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Writing – SRM FAQ Committee: Danny “Jayde Moon” Oliver, Robert “Banshee” Volbrecht, Nick “DireRadiant”
Van, Michael “Cadre Elite” Messmer, Grace “Pegasa” Lyttle, and Francis Jose.

Shadowrun Missions Logo – Brent Evans, Matt Heerdt, Jeff Laubenstein

Shadowrun Missions Coordinator – Danny “Jayde Moon” Oliver

Shadowrun Line Developer – Jason Hardy

Special Thanks – To the previous caretakers of the Shadowrun Missions(SRM) line: Jackson “Jax” Brunsting, Richard
Osterhaut, John Dunn, Aaron Pavao, Stephen McQuillan, Steven “Bull” Ratkovich, and Ray “The Teutonic Overlord”
Rigel. Also to prior members of the FAQ Committee: John “The Butcher” Appel and Tony “Tone-Loco” Gambino
(Tony the Pony)

Updates and changes to this version of the FAQ are highlighted in green. These changes are Errata for SRMs only,
and are subject to change when the official Errata gets released.

Rules that no longer apply since the last update are typed in Red and have been struck through.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 1 27 January 2019




















Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 2 27 January 2019

SECTION 18: RIGGER 5.0  58 
















Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 3 27 January 2019

What is this FAQ and what is it not?
This FAQ is a supplement to the Shadowrun rules that facilitate organized play as it pertains to Shadowrun
Missions. It contains clarifications and changes to the base ruleset to take into account the episodic nature of
Shadowrun Missions, which is inherently different from home-brew campaigns. Rules and systems that work when
a consistent group plays in a campaign with a consistent GM often do not function as intended in Shadowrun Missions.
Additionally, some rules and systems in Shadowrun are intentionally left vague or open, allowing the GM to
determine what works best for their table and players at home. Shadowrun Missions requires many of these open-
ended rules be codified into a consistent experience. The FAQ team strives to maintain balance and take into account
the intentions of the writers and developers, many of whom the team can contact directly.
What the FAQ is NOT is official Shadowrun Errata. While the FAQ team’s insight and access can often
create an excellent jumping off point for adjudicating contentious or unclear interpretations of the rules, they are not
meant to be the end-all-be-all arbiter. There can also be times when the FAQ team’s interpretation will differ from
the official errata and may change once errata has been released. Conversely, errata may not fit with the needs of
Shadowrun Missions and rules may be different.

This FAQ is valid for both the Chicago (SRM Seasons 5-8) and Neo-Tokyo (SRM Seasons 9-12) settings.

Rules pertaining solely to the Chicago setting will be highlighted in yellow.

Rules pertaining solely to the Neo-Tokyo setting will be highlighted in cyan.

Shadowrun Missions permits the use of the rules or equipment found in the following books with any exceptions to
content as noted in this FAQ:

- Shadowrun Fifth Edition (CAT27000)

- Run & Gun (CAT27002)
- Street Grimoire (CAT27003)
- Run Faster (CAT27004)
- Chrome Flesh (CAT27005)
- Data Trails (CAT27006)
- Rigger 5 (CAT27007)
- Howling Shadows (CAT27008)
- Forbidden Arcana (CAT27011)
- Stolen Souls (CAT27200)
- Hard Targets (CAT27201)
- Cutting Aces (CAT27202)
- Better Than Bad (CAT27203)
- Lockdown (CAT27300)
- Book of the Lost (CAT27452)
- The Complete Trog (CAT27506)
- The Seattle Gambit (E-CAT26056S)
- Street Lethal (CAT27012)
- Kill Code (CAT27013)
- The Vladivostok Gauntlet (E-CAT26S030)
- Aetherology (E-CAT26S032)
- Coyotes (E-CAT26S035)
- The Assassin's Primer (E-CAT26S036)
- Nothing Personal (E-CAT26S038)
- Shadows in Focus: City By Shadow: Metropole (E-CAT26S038)
- Gun Haven 3 (E-CAT26S040)
- Sail Away Sweet Sister (E-CAT26S041)
- Shadow Spells (E-CAT26S048)
- Shadows in Focus: Sioux Nation (E-CAT26S042)
- Shadows in Focus: City By Shadow: Butte (E-CAT26S043)

