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Int J Life Cycle Assess (2018) 23:1042–1048

DOI 10.1007/s11367-017-1394-8


Consideration of carbon dioxide release during shell production

in LCA of bivalves
Nicholas E. Ray 1,2 & Teri O’Meara 3 & Timothy Wiliamson 2 & Jose-Luis Izursa 2 &
Patrick C. Kangas 2

Received: 10 March 2017 / Accepted: 5 September 2017 / Published online: 14 September 2017
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017

Abstract global warming impact category (CO 2 equivalents) in

Purpose Life cycle assessment (LCA) can be used to under- cradle-to-gate studies by approximately 250% of the original
stand the environmental impacts of the shellfish aquaculture reported value. Discussion of our results focuses on the im-
and wild harvest industries. To date, LCA of shellfish exclude portance of different components of our calculations and site-
carbon dioxide (CO2) release from bivalve shell production specific environmental parameters. We make predictions on
when quantifying global warming potential per functional how the magnitude and importance of CO2 released during
unit. In this study, we explain the rationale for including shell production could change due to climate change and
CO2 released during shell production in LCA of bivalves, ocean acidification, and provide suggestions on how CO2 re-
demonstrate a method for estimating this CO2 release, and lease from shell production can be reduced through careful
apply the method to previous studies to demonstrate the im- selection of aquaculture facility location and aquaculture
portance of including CO2 from shell production in LCA. practices.
Methods A simple approach for calculating CO2 from bivalve Conclusions We provide a method for including CO2 from
shell production was developed utilizing the seacarb package shell release in LCA of bivalves and recommend that future
in R statistical software. The approach developed allows for LCA of bivalves include this CO2 as part of the global
inclusion of site-specific environmental parameters such as warming impact category.
water temperature, salinity, pH, and pCO2 when calculating
CO2 release from shell production. We applied the method to Keywords Aquaculture . Bivalve . Calcium carbonate .
previously published LCA of bivalve production systems to Fisheries . Shell
assess the impact of including this CO2 source in the LCA.
The past studies include aquaculture and wild harvest produc-
tion strategies and multiple bivalve species. 1 Introduction
Results and discussion When we recalculated the total kg
CO2 released in past studies including CO2 release from shell Bivalves are an economically and ecologically valuable class
production, the additional CO2 release increased the total of organisms whose many benefits have been exploited by
humans for centuries. An important global food resource, bi-
Responsible editor: Ian Vázquez-Rowe valves made up 5.6% of the global seafood trade by quantity
in 2013, and production of bivalves grown in culture increased
* Nicholas E. Ray by 34% between 2000 and 2014 (FAO 2002, 2016). Recently,
bivalve shells have been suggested as a possible method of
carbon (C) sequestration in addition to the value of the bivalve
Department of Biology, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA meat as a food product. However, during the sequestration of
Department of Environmental Science and Technology, University of C in shell, carbon dioxide (CO2) is formed and released. This
Maryland, College Park, MD 20740, USA CO2 release is quantifiable and significant. To date, no LCA
Institute of Marine Science, University of Auckland, Auckland 1142, studies quantify or include the release of CO2 from bivalve
New Zealand shell production. We hypothesize that inclusion of CO2
Int J Life Cycle Assess (2018) 23:1042–1048 1043

released during bivalve shell production will significantly in- 2 Materials and methods
crease the CO2-eq per functional unit in LCA of shellfish
production systems, and that inclusion of this CO2 is neces- 2.1 Estimating CO2 release from bivalve shell production
sary in future LCA.
Bivalve shells function as an exoskeleton, providing struc- To calculate CO2 release from shell production, three values
ture for the animal and protection from predators and unfavor- must be known: the shell mass at harvest, the percentage of
able environmental conditions, such as low oxygen, high tem- shell made up of CaCO3, and the ratio of CO2 released per
peratures, or desiccation. The shell grows along with the ani- CaCO3 precipitated as a function of seawater buffering capac-
mal through the process of biogenic calcification, using dis- ity, expressed as Ψ (Frankignoulle et al. 1994). CO2 release
solved bicarbonate (HCO3−) and calcium (Ca2+) to precipitate associated with shell production can be estimated using Eq.
calcium carbonate (CaCO3) as either calcite or aragonite (Eq. (2):

