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Curriculum code:Understand that successful  cooperation with others depends on shared use of social

conventions, including turn-taking patterns, and forms of address that vary according to the degree of formality
in social situations (ACELA1476)
During students group work they will be required to discuss what animal they are designing and ensure all
English animal types are included. They will need to decide amongst eachother who is presenting first and take turns in
sharing their ideas.
Biological science Year 3 intergration

Curriculum: Understand that paragraphs are

Curriculum: Plan and deliver short presentations, a key organisational feature of written
providing some key details in logical texts (ACELA1479)
sequence (ACELY1677)
Students will need to oraganise their
Students will presenting their work in small groups predictions and relfective writing in the
using the stucture of the template provided in the elaborate and evaluate lessons into
animal classifcation lesson paragraphs with headings.

Mathematics Make models of three-dimensional objects and

Collect data, organise into categories and create
displays using lists, tables, picture graphs and simple
describe key features (ACMMG063)
column graphs, with and without the use of digital
Students will be required to make 3D animals which technologies (ACMSP069)
will include exploring possible 3D materials they can
Students will need to use a checklist to record MRS
use to design and create their project. They will
GREN observation, use tallies to record investigation
need to draw and label the features of the shapes
data and in the following session record results in a
and animal.
column graph format.

Curriculum: Personal responses discussing the use of visual art Development of artistic processes and
elements in their own and other’s artwork, and identifying techniques to explore visual
meaning in artwork from other cultures (ACAVAR113) conventions through: Shape & texture
Students will be veiwing each others animal designs, peer Studnets will need to make thier animal
assessing them and contributing to discussions about the art
Visual arts elements and animal features / classifications. This will take
in 3D format and consider different
textures to represent the animals
place in the presentation part of their design breif and the features such as feathers for birds.
explain lesson.

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