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G a s t r o i n t e s t i n a l I m a g i n g • R ev i ew

Borhani et al.
Cystic Hepatic Lesions

Gastrointestinal Imaging

Cystic Hepatic Lesions: A Review

and an Algorithmic Approach
Amir A. Borhani1,2 OBJECTIVE. The purpose of this article is to review the different cystic hepatic lesions,
Amanda Wiant 3,4 with an emphasis on the imaging features that help to differentiate them, and to propose a
Matthew T. Heller 1,2 practical algorithm for approaching the diagnosis of these lesions.
CONCLUSION. The number and morphology of the lesions and determination of
Borhani AA, Wiant A, Heller MT whether there is a solid component are key imaging features that are helpful for approaching
the diagnosis of cystic hepatic lesions. Familiarity with these features and knowledge of the
clinical associations will help the radiologist to establish a definitive diagnosis or provide a
American Journal of Roentgenology 2014.203:1192-1204.

reasonable differential diagnosis.

ystic hepatic lesions are com- Developmental Lesions
monly encountered in daily prac- Hepatic Cysts
tice. The differential diagnoses Cysts are the most commonly encountered
range from benign lesions of no hepatic lesion, occurring in 2.5% of the gen-
Keywords: cystic hepatic lesion, cystic liver lesion,
clinical significance to malignant and poten- eral population [1], and have a slight predom-
focal hepatic lesion, liver cyst tially lethal conditions. Many cystic hepatic inance in females (female-male ratio, 1.5:1)
lesions have classic imaging findings, and [2]. Hepatic cysts are thought to be of bili-
DOI:10.2214/AJR.13.12386 the diagnosis can be made with certainty on ary origin as a result of deranged develop-
the basis of imaging alone. In other cases, ment of the biliary tree (i.e., a hamartoma of
Received December 14, 2013; accepted after revision
March 21, 2014. recognizing key radiologic features in com- biliary origin or so-called “von Meyenburg
bination with reviewing the clinical data usu- complex”) [2]. The wall of a hepatic cyst is
Presented as a poster at the 2013 annual meeting of the ally allows the correct diagnosis. lined by cuboidal biliary epithelium, and
Association of University Radiologists, Los Angeles, CA. Cystic hepatic lesions can be divided into the cavity is filled with serous fluid similar
Department of Radiology, Division of Abdominal
developmental, inflammatory, neoplastic, to plasma; however, there is no communica-
Imaging, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 200 and trauma-related lesions (Table 1). An in- tion with the biliary tree. Cysts are generally
Lothrop St, Ste 3950 PST, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Address cidental simple hepatic cyst is the most com- ­asymptomatic, and no treatment is needed un-
correspondence to M. T. Heller ( monly encountered pathologic finding. The less they become large and symptomatic. In
2 number and morphology of the lesions and the latter cases, the treatment options include
Department of Radiology, Division of Abdominal
Imaging, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, determination of whether there is a solid percutaneous drainage with sclerotherapy,
Pittsburgh, PA. component are key imaging features that are surgical resection, or marsupialization [3, 4].
helpful for approaching the diagnosis of cys- Hepatic cysts are typically round or ovoid
Department of Radiology, Division of Interventional tic hepatic lesions. The pretest probability of structures that have an imperceptible wall.
Radiology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and
Presbyterian Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA.
a diagnosis is highly affected by the patient’s These cysts are usually multiple in number
comorbidities and the clinical and laborato- and vary in size. The ultrasound features of
Department of Radiology, Division of Interventional ry data; thus, imaging studies should be in- hepatic cysts are similar to those of simple
Radiology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, terpreted in the context of the other clinical cysts in other organs. Common features in-
Pittsburgh, PA.
information for that particular patient. Ex- clude a well-marginated, anechoic structure
This article is available for credit. cept simple hepatic cysts and polycystic liver with enhancement of the posterior wall and
disease, which can be confidently diagnosed increased through-transmission (Fig. 1). On
AJR 2014; 203:1192–1204
on the basis of ultrasound only, contrast-en- CT and MRI, simple cysts have attenuation
0361–803X/14/2036–1192 hanced CT or MRI is essential to establish a (0–15 HU) and signal intensity (T1 hypoin-
definitive diagnosis or provide a reasonable tensity, T2 hyperintensity) similar to water.
© American Roentgen Ray Society differential diagnosis. Simple cysts do not show enhancement af-

1192 AJR:203, December 2014

Cystic Hepatic Lesions

TABLE 1: Summary and Key Imaging and Clinical Findings of Cystic Hepatic Lesions
Lesion Key Imaging Findings Key Clinical Data
Simple cyst Solitary cyst or multiple cysts
Biliary hamartoma Multiple irregular lesions
May have enhancing component
Caroli disease Multiple lesions
Enhancing “central dot” sign
Communicating with biliary tree
Polycystic liver disease Multiple large cysts History of polycystic renal disease
Usually associated with renal cysts
Ciliated foregut duplication cyst Classic subcapsular location in medial segment
Pyogenic abscess Complex cyst with enhancing rim Clinical and laboratory findings of infection
Amebic abscess Complex cyst with “double-target” appearance Patient is from endemic areas
Hydatid cyst Complex cyst with peripheral daughter cysts Patient is from endemic areas
Fungal microabscess Innumerable small cysts Patient is immunocompromised
American Journal of Roentgenology 2014.203:1192-1204.