CO2 ReleaseShellFormation ¼ Shell Mass at Harvest  Ψ

Ca2þ þ 2HCO−3 ⇌CaCO3 þ CO2 þ H 2 O ð1Þ  Shell%CaCO3
During biogenic precipitation of CaCO3, CO2 is released 44:01 CO2
(Frankignoulle et al. 1994, 1995; Ware et al. 1992). Some of  mol ð2Þ
the CO2 produced during CaCO3 precipitation forms HCO3−, 100:0869
while the rest remains as CO2 (the ratio of CO2 produced that
remains as CO2 and does not form HCO3− is abbreviated as Shell mass at harvest varies between site, species, and the
Ψ). Following Henry’s Law, this excess CO2 released during age at which the bivalve is harvested. Ψ can be calculated as a
shell production will be released to the atmosphere, or prevent function of pH, temperature, salinity, and pCO2. CaCO3 com-
further uptake of atmospheric CO2 into the water body. Thus, poses slightly more than 95% of bivalve shell (Goulletquer
the production of CaCO3 shells by bivalves releases CO2. and Wolowicz 1989; Yoon et al. 2003). In order to convert
In addition to CO2 release from shell production, bivalves between kg CaCO3 and kg CO2, the ratio of molar masses
release CO2 during respiration. Due to these two sources of (100.0869 g mol−1 for CaCO3 and 44.01 g mol−1 for CO2) is
CO2 release, a debate has developed as to whether the C se- added to the calculation. To calculate Ψ for individual sites, we
questered in shell during shell production should be included used the seacarb package available in R statistical software
in C trading systems. Munari et al. (2013) demonstrated that (Gattuso et al. 2016). The seacarb package offers multiple
sequestration of C in the shell (136.6 mol CO2 m−2 year−1) of calculations, from which we selected to use BFlag = 21^.
Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovinciallis) raised in This option in the seacarb package calculates Ψ from user
culture was less than the sum of CO2 released during respira- input pCO2, pH, temperature, and salinity as variables, mak-
tion (187.8 mol CO2 m−2 year−1) and shell production ing it the most useful option to calculate site-specific Ψ values.
(86.8 mol CO2 m−2 year−1). They argue that since CO2 pro-
duction is greater than CO2 sequestration, bivalve shell should 2.2 Inclusion and estimation of shell CO2 release from past
not be a part of C trading systems. Conversely, Filgueira et al. LCA
(2015) argue for an ecosystem-based approach for determin-
ing the amount of CO2 released during bivalve shell produc- Six previous studies encompassing LCA of seven bivalve cul-
tion. In LCA, CO2 released during respiration is not counted ture and harvest systems were identified for assessing the
in greenhouse gas (GHG) assessments, as consumers—such magnitude of including CO2 release from shell production in
as bivalves—are considered to be simply recycling CO2 se- the global warming impact category (Table 1). Two of these
questered during photosynthesis of the consumed biomass. studies investigated production of oysters raised in culture (de
However, the CO2 released during bivalve shell production Alvarenga et al. 2012; Fry 2012), three investigated produc-
is not produced from the recycling of CO2 sequestered from tion of mussels raised in culture (Aubin and Fontaine 2014;
photosynthesis. Rather, it is produced during the precipitation Fry 2012; Iribarren et al. 2010a), and two investigated the
of CaCO3 from dissolved HCO3−, and thus must be included energy required for wild harvest of mussels (Thrane 2004)
in LCA. and unspecified bivalves (Schau et al. 2009). These studies
In this paper, we demonstrate a simple method for calcu- covered a range of scopes of the LCA. Results reported in past
lating CO2 release from bivalve shell production, apply this studies used a variety of functional units, so we converted all
method to past LCA of bivalves, and discuss our results in results and functional units to kg CO2-eq kg−1 ash-free dry
terms of the importance of including CO2 from shell produc- weight of tissue (AFDW). We selected AFDW as it allows for
tion in LCA. direct comparison of the amount of edible product harvested,
1044 Int J Life Cycle Assess (2018) 23:1042–1048

