bennett (1 9 8 8 ) proposed that poor color
5 . Low cortical magnification (extent o f cortical tissue
discrim ination in infants is due ro poor visual sensitivity
devoted to each visual angle).
rather than to a specific im m aturity o f the color system,
6 . Inability to attend to the stimulus. such as an absence o f different cone types. M orrone et al.
(1 9 9 3 ) found no V E Ps to chrom atic stim uli before 7 to 8
Skoczenski and Aslin (1 9 9 5 ) measured the effects o f weeks o f age. However, Allen et al. (1 9 9 3 ) found that the
adding Gaussian noise on vernier acuity in 3-m onth-olds, ratio ot lum inance sensitivity to chrom atic sensitivity, as
5-m onth-olds, and adults. They concluded that reduction indicated by V E Ps, was the same for 2- to 8-week-old infants
in intrinsic blur due to optical o r retinal neural factors as for adults. They found the same constant ratio when they
accounts for im provem ent in vernier acuity betw een 3 and reanalyzed the data o f M orrone et al. Brown ct al. (1 9 9 5 )
5 m onths, but that later im provem ent depends also on the also found a constant ratio after using optokinetic nystag­
developm ent o f postretinal m echanism s for processing high mus to com pare color and lum inance contrast sensitivities
spatial frequencies. in infants and adults. Brown (1 9 9 0 ) reviewed color sensi­
Banks and Ben nett (1 9 8 8 ) estim ated the contrast sensi­ tivity in infants.
tivity and grating acuity for two idcal-obscrvcr models, one
based on preneural characteristics o f the neonate human
7 .2 .2 О R IE N T A T I О N S E N S I T I V I T V
fovea and one based on the characteristics o f the adult fovea.
This analysis predicted a difference in chc grating acuities o f Braddick c t al. (1 9 8 6 ) found no evidence o f cortical cclls
the infant and adulc o f 2 octaves com pared wich an actual tuned to orientation in the human neonate, as indicated
difference o f 3 .5 to 4.5 octaves. They concluded that imma­ by V E Ps generated by changes in the orientation o f a grat­
turity o f preneural structures does not fully account for the ing. Evidence o f orientation tuning showed at the age o f
poor visual perform ance o f the neonate (sec also Jacobs and 6 weeks. M anny (1 9 9 2 ) measured V E Ps in 3-m onth-old
Blakem ore 1 9 8 8 ). infants exposed ro a 1-cpd grating changing in orientation
An idcal-obscrvcr model predicts chac vernier acuicy is at a rate o f 18 Hz. The visual cortex responded to a change
inversely proportional со the square root o f photon capture, o f orientation o f 1.33". Th e V E P in adults showed a similar
while tw o-spot resolution is inversely proportional to the sensitivity but, when the spatial and tem poral frequencies
fourth root o f photon capture (G eisler 1984). Banks and o f rhe stimulus were optim ized for adults, their sensitivity
Ben nett argued that an im provem ent o f photon capture increased to 0.5 3U.
Binocular cells have che same oriencacion preference for
stimuli presented separately to the two eyes. This does not
seem to depend on visual experience because the receptive
fields o f binocular cells had m atching orientations in kit­
tens raised so thac both eyes did n o t see ac chc same cime
(G o d eck ean d Bonhocffer 1996).
Behavioral cescs revealed thac 6-week-old infancs could
discrim inace becween lines in opposice oblique oriencacions
(M aurer and M arcello 1 9 8 0 ; Held 1981). Lacer ex p erim en t
showed chac human neonaces could discriminace becween
oblique gracings. W h en newborn infancs were shown cwo
opposice oblique scacic gracings side-by-side chey preferred
looking ac che one chac chey had noc seen previously
(Atkinson ec al. 1 9 8 8 ; Slaccr cc al. 1988). In ocher scudics,
3-m onch-old infancs could discriminace becween gracings
cilced 4 5 “ and 15”, and 4-m onch-old infancs could discrim i-
nace becween gracings cilced 45° and 22° (Bom ba 1984;
T em poral frequency (Hz)
Bornscein ecal. 1 986).
The older liceracure on che developmenc o f che ability со r.A«.<?.7. Tem poral contrast sen sitivity am i age. The s tim u lu s was a u n ifo rm
categorize oriencacions was reviewed in Howard (1 9 8 2 ). flic k e rin g h e ld . (лЛ лр | с (! from Я л*си |;л!сс! 1997)

Л prefcrencial-looking procedure revealed chac infancs

under 14 weeks o f age could dccccc a pacch differing in
lum inance concrasc from ics surround buc could noc dccccc temporal frequency. The adult T C S F is typically bandpass
a pacch concaining oblique lines sec in a surround o f lines in for a uniform field and for a low spatial-frequency grating
a differenc oriencacion (Ackinson and Braddick 1992). They flickering in councerphase. Ic is low-pass for a high spatial-
concluded chac, alchough neonaces can discriminace frequency grating.
becween sidc-by-side gracings chac differ in oriencacion, chc Rasengane ec al. (1 9 9 7 ) used a preferencial-looking pro­
abilicy со group and segmenc embedded cexcures differing cedure со measure che T C S F for a uniform field. Peak scn-
in oriencacion cakes abouc 14 weeks со develop. sicivicy increased from between 1 and 2 Hz ac 2 m onths, to
Adulcs are able со dccccc aligned concour elemencs 4 Hz ac 3 monchs, со 8 Hz ac 4 monchs, as shown in
embedded in a random array o f elemencs (Seccion 4.5.2b ). In Figure 7 .7 . Thus, peak sensicivicy shifted to higher frequen­
a group of 4 0 0 children, chis abilicy improved becween che cies with increasing age, causing the function to change
ages o f 5 and 14 years (Kovacs 2 0 0 0 ). This suggests chac che from low-pass со band-pass. The C F F increased from 13 Hz
long-range connections in chc visual corcex chac are needed ac 2 monchs со 2 2 H z ac 4 monchs, scill well below che adulc
for chis cask concinue со develop during chis age period. value. N one o f che infants responded со 3 2 H z, che highesc
frequency cesced. Nevercheless, while sensicivicy со high
flicker races macurcs ac an early age, sensicivicy со lower can -
7.2.3 F L I C K E R AND M O TI ON SENSITIVITY poral frequencies was found noc со reach adulc levels
uncil 7 years (Ellem bergec al. 1 9 9 9 ).
7 .2 .3 a D e v e lo p m e n t o f F lick e r Sensicivicy
The form ot che T C S F depends on che spacial frequency
The cricical flicker frequ en cy , or C F F , is che highesc fre­ o f che flickering scimulus. Swanson and Birch (1 9 9 0 ) found
quency o f flicker o f a high-concrast stimulus that produces chac concrasc sensicivicy, assessed by preferential looking,
a modulated response in che visual syscem. The C F F , as increased becween che ages o f 4 and 8 m onchs for a 1-cpd
indicaced by che elcccrorecinogram (E R G ), is adulc-like in gracing flickered ac becween 8 со 17 Hz buc did noc change
human neonaces (H orsccn and W inkelm an 1962). The for races o f 2 со 4 H z. Thus che T C S F ас 1 cpd changed
C F F , as indicaced by che corcical visual evoked pocencial from being low-pass ac 4 monchs со being more band-pass ac
(V E P ), increases rapidly after chc lsc m onth and is adulc- 8 monchs. Ac 0.25 cpd che T C S F remained band-pass.
like by 5 m onchs (Apkarian 1993). This suggescs thac che Harcmann and Banks (1 9 9 2 ) found a sim ilar change in che
early limicacion is due со poscrccinal faccors. The adulc C F F T C S F from low-pass со band-pass for a 0.5-cpd gracing
decermined psychophysically is abouc 5 0 Hz (Wacson becween che ages o f 1.5 and 3 monchs.
1 9 8 6 ). Using preferential looking, Regal (1 9 8 1 ) found thac
che C F F for a uniform field reached adulc levels o f over 50
'" .2 .3 b D ev e lo p m e n c o f M o tio n Sensicivicy
H z by about the 12th week.
The tem p oral concrasc-sensicivicy fu nccion ( T C S F ) is O pcokinecic nyscagmus (O K N ) in human neonaces shows
the contrast required for dececcion of flicker as a function o f chac chey are sensicive to uniform mocion. O K N is under control in chc young infant (Scccion 2 2 .6 .1 ).
This response indicated that the chreshold for detection o f
uniform mocion was conscanc ac abouc 3 7 s for infants
between 12 and 18 weeks o f age (B an ton and Bcrtenthal
N eonates responded to loom ing optic flow with a back­
ward m otion o f the head. The magnitude ot head m otion
increased with increasing velocity o f optic flow (Jou en
c t al. 2 0 0 0 ). This response is also probably under su bcorti­
cal control.
O cher experimencs on m ocion sensitivity in infants used
preferential looking, w hich must surely involve cortical pro­
cesses. To establish that infants are sensitive to visual m otion
one must dem onstrate that they respond specifically to
m otion rather than to flicker or change ol position. Aslin
and Shea (1 9 9 0 ) found that 6-week-old infants could discin-
guish bee ween stationary stripes and stripes moving at 9°/s
relative to a stationary surround. At 12 weeks, chey could
distinguish stripes moving at 4°/s. The velocity threshold
did not vary with stripe width, which indicates that the
infants were judging m otion rather than simple flicker
(num ber o f edges passing a given location in unit tim e). ri*u«c-.x. Ja n ette A tkinson. B o rn in C h e sh ire , F.ngland, in 1943- She

D annem iller and Frccdland (1 9 9 3 ) showed that o b ta in e d a B.Sc. in psych o lo g y fro m B ris to l U n iv e rs ity in 1965 and я
P h .D . fro m C a m b rid g e U n iv e rs ity in 1971. A fte r p o s td o c to ra l w o rk at
14-week-old infants detect m otion in standing-wave line
Johns H o p k in s U n iv e rs ity she was a research associate a t C a m b rid g e .
stim uli. These stimuli allow sensitivity4 to m otion to be dis- From 1983 to 1993 she was senior external scientist o l th e M e d ic a l
tinguished from sensitivity to changes in position (sec also Research C o u n c il at C a m b rid g e . She has been a professor
a t U n iv e rs ity C ollege . L o n d o n , since 1993- W in n e r o l the
Bcrtenthal and Bradbury 1 992).
K u rt-K o H k a m edal, 2009.
W accam-Bcll (1 9 9 2 ) used preferential looking со mea­
sure che maximum displacem ent {dt/i) ° f a random-doc
paccern that allowed subjects to discrim inate betw een direc­
tions o f m otion and betw een coherent and incoherent
m otion. Betw een 8 and 15 weeks ot age, the oldest age-
tested, d n increased for both casks. The same developmen- Infants aged 8 - 1 0 weeks responded to second-order
cal crcnds were evidenc in che m agnitude ot che visual evoked m otion defined by a grating ot random flicker sweeping
pocencials criggered by m ocion o f checkerboard pacterns over a stationary random -dot display (Atkinson 2 0 0 0 ,
(W actam -Bcll 1 991). The results suggesc chac scnsicivicy со p. 8 1 ) (P ortrait Figure 7 .8 ).
low velocities (small d ) develops before scnsicivicy со H am er and N orcia (1 9 9 4 ) used VF.Ps to measure dis­
high velocities (large d ). placement thresholds for a high-contrast, 1-cpd grating
O ne-m onch-old infants discriminaced becween inco- oscillating from side to side at 6 H z. In 12-wcck-old intants
herenc and coherent m otion o t random -dot patterns but, the threshold was 10 times che adult value, even though
even at 3 m onths o f age, detection required that 50% o f the contrast sensitivity was already h a lf the adult value. The
dots moved coherently compared with only 5-7% tor adults oscillation threshold was still over four times that o f che
(W attam -Bell 1 994). adult in 1-year-old
Brosseau-Lachaine et al. (2 0 0 8 ) used a pretercntial- Sensitivity to relative m otion, especially shear, as
looking procedure to measure the ability o f infants between assessed by preferential looking, continued to develop
the ages o f 2 and 10 m onths to detect radially moving betw een 12 and 18 weeks o f age (B anton and Bertenthal
random dots as a function o f the percentage o f randomly 1 9 9 7 ).
moving dots. Sensitivity to radial optic flow improved Alm ost all o f 2 6 infants between the ages o f 4 and 5
during the first tew m onths. Im provem ent was more rapid m onths showed a V E P response to a transition trom coher­
for expanding than for contracting flow. Forward self-m o­ ent m otion to incoherent m otion. O nly h a lf the infants
tion produces expanding flow. W e saw in Section 5.8.4c showed a response to a transition trom a patterned array to
that there are m ore cells sensitive to radial expansion a random array o f segments (W attam -B ell et al. 2 0 1 0 ).
than there are cells sensitive to contraction in the medial A lm ost all adult subjects responded to both stimuli.
superior temporal cortex ( M S T ) and the parietal lobes o f This suggests chat mocion dececcion develops before form
monkeys. detection.
responses was evident in 2 -m onth-old infants, buc che
7 .2 .3 c D e v e lo p m e n t o f D ire c tio n -o f-M о tion
responses becam e symmetrical by the age o f 8 m onths. The
cortical asymmetry persists in adults wich early onset stra­
An isotropic random -dot pattern is useful for studying dis­ bismus (N orcia e t al. 1991).
crim ination o f m otion directions because, in this scimulus, This evidence suggests that a subcortical direction-se-
a change in m otion direction does not change elem ent ori­ leccive mechanism underlying O K N develops before the
entation. Also, a change in stimulus location is difficult со corcicai direction-selective mechanism chac is required for
detect. visual discrim inations. This idea is supported by the finding
There is evidence that detection o f the dircccion o f thac O K N in 6-week-old infants was evoked by a random -
m otion develops later than detection o f m otion. Thus, doc display containing only 2 0 % o f moving docs. By co m ­
although 1-monch-old infants could discrim inate between parison, infants required a much larger percentage o f
stationary and m oving random -dot patterns in a preferen- moving dots before chey could make a forced-choice dis­
tial-looking procedure, they could noc discrim inate bccween crim ination becween a display with no relative m otion and
opposed directions o f m otion over a wide range o f veloci­ one with relative m otion (M ason cc al. 2 0 0 3 ). Developmenc
ties (W attam -B cll 19 9 6 a ). Psychophysical evidence indi­ o f mocion sensitivity was reviewed by W attam -Bcll (1 9 9 6 b ).
cated that 3-m onth-old infants are sensitive to opposed D evelopm ent o f sensicivicy со mocion in depch is discussed
directions o f m otion (D ob k in s and Teller 1996). in Section 7.4.1c.
O n ly 25% o f 121 infancs under 7 weeks o f age showed
VF.P responses со random -dot displays moving at I Г /s that
reversed their direction o f m otion four times per second. At
11 weeks, 8 0 % o f the infants showed responses. All the
5-week-old infants showed VHP responses со stationary The visual field is plocced by firsc gcccing chc animal being
patterns thac reversed in orientation (Braddick c t al. 2 0 0 5 ). tested to prefixate a central flashing targec. The experi­
Thus, cortical m echanism s for detection o f a change in m enter then observes w hether the eyes move to a Hashed
m otion direction develop later than those for detection o f target presented at different eccentricities. For details, see
m otion or change in orientation. Sireteanu (1 9 9 6 ). The extent o f the visual field may be influ­
The above studies used a change in m otion direction o f enced by optical factors as well as by retinal factors.
180°. They could therefore not determ ine the threshold The size o f the visual field increases with age. In kitcens,
change in direction. O n average, adults detected a difier- the visual field reaches its adulc excenc by abouc 10 weeks o f
encc o f 1.8' in the direction o f m otion o f a random -dot dis­ age (Sircccanu and M aurer 1982). In humans under 2
play moving at the optim al velocity o f 6 4 7 s (D e Bruyn and m onths o f age, the region o f binocular overlap is smaller
O rban 1 988). than that o f the adult, especially along the vertical meridian
B an ton et al. (2 0 0 1 ) presented infants with a large ran­ (Schw artz c t al. 1 9 8 7 ). Th e horizontal excenc o f chc region
dom -dot array m oving vertically at 1 Г /s. A 7.4° circular ot overlap in 3-m onch-old human infancs has been esci-
region moved at the same velocity in a different direction. maced as 60 " and chac in rhe 4 -m onth-old infant as 8 0 ”
The stimulus was moved suddenly every 5 0 0 ms to engage (Finlay et al. 1982). The adult level o f about 90° is reached
the in fan ts attention. A preferential-looking procedure betw een 6 and 12 m onths o f age (M oh n and van Hof-van
revealed that 6-wcck-old infants did not discrim inate dif­ D uin 1986; Lewis and M aurer 1992).
ferences in m otion direction. A difference o f 22° was dis­ Visual funccions in chc cemporal h alf o f che m onocular
crim inated at 12 weeks and a difference o f 17° at 18 weeks. visual field (nasal hem iretina) develop before those in the
N eonates must detect m otion direction in chc subcorci- nasal hemificld (tem poral hem iretina). For example, visual
cal areas that control optokinetic nystagmus (O K N ) acuity revealed by preferential looking was higher in the
because, in the neonate, O K N evoked by m onocular tem - temporal than in the nasal visual field o f infants between 2
poronasal m otion is stronger than that evoked by nasotcm - and 11 m onths o f age (Sireteanu e ta l. 1994). For som e time
poral m otion. (Seccion 2 2 .6 .1 ). The direction o f O K N in after firsc opening cheir eyes, kitcens oriented coward stimuli
1-m onth-old infants was changed by a change o f 45° in the in the tem poral visual field o f an eye, but ignored stim uli in
direction o f m otion o f a plaid pattern (M anny and Fern the nasal field (Sireteanu and Maurer 1982). Similarly,
1990). human infants below 2 m onths o f age looked towards an
In humans, the directional asymmetry o f O K N declines isolated light presented 3 0 u in to the tem poral m onocular
over the first 2 4 m onths because o f the growth o f cortical field buc noc cowards a light only 15" inco rhe nasal field
inputs to the O K N system (Lew is et al. 2 0 0 0 ). B irch c t al. (Lewis and Maurer 1992). A similar procedure revealed
(2 0 0 0 b ) found that cortical potentials did not show any chac after che age o f 2 m onths boch hem ifields and the b in ­
directional asymmetry in neonates, which supports the ocular field expand rapidly uncil the age o f 8 m onths and
n otio n that the neonate visual cortex is not sensitive to then more slowly until the age o f 12 m onths (M ohn and
direction o f m otion. D irectional asymmetry o f cortical Van Hof-van D uin 1986).
A lthough the nasal hemifield remains smaller than the accom m odation is not due to the stimulus falling below the
temporal hem ifield, the tw o hemifields becom e more sim i­ resolution threshold.
lar in size with increasing age. Even in the adult monkey, N eonates showed signs o f changing accom m odation to
there are m ore cortical cells with a dom inant input trom the binocularly viewed large conspicuous objects nearer than
contralateral eye (nasal hem iretina) than cells with a dom i­ about 75 cm (Brookm an 1 9 8 3 ; Howland et al. 1987;
nant ipsilateral input (tem poral hem iretina) (LeVay et al. H ainline et al. 1 9 9 2 ). Beyond 8 weeks, accuracy (gain) o f
1985). The cortical magnification factor (linear extent ot accom m odation increased. Adult levels were reached
cortex devoted to unit visual angle) is proportional ro the betw een 16 and 2 0 weeks (H aynes et al. 1 9 6 5 ; Brookm an
density o f ganglion cells ( Rovam o and Virsu 1979). Because 1 9 8 3 ). Banks (1 9 8 0 ) concluded that accuracy o f accom m o­
ganglion cells are denser in the far nasal retina than in the dation is poor in infants, largely because o f their poor reso­
temporal retina (C u rcio et al. 1 9 9 0 ), the magnification lution. The fluctuations ot steadv-statc
# accom m odation in
factor is also higher for the nasal retina. The mature nasal infants o f betw een 8 and 3 0 weeks o f age were larger than
hem iretina is also m ore sensitive than the tem poral hem iret­ those in adults (Candy and Bharadwaj (2 0 0 7 ).
ina. Thus, decreases in vernier acuity and grating acuity with After 8 m onths the gain o f accom m odation was greater
increasing eccentricity o f the stimulus are steeper tor the with binocular than with m onocular viewing (Turner et al.
temporal than tor the nasal hem iretina (Fahle and Schm id 2 0 0 2 ). The binocular advantage increased to adult levels by
19 8 8 ; Grigsby and Tsou 1 994). R eaction tim es are shorter about 8 years (Bharadwaj and Candy 2 0 0 8 ). Thus, the co n ­
for scimuli presenced to the nasal hem iretina (Payne 1967). tribution o f binocular disparity to accom m odation cakes
O ther aspects o f hemifield asymmetry are discussed in tim e to develop. By 6 m onths, che range o t accom m odation
Section 12.3.4. is similar со that o f the adult (Braddick et al. 1979).
For a review ot the developm ent o f spatial vision see There are several reports that children below 4 years
M ohn and Van Hof-van D uin (1 9 9 1 ). tend to be astigm atic, with a vertical axis o f astigmatism.
This is “against the rule" astigmatism. However, there is dis­
pute on this point (see Saunders 1 9 9 5 ). In older children
7 .3 GROW TH OF TH E O CU LO M O TO R and adults, astigmatism tends to be along a horizontal axis.
SYSTEM This is “with the rule astigmatism" (D obson et al. 1984;
G w iazd aet al. 1 9 8 4 ; Howland and Sayles 1984).
D epth o f field is the range o f discances w ithin which an
7 .3 .1 A C C O M M O D A T IO N
o b ject is in focus for a given state o f accom m odation. D epth
The developm ent o f the eye in relation to the developm ent o f field is inversely proportional to pupil diam eter and to
o f accom m odation was discussed in Section 6 .3 .1 . The pres­ the size o f the eye (Section 9 .6 .4 ). D epth o f field is greater
ent section is concerned with che developm ent ot accom ­ in intants than in adults. This is because the pupils o t intants
modation in human infants. under 2 m onths o f age arc, on average, betw een 1 and 2 mm
The relaxed accom m odation o t an eye can be measured smaller than those ot adults, and because the eves
* ot intants
with a retinoscope, w ith the ciliary muscles paralyzed by a arc smaller than the eyes o f adults (see B oothe et al. 1985;
cycloplegic drug (Section 9 .2 .4 ). In a second m ethod, which G reen et al. 1980). Thus, image quality is less affected by
docs n o t require a drug, refraction is measured while rhe m isaccom m odation in the infant eve* chan in che adult eve.
child views adim m ed retinoscope light that is a poor accom ­ In any case, image quality is not as im portant tor the infant
modative stimulus (M oh in d ra 1 975). There arc reports thac because high spatial-frequencies can n ot be resolved.
human intants are about 2 diopters hyperm etropic relative Accom m odative convergence is present in 2-m onth-old
to the average adult. However, retinoscopy in infants is infants; younger infants have n o t been tested (Aslin and
unreliable, so the hypcrm etropia may be an artifact (Banks Jackson 1 9 7 9 ) (P ortrait Figure 7 .9 ).
1980). Severe untreated hypcrmetropia in infants can lead W ith increasing age, the unaccom m odated eye increases
to amblyopia (Ingram and W alker 1979). in focal length, causing the eyes o f older people to becom e
The accom m odation response o f an eye can be measured m ore farsighted, a condition known as p resbyop ia (Evans
while a large pattern is moved to different distances. The 1 9 9 7 ). There are no age-related changes in the refractive
infrared optom eter is the m ost precise m ethod for measur­ index o f the lens (Glasser and C am pbell 1999).
ing changes in accom m odation (Section 9 .2 .4 ). However, it Between the ages o f 10 and 5 0 years, the range o f accom ­
can n ot be used in infants because the observer must m ain­ m odation declines from 10 diopters to about 1 diopter at a
tain fixation. W ith infants, refraction is measured with constant rate o f about 0 .2 diopters per year (Sun et al. 1988;
dynam ic retinoscopy, which gives the sign o f the refractive Kragha 1 9 8 9 ). W h en tension is applied to the ciliary body
error but takes time to operate; or by photorefraction, o f an excised eye, the focal length o f a young lens changes
which measures the instantaneous refractive state ot both significantly buc that o f a lens older than about 6 0 years
eyes (H ow land and Howland 1 9 7 4 ). The size o f the retinal shows little or no change (Glasser and C am pbell 1998).
image must be kept constant to ensure that any lack o f It seems that lens hardening rather than changes in the
F ifufc?.* R ichard N Ad in. B o r n i n M i l w a u k e e , W i s c o n s i n » in 1 9 4 9 . H e
r c c c i v c d b is В . Л . i n p s y c h o l o g y f r o m M i c h i g a n S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y in r.*w « -.ia R ich or AHeld. B o r n in N e w Y o r k in 1 9 2 2 . H e o b t a in e d a
197 1 an d h is P h .D . in c h ild p s y c h o lo g y a t th e U n iv e rs ity o f M in n e s o ta B . S c . i n e n g i n e e r i n g f r o m C o l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t y in 1 9 4 4 a n d л P h . D . in
in 1 9 7 5 w i t h P h i l i p S a l a p a t c k . F r o m 1 9 7 5 t o 1 9 8 4 h e w a s a m e m b e r o f p s y c h o l o g y f r o m S w a r t h m o r e C o l l e g e in 1 9 4 8 . A f t e r p o s t d o c t o r a l w o r k
t h e f a c u l t y i n p s y c h o l o g y a t I n d i a n a U n iv e r s ity » B l o o m i n g t o n . In 1 9 8 4 at H a r v a r d U n i v e r s i t y h e j o i n e d t h e p s y c h o l o g y d e p a r t m e n t at B r a n d c i s
h e m o v e d t o t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f R o c h e s t e r » w h e r e h e is n o w a p r o f e s s o r U n i v e r s i t y in 1 9 5 3 - I n 1 9 6 3 h e b e c a m e p r o f e s s o r o f e x p e r i m e n t a l
o f b r a in a n d c o g n itiv e s c ie n c e s and a m e m b e r o f th e C e n t e r fo r V isu a l p s y c h o l o g y at M I T . A l t e r r e t i r i n g in 1 9 9 4 h e b e c a m e p r o f e s s o r e m e r i t u s
Scicn cc. a t M I T a n d d i r e c t o r o f r e s e a r c h in t h e d e p a r t m e n t o f v i s i o n s c i c n c c at
th e N ew E n g la n d C o lle g e o f O p to m e t r y .

ciliary musclcs is chc m ajor cause o f the age-related loss o f

accom m odative range. target oscillating in depth through 0 .5 2 diopters betw een
Lens hardening increases rhe dam ping cocfficicnc o f the 0.05 and 1 Hz increased slightly, especially at higher fre­
lens 20-fold betw een the ages o f 15 and 55 years (B eers and quencies, as age increased from 18 со 4 9 years (H eron ec al.
H eijde 1 996). This should reduce the speed o f accom m oda­ 1999).
tion. Schaeffel e t al. (1 9 9 3 ) found great variability in sub­
jects’ speed o f accom m odation bur that the maximum speed
7.3.2 THF . P U P I L L A R Y R E S P O N S E
declined betw een the ages o f 5 and 4 9 years. Sun e t al.
(1 9 8 8 ) reported chat the rime constant o f accom m odation The pupils o f normal adulcs conscricc abouc 29 % more wich
doubled betw een the ages o f 13 and 4 0 years. However, binocular illum ination chan wich m onocular illum ination
these studies took no account o f the decrease in the range o f (ccn Docsschacc and A lpcrn 1967). Birch and Held (1 9 8 3 )
accom m odation with increasing age. used chis facc со invescigace developmenc o f binocularicy in
H eron et al. (2 0 0 1 ) made measurements w ithin the infancs (Porcraic Figure 7 .1 0 ). The pupils responded more
effective range o f accom m odation. They found chat reac­ to binocular chan m onocular illum ination by che age o f 4
tion tim e, response time, and response frequency to unpre­ monchs. The differential response was adulc-like by che age
dictable + 1.05-diopter step changes in distance showed no o f 6 monchs. However, Shea ec al. (1 9 8 5 ) found reduced
systematic changes over che same age range. They concluded buc significanc binocular lum inancc summation in chc
chac, for small scimuli wichin chc amplicude range o f accom ­ pupillary response o f 2-m onch-old infancs and in scere-
m odation, chere is licde change in che dynamics of accom ­ oblind adulcs (see also Sircccanu 1987). These rcsulcs sug-
m odation, at lease up со chc age o f 4 9 years. gesc chac che developmenc o f che pupillary response is со
Similarly, M ordi and Ciuffreda (2 0 0 4 a ) found no some cxcenc indcpcndcnc o f che developmenc o f stereopsis.
changes in chc cimc conscanc or peak velocicy o f accom m o­
dation becween che ages o f 21 and 5 0 years, when measure­
7.3.3 EYE A L I G N M E N T
ments were confined to the effective range. Hut they did
find an age-dependent increase in latency and a decrease in D uring che firsc poscnacal m onch, kiccens have a large diver-
the am plitude o f m icrofluctuations o f accom m odation. genc scrabismus, as indicated by chc divergence o f chc pupils
The increasing hardness of the lens should increase the wich respecc со che opcic axes. Th e locations o f che opcic
phase lag o f accom m odation. Phase lag in response to a axes arc indicaced by chc images o f a poinc o flig h c rcHccccd
from che corneas. By the end o f che second poscnacal m onth, vertical gracing filling chc visual field and m oving from side
the optic axes becam e alm ost centered on the pupils. to side at betw een 1 1 and 3 3 .4 % . O ver this period, gain
Sherm an (1 9 7 2 ) concluded that divergent strabismus in was fairly constant but phase lag decreased from 170 to 7 0
kittens changes in to a slight convergent strabismus. ms and latency decreased from 8 6 0 to 5 6 0 ms. Eye and head
O lson and Freeman (1 9 7 8 a ) measured che angle tracking were reciprocally related.
between the visual axes o f kittens by plotting the receptive M onocular optokin etic nystagmus (O K N ) o f human
fields o f cells in cortical area 17 with reference to p h o to ­ infants below the age o f about 3 m onths is stronger in the
graphs o fth e pupils. They concluded thac the visual axes are nasal direction than in the temporal direction. The same
aligned wich the foveas even during the first two postnatal directional asymmetry is typical o f animals lacking stereo­
m onths. This suggests chac the change in alignm ent o f rhe scopic vision. The cime course for the developm ent o f sym­
pupils with the optic axes is accom panied by a medial migra­ m etrical O K N tor large, high-concrast stimuli is similar to
tion o f the central retina. Ifw e assume thac each optic axis is that for the developm ent o f stereopsis (W estall 1986;
norm al со the pupil and passes through the entrance pupil, Brown et al. 1 9 9 8 ). However, with fine gratings, some direc­
chis process cncails a reduction in the angle betw een rhe tional asymmetry o f O K N is evident in 24-m onth-old
pupillary axis and the visual axis (angle lambda) Irom about infants (Lew is et al. 2 0 0 0 ). People lacking stereopsis retain
25° to 15°. Thus, as the eyes rotate inward during the firsc asymmetry o f O K N (sec Section 2 2 .6 .1 ).
two m onths, the central retina migrates medially. This O p to k in etic nystagmus must be suppressed when a
occurs in normally reared and dark-reared cats, except thac person fixates a stationary o b ject on a moving background
norm ally reared cats reach a steady state m uch earlier than or when a person pursues an o b ject moving over a station­
dark-reared cacs (V on Griinau 1 9 7 9 ). Ic seems chac che basic ary background. Human adults can n ot suppress O K N
changes are macurational. Visual inputs are required only to when there are no stationary objects in view but can readily
cerminace the changes. do so when a single stationary o b ject is presenc. O ne-m on th -
O lson and Freeman tound that the inward torsional old infants showed no suppression o f O K N in the presence
angle between che slic pupils o f cats increased during che o f a stationary o b ject, but 2-m onth-old infants showed
first 2 months' to a value o f about 14°. In dark-reared ani­ som e suppression o f O K N (Aslin and Joh n son 1996).
mals this process continued through the 3rd m onth со reach An eye m ovem ent in pursuic o f an objccc is known as
a mean value o l 24°. sm o o th pursuit. Sm ooth pursuit keeps the image o f the
The eyes ot human neonates tend to be divergent. It is o b ject on the fovea. Ic is therefore present only in animals
nor known w hether there is a medial m igration o f che fovea with fovcatc eyes and is necessarily under voluntary control,
in humans but the angle lambda has been estimated to especially when the o b ject moves with respect to stationary
change from 7.9" at birth to 5.08° in the adult (London and objects.
W ick 1 982). It has been claim ed chat neonaccs show occasional pur­
Binocular alignm ent o f human eyes during and ju st after suic eye movcmcncs to an o b ject moving at up to abouc
saccadic eye movem ents improved from age 4.5 years to 2 0 7 s (Krcm eniczer et al. 1 9 7 9 ). However, the o b jcct sub­
adult levels ac 12 years (Vang and Kapoula 2 0 0 3 ). tended 10" and may have evoked O K N rather chan smooch
pursuic. In infants younger than 6 to 8 weeks, Aslin (1 9 8 7 )
did not observe sm ooth pursuic o f a 2°-wide vertical bar
m oving sinusoidally. Sm ooth pursuit ot a stcp-ram p o t a 2°
Ultrasound im aging reveals a variety o f slow and fast eye w hite square on a black background was slow and poorly
movements in the human fetus betw een 16 and 4 2 weeks ot related to the velocity o f the target in 8-m onth-old infants
gestation (B irn h olz 1981). (Shea and Aslin 1990).
O p to k in e tic nystagm us (O K N ) is an involuntary eye Von H ofsten and Rosander (1 9 9 7 ) measured sm ooth
movement evoked by movement o f the whole retinal image. pursuit eye movements o f infancs between the ages o f 2 and
Pursuit movements (slow phases) are interspersed with sac­ 5 m onths to sinusoidal or triangular m otion (0 .2 or 0 .4 H z)
cadic returns (fast phases). O pcokinecic nystagmus supple­ o f a 10°-wide face on a w hite background. Pursuit gain (eye
m ents the vcstibuloocular response and thereby stabilizes velocity over stimulus velocity) increased over this period.
the image as the anim al moves about. O pcokinecic nyscag- For sinusoidal m otion, phase lag was low, and by 5 m onths
mus is n o t under voluntary control. Ic is present in boch pursuit began to lead the m otion o f the stimulus. For trian­
fovcatc and afovcatc vertebrates and is controlled bv *
sub- gular m otion, phase lag was large and did noc anticipate che
cortical nuclei with a cortical contribution only in higher m otion o f t h e stimulus. The gain o f sm ooth pursuit does
mammals, as we will see in Section 22.6.1. n o t reach adult levels until mid adolescence (Salm an cc al.
G ratings m oving at up ro about 40°/sevoke optokinetic 2 0 0 6 a ).
nystagmus in neonate infants (K rem cnitzer c t al. 1979). In all the above studies the moving target was presented
Von H ofsten and Rosander (1 9 9 6 ) measured O K N in on a blank background. U nder these conditions eye move­
infants bccween 2 and 5 m onths ot age in response to a m ents may be O K N rather than voluntary pursuit.
fusion involving preferential looking betw een a fusible pair and not by the m aturation o f the vcrgcncc system. This
o i gratings and a rivalrous pair o l gratings. The few infants argum ent depends on the assumption that the younger
that were noc ordhotropic during the first postnatal m onth children would also tolerate vergence errors o f up to 1.4° if
were exotropic. A lm ost all the infants were orthotrop ic by the neural system were mature.
the fourth m onth. Convergence began to show at 6 weeks,
but full convergence did n o t occur until betw een the 13th
and l 7 th weeks. The infants showed evidence of binocular
7 .4 D E V E L O P M E N T O F V IS U A L
fusion betw een the 12th and 16th weeks. There was a high
correlation betw een the age o f onset o f convergence and
that o f binocular fusion.
Vergence accom m odation (accom m odation induced by 7 .4 .1 P E R C E P T IO N O F D IS T A N C E
a change in vergence) has been investigated in infants by
7 .4 .1 a A c c u ra c y o f R e a c h in g M o v e m e n ts
placing a prism o f 2 , 15, or 2 0 diopters in fron t o f one eye
while the infants viewed a nonaccom m odative target co n ­ The earliest identifiable responses o t the arm are the neck-
sisting o f a diffuse 2.7° patch o f light (B o bier e t al. 2 0 0 0 ). tonic reflex evoked by rotation o f the head, the traction
Th e infants ranged in age from 1 to 3 m onths. A ccom m o­ reflex evoked by pulling the arm, and the grasp reflex evoked
dative changes were observed in som e o f the 3-m onth-old by touching the palm o f the hand (T w itch ell 1 9 7 0 ). None
infants. The mean stimulus C A / C ratio (accom m odative o f these innate reflexes is visually evoked.
change divided by prism power) was higher in the intants W h ite et al. (1 9 6 4 ) outlined a normative developm en­
than in adults. The response C A / C ratio (accom m odative tal sequence o f visually guided reaching in infants. In chc
change divided by the vergence response) was not deter­ firsc monch, infants do not attend to objects w ithin arm’s
mined because vergence was n o t measured. reach, and arm movements are unrelated to vision. In the
A ccom m odative vergence (vergence induced by a second m onth, infants attend to near o b jects and becom e
change in accom m odation) has been investigated in infants interested in their own arms. The first visually directed
by measuring eye alignm ent with far and near targets viewed swiping m ovem ents o f the arm develop in this period, but
binocularly and m onocularly (Aslin and Jackson 1979). the child grasps an o b ject only if the hand touches it. In chc
Accom m odative vergence was observed in 2-m onth-old chird monch, arm swiping gives way со dirccced arm move­
infants, bu t the m agnitude o f the response was not mea­ m ents, and che child looks back and forth betw een object
sured. Turner et al. (2 0 0 2 ) used the same procedure bu t and hand. By the fourth and fifth monchs chc com bined
measured both accom m odation and vergence with a photo- action o f the arms com es under visual control and the child
refractive technique. The infants ranged in age from 1 ro 54 is able to reach for and grasp an o bject. Reports that infants
weeks. Below the age ot 8 weeks, accom m odation changed only a few days old reach for visual objects and occasionally
with target distance, but the response improved up to the grasp them have n o t been confirm ed (Bow er ct al. 1970b ;
age o f 2 6 weeks. Changes in accom m odation could have Dodw ell et al. 1976).
been evoked by image blur o r by the change in the angular Nine-week old intants cannot reach for an o b ject across
subtense ot the target. Vergence changes were not observed the body m idline. By 18 weeks, they behave like adults on
below the age o f 8 weeks. After that age, vergence responses this task (Provine and W cstcrm an 1 9 7 9 ). Coordinated
improved up to the age o f 16 weeks. After the age o t 8 bimanual reaching depends on che developm ent o f con tral­
weeks, vergence responses were stronger with binocular ateral reaching.
viewing than with m onocular viewing. This indicates some Reaching movements chat are executed wichout visual
contribution o f binocular disparity. However, m ost infants feedback once initiated, are called visually trigg ered m ove­
older than 8 weeks showed some vergence responses with m ents. M ovem ents that are modified during execution by
m onocular viewing. This indicates the presence o f accom ­ visually perceived error are called visually guided m ove­
modative vergence. However, it is not clear w hether m on­ m ents. A successful reaching movement to an isolated
ocular vergence was evoked by changes o f accom m odation o b ject w ithout sight o f che hand requires intormacion about
o r by the changing angular size o f the target. the distance o f the objecr, which can be provided only by
Infants do noc need to move their eyes to d etect coarse accom m odation or vergence. A seen hand can be guided to
disparities. Birch et al. (1 9 8 3 ) found that infants over 6 an o b ject by the use o f binocular disparity and lateral offset
monchs o f age, wich fully developed scereoacuicy, arc insen­ betw een hand and objecc. In this case, absolute estim ates o f
sitive to errors o f vergence o f up to 1.4°. C hildren had to discancc and direccion arc noc required for visual guidance.
reach an average age o f 4.1 m onchs before they could distin­ There have been several studies on che developm ent o f
guish depth in stereograms in which the disparity was reaching in infants, and conclusions have been drawn about
allowed to reach 1.4°. From this evidence, Birch et al. co n ­ the exten t to which reaching and grasping signify chac che
cluded that the developm ent ofsrereoacu ity in the infant is intanc has depch perception. For inscancc, 5-m onch-old
lim ited by the m aturation of disparity-detecting neurons infancs moved the arm forward and made grasping
movements with the hand when a virtual o b ject was within this skill was more prccisc in 34-w eek-old infants (von
reach but not when it was o u t o f reach (G ord on and Yonas H ofstcn and Fazel-Zandy 1984).
1 9 7 6 ; B ech told t and Hutz 1 979). Infants 4 m onths old It is n o t clear in these studies to what extent perfor­
reached for the nearer o f two objects m ore consistently mance depended on disparity cues to relative depth between
when looking with tw o eves than with one (G ranrud 1986). o b ject and hand as opposed to vcrgcncc and m onocular
The superiority o f binocular reaching was correlated with a cues. N or is it clear to what extent infants judged the abso­
preference for looking at a random -dot stereogram with lute distance o f an o b jcct or the relative distance between
depth rather than at a random -dot surface. o b ject and hand.
In another study, 5 -m onth-old infants reached lor It is to be cxpcctcd that infants will be more likely to
an approaching o b je ct specified only by binocular inform a­ attend to an o b ject w ithin reach than to one beyond reach.
tion whereas 3.5-m on th-old infants did not (Yonas et al. Infants aged 6 to 2 0 weeks fixated on a solid o b jcct for
1978a) (P ortrait Figure 7 .1 1 ). Infants betw een the ages o f longer when it was 3 0 cm distant than when it was 9 0 cm
18 and 3 2 weeks directed ballistic arm movements to the distant (M cK enzie and Day 1972).
virtual position o f an o b ject viewed through prisms that Reaching in adults is discussed in S ection 3 4 .3 .
altered the angle o f vcrgcncc (von H ofstcn 1 9 7 7 ). In other
words, they moved their arms to where the eyes were co n ­
7 .4 .1 b C liff A v oid an ce
W h en reaching to grasp an o b ject, adults start to close M ost young mammals show an avoidance response when
the hand before touching the o b ject and start to close ear­ confronted with a visual clilf(G ib so n and W alk I9 6 0 ; W alk
lier for smaller o b jects. This skill could depend on an esti­ and G ibson 1 9 6 1 ) (P ortrait Figure 7 .1 2 ). In one study,
mate of the absolute distance ot the o b ject or of the relative 5-week-old kittens selected the shallower o l tw o steps
visually perceived distance betw een hand and o bject. (T im n cy 1981). In another study, 2-m onth -old human
Com pared with adults, infants betw een 5 and 9 m onths of infants discrim inated betw een the shallow and deep sides
age started to close the hand closer to the tim e o f contact. o f a visual cliff, as indicated by the heart rate (C am pos ct al.
Even 13-m onth-old infants did n o t react differently to dif­ 1970). However, both binocular and m onocular cues to
ferent sizes o f o b ject (von H ofstcn and R onnqvist 1988). depth were available in these displays, so one cannot
Infants 4 weeks old showed signs o f adjusting the orienta­ conclude anything about the developm ent of binocular
tion o f the reaching hand to the orientation o f a rod, but stereopsis in humans.

Fi*«rc7.i2. E leanorJ Gibson. B o r n E l e a n o r J a c k in P r e o r i a . I l l i n o i s , in

1 9 1 0 . Sh e o b ta in e d а В .Л . at S m ith C o lle g e , and a P h .D . a t P rin ce to n
Figure*. II. Albert Yonas. B o r n in C l e v e l a n d . O h i o , i n 1 9 4 2 . H e o b t a i n e d U n i v e r s i t y i n 1 9 3 8 . S h e h e ld a c a d e m i c a p p o i n t m e n t s a t S m i t h C o l l e g e
а В . Л . in p s y c h o l o g y f r o m c h c U n i v e r s i t y o f M i c h i g a n i n 1 9 6 4 a n d u n til 1 9 4 9 , w h e n she m o v ed to th e p s y c h o lo g y d e p a r tm e n t a t C o r n e ll
a P h . D . in p s y c h o l o g y f r o m C o r n e l l U n i v e r s i t y in 1 9 6 8 . H e j o i n e d U n i v e r s i t y , w h e r e s h e r e m a i n e d u n t i l s h e r e t i r e d . S h e r e c e iv e d t h e A P A
th e fa cu lty o f th e In stitu te o f C h ild D e v e lo p m e n t at th e U n iv ersity D i s t i n g u i s h e d S c i e n t i s t A w a r d in 1 9 6 S . t h e G . S t a n l e y H a l l A w a r d in
o f M i n n e s o t a i n 1 9 6 S , w h e r e h e is n o w p r o f e s s o r a n d d i r e c t o r o f t h e 1 9 7 0 , t h e 1 t o w a r d W a r r e n M e d a l in 1 9 7 7 , a n d t h e N a t i o n a l M e d a l o f
C e n t r e f o r R e s e a r c h in L e a r n i n g . S c i e n c e in 1 9 9 2 . S h e d i e d in 2 0 0 2 .
angles and a second group со a crapezoid inclined ac the
7 .4 .2 c P e rce p tio n o f R o ta tin g 3 - D S h ap es
same angles. Boch groups were chen cesced wich a froncal
square and a froncal crapezoid. The resulcs indicated chac the D ynam ic changes in perspective (m otion parallax) p ro ­
infancs perceived che real shapes o i chc inclined scimuli— duced by rotacing an objccc provide informacion abouc che
chat chey had shape constancy. 3 -D scructure o f the objccc (Seccion 2 8 .5 ). The kinetic
Infancs seem со be capable oi recognizing a familiar depth effect (K D E ) demonstrates the power o f this in for­
face when only a few days old (Slaccr and Kirby 1998; m ation. In one form o f chiseffecc, the silhouette o f a twisted
Atkinson 2 0 0 0 , p. 5 3 ). However, che face was froncal, and 3 -D wire frame rear-projected o n to a screen appears flat
so ic is noc know n со whac excenc a face in an unfamiliar when the frame is stationary, but its 3 -D structure is per­
oriencacion can be recognized by very young infancs. ceived when the frame rotates.
Remarkably, infancs 2 со 3 weeks old were able со m im ic the There is evidence that human infants are sensitive to
facial expressions o f another person (M eltzo ff and M oore depth created by mocion parallax before becom ing sensicive
1977). со scacic m onocular dcpch cues, such as perspective and
fam iliar size. H abituation tests revealed thac 4-m onch-old
infancs could noc distinguish becween a real cube and a
7 .4 .2 b P e rc e p tio n o f M o tio n -D e fin e d
wedge-shaped objccc angled со projecc che same image as
C o n to u rs
chc cube. Adulcs could make chis discrim ination. However,
A shape defined by random docs on a background o f che infancs could distinguish betw een two o b jects thac were
sim ilar docs is complecely camouflaged until che docs defin­ rocacing abouc a vertical axis (O w sley 1983).
ing chc shape move wich respecc со chc ocher docs. This is Kellman (1 9 8 4 ) habicuaced one group o f 4-m onch-old
known as shape from m ocion. Kaufm ann-H ayoz ec al. infancs со a 2 -D image o f a 3 -D wire fram e rocacing abouc a
(1 9 8 6 ) found chac 3-m oncIvold infancs could discriminace horizontal or a vertical axis. A second group o f 4-m onch-
becween cwo m ocion-defined shapes. Also, after habicuat- old infancs was habicuaced со scacic views o f che o b ject caken
ing со a m ocion-defined shape, chey looked longer ac a novel from che m otion sequence. The firsc group remained habit­
stationary lum inance-defined shape chan ac one sim ilar со uated when tested with the sam e o b ject rotating about a
che habituated shape. To chis excenc, perception o f shape new axis bu t becam e dishabituated when presented with a
was cue invariant. However, they showed no transfer when new rotacing objecc. The second group dishabituated to
chey were habicuaccd со a lum inance-defined shape and both rotating displays. Thus, the addition o f m otion paral­
cesced wich m otion-defined shapes. Perhaps che novelty lax facilitates the perccpcion o f 3 -D form in 4-m onch-old
o f mocion overwhelmed any preference for one shape over infancs, as ic does in adulcs (W allach and O ’C onn ell 1953;
che other. Kellm an and Shore 1987). This facilicaeion could be due со
W hen a texturcd opaque surface moves over a station­ perccpcion o f che 2 -D kinetic feacures o f che rocacing shapes,
ary cexcured surface, elemencs o f che far surface are occluded such as changing incerseccions, racher than o f cheir 3 -D
on rhe leading edge and emerge on the lagging edge. This is shape.
the d e le tio n -a ccre tio n cu e to che depth order o f che cwo Arcerberry and Yonas (1 9 8 8 ) obcained similar resulcs
surfaces (G ibson ec al. 1 9 6 9 ). G ranrud ec al. (1 9 8 4 ) pre- using a dynamic random -doc display in which che shapes o f
senccd 5-m onch-old infancs wich acom puccr-gcncraccd dis­ che cest objcccs (a cube and an indcnced cube) were defined
play ot one random-doc surface moving over anocher. The wholly by relative mocion o f che docs. However, ic is scill
infants reached со che apparendv nearer surface, which sug- possible that the 4-m onch-old infancs were responding со
gcscs chac chey used che accrecion-delecion cue. differences in chc 2-D flow paccerns racher chan со che 3-D
An accrecion-delecion display like chac used by Granrud shapes created by the m ocion. Two lurcher pieces o f evi­
ec al. concains a second cue со depch order. Ac che border dence suggest thac the infants were indeed responding to
becween che cwo surfaces che cexcurc o f che nearer surface 3 -D shape. First, after habituating to a shape defined only
has an associaced moving edge, while che cexcure o f the by m otion parallax, 4-m onth-old infants with high stereo
more discan с surface has no associaced moving edge (Yonas sensitivity remained habituated со che same scacionary
ec al. 1987a). shape defined by disparicy. Infancs wich low stereo sensiciv­
Cracon and Yonas (1 9 8 8 ) presenccd 5-m ondvold icy did noc remain habicuaced со che shape (Yonas cc al.
infancs wich a display representing a near surface moving 1987b ). Second, 8-week-old infancs could discriminace
over a more disranc surface. The only cue со depch order becween che cwo cubic form s only if chey saw che whole dis­
was chac one surface had a moving edge associaced wich its play racher chan only che region coneaining che greacesc d if­
cexture elemencs. The cexcure elemencs o f boch surfaces ference in opcic flow (Arcerberry and Yonas 2 0 0 0 ).
were kepc away from rhe moving edge so chac chere was no Shaw ec al. (1 9 8 6 ) eliminaced che possibility o f subjects
accrecion-delecion (sec Figure 2 7 .1 1 ). The infancs showed using 2 -D flow. Infancs were habicuaced to a siihoucccc o f a
a reaching preference for che nearer surface defined in rocacing 3 -D objecc in which depth was specified only by a
chis wav.
cransformacion o f linear perspective. W h en cesced wich
years o r Liter. However, n o t all the previous investigators 3. D uring developm ent o f binocularity, inputs from
used the rewards and attentional aids that Fox used. the two eyes increase their inhibitory interactions.
The results o f these behavioral procedures do not allow These inhibitory interactions reduce the level o f
one to distinguish betw een the effects o f the following binocular facilitation o f the V EP. M any people
developm ental factors. with abnormal binocularity have an unusually
large interocular suppression, and it is argued that
1. Im provements in the sensitivity o f disparity detection lack o f binocular facilitation o f the VF.P is due to
mechanism s. abnorm al interocular suppression rather than to
loss o f binocular cells.
2. Improved reliance on changes in vergence. This factor
could be removed by using b rief stimulus presentations.
The first signs o f V E P s specifically related to depth in
3. Increasing interocular distance. The interocular distance dynam ic random -dot stereograms occurred in infants
o f the neonate is only about tw o-thirds that in the betw een ages 10 and 19 weeks. This is several weeks after
adult. O th er things being equal, the minimum the first V E P s evoked by a random -dot correlogram or by a
discrim inable binocular disparity is proportional to flickering checkerboard (Petrig et al. 1 9 8 1 ; Skart et al.
interocular separation. This factor alone accounts tor a 1993). Birch and Petrig (1 9 9 6 ) used the V E P and preferen­
3 0 % im provem ent o f stereoacuity with age. Also, as the tial looking to assess the developm ent ot binocular fusion ot
interocular distance increases, the mapping o f disparity dynamic random dors and the developm ent o f stereopsis in
o n to the perception o f relative depth must be random -dot stereograms. Both measures revealed an abrupt
recalibrated. onset o f fusion and stereopsis between 3 and 5 m onths fol­
lowed by a rapid developm ent to near adult levels by 6 to 7
m onths.
7 . 6 . 3 V E P s A N D D E V E L O P M E N T OF In a test o f general binocularity but n o t specifically
STEREOPSIS stereopsis, V E Ps were recorded from the scalps o f infants
betw een the ages o f 4 and 3 6 weeks. They were shown
Th e logic for recording visual evoked potentials (V E P s)
random -dot patterns alternating at a rate o f 1.9 Hz
from the surface o f the scalp to investigate binocular func­
betw een being correlated and uncorrelated in the two eyes,
tions is outlined in Section 13.1.8b. The relationship
and a control pattern, which alternated betw een two
betw een V E Ps and stereopsis is discussed in S ection 11.7.
uncorrelated states. The V E Ps o f m ost infants under 2
Amigo c t al. (1 9 7 8 ) reported that binocular facilitation
m onths o f age showed the same response to the test as to
o f the V E P first showed in infants at about the age o f 2
the control stimulus. By the third m onth, all infants except
monchs but was still below adult levels at 5 m onths. They
one with a strabismus showed a d istin ct tim c-locked
concluded that the V E P could be used as a test o f cortical
response to the test stimulus bur not to the control stimulus
binocularity. Pcnnc c t al. (1 9 8 7 ) obtained sim ilar results in
(Braddick et al. 1980). A similar procedure used in a longi­
a longitudinal study o f three infants. However, Am igo et al.
tudinal study, revealed thar the median age tor rhe first V E P
tested at only one spatial frequency, w hich was 3 cpd for
evidence o f binocularity was 91 days (Braddick et al.
adults and betw een 1 and 3 cpd for infants, according to
age. Pcnnc c t al. used a spatial frequency o t 0 .3 6 cpd. This
There has been some dispute about when binocular
make it difficult to com pare ages because the spatial fre­
rivalry develops in the infant. Behavioral evidence suggests
quency that evokes the best response may have been missed
that it develops by the age o f abou t 3 m onths (Section
(Section 18.6.3).
7.6.1a). However, visual evoked potentials from the visual
S h c a c t al. (1 9 8 7 ) recorded che VF.P in response to tem ­
cortex o f infants betw een the ages o f 5 and 15 m onths
porally modulated checkerboard patterns with low and
showed no evidence o f rivalry in response to orthogonal
high spatial frequencies and found that m ost infants below
dichoptic gratings (Brow n et al. 1999) (see Section
the age o f 10 m onths showed binocular sum m ation o f about
145% com pared with the adult value o f less than 100% .
Endo et al. (2 0 0 0 ) recorded trom single cells in V I ot
They did n o t test infants under 2 m onths o f age.
monkeys during the first 4 weeks o f life. The responses
T h e enhanced binocular V E P in intants could be due to
showed evidence o t interocular suppression when the ani­
any o f the following factors.
mals were shown dichoptic orthogonal gratings. Suppression
was stronger than that in adult monkeys. Endo et al. co n ­
1. It may be the summed response o f tw o m onocular pools
cluded that young monkeys experience binocular rivalry
o f neurons (N uzzi and Franchi 1983).
before the emergence o f stereoptic vision at betw een 4 and
2. Excitatory inputs to binocular cells increase during the 6 weeks.
critical period for developm ent o f stereopsis (Leguire Visual evoked potentials in amblyopia are discussed in
e ta l. 1991). Section 8.5.2.
7.6.4 S T E R E O A C U I T Y IN T H E A G E D Norm an c t al. (2 0 0 6 ) confirm ed that older observers
have reduced sensitivity to disparity-defined shape but arc
Stereoscopic acuicy has been reported со remain constant
affected in a sim ilar way by changes in disparity magnitude,
betw een the ages o f 8 and 4 6 years (I lo fstcttcr and Bcrtsch
and by noisy stim uli. Young and old observers could see
1976). In several studies reviewed by O w sley and Sloane
depth in dynam ic random -dot stereogram s in which frames
(1 9 9 0 ) and Brown et al. (1 9 9 3 ) stereoacuity was found to
changed every 14.3 ms. For all subjects, added noise affected
dcclinc in subjects over 5 0 or 6 0 years o f age. W right and
dynamic stereograms less than nondynam ic stereograms.
W orm ald (1 9 9 2 ) found that o f 7 2 8 people over che age o f
In summary, it seems that basic stereoacuity does not
6 5 , only 2 7 % had full stereopsis and 29 % had no stereopsis
decline with age after effects o f loss o f contrast-sensitivity is
when tested with the Frisby stereotest.
taken in to account. However, older people show som e loss
In their own .study, Brown c t al. used a H ow ard-Dolm an
in discrim inating 3-D shapes defined by disparity and have
test to measure stereoacuicy in four groups o f subjects with
difficulty coping with large disparities in random -line ste­
mean ages o f 2 4 ,4 5 , 5 6 , and 6 4 years. The mean stcrcoacu-
ity was about 16 arcsec for the first three groups and
Norm an cc al. (2 0 0 0 ) found that older observers could
declined to 2 7 arcscc for the oldest group o f subjects.
n o t reliably d etect a 3 -D surface defined by m otion parallax
However, there was no significant effecc o f age after the
when texture elem ents survived for only cwo frames. Tli us,
results o f tw o o f the 41 subjects were ignored.
in briefly exposed images, older observers decected dispar­
Loss o f stereoacuity with age could be due со loss o f
ity buc noc patterns o f m otion.
optical quality o t the retinal image. Between the ages o f 2 0
The developm ent o f the eye was reviewed in Mann
and 7 0 people show a decline in the m odulation transfer
(1 9 6 4 ) and Robinson (1 9 9 1 ). The evolution o f the visual
function o f che optics o t the eye, determ ined by a laser beam
system was reviewed in C ronly-D illon and Gregory (1 9 9 1 ).
reflected from the retina (G uirao et al. 1999). Reduced
The developm ent o f the visual system was reviewed in
retinal illum ination does not seem to be the cause o f the
Purves and Lichtm an ( 1 9 8 5 ), Salapatek and C ohen (1 9 8 7 ),
reduction o f stereoacuicy wich age (Yap ec al. 1994).
Lam and Shatz (1 9 9 1 ), Sim ons (1 9 9 3 ), Daw (1 9 9 5 ), V ital-
There could be loss o f contrast sensitivity due to age-rc-
Durand et al. (1 9 9 6 ), Slater (1 9 9 8 ), and Atkinson (2 0 0 0 ).
lated changes in che central nervous syscem. A difference in
For reviews o f the developm ent o f binocular vision see
acuicy betw een the eyes can cause a loss o f stereoacuity at
Aslin and Dum ais ( 1 9 8 0 ), Yonas and Owsley (1 9 8 7 ),
any age (Lam et al. 1 996). W h en correlations between
T im n ey ( 1 9 8 8 ), and Held (1 9 9 1 ).
visual acuity, concrasc sensitivity, and stereoacuity were
taken into account, only contrast sensitivity differed signifi­
cantly betw een younger and older subjects (G reene and 7 .7 D E V E L O P M E N T O F A U D IT O R Y
M adden 19 8 7 ; Schncck c t al. 2 0 0 0 ). L O C A L IZ A T IO N
Increased instability o f gaze could be a factor in the loss
o f stereoacuity with age. Fixation disparity increased N ew born infants turn their heads coward a racde presented
with age in the direction o f exophoria, but this was noc to one or other side (M uir and Field 1979). However, head
associated with a decrease in stercoacuity (Yekta et al. turning со concinuous speech or to a rattling sound was
1 9 8 9 ). In people over 6 0 years o f age there is an increasing found to decline during the second m onth before increas­
incidence o f convenience insufficiency associated with cxo- ing to ics previous level in the fourth m onth (Field et al.
phoria for near vision (Pickw ell 1 9 8 5 ). The normally 1979, 1 9 8 0 ). This could represent the replacem ent o f an
acccptcd near point o f vcrgcncc is 10 cm , but an increase up innate subcortical response in the newborn by a voluntary
to the norm al reading discance o f 25 cm would have no cortically mediated response in 3-m onth old infancs.
practical consequences for stereopsis (Pickwell and W ith two clicks about 5 ms apart, subjects hear and
H am pshire 1981). localize only the leading click. This is known as the prece­
N orm an et al. (2 0 0 8 ) tested subjects between the ages dence cffecr (Section 3 5 .3 .1 b ). It has been reported char
o f 18 and 83. They found no significant age-related changes neonates do n o t show the precedence effect (C lifton et al.
in stereoacuity, even when the stimuli were presented on a 1981; M uir et al. 1 9 8 9 ). The onset o f the precedence cffecr
depth pedestal. However, older subjeccs were less able со corresponded to the upswing in the incidence of head turn­
d etect the sign o f depth o t a cyclopean shape in a random - ing in the fourth m onth. M uir et al. concludcd that the
line stereogram when che disparicy was large (51 arcm in). onset o f the precedence effect is due to the developm ent o f
N orm an c t al. (2 0 0 0 ) investigated the effects o f aging cortical m echanism s o f auditory localization.
on the abilicy to discrim inate betw een 3 -D shapes defined The abilicy со discrim inace a shift in che lateral direction
by disparity. O lder observers (m ean age 7 4 ) performed o f a sound increases wich age. Thus, M orrongicllo ; 1988)
qualitatively as well as young observers (mean age 2 2 ), found that 6-m onch-old infancs could only decect shifts
except that older observers perceived less depth in surfaces larger than 12°, while 18-m onth-olds could d etect a
containing large disparities and high spatial frequencies. shift o f 4°.
Seven -m onth-old infants, in the dark, often reached со Conductive hearing loss in one car ac an early age produces
the source o f a sound that was in the m idlinc or 30° or 60° to audicory defcccs analogous со visual defcccs produced by early
the side. However, chey were more likely to reach when che monocular deprivation. The visual defects are known as
source o f chc sound could be seen (Perris and Clifcon 1988). amblyopia and arc described in Section 8.4. Audicory defcccs
C lifton cc al. (1 9 9 1 ) sounded a racde in chc dark in various due со monaural deprivation are known as am blyaudio.
azimuch positions and ac discances ot 15 cm or 6 0 cm . Six- Losses include wcakcningoi chc representation o f the deprived
monch-old infancs showed some evidence o f reaching in the ear in the audicory corcex and disrupccd binaural inccgrarion.
correcc location buc only when che racde was w ithin reach­ As wich amblyopia, che effects o f monaural deprivation occur
ing distance. Their accuracy in reaching was n o t affected by only when monaural deprivation occurs in a critical period in
che relative intensities o f che near and far racdes (Litovsky early developmenc (Popescu and Pol ley 2010).
and C lifton 1992). In ocher words, die infancs did noc use The audicory syscem adapcs со recurrenc sound pacccrns.
overall sound intcnsicy со discriminate between a racde For example, birds learn со produce specific songs and children
wichin reach and one beyond reach. Adulcs did use sound learn chc speech pacccrns ot their native language (Kuhl 2004).
incensicy со judge che relative discances o f sound sources. Som e o f these adaptive changes occur in chc auditory brain­
The infancs muse have used some ocher cue со distance, such stem (Tzounopoulosand Kraus 2 0 0 9 ), but mosc o f chcm occur
as interaural differences in incensicy or time. in chc audicory corcex (KeuroghJian and Knudsen 2 0 0 7 ).

8.1 Effects of dark rearing 391 8.3 The critical period •1 H

8.1.1 Physiological cffccts o f dark rearing 3 9 1 8.3.1 Critical period in subprimates 4 1 5
8.1.2 Behavioral effeccs of dark rearing $ 9 $ 8.3.2 Critical period in monkeys 4 1 8
8.1.3 Recovery o f sight in humans 3 9 4 8.3.3 Critical period in humans 4 1 8
8.1.4 Effects of blindness 395 8.4 Amblyopia 4 1 9
8.2 Monocular deprivation 3 9 6 8.4.1 Types of amblyopia 4 1 9
8.2.1 Retinal cffccts of monocular deprivation 3 9 6 8.4.2 Loss of contrast sensitivity and acuity 4 2 1
8.2.2 Subcortical cffccts of monocular deprivation 397 8.4.3 Spatial distortions 4 2 4
8.2.3 Cortical effects of monocular deprivation in 8.4.4 Temporal resolution and motion detection in
subprimates 4 0 0 amblyopia 4 2 7
8.2.4 Cortical effects of monocular deprivation in 8.4.5 Motor symptoms of amblyopia 4 2 9
primates 4 0 5 8.4.6 Development and treatment o f amblyopia 4 3 0
8.2.5 Effects o f binocular dissociation 406 8.5 Amblyopia and stereopsis 4 3 3
8.2.6 Effects of monocular enucleation 407 8 .5 .1 Amblyopia and stereoacuity 1 3 3
8.2.7 Mechanisms of cortical plasticity 408 8 .5 2 Amblyopia and binocular suppression 4 3 3

8 .1 E F F E C T S O F D A R K R E A R IN G C ells in the accessory optic system o f dark-reared cats

lose their inputs from the ipsilateral eye, which arise from
binocular cells in the ipsilateral visual cortcx (Grasse and
8 .1 .1 P H Y S IO L O G IC A L E F F E C T S O F D A R K Cynader 1986). Th e accessory o p tic system is discussed in
R E A R IN G Section 2 2 .6 .1 .
There is som e evidence that eyelid suturing o r corneal
8 .1 .1 a S u b c o r tic a l E ffe c ts o f D a rk R e a rin g
opacification leads to elongation o fth e eye and axial myopia
Earlier studies reported that rats and monkeys reared in (see Section 6.3.1).
total darkness showed no obvious changes in the number, M any cclls in the superior colliculus respond to visual,
size, or staining characteristics o f cells in either the retina or auditory, and somatosensory stimuli. C ells in the superior
L G N (C h ow 1 9 7 3 ; H endrickson and B o o th e 1 9 7 6 ). Also, colliculus o f cats reared in the dark from birth remained
it was reported that che sensitivity o f L G N cells in the cat to multisensory. However, the cells had enlarged reccptive
spatial frequency or orientation was not affected by dark fields and did n o t show the normal response enhancem ent
rearing (M ow er c t al. 1981 a; Z hou ct al. 1995). when stim ulated simultaneously by stim uli in different
M ore recent studies have revealed some retinal effects m odalities (W allace c t al. 2 0 0 4 ).
o f dark rearing. Dark rearing blocked the segregation o f
O N and O F F ganglion in the developing mouse retina
8 .1 .1 b L o ss o t G e n e ra l C o r tic a l R c sp o n siv ity
(T ia n and C openhagen 2 0 0 3 ). G anglion cells o f dark-
reared rats were less responsive and had smaller receptive Dark rearing disrupts the norm al developm ent o fth e visual
fields w ith disturbed O N and O F F regions (D i M arco cortcx. C ats reared in the dark for the first 6 m onths showed
et al. 2 0 0 9 ). a 50% reduction in the num ber o f synapses in area 17 that
In normally reared rats, the level o f brain-derived neu- received inputs from the L G N (Turlcjski and Kossut 1985).
rotrophic factor (B D N F ) in ganglion cells increased during Even though som e cortical cells responded to stim ulation
the first postnatal m onth. In dark reared rats, the level o f in either eye, the cars were perm anently stereoblind.
B D N F was reduced (Seki c t al. 2 0 0 3 ). Thus, visual experi­ In binocularly deprived kittens, many cells in the
ence increases the level o f B D N F in ganglion cells. visual cortex arc unresponsive, weakly responsive, or
respond erratically. The cells apparently do not die o r lose o f V I accom panied by an increase in the size o f extrascriace
their synaptic connections, since they recover their rcspon- corcex (D ehay ec al. 1996). Also, monkeys reared with both
sivity when an excitatory am ino acid is applied locally eyelids sutured have tar fewer neurons in chc corpus callo­
(R am oa et al. 1 9 8 7 ). They also becom e more responsive sum chac term inate in areas 17 and 18, and their distribu­
when cortical inhibition is reduced by application o f bicuc- tion is severely restricced (Innocenci and Frosc 1980).
ulline (T sum oto and Freeman 1 9 8 7 ). C o rtical area 17 is Dark-reared m onkeys and monkeys reared with the eye­
involved in the visual perform ance o f dark-reared cats, since lids sutured show a reduction o f visually responsive cclls in
contrast sensitivity is degraded by ablation o f this area in the posterior parietal cortex (area 7 ). This is accom panied
such cats (Lehm kuhle c t al. 1984). by an increase in the num ber o f cells responsive to som a­
In dark-reared rats, pyramidal cortical cclls that receive tosensory inputs and o f cells showing only sponcaneous
inputs from the L G N have a lower density o t dendritic accivicy (Hvviirincn ec al. 1 9 8 1 ; Carlson cc al. 1987).
spines (W allace and Bear 2 0 0 4 ). Also, dark-reared rats Subsequenc visual experience failed со rectify these dcficics
develop fewer G A B A crg ic inhibitory inputs to pyramidal fully.
cells in the visual cortex than do normally4 reared rats
(M orales ct al. 2 0 0 2 ). The role o f inhibition in cortical plas­
8 .1 .1 c L o ss o f R e sp o n se S p e c ific ity in ch c C o r tc x
ticity is discussed further in Scction 8.2.7d .
The expression o f neurotrophins in the visual cortex D uring the first 3 or 4 weeks after birth, normal and dark-
increases just after young rats open their eyes. There are tour reared kittens have a sim ilar num ber o f cclls in the visual
main neurotrophins: nerve growth factor (N G F ), brain- cortex that arc tuned to orientation and movement. Also,
derived ncurotrophic factor (B D N F ), and neurotrophins both cypes o f kiccen possess binocular cells, o f which some
N T -3 and N T -4/ 5 (S ectio n 6 .4 .3 d ). The neurotrophin are cuncd со disparity. After 4 weeks, cclls tuned to orienta­
N G F is required tor che m aturation o f N M D A synapses tion, m otion, and disparity increase in num ber and stim u­
while B D N F is required for the m aturation o f the lus specificity in norm al animals. By contrast, in dark-reared
G A BA ergic system (C o tru fo cc al. 2 0 0 3 ). These neurotro­ animals, the number o f tuned cells decreases and chc num ber
phins increase the num ber o f receptors on the postsynaptic o f cells with nonspecific tuning increases (Pettigrew et al.
mem branes o f N M D A and G A B A crgic synapses, which 1 9 6 8 ; Pettigrew 1974; Buisserec and Imbcrc 1 9 7 6 ; Fregnac
increases experience-dependent synaptic plasticity. and Imbcrc 1978; Braascad and Hcggelund 1 9 8 5 ; Czepica
Dark-rearing or suppression o f ganglion-cell activity by ec al. 1994).
intraocular injection o f tetrodotoxin decreases the expres­ Dark-reared cats have f ir fewer com plex cells in corcical
sion o f B D N F and prevents che m aturation o f cortical neu­ area 18 chan do normal animals (Blakem orc and Price
rons. The neurotrophin returns ro norm al levels after vision 1987b ). C ells that rccain cheir sensitivity to orientation
is restored. A dm inistration ot B D N F counteracts the effects tend to be m onocular and cuncd со vertical or horizontal.
o f dark rearing in m ice (G ianfranceschi c t al. 2 0 0 3 ). The They resemble oriencacion-cuned cells o f che neonate cat
expression ot N G F and N T -3 is n o t affected by lack o f (Buisserec ec al. 1982).
visual inputs (C astrcn et al. 19 9 2 ; Schoups cc al. 1 9 9 5 ). The Blockage o f all neuronal activity in the visual co rtcx by
role o f neurotrophins in cortical plasticity is discussed fur­ infusion o f cecrodocoxin in intanc ferrets suppressed devel­
ther in Section 8.2.7f. opm ent o f orientation seleccivicy (C hapm an and Scryker
The effects o f visual stim ulation on N M D A receptors 1 9 9 3 ). Presumably, rccention o f some selective cells in b in ­
depend on both the strength and temporal frequency o f ocularly deprived animals is due to effects o f spontaneous
light stim ulation. M oderate stim ulation at 1 H z produces visual inputs.
long-term depression (L T D ), while stronger stimulation C ells in the visual cortcx o f kittens that were dark-reared
produces long-term potentiation (L T P ). Stim ulation ac fre­ until 5 weeks ot age rapidly regained some stimulus speci­
quencies below 1 Hz produces no L T D In dark-reared cacs, ficity when sighc was rcscored (Im bcrc and Buisserec 1975).
L T D is less chan norm al in response Co stim ulation ас 1 Hz Even alter 12 m onths o f dark rearing, cells recovered some
buc is greater than norm al wich lower frequencies o f stim u­ stim ulus specificity for oriencacion, alchough noc for direc­
lation. Blocking N M D A receptors reversed these effects tion o f mocion (Cynadcr et al. 1 9 7 6 ) (P o rtrait Figure 8 .1 ).
(P h ilp o t cc al. 2 0 0 3 ). These results suggest thac dark rearing Lack o f visual experience beginning after the age o f 12
increases the num ber ot N M D A receptors, which produces weeks did not reduce the orientation specificity o f cells in
a shift in the frequency-response funccion. the ca ts visual cortex (Buisscret et al. 1982).
In norm al animals, lateral connections develop between Thus, cortical cells o f cacs develop som e scimulus speci-
cortical cells with similar orientation preference (Sections ficitvi in the first few weeks o f life in the absence o f visual
5.5.6a and 6 .4 .6 b ). C ats binocularly deprived for ac least rhe experience. Ic seems chac sponcaneous retinal activity before
firsc 4 weeks o f life develop abnormal clusters o f horizontal the eves open is involved in this early developm ent (M iller
con n ection s (Callaway and Katz 1 9 9 1 ). Bilaterally enucle­ and Erw in 2 0 0 1 ). However, visual experience is required
ated fetal monkeys show a progressive reduction in the size during the postnatal critical period for che m aintenance and
betw een 4 8 and 128 hours during an 8-week postnatal
period o f darkness was sufficient for normal development
o f colum ns in area 17. D ark rearing did not prevent devel­
opm ent ot ocular dom inance colum ns in area 18 ol cats
(Swindale and Cynader 1986).
O cu lar dom inance colum ns begin to develop before
birth in monkeys but not in cats (Section 6 .7 ). I.cVay c t al.
(1 9 8 0 ) found ocular dom inance colum ns in 7 -week-old
dark-reared monkeys.s

8 .1 .2 B E H A V IO R A L E F F E C T S O F

Dark-reared cats have profound deficits in visually guided

behavior such as obstacle avoidance, paw placement,
directed jum ping, and visually elicited blinking. However, a
large moving display elicited optokinetic nystagmus (V ital-
Durand c t al. 1 9 7 4 ). W hen cats were returned to the light
Figure я. i. M ax Cymulcr. B orn in 1 9 4 7 - \ Ic o b tain ed a B .S c . from after 4 m onths ot darkness, these visually m ediated behav­
M c G ill U n iv ersity in 1 9 6 7 and л P h .D . trom М П * in 1 9 7 2 . A fter
iors recovered after 7 weeks. After 7 m onths o f darkness,
p o std o cto ral tra in in g a t th e M ax Planck Institu te in G erm any he held
acad em ic p osition s in the d epartm en ts o f psychology and physiology
these functions took 10 weeks to recover fully (Van Hof-
a t D alhou sie U niversity in H alifax. C an ad a. In 1 9 S 8 he becam e head van D uin 1976a). A lso,cats reared in darkness for 4 m onths
o f the O p h th a lm o lo g y Research G ro u p in th e U n iv ersity o f B ritish were initially unable to respond to a grating o t any spatial
C o lu m b ia . H e is a fellow o f the Royal S o c ie ty o f C an ad a and recip ien t
frequency. However, th eir grating acuity returned to normal
o f t h e K illam Prize and th e G o ld M ed a l in H e a lth Scien ces from the
Scien ce C o u n c il o t B ritish C o lu m b ia .
(6 .9 cpd) after about 4 m onths in the light. After 6 m onths
o f darkness, acuity did not fully recover (T im n cy ct al.
19 7 8 ; Sm ith D C e ta l. 1980).
further developm ent o f stimulus specificity, especially to C ats reared with both eyelids sutured showed more
high spatial frequencies and fine binocular disparity. severe disruption o f behavior and less evidence o f recovery
C o rtical cells o f dark-reared ferrets had orientation after restoration o t sight than did cats raised in darkness
tuning but it did not reach normal levels. O rientation (M ow er et al. 1982). Lid suturing allows diffuse light to
tuning was rudim entary in ferrets with both eyes occluded enter the eyes and this must be responsible tor the greater
(W h ite et al. 2 0 0 1 ). In both cases, connections between severity and permanence o f deficits. We will see that dark-
cells tuned to the same orientation were less extensive than reared cats have a prolonged period o f cortical plasticity
norm al. Binocular occlusion in the cat reduced orientation compared w ith norm al cats. Visual stim ulation must accel­
and direction selectivity in areas 17 and 18. A lso, receptive erate term ination ot the critical period in young cats, even
fields o f cortical cclls had no sharp inhibitory side bands when the stimulus is diffuse light.
and were unusually large (Singer and Tretter 1976). M onkeys reared in darkness during the first 3 or 6
m onths showed optokinetic nystagmus and pupil constric­
tion. A prefercntial-looking procedure revealed a grating
8 . 1 . Id E ffe c ts o n O c u la r D o m in a n c e
acuity ofbetw een 2.5 and 7.5 cpd,com pared with a normal
C o lu m n s
value o f 15 cpd. However, initially, they did not show avoid­
Swindale (1 9 8 1 ) found a perm anent loss o f anatom ically ance or startle responses to approaching objects and were
defined ocular dom inance colum ns in area 17 o f 30-w cck- not able to reach tor an o b ject. These responses took about
old dark-reared cats or cats reared with the lids o f both eyes a week to develop ( Regal et al. 1976).
sutured from birth. C olum ns developed in cats that were M onkevs raised for 7 weeks with both evelids sutured
allowed binocular vision after an initial 6 weeks o f darkness. had reduced contrast sensitivity in both eyes. However, the
There was much less recovery after betw een 8 and 25 weeks

deficit was much less than that produced in the occluded
and no recovery after 25 weeks o f darkness (Swindale 1988). eye o t a m onkey reared with only one eye sutured.
O cu lar dom inance colum ns did not recover in cats dark- Furtherm ore, sensitivity to visual flicker and spectral sensi­
reared for betw een 9 and 16 weeks (M ow er et al. 1985). tivity were not m uch affected by bilateral eye sutures. N one
However, restoration o f binocular vision produced some o f the binocularly deprived monkeys had binocular vision
recovery o f orientation selectivity and binocularity. O cu lar as assessed by binocular summation o t grating detection or
dom inance colum ns remained normal in cats kept in the by their ability to d etect depth in a random -dot stereogram
dark after 6 weeks o f norm al vision. Visual experience o f (H arw erth et al. 1 991).
M onkeys that had been dark reared for the first year o f drawings. This patient was periodically depressed but seems
life showed rapid recovery in the ability to detect and visu­ to have been one o f the few who learned to make som e use
ally track a moving light sp ot in dark surroundings. o f their restored sight.
However, their tracking m ovem ents were jerky. Even after Ackroyd et al. (1 9 7 4 ) described a woman who had
one year in the light, they continued to bump into objects bilateral cataracts removed when she was 2 7 vears old.
and their eye-hand coord ination remained poor when She had been able to see until she was 3 years old. Six
they readied tor objects. They did not learn to respond to m onths after the operation her elcctroretinogram and
threatening gestures or to a threatening face (C arlson 1990). visual-evoked cortical potentials were w ithin normal lim its
Thus, binocular suturing produces more perm anent as were her lum inance threshold and dark adaptation. She
damage to higher centers o f visual processing than to early could d etect and locate large o bjects, especially if they
levels o f processing. moved, but could not recognize simple visual patterns. She
regarded the operation as a failure and reverted to the life o f
a blind person.
8 .1 .3 R E C O V E R Y O F S I G H T IN H U M A N S
Apkarian (1 9 8 3 ) described a 12-ycar-old girl who
In 169 0 Joh n Locke w rote his Essay Concering Human had her sight restored after being effectively blind since the
Understanding. After reading the essay, the Irish lawyer and age o f 3 m onths. After several m onths o f training
scientist M olvneux w rote to Locke to ask how a man with she showed some developm ent o f visual acuity, could recog­
congenital blindness who has recovered his sight would sec nize simple objects and point to objects. However, she
the world. W ould he be able to distinguish a cube from a reverted to the behavior o f a blind person when at home.
sphere w ithout touching them ? This has becom e known as A 34-year-old man had sight restored after 3 0 years o f
M olyneu x s q u estio n . The question interested him because blindness. Although he regained some visual functions
his wife was blind. He suggested that a person w ith restored he reverted to the behavior o f a blind man (C arlson ct al.
sight would not be able to do so. M olyneux repeated his 1986).
question in 169 3 and Lockc finally responded in the second Fine et al. (2 0 0 2 ) measured basic visual functions in a
edition ol his Essay Concerning Human Understanding man who had cataracts removed at age 4 3 , although the
(1 6 9 4 ). As an em piricist philosopher, L ockc agreed with cataracts had not developed until after he had learned to
M olyneux that we learn to perceive visual space through read and he had 20/ 80 Snellen acuity before the cataracts
association with touch and movement. were removed. C o n trast sensitivity showed no evidence o f
In 17 2 8 , W illiam Chesselden, surgeon to Q ueen im provem ent 2 0 m onths after the operation. Letter acuity
C aroline and ophthalm ologist at St. Thom as’s hospital in improved slightly but only during the first few postopera­
London, reported thac a young man on whom he had per­ tive days. M easurements o f the Stiles-C raw ford effect indi­
form ed a cataract operation could not name shapes until cated that the photoreceptors becam e aligned w ith the
after a long period o f learning. Ju st after his sight was center o f the pupil over a period o f 10 days.
restored, the patient reported that objects seemed to touch M ioch c and Perenin (1 9 8 6 ) tested 13 adults who had
his eyes. I.atta (1 9 0 4 ) described a man who had his sight had bilateral cataracts removed betw een 4 m onths and 7
restored at the age o f 3 0 after being alm ost blind trom birth. years o f age. Their contrast sensitivity, particularly at high
H e quickly learned ro distinguish colors, simple shapes, and spatial frequencies, was markedly impaired for both station­
the letters o f the alphabet. But he remained contused when ary and drifting gratings in both the central and peripheral
confronted with com plex natural scenes or pictures. D istant retina. Their temporal m odulation sensitivity was also
objects seemed near and he had difficulty interpreting fig­ impaired over the whole tem poral-frequency range. Patients
ures representing three dim ensions and showed no evidence with neonatal cataracts were more severely affected than
o f stereoscopic vision. were those with cataracts that developed later.
Von Senden ( I 9 6 0 ) reviewed 6 6 cases betw een 1920 C hildren with congenital cataract in one (Pratt-
and 1931 in which bilateral cataracts were removed. Useful Joh n son and Tillson 1 9 8 9 ) or both (T vtla 1 9 9 3 ) eyes failed
sight was restored in only a few cases. Gregory and Wallace standard clinical tests o f stereopsis after removal o f the
(1 9 6 3 ) described recovery o f visual function in a man who cataract, even when it was removed after only a few
had bilateral cataracts removed when he was 52. H is cata­ m onths. However, some o f the children with binocular
racts had developed at the age o f 10 m onths, although he cataracts showed evidence o f coarse stereopsis when allow­
may have had some residual vision. Basic visual functions ance was made for their amblyopia by testing with large
were not tested. He soon learned to recognize capital letters stim uli, and when allowance was made for strabismus by
that he had learned to recognize by touch. However, it took optically aligning the images (Tytla et al. 1 9 9 3 ). A 1-day-
him many m onths to recognize objects, such as small-case old baby had a m onocular cataract removed and was given
letters that he could not recognize by touch. H e did not occlusion therapy. Right years later the child had good
learn to read by sight although he could tell rhe time. acuity in borh eyes and stereoacuity o f 5 0 arcsec (G regg and
H e had no impressions ot depth when shown perspective Parks 1992).
8 .1 .4 E F F E C T S O F B L IN D N E S S
8 .1 .4 b C ro s s -M o d a l P la s tic ity in th e B lin d

8 . 1 .4 a A c tiv ity in th e V isu a l C o r t e x o f th e There is som e evidence that early-blind people have
E a rly B lin d heightened ability to d etect the directions o f sounds, espe­
cially sounds originating from a peripheral location
Postm ortem exam ination o f the brain o f a person who had
(Rauschecker 1995; I.essard et al. 1 9 9 8 ; Rdder et al. 1999).
had the right occipital lobe removed 4 0 years before death
Blind people certainly have heightened ability to d etect tac­
revealed retrograde degeneration o f axons serving that
tile Braille patterns. The question addressed in this section
occipital lobe in the right optic tract and in both optic
is w hether the response o f the visual cortex to nonvisual
nerves (B eatty et al. 1 9 8 2 ). M agnetic resonance imaging o f
stim uli increases in people who have been blind Irom an
11 early blind subjects revealed atrophy o t the optic chiasm
early age.
and optic radiation and loss o f gray m atter in cortical
M ost cells in the prim ary visual co rtex o f sighted people
area V I . However, there was an increase in the volume o f
respond to only visual stim uli. However, there are inputs to
w hite m atter tracts associated with the somatosensory and
the peripheral visual cortex from the auditory cortex and
m otor cortices (N oppeney e t al. 2 0 0 5 ).
from the polyscnsory area o f the temporal lobe (Falchier
G lucose m etabolism measured by positron emission
e ta l. 2 0 0 2 ).
tomography ( P E T ) was higher in the visual cortex o f early
Asanuma and Stanfield (1 9 9 0 ) found substantial inner­
blind humans than in blindfolded persons with normal
vation o f the L G N by axons o fth e somatosensory system in
sight or with blindness o f recent onset (Veraart et al. 1990).
congenitally blind m ice and in m ice enucleated at birth,
Also, spontaneous activity in the visual cortcx o f monkeys
especially when cortical lesions accom panied enucleation.
and cats deprived ol vision was sim ilar to that in nonde­
Rakic et al. (1 9 9 1 ) surgically reduced the num ber o f
prived anim als (Singer and Tretter 1976). The fM R I
inputs to V I in monkeys at em bryonic day 8 1 . W h en the
revealed heightened activity in V I and the posterior pari­
monkeys were 3 years old, exam ination revealed an area
etal cortex o f early-blind humans as they performed a
adjacent to V I w ith unusual cytoarchitectonic features.
taetile-discrim ination task (Sadato e t al. 2 0 0 2 ).
They/ called this “area X .”
A ctivity in the early-deprived visual cortex could, in
Kahn and Krubitzer (2 0 0 2 ) enucleated opossums on
theory, arise Irom any o l the follow ing causes:
postnatal day 4 , well before ganglion-cell axons had entered
the cortex. In the mature animals, area 17 was reduced in
1. Retarded development o f inhibitory synapses Toward the size and the adjacent area had novel arch itectonic features,
end o fth e critical period for experience-dependent like area X in monkeys. M uch o f the visual cortex that
neural plasticity there is a large increase in inhibitory wouId norm ally have responded to visual stimuli responded
G A B A crgic inputs onto pyramidal cells. The increase only to auditory stimuli or only to tactile stim uli applied
does not occur in dark-re ared rats (M orales et al. 2 0 0 2 ) mainly to the head. Som e cells responded to both types o f
(Section 6 .6 .3 ). stim ulation. Thus, inputs from sense organs serving other
m odalities invade the visual co rtex when visual inputs are
2. Retention o f excess dendrites In the norm al immature
removed in the em bryo.
cortex there is an exuberant grow th o f dendrites
Early blind subjects show some m odification o f evoked
followed by pruning as the co rtcx matures (Section
potentials from the occipital co rtcx when they read Braille
6 .4 .4 ). Ifd en d ritic pru ningd id n o t occur in blind
(U h l et al. 1991). There has been som e dispute about
animals it could account for the high activity in the
whether this occurs in the early blind, in the late blind, or in
visual cortex. However, it seems that enucleated mice
both. Using positron em ission tom ography ( P E T ) , Sadato
develop fewer dendritic spines than normal mice.
et al. (1 9 9 6 ) found heightened bilateral activity in V I and
Heumann and Rabinow icz (1 9 8 2 ) removed both eyes
in the extrastriate cortex o f early blind subjects as they read
o t mice at birth. This did n o t produce any significant
Braille or performed a tactile discrim ination task. Simply
loss o f neurons or glial cells in areas 17 and 18
touching a stimulus had no effect. Sighted subjects showed
com pared with norm al m ice. However, between 10
a reduction o f activity in the visual cortex when perform ing
and 180 days after enucleation there was a progressive
a tactile discrim ination task.
loss o f dendritic spines on pyramid cells in cortical
C o h en et al. (1 9 9 9 ), also, found heightened P E T activ­
layer 5 and then in layer 3. This caused shrinkage
ity in the occipital cortex when early blind subjects read
in the volume o fth e cortex o fb etw een 8 and
Braille. Subjects who becam e blind after the age o f 14 years
13% and an increase in the densitys o f cortical cells.
showed no such activation. Also, transcranial magnetic
3. Invasion o f inputsfrom nonvisual areas The L G N and stim ulation o fth e visual cortex disrupted Braille reading in
visual cortex o f the early blind arc invaded by inputs the early blind but n o t in the late blind.
from other sensory modalities. The evidence for this Biichel et al. (1 9 9 8 ) recorded brain activity with P E T in
will now be reviewed. congenitally blind human subjects and in subjects who had
been blind since puberty as they read Braille or listened to These experimental procedures are designed to m im ic
spoken words. In both groups o f subjects, Braille reading, naturally occurring am blyopia in humans. Am blyopia is
but not the auditory task, elevated brain activity in extras- caused by disorders such as strabismus, unequal refractive
triate area 19, the occipitotem poral ju n ctio n , and the poste­ power in the two eyes (anisom etropia), aphakia, and
rior parietal cortex. O n ly the late-blind group showed cataracts.
elevated activity in the primary visual cortex. The fact that W h en cats or primates are subjected to a disruption ot
the elevation o f brain activity was task-specific suggests that norm al visual experience in one eye in early life, binocular
ir was nor due to general arousal. Burton (2 0 0 3 ) reported cells o f the visual cortex develop abnorm al patterns o f
fM R I activity in several visual areas o f both early and late ocular dom inance, and stereopsis is deficient o r lost.
blind persons reading Braille. Som atosensory innervation Profound changes occur only when m onocular deprivation
o f the visual cortex in the blind could also involve feedback occurs during a critical period early in life. However, even a
from higher centers. b rief period o f m onocular deprivation in adult monkeys
A ctivation ot the visual cortex bv
* nonvisual stimuli does produces a temporary reduction in excitatory and in h ib i­
nor prove that the visual cortex perform s nonvisual func­ tory ncurotransm itters in rhe visual cortex associated with
tions. C ohen et al. (1 9 9 7 ) approached this question by the deprived eye (see H endry and Jon es 1986).
applying transcranial m agnetic stim ulation to the visual
cortex o f sighted and blind subjects. This induced errors in
8 .2 .1 R E T IN A L E F F E C T S OF
Braille reading in blind subjects but did not affect tactile
tasks in sighted subjects. M agnetic stim ulation o f the visual
cortex o f sighted subjects disrupts visual o b ject recognition Retinal X and Y ganglion cells have been reported to be ana­
(Epstein et al. 1996). tom ically and functionally normal in cats reared with mon-
A neurom agnetom eter (Section 5 .4 .3 d ) applied to early ocular occlusion (Sherm an and Stone 1973; Kratz et al.
blind subjects revealed activity in the visual cortex as the 1 9 7 9 ; C lcland et al. 1 9 8 0 ) or with convergent or divergent
subjects counted changes in the pitch o f a sound (Kujala strabismus induced by tencctom y in one eye (Clcland c t al.
ct al. 1 9 9 5 ). Passive listening to the sound had no effect. 1 9 8 2 ; G illard-C rew ther and C rew ther 1988). C ats with 4
Heightened P E T activity was found in cxtrastriate areas o f years o f postnatal m onocular deprivation had a normal elec-
the occipital cortex o f congenitally blind subjects as they troretinogram as indicated by flash- or pattern-evoked elec­
performed an auditory discrim ination task (W eeks ct al. trical responses from the retina (Baro c t al. 1990).
2000). M ore recently, it has been reported that rhe level o f
brain-derived ncurotrophic factor (B D N F ) in ganglion
cells is reduced in a light-deprived eye o f infant rats (Seki
8 .2 M O N O C U L A R D E P R IV A T IO N
et al. 2 0 0 3 ). This neurotrophin is transported trom the
retina to the cortex through ganglion cells and L G N relay
M onocular deprivation may be induced in animals by any
cells. M onocular deprivation therefore introduces an asym­
o f the following m ethods:
metrical concentration o f B D N F in cortical ocular d om i­
1. M onocular enucleation, or removal o t one eve. nance columns. The shift in ocular dom inance that normally
occurs after m onocular deprivation was reduced when the
2. O ccluding the cornea or suturing the eyelids o t one eye. balance o f B D N F in the retinas ot m onocularly deprived
W ith lid suturing the retina is illum inated by diffuse rats was restored by adding B D N F to the deprived eye or
light. removing it from the norm al eye (M andolesi et al. 2 0 0 5 )
(Section 8 .2 .7 f).
3. C reation o f an artificial strabismus by surgically
R etinal effects have been reported in cats reared with
deviating an eye. T en ccto m y involves simple section ot
the tendon o f a muscle at its point o f insertion on the bilateral convergent strabismus induced by m yectom y o f
both lateral recti. The receptive fields o f X -ty p e ganglion
globe. M yectom y is a m ore severe procedure involving
cclls were found to be unusually large (C h in o et al. 1980).
removal o f the whole o f one or more extraocular
There was also loss o f contrast sensitivity in X ganglion cells
serving the central retina o f cars reared with convergent or
4 . O p tical deviation o f the visual input to one or both eyes divergent strabismus induced by myectomy o f the lateral
by prisms. rectus and oblique musclcs o t one eye ( Ike da and W right
1 9 7 6 ; Ikeda and Tremain 1979; C h in o et al. 1980). Thus,
5. O p tical induction o f aniseikonia by applying a
defects at the level ot the retina o r L G N occur when muscle
m agnifying lens in front o f one eye or by paralyzing
tissue is removed so that reinsertion o f the muscle is not
the ciliary musclcs o f one eye w ith atropine.
6. Im m obilization o f an eye by paralysis o f the extraocular In the monkey, m onocular occlusion for 2 4 m onths
muscles. after birth led to some decrease in the size and density o f
periods depends on m olecular markers and com petitive
interactions betw een retinogeniculate projections Irom the
tw o eyes.
Effects o f early postnatal m onocular enucleation are evi­
dent in the lateral geniculate nuclcus, although not in such
a severe form as in the visual cortex. Postnatal m onocular
enucleation, at least in the cat, leads to cell death in the
L G N (Kali! 1980).
Rakic (1 9 8 1 ) removed one eye trom m onkey fetuses in
the second m onth o f gestation. O n e year after birth the
L G N lacked the norm al lam inar structure. Neurons in lam ­
inae 1, 4 , and 6, w hich would have been innervated by rhe
missing contralateral eye, received inputs trom the rem ain­
ing ipsilateral eye. Also, the visual cortex lacked ocular
dom inance columns.
W h ite (1 9 8 9 ) removed one eye from em bryonic cats at
various tim es after em bryonic day 4 4 . The area in the LG N
innervated by the remaining eye was tw ice that innervated
by a norm al eye, and the ventral m agnocellular layer was
absent. Also, there was an increase in the num ber o f X cells
G unter K onstantin von N oorden. B orn in Fran kfu rt am M ain in and a decrease in the num ber o f Y cells. The functional
1 9 2 8 , H e o b ta in ed an M .D . from l.W . G o e th e U niversity. Fran kfu rt properties o f the cclls were norm al. C atscnuclcatcd between
am M ain , in 1 9 5 4 . H e was a resid ent and th en assistant professor o f
em bryonic
/ days
4 4 4 and 51 lacked ocular dom inance col-
o p h th alm o lo g y a t th e State U niversity o f Iowa from 1 9 5 7 to 1963*
From 1 9 6 3 to 1 9 7 2 he was associate to lu ll professor at th e W ilm cr umns in the visual cortex, although the projections o f t h e
Institu te o f Jo h n s H o p k in s H osp ital an d the U n iv ersity o f B altim o re, rem aining eye were topographically organized (Shook and
M aryland . From 1 9 7 3 to 1 9 9 5 he was professor and d ire cto r o f t h e C halupa 1986).
O cu la r M o tility Service at Baylor C o lleg e o f M ed icin e, H o u sto n . H e is
The developm ent o t the L G N in the cat was severely
now clin ica l professor o f o p h th alm o lo g y a t th e U n iv ersity o f South ern
Flo rid a, Tam pa- H e was president o f the A m erican A ssociation disturbed when retinal action potentials were abolished for
o f P ediatric O p h th a lm o lo g y , the In tern atio n al Strab i sinological several weeks after birth by the application o f tetrodotoxin
A sso ciatio n , and the A m erican A ssociation o t Research in V isio n and (Archer et al. 1 9 8 2 ). Total blockage o t retinal activity in
O p h th a lm o lo g y . H e was a co recip ie n t o f the H e cto cn G o ld M ed al o f
one eye by tetrodotoxin for one week in 7-week-old kittens
th e A m erican M ed ical A sso ciatio n , the Fran ccsch ctti Prize from the
G erm an O p h th a lm o lo g ica l So ciety , the P ro cto r Award from A R V O ,
produced severe reduction in cell size in all L G N laminae
the Bow m an M ed al from the O p h th a lm o lo g ica l S o c ie ty o f t h e U K , the innervated by rhe deprived eye. The loss was m ost severe in
A Icon Research Award, th e Ja ck so n L ectu re Award from th e A m erican the binocular laminae, but there was also som e loss in the
A cadem y o f O p h th a lm o lo g y , and the A . von H u m b o ld t R esearch Prize,
m onocular laminae (Kuppermann and Kasamatsu 1983).

retinal ganglion cells, whereas deprivation tor 12 m onths 8 .2 .2 b E ffe c ts o f M o n o c u la r S u tu rin g on

had no ctfccc (N oordcn c t al. 1 9 7 7 ) (P o rtrait Figure 8 .2 ). L G N S tr u c tu r e
M onocular occlusion ot three adult human subjects tor
In the cat, m onocular suturing w ithin the first 4 postnatal
one week produced a flattening o f the Stiles-Craw ford
weeks leads to a reduction in the size o f relay cclls in the
function, which m anifested itself as an increased sensitivity
binocular lam inae o t the L G N served by the deprived eye
to light entering the eye through the periphery o f the pupil
(W iesel and Hubei 1 9 6 3 b ; H ickcv c ta l. 1977). The reduc­
and a decrease in resolution o f low -intensity gratings (Birch
tion in size of relay cells in the L G N was about 20% tor cells
D G c t al. 1980). This was probably due to a changc in the
projecting to area 17 o f the cat and up to 60 % for those
alignm ent o f cones with respect to the pupil.
projecting to area 18 (Garey and Blakem ore 1977). Axons
from a visually deprived eye developed abnorm al patterns
S .2 .2 S U B C O R T I C A L E F F E C T S O F o f term ination in the L G N . M any X cells had unusually
M О N О С U L A R D Е Р R I VA T I О N broad term inal fields in lamina A and the term inal fields o f
many Y cells were greatly reduced w ith thin dendritic
8 .2 .2 a E ffects o f M o n o c u la r E nu cleation
branching (Friedlander ct al. 1 9 8 2 ; Sur et al. 1 9 8 2 ). These
on the L G N
changes are accom panied by a loss o f neurofilam ents in cell
The laminae in the L G N in to which inputs from the cvtoskclctons (D u ffy and Slusar 2 0 0 9 ).
tw o eyes segregate are present at birth (Section 6 .3 .5 ). Several investigators have reported a decrease in the
Their developm ent in the prenatal and early postnatal ratio o f responsive Y cells to responsive X cells in the LG N
A-laminac serving m onocularly deprived eves o f cacs
(Sherm an et al. 1972; Sireteanu and H offm ann 1979;
Mangel cc al. 1983; Fricdlander and Scanford 1984). Using
histological procedures, LeVay and Ferster (1 9 7 7 ) found
that Y cclls in deprived Л -lam inac shrank more than X cclls.
Also, there were fewer Y cells relative to X cells.
It is n o t clear whether the decrease in the ratio o t Y cells
to X cells was due to the difficulty o f detecting shrunken
Y cells, death o t Y cells, an increase in X cells, or a conver­
sion o f Y cclls into X cells. Lysel et al. (1 9 7 9 ) found a
reduced proportion ot visually responsive Y cells in deprived
lam inae o f the L G N but noc in che opcic radiacion. 'Ibis
evidence suggests that there was no actual loss ot Y cells in
the LG N .
O th er evidence suggests that m onocular lid closure does
not lead со loss o f cclls or atfccc che racio o f X and Y cells in
the cat LG N (K alil 19 8 0 ; Levitt et al. 2 0 0 1; Shapley and So
1980). N or docs it affect chc racio o f parvo- со magnocel-
lular cells in the monkey ^Blakemorc and V ital-D urand
YuzoM . C hino. B orn in T okyo in 1 9 4 3 . H e ob tain ed his B .Sc.
1986a). The reasons for this con flictin g evidence are not in p sych obiology at S t. N o rb crt C o lleg e, W isco n sin , and h i* P h .D .
clear. in visual n eu roscien ce at Syracuse U niversity. H e held an academ ic
In cats reared wich o n e eye sutured, relay cells in chc ap p o in tm en t at the Illin ois C o lleg e o f O p to m e try from 1 9 7 2 to
1 9 8 5 . H e is now professor at th e U n iv ersity o f H ou ston C o lleg e o f
L G N ot che deprived eye showed evidence o t reduced m et-
O ptom etry-
abolic accivicy, as reflccccd in chc decreased level o f chc met-
abolic enzyme cytochrom e oxidase (W ong-R iley 1979a).
These effects were postsynaptic, bccausc there was no eye has been found to be lowered, but only for gratings with
change in the size ot presynaptic terminals. There was also high spatial frequency (Jo n es c t al. 1984a; C h in o et al.
som e loss ot proteins associated with the cytoskeleton o f Y 1994a) (P ortrait Figure 8.3). A similar defect occurred in
cells o f the deprived eye (B ickford ec al. 1998). cacs raised wich m onocular occlusion (M atfei and Fiorencini
Decrease in cell size in che L G N also occurs in monkeys 1976; Lehm kuhle ec al. 1980). Also, X cells in che L G N o f
wich che lens in one eye removed buc wich illuminacion o f scrabismic cacs showed lowered efficiency o f signal trans-
che retina at normal levels. In monkeys reared with one mission and unusually long laccncy, especially in layers
eyelid sutured, che LG N laminae serving che deprived eye innervaced by che deviating eye (C h en g et al. 1995).
were pale and shrunken. This shows that lack ot patterned O th er investigators found that m onocular occlusion
stimulacion racher than lack o f light is an imporcanc factor did not affect the spatial properties o f X and Y cells in the
in the effects ot m onocular deprivation (N oorden and cat LG N (Shapley and So 1980; D errington and Hawkcn
Crawford 1 977). However, che deficics produced by lid 1 9 8 1 ) or o f parvo- and m agnocellular cells in the monkey
suture are not as severe as those produced by enucleation or (Blakem orc and V ital-D urand 1986a). The reasons for this
abolition o f action potentials. This suggests that accivicy con flictin g evidence are not clear.
arising in a sucured eye is better than no input. M onocularly deprived kittens with chc visual cortcx
Young ferrets move abouc before chey open cheir eyes on removed showed che same loss o f response o f Y cells in the
postnacal day 32. Akerman ec al. (200 2 )fo u n d that ferrets L G N to stim ulation o f the deprived eve as did deprived k it­
devoid o f visual stim ulation during this period showed tens wich the visual cortex intacc. Thus, che L G N deficit is
defects in the segregation ot O N - and O F F -cen te r cells in noc due to suppressive corticofugal influences (Z ctlan c t al.
the I.G N . It chus seems chac visual stimulacion chrough chc 1981). Also, m onocular deprivation in cats did not affect
closed eyelids is required tor the normal developm ent ot the response properties o f X or Y ganglion cclls in the optic
these cclls. nerve. Thus, changes in relay cells in the L G N occur post-

8 .2 .2 c E ffcccs o f M o n o c u la r S u tu rin g on
L G N F u n c tio n 8 .2 .2 d In tc ro c u la r C o m p e titio n in th e L G N

Tliere has been som e controversy regarding the eifeccs o f The following evidence dem onstrates that the effects of
m onocular deprivation on the functional propercies o f relay m onocular occlusion in the I.G N arc due, at least in part, to
cells in che L G N . The spacial concrasc scnsicivicy o f X cells a lowered level o f inputs from the deprived eye because o f
in layers ot the cat L G N receiving inputs trom a strabismic com petition with inputs from the normal eye.
Relay cells in che L G N o f chc cac and dog chac receive this is because, for an eye deviated nasally, the peripheral
inpucs irom chc m onocular crescent o f chc deprived eye tem poral retina is hidden by the nose and receives an impov­
retain cheir norm al size, m etabolic accivicy, and proporcion erished input.
o f Y cells (G uillery and Stelzner 1 9 7 0 ). Furtherm ore, relay Convergent strabismus in kittens induced by m onocu ­
cells o f a m onocularly occluded eye develop normally when lar m yectom y severely reduced the synaptic arbors o f Y cells
the corresponding retinal region ol the nonoccluded eye in the A laminae serving both eyes (G arraghty et al. 1989).
has been lesioned (G uillery 1 9 7 2 ; Sherm an and W ilson Boch eyes are atfecccd because scrabismus misaligns che
19 7 5 ; W ong-Riley 1979b ). * scimuli in che two eyes but does noc deprive eicher eye o f
C ats and monkeys reared with both eyes in total dark­ paccerned visual inpucs. By concrasc, m onocular occlusion
ness show no obvious changes in che number, size, or seam­ affecrs mainly the laminae serving the occluded eye because
ing characreriscics o f L G N cells (C h ow 1 9 7 3 ; H endrickson that eye lacks patterned inputs.
and Boothe 1 976). This dem onstrates that the reduced size M onocularly deprived monkeys and monkeys reared
o f L G N relay cells in m onocularly deprived animals is due with esotropia induced by tenectom y show shrinkage of
to com petitive interactions with inputs from the normal LG N cells serving the deprived eye, especially in the parvo­
eye rather than to a simple absence o f visual inputs. cellular layers (N oorden and M iddleditch 1 9 7 5 ; Crawford
Delivery o f the neurotrophin T N -4 into the visual and N oorden 1 9 7 9 ; Tigges c t al. 1 9 8 4 ). Normal ccll size
cortex prevents the shrinkage o f L G N cells in che m onocu­ recovered in 4-year-old monkeys that had been reared for
larly deprived ferrec (Riddle ec al. 1995). Also, blockage o f 3 0 days with induced esotropia (Craw ford and Noorden
N M D A recepcors in the kitten visual cortex renders the 1996). Postm ortem analysis o f the L G N o f a human strabis­
L G N immune со che effects o f m onocular deprivacion mic amblyope revealed reduced ccll size (N oorden and
(K leinschm idc et al. 1 9 8 7 ; Bear and C olm an 1990). These Crawford 1992).
findings suggest thac activity-dependent compecicion for a Signal transmission in parvocellular units o f the L G N
limiced supply o f growth factor is responsible for selective was normal in m onkeys reared with esotropia induced by
shrinkage o f L G N relay cells serving a deprived eye. myectom y betw een the ages o f 2 0 and 3 0 days (Sasaki et al.
There is also evidence o f a loss o f gcniculocortical affer­ 1 9 9 8 ). Brown and Salinger (1 9 7 5 ) claim ed that chronic
ent* from a deprived eye o f cats (Thorpe and Blakemore im m obilization o f one eye led to substantial loss o f X cells
1975). but n o t o f Y cells in the L G N . The effects o f severing prop­
Changes in the size o f cells in the L G N are closely co r­ rioceptive inputs from the extraocular muscles are reviewed
related with changes in the ocular dom inance colum ns o f in Section 32.5.
the visual cortex (V ital-D u ran d et al. 1 9 7 8 ). As long as the
eye has nor been occluded for more than about 6 weeks, rhe
8 .2 .2 f E ffe c ts o f M o n o c u la r D e p riv a tio n o n
cells in the L G N recover to full size soon after the occlusion
th e C o llic u lu s
is switched to the o ther eye (D iirsteler et al. 1976).
In mammals, the superior colliculus is a paired structure in
the m idbrain involved in guiding saccadic eye movements.
8 .2 .2 e E ffe c ts o f In d u c e d S tra b ism u s o n th e L G N
It is the hom ologue of che optic tectum ot nonmammalian
Strabism us induced in kittens by m yectom y o f the lateral vertebrates. The superficial layers o f the superior colliculus
rectus and superior oblique muscles produced a reduction receive direct inputs trom the contralateral retina and inpucs
in the size o f cells in L G N laminae receiving inputs from from che ipsilateral retina routed chrough che visual cortex
the deviated eye, in proporcion со che degree o f amblyopia (Kawam ura et al. 1974). The cells have large receptive fields,
(Trem ain and Ikeda 1982). However, scrabismus induced and mosc o f chem are binocular and direccionally seleccive.
by ceneccomy (tendon section) produced no such effect. After removal o f che visual cortex, cells in the superior
Also, loss o f visual acuity was m ore severe for an eye made colliculus lose their ipsilateral input and their directional
strabism ic by myectom y than by tenectom y (M itch ell et al. selectivity and becom e more responsive to flickering
1984). light (Berm an and Cynader 1 9 7 5 ). Thus, the visual cortcx
D ifferences betw een tenectom y and myectomy exerts some control over the stimulus selectivity
o f collicu-
probably arise because severed cendons reattach to che eye lar cclls.
after a few days, whereas a myeccomized eye remains w ith­ In m onocularly deprived cars m ost collicular cells do
out muscle attachm ent (Crew cher et al. 1985). Another not respond to the deprived eye, not even the cclls that
factor may be loss o f proprioceptive inputs in myectom y receive a direct input from the deprived eye. Thus, borh
(Section 3 2 .5 ). direct and cortical inputs to che superior colliculus o f cats
K ittens reared with convergent strabismus induced by are absent from an eye sutured from birth (H offm ann and
m onocular mveccomy showed a specific loss o f tunccional Sherm an 1 9 7 4 ). The absence o f response to direct
cells in che L G N laminae served by rhe periphery o f rhe inputs cannot be due to changes in ganglion cells, because
tem poral retina (Ikeda et al. 1 9 7 7 ). It was suggested that these cells are n o t affected by m onocular deprivation.
After removal o f rhe visual cortcx m ost cells in the collicu ­
lus contralateral to the deprived eye began to respond only
to the deprived eye (W ickelgren and Sterling 1969). The
intact cortex must have suppressed the direct inputs from
the deprived eye. Removal o f the cortcx removed this sup­
Before testing, W ickelgren and Sterling waited up to 4
weeks after the visual cortex was removed. Recovery o f 4

direct inputs could have been due to long-term structural or

m etabolic changes or to rapid release from cortical suppres­
sion. Berman and Sterling (1 9 7 6 ) observed recovery o t the
d irect inputs w ithin one hour after cortical ablation. 'Ibis
result rules out long-term changes.
Unlike cells in the visual cortex, many cells in the supe­
rior colliculus retain their binocularity in cats reared with
artificial strabismus or alternating occlusion o f the eyes. The
collicular cells may receive their ipsilateral inputs through
the corpus callosum. However, in strabism ic cats and in cats
with sectioned right m edial and rectus muscles, binocular
cells in the superior colliculus contralateral to the normal Fi£u*< *.<. R itxandm Sirctcanit* B o m in R o m an ia 1 9 4 $ . Sh e train ed as
a bioph ysicist a t the U n iv ersity o f B u ch arest, R o m an ia ( 1 9 6 8 ) , and
eye are heavily dom inated by the normal eye (C o rd o n and
ob tain ed a P h .D . in biophysics from th e S cu o la N orm alc Su pcriorc
Gum m ow 1 9 7 5 ). This was not apparent in strabismic cats in Pisa in 1 9 7 6 . She held p o std o cto ral fellow ships a t the Institu t
that had been forced to use the deviating eye (G ordon and d :\ n a to m ic, U n iv crsite de Lausanne, and th e D e p a rtm e n t for
Presson 1 977). C om parative N eurobiologv, U n iv ersity o i U lm , trom 1 9 7 6 to 1 9 7 8 .
She was a sen ior investigator at the M ax -P lan ck -In stitu te for psychiatry
in M u n ich from 19 7 S to 19 S 2 an d at the M ax-P lan ck -In stitu te for
brain research in F ran k fu rt from 1 9 8 2 to 1 9 9 9 . From 1991 to 1 9 9 9
8 .2 .3 C O K IT С A L E F F E C T S О F M О N О С U L A К she was professor o f n cu ro scicn cc in the D e p a rtm e n t o f Z oo logy,
D E P R I V A T I O N IN S U B P R I M A T E S U n iv ersity o f M ain z. She was th en professor o t b iolog ical psychology
at the U n iv ersity o f F ran k fu rt and head o f the Research G ro u p tor
8 .2 .3 a C o r tic a l E ffects o f Induced Psychophysics and N europsychology a t the M a X 'P la n c k ln stitu tc for
Strabism us in C ats Brain R esearch in F ran k fu rt. Sh e received the award o t the H cin z-an d
M clcn c-A d am -Stifxu n gfor “E xcellen ce in R esearch in O phthalm ology**
Hubei and W iesel (1 9 6 5 ) conducted one ot the first experi­ in 1991 and the Prize o f the Biclschow sky S o cie ty fo r R esearch in
Strabism u s in 1 9 9 4 . She died in 2 0 0 8 .
ments on the etfects o f abnorm al visual experience on the
developm ent ot the visual cortex. They reared kittens to the
age o f 3 m onths or more with a surgically induced divergent
deviation o t one eye. This permanently reduced the number m otion-in-depth have been found to survive in area 18
o f binocular cclls in area 17 to about 20 % com pared with (Cynadcr et al. 1 9 8 4 ). In spite o f the loss o t binocular cells,
80 % tor a norm al cat. However, there were roughly equal the amblyopic eye o f strabism ic cats drove about as many
numbers o f m onocular cclls that responded only to the left cells in area 18 as did the nonam blyopic eye (Schroder et al.
eye or only to the right eye. Thus, the ocular dom inance col­ 2 0 0 2 ). However, in the suprasylvian area o f the dorsal
umns remained roughly sym m etrical. It seems that binocu ­ stream only about 30% o f cclls were driven by the ambly­
lar cells with a left-cye dom inance were converted into opic eye compared with 60 % for the nonam blyopic eye. In
left-m onocular cclls and those with a right-cyc dom inance area 21a o t the ventral stream only 5% o f cells were driven
were converted into right-m onocular cells. by the amblyopic eye compared w ith 75 % tor the o ther eye.
Sim ilar results were observed in cats reared with prisms Thus, amblyopia has m ore effect in the ventral stream than
that disrupted alignm ent o f the visual axes (B en n ett et al. in the dorsal stream.
1980) and in kittens with extraocular muscles cu t and rein­ C ells in area 17 driven by the deviating eye o f strabismic
serted in another position (recession), rather than severed cats show reduced sensitivity to high spatial frequencies,
(Sireteanu et al. 1993a) (P ortrait Figure 8 .4 ). C ats reared loss o f contrast sensitivity, broadened orientation tuning,
with anisom etropia produced by a lens before one eye devel­ and loss o f tem poral resolution (C rcw th cr and C rcw thcr
oped a preponderance o f cortical cells responding to the 1993). Strabismus has a particularly strong deleterious effect
normal eye and reduced contrast sensitivity in the defo­ on the temporal properties o f cclls in area-18 (C h in o c t al.
cused eye (Eggcrsand Blakem ore 1 978). 1988). The weakened response o f neurons serving the devi­
Although m ost cells in areas 17 and 18 o f strabismic ated eye shows in both the visual-evoked response and in
cats lose their binocularity, binocular cells sensitive to optical imaging o f responses over the surface o f the cortex.
S ch m id t c t al. (2 0 0 4 ) induced convergent squ in t in kit­
tens and tested them with large square-wave gratings o f
various orientations and spatial frequencies. In area 17, o ri­
entation preference was impaired and overall activity was
less with stim ulation o f the deviating eye than with stim ula­
tion o t the nondeviating eye. The interocular differences in
V E P am plitude were related to the interocular differences
in the strength o f response indicated by optical imaging.
Both differences increased as the spatial frequency ot the
stimulus increased to 3.5 cpd.
C h in o et al. (1 9 9 1 ) reported that cats reared with a
15-diopter base-in prism before one or both eyes had a
reduced proportion o t cortical cells tuned to vertical. But,
a 15-diopter prism produces strong curvature o f vertical
lines, which may have contributed to the loss ot cells tuned
to vertical. The effect did not occur when the nondeviating
eye was sutured, which indicates that it was due to rivalry ot
inputs rather than to eye deviation alone. C h in o and Kaplan
(1 9 8 8 ) found reduced sensitivity to vertical gratings when i is « t s.s. Ja c k C raw ford. B o rn in n o rth G e o rg ia , U n ited States, in 1 9 3 3 .
H e ob tain ed a P h .D . in physiological psychology at the U niversity o f
recording from X -cells in the I.G N o f strabismic cats. The
G eo rg ia in 1 9 6 2 and con d u cted p o std o cto ral w ork at the U n iv ersity o f
behavioral correlate o f this effect is known as the vertical M ississippi M ed ical S ch o o l. H e is professor and h old er o f th e I'rederic
e ffe c t (Section 8.4.2b ). B. A sch c C h a ir in O p h th a lm o lo g y at th e U n iv ersity o f Texas M ed ical
There has been some conflicting evidence on the effects S ch o o l in H ou ston .

o f strabismus on the width o f ocular dom inance columns.