Splenic and renal lesions may be present

Intrahepatic pseudocyst Findings of pancreatitis Clinical and laboratory findings of pancreatitis
Pseudocysts may be present in lesser sac
Biliary cystadenoma and cystadenocarcinoma Large complex cystic lesions with enhancing Absence of infection or known metastatic disease
Cystic HCC Complex lesion Liver cirrhosis and increased α-fetoprotein level
Hypervascular component with washout on portal
venous phase
Cystic metastasis Multiple complex cystic lesions with enhancing History of malignancy
Undifferentiated embryonal carcinoma Large complex cystic lesion on CT and MRI Usually seen in adolescents
Solid appearance on ultrasound
Biloma Large simple cyst with or without an enhancing History of trauma, surgery, or intervention
Seroma and hematoma Cyst with variable density and intensity History of trauma, surgery, or intervention
No enhancement
Note—HCC = hepatocellular carcinoma.

ter the administration of IV contrast materi- in specimens from needle liver biopsies [7] for the subcapsular region (Fig. 2). They typ-
al. Hepatic cysts can rarely become complex in the pathology literature, it is rarely diag- ically have a simple cystic appearance on CT
as a result of hemorrhage or superinfection; nosed radiologically presumably because (i.e., nonenhancing, hypoattenuation) and
sequelae include the development of internal of its small size and the fact that it does not MRI (i.e., high T2 signal intensity). Occa-
septations, rim calcification, and increased cause symptoms [8]. No sex predilection has sionally rim enhancement is observed and is
attenuation or heterogeneous signal intensity. been reported. This condition is caused by a attributed to increased enhancement of the
ductal plate malformation with deficient re- adjacent compressed liver parenchyma [10].
Biliary Hamartoma (von Meyenburg Complex) modeling of the primitive ductal plate [5, 9]. The ultrasound findings of biliary hamarto-
Biliary hamartomas, also known as von Because biliary hamartomas are asymptom- mas are variable because of the small size
Meyenburg complexes, are benign congen- atic and are almost always discovered inci- of these lesions: Cysts might appear anecho-
ital lesions consisting of dilated small bile dentally, they require no treatment. ic, hypoechoic, or hyperechoic. Additionally,
ducts surrounded by fibrous stroma [5]. Al- On imaging, biliary hamartomas present some lesions may show reverberation artifact
though biliary hamartoma has a reported in- as multiple, small (< 15 mm), round or ir- caused by the close proximity of their inter-
cidence of 5.6% in autopsies [6] and 0.6% regular scattered cysts with a predilection faces [8]. The lack of communication with

AJR:203, December 2014 1193

Borhani et al.

the biliary system helps to differentiate bili- multiple simple hepatic cysts. It is an auto- ic cyst lacks cartilage [20]. A ciliated hepat-
ary hamartomas from Caroli disease. somal-dominant condition that can be as- ic foregut duplication cyst is a solitary lesion
sociated with autosomal-dominant polycys- that typically measures less than 3 cm and is
Caroli Disease tic kidney disease, which is found in 50% most commonly located in the subcapsular
Caroli disease is a benign entity that man- of these patients [16]. Polycystic liver dis- aspect of segment IV [21] (Fig. 5), but it may
ifests with saccular dilatation of large intra- ease is a rare condition with a slight pre- also occur in the anterior segment (segments
hepatic bile ducts [11]. It is a rare entity with dominance in females [16]. Its cause is mal- V and VIII). The majority of patients are
no sex predilection. In most cases, trans- development of the ductal plate that affects asymp­tomatic, and the ciliated hepatic fore-
mission of the disease is autosomal reces- the small intrahepatic bile ducts [17]. Poly- gut duplication cyst is discovered incidental-
sive. Caroli disease is associated with other cystic liver disease can be associated with ly. However, one case of portal hypertension
diseases along the spectrum of ductal plate other disorders along the spectrum of duc- caused by mass effect [22] and a few cases
malformations (e.g., biliary hamartomas, tal plate malformations such as Caroli dis- of malignant transformation to squamous
polycystic liver disease, or hepatic fibrosis), ease, biliary hamartoma, or hepatic fibrosis. cell carcinoma [23, 24] have been reported.
polycystic kidney disease, or renal tubu- Histologically, there are two types of cysts: Given the reported risk of malignant trans-
lar ectasia [12]. The combination of Caroli intrahepatic and peribiliary cysts [18]. The formation, ciliated hepatic foregut duplica-
disease and hepatic fibrosis is designated as intrahepatic cysts are similar to simple he- tion cysts that are symptomatic, are enlarg-
Caroli syndrome, which is the more common patic cysts: They are lined by cuboidal bil- ing, are larger than 4 cm, or contain atypical
variant [13]. In the revised Todani classifica- iary epithelium and contain plasmalike se- features (e.g., solid components, thick septa-
tion of biliary cysts, Caroli disease is classi- rous fluid. The peribiliary cysts arise from tions) should be resected (level of evidence
fied as type V [14]. The pathogenesis of this dilated peribiliary glands. The cysts emerge of III and IV) [25].
disease stems from the arrest or derange- after puberty and significantly increase in These lesions are anechoic or hypoechoic
American Journal of Roentgenology 2014.203:1192-1204.