Table 1 Summary of previous

bivalve aquaculture and fishery Study Location Species Scope Functional Reported kg CO2-eq
LCA studies considered in our unit used per functional unit
assessment of the importance of
including CO2 produced during de Alvarenga Brazil Oyster Cradle-to-grave 1 kg 11.31a
bivalve shell production et al. (2012) (Crassostrea
Fry (2012)— Scotland Oyster Cradle-to-gate 1t 1281
oyster (Crassostrea
Aubin and France Mussel (Mytilus Cradle-to-gate 1t 40.4a
Fontaine edulis)
Fry (2012)— Scotland Mussel (Mytilus Cradle-to-gate 1t 252
mussel edulis)
Iribarren et al. Spain Mussel (Mytilus Cradle-to-gate 89.74 t/raft 38,415.88
(2010a) galloprovincial- year−1
Thrane (2004) Denmark Mussel (Mytulis Cradle-to-dock L/kg 0.026a
Schau et al. Norway Bivalve (no Cradle-to-dock kg/kg 0.29a
(2009) specific species)

Value reported here was converted using the methods described in the section BInclusion and estimation of shell
CO2 release from past LCA^

and can easily be converted to other functional units such as 3.17 kg CO2-eq kg−1 diesel fuel used. We multiplied this value
kg CO2-eq kg−1 protein or kg CO2-eq calorie−1. by the previously estimated functional units in each study to
de Alvarenga et al. (2012) reported the climate change get estimates of kg CO2-eq kg−1 harvest. We calculated CO2
impact of oysters in DALY. We converted their reported value release to be 0.026 kg CO2-eq kg−1 harvest for Thrane (2004)
of 1.558 × 10−7 DALY kg−1 oysters in the climate change and 0.29 kg CO2-eq kg−1 harvest for Schau et al. (2009).
impact category to kg CO2-eq kg−1 oysters by combining Multiple functional units were used in the previous studies, so
the three components of BScenario A^ reported in the study for consistency we converted all other functional units to 1-kg
(oyster production and consumption, end-of-life, and transport AFDW tissue (Table 2). de Alvarenga et al. (2012) reported
of shell to landfill), and then used the hierarchist perspective 550 g of shell and 450-g wet tissue per kg functional unit, while
normalization factor for Eco-indicator 99 of 9.08E5 to calcu- Fry (2012) reported 160 kg of wet meat per every 840 kg of shell
late a global warming impact of 2.709-kg CO2-eq kg−1 oyster for oysters and 609 kg of wet meat per 391-kg shell for mussels.
produced (Goedkoop and Spriensma 2001). For the two wild harvest studies—Thrane (2004) and Schau et al.
Aubin and Fontaine (2014) reported a range of − 44.7– (2009)—we assumed that wet meat made up 10% of the total
125.5 kgCO2-eq t−1 mussels. We elected to use the mean value mass, as this is the same method Thrane (2004) used. In cases
(40.4-kgCO2-eq t−1 mussels) in our calculations and for com- where tissue and shell weight were not reported, they were
parison with other studies. estimated using data from previous studies. Tissue and shell
The two wild harvest studies only investigated gas use weight for Mytilus edulis culture in Aubin and Fontaine (2014)
during fishing operations and did not consider packaging, were estimated using the same values reported by Fry (2012),
the impact from boats used, or other infrastructure. Schau and tissue and shell weight for Mytilus galloprovincialis in LCA
et al. (2009) reported results as kg fuel kg−1 mollusk harvest- reported by Iribarren et al. (2010a) using values from Munari
ed, with a value of 0.09. Similarly, Thrane (2004) reported et al. (2013) of 9.78 g per whole individual mussel, 45% of
results as 0.01-L fuel kg−1 mussels. We converted the L fuel which was wet tissue. Wet tissue weight was converted to
to kg fuel using the 0.832-kg-L1 value provided by the authors AFDW weight using Eq. (3), adapted from Hammen (1968):
for a value of 0.008-kg fuel kg−1 mussels. To convert the
values from Thrane (2004) and Schau et al. (2009) to kg
WeightWetTissue þ 45:1
CO2-eq kg−1 harvest, we assumed the boats from those studies WeightDryTissue ¼ ð3Þ
had the same material and fuel use as auxiliary mussel rafts 84:29
(89.68 kg CO2 emitted and 28.29 kg diesel used t−1 harvest for
Thrane (2004)) and coastal trawlers (1662.12 kg CO2 emitted The equation for conversion of wet to dry tissue does not
and 524.33 kg diesel used t−1 harvest for Schau et al. (2009)) work for small units (i.e., < 10), so conversions were estimated
as those presented in Vázquez-Rowe et al. (2011). Using these in gram, then converted back to kilogram. Reported kg CO2-
values, we estimated that both harvest vehicles produced eq were modified to match the new functional unit of 1-kg
Int J Life Cycle Assess (2018) 23:1042–1048 1045