C ats with a natural strabismus have abnormal ocular dom i­
(Y in o n et al. 197 5; Berman and Murphy 1982; Freeman
nance columns (von Griinau and Rauschcckcr 1983). bowel
and Tsum oto 1983; M itchell ecal. 1984).
(1 9 9 4 ) found that the ocular dominance columns in area 17
In norm al kittens, horizontal axons in the visual cortex
were unusually wide in cats reared with divergent strabismus
co n n ect corcical colum ns wich sim ilar oriencacion sclcctiv-
induced by monocular tencctomy. Tiem an and Tumosa
itv. C ells in these connected colum ns tend to respond in
(1 9 9 7 ) reported that they were 11% wider in cats reared with
synchrony (Section 5.5.6). In kicccns reared wich scrabis-
alternating m onocular occlusion. However, the periodicity
mus, response synchronization was normal becween cell
o f ocular dom inance columns varies widely in normal cats,
groups served by chc same eye buc unusually weak becween
and Rathjen ec al. (2 0 0 2 ) found no significant difference
cell groups served by different eyes (Low el and Singer 1992;
between norm al and strabismic cats. O th er investigators
K o n ig ct al. 1993). The crucial factor seems to be the lack o f
found that, although the ocular dom inance colum ns o f the
correlated inputs from the two eyes, which weakens form a­
deprived eye ot cats and monkeys were reduced in width,
tion o f con nections between cells responding со chc cwo
there was no overall change in the com bined width o f left-
eyes in favor o t connection s between cells responding to
eye and right-eye colum ns (see Crawford 1998) (Portrait
neighboring regions o f the same eye. This could explain
Figure 8.5). The crucial factor is probably the extent to which
why ocular dom inance colum ns in strabism ic cats respond
strabismus is accompanied by amblyopia. It is to be expected
alm ost exclusively cocichcr chc lefio r chc righceyc (G ood hill
that an amblyopic cvc has fewer binocular cells that arc dom ­
and Lowel 1 9 9 6 ).
inant for that eve.
* The ocular dom inance colum ns of that eve *
Alchough inpucs from chc eyes o f scrabismic cats projccc
would then be narrower than those o f the normal eye.
со independent ocular dom inance colum ns, che orientation
A ll form s ot binocular interaction, both excitatory• and
colum ns retain their usual pinwheel organization and co n ti­
inhibitory, arc drastically reduced in cacs wich a natural
nuity across ocular dom inance colum ns (Low el et al. 1998).
strabismus (H offm ann and Schoppm ann 1984). C h in o
In normal cats, pinwheel centers tend to occur in the middle
c t al. (1 9 9 4 b ) induced strabismus in 4-week-old cats by a
o f ocular dom inance colum ns (Section 5.7.1). This tendency
m onocular prism or by surgery. After tw o weeks, m ost cells
is less evident in strabismic cats, (Engclm ann et al. 2 0 0 2 ).
in the visual cortcx showed som e response to binocular
stimuli, but there was a prevalence o f suppressive interac­
tions. After 3 or 8 m onths ot strabismus, both excitatory
8 .2 .3 b E ffe c ts o f S tra b ism u s o n th e
and suppressive interactions were reduced, especially for
C o r p u s C a llo su m
cells tuned to higher spatial frequencies.
C onvergent strabismus (esocropia) has a greacer cffecc In normal cats, callosal connections arc initially widely dis­
on cortical cells than divergent strabismus (exotropia) tributed over the surface o f the cortex. Later, they becom e
c t al. 1 982), although it has been claim ed chac this proce­ approximately che same num ber o f neurons (K iorpes cc al.
dure works onlv when afferents from the extraocular mus- 1998). O n ly 3 days o f prism -induced strabismus in 4-week-
cles are also paralyzed (C rew ther et al. 1978). Thus, old monkeys increased the number o f cells in V I that
removing the eye removes its inhibitory influences on co rti­ responded only weakly to binocular stim uli (Z hang et al.
cal cells and allows dorm ant excitatory inputs from the 2 0 0 5 ). However, the same cells responded to binocular
deprived eye to recover. However, full recovery for most phase disparity. These results suggest that strabismus pro­
cclls is n o t im m ediate, as it would be it it involved only/ а duces binocular suppression before it affects stereopsis. In
simple removal o f inhibition from the good eye. Removal prism-reared monkeys, inhibitory connections between
o f inputs trom the good eye must allow some restorative surviving binocular cells were less affected than excitatory
processes со occur in che weakened, buc sc ill presenc, excit­ connections (Sm ith c t al. 1997).
atory inputs trom the deprived eye. Som e ot these restor­ Som e recovery* o f sensitivityi ot binocular cortical cells
ative processes occur alm ost im m ediately; others cake some occurred when the prisms that induced the strabism us were
cime. W e will see lacer that restoration o t physiological removed after they had been worn tor 4 weeks, but n o t after
functions in a deprived eye after removal o fth e good eye is they had been worn fo r 8 weeks (M ori et al. 2 0 0 2 ). However,
accom panied by som e restoration o f visual function. monkeys reared with prism -induced strabismus between
the ages o f 4 and 14 weeks showed som e im provem ent in
stereoacuity after receiving extensive training in the task
S . 2 . 3 f Loss o f Sen sitivity in the N ondcprived Eye
(N akatsuka et al. 2 0 0 7 ). Training also produced some
In strabism ic cats, cells in the visual cortex driven bv the im provem ent o f disparity sensitivity in cells in V 2 but not
nondeviating eye show some loss in contrast sensitivity in V I .
(C h in o et al. 1983). Also, behavioral tests reveal some loss Surgically induced strabismus in monkeys disrupted
o f contrast sensitivity in che nondeviating eye in strabismic binoculariry more than lens-induced anisom etropia
cats (H olopigian and Blake 1983) and strabism ic humans (K iorpes et al. 1 9 9 8 ). Both deficits reduced the optim al
(Levi and Klein 1 9 8 5 ; D obson and Sebris 1989). spatial frequency tuning o f cortical cclls responding to the
Freeman and Bradley (1 9 8 0 ) claim ed that amblyopic affected eye, especially for cells serving the foveal area.
humans have higher than norm al hyperacuity in the non- The contrast sensitivity o f cortical cells was n o t affected,
amblyopic eye, but Johnson et al. (1 9 8 2 ) could not confirm but the behavioral loss o f contrast sensitivity suffered by
this. amblyopes m ight depend on che relacive num ber o fco rd ca l
N ine children with strabism ic amblyopia and four o fs ix cells responding racher chan cheir sensicivicy.
children with anisom etropic amblyopia showed some loss Amblyopia can be induced in monkeys by rearing rhem
in detection o f mocion-defined forms wich cheir nonam bly- wich a defocusing lens before one eye o r by surgically induc­
opic eye. Snellen acuity o f the nonam blvopic eye was normal ing strabismus. B o th procedures applied soon after birth
(G iaschi ct al. 1 992). produced som e shrinkage o f the ocular dom inance colum ns
Loss o f sensitivity in a nondeprived eye may be due to serving the amblyopic eye (H endrickson et al. 1987). The
persistent blur o f t h e retinal image arising from instability shrinkage was greater when the amblyopia was induced at
o f gaze. Also, it could perhaps be due to loss ot synaptic an earlier age. The shrinkage was correlated with loss ot
density. Tum osa et al. (1 9 8 9 b ) reported thac corcicai syn­ concrasc sensitivity in rhe amblyopic eye (Craw ford and
apses form ed by a nondeprived eye do not increase in H arw erth 2 0 0 4 ).
number but becom e spread less densely over wider areas. H orton e ta l. (1 9 9 7 ) did n o t observe shrinkage o f ocular
dom inance colum ns in a monkey with natural anisom e­
tropic amblyopia, although the tim e o f onset o f t h e an i­
8 .2 .4 C O R T IC A L E F F E C T S O F M O N O C U L A R
som etropia was not known. H orton and Stryker (1 9 9 3 )
observed no colum n shrinkage in the visual cortex o f a man
M onocular deprivation has been produced in intant m on­ in whom anisom etropic amblyopia had been detected at
keys by surgically or optically induced strabismus, by sutur­ age 41/2 years. N or was there any colum n shrinkage in the
ing or occluding one eye, or by blurring the image in one eye cortex o f a 79-year-old woman who had had amblyopia due
(induced anisom etropia). In each case, the response o t bin­ to esotropia from the age o f 2 years (H o rto n and H ocking
ocular cells in V I ro stim ulation o f rhe deprived eye is 1996d ).
reduced or absent (Carder et al. 1991). These results suggest th at amblyopia can be induced
after the critical period for induction o f colum n shrinkage.
Esotropia induced in 9-day-old monkeys reduced c y to ­
8 .2 .4 a C o r tic a l Effects o f Strabism us
chrom e oxidase, especially in layer 4 C , and decreased
and A m blyopia
expression ot o ther chem ical markers lying along the
In strabismic monkeys, only a few cortical cclls show centers o f ocular dom inance colum ns in lavers
3 to 5. It did
strong binocular activation, although the eyes activate n o t affect the mean spacing o f cytochrom e-oxidase blobs
centered in ocular dom inance colum ns. However, the m on­ In m onkey striate co rtcx, m onocular deprivation also
keys were not amblyopic. produces a severe reduction in the size o f cytochrom c-
F.arly m onocular deprivation o f various types in the oxidase blobs centered in ocular dom inance colum ns d om i­
m onkey leads to a reduction or loss o f visually evoked nated by the deprived eye (Trusk et al. 1990; W ong-Riley
potentials (VF.Ps) associated with asynchronous dichoptic 1994; H orton et al. 1999). Autopsy specim ens o f human
visual flicker (B a itch et al. 1 9 9 1 ). N ine hours o f m onocular brains trom cases ot m onocular enucleation showed the
occlusion in adult humans did not reduce the cortical same effect (H o rto n and H edley-W hite 1984).
potentials evoked by a texturcd stimulus presented to rhe The CO I and cyt b genes, located on m itochondria,
occluded eye but tem porarily increased the response from express R N A transcription factors that are concerned with
che seeing eye (Tyler and K aitz 1 9 7 7 ). synthesis o f cytochrom e oxidase. The concentration o f these
Human brain potentials (V E P s) from V I had longer transcription factors is reduced in the visual co rtex ot m on­
latency and smaller amplicude when a reversing checker­ ocularly deprived monkeys (H evner and W ong-Riley 1993;
board pattern was presented to the am blyopic eye than Kam inska e t al. 1 9 9 7 ). There is thus a direct link between
when it was presented to che normal eye. However, the visual activity and gene expression (see Section 6.6).
latency and am plitude ot the V E P to m otion onset ot a It was noted in Section 8.2.2a that m onocular depriva­
checkerboard were the same for the amblyopic eye and tion in cats produces some loss o f cvtoskelcton proteins in
norm al eye (K ubova et al. 1 9 9 6 ). This suggests that the Y-cells in the L G N innervated by the deprived eye. Dutfv
m otion pathway, which probably involves mainly the mag­ and Livingstone (2 0 0 5 ) found a sim ilar loss in cells in the
nocellular system, is relatively spared in amblyopia. m onkey visual cortex that receive inputs from L G N m ag­
Neural activity at the human V 1-V 2 border, as revealed nocellular layers o f the deprived eye. They also found an
by m agnetocnccphalography, had longer than normal eye-specific loss o f cytoskeletal protein in cortical layer 4 B ,
latency and reduced am plitude when a grating was pre­ which docs n o t receive direct inputs from the I.G N .
sented to an amblyopic eye (Anderson et al. 1999). Sim ilar
reduced activity in V I and extrastriate cortex was revealed
8 .2 .5 E F F IIC T S O F B IN O C U L A R
by fM R I (Barnes et al. 2 0 0 1 ). Imamura et al. (1 9 9 7 )
found reduced PF.T activity in the extrastriate corcex buc
n o t in V I . An eye receiving patterned visual inputs gains a com petitive
advantage over a closed eye. This disrupts the development
o f binocularity. T h is section is concerned with what hap­
8 .2 .4 b C o r tic a l E ffe c ts o f M o n o c u la r
pens when both eyes are open but receive stimuli that
Su tu rin g in Primates
can n ot be fused because they are spatially or temporally
M onocular deprivation by lid suturing tor more than a year dissociated.
can lead to com plete loss o f visual functions in che deprived
eye in infant macaque and squirrel monkeys (Sparks et al.
8 .2 .5 a Spatial D issociation o f Visual Inputs
19 8 6 ; W ilson and Nevins 1 991). The loss seems to occur in
the nasal visual Held (tem poral retinas) betore it is com plete All forms o f m onocular deprivation have one thing in
in the cemporal visual field (T iem an cc al. 1 9 8 3 a ; W ilson com m on — they reduce the frequency with w hich bin o cu ­
et al. 1 989). This may be related to the fact that the tem po­ lar cells are activated sim ultaneously by similarly patterned
ral retina has a greater density o f ganglion cells than the inputs. H ebb (1 9 4 9 ) proposed that the efficiency o f synap­
nasal retina (Section 7 .2 .4 ). tic transmission is increased when subsets o t presynaptic
M onocular deprivation produced by suturingor occlud­ inputs are correlated (Scctio n 6 .5 .1 ). A corollary o f this rule
ing one eye causes a contraction o t ocular dom inance col­ is that synaptic efficiency is lessened when the inputs are
umns tor the deprived eye and an expansion o f those for the persistently uncorrclatcd. The cortical effects o f m onocular
norm al eye (Baker et al. 19 7 4 ; LeVay et al. 1 9 8 0 ; M ovshon deprivation seem to be good examples o f the Hebbian
ct al. 1987). These changes can Ik seen in the autoradio­ model (C loth iau x et al. 1991).
graph o f the visual cortex o f a m onocularly deprived monkey C ontinu ed exposure o f kittens to prisms that completely
(D es Rosicrs c t al. 1 978). Changes in ocular dom inance do dissociated the images in the tw o eyes led to loss o f bin o cu ­
not involve any significant change in the overall density o f lar cells and o f stereopsis, but there was no change in ocular
neurons or o f synapses w ithin cortical layers ( O ’Kusky and dom inance (Blakem ore et al. 1975; Sm ith et al. 1979).
C o lon n ier 1 982). M onkeys seeing through 13-diopter base-in prisms that
Daily 1-hour periods o f binocular vision reduced the com pletely dissociated the images in the two eyes trom age
loss o f contrast sensitivity and binocular suppression that 3 0 ro 6 0 days had very few binocular cells in rhe visual
would otherw ise have occurred in monkeys wearing a dif­ cortex and had no stereopsis (Craw ford and N oorden 1980;
fuser over one eye betw een 3 and 18 weeks o f age (Sakai Craw ford c t al. 1 9 8 3 ). These deficits were still present
et al. 2 0 0 6 ). 3 years after the prisms were removed (Craw ford et al. 1984;
Craw ford cc al. 19 9 6 a , 19 9 6 b ). Since chis treatm ent affected showed a poorer response to visual m otion, were more
both eyes equally, there was no amblyopia o r strabismus. broadly tuned to orientation, and had smaller receptive
Three m onkeys were raised in a cylinder lined wich ver­ fields than cells responding to the more experienced eye.
tical stripes and with 13.5-diopter base-in prisms on each These deficits were m ost pronounced in the hemisphere
eye (N oorden and Craw ford 1 981). D isruption o f cortical ipsilateral to the less experienced eye, w hich received inputs
binocularity was as severe in these monkeys as in those from the tem poral hem iretina. Also, the nasal visual field o f
raised with the same prisms buc in a normal visual environ­ the less experienced eye becam e reduced in size, and the cats
m ent. It was expected that the repetitive pattern o f stripes ignored novel objects presented in the nasal hetnifield o f
would have provided sufficient fusible stimuli to allow bin­ the more deprived eye when both eyes were open or when
ocular cells ro develop. However, a 13.5-diopter prism only the more deprived eye was open (Tum osa et al. 1982,
introduces a nonlinear prismatic displacem ent and severe 1983). There was no recovery after restoration o f normal
curvature o f vertical lines and o f horizontal lines above and binocular vision.
below the horizon. These second arvd i istortions would have Wensveen et al. (2 0 0 3 ) reared monkeys with a defocus-
been opposite in the rwo eyes and would have prevented ing lens worn on alternate eyes on successive days. Since
fusion. both eyes were open, each eye had normal visual experience
C ats reared with binocular lid closure bu t with flicker­ on alternate days. Consequently, both eyes developed
ing diffuse light presented through the closed lid o f one eye normal contrast sensitivity. However, the monkeys required
did n o t develop greater ocular dom inance for that eye higher than normal contrast to support stereopsis, even for
(Singer et al. 1 9 7 7 ; W ilso n et al. 1 977). large disparities. Also, the spatial frequency that yielded the
M alach and Van Sluyters (1 9 8 9 ) challenged the simple highest stereoacuity was lower than normal.
view that correlated inputs to the tw o eyes are all-im portant Visual inputs from the two eyes do not have to be pre­
in the developm ent o f binocularity. They exposed 4-week- cisely synchronous for normal developm ent. C ats devel­
old kittens to a 2-day period o f m onocular deprivation and oped norm ally i f stimuli to the tw o eyes were alternated at a
then allowed them binocular vision, but with the previously frequency o f more than 10 Hz (Blasdel and Pettigrew
deprived eye deviated. These anim als showed some recov­ 1979). The animals were restrained during visual exposure.
ery o f the num ber o f cells driven by the deprived eye, W h en kittens were allowed to move about while wearing
although not to the level attained by animals allowed alternating shutters that exposed each eye for longer than
norm al binocular vision from birth. To reconcile these 0.5 s, depth discrim ination was disrupted and there was a
results with rhe H ebbian m odel, one must assume rhat the reduction in the num ber o f binocular cells in the visual
correlation betw een inputs from misaligned eyes is higher cortex (A ltm ann et al. 1987).
than that betw een inputs from a closed eye and an open eye.
Nevertheless, the basic fact remains that normal binocular
vision is required to m aintain or restore the full com ple­ 8 . 2 . 6 E F F E C T S OF M O N O C U L A R
m ent o t binocular cells. ENUCLEATION

8 .2 .6 a A n a to m ic a l E ffe c ts o f
8 .2 .5 b T e m p o ra l D is s o c ia tio n o f V isu a l Inpucs M o n o c u la r E n u cle a tio n

A nother way to dissociate visual inputs is to reverse the Removal o f one eye causes axons from that eye to degener­
occluder betw een the eyes on alternate days so that the eyes ate and increases the num ber o f axons from the remaining
see the same stimulus but n o t at the same tim e (H ubei and eye. Thus, when hamsters and rats had one eye removed in
W iesel 19 6 5 ; Blakem ore 1 9 7 6 ). This procedure affects both utcro, the optic nerve from the remaining eye had about
eyes equally and, although it induced stereoblindness, it did 20% more axons than that o f an eye o t a norm al animal
not lead to loss ofvisu al acuity in either eye or to an im bal­ (Sengelaub and Finlay 1 9 8 1 ; Jeffery and Perry 1 9 8 2 ). In
ance in the num ber o t cells responding to each eye (Blake cats, the rem aining eye had about 1 8 0 ,0 0 0 ganglion cells
and H irsch 1 975). com pared with 150,1)00 in an eye o f a normal cat. All co rti­
T iem an et al. (1 9 8 3 a , 1983b ) occluded each eye o f kit­ cal neurons o f early m onocularly enucleated cats responded
tens for a variable proportion o f each day until they were 4 to the rem aining eye and had norm al response properties
m onths old. I he eyes were alternately occluded for the same (Shook et al. 1 9 8 5 ). However, their receptive fields were
period each day, or one eye was occluded for twice or eight smaller than those ot cortical cclls in normal cats (Chalupa
times as long as the other. All groups showed a severe loss o f e ta l. 1 9 8 4 ; S ton e and Rapaporr 1986).
binocular cortical cells. The greater che im balance o t eye Rem oval o f one eye in fetal m ice and ferrets, bctore gan­
exposure the higher was the percentage o f cells that glion-cell axons reached rhe chiasm , reduced rhe num ber o f
responded only to the m ore experienced eye. C o rtical cells uncrossed axons trom che surviving eye in the optic tract.
o f kittens with a balanced input had relatively norm al recep­ Axons th at would have been uncrossed accumulated at che
tive fields. C ells responding to the less experienced eye chiasm (see Taylor and G uillery 1 9 9 5 ). Enucleation in the
neonate, after ganglion-cell axons had reached the L G N , due to sprouting o f initial tactile-responsive cells or to
increased the num ber ot uncrossed axons in the optic tract encroachm ent o f axons from neighboring cortical areas.
(L u n d eta l. 1 9 7 3 ;G o d e m e n te ta I. 1987; C han and G uillcry Cross-m odal innervation o f the visual cortex was discussed
1993). Thus, w ith early enucleation, uncrossed axons in the in Section 8.1.4.
surviving eye are inhibited from entering the chiasm . This
suggests that, in the norm al eye, uncrossed axons depend on
the presence o f crossed axons from the other eye for their 8 .2 .7 M E C H A N IS M S O F C O R T I C A L
entry inco chc uncrossed pachway. The crossed axons muse P L A S T IC IT Y
activate a chem ical signal that guides uncrossed axons
8 .2 .7 a H o m o sy n ap tic and H eterosy n ap tic Plasticity
through chc chiasm (C h an and G uillcry 1993). This issue
was discussed in m ore detail in Section 6.3.4a. Th e effects o f m onocular deprivation have three co m p o ­
The sim ilarity betw een the visual pathways after early nents.
m onocular enucleation and che visual pachways o f albinos
prompced G uillcry (1 9 8 9 ) со suggesc chat chis early chiasm - 1. Changed activicy in cclls responding со a deprived eye
torm ing mechanism is absent in albinos. ac recipient layer 4 C before visual inpucs impinge on
binocular cclls. O n e faccor could be chc degree ot
correlacion becween presynaptic activicy and
8 .2 ,6 b Visual Effects o f M o n o c u la r E n u cle atio n
poscsynapcic activity in gcniculocortical afferents from a
In animals reared with only one eye, a larger than normal given eye. For a deprived eye, the correlation is reduced,
proportion o f the visual corcex is devoted to che remaining which would weaken the cells rcsponsivity. This would
eye. This suggests that people who had one eye removed at be a Hebbian homosynaptic mechanism because ic
an early age would have better than norm al acuity in chc depends on activicy from only one eye. O therw ise, a
rem aining eye. In con form ity with this expectation, sub­ general non-H ebbian homeoscatic m echanism could
jects who had early m onocular enucleation had higher co n ­ directly enhance activity o t deprived neurons by the
trast sensitivity than that o f binocular subjects viewing with process o f synaptic scaling described in Section 6.5.4.
one eye. The earlier the enucleation was perform ed, the
2. Depression o f cortical activity from the deprived eye
larger was the range o f spatial frequencies over which co n ­
and enhanced activity from che nondeprived eye. We
trast sensitivity was enhanced (N icholas et al. 1996).
will see chac chis requires som e residual accivicy in the
However, gracing acuity o f enucleated subjects was no
deprived eye coupled wich accivicy in che nondeprived
better than that o f norm al subjects viewing with both eyes
eve. These effeccs muse occur in binocular cells. Thev
(Reed cc al. 1 9 9 6 ). A t low contrascs, normal subjeccs were i 4

depend on che excenc со which presynaptic inpucs from

superior (R eed c t al. 1 9 9 ?). The improved perform ance ot
the eyes correlate with postsynaptic activity. This is a
normal subjects when viewing with boch eyes was probably
Hebbian heterosynaptic mechanism because ic
due to binocular sum m ation, as discussed in Section 13-1.
depends on compecicion between inpucs trom che two
A group o f 15 observers who had been unilaterally enu-
clcated betore the age ot 36 m onths had a higher threshold
for detection o f temporalward m otion o f a random -dot dis­ 3. Long-term consolidation o f changes in synaptic
play than o f nasahvard m otion (Steeves et al. 2 0 0 2 ). The contacts. This involves m aturation and stabilization o f
developm ent o f symmetry o f m otion detection depends on synapses through developm ent o f processes that inhibit
early binocular vision, as explained in Section 22.6.1. changes after the critical period.

M ost cells in the rat visual cortex are driven onlv*

8 .2 .6 c C ross-M od al Innervation in
by the contralateral eye. For these cells, effects o f m onocular
M o n o c u la r D eprivation
deprivation are n o t due to com petition betw een inputs
Toldi et al. (1 9 8 8 ) removed one eye o f rats at birth. from the two eyes. Therefore, the hom osynaptic m echa­
Responses o f cortical cells to stim ulation o f the vibrissae nism can be Studied in isolation trom the heterosynaptic
revealed an encroachm ent o f somatosensory inputs into the m echanism .
visual cortex. M onocular enucleation after che first week M affei et al. (2 0 0 6 ) recorded from slices o f m onocular
did n o t produce chis effect. Toldi et al. ^1 9 9 4 ) obtained regions o f the rat visual cortex after the animals had been
anatom ical evidence o f cross-m odal innervation o f che subjected to m onocular lid suture on postnatal days 18 to
visual cortex o f the rat after early m onocular enucleation. In 2 1 . Pyramid cells serving the deprived eye in layer 4 retained
norm al rabbits, abouc 2 % o f cells in che visual corcex their normal excitatory responses and interconnections.
responded со visual and tactile stimuli. After removal o f one However, the amplitude o f connection s betw een pyramid
eye o f adult ra b b its, 3 0 % o f cells began со respond to caccile cclls and inhibitory inrcrneurons (basket cells) increased
Stim uli (N ew ton et al. 2 0 0 2 ). This increase could have been substantially. The long-term potentiation (L T P ) o t these


inhibitory synapses boosted inhibition in layer 4. Matfci The fact th at depression o f cortical activity from a
et al. produced evidence that I.T P o f inhibitory synapses is deprived eye requires some activity in that eye can be
due to the mismatch betw een the absent presynaptic firing explained in terms o f decorrelated presynaptic and postsyn­
from m onocularly deprived pyramid cells and the sponta­ aptic activity. There is no decorrelated activity when all
neous postsynaptic firin g o f the inhibitory cclls. It is known inputs from an eve are absent.
that inhibitory cells fire spontaneously.
M rsic-Flugel et al. (2 0 0 7 ) produced d irect evidence tor
8 .2 .7 c E ffe c ts o f B lo c k a g e o f P o stsy n a p tic A ctiv ity
borh hom osynaptic and heterosynaptic processes. They
used tw o-photon imaging ot calcium transients to sim ulta­ A shift in ocular dom inance during m onocular deprivation
neously plot changes in responsivity o f hundreds o f cells in does not occur for regions o f the cat visual cortex in which
the m ouse visual cortex after suturing one or both eyes tor all postsynaptic cortical activity has been blocked by tetro ­
up to 8 days. The ocular dom inance o f m ost binocular cclls dotoxin (w hich blocks excitatory synapses) or muscimol
shifted in tavor ot the nondeprived eye. This represents het- (which activates G A B A inhibitory neurons) (Shaw and
erosynaptic com petition betw een inputs from the two eyes. Cynader 1984; R eiter et al. 1 9 8 6 ). M ore specifically, the
However, cells that normally responded mainly or only to shift in ocular dom inance was elim inated by blockage ot the
the deprived eye showed an increase in responsivity, rather postsynaptic pathway that involves cA M P-dependent pro­
than the depressed activity reported by M atfei et al. Also, tein kinase (see Shim egi et al. 2 0 0 3 ).
5 days o f binocular deprivation enhanced responsivity o f all Paradoxically, binocular cortical cclls o f monocularly
cells. These latter effects represent the effects o f hom osyn­ deprived kittens became more responsive to inputs trom the
aptic synaptic scaling (see Section 6 .5 .4 ). elosed eye than to those from the open eye when postsynaptic
cortical activity was blocked by muscimol (Reiter and Stryker
1988). I l l is effect is known as reverse o cu lar dom inance
8 .2 .7 b E ffe c ts o f B lo c k a g e o f M o n o c u la r In p u ts
shift. It seems that the more active presynaptic afferents trom
Inputs from an eye may be totally blockcd by injectin g tct- the open eye were selectively retracted when postsynaptic
rodotoxin. The eye is said to be inactivated. Suturing an eye activity was blocked (H ata et al. 1999). Thus, growth or
docs not totally block inputs because some light gets retraction o f afferent inputs depended on the monosynaptic
through the eyelids. In kittens, lid suture produced greater correlation between pre- and postsynaptic activity in genicu-
suppression o t responses o f binocular cortical cells to stim ­ locortical afferents of the open eye. There was no decorrela­
ulation o fth e deprived eye than did m onocular inactivation tion in the inputs from the occluded eye because there was
(R ittcn h ou se et al. 1 9 9 9 ). Thus, responses to stim ulation o f neither presynaptic nor postsynaptic activity tor these inputs.
a deprived-eye are depressed m ost effectively when there is These synapses therefore remained intact.
som e residual activity in that eye. Thus the effects o f m onocular deprivation are n o t due
In another experim ent from the same laboratory, one only to im balance o f inputs to binocular cells. They arc also
group o f young m ice were subjected to 5 days o f m onocular due to imbalance between presynaptic and postsynaptic
inactivation with tetrodotoxin, and a second group were activity at the level o f geniculocortical inputs (H ata and
subjected to 5 days o f m onocular occlusion (Frenkel and Stryker 1 9 9 4 ; K hibnik et al. 2 0 1 0 ).
Bear 2 0 0 4 ). After the effects o f the tetrodotoxin had worn H aruta and H ata (2 0 0 7 ) produced further evidence for
off, it was found that cortical responses to stim ulation o f the hom osynaptic m echanism . They suppressed the activity
the inactivated eye were not depressed but that responses o f the visual cortex with muscimol in 4-w eek-old kittens.
tor the eye that had not been inactivated were enhanced. By Som e o f the animals also had both eves sutured. After

com parison, responses for the eye that had been sutured 2 weeks there was retraction o f synaptic arbors o f geniculo­
were suppressed and there was also some enhancem ent o f cortical afferents o f the open eyes but n o t o f the sutured
responses to stim uli applied to the other eye. Reciprocal eyes. In neither case was there any im balance between inputs
m odifications o f cortical responses in m onocularly deprived to binocular cells. For the seeing eyes there was decorrela­
rats were accom panied by decreased visual acuity in the tion betw een homosynaptic presynaptic and postsynaptic
sutured eye and increased acuity in the nondeprived eye activity at the level o f geniculocortical afferents. For the
(In y e t al. 2 0 0 6 ). occluded eyes there was n o decorrelation. Thus, the hom os­
Sm ith and Trachtenberg (2 0 0 7 ) used optical im aging to ynaptic m echanism can induce cortical plasticity in the
track the developm ent o f neural activity in the visual cortex absence o f the heterosynaptic mechanism.
o f m ice. O n e eye o f 9-day old m ice was either sutured or
removed before the eyes opened and before the onset ot the
8 .2 .7d R o le s o f In tr a c o r tic a l and
critical period. For the eye-sutured m ice, the retinotopic
In te rc o r tic a l In h ib itio n
maps o f both eyes were disorganized at postnatal day 13.
For the enucleated m ice, developm ent o f rhe retinotopic The role o f inhibition in the developm ent o f ocular
map o f the rem aining eye was accelerated. dom inance colum ns was discussed in Section 6.7.2c.
C o rtical plascicicy depends on che dcvelopmenc o f corcicai developm ent o f G A BA ergic in h ibition (G ianfranceschi
inhibition. Perhaps a critical level o f cortical inhibition is et al. 2 0 0 3 ).
required for the detection o f synchrony betw een inputs Subplate neurons play a crucial role in the early develop­
from the two eyes. m ent o f the visual cortex (see Section 6 .4 .5 c). These neu­
The neurotransm itter G A B A (gam m a-am inobutyric rons are present during the critical period, after which they
acid) m ediates intracortical inhibition. The effects ol die. D uring the critical period, G A B A ergic synapses switch
G A B A can be removed by application of its antagonist, from being excitatory to being inh ibitory (Section 6.4.4d ).
bicucullinc. Seven days o f m onocular deprivation in kittens O cu lar dom inance plasticity does not occur when
produced less than the expected shift in ocular dom inance G A B A ergic synapses fail to mature into inhibitory syn­
when che cortcx was infused wich bicucullinc during the apses. M aturation o f G A B A ergic synapses, specifically those
period ot deprivation (R am oa et al. 1988). W ith in 3 0 s o f involving receptor type a 1, is controlled by subplate neu­
intravenous in jection or corcicai application o f bicucullinc rons (Kanold and Shatz 2 0 0 6 ).
in m onocularly deprived cats, betw een 4 0 and 60 % o f co rti­ Intercallosal inhibition is also involved in ocular d om i­
cal cells tested began to respond again to excitatory stim ula­ nance plasticity. B locking intercallosal inputs from the co n ­
tion o f the deprived eye, although n o t to the point o f tralateral visual cortex with muscimol restored binocularitv
gaining dom inance over binocular cclls (D u ffy c t al. 1976; in rats th at had been m onocularly deprived during the criti­
Burchfiel and D uffy 1 9 8 1 ; Sillito et al. 1981; Mower and cal period (R estani et al. 2 0 0 9 ). Also, blocking callosal
C hristen 1 9 8 9 ). inputs during the period o f m onocular deprivation reduced
Blakem ore et al. (1 9 8 2 ) argued that part bu t not all o f the shift in ocular dom inance to the nondeprived eye. This
this effect was due to che tact thac bicucullinc raises the gen­ suggests that m onocular deprivation strengthens co n n ec­
eral level o f excitability• o f cortical cells to weak excitatory tions between callosal
» inputs and inhibitory neurons that
inputs. This could cause an increase in the probability o f suppress activity arising in the deprived eye.
correlated activity between weak inputs from the deprived
eye and activity from the norm al eye.
8 .2 .7 e R o le of H e b b ia n ( N M D A ) Synapses
G enetic disruption o f the enzym e responsible for syn­
thesis o f G A B A in m ice leads to a retention o f responsive­ Hebbian synapses are involved in the developm ent o f b in ­
ness o l a deprived eye (H ensch et al. 1 9 9 8 ; Feldman 2 0 0 0 ) ocular cells and in neural plasticity in general (Sections
and partial restoration o f neural plasticity in response to 6.5.1 and 6 .6 .3 ).
m onocular deprivation in adult rats (H arau zovet al. 2 0 1 0 ). Seven days o f m onocular deprivation in kittens pro­
Also, enhancem ent o f activity at G A B A ergic synapses with duced no detectable change in a biochem ical indicator o f
diazepan in norm al m ice produced an early onset o f t h e activity at inh ibitory presynapcic sites in cortical layer 4
critical period o f cortical plasticity (Fagiolini and Hensch (Silver and Stryker 2 0 0 0 ). This suggests that m onocular
2 0 0 0 ). A b rief 2-day infusion o f diazepan triggered rhe deprivation acts at the poscsynapcic m em brane.
onset and term ination o f the critical period, even in dark- M onocular deprivation in rats tor 2 4 hours during the
reared m ice (Iwai cr al. 2 0 0 3 ). critical period reduced the expression o f postsynaptic
There are about 2 0 G A B A receptor subunits. By study­ A M PA receptors in cells in the visual cortex innervated by
ing the effects o f m onocular deprivation in m ice with spe­ the deprived eye (H eynen et al. 2 0 0 3 ). This change was the
cific genetic defects, Fagiolini et al. (2 0 0 4 ) revealed that same as in long-term depression ( I T D ) at N M D A synapses
G A B A receptor type u\ is specifically required for cortical in normal animals. Thus, the basic effect o f m onocular
plasticity. These receptors occur on synapses proximal to deprivation is the induction o t long-term depression in cells
the soma o f pyramidal cclls. C o rtical plasticity was reduced innervated by the deprived eye. Induction o f L T D requires
when there were either too many or too tew o f these recep­ presynaptic activity. Consequently, m onocular enucleation
tors (K atagiri et al. 2 0 0 7 ). has less effect than m onocular suturing. The decrease in
Som a-proxim al synapses are innervated by specific A M PA receptors is n o t due to reduced sensory input, but
inhibitory interneurons (P V basket cells) that emerge at the to lack o f correlation between presynaptic and postsynaptic
onset o f the critical period. At the end o f the critical period, activity.
PV cells becom e enclosed by the extracellular matrix. Dark rearing kittens to 6 weeks o f age arrested the loss
Removal o f the enclosing network restores plasticity in o f N M D A synapses that normally occurs after the critical
adult animals (see S ection 8 .2 .7 f). period, and thereby extended the period during which
The neurotrophin B D N F is required for the develop­ visual experience influenced the form ation o f ocular d om i­
ment o f G A B A ergic inhibition. Overexprcssion o f B D N F nance colum ns (Fox c t al. 1992; C zepita et al. 1994).
accelerates the m aturation o f P V interneurons and the onset Subsequent exposure to light for 10 days allowed N M D A
o f the critical period. Dark rearing reduces this neurotro­ synapses to decrease со adulc levels.
phin and delays rhe term ination o f the critical period. W hen N M D A synapses were inhibited by cortical infu­
Adm inistration o f B D N F in dark-reared m ice restores the sion o f a specific antagonise, monocularly deprived kittens
w ithout affecting other visual functions. Thus, loss o f
NMDA synapses directly affected cortical plasticity.
However, the procedure used by Roberts c t al. did n o t block
all N M D A receptors. Perhaps their com plete removal
would have produced more widespread effects.
M etabotropic receptors are also numerous in the visual
cortcx during the postnatal period. They arc also involved
in long-term depression o f responses in other parts o f the
brain. However, a m etabotropic antagonist had no effect on
the induction o f long-cerm depression by low-frequency
sim u latio n o t slices o t rat visual cortcx. Furtherm ore, rats
lacking m etabotropic receptors showed norm al long-term
depression at N M D A receptors (Saw tell et al. 1999). This
evidence suggests chac mecabocropic recepcors are noc
involved in the long-term depression ot responses to stim u­
lation o f a visually deprived eye. There is con flictin g evi­
dence about the role ot nitric oxide in cortical plasticity (see
Section 6 .5 .3 ).
Figure 8.*- M ark F ir n an Bear. B orn in A lexand ria, V irg in ia , in 1 9 5 7 .
H e o b ta in ed а В .Sc. in psychology from D uke U n iv ersity in 1979
and л P h .D . in n cu ro h iolo g y from Brow n U n iv ersity in 1 9 8 4 . H is 8 . 2 . 7 f R o le o f N e u ro tro p h in s an d G e n e tic
p o std o cto ral w ork was at chc M ax-P lan ck In stitu t fu r H irn to rsch u n g , m
T ra n sc rip tio n
F ran k fu rt w ith \\”. Singer and at B row n U niversity w ith I. .N . C o o p er.
I Ic jo in ed the facu lty o f Brow n U niversity in 1 9 S 6 , w here he is now Evidence reviewed in Section 6.7.2d shows that the forma­
professor o f n eu roscience. Fox P rofessor o l O p h th a lm o lo g y and Visual
tion o f ocular dom inance colum ns depends on com petition
S cien ces, and investigator lo r the H ow ard H ughes M edical Institute.
H e received chc A lfred P. S lo a n Award in 1 9 8 7 . between cortical afferents tor a neurotrophin secreted by
targ etccllsin the visual cortcx. The neurotrophins, described
in Section 6.4.3d , are N G F . B D N F , N T -3 , or N T-4/5.
failed со show an ocular dom inance shift (Bear cc al. 1990) Grow ing axons trom the two eyes com pete tor a limited
(Porcraic Figure 8 .8 ). A lso,corcical cells becam e less respon­ am ount o f B D N F . O n ly axons receiving sufficient B D N F
sive со che norm al eye (C zep ita and Daw 1996). Infusion o f maintain access to binocular cells.
an N M D A ancagonisc со one hemisphere prevented a The brain-derived neurotrophic factor (B D N F ) is pro­
swicch of ocular dom inance o t binocular cells in chat hem i­ duced in postsynaptic cclls o f the visual system during the
sphere after che occluder was moved со che ocher eye. Cells critical period for developm ent o f ocular dom inance co l­
in the visual corcex ot che untreated hemisphere showed che umns (Bozzi et al. 1995). Its production is enhanced by
usual transfer o f dom inance after reversal o f occlusion (G u neural activity. It binds to ligands on afferent axons and acts
et al. 1 989). as a retrograde messenger enhancing synaptic efficiency by
Antagonises o f N M D A applied in early development increasing release o f a synaptic transm itter in presynaptic
affect other types of synapse and lead to a general loss o f neurons (Thoenen 1 9 9 5 ; Liu et al. 1996).
responsivity and loss oforiencacion and direction selectivity The neurotrophin also induces the expression o f cell
o f cortical cells in cats and ferrets (M iller et al. 1989a; Daw proteins (G A P -4 3 and S C G 10) in the L G N , which control
19 9 5 ; Ram oa et al. 2 0 0 1 ). Therefore, loss o f ocular d om i­ che growch o f axons and synapses (H igo cc al. 2 0 0 0 ).
nance plasticity after blockage ot N M D A receptors could Neurocrophin also accivaces protein kinases. Three
be due to these general deficits rather than a specific effect kinases have been identified: cA M P-dependenc procein
o f loss ot N M D A synapses on cortical plasticity. kinase (P K A ), extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (E R K ),
Kasamatsu c t al. (1 9 9 8 b ) found considerable ocular and C a/calm odulin-dcpcndent protein kinase (C a M К II).
dom inance plasticity in monocularly deprived kittens Activated kinases phosphorylate substrates that control
receiving continuous cortical infusion o fa n N M D A antag­ synaptic transmission (Scctio n 5.5 .2 c) and m orphological
onist. The m ajor effect was loss o f orientation tuning. They development. They also activate genes responsible for pro­
concluded that inhibition o fN M D A synapses disrupts syn- tein synthesis. O cular dom inance plasticity that occurs after
apcic transmission rather than experience-dependent co rti­ m onocular deprivation is suppressed when activation o f any
cal plasticity. o t these kinases is disrupted genetically or pharm acologi­
Roberts et al. (1 9 9 8 ) developed an antagonist that cally (G ordon et al. 1996;G lazew ski et al. 2 0 0 0 ; Beaver
acts specifically on the N R l receptor subunit of N M D A et al. 2 0 0 1 ; Taha et al. 2 0 0 2 ; Berardi et al. 2 0 0 3 ).
synapses (Section 6 .5 .1 ). This antagonist decreased ocular The synthesis o f B D N F is regulated by neural activity.
dom inance plasticity in m onocularly deprived ferrets Deprivation o t pattern vision during, and even after the
critical period, results in a decrease in B D N F in the visual In the cat, injection o f N G F during the critical period
cortex o f the cat (Lein and Shatz 2 0 0 0 ). Dark rearing or facilitates recovery o f binocularity and visual acuity follow­
blockage o f neural activity during the critical period o f for­ ing a period o f m onocular deprivation (C arm ignoto et al.
mation o f cortical colum ns reduces the level o f B D N F in 1 9 9 3 ; Fiorentini ct al. 1995). Oddly, cortical infusion ot
the L G N and visual cortcx o f the rat (Schoups e t al. 1995). N G F in the visual cortex o f the adult cat restored the capac­
In particular, protein synthesis is required for ocular dom i­ ity o f the cortcx to manifest an ocular dom inance shift
nance plasticity. Pharm acological suppression o t all protein when one eve was occluded (Gu c t al. 1994; Galuskc c t al.
synthesis in the visual cortex o f m onocularly deprived mice 2 0 0 0 ). For a review o f N G F receptors, see Meakin and
impaired the rapid shift in ocular dom inance (T aha and Sh ooter (1 9 9 2 ) and G u (1 9 9 5 ).
Stryker 2 0 0 2 ). O th er investigators found that brain-derived neu-
In the postnatal period, the concentration o f B D N F in rotrophic factor (B D N F ) and neurotrophin N T -4/ 5 (trkB
retinal ganglion cells increases and B D N F is transported ligands) are more im portant than N G F in the developm ent
trom retina to cortex. M onocular deprivation reduces the ot ocular dom inance colum ns in cats, but they used more
level o f B D N F in the deprived retina, w hich introduces an local application o f neurotrophins and anatom ical rather
asymmetrical concentration of B D N F in ocular dom inance than elcctrophysiological assessments (C'abclli et al. 1995;
colum ns. The shift in ocular dom inance after m onocular Riddle ct al. 1995).
deprivation was reduced when the balance ot B D N F o f C h on d roitin sulphate proteoglycans (C S P G s) in the
monocularly deprived rats was restored by adding B D N F extracellular m atrix in h ib it axonal and dendritic growth,
to the deprived eye or rem oving it trom the norm al eye in the critical period, the expression o f C S P G s is controlled
(M andolesi et al. 2 0 0 5 ). There is thus a close connection by visual experience. Toward the end o f the critical period
between the effects o f m onocular deprivation in the retina C S P G s condense round the soma and synapses o f cortical
and its cffccts in the cortcx. cclls. They inhibit cortical plasticity and therefore stabilize
O cu lar dom inance colum ns did not develop when an neuronal patterns in the adult visual cortcx. D ark rearing
excess o f neurotrophins B D N F or N T -4/ 5 was applied to prevented the expression o f C S P G s in rats. This could co n ­
the developing visual cortex o f cats or monkeys (C’abclli tribute to the prolongation o f the critical period in dark
ct al. 19 9 5 ; Hata et al. 2 0 0 0 ). Also, the critical period for rearing (Section 8.3 .1 b ). The removal o f C S P G s restored
ocular dom inance plasticity occurred at an unusually early ocular dom inance plasticity in m onocularly deprived adult
age in transgenic m ice that expressed elevated levels o f rats (Pizzorusso et al. 2 0 0 2 ).
B D N F in the visual cortex (H anover e t al. 1999). The transcription factors CREB (calcium /cA M P
Excess o f these neurotrophins during the critical period response elem ent binding proteins) belong to the class o f
in rhe car m aintained or even restored responsiveness o f proteins required for neural plasticity. A ctivity o f these p ro ­
binocular cells to stim ulation o f a deprived eye (Gillespie teins is regulated by neuronal activity and neurotrophic fac­
et al. 2 0 0 0 ). However, B D N F does not simply restore rhe tors through the m ediation o fC a M К 11. The С R E B proteins
norm al functions o f the visual cortex. Infusion o f B D N F in turn regulate transcription o f specific genes. There is high
into cortical area 18 o f norm al cats during the critical period C R E B activity during the critical period. M onocular depri­
produced a reversal ot the norm al ocular dom inance bias vation in infant m ice induces C R E B mediated expression
from the contralateral eye to the ipsilateral eye. It also pro­ o f the gene lacT, in the visual cortex. This induction is
duced a loss ot orientation selectivity in cortical cells. reduced after the end o f the critical period (Pham et al.
Infusion o f B D N F during the period o f m onocular depriva­ 1 9 9 9 ; M ower et al. 2 0 0 2 ). Liao et al. (2 0 0 2 ) inactivated
tion produced a paradoxical shift o f ocular-dom inance C R E B during the critical period. Inactivation before m on­
toward the deprived eye. In adult cats, B D N F had no effect ocular deprivation prevented loss o f responses to stim ula­
on ocular dom inance or orientation selectivity (Galuskc tion o t the deprived eye. But an eye that had been deprived
et al. 2 0 0 0 ). before inactivation still recovered. Thus, C R F .B is required
The nerve growth factor (N G F ) is also involved in co r­ for loss o f function but not for recovery. A ctivation o f
tical plasticity. Infusion o f extra N G F in m onocularly C R F .B in adult m ice rendered them susceptible to m onocu ­
deprived rats prevented shrinkage ot L G N neurons and lar deprivation (Pham c t al. 2 0 0 4 ). M ice with reduced
shifts in ocular dom inance in the visual cortex (Bcrardi C R F .B levels have impaired long-term memory.
et al. 1993a, 1 9 9 3 b ; D om enici et al. 1993). Also, in infused Evidence from the rat suggests that the gene Cpg 15 co n ­
rats, the tuning characteristics o f cortical cclls did not trols the term ination o f the critical period. Expression o f
change and there was no behavioral evidence ol amblyopia this gene peaks during the critical period and then declines.
in the deprived eye (D om enici et al. 1 9 9 1 ; M affei et al. D ark rearing delays this decline (Lee and Nedivi 2 0 0 2 ).
1992). In m onocularly deprived rats, visually evoked The hom coprotcin O tx 2 is involved in the development
responses in the ipsilateral visual cortex were reduced, but o f the head in the em bryos o f all animals. In mammals,
this reduction did not occur after ventricular infusion o f before the onset o f the critical period, it becom es restricted
N G F (Yan et al. 1 996). to the visual pathways from retina to cortex. W ith the onset
of' che critical period ic is caken up by P V G A BA ergic These changes outside layer 4 are associated wich changes
interneurons— the interneurons involved in cortical plas­ in the dynamics and density ol dendritic spines. Thus,
cicicy (Sugiyama ec al. 2 0 0 8 ). Binocular enucleaced and 3 days o f m onocular deprivation in mice during the critical
dark-reared m ice had a reduced level o f O cx2 in PV neu­ period increased the m otility ol dendritic spines outside
rons, which delayed the macuracion o f chese cells and the layer 4 (G ray ec al. 2 0 0 4 ). This increased mocilicy presum­
onsec o f the critical period. Delivery o f O tx l to the visual ably represents the reshaping o f synapses during m onocular
corcex o f dark-reared m ice rescored rhe macuracion o f PV deprivation. M onocular deprivation also reduced spine
cells. Also, delivery o f O c x l со norm al infanc m ice acceler- density in the excragranular layers o f the visual cortex o f
accd che onsec o f che critical period tor shift in ocular dom i­ mice (M aragacc al. 2 0 0 4 ).
nance. It also acceleraced che enclosure o f P V neurons by N either change was evident in che m onocular segmenc
che extracellular macrix, which indicaces the end o f the crit­ ot che visual corcex, which shows chac chey depend on com -
ical period. R eduction o f cortical O c x l delayed chc ccrmi- pecicion becween inpucs from che cwo eyes. The changes
nacion o f che critical period. seem со be due со increased accivicy o f che proceolytic
enzyme tPA/plasmin. Changes in spine mocilicy occurred
in norm al m ice after applicacion o t chis enzyme during the
8 .2 .7 g C o r tic a l P la s tic ity an d D c n d r itic S p in es
cricical period o f ocular dom inance plascicicy. M onocularly
In norm al animals, dendrices ot spiny stellate cells tend to deprived m ice lacking chis enzyme did noc show the change
remain w ithin their own ocular dom inance colum n, because in spine density. Processes controlling spine mocilicy were
they are at a com petitive disadvantage it chey encer the reviewed in Seccion 6.4.4.
colum n o fth e other eye. The cerminal a rb o rso f inpucs from
a deprived eye on spiny scellace cells are smaller and make
8 .2 .7 h N e u ro m o d u la to rs and C o r tic a l P la stic ity•
fewer synapses chan chose in a norm al eye. The cerminal
arbors o t che nondeprived eye are larger chan norm al and The neocorcex receives inputs trom a variety o t subcortical
make more chan chc normal num ber ofsvnapses(Friedlander areas. Each input involves a discincc neurocransmicter, as
ec al. 1 9 9 1 ). described in Section 5.5.2g. Examples are acetylcholine,
Because o f cheir reduced inpuc from che deprived eye, dopam ine, noradrenaline, and seroconin. C o rtical cells
spiny scellace cells serving a deprived eye are invaded by den­ contain a variety o f receptors for each o f chese cransmicrers,
drices trom che nondeprived eye. These dendrices spread со which act as neurom odulators rather than convey sensory
an unusual degree inco the adjacenc ocular dom inance co l­ inform ation.
umns o f che deprived eye. The scellace cells serving che C arccholam incs, particularly noradrenaline, have
deprived eye chus receive their dom inanc inpuc from rhe been im plicated in che concrol o f neural plascicicy in che
nondeprived eye (Kossel ec al. 1995). developing corcex ot racs. N oradrenergic axons are among
Ic was previously choughc rhac the shift in ocular d om i­ che firsc со innervace che cerebral corcex, and reach peak
nance caused by m onocular deprivacion is iniciatcd by levels in che second poscnacal m onth. In the adulc brain,
changes in che relacive strengchs o f thalam ocorcical inputs noradrenergic axons originacing in che locus coeruleus in
from the tw o eyes in layer 4 . M ore recent evidence suggests the dorsal pons seem to provide a diffuse, nonspecific inner­
chac chese changes are preceded by changes in incracorcical vation o f che ccncral nervous syscem (I.cvicc and M oore
circuitry outside layer 4. 1979).
C hanges in che upper supragranular cortical layers pre­ After che corcex was depleced o f cacecholam ines by
cede and may direcc che subsequenc reorganization o f thal­ incravencricular injection ot 6-hydroxvdopam ine, m onocu­
amocorcical conneccions associaced wich m onocular larly deprived kitcens recained chc normal proporcion o f
deprivacion. Trachcenbergec al. (2 0 0 0 ) found thac 2 4 hours binocular cells in area 17, and cells serving che norm al eye
o f m onocular deprivacion produced loss o f responses from did noc becom e dom inanc (Kasamacsu and Peccigrew 1979;
the deprived eye only in cortical layers outside layer 4. Shirokawa ec al. 1 9 8 9 ). Perfusion o f noradrenaline into the
Longer periods o f deprivation were required to produce visual corcex o f kiccens for one week shifted ocular dom i­
effects in layer 4. Shorc-ccrm loss could arise ( l ) because nance со the contralateral eye but only when che kiccens
cells innervaced by che deprived eye lose no longer-inHucncc were allowed visual experience (Kuppermann and
cells in che extragranular layers, or (2) from changes in lac- Kasamacsu 1 9 8 4 ). C orcicai cells showed a shift in ocular
eral conneccions becween cells in excragranular layers. dom inance in anesthecizcd kiccens exposed со 2 0 hours o f
Trachtenberg and Stryker (2 0 0 1 ) produced evidence m onocular stim ulation, buc only when che corcex was
for the second possibility, alchough ic docs noc rule our a direcrly infused wich noradrenaline (Im am ura and
contribucion from che firsc possibility. They observed large Kasamacsu 1991). Also, kiccens chat had been monocularly
losses in horizoncal conneccions becween ocular dom inance deprived tor one week beginning at age 4 weeks showed
colum ns in che upper layers o f che visual corcex o f kiccens accelerated recovery o f chc norm al paccern o f ocular dom i­
exposed to only 2 days o f strabismus. nance when che corcex was intused with noradrenaline.
8 .3 ,1 C R I T I C A L P E R I O D IN S U B P R I M A TP.S

8 .3 .1 a D u ra tio n o f th e C r itic a l Period

The eyes ol cats are closed until about 10 days after birth.
The period during w hich cortical cclls arc susccptiblc to
m onocular occlusion begins in the 4 th week. In earlier stud­
ies, neural plasticity was found to remain high until the 8th
week and end at about the 12th week (D ew s and W iesel
1970; Hubei and W iesel 1970). The critical period for
effects ofstrabism us is sim ilar ro that for the effects o f m on­
ocular occlusion (L ev itt and Van Sluyters 1982). A similar
critical period was reported in rats and ferrets (Fagiolini
et al. 1 9 9 4 ; G uirc et al. 1999; Issa c t al. 1999).
O lson and Freeman (1 9 8 0 ) sutured one eye o f kittens
lor 10 days at various periods during the first 4 months.
They measured the proportion o f cortical cells that failed to
respond to the deprived eye as a function ol the age at which
deprivation was started. The susceptibility to m onocular
Figure я. 10 . N igel Dau\ B o rn in L o n d o n , E n glan d , in 1 9 3 3 . H e ob tain ed deprivation peaked between postnatal days 2 8 and 4 8 and
a BA in m athem atics; Trom C am b rid g e U niversity in 1 9 5 6 and a P h .D . subsided through the end o f the 4th m onth. At 4 weeks,
from Jo h n s H o p k in s U n iv ersity in 1 9 6 7 . B etw een 1 9 6 9 and 1 9 9 2 he
binocular cclls o l kittens deprived o l vision in one eye for
held acad em ic a p p o in tm en ts in th e d ep artm en t o l physiology and
biophysics a t W ash in g ton U n iv ersity in S t. L ou is. Sin ce 1 9 9 2 he has only 12 hours spread over 2 days showed a massive shift in
been professor o f op h th alm o lo g y , visual sciences, and n cu ro b io lo g v at ocular dom inance to the nondcprived eye. However, the
Yale U niversity. H e received th e A R V O Friedenw ald Award in 1995- normal pattern o f ocular dom inance was restored after
7 weeks o f binocular vision (M alach et al. 1984). During
che peak period, eye closure for 3 or 4 days induced a per­
m anent loss o l binocular cells and a deficit in stcreoacuity
(T im n cy 1 9 9 0 ) (P ortrait Figure 8 .1 2 ).

Figure s. 11. R on illd S. H arw erth. B orn in A tw ood , K ansas, in 1 9 3 9 . H e

ob tain ed a B .S c. from the U n iv ersity o f H o u sto n in 1 9 6 2 and a P h.D . i:i*urc«.12. В п ап Ttnmcy. B orn m Su n d erlan d , E n glan d , in 1 9 4 7 .
in b iom ed ical scien ces from the U n iv ersity o f Texas, H o u sto n , in H e ob tain ed a B .A . in psychology from E d in bu rgh U n iv ersity in 1 9 6 9
1 9 7 1 . In 1 9 7 0 he jo in ed th e faculty o f th e C o lleg e o f O p to m e try at and a P h .D . w ith R . M o ra n t at B ran d eis U niversity in 1 9 7 3 . Betw een
th e U n iv ersity o f H o u sto n , w here he is now professor o f physiological 1 9 7 3 and 19 7 S he con d u cted p o std o cto ral work a t Q u een s U niversity
o p tics. H e received the G len n A . Fry Award in 1 9 8 0 and the G arland and D alh o u sic U niversity. In 1 9 7 S he gained an academ ic ap p o in tm en t
\X'. C lay Award in 1 9 8 3 from the A m erican A cadem y o f O p to m etry . at the U n iv ersity o f W estern O n ta rio , w here he is now professor o t
He becam e Jo h n and R eb ecca M o ores Sch olars Professor in 1 9 9 6 . psychology and neu roscience.

E F F E C T S O F V IS U A L D E P R IV A T IO N • 415
Ic is generally agreed chat about 2 hours o f binocular Binocular cells have closcly m atched orientation and
vision com bined with 5 hours o l m onocular vision during spatial-frequency selectivity in their m onocular receptive
che cricical period is sufficient for che developmenc o f fields. In m ice, che rcccpcivc fields are initially noc macched.
norm al gracing acuity cats (M itch ell ec al. 2 0 0 3 , 2 0 0 9 ). They becam e macched only i f the m ice had binocular expe­
However, only one o f chrcc cacs creaccd in chis wav dcvel-
/ 4
rience during a critical period ending at postnatal day 31
oped stereoscopic vision. Thus, longer periods o f binocular (W an gec al. 2 0 1 0 ).
vision are required tor che developmenc o f scereopsis chan
for che developmenc o f norm al acuity.
8 .3 .1 b P o s tp o n e m e n t o f th e C ricica l
Also, allowing binocularly dark-reared kiccens со see
P erio d in C a ts
wich only one eye for a few hours during che peak o f rhe
cricical period produced a discincc shift in ocular dom inance In kittens reared in the dark for up to 10 monchs, subse­
ro rhe open eye, w hich was evidenr 2 days lacer (Peck and quent m onocular occlusion caused a marked shift in ocular
Blakem ore 1 9 7 5 ). dom inance to the open eye (T im n cy c t al. 1980; M itchell
In earlier studies, che cricical period o f cacs was reporced and T im n ey 1982; M ow er and C hristen 1 9 8 5 ; Beaver et al.
со end by che 4ch m onch. Lacer scudies found some effects 2001b ).T cn m onths is well beyond the normal critical
o f m onocular occlusion on ocular dom inance when applied period. Cynader (1 9 8 3 ) found some effects o f m onocular
betw een rhe 5ch and 7ch monchs (Cynader and M itchell occlusion in cats that had been dark reared for 2 years. After
19 8 0 ; Cynader ec al. 1 9 8 0 ). D a w ec al. (1 9 9 2 ) agreed chac term ination o f darkness, che period o f susceptibility со
che critical period for developmenc ot binocular cells in m onocular deprivacion lasced abou t 6 weeks.
layer 4 o f che cacs visual corcex excends со che 7ch monch Tli us, che cricical period occurs later if the animal is kept
buc found significant shifts in ocular dom inance in ocher in the dark. But the darkness must be com plete. M onocular
layers after m onocular deprivacion applied in che llc h deprivation produced only slight cortical changes in kittens
monch. The critical period lascs longer for binocular cells in reared for betw een 4 and 12 m onths with binocular sutures
area 17 chan for chose in che excrascriace corcex (che lateral th at provided diffuse illum ination through che eyelids
suprasylvian area) (Jo n es cc al. 1984b ). Ic has also been (M ow er ec al. 1981b ). Six hours o f exposure со a normal
reporced chac che cricical period for loss o f binocularicy ends visual environm ent in 6-week-old kittens that had been
before che critical period for changes in recepcive-field dark reared for the first 5 m onths, elim inated the delaying
scruccure (Berm an and M urphy 1 9 8 2 ). effects o f dark rearing (M ow er e t al. 1983). Thus, term ina­
In norm al cats,depth-discrim ination thresholds assessed tion o f rhe critical period depends on stim ulation. However,
on a jum ping stand arc much lower wich binocular chan stim ulation need n o t be prolonged, and diffuse illum ina­
wich m onocular viewing. Cacs wich one eyelid sutured for tion seems to be sufficient.
more chan 31 days from che tim e che eves opened showed Although m onocular deprivation in adult rats did not
no binocular superiority. Cacs m onocularly deprived ac induce shifts in ocular dom inance, m onocular deprivation
4 monchs showed binocular su p erio rly (T im nev 1983). preceded by 10 days ot total binocular deprivation resulted
The cricical period for developm ent o f binocularity in in a shift (H e et al. 2 0 0 6 ). The effect o f tocal deprivacion
Fcrrecs excends becween poscnacal days 35 and 7 0 . Liao lasted for several days. Thus, cocal lighc deprivacion delays
ec al. ( 2 0 0 4 ) found chac m onocular deprivacion from birch cerminacion o f che cricical period and may rescore corcical
produced perm anent loss o t binocularity and oricnracion plasticicy in the adult rat.
cuning in corcical cclls serving the deprived eye. However, There is a large increase in inhibitory G A B A ergic inputs
corcical cells fully recovered when binocular vision was onto pyramidal cells at the end o f the critical period (Section
rescored after 3 weeks o f m onocular deprivacion chac scarred 8 .2 .7 d ). Dark-rearing slows the m aturation o f inhibitory
ac day 4 9 . Thus, recovery occurred after che end o f che crici­ circuits in rats (M orales e t al. 2 0 0 2 ; D i C risto et al. 2 0 0 7 ).
cal period ifn o rm al vision had been presentduring che early Light deprivation in the adult rat reversed inhibitory cir­
part o t the cricical period. cuits to an immature state. This reduced functional G A B A
Sawcell ec al. ( 2 0 0 3 ) found chac 3 days o f m onocular inh ibitory synaptic density and thereby restored ocular
deprivation in m ice shifted ocular dom inance only when dom inance plasticity ( Huang c t al. 2 0 1 0 ).
applied ac an early age. There was increased activity from M ice subjected to a few days o f m onocular deprivation
stim ulation o f rhe nondeprived eye and reduced activity during che critical period showed a shift in ocular dom i­
from che deprived eye. Adulc m ice showed som e shift after nance to the nondeprived eye. Binocular vision recovered
5 days o f deprivation. Buc this shift involved only an increase after the closed eye was allowed to see. However, these m ice
in the norm ally weak ipsilateral cortical activity evoked by were highly susceptible to m onocular deprivation o f that
stim ulation o f the open eye. There was no reduction o f same eye when they were adult (H ofer ec al. 2 0 0 6 ). Thus,
activity from the deprived eve. In y e t al. (2 0 0 6 ) found some early m onocular deprivation produces long-lasting changes
recovery o f visual acuity in m onocularly deprived eyes o f that are specific to the deprived eye, even after binocular
rats even in the adult. vision has been restored.
previously deprived eye fully recovered. In a normal envi­ A nisom etropia induced in the neonate m onkey by placing
ronm ent, the acuity ot the deprived remained lower than a 10-diopter lens in front o f one eye for 3 0 days produced
that o f the o ther eye. little effect in the defocused eye. W h en continued for 6 0
Although reverse occlusion leads to som e recovery o f a days or more it produced persistent amblyopia in the defo-
previously deprived eye, it is at the expense o f a loss o f visual cuscd eye as revealed by loss o f contrast sensitivity for high
capacity in the other eye. Furtherm ore, when sight is spatial frequencies (Sm ith et al. 1985b ).
restored to both eyes after a period o f reverse suturing, the Vcrgcncc eye movements recovered fully after che
reverse-sutured eye loses ics newly gained capacity, and the eyes o f monkeys were realigned following early surgically
o ther eye recovers. Thus, the gain achieved by reverse sutur­ induced esotropia, although stereoacuity remained
ing is not perm anent in rhe cat (M itch ell 1988b). deficient (H arw erth et al. 1997).
Som e functions mature before others or are less affected
by deprivation than others. It seems to be a general principle
8 .3 .2 C R I T I C A L P E R I O D IN M O N K E Y S
that the critical period for functions processed at lower
By the sixth postnatal day, V I o f macaque monkeys co n ­ levels o fth e nervous system ends earlier than that for func-
tains an adult-like proportion o f disparity-sensitive cells, tions processed at higher levels. The critical period for learn-
although the cells are poorly tuned to spatial frequency and ingcom p lex skills extends over the lifetime.
are n o t very responsive (C h in o et al. 1997). The cells mature
in rhe first 4 weeks, by w hich tim e monkeys begin to show
8 .3 .3 C R I T I C A L P E R I O D IN H U M A N S
evidence o f stereopsis.
M onocular enucleation in rhesus m onkeys at one week M onocular deprivation in humans occurs as a consequence
o t age elim inated ocular dom inance colum ns in layer 4 C S ot m onocular enucleation, unilateral cataracts, unilateral
leaving a uniform autoradiograph and uniform cytochrom e diseases o f the retina, strabismus, or anisom etropia.
oxidase staining (H o rto n and H ocking 199 8 b ). In colum ns M onocular vision or strabismus that develops in an older
belonging to the missing eye, layers 4 C a and 4 a were much child or adult docs not produce any permanent loss o f bin­
reduced. M onocular enucleation at age 12 weeks produced ocular functioning when the condition is corrected. E. L.
only mild shrinkage o f ocular dom inance columns. Sm ith et al. (1 9 8 0 ) had six human adults with normal vision
M onocular enucleation at any age did not affect cytochrom e wear a m onocular occluder for 12 days. This produced
oxidase stripes in V 2. a small decrease in stereoacuity tor a period o t up to 2 hours,
M onocular occlusion in the rhesus m onkey from rhe which was probably due to a tem porary inability to co n ­
first week o f life causes a strong shift in ocular dom inance ot verge the eyes accurately.
cells in V I ro rhe open eye and shrinkage o f colum ns 'Ih c critical period for developm ent o f amblyopia in
devoted to the deprived eye (H o rto n and H ocking 1997). humans seems to end earlier than chat tor developm ent o f
M onocular occlusion from an age o f between 7 and 14 binocularity. Jacobson e ta l. (1 9 8 1 ) found th at infants with
m onths had no influence on ocular dom inance colum ns in esotropia from shortly after birth developed differences in
cortical layer 4 C , but there was still som e shift o f ocular acuity betw een the two eyes at a mean age o f 2 0 weeks. O n e
dom inance in cells o t the upper cortical layers (Blakem ore infant with esotropia from 10 m onths o f age developed
et al. 19 7 8 ; LeVay et al. 1980). M onocular deprivation in signs o f amblyopia 4 weeks later. A ccording to this evidence,
adult m onkeys has no effect on ocular dom inance. the critical period for the developm ent ot amblyopia extends
Reverse suturing in a Cebus monkey after monocular from the age o f about 4 m onths to at least 12 months.
occlusion for the first 2 4 davs
led to a reversal o f dominance
to the other eye (Swindale ct al. 1981). Reversal o f dominance
8 .3 .3 a C o r r e c tio n fo r S tra b ism u s
occurred even after 90 daysot m onocular occlusion (Crawford
c t al. 1989), but no recovery o f visual function was found Covering a strabism ic eye to avoid diplopia was practiced in
after 19 months o f occlusion (H arw erth et al. 1984). ancient times. The use o f face masks with decentered view­
The critical period in the m onkey depends on the type ing holes to correct strabismus also has an ancient origin.
o f visual function. Thus, loss o f scotopic sensitivity occurred The face mask procedure was systematized by Em ile Javal
only when m onocular deprivation was initiated before ( 1 8 3 9 - 1 9 0 7 ) (see Charnw ood 1951).
2 m onths o f age. Spectral and contrast sensitivities were Infants with severe strabismus over several years never
affected when deprivation was initiated before 5 m onths ot recover stereoscopic vision, even when the strabismus is
age. Two weeks o f prism -induced strabismus reduced the corrected by surgery.
disparity sensitivity o f cells in V I m ore severely when Banks e t al. (1 9 7 5 ) obtained an estim ate of the critical
applied at the age o f 2 weeks than when applied at the age period for normal visual developm ent in humans by testing
o f 6 weeks (Kum agam i et al. 2 0 0 0 ). binocular fun ction ing in 2 4 adults in whom strabismus in
Loss o f binocular vision occurred even when deprivation excess o f 1 0 ' had been surgically corrected at various ages.
was initiated as late as 25 m onths (H arw erth et al. 1990). C ongenital csotropcs who had corrective surgery before the
age o f 3 years tended to develop more normal binocular M ohindra cc al. (1 9 8 5 ) measured acuicy and stereopsis
functions than those who had the correction at a later age in 19 esotropic infants during the first 3 years o f life. Those
(see also Enoch and Rabinow icz 1976). For subjects in with prismatic correction showed evidence o f coarse stere­
whom strabismus developed after the age o f 4 years, surgery opsis during this time. However, none o f che 19 esotropes
produced com plete restoration o f binocular fun ction ing no had stereopsis after che age o f 6 years w hether they had
m atter when the surgery was perform ed. Banks et al. con­ worn a prismatic correction or not. Thus, the full adverse
cluded that the sensitive period during which normal bin­ effects o f infantile esotropia are n o t evident until after the
ocular inputs are required for binocular functioning in third year.
humans is betw een the ages o f 1 and 3 years.
Birch c t al. (1 9 9 0 ) assessed che effects o f surgery and
8 .3 .3 b C o r r e c tio n for C a ta ra c t
eye-occlusion therapy on acuity, eye alignm ent, and stere­
opsis in a group o f 8 4 esotropes under 1 year o f age. Three There has been a good deal o f debate about the best age to
patients who responded adequately to optical and occlusion correct congenital cataracts by surgery. A com plicating
therapy achieved near normal stereopsis and acuity. Their factor is chac many infancs wich bilaceral or unilaceral cara-
esotropia probably arose from anisom etropia. The remain­ ract have associated visual detects, such as nystagmus, and
ing patients required surgery, w hich, in about 88 % o f cases, strabismus, which persist after the cacaraccs have been
resulted in good eye alignm ent, although some patients removed.
required secondary surgery. N one o f the patients undergo­ A survey o f 231 cases ac che W ilm er Inscicuce becween
ing surgery developed postoperative random -dot stercoacu- 1925 and 1943 revealed chat good vision (20/70 or better)
ity b etter than 2 0 0 arcsec, and only 35 % showed this level o f was achieved in only 9% o f cases when surgery was performed
perform ance (see also A tkinson et al. 1991). However, most before che age o f 2.5 years and in 69 % when it was performed
o f the patients showed normal developm ent o f acuity in after that age (Ow ens and Hughes 1948). The advantage o f
both eyes after surgery followed by occlusion therapy. later surgery was evident even in patients with no associated
In an early study o f 8 2 cases o f surgical correction, b in ­ defects (Iiaglcy 1949. According со chese rcsulcs, ic is bcccer
ocular vision, as indicated bv
binocular fusion and coarse со delay surgery for congenital cataract. The exact ages at
stereopsis, was n o t restored unless surgery was performed in operation were not specified in these studies.
the first year (D eller 1 988). in another study, five o f seven In a later study, eight intants with congenital unilateral
patients in whom early-onsetesotropia was corrected during cataracts developed reasonable acuity in the affected eye
rhe first 19 weeks achieved scereoacuity o f between 4 0 and when operated on before che age o f 4 0 days (Beller ec al.
4 0 0 arcsec when tested 2 years later (W rig h t e t al. 1994). 1981). In anochcr study, 5 o f 10 children developed good
A bout 4 0 % o f a group o f infantile esotropes had some acuity when cataract surgery was performed before the age
stereovision when tested at 5 years o f age (Bireh et al. ot 4 m onths. There was less recovery o f acuity in two ch il­
(1 9 9 5 ). Those who had been surgically corrected before dren operated on between the ages o f 4 and 5 m onths (R o bb
they were 8 m onths old had foveal stereoacuity o f about 60 ec al. 1987). Subjects in these tw o studies did not recover
arcsec. Those corrected betw een 9 and 12 m onths o f age binocular vision, perhaps because the good eye w asoccludcd
had stereoacuity o f between 6 0 and 2 0 0 arcsec, and those tor several hours each day for many m onths.
corrected betw een 13 and 16 m onth s had stereoacuiries in Pracc-Johnson and Tillson (1 9 8 1 ) removed unilaceral
excess o f 2 0 0 arcsec. However, in a later study, restoration o f cacaraccs trom three intants before the age o f 5 monchs, and
som e stereopsis in infantile esotropes under 2 4 m onths o f bilaceral cacaraccs from chrec infancs becween th e ages o f 7
age was tound to depend m ore on the duration ot strabis­ and 11 monchs. They all developed reasonable acuicy in che
mus rather than on the age at which surgical correction was affecced eyes. However, all chese paciencs had ocherwise
applied (B irch et al. 2 0 0 0 a ). norm al eyes, and the bilateral cataracts did not becom e
Eizenman et al. (1 9 9 9 ) measured visual evoked p oten­ opaque until they were several m onths old.
tials (V E P ) in response to dynamic random -dot stereo­ W righ t et al. (1 9 9 2 ) tound that 5 o f 13 patients who
grams in children w ith early-onset esotropia. For eight had surgery for m onocular congenital cataracts before the
children who had their strabismus surgically corrected age o f 9 weeks developed vergence eye movements. O n e
before the age o f 12 m onths the V E P showed evidence that patient developed stereoacuity o f 2 0 0 arcsec.
the images in che tw o eyes were fused. Six o f eight children
wich correction after 17 m onths showed evidence o f fusion.
Fusion does not necessarily mean chac che children had 8 .4 A M B L Y O P IA
stereoscopic vision.
I hus, early surgery may produce som e restoration o f ste­
8.4.1 T V P E S О F A M В LY O PIA
reopsis but, in any case, surgery is justified by the am eliora­
tion o f amblyopia and by che cosmecic im provem ent (see W hen monocular deprivation is applied over a long period,
Smich et al. 1 991). the deprived eye manifests amblyopia, literally "blunt vision.”
The defect has been known for ac least 2 0 0 vcars. 4
myopic anisom ccropcs (Rucsrcin and C orliss 1999;
In 17 6 4 , Thom as Reid, professor o f m oral philosophy in Levi et al 2 0 1 1 ).
Glasgow, reported that 2 0 people with strabismus had
Persistent blur o f one retinal image produced by
defective sight in one eye.
continuous application o f atropine to one eye o f
ЛИ form s o f amblyopia involve a loss o f contrast sensi­
monkeys during 10 postnatal m onths resulted in loss
tivity for high spatial frequency gratings on the central
o f contrast sensitivity in that eye (K iorpes et al. 1987).
retina, and weak or absent stereopsis. Although m isaccom -
Refractive error due to pathological dilation o f one
modation may be one cause o f amblyopia, spectacles can n ot
pupil in humans (A die syndrom e) can also produce
cure it. Am blyopia does n o t involve retinal defects—
amblyopia (F irth 1999).
receptors are oriented normally, foveal pigment density is
norm al (D elin t c t al. 1 9 9 8 ), as is the elcctrorctinogram Strabismic amblyopia is due to early m isalignm ent o f
(Hess and Baker 1 9 8 4 ). Evidence reviewed in Section 8.2 one eve.

shows that the physiological effects of m onocular depriva­ M eridionalatnblyopia is due to an uncorrectcd
tion are m ost severe in the visual cortex. Psychophysical evi­ astigmatism. It affects vision only for images oriented
dence, also, shows that loss of contrast sensitivity in along the astigmatic axis.
amblyopia is largely o f cortical origin (sec Kiorpes c t al.
1999) (Portrait Figure 8 .1 4 ). Amblyopia occurs in about 3% o f the population.
Four types o f am blyopia are defined by their etiology. Strabism ic and anisom etropic amblyopia occur with about
equal frequency (Flom and Neumaier 1966).
Deprivation amblyopia is due to loss o f form vision W h en disruption was applied equally to both eyes of
because o f a cataract, ptosis, or retinal disorders. kittens, by alternating occlusion or by prismatic dissocia­
tion o f visual inputs, both eves developed normal or near­
Anisometropic am blyopia is due to unequal refraction in
normal acuity. However, there was a reduced num ber o f
the tw o eyes resulting from unequal eye growth (axial
binocularlv driven cells and loss o f stereopsis (Blake and
anisom etropia) or corneal defects. The greater the
Hirsch 1975). Similarly, in a sample o f 1 14 human infants
degree o f anisom etropia, the greater is the depth o f
with untreated alternating esotropia, grating acuity, as m ea­
amblyopia and the greater is the loss o f acuity in the
sured by preferential looking, remained normal in boch eyes
affcctcd cvc and o f binocularity and stereopsis.
although stereopsis was lost (B irch and Stager 1985).
Hyperopic anisom etropes show a grater loss than
However, Day et al. (1 9 8 8 ) found a small equal loss o f grat­
ing acuity in both eyes o f 1-year-old alternating esotropes,
as assessed by co rtical potentials (V E P ) evoked by a grating
with swept spatial frequency that alternated in phase
(Section 7.2 .1 b ). The preferential-looking procedure used
by Birch and Stager may not have been able to detect the
small difference recorded by D a y e t al.Scrabismic am blyo­
pia is more prevalent am ong esotropes (inward deviation)
than am ong cxotropcs (outward deviation). The cffccts on
the visual cortex o f cats are also greater for induced esotro ­
pia than for induced cxotropia (Scctio n 8 .2 .3 a ). Three rea­
sons for this difference have been suggested.

1. Exotropia develops m ore slowly than esotropia.

2. Amblyopia does not occur in alternating strabismics,

and exotropia is more likely to be alternating than

3. In esotropes, foveal stimuli in the deviating eye com pete

with stim uli in the dom inant temporal hemifield of the
other eye. In cxotropcs, foveal stimuli com pete with
stimuli in che nond om inant nasal hemifield o f the other
eye (Bucklcy and Scabcr 1982; Fahic 1987).
Figarc8.i-«. Lynne K iorpes. B o rn in N ew Jersey in 1951 She ob tain ed a BA
at N orth eastern U niversity in 1 9 7 3 and a P h .D . in psychology w ith 1).
For reviews o f am blyopia sec Levi ( 1 9 9 1 ), Ciuffreda
T eller from the U n iv ersity o f W ash in g to n in 1 9 S 2 . A fter p o std o cto ral
work a t the U n iv ersity o f W ash in g ton she ob tain ed an acad em ic et al. ( 1 9 9 2 ), and M cK ee et al. 2 0 0 3 ). Vie shall now see that
p osition a t N ew York U niversity, w here she is now a professor. different types o t amblyopia produce different symptoms.
A uditory defects due со monaural deprivation, known
as amblyaudio, were described in Section 7.7.

8.4.2 L OS S O F C O N T R A S T S E N S I T I V I T Y

8 .4 .2 a A n iso m e tro p ic and Strab ism ic

A m blyopia C o m p ared

Sym ptom s o f amblyopia include a reduction in contrast

sensitivity, som etim es for all spacial frequencies and som e­
times for only high spatial frequencies (Hess and Howell
19 7 7 ; Bradley and Freeman 1 9 8 1 ). There is also a loss o f
gratingacuity (H arw erth e ta l. 1 9 8 3 a ; K ratzand Lehm kuhle
1983) and impaired perform ance on vernier acuity and Fi*«tcS.i6 Stanley K lein . H e o b tain ed a B .S . in physics from the

o ther hyperacuicy casks (Levi and K lein 1982a; Bedell et al. C a lifo rn ia In stitu te o f T ech n olog y in 1961 and л P h .D . in physics from
Bran dcis U niversity in 1 9 7 6 . B etw een 1 9 6 7 and 1981 he m oved trom
19 8 5 ; Bradley and Freeman 1985a).
assistant to full professor in the jo in t science d ep artm en t o f C larem o n t
These sympcoms differ betw een strabism ic and ani- C olleges* C a lifo rn ia . In 1981 he was ap p oin ted professor in the C ollege
som etropic amblyopia in the following ways. o t O p to m e try in th e U niversity o f H o u sto n . In 1 9 8 7 he m oved to the
sch ool o f o p to m e try in the U n iv ersity o f C a lifo rn ia at Berkeley.

1. Loss ofcontrast sensitivity an d hyperacuity In

anisom etropic am blyopes, deficits on hyperacuicy casks,
such as vernier acuicy, arc proporcional со losses in che visual channcl responsible for detection o f fine
resolucion and concrasc sensicivicy (Levi and Klein detail (high spacial frequency). This could involve a loss
1982b, 1 9 8 3 ) (Porcrait Figures 8 .1 5 and 8 .1 6 ). o f high-frequency sensitivicy or increased noise in the
However, chere is con flictin g evidence on chis poinc high-frequency channel. See Pelli et al. (2 0 0 4 b ) for
(K iorpes e t al. 1 9 9 3 ). There is evidence that, in discussion o f this issue.
anisom etropic am blyopia, loss o f acuity results from
In strabismic amblyopes, losses in hvperacuities are
loss in concrasc sensitivity due to image blur arising
more severe than can be accounted for by loss in
from defects in refraction. The simplest explanation o f
contrast sensitivity (B arbeito et al. 1 9 8 8 ; Swindale and
che loss in hyperacuicy is that amblyopic eyes have lost
M icchell 1994). This is crue in cacs, monkeys, and
humans (Levi and Klein 1982b, 1990; M urphy and
M icchell 1991; Kiorpes 1 9 9 2 ; Levi ecal. 1994a,
1994b). In many scrabismic children, contrast
sensitivity is alm ost the same in both eyes,
buc che deviacingeye has a severe deficit in
hyperacuity tasks.

W ilson (1 9 9 1 b ) modeled these differences between

strabism ic and anisom etropic amblyopes. H e
concluded that chc fovea o f a scrabismic eve
from spacial undersam pling, as indicated by loss o f
grating resolution, and from position uncertainty, as
indicated by reduced vernier acuity. B u t chere is no
change in receptive field size. O n the other hand, he
concluded that the fovea o f an anisom etropic
amblyopic eye shows loss o f sensitivity but does not
show undersampling or position uncertainty.

2. Interocular summation an d masking In normal vision, a

Figure я. 15. D ennis M . L evi. I Ic ob tain ed a d ip lom a in o p to m e try from
W in v a tersra n d S c h o o l o f o p to m e try in So u th A frica in 1 9 6 7 . From binocular grating requires less contrast lor detection
th e U n iv ersity o f H o u sto n he received an O .D . in 1971 and a P h.D . than a m onocular grating (Section 13.1.2a). W ith
in 1 9 7 7 . H e th en jo in ed th e facu lty o f the C o lleg e o f O p to m e try at dichopcic gratings o l equal contrast, binocular
th e U n iv ersity o f H o u sto n . H e is now professor o f o p to m e try and
summation is not evident in amblyopes. However,
vision science and dean o t the S ch o o l o l O p to m e try at the U niversity
o f C a lifo rn ia a t Berkeley. H e received th e G len n Fry Award and the binocular sum m ation does o ccu r in strabismic
G arland C lay Award from th e A m erican A cadem y o f O p to m etry . amblyopes if the concrasc o f chc gracing presenced

M s t c r i s l СОГТ
to chc amblyopic eye is suitably increased relative to
that in the norm al eye (Baker et al. 2 0 0 7 ). Thus absence
o f summ ation in strabism ic amblyopes is due to the
weakened input from the am blyopic eye rather than to
absence o f binocular sum m ation. Sec Baker c t al.
(2 0 0 8 ) and M ansouri et al. (2 0 0 8 ) for more
inform ation on this topic.

Interocular transfer in people with loss o f binocular

vision will be discussed in Section 32.4.

3. Displacement o f the image In strabism ics, the images arc-

out o f register by the same am ount over the whole
visual field. However, this affects central vision more
than peripheral vision because receptive fields are
smaller in the center. The lack o f image registration in
the central field o f strabism ic amblyopes leads to a loss
o f cortical binocular cclls for that region. Thus, r i * u « * . r . R obn f Hc$t. B orn in A ustralia in 1 9 5 0 . H e studied o p to m e try
at th e Q ueensland Institu te o l T e ch n o lo g y in B risbane from 1968
although the central visual field o f strabism ic amblyopes
to 1 9 7 0 . H e ob tain ed л M .S c. .it A ston U niversity in Birm ing ham ,
has the norm al density o f ganglion cclls, it has a rcduced E n glan d , in 1971 and a P h .D . w ith E. H ow ell at the U n iv ersity o f
num ber o f binocular cortical cells devoted to it. The M elbo u rn e in 1 9 7 6 . H e held research p o sitio n s a t the U niversity o f
result is that the central retina is spatially undcrsamplcd C am b rid g e from 1 9 8 0 to 1 9 9 0 . In 1 9 9 0 was ap p oin ted professor
o l o p h th alm o lo g y a t M c G ill University» M o n treal. H e received the
at the cortical level (Levi and Klein 1 9 8 5 ) and probably
C h am p n cw M edal from the W orship fu l C o m p an y o f Sp ectacle M akers,
also more su bject to intrinsic noise (H ess et al. 1999). L o n d o n in 1983» th e E d rid g e-G reen M edal from th e Royal C o lleg e o f
In the norm al eye, the decline o f vernier acuity with Surgeonv, L o n d o n , in 1 9 8 9 , the B o b ie r award from the U n iv ersity o f
increasing retinal eccentricity is much steeper than the W aterloo in 1 9 9 4 , and a D .S c . from A sto n U niversity in 1 9 9 8 .

decline o f resolution acuity. This could account for why

hyperacuity, which is measured with stim uli on the contribute to the loss o f contrast sensitivity
central retina, is affected m ore than resolution acuity in (H iggins c t al. 1982}.
strabism ic amblyopes o f both early and late onset (Birch
and Swanson 2 0 0 0 ). 5. Effects o f luminance As die level o t illum ination
decreases, cones, w hich are concentrated in the central
In anisom etropes, one image is larger than the other so retina, lose their sensitivity more rapidly than rods,
that the displacem ent o f one image relative to the other w hich arc more numerous in the periphery. Loss o f
increases with eccentricity. Thus, the foveal region is contrast sensitivitv ac low levels o f lum inance is less

affected less than the periphery. There is thus a more evident in scrabismic amblyopes than in anisom etropic
balanced loss o f hyperacuity and resolution acuity in amblyopes. This seems to be because scrabismic
anisometropes. amblyopes use cheir relacively norm al periphery
4. Interocular suppression an d confusion Loss o f acuity in a under scotopic con d ition s (H ess et al. 1980)
strabism ic eye when che other eve is closed is attributed (Porcraic Figure 8 .1 7 ).
J j

to a m b ly o p ia . W h e n b o t h eyes are o p e n , th ere are th re e In an amblyopic eye, acuicy declines in proporcion со

a d d itio n a l reasons f o r loss o t acu ity. ( 1) The strab ism ic
illum ination o f che good eye (N oorden and Leffler
eye deviates an d disp laces th e visual cargec to а
1966). V ision in che am blyopic eye may be cocallv
peripheral lo c a tio n . ( 2 ) The visual targec appears
suppressed when che good eye is open.
d ip lo p ic , an d che im age in che d e v ia cin g e y e may be
suppressed. ( 3 ) The im age o t chc visual carg et in o n e eye 6 . Contributionfrom monocular inputs M cKee cc al. (2 0 0 3 )
m a y be su p erim p o sed o n a discincc im age in che Ocher factor analyzed the scores ot 4 2 7 strabismic and
eye, resulcing in b in o c u la r rivalry. anisom etropic adults on tests o f vernier acuity, grating
acuity, and contrast sensitivity. The am blyopic eye ot
Freeman ec al. (1 9 9 6 ) measured che acuicy o f chc strabism ic amblyopes (with disrupted binocular vision)
scrabismic eye relacive со chac o f che norm al eye in nine and anisom etropes (with preserved binocular vision)
small-anglc scrabismic subjeccs. Amblyopia accounccd showed a similar loss o f vernier acuitv. However,
for 3 4 % o f che loss chac occurred wich boch eves open. strabismics showed less loss o f contrast sensitivityё than
Image decencering accounted tor 44 % and incerocular did anisom etropes. M cK ee cc al. suggested chac, in
suppression fo r 20% o f chc binocular loss. Inscabilicv o f strabismic am blyopia, the inputs from both eyes survive
gaze, which can accom pany amblyopia, did noc even though their binocular con nections have been
disrupted by ocular m isalignm ent. M any o f these inputs the spatial frequency o f a grating is decreased, a larger
may be rearranged to drive the rem aining m onocular stimulus is required for optim al detection (H ockstra
cclls and thereby contribute to contrast sensitivitv.
4 4
et al. 1 9 7 4 ; Howell and Hess 1 9 7 8 ). Thus, in
The loss o f vernier and grating acuity in a strabism ic eye com paring con trast sensitivities at different spatial
could be due to the attentional dom inance o fth e frequencies, one must take the size o fth e stimulus into
norm al eye, even when the norm al eye is closed. account.
The equal loss o f acuity and contrast sensitivity in
C o n trast sensitivity for low spatial frequencies
anisom etropes could be due to form deprivation arising
increased m ore rapidly with increasing width o f the
trom defocus o f the image in the amblyopic eye.
grating for the amblyopic eye than for the norm al eye
7. Contrast norm alization In spite ot loss in contrast o f strabism ic and anisom crropic amblyopes (Hagem ans
sensitivity in strabism ic amblyopia, gratings above and W ild t 1 9 7 9 ). W ith large stim uli, the amblyopic
threshold appear to have the same contrast in the eye was som etim es more sensitive to gratings o f low
amblyopic eye as in the nonam blyopic eye. This is spatial frequency than the normal eye. Field size had
contrast norm alization. A nisom etropic amblyopes little effect for gratings o f high spatial frequency (K atz
require a higher contrast before gratings in the tw o eyes e t al. 1 9 8 4 ).
appear to have the same contrast (H ess and Bradley
9. H onifielddifferences The nasal hemifield (uncrossed
1 980). C ontrast discrim ination thresholds for stimuli
inputs from tem poral hem irctinas) is more susceptible
applied to one eye are not much affected by amblyopia
to early m onocular deprivation or esotropia than is the
(see Levi 1991).
temporal hemifield (crossed inputs from the nasal
Bccausc o f loss o f contrast sensitivity for high spatial hem irctinas) in cats (Sherm an 1 9 7 3 ; Ikcda and
frequencies one m ight expect that amblyopes would Jacobson 1977; Singer 1 9 7 8 ; Bisti and C arm ignoto
pcrccivc sharp edges as blurred. However, for a group 1986) and humans (Sirctcanu and Fronius 1 9 9 0 ). Thus,
o f amblyopes, an edge seen by the am blyopic eye cells in area 17 o feso tro p ic cats showed a marked loss o f
appeared as sharp as an edge seen by the normal eye response to stimuli presented in the nasal visual field
(H ess c t al. 2 0 0 3 ). W ith the good eye, subjects could (tem poral retina) o fth e deviated eye (K alil et al. 1984).
see the blur in an edge that was optically dcfocuscd to This could be a consequence o fth e fact that nasal
simulate the loss o f acuity in the amblyopic eye. hem irctinas develop more rapidly than temporal
Am blyopes must have learned to judge an edge as hem irctinas and to the fact that the stimulus fixated bv 4

being maximally sharp when ir stimulates the detectors the norm al eye o f an csotrope falls on the nasal
with the highest spatial-frequency sensitivity in chc hcm irctina o f the amblyopic eye. This issue is discussed
am blyopic eye. A sim ilar m echanism may explain why in more detail in Section 8.5.2.
an edge appears sharp when moved o ff the fovea o f a
In anisom etropic amblyopes, acuity loss dim inished
normal eye (Section 9 .6 .5 ).
symmetrically with increasing eccentricity in the nasal
8. Effects o f stimulus eccentricity In a norm al eve, detection and temporal retina (Sireteanu and Fronius 1981).
o f high spatial frequencies is confined to the central Hemifield differences are discussed in Sections 12.3.4
retina. The contrast-scnsitivity function for the and 7.2.4.
am blyopic eyes o feso tro p ic strabism ics was reduced for
high spatial frequency sine-wave gratings presented
w ithin the central 5" o f the retina. W ith m ore severe
8 .4 .2 b O r ie n ta tio n D is c rim in a tio n in A m b ly o p ia
amblyopia, the deficit spread over a larger range o f
spatial frequencies and eccentricities (Thom as 1978). Strabism ic am blyopes show high thresholds for discrim i­
nating the orientations o f sinusoidal gratings with high spa­
Hess et al. (1 9 8 0 ) reported that strabism ic amblyopes
tial frequency (Skottu n et al. 1986b).
show loss o f contrast sensitivitv m ainly in the central
4 4
A deficit in orientation discrim ination could be due to:
retina, while anisom etropic amblyopes show loss o f
(1 ) loss o f orientation detectors, (2 ) broadening o f the
sensitivity in both the central and peripheral retina.
bandwidth o f orientation detectors, or (3 ) defective
After allowing for effects o f spatial scale, Bradley e t al.
integration o f orientation signals over large areas. There
(1 9 8 5 ) found that the deficit in contrast-scnsitivity was
seems to be no evidence bearing on the first possibility.
n o t related to retinal locus in seven o f nine amblyopes.
Evidence bearing on the third possibility is reviewed in
However, they did not relate the results to the type o f
Scction 8.4.3c.
D em anins c t al. (1 9 9 9 a ) conducted experim ents to
O ptim al detection o f contrast requires a stimulus determ ine w hether the bandwidth o f orientation detectors
con tain in g about 10 periods o f a grating. Theretore, as in strabism ic amblyopes is unusually broad. They measured
oriencacion discrim ination using a random array o f G abor 8.4.3 SPATIAL D I S TO R T I O N S
patches o f various sizes. Reducing the size o f л G abor patch
O th er sym ptom s o f amblyopia include confusion betw een
increases its Fourier oriencacion bandwidth and its Fourier
neighboring stimuli (Pugh 1 9 5 8 ); distortions o f length,
spatial-frequency bandwidth. In a second condition, they
position, and direction (m etam orphopsia) (H ess et al.
varied orientation bandwidth independently o f spatial-
1 9 7 8 ; Bedell and Flom 1981; Froniusand Sireteanu 1989;
frequency bandwidth by using elongated Gabors. Stimulus
Lagreze and Sireteanu 1 9 9 1 ); and defective m otion and
contrast was at a constant level above the contrast-detection
shape discrim ination (W att and Hess 1987). Spatial phase
threshold. If loss in orientation discrim ination in strabismic
discrim ination is also defective (Pass and Levi 1982; Bennett
amblyopia is due to an abnorm al bandwidth o f orientation
and Banks 1 9 8 7 ; Kiper 1994). For instance, strabismic
detectors, varying the orientation bandwidth o f the stim u­
amblyopes need higher than normal contrasts to discrim i­
lus should have an effect. The results indicated that the
nate the relative phases o f a grating com posed o f a funda­
am blyopic loss occurred only for stim uli wich narrow
m ental and its third harm onic (I.awden et al. 1982).
Fourier orientation bandwidth. The thresholds tor the
It has been argued that spatial distortions in m ost ani­
amblyopic and nonam blyopic eyes for stimuli with broad
som etropic amblyopes can be explained in terms o f loss o f
orientation con ten t were similar. For stimuli with broad
co n trast sensitivity. But spatial defects in strabism ic am bly­
orientation contenc, subjects probably judged che orienta­
opes cannot be explained in this way (Rcnrschler and 1 lilz
tion o f the envelope o t the G abor patches (second-order
1 9 8 5 ; Fronius and Sireteanu 1 9 8 9 ; Hess and Holliday
orientation ) rather than that o f their con ten ts (first-order
1 9 9 2 ; Hess and Field 1 9 9 4 ). Som e strabismic amblyopes
stim uli). Subjects would be particularly prone to use the
show л loss o f hyperacuity bu t no spatial distortions, while
envelope o f elongated G abors with broad orientation
others show only spatial distortions. Furtherm ore, in scra­
tuning. For such stim uli, the orientation o f the envelope is
bism ic amblyopes, hyperacuicy defects are greatest in the
much m ore evident than that o f the contents.
central retina, while distortions are greatest in the periph­
Л supplementary experim ent revealed that amblyopes
ery (D em anins and Hess 1996b).
showed little deficit when only the orientation o fth e enve­
Spatial distortions are n o t due to loss o f retinal recep­
lope was varied. D em anins et al. concluded that deficits ot
tors or ganglion cells, because there is no evidence that
orientation discrim ination in strabismic amblyopes for
amblyopes show such losses. M asking and adaptation stud­
first-order stimuli are particularly severe at high spatial fre­
ies on a mixed group o f amblyopes revealed that spatial-
quencies and low contrascs. O rientation deficits are reduced
frequency channels o f am blyopic eyes have normal
o r absent for low spatial-frequency or second-order stimuli
bandwidths and tuning functions, except that they require
(G abo r envelopes).
higher contrasts for their activation (H ess 1980). The visual
In a norm al eye, the loss in orientation discrim ination
distortions in strabismic amblyopia must have som ething
with increasing retinal eccentricity can be com pensated tor
to do with how spatial inform ation is coded in the visual
by a proportional increase in the length o f the test line.
cortcx. Four factors that have been suggested arc reviewed
Similarly, poor orientation discrim ination tor a single cen-
in the following sections.
cral line by an amblyopic eye can be com pensated for by
increasing the length o f the line ( Vandenbussche et al.
8 .4 .3 a S p atial U n d crsa m p lin g
People with norm al vision show greater acuity tor verti­
cal gratings than for gratings in other orientations (see It has already been m entioned that diplopia in the central
Howard 1 9 8 2 ). In Section 8.2.3a it was m entioned that field o f strabismic amblyopes leads to a reduction in the
early strabismus leads to a selective loss o f cortical cells num ber o f cortical cells responding to the deviated eye for
tuned to vertically orientated stimuli. Thus, strabismic that region o fth e visual field. Thus, the central visual field o f
amblyopes show a selective loss o f contrast sensitivity for the deviated eye o f strabismic amblyopes has fewer cortical
vertical gratings. This is known as the v e r t ic a l e f f e c t processing units devoted to it, so it is spatially undcrsamplcd
(Sireteanu and Singer 1 9 8 0 ). The vertical effect seems to be (Levi and Klein 1985). Loss o f spatial sampling at the co rti­
a consequence o t strabismus rather than o t amblyopia, since cal level should affect pattern acuity more than contrast sen­
it did not occur in monkeys in w hich amblyopia was sitivity or grating acuity. For example, Levi e t al. (1 9 8 7 )
induced w ithout m isalignm ent ot the visual axes (H arw erth found that, in strabismic but not anisom etropic amblyopes,
et al. 1 9 8 3 c). The vertical effect occurs only for high spatial 3-line bisection acuity was reduced to a greater extent than
frequency stim uli in unilateral strabismics (Kelly et al. could be accounted for in terms o f loss o f grating acuity.
19 9 7 ; Sharm a et al. 1 9 9 9 ). It occurs in both eyes, although This was also true o fth e periphery o f a normal eye and, as in
it is n o t as strong in rhe nondeviatingeye. The vertical effect the normal eye, the pattern acuity o f the strabism ic eye
is probably due to the fact that strabismus induces horizon­ improved as the num ber o f samples in the stimulus was
tal binocular disparity betw een vertical contours bur not increased. Thus, the center ot the deviated eye o f a strabis­
between horizontal contours. mic amblyope resembles the periphery o f a normal eye.
W an g et al. (1 9 9 8 ) used a 3-line bisection test with lines predicted by pure undersampling. Tlius, the visual cortex o f
com posed o f a variable num ber o f dots scrambled about the strabism ic amblyopes may suffer from both undersampling
mean position with a variable standard deviation. An ideal- and disarray. It may not be possible to dissociate the two
observer analysis provided separate estim ates o f spatial effects in practice because random loss o l cortical units
uncertainty and sam pling efficiency (num ber o f dots used responding to stim ulation o f an am blyopic eye would result
to total num ber o f dots). Spatial uncertainty was elevated in an irregular detector array, which would produce both
about 10-told in both anisom etropic and strabism ic ambly­ undersampling and scrambling.
opes relative ro that in norm al subjects. However, loss o f
spatial integration efficiency was found only in strabism ic
8 .4 .3 b C ro w d in g
amblyopes. They suggested that this is due m ainly to loss o f
fine-scale detectors at the cortical level. In a norm al eye, Snellen acuity, vernier acuity, and grating
A regular lattice o f independent detectors can resolve а acuity arc adversely affected when the test stimulus is
grating only it the spatial period ot the grating is at least flanked by other stim uli in the same eye. This is know n as-
tw ice that o f the detectors. A grati ng finer chan this Nyquist crow d in g (Section 4 .8 .3 ). In a norm al eye, the spatial range
lim it is said to be undersampled and forms a moire pattern ot crowding is proportional to visual resolution. This sug­
with the detectors, which may be visible even though the gests thac che range o f crow ding is proportional со che
grating is n o t (see Figure 9 .9 ). This is known as aliasing. size of stim ulated receptive fields. This is the scale shift
Foveal cones are arranged in a regular m osaic, and there are hypothesis. Thus, the range of’ crow ding increases with
least as many ganglion cells as cones. Thus, cone density retinal eccentricity and with stim ulus size.
determ ines the Nyquist lim it in the fovea. Aliasing is noc The magnitude and spacial excenc o f crow ding are larger
norm ally evident in the central retina because the eye is not in che deviating eye o f strabismic amblyopes than in people
capable o f form ing images as fine as the spacing o f the cones. with normal vision, or in anisom etropic amblyopes (H ow ell
It can be made visible by form ing a laser interference image et al. 1983; Hess et al. 2 0 0 1 ; Levi D M et al. 2 0 0 2 ; Bonneh
on the retina that bypasses the optics (Section 9 .1 .3 ). c t al. 2 0 0 4 ). In strabism ics, chc effects o f crow ding on che
In the peripheral retina there are fewer ganglion cells contrast threshold for detection o f a local grating were par­
than receptors, so that ganglion-cell density becom es the ticularly severe ac high spatial frequencies (P o la ce ca l.2 0 0 5 ).
lim iting factor in the periphery. Also, the cones are not so Strabism ic amblyopes have difliculcy isolating spatial rela­
regularly arranged outside the fovea because they are inter­ tionships tor pattern identification, although they can dis­
spersed with rods. C oletca and W illiam s (1 9 8 7 ) predicted tinguish a simple form from its background. This pactern o f
thac, because o f che irregular arrangem ent o f cones in the deficits occurs in children wich early or lace onsec o t strabis­
excrafoveal region, a gracing wich chc same periodicity as mus (B irch and Swanson 2 0 0 0 ).
the mean spacing o t receptors (tw ice the Nyquist limic) The larger extent ot crow ding in an am blyopic eye could
should appear tilted 9 0 ". They confirm ed this effect in the be due to an absence o f small receptive fields. If so, crow d­
excrafoveal region o t norm al subjects. Thus, orientation ing would be predictable from the scale shift hypothesis.
reversal provides a psychophysical m ethod for estim ating Levi cc al. (2 0 0 2 ) gained only partial support for chis idea.
che spacing ot less regular detectors. They concluded chat suppressive interactions in the cortex
I f the visual cortcx o f amblyopes has reduced spatial serving an am blyopic eye extend over larger than normal
sam pling, the misperception ot grating orientation should distances. In a norm al eye, inhibition is replaced by facilita­
be evident at unusually low spacial frequencies. Sharma tion when o b jects are separated by more chan a eercain dis­
ec al. (1 9 9 9 ) projected a laser interference grating on the tance. Amblyopes did not show this facilitation (Polat et al.
retinas o f three strabism ic amblyopes. b o th the amblyopic 2 0 0 4 ).
and nonam blyopic eyes showed reduced contrast sensitiv­
ity at low spatial frequencies, w hich, for tw o o f the subjects,
8 .4 .3 c S p a tia l S c ra m b lin g
was m ost pronounced tor vertical gratings (see Section
8.4 .2 b ). The am blyopic eyes showed loss o f co n trast sensi­ Perhaps the cortical local sign m echanism is spatially scram ­
tivity at higher spatial frequencies, and there was severe bled in strabism ic am blyopia. Thus, there may be disarray,
misperception o f the orientation o f gratings w ith spacial or misregistration ot the posicions o f the receptive fields o f
frequencies ot betw een 2 0 and 6 5 cpd, which is well below cortical cells relative to their neighbors. Strabism ic ambly­
the 120-cpd limic sec by che recinal recepcors. opes show distortions when they attem pt to draw letters or
These resides suggest chac inpucs from an am blyopic eye grarings(Pugh 1958; H e sse tal. 1978). Drawings o f m em o­
are severely undcrsampled ac the cortical level. Spatial rized circles ot dots made by strabismic amblyopes using che
scram bling o f d etectors alone would noc produce misper- defective eye were distorted in size and shape (Sireceanu
cepcion of oriencacion for gracings wich che spacial frequen­ ec al. 1993b, 2 0 0 8 ). However, drawings o f com plex scenes
cies used by Sharm a ec al. However, chc mispercepcion o f chac remained visible did noc show equivalent distortions
orientation that they found was n o t quite the 9 0 ° value and mosc amblyopes did not report seeing distortions in
natural scenes. M osc uncreated anisom etropic amblyopes m otion o f a grating should be defective, becausc m otion
(aged 4 со 13 years) showed defective contour inccgration directions are averaged over a region. For an undersampled
o f G abor patches sec in a random array when viewing wich array, orientation and m otion discrim ination should be
the am blyopic eye (C hand na ec al. 2 0 0 1 ). equally defective. In eight strabism ic amblyopes D em anins
The m eth o d o f equ ivalen t n oise has been used со mea­ et al. found three who showed evidence o f spatial scram ­
sure che degree o f spatial disorder in an am blyopic eye rela- bling with high spatial-frequency gratings and one who
cive со a norm al eye. For a given visual cask, excernal noise is showed evidence o f undersampling.
introduced inco che stimulus presented to a norm al eye Ellem berg et al. (2 0 0 2 a ) found that strabism ic ambly­
until perform ance with that eye m atches that with an opes failed to show any effect o f crow ding on the perceived
amblyopic eye. W ith this m ethod, Hess et al. (1 9 9 7 b ) found co n trast o f a G abor patch in a horizontal array o f parallel
that 10 o f 11 strabism ic amblyopes had reduced ability to patches. A nisom etropic amblyopes showed the normal
d etect aligned m icropatterns (G abo r patches) in a random crow ding effect. The strabism ic amblyopes misperccived
field ot m icropatterns when using their deviating eye. For alignm ent and orientation ot the patches. Normal subjects
m ost strabism ic amblyopes, perform ance with the ambly­ did nor show the crow ding effect when the patches were
opic eve was similar to that with the norm al eye when spa­ disordered. F.llemberg et al. concluded that strabismic
tial jitte r (noise) was introduced into the stimuli presented amblyopia is, at least in part, due to spatial scram bling aris­
to the norm al eve.i Hess et al. concluded that the fundamen- ing from abnormal lateral interactions in the visual cortex,
tal dcfect in strabism ic am blyopia is topographic disarray o f while anisom etropic amblyopia is due to loss o f contrast
orientation detectors in the visual cortex rather than poor sensitivity and resolution.
contour integration. However, the distinction between
these detects is n o t well defined. M ost anisom etropic
8 .4 .3 d D e fe c tiv e S tim u lu s In te g ra tio n
amblyopes performed norm ally on this task (H ess and
D em anins 1 998). C ollin ear line elements are easily detected in an otherw ise
Hess c t al. (1 9 9 9 ) measured the am plitude threshold for random array (Section 4.2 .6 c). This is thought to depend
detection and discrim ination ot radial spatial modulations on lateral con nections in the visual cortex (Polat 1999).
o f an annul us. For strabism ic amblyopes, the threshold was Also, the visibility (determ ined by the contrast threshold)
higher than norm al and was largely indcpendcnc ot che spa­ o f a small G abor patch is enhanced when it is flanked by
cial frequency o f che m odulations. They concluded chac the two collinear G abor patches and reduced when it flanked
defect is due ro spatial disarray o f high-level detectors. They by orthogonal patches. In a mixed group o f amblyopes, co l­
argued that the defect would be limited to high spatial fre­ linear facilitation, measured psychophysically and by evoked
quencies if were it due to undersampling. potentials was reduced or replaced by inhibition (Polat
Levi et al. (2 0 0 0 ) questioned this conclusion. They e ta l. 1997).
measured rhe am plitude threshold for d etection o f spatial M onocularly deprived cats have difficulty with form-
m odulations in a row or annulus o f G abor patches. They discrim ination tasks, such as distinguishing between an
also used the equivalent noise procedure for these tasks. upright and inverted triangle, with the deprived eye. There
Strabism ic amblyopes showed a m odest deficit on both was some loss ot transfer o f learning ot simple discrim ina­
tasks but not when the G abor patches were well separated, tions from the deprived eye to the normal eye (G an z et al.
either by reducing their num ber at a fixed eccentricity or by 1 9 7 2 ). A m blyopic monkeys o f both the strabism ic and an i­
increasing the size o f the stimulus. They also found that the som etropic type showed reduccd ability to d etect a ring o f
am blyopic defect could n o t be m odeled by the addition o f aligned G abor patches set in a random array ot patches
external noise. They concluded that the amblyopic deficit (K ozm a and Kiorpes 2 0 0 3 ). Som e animals showed reduced
in these tasks is due to an abnorm ality in the high-level ability even in the nonam blyopic eye. The deficit was not
com parison process that detects stimulus alignment. clearly related to losses in contrast sensitivity or acuity. This
However, in a subsequent paper, Levi et al. (2 0 0 8 ) found evidence suggests that long-range cortical con nections arc-
that a m ajor factor responsible for a deficit o f an amblyopic disrupted in amblyopia.
eye in detecting a local grating in w hite noise was the O th er investigators have reported that amblyopes have
increased internal noise. normal abilities in some orientation detection tasks.
Kovacs et al. (2 0 0 0 ) used similar stim uli and found that Strabism ic amblyopes showed normal visibility enhance­
the poor perform ance o f strabism ic amblyopes was not due m ent for aligned texture elem ents (Levi and Sharm a 1998).
ro loss o f acuity or contrast sensitivity. Three strabism ic am blyopes had a norm al ability to detect
Dem anins et al. (1 9 9 9 b ) argued that, with a stimulus orientation-defined texturcd regions in regular arrays o f
near the Nyquist lim it, a spatially scrambled array o f d etec­ G abor-patches (Mussap and Levi 1 9 9 9 ). However, ambly­
tors should have near normal orientation discrim ination opes showed som e deficit in detection o f a dotted line
because a subset o f detectors would fall below the Nyquist masked by random -dot noise (Mussap and Levi 2 0 0 0 ).
lim it. However, the discrim ination o f the direction o f They concluded that texture segmentation based on
M icchell 1 9 9 4 ). M onkeys reared wich one eye sutured F.llcmberg cc al. suggesced chat tasks involving the detection
showed reduced contrast sensitivity to a uniform flickering o f global moving or static forms in com plex displays involve
field in the deprived eye, especially at higher temporal fre­ activity in higher centers, where inputs from chc two eyes
quencies. M onkeys reared with prism -induced binocular com pete rather than com bine.
dissociation had normal temporal m odulation sensitivity in D iscrim ination o f the direction o f coherent m otion in a
each eye but did not show the binocular summation evident random -dot kinematogram was impaired in a mixed group
in norm al eyes (H arw erth ct al. 1983b ). Som e human o f strabism ic and anisom etropic amblyopes (Sim m ers et al.
amblyopes showed norm al flicker sensitivity, some reduced 2 0 0 3 ). The deficit was m ore pronounced for second-order
sensitivity, and others enhanced sensitivity in the affected m otion o f contrast-defined regions than tor first-order
eye relative со che norm al eye (M anny and Levi 1982). m otion o f lum inance-defined regions. Similarly, amblyopes
Bradley and Freeman (1 9 8 5 b ) concluded that flicker showed a greater loss for detection o f stationary second-
sensitivity can be severely deficient in che amblyopic eye ac order stimuli than for detection o f firsc-order scimuli (W ong
one spatial Irequency but can appear norm al it the stimulus et al. 2 0 0 1 ). The extra loss tor second-order stimuli presum­
includes chose spatial frequencies that are detected nor­ ably arises in extrastriate areas, where second-order stimuli
mally. They found contrast sensitivity in amblyopia to be are processed.
highly dependent on spatial frequency, with high spatial Human brain potentials (V E P s) had longer latency and
frequencies being m ost atfected, but to be largely indcpen- smaller amplitude when a reversing checkerboard pattern
denc o f tem poral frequency. They concluded chat losses in was presented to the amblyopic eye than when it was pre­
temporal sensitivity are a consequence o t losses in spatial sented to the normal eye. However, the latency and am pli­
contrast sensitivity. tude o f the VF.P to m otion onset o f a checkerboard were
Sokol and Nadler (1 9 7 9 ) reported a reduction in the the same for the am blyopic eye and norm al eye (Kubova
amplicude o f che electrorednogram (F.R G ) elicited in an et al. 1996). Tli is suggests that the m otion pathway, proba­
am blyopic eye by a patterned stimulus, although n o t by a bly involving mainly the m agnocellular system, is relatively
hom ogeneous flashing light. N onlinear com ponents o fth e spared in amblyopia.
V E P in response to dichoptic flicker are less evident in the Patients lacking static stereopsis due to infantile or late
stereoblind (see Section 13.1.8b). onset esotropia may perceive m otion-in-depth created by
opposite m otion o f dichoptic stim uli (M aeda et al. 1999).
They presumably use difference-of-m otion signals rather
8 .4 .4 c L o ss o f M o c io n S e n sitiv ity
than change-of-disparity signals (see Section 3 1 .3 ).
There has been some debate about w hether amblyopia
selectively affects mocion dececcion (see Hess and Anderson
8 .4 .4 d A sv m m ecrv o f M o tio n D e te c tio n
1993). D isplacem ent thresholds arc elevated in human
amblyopes, mosc markedly in che fovea. D isplacem ent sen­ In normal subjeccs, sensicivicy to m otion o f small displays
sitivity in che fovea ot strabism ic amblyopes, like that in the presented to one eye is higher tor centripetal m otion
norm al fovea, is improved by che addicion o f a scacionary (toward che fovea) than for centrifugal m otion (away from
reference scimulus. However, mocion sensicivicy in the fovea the fovea) (M a tecff et al. 1991). The gain o f optokinetic
o f anisom etropic am blyopes is degraded by che addicion o f nystagmus (O K N ) is also higher fo r stim uli moving cen-
a reference scimulus, as is thac in the normal periphery. tripetally (Section 2 2 .6 .1 c). Thus, the gain o f m onocular
Thus, in this respect, che m otion sensicivicy o f scrabismic horizontal O K N for a normal eye in response to a textured
amblyopes, buc noc o f anisom ecropic amblyopes, resembles display filling one-halt o f the visual field is higher when che
chat o f the norm al peripheral retina (Levi et al. 1984). scimulus moves coward che fovea chan when ic moves away
The threshold for detection o f m otion o f a vertical grat­ from rhe fovea (O h m i ec al. 1986). In paciencs wich early-
ing was elevated in the deviating eye o f paciencs with early- onsec esocropia, sensicivicy со cencripetal mocion was
onset esotropia, even in che absence o f dcfeccivc nystagmus norm al, buc a cencrif ugal bias was evident in the nasal hem i-
(Shallo-H offm ann et al. 1 9 9 7 ). Scrabismic amblyopes had a field (Faw cett cc al. 1998).W e will see in che next section
weaker than norm al m otion aftereffect (H ess et al. 1997c). that, in early-onset esotropes, m onocular O K N has higher
F.llcmberg et al. (2 0 0 2 b ) reported that discrim ination gain when the display moves nasally rather than temporally.
o f the direction o f coherent m otion in a random -dot kine- This asymmetry could be due to asymmetry in mocion
matogram was impaired in subjects who had early torm d etection at the cortical level or to defective transmission o f
deprivation because o f cataracts. The im pairm ent was morion signals to subcorcical cencers controlling O K N (see
greater after binocular deprivation than after m onocular Section 2 2 .6 .1 ).
deprivation. A deficit also occurred in the cask o f dececcing Tychsen and Lisberger (1 9 8 6 ) reported that, for cwo
global torm in Glass patterns (Lewis et al. 2 0 0 2 ). These esotropes o t early onsec, m onocularly viewed small line
resulcs con flict with the finding chac m onocular deprivacion scimuli appeared to move more rapidly when moving nasally
produces more severe defects chan binocular deprivation. chan when m oving cemporalIv. However, Brosnahan ec al.
(1 9 9 8 ) found that, in early onset esotropes, a gracing investigators failed to show that acuicy in an am blyopic eye
appeared to move m ore slowly when m oving nasally, with is higher in the region used lor fixation than in the fovea
fixation on a stationary point. Ac least part o f the asymme­ (see Flom 1978).
try in perceived velocity could be due to the inability o f A m blyopic eyes also show s a c c a d i c d y s m e t r ia . This can
subjects to in h ibit pursuit eye m ovem ents when the grating be hypometria (undershooting) or saccadic disconjugacy.
moved nasally. Roberts and W estall (1 9 9 0 ) found no direc­ The disconjugacy som etim es occurs for vergence eye move­
tional asymmetry in perceived velocity in esotropes. m ents in only one direction and sometimes tor those in
S ch or and l.evi (1 9 8 0 ) found chac, in scrabismic and ani- both directions (M axw ell c t al. 1 9 9 5 ). These abnorm al eye
sometropie amblyopes, the contrast-sensitivity tunction tor movements may also be present in the norm al eye ot strabis­
detection o f m otion o f a grating moving nasally was the same mic amblyopes (see Bedell and Flom 1985).
as that tor a grating moving temporally. Shallo-H otfm ann
c t al. (1 9 9 7 ) reported that, in rhe deviating eye o f early-onset
8 .4 .5 c D irec tio n a l P reponderance o f O K N
esotropes, the m otion-detection threshold was elevated
more for a gracing moving nasally, and in the nondeviating In Section 22.6.1 ir is explained how, in the absence o f
eye it was elevated more tor a grating moving temporally. inputs from the visual cortex, O K N in each eve occurs only
Th e relation between asymmetry o f perceived velocity and in response to stim uli moving nasally. This is known as
O K N asymmetry is clearly not yet understood. d ire c tio n a l p re p o n d e ra n ce . In tovcate animals, inputs
Nasotcm poral asymmetry in response to moving grat­ from the visual cortex convert O K N into a bidirectional
ings can be detected in evoked potentials from the visual response.
cortex. К о asym m etry is evident in human neonates, per­ Adulc amblyopes show disturbances o f m onocular
haps because early co rtical m otion detectors are not direc- O K N evoked by stimuli moving in the temporal direction
tionally selective (Section 7 .3 .4 c). A strong asymmetry, (Sch o r and Levi 1980; S ch or 1 9 8 3 b ; Sparks et al. 1986;
evident at 2 m onths,changes to symmetry by 6 to 8 months. H artm ann e t al. 1 9 9 3 ). The disturbances are m ost evident
The VF.P o f infantile esotropes remains asymmetrical for stimuli confined to the tem poral hem iretina o f one eye
(N orcia et al. 19 9 1 ; N orcia 19 9 6 ; Birch et al. 2 0 0 0 b ). (W estall and Sch or 1 9 8 5 ). D irectional preponderance ot
Asymm etric evoked potentials associated with asym­ O K N is m ost evident in people with early-onset esotropia
m etrical O K N in patients with infantile esotropia are co r­ (D em eran d N oorden 1 9 8 8 ; W estall e ta l. 1 9 9 8 ). Also, with
related with loss o f stereoacuity and o f bifoveal fusion early-onset strabismus, directional preponderance o f O K N
(Faw cett and Birch 2 0 0 0 ). The asymmetry o f the V E P is is less likely to be confined ro rhe deviating eye (Steeves
reduced if surgery for strabismus is done before 2 years o f et al. 1999).
age (N orcia et al. 1995). W ith m onocular viewing, voluntary pursuit eye move­
m ents ot esotropes, also, are defective in the temporal direc­
tion (Sch o r 1 9 7 5 ; Tychsen et al. 1985; Bedell et al. 1990;
8 . 4 . 5 M О Т О R S V M P T O M S O F AM В I.VO PI A
Kiorpes e t al. 1996).
8 .4 .5 a Pupillary R esponses and A cco m m o d a tio n N ot all srcrcoblind amblyopes showed a strong direc­
tional preponderance ot O K N , but all amblyopes lacking
Am blyopic eyes have a smaller pupillary response than do
interocular transfer o f threshold elevation showed direc­
norm al eyes (Brenner ct al. 1 9 6 9 ). They also show abnormal
tional preponderance (W estall et al. 1989). In another
accom m odative responses. Low contrast sensitivity increases
study, directional preponderance was found only in strabis­
the threshold for detection o f image blur, which results in
mics with no measurable binocularity (Valmaggia et al.
an abnorm ally large depth o f focus and a high steady-state
2 0 0 3 ). D efects o f eye movements may persist even when
error o f accom m odation. Also, the range o f accom m oda­
corrective surgery is conducted 2 0 weeks after birth and
tion is reduced, and vergence accom m odation is defective
after some stereopsis has been restored (A iello ec al. 1994;
(see C iuffrcda and I lokoda 1983).
W right 1 9 9 6 ). The relationship between defective stereop­
sis and pursuit eye movements is reviewed in Kommerell
(1 9 9 6 ) and in Section 2 2 .6 .1 .
8 .4 .5 b E cc e n tric Fixation
Disparity-induced changes in vergence arc absent in
Strabism ic and anisom etropic amblyopes show e c c e n t r i c amblyopia, even though vergence in response to changes in
f i x a t i o n and instability o t gaze when they try to fixate an accom m odation is normal (Kenyon et al. 1981).
o b je c t with rhe affected eye. Gaze is stable for fixation with
the norm al eve or both eyes (Sch o r and H allm ark 1978;
8 .4 .5 Л A b n o rm a l V isu a lly G u id e d R esp o n se s
Ciuffreda er al. 1980). According ro a theory proposed by
W orth (1 9 0 3 ), amblyopia produces a loss o t acuity in the fovea Strabism ic amblyopes showed systematic errors in poincing
o f the affected eye. Consequently, the amblyopic eye uses ro visual targets when using their am blyopic eye (Fronius
an eccentric retinal location tor fixation. However, several and Sireteanu 1 9 9 4 ). C ats reared with strabismus showed a
deviation in jum ping со a platform when tested with the deprivation than by binocular deprivation. In the cat,
deviating eye. K ittens younger than 4 m onths overcame this both forms of early deprivation have more severe effects
deficit with practicc (O lson 1 980). An extended period o f on tem poral and spatial resolution than does ablation o f
m onocular deprivation in the kitten also produced deficits area 17 in a normally reared adult cat (Lehm kuhle et al.
in visually guided paw placem ent, which were more severe 1 9 8 2 ). A t least part o f the effect o f deprivation in the
the longer the deprivation lasted (D ew s and W iesel 1970). cat must therefore involve the extrastriate area and
possibly other higher areas. The cat extrastriate area
receives direct visual inputs (LeVay and G ilb ert 1976).
8 .4 .5 e S u m m ary
Cars raised with o n e eye sutured failed to respond to
Am blyopia is not due to defects in the retina or in the
objects presented in the binocular field o f the deprived
LG N . Several lines ot evidence suggest that it results trom
eye. However, after removal o f the whole visual cortex,
inputs from the eye with more normal visual experience
the cats responded to stimuli in any part ot the visual
gaining greater access to cortical cells than inputs trom the
field o f cith er eye (Sherm an 1974) (P ortrait
deprived eye.
Figure 8 .1 8 ). The subcortical and extrastriate centers
The spatial distribution ot detects in contrast sensitivity
m ediating the responses o f these cats must be at least
and acuity over the visual field o f an am blyopic eye depends
partly immune to the effects ot m onocular deprivation.
on the spatial frequency ot the stimulus, the severity o t the
visual deprivation, and w hether the amblyopia is due to 2. Immunity ofth e monocular visualfield Inputs to cells
strabismus or to anisom etropia (H ess and Pointer 1985). serving the m onocular fields do n o t have to com pete
The nasal hemifield (uncrossed cortical inputs) is more sus­ with inputs from the o ther eye. Therefore, in
ceptible to the effects o t deprivation than the temporal m onocularly deprived animals, a high proportion o f
hemifield (crossed cortical inputs) in both cats and humans. cells in the m onocular region o f the visual cortex have
This could be a consequence of the tact that nasal hem ircti­ normal receptive fields (W ilson and Sherm an 1977).
nas develop m ore rapidly than tem poral hemirctinas. A lso ,co n trast sensitivity in human anisom etropic
In anisom etropic amblyopia, deficits on hyperacuity amblyopes is normal outside the binocular field (Hess
tasks arc proportional to those in resolution and contrast and Pointer 1985).
sensitivity. In strabismic amblyopia, hyperacuities are more
3. Immunity o f Siamese cats In Siamese cats, alm ost all
severely affected than resolution acuity or contrast sensitiv­
cortical cells arc driven onlv/ bv/ the contralateral eve,
/ '
ity. The central visual field o f strabismic amblyopes is
and m onocular deprivation has little i f any effect on the
affected more than the peripheral field, because the periph­
rcccptivc field properties o f cortical cells in these
ery has larger receptive fields. This m ight explain why hyper­
anim als (Berm an and Payne 1982; Berm an et al. 1989).
acuity, which is a function ot the central retina, is affected
more than resolution acuity in strabism ic amblyopes.
In anisom etropes with aniseikonia, the peripheral field
is affected m ore than rhe central field. Spatial distortions
that occur in some strabism ic amblyopes are uncorrelated
with loss o f contrast sensitivity or loss o f hyperacuity. They
probably reflect both undersampling and topographic
scram bling in the visual cortex. Flicker detection can be
defective in some amblyopes but it may not show at all spa­
tial frequencies. O th er am blyopic symptoms include insta­
bility o f gaze and visual pursuit and errors in pointing.


8 .4 .6 a A m b ly o p ia and N eu ra l C o m p e titio n

Loss of binocularity in m onocularly deprived animals

M tsrruy S. Shcm iu n. B orn in P ittsbu rgh in 1 9 4 4 . H e obtain ed
results from com petition betw een inputs from the two eyes a B .S c . in b iology from the C a lifo rn ia In stitu te o f T ech n o lo g y in 1965
tor access to cortical cells. The following lines of evidence and a P h .D . in anatom v4 from the U niversity
o f Pennsylvania
in 1 9 6 9 .

suggest that amblyopia can be understood in the same way. In 1 9 7 2 he o b tain ed an academ ic a p p o in tm e n t in the d ep artm en t o f
physiology a t th e U n iv ersity o f V irg in ia. In 1 9 7 9 he was appointed
professor o l neu robiologv. S U N Y a t Stony B ro o k , where he is now-
1. M onocular deprivation is most disruptive Visual leading professor o f n eu robiology. H e is the D r. Lee V isitin g Research
perform ance is degraded m ore by m onocular Fellow o f C h rist C h u rch C o lleg e, O x fo rd U niversity.
4. Effects o f deprivation take tim e to develop In monkeys recovery o fth e deviated eye after the normal eye had
• J a

with esotropia induced surgically on the 6 th postnatal been removed. In the deviated eye of one monkey,
day, acuicy in both eyes remained normal for four grating acuity improved from 0 .2 8 to 6.3 cpd and
weeks, after which acuity o ft h e deviated eye began to sensitivity to flicker increased by 25 H z over an
deteriorate relative to that o fth e nondeviatcd eye 11-m onth period after removal o fth e nondeviating eye
(K iorpes and B o o th e 1980). (H arw erth et al. 1986a). The same type o f recovery has
been noticed in am blyopic humans after loss o fth e
5. E qual eye deviation does not induce amblyopia E. L.
nonam blyopic eye (Vereecken and Brabant 1984).
Sm ith et al. (1 9 9 2 ) reared m onkeys lor betw een 3 0 and
9 0 days with base-in prisms (P o rtrait Figure 8 .1 9 ). This 7 . Reduced evoked potentials Visually evoked cortical
caused a severe loss o f binocular cells but no shilt in potentials recorded in human strabismic amblyopes are
ocular dom inance, since cells responsive to cither left or reduced in am plitude and show longer latency with
right eye were retained. This procedure did not induce stim ulation o l the am blyopic eye than with stim ulation
amblyopia. Also, amblyopia in the same monkeys was o f the norm al eye. Patients with alternating strabismus
not produced in a subsequent period, in which one eye showed norm al V E Ps for whichever eye was used for
was sutured, even though amblyopia was produced by fixation at a particular tim e, and a reduced response for
m onocular suturing applied at the same time in whichever eye was not used (see Franceschetti and
monkeys reared with normal vision. Thus, amblyopia is Burian 1971). There is also reduced interocular
a result o f a shift in ocular dom inance, w hich excludes summation o fth e V E P in m onocularly deprived kittens
one eye from access to cortical cclls. An eye that retains (Sclar ct al. 1986) and in human amblyopes (Srcbro
access to a substantial num ber o f cortical cells is not 1978; Sokol and Nadler 1979).
am blyopic, even though all binocular cclls arc absent.
Patients with small-angle strabismus and anomalous
6. Enucleation o f the good eye induces recovery A cuity in a correspondence showed some evidence o f interocular
previously occluded eye shows some recovery after summation o fth e V E P , but patients with large-angle
enucleation o f the good eye in the cat (H offm ann and strabismus and binocular suppression showed no
Lippert 1 9 8 2 ; Sm ith and H oldefer 1985). M onkeys summation o fth e V E P (C am pos 1980; C am pos and
raised for 4 vears with induced strabismus showed some C h icsi 1983). In these studies, there was no control for
effects o f changing accom m odation. However Harris
c t al. (1 9 8 1 ) obtained reduced amplitude, increased
latency, and reduced interocular summation o f the
V E P o f amblyopes in response to a sinusoidally drifting
laser speckle produced as an interference pattern. Such
a stimulus bypasses the optics o f chc eye and renders
results immune to changing accom m odation.

8. Effects o f section ofth e chiasm If strabismic amblyopia were

due to suppression o f inputs from the deviated eye by
those from the nondeviatcd eye, one would expect visual
performance o f the deviated eye to improve after section
o f the chiasm. D i Stcfano and Gargini (1 9 9 5 ) induced
esotropia in 20-day-old kittens. W hen the kittens were
6 8 m onths old, chc chiasm was sectioned. This caused a
large increase in responsiveness to stimuli presented in the
nasal hemificld o f the deviated eye. This supports the idea
that loss o f response to inputs from an esotropic eye is due
to suppression from the nondeviatcd eye.