ment in ductal plate remodeling of the large size and number during adulthood [16]. The on ultrasound, have high signal intensity on
ducts. Patients usually become symptomatic majority of patients are asymptomatic, and T2-weighted imaging, and do not show en-
by the age of 30 years, although symptoms polycystic liver disease progresses to be- hancement on MRI [26]. The cyst content
may manifest earlier in those with Caroli come advanced liver disease or to cause ranges from clear serous fluid to mucous flu-
syndrome. Complications include recurrent symptoms as a result of massive hepato- id of different viscosities. Accordingly, CT
cholangitis and abscess, stone formation, megaly or a cyst complication in only a mi- attenuation and T1 signal intensity vary [21].
cholangiocarcinoma, and the development nority of cases. Common complications of
of secondary biliary cirrhosis. Patients with polycystic liver disease include cyst hemor- Inflammatory Lesions
recurrent bouts of cholangitis or those with rhage, rupture, or superinfection. The treat- Pyogenic Liver Abscess
biliary cirrhosis and portal hypertension will ment options include percutaneous aspira- The number of liver abscesses due to bac-
benefit from liver transplantation (level of tion, sclerosis, or resection of the dominant terial infection has been increasing in the
evidence IIc). Hepatectomy can be curative complicated cyst. The ultimate treatment of United States, purportedly because of in-
in rare cases in patients with segmental or lo- advanced cases is liver transplantation. creases in liver transplantations and biliary
bar disease (level of evidence IIc). The intrahepatic cysts seen in patients malignancies; however, the rate of liver ab-
On imaging, Caroli disease manifests as with polycystic liver disease are usually pe- scess in the United States remains lower than
multiple intrahepatic cysts of varying sizes ripherally located and vary in size, rang- that in Eastern Asia [27]. The disease has a
that communicate with the biliary system ing from a few millimeters to 80 mm (Fig. slight preponderance in males [27], and risk
[15] (Fig. 3). The extrahepatic ducts remain 4). The peribiliary cysts are typically small factors include diabetes [28], gastrointes-
intact. The involvement can be diffuse or (< 10 mm) and have a periportal distribu- tinal tract cancers [29], diverticulitis [30],
localized to one segment or one lobe, usu- tion [19]. The cysts in patients with polycys- cholangitis, cholecystitis, and recent hepato-
ally the left lobe. Thin-section CT images tic liver disease typically appear to be simple biliary surgery or trauma [31]. Patients pres-
and multiplanar reformations are helpful in cysts on imaging. MRI is the best modality ent with fever, chills, jaundice, and weight
showing communication between the Caro- for identifying cysts complicated by hemor- loss, and frank sepsis at presentation is rare
li cysts and the biliary tree. Communication rhage or infection [19]. CT findings sugges- [31]; the mortality rate is approximately 6%
with the biliary system can be further con- tive of cyst infection include the development [27]. Cultures of aspirates are usually nega-
firmed on cholangiography (percutaneous of a fluid level, wall thickening, calcification, tive. When an organism is identified, Kleb-
transhepatic cholangiography or ERCP) or or internal gas [17]. siella pneumonia, Escherichia coli, and
on MRI performed using a hepatobiliary Staphylococcus species are most common-
contrast agent, such as gadoxetate disodi- Ciliated Hepatic Foregut Duplication Cyst ly isolated, and the infection may be poly-
um. On CT and MRI, the lesions are cystic A ciliated hepatic foregut duplication microbial [27, 32]. Management of pyogenic
and usually have a central enhancing com- cyst is a rare congenital cystic lesion that is liver abscess always includes IV antibiotics,
ponent, the “central dot” sign, which is the thought to arise from the embryonic foregut. but percutaneous drainage catheter place-
portal radicle. It is lined by ciliated pseudostratified colum- ment or aspiration will be required to treat
nar epithelium, which is similar to respirato- half of patients [32]. For abscesses smaller
Polycystic Liver Disease ry tract epithelium. A ciliated hepatic foregut than 5 cm, needle aspiration may be consid-
Polycystic liver disease is part of fibro- duplication cyst has many similarities with a ered; large abscesses should be drained with
polycystic liver disease manifesting with bronchogenic cyst except that a bronchogen- a catheter [33]. Percutaneous treatment fails

