A Cup of Kindness: Stories From Scotland

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A Cup of Kindness:

Stories from Scotland Retold by Jennifer Bassett

1 In which story do these things happen? The d ___ Donald only takes the drovers away

comprehension Test
Pigeon, Donald and the Drovers, Andrina, when they give him a lot of money.
The Confession, The Day I Met Sean e ___ Captain Torvald lives alone, but a girl
called Andrina comes to help him.
a A man receives a letter from a woman he
f ___ Captain Torvald once married a woman
knew long ago. ………………
called Sigrid and they had a child.
b A man tells a story which isn’t true.
g ___ Ian explains that there was money in
one of the stolen washing machines.
c Some men stay alone on an island in the
h ___ The detective thinks that Ian should go
dark. ………………
to prison.
d A young woman follows a man to his
i ___ Marina has liked Sean Connery for a
room. ………………
long time.
e A man doesn’t want to go out and
j ___ Sean Connery talks kindly to Marina.
celebrate. ………………
20 marks
20 marks
4 Match the Scottish words from A with a
2 Who said this? Match a number from A with definition from B.
a letter from B.
1 ___ wee
1 ___ ‘You’ll know now that me and the boat
2 ___ Hogmanay
are old but honest …’
3 ___ och
2 ___ ‘You should take good care of yourself,
4 ___ Gaelic
you all alone up there. There’s still a
5 ___ ye
greyness in your face …’
3 ___ ‘I’m in terrible danger. I mean, there’s a B
price on my head now.’ a the Celtic language of Scotland
4 ___ ‘Ah, tea.’ b an expression of surprise
5 ___ ‘No, it belongs to me. I am not taking c you
it to any other person.’ d very small
e New Year’s Eve
a Ian in The Confession. 20 marks
b Donald in Donald and the Drovers.
5 In which story can you find these things?
c Jan in The Pigeon.
The Pigeon, Donald and the Drovers, Andrina,
d Miss Stewart in Andrina.
The Confession, The Day I Met Sean Connery.
e Sean Connery in The Day I Met
a Some shortbread on a tray. ………………
Sean Connery.
b A chair with its front legs shorter than its
20 marks back legs. ………………
c A hot-water bottle and a hot toddy drink.
3 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? ………………
a ___ Jan once had a wife and a daughter, but d A shoe-box with soft tissue paper in it.
they died in a prison camp. ………………
b ___ Ella is angry about the pigeon and she e Some oars. ………………
shouts at Jan.
c ___ The drovers have come to the islands to 20 marks

buy cattle. Total marks

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A Cup of Kindness:
Stories from Scotland Retold by Jennifer Bassett

Setting Characters

Choose the best answer. Choose the best answer.
1 In The Pigeon, Ella and her family are going 11 Ella is _____ woman.
out because it is _____. a ■ a worried and quiet ​
a ■ Christmas ​b ■ New Year  b ■ a strange, but friendly 
​c ■ her birthday ​d ■ her son’s birthday ​c ■ an unkind and angry ​
2 Jan now lives in Scotland, but he comes from d ■ a kind and motherly
_____. 12 Jan is now Ella’s _____.
a ■ Poland ​b ■ Germany ​c ■ France ​ a ■ neighbour ​b ■ husband ​c ■ visitor ​
d ■ England d ■ cleaner
3 The story of Donald and the Drovers happens 13 Donald has two jobs. He is a ferryman and a
on the _____. _____.
a ■ Orkney Islands ​b ■ Shetland Islands ​ a ■ shoemaker ​b ■ farmer ​c ■ doctor ​
c ■ Outer Hebrides ​d ■ Inner Hebrides d ■ teacher
4 The three drovers want Donald to take them to 14 The three drovers are very _____ men.
a _____ on the island of Benbecula. a ■ generous ​b ■ mean ​c ■ kind ​d ■ ill
a ■ farm ​b ■ restaurant ​c ■ hotel ​ 15 Captain Torvald now has a _____ life.
d ■ market a ■ quiet, but very happy ​
5 The story Andrina happens _____. b ■ busy and interesting ​
a ■ on the island of Orkney ​b ■ on the c ■ rich and exciting 
island of South Uist ​c ■ in the city of ​d ■ hard and lonely
Aberdeen ​d ■ in the city of Glasgow 16 Andrina is _____.
6 Captain Torvald lives _____. a ■ Torvald’s grandmother 
a ■ in a flat above a post office ​b ■ on a ​b ■ the postmistress from the village 
small houseboat ​c ■ in a dark, cold house  ​c ■ a pretty girl of twenty 
​d ■ in a warm, modern house ​d ■ an older Australian woman
7 The story of The Confession happens in the 17 Ian is a man who likes to _____.
_____ at a police station. a ■ ask questions ​b ■ sit quietly 
a ■ restaurant ​b ■ corridor ​c ■ office ​ ​c ■ talk a lot ​d ■ write things down
d ■ interview room 18 The detective at the police station _____.
8 Ian tells a story about things stolen from a a ■ doesn’t listen to Ian ​
_____. b ■ listens carefully to Ian 
a ■ police car ​b ■ lorry ​c ■ bus  ​c ■ puts Ian in prison ​
​d ■  nightclub d ■ pushes Ian
9 The Day I Met Sean Connery happens at the 19 Sean Connery is Marina’s _____.
BBC _____ in Glasgow. a ■ close neighbour ​b ■ distant cousin ​
a ■ children’s cinema ​b ■ information centre ​ c ■ dream person ​d ■ important boss
c ■ television building ​d ■ radio building 20 When Marina first meets Sean Connery, she
10 Marina sits and watches people in the BBC finds he is very _____ and looks great.
_____ for an hour. a ■ tall ​b ■ small ​c ■ young ​d ■ thin
a ■ restaurant ​b ■ shop ​c ■ gardens ​
20 marks
d ■ corridor