It can be concluded that amblyopia arises when inputs

Figure я. 19. E a ri Sm ith. F.irl S m ith received b is O .D . and P h .D . from
the U n iv ersity o f H o u sto n and join ed the facu lty o t the C o lleg e o f
from a deprived or deviated eye have reduccd capacity to
O p to m e try a t the sam e university in 1 9 7 8 . H e holds the G reem an - com pete lor access to binocular cells in the visual cortex.
P ctty P rofessorship in vision d evelopm en t and has been the dean o f Normally, binocular cclls rcceivc stimuli from the two eyes
the C o lleg e o f O p to m e try since 2 0 0 3 . H e received th e G len n Fry
chat m atch in orientation and m otion. The correlated inputs
Award from th e A m erican A cadem y o f O p to m e try in 1 9 9 6 and the
In tern atio n al G lau co m a Review Award in 1 9 9 9 and 2 0 0 2 . H e was
allow binocular cclls to acquire m atching tuning for
selected by th e Texas O p to m c tric A ssociation as its E d u cato r o f the oriencacion and mocion during che cricical period chrough
Year in 2 0 0 3 . long-ccrm pocenciation. W ith m onocular deprivation,
inputs from the cwo eyes arc not correlated. Therefore, Lee and Iscnberg (2 0 0 3 ) conducted a study on 61 ch il­
inputs from the norm al eye suppress chose from che deprived dren (ages 3.5 to 8 years) with anisom ecropic amblyopia or
eye by the process o f long-term depression. Consequently, small-angle scrabismus. They were rested during a regimen
inputs from che deprived eye fail to guide the tuning prop­ o f eye patching that extended over a 36-w eek period. Alm ost
erties o f cortical cells. all the children showed a progressive im provem ent in
Snellen acuity with a final im provem ent o f at least 2 lines.
Stereoacuity as measured by the T itm u s Fly test also
8 .4 .6 b T r e a tm e n t fo r A m b ly o p ia
improved, especially in the children with anisom etropic
Surgical correction tor strabismus usually produces align­ amblyopia who had significant stereoscopic vision before
m ent o f the eyes but does n o t cure amblyopia. In fact, there treatm ent.
is a risk that surgery induces amblyopia (Pratt-Johnson and It has been proposed that optim al perform ance of both
Tillson 1 983). In one study, four o u t o f 2 0 patients were eyes is achieved by pacching che good eye fo r abouc h alf che
amblyopic before strabism ic surgery but 16 o f the 2 0 were cime, with binocular vision allowed for the o ther halt
amblyopic after surgery. Postsurgical exercises over a mean (M itch ell e t al. 1986). However, a retrospective study o f
period of 4 years reduced the severity of amblyopia in most 3 1 7 patients over a period ot 15 years revealed no difference
o f these patients. By com parison, in a group o f 2 0 adults betw een the effects o f part-tim e and full-tim e occlusion
with early-onset esotropia thac had noc been surgically co r­ therapy applied before or after 1 year o f age (Ross-D im m est
rected, only three were amblyopic (G o od e t al. 1993). It and M orris 1990; Simmers et al. 1 9 9 9 ). In another regimen,
seems that many people with early-onset large-angle esotro­ known as penalization, the image in the good eye is o p ti­
pia develop norm al vision in each eye, even though they lack cally blurred so as to reduce suppression o f the image in the
stereoscopic vision (Murray and C alcu tt 1990). C orrection am blyopic eye (see Fahic 1983).
for strabismus is discussed further in Section 10.2.2e. Strabism ic amblyopia has been reviewed by M itchell
A traditional treatm ent for am blyopia is to patch the ( 1988c), and the effects o f different regimens o f occlusion
good eye. This is known as rev erse p a tc h in g . The idea is on recovery from early m onocular deprivation in kittens
thac che weak eye has m ore chance to recover when the and their relevance to humans has been reviewed by M itchell
good eye does noc suppress it. Evidence from animal studies (1 9 9 1 ). Tlicrapies for amblyopia have been reviewed by
cited earlier shows that a previously deprived eye recovers G arzia (1 9 8 7 ).
to a greater extent when the good eye is covered. However,
evidence from reverse parching in cars suggests that rhe
8 .4 .6 c E ffects o f Visual T rainin g on A m blyopia
deprived eye recovers only at the expense o f the good eye
(M urphy and M itchell 1987). Ir has been assumed in clinical practice that treatm ent for
A sim ilar reciprocal effect has been observed in children amblyopia is ineffective after die age o f about 8 years.
with one eve patched and there is som e risk o f children However, evidence is accum ulating thac adulcs rcrain suffi­
developing a double amblyopia if the good eye is occluded cien t cortical plasticity to allow them to improve vision in
continuously for too long (O d om c ta l. 1 9 8 1 ). Furtherm ore, an am blyopic eye.
recovery o f an am blyopic eye when the good eye is patched It has been claim ed that vision in an am blyopic eye is
is unstable. For example, when both e y e so fa cat were finally improved byexposingtheeye to a rotatinggraring(Cam pbell
opened after a period o f reverse occlusion, the relative per­ et al. 1 9 7 8 ). However, ochers failed to replicate chis effect
form ance o f the eyes tended to revert to the prepatching (M itch ell c t al. 1983).
state (M itch ell 1988b). Adult amblyopes showed some improvement o f vernier
Birnbaum et al. (1 9 7 7 ) reviewed 2 3 studies on improve­ acuity with 5 to 10 hours o f practice. However, as with
m ent o f visual acuity by amblyopia therapy. Although the people with normal eyes, the im provem ent was specific to
methods were not described and there were wide variations the task and to the orientation o f the stimulus (Fahle 1997;
in success rate, there was no evidence thac chcrapy was more Levi c ta l. 1997).
successful in chose under 7 years o f age chan in chose above Polat et al. (2 0 0 4 ) obtained a tw o-fold improvement in
this age. contrast sensitivity and letter-recognition in a mixed group
In a m ore recent study, 9 0 % o f a group o f 6 4 strabismic o f adult amblyopes after an unspecified period o f training.
and anisom etropic amblyopes under 7 years of age showed Training consisted o f the detection o f a patch o f grating in
some im provem ent o f acuity after various regimens o f various orientations presented alone o r Hanked by high-
patching over a period o f about 4 m onths. A bout 70 % o f conrrast gracing pacches, wich various separations between
them showed a doubling o f acuity in the amblyopic eye. target patch and Banking patches (see Polat 2 0 0 4 ). Zhou
C h ild ren older than 7 years showed less im provem ent after et al. (2 0 0 6 ) obtained a 6 4 .4 % im provem ent o f contrast
therapy. However, 6 7 % o f all those that improved showed sensitivity and a 4 5 % im provem ent in grating acuity in a
some subsequent loss o f acuity in the year following cessa­ group o f 2 3 anisom etropic amblyopes aged 14 to 2 7 years.
tion o f therapy (R u tstcin and Fuhr 1992). The patients were trained with 1-liour sessions tor 12 days
to dccccc gracings over a wide range o f spacial frequencies. It is shown in Section 3 1 .5 .2 that stereopsis is n o t a uni­
The im provements were substantially retained when the tary ability. A person can be blind for m otion-in-depth
patients were tested 12 m onths later. while possessing normal stereoscopic acuity for stationary
Six o f a group o f 11 am blyopes betw een the ages o f 14 objects. A lso, selective loss o l one type ot stereopsis can be
and 2 8 showed a 2 0 % mean reduction o f the contrast confined to one area o f the visual field. Static stereopsis and
threshold for letter identification after 1-hour training ses­ m otion-in-dcpth stereopsis are also differentially affected
sions extended over 8 days. Im provement transferred trom by early strabismus (Sch o r et al. 1983). Many subjects in
training with lum inance-defined letters ro testing with co n ­ whom the angle o f strabismus was between 2 and 5 ' lacked
trast-defined letters but n o t to an acuity task using letters both static and m otion-in-depth stereopsis in the central
(C h u n g e t al. 2 0 0 8 ). visual field bur n o t in the peripheral field. Subjects with
Li e t al. (2 0 0 8 ) asked w hether training over a longer strabismus angles betw een 6 and 10° had lost static stereo­
period than those used in previous experim ents would gen­ scopic vision in the whole field, although many o f them had
erate greater im provement. They trained seven amblyopes m otion-in-depth stereopsis in the peripheral field (K itaoji
aged betw een 18 and 4 0 to d etect m isalignm ent o f two and Toyama 1987).
horizontal rows o f G abor patches. Training sessions o f 1.5 Som e stereodeficient subjects could discrim inate depth
hours were given for 5 0 days. Positional acuity o f the ambly­ produced by disparity betw een the envelopes o f G abor
opic eye improved gradually over the 50-day period, until it patches (second-order) even though they could n o t detect
reached the level o f the norm al eye. Im provem ent was more that produced by the disparity o f the carrier grating within
rapid with those with milder am blyopia. The improvement the envelope. These subjects also failed standard tests ot ste­
was retained when tests were repeated 2 m onths later. reopsis (M cC o ll e t al. 2 0 0 0 ). The experim enters concluded
All these results indicate that the adult visual system that som e stereodeficient subjects are able to process sec­
retains some neural plasticity. Levi and Li (2 0 0 9 ) have ond-order disparities. However, the disparity o f the enve­
reviewed the question o f whether perceptual training can lope is necessarily on a coarser spatial scale than the disparity
be a treatm ent for amblyopia. contained in the carrier grating. This may be why stercodc-
ficient subjects can detect only envelope disparities.
Thom pson and Nawrot (1 9 9 9 ) found 10 strabismic
8 .5 AM BLYOPIA AND STEREO PSIS amblyopes to be defective in both stereoacuity and depth
discrim ination based on m onocular m otion parallax, even
when the m otion parallax stimulus was presented ro the eye
with normal acuitv and contrast sensitivity. They concluded
Ф 4 4

People with early strabismus, anisom etropia, o r uniocular that strabismics have a general d efect o f depth perception.
cataract surfer partial or com plete loss ot binocularity (Levi However, in a later paper, Nawrot et al. (2 0 0 8 ) produced
c t al. 1 9 7 9 ; Hess et al. 1 9 8 1 ). Those with severe strabismus evidence that loss o f sensitivity to m otion parallax in eso­
fail tests o f stereopsis w hether or n o t their strabismus is tropes is due to their abnorm al pursuit eye movements.
accom panicd by am blyopia (C o o p er and Feldman 1978b ). These abnorm alities were described in Section 8.4.5.
Thus, the crucial factor in loss ot stereopsis is strabismus Sue Barry, a professor ot neurobiology. had early strabis­
rather than amblyopia. However, amblyopes with stereo­ mus that had been surgically corrected. She did n o t have
scopic vision show raised contrast thresholds tor detection amblyopia but had no stereoscopic vision. W h en she was
o f depth in random -dot stereograms (W ood et al. 1978). 4 8 years old she began a series o f training exercises in which
There is usually only a partial loss o f binocular cells with she learned to converge her eyes on the same o bject. She
anisom etropic am blyopia and with strabismus o f less than gradually acquired stereoscopic vision. She recorded her
3 ° . In these conditions, loss ot stereopsis and binocular experiences in a book in which she also reports other sim i­
sum m ation o f threshold stimuli is confined to high spatial- lar cases (B arry 2 0 0 9 ).
frequency stim uli and is thus m ost evident in the foveal
region. Therefore, for small-angle strabism ic amblyopes,
8.5.2 A M B L Y O P I A AND B I N O C U L A R
stereopsis and binocular sum mation can be norm al for low
spatial frequency stim uli, and the loss is not evident in the
visual periphery (H olopigian et al. 1986). The same is true In strabismus, corresponding regions in the two retinas
o f people with alternating strabismus (Siretcanu 1982). receive images from distinct regions o t space. For well-sepa­
People with Jarge-angle strabismus or severe anisom etropic rated o b jects this produces diplopia. For closely spaced
amblyopia surfer com plete loss o t stereoacuity. objects that differ in shape, corresponding retinal regions
A patient with astigm atic anisom etropia that reduced receive distinct images that undergo rivalry. This gives rise
acuity only tor horizontals in the arfcctcd eye had normal to the symptom called co n fu sio n . M any people w ith stra­
stereopsis (Pelli 1 983). Stereopsis depends on good acuity bismus o f early onset overcome these symptoms by sup­
tor verticals, and this was n o t affected in this patient. pressing vision in the deviating eye, although they can see
wich chat eye when ic alone is open. This is known as sc ra ­ normal vision during binocular rivalry (D ale 1982).
b ism ic su p p re ssio n . It seems to have been firsc reported by However, the tw o types o f suppression differ in the follow ­
von G raefe (1 8 5 4 ). ing ways.
Travers (1 9 3 4 ) conducted early experim ents and
readied chc following conclusions. W h en boch eves are 1. Strength o f suppression Suppression is stronger in
open, strabism ics have beccer access со inform ation pre­ normal rivalry than in strabismic suppression
sented со cheir normal eye than со chac presented со the (H olopigian et al. 1988).
deviating eye. Also, stimuli seen by che norm al eye are noc
2. Suppression o f sim ilar images In normal vision, similar
affected by com peting scimuli presented to che deviating
images show binocular facilitation, and suppression
eye. In alternating strabismus, che eye used at a given time
occurs only between very dissimilar images. For
for fixation suppresses the nonfixating eye. Strabism ic sup­
instance, when observers with normal vision view
pression cakes a second or cwo ro develop after the nondevi­
dichoptic vertical gratings rocatcd o u t o f alignm ent by a
ating eye has been opened.
few degrees they see a fused image o f a slanting surface.
It has been claim ed that scrabismic suppression is more
G ratings rival only when chey are misaligned by many
pronounced in the nasal hem iretina chan in che temporal
degrees. In strabism ics, suppression occurs betw een
hem iretina, especially in esotropes (Section 8.4.2a).
both similar and dissimilar images (Sch o r 1977).
Jam polsky ( 1 9 5 5 ) found that suppression in exotropia
Strabism ics suppress the image in the deviating eye even
occurs only w hen the image in thcdeviacingeye falls on the
when the gratings have a very sim ilar orientacion. Thus,
cemporal hem iretina. Patients experienced diplopia when a
people wich normal vision have a suppression
prism took the image into the nasal hem iretina. He co n ­
m echanism for strongly dissimilar images and a fusion
cluded that suppression in exocropia is confined со che tem ­
mechanism for sim ilar images, whereas strabismics have
poral hem iretina and that suppression in esotropia is
only a suppression m echanism lor both sim ilar and
confined to the nasal hem iretina.
dissimilar images.
Pratt-Johnson and T illson (1 9 8 4 ) agreed with these
findings but questioned the conclusion. The image in the C clls in the visual cortices o f strabism ic cats and
deviating eye o f an o b je ct fixated by the nondeviating eye monkevs did not exhibit binocular facilitation to

falls on the nasal hem iretina in esotropia and on the tem po­ similarly orientated drifting gratings. But stim ulation
ral hem iretina in exocropia. Pracc-Johnson and Tillson o f che deviated eye suppressed the responses o f cells to
found chac, under these circum stances, suppression involves stim uli in the nondeviated eve, whatever the relative
che whole binocular field o f che deviating eye, except for the orientation o f the stimuli (see Sengpiel and Blakemore
m onocular crescent. However, suppression is noc triggered 1996).
when a prism brings the image in the deviacing eye into the
In animals with normal vision, binocular facilitation
opposite hem iretina. The pacienc has nor acquired rhe abil­
develops because scimuli wich macching features tend
ity to suppress the deviating eye under these unusual cir­
to fall on or near corresponding points. This produces
cum stances and therefore experiences diplopia.
synchronized neural accivicy, w hich strengthens
It is generally agreed that, in the m onofixation syn­
short-range facilitator у neural connection s through the
drom e, suppression is lim ited to a scotom a in one retina
Hcbbian-synapsc m echanism . Lack o f synchrony
(see Section 1 0 .2 .4 f). Suppression o f one eyes image also
betw een nonm atching stimuli leads to the form ation o f
occurs in anisom etropic amblyopia, but the depth o f sup­
long-range inhibitory lateral connections. In strabismic
pression is less than that in strabism ic amblyopia (H olopigian
animals, stimuli with m atching features do not fall on
e ta l. 1 988).
corresponding points and therefore do noc produce
For subjects with normal vision, vernier acuicy for a cargec
synchronous activity. Thus, the short-range binocular
presented to one eye is degraded by chc presence o f a similar
facilitation m echanism fails to develop in strabismics,
cargec wich a fixed horizoncal olfsec presented со che ocher eye.
leaving only che long-range inhibicory m echanism .
This is known as crowding (Seccion 8.4.3b). For amblyopes,
vernier acuicy was noc affected when the cargec was presenced 3. Chromatic vs. achrom atic suppression Suppression
со the good cvc and chc compccing cargec was presenced со chc during normal binocular rivalry causes a greater
amblyopiceye( M cKeeand Harrad 1993). Eleccrophysiological reduction in sensitivity o f the chrom atic mechanism
evidence o f scrabismic suppression has been reported in V I than o f che achrom atic mechanism (Section 1 2 .3 .2 f).
and M T o fth e monkey (Thiele et al. 1997). By com parison, strabism ic suppression involves an
It is com m only assumed that strabismic suppression is equal loss o f sensitivity in the two mechanisms
an exrreme form o f suppression observed in people wirh ( Smi t h e t al. 1985a).

9 .1 lin a g e r e s o lu t io n 435 9 .6 .1 T h e b lu r s tim u lu s 453

9 .1 .1 M o n o c h r o m a t i c a b e r r a t io n s 435 9 .6 .2 B lu r d e t e c t io n 454
9 .1 .2 C h r o m a t i c a b e r r a t io n s 4.<7 9 .6 .3 B lu r d is c r im in a t io n 455
9 .1 .3 M e a s u re s o f im a g e q u a lit y 43$ 9 .6 .4 D e p t h o f fie ld a n d a c c o m m o d a t io n a c c u r a c y 457
9 .1 . 4 C o m p e n s a t io n o f a b e r r a t io n s 441 9 .6 .5 N e u r a l c o m p e n s a t io n f o r im a g e b lu r 459
9 .1 . 5 T h e N y q u is t lim it a n d a lia s in g 44! 9 .7 A c c o m m o d a t i o n t o d e f o c u s b lu r 161
9 .2 M a c h i n c r v0 o f a c c o m m o d a t i o n 441 9 .7 .1 S te a d y -s ta te a c c o m m o d a t io n 4(>l
9 .2 .1 O p t i c s o f a c c o m m o d a t io n 443 9 .7 .2 D y n a m ic s o f a c c o m m o d a t io n 462
9 .2 . 2 T h e m e c h a n ic s o f a c c o m m o d a t io n 444 9 .7 .3 R e s p o n s e t o u n e q u a l a c c o m m o d a t iv e d e m a n d 464

9 .2 .3 P h y s io lo g y o f a c c o m m o d a t io n 447 9 .8 C u e i n g t h e s ig n o f a c c o m m o d a t i o n 465
9 .2 .4 M e a s u r in g a c c o m m o d a t io n 44$ 9 .8 .1 H u n t in g a n d d y n a m ic e r r o r f e e d b a c k 465
9 .3 T o n ic a c c o m m o d a tio n 450 9 .8 .2 B lu r s ig n a n d le n s a b e r r a t io n s 466
9 .3 .1 *1 h e t o n i c s t a t e o f a c c o m m o d a t io n 450 9 .8 .3 B lu r sig n a m i t h e S t ile s - C r a w f o r d e f f e c t 468
9 .3 . 2 A c c o m m o d a t iv e a d a p t a t io n 45/ 9 .9 A n is o m e tr o p ia a n d a n is e ik o n ia 469
9 .4 V o l u n t a r y4 a c c o m m o d a t i o n 452 9 .9 .1 R e la t io n o l a n is o m e t r o p ia t o a n is e ik o n ia 469
9 .5 P r o x im a l a c c o m m o d a tio n 452 9 .9 .2 M e a s u r e m e n t o f a n is e ik o n ia 471
9 .6 D e t e c t i o n o f d e f o c u s b lu r /5 3 9 .9 .3 A d a p ta tio n t o a n is e ik o n ia 473

9 .1 IM AGE R E SO L U T IO N C onsider a beam o f rays approaching the eye and

parallel to the visual axis, as in Figure 9.1a. The rays
thac strike the margins o f che lens (marginal rays) arc
refracted to the marginal p oint. A t this point, the
Ideally, the wavefront o f the converging beam o f light rays density o f rays (lig h t intensity) is greatest around the
em erging from the lens is a spherical surface orthogonal со perim eter o f the blur circle. Rays near the visual axis
the rays. The curvature o f the wavefront closely m atches (paraxial rays) are refracted to chc paraxial poinc.
the curvature o f the retina. The eye form s a wide-angle At this p oint, ray density is greatest at the center o f the
optical system (see Navarro 2 0 0 9 ). blur circle. The b lu rcirclc has the smallest diam eter at
M onochrom atic aberrations are distortions o f the wave- the waist. Positive spherical aberration is the distance
front o f m onochrom atic light. They can be measured by in diopters betw een chc marginal poinc and the
objective or subjective ray-tracing o r by Harcm ann-Shack paraxial point. Ic is usually measured by observing che
wavefront sensors. The wavefronts produced in human images formed by annular apertures o f ditfcrcnc radii.
eyes have com plex shapes chac vary from person со person Typically, che marginal image form ed by che edge o f
and wich the accom m odative state o f the eye. The main a 4-m m -diam etcr pupil o f an unaccom m odated eye
com ponents o f m onochrom atic aberration are as follows. has a spherical aberration o f about 1 D . This defines
the radially sym m etrical com ponent o f spherical
Spherical aberration Spherical aberration arises aberration. M ost eyes have a positive aberration when
primarily from differences in the refractive power o f unaccom m odated. The aberracion is reduced when che
chc lens ac ditfcrcnc distances from che opcic axis. eves accommodace со a near discancc and becom es

For a posicive aberration, che wavefront is more curved negative for som e eyes (A tchison et al. 1 9 9 5 ; H e ec al.
chan the ideal wavefronc, as shown in Figure 9.1a. 2 0 0 0 ). Spherical aberracion is rcduccd when chc pupil
For a negative aberration, the wavefront is less curved constricts so that it covers the more curved parts o f the
chan the ideal wavefronc, as shown in Figure 9.1b. lens, as shown in Figure 9.1c.
Ideal w a ve fron t M arginal Paraxial

A ctual w avefront

(a) Positive spherical aberration.

F«p»c*,2 . A trigm atisnu T h is lens has greater refractive pow er a lo n g the

vertical m erid ian ( Y ) than along the h o rizo n tal m eridian ( X ) . Assume
th at a parallel beam o flig h t arrives ac the lens. R ay bundles parallel to
the Y m erid ian arc focuscd a lo n g th e near fo ca l lin e. R ay bundles
parallel to th e X m eridian arc focused alo n g the f i r fo ca l line.

Diffraction In an optical syscem wich no aberrations or

(b> N egative spherical aberration. light scatter, the image o f a point o flig h t is blurred by
diffraction at the edge o f che aperture. The image o f a
point o f m onochrom atic light is a central luminous
disk, know n as A iry ’s disk, surrounded by bright and
dark rings o f dim inishing luminance. The rings occur
because light waves alternately sum and cancel round
the edge o f the pupil. The angular diam eter o f the disk,
0 , is:

(c) Less aberration w hen the iris covers cu rved parts o f the lens.
в (l)
l’<A«r« 9. i. S p h ericalaberration .

where A is the wavelength o f the light and a is the

diam eter o fth e eyes entrance pupil, in the same units.
Thus, Ai rvs disk increases in size as the wavelength o f
Astigmatism This is a cylindrical com ponent ol
light increases and as pupil diam eter decreases. For a
spherical aberration. The image is n o t simultaneously
pupil diam eter o f 3 mm and a wavelength o f 5 5 0 nm,
in focus along different meridians, as shown in
about 7 5 % o f the light from a point is contained in
Figure 9.2. In m ost eyes, the cylindrical com ponent
A irys disk, which spreads over about three cones in che
o f spherical aberration is the dom inant com ponent
ccntral retina, as shown in Figure 9 .3 ( O ’Brien 1951).
(H ow land and Howland 1977).
In m onochrom atic light, blur o f a central image is due
Coma This is due to cither asymmetrical spherical mostly to diffraction for pupil diameters up to about
aberration (astigm atism ) or m isalignm ent o f the eyes 2 mm. The eye is said to be diffraction lim ited.
optical com ponents. At larger diameters, spherical aberration becom es
the dom inant factor in m onochrom atic light.
Light scatter l i g h t scatter occurs at the surfaces o t the
cornea and lens and by internal reflection. The tear Defocus blur 'I he image o f an o b ject becom es
layer on the outer cornea reduces scatter by sm oothing more blurred as the o b ject’s radial distance from
out roughness in the epithelium. the p o in t where the eyes are accom m odated increases.
A dcfocuscd image has less contrast than an in-tocus
Distortion M ore com plex optical distortions due ro
image (W alsh and Charm an 1989). D efocus blur is
irregularities in the curvature ot the lens show as
under feedback con trol, since it changes when the eyes
deform ations o f che image o f a rectangular grid
accom m odate.
o f lines. Given that the distortions are constant,
neural mechanisms arc able to compensate Object blur M osc sol ill objects have sharp edges.
tor them. Textures, such as wood grain and patterns on the skins
w hite light produce a scries o f images at dirfcrent distances
Irom the retina. A t any instant, the person can accom m o­
date on only o n e o f the images, leaving the others blurred.
For example, when the image form ed by long wavelengths
(red light) is in focus, the image form ed by short wave­
lengths (blue light) falls short o f the retina and creates a
blurred image, as illustrated in Figure 9.4. W h en the blue
image is in focus, the red image falls beyond the retina.
There seem to be wide individual differences in the wave­
length that is habitually brought into clear focus (C ooper
and Pease 1988).
Longitudinal chrom atic aberration may be measured
by having the su bject binocularly fixate a distant target
while accom m odation o f one eye is measured for a target
viewed only by that eye. D ifferences with m onochrom atic
light o f different wavelengths indicate the longitudinal
com ponent o f chrom atic aberration. M ethods of measuring
accom m odation are described in Section 9.2.4.
O bjective m ethods of measuring longitudinal aberra­
tion, in which the investigator observes the retinal image,
agree closely with subjective m ethods, in which the subject
makes settings. The small difference is probably due to the
6 yjm o r 75 arcsec fact that objective m ethods use light reflected from a retinal
layer that differs from the layer where the image is registered
Figure 9.3- R etin al im ages o ftw o p oin t sources. Til с upper c) i agram show s that
(C harm an and Jen nin gs 1976) (P ortrait Figure 9.5).
A iry's disk spreads over up to seven retinal c o n c s. The low er diagram
showv the lu m in an ce di$tribu tion$ o f tw o n eig h b o rin g p o in t * o f light.
Longitudinal aberration is expressed as the difference
(Rnjr.iwn |VomEimlc? 1952) in accom m odation in diopters for an o b ject illuminated
in m onochrom atic light o f two specified wavelengths.
Howarth and Bradley (1 9 8 6 ) reported an average value
o f chrom atic aberration of 1.82 D betw een wavelengths
o f animals, are typically blurred, as are clouds, shadows, o f 4 2 0 and 6 6 0 nm. Longitudinal chrom atic aberration
and poorly focused photographs. Such o b jccts have increases only slightly with increasing retinal eccentricity
o b ject blur, which is not under feedback control and (R y n d erseta l. 1998).
therefore rem ains as the eyes accom m odate on the
blurred o b jcct.


C hrom atic aberration is due to differences in the refraction

o f different wavelengths. For white light, chrom atic aberra­
tion is the largest factor determ ining image quality (van
M eeteren 1 974). C hrom atic aberrations may be effectively
canceled by an achrom atizing lens w ith a com bination ot
glasses o f ditferent refractive indexes. This is n o t possible
with the lens o l an eye with a high water content. C hrom atic
aberration o f the eyes is therefore not optically corrected.
However, we will see that its effects are corrected by a neural
mechanism . Focus point
for red light

L on g itu d in ala n d transverse (brotn atic aberration s, Ih c sch em atic

9 .1 .2 a L ongitu din al C h r o m a tic A berration
eye has a single refractive surface w ith a n od al p o in t a t its cen ter of

Longitudinal chrom atic aberration is due ro shorter wave­ curvature. D ifferen t w avelengths o f lig h t passing throu gh the nodal
p o in t arc refracted equally. Гог o th e r rays, blue light is refracted m ore
lengths being m ore strongly refracted than longer wave­
than red light. T h is eve is acco m m o d ated o n the im age produced by red
lengths (Wald and G riffin 19 4 7 ; Bedford and Wyszecki lig h t, leaving the im age produced by blue lig h t o u t o f focus.
1 9 5 7 ). Thus, the wavelength com ponents o f a point o f (AdifttJ from !li»bo* ct j I . 1990)
For pupil sizes o f 3 to 5 m m , longitudinal chrom atic aberra­
tion produces more image blur than transverse chrom atic
aberration (C am pbell c t al. 1990).
Transverse chrom atic aberration causes the image ot
an o b jcct produced by red light to be larger than the
im age produced by blue light. Therefore, the aberration
increases with increasing distance from the achrom atic axis
(T hibos 1987). However, the increase does not have much
effect on visual acuity because o t the low spatial resolution
o f the peripheral retina. Transverse chrom atic aberration
may help to reduce the effects ot aliasing o t high-frequency
gratings in the peripheral retina (Section 9 .1 .5 ). Both types
ot chrom atic aberration increase slightly as the distance ot
a viewed o b ject decreases (C harm an and Tucker 1978b).
Transverse aberration in the retinal periphery is difficult
to measure because o f the poor resolving power outside
the fovea. But the principal factor tor transverse chrom atic
aberration is not retinal eccentricity but rather the in ci­
dence of the principal ray on the cornea. This can be varied
by holding the stimulus in a central position and moving
Fijpr*9.5. W. N eilC barm an . B<»rn in B rig h to n , E n glan d , in 1 9 3 7 . A fter
d o cto ra l and p o std o cto ral work on visual m icroscopy at Im perial a pinhole aperture near the eye to different locations
C o lleg e, he worked at th e N ation al Research C o u n c il in O ttaw a and with respect to the pupil. This keeps the image on the fovea.
th en as S e n io r S cien tific O fficer a t the A to m ic E n ergy Research Isaac New ton used this procedure in 1670 to demonstrate
E stab lish m en t in H arw ell. In 1 9 7 0 he m oved to an academ ic
chrom atic aberration.
ap p o in tm en t in the D e p a rtm e n t o f O p h th a lm ic O p tic s at the
U niversity o f M an ch ester. In 1 9 9 7 he becam e head o t the D ep artm en t Thibos et al. ( 1 9 9 0 ) used the following procedure to
o f O p to m e tr y and N eu roscience. H e retired in 2 0 0 2 . H e is a fellow о f measure transverse chrom atic aberration. The ciliarvj rnus-
th e In stitu te o f Physics an d o f the O p tic a l S o c ic ty o f A m erica. 1 Ic won cles were paralyzed and the pupil dilated. Two vertical black
th e O w en Aves M ed al in 1 9 9 6 and the Prentice M edal o f the A m erican
rods were presented, one above the other, one on a red back­
A cadem y o t O p to m e try in 2 0 0 5 .
ground and the other on a blue background. A pinhole
aperture was moved ro different locations in front o f the
pupil. Transverse chrom atic aberration caused the images o f
the tw o rods to tall out o t alignm ent. For example, when
9 . 1 . 2 b T ran sv erse C h r o m a tic A b e rra tio n
the pinhole was on the tem poral side o f the pupil, the line
Transverse chrom atic aberration arises because different on the blue field appeared more temporal than the line on
wavelengths refract со different retinal locations, as shown the red field, 'flic m ovem ent required to bring the tw o lines
in Figure 9.4. It is expressed as the visual angle betw een the into vernier alignm ent provided a measure ot transverse
images formed by an o b ject illum inated by two specified chrom atic aberration for that angle o f incident light. The
wavelengths. There is one visual axis tor which red and blue- aberration increased almost linearlvi to about 0.33° as the
light fall on the same retinal location. This is rhe a c h r o ­ aperture was moved to a position 4 mm from the center o f
m a t ic a x is . It the pupil and fovea were centered on the eye s the pupil.
optic axis, the achrom atic axis would pass through the fovea C hrom atic aberrations affect depth perception in two
and there would be no transverse chrom atic aberration tor ways. First, they produce chromostereopsis, as described in
an o b je ct imaged on the fovea. H ie aberration would Section 17.8. Second, they indicate whether the eye is undcr-
increase with increasing retinal eccentricity. However, the or overaccom m odated, as described in Sections 9.6.2 and
visual axis through the fovea is displaced trom the optic axis 25.1.4. The visual system adapts to chrom atic aberrations,
by the angle a . In addition, the pupil may not be centered and this process is probably responsible for color-contingent
on the optic axis. These factors usually cause blue light from aftereffects that were described in Section 4.2.9c.
a fixated o b ject to fall m ore to the nasal side o f the retina
than red light from the same object.
O ver a sample o f subjects, transverse chrom atic aberra­ 9.1.3 M E A S U R E S OF IM AGE Q U A L I T V
tion at the fovea varied betw een 7 3 and 109 arcsec (Sim o n et
9 . 1 . 3 a P o in t- an d L in e -S p re a d F u n c tio n s
and Cam pbell 1990). Differences could be due to differences
in angle O. and/or to different offsets o t the entrance pupil The distribution ot light over the image o t a p o in t is the
from rhe optic axis. An aberration caused by one o f these p o i n t - s p r e a d f u n c t i o n , described in Section 3.2.4. The dis­
factors could be partially canceled by the other factor. tribution o t light across the image o f a thin line is the
lin c-sp rcad fu n ctio n . For an aberration'free eye and a
given wavelength o t light, blur o t the in-focus image ol a
fine point or line is due only to diffraction o f l i g ht at the
edges o fth e pupil. Since the degree o fd itfractio n is inversely
proportional to pupil diameter, blur due to diffraction can
be calculated, as indicated in Section 9.1.1.
It is difficult to calculate image blur due to the co m ­
bined effects o f all the optical aberrations o f the eye.
Therefore, the actual point-spread function must be m ea­
sured by scanning a photom eter over rhe image. Postm ortem
changes affect measurements made on an excised eye ot a
cadaver. M easurements must therefore be perform ed on a
living eye. An image ot a bright line is form ed on the retina
and a photom eter is scanned over a secondary image o f the
line created in space by reflection o f the retinal image.
Flam ent ( 1 9 5 5 ) was the first person to use this d ou ble-p ass
p ro ced u re (see van M eeteren 1 9 7 4 ). C am pbell and Gubisch
( 1 9 6 6 ) used it to produce the line-spread functions shown
in Figure 9.6.
The wider the line-spread function, the lower the ability
o f the eye to resolve a grating. The line-spread function
resulting from diffraction imposes an upper limit on the
spatial frequency o f a sine-wave grating that can be imaged
on the retina. This c u to ff frequ en cy in cycles per degree is
given by:
'<«•" 9.6. L in e-spread fu n ction s o fth e hum an eye. E ach curve is the
n orm alized d istrib u tio n o f illu m in an ce in the foveal im age o f a th in
(2) lin e, m easured as d escribed in the tex t. T h e narrow er curve in each case
C u t-off frtxiuencv = ^ in radians or —^ -—
1 ' Я Я 57.3 in d icates the calcu lated d iffractio n im age o l the line a t the given pupil
d iam eter. (л&рмс! (тшСш-рМ! ямЮяЫкЬ iмне-)

where d is the diam eter o f the pupil and Я is the wavelength

o f the light. Aberrations other than diffraction reduce the
c u to ff frequency below this theoretical lim it. However, a
wider point-spread function may improve the detectability The contrast o f a grating is usually indicated by
o f the position o f an image because more receptors are stim ­ M ich clso n c o n tra st, which is the lum inance modulation
ulated, which can provide an improved estimate o f the divided by the sum o f the maximum and m inim um lum i­
mean position o f the stimulus. nances, as shown in Figure 3.8.
The line-spread function depends on pupil diam eter in Th e M T F o f the eyes optical system relates the propor­
a com plex way, as shown in Figure 9.6. As the pupil enlarges, tional loss o f contrast in the image to the spatial frequency
diffraction decreases and spherical aberration increases. o f a sinusoidal grating. The M T F is obtained by measuring
A t m oderate light levels, a diam eter o f about 2 mm achieves the contrast o f t h e retinal image o f a sinusoidal grating o f
the best com prom ise between these effects. In dim light, fixed contrast at each spatial frequency over the visible range
che pupil dilates to allow m ore light in to the eye at the cost o f spatial frequencies. M easurements arc made by the dou­
o f lowering image quality. A t pupil diam eters less than ble-pass procedure in w hich a ph otod etector is scanned
about 2 mm, m ost light dispersion is due to diffraction, and over the aerial image o f a grating reflected back o u t o f the
the optical system can be treated as linear. eve. The measurements are corrected for the effects o f che
double traverse o f the light through rhe eye. If there is no
loss o f contrast, contrast transmission is 1. If all concrasc is
9 .1 .3 b T h e M o d u la tio n T ra n sfe r F u n c tio n
lost, transmission is 0, and the image a hom oge­
W h en a sinusoidal grating o f a given spatial frequency is neous grey patch.
transm itted through an optical system, its am plitude o f Figure 9 .7 A shows the theoretical m odulation transfer
luminance m odulation is attenuated by the summed effects functions o f an aberracion-freeeye for m onochrom atic light
o f aberrations, diffraction, light loss, and light scatter. The o f 5 4 0 nm and various pupil diameters. Ic can be seen that
function relating the attenuation o f luminance modulation as pupil diam eter is reduced, the effects o f diffraction
to spatial frequency is the m od u lation tran sfer fu n ctio n , increase, and the M T F declines m ore steeply with increas­
or M T F , o f the system (see Figure 9.7). ing spatial frequency.
Figure 9 .7 B shows chac alm ost all che concrasc in the
stimulus is preserved at spatial frequencies below about
5 cpd. W ith a small pupil, contrast for a grating o f about
4 0 cpd is reduced about 10-fold. Above about 6 0 cpd, all
contrast in the image is lost. This means that the system
does resolve gratings above this spatial frequency. As pupil
diam eter increases, optical aberrations increase, and the
high-frequency lim it is reduced, as shown in Figure 9 .7 B .
M odulation transfer functions can be normalized to the
highest spatial frequency transm itted by an ideal diffrac­
tion-lim ited system, as shown in Figure 9 .7 C . Any depar­
ture from the ideal is due to factors other than diffraction,
such as spherical and chrom atic aberrations and light scat­
ter in the optical media (C am pbell and G ubisch 1966).
The M T F o f any linear optical system can be calculated
from its line-spread function, as explained in S ection 3.2.4.
The line-spread function is the Fourier integral of the M T F.
The M T F for an image form ed by rays near the optical
axis o f the eye shows higher contrast sensitivity than the
M T F for an image form ed by light entering the eye o ff
axis. This effect was investigated by measuring the M T F
for different positions o f an artificial pupil w ith respect
to the optical axis (van M eeteren and Dunnew old 1983).
The effect was present with a 2-m m artificial pupil, which
produced off-axis com a. It was absent with a 0.8-m m pupil,
which indicates that image quality is diffraction-lim ited at
all eccentricities lor this size ol pupil.
If the eye is astigm atic, the M T F will vary with the
orientation o f the rest grating.

9 .1 .3 c M easurin g W av efron t A berration s

For a point o b je ct the wavefront o f converging light rays

em erging from an ideal optical system is spherical, and the
rays intersect at a point. A n optical aberration distorts
the wavefront, and the rays no longer intersect at a point.
The extent to w hich different portions o f the wavefronc
depart from spherical is the w avefront a b erra tio n . Each
type o f aberration produces a characteristic wavefront
N orm alized spatial fre qu e ncy o f grating
An a b erro m eter is an instrum ent for measuring wave- 1'igun 9 ". M odulation transferfunctions o f th e eye. (Л ) I h co rctica l
front aberrations. In early versions, the retinal image o f a m od u lation transfer fu n ctio n s for an im age using light o f 5 4 0 n m in an
square grid seen in m onochrom atic light was photographed ab erratio n -free cvc for various pupil d iam eters. ( A d j p t t J &•>» W tod a n d c h « m a n
IW5). ( B ) Transfer fu n ctio n s for four pu pil sizes from m easu rin g light
and the distortions in the image o f the grid were analyzed.
reflected from the foveal im age o f a gratin g. T h e fu n ctio n s result Irom
W avefront aberrations can now be recorded and loss o f co n tra st due to d iffractio n and op tical aberrations. (A J a p u s l from

analyzed in real time. A narrow beam o f infrared light is с*юрМ‘ м<1СпЫиЬ 1966) ( C ) Transfer fu n ctio n s n orm alized to th e highest

projected onto the retina. l ight reflected from the retina spatial freq u en cy tran sm itted by a d iffractio n -lim ited system w ith light
o f 5 7 0 n m . E m p irical fu n ctio n s d ep art fu rth er from ideal fu n ctio n as
is passed through an array o f small lenses o n to a charge-
pupil size increases spherical and ch ro m atic ab erration s. {Ad»|.t<d6o«
coupled d etecto r known as a H a rtm an n -S h ack sensor. С *л р Ь « и « v J G p Iu k Ii 1 9 6 $ )

Each lens creates a spot image. T h e locations o f the spots

relative to those produced by a perfect wavefront indicate
rhe slopes o f the local wavefronts. The distortions are diam eter is increased. 'Ih e functions correspond to the
com puted into a set of orthogonal functions, known as classical m onochrom atic aberrations ot the eye (W alsh et al.
Xernikc polynom ial basis functions. These functions also 1 9 8 4 ; Artal c t al. 2 0 0 1 ). However, the m ethod does not
indicate the rate at which aberrations increase as pupil measure effects o f chrom atic aberration, and the results do
o f the whole eye. Thus, the lens partially com pensates for
several aberrations in the cornea (A rtal e t al. 2 0 0 1 ).
M cLellan c t al. (2 0 0 6 ) measured the various co m p o ­
nents o f optical aberration in human eyes. They then co n ­
structed synthetic model eyes with the same total refractive
error but with the sign or orientation of the aberrations
random ized. For a 6-m m pupil the resolving power (m od u ­
lation transfer function) o f natural eyes was higher than
that o f the synthetic eyes for spatial frequencies up to
6 0 cpd. This is further evidence that the aberrations o f
the human eye are com bined in an advantageous manner.
The advantageous layout o f the optical com ponents
ot the eye could be due to any o t the following factors.
(1 ) Fixed genetic factors. (2 ) Feedback from mechanical
interactions between cornea and lens during develop­
ment. (3 ) Feedback from visual experience during early
Artal et al. (2 0 0 6 ) found that the com pensatory pro­
cess was present in people w ith different eye shapes and
different refractive errors. They concludcd that this adapt­
Figure9 .4 . D av id W illiam s.. I Ic o b ta in ed a B .S. from D en iso n U niversity able com pensation is due to m echanical interactions
in 19 7 5 and a P h .D . from the U niversity o f C a lifo rn ia a t San D ieg o in
betw een cornea and lens, but they did not rule out a con tri­
1 9 7 9 . In 1 9 7 9 he jo in ted th e sta ff at the B ell L ab oratory in New Jersey.
In 1981 he jo in ted the C e n te r for V isio n Research a t the U n iv ersity o f
bution from visual feedback. Kelly et al. (2 0 0 4 ) measured
R och ester, where he is now professor and d irector. the wavefront aberrations o f the corneas and lenses o f
3 0 young adults. They found a mean com pensation for
corneal astigmatism o f 41 % , for a spherical aberration o f
36% , and for com a ot 51% . C om pensation for spherical
n o t necessarily agree w ith conventional measures o t image aberration was not adjusted to individual variations in co r­
qualify ('Iliibo s ec al. 2 0 0 4 ; Prieto et al. 2 0 0 5 ). neal aberration, w hich suggests that it depends on a fixed
The point-spread function and the M T F o t the eyes genetically determ ined process. Com pensations tor astig­
optical system may be derived from wavefront aberrations. matism and com a were individually adjusted, which sug­
For a review o t these procedures see Liang and W illiam s gests that they depend on an active feedback mechanism
(1 9 9 7 ) (P ortrait Figure 9 .8 ). W atson and Ahum ada (2 0 0 8 ) o f some sort. The nature o f these com pensation processes
developed a model tor predicting visual acuity trom wave- is as yet unknown.
front aberrations. 'Ih e lens does not com pensate for corneal aberrations
The optical quality o t the image in the human eye is in older people, probably because o t changes in the size
substantially constant out to an eccentricity o f about 12". and shape o fth e lens (A rtal et al. 2 0 0 2 ).
Beyond this eccentricity, image quality declines with
increasing distance from the optic axis (Jen n in g s and
9 .1 .5 T H E N Y Q U I S T L I M I T A N D A L IA S IN G
Charm an 1 981). In the foveal region, resolution is lim ited
by the optical properties o f the eye rather than by the den­ The human retina has betw een 4 and 6 m illion cones. The
sity ot receptive fields. W ith increasing eccentricity, the peak density at the fovea is highly variable trom person to
lim iting factor becom es the density o f receptive fields person (1 0 0 ,0 0 0 to 320,000/ m m 2). G rating acuities pre­
(W illiam s e t al. 19 9 6 ; W ang et al. 1997). dicted trom these cone densities are 4 7 cpd and 8 6 cpd
respectively. Thus, the average retinal mosaic is able to deal
with the highest spatial frequency (6 0 cpd) transm itted by
9 .1 .4 C O M P E N S A T I O N O F A B E R R A T IO N S
the eyes optics (C am pbell and Gubisch 1966). C o n e den­
It has been known for som e tim e that corneal astigmatism sity falls steeply with increasing eccentricity. It is 10 times
is to som e extent com pensated by astigmatism o f the lens lower at an eccentricityt o f 4° than at the fovea. Th e human
(Southall 1 937). 'Ih e decrease in astigmatism in infancy retina has at least 100 m illion rods and a central rod-free
(Section 7 .3 .1 ) could be due to the progressive develop­ area about 1.25° in diameter. Bevond an eccentricity ot 20°,
4 4

m ent o f a cornea-Iens com pensatory mechanism. the density o f rods and cones declines more rapidly in the
M ore recently, m easurem ents o t wavefront aberrations temporal retina than in the nasal retina. The tw o eyes have
have revealed that, in m ost people, the sum o f the separate sim ilar num bers o f cones and rods and sim ilar photorecep­
aberrations o f cornea and lens is larger than the aberrations tor topography (C urcio et al. 1990).
Any detector array is subject со chc limicacion chac
cwo scimuli can be resolved only if chey excice cwo dececcors
ac a discrim inably higher level chan chey excice a dcceccor
in an incermediace locacion. Thus, a sec o f independenc
dececcors arranged in a square laccicc can resolve a periodic
scimulus, such as a gracing, only i f che spacial period o f chc
gracing is ac lease tw ice che spacing o f che dececcors. This is
che Nyquisc limic. A stimulus with a smaller spacial period
is undersampled. For a hexagonal laccicc, like che cone
m osaic, ic is easy со prove that the Nyquisc limic is V3 cimes
che spacing o t chc dececcors.
The smallest period in radians, v, o fa n extended grating
that can be resolved by the optics o f che eye is lim ited by the
wavelength o f che lighc, A, and by diffraction, w hich is
inversely proportional to pupil diameter, a (W estheim er
1 9 7 2 ). Thus, Fiju<«?,9. A liasing. A fine gratin g p ro jected o n to a hexagonal retinal
m osaic produces an in terference (m o ire) p attern w ith a spatial
Я period ind icated by the arrow s. The p attern is m ost evid en t when
V - — (3)
Л the spatial freq u en cy o f the gratin g is slightly h igh er than th at
o f th e m osaic.
Image quality is best when the pupil diam eter is 2.4 mm
and the wavelength o t light is 5 5 5 nm. Putting these
values in equation (3 ) gives a cone separation o f 2 7 .4 arcsec, conscicuce an anti-aliasing filter. Tli is lim itation does not
which is close to the value reported by O ’Brien (1 9 5 1 ). It is apply in the peripheral retina, where gratings beyond the
an advantage to have recepcors as large as possible so thac cu to ff frequency o f the classical contrast sensitivity fu n c­
they capture the maxim um num ber ot photons. But if they tion may produce detectable moire patterns (Snyder et al.
arc too large they fail to match che resolving power со the 1986; Thibos et al. 1 9 9 6 ). Because o fth e hexagonal packing
eyes optics. Having the cones touch avoids loss o f photons of receptors, the moire pattern formed betw een a grating
in the intercone spaces. This advancage must outweigh the and the receptor mosaic changes as the interference pattern
disadvantage o f leakage o f generator potentials between is rotated 60°.
closely adjacent cones (Snyder and M iller 1977). It has been argued that a random distribution o f cones
Lord Rayleigh defined a criterion for che lim it o f resolu­ in the foveal region provides an anri-aliasing mechanism
tion o t two points. For a diffraction-lim ited system, the (Yellocc 1 9 8 2 ). The measurements on which che argument
minim um separation o f two point sources, A9, thac can was based were from a photograph o f the co n e outer seg­
jusc be resolved is chac separation for which che distance ments o f the human fovea. But the image plane ot che eye s
becween che images is che radius o f A iry’s disk. Thus, from opcical system is at che level o f che inner segments. Hirsch
equacion (1 ): and Hylton (1 9 8 4 ) found chac che inner segmencs form
a highly regular hexagonal lattice in the central fovea o f the
1.22 A
Ав = (4) macaque monkey. They argued that a random distribution
a o f receptors sufficient to prevent aliasing would degrade
Ac lease chree aligned dececcors are required со resolve resolution. A regular lattice provides a basic m etric ot the
cwo points. Therefore, in the ideal system, the diam eter o f positions o f photoreceptors. All subsequent visual process­
the deteccors should be h a lf che diamecer ot A iry’s disk. ing depends on the fineness, calibration, and preservation
The image o f a grating finer than the Nyquist lim it forms o f che basic mecric.
an interference pattern, or m oire patcern, wich che receptor The resolving power o f che recina has been invescigaced
m osaic, as illustrated in Figure 9.9. Tli is process is known by converging cwo laser beam s on the recina со form a
as aliasing. Although the grating may noc be visible, the fine inccrference patcern (Cam pbell and G ubisch 1966).
inccrfcrence pattern could be visible because che bars ot Since the patcern bypasses chc opcics o f che eye, ic may be
che grating com e into and out o f phase with the receptors finer chan che paccern chac che eye’s opcical syscem can
at a spatial frequency lower than chac o t che gracing. It the resolve. The period o f che fincsc visible inccrference paccern
spatial frequency o f che receptor mosaic is/ and chat o f the revealed chac che mean spacing o f foveal recepcors is abouc
stimulus grating is f + « , then the interference pattern has 0.5 arcm in. This corresponds со a resolucion limic o f abouc
a spatial frequency o f n. 6 0 cpd, a value chac tallies with anatom ical determinacions
The effects o f aliasing are n o t normally visible because o f che spacing o f foveal concs. Above chc 6 0 — cpd lim it,
che opcics o f the eye are not capable o f form ing images a coarser paccern chan che incerference pattern may be
as fine as the Nyquist lim it. Thus, the opcics o t che eye visible because o f aliasing.
E m ergent w a ve fron t
W av efron t o f far o b je c t o f far object

W avefront o f near o bject —

\ i

F a r o b je c t N ear object

d -------- U>egeom etry o f accom m odation. T o focu s the im age o f a poin c o n th e retin a, th e d ivergent in cid e n t w avefront m u st b e con v erted in to a
convergent w avefront w ith a curvature fixed by the d iam eter o f the eye. T h e curvature o f t h e in cid en t w avefront is inversely p ro p o rtio n a l to the
d istan ce o f th e o b je c t, o r I /d. B u t 1 /d is th e d istan ce o f th e o b je c t in d iop ters. T h erefo re, th e discancc o f an o b je c t in diopters provides a con v en ien t
m easure o f th e acco m m o d atio n needed to focus its im age.

An unaccom m odated lens has maximum diam eter and As eyes grow, their optical properties change to preserve
minim um thickness and curvature. The accom m odation o f a favorable A L / C R ratio by the process o f em m etropization
a human eye is clinically assessed when in its unaccom m o­ (S ectio n 6.3 .1 c). Factors involved in am etropia are dis­
dated state. An unaccom m odated em m etro p ic eye can co r­ cussed in Section 9.6.2a.
rectly focus on an o b jcct at infinity. Its far point is therefore The distance, in diopters, betw een the near p o in t and
at infinity (zero diopters). An a m etro p ic eye cannot focus the far point is the range o f a cco m m o d atio n .
an o b ject at infinity and is either myopic or hypermetropic. H eath (1 9 5 6 a ) described the first four types o f accom ­
For an unaccom m odated m yopic eye, a point at infinity m odation listed below.
form s an image in front o fth e retina, as in Figure 9.12a. The
person is said to be nearsighted. To be in focus, a point at Tonic accommodation refers to the resting state in the
infinity must be brought forward to the far point shown in dark or in an em pty field (Section 9 .3 ).
Figure 9 .1 2 b . A negative lens is needed to focus a point at
Proximal accommodation is evoked by the apparent
distance o fa n o b je ct (Scctio n 9.5 )
For an unaccom m odated h y p erm etro p ic eye, a point at
infinity forms an image beyond the retina, as in Figure Blur accommodation is evoked by blur o f the retinal
9 .1 2c. C o rrection for hyperm etropia requires a positive lens image o fa n attended o b ject (Scctio n 9.6).
to bring a p o in t at infinity in to focus. The person is said to
Convergence accommodation is triggered by a change in
be farsighted. For example, an eye with the far point 0.5 m
horizontal vergence (Section 10.4.2).
in front o f the eye (negative d irection) has myopia o f - 2 D.
An eye with the far point 0.5 m behind the eye (positive Voluntary accommodation is evoked by deliberate effort
direction) has hyperopia o f + 2 1). in the absence o f visual stim uli (Section 9 .4 ).
The crucial structural factor that determ ines the refrac­
tive state o f an eye is the ratio o f the axial length o fth e eye Developm ental aspects o f accom m odation were dis­
to the radius o f the cornea, the A L / C R ratio. A shorter eye cussed in Sections 6 .3 .1 b and 7.2.1.
requires a m ore highly curved cornea to bring the image
into focus in the retina, while a longer eye requires a less
highly curved cornea. G rosvenor and S co tt (1 9 9 4 ) found 9 .2 .2 T H E M E C H A N I C S O F
that the mean A L / C R ratio o f several hundred cm m ctropes A C C O M M O D A T IO N
was very close to 3.0. The mean ratio o f myopes was 4.1 and
9 .2 .2 a C om p arativ e A spects o f A cc o m m o d a tio n
that o f hypermctropes was 2.6. Em m etropic eyes with a
ratio significantly larger than 3 .0 are at risk o f becom ing In land animals, the cornca perform s m ost o f the refraction.
myopic (G rosvenor 1 9 8 8 ). Thus, it is not the axial length o f Aquatic animals live in a medium with a refractive index
the eye, alone, that determ ines the refractive state o f the sim ilar to that o f the cornea. They must therefore rely on
eyes. Nevertheless, m agnetic resonance imaging has revealed the lens to refract light o n to the retina. For this reason fish
that m yopic eyes tend to be larger in all dim ensions than the have spherical lenses with a short focal length.
eyes o f em m etropic and hyperm etropic eyes (C h en g c t al. The m echanism o f accom m odation in fish was first
1992). described bv Beer in 1894. The lenses are stiff'w ith a fixed
about 0 .2 5 I). In the clin ic, the range o f accom pany changes in vergence (K rishnan ct al. 1977).
accom m odation can be measured by che push-up Sin ce the lens reflects only a fraction o f the light, the
m ethod. This involves measuring the range o f distances m ethod requires a bright point o f light, which results
w ithin which a letter chart appears in clear focus. in glare.
In the m inus-lens m cchod, lenses o f varying power
I'incham coincidence optometer A narrow collim ated
are introduced until the su bject detects blur. In this
beam o f light from a slit is projected into the eve. The
m ethod, the image does noc change in size as much
beam is slightly o ff axis, so that the image o f the slit
as it does in the push-up m ethod.
falls on the fovea for an em m etropic eye but to o n e or
Laser speckle optometer A divergent low-energy laser other side o f the fovea for an am etropic eye. 1-ight
beam is shone o n to a diffusely reflecting surface. reflected from the retina is passed through the same
The randomly reflected lighc beam s form a series collim ating lens and split into two halves. O n e h alf is
o l interference speckle patterns at different distances viewed directly and the other through a Dove prism,
from the surface (Ingelstam and Ragnarsson 1972). which reflects it to the opposite side o f the optic axis.
The subject is asked to focus on a visual target on the The displacem ent required to bring the tw o h a lf images
surface. An overaccom m odated (m yopic) eye focuses into vernier alignm ent is a measure o f refractive error.
on a speckle pattern nearer than the target. The instrum ent can d etect a change o f accom m odation
A m ovem ent o f the eye to one side causes the speckle o f 0 .2 D but the light source introduces glare.
pattern to appear to move over the surface in the
Retinoscopy The retinoscope is derived from
opposite direction. An underaccommodated
H elm holtzs ophthalm oscope. A sm all m irror reflects a
(hyperopic) eye focuses on a speckle pattern beyond
point source o n to the p atien ts eye. The optom etrist
the surface so that the pattern appears to move over the
observes the retinal image formed by the point through
surface in the same direction as the eye. The refractive
a hole in the center o f the mirror. As the m irror is
power o f the lens required to null the apparent m otion
rotated about a vertical axis the image appears to sweep
o f the speckle pattern provides a measure o f the
across the patien ts pupil. The fir point o f a strongly
accom m odative state o f the eye. An allowance must be
myopic eye lies between the eye and the sight hole.
made for the wavelength o f the laser light.
This causes the image to move over the pupil in a
In a variant o f the m ethod, the laser beam is shone direction opposite to the direction o f m irror rotation.
o n to the surfacc o f a revolving drum. Instead o f The far point o f a hyperm etropic eye lies on the side o f
m oving the head, the observer reports che dircccion o f the pupil opposite the sight hole. This causes the image
m otion o f the speckle pattern relative to chat o f chc to move over the pupil in chc same direction as the
drum (C harm an 1979). The clarity o f the pattern is mirror. The m otion o f the image is nulled when the
independent o f the refractive state o f the eye and sight hole is brought into coincidence with the anterior
therefore does not provide an accom m odative stimulus. focal point o f the patients eye by the addition o f an
However, to prevent any effect o f the speckle pattern, appropriate lens. The power and sign o f the added lens
the duration o f the stimulus may be kept less than the indicates chc refractive correction that the patient
reaction time o f accom m odation (К о the et al. 1987). requires. In static retinoscopy, the patient fixates a
distant target, and the lens is assumed to be relaxed to
See Ben nett and R abbetts (1 9 8 9 ) for a fuller discussion its far p o in t o f accom m odation. In dynamic
o f subjective optom etry. retinoscopy, the patient fixates a near target. Dynamic
retinoscopy is rather unreliable and is n o t often used
9 .2 .4 c O b je ctiv e O p to m e tr y (W h itc fo o t and Charm an 1992).

In objective optom etry the optom etrist, rather than the Partial coherence interferometry (PC I) Fcrcher and
subject, perform s a nulling procedure (see Howland 1991). Roth (1 9 8 6 ) developed this procedure. The eye is
O bjective m ethods include the follow ing: illuminated by a split beam o f coherent light. The two
beams reflect o f f the various surfaces in the eye. The
Purkinje-image m ethod In this procedure, changes distance between a given pair o f surfaces is measured by
in the shape o f the fron t surface o f the lens are introducing a delay between the beam s and observing
indicated by changes in the size o f che third Purkinjc che interference pattern produced in their com bined
image o f a point o f light reflected from the lens reflected images. D istances betw een specified surfaces
surfacc. This procedure is n o t affcctcd by small can be measured with a precision o f betw een 0 .3 and
changes in the direction o f gaze. It is thus suitable 10 |im (D rexler et al. 1998). Longitudinal movements
for measuring changes in accom m odation that o f the eye do not disturb the procedure.
9 .2 .4 d A uto refractors indicates the sign and m agnitude o f m isaccom m odacion o f
the eye relative to chc apcrcure (K ruger 1979).
In che objeccive m ethods described so far, che optom etrist
In ecce n tric p h o to refra ctio n light from an eccentric
makes the settings. In an auto re tractor, the optom etrist is
infrared L E D is reflected irom the recina со form a gradienc
replaced by photodetectors. Ic chus becom es possible со
o f light over chc pupil. In early inscrumencs accom m odation
measure concinuous and rapid changes in accom m odation.
was indicated by the size o f the patch o f light in the pupil
There are several types o f autorefractor. O n ly che infrared
(B obicr and Braddick 1985). Schaetfel ct al. (1 9 9 3 ) used an
optom eter is described here, since chis is the instrum ent
array o feccen cric L E D s and measured the gradienc o f light
m ost com m only used in research laboratories. O th er cypcs
intensity in che pupil. The change in gradient was found to
o f inscrument arc described in B en nett and R abbetts
be reasonably linear over ± 5 diopcers. Roorda ec al. (1 9 9 7 )
(1 9 8 9 ).
analyzed the effects o t aberrations and different light
An in frared o p to m e te r uses infrared light so that
sources. Asymmetrical aberrations disrupt che lighc gradi­
there are no visible stim uli. O n e type o f instrum ent is
enc, buc cheir effects may be canceled by averaging the
derived from Fincham ’s coincidence optom eter. The images
gradients obtained with light sources on opposite sides o f
o f tw o slits illum inated by infrared light coincid c on the
the pupil. Changes in pupil size must also be allowed tor.
retina when accom m odation is at infinity. Reflections
This m ethod is inexpensive, quick, and useful tor measuring
o f chc images arc formed on a pair o f phococleccric cclls.
refraction in children. Suryakumar c t al. (2 0 0 7 a ) com bined
The relacive oucpuc o f che cwo photocells varies as a
a phocorcfractor wich a video eye cracker so chat changes
funccion o f accom m odacion (C am pbell 1959) (Porcraic
in accom m odation and vergence may be measured ac chc
Figure 9 .1 7 ).
same cime.
A sccond type o f infrared optom ecer is based on the
retinoscope. The su bject accom m odates on a cargec viewed
through a Badal lens. A patch o f infrared light is formed
on che recina. The image o f a vertically moving occluder 9 .3 T O N IC A C C O M M O D A T IO N
sweeps over the patch o f lighc ac a frequency o f 2 4 0 Hz.
An achrom atic lens focuses the retinal image in an aperture. 9 .3 .1 T H E T O N IC ST A T E O F
For an cm m ctropic eye, the reflected image o t the target A C C O M M O D A T IO N
is superimposed on che aperture. For an amecropic eye, che
U nder open-loop conditions, accom m odation reverts to a
reflecced image falls nearer chan or beyond che aperture.
state known as to n ic a cco m m o d a tio n , or rcscing focus.
Photodcccccors record chc phase lag bccwccn chc leading
There are tour ways со open che visual-feedback loop:
and lagging edges o f che image o f chc occluder, which
( i ) viewing through a pinhole, (2 ) dark viewing, (3 ) view­
ing a hom ogeneous stimulus or one with low con trast, and
( 4 ) coupling m otion o f the stimulus to chc oucpuc o t an
O n average, chc eyes becom e about 1.5 D myopic in
dim light, a con d ition known as dark focu s, dark accom ­
m odation, or n ig h t m yopia. Ncvil M askclync, the
A stronom er Royal, was che first со notice the effect in 1789
(see Roscnficld et al. 1993). H e needed an extra diopter lens
when observing stars at night.
After the eyes were suddenly placed in the dark, accom ­
m odation drifted exponentially into the state o f dark focus
wich a time conscant o t I to 3 seconds (Baker ec al. 1983).
W h en light was restored, accom m odation returned to
its previous state with a tim e constant o f betw een 0.2 and
0.4 seconds.
Dark focus is influenced by the triadic relationship
betw een pupil diameter, vcrgcncc, and accom m odation.
The pupil enlarges in che dark, and vergence reverts со che
rcscing scatc o f vcrgcncc.
f igure 9 . 1". ha'gus Campbell. B o r n in G la s g o w in 1 9 2 4 . A f t e r g r a d u a t in g in The mean value o f dark focus varies from person to
m e d ic in e in G la s g o w h e b c c a m c a le c t u r e r in p h y s io lo g y a t C a m b r id g e
person (W csthcim er 1 9 6 3 ; Lcibow itzand O w ens 1975). In
U n iv e r s ity in 1 9 5 3 . In 1 9 8 Я h e w a s a p p o in t e d p r o fe s s o r o t n e u r o s e n s o r y
p h y s io lo g y a t C a m b r i d g e . H e r c c c iv c d t h e T i l l y c r M e d a l o f th e O p t i c a l a given person, dark focus varies with a peak-to-peak am pli­
S o c i c t v o t A m e r ic a in 1 9 7 8 . H e d ie d in 1 9 9 3 . tude o f up to 1 D and becom es more variable after a period
in darkness (W cscheim er 1957; K rum holtz ct al.
1986). W e will see in the next section that the state o f dark
Focus is influenced by rhe prior state o f accom m odation.
However, the mean value is reasonably consistent when a
given person is retested under the same conditions (M iller
19 7 8 ; M ershon and Am erson 19 8 0; O w ens and Higgins
Dark focus shows som e relationship to a persons refrac­
tive error. C orrected hyperopes were found to have a high­
est dioptric value o f dark accom m odation, and late-onsec
myopes the lowest (M cB rien and M illod ot 1987; G oss and
Z hai 1 9 9 4 ). The mean magnitude o f dark focus was found
to decrease trom 1.85 D in young adults to 1 D in 60-year
olds (W h ite fo o t and Charm an 1 992).
At high lum inance, accom m odation is m ost accurate
when the distance o f t h e target corresponds to the resting
state ot accom m odation. O veraccom m odation occurs tor
more distant targets and underaccom m odation for nearer
targets (Lcibow icz and O w ens 1 975). As luminance is
reduced, accom m odation is pulled toward the position o f
dark focus. A t scotopic levels, it remains close to the posi­ b'igvrc M arkR oscn/ictd. B o rn in L iv erp ool, England. H e graduated in
tion o f dark focus at all viewing distances. C orrective lenses op co m ctrv from A sto n U niversity. U .K .. in 1 9 8 4 and o b tain ed a P h .D .
in 1 9 8 8 from A sto n U n iv ersity w ith B. G ilm artin . H e is now associate
can com pensate tor the adverse effects ot m isaccom m oda-
professor in the D e p a rtm e n t o f V isio n Scien ces a t the (S U N Y ) State
tion at low lum inancc (Jo h n so n 1976). C o lleg e o t O p to m etry . H e was elected fellow o f the A m erican A cadem y
The resting position o t accom m odation tends to co in ­ o t O p to m e try in 1 9 9 0 . In 1 9 9 6 he was awarded the first research
cide with the position for which the optical quality o f the d ip lom atc in b in o cu lar vision from the A m erican A cadem y o l
O p to m e try and in 2 0 0 5 th e M ich ael G . H arris Fam ily Award for
image is optim al, especially with that position tor which
E x ccllcn cc in O p to m c tric E d u catio n from th e A m erican O p to m ctric
astigmatism is least (D en icu l 1 9 8 2 ). Also, m icrofluctua­ Fou n d ation .
tions o f accom m odation decrease as the optical quality o f
the image increases (A rnult and Dupuv I9 6 0 ; D enicul
The lum inance at which the eyes adopt a state of dark
focus is higher than that at which they adopt the state o f The state o t dark focus is su bject to adaptation. A fter a
dark vergence (Section 10.2.1). Lum inance that is too low stimulus at the near point o f accom m odation had been
to evoke accom m odative responses wich m onocular view­ fixated for 8 m inutes the posicion o f dark focus increased
ing may do so with binocular viewing. This is because, with by a mean value o f - 0 .3 4 D. This effect took about 10 hours
both eyes open, the stim ulus evokes a change in vergence, to dissipate. Sim ilar fixation at the fir point decreased
which then evokes a change in accom m odation ( Jiang et al. dark focus by 0.21 D. This effect dissipated in abouc
1991). one hour (E b cn h o ltz 1983, 1991). Baker et al. (1 9 8 3 )
The subject of dark focus has been reviewed by obtained similar adaptation effects. The aftereffect
Rosenfield c ta l. (1 9 9 3 , 1994) (P o rtrait Figure 9 .1 8 ). lasted 5 minutes after 5 m inutes o t adaptation and
The eyes also becom e myopic when viewing low- several hours after 1 hour o f adaptation (Tan and O ’Leary
conrrasr or blurred stim uli, a condition known as em p ty 1986).
field myopia. Pilots becom e myopic when viewing an M onocular and binocular viewing produced similar
em pty sky. These form s o f myopia arc due to several factors, aftereffects in both eyes (Fisher ec al. 1987a, 1987b, 1988b).
including the resting accom m odative state, the absence ol Ihe aftereffect decayed more rapidly in the dark chan in
chrom atic aberration .vs an accom m odative stimulus an evenly illum inated field (S ch o r et al. 1 9 8 6 b ; W olfe and
(C am pbell and Primrose 1 953), and increase in the depth O ’C o n n ell 1987). The aftereffect is weaker and decays
o f field with dimly illum inated or blurred stim uli (H eath more rapidly chan adaptive changes in the resting state o f
1956b). vergence (Section 10.2.1) (Fisher c t al. 1990).
The stimulus contrast at which the eyes first show em pty Dark focus shifted by different amounts according
field myopia— the accom m odation contrast threshold— to the apparent distance o f targets that had been viewed for
is higher tor a grating o t high spatial frequency than for one 5 m inutes. The targets were ac che same optical distance
o f low spatial frequency (W ard 19 87a). (Rosenfield cc al. 1990).
9 .4 V O L U N T A R Y A C C O M M O D A T IO N gaze from an o b ject ac one apparent distance to an object
at anocher apparenc distance.
A truly voluntary accom m odation response is one that is W h en an o b jcct moves closer to an eye its image becom es
deliberately executed when there is no stimulus to initiate larger. The changing size cue can be isolated trom changing
it. This occurs in the following circum stances: image blur by viewing che targee chrough a pinhole, which
increases che depth ol field and therefore renders che
1. Accommodation to an imagined object It has been response essentially open-loop (M organ 1968). Hennessy
claim ed that, in the dark, accom m odation may be et al. (1 9 7 6 ) found no effect o f objecc distance on
partly under voluntary con trol, since it varies with accom m odation with pinhole viewing. O cher investigators
instructions to think o f a far o b ject or a near o bject. observed proxim al accom m odation under these circu m ­
It also varies with knowledge ot the nearness o t unseen stances (M e l .in ec al. 1 9 8 8 ). Proximal accom m odation is
surrounding surfaces (Provine and Enoch 1975; also evoked when blur is under open-loop control by link­
M alm strom and Randle 19 7 6 ; Rosenficld and ing che oucpuc o f an optom ecer со che stimulus (Kruger and
C iuffreda 1991 b). However, these changes may be Pola 1987).
evoked by changes in vergence through the mediation C am pbell and W estheim er ( i 9 6 0 ) observed that, with
o f vergence accom m odation (M iller 1 9 8 0 ; Rosenficld normal pupils, accommodative responses were less variable
e ta l. 1 994). when a step change in blur was accom panied by a change in
image size. Kruger and Pola (1 9 8 6 ) found thac changing
2. Deliberate misaccommodation Normally,
image size enhanced accom m odative responses со sinusoi­
accom m odation brings the o b ject that fills on the fovea
dal changes in accom m odative blur. Thus, step or sm ooth
o f one or both eyes in to focus. However, som e people
changes in image size induce accom m odation. The primary
can deliberately m isaccom m odate a stimulus on which
effect o f a change in image size may be a change in vergence,
the eves arc fixated.
produced by an apparent change in che distance o f che
3. Accommodation to unusual stimuli W ith practice, scimulus. The accom m odative change may be mediated
observers are able to change their accom m odation in by the linkage between vergence and accom m odation.
response to a stimulus that is n o t normally associated It has noc been proved chat changing image size controls
with accom m odation. C o rn sw cctan d Crane (1 9 7 3 ) accom m odation directly.
presented a dim point o f light to one eye through a Kruger and Pola (1 9 8 5 ) measured accommodative
small artificial pupil. Because o f the large depth o f field, responses to a M altese cross sinusoidally modulated in
the image remained essentially unchanged as depch buc noc in size, in size buc noc in depch, and in boch
accom m odation changed. A tone o f variable pitch was depch and size. Image blur was rendered open-loop by illu ­
delivered to one ear. The pitch o f a tone to the other ear m inating the scimulus wich m onochrom acic lighc and by
was controlled by the output o f an optom eter that using the output o f an optom eter to move the carget in
recorded changes in accom m odation o f the su b jects depch so as со keep che blur o f che image conscanc. Changes
eye. Subjects were asked to keep the tw o pitches the in size alone elicited changes in accom m odation, as can
same. A t first thcv could noc do the cask. But, after 3 be seen in Figure 9 .1 9 . The M altese cross appeared to
hours o f distributed practice, they becam e quite advance and recede as its size was m odulated. Adding
proficient. H ie skill transferred to a task in w hich two changes in size to changes in accom m odative blur had no
horizontal lines were kept superimposed when the effect on the gain o f accom m odation but did reducc the
vertical mocion o f one line was under manual concrol phase lag o f the response considerably.
and th at o f the second line was controlled by che output Kruger and Pola argued thac M organ (1 9 6 8 ) and
o f the optom eter. Thus, people can learn to concrol Hennessy et al. (1 9 7 6 ) did not find an influence o f target
accom m odation in response to a new sensory cue, when size because they used only scacic scimuli.
the feedback signal is also novel. Kruger and Pola (1 9 8 9 ) asked what happens when
changes in blur and changes in target size are in councer-
phase. For a depth m odulation o f a M altese cross ac
9 .5 P R O X IM A L A C C O M M O D A T IO N 0 .0 5 H z, che accom m odative response was in phase with
changing blur rather than with changing target size. This
Proximal accom m odation is induced bv differences in the result indicates chac blur was che dom inant stimulus. At
apparent distances o f o b jects in the absence o f real differ­ a frequency o f 0 .8 Hz the response shifted into phase
ences in distance. A n accom m odative response occurs auto­ with the scimulus o f changing size. These results suggest
matically when an observer sw itches attention from an char the visual system needs more tim e to respond ro chang­
o b je c t ac one apparenc distance со one ac anocher apparenc ing blur than ic needs со respond со changing size. Kruger
distance. Proximal accom m odation is therefore noc volun­ and Pola claim ed thac the response to both cues was approx­
tary alchough ic is evoked when a person voluncarily changes imately che sum o f che responses со each cue tested alone.
V) v (C o llin s cc al. 1995). The question is complicaced by chc
fi R ange o f
a. 5 accom m odation facc that image blur in an eye with constant lens aberrations
0 D
тэ S teady-state varies with the axial length o f che eye. For example, a given
a> 4 erro r spherical aberracion ot che lens produces a greater degree o f
Ideal response line , image discorcion as the lens-to-recina discance is increased.
а(/> Q
0) з U nder-accom m odation Sin ce aberromecers measure lens aberracions indirectly by
•js 2 recording image distortions, allowance must be made for
as ^
Tonic accom m odation effects o f eye length. See C h en g ec al. (2 0 0 3 ) for a discus­
(dark focus)
sion ot chis point.
1 1
о O ver-accom m odation The eyes reach their full size ac abouc chc age o f 15 years.
8 .
< -L
People who develop myopia after chis age are said со have
+1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
Far S tim ulus verg en ce (dioptres) Near la te -o n se t m yopia. Ic is generally agreed that chis type
of myopia is associated with prolonged use ot the eyes in
Kij-urc 9.20. Л t y accom m odation response curve. J (тот U W am) С Ьм тдп
near work (O w ens 1991; Blackie and Howland 1999).
I9 8 S )
People with late-onset myopia accom m odate less well to
near stimuli chan do emmecropcs or hypermecropcs
(M cB rien and M illodoc 1986). In particular, chey show a
weak increase in accom m odacion со blur produced by che
W hen chere are cwo overlapping stim uli at differenc
introduction o f a negative lens. They show a normal decrease
but neigh boring distances, as when an o b ject is seen through
in accommodacion in response to blur produced by a posi­
a mesh, accom m odation usually settles at an interm ediate
tive lens (Gwiazda et al. 1993; Jiang 1997; A bbo tt et al.
depth (M andelbaum I9 6 0 ; Rosenfield and Ciuffreda
1998). Although myopes are relatively insensitive to blur
1991a). This suggests that accom m odative stim uli arc
produced by negacive lenses, chey showed normal acuity
averaged over a local area. W hat that area is has not been
and concrasc scnsicivicy for images blurred in chis way
determined. Analogous effects occur in vertical vergence
(Radhakrishnan ec al. 2 0 0 4 a , 2 0 0 4 b ). Ic would seem chac
(S ectio n 10.6.3b).
sonic myopes do noc increase cheir accom m odation to
It seems that accom m odation responses arc evoked by
near stim uli because chey can adequacely perceive che
blur o f a luminance-defined edge, but not by blur ot an
ouc-of-focus images. Ic has generally been found chac
edge defined only by color. An equilum inant red-green or
myopes wearing spectacle corrections have lower contrast
red-blue grating did not elicit appropriate accom m odation
sensitivicy chan cmmecropes (Fiorenrini and M atfei 1976;
even though the gratings were visibly o u t o f focus (W olfe
Scrangec al. 1998).
and O w ens 1 981). But this could be because the eye is
Late-onset myopia could be due to reduced sensitivity
more sensitive to a lum inance border chan to a chrom atic
со defocus blur or со a weakness in che mocor syscem.
border, especially for a grating o f high spatial-frequency.
Rosenfield and A braham -C ohen (1 9 9 9 ) approached this
Switkes ec al. (1У 90) com pared che accommodative
question by com paring che blur-dececcion thresholds o f a
responses со lum inance and chromacic gratings chac were
mixed group o f early-onset and lace-onset myopes with
equated for apparcnc concrasc. This was done by setting
those o f a group o f cmmecropes. A ccom m odacion was
each grating an equal num ber o f increm ent thresholds
paralyzed with a cycloplegic drug while subjects viewed
( JN D s ) above the contrast threshold. O n ce again, only the
a bipartite letter display chrough a Badal lens. O n e h a lf o f
lum inance grating elicited accom m odation responses.
che display was moved in depch uncil subjects could dececc
Totally color-blind subjects showed little or no accom ­
blur. The mean chreshold for chc 12 cmmecropes was
modative responses to change in target distance (Hearh
0 .1 0 9 + 0 .0 0 5 D and that for 12 myopes was 0 .1 8 7 + 0 .0 2 3 D.
1956c). They tended to adopt che position ot dark accom -
N o distinction was made between early-onscc and lacc-
m odacion. However, the insensitivity o f color-blind people
onset myopes. There are two ways to interpret these results.
to changing image blur may be due со cheir poor visual
They could signify thac myopes accom m odate less well
acuicy racher chan ro their lack o f cone receptors.
because they do n o t detect image blur. O n the other hand,
they could signify chac myopes arc adapced со image blur
9.6.2 BLUR D E T E C T IO N arising trom their m isacconunodation. This question is dis­
cussed further in Seccion 9.6.5b .
9 .6 .2 a B lu r D e te c tio n in M yo p es
In any case, chese results do noc prove chac inadequace
It is widely believed thac myopia is due primarily to the detection o f image blur is the only cause o f myopia. O cher
axial length o f che eye being to o long in relacion ro rhe possible factors include abnorm al axial length o f che eye,
curvacure o f che cornea, as described in Seccion 9.2.1. opcical aberrations, or an oculom ocor defect. The role
O n rhe ocher hand, there arc reports that myopia is associ­ o f image blur in the growch o f che eye was discussed in
ated with unusually large optical aberrations in the eye Seccion 6.3.1c.
9.6.21) Blur, M o n o cu la r D ip lop ia,
and C o n tra st-S e n sitiv itv

D efects in chc optics o t chc cvc can produce m onocular

diplopia (Fincham 1 9 6 3 ). For example, hypermetropia
coupled wich positive spherical aberration, or myopia
coupled w ith negative spherical aberration produces
m onocular diplopia (C offeen and G uyton 1988; Woods
e t al. 1996a). Also, m onocular diplopia can be produced by
In m onocular diplopia, chc image o f a line viewed wich
one eye is flanked by a faint ghost image with an angular
separation o f 0. W hen the spatial period o f a grating equals
20, the bars o f che firsc image arc 180" o u t o f phase with
those o f chc ghost image. C onscqucndy, chc concrasc o f chc S patial frequency (cpd)

image will be reduced. In fact, contrast will be reduced for

rtgwt9.2i. I f f i i t o f b lu r on th e con trast sensitivity fu n ction . The co n tra st
gratings with frequencies 1/20, 3/ 2 0, 5/2 0, etc. Tin is p ro ­ sensitivity In n ctio n o t on e su b ject w ith an in -focu s vertical grating and
duces periodic notches in the contrast sensitivity function. w ith a grating -2 1 ) o u t o f focus. Pupil d iam eter 6 m m . The predicted

The locations o f these notches may be calculated for a given co n tra st sen sitiv ity fu n ctio n was derived Irom m easurem ents ot
transverse ab erration s alo n g chc h o riz o n ta l m eridian o t chc eye. (л.Цч«ч!
eye from the eye’s aberrations.
from S i r J . I W )
Apkarian e t al. (1 9 8 7 ) detected dips in the contrast
sensitivity function when the orientation o f the grating
corresponded to chac ac w hich diplopia due со astigmatism
was evident. W oods et al. (1 9 9 6 b ) detected modulations in blur arising from a sinusoidal change in stimulus distance
in the contrast scnsicivicy funccion wich simulated myopia was lowest when blur was initially abouc 1 diopccr away
or hyperopia, especially with m onochrom atic gratings. from minim um . The results are shown in Figure 9 .2 2 . The
Atchison c t al. (1 9 9 8 ) revealed notches in che contrast- stimulus was described as a small high-concrasc object.

sensicivity functions o f hyperm etropic subjects that were Walsh and Charm an (1 9 8 8 ) used similar m ethods to
predicted by the aberrations o t cheir eyes. Predictions were measure che chrcshold tor dccccting sinusoidal changcs in
less successful wich a myopic subjccc. image blur o f a sinusoidal grating as a function o f temporal
Strang et al. (1 9 9 9 ) measured concrast-sensitivity frequency, pupil size, and mean position o f tocus. Sensitivity
functions for an in-focus image, and for images dcfocuscd to changes in blur was abouc 0.1 1) higher when the image
- 2 D and + 2 D . Pupil diam eters were 2 ,4 , and 6 mm. W hile was defocused about 2 D compared wich when ic was in
chc funccion wich an in-focus image showed chc usual focus. Note that defocusing a sine-wave grating reduces its
m o n o to n ic decline with increasing spatial frequency, func­ contrast buc does noc change ics spatial-frequency content.
tions with dcfocuscd images showed the predicted notches S en sitiv ity to a d ifferen ce in sta tic blu r is measured
for both directions o f defocus. An example is shown in by asking subjects to discrim inate betw een a fixed com pari­
Figure 9 .21. son stimulus and a test stimulus set at various levels o f
blur. Blur may be optically incroduccd inco chc stim uli pre­
sented at the same distance. In this case it is n o t necessary to 4

9 .6 .3 B L U R D IS C R IM IN A T IO N paralyze the lens. Blur may also be produced by defocusing

Ну W ebers law, one would expect a given blur added со a

sharp edge would be m ore noticeable chan che same blur
added со a less sharp edge. However, a smaller change in
blur can be detecced when the stimulus is initially slightly
blurred than when ic is initially in sharp focus. us firsc
look at the evidence for this seemingly counterintuitive
In measuring a persons sen sitivity to a ch an ge in
d cfo cu s b lu r the lens is firsc paralyzed w ith hom atropinc M ean d efocus (diop(res)
and the visual target is viewed through an artificial pupil.
The cargcc is also viewed chrough a Badal lens so chac ics n*»r<9.22- D iscrim in ation o fd e fa u s btun Threshold fo r d etectio n o f
л change in blur o f a visual o b je ct m ovin g back am i fo rth alo n g the
image does n o t change in size when the target is moved in
visual axi* At 2 H z av a fu n ctio n o f th e m ean d cfo cu s blur o f th e im age.
depth. W ith these procedures, C am pbell and W estheim er T h e eye was h om atrop in ized an d a 3-m m artificial pupil wav placed
(1 9 5 8 ) showed that the threshold for detection o f a change b efore the eye. (AbfiuA »V*mC—pbdJ uxl WotWinwr 195*)
a change in chc relative responses o f different spatial- 9 .6 .4 b D e p th o f F ield and P u p il D ia m e te r
frequency channels.
A pupil controlled by the iris muscles acts as an aperture
Л similar dipper function occurs in any system that
stop to control the am ount o f light entering the eye.
contains detectors with overlapping tuning functions,
Changes in pupil size also affect the optical quality o f che
as explained in S ection 3.1.3b.
image. Thus, as the pupil enlarges, diffraction decreases,
spherical aberration increases, and the Sciles-Crawford
effect increases. Also, depth o f field decreases with
9 .6 .4 D E P T H O F F I E L D A N D
increasing pupil size. For a given viewing distance and
level o f illum ination, the pupil adjusts autom atically to
9 .6 .4 а C h aracteristics o f the D e p th o f Field achieve the best com prom ise betw een these various optical
For a given sratc o f accom m odation, the range o f distance
D epth o f field decreases with near viewing. Photogra­
over which an o b ject can move w ithout image blur being
phers counteract this effect by reducing che aperture o f the
detectable is the dep th o f field. The range o f distance over
cam era for near shots. For tar shots, the aperture can be
which an image can move w ithout blur being detectable is
increased to allow more light in to the camera. For the same
the dep th o f focus. In linear terms, depth o f field and depth
reasons, the pupil con tracts for near viewing and enlarges
o f focus differ, but in terms o f visual angle or diopters, they
for far viewing.
are the same.
C am pbell (1 9 5 7 ) measured the depth o f field for a
It optical aberrations are ignored, and the resolving
black disk as pupil diam eter was increased, with illum ina­
power o f the system is know n, one can calculate the depth
tion and viewing distance constant. D epth o f field with a
o t field tor an o b ject at a given distance and a pupil o f a
2-m m pupil was ± 0 .4 3 D and that with a 6-m m pupil was
given size (see Sm ith and Atchison 1997, p. 2 3 3 ).
± 0 .2 1 D. O gle and Schw artz (1 9 5 9 ) found thac depth o f
In practice, optical aberrations have a considerable
field increased about 0 .1 2 D for each m illim eter decrease
effect on depth o f field, so that accurate calculations arc
in pupil diameter. As depth o f field increases, the steady-
impossible (C am pbell 1 9 5 7 ). D epth o l field can be deter­
state error o f accom m odation increases, because accom m o­
mined psychophysically by asking observers to m onocularly
dation tends to be pulled inco che scacc o t dark focus. W ich
fixate one o b ject and report when the image ot another
a very small pupil, o b jects at all distances are in focus, and
o b je c t becom es blurred. A more refined psychophysical
accom m odation falls into the state o f dark focus o f about
procedure involves measuring resolution acuity w ith a
1 D (H cn n essy ct al. 1 9 7 6 ). The accommodacion/scimulus-
checkerboard at different out-of-focus distances (O gle and
distance curve then becom es flat (C am p bell 1 9 5 7 ; Ward
Schwartz 1 9 5 9 ). Pupil size should be controlled by an
and Charm an 1985).
artificial pupil and accom m odation can be paralyzed.
For a sinusoidal grating, image blur reduces the
A m ore objective m ethod tor measuring depth o f field is
contrast o f the image w ithout affecting its spatial frequency
to determ ine the m inim um out-of-focus blur ot an image
or phase. As the pupil contracts, blur due to diffraction
that evokes a change in accom m odation. A ccording to this
increases. The theoretical loss o f contrast in the image o f a
m ethod, depth o t field is defined as the range o f distance
grating in an aberration-free eye for various pupil diameters
in o b ject space within which a stimulus can move w ithout
is shown in Figure 9.7a. I lowcver, blur due to spherical
generating a change in accom m odation.
aberration decreases as the pupil gets smaller. Figure 9.7b
U nder optim al conditions, and with a pupil diam eter
shows the measured overall loss o f contrast in the image
o f 2.5 m m , depth o f field is about 0.3 D (C am pbell 1957).
o f a sinusoidal grating as a function o f the spatial frequency
This m eans that errors o f focus w ithin about 0 .3 D do not
o f the grating. Figure 9.7 c shows the loss in concrasc relative
cause detectable blurring o f the image and would n o t be
to a diffraction-lim ited system.
expected to evoke an accom m odative response.
For a given size o t pupil, there is a distance beyond
which all objects are in focus at the same tim e— the depth
9 .6 .4 c D e p th o f Field and S p a tia l F re q u e n c y
o t field extends to infinity. As an o b ject approaches an
observer, with pupil size held constant, stimulus vergence Blur reduces the contrast in the image o f a sinusoidal grat­
increases and depth ot field decreases. ing and therefore pulls down the eye’s m odulation transfer
The b o u n d aricso f the depth o f field, however measured, function. This lowers the upper lim it o f spatial-frequency
are nor sharp. A lso, they are not stable because o fth e m icro­ resolution, as shown in Figure 9.7. For dilated pupils, depth
fluctuations o f accom m odation described in S ection 9.7.2. o f field increased from 2.5 D with a grating o f 3.5 cpd to
Any factor thac decreases rhe depth o f field should about 17 D at 0.25 cpd (Legge et al. 1987).
improve the accuracy and stability o t accom m odation. The contrast o f a grating becom es more and more atten­
D epth o f field and accuracy o f accom m odation are affected uated as the grating moves from the plane o f focus. This
by the factors described in the following sections. causes a progressive decline o f the highest resolvable spacial
frequency. Figure 9 .2 5 shows che theoretical modulation accurate accom m odation to a grating with a spatial fre­
transfer functions for .in aberration-free eye with a 4-m m quency o f 5 cpd, but could n o t m aintain accurate accom ­
pupil and m onochrom atic light o f wavelength 5 3 5 nm. m odation to a grating o f 15 cpd (W ard 1987b).
As image defocus increases, the contrast ot the images of However, one must allow for the facc chac che contrasc-
high spatial frequency gratings becom es progressively sensicivicy funccion (Seccion 3 .2 .5 ) peaks between 3 and 5
attenuated. Negative values o f the transfer function repre­ cpd. The visual system becom es progressively less sensitive
sent regions o f spurious resolution. In a real eye, effects as spatial frequency is increased above 5 cpd and loses all
o f defocus arc modified by spherical and chrom atic sensitivity to contrast m odulations at a spatial frequency
aberrations. o f about 6 0 cpd. O w ens (1 9 8 0 ) found thac che accuracy o f
The m ain point is th at only detectors sensitive to steady-state accom m odation for a high contrast sinusoidal
low spatial frequency can register an image that is well grating was also optim al at these same spatial frequencies.
out o f focus. Therefore, whatever th e stimulus, the initial Thus, with a sinusoidal grating stimulus, accom m oda­
accomm odative response to an out-of-focus o b ject is tion and detection rely on the same contrast-detection
evoked only by detectors o f low spatial frequencies. m echanism .
Charm an and Heron (1 9 7 9 ) dem onstrated chis p o in t by A ccom m odation is more accurate tor people with
measuring changes in accom m odative from a prefocused high acuity than for those with low acuity (Legge c t al.
stimulus at a distance o t 0 .2 5 or 0 .1 6 m to a gracing ac 1 9 8 7 ). Amblyopes show reduced contrast sensitivity and
0.5 m. As che spacial frequency o f che gracing increased reduced accommodative response over m ost o f t h e spatial-
from 1.0 cpd со 16 cpd, the response weakened until no frequency range (W ood and Tom linson 1 9 7 5 ; Ciutfreda
response occurred. The spatial frequency ac which the and H okoda 1983).
response ceased varied betw een subjects. The above results apply to sinusoidal gratings in
As an image com es in to focus, higher spatial-frequency which anything that increases image blur reduces only the
com ponents o f the stimulus becom e resolved, and accom ­ concrasc o f che gracing. However, che resulcs do n o t apply
modacion com es under che control o f detectors sensitive to more complex stim uli in which increases in image blur
to high spatial frequency. Accordingly, the final accuracy may affect the shape or phase o f the image. K otulak and
o f accom m odation is determ ined by the highest d etect­ S ch or (1 9 8 7 ) found chac changing the spatial frequency,
able spacial frequency in the stimulus (C harm an and Tucker lum inance, and contrasc o f a difference o f Gaussian (D O G )
1977). scimulus affected visual detection and accom m odation
Charm an and Tucker (1 9 7 8 a ) measured the accuracy responses in differenc ways. They concluded chac changing
o f steady-state accom m odation as a function o t the spatial concrasc affects visual dececcion and accom m odation in a
frequency o f a sinusoidal grating with 8 0 % contrast. A t a similar way for a simple sine wave, bur not for a broadband
spatial frequency o f 0 .4 cpd, the steady-state error was sim i­ stimulus.
lar to that observed with an em pty field. As spacial fre­ C iutfreda and Hokoda (1 9 8 5 a ) found that accom m o­
quency increased to 3 0 cpd, accom m odation accuracy dation was affected more by stimulus spatial frequency
improved. W ith a grating o f 2 5 % contrast, subjects showed when subjects accom m odated in a relaxed fashion rather
than strived со obcain che besc focus. O n e cannoc ignore
che possible effect o f instructions in any experim ent on
accom m odation.
1 .0

0 .8 9 .6 .4 d D ep th o t Field, C o n tra s t, and L u m in a n ce

to D epth ot field decreases as a linear funccion o t log lum i­
с 0 .6
2 nance and as a linear funccion o f increasing concrasc
.9 0 .4 (C am pbell 1 9 5 7 ). The decrease in depch o f field is accom ­
panied by im provem ent in visual acuicy due со increasing
TJ 0 .2
lum inance and concrasc. At verv
# low levels o f luminance
0 0 .5 3 D or contrast, accom m odation reverts to the state ot dark
focus whatever the distance o f the o b ject (Cam pbell 1954;
- 0 .2 Nadell and Knoll 1 9 5 6 ; Joh n so n 1 9 7 6 ). This suggests that
10 20 30 40
S patial frequency (cpd) accom m odation is mediated primarily by the cones.
R eduction o f lum inance contrast reduces the accuracy
к*ш с 9.25. M odulation tran sferfu n ctio m fo r le t eh o f defocus.. T h e eye is o f accom m odation to step changes in rhe distance o f a
assumed to be a b e rra tio n free w ith a p u p il d ia m e te r o f 4 m m .
grating, although accom m odation is m ost stable when
T h e s tim u li arc sine-wave g ra tin g s in m o n o c h ro m a tic lig h t o f
5 >5 n m . A m o d u la tio n tra n s fe r o f l in dicate s fu ll tran sm issio n o f contrast is slightly less than 1 (B ou r 1981). 'Ih c accuracy
c o n tra s t. (Av4j|iud f»«4» Ch.»rmiu JvcUr 1977) o f steady-state accom m odation is affected only slightly by
pattern so chat images chat do noc conform со che usual power speccrum, defined as che amplicude o f concrasc as a
pacccrn appear blurred. funccion o f spatial frequency. Typically, concrasc falls in
Areal ec al. (2 0 0 4 ) measured che wavefront aberration inverse proporcion со spacial frequency (DeValois and
o f subjeccs' eyes in real tim e by che procedure described DeValois 1 9 8 8 ). This scaciscical propcrcy o f visual scenes is
in Seccion 9 .1 .3c. The recorded signals were used со concrol macched by che differencial sensicivicy o f ditferenc spacial-
an adaptive optic*» device chac could change che aberration frequency channels in che human visual system. This keeps
parccrn. This device consists o f a flexible m irror like those signal strength roughly conscanc across spacial scales. In
used by ascronomers со eorrecr deform ations in celescope a model o f chis process, Field and Brady (1 9 9 7 ) assumed
images produced by che atmosphere (H u bin and N oethc chac chc spatial-frequency bandwideh o f cortical cells,
1993). Subjeccs viewed a random -doc display in m onochro- racher chan cheir concrasc sensicivicy, increases wich spacial
macic lighc chrough che adaptive opcics syscem. The syscem frequency.
presenced eicher che norm al pacccrn o f aberracion or rhe O cher chings being equal, che perceived blur o f a
same aberration pacccrn rocaced со one o t seven angles well-focused image o f a fam iliar nacural objecc will depend
becween 45° and 315°. Displays wich unusual aberracion on how closely ics power speccrum resembles che normal
appeared blurred relacive со che display wich normal aberra­ power speccrum o t chac objecc. An objecc appears blurred
cion. The effect was measured by having subjeccs adjusc che when high spacial frequencies are filtered off, and ic appears
blur o f each abnorm al display со m atch chac o f a subse­ unusually sharp when low spacial frequencies are filcered
quently seen norm al display. M ore reccndy, in same labora- off*. Tli is suggests chac we learn to appreciace che degree
cory ic was found chac a random-cexcure display appeared o f blur in che images o f fam iliar objects. I f so, exposure to
lease blurred when abouc 12% o f aberrations were left a fam iliar objecc wich an unusual degree o f blur should
uncorrccced com pared wich when che aberrations were affect a persons judgm enc o f image blur.
fully correcccd by adapcive opcics (C h en ec al. 2 0 0 7 ). W ebster ec al. (2 0 0 2 ) confirm ed chis prediction. They
O n e problem wich che idea chac people gee used со found chac a few minuces’ exposure со a physically blurred
cheir own optical aberrations is chac che aberrations change piccure o f a face, oucdoor scene, or checkerboard caused
wich changes in accom m odation and pupil diameccr. a norm al piccure Co appear unusually sharp. Exposure со an
However, som e feacures o f che pome-spread funccion, such unusually sharp image, produced by filccringoffslow spacial
as ics oriencacion, remain scable, and people may learn со frequencies caused a normal image со appear blurred. Also,
adapt eo che dynamic changes. a normal piccure em bedded in a blurred surround appeared
A m ore radical nocion is chac che nervous syscem has unusually sharp, and one embedded in an unusually sharp
some m echanism for com pensating tor aberrations o f che surround appeared less sharp. This suggescs chac che relacive
eyes. This would mean chac acuity would improve as we sensicivicies o f spacial-frequency channels in the visual
adapc со a given image blur. system are continuously adjusccd со com pcnsacc for
M on-W illiam s ec al. (1 9 9 8 ) approached chis question variations in che spacial-frequency concenc o f che recinal
by measuring leccer acuicy and concrasc sensicivicy betore image.
and after subjeccs viewed che world chrough + 1 1 ) lenses for In Seccion 9.6.2a ic was mencioned chac myopes are
3 0 minuces. Boch eescs revealed an improvemenr in acuicy less sensitive со image blur chan arc emmccropcs. This
wich no change in ocular refraction. The improvemenc suggests thac myopes adapt to the blur resulting from
cransferred abouc 3 5 % from an eye chac had viewed chrough their inadequate accom m odation. Vera-Diaz et al. (2 0 0 4 )
chc lens со che ocher eye, w hich had been occluded. exposed myopes to a distinctly blurred image produced
An increase in che gain o f dececcors sensitive со high by diffusing lenses for 3 m inutes. During and immediately
spacial frequencies should improve acuicy. Buc chcrc would after the adaptation period the myopes showed a signifi­
also be an increase in high-frequency noise, which would cant increase in their accom m odation со a near eargcc.
cancel che improvemenc in acuicy. There could be some Emmecropes showed no effect o f adaptation. It thus seems
improvemenc it subthrcshold spatial frequencies became that myopes show enhanced accom m odation when the
visible. The ocher possibilicy is chac che gain o f lower blur signal in increased.
spacial-frequency dececcors is reduced, which would reduce
cheir masking etfecc on high spacial-frequency dececcors.
9 .6 .5 c A dap tation to C h r o m a tic A berration
M on-W illiam s ec al. found chac adapcacion со che 4 1 L")
lenses did indeed reduce concrasc sensicivicy for gracings Although the eye has considerable chrom atic aberration,
becween abouc 5 and 25 cpd. we are nor aware o f color fringes. G ibson (1 9 3 3 ) reported
that color fringes ot opposite sign were seen for several
hours after removal o f prisms th at had been worn for 3 days.
9 .6 .5 b Adapcacion to O b je c c Blur
These so-called p h an tom fringes must be neural rather
In addition со defocus blur, image blur arises because objcccs than optical in origin, since they showed in m onochrom atic
vary in sharpness. A given nacural objecc has a characteristic light (Hay e t al. 1 9 6 3 ). Hay found that, after wearing
chrom atically aberrant lenses continuously for two days, may be due to the way depth o f field is measured. The blur-
the color fringes that the lens introduced were no longer detection threshold is a time-averaged value lying within
visible. Adaptation to chrom atic aberration may be the zone o f subject uncertainty and by m icrofluctuations o f
related to the color-contingent aftereffect described in accom m odation. But an accom m odative response could be
Section 4 .2.9c. triggered by a peak value o f blur that m om entarily exceeds
the time-averaged blur threshold. The follow ing evidence
supports this idea.
9.7 A C C O M M O D A T I O N
C am pbell and W estheim er (1 9 5 8 ) paralyzed accom m o­
dation, applied a 3-m m artificial pupil, and moved a test
o b ject back and forth along the visual axis at 2 Hz. Subjects
9 .7 .1 S T E A D Y - S T A T E A C C O M M O D A T IO N adjusted the am plitude of m otion until they could just
d etect a change in blur. Target excursions were centered on
9 .7 .1 a M icro flu ctu a tio n s o f A cco m m o d a tio n
various pedestal values o f blur between plus and minus 3 D.
For any system that uses error feedback to m aintain a steady- Sensitivity to changes in blur was within the range o f
state response there is a range o f error signals that are too changes produced by m icrofluctuations o f accom m odation,
small to be detected. This is the systems dead zone. For which supports the idea that these fluctuations contribute
accom m odation, the dead zone is the range o f defocus to the control o f steady-state accom m odation.
w ithin which an accom m odative response is n o t evoked. W in n et al. (1 9 8 9 ) used an infrared optom eter to
The ou tp u t o f a system should therefore fluctuate within record signals arising from m icrofluctuations o f accom m o­
the dead zone and a correction should be applied when the dation. The lens was then immobilized with a cvcloplegic
crror-dctcction threshold is exceeded. Fluctuations o f this drug, and the recorded signals were used to m odulate the
kind are seen in the movements o f the eyes as a person blur o f a Snellen letter. The threshold for detection o f blur
attem pts to steadily fixate a small o bject. Sim ilar fluctua­ m odulations was approximately the root-m ean-square of
tions o f accom m odation should occur when a person the fluctuations. The peaks o f the fluctuations, although
attem pts to focus steadily on an o b je ct at a given distance. n o t detected psychophysically, would be capable o f evoking
W h en the gaze is fixed on a small target, che accom m o­ accommodative responses.
dative state o f the eye fluctuates w ith an am plitude o f up Pupil con striction increases the depth o f field and
to about + 0 .2 5 D. A low-frequency com pon ent o f up to 0.6 thereby reduces the change in image blur as the lens changes
H z can be distinguished from a high-frequency com ponent its focal length. I f m icrofluctuations o f accom m odation are
o f betw een 1 and 3 Hz (C am pbell et al. 1959; Charm an to provide an effective error signal they should increase in
and Heron 1 988). Fluctuations o f accom m odation in the am plitude as the pupil constricts. Gray et al. ( 1 9 9 3 a ) found
tw o eyes are correlated in phase and am plitude, which that the am plitude o f m icrofluctuations o f under 1 Hz
shows that they do not arise only from instabilities in increased as pupil diam eter was reduced below 2 mm by
the ciliary muscles (C am pbell 1 9 6 0 ). The high-frequency artificial pupils. The amplitude of m icrofluctuations above
com pon ent is correlated with the frequency o f the arterial 1 Hz was not affected. Also, increasing pupil diam eter above
pulse and is therefore not under neural control or scimulus 2 mm did n o t affect the amplitude ot m icrofluctuations.
con trol. The power o f the low-frequency com ponent is They concluded that steady-state accom m odation is co n ­
related to the quality o f the image, and its frequency is trolled by low-frequency fluctuations ot accom m odation.
related to the frequency o f stimulus oscillation in depth Yao et al. (2 0 1 0 ) found that the magnitude o f m icrof­
(W in n 2 0 0 0 ). This shows that low-frequency fluctuations luctuations o f accom m odation was correlated with the
are under feedback control from the retina. Blur o f the objectively determ ined depth o f field, as one would expect
retinal image must be the crucial stimulus. H ie amplitude if peak values o f fluctuations evoke accommodative
o f fluctuations in accom m odation is maximal at the resting responses.
state o f accom m odation. This is probably because tension A t low levels ot luminance, high spatial frequencies
in the accom m odation system is least at this p oint, leaving becom e undetectable, and larger fluctuations o f accom m o­
the lens freer to oscillate (D cn icu l 1982; Kotulak and Schor dation are therefore required to produce a discriminable
1986b). change in image contrast. Gray e t al. (1 993b ) tound that low-
D epth o f Held defined by detection o f blur is typically frequency m icrofluctuations o f accom m odation increased
about + 0 .2 5 D . But an accom modative response can be near the luminance threshold (below 0 .0 0 4 cd/nr).
evoked by a step change o f stimulus vergence o f only 0.1 D W e can conclude that m icrofluctuations o f accom m o­
(Ludlam ct al. 1 968). K otulak and Sch or (1 9 8 6 c ), also, dation provide error signals required to keep the eyes
found that accom m odation is evoked by a degree o f blur reasonably well focused on an o b ject. The system m oni­
that can n ot be detected psychophysically. However, tors the changing blur produced by neurally controlled
CiufFreda et al. (2 0 0 7 ) found no difference betw een subjec­ fluctuations o f accom m odation, and applies an appropriate
tive and objective measures o f depth o f field. The difference correction.
9 .7 .1 b Steady-State Bias wich a lacency o f 3 6 0 ms со a seep change in depth (Stark
e ta l. 1965).
Th e steady-state bias o f accom m odation manifests itself in
The accom m odative response to a 2 D ramp change in
a tendency to return to che tonic scace o f dark focus ac
discance from an inicial discance o f 2.5 D becam e less stable
abouc 1.5 D , as shown in Figure 9.20. For exam ple, with
as ramp velocicy increased from 0.5 со 5 D/s. Ac higher
a 1-nim pupil, objects closer than che scace o t dark focus
velocities, che accominodacive response m ore trequencly
were severely underaccom m odaced, while o b jects beyond
lagged behind che scimulus and required rapid cacch-up
the resting scace were slightly overaccom m odated (W ard
movements со bring it back on target (H ung and Ciuffreda
and C harm an 1 985). A nything thac increases chc depth
o f field allows accom m odation more latitude to change
w ithout generating an effective error signal. The tendency
to move coward che resting state is therefore increased, 9 .7 .2 b Gain
which flattens the stim ulus-rcsponsc curve. Thus, pupil
The gain o f acco m m o d a tio n is response am plitude as a
constriction and low stimulus concrasc increase depth o f
function o f chc change in depth o f che stimulus, boch
Held and thus increase the tendency o f che eyes со return со
expressed in diopcers. G ain declines with increasing fre­
the scace o f dark focus.
quency (Scark 19 68; O ’ Neill W D and Brodkey 1970).
Alchough a sccady-stacc bias degrades che accuracy
Subjects may learn to anticipate the m ovem ent o f stimuli
o f any control system, it improves ics stability. The bias
that change sinusoidally, and thereby improve gain and
dam pens any ccndcncy o f the sysccm со drift against the
phase lag (Van der W ild t ec al. 1 9 7 4 ). This problem may
direccion o f che bias, hi ocher words, a bias applies an elastic
be avoided by using unprediccable scimulus changes. See
conscrainc. Also, a biased syscem
/ is noc likelv
t со drift far Charm an and Heron (2 0 0 0 ) for a discussion o f chis issue.
in the direction o f che bias. An unbiased accommodacion
A nocher problem is chac people are able со in h ibit che
syscem fluccuaccs around che cencer o f rhe depth o f field
accom m odative response to a stimulus m oving sinusoidally
(che posicion o f m inim um blu r), while a biased syscem is
in depth (Van der W ild t et al. 1974).
pulled coward one boundary o t che blur-dececcion chresh­
W e saw in Section 9 .6 .4 c thac che gain o f sceady-scace
old region. We saw in Seccion 9.6.1 chac che discrim ination
accom m odacion is optim al for sinusoidal gratings with
chreshold for changes in blur is lower tor scimuli slighdy
spatial frequencies o f 3 ro 5 cpd. O n e can ask how che gain
away from the position o f minim um blur. An unbiased
o f accom m odacion is affected by che tem poral frequ en cy
system requires a large change in focus in one or the other
o f scimulus modulacion in depch.
direccion со gcncrace a dececcable error signal. A biased
C am pbell and W escheimer ( I 9 6 0 ) tound chat che
system requires only a small change o f focus in the direc­
maximum cemporal frequency o f sinusoidal oscillacion
cion o f che bias со gcncrace a detectable signal. In chis way
ot a square-wave gracing thac evoked a detectable change
a sceady-scace error o f accom m odacion improves che etfec-
in accom m odation was about 4 Hz.
civcncss o f chc error signal arising from microfluccuacions
M adiew s and Kruger (1 9 9 4 ) suggesced chac che gain
o f accom m odacion.
o f accommodacion to a grating would be improved by an
increase in either the amplitude or temporal frequency
o f depth m odulation. They proposed that im provem ent
9 .7 .2 D Y N A M I C S О F A C С О M M О D A T IО N would be greater tor gratings o f low spatial frequency
than for those o f high spatial frequency. They measured
9 .7 .2 а Lacency and Phase Lag
accom m odative responses to sine-wave gratings with spacial
Accom m odacion со a 2 D seep change in dcpch occurred frequencies becween 0 .9 8 and 10.5 cpd, modulaced in
with a mean laten cy o f about 3 5 0 ms. Response velocity depch ac frequencies betw een 0 .0 5 H z and 0.8 H z chrough
increased exponentially with a tim e constant o f abouc amplicudes o f 0 .5 or 2 D . The resulcs for one subjecc are
2 5 0 ms со a peak velocity o f about 10 D/s, which was shown in Figure 9 .2 6 . Gain was maximal ac spacial frequen­
reached in abouc 7 50 ms (C am pbell and W cstheim er I9 6 0 ; cies between 3 and 5 cpd, as reported by ocher investigators.
Tucker and C harm an 1 979). Latencies and response times For boch amplicudes o f depth modulacion, gain declined
were sim ilar for m onocular and binocular viewing. Latencies for all spacial frequencies as cemporal frequency increased
o f accom m odative responses were similar for seep changes from 0 .0 5 со 0.8 H z. However, higher tem poral frequencies
in stimulus distance at near distances and ac far distances or higher amplitudes had no more effect tor low spatial
(Shirachi cc al. 1978). frequencies than for high spatial frequencies.
The phase lag o f a cco m m o d atio n со a sinusoidal
scimulus change is che phase delay in degrees becween rhe
9 .7 .2 c Velocity o f A cco m m o d a tio n
peak response and che peak scimulus displaccmenc. The
phase la g o f accom m odative responses to a predictable sinu­ The peak v elo city o f saccades increases linearly with increas­
soidal m orion-in-depch was tound to be 100 ms compared ing amplitude, a relationship known as the m ain sequ en ce
0.1 and 3 D (C iutfrcda and Kruger 1988). There was great
intersubject variability betw een the ages o f 2 0 and 3 0 years
(Kaschurirangan c t al. 2 0 0 3 ). Л linear relationship between
velocity and am plitude was evident only for near-to-far
accom m odation.
A ccom m odation tends to relax to the resting state o f
about 1.5 D iopters (Scctio n 9 .3 .1 ). O n e m ight therefore
expect that accom m odation responses would be faster
when the stim ulus moves toward the location o f the resting
state than when it moves away from the resting state. This
would mean that, trom an initial tar position, far-to-near
accom m odation should be faster than near-to-far accom ­
m odation. From an initial near position, near-to-far should
be faster. Shirachi et al. (1 9 7 8 ) found that the velocities
o t accom m odation to step changes in stimulus distance
conform ed to this pattern.
(а) 2 D modulation
Schaertel et al. (1 9 9 3 ) found far-to-near accom m oda­
tion in the range 1 D to - 7 .1 D to be slower than near-
to -far accom m odation. However, Heron and W in n (1 9 8 9 )
reported that near-to-far accom m odation w ithin the range
- 0 .5 to - 5 D had a longer latency and took longer to reach
its final state than far-to-near accom m odation. But these
investigators did not distinguish between responses toward
the resting state and those away from the resting state.
Yamada and Ukai (1 9 9 7 ) produced evidence that the
presence o f image blur bu t not its m agnitude is registered
before an accom m odative response is initiated. They m ea­
sured dynam ic accommodative responses as a small visual
target m oving stepwise through various depth intervals,
either trom tar to near or from near to tar. Figure 9 .2 7 shows
a set o f near-to-far responses from one subject. Initially,
all responses changed at the same rate. In other words,
the responses did not obey the main-sequence rule typical
(b) 0.5 D modulation ot saccades and vergence. The initial com m on velocity ot
accom m odative responses could reflecc the tim e constant
Figure 9 .24*. Spatiotem poralproperties o f accom m odation, G a in o f
o t return ot the ciliary muscles to their conic state ot
accom m odative; responses to a gratin g o f various spatial frequ encies
m odulated in depth at various tem p oral frequ en cies. The am plitude ot accom m odation at about 1.5 D. It can be seen in that the
m od u lation was 2 D in (a) and 0 .5 Г) in (b ). R esults for on e su b ject. responses leveled oft in order o f their m agnitude. Yamada
(A tfo plcd fitini M m Ii c m and Kro£Cf 1994) and U kai argued chac, during a near-co-far response, blur
is noc preregiscered buc is concinually m onicorcd and
chac chc response hales when blur is minimal. Hut Yamada
(Seccion 10.5.8). Invescigacors agree chac peak velocicy and U k a is data do n o t prove chat blur magnitude is noc
o f accom m odation increases with stimulus magnicudc. preregiscered.
However, estim ates o f the slope o f the function relating
velocity to am plitude have varied betw een 0.8 and 2.5.
These differences could be due to individual differences
and to investigators using different ranges and starting
points o f accom m odation and different optom eters.
D uring electrical stim ulation ot the Edingcr-W estphal
nucleus o f aneschecized m onkeys che peak velocity o f
accomm odative responses increased linearly as response
amplitude increased from 0 .5 8 to 17.41 D (V ilupuru and
Time (s)
Glasser 2 0 0 2 ). In five human subjects w ith an accom m oda­
tive range o f at least 6 D , peak velocity o f accom m odation i 9.27. steeom m etfatiee n ear-to-far step responses. Sam ple responses from
was a linear function o f am plitude for amplitudes between o n e su b ject. Iron. Y j n W i Jfid U l u ! I W )
M arran and Sch or (1 9 9 8 ) argued that the states o f focus The proccss involves the deliberate introduction o f ani­
o f the stim uli in these studies were not sufficientlyi different som etropia. Patients learn, with variable success, to see
in the tw o eyes and th at the stim uli may have been rival- whichever image is m ost clearly in focus and suppress the
rous. They also pointed out that responses were measured more blurred image. Thus, they learn to use one eye for
successively rather than simultaneously. After allowing for far vision and the other eye for near vision.
these factors they measured the response o f the two eyes to
lens-induced an iso-accom m odative stimuli. The targets
were dichoptic letters, cach in a binocular fram e. The d if­ 9 .8 C U E IN G T H E S IG N O F
ferential blur of the letters provided visual feedback about A C C O M M O D A T IO N
rhe relative accom m odation o f the two eyes. Positive lenses,
increasing in steps o f 0.5 D up to 3 D , were introduced Static blur indicates the magnitude o f m isaccom m odation
alternately before the left and right eyes. Subjects attempted but not its direction. This is because an out-of-focus image
to keep both letters in focus while their accom m odation is blurred by an equal am ount on either side of the plane
was measured over a period o f 3 m inutes. The mean an iso- o f focus. Hlur is said to provide an even-error signal.
accom m odative response was 0.75 D for the largest stim u­ U nder natural conditions, depth cues such as perspec­
lus value. For four o f seven subjects the response became tive, overlap, parallax, and disparity indicate w hether the
more consensual as distance was increased. This effect was eyes are under- or overaccom m odated. In the absence of
a function o f the apparent distance o f the targets rather such cues, the correct direction o f accom m odation could be
than o f the level o f accom m odation (M arran and Sch or determ ined by trial and error. However, accommodative
1999). responses usually occur immediately in che correct direc­
The aniso-accom m odation responses had a mean latency tion. This means that underaccom m odated images must
o f 11 s and took 4.5 s to com plete, compared w ith a latency differ in some way from overaccom m odated images.
o f 0 .4 s and a com pletion tim e o f 1.25 s for consensual Any such difference could provide an odd-error signal.
responses. These differences in dynamics suggest th at aniso- W hatever m echanism s are used to sign the direction o f
accom m odation is designed to deal w ith steady-state errors accom m odation, it has been found that they fail for images
rather than rapidly changing stimuli. more than 2 diopters out o f focus (Fincham 1 9 5 1 ). Types
Koh and C harm an (1 9 9 8 b ) presented subjects with o f inform ation that could indicate the direction o f accom ­
objects that differed in accom m odative distance by up to modation are described in che follow ing seccions.
3 L). They found no systematic aniso-accom m odation.
Rather, both eyes tended to accom m odate to the more
distant object.
Flitcroft et al. 1,1992) measured accom m odative
responses to stimuli rapidly changing in accommodative The initial accom m odation со an ouc-of-focus image could
demand. They m odulated accom m odation demand by sinu­ be made ac random and chen correcced if in che wrong
soidally changing the power o f lenses placed in fron t o f the direction. C am pbell and W estheim er (1 9 5 9 ) found chac
eyes. The phase o f stimulus m odulation differed between subjects made many initial errors in responses to an out-
the two eyes by either 90" or 180°, or else the modulation of-focus image when cues со the direction o f m isaccom m o­
was applied to only one eye. In both humans and monkeys dation were elim inated.
the accom m odative response represented the vector average Troelstra et al. (1 9 6 4 ) cried со elim inate all cues to che
o f the stimuli in the tw o eyes. Thus, when the modulation direction o f accom m odation, including chrom atic aberra­
was 180" out o f phase in the two eyes there was no response. cion. They measured che inicial responses со a horizontal
W hen the stimulus was modulated in only one eye, the line as it scepped randomly in depth through + 2 D every
response was much reduced com pared w ith that in binocu ­ 4 0 0 ms. Two o f chrec subjeccs always responded in che co r­
lar viewing. W h en the two eyes were presented with rect direction. They presumably used a cue that had not
modulated orthogonal gratings, stimulus averaging did noc been com pletely elim inated. H alf the inicial responses o f
occur. Instead, the response at any tim e was determ ined by the third subject were in the wrong direction but were
whichever grating was perceptually dom inant (Flitcroft and quickly corrected. This indicates th at the su bject was hunt­
M orley 1997). ing. H unting is therefore a possible mode o fop eration when
o ther cues are not available.
M icrofluctuations o f accom m odation thac occur in che
9 .7 .3 b M o n o v is io n
2-H z range may provide directional inform ation w ithin the
In rhe therapeutic process known as monovision, one 0.3-s reaction tim e o f a response. This would not work for
eye, usually the dom inant eye, is corrected for far vision large changes in accom m odacion, because m icrofluctua-
and the other eye is corrected for near vision. This is done cions o f blur would noc be deceeced when the image is well
with refractive surgery, co n tact lenses, or intraocular lenses. ouc o f focus. Responses со seep changes o f less chan 1 D have
been found со be in chc correcc dircccion (Fincham 1951). In general, subjeccs maincaincd accurace and sccady
Koculak and Sch or (1 9 8 6 d ) developed a model o f accom ­ accom m odacion in whice lighc buc becam e unscable in
modacion concrolled by error signals arising from m icrof- m onochrom acic lighc, especially ac chc viewing discance
luccuacions ot accom m odacion. o f 5 D (2 0 cm ). W h en chrom acic aberracion was reversed,
accom m odation ac all discances bccam c severely unscable
and drifted from the correcc scace toward che scace o f dark
9. 8.2 B L U R S I G N A N D LENS
accom m odation. In another experiment trom the same
laboratory accommodacive responses were evoked by
The visual svsccm
i could relv* on some feacure ot an ouc- sinc-wave gracings concaining chromacic fringes chac
of-focus image chac varies according со whecher che scimu­ simulaced longicudinal chromacic aberracions produced by
lus is nearer chan or beyond che plane ot tocus. O ff-axis ouc-of-focus images (Lee ec al. 1999).
spherical aberracion, chrom acic aberracion, and ascigmacism W ilson ec al. (2 0 0 2 ) used a drug to reduce accom m oda­
vary in chis way. tive responses. O u t-of-focu s images o t a point of light with
narrow spectral bandwidth were presented m onocularly in
a Badal optom eter. The spherical aberrations tor cach sub­
9 .8 .2 a S p h e ric a l and C h r o m a tic A b crra cio n s
ject were measured with a H artm ann-Shack sensor. Subjects
Spherical aberracion atfeccs che shape ot chc poinc-spread were then asked to discrim inate betw een under- and over-
funccion produced by a poinc o f m onochrom acic lighc. focused images. D iscrim ination improved with increasing
Also, che poinc-spread funccion ot an undertocused image pupil size and with increasing defocus blur. W ith a 5-mm
differs from chac o f an overfocused image (W ilso n cc al. pupil, subjects could discrim inate the sign o f defocus o f
2002). an image defocuscd by 0 .3 4 D . This was the smallest
The color fringes produced by chrom acic abcrracions value used. W ilson c t al. did not measure accommodative
vary according со whecher che eve is under- or overaccom - responses but argued that it subjects can detect the sign ot
modaccd on chc cargec. Thus, chc image o f a poinc o f whice spherical aberration ic is likely chac ic can cue chc dircccion
lighc cends со be surrounded by a red fringe when che eyes ot accom m odacion.
arc undcraccommodaced (hypcropic) and by a blue fringe
when chey are overaccommodaced (m yopic). The visual
cffeccs o f chrom acic aberracion were firsc described bv
Polack ( 1 9 2 3 ). Ivanoff (1 9 4 9 ) suggesced chac color fringes
produced by longicudinal chrom acic aberracion could sig­
nify che sign o f misaccom m odacion.
The rcfraccivc scace o t an eye
/ could be derived bv
* com -
paring image qualicy in che chree cvpes o f cone. Fliccroft
(1 9 9 0 ) showed cheorecically chac color opponenc cells in
che visual corcex could perform chis cask. W hac is che evi­
dence chac we make use o t chrom acic aberracion or spherical

9 .8 .2 b A b e rra cio n s an d Scacic A c c o m m o d a c io n

C onsider first chc cffeccs o f eliminacing chromacic abcrra-

cion on che accuracy and scabilicy ot sceady-scace accom ­
modacion. B o b icrec al. (1 9 9 2 ) claim cd chac changes in chc
magnicude or direccion o t eicher form of chromacic aberra­
cion did noc atfccc chc mean error o f scacic accom m odacion.
However, che subjeccive mechod chac chey used со measure
accomm odacion was insensicivc со rapid changes in accom ­
modacion. Koculak ec al. (1 9 9 5 ) found no effecc o f reduc­
ing che spcccral bandwidch of chc scimulus on chc mean
n*urc9.2s. P hilip li. Kruger.: B o rn in S o u th A frica in 1 9 4 7 . H e graduated
sceady-scace error o f accom m odacion. However, chey in o p to m e try from th e U n iv ersity o f 1 Houston and ob tain ed a P h.D .
used only one viewing discance o f 1 m, which is close со chc from th e N ew York State C o lleg e o t O p to m e try in 1 9 8 4 . H e was
posicion o f che rescing scace o f accom m odacion. appointed associate professor a t the C o lleg e o t O p to m e try in 1985
an d professor in 1 9 8 9 . H e was awarded the D istin guish ed
Kruger ec al. (1 9 9 7 a ) recorded accom m odacion for
A ch ievem en t Award o f th e N ew York State O p to m ctric A ssociation
4 0 s, while subjeccs viewed, chrough a Badal lens, a 3.5-cpd in 1 9 9 4 and th e C h a n c e llo rs Award for E xcellen ce in R esearch in
gracing ac diseances o t 0 ,2 .5 , and 5 D (Porcraic Figure 9 .2 8 ). 2003.
9 .8 .2 c A b e r r a tio n s an d S te p C h a n g e s 9 .8 .2 d A b e rr a tio n s an d D y n a m ic A c c o m m o d a tio n
in A c c o m m o d a tio n
The gain and phase lag o f accom m odation evoked by a stim ­
Fincham (1 9 5 1 ) found that, with a target illum inated with ulus moving sinusoidally in depth have been measured as
w hite light, all their subjects eould change accom m odation a f unction ot che chromacic concent o f che scimulus in che
appropriately when a l.O -D lens was placed before the eye. follow ing ways.
However, 6 0 % o f subjects were unable to change their
accom m odation in m onochrom atic yellow light, for which 1. Effect o f wavelength Aggarwala ec al. ( 1 9 9 5 a ) used an
there is no chrom atic aberration, or when che chrom atic infrared optom eter со record accommodacivc responses
aberration was removed by an achrom atizing lens. Subjects со л radial-wedge paccern moving sinusoidally in depth
who could accom m odate in m onochrom atic light must at 0 .2 H z through an am plitude o f 1.0 D . The pattern
have used som e other sign cue, such as spherical aberration. was illuminated with m onochrom atic light with
C am pbell and W estheim er (1 9 5 9 ) had subjects view a wavelength ranging between 4 3 0 nm and 6 7 0 nm or
high-contrast test o b ject through a Badal lens. This elim i­ by white light. Th e lights were m atched for luminance.
nated changes in illum ination and image size as the distance W ich che m onochrom atic lighcs, che response was very
o f the test o b ject was varied. The ciliary muscles were irregular, compared wich the response with white light,
paralyzed by hom atropine. Tine target was suddenly dis­ especially at low and high wavelengths, as shown in
placed by 0.5 or 1.0 diopter, and subjects moved a manual Figure 9 .2 9 . The response was also irregular with w hite
control to bring the image back into focus. W ith practice, light viewed through achrom atizing lenses that
chey were able со move che cargec in che correcc direccion on neutralized che longicudinal chromacic aberracion o f
every crial. Som e subjects failed in m onochrom atic light, che eyes.
showing chat they must have been using chrom atic aberra­
2. Effect o f chromatic bandwidth O n e would expect
tion. But som e subjects continued to perform correctly in
accom m odation to becom e more adequate as the
m onochrom atic light and, eventually, all subjects learned to
spectral bandwidth o f the stimulus is increased.
perforin correctly. C am pbell and W estheim er claim ed that
subjects were using spherical aberracion, since they failed со Aggarwala et al. (1 9 9 5 b ) recorded accommodative
respond in m onochrom acic light when spherical aberration responses to a 3.5-cp d grating moving sinusoidally in
was removed by the incroduccion o f an annular pupil. Buc, depth at 0 .2 Hz through an amplicude o f 1.0 D. G ain
wich boch chrom acic and spherical aberracions removed, increased and phase lag declined as che spectral
perform ance was rescored when subjects viewed che cargec
through a l - l ) cylindrical lens. Thus, astigmatism can also be
a cue со chc sign ot blur (see also Kruger and Pola 1986).
The aberrations o f a given eye may be measured wich a
Shack-H arcm ann wavefronc sensor (Section 9 .1 .3 c). The •

corrcccions may chen be used concrol an adaptive optics 5 7 0 nm

syscem, which nulls the aberrations. The adaptive optics

system consists o f a flexible mirror, like those used by 5 9 0 ^ m n ^ ^

astronom ers to correct images in telescopes. C h en e t al. С


(2 0 0 6 ) measured accom m odative responses o f six subjects

to a 0 .5 D step change in focus o f a m onochrom atic Maltese *6 3 C H ^

cross. H igher-order aberrations ocher chan defocus and E

astigmatism were either present or absent. O n e subject 8
could noc accomm odace in eicher con d ition , and one sub­ ■

5 3 0 nm W h it e - lig h t n o r r r a l a b e r r a tio n
je c t could accom m odate only when the aberrations were
present. The o ther tour subjects could accommodace in che *

correct direction w ith or w ithout aberrations. Also, tor A c h r o m n l z n d w h i t e lic j^ .l

these subjects, the gain and latency o f accom m odation were

" г г г г г г г г г р 1 ■ г-гч ■
similar in the two conditions. There may have been some
10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
residual aberrations, or perhaps these tour subjects used
T im e (s)
m icrofluctuations o f accom m odation to d etect the sign o f
defocus. Fi^r< 9.2*. Л к ом т с d a tion as a fu n ction o f w avelength. A su b jects

Removal o f aberrations reduces the depch o f field. O ne accom m odacivc track in g to sinusoidal target m o tio n in depth.
N o te th at responses to achrom atized w h ite light and to m ost o f the
would expect thac chis would improve accom m odation, buc
10 m o n o ch ro m atic ligh ts w ere im paired relative to responses to
C hen ec al. found chac none o f cheir six subjects showed w h ite light w ith n orm al ch ro m atic ab erratio n . (A.U?tcifr«ниAguwjb ct
im provem ent when aberrations were removed. lWi)

IM A G E F O R M A T IO N A N D A C C O M M O D A T IO N • 467
image size is canceled by an opposice neural aniseikonia. E y e diameter = 24.2 mm

Furtherm ore, neural aniseikonia may persisc after a differ­

ence in image size has been corrected. These stacemencs are A n te r io r v e r t e x
1 st a n d 2 n d
f o c a l le n g t h = 1 5 .3 m m
explained lacer in this scction. p r in c ip a l p la n e s

A n iseik o n ia o f e cc e n tric gaze occurs for objects dis­

C e n te r of

placed to one side o f che median plane o f che head. This is r o ta tio n

because such an objecc is nearer со one eye than со che ocher

and therefore projeccs a larger image in chac eye. Lancaster
^ ^ l s t a n d 2 n d
preferred noc со use che cerm “aniseikonia” for chis etfecc A n te rw r f o c a l le n g th n o d a l p o in ts
= - 1 6 .8 m m
because ir is present in all eyes. H e applied che term only со P o s te r io r v e r te x

abnorm al sicuacions. Ind u ced a n iseik o n ia is produced by f o c a l le n g th = 17 m m

wearing a fixed m agnifying lens in fronc o f one eye. In this

case, che eye wich che larger image muse move furcher chan
the eye wich chc smaller image when the gaze is direcced со 1 .8 m m P o s t e r io r f o c a l le n g th = 2 2 .- 1 m m

an ecccncric visual objecc. This is because che eye moves

wich respect to the head-fixed m agnifying lens. Thus, wich Figure I b e G uU itrandschernatiс unuccw nm oiLited eye.

induced aniseikonia, che eyes muse adopc an unusual ver­

gence angle when fixacing an ecccncric objecc. In ocher
words, che locus o f isovcrgencc isdiscurbed by induced ani­ The anterior focal point o f the eye is about 15 mm in front
seikonia. This produces a differencial etfecc on phoria o f che eye, which is abouc where a speccacle lens is worn.
(Seccion 1 0 .2 .3 )— known as opcical an iso p h o ria (Rem ole Thus, when an axial amecropia is correcced by a chin spec­
1989). movements are noc affected by aniseikonia due cacle len s,/ = d and, since /->, = 1f f ,D u l - D r This means
to intrinsic causes, nor by aniseikonia induced by contact chac che size o f che opcical image is che same as chac in
lenses, because co n tact lenses move wich che eyes. an emmecropic eye. This is known as K napp's law (Knapp
Sorsby ec al. (1 9 6 2 ) measured anisom etropias o f 1869).
betw een 2 and 15 diopters in 6 8 patients. In 4 9 cases, more N ote that the law applies only to axial ametropia
chan 5 0 pcrcenc o f che anisom etropia was due to differ­ corrected by a chin lens placed at che ancerior focal plane
ences in axial length. Л difference in axial length was the o f che eye. C onsider rhe case o f an axial myopia. The eyeball
exclusive or predom inant cause o f anisom etropias o f over is elongated so thac che in-focus image is formed in fronc o f
2 diopcers. Л difference in corneal curvacurc accounccd for chc recina. The ouc-of-focus image on the retina is larger
very little o f che condicion, and often reduced, racher chan than rhe in-focus image. A chin speccacle lens worn abouc
increased, the anisom etropia due to ocher causes. 15 mm in fronc o f che eye moves che in-focus image
There has been considerable dispute about the clinical onco che recina bu t does nor affecc ics size. This m eans chac
significance o f aniseikonia. che in-focus image, which is now on che recina, is che same
size as char in an em m etropic eye, but smaller than che
uncorrected ouc-of-focus image.
9 .9 . l b A n is e ik o n ia in A x ia l A m e tro p ia
W hen an axial hypermecropia is correcced, che image
The refractive power o t a lens in diopters is the reciprocal is magnified wich respecc со che image before corrccrion.
o f its focal length, ^ in meters. The posterior focal length The ancerior vercex discancc is che discancc from che fronc
o t an eye is che distance from the second principal poinc focal poinc o f che eye со che cornea. For an axial ametropia
to the focused image o f a distant o b ject, as illustrated in corrccced by a chin lens ac a vercex distance o f 18 m m , the
Figure 9 .3 2 . In an em m etropic eye, che focused image is on image is changed in size by about 2% for each diopter
che recina. It follows th at the linear size o f the image o f a o f correction. This decreases to 1.25% tor a vertex distance
distant o b je ct subtending angle в at che second principal o f 12 mm. Thus the change in image size becom es smaller
poinc o f an eye, wich refraccive power I), is f can 0, o r can as che correccivc lens is moved closer со che eye. There is
6/D. In other words, che size o f che retinal image is inversely no change in image size wich concacc lenses because che
proportional to che refraccive power o f the eyes opcical vercex distance is zero. For a refraccive amecropia o f lencicu-
syscem. W hen an axially amccropic eye o f refraccive power lar origin, che image size is changed abouc 1% per diopcer
D f is correcced by a lens o f refraccive power D., the o f corrccrion (von Bahr 1993). These values apply со
com bined refractive power o f eye and lens is given by chin lenses. The effeccs are larger tor prescription lenses,
and depend on cheir chick ness and power.
D .^ D .f lV d D A (6) In uncorrecced axial anisom etropia, the image in one
eye is larger than that in the ocher. W e have jusc seen chac a
where d is che discancc from che 2nd principal poinc o f spectacle lens worn before an eye with axial amecropia causes
che correccing lens со che lsc principal poinc ot che eye. rhe image со be che same size as chac in an emmecropic eye.
In spite o f chis, many patients com plain chac chings appear wich chis magnicudc of' aniseikonia in mosc adults, but
larger or smaller with a correcced eye chan with the normal n o t in children (H ighm an 1977). C o rrection with a lens
eye. O n e possible reason for this is as follows. An eye with implant produces only about 2% o f aniseikonia because
axial myopia is elongated. As a consequence, the retina is the replacement lens is in essentially the same position
stretched and receptor density is reduced. Thus, although as che original lens. The am ount o f aniseikonia varies with
the out-of-focus retinal image o f an o b ject is enlarged in che scace o f accom m odation o f chc norm al eye relacive
an eye with uncorrcctcd axial myopia, it covers the same со the fixed accom m odation o f t h e aphakic eye (Ivashina
number o f receptors as thac o f che image o f a norm al eye 1981). Ic also increases if a supplemencary corrective spec-
(R ose and Levinson 19 7 2 ; Bradley ec al. 1 9 8 3 ). W hen chc taclc lens has to be worn (M iyake ct al. 1981). C orrection
retinal image in an eye with axial myopia is brought into wich a lens im plant restores binocular stereopsis in m ost
focus and made optically the same size as that in the other patients (G irard et al. 1962; Miyake ec al. 1981). W h en
eye, che “neural” image becom es smaller chan that in rhe incraocular lenses are implanced inco boch eyes, aniseikonia
o ther eye because it is spread over fewer receptors. In other will occur it the lenses are noc in equivalent locations or
words, the images in the two eyes are made equal but a arc nor parallel (Lakshm inarayanan ec al. 1993). Ic has
neural aniseikonia remains. The differential magnification been estim ated thac over three m illion lens im plant opera­
o fth e images produced by axial anisom etropia need not be tions are performed every year (Lakshm inarayanan et al.
corrected optically, because it is at least partially corrected 1993).
by the differential stretching o f the retinas. It is best to
correct anisom etropia with concacc lenses because they do
9 .9 .2 M E A S U R E M E N T O F A N IS E IK O N IA
not change the size o f the images (W in n et al. 1988).
A nother problem with optical correction is chac die recina An c ik o n o m cte r is an instrum ent tor measuring che
may be screcched by differenc am ounts in differenc loca­ m agnitude and meridional direction o f aniseikonia. There
tions. This issue does noc seem со have been invescigated. arc tw o basic types, the direcc com parison cikonom cter and
Relationships betw een anisom etropia and aniseikonia arc che space eikonomecer.
summarized in Table 9.1.

