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An intensive physiotherapy program improves mobility for

trauma patients

Sara Calthorpe, BSc (Hons), Elizabeth A. Barber, BPhysio (Hons), Anne E. Holland, PhD,
Lara Kimmel, BPhysio, Melissa J. Webb, MHSc, Carol Hodgson, PhD,
and Russell L. Gruen, PhD, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

BACKGROUND: Physiotherapy is integral to modern trauma care. Early physiotherapy and mobility have been shown to improve outcomes in
patients with isolated injuries; however, the optimal intensity of physiotherapy in the multitrauma patient population has not yet
been examined. The primary aim of this study was to determine whether an intensive physiotherapy program resulted in
improved inpatient mobility.
METHODS: We conducted a single-center prospective randomized controlled study of 90 consecutive patients admitted to the Alfred
Hospital (a Level 1 trauma center) in Australia between October 2011 and June 2012 who could participate in ward-based
physiotherapy. Participants were allocated to either usual care (daily physiotherapy treatment, approximately 30 minutes)
or intensive physiotherapy (usual care plus two additional 30-minute treatments each day). The primary outcome measure was
the modified Iowa Level of Assistance (mILOA) score, collected by a blinded assessor at Days 3 and 5 (or earlier if discharged).
Secondary measures included physical readiness for discharge, hospital and rehabilitation length of stay, a patient confidence
and satisfaction scale, and quality of life at 6 months.
RESULTS: Groups were comparable at baseline. Participants in the intensive physiotherapy group achieved significantly improved
mILOA scores on Day 3 (median, 7 points compared with 10 points; p = 0.02) and Day 5 (median, 7.5 points compared with
16 points; p = 0.04) and were more satisfied with their care ( p = 0.01). There was no difference between groups in time to
physical readiness, discharge destination, length of stay, or quality-of-life measures.
CONCLUSION: Intensive physiotherapy resulted in improved mobility in trauma inpatients. Further studies are required to determine if specific
groups benefit more from intensive physiotherapy and if this translates to long-term improvements in outcomes. (J Trauma Acute
Care Surg. 2014;76: 101Y106. Copyright * 2014 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)
LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapeutic study, level 1.
KEY WORDS: Physiotherapy; trauma; rehabilitation; mobility; physical therapy.

I n most countries, trauma is the leading cause of lost years of

life and productivity in young adults.1 By 2030, trauma is
predicted to be the fifth leading cause of death and the third
concerned with the remediation of impairments and disabilities
and the promotion of mobility, functional ability, and quality of
life through examination, evaluation, diagnosis, and physical
leading cause of disability globally.2 Modern trauma systems intervention. Previous research has shown that early physio-
aim to reduce mortality and improve functional outcomes, therapy treatments are effective in improving outcomes in
quality of life, and return to work, school, and family activities. patients with isolated traumatic injuries such as femoral frac-
Numerous studies, including a recent meta-analysis, have con- tures10,11 and ankle fractures.12 Intensive physiotherapy has
firmed a significant reduction in mortality when care is provided been shown to improve mobility and reduce length of stay
at a Level 1 trauma center.1,3,4 However, evidence exists that (LOS) in patients with medical, cardiothoracic, and neurologic
disability persists in the majority of these patients5Y7 and largely disorders.13 In two cohort studies,14,15 early or intensive therapy
relates to mobility and function.8 following war-related trauma was shown to improve motor re-
Physiotherapy (otherwise known as physical therapy) covery and functional outcomes; however, no randomized
is integral to modern trauma care.9 Treatment is primarily controlled trials into the optimal intensity of treatments have yet
been conducted in multitrauma populations.16
Submitted: July 28, 2013, Revised: September 18, 2013011, Accepted: September The primary aim of this study was to investigate the
23, 2013.
From the Department of Physiotherapy (S.C., E.A.B., L.K., M.J.W., C.H., A.E.H),
effects of an intensive physiotherapy program on objective
and the Alfred Trauma Service (R.L.G.), The Alfred Hospital; Alfred Health measures of patient mobility. The secondary aims were to as-
Clinical School, La Trobe University (A.E.H.); Department of Epidemiology sess the effect of intensive physiotherapy on the time taken to
and Preventive Medicine (L.K.), Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care achieve physical independence and readiness for discharge,
Research Centre (C.H.) and Central Clinical School Department of Surgery
(R.L.G.), Monash University; and The National Trauma Research Institute hospital LOS, discharge destination, patient confidence and
(R.L.G.), Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. satisfaction, health-related quality of life, and return to work.
*S.C. and E.A.B. contributed equally to this study.
This study was presented at the National Trauma Research Institute Trauma Conference,
November 2012, in Melbourne, Australia, and the Trauma Association of Canada PATIENTS AND METHODS
Annual Scientific Meeting, April 11Y13, 2013, in Whistler, British Columbia.
Address for reprints: Sara Calthorpe, Department of Physiotherapy, The Alfred Hos- Design
pital, PO Box 315, Prahran VIC 3181, Australia; email:
This was a single-center prospective randomized con-
DOI: 10.1097/TA.0b013e3182ab07c5 trolled trial conducted at the Alfred Hospital, a Level 1 trauma
J Trauma Acute Care Surg
Volume 76, Number 1 101

