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Accenture Digital Skills | DM_L1_V3_Digital_Marketing_Strategies

In this video, I'm going to talk about digital marketing strategies. So I'll start off by telling you what a strategy is and

what a tactic is.

You can think of a strategy as an overall master plan of how you might achieve your long-term goals. So for

instance, a sports provider might have a long term goal of being the leading sports supplier and also maximising

the number of users that are subscribed to their channels. So the strategy is how they do this.

Now a tactic is a smaller sub-plan of how you might achieve a specific challenge. An example is a sports channel

might realise that football is their most popular sport. In order to solve this, they would use the tactic of splitting
their sports coverage over multiple channels in order to get people to subscribe to all those channels to watch the


A strategy will usually contain a number of tactics. Strategies are usually fixed, whereas tactics will change,

depending on what helps you reach that long-term goal. In digital marketing, a number of different channels can

be used to deliver your message. Different channels will have different limitations and advantages. Deciding which

channels to use will entirely depend on what helps you reach that long-term goal.

There are a number of different kinds of digital marketing, which we'll go into more detail later on in this module. The first one is
banner advertising. This is the most common form of display advertising. Another example is pre-
roll videos. These are videos that appear before watching a video online.

The second one is pay per click, the third one is search engine optimisation, and the fourth one is email

marketing. Other digital marketing strategies might include social media marketing. This is the process of creating

traffic or attention using social media networks. For instance, this is using viral videos, blogging, or creating other


Another example is content marketing. So the focus here is really about creating content which your customers

want to see, whilst incorporating elements of what you're trying to sell. To bring an example, a make-up brand

might not want to advertise their make-up directly, but instead, will use an advertisement where they get famous

actors to wear their make-up.

Another type is affiliate marketing. This is about paying other companies to send customers your way. A really

popular example of this is price comparison sites.

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