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Design of Composite Beams

Simply supported beams

Sagging moments:
Basic behaviour, principles and prescriptive design

Professor K.F. Chung

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong SAR, China

Composite construction

Composite construction

 Larger stiffness and load carrying capacities.

 Reduce height of a structure and offer further savings in

associated features through integration with building services.

 Good inherent fire resistance in slabs and columns.

 Fast erection of structural members.

 Steel deckings as permanent formwork provide additional safety

features during construction.

Prescriptive Design Approach

 Typical use and practical cross-section configurations

 Modern design standards
 Composite action in beams
 Full and partial shear connection
 Basic resistances
 Design of a composite beam
 Practical design procedures
Effective width / sagging moment resistance / shear resistance /
moment resistance under high shear / transverse reinforcement /
deflection / serviceability stress
 Comparison between different approaches

Composite beams with profiled
steel deckings

beff Transverse


Composite beam with solid concrete slab
Transverse Transverse
reinforcement reinforcement

hc hp hc

Profiled Profiled
deckling ha deckling

Beam span perpendicular to slab span
Beam span parallel to slab span
Composite beam with composite slab using profiled steel deckings
Composite beams



The concrete slab works best in compression while the steel section
works best in tension, hence, a large moment resistance is generated
as a force couple.

Resistance mobilization in both the concrete slab and the steel section
is limited by the shear resistance along the concrete interface.

Modern design standards

 British Standards Institution.

BS EN 1994-1-1
Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures.
Part 1.1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings.

 British Standards Institution.

BS5950: Structural use of steelwork in building.
Part 3 Section 3.1: Code of practice for design of composite

 Standards Australia.
Composite Structures. Part 1: Simply Supported Beams.
Australian Standard AS2327.1 – 2003.

Modern design standards

 Buildings Department, Government of Hong Kong SAR

Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steel 2011
Chapter 10: Composite construction.
 Composite slabs
 Composite beams
 Composite columns
 Shear connection

 Harmonized design
BS 5400: Part 5,
BS 5950: Parts 1 to 8, and
EN 1993-1 & EN 1994-1: Parts 1.1 & 1.2.

Practical design of a composite beam

The design of a composite beam is a two stage process:
 At the construction stage, the steel section alone will resist the self
weight of the slab and the construction load, i.e. Steel Beam Design.
Moment resistance / lateral buckling / shear resistance / deflection

 At the composite stage, the steel section and the concrete slab
together will resist the loads resulting from the usage of the structure,
i.e. Composite Beam Design.

Sagging & hogging moment resistances/ degree of shear connection / shear

resistance / transverse reinforcement / deflection / serviceability stress

Composite action in beams ε σ

No composite action at the interface.

Fully developed composite action at the interface.

a b


a b
Composite action developed at specified locations
at the interface.
b-b 11

Composite action in beams

The concrete slab

and the steel
section each bend
Strain about their own
neutral axis.
Free slippage at the concrete-steel interface.

The composite
section of the
concrete slab and the
steel section bends
about the neutral axis
of the ‘combined’
Controlled slippage at the concrete-steel interface. cross-section.

Current design methodology

Prescriptive design approach

 Moment resistances according plastic stress blocks.

 Sagging moment resistances with full or partial shear connection.
 Hogging moment resistances with full shear connection.
 Full shear connection, partial shear connection, minimum
degree of shear connection.
 Assuming rigid shear connection and fully ductile steel and
concrete material.


Basic resistances against sagging




 Nc is the compressive resistance in the concrete slab

 Na is the tensile resistance in the steel section

 Nq is the shear resistance in the shear connections

Prescriptive design approach
- Plastic section analysis
0.85 fcd

Nc P.N.A

Na P.N.A


(a) P.N.A in slab (b) P.N.A in steel flange (c) P.N.A in steel web

Various degrees of shear connection

Assume a rigid plastic load-slippage curve of shear connections.


Development of moment resistance Rigid shear

along beam span
Sufficient shear connections provided for full strength mobilization



(a) P.N.A in slab (b) P.N.A in steel flange (c) P.N.A in steel web
Various degrees of shear connection
Full shear connection
- Large concrete slab with small steel section


Nq  Na

Full resistance mobilized in the steel section

P.N.A Nc ≦ Nc,f
= Na

Force equilibrium

Full shear connection

- Small concrete slab with large steel section
Nq  Nc,f

Full resistance mobilized in the concrete slab
Full shear connection is achieved when
Nq ≧ the smaller of Na and Nc,f

P.N.A Na,w,t
Force equilibrium (Nc + Na,f,t + Na,w,t = Na,w,b + Na,f,b) 18
Partial shear connection

When insufficient shear connections are provided, the full

resistance of neither the steel section nor the concrete slab is
mobilized, i.e.

