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Title: “Hygiene, Rest and Sleep, and Travel”

Hygiene: These are practices that are beneficial in maintaining health and as well as preventing diseases,
particularly through cleanliness. Good Hygiene throughout the prenatal period may help prevent
infections, Keep the mother comfortable, and may also help in attaining healthier patterns of living that
can be reinforce to promote healthy behaviors. Here are some of the most important hygiene regimen
that are helpful to pregnant mothers:
• Skin care - Acne become more irritated during pregnancy. The extra hormones in your body
cause your oil glands to secrete more oil, which can cause breakouts.
- Cleanse your face every night and every morning.
- Use fragrance-free soap to avoid nausea.
- Dry itchy skin during pregnancy causes very uncomfortable dryness and itching. If you begin
to experience severe itching late in your pregnancy, possibly accompanied
by nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue and/or jaundice.
- keep your abdomen moisturized.
- Use an anti-itch cream such as calamine lotion to help provide more relief.

• Hair care - avoid chemical treatments and coloring. During pregnancy, it is safer to avoid
chemical treatments and coloring.
Hair Trims controls breakage, prevents thinning, and makes hair look healthy and shiny.

• Breast care - Pregnancy tends to change the appearance and feel of your breast in a number of
ways, which can cause discomfort. It is important to begin in preparing the breast for
breastfeeding during the prenatal period. Here are some tips for breast and nipple care:
- Maintain hygiene by changing the bra and wash nipples regularly to prevent the liquid from
forming a crust. Nipples tend to leak colostrum especially during the last trimester.
- Do not apply soap on the nipple area. It will lead to dry and cracking nipples.
- Apply moisturizing creams.

• Dental care - During pregnancy you are more likely to have problems with your teeth or gums.
Hormonal changes increase the risk of developing gum disease which turn can affect the health
of the developing fetus. Pregnancy gingivitis, Nausea and vomiting are the major reasons why
pregnant mothers developed dental problems.
pregnancy gingivitis - changes in hormone level allow the bacteria to grow in the mouth
and gums easily. Makes periodontal disease more common when pregnant.
Nausea and vomiting - the stomach acids from vomiting can breakdown the enamel
coating of the teeth.
Here are some tips to maintain healthy teeth and gums while on pregnancy:
- Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Gums may bleed more easily.
Floss once a day.
- Use toothpaste and mouth rinse that contains fluoride.
- Rinse mouth with a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with a cup of water if have vomiting or
morning sickness. If possible, try to wait at least 1hr after vomiting before brushing teeth.
- Limit how much sugar you eat
- Choose nutritious snacks like raw fruits, vegetables, yogurt or cheese
- Drink water or low-fat milk. Avoid beverages that are carbonated or contain a lot of sugar
like soda or juice.
• Bowel elimination - Constipation is having fewer than three bowel movements a week. To be
fair, irregularity can happen anytime, whether you’re pregnant or not. But it’s a complaint that
affects a lot of pregnant people. When it occurs during pregnancy, though, it’s often due to an
increase in the hormone progesterone.
The good news is that constipation can be an easy fix. Drink plenty of fluids, especially
water, to help soften stools so that they’re easier to pass. In addition, add more fiber to your
diet. This includes eating more vegetables and fruits.
Diarrhea (very loose stools) Fluctuating hormones during pregnancy can also cause
loose or watery stools. Diarrhea occurs as your body produces the hormone relaxin. This
hormone is only released during pregnancy. It prepares your body for labor and delivery by
loosening your joints and ligaments. The problem, though, is that relaxin can also loosen the
joints around your rectum, causing bouts of diarrhea. For the most part, mild diarrhea isn’t
serious, but it’s important to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids. Contact your doctor if you
have more than three loose stools a day, or if you have other symptoms such as:
- blood or mucus in your stools
- weight loss
- stomach pain
- fever
Unusual poop color during pregnancy - the color of your stools can also change during
pregnancy. Normal stools are usually light to dark brown, but during pregnancy, your poop
could turn green. A lot of times this is triggered by an increase in fiber intake, or more
specifically, eating more vegetables and leafy greens. Taking prenatal vitamins or an iron
supplement, both have also been known to change the color of poop from brown to green. You
may even have green bowel movements if you take a prescribed antibiotic while pregnant. But
although green poop is normal and doesn’t usually indicate a problem, talk with your doctor if
you have any concerns. Sometimes, green poop is due to an infection, gallstones, food
poisoning, and irritable bowel syndrome.