Table 2 Converted global warming impact data from past studies and estimated global warming impact associated with shell production. Functional
units from previous studies were converted to a standard functional unit of 1-kg ash-free dry tissue weight (AFDW)

Study Wet meat per Dry meat per Shell per Kg shell kg−1 Original kg CO2-eq Additional Percent
functional unit functional unit functional unit AFDW tissue kg−1 AFDW tissue kg CO2-eq release increase
(kg) (kg) (kg) from shell kg−1 in CO2-eq
AFDW (calculated) when shell
CO2 release
is included

de Alvarenga 0.45 0.06 0.55 9.2 188.5 2.4 1.3

et al. (2012)
Fry (2012)— 160 2.4 840 350 533.75 105.3 19.7
Aubin and 609 7.8 391 50.1 5.2 14.9 286.5
Fry (2012)— 609 7.8 391 50.1 32.3 15.1 46.7
Iribarren et al. 40,380 479.6 49,357 103 80.1 29.3 36.6
Thrane (2004) 0.10 0.002 0.90 450 13 137.2 1055.4
Schau et al. 0.10 0.002 0.90 450 145 122.2 84.3

AFDW tissue unit by dividing the reported global warming reported CO2 release. Inclusion of shell CO2 release led to
impact value by the estimated quantity of AFDW tissue in the much larger increases in the wild harvest studies than in the
original functional unit (Table 2). For the Iribarren et al. cultured studies.
(2010a) results, we did not use this conversion equation, in- In the two oyster culture studies in Brazil and Scotland,
stead using the value of 0.69-g AFDW tissue per individual CO2 release from shell averaged 53.8 (± 72.8 SE) kg CO2
mussel presented by Munari et al. (2013). kg−1 AFDW, respectively. This large variation can mostly be
None of the studies investigated here reported site temper- attributed to the large difference in tissue and shell per func-
ature, salinity, or pH. To estimate Ψ for individual sites, these tional unit reported in those two studies, as the other factor that
values are needed. If the specific site location was identified, can yield differences in calculated CO2 release, Ψ, only dif-
we estimated the average annual water temperature using fered by 0.09 between the study locations., then set pH equal to 8.1 and For the three mussel culture LCA, there was less variation
salinity to 35 (Table 3). We selected these values as they rep- as shell was estimated to release an average of 19.8 (± 5.8 SE)
resent the average pH and salinity of global oceans. We used kg CO2 kg−1 AFDW. Comparatively, the mean CO2 release
mean temperature as different temperatures provide different from shell in the two LCA of wild harvest mussels was 129.7
temperatures yield different temperatures yield different (± 10.6 SE) kg CO2 kg−1 AFDW.
values for Ψ. If the site was not identified, we used a temper- CO2-eq release in LCA of cultured oysters increased by an
ature value of 20 °C. For all studies, we set the atmospheric average of 10.5% (± 13 SE), much less than the average in-
CO2 to 400 ppm. CO2 release from shell production was then crease of 123.3% (± 100 SE) for cultured mussels. The only
estimated using Eq. (1). cradle-to-grave LCA demonstrated the smallest increase at
1.3%. Cradle-to-gate studies of cultured bivalves demonstrat-
ed an average increase in the total kg CO2-eq kg−1 AFDW of
3 Results 127% (± 73 SE).