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Cystic Hepatic Lesions

in approximately 10% of abscesses; in those such as within the liver, peritoneum, pleural mains undiagnosed until the 3rd and 4th de-
cases, surgical intervention is required [27]. space, lung, pericardium, skin, or brain [41]. cades. The majority of patients are asymp-
Factors that increase the risk for failure of Hepatic involvement is up to 10 times more tomatic. The symptoms include pain; biliary
percutaneous therapy include multilocula- common in males than females, possibly be- obstruction; superinfection; and, rarely, cyst
tion, connections with the biliary system, or cause of hormonal factors and sex differenc- rupture, which can lead to anaphylactic re-
infection with yeast organisms [34, 35]. es in background liver disease [42]. Mortali- action. The diagnosis is confirmed with se-
Abscesses are more likely to form in the ty from amebic liver abscess is approximately rologic tests. Anthelminthic drugs have been
right lobe, although left lobar disease and bi- 30% [43]. Treatment of amebic liver abscess the mainstay of treatment but with disappoint-
lobar disease also occur [31, 36, 37]. On ul- is an antiparasitic agent, such as metronida- ing results. Open surgery, when not contrain-
trasound, a liver abscess may appear as an zole, and possibly includes image-guided dicated, is the treatment of choice for patients
anechoic mass with well-defined or indis- drainage. For abscesses smaller than 5 cm in with hepatic hydatid cysts, whereas treatment
tinct borders and with increased through- diameter, drug therapy is sufficient. There is using laparoscopic surgery, percutaneous cyst
transmission and may possibly contain no firm evidence in the literature about using drainage, or injection of scolicidal agents is
echogenic debris or gas. When the infec- percutaneous therapy for the management of reserved for selected patients [54].
tious agent is Klebsiella organisms, the le- lesions between 5 and 10 cm. Large (> 10 cm) On imaging, the lesions present as uniloc-
sion is more likely to be solid and to yield abscesses are at high risk for treatment fail- ular or multilocular cysts. Four different ra-
little pus at drainage [37]. On CT, a pyogenic ure with drugs alone [44], and lesions on or in diographic appearances have been described:
liver abscess is typically iso- to hypoatten- the left lobe are more likely to have compli- a simple cyst with no internal architecture, a
uating compared with background liver on cations such as rupture [41]: These abscess- cyst with daughter cysts and a matrix, a calci-
the unenhanced phase and has a peripheral es should be drained percutaneously, and the fied cyst, and a complicated cyst [55, 56]. The
rim of enhancement on administration of IV drain should be left in place [45, 46]. classic type is a cyst containing multiple pe-
American Journal of Roentgenology 2014.203:1192-1204.