9 .9 .2 a D ir e c t C o m p a r is o n E ik o n o m c tc r
9 .9 .1 c A n ise ik o n ia in Aphakia
In the direct com parison cikonom cter dichoptic stimuli
Adults with unilateral loss o f a lens (aphakia) can have are presented in a stereoscope. In one version che stim uli are
vision restored by a spectacle lens, a concacc lens, or a lens tour pairs o f nonius lines arranged round a central fixation
im plant. C o rrection with spectacles leads to aniseikonia o f disc, as shown in Figure 9 .3 3 . Th e subjecc adjuscs che size
20% or more, which severely disrupts binocular vision. ot one image until all chc nonius lines appear aligned. The
C o rrection with a co n tact lens also produces aniseikonia difference in size o f che cwo images after che adjuscmenc
because the replacem ent lens is some distance in front of indicaccs the magnicudc o f aniseikonia (Barker 1 9 3 6 ; Allen
the original lens. The aniseikonia is betw een 4 and 10%, 1937). O bservers may have difficulty com paring che sizes o f
depending on w hether the aphakic eye was originally hyper- images in chc visual periphery when fixacinga central point.
mecropic or myopic (O gle ec al. 1958). Scereopsis is possible I f subjeccs are allowed со move cheir gaze со che m onocular

T a b le • ).!. SU M M A R Y O F T H E E F F E C T S O F

S T A T E M E N T S A R E G E N E R A L IZ A T IO N S 2 - -1

A N D M A Y N O T B E T R U E IN E V E R Y C A S E .
7 5
N EU RA L 1 r 1 1
1 ь .2 1
8 6
U n c o r r c c tc d axial P revent P resen t
a n iso m e tro p ia
4 - -3
C o r r c c tc d axial N o t p resen t P resen t
a n iso m e tro p ia

U n c o r r c c tc d rcfra c tiv c N o t p resen t N o t prevent

9.УУ D isplay f o r d irect com parison eikonw ncter. W ith fixatio n o n the
a n iso m e tro p ia
b in o cu lar ccn rral square, od d -n u m b crcd lines a rc presented to o n e eye
and even-num bered lines to chc ocher. M agn ification o f an afocal lens
C o rrc c te d ref гас ti vc P resen t N o t p resen t
b efore o n e eye is adjusted until the pairs o f lines appear align ed . {R««lca*t>
a n iso m e tro p ia
6omOfcIc 196*0
images in succession, che images may becom e misaligned It can be used only for people wich stereoscopic vision.
due со fixacion disparicy or phoria, and chis interferes wich People wich severe aniseikonia are unable со fuse che images,
chc measurement o f aniseikonia. and arc chus unable со judge the stereoscopic discorcions
In a related m echod, cwo parallel lines are presenced со chac che inscrumenc produces. A vercical meridional lens
one eve in a sccrcoscope, and a scale is presenced со chc ocher magnifies che image horizoncally. Such a lens worn before
eye. The su bject indicates che perceived discance becween one eye incroduces horizoncal disparicy becween che
che lines by the numbers on che scale. The mean ot several images in che cwo eyes, w hich causes a froncal-planc surface
readings indicaces che magnicude o f aniseikonia for che со appear slanced abouc a vercical axis, as illuscraced in
meridian extending between the parallel lines. A niseikonia Figure 9 .3 4 . The geomecry o t this type o t disparicy is
along ocher meridians is measured by seccing che parallel discussed in Seccion 19.3.3.
lines in other directions. O n e mighc cxpecc chac, wichout a correccive lens,
In a cesc designed by Brecher (1 9 5 1 ) one eye views cwo people wich meridional aniseikonia would experience
poincs o t lighc directly, and che ocher eye views chem corresponding discorcions ot visual space. However, chese
chrough M addox rods, w hich spread che poincs o u t со form discorcions may noc be nociced in a norm al visual environ­
cwo vertical streaks. The m agnitude ot aniseikonia is indi- menc because o f che many veridical m onocular cues со
caccd by che apparenc separacion o f che cwo poincs relacive depch. W hen m onocular cues are eliminaced or reduced,
со che apparenc separation o t che cwo screaks. discorcions due со aniseikonia are apparenc. The degree and
Presencing a poinc со one eye and a screak со che ocher meridional axis o f aniseikonia is indicaced by che m agni­
provides only a weak fusional scimulus. It che subjecc has cude and direccion o t apparenc slanc o f a froncal surface.
a phoria, che poinc will be displaced relacive со che screak, Becween 1932 and 1947, Ames and his associates ac
making che judgm enc o t relacive separacion d ifficu lt This che Darcm ouch Eye Inscicuce in Hanover, New Ham pshire,
problem may be overcom e by nulling che phoria wich a devised cescs o f aniseikonia based on chis principle. See
prism. Anocher way со reduce che tendency со fuse che Burian (1 9 4 8 ) for a history o f the D artm outh Institute.
dichopcic scimuli in che direcc com parison eikonom cccr Figure 9.35 shows chc essential features o f che space
is со alternate chem со che cwo eyes (B recher ec al. 1958). eikonom eter (Am es 1945). The subject views a frame co n ­
A ulhorns phase-ditfcrcnce haploscopc can measure taining a pair o f oblique threads from a distance o f abouc
aniseikonia (A ulhorn 1 9 6 6 ). H alf-circles are presenced 3 m. A pair o f vercical chrcads is suspended abouc 6 0 cm
alccrnacely со cach eye in rapid succession. H orizoncal ani­ in fronc ot che frame and a second pair o t vercical threads
seikonia is measured by projeccing one half-circle above is suspended 6 0 cm beyond che fram e. ’I he subjecc views
che other and adjuscing ic uncil chey appear as a circle.
Vercical aniseikonia is measured by projeccing che half­
circles side-by-side.
P erceived surface
In all chese mechods, che m agnification o f an afocal
lens placed before one eye is changed until the image in that
eye appears che same size as che image in che ocher eye.
Aniseikonia is indicated by che seccing o f che lens.
An ordinary ophchalm ic lens changes cheetfeccive focal
discance o f che image relacive со che objccc, in addicion
со changing che magnificacion o f che image. For purposes
o f measuring aniseikonia, only a change in image size is
required. An afocal lens changes che size o f che image buc
has no power со change che focal discance o t discan с objeccs.
Lenses can be designed chac m agnify images o f objeccs ac
differenc discances by che same anwiinc. A lens unic avail­
able from che American O pcical C om pany can be adjusted
to produce a range ot m agnifications with little change in
the optical distance o f chc image relacive со chc objccc (see
O gle 1 964). A m erid io n al afocal lens is cylindrical, and
magnifies chc image along only one m eridian— che merid­
ian ac righc angles со che axis o f che lens.

Figure 9..14. E ffect o f a m erid io n a l len s on p erceiv ed slan t. A me rid ional

9 .9 .2 b S p a ce E ik o n o m e te r lens h orizon tally m agnifies o n e eye s im age o f л fro n tal surface
(d otted lines). T h e vertical edges o f th e surface appear where
A space eik o n o m eter is an inscrumenc for measuring p ro jectio n s o f the edges o f chc u nm agnificd and m agnified im ages
discorcions in stereoscopic vision induced by aniseikonia. in tersect. (Rednun {fcmC.iUxm 1967)
where a is chc interocular distance (O gle 1964, p. 162). exploring a building for 10 minutes while wearing a lens
Vercieal m agnification ot chc same image causes a frontal thac horizontally magnified one image 4.5% . An isolated
surface со appear slanted in the opposice direction. This line contains virtually no m onocular cues to depth. O n
is the induced effect discussed in Seccion 2 0 .2 .3 . Overall average, the apparent frontal plane shifted by 5.7°. They
m agnification o f one image has no effect on depth judg­ concludcd chac chc aftereffecc is noc due со recalibracion o f
ments (Epstein 1 9 7 2 ). M agnification o f one image contains absoluce depch buc racher со chc recalibracion o f disparity.
boch horizontal and vertical disparicy, so chat their effects F.pstcin and M organ-Paap (1 9 7 4 ) obtained a similar
cancel. change in frontal-plane sectings alter inspection o f a surface
O n e can ask whether people adapt со prolonged exp o­ slanted 6 0 ° by disparity but only 20" by perspective.
sure to meridional aniseikonia. Burian (1 9 4 3 ) had three Adams et al. (2 0 0 1 ) had six subjects wear, for 6 days,
observers with norm al vision wear a horizontal meridional a lens that horizontally magnified the image in the right
lens in fronc o f one eye for betw een 8 and 14 days. The lens eye by 3.8% . This had no effect on the perceived slant o f
magnified che image only in che horizontal direccion. texturcd surfaces viewed monocularly. Nor did it affect the
Ac firsc, chc subjects reported spatial distortions— che tops relative weighting o f disparity and texture perspective in
o f tables appeared inclined and walls appeared to slant ac a cue conflict situation. In a third test, subjects adjusted the
unusual angles. After 2 or 3 days, distorcions were no longer disparity in a random -dots display until it appeared frontal.
noticed in normal visual surroundings, but they reappeared W h en the lens was first introduced che required disparicy
in surroundings where m onocular cues со depch were was equivalenc со a slanc o f 7 .5 ”, close со that introduced by
impoverished, such as a wide meadow. The space distortions the magnifier. A fter six days the equivalent slant was only
remained undim inished when measured wich a space 1.4”. An aftereffect o f 3.2° was observed after the magnifier
eikonom ecer or horopcer apparatus under condicions where was removed. In a separate test they established that these
m onocular cues со depch were reduced со a m inim um . changes were not due to changes in local sign in each retina.
M iles (1 9 4 8 ) reporced similar resulcs in five subjeccs They concludcd that adapcacion со differencial horizoncal
exposed со long-term adapcacion со chc induced cffecc pro­ m agnification is due to the recalibration o f the disparity
duced by vercieal m agnification o f che image in one eye. system, rather than to a change in the relative weighting
M orrison (1 9 7 2 ) produced sim ilar resulcs in eighc subjects o f disparity and other cues to distance or to changes in the
exposed for an average of 12 days to horizontal aniseikonia m onocular images.
and in cwo subjects exposed to vertical aniseikonia. Remole It is n o t clear why Burian and M iles found that adapta­
(1 9 9 1 ), also, found adaptation o f the perceptual etfects tion to aniseikonia did n o t affect slant settings in the
o f aniseikonia in a real-world setcing buc licde reduction eikonom eter, although Adams et al. found that adaptation
in eikonom eter settings, even after 4 years. produced a substantial recalibration o f disparity.
These results suggest thac long-cerm adapcacion со ani­ All the above investigators used the task o f setting
seikonia is due to an increased reliance on cues со distance stimuli to equidistance. G ogel and Szoc (1 9 7 4 ) measured
other chan binocular disparicy racher chan со adapcacion the effects o f exposure to a conflict betw een disparity and
o f chc stereoscopic system. perspective by a test involving equidistance settings and
O th er evidence suggescs chac exposure со aniseikonia by a test involving the alignm ent o f nonius lines. O n ly the
induces an adaptive recalibracion o f thedisparicy-decection form er test was affected by the adaptation procedure. Since
system. Epstein and M organ (1 9 7 0 ) found that equidis­ the nonius test is a m ore reliable indicator o f binocular
tance settings o f two lum inous vertical lines in dark sur­ correspondence, these results suggest that the basic pattern
roundings changed after subjects walked about a building ot binocular correspondence is not affected by exposure
for one hour wearing a m eridional lens that horizontally to discordant visual cues. Buc chis leaves open chc possibil-
magnified the image in one eye 5% . The aftereffect repre­ icy chac adapcacion со aniseikonia affects che calibracion o f
sented abouc 3 7 % o f full adapcacion со chc m eridional lens. disparicy in che perccpcion o f slanc.
Epscein and Daviess (1 9 7 2 ) asked subjeccs со sec a hori- O cher aspeccs o f adapcacion со con flictin g depth cues
zoncal luminous line to appear in che froncal plane after arc discussed in C hapter 30.


10.1 Eye movements in general 475 1 0 .5 .9 V e r g e n c e g a in a n d p h a s e la g 515

10 . 1 . 1 T yp es o f eye m ov em en t 475 1 0 .5 .1 0 T r ig g e r a n d fu s io n - lo c k c o m p o n e n t s 516
1 0 .1 .2 A x is s y s te m s f o r e y e m o v e m e n t s 476 1 0 .5 .1 1 M o d e lin g t h e v e r g e n c e sy s te m 5 19
1 0 .1 .3 S p e d f ic a t io n o f v e r g e n c e e y e m o v e m e n ts 480 1 0 .6 V e r t ic a l v e r g e n c e 5 21
10.2 Tonic vergence 483 1 0 .6 .1 R a n g e o f v e r tic a l v e r g e n c e 521
1 0 .2 .1 D a rk v erg en ce 483 1 0 .6 .2 V e r t ic a l p h o r ia 522
1 0 .2 .2 S t r a b is m u s 483 1 0 .6 .3 T h e s tim u lu s f o r v e r tic a l v e r g e n c e 52 2
1 0 .2 .3 P h o r ia 486 1 0 .6 .4 D y n a m ic s o f v e r t ic a l v e r g e n c e 524
1 0 .2 .4 F ix a t io n d is p a r it y 488 1 0 .7 C y c lo v e r g e n c e 525
1 0 .2 .5 T o n i c v e r g e n c e a d a p t a t io n t o p r is m s 492 1 0 .7 .1 T y p e s o f t o r s io n a l r e s p o n s e 525
1 0 .2 .6 N o n c o n c o m i t a n t v e r g e n c e a d a p t a t io n 49$ 1 0 .7 .2 M e a s u r e m e n t o f c y c lo v e r g e n c e 52 7
1 0 .3 V o lu n ta r y a n d p ro x im a l v c r g e n c e 496 1 0 .7 .3 D y n a m ic s o f c y c lo v e r g e n c e 528
1 0 .3 .1 V o lu n t a r y v e r g e n c e 496 1 0 .7 .4 C y c lo v e r g e n c e a n d a n g le o f g a z e 530
1 0 .3 .2 P r o x im a l v e r g e n c e 447 1 0 .7 .5 V is u a l s tim u lu s f o r c y c lo v e r g e n c e 530
10.4 Accommodation and vergence 500 1 0 .8 V e r g e n c c 'v e r s i o n i n t e r a c t i o n s 555
1 0 .4 .1 A c c o m m o d a t iv e c o n v e r g e n c e 500 1 0 .8 .1 H e r in g ’s law o f e q u a l in n e r v a t io n $33
1 0 .4 .2 C o n v e r g e n c e a c c o m m o d a t io n 50 2 1 0 .8 .2 V e r g e n c e -v e r s io n a d d it iv it y 53 5
1 0 .4 .3 R e la t io n b e tw e e n A C a n d C A 5 02 1 0 .8 .3 A d a p t a t io n t o a n is e ik o n ia a n d p a r e s is S38
10.5 Vergence evoked by disparity 505 1 0 .9 V e r g e n c e - v e s t i b u la r i n t e r a c t i o n s 5 41
1 0 .5 .1 M o n o c u l a r m o t io n a s s tim u lu s f o r v e r g e n c e 505 1 0 .9 .1 R o t a r y V O R a n d v ie w in g d is ta n c e 541
1 0 .5 .2 P r o c e s s in g d is p a r it y t o r c o n t r o l o f v e r g e n c e W 1 0 .9 .2 L in e a r V O R a n d v ie w in g d is ta n c e 542
1 0 .5 .3 R a n g e o f v erg en ce 506 1 0 .9 .3 V e r g e n c e i n d u c e d b y fo r w a r d m o t io n 544
1 0 .5 .4 S t a b i lity o f v e r g e n c e SO S 10 . 1 0 P h y s io lo g y o f v e r g e n c e 544
1 0 .5 .5 S t im u lu s s u m m a tio n f o r h o r iz o n ta l v e r g e n c e 510 1 0 .1 0 .1 O c u l o m o t o r n e r v e s a n d n u c le i 544
1 0 .5 .6 E f f e c t s o f s tim u lu s p o s it io n 54 1 0 .1 0 .2 S u b c o r t ic a l c o n t r o l o f v e r g e n c e 544
1 0 .5 .7 V e r g e n c e la t e n c y 5 II 1 0 .1 0 .3 C o r t i c a l c o n t r o l o f v e r g e n c e 547
1 0 .5 .8 V e r g e n c e d y n a m ic s 5 13 1 0 .1 0 .4 P h y s io lo g y o f c y c lo v e r g e n c e 548

1 0 .1 E V E M O V E M E N T S IN G E N E R A L (sem icircularcanals, ucriclcs, and saccules). The stimuli

cause chc eyes со rocacc in cheir orbics in che opposicc
direccion со che m ocion o f the head and chereby
1 0 .1 .1 T Y P E S O F EYE M O V E M E N T
scabilizc chc image o f che scacionarv sccnc. These eve
Tlie neurom uscular syscem that controls eye-movemencs is movements are known .is v estib u lo o cu la r responses
perhaps the best understood sensorim otor system. Ic c o n ­ (V O R ) (see Howard 1986).
sists o f six voluncary excraocular muscles around each eye, .vs
shown in Figure 10.1. The musclcs behave in a consisrcnc W hen chc eyes arc open, chc V O R is supplemented by
way со well-defined scimuli. They are concrolled by a nec- o p to k in e tic nystagm us (O K N ), w hich is evoked by
work o f subcortical and corcical neural cencers. Derails chc m ocion o f chc rccinal image o f chc visual sccnc (sec
abouc che muscles and cencers are given in Section 10.10.1. Howard 1 9 9 3 ). The response consists o f alcernacing
F.yc movcmencs serve chc following basic funccions. slow and fasc phases. Slow phases occur in a direccion
chac cancels che m otion o f the image. Q u ick phases
1. Compensation for head?notion C ircular or linear rapidly return chc eyes со cheir scarring position.
m otion o f the head stim ulates che vescibular organs Vescibuloocular responses and O K N are involuncary
Trochlea These saccad ic eye m ovem ents are voluntary and occur
S uperior oblique at a velocity o f up со 6 0 0 7 s .
S uperior rectus
4 . Voluntary pursuit o f moving objects Foveace anim als are
able со move chcir eyes so as со maincain chc image o f a
moving o b ject on the foveas.

5. Maintenance o f binocular fixation A nim als with

binocular vision have evolved vergen ce eye m ovem ents
so as со converge che visual axes o n to a selected object
and maincain boch images o f an objccc on chc foveas as
the o b ject moves in depth.
Lateral rectus
Inferior rectus
A movcmcnc o f an eye considered singly is a d u ctio n —
Inferior oblique
abduction when the eye moves temporally, adduction
Figarc 10.1. E x ln u t c u /a r m u ic l a o f t h e 1 ф e y e . (From Cogin W y A N c K r v li/y t ft b r i.u lir when ic moves nasally, and corsion when ic rotates about chc
м/untt\ Cfxinexy o l O h j r U i C - T h o m a s P u b M w r , S fm * x 6 fld . Ilh n o u )
visual axis.
A com bined movcmcnc o f chc cwo eyes in chc same
and occur in mosc vcrccbraces. They were che firsc cypes direccion is a conjugate m ovem ent, or version. A version
o f eve movemenc со evolve. can be in a horizoncal, a vertical, or an oblique direccion.
A conjugate rotation o f the eyes may also occur around che
2. Fixation o f the image on thefov ea A nim als wich foveace visual axes— a response known as corsion or cy clo v crsion .
eyes are able со hold che image o f a selccced objccc on A m otion o f che eyes in opposite directions is a discon-
che foveas. W h ile fixating a scacionary objecc, che eyes jugacc mocion, or vergence. Vcrgcnec movcmcncs, also,
cxhibic p h ysiological nystagm us. This consiscs o f a o ccu r in a horizontal, vertical, or oblique direction. A dis-
m ixture o f slow drifts and microsaccades wich a mean conjugacc rocacion o f chc eyes around chc visual axes is
standard deviation o f abouc 0.1° (Sccinm an cc al. 1973; known as cyclovergcnce.
O ct et al. 1 992). The am plitude o f these m ovem ents can For reviews o f chc liccracurc on cvc movcmcncs see
be reduced by voluntary efforc (Sccinm an cc al. 1967). If C arpenter (1 9 8 8 ). Procedures for measuring eye m ove­
image mocion is scopped, che images o f all objeccs fade m ents were reviewed by C ollcw ijn cc al. (1 9 7 5 ), Young and
from view after a shore cime. Thus, eye m ovem ents are Sheena ( 1 9 7 5 ), and Eizenman ec al. (1 9 8 4 ). For a discus­
needed for continued vision. sion of chc anacomy and mode o f accion o f che cxcraocular
muscles see Buccner-Ennever (1 9 8 8 ).
Marshall and Talboc (1 9 4 2 ) suggested chac che
constant mocion o f che recinal image produced by
fixation trem or improves visual acuicy. However, che
follow ing evidence does noc supporc chis hypochesis. 10 . 1 . 2 AXIS SYSTEMS F OR EYE M O V E M E N T S
Acuicy and concrasc sensicivicy were noc adversely
The ccnccr ot rocacion o f an eye is noc ac chc ccnccr o f chc
affecced by image scabilizacion before che image faded
eye and is noc fixed with reference to the o rb it (Park and
(K ecscy 1 9 6 0 ; G ilberc and Fender 1969). Imposed
Park 1933). In o ther words, an eye cranslaccs a licclc as ic
image mocions ac velocities up to 2.5°/s had no effecc
rotates. For m ost purposes, however, ic can be assumed chat
on acuicy (W cschcim cr and M cK ee 1975, 1977). A
human eves rotacc abouc a fixed ccnccr 13.5 mm behind che
person makes fewer m icrosaccades when dececcing fine
fron t surface o f che cornea. The direction o f gaze is specified
detail, which would be countcrproduccivc if
wich rcspccc со che median and cransvcrsc planes ot che
microsaccades improved acuicy (W m cerson and
head. The straight-ahead, or p rim ary p o sitio n , o f an eye is
C ollcw ijn 19 7 6 ; Bridgcm an and Palca 1980). This
noc easy со define precisely, because che head and eye lack
evidence suggescs chac physiological nystagmus has noc
clear landmarks. For mosc purposes, the primary posicion o f
evolved со improve acuicy. However, Rucci cc al.
an eye may be defined as che direccion o f gaze when the
(2 0 0 7 ) found chac stabilizing che retinal image only
visual axis is ac righc angles со chc plane o f chc facc. An cvc
becween voluncary saccadcs improved chc
moves from the prim ary posicion into a secon d ary p o si­
discrim inacion o fo rch og o n al high spacial-frequency
tio n when chc poinc o f fixation moves in cichcr a sagittal or
gracings. This indicaccs chac jiccering fixacion facilitates
a transverse plane o f the head. A n eye moves in to a tertiary
che processing o f fine detail. T h e stabi licy o f binocular
p o sitio n when chc poinc o f fixacion moves inco an oblique
fixation is discussed in Section 10.5.4.
3. Change o f gaze Foveace animals can change their The posicion or rocacion o fa n eye may be specified using
direction o f gaze rapidly from one o b jcct со anochcr. any o f four axis syscems. Th e choice is arbitrary, although
Elevation Latitude

(a) H elm holtz system (b) Fick system

i i4«fc io. v ,4.xis system sfor specifying eyv m ovem ents, (л) In the H elm h oltz
system the h o rizo n tal axis is fixed to the skull, and the vertical axis
rotates gim bal fash io n , (b ) In the I'ick system the vertical axis is fixed
to the skull.

1 0 .1 .2 c P e rim e te r S y stem .

F ig u re 10 . 1 . A n ophthalm otropc m ad e by R uctc in IS S 7 , { Г с о т Т о л Ы м г с ! Л . 1996) The perim crcr syscem uses polar coordinaCes based on the
prim ary axis o f gaze— the axis straight o u t from che eye
socket and fixed to the head. Eye positions arc expressed in
for a given purpose one syscem may have practical advan­ terms o f che angle o f eccencricicy o fth e visual axis (/>) with
tages. For analysis o f 3 -D eye rocations in cerms o t quacer- respecc со che prim ary axis, and o t che meridional dircccion

nions and other geom etries see Tweed ec al. (1 9 9 0 ) and (X’) o f che plane concaining che visual and prim ary axes wich
Judge (2 0 0 6 ). respecc со che horizoncal meridian ot head-fixed polar axes.

Sin ce che mid 19ch cencury, mechanical gimballed These chree syscems are che same axis syscem, simply
m odels, known as o p h ch alm otro p es, have been used to anchored Co the head in ditierent ways (Fry et al. 1945). A

visualize eye movements. Ruecces ophchalm ocrope o f 1857 specification o f eye position can be transformed between
is shown in Figure 10.2. For a review o t these devices see che three systems by the follow ing equations:

Sim onsz and Tonkelaar (1 9 9 0 ) and Tonkelaar (1 9 9 6 ).

Schreiber and S ch or (2 0 0 7 ) recencly designed a virtual . tanfl
ophchalm ocrope, which illuscraces axis syscems and tan/l = ------- = sin K"tan a-
Liscings law.
sin U = sin 6 cos в = sin .vcos К

1 0 .1 .2 a H c lm h o lcz Svstem

In che H clm holcz system, the horizontal axis o t vertical eye

1 0 .1 .2 d L is tin g 's S y stem .
movements is fixed со che skull. The vercical axis abouc
which horizoncal movemencs occur rotaces gim bal tashion Listing proposed chac any rocacion o f an eye occurs abouc
abouc che horizontal axis and does n o t retain a fixed angle an axis in a plane known as L istin g ’s plane. H elm holtz
to the skull. The direction o f che visual axis is expressed in called chis L is tin g ’s law. Liscing’s plane is fixed wich respecc
cerms o f elevacion (/) and azimuth (m) (Figure 10.3a). со chc head and coincides wich chc m idfroncal.or equacorial
Torsion is a rocacion o f che eye abouc che visual axis with plane o t che eye when che eye is in ics primary posicion
respect to the vertical axis o t eye rotation. (plane H D D in Figure 10.4). Elevacions and depressions o f
che eye occur abouc a horizoncal axis in Liscings plane, lat-
eral movemencs occur abouc a vercical axis, and oblique
1 0 .1 .2 b F ic k Svstem
4 movemencs occur abouc incermediace axes. M ore precisely,
In the Fick system, the vertical axis is assumed to be fixed to any unidireccional movcm cnc o f an eye can be described as
che skull, and che direccion o f che visual axis is expressed in occurring abouc an axis in Liscings plane chac is orchogonal
cerms o f lacicude (<y) and longitude i f ) (Fick 1 8 5 4 ). Torsion со chc plane wichin which chc visual axis moves (plane
is rocacion o f an eye abouc che visual axis wich respecc со OPB). The excenc o f an eye movemenc is che angle becween
the horizontal axis ot eye rotation. The Fick system is chc inicial and final dircccions o f gaze (chc change o f chc
the H elm holtz system turned to the side chrough 90" angle ot eccencricicy p). The direction ot an eye movemenc
(Figure 10.3b). is che angle bccwccn chc meridian along which chc visual
10.*. D em onstration o f Listing's law . The eye is placed at the cen ter ol
Figarc Ю.4. 'Ibe geom etry o fry e m ovem ents. 'Ih c d ire ctio n o f gaze is assum ed
a concave hem isphere. A n afterim age o f a cross is im pressed o n th e eye
to have m oved from the p rim ary p osition O B to an ob liq u e position
in its prim ary p o sitio n . \Xrhcn chc gaze m oves in d ifferen t d ir e c tio n s
O P throu gh an angle o f eccen tricity along the m eridian B H . w hich is
the afterim age retain s the sam e orien tatio n wich respect to the m eridian
at an angle к to the h orizon tal m eridian D B D '. T h is is equ ivalent to it
a lo n g w h ich th e gaze m oves. T h is ind icates th e validity o f Listing's
having occu rred ab ou t axis.v y in th e eq u atorial fro n ta l plane (L istin g ’s
law . <From N o cJc* 1**0>
plane). The h orizon tal m arker b etw een the sm all vertical bars in itially
m akes an angle о I w ith th e m erid ian along w hich the eye m oves.
A cco rd in g to L istin g s law, th is angle rem ains co n stan t ( o l = $ 2 ). The
eye can also be regarded as having m oved on H elm h o ltz axes, through
an angle o t elevation Я and an angle o f azim uth it. In the H elm h oltz
system , tor angle о to rem ain co n sta n t, the eye and m arker m ust
undergo torsion throu g h a n g le/ relative to the final plane o f
regard D C D '.

axis moves and a horizontal line in L istings plane ( d or ics

supplem ent k).
Torsion in the H elm holtz system is the angle (r) betw een
id.<ч A test o f L istin g s lair. (a) The afterim age o f a vertical line
a horizontal marker on the eye and the plane w ithin which im pressed on the eye in its prim ary p osition rem ains approxim ately
the visual axis moves (.D'PD ). In Fick s system, torsion is the tangential to o n e o f a fam ily o f h yp erbolic arcs in the fro n tal plane
com plem ent o f angle r. These tw o torsion angles are a func­ as the eye ch anges its angle o f gaze, ( b ) I f th e eye is n o t in its prim ary
p osition when th e afterim age is form ed , the afterim age d ocs n o t rem ain
tion o f angle d and the angle o f eccentricity,/'. Any torsion
tan g en tial to the h yp erbolic arcs cen tered o n the origin al p osition of
occurring when the eye is in a primary or secondary posi­ gaze. The angular deviations from th e h yp erbolic arcs provides a way
tion o f gaze has the same angular value in all axis systems. o l d eterm in in g how lar the eye was from th e prim ary p osition o f gaze
W h en an eye moves into a tertiary position, it shows no cor- w hen the afterim age was im pressed on it. (R edraw n from N akayam a

sion in L istings axis system (assuming L istings plane 1978)

remains fixed), bu t it has a considerable degree o f torsion in

the Fick or H elm holtz systems. The H elm holtz and Fick found со be approximately true, as shown in Figure 10.6
systems, being three-axis systems, can be used to specify tor­ (Nakayama 1978). The primary position ot gaze may be
sion, whereas Listing’s system was not designed lor this pur­ specified as rhe cencer o f rhe ser o f hyperbolic arcs. However,
pose, because it is only a tw o-axis system. since L istin gs law is formulated with respect to the head,
Listing's law may be tested by impressing an afterimage the law does n o t ensure that the images o f visual lines remain
o f a short reference line on the eyeball in its primary posi­ self-congruent over com bined rotations o t the eyes and
tion and seeing w hether the angle betw een the afterimage head. The law appears to be correct for conjugate eye move­
and the meridian along w hich the eve moves (angle d ,) ments (Q uereau 1 9 5 4 ; Fry 1 9 6 8 ; Ferman et al. 1987a).
remains constant (see Figure 10.5). According to Listings However, when the angle o f horizontal or vertical vergence
law, the afterimage o f a vertical line formed with the eye in changes, the law does not hold, and torsion, as defined by a
the primary position o f gaze should remain tangential to change in the angle d does occur (Allen and C arter
one o f a set o f hyperbolic arcs in a frontal plane. This was 1967).
L istings planes for the tw o eyes were traditionally
defined as coplanar and fixed to the head. However, it is
now known rhat convergence o f rhe eyes produces an o u t­
ward rotation ot L istings plane in each eye. The two planes
swing out about the ccntcrs o f the eyes like saloon doors.
For each eye, one degree o l convergence rotates Listing’s
plane by between 0.5 and 0.9° (M ikhael et al. 1 9 9 5 ; Som ani
et al. 1 998). For a given convergence, L istings law holds for
changes in version with respect to rotated L istin gs planes.
This is the m odified L istin g ’s law. The same rotation o f
L istings plane occurs in cach eye when the eyes converge
symmetrically or asymmetrically through a given angle
(S tciicn et al. 2 0 0 0 ).
M athem atically, rotations o f a sphere about three
orthogonal axes are not com m utative. Thus, the final posi­
tion o f an eye should depend on the order in which 3 -D
movements are executed (H aslw anter 1 9 9 5 ). However, eye
movements arc alm ost com m utative when Listing’s planes
rotate outward by half the angle o l change ot gaze with
respect to the primary position (Q u aia and O ptican
1998). i io.7 Z o i K apou ta. B o m in G re ece in 1 9 5 5 . She o b tain ed a dip lom a
Bruno and Van den Berg (1 9 9 7 ) determ ined that in p h ilolo g y and psychology ас A risto tle U n iv ersity o f ’Ihessalon ika,
G rcccc* in 1 9 7 7 and a P h .D . in exp erim en tal psychology a t the
Listing’s plane in each eye is rotated outward by 2.15° when
U n iv ersity Rene D escartes in 1 9 8 2 . She con d u cted p o std o cto ral work
the eyes are fixated on a point on the horizon at optical a t D u rh am U n iv ersity ,Jo h n s H op kins H ospital» and the N ation al
infinity. Vertical gaze shifts at infinity are accom panied by a Institu tes o f H ealth . She is rcscarch d ire cto r at th e N ation al C en te r

change in cyclovcrgencc o f about 10% o f the gaze shift. The for Scien tific Research (C N R S . Fran ce) and d ire cto r o f the IR IS
group B in o cu lar V isio n and O cu lo m o to r A daptation a t the C N R S
increasing outward rotation o f Listing’s planes with increas­
L ab oratory o f Physiology o f Perception and A ctio n a t the C o lleg e de
ing convergence predicts the fact that the eyes becom e pro­ France» Paris.
gressively m ore extorted during downward gaze shifts and
intorted during upward gaze shifts (Section 10.7.4).
The relationships betw een vergence, torsion, and gaze
10.1.2 e The M ech an ism o f L is tin g s Law
elevation hold tor both static positions ot gaze and during
changes in gaze (M inken and van Gisbergen 1996). Also, The eyes do not obey Liscings law during sleep, showing chac
cyclovcrgencc induced by changing cyclodisparity ot the chey are not mechanically constrained со move chis way
images in the tw o eyes and that induced by changes in ver­ (Cabungcal ec al. 2 0 0 2 ). However, chey obey che law when
gence add linearly, w hich suggests that the two responses chey move in the dark, so visual feedback is not required. This
are controlled by distinct systems ( H ooge and van den Berg suggests, butdocs noc prove, chat movemencs obeying Listings
2 0 0 0 ). Theoretical models ot these relationships have been law are neurally programmed (Nakayama 1975). Since
developed by M ok et al. (1 9 9 2 ) and by M inken and Van Listing’s plane is fixed to the head tor a given value o f ver­
Gisbergen (1 9 9 6 ). gence, eye-movement, commands would have to be referred
Kapoula cc al. (1 9 9 9 ) reported th at the tcmporalward со the head rather than to axes fixed to the eye. The superior
slant ot L istings plane during convergence is more colliculus controls saccadic eye movemencs in headcencric
consistent am ong subjects for vergence evoked by disparity coord inaccs, which simplifies che coordination ot eye move­
than tor accom modative vergence, and is m ost pronounced mencs wich auditory cargecs and wich movemencs o f che arm
when both vergence scimuli are presenc (P ortrait (van Opscal et al. 1991). However, stimulation o f cclls in the
Figure 10.7). superior colliculus o f the monkey did noc induce eye corsion.
There is also evidence chac during conjugacc saccades Furchermorc, eye movemencs scill obeyed Listings law after
che eyes undergo cransienc changes in corsion followed by a inaccivacion o f che superior colliculus (Hepp ec al. 1993).
slow torsional drill in the opposite dircccion (F.nrighc Tliis evidence suggescs that L istin g s law is im plemented
19 8 6 a ; Ferman ec al. 1 9 8 7 a ; Scraumann ec al. 1995). For a downstream from che superior colliculus. Van Opscal ec al.
discussion o t eye corsion during com bined rotations ot eyes (1 9 9 6 ) found cclls in che nucleus recicularis tcgm cnti pontis
and head see Tweed ec al. (1 9 9 8 ). Effects o f eye corsion on chac responded со 3 -D movements o f the eyes. W hen stim -
the vertical horopter are discussed in Section 14.7. Listing’s ulaced, chey produced eye movemencs wich a fixed torsional
law, even in this modified form , does not hold in ocher cir­ com ponenc. This suggescs chac chis cencer is involved in
cum stances (sec Section 10.7.4). implemencing Liscings' law.
O cher evidence suggests chat the eyes move according torsion as defined in the H elm holtz axis system could
to m odified L istin g s law because o f the way the extraocular be held constant.
muscles are inserted on the eye. Each lateral rectus muscle
2. It renders eye m ovem ents com m utative and thus
attaches to the eye at a point forward o f the equator. I f this
prevents a buildup o f eye torsion as the gaze moves over
were the only point o f attachm ent, the point o f tangency o f
a circular path.
the muscle on the globe would slide upward as the eye ele­
vates. Also, contraction o f one lateral rectus would cause a 3. It econom izes o n the am ount o f eye movement in a
torsional m orion o f the eye. change o f gaze. 1 lowever, Listing’s law in its modified
M iller and Robins (1 9 8 7 ) showed that, near the point form does not fully achieve this purpose, because when
o f tangency, each lateral rectus passes through a sleeve o f the eyes are converged they move with respect to
connective tissue attached to the eye s orbit. This sleeve acts distinct planes. Tweed (1 9 9 7 ) con clu d cd ,on the basis
as a pulley, which causes the p o in t o f tangency to remain o f a com puter sim ulation, that Listing's law in its
approximately constant as the eye elevates or depresses. The modified form achieves the best econom y o f eye
direction o f action o f the muscle thus remains fixed with movements com patible with m aintaining retinal
respect to Listing’s plane. The other extraocular muscles are meridians in torsional alignment.
probably inserted in a sim ilar way (Simons/ et al. 1985;
4. I Iclm holcz noted that L istin gs law has the im portant
Raphan 1 998). The shift in the direction o f action o f the
consequence that, as the gaze travels along any line in
extraocular muscles during convergence has been observed
the visual field, the retinal image o f the line remains
by m agnetic resonance imaging ot human extraocular mus­
self-congruent. This means that the line continues to
cles (D cm er et al. 2 0 0 3 ). Sim onsz (2 0 0 1 ) pointed o u t that
stimulate cortical orientation detectors tuned to the
the pulley system had been described by Philibert Sappey,
same orientacion.
professor o f anatomy in Paris, in 1888.
C lark et al. (2 0 0 0 ) suggested that the pulley system 5. Van R ijn and van den Berg (1 9 9 3 ) suggested that the
may allow the noncom m utative effects o f 3 -D eye rotations modified version o f L istin gs law ensures that lines
to be allowed for by com m utative neural com m ands that orthogonal to the plane o f regard fall on corresponding
are independent o f eye position However, Tweed e t al. vertical meridians. However, Tweed (1 9 9 7 ) pointed out
(1 9 9 9 ) produced evidence from vestibuloocular responses that this account overlooks the fact that corresponding
to sequential rotations o f the body that a pulley system vertical meridians are excyclo rota ted about 2°
can n ot replace the need for noncom m utative neural (see Section 14.7).
comm ands.
The attachm ent o f rhe pulley to the o rb it contains 6. L istin gs law in both its form s ensures that
sm ooth muscle, which adjusts the direction o f action of the corresponding horizontal meridians fall w ithin the

muscle (D em er et al. 1 997). Thus, the m echanical system binocular plane o f regard. However, it does n o t ensure
could be under neural control and account for the m odifi­ that corresponding epipolar lines are aligned between

cation o f L istings law when che eyes converge. The extent o f the two eyes.
the m odification is to som e extent under neural control
(Section 1 0 .7 .4 ). K lie rcta l. ( 2 0 0 6 ) stimulated rheabducens The eyes o f cham eleons obey L istin gs law (Sandor c t al.

nerve and nucleus downstream o f neural centers that could 2 0 0 1 ). Their eye muscles differ from those o f primates and

control how extraocular muscles im plem ent L istin gs law. they do not use disparity for judging distance. O n e must
Nevertheless, the eyes still moved according to Listing’s law, therefore assume that the eyes o f cham eleons obey Listing’s

which shows that the pulley system iscapable o f im plem ent­ law so as to econom ize on the m agnitude, and hence che
ing the law. speed, o f eye movements. It is not known how widespread

M cC lu n g et al. (2 0 0 6 ) objected to the idea that the

Listing's law is in different species o f animals.
pulley system has any role in the control o f eye movements.
M iller (2 0 0 7 ) provided a review o f the pulley system and a
refutation o f criticism s. 1 0 .1 .3 S P E C IF IC A T IO N O F V E R G E N C E

1 0 .1 .2 f C o n se q u e n c e s o f L istin g ’s law 1 0 .1 .3 a T y p es o f V c r g c n c c

M ovem ent o f the eyes according to L istin g s law has the fol­ In h o rizo n tal vergence, each visual axis moves in a plane
lowing consequences. containing the interocular axis. In vertical vcrgcn cc, the
visual axes move in a plane that is orthogonal to the interoc­
1. It reduces the degrees o f freedom o f eye movements and ular axis. In cyclovergence, the eyes move in opposite direc­
simplifies m otor control. However, there arc o ther ways tions around the two visual axes. C om bined rotations o f the
in which this could have been done. For example, eyes about two or three axes also occur. Table 10.1 presents
convergcncc is the convcrgencc required for binocular fixa­
tion oi an o b ject at a distance ol 1 m eter in the median
plane. The vergence angle in m eter angles is the reciprocal
o f the distance ot the fixation point in meters. The vergence
angle in degrees corresponding to a m eter angle o f M, for an
interpupillary distance a in meters, is 2 arctan a M /2. Thus,
the convergence in degrees corresponding to 1 m eter angle
varies with interpupillary distance.
In clinical practice, convergence is specified by a third
measure known as prism diopters. A 1-diopter prism dis­
places the visual axis by 1 cm at a distance o t 1 m. It follows
that the angle o f convergence in diopters is the interocular
distance in centim eters divided by the viewing distance in
meters. Thus, a person with an interocular distance o f 6.5
cm must exert 6.5 D ot convergence when fixating an o b ject
in che m idlinc at a distance o f 1 m. M easurements o f ver-
gence in either m eter angles or prism diopters are not appli­
cable at very near discances.

An isovergence lo cu s is che pach traced by the point ol

ri*ur< io.9. C lifton Schor. B o m in 1 9 4 3 . H e o b tain ed a P h .D . in
binocular fixation when version changes with vergence con- physiological op tics w ith M erto n Flom and Law rence Stark from
scanc. For horizoncal gaze, che isovergence locus is a circle- the U n iv ersity o f C a lifo rn ia ac Berkeley in 1 9 7 2 . H e is professor o f
passing chrough chc fixacion poinc and che center o f rota­ o p to m etry , vision scien ce, and b io en g in eerin g a t th e U niversity o f
C a lifo rn ia at Berkeley. R ecip ie n t o f th e G arlan d C lay Award and G len n
tion o f each eye. N ote that the V ieth-M iiller circle, or theo­
Fry Award from the A m erican Academ y o f O p to m etry .
retical horopcer, described in Seccion 14.5, intersects the
nodal poincs o f che eyes racher chan cheir centers o f roca­
cion. If che eyes change chcir elevation, chc isovergence locus
depends on che axis syscem used со specify eye movements.
In the H elm holtz axis syscem, che isovergence locus is a cor- Isovergence locus
Isoversion locus
oidal surface form ed by rotation o f the isovergence circle H yperbola of
round the line join in g the centers ot rotation ot the two Hillebrand

eyes. In the Fick system, the isovergence locus is che isover­

gence circle and a vercieal line in che median plane (Schor
ec al. 1994) (Porcraic Figure 10.9). In this system, a change
in vergence is required when the gaze moves into an oblique
(tertiary) location.
The loci ot constant version tor changing vergence are
known as hyperbolas o f Hillebrand, as shown in Figure
10.10 and specified by:

—x~ + + 2 хусо$2ф= 1

where x is the distance o f the point o f convergence trom the

i o. io. L o ci ofiso v trg em c a n d h overs ion. L oci o f co n st an t v crgcncc for
median plane ,у ics discancc from chc incerocular axis, and f
ch an g in g version arc circles throu gh th e ccn tcrs o i ro tatio n o f the tw o
the angle o f version with respect to the point midway eyes. L o ci o f co n sta n t version for ch an g in g vcrgcncc arc hyperbolas o f
betw een the eyes (Fry 1950) (P ortrait Figure 10.11). W ith H illeb ran d . A s the gaze m oves from A to B , b oth v crgcncc and version
increasing viewing distance, che hyperbolas becom e asymp­ changc.

to tic со scraighc lines chrough che m idpoint o f the interocu­

lar axis.
M addox (1 8 9 3 ) identified che following four types o f
Reviews ot vergence have been provided by Alpern
horizontal vcrgcncc.
(1 9 6 9 ), Toaces ( 1 9 7 4 ), S ch or and C iuffreda (1 9 8 3 ),
C arpenter ( 1 9 8 8 ), C ollew ijn and F.rkelens ( 1 9 9 0 ), and
1. Tonic vcrgcncc
Judge (1 9 9 1 ). The developm ent o f vergence in che child was
discussed in Seccion 7.3.6. 2. Proximal vergence
cxtraocular musclcs. The distance o f the point o f dark ver­
gence varies between 0 .6 2 and 5 m for different observers,
with an average value o f about 1.2 m. It is consistent over
time for the same individual i f the co n d ition s o f testing are
conscanc (O w ens and Lcibow itz 1980; Fisher cc al. 1988a).
However, we will see in S ection 10.2.5 that dark vergence
can be altered temporarily by loo kin gfo r som e tim e through
base-in or base-ouc prisms.
H elm holtz (1 9 0 9 ) observed that the eyes tend to diverge
when elevated. In the dark, che eves diverge from che posi­
tion ot dark vergence when gaze is elevated and converge
from chac posicion when gaze is depressed (H euer and
O w ens 1989). A fter the eyes have been held in an elevated
or depressed posture for a few m inutes, the position o f dark
vergence with horizontal gaze is temporarily biased toward
chc previously m aintained scace (H euer cc al. 1988).
In the dark, the eyes also take up a characteristic state of
accom m odation known as conic accom m odacion, or dark
focus (Section 9 .3 ). Dark focus and dark vergence do not
correspond со chc same discancc (O w ens and Lcibow itz
Fi|«ri 10. 11. GUnn Fry. H e graduated in physics and psychology from 1980).
D avidson C o lleg e in 1 9 2 9 and ob tain ed his P h .D . in psychology from In deep sleep, anesthesia, or death chc eyes assume a pos­
D u k e U n iv ersity in 1 9 3 3 . In 1 9 3 3 he becam e assistant professor o t
ture known as the anatomic position o f rest. This repre­
applied o p tics a t O h io State U niversity, where he becam e d ire cto r o f the
o p to m e try sch ool and R egents Professor. G len n Fry died in 1 9 9 6 . sents the scacc o f chc musclcs when chev lack con ic innervation
(Alpern 1 9 6 9 ). The anatom ic position o f rest is more diver­
gent than dark vcrgcncc, although there is no agreed value
for this position (see Ow ens and Lcibow itz 1983).
3- Accom m odative vcrgcncc

4. Fusional, or disparity-induced vergence

10.2.2 S T R A B IS M U S
These types o f vergence will now be described.
10 .2 .2 a Types o f Strabism us

A person who cannot converge the visual axes on a selected

1 0 .2 T O N IC VERGEN CE o b ject is said to have a squint. The technical term is strabis­
mus or tropia. Properly aligned eyes arc said to be o r th o ­
tropic (P rieto-D iaz 2 0 0 0 ).
10.2.1 D A R K VERGEN CE
The angle o f deviation from the orthotrop ic scace is
In the dark, the eyes adopt a characteristic state o t vergence measured by observing the direction o f gaze ot the deviat­
known as dark vergence. Dark vergence is measured by ing eye as the patient fixates on a point with the nondeviat­
placing a person in the dark and repeatedly exposing a pair ing eye. The direction o f gaze is measured by m oving a point
o f nonius lines for periods o f 100 ms, which is less chan the o f light round a perim eter until its reflected image is cen ­
latency ot vergence. Betw een exposures, the nonius line in tered on the cornea. The angle ot deviation can be measured
o n e eye is adjusted until the observer reports thac ic appears with the fixation target near or far.
aligned with the nonius line seen just below it in the other There are many types ot strabismus. In divergent strabis­
eye. Repeated exposure o f che lines ac one discancc may mus, or exotropia, the visual axes arc directed outward
induce a change in vergence through the m ediation o l from the intended point. W h en the angle of deviation is the
accom m odation cucs, and chis can atfccc chc results same for near as for far viewing, ic is a basic cxocropia. W hen
(Jaschinski-K ruza 1 990). O cher m ethods tor measuring che exotropia is com bined wich convergence insufficiency
dark vcrgcncc are described by Rosenficld (1 9 9 7 ). D ark vcr- the angle o f exotropia is larger w ith near than with tar view­
gence assessed by the nonius m ethod has been found to ing. W hen com bined wich divergence excess ic is larger
agree closely with objective measurements obtained with a with tar than with near viewing. In convergent strabismus,
video-based eye tracker (Jaschinski et al. 2 0 0 7 ). or esotropia, the visual axes are directed inward. Esocropia
It is believed that dark vcrgcncc depends on tonic is about three times m ore frequent than exotropia. In verti­
signals arising irom the vestibular system and the cal strabismus che visual axes do noc lie in che same horizon*
ocu lom otor nuclei, and proprioccptivc fccdback from the cal plane.
In u n ilateral strab ism u s one eye is consistently used correspondence, angle A is less than the angle o f strabismus.
for fixation when both eyes are open. This type o f strabis­ Anom alous correspondence is discussed in Section 14.4.1.
mus is often accom panied by some loss o f visual function A bout 5% o f people have some strabism ic anomaly o f 5
in the deviating eye, a con d ition known as amblyopia D or more. In over 3 0 0 0 strabism ic patients, 74 % had co n ­
(Section 8 .4 ). com itan t strabismus, 10% were paretic, 8% had decom pen­
In a ltern a tin g strab ism u s the person sometimes fixates sated heterophoria, and 6% had convergence insufficiency
objects with one eye and som etim es with the other. In the (Stidw ill 1 9 9 7 ). A bout 65 % o f cases o f strabismus develop
deviating eye o f an alternating exotrope rhe temporal h a lfo f before the age o f three years, with a mean age o f onset o f
the retinal image is suppressed. Thus, when viewing stereo­ about 3 0 m onths (G raham 1974; Stidwill 1997).
grams, an exotrope sees only the h a lf image in the nondevi­
ating eye (Jam polsky 19 5 5 ; Pratt-Johnson and W ee 1969).
1 0 .2 .2 b V isu a l D e fe c ts in S tra b ism u s
W h en looking at an o b ject to the left, alternating exotropes
use the left eye for fixation. W h en looking at an o b ject to Strabism us that develops before the age o f 1 year is known
the right, they use rhe right eye. Steinbach (1 9 8 1 ) found as early -o n set strabism u s. W ith this type o f strabismus
that the switch in suppression from one eye to the other the deviating eye sutfcrs from am bly o p ia, which involves a
occurs during the course o f a large saccade. Van Leeuwen loss in acuity and other visual functions, as described in
et al. (2 0 0 1 ) measured the dynam ics o f horizontal saccadic Section 8.4.2.
eye movements o f various am plitudes in alternating In strabismus, images falling on corresponding retinal
strabismics. points are usually dissimilar and therefore engage in rivalry.
A lternating strabismus occurs in only about one-third A lso, images from a given o b ject fall on noncorresponding
o f esotropes but in about 8 0 % o f exotropes. Am blyopia is points and create diplopia. Strabism ics o f long standing
associated with unilateral strabismus rather than with alter­ avoid both these disturbing effects by totally suppressing
nating strabismus. This explains why amblyopia develops the image in the strabismic eye when both eyes are open.
more frequently in esotropes than in exotropes (Friedman C linical su pp ression can be studied in strabismic monkeys
e ta l. 1 980). (W ensveen e t al. 2 0 0 1 ).
Patients with in te rm itte n t ex o tro p ia arc able to co n ­ Stereoscopic vision is degraded o r totally absent in
trol the deviation o f the eye when making an effort to fuse large-angle strabismus o f early onset. It is rare to find any
the images o f an object. evidence o f stereopsis in subjects with an angle o f deviation
In co n c o m ita n t strab ism u s the deviation is the larger than 4 prism diopters (Parks 1 9 6 9 ; Leske and Holm es
same for all directions o f gaze, although it may vary accord­ 2 0 0 4 ). Binocular vision may be restored when strabismus o f
ing to the angle o f convergence and from day ro day. late onset is corrected. Som e patients with early-onset
C o n co m ita n t strabismus is due to a defect ot the vergence esotropia cannot fuse similar images even when the strabis­
m echanism rather than ro a defect o fextraocu lar muscles. It mus iscorrected with prisms. They report that, as rhe images
is som etim es reduced when retractive errors are corrected approach each other, they jump over each o ther to produce
optically. the opposite sign o f diplopia. This condition is known as
In n o n co n co m ita n t strabism u s the deviation varies h o rro r fusionis.
with the angle o f gaze. It is due to a paresis in one or more o f Small-angle strabismus (m icrotropia) docs not present a
the cxtraocular muscles arising trom damage to muscle or to cosm etic problem , and there is often some residual stereop­
o cu lo m oto r nerves. N o n con co m itan t strabismus is also sis with tests such as the H ow ard-D olm an test and T itm u s
known as paralytic strabismus. N onconcom itant strabis­ test. The less the deviation the greater the probability o f
mus is particularly evident when patients attem pt to move som e stereopsis (C oo p er and Feldman 1979; R utstein and
the eyes in the direction o f action o f the paretic muscles. Eskridge 1 9 8 4 ). There has been some dispute about whether
In larg c-an g le strab ism u s the angle o f deviation is small-angle strabism ics show evidence o f stereopsis when
larger than 15 D ; otherw ise it is sm all-an g le strabism us. tested with random -dot stereograms (H enson and W illiam s
Deviation o fo n e e y e o fu p t o 8 I) has been called m icro stra ­ 1 9 8 0 ; C o op er and Feldman 1981).
bism us, or m icrotropia. This condition is discussed in
Section 10.2.4f.
1 0 .2 .2 c D ir e c tio n a l P re p o n d e ra n c e and
In small-angle strabismus, the visual system may m ani­
L a te n t N y stag m u s
fest an om alo u s retin al co rre sp o n d en ce (A R C ),d efin e d as
a shift in corresponding regions in the two retinas. The Early-onset strabismus is usually associated with reduced
angular extent ot anom alous correspondence is the angle o f gain ot pursuit eye movements in the tem poral direction
anom aly, or angle A. In harm onious anom alous correspon­ and directional preponderance o f optokinetic nystagmus
dence, angle A equals the angle o f strabismus, and there is (O K N ) for stimuli m oving in the nasal direction with m on­
no m ovem ent o f the deviating eye when the nondeviating ocular viewing. Sensitivity ro visual m otion is symmetrical
eye is covered (the cover test). In inharm onious anomalous in strabismic amblyopes so that their asymmetrical O K N
can n ot be due to a defect in m otion sensitivity (S ch o r and o f scrabismus is a defecc in che disparicy feedback m echa­
Levi 1 9 8 0 ). A lso, eye rotations in the dark are norm al, so nism controlling vergence (see Kerr 1 9 9 8 ). Early m onocu ­
the defect is not due to muscle im balance. The defect is lar occlusion in cats leads со misalignmenc o f che occluded
m ost likely due to the incom plete developm ent o f binocu­ eye, which becom es a perm anent strabismus when boch
lar vision in strabismics, which releases the temporonasal eyes are allowed со see (Q u ick ec al. 1 9 8 9 ). Strabismus often
preponderance o f subcortical centers from the counter­ accompanies congenital cataracts. M ore inform ation on
balancing influence o f cortical inputs, as described in strabismus is provided in Lennerstrand cc al. (1 9 8 8 ) and
Section 2 2 .6 .1 . N oordcn and C am pos (2 0 0 0 ).
Strabism us of early onset is also accom panied by laten t
nystagm us, w hich occurs when one eye is closed, and som e­
1 0 .2 .2 e T re a tm e n t o f Strabism us
times when both eyes are open (D elFO sso et al. 1 9 8 3 ). In its
simplest form , latent nystagmus is a spontaneous conjugate Early correction for hypermecropia may rescore binocular
jerk nystagmus, which occurs only when one eye is closed. fixation and stereopsis in accom m odative esotropia (W ilson
In strabism ic amblyopia, latent nystagmus is larger when ec al. 1993). Patients wich incermicccnc exocropia, unlike
the affected eye is open than when the normal eye is open. chose wich ocher forms o f large-angle scrabismus, cend со
Th e slow phase o f the latent nystagmus is in the tem porona­ retain scereopsis.
sal direction, so that the direction o f the nystagmus changes Ic has been claim ed chac paciencs wich microcropia can
as a cover is moved from one eve to the other. In mosc cases
achieve normal recinal correspondence and improved acuicy
latent nystagmus is also evoked wich the quick phase in the and scereoacuicy chrough periodic occlusion o f che good
direction o f gaze when both eyes are open, or in the direc­ eye and refraccive correction (C leary ec al. 1998; Houscon
tion o f che fixating eye when che ocher eye is open buc in a ec al. 1998).
deviated position due to strabismus. Ic has also been claim ed chac scrabismus may be cured by
Patients wich alternating strabismus can control the wearing prisms for a period ot up со 6 monchs. This mechod
direction o f latent nystagmus by changing the eye used for was used widely in che nineceench cencury, especially in
fixacion. Som e pacicncs who cannoc control the direction o f Europe. However, Alpern and Hofsceccer (1 9 4 8 ) reporced
the nystagmus when both eyes are open may do so in the thacconscanc wearing o f prisms increases chc angle o f squ inc.
dark by im agining that they are looking with one eye or the A lthough some clinicians still advocate che use o f prisms,
o ther (D eirO sso et al. 19 7 9 ; Kom m erell and M chdorn debace abouc cheir effectiveness continues (see Noorden
1982). Laten t nystagmus can be regarded as a spontaneous and C am pos 2 0 0 0 ).
manifestation o f the tem poronasal preponderance charac­ Estim ates o f che success o f cherapy for scrabismus in
teristic o f congenital strabismus. D irectional preponder­ restoring some binocular vision have varied from 5% or less
ance and latent nystagmus also occur in strabism ic monkeys (Flom 1963; D obson and Sebris 1 9 8 9 ) to over 50 % (W ic k
(Tychsen and B o o th e 1996). and C o o k 1987).
Poor vergence control and fixation instability have been Large-angle con com itan t strabismus and noncon-
implicated in dyslexia (sec Buzzelli 1 9 9 1 ). However, rhe com irant scrabismus o f muscular origin may be partially
evidence is equivocal (Evans et al. 1 9 9 4 ). M oores et al. or complecely correcced by surgically adjuscing che excraoc-
(1 9 9 8 ) could find no relationship betw een dyslexia and the ular muscles or by injection o f a neurocoxin inco selecced
ability to control vergence. muscles (Scocc 1 9 8 1 ). However, only a small proportion
o f patients wich early-onsec large-angle scrabismus develop
scereopsis, even when che surgery is performed before 2
10.2.2d E tiology of Strabism us
years o f age (Pracc-Johnson and T il Ison 1983) (Seccion
The etiology o f scrabismus is unclear. A bouc I % o f che p op­ 8.3.3a).
ulation has congenital infantile esotropia, which may noc C orrective surgery can lead со the onscc o f amblyopia in
be evident at birch buc becom es decectable during che firsc paciencs who were noc am blyopic before surgery (Pracc-
six m onths (N ixon et al. 1 9 8 5 ). There is evidence o f a Johnson and Tillson 1983). In mosc cases, poscsurgical
genetic factor (Schlossm an and Priestley 1 9 5 2 ; Graham exercises reduce che severicy o f am blyopia (Murray and
1 9 7 4 ). The degree and frequency o f strabismic deviation Calcucc 1 9 9 0 ). Success races, as reflecced in rescoracion o f
tends to increase wich age (Y ildirim ec al. 1999). binocular vision, are higher when surgery is performed
Strabism us o f early onset may be associated with an before che age o f 2 4 monchs (Keenan and W illshaw 1992).
uncorrected refractive error o f over + 3 I) thar requires the For such paciencs, rescoracion o f som e scereopsis depends
patient to accom m odate excessively for near vision. This more on che duration ot rhe scrabismus chan on che age ac
evokes excessive convergence through che m ediation o f which correccive surgery was performed (B irch ec al. 2 0 0 0 a ).
accom m odative convergence. The esotropia usually begins Surgical corrcction applied even in older children reduces
as an incermicccnc crossing o f che eyes and progresses со a che poscsaccadic drift evidenc before surgery (Inchingolo
conscanc deviation. Ic has been proposed chac a basic cause ec al. 1996).
Strabism us o f late onset is not associated with am blyo­ A horizontal phoria o f up to 4 prism diopters (abouc 2°)
pia. In m ost cases, corrective surgery can be expected to is considered norm al. A small degree o f cxophoria is nor­
restore binocular vision and at least som e stereopsis. The mally presenc and is referred to as p h ysiological cxop h o ria.
degree to which stereopsis is restored in late-onset strabis­ It increases with age, especially with near vision (Freier and
mus depends on the visual capacity o f the patient before Pickwcll 1 9 8 3 ). A phoria is called com pensated when not
surgery and on the extent to which surgery has brought the accom panied by other symptoms. It is uncompensated
eyes into correct alignm ent (Faw cett c t al. 2 0 0 4 ). when accom panied by symptoms such as headache, eve
There has been some debate about whether restoration o f strain, blurred vision, or problems with stereopsis. These
stereopsis in strabismus o f late onset becomes less probable as secondary symptoms bear no simple relationship to the size
surgical treatment is delayed. A recent study o f 25 patients o f chc phoria (Evans 1997).
with acute-onset esotropia with mean onset age o f 12 years The sign o f phoria can vary with fixation distance.
indicated that the restoration o f stereopsis did not depend on Phoria measured w ith discanc cargets is know n as d istan ce
the period o f delay before surgery {O htsuki et al. 1994). A p h o ria. An esophoria that is greater tor far than tor near
patient may nor be sure when a strabismus developed. Certain viewing is a d ivergence w eakness, and an esophoria chat is
visual defects associated with earlv-onset but not late-onset greater for near viewing is a co n v erg en ce excess. An cx o ­
esotropia, such as asymmetry o f visual pursuit and dissociated phoria thac is greater for near viewing is a convergence
vertical deviation (D V D ), may indicate whether a strabismus w eakness, and an exophoria that is greater tor tar viewing is
is o f early or late onset (D em er and Noorden 1988, Schor a divergence excess (see Section 10.4 .3 b ).
et al. 1997). Corrective treatments have a cosmetic value even The tonic state o t vergence, and hence the direction and
if amblyopia is noc cured or binocular vision restored. magnitude o f a phoria, can be changed tem porarily by hold­
ing the eyes in an extreme position o f divergence or conver­
gence (Section 10.2.5).
10.2.3 PH OKI A Subjects with norm al vision exposed to 2 4 hours o f
m onocular occlusion showed increased esophoria, espe­
10 .2 .3 a Types o f P h oria
cially for near vision. N orm al phoria returned after one day
P h oria is a latent strabismus revealed only when che eyes o f binocular vision (Bross 1984). An eye occluded for sonic
are d isassociated , chat is, when no fusible scimuli are in tim e also developed vertical phoria (Charnw ood 1 9 5 1 ) and
view. I с may be regarded as rhe open-loop vergence error. excyclophoria (G r a f et al. 2 0 0 2 ). M onkeys, after one week
O rth o p h o ria is che con d ition o f zero phoria. The eyes can of m onocular occlusion, showed decreased saccadic am pli­
be disassociated by closing o r covering one eye, by displac­ tude in che occluded eye (V iirre ec al. 1987).
ing one image wich a vercical prism so thac che images in the
cwo eyes no longer coincide, or by presenting overlapping
1 0 .2 .3 b M easu res o f P h o ria
buc rivalrous dichopcic scimuli. A horizoncal phoria may be
an inward deviation o f an eye (eso p h o ria) or an outward Phoria may be measured objectively by the co ver test. In a
deviation o f an eye (cxo p h o ria). simple qualitative version o f chis ccsc che pacienc fixaces a
H orizontal phoria is conventionally measured while spoc, and the clinician observes the change in position ot
one eye is accom m odated on a distant o b ject, because it is each eye as a cover is placed in fron t o f ic. To quantify a
believed that effects o f accom m odation on vergence are phoria, the clinician increases the power o f a prism placed
lease wich far accom m odation. before the deviating eye until a change in posicion o f chat
In vertical p h o ria one eye deviates vertically when one eye is no longer observed when the eye is alternately cov­
eye is closed. A deviation o f the left eye upward or down­ ered and uncovered. The power o f the prism indicates che
ward is a left hyp erp h oria or left h y p o p h oria, respectively. degree ot phoria in prism diopters, and the orientation o f
Sim ilar deviations o f the right eye are eicher a righc hyper­ the prism indicates the direction o f phoria. This m ethod is
phoria o r a right hypophoria respectively. limited by the smallest deviation o f an eye that a clinician
A torsional deviation o f an eye is a cy clo p h o ria: can d etect w hich, on average, is abouc 2 prism diopcers
top-inward is an incyclophoria and top-outw ard, an (R om an o and N oorden 1971).
excyclophoria. W h en greaccr precision is required, eye posicion is m ea­
It takes about 2 0 seconds for an eye to com e to rest in its sured objectively. In che clin ic, the rotation o f an eye is m ea­
posicion o f phoria after che eye has been covered (Sch or sured by che displacem ent, with respect to the center o f the
1979a). W hen the m agnitude o f phoria varies with che pupil, o f a light spot reflecced o ff rhe cornea. A prism can be
eccentricity ot gaze, it is known a san iso p h o ria ( Friedenwald used to bring the light spot in the deviating eye into che
1936). An essential anisophoria is due to paresis o f one or same position relative ro the pupil as the light spot in the
ocher extraocular muscle in one eye, and optical anisopho­ undeviating eye. The setting o f che prism indicates the m ag­
ria is due to optical m agnification o f che image in one eye by nitude o f deviation (Krim sky 1972). W h en measurements
a spectacle lens. are made from photographs, the estim ated ocular rotation
per m illim eter o f light displacem ent is known as the
• 18
H irsch b e rg ratio. This m ethod has been used with chil­
dren (H asebe ec al. 1 9 9 8 ) and m onkeys (Q u jck and B oothe
♦ 12
In so-called subjective tests for tropia and phoria, the *1 0
patient aligns visual targets. Given that the patient is able to 2шш2шшАл л а • '• • и J . 0 , ! , 6 4 2 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

make the judgm ents, subjective m ethods are at least as pre­

cise as objective m ethods. h
The first subjective procedure is known as the altern ate
cover test. The exam iner alternately covers each eye o fth e *0
patient, who reports the direction o f apparent movement o f
a test o b ject. In exophoria the o b ject appears to move with
the occluder, and in esophoria it appears to move against
che occluder. The prism power required со null che m otion
indicates the m agnitude o f phoria.
In a second type o f subjective procedure a single target Fifwc 10. 12. A tan gen t scale used in th e M addox K ing test. T h e display is placed
is introduced to both eyes in such a way chac che images are in a stcrco sco p e, o n e cvc view ing th e arrow s and the o th e r eye chc scales.
d isassociated and the fusional response is disengaged. For T h e su b ject in d icates w h ich num bered d o ts are aligned w ith the arrow s.

instance, in the M ad d ox-rod test the patient views a point

o f lighc directly with one eye while the other eye views the
same point through a set o f high-power cylindrical prisms
arranged as a gracing. D epending on cheir oriencacion, che
prisms spread che point o f light into eicher a horizoncal or a
vercical line. The power o f a wedge prism required со bring
the poinc and line back inco superimposicion for che pacienc
indicaces che degree o f phoria— horizontal phoria when the
line is vertical and vertical phoria when it is horizontal.
In the H ess-L a n ca ster test che patient moves a red spot
seen by one eye on a screen until it appears superimposed
on a green spot seen by the other eye. The color separation
is achieved with red and green filters. This is repeated for
several angles o f gaze to determ ine whether the tropia or
phoria is co n com itan t or nonconcom icant.
In the third type o f subjective measure o f tropia or
phoria, disassociated dichoptic stim uli are presenced in a
scereoscope so chac che fusional response is disengaged. The in to alignm ent. There is also a co n tro l for varying the verti­
M addox w ing test is essentially a Brewster stereoscope in cal posicion o f cach target. In chc clinic, haploscopcs arc-
which one eye sees calibrated horizoncal and vertical scales known as amblyoscopes, synopcophorcs, or croposcopes,
in the form o f a cross and the ocher eve sees a vertical and a
depending on the manufacturer.
horizontal arrow. The pacienc reads oft che posicion ot each Schroeder ec al. (1 9 9 6 ) found som e cescs o f phoria cor-
arrow on chc appropriace scale со indicace horizoncal and rclaccd highly, ochcrs less so. D ifferences becween cescs arc
vercical phoria (Figure 10 .1 2 ). C yclophoria requires an probably due to differences in che degree o f control o f
annular scale. There muse be nochingelse in view that could accom m odativc convergence and vergence adaptation.
lock vergence. Such a device is known as a p h o ro m eter. For a review o f o rth o p tic procedures used in the diag­
O th er stereoscopic devices used in o rth o p tic practice to nosis and treatm ent o f anom alies o f binocular eye move­
measure and treat tropia and phoria are derived trom m ents see Evans (1 9 9 7 ), Goss ( 1 9 9 5 ), and Griffin and
H erings haploscope. The essential features are shown in Grisham (1 9 9 5 ).
Figure 10.13. The subject s head is fixed so that the center ol
rotation o f each eve is above the center o f rotation o f one o f
10 .2 .3 c R elation betw een D a rk Vergence
the horizoncal arms o f the inscrumenc. The visual cargecs are
and Phoria
m ounted on the ends o f the arms and reflected into the eyes
by m irrors set a t 4 5 ° to rhe median plane. The accom m oda­ If phoria represents che conic scace o f an eye when relieved
tive distance ot each target is adjusted by moving it along from fusional demand it should be che same as dark ver­
the arm. H orizontal phoria is indicated by the angular gence. W c will see in rhe ncxc seccion chac, wich dissociaccd
position ot the arm required to bring disassociated targets cargecs, che accommodacive scace o f the eyes can evoke a
1 0 .2 .4 f T h e M o n o fix a tio n S y n d ro m e

Som e people have a perm anent fixation disparity o f up to 8

prism diopters, which is well beyond the normal range o f 8
arcm in, but not evident to casual inspection. Jampolsky
(1 9 5 6 ) used the term “sm all-an g le e so tro p ia ” and later
“fusion d isp arity ” (Jam polsky 1962). Helveston and
N oorden (1 9 6 7 ) used the term "m icro tro p ia ” and sug­
gested that the condition arises because fixation is estab­
lished at the border o f a foveal scotom a in one eye. Parks
(1 9 6 9 ), also, claim ed that a foveal scotom a is the com m on
factor in this type o f fixation disparity. H e used the term
“m o n o fixatio n sy n d rom e” for the inability to bifixatc
because o f a central scotom a in the deviating eye, associated
with normal fusional vergence, retention o f peripheral
fusion, and gross stereopsis. Patients show norm al periph­
eral fusion, as evidenced by visual testing and by binocular
visually evoked potentials (Struck et al. 1 9 9 6 ). Variable fea­
tures o f the m onofixation syndrome include a history o f
large-angle strabismus, anisom etropia, amblyopia, and
phoria. The eves arc cosm etically straight and the condition
f .* hm id it. Jo h n Sr»»>:l/>u\ B orn in C h ic a g o , in 1 9 4 2 . H e ob tain ed a
B S E E degree from tlic U n iv ersity o l Illinois in C h am p aign in 1 9 6 4 and does not respond to treatm ent.
a P h .D . in b ioen g in eerin g at the U niversity o f Illin ois M ed ical C en te r
in C h ica g o in 1 9 7 0 . H e has held faculty p osition s at th e U niversity
o f C a lifo rn ia , Berkeley and the U n iv ersity o f Illin o is, C h ica g o . He
1 0 .2 .4 g F ix atio n D isparity and P an u m s
cu rren tly h old s a jo in t p osition as professor o f surgery at the R ob ert
W ood Jo h n so n M cd ical S ch o o l and professor o f biom ed ical Fusional Area
en gin eerin g a t R utgers U niversity.
Under normal viewing conditions, fixation disparity does
n o t extend as tar as the radius ot Panum s fusional area
(Duw aer and van den Brink 1981a). W hen the magnitude
3. W e will see in chc nexc seccion chac associated phoria o f fixation disparity is increased by forced convergence or
may be reduced under che condicions o f forced divergence, the maximum fixation disparicy before diplopia
vergence used со measure ic (sec Schor and is seen corresponds со che radius of Panum s fusional area.
Narayan 1982). Panum s fusional area is enlarged when high spacial fre­
quencies are removed from che scimulus by opcical blurring
Since phoria is related to the position o fd a rk vergence (Seccion 12.1.2). Normally, fixacion disparicy also increases
(to n ic balance), one would also expect fixation disparity to (H ebbard 1964). However, people wich а Пас forced-
be related со dark vergence. In con form ity wich chis expec- vergence curve, signifying a very adaptable scacc o f conic
cacion ic has been reporced chac, as vergence deviates from vergence, do noc show chis dependency o t fixation disparity
chc posicion o f conic balance, fixacion disparity increases in on Panum s fusional area (Sch o r et al. 1986a).
the direction o l tonic balance (O w ens and Leibow itz 1983; Panum s fusional area also increases with eccentricity.
Jaschinski-K ruza 1 994). In general, when a person co n ­ O gle et al. (1 9 6 7 ) found that fixation disparity did not
verges or diverges outside the position o f tonic balance, the increase while a square, serving as the fused stimulus,
eyes are pulled back toward it w ithin the limits o f Panums becam e larger so that its edges becam e more eccentric in the
fusional area, although fixation disparity is not necessarily visual field. O th er investigators have reported that fixation
zero at the position o f dark vergence. Also, fixation dispar­ disparity does increase with increasing eccentricity o f the
ity is more stable for a target at the position of dark ver­ fusional stimulus (C arter 1 9 6 4 ; Francis and Ow ens 1983).
gence (Jaschinski 1 997). Linear modeling suggests that the The answer to this apparent con flict seems to be that some
rate ot increase of fixation disparity with increasing distance people show a dependence on eccentricity and som e do not.
from the position o f dark vergence is proportional to the Thus, tor people with an adaptable state o t to n ic vergence,
open-loop gain o f vergence (H ung G K 1992a). At near fixacion disparicy and che forced-vergence funccion are
viewing distances, the position o f dark focus has a small independenc o f che ecccncricicy o t che fusional scimulus
effect on fixation disparity (Jaschinski 2 0 0 1 b ). There is evi­ (Saladin and Carr 1 9 8 3 ; Sch or ec al. 1986a).
dence that subjects select a viewing distance for a near- The cocal range ot crossed and uncrossed disparicics over
vision task that m inim izes fixation disparity (Jaschinski w hich depch is seen in a random -doc stereogram has been
1998). found to decrease trom about 2 3 arcm in tor subjects with
no associated phoria (fixation disparity measured by prism A

cancellation) to about 11.5 arcm in for subjects with 4 D o f

phoria (Jim en ez et al. 2 0 0 0 ).

1 0 .2 .4 h Sum m ary

Fixation disparity is a deviation ot one ot the visual axes

from the intended point o f convergence, w hich is too small
to cause diplopia. Fixation disparity is measured by the
offset o f spatially separated dichoptic targets in the pres­
ence o f fusible stim uli. The effect has been attributed to
m onocular fixation error, tonic im balance, leaky integra­
tion o f the velocity signal, asymmetry o f signals for conver­
gence and divergence, and foveal scotom ata. The correlation
between fixation disparity and phoria varies with viewing
distance and with the position o f dark vergence. Fixation
Figure io. i>. 1b e effect o f base-ou t prism s on vergence. B ase-o u t prism s cau sc an
disparity, like Panum s tusional area, increases as the spatial-
o b jc c t ac p o sitio n A to appear nearer a t position В and increase required
frequency co n ten t o f the stimulus is reduced. Also, in some con vergen ce. Base-in prism s have an o p p o site effect.
subjects, fixation disparity, like Panum s tusional area,
increases with increasing stimulus eccentricity.
For detailed reviews o f fixation disparity, see O gle et al. fixation disparity as prism power is increased from zero, one­
(1 9 6 7 ), Sch or (1 9 8 3 a ), and Sethi (1 9 8 6 a ). way or the other. Type II shows an accelerating change o f
fixation disparity to decreased vergence demand induced by
base-in prisms, but no change to increased vergence demand
1 0 .2 .5 T O N I C V IIR G EN С E A D A P T A T I О N
induced by base-out prisms. Туре III shows changes in
response to increased vergence dem and,but not to decreased
It has been known since the rime o f M addox (1 8 9 3 ) that demand. Type IV shows little change to cither increased or
viewing the world through base-in or base-out prisms, even decreased vergence demand. People showing this type o f
for a few m inutes, leads to a shift o f tonic vergence in rhe curve have a flat forced-vergence curve and arc said to “cat
direction o f the induced vergence (Rosenfield 1997). The the prism” (O gle and Prangen 1953; Sch or 1979b ). For
shift is revealed by rhe position o f dark vergence, by phoria, such people it is pointless to use prisms o f fixed power tor
or by fixation disparity while viewing through prisms or the correction o f fixation disparity or phoria. This may
after the prisms have been removed (AJpern 19-16). The explain why prismatic correction o f fixation disparity has
effect decays exponentially after the prisms have been little or no effect on stereoacuity (R u tstcin 1 9 7 7 ). The state
removed. The effect can last hours but it decays more rap­ o f tonic vergence is said to adapt to the vergence demand in
idly when norm al binocular vision is allowed (Ludvigh those parts o f a forced-vcrgcncc curve that do n o t change
et al. 196‘i) . Vergence adaptation has also been dem on­ with changed demand. For all types o f forced vergence
strated in the monkey (M orley et al. 1 9 8 8 ). Dynam ic ver- curve the images no longer fuse beyond a certain prism
gence adaptation to disturbed visual feedback is discussed power.
in Section 10.8.3. The forced vcrgcncc curve may vary with ccccn tricity o f
the fusion targets. O gle (1 9 5 0 ) used an array o f letters sur­
rounding a central 1.5° black area containing nonius lines.
10 .2 .5 a F o rc cd V c rg cn cc C u rv es
There were no fusion targets w ithin 45 arcm in o f the fovea.
W hen base-out prisms are placed before the eyes, as in H e found that 8 5 % o f subjects showed type I forced-
Figure 10.15, more convergence is required to fixate a given vergence curves, 10% showed type II curves, and even fewer
object. Base-in prisms decrease vergence demand. The tunc­ subjects showed types II and IV curves. Rutstcin (1 9 7 7 )
tion relating fixation disparity on th e у-axis to vergence demand used a sim ilar display but w ith a central black area o f only
(prism power) on the л-axis is rhe forced-vergence curve 0.5°. M ost subjects showed type II curvcs, in w hich fixation
(Ogle 1964, pp 6 9 - 9 3 ; O gle et al. 1967). The ^in tercep t indi­ disparity adapts to base-in prisms. O thers have also found
cates fixation disparity in the absence o f prisms and the that vergence adapts more com pletely when the fusion
л-intercept indicates the prism power required to reduce stimulus is near the center o f the visual field rather than in
fixation disparity to zero. the periphery (C arter 1 9 6 5 ; M cC orm ack c t al. 1991;
People vary widely in the torm o f the forced-vergence M cC orm ack and Fisher 1996).
curve. O gle described the four basic types o f curve shown in Forced-vergence curves may also be obtained by expos­
Figure 10.16. Type I is sigmoid, showing an accelerating ing subjects to vertical prisms (Eskridge and Rutstcin 1986;
T yp e I. Increasing fixation disparity as prism Type II. Increasing fixation d ispanty to decreased
pow er increases either w ay from zero. verg en ce dem and. No change to increased dem and.

Type III. C hanges to increased verg en ce dem and Type IV. Little change to eithe r increased o r
b u t n ot to decreased dem and. d ecreased verg en ce dem and.

h.Rurc io. 16. B asic type! offorced-vergen cetu rvet. (.\d»ptcJ from o*lc о J. W )

I.uu cc al. 2 0 0 0 ). For example, Paccl and Firth (2 0 0 3 ) used and 10 diopcers horizoncally (Career 1963, 1 9 6 5 ; Henson
M addox rods to measure vertical phoria induced by prior and Norch 1980). 'Ih e form o f che forced-vergence curve
1 -minuce exposure to a vertical prism o f 2 D before one eye. remained reasonably conscanc over monchs and years
This induced a phoria o f 0 .5 5 L) after the prism was removed, (M itch ell and Ellerbrock 1 9 5 5 ; C o o p er ec al. 1981)
which decayed exponentially. W ith repeated exposures to although, for som e subjeccs, che funccion showed some dis-
rhe prism at 5-m inute intervals the magnitude o f induced placemenc (D aum 1983).
phoria declined. Fixacion disparicy and phoria can begin со change
Haase (1 9 8 0 ) proposed that the reem ergence o f phoria wichin che firsc minuce o f exposure со base-ouc or base-in
during prism correction is due to the fact that the full extent prisms (Sch or 19 7 9 a , 19 7 9 b ). As exposure cime is increased,
o f phoria is n o t revealed in the initial test. 'I here is a degree vergence adapcacion becom es more com plece and cakes
o f latent phoria that is revealed only after the initial phoria longer to recurn со ics prcadapccd scace after che prisms are
ha.s been relieved. Prism power must be increased several removed (M itch ell and Ellerbrock 1955; Brautasct and
times at intervals o f several m onths before the full phoria is Jennings 2 0 0 5 ). Even after phoria has returned со ics pre-
revealed. It has been claimed thac hctcrophoria and hcc- adapccd scace, che effecc o f a prolonged period o f forced ver­
erotropia treated in this way show perm anent correction gence is scill evidenc in che rate o f readapcacion to prisms
after a 5-year follow-up, alchough che prisms muse be co n tin ­ (Norch ec al. 1986). O n e muse allow adcquacc ineervals
ued со be worn to prevent relapse (Lie and O pheim 1990). becween cescs o f phoria со avoid aftereffect.
A daptation o f the vergence system to increased vergence Seth i (1 9 8 6 b ) reported chac nacurally occurring phorias
demand has been reported up со 3 prism diopcers vertically decay during 4 hours o f m onocular viewing, and thac che
rate o f this decay is correlated wich the rate o f adapcacion со O gle c t al. (1 9 6 7 ) reported that about 25 % o f patients
increased vergence dem and. She concluded chac phoria rep- tested in their clin ic had a forccd-vergence curve chac varied
resencs che nacural adapted state o f che vergence syscem. according со whecher vergence was near or far. This same
The magnicude o f vergence adapcacion declines wich phenom enon occurred in abouc 40 % o f a sample o f normal
increasing age (W in n ec al. 1994). adulcs (W ick 1985). The mosc frequent change was from a
People adapt to large vergence demands more easily суре I curve wich near convergence to a type II curve with
when the prismatic displacem ent is introduced gradually far convergence, although Saladin and Sheedy (1 9 7 8 ) found
(Sechi and Norch 1 987). Vergence adapcacion, as revealed equal frequencies o f суре 11 ac near and far.
in che change o f dark vergence, occurs after a period ot W ith a distant visual target, there is greater vergence
m aintained convergence in che dark buc is smaller and dis­ adaptation to base-out prisms, which increase vergence
sipates more rapidly than vergence adapcacion produced by demand, than со basc-in prisms, which decrease
maintained vergence on a stimulus (Ebenholcz and C icek vergence demand. W ich a near cargec, adaptation produced
1995). by base-out prisms is reduced to a magnitude similar to that
W hen prism power is increased beyond a certain lim it produced by basc-in prisms (N orth e t al. 1 9 9 0 ). At least
in eicher direction, diplopia becom es apparent. The d ip lo­ two factors could contribute to these effects. Base-in prisms
pia lim it varies wich the state o f tonic adapcacion o f che cause a near target to appear more distant and this decreases
cxcraocular muscles. For instance, diplopia occurred when a the demand on the vergence system because ot the action ot
visual target was viewed chrough 3-diopcer prisms, which proximal vergence (see Scction 10.3.2). Secondly, accom ­
forced vertical divergence. However, after viewing a visual modative convergence creates a greater vergence demand
target for betw een 3 and 10 m inutes through 6-diopter with a near target than with a far target.
prisms, the diplopia seen wich 3-diopcer prisms was over­ Fixation disparicy also changes when posicive o r ncga-
com e, and vercical fixacion disparicy somecimes recurned со tive lenses are placed before the eyes. The lenses change
ics norm al value (O g le and Prangen 1953). W h ile fusional accom m odation, which induces a corresponding change in
limics change wich change in vergence dem and, che differ­ the resting state o f vergence. Furtherm ore, prolonged exp o­
ence becween che upper and lower fusional limics (fusional sure to a particular scacc o f accoinm odacion changes che
amplicude) rem ains conscanc (Sccphens and Jo n es 1990). rescing state o f accom m odation, the resting scare o f vcr­
Pacel et al. (1 9 9 9 ) investigated the dynamic effects ol gcncc, and che magnicude o f phoria (Sch or 1983a). The
sustained convergence. C onvergence on a 6" convergence reciprocal coupling becween accom m odacion and vergence
target for 3 0 s or m ore reduced rhe peak velocity o f open- is discussed in Seccion 10.4.
loop divergence by about 25% . The velocity o f convergence Vergence demand may also be increased by viewing che
was nor affected. Satgunam et al. (2 0 0 9 ) had subjects co n ­ world chrough a telestereoscope, w hich effectively increases
verge on a 12° convergence target for 5 m inutes. This or decreases interocular distance. The cffccts are n o t chc
decreased rhe peak velocity and amplitude o f divergence same as chose produced by prisms. Prisms add a conscanc
and increased the peak velocity and am plitude o f open-loop amounc со vergence over the whole range o t distance,
convergence. There was also a m oderate convergent shift in whereas increased vergence demand produced by a celesce-
phoria. It is n o t clear why Patel et al. did n o t find any effect reoscope is inversely related to distance (Figure 10.22).
o f sustained convergence on convergence. Hosier et al. (1 9 8 9 ) generated forced-vergence curves
with accom m odacion rendered open loop by an artificial
pupil. Relative to the closed-loop con d ition , the curves were
1 0 .2 .5 b V erg en ce A d a p ta tio n and
more exophoric on the forced convergence side but were
A c c o m m o d a tio n
unchanged on chc forced divergence side. Sem m low and
Prisms produce much larger changes in fixation disparity Hung (1 9 7 9 ) obtained con flictin g results, so the precise
than does changing the actual distance o f t h e visual target contribution o f accom m odative vergence to fixation dispar­
(Jaschinski 1 9 9 7 ). This is because the change in vergence ity remains C o be clucidaced.
demand produced by prisms is n o t accom panied by the The conic scacc o f che eyes is clearly noc fixed buc adapcs
change in accom m odation demand chac is encailed by со chc currenc level o f vcrgcncc, m ore rapidly and com -
changing che real distance o f a target. plcccly in som e people chan in others. Hung ( 1 9 9 2 b ) devel­
After subjects inspected a haploscopic display, set ac oped a m athem atical model of vergence adaptacion.
maximum tolerated accom m odative value in one direction
and maximum tolerated vergence value in the other direc­
1 0 .2 .5 c A d a p ta tio n o f Eye T o rsio n
tion, a change in tonic vergence buc no change in tonic
accom m odation occurred (Kran and Ciuffreda 1988). A Maxwell and Sch or (1 9 9 9 ) placed D ove prisms before the
change in tonic accom m odation (dark focus) occurred only eyes, which rotated the images ot a sccne in opposite
when vergence anil accom m odation were congruent or directions about the visual axes. W h en subjects tilted the
when vergence was open loop. head 4 5 ' in one direction the dove prisms introduced a
cyclodisparity that triggered incyclovcrgence. W h en the For instance, a vertical vcrgcncc o f three prism diopters is
head tilted 45° in the opposite direction the prisms' trig­ required to binocularly fixate a point 24° up and 24° to one-
gered an excyclovcrgcncc. After 1 hour o f alternating exp o­ side on a frontal plane, at a distance o f 3 3 cm (O gle and
sure to this coupling betw een head position and Prangen 1 9 5 3 ). Furtherm ore, the required vergence for a
cyclodisparity, subjects dem onstrated a head-position given direction o fg aze varies with the discancc o f the fron­
dependent change in cyclophoria am ounting to up to 13% tal plane.
ot the cyclodisparity in the training session. W h en the gaze was directed to a target w ithout error
Maxwell et al. (2 0 0 1 ) observed persisting changes o f feedback, che visual axes intersected on the target with an
2 to 3° in the torsional alignm ent o t the eyes after a 90-m in ­ error ot no more than 0.25° tor any direction or distance ot
ute training period in which subjects cracked a 40 " by 40° the target (Sch o r et al. 1994). This suggests that vergence
grid o f lines as it changed in position while undergoing movements are preprogrammed tor changes in gaze direc­
changes in cyclodisparity. The aftereffects were measured tion or distance.
while subjects visually tracked the m ovem ents o f a small N on con com itan t vergence demand is induced by spec­
test stimulus. A daptation o f cyclovergence was evident both tacle lenses with unequal m agnification in the two eyes; a
when the test stimulus was a grid ot lines contain in g a condition known as optical aniseikonia (Section 9 .9 ). This
cyclodisparity signal (closed loop) and concentric circles happens when the tw o eyes require different amounts o f
containing no cyclodisparity signal (open loop). optical correction. W hen the gaze is directed away from the
Cyclovergence o f 2 or 3° m aintained for periods up to optic axes o f a spectacle lens, the lens acts like a prism, which
150 s took about 5 s to decay in the dark but decayed more increases in power as a tunction o t the angle o t gaze. It
quickly in the presence o f a zero-disparity stimulus (Taylor the lenses do not have the same power the eyes must move
c t al. 2 0 0 0 ). different am ounts to m aintain fusion. A person can co m ­
pensate for the effects o f spectacles by turning the head so
that the eyes look through the centers o f the lenses, and
1 0 .2 .6 N O N C O N C O M IT A N T V E R G E N C E lenses can be made that optically correct for aniseikonia.
A D A P T A T IO N However, m ost people do not need to com pensate in either
o f these ways bccausc they adapt to the n oncon com itant
10 .2 .6 a N o n c o n c o m ita n t A dap tation
vergence demand by n onconcom itan t vergence. Thus, a
A change in vergence demand is con com itan t when it is the person used to reading with unequal lenses learns to elevate
same for all directions o f gaze. It is nonconcom itant when it the visual axis o f one eye relative to that o f the o ther to bring
varies with angle ot gaze. W hen the eyes change their conver­ the images o t an o b ject onto the fovea. A person who has
gence from a near pointdirectly ahead to a point in an oblique made such an adjustm ent o f vergence shows a phoria that
direction on the same trontal plane, they must execute an depends on the direction ot gaze when tested with disasso­
appropriate vertical vergence to bring the images o f the newly ciated viewing. This is n on co n com itan t phoria, or aniso-
fixated object onto the foveas (see Figure 10.17). They must phoria (Ellerbrock and Fry 1941, 1 9 4 2 ; Ellerbrock 1948;
also execute an appropriate change in horizontal vergence. Allen 1974). Dynam ic aspects o f adaptation to aniseikonia
are discussed in Section 10.8.3b.

1 0 .2 .6 b The Adaptive Field

M idline W h en a person holds the gaze in one direction while-

adapting the state o f vergence to a prism-induced disparity,
a change in phoria occurs in about 3 0 minutes. Although
the change in tonic vergence is maximal for that direction
o t gaze, it also shows when the eyes look in neighboring
directions along the same meridian. The range o f eye posi­
tions over which a locally applied adaptation o f vergence
spreads is called the adaptive field (H enson and Dharam shi
1982). Changes in phoria after adaptation to a fixed direc­
tion o t gaze were constant over an 18°-wide field, showing
that the adaptive field is at least this wide (Sch o r et al.
b.Rurc Ю.17. U nequal version) n eed ed fo r o bliq u e guze. W h e n chc gaze m oves 1993a).
from a straight-ah ead a t О , со an ob liq u e p o sitio n . P. chc eves muse N on concom itan t adaptation o f tonic vergence to a gra­
execu te a vertical vergence m ovem en t to b rin g th e im ages o f P in to
dient o t disparity, such as that produced by spectacles, takes
vertical corresp on d en ce. T h is is because P Q su bten ds a larger angle, в ,
со o n e eye than to the ocher eye. The eyes m ust also execute unequal m uch longer than co n com itan t adaptation to constant dis­
h orizon tal m ovem en ts, since angle 0 К is larger chan angle <f>L. parity (Sethi and H enson 1984). W ith nonconcom itant
adapcacion, a specific degree o f adaptation must be applied moved in the midsagiccal plane (horizoncal vergence and
at each direction o i gaze along a given meridian. vertical version), the frontal plane (horizontal and vertical
S ch or ec al. (1 9 9 3 a ) investigated chis process by having version), or che cransverse plane (horizoncal vergence and
subjeccs adapc со cwo separaced cargecs wich opposice prism- horizontal version). Adaptation of vertical vergence, as
induccd vercical disparities. They used vercical racher chan indicated by dark phoria, was specific to each o f the three
horizoncal vergence because it is not affected by accom m o­ orthogonal planes. They modeled the results with a matrix
dacion. D ifferential adaptation of vergence was greater with that associated pairs o f eye-position signals with a weighted
greater lateral separations o f the targets or w ith smaller output driving vertical vergence.
imposed disparities. Thus, the steeper the disparity gradient Maxwell and Schor (1 9 9 6 ) placed either a base-up or
between cargecs, che m ore difficult ic becam e со acquire base-down prism before one eye according ro w hether the
nonconcom icanc vergence. head or the whole body was pitched up or down, deviated
Sch or ec al. proposed a tw o-m echanism model o f tonic to left or right, or rotated left or right about the visual axis.
vergence adaptation. The first is a global mechanism o f In each case, 6 0 minutes of alternating changes in head
rapid onset, w hich generalizes to all eye positions along a or body position and prism deviation resulted in a head-
given meridian. The second is a slower local mechanism position-dependent change in vertical vergence, which per­
that adapts to distinct disparities in che visual field. The sisted when the prism was removed. This result implies that,
local m echanism shows some spread, so that differential in normal circum stances, changes in vertical vergence co m ­
adaptation to objects with d istin ct disparities does noc pensate for the ocu lom otor effects o f vestibular and neck
occur when the objects are too close together. proprioceptive stimuli arising from movements o t the head
In conform ity with this tw o-m echanism model, the or body. Su bjects can simultaneously adapc vercical vergence
n on con com itan t com ponent o f adaptation of vertical ver­ in an cye-posicion-spccific manner, which varies wich head
gence built up more slowly than the con com itan t co m p o ­ posicion (M axwell and Sch or 1997). Thus che mechanism
nent (M axw ell and Sch or 1 994). C o n co m itan t adaptation responsible for adaptation o f vertical vergence cakes the
o f vertical vergence to a prism before one eye decayed with a posicions o f boch chc eyes and head inco accounc.
tim e constant o f about 31 min while n on concom itan t adap­
tation to a lens worn before one eye decayed with a cime
10 .2 .6 d D is ta n c e C u e s f o r V erg en ce A d a p ta tio n
conscanc o f 8 3 m in (G r a f ec al. 2 0 0 3 ). M cC andless ec al.
(1 9 9 6 ) described a model o f che neural processes involved S ch or and M cCandless (1 9 9 5 a , 1995b ) asked subjeccs со
in n on co n com itan t adaptation o f vertical vergence. accempc со fuse a cross containing various degrees o f vertical
disparity coupled with variations in various visual cues to
distance, including overlap, loom ing, relative size, and par­
10 .2 .6 c M e rid io n a l S p e c ific ity o f
allax. A 2-hour adaptation period did n o t induce any change
V c rg c n c c A d a p ta tio n
in vertical vergence as indicated by postexposure phoria.
It seems that n on con com itan t adaptation of tonic vergence However, association o f vertical disparities with different
is specific со che meridian along which chc disparicy gradi­ values o f horizontal vergence as a cue со discance did induce
ent is presented. Thus, M axwell and Schor (1 9 9 4 ) adapted adaptation of vertical vergence. Thus adaptation o f vertical
subjects to tw o different vertical disparities presenced along vergence occurred in response со associations becween vcr-
eicher che horizoncal or vercical meridian. Vergence adapta­ cical and horizontal ocu lom otor accivicy buc noc in response
tion, as revealed in postexposure phoria, was n on co n com i­ со associacions becween vergence and m onocular cues со
tant only for the meridian along which the different discance.
disparities had been displayed. It was co n com itan t along
the orthogonal meridian.
S ch or et al. (1 9 9 3 b ) had subjects converge on scacionary 1 0 .3 V O L U N T A R Y A N D P R O X IM A L
targets at differenc posicions along an optically induced dis­ VERGEN CE
paricy gradienc. This rcsulced in a posicion-dependenc
phoria and a differential movemenc o f che eyes during visual
1 0 .3 .1 VO LU N TA RY V ERG EN C E
pursuic, buc ic did not produce disjunctive saccadcs. The
m echanism responsible for adaptation o f saccadic am pli­ Voluncary vergence is vergence iniciaced when chere is no
tude in the cwo eyes (Seccion 10.8.2) muse be independenc cargec scimulus со indicate the required vergence. Ic occurs
o f chat responsible for adapcacion o f scacic vergence and in che following circum stances:
visual pursuit. Gleason et al. (1 9 9 2 ) developed a model of
rhe processes responsible for adaptation o f static vergence 1. Mergence to an imagined object Changes in vergence
and disjunctive pursuit. betw een imagined objects in the dark are voluntary
Sch or and M cC andless (1 9 9 7 ) exposed subjects to ver­ (M cL in and Schor 1 9 8 8 ). Such vergence movements
tical disparities that varied according to w hether the gaze are unreliable and poorly correlaced with che imagined
distances o f the imagined objects (Erkclcns ct al. sensicivicy is analogous to thac associaced wich saccadcs
1 9 8 9 b ). Vergence induced by an attem pt to fixate o n es (M acin 1974; Volkmann ec al. 1 9 7 8 ; Lee and M alpeli 1998).
unseen finger in che dark would be voluntary vergence, Suppression helps chc viewer со disregard che inscabilicy o f
although people do noc perform chis cask accuracely. images during saccades and vergence. Ic may also help elim i-
C hanges in vergence in chc dark seem со be nace chc ctfcccs o f spurious disparicy signals during chc cxc-
independent of changes in accom m odation cucion of large vergence movcmcncs.
(Fincham 1962).

2. Deliberate rniseonvergence O n e can learn to diverge or 1 0 .3 .2 P R O X I M A L V E R G E N C E

converge che eyes со make chc images o f an isolaced
The cype o f vergence chac M addox called voluntary vergence
objecc disparacc. Also, one can deliberacely misconverge
is usually referred to as p roxim al vergence. Ic is evoked by a
while looking ac a cexcurcd froncal surface. Ic is rclacivcly
scimulus that gives the impression o f being nearer or further
easy со learn со misconverge horizoncally buc chere is no
chan che poinc o f convergence, in rhe absence o f disparicy or
evidence chac people can learn со misconverge vcrcically
accom m odacion cues. In ocher words, che cargec scimulus
or by rocacing che cwo eyes in opposice directions.
contains some informacion abouc che relacive discances ot
3. Fusion o f stereoscopic images Voluntary vergence is che initial and cargec scimuli. Proximal vergence is also inici-
required when vcrgcncc is changed so as со fuse cwo aced by radial opcic flow and by changes in che size o t che
widely disparace scimuli beyond che range o f disparicy image. Proximal vergence occurs aucomacically when chc
dececcors. For example, when looking ac an observer acccnds со a particular scimulus. It is cheretore noc
aucostereogram, like those discussed in Section 2 4 .1 .6 , voluncary although ic is evoked by a voluncary change o f
one must learn to diverge beyond chc plane o f chc accencion from one o b ject to anochcr.
display. O n e must also learn со diverge or converge che
eyes in order со fuse sidc-by-sidc sccrcoscopic images.
10 .3 .2 a V c rg c n c c C h a n g e s O v e r L a rg e D ista n c e s

(use before, during, and jusc after a vcrgcncc response со The mechanism thac signs che direccion ol accom m odacion
a large binocular disparity step there is a decremenc in che does noc work for images ouc o f focus more chan 2 D
dcccccabilicy o f an objccc or o f che displaccmcnc or change (Fincham 1951). Furchermore, binocular disparities o f
in disparicy o f an ob ject (M anning and Riggs 1984; Hung m ore than about 4° do n o t evoke vergence (Section 10.5.3).
cc al. 1989, 1990) (Porcraic Figure 10.18). This loss o f O th er depch cues, such as perspective and m otion parallax,
operace ac distances outside these lim its. Thus, vergence
movements со objeccs ac a distance far removed from
the plane o f initial convergence arc, by definition, proximal
C onsider che acc ot changing convergence from a near
o b ject to an objecc in che far discance, or vice versa. The in i­
tial proximal vergence response brings the disparity o f the
o b ject within range o f disparity detectors. Vergence then
comes under the concrol ot absolute disparity. The overall
vergence response and associated accom m odation elim i­
nates the blur and absolute disparity of the images ot the
newly fixated o b ject. Schor c t al. (1 9 9 2 ) devised a feedback
control model o t chesc processes.

10 .3 .2 b P ro x im al V c rg cn cc со C o p la n a r
S ta tic S tim u li

Increasing the size ot chc image o f a playing card was found

со evoke a change in vergence (Iccelson and A m es 1950;
Alpern 1958). Predcbon (1 9 9 4 ) observed vergence induced
by che fam iliar size o f a m onocularly viewed objecc.
Enright (1 9 8 7 a ) found chac subjeccs converged when
F .Rurc 10. 18. G eorge A*. Hmtg. B o m in Sh an gh ai, C h in a , in 1 9 4 7 . chey monocularly fixaced an apparendy near pare o f che
H e o b ta in ed a B .S c . in m ech an ical b ioen g in eerin g in 1 9 7 0 and P h .D . in
drawing o f a cube, and diverged when chey fixaced an appar-
physiological o p tics in 1 9 7 7 , b oth from Berkeley. H e jo in ed the faculty
at R utgers U n iv ersity in 1 9 7 S , where he is now professor o f biom ed ical enclv far pare. In chis case che cue to depth was provided
engineering. only by perspective. Vcrgcncc movcmcncs were also eliciccd
image also creates an impression o f a slanted surfacc. This is
O g le s induced effect discussed in Section 2 0 .2 .3 . Sheliga
and M iles (2 0 0 3 ) asked subjects to fixate a point on the
center of such a surfaces and then change their gaze to
another poinc displaced 7.5° со left or righc. W h en chc eyes
began со move, the display was blacked out so that the
response was open loop. During chc change in gaze, vcr-
gence movements occurred that increased in size with
increasing apparent slant of the surface. These movements
occurred even for surfaces containing no horizontal
disparities. The responses had again o t between 0.1 and 0.3
com pared with a gain o f abouc 0.8 for a surface wich a
gradient o f horizontal disparity. The induced cftecc p ro ­
duced by vercical magnificacion o f one image may be can ­
celed by a horizoncal magnificacion o f that image. W hen
subjects changed their gaze over an apparently frontal sur­
face produced in this way, there were no changes in vcr-
gcnce, even though the surface contained a gradient o f
horizontal disparity.
Vergence was also initiated by an impression o f depth
i ifu»c Ю.19. Jam esE n rig h t. B o rn in Baker, O reg o n , in 1 9 3 2 . H e o b tain ed a created by m onocular occlusion (see Figure 17.26a), rather
В .Л . a t U niversity C o lleg e o f L os A ngeles in 1 9 5 7 and a P h .D . w ith than by binocular disparity (I.iu c t al. 1998).
E. NX'. Fagcr at the Scripps Institu te o f O cean o grap h y in 1 9 7 4 .
H e did p o std o cto ra l work w ith J . A s c h o ffa t the M ax P lan ck Institute
fu r V crh altcn sph ysiolog ic, E rln g -A n d ech s, G erm any. H e then join ed
the Scripps In stitu tio n o t O cean o g rap h y a t the U niversity o f C alifo rn ia ,
10 .3 .2 c P ro x im a l V erg en ce w ith
San D ieg o , where he rem ained u n til he died in 2 0 0 4 .
C o n f lic tin g D isp a rity

N orth et al. (1 9 9 3 ) assessed the relative contributions o f

in the closed eye when the gaze o f the open eye changed accom m odation, disparity, and proximal cues to vcrgcncc
from a pare o f a painting thac depicted a near o b ject со a by introducing three types o f cue discordance. A ccom m o­
part that depicted a far object (Enright 1987b) (Portrait dation was made discordant relative со the other cues bv J

Figure 10.19). Subjects made large and rapid changcs in ver­ having subjects view a display at 4 m through - 0 .7 5 diopter
gence when they looked back and forth between two frontal- lenses. Disparity was made discordant by having subjects
plane horizontal fluorcsccnc rods seen ac different distances view the display through prisms. The proximal cue was
in dark surroundings (W ic k and Bedell 1989). made discordant by having subjects view the display through
It was claim ed that, because the rods were horizontal, the both lenses and prisms. They measured che immediate
only cues to depth were the relative thickness and heighc o f change in phoria and fixation disparity after a period o f
the rods in the field. However, accom m odation cues were exposure to each stimulus. Discordance o f disparicy or o f
not elim inated. the proximal cue relative to the o ther cues had sim ilar effects
Rosenfield et al. (1 9 9 1 ) measured proximal vergence w hile discordance o f accom m odation had only about one-
evoked with accom m odation cues elim inated by having third che effect o t a discordance ot either o t the o ther two
subjects look through pinholes, and with disparity cues to cues. H u n g e r al. (1 9 9 6 ) com m ented that, in this experi­
depth elim inated by introducinga vertical disparicy between m ent, an absence ot stim uli in the central field created a bias
the images in the tw o eyes. A letter chart viewed in the labo­ against accom m odation. They found that proximal cues
ratory was the target for distances up со 6 mecers, and had little effect on vergence in the presence o f adequate dis­
o b jects such as buildings seen out o f the window were tar­ parity and accom m odation cues.
gets for distances o f up to 1,5 0 0 mecers. Vcrgcncc and W ism eijer et al. (2 0 0 7 ) produced a textured surface in
accom m odation changed linearly with increasing distance which linear perspective indicated a slant o f 70° and b in ­
o f the cargec, up со abouc 3 mcccrs, after w hich vergence ocular disparity indicated a slant o f 50° in the opposite
remained constant. direction. Subjects reported that the surfacc alternated
H orizontal magnification o f chc image o f a random-doc betw een appearing slanted according to perspective and
display in one eye wich respect to that in the other eye cre­ appearing slanted according to disparity. W hichever way
ates an impression o f slant in depth about a vertical axis. As the surface appeared, the direction o f vergence eye move­
the gaze shifts horizontally over the surface, vergence ments produced by changing fixation across the surface was
changcs accordingly. A vertical m agnification o f one eyes always in accordance with the disparity-defined slant.
However, perspective bad som e effect because the am pli­ Vergence evoked by optic flow presumably depends on
tude o f vergence with the cues in co n flict was 14% less chan the characteristics o f the underlying m otion detectors.
that when the cucs were in agreement. Here, disparity was W h en a square-wave grating w ith the fundamental fre­
m ore heavily weighted than the perspective, but we will quency missing is moved in W-wavelengch seeps, the odd
now see that this is n o t always the case. harm onics move in the forward direccion and chc even har­
Л concave facc mask appears convex, even with binocu ­ m onics move in che reverse direction (Adelson and Bergen
lar viewing. H otfm ann and Sebald (2 0 0 7 ) tound that sub­ 1985). K odaka ec al. (2 0 0 7 ) caused a concentric missing-
jects converged their eyes on the illusory depth o f the nose fundam ental gracing со expand o r contracc in V\- wavelength
o f the face rather than on its actual location in depth. In the steps. Vergence occurred in the direction o t the 3rd har­
illusion produced by the artist Patrick Huges, concave sur­ m onic, which is the harm onic with the highest concrasc.
faces appear convex and convex surface appear concave, W hen all buc che 3rd and 5th harm onics were removed
even when disparity indicates cheir true orientation. Here from the scimulus, the response was in the direction o f the
also, the eyes converged on the illusory rather than the harm onic with the higher contrast. W h en the contrast ot
actual locations o f p oin ts on the surfaces (W agner et al. one com ponenc was more chan double chac o f chc ocher, che
2 0 0 9 ). In these cases, vergence was controlled by perspec­ response was rotally dom inated by the com ponent with the
tive rather than by con flictin g depth inform ation produced higher contrast. All these features o f the vergence response
by disparity. are consistent with what is known about early processing ot
m otion in the visual cortex.
Pursuit o f a patch on a 2-D display o f dots that
J 0 .3 .2 d V c r g c n c c in d u ccd by L o o m in g S tim u li
created the impression o f a 3 -D rotating sphere (kinetic
Transient proxim al vergence was evoked when the images depth effect) induced the same pattern of divergence and
o f an isolated square changed sinusoidally in size at a fixed convergence as pursuic o f an I.F.I) m oving in an accual 3-D
distance, or varied in disparity but not in size (Erkelens and orbic (Ringach ec al. 1 9 9 6 ). O bservers could noc produce
Regan 1 9 8 6 ). The response to a com bined change in size chis paccern o f eye m ovem ents w ithout an appropriate scim­
and disparity was the linear sum of the two com ponent ulus and could noc entirely suppress vergence movemencs
responses. evoked by che kinetic depch display. Also, monocularly
Biisettini e t al. (1 9 9 7 ) presented subjects with a single viewed forward and backward mocion ot a horizontal grat­
Step o f radial flow in a dot pattern projected o n to an 80 " by ing displayed on a com puter m onitor lying on che ground
80 " screen at a distance o f 3 3 cm . An expanding display elic­ produced nyscagmic horizoncal vergence (Yang ec al.
ited convergence, and a contracting display elicited a smaller 2 0 0 7 ).
divergence. Response am plitude increased as rhe change in Depch cues could drive proximal vergence indireccly by
image size increased trom 1% to 4% . Response latencies evoking a change in accom m odacion (see Takeda ec al.
were sim ilar when the dots changed in density buc not in 1999). Buc chere is confliccing evidence on this poinc.
size. They were also sim ilar with m onocular viewing and M cL in ec al. (1 9 8 8 ) found that the ratio o f vergence to a
when the display was confined to the tem poral hemifields change in stimulus size resembled the ratio o f vergence to
o f both or one eye. In the latter case, the single eye saw lat­ changing accom m odacion (A C /A racio). They concluded
eral m otion in the opposite direction to that in which che chac size changes evoke accom m odacion direcely and ver­
eye moved. This dem onstrates that vergence was n o t simply gence indirectly.
the sum o f two m onocular pursuit movements. However, W ick and C urrie (1 9 9 1 ) com pared vergence and accom ­
the full binocular stimulus produced the largest response. modative responses to prisms and lenses with responses to
Thus, radial mocion specifically triggers vergence in a targets at different distances. They concluded thac proximal
m achine-like fashion. Radial m otion deteccors in M T or vergence can be iniciaced independently o f proximal accom ­
M S T are probably involved (Seccion 5.8.4b ). modacion.
The short-latency vergence response to a step o t radial W hen a binocularly viewed froncal surface increases in
flow was measured as a function o f che angle ac which the size, che edges acquire an uncrossed disparicy because chey
eyes were converged before the vergence response was trig­ becom e m ore discanc from che concave horopter. This
gered (Y a n g et al. 1 9 9 9 ). Response am plitude was inversely change in disparity could concribuce со che divergence pro­
proportional ro the angle o f initial vergence. W ith parallel duced when an objccc increases in size.
gaze (equivalent to infinite viewing distance) the response An experiment should be conducted with an object chang­
was near zero. 'Ih is relationship between vergence and view­ ing size within the curved plane o fth e horopter or within a
ing distance would allow an observer m oving through a fron tal plane at rhe abathic distance, that is, the distance at
natural scene to converge correctly on a distant o b ject and which the horopter lies in the fron tal plane {Section 14.6.2).
ignore loom ing signals arising from nearby objects. Also, according to the above explanation, an object at a far
(Schapero and Levy 1953) had reported a sim ilar relation­ distance where the horopter is convex should induce divergence
ship betw een proximal vergence and vergence angle. when it is made larger.
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3 г. <
о р ^ з л С\
КА с г, ^7~ V
< -V. и а ТО г .
р о Р Я ?С - р
-г з-rjc ^ L
о . * * гп 3% - 5=t у е - я С------ 4:- — с . %< С :~ ? р с г. п X
§ ^ § I § 5* р 3 ^ О
Г. 3 •-1 р - С 3

Я 0 <л’ 3 * § 3 3 г. 3
rt о &Г щ V ) = I, 3 с - г, — Г. 3 р о з C i-
г. с 3 d 8 5 8 '■§ £
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Г ' 5 л' . п О С> 0 3 С
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о' 3 p с <Л з в
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:— ^
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о с £ .
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о 3
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г*. ^О
- 3 1
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ц С . о
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r-t £ з ' с м г. 3 > BS- r-t

w it h

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Г. G
о ^ _ 3 ° 3 3 з. г- ^ s . С- О 3 г. К 3 3 Г* г s ' 3
Z ' ° 3 Й _ 3- £ С с - с

0 3
3 о С 2 1 f . с О ч0 -• g =• - п о г . 7^ С— .
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3S m Н-.
J2 о I f ь 3
< г с
C- 8 2 . 1 г. ft о р 3 Г. О ri 7ГV .
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К 3 1 §
r-t Ё- 32 <-. 5_ гч 3 Г Г1 гч С 2
о с~ -\ p чз = ;* С: X г.
1L $ о _ п р г. Р~
• г.
** г-т 1_* г: < ^ < * < £ V» г . р
*1* С
чП 3 ^ «
Г. О _ Т о — » 3
c § <’ Я. 3 g п 3 гч ft Q з о f3t - р7Г с *5 с~ С •** 3
2 л Г, —' г 5 ^ 3 3 rt о I 3- ' 3— • 1л
С 7Г с < сл —' r.
С 8 2 .« о
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п V
Г, ^ -о
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ь. р
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Г. 3 г. 3 ^ l i о ^
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С 42. 3 з ’ 3 с3“ Ь- =2 5?' > 3 гГ., < с О- о Г I -3 с
*-П 8 £ в гъ р 2 • -< 2> п з г _
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П l
4^1 ьл
чГо j2 ^ ft r.
,*Х *— < О rt Л Iс *• t: 3 —* с rt я §

о 3 С 5 ‘ ^ P S з-сго то
с — ^3 г. 8 3 г. 2
г. • n О
g г. СГ *-< С X а. Д mJ рft " 33 я гг з‘ р р 3 1 1
*3 £^ 8L а В 2. г r; - 7r“ ^ 8 -л К’ § р Г С С - С7
р 3 5 *✓> 3
3 С- й 2' тс -1 р п
гч с сл
г. § г! О
г. Ci о 3 о с г- сл — сл -1
п S 5 5 -t у— ^ 3 5 Lr с о ’ р3 то < ^ 5 й г.
Л 8 с' * 3 5 Э О* С р
с' f

a ,*>DU.l
п r. I <8 9 - 1 <г (Л 3 Е. 3 г* С О г-т
» ^ 3 3* ^ n 5- 5 3 з р 2 . S" 2 3 3 "Ч “ S

к -В 2з=. з 5»
Й Ч С р г . с чС 5? л f5t гЯ
70 Р 3 4 ^/ ТО р ft У.
с .
с < > 3- Г . Г.
С 7С 3 У1 о 5; в - rt -1 “ V. Г | 3 * < 11- 3 § rt

n th e
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in i*nf

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^1 гЛ
п S ' з ' 5 . 3 " ' s . C L с
=Г» Р г. о; ЛX ^
о < 2 Ci а С*
г. а. 3 л г. = ^ Stimulus to accommodation (diopters) Stimulus to accommodation (diopters)
O - гч
3 а « о - ГГ
л 2 ° 2. я
*т* c
"I »Р >
15 s* 5 S 5
> «г г.
2 ~
5 s-> V. гг П
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о ^ С H -j с- S 5 g ь i. Л
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— < о 3 §
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3 р
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r. ft
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o' с-

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- ОС С ^
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о с CL i g о §.
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s: п. о S- г <(I3
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# R
о ГГ гг Л о s >
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Й 3
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гг § 4 сГ р
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3 V. О "• л I
3 ?- а ' зC .