20 marks

oxford bookworms LIBRARY STAGE 3 1 © Oxford university press photocopiable

A Cup of Kindness:
Stories from Scotland Retold by Jennifer Bassett

Dialogue Vocabulary

Who said or wrote this? Choose the best answer.
21 ‘You came with me last year. And you enjoyed 31 a shirt for a woman
it. Don’t you remember?’ a ■ blouse ​b ■ dress ​c ■ cardigan ​
a ■ Alec ​b ■ Robert ​c ■ Jan ​d ■ Ella d ■ scarf
22 ‘Don’t you remember a child? A small girl? 32 a tall cupboard where you can put your clothes
Fair hair, soft smooth hair, blue eyes always a ■ drawer ​b ■ box c ■ scullery ​
laughing.’ d ■ wardrobe
a ■ Angus ​b ■ Robert ​c ■ Jan ​d ■ Ella 33 the land along the edge of the sea
23 ‘Ye can have the night’s part for nothing.’ a ■ river ​b ■ shore ​c ■ hill ​d ■ pit
a ■ Catriona ​b ■ one of the drovers ​ 34 a boat that takes people on short journeys
c ■ a fisherman ​d ■ Donald across a river or the sea
24 ‘We’ll miss the best cattle. They’re always sold a ■ hut ​b ■ tide ​c ■ ferry ​d ■ truck
first.’ 35 a round metal container with a handle, for
a ■ Donald ​b ■ Catriona ​c ■ one of the carrying water
drovers ​d ■ a travelling salesman a ■ bucket ​b ■ brick ​c ■ plate ​d ■ skip
25 ‘I suppose everyone in the island knows that 36 a thing that gives light
Andrina – that girl – has been coming all a ■ croft ​b ■ oar ​c ■ lamb ​d ■ lamp
winter up to my place.’ 37 a large vehicle for carrying cargo on the roads
a ■ Captain Torvald ​b ■ Isaac Irving ​ a ■ lorry ​b ■ ledge ​c ■ slip-road ​
c ■ Stanley the postman ​d ■ Tina Stewart d ■ roundabout
26 ‘I wish I knew that grandfather of mine. Gran, 38 liquid that comes through your skin when you
do you think he’s lonely?’ are hot
a ■ Tina Stewart ​b ■ Andrina ​c ■ Sigrid ​ a ■ dust ​b ■ sweat ​c ■ make up ​
d ■ Isaac Irving d ■ spirit
27 ‘Tony’s my brother, two years younger than 39 when something is very surprising
me, but he was always the clever one.’ a ■ ordinary ​b ■ shameful ​c ■ amazing ​
a ■ Eddie Hart ​b ■ Andy Horrigan ​ d ■ huge
c ■ Ian ​d ■ the detective 40 a flat object that you can use for carrying
28 ‘Come on now, it’s time you were home. Your drinks
mum will be worried about you.’ a ■ case ​b ■ basket ​c ■ handle ​d ■ tray
a ■ Tony ​b ■ Malc ​c ■ Ian 
20 marks
​d ■ the detective
29 ‘BBC coffee is always terrible.’
a ■ Marina McLoughlin ​b ■ Sean Connery ​
c ■ Kevin Costner ​d ■ Kenneth
30 ‘Expect you’ve not had this for a wee while.
Go on, put some in your pocket for later.’
a ■ Marina McLoughlin ​b ■ Sean Connery ​
c ■ Agnes ​d ■ Veronica

20 marks

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A Cup of Kindness:
Stories from Scotland Retold by Jennifer Bassett


Choose the best answer.
41 Jan finds a pigeon which is very _____.
a ■ fat ​b ■ excited ​c ■ ill ​d ■ hungry
42 Jan doesn’t want to _____.
a ■ talk to Ella ​b ■ find Ella’s blouse ​
c ■ look after the pigeon ​d ■ go out and
43 The three drovers want to pay Donald _____
a ■ two ​b ■ three ​c ■ six ​d ■ twenty
44 Donald leaves the drovers _____.
a ■ on a small island ​b ■ in a big hut ​
c ■ near a cattle market ​
d ■ under some tall trees
45 Captain Torvald _____ a girl called Sigrid
when he was younger.
a ■ ran away from ​b ■ killed ​c ■ married ​
d ■ worked with
46 In a letter, Sigrid says that Andrina _____.
a ■ went to Australia ​b ■ sailed to Scotland ​
c ■ married a sailor ​d ■ died suddenly
47 Ian explains that he stole some washing
machines, but one of them had _____ in it.
a ■ money ​b ■ drugs ​c ■ gold ​d ■ silver
48 In the end, the detective thinks that Ian’s story
is _____.
a ■ untrue ​b ■ true ​c ■ very frightening ​
d ■ very funny
49 Marina takes a tray of tea and some _____ to
Sean Connery’s room.
a ■ sandwiches ​b ■ crisps ​c ■ shortbread ​
d ■ chocolate
50 Sean Connery is _____ Marina when he learns
that she’s not the real tea lady.
a ■ unkind to ​b ■ nice to ​c ■ cold to ​
d ■ angry with

20 marks

Total marks

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