contrast material (Fig. 6). A “double-target” The imaging characteristics of amebic and ripheral daughter cysts (Fig. 8). The content
sign—or a central hypoattenuating lesion pyogenic liver abscesses are virtually indistin- of the daughter cysts is different from that of
surrounded by a ring of enhancing tissue guishable, and the diagnosis is typically made the mother cyst; hence, the daughter cysts are
and encircled by an outer rim of hypoattenu- on the basis of clinical and serologic findings usually hypodense on CT and have a slightly
ation—may also be evident; this sign indi- [47–49]. Extrahepatic disease, such as a right different signal intensity than the mother cyst.
cates an abscess but is not specific for a pyo- pleural effusion, a pericardial effusion, or in-
genic source [38]. Infrequently (i.e., < 10% traperitoneal rupture, when present, may sug- Fungal Microabscesses
of cases), there may be associated findings gest an amebic abscess [50]. Amebic abscess- Organ involvement with fungal microor-
of thrombophlebitis, gas within the abscess es are typically solitary round-to-oval lesions ganisms may manifest in the liver as numer-
cavity, or pneumobilia. Lesions may be as that occur most often in the posterior segment ous disseminated small fluid collections. In-
small as a few centimeters or as large as 14 [50, 51]. A miliary pattern mimicking a fun- vasive fungal infections are typically seen
cm [36]. On MRI, the central portion of the gal or pyogenic infection may be seen rarely in the immunocompromised population, in-
lesion will show low signal intensity on T1- [52]. On ultrasound, findings suggestive of an cluding diabetic patients, organ transplant
weighted imaging and high signal intensity amebic abscess are hypoechoic round or oval recipients, postsplenectomy patients [57],
on T2-weighted imaging; in addition, a pe- lesions located close to the liver capsule that premature neonates [58], and patients in
ripheral halo of hyperintensity indicating show low-level internal echoes and posterior ICUs [59]. The causative organism is most
edema may be seen on T2-weighted imaging. acoustic enhancement [51]. On CT, these le- commonly Candida species, although other
sions have slightly higher attenuation than wa- infective fungi include Cryptococcus [60]
Amebic Liver Abscess ter, may have smooth or nodular borders, and and Aspergillus [61] species, among others.
Infection with Entamoeba histolytica have a thick (3–15 mm) wall that typically en- Treatment is with IV antifungal agents.
is endemic in Mexico, Central and South hances (Fig. 7). A ring of edema, forming a On imaging, the lesions are usually small
America, India, Southeast Asia, and Africa, double-target sign, may be present [50]. On (< 2 cm) and disseminated throughout the
and the number of symptomatic infections MRI, the central portion of the lesion appears liver and the spleen (Fig. 9A). The ultra-
worldwide is estimated at 50 million [39]. In cystic, and the “rind” exhibits variable inten- sound appearance of fungal microabscess-
the United States, amebic liver abscesses are sities on T1- and T2-weighted imaging [53]. es is classically described as a “bull’s eye”:
rare (1.38 infected persons per 1 million peo- a round hyperechoic lesion with an outer
ple) and are distributed mostly among young Hydatid Cyst hypoechoic ring [62]. Adding a central hy-
Hispanic males in the Southwest region of Hydatid cysts are caused by infestation poechoic dot to the bull’s eye has been de-
the country [40]. Transmission of Entamoe- with Echinococcus granulosus. This enti- scribed as a “wheel within a wheel”; uniform
ba histolytica infection is through the fecal- ty is mostly seen in developing and underde- hyper- or hypoechoic small rounded masses
oral route, with trophozoites invading the co- veloped regions of the world and in patients have been described as well [63]. On CT, tri-
lonic epithelium and spreading to other sites from these endemic areas who had close con- phasic liver imaging is most sensitive for de-
hematogenously [41]. Liver abscess forma- tact with sheep [54]. The human is an inter- tecting hepatic microabscesses, with most le-
tion is the most common extraintestinal man- mediate host that becomes infested by acci- sions being detectable on the arterial phase.
ifestation of Entamoeba infection, although dental handling of material contaminated The appearance of fungal microabscesses is
fewer than 1% of those infected will have with larva. The infestation classically occurs variable on the portal venous phase: Fungal
infection outside the gastrointestinal tract, during childhood, but the disease usually re- microabscesses may be uniformly hypoatten-

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Borhani et al.

uating, may have a ring-enhancing appear- diagnosis. After exclusion of mimics, the di- Miscellaneous Lesions
ance akin to the appearance on ultrasound, or agnosis of BCA or BCAC should be consid- Peribiliary Cyst
may be uniformly hyperenhancing [64]. On ered, and the patient should be referred for Peribiliary cysts are believed to be caused
MRI, the lesions are most conspicuous on the surgical consultation. by obstruction of the neck of the periduc-
T2-weighted sequence. The timing and host tal glands (extramural-type glands) due to
factors may alter the signal intensity charac- Cystic Hepatocellular Carcinoma inflammation or deranged portal circula-
teristics and enhancement patterns of the le- Classically, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) tion [86]. This condition has a high associa-
sions on MRI. For example, early disease in appears on dynamic cross-sectional imaging tion with cirrhosis, portal hypertension, and
a neutropenic patient may be occult on MRI, as a hypervascular mass with rapid washout autosomal-dominant polycystic disease [86].
whereas subacute treated lesions may have a on the portal venous phase and an enhanc- Although found more commonly on micro-
ring of hemosiderin on MRI [65]. Mimics of ing peripheral capsule [77, 78]. Very rarely, scopic examination (seen in up to 50% of pa-
hepatosplenic fungal infection include granu- HCC may manifest as a predominantly cys- tients with liver disease), peribiliary cysts are
lomatous diseases (e.g., sarcoidosis) (Fig. 9B) tic mass with enhancing septa [79, 80]. Cys- encountered less frequently on imaging. On
and rarely aseptic abscesses in the setting of tic HCC has been reported as having an un- CT examination, the reported prevalence of
autoimmune diseases such as Behçet syn- usual clinical presentation of acute fever and peribiliary cysts in patients with cirrhosis is
drome and Crohn disease [66, 67]. leukocytosis, with imaging findings on CT 9% [87]. The cysts have an epithelial lining
suggesting an abscess: an irregular multiloc- and contain mucin or serum. The lesions usu-
Neoplastic Lesions ular hypoattenuating lesion with a peripheral ally increase in size and number as cirrhosis
Biliary Cystadenoma and Cystadenocarcinoma rim of enhancement [81] (Fig. 11). Patholog- and portal hypertension progress. Patients are
Biliary cystadenoma (BCA) and biliary ic evaluation of this entity has shown that the usually asymptomatic, although obstruction
cystadenocarcinoma (BCAC) are rare slow- hypoattenuating central portion is necrosis of the bile ducts may rarely occur [88].
American Journal of Roentgenology 2014.203:1192-1204.