о Br пa 3 с . 3 с- 3- ? f* О
r. f. — * ^
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о V.
v »п
- а а . з < 3 < гп 2 - zr
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— 3 о
3 ТО 2 .
<1 5^
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п 3^ v. -t
1 сл ч< £

п а > A
Figure 10.21 . S tu art Judge. B o rn in E d in bu rgh in 19-47. H e o b tain ed а В .Л .
in physics and m athem atics in 1 9 6 9 and a P h .D . in co m m u n icatio n
and n cu ro scicn cc in 1 9 7 6 , b o th from K cclc U niversity. H e was lcctu rcr
and then reader in physiology, and a icllow o f S t. A nne's C o lle g e , a t the
U n iv ersity o f O x fo rd , b efore retirin g in 2 0 0 7 .

produce the same result (see Judge 1985) (P ortrait Figure

10 .2 1 ). Hung (1 9 9 7 ) proposed that differences arc due to
nonlinearities arising from the tact that both accom m oda­
tion and vcrgcncc have stimulus thresholds. Larson (1 9 8 2 )
described a procedure for measuring accom m odative co n ­
vergence using a display containing a tusion stimulus.
Since rhe accomm odative state o f an eve is difficult to ri*«r« in.ii. A tc/ettcrew topicdevice. T h e effective in tero cu lar distan ce is
measure in routine clinical practice, the AC/A ratio is m ea­ increased trom d t o d ' . T h is increases the convergence requ ired when
sured with reference to the stimulus to accom m odation, it ch an g in g fixation betw een tw o near o b je c ts , such as A and l i (angle 0
is larger than angle <f>). T h e device also increases the path len gth o f the
being assumed that the accom modative response is propor­
light rays, w hich decreases the am ou n t o f a cco m m o d atio n . The ratio o f
tional to the stimulus. This is the stim ulus AC/A ratio, as con vergen ce to acco m m o d atio n is th erefo re increased.
opposed to the response AC/A ratio o b tain ed when accom ­
modation is measured (Alpern et al. 1959). The tw o mea­
sures do not always give the same result (Ripps et al. 1962). the vergence demand. This increases the required change in
The gain o f accom m odative convergence can be vergence per unit change in accom m odation. As predicted,
expressed as the ratio o t the actual vergence change to the the A C/A ratio increased after subjects had viewed the world
ideal vergence change required to fuse the rargct (Judge and through a telestereoscope for 3 0 minutes (sec next section)
M iles 19 8 5 ; Judge 1987). This measure provides direct (Judge and M iles 1985). The AC/A ratio did not change
com parisons betw een subjects with different interocular when subjects fixated only one stimulus while looking
distances. through a telestereoscope for 3 0 m in u tes(B obier and M cRae
M easurem ent o f the stimulus AC/A ratio is not severely 1996). A simple change in tonic vergence can cater for a fixed
affected by how long one eye is covered during testing change in vergence demand. However, the AC/A ratio
(Roscnficld c t al. 2 0 0 0 ). Also, the response AC/A ratio is increased, as it did in the Judge and M iles experiment, after
not affected by adaptation of vergence to base-in or base- subjects had alternately fixated two targets at different dis­
out prisms (R ain cv 2 0 0 0 ). View ing through base-in or tances. A simple change in tonic vcrgcncc cannot cope with
base-out prisms does not alter the change o f vergence m ore than one convergence distance.
required per unit change in accom m odation, it simply adds Drugs, such as hom atropine, that increase the effort
or subtracts a constant vergence at all accom m odation required to produce a given accom m odation, increase the
distances. However, when objects are viewed through a AC/A ratio (C h in and Breinin 1967). Drugs, or viewing
telestereoscope, as in Figure 10.22, it is as if the eyes were through an artificial pupil, that reduce accommodative effort
further apart. The closer the stimulus is to the eyes, the greater have the opposite effect (H erm ann and Samson 1967).
There have been com peting claim s abouc w hether the is changed in the absence o f the blur stimulus to changing
Л С/Л ratio is affected by orth optic exercises (H ofstetter accom m odation. There are three procedures for elim inating
19 4 5 ; M anas 1 9 5 8 ). Flom (1 9 6 0 c ) controlled for potential defocus blur.
artifacts due to repeated testing and for increases in near
accom m odation and proximal vergence following o rth o p ­ 1. Pinhole viewing An o b ject seen through a pinhole
tic exercises. H e found that 3 0 minutes o f orthoptic train­ remains in clear focus whatever its distance and
ing per week over 8 weeks given to 9 4 patients with whatever the accom m odative state o fth e eyes.
exophoria increased the mean Л С/Л ratio by 0 .4 1 . Л co n ­ However, som e blur remains with pinholes o f a
trol group receiving repeated testing but no orth optic train­ practical size. The pinhole method has revealed that
ing showed no change in the AC/A ratio. accom m odation is a linear function o f convergence. For
Vergence responses o f strabismics and some amblyopes young adults, accom m odation in diopters is
w ithout strabismus arc sim ilar ro those o f people with approximately equal ro vergence in m eter angles, so rhar
norm al vision but with one eye closed (K enyon et al. 1980a). the gain o f convergence accom m odation is 1. The gain
Thus, strabism ics show accom m odative vergence but not is smaller in older and more presbyopic subjects
disparity vergence. (Fincham 19 5 5 ;F in ch a m and W alton 1957).
M yopic children show enhanced accom m odative co n ­
2. Use o f an interference pattern A speckle interference
vergence (Jian g 1 995). A child who is esophoric must relax
pattern form ed on the retina by cwo laser beams
accom m odation to maincain single vision. The resulting
provides an effective stimulus for studying convergence
image blur during near work could induce axial growth ot
accom m odation, because such a pattern is independent
the eye and hence myopia (Gw iazda et al. 1 9 9 9 ). Schor
o f the state o f accom m odation. Using this procedure,
(1 9 9 9 ) developed a model ot these processes.
Kcrsten and Leggc (1 9 8 3 ) found that the average
C onvergence is m ore effectively evoked by disparity
accom m odation o fth e tw o eyes is linearly related to
than by m isaccom m odation. For instance, in the monkey,
vergence angle over rhe eyes’ accom m odative range,
vergence that was evoked by disparity alone had a smaller
w ith a mean C A / C ratio o f 0.91. The C A / C ratio was
phase lag and higher velocity than vergence evoked by
alm ost as high at scotopic levels. A ccom m odation was
m isaccom m odation alone (G um m ing and Judge 1986).
found n o t to vary with changes in the angle o f gaze.
A ccom m odation seems to provide a m oderate contribution
to vergence evoked by disparity only when the m ovem ent is 3. Use o f a low spatial-frequency stimulus A ccom m odation
nearly com plete (H u ng et al. 1 9 8 3 ). Furtherm ore, rhe can also be made open loop by using a difference o f
dynamics o f the initial portion o f a vergence response were Gaussian visual target with a center spatial frequency
nor improved when a disparity stim ulus was supplemented o f 0 .2 cpd (Tsuctaki and S ch or 1987). This low
by an accom m odation stimulus, although an accom m oda­ spatial-frequency stimulus did not evoke reflex
tion stimulus did improve the velocity and precision o fth e accom m odation.
final stages o f the vergence response (Sem m low and W etzel
1979). The contributions o f accom m odation and disparity H orizontal convergence increases the horizontal radius
to vergence are discussed further in Section 10.4.3. o f curvature o f the cornea, especially in young people
(Lopping and W ealc 1965). This effect is believed to be due
to tension induced in the cornea by con traction o f rhe
1 0 .4 .2 C O N V E R G E N C E A C C O M M O D A T IO N
medial rectus muscle.
H orizontal vergence, however evoked, is accom panied by In stereoscopes, flight trainers, o r stereoscopic head-
an appropriate change in accom m odation. This is known as m ounted display systems, vergence changes when one looks
con vergence a cco m m o d a tio n (C A ) or vergence accom ­ at different depth planes but, optically, the stimulus remains
m odation (V A ). at a fixed distance. The resulting conflict betw een vergence
G um m ing and Judge (1 9 8 6 ) com pared the dynamics o f and accom m odation can cause visual fatigue, or asth en o p ia
C A with those o f accom m odation evoked bv m onocular (W olffsohn et al. 2 0 0 1 ).
blur in monkeys. The stim uli moved sinusoidally at between
0.1 and 1.2 H z. C onvergence accom m odation had higher
gain and lower phase lag than blur accom m odation. 1 0 .4 .3 R E L A T IO N B E T W E E N A C A N D CA
The change in convergence accom m odation per unit
1 0 .4 .3 a A C -C A 1in k age
change in eye convergence is the response C A / C ratio. The
change in accom m odation per unit change in the conver­ Convergence accom m odation and accom m odative conver­
gence angle o f rhe stimulus is rhe stim u lu s C A / C ratio. gence are rwo aspects o f the functional unity o f vergence
The stimulus tor imposed vergence is the power o f prisms and accom m odation. C om m ands tor the two responses
placed before the eyes, expressed in prism diopters. arc issued concurrently and inreract reciprocally. However,
Convergence accom m odation is measured when vergence the eyes begin to change vergence before they begin to
accom m odate because chc skeletal reccus muscles respond
more rapidly than the autonom ic ciliary muscles (Allen
In spite ot this functional unity, accom m odation and
vergence assume independent rcscing staces in the dark
(O wens and Leibow itz 1980). There is conflicting evidence
about whether the resting states o f vergence and accom m o­
dation, although different, are correlated (see G ray et al.
1993c). However, when allowance is made lor differences in
the A C/A ratio between subjects, dark accom m odation may
be predicted trom dark vergence (W o lf et al. 1990; Jiang and
Woessner 1 996). There is probably also some uncorrelated
noise in the two systems. In darkness, vergence and accom ­
modation return to cheir respective resting states because
there is insufficient stimulation to activate the feedback
loops in each system or the cross-links becween the syscems.
People with an unusually high A C/A ratio tend to have
a lower than norm al C A / C ratio. A bnorm ally high AC/A
ratios and low C A /C ratios are accom panied by low adapt­
ability o f rhe resting state o f accom m odation and high
adaptability o t to n ic vergence. Unusually low AC/A ratios in.25. F rederick A lbert M iles. B orn in G rim sby, L n glan d . in 1 9 3 9 . He
arc accom panied by high adaptability o f accom m odation o b ta in ed a B .Sc. in an im al P\physiology from the U n iv ersity o f L eed s in
1 9 6 2 and a P h .D . in ncurophvsiology from the U n iv ersity o f Sussex in
and low adaptability ot tonic vergence (Sch o r 1986, 1988;
1971. H e wav a lectu rer at the U niversitya o f Sussex from 1 9 6 6 to 1 9 7 1 .
S ch or and H orner 19 8 9 ; Polak and Jo n es 1990). In 19 7 1 * he moved to the N atio n al In stitu te o f H ealth in B cthcsda,
W ith increasing age, the C A /C ratio decreases substan­ where he is now ch ief o f the scctio n on o cu lo m o to r co n tro l in the

tially, probably because o f a decrease in the range o f accom ­ L ab o rato ry o f S e n so rim o to r R esearch o f t h e N atio n al Eye In stitu te. He
received the G o ld en Brain Award o f t h e M in erv a F ou n d ation in 2 0 0 0 .
m odation. Also, the A C/A ratio increases moderately
(B ru ce cc al. 19 9 5 ; Rosenfield ec al. 1995a), although
Ciuffreda et al. (1 9 9 7 ) found that the increase occurred
only after the age o t 45 years and only tor the stimulus Exposure to virtual-realicy displays that place unequal
AC/A ratio. dem ands on vcrgcncc and accom m odation also changes the
A telestereoscope increases the effective interocular sep­ AC/A and C A / C ratios (Eadie et al. 2 0 0 0 ).
aration and the required change in convergence per unit There has been some dispute about w hether the linkage
change in accom m odation. This decreases the required gain betw een accom m odation and vergence is served by tonic
o f AC/A and increases the required gain o fC A / C . Exposure controllers, by phasic controllers, or by both. Evidence o t a
to a telestereoscope tor 3 0 m inutes produced a mean shift linkage involving the two controllers has been reported by
o f 3 7 % in the AC/A gain, which returned to norm al over a E bcnholtz and Fisher (1 9 8 2 ) and Rosenfield and G ilm artin
period ot about 4 hours o t norm al viewing. Periscopic spec­ (1 9 8 8 a , 1988b). However, more recent evidence suggests
tacles that bring the visual axes to rhe m idline, reduce the that the linkage receives inputs from only the phasic sys­
interocular separation and reduce to zero the change in ver­ tems (Sch o r 1992; Jian g 1996).
gence involved in accom m odating at ditferent distances. A t frequencies o f stimulus oscillation below about 0.1
Exposure to periscopic spectacles had very little effect on Hz, accom m odation does not respond to changes in ver­
AC/A gain (M ile s e ta l. 1987) (Porcraic Figure 10.23). gence, and vergence does n o t respond to changes in accom ­
Exposure to base-out prisms that increase convergence m odation. As stimulus frequency is increased to about 0.5
demand by a constant am ount ac all distances caused a pre­ H z, the C A / C and A C/A ratios increase in a nonlinear
dicted downward shift in the AC/A curve and upward shift fashion (Sch o r and Koculak 1 9 8 6 ). The values o f both ratios
in the C A / C curve, rather than changes in gain. Basc-in are subject to fatigue (S ch o r and Tsuctaki 1987).
prisms that reduced vergence demand by a constant am ount In all the studies m entioned so far the AC/A and C A / C
shifted the C A / C curve downward but had no effect on the ratios were measured w ith an o b ject in the median plane o f
AC/A curve (M iles et al. 1 9 8 7 ). Thus, the reciprocal cou ­ chc head. For an o b jcct in this plane, accom m odation
plings betw een accom m odation and convergence are sub­ expressed in diopters and vergence expressed in meter angles
je c t to adaptive changes, although the effects are arc chc same. However, Figure 10.24 shows that, for an
asymm etrical. These changes could be due to error-sensing eccentric o b ject, the stimulus for vergence is not the same as
feedback in the reciprocal control loops, but muscular that for accom m odation. As an o b ject moves away from
fatigue could also make a contribution. the m idline along an isovergence locus, the stimulus to
Iso-vergence locus д Iso-accom m odation locus arises because o f Panum s fusional area. The model accounts
for dilferences in the A C/A ratio determ ined by the phoria
and fixation disparity m ethods.
Reviews o f accommodative vergence and vergence
accom m odation have been provided by Alpern (1 9 6 9 ),
M organ ( 1 9 6 8 ), C iuffreda and Kenyon ( 1 9 8 3 ), and Fry
(1 9 8 3 ). Sem m low and Venkiteswaran (1 9 7 6 ) dealt with
dynam ic aspects o f accom m odative vergence.

1 0 .4 .3 c V erg cn cc-A cco m m o d a tio n C h a rts

For a given intcrpupillarv distance there is a required degree

o f vergence and accom m odation for each viewing distance.
W h en plotted on a chart, as in Figure 10 .2 0 Л , the required
accom m odation for each vergence angle is known as the
dem and line. The actual vergence for various degrees o f
accom m odation for disassociated targets plotted on the
same chart indicates the magnitude o f phoria. A similar
Fijwt nt.ii. I ’e rg n tic ,m d м ш н т оЛ лй оп in ceccn trifgaze. F o r o b jccc A in plot with associated targets represents fixation disparity.
th e m ed ian plane, v crg cn cc in m eter angles and acco m m o d atio n in The same chart can be used to plot the range o t vergence
d io p ters arc the sam e. A n e cce n tric o b je c t В w ith th e sam e vcrgcncc as
before loss o f fusion and the insufficiency or excess o f co n ­
o b jc c t A w ould have to b e in p osition С to have the sam e stim ulus for
acco m m o d a tio n as o b jc c t А . (л<ир«<1(томNguy<n« ji. ioog), vergence and o f divergence in relation to accom m odation.
The range o f accom m odation and the range o f vergence
possible w ithout excessive error in either define the zone o f
cle a r single b in o cu la r vision. Figure 10 .2 0 Б shows a repre­
accom m odation increases. As an o b ject moves out along an
sentation o f this zone (Fry 1939). The width o f the zone
equal accom m odation locus, the stimulus to convergence
represents the range o f vergence w ithin which accom m oda­
decreases, ('h an g in g the cross-links betw een the A C /A and
tion remains tolerably precise, and is approximately c o n ­
СЛ/А ratios could com pensate for the change betw een ver­
stant at all levels o f accom m odation. W ith training, people
gence and accom m odation. It could also be compensated
can learn to dissociate vergence and accom m odation, and
for by changing the accom m odation bias or by changing the
thereby broaden the zone o f clear vision (H o fstcttcr 1945;
vergence bias (phoria). Nguyen e t al. (2 0 0 8 ) measured
H eath and H ofstettcr 1952). The range over w hich accom ­
AC/A and С A/A ratios tor stimuli on the m idlinc and at
m odation and vergence can be achieved w ithout discom ­
eccentricities o f 17.5* and 30°. The AC/A ratio decreased
fo rt is known as the com fo rt zone. The right-hand boundary
with increasing gaze eccentricity, especially in subjects with
represents rhe lim it o f convergence, and the slope o f the
a high ratio at the m idline. T h e C A / C ratio did not change,
boundary indicates that the person can achieve higher
but the open-loop accom m odation bias increased to about
degrees o f vergence when aided by near accom m odation
0 .8 4 1) at an eccentricity o f 30°. This m inim izes accom m o­
(th e AC/A ratio).
dation errors tor eccentrically viewed objects.
The situation is com plicated by the fact that strong co n ­
vergence evokes an excessive accom m odative response
1 0 .4 .3 b M o d els o f th e A C - C A linkage through the m ediation o f convergence accom m odation
(Sem m low and H eerem a 1979b ). The distance along the
M odels o f interactions betw een accom m odation and ver­
vergence axis between the demand line and the lim it o t ver­
gence have been developed by Sch or and K otulak (1 9 8 6 ),
gence is known as the vergence reserve. The degree o f
Polak and Jo n es (1 9 9 0 ), Sch or c t al. (1 9 9 2 ), and Sch or
phoria, tor cach value o f accom m odation, is represented by
(1 9 9 2 ). The symbols and units used in these models are
a line parallel to the sides o f the zone o f clear vision.
described in Section 3.3. Sch or and K otulak’s model, shown
Vergence/accomm odation charts are used in clinical
in Figure 1 0 .3 9 , contains separate controllers for phasic and
practice (see H ofstettcr 1 9 8 3 ; G oss 1995).
tonic vergence and accom m odation. The cross-links serving
accomm odative convergence and vergence accom m odation
occur after the phasic controllers but before the tonic co n ­
10.4.3d Vergence A cc o m m o d a tio n in
trollers. I lung (1 9 9 7 ) developed a nonlinear model. O n e
Stereo sco p ic V ie w in g
nonlinearity is the dead space in the accom m odation
system, which arises because o f tolerated blur. A second In a scene viewed in a stereoscope, accom m odation and
non linearity is the dead space in the vergence system that image blur arc fixed by the distance o f the dichoptic images
lim ited by the faster signal. Tin is suggests that vergence Signals that control transient and sustained vergence are
dynamics are determ ined by m onocular m otion signals discussed turther in Section 10.5.10.
before inputs from the two eyes are com bined. Symmetrical vergence m ovem ents w ithin the midsagit-
Previous experim ents from the same laboratory had tal plane are instigated by stimuli that p roject images to
shown that vergence evoked by a step displacem ent o f the opposite cerebral hemispheres. There is evidence that the
image in one eye relative to the stationary image in the other d etection o f large disparities betw een such images depends
eye produced m otion o f both eyes (B u settin i c t al. 2 0 0 1 ). In on interhem isphericconnections routed through the corpus
this case, vergence was evoked by changing disparity rather callosum (see S ection 1 1.9). This idea is supported by the
than by each eye tracking its own image. M asson et al. fact that a patient with section o f the corpus callosum failed
argued that step displacem ents do not contain m otion sig­ to produce vergence m ovem ents to targets in the visual
nals required tor m onocular control o f response dynamics. m idline but responded when the images were projected to
the sam e hem isphere (W estheim er and M itchell 1969). The
im portance o f the callosal pathway for the control o f ver­
1 0 .5 .2 P R O C E S S IN G D IS P A R IT Y F O R
gence is also indicated by the m isalignm ent o f the eyes in
С О N T R О L О F V E R G E N С F.
callosectom ized cats (Payne et al. 1981).
Disparity signals are first generated in the primary visual To in itiate a change o f vergence, rhe images in the two
cortex. At that level, disparity detectors respond only to eyes need n o t be similar in contrast, orientation, or size.
absolute local disparity (G um m ing and Parker 1 9 9 9 ). The However, a vergence state is not m aintained when the
absolute disparity in the o b je ct that one intends to fixate images of a fixated o b ject have opposite contrasts or differ
indicates the direction and m agnitude o f the change in widely in orientation or size (Section 10 .5 .1 0 ).
horizontal vergence required to binocularly fixate it. A A pseudo square-wave grating lacks the fundamental
change in disparity over the whole binocular field or in the frequency and contains odd harm onics with amplitudes
images ot a fixated o b ject induces an autom atic change in inversely proportional to frequency. Identical dichoptic
vergence. gratings o f this type with a 90" phase disparity produce a
Duwaer and van den Brink (1 9 8 1 b ) determ ined the disparity between the 3rd harm onics that is the same as that
sm allest disparity required to initiate vertical vergence, as betw een the 5th harm onics. Short-latcncv horizontal or

indicated by displacem ent o f nonius lines. Since vertical vertical vergence was evoked in the direction of the stronger
vergence is not under voluntary control it provides a clean 3rd harm onic. However, the m agnitude o f horizontal ver­
measure o f rhe dispariry/vergence threshold. For stim uli gence was n o t as great as that produced by two sine-wave
presented tor 2 s at eccentricities ot up to 4°, vergence was gratings o f the same two frequencies (Sheliga et al. 2 0 0 6 ).
initiated by a disparity o f about 1 arcm in. The threshold There was thus a m inor contribution from rhe higher har­
was higher tor stim uli presented tor only 160 ms at eccen­ m onics o f the pseudo square-wave gating. W e will see in
tricities greater than 4 ю. These disparity thresholds were Section 17.1.1 that the way the visual system links images
much smaller than the disparities at which singleness ot for stereopsis is also determ ined by the dom inant spatial-
vision was lost. freque ncy com ponen ts.
A disparity o f about 4° generates the m ost rapid ver­ W h en one spatial-frequency com ponent had a contrast
gence movements, bu t horizontal vergence is evoked even m ore than 2.2 tim es that o f rhe other, initial vertical ver­
by disparities o t up to 9°. These are larger disparities than gence responses were governed wholly by the com ponent
those to which single cortical cells have been found to with the higher contrast. For horizontal vergence, the co n ­
respond (Section 11.4). trast ratio had to exceed 4.5 before one com ponent gained
Normally, the steady state o f vergence is determ ined by com plete dom inance over responses (Sheliga et al. 2 0 0 7 ).
the distance o t a fixated o b ject. The fixated o b ject is nor­ Both horizontal vergence and vertical vergence are
mally the o b ject to which we are paying attention. W hen evoked by m odulations o f disparity o f a luminance-defined
we switch attention to an o b ject at another distance, the grating. However, only horizontal vergence was evoked by a
required change in vergence is determ ined by the disparity grating defined by m odulations o f contrast, with mean
o f the new o b ject. W h en the disparity o f the new o b ject is lum inance constant (Stevenson 2 0 0 2 ).
beyond the detection range, vergence is determ ined by
o ther distance cues. Thus, we normally exercise voluntary
control over vergence through the m ediation o f a change in
attention and gaze to a new o b ject. People m ust learn to
change vergence voluntarily while keeping their attention The angle o f vergence changes abou t 14° when the gaze is
on an o b ject at a fixed distance. moved from infinity to the nearest distance for com fortable
The disparity/vergence threshold should be determined convergence at about 2 5 cm . Vergence changes about 36°
with an objective method o f recording eye mo vements, and when the gaze moves to the nearest point to w hich the eyes
compared with that used for coding o f depth. can converge. A bout 9 0 % o f this total change occurs when
Jon es (1 9 7 7 ) Found chat in ahouc 20 % o f subjects with
otherwise normal binocular vision, the vergence response
to briefly exposed stimuli was asym m etrical; som e subjects
did not respond to stim uli with crossed disparities, while
others did not respond to stimuli with uncrossed disparities
wich respect to che rescing scace o f vergence. Figure 10.36
shows chc vergence amplicude/disparicy profile ot a person
who responded со a line scimulus only when ic had an
uncrossed disparicy. These subjects showed anomalous
asymmetries in stereopsis produced by b rief stim uli, like
chose reporced by Richards (1 9 7 1 ) (Seccion 3 2 .2 .1 ).
However, che cwo cypes o f asymmetry were only loosely
relaced. Som e subjcccs wich a scereo anomaly did noc show
asymmetrical vergence. Also, wich longer scimulus dura-
cions, asymmetrical responses showed only as slight differ­
ences in latency and velocity.
The initial disparities used by Jo n es were outside che
fusion range. Fredenburg and Harwerch (2 0 0 1 ) found
asymmecries in che inicial vergence response со briefly
exposed G abor patches wich disparicies o f 3 0 arcm in or less.
Fijpr* 10.1 s. H an C otfcw ijn. Born in A m sterd am in 1 9 3 5 . H e obtain ed Alchough vergence asymmetry was correlated with perfor­
л degree in m ed icin e in I 9 6 0 and a P h .D . in n cu ro b io lo g y in 1 9 6 3 , mance on a scereo discrim inacion cask, subjcccs wich ver­
from the U n iv ersity o f A m sterd am . H e then held a research fellow ship
gence asymmecries showed normal scereopsis lo r fine
a t C a lifo rn ia In stitu te of T ech n olog y. In 1 9 6 7 he o b tain ed an
ap p o in tm en t in the D e p a rtm e n t o f Physiology a t Erasm us U n iv ersity in disparicies. They concluded chac vcrgcncc and scereopsis
R o tterd a m , where he rem ained u ntil he retired in 2 0 0 0 . share an inicial disparicy-seleccive mechanism buc chac che
cwo responses arc subscqucndy processed by d istinct m ech­
Convergence anom alies, such as convergence insuffi­
ciency, fixation disparity, and convergence inaccuracy, may
be alleviated by refractive correction (Dwyer and W ick
1995). Refraccive correction improves che abilicy to detect
binocular disparities thac provide che error signal for ver­
In o rth o p tic therapy, pacicncs are trained со fuse cargecs
in a synopcophore. There is general agreem ent chac training
is effective in im proving the range o t near vergence but is
less effective in increasing far vergence (D aum ec al. 1988).
For example, che range o f vergence, especially in the direc­
cion o f convergence, was increased by orthopcic training for
10 minutes per day over a period ol a few weeks, although
the effect had m ostly dissipated 6 monchs later (Daum

10.5.4 S T A B I L I T Y OF V E R G E N C E

10 .5 .4 a F lu ccu acio n s o f V ergen ce

Fi*orc Ю.16. C asper Joh an n es E rkden s. B o rn in Baccnburg, chc N etherlan d s, The sm all random m ovem ents o f an eye are alm ost as large
in 1 9 5 0 . H e o b ta in ed a B .S c. in physics from chc C a th o lic U n iv ersity
with binocular fixation as wich m onocular fixation (Sc C.vr
o f N ijm eg en in 1 9 7 3 and was a high sch o o l ccachcr becw een 1 9 7 3 and
1 9 7 8 . In 1 9 8 3 he o b ta in ed a P h .D . in d en ta l physics from U trech t and Fender 1 9 6 9 ). D isjunctive m otions o f che eyes produce
U niversity. H e con d u cted p o std o cto ra l w ork in the d ep artm en t o f a corresponding variation ot disparity tor all objects in the
physiology at Erasm us U n iv ersity in R otterd am and jo in ed the faculty binocular field. M otter and Poggio (1 9 8 4 ) found that for
th ere in 1 9 8 5 . In 1 9 9 2 he was ap p oin ted professor in the D ep artm en t o f
about 60 % o f the cime che eves
/ o f a m onkcv/ were miscon-
Physics o f M an a t U tr c c h t U niversity. H e was d ire cto r o f the H elm h oltz
In stitu te a t U tr c c h t U niversity betw een 1 9 9 4 ad 2 0 0 0 . In 2 0 0 6 he was verged by more chan 7 arcm in in boch che horizoncal
appointed head o f the D ep a rtm en t o t Physics and A stronom y. and vertical directions when the animal was fixating a

vcrgcncc increased when chc display moved in chc opposicc
direccion со chac o f che bar. Mocion o f che surrounding dis­
play did noc affect chc sceady-scace amplicudc o f vergence.
This suggescs thac che open-loop com ponenc o f vergence is
based on dynam ic disparicy signals extracted over a large
area buc that the steady-state response is governed by the
disparity o f che local cargec.
‘Ih c range o f horizontal vergencc w ithin w hich a cen-
crally placed scimulus can be held in a fused scace is increased
slightly by rhe addition o f m ore peripheral stim uli, buc only
it che added scimuli are in a nearby depch plane. Peripheral
stimuli wirh disparities above about 0.5" did not contribute
to che maincenance ot excreme posicions ot vergence in fix­
ating a cencral scimulus (Jo n es and Scephens 1989).

1 0 .5 .5 S T I M U L U S S U M M A T IO N F O R

] 0 .5 .5 a A real S u m m a tio n o f D isp a ritie s

1c is noc difficult со fuse che images o f a central objecc in the

presence o f horizoncal disparities in scimuli in the periph­
eral visual field (Ludvigh et al. 1 965). However, we saw in
che previous seccion chac binocular fixacion o f a ccncral
cargec can be influenced by changes in the disparity ot
Figu.t io.2 “. Stim ulus a n d j.w ip /e vergencc response. (A ) Su b jcccs looked at
neighboring images. This suggescs chac, under cercain cir­ the lin e as the h o riz o n ta l disparity o f the display was m od u lated a t 1.0
cum stances, horizoncal disparities are incegraced over a cer- o r 0.1 H z w ith am plitude 0.5°. (B ) A sam ple response superim posed on
cain area со provide the signal tor vergence. The areal the sinusoidal stim ulus m od u lation . IIowkJ<tul 2<xx>>

su m m ation o f d isp arities may he defined as che area o f a

cexcured scimulus above which che gain o f vergence in
response to a tem poral m odulation o f disparicy does noc This suggescs thac scimuli oucsidc a 3° radius do noc atfccc
increase. the initial open-loop com ponent o f vergence. No conclu ­
Howard cc al. (2 0 0 0 ) measured che gain and phase lag sions can be drawn from this result about how mixed dis­
o f horizontal vergence to sinusoidal m odulations ot h ori­ parities are integrated for maincaining horizontal vergence.
zontal disparicy o f a cexcured display chrough an amplicude People cannoc fuse che images o t a cencral objecc in che
o f 0.5°. The display is shown in Figure 10.27Л . Ic can be continued presence o f a large vertically disparace display in
seen in Figure 10.28 chac vergence gain was jusc as high and chc periphery (Seccion 10.6.3).
phase lag was jusc as low for a scimulus subcending 0.75* as
for larger displays modulaced in disparicy ac 0.1 or 1 Hz.
1 0 .5 .5 b V o lu m e S u m m a tio n o f D isp aricies
Thus vergence tracking is as precise tor a small display as for
a large display. Therefore, chc scimulus incegracion area is Disparicy intormacion for chc concrol o f vcrgcncc may also
very small for horizoncal vergence cracking o f an isolated be integrated over a lim ited range o f disparicies in a given
scimulus. small region. This m aybe called volu m e su m m ation o f d is ­
For vercical vergence, che scimulus incegracion area paricies for vergence concrol. Scimulus integration area
defined in chis way is several degrees o f visual angle in diam- multiplied by integration depth defines che stim ulus incc-
ecer (Seccion 10.6.3b). The area is larger still for cyclover- gration volume.
gence (Section 10.7.5). M alloc ec al. (1 9 9 6 ) measured che vergence scace after
Popple et al. (1 9 9 8 ) measured che incegracion area for tw o planes o f random docs 18 arcm in in fro n co fan d beyond
com posice scimuli in che following way. They exposed, for a prefixacion target were presenced for 2 3 0 ms. W hen che
2 5 0 ms, a random -doc scereogram containing a cencral disk planes concaincd equal numbers o f docs wich chc same c o n ­
wirh 12.5 arcm in o f crossed disparicy. Subjeccs initially co n ­ crasc, che eyes remained converged midway becween chem.
verged on a cencral doc in che plane o f che surround. The W h en one plane concaincd more docs or docs wich higher
magnicudc o f chc inicial vergence response со chc disk, as concrasc, che eyes moved со a poinc nearer chac plane. Thus
assessed by a forced-choice nonius procedure, increased vcrgcncc was cliciccd by a disparicy signal derived from a
as che diamecer ot che disk was increased up со about 6°. weighced mean o f chc disparicies in che cwo planes, wich
Howard et al. (2 0 0 0 ) found that disparity modulation

а> o f an annular textured display confined to the peripheral

Frequency 0.1 Hz
£ 1.0 * — #" -f------------------------------ —i retina produced a response with lower gain and greater
Е1 phase lag than m odulation o f a display o f equal area co n ­
* 0.8
Frequency 1.0 Hz fined to the central retina.
§ 0.6 so Differences betw een centrally and peripherally evoked
vergence could be due to any o f the following interrelated
! 0 .4 factors.

J 0.2
1. Acuity, including stereoacuity, declines with increasing
eccentricity (Section 18.6.1).
25 35 43 50 56 61 67
S tim ulus dia m e te r (deg) 2. Panum s fusional area increases in the periphery so that,

A with more eccentric stim uli, the tendency o f the eyes to

return to the position o f dark vergence induces a larger
fixation disparity w ithout loss o f fusion (I.udvigh and
80 M cK inn on 1966). Thus, the peripheral retina tolerates
Frequency 1.0 Hz larger disparities w ithout triggering vergence than does
S’ 60 the central retina.
S2 40 3. Peripheral disparity detectors have a smaller internal'
00 loop gain (vergence signal per u n it steady-state
20 Frequency 0.1 Hz disparity) than do those serving the central retina.

4 . The transient character o f disparity detectors may

increase as one moves into the peripheral retina.
-2 0
25 35 43 50 56 61 67
S tim ulus dia m e te r (deg) The greater effectiveness o f central stimuli in evoking

В horizontal vergence is advantageous because vergence is

designed to bring the images o f objects o f greatest interest
ь.цшс H orizontal vergen ce a s a fu n ction ofstim u lu ta rca. T h e h o r iz o n ta l o n to corresponding retinal points so that residual dispari­
d is p a r ity o f th e s tim u lu s in F ig u r e 9 . 2 7 w a s s in u s o id a lly m o d u la t e d ties can be coded as depth. Cyclovergence is evoked ju st as
th r o u g h a p c a b t o - p c a k a m p litu d e o f 0 .5 ° . T b c d is p la y h a d a d ia m e te r
effectively by peripheral stim uli as by central stimuli
b e tw e e n 0 . 7 5 a n d 6 5 ° . ( A ) S h o w s v c r g c n c c g a in a s a f u n c t i o n o t
s tim u lu s d ia m e te r . ( B ) S h o w s p h a s e la g a s a f u n c t i o n o t s tim u lu s (Section 10.7.4). But the purpose of cyclovergence is to
d ia m e te r . (R c d ra * * from H o w n d <» л1 2000 ) bring the whole visual scene into register, not particular

greater w eight given to the plane containing more dots or

higher contrast dots. Since neither stimulus area nor dispar­
ity separation between the planes was varied, this experi­
m ent does n o t indicate the area or range o f disparities over Human horizontal vergence made in response to a 2° step
which disparity averaging occurs. change in disparity o f a small stimulus has a mean latency ot
betw een 130 and 2 5 0 ms, a m ean velocity o f about 1 0 % ,
and take about 1 s to com plete (Rashbass and W estheimer
1 0 .5 .6 E F F E C T S O F S T IM U L U S P O S IT IO N
1961a). Sim ilar values have been reported for the monkey
The velocity and magnitude o f horizontal vergence induced (C um m ing and Judge 1 9 8 6 ).
by disparity steps or ramps has been found to be greater for C onju gate saccadic eye movements are so rapid that
stim uli presented in the center o f the visual field than for they are n o t affected by new sensory intorm ation arriving
those presented 3° in the periphery (H ung et al. 1991). between 8 0 ms before the saccade starts and its com pletion
A stimulus with a given disparity becam e less effective in (Becker and Jurgens 1975). In contrast, the duration o f ver­
m aintaining an accurate state o f vergence as it moved into gence movements is long enough to allow new visual in tor­
the peripheral visual field (Francis and O w ens 1983; mation to guide the response to its goal. Because o f internal
H am pton and Kcrtcsz 1983). Furtherm ore, a large dispa­ delay, any error correction is n o t effective during the initial
rate stimulus was m ore effective in evoking vergence than rapid phase o f a vergence m ovem ent, w hich lasts about 100
was the same stimulus with the central 10"-wide region ms. The initial phase ot the response is therefore open loop.
occluded by an artificial scotom a (Bom an and Kertesz During the final phase, error correction brings the eyes onto
1985). the target.
There has been some debate abouc che relacive laccneics extraocular muscles. Figure 10.29B shows that the dynam­
o f convergence and divergence. Sem m low and W etzel ics o f a 4° convergence step are n o t atfected by the initial
(1 9 7 9 ) reported that divergence had a longer latency than state o f vergence.
convergence (1 8 0 m s versus 2 0 0 m s). Hung et al. (1 9 9 7 ) The phase lag o l vergence in response to a sinusoidal
agreed w ith Sem m low and W etzel. Krishnan et al. (1 9 7 3 a ) m odulation o f disparity is m uch smaller than one would
found the reverse (2 5 0 ms versus 2 1 0 ms). However, they predict from the 160 ms latency to a step stimulus. Although
determ ined the start o f a response by linear extrapolation sinusoidal m odulations o f disparity produce shorter latency
from the constant velocity phase. This overestimates rhe responses than irregular m odulations, che difference is not
latency ot convergence because convergence has a higher large enough to account tor the difference betw een sinusoi­
velocity than divergence. A lso, convergence has a shorter dal and step stimuli (Z u ber and Stark 1968; Krishnan et al.
rise-time to peak velocity, a shorter tim e constant, and 1973b ). But the difference between phase lag and latency is
shorter total duration than divergence (Z u ber and Stark a mystery only if one believes that vergence is controlled by
19 6 8 ; M itchell 1 9 7 0 ; Krishnan et al. 1 9 7 3 b ; Hung et al. a single-channel linear system. In a nonlinear system the
1997). phase lag to a sm oothly varying stimulus can n ot be pre­
A nother com plicating factor is that the dynamics o f dicted trom that to a discretely varying stimulus. Large and
divergence vary with the starting position o f chc response small disparities tap distinct channels in the disparity-
(Alvarez et al. 2 0 0 5 a ). Figure 10 .2 9 A shows a typical diver­ codingsystcm , and these channels may have different laten­
gence response to a 4" step change in binocular disparity cies (Section 11.4.1).
trom a near initial vergence ot 18° (2 2 cm ) and trom a tar In the above studies, phase lag was less tor a sinusoidal
initial vergence o f 8 ” (5 0 cm ). The response from the near m odulation o f disparity than for an unpredictable sm ooth
position has a shorter latency and higher velocity than that m odulation. This suggests that the vergence system has a
from a far position. Responses from a near position are prediction operator. A step change in disparity compared
presumably aided by the larger tonic innervation o f the with a tem poral modulation o f disparity should reveal the
presence o f a predictor more clearly. Krishnan et al. (1 9 7 3 b )
found that vergence latencies to unpredictable step changes
in disparity o f a vertical bar were betw een 130 and 2 5 0 ms.
Latencies to regular (predictable) square-wave changes in
disparity were considerably shorter. The advantage o f pre­
dictable stimuli was greatest ac a frequency o f disparicy
m odulation o f 0.5 H z. At this frequency, vergence responses
som etim es anticipated the changes in a regular stimulus.
Kum ar c t al. (2 0 0 2 ) tound that many subjects made
anticipatory vergence responses to step changes in depth o f
an L E D that occurred at regular intervals o f 1.25 s.
A nticipatory responses were rare ro irregular step changes
in depth.
W hen subjects initiated, and therefore ancicipaced the
A m otion ot a visual target, a vergence m ovem ent started even
before the scimulus moved (E rkelen secal. 1989a). However,
when subjects manually tracked a vergence stimulus moving
sinusoidally in depth at various frequencies, vergence lag
was no smaller than when the target was tracked by ver­
gence alone (Koken and Erkelens 1993).
Vergence latencies o f less than 6 0 ms have been reported
in monkeys in response to step disparities in textured stimuli
subtending 4 0 by 40° (Busettini et al. 1 9 9 6 ). These short-
latency responses were not due to the independent response
o f each eye to the m otion o f its retinal image, because both
eyes responded even when image m otion was confined to
Time (s) one eye. The initial acceleration o f the vergence response
В was greater when the stimulus was presented just after the
monkey had made a 10” conjugate saccadic eye movemenc.
Fipuc Ю.29. E ffect o f startin g position on rergence dynam ics. The eye.v
A version movement is also speeded up after a saccadc.
diverged (A ) or converged ( B ) by 4° iro m л p osition o f 8 ° (ta r) or 18°
(n e a r). These results fo r on e su b ject arc typical o f th o se from rhe four Postsaccadic enhancem ent depended at least in part on reti­
su bjects. (Redn»n lu-a» ЛКмхе/c« jl. IWSi) nal m otion arising from a saccadc. Thus, it occurred after
W ith large textured displays, the velocity o f the initial closed-loop response, before feedback had tim e to be
100 ms o t vergence depended on the size ot chc disparity effective, vergence velocity was approximately proportional
step (B u settin i e t al. 1 996). However responses to steps to disparity up to a value o f about 4°. This suggests that the
greater than about 2° tended to be in the convergence direc­ open-loop transfer function o f the vergence system involves
tion whatever the sign o f the disparity. This was probably the conversion o f the initial disparity signal into a velocity
because sign o f disparity in a textured display becom es signal. Mays et al. (1 9 8 6 ) suggested that, as the response
ambiguous with large disparities. Convergence must be a proceeds, the velocity signal is integrated into the position
default response to an am biguous stimulus. signal required ro m aintain the eyes in their new state o f
Sym m etrical vergence to a target m oving along the m id­ vergence.
linc in natural visual surroundings kept up with the stim u­ Erkelens (1 9 8 7 ) used open-loop crossed-disparity steps
lus with an accuracy o f abou t 98% tor stimulus velocities up from 0.25 to 10° for a vertical bar, a cluster o f random dots,
ro about 4 0 7 s (Erkelens et al. 1989a). At higher stimulus and the inner region o f a random -dot stereogram. For all
velocities, vergence progressively failed to keep up with the stimuli, maximum velocity ot convergence increased steeply
stimulus. However, perform ance was better when the move­ with increasing disparity up to about 3" and continued to
m ent o f the stimulus was controlled by the su bject rather increase up to a disparity ot about 4*, after which it declined
than by the experim enter. W h en vergence was evoked by a to zero at about 9° (Figure 10.32). Although vergence veloc­
voluntary to-and-fro m otion ot the su b jects head and ity differed widely betw een subjects, the shape o f the fu n c­
upper torso with respect to a stationary target, vergence tion relating velocity to disparity was much the same for all
velocity kept up to stimulus velocity w ith an accuracy o f subjects. W h en large angles o f convergence were reached,
over 9 0 % for stimulus velocities up to lOOVs. Erkelens et al. velocity decreased until vergence saturated betw een 25° and
did n o t move the su b jects head passively, so we do not 35°. Responses to open-loop disparities o f more than 2°
know w hether the extension o f high gain to higher veloci­ were n o t sustained. Convergence was faster than diver­
ties was due to the voluntary
d m otion o f the head or to a gence.
contribution from stim ulation o f the vestibular system. The Figure 10.33 shows convergence to open-loop steps in
vergence velocities reported by Erkelens et al. are much disparity from an initial value o f about 2.5° obtained by
higher than those reported by I.udvigh and M cK innon Pobuda and Erkelens (1 9 9 3 ). Vergence velocity to each step
(1 9 6 8 ) for an isolated bar under the control o f the was initially constant and then declined to produce a co n ­
experimenter. stant m aintained angle o f vergence. Both the initial velocity
Pobuda and Erkelens (1 9 9 3 ) explored the relationship and the magnitude o f m aintained vergence increased with
between vergence velocity and stimulus velocity bv com ­ increasing size ot the disparity step.
paring closed-loop responses to a stim ulus that changed in
disparity by 8 “ in 1 s, either sm oothly or in tw o, four, or
eight steps. The pattern o f changing vergence was approxi­
mately a low-pass filtered version ot the change in disparity
with a lag o f one reaction time. Vergence was not sensitive
to the velocity o f changing disparity as such, since the time
course o f the overall response was sim ilar in the sm ooth
and stepped conditions. Л m odel o f the vergence system
based on these features o f the response is discussed in
Section 10.5.11.
Appropriate vergence m ovem ents were evoked when
the stim uli in the tw o eyes differed in lum inance by up to
1.6 log units, although vergence velocity decreased as the
luminance difference increased further (M itch ell 1970).

1 0 .5 .8 b O p e n -I.o o p V ergen ce

The dependence ofvergence velocity on the initial disparity

o f the stimulus can also be investigated by an open-loop
procedure, in which vergence and disparity are linked so as
to keep disparity con stan t. W ith steps o f up to about 1°, Retinal disparity (deg)
velocity o f open-loop vergence was approximately propor­
Figure 10.32. I train ee velocity an d open-loop disparity. Peak vcrgcncc velocity
tional to the size o f disparity (Rashbass and W estheim er
as a function o t steps o f crosscd disparity between rctinally stabilized
1961a). O n e su bject showed a 10°/s increase in velocity for images o f a vertical bar (dotted line) and a random -dot stimulus (line).
each Г increase in disparity. In the initial phase o f a normal Bars are standard deviations (N = 5). < K c J r»w o fr«.m F A c {c m i**?)
peak amplitude o f disparity m odulation o f t h e stimulus.
This is the closed-loop gain. The gain and phase lag o t ver­
gence o f a young su bject made in response to boch predicc-
able and unpredictable sinusoidally changing disparity o f
amplitude 3.5° in a pair o f vertical lines at a m ean distance
o f 1.75 in are shown in Figure 10.34. G ain was close to 1
(zero decibel loss) tor frequencies up to about 1 Hz and fell
o ff above 1.5 Hz (K rishnan cc al. 1973b ). Phase lags were
considerably less with predictable than with unpredictable
changes in disparity.
Erkelens and C'ollewijn (1 9 8 5 c ) measured the gain and

Tim e (s)
phase lag o f vergence responses evoked by sinusoidal oscilla­
tion o f horizontal disparity ot the whole ot a random -dot
Figure ЮЛЗ. T im e course ofop en -loop tergence. T im e cou rsc o t sym m etrical stereogram. The stereogram had a 15° by 15” area wich a
o p e n -lo o p vcrgcncc to d isparity steps up to 1.5*. (*f t l l l l Erkclrnt 1993
I V .U o Ji J l lli
crossed disparity o f 3 6 arcm in with respect to a 30° by 30°
w i t h l .in J p c r e s м а н г о f r o m S f u i a g c r S o e n c c - f t B u u n m M e J w i )

background. For amplitudes o f disparity modulation

between 1° and 5 Cthe gain o f vergence was between 0.8 and
1 at a frequency o f 0 .2 5 Hz (Figure 10.35). There was an
1 0 .5 .S c A d a p ta tio n o f V c rg c n c c V c lo c itv accelerating drop in gain with increasing stimulus am pli­
tude. A t a certain magnitude o f disparity, chac varied from
Vergence dynamics to a given disparity stim ulus may be
su bject to subject, che response suddenly scopped. Gain was
modified by preceding responses. Repetitive convergence
more closely relaced со scimulus peak velocicy o f image
ro large step stim uli increased the peak velocity o f subse­
oscillation than to frequency or am plitude. The change o f
quent responses to smaller step stimuli. Repetitive conver­
closed-loop gain with changing am plitude demonstrates
gence or divergence to small step stim uli decreased the peak
that the system is nonlinear. The phase lag o f vergence was
velocity o f convergent or divergent responses to large
about 20° at a frequency o f 0.25 Hz and increased to about
step stim uli (Yuan and Sem m low 2 0 0 0 ; Alvarez et al.
100° ac a frequency o f 1.5 Hz in much the same way
2 0 0 5 b ). In both cases, peak velocity rapidly returned to its
norm al level.
M unoz e t al. (1 9 9 9 ) induced large errors in vergence by
introducing a 4° disparity step while subjects changed co n ­
vergence in response to a pair ot vertical lines changing in
disparity ac 16°/s. Betw een five and ten convergence or
divergence training trials produced an increase in the veloc­
ity and magnitude o f response to a test stimulus consisting TJ.
o f a simple 4° step. The effect faded after about 5 responses s

to the test scimulus. Sim ilar changes were evident when the
test step was exposed for only 100 ms and removed before
che eye movemenc began. This shows chac chc adapcacion
was in the initial open-loop phase o fth e vergence response.
Takagi et al. ( 2 0 0 1 ), also, induced adaptive changes in
convergence. In the 30-m in u te training session the stimulus-
stepped from 2 to 1 m and then, w ithin the 2 0 0 ms open-
loop reaction tim e ro chis stimulus, it stepped to eicher
0 .7 m (signal increase) or со 1.4 m (signaldecrease). Training
wich che signal increasing caused che duration o f accelera- % -5

cion ot che initial response to a 2 to 1 m step to increase. | -1 0

Training wich the signal decreasing decreased che peak
-1 5
acceleration o f che initial response.
0. 01 0.1 1.0 10
1 0 .5 .9 V E R G E N C E G A IN A N D P H A S E LA G Frequency o f disparity m odulation (Hz)

1 0 .5 .9 a C lo s c d -L o o p V c rg cn cc G a in Figwc m.v». C ain a n d p b a ie la g o f vergence. Phase lag and gain o f vcrgcncc

to p redictable and unp redictable sinusoidal changes in disparity as a
For a sinusoidal variation in stimulus disparity, vcrgcncc fu n ctio n o f tem p o ral freq u en cy o f disparity m od u lation a t am plitude
gain is defined as peak am plitude o f vergence divided by 1.7 5 m eter angles (N = 1). {R«lr««n r»>mKmbum « J.
to the vergence response so that disparity remains constant
during the response. In this case, the constant disparity acts
as a persisting error signal, which drives the response to
large amplitudes (see Section 3 .3 ). W e return this question
in the next section.

1 0 .5 .1 0 T R IG G E R A N D F U S IO N -L O C K
P e a k velocity o f im a g e v e r g e n c e (d e g 's ) COM PON EN TS

10. 35 . lo g a s c c g a in a n d stim ulus r elm sty. V clocicv gain o f h orizon tal 1 0 .5 .1 0 a B asic Facts
v crg cn cc a s a fu n ccion o f p eak v elocity o f im age v crgcncc for three
am plitudes o f im age v crgcncc (N = 4 ) . (Redraw/romErUmMilCollcwijn IVBSc) Vergence can be triggered by stim uli with large disparities
even when the stimuli occur on opposite sides o f the mid-
line so that they project to opposite cerebral hemispheres
for all amplitudes. This suggests that phase lag results from (W inkclm an 1953). I lowevcr, responses to large disparities
a constant delay o f about 2 5 0 ms. are transient when the images are n o t sim ilar in shape.
The influence o f stimulus area on vergence gain was dis­ Vcrgcncc is m aintained on an o b jcct to w ithin about 2
cussed in Section 10.5.5. arcmin only when the images are sim ilar and fall within
Panum s fusional area (Riggs and N ichl 1960). The transient
and sustained com ponents o f vergence will be referred to as
10 .5 .9 b O p e n -L o o p Vergence G ain
the trig g er co m p o n e n t and the fu sio n -lo ck co m p o n e n t
There are two types o f open-loop gain; that determ ined for respectively.
the initial response and that determ ined for a persisting The two com ponents arc seen m ost clearly in responses
response. For about the first 2 0 0 ms ot a vergence response to open-loop disparity. For instance, Erkelens ( 1 9 8 7 ) found
the response is n o t affected by changes in changes in rhe that open-loop disparities o f up to 2°, in both line and ran­
disparity o f the stimulus. The response is therefore open dom -dot stereogram s, caused the eyes to converge between
loop during this initial period. The am plitude o f the initial 15 and 2 5 е and remain in the converged position for as long
response divided by the am plitude ot initial stimulus dis­ as the stim ulus lasted. Thus, for open-loop disparities up to
parity is the open-loop gain o f the initial response (Jon es 2° the response was sustained. O pen-loop disparities o f 2 to
1980). The peak amplitude o f vergence to a 200-m s flashed 5° drove the eyes to a convergence o f up to 35°, but the eyes
vertical line increased nonlinearly with increasing stimulus drifted back to a vergence o f less than 5". In this case, the
disparity with respect to the position o t tonic vergence, initial response was transient. For disparities larger than 5°,
reaching a maximum at a disparity betw een 2 and 3° (Figure the eyes moved to a less extreme position and the response
10.36). The m agnitude o f the initial response is indepen­ was also transient and som etim es did not occur.
dent o f stimulus duration (Sem m low et al. 1993). Like Jo n es (1 9 8 0 ), Erkelens found that the disparity at
An open-loop vergence gain ot a persisting vergence which vcrgcncc becam e transient was the same as that at
response can be obtained by coupling the stimulus disparity which the images were no longer fused. Thus, transient ver­
gence is initiated by disparities well outside the fusional
range, and vergence is m aintained by disparities small
enough to provide a fusional lock.
Erkelens also found that a transient response to a large
open-loop disparity reduced response velocity to other
stimuli presented subsequently, but only when they had
similar disparities. Thus, the short-term adaptive process
responsible for the transience o f the trigger com pon ent to a
given disparity is restricted to a given range o f disparities.

1 0 .5 .1 0 b F u n ctio n s o f Trigger and

C rossed U ncrossed F u sio n -L o ck Vergence
V ergence a m p litude (deg)
Transient vergence to large disparities serves useful fu n c­
ь*пгс io. w. lirg cn tc am plitu de a n d disparity. T h e peak am p litu d e o f tions. In rhe first place, the initial high-velocity response ro
vcrgcncc in response to a 200-m s flashed stim u lu s as a fu n ctio n o f
a step change in disparity rapidly brings the gaze close to the
b in o cu lar disparity. C u rv e A is from a su b ject show ing a sym m etrical
response to crosscd and uncrossed stim u li. C u rv e В is from a su b ject target plane, where small fixation errors can be easily
w ho responded on ly to uncrossed disparities. [™<, svso) detected. A second rapid vergence response may occur
when chc initial response docs noc bring fixacion near chc pair o f dissimilar dichopcic images briefly ac chc same time.
target plane. Alvarez cc al. (2 0 0 0 ) produced evidence chac It was found that a transient response was just as likely to be
second rapid responses arc evoked by che sense o f eye posi­ triggered by chc dissimilar pair as by che sim ilar pair (Jon es
tion rcalfcrcnce rather chan by a visual error signal. 1 9 8 0 ; Jo n es and Kerr 1 9 7 2 ; Scm m low ec al. 1986).
W h en a person decides со change convergence, che large Transient vcrgcncc со dissimilar dichopcic scimuli, such
disparities in the target plane trigger an appropriate tran­ .is horizontal and vertical lines, may be triggered by che
sient response. O n ce the images o f objects in the target com m on low spacial-frequency com ponencs o f che scimuli.
plane have been fused, large disparities arising from objects Edwards ec al. (1 9 9 8 ) invescigaced chis issue using che ver­
in other depth planes should be ignored until a decision has gence compecicion paradigm. Subjeccs were prescnccd for
been made to change convergence again. I f large disparities 5 0 0 m s wich a G abor foveal pacch to one eye and a pair o f
in nontarget depth planes were not ignored, the vergence G abor patches to the o ther eye, one 2.5° to the left and the
system would never be able со settle down inco a desired other an equal distance to che righc o f che fovea. The d ich o p ­
scace. Subjects have no difficulty in making appropriate ver­ cic pair ot images wich the highesc mean lum inance contrast
gence movcmcncs со voluncarilv selected parts o f random - determ ined che direccion o f vergence, even when chc images
doc scereograms, even chough chis causes nonselected differed in concrasc. Vergence was also decermined by che
elem ents со becom e disparate (Erkelcns and Collew ijn pair o f images chac concained che lowest spatial frequency.
1991). Thus, cransienc vergence is decermined by dichopcic images
A fter locking onco a cargec chc vergence syscem should wich che highesc com bined contrast w ithin a low-pass
concinue со respond со small disparities due to movements spatial-scalc channel.
o f t h e target or to vergence drift. If disparities are averaged Pope ec al. (1 9 9 9 ) used the same compecicion paradigm.
over a local spacial region che eyes may noc converge pre­ They found chac, although an orthogonal pair o f (labor
cisely on an o bjecc when chere are neighboring objcccs in patches or a pair wich opposice luminance polaricy could
nearby depth planes. This should n o t m atter because small induce vergence, chere was a bias in favor ot responding со
vergence m ovem ents would noc cause images o f a fixaced images chac macched in oriencacion or polaricy. As chc inicial
o bjecc to fall outside Panum s fusional area, and would not disparicy o f che images increased from 2.5° to 5°, the vergence
disturb detection o f relative disparities in the visual scene. system became increasingly indifferent to whether the images
Also, vergence changes betw een neighboring objects matched in orientation or luminance. The system was most
should help observers to build a representation o f the selective for orientation ac a spacial frequency o f 2 cpd.
3-dim ensional structure o f che local region. D earw orth ec al. (2 0 0 5 ) conducccd a sim ilar experimenc
on monkeys. They were prescnccd for 5 0 0 ms wich cwo
idencical scereoscopic scimuli, one nearer anil che ocher an
1 0 .5 .1 0 c T ra n sie n t V erg en ce со
equal discancc beyond a prcfixacion stimulus. All the m on­
D iss im ila r S tim u li
keys showed a bias coward converging on che near scimulus.
Vergence can be triggered by stim uli that differ in shape, but As the luminance contrast ot the tar stimulus was increased
chc response is noc m aintained in chc absence o f m atching relative to that o f the near scimulus, chc m onkeys began со
features that provide an error signal for fine vergence co n ­ respond со che far scimulus. Also, response latency was less
trol (W escheim er and M itchell 1 9 6 9 ; Jo n es and Kerr 1971; for whichever stimulus had che higher contrast.
Jon es 1 9 8 0 ). For instance, dichopcic vertical lines with 2° o f The above evidence suggests that transient vergence is
horizontal disparity evoked sustained vergence, buc the evoked by a low spatial-frequency signal derived from che
response was transienc when one ot the lines was horizontal. contrast envelope o f the stimuli. Sato et al. (2 0 0 1 ) asked
The response to dissimilar stimuli is transient even for how similar in size the contrast envelopes o f G abor patches
disparities that normally evoke a sustained response. B rief with 3.8° o f crossed disparity must be to evoke transient
exposure to a pair o f sim ilar stimuli and long exposure to a vergence when in com petition with G abor patches with
pair o f dissimilar stimuli evoke the same transient response, 3.8° o f uncrossed disparity. The probability o f vergence to
which is n o t m aintained because neither pair o f stim uli is the G abor patches decreased as the ratio o f the sizes o f che
fusible. The sim ilar stim uli do not fuse because o f the b rief envelopes increased from 1:1 со 1:8. Initially, chc lum i­
exposure, and the stimuli w ith long exposure do not fuse nance-defined gracings (carriers) in che dichopcic G abor
because thev are dissimilar. patches were orthogonal, and their spatial frequencies were
W estheim cr and M itchell used only one pair o fd ich o p - scaled by envelope size. This ensured chac chere was no scim­
tic images and their subjects may have converged volun­ ulus for sustained vergence. However, changing the relative
tarily. Jon es and Kerr (1 9 7 2 ) overcame this problem by envelope size had the same effect whatever the relative o ri­
using a vergence compecicion paradigm in which one eye entations or spatial frequencies o f t h e carriers. Thus, tran­
saw a foveal scimulus and chc ocher eye saw scimuli on boch sient vcrgcncc is determ ined by che relative overall sizes o f
sides o f chc fovea. Thus, che subject had chc ch o ice o f c o n ­ the dichopcic scimuli. The syscem does noc require chc
verging or diverging. They presenccd a pair o f similar and a decailcd structure o f the stim uli to be matched.
interludes were transient responses. Their constant main- final state ofvergence from the integral o f response velocity.
sequence characteristics persuaded Sem m low et al. that Alternatively, the system could have a high internal-loop
they were preprogrammed, or ballistic, movements based gain, defined as eye velocity per unic image disparicy, which
on sam pling accum ulated disparity in the ramping stim u­ would allow small error signals со bring vergence close со ics
lus, in contrast to the proportional control o f sustained desired scace. Krishnan and Scark (1 9 8 3 ) also developed a
responses. The main sequence takes account o f only the linear model under continuous sensory con trol, unlike the
first-order com ponent o f the system. Alvarez c t al. (1 9 9 9 ) ballistic saccadic system. The model incorporates two paral­
developed a procedure for revealing che second-order co m ­ lel controllers. The firsc has fasc, cransicnc (derivacive)
ponencs ot che transient and sustained systems. A model o f dynamics with an eye-velocicy output proportional to the
these processes is described in Seccion 10.5.11. instantaneous magnitude o f disparity one reaction cime
W ich rapidly changing disparity ramps, vergence lags earlier. This com ponenc contributes to the initial response
chc scimulus and disparity error accumulates to a level chac only. The ocher com pon ent has slow, conic dynamics (cime
triggers a transient response, which in turn restores the dis­ conscant 15 s) with a leaky output related to the integral o f
paricy error со wichin chc range o f che suscained mechanism. eye velocity. The leaky oucpuc accounts for the slow drift o f
W ith gradual ramps, disparity error does not accumulate to the eyes back to a resting state in the dark. Each controller
chc level required со crigger a transient response. has its own internal-loop gain, and the cwo are com bined
Analogously, voluntary pursuit ot a target moving in the with a pure delay o f 160 ms.
frontal plane is incerrupced by cacch-up saccades when the O n e weakness o f Krishnan and Stark s model is th at it
target moves to o rapidly. A lternating fast and slow vergence produces too slow a response to step inputs when the in ter­
does not occur when the stimulus ramp is presented in nal-loop gain o f the integral controller is set low, and pro­
open-loop m ode (Erkelens 1 9 8 7 ; Pobuda and Erkelens duces oscillations when it is set high. Perform ance could be
1993). U nder these conditions, the disparity error is c o n ­ improved by making che concrollcr responsive со che pre­
stant, since the m ovem ent o f the stimulus is coupled to that dicted posicion o f che cargec, but this would work only for
of' the eyes. predictable movements. It has already been pointed out
that vergence stability does n o t depend on whether the
stimulus is predictable. Perhaps the phase lag o f one o f che
1 0 .5 .1 0 c S u m m a ry
control elements, when operating in a continuous tracking
Vergcnce can be triggered by nontusible scimuli or by stim - mode, is less than would be predicted from the latency o f
uli oucside che fusional range. Buc ic is noc maincained in a vergence in response to disparity steps, and thi s may account
given scace unless che fusion-lock mechanism is engaged by for the otherw ise puzzling stability of the real vergence
fusible scimuli. In a norm al environmenc we see a multitude syscem (Rashbass 1981).
o f disparate scimuli, each capable ot triggering a vergence Krishnan and Stark s model deals with the nonlinear
movem ent. W h en we decide со change fixacion from one asymmetry between divergence and convergence by adding
distance to another we disengage the fusion-lock m echa­ an asymmetry in the internal-loop gains. The compressive
nism, allow the new visual o b ject to crigger an appropriace nonlinearicies o f che vergence syscem in chc form ofsacurac-
vergence response, and reengage the fusion-lock process. If ing levels o t velocity and amplitude, and nonlinear interac­
a new fusible stimulus does not occur after the trigger tions between vergence and version are noc incorporaced
response, vergence is noc m aintained in the new position. inco che model. N onlinearities arising trom high-level co n ­
Th e response is therefore cransient. If a fusible scimulus trol ofvergence, as when a person decides to respond со one
com es in to view, the fusion-lock m echanism is engaged and ot several disparities, are also n o t in the model.
che response is suscained. There is some debace abouc the S ch or and Koculak (1 9 8 6 ) developed a model chac
differenc dynamics o f the tw o types o f vergence. incorporates interactions betw een vergence and accom m o­
Sustained an d transient responses have not been studied dation (Figure 10.39). Iccon cainsan incegracor wich ashore
in vertical vergence or cyelovergence. tim e constant that accounts tor the initial response and an
integrator wich a long cime constant chac accouncs for adap­
tive changes in tonic vergence. N onlinear saturation ele­
1 0 .5 .1 1 M O D E L I N G T H E
ments turn o ff the integrators when che oucpuc reaches a
certain value, so as to prevent overshoot.
G eneral m ethods in the construction o f m odels o f senso­ Z ee and Levi (1 9 8 9 ) proposed che model shown in
rim otor systems were described in Section 3.3. Rashbass Figure 10.40, which incorporaces che contribution o f che
and W estheim er (1 9 6 1 a ) developed the first model o t the saccadic system to vergence and the adaptive plasticity o f
vergence system. It was a linear model with continuous the vergence system (Section 10.2.5). C ova and Galiana
feedback and a 160-m s delay elem ent in the feedback loop. (1 9 9 5 , 1996) proposed a neural model o f interactions
Vergence can be m aintained on a target with reasonable betw een version and vergence that are discussed in the next
accuracy in two ways. A neural integrator could derive the section. Patel c t al. (1 9 9 7 ) developed a neural netw ork
|пРи| Fast C ro s s lin k s T o nic adaptation P la nt O utput
elem ent w ith lim ited input

figure 10.19. M od elo fv erg en te oetotn m odation . M u tu al in tera ctio n s b etw een v crgcncc and acco m m o d atio n system s o ccu r b etw een the phasic and to n ic
neural in teg rators in th e feedforw ard paths. Inputs to the to n ic in tegrators have a satu ration lim it, w hich could p rod u cc am p litu d e-d ep en d en t
n o n lin ca ritics o f A C / A and C A / C ratios. T ran sfer fu n ctio n s arc in d icated by Laplace tran sform s. (Кс-г..™ ь .» Schat Kombk \wi)

V ergence efference
V ergence Del ----------------- < ------------- Plant

Retinal Desired V ergence error

T arget Vergence
disparity vergence
vergence position
+ ) V ergence V ergence
1 burst integrator

V ergence velocity
------------------ * ---------

Figure ю.чо. O utline o f a 7/1o il c l o f th e vergence m echanism . A desired angle o f vergence is derived by adding retinal disparity to the present vcrgcncc angle.
Feed back from cclls carryin g v elocity an d p osition signals (b u rst-to n ic n eu ron s) passes throu gh an in tern al m od el o f the o c u lo m o to r p lan t and
a co m p en satin g tim e delay (H c l). T h e d ifferen ce b etw een desired vergence state and th e feedback signal provides a v crgcn cc-crro r signal, w hich
drives vergence* burst n eu rons. Burst neu ron s provide a v elocity signal to o cu lo m o to r nuclei an d . bv in teg ratio n , a v crgcncc p osition signal w hich
m ain tain s th e desired final state. (ReJn«n бот /сслп.1 Uv. iss?)

model o f horizontal vcrgcncc» w hich takes in to account the proposed by Sch or ( 1979a), to accounc tor adapcacion o f
nature o f the inpuc disparity signal and che m otor oucpuc conic vergence. A lthough each o f the channels is linear,
signal. T h e model incorporates adaptive nonlinear control their com bined action introduces a nonlinearity which
involving both position and velocity signals and both open- causes che gain o f che response со vary with stimulus
and closed-loop responses. amplitude.
Pobuda and Erkelens (1 9 9 3 ) proposed that vergence A “dual-m ode” model o f disparity control (Figure
signals arc processed through several parallel channels each 10.41) has been developed from chac o f Z ee cc al. by
with a gain elem ent and a leaky integrator conferring low- Sem m low ec al. (1 9 8 6 ), H unger al. ( 1 9 8 6 ), and H orngec al.
pass characteristics. The gain o f each channel is specific to a (1 9 9 8 a ). A lasc initial preprogrammed response is produced
particular range o f disparity amplitudes. As an eye move­ by a pulse-scep mechanism wich dynamics chac are indepen-
m ent in response to a given disparity progresses, control denc o f scimulus duration or size, since the response does
passes from chc channcl sensitive со large disparities to chac noc depend on error feedback. The inicial response is fol­
sensitive to small disparities. The channels are insensitive to lowed by a slower one under feedback control. The o cu lo ­
the rate o f change o f disparity. Pobuda and Erkelens also m otor musclcs arc represented by a first-order plant with a
proposed chac the overall lag o f che system is com prised o f a m ean tim e constant o f 2 6 5 ms. The output o f the pulse gen­
delay o f betw een 8 0 and 120 ms in chc vcrgcncc-proccssing erator is derived from the ditfcrcncc betw een chc scimulus
loop, plus a lag in che m echanical plane. The lag in che pro­ seep and a delayed internal feedback signal. The model also
cessing loop is less chan che 160 ms assumed in chc ocher concains a nonlinear racc-limiccr and an amplitude satura­
models and describes che small phase lag in che response со tion elem ent. The pulse signal feeds directly to the plant
sinusoidal scimuli, which ocher models do noc explain. The and also drives a leaky step incegracor. The sum o f chc pulse
model also incorporaces a slow incegracor, like that and step signals drives che muscles.
The vertical fusion range can be increased by exposure o f up to 4°. The threshold disparity was higher for stimuli
to prisms that increase vertical vergence demand. Luu et al. presented for only 160 ms at eccentricities greater than 4°
( 2000 ) found that the m ajority o f subjects increased their (D uw aer and van den Brink 1981b). U nder all conditions,
total fusional range (b o th directions) by betw een 1 and 2 D the disparity threshold for initiation o f vertical vergence
after 15 m inutes o f prism training per day for 1 week. The was much smaller than the disparity at which singleness o f
change persisted over a period o i 3 m onths. However, som e vision was lost.
subjects showed no change. H orizontal disparity increases with the depth of the
I he range o f vertical vergence is the maximum am pli­
o b ject from the point o f convergence. Thus, horizontal dis­
tude o f actual vergence movements. It is best determ ined by parity provides inform ation about relative depth between
measuring the m ovem ents o f the eyes in response to vertical points in the visual field. The horizontal disparity o f an
disparities impressed on dichoptic images presented in a o b ject at infinity is 14° relative to an o b ject at 25 cm . Images
stereoscope. Kertesz (1 9 8 1 ) used scleral search coils to m ea­ with a horizontal disparity o f more chan abouc 0.5 " cannoc
sure vertical vergence evoked by the stimulus shown in be fused, and a disparity of m ore than about 2 ° cannot be
Figure 10.44. For one subject, the maximum vergence in detected by disparity detectors. O utside the 2 " range, che
one direction was 1.9° for a disk subtending 5°, 3.5° for a 1 0° horizontal convergence mechanism must therefore use cues
disk, and 5.2° for a 5 7 .6' disk. to depth o ther than disparity to bring an o b ject o f interest
w ithin range o f the disparity-detection system. Even when
the eyes are converged on an objecc, che space around che
1 0 .6 .2 V E R T I C A L P H O R IA
o b ject may contain objects with a wide variety of horizontal
Many people have a v ertical p h o ria chat m anifests itself as disparities. For m ost precise detection o f relative disparities
an elevation o f one eye relative to the o ther when there is no in the region o f interest, one needs to be able to converge on
fusional stimulus. A vertical eye m isalignm ent in the pres­ one o b ject and ignore neighboring disparities. This means
ence o f a fusional stimulus is a vertical fixatio n d isp arity or that horizontal vergence must be controlled by disparities
a vertical strabismus (see Section 10.2.4). in a local region.
Sideways tilt o f the head is accom panied by counter­ Vertical disparity does n o t vary with distance ior objects
rolling o f the eyes and vertical vergence. The eye on the side viewed in the normal way in the horizontal plane o f regard
o f the lower ear is elevated relative to the other eye or in the median plane. Therefore, it does n o t provide in for­
(K ori et al. 2 0 0 1 ). D issociated vertical d eviation (D V D ) macion abouc absolute o r relative depths in these planes.
is an exaggerated vertical vergence induced by head tilt to But vertical disparity increases with eccentricity and
one side (Van R ijn et al. 1 9 9 7 ; Cheesem an and G uyton decreases with absolute distance w ithin each quadrant ot
1999). It is associated with congenital esotropia. It the visual field. Even in extrem e eccentricities, vertical dis­
seems that it is due to a lack o f binocular control over eye parities are only about 1.5°, which is within range o f the
m ovem ents (Brodsky 1 9 9 9 ). Patients typically tilt the head disparicy-dececcion system. Thus, unlike horizontal ver­
to the side away from the eye with the larger am ount o f ver­ gence, vertical vergence does not need to be evoked by cues
tical deviation. This helps to reduce the deviation (Santiago to depth o ther than disparicy.
and Rosenbaum 1 9 9 8 ). People wich normal binocular For a series o f objects at different distances placed along
vision may show asymmetrical vertical phorias that resem­ a line o f sight in che m edian plane, only che horizontal dis­
ble mild dissociated vertical deviation (Van Rijn et al. parity o f the objects changes with distance. A voluntary
1998). The vertical vergence com ponent o f D V D partially choice must be made about which o b ject to converge the
damps nystagmus associated with D V D (G uyton c t al. eyes on. Along an oblique line o f sight, both horizontal and
1998). vertical disparities change with distance, b u t horizontal dis­
The eyes o f m onkeys and humans tend to develop a ver­ parities change m uch more rapidly than vertical disparities.
tical phoria when one eye is occluded for several hours o f Vertical vergence will be sufficiently precise if it is evoked by
days (V tirre e t al. 19 8 7 ; G ra f et al. 2 0 0 2 ). Also, we saw in the mean detectable vertical disparity in a fairly large region.
Section 10.6.1 that the vertical alignm ent o f the eyes is It is n o t nccessary to have attentional control over the stim ­
easily modified by wearing prisms. ulus evoking vertical vergence.

10 .6 .3 b F.fFects o f S tim u lu s A rea

1 0 .6 .3 T H E S T IM U L U S F O R V E R T IC A L
VERGEN CE Howard et al. (2 0 0 0 ) measured the gain and phase lag o f
vertical vergence tor m-scaled random texturcd displays.
1 0 .6 .3 a The R a n ge o f Vertical Disparities
The displays ranged in size from a small d ot to one 65" in
Th e smallest vertical disparity required to initiate vertical diameter. The vertical disparity o f the display was m odu­
vcrgcncc, as indicated by displacem ent o f nonius lines, was lated sinusoidally chrough a peak-co-peak amplitude o f 0 . 5 °
about 1 arcmin for stimuli presented for 2 s at eccentricities at frequencies ot 0.1 and 1.0 H z. It can be seen trom
H orizontal vergence (0.1 Hz)

V ertical ve rg e n ce (0.1 Hz)

r C yclove rg en ce (0.05 Hz)

a 0.6


1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
S tim ulus area (deg2)
25 35 43 50 56 61 67 71 76 80
D iam eter o f ce ntral disc (deg)

Fifurr io.-*2. Л 'с effett o f stim ulus a r ta on rergcn te gain . T h e disparicy o t the * ШЯ i ■
stim uli was m odulated sinusoidally a t the frequ ency ind icated o n cach
curve. T o p tw o curves from H ow ard c t д|. ( 2 0 0 0 ) . B o tto m curve from
■ v y - v y -л *
H ow ard e t a l . ( 1 9 9 4 ) .
• Л 1 ■ V

Figure 10.42 chat che gain o f che response increased as che
diam eter o f the display increased со 20 °, above which ic Fi|v< in.-*}. Fusing centra! stun ulus teilb d isp arate surround. (A ) T h e central
remained reasonably constant. Phase lag decreased slightly h o rizo n tal lines c a n n o t be fused w hen the vertically disparate surround
is fused. ( B ) The cen tral vertical lines arc easy to fuse w hen the surround
as stimulus diam eter increased to 20°. A central stimulus
has a h orizon tal disparity.
with a diam eter o f 45° produced a response with higher
gain than a peripheral stimulus o f the same area (an annular
stim ulus w ith inner diam eter 4 5 ° and outer diam eter 65"). disparities do n o t change as abruptly over the visual field as
Thus, a central stim ulus is a more effective stim ulus for ver­ do horizontal disparities.
tical vcrgcncc than a peripheral stimulus o fth e same area. Induced horizontal and vertical vergence in subjects
The figure also shows how horizontal vergence and cy clo ­ trying to fixate a stationary point decreased with decreasing
vcrgencc arc affected by stimulus area. area o r increasing eccentricity o f a textured surround m od­
Vertical disparity in a surrounding display induces per­ ulated in horizontal and vertical disparity through 0.25° at
sistent vertical diplopia in a small cargec wich zero vercical 0.5 Hz (Stevenson et al. 1999). The decrease with increas­
disparity (Burian 1 9 3 9 ; H outm an and van der Pol 1982a). ing eccencricicy was similar со che change in chc corcicai
In Figure 10.43 it is impossible to fuse the central horizon­ magnificacion faccor.
tal lines when the surround has a vertical disparity. C entral
vertical lines with zero horizontal disparity arc easily fused
1 0 .6 .3 c In ceraccio n s b ecw een H o riz o n ca l and
in the presence o f horizontal disparity in surrounding tex­
V ercical V erg en ce
ture elements.
Su bjects could noc hold horizontal or vertical vergence The firsc quescion is whecher horizontal and vertical ver­
on a ecntral target when the vertical and horizontal dispari­ gence com ponents generated by an oblique disparity are
ties o f a 7.5° cexcured surround were simultaneously m odu­ independent.
lated up to 4 0 arcmin at 0 .1 2 5 Hz (Stevenson et al. 1997). Stevenson c t al. (1 9 9 7 ) found that the am plitude o f an
Induced vertical vergence was the same w hether subjects oblique vergence is the sum o f the horizontal and vertical
attended to the stationary target or to the modulated sur­ com ponents measured separately, although they used only a
round. Induced horizontal vcrgcncc was small when sub­ lim ited range o f vergence amplitudes.
jects tried to fixate the stationary spot but had a gain o f Ram bold and M iles (2 0 0 8 ) used a large random-doc
about 0.85 when they attended to the surround. This dem ­ display w ith a disparicy o f 0 .2 ° along horizontal, vertical, or
onstrates that both horizontal vergence and vertical ver­ oblique directions. F.xposurc o f the stimulus for 150 ms
gence arc driven by a weighted mean o f com peting signals induced horizontal and vertical vergence responses that
from a certain area. People have some control over which o f approximately matched the amplitudes o f the tw o co m p o ­
two com peting stimuli is used to drive horizontal vcrgcncc nent disparities. W hen the same disparities were introduced
but no control over w hich stimulus drives vertical vergence. into a sinusoidal grating, the horizontal vergence remained
This difference is presumably related to the fact thac vertical m uch the same as the grating changed from vertical to about
0 — I------------------------------------1-------- 1-1— i— i - i - i - t - i . J -----------------1
0 .0 1 0 .1 0 .5 1 2
Frequency o f disparity m odulation (Hz)

Figure io.4%. 7be range ofverticaldisparity. S tim u lu s used bv P crlm u tccr and
K crtcsz (1 9 8 2 ). ‘

an am plitude o f 65 arcm in. Responses away trom the rest­

ing position were slower than those toward the resting posi­
tion (H outm an and van der Pol 1982b).
Perlm utter and Kertesz (1 9 8 2 ) used the stimulus shown
in Figure 10.44, which subtended 8.5°. An open-loop step
o f vertical disparity o f 14.8 arcmin produced a vertical ver­
gence with a reaction tim e o f 180 ms and a velocity o f
3 9 .6 7 s . The final amplitude o f 54 arcmin was maintained Frequency o f disparity m odulation (Hz)

tor 2 5 0 ms. T h e velocity ot vertical vergence was propor­

Fi4«rc io.-is. C ain an d phase lag o f v ertical vergence. G ain and phase lag
tional to the m agnitude o f disparity, as Rashbass and o f vertical v crgcncc as a fu n ctio n o t the freq u en cy o f sinusoidal
W csthcim cr (1 9 6 1 a ) had found tor open-loop horizontal m od u lation o f vertical disparity o f a 6 5 ° texturcd display. G in is plotted
vergence. The stim ulus shown in Figure 10.44 consists to r various am plitudes o t disparity as ind icated on th e curves. Phase
lag is p lo tted to r on ly the 18 arcm in am p litu d e. R esults tor o th er
o t 5 0 notched horizontal lines with an interline spacing o f 10
am p litu d es w ere very sim ilar. N = 4 . (AJ*ptcJfrom HowuJ « al. 1W )
arcmin. At every multiple o f 10 arcmin o f vertical disparity
many segments ot the horizontal lines com e into correspon­
dence and provide a stimulus tor vertical fusion. This stim u­
vertical vcrgcncc resemble the dynamics o f horizontal vcr-
lus is therefore a poor choice for studying vertical vergence.
gence and cyclovergence.
Howard c t al. (1 9 9 7 ) used scleral eve coils to measure
Step changes in vertical vcrgcncc involve disjunctive
the gain and phase o f vertical vergence. The 65° texturcd
saccades (Bush et al. 1 9 9 4 ; Van der Steen and Bruno 1995).
displays were m -scalcd to hom ogenize visibility and were
Furtherm ore, subjects show rapid adaptation o t disjunctive
aperiodic to avoid spurious binocular m atches, as shown in
saccades to unusual patterns o f vertical disparities (Section
Figure 10.27. The vertical disparity o t the display oscillated
through peak-to-peak am plitudes o f betw een 18 arcmin
and 4° at frequencies betw een 0 .0 5 and 2 H z. The results arc-
shown in Figure 10.45. G ain was near 1 when the stimulus
oscillated through 18 arcm in at 0.1 Hz o r less. As the am pli­ 1 0 .7 CYCLOVERGEN CE
tude o f stimulus oscillation increased, vergence gain
decreased at all frequencies, which is evidence o f a n on lin ­
earity. G ain declined with increasing stimulus frequency
but was still abou t 0.5 at 2 H z tor an amplitude o t 18 arcm in. C y clo d u ctio n is the torsional state o f a single eye indicated
These results dem onstrate that vertical vergence is designed by the dihedral angle betw een the m edian plane o f the head
to com pensate for small disparities changing at moderate and the plane containing a specified meridian o fth e eye and
frequencies. the visual axis. The usual reference meridian is the normally
Howard et al. also found that phase lag increased vertical meridian as indicated by sclcctcd landmarks on the
from 10" at a stimulus frequency o f 0 .0 5 Hz to betw een 100 eyeball or by the apparent orientation o f the afterimage o f a
and 145° at a frequency o t 2 H z. O verall, the dynamics o f vertical line. Cycloduction is designated incycloduction or
cxcycloduccion, depending on w hether the eye is rotated meridians have a positive declination o f about 2° (H elm holtz
top toward or top away from the median plane o f the head. 1909, vol. 3 , p. 4 0 8 ).
C ycloversion is the equal com ponent o f che eyes’ cyclo- Stim ulus cyclodisparity, or d e clin a tio n , is the signed
ductions. Levocycloversion occurs when the eyes rotate top relative rocation o f dichoptic stimuli in the frontal plane in
to the su b jects left and dcxtrocyclovcrsion occur when they external coordinates (O g le and Ellerbrock 1946).
rotate top right. Cycloversion is evoked under the following In clin a tio n refers to che slanc o f an objecc in che sagiccal
circum stances: plane o f the head with respect to chc froncal plane, signed
positive top away. For interpupillary distance a, and obser­
1. R otation o f a frontal textured display around che vation distance d , a line in the sagittal plane with inclina­
fixation point induces optokinetic cycloversion tion i projects as a pair o f images with declination 9. It is
(B rech er 1 9 3 4 ; C heu ng and Howard 1991). shown in Section 14.7 that:

2. Sm all am plitude cycloversion is evoked by a large

display o f lines or a visual scene tilted from the vertical Э л tan/ ф а ,„ ( л ^
in the frontal plane (G oodcnough c t al. 1979; Panscll
tan —= — ■ ran—= ----- or (3= 2 arc tan • -----}
2 Id 1 ID I ID )
et al. 2 0 0 6 ).
Forsm all0, 0 = a ГаП1 or / = arctan — in radians
3. Cycloversion accom panies vertical vergence. d a
Left-over-right vertical vergence evokes a top-to-left
cycloversion and vice versa (E n righ t 1 9 9 2 b ; van Rijn
The image cy clo d isp arity o f a pair o f dichoptic images
and C ollcw ijn 1994; M ikhacl et al. 1995). This
is their relative orientation with respect to corresponding
suggests that vertical vergence is controlled m ainly by
the oblique musclcs. retinal meridians, designated positive if the left-eye image is
rotated clockwise and the right-eye image counterclockw ise
4. W h en the head tilts to one side, the eyes co u n terro ll with respect со che nearest pair o f corresponding retinal
conjugatelv up to about 8" in che opposite direction meridians. D ich op tic images have zero cyclodisparity when
(C ollew ijn et al. 1 9 8 5 ; Ferman et al. 1987b ). In the they are parallel to a pair o f corresponding meridians. Ic is
dark, the response is evoked by signals trom the assumed char chey are parallel со corresponding meridians
vestibular system and has a velocity gain o f about 0 .6 . when chey appear parallel.
In the light, opcokinecic and vcscibular signals com bine The declination o f vertical corresponding meridians
со increase velocicy gain со abouc 0 .7 2 (Leigh ec al. causes che vercical horopcer со be inclined top away by an
1 9 8 9 ). In lateral-eyed anim als this reflex occurs in am ount chat varies with viewing distance (Scctio n 14.7).
response со picch o f che head and has a greacer Cyclovergence chac accom panies a change in horizoncal
am plitude chan counterrolling in frontal-eyed vergence may also affect inclinacion (Am igo 1 9 7 4 ). It fol­
animals. In both cases, the response helps со keep lows from chese definicions o f disparicy chac, for horizoncal
each image erect w ith respect to the principal lines, image cyclodisparity equals stimulus cyclodisparicv
meridian o f che eye. minus cyclovergence. For vercical lines, image cyclodispar-
icy equals scimulus cyclodisparity minus cyclovergence
5. W ich excended practice,cycloversion can be evoked
minus che declinacion o f corresponding vercical meridians.
voluntarily (B a llict and Nakayama 1978).
Several invcstigacors over chc lasc 100 years, including
6. People wich congenital nystagmus exhibit co-and-fro Hering (see O gle and Ellerbrock 1 9 4 6 ), V erhoeff (1 9 3 4 ),
nyscagmic eye movemencs, predom inantly in the Kcrccsz ( 1 9 7 2 ), and Krckling (1 9 7 3 ), have denied chac
horizontal plane. They also exhibit torsional oscillations cyclovergence occurs. The response is noc mencioned in
abouc the visual axes. These eye movemencs degrade m ost texebooks. In som e cases, invcscigators changed cheir
oriencation discrim ination, especially for vertical lines m inds when chey used more effeccive scimuli, particularly
(Ukw ade c t al. 20 02 ). scimuli subcendinga visual angle in excess of 25° and con-
caining many horizoncal and vertical elements.
C yclovergence is the difference between the eyes’ cyclo- Cyclovergence is evoked by cyclodisparity (Kcrccsz and
ductions. Ic is designated incyclovergence or excyclover- Sullivan 1 9 7 8 ) and as a com pon ent o f horizontal vergence
gencc depending on w hether the relative rotations arc (Allen and C arter 1967) and o f elevation of gaze and vcrci-
rop-in or top-ou t respectively. Cyclovergence is zero when cal vcrgcncc (L c C o n cc 1864; F.nrighc 1 9 9 2 b ; C hccscm an
two horizontal nonius lines on opposite radii o f a dichoptic and Guycon 1999). C y clo p h o ria is a corsional misalign-
display in che froncal plane appear collinear. Iс is best to use m cnc o f che eyes in che absence o f cyclofusional stimuli
horizontal rather than vertical nonius lines as a reference {W ic k and Ryan 1982). C y clo tro p ia is a torsional m is­
because, under norm al circum stances, corresponding hori­ alignm ent o f the eyes in the presence o f fusional stim uli
zontal meridians are parallel while corresponding vertical (Ruccum and Noorden 1983).
10.7.2 МЕASUREM ENТ О F better procedure, it has its own problems. Superimposed
CYCLOVERGENCE dichoptic images tend to rivalry, and it is difficult to detect
cyclodisparity once the images lie w ithin Panum s fusional
The following psychophysical m ethods have been used to
m с as ure eye love rge nee.

1 0 .7 .2 c T h e N o n iu s M e th o d
1 0 .7 .2 a S e ttin g a L in e in th e M ed ia n
P la n e to V ertical In the nonius m ethod, cyclovergence is indicated by the
angle through which a horizontal line presented to one side
Th e observer inclines a test line in the m edian plane o fth e o fth e fixation point in one eye has to be rotated in the fron­
head until it appears to lie in the frontal plane. The method tal plane to appear parallel to a horizontal line presented in
is based on the assumption that a line seen binocularly the opposite field o f the other eye. A binocular circle sur­
appears vertical it and only it its images tall on correspond­ rounding the lines holds horizontal and vertical vergence
ing retinal m eridians, and that any error in the vertical set­ steady. This stimulus display is known as Volkmann disks
ting is due to cyclovergence. However, this assumption is (see Figure 10.46). This is the torsional equivalent ot nonius
faulty. The phenom ena o f slant co n trast and norm alization m ethods used to measure horizontal and vertical vergence.
discussed in Section 2 1 .4 show that a line does n o t neces­ Subjects read off the torsional deviation o f the eyes on a
sarily appear vertical when its images fall on corresponding
scale (Sen et al. 1977).
meridians. Also, this m ethod gives different results depend­ H ofm ann and Bielschowsky (1 9 0 0 ) were the first to use
ing on w hether or not a reference plane is provided in the
Volkmann disks systematically. They recorded cyclover­
form o f a frontal circle round the test line (H arker I9 6 0 ). gence o f about 5°, induced by disjunctive rotation o f tex-
A nother problem is that an inclined line is a stimulus for tured displays through 8". V erhoeff (1 9 3 4 ) also used a
cyclovergence and may therefore contam inate the results. nonius m ethod and found cyclovergence to be a slow
This problem is at least partially overcome by presenting the response w ith magnitudes o f up to 6“ induced by an 8 :' dis­
test stimulus briefly, after the stimulus used to induce cy clo ­ junctive rotation o f tcxtured patterns. H e also found that a
vergence has been removed. Ellerbrock (1 9 5 4 ) further m in­
greater amplitude o f cyclovergence is induced by texturcd
imized the effect o f the test stimulus by setting two points patterns than by simple line patterns, and more by
rather than a line into the apparent frontal plane. cyclodisparity ot horizontal lines than ot vertical lines.
A m igo (1 9 7 4 ) used a similar procedure ro investigate Although su bject ro artifacts, rhe nonius method is the
the vertical horopter. H am pton and Kertesz (1 9 8 2 ) co m ­ only satisfactory psychophysical m ethod tor measuring
pared the psychophysical settings o f a test line w ith an cyclovergence.
objective measure o f cyclovergence. Th e perceived inclina­ Howard et al. (1 9 9 3 ) superimposed a pair o f nonius
tion o f the test line was less than that corresponding to the lines on the center o f a 7 5 ° d ichoptic textured display
residual cyclodisparity in the line, and therefore did not (Figure 10.47). The images had a static cyclodisparity o f 12°
indicate the degree o f cyclovergence. A sequential test stim ­ or were rotated sinusoidally in antiphase through 1 2 °, at
ulus may overcome one problem, but does n o t solve the frequencies between 0 .0 5 and 2 H z. Subjects nulled the
problem s o f slant contrast and norm alization. apparent offset o f t h e nonius lines in the static display and
nulled their rocking m otion in the dynamic display.
Figure 10.48 shows that, for static cyclodisparity, the
1 0 .7 .2 b N u llin g C y c lo d is p a rity in
nonius setting was slightly higher than the magnitude ot
D ic h o p tic S tim u li
cyclovergence measured objectively, using scleral search
In one form o f this method dichoptic lines are rotated in coils. W h en the display rotated back and forth , the nonius
opposite directions in the frontal plane until they fuse, or
appear collinear. This m ethod was first used by M cissncr in
about 185 4 ( Le C o n te 18 8 1) and was also used by Volkmann
(see H elm holtz 1 9 0 9 ). C ogan (1 9 7 9 ) pointed o u t that this
measure o f cyclovergence does not agree with that based on
judgm ents o f apparent vertical, since a line does n o t neces­
sarily appear vertical when the images in the two eyes appear
collinear. H e showed that, on average, a line was set within
3° o f true vertical in the median plane whereas two dichop-
tie images in the lrontal plane, one red and one green, had
Fif»rc in.4*. I'olktn.nitj disks. A n gular m isalign m en t o f chc tw o n o n iu s
to be incyclorotated by an am ount corresponding to an
lines in the b in ocu lar im age provides a m easure o f t h e d eclin atio n o f
inclination o f 31° to fuse into a single image. Although set­ co rresp on d in g vertical m eridians. In m ost people th e corresp on d in g
ting tw o dichoptic images into collinearity may be the m eridians arc relatively ex to rted ab ou t 2*.
10 .7 . 2 d O b je ctiv e R e c o r d in g o f Cyclovergence

M ethod s for recording eye movements, such as electroocu ­

lography and the Purkinje eye tracker, do n o t record eve
torsion. Photographs o f the iris or episcleral blood vessels
must be analyzed frame-by-frame (Howard and Evans
1963). V ideo records o f the two irises can be subjected to
autocorrelation to yield a continuous record o f cyclover-
gcncc. Kcrtesz (1 9 7 2 ) used the photographic method but
filled to find cyclovergence because his stimulus was too
small. C.ronc and Evcrhard-Halm (1 9 7 5 ) and H ooten e ta l.
(1 9 7 9 ) used the photographic procedure with a more
adequate stimulus and obtained d e ar evidence of
Л scleral search coil m ounted on an annular contact lens
was developed by C ollew ijn et al. ( 1 9 8 5 ), and is available
trom Skalar M edical in Delft. W h en the coil is placed on an
eye within an oscillating m agnetic field, a voltage propor­
FiS«.c Ю i7. D isplay u std to m ta$urccydovcrgcw c. D ic h o p tic tcxtu rcd
tional to the sine o f the torsional position o f the eve is gen­
displays su b te n d in g 7 5 * w ere d isjun ctively Сy d o ro ta ted through various
am plitud es and frequ en cies. C yclo v crg cn cc was m easured w ith scleral erated (R obinson 1 9 6 3 ; Collew ijn et al. 1 9 7 5 ; Herman et al.
co ils and by alig n in g the c cn tra l n o n iu s lines. (Fio* Howardci *1.1993) 1987b ). This m ethod provides a low -noisc signal that
continuously registers the torsional position o f an eye to
w ithin a few minutes o f arc. The onlv
J drawback is that the
co n tact lenses can be worn for only about 3 0 m inutes at one
time. Kcrtesz and Sullivan (1 9 7 8 ) used the sclcral-coil pro­
cedure and obtained a cyclovergence o f 3.5° to a + 5° step o f
cyclodisparity in patterned displays subtending 5 0 u.

1 0 .7 .3 D Y N A M IC S O F C Y C L O V E R G E N C E

1 0 .7 .3 a G a in an d P h ase L a g o f C y c lo v c rg c n c c

Howard and Z acher (1 9 9 1 ) used scleral search coils to m ea­

sure gain and phase lag o f cyclovergence as a function o f
frequency and am plitude o f cyclodisparity o f the 75°
dichoptic display shown in Figure 10.47. This stimulus co n ­
tains a broad range of spatial frequencies, has both vertical
and horizontal elem ents to act ascyclofusional stim uli, and
is a good stimulus for keeping horizontal and vertical ver­
gence constant. A regular grid pattern is n o t suitable because
Figure 10.48 . M easures o f eydovergenee* O b jectiv ely m easured cyclovergence the eyes tend to misconverge on such stim uli. Since the dis­
and n on iu sd in c settin g s as a fu n ctio n o f the freq u en cy o f cyclodisparity
play was circular and the surroundings black, there were
m od u lation o f th e display in Figure 9 .4 7 (N = 3 ). (R ed fjn n trooB Howard
no stationary lines to provide a cyclofusional anchor. The
dichoptic displays rotated in counterphase about the fixa­
tion point to give peak-to-peak amplitudes of disjunctive
lines appeared to rock through a greater amplitude than cyclodisparity o f 2 , 6 , or 12°, at frequencies o f from 0 .0 5 to
predicted trom the m agnitude o t cyclovergence. W ith one 2 Hz. The gain o f cyclovergence was defined as the mean
eye closed, the rem aining nonius line appeared to rock in a peak-to-peak amplitude o f cyclovcrgencc divided by the
direction opposite to that o f the rotating surround. This is peak-to-peak amplitude o f the cyclodisparity o f the stim u­
the well-known phenom enon o t induced visual m otion. lus. A sample o f the recordings is shown in Figure 10.49.
W hen both eyes were open, the two m onocularly induced G ain declined with increasing stimulus frequency. Phase
m otion effects com bined with the effects o f cyclovergence lag was imperceptible at a frequency of 0 .0 5 H z, and
to create the large apparent rocking m otion o f the nonius increased with increasing frequency o f cyclodisparity,
lines. Thus, the nonius m ethod is a reasonably valid m ea­ reaching over 100° at a frequency ot 2 Hz (Figure 10.50).
sure o f cyclovergence, but only for static or slowly changing Cyclovergence is designed to cope with cyclodisparities
disparities. of low frequency and am plitude, as indicated by the fact
ДА/ cW w v w


0.05 Hz 0.2 Hz 1 Hz 2 Hz
Frequency o f cyclovergence stim ulus

F.pirc io. C h a r t recording! ofcyelovtrgcn cc. C yclov crg cn cc fo r d ifferen t frequ en cies and am p litu d es o f cyclo disp arity o f the stim ulus show n in
Figure 9 .4 7 . 'Ih c traces represent the d ifferen ce b etw een the opposed cv clo ro tatio n s o f the eyes. Sh arp im pulses arc blinks. { A d ^ c d ^ H.y**»d*nJ
Z*clit» IW1)

chat, in Figure 10.50, gain is highest and phase lag lowest at

a frequency o f 0 .0 5 Hz and an am plitude o f 2 For one
young adult, the gain o f cyclovergence reached 0.91 at this
frequency and am plitude. Van Rijn et al. (1 9 9 2 ) obtained a
maximum gain o f only 0. 2 , but they used only one fre­
quency o f stimulus rotation o f 0 .2 H z and a scimulus diam ­
eter o f only 28°. Later, they obtained a mean gain o f over
0.4 when they used a 4 8 “-wide display oscillating at 0.15 Hz
(van R ijn et al. 1994a). W c will see in the next section that
the gain o f cyclovergence declines rapidly as stimulus area is
The dependence o f cyclovergence gain on the amplitude
o f stimulus cyclorotation shows that the system is n on lin ­
ear, because the gain o f a linear system is independent o f
am plitude for a given frequency. For a stimulus amplitude
o f 6°, the function relating gain in decibels to frequency has
a slope o f 20 db/decade for the five highest frequencies.
G ain in decibels is 2 0 tim es the log o f response amplitude
C yclodisparity fre qu e ncy (Hz) divided by the log o f stimulus amplitude. This is the value
expected o f a first-order system. However, the phase lag at
the corner frequency corresponding to a gain o f -3 db was
much smaller than expected from cith er a first-order or
second-order svstem.
The high gain and low phase lag for low stim ulus fre­
quencies and small amplitudes is w hat one would expect o f
a system designed to correct for slight rotary misalignments
o f binocular images. M isalignm ents may be produced by
cyclophoria or by torsional drifts o f the eyes that occur as
the gaze moves over a 3 -D scene. Cyclovergence does not
C yclodisparity frequency (Hz) have to deal with rapid external events. Disjunctive cveloro-
tacions o f the whole distal scimulus occur only under very
Faftutc io. so. G ain a n d p h a se (ag o fc y d t v e r g e n c e . G a in and phase lag ot
cy clo v crg cn cc as a fu n ctio n o f freq u en cy o f cyclo disp arity for three special circum stances, as, for instance, when one observes an
am plitud es o f disparity (N = 3 ). (K*dn«. Л»т H<*wrd *nd Z^hc. I99i> isolated vertical line changing its inclination. U nder normal
In M ovem ents o f a single eye, or ductions, are specified in
terms ot m agnitude, direction, and velocity. Coordinated
m ovem ents o f the two eyes arc specified in terms o f version
and vergence com ponents. Version is an equal m ovem ent ot
the eyes in the same direction, and vergence is an equal
m ovem ent in opposite directions. A circle passing through
the centers o f rotation o f the two eyes and che fixation point
is the path traced by the fixation point as version changes
with vergence held constant. A hyperbola o f Hillebrand is
the path traced by a change in vergence with version held
constant (see Figure 10.10). M athem atically, any movement
o fth e two eyes may be described as the sum o f a version and
a vergence. L et 0 be the version com ponent with move­
F . * « r * № .* ♦ . A sy m m etr y o f cyxbvergencc. R cco rd s о fc y d o v c rg c n c c o f four ments toward the right signed positive, and let // be the ver­
su b jects in response to a + 4 . 6 'o r + 2 .3 “ step in vcrtical-shear disparity gence com ponent, with convergence signed positive. For a
o f а 6 0 ' CCXtured display. T b e stim ulus (d o tted lines) wav m ain tain ed pure vergence, the m ovem ent o f each eye equals /i/2 .
fo r 10 s. The m agnitud e o f in cyclovergen ce was greater th an th a t o f
In general (after O n o 1 9 8 0 ):
cxcy clov crgcn cc in all su b jects. (fUfoww fromH<m*rdм 3 Kwk« ItW).

( fl\
in vertical-shear disparity o f a tcxturcd display that filled в + 1 — = Rotation o fth e left eve
U )
the binocular visual field. Incyclovergence responses were
larger than cxcyclovcrgcncc responses in their four subjects
0 — — j = Rotation of the right eye
(see Figure 10.54). N o subjects had the opposite asymme­
try. Taylor c t al. (2 0 0 0 ) reported the same asymmetry in
their tw o subjects. M axwell et al. ( 2 0 0 1 ) also reported this Alhazen, in the 1 1th century, proposed that the move­
asymmetry in each ot their five subjects. This asymmetry m ent o f one eye is accom panied by a m ovem ent o f the other
may be due ro the natural predom inance o f horizontal sur­ eye o f equal amplitude and velocity, either in the same or in
faces below eve
level. the opposite direction. This idea was developed by H ering,
The eyes have a tendency to develop an excyclophoria who called it the law o f e q u a l in n e r v a t i o n . Hering (1 8 6 8 ,
when one eye is occluded tor some time. Four out o t five p. 17) wrote,
subjects showed a mean excyclophoria o f 1.8 0 after 8 hours
o f m onocular occlusion (C ra t e t al. 2 0 0 2 ). This suggests The two eyes are so related to one another that one
that the physiological state o f rest o f cyclovergence is in the cannot be moved independently o f the o ther: rather,
cxcyclovergence direction, and that the stronger response the musculature o f both eyes reacts simultaneously
to incyclodisparity corrects for the tendency o f the eyes to to one and the same impulse o f will.
drift in the direction o f cxcyclovergence. In a sim ilar way,
the tendency for horizontal gaze to becom e exophoric H ering did not mean that one eye can n o t move while
during m onocular occlusion is balanced by an opposite the other eve remains stationary. He continued:
* *
asymmetry in the degree o f adaptation o f horizontal ver­
gence (S ch o r 1979a). It is possible for us to move both eyes sim ultane­
ously about different angles and with different
speeds . . . and even to move one eye outw ard or
10.8 V E R G E N C E - V E R S I O N inward while the o ther remains still. W e are able to
INTERACTIONS do this, not because we simultaneously give each eye
a special innervation, but because in these move­
1 0 .8 .1 H E R I N G ’ S LA W O F E Q U A L ments each eye receives tw o different innervations.
IN N E R V A T IO N O n e is л turning m ovem ent o f both eyes to the right
or left and the other is inward or outward turning ot
10 . 8 . 1 a L aw o f Equal Innervation
both eves.
i Since these tw o innervations o f t h e two
W h en fixation changes rapidly betw een two points differ­ eyes work together in one eye and conversely in the
ing in both depth and direction, vergence is com bined with other, the resultant m ovem ent in each eye must nec­
a saccade. W h en the eyes track a spot m oving slowly between essarily be different.
points differing in depth and direction, vergence is co m ­
bined with slow pursuit. The following discussion is about C onsid er the idealized case, in which the gaze shifts
how vergence com bines w ith these two types o f version. from point A to point В on the visual axis o f the left cvc.
The m ovem ent may be decom posed in to an equal version alm ost exclusively
; one extraocular muscle in one eve.
J Those
for both eyes o f 9 and a vergence, which in this case moves in the trochlea nucleus innervate the contralateral superior
the right eye through angle - f l f 2 and the left eye through oblique muscle, those in the abducens nucleus innervate the
angle jU/2. By the above equations they cancel for the left ipsilateral lateral rectus, and m otoneuron pools in the ocu l­
eye and add for the right eye. The right eye therefore docs o m oto r nucleus innervate the ipsilateral medial rectus, infe­
all the moving. People can learn to move an occluded eye rior oblique, inferior rectus, and contralateral superior
horizontally while keeping the other eye fixated on a sta­ rectus (Evinger 1 9 8 8 ). M oschovakis et al. (1 9 9 0 ) recorded
tionary target (M anny 1 980). from m oroneurons responsible for vertical saccades and
H erings law would be a tautology i f it merely stated found that they branch to innervate all the m otoneuron
that aU eye m ovem ents may be described as the sum o f a pools that move both eycsconjugately. M oschovakis (1 9 9 5 )
version and a vergence com ponent. It is clear from Hering s traced the axonal term inations o f prem otor lead burst neu­
use o f rhe phrase “equal innervation” that he was thinking rons responsible for initiating horizontal and vertical co n ­
o f com pon ent neural processes not merely mathematical jugate saccades. In each case, the axons term inated in the set
com ponents. o f m otoneurons that controlled the movements o f both
It is not the am plitude or velocity o f the movements o f eyes. This provides a basis for H erin gs law, at least for co n ­
the tw o eyes that are equal in H erin g s law, but the am pli­ jugate saccades.
tude and velocity o f the vergence com ponent in each eye Sm ooth pursuit eye movements seem to be organized
and o f the version com ponent in each eye. O n e can erect by separate com m ands to the eyes. King and Z hou (1 9 9 5 )
the hypothesis that, when version and vergence are executed found that the pursuit movement o f each eye during the ini­
simultaneously, eye velocity is a linear sum o f the velocities tial open-loop 100 ms was controlled only by m otion o f the
o f each com ponent movement. Em pirical evidence bearing visual target in that eye, w hether the eye m ovem ent was
on this version o f H erings law is discussed in Scction 10.8.2. conjugate or disjunctive. In their experim ent, any co n trib u ­
H erings law should perhaps be called the law o f equal tion ot disparity-induced vergence to disjunctive pursuit
co m p o n e n t in n erv ation s. must have had a latency longer than 100 ms, but presum­
H erings law requires that, at any instant, the visual ably obeyed H erin gs law.
o b ject that evokes version is also the o b ject that evokes ver­ Hering proposed that axons from d istin ct m otoneurons
gence. Chaturvedi and van G isbergen (1 9 9 8 ) presented lo r version and vergence com bine in the muscles. The axons
two target objects at the same tim e in different positions in could converge on the same muscle fibers, or different
3 -D space. W hichever o b je ct evoked the first saccadic muscle fibers could be devoted to each com ponent. Hering
response was alm ost always the o b ject that evoked the vcr­ believed in the second possibility and thought he detected
gcncc response. W hen rhe saccadic response was to a com ­ opposed contractions in the muscles o f the stationary eye
promise position, vergence showed a similar com prom ise. during a change ot fixation along that eyes visual axis.
Tam ler c t al. (1 9 5 8 ) claim ed to have detected these co n trac­
tions clectrom yographically in humans.
1 0 .8 .1 b N e u ro lo g y o f H e r in g s Law
O th er investigators found no changes in electrical activ­
Hering s law implies that there are tw o centers, one for ver- ity o f muscles o f a stationary eye under these conditions
gence and one for version, and that, for each center, rhe (B reinin 1 9 5 5 ; Blodi and Van Allen 1957; Allen and C arter
same innervation is sent to the two eyes. The simplest 1 9 6 7 ). C ocon tractions could be due to slight saccadic
assumption is that the innervations from each center to one m ovem ents when vergence changes rapidly along the line o f
eye are com bined linearly in the final com m on path so that sight ot one eye, or to torsional movements that accompany
the m ovem ent o f that eye is the algebraic sum o f the inner­ changes in vergence. M ore recent evidence suggests that
vations from the tw o centers. But H erin gs law does not cocontraction o f lateral and medial recti during conver­
require a linear com bination o f version and vcrgcncc sig­ gence is due to inappropriate version signals arising in the
nals; it only requires that the version signals remain equal abducens nuclei, which are overcome by appropriate signals
and the vergence signals rem ain equal. For instance, it docs arising from centers controlling vergence (G am lin et al.
n o t forbid version signals from being attenuated when com ­ 1989).
bined with vergence signals. Enright (1 9 8 0 ) revealed that there is also a slight lateral
C onjugate eye m ovem ents o f all types in the horizontal translation o f an eye when vergence changes along that eye s
plane are organized in the paramedian pontine reticular visual axis. These torsional and translatorv movements are

form ation, or PPRF. C onju gate eye movements in the ver­ probably incidental to the version and vergence co m p o ­
tical plane are organized in the mesencephalic reticular for­ nents and have no functional significance.
m ation, or MRF . These nuclei receive inputs from rhe O ’Keefe and Berkley (1 9 9 1 ) produced evidence o f a
superior colliculi, vestibular nuclei, and the frontal eye fields coupling o f the movements o f the two eyes mediated by
and p roject m onosynaptically to m otoneuron pools in rhe proprioception. Infusion o f a paralytic agent into the
o cu lo m oto r nuclei. Each m otoneuron pool innervates muscle capsule o f one eye in the anesthetized cat reduced
whecher chc scimulus was aligned with che left or righc visual additively when chey occur together. O n o et al. (1 9 7 8 )
axis. This asymmetry was explained in terms o f a displace­ found that during the convergence phase o f an eye m ove­
m ent o f t h e cyclopean eye (sec Section 16.7.5} toward the menc evoked by a target chac sceppcd in boch laceral direc­
dom inant eye. Barbeito ct al. (1 9 8 6 ) confirm ed this asym­ tion and depth, the differences o f amplitude and velocity
metry but produced evidence that displacem ent o f the betw een che two eyes were much greater chan predicted
cyclopean eye (egocenter) is not the only causal factor. Irom a linear addition o f com ponent velocities. A similar
Furtherm ore, F.nright (1 9 9 8 a ) found that the extent o f the supra-addicivity o f com ponents occurred when a step
asymmetry was noc correlaced wich che posicion o f the ego- change in the lateral direction o f gaze was superimposed on
center (Section 16.7.2). a tracking vergence m ovem ent made in response to a target
O cher invescigators found no evidence o f a clear separa­ m oving slowly in depth (Saida and O n o 1 9 8 4 ). Similarly,
tion in tim e between vergence and version com ponents when accidental microsaccadcs occurred during a vergence
(Erkelens c t al. 1989b ). Enright (1 9 9 6 ) found rhac m ost m ovem ent, the difference in velocity between che cwo eyes
subjects made sm ooth vergence m ovements between tar­ was greater than predicted by simple addition (Kenyon
gets in chc median plane or becween cargecs lying on rhe e ta l. 198 0 b ).
visual axis ot one eye. W h eth er or n o t this is regarded as C ollew ijn et al. (1 9 9 7 ) concluded trom their own data
breaking H erings law depends on how che law is inter­ th at version and vergence com ponents o f com posite eye
preted. movements can be executed separately during part o f the
An extrem e view is that the eyes arc controlled indepen­ m ovem ent bu t that, in mosc eye movements, the two
dently rather than by the superimposition ot version and com ponents overlap in tim e and interact in a nonlinear
vergence com ponents. Maxwell and Schor (2 0 0 4 ) asked fashion.
subjects to make vergence responses to stim uli for which The tim ing o f the saccadic com ponent relative to
changes in horizontal disparity were accom panied by the vergence com pon ent depends on the direction o f che
changes in vertical disparity. After training, subjects showed change in gaze in 3-D space. W h en gaze changed betw een a
a change in vertical vergence when tested with a target thac low near point and a tar high point in the m edian plane,
changed only in horizontal disparity. This aftereffect was the Saccadic and vergence com ponents reached peak
evident for both symmetrical changes in horizontal velocity ac almosc the same cime. However, when gaze
vergence and for changes in vergence along the visual axis changed betw een a high near point and a tar low point, the
o f one eye. But it did not show with conjugate eye saccadic com pon ent reached its peak velocity up to 66 ms
m ovem ents (version). This evidence supports the idea o f before vergence reached its peak velocity (Kum ar et al.
two independent vergence and version com ponents 2 0 0 5 ).
rather than the view char the two eyes are controlled
1 0 .8 .2 b V erg en ce In tru s io n s in S a cca d cs
W hen an accom m odative change is induced in one eye
by a lens, with the other eye closed, the closed eye moves but There is the related question ot cross talk betw een version
the open eye moves only slightly o r n o t ac all (M iiller 1829; and vergence (O n o 1 9 8 3 ). Is the response to a stimulus
Kenyon et al. 1 9 7 8 ; Enright 1992a). Saida e t al. (2 0 0 1 ) requiring pure version devoid o f a vergence com ponent,
found chat boch eyes showed an inicial response со rhe and is a required pure vergence devoid o f a version co m p o ­
introduction ot the lens before one eye, but that the open n en t? D uring fixation the eyes execute m icrosaccadcs ot
eye stopped moving while the closed eye concinued to betw een 0.2 and 1 .0°. M oller ct al. (2 0 0 2 ) found that all
move. However, under open-loop conditions, in which microsaccades occurred simultaneously and with equal
m otion o f the visual target was optically stabilized in the am plitude in the tw o eyes. Also, for m ost o f them , the d if­
open eye, both eyes moved equally through h a lf the am pli­ ference in direction was less than 22°. Thus, at least m icro ­
cude shown by che closed eye in che closed-loop condicion. saccadcs are conjugate.
This suggests that, with norm al viewing, the open eye m ain­ Sm ith et al. (1 9 7 0 ) detected a small lack o f synchrony
tains steady gaze on the cargec by error feedback from reti­ betw een the eyes for som e but n o t all saccadcs. Bahill ec al.
nal slip. W hen this error feedback is removed by opening (1 9 7 6 ) noted that subjects with norm al vision sometimes
the feedback loop, boch eves share in che vergence response execute unequal saccadcs in the tw o eyes, but they regarded
induced by the change in accom m odation. disconjugate saccadcs as anomalous. W illiam s and Fender
O cher evidence suggescs thac che control o f vergence, (1 9 7 7 ) found that, in spite o f claim s to the contrary, volun­
especially asymm etrical vergence, is m ore complex than a tary saccadcs are alm ost com pletely synchronized in the
simple sequential com bination o t rapid version and slow two eyes.
vergence. C ollew ijn et al. (1 9 8 8 a ) found rhar, with horizontal sac­
In the first place, the saccadic com ponent is n o t switched cadcs along a locus ot isovergcnce, the m otion o f the abduct­
o f f while vergence is occurring. There is thus chc quescion ing eye had a larger am plitude, higher peak velocity, and
w hether the saccadic and vergence com ponents com bine shorter duration than the m otion o f the adducting eye
eccentric cargecs or when the vertical disparities appropriate saccadic asymmetries. Bucci ct al. ( 2 0 0 1 )
were nullified by a prism. However the saccadic disconju­ obtained saccadic disconjugacy after 15 minutes, during
gacy was reduced after several hours during w hich subjects w hich tim e subjects made horizontal or vertical saccadcs to
wore prisms that nulled the disparity (Yggc and Zee 1995). points in a random -dot display magnified in one eye by 2 %.
Spectacles worn to correct unilateral myopia o f rcfrac- Disparities produced by images differing in size by 2%
tive origin produce aniseikonia— they enlarge the image in would be within Pan urns fusional lim it.
one eye relative to that in the other (Section 9 .9 ). This is D isconjugacy o f vertical saccadcs can be induced by
because spectacle lenses are offset from the cornea and do opposite m otion o f identical dichoptic stim uli just after
not move with the eyes. An oti-axis o b ject seen through com pletion o f vertical saccadcs (K apoula et al. 1996a).
spectacle lenses produces images with ditferent angles o f However, saccadic disconjugacy is nor induced by posrsac-
eccentricity in the tw o eyes. C o n ta ct lenses do n o t produce cadic m otion o f dichoptic random -dot stimuli that are spa­
this effect. People w ho wear spectacles to correct for refrac­ tially uncorrelared (Kapoula c t al. 1990). Thus postsaccadic
tive anisom etropia develop com pensatory asymmetries in drift is not induced by opposed m otion o f the images in the
saccadic eye movements (Erkelens et al. 1 9 8 9 c; I.em ij and two eyes in the absence o f a recognizable disparity at the
C ollew ijn 1991a). M onkeys show the same adaptive com pletion ot the saccadc.
response (O o h ira and Zee 1992). H orizontal saccadcs becam e disjunctive after subjects
Figure 10 .5 7 shows a record ot unequal saccadcs made made repeated saccadcs over a period ot 15 minutes to a
by a 12-ycar old boy who had worn spectacles tor 7 years to Hashed eccentric target with horizontal disparity (Bucci
correct an 1 1 -diopter myopia in one eye. The acquired sac­ et al. 2 0 0 0 ). The subjects had no visual error feedback.
cadic asymmetry com pensated for alm ost all the optical Bush c t al. (1 9 9 4 ) projected random -dot patterns in a
aniseikonia. After 3 m onths ot wearing corrective contact stereoscope at a distance o f 3 3 cm . The image in one eye was
lenses, which do not produce aniseikonia, saccadcs became magnified 8% relative to that in the other. Saccadcs to a
almost equal in size (O o h ira et al. 1991). target superimposed on the display in one eye immediately
Even short periods o f exposure to aniseikonia can pro­ produced saccadcs that were unequal by betw een 4 and
duce appropriate adaptation ot relative saccadic amplitudes 7.5% . This response occurred in both humans and monkeys.
in the tw o eyes. For instance, after 1 hour o f exposure to a Thus, a stronger than usual pattern o f disparity can induce
2 -diopter lens in front o f one eye, the am plitudes o f sacca- unequal saccadcs w ithou t adaptation or learning. But this is
des in the tw o eyes differed by the am ount required for bin­ not saccadic adaptation, because it occurred immediately
ocular acquisition o f eccentric targets along the horizontal and did n o t persist with m onocular viewing.
and vertical meridians (Lem ij and C ollew ijn 1991b ). M ore Van der Steen and Bruno (1 9 9 5 ) obtained immediate
powerful lenses caused larger adaptive effects up to a lim it disjunctive saccades in response to a sim ilar display with
o f 6 diopters. Six hours o f adaptation to a 6 -diopter lens, near viewing. However, with far viewing, it took several
which caused one image ro be m agnified 1 2 %, produced minutes to obtain disjunctive saccades. This effect was sac­
cadic adaptation, since it persisted tor some tim e in open-
loop conditions. W ith far viewing, disparities in the frontal
12 - plane dim inish to zero so that disjunctive saccadcs arc there­
fore not normally required. Bruno et al. (1 9 9 5 ) developed a
Right eye
model ot saccadic adaptation.
10 •

4) Subjects rapidly adapted relative saccadic amplitudes

when one image was made larger than the o ther or when

Left eye
the subjects looked back and forth betw een tw o points in a
0 random -dot stereogram (Eggert and Kapoula 1995;
1 6 -
Kapoula c t al. 1996b ). Kapoula et al. (1 9 9 8 ) made a
2 peripheral target disparate by placing an 8% magnifier in
о 4 - fro n t o f one eye. Even though the target was presented for

