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Digitization Newspaper Delivery system is a circulation software and subscription

management for newspaper. It is a multiple newspaper subscription management software system
that handles newspaper circulation. This newspaper circulation system will be design for small
publishers and both small and large home delivery and retail outlet distribution operation. It will
give you rthe kind of control you want and need when you are responsible for the management and
delivery of many different kinds of newspaper.

2. Introduction

2.1 Android

Android is a complete set of software for mobile devices such as tablet computers,
notebooks, smartphones, electronic book readers, set-top boxes etc. It contains a linux-based
Operating System, middleware and key mobile applications. It is developed by Google and
later the OHA (Open Handset Alliance).

Uses of android technology not just rest with mobile phones, but practically
applicable with all kinds of mobile computing device. Uses of Android Technology in
mobile phones, tablets, multitasking and open source platform, in maps and in music as
ringtone are the few reason of gaining popularity of the use of android technology in smart

As the official integrated development environment for all Android applications,
Android Studio always seems to top the list of preferred tools for developers.
As we mentioned above, there was Eclipse before there was Android Studio. For a long
time, Eclipse was the officially preferred IDE for all Android application development.

2.2 Database:
A database is an organized collection of data, so that it can be easily accessed and
managed. You can organize data into tables, rows, columns, and index it to make it easier to
find relevant information.

The humble database affects almost every aspect of daily life -- from grocery store
inventories and cable-TV subscriber information to marketing mailing lists and issuing
payroll checks to employees. Databases aren't just for big business, though. You can create a
handy personal or family database to keep track of just about anything, including your video
game collection, recipes, contacts, music CDs and books.

MySQL is a fast, easy to use relational database. It is currently the most popular
open-source database. It is very commonly used in conjunction with PHP scripts to create
powerful and dynamic server-side applications.

2.3 Information about Our Application

Through our application, the customer can decide which newspapers to buy from the
list of newspapers and the newspaper which the customer selected will be delivered to him
by the vendor. The vendor will also not have to remember which customer wants which
newspaper. When the vendor will type the customer’s name, the will get the whole list of
newspapers the customer wants and whether the customer has paid the money or not. Bill
generation module is used to create bill for the customer, system has option to generate bill
for single customer, for single line and for all the customers. It also calculate the previous
due amount, delivery charges which will add to transaction amount.

2.3 Title of Topic

Newspaper Delivery Management System.

3. Need of the work:

The aim of this project is to optimize newspaper delivery system. The newspaper delivery
has been done manually by printing press depots Agents vendors and the worker boys distributes in
the respective lane allotted to them by vendors. Today, there is no database present, which shows
the customer information regarding the reading choice. So, to keep a track of customer record and
choice, their is a need of automation in newspaper delivery process.

4. Problem Statement:

In early years the use of newspaper increased. To provide this newspaper, number of
newspaper stalls are increased, similarly the different companies was develope different types of
newspapers. Sometimes the reader doesn't know about some newspaper types or whereever the
stalls of the newspapers are available in their area. For this purpose reader have to find the stalls and
the types of the newspaper, likewise companies also have not idea about stalls and customer
requirements. Currently the database of seller as well as customers(reader) is not available. It is
observed that the vendors have many problems to overcome this problem and to bring the seller and
customer on one platform is the biggest challenge of the current scenario. To overcome all the
customer and seller problem the Newspae Delivery Management System (NDMS) will be develop.

5. Objectives:

1. The main objective of the online newspaper delivery management system is to manage
the details of Payment, Bills, Customer.
2.Provide filter reports of payment , bills and customer.
3. Identifying customer's interest.
4. Reducing the manual work of newspaper vendor.
5. To bring customer(reader) and vendor(seller) on one platform for smooth functioning.

6.Proposed Work
6.1 Architecture

As shown in Fig1. Depictes the system architecture of the project.

The system architecture is dived into three subject 1)User, 2)Vendor and 3) Company each
user has different functioning. Customer is the reader who purchases the newspaper a daily basis of
his/her own interest of language. Vendor is one who circulates the newspaper to reader. Company is
the user who actually prints the newspaper and provides it to vendor.
The entire three users have to register themselves to the website by providing required
information. The customer first has to register and provides his basic information as name, surname,
mobile number, email, address and very important the language of newspaper is wants to be
delivered every day to his door step.

After registering user can login by username and password. Once login is done successfully
the use can keep a track of his daily newspaper information. The Vendor also have to register first,
with some basic information such as, name, surname, stall no, area (location), contact number,
emailid etc. Once the vendor enters the information and get login to application. He can now
manage all his customer-reader who is taking the newspaper form that particular vendor on daily
The company who has to registers to the website with its basic information such as company
name, contact number, mailed, different language in which the daily newspaper the company prints.
So, that vendor came to know about the company’s manufacturing information. After login
company can now keep the track of the different area wise vendors and their circulation of the
newspaper on daily basis.
The user can also give the feedback as well as raise a query regarding any problem related to
vendor or company.

