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Ian McEwan

Author(s): Patrick McGrath and Ian McEwan

Source: BOMB, No. 33 (Fall, 1990), pp. 14-16
Published by: New Art Publications
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Accessed: 22/06/2014 16:54

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profile IanMcEwan

IanMcEwanis theauthor oftwostorycollections, a number Patrick McGrath: ColdWarBerlinis a

plausibleandfamiliar settingforan
oftelevision andfournovels:
a libretto, espionagenovel,butat thesame timeit's
"TheCementGarden";"TheComfort ofStrangers"; "The a zoned,sectored,occupiedcity,littered
ChildinTime";and,mostrecently, "TheInnocent" violence.Wasthistheattraction ofBerlin
(Doubleday,May1990),a brilliant,
vividly macabrebookbuilt as a setting?
Ian McEwan: Notreally.The attraction
around twocentralimages:a tunnelbeingdugunderColdWar originally was to Berlininthepresent.I
Berlin, topermit
itsfunction theBritish andAmericans to was therein 1987,whenI hadalready
decidedto writea novelset intheCold
eavesdrop ontheirRussian"allies";anda pairofextremely War,butat thattimeI hadn'tanyclearidea
heavysuitcases-Theseareschlepped roundthecityforwhat oftheexactperiod.Whatattractedme
seemsaninterminable lengthoftimebya mild-mannered thenwas thereification
termsoftheWall,andtheabsurdity ofit,
Englishman calledLeonard;hisdiscomfiturelargelyresults thebanality ofit,thefactthateverybody
from thefactthatthesuitcasescontain thedismembered steeredtheirlivesarounditquite
efficiently, andyettherewerethedogs,
corpseofanoafcalledOtto.I talkedtoIanMcEwanabouthis therakedsand,theguns- themost
newbookinthelobbyoftheBerkshire Place.A harpist incredible investment oftechnology,
to preventpeoplefrom
plucked inthebackground.
softly simplycrossingfromone streetto the
other.It wasn'tuntilmuchlaterthatI
chose theperiod,themid-Fifties, andthat
cameafterI saw a referenceinPeter
Wright's "Spycatcher" to thetunnel.The
idea was thenlodgedinmymindthatI
couldwritea novelset intheColdWar
wouldbe mirrored insome personal
PM: You'vesaidelsewherethatthe
Veniceof"The Comfort ofStrangers"was
a stateofmindas muchas a physical
locale. I wonderiftheBerlinof"The
Innocent"becameforyoua stateofmind
also, an analogueofpostwar
'IM: Berlinwas likea fridgeina way,a
deep freeze,inthattheposturesofthe
combatants inWorldWarII werefrozenin
place in Berlin.So itwas likehistory held
inlimbo.The periodinwhichthenovelis
set was a timewhentheBritishEmpire
was dissolving:thewarhadmadeus
virtually penniless,andtheEmpirewas
coming apart forinternal reasonstoo,and
themantlewas passingto theAmericans,
whohadstrengthened theireconomy
enormously through thewar.So I was
interestedinwriting a novelthatwas
yearbeforetheSuez Crisis,a moment
whenan Englishman couldno longer
afford thatsortofcool andeasy
superiority towardsAmericansexpressed
by,say,theheroof"The Loved One."
Suddenly, theAmericansseemedto have
thestyle,theyseemed to havethe
confidence, to be takinglargerstrides
PM: One facetoftheAmericansinthe
novelis theirabilityto suppressthepast,
IM: Well,forgetfulness, I think,
is an
important ingredient insustaining the
myth of innocence, and I thinkinnocence

PatrickMcGrathis a contributingeditorof
BOMB. An excerptfromhis new novel,"Spider/'
appears in this issue.


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is a manburdenednotjust
witha memory.