о only 100 ms on each trial and there was a 1 s interval before

X V ergence
2 - the saccadc was initiated, subjects learned to make appro­
priate disjunctive saccades with 15 min o f training. The
effect o f training persisted when the target was no longer
disparate but did n o t occur when subjects did not make sac­
Tim e (s) cadic eye movements to the disparate target (Kapoula et al.
2000 ).
F.nurc 10.57. U n equ aljac carles in A nisom etropia. R ecord o t unequal saccadcs
Saccadic disconjugacy produced by 10% aniseikonia
o f а 12-year-о Id boy adapted to a n iso m etro p ic spectacles, after the
spectacles were rem oved. The visual target was 10° to the right o f in itial was reduced when there were m onocular cues rhat rhe
fix atio n . T h e saccadcs ind u ced som e vergence. {Adjf*e4fn>mOolu'j<t«J. 1991) display was frontal (Bu cci et al. 1999).
A daptation o f conjugate saccades со imposed dysmetria while. W hen che parccic eye was pacched, che ocher eye
was specific to the visual meridian along which training showed saccadic overshooting (K om m erell ec al. 1976).
occurred (D eu b el ec al. 1 986). N onconjugate saccadic adap­ A sim ilar recovery o f saccadic orchomecria was reporced
tation to aniseikonia has also been found to be specific to in a patient with sudden onset o f right third-nerve palsy.
the main orthogonal and oblique directions wichin which D uring the 6 -day recovery period, che left eye was pacched
training was applied (Lem ij and C ollew ijn 1992). (A bel et al. 1978).
A vcrbuch-H cller et al. (1 9 9 9 ) placed a small base-out or Paresis induced in the horizontal recti ot one eye o f
base-in prism in fron t o f one eye so that fixation o f a central monkeys made che eye hypomecric. W ich che good eye
visual target required 5 “ o f convergence or divergence. For pacched for 6 days, the paretic eye regained orthom etria but
15 m inutes, subjects made 20" saccades from chc central reverted to hypomecria when che pacch was swicched
targec seen through the prism to targets seen to the left or to (O p tican and Robinson 1980).
che righc oucside che prism. Subjcccs developed a scrongsac­ This capacity со recover from che ctfeccs o f paresis seems
cadic disconjugacy that persisted during subsequent m on­ to depend on the integrity o f the cerebellum , since lesions
ocular viewing. This was accom panied by changes in the o f the cerebellum induce perm anent saccadic hyperm edia
peak velocities o f both eyes and in the relative velocities o f (O p tican 1982).
the eyes. These features o f adapcacion are sympcomacic o f a In these studies, the normal eye was noc used or was
binocular saccadic-vergcnce interaction and cannot be kept patched during the recovery period. W hatever adapta­
explained by a purely m onocular saccadic adjustm ent. Som e tion occurred for the parccic eye was also found in che
subjects developed some saccadic disconjugacy in a non- pacched eye— adaptation was conjugate. The visual system
trained direction along che same horizoncal meridian, apparently treats boch eyes alike if chere is no visual
which could be explained only by m onocular adaptation. inform ation to indicate that they should be treated
Avcrbuch-H cller e t al. concluded th at both binocular sac- differentially.
cadic-vergence interaction and a m onocular com ponent Snow et al. (1 9 8 5 ) produced the first evidence that the
were involved. saccadic system can adapt to paresis differentially in the two
eyes. In six monkeys, chey weakened the tendon insertions
o f the medial and lateral recti in one eye, w hich caused sac­
1 0 .8 .3 c Adaptation o f Pursuit to A niseikon ia
cades for chis eye to be hypom etric to a greater or lesser
Schor et al. (1 9 9 0 ) inquired w hether adaptations o f che sac­ exccnc. After 3 0 days o f binocular viewing, che racio o f sac­
cadic and pursuit systems to aniseikonia are independenc. cadic amplicudes in che cwo eyes recurned со normal in all
For pursuit adapcacion, subjects m aintained vergence tor six animals, although recovery was faster in those animals
cwo hours on a pair o f horizoncal dichopcic lines chac moved with less inicial hypomecria. After recovery o f balance in
up and down ac 1 0 7 s through 20 °, giving a frequency o f rhe amplitudes o f saccades, saccadic durations were longer
0.25 Hz. For saccadic adapcacion, subjeccs followed seep and peak velocities were smaller in both eyes. Furtherm ore,
vertical displacem ents o f the lines, which occurred every when the recovered operated eye was patched, its
half-second for 2 hours. H orizontal vcrgcncc was m ain­ hypomecria recurned.
tained on a fixed vertical line. The image in one eye was Ic was concluded from these tw o facts that recovery o f
magnified 10 % so chac che image o f che line in chac eye saccadic balance depends on changes in neural control and
moved further than the image in the other eye. Pursuit not merely on recovery o f strength in the operated eye.
adaptation produced a 7 .3 % asymmecry o f pursuic am pli­ V iirre ec al. (1 9 8 8 ) discurbed saccadic balance in m on­
tude but onlv
4 about 1% ot saccadic asvmmetrv.
i i Saccadic keys by recession (surgical reinsertion) o f a rectus muscle in
adaptation produced a 6 % asymmecry o f saccadic am pli­ one eye. After a period o f binocular viewing, the deviation
tude but only about 2.5% o f pursuit asymmetry. In other ot the operated eye disappeared, and saccades in both eyes
words, adaptation effects were largely specific со che cype o f becam e orth om etric in m ost o f the animals. This adapta­
eye m ovem ent used in training. No adaptation occurred tion did n o t occur after severe weakening ot the muscle.
when visual error feedback was w ithheld during and jusc The experim ents described in chis and che previous sec­
after each eye movement. tion dem onstrate that as long as there is appropriate visual
feedback che saccadic syscem can compensace tor aniseiko­
nia or for an unbalanced muscular system by changing the
10.8 .3 d O c u l o m o t o r Adaptation to Paresis
balance o f innervations to the cwo eyes. Binocu lar visual
Saccades and voluntary pursuit adapc со partial paralysis o f inputs also seem со be required jusc for che regular maince-
one eye (O pcican ec al. 1985). In one study, a man with nancc o f binocular coordination o f saccades. Simply patch-
sudden onset o f paralysis o f the left abducens nerve devel­ ing one eye in normal m onkeys for 6 days produced
oped saccadic hypomcrria in his left eye. H is other eye hap­ hypermecria and poscsaccadic drift in thac eye, which rap­
pened to be scrabismic. Saccadic accuracy o f che left eye, idly cleared up when both eyes were open ( V ilis c t al. 1985;
which he preferred со use tor fixation, recovered after a Viirre et al. 1987).
1 0 .8 . 3 c Su m m ary This is because, when the head rotates, the eyes translate
due to their olfset from the axis o f head rotation. For a head
Although version and vergence are d istinct movements,
rotation o f в, the rotation o fa n eye, Ф. required to stabilize
they sum in a nonlinear fashion when they overlap in cime.
the image o f a stationary o b ject at distance D is
Vergence movements can intrude in to saccadic eye move­
ments со targets thac require only version. This may be due n dsinO
to loss o f a fusional signal during a saccade or to asymme­ 0 = 0 + t a n -----------
tries in the m echanical properties o f eye muscles. Saccades
o f different amplitudes in the two eyes may intrude into
where d is the distance from the axis o f head rotation to the
vergence eye movements. In spite o f these com plexities and
center o f rotation o f the eye. For a distant o b ject the effect
qualifications. H crin g s law remains as a fundam ental state-
o f translation is negligible, but for an o b ject at the near
men t o f how frontal-eved animals, such as cats and primates,
poinr, eye velocity required for image stability is about
move cheir eves. They do noc generally move the eyes inde­
double that required at infinity. Thus, the gain ot V O R (eye
pendently like a cham eleon. Also, the tw o visual axes inter­
velocity divided by head velocity) required for image stabil­
sect at chc point o f fixacion, and a closed eye moves in
ity increases trom 1 at infinity to 2 for near vision. In illum i­
version or in vergence along w ith che open eye.
nated surroundings, the distance scaling o f V O R could be
Relative m otions o ft h e eyes are preprogrammed when
achieved by visual cues to distance. Ic could also be scaled by
they make saccadic m ovem ents to targets in different direc­
O K N , since O K N is controlled by visual feedback. In the
tions and at different distances. The system is rapidly m odi­
dark, the scaling could be achieved only it V O R were linked
fied by the prevailing pattern o f disparities and shows
to the angle o f vergence.
long-term adaptation when subjects are exposed for some
Biguer and Prablanc (1 9 8 1 ) measured V O R gain during
tim e to unusual patterns o f disparity. Adaptation is largely
coordinated movements o f the eyes and head to an eccen­
specific to the type o f eye m ovem ent involved.
tric visual target. For a near target, V O R had a higher gain
than when the target was far. This was still true when the
target was sw itched o ff ju st before the head started to move,
10.9 VERGENCE-VESTIBULAR showing that visual error signals during the m ovem ent are
INTERACTIONS n o t necessary for distance scaling o t V O R . Biguer and
Prablanc concluded that the m odulation o f V O R gain
depends on visual distance cues seen before the movement
1 0 .9 .1 R O T A R V V O R A N D V IE W I N G
H ine and Thorn (1 9 8 7 ) measured the gain o f V O R
W h en che head rotates in the dark around any axis, che eyes while subjects rotated the head from side to side through
execute conjugate m ovem ents known as rhe vestibuloocu- 30° and converged on a point o flig h t at various distances.
lar response (V O R ). The eyes rotate in the head in the W hen the target was visible the gain was accurately m odu­
opposite direction ro the head at about the same velocity lated by distance. M odulation continued less adequately
(slow phases) with periodic rapid return movements (quick after the target was extinguished (see also Paige et al. 1998).
phases). The gain o f V O R was n o t affected by lenses that changed
Stim uli for V O R arise in the sem icircular canals ot the accom m odation but was affected by prisms that changed
vestibular svstem. O n each side o f the head there are three vergence. They concluded that vergence, in addition to
canals in approximately orthogonal planes. Each canal is visual distance, provides a signal for distance scaling ot
maximally sensitive to rotation o f the head in its own plane. VOR.
V O R can be elicited in a horizontal or vertical direction or In the monkey, eye velocity increased as the linear co m ­
about the visual axis (torsional nystagmus), depending on ponent o f head m otion was increased and as the distance o f
which canal is in the plane o f head rotation. The V O R is a stationary visual target was decreased (V iirre et al. 1986).
present in neonates and is basically under the control o f This m odulation o f'V O R was not visually m ediated because
centers in the vestibular nucleus and cerebellum (see it occurred in the first 20 ms o f the start o f head movement,
Howard 1 9 8 6 for a review). which is below the latency o f O K N . The m odulation o f
W hen the eyes are open, V O R is supplemented b y o p to - V O R also occurred at frequencies o f head rotation beyond
kinetic nystagmus (O K N ) evoked by m otion o t the image the range o f O K N . Presumably, the distance o f the visual
o f the visual scene (Section 2 2 .6 .1 ). The V O R and O K N target was assessed before the start o fth e head m otion.
act together to stabilize the retinal image o f the stationary Snyder and King (1 9 9 2 ) had monkeys converge on a
surroundings as the head rotates. near or far visual target, which was switched o ff just before
The velocity o f eye movem ents required to stabilize the the animals were rotated about a vertical axis that was
image o f a stationary o b ject when the head rotates about located either in front o f the eyes or behind the eyes.
the m idbody axis varies inversely with viewing distance. The V O R response occurred with a latency o f 2 0 ms.
Initially, ics am plitude was noc affected by convergence or naturally scaled for viewing distance because the angular
by the location o f the axis o f rotation. Subsequently, for velocity o f a stationary o b ject relative to the moving head is
both positions o f the axis o f rotation, peak V O R velocity inversely related to viewing distance. Paige (1 9 8 9 ) found
becam e greater lor near convergence than tor tar conver­ that eye velocity increased as the visual stimulus was brought
gence. Also, for both angles o f vergence, V O R amplitude nearer, bu t not rapidly enough to com pensate for the reduc­
was greater when the axis o i rotation was behind the eyes tion in distance.
than when it was in front. Vergence angle affected the V O R Signals tor V O R ascend from the vcscibular nucleus to
with a latency o f 4 0 ms, while it took a further 3 0 m s before the ocu lom otor nuclei along rhe medial longitudinal fas­
the response was modulated by the location o t the axis ot ciculus and the tract o f D eiters. In the monkey, neurons in
rotation. che tract o f D eiters increased their response to linear side­
Snyder c t al. (1 9 9 2 ) rotated monkeys around che verti­ ways mocion o f che head when che animal changed fixacion
cal body axis at betw een 3 0 and 5 0 0 V s for 4 0 ms at various from a far со a near o b ject (C h en -H u an g and M cC rea
times j u st before or d uring vergence eye movements between 1 9 9 8 ).
targets at different distances. The gain o f V O R increased The following experim ental procedures have been used
linearly with increasing vergence angle. The latency o f V O R to reveal w hether L V O R is intrinsically scaled for viewing
was shorter than the latency o f vergence, and the response distance w ithou t help from visual pursuit.
showed some m odulation o f gain appropriate to the visual
target on w hich the gaze was not yet directed. This suggests
1. Use o f imaginary targets I he velocity o f 1,V O R in the
that che signal for modulation o f V O R is derived from the
dark increased when a linear com ponent was added со a
cencral m otor com m and related to the shite o f attention to
rotation o fth e head about a vertical axis, and increased
the new vergence target rather than trom proprioceptive
still further when subjeccs imagined chac chey were
feedback from extraocular muscles.
looking at a near visual o b ject (G resty c t al. 1987).
Presumably, the m odulation o f V O R gain by either
visually perceived distance or by vergence angle is acquired The gain o f L V O R in the dark increased when human
through experience. Lewis e t al. (2 0 0 3 ) modified the rela­ subjects imagined that they were looking at a near
tionship between V O R and vergence angle by exposing visual objecc, even chough chis did noc significantly
observers to diverging prisms as a visual display moved out increase vergence (Shelham er et al. 1995). However,
o f phase with the head and to converging prisms as the dis­ L V O R gain was not affected when subjects increased
play moved with the head. After 2 hours o f training, rhe vergence by means o f auditory feedback. This suggests
gain o f V O R changed significantly for each o f the vergence that che gain o f linear V O R is governed by a central
angles. signal related to perceived distance rather than by
ertcrcncc or afference signals associated with the
vergence state o f the eyes.
1 0 .9 .2 L IN E A R V O R A N D
V I E W I N G D IS T A N C E 2 . Response after removal o f targets In this procedure,
persisting L V O R is recorded just after the target has
A vestibuloocular response is also evoked by sideways
been switched otf. Schwarz and M iles (1 9 9 1 ) measured
m otion o f the body in the dark (Sm ith 1985; Baloh et al.
the velocity o f L V O R in monkeys in response to linear
1988). This is referred to as lin ea r V O R (L V O R ). The stim ­
sideways acceleration o fth e body, for 200 ms after
ulus in this case arises in the utricles and saccules— the ves­
sw itching о 1Г a fixation target at one o f several distances
tibular organs sensitive to linear acceleration. This response
betw een 16 and 150 cm. The velocity o f I.V O R was
is supplemented by O K N when objects are in view.
inversely proportional to viewing distance. However,
Responses to the com bined stimuli stabilize the retinal
scaling o f velocity to distance was n o t perfect and
image o f the surroundings as the head translates sideways.
varied betw een animals. The mean gain (ratio o fey e
W ith linear sideways self-m otion, the angular velocity
velocity to that required for image stability) was 0 .7 4 at
o f eye movements required tor image stability is zero for
16 cm and 1.25 at 159 cm .
objects at infinity and increases tor nearer o bjects. For
perfect image stability at viewing distance D s the angular Paige (1 9 9 1 ) asked human subjects to fixate visual
eye velocity, в , for a linear displacem ent, L , o f the head is targets at various distances while their bodies were
given by oscillated up and down. The gain o f vertical L V O R
continued to be related to viewing distance for some­
# = arctan— tim e after the target was switched otf. The coupling
D betw een L V O R gain and viewing distance was affected
when subjects viewed the visual targets through prisms
W hen rhe eyes are open, any inadequacy in the L V O R is that increased the required vergence, but not when
com pensated by O K N or by voluntary pursuit, which arc they viewed the targets through lenses that changed
chc required accom m odacion. The effect o f viewing O p to kin etic nystagmus is evoked only by moving stim uli in
distance on L V O R gain alter the lights were put out or near the plane o f convergence, that is, by stim uli with
declined as the frequency o f head rotation increased to near-zero disparity (Section 2 2 .6 .1 ). It is therefore not sur­
4 H z (Paige e ta l. 1 998). prising that the am plitude o f L V O R remained large when
the random -dot background was visually removed from the
3. Response in (be initial open-loop period G ianna et al.
depth plane o f the fixation target. O n e could just as well
(1 9 9 7 ) measured the velocity o f the L V O R o f human
conclude from their results that distance scaling o f L V O R is
subjects to linear sideways accelerations while they
controlled by the o b ject to which the animal is attending,
viewed Earth-fixed targets at distances o f 3 0 , 6 0 , or 2 8 0
w hich is norm ally the one that the animal is fixating.
cm . Eye velocity was inversely proportional to viewing
W ith passive movement of the body, the velocity of
distance in the initial 130 ms o l acceleration. It was
L V O R was larger than required for far viewing and smaller
assumed that visual m otion signals had no effect in this
than required for near viewing. However, with accive move­
m e n t distance scaling of L V O R has been reported to be
Tins evidence suggests that L V O R is inversely scaled more adequate. M ost studies involving passive m ovem ent
for viewing distance w ithout help from visual pursuit. used a single light, while studies involving active movement
The scaling could arise Irom visual cues to distance seen used a richer visual display. Wei and Angelaki (2 0 0 4 ) co n ­
before the m ovem ent starts, from the state ofvergence cluded trom their earlier studv/ that visual cues to distance
during the movem ent, or Irom perceived or imagined arc not responsible for the difference betw een passive and
distance. active movement. They found that L V O R velocity was­
her ter adjusted to viewing distance when a rotational co m ­
4 . Dissociation o f cues to distance Inform ation about the
ponent was added to the linear m otion ot monkeys. They
absolute distance o f a visual stimulus is provided by
concludcd that sim ultaneous activity o f the otoliths and
accom m odation and vcrgcncc (C h ap ter 2 5 ) and by the
canals improves distance scaling o f L V O R .
purely visual cues o f image size (Section 2 6 .3 ) and
Iiusctcini et al. (1 9 9 1 ) found that the velocity o f the ini­
gradients o f horizontal and vertical disparity
tial open-loop portion o f O K N evoked by linear m otion o f
(Section 2 0 .5 ).
a texturcd display past a stationary m onkey was inversely
related to viewing distance. However, the gain o f closed-
W ei e t al. (2 0 0 3 ) set o u t to measure the contribution o f loop O K N was independent o f viewing distance. They
cach cue to the distance scaling o f L V O R . M onkeys were assumed that this effect was produced by depth cues such as
oscillated from side to side at 5 Hz while fixating a central vcrgcncc and accom m odation. However, there could per­
target. A large stereoscopic random -dot display was placed haps have been a direct neuromuscular eflect ol vergence
in front o f rhe monkcvs. The L V O R was measured under state on eye velocity in the period before visual feedback
the following conditions. (1 ) Purely visual cues to the dis­ becam e operative. They suggested thac, ac near viewing,
tance o f the d o t display (disparity gradients and image size the increase in the peak velocity o f O K N is offset by a
and density) were varied to sim ulate distances ol between nonlinear speed saturation in the L V O R system.
12 and 102 cm . The m onkey fixated a central target at 32 In a subsequent paper trom the same laboratory, Kawano
cm . (2 ) Visual cues to distance were varied along with the c t al. (1 9 9 4 ) measured the initial optokinetic response o f
state o f vcrgcncc (determ ined by the overall horizontal dis­ monkeys to a 4 0 7 s sideways m otion o f a 29°-wide central
paricy o f the random -dots and the fixation target). Thus, random -dot display. The O K N response was enhanced
vergence distance and visual distance cucs were the same. when a stationary random -dot display surrounding the
(3 ) Vergence state was varied, but visual cues to distance o f stimulus had an uncrossed disparity, which made it appear
the dots were constant at 3 2 cm . more distant than the moving central display. The O K N
The variations in visual cues had very little effect on the response was attenuated when the surround display was stc-
amplitude o f L V O R when vcrgcncc was constant. Response rcoscopicallv nearer than the central display. Presumably,
amplitude was increased only slightly when visual cues to the central display appeared nearer when the surround dis­
distance were added to changes in vcrgcncc (condition 2 ) play was far and more distant when the surround display
com pared with when visual cues were held constant (con d i­ was near.
tion 3 ). W ei ct al. concludcd that vcrgcncc provides the Sim ilar results were obtained with human subjects,
m ajor cue for distance scaling o f L V O R . They suggested although the dependence o f the initial velocity o f O K N on
that this m ight be because visual cucs to distance take longer viewing distance varied with stimulus velocity and other
to process than vcrgcncc inform ation. factors (B u settin i c t al. 1994).
W ei et al. seem to have overlooked an im portant factor. In o u e e ta l. (1 9 9 8 ) found that some cells in M S T o fth e
The purpose o f distance scaling o f L V O R is to stabilize the alert m onkey increased their response to visual m otion as
image o l the attended o b ject, w hich is the o b ject on which vergence increased, w h ileother cells increased their response
the gaze is centered, not objects in a different depth plane. as vergence decreased.
1 0 .9 .3 V E R G E N C E I N D U C E D BY Each cxtraocular muscle has an outer o rb ita l layer and
FO RW A RD M O T I O N an inner global layer. Each layer has tw o main types o f
muscle fibers. The first type consists o f singly innervated
Forward m otion o f the body with the head facing in the
fibers. Each fiber receives one m otor axon that ends in a
direction o f m otion evokes a convergence eye movement.
cluster o f neuromuscular ju n ction s at a restricted locus on
Backward m otion o t the body evokes divergence.
the muscle fiber ( en plaque endings). These fibers are fast
In the dark, the stim uli for these responses arise in the
acting. The second type o f muscle fiber arc smaller with
otolith organs. Angelaki and M cH enry (1 9 9 9 ) had m on­
many neuromuscular ju n ction s distributed over the their
keys fixate a visual target at a distance o f 2 0 cm . Ju st after the
whole length [en grappe endings). These fibers are slow
target was switched off, the animals were subjected to an
acting but can m aintain con stan t states o f tonic co n trac­
impulsive linear m otion. Forward m otion induced conver­
tion. It is n o t known whether these m ultiple endings arc
gence with a latency o f 7.1 ± 9 .3 ms. Backward m otion
derived from one o r several m otor axons. The two types o f
induced divergence with a latency o t 1 2.5 ± 6.3 ms for the
muscle fibers form distinctive subtypes within both the
adductingeye and o f 18.9 ± 6.3 ms for abducting eye. These
orbital and global layers (see Spencer and Porter 1988;
latencies were sim ilar to those they obtained for version
Porter and Baker 1992). There are distinct types o f efferent
induced by lateral m otion o f the head.
nerve fibers. Som e have a mean diam eter o f 2.5 pm and are
W hen the eyes arc open, vcrgcncc induced by forward
unmyelinated, while others have a mean diam eter ot about
body m otion is influenced by the loom ing o f the image o f
9 ym and arc myelinated (Alpern and W olter 1956).
the visual scene (Section 10.3), by changing lens accom m o­
A fferent nerve fibers convey signals from sensory cells in
dation (Section 1 0 .4 .1 ), and by the changing binocular dis­
specialized muscle fibers (muscle spindles) and Golgi
parity o f the images (Section 10.5.2).
tendon organs. M any o f the smaller sensory or m otor axons
The coupling between vergence and body m otion could
innervate blood vessels.
be learned through the association o t visually induced vcr-
N eurons in the oculom otor nuclei that project to the
gence and vestibular stimuli., one should be able to train
rectus muscles are segregated into three groups: A , B, and
the vergence system to respond to types o f body m otion that
C . C ells in group С have smaller cell bodies and thinner
do n o t norm ally induce vergence. S ato et al. (2 0 0 4 ) rewarded
axons than those in groups A and В and p roject to smaller
monkeys for tracking a spot that approached when the body
and slower muscle fibers (P orter et al. 1 9 8 3 ). It has been
was pitched forward 5° and receded when the body pitched
suggested that grou p -C cells form a d istinct pathway for
upward 5°. D uring 1 hour o f training the gain o f vergence
vergence (Jam pel 1967; Biittner-Ennever and Akert 1981).
increased and its phase lag decreased. Before training, body
However, Keller and Robinson (1 9 7 2 ) recorded the activ­
pitch in the dark did not induce vergence. After training,
ity o f cells in rhe abducens nucleus o f rhe m onkey and
body pitch induced a significant degree o f vergence.
showed that no type o f eye m ovem ent was the exclusive
It should be possible to reverse the sign o f vergence induced
product o f a particular set o f neurons. By their own admis­
by linear motion o f the body in the dark by training in which
sion, their electrode may have tailed to record the activity o f
forw ard body motion is coupled with a receding visual target
small cells exclusively devoted ro vergence. W c can n ot be
an d backward body motion with an approaching target.
sure that integration ot version and vergence signals is
achieved in the ocu lom otor nuclei rather than in the mus­
cles through the mediation ot distinct efferent fibers.
The m otoneurons from the ocu lom otor nuclei to the
extraocular eve muscles are known as the final com m on
10.10.1 О С V L O M О Т О R N E RVES i

path (R obinson 1 9 7 5 ). It is supposed that signals from

higher centers com bine into com m on signals, which gener­
Th e three pairs o f extraocular muscles shown in Figure 10.1 ate a m achine-like response in the muscles tor all types o f
receive innervation from three cranial nerves: the third eye movement. Relationships between m otoneuron firing
(ocu lom o to r), the fourth (trochlear), and the sixth rates and instantaneous eye positions have been modeled by
(abducens) nerve. Each nerve originates in a brainstem a simple transfer function (R obinson 1981). W e will now
nucleus o f the same name. Together, the three nuclei are see that recent evidence has cast doubt on these ideas.
callcd the ocu lom otor nuclei, w hich is confusing because it
is also the name o f one o f them . The superior recti and supe­ 10.10.2 S U B C O R T I C A L C O N T R O L
rior obliques receive an exclusively contralateral innerva­ OF V E R G E N C E
tion from the ocu lom otor and trochlear nuclei respectively.
1 0 .1 0 .2 a Terminal Signals for C o n ju g a te
The other muscles receive an exclusively ipsilateral innerva­
Eye M o v em e n ts
tion. Inputs to the inferior rectus and inferior oblique arc
from the oculom otor nucleus and those to the lateral recti It was com m only believed until the early 1950s that, while
are from the abducens nucleus (P orter c t al. 1983). convergence required active contraction o f extraocular
rate specifically during convergence, and a few specifically substrate o f transient vergence (Section 10.5.10). Burst-
during divergence. W h ile m ost o f them responded during a tonic cells in the prepositus hypoglossi are involved in the
change in vergence or during a change in accom m odation, generation o f unequal saccadcs (Sylvestre et al. 2 0 0 3 ).
some responded only to changes in vergence and some only In many people with phoria, the tonic imbalance
cochanges in accom m odation (Z h an g et al. 1992). Vergence- betw een the eyes returns to its prccxposurc value during a
angle cells responded with m onosynaptic latencies to an ti­ period o f exposure to base-in o r base-out prisms (Section
drom ic stim ulation ot m edial rectus m otoneurons in the 10.2.5). M orley c t al. (1 9 9 2 ) recorded from cclls in the
ipsilateral ocu lom otor nucleus but not in the contralateral region dorsal to the oculom otor nucleus in the alert monkey,
o cu lo m oto r nucleus (Z h a n g et al. 1991). Thus, convergence before and after the animal had been exposed for some time
does not involve efferent pathways th at cross the m idline. to visual targets at one o f various accom m odation and ver­
Vergence-angle cells have also been found in a su bcorti­ gence distances. O nly a tew o f the cells retained the same
cal region dorsal to the nucleus o f t h e third nerve in alert relationship betw een firing rate and vergence angle, so
monkeys that were trained to track a visual target as it whatever mechanism is responsible tor the adaptation ot
moved sinusoidally to-and-fro along the visual axis o f one phoria to changed vergence demand must lie outside chis
eye at 0.1 or 0 .2 H z (Judge and G um m ing 1986). O n aver­ region.
age, the firing rate o f these cells increased or decreased by 16
spikes/s for each degree o f change in vergence. Like the cells
1 0 .1 0 .2 d V c rg cn cc C o n tr o l bv th e C e re b e llu m
described by Mays, m ost o f them increased their firing rate
an d N R T P
during convergence rather than during divergence. There
was no response when the eyes moved conjugatelv, and The vermis o f che ccrcb ellu m is involved in che concrol o f
m ost cells responded in the same way with both eyes open both version and vergence (K eller 1989). Patients with cer­
as with only one eye open. The cells had a mean phase lag o f ebellar dysfunction have poor ocular alignm ent com bined
34° relative to the stimulus. This is greater than the phase lag with esophoria or, in many cases, esotropia. These patients
o f 16.8" reported for cclls in the o cu lo m oto r nuclei. Delay also show disconjugate saccadic dysmetria (Versino cc al.
betw een a cell firing and the start o t a vergence movement 1 9 9 6 ; Takagi et al. 2 0 0 3 ). There is conflicting evidence
varied betw een 35 and 7 0 ms. W h en a cell in this region about w hether there is reduced adaptation to prism-induced
was electrically stim ulated, a response occurred with a mean phoria (M ild er and Reinecke 1983; Hain and Luebke
delay o f about 3 0 ms. 1990).
Mays et al. { 1 9 8 6 ) discovered another class o f vergence- C ells have been found in che poscerior interposed
related cells in the same area, just dorsal and lateral to the nucleus ( IP) o f the monkey cerebellum that increase their
ocu lom otor nucleus, and in a m ore dorsal area extending activity during either divergence or far accom m odation,
into the pretectum . These cells responded with a burst ot both when the responses are elicited by m isaccom m odation
activity just before and during vergence movements, which or by disparicy (Z h an g and G am lin 1998).
alert m onkeys had been trained to make to stimuli that The nucleus reticularis tegm enti pontis (N R T P ) receives
stepped in depth or moved along a depth ramp. The firing- afferents from the frontal eye fields in che froncal lobes and
rate profile o f these cells was related to the velocity profile has reciprocal connection s with the cerebellum . It is
ofv erg en ce, and the total number o f spikes in a burst was involved in the control o f conjugate saccadic and pursuit
related to the size o f vergence. These v erg en ce-b u rst cells eye movements. Som e cells in the N R T P increase their
responded in the same way when the anim al tracked a depth activity as vergence and accom m odation move to far view-
ramp, thus m aintaining the stimulus in a state o t near zero ingor to near viewing (G am lin etal. 1996). M icrostim ulation
disparicy. From this, it was argued that these cells respond o f these cells produces a com bined far response or near
to eye velocity rather than to the velocity o f changing dis­ response. Their activity is n o t related to conjugate eye m ove­
parity. O n average, the response o f a ccll preceded the eye ments (G am lin and Clarke 1 9 9 5 ). Thus, chese cclls in che
m ovem ent by 22 ms. N R T P are part o f the corticocerebellar pathway controlling
Som e cells in this region showed a burst o f activity vergence and accom m odation.
related to response velocity and a tonic response propor­
tional to che angle o f maincained vergence. The tonic
1 0 . 1 0 .2 e V erg en ce C o n tr o l by th e
response showed only tor larger movements, presumably
S u p e r io r C o llic u lu s
because only a large m ovem ent brought the eyes to a posi­
tion o f gaze for w hich a sizeable tonic innervation was The deeper m otor layers o f the rostral superior colliculus
needed to prevent them from drifting back to their resting are im plicated in the jo in t concrol o f vergence, accom m oda­
state. These are vergen ce b u rst-to n ic cells. M ost o f rhe cion, and pupil diamecer (che near criad response). Corcicai
burst and burst-tonic cells responded only to convergence, areas involved in control o f accom m odation and vergence
but a small num ber o f divergence burst anil burst-tonic p ro ject to this region o fth e superior colliculus and then ro
cells were found. Burst cells presumably torm the neural the pretectum and other subcortical areas controlling
accom m odacion and vcrgcncc (Ju dge and G um m ing 1986; the peak velocity or amplitude o f accom m odation, and that
O hcsuka and Nagasaka 1 999). Lesions o f the prctectum o f others with both responses (Takagi et al. 1993).
produce vergence defects (Lawler and Cow ey 1986). M ore details abouc che roles o f ditferenc regions o f che
Stim ulation o l a saccadc-producing site in the rostral supe­ suprasylvian area in the control ot vergence are provided by
rior colliculus o f the alert monkey n o t only stopped a visu­ T o d a e t al. ( 2 0 0 1 ,2 0 0 6 ) .
ally evoked saccade but also reduced a pure vergence C ells in the medial superior temporal cortex ( M S T ) o f
response or a vergence response associated with a saccade the monkey are involved in the control o f vergence. Sakata
(C haturvedi and Van Gisbergen 1 9 9 9 ,2 0 0 0 ). et al. ( 1 9 8 3 ) found that 7 7 % o f cells in the m onkey poste­
This evidence suggests that saccadc-relatcd collicular rior parietal area, w hich includes M S T , responded during
cells in the colliculus arc tuned ro both che direccion and conjugate (fro n tal) pursuit eye movements. A bou t 16% o f
depth o t stim uli. But the saccade-vcrgcnce interactions the cells responded when the animals pursued a point o f
could be due to stim ulation o f brainstem om nip ause neu­ light moving in depth toward or away from che head.
ron s that are active between saccades (G u itto n 1999). In Takem uraet al. (2 0 0 1 ) recorded from M S T cells in alert
any case, stim ulation o f the colliculus does not produce m onkeys 5 0 to 110 ms after horizontal disparity steps o f
pure vergence responses. varioussizes were applied to a random -dot pattern. Disparity
W alton and Mays (2 0 0 5 ) confirmed that the spike fre­ tuning functions o fth e cells resembled those o f cells in V I ,
quency o t cells in the monkey colliculus during a saccade is as described in Section 11.4.1. The mean disparity-tuning
reduced when che saccade is accompanied by vergence. function o f all the cells fitted the curve describing vergence
However, none ot the collicular neurons showed a pattern o f magnitude as a function o f disparity step size. Takemura
discharge expected o f a cell that controls both directional and et al. concluded that the m agnitude, direction, and time
in-depth changes o f gaze. They concluded that the superior course o t the initial vergence response to disparity steps are
colliculus mostly provides signals for conjugate saccades. determ ined by the sum o f activity o f disparity-sensitive cells
in M S T .
M ore recently, Akao et al. (2 0 0 5 b ) found that 61 % o f
cells in M S T o fth e monkey responded only during co n ju ­
gate pursuit o f a light spot, 2 1 % responded during either
Cells in V I respond ro local absolute disparities rather than frontal pursuit or vergence tracking, and 18% responded
to relative disparities (Scction 11.4.1). C ells that respond to only during vergence cracking. Abouc a third o f che vcr-
che relacive disparicy becween che images o f cwo objects have gence-rclated cells also responded when the monkey fixated
been found in V 2 (Thom as et al. 2 0 0 2 ). Relative disparities a stationary spot while a second spot moved back-and-forch
are im portant for the perception o f che 3 -D scruccure o f che in depch. These cells cherefore, responded со che disparicy
scene. They are noc required to control vergence when we vergence signal even when the eyes did not move. About
change fixation from one objecc со another. However, rela­ 3 0 % o f vergence-related cells discharged ac lease 20 ms
tive disparities may allow us to preprogram changes in ver­ before the onset o f the response, which suggests that these
gence required to scan over a surface curved in depth. signals initiate vergence eye movements.
Experiments are required to determine whether people can Responses ot cells in the area L IP on the lateral bank ot
execute a pattern o f vergence movements to a series o f points in the intraparietal sulcus o f the m onkey (Section 5.8 .4 c) are
depth just after the points have been removedfrom view. related to rapid changes o t gaze in 3-D space (G n ad t and
Beyond V 2 , visual processing becom es parcidoned into Mays 1995). These m ovem ents involve both saccadic and
the dorsal and ventral streams (Section 5 .8 ). The following vergence com ponents. Each cell responded differentially to
evidence suggests that disparity processing for the control the position o f a visual target in a frontal plane and this d if­
o t vergence is perform ed in the dorsal stream and in the ferential response was independent o f the distance o f the
superior colliculus. frontal plane from the monkey. However, som e cells
C clls in the suprasylvian area o t the parieto-occipital responded best when the stimulus remained in the same
cortex (C lare-B ishop area) in cats respond со accom m oda­ frontal plane as the initial fixation, others when the target
tive stim uli, changes in binocular disparity, and m otion-in- was stepped toward the monkey, and others when it stepped
depth (Bando et al. 1 9 8 4 , 1 9 9 6 ; Toyama et al. 1986). These away. For many cells, depth tuning could be evoked by
are all stimuli for vergence. Electrical stim ulation o f cells in either an accomm odative cue to distance or by binocular
the caudal part o f this area evokes vergence movements disparity, but m ost cells responded best when both cues
(T o d a e t al. 1991) . Bilateral lesions in rhe suprasylvian area were available. The cells responded in a sim ilar fashion after
reduced the am plitude and velocity o f vcrgcncc movements. the eyes had moved in response to targets that had been
Unilateral lesions affected only the contralateral eye, switched o ff before the movement began. Thus, responses
resulting in asymmetrical vergence (T a k a d a ct al. 2 0 0 0 ). were related to the difference between current eye position
Accivicy o f som e cells was correlated wich che peak veloc­ and the desired eye position rather than to the position o f
ity o f vergence, while activity o f others was correlated with retinal images at the tim e o f the response. This means that
inform ation abouc changes in eye position, derived from Thus many cells in che frontal eye fields code eye move­
proprioception or m otor outflow, feeds in to chese cells. m ents in 3 -D coordinates and produce signals for tracking
Hum ans are able со make com bined vergence-version an o b ject in 3 -D space. The com plex signal must be d ecom ­
eye m ovem ents to rem embered targets after intervening posed so that distinct brainstem m echanism s for version
changes o f fixation (K rom m enhoek and Van Gisbergen and vergence receive correct signals. We have already seen
1994). These cells in L IP therefore generated a prem otor that the nucleus reticularis tegm enti pontis (N R T P ) in the
signal for rapid eye movements in 3-D space relative to the brainstem receives afferents from the froncal eye fields. This
fixation plane. nucleus is involved in the control ol saccades, pursuit eye
Many disparity-tuned cells in area L IP o f the rhesus movements, accom m odation, and vergence (G am lin ec al.
m onkey project to the m otor map o f the superior colliculus 1 9 9 6 ). Thus, the frontal eye fields and the N R T P arc-
(G nadt and Beyer 1 998). They also p roject to the frontal involved in the control o f all voluntary eye movements,
eye field. conjugate and disconjugate.
Positron emission tomography (P F .T ) revealed that,
when human subjects pursue an approaching o b ject with
10.10.4 PH Y S I О LO G Y О F С YC 1. 0 V E R G E N С E
vergence eye m ovem ents, neural activity occurs bilaterally
in the tem porooccipital cortex. This is consistent with L ittle is known about the neurology o f cyclovergence. The
single unit data trom animals. Activity also occurred in the rostral interstitial nucleus o f th e m edial lon g itu d in al
right fusiform gyrus (hum an analog o f V 4 ) in the ventral fascicu lu s ( M l . F ) is involved in the control o f torsional and
pathway o f cortical processing (H asebe et al. 1999). vertical saccades, and the in terstitial n u cleus o f C a ja l is
The frontal eye fields o f the cerebral cortex are involved involved in slow torsional and vertical gaze control, includ­
in the control o f saccades and pursuit eye movements ing torsional and vertical vestibuloocular responses. Eye
(G am lin e t al. 1 996). Jam pel ( i 9 6 0 ) elicited vergence torsion and head deviation were induced bv* stim ulation o f
responses in the m onkey by stim ulation o f a frontal eye the nucleus o f C ajal in monkeys (W estheim er and Blair
field. G am lin and Yoon (2 0 0 0 ) found a region in the frontal 1 9 7 5 ) and in humans (Lueck et al. 1991) . The nucleus o f
eye fields, ju st anterior to the saccade-related region, which C ajal receives inputs lrom the paramedian pontine reticular
is involved in the co n tro l o f vergence and accom m odation. form ation ( P P R F ) , a center concerned with the coord ina­
Ferraina et al. (2 0 0 0 ) found cells in a frontal eye field that tion o f all rapid eye movements, and projects to the o cu lo ­
respond to coarse disparities. m otor and trochlear nuclei. Neurons in the right nucleus o f
The frontal eye fields have strong reciprocal connections C ajal responded when the eyes rotated clockwise from the
with medial superior temporal area (M S T ), which is involved point o f view o t the animal. Those in the left nucleus
in processing visual m otion and binocular disparicy. responded when the eyes rotated counterclockw ise. C ells in
Many cells in the frontal eye fields o f macaque monkeys the same nucleus responded when the eyes executed vertical
m odulate their firing during pursuit eye movements. O f saccades. Both up and down movements are represented
these cells, 2 5 % responded only during pursuit o f a light in both left: and right nuclei (V ilis et al. 1 9 8 9 ). M icro ­
spot in the frontal plane, 66 % responded during either stim ulation o f cells in the interstitial nucleus o f C ajal in the
frontal pursuit or vergence tracking ot a spot m oving in monkey induced conjugate saccadic torsional eye m ove­
depth, and 9% responded only during vergence tracking m ents, which obeyed the same clockwise-counterclockw ise
(Fukushim a et al. 2 0 0 2 ). Responses o f these cells during rule (Craw ford et al. 1991).
frontal or vergence tracking persisted during intervals when Unilateral inactivation o f the interstitial nucleus o f
the stimulus was blanked. This indicates that the responses C ajal in monkeys elim inated ipsilateral rapid torsional eye
have a m otor com pon ent that is independent o f sensory movements, torsionallv displaced the eyes (and o f L istings
inputs during the m ovem ent. For about h a lf the cells that plane) to the contralateral side, and produced an ipsilater-
responded during vergence tracking, response amplitude ally beating torsional nystagmus with a vertical com ponent.
increased linearly with peak vergence velocity over a m od­ Unilateral inactivation also caused a slowing o t rapid
erate range o f velocities. Also, abouc h alf the vergence- downward eye movements, indicating a failure o f the neural
tracking cells discharged at least 20 ms before the onset ot integrator (Craw ford and Vilis 1 9 9 2 ). Inactivation o f both
vergence. M any vergence-tracking cells also responded to a interstitial nuclei o f C ajal restored torsional balance and
spot o f light moving in depth, with eyes stationary. Som e removed the torsional nystagmus, but left a vertical
cells showed a tonic discharge related to the stationary angle nystagmus (H elm chen e t al. 1998).
of vergence. The response frequency of convergence-related Unilateral inactivation o f rhe M L F produced contralat-
neurons increased as vergence angle increased, while the crally beating torsional nystagmus. Bilateral inactivation
response frequency o f divergence-related neurons increased elim inated the saccadic com ponents o f torsional and
as vergence decreased (A kao et al. 2 0 0 5 a ). vertical eye movements (Suzuki e t al. 1995).

Numbers in square brackets indicate the sections where the references are cited .