growing neoplasms arising from the bile and the peripheral enhancing septa contain Peribiliary cysts are multiple and can be
ducts. Both lesions are more common in malignant cells [82]. Liquefactive necrosis discrete, clustered, or confluent. They are
women, although the female predominance after locoregional treatment, such as chemo- typically located along the portal tracts in
is much more pronounced in BCA (female- embolization, cryoablation, or radiofrequen- the hilum and adjacent to the large intrahe-
male ratio, 9:1) [68]. The mean age at pre- cy ablation, is a more common cause for the patic ducts (Fig. 13) and are rarely found in
sentation is 45 years for BCA and almost cystic morphology that results in the cystic the periphery. The confluent type can mim-
55 years for BCAC. The proposed patho- appearance of HCC. ic biliary ductal dilatation, but distribution
genesis is that these lesions arise from ec- on both sides of the portal vein is helpful to
topic rests of embryonic bile ducts or aber- Cystic Liver Metastases differentiate the two entities. A “string-of-
rant ducts [69]. BCAC is usually a result of Approximately 10% of focal liver le- beads” pattern, which can mimic primary
malignant transformation of BCA but can sions in patients with a known primary car- sclerosing cholangitis, has been described
also arise de novo [69, 70]. The risk of ma- cinoma are found to be metastatic disease on CT. Ultrasound can depict the thin septa
lignant transformation of BCA to BCAC [83]. Typical metastatic lesions may be hy- between the cysts, and this finding can be
can be as high as 20% [71]. The majority poattenuating to background liver on CT used to differentiate them from abnormal
of BCAs and BCACs are intrahepatic, al- but will usually have an irregular peripher- bile ducts that are seen in the setting of pri-
though a few extrahepatic cases occurring al rim of enhancement [84] (Fig. 12). Some mary sclerosing cholangitis [89].
in extrahepatic ducts or in the gallblad- tumors have been reported to produce tru-
der have been reported. Classically, BCAs ly cystic lesions in the liver, which typical- Intrahepatic Pseudocyst
have ovarian-type stroma [72]. Patients are ly, but not necessarily, appear with a rim of An intrahepatic pseudocyst is an extreme-
usually asymptomatic or present with non- enhancement. Malignancies that have been ly rare condition that may occur in the set-
specific symptoms [69]. Treatment of both described to appear cystic include neuroen- ting of pancreatitis, usually as a complica-
BCAs and BCACs is surgical excision. docrine tumors, gastrointestinal stromal tu- tion of acute alcoholic pancreatitis [90]. The
The imaging findings of cystadenoma and mor (GIST), lung adenocarcinoma, colorec- demography parallels that of acute pancreati-
cystadenocarcinoma overlap (Fig. 10). These tal carcinoma, transitional cell carcinoma, tis: Intrahepatic pseudocysts most common-
lesions are usually multilocular with enhanc- adenoid cystic carcinoma, ovarian carcino- ly affect young and middle-age men. The
ing walls, fine septations, and variable calci- ma, choriocarcinoma, sarcoma, and lesions suggested pathophysiology is spread of pan-
fication and can be as large as 30 cm [73–75]. treated with chemotherapy [85]. The cystic creatic enzymes and lesser sac fluid along
Ultrasound can better show internal septa- appearance of some metastatic lesions could the hepatogastric and hepatoduodenal liga-
tions than other imaging modalities. En- be because of the high mucinous content of ments or along the portal triad into the liver
hancing mural nodules are more common in the lesion, such as in mucinous colorectal or parenchyma that results in intrahepatic tis-
BCAC than BCA. Associated biliary ductal ovarian carcinomas, or the rapid growth of sue damage and necrosis [90]. This fluid col-
dilatation and localization in the left lobe are the tumor with hemorrhage, necrosis, or cys- lection, similar to other fluid collections in
also common features of BCA and BCAC tic degeneration, such as in neuroendocrine the setting of pancreatitis, can spontaneously
[76]. The morphology can mimic that of pyo- tumors, sarcoma, melanoma, GIST, or cer- resolve or can progress to become a pseudo-
genic abscess, amebic abscess, or cystic me- tain lung and breast carcinomas. Additional- cyst with a fibrous capsule. An intrahepatic
tastasis, and knowledge of clinical informa- ly, metastatic lesions can undergo necrosis or pseudocyst may require percutaneous or en-
tion is paramount for providing the correct cystic degeneration after chemotherapy. doscopic drainage or surgical resection if it

