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Week 1 - Assignment: Create a Conceptual

Diagram of a Basic Distributed System

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Consider a scenario for a retail enterprise with different plants and stores distributed across many
states and launching a globalization strategy. This strategic plan includes increasing online
presence and expanding their distribution channels. The retail chain manufactures and distributes
three clothing lines that are also marketed in other major retail chains and online. The company
has its headquarters in South Carolina and a major manufacturing plant in Seattle, Washington;
and another in Maine; plus 30 stores nationwide; and they’ll soon be opening three international
stores—one each in Spain, England, and New Zealand. They have approximately 3,000
employees. Their computing infrastructure is of approximately 500 computers, 200 point-of-sale
terminals connected to servers distributed at the headquarters in South Carolina, Seattle, and
Maine. There are an estimated 300 printers also distributed and shared across the network.

Using Visio or another diagraming software, create a distributed system model diagram for the
proposed corporate scenario. Everyone in the headquarters should have access to the clothing
line catalog, shared files, and resources. Printers, scanners, routers, and switches need to be
included, plus the corporate website and the corporate intranet for sales, shipping, processing,
and internal administrative tasks. Once completed, copy and paste the image to a document, and
write a summary detailing the advantages and disadvantages of your solution for distributed
computing for the company. Submit the original diagram file plus the summary document with
your analysis and interpretation of solution.

Length: diagram, 2- to 3-page summary stating the benefits, limitations, and challenges of a
distributed system, plus your interpretation.

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly references supporting your assignment

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are
presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.
Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards. Be sure to adhere to
Northcentral University's Academic Integrity Policy.

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