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6 3 3 7 8 - 9 0 [5 .1 .4 a ] in feren ce P ercep tio n 2 9 6 0 1 - 8 (3 .6 )
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acid s, G A B A A and G A B A B b in d in g sites in hum an striate c o rtcx case rep o rt A m J O p tom A rcf) A m A c a d O p tom 2 5 8 0 - 9 1 [ 1 0 .2.2c]
C crcb C o rtc x l 4 9 9 - 5 0 9 [5 .5 .2 c ) A lpern M , L arso n B F ( I 9 6 0 ) V crgcn cc and accom m od acion I V Effect o f
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c o n tra st o n the spatial and tem p oral phase transfer fu n ctio n s Vis A lpern M , W o ltc r J R ( 1 9 5 6 ) The relatio n o f h o rizo n tal saccadic and
N eu ro sd 1 2 1 1 9 1 - 2 1 0 [5 .6 .4 b ] vcrgcncc m ov em en ts A rch O p h ih a l 5 6 6 8 5 - 9 0 ( 10 .1 0 .1 ]
A lb rc c h t D G , 1 lam ilcon D B ( 1 9 8 2 ) Striate co rtex o f m on key and cat: A lpern M , K in caid \V M , L ubeck M J ( 1 9 5 9 ) V crgcncc and acco m m o d a­
c o n tra st response fu n ctio n J N eu ro p /jy sio l 4 8 2 1 7 - 3 7 [5 .6 .1 , 5 .6 .3 ] tio n : III. Proposed d efin itio n s o f the A C /A ratios A m J O p h th a l 4 8
A lb rig h t I 'D ( 1 9 9 2 ) F orm -cu c in varian t m o tio n p rocessing in prim ate 1 4 1 - 8 [1 0 .4 .1 ]
visual c o r tc x S cien ce 2 5 5 1 1 4 1 - 3 [5 .8 .4 b ] A lcm ann L , Lu h m an n 11J, G rcu cl J M , Sin ger \\" ( 1 9 8 7 ) Fu n ctio n al and
A lb rig h t T D . D esim o n e R ( 1 9 8 7 ) L o ca l precision o t visu otopic o rg an i­ neuronal b in o cu larity in k itten s raised w ith rapidly altern atin g
zation in the m id d le tem p o ral area ( M T ) o f th e m acaque E x p B ra in m o n o cu lar o cclu sio n J N eu ro p h y sio l 5 8 9 6 5 - 8 0 [8 .2 .5 b ]
R es 6 5 5 8 2 - 9 2 [5 .8 .4 b ] Alvarez T L , Sem m low J L , Yuan NF ( 1 9 9 8 ) C lo sely spaced fast dynam ic
A lbu s K . W o lf W ( 1 9 8 4 ) Early postn atal developm en t o f neuronal m ovem ents in disparity vcrgcncc / N c u ro fh y sio l 7 9 3 7 - 4 4 ( 10.5.8a]
fu n ctio n in the k itte n s visual c o rtc x : A lam inar analysis J P h y sio l Alvarez T L , Sem m low J L . Yuan W , M u n o z P ( 1 9 9 9 ) D y n am ic d etails o f
3 4 8 1 5 3 - 8 5 [6 .7 .1 ] disparity convergence eye m ov em en ts A n n B io m e d E n g in 2 7 3 8 0 - 9 0
A lexand er I, C o w ey A ( 2 0 0 9 ) The co rtic a l basis o f global m o tio n d etec­ | 10.5.10d ]
tio n in blind sight E x p B ra in R es 1 9 2 4 0 7 - 1 1 [5 .5 .7 ] Alvarez T L * Sem m low J L , Yuan W , M u n oz P ( 2 0 0 0 ) D isp arity vergence
A lh azen K itiib a l-m ^ w a z ir (B o o k o f o p tics) In I h e o p tics o f Ib n dou ble responses processed bv in tern al erro r Vis R es 4 0 3 4 1 - 7
a l-H a y th a m 2 volum es ( Translated by A l Sab ra) W arburg In stitu te, [1 0 .5 .1 0 b ]
U n iv ersity o f L o n d o n 1 9 8 9 [2 .2 .4d 2 j Alvarez T L , Sem m lo w JL , P ed ron o С (2 0 0 5 a ) D ivergen ce eye
A lk o n d o n M , Pereira E F A , E iscn b crg H M , A lb u qu erq u e E X ( 2 0 0 0 ) m ov em en ts arc d ep en d en t o n in itia l stim ulus p osition Vis R es 4 5
N ic o tin ic recep to r activ ation in hum an ccrcb ral co rtical in tcm cu - 1 8 4 7 - 5 5 5 110.5.71
rons: a m ech an ism for in h ib itio n and d isin h ib itio n o t neuronal Alvarez T L , Bhavsar M . Sem m low J L . c t al. (2 0 0 5 b ) S h o rt-term predic­
n etw ork sJ N eu ro sd 2 0 6 6 - 7 5 [5 .5 .2 g , 5.9.1 ] tive ch an g es in th e dynam ics o f disparity v crg cn cc eye m ovem ents
A llen D , B an k s M S , N o rc ia A M ( 1 9 9 3 ) D o cs ch ro m a tic sensitivity / Vis 5 6 4 0 - 9 [ 1 0 .5.8c]
d evelop m ore slow ly than lu m in an cc sensitivitv? V is R es 3 3 2 5 5 ^ - 6 2 Alvarez V A , S ab atin i B L ( 2 0 0 7 ) A n ato m ical and physiological plasticity
[7 .2 .1 c ] o f d en d ritic spines A n n R ev N eu ro sd 3 0 7 9 - 9 7 [6 .4 .4 a ]
A llen D , Tyler CV\", N o rcia Л М ( 1 9 9 6 ) D ev elo p m en t o f gratin g acuity A lv arcz-M au bccin V, G a rc ia -H c rn in d cz F, W illia m s J T , Van B ock staclc
and co n tra st sensitivity in the cen tra l and peripheral visual field o f the E J ( 2 0 0 0 ) F u n ctio n al co u p lin g b etw een neu ron s and glia J N eu ro sd
hum an in fa n t V is R es 3 6 1 9 4 5 - 5 3 [7 .2 .1 a ] 2 0 4 0 9 1 - 8 [ 5 .5 .I f ]
A llen D C ( 1 9 7 4 ) V ertical prism adaptation in an iso m etro p cs A m J A m ed i A , M alach R , H e n d le r T .c t a l .( 2 0 0 1 ) V isu o -h a p tico b je ct-re la te d
O f to m P h y sio l O pt 51 2 5 2 - 9 [ 1 0 .2 .6 a ] activ ation in th e ventral visual pathw av N a t N e u r o s d 4 3 2 4 - 3 0
A llen D C { 1 9 3 7 ) A test fo r an iseik on ia by the use o f cen tral fixation and [5 .8 .3 c ]
fusion A rch O p h th a l 1 7 3 2 0 - 7 [9 .9 .2 a ] A m es A ( 1 9 4 5 ) The space e ik o n o m eter test fo r an iseikon ia A m / O p h th a l
A llen M J ( 1 9 5 3 ) A n investigation o f th e tim e ch aracteristics o f a cco m ­ 2 8 2 7 8 - 6 2 [9 .9 .2 b ]
m od ation and convergence o f t h e eyes A m J O p tom A rch A m A ca d A m igo G ( 1 9 7 4 ) A vertical h o ro p te r O ft ic a A cta 21 2 7 7 - 9 2 [1 0 .7 .1 ,
O f to m 3 0 3 9 3 - 4 0 2 [1 0 .4 .3 a ] 10.7.2a)
A llen M J, C a rte r J H ( 1 9 6 7 ) T h e torsion al co m p o n e n ts o f the near reflex A m igo G , F io rcn tin i A , P irch io M , Sp in clli D ( 1 9 7 8 ) B in o cu la r vision
A m ) O f tom A rch A m A c a d O fto m 4 4 3 4 3 - 9 [10.1.2d» 1 0 .7 .1 ,10.8.1b) tested w ith visual evoked p o ten tials in ch ild ren and in fan ts In v est
A Hen doer Ier K L , Sh atz C J ( 1 9 9 4 ) T h e su bp late a transient n co co rtical O p h th a l V is Set 1 7 9 1 0 - 1 5 [7 .6 .3 )
stru ctu re: its role in the d evelopm en t o f co n n e ctio n s betw een A ndersen R A ( 1 9 9 7 ) M u ltim o d al in tegratio n fo r tin* rep resen tation o f
thalam us an d c o rte x A m i R ev N eu ro sd 1 7 1 8 5 - 2 1 8 [6 .4 .5 c ) space in th e p osterior parietal c o r tc x P h il T ran s R oy S o c ft 3 5 2
A llcm lo crfcr К I., C a b c lli R J, Rseandon F., et al. ( 1 9 9 4 ) R eg u lation o f 1 4 2 1 - 8 [5 .8 .4 c ]
n eu ro tro p h in recep tors d urin g the m atu ratio n o t th e m am m alian A n dersen R A , B u n co C A ( 2 0 0 2 ) In ten tio n al maps in p o sterio r parietal
visual system J N eu ro sd 14 1 7 9 5 - 8 1 1 [6 .3 .3 b , 6 .4 .7 b ] c o rtcx A n n R ev N eu ro sd 2 5 1 8 9 - 2 2 0 [5 .S .4 c ]
A lliso n D\V, G clfa n d V I. S p ccto r I, C ra ig A M ( 1 9 9 8 ) R ole o f actin in A n dersen R A , M o u n tcastlc V B ( 1 9 8 3 ) The influ en ce o f th e angle o f gaze
a n ch o rin g postsynaptic recep to rs in cultured h ip p ocam p al neurons: u p o n the excitab ility o f th e light-sensitive neu ron s o f th e p osterior
d ifferen tia l a tta ch m en t o f N M D A versus A M P A recep to rs ] N eu ro sd p arietal c o rtc x / N eu ro sd 3 5 3 2 - 4 8 [5 .8 .4 c ]
I S 2 7 2 3 - 3 6 [5 .5 .2 b ] A n dersen R A , Z ip ser D ( 1 9 8 8 ) T h e role o f the p o sterio r parietal c o rtc x
A lliso n R S , H ow ard IP, Fang X ( 2 0 0 0 ) D e p th selectivity o f vertical in co o rd in a te tran sform ation s for visual-m otor in tegration C a n J
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h o riz o n ta l v crg cncc E x p B r a in R es 1 5 6 3 0 5 - 1 3 ( I0.5.*4b] on visual m em ory an d sa c ca d c -rcla tc d activ ity in areas L IP and 7 a o f
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specific responses from beyon d the classical recep tive field in the A nderson C H , Van Essen D C ( 1 9 8 7 ) Sh ifter c ircu its: a com p u tation al
m iddle tem p o ral visual area ( M T ) P ercep tio n 1 4 1 0 5 - 2 9 15.8.4b ] strategy for dynam ic aspects o f visual processing P ro c N a t l A ca d S ci
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cells o f the lateral gen icu late nucleus N a tu re 3 8 3 8 1 5 - 1 9 [4 .3 .4 b ] A n d erson J C . M a rtin K A C , W h ittcrid g c D ( 1 9 9 3 ) Form fu n ctio n and
A lpern M ( 1 9 4 6 ) Tlie a fte r -e tfc c t o f lateral d u ctio n testin g o n subse­ in traco rtical p ro je c tio n s o f n eu ron s in the striate c o r tc x o f the
q u en t p h oria m easu rem ents A m / O p tom A rch A in A c a d O ptom 2 3 m on key M acacu s n em estrin u s C crcb C o rtex 3 4 1 2 - 2 0 [5-5.1 c)
4 4 2 - 7 ( 1 0 .2 .5 1 A n d erson J C , Bin zcggcr T , M artin K A C . R ocklan d K S ( 1 9 9 8 ) T h e c o n ­
A lpern M ( 1 9 5 8 ) V crgcn cc and a cco m m o d atio n 1. C a n change in size n ectio n from co rtica l area V I to V 5 : a light and electro n m icro scop ic
induce v crg cncc m ovem en ts? A rc h O p b tb a ! 6 0 3 5 5 - 7 [ 1 0 .3 .2 b ] study,/N e u r o s d 18 1 0 5 2 5 - 4 0 15.8.4b ]
A lpern M ( 1 9 6 9 ) Types o f eye m ovem en t. In 7h e e y e (ed H D avson) A n d erson J S , L am pcl 1, G illesp ie D C , F crstcr D ( 2 0 0 0 ) The co n trib u ­
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A lpern M , Ellen P ( 1 9 5 6 ) A quantitative analysis o f the h o rizo n tal m ove­ co rte x S d e n c e 2 9 0 1 9 6 8 - 7 2 [4 .4 .4 ]
m en ts o l the eyes in th e exp erim en t o f Jo h a n n es M u ller A m J O fh t h a I A n d erson К С , Siegel R M ( 2 0 0 5 ) T h ree-d im en sio n al stru ctu re-from -
4 2 2 8 9 - 9 6 [1 0 .8 .2 a ] m o tio n selectivity in the an te rio r superior tem p oral polysensory area.
S T Pa, o f th e behaving m on kcv C e r e b r a l C o rtex 1 5 1 2 9 9 -3 0 7 A rgu in M , C avanagh P, Jo a n c ttc Y ( 1 9 9 4 ) V isual feature in tegration
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A nd erson N H ( 1 9 7 4 ) A lgebraic m od els in p ercep tion In H a n d b o o k o f A riel M , D aw N W , R ad er R K ( 1 9 8 3 ) R h y th m icity in ra b b it recinal
p erc ep tio n (cd E C C a r tc r c ttc , M P Friedm an) pp 2 1 5 - 9 S A cadem ic gan glion ccll responses V is R es 2 3 1 4 8 5 - 9 3 [4 .3 .4 a ]
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ocu lar d o m in a n ce bands in cat visual c o r tc x / Л 'curosci 8 2 1 8 3 - 2 0 0 M a cM illa n , N ew York (6.5-1 a]
(5 .7 .2 c ) A rio tti P E ( 1 9 7 3 ) A little know n early seventeenth cen tu ry treatise on
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lography ( M E G ) Vis R es 3 9 1 7 2 3 - 3 8 (8 .2 .4 a ) a n d m a n o f scien ce H u tch in so n B cn h a m , L o n d o n [2 .1 1 .3 ]
A nd rew s D P ( 1 9 6 4 ) E rro r-co rrectin g perceptual m cch an ism s J$ u a r t J A rnold H M , Burk J A , 1 lo d g son E M , e t al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) D ifferen tial co rtical
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fovea P art 1: S h o rt L in es Vis R es 7 9 7 5 - 9 7 [ 4-2.7] N eu ro sci 1 1 4 4 5 1 - 6 0 [5 .9 .1 ]
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fusiform gyrus p red icts co n scio u s perception o f R u b in s vase-face d acco m m o d atio n d e lo c i! R ev O pt 3 9 9 1 - 8 [9.3.11
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A n gclaki D E * M c H e n ry M Q ( 1 9 9 9 ) S h o rt-la te n cy p rim ate v estibu looc- im age q u ality in th e rod ent eye V is N eu roses 15 5 9 7 - 6 0 5 [9 .2 .2 a ]
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A n g clu cci A , L ev itt J B . W alton E JS , H up c J M . c t al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) C irc u its for ncal ab erration s by th e in tern al o p tics in the hum an eye J Vis 1 1 - 8
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8 6 3 3 - 4 6 [5 .6 .7 c ] A rta l P, B crrio E , G u irao A , Piers P ( 2 0 0 2 ) C o n trib u tio n s o f th e corn ea
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N e u r o l3 6 9 6 4 - 8 2 [8 .2 .3 c ] tio n for th ree-d im en sion al o b je c t shape P ercep t P sychopbys 4 4 1 - 6
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afferen ts to ca t visual c o rtc x V is N cu ro sci 15 4 0 1 - 9 [8 .2 .3 d ] A rtcrb e rry M E , Yonas A ( 2 0 0 0 ) Perception o f th ree-d im en sion al shape
A n to n in i A , G illesp ie D C , C ra ir M C , Stryker M P ( 1 9 9 8 ) M o rp h olog y specified by o p tic How by 8-w cck-old in fan ts P ercep t P sychopbys 6 2
o f single g en icu lo eo rtica l afferen ts and fu n ctio n a l rccov cry o f the 5 5 0 - 6 [7 .4 .2 c ]
visual co rtex after reverse m o n o cu la r deprivation in th e kitten A rtcrb e rry M E , Yonas A , B citfcn S ( 1 9 8 9 ) Self-p ro d u ccd lo co m o tio n
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A nzai Л , P c n g X , Van Essen D C ( 2 0 0 7 ) N eurons in m on key visual area ture gradients D e ie l P iy eh o l 2 5 9 7 6 - 8 2 [7 .4 .1 c ]
V 2 en cod e co m b in a tio n s o f o rien ta tio n s N a t N n o o s e i 1 0 1 3 1 3 - 2 1 A sanutna C , Stanfield B B ( 1 9 9 0 ) In d u ction o f so m atic sensory inputs to
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m o tes shaft g lu tam atcrgic synapse fo rm atio n / N eu ro sci 2 7 7 5 0 8 - 1 9 A shbv F G , Tow nsend J T ( 1 9 8 6 ) V arieties o f perceptual ind ep endence
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m atu ratio n phases: state-d ep en d en t visual evoked p o ten tial lu m i­ H a n d b o o k o f in fa n t p erc ep tio n Vol 1 F ro m sen sa tio n to p ercep tio n
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( 7 -2 3 a l
A pkarian P A .T ijssc n R , S p ck rcijsc 1 L Regan D ( 1 9 8 7 ) O rig in o t n otch es A slin R N ( 1 9 S 8 ) A n a to m ical c o n stra in ts o n o c u lo m o to r developm en t:
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stim ulus param eter for voung in fan ts J E x p P sy ch o l 2 3 4 7 - 5 6 A slin R N . D o b so n V ( 1 9 8 3 ) D ark v crgcncc and dark acco m m o d atio n in
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tials S cien ce 2 1 7 7 4 3 - 5 [8 .2 .2 a ] A slin R N , Jo h n so n SP ( 1 9 9 6 ) Suppression o f the o p to k in e tic reflex in
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L K aufm an , J P T h om as) W iley , N ew York [ 1.3] A slin R N , Salapatck P ( 1 9 7 5 ) Saccadic localizatio n o f visual targets
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D c v d B io l 4 7 5 6 3 —7 1 [ 6 . 1 . 1 ] ' (7 .3 .5 )
B c a r c J I ( 1 9 0 6 ) G reek th eories o f elem en tary c o g n itio n from A lcm aeon B cllcr R , H o y t C S , M arg E, O d o m J V ( 1 9 8 1 ) G o o d visual fu n ctio n after
ro A risto tle C la ren d o n Press, O x fo rd [2 .1 .4 ] n eon atal surgery for co n g en ita l m on ocu lar cataraccs A n : / O p h th a l
B carc 11 ( 1 9 3 1 ) Parva n atu ralia D e S o m n iis In Tl)c w o rk s o f A risto tle 9 1 5 5 9 - 6 5 [8 .3 .3 b ]
T ran slated in to E nglish (c d W D R oss) V ol 3 pp 4 6 l b - 4 6 2 л O xfo rd B cllo cc h io E E , R cim c r R J. Frcm eau R T , Edw ards R E ( 2 0 0 0 ) U ptake o f
U n iv ersity Press, L o n d o n [2 .1 .4 ] glu tam ate in to synapcic vesicles by an in o rg an ic phosphate trans­
Bcaccv R M , Sadun A A , S m ith L , ec al. ( 1 9 8 2 ) D ire c t d em on stratio n o f p o rter S cien ce 2 8 9 9 5 7 - 6 0 [5 .5 .2 b ]
transs'vnapcic d egeneration in th e hum an visual system : a com p arison B clv in d rah . R . G rau s-P o rta, D , G o c b b e ls, S , c t al. ( 2 0 0 7 ) S i integrins in
o f retrograd e and an terograd e ch an g es J N e u r o l N eu rosttrg P sy ch ia t radial glia buc n o t in m igratin g neu ron s arc essential for the fo rm a­
4 5 1 4 3 - 6 [8 .1 .4 a ] tion o f cell layers in the cerebral c o rtc x / N eu ro sci 2 7 1 3 8 5 4 - 6 5
Beaver C J , D aw NYC’ ( 1 9 9 9 ) Effecc o f th e group II m etab o tro p ic [6 .4 .5 a )
glu tam ate ag on ist, 2 R ,4 R - A P D C , varies w ith age, layer, and visual B ciw \ ri Y. Sp itz cr N C ( 2 0 1 0 ) P h en o ty p ic ch eck p o in ts regulate n eu ­
exp erien ce in the visual co rtex /N eu ro p b y sio l 8 2 8 6 - 9 3 f6 .7 .2 b ] ron al d ev elo p m en t T IN S 3 3 4 8 5 - 9 2 [6 .4 .1 )
Beaver C J . J i Q J . F isch cr Q S , D a w N W (2 0 0 1 a ) C y clic A M P -d ep en d en t B cn -A ri Y. K halilov I, R cp rcsa A , G o zlan H ( 2 0 0 4 ) Intern cu ron s set the
p ro tein kinase m ed iates ocu lar d o m in a n ce shifts in ca t visual co rtex tu n c o f d ev elo p in g n etw orks T IN S 2 7 4 2 2 - 7 ’6 .4 .4d ]
N a t N eu roses 4 1 5 9 - 6 3 [ 8 .2 .7 f ] B en d er D B . Youakim M ( 2 0 0 1 ) E ffect o f attentive fixacion in m acaque
Beaver C J . J I Q . D aw N W ( 2 0 0 1 b ) Layer d ifferen ces in th e effect o f thalam us and c o rtcx / N e u r o p b y s io l8 5 2 1 9 - 3 4 [5 .9 .3 a ]
m on ocu lar vision in light- and dark-reared k itte n s V is N eu roses 18 B cn c d ctti M , Levi A , C h a o M V ( 1 9 9 3 ) D ifferen tial expression o f nerve
8 1 1 - 2 0 18 .3 . lb ] growch fa c to r recep tors leads to altered b in d in g affin ity and n eu ­
Beaver R S . D u n lo p S A . H arm an A M , c t al. ( 2 0 0 1 ) C o n tin u ed пешки rotrop h in responsiveness P ro e N a d A c a d S ci 9 0 7 8 5 9 - 6 3 [6 .4 .3 d )
gen esis is n o t a prerequisite for reg en eration o f a to p o g rap h ic rctin o - B cn k c Т А , L tith i A , Isaac T R , C o llin g rid g c G L ( 1 9 9 8 ) M o d u latio n of
tc c ta l p ro jectio n V is R es 4 1 1 7 6 5 - 7 0 [6 .4 .2 c ] A M PA recep to r u n itary co n d u ctan ce bv synaptic a c tiv itv N a tu r e 3 9 3
B ech ara A , T ra n el D , D am asio H , c t al. ( 1 9 9 5 ) D o u b le d issociation o f 7 9 3 - 7 ( 6 .4 .4 f ]
c o n d itio n in g and declarative know ledge relative to the am ygdala and B e n n e tt A G , R a b b c tts R B ( 1 9 8 9 ) C lin ic a l v isu a l o p tics B u ttcrw o rth -
h ipp ocam pus in h um ans S cien ce 2 9 9 1 1 1 5 - 1 8 [5 .8 .3 c ) H cin cm a n n , L o n d o n (9 .2 .ч Ь , 9 .2 .4 d ]
B c c h to ld t H P , H utz C S ( 1 9 7 9 ) S tereop sis in young in fan ts and stcrcop* B en n ett В ( 1 8 5 9 ) The clairvoyan t stereoscope P h o to g ra p h ) 5 2 9 7 - 8
sis in an in fa n t w ith co n g en ita ! esotrop ia / P e d O p h th a l S tr a b 1 6 [2 .1 1 .3 ]
4 9 - 5 4 [7 .4 .1 a ] B e n n e tt M J , S m ith E L , H arw erth R S , C raw ford M L J ( 1 9 8 0 ) O cu la r
Beck D M , R ees G , Frith C D , Lavie N ( 2 0 0 1 ) N eu ral correlates o f change d o m in an ce eye align m en t and visual a cu ity in k itten s reared w ith an
d etectio n and change b lin d n ess N a t N cu ro sd 4 6 4 5 - 5 0 [5 .9 .3 c ] op tically induced squint B r a in R es 1 9 3 3 3 - 4 5 [8 .2 .3 a ]
B eck I ( 1 8 6 0 ) Im provem ents in th e stereoscope P h o to g ra p h / 7 1 9 - 2 0 B en n ett M V L , Z u k in R S ( 2 0 0 4 ) E le ctrica l co u p lin g and n eu ron al
[2 .1 1 ,3 ] syn ch ron ization in the m am m alian brain N eu ro n 4 1 4 9 5 -5 1 1
B eck J ( 1 9 6 7 ) Perceptual grouping p rod uced by lin e figures P crccp t [5 .5 .2 a ]
P sycbop h ys 2 4 9 1 - 5 [4 .8 .1 a ] B en n ett P J, B an k s M S ( 1 9 8 7 ) Sensitivity loss in o d d -sy m m e tric m ech a­
Beck J ( 1 9 7 2 ) Sim ilarity grou ping and periph eral d iscrim in ation under nism s underlies phase an om alies in periph eral vision N a tu r e 3 2 6
u n certain ty A m ) P sy ch o l 8 5 1 - 1 9 [4 .8 .1 a] 8 7 3 - 6 [8 .4 .3 ]
B eck er W , Ju rg en s R ( 1 9 7 5 ) Sa cca d ic reactio n s to d o u b le step stim u li: B en n ett R G , W csth cim cr G ( 1 9 9 1 ) The effect o f train in g ОП visual align­
ev id en ce lo r m odel feedback and co n tin u o u s in fo rm atio n uptake In m en t d iscrim in ation and gratin g resolu tion P ercep t P sychophys 4 9
B a s ic m cc lh o iism s o f o csd a r m o tility a n d t h e ir c lin ic .d in :p lic a tio n s 5 4 1 - 6 ( 4 .9 .1 ]
(cd G L cn n crstran d , P B ach -y -R ita ) pp 5 1 9 - 2 7 P crgam on , O x fo rd B e n n e tt W R ( 1 9 3 3 ) N ew results in th e calcu latio n o f m o d u latio n prod­
[1 0 .5 .7 ] u cts B e ll S ystem T ech n ica l J o u r n a l 1 2 2 2 8 - 4 3 [3 .4 ]
Bedell H E , Flom M C ( 1 9 8 1 ) M o n o cu la r Spatial d isto rtio n in strabism ic B cn q u ct P, G ee C E , G e rb e r U ( 2 0 0 2 ) T w o d istin ct signaling pathways
am blyopia In v est O p h th a l Vis S ci 2 0 2 6 3 - 8 [8 .4 .3 ) u p rcgu latc N M D A recep to r responses via tw o d istin ct m eta b o tro p ic
Bedell H E , Flom M C ( 1 9 8 5 ) B ilateral o c u lo m o to r ab n o rm alities in stra­ glu tam ate rccc p to r subcvpcs J N eu ro sci 2 2 9 6 7 9 - 8 6 [6 .5 .1 b )
b ism ic am blyopes: evid ence for a co m m o n cen tral m echanism D o c Berardi N , F io rcn tin i A ( 1 9 8 7 ) In terh cm isp h cric transfer o f visual in fo r­
O p h th a l 5 9 3 0 9 - 2 1 [8 .4 .5 b ] m ation in hum ans: spatial ch aracteristics / P h y sio l 3 8 4 6 3 3 - 4 7
Bedell H E , Flom M C , B a rh cito R ( 1 9 8 5 ) Spatial ab erratio n s and acuity [5 .3 .5 ]
in strabism us and am blyopia In v est O p h tb .d Vis S et 2 6 9 0 9 - 1 6 Berardi N . Bisci S , C a tta n c o Л , c t al. ( 1 9 8 2 ) C o rrela tio n b etw een the
[8 .4 .2 a ] preferred orien tatio n and spatial freq u en cy o f n eu ron es in visual areas
Bedell H E , Yap Y L , Flom M C ( 1 9 9 0 ) Fixation d rift and nasal-tem poral 17 and 18 o f the cat / P h y sio l 2 0 3 6 0 3 - 1 8 [5 .7 .1 ]
pu rsu it asym m etries in scrabism ic am blvopcs In v est O p h th a l l ris S ci Berardi N , Bisci S , M atfei I. ( 1 9 8 7 ) Tile transfer o f visual in fo rm atio n
31 9 6 8 - 7 6 [8 .4 .5 c ] across the corp u s callosu m : spatial and tem poral p rop erties in the cat
Bed ford R E , W yszccki G ( 1 9 5 7 ) A xial ch rom atic ab erratio n o f the J P h y sio l 3 8 4 6 1 9 - 3 2 [5 .3 .5 ]
hum an eye J O p t S oc A m 4 7 5 6 4 - 5 [ 9 . 1.2a] Berardi N , D o m cn ici L , Parisi V , e t al. ( 1 9 9 3 a ) M o n o cu lar deprivation
Beer J , B lakem ore C , Prcvic F H ( 2 0 0 2 ) A reas o f th e hum an bram a cti­ effects in chc rat visual corcex and laccral gen icu late nucleus arc pre­
vated by a m b ien t visual m o tio n ind icacing th ree kinds o f sclf-m ovc- vented bv nerve grow th fa c to r ( N G F ) I. V isual c o rtc x P ro с R S oc R
m c n t E x p B ru m R es 1 4 3 7 8 - 8 8 [5 -5 .4 b , 5.9.1 ] 2 5 1 1 7 - 2 3 [ 8 .2 .7 f )
Beer T ( 1 8 9 4 ) A ccom m od acio n dcs Fischaugcs P fliig A r c h %es P h y sio 1 5 8 Berardi X , C c llc rin o A , MaHci L ( 1 9 9 3 b ) M o n o cu la r d eprivation effects
5 2 3 - 5 0 [9 .2 .2 a ] in the ra t visual c o rtc x and lateral gen icu late nucleus arc prevented by
Beers A PA , van dcr H cijd c G L ( 1 9 9 6 ) A ge-related ch an g es in the a cco m ­ nerve growch facto r ( N G F ). 11. Lateral gen icu late nucleus P ro e R S oc
m od ation m ech an ism O p tom Vis S ci 7 3 2 3 5 - 4 3 2 [7 .3 .1 ] В 2 5 1 2 5 - 3 1 [ S .2 .7 f]
B ch ar T N , S c o tt C A . G re e n e C L , c t al. ( 1 9 9 9 ) G lu tam ate a ctin g at Berardi N . Pizzorusso T , R atto G M . M affei L ( 2 0 0 3 ) M o lecu lar basis o f
N M D A reccp to rs stim u lates em b ry o n ic c o rtic a l n eu ron al m igration p lasticity m che visual corcex T IN S 2 6 3 6 9 - 7 8 (6 .7 .2 d , 8 .2 .7 f,
J N eu ro sci 1 9 4 4 4 9 - 6 1 [6 .4 .5 a , 6 .4 .5 c ] 8 .2 .7 h )
Bekcsy G von ( 1 9 6 7 ) S en sory in h ib itio n P rin ceto n U n iv ersity Press, B cren s C . B an n o n R E ( 1 9 6 3 ) A n iseik o n ia A rch O p h th a l 7 0 1 8 1 - 8
P rin ceto n N J [ 3 .1 .4a] [9 .9 .2 b ]
B elk in M . Y in o n L«, R ose L , R eisert 1 (1 9 7 7 ) E ffects o f visual B crgh u is P. R a jn icck A M , M o ro zo v Y M . et al. ( 2 0 0 7 ) H ardw iring chc
en v iro n m en t o n refractive erro rs o f cats D o c O p h th a l 4 2 4 3 3 - 7 b rain : cn d ocan n ab in oid s shape n eu ron al co n n ectiv ity S cien ce 3 1 6
[6 .3 .1 c ] 1 2 1 2 - 6 [6 .4 .5 b ]
B irn h o lz I C ( 1 9 8 1 ) T h e d ev elo p m en t o f hum an fetal eye m ovem en t pat­ B lan k A A ( 1 9 5 3 ) L u n cb u rg th e o ry o f b in o cu la r visual space / O p t S oc
tern s S cien ce 2 1 3 6 7 9 - SO f 7 .3 .4 ] A m 4 3 7 1 7 - 2 7 (4 .7 .2 ]
B ish o p D L . M isgcld T , W aK h M K , ec al. ( 2 0 0 4 ) A xon b ran ch rem oval at B lan k A A ( 1 9 5 8 ) A nalysis o f experim en ts in b in o cu la r space perception
d ev elo p in g synapses by axoso m e shed d ing N eu ro n 4 4 6 5 1 -6 1 J O p t S o c A m 4 8 9 1 1 - 2 5 [4 .7 .2 ]
1 6 .4 .4 c] Blasdcl G G ( 1 9 9 2 a ) D ifferen tial im aging o f ocu lar d o m in an ce and o ri­
B ish o p K M . R u b en stcin I .R . O 'L e a ry D D M ( 2 0 0 2 ) D istin c t actio n s o f en tatio n selectiv ity in m o n k cv striate co rtex / N eu ro sd 12 31 1 5 - 3 8
IL m xly lim x ly and P a x 6 in reg u latin g the sp ecificatio n o f areas in the 15.4.3a. 5 .7 .2 a )
developin g n c o c o rte x / N eu roses 2 2 7 6 2 7 - 3 8 (6 .4.2л ] Blasdcl G G ( 1 9 9 2 b ) O rie n ta tio n selectivity preferen ce and c o n tin u ity in
B ish o p P O , Davis R ( 1 9 5 3 ) B ilateral in tera ctio n in the lateral gen icu late m on k ey striate co rtex J N eu ro sd 12 3 1 3 9 - 6 1 [5 .7 .1 ]
body S cicn cc 1 1 8 2 7 1 - 3 (5 .2 .3 a ] Blasdcl G G . C am p b ell D ( 2 0 0 1 ) F u n ctio n al retin o to p y o f m on k ey visual
B ish o p P O . Pettigrew J D ( 1 9 8 6 ) N eural m c c h a n is m s o f b in o cu lar vision co rte x /N e u r o s c i 15 8 2 8 6 - 3 0 1 [5 .5 .4 c ]
V is R es 2 9 1 5 8 7 - 6 0 0 ( 2 .1 0 .5 0 ] Blasdcl G G . Fitzp atrick D ( 1 9 8 4 ) Physiological organ ization o f layer 4
B ish o p P O , H en ry G H , S m ith C J ( 1 9 7 1 ) B in o cu lar in teractio n fields o f in m acaque striate c o rtc x / N eu rosci 4 8 8 0 - 9 5 [5 .5 .3 ]
single u nits in th e c a t s striate c o r tc x / P h y sio l 2 16 3 9 - 6 8 [ 5 .7 .2 c ] Blasdcl G G . Pettigrew J D ( 1 9 7 9 ) D eg ree o f in tcro cu lar synchrony
B isti S . C a rm ig n o to G ( 1 9 8 6 ) M o n o cu lar deprivation in k itten s differ* required fo r m ain ten an ce o f b in o cu larity in k itte n s visual co rtex
c n tly affects crossed and uncrossed visual pathways Vis R es 2 9 8 7 5 -8 *1 / N eu ro p h y sio l4 2 1 6 9 2 - 7 1 0 [8 .2 .5 b ]
[8 .4 .2 a ] Blasdcl G G . Salam a G ( 1 9 8 6 ) V oltage-sensitive dvcs reveal a m odular
B lackie C A , H ow land H C ( 1 9 9 9 ) A n exten sion o t an accom m od ation organ ization in m on k ey striate c o rtc x N a tu r e 3 2 1 5 7 9 - 8 5 15.7.1]
and convergence m od el o f em m etrop ization to inclu de the cffccts o f Blasdcl G G , Lund J S , Fitzpatrick D ( 1 9 8 5 ) In trin sic c o n n e c tio n s o f
illu m in ation in ten sity O p h th a l P h y sio l O p t 19 1 1 2 - 1 2 5 [9 .6 .2 a ] m acaque striate c o rte x : axon al p ro jectio n s o f cells ou tsid e lam in a 4 C
Blackw ell H R ( 1 9 5 2 ) Stu d ies o f psychophysical m eth od s to r m easuring / N eu ro sci 5 Я Я 5 0 -6 9 (5 .8 .2 a )
th re sh o ld s/O p fS o c A m 4 2 6 0 6 - 1 6 (3 .1 .1 c ] Blasdcl G G , O berm ayer K , K iorp es L ( 1 9 9 5 ) O rg an izatio n o f ocu lar
B lais B S , Sh ouval H Z . C o o p e r LN ( 1 9 9 9 ) Ih e role o f prcsynap tic d o m in an ce colu m n s in the striate co rte x o f n eon atal m acaque m o n ­
activity in m on ocu lar deprivation: com parison o t hom osynaptic and keys Vis N eu ro sci 1 2 5 8 9 - 6 0 3 (5 .7 .1 .6 .7 .1 ]
heterosynap tic m ech an ism s P r o i N a tl A c a d .SV/96 1 0 8 3 - 7 (6 .7 .2 1 ] Blevins E, Jo h n se n S ( 2 0 0 4 ) Sp atial vision in th e c ch in o id genus
Blake R . H irsch H V B ( 1 9 7 5 ) D e fic its in b in o cu lar depth p ercep tion in E c h in o m c t r a J E x p R io t 2 0 7 4 4 9 - 5 3 [6 .1 .2 ]
ca ts after altern atin g m o n o cu la r d eprivation S cien ce 1 9 0 I I 1 4 - 1 6 Bliss T V , G ard n cr-M cd w in A R ( 1 9 7 3 ) L o n g -lastin g p o ten tia tio n o f syn­
| 8.2.5b. 8 .4 .1 ] ap tic transm ission in the d en tate area o f th e u nanaesthetized rabbit
Blake m ore С ( 1 9 6 9 ) B in o cu la r d ep th d iscrim in ation and th e nasotcm - follow in g .stim ulation o f t h e p crfo ran t path / P h y sio l 2 3 2 3 3 1 - 5 6
poral d ivision./P h y s io l2 0 5 4 7 1 - 9 (5 .3 .4 ] [6 .5 .1 a ]
B lakem ore С ( 1 9 7 6 ) Ih e co n d itio n s requ ired for th e m ain ten an ce o f B lo d i F C , Van A llen M W ( 1 9 5 7 ) Electrom yograph y o t che extraocu lar
b in o cu la rity in th e k itte n s visual c o rte x / P h y sio ! 2 9 1 4 2 3 -4 4 m uscles in fusional m ovem ents Л м J O p h th a l 4 4 1 3 6 - 4 4 [1 0 .8 .1 b ]
(8 .2 .5 b ] Blum R ( 1 9 8 3 ) T h e cy clo stcreo sco p c S te re o W o rld Ju n e 2 9 - 3 1 [2 .1 1 .4 ]
B lakem ore C , C am p b ell FW r ( 1 9 6 9 ) O n the existence o f n eu ron e* in the Blu m R , K afitz KWr, K o n n crth A ( 2 0 0 2 ) N cu ro tro p h in -cv o k cd depolar­
hum an visual system selectively sensitive to th e o rien ta tio n and size o f ization requires chc sodium ch a n n el N a v i.9 N a tu re 4 1 9 6 8 7 - 9 3
retinal im ages / P h y sio l 2 0 3 2 3 7 - 6 0 ( 4 .2 .5 b , 4 .4 .1 b] [6 .4 .3 d ]
B lakem ore C , C o o p e r G F ( 1 9 7 0 ) D ev elo p m en t o f t h e brain depend s on В lum en fe Id W ( 1 9 1 3 ) U n tersu ch u n g cn iib cr die sch cin b arc G ro ssc im
the visual en v iron m en t N a tu re 2 2 8 4 7 7 - 8 [6 .6 .4 b ] Sch rau m c Z P sy ch ol 6 5 2 7 1 - 4 0 4 (4 .7 .2 )
B lakem ore C , H aw ken M J ( 1 9 8 2 ) Rapid resto ration o f fu n ctio n a l input B lu n t W ( 1 9 7 0 ) W e d r e a m k in g Hamivh H a m ilto n , L o n d o n (2 .1 0 .5 ]
to th e visual c o rte x o f che c a t after b r ie f m o n o cu lar deprivation B o b ic r W 'R t B rad d ick O J ( 1 9 8 5 ) E ccen tric p h o to re fra ctio n : op tical
J P h y s b l 3 2 7 4 6 3 - 8 7 [8 .2 .3 c ] analysis and em p irical m easures A m / O p tom P h y sio l O pt 6 2 6 1 4 - 2 0
B lakem ore C , P rice D J ( 1 9 8 7 a ) T h e org an ization and p o s t-n a ta l devel­ (9 .2 .4 d )
o p m e n t o f area 18 o f the c a ts visual c o rtc x / P h y sio l 3 8 4 2 9 3 - 9 2 B o b icr W R , M c R a e M ( 1 9 9 6 ) G ain ch an g e in the accom m od ativ e c o n ­
[6 .7 .1 ] vergence cross-link O p h th .d P h y sio l O p t 1 6 3 1 8 - 2 5 (1 0 .4 .1 ]
B lakem ore C . P rice D J ( 1 9 8 7 b ) E ffects o f dark rearing o n th e develop­ B o b icr W R , C am p b ell M C . H in ch M ( 1 9 9 2 ) T h e in flu en ce o f ch ro ­
m en t o f area 18 o f th e c a t s visual c o rtcx / P h y sio l 3 8 4 2 9 3 - 3 0 9 m atic ab erration on th e static accom m od ativ e response Vis R es 3 2
[8 .1 .1 c ] 8 2 3 - 3 2 (9 .8 .2 b ]
B lakem ore C , Van Sluy tcrs R C ( 1 9 7 4 ) Reversal o f the physiological B o b icr Vi’ R , G u in ta A . K u rtz S , H ow land H C ( 2 0 0 0 ) Prism induced
c ffc c ts o f m on ocu lar deprivation in k itten s: fu rth er cv id cn cc fo r a acco m m o d atio n in in fan ts 3 to 6 m o n th s o f age V is R es 4 0 5 2 9 - 3 7
sensitive period / P h y sio l 2 3 7 1 9 5 - 2 1 6 [8 .3 .1 c ] [7 .3 .6 ]
B lakem ore C , Van Sluytcrs R C ( 1 9 7 5 ) Inn ate and en viron m en tal factors B o d c -G r c u c l K M , Sin ger W ( 1 9 8 9 ) T h e d ev elo p m en t o f N - m c t h y l-
in th e d ev elo p m en t o f chc k itte n s visual co rte x / P h y sio l 4 8 2 6 6 3 - D -a s p a rta te rcccpcors in ca t visual c o r tc x D e v e l B r a in R es 4 6 1 9 7 -
7 1 6 [6 .6 .4 a , 8 .2 .3 d ] 2 0 4 (6 .7 .2 a )
B lakem ore C . V ita l-D u r a n d F ( 1 9 8 6 a ) E ffects o f visual deprivation on B o fi K R . K aufm an L . T h o m a s J P ( 1 9 8 6 ) I la n d b o o k o f p ercep tion and
th e d evelopm en t o f t h e m o n k ev s lateral gen icu late nucleus / P h y sio l perfo rm an ce. V ol I Sen sory processes and p ercep tio n W ile y N ew
3 8 0 4 9 3 - 5 1 1 ( 6 .3 .5 b . 8 .2 .2 b . 8 .2 .2 c ] York 11.3]
Blakem ore C , V ita l-D u r a n d F ( 1 9 8 6 b ) O rg an izatio n and p o s t-n a ta l B oire D , M o rris R . P tito M . c t a l . ( 1 9 9 5 ) E ffects o f n eo n atal sp littin g o f
d ev elo p m en t o f t h e m o n k e y s lateral gen icu late nucleus J P h y sio l 3 S 0 the o p tic eh iasm a on th e d ev elo p m en t o f felin e visual callosal c o n n e c ­
4 5 3 - 9 1 [6 .3 .5 c ] tio n s E x p B ra in R es 1 0 4 2 7 5 - 8 6 [6 .4 .6 d ]
Blakem ore C . van Sluytcrs R C . Peck C K , \ I o n A ( 1 9 7 5 ) D ev elop m en t B o ll F ( 1 8 7 7 ) Z u r A n a to m ic u nd Physiologic der R etin a A rch P h y sio l
o f c a t visual co rtex follow in g ro ta tio n o f o n e eve N a tu r e 2 5 7 5 8 4 - 7 4 - 3 7 ( 2 .6 .1 ]
18.2.5a] B o llm an n J 1 1. E n g ert F ( 2 0 0 9 ) Su b ccllu lar top og rap h y o f visually driven
B lakem ore C , G arey L , V ita l-D u r a n d F ( 1 9 7 8 ) Ih e physiological effects d en d ritic activ ity in the vertebrate visual system N eu ro n 6 1 8 9 5 - 9 0 5
of m o n o cu la r d eprivation and th eir reversal in che m o n k e y s visual [6 .5 .5 ]
c o r tc x J P h y s io l 2 8 3 2 2 3 - 6 2 [8 .3 .2 ] B o ltz R L , 1 larw erth R S ( 1 9 7 9 ) Fu sional vergence ranges o f the m on key:
Blakem ore C . H aw kcn M J. M ark R F ( 1 9 8 2 ) B r ie f m o n o cu la r dcpriva* a behavioural study E x p B r a in R es 3 7 8 7 - 9 1 [ 1 0 .5 .3 ]
tio n leaves su bth rcsh old synaptic inpur on n eu ron es o f th e c a t s visual B om an D K . K crtesz A E ( 1 9 8 3 ) In teractio n b etw een h o rizo n tal and ver­
cortex./ P h y sio l 3 2 7 4 8 9 - 5 0 5 1 8 .2 .3 c. 8 .2 .7 d ] tical fu sion al responses P ercep t P sy ch op hy s 3 3 5 6 5 - 7 0 [1 0 .6 .3 c ]
B o m an D K . K crccsz Л Е ( 1 9 8 5 ) H o riz o n ta l fusional responses to scim uli Hour L J ( 1 9 8 1) T h e in flu en ce o f th e spacial d istrib u tio n o f a targ et o n the
co n ta in in g artificia l sco to m a s h u r s t O p b th a l Vis S ci 2 9 1 0 5 1 - 6 dynam ic response and Huccuacions o f che acco m m o d atio n o f chc
(1 0 .5 .6 ] hum an eve V is R es 21 1 2 8 7 - 9 6 [9 .6 .4 d ]
B o m b a P C ( 1 9 8 4 ) The d ev elo p m en t o f oriencacion categories betw een 2 B o u rd ct C , O lavarria JF , Van Sluvtcrs, R C ( 1 9 9 6 ) D istrib u tio n o f visual
and 4 m onchs o f a g e / E x p C h ild P sy ch o l 3 7 6 0 9 - 3 6 [7 .2 .2 ] callosal neu ron s in n orm al an d strab ism ic cacs J C o m p N eu ro l 3 6 6
B o n d s A B , M a cL eo d D IA ( 1 9 7 8 ) A displaced Stiles-C raw ford effect 2 5 9 - 6 9 |6.4.6d , 8 .2 .3 b ]
associated wich an c c ccn cric pupil In v est O p b th a l Vis S ci 1 7 7 5 4 - 6 1 B ou rg eois J P. R akic P ( 1 9 9 3 ) C h an g cs o f synaptic d en sity in chc prim ary
[5 .1 .2 a ] visual c o rtcx o f the m acaque m on k ey from fetal to adulc stage /
B o n clli M L R . S h e a W R ( 1 9 7 5 } R ea so n , ex p er im e n t, a n d m ysticism N eu roses 1 3 2 8 0 1 - 2 0 [6 .4 .5 d ]
M acm illan , L o n d o n (2 .5 .4 ) B ou rg eois JP , R ak ic P ( 1 9 9 6 ) Synapcogencsis in chc o ccip ita l corccx o f
B o n h o c tfe r T , G rin vald A ( 1 9 9 3 ) T h e layout o f isooricn catio n dom ains m acaque m on kcv devoid o f retin al in p u t from early em b ry o n ic stages
in area 18 o f cat visual c o rc c x : o p tica l im aging reveals a pinw heel F u r J N eu rosci 8 9 4 2 - 5 0 [6 .4 .5 c ]
organ ization / N eu ro sci 1 3 4 1 5 7 - 8 0 [5 .7 .1 ] B ou rgeois JP , G o ld m a n -R a k ic P S , R akic P ( 1 9 9 4 ) Synap togenesis in the
B o n h o c tfe r T , H u f J ( 1 9 8 5 ) P osicion -d epen dcn c properties o f retinal p refron tal c o rtcx o f rhesus m on keys C e r e b C o rtcx 4 7 8 - 9 6 f6 .4 .2 d ]
axons and th e ir grow th c o n es N a tu re 3 1 5 4 0 9 - 1 0 [6 .3 .4 a ] B o v o lcn ta P. M ason С ( 1 9 8 7 ) G ro w th co n e m o rp h o lo g y varies with
B o n in V, M a n tc V. C a ra n d in i M ( 2 0 0 5 ) T h e suppressive field o f neurons p o sitio n in the d ev elo p in g m ouse visual pathw ay from retin a to first
in laccral geniculace nucleus / N eu ro sci 2 5 1 0 8 4 4 - 5 6 [5 .2 .2 b ] targets / N eu roses 7 1 4 4 7 - 6 0 [6 .3 .4 a ]
B o n n c h Y S . Sagi D , Polat U ( 2 0 0 4 } L ocal and n o n -lo cal d eficits in Bow er T G R ( 1 9 6 6 ) Slan t perception and shape co n stan cy in intancs
am blyop ia: a cu ity and spacial in tera ctio n s V is R es 4 4 3 0 9 9 - 1 1 0 S cien ce 151 8 3 2 - 4 [7 .4 .2 a ]
[8 .4 .3 b ] Bow er T G R , B rou gh to n J M , M o o re M K (1 9 7 0 a ) In fan t responses to
B o o th M C A , R olls E T ( 1 9 9 8 ) V icw -inv ariant rep resentations o f fam il­ ap p ro ach in g o b jcccs: an in d icato r o f response со d istal variables
iar o b je c ts by neu ron s in th e in ferio r tem p o ral visual c o rtc x C er eb P ercep t P sy cbop by .<9 1 9 3 - 6 [7 .4 .1 c ]
C o rtex S 5 1 0 - 2 3 [5 .8 .3 b ] Bow er T G R , B rou gh to n J M , M o o re M K ( 1 9 7 0 b ) D em o n stratio n s o f
B o o th e R G , W illia m s R A , K iorp es L , Teller D Y ( 1 9 8 0 ) D evelopm en c o f in te n tio n in chc reach in g behavior o f n con acc hum ans N a tu r e 2 2 8
c o n tra st sensitivity in in fa n t M a e a e a n e m e s tr in a m o n k ey t S c ic n c c 2 0 8 6 7 9 - 8 1 (7 .4 .1 a ]
1 2 9 0 - 2 [7 .2 .1 a ] B ow ers В (2 0 0 1 ) S ir C h a r le s W h e a ts to n e l:R S I $ 0 2 /Л75 T h e Inscicucion
B o o th e R G , D o b so n V, Teller D Y (1 9 X 5 ) Postnatal developm ent of o f E lectrical En gin eers, L o n d o n [ 2 .1 1.2b]
vision in hum an and n on h u m an prim ates A n n R ev N eu ro sci 8 4 9 5 B o w n c SF ( 1 9 9 0 ) C o n tra s t d iscrim in ation ca n n o t exp lain spatial fre­
5 4 5 1 7 .3 .1 ,7 .4 .1 c ) q u en cy o rien ta tio n o r tem p oral freq u en cy d iscrim in ation Vis Re< 3 0
B o rg -G ra h a m L J, M o n ie r C , Frcgnac Y ( 1 9 9 8 ) V isual input evokes tran ­ 4 4 9 - 6 1 (3 .1 .4 a , 4 .2 .8 c ]
sien t and stron g sh u n tin g in h ib itio n in visual neu ron s N a tu re 3 9 3 B o y co tt B , W ’i sslc H ( 1 9 9 9 ) Parallel p rocessing in the m am m alian retina
3 6 9 - 7 3 [5 .5 .2 c ] In v es t O p b th a l Vis S c i 4 0 1 3 1 3 - 2 8 [5 .1 .3 ]
B org h u is B G . R atclifF C P , S m ith R G , c t al. ( 2 0 0 8 ) D esign o f a neural Boyd J , M atsubara J ( 1 9 9 4 ) T a n g en tial org an ization o l callosal c o n n e c ­
array./N e u r o s c i 2 8 3 1 7 8 - 8 9 [5 .1 .4 c ] tiv ity in th e c a ts visual co rtex ./ C om p N e u ro l 3 4 7 1 9 7 - 2 1 0 [5 .3 .5 ,
B o rin g E G ( 1 9 3 0 ) A new am bigu ous figure A m / P sy ch o! 4 2 4 4 4 - 5 6 .4 .6 d ]
[4 .5 .9 л ] Boyd с A , Jo n e s S J, Taylor M L , et al. ( 1 9 9 0 ) F lu orcsccn cc in th e tandem
B o rin g E G ( 1 9 4 2 ) S en sa tio n a n d p e rc e p tio n in th e h isto ry o f e x p e r im e n ta l scan n in g m icro scop e / M icros 15 7 3 9 - 4 9 [5 .4 .1 b]
p sy ch o lo g y A pple to n —C e n t u г y—C ro fts, N ew York [2 .5 .2 ] Boydcn E S , Z h an g F, B am b erg E , ct al. ( 2 0 0 5 ) M illisccom l-tim cx calc,
B o rin g E G ( 1 9 5 0 ) A h isto ry o f e x p e r im e n ta l p sy ch o lo g y A p p lc to n - gen etically targeted o p tica l co n tro l o f n eu ral activity N a t N eu rosci 8
C c n tu r v -C r o fts , New York (4 .2 .4 .c ] 1 2 6 3 - 8 ( 5 .4 .4 ]
B o rn R T , T o o tell В H ( 1 9 9 2 ) Segregation o f glo bal and local m o tio n p ro ­ Boyle R ( 1 6 8 8 ) A d isqu isition a b o u t th e final causes o f natural th in g s J
cessing in prim ate m iddle tem p oral visual area N a tu r e 3 5 7 4 9 7 - 9 Taylor, L on d on See R o b e rt Boyle th e w orks (cd T B irc h ) V ol 5 O h m ,
[5 .8 .4 b ] H ildcshcim [2 .1 0 .3 c ]
B orn xtcin M H , K rin sk y S J, B cn asich А Л ( 1 9 8 6 ) Fine orien tatio n dis­ B o y n to n R M ,O n lc y J W ( 1 9 6 2 ) A critiq u e o ft h c s p c c ia l status assigned
crim in a tio n and shape co n sta n cy in young in fan ts J E x p C h ild P sychol by B rin d ley со "psychop hysical lin k in g hypotheses'* o f “class A " Vis
41 4 9 - 6 0 ( 7 . 2 . 2 ] R es 2 3 8 3 - 9 0 [3 .1 .1 a ]
B o rrcll V. C allaw ay E M ( 2 0 0 2 ) R eo rg an ization o f ex u b eran t axonal Bozzi Y, Pi/zorusso T . C rcm isi F, c t al. ( 1 9 9 5 ) M o n o cu lar deprivation
arb o rs co n trib u tes to che d ev elo p m en t o f lam in ar sp ecificity in fen ce decreases the expression o f m essenger R N A for brain-derived ncu-
visual co rtex J N eu ro sci 2 2 6 6 8 2 - 9 5 [6 .4 .5 a ] ro tro p h ic facto r in th e rat visual c o rtc x N eu ro sci 6 9 1 1 3 3 -4 4
B o n c lli E , N cstlcr E J, A llis C D , Sa.vsonc-Corsi P ( 2 0 0 8 ) D e co d in g che | 8 .2.7f]
cp ig cn ccic language o f neuronal plasticity N eu ron 60 9 6 1 -7 4 Braastad B O , H cggclu nd P ( 1 9 8 5 ) D e v elo p m en t o f spatial rc c c p tiv c -
[6 .6 .1 c ] field org an ization and o rien ta tio n selectiv ity in kitccn set iacc c o rtc x /
В о гColot со 7. A , B ash ir Z I , D avies C H , C o llin g rid g c G L ( 1 9 9 4 ) A N eu ro p h y sio l S i 1 1 5 8 - 7 8 [6 .6 .4 a , 8 .1 .1 c ]
m olecu lar sw itch activated by m eta b o tro p ic glu tam ate recep tors B raccw ell R N { 1 9 7 8 ) 'Ih e F o u r ie r tra n sfo rm a n d its a p p lica tio n s M c G ra w -
regulates in d u ctio n o f lo ng -term p o ten tiatio n N a tu re 3 6 8 7 4 0 - 3 H ill. N ew York (3 .2 .2 )
[6 .5 .1 b ] Braddick O J , A tk in so n J , French J , H ow land H C ( 1 9 7 9 ) A phocorcfrac-
B o sk in g W 1 1 , Z h a n g , Y, Schofield B , Fitzp atrick D ( 1 9 9 7 ) O rie n ta tio n tivc study o f in fa n t acco m m o d atio n Vis R es 19 1 3 1 9 - 3 0 [7 .3 .1 )
selectiv ity and chc arran gcm cn c o f h orizon tal c o n n e ctio n s in cree Braddick O J, A tkin son J , Jules/. B, cc al. ( 1 9 8 0 ) C o rtic a l b in o cu larity in
shrew striate corcex /N e u r o s c i 1 7 2 1 1 2 - 7 [5 .5 .6 a , 5 .5 .6 b ] in fan ts N a tu r e 2 8 8 3 6 3 - 5 [7 .6 .3 ]
B o ss V C , S c h m id t J T ( 1 9 8 4 ) A ctiv ity an d che form atio n o f o cu lar d o m ­ Braddick O J . W a cea m -B cll J , D ay J , A ekinson J ( 1 9 8 3 ) T h e onscc o f b in ­
inance p atch es in duallv innervated ccccum o f goldfish / N eu roses 4 o cu lar funccion in hum an infancs H u m N eu r o h io l 2 6 5 - 9 (7 .6 .3 ]
2 8 9 1 - 9 0 5 [6 .7 .3 b ] Braddick O J, W attam -B ell J . A tkin so n J ( 1 9 8 6 ) O rien tatio n -sp ecific c o r­
B ossom aicr T , Snyd er A W ( 1 9 8 6 ) W h y spacial freq u en cy processing in tical responses in early in fan cy N a tu r e 3 2 0 6 1 7 - 1 9 [7 .2 .2 ]
th e visual co rcex ? Vis R es 2 9 1 3 0 7 - 9 (3 .2 .6 a ] B rad d ick O . B irclcs D . W attam -B ell J , A tk in so n J ( 2 0 0 5 ) M ocion - and
B ou m a H ( 1 9 7 0 ) In tera ctio n effects in parafoveal le tter reco g n itio n o rien tatio n -sp ecific co rtic a l responses in in fan cy Vis R es 4 5 3 1 6 9 - 7 9
N a tu re 2 2 6 1 7 7 - 8 [4 .8 .3 a ]
Boum an M A , van den Brink G ( 1 9 5 2 ) O n the integrate capacity in rim e and Bradkc F, D occi C G ( 1 9 9 9 ) T h e role o t lo cal accin in stab ility in axon
space o l the human peripheral rccinaJ O pt S o cA m 4 2 6 1 7 - 2 0 [3.1.2] form atio n S cien ce 2 8 3 1 9 3 1 - 4 [6 .4 .5 a ]
B ro tc h ic P R , A ndersen R A ,S n y d e r L H , G o o d m a n S J ( 1 9 9 5 ) H ead p o si­ B u ch cl C , P rice C , Frackow iak R S J, Friston К ( 1 9 9 8 ) D ifferen t activa­
tio n signals used by parietal neu ron s to c n c o d c lo catio n s o f visual tio n p attern s in the visual co rtex o f late and co n g en itally blind
stim u li N a tu re 3 7 5 2 3 2 - 4 [ 4 .5 .6 ,5 .8 .4 c ] su b jects B r a in 121 4 0 9 - 1 9 [8 .1 .4 b ]
Brouw er B . Z ee m a n W P G ( 1 9 2 6 ) T h e p ro jectio n o f the retin a in the B u ch s PA , M u ller D ( 1 9 9 6 ) In d u ctio n o t lo ng -term p o ten tiatio n is asso­
prim ary o p tic n eu ron in m on k ey B r a in 4 9 1 - 3 5 [ 5-2.1 ] ciated w ith m a jo r u ltrastru ctu ral ch anges o f activated svnapscs P ro c
Brow n A , Y ates PA , B u rrola P. et a l. ( 2 0 0 0 ) T o p o g rap h ic m apping from N a tl A c a d S ci 9 3 8 0 4 0 - 5 [ 6 .4 .4 f ]
th e retin a to the m id b rain is con trolled by relative but n o t absolute B u ck K B . Z h e n g J Q ( 2 0 0 2 ) G ro w th co n c tu rn in g induced by direct
levels o f EphA recep to r signalling C d l 1 0 2 7 7 - 8 8 [6 .4 .3 c ] lo cal m od ification o f m icro tu b u lc d y n am ics/ N eu roses 2 2 9 3 5 8 - 6 7
Brow n A M ( 1 9 9 0 ) D ev elo p m en t o f visual sensitivity to lig h t and co lo r 16.4.3a]
vision in hum an in fa n ts: a critica l review V is R es 3 0 1 15 9 —SS Buckley E G , S e a b cr J H ( 1 9 8 2 ) The in cid en ce o f strab ism ic am blyopia
[7 .2 .1 c ] In v est O p h th a l Vis S ci 2 2 (A b s) 162 [8 .4 .1 ]
Brow n A M , M ira cle J A ( 2 0 0 3 ) E arly b in o cu lar vision in hum an in fan ts: Bu d d cn F J ( 1 9 7 2 ) I h c fa s c in a tio n o f g ro u p s C am brid ge U n iv ersity Press,
lim itatio n s on the g en erality o f the su perp osition hypothesis Vis R es L o n d o n [ 3 .7 .1 ,[4 .6 .3 c ]
4 3 1 5 6 3 - 7 4 [7 .6 .1 a ] B u h l E H . H alasy K , S o m o g i P ( 1 9 9 4 ) D iverse sources o f h ipp ocam pal
Brow n A M , Lindsey D T , M cS w een cy E M , W alters M M ( 1 9 9 5 ) In fan t u n itary in h ib ito ry postsynaptic p o ten tials and the num ber o f syn ap­
lu m in an ce and ch ro m a tic co n tra st sensitivity: o p to k in e tic nystagm us tic release sties N a tu r e 3 6 8 8 2 3 - 8 [5 .5 .6 b )
d ata o n 3 -m o n th -o ld s Vis R es 3 5 3 1 4 5 - 6 0 [7 .2 .1 c ] Buisscret P, Im b ert M ( 1 9 7 6 ) V isu al co rtica l cells: th eir developm ental
Brow n B . Yap M K H , Fan W C S ( 1 9 9 3 ) D ecrease in stereoacu ity in the p rop erties in norm al and dark reared k itte n s / P h y sio l 2 5 5 5 1 1 - 2 5
seventh decade o f life O p h th a l P h y sio l O pt 1 3 1 3 8 - 4 2 (7 .6 .4 ) [6 .6 .4 a , 8 .1 .1 c ]
Brow n D L . Salin ger W L ( 1 9 7 5 ) L oss o f X -ccIIs in lateral g cn icu latc B u isscret P, G a ry -B o b o E , Im b ert M ( 1 9 8 2 ) P lasticity in the k itte n s
nucleus w ith m on ocu lar paralysis: neural plasticity in th e adult cat visual c o rtc x : effects o f t h e suppression o f visual experien ce upon the
S cien ce 1 8 9 1 0 1 1 - 1 2 [8 .2 .2 c ] ’ o rie n ta tio n a l p rop erties o f visual c o rtic a l cclls D e v e l B ra in R es 4
Brow n R J, W ilso n J R , N o rcia A M , B o o th e R G ( 1 9 9 8 ) D ev elo p m en t o f 4 1 7 - 2 9 |8.1.1c]
d ire ctio n a l m o tio n sym m etry in the m o n o cu lar visually evoked B u lto n c A , Sm iga S M , Shim am u a K , c t al. ( 1 9 9 5 ) 7 'b ra in -/ : a h om olog
p o ten tia l o f in fa n t m onkeys V ision R es 3 8 1 2 5 3 - 6 3 (7 .3 .4 ] o f b ra ch y u ry w hose expression defines m olecularlv d istin ct d om ains
Brow n R J. C a n d y T R , N orcia A M ( 1 9 9 9 ) D ev elo p m en t o f rivalry and w ithin th e cereb ral co rtex N eu ro n 1 5 6 3 [6 .4 .2 b ]
d ic h o p tic m ask in g in hum an in fan ts In v es t O p h th a l Vis S ci 4 0 3 3 2 7 - Bullier J , K enned y H ( 1 9 8 3 ) P ro jectio n o f the lateral gen icu late nucleus
3 3 [ 7 .6 .3 ,7 .6 .3 1 o n to co rtic a l area V 2 in the m acaque m on key E x p B r a m R es 5 3
B ru ce A S , A cch in son DA, B h o o la H (1 9 9 5 ) A cco m m o d atio n - 1 6 8 - 7 2 [ 5 .8 .1 ,5 .8 .3 a ]
con v crg cn cc relation sh ip s an d age In v es t O p h th a l Vis S ci 3 6 4 0 6 - 1 3 Bullier J K en ned y H , Salin g er W ( 1 9 8 4 ) B ra n ch in g and lam inar origin
1 10.4.3a] o f p ro jectio n s b etw een visual co rtica l areas in the c a t / C o m p N eu ro l
B ru ce C J ,G o ld b e r g M E ( 1 9 8 5 ) Prim ate fro n tal eye fields: I single n eu ­ 2 2 8 3 2 9 - 4 1 [5 .5 .1 b ]
ro n s d ischargin g b efore saccadesJ N c u r o p h y s io l5 3 6 0 3 - 3 5 [5 .8 .4 c ] B u llier J , G irard P, Salin PA ( 1 9 9 4 ) T h e role o t area 17 in the transfer o f
B ru ce C J , Islcy M , Sh ink m an P C ( 1 9 8 1 ) V isu al experien ce and d evelop­ in fo rm atio n to extrastriate visual c o rtcx In C e r e b r a l c o rte x V olu m e 1 0
m en t o f in tcro cu la r orien tation d isparity in visual co rtex / P r im a r y v isu a l c o rte x in p r im a te s (ed A P eters, K S R ock lan d )
N eu ro p h y sio l4 6 2 1 5 - 2 8 [7 .5 ] pp 3 0 1 - 3 0 P len u m , N ew York (5 .8 .1 )
B ru n ei N ,N a d a lJP ( 1 9 9 8 ) M u tu al in fo rm a tio n , Fisher in fo rm a tio n , and Bullier J , Schall J D , M orel A ( 1 9 9 6 ) Functional streams in o ccip ito ­
p op u lation c o d in g N e u r a l C o m p u t 1 0 1 7 3 1 - 5 7 [4 .2 .5 b ] frontal con n ection s in the m onkey B eh a v B ra in R es 7 6 8 9 - 9 7 [5 .8 .4 f ]
B ru ner J S , M in tu rn A L ( 1 9 5 5 ) Perceptual id en tification and perceptual B u n im M S ( 1 9 4 0 ) Space in m edieval p ain tin g and the foreru n n ers o f
o rg a n iz a tio n / G o t P sy ch ol 5 3 2 1 - 8 [4 .5 .9 c ] perspective A M S Press, N ew Y ork [2 .9 .2 ]
B ru n et 1, D i N ard o A A , S o n n ier L , c t al. ( 2 0 0 7 ) T h e to p o lo g ical role o f B u n t A H , M in ck lcr D.S ( 1 9 7 7 ) Foveal sp arin g .N ew an ato m ical evidence
h o m eo p ro tcin s in the d ev elo p in g cen tral nervous svstem T IN S 3 0 fo r bilateral rep resen tation o f cen tral retina A rch O p h th a l 9 5 1 4 4 5 - 7
2 6 0 -2 6 7 ( 6 .4 .1 ] [5 .3 .4 )
B ru n o N , C u ttin g J E ( 1 9 8 8 ) M in im od u laricy an d the p ercep tion o f B u o n o m an o D V , M crzcn ich M M ( 1 9 9 8 ) C o rtic a l p lasticity A n n R ev
layout/ E x p P sy ch ol G en 1 1 7 1 6 1 - 7 0 [4 .5 .7 c ] N eu rosci 2 1 1 4 9 - 8 6 [5 .6 .8 ]
B ru n o P, Van den B erg ( 1 9 9 7 ) R elative orien tatio n o f prim ary p osition s Buracas G T , A lb rig h t T D ( 1 9 9 6 ) C o n trib u tio n o f area M T to p ercep ­
o f t h e tw o eyes l l s R es 3 7 9 3 5 - 4 7 [1 0 .1 .2 d ] tio n o f th ree-d im en sio n al shape: A co m p u tatio n al study Vis R es 3 6
B ru n o P. In ch in g o la P, van d er S tc c n J ( 1 9 9 5 ) U n eq u al saccades p ro ­ 8 6 9 - 8 7 [5 .8 .4 b ]
duced by an iscik o n ic p attern s: a m odel approach V is R es 3 5 3 4 7 3 - 9 2 B u r c h fie lJL , D u ffy FH ( 1 9 8 1 ) R o le o f in tra co rtica l in h ib itio n in d epri­
[1 0 .8 .3 b ] vation am blyop ia: reversal by m ic ro in o n to p h o rctic b icu cu llin c B ra in
B ru n so -B cch to ld J K , C a w grande VA ( 1 9 8 5 ) Presence o f rctin o g cn icu - R es 2 0 6 4 7 9 - 8 4 [8 .2 .7 d ]
late fibres is essential fo r in itia tin g the form atio n o f cach in terlam in ar Burd H J, Ju d g e S J. Flavcll M l ( 1 9 9 9 ; M ech a n ics o f acco m m o d atio n o f
space in th e lateral g en icu la te nucleus D e v e l B ra in R es 2 0 1 2 3 - 6 the hum an eye V is R es 3 9 1591 - 9 5 [9 .2 .2 b ]
[6 .3 .5 b ] Burd H J. Ju d g e S J. C ro ss JA ( 2 0 0 2 ) N u m erical m o d ellin g o f the a cco m ­
B rv an t P ( 1 9 7 4 ) Perception and u nd erstanding in you n g ch ild ren m o d atin g lens V is R es 4 2 2 2 3 5 - 5 1 [9 .2 .2 b ]
M eth u en L o n d o n [4 .6 .3 a ] Burian H M ( 1 9 3 9 ) Fusional m ovem en ts: the role o f peripheral retinal
B u cci M P . K apou la Z . E g gert T , G arraud L ( 1 9 9 7 ) D e ficien cy o f adap­ stim u li A r d ) O p h th a l 2 1 4 8 6 - 9 1 [1 0 .6 .3 b ]
tive c o n tro l o t the b in o cu lar co o rd in a tio n o t saccades in strabism us Burian H M ( 1 9 4 3 ) Influence o f prolonged w earing o f m erid ion al size
Vis R es 3 7 2 7 6 7 - 7 7 [1 0 .8 .2 b ] lenses o n spatial lo calizatio n A rc h O p h th a l 3 0 6 4 5 - 6 8 [9 .9 .3 ]
B u cci M P , K ap ou la Z . Eggert T ( 1 9 9 9 ) Saccad c am plitude d iscon ju gacy Burian 1 1M ( 1 9 4 8 ) 1 iisto ry o f t h e D a rtm o u th eve in stitu te A rc h O p h th a l
ind u ced by an iseik o n ia : role o f m o n o cu lar d ep th cues V is R es 3 9 4 0 1 6 3 - 7 5 [9 .9 .2 b ]
3 1 0 9 - 2 2 [1 0 .8 .3 b ] Burian H M . O gle K N ( 1 9 4 5 ) M erid io n al an iseik o n ia a t ob liq u e axes
B u cci M P , K ap ou la Z , B crn o ta s M . Z am fircscu 1* ( 2 0 0 0 ) D iscon ju gate A rch O p h th a l3 3 2 9 3 - 3 1 0 19.9.2b ]
m em ory-guided saccades to disparate targets: tem p oral asp ects E x p B u rkh alter A , Van Essen D C ( 1 9 8 6 ) P ro c e ss in g o fc o lo r form and dispar­
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to r lcarn ingcau scd by feeble im age-sizc in eq u ality: differences between B u rk h alter A , Fellem an D J , N ew som e \V T. Van Essen D C ( 1 9 8 6 )
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in ch ild h oo d O p tom V is Set 7 4 7 4 1 - 5 0 (7 .2 . Ic ] c a ts lateral postcrior-pu lvinar com p lex J N eu ro p b y sio l 6 2 5 4 4 - 5 7
C a rlc to n E H , M adigan l.F ( 1 9 3 7 ) R elation sh ip s b etw een an iseikon ia [5 .5 .1 b ]
and am etrop ia A rch O p b th a l 18 2 3 7 - 4 7 [9 .9 .1 a ] C ase L C , T cssicr-L av ign c M ( 2 0 0 5 ) R eg en eration o f th e adult cen tral
C arlso n S ( 1 9 9 0 ) V isually guided b eh avior o f m on k ey s after early b in ­ nervous system C u r r B io l 15 R 7 4 9 - 5 3 [6 .4 .2 d ]
ocu lar visual deprivation In t] N eu ro sci 5 0 1 8 5 - 9 4 [8 .1 .2 ] C astanada* C astellan o s D R , K ricg stcin A R ( 2 0 0 4 ) C o n tro llin g neuron
C arlso n S , 1 lyvarinen L , R a n in cn A ( 1 9 8 6 ) Persistent behavioural b lin d ­ n u m b er: does N um b do the mach ? N a t N eu ro sci 7 7 9 3 - 6 [6 .4 .5 b ]
ness after early visual deprivation and active visual reh ab ilitatio n : a C astcllan i V, B o ltz J ( 1 9 9 7 ) M em bran e-associated m olecules regulate
case rep o rt B r J O p b th a l 7 0 6 0 7 - 11 (8 .1 .3 ] the form atio n o f laver-specific co rtica l circu its P ro c N a t l A c a d S ci 9 4
C arlso n S , Pcrtovaara A ,T a n ila 11 ( 1 9 8 7 ) L ate effects o f early b in o cu lar 7 0 3 0 - 5 16.4.6a]
visual deprivation on the fu n ctio n o t B rod m an n s area 7 o f m onkeys C astclli В ( 1 6 6 9 ) D iscorso sop ra la v ista S ee A rio tti 1 9 7 3 [2 .5 .2 ]
[M a c a a i a rc to id es) D c r e l B ra in R es 3 3 1 0 1 - 1 1 [8 .1 .1 b] C astrcn E, Z afra F, T h o e n cn H . L in d h olm D ( 1 9 9 2 ) Lighc regulates
O r i s o n V R ( 1 9 6 2 ) Size co n sta n cy ju d gm en ts and perceptual co m p ro ­ expression o f brain-derived n eu ro tro p h ic fa c to r m R N A in rat visual
m ise J E x p P sy ch o l 6 3 6 8 - 7 3 (4 .7 .2 J co rte x P r o c N a t l A c a d S ci 8 9 9 4 4 4 - 8 [8 .1 .1 b ]
C a ta la n o S M , Sh atz C J (1 9 9 # ) A ctiv ity -d cp cn d cn t co rtica l target sclec- C h ap m an R .Z a h s K R , Stryker M P ( 1 9 9 1 ) R elatio n o f co rtica l cell orien ­
tio n by th a la m ic axon s S cien ce 2 8 1 5 5 9 - 6 2 [6 .4 .5 c ] tation selectivity to alig n m en t o f receptive fields o f the g cn icu lo co rti-
C a ttc ra ll W A , Few Л Р ( 2 0 0 8 ) C a lciu m ch an n cl regu lation and prcsyn- cal afferen ts that arb orize w ith in a single orien tatio n co lu m n in ferret
ap tic p lasticity N eu ro n 5 9 8 8 2 - 9 0 1 [ 6 .4 .3 f ) visual co rte x /N e u r o s c i 11 1 3 4 7 - 5 8 [5 .6 .2 b ]
C avanagh P { 1 9 8 2 } F u n ctio n al size invariance is n o t provided by the co r­ C h arm an \VN ( 1 9 7 9 ) Sp eckle m ovem en t in laser refractio n . 1. T h eo ry
tical m agn ificatio n fa c to r V i s R es 2 2 1 4 0 9 - 1 2 [5 .5 -4 d ] A m ] O p tom P h y sio l O p t 5 6 2 1 9 - 2 7 [9 .2 .4 b ]
C avanagh P ( 1 9 8 7 ) R eco n stru ctin g the third d im en sio n : in teractio n s C h arm an \VN ( 1 9 9 1 ) O p tic s o f the hum an eye In V ision a n d v is u a l d y s­
b etw een c o lo r textu re m o tio n b in o cu lar disparity and shape C o m p u t fu n c tio n Vol 1 V isu a l o p tics a n d in stru m en ta tio n (cd \XfN C h arm an )
V is G r im P ro c 3 7 1 7 1 - 9 5 [4 .5 .7 c ] pp 1 - 2 9 M a cM illa n . L o n d o n (5 -1 .1 ]
C avanagh P. A rgu in M , Trcism an A ( 1 9 9 0 ) E ffect o f surface m edium on C h arm an W N , I leron G ( 1 9 7 9 ) Spacial frequ ency and th e dynam ics o f
visual search for orien ta tio n and size features / lix p P sy ch ol I I P P 1 6 the acco m m o d atio n response O p tica A cta 2 6 2 1 7 - 2 8 [9 .6 .4 c ]
4 7 9 - 9 1 [4 .2 .6 c ] C h arm an W N , H eron G ( 1 9 8 8 ) F lu ctu atio n s in a cco m m o d atio n : a
Cave K R , Z im m erm an J M ( 1 9 9 7 ) F lex ib ility in spatial a tte n tio n before review O p h th a l P h y sio l O pt 8 1 5 3 - 6 4 [9 .7 .1 a ]
and after p ractice P sy ch o l S ci 8 3 9 9 - 4 0 3 (4 .8 .3 d ] C h arm an W N , H eron G ( 2 0 0 0 ) O n the lin earity o f acco m m o d atio n
C avincss V S , T ak ah ash i T . N ow akow ski R S ( 1 9 9 5 ) N u m bers tim e and dynam ics V is R es 4 0 2 0 5 7 - 6 6 [9 .7 .2 b ]
n c o c o rtic a l n eu ro n o g cn csis: a general d evelopm ental and evolution* C h arm an W N , Jen n in g s JA M ( 1 9 7 6 ) O b je ctiv e m easu rem ents o f the
a ry m odel T IN S 1 8 3 7 9 - 8 3 (6 .4 .5 b ] lo n g itu d in al ch ro m a tic ab erratio n o f the hum an eye V is R es 1 6 9 9 9 -
C a v o n iu s C R , Estevez О ( 1 9 7 5 ) C o n tra st sensitivity o f individual colou r 1 0 0 5 [9 .1 .2 a ]
m ech an ism s o f hum an vision / P h y sio I 2 4 8 6 4 9 - 6 2 [5 .1 ,2a] C h arm an W N , T u ck er J (1 9 7 7 ) D ep en d en ce o t acco m m o d atio n
C a y o u cttc M> R atFM ( 2 0 0 2 ) A sy m m etric segregation o f N u m b : a m ech ­ response on th e spatial freq u en cy spectru m o f t h e observed o b jc c t Vis
anism tor neural specification from D ro so p h ila to m am m als Л fat R es 1 7 1 2 9 - 3 9 [9 .6 .4 c ]
N eu ro sci 5 1 2 6 5 - 9 [6 .4 .5 b ] C h arm an W N , T u ck er J (1 9 7 8 a ) A cco m m o d a tio n as a fu n ctio n o f o b je c t
C c lc b rin i S , N ew som e W T ( 1 9 9 4 ) N euronal and psychophysical sensi­ form A m J O ptom P h y sio l O pt 5 5 8 4 - 9 2 [9 .6 .4 c ]
tiv ity to m o tio n signals in extrastriate area M S T o f the m acaque C h arm an W N , T u ck er J ( 1 9 7 8 b ) A cco m m o d atio n and co lo r / O p t S oc
m o n k e y / N c u ro sd 1 4 4 1 0 9 - 2 7 [5 .8 .4 c ] A m 6 8 4 5 9 - 7 0 ( 9 - 1.2b , 9 .6 .4 c ]
C c lc b rin i S . T h o rp e S , T r o tte r Y, Im bert M ( 1 9 9 3 ) D yn am ics o t o rie n ta ­ C h arn w o od L ( 1 9 5 1 ) T h e diagnostic and th erap eu tic use o f m on ocu lar
tio n co d in g in area V I o f th e awake p rim ate V is N eu ro sci 1 0 8 1 1 - 2 5 o cclu sio n B r it ] P h y s io l O pt 8 4 3 - 5 6 [1 0 ,2 ,3 a , 8 .3 .3 a ]
[5 .6 .2 c ] C h atficld С ( 1 9 9 7 ) I h c a n a ly sis o ft it n c scries C h ap m an an d H all, L on d on
C h a lfic M ,T u Y , Euskirchcn G , c t al. ( 1 9 9 4 ) G reen flu o rcsccn t p ro tein as [3 .5 ]
a m arker for gene expression S cien ce 2 6 3 8 0 2 - 5 [5 .4 .2 a ] C h atu rv ed i V , van G isb ergen JA M ( 1 9 9 7 ) S p ecificity o t saccadic
C h a lla co m b c Jl\ Snow D M * L ctou rn eau P C ( 1 9 9 6 ) R o le o tc y to s k c lc - ad ap tation in th ree-d im en sion al space Vis R es 37 1 3 6 7 -8 2
ton in grow th co n e m o tility and axon al elo n g atio n S a n N eu ro sci 8 [1 0 .8 .3 a )
6 7 - 8 0 [6 .4 .3 b ] C h a tu rv e d i V> van G isbergen JA M ( 1 9 9 8 ) Shared target selection tor
C haltip a L M , L ia В ( 1 9 9 1 ) ТЪ с n asotcm p oral division o f retinal gan­ C om bined version-vcrgcncc eye m ov em en ts / N eu ro p h y sio l 8 0
glion cells w ith crosscd and uncrossed p ro jectio n s in th e fetal rhesus 8 4 9 - 6 2 [1 0 .8 .1 a ]
m o n k ey / N c u ro sd 11 1 9 1 - 2 0 2 [6 .3 .4 b ] C h atu rv ed i V, van G isbergen JA M ( 1 9 9 9 ) P ertu rb ation o f co m b in ed
C h alu p a L M , W illia m s R W , H end erson Z ( 1 9 8 4 ) B in o cu lar in teractio n saccad c-v crgcncc m ovem ents by m icro -stim u latio n in m o n k ey supe­
in the fetal c a t regulates th e size o f the ganglion ccll population rio r c o llic u lu s / N eu ro p h y sio l8 1 2 2 7 9 - 9 6 [ 1 0 .1 0 .2 c ]
N eu ro sci 1 2 1 1 3 9 - 4 6 (6 .3 .3 b , 8 .2 .6 a ] C h atu rv ed i V, van G isbergen J A M ( 2 0 0 0 ) S tim u latio n in the rostral pole
C h a n J A , Balasubraraanian S , W it t R M , c t al. ( 2 0 0 9 ) P roteoglycan o t m on key su p erior co llicu lu s; cfFccts o n vergence eye m ovem ents
in tera ctio n s w ith S o n ic H ed g eh o g sp ecify m ito g c n ic responses N o r E x p B ra in R es 1 3 2 7 2 - 8 (1 0 .1 0 .2 c ]
N eu ro sci 1 2 4 0 9 - 1 7 [6 .4 .4 b ] C h au d h u ri A , M atsu bar a JA » C y n ad cr M S ( 1 9 9 5 ) N eu ro n al activ ity in
C h a n S O , G u illery R W ( 1 9 9 3 ) D ev elop m en tal ch anges produced in the prim ate visual c o rte x asscsNcd by im m u n ostain in g for th e tran scrip ­
rctin o fu g a l pathw ay o f rats an d ferrets by early m o n o cu la r en u cle­ tion factor Z if 2 9 8 Vis N c u r o s d 1 2 3 5 - 5 0 (5 .4 .3 a , 5 .7 .2 a , 6 .6 .1 c ]
a tio n s: the effects o f age and the d ifferen ce b etw een n orm al and C haw anya T , A oyagi T , N ishikaw a 1, c t al. ( 1 9 9 3 ) A m od el fo r feature
a lb in o anim als/N e u r o s c i 1 3 5 2 7 7 - 9 3 [6 .3 .4 a , 8 .2 .6 a ] lin kin g via co llcctiv c oscillation s in the prim ary visual c o rtc x B io l
C h a n S O , G u illery R W ( 1 9 9 4 ) C h an g es in fiber o rd er in the C y b er 6 8 4 8 3 - 9 0 | 4.3.4g]
o p tic nerve and tract o f rat em b ry os / C o m p N eu ro l 3 4 4 2 0 - 3 2 C h ccscm a n EW , G u yton D L ( 1 9 9 9 ) V ertical fusion al vergence: the key
[6 .3 .4 a ] to dissociated vertical d ev iatio n A rc h O p h th td 1 1 7 1 1 8 8 - 9 1 [1 0 .6 .2 ,
C h a n -P a la y V , P a la y S L , B illin g s -G a g lia rd i S M ( 1 9 7 4 ) M cv n crt cc lls in 10.7.1]
th e prim ate visual co rtex / N eu ro cy to l 3 6 3 1 - 5 8 [5 .7 .1 ] C h e n C , R cg ch r W G ( 2 0 0 0 ) D ev elop m en tal rem od elin g o f th e rc tin o -
C h a n ce F S , N elson S B , A b b o tt L F ( 1 9 9 9 ) C o m p le x cclls as co rrically g cn icu latc synapse N eu ro n 2 S 9 5 5 - 6 6 [6 .4 .4 c ]
am plified sim p le cells N m N eu ro sci 2 2 7 7 - 8 2 [5 -5 .3 ] C h e n D F , Sch n eid er G E , M a rtin o u [ C , T oncgaw a S ( 1 9 9 7 ) B cI-2 p ro ­
C h a n d n a A , P cn n cfa th cr P M , K ovacs I, N o rc ia A M ( 2 0 0 1 ) C o n to u r m o tes regen eration o f severed axons in m am m alian C N S N a tu re 3 8 5
in tegratio n d eficits in an iso m etrop ic am blv op ia In v est O p h th a l Vis 4 3 4 - 9 (6 .4 .3 c , 6 .4 .7 b ]
S ci 4 2 8 7 5 - 8 [8 .4 .3 c ] C h e n G , S im a J , Jin M ,e c al. ( 2 0 0 8 ) Scm ap h o rin -3A gu ides radial m igra­
C h a o D L , M a L , Sh cn К ( 2 0 0 9 ) T ra n sien t c e ll- c e ll in teractio n s in neural tion o f co rtic a l n eu ron s d u rin g d ev elo p m en t N a tu re N eu ro sci 11
c irc u it form atio n N a t R ev N eu ro sci 1 0 2 6 2 - 7 1 [6 .4 .3 ] 3 6 - 4 4 (6 .4 .5 a )
C h a o M V ( 1 9 9 2 ) N eu ro tro p h in reccp tors: a w indow in to n eu ron al d if­ C h e n H X . O tm a k h o v N . Strack S , c t al. ( 2 0 0 1 ) Is p ersisten t activ ity o f
feren tiatio n N eu ro n 9 5 8 3 - 9 3 [6 .4 .3 d ] calciu m / calm o d u lin -d cp en d cn t kinase required for th e m ain ten an ce
C h a o M V ( 2 0 0 3 ) N cu ro tro p h in s and th e ir recep to rs: a convergence o t L T P ? / N eu ro p h y sio l 8 5 1 3 6 8 - 7 6 [6 .5 .1 a]
p oin t for m any sign alling pathways N a t R ev N eu ro sci 4 2 9 9 - 3 0 9 C h e n L K ruger P B . 1 lo fcr { I ,c t al. ( 2 0 0 6 ) A cco m m o d atio n wirh highcr-
(6 .4 .3 d , 6 .7 .2 d j o rd er m o n o ch ro m atic ab erration s corrected w ith adaptive op tics
C h a o -y i L , C rcu tz fcld t О ( 1 9 8 ч ) The rep resen tation o f co n trast and / O p t S o c A m A 2 3 1 - 8 [9 .8 .2 c ]
o th e r stim ulus param eters by single n eu ron s in area 17 o f the cat C h e n L , A rta l P. G u tierrez D , W illia m s D R ( 2 0 0 7 ) N eural com p en sa­
P Jlu g crs A r e h g e s P h y sio l 4 0 1 3 0 4 - 14 (5 .6 .1 ] tion for che best ab erratio n co rrectio n / Vis 7 ( 1 0 ) A rticle 9 [9 .6 .5 a ]
C h ap m an B , Stry k er M P ( 1 9 9 3 ) D ev elop m en t o f orien tatio n selectivity C h e n X , H e S ( 2 0 0 4 ) L ocal facto rs d eterm in e the stabilization o f m o n ­
in ferret visual c o rtc x and effects o t deprivation / N cu ro sd 13 o cu lar am bigu ou s and b in ocu lar rivalry stim uli C u rr B io l 14
5 2 5 1 - 6 2 [8 .1 .1 c ) 1 0 1 3 - 1 7 [4 .5 .9 b ]
C h c n -H u a n g С , M c C r c a RA ( 1 9 9 8 ) V iew in g distan ce related sensory C h in o Y M , C h e n g H , S m ith E L ,c f al. ( 1 9 9 4 a ) Early d iscord an t b in o cu ­
processing in th e ascen d in g tra c t o f D eiters v cstib u lo -ocu lar reflex lar vision disrupts signal transfer in the lateral gen icu late nucleus P ro c
pathw ay J V estih R es 8 1 7 5 - 8 4 [ 1 0 .9 .2 ] N a d A c a d S ci 9 1 6 9 3 8 - 4 2 [8 .2 .2 c ]
C lu n g H , C h in o Y M , S m ith E L . c t al. ( 1 9 9 5 ) T ran sfer ch aracteristics o f C h in o Y M . S m ith E L . Yoshida K , c t al. ( 1 9 9 4 b ) B in o cu lar in teractio n s
X L G N n eu ron s in cats reared w ith early d iscord an t b in o cu lar vision in striate co rtica l neu ron s o f cats reared w ith d iscord an t visual inputs
J N eu ro p h y sio l 7 4 2 5 5 8 - 7 2 (8 .2 .2 c ) J N eu ro sci 1 4 5 0 5 0 - 6 7 [8 .2 .3 a ]
C h e n g 11 M , S in g h O S , Kw ong K K . e t al. ( 1 9 9 2 } Shape o f the m yopic eye C h in o Y M . S m ith E L , I la tta S, C h e n g I i ( 1 9 9 7 ) Postn atal d ev elo p m en t
as seen w ith h ich -reso lu tio n m ag n etic reson an ce im ai’ini’ O p tom 17s o f b in o cu la r disparity sensitivity in neu ron s o f th e prim ate visual
S c i 6 9 6 9 8 - 7 0 1 [9 .2 .1 ] co rte x / N eu ro sci 1 7 2 9 6 - 3 0 7 [6 .6 .4 a , 6 .7 .1 .8 .3 .2 )
C h e n g K . H ascgaw a T , Saleem K S , T an a k a К ( 1 9 9 7 ) C o m p a riso n o f C h in o Y M , S m ith E L , Z h a n g B , et al. ( 2 0 0 1 ) R ecovery o f b in ocu lar
neuronal selectivity for stim ulus speed length and co n trast in the pre* responses by co rtical n eu ron s after early m o n o cu lar lesions N a t
striate visual c o rtic a l area V 4 and M T o t the m acaque m onkey N eu ro sci 4 6 8 9 - 9 0 [5 .5 .6 c ]
J N eu ro p h y sio l 7 1 2 2 9 9 - 8 0 [5 .8 .3 a ] C h iu C , W elikv M ( 2 0 0 2 ) R elation sh ip o f correlated spon tan eou s activ ­
C h e n g K . W aggoner A , T an aka K , ( 2 0 0 1 ) H um an o cu lar d om inan ce ity to fu n ctio n al ocu lar d om in an ce colu m n s in th e developin g visual
colu m n s as revealed by high*field fu n ctio n a l m agn etic reson ance c o rtc x N eu ro n 3 5 1 1 2 3 - 4 |6.7.2d]
im agin g N eu ro n 3 2 3 5 9 - 7 4 [5 .4 .3 f. 5 .7 .2 a ] C h k lo v sk ii D B ( 2 0 0 0 ) B in o cu lar disparity can explain the orien tatio n o f
C h e n g L C , Pastrana E , Tavazoie M , D o ctsch 1: ( 2 0 0 9 ) m iR -1 2 4 regu­ ocu lar d om in an ce strip es in prim ate p rim ary visual area ( V I ) V is R es
lates ad ult n eu rogcn esis in the su bventricu lar zon e stem cell n ich e 4 0 1 7 6 5 - 7 3 1 5 .7.2c]
K i t N eu ro sci 1 2 3 9 9 - 4 0 8 [6 .4 .2 d ] C h o u d h u ry B P , W h itte rid g e D , W ilso n M E ( 1 9 6 5 ) Ih e fu n ctio n o f t h e
C h e n g X , B rad ley A , H o n g X .T h ib o s L N ( 2 0 0 3 ) R elation sh ip betw een callosal c o n n e ctio n s o f the visual c o r tc x J £ u a r t J E x p P h y sio ! 5 0 2 1 5 -
refractive erro r and m o n o ch ro m a tic ab erration s o f th e eye O p tom Vis 19 [5 .3 .5 ]
Av 8 0 4 3 - 9 [9 .6 .2 a ] C h o w K L ( 1 9 7 3 ) N euronal ch anges in the visual system follow in g visual
C h crn iss H ( 1 9 3 3 ) G alen and P osid oniu s’ th e o ry o f vision A m f P h ilo l deprivation In H an d b oo k o t sensory phvsiologv (cd R lu n g) Vol
5 4 1 5 4 - 6 1 [2 .1 .4 ] V I 1/3A pp 5 9 9 - 6 3 0 Springer. N ew York [8 .1 .1 a , 8 .2 .2 d ) ’
C h e ru b in d’O rlea n s P ( 1 6 7 1 ) L a d io p tiq u e o cu lairc o u la th c o riq u c la C h ristak o s C N ( 1 9 9 4 ) A nalysis o f syn ch ron y (co rre la tio n s) in neural
positive c t la m cch an iq u c de I o cu la irc d io p tiq u e c n to u tes ses cspeces p op u lation s by m eans o f u n it-to-aggregate co h eren ce co m p u tatio n s
Jo lly c t B cn a rd , Paris [ 2 . 1 1.2a] N eu ro sci 5 8 - * 3 - 5 7 [4.3.4g|
C h e ru b in d ’O rlca n s P ( 1 6 7 7 ) La vision p artaite ou Ics c o n c o u rs d c s d c u x C h risto p h erso n K S , U llian E M , e t al. ( 2 0 0 5 ) 'Ih ro m b o sp o n d in s are
axes dc la vision cn un scul p o in t d c lo b je t M u rb rc-C ra n io isv , Paris astro cy tc-sceretcd p ro tein s th a t p ro m o te C N S synaptogenesis C e ll
[2 .1 1 .2 a ] 1 2 0 4 2 1 - 3 3 16.4.4c]
C h csscld cn W ( 1 7 2 8 ) A n a cco u n t o f som e ob serv atio n s made by a young C h u b b C , Sp erling G ( 1 9 8 8 ) D rift-b alan ced random stim uli: a general
gentlem an w h o was b o rn blin d o r lost his sight so early that he had n o basis fo r studying n o n -F o u rier m o tio n p ercep tio n / O pt S oc A n t A 5
rem em bran ce o f ever having seen and w as co u ch ed betw een 13 and 1 9 8 6 - 2 0 0 7 [4 .4 .4 ]
14 years o f age P h ilo s T r R S oc 3 5 4 4 7 - 5 0 |8.1.3] C lu ib y k in A A , Atavoy D , E th crto n M R ,c t a l . ( 2 0 0 7 ) A ctiv ity -d cp cn d cn t
C h e u n g B S K , H ow ard IP ( 1 9 9 1 ) O p to k in e tic to rsio n : dynam ics and validation o f ex cita to ry versus in h ib ito ry synapses by neuroligin-1
relation to circu lar vection Vis R es 31 1 3 2 7 - 3 6 (1 0 .7 .1 ) versus n cu ro lig in -2 . N eu ro n 5 4 9 1 9 - 3 1 (6 .4 .4 b )
C h cv a lcy rc V ,C a stillo PE ( 2 0 0 4 ) E n d ocim n abin oid -m cd iatcd m ccaplas- C h u n g S T L , Li R W , L evi D M ( 2 0 0 8 ) L earn in g со id en tify n car-th rcsh -
ticity in the h ipp ocam pus N eu ro n 4 3 8 7 1 - 8 1 [6 .5 .3 ) old lu m in an ce-d efin ed and con trast-d efin ed letters in observers w ith
C h ia n g C , L itin g tu n g Y , L ee E , c t al. ( 1 9 9 6 ) C y clo p ia an d defective axial am blyopia V is R es 4 8 2 7 3 9 - 5 0 (8 .4 .6 c )
p a ttern in g in ra icc lackin g S o n ic h ed gehog gen e fu n ctio n N a tu r e 3 8 3 C h u rch land P S , Sejn ow ski T J ( 1 9 8 8 ) Perspectives on cogn itive n eu ro ­
4 0 7 - 1 3 [6 .4 .2 a ] scien ce S cien ce 2 4 2 7 4 1 - 5 [ 5 . 4 . 3 f )
C h ic h iln isk y E J, Baylor D A ( 1 9 9 9 ) R cccp tiv c-ficld m icro stru ctu re o f C ia n i L , Salin as P C ( 2 0 0 5 ) W N T s in the v ertebrate nervous system :
blue-yellow ganglion cells in prim ate retin a N a t N eu ro sci 2 8 8 9 - 9 3 from p attern in g to n eu ron al co n n ectiv ity N a t R e v N eu ro sci 6 351 - 6 2
[5 .1 .4 a ] (6 .4 .2 a )
C h ich iln isk v E J, K alm ai R S ( 2 0 0 2 ) F u nctio nal asym m etries in O N and C ic c o n c D N , Su H . H cvi S. c t al. ( 2 0 0 9 ) K D M IB is a h isto n e H 3 K 4
O F F ganglion cells o f prim ate retina / N eu ro sd 2 2 2 7 3 7 - 4 7 [5 .1 .4 a ] required to establish m aternal g en o m ic im p rin tsN a totre
C h in N B , B rein in G M ( 1 9 6 7 ) R a tio o f accom m od ativ e con v ergen ce to 4 6 1 4 1 5 - 8 [6 .6 .1 a ]
a cco m m o d a tio n A rch O p h th a l 7 7 7 5 2 - 6 [ 1 0 .4 .1 ) C.incr F.B, Sch cim an M M , S c h o n c l-K lits c h E ( 1 9 8 9 ) Stereop sis testin g
C h in o Y M ( 1 9 9 7 ) R cccp tiv c-ficld p lasticity in the adult visual co rtc x : in 1 8 - to 3 5 - m o n t h - o ld ch ild ren using operant preferential lo ok in g
d ynam ic signal rerou tin g o r exp erien ce-d ep end ent p lasticity S a n O p tom Vis S ci 6 6 7 8 2 - 7 [7 .6 .1 c ]
N e u r o sc i9 3 4 - 4 6 [5 .5 .6 c ) C in c r E B , S c h a n c l-K lits c h E , Sch cim an M M ( 1 9 9 1 ) S tereo acu ity devel­
C h in o Y M , K aplan E ( 1 9 S S ) A b n o rm al o rien ta tio n bias o f L G N n eu ­ o p m en t in young ch ild ren O p tom V is S ci 6 8 5 3 3 - 6 [7 .6 .1 c ]
ron s in strab ism ic cats In v est O p h th a l Vis S ci 2 9 6 4 4 - 8 [8 .2 .3 a ] C in c r E B , S c h a n c l-K lits c h E , H c r z b c r g C ( 1 9 9 6 ) Stereoacu ity d evelop­
C h in o Y M , S h an sky M S . 1 lam asaki D1 ( 1 9 8 0 ) D ev elop m en t o f recep ­ m en t: 6 m o n th s to 5 years A n ew to o l fo r testin g an d screen in g Opto?n
tive field properties o f retinal ganglion cells in k itten s raised with V is S ci 7 3 4 3 - 8 [7 .6 . Ic]
convergent sq u in t E x p B r a in R es 3 9 3 1 3 - 2 0 [8 .2 .1 ] C itri A , M alcn k a R C ( 2 0 0 7 ) Sy nap tic p lasticity : m ultiple form s, fu n c­
C h in o Y M , Sh ansky M S . Jan k ow sk i W L , B an ser FA ( 1 9 8 3 ) E tfects o f tio n s, and m ech an ism s N eu ro p sy ch o p h a rm a co lo g y R ev iew s. 1 - 2 4
rearing k itten s w ith con v erg en t strabism us on the d ev elo p m en t o f [6 .5 .1 a ]
receptive field properties in striate co rtex neu ron s / N eu ro p h y sio l 5 0 C iu ftrcd a K J ( 1 9 9 1 ) A cco m m o d atio n and its an om alies In V ision a n d
2 9 5 - 8 6 [ 8 .2 .3 f ] v isu a l d y sfu n ction V ol I V isu al o p tics and in stru m en tatio n (cd W N
C h in o Y M , Ridder W H .C z o r a EP ( 1 9 8 8 ) E tfects o f convergent strabis­ C h a rm a n ) pp 2 3 1 - 7 9 M a cM illa n , L o n d o n (9 .2 .3 )
m us on sp atio-tem p oral response properties o f neu ron s in c a t area 18 C iu ftrcd a K J , I lo k o d a S C ( 1 9 8 3 ) Spatial freq u en cy d ependence o f
E x p B r a in R es 7 2 2 9 4 - 7 8 18.2.3a] accom m od ativ e responses in am blyop ic eyes Vis R es 2 3 1 5 8 5 - 9 4
C h in o Y M , S m ith E L . W ada H , c t al. ( 1 9 9 1 ) D isru p tion o f binocularly 18.4.5a, 9 .6 .4 c ]
correlated signals alters the postn atal d ev elo p m en t o f spatial p ro p er­ C iu ftrcd a K J, I lo k o d a S C ( 1 9 8 5 a ) E ffect o f in stru ctio n an d h igh er level
ties in cat striate co rtic a l neu ron s J N a tr o p h y s io l 6 5 8 4 1 - 5 9 [8 .2 .3 a ] co n tro l on th e accom m od ativ e response spatial freq u en cy profile
C h in o Y M . K aas J H , S m ith E L , e t al. ( 1 9 9 2 ) Rapid reo rgan ization o f O p h th a l P h y sio ! O pt 5 2 2 1 - 3 (9 .6 .4 c )
co rtic a l m aps in ad ult cats follow in g restricted d caftcrcn tatio n in C iu ftrcd a K J , H o k o d a S C ( 1 9 8 5 b ) Su b jectiv e vergence erro r a t near
retina V is R es 3 2 7 8 9 - 9 6 [5 .5 .6 c ] d urin g active head rotation O p h th a l P h y sio l O p t 5 4 1 1 - 1 5 ( 1 0 .5 .4 a )
C r.iskc В , Craw shaw M ( 1 9 7 4 ) A daptive ch an g cs o f o p p o site sign in rhe C rist R E , Li \Xr, G ilb e rt C D ( 2 0 0 1 ) L earn in g to sec: experien ce and
o c u lo m o to r system s o f the tw o eyes Q u a r t} E x p P sy ch ol 2 9 1 0 6 - 1 3 a tte n tio n in p rim ary visual co rtex N a t N eu ro sci 4 5 1 9 - 2 5 [5 .6 .8 ]
H .5 .7 jl C ritc h lc v M ( 1 9 5 5 ) T h e parietal lobes A rn o ld , L o n d o n [4 .5 .4 a , 4 .8 .4 ,
C ra to n L G . Yonas A ( 1 9 8 8 ) Infants* sen sitiv ity to bou n d ary flow in fo r­ 5 .8 .5 b]
m ation for depth a t an edge C h ild D ev el 5 9 1 5 2 2 - 9 [7 .4 .2I>] C ro m b ic A C ( 1 9 6 1 ) R o b e r t G rosseteste C la ren d o n Press, O xfo rd
C raw ford J D . V ilis T ( 1 9 9 2 ) Sy m m etry о f o cu lo m o to r burst neuron [2-3-И
coord in ates ab ou t L is tin g s plane / N eu ro p h y sio l 6 S 4 3 2 - 4 8 C ro m b ic A C ( 1 9 6 7 } The m ech an istic hypothesis and the scientific study
[1 0 .1 0 .4 ) o f vision : so m e op tical ideas as a b ack g iou n d to the invention o f the
C raw ford |D . C a d cra W , V ilis T ( 1 9 9 1 ) G e n e ratio n o f torsion al and ver­ m icro sco p e'’ In H is to r ic a l asp ects o f m icroscop y (cd S Bradbury, G L E
tica l ey e p osition signals by th e in terstitial nucleus o f C a ja l S cien ce T u rn er) pp 3 - 1 1 3 1 letter C am b rid g e |2.2.4d]
2 5 2 1 5 5 1 - 3 ( 1 0 .1 0 .4 ) C ro m b ic A C ( 1 9 9 6 ) Scien ce, art and nature in m edieval and m odern
C raw ford M L J ( 1 9 9 8 } C o lu m n spacing in n orm al and visually deprived th o u g h t H am bled on Press, L o n d o n [2 .4 .1 ]
m o n k ey sE x p B r a in R e s 1 2 3 2 8 2 - 8 [8 .2 .3 a ] C ro n e R A ( 1 9 9 2 ) Ih e h isto ry o t stereoscopy D o c O p h th a l 8 1 1 -1 6
C raw ford M L J, H arw crth R S ( 2 0 0 4 ) O cu la r d o m in an ce colum n w idth [ 2 .1 0 .1 ,2 .1 0 .3 d ]
and c o n tra st sensitivity in m on keys reared w ith strabism us or an i­ C ro n e R A , E v crh a rd -H a lm Y ( 1 9 7 5 ) O p tica lly indu ced eye to rsio n .
so m etro p ia In v est O p h th a l V is S ci 4 5 3 0 3 6 - 4 2 [8 .2 .4 a ] 1. Fu sional cyclovergen ce G ra efes A rch k lin ex p O p h th a l 1 9 5 2 3 1 - 9
C raw ford M L J, N oord en G K von ( 1 9 7 9 ; The effects o f sh ort-term 110.7.2d , 1 0 .7 .5 a ]
exp erim en tal strabism u s on the visual system in М а ш а m u la tta C ro n e r L J, K aplan E ( 1 9 9 5 ) R eceptive fields o t P and M ganglion cells
In v es t O p h th a l V is S ci 1 8 4 9 6 - 5 0 4 [8 .2 .2 c ] across the prim ate retin a Vis R es 3 5 7 - 2 7 [5 .1 .4 c ]
C raw ford M L J , N o o rd en G K v on ( 1 9 8 0 ) O p tica lly induced c o n c o m i­ C r o n ly -D illo n J R , G laizn er В ( 1 9 7 4 ) Sp ecificity o f regenerating op tic
ta n t strabism us in m on kcv s In v est O p h th a l V is S ci 19 1 1 0 5 -9 fibres tor left and rig h t o p tic tecta in goldfish N a tu r e 2 5 1 5 0 5 - 7
[8 .2 ,5 a ] [6 .7 .3 a ]
C raw ford M L J, N oord en G К von ( 1 9 9 6 } Sh rin kage and recovery o f cells C r o n ly - D illo n J R , G re g o ry R L ( 1 9 9 1 ) T h e ev o lu tio n o f th e ey e a n d v isu a l
o f the lateral gen icu late nuclei w ith prism -rearing in m acaques B eh a i' system C R C Press, B o ca R a to n [7 .6 .4 ]
B r a in R es 7 9 2 3 3 - 8 [8 .2 .2 c ] C ro o k J M , Kisvarday Z F , Eyscl U T ( 1 9 9 6 ) G A B A -in d u ccd inactivation
C raw ford M L J , N oord en G K von , M ch a rg L S , c t al. ( 1 9 8 3 ) B in o cu lar o f fu n ctio n ally ch aracterized sites in ca t striate co rtex (area 18):
n eu ron s and b in o cu la r fu n ctio n in m onkeys and ch ild ren In v est effects o n d ire ctio n selectiv ity/ N a i r о p h y s io l 7 5 2 0 7 1 - 8 8 [5 .6 .4 c ]
O p h th a l Vis S c i 2 7 4 9 1 - 5 [8 .2 .5 a ] C ro o k J M , Kisvarday Z F , Eyscl U T ( 1 9 9 7 ) G A B A -in d u ced inactivation
C raw ford M L J, Sm ith E L , H arw crth R S , N o o rd en G K v on ( 1 9 8 4 ) o f fu n ctio n ally ch aracterized sites in c a t striate c o rtc x : cffc c ts o n o r i­
S tcrco b lin d m onkeys have few b in o cu la r n eu ron s In v es t O p h th a l Vis en tatio n tu n in g and d irectio n selectivity 4 s N eu ro sci 1 4 H I - 5 8
S ci 2 5 7 7 9 - 8 1 [8 .2 .5 a ! [5 .6 .2 b , 5 .6 .4 c ]
C raw ford M L J, D e Faber J T , H a rw crth R S , e t al. ( 1 9 8 9 ) T h e effects o t C ro o k K M , En gclm an n R , Low el S ( 2 0 0 2 ) G A B A -in a ctiv a tio n a tte n u ­
reverse m o n o cu la r d eprivation in m onkeys. 11. Elcctroph ysiological ates co llin ea r fa cilita tio n in c a t p rim ary visual co rtex E x p B ra in R es
and a n a to m ica l stu d ies E x p B r a in R es 7 4 3 3 8 - 4 7 [8 .3 .2 ] 1 4 3 2 9 5 - 3 0 2 [5 .6 .7 c ]
C raw ford M L J , H a rw crth R S , S m ith EL> N o o rd en G K von ( 1 9 9 6 a ) C row ley J C , K atz L C ( 1 9 9 9 ) D e v elo p m en t o f o cu la r d om in an ce
L oss o f stereopsis in m on keys follow in g prism atic b in o cu lar dissocia­ co lu m n s in th e ab sen ce o f retinal in p u t N a t N eu rosci 2 1 1 2 5 - 3 0 (6 .7 .1 ,
tion d urin g in fan cy B c h a v B r a in R es 7 9 2 0 7 - 1 8 [8 .2 .5 a ] 6 .7 .2 d ]
C raw ford M L J, Pcsch T W ', N o o rd en G K von (1 9 9 6 b ) E x c ita to ry neu­ C row ley J C , K atz L C ( 2 0 0 0 ) Early developm en t o f o cu lar d om inan ce
rons arc lost follow ing p rism atic b in o cu lar d issociation in in fan t colu m n s S cien ce 2 9 0 1321 - 4 (6 .4 .5 a , 6 .7 .1 ]
m onkeys B c h a v B r a in R es 7 9 2 2 7 - 3 2 [8 .2 .5 a ] C u d c ir o J , S illito A M ( 1 9 9 6 ) Sp atial frequ ency tu n in g o f o ricn ta tio n -
C rcu t/ fcld t O D ( 1 9 7 7 ) G e n e ra lity o f th e fu n ctio n a l stru ctu re o f the d isco n tin u ity -sclcctiv c co rtico fu g al feedback to th e cat lateral gcn ic-
n eocorcex N a tu ru -issen sch a fu n 6 4 5 0 7 - 1 7 [5 .5 .1 b] ulatc n u cleu s / I* h y s io l4 9 0 4 8 1 - 9 2 (5 .2 .2 b |
C rcw th cr D P , C rcw th cr S G , Pettigrew J D ( 1 9 7 8 ) A role for extraocu lar C u d c iro J , S illito A ( 2 0 0 6 ) L o o k in g b ack : c o rtico th a la m ic feedback and
afferent*' in p o s t-c r itic a l period reversal o f m o n o cu lar deprivation early visual processing T IN S 2 9 2 9 8 - 3 0 6 [5 .2 .2 a ]
/ P h y sio l 2 8 2 1 8 1 - 9 5 [8 .2 .3 c ] C u d c iro J,G o n z a le z F, Perez R , c t al. ( 1 9 8 9 ) D o cs th e pu lvin ar-LP c o m ­
C rc w th c r S G , and G rc w th c r D P ( 1 9 9 3 ) A m blyopia and suppression in plex co n trib u te со m o to r p ro gram m in g? B ra in R esea rch 4 8 4 3 6 7 - 7 0
b in o cu lar c o rtic a l n eu ro n es o f strab ism ic c a t N eu ro rep o rt 4 1 0 8 3 - 6 [5 .5 .4 b , 5 .9 .1 ]
[8 .2 .3 a , 8 .2 .3 b ] C u ijp crs R H , K appcrs A M I., K oen d erin k J J ( 2 0 0 0 ) Large system atic
C rc w th c r S G , C rc w th c r D P , Peek C K , Pettigrew J D ( 1 9 8 0 ) V isu al c o r ti­ deviations in visual parallelism P ercep tio n 2 9 1 4 6 7 - 8 2 (4 .7 .2 ]
c a l effects o f rearing cacs w ith m o n o cu lar o r b in o cu lar cyclo to rsio n C u ijp crs R H , K appcrs A M L, K oen d erin k J J ( 2 0 0 2 ; V isu al p ercep tion o f
/ N eu ro p h y sio l 4 4 9 7 - 1 1 8 (7 .5 ] co llin ca rity P ercep tP sy ch o p /jy s 6 4 3 9 2 - 4 0 4 [4 .7 .2 ]
C rcw th cr S G , G rcw ch cr D P , M itc h e ll D E ( 1 9 8 3 ) The effects o f sh o rt­ C u lh am J C , D u kelow SP * V ilis T , e t al. ( 1 9 9 9 ) R eco very o f f M R I activa­
term occlu sion therapy o n reversal o f th e an ato m ical and p hysiologi­ tio n in m o tio n area M T follow in g storage o f the m o tio n aftereffect
cal e ffe c ts o f m o n o cu la r d eprivation in chc lateral gen icu late nucleus J N eu ro p h y sio l 8 1 3 8 8 - 9 3 [ 5 .4 .3 f ]
and visual co rtex o f k itten s E x p B r a in R es 51 2 0 6 - 1 6 8 .3 .1 c ] G u m m in g B G , Judge SJ ( 1 9 8 6 ) D isp a rity -in d u ced and b lu r-in d u ce d
C rcw th cr S G , G rc w th c r D P ,C ld la n d B G ( 1 9 8 5 ) C o n v e rg en t strab ism ic con vergen ce eve m ovem ent and acco m m o d atio n in m onkcv
am bly op ia in c a ts E x p B ra in R es 6 0 1 —9 [ 8 .2 .2 c ) J N eu ro p h y sio l 5 5 8 9 6 - 9 1 4 ( 1 0 . 4 . 1 , 1 0 .4 .2 ,1 0 .5 .7 ]
C rick F ( 1 9 8 4 ) F u n ctio n o f the th alam ic reticu lar co m p lex : the search­ C u m m in g B G , P aikcr A J ( 1 9 9 9 ) B in o cu la r neu ron s in V I o f awake
light hypothesis P r o c N a t l A c a d S et 8 1 4 5 S 6 - 9 0 15.2.2b ) m on kcv s are selective tor absolu te, n o t relative, disparity J N eu rosci
C ric k F, K och С ( 1 9 9 0 ) Tow ards a n eu ro b io lo g ical th e o ry o f con scio u s­ 19 5 6 0 2 - 1 8 [ 1 0 .5 .2 ,5 .6 .7 a ]
ness S em in a rs in th e N eu roscien ces 2 2 9 3 - 7 5 [4 .3 .4 c ) C u n n in g h a m T J , Freem an JA ( 1 9 7 7 ) B ilateral ganglion cell branches
C ric k F, K o ch С ( 1 9 9 5 ) A re w e aware o f n eu ral activ ity in p rim ary visual in the n orm al rat. A d em o n stratio n w ith clectrop h v siolo gical
c o rte x N a tu re 3 7 5 1 2 1 - 3 [4 .8 .4 ] co llisio n and co b a lt tracin g m eth o d s / C o m p N e u ro l 1 7 2 1 6 5 - 7 6
C rin o P B .a n d E b c r w in c J ( 1 9 9 6 ) M o lecu la r ch aracterization o t the d en ­ 15-3.4 J
d ritic grow th c o n c : regulated M R N A tran sp ort and local p rotein C u rc io C A , A llen K A ( 1 9 9 0 ) Topography o f ganglion cclls in th e hum an
synthesis N eu ro n 1 7 1 1 7 3 - 8 7 ] 6 .4 .4 f ] retina / C o m p N e u r o l 3 0 0 5 - 2 5 [5 .1 .4 e ]
C rist R E , K apadia M K . W esth eim er G , G ilb e rt C D ( 1 9 9 7 ) Perceptual C u rc io C A , S lo an K R , K alin a R E , H en d rickso n A E ( 1 9 9 0 ) H um an
learning o f spatial lo calizatio n : sp ecificity fo r o rie n ta tio n , p o sitio n , p h o to re ce p to r top ograp h y / C o m p N e u r o l 2 9 2 4 9 7 - 5 2 3 [5 .1 .2 a ,
and co n tex t J N eu ro p h y sio l 7 8 2 8 8 9 - 9 4 [4 .9 .1 ] 7 .2 .4 ,9 .1 .5 1
C u sick C G , Scl/t/cr B , C o b M , G riggs E ( 1 9 9 5 ) C h c m o a rch itc e to n ic D an Y, A lo n so J M , U srcy W M , R eid R C ( 1 9 9 8 ) C o d in g o f visual in fo r­
and c o rtic o c o rtic a l term in a tio n s w ith in the superior tem p o ral sulcus m atio n by precisely correlaced spikes in th e lateral gen icu late nucleus
o f chc Rhesus m o n k e y / C om p N eu ro l 3 6 0 5 1 3 - 3 5 [5 .8 .3 b ] N a t N eu rosci 1 501 - 7 [4 .3 .4 b ]
C u tzu F. T s o ts o s JK ( 2 0 0 3 ; The selective tu n in g m od el o f a tte n tio n : psy­ D a n i A , H u an g B . Bergen J , cc al. ( 2 0 1 0 ) Superresolucion im aging o f
ch op h ysical evid ence for a suppressive annulu s around an attended ch em ica l synapses in the brain N eu ro n 6 S 8 4 3 - 5 6 [5 .4 .1 b ]
item Vis R es 4 3 2 0 5 - 1 9 [4 .8 .1 c ] D an iel P M , W h ittc r id g c D ( 1 9 6 1 ) T h e rep resentation o t the visual field
C y n ad er \1 ( 1 9 8 3 ) Prolong ed sensitivity со m o n o cu lar deprivation in o n the cereb ral co rtex in m on keys/ P h y sio l 1 5 9 2 0 3 - 2 1 * 5 .5 .4 c ]
dark-reared cats: e ffe c ts o f age and visual exposure D e v il B ru in R es 8 D an iels J D , N orm an J L , Pettigrew J D ( 1 9 7 7 ) B iases for o rien ted m oving
1 5 5 - 6 4 [8 .3 .1 b ] bars in lateral gen icu late nucleus o f n orm al and stripe-reared c a ts E x p
C y n ad er M , C h e rn e n k o G ( 1 9 7 6 ) A b o litio n o f d irectio n selectivity in B r a in R es 2 9 i 5 5 - 7 2 [5 .2 .2 c ]
che visual co rtex o f t h e c a t S cien ce 1 9 3 5 0 *4 -5 [6 .6 .4 b . 8 .3 .1 a ) D an iels J D , Pettigrew J D , N orm an J L ( 1 9 7 8 ) D e v elo p m en t o f single­
C y n ad er M , M itc h e ll D E ( 1 9 S 0 ) P rolonged sensitivity to m on ocu lar n eu ron responses in k itte n s lateral gen icu late nucleus/N e u r o p h y s io f
d eprivation in d ark -rea red c a ts ) N eu ro p h y sio l 4 3 1 0 2 9 - 4 0 18,3.1a] 41 1 3 7 3 - 9 3 [ 6 3 .5 c ]
C y n ad er M . B erm an N , H ein A ( 1 9 7 6 ) R ecovery o f fu n ctio n in ca t visual D an iels N T , H ow ard IP. A lliso n R S ( 2 0 0 8 ) G a in o f cy clo v crg cn cc as a
co rccx follow in g prolonged d eprivation E x p B ra in R es 2 5 1 3 9 - 5 6 fu n ctio n o f stim ulus lo catio n V is S ei S o e A h tsn a ets p. 171 [1 0 .7 .5 a ]
[8.1.1c] D an n em iller J L , Frccdland R L ( 1 9 9 3 } M o tio ii'b a sed d etectio n by
C y n ad er M . T im n e y B N , M itch e ll D E ( 1 9 8 0 ) Period o t su scep tibility o f 14-w eek-old in fa n ts Vis R es 3 3 6 5 7 - 6 4 [7 .2 .3 b ]
k itten visual c o rtc x to the effect o t m o n o cu lar deprivation extends D an tzk cr J L , C allaw ay E M ( 1 9 9 8 ) T h e d ev elo p m en t o t lo cal, laycr-spe-
b ey on d 6 m o n th s o f age B r a in R es 191 5 4 5 - 5 0 [8 .3 .1 a ] cific visual co rtical axo n s in the absence o f extrin sic influences and
C y n ad er M , L c p o rc F, G u illem o t J P { 1 9 8 1 } In tcr-h cm isp h cric co m p e ti­ in trin sic activ ity /N e u r o s c i 18 4 1 4 5 —5 4 [6 .4 .5 b , 6 .4 .6 a ]
tio n d urin g postn atal d evelopm en t N a tu r e 2 9 0 1 * 9 - 4 0 [8 .2 .3 b ] D an ziger К ( 1 9 7 9 ) T h e p ositiv ist rep ud iation o t Wundt////*/ B e h a v S c i
C y n ad er M , G ard n er J C , M ustari M { 1 9 8 4 } E ffccts o f n co n atally induced 15 2 0 5 - 3 0 [2 .7 .2 ]
strabism u s on b in o cu lar responses in c a t area 18 E x p B r a in R es 5 3 D arcv К I, Staras K , C o llin so n L M , G o d a Y ( 2 0 0 6 ) C o n stitu tiv e sharing
3 8 4 - 9 9 [8 .2 .3 a ] o f recyclin g synaptic vcsiclcs betw een presynaptic b o u to n s N a t
C z c p ita 1), D aw N W ( 1 9 9 6 } The c o n trib u tio n o f N M D A recep to rs to N eu ro sci 9 3 1 5 - 2 1 [5 .5 .2 b )
the visual response in an im als th a t have been partially m on ocu larly D a ria n -S m ith C , G ilb e rt C D ( 1 9 9 4 ) A xon al sp rou tin g accom pan ies
deprived B r a in R es 7 2 8 7 - 1 2 [8 .2 .7 c ] fu n ctio n al reo rgan ization in adult cat striate c o rtc x N a tu r e 3 6 8
C z c p ita D , Reid S N M , D aw N W ( 1 9 9 4 ) E ffect o f longer periods o l dark 7 3 7 - 4 0 [5 .5 .6 c ]
rearin g o n N M D A rcccpcors in cac visual c o rtc x / N eu ro p h y sio l 7 2 D arian -Sm ich C , G ilb e rt C D ( 1 9 9 5 ) T o p o g rap h ic reorgan ization in the
1 2 2 0 - 6 [6 .7 .2 a , 8 .1 .1 c , 8 .2 .7 c ] co rte x o f the ad ult c a t and m on key is co rtica lly m e d ia te d / N eu rosci
D ’A zzo IJ, H ou p is C H ( 1 9 9 5 ) L in ear co n tro l system analysis and design 15 1 6 3 1 - 4 7 15.5.6c]
co n v en tio n al and m od ern M cG ra w -H ill, N ew York [3 .3 ] D arrah W C ( 1 9 6 4 ) S tereo views A h istory o f stereographs in A m erica
da V in c i L ( 1 4 5 2 ) 7 r a tta to d e lla p ittu r a (Translated a s A tr e a tis e o n p a in t ­ and th eir co lle ctio n T im e s an d N ew s P u b lish in g C o , G e tty sb u rg PA
in g by A .P. M c M a h o n P rin cccon U n iv ersity Press, P rin ceto n , New [2 .1 1 .3 ]
Jersey, 1 9 5 6 [2 .1 0 .3 a ] D as A , G ilb e rt C D ( 1 9 9 5 a } Lon g-ran ge h o rizo n tal c o n n e ctio n s and
D a ccy D M , L ee B B , Stafford D K , c t al. ( 1 9 9 6 ) H o rizo n tal cclls o f ih c th e ir ro le in c o rtic a l reorgan ization revealed by o p tica l record in g o f
prim ate retin a: co n e sp ecificity w ith ou t sp ectral o p p o n cn cy S cien ce cat prim ary visual co rte x N a tu r e 3 7 5 7 8 0 - 4 [5 .5 .6 a , 5 .5 .6 c]
271 6 5 6 - 1 7 ( 5 .1 - 3 ,5 .1.4c) D as A , G ilb e rt C D (1 9 9 5 b ) R cccp tiv c field expan sion in adult visual
D ah lh au s M , H e r m a n s JM , Van W o crd cn L H ,c t al. ( 2 0 0 8 } N o t c h l sig­ c o rtc x is linked to dynam ic changes in strength o f c o rtic a l co n n e c­
n alin g in pyram idal neu ron s regu lates synapcic co n n e ctiv ity and tio n s/ N eu ro p h y sio l7 4 7 7 9 - 9 2 [5 .5 .6 c , 5 .5 .4 d , 5 .7 ,2 c ]
cx p cricn cc-d cp cn d cn t m o d ificatio n s o f acu ity in th e visual co rtex D as A , G ilb e rt C D ( 1 9 9 7 ) D isto rtio n s o f visuotopie m ap m atch o rien ta ­
/ N eu ro ici 2 8 1 0 7 9 4 - 8 0 2 | 6 .4 .4 f ] tio n singularities in p rim ary visual c o rtc x N a tu r e 3 8 7 5 9 4 -8
D ailcv M E ( 1 9 6 4 ) D y n a m ic o p tica l im agin g o f n eu ron al stru ctu re and [5.5.4d|
physiology In B ra in M a p p in g (cd A W T o g a, J C M azzio tta) pp 2 9 - 4 6 D as A , G ilb e rt C D ( 1 9 9 9 ) T op ograp h y o f co n tex tu al m o d u latio n s m ed i­
A cad em ic Press, N ew York [5 .4 .2 a ] ated by sh ort-ran ge in teractio n s in prim ary visual co rte x N a tu re 3 9 9
D ale A l ( 1 9 8 2 ) Bayes o r Laplace? A n exam in atio n o f t h e o rig in and early 6 5 5 - 6 1 [5 .5 .6 b ]
ap p lication s o f B a y es th e o rem A rch H is t E x a c t S ci 2 7 2 3 - 4 7 [3-6] D as ! f Sp arrow J R . L in M I, ct al. ( 2 0 0 0 ) T rk С signaling is required
D ale R T ( 1 9 8 2 ) Fundam entals o f o cu la r m o tility and strabism us G ru n e fo r retinal p ro g en ito r ccll p ro liferation / N eu ro sci 2 0 2 8 8 7 - 9 5
and S tra tto n , New York [8 .5 .2 ] [6 .4 .7 b ]
D alva M B . Kacz L C ( 1 9 9 4 ) R earrang em en ts o f synaptic co rcicai c o n n e c­ D augm an J G ( 1 9 8 4 ) Spatial visual ch ann els in chc Fourier plane Vis Res
tio n s in visual c o r tc x revealed bv laser p h o to stim u latio n S cien ce 2 9 5 2 7 8 9 1 - 1 0 ( 4 .4 .2 ]
2 5 5 - 8 [6 .4 .6 b ] D au gm an J G ( 1 9 8 5 ) U n certa in ty relation fo r resolu tion in space spatial
D alva M B , G h o sh A , Sh atz C J ( 1 9 9 4 ) In d ep en d en t c o n tro l o f d en d ritic freq u en cy and o rien ta tio n op tim ized by tw o-d im en sion al visual
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D alva M B , Такам» М Л , M Z , c t al. ( 2 0 0 0 ) E p h B recep tors inccracc ta tio n in striate c o rte x In C o m p u ta tio n a l n eu roscien ce (cd E L
w ith N M D A recepcors and regu late ex citato rv synapse form ation S ch w artz) pp 4 0 1 - 2 3 M I T Press, C am b rid g e M A [3 .2 .6 a , 4 .4 .2 ]
C e ll 1 0 3 9 4 5 - 5 6 [6 .5 .3 ] D augm an J G ( 1 9 9 1 ) S e lf-s im ila r o rien ted wavelet pyram ids: c o n jc c-
D am asio A R , T ra n el D . D am asio H ( 1 9 9 0 ) Face agn osia an d the neural cures abouc n eu ral n o n -o rc h o g o n a lity In R ep resen ta tio n s o f v ision
substrates o f m em ory A n n R ev N eu rosci 1 3 8 9 - 1 0 9 [5 .8 .3 c ] (cd A G o rc a ) pp 2 7 - 4 6 C am brid ge U n iv ersity Press, N ew York
D am isch H ( 1 9 9 4 ) I h c o rig in o f p ersp ectiv e (E n glish tran s bv J G o o d m an ) [4 .4 .2 ]
M I T Press, C am b rid g e, M A [2 .9 .3 ] D au m K M ( 1 9 S 2 ) The course and effect o t visual tra in in g on chc ver­
D an Y, P oo M { 1 9 9 2 } H eb bian depression o t isolated n eu rom uscular gen ce system A m ) O p tom P h y sio l O pt 5 9 2 2 3 - 7 [ 10.5.3]
synapses in vitro S cien ce 2 5 6 1 5 7 0 - 3 | 4.3.4t ] D au m K M ( 1 9 8 3 ) The s t a b ilitv o f chc fixacion disparity curve O p h th a l
D an Y, P oo M M ( 2 0 0 6 ) Spike tim in g -d ep en d en t p lasticity : from syn­ P h y sio l O p t 3 1 3 - 1 9 [1 0 .2 .5 a ]
apse to p ercep tion P h y sio l R ev 8 6 1 0 ^ 3 - 4 8 ’6 .5 .2 ] D au m K M ( 1 9 8 8 ) C h a ra cteristics o t con vergen ce in su fficien cy A m J
D a n Y A tick J J , Reid R C ( 1 9 9 6 ) E fficien t co d in g o f neural scenes in the O p tom P h y sio l O pt 6 5 4 2 9 - 3 8 110.5-3]
lateral gen icu late nucleus: exp erim en tal test o f a com p u tation al D au m K M ( 1 9 8 9 ) Evaluation o t a new criterio n o f b in o cu laritv O ptom
th e o ry J N eu roses 1 6 3 3 5 1 - 6 2 [ 4 .3 .4 f ] V is S ci 6 6 2 1 8 - 2 8 (1 0 .4 .1 )
Fourcadc F ( 1 9 6 2 ) L a p e in t u r e m o r a le d e T ou m H o u a tjg E d itio n s C ercle Freem an R D , Oh/.awa I ( 1 9 8 8 ) M o n o cu larly deprived cats: b in o cu lar
d*Art, Paris (2 .9 .2 ] tests o f co rtica l cells reveal fu n ctio n al c o n n e ctio n s from rhe deprived
Fox K , D aw N W ( 1 9 9 3 ) D o N M D A rcccp to rs have a c ritical fu n ctio n in eye J N eu ro sd 8 2 7 9 1 - 5 0 6 [8 .2 .3 c ]
visual corcical p lasticity ? T IN S 1 6 1 1 6 - 2 2 [6 .6 .3 ] Freem an R D . O h zaw a I ( 1 9 9 2 ) D ev elop m en t o f b in o cu lar vision in the
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recep tors in cat and k itten visual c o rte x J N eu rosci 9 2 7 4 3 - 5 4 Freem an R D , T su m o to T ( 1 9 8 3 ) A n eleccroph ysiological com p arison o f
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Fox K , D aw N . S a to \ I, C z cp ita D ( 1 9 9 2 ) T h e etfecc o f visual experience activ ation o f single co rtica l cells / N cu ro p h y sio l 4 9 2 3 8 - 5 3 [8 .2 .3 a ,
on d evelopm en t o f N M D A recep to r synaptic transm ission in kitten 8 .2 .3 b ]
visual c o r t c x J N eu ro sci 1 2 2 9 7 2 - 8 4 [8 .2 .7 c ] Freem an W ( 1 9 7 5 ) M a ss a c tio n in th e n erv o u s system A cad em ic Press,
Fox R , A slin R N , S h ea S L , D u m ais S T ( 1 9 8 0 ) Stereopsis in human N ew York [4 .3 .4 a )
in fa n ts S c ia r c e 2 0 7 3 2 3 - 4 ( 7 .6 .Id ] Freem an, W T ( 1 9 9 4 ) T h e gen eric v iew p oin t assum ption in a fram ew ork
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York [4 .2 ] selectivity and ocu lar d om in an ce / P h y sio l 2 7 8 2 7 - 4 4 [6 .6 .4 a .
Fran ccsch ctti A T , B u rian H M ( 1 9 7 1 ) V isually evoked responses in alter* 8 .1 .1 c ]
n a tin g strabism us A m J O p h th a l 7 1 1 2 9 2 - 7 18.4.6a] Fregnac Y. Sh u lz D ,T h o r p e S , B icn cn sto ck E ( 1 9 8 8 ) A cellu lar analogue
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periph eral stim u li Vis R es 2 3 1 3 - 1 9 [10.2w4g, 1 0 .5 .6 ] Fregnac Y, Burke JP , S m ith D . Friedland cr M J ( 1 9 9 4 ) T em p oral
Fran g cn berg T ( 1 9 8 6 ) T h e im age and the m oving eye. Jean Pclcrin covarian ce o t pre- and postsynaptic activ ity regulates fu n ctio n a l c o n ­
(V ia to r ) to G u id o b o ld o del M o n te J W arbu rg a n d C o u rt L in d n ectiv ity in the visual co rte x /N c u r o p h y s io l 71 14 0 3 - 2 1 [6.5.1 a]
In stitu tes 4 9 1 5 0 - 7 1 [2 .9 .3 ] Freicr B E , P ickw cll L D ( 1 9 8 3 ) Physiological exop h o ria O p h th a l P h y sio l
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o fc in q u c c c n to visual th e o ry / IV arb C o u rt In st 5 4 1 3 7 - 5 8 [2 .1 .4 ] Freiwald W A , К re ite r A K , Sin ger W ( 1 9 9 5 ) Stim u lu s depend ent inter-
Frank H ( 1 9 2 3 ) U b c r die B eeinflussung von N ach b ild crn d u rch die colu m n ar syn ch ron ization o f single u n it responses in cat area 17
G c tta lt-cig cn sch a ftcn d cr P o jck tio n sflach c P sy ch ol F o rseb 3 3 - 3 7 N eu ro rep o rt 6 2 3 4 8 - 5 2 (4 .3 .4 c ]
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Press, Berkeley [2 .6 .2 ) [8 .2 .7 b ]
Fraser I ( 1 9 0 8 ) A new visual illusion o t d ire ctio n B r / P sy ch ol 2 3 0 7 - 2 0 Freund T F , M a rtin К А C , Soltesz I, c t al. ( 1 9 8 9 ) A rb o rizatio n pattern
[4 .5 .2 b ] and postsynaptic targets o t physiologically identified th alam o co rtical
Fraser P ( 1 9 7 2 ) P to le m a ic E f j p t O x fo rd U n iv ersity Press, O x fo rd afferents in striate co rtex o f the m acaque m on key / C o m p N e u r o l 2 8 9
[2 .1 .3 a ] 3 1 5 - 3 6 [5.5.1 d]
Fraser S E ( 1 9 9 1 ) R elative roles o f p osition al cucv and a ctiv ity -b a se d cues Freund T F , K a to n a I, P io m clli D ( 2 0 0 3 ) R ole o f en d ogen o u s eannabi-
in th e p a ttern in g o f the rctin o tc c ta l p ro jectio n In D ev elo p m en t o f th e n oid s in syn ap tic signalling P h y sio l R ev 8 3 1 0 1 7 - 6 6 [5 .5 .2 f ]
v is u a l system (ed D M К L am , C J S h atz) pp 1 2 3 - 3 2 M I T Press, F ria u f E , Sh atz C J ( 1 9 9 1 ) C h a n g in g p attern s o f synaptic in p u t to
C am b rid g e M A [6 .3 .3 b ] su bp late and co rtica l plate d u rin g developm en t o f visual c o rtcx
Frcd cn lu irg P, H arw crth R S ( 2 0 0 1 ) T h e relative sensitivities o f sensory J N cu ro p h y sio l 6 6 2 0 5 9 - 7 1 (6 .4 .5 c ]
and m o to r fu sion to sm all b in o cu la r d isparities Vis R es 41 1 9 6 9 - 7 9 Frick A , M agee J , Jo h n sto n D ( 2 0 0 4 ) L T P is accom pan ied by an
[1 0 .5 .3 ] en h an ced local excitab ility o f pyram idal n eu ron d en d rites N a t
Fredj N B , B u rron c J ( 2 0 0 9 ) A resting p ool o f vcvielcs is responsible for N eu ro sci 7 1 2 6 - 3 5 [ 6 .4 .4 f ]
sp o n tan eou s vesicle fu sion a t the synapse N a t N eu ro sci 1 2 7 5 1 - 8 Frickc C . Lee J S , G cig cr-R u d o lp h S , e t al. ( 2 0 0 1 ) A stray, a zebrafish
[5 .5 .2 b ] r o u n d a b o u t h o m o lo g required for retinal ax o n gu id an ce S cien ce
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activ ity-d ep en d en t C o m p e titio n regulates arb o r m atu ratio n , grow th, Friedcnw ald J S ( 1 9 3 6 ) D iagn osis an d treatm en t o f an isop h oria
and territo ry in chc rc tin o te c ta ! p ro jectio n J N eu ro sci 3 0 1 0 9 3 9 - 5 1 A rch O p h th a l 15 2 8 3 - 3 0 7 1 1 0.2.3a]
[6 .4 .4 a ] Fried lan d cr M J, S tan fo rd I.R ( 1 9 8 4 ) E tfects o f m o n o cu lar deprivation
Freed M A ( 2 0 0 5 ) Q u a n ta l c n c o d in g o f in fo rm atio n in a retinal ganglion on the d istrib u tion o f cell types in the L G N : a sam pling study w ith
ce ll / N eu ro p h y sio l9 4 1 0 4 8 - 5 6 [4 .3 .2 ] fine-tip ped m icro p ip e ttcs T x p B ra in R es 5 3 4 5 1- 6 1 [8 .2 .2 b ]
Freedm an D J, R icscn h u b cr M , P o g g io T , M iller F.K ( 2 0 0 2 ) V isual ca te­ Friedlandcr M J, S tan fo rd I .R , Sh erm an SM ( 1 9 8 2 ) E ffects o f m o n o cu lar
g orization and che p rim ate p refron tal c o rte x : neu roph ysiology and deprivation on che stru ccu re-fu n ctio n relation sh ip o t individual n eu ­
behavior / N cu ro p h y sio l 8 8 9 2 9 - 4 1 [ 4 . 6 .2 ,5 .8 .4 f ] ron s in the c a ts lateral g cn icu latc nucleus / N eu rosci 2 3 2 1 - 3 0
Freedm an D J , R icscn h u b cr M . P o g g io T , M ille r E K ( 2 0 0 3 ) A C om p arison [8 .2 .2 b ]
o f prim ate p refro n ta l and in ferio r tem p oral co rtices d urin g visual Friedlandcr M J, M artin К A C , W asscn hove- M cC a rth y D ( 1 9 9 1 ) E tfects
categ orization / N eu ro sd 2 3 5 2 3 5 - 4 6 1 5 .8 .3 b , 5 - 8 .4 f] o f m o n o cu la r visual deprivation on g en icu lo co rtica l in n erv ation o f
Freedm an D J, R icscn h u b cr M , P oggio T , M ille r E K ( 2 0 0 6 ) Experience- area 18 in c a t J N eu ro sd 11 3 2 9 8 - 8 8 [8 .2 .7 g ]
d ep en d en t sh arpening o f visual shape selectivity in in ferio r tem poral Friedm an Z N eum an n E, H vam s S W , P clcg В ( 1 9 8 0 ) O p h th a lm ic
c o rte x C c r c b C o r te x 1 6 1 6 3 1 - 4 4 [5 .8 .3 b ] screen in g o f 3 8 ,0 0 0 ch ild ren age 1 to 21/ 2 years in child welfare
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circad ian behavior by n o n -ro d , n o n *co n c. o cu lar p h o to recep to rs F ricd m a n 'H ill S R . R o b ertso n L C . Trcism an A ( 1 9 9 5 ) Parietal co n trib u ­
S cicn cc 2 8 4 5 0 2 - 4 [ 5 .1 .4 g , 5 .3 .1 ) tio n s to visual feature b in d in g : evidence from a p atien t wich bilateral
Freem an AW', N guyen V A , Jo lly N ( 1 9 9 6 ) C o m p o n e n ts o l visual acuity lesions S cien ce 2 9 9 8 5 3 - 5 [4 .5 .4 a ]
loss in strabism ics V is R es 3 6 7 6 5 - 7 4 [8 .4 .2 a ] Fries P. R eynolds J H , R o ric A E , D esim o n e R ( 2 0 0 1 ) M o d u latio n o f
Freem an M , G u rd o n J B ( 2 0 0 2 ) R eg u latory principles o t developm ental o scillato ry neuronal sy n ch ro n izatio n by selective visual a tte n tio n
signaling.*///;/ R ev C e ll D ev B io l 1 8 5 1 5 - 3 9 (6 .4 .1 ] S cien ce 2 9 1 1 5 6 0 - 6 3 [ 4 .3 .4 c ]
Freem an R D , B rad ley A ( 1 9 8 0 ) M o n o cu larly deprived hum ans: n ondc- Fricscn C K . M o o re C , K in g sto n c A ( 2 0 0 5 ) D o cs gaze d irectio n really
prived eye has supernorm al vern ier a cu ity / N cu ro p h y sio l 4 3 1 6 4 5 - 5 3 trigger a reflexive shift o f spatial a tte n tio n ? B r a in C o g n it 5 7 6 6 - 9
1 8 .2 .3 П ' [4 .8 .1 a ]
th a t develops w ith ou t retinal afferen ts D e v d B ra in R es 2 0 2 2 1 - 3 G w iazda J , T h o rn F, B au er J , H eld R ( 1 9 9 3 ) M yo p ic ch ild re n show insuf­
[6 .3 .5 a ] ficien t accom m od ativ e response to blur I m e s t O phth<rf Vis S et 3 4
G u illcry R W . M ason C A , Tavlor J S H ( 1 9 9 5 ) D evelop m en tal d ctcrm i- 6 9 0 - 4 |9.6.2a)
n an ts ac the m am m alian opcic chiasm / N eu ro sci 1 5 4 7 2 7 - 3 7 G w iazda J . B au er J . T h o rn Г, H eld R ( 1 9 9 7 ) D e v c lo p m e n to fsp a c o n ­
[6 .3 .4 b ] trast sensitivity from in fan cy to ad u lth o o d : psychophvsicaI data
G u illcry R W , F e ig S L , L o z s& it D A ( 1 9 9 8 ) Paying a tte n tio n t<» th e thal­ O p tom Vis S ci 7 4 7 8 5 - 9 [7 .2 .1 a ]
am ic reticu lar nucleus T IN S 21 2 8 - 3 2 (5 -9 .1 ] G w iazda J , G rice K . T h orn F ( 1 9 9 9 ) R esponse A C / A ra tio s arc elevated
G u illin O , D iaz J , C arro ll P. c t al. ( 2 0 0 1) B D N F co n tro ls d op am ine D 3 in m yopic ch ild ren O p b t h il P h y sio l O p t 19 1 7 3 - 9 ( 1 0 .4 .1 ,6 .3 .1 c ]
reccp to r expression an d triggers behavioural sen sitization N a tu re Haase H J ( 1 9 8 0 ) B in o cu larc K o rrck tio n D ie M eth o d eik und T h co ric
4 1 1 8 6 - 9 [6 .4 .6 b ] v on 1 1J I laas W illy Sch rin k cl, D iisscld o rf ( 1 0 .2 .5 a )
G u irao A . G o n z a lez C . R ed o n d o M ,c t al. ( 1 9 9 9 ) Average op tical pcrtor- H ack 1. B an cila M , L o u licr K , c t al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) R c c lin is a d etach m en t signal
m an cc o f th e hum an eye as a fu n ctio n o f age in a norm al pop ulation in tan g en tial ch ain -m ig ratio n d urin g postnatal ncurogenesis N a t
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G u irc E S , L ick cy M E . G o rd o n В ( 1 9 9 9 ) C r itic a l period fo r the m o n o cu ­ H ad jikh an i N , Liu K . D ale A M .e t al. ( 1 9 9 8 ) R ctin o to p v and co lo r sen­
lar d eprivation effect in rats: assessm ent w ith sw eep visually evoked sitivity in hum an visual c o rtic a l area V 8 N a t N eu ro sci 1 2 3 - 4 1
p o te n tia ls / N eu ro p h y sio l8 1 1 2 1 - 8 ( 8 .3 .la ] [5 .8 .3 a ]
G u itto n D ( 1 9 9 1 ) C o n tro l o f saccad ic eye m ovem ents by the superior H aenny P E . S ch ille r P H ( 1 9 8 8 ) State depend ent activ ity in m onkey
collicu lu s and basal ganglia In V ision a n d v isu a l d y sfu n ction visual co rtex . I. Single ccll activ ity in V I and V 4 on visual ta s k s £ v y
V ol 8 (cd RHS C a rp en ter) pp 2 4 4 - 2 7 6 CRC Press, B o sto n B r a in R es 6 9 2 2 5 - 4 4 ] 5 .6 .8 ]
15.3 .1 ] H agcm ans K H . W ild t G J von der ( 1 9 7 9 ) T h e influ en ce o f stim ulus
G u itto n D ( 1 9 9 9 ) G aze shifts in th ree-d im en sion al space: a closer w idth on th e c o n tra st sensitivity fu n ctio n in am blvopia In v est
look at the superior co llicu lu s J C om p N eu ro l 4 1 3 7 7 -8 2 O p h th a l 18 8 4 2 - 7 [8 .4 .2 a ]
110 . 10.2c) H aggard P. H u tch in so n K , S te in J ( 1 9 9 5 ) P attern s o f coord in ated m ulti­
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m issio n d eficits in m ice w ith targeted d isru p tion o f the gap ju n ctio n H ah m D E ( 1 9 7 8 ) Early H ellen istic th eories o f vision and the perception
g cn cco n n cx in 36/ A 'V / # m r/ 2I 6 0 3 6 - 4 4 [5 .1 .3 ] o f co lo r In S tu d ies in p n c c p tio n (cd P K M ach am cr, R G T u rn b u ll)
G u lic k W L , Law son R B ( 1 9 7 6 ) H u m a n stereop sis O x fo rd U niversity pp 6 1 - 8 5 O h io S ta te U n iv ersity Press, C o lu m b u s O h io [2 .1 .3 c ,
P r e s s N ew York 11 .3 .2 .1 0 .5 ] 2 .1 .4 ]
G u n d erson V M , Y onas A . Sargent P L , c t al. ( 1 9 9 3 ) In fa n t m acaque H a h m J O , Lan gd on R B , Su r M ( 1 9 9 1 ) D isru p tion o f rctin o g cn icu latc
m onkeys respond to p icto rial depth P sy ch o l S ci 4 9 3 - 8 [7 .4 . Ic ] afferen t segregation by an tag on ists to N M D A reccp to rs N a tu r e 3 5 1
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m icro R N A s p red o m in an tly act to decrease target m R N A levels H ah m J O , C ra m e r K S ,S u r M ( 1 9 9 9 ) P attern fo rm atio n by retin al afler-
N a tu r e 4 6 6 8 3 5 - 4 1 [6 .4 .2 b ] cn ts in the ferret lateral gen icu late nucleus: d ev elo p m en tal regulation
G u p ta A , T o led о - R od rigucz M , S ilb c rb c rg G , M a r krai n H ( 2 0 0 4 ) and the role o f N -m eth y l-D -asp artatc rc c c p to x s j C o m p N eu ro l 411
ln tc rn c u ro n h etero g en eity in n eo co rtex In E x c ita to r y -in h ib ito ry 3 2 7 - 4 5 [6 .4 .4 c ]
b a la n c e : syn apses, circu its. sy stn n s (E d T K H cn sch , M Fagiolini) H aig N D ( 1 9 9 3 ) W h y is th e retina cap ab le o f resolving finer d etail than
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d u rin g th e first year o f life Vis R es 3 4 2 3 8 7 - 4 0 2 [7 .2 .3 b ) n an ce colum n d ev elo p m en t by co m p e titio n for tro p h ic facto r P ro c
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the in tertid al snail L ito r'm a h r o r a t a j C o m p P h y sio l 1 5 2 4 3 5 - 4 5 ways and im pulse accivity/ N eu ro sci 4 1 1 5 3 - 6 2 [ 6 .4 .^d]
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H am m on d P, F oth crg ill L K ( 1 9 9 1 ) In tero cu lar com p arison o f length H a r tig JK , H u erta M F , H a sh ik a w a T , L icsh o u t D P ( 1 9 9 1 ) P ro jectio n o f
sum m ation and e n d -in h ib itio n in striate co rtic a l n eu ron es o f the the m am m alian superior co llicu lu s u pon th e lateral gcnieulate
an aesthetized cat h o t P h y sio l Soc 4*i6 2 3 2 P [5 .7 .2 b ] nucleus: org an ization o f tc cto g cn icu ia tc pathways in nin eteen
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and d irectio n selectivity o f com p lex neurons in ca t striate co rtex H artlin e H K ( 1 9 3 8 ) The response o t single o p tic nerve fibres o f th e ver­
J N eu ro p h y sio l 7 5 1 1 6 3 - 7 6 1 5 .7 .2 c] teb rate eve to illu m in atio n o f th e retina A m J P h y sio l 121 4 0 0 - 1 5
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th e p roliferation and d ifferen tiation o f n co c o rtic a l p ro g en ito r H artm an n E E , B an k s M S ( 1 9 9 2 ) Tem p oral co n trast sensitivity in hum an
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[6 .4 .5 b ] H artm an n E U , Su cco p A , Buck S L .c t al. ( 1 9 9 3 ) Q u a n tifica tio n o f m o n ­
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d le Ь и ш л in th e n eon atal rat visual co rtex / N eu ro sci 2 6 6 7 2 8 - 3 6 H art veil F., R am berg S I, H cggchm d P ( 1 9 9 3 ) Brain stem m o d u latio n o f
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en v iro n m en t o n the d evelopm ent o f b in o cu lar recep tive fields o f cells H aru ta M , H ara Y ( 2 0 0 7 ) E x p ericn cc-d riven ax o n retractio n w ith ou t
in cat visual c o r te x / P h y sio l 3 2 9 7 5 - 9 2 [7 .5 ] b in o cu lar im b alan ce in developin g visual c o rtc x С ю г B io l 1 7 3 7 - 4 2
H anover J L , H u an g Z J , Toncgavva S , Stryk er M P ( 1 9 9 9 ) Brain-dcrivcd [8.2.7c1
n eu ro tro p h ic faccor oveiexprcssion induces p reco ciou s c ritic a l period H arvey A R ( 1 9 8 0 ) A physiological analysis o f su b co rtical and co m m is­
in m ouse visual c o rte x /N e u r o s c i 19 R C 4 0 | 8 .2.7f] sural p ro jectio n s o f areas 17 and 18 o f th e cat / P h y sio l 3 0 2 5 0 7 - 3 4
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cp h rin -A s show s a graded, co n cen tra tio n -d ep en d en t tran sitio n trom H arvey C D , Sv ob od a К ( 2 0 0 7 ) L ocally d yn am ic synaptic learn in g rules
g row th p ro m o tio n со in h ib icion N a tr o n 4 2 7 1 7 - 3 0 [6 .4 .3 c ] in pyram idal n eu ron d en d rites N a tu r e 4 5 0 1 1 9 5 - 2 0 0 [6 .5 .5 ]
I la o 1 1. R ivkccs SA ( 1 9 9 9 ) T h e b iolog ical c lo ck o f very prem ature pri­ I larv cy L O ( 1 9 7 8 ) Sin gle rep resen tation o f th e visual m id lin c in hum ans
m ate in fan ts is responsive Co light P ro c N a t l A c a d S ci 9 6 2 - 4 2 6 -9 N eu ro p sy ch o lo g ia 1 6 6 0 1 - 1 0 [5 -3 .5 )
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vergence on the m o to r and sensory co m p o n e n ts o f vertical fusion experien ce in m onkeys: spatial m o d u latio n sensitivity Vis R es 2 3
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kin etics and prevalence o f kiss-and-run and reuse a t h ipp ocam pal the effect o f ab norm al early visual experien ce in m onkeys: tem p oral
synapses stu died w ith novel q u en ch in g m eth od s N eu ro n 4 9 2 4 3 - 5 6 m o d u latio n sensitivity Vis R es 2 3 1 5 1 1 - 1 7 [8 .4 ,4 b ]
[5 .5 .2 b ] H arw erth R S , S m ith E L , O ku n d ayc O J ( 1 9 8 3 c ) O b liq u e effects vertical
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tica l in h ib icion in che adulc visual co rtex p ro m o tes o cu lar d om inan ce 5 0 [8 .4 .2 b ]
p lasticity/N e u r o s c i 3 0 3 6 1 - 7 1 [8 .2 .7 d ] H arw erth R S , S m ith E L , C raw ford M L J. N o o rd en G K von ( 1 9 8 4 )
H arker G S ( 1 9 6 0 ) T w o stereoscopic m easures o t cy clo ro ta tio n o f the E ffects o t en u cleation o t the n on d cp riv cd eye on stim ulus depriva­
eyes A m J O p tom A rch A m A c a d O p tom 3 7 4 6 1 - 7 3 [ 10.7.2a] tio n am blyopia in m onkeys In v es t O p h th a l V is S ci 2 5 1 0 - 2 5 [8 .3 .2 ]
H arw crth R S , S m ith E L , D u n can G C , cc al. ( 1 9 8 6 a ) E ffects o f en u cle­ Наупсч H , W h ite B L . H eld R ( 1 9 6 5 ) V isual acco m m o d atio n in hum an
a tio n o f chc fixating eye on strab ism ic am blyopia in m on k ey In v est in fa n ts S d e n c e 1 4 8 5 2 8 - 3 0 [7 .3 .1 ]
O fljt b a J Vis S ci 2 7 2 7 6 - 5 4 [8 .4 .6 a ] H e H Y , H o d o s W , Q u in la n E M ( 2 0 0 6 ) V isual deprivation reactivates
H arw crth R S , S m ith E L , D u n can G C . c t al. (1 9 8 6 b ) M u ltip le sensitive rapid ocu lar d om in an ce plasticity in adulc visual c o rte x J N eu ro sd 2 6
p eriod s in chc d evelopm ent o f the prim ate visual system S cien ce 2 3 2 2 9 5 1 - 5 [8 .3 .1 b ]
2 3 5 - 8 [8 .3 ] H e J C , B urns S A , M arcos S ( 2 0 0 0 ) M o n o ch ro m a tic ab erratio n s in chc
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B eh av ioral stu dies o f the sensitive p eriod o f d ev elo p m en t o f visual l ie S , C avanagh P, In triligator J ( 1 9 9 6 ) A tte n tio n a l resolu tion and the
fu n c tio n s in m on keys B e b a v B r a in R es 41 1 7 9 - 9 8 [8 .3 .2 ] locus o f visual aw areness N a tu r e 3 8 3 3 3 4 - 7 [4 .8 .3 b ]
H arw crth R S , Sm ith E L , Paul A D , c t al. ( 1 9 9 1 ) F u n ctio n al effects o f H e S , C o h e n E R , H u X ( 1 9 9 8 ) C lo se co rrelatio n b etw een activ ity in
b ilateral form d eprivation in m on keys In v est O p h th a l Vis S ci 3 2 brain area M T / V 5 and the perception o t a visual m o tio n aftereffect
2 3 1 1 - 2 7 [8 .1 .2 ] C u r r B io l S 1 2 1 5 - 1 8 [5 .8 .4 b ]
H a rw crth R S , S m ith E L , S id e ro v J ( 1 9 9 5 ) B eh avioral stu d ies o f lo cal stc- H earn D , B aker M P ( 1 9 8 6 ) C o m p u te r g ra p h ics P ren tice-H all, Englew ood
reopsis and d isp arity vcrgcncc in m onkeys Vis R es 3 5 1 7 5 5 - 7 0 C liffs N J [3 .7 .4 ]
[1 0 .5 .3 ] H eath G G (1 9 5 6 a ) C o m p o n e n ts o f acco m m o d atio n A m / O p tom 3 3
H a rw crth R S , S m ith E L , C ra w fo rd M L I, N oord cn G K von ( 1 9 9 7 ) 5 6 9 - 7 9 [9 .2 .1 )
S tereop sis and d isp arity v crg cncc in m onkeys w ith subnorm al H eath G G (1 9 5 6 b ) The influ en ce o f visual acu ity on accom m odative
b in o cu lar vision Vis R es 3 7 4 8 3 - 9 3 18.3 .2] responses o t the cv c A m / O p tom A rch A m A c a d O p tom 3 3 5 1 3 - 2 4
H a scb c H , O h tsu k i H , K o n o R , K a k a h ira Y ( 1 9 9 8 ) B io m etric co n firm a­ [9 .3 .1 )
tio n o f the H irsch b crg ratio in strabism ic ch ild ren In v es t O p h th a l Vis H eath G G ( 1 9 5 6 c ) A ccom m od ativ e responses o t to tally co lo r blind
S ci 3 9 2 7 8 2 - 5 [ 1 0 .2 .3 b ] observers A m J O p tom A rch A c a d O ptom 3 3 4 5 7 - 6 5 [9 .6 .1 ]
H ascb c H , О yam ada H , K in om u ra S , c t al. ( 1 9 9 9 ) H um an co rtical H eath G , H o fs te ttc r H W ( 1 9 5 2 ) T h e effect o f o rth o p tics o n the zon e o f
areas activated in relatio n to v crgcncc eye m ov em en ts— a P E T studv b in o cu lar vision in in te rm itte n t exotrop ia a ease study A m J O ptom
N eu ro im a g e 1 0 2 0 0 - 8 [ 1 0 .1 0 .3 ] A rch A m A c a d O p tom 2 9 1 2 - 3 1 ( 1 0 .4.3c]
H aslw antcr T ( 1 9 9 5 ) M a th em a tics o f th ree-d im en sion al eye ro tatio n s H cb b D O ( 1 9 4 9 ) I h e o r g a n iz a tio n o f b e h a v io r W ile y , N ew York [4 .3 .4 f,
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A n eu ral correlate o t shape* selective grou ping processes in th e hum an m en ts o t fixation d isparity / O pt Soc A m 5 2 7 0 6 12 [ 1 0 .2 .4 d ]
brain / C o g N e u ro s d 1 3 7 4 4 - 5 3 [5 .8 .3 c ) H eb bard FW" ( 1 9 6 4 } E ffect o f blur on fixation disparity A m J O ptom
H ata Y, S try k er M P ( 1 9 9 4 ) C o n tr o l o f th alam o co rtical afferen t rear­ A rch A m A c a d O p tom 41 5 4 0 - 4 8 [ I 0 .2 .4 g ]
rangem ent bv postsynaptic activ ity in developin g visual c o rte x S cien ce H e c h t H , van D o o m A , K o cn d crin k J J ( 1 9 9 9 ) C o m p ressio n o t visual
2 9 5 1 7 3 2 - 5 (8 .2 .7 c ) space in natural scenes and th eir p h o to g rap h ic co u n terp arts P ercept
H ata Y, T su m o to T , S a to H , c t al. ( 1 9 8 8 ) In h ib itio n co n trib u tes to o rie n ­ P sychophys 6 1 1 2 9 9 - 8 6 ( 4 .7 .2 ]
tation selectiv ity in visual c o rte x o f cat N a tu r e 3 3 5 8 1 5 - 7 (5 .6 .2 b | H c ch t S , M int/ E U ( 1 9 3 9 ) T h e v isib ility o f single lines at various illu m i­
H ata Y, T su m o to T , S a to H , c t al. ( 1 9 9 3 ) D ev elo p m en t o f lo cal in terac­ n ation s an d the retin al basis o f visual resolu tion / G en P h y sio l 2 2
tion s in cat visual c o r tc x studied b y c ro s s-co rre la tio n analysis 5 9 3 - 6 1 2 [3 .1 .2 ]
J N cu ro p h y sio l 6 9 4 0 - 5 6 [6 .4 .6 b ] H c c h t S , S ch la er S , P iren n e M H ( 1 9 4 2 ) Energy, q u an ta, and vision
H ata Y, T su m o to T , Stryker M P ( 1 9 9 9 ) S electiv e p ru n in g o f m ore active J G en P h y sio l 2 5 8 1 9 - 4 0 [ 5 . 1.5]
afferen ts w hen c a t visual c o rtc x is ph arm acologically in h ib ited H ccg cr D J ( 1 9 9 2 a ) N orm alization o f ccll responses in ca t striate co rtex
N eu ro n 2 2 3 7 5 - 8 1 [8 .2 .7 c ] Vis N eu ro sci 9 181 - 9 7 [4 .2 .8 c , 5 .6 .4 c )
H ata Y, O h sh im a M , Ichivaka S, c t al. ( 2 0 0 0 ) Brain-derived n cu ro tro p h ic H ccg cr D J (1 9 9 2 b ) H alf-sq u arin g in responses o f c a t striate cells Vis
fa c to r expands ocu lar d o m in a n ce co lu m n s in visual c o rtc x in m o n ­ N eu ro sci 9 4 2 7 - 4 3 ( 5 .5 3 )
ocu larlv deprived and n ond cprivcd k itten s but d ocs n o t in adult cats H ccgcr D J ( 1 9 9 9 ) L in k in g visual p ercep tion w ith hum an brain activity
J N eu rosci 2 0 R C 5 7 | 6.7.2d , 8 .2 .7 f ] C u n O ptn N e u r o b io l 9 4 7 4 - 9 [ 5 .4 .3 f ]
H atan ak a Y , M u rakam i F ( 2 0 0 2 ) In v itro analysis o f t h e o rig in , m igra­ H cclcy D\V, B u ch an a n -Sm ith H M ( 1 9 9 6 ) M ech an ism s specialized tor
to ry behavior, and m atu ratio n o f co rtical pyram idal cells / C om p the p ercep tion o f im age geom etry 1Ъ R es 3 6 3 6 0 7 - 2 7 [5 -5 .6 c]
N eu ro l 4 5 4 1 - 1 4 [6 .4 .5 b ] H cgd c A N , D iA n to n io A ( 2 0 0 2 ) U b iq u itin and the synapse N a t R ev
H a tto ri M , O stcrficld M , Flanagan J G ( 2 0 0 0 ) R egulated cleavage o t a N eu roses 3 8 5 4 - 6 1 (6 .4 .3 c , 6.5.1 a]
co n ta ct-m ed ia ted axon rep ellen t S d c n c e 2 8 9 1 3 6 0 - 5 [6 .4 .3 c] H cgd c J , Van Essen D C ( 2 0 0 0 ) Selectiv ity for com p lex shapes in prim ate
H aw kcn M J, Parker A J ( 1 9 8 4 ) C o n tra s t sensitivity and o rien ta tio n selec­ visual area V 2 J N eu ro sd 2 0 R C 6 1 [ 5 .8 .2 a ]
tivity in lam ina IV o f the striate c o rte x o f old world m onkeys E x p H cgd c J , Van Essen D C ( 2 0 0 3 ) Strategics o f shape rep resentation in
B r a in R es 5 4 3 6 7 - 7 2 ( 5 . 6 . 1 ] m acaque visual area V 2 Vis N eu ro sd 2 0 3 1 3 - 2 8 [5 .S .2 a ]
H aw kcn M J, Shapley R M , G r o s o f D H ( 1 9 9 6 ) T cm p o ral-frcq u cn cy H cggclu nd P, A lbus К ( 1 9 7 8 ) O rie n ta tio n selectiv ity o t single cells in
selectiv ity in m on k ey visual c o rtc x V is N eurosci 1 3 4 7 7 - 9 2 [5 .6 .4 b ] striate co rtex o f cat: the shape o f o rien ta tio n cuning curves V is R es 1S
I law kcn M J, B lak em ore C , M o r lc y J W ( 1 9 9 7 ) D e v elo p m en t o f co n tra st 1 0 6 7 - 7 1 [5 .6 .2 a ]
sensitivity and tcm p o ra l-frcq u en cy selectiv ity in prim ate lateral H cid er B , M csk cn aitc V, Peterh an s E ( 2 0 0 0 ) A n ato m y and physiology o f
g en icu la te nucleus E x p B ra in R es 1 1 4 8 6 - 9 8 [6 .3 .5 c ] a n eu ral m ech an ism d efin in g depth o rd er and c o n tra st p olarity at
H ay J C , Pick H L , R osser E ( 1 9 6 3 ) A d ap tation to ch ro m atic aberration illu sory co n to u rs E u r JN e u r o s c i 12 4 1 1 7 - 3 0 [5 .6 .7 b )
by the hum an visual system S cien ce 141 1 6 7 - 9 [9 .6 .5 c ) H eld R ( 1 9 8 1 ) A cu ity in in fan ts w ith norm al and an om alou s visual exp e­
I laydar T F , W a n g F , Sch w artz M L , R a k ic P ( 2 0 0 0 ) D ifferen tial m odu la­ rience In V jc d ev elo p m en t o f p e r c e p tio n : P sy ch o b io lo g ica l p ersp ectiv es
tio n o f p roliferation in th e n co co rtica l ventricular and subvcntricular (cd R N A slin , J R R o b e rts. M R P etersen ) Vol 2 A cad em ic Press, New
zon es /N e u r o s d 2 0 5 7 6 4 - 7 4 [6 .4 .5 a , 6 .4 .5 b ] York [7 .2 .2 ]
H aydar T F , A n g E , R akic P ( 2 0 0 3 ) M ito tic spindle rotation and m ode o f H eld R ( 1 9 9 1 ) D ev elop m en t o t b in o cu lar vision and stereopsis In V ision
ccll division in the d ev elo p in g telen cep h alon P ro c N a t l A ca d S et 1 0 0 a n d v isu a l d y sfu n ction Vol 9 B in o c u la r v isio n (cd D R eg an) pp 1 7 0 - 8
2 8 9 0 - 5 [6 .4 .5 b ] M a cM illa n , L o n d o n [7 .6 .4 )
H avdon P G ( 2 0 0 1 ) G lia : listen in g an d ta lk in g N a t R ev N eu ro sci 2 1 8 5 — H eld R ( 1 9 9 3 ) T w o stages in the developm en t o f b in o cu lar vision
9 3 [5.5.1 f ] and eye alig n m en t In E a r ly v isu a l d ev elo p m en t, n orm < d a n d a b n o r m a l
H ayes R M ( 1 9 8 9 ) 3 rD m ovies A h isto ry and film ography o t stereoscop ic (cd К Sim m o n s) pp 2 5 0 - 5 7 O xfo rd U niversity Press, N ew York
cin em a M cF arlan d . L o n d o n [2 .1 1 .4 ] [7 .3 .6 ]
H ero n G , D h o la k ia S , C o llin s D F., M e Laugh Ian H ( 1 9 8 5 ) Stereoscop ic H ess R F , M cllh ag g a W . Field D J ( 1 9 9 7 b ) C o n to u r in tegratio n in strabis­
threshold in child ren and ad ults A m f O p tom P h y sio l O p t 6 2 5 0 5 - 15 m ic am blyop ia: the sufficiency o f an exp lan ation based on p osition al
1 7 .6 .2 ] ^ ' u n certain ty H s R es 3 7 3 1 4 5 - 6 1 [8 .4 .3 c ]
H eron G . C h a rm a n W N . G ray L S ( 1 9 9 9 ) A cco m m o d atio n responses H ess R F, D c m a n in s R , B ex P J ( 1 9 9 7 c ) A reduced m o tio n aftereffect in
and ag ein g In v est O p h th a l Vis Set 4 0 2 8 7 2 - 8 3 [7 -3 .1 ] strab ism ic am blyopia V is R es 3 7 1 3 0 3 - 11 [8 .4 .4 c ]
H eron G , C h arm an W N , S c h o r С ( 2 0 0 1 ) D yn am ics o f chc acco m m o d a­ H ess R F, W an g Y Z , D cm an in s R , ct al. ( 1 9 9 9 ) A d eficit in strabism ic
tio n response to ab ru p t ch a n g cs in target vcrgcncc as a fu n ctio n o f am blyopia for glo bal shape d etectio n Vis R es 3 9 9 0 1 - 1 4 [8 .4 .2 a .
age Г и R es 4 1 5 0 7 - 1 9 [7 .3 .1 ] 8 .4 .3 c ]
H errera 11, B row n L . A ruga J , e t al. ( 2 0 0 3 ) Z ic 2 p attern s b in o cu lar vision H ess R F. D ak in S c .T c w fik M . Brow n В ( 2 0 0 1 ) C o n to u r in teractio n in
by specifyin g the uncrossed retin al p ro je c tio n C e ll 1 1 4 > 4 5 - 7 am blyop ia: scale selectio n 4 s R es 41 2 2 8 5 - 9 6 [8 .4 .3 b ]
[6 .3 .4 b ] H ess. R F. P o in ter |S, Sim m ers A , B ex P ( 2 0 0 3 ) B o rd er d istin ctn ess in
H errera E , M arcus R . L i S , W illia m s S E . c t al. ( 2 0 0 ч ) Foxd I is required am blyopia Vis R es 4 3 2 2 5 5 - 6 4 [8 .4 .2 a , 9 .6 .5 a ]
lo r proper form atio n o f the o p tic ch iasm D ev elo p m en t 131 5 7 2 7 - 3 9 H cth erin g to n PA , Sw indale N V ( 1 9 9 9 ) R eceptive field and orien tatio n
[6 .3 .4 b ] scatter studied by tetrod e recordings in cat area 17 Vis N eu ro sci 1 6
H ersh berger W ( 1 9 7 0 ) A ttach ed -sh ad ow orien tatio n perceived as 6 3 7 - 5 2 ( 5 .7 .1 ]
depth by c h ick en s reared in an en v iron m en t illu m inated from below H eu er H , O w en s D A ( 1 9 8 9 ) V ertical gaze d ire ctio n and th e resting pos­
J C om p P h y sio l P sy ch o l 7 3 4 0 7 - 1 1 (7 .4 .2 d 1 ture o f the eyes P ercep tio n 1 8 3 6 3 - 7 7 (1 0 .2 .1 ]
H ersh k o A , C ic c h a n o v c r A , H eller H . H aas A L , R ose 1A ( 1 9 8 0 ) H eu er H . D u n k e l-A b e ls G , B riiw cr M , c t al. ( 1 9 8 8 ) Ih e e ffe cts o f sus­
Proposed role o f A F P in p rotein breakd ow n: co n ju g atio n o f p rotein s tain ed vertical gaze d eviation o n th e resting state o t the vergence
w ith m ultiple ch ain s o l th e polypep tid e o f A T P -d c p c n d c n t p ro teo ly ­ system V is R es 2 8 1 3 3 7 - 4 4 1 10.2.1 ]
sis P ro c N a t l A c a d S c i 7 1 7 8 3 - 6 [6 .4 .3 c ] H cu m an n D . R ab in ow icz T ( 1 9 8 2 ) Postn atal developm en t o t th e visual
H ere A , S u L c r B , K une R , van H cm m cn J L ( 1 9 8 9 ) H eb bian learning co rte x o f the m ouse after en u cleatio n at b irth E x p B ra in R es 4 6
recon sid ered : rep resen tation o f static and d yn am ic o b je cts in associa­ 9 9 - 1 0 6 18 . 1.4a]
tive n ets B io l C y b er 6 0 4 5 7 - 6 7 [ 4 . 3 . 4 f ) H e u s e rJ ( 2 0 0 3 ) M v little sp o n tan eou s blips S cien ce 3 0 0 1 2 4 8 [2 .6 .1 ]
H erzo g M H , Fahle ( 1 9 9 7 ) T h e role o f feed b ack in learn in g a vernier H c v n c r R F, W on g-R iley M T T ( 1 9 9 3 ) M ito ch ro n d ria l and nuclear gene
d iscrim in ation ta sk Vis R es 3 7 2 1 3 3 - 4 1 [4 .9 .2 b ] expression for cy to ch ro m e oxidase su bu n its arc d isp rop o rtion ately
H cslcr J , P ickw cll D , G ilc h rist J ( 1 9 8 9 ) The accom m od ativ e c o n trib u ­ regulated by fu n ctio n al activ ity in n eu ron es / N eu ro sci 13 1 8 0 5 - 1 9
tio n to b in o cu la r vergence eve m ovem ents O p h th a l P h y sio l O p t 9 [8 .2 .4 b ]
3 7 9 - 8 4 1 1 0 .2 .5 b ] H cy n cn A J, Yoon B J, Liu C H , c t al. ( 2 0 0 3 ) M o lecu lar m cch an ism for
H ess D T , Edwards M A ( 1 9 8 7 ) A n a to m ica l d em o n stratio n o f o cu la r veg- loss o f co rtical responsiveness follow in g b r ie f m on ocu lar deprivation
regation in the retin o g en icu lo co rtica l pathw ay o l the N ew W orld N a t N eu ro sci 6 8 5 4 - 6 2 [8 .2 .7 c ]
cap u ch in m on k cv {C eb u s a p e /la ) / C o m p N e u ro l 2 9 4 4 0 9 - 2 0 H cyw ood C A , C o w ey A , N cc o m b c F ( 1 9 9 1) C h ro m a tic d iscrim in ation
[ 5 .7 .2 f ) in a co rtica llv co lo u r blind o b serv er E u r J N eu ro sci 3 8 0 2 - 1 2
Hcsv R F ( 1 9 8 0 ) A p relim inary investigation o f neural fu n ctio n and dys­ [5 .8 .3 a ]
fu n ctio n in am blyop ia. I. Size-selective ch an n els V is R et 2 0 7 4 9 - 5 4 H cyw ood C A , G a d o tti A , C o w c y A ( 1 9 9 2 ) C o rtic a l area V 4 and its role
(8 .4 .3 ) in th e perception o f co lo r J N eu rosci 1 2 4 0 5 6 - 6 5 [5 .8 .3 a ]
H ess R F, A nd erson S J ( 1 9 9 3 ) M o tio n sensitivity and spatial undcrsam - H ick ey T L ( 1 9 7 7 ) Postn atal developm en t o f th e hum an lateral gen icu ­
p lin g in am bly op ia Vis R es 3 3 8 8 1 - 9 6 [8 .4 .4 c ) late nucleus: relation sh ip to a critica l period for the visual system
H ew R F, Baker C L ( 1 9 8 4 ) A ssessm ent o f retinal fu n ctio n in severely S cien ce 1 9 8 8 3 6 - 8 [6 .3 .5 a ]
am blyop ic individuals V is R es 2 7 1 3 6 7 - 7 6 [8 .4 .1 ] H ick ey T L , Sp ear P D , KratZ A E ( 1 9 7 7 ) Q u an titativ e studies o f cell size
H ess R F , Bradley A ( 1 9 8 0 ) C o n tra st p ercep tio n above threshold is only in th e c a t s dorsal lateral gen icu late n u cleu s follow ing visual depriva­
m inim ally im paired in hum an am blyopia N a tu re 2 8 7 4 6 3 - 4 [8.4.2a) tio n / C o m p N e u ro l 1 7 2 2 9 5 - 8 2 [8 .2 .2 b ]
H ess R F . D c m a n in s R ( 1 9 9 8 ) C o n to u r in teg ratio n in an iso m etrop ic H icta n cn J K , Perrecc D I ( 1 9 9 6 ) M o tio n sensitive cells in th e m acaque
am bly op ia Vis R es 3 8 8 8 9 - 9 4 [8 .4 .3 c ] superior tem poral poly sensor у area: response d iscrim in ation betw een
H ess R F, Field D J ( 1 9 9 4 ) Is th e spatial deficic in strab ism ic am blyopia self-generated and extern ally generated pattern m o tio n B e h a v B ra in
d u e to loss o f cells o r an u ncalib ratcd disarray o f cells V is R es 3 4 R es 7 6 1 5 5 - 6 7 [5 .8 .4 ]
3 3 9 7 - 4 0 6 [8 .4 .3 ] H ig g in b oth am H R , G lccso n G ( 2 0 0 7 ) T h e cen tro so m e in neuronal
H ess R F, Field D J ( 1 9 9 5 ) C o n to u r in tegratio n across depth V is R es 3 5 d ev elo p m en t T IN S 3 0 2 7 6 - 8 3 [6 .4 .3 b ]
1 6 9 9 - 7 1 1 [4 .5 .2 b ] H iggins KF., D au gm an J G , M ansfield R JW ( 1 9 8 2 ) A m b ly o p ic co n tra st
H ess R F . H ollid ay I ( 1 9 9 2 ) T h e spatial localizatio n d eficit in am blyopia sen sitiv ity: insensitivity to unsteady fixation In v est O p b th a l Vis S ci 2 3
V is R es 3 2 1 3 1 9 - 3 9 [8 .4 .3 ] 1 1 3 - 2 0 [8 .4 .2 a ]
I less R F, J low cll E R ( 1 9 7 7 ) The threshold co n tra st sensitivity fu n ctio n H igh m an V N ( 1 9 7 7 ) S tereop sis and an iseikon ia in u nipolar aphakia
in strab ism ic am blyopia: ev id en ce to r a tw o type classification B r i t J O p b th a l61 3 0 - 3 3 [9 .9 .1 c ]
V is R es 1 7 1 0 4 9 - 5 5 [8 .4 .2 a ] 1 li g o N .O i s h iT , Y a m ash itaA .M atsu d a К . 1 layashi M ( 2 0 0 0 ) Expression
H ess R F, P o in ter J S ( 1 9 8 5 ) D ifferen ces in the neural basis o f hum an o f G A P -4 3 an d S C G I 0 m R N A s in lateral gen icu late nucleus o f
am blyop ia: th e d istrib u tion o f the an om aly across chc visual field n orm al and m on ocu larly deprived m acaque m onkeys / N eu rosci 2 0
V is R es 2 5 1 5 7 7 - 9 4 [8 .4 .5 c , S .4 .6 a ] 6 0 3 0 - 8 | 8.2.7f ]
H ess R F, C a m p b ell F W , G rce n h a lg h T ( 1 9 7 8 ) O n che nature o f the H ill D K , K eynes R D ( 1 9 4 9 ) O p a c ity ch an g cs in stim u lated nerve
n eu ral ab n o rm a lity in hum an am blyop ia; neural ab erration s and J P h y sio l 1 0 8 2 7 9 [5 .4 .3 a ]
neural sensitivity loss P fiu g ers A rc h g es P h y sio l 3 7 7 2 0 1 - 7 [8 .4 .3 , I li ll is J M , Ernsc M O , B an k s M S , L an d y M S ( 2 0 0 2 ) C o m b in in g sensory
8 .4 .3 c ] in fo rm a tio n : m an d ato ry fusion w ith in , but n o t b etw een , senses
H ess R F, C a m p b ell F W , Z im m c rn R ( 1 9 8 0 ) D ifferen ces in th e neural S cien ce 2 9 8 1 6 2 7 - 3 0 [4 .5 .7 b ]
basis o t hum an am bly op ia: th e effect o t m ean lu m in an ce Vis R es 2 0 H in c T . T h o rn F ( 1 9 8 7 ) C o m p e n sa to ry eye m ovem ents d urin g active
2 9 5 - 3 0 5 [8 .4 .2 a ] head rotation fo r near targets: ctfccts o t im agin ation rapid head
H ess R F, France T D , T u lu n ay -K ccscy U ( 1 9 8 1 ) Residual vision in o scillatio n and v crgcncc Vis R es 2 7 1 6 3 9 - 5 7 [1 0 .9 .1 ]
hum ans w ho have been m on ocu larly deprived o t p attern stim u lation H in k le D A , C o n n o r C E ( 2 0 0 2 ) T h ree-d im en sio n al orien tatio n tu n in g
in early life E x p B r a n t R es 4 4 2 9 5 - 3 1 1 [S .5.1 ] m m acaque area V 4 N a t N eu rosci 5 6 6 5 - 7 0 [5 .8 .3 a ]
H ess R F, H ayes A , K ingd om FA A ( 1 9 9 7 a ) In tegratin g co n to u rs w ithin H in to n G E (1 9 8 7 ) Ih e h orizon tal-vertical delusion P ercep tio n 16
and throu gh depth Vis R es 3 7 6 9 1 - 6 (4 .5 .2 b ] 6 6 7 - 8 0 [4 .6 .3 g ]
Jia n g В С ( 1 9 9 6 ) A ccom m od ativ e v crgcncc is driven by the phasic c o m ­ Jo n e s R , K err KF, ( 1 9 7 2 ) V crgcn cc eye m ov em en ts to pairs o f disparicy
p o n en t o f th e accom m odative* c o n tro lle r f ls R es 3 6 9 7 - 1 0 2 stim u li w ith shape selection cues V is R es 1 2 1 4 2 5 - 3 0 f 1 0 .5 .1 0 c]
1 1 0 .4 .3 a ] Jo n e s R , S tep h en s G L ( 1 9 8 9 ) H o rizo n tal fusion al am plitudes In v est
Jia n g B C ( 1 9 9 7 ) In teg ration o f л sensory co m p o n e n t inro the a cco m ­ O p h th a l Vis S a 3 0 1 6 3 8 - 4 2 [ 1 0 .5 .3 ,1 0 .5 .4 b ]
m od ation m od el reveals d ifferen ces b etw een cm m ctro p ia and lacc- Jo n e s T A , G rccn o u g h W T ( 2 0 0 2 ) B ehaviou ral exp erien ce-d ep end ent
onscc m yopia In v est O p h th a l Vis S ci 3 8 1 5 1 1 - 6 [9 .6 .2 a ] p lasticity o f g lial-n eu ron al in teractio n s In T h e tr ip a r tite sy n a p se (cd A
Jia n g B C , W ocssn cr W M ( 1 9 9 6 ) D ark focu s and dark vergence: an V o ltcrra, P J M ag istrctti, P G I lavdon ) pp 2 4 S - 6 5 O xfo rd U niversicy
experim ental verification o f t h e con fig u ratio n o f the dual-interactive Press, O x fo rd [5 -5 . I f ]
feed b ack m od el O p h th a l Physiol O p r 16 3 4 2 - 7 1 1 0.4.3a] Jo sep h J S , C h u n M M . N akavam a К ( 1 9 9 7 ) A ttcn tio n a l req u irem en ts in
Jia n g B C , G ish K W , L cib ow itz I l\Xr ( 1 9 9 1 ) E ffe c t o f lu m in an ce o n the a ‘preattcn tivc* feature scarch task N a tu re 3 8 7 S 0 5 - 7 [ 4 .8 .la ]
relation b etw een a cco m m o d a tio n and convergence O p tom V is S ci Jo u e n F, L cp ccq J C , G a p cn n c O , B erten ch al В I ( 2 0 0 0 ) O p tic flow
6 S 2 2 0 - 5 [9 .3 .1 ] sensicivicy in n eo n ates In fa n t В c h a r D eu el 2 3 2 7 1 - 8 4 [ 7 .2 .3 b |
Jim e n e z J R . O liv ares J L , P cre z -O co n F, d el B arco L J ( 2 0 0 0 ) A ssociated Jo u rd ain P, Fukunaga K , M u ller D (2 0 0 Я ) C alciu m / calm od u lin-
phoria in relatio n to stereopsis w ith ran d om -d ot stereogram s depend ent p ro tein kinase II co n trib u tes to activ ity-d ep en d en t filopo*
O p tom Vis S e i 7 7 4 7 - 5 0 [ 1 0 .2 .4 g ) dia grow th an d spine fo rm atio n / N eu ro sci 2 3 1 0 6 4 5 - 4 9 [6 .4 .3 f,
J in D Z , D rag oi V, S u r M , S cu n g H S ( 2 0 0 5 ) 'l ilt aftereffect and adapca* 6 .5 .1 a ]
tio n -in d u ced changes in orien tation tu n in g in visual co rtex Jo v n so n R B ( 1 9 7 1 ) M ic h o tc c s exp erim en tal m cchods B r it / P sy ch ol 6 2
J N eu ro p h y sio l 9 4 4 0 3 8 - 4 0 5 0 - [ 5 .6 .2 a J ' 2 9 3 - 3 0 2 [4 .6 .3 g ]
Jo h an sso n C B , M o m m a S , C la rk e D L , c t al. ( 1 9 9 9 ) Id en tificatio n o f a Judd C H ( 1 9 0 7 ) Phocographic records o f convergence and divergence
neural stem ccll in the a d u lt m am m alian cen tral nervous system P sy ch o l R et/ P sy ch o lM o n o g r 8 3 7 0 - 4 2 3 [ 10.2.4)
C e ll9 6 2 5 - 3 4 [6 .4 .2 d ] fudge A W ( 1 9 5 0 ) S tereo sco p ic p h o to g ra p h y C h ap m an H all, L on d on
Jo h an sso n G ( 1 9 7 3 ) V isu a l p ercep tion o f b iolog ical m o tio n and a m odel [2 .1 1 .3 )
lo r its analysis P crccp t P sychophys 1 4 2 0 1 - 1 1 [4 .5 .2 c ] Ju d g e SJ ( 1 9 8 5 ) C a n cu rren t m od els o t acco m m o d atio n and vcrgcncc
Jo h an sso n R S , B irzn ieks ( 2 0 0 4 ) First spikes in ensem bles o f hum an co n tro l acco u n t for chc discrepancies betw een A C / A m easurem ents
tactile afferen ts c o d c co m p lex spatial even ts N a t N eu ro sci 7 1 7 0 - 7 m ade by the fixation disparity and p h oria m eth od s Vis R es 2 5
[4 .3 .3 c ] 1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 1 [ 1 0 .4 .1 ]
Jo h n so n B , B eck L F ( 1 9 4 1 ) The d evelopm ent o f space p ercep tion : Ju d g e S J ( 1 9 8 7 ) O p tica lly -in d u c e d changes in co n ic v crgcncc and A C / A
1. Stereo sco p ic vision in p reschool ch ild ren f G en et P sy ch o l 5 8 ratio in n orm al m on keys and m onkeys w ith lesions o f the flocculus
2 4 7 - 5 4 v [7 .4 . Id ] and ventral paraflocculti* E x p B ra in R es 6 6 1 - 9 [ 1 0 .4 .1 )
Jo h n so n C A ( 1 9 7 6 ) E ffects o f lu m in an ce and stim u lu s d istan ce on Ju d g e S J ( 1 9 8 8 ) D o target an gular size-change and b lu r cues in teract lin-
acco m m o d atio n and visual resolu tion ) O pt S o c A m 6 6 138- 4 2 carlv in the co n tro l o f hum an acco m m o d a tio n ? Vis R es 2 8 2 6 3 8
[ 9 .3 .1 ,9 .6 .4 d ] [9 .5 ]
Jo h n so n C A , Post R B , C halu p a L M , L ee T J ( 1 9 8 2 ) M o n o cu lar depriva­ Ju d g e SJ ( 1 9 9 1 ) Vergence In V ision a n d v isu a l d y sfu n ction Vol 8 E y e
tio n in hum ans: a study* o f id en tical tw in s In v est O p h th a l Vis S ci 2 3 m o v em en ts (cd R H S C a rp e n te r) pp 1 5 7 - 7 2 M a c M illa n , L o n d o n
1 3 5 - 8 [ 8 .2 .3 f ] [1 0 .1 .3 b ]
Jo h n so n J S , O lsh au scn B A ( 2 0 0 5 ) T h e re co g n itio n o f p artially visible Ju d g e S J ( 2 0 0 6 ) R eflectio n m akes sense o f ro tatio n o f t h e eyes Vis R es 4 6
natural o b je c ts in chc presence and absence o f th e ir occlu d ers V is R es 3 8 6 2 - 6 [1 0 .1 .2 )
4 5 3 2 6 2 - 7 6 [4 .5 .2 c ] Ju d g e S J, G u m m in g B G ( 1 9 8 6 ) N eu ro n s in m on k ey m id b rain with
Jo h n so n R R , B u rkh alter A ( 1 9 9 7 ) A polysynaptic feed b ack circu it in rat activ ity related to vcrgcncc eye m ovem en t and acco m m o d atio n
visual c o rte x J N eu ro sci 1 7 7 1 2 9 - 4 0 [5-5-1 b] J N eu ro p h y sio l 5 5 9 1 5 - 3 0 [ 9 . 2 . 3 , 1 0 .1 0 .2 c , 1 0 .1 0 .2 c )
Jo h n s to n J C , Pashler H ( 1 9 9 0 ) C lo se b in d in g o f id e n tity and lo ca tio n in Ju d g e S J , M iles FA ( 1 9 8 5 ) C h an g es in the co u p lin g b etw een a cco m m o ­
visual feature p ercep tion / E x p P sy ch ol H P P 1 6 8 4 3 - 5 6 [4 .5 .4a| d ation and vcrgcncc eye m ovem ents induced in hum an su b jects by
Jo n e s D C , van Slu y tcrs R C , M urphy K M ( 1 9 9 1 ) A co m p u tatio n al m od el a lterin g the effectiv e in tcrocu lar d istan ce P ercep tio n 14 6 1 7 - 2 9
for th e overall p attern o f o c u la r d o m in an ce / N eu ro sci 11 3 7 9 4 - 8 0 8 (1 0 .4 .1 )
[5 .7 .2 c ] Julesy. В ( 1 9 7 1 ) F o u n d a tio n s o f cy clop ean p erc ep tio n U n iv ersity o f C h ica g o
Jo n e s H F., W an g W , S illito A M ( 2 0 0 2 ) Spatial organ ization and Press, C h ica g o [ 1 . 3 , 4 .5 .8 b ]
m agnitud e o f o ricn tacio n co n tra st in teractio n s in p rim ate V I Jules/ B , Bergen J R ( 1 9 8 3 ) T e x to n s th e fu n d am en tal elem en ts on
/ N eu ro p h y sio l 8 8 2 7 9 6 - 8 0 8 [5 .6 .7 a ] p reattcn tiv c vision and p ercep tion o f texture B e ll S ystem T ech n ica l
Jo n e s JP , Palm er L A ( 1 9 8 7 ) A n evalu ation o f th e tw o-d im en sion al J o u r n a l6 2 1 6 1 9 - 4 5 [4 .8 .1 a ]
G a b o r filter m od el o f sim ple receptive fields in c a t striate co rtcx Ju n g R ( 1 9 6 1 ) N eural in tegratio n in chc visual co rccx and ics significance
J N eu ro p h y sio l 5 8 1 2 3 3 - 5 8 [ 4 .4 .2 ,5 -5 .3 ] for visual in fo rm atio n In S en sory in teg ra tio n (cd W R oscn b lich )
Jo n e s K R , Berkeley M A ( 1 9 8 3 ) Loss o f tem p oral sensitivity in dorsal lat­ pp 6 2 7 - 7 4 M I T Press, N ew Y ork [ 3 .1 .la ]
eral gen icu late nucleus and area 18 o t th e cat follow in g m on ocu lar Kaas J H , G u illery R W , A llm an J M ( 1 9 7 2 ) S o m e p rincip les o f organiza­
d eprivation / N eu ro p h y sio l4 9 2 5 4 - 6 8 1 8 .2.3c) tion in the dorsal lateral gen icu late nucleus B r a in B e h a v E v o l 6
Jo n e s K R , K alil RF., Spear P D (1 9 8 4 a ) F.ttccts o f strabism u s on 2 5 3 - 9 9 ( 5 .2 .1 )
rcsponsivicy spatial resolu tion and co n tra st sensitivity o f ca t lateral Kaas J H , H arcing J K , G u illery RW' ( 1 9 7 4 ) R ep resen tation o f chc c o m ­
g en icu la te n eu ron s J N eu ro p h y sio l S I 5 3 8 - 5 2 [8 .2 .2 c* pete retin a in che concralaceral superior co llicu lu s o f som e anim als
Jo n e s K R , Spear P D , T o n g L ( 1 9 8 4 b ) C ritic a l periods to r effects o f B r a in R es 6 5 3 4 3 - 6 [5 .3 .1 ]
m on ocu lar d ep riv ation : d ifferen ces b etw een striate and extrastriate K a a s JH , L in C S .C a sa g ra n d e VA ( 1 9 7 6 ) The relay o f ipsilatcral an d con-
c o r t e x /N e u r o s c i 4 2 5 4 3 - 5 2 [8 .3 .1 a ] tralatcral retinal inputs from the lateral gen icu late nucleus to striate
lo n cs L S ( 1 9 9 6 ) Integrin s: possible fu n ctio n s in the adult C N S T IN S 19 co rte x in che owl m o n k ey : a tran sn eu ron al cransporc study B r a in R es
6 8 - 7 2 [6 .4 .3 b ] 1 0 6 3 7 1 - 8 [ 5 .7 .2 f J
Jo n e s R ( 1 9 7 7 ) A n om alies o t d isparity d etectio n in th e hum an visual K aas J H , K ru b itz cr L A , C h in o Y M ,c t al. ( 1 9 9 0 ) R eo rgan ization o t reti-
system J P h y sio l 2 9 4 6 2 1 - 4 0 [ 1 0 .5 .3 ] n ocop ic corcicai maps in adulc m am m als after lesions o f che retina
Jo n e s R ( 1 9 8 0 ) Fusional vergence: sustained and tran sien t co m p o n e n ts S cien ce 2 4 8 2 2 9 - 3 1 [5 .5 .6 c ]
A m J O ptom P h y sio l O pt 5 7 6 4 0 - 4 [ 1 0 .5 .1 0 c , 1 0 .5 .9 b ] K aczm arck L , C hau d h u ri A ( 1 9 9 7 ) S e n so ry regu lation o f im m ediate-
Jo n e s R . K err K L ( 1 9 7 1 ) M o to r responses to co n flictin g asym m etrical early gen e expression in m am m alian visual c o rtc x : im p licatio n s tor
vergence stim ulus in form atio n A m J O p tom A m A c a d O p tom 4 8 tun ccion al m apping and n eu ral p lasticity B r a in R es R ev 2 3 2 3 7 - 5 6
9 8 9 - 1 0 0 0 [1 0 .5 .1 0 c ] [6.6. 1 c]
K aczm arck L , K ossut M t S k an g icl-K raim k a J ( 1 9 9 7 ) G lu tam ate K apou la Z , O p tica n L M , R o b in so n D A ( 1 9 9 0 ) R etin al im age m o tio n
recep to rs in c o rtic a l p lasticity : m o lecu lar and cellu lar b iology a lo n e d o es n oc concrol disconjugacc postsaccadic eye drift
P h y sio! R ev 7 7 2 1 7 - 5 5 [ 5 .5 .2 c ,6 .6 .3 ] J N eu ro p h y sio l G 3 1 0 0 0 - 9 [1 0 .8 .3 b ]
K agan 1, G u r M , Sn o d d crly M ( 2 0 0 2 ) Spacial org an ization o f rcccpcivc K ap ou la Z . Eggcrc T , B u cci M P ( 1 9 9 5 ) Im m ed iate saccadc am plitude
fields o f V 1 n eu ron s o f alcrc m onkeys: com p arison w ith responses со d iscon ju gacv indu ced b y u nequ al im ages Vis R es 3 5 3 5 0 5 - 1 8
gracing»/ N eu ro p h y sio l 8 8 2 5 5 7 - 7 4 [5 .5 .3 ] [1 0 .8 .2 b ]
K ah n D M . K ru b n itz cr L ( 2 0 0 2 ) M assive cro ss-m o d ality c o rtic a l plastic- K ap ou la Z . Eggcrc T , B u cci M P ( 1 9 9 6 a ) D iscon ju g acc adapcacion o f chc
icy an d chc em ergence o f a new c o rtic a l area in dev elop m en tal ly blind vertical o c u lo m o to r sysccm Vis R es 3 6 2 7 3 5 - 4 5 [1 0 .8 .3 b ]
m am m als P r o c N a d A c a d S ci 9 9 1 1 4 2 9 - 3 4 [8 .1 .4 b ] K ap ou la Z . Bucci M P, Eggcrc T , Z am firescu F ( 1 9 9 6 b ) East disconjugacc
K ah n J I , Foster DM (1 9 8 1 ) V isual com p arison o f rotated and ad ap tation s o f saccades in m icro strabism ic su bjects Vis R es 3 6 1 0 3 - 8
reflected ran d om -d ot p attern s as a fu n ccion o f th e ir p osition al 1 1 0 .8 .3 b ]
sym m etry and separation in chc field JQ u art / H xp P sy ch ol 33A K ap ou la Z , B u cci M P . E g g crt T , G arraud L ( 1 9 9 7 ) Im p airm en t o f the
1 5 5 - 6 6 [4 .6 .3 c ] b in o cu lar co o rd in atio n o f saccades in strabism us Vis R es 3 7 2 7 5 7 - 6 6
K alarick al G J , M arsh all J A ( 1 9 9 9 ) M o d els o f rcccp tiv c-ficld dynam ics in 1 1 0 .8 .2 b ]
visual c o rtc x V is N eu ro sci 1 6 1 0 5 5 - 8 1 [5 .5 .6 c ] K apou la Z. B u cci M P. Lavignc-Tom ps F. Z am firescu F (1 9 9 8 )
K alil R L ( 1 9 8 0 ) A qu an titativ e study o f che effects o f m o n o cu la r c n u clc' D isco n ju g atc m cm o rv 'g u id cd saccades to disparate targets: evidence
a tio n an d deprivation on cell grow th in chc dorsal laceral gen icu late for 3 D sensitivity E x p B r a in R es 1 2 2 4 1 3 - 2 3 [ 1 0 .8 .3 b )
nucleus o f the c a t J C o m p N e u r o l 1 8 9 4 8 3 - 5 2 7 18.2.2a] K apou la Z , B crn o tas M , H aslw anter T ( 1 9 9 9 } L is tin g s plane rotation
K alil R E ( 1 9 9 0 ) 'Ih e in flu en ce o f a ctio n p occn tials on chc developm enc w ith con v ergen ce: role o f disparity, a cco m m o d atio n , and depch
o f the ce n tra l visual pathw ay in m am m als / E x p B io l 1 5 3 2 9 1 - 7 6 p ercep tion E x p B r a in R es 1 2 9 1 7 5 - 8 6 [1 0 .1 .2 d ]
[6 .3 .5 b ] K apou la Z , B u cci M P, B c rn o ta s M , Zam firescu F ( 2 0 0 0 ) M o co r execu­
K alil R E , S p ea r P D , L an gsetm o A ( 1 9 8 4 ) R esponse p rop erties o f striate tio n is necessary to m em orize disparity E x p B r a in R es 131 5 0 0 - 1 0
co rccx neu ron s in cats raised w ith d ivergent o r convergent strabism us 110.8.3b ]
J N eu ro p h y sio l 5 2 5 1 4 - 3 7 [ 8 .4 .2 a ) K ap ral R , Sh o w alter К ( 1 9 9 5 ) C h e m ic a l u /aves a n d p a ttern s Kluw er
K am i дока B> K aczm arck L , C h au d h u ri A ( 1 9 9 6 ) V isual stim u lation N o rw cll M A [5 .7 .1 ]
regulates the expression o f tran scrip tion factors and m odulates K ara P, R ein age I P, Reid R C ( 2 0 0 0 ) L ow response variability in sim u lta­
th e co m p o sitio n o f A IM in visual co rtex ./ N eu ro sci 1 6 3 9 6 8 - 7 8 neou sly recorded retinal» th alam ic, and c o rtic a l neu ron s N eu ro n 2 7
[6 .6 .1 c ] 6 3 5 - 4 6 [4 .3 .1 b ]
K a m im k a B , K aczm arck i L , C h au d h u ri A ( 1 9 9 7 ) A ctiv ity-d ep en d en t K arm arkcr U R , N ajarian M T , B u o n o m a n o D V ( 2 0 0 2 ) M ech an ism s
regu lation o f cy to ch ro m c b gene expression in m on key visual c o rtc x and significance o f spike-tim ing d ep en d en t p lasticity B io l C y fiern
J C om p N e u r o l 3 7 9 2 7 1 - 8 2 [8 .2 .4 b ] 8 7 3 7 3 - 8 2 [6 .5 .1 a , 6 .5 .2 ]
K a n d lcr K , K atz L C ( 1 9 9 8 ) C o o rd in a tio n o t n eu ron al activ ity in K a m a th H O ( 2 0 0 1 ) N ew insigh ts in to chc fu n c tio n s o f the superior
developin g visual c o rte x by gap ju n ctio n -m cd ia tcd b io ch em ical tem p o ral co rtex N a t R ev N eu ro sci 2 5 6 9 - 7 6 [5 .8 .4 d ]
co m m u n ica tio n ./ N eu ro sci 18 1 4 1 9 - 2 7 [6 .6 .2 J K arn ath H O , Fcrb cr S , H im m clb ach M ( 2 0 0 1 ) Spatial awareness is a
K ang H ,S c h u m a n ( 1 9 9 5 ) L o n g -la stin g n cu ro tro p h in -in d u ced e n h an ce­ fu n ctio n o f the tem p o ral n o t the p o ste rio r parietal lobe N a tu r e 4 1 1
m e n t o f synaptic tran sm ission in the adult h ipp ocam pus S cien ce 2 6 7 9 5 0 - 3 [5 .8 .4 d ]
1 6 5 8 - 6 2 [6 .5 .1 c ] K asam atsu T ( 1 9 9 1 ) A d ren ergic regu latio n o f v isu ocortical p lasticity : a
K a n g H , Sch u m an ( 1 9 9 6 ) A req u irem en t for lo cal p ro tein synthesis in role o f chc locus co cru lcu s svstcm P ro g B ra in R es 8 8 5 9 9 - 6 1 6
n cu ro tro p h in -in d u ced h ipp ocam pal synaptic p lasticity S cien ce 2 7 3 (8 .2 .7 h ]
1 4 0 2 - 6 [ 6 .4 .4 f ] K asam atsu T , Pettigrew J D ( 1 9 7 9 ) Preservation o f b in o cu larity after
K a n g K , Shelly M , So m p olin sk y H ( 2 0 0 3 ) M exican h ats and pinw heel* m o n o cu lar deprivation in th e striate c o rtc x o f k itten s treated with
in visual co rtex P ro c N .i d A ca d S ci 1 0 0 2 8 4 8 - 5 3 15.7.1] 6 -h y d ro x y d o p a m in c J C o m p N eu r o l 1 8 5 1 3 9 - 6 1 [8 .2 .7 h ]
K ano ld P O , Shatz C J ( 2 0 0 6 } Subplace neu ron s regu late m atu ratio n o f K asam atsu T , Pettigrew J D , Л гу M ( 1 9 7 9 ) R esto ratio n o f visual cortical
co rtic a l in h ib itio n and o u tco m e o f o cu la r d o m in an ce plasticity p lasticity by lo cal m icro p crfu sion o f n orep in ep h rin e / C o m p N eu ro l
N eu ro n 5 1 6 2 7 - 3 8 [6 .4 .4 d . 8 .2 .7 d ) 1 8 5 1 6 3 - 8 2 [8 .2 .7 h ]
K a n o ld P O , K ara P, Reid R C , Sharz C J ( 2 0 0 3 ) R o le o fs u b p la tc neurons K asam atsu T , Pettigrew J D , Л гу M ( 1 9 8 1 } C o rtic a l recov ery from effects
in fu n ctio n a l m atu ratio n o f visual co rcical colu m n s S cien ce 301 o f m o n o cu lar d ep riv ation : acceleratio n wich n orep in ep h rin e and
5 2 1 - 5 [6 .4 .5 c ] suppression wich 6-h yd roxyd op am in c / N eu ro p h y sio l 4 5 2 5 4 - 6 6
K apadia M K , G ilb e rt C D , \Vcvihcimcr G ( 1 9 9 4 ) A qu an titativ e m ea­ [S .2 .7 h ]
sure fo r s h o r t-te r m corcical p la sticity in hum an vision J N eu ro sci 14 K asam atsu T , W atabc K , H cggclu nd P, S c h o llc r E ( 1 9 8 5 ) P lasticity in c a t
4 5 1 - 7 [5 .5 .6 c ] visual c o rtcx restored by electrical stim u latio n o f th e locus cocru lcu s
K apad ia M K , Ico M ,G ilb e r t C D , W esth eim er G ( 1 9 9 5 ) Im provem en t in N eu rosci R es 2 3 6 5 - 8 6 [8 .2 .7 h ]
visual sensitivity by changes in local c o n te x t: parallel studies in hum an K asam atsu T , K ita n o M , Su tter E E , N o rc ia A M (1 9 9 8 a ) Lack o f lateral
observers and in V I o f a lert m on keys N eu ro n 15 8 4 3 - 5 6 15.6.7b , in h ib ito ry in teractio n s in visual c o rtc x o f m on ocu larly deprived cats
5 .9 .3 a ] V is R es 3 8 1 - 1 2 [8 .2 .3 c ]
K apadia M K , W esth eim er G , G ilb e r t C D ( 2 0 0 0 ) Spacial d istrib u tion K asam atsu T , Im am ura K , M ataga N , c t al. ( 1 9 9 8 b ) R o le s o f N -m eth yl-
o f co n te x tu a l in teractio n s in prim ary visual c o rtc x and in visual D -asp artate reccp tors in ocu lar d o m in an ce p lasticity in developing
perception / N eu ro p h y sio l8 4 2 0 4 8 - 6 2 [5 .6 .7 b ] visual c o rte x : re-evaluation N eu ro scien ce 8 2 6 8 7 - 7 0 0 18.2.7c]
K aplan D . G lass L ( 1 9 9 5 ) U n d ersta n d in g n o n lin e a r d y n a m ics Springer, K asam atsu T , Polac U . Pectec M W , N o rc ia A M ( 2 0 0 1 ) C o llin ea r facilita­
N ew Y ork [3 .5 ] tio n p ro m o tes reliability o f single-cell responses in ca t striate co rtex
K aplan I:, Shapley R M ( 1 9 8 6 ) T h e prim ate retin a co n ta in s tw o types o f E x p B ra in R es 1 3 8 2 , 1 6 3 - 7 2 [5 .6 .7 b ]
ganglion cclls w ith high and low co n tra st sensitivity P r o c N a tl A cad K asch u b c M , W o lf F, G icscl T , Low el S ( 2 0 0 2 ) G e n e tic influ en ce on
S c i 8 3 2 7 5 5 - 7 [5 .2 .1 ] q u an titativ e features o f n eocorcical a rch itectu re J N eu ro sci 2 2
K aplan E , Purpura K . Shapley R M ( 1 9 8 7 ) C o n tra s t affects che transm is- 7 2 0 6 - 1 7 1 5 .7 .1 ]
sion o f visual in form acion th ro u g h che m am m alian laceral gen icu late K asthurirangan S , V ilu p u ru A S, G lasser A (2 0 0 3 ) A m plitude
nucleusJ P h y s io l3 9 1 2 6 7 - 8 8 [5 .2 .2 b ] depend ent accom m od ativ e dynam ics in hum ans Vis R es 4 3 2 9 4 5 - 5 6
K apou la Z , M ain T C , Z e e D S , R o b in so n DA ( 1 9 8 7 ) A daptive |9.7.2c)
ch ang es in p o st-sa c ca d ic drift induced by p atch in g o n e eve V is R es K astn er S , U n gerlcid cr L G ( 2 0 0 0 ) M ech an ism s o t visual acccntion in the
2 7 1 2 9 9 - 3 0 7 [1 0 .8 .2 b ] hum an c o rtc x A n n R ev N eu ro sci 2 3 3 1 5 - 4 1 14.8.3d ]
M o o re T , Fallah M ( 2 0 0 4 ) M icro stim u la tio n o f the froncal eye field and M o ttcr B C ( 1 9 9 3 ) F o cal a tte n tio n produces spatially selective
ics c ffc c ts on co v ert spatial a tte n tio n / N cu ro p h y sio l 91 1 5 2 - 6 2 processing in visual corcical areas V I V 2 and V 4 in che presence o f
[5 .9 .2 a ] co m p e tin g stim u li J N cu ro p h y sio l 7 0 9 0 9 - 1 9 15.9.3a]
M o o res ££. F ris b y JP , B uckley D L , F aw cett A ( 1 9 9 8 ) V crgcn cc co n tro l M o ttc r B C ( 1 9 9 4 ) N eural correlates o f atten tiv e selection fo r co lo r o r
across saccades in dyslexic adulcs O p h th a l P h y sio l O pt 1 8 4 5 2 - 6 2 lu m in an cc in extrastriate area V 4 J N eu ro sci 1 4 2 1 7 8 - 8 9 [5-9.3c]
[1 0 .2 .2 c ] M o ttcr B C , P oggio G F ( 1 9 8 4 ) B in o cu lar fixatio n in che rhesus m on key:
M o o scr F, B osk in g W l I, Fitzp atrick D ( 2 0 0 4 ) A m orp h ological basis for spatial an d tem p o ral ch aracteristics E x p B r a in R es 5 4 3 0 4 - 1 4
oriencacion tu n in g in prim ary visual co rcex N a t N eu ro sci 7 8 7 2 - 9 1 1 0.5.4a]
[5 .6 .2 b ] M o u n ccastlc V B ( 1 9 5 7 ) M o d ality and to p o g rap h ic p rop erties o f single
M o rad i F, S h im o jo S ( 2 0 0 4 ) Perceptual b in d in g and p ersisten t surface neu ron s o f cacs so m atic sensory c o rtc x J N cu ro p h y sio l 2 0 4 0 8 - 3 4
segregation Vis R es 4 4 2 8 8 5 - 9 9 [4 .5 .4 a ]
M orales B , C h o i SY, K irkw ood A ( 2 0 0 2 ) D ark rearing alters th e d evelop­ M o u n ccastlc V B ( 1 9 9 7 ) T h e colu m n ar organ ization o f the n co c o rtcx
m en t o f G A B A c rg ic transm ission in visual c o rtcx J N eu ro sci 2 2 B r a in 1 2 0 7 0 1 - 2 2 [5 .7 ]
8 0 8 4 - 9 0 [6 .4 .4 d , 8 .1 .1 b. 8 .1 .4 a , 8.3 .1 b] M o u n tca stlc V B ( 1 9 9 8 ) P erc ep tu a l n eu roscien ce.. T h e c c r e b r a l co rtcx
M o ran J , D esim on e R ( 1 9 8 5 ) Selectiv e a tte n tio n gates visual processing \larvard U n iv ersity Press, C am b rid g e, M A [6 .4 .2 d ]
in th e ex trastriate c o r tc x S d c n c e 2 2 9 7 8 2 - 4 [5 .9 .1 , 5 .9 .3c) M o u n tcastlc V B . Lynch J C , G co rg o p o u lo s A c t al. ( 1 9 7 5 ) Posterior
M ord i J A , C iu ffred a K J ( 1 9 9 8 ) Sta tic asp ccts o f acco m m o d a tio n : age parietal associacion corcex o f chc m onkey. C o m m a n d fu n ctio n s for
and presbyopia Vis R es 3 8 1 6 4 3 - 5 3 I9 .2 .2 b ] o p eratio n s w ith in extrapersonal space / N eu ro p h y sio l 3 8 8 7 1 - 9 0 8
M ord i J A , C iu ffred a K J (2 0 0 4 a ) D y n am ic asp ects o f acco m m o d atio n : | 4 .5 .6 .5 .8 .4 c ]
age and presbyopia V is R es 4 4 591 •-6 0 1 [7.3.1 ] M o u n ts J R W ( 2 0 0 0 ) Evidence for suppressive m echanism s in a tte n tio n al
M ord i J A , C iu ffred a K J ( 2 0 0 4 b ) D y n a m ic aspects o f acco m m o d atio n : se lectio n : feature singletons p rod u cc in h ib ito ry surrounds P ercep t
age and presbyopia. Reply to a le tte r to the e d ito r Vis R es 4 4 2 3 1 5 - 6 P sy ch o p h y s6 2 9 6 9 - 8 3 (4 .8 .3 d ]
19.2.2b ] M outou ssis K , K eliris G , K ou rtzi Z , L o g o th ctis N ( 2 0 0 5 ) A b in o cu lar
M organ H , Sy m m cs D ( 1 9 8 2 ) A m a z in g 3 *D L ittle Brow n C o , B oston rivalry studv o f m o tio n perception in the hum an b rain Vis R es 4 5
[2 .1 1 .3 ] 2 2 3 1 - 4 3 [5 .8 .4 b ]
M organ M J , H o to p f W H N ( 1 9 8 9 ) Perceived d iagonals in grids and M ovshon JA ( 1 9 7 6 ) Reversal o f the behavioural effects o f m on ocu lar
la t t ic e s / '* / t o 2 9 1 0 0 5 - 1 5 [4 .5 .2 b ) deprivation in the k itten J P h y sio ! 2 9 1 1 7 5 - 8 7 [8 .3 .1 c ]
M organ M J, R egan D ( 1 9 8 7 ) O p p o n e n t m odels for lin e in terv al d is­ M ovshon J A , B lakem ore С ( 1 9 7 4 ) Fu n ctio n al rcin n crv atio n in kitten
crim in a tio n : in terval and vernier p erform ance com pared 1Ъ R et 2 7 visual c o r tc x N a tu re 2 5 1 5 0 4 - 5 [8 .3 .1 c ]
1 0 7 - 1 8 [ 4 .5 .2 c , 4 .5 .2 d ) M o vsh o n J A , D u rsteler M R ( 1 9 7 7 ) E ffects o f b rie f periods o f unilateral
M organ M W ( 1 9 4 4 ) A cco m m o d a tio n and its relation sh ip to con v er­ eve closure on the k itte n s visual system / N cu ro p h y sio l 4 0 1 2 5 5 6 5
gence A m J O p tom A rch A m A c a d O p tom 21 1 8 3 - 9 5 [ 10.4.1 ] (8.2.3d)
M o rg an M W ( 1 9 4 6 ) A new th e o ry for the co n tro l o f accom m od ation M ovshon J A , K iorp es L ( 1 9 8 8 ) A n alysis o f the developm en t o f spatial
A m J O p tom 2 3 9 9 - 1 1 0 (9 .2 .3 ] co n tra st sensitivity in m on key and hum an in fan ts / O pt S oc A m Л 5
M organ M W ( 1 9 6 8 ) A cco m m o d a tio n and v crgcncc A m J O p tom A rch 2 1 6 6 - 7 2 (7 .2 .1 a ]
A m A c id O p tom 4 5 4 1 7 - 5 3 (1 0 .4 .3 b , 9 .5 ] M ovshon J A , N ew som e W T ( 1 9 9 6 ) V isual response p rop erties o f striate
M organ M W , O lm sted J M D .W a t r o u s W ( 1 9 4 0 ) Sy m p ath etic actio n in co rtica l neu ron s p ro jectin g to area M T in m acaque m o n k cу/ N eu ro sci
a cco m m o d a tio n for far vision A m J P h y sio l 1 2 8 5 8 8 - [9 .2 .3 ] 1 6 7 7 3 3 - 4 1 [5 .8 .4 b ]
M o ri T , M atsu lira K , Z h an g B , c t al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) Elfcct.s o f t h e d u ration o f M ovshon J A , T h om p son ID , T o lh u rst D J ( 1 9 7 8 ) Spatial and tem poral
early strabism us on th e b in o cu la r responses o f neu ron s in the m onkey co n tra st sensitivity o f n eu ron es in areas 17 and 18 o f the c a t s visual
visual c o rtc x ( V I ) In v est O p h th a l V is S ci 4 3 1 2 6 2 - 9 [8 .2 .4 a ] c o rte x / P h y sio l 2 8 3 1 0 1 -2 0 ( 5 .6 .3 ,5 .6 .4 b ]
M orley J W , Lindsey J W , Ju d g e SJ ( 1 9 8 8 ) P rism -a d a p ta tio n in a M ovshon J A , Eggcrs H M .G iz z i M S , c t a l. ( 1 9 8 7 ) E ffects o f early u n ilat­
strabism ic m on k ey C lin V is S ci 3 1- 8 [1 0 .2 .5 ] eral b lu r o f che m a caq u es visual system . III. Physiological observ a­
M o rley J W , Ju d g e S J, L in d sey J W ( 1 9 9 2 ) R ole o f m on k ey inidbrain tio n s / N eu rosci 7 1 3 4 0 - 5 1 [8 .2 .4 b ]
n c a r-rc sp o n sc neu ron s in p h o ria ad ap tation J N cu ro p h y sio l 6 7 M o vsh o n J A , K iorp es L , H aw kcn M J, C avanaugh J R ( 2 0 0 5 ) Fu n ctio n al
1 4 7 5 - 9 2 [1 0 .1 0 .2 c ] m atu ratio n o f t h e m a caq u es lateral gen icu late nucleus J N eu rosci 2 5
M orrison L C ( 1 9 7 2 ) Fu rth er stu d ies on the ad ap tation to a rtificia lly - 2 7 1 2 - 2 2 [6 .3 .5 c ]
p rod uced an iseik on ia B r J P h y sio l O pt 2 7 8 4 - 1 0 1 [9 -9 .3 ] M ow er A F, L iao D S , N cstlcr E J, ec al. ( 2 0 0 2 ) c A M P / C a *+ response
M o rron c M C , Burr D C , F io rcn lin i A ( 1 9 9 3 ) D ev elop m en t o f in fan t elem en t b in d in g p ro tein fu n ctio n is essential fo r o cu lar d om in an ce
co n tra st sensitivity to ch rom acic stim u li Vis R es 3 3 2 5 3 5 - 5 2 [7 .2 .1 c ] plastic icyJ N eu ro sci 2 2 2 2 3 7 - 4 5 [ 8 .2 .7 f ]
M o rro n c M C ,T o s c tti M , M o n can aro D ,c c al. ( 2 0 0 0 ) A corcical area chac M o w er C .D , C h risten W G ( 1 9 8 5 ) R ole o f visual experien ce in activating
responds specifically со o p tic flow, revealed by f M R I N a t N eu rosci critical period in cat visual c o rtc x / N cu ro p h y sio l 5 3 5 7 2 - S 9 ( 8 .3 .lb ]
3 , 1 3 2 2 - 8 [5 .8 .4 b ] M o w er G D , C h riste n W G ( 1 9 8 9 ) Evidence for an en h an ced role o f
M o rro n g icllo B A ( 1 9 8 8 ) Infants* localizatio n o f sounds a lo n g the G A B A in h ib itio n in visual co rtical d om in an ce o f cats reared w ith
horizoncal axis: estim ates o f m in im u m audible angle D ev et P sy ch ol 2 4 ab n o rm al m o n o cu la r experien ce D ev cl B ra in R es 4 5 2 1 1 -1 8
8 - 1 3 [7 .7 ] [8 .2 .7 d )
M o rtcn scn U ( 2 0 0 2 ) A d d itive n oise, W cib u ll fu n ctio n s and th e ap p roxi­ M o w er G D , B u rch ficl J L , D u ffy П I (1 9 8 1 a ) The effects o f dark rearing
m ation o f p sy ch o m etric fu n ctio n s Vis R es 4 2 2 3 7 1 - 9 3 (3 .1 .1 b ) o n th e d evelopm en t and p lasticity o f chc lateral gen icu late nucleus
M oschovak is A K ( 1 9 9 5 ) A rc laws thac govern behavior em bedded in the D cv cl B ra in R es 1 4 1 8 - 2 7 [8 .1 .1 a )
stru ctu re o f che C N S ? The case o f i le r in g s law Vis R es 3 5 3 2 0 7 - 1 6 M o w er G D , B crrv D , B urch ficl J L , D u ffy F H (1 9 8 1 b ) C o m p a riso n o f
[1 0 .1 0 .2 a , 1 0 .8 .1 b ] the effects o f d a rb rc a rin g a n d b in o cu lar suture on developm en t and
M oschovak is A K , S cu d d cr C A , I lig h stcin S M ( 1 9 9 0 ) A stru ctu ral basis plascicicv o fc a c visual c o rte x B ra in R es 2 2 0 2 5 5 - 6 7 [8 .3 .1 b ]
fo r H c rin g s law : p ro jectio n s to extraocu lar m o to n e u ro n sS cie?ice 2 7 8 M o w er G D , C ap lan C J , Lccsou G ( 1 9 8 2 ) Behavioral recovery from
1 1 1 8 - 1 9 [1 0 .8 .1 b ] b in o cu lar deprivation in the cat B e h a v B r a in R es 4 2 0 9 - 1 5 [8 .1 .2 ]
M oss S J, Sm art T G ( 2 0 0 1 ) C o n stru c tin g in h ib ito ry synapses N a t Rei> M o w er G D C h risten W G , C ap lan C J ( 1 9 8 3 ) Very b r ie f exposure elim i­
N eu ro sci 2 2 4 0 - 5 0 [5 .5 .2 c ] n ates p lasticity in th e cat visual c o rtc x S cien ce 2 2 1 1 7 8 - 8 0 [8.3.1 b]
M o ttc r В С ( 1 9 9 1 ) B eyond extrastriate co rte x : th e parietal visual system M o w er G D , C aplan C J , C h risten W G , D u ffy F H ( 1 9 8 5 ) D ark rearing
In V ision a n d v is u a l d isju n c tio n (cd A L L cv cn th al) Vol IV pp 3 7 1 - 8 7 prolon gs physiological but n o t an ato m ical p lasticity o f the c a t visual
M a cM illa n , L o n d o n [5 .8 .4 ] co rte x J C o m p N e u r o l 2 3 5 4 4 8 - 6 6 [8 .1 . Id ]
P orterfield № ( 1 7 5 9 ) A tr e a tis e on th e e y e : 7Ъ е m a n n e r a n d p h a e n o m e n a Pr/.ybyv/.cwski A W , G aska JP , F o o te W , Pollen D A ( 2 0 0 0 ) S tria te c o rte x
o f v isio n A M iller, L o n d o n ( 2 .1 0 3 c ) increases co n tra st gain o f m acaque L G N neu ron s Vis N eu rosci 17
Poslcanzcr K , N ecd lcm a n L A , Bozdagi O , H unrlcv G\V ( 2 0 0 3 ) 4 8 5 - 9 4 [5 .2 .2 b ]
N -ca d h crin regulates in g row th and lam in ar tar’g etin g o f th a la m o co r­ Pugh M ( 1 9 5 8 ) V isual d isto rtio n in am blyop ia B r / O p h th a l 4 2 4 4 9 - 6 0
tica l a x o n s / N cu ro sd 2 3 2 2 9 4 - 3 0 5 [6 .4 .5 c ] [ 8 .4 .3 ,8 .4 .3 c ]
Posnci M I ( 1 9 8 0 ) O rie n tin g o f a tte n tio n £ u a r t J E x p P sy ch o l 3 2 3 - 2 5 Purvcs D , L ich tm an J W ( 19 8 5 ) P rin cip les o f n e u r a l d e v e lo p m e n t Sinaucr,
[4 .8 .1 b ] Su n d erlan d M A [7 .6 .4 ]
Pospichal M W , F lo ren ce S L , K aas II 1 ( 1 9 9 4 ) T h e postn atal developm en t P u ttcrm an s V , W cn d cro th N , Sw in n cn S P ( 2 0 0 5 ) C h an g es in brain
o f g c n ic u lo c o rtica l axon arb o rs in owl m onkevs Vis N eu ro sci 11 activation d urin g the acq u isitio n o f a m u ltifrcq u cn cy bim anual
7 1 - 9 0 [6 .4 .5 c ] co o rd in a tio n task: from the cog n itiv e stage to advanced levels o f
Pongee A , Z h a n g K , D en cv c S . Latham PH ( 1 9 9 8 ) S tatistically efficien t au to m aticitv J N eu ro sci 2 5 4 2 7 0 - 8 [4 .8 .4 ]
estim ation using pop ulation cod es N e u r a l C om p u t 1 0 3 7 3 - 4 0 1 Pylyshvn Z W ( 1 9 7 3 ) W h a t th e m in d s eye tells the m in d s brain P sy ch ol
[4 .2 .5 b ] ' M J 0 1 - 2 4 [4 .6 .3 h ]
Pougec A . D en cv c S , D u co m J C , L atham P E ( 1 9 9 9 ) N arrow versus wide Q a d ir C A ( 1 9 9 0 ) P h ilo so p h y a n d scien ce in th e Is la m ic w o r ld R otitled ge,
tu n in g cu rves: w h at’s b est fo r a pop ulation co d e ? N e u r a l С от р и t 1 1 L o n d o n [2 .2 .4 d ]
8 5 - 9 0 [4 .2 .5 b ] Q iu F T , von der H eyd t R ( 2 0 0 7 ) N eural rep resentation o f transparent
Pouratian N , T o g a A W ( 2 0 0 2 ) O p tica l im aging based on in trin sic signals overlay A w N eu ro sci 1 0 2 8 3 - 4 [5 .8 .2 a )
In B r a in m a p p in g : th e m eth o d s (cd A W T o g a, J C M azziotta) Q iu F T ,S u g ih a r a T ,v o n d er H eyd t R ( 2 0 0 7 ) Figure-ground m echanism s
pp 9 7 - 1 4 0 A cad em ic Press, N ew York [5 .4 .3 a ] provide stru ctu re for selective a tte n tio n N a t N c u r o sd 1 0 1 4 9 2 - 9
Pou ratian N , S h c th S A , M artin N A , T o ga A W ( 2 0 0 3 ) S h ed d in g light on [5 .8 .2 a ]
brain m ap p in g : advances in hum an op tical im agin g T IN S 2 6 2 7 7 - 8 2 Q u a ia C , O p tica n L M ( 1 9 9 8 ) C o m m u tativ e saccad ic g en erator is
[5 .4 .3 a ] sufficient to co n tro l a 3 -D o cu lar plant w ith pulleys./ N eu ro p h y sio l
Pozzo A ( 1 6 9 3 ) P ersp ectiv a p ieto ru m e t a reh iteeto ru m First published in 7 9 3 1 9 7 - 2 1 5 1 1 0 .1 .2 d ]
R om e in L atin . A n English translation appeared in L on d on in 1 7 0 7 , Q u creau | ( 1 9 5 4 ) S o m e asp ect o f to rsio n A rch O p h th a l 51 7 8 3 - 8
w h ich was reproduced in 1 9 8 9 by D over, M in co la , N Y [2 .9 .3 ] [ 10. 1 .2d]
P ratt K G , W att A J, G riffith L C , c t al. ( 2 0 0 3 ) A ctiv ity-d ep en d en t rem od ­ Q u ick M W , B o o th e R G ( 1 9 8 9 ) M easu rem en t o f b in o cu lar alig n m en t in
ellin g o f presynaptic in p u ts by postsynaptic expression o f activated n orm al m onkeys and in m onkeys w ith strabism us frrv est O p h th a l Vis
C a M К 11 N eu ro n 3 9 2 6 9 - 8 1 [6 .5 .1 a ] S ci 3 0 1 1 5 9 - 6 8 [ 1 0 .2 .3 b ]
P ratt-Johnvon J A , T illso n G ( 1 9 8 1 ) V isu al results a fter rem oval o f c o n ­ Q u ick M W ,T ig g c s M , G am m o n J A , B o o th e R G ( 1 9 8 9 ) Early abnorm al
genital cataracts b efore the age o f I year C a n f O p h th a l 1 6 1 9 - 2 1 visual experien ce indu ces strabism us in in fa n t m onkeys In v est
[8 .3 .3 b ] O p h th a l Vts S ci 3 0 1 0 1 2 - 1 7 [1 0 .2 .2 d j
P ratt-Joh n von J A , T ills o n G ( 19 X 3 ) Sen sory results follow ing treatm en t Q u in la n E M , P h ilp o t B D , H u gan ir R L , B ear M F ( 1 9 9 9 ) R ap id , experi­
o f in fa n tile eso tro p ia C a n J O p h th a l 1 8 1 7 5 - 7 [8 .4 .6 b , 1 0 .2 .2 c] en ce-d ep en d en t expression o f synaptic N M D A reccp to rs in visual
P ratt-Joh n von J A , T ills o n G ( 1 9 8 4 ) Suppression in strabism us— an c o rtc x in v iv o N a t N c u r o sd 2 3 5 2 - 7 [ 6 .6 .3 1
update B r it J O p h th a l 6 8 1 7 4 - 8 [8 .5 .2 ] Q u in la n E M , L c b c l 1>, B m sh I, Barkai E ( 2 0 0 4 ) A m olecu lar m echanism
P ratt-Joh n von J A , T illso n G ( 1 9 8 9 ) U n ilateral co n g en ital cataract: for stab ilization o f Icarnin g-in d u ccd synaptic m o d ificatio n s N eu ro n
b in o cu la r status after treatm en t / P c d O p h th a l S tr a b 2 9 1 2 - l b 41 1 8 5 - 9 2 [6 .4 .4 f, 6 .5 .l a , 6 .6 .3 ]
[3 .1 .3 ] Q u irin g R , W a lld o rf U , K lo tcr \J9 G ch rin g W J ( 1 9 9 4 ) H o m o lo g y o f the
P ratt-Joh n von J A , W ee H S ( 1 9 6 9 ) Suppression associated w ith c x o tro - ey eless gen e o f D ro so p h ila to rhe s m a ll e y e gen e in m ice and A r ir id ia in
pia C a n J O p h th a l 4 1 3 6 [ 10.2.2a] hum ans S cien ce 3 6 5 7 8 5 [6 .3 .1 b]
P rcd cbon J ( 1 9 9 4 ) C o n v erg en ce responses to m o n o cu larly viewed Radhakri.vhnan H , Pardhan S , C alv cr R I, O ’Leary D J (2 0 0 4 a ) U nequal
ob jeetv : im p lication s fo r d istan ce p ercep tion P ercep tio n 2 3 3 0 3 - 1 9 red u ction in visual acu ity w ith positive an d negative d с focu sing
[1 0 .3 .2 b ] lenses in m yopes O p tom Vis S ci 81 1 4 - 7 [9 .6 .2 a ]
Prcvost A ( 1 8 4 3 ) F.ssai sur la th c o ric dc la vision b in o cu lairc Rambo/., Radhakri.vhnan H , Pardhan S , C alv cr R I, O ’Leary D J (2 0 0 4 b ) E lfc c t o f
G en ev a [2 .1 0 .4 ] positive and negative d cfocu s o n co n tra st sensitivity in m yopes and
Prcvost P ( 1 8 0 4 ) F.ssais dc p h iloso p h ic OU etu d e d c le sp rit hum ain non-m vopes Vis R es 4 4 1 8 6 9 - 7 8 [9 .6 .2 a ]
Pasch oud , G e n e v a [2 .1 0 .4 ] R ad n ikow G , Feldm cyer D , L iibkc J ( 2 0 0 2 ) A xon al p ro je ctio n , input
Pricc D J, B lak em ore С ( 1 9 8 5 ) The postn atal d ev elo p m en t o f the associa­ and ou tp u t synapses, an d synaptic physiology o f C a ja l-R ctz iu s cclls
tion p ro jectio n fro m visual co rtic a l area 17 to area 1 8 in the cat in the developin g rat n co c o rtcx / N eu ro sci 2 2 6 9 0 8 - 1 9 [6 .4 .5 a ]
J N eu ro sci 5 2 7 4 3 - 5 2 [6 .4 .6 c ] R a ff M C , B a n e s B A , B u rn c J F , c t al. ( 1 9 9 3 ) P rogram m ed cell d eath and
Pricc D J , Ferrer [ M R , B lakem ore C , K ato N ( 1 9 9 4 ) P ostn atal d evelop­ th e co n tro l o f ccll survival: lessons from the nervous system S cien ce
m en t and p lasticity o f c o rtic o co rtic a l p ro jectio n s from area 17 to area 2 9 2 6 9 5 - 7 0 0 [6 .3 .3 b ]
18 in the c a t s visual c o rte x J N eu rosci 1 4 2 7 4 7 - 6 2 [6 .4 .6 c ] R ain ey B B ( 2 0 0 0 ) T h e e ffe c t o f p rism ad ap tation o n th e response AC/A
Priebe N J, C assan cllo C R , L isbcrger S G ( 2 0 0 3 ) T h e neural representa­ ratio O p h th a l P h y sio l O p t 2 0 1 9 9 - 2 0 6 1 10.4.1 ]
tion o f speed in m acaque area M T / V 5 / N eu ro sci 2 3 5 6 5 0 - 6 1 R aizada R D S ,G r o s s b c r g S ( 2 0 0 3 ) Tow ards a th e o ry o f th e lam in ar arch i­
[5 .8 .4 b ] tectu re o f cereb ral c o rte x : co m p u tatio n al clu es from th e visual system
Priestley J ( 1 7 7 2 ) T h e h isto ry and present state o f discoveries relatin g to C c r e b C o r tex 1 3 1 0 0 - 1 3 [ 5 .8 .3 c ]
vision light and co lo u rs Jo h n so n , L o n d o n [2.2.-*d , 2 .5 .2 , 2 .5 .4 ] R ak ic P ( 1 9 7 4 ) N eu ro n s in rhesus m on key visual co rte x : system atic rela­
P rieto P M , V argas-M artin F, G o elz S , A rtal P ( 2 0 0 5 ) A nalysis o f th e per­ tion b etw een tim e o f o rig in and eventual d isp osition S cien ce 1 8 3
form an ce o f th e \ lartm an n -Sh ack sensor in the hum an eye) O p t S oc 4 2 5 - 7 [6 .4 .5 a ]
A m A 15 1 3 8 8 - 9 8 [9 .1 .3 c ] R ak ic P ( 1 9 7 6 ) Prenatal genesis o f c o n n e c tio n s subserving o cu lar dom i*
P rieto -D ia z [ ( 2 0 0 0 ) S tra b ism u s B o sto n , B u tte r w orth - H cin cm an n n an ce in th e rhesus m on k ey N a tu re 2 9 1 4 6 7 - 7 1 [6 .3 .5 a , 6.7.11
[ 1 0 .2 .2 a ] ’ R ak ic P ( 1 9 8 1 ) D ev elo p m en t o f visual cen ters in the prim ate brain
P roffitt D R , G ild c n , D L ( 1 9 8 9 ) U n d erstan d in g natural dynam ics J E x p depends o n b in ocu lar co m p etitio n before b irth S cien ce 2 1 4 9 2 8 - 3 1
P sy ch ol: П Р Р 15 2 8 4 - 9 3 [4 .6 .3 g ] [6 .3 .5 b , 8 .2 .2 a ]
Provinc R R . E n o ch J M ( 1 9 7 5 ) O n v olu n tary o cu lar accom m od ation R ak ik P ( 1 9 8 5 ) L im its o f n cu ro gcn csis in prim ates S cien ce 2 2 7 1 0 5 4 - 6
P crccp t P sychophys 1 7 2 0 9 - 1 2 [9 .4 ] [6 .4 .2 d ]
Provinc R R , W esterm an JA ( 1 9 7 9 ) C rossin g the m id lin c: lim its o f early R ak ic P ( 1 9 8 8 ) Sp ecificatio n o f cereb ral co rtical areas S cien ce 2 7 1 1 7 0 - 6
eye-hand behavior C h ild D e v e l 5 0 4 3 7 - 4 1 [7 .4 .1 a] [ 5 .7 ,6 .4 .5 a , 6 .4 .5 c ]
R o sen b erg R , Flax N\ Brodsky B , A b clm a n L { 1 9 5 3 } A ccom m od ativ e Rovam o J , V irsu V ( 1 9 7 9 ) A n estim atio n and ap p lication o f th e hum an
levels under c o n d itio n s o t asym m etric con vergen ce A m J O ptom A rch c o rtic a l m agn ification fa c to r E x p B r a in R c j 3 7 4 9 5 - 5 1 0 [5 .5 .4 c ,
A m A c a d O p tom 3 0 2 7 4 - 5 4 [9.7.3л ] 7 .2 .4 ]
R o sen b la tt F ( 1 9 5 8 ) The p crccp tro n : a p ro bab ilistic m od el for in fo rm a­ R ovam o J , V irsu V, Laui inen P, H yvarinen L ( 1 9 8 2 ) R eso lu tio n o f g rat­
tio n storage and org an ization in th e brain P sy ch ol R ev 6 5 3 8 6 - 4 0 8 in gs orien ted a lo n g and across m eridians in peripheral vision In v est
[4 .4 .4 ] O p h th a l Vis S ci 2 3 6 6 6 - 6 7 0 [5 .6 .2 a ]
R osenfield M ( 1 9 9 7 ) T o n ic vergence and vergence ad ap tation O p tom t'ls Row e J B , T o n i I, Jo sep h s 0 , e c al. ( 2 0 0 0 ) The p refron tal c o rte x : response
S c i 7 4 3 0 3 - 2 8 ( 1 0 . 2 . 1,1 0 .2 .5 ] selection or m ain ten an ce w ith o u t w orkin g m em ory S cien ce 2 8 8
R osenfield M , A b ra h a m -C o h c n J A ( 1 9 9 9 ) B lu r sensitivity in m yopes 1 6 5 6 - 6 0 [ 5 .8 .4 f )
O p tom Vis S ci 7 6 3 0 3 - 7 [9 .6 .2 a ] Row e M 11 ( 1 9 9 1 ) Fu n ctio n al organ ization o f th e retina In N eu ro a n a to m y
Rosenfield M , C iu ffred a K J ( 1 9 9 0 ) D ista n ce h cte ro p h o ria and to n ic o f t h e v is u a l p a th w a y s a n d th e ir d ev elo p m en t {cd В D reh er, R S
v crgcncc O p tom Vis S ci 6 7 6 6 7 - 9 1 1 0 .2 .3 c ] R o b in so n ) pp 1 - 5 8 C R C Press, B o sto n [5 .1 .3 )
Rosenfield M , C iu ffred a K J ( 1 9 9 1 a ) A ccom m od acio n responses to c o n ­ R oy K , K uzn icki K , W u Q , e t al. ( 2 0 0 4 ) T h e T lx gene regulates
flictin g stim uli J O p t Soc A m A 8 4 2 2 - 7 [9 .6 .1 ] the tim in g o t neurogcnesis in th e c o rte x / N eu rosci 2 4 8 3 3 3 - 4 5
R osenfield M , C iu ffred a K J ( 1 9 9 1 b ) E ffect of*surround p ro p in q u ity on 16.4.5a]
the o p e n d o o p accom m od ativ e response h u r s t O p h th a l V is S ci 3 2 R ozas C , Frank H , H cy n cn A jt e t al. ( 2 0 0 1 ) D evelop m en tal in h ib ito ry
1 4 2 - 7 [9 .4 ] gate co n tro ls che relay o f activ ity to the superficial layers o f the visual
Rosenfield M , G ilm a rtin Б ( 1 9 8 8 a ) A ccom m od ativ e ad ap tation induced co rtex J N eu ro sci 21 6 7 9 1 - 8 0 1 [6 .4 .4 d ]
by sustained d isparity vergence A m / O p tom P h y sio l O p t 6 5 1 1 8 - 2 9 Rucci M . lovin R . P o lctti M , S an tin i F ( 2 0 0 7 ) M in iatu re eye m ovem ents
1 1 0 .4 .3 a ] cn h a n cc fin e spatial d etail N a tu r e 4 4 7 8 5 1 - 4 1 1 0 .1 .1 ]
Rosenfield M %G ilm a rtin В ( 1 9 8 8 b ) Ih e e ffe ct o f vergence adaptation R u cker F J. K ruger P B ( 2 0 0 1 ) Isolated short-w ave len gth sensitive co n cs
on convergent a cco m m o d a tio n O p h th a l P h y sio l O p t 8 1 7 2 -7 can m ed iate a reflex acco m m o d atio n response V is R es 41 9 1 1 - 2 2
[1 0 .4 .3 a ] |9.7.2dJ
Rosenfield M , C iu ffred a K J. O n g E , A zin i A ( 1 9 9 0 } P roxim al induced R u cker F J, K ruger PB ( 2 0 0 4 ) 'Ih e role o f sh o rt'w av clcn g th sensitive
a cco m m o d a tio n and accom m od ativ e ad ap tation b u r s t O p h th a l Vis c o n cs and ch ro m atic ab erration in th e response to station ary and step
S c i3 1 1 1 6 2 - 7 [9 .3 .2 ] acco m m o d atio n stim u li Vis R es 4 4 1 9 7 - 2 0 8 [9 .7 .2 d ]
Rosenfield M , C iu ffred a К J , H u n g G K ( 1 9 9 1 ) The lin earity o f proxim al- R u m elh art D E , M cC lellan d J L ( 1 9 8 6 ) P a r a lle l d is tr ib u te d p rocessin g
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Acta O phthal A cra Ophthalm okigica A rt History