Partial shear connection is achieved when

Nq < the smaller of Na and Nc


Example: Design of a composite beam

hc Solid slab

Design data
Grade 30/37 concrete: fck = 30 N/mm2 and fck,cube = 37 N/mm2
fcd = fck / γc = 30 / 1.5 = 20 N/mm2
UB457x152 x 52 kg/m S355: fyk = 355 N/mm2
fyd = fyk / γa = 355 / 1.0 = 355 N/mm2
L = 12 m; b = 2.8 m; hc = 125 mm solid slab
Shear connectors
19 mm diameter headed shear studs
95 mm as welded height
PRk = 76.3kN (Characteristic value from design code)

Example: Design of a composite beam
Composite stage design
Consider the composite section at mid-span
Effective width of the concrete slab
beff = 12000 / 4
= 3000 mm > b = 2800 mm
∴beff = b = 2800 mm
Resistance of a shear connection (headed shear stud)
PRd = PRk /γV = 76.3/1.25 = 61.0 kN
(γV is the partial safety factor for shear connection.)
Resistance of the concrete slab
Nc,f = 0.85 x beff x hc x fcd = 0.85 x 2800 x 125 x 10-3 x 20 = 5950 kN
Resistance of the steel section
Na = Aa x fyd = 66.6 x 102 x 355 x 10-3 = 2364 kN
As Na ≦ Nc,f, the full tensile resistance of the steel section will be
mobilized while only part of the concrete slab will be mobilized in
compression. Hence, the plastic neutral axis lies within the concrete slab.

Sagging moment resistance

The depth of the compression zone, xpl, in the concrete slab is

. Na
xpl = Na / ( x beff) or xpl = hc x
Nc ,f
= 2364 x 103 / (17 x 2800)
= 49.7 mm

Force equilibrium

As the depth of the compression zone in the concrete slab is smaller

than the thickness of the concrete slab, the plastic neutral axis of the
composite beam is located within the concrete slab.

Sagging moment resistance
The lever arm, z between the tensile resistance, Na and the
compressive resistance, Nc is given by:
ha pl 449.8 49.7
z  (h - )  (125 - )  325.1mm
2 c 2 2 2

=> MRd = Na x z = 2364 x 325.1 x 10-3 = 768.5 kNm

Assume full shear connection.

xpl = 49.7

Moment equilibrium

Provision of shear connections

In order to fully mobilize the tensile resistance of the steel section,

Nq ≧ Na = 2364 kN for full shear connection

n x Np ≧ 2364 kN => n = 38.8 or 39 (min.)

Use 40 no. shear connectors at a spacing of 150 mm over half of the

span, i.e. 6000 mm, i.e. a total of 80 headed shear studs along the
beam length.

Nc = Na= 2364kN

Nq ≧ Na
Z = 325.1
Na= 2364kN

Moment resistances

Steel beam: Mpl,a,Rd = 389.0 kNm

Composite beam: Mpl,Rd = 768.5 kNm

=> Mpl,Rd : Mpl,a,Rd = 768.5 : 389.0 = 1.98 : 1

An increase of 98% in the moment resistance in the beam is achieved

with a proper provision of shear connections.

Similar increase in the flexural rigidity, (EI)eff of the beam is found.

However, in some cases, design of composite beam for partial shear
connection is more economical, depending on the applied moment.


Prescriptive design approach

- Simplified load slippage curve

R-72 Not more than

Typical 20% decrease
Shear force, Fl

0.5PRk Fl

0.5 mm 6 mm 8 mm
Slippage, s

Assume a rigid plastic load-slippage curve for the shear connection. 26

Design procedures
For structural adequacy, the following checks should be
Ultimate Limit State

 Section classification of composite cross-section

 Moment resistance with full shear connection
 Shear resistance
 Shear connection
 Moment resistance with partial shear connection
 Transverse reinforcement

Serviceability Limit State

 Deflection
 Serviceability stresses

Sagging moment resistance

Full shear connection
 For those composite beams with Nq ≥ the smaller of Nc and Na

– [Case 1a] Plastic neutral axis in steel web

– [Case 2a] Plastic neutral axis in steel flange
– [Case 2b] Plastic neutral axis in concrete flange

Partial shear connection

 For those composite beams with Nq < both Nc and Na

– [Case 3a] Plastic neutral axis in steel web

– [Case 3b] Plastic neutral axis in steel flange

Applicable only to symmetric I or H sections with equal flanges

Section classification in composite
 In general, the moment resistance of a composite cross-section is
limited by local buckling in the steel web or in the steel
compression flange.
 For a composite cross-section of either class 1 plastic or class 2
compact, the moment resistance of composite beam is readily
determined with rigid plastic theory, i.e. rectangular stress blocks.
 The section classification of a composite cross-section is often
similar to that of the steel beam.