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 4 27 January 2019

- Shadows in Focus: City By Shadow: San Francisco Metroplex (E-CAT26S050)

Shadowrun Missions characters may not utilize the following books (in any format) because they have been designated
as Optional:

- Bullets & Bandages (E-CAT26S027)

The following are Shadowrun adventures not intended for Shadowrun Missions play:

- Splintered State (CAT27400)

- Serrated Edge, Denver Adventure 1 (CAT27401)
- False Flag, Denver Adventure 2 (CAT27402)
- Battle of Manhattan (CAT27409)
- Bloody Business (CAT27450) *Body Sculpt Adept Power is allowed
- Shadows in Focus: Sioux Nation: Starving the Masses (E-CAT26S044)
- Shadows in Focus: Sioux Nation: Counting Coup (E-CAT26S046)
- Shadowrun: Dark Terrors (E-CAT27231)

The following are Shadowrun books with no rules, but are good for background information:

- Ten Terrorists (E-CAT26S037)

- Shadows in Focus: City by Shadow: Cheyenne (E-CAT26S043)
- Market Panic (CAT-27451)
- Seattle Sprawl Box Set (E-CAT27110)

The following are Shadowrun alternate setting sourcebooks which may not be used for character generation,
background, etc. Note however that future Shadowrun Missions might involve exploring these settings.

- Court of Shadows (CAT-27009)

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 5 27 January 2019

What is Shadowrun Missions?
Shadowrun Missions is the official living campaign for Shadowrun, Fifth Edition.

What is a living campaign?

A living campaign is a way for you to create a character and participate in games run in many different locations
with different Gamemasters (GMs). You are able to play in a single game and single campaign and gain Karma and
nuyen for your character, so the character can grow and evolve. Shadowrun Missions also strives to take into account
the actions in aggregate of all characters participating in each Mission. Your decisions count!

Wait… how do you even know what we did?

Spies. Spies everywhere. Alternately, GMs should send a copy of their Debrief Log and any notes to The subject of the email should be: Debrief Log ##-## (So if it’s a debrief log for Started
from the Bottom, you would send it as Debrief Log 09-01).

What if our GM is not a Catalyst Demo Team Agent?

Send it anyway! If you ARE a Catalyst Demo Team Agent, make sure to include your agent #.

Do I have to scan in the handwritten, signed document?

Not at all. Take a picture of the debrief log with your phone and send that. Or just type everything into the
body of the email.

Where can I play Shadowrun Missions?

Shadowrun Missions are run at many game conventions and at Catalyst Demo Team Open Play events at local
game stores (FLGS) and game clubs. The modules themselves may be purchased in PDF format at the CGL online
store ( or at Drive Thru RPG and run at home. Some Shadowrun Missions
adventures may also be available in print format from time to time.
Sometimes you don’t have an FLGS or convention nearby, so you find an online session works best for all
parties. As long as the GM adheres to the rules found in this FAQ and provides signed Debriefing Logs to the attendees,
an online Mission counts the same as one run in person. Note: CDT Agents must meet certain requirements for an
online session to count as an official Venue.
If you’re interested in finding out where Shadowrun Missions are being run, head over to the Shadowrun
Missions or Catalyst Demo Team Facebook pages (
( If you want to inquire about and encourage Demo Team Agents to
run Shadowrun Missions at your convention or in your area, drop them a line and let them know!

What exactly are Missions?

Shadowrun Missions are short adventures designed to be run in a single game session. Typically they can be
run in less than four hours, so that they fit within the standard time block at gaming conventions. However, Missions
typically include additional information and material in the form of optional scenes and material in the Pushing the
Envelope sections that allow GMs to broaden and lengthen the game for those times they are not under a tight
schedule. For home game play where time is not a factor, most Missions can be run as two- or three-session adventures.

What is the difference between an SRM, CMP, and PM?

A Shadowrun Mission (SRM) is part of the living campaign, so each adventure ties into an overall storyline
with recurring NPCs and character success (or failure) can have an impact on the story.
A Convention Mission Pack (CMP) is a series of adventures loosely tied together which do not tie directly
(or even indirectly) into the primary storyline of the SRMs.
Information about Prime Missions (PM) can be found in Section 5 of this FAQ.

What is an Open Play event?