When the shell CO2 release method was applied to the past
studies, CO2 release from shell production ranged from 2.4 to 4 Discussion
137.2 kg CO2 kg−1 AFDW, and increased the total release of
CO2 reported in individual LCA from 1.3–1055% (Table 2). Our results demonstrate that inclusion of CO2 released during
There was large variability regarding the importance of in- shell production yields large increases in the total kg CO2-eq
cluding CO2 release from shell production in wild harvest kg−1 AFDW in past LCA of bivalve production, indicating
LCA with a mean increase of 570% (± 687 standard error, or that this source of CO2 release should be considered in future
SE), which can be attributed to the difference in the original LCA. The importance or magnitude to which inclusion of
1046 Int J Life Cycle Assess (2018) 23:1042–1048

Table 3 Estimates of the ratio of

CO2 released per CaCO3 Study Location Mean annual Calculated
precipitated (Ψ) for the LCA temperature Ψ
considered in this study (°C)

de Alvarenga et al. (2012) Florianopolis, Brazil 22.3 0.63

Fry (2012) Scotland 11a 0.72
Aubin and Fontaine (2014) Mont-St.-Michel Bay, France 12.3 0.71
Iribarren et al. (2010a) Galicia, Spain 16.0 0.68
Thrane (2004) Denmark 10.3 0.73
Schau et al. (2009) Not defined (Boutside of Norwegian waters^) 20 0.65

Temperature values for two Scottish lochs in which mussels were raised from Karayücel and Karayücel (1999)

shell CO2 release increased the total CO2-eq per functional et al. (2012) cradle-to-gate study of cultured oysters. In that
unit varied widely. This variation can be attributed to the dif- study, the shell to AFDW ratio of was 9.2. However, if we
ference in harvest method, the ratio of shell to AFDW tissue, substitute the shell to AFDW from the other oyster culture
and perhaps most importantly, the original reported kg CO2-eq study of 350, the inclusion of CO2 from shell production leads
per functional unit in each study. Differences in site-specific Ψ to a 56% increase in total kg CO2-eq kg−1 AFDW unit com-
also contributed. pared to the 1.3% increase calculated.
There was a marked difference in the meat to tissue ratio In order to negate the CO2 release associated with shell pro-
between wild and cultured bivalves in the past studies we duction, shell should be used as an alternative to other products
investigated. While this may at first seem surprising, bivalves with a greater CO2 footprint. One such alternative is the use of
raised in culture are able to put more energy toward growth shell as an alternative to mined and milled limestone. de
and less toward defense (shell), as farms are located in areas of Alvarenga et al. (2012) investigated the potential benefits of pro-
high food availability and farmers frequently clean the shells cessing waste oyster shell as an alternative to limestone. The
of the bivalve to prevent damage from fouling organisms and study demonstrated that while there was a slightly greater release
predators. These ideas are supported with data collected in of CO2-eq by doing this (1885 kg CO2-eq kg−1 AFDW for
Chesapeake Bay, USA, where oysters raised in culture have landfill compared to 1888 kg CO2-eq kg−1 AFDW for processing
been shown to have five times less shell per gram of meat to limestone), considering other impact categories and using
compared to their wild counterparts (Higgins et al. 2011; weighting factors designated by Eco-indicator 99, utilizing shell
Newell et al. 2005). Species of bivalve with a low shell to as a resource was beneficial. The authors estimated that shell
tissue ratio yield less CO2 from shell production than species could be transported up to 323 km for processing while main-
with high shell to tissue when kg AFDW tissue is used as the taining a lower overall environmental impact than extracting and
functional unit. Farming bivalves with a lower shell to tissue processing limestone. If CO2 release from shell production was
ratio could reduce the total CO2 release from the farming included in the Alvarenga et al. study (1862 CO2-eq kg−1 AFDW
operation if other factors such as equipment and gasoline if shell was returned to the water compared to 1911 CO2-eq kg−1
use remain the same. This suggests that bivalves raised in AFDW if shell is processed), the maximum transportation dis-
culture could have lower total CO2 release associated with tance that could maintain an environmental benefit would de-
their production than wild harvest, as the release of CO2 from crease, but there would still be a benefit to replacing limestone
shell production in culture systems would be lower than in with discarded oyster shell. Iribarren et al. (2010b) also investi-
wild harvest systems. To test this hypothesis, an LCA com- gated the use of mussel shell in industrial CaCO3 production in
paring wild harvest and aquaculture methods of bivalves is Galicia, Spain. The results of that study suggest that the process-
needed. ing of shell is more environmentally damaging than simply send-
Somewhat surprisingly, the inclusion of CO2 release from ing the shell to a landfill, but creates a valuable commodity from
shell production led to greater changes in the total kg CO2-eq a waste product. Yoon et al. (2004) incorporated oyster shell into
kg−1 AFDW in the LCA of cultured mussels (123.3%) than cement at different ratios, and indicated shell could be a replace-
cultured oysters (10.5%). As oysters generally have a higher ment for quarried sand. Additionally, shells can be recycled to
shell to AFDW ratio than mussels, we expected large in- restore lost estuarine habitats. In the Chesapeake Bay, USA, the
creases in CO2 release when including that produced during Oyster Recovery Partnership has collected over 100,000 bushels
shell production. We attribute this result to the higher initial of shell since 2010, and used that shell to create restored reefs
CO2 emissions per functional unit in the oyster studies. The throughout the Chesapeake Bay in an attempt to restore valuable
variation in shell to AFDW is also likely why the release of ecosystem services (Oyster Recovery Partnership 2016). This
CO2 from shell production was so small for the de Alvarenga shell is used in place of poured concrete, which is frequently used
Int J Life Cycle Assess (2018) 23:1042–1048 1047

