Spoken English

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Conversational Phrases:
1. Greetings and responding to greetings

First enquiry or greetings Responding to the

(முதலில்பார்க்கும்போதுகேட்பது) enquiry or greetings.
1  How’re you? 1  I ‘m fine (or
 How’re you getting on? good). Thanks.
 How’re things?  Good. Thanks.
 How’s it going?  Not much. The
 How’s life? usual.
எப்படிஇருக்கிறீங்க?  I ‘ve been busy
 How about you?
 What about you?

2 What are you up to these days? 2 Nothing much. Just

இப்பஎன்னசெய்துக்கிட்டுஇருக்கிறீங்க? getting on.

3 Long-time no see. 3 I’ ve been busy.

பாத்துரெம்பநாளாயிடுச்சே Work has been
crazy. How’ve you
4 Nice to meet you. 4 Nice to meet you too.

2. Suggestions; Agreeing to suggestions and Rejecting a suggestion.

(பரிந்துரைப்பதற்குசம்மதிப்பது/ சம்மதிக்காதது)

Suggestions Agreeing to a Rejecting a

suggestion. suggestion
1  Why don’t we have a cup of coffee?  Great idea!  I’m not in
(நாம்காஃபிசாப்பிடலாமா?) the mood.
 That
 Why don’t we go for a movie? sounds  I don’t
good! really feel
 Why don’t we just chill out somewhere? like it.
 I’m in. (or
I’m game)  I’m not
 Sure. Why about
Not? that.

2  Let’s us go for a movie. ----- Do----- -----Do

(நாம்சினிமாவிற்குபோகலாம்.) --------------
 Let’s just go and hang out somewhere.
3  Would you like to have a cup of coffee? -----------Do -------------Do
(நீகாபிசாப்பிடஇஷ்டப்படுகிறாயா?) ----------- ---------
No. Thanks. I
 Would like to join us for a cup of coffee just had one.
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4  How about going for a movie? --------Do --------------Do

சினிமாவிற்குபோகலாமே. -------- --------

 How about having a cup of coffee now?

3. General short Conversation.

Situations Your Responses.

1 To tell someone you two want to  We’ll catch up later.
exchange information about your lives  When are you free to catch up?
later as you don’t have time just now. விட்டுப்போய்விட்டதைமீண்டும்பிடிக்கலாம்.

2 When someone says you look tired Is it so? Actually I’m OK.

Yes I a’m. The work was stressful.

3 When you are a bit surprised of certain How come?
development. Or You wonder why some அதுஎப்படி?
thing has happened.

4. Checking or showing our understanding or emphasizing a point or expressing lack of


Situation Your response

1 When you don’t understand what  Sorry I don’t understand.
someone says.
 I didn't catch that.

 Sorry. What was that?

 Sorry. Come again.

 I didn't catch the last word.

 Sorry I wasn’t listening. I was distracted.

(distracted = கவனம்வேறுபக்கத்தில்இருந்தது)

 Sorry. I didn’t follow you.

2 When you understand what  Oh, Now I get you/it.
someone says.
 I see what you’re saying.

 Oh! That explains it.

 I’m with you.

3. When you want to emphasize  I do understand.
your understanding. (emphasize
= வலியுறித்திசொல்வது)  I did hear you
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4. If you are not interested in what  I am not bothered.

the other person is telling you.
 I couldn’t care less. (It’s a little bit of a rude

 It’s not a problem, not an issue.

 Never mind.

 It doesn't matter

5. When you want to express shock or disbelief.


 You’re kidding me. (என்னைகேலிபண்ணுகிறாய்)

 I don’t believe it.
 I can’t believe it.
 Are you pulling my leg?(காலைவாரிவிடாதே) (Are you serious? Are you joking?)
 You’ve got to be kidding me! (என்னைகேலிபண்ணுகிறாய்)

6. Some more general phrases.

Situation Your response

1 You think your friend’s feeling is hurt because of what Please don’t take it heart.
you just said. (மனசிலஒண்ணும்நினைக்கவே
(அவருக்குமனதைபுண்படுத்திவிட்டோமோஎன்றுநினைத்தால்) ண்டாம்)
2 You want to appreciate someone’s joke. That’s a good one
3 Someone is asking about the result of your exam or I think I did well. But I’m
. interview. keeping my finger’s crossed.
4 You are telling something. Then there is a distraction of Where were we?
your attention. Then you say..

5 You want someone’s attention to what you want to say…  Sorry to bother you.
. (நீங்கள்இடையில்பேசவேண்டும்என்றுநினைத்தால்)  Sorry to interrupt.

6 When someone is upset or feels dejected.  These things happen

. (சோர்ந்துபோய்இருக்கும்போது) don’t worry.

 It’s not the end of the


 Don’t worry. Something

good will happen to you)

7 When someone gets a promotion in the job.  Congratulations.

(வாழ்த்துக்கள்தெரிவிப்பது)  Congrats.
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 You deserve it.

 You richly deserve it.
Deserve = தகுதிஆவது
8 When someone invites you for something but you are not  I’m not keen on………
interested…  I’m not really fond
(உங்களுக்குவிருப்பம்இல்லைஎன்றால்சொல்லவேண்டியவை) of……..
 I absolutely love to do it
I can’t now. May be
some other time.
9 If you want help  Could you please…..
(உதவிகேட்பதற்கு)  Would you mind

1 If you want to apologize  I’m so sorry/ really sorry.

0 (மன்னிப்புகேட்பதற்கு)  I’d like to apologize.
 That was wrong with me.
 Please accept my
sincere apologies.
1 If you want to agree with someone.  That’s so true.
1 (சம்மதிப்பதற்கு)  You’re absolutely right.
.  I completely agree.
 I’m with you.
 I feel the same.
1 If you want to disagree  I can’t agree with you
2 (சம்மதிக்காதபோதுசொல்லவேண்டியது) there.
.  Sorry. I really don’t
 I see your point. But I
don’t feel the same way.

7. Thanks, and responding to thanks. (நன்றிசொல்வதுநன்றிக்குபதில்சொல்லுவது)

 It’s very kind of you.  You’re welcome.

 I can’t thank you enough.  Not at all.
(நான்எவ்வளவுநன்றிசொன்னாலும்போதாது)  Don’t mention it.
 That’s so sweet. Thank you.
 I really appreciate that.

8. How to end a conversation?

 I’d better be going.

 Have a good day.
 Take care.
 See you later.
 Pleasure meeting you.
 Lovely to meet you.

9. When you see off some one for journey. (வழிஅனுப்புவதற்கானசொற்கள்)

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 Have a safe journey.

 Have a pleasant journey.
 Bon Voyage

10. When you finish a meeting or the day’s work.

 It’s been a long day. Thank you everybody.
 Thank you for your time and patience.
 Let’s call it day now. Thank you.

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