When a Catalyst Demo Team member runs an official event at your Friendly Local Gaming Store (or other
approved Venue), open to anyone who wants to drop in and play, we call it an Open Play event. If you are regularly
hosting Open Play events, please let us know! Send an email to, subject Open Play, with your
name, agent # if you are on the Demo Team, the location of your game, and when you hold events. We often get

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 6 27 January 2019

queries from folks itching to play on where they can find a group and having that information helps us help them help
you help us help ourselves. Every month we will reach out to see if you are still active.

Someone said there’s a reward for wearing Shadowrun shirts to Missions games?
Yes! If you wear a Shadowrun or a Catalyst Game Labs shirt to any Catalyst Demo Team convention or
Open Play Shadowrun Missions event, you get a single point of NERPS!

What are NERPS?

Within the world of Shadowrun NERPS are a fictional, all-purpose product. They’re great for breakfast, can
cure your cough, are good luck, can remove stains, whiten teeth, improve your gas mileage, and are good for what ails
you! In Missions games, they represent points you can earn that give you some small benefit during a game session.
Sometimes you might receive a promotional item that acts as a point of NERPS. These items usually come with
instructions for when and how you may use them. Usually you can use one per game session and they’re only good
for the duration of the convention or event during which you earned them.
Other NERPS points, such as the one you earn for wearing a Shadowrun shirt, are temporary points that must
be used during the game session in which you earned it. These points cannot be saved and used during later Missions
games, but it is possible to earn new NERPS at subsequent Missions for the same thing. For example, if you play in
three Missions adventures at GenCon in a single day while wearing an awesome Shadowrun t-shirt, you’ll earn a
NERPS point at each of the Missions to which you wear that shirt.
It is possible to earn multiple points of NERPS for a single Mission. You may only spend one NERPS per dice
roll, and the use of these bonus dice must be declared before you make the test. You may use as many NERPS as you
have during a single Shadowrun session. Once you use a NERPS, that NERPS is not available until your next
Shadowrun session. For example, if you have a Shadowrun hat, t-shirt, and dice bag, that’s three NERPS you may use
for that session. Each use of NERPS adds a +3 dice pool bonus for any test.

So, exactly what counts as NERPS?

You can gain a point of NERPS for each of the following: one for headgear (hat, beanie, visor, helmet); one for
a pair of pants or shorts; one for a pair of shoes; one for a pair of socks; one for a shirt; one for a jacket, sweatshirt, or
vest; one for each set of Shadowrun Dice or fraction thereof (for example, Q-Workshop dice come in sets of 6 while
the old Chessex sets came in 15 packs; if you have multiple fractions, you do not gain another point unless you have
more total dice than the amount that come in the smallest set from amongst the dice you own); one for having any
physical Shadowrun rulebooks, supplements, or game aids; one for making a purchase of Catalyst Game Labs products
that day or Convention; and one for each type of promotional item you may have received at a Convention.
Promotional items can be made by Catalyst Game Labs, the Catalyst Demo Team, or even other players so long
as the item is very specifically Shadowrun themed (has the Shadowrun Logo, the Missions Logo, or the fictional Logo
or name of one of the Megacorporations, fictional Nations, or easily identified groups in the Shadowrun World), and
is a permanent and collectible (of very limited release) object. If the identifying features can be easily removed or the
item can be destroyed without tools and with minimal effort, it does not count.

Can I take my character from my home Missions game to a convention or Open Play event?
Yes, but only if the character adheres to the Shadowrun Missions guidelines presented in this FAQ. The
character cannot be played in non-Missions events. You must have a completed Missions Calendar for your character’s
career up to that point, as well as a GM signed Debriefing Log for each Missions adventure in which the character
played. The Debriefing Log must note all Karma, nuyen, and items earned during a run. Refer to Appendix B for a
list of legal Shadowrun Missions.
Gamemasters running Missions as a home game should adhere as closely as possible to the Mission as written
as they can (with certain allowances for players who go off-script, because they can and will!). House rules are never
to be used for these games, and gamemasters should be careful not to allow the acquisition of crazy, game unbalancing
Gamemasters at Conventions and Open Play have the right to perform a character audit at any point and
disallow any abilities that are not normally allowed in Missions (i.e. disallowed gear, spells, qualities, etc.) or any gear
that seems inappropriate for a Missions character to have obtained (e.g. military-scale gear such as tanks and attack
choppers or very expensive and/or high Availability equipment the player cannot show just cause to possess).
These rules seem strict, but as Missions is largely on the honor system and does not maintain a character
database or require any sort of character registration, it’s the only way to maintain a semblance of fair play for all
Missions participants.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 7 27 January 2019