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J Trauma Acute Care Surg
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center in Melbourne, Australia. The Alfred Hospital Trauma than in the gym. All physiotherapists received the same training
Service treats more than half of the state of Victoria’s trauma and had a minimum of 1-year experience working in a hospital.
patients, approximately 5,000 per year, with one in five fitting
criteria for major trauma.17 Discharge Criteria
The study was approved by The Alfred Research and Participants were discharged home once they were
Ethics committee (ACTRN12611001231932). medically stable, deemed physically ready by the blinded UC
physiotherapist and cleared by the multidisciplinary team.
Subjects Physical readiness was defined as independence in transfers
Between October 2011 and June 2012, we screened for from lying to sitting, bed mobility, transfer from bed to chair
inclusion in the study consecutive patients 18 years and older and back to bed, walking with or without gait aid as required,
who were admitted to the Alfred Hospital Trauma Unit. We and negotiation of any stairs by which the patient can safely
excluded patients who were unable to participate in active enter and exit their home.19 If patients were unable to achieve
therapy sessions secondary to severe neurologic or cognitive these criteria before becoming medically stable, they were
impairment, were unable to walk owing to fracture pattern (i.e., transferred to a rehabilitation facility as per usual protocol.
bilaterally nonYweight-bearing lower limbs), required physical
assistance (other than a gait aid) to mobilize before the acci- Data Collection
dent, were nursing home residents, had spinal cord injuries or Demographic data were collected including patient char-
had burns to more than 20% of their body surface area, and acteristics and injury type. The primary outcome was the mod-
those subsequently found to have no physical injuries, were ified Iowa Level of Assistance (mILOA) score. The mILOA
deemed safe for discharge on first physiotherapy review, or consists of four mobility tasks (supine to sitting on the edge of
were nonYEnglish speaking. Any patient who sustained a the bed, sit to stand, walking, and negotiation of one step), which
head injury as a result of his or her accident was required are graded according to the level of assistance required, use of
to pass a routine cognitive test (Westmead Post Traumatic gait aid, and the distance that can be walked. The ILOA was
Amnesia Score18) before consent. Patients were eligible for the originally described for patients with hip and knee arthroplasty.20
study within 24 hours of first active mobilization by a phys- It was then modified for use in patients following fractured neck
iotherapist, the minimum level being to sit on the edge of the of femur.10 Total scores range from 0 to 36, with a score of 0 in-
bed with two therapists assisting. Written informed consent dicating independence for all items. The ILOA scores were
was obtained from all participants. measured by the blinded UC physiotherapist on Days 3 and 5 of
Participants were assigned into one of two groups as enrolment in the study (or the day of discharge if earlier). For
