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Nombre del estudiante: _______________________Grado: Noveno Curso __ Área: Inglés

Qué voy a aprender Cómo voy a aprender Para qué voy a aprender
-Estructuras de los condicionales 0 y 1 -Ejercicios de comprensión de lectura. - Hablar de consecuencias y efectos en diferentes
- Talleres escritos.
-Extraer ideas principales de un texto escrito. situaciones hacienda uso de los condicionales

Competencia(s) Derecho básico de aprendizaje

-En mis redacciones uso el vocabulario y la gramática que conozco con . Identifica el propósito, las partes y tipo de textos en una lectura o
cierta precisión, pero cuando trato temas que no conozco o expreso audio cortos y los comparte con sus compañeros
ideas complejas, cometo errores.
-Leo y comprendo textos narrativos y descriptivos o narraciones y -Expresa su opinión sobre un tema discutido en clase y relacionado con
descripciones de diferentes fuentes sobre temas que me son familiares, su entorno académico.
y comprendo textos argumentativos cortos y sencillos.

Descripción de la actividad: Revisa el material de apoyo relacionado al condicional cero y uno.

Soluciona las guías anexas.
Topic: Zero and first conditional
1. Explanation

What is is?

Sometimes we call them 'if clauses'. They describe the result of something that might happen (in the
present or future) or might have happened but didn't (in the past) . They are made using different
English verb tenses. They are used to talk about real or unreal situations. In general, the conditional
sentences have the word “if”. There are 4 different types of conditionals ( 0,1,2,3), but here we are
going to practice just the zero and first contidional.

Algunas veces son conocidos como “clausulas si”. Ellos describen el resultado de algo que puede
pasar en el presente o en el futuro, o que podría haber sucedido pero no (en el pasado). Ellos se
realizan utilizando diferentes tiempos verbales en inglés. Se utilizan para hablar sobre situaciones
reales o irreales. En general, las frases condicionales llevan la palabra “if” (si).
Existen 4 tipos diferentes de condicionales (0,1,2 y 3), pero aquí vamos a practicar solo el condicional
0 y 1.

Zero conditional

We use this kind of conditional (0) when the condition and result are true, for example scientific facts.

Se usa este tipo de condicional cuando la condición y el resultado siempre es verdad, como por
ejemplo los hechos científicos.

In the following picture you can see the structure and some examples:

En la siguiente imagen puedes ver la estructura y algunos ejemplos.

First conditional:

This kind of conditional is used to talk about the future and in some cases in which it’s very probable
that the condition will happen.

Este tipo de condicional se utiliza para el futuro y en los casos en que es muy probable que la condición
In the following picture you can see the structure and some examples:

En la siguiente imagen puedes ver la estructura y algunos ejemplos.

Activities- Zero conditional The Zero conditional is used
for things that are always true
1) Write the zero conditional sentences using prompts. as long as the condition is met.

Example: I / feel / faint / I / see / blood I feel faint if I see blood. Formation: If + present
1. Sam / feel / depressed / it / rain tense, + present tense

_________________________________________________ If I eat too much, I feel ill.

2. It / not matter / you / be / late The if clause can come before

or after the main clause.
If it comes after, we don’t use
3. Mary / listen to / classical music / she / always / feel / happy
a comma.

If you heat ice, it melts.

Ice melts if you heat it.
4. I / get / home / on time / my dad / shout / at me
2) Complete the zero conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
If you __heat__ water to 100° C, it __boils__. (heat, boil)
2.5.The menu_______________
your / dog / sit down / you on the‘sit’?
/ say screen if you ________________ this button twice. (appear, press)
Put those plants in the sun. If they _______________enough light, they ______________. (die, not get)
4. If you ______________ the right password, you __________________the website. (not have, not access)
5. My mum __________________well if she __________________coffee before bed. (not sleep, drink).
6. _________your teacher __________annoyed if you_________________ your homework? (get, not do)

3) Complete the zero conditional sentences by choosing the correct pairs of verbs from the box. Put the
verbs in the correct form.

feel/not do be/play not wake/not get cannot/read get/make not remember/tell

1. If I ________________________to do my homework, I __________________ the teacher a lie.

2. If I __________________ my brother up in the morning, he _______________to school on time.
3. I ____________________music really loudly if I______________ at home alone.
4. If I ____________________sleep at night, I ___________________ a magazine.
5. ______you ______ embarrassed if you __________ a mistake when speaking English?
4) Complete the facts. Use the verbs below and the zero conditional.
6. She _______________ her homework if she _________________ tired.
water get heat melt freeze

1. Metal turns red and then white if__________________

2. Water expands if it __________
3. Plants die if _________________
4. If you mix green, red and blue paint, ______________________
Zero Conditional
5. If you leave butter in the sun, ________
ZERO CONTIDIONAL If + Present Simple, Present Simple
Task 1. Open the brackets. Remember about the punctuation.

