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IIM Kozhikode

General Management
(2019 – 21)
Graduation in May 2021

Alitta Sporting Company

Decoding Omnichannel Marketing
Case Analysis & Recommendations

The Komrades
Malavika Menon (Qualcomm, 17 months)
Naafiah Sadique (Envestnet, 35 months)
Sanjana Sagar (Cognizant, 16 months)
Some of the key problems faced by the dynamic sporting goods industry are –
• Emergence of Athleisure – Consumers are dependent on digital devices and smartphones since there is
greater demand for personalization, consumers want to stand out, yet fit in.
• Rising Competition – Changing consumer tastes have led traditional apparel and fast-fashion segments to
offer sportswear. Moving to digital spaces involves surviving pitting against giants like Amazon and eBay.
• Post Pandemic Changes –
o Sporting events have been canceled/postponed. Community sports (gyms, marathons) have less traffic.
o People would prefer the individual gym, equipment, and courts. Face masks are now compulsorily.
o Professional athletes are under pressure or risk losing sponsors. Many have switched to eSports.
o The term essential supplies are subjective. Alcohol & firearms sales were up in early April, as was sporting
goods, home office, and pet supplies in the USA. Essential supplies of fitness equipment are debated.
Comparison of some of the prominent brands in this industry –
Focuses 90% of marketing Leverages power of influencer Focuses 90% of its marketing budget
budget on digital campaigns & marketing extensively. on digital campaigns & social media.
social media.
Leverages touchpoints like Facebook Ads > 50% of budget Online sales through own e-
mobile, social, and retail for Video represents 25% of budget. commerce platform,
customer interaction.
Uses digital analysis and Big Good SEO strategy. SEMRush shows Sells exclusive products on own
Data. close to 60M users on website. website.
Collaborates with athletes, Widespread campaigns for Collaborates with athletes, singers,
singers, and other celebrities. versatility to maximize response. and other celebrities.
Investments in TV, outdoor Streaming free live workout classes
and cinema. every Sunday on YouTube
Current campaign: ‘Ready For Current campaign: ‘Play inside, play Current Campaign: Remodeling
Sport’ - Optimism for the world campaign’- stores to offer a more interactive,
encouraging exercise at home personalized & futuristic experience
while ensuring safety guidelines.
Some recommendations for the Never Give Up campaign include –
• Kick Indoors, keep the football spirit alive at home – Teaming up with Playstation VR or Nintendo to
advertise with their virtual gaming consoles can act as both direct (ads within gameplay) and indirect
(football jerseys on players, banners on virtual playing field) advertisement to football enthusiasts who have
moved from field gaming to online gaming. With restrictions in place, and mobile/console gaming not
providing the feel of the game of football, VR/AR can see a peaking rise in the nearby future.
• Are You The Real Fan, online football trivia – While not playing, football fans remain keen to test their
prowess on football terminologies and history. Here Alitta has a good chance of exposure by designing many
such online quizzes similar to pub style trivia night. This will keep the spirit alive, and prizes can involve Alitta
merchandise, and even one grand trip to see the FIFA 2022 world cup.
Customer Segments that can be targeted using the given recommendations –
• Professional/Casual Athletes – Those having moved on to a virtual space are easy viewers to digital
marketing and would be keenly drawn to elements within the game which can boost aided recall when they
are further targeted with social media advertising.
• Sports Enthusiasts – As a way to target even those who aren’t often active on field, the second
recommendation is a smart way of allowing community spirit to generate a marketing boom.

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