What if I have no intention of playing at conventions or Open Play games?
In that case, go nuts. Treat Missions adventures as you would any other game session or Shadowrun adventure.
Have fun with it and the sky’s the limit. Just note that these characters are not eligible to play at sanctioned Missions
events, should you find yourself at one. In that case, though, you’re welcome to sit down with a new character and
have some fun slinging some dice and running in the shadows!

I’m gamemastering the adventure as a legal Missions adventure. How much leeway do I have to change things?
You have a little wiggle room to add your own spin to the game, and of course to deal with whatever the runners
come up with. However, a few things you should never change:

Major NPCs: Never change the names or personalities of major, named NPCs. These characters can and do
come up in other adventures, so you don’t want to cause confusion for the players, since not every GM knows you
renamed Bull the Ork Decker to Pony Boy.

Major Plot Details: Again, these may come up in future Missions, so changing major storyline details could
drastically alter the plot and make things confusing for players in the future.

Nuyen Awards: A few gamemasters and players think Missions awards too much nuyen. Many think it
doesn’t award enough. Regardless, the run rewards are designed with both the campaign balance in general and the
suggested SR5 awards in mind, so please don’t give out more nuyen (or take nuyen away). It’s not fair to players who
are playing under other gamemasters.

Karma Awards: Same as nuyen awards. It’s not fair to other players if you give out more karma, and not
fair to your players if you give out less that the Mission outlines.

What resources are available for Missions?

Missions are designed to be played with just the core rulebooks for Shadowrun, Fifth Edition. Players should
be familiar with any official SR5 errata and FAQs.
Seasons 5-8 take place in Chicago, and while the primary source of information will be Feral Cities, older
sourcebooks such as Neo-Anarchists Guide to North America, Bug City, and Target: UCAS all provide valuable
background and information on the setting.
Seasons 9-12 take place in Neo-Tokyo. The primary source of information is Corporate Enclaves, however
information from Shadows of Asia, Vice, and other sourcebooks will provide greater depth on the happenings in the
Land of the Rising Sun.
All are available as PDFs through the CGL online store ( and at Drive
Thru RPG.

Where can I go to get the latest news and updates about Shadowrun Missions?
Like us on Facebook ( for up-to-date news, updates, and sneak peeks
of upcoming Missions releases. This is the primary place we post updates for the game.
Also join us on the official Shadowrun forums ( to discuss Missions and
rules with your fellow players as well as the writers and developers of the Shadowrun roleplaying game. The
Shadowrun Missions forum is also your go-to place for the latest news, rulings, and Missions updates. NOTE: The
SRM FAQ is the only official source for rulings. Should the Shadowrun Missions Developer make any “rulings” on
the forums, they are considered temporary until reviewed and incorporated into this document.

Do Missions gamemasters receive any rewards for running adventures?

Yes they do! Gamemasters who are members of the Shadowrun Catalyst Demo Team earn rewards for every
public event they run at game conventions and their local Venues. The more you run, the better your rewards. Head
over to to sign up and find out more information.
Gamemasters who are players also get in-game credit for their Shadowrun Missions characters! The Picking up
the Pieces section of each Shadowrun Mission contains a Gamemaster Reward section the Karma, nuyen, and any
other awards the GM receives for running the adventure, just as if they’d played through it with their character! You
also gain any contacts, loyalty, notoriety, public awareness, and street cred the team did. Be fair, be honest, and don’t
lead your players to pad your own rewards, though!

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 8 27 January 2019

A gamemaster can potentially earn the GM reward every time he/she runs a legal Mission. The GM reward
may be credited to a GMs character who has not already played in or received a GM reward for that particular Mission.
A character can only gain credit for a Mission once, whether it’s from the GM reward or playing it. A character cannot
get credit for running it multiple times, nor for playing in it and GMing it.