1) If you _press_ (press) this button the machine _starts_ (start).

2) If you _____________ (press) this button the machine ___________
3) If I _____________ (not practice) the piano every evening I ___________ (forget) how to
play it.
4) If we _____________ (take) our dog to the park she ___________ (run) away.
5) If you _____________ (heat) ice it ___________ (melt).
6) If/When I ___________(miss) the 8 o’clock train I ________ (be) late for work.
7) If/When I ___________(be) late for work my boss ________ (get) angry.
8) If/When people ___________(not eat) they ________ (get) hungry.
9) When you ___________(fly) budget airline you ___________(have to) pay for your drinks
and snacks.
10) When you __________(go) on holiday _______(take) plenty of sun cream. It'll be very hot.
Task 2. Rewrite each pair of sentences to make one sentence with the zero conditional.

1) You heat water to 100 degrees. It If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils.
2) You cross an international date line.
The time changes.
3) It rains. The grass gets wet.
4) Wood doesn't burn. There is no air.
5) Ice floats. You drop it in water.
6) There is no rain. The grass doesn’t
7) Iron rusts. It gets wet.
8) People eat too much. They get fat.
9) Babies are hungry. They cry.
10) The river freezes. It’s very cold.

Task 3. Write the sentence with the zero conditional.

(I / wake up late / I / be late for school) (people / eat / too many sweets / they / get

(my husband / cook / he / burn the food) (I / feel good the next day / I / go to bed

(you / mix water and electricity / you / (she / buy expensive clothes / she / go
get a shock) shopping)

(I / cycle to work / the weather / be fine) (I / study hard / I / pass my exams)

Conditional sentences Type 1 Activity
Compete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Then match them with the


1. If you (cook) __cook__ some eggs, I (make) _will make__ some coffee.
2. My brother (wash) ___________his car this afternoon, if he (have) _________ enough
3. Jane (borrow) ______________ some books, if she (go) _____________ to the library.
4. If I (need) _______________ more money, I (have) ______________ to get a second
5. Sarah (see) ________________ a doctor later on, if she (feel) __________________
6. We (watch) _______________ a movie tonight, if we (be) ____________________
7. If our class (finish) _______________ early, I (go) __________________ home to study.
8. If Thomas (help) ___________ me with the housework, I (finish) ______________
9. Alex (wear) _____________ his jacket tomorrow, if it (be) _____________ a cold
10. If we (be) __________________hungry, we
(order) ___________________ some pizzas.
1 – Choose the correct endings.
1. I’ll be very disappointed if a) she doesn’t leave now.
LIKELY CONDITIONS: This conditional is usually b) you hurry.
2. If she studies hard,
used to describe what someone thinks will
3. She will be late if c) I’ll just wear a coat.
happen in a real situation.
4. I will visit you if d) I will help him.
Example: If I go out, I will buy some milk.
5. If it’s cold, e) you will understand me.
6. If I feel tired, f) he will need some money.
7. If he asks me nicely, g) you don’t pass this test.
8. If he goes out, h) I arrive early.
9. You will catch the bus if i) I usually go to bed early.
10. If you are smart enough, j) she’ll get an A in the exam.

1.___ 2.___ 3.___ 4.___ 5.___

SIMPLE will not = won’t 6.___ 7.___ 8.___ 9.___ 10.___

2 – What will you do if you arrive home early? 3 – Circle the correct alternative.