follows: usual care (UC), one daily treatment session of ap- those discharged on Days 1 or 2, their scores were analyzed with
proximately 30 minutes; or intensive physiotherapy (IP), UC Day 3 scores and, likewise, Day 4 discharge scores were ana-
plus two additional treatments of 30-minute duration each day. lyzed with Day 5 scores.
Those assigned to UC acted as the control group. Randomi- Secondary outcomes measures included time from en-
zation was via a computer-generated program, and allocation rolment to physical readiness for discharge (minutes), LOS
was concealed using opaque envelopes. (acute LOS and combined acute and rehabilitation minutes
when appropriate), discharge destination (home or inpatient
Interventions rehabilitation), and a patient confidence and satisfaction scale
UC is a tailored physiotherapy treatment that aims to (a 4-point scale for confidence with mobility tasks, ability to
achieve independence in mobility, to allow timely discharge to manage at home, and satisfaction with the amount of physio-
an appropriate destination (home or inpatient rehabilitation). therapy treatments). Six-month data collected routinely by the
This involved one or more of bed- and chair-based limb ex- Victorian State Trauma Registry21 and the Victorian Ortho-
ercises (e.g., strength exercises such as static quadriceps holds), paedic Trauma Outcomes Registry5 were also compared be-
chest physiotherapy (e.g., airway clearance and lung recruit- tween groups, and all patients were covered by these two
ment exercises), and gait retraining (e.g., gait aid practice, registries. This included the SF12 (a self-reported physical and
balance, walking, and endurance exercises). UC was conducted mental health questionnaire found to be reliable and valid in
by physiotherapists who were blinded to trial group allocation. measuring physical and mental outcomes),22 the Glasgow
Each treatment was approximately 30 minutes every morning, Outcome ScaleYExtended (GOS-E), (recommended for use by
7 days per week. trauma registries for monitoring functional outcomes),23 and
Participants in the IP group received two additional the EQ-5D score (measuring general health after injury).24
treatments per day by an interventional physiotherapist, 7 days When EQ-5D responses were missing, proxy responses were
per week. One was a 30-minute ward gym session, undertaking substituted where available.25
a supervised exercise program tailored to the individual in-
cluding standing, balance and strength exercises, stretches and Sample Size
walking as appropriate. The second treatment involved ward In this two-treatment parallel-design study, a total of
mobility aiming to improve the functional level compared with 90 patients were predicted to be needed to detect a treatment
the previous physiotherapy treatment (e.g., require less thera- difference with 80% probability at a two-sided 0.05 signifi-
pist assistance, progress from bed transfers to walking, increase cance level, if the true difference between the treatment and
walking distance). Patients located in the intensive care unit control groups was 7 points on the mILOA scale, representing
had the two additional mobility treatments on the ward, rather the minimal important clinical difference for this outcome.20