This Mission I just played doesn’t have gamemaster rewards listed! What gives?
Gamemaster rewards were added with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition and Season 5, so if you’re playing an earlier
edition and season, then those weren’t available. There are also some Convention Mission Pack (CMP) compilations
that have been up-converted for SR5, but because they were written for an older season they don’t have these rewards
by default. In that case, take the baseline pay for the Mission and treat it as if you got two net hits on a negotiation test
for any bonus pay. You also get the maximum amount of Karma, and any other rewards as above.
Details for each of these are in Appendix D: Errata.

Can my Missions character die?

Yes. Yes they can. Obviously we want everyone to have a good time, but still, everything has a price, and when
you run the shadows sometimes that price is death. Gamemasters should not go out of their way to kill characters, but
if runners rush in unprepared or leap into a situation where they are obviously outgunned and overpowered, then death
is a very real possibility. It’s a tragedy when it happens, but you can’t become a Street Legend if you don’t take a few
Don’t forget, though a fireball, grenade, or automatic weapons fire may have taken you down, you can still
burn a point of Edge to keep your favorite character alive (though badly injured) (SR5, pg. 57).

Can I replay a Mission with a different character? With the same character? What if I GMed the adventure?
The answer to all of these is yes, yes you may. However, be advised that you and your character should largely
act in a passive support role. You already know the adventure and how it turns out, so it is cheating if you act on the
knowledge of how the adventure plays out. You don’t want to spoil the fun for other players, do you? Ultimately this
is on the honor system, so please re-play responsibly.
Also, while it’s possible to play the same Mission multiple times with the same character for whatever reason,
you only gain the Karma and nuyen from the adventure once, so only the first time you play counts. Also, if you are
replaying an adventure with the same character, any money you spend comes out of your actual balance even though
you do not earn any additional nuyen for the run. This prevents replay players from using their “virtual share” to
handle all contact bribes and buy gear for the other players, knowing he doesn’t get to keep that money at the end of
the run.

Do I have to play Missions in order?

In order to encourage drop-in play, Missions can be played in any order. They are generally written with this
in mind. If at all possible, we feel that Missions are best enjoyed when played in sequence and there are certain
milestone Missions that can lead to narrative paradoxes if played before or after certain other Missions. If that occurs,
it’s best to sort of hand wave the paradoxes aside. More on that later.

Is there anything I’m required to bring to an official Shadowrun event?

If you plan on attending a Shadowrun event, there are some basic things you need to bring with you. Your
character sheet (either print out or digital (PDF) version) so the GM can review it if necessary. Pen/pencil/marker so
you can take notes or updated your character sheet with damage, Karma, nuyen, etc. Paper/notebook on which to write
your notes. Bring your dice: Shadowrun uses six-sided dice (d6) exclusively. Any rules pertaining to your character,
especially those which are not common, e.g. printed or digital copies of anything (drugs, spells, qualities, etc.) which
is not in the SR5 sourcebook as some GMs may not be as familiar with them. You also need to bring any prior
Debriefing Logs and your SRM Calendar. Please note: if you show up at a convention where the CDT is running
events without any of the above, the CDT will generally have pre-gens, pens/pencils, and dice available to use. Not
every Agent carries around every single paper book or has every single PDF...but they should have the SR5 rulebook!
Electronic dice rollers are permitted for online games only.

Any special blanket rules players and gamemasters should be aware of?
Yes, there are four:

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 9 27 January 2019

Wheaton’s Law: Don’t Be A Dick. This means players and Gamemasters alike should remember that
everyone at the table is there to have fun. Characters might be utter bastards, but players should be courteous and
considerate of other players and not do anything that would ruin the fun of others at the table. This means accepting
that payments are divided evenly amongst the characters. This means not playing out flaws, character quirks, or
whatever else you think is “in character” if it will ruin the fun of other players or make them uncomfortable. And it
means no non-consensual PvP (player versus player) actions such as mind controlling, attacking, or stealing from
other players. One person’s fun is never more important than anyone else’s.

Don’t Break the Game. Open-table play brings diverse groups to the game with varying levels of experience
with Shadowrun and knowledge of its mechanics. While it can be fun to manipulate the rules to create optimized
builds, this can sometimes create an imbalance in the scenario and negatively impact the fun of your fellow players.
We encourage you to create the character you want; bear in mind, however, that GMs are empowered to adjust
Missions to provide an appropriate challenge (often written into the Mission itself) and tactics available to player
characters are potentially available to their opponents.

