Laser Assisted Crown Lengthening - A Multidisciplinary Approach: A Review

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IJSAR, 4(10), 2017; 01-07

International Journal of Sciences & Applied Research

Laser assisted crown lengthening - a multidisciplinary approach: A

Premjith P. S.*, Shreema Shetty, Divya Shetty, Ashika Kailar
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, A.J Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka,
Corresponding author: *Dr. Premjith P. S., Department of Conservative Dentistry And Endodontics, A.J.Institute
of Dental Sciences, NH-66, Kuntikana, Mangalore - 575004, India.
Crown lengthening is a resective procedure achieved by partial removal of supporting
periodontal tissues to increase exposure of coronal tooth structure. It is an essential adjunctive
procedure for restorative dentists for the treatment of grossly decayed or badly mutilated teeth.
Crown lengthening can be best accomplished by lasers which have advantages of precision,
better wound healing, less discomfort and esthetics. Cases indicated for crown lengthening in the
esthetic zone requires special considerations to achieve desirable results. Implementation of
proper diagnostic criteria, surgical and restorative protocols and use of lasers maximizes the
predictability and success of this procedure. This article reviews the functional and esthetic
demands of laser assisted crown lengthening.
Keywords: Crown lengthening, Lasers, Esthetics, Lasers vs Surgery

Introduction predictability in the treatment zone with

Clinical crown lengthening procedure is a recreation of maximum biological width for
valuable adjunctive in almost all the periodontium and other supporting
specialities of dentistry.¹ This term was first structures. This article discuss laser assisted
coined by D.W Cohen in 1962.² Crown crown lengthening where functional and
lengthening procedures are often performed esthetic demands are achieved.
to provide access for treatment of
subgingival caries, fractures or defective History of lasers
restoration3. The conventional crown LASER is an acronym for ‘Light
lengthening involves various complicated Amplification By The Stimulated Emission
procedures which include incisions, of Radiation’. W.R Bennet and D.R. Heriott
bleeding, hemostasis, surgical packs which have elaborated the first laser with helium-
makes it more time consuming and less neon in 1961. C.K.N produced the first laser
accepted4. The invention of lasers in with co² in 1964. Stern and Sognnaes in
dentistry with state of the art 1964 identified the possible uses of ruby
instrumentation such as a soft tissue laser laser n dentistry5. Pick, pioneer in the area
may assist the clinician in maximizing of clinical periodontal and oral surgery, in
IJSAR, 4(10), 2017; 01-07
1985 along with his colleagues reported on is directly related to the wavelength of light
laser gingivectomy6. expressed in nanometers9. The greater the
absorption of laser energy in the target
Indications for crown lengthening7: tissue, the more ablation of the tissue. With
 Gummy smile the soft tissue of the oral cavity being
 Esthetics approximately 70% water it is the primary
 Accessing subgingival caries chromophore (absorption of light) that is of
 For restorative needs interest for this procedure. The selection of
 Correction of gingival contour laser depends on its effects on surrounding
 Relocation of restorative margins in and adjacent tissues on the surrounding area.
relation to biological width Incidental contact with non-target area
should be avoided. The energy interaction of
 For increasing clinical crown height
laser with the tissue also has a significant
due to wear or fracture
impact. The temporal mode of a laser refers
 Microdontia
to the timing that energy is emitted by the
 Functional crown lengthening: device which can be continuously emitted in
a pulsed interval. Pulsing assists in keeping
To access subgingival caries, to increase the
the remaining tissue from overheating.
clinical crown height reduced by tooth wear
Power, often expressed in watts (W) is
or fracture extending subgingivally
another main factor to regulate the amount
Correcting the position of the restorative
of laser energy that interacts with the tissue.
margin when there has been invasion of the
A healthy predictable outcome should be the
biologic width
primary objective of crown lengthening
 Esthetic crown lengthening: procedure which can be obtained through
Correction of short clinical crowns due to appropriate combination of power and
wear or altered passive eruption proper wavelength.
Creating gingival symmetry in the smile line
Correcting irregular/ uneven gingival Laser techniques
margins The bloodless nature of laser therapy
Correcting for hyperplastic tissue enhances the clinician’s visualization of
overgrowth tissue contours and properties during
surgical treatment. This greatly reduces the
Contraindications8: patient’s as well as clinician’s anxiety.
 Esthetic variations There are two basic techniques that can be
 Furcation involvement is high used in a soft tissue crown lengthening
 Restorative space insufficiency procedure and the amount of tissue to be
 Root fractures removed usually determines which
 Variations of crown to root ratio technique is more appropriate10.
 Periodontal compromise When a large amount of tissue is to be
 Tooth arch relationship removed, an excisional technique is used in
which the laser is used in a manner similar
Laser principles to a scalpel. If small amount of tissue is to
Crown lengthening procedures exhibit a be removed an ablation technique is often
higher degree of precision which can be preferred. With this technique the laser
achieved through lasers. The technique energy is delivered in a back and forth
varies from device to wavelength. The motion to ablate (vapourize) the tissue in
absorption of laser light energy in the tissue small increments with each stroke. The
IJSAR, 4(10), 2017; 01-07
movement of laser handpiece is very similar surface is removed. The laser tip is then
in concept in using a pencil eraser to remove placed in the pocket and the remaining
writing from a piece of paper. The process is tissue is removed with the laser energy
continued until the appropriate tissue is directed away from the tooth surface. The
removed and the desired treatment objective excisional technique is almost always
has been accomplished. The laser is used to followed up with small amount of ablative
make an incision and bulk volume of tissue technique to give the remaining tissue the
is removed. The clinician often starts this desired contours. In excisional technique
procedure with the laser energy directed sometimes histopathological examinations
perpendicular to the long axis of the tooth, are carried out and clinical findings are
moving the hand piece back and forth until recorded.
there is approximate thickness of tooth