102 * 2014 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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J Trauma Acute Care Surg
Volume 76, Number 1 Calthorpe et al.

normally distributed. Differences between groups at baseline

TABLE 1. Patient Demographics
were examined using independent samples t tests for contin-
Patient Characteristic UC (n = 44) IP (n = 43) p uous data and W2 test for categorical data. Data for the outcomes
Sex, male 29 (66) 25 (58) 0.46 of mILOA and LOS were not normally distributed, so these
Age, y 54.4 (20.4) 58.0 (22.2) 0.43 variables were natural log transformed. Differences between
Body mass index, kg/m 26.7 (4.30) 27.4 (5.6) 0.50 groups for outcome variables were compared using univariate
Publicly funded admission 17 (39) 14 (33) 0.55 analysis of variance for continuous variables and W2 test for
Daily alcohol consumption 5 (11) 8 (19) 0.34 categorical variables. The GOS-E data were analyzed using
Current smoker 8 (18) 8 (19) 0.96 ordinal logistic regression.
Home alone 11 (25) 12 (28) 0.76
Employed 28 (64) 16 (37) 0.01 RESULTS
Premorbid ability to walk 91 block 42 (95) 39 (91) 0.38
Mechanism of injury 0.41 Between October 2011 and June 2012, 90 patients were
Motor vehicle or motorcycle collision 23 (52) 20 (47) recruited to the study, with 45 patients randomized into each
Pedestrian/pedal cyclist 3 (7) 7 (16) group. Three patients were withdrawn from the study owing
Fall 12 (27) 14 (33) to evolution of medical issues excluding them from further
Other 6 (14) 2 (5) participation, and one patient withdrew himself or herself.
ISS 14.2 (7.2) 13.2 (5.9) 0.47 Overall, 54 males (62%) were recruited, and half of the
Major trauma (ISS 9 15) 18 (41) 16 (37) 0.79 patients were involved in a motor vehicle collision. Demo-
Upper-limb fracture 9 (20) 14 (33) 0.20 graphic and injury data comparing the two groups are presented
Lower-limb fracture 16 (36) 15 (35) 0.89 in Table 1. There was no difference between the two groups for
Chest injury* 22 (50) 18 (42) 0.45 any factor except for preinjury employment status ( p = 0.01),
Spine injury** 28 (64) 21 (49) 0.16 with the experimental group less likely to be employed.
Pelvic fracture 7 (16) 3 (7) 0.19 Results are presented in Tables 2Y4. Patients in the IP
Required intensive care unit admission 10 (23) 12 (28) 0.58 group received significantly more physiotherapy treatment
Data are presented as n (%) or mean (SD). p value is difference between control and
time ( p G 0.005). The primary outcome measure (mILOA) was
intervention groups. significantly better in the IP group than in UC group at Day 3
*Cardiac contusion, pulmonary contusion, rib fractures, sternal/manubrial fractures, (median, 7 points compared with 10 points; p = 0.02) and Day 5
pneumothorax, hemopneumothorax, pneumomediastinum. (median, 7.5 points compared with 16 points; p = 0.04), with
**Fracture or ligament tear.
the latter exceeding the minimal clinically important difference
(8.5 points).20 Time to physical readiness for discharge and
This was based on the assumption that the SD of the response LOS varied greatly between individuals with no overall dif-
variable was 11.6 units.26 ference between groups. However, post hoc subgroup analysis
showed that for those patients with an Injury Severity Score
Statistical Analysis (ISS) greater than 15, the time to physical readiness for dis-
Analysis was performed using SPSS version 17.0 (IBM, charge was significantly shorter in the intervention group
Chicago, IL). Data are presented as means and SDs or medians (median, 4,053 min [IQR, 1,853Y10,759 minutes] vs. 11,467
and interquartile ranges (IQRs) for data which were not [5,111Y35,915 minutes]; p = 0.049). Similarly, in those who

TABLE 2. Results
Outcome Measures UC (n = 44) IP (n = 43) p
Total physiotherapy treatment time, min 58 (30Y95) 124 (80Y275) 0.005
mILOA e Day 3 10.0 (4Y19) 7 (1Y15) 0.02
mILOA Q Day 5 (n = 46) 16 (4Y24) 7.5 (2Y15) 0.04
Enrolment to physical readiness, min 5,686 (2,613Y13,012) 4,140 (15,68Y11,368) 0.38
Acute hospital LOS, min 8,716 (6,213Y16,089) 11,269 (6,663Y16,726) 0.78
Total LOS all patients, min 12,996 (7,222Y48,100) 16,726 (8,116Y34,861) 0.87
Rehabilitation LOS, min (n = 27) 38,051 (23,349Y66,346) 28,679 (17,956Y40,819) 0.64
Combined acute and rehabilitation LOS, min (n = 27) 53,918 (33,853Y91,502) 39,013 (32,826Y76,278) 0.64
Discharge destination 0.76
Home 27 (61) 28 (65)
Rehabilitation 15 (34) 12 (28)
Other* 2 (5) 3 (7)
Death during admission 0 0 1
Data are presented as median (IQR) or n (%). Data for mILOA and LOS variables were natural log transformed before analysis. p values represent between-group comparison.
*Discharged destination not home or rehabilitation, for example, facility with higher level of care or with family.