1196 AJR:203, December 2014

Cystic Hepatic Lesions

is large or symptomatic. On imaging, the le- usually present with nonspecific symptoms. the clinical associations will help the radiolo-
sions manifest as a simple fluid collection Treatment includes surgical resection and gist to establish a definitive diagnosis or pro-
with an enhancing thin peripheral capsule; multiagent chemotherapy [96]. Historically, vide a reasonable differential diagnosis. The
these lesions have a high propensity for the UES was known to have a very poor progno- radiologist can also play an active role in the
right lobe [91]. The cysts will have a complex sis, but new reports show promising prognosis management of patients by performing im-
appearance if superinfected or if complicat- with a 20-year survival reported in up to 70% age-guided percutaneous biopsy, aspiration,
ed by hemorrhage. Knowing the clinical his- of patients [97]. or drainage of many of these lesions, as we
tory and the ancillary findings of pancreatitis UES presents as a large (> 10 cm) solitary discussed earlier. We propose a practical al-
is key to establishing the diagnosis. lesion commonly in the right lobe [98]. On gorithm that can simplify the approach for the
ultrasound, it appears as a solid lesion that diagnosis of these lesions (Fig. 16). By apply-
Trauma-Related Lesions is usually iso- to hyperechoic to liver pa- ing these workup strategies, one can prevent
The collection of bile, lymph, or blood renchyma and that contains small anecho- unnecessary tests, avoid a delay in initiating
products after injury to the liver parenchyma ic areas corresponding to areas of necrosis the appropriate management, and improve
will result in the formation of a biloma, se- or cystic degeneration (Fig. 15). On unen- the cost-effectiveness of diagnostic tests. A
roma, or hematoma, respectively [92]. These hanced CT, however, UES appears cystic potential area for future research is establish-
lesions may occur after blunt or penetrating with near-water attenuation, reflecting the ing new anatomic biomarkers for more accu-
trauma or iatrogenic injury to the liver, such high water content of its myxoid stroma, and rate diagnosis of cystic hepatic lesions.
as after cholecystectomy, liver surgery, liv- contains septations and peripheral nodules
er transplantation, or percutaneous liver pro- [99, 100]. Contrast-enhanced CT can show References
cedures. Inflammatory response can lead to different degrees of enhancement, which 1. Gaines PA, Sampson MA. The prevalence and
pseudocapsule formation. Depending on the helps to confirm its solid nature [99, 100]. characterization of simple hepatic cysts by ultra-
American Journal of Roentgenology 2014.203:1192-1204.

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(Figures start on next page)

AJR:203, December 2014 1199

Borhani et al.

Fig. 1—Simple hepatic cyst in 49-year-old woman

who presented with abdominal pain.
A, Axial contrast-enhanced CT image shows
incidental cystic lesion (asterisks) in lateral segment.
B, Ultrasound image obtained for further evaluation
confirms simple nature of cyst. Note classic
sonographic features of simple hepatic cyst including
well-marginated borders, posterior acoustic
enhancement (asterisk), and enhancement of
posterior wall (arrow).


Fig. 2—Biliary hamartomas in 73-year-old man with

history of chronic hepatitis C.
A and B, Axial contrast-enhanced CT (A) and axial
T2-weighted MR (B) images show innumerable small
American Journal of Roentgenology 2014.203:1192-1204.

irregular cystic lesions (arrows) that have been stable

since prior examinations.


Fig. 3—Caroli disease in 37-year-old woman who Fig. 4—Polycystic liver disease in 56-year-old Fig. 5—Ciliated foregut cyst in 58-year-old man
presented with fever. Contrast-enhanced CT image woman. Coronal contrast-enhanced CT image shows who presented with abdominal pain and nausea.
shows multiple cystic lesions of variable sizes multiple cysts of varying sizes in liver (black arrows) Axial contrast-enhanced CT image shows incidental
throughout liver. These lesions were shown to be and kidneys (white arrows). wedge-shaped peripheral hypodense lesion in
communicating with biliary system on ERCP (not segment IVA (arrow). Although lesion showed higher
shown). Note classic “central dot” sign (arrow). attenuation (50 HU) than water on CT, follow-up
ultrasound (not shown) confirmed its cystic nature.
Higher density on CT is presumably caused by
proteinaceous content of cyst.

1200 AJR:203, December 2014

Cystic Hepatic Lesions

Fig. 6—Pyogenic abscess.

A, 33-year-old man with history of Escherichia
coli and Klebsiella pneumonia who presented with
abdominal pain and fever. Axial contrast-enhanced
CT image shows clustered, large, complex cystic
lesions with enhancing walls (arrow).
B, 66-year-old man with history of diverticulitis. Axial
contrast-enhanced CT image shows complex cystic
lesion with thick enhancing rim and perilesional
edema (arrow).