• Perineal Hygiene - Pregnant mothers need to maintain good perineal hygiene during pregnancy
because of increased vaginal discharges. Wipe the vaginal front to back after voiding to prevent
contamination and infections.
Vaginal douching a method to wash out the vagina with a mixture of antiseptics and
fragrances that are sold in drugstores and supermarkets
- women say it would make them feel cleaner
- Vaginal infection
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Pregnancy complications
- Cervical cancer
According to experts, douching should be avoided. Vaginal odor is normal; however, a
strong foul smell could be a sign of infection. The acidity of the vagina naturally controls bacteria
& by simply washing the vagina with mild soap and water it will keep the vagina clean

• Clothing and grooming - Remember that wearing tight clothing during pregnancy is generally
not recommended. Aside from feeling restricted, tight clothing also can lead to a host of issues.
For instance, wearing something tight while pregnant can cause pain in different parts of the
body. It also can reduce blood circulation and may even lead to yeast infections. Recommended
clothing for pregnant ladies:
- loose-fitting maxi dresses
- flowing skirts and tops
- oversized button-down shirts
- large sweaters and cardigans
- and jersey-style shirts and dresses that are soft and stretchy all work well on pregnant

Rest and Sleep:

Method of Time
Objectives Content outline IFL Resources
teaching alloted
Know the
Definition of sleep and rest
importance of
Importance of sleep and rest Lecture 1 minute Video presentation
sleep and rest
for pregnant women
during pregnancy
Gain information Normal sleeping pattern
about sleeping changes
disorders and Abnormal sleeping disorder Psalm 4:8
Lecture 3 minutes Video presentation
changes of or changes
sleeping during Causes of sleeping pattern “In peace I will lie
pregnancy changes down ansd sleep,
Identify what are for you alone, Lord,
What a pregnant woman
the things that make me dwell in
must do before sleeping
the pregnant safety”
What a pregnant woman 2
women should Lecture Video presentation
must do after waking up minutes
do in regards to -God commands
How often a pregnant
sleeping and everyone to have
woman should rest
resting rest and sleep, for
Identify what are it helps rejuvenate
Things to do that a pregnant
the things to the whole well-
woman must avoid in regards Lecture 1 minutes Video presentation
avoid in regards being of a person,
to sleeping and resting
to sleep and rest especially a
Be aware of are pregnant woman.
the rights of Rights of pregnant women in
Lecture 2 minutes Video presentation
working the Philippines
pregnant women

• Is it safe to travel when you’re pregnant?
If you have a solid pregnancy, it normally safe to venture out yet converse with your
medical services supplier before arranging any outing. In the event that you have illnesses,
for example, diabetes and heart issues, it ought to be restricted to travel. Despite the fact
that you have sound pregnancy, you have to advise your arrangements to your medical
services supplies. Here are the high-Risk factors:
- Cervical problems
- Vaginal Bleeding
- Prior miscarriage
- Prior premature labour

• What should I know about travel and the coronavirus?

Before making any arrangements to travel while (COVID-19) is spreading, talk with
your ob-gyn or other medical care proficient. Together you can discuss whether your
movement is fundamental or could be dodged. In the event that it is basic that you travel,
together you can make an arrangement to assist you with limiting danger.

• When is the best time to travel during pregnancy?

The best an ideal opportunity to travel is mid-pregnancy (14 to 28 weeks). During
these weeks, your vitality has returned, morning affliction is improved or gone, and you are
as yet ready to get around without any problem. Following 28 weeks, it might be more
diligently to move around or sit for quite a while.
• What symptoms should pregnant women watch for while traveling?
Some symptoms could signal a health problem. Go to a hospital or call emergency
medical services right away if you have any of the following:
- Vaginal bleeding
- Pelvic or abdominal pain or contractions
- Rupture of the membranes (your “water breaks”)
- Signs and symptoms of preeclampsia (headache that will not go away, seeing spots or
other changes in eyesight, swelling of the face or hands)
- Severe vomiting or diarrhea
- Signs of deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

• What are some ways to make car trips safer?

- When taking a vehicle trip, remember the briefest course is regularly the best. Make
every day's drive as brief as could be expected under the circumstances. You
additionally can follow these tips:
- Wear your safety belt consistently. The belt ought to sit low on your hip bones,
underneath your stomach.
- Plan to make continuous stops. Utilize these stops to move around and stretch your
- Wear agreeable shoes and apparel that isn't excessively close.
- Wear a couple of layers of light dress that can undoubtedly be included or eliminated.
- Eat customary dinners to support your vitality.
- Drink additional liquids. Take water with you. You may need to pee all the more
regularly—don't hold it excessively long

• Is air travel safe during pregnancy?

For sound pregnant ladies, incidental air travel is quite often protected. Most
carriers permit pregnant ladies to fly locally until around 36 weeks of pregnancy. Your ob-
gyn or other medical services proficient can give evidence of your due date on the off
chance that you need it. On the off chance that you are arranging a global flight, the cut-off
for voyaging might be prior
• How can I make plane travel more comfortable?
Book an aisle seat if you can. This will make it easier to get up and stretch your legs
during a long flight. Avoid gas-producing carbonated drinks before or during your flight. Gas
expands at high altitude and can cause discomfort, Drink water instead. Wear your seat belt
at all times. Turbulence can happen without warning during air travel. The belt should sit
low on your hip bones, below your belly. Move your feet, toes, and legs often. Get up and
walk around a few times during your flight.

• What should I know about traveling by ship?

One of the most widely recognized medical issues for individuals taking a journey
are nausea (additionally called movement infection). Nausea can cause sickness,
discombobulating, shortcoming, migraine, and regurgitating. In the event that you have
never taken a journey, arranging your initial one while you are pregnant may not be a smart
thought. Yet, on the off chance that nausea generally isn't an issue for you, going via ocean
during pregnancy may not steamed your stomach.


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