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A cta Psychol A cta Psycho Jog tea Auk Auk
Adv C h illi Dcvcl bchav Advances in C h ik l Developm ent and behavior Aust J O ptom Australian Journal o f O ptom etry
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Akirvtiquc Z c Akust Z Bchav Biol Behavioural Biology
Aw J Mum G en et American Journal o f 1 luman G enctic* Bchav Ecol Sociobiol Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
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Am J O ptom Arch A m Acad O pcom American Journal o f O ptom etry and Archive* o f bchav Res M eth Inst rum Com put Behavior Research M ethods, Instrum ents.and
American Academy o f O ptom etry Com puters
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Ann Sci Annals o f Science C an J O phthal Canadian Journal o f O phthalm ology
Ann Psychol A nn£e Рчусho logic C an J O ptom Canadian Journal o f O ptom etry
Ann Neurol A nival* o f Neurology C an J Physiol Pharmacol Canadian Journal o f Physiology and
App O ptic» Applied O ptics Pharmacology
Arch Augcnhcilk Archiv Angcnheilkundc C an J Psychol Canadian Journal o f Psychology
Arch fo r Anar Physiol V»"i<scn Med Archiv fiir Anatom ic Physiologic und C an J Z ool Canadian Journal o f Zoology
Wi<«<nsvha&lichc Mcdicui C c ll Tissue Rc* C e ll and TittUC Research
Arch G e t Psychol Archiv fiir^rsaintc Psychologic C ereb Cortex C erebral C ortex
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Arch Neucol Pyychiat Archive* o f Neurology and Psych urry C o g Psychol Cognitive Psychology
Arch O phthal A M A Archives o f O phthalm ology C om ptcs Rcndus Acad Sci C om ptcs Kcndus de Г Academic des Sciences
Arch O phthal O to l A rchisc* o f O phthalm ology and O tology C om put Graph C om puter G raphic*
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p c v c l Вram Res Developmental Brain Research J Elcctroplwtkil Journal o f Olcctrophyskikigy
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Ed i lib J Sci Edinburgh Journal o f Scicncc J Exp Psychol Gen Journal o f Experimental Psychology: General
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Exp Psyvhol M o nog г Experimental Psychology Monograph J Hist Behav Sci Journal o f the H istory o f the Behavioral Sciences
For*ch Z ool l-orchntte der L<x>logic J H itt Med Allied Sci Journal o fth e H istory o f M cdicinc anti Allied
G cr 1 O p h th il G erm an journal o f O phthalm ology Scicnccs
G ro c k s Arch Klin Exp O phthal G racfc* Archiv fitt klintschc und experim ented J H ist Philos Journal o fth e H istory o f Philosophy
O phthalnio logic J !m Sci Tcchr.ol Journal o f Image Science and Technology
} lerpctologica J Inst Elcc Engin Journal o f the Institute o f Electrical Engineers
Hum Factors 1 luman Facto r* J M ath Jmag Vis Journal o f M athem atical Imaging and Vision
Hum O.cnct Human G en et ics I M ath Psychol Journal o f M athematical Psychology
i lum N curobiol I ium an Ncurobiology J M icros Journal o fM k ro sco p y
IE E E T r Part A d Much Intel IE E E Transaction! o n Pattern Analysis and 1 M orphol Journal o f M orphology
M achine Intelligence J M ot Hchav Journal o f M otor behavior
IE E E T r C om put Graph App IE E E Transactions on С о т р и т е Graphics J N at Philo* A m Journal o f Natural Philosophy and Arts
Applications J Navig Journal o f Navigation
lE E E T r Biom cd Engin IE E E Transaction! on Biom edical Engineering J Ncurobkil Journal o f Ncurobiology
IE E E T rS y s Sci C ybcm IE E E Transactions on Systems Scicncc and J Neurochcm Jo u rn al o f Neurochcmistry
Cybernetics J Ncurocyrol Journal o f Ncurocytologjr
IE E E T r M an M ach Cybcrn IE E E Transactions on M an. M achines and J Neurol Journal o f Neurology
Cybernetics J Neurol Ncurosurg Psychiai Journal o f Neurology Neurosurgery and
IE E E T r M an-M ach Syst IE E E Transactions on M an*M achinc Syst Psychiatry
Image Vi» Com p Image and Vision C om puting 1 Neurol Sci Journal o f the Neurological Scicnccs
Infant Behav D c rcl Infant Behavior and Dcvckipm cnt J Neurophysiol Journal o f N cufophyoology
lnt J C om put Vi* Internationa] jo u rn al o f C om puter Vision J Neurosci Journal o f Neuroscience
Int J D c rcl Biol Inter narwnal Journal <»f Developmental J O p r S o c Am Journal o f the O p tical Society <»fAmcrica
Biology JO rn Journal o f O rnithology
lnt j M an-M ach Stud International Journal o f M an-M achine Studies J Pesl O p h th al Strab Journal o f Pcdiatrk O phthalm ology and
l n t j Neurosci I ntc rnat h>nal Jo u m al o f N с иго<с ic nc с Strabismus
Int j Opcom International Journal o f O ptom etry J Person Journal o f Personality
Int J Parr Rccog A ftif Intel 1 International Journal o f Pattern Rcvognirktn and j Physiol Journal o f Physiology
Artificial Intelligence I Psychol Journal o f Psychology
Int J Psychophyaiol International Journal o f Psychophysiology J Soc Motk»n Piet Engirt Journal o f the Society о f M otion Picture
ln t J R o b ot Res Internationa] Jo u m al о f Rob ot ic Rc sc arc h Engineers
Int I V irtu al Reality International jou rn al o f Virtual Reality I S o c Moty»n Piet Tclevis Engin Journal o fth e S ocicty o f M otion Picturc and
Int R cc M ed Q u art Rev O phthal International Record o f M cdicinc and Quarterly Television Engineers
Review o f O phthalm ology I \Xarb C ou rt Inst Journal o fth e Warburg ansi C ourtauld Institutes
In te rn alJ N curosd International Journal o f Neuroscience J Sports Sci Journal o f Sports Science
Invest O phthal Investigative O phthalm ology I Tltcor Biol Journal o f Theoretical Biology
Invest O phthal V b Sci Investigative O phthalm ology and Visual Science J Ultra struct Res Journal o f Ultra struct urc Research
Invest Radio! Investigative Radiology J Vcstib Res Journal ofV cstib u lir Research
b is J Vb Journal o f Vision
J* p Psychol Res Japanese Psychological Research Klin Monar Axigcnhcilk Kliniswhe M onarsbU ttct fur Augenh<iLkunde
J A m In tra -o cu iir Implant Soc Journal o f the American Intra-ocular Implant Lor.d Edin Philos M ag i Sci London and Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine
Society and Journal o f Scicncc
J A bo S o c Psychol Journal o f Abnorm al and Social Psychology Lon Edin D ub Philos M ag J Sci London Edinburgh and D ublin Philosophical
J Acoust S o c Am Journal o f the Acoustical Socicty o f America Magazine and Journal o f Science
J AAPCS Journal o f the American Association o l Pediatric M ar Biol M arine Biology
O phthalm ology and Strabismus M ed Biol Engin M edical and Biological Engineering
J A m O ptom Assoc Journal o f the American Optvimctric Mi d Biol Engin Com put Medical and Biological Engineering and
Association C om puting
J Anat Journal o f Anatom y M ed PnsgTcchnol M edical Pro grew Through Technology
J AudUi Engin Soc Journal o fth e A uditory En/inccring Society M ed Sci Res M edical Science Research
J Audit Rev Journal o f Auditory Research Medieval Studies
J Biom cd O pt Journal o t RiootcdiciJ Opt»*» Mem Am Philos Soc M emoirs o f tb c American Philosophical Society
J C c ll Biol Journal o f C c ll Biology M IT Q iu r t Prog Rep M IT Q uarterly Progress Report
J C c ll C o m p Physiol Journal o f C ellular and Comparative Physiology M olec Neurobio 1 M olecular Neurobiologv
j C hem Physks Journal o f Chem ical Physics M ona: Her Akad M onatsberichtc der Berliner Academic
J C lin Invent Journal o f C linical Investigation M ullers Arch M ullers Archiv for Anatom ic
J C o g Neurosci Journal o f Cognitive Neuroscience Nature Med Nature Medicine
J C om p Neurol Journal o f Com parative Neurology N at Neurosci Nature Ncuroscicncc
J C om p Physiol Journal o f Com parative Physiology Nat New Biol Nature Ncsv B»ok>gY
J C om p Physiol Psychol Journal o f Com parative and Physiological N at Rev N curosd Nature: Reviews Neuroscience
Psychology Natur vr«e nsc ha ft сn
J Com pur A o itr Tomog Journal o f C om puter Assisted Tomography Neural C om put Neural Compucarion
J C om put Neurosci Journal o f Com putational Neuroscience Neural Network* Neural Networks
J dc Physique Journal tie Physique Neuroease
J Display Tcchnol Journal o f Display Technology N cuiocom puting
Ncuro Image Psycho) Stud Psychologic he Studicn (Leipzig)
N curo-O phthal N euro-O phthalm ology Psychonom Bull Rev Psychonomic Bulletin and Review
Psychonom M onogf Supp Psychonomic Monograph Supplements
Neurosci Neuroscience Psychonom Sci Psychonomic Science
N ew o*ci Lett Ncuroscicncc U tw r t Q i u r t ) Exp Physiol Q uarterly JournAl o f Experiment a I Physiology
N cu rotd Res Ncuroscicncc Research Q u ir t j Exp Psychol Q uarterly JonnvAl o f Experiment a I Psychology
New» Physiol Sci News in Physiological Scicncc* Res D cvcl Research D erelapm ent
Nucleic Acids Rc* Nucleic A c k b Research Rev M od Phys Review o f M odern Physics
N Z J feychol New Zealand Journal o f Psychology Rev Neurosci Res icw o f Ncuroscicncc
N Z JZ o o l New Zealand Journal o i Zook)gy Rev Neurol Revue Ncurc»log»oue
O phthal Physiol O pr O phthalm ic ап J Physiological O ptics Scam : J Psychol Scandinavian Journal o f Psychology
O phthal Ren O p h tlu lm ic Research Sci Am Scientific American
O ck jl Act a Scm Neurosci Seminars in Neuroscience
O ptom V is Sci O p tom etry AnJ V ision Scicncc Sen Proc Sensory Processes
Percept M ot Ski! Is Perceptual and M o to r Skilk Sig Prac: Image C om m Signal Processing: Image C o mini in ic ation
Percept Psychophys Perception And Psychophysics S oc Neurosci A bitr So ciety o f Ncuroscicncc Abstracts
Pflugers Arch gcs Phyiiol PHugcr* Archiv fur die gCfcume Physiologic S o c Neurowi Symp Society o f N eurottience Symposium
Philos Stud Philosophise lie Srudicn Spat Vis Spat til Vision
Philos T r R S o c Philosophical Transactions o fth e Royal Society Survey O phthal Survey o f O phthalm ology
London System Z ool Systematic Zoology
Photogram Engin PhotogrAmmctric Engineering A rt Q u irt fb c A rt Quarterly
Photogiam Engin Rem S<ji P hotogram m ctrk Engineering and Remote ’Hie American Cartographer
Sensing Tohoku Psychol Folia T o h o lu PsyehologKA Folia
Photograph f Photographic Journal Tr A m O phthal Soc Transactions o f the American Ophthalm ological
Physiol Bchav Physiology and Behavior Socicty
Physiol Rev Physiological R ev iew T r Am Philos Soc Transactions o fth e American Philosophical
Physiol Z ool Physiological Zoology Society
PogflcndortFs A nn P ln sik C h cm Poggendorif* A nnakn d er Physik iind C hcm ic Tr M icroscop Soc Lon Transactions o fth e M icroscopical So cicty o f
Prim Ate* London
Proc S o c Neurosci Proceedings o fth e Sociccy o f Ncuroscicncc T r O phthal S o c U K Transactions o f the Ophthalm ological S ocicty o f
Р п к Am Philos Soc Proceedings o ftlw Am erican Philosophical the U nited Kingdom
Society Tr Ope S o c Lon T r a n s itio n s o f the M icroscopicil Society o f
Рпк- Aw Rev ncrv I)ii P ro ceed in g o fth e Association for Research in London
Nervous Disease* Tr R S o c Edinb Transaction* o f the Royal Society o f Edinburgh
Proc Intern At S o c O p t Engin Proceedings o fth e International Society o f Tr S oc M otion Piet Engm Transactions o fth e Socicty o f M otion Picture
O p tical Engineers Engineers
Р п к Natl Acad Sci Proceeding* o f (h e National Academy o f Sciences T IN S Trends in Ncuroscicncc
Proc Physics S o c Proceedings o fth e Physics Socicty Trends C o g n it Sci Trends in Cognitive Science
Proc R Soc Proceedings o l the Royal So Сkey London V U C o g n it Visual C ognirion
Рпк* R Soc M c J Proceedings o fth e Royal Society o f M edicine V is Neurosci Visual Neuroscience
Р п к Soc P hoto O pt Instrum Engin Proceeding* o fth e Society o f Photo-optical V i* Res V ision Rrsearsh
Instrumentation Engineers V is Sci S oc Abstracts V ision Sciences S ocicty Abstracts
Proc Physiol Sot- Proceedings o fth e Physiological Socicty Z Exp Angcw Psychol Z citsch rik tor e xp erim en ted und angcwandtc
Prog Brain Ret Progress in Brain Research Psychologic
Prog Ncurobiol Progress in Neurobiology Z G csch Arabi-bkun W isscn Zcitschrift fur G eschiehte der Arabtsclv
Prog Psvcbobiol Physiol Psychol Progrcw in Psychobiology And Physiological h iim b c h cn W is e n t* halt
Psychology Z Naturforsch Zcitschrift for Naturfbrschung
Psychol licit Psychotogisehc Beit rage Z Neurol Psychiit Zcitschrift fur Neurologic und Psychiatric
Psychol Bull Ptychokigical Bulkrin Z Psychol Zcirschrifi tor Psychologic
Psychol Forsch Psychologischc Forschung Z Psycho I Physiol Sinnctorg Zefcschrife fur Psychologic und Physiologic dcs
Psychol M onogr Psychological M onographs Sinncsorganc
Psychol Rcc Psychological Record Z Sinncsphyssol Zcirschrift fur Slnncsphysiologic
Psychol Res Psychological Research Z Г icrpsychol Zcttsclinh fur Tierpsychologie
Psychol Rev P>ychok*gical Review Z VC’isscn P hotog Photophy Photochcm Zcirschrifi tor Vt-'isscnschaltlichc Photographic
Psychol Rev M oiiogr Stipp P a th o lo g ic a l Review Monograph Supplements Photophysik und P hocochcm k
Psychol Sci Pcycliokjgical Science

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Berman. N. 414 1Norton, J. C . 26S
Birch. L E. ill H ubei. D .L L 2AL Sakata. LL 2 2d
Brewster, D. $2 H u n g.G . K. Л1Z Schactfcl. F. •И6
Schiller, P LL m i
Callaway. t*. M . iii Judge» S . У iiU Sch or. C M . ж :
C a m p b e ll F VC*. m Semmlow,J. L. m
Charm an. N . W. in Kapoula. /.. Shapley. R.
C h in o. Y .M . Kasamatsu. T. 4(M Shatz. C .J- in
C o lk w ijn .il. 507 Kepler. У 22 Sherm an. S . M.
C o ttfy . A. 2^ 1 Кюгрсе, L. a2 R Shim ojo. S. ill
Crawford* Mr L. J. illL K k m .S . A. ill Singer» VC*. 403
C v n aJcr, M 122 Kruger. P. В A bb Sireteanu. R. M£l
Sm ith. L . L Jii
D j£u crrc. L Ы Levi, D . M . 421 Sperry, R . W . 221
Daw. N . W. ill Livin&stonc. 278 Sretavan. D. VC'. ill
iic IU P o tta C . B. 22 Stryker. M . P. 2sa
D o ca rte s. R . ?5 M ach. •И Swindzlc. X . V. H i
D cV alois R . L M aunsell. J. LL R 288
Miles, F. A. 503 Talbot. F. tb.
Gibv^n, E l . M itchell. D E. 417 Tim ncy. B. ^L5
M ounu'atcle. V. B. 2V : Tootell. R . B. LL 2£i
Enright. J . T. M ovthon. A. ш Trcisman. A. L il
Erkelem . С . У 507 M n lk r.J. Ji
Van Essen. I>. C . lii
F ech n crG . F. 41 Newton. L 70 Vesalius. A- ii
Fry. О . A. a iC Niepce. N. Von N oofilen. G . K.
N orcia, A. M . it L
G ilbert, C . D. ?.7a W heatstone* C . 79
G ross, C . G. 22L O rb an , G. A. 2S£ W iesel. T .N . lid

Abelard, Peter. 2 £ Achromatic active search and, 1 * 8 - 7 9 anisom etropia and. 4 6 9 - 7 4 ,4 7 1 /

Aberrations Achromatic ganglion cclls. 2 12 - J 3 assumptions and context i n .l l i x in aphakia. a liL
hkir sign an J lens. 4 6 6 - 6 8 Achromatic lenses. Ц conscious con trol of. 17 9 -КО in a iia l ametropia. 4 7 0 - 7 1
chrom atic. 4 3 7 -3 & , 4 $ 7 f. 4 6 0 - 6 1 . z b b A ctin. 2 j -L grouping o f neighboring shape* and. disparities produced by. 4 7 3 . 4 7ty ’ ion o f . i i l fi laments, 3 2 7 - 2 8 m i 99/ o l e cce n trk g a « , ± I i i
dynamic acceinunodacion k u ! ,4 6 7 - 6 S nucleator*. 1 2 Z niulrivrable percepts and. 177., 17 I f eikonom eter measurement of. 471 - 7 2
m onochrom atic. 4 3 5 - J ? treadmill, i l l processing channcl adaptation and. H E . pursuit adaptation t o . i i l i
spherical. 'л--, •»V'y.' i-’^- A ctin binding proteins. 2лХ weighting o f cucs and. 1 7 7 -7 8 space eikonom eter measurement of.
stactc accomm odation and. oiafi A ction potentials. 130—31 Amblyopia. 4 0 5 - 6 . *aJh. 4 7 2 - 7 3 ,4 7 3 /
uavefrone, 4 4 0 -4 1 amacrine veils generating, 211 abnorm al risualty guided movement* types of, 4 6 9 - 7 0
Aberromcrcr, ±A L axon guidance and. lii. in . 4 2 9 - 3 0 vergence adaptation to , 53# ~ 40
A C . A y Accommodative convergence Active elccirolocaiion. i acuity loss and, 4 2 1 - 2 4 A niw -accom m odation. 4 6 4 - 6 5
AC/A ratio, SilLL Active search, 1 7 8 -TV antsomcrropic compared to s o a b s m k . Anisom etropia, 4 6 9
C A / C ratio relationship svith. 5 0 3 - 4 Actirhy-rcgubfecd genes. 357-5H 4 2 1 -2 3 aniseikonia and . 4 6 9 - 7 4 .4 7 1 1
o rth op tic exercises ejfecting, v V Acuity contrast sensitivity loss and. i 2 l - 2 4 rvpcs of, 4 6 9 - 7 0
response, ilLL amblyopia and V.m о f. 421 - 2 4 crowding and. i 2 i . A nisom etropic amblyopia, *a2iL
btimuklls&U- color sensitivity and, 3 6 9 - 7 2 defective stimulus integration and. st rabivmk amblyopia compared to ,
Accclcrating nonlincar.ty. l u l l grating. 2 2 0 . 5 Tty* 4 2 6 -2 7 4 2 1 -2 3
Accidcntal v icwpou)t> lZii. vernier,a i . *7 0 -7 1 development d &4 ) 0 - 3 3 Anisophorta.£&&
Accomm odation Adaptive held, 4 9 5 - 9 6 directional preponderance o f O K N Anomalous retinal correspondence (A R C ).
aberrations and dynamic. 4 6 7 - 6 8 Adaptive opcics dcx icc.d 6Q .464 in.±21L AM.
abcrration# and s ta c k ,млu Adaptive procedure. eccentric bxatkm and, ii2iL A ntagon nt.2aa-
aberration* and *tcp changcs in .iiiiZ Additive noise. L ite. rlxitcr sensitivity loss in. 4 2 7 - 2 8 A nterior intraparietal area (A JP ). 2iLi.
aniso-, 4 6 4 - 6 5 Additive variance hypothesis. llil m otion detection asymmetry and, Anterograde transjx>rt. l i Z .
comparative aspects of. 4 4 4 - 4 5 A dt lard o f Bath. 15. 4 2 S -2 9 Anri'aliasing H ltcr,d i2
cucing, 4 6 5 - 6 9 Adequate stimulus, llii. mocion sensitivity Joss in,ii22i Aphakia, aniseikonia in .a llL
COdcfocUV blur. **6l - 6 5 . id Visfiliation (K ep к i ). 2 2 m otor symptoms of, 4 2 9 - 3 0 Apollonius, l a .
depth o f field and accuracy o f, 4 5 7 - 5 9 Affine geometry. 12*2. 119/ neural com petition a n d .4 3 0 - 3 - A p op to sis. l u i
dynamics of, 4 6 2 - 6 4 Age-specific genes, l i l orientation discrim ination in .4 2 3 - 2 4 Apposition com pound eyes, 3 0 7 - J , 3 0 7 f
far point of, 443 Agonist, response latency in . 4 2 7 A rabic empire, visual science in . 2 0 - 2 4
gain o f . M 2 . 4 6 y Aguilonius. Franciseus spatial distortions and. 4 2 4 - 2 7 A R C .S t t Anomalous retinal
geometry of, 4 4 4 / o n b i.n o C iil.t r vision. 6 S - 7 0 , 6 ^ tparial undcrsampling and, 4 2 4 - 2 5 correspondence
kn-*c% a n d . l i o n cyclopean cycȣ& stereoacuity .m d .xL i. A tea 7 a , 2 2 2
machinery o f, 4 4 3 - 5 0 o n horopter, 6 £ - 70 stcrcopsi* and , 4 3 3 - 3 4 A tea 1 2 . la iL 1x1.
measuring, 4 4 8 - 5 0 A IP. A v A nterior intraparietal area strabismus suppression and. 4 3 3 - 3 4 Areal magnification factor.2 a it
mechanic* of, 4 4 4 - 4 7 A iry ssiisk .J2 & treatment o t .^ t i l Areal summation o f d b p aritks, i l i i
m icro fluctuations of. ± liL Alberti. Leon Battista, 5 3 - 5 4 . 54/’ types of. 4 1 9 -2 1 A ristock. J-U
near point of. 443 A lbertos Magnus, Ih . visual training on, 4 3 2 - 3 3 intromission theory o f vision rejected
in oeukuno юг system, 3 7 6 - 7 7 Alcmaeon, i l l Amblraudki. 2 i£ l b r .-U
optics of. 4 4 3 - 4 4 Alexandrian period. C te ccc, 1 1 - 1 7 Am etropia, a\ial. 4 6 9 - 7 1 Aslin. Richard N ..3 7 7 f
pha*e lag of. 4^2. mysticism ami. Amctropic eye.-W -i. 469 Assimilation, sensory coding and. l a i
physiology of. 4 4 6 - 4 7 Alhazen y-am ino-butyric acid (G A B A ),2 4 & Association fields. 1 6 4 -6 5
prevbyopia and. 4 4 7 o n binocular vision, 6 6 -6 7 > 7f intracortical inhibition an d .4 0 9 - ID AssiKiattve operation, LliL
proxim al. 4 5 2 - 5 3 . 453/* camera obscura and. 22. in synaptogenesis, 3 3 6 - 3 7 Associative ph o ria,4 8 8
ГАИЦСof. :LLi. o n corresponding visual lines. £ ii Am mo nius Saccas, Lb. Asthenopia. 5£i2
spectral Km dsiidih and, emanation theory o f v^ion rejected Amodal com pletion, 1 & A st ignsat i*m. и ш , oaiy"
steady-state, 4 6 1 - 6 2 by. 1 1 A M PA reccptors, 2iia. A strocytes, in synaptogenesis,
tonic. 4 5 0 - 5 1 o n eye structure, 23k Amplitude attenuation, l i i l . Atkinson. Jan ette. .174/*
unequal demand of. 4 6 4 - 6 5 o n P tok m y s work, 6 3 Amplitude gain. lh L A tom ic theory. 1 1
velocity of, 4 6 2 - 6 » o n refraction. 12. Amplitude spectrum, iiliL A ttention* S < rj£ w Visual attention
vcrgcncc adaptation and.oiU . wgnifuancc of, 2 1 Analog pnKew ing. 1 3 1 -3 2 соп^сйнкпс»« and, 2 0 1- 3
vcrgcncc and. 54X1—5 0 5 . 504/ o n visual processing. 2 2 - 2 3 Analytic geometry. 1 2 5 - 2 7 crowding and. 1 9 8 - 2 0 0
to kuitarv, - 1 1 visual system diagram o f. 22/ A nam orphk a r t.i i l . 60/-61\f,64. fcaturc-bascd. I i l 2
u\ivc length and. 464 Aliasing. N yqukt lim it and. 4 4 1 - 4 3.442/" A natom ic position o ff*s c .4 & £ focal, lii t i
Ac com modat ivс .uiaptat k»n, . i i L Alignment detector. JLiii. Angkiwotom ata, 364 locatioobaw rd, 1 Д 1
Accommodative con serge nee (A C ). A ll'ot-nonc law. 121. Angle alplia,2lIZ low vparial resolution o C l ^
5 0 0 - 5 0 2 .5 0 0 / Alpha rhythm , lift Angle detector*. Щ . mechanisms of. 1 9 5 -2 0 3
C A reLiHonship with, 5<i2—S Alpha waves, 2 2 -i Angle o l anomalv.oiU. nature o f, 19 5 - 9 6
Accommodative vcrgcncc. Alternating strabismus. ;i2Ll Angle o f deviation, a ^ i object-based, 1 9 6 - 9 7
Accuracy, i i . Amacrine cells 1LL Aniseikonia recruitment o l rcsourcc* controlled
Acctylcholine. 2 i i i Ambiguicy adaptation to . 4 7 3 - 7 4 br.2£Ld
stimuli facror* in, 1 9 0 -9 7 in primate L G N .2 2 L Calculation efficiency. 242.212* a d a p t io n t o .4 6 0 -6 1
sw kd i of. 112й. Ptokm y on. 6 2 - 6 6 . 63/' Callaway. Edward M . ^4b f longitudinal. & X u 4 3 7 f
synchronized neural activity and, Rohault o n .Z L Callosal топе. 22fr. 4 46 cranss'erse.-^37/.
1 5 1 -5 2 zone o f clear singk.2L h. Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 11. C h rom atic scn sitm ty .2 2 2
Arrcnt tonalcaptute, l s v 2(Xl Bipolar c e l k 2 0 9 - 1 0 S e t Cakium /Calm odulin-dependcnr C iliary m uw k?i,446
A rtentkinal prim ing. Bipolar detectors, 1 3 2 -3 3 protein kinase H C iliary receprors. 3 0 3 - 4
A ttraction, l i i Bipolar stimulus features 1 2 2 Cam era lucida. 5 8 - 5 9 C IP . ^ C a u d a l intrapariccalsideus
A uditory localization. 3 8 9 - 9 0 Birch, Eileen, 3 73/ Cam era obscura, 2 Class A psychophysical procedure. £ 2
Autoco rrelation function, 1 1 2 Bishop. Peter, 7 4 - 7 5 Alhazen and .2 2 C L l« В psychophysical procedure, lij.
Automorphs. ll\ Bisrablc percept*. 1 1»1 I " s C aste! li o n , a ll C U ^ ical period* G reece. 1 0 -1 1
Autora diography. 22&. — l Biunii]oc mappings. 122. panoramic. 2 2 CLuistrum, 2 4 8 - 4 9
Au to refrau o rs..i2il Black Death, I I for perspective. 5 8 - 5 9 , 59/ C k o m e e le s 2 i
Aver rocs. 2 a Blindness. 3 9 5 - 9 6 C aM К Н-Л>с Calc nun/Calmodulin* C liff avoidance, 2JU-
Avicenna. 2 0 - 2 1 Blindsight. 2 S a dependent protein kinase II C loscd-loop gain. 1 1 1 - 1 2
Avoidance behavior. 2£& Blobs. 2 6 4 - 6 6 Cam ouflage. 199 Closed operation, l l i
Axes o f vertebrate eve. & Bloch's law. 12a. Cam pbell. Alfred W ..4 1 C oactivation. 2 j j l
Avial ametropia, 4 6 9 Blur. S et л Ь * Defoe us blur Cam pbell, Fergus 450/ C od ing primitives
aniseikonia in. 4 7 0 - 7 1 C S F a n d .a 2 2 .i5 5 / C A M s. .W C e ll adhesion molecules basis functions and. 1 5 5 - 5 6
A\ial anisometropia* 4 6 9 d etection. 4 5 4 - 5 5 Carrier. Ю . Fourier analysis and. 15 6 - 5 8
Axis o f symmetry. J * ~ discrim ination. 4 5 5 - 5 7 . 4 5 5 / -4 5 ty ’ Cartesian coordinates. 12^ G abor functions and. 158
Axons. 1 2 L m onocular diplopia and. a22. CasteJh. Benedetto, 2Я spatiaHVe^uency channels and, 15 6 - 5 7
accion potential* and .i l l neural com pensation tor. 15 9 -6 1 C ataract, correction f o t . i l £ wave Ice theory and. l i &
C A M s and. 3 2 8 - 3 0 o bjecr. 4 3 6 - 3 7 . 453.= i6il Catastrophe theory, l i d C od ons. 2 2 1
chiasm segregation of, J 1 5 - 1 $ « a ric. 4 5 5 - 5 6 Catecholam ines. 4 1 4 C ognitive neuroscience.L iu .
growch cones and. 3 2 7 - 2 8 . 328/’ stim uli. 4 5 3 - 5 4 Categorization, perceptual judgement C oh eren ce function. 1 2 2
guidance mechanisms o f. 3 2 6 - 3 3 Blur sign and. Ш . с о к .к .с .а а
long*range guidance molecules for. k n s aberration» and. 4 6 6 - 6 8 Category ambiguity, 1 2 1 C ollector units. lt* i
3 3 1 -3 2 Stiles-Crawford effect and. 4 6 8 - 6 9 . 469/' Cats C o lk w ijn . i lan. 508/’
protein synthesis and, 3 3 2 - 3 3 Bode plot binocular vision io L G N of, 2 2 0 -2 1 Collinearity detector. 1 6 »
short-range guidance m o k cu k s for. gain. 112. critical period postponem ent in . 4 1 6 - 17 C o b calize d membranes. 2iiL
3 3 0 -3 1 phase. 112. ganglion cclls in . 2 1 1 - 1 2 C o lo r
synaptogenesis and elim ination o f Boll, Franz, 2& induced strabismus in . 4 0 0 -4 0 1 acuity and s<nsicivicy of, 3 6 9 - 7 2
surplus 337 fc x Je o f O f tics (A lhazen), 21 - 2 3 . 6 6 - 6 7 LGN of. 2 1 2 .1 1 1 agnosia. 2 & l
traivsc<»rtical,2a& Boum as law, liliL m onocular deprivation in* 41)0-401 depth o f field and. 459
Boyle. R obert. ;iQ. 2L Caudal intraparictal u ik u s (C1P),2SL£ C olor-opponent ganglion cells. 212.
Bacon. Roger. Ifc. Brain Causal sequences, perceptual descriptive C o lu m n s S t fa fs 0 O cu lar dom inance
badal lens. 4 4 8 advances in understanding. 3 9 -4 1 processes and. 1 9 0 -9 1 columns
band-pass system. IQ S со m eal area growth in. 3 2 3 - 2 6 Cayley diagram. 188/* development mechanisms in .3 6 2 - 6 6
Haryccniric coordinates. 12$. dcvcbpnicnc of. 321 - 4 9 C cll adhesion m o k cu k s (C A M s ).2 2 2 . Д22. excitation and inhibition balance
Basic parameters o f performance; iii. ckctrocnccphalograpby of. 22a. axon guidance and. 3 2 8 - 3 0 In. 265.
Basis functions cketrophysiofogy of, 2 3 3 - 3 4 C e ll culture*,.electrical recording in .2 2 2 *egi*garion 3ft>-62
coding primitives and. 1 5 5 -5 6 magnctixncephalography of. 22a. C e ll differentiation. 3 2 1 - 2 2 C olum n topology. 2 7 0 - 7 4 . 272/
lo r signal analysis. 1,52 M R I fo r .2 3 5 - 3 6 morphogens and. 2a& C o m a .2 ll2 .a 2 d
bares. Т .. 21Л neural ablation and grafting. 22ia C ell (racing procedure.2Д& C o m fort zone, i i l i
Bayesian inference, 1 1 6 -1 7 optical imaging o l, 2 J 2 - 3 3 C en n in i. C cn n i no. 211 C om m on axis. 5ft*Cyclopean axis
B D N F .S /r Brain-dcnscd ncurocn>phk factor P E T for. 222- Cerebellum , vergence conrrol by.2-ал C om m on »iet gen es 26^.
Hejr . M ark Pirn an. -ill/ Renaissance understanding of. a ll C erebral achromatopsia. 2& ± Com m utative group. 112L
Bell. Charles, a il thalam ocortical inputs in, 3 2 5 - 2 6 C erebral cortex Com partmcnralracd dendritic plasticity,
He rl с lev, George. 2ii.35/ Braiivdcrived neurotrophic factor development o f con nections in, 3 4 5 - 4 8 3 5 5 -5 6
Berman. Nancy E. J.,4 1 4 f ( B D N F ) ,3 3 1 - 3 2 , 2 2 2 . 4 11 - 1 2 formation o f layers in. 3 3 9 - 4 4 Com petitive figural grouping, 1 9 8 -2 0 0 ,
beta ware*, 2 a a Brain F acto rs 3 1 7 - 1 8 gycvnccphalic, 22a. 199/-20О/
Binding-by-synchrony hypothesis, 15 0 -5 1 Branch-spiic plasticity, 25£. intrinsic specificity of. 3 2 4 - 2 5 C o m p k t cclls. liiZ .
Binding problem , 1 6 5 -6 6 Break fusional range, 507 lisscnccphalic, 22a. C om posite eve construction. 2 6 2
binocular connections, 2 a Z Brewster. David. 8 ^ ’ structure of. 17*?/ C om pound eyes, 3 0 7 - 8 . y X ? f*y V tf
Binocular deprivation, monocular stereoscope inventions of> 8 2 - 8 3 , 82/ C erebral lesions* 2 9 6 - 9 7 Compressive non linearity, i & l
deprivation compared со, 404 Broadband v e i l s . 212. Change blindness. 232. C on com itant strabism us aiLi.
binocular disparities :г. Broca. Paul, i l l Channeled feature. 12i2. Cones
opponenev and. 1 4 3 -4 4 Bruncllcschi. Filippo, 5 l - 5 2 . i l / - 5 y Channel homogeneity, 12& m RN A and growch of. 2 2 2
Ptolcmv on, £ 2 Bursting c e l k 1 4 6 - 4 7 C h ao tic system. H i tcrminaU and synapses of. 2 1 lL 21 O f
stereopsis and .2^. vergence, f u l l С harks B onnet syndrome. 2 l l l types of. 2 0 7 - 8 . 208/'
vergence evoked by, 5 0 5 -2 1 Bursting neurons,22& C harm an. W. Neil. aiS»' C on fo cal scanning microscope. 2 2 il
Binocular dbeociation C hattering c e lls 1 4 6 - 4 7 C onform al transforination,12a.
effect* of* 4 0 6 - 7 С A S t * Convergence accommodation Chem oatlim ty theory, 2 2 2 C on fu sion, 4 3 3 - 3 4
spatial. 4 0 6 - 7 C A / C ratio Chiasm Congruence. 1 1 8 - 1 9 . 119/’
teirp.*»ral. *Ui2 AC/A ratio relationship with, 5 0 3 - 4 axon segregation at, 3 1 5 - 18 C o n ic* (A pollon ii» ).-U
binocular suppression. 4 3 3 - 3 4 response. $112 developm ent of, 3 1 5 - 1 7 C o n ics, l a .
Binocular vision stim ulus 2Li2 m okcnlar routing mcchanitta* in. 3 1 7 - IS C o n ie sections, 1 2 1 - 2 2 , 121/
Aguilonius o n . 6 8 - 7 0 , 4 $ f C a d h e n n s.a 2 £ in visual pathways. 222*222/ ' C onjugate eye movements, 5 4 4 - 4 5
Ailiazcn on. 6 6 - 6 7 . № f-G 7 f C ak in cu rin phosphatase* 223. C h im cn ti. Jacop o, 2Ц. 83/ C on nected points. 1 2 2
artists Struggling w ith, 6 1- 6 2 CaJcium /Calm odulin-depcndent protein C h ina, Ы C o n n e x in s 21 U. 2 a l . 2 1u
in cat L G N . 2 2 0 - 2 1 kinase JI (C a M К П ). 212.. .Ш C h in o . Yuzo М .. 398/’ Consciousness
da V inci Oft, &£ synthesis of. 2 2 1 С hoice probabilities* 2 liL attention and, 2 0 1 - 3
development of, 3K 5-K 6 C ak iu m / cA M P response elem ent binging C hoksxerrol.22Ji levels of. 2Ш .
European studies o n . 6 8 - 7 2 proteins (C R l: B ). o i l . i l 2 . Chondnsitin-sulphate proteoglycans stream o f. 2 0 2 - 3
I Icringand I lelm bolt? debate ovci. uZ Calcium ions. 2 6 1 (C S P G s ), .U S , i l ? C onstant error. 122
N ew ton on. 7 0 -7 1 Cakium -scnsitivc dyes. 2 3 2 - 3 3 Chrom acic aberrations. -Mm C on stant in ius A fric anus. 2 2
O lflW U lio iK legittinu , 54 inter layer, 245. gain and phase lag of. 5 2 8 - 3 0 . 529/ development o f ,3 8 0 - 8 5
C o n tex t, recognition a n d .liiiL 2 0 iy ’ in visualcortex. 2 4 0 - 4 6 .2 4 \ f-2 A 2 f. horizontal and shear disparities u ith, Kepler o n . I l l
C ontingent aftereffects, J_Lll 241/ 5 3 0 - 3 2 . 531/ Desagulkrs, Jean 'Theophilc. i L . 7 1 - 7 2
C ontinuous n u p p m p , 1 2 2 C o v er test . -186 measurement of. 5 - 7 - 2 8 .5 2 8 / Dcsorgues i theorem , 1 2 0 - 2 1 . 120/’
Солсгм a he rnote, 4 $ 7 nonius procedure for» 5 2 7 - 2 8 D csrarte*, R en *, 3 5 - 3 6 , 36/, 3 1
depth o f field, luminancc and, *i 5 8 - 5 9 Cowey. Alan, 28O f objective recording of. 52& Descriptive domains, I КЗ- 8 5
orientation tuning independence from, C raw ford, Jack. 0Ш/ physiology of, 548 ideal, 1 8 5 -8 6
2 5 9 -6 0 С RUB. S ee Calcium /cAM P response stability o f, 530 Descriptive processes. Perceptual
«aiurabon.21<L219/ elem ent binging proteins types of, 5 2 5 - 2 6 descriptive processes
s e n a r y coding and. 1-<5 C riterion level. 9 6 visual stimulus fo*. 5 3 0 - 3 3 Detectability, 9 6
Concrasc sensitivity C ritical flicker frequency, 2 2 2 CyclovcrsK>n. 52A Deviation scores, £ 2
amblyopia and Io n of, 4 2 1 - 2 4 C ritical period Cynader. M ax, 3 9 3 / de Vries. Jan V rc d c m a n .5 5 -5 6 .iu /
o f co n ical c e lls 2 5 6 - 5 7 cats postponem ent o f. 4 1 6 - 1 7 Cytocbrom c'oxidasc, in V 1 ,2 6 4 - 6 6 deVries-Hose law. 215
development of. 3 & L 369/-370/ duration of. 4 J 5 - 1 6 Cytocbrom c-oxidasc stripes. 2 8 1.2 8 \ f Dichopcic stimulus. 1 7 6 ,1 7 6 f
C o n trast sensitivity function (C S F ) in hum ans,4 I S - 19 Cytoplasm . 2 i Z Difference ofC ausstans (D O G ), 15^2* 1 5 9 /
blur and. 4 3 5 .4 5 5 / ’ in m o n k cy c,4 l8 C y to s o l 2 1 2 Differential geometry. 1 2 2
in linear systems, 1 0 8 - 9 , I OS/ m o n ocu br deprivation and, 4 J 4 Diffuse con c bipolar*, 2 0 9 - 1 0
C o n tro l theory in subprimates, 4 1 5 - 1 8 l>ale, } lenry. 39 Diophancus. h x
error* and. 110 Cross-correlation function* 115 Dam ping function. 112/ Diopters, 443
human factors and, 1 10 Cross-m odal effect, Dan del in's proof. 121/ prism, 4 8 2
for Jinear systems, 1 1 0 - 13 o f plasticity in blindness. 3 9 5 - 9 6 Dark focus, Л5 0 ,4 83 Dioptrics, 2 2
Convergence Cross-m odal innervation Dark light. 2 1 5 / , . « {Descart es) . 2Li
break point ol’ SO? blindness and. 3 9 5 - 9 6 Dark rearing Dioramas. 77
cxccss»486,5Lill in m o n ocu br deprivation, d M behavioral effects of* 3 9 3 - 9 4 Dipper function», 1 0 2 - 3 .4 5 6 - 5 7
insufficiency, 4 8 3 ,5 0 7 Cross-m o dal m atching, 167 cortical responsiviry loss with, 391 - 9 2 D irectional preponderance, o f O K N in
near point of. 5 0 7 C ross-m od uhtion products, 1 1*4. U lL с fleets of. 391 - 9 6 amblyopia. a2ii.
recovery point ot. 5 0 7 Crove*oncntat>on suppression, 259 ocular dom inance columns and. 2 * 1 D irection-of-m ot ion sensitivity. H i .
weakness, 4 8 6 , S llli C ross ratios, 119, 120/ response specificity loss with, 3 9 2 - 9 3 Discrete maps, 136
Convergence accomm odation (C A ) o f points on a curve, 1 2 1 - 2 2 , 122/ subcortical effects of* liLL Discrimination
A C relationship w ith, 5 0 2 - 5 Cross-spectral density function, 1 1 5 Dark vcrgcncc, 483 features of, 1 0 1 - 2
dcfocus blur elim ination and. 5122 Crow ding phoria and. 4 8 7 - 8 8 functions, 1 0 2 - 3 . 102/'
Convergent perspective, 4 9 - 5 0 . >1I/ amblyopia and, 4 2 5 Darwin. Charles, hype/acuity and, 102
Convolution function, signal analysis and. attention and, 1 9 8 -2 0 0 da V in ci. Leonards» norm and. 1 0 3 -4
1 0 9 -1 0 com petitive figural grouping and. on binocular vision, &S. perceptual judgement and, 1 8 2 -8 3
C o p u n ar detector, l i i i 1 9 8 - 2 0 0 . 199/ -200/ o n light waves.2& psychophysics and, 1 0 1 -4
C o p b n a r static stim uli, 4 9 7 - 9 8 hypcraenity and, 198 perspective drawing and. 54/, 5 5 .5 2 .5 8 / * Dishabituation, 3 6 8 .3 8 7
7A?Corporis Пиюли: Fabrics C SK .V er C ontrast sensitivity function vision and writings о К 1& Dissociated vertical deviation (D V D ). 5 2 2
(V csa liu s),?! C S P G s. Chondroitin-sulphate Daw. Nigel. 4 15/ Distance. 2
C orpus callosum proteoglycans P c c t l o t i o n o f visuil pathways, 2 u . 2 1 2 alky, 194
binocular connections in. ^ iZ Cues. S ttd lw M ulticue systems D efoe us b lu r.jd ii perception o f, 3 8 0 - 8 3
corresponding connections of. 2 2 6 . 1 2 7 / accom m odation and, 1 6 5 - 6 9 accomm odation t o ,4 6 1 - 6 5 phoria, 4 8 6
development of. 3 4 6 - 4 8 averaging. 17 1 - 7 2 C A and elim ination o f,5112 points, 5 0 , 5 5 . 55/"
function» o f .2 2 il confirm ation of. 173 detection of. 4 5 3 - 6 1 to n ic vcrgcncc and c ttc s o f .^ &
monocular connections in.2^i2 deletion*accrerion, л - - neural com pensation tor, 4 5 9 - 6 0 vergence changes over large. a ^ 2
monocular connections of. l l L . 228/ d e p t h .4 - 5 .d i i l sensitivity to change in. ^55 D istortion, 4 2 6
strabismus and, 4 0 1 - 2 dissociation and alternation of, 1 7 4 -7 5 D e l e ti o n - ,u s r e t i o n c u e * l & a . D istractor signals, 5 0 9 - 10
transmidline connections of. 22la.227/* dom inance of, 174 della Porta. Giovanni Hattitta. 2 9 - 3 0 . 5b. D istributed coding, 185
visual pathways and. 2 2 6 - 2 9 invariance. 284 del M onte, G uidobakio, 55 Distributed feature. 1 2 1
Corresponding visual lines nature of. 170 Delta function, 108 Distributed representation, 16 6
Alha/cn o n .6 6 ret.ilibr.itton of. 175 Delta waves, 234 Disuse hypersensitivity, 355
Ptolemy o n ,6 2 * 6 5 recruitment o f new, 175 Demand line, 504 Divergence
C o rtaetin ,22& rcintcrpreution of, J 7 3 - 7 4 D em ocritus, 1 1 с х с с и .4 8 3 ,4 8 6
C ortical cclls to n ic vcrgcncc and distance. 4 ib . D endritic shafts, 2 J& weakness, 4 8 6
contrast sensitivity of, 2 5 6 - 5 7 trading. 3 7 2 -7 3 D en d ritk spines,25& Divergent perspective. *19, 50/
development of, 3 4 8 - 4 9 weighting of» 1 7 7 -7 8 cortical plasticity and, 4 1 3 D O G , S ee Difference o f Gaussian*
spatiote rnporal tuning of, 2 6 1 -6 3 Cumulative normal d b tribu rion .94 dc N 6, L o :c n tc ,2 2 ii D om ain likelihood f a c t i o n , 1 1 6 -1 7
types o f. 2X&J' Curts», L L 1 .3 9 Dense cod ing. l i i L D om ain posterior. 117
in visual co rtc*, 2 3 7 - 4 0 C u t o ff frequency* 1 0 # .- 2 £ Deprivation. S ee M onocular deprivation D om ain prior» 116
C o rtical magnification factor, 2 4 9 - 5 0 C yclic group, 11 8 Deprivation amblyopia, 4211 D onders. Frans C o m e bus, 2 5
C ortical plasticity Cyclodisparity. 5 l £ . Depth D opam ine. 2 u i
catecholam ine* and, 4 14 Cycloduction, 5 2 5 - 2 6 sources o f informacion for Dorsal pathway, 2 8 7 - 9 6 .2 &7f
dendritic spinesand, 4 13 Cyclopean ax » . 65 detest ion o f. I t frontal cortex an d .2^15
gene trinsw iption and, »l 1 -1 3 Cyclopean effect» x cue, 4 - 5 » й Ш location<speci6c effects in , 2 9 9 - 3 0 0
I lebbian synapses and, 4 1 0 - J I Cyclopean eve. 1 2 o f focus, 4 5 7 M S T and. 2 9 0 - 9 1
intracortical/ inhibition Aguilonius o n . 65L Depth o f field M T and , 2 8 8 - 9 0
and. 4 0 9 - 1 0 Cyclopean procedures. 1 7 5 - 7 6 accommodacion accuracy and. 4 5 7 - 5 9 parieto*occipital region in. 2 8 7 - 8 8
mechanisms of, 1 0 8 - 1 4 Cyclopean vision,il characteristic* o f, 4 5 7 posterior parietal cortex ami, 2 9 1 -9 5 ,
monocular connection blockage Ptolemy o n , 6 4 - 6 5 color and, 4 5 9 292r
a n d .ii£ i C yclophoria. 4 8 6 . 5 2 ii contrast, luminance and, 4 5 8 - 5 9 prem otor cortex and. 2 9 5 - 9 6
ncurom odubtors and, 4 1 3 - 1 4 C yclopia, 2 2 * pupil diam eter and, 4 5 7 rostral superior tem poral cortex and, liU -
neurotrophins and. 4 11 -1 3 Cyclostcrcoscope, i l l spatial frequency and, 4 5 7 - 5 8 stimulusrspccific etfects in. 2 0 2
post srnapt ic activity bloc к age and, ifl1? Cyc lotrop u , 5 2 ii Stiles-Craw ford effect and, 4 5 9 V 5 and. 2 8 8 - 9 0
C o rtic a l responsivity. dark reading and loss Cyclovergence, * 2 6 .4 8 0 -8 1 stimulus eccentricity and, 4 5 9 ventral pathway interacting w ith,2S&
of. 3 9 1 - 9 2 angle o f g j* c and. 530 Depth perception Dorsal tclcn ccp h alo n .222
C orticalsynaptcs asymmetry of» 5 3 2 -3 3 * 533/ avoidaoce o f approaching objcccs and, 3 8 2 D o iv i-d o гчаI stream, 2&2
intercolumn. 3 4 5 - 4 6 dynamics of. 5 2 8 - 3 0 c liff avoidance and. 2 iL . Double-pass procedure, a liL
Double-staircase m ethod, 9 6 Explicit descr iptive process 1 9 1 -9 2 Fick system. a22. Gam л и wax'es 234
Du Bois-Rcym ond, Em il. Exponential fu n ctio n s linear systems and. Figural aftcrcKects. JLlI G anglion cclb
D u ction, i 2 i i 1 1 2 - 1 3 .1 1 3 / Figural goodness, 179 achrom atic, 2 1 2 - 1 3
D u M on t, Henri, Express saccadcs, 513 Figural groupings. 1 6 3 -6 5 adaptive coding in . 2 1 4 - 15
Duret; A lbrecht, 55 Exrc realization stim ulus Filopodia, 12L .327/ ' in c a r s 2 1 1 - 1 2
D V D .& r Dissociated vertical dcviorion External noise. 216 Final com m on path. Saa. color-opponent. 2 1 2
Dynam ic range. U L l External relcrencc fram e, ii Fine bam coincidcncc optom eter, 449 com petitive survival of, 3 1 4 - 1 5
Exrcroccprivc rcaftcrcncc, 168 Fixation disparity connections and responses of.
E b m P jfjr u y , ti Extracellular matrix. 2 2 2 . fixation shift an d .4 8 9 - 9 0 2 1 3 -1 4
E C As. S ee Enzyme com plementation assay* Extraocular m u K k i k i measurement of. *iSK -89 displaced. 2 1 5
Eccentric (\ хлаапч£ 2 Я Extravtriatc cortcx, l^ L nonius procedure for. 4$9 photosensitive. 21 5
Ecccntric gaze, vcrtk-il vcrgcncc in . 524 Extromission theory o f vision. 1 7 - 1 К Panurn s fusional area and. 491 - 9 2 receptive field sm , 2 U L 2 l 3 , 2 1 4 /
Ecccntric photorel taction. 4 50 Eye*hand coordination system, 169/ phoria and, 4 9 0 - 9 1 L lA iL iL .3 1 S .3 3 2
Echolocation. L .£ Eye movements. S e e.rfjo Vcrgcncc eve vertical, £12. G ap ju n ctio n s ILlL
£ Hi rence copy, 16 7 movements Fixation shift, fixation disparity and. Gap-overlap effect, 513
Egypt, ophthalm ology history in . 2 avis systems for. 4 7 6 - $ 0 . 477/* 4 8 9 -9 0 Garden school, Greece. LL
Eigenvalues.124 conjugate* 5 4 4 - 4 5 Flicker sensitivity, 2 2 a Gavvcudi, Pierre, 1 2
E»gcnvcctor*,12u geometry of, 478/" amblyopia and low o f. 4 2 7 -2 K Gaussian function
Eikonometer I iclinholtz and Elering debate Dvcr.iiS, Fluorescent dyes, 2 2 ii differentiating, l i i L
i n i t c i b n i a measured by. 4 7 1 - 7 2 Listing's law for. 4 7 7 - 8 0 tracer, 231 G abor function and. 1 5 7 - 5 8
«расе. 472-73.473/ types of. 4 7 5 - 7 6 fM R L S ee Гипсе)*-n i\ M K1 G ene knockout procedure, 1Q&
Elect rok»catvon,l E yes S ee a/so ffe fip c p jr x f Focal at tent km , 196 G enerator p o ten tial.l l l i
a c tiv e ,! Alha/xn on structure of, 23 Focus stim ulator, 448/’ G eneric viewpoint, 179
passive, i alignment o t. 3 7 7 - 7 8 Forccd-vcrgcncc curves. 4 9 2 - 9 4 , 4 9 ^ G ene transcription
fiJem en /so fG eo m erry (hueI id). 12. a m i t rop k', i t s a . 469 forw ard and reverse signaling. 330 cortical plasticity and, 4 1 1 - 1 3
Elevator m ovem ent.3 2 1 apposition com pound. 3 0 7 - 8 ,3 0 7 f Forward loop. 110. I ICy' neural con trol of. 3 5 6 - 5 7
HlfcKjame**0-$l,83f Iaxes o f vertcbrarc. £ . ( f Fourier analysis № 5 -6 G ene translation, neural control о 1.3 5 7
Em anation theory ot*vision. 20 com posite construction of, l iC . coding primitives and, 1 5 6 -5 8 G enom e im printing, 356
Alha/cn rejecting, 21 com pound, 3 0 7 - 8 , 3 0 ^ - 3 0 8 / o f complex patterns, J_ la G eom etric com p o n en ts 181
Em inert * law. 30 counter roll o f. S2£. for vruul system. Iz h . G eom etry
Emmetropic eye. .io .a.469 development of. 3 0 9 - 1 1 , $ Q 9 f Fourier power spcctTum .IQ d o f acco m m o d ate n. 444/'
Em inert opization. 3 1 0 - 1 1 em m etropic. XLL.469 Fourier transform, IQS ariine. 119, 11?/'
Exnpcdoclcs. l i l emm etropization in . 3 1 0 - 1 1 spatiotemporal. 107 analytic. 1 2 5 - 2 7
Empiricist-nativist controversy, 4 2 - 4 7 etew e, 10a. Fovea, 208/' .iiitonsotphs i n .I Z x
Empty lie Id myopia. 451 evolution o f, 3 0 3 - 8 fixation o f image o n . d i d congruence, isometry. sim ilarity as basis
Enantio morphs, ± !& eyespots 3 0 4 - 5 . 304/ ^-30^ sparing. 111! for, I I 8 - 1 9 ,1 1 9 /
m irror image and. 12& genetic con trol o f development o t i l l i Frames о f rc fercncc, psychophysics and. differencial, 1 2 Z
Endocannabinoids, 2 u £ l i i i i . hype rm et ropic. 44 S f i^.99f Euclidian. 1 2 4 - 2 5
Endocytosis. 3 3 0 . l i & . 1£2. image plane o f.2 Q £ Francesca, Piero della. >'i o fey e m ovem ents 4 7 ^ "
Endoplasmic reticulum, 2 1 2 .2 2 1 inverse. a ila frcqucncy*swcpt VEP. 1 liiL invariants in . 1 2 1
Endosom es l i L lews 3 0 5 - 7 Fresnel, AugUStin, I i non-Eucltdian, 1 2 4 -2 5
Enright, Ja m e s 4 98/ myopic, iiiiiu4 4 5f IVitsch. G .. 4 0 principles o f visual 193
Envelope. 152L nondcprired, 4 0 4 - 5 Frontal cortcx. 2£& p ro jc c tn c, 1 1 9 - 2 2 . 120/-122/'
Enzyme com plem entation away* Planer’s diagram of. 12/' Frontal eye fields, 2^5. symmetry and groups in, 118
(E G A s), 2 3 2 Sch cincrs drawing o f. j d . 34/* Frontal plane, Q topology and, 1 2 2 - 2 4 , 12 2 / -1i y %
Epb receptors, 3 1 7 structure o f, 2 0 6 - 7 , 207/' Fry» G lenn , 4 8 3 / types of, 1 1 8 -2 4
Ephrin ligand<.317 superposition com pound, 3M .308/ * fun ctional com ponents, I S 1 o f visual spacc. 1 9 3 - 9 5
E p h m is 3 3 0 transplanted third, i i i l Functional M RI (fM R I), 2 3 5 - 3 6 Gerard o f C rem ona. 2&
E picurus JLL Eyespots., 3 0 4 - 5 . 3 0 4 / -3 0 5 / Funnclm g. 1 0 1 G FP . S et G reen ftuartsccnr protein
intromission theory o f vision and.UL Eye torsion, adaptation of, 4 9 4 - 9 5 Fusiform lace area (F F A ).2Д а G ibson, Eleanor, 1& 1/
Epigenesis 3 5 6 Fusion disparity, 491 G ilb ert, С harks, 2 I iX 27\y
EPSP-spikc potentiation, 33V Га no ratio. lo £ . Fusion-lock соm poncnt G l i a lc c lk 2ALL
Equilibrium structures 1 8 9 -9 (1 ,190/ a I-Farabi. 20 dynamics of, 5 1 8 - 1 9 G lial growth factors, l o b
Equivalent input noise. 216 Feature-bawd attention . 397 functions of, 5 1 6 - 1 7 G lio b la sts.3 2 1
Era$ist rat»i s 1 1 Feature binding» 166 G Hot ransm issk»n, 2lLL
Erkelens. Casper Jo h an n e s SOУ Feature detectors G A B A . S ee y*am ino-butyric ac kl G lobal layer o fcu rao cu lu r m a .
Error feedback, 204 construction oftow -level, l i i l G abo r functions G lutam ate, 242.
dynam ic, 4 6 5 - 6 6 definition of, 1 3 9 -4 0 coding primitives and, 1S& Glycoproteins, 3 2 8 - 2 9
Esotropia. 483 dense coding and. liilL Gaussian Я т с г л т and. 1 5 7 -5 8 G n o stic o ccu lt. 2&
Essential nonlincarity, 1 5 9 -6 1 developm ent of. 3 5 9 - 6 0 G abor patch. I5$J/ G olgi, C am illo, 3 8 - 3 9
Euclid. 1 2 -1 4 figural groupings and, 1 6 3 -6 $ G a i n .l M G olgi apparatus. i i Z
books o f, 1 2 -1 3 interaction between. 1 4 0 -4 1 o f к т о т modatio it, o(l L 463/ G olgi met bod, 2 2 i
retinal image and, -JL jo io tly tuned. 2u$. amplitude. 1Ли G proteins, 3 3 2
theorem s of. 1 3 - 1 4 .1 3 * . 14/ modification of. 3 6 0 B ode plot. 112 G rafting, 112.
Euclidian geometry. 12 4 - 2 5 perceptual descriptive processes and. 185 cU»scd-loop, 1 1 1 -1 2 Grandm other c e lls 1 6 6 ,1 8 5
Eudoxus. 1 0 -1 1 population coding and , laiL o f cyclovcrgcncc, 5 2 8 - 3 0 . 5 2 9 / G ratin g acuity. a7fl..370/
EvgU tbtipH tltU b I l i a . 304/* sensory coding and, 1 3 9 -4 1 function, 1 17 G rariolet, lx»urt-Pterre,12.
Europe, 2 9 - 3 6 . S e e л/v Medieval Europe; spatially separated objects a n d .l u i open-loop, 1 1 1 -1 2 Greece
Renaissance Fcature-intcgration theory. 166. 197 velocity, Ш & period in. 1 1 - 1 7
Eustachio, 3 1 - 3 2 Feature in v arian t.121 mergence, 5 1 5 - 1 6 .5 l 5 / - 5 1 ^ classical period in, 1 0 - 11
Evcn-crror signal, *165. Fcchncr, Gustav Theodor, ai^42/’ o f vertical vcrgcncc. i l a . 525/ extromission theory o f vision in. 1 7 -1 8
Evetsc eyes, Ж *. Feedback loop, HO, 1 10/' o fV O R .iii Garden school in, 2 L
ExaHercnce. 167 Feldberg. W illiam . 39 G alen, 1 6 - 1 7 .3 9 introm ission th eo ry o f vision in, 1L
Exocytosis. 1 1 2 .3 3 0 FFA. S tt Fusiform face area G all, Franz Joseph, 4 0 Ionian period in. 9 - Ю
E x 0lf0p ia,4S 3 Fibroblast growth factor (F (iF ),2 a ia Galvan i, Luigi. 39 Museum o f Alexandria m , 1 2
interm ittent. 484 Fibronccrin. I2 £ . Gam m a (тс<|испсу, 149 mysticism in . 2


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direitos autorais
Linear perspective. 1 1 Mapmaking, perspective development M iniature postsynaptic potentials. I l l M•sequence, l l u .
Linear systems through, 4 8 - 4 9 M inkowski. Miccxyslaw. o l M S T . S et Medial superior temporal area
analysis o f, 1 0 4 - 1 0 Masaccio. 5 2 - 5 3 . 5 ^ ' Minvky spiral. 122/’ M T . S ee M iddle tem poral area
con trol theory for. П О - 13 M dtbcm A iike s y n d tx u (Ptolem y). 1 4 - 3 5 M l P. S ee M edial intrapaneral cortex M T F . S<e M odulation transfer function
C S F in , I O H -9 ,108/' M.itri \com position, H Z m iRN A s. S e t M icroRN A s M uller, H cinrich, 3 7 - 3 $
exponential functioim aiu!, 1 1 2 -1 3 , Matthtesxen ratio, IQ u . 4 4 6 M irror im age,enanbom orphs and .lK & M il Her, Johannes, 1 1 . *i 3/
ш/ M aunsell, Jo h n . 288/ M irror stereoscope, £И .8(у on horopter. 2 1
Fourier an.ilysis for, 10 5 - 6 M a x e l l . Jam es C lerk . Ц Mirror-symmetric pattern. l.V i. 1 1 7 / Mullcr-Lycr illusion,
line-spread function an d .lil& M axwellian viewing system. 4 4 8 M itchell. D onaU E ..4 1 7 / M ulticuc judgement. H U
logarithm ic functions and. i l l M cells. 2 1 2 - 1 3 M itoc h o n d ria .2 2 2 Mulricue systems. ^>r.r/eoCsies
nature of, 1 0 4 -5 M -concs. 2 0 7 - 8 . 2 08/ M laminae, 2 1 1 averaging and, 1 7 1 -7 2
point-spread function a n d .J M M edial intrjparietal cortex (M IP ), l i i l M LF. S ee M edial longitudinal fasciculus complement ars-, 1 2 ±
Signal analysis aild, ) 0 9 —10 M edial longitudinal fasciculus (M L F ), 545 Ш Ы т n c t .1 2 i l .l 2 0 / stability and. 1 2 1
stability of. H I nucleus o K lu X M obi us strip. 1 2 2 / stimulus equivalence in . I l l
trainfer function and . 1 0 6 -7 , № 6 f M edial superior tem poral area (M S T ), Modal com pletion, l i i i trading and. 1 7 2 -7 3
Linear V O R (L V O R ). 5 4 2 - 4 3 IliLlal M odulation transfer function (M T F ). types of. 1 7 0 -7 1
Linear zones. 2 I i l dorsal pathway and , 2 9 0 -9 1 1 0 6 -7 M ultidimensional scaling, L i l
Line-spread function. 1 И Ю 8 - 3 9 ,4 3 9 / ' M edial tem poral lobe. 2 8 6 - 8 7 image quality and, 4 3 9 - 4 0 . \Ji 0 / MuIrimodal features. 2 £ 1
LIP. S ee Lateral intraparietal area Median plane, ii Mohammed (P ro p h et),211 M ultiple-channcl system
Listing's law. 4 7 7 - 7 8 M edicine, in medieval Europe, 2 4 - 2 7 M olecular clutch mechanism. *28 channel hom ogeneity in, И 9
consequcnccs o f, l£ £ i Medieval Europe M olyneux. W illiam , la . metamerism and. i l l
dem onstration o f, 4 7 b f m edicine in. 2 4 - 2 7 M olyneux s question, I^l l for secondary c o Jin g , 1 3 6 -3 9
eye movement* according to . 4 7 7 - 8 0 optics in, 2 b Monkeys. S ee л I * / VI tim ing functions o f, 1 3 8 - 3 9
mechanism o l, 4 7 9 - 80 science and technology history in. 2 4 - 2 7 critical period in. i l l M ultiplicative noise,l l H
modified, i 3 . trivium and quadrivium in. 2 ± I T in O k ! W orld, 2 8 4 ~ 8 5 Mulriplicativc nonlincaritics, 16lL
test o f, 4 78/ M elanopsin. 2 1 1 ocular dom inance colum ns in New M ultistable percepts. S t t d lio Ambiguity
Litrings p h n c. i7~ Memory, Renaissance and. 2 k W orld, 2 7 7 - 7 8 ambiguity and, 1 1 2 * V 77/
L in n ^ io n c . Margaret. 27fy M cn a cc h m u v .ll M onochrom atic aberrations, 4 3 5 - 3 7 neural changes related to , 12iiL
Lizards, parietal eye of. L l L M eridional afoeal lens, j 2 2 M onocsi L r eon nect kms, М 2 types of. 1 2 2
L O C . S ee Lateral occipital cortex M eridional amblyopia. ^±212 bL>ckage of. a l i i M unk. 1 icrm ann. a il
Local cod ing, l o l l M eridional anisometropia, 469 M onocular deprivation, i Museum o f Alexandria, 1 1
Local properties, 12K Mesenccphalic reticular form ation (M RF), induction o f. »96 Muybridge. Eadweard. 2H
L ocal sign. 115. i l l . 54 5 - 4 6 binocular deprivation compared to . *10*1 M vcctom y.lU ii
Local spectral reverse correlation, 11a. Messenger R N A (m R N A ), ? а З ,Л .Ч in cats, 4 0 0 -4 0 1 Myelin, 1 1 1
Location-based attention. con c growth and. i l l critical period and. 414 Mvxipia. -Lio. 4 4 5/
Locus coeruleus, I o l l 12JL M ctabotropic glutamate receptors cross-modal innervation m ,M & empty field, : i H
Logarithm ic functions, linear systems (m G luR s). 3 5 9 LG N an d .3 9 7 - 9 9 Lite-onset, a l i .
and. I l l M ctabotropic ligand-gated synapses, m primates. 4 0 5 - 6 night, i i i a
Longitudinal chrom anc aberration*, u l Z 2 4 4 -4 5 retinal effects of. 3 9 6 - 9 7 Mxvtpk eye, 00-1,445/
4 37/ M ctabotropic receptors. 152. subcortical effects of. 3 9 7 - 4 0 0 M ystetium 0>т <ф лрЬиит (K epler), 1 1
Long-term depression ( L T D ).l i i * 3 4 9 M ctabotropic synapses, 1 61 in subprimates, 4 0 0 - 4 0 5 M ysticbm
I icbbian synapse a n d .l l l l M etam eric sensory systems. I l l superior colliculuv and. 3 9 9 - 4 0 0 Alexandrian period, (ire cce a n d .iii
presynaptic processes in. 3 5 4 - 5 5 M etam eric s n m iih t s .iiii.l- a l M onocular diplopia, n i l sn < irecce.i
Long-term potentiation (L T I>), 1 5 2 - 5 3 . Metamerism M onocular enucleation Kepler on scicncc com paied to , 3 2 - 3 3
3 3 8 - 3 9 ,3 4 9 cause o l. l i i L anatom ical effects of, 4 0 7 - 8 science and technology history and. 2 4
I Jcbbiao synapse a n d .lS ll detecting, —C . visual etfects ot..uiiL vision and, 1 - 2
prcsynaptic processes in, ^ 5 4 -5 5 tunneling and. 1412 M onocular indcpcn Jc n c c . i l l
L o th a rin j;ia .2 l imiltiple-ehannel system and, 1 1 2 M onocular m otion, as vergence stimulus, Nasotemporal division. I l l
Low-pass system, .Ш 1 sensory coding and, 141 - 4 2 5 0 5 -6 Nativivt theory. 1 1
LTD . S te Long-term depression Mctaplast icily, 359 M on o cu br occlusion, subprimates and, Naur a m ethod, 222.
L T P S t * Long-fern* potentiation M erer angles, 4 8 1- 8 2 4 0 2 -4 jY.iu d h ,рлтрЛЫ$%Ш х305/

Lumicrc. Auguste. M ethod o f adjustm ent. Sia. M onofixation syndrome, d £ l Navigation. 1

Lutrocre, L o u is ilU M ethod o f constant stim uli. У4. M onopolar detectors, 13 2 - 3 3 N-cadherin. i l l
Lum inance. * 5 # - 5 9 M ethod o f equivalent n o tfe ,4 2 d Monovifion.anl Near-triad response. SOU
Luncburg, Rudolf, 1 9 3 -9 4 M ethod o f limits, 2_L Morphogens. 1 2 1 Necker cube. 1 2 1
L V O R . S t* Linear V O R M c th y la r io n .lll cell differential ion anvi. 1 x 1 Neighboring inhibition hypothesis. 2 £ 1
Lyceum. 1 1 M cyncrt cells. 2 2 1 M otion N eocortex. 1 2 1
Lvsosonics, i l l mCihtR*. S t* M eeabo tropic ghiranurc aftereffects, l o l Nerve growth factor (N G F ). 3 3 1 - 3 2 , - a l l
receptors amblyopia and loss o f sensitivity o £ Д2& Nerve imp\ilsc, in sensory coding. 1 3 0 -3 1
M acroglia, M к he Ison contrast, l i i £ . 1 0 б £ п 1 £ coherence detector, l i i i Nervous system
M ad do w o d rest. aiJC M krofilam ents. 2 1 1 detection asymmetry, 4 2 8 - 2 9 detailed structure of, 3 6 - 3 9
M .idd»s « v in g t c s t .iS 2 .4 8 y M icroglia, 2лИ induced visual, i l l development of, 3 2 1 - 2 3
M A G , ДО. M kroiontophorcsis. 2 1 1 monocular, 5 0 5 - 6 ncurogcnciisand repair in, 1 1 1
M agcnd k. Francois.o il M icro RN A s (m iR N A s). 1 2 1 perception o f. i Nested sensory systems. 1 6 8 -7 0
M agic lantern, 7 5 - 7 6 po sttron script ional control o t,l& 2 perception o l shape from . l&a. Nestorians. 1 8 -1 9
Magnesium ions. 1SH Microscopy. 2 3 0 -3 1 sensitivity. 3 7 3 - 7 4 NiTiin.-1.growth facror.ULL
M agnetic resonance imaging (M R ]), Mierostrabismus, U L l shape from, liLL Nerrins, 1 1 L
2 3 5 -3 6 M k ro tro p ta .-iill tparkitempora) tun ing to. 1 6 1 Nesiral ablation, 2 1 4
M a gn ctocn с cp halogr aphy, 21a. M icrotubulcs. U S . vcrgcncc induced by forw ard,1 1 1 Neural activity
M agnocellular system, 1 1 1 M iildlc Eofct,China trade w ith .lU M ountcastlc, Vernon В . 292/ controlling, 2 3 6 - 3 7
Magnus. A lbcrtus. ДЯ M >Jdle temporal area (M T ).22£L M ovshon, Anthony. 21*11. spontaneous, д1 1
M aim oniJes, 1 ± dorsal pathways and. 2 8 8 - 9 0 M R F. S ee M esenccphalk reticular Nesiral anitcikonta. 4 6 9
M am sequence. 513 M kIfrontal plane,£ formation Neural cre*r cells. I l l
M akbranch c, N icholas, 15, M idget bipolar?, 2 i& M R L S e e M agnetic resonance imaging Neural spikes
M alleti te s t,4 8 8 Msdtransverse plane, ia m RN A . S et Messenger RNA>on and discrim inability of,
M alpighi. M arcello. M iles, Frederick Albert. 503/* M scaling. 2 ^ 2 n cu rom ctrk function of. 1 4 5 - 4 6
Neural spikes (лш/ n iW ) O bjective optom etry. o a il O p tic tracts. 112*222/ ' ol shape from «hading. 385
г с р о л к variability o f .i a i i O b jc c t structure, 18<1—81 growth of. 3 1 3 - 1 5 o f 3-D form. 3 8 3 - 8 5
tempo ral cod mg o ( 14 5 - 4 6 Obir.|uc effect. 1 5 2 structure of, 3 1 3 - 1 4 o f3 *D rotating shapes, 3?s4-85
NciiTobliso,Ш O bserver likelihood function, L L1 O p t о gene tics, 2 1 1 Perceptive hvpcrcolumn. illX
Ncu/ofi laments, 2 s? Obsec set prior. I I l l O ptokinetic nystagmus»(OKN). l.S2_ PefCCpfwJ constancy,^. LLL
Ncurateflcnt, X2li Observer's scimulus domain (O D ) . L La 3 7 3 -7 4 , i l S judgments and. l u i
Ncuroligins, L15. O cclusion dbparity, L i amblyopia and directional stimulus covariance an d .iiali
Neuro metric function, t i l O cu lar dom inance colum ns. 2 7 0 preponderance o C i l S . Perceptual lievcriptive processes
o f neural spikes, 1 4 5 - 4 6 dark reading and, L I S directional preponderance of. 4 8 4 - 8 5 causal scqucnccs, 1V0—VI
N ew » m od ubto i s 1 *2 dichoptic interactions a m i.H Z L V O R and, 5 4 2 - 4 3 descriptive domains and, I КЗ- 8 5
cortical plasticit v and. -113-14 excitation and inbibirion balance in. iiaS. stability from. 1 1 ^ equilibrium structures and. 1 8 9 - 9 0 . 190/
Neuronа I migration, 1 1 1 in ferrets, 364 subcortical direction-selective feature d ctcctor* and. L & l
Neuron theory, iS . induct k>n o f, 3 6 6 - 6 7 mechanism in. i l l ideal percctscr in, 1 8 5 - 8 6
Ncurophysio logical procedures, 2 2 9 - 3 7 mapping, 2 7 4 - 7 5 suppressing, 3 7 8 - 7 9 perceptual judgement and. 1 8 3 -9 3
N cu ro p ilin .H L mode k o f development of. 3 6 5 - 6 6 V O R supplemented by. v i 1 symbolic. 1 9 1 - 9 3
Nesiro transm itters, 2*1 0 -4 6 ,2 А 1 /-1 4 2 /, neurotrophin com petition and. 3 6 3 - 6 5 O ptom etry, 4 4 8 - 4 9 symm etry and. 1 8 7 - 8 9 . 188/-189/.' 189/
241/ in New W orld monkeys. 2 7 7 - 7 $ O rban, Guy, 2 9 0 / transformation and , 1 8 6 -8 7 ,
N curotrophins, i l l . 3 3 1 - 3 2 properties of. 2 7 5 - 7 6 O rbital layer o fe.strro cu iir muscle. I a 4 Perceptual judgement. a lia Judgem ent
c o r tk a l plasticity and, 4 1 1 - 1 3 scaling. 2 7 6 - 7 7 O rientation colu m n s H i i categorization, scaling, identification
development of, 349 topology o f. 2~> O rientation discrim blyopia and, a n d .1 8 «
ocular dom inance colum ns and in V I . 2 7 4 - 7 5 , 2 7 4 / -2 7 5 / 4 2 3 -2 4 d etection, resolution, discrimination
com petition for, 3 6 3 - 6 5 O cu lom otor system O rientation sensitivity, 3 7 2 - 7 3 a n d .1 8 2 - 8 3
Newton. Isaac, U5.71/’ accom m odation in . 3 7 6 - 7 7 O rientarion tuning percept uaJ descriptive procc*sc* and.
o n binocular vision, 7 0 -7 1 eye alignment and, 3 7 7 - 7 8 contrast independence and. 2 5 9 - 6 0 1 8 3 -9 3
N ew ron-M ulkr-Giuldcn Lit»', 2 1 1 growth o f. 3 7 6 - 8 0 functions of. 2 5 7 - 5 8 , 257/ types of, 1 8 2 -9 3
NGR Nerve growth factor pupillary response in .I l l m echanisms of. 2 5 8 - 5 9 Perim eter system. £ 2 2
N ight myopia, o i l pursuit eve movements and. 3 7 8 - 7 9 tem poral aspect* of. 25S? Pcrincuronal nets, 1 2 k
Nisei m ethod, 21iL saccadic eye movements and. 379 in V I , 2 5 7 - 6 0 Permutation group. U JL
N-mcihyl-D-avpartatc (N M D A ), l i i vcrgcncc eye movements and, 3 7 9 - 8 0 O n d v O rigin 0
/ Specie* (D a rw in ),l i l i Persia. 1 8 -1 9
N onconcom itant strabism us l O D . S ee O bservers stim ulus domain O rth o m ctric saccades, 538 Pcrspcctira a r t ir ic ia lis il
N oneoncom hant vcrgcncc, 4 9 5 - 9 6 O d d-crror signal, ajS5. O rthoph oria, £&& Perspectiva naturalis. M .
N o n d cp rivcd eve, 4 0 4 - 5 O F P -b ip o L r cclls. 2 0 9 - 1 0 O uter plexiform layer. 209 Perspectiva p r a c t k a .i i
Nonius procedure O F F -c e lb , I L L Pcrspcctise
for cyclovcrgencc, 5 2 7 - 2 8 O F F -cco tcr rcccptivc field s 2__L p 7 5 receptors, i l l A lberti s methods with, 5 3 - 5 4 , 5 1/
for fixation disparity. 489 O FF -rcgio ns, 2 4 6 - 4 7 PacioJi. Luca. 5 3 - 5 4 anam orphic art and. 51!.60/^61/ iiL
N onlinear systems O K N . S e e O ptokinetic nystagmus P alin o p sij.iliia in ancient w orld, 4 7 - 4 9 , 4 ^ -4 9 / *
analysts of, 1 1 3 - 1 4 O ligodendrocytes, ?-ifl Д1Я Pamx/a. Ь а г г о Ь т с о .а й H runelkschis methods with, 5 1 - 5 2 .
cross-m odulabon products in.JJL L O m nipausc neurons, S - i l Panoram as 1 2 . 78^-79/ 5 1 / -5 У
dynamics of. i l k O N «bipolar veils, 2 0 9 - 1 0 Panoramic camera obscura,I S camera obscura for, 5 8 - 5 9 . 59/
N onlinear visual processes. 15 9 -6 1 O N -cells, I L L Panums fusional area, fixation disparity con rcrgcnt. 4 9 - 5 0 , 51/
Nonmirror-symmctric pattern, 2 2 4 . O N -ccn ter receptive field s I L L an d .4 9 I - 9 2 da Vitwi and, 5 4 / 5 5 .1 2 .5 8 /
2 2 7/ -228/ O ne-p oin t perspective, 5 5 - 5 6 . 57/’ Paper, invention o f . i £ development o f responses to , 3 8 2 - 8 3 .
N ontopographic sensory inputs, 1 3 5 - 3 6 O N -rcgions, 2 4 6 - 4 7 Pappus, lh . 3 83/
N orcia. A nthony М ., 3 & 9 / O pen-loop gain. 1 1 1 -1 2 Parallax grating, d i devices for drawing in, 5 7 - 5 9 . 5 8 ^ 5 9 /
Norepinephrine, L lh O pen-loop vcrgcncc. 5 1 a . 5 1 4/ -515/ Parallel alley.ilia . d e Vries's work o n , 5 5 - 5 6 , 56/
N orm , l o l . O perant conditioning, 1& & .387 Parallel processing, 1 6 1 discovery of, 4 7 -6 1
discrimination and. 1 0 3 - 4 O phthalm ology. Egyptian history of, ± Paramedian pontine reticular {urination di\tancc points and. 5 i L 5 i . 5
Normalization O p h tb alm otrop cs 1 2 1 .4 7 7 / ' ( P P R F ) .ili.5 4 5 .iil divergent, dSL 50/'
response, L iS . Opponency, 143—44 Parameter estim ation by sequential testing D u k /i work on. 5 ii
sensory coding and. L A O pticas) ( P E S T ) ,2 £ l in 14tb century, 4 9 - 5 0 , 50/151/
tik lu i. o f accom m odation, 4 4 3 - 4 4 Paresis, i o i i G reece history w ith ,4 7 - 4 8 , 48/*
N otch K m axis. 2111 Parietal c y c .J A i and roapmaking. 4 8 - 4 9
N otch/Delta system, 3 4 8 - 4 9 cop.iUbL309/ Pa-ict al-rcae It region ( PR R ). l i l i m athematics of, 5 6 - 5 7
N K L 359 development of, 3 2 - 3 5 Parieto-occipital region. 2 8 7 - 8 8 one-point. 5 5 - 5 6 . Ь 7 /
N R l . 359 fissure, m . 3 0 9 / Partial coherence mtcrtcrometrv (P C I), Plato o n painting and. 5 1
N R 1 359 flow, i l l in Renaissance. 51 - 5 7 . 51/-52Д 54/15 7 f
N r - C A M .3 1 7 -1 8 I leron o f Alexandria o n . 1 ± ParviKcHular l a m i n a e .l l l retinal image and. 5 1
N R T P. S e t N ik leu* reticularis tegmcnt* history of, i Parvoce llu Ur system, 1 L 1 three-point, 5 ^ . 57/'
pontis K ep kr o n . 3 3 - 3 4 Passive electrolocation. 5 trompe local a n d ,5 S .6 ( y
U b L 3 3 i-3 im a s i in medieval Europe, 1 £ Patch clamp procedure. I l l tw o-point, 5 6 .5 7 / '
M ^ l3 3 1 -3 2 physio logical, i i . Path integration,5 with vanishing p o in ts 5 2 - 5 3
N T -5 . 3 3 1 - 3 2 fad iat ions. I l l Payne. Bertram» 2 i y P ersp titiv t (de \’n cs). 5 5 . 56/
N ucko*>m e, l l u stalk, iOSL 3 09/ Payoff matrix, ilu Perspcctivist tradition, 1.JL1-1U
Nucleus o f M cyncrt, l a 5 . 2UX. term inology history of. i l P cclls. I L L Pcrspcctirity, 1 1 9 -2 0 , 120/
N o ck m reticularis tcgm cnti ponds vcsiclc. 1 0 2 ,3 0 9 / P C I. S et Partial coherence intcrfcrom ctry PEST. S « Parameter estim ation by
(N R T I ? ) .& l O p tical aniseikonia. 469 Pedestal, stimulus on. 1 Щ sequential testing
N um b protein, JLL& O p tica) anitophoria, i l L P ed ie lc.llL i P ET .S t e Positr<»n*emission tomography
Nyquist diagram, i l l O p tical imaging, o f brain, 2 3 2 -3 3 Pccpshow s 7 6 - 7 7 . 7 6 / Pettigrew, ^ick. l a .
Nyquist lim it. IL eI O ftiA s ( Newton), 7 0 -7 1 Perception. S ttd lw Depth perception Petty. W illiam ,
aliasing and, 4 4 1 - 4 3 . O p tic nerve,1 1 1 abilities of, 1 Ph*M 4M 4gprM > Z L
growth of. 3 1 3 - 1 5 o f distance, 3 8 0 - 8 3 Phantom fringes, alad.
O bject-based attention, 1 9 6 -9 7 structure of, 3 1 3 - J 4 E m p e Jo ck s and theory o f, i l l Phase Bode p k » t . i i l
O b je ct blur, 4 3 6 - 3 7 .4 5 3 O ffu o ru m I jh r iS e x (Aguilonius). & L Ы m otion, 5. Phase b g
adaptation to .a tili 68/169/ procedures for studying development o f accom m odation, d ial
O bjectivc-coupled planar illumination Optics ( Euclid)» i l •I ^><4 o f c>vJo vergence, 5 2 8 - 3 0 , 529/
microscopy, H I O f m s (Ptolem y), 1 S. 62.63/ * o f shape from m otion. o f vertical vcrgcncc. 515-^25/’
РКлъс* locked spectral analysis. 1 1 1 , 21a. P re fe re n tia l lo o k in g , l£ £ » 3 X 6 - К7 sealing procedure** in. iiZ. L O N . pn^pcrticsof. 2 1 X -2 0
Phaic sbilt. iilfc. Preferred d ire c tio n . I l l L signal detection pn^ccdures for. 9 6 - 9 7 orientation sensitisity o f.2 2 ll
Phase spectrum» i i i i Preferred o rie n ta tio n , 2 i l staircase m ethod tor, 9 5 - 9 6 spatiotemporal rcsp<inics of. 2 1 8 -2 0 ,
Phasic K nw rv. Д ± P re m o to r c o rte x . 2 9 5 -9 6 stimulus probes in . 9 7 - 9 8 219/
Pbenakistiscopr. Presbyopia. s ?6 tem poral thresholds an d .lU L Release r s . l i i l
Phenom enological analysts, 9 8 - 9 9 . 9Х/ accomm odation and. *i47 terms o f. 9 2 -9 -i Renaissance
Phoria Prcstriatc cortex» 22Д 2 A F C procedure in. 3 2 brain understanding in» ЗД
■IX4iK JAlivC, 4 8 8 Pre tectum . H I Ptolemy, 1 4 - 1 6 m em ory i n . l i
d a rk vc rg c n c c a n d , 4 8 7 - 8 8 Prcverbal stereo tests, 3 8 6 - 8 7 Alhaxcn on work о :,Ы perspective in. 5 1 - 5 7 . 51Л52/1
l i l At io n lii'p .in r y a n d . 4 9 0 -9 1 Pr*vosr. Pierre, 2 1 o n binocular disparities. ^ 1 M /-S7/
m c M u rc t of. 4 8 6 - 8 7 . 487/ Primary coding. 1 3 3 -3 6 o n binocular siskin. 6 2 - 6 6 , 63/ science and technology history in,
ty p « o f,i£ k labeled-line c o d in g 1 3 4 -3 5 o n corresponding visual lin<*>6 2 * 6 1 2 7 -2 9
vertical. I l l receptor-type coding. 1 3 5 -3 6 o n cyclopean axi\ .u S Representation, 1 8 3 -8 4
P h o rom ctcr.M Z o f stimulus intensity. 11a. o n cyclopean vision. 6 4 - 6 5 R c p u k i o n .i l !
Phosphorylation. 2 i 1 topographk cod ing. 1 horopter contusion o f, 6 5 - 6 6 Rerouting procedure. 308
Photo hllin g.22& Primary f c a t u r c s l l l o n light, IS . Resolution, 4 3 5 - 4 3
Pbotorccepcors, 3 0 3 - 4 secondary features compared to* 1 3 3 -3 4 o n refraction, 1 5 - 1 6 perceptual judgement and, 1 8 2 -8 3
Physiologic л I nyvu^mut, -a2il Primary stim uli. 1 2 X -2 9 Pulvinar. ? Ж ' Ш psychophysics and. 1 0 0 -1 0 1
Physio logical o p tic s 1 1 Primates. S a .r/w M onkeys; VI Pupillary response, 1 2 2 o f secondary features l i ! L
Pinwhccl patterns, 2 7 0 - 7 2 binocular vision in L G N of. 221 P u rk in jc .jo n .lZ o f stim uli» separation, 1 0 0 -1 0 1
Pitch. & m onocular deprivation in . 4 0 5 - 6 Purkinjc-imagc m ethod. ллИ s« idth.ilLLl
P U c < *lk 2 8 £ str abisoiut in , 4 0 5 - 6 Pursuic eye m o v e m e n ts ltiL >87 Response coding. I l l
P laminae, 2 1 2 Principle o f superposition. 1£l1 ocu lom otor system and, 3 7 8 - 7 9 Response dom ain. 9 2 - 9 3 . -LK1
Plasticity Principle o f time invariancc. i i i i Pyramidal cells. 2 3 8 - 3 9 . 238/ Response norm alization, l i f t . 256
blindness and cross-modal. 3 9 5 - 9 6 Principles o f figural organization, 1 Ш . I 8 1/ development o f .l^ X Response resonance. 21a.
branch-spikc. l l u Printing. 1$L temporal dynamics o f.2 S ii Rcsp-ansc specificity, dark reading and k«ss
com partm entalized dendritic. 3 5 5 - 5 6 PrUm in V i . 1 1 ^ ' o t; 3 9 2 - 9 3
cortical. 4 0 8 - 1 4 diopters. a £ l Pythagoras. I l l Retina
cspcricruc-dcpcndenr, 2 0 4 - 5 ГОПк vergence adaptation to , -1 9 2 -9 5 , .ihlation o f temporal,
I Jebbian synapse and. 3 5 0 - 5 2 49I f C^uadris ium , 2л. development of. 3 1 1 -1 3
hctcrosynaptic* 4 0 8 - 9 Probit analysis. 9 4 - 9 5 Q uantal efficiency. 1 L I m onocular dcpnsation and с fleets of,
hom eostatic, 355 Probsxs bundle, 3 4 6 - 4 7 (^uanti/ed signal. Щ 3 9 6 -9 7
hom osyiupcic, 4 0 8 - 9 Progenitor cells, U S . C^L'EST. C^uick estimate by sequential structure of. 2 il2
т с » Капi m * « I neural, 3 4 9 - 5 3 Projection testing Retinal image
m ctabotropk reccptors and. i l l colum ns. Г : 7 2 17/* Q uick estimate by sequential testing coding, i l l
spike tim ing-dependent, 1 1 1 .3 5 3 - 5 4 zonc,22d " ( Q U E S T ) .^ Euclid and. 1 1
o f v ifiu l fiin a io iu , 2 0 3 - 5 Projective geometry. 11 9 - 2 2 .1 2 0 / -122/" kical sign of. I l l
Plateau.Joseph, M7 1W Projcctivcly equivalent stim uli, i l l Radial bias.ISiL pcrspcctivc and nature of, 1 1
P U o ,1 4 .1 2 Pn>jecrivjty, 11 9 -2 0 ,1 2 0 ^ Rai nbow spite m . I l l R c tin J magnification error. U S .
o n perspective in p ain tin g .id. P r o n c u r o tr o p b iiis lll Rakic. Рдпко. 319/ Retinoid cycle, l l i i i
Platter, Felix. 1 1 Proportional control, 5 1 8 ,5 1 X/ R * m c ti.A g M m o .5 £ R c t in o ic o p y .iil
Pliny. 12. Proprioceptive rca& ren cc. lii& Ram on у Caial. Santiago, 3 8 - 3 9 Retraction bulb<.12ia
P lo tin u s i n Prosopagnosia, 2&1 Ramus. Peter. 2A Retractor lenris muscle. 4 4 5
Pecker stereoscope, h L i.K ’y ' Рпксиопх,Ш Rayleigh criterion, i l i i l Retrograde signaling system. 2 ^ 1
Point o f objective equality <P O L ). ± i Protein Reaching movements, accuracy ot» Retrograde transport, 112.
Point o fm b je td v c equality ( P S E ) .£ 1 к ina*CS 2 * 1 * 1 1 1 3 8 0 -S I Reverse correlation procedure» 2 3 3 - 3 4 ,
adaptive procedure and. i l l synthesis. 3 3 2 - 3 3 Reaching procedure. ittiL 2 6 1 -6 2
Point-spread function. l i l i L 4 3 8 - 3 9 tyrosine kinase receptors, i i i i Reaction tin ic .IllL Rcsersc ocular dom inance sKift. J i l l i
Poisson m odel. L iZ Protractor lent is muscle, 4 4 5 Reafference. 1 6 7 -6 X Reverse p itc h in g .a l l
Polar coordinate*, i l l Provioial accom m odation, 4 5 2 - 5 3 , 4 53/ Receiver operating characteristic (R O C ), Rhabdom erk re c e p to rs3 0 3 - 4
Polarity, 1 2 1 Proximal vcrgcncc, 4 9 7 - 9 9 ^ 9 If Rhaws,2a
Polat, U ri. 2 6 ^ * with con dieting disparity. 4 9 8 - 9 9 R cccp tisc Helds, 11a. Rhodopsin, 2QSL
Polyscnsory areas., li^L to coplanar italic stimuli. 4 9 7 - 9 8 o f cells in visual Cortcx, 2 4 6 - 4 8 , l< \ lf Rho G TPascs.
Pontifical c e ll S e t Grandm other cel К loom ing stim uli inducing, in ganglion e e lk 1 1 1 . Г l.L 214/ Rhopalium . l l l l
Pontine reticular f o r m a ti o n ,!^ P R R . S ft ParictaUrcAch region R cccptor*, 1 1 1 Riboso mcs, 2 1 Z H I
Pontine rcricular nu cleus 2£& P SE . S f f Point o ffu b p o iv c equality c ilia ry .3 0 3 -4 Ricco « law. 11a.
Population c o d in g 1.16.7SZ . i '± l Pseudoseope, 81 - 82 potential of. 11I2L RN A polymerase. H I
feature dctccti>n a iu L ia U Psychoanatomical procedures 1 2 1 o n presynaptic т с т Ь г а г к < .1 -ь 1 R ob o r c c c p t o R o u n d a b o u t receptors
Porterfield. W illiam , 1 5 . 2 1 Psychological cxophoria. nZh. rhabdomeric. 3 0 3 - 4 R O C . S ee Receiver operating characteristic
Positron-cmission tomography (P E T ). Psychoractric function, i l l . 9 5/ «(ructufc of. 2 0 7 - 9 , 208/' R o d s 1122
with Weihull function. £ 1 R ccep rofty p c coding. 1 3 5 - 3 6 term inak and synapses of. 2 1 i t 21 ( /
Posterior p ark tal cortcx, 2 9 1- 9 5 . l ± l f Psychophysical linking hypothesis, Receptor-type Labelcd-fanc cod in g .i l i a Ro hault, Jacq u es 1 1
Post*vnaptic Psychophysics Recipient гоп е,I l i a o n binocular vision, 2 L
activity blockage, a l i i basic m ethods o f, 9 4 - 9 5 R ecognition. i £ l visual pathway drawings of. 16.37/ *
density, 2 4 1 beginnings o f, 4 1 - 4 2 context a n d .lU U ,2 0 (/ R oll. 6
potential. H f l,- H i class A procedure i n . £ l Recruitm ent o f resourcce, 2 0 4 - 5 Rosenfield. M ark, n il/
P o M tn m cn p o o iu l control, 1 1 2 class В procedure in, £ ± Rectification. Rostral brainstem. 1 Л
Postulate o f unique parallel. 12u. detection and. 1ca. Rclraction Rostral superior tem poral cortex. 2iLL
Power spectral density Function. U S discrimination and . 101—4 Alhazen o n .2 2 Rou ndabou creceptors i 1V. H I ■ 549
Power spectrum analysis H a . double-nair^asc method for.3& Ptolemy o n , 1 5 -1 6 Rufus o f Ephesus. X b
Poz2o, Andrea. 5 1 . IK frames o f reference and.U il.99/’ Refractive am etrop ia.469
PPRF. S ee Paramedian pontine reticular illiwions an a lm s and, 9 9 - 1 0 0 RelrM tivc an isomet r«ipia, 4 6 9 Saccades, vergence intrusions and, 5 3 6 - 3 8
formation implicit phytic* and. 1 9 0 -9 1 RclarionAl judgem ent, i i i i Saccadic dr^metria. 538
Preattcntivc stage. phenomenological analysis in . 9 8 - 9 9 . Relay c e lls I L L S accad k cse movements, 3 7 9
Precision, iU 98/' arousal responses in, 2 2 u S.sddlc points, 2 2 i-
visual instrum ents. ± L resolution and. 1 0 0 - 101 inputs to . 1UL S a k a ta .H k k o .2 W /


Scale shift hfyothcsi*. 4 2 S Sensory c a n n in g , 1 4 7 - 4 8 Spatial undersauipling, 4 2 4 - 2 5 cyclovergence and visual. 5 3 0 - 3 3
Scaling Sensory systems Spatiotem poral Fourier transform , l i i l declination, £ 2 4
M sca lin g, 2 l £ higlvordcr. 1 6 2 - 8 2 Spatiotem poral transfer function, 1M depth o f field and eccen trk ity o f, 4 5 9
multidimensional, 1 4 i incidental stimulus covariance w ithin. Spatiotem poral tuning dichoptic, 1 7 4 17 6 /
ocular dom inance colum ns, 2 7 6 - 7 7 Ш. o f cortical cells. 261 - 6 3 dorsal pathway and effects of, 1
perce p tu a l ju d g e m e n t a n d . - X x ncvtc J . 1 6 8 -7 0 m odels of, 2 6 2 - 6 3 dynamic relationships becween. 145.
psychophysics and. i l l Separable responses. 1 4 iu 2 4 1 to m otion, 2 4 L h oritontal vcrgcncc and, 5 1 0 - 1 1 ,
sensory, I l i i Serial processing, 1 4 2 Specific nerve energies 1 3 4 - 3 5 5 ig / -5 1 1 /
synaptic. 3 5 5 , &L& Serotonin. 2 1 4 S p e cto ck s.2 2 inclination.
Scene Set theory. 1К* Sperry. Roger. 3 2 ^ * intcgfal. h O
semantics, JILL Shadowgraphs, 25.75/ Spherical aberrations. a j j , ••->>/' -пУЧ L G N and effects of, 3 0 0 -3 0 1
structure, 1 8 1 -8 2 Shape constancy. ± i Spherule, 21lL
Schaeffel, fran k , 4 $ 6 f development of, 3 8 3 - 8 4 Sphincter muscles, 4 4 7 on |>ederfal#i a i .
Scbcincr. С Ь п я о р Ь .З ^ .,^ / ’ Shape from m otion. liL L Spike tim ing-dependent plasticity (S T D P )» primary, 1 2 8 - 2 9
Schem ata. 1~N- l S i perception of, 3S-i 1 5 1 3 5 3 -5 4 primary coding for intensity of. 1 Vi
S ch ilk r. Pcrcr 11 . ?K7 Shape from shading, perception o t, 385 Spiking neurons.2a& proxim al vcrgcncc induced by loom ing,
Schuk/c, M ax, liL Sbaplcy, R obert, 2 1 3/ Spin, 4 . 7 f
Schwann. T h eo d o r . XZ Shatz, Carla J.. 3 1 4/ Spiny stellate cells. La& second-order.1 4 1 . 2 6 0 -6 1
Science and technology history Shccdy disparomctCT, 4 8 8 development of, selection of.1214
in A rabic empire, 2 0 - 2 4 Sherm an. Murray S., 43Q f Spurxheim ,Johann Ciaspard. sense organs and. 12 8 - 30
in C h in a. l i i Shifter circu it, S09 Stability sensory processing and. 1 6 2 -6 3
cm p iritttt'im iv i*! controversy in. 4 2 - 4 7 Shim ojo. Shinsukc, 371/' o f cyclovergence. 530 sefarablc, 1 6 2 -6 3
in K u io p c . 1 6 th a n d 1 7th ce n tu ry, 2 9 -3 6 Sight recovery, in humans, i i a . o f linear systems, 1 L 1 synchronized neural activity and tuning
in G re e c e .9 - IK Signal analysis multicue systems and. 1 1 1 o f. 1 4 9 -5 0
in In d ia . 1 £ b a s» functions for, O K N and. iZA. iransduccti.Ukli
o f kn scs and spcctacks, 2 2 convolution function and. 1 0 9 - 1 0 o f vcrgcncc. 5 0 8 - 1 0 undeterm ined. 1Ш.
in medieval Europe, 2 4 - 2 7 linear systems and, 1 0 9 -1 0 Staining procedures, 2 2 9 - 3 0 V I , contrasting concentric. 2 6 6 - 6 7
mysticism and. 2 4 Signal averaging. 1 1 4 - 1 5 .21a. for living cells. 1X L V ] . organization of. 1M .
in Persia. ±& Signal d etection, psychophysics and, Staircase m ethod, 9 5 - 9 6 V I , responses to aligned, 2 6 7 - 6 8
p c n p c c tn t discovery in. 4 7 - 6 1 9 6 -9 7 Static blur, sensitivity to difference in, V ] and eltects of. 3 0 0 -3 0 1
precise measurement and. 4 1 - 4 2 Signal-to-noisc ratio. 1 ift. 21 \ 4 5 5 -5 6 ventral pathway and effects of. 3 0 1 - 2
in Renaissance. 2 7 - 2 9 Silent eye, 2 1 4 S T D P. S ee Spike riming dependent fi>r vertical vergence. 5 2 2 - 2 4 , 523/’
visual ncuroscicncc beginnings in. Silent synapses, J S 1 plasticity visual attention and effects of. 3 0 0 - 3 0 2
3 6 -4 1 Similarity geometry, 1 1 8 -1 9 , 119 / Steady-state b ia s a 4 2 for V O R ,i U .
S-concs, 2 0 7 - 8 . 208/* Simulated emission depletion microscope S T E D . S re Sim uLtcd emission depletion Stimulus binding, synchronous Hringand,
5 D . S f* Stim ulus domain ( S T iD ) .m microscope 1 5 0 -5 1
Secondary coding. 1 3 6 -3 9 Singer, W olf. 4 0 " if Stein ccll*,Jk2ik Stimulus domain (S D ), 114.
m ultipk-channcl system Гог. 1 3 6 -3 9 Singularities. 2 7 0 -7 1 S tereo acu ity .! essential ambiguities o f . l l u
Secondary fcatu res..Lai..La4 Siretcanu, Ruxandra.400/' in a g c d .i£ & fully determ ined. 1 - Z
primary fcat\irc* compared to , 1 3 3 -3 4 S ix B toksm U gbt ,4wf S hade(da V inci). 2 !i amblyopia and. x i i Stim ulus equivalence in mulricue systems,
Second-ordcr stimuli» 1 4 1 * 2 6 0 -6 1 Sifcc c o n sta n cy .H development of, 3 8 6 - S 9 la l
Sellers, C olem an. Sill development ofc 382 Stcreofancascopc. №. Stimulus externalizAtion. 2Щ.
Sem antic nests.ULL Slant* 6 - 7 . 7/ Stereograms. £ l l JJ \ / Stim ulus probes. 9 7 - 9 8
Scniaphorins. -xli- Slits. ДД1-349 Srereophotography. 8 3 - 8 7 , 84/187/ Stimulus reparation. rcv.>huion ot.
Sc m m low. Jo h n, 4 9 i f Slope. 2 .7 / Stereopsis 1 0 0 -1 0 1
Sense organ* Small-anglc amblyopia and , 4 3 3 - 3 4 Stimuhis tuning
scanning by, 1 4 7 - 4 8 esotropia. aJlL binocular disparities a n d .Z l emergence o f. 3 5 9 - 6 0
stimuli and. 1 2 8 -3 0 strabismus, d M physiology of. 7 3 - 7 5 synchronized neural activity and,
structure and function ot* 1 2 9 -3 0 Sm ith, liar I, a i l / ' V E P san Д . Щ . 1 4 9 -5 0
temporal coding, by paired, 1 1 1 Sm ith, R obert, 2 L Stereoscope, 1 in V I , 2 5 6 - 7 0
Sensory adaptation, 1Ы - Sm ooth inhibitory c e l l * 2 3 9 - 4 0 book images from, ^i. Stimulus vergence.4 4 8 ,4 5 3
Scnsory coding. S ir л!& Tem poral coding Sm ooth pursuit* Л2&. Brewster and. 8 2 - 8 ^ . 82/ Stochastic system. 1 1 1
analog processing am i, 1 3 1 -3 2 Snell. W illch ro rd .lA early devices lor, 88/ ST P. Superior tem poral polysensory
assimilation and. L iS . Snellen chares, 4 4 8 —19 o f Elliot. 8 0 - 8 1 . 82/ area
bipolar detectors and, 1 3 2 -3 3 Socrates, 1 4 mirror, Sii.b'0/ Strabismic am blyopia,x l l l
contingent aftereffects and. l - i 4 Sonic hedge hog gene, Л17 , 3 2 3 - 2 4 pocker,bLx87/ anisom etrcp k amblyopia compared to.
contrast a n d .L i l Sox transcri|4ion D ctors,32& W heatstone inventing, 7 9 - 8 2 . 80/ -81/ 4 2 1 -2 3
feature detectors and, 13 9 - 4 1 Space eikonom eter. 4 7 2 - 7 3 . 4 73/ Stere<»?icopic monies, 2 ^ 8 9 - 9 1 . 89/ Strabismus
metamerism and. 1 4 3 -4 2 Space-time separability/inseparability. 2 u 2 Stereoscopic vision alternating.
monopolar detectors and. 132—33 Spain, Islamic learning centers in. 2a. animals w ith, 1 2 ± amblyopia and suppre ssion of, 4 3 3 - 3 4
nerve impulse in, 1 3 0 - 3 1 Sparse coding, l.all, 24-1 dehnision of. 1 cats and induced. 4 0 0 - 4 0 1
norm ali/асion . m J . l l i . Spatial amplitude transfer function, evolution of. 5 con co m itan t.‘12L l
opponency and, 1 4 3 -4 4 106-7 Steteo tests, 3 8 6 - 8 8 corpus callosum and. 401 - 2
primary, 1 3 3 -3 6 Spatial and temporal derivatives. ] 2 8 -2 V Stiks-C raw ford cftect, ?.Л 1 \ t correcting. 4 1 8 - 1 9
secondary, 1 3 6 -3 9 Spatial binding. 1&4 blur sign and. 4 6 8 - 6 9 , 469/ carly-onsct. 4 8 4 - 8 5
types o f. 1 3 0 - 4 5 Sparial distortions depth o f field and, 459 etiology of. ^15.
Sensory enhancem ent, I 4**» amblyopia and, 4 2 4 - 2 7 Stimuli. S t t d lw C row ding; Psychophysics; latgc-angle. ±2Lx.
Sensor)1processing method o f equivalent noise for Sensory coding L G N and induced.
dissociable, 142. measuring, * 2 4 adequate. 1 2 ii nonco ncom itant,
independent, lial- Spatial-frequency bandwidth, U -2 aO'ordancc and. I2 & in prim ates,4 0 5 - 6
judgemenr and. 1 6 2 -6 3 Spatial-frequency clvannс Is amblyopia and integration o f defective. small-anglc. ?>- »
no nd ittodablc. ± 4 2 codingprim itivcs and, 1 5 6 - 5 7 4 2 6 -2 7 treatm cot of, 4 8 5 - 8 6
parallel processing, lia2- detccrion and position of, 15 7 - 5 8 , 15 7 / attention and. 1 9 6 - 9 7 tvpes of, 4 8 3 - 8 1
serial processing, 142. Spatial-periodic ity tuning» 2 6 0 - 6 1 blur. 4 5 3 - 5 4 visual delects in . 4&1,
stim uli and, 1 6 2 -6 3 Spatial phase transfer function, l& x copUnar static, 4 9 7 - 9 8 Stream o t consckaisness, 2 0 2 - 3
Sensory scaling, l&a. Spatial scram bling, 4 2 5 - 2 6 covariancc. 1 6 7 -6 8 Stretavan. David W . 3 1 6/*
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Visual Attention. Attention stcrcophotography, 8 3 - 8 7 , K4/-8// o r d e r o f , 1 2 lx W ebers la w .H
feature-based. 1112 stereoscopic mov»e%. & 2. 8 9 - 9 1. 89/* psychophysical location of, 1 7 5 -7 6 W ei bull function, £ 5
location-specific effects o f, 2 9 9 - 3 0 0 Visual evoked potentials (V E P s). 2Vl. rapidity of. 1 5 4 -5 5 W heatstone. С harks, 7 9 /
mechanisms of, I i i i . mj i tof Visual space, geometry of. 1 9 3 -9 5 inventions of. M
stimutus-spccilic effects of, 3 0 0 - 3 0 2 frequency-swept, 5 2 ll Visual structures pscudoscope o f, S I - 8 2
Visui b x k . 2 £ C stereopsis and. liLS. objects, 1 8 0 -8 1 stereograms of. iUX 8 1/
V m u l cortcx. & v <Uto Area J b V I ; V 2 ; V J Visual field rules of» 1 8 0 -8 2 stereoscope invention and, 7 9 - 8 2 .
blindtight ami. 2St« development of, 3 7 5 - 7 6 scene, 181 - 8 2 80/ -81/
co lu m n a r org an izatio n o f. 2 7 0 - 7 8 . 272/* divisions of, 2 24/ Visual system. S ee u lso Linear systems; zoetropc of. illl
cortical eelk in, 2 3 7 - 4 0 LG N projection of, 21C/ Nonlinear systems W id th resolution. 1QH
cortical synapses and neurotransmitters Visual functions Alhazen diagram of. 21/' W iener kernel. I l l

in. 2 4 0 - 4 6 . 2 4 l / - 2 4 # 2 4 l f development o l. 3 6 9 - 7 6 C N S and development o l, 2 - 3 W ie s e l Torsten N .,2 4 7 /

cytochrome-oxidase stripes i n ,2 & l . 281/ immaturity of, £22. development of, 2 - 3 W i (brand, Ш о й
early blindness and activity in. iiiiL plasticity o f, 2 0 5 - 5 dynamic range compensation in. H i . W ilkins. Jo h n , i l l
cxcicacory lateral connections in. 252 Visual illusions. Ц as Fourier analyzer. H 6 W illiam s, David, 4 4 1 /
inhibitory lateral connections in. Visual immaturity, 1 2 2 history of, 1 -2 W illis. Thomas. *11
2 5 2 - 5 4 , 2 53/ Visually guided movements, HiiL intrinsic noise o f. 2 L i W N T morphogens. i l l

input ч to , 2 4 8 - 4 9 amblyopia and abnorm al. 4 2 9 - 3 0 V itcllo,2& Wollaston. W illiam . 5 £ . 2 1

layers o f, 2 5 1 - 5 2 Visually triggered movements, l i i l i Vo Ik man n disk s. 5 2 2 . 527/’ Wong-Rilcv, M argaret.2 £ i
mapping. 2 5 0 -5 1 Visual neuroscience, beginnings. 3 6 - 4 1 Voltage-gated synapses,2 H W ren, Christopher.
projections of. 2-18—51 Visual pathways Voltage-sensitive dyes.232. W undt. W ilhelm M a x .H
receptive fields о fee! к in. 2 4 6 - 4 8 , 247/' chiasm and opcic tracts in . 122.222/* Volte гга kernel. H I W urtz, Robert 1 1 2 ^ 1 /
Visual deprivation. S e t M onocular corpus callosum and. 2 2 6 - 2 9 Volume summation o f disparities. 5 1 0 -1 1
deprivation decussation o l. 26. 222 Vo lun tar у acCOmraodation, j 5 2 X cells, 2 1 1
Visual direction. I iclm h oltz and I lering hemidccussation and. 2 2 2 - 2 4 . 223/* Voluntary vergence. 4 9 6 - 9 7
debate over. 4 5 - 4 7 . 46/’ hem iretina partitioning and. 2 2 4 - 2 6 . von Gudden. Bernhard. 2 ± Yaw. 6
Visual display systems. S ee a lso Cam era 2 24/ von N oorden. (iu n ter Konstantin, 39 7 f Y cells, 2 1 1 - 1 2
obscura; Stereoscope myelination of, £ 1 5 V C R . S ee Vcstibuloocular responses Yonas. Albert. 3 81/
ilioratnas, 2Z R ohaults drawing* o f ,,1 6 .3 7 / Voxel units. 215. Young, T h o m as 1 2 . 3 J/
history of, 7 5 -9 1 visual inputs to subcortical ccntcrs in.
magic lantern. 7 5 - 7 6 221-22 Wavefront aberrations* 4 4 0 —41 Zoetropc. i i i i 89/’
panoramas. 2 2 . 78/-79/ Visual processing \X(ivele11 heo гу. o f W heatstone. 2£L
peepshows, 7 6 - 7 7 . 76/* Alhazen on. 2 2 - 2 3 W cells. 2 1 2 Zone o f clear single binocular vision. S ib .
shadowgraphs, 25» 75/ nonlinear, 15 9 -6 1 Weber, Ernst 1 Icinrich, 4 1 - 4 2 Zonule. 4 4 6

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