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SFU PSYC 356 – 3 Day (2010-Fall)

Developmental Psychopathology
Tuesdays at 2:30 – 5:20 p.m.
Room: AQ 3181

Instructor: Dr. Arlene Young

Office: RCB 6148
Phone: 778-782-5329
Office Hours: Thursday 10 – 11 a.m.

Tutor Markers: Tania Bartolo,, office hrs. Friday 1:30-2:20 pm

Sherri Frohlick,, office hrs. Tuesday 1 – 2 pm

Course Description
The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of childhood disorders from infancy
through adolescence. The lectures will emphasize risk and protective factors associated
with childhood psychopathology. Specific disorders of childhood will be conceptualized
within the broader context of the family, school and community. We will review relevant
research findings, and discuss treatment of developmental disorders. Implications for
intervention and prevention will be considered. Topics include autism, schizophrenia,
mental retardation, attentional disorders, learning disabilities, conduct disorder, anxiety
disorders, mood disorders, and somatic disorders.

Course Requirements

Class Participation and Attendance

The weekly readings, films, and lectures are essential aspects of the course. This course
consists of lectures without accompanying tutorials.

Required Textbooks
Mash, E. J., & Wolfe, D. A. (2010). Abnormal Child Psychology. Fourth edition. Belmont,
CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

In class midterm exam 50%
Final Exam: 50%

Exams will primarily cover material from the text and lectures (including information
presented through in-class film presentations). The format of the exams will consist of
multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions. Exams in this course are non-
cumulative (i.e., the midterm exam covers material from the first half of the course and the
final exam covers the later course material). There are no written make-up exams. Upon
approval, the instructor will arrange an oral examination for students who provide required
documentation for an examination missed because of unavoidable circumstances.

Developmental Psychopathology 356 Course Schedule

Date Topic Readings

September 7
Class orientation

Introduction to Developmental Psychopathology Chapter 1

Theories and causes of Abnormal Development Chapter 2

September 14

Research Chapter 3

Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment Chapter 4

September 21
Anxiety Disorders Chapter 7

September 28
Mood Disorders Chapter 8

October 5
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Chapter 5

October 12 Midterm exam

October 19
Language Disorders and Learning Disabilities Chapter 11

October 26
Child Abuse and Neglect Chapter14

November 2
Conduct Problems Chapter 6

November 9
Mental Retardation Chapter 9

November 16
Pervasive Developmental Disorders Chapter 10

November 23
Health Related Disorders Chapter 12

November 30
Eating Disorders & review Chapter 13

Final Exam: Saturday, December 11 at 12 – 3 p.m. Room TBA.

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