Fig. 7—Amebic abscess Fig. 8—Hydatid cyst

in 64-year-old woman in 65-year-old man
who presented with who presented with
American Journal of Roentgenology 2014.203:1192-1204.

fever and abdominal pain. abdominal pain. Axial

Axial contrast-enhanced contrast-enhanced CT
CT image shows large image shows multiple
unilocular cystic lesion cystic lesions in liver
(asterisk) in caudate and spleen. Note wall
lobe. Patient had history calcification (white
of recent trip to central arrow) and daughter
Africa. cysts (black arrow).
Cysts medial to lesser
gastric curvature are
exophytic hepatic
cysts protruding into
lesser sac.

Fig. 9—Fungal microabscesses and mimic of

hepatosplenic fungal infection.
A, Fungal microabscesses. Axial T2-weighted MR
image of 35-year-old man with history of AIDS who
presented with fever shows innumerable cystic
lesions (arrows) throughout liver and spleen. Patient
was found to have candidiasis.
B, Hepatic sarcoidosis. Axial contrast-enhanced CT
image of 42-year-old man with history of pulmonary
sarcoidosis shows innumerable hypodense hepatic
and splenic lesions (arrows) and mesenteric
lymphadenopathy (asterisk). Although these lesions
are not truly cystic, they can mimic cysts on CT.

AJR:203, December 2014 1201

Borhani et al.

Fig. 10—Biliary cystadenoma (BCA) and biliary cystadenocarcinoma (BCAC).
A and B, BCA in 43-year-old woman who presented with abdominal pain. Axial T2-weighted (A) and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted (B) MR images show large
multilocular cystic lesion with fine enhancing septations (arrows). Patient underwent surgical resection of lesion.
C, BCAC in 73-year-old woman who had prior resection of BCAC. Contrast-enhanced CT image shows large cystic lesion (asterisk) adjacent to surgical sutures with thick
enhancing rim (arrow) compatible with recurrent BCAC.
American Journal of Roentgenology 2014.203:1192-1204.

Fig. 11—Cystic hepatocellular carcinoma in 56-year- Fig. 12—Cystic metastasis in 40-year-old woman
old man with history of hepatitis C cirrhosis. Axial with history of retroperitoneal sarcoma. Axial
arterial phase contrast-enhanced CT image shows contrast-enhanced CT image shows new complex
complex cystic lesion (asterisk) in posterior segment cystic mass with peripheral solid components (arrow)
with peripheral hypervascular component (black compatible with metastasis.
arrow). Note morphologic features of cirrhosis and
transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt stent
(white arrow).

1202 AJR:203, December 2014

Cystic Hepatic Lesions

Fig. 13—Peribiliary cysts in 61-year-old man with history of cryptogenic cirrhosis. Fig. 14—Seroma in 20-year-old female living liver
A and B, Axial contrast-enhanced CT (A) and coronal MRCP (B) images show multiple cystic lesions (arrows) donor. Axial unenhanced CT image shows simple fluid
with periportal distribution. Note cirrhotic morphology of liver. collection (white arrow) close to lobar resection site
(black arrow). Follow-up imaging revealed complete
resolution of collection.
American Journal of Roentgenology 2014.203:1192-1204.


Fig. 15—Undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma in

14-year-old girl with palpable abdominal mass on
physical examination.
A–C, Axial contrast-enhanced CT (A), axial T2-
weighted MR (B), and axial contrast-enhanced
T1-weighted MR (C) images show large multilocular
cystic hepatic mass with enhancing rim and internal
septa (arrow, C).
D, Ultrasound image. Although mass appears
predominantly cystic on CT and MRI (A–C) because
of its myxoid stroma, it has predominantly solid
features (asterisk) on ultrasound.

AJR:203, December 2014 1203

Borhani et al.

History of trauma or surgery  Biloma, seroma, hematoma

History of pancreatitis  Intrahepatic pseudocyst

Simple cystic
morphology Subcapsular cyst in medial segment  Ciliated foregut cyst

None of the findings above  Simple cyst

A solitary lesion or
several lesions (2−10)
History of extrahepatic malignancy  Metastatic lesion

Cirrhotic liver and hypervascular component  Cystic HCC

morphology Patient from endemic area  Amebic abscess, hydatid cyst

Clinical findings of infection  Pyogenic abscess

Middle-aged woman  BCA, BCAC

“central dot” sign Caroli disease or Caroli syndrome

Many lesions
(> 10)
Patient is immunocompromised  Fungal microabscesses
American Journal of Roentgenology 2014.203:1192-1204.

No Large cysts with or without renal cysts  Polycystic liver disease

enhancement Small irregular cysts  Biliary hamartoma

Periportal distribution of cysts or cirrhotic liver  Peribiliary cysts

Fig. 16—Simplified algorithm for identifying and differentiating cystic hepatic lesions. HCC = hepatocellular carcinoma, BCA = biliary cystadenoma, BCAC = biliary

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1204 AJR:203, December 2014

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