to create structure for reefs. Using crushed shell instead of poured

concrete to restore habitats likely has a lower overall release of
CO2 to the atmosphere.
While not as important as shell to AFDW ratio in total CO2
release from shell production, Ψ can be highly variable be-
tween sites, and will change with a changing climate and
ocean acidification. Temperature, salinity, pH, and pCO2 all
impact the amount of CO2 released during the production of
bivalve shells (Fig. 1) by altering Ψ. By using these variables,
we can optimize locations for restoration or aquaculture that
would maximize sequestration by reducing production of
CO2. As Ψ values decrease, CO2 released during shell produc-
tion also decreases. The lowest values of Ψ are associated with
higher salinity, temperature, and pH (Fig. 1). Climate change
predictions estimate a 3 °C rise in temperature (IPCC 2007),
salinity increases in highly saline areas and salinity decreases
for fresher areas (Durack et al. 2012), and a decrease in pH
from 8.1 to 7.8 by the end of the century (IPCC 2007).
Although increased temperatures would decrease Ψ values,
changes in salinity and pH would far outweigh temperature
effects, resulting in an overall increase in Ψ by at least 17%,
followed by increased release of CO2 during shell production.
Human-driven climate change has resulted in a global in-
crease in surface temperature of approximately + 0.2 °C per
decade since 1980 (Hansen et al. 2006). In coastal areas where Fig. 1 Changes in the ratio of CO2 released to CaCO3 precipitated (Ψ)
under changing temperature and salinity conditions associated with
bivalve culture is practiced, water temperatures have also in- global warming and salt water intrusion (a) when pCO2 is 400 ppm
creased rapidly. As an example, in Narragansett Bay, USA, and pH is 8.1, and b increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations and
water temperature increased 1.26 °C between 1959 and 2008 ocean acidification when temperature is 20 °C and salinity is 35. Values
(Melrose et al. 2009). If salinity (35), pH (8.1), and pCO2 over the lines in (a) indicate salinity, and values over the lines in (b)
indicate pH
(400 ppm) remained the same for this time period, with only
temperature changing, a bivalve shell would release 1% less
CO2:CaCO3 over its lifetime in 2008 than in 1959, with Ψ these approaches have a lower CO2 emission than the differ-
equal to 0.72 in 1958 (mean temperature 11.27 °C) and 0.71 ence in shell CO2 release between the salinities.
in 2008 (mean temperature 12.55 °C). While seeming small, While we used a pH value of 8.1 in this study, estuarine
this 1% change would yield large changes in shell production systems experience highly variable changes in pH on both
CO2 release at an ecosystem scale, or the scale of a bivalve daily and seasonal scales (Wallace et al. 2014), in addition to
aquaculture facility. the changes predicted by ocean acidification. These fluctua-
Aquaculture facilities could also be located in areas of tions can be driven by the decomposition of organic matter
higher salinity to target reducing CO2 emissions from shell due to loading of excess nutrients, or simple diel patterns of
production. If temperature (20 °C), pCO2 (400 ppm), and plankton photosynthesis and respiration. In Narragansett Bay,
pH (8.1) remain constant, Ψ is 0.65 when salinity is 35 and daily pH values have been demonstrated to vary between 8.5
0.74 when salinity is 20, a 14% increase at the lower salinity. and 7.9 (Nixon et al. 1976) and between 8.6 and 7.6 on an
While some bivalve species require specific salinities to grow, annual basis (Hinga 1992). The average pH value over the
others do not. Farm owners may also point to different taste of course of the bivalve’s life cycle is needed to calculate the
product based on the salinity that shellfish was raised in. We CO2 release from shell production. Thus, in a year of lower
suggest that species that are able to be survive in higher salin- pH, Ψ would be higher, and vice versa.
ity waters should be grown there to minimize shell CO2 re-
lease. If the farmers believe their product tastes best when
raised in a lower salinity, the shellfish could instead be grown 5 Conclusions
in saline water, then moved to a recirculating system managed
for the targeted salinity, or to a different site with lower salinity We developed and demonstrated a simple method for calcu-
for a few days before harvest to improve product taste while lating the CO2 released during bivalve shell production for use
maintaining a lower rate CO2 emission from shell, assuming in LCA. When we applied this approach to previous studies,
1048 Int J Life Cycle Assess (2018) 23:1042–1048