6.2 Data Flow Digram

0 Level DFD – Newspaper Delivery Management System
The 0 level dfd known as context level data flow diagram. The context level data
flow diagram (dfd) is describe the whole system. The (0) level DFD describe the all user
modules who run the system. Below context level data flow diagram of Newspaper Delivery
management system project shows the one Admin user can operate the system. Admin do all
activities after login to system.

Request for login

Admin Newspaper Delviry Management

Fig.2 : 0 Level DFD for newspaper delivery management system (NDMS)

1 Level DFD – Newspaper Delivery Management System

Request for Login Check for login

Login AdminsMst

Add Newspaper Insert Data

Response Add Newsppaer Newspapermst


Add Company Insert Data

Add Compnay CompanyMst

Response Reply

Add Vendor Insert Database

Add Vendor
Response Reply

Add Customer Insert Data

Add Customer CustomerMst

Response Reply

View Report

Search Report Send Data

Display Data Reply

Fig .3: 1st level DFD – Newspaper Delivery Management System (NDMS)

The Admin side DFD describe the functionality of Admin. Admin is a responsible person
who run the project. After login to system admin can first Add Newspaper Detail and Company
Detail and then add vendor detail by course wise. and admin can manage student reports and
payment detail

7. Implementation Details
7.1 Modules
1.NDMS Application:
NDMS application help us to get access to on anytime and on any device by only
login to account after creating their own accounts.Reader can login, select sealers,
newspaper, its language, buy newspaper, get a bill and even can give a feedback to sealer.
Sealer can login select companies newspapers, its language, buy it, have a list of readers,
give a bill and feedback to reader, get bill from company, get and even give feedback from
company.Company can login select papers, its language, set price of particular paper, have a
list of sealers, can give bills and feedback to sealer and even can get feedback from sealer.
2.NDMS Website:
NDMS website can be accessed on anytime and from any device. So it will be easy
to access their data without getting an app on other device by just login through website. We
can even perform tasks like buying newspapers, getting and giving feedbacks, creating bills
and maintaining list of readers and sealers.

2. NDMS System
User(customer) firstly registers itself by providing the personal information. User
havetocreate its own account. After registration user can login to account and search for a
newspaper which user want to buy. User can send request to sever to display all the types
of newspaper lists which is available. Server can accept a request and display all the lists of
items. User can give a feedback about item.
Vendor firstly registers itself by providing the personal information. Vendor have to c
reate its own account. After registration vendor can login to account and search for a
newspaper companies which vendor want to buy. Vendor can add the newspaper list , It’s
location , quantity of avilable newspapers. Acknowledge to the customer.

Company firstly registers itself by providing their own information. Company have
to create its own account. After registration company can login to account and add their
newspaper, set the price of newspaper. Reaply to the customer and vendor’s feedback.
2.2 Server
Server(Admin) it has its own login account. In that admin have to keep all the lists of
types of paper which is available. Admin has its own email id, address and contact details.
Server can provide all the information which client required. In that se Admin have to keep
all the record of company , vendor and user.

7.2 Technology Used

Node.JS is an open source server environment Node.JS runs on various platforms
(Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc.). Node.JS uses JavaScript on the server. Node.JS
can Sends the task to the computer's file system. Ready to handle the next request. When the
file system has opened and read the file, the server returns the content to the client.
2.2 React native Framework-0
React Native framework used to create truly native apps and doesn't compromise on
your user’s experience. It provides a core set of platform agnostic native components like
view, text and image that map directly to perform native UI building blocks.
2.3 Firebase database-
The Firebase Real-time Database is a cloud-hosted database. Data is store
synchronized in real-time to every connected client. When you build cross-platform apps
with our Android, and JavaScript SDKs, all of your clients share one Real-time Database
instance and automatically receive updates with the newest data.
NDMS application helps to get access to user/vendor/company from anytime and
from any device by only login to account. User will login and search for newspaper by a
choice and buy it by clicking buy option after getting newspaper user can make payment
and then confirm the order. After receiving newspaper give the feedback by clicking on
feedback option. NDMS application can be accessed by anytime and from any android
device so it will help to buy an newspaper easily. It will save the time without visiting to
vendor’s stall.

7.3 System Requirements:
10.1 Software Requirements:
1. OS- Windows, Linux
2. Editor- Notepad/Notepad++/Sublime/text editor/atom editor
3. Languages- HTML, CSS, JavaScript

4. Database- MySQL
10.2 Hardware Requirements:
 Processor- 2GHz
 RAM- 2GB

8. Conclusion:

Application is basically used for the vendor and customer. It reduces the time of the
customer. This Application makes the use of billing transaction. Digitalization Newspaper
Delivery system is a circulation software and subscription management for newspaper
distributor. It handles both newspaper circulation. It makes an easy to use environment for
Vendor and customers. It is one of the step towards Digital India.

9. References:



3. Temporal dynamic study in personalization digital newspaper Leandro William

Osorio Gamez, Angle Luis Scull Pupo IEEE Latin America transactions 2015.

4. The Road to React with Firebase: Your journey to master advanced React for
business web applications Paperback – January 24, 2019 by Robin Wieruch

5. Learning React Native: Building Native Mobile Apps with JavaScript 2nd Edition.

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