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3 Habits for Success 

Repetition of certain action over a period of time will become habits. According to research by
Phillippa Lally and colleagues from Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Research Centre
based at UCL Epidemiology and Public Health recently, any action which we repeated for 66
days will become our habits. This action is imprinted in our subconscious mind and we do it
automatically. Habits can good or bad. It is always good to cultivate good habits over time and
abolish the bad habits. There are a few ways in dealing with "Habits"


Affirmation is repeating a certain phrase of words continuously. Repeating these words will
reprogram our subconscious mind. Hindus called this as mantra and in order to cultivate certain
habits they will conduct japa meditation. Japa is repeating certain words over a period of time.

Affirmation should be in positive words. Avoid using "try" and "don't". For example avoid
using, "I don't want bad health" but rephrase it with "I am enjoying good health". When we
affirm something we don't want in our life, it will be attract to us because our mind doesn't know
how to differentiate it. That is why we need to be careful when we make affirmation.

If we use the word "try", our mind will try to get it rather than achieve it. No one is trying to get
something in this world; everyone is wanted to achieve something. For example no athlete is
trying to win a competition but they focus on winning the competition. So avoid using the word
"try" in our affirmation.


Money has its own spirit. This is one of the most powerful tools on earth. If we don't know how
to manage it properly, it would end up in some bad habits such as overspending, use it for
unmoral activities, gambling and etc. Parents should teach their children how to save money
since they are small.

Money management is an important skill which needs to be learned or cultivated. One of money
management skill is keeping spending diary. Every single spending should be written down in
this diary. Then check this diary after a couple of week. You would be amazed at your
unnecessary spending.


Negative people will influence our mind without our own consciousness. When we are
surrounded by negative people, our mind will interact with each other without our own concern.
So at subconscious and unconscious level, our mind is reprogrammed into some negativity.
When this happens, it will influence of habits. Habits like procrastination, laziness, lack of self
esteem and etc will be cultivated. This principle is vice versa as well. When we are surrounded
with positive and energetic people, the same principle of mind interaction will occur and positive
habits will be cultivated.

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