Table 1: Classification of esthetic crown lengthening by ernesto12.

Classification Characteristics Advantages Disadvantages
Type I Sufficient soft tissue May be performed by the
allows gingival exposure restorative dentist.
of the alveolar crest or Provisional restorations of
violation of the biologic the desired length may be
width. placed immediately.
TYPE II Sufficient soft tissue Will tolerate a temporary Requires osseous
allows gingival excision violation of the biologic contouring. May
without exposure of the width. require a surgical
alveolar crest but in Allows staging of the referral.
violation of the biologic gingivectomy and osseous
width. contouring procedures.
Provisional restorations of
the desired length may be
placed immediately.
TYPE III Gingival excision to the Staging of the procedures Requires osseous
desired clinical crown and alternative treatment contouring. May
length will expose the sequence may minimize require a surgical
alveolar crest. display of exposed referral. Limited
subgingival structures. flexibility.
Provisional restorations of
desired length may be
placed at second-stage
TYPE IV Gingival excision will Limited surgical
result in inadequate band options. No
of attached gingiva flexibility. A staged
approach is not
advantageous. May
require a surgical

IJSAR, 4(10), 2017; 01-07
Regardless what technique is used, clinical The biological width appears to constitute a
diligence and prevention measures need to constant feature in the human periodontium
be taken to ensure that the dentition and and which has been suggested as an
remaining soft tissue is not inadvertently inviolate therapeutic parameter.
damaged in the process so that the desired
outcome can be achieved11. Laser vs surgery
Lasers are used in conventional dental
Concept of biological width13 therapy for performing gingivectomy and
Biological width is always considered as a gingivoplasty. Use of lasers results in
clinical guidance during periodontal minimal or no bleeding and adequate
restorative inter relationship cases. The exposure of the tooth.
concept of biological width assumes the Compared to a scalpel, lasers can reshape
existence of constant vertical proportion of the oral soft tissue more easily with minimal
healthy supra-alveolar soft tissues with a bleeding and no need for suturing13.
mean dimension of 2.0mm measured from Compared to a conventional scalpel, less
the bottom the gingival sulcus to the wound contraction and minimal scarring are
alveolar crest14. The concept of biological seen in laser use1.
width was first originated by research In case of a surgical therapy using scalpel16,
conducted by Gargiulo, Wentz, and Orban. area around the teeth which should undergo
It is the thedistance between the apical end the procedure must be sufficiently
of the gingival sulcus and the crest of the anesthetized. the initial probing depth is
alveolar bone15(Figure-1). measured and the biological width
calculations is done by transgingival probing
method using William’s periodontal probe17.
After the calculations of biological width the
amount of gingival tissue to be excised is
demarcated to attain a proper exposure of
the tooth structure an external bevel incision
is preferred. A smooth surface is attained by
removing left out tissue tags and granulation
In case of laser assisted soft tissue crown
lengthening procedures, topical anesthetic
gel was applied to the area prior to the
Figure 1 procedure as it is a minimal invasive
Violation of biological width is common procedure a local anesthetic gel is sufficient.
occurrence in the practice of restorative Safety procedure such as a safety glass was
dentistry when the situation of deep put on by the clinician and the patient. A
subgingival restoration occurs the biological diode laser with a wavelength of almost