Choose from the verbs below to complete the 1. She will stay at home if it rains / doesn’t rain.
gaps with “will”. 2. I’ll use your computer if you mind / don’t mind.
If I arrive home early, … 3. If you are / aren’t here on time, we will leave
1. I ____will watch_ the football game on TV. without you.
2. I ______________________ my Science project. 4. If she leaves / doesn’t leave her bag there,
3. I _____________________ dinner for my family. someone will take it.
4. I ______________________________ my room. 5. We’ll feel ill if we eat / don’t eat all these pies.
5. I __________________ you to a nice restaurant. 6. If she is / isn’t careful, she’ll hurt herself.
6. I _____________________________ to the gym. 7. Sam will be happy if you take / don’t take him to
7. I _________________ with my younger brother. Disney World.
8. I ___________________________ for my exam. 8. We’ll miss our Math class if we run / don’t run.
9. I __________________________ my old laptop. 9. If you pay / don’t pay attention in class, you will
10. I ____________________________ my clothes. understand what the teacher says.
take ● do ● repair ● play ● watch 10. If he goes / doesn’t go to bed now, he’ll be tired
wash ● make ● go ● study ● clean tomorrow.

4 – Complete the blanks and match the

sentences with the pictures.
1. If the weather _____________ (be) fine tomorrow,
we _________________ (go) out for a picnic.
2. We ________________ (enjoy) a nice family dinner
if my dad _________________ (come) home early
from work.
3. That dog _________________ (bite) him if he
_________________ (not run) any faster.
4. I _________________ (not walk) home if my car
_________________ (break) down. I’ll call a taxi.
5. If Mary _________________ (work) harder, she
_________________ (finish) the reports on time.
6. We _________________ (not find) a parking space
if we _________________ (take) the car.

1. Where can you see these warnings?

If you don’t have a. In a park

b. In a circus
a ticket, you can’t c. In a shop
enter to the show

If it rains, you can’t d. At the

e. At the church
f. At the
a. In a school
If you feed the animals, b. In a zoo
you will be expulsed c. In the restaurant

2. Match the second halves of the tips from a travel guide (a-i) giving advice to tourist
visinting a city with the sentences (0-8) Follow the example.
4. Read the text and answer the questions by writing true (t) or false (f). Then write the
translation into spanish

Mystery of the Red Truck By Sally Nicholls

It has been confirmed that late on the night of the sixth of

July, a large red truck ran into the bakery on Maryland
Street. After an initial investigation by police, it is now clear
that the truck had no driver at all. The locals are asking a
simple question: “Where was the driver?” If the police want
to solve this mystery, they will need the CCTV footage
from the street. One of the locals said: “We’re all quite
worried about a truck with no driver. This truck has never
been seen in the neighbourhood before. If we’d seen that
truck before, we’d solve this mystery now.” Many locals
share the same concerns. They want to know what’s happening in their town. A witness at the
crime scene told police: “There was a loud noise coming from the truck while it was going towards
the building and its speed.... it was unbelievable. If it had been going slower, I would’ve had a
chance to see the driver. But all I saw was the truck speeding into the bakery as fast as it could. ’’
The police have already spoken with eleven other residents but no one knows any further details
about the incident. Superintendent Amanda Slippers remarked: “This is a tough case. The truck
licence plate belongs to this town, but nobody has seen it here. According to the town records, the
owner of the truck moved away from here years ago. No one knows where to. If we located the
owner, we'd probably solve this mystery.’’ If a truck moves, then it has a driver. Well, maybe we
should change this basic assumption on account of this mysterious red truck.

1. The locals knew that the red truck had an old driver. _____
2. The police have investigated all the people in the town. _____
3. The CCTV footage of the street will help the police._____
4. The locals haven’t seen the truck in the town before. _____
5. The truck ran into the building very slowly. _____

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

1 If I see him, I (give) him a lift.
2 The table will break if you (sit) on it.
3 If he (eat) all that, he will be ill.
4 If I find your passport, I (telephone) you.
5 The police (arrest) him, if they catch him.
6 If he (read) in bad light, he will ruin his eyes.
7 Someone (steal) your car if you leave it unlocked.
8 What will happen if my parachute (not open)?
9 If he (wash) my car, I'll give him $10.
10 If she (need) a radio, she can borrow mine.

Criterio Descripción Nota

Instrucciones Demuestra habilidad para seguir claramente las instrucciones y
especificaciones de la actividad.

Procesos Desarrolla la actividad empleando procesos correctos para la solución de

las situaciones. Además, propone otros procesos válidos para el
desarrollo de la misma.

Contenidos Se evidencia comprensión, análisis y aplicación de los contenidos.

Calidad del La presentación de su trabajo es excelente se nota un gran esfuerzo y

trabajo dedicación para realizar el mismo siguiendo las instrucciones dadas

Tiempos Desarrolla las actividades durante los tiempos establecidos.



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