Become Google's Partner in Ads

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Become a Google Partner Do you want more

and Join the Google Ads traffic?
Inner Circle Hey, I'm Neil Patel. I'm determined
to make a business grow. My only
Home » Blog » Paid Ads » Become a Google Partner and Join the Google Ads question is, will it be yours?
Inner Circle

Does your company manage Google Ads for third

parties, and do you maintain some success with the
pay-per-click (PPC) platform? If so, you may want to
become a Google Partner, the search giant’s
members-only club.
Joining the Google Partners program can provide
you with
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training, invitations to exciting events, and focused

instruction to help you boost your Google Ads

You already know Google Ads work. They convert

50% better than organic traffic, and most
businesses earn double their ad spend, making
advertising on Google highly effective and a no

Almost anyone can use Google’s PPC system to

advertise on Google and grow their business (with
the right budget and know-how).

Only a select few applicants become Google

Partners and earn the world’s most popular search
engine’s endorsement and other significant

Here’s what to know about becoming a Google


Google Partner Members Get to

Display a Google Badge

The definition of prestige on the search engine’s

paid advertising platform is a Google Partner
badge. Displaying the badge on your site shows
that you’ve passed Google Ads product
certification exams. It also tells customers you
a domain product knowledge, making

a Google PPC superstar.

Find the Google Partner Specialties

That Interest You

As a Google Partner, you have the option of

specializing in one or more Google Ads product
areas. These include Search Advertising; Video
Advertising, Display Advertising, and Shopping

Let’s run through them one by one.

Search: By passing this certification course,

you highlight your ability to create and
optimize ads that perform well on Google
search. That means they’re prominently
displayed and receive clicks with buyer
intent. And if you need to, you’re able to
advise others on keyword strategy and
budget planning because you’re a search
engine master.
Video: This certification indicates your
a domain in implementing and optimizing

YouTube ad campaigns.

Display: This certification area gives you the

means to create compelling visual ads that
snag the attention of customers on two
million sites and 650,000 apps in Google’s
combined networks.

Shopping: As a Shopping Advertising

Google Partner, you know how to place
products on Google Search and set up your
Merchant Center inventory. You also know
how to create winning Google Shopping
campaigns. Keep in mind: this certification is
not available in all languages. See the
Google Ads Help Center to learn more.

How Do You Join the Google Partners


Applying to become a Google Partner is free, and

anyone can try to join the program. Google gives
you all the information you need to pass the exams
and flourish in your chosen certification area.
Whether or not you pass the certification exams is
up to you.
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What Are the Benefits of Becoming a
Google Partner?

Google wants you to pass the exams and be

successful in your Google Ads endeavors. To help
you out, Google gives you access to a range of
essential benefits, including education, support,
expanded reach, and other rewards.

Education to Succeed

Google has pulled out all the stops to ensure you

get the best Google Ad education possible.
Skillshop learning courses help you develop and
hone your skills, while certifications are provided to
prove your knowledge. Google also makes
available a host of valuable case studies, access to
like-minded professionals, and much more on Think
with Google and Google Trends.

Valuable Support

Google’s product support is available to help you

by giving you access to relevant advice and a
range of resources, including Google Ads
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Expanded Reach

With Google Connect, you can display your

thought leadership and host co-branded events.
You can even onboard new clients or pitch
potential ones with Google Ads promotional offers.

Business Acceleration

Google’s Acceleration program is a specialized

online education system designed to help you
boost your skills and business growth.

Bonus Rewards

By taking part in the Google Partners Rewards

program, you get a chance to expand your
knowledge by engaging in a series of quarterly
challenges designed to help you gain new clients,
optimize campaigns, or obtain certification. You
even get access to seasonal insights, pitch decks,
product advice, and a suite of other exciting
rewards. You also have a chance to win prizes.

How Do You Qualify to Become a

Google Partner?
The first thing you’ll need to do is pass the required
EnterAds certification courses for your
a domain   specialty

areas. You must also meet the spend requirement

across your managed accounts.

Finally, you must demonstrate performance by

consistently delivering strong client and company
growth. In other words, you must become an
active and exemplary Google Ads user.

What Are the Partner Badge


Once you’ve become a Google Partner and have

demonstrated your expertise in Google Ads, you
can be considered for a Partner Badge. You’ll need
to meet a few additional requirements to apply.


You must consistently show advancing ad revenue

and growth, as well as an expanding customer

Ad Spend

You must meet a 90-day ad spend requirement of

$10,000 across your managed accounts. This sends
a message to Partners that your company has a
healthy level of activity. Google Partners will
evaluate your account based on your manager
Enterduring an 18-month period.
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Your company needs one user certified in Google

Ads who has admin or standard access to the
Google Ads manager account. It can also be any
account linked to your manager account.