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J Trauma Acute Care Surg
Calthorpe et al. Volume 76, Number 1

TABLE 3. Satisfaction and Confidence With Treatment

Questionnaire This study showed that trauma patients who participate
Question UC (n = 41)* IP (n = 41)* p in an intensive physiotherapy program achieved better func-
Satisfaction with treatment 0.01
tional mobility at Days 3 and 5 of their acute hospital admis-
Not satisfied 0 0
sion. No differences in LOS or discharge destination were
Somewhat satisfied 2 (5) 3 (7)
evident in this relatively small study. This seems to be the first
Satisfied 23 (56) 10 (24)
randomized controlled trial to provide evidence regarding the
Very satisfied 16 (39) 28 (68)
functional outcomes of intensive physiotherapy rehabilitation
Confidence with mobility 0.72
following major trauma.
Not confident 2 (5) 3 (7)
Long-term studies have previously found that mobility
Somewhat confident 8 (20) 8 (20)
and function are the main areas of disability following trauma8
Confident 27 (66) 23 (56)
and remain the patients’ primary concern 1 year on.27 In this
Highly confident 4 (10) 7 (17)
trial, the clinically significant improvement in the mILOA in
Confidence with managing at home 0.13
the IP group reflected a more independent and mobile popu-
Not confident 3 (7) 7 (17)
lation compared with the UC group. We suspect that this im-
Somewhat confident 19 (46) 11 (27)
provement leads to less demand for assistance from other staff
Confident 15 (37) 14 (34)
Highly confident 4 (10) 9 (22)
The length of hospital stay was not different between the
groups in this study. Many factors influence LOS, including
Data are presented as n (%). p values represent between-group comparison. functional independence, discharge destination, and insurance
*Incomplete data.
status.28 The acute hospital LOS in this study did not differ
between groups, although the median of 6.5-day reduction in
rehabilitation LOS and the 10.3-day difference in total LOS for
were not full weight bearing, there was a trend toward de- participants requiring rehabilitation may be clinically and fi-
creased LOS in rehabilitation for the intervention group (me- nancially significant. Given that this study involves a group of
dian, 21,585 minutes [IQR, 15,555Y37,567 minutes] vs. patients who consume large amounts of health care resources,9
53,935 minutes [23,700Y86,962 minutes]; p = 0.075). No other this outcome may be very important to the hospital system. Post
effects of baseline demographic features on time to readiness hoc subgroup analyses suggest that this intervention might be
for discharge or LOS variables were evident. Fifteen partici- particularly beneficial for those with more severe injuries and
pants in the UC group and 12 participants in the IP group who are not able to fully weight bear, although these findings
required rehabilitation hospital admission. There was no sig- should be confirmed in a future study.
nificant difference in discharge destination between groups, While this study was a single-institution study, it in-
and there were no deaths in either group. Participants in the IP cluded a heterogeneous group of patients with multiple inju-
group were more satisfied with the amount of physiotherapy ries, which is likely to reflect diverse patient populations in
received ( p = 0.01). most trauma services in which blunt trauma is the predominant
The EQ-5D scores were completed by proxies for seven mechanism. Furthermore, this study used a robust study design
people in the UC group and four people in the IP group ( p = with randomization and concealed allocation; blinded outcome
0.35). There were no significant differences between groups assessment, which is a critical element of good trial design in
for the GOS-E or any quality-of-life outcome (Table 4). studies of physical interventions; and a high rate of follow-up.

TABLE 4. Quality-of-Life Outcomes

Outcome Measures Control Intervention p
GOS-E n = 39 n = 34
Median (IQR) 6 (5Y6) 6 (3Y7) 0.65
EQ-5D n = 39 n = 34
Mobility problems 20 (51) 14 (41) 0.39
Self-care problems 10 (26) 10 (29) 0.72
Usual activities problems 10 (26) 12 (35) 0.37
Pain or discomfort 23 (59) 17 (50) 0.44
Anxiety or depression 13 (33) 15 (44) 0.35
Visual analogue scale (n = 69), median (IQR) 70 (50Y86) 70 (50 Y75) 0.19
SF-12 n = 32 n = 25
Physical score, median (IQR) 33 (26Y56) 36 (29 Y49) 0.96
Mental score, median (IQR) 55 (50Y58) 54 (37Y58) 0.37
Data are presented as n (%) except where indicated. EQ-5D data are n (%) reporting problems in each domain at 6 months following injury.

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J Trauma Acute Care Surg
Volume 76, Number 1 Calthorpe et al.

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