width can be violated which can be dictated 940nms can be used after sufficient
by external root resorption, caries or a need anesthesia is achieved. The laser unit
to increase the axial height of the tooth comprising of 400 m disposable tip was
prepared for retention purposes. These areas used in a constant mode with paintbrush like
can be easily affected by mechanical and strokes progressing slowly to remove
hygiene practices or a chronic gingival tissue and expose adequate amount
inflammation13. of tooth structure. The tip is constantly
checked for any debris and may be cleaned
IJSAR, 4(10), 2017; 01-07
with sterile moist gauze and physiologic  Identifying the desired incisal edge
gingival contour is achieved. The procedure position
observed emphasizes that laser can be safe  Determine an adequate clinical
and an effective alternative to crown crown length
lengthening procedures which is performed  Design the postsurgical gingival
by scalpel. margin outline

Diode lasers Bone sounding

The diode laser is a solid state It is performed for esthetic crown
semiconductor laser that typically uses a lengthening procedures to determine the
combination of Gallium, Arsenide and other location of alveolar crest on the labial aspect
elements such as Aluminium and Indium. It and sometimes proximal areas as well. Bone
has a wavelength ranging from 810 to 980 sounding is utilized to determine the
nm. thickness of soft tissue layer and proximity
Mode of action: of the alveolar bone during the planning
Laser radiant energy interacts with tissue in stages of various surgical procedures. This
many ways: reflection, transmission, procedure involves application of local
scattering and absorption7. Initially when anesthesia, a measuring instrument which is
heat is applied on the tissue using laser introduced into the gingival sulcus,
beam, tissue is subjectd to warming (37C to subsequently penetrating the junctional
60˚C), welding 70 to 900˚C, vaporization epithelium and connective tissue attachment
100˚C to 150˚C and carbonization 200˚C. until contact is made with the alveolar
Rapid cell vaporization with loss of crest22.
intracellular fluid, chemical mediators and A classification system22 may be more
denaturation of intracellular substance and dependent on the relationship between the
protein results in a less intense local alveolar crest position to the anticipated post
inflammatory response and consequently surgical gingival margin level.
less pain and edema21. Type I aesthetic crown lengthening:
characterized by sufficient gingival tissue
Laser assisted-crown lengthening in coronal to the alveolar crest, allowing the
esthetic zone surgical alteration of the gingival margin
The rationale for crown lengthening levels without need for osseosrecontouring.
procedures has progressively become more A gingivectomy or gingivoplasty procedure
esthetic driven due to the increasing will usually suffice to establish the desired
popularity of smile enhancement therapy. It gingival margin position while
is essential for clinicians to understand the simultaneously avoiding a violation of the
diagnostic criteria, treatment planning biologic width.
process and biological parameters involved Type II aesthetic crown lengthening: is
to determine the appropriate indications, as characterized by soft tissue dimensions that
well as the surgical and restorative protocols allow the surgical repositioning of the
that are available to enhance the potential gingival margin without exposure of the
for predictable outcomes in the esthetic osseous crest. Osseous correction is required
zone. subsequent to the gingival excision, for the
Key diagnostic factors in analyzing the purpose of recontouring the alveolar crest to
amount of gingival excision and bone a level where the biologic width is re-
removal:22 established.

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