Google Badge Requirement Changes

Be prepared for a new set of rules to qualify for a

Partner Badge. Many of the basic rules will still
apply, but you won’t be required to adopt all the
recommendations or achieve a 100% optimization
score to earn a badge.

Going forward, you must achieve a 70%

optimization score to qualify. Google introduced
this optimization score to help users understand
what was working and what wasn’t, and how to fix
elements that weren’t performing.

Pay close attention to any suggestions Google

gives you, as advertisers who increase their
optimization scores by 10 points see a 10%
conversion boost, on average.

New Ad Spend Requirements

To qualify for a Google Badge in 2020, your Google
Ad spend
Enter amust be at least $10,000 in 90  days.
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2021, this requirement will change to a $20,000 ad

spend over 90 days, across your managed
accounts, to prove your company maintains healthy
advertising activity.


This year, In 2020, your company needs a user to

certify in Google Ads or have standard access to
the Google Ads manager account. In 2021, half of
your eligible users will have to obtain certifications
from Skillshop. As a partner, you’ll need to
demonstrate your proficiency consistently.

Premier Badge Requirements

To meet the requirements for a Premier Partner

Badge, you must deliver strong Google Ads
revenue and growth, meet a higher ad spend
across your managed accounts, and have two or
more users in your company who are certified in
Google Ads (or who have admin or standard status
on your organization’s Google Ads manager

In 2021, once your company has succeeded in

earning a Google Partners Badge, you have an
opportunity to be chosen for Premier status. The
program will grant Premier status to the top 3% of
participating companies each calendar year. The
companies are selected based on annual
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client growth, client retention, and other

information. The evaluation process is conducted
annually and may exclude some markets.

Get Listed as a Google Partner on the

Marketing Platform Directory

When you become certified as a Google Ads

Partner, you’ll be listed in the Marketing Platform
Directory. Your listing will include your business
name, a short description of your organization,
partner type, and the product certifications you

There are two types of marketing platform partners:

Certified Companies and Sales Partners.

Certified Company

This descriptor means you’re educated about

Google Marketing Platform products. You’re able to
use your expertise to offer quality services to your
customers, whether you’re consulting, training,
implementing Google products, or offering
technical support.

Sales Partner
Certified Companies that help Google sell products
are known as Sales Partners. Becoming  oneEngives
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you access to special perks such as customer

management tools, sales opportunities, and co-
marketing opportunities.

How to Obtain Company Certification

Know the Rules

Familiarize yourself with Google’s Partners Terms

and Conditions. It is essential to read the document
when you get time. You have a lot invested in
Google Ads. The better you know the rules of the
game, the more successful you can be at it.

Initial Requirements

Google will ask for your company’s size and

structure, the services you provide, and pricing
practices. You’ll be judged on your track record of
client satisfaction and your consistent Google Ad
investments’ success.

The reason for this level of scrutiny is that Google

wants to work with forward-driven companies that
maintain a healthy ad budget and use it wisely.

Google vets you for Partner certification by

scouring the web for clear documentation that
proves client engagement, planning processes,
frameworks, and templates. Google wants to know
your Enter
clients can rely on you for complex
a domain   solutions

and receive pleasing results.

Lastly, your website should be populated with

useful content that clearly describes your offerings.

Product Expertise Requirements

Certification rules stipulate you must have at least

five local, full-time experts working with Google
Marketing Platform products. Each must have
passed an associated certification exam.

Google considers your team’s size, expertise, and

rate of certification. The company notes that it does
make exceptions for smaller companies who have
difficulty meeting this particular requirement.

You’ll also need to submit a comprehensive review

of each product you offer. The review is meant to
represent advanced work that shows strategic
planning and optimization toward your
organization’s goals.

The review will also display your ability to go

beyond basic or standard implementations and use
and demonstrate your client’s goal through statistics
and testimonials.

Google essentially wants a case study that proves

you can walk the walk.
Do You Check Your Partner Status?
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You applied for the Partners Program, and you’ve

been waiting, but haven’t received a response. Take
action and check the status of your certification. If
you don’t receive certification, keep trying and
using the resources Google gives you. Do that, and
you’re sure to become a Google Partner before


Being vouched for by Google and having a Google

Badge to show for it are just two of the benefits of
becoming a Google Partner.

Being a Google partner also gives you access to

easily consumable courses. Google gives you
everything you need to maintain a Google Ads
campaign and keep it growing far into the future.

And when customers see your Google Badge,

watch out. That may be all they need to choose
you for the successful future of their Google Ad

Have you tried joining the Google Partners

Program? What was your experience?
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About Neil Patel

He is the co-founder of NP Digital and Subscribers. The Wall Street Journal calls him a top
influencer on the web, Forbes says he is one of the top 10 marketers, and Entrepreneur
Magazine says he created one of the 100 most brilliant companies. Neil is a New York Times
bestselling author and was recognized as a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by
President Obama and a top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 35 by the United Nations.


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