Contribution of the concrete slab

Allowance is made for the in-plane shear flexibility (shear lag)
of a concrete slab by using the concept of effective width
Mean bending
stress in Idealized stress
concrete slab
Actual stress

Effective width

Actual width
Effective width of the concrete slab
Effective width, beff ,is calculated as follows:
beff = b0 + Σ bei
 At mid-span or an internal supports.

 b0 is the distance between the centres of the outstand shear connectors.

 bei = Lei /8 but not larger than bi.

 Lei is the distance between points of zero moments.

 bi is the distance from the outstand shear connector to a point mid-way

between two adjacent webs.
be1 be2

b 28c

Effective width of the concrete slab

Effective width, beff ,is calculated as follows:
beff = b0 + Σ βi bei
 At end supports.

 b0 and bei refer to the previous slide, except that a free edge bi is the
distance to the free edge.

 βi = (0.55+0.025Le/bei)≤ 1.0
 Le is the equivalent span of the end span according to demonstrated
Le,4 in the next slide.
be1 be2

Effective widths of the concrete slab in
continuous beams
L2,e L2,e L4,e

L1 L2 L3 L4

L1,e L3,e L3,e

1. L1,e = 0.85 L1
2. L2,e = 0.25 (L1+L2) or 0.25 (L2+L3)
3. L3,e = 0.70 L2 or 0.70 L3
4. L4,e = 2 L3


Sagging moment resistance

The plastic moment resistance is expressed in terms of the resistance of
the various elements of the beam as follows:
Resistance of Concrete Flange: N c,f = beff (hc – hp)
Resistance of Shear Connection: Nq = N PRd
Resistance of Steel Beam: Na = Aa fyd
Resistance of Steel Flange: Na,f = bf tf fyd
Resistance of Overall Web Depth: Na,w = Na – 2 Na,f
Plastic moment resistance of steel beam: Mpl,a,Rd = fyd Wpl,y
Plastic moment resistance of composite beam: Mpl,Rd

ha d

Sagging moment resistance
Full Shear Connection : Nc,f < Na,w
[Case 1a] Plastic neutral axis in steel web

M pl ,Rd  M pl ,a,Rd  Nc,f

a  hc  hp 

Nc2 hw
2 Nw 4

Full Shear Connection : Nc,f ≥ Na,w

[Case 2a] Plastic neutral axis in steel flange (Na > Nc,f)

ha ( hc  h p ) N a  N c ,f 2 t f
M pl ,Rd  Na  N c ,f 
2 2 N a ,f 4

[Case 2b] Plastic neutral axis in concrete slab (Na ≤ Nc,f)


Typical h N h  hp 
M pl ,Rd  Na  a  hc  a c 
design 2 Nc ,f 2 

Sagging moment resistance

Partial shear connection : Nq < Na,w

[Case 3a] Plastic neutral axis in steel web

h N h  hp  N 2

M pl ,Rd  M pl ,a,Rd  Nq  a  hc  q c 

2 Nc ,f 2  4fyd tw

Partial shear connection : Nq ≥ Na,w

[Case 3b] Plastic neutral axis in steel flange

N h  h p  N a  N q  t f
h 
M pl ,Rd  N a a  N q hc  q c 
2  N c ,f 2  N a,f 4
Nq = N PRd
Vertical shear resistance

 It is assumed that the vertical shear force due to factored loads is

resisted by the steel section only.

 The calculation of the shear resistance, Vpl,Rd, should be with

reference to BS EN 1994-1-1:

, ∙ 0.58
where Av is the shear area of the steel section
= Aa – 2bf + (tw + 2r) tf , but not smaller than hw tw


Moment resistance under high shear

When a shear force VEd exceeds 0.5VRd or 0.5Vb, the influence of the
vertical shear on the resistance to bending may be taken into account by
a reduced design steel strength (1 - ρ ) fyd in the shear area

MEd  M a,f ,Rd  (M pl ,Rd  M a,f ,Rd )(1  ρ )

 2V 
ρ   Ed  1
V 
 pl ,Rd 
Mpl,Rd is the plastic moment resistance of composite section
Ma,f,Rd is the bending resistance of composite section ignoring the web of the
Vpl,Rd is the smaller of the shear resistance and the shear buckling
resistance of the shear area, both determined from BS EN 1994-1-1

The above equation is only applicable for a web that is plastic and compact.