In Player We Trust. From time to time Gamemasters may do a character audit and look over your sheet, but
at the end of the day they are rarely going to sit and do all the math and inspect every item, every skill, every contact,
and every Debriefing Log. At the end of the day, we trust the player to be honest in their record keeping and their
math. Please be honest and don’t abuse our trust. It’s just a game, and if you need to cheat to “win” a roleplaying
game, it’s a little sad.

In Gamemaster We Trust. Missions are written to be as broad as possible and to encompass as much as
possible while still telling a good, fun story. However, we never know what the players are going to bring to the table,
and any Gamemaster who has sat behind the screen knows players rarely follow the roadmaps laid out for them.
Missions Gamemasters need to think fast on their feet, often have to improvise, and need to adjust the power level and
scale of the adventure to fit the characters and players. And that’s okay! We trust the Gamemaster. Feel free to adapt
as needed, so long as the core adventure and events remain intact. Add what you need, remove what you need. Just
try to keep the adventure rewards within the established guidelines for the Mission, and don’t go giving out attack
helicopters or let them have Lofwyr as a contact. Keep things sane for the next gamemaster who deals with these

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 10 27 January 2019

Where do Seasons 5-8 take place?
Missions Seasons 5-8 take place in the Windy City, Chicago, Illinois, UCAS from 2075 – 2078.

What are the plot hooks and themes for this Season?
The Chicago story arc follows up the status quo as laid out in Feral Cities and the electoral results set up in
Dirty Tricks. Illinois Governor Anthony Presbitiro won his re-election bid on the campaign of rebuilding Chicago,
and he helped newcomer Allan Brown get elected as the new mayor of Chicago on the same platform. The two have
initiated an aggressive campaign called Project: Takeback (“Healing Chicago and making it safer you and your
family!”) to repair and rebuild the shattered city.
The first part of this is revoking the Adverse Possession ruling of the Chicago Supreme Court (p. 32, Feral
Cities) which granted property ownership to anyone who lived on a piece of land continuously for an extended period
of time without the rightful owner stepping forward to claim it. As of June 1, 2075, Adverse Possession was thrown
out, and the residents of the former Containment Zone and areas of the Corridor no longer have any legal rights to
property they may have been living on for as long as twenty years. Needless to say, this angered many of those living
in these areas of the city.
The second part is offering up a one-year “reclamation period” where anyone who can prove they had a legal
claim to a piece of land prior to the Containment Zone going up or have since purchased rights to that property will
be given ownership immediately. After one year, any remaining property will be auctioned off to any interested parties
for immediate ownership.
However, there are two catches to this. The first is that any entities normally exempt from local land taxes due
to extraterritoriality will have to pay taxes for the first five years to pay for rebuilding critical infrastructures in the
area. The second is that all parties taking ownership of land have until June 1, 2077 to physically take possession,
clear the land, rebuild, and start using it, or else the city will declare eminent domain and seize the property back for
Many corporations, both new and old, are moving in to take advantage of Project: Takeback, and you can bet
the residents of the Zone aren’t going to take this lying down. Everyone’s looking to hire runners, whether it’s to
destroy evidence left behind before the CZ went up, reclaim lost data and tech, prove ownership of property, stop
someone else from claiming the land, or simply throw a monkey wrench in the entire process. Either way there’s a lot
of money to be made, and it’s a good time to be a runner in Chicago!
Just keep in mind that Chicago was termed a Feral City for a reason. Ghouls, bugs, magical voids, toxic zones,
gangs, organized crime, and the government combine to make the Windy City a mess. In fact, the sprawl made
Aethernet’s Five Most Dangerous Cities list the last ten years running for a damned good reason.
Watch your back. Shoot straight. Conserve ammo. And never, ever deal with a dragon.

Are there any special rules related to the Chicago setting?

While for many Chicago and the Bug City Containment Zone are synonymous, the CZ comprises less than 1/3
of the total landmass of the city of Chicago proper, not counting suburban areas and farmlands connected to the city.
But the CZ is still big, and it is the rotted, gutted, feral heart of the Windy City. It starts at 115th Street to the south and
runs nearly 30 km North way to Belmont Avenue to the north, and reaches from the Lake Michigan an average of 15
km to Harlem Avenue to the west. A mass of torn down buildings and hastily-erected barricades were added to and
reinforced over the three-year period that the Containment Zone was in effect, and even now nearly 20 years later this
barrier stands as an imposing divide between the Zone and the outside world. Anyone can supposedly freely travel
between the zone and Chicago proper, but Lone Star watches those coming out and the gangs and warlords watch
those going in very closely.