is a verydouble-edged matter.Terrible moment:itwas joyful,itwas

thingshavebeen committed initsname.I extraordinary, itwas cause forcelebration,
ofteninvokethememoryofPresident butalso, iftheWallhadcomedownso
Cartergivinga speechaftertheIranians easilyandwe couldcomethrough like
hadtakentheAmericanhostages,in this,thenwhaton earthwas itdoingthere
whichhe saidthat"nowAmericahas lost forso long?Anda sense ofwastewas
itsinnocence."It intrigued me to hearthat very,verystrong.I hopethenovel
mythagain summoned of
up, thiscountry catchesthatsense, whichis whyI couldn't
that'sbeeninvolved intwoworldwars, grantLeonarda simplereunionwith
andtheVietnamWar,andtheKoreanWar, Maria.I wantedthenovelto havethis
andhas itsfingers inmillions ofpies double-edgedfeeling,thisbittersweet
aroundtheglobe- howitcancallup this feeling,thatat lasthe'd seen hisway
genieofinnocence;andI thinkitrequires through, thathe'd been wrongto mistrust
a quitedetermined rewriting ofhistory, or her,thattherewas a certainkindoftruth
erasureofhistory, to do so. In manyways, anda lessonlearned.Butalso hislifehad
I thinkthisis also trueoftheBritish, goneby,he was sixty-seven. That,for
although I don'tthinkthatmythsof me, was theWfoll comingdowntoo,itwas
innocenceare quiteso powerful inBritain. nota simplematterofunalloyed joy,itwas
Probablyan oldercivilization can'tsustain a momentinwhichyougetthesense that
suchan idea. Butyes, I thinkinnocenceis a wholegeneration, or twogenerations,
a veryloadedandpoisonedwordwhen hadlosttime,hadlostopportunity.
one'stalking aboutnations.I thinkitwas PM: Wouldyoutalkabouttherelationship
de Gaullewhosaidthat"nationsand Leonardhas withOtto,Maria'sex-
governments haveno morals,therefore no husband,whois killedinherapartment
innocence." Theyactoutofself-interest. andwhose corpsethengivesLeonard
PM: Youmention a reconciliationat the suchtrouble?
endofthenovel,yetyourcharacter, IM: I hadtheidea ofLeonardas an
Leonard,neveractuallygetsto America ordinary kindofa guycarrying within
fora reunionwithMaria,thewomanhe himself theverydestructiveness thatwas
lovedinBerlinbackin1955. thereinOtto. In manywaysOttois a kind
IM: Well,I've leftitopento thereaderto ofdoppelganger; he's thatdemonwrit
decideifLeonardis notactuallyaboutto largethatis also inLeonard,and,I would
die. Attheendofthenovelhe's sixty- argue,inallofus. WhenOtto'sdiscovered
seven,has a heartcondition, andis left asleep inthewardrobe,there'sa moment
withhiseyes closedslumpedon a benchin whenLeonardleaves offarguingwith
theshadeofa tree.I'm notsureanyway Mariaandgoes to contemplate thisman,
thatLeonardinanysense deservesMaria. andhe thinksto himself:"She chose him,
He's a manwhogoes on protesting his andthenshe chose me. Ourfatesare
innocencewithout everreallyexamining somehowboundtogether.She's boundme
hisguilt:havingbeeninvolvedinat leasta to thisman."Then whenthefatalfight
manslaughter, andhavingbetrayedhis startsintheapartment, Leonardfinds
country, andbyan actofextraordinary himself inthemiddleofa maritalrow,and
paranoiarejectedthewomanhe loves, it'sdescribedpurelyintermsofwarfare, a
because he suspectsherofhavingan gunbattle.This is carriedon laterwhen
affair,he stillmanagesto leave Berlinwith Leonardis facingtheterribleact of
an idea ofhisinnocenceintact.He's a dismembering Ottoandsees Ottofrom
worrying instanceofa manwhomakesno thepointofviewofa bomberaimingat a
use ofhistory. Thereis a degreeof target.In alltheseindications ofviolence,
reconciliation,butit'sa reconciliation very inthefight, inthedismemberment scene,
muchagainstthebackground ofwasted whatI'm trying to suggestis thatwe stand
time.I wentoverto Berlinas soonas the at theend oftheEuropeancentury, andin
Wallstartedto comedown,inNovember itssocialmemoryare extraordinary feats
oflastyear;I'd finished thenovelinJune, ofviolenceintheslaughteroftwoworld
andto myamazementI foundmyself at warsandtheassociatedgenocides.
Potsdammerplatz, whichis where PM: One is verypowerfully engagedby
LeonardimagineshisreunionwithMaria. thedismemberment scene.
I foundmyself at Potsdammerplatz at six IM: Ifyou'retrying to invokea sense of
o'clockon a Sundaymorning, the12thof ordinary peoplecaughtup interribleacts
November, watching a craneliftup a huge ofviolence,youhaveto do itina waythat
chunkoftheWall,andthenI was going actuallygenerates moraldread.Stylizedor
through thebreachintheWallwithmy manneredviolence,likethekindyousee
<vifeandtenthousandotherpeople. on television,wherepeoplejackknife
Derhapsbecause ofthatmomentI rather conveniently overtheirgunfights, would
dingto, or exaggerate,thesense of simplybe a kind of pornography.
reconciliation thatlies at theendofthe PM: Thenthere'sthelong-drawn-out
lovel. Certainly as I wentthrough and sequenceinwhichLeonardattemptsto
:rossedintoNo-Man's-Land,crossedthe disposeofthesuitcasescontaining the
rakedsandthathadbeen clearedofmines, dismembered partsofOtto'scorpse.
[ hada veryambivalent sense ofthe IM: Leonardwiththesuitcasesis a man
burdenednotjustliterally but
metaphorically witha memory. Europeans