Moment resistance under high shear
Moment - shear interaction curve for a composite beam

VRd interaction
Shear, VRd

Linear interaction
0.5 VRd

Ma,f,Rd Mpl,Rd
Moment, MRd

The interaction between moment and shear force is considered to be weak


Global transfer of force in slab


Uniform Very large shear forces acting

at the shear connectors
in slab
3 4

5 4 3 2 1
Line of principal compression

Transverse tension

Transverse compression
Transverse distribution of forces along A-A
Transverse reinforcement

 Transverse reinforcement refers to the reinforcement in the concrete

slab running transversely to the span of the beam.

 Sufficient transverse reinforcement should be used to enable the

concrete slab to resist the longitudinal shear force transmitted by the
shear connectors, both immediately adjacent to the shear
connectors and elsewhere within its effective width, beff.

 When profiled steel sheets are used, they may also act as
transverse reinforcement.


Longitudinal shear force



vEd = N Fl / s

Fl Longitudinal
Fl shear force

Section A-A 36
Longitudinal shear force
The total longitudinal shear force per unit length (vEd) to be
resisted at any point in the span of the beam should be determined
from the spacing of the shear connectors by the following
vEd = N Fl / s
N is the number of shear connectors in a group
s is the longitudinal spacing of the shear connectors
Fl is the longitudinal shear force per stud

For structural adequacy, the longitudinal shear force, vEd,

should not be larger than the local shear resistance in the
concrete slab, vRd :

vEd ≤ vRd


Local shear resistance

The local shear resistance of the concrete slab is given by

v = 0.7 Asv fy + 0.03 Acv fck,cube + vp

but vr ≤ 0.8 Acv  fcu + vp

fck,cube is the characteristic cube strength of concrete in N/mm2 but ≤ 40

 takes 1.0 for normal weight concrete and 0.8 for lightweight concrete
Acv is the mean cross-sectional area, per unit length of the beam, of the
concrete shear surface under consideration = (Ds + Dp )/2
Asv is the mean cross-sectional area, per unit length of the beam, of both
the top and bottom reinforcement crossing the shear surface
vp is the contribution of the profiled steel sheeting, if any.
a) Solid slabs
At Transverse area
crossing the shear
surfaces, Asv
Shear surface Asv
Ab 1-1 (Ab+At)
1 2 2 2-2 2Ab
3-3 At

b) Composite slab. c) Composite slab.

Profiled decking spanning perpendicular to the beam Profiled decking spanning parallel to the beam
At At 3 3 Lap joint in
profiled decking

Profiled 3
decking 3

Contribution of profiled decking

Profiled decking may be assumed to contribute to the transverse
reinforcement provided that it is either continuous across the top flange
of the steel beam or that it is welded to the steel beam by stud shear

a) Continuous profiled decking with ribs perpendicular to the beam span

vp = tp fyp

b) Discontinuous profiled decking with studs welded to the steel beam

vp = (N/s) (n d tp fyp) but vp ≤ tp fyp
d is the nominal shank diameter of the stud
n =4
fyp is design yield strength of profiled decking
tp is thickness of profiled decking
Deflection needs to be checked under serviceability limit state in both
the construction and the composite stages. The deflections for both
stages, con & c, are then added up to determine if any precamber is
Construction stage (con)
 Dead load qd (self weights of steel beam and slab)
 Deflection calculations based on steel beam

Composite stage (c )

 Imposed loads, qi only.
 Deflection calculations based on composite beam
 Degree of shear connection controls


Deflection for composite stage

An effective modular ratio, nL, is used to express the elastic section
properties of the composite section in term of an equivalent steel
section for the concrete flange. It allows for creep behaviour of the
concrete and depends on the long term load type.

nL = n0 (1+ΨLφt)

n0 = Ea / Ecm for short term loadings.

ΨL is the creep multiplier depending on the load type. Typically, 1.1

for permanent loadings, 0.55 for shrinkage and 1.5 for pre-
φt is the creep coefficient according to BS EN 1992-1-1.

Deflection for composite stage
Deflection calculation is based on the gross uncracked composite
section. Reference for the calculation of the second moment of
area, Ic, may be made to Appendix B.3.1 for a steel beam with
equal flanges, and any concrete within the depth of the ribs of the
profiled decking is neglected.

