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Ariadna Carreño Segarra 3r B 17-1-11



Page 44 exercise 1 (The Photograph)

1. Photographs give stronger messages than words. A

2. Photographs can lie. D

3. People understand photographs more easily than words. A

Page 44 exercise 2 (Leonard)

Leonard’s wife will knit a scarf for Leonard...

1. Which will be beautiful.

2. Which will be full of holes.

3. Because she loves him.

4. Because he is cold.

Page 44 exercise 3 (A Pot Full of Tears)

It is better for children to have...

a) A hungry, difficult life, but to stay with their own mother.

b) An easy, comfortable life with a woman who is not their real mother.
Ariadna Carreño Segarra 3r B 17-1-11

Page 45 exercise 4 (The House)


·Smiles a lot.

·Helps people.

·Trust people.

Page 45 exercise 5 (Dora’s Turn)

1. This story will be about soldiers and war and killing. Y

2. This story will have a happy ending. N

Page 45 exercise 6 (Callus)

1. It is always better for people to talk about their feelings. A

2. Sometimes it is better to keep silent about your feelings. D

3. Women are good at talking about feelings; men are not. A

Page 45 exercise 7 (Nimble Fingers)

1. He does not go to school now. T

2. One day he will go to school. F

Page 45 exercise 8 (The Festive Season in a Part of Africa)

·The cow has a calf.

·The vet agrees a good price.

Ariadna Carreño Segarra 3r B 17-1-11


Page 46 exercise 1

1. The African girl in the photograph is starving, but the girl in the bookstore in the
USA admires her cheek bones and does not think about dying from hunger.

2. Mrs Phipps is knitting a scarf for Leonard, who has been her husband for fifty-three
years, but now he does not remember her name.

3. A woman and her husband cannot have children, so they buy a baby in another
country and take the baby back to their home as their son.

4. Sonny was a drunkard living on the streets, Nan gave him some fruit because he
spoke nicely to her and called her Ma’am.

5. Dora and Acayo are soldiers with guns, who are fighting in a terrible war, but they
are only children, twelve years old.

6. A man packs his suitcase to go to his wedding while his first wife watches him
unhappily and tries to find the words to stop him going.

7. Krishna works in Saami’s factory making beedies and he asks his mother every night
for a month why he cannot work with his uncle, Weaver-Maama.

8. Granny in South Africa sends for the vet because she is afraid her cow will die, but
the calf is born alive and all is well.

Page 47 exercise 2

1. The photograph:

·I felt angry for American girl because she doesn’t values her lucky.

·I felt pleased with the photograph when he takes the photo for show it around the

2. Leonard:

·I felt sorry for Leonard’s wife when she hurt her crooked hands.

·I felt pleased with Leonard because he, although that he can’t remember, loves her
Ariadna Carreño Segarra 3r B 17-1-11

3. A Pot Full of Tears:

·I felt sorry for the girl who had a baby because she won’t see her son again.

·I felt angry with the woman who could not have a baby when she pays for catches
the baby from the arms of the baby’s real mother.

·I felt afraid for the baby with long feet for when he will know the truth of his real
mother and family.

4. The house:

·I felt sorry for Sonny when he was a drinker man.

·I felt pleased with Nan when she helps Sonny when he stays on the street.

5. Dora’s turn:

·I felt afraid for Dora when she was in point of die.

·I felt afraid for Acayo when he was in front of the orders for kill Dora of Mad Tiger.

·I felt angry with Mad Tiger when he wants to kill Dora.

6. Callus:

·I felt sorry for the wife because she doesn’t know show her feelings.

·I felt angry with the husband because he isn’t a good husband.

7. Nimble Fingers:

·I felt sorry for Krishna because he won’t go to school.

·I felt pleased with Krishna’s mother because she says the truth to his son.

Page 48 exercise 3

1. Nan in Jamaica agreed about the house because she trusted Sonny.

2. Acayo’s legs tremble because she is so afraid.

3. The cow in South Africa had a calf waiting to be born.

4. The African baby with long feet had a curved eyebrow.

5. Krishna in India wanted to help his uncle to weave cloth.

6. Leonard’s wife knitted him a scarf which was full of holes.

Ariadna Carreño Segarra 3r B 17-1-11

7. The Chinese wife wanted to talk about her feelings but her husband did not want to

8. The hunger inside the American teenager is not for food.

Page 48 exercise 4

Word 1: the word of 8 letters is “STARVING”. This word come from the history “The
Photograph” and it mean “FAMOLENC” in Catalan. This word mean that the person
who is very, very slim.

Word 2: the word of 3 letters is “VET”. This word come from the story “The Festive
Season in a Part of Africa” and it mean “VETERINARI” in Catalan. This word mean
that the person who works as doctor of the animals.

Page 48 exercise 5

1. He made a mistake because he was not good at numbers.

2. He did not really make a mistake; he wanted to give Granny a good price because it
was the festive season.

Page 48 exercise 6

African baby,

taken away in the night,

bought and sold like gold.  This haikus are from the story “A Pot full of Tears”.

Does a baby cry

for a mother and father

he has never seen?

Ariadna Carreño Segarra 3r B 17-1-11


1. The Photograph 2. Leonard

Photo of a girl, This is a true love

talk more than words and helps her. In the health and disease, yes.

Remembers her roots? The true love is strong.

3. The House 4. Dora’s Turn

She trusts him a lot, Kids forced to kill,

she gives him a second chance they are bound to be adults

is the name of love! What will be their end?

5. Callus 6. Nimble Fingers

The wife is too sad He is sentenced,

the husband does not worry, to make beedies all his life.

the suitcase is all. Will be free someday?

7. The Festive Season in a Part of Africa

She is worried

the vet helps her a lot, yes.

All ends in business.

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