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Group 6


I. Greetings: (2 minutes)
Good day everyone!
I am Kahtleen Lopez. I will be facilitating with the first session on Attention Deficit & hyperactivity

II. Introducton: (3 minutes)

ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is a medical condition. A person
with ADHD has differences in brain development and brain activity that affect attention, the ability to
sit still, and self-control. It was first mentioned in 1902 and originally called hyperkinetic impulse
disorder by George Still. In 1980 it is called Attention Deficit Disorder since the researcher in this time
believed that hyperactive is not belong to disorder. In 2000s Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD) formally recognized as a mental disorder by the American Psychiatric

Objectives: (2 minutes)
1. Define what is Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
2. Explain the causes and assessment decision of Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder
3. Distinguish the process of treating AD/HD.

III. Time Allotment:

1 hour & 30 minutes

IV. Materials:
1. Projector
2. Laptop
3. Power Point Presentation
4. Audio/Video/Photo presentation

A. Activities

- Priming
Activity # 1 (8 minutes)
“Dance! Dance! Dance!”

a. All you have to do is dance with the beat and move your body.
b. because we’ll be 3 lucky winners (most energetic, most spontaneous, most chill) and I’ll be
giving prices.
c. Everyone please stand and make your self comportable because we’re going to dance

Activity # 2 (15 minutes)

“Role Playing”
winners please come forward.
a. Winners will be the participants of our next activity, I want your full cooperate.
b. We’ll be having an impromptu role playing, I’ll be playing the role of a Doctor and your role is to
consult the doctor.
c. Don’t worry each one of you will be given a script and you’ll be given 1 minute to read it.
d. The one who wins the most energetic will be playing the role of someone who is hyperactive,
most chill hence the inattentive type, and most spontaneous hence the impulsive one.
Alright! Let’s begin.

B. Analysis: (15 minutes)

Question to be answered by the student;

1. Do you ever experience having trouble staying still, paying attention or controlling feeling and
emotions? In what particular reason and how often?
2. Which 3 main character of ADHD (inattentiveness, impulsivity and hyperactivity) you might have
experience? In what circumstances? site an example.
3. How close are you to thinking that you might have or someone you know might have ADHD? What
traits did appear that make you think so? Please elaborate.

C. Abstraction: (30 minutes)

Using the Power Point Presentation, discuss the following;

Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder- a neurologically- based developmental disability which
revolves around inattentiveness, impulsivity and hyperactivity.

Characteristics of Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder

a. Inattention- having a short attention span and distractible.
b. Hyperactivity- the condition of being abnormally or extremely active
c. Impulsivity- tendency to act on a whim, displaying behavior characterized by little or no forethought,
reflection, or consideration of the consequences

Causes of Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder

a. Heredity- children with AD/HD are four times as likely to have family members with AD/HD as
normal children
b. Brain physiology- causes of the disorder involve a dysfunction of the brain though it is unclear
whether the dysfunction is a cause or symptoms of a disorder.
c. Environmental factor- allergic reactions, fluorescent lighting
d. Diet- refined sugar or food additives, artificial colorings and preservatives.

Assessment to determine if a child ha this disorder

An assessment must include the following:
1. Thorough medical and family history
2. Physical examination
3. Interviews with parents, the child and the child’s teacher(s)
4. Behavior rating scales completed by parents and teacher(s)
5. Observation of the child
6. A variety of psychological tests to measure IQ and social and emotional adjustment as well as to
indicate presence of specific learning disabilities.
1. Understanding the AD/HD- understand the
2. Behavior Management
3. Creating a Behavior Modification programs
4. Medications

Helping the AD/HD Child in School

General Principles in Teaching AD/HD Children
1. Exhibit restlessness and overactive behavior than other children.
2. Do not assume that a student is lazy.
3. AD/HD children are inconsistent
4. Implement a behavior modification and discipline technique.
5. Include other school and mental health professionals.
6. Modify assignments and make exceptions.
8. Be involved in your classroom.
9. Don not give up on an AD/HD.

Getting The Child’s Attention and Working on Focusing

1. Make a frequent contact.
2. Before Speaking, have the child attention.
3. Agree on a signal (e.g. tapping the table)
4. Exciting prop and ask provocative questions.
5. In giving worksheet and independent work, avoid too much material on each page.
6. Trouble doing silent reading and may need to quietly verbalize.
7. Encourage them to use strip of cardboard to track the text.
8. Use physical contact to make request.
Improving The Child’s Self-Esteem
1. Some children shows signs of being depressed
2. Sees the word of unkind place
3. Recognize the child’s strengths and develop them
4. Become proactive
5. Separate the child from the behavior
6. Act do not react
7. Catch the child being good
8. develop realistic expectations
9. Assign special jobs
10. Cultivate the child’s interests
11. Enroll the child in extra-curricular activities
12. Play with the child
Type of Assessment Decision:
Type of Assessment
1. Screening- a procedure designed to identify the children who need to be referred for more in-depth
2. Diagnosis- the process of confirming the presence or absence of a delay or disability.
3. Eligibility- a comprehensive diagnostic process to determine if a child meets the criteria to be eligible
for special services.
4. Program Planning- a procedure used to identify desired goals/outcomes and how to design instruction
5. Progress Monitoring and Evaluation- a process of collecting information about a child’s progress, the
family’s satisfaction with services and the program’s effectiveness.

D. Application
Before we end the lesson let’s have first one last game!
Activity #3 (15 minutes)
“You Guess I Act”
a. Each group must choose one representative.
b. Each representative must pick a piece of paper in the box.
c. The representative will act according to the word they pick.
d. Each representative can ask help with their groupmates.
e. Other groups will guess the word and write the answer in the bondpaper.

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