we found that the amount of CO2 released during shell pro- composition, and energy value, as determined by different methods.
J Mar Biol Assoc UK 69:563–572
duction is significant and can lead to dramatic increases in
Hammen CS (1968) Aminotransferase activities and amino acid excre-
calculated kg CO2-eq per functional unit in bivalve LCA We tion of bivalve mollusks and brachiopods. Comp Biochem Physiol
encourage that future LCA of bivalves include the CO2 re- 26:697–705
leased during shell production. Hansen J, Sato M, Ruedy R, Lo K, Lea DW, Medina-Elizade M (2006)
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Acknowledgements We would like to thank Dr. Robinson BWally^ Higgins CB, Stephenson K, Brown BL (2011) Nutrient bioassimilation
Fulweiler, who provided constructive and helpful suggestions that im- capacity of aquacultured oysters: quantification of an ecosystem
proved the quality of this manuscript, as did feedback from several anon- service. J Environ Qual 40:271–277
ymous reviewers. Kevin McLaren, Johnny Shockley, and Tal Petty pro- Hinga KR (1992) Co-occurrence of dinoflagellate blooms and high pH in
vided tours of their oyster farms and provided guidance on the daily marine enclosures. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 86:181–181
operation and needs of shellfish culture operations. N. Ray was supported IPCC (2007) Climate change 2007: the physical science basis.
on a Teaching Fellowship from Boston University and a Warren-McLeod Contribution of working group I to the fourth assessment report of
Graduate Fellowship from the Boston University Marine Program during the intergovernmental panel on climate change: Solomon S, Qin D,
preparation of this manuscript. Manning M, Chen Z, Marquis M, Averyt KB, Tignor M and Miller
HL (eds) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom
and New York, NY, USA
Iribarren D, Moreira MT, Feijoo G (2010a) Life cycle assessment of fresh
References and canned mussel processing and consumption in Galicia (NW
Spain). Resour Conserv Recycl 55:106–117
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mussels in Mont-Saint-Michel Bay (France) using LCA with em- management into the life cycle assessment of the mussel sector.
phasis on potential climate change and eutrophication. In: Schenck Resour Conserv Recycl 54:1219–1230
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