Aa beff hc  hp ha  hp  hc 

beff (hc  hp )3
I c  I a,y  
12nL 4Aa nL  beff hc  hp 



Deflection for composite stage

At serviceability limit state, the slip effects are relatively small, and
hence deflections are determined based on full shear connection
assumptions. For case of low degree of shear connection η < 50%,
the increased deflection under serviceability loads arising from
partial shear connection should be determined from the following

1 1 1

η = Nc / Nc,f is the degree of shear connection at the ultimate

limit state.
a is the deflection of the steel beam under dead loads = con
c is the deflection of the composite beam under imposed loads
of composite beam assuming with full shear connection
C is 0.3 for unpropped construction and 0.5 for propped

Serviceability stresses
Serviceability stresses need to be checked for both the construction
and the composite stages. It should be checked under serviceability
limit state.

Construction stage

 Dead loads, MEd,d

 Elastic properties based on the steel section

Composite stage
 Imposed loads, MEd,i
 Elastic properties based on the composite section
 Either cracked or uncracked sections should be considered,
depending on the position of the neutral axis of the
composite section

Serviceability stresses
Construction stage

 Dead loads – self weights of the steel section, the concrete slab and
the profiled decking
 Elastic properties based on the steel section
 Calculate bending stresses in the steel section, σa

M Ed ,d
σa 
Wel ,y

Wel,y is the elastic section modulus of the steel section

Serviceability stresses
Composite stage

Need to check whether the concrete slab is cracked (Case 1) or

uncracked (Case 2) – Appendix B.4.1

Case 1: Elastic neutral axis within the concrete slab

Aa 
h  h  b
c p

h  h n
a p L

Case 2: Elastic neutral axis within the steel section

Aa 
h  h  b
c p

h  2h n
a p L

Aa is the cross-sectional area of the steel section


Elastic analysis of a composite beam

beff / nL



Transformed section

σa ≤ 0.6fck σa ≤ 0.6fck

E.N.A xel hc E.N.A xel

hc hp

ha ha

Case 1: E.N.A lies within Case 2: E.N.A lies within

the concrete slab the steel section

Serviceability stresses
Composite stage
Case 1: Elastic neutral axis within concrete slab
The concrete on the tension side of the elastic neutral axis is
taken as cracked and the properties of the cracked section is

Concrete slab: Wel,c,y = Iel nL / xel

Bottom flange of steel section: Wel,a,y = Iel / (ha + hc – xel)

beff χ el3 h 
Iel  Ia,y   Aa  a  hc  xel 
3 nL 2 

xel 
ha  2hc 
0 .5
 b 
1  1  eff ha  2hc 
 Aa nl 

Serviceability stresses
Composite stage
Case 2: Elastic neutral axis in steel section
The concrete is uncracked and the gross section properties

Concrete slab: Wel,c,y = Ic nL / xel

Bottom flange of steel section: Wel,a,y = Ia / (hc + ha – xel)

Aa nL hc  2ha   beff ha  hp 


xel 
2Aa nL  beff ha  hp 

Elastic analysis of a composite beam
beff / nL



Transformed section
Stress ≤ 0.6fck Stress ≤ 0.6fck

hc E.N.A E.N.A


Composite stage Construction stage Composite stage

Unpropped construction Propped construction


Serviceability stresses
Composite stage

Bending stress at
extreme fibre of Applied stress Allowable stress
MEd,i / Wel,c,y
Concrete slab
(Different Wel,c,y 0.6 fck
for different cases)

Steel section
MEd,d / Wel,y + MEd,i / Wel,a,y fyd

Assume the composite beam is simply supported.

Comparison between different approaches
 Prescriptive design approach
Simplified design assuming rigid and ductile shear
connections in strength calculation.
Empirical formulae to allow for partial shear connection in
deflection calculation.

 Performance-based design approach

Allow non-linear deformation characteristic of shear connections.
Allow non-uniform distribution of forces and deformations
of shear connections along beam length.
Allow various failure criteria.
Accurate prediction in deflection, allowing for actual deformations
of shear connections.
Important in continuous composite beams with both hogging
and sagging moment regions.


Conclusions (1)
1. Composite beam design is well established to achieve
effective use of materials, i.e. the concrete slab in
compression and the steel section largely in tension.

2. Composite action is achieved with a proper provision

of shear connections.

3. Design rules for composite beams under sagging

moments are provided.

4. Dimensional detailing on the installation of shear

connectors should be carefully considered.

5. Transverse reinforcement should be provided to avoid

longitudinal splitting in the concrete slab.

Conclusions (2)
6. Deflection calculation is very similar to that of
reinforced concrete beams.

7. Serviceability stresses in both steel sections and

concrete flanges may be readily evaluated.


Design of Composite Beams

Simply supported beams

Sagging moments:
Basic behaviour, principles and prescriptive design

Professor K.F. Chung

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong SAR, China

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