Fall 1990 15

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I think,is an
carrythesesuitcases;there'shardlya life,
- not
mythof innocence
transformed bythewar,or the butalso thepossibilities offreehatred.
displacements surrounding thewar.These No, I thinktheEuropean21stCenturyis
are thesuitcasesthatarrivefinally inthe goingto be verydifficult. I don'tsee it
otherbitoftheplot,theColdWarbitof simplyas democracyextending
theplot,backinthetunnel.That'smeant everywhere, allpeace andprosperity,
to close a circle,to suggestthatthe because thereis thishumanproblemof
freezing ofposturesabsorbsbackinto ancienthatreds.The ColdWarprevented
itselftheviolencewhichwas heldin. us fromconfronting this.Weneverhadthe
Those suitcasesare takenbackintothe chanceto faceup to whatWorldWarII
tunnellikesomething beingabsorbedback unleashed,andtheloss wasn'tonlyinthe
intoitself,so thatwhatprecededtheCold East, itwas intheWesttoo.
War,thehotwar,inwhich50, 60, 70 PM: In whatsense? Because theWest
million peopledied,notonlyincombator was contaminated byparanoia?
intheFinalSolution,butalso ingenocides IM: Well,I thinkthatthought was the
allup anddownthecentury - somehowit contaminant ina way.The ColdWarmade
was important to takethisbackintothe sophisticated positionsdifficult.Ifyou
ColdWar,to see thattheColdWarwas wereinthepeace movement intheWest,
likeviolencefrozenintheact. Now that forexample,youwereclearlyaidingthe
theColdWaris over,youwillreallysee, I Kremlin.Ifyouwerea dissidentworking
think,thatthatEuropeandemon,that fortheextensionofpolitical rightsinthe
"Otto,"willstalktheplace once more.I SovietUnion,thenyouwereclearlyacting
don'tthinkit'sa matterofsimple intheinterestoftheCIA. It was thissort
jubilation. Anti-Semitism, forexample, ofsimplevisionandthought thatrobbed
has emergedquitespectacularly in intellectuallifeofitsrichness.It puta lot
France,buttherehavebeen other ofpeopleina falseopposition.It'svery
attacks,swastikasbeingdaubedon walls hardto think clearlywhentheworldgets
innorthLondon,gravesbeingdesecrated dividedup.
intheSovietUnion.Thereare oldethnic PM: The conceptofinnocenceseems
hatredsandrivalriesemerginginCentral finallyto acquireitscomplexity inthe
Europe.Wedo havethisfantastic novelbecause twosets ofopposition are
destructive capacity,whichstandsinstark invoked:one is innocenceas against
contrastto thegreattriumphs of experience,theother,innocenceas
Europeancivilization. So I thinkthenovel againstguilt.Leonardmovesthrough
is trying to say,well,here'sa loveaffair, questionsofsexualinnocence,political
theverybest ofwhatwe can achieve,and innocence,moralinnocence,legal
here'sthisterribleact ofviolence,whichis innocence - allsplicedtogetherso thata
theveryworst.Europeanslivethis tremendous richnessanddensity
intensedoublelife.Theycreated,for accumulatesaroundtheidea.
example,thepoliticalcultureof IM: It'scurious,because I wrotethe
individuality,andyettheypractice novelwithno clearsense ofthetitle,andI
genocideon a scadethatis unequaledin oftenwonderifI hadn'tcalledit"The
anyothertimeor place. It'sthattwo-faced Innocent" whetherwe wouldbe talking
natureofEuropeancivilization I was trying aboutitinthisway.Titlesbecomevery
to hintat ina person,andmaybewe can powerful, controlling metaphors, and
onlyunderstand thesethingsifwe bring unlessyouhavea titleinthebeginning
themto a personallevel. whichis helpingyouwritethebookit's
PM: Unlessthathappens,do yoususpect verydifficult, retrospectively, to namea
thatEuropeis doomedto repeatits book,because itinvolvesdecidingwhat
mistakes? it'sabout.Evenwith"The Innocent"I
IM: Well,I'm staggeredwhenI see neverfeltcompletely at ease.
picturesinnewspapersofswastikason PM: Is thatstilltrue?
pavements.I think, where'shistory? IM: It is stilltruebecause I findthat
Whereis a sense ofhistory? I thinkI then we'retalking onlyofinnocence,whereas
get a sense ofother human beingsas fora longtimeI wantedto callit"The
automatons - itstrikessucha chillinmy SpecialRelationship," forexample.Fora
heart,thatwe mighthaveto runthrough longtimeI wantedto callit,ratherflatly,
allthatagain.Andknowing too thatitwas "The Letter, inBerlin."
alwaysthere, thatthe Cold Warsimply MCGMTH
imposeda rigidfalseorderthat

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