The following applies to Seasons 5 and 6:

Between the Cermak Blast, the bugs, the debilitating effects of FAB III, and years of death and metahuman
misery, astral space in and around the Zone is horrible. Unless otherwise noted in the scene, assume a default
background count of 2 anytime characters are within the Containment Zone. The count will fluctuate wildly at times,
so players should expect to encounter everything from high background counts and mana voids to various aspected
backgrounds and mana warps. (See Street Grimoire, p. 30 for full rules). Areas of Chicago outside the CZ may also
suffer background count bleed from the Zone.
Besides the background count, the CZ is a virtual nightmare for deckers and technomancers. The persistent
low-level background radiation coupled with a distinct lack of modern matrix broadcasting equipment through the

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 11 27 January 2019

area results in a high level of constant background Noise that makes even basic matrix communication difficult. Noise
levels will vary from area to area, but unless otherwise specified in the scene, assume a default Noise level of 2 anytime
the characters are within the Containment Zone.

The following applies to Seasons 7 and 8:

Over the last two years, the Astral Preservation Society in partnership with The Ash Union and various
megacorp thaumaturgical divisions have made headway in cleaning up the background count within the CZ and the
surrounding area. Thanks to their work, unless otherwise noted in the scene, assume a background count of 1 anytime
characters are within the Containment Zone. The count will fluctuate wildly at times, so players should expect to
encounter everything from high background counts and mana voids to various aspected backgrounds and mana warps.
(See Street Grimoire, pg. 30 for full rules). Areas of Chicago outside the CZ may also suffer background count bleed
from the Zone.
With the megacorps construction efforts moving forward in the CZ and surrounding areas, matrix
connectivity has improved somewhat. Noise levels will vary from area to area, but unless otherwise specified in the
scene, assume a default Noise level of 1 anytime the characters are within the Containment Zone.

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Where do Seasons 9-12 take place?
Missions Seasons 9-12 will take place in Neo-Tokyo, Japan from 2079 – 2082.

What are the plot hooks and themes for this Season?
The Neo-Tokyo story arc picks up amidst Emperor Yasuhito’s populist agenda, as described in Corporate
Enclaves. Right-wing nationalists had been holding power in Japan for the last six decades, advancing an imperialist
agenda which led to an expansion of the Japanese Empire while holding fast to a societal xenophobic superiority
complex and unabashed racism.
Rampant military spending left little to repair crumbling infrastructure at home and deregulation of business
created a more desperate working class. Japan looked to be an invincible economic juggernaut, but a disease was
festering within. The coming of Haley’s Comet and the rise of young Emperor Yasuhito in the midst of a family
tragedy indicated a shift in the tides of power.
Repealing sections of the Yamato Act, which gave broad power to Japanese megacorporations and empowered
military expansion, the Emperor brought Imperial troops back and set them to work restoring the beauty and glory of
Japanese cities. He completely abolished the act of ‘quarantining’ metahumans on Yomi Island. Further, he has
opened the possibility of foreign corporations to invest in Japan. In 2063, by Imperial Decree, Neo-Tokyo’s limits
were expanded, strengthening the might of the Imperial Household while weakening political enemies and detractors.
With the changes sweeping like a tsunami through the country, the Japanacorps-sponsored nationalists are
desperate to maintain their grip on power, extolling traditional virtues and labeling the increased number of foreigners
and metahumans in the streets of their cities as an attack against the identity of the country. Their success has been
limited and by 2079, foreign corporations have a foothold in Japan’s marketplace. Metahumans are nearly as common
a sight in Neo-Tokyo as in Seattle and the impact of Yasuhito’s changes are being felt at all levels of society. Despite
the animosity between the Diet’s reformists and Japanacorps traditionalists, there is no denying that the young
Emperor is popular with the people.
It’s this simmering stewpot that the runners find themselves jumping into. The instability created by the silent
war between the two ideals is a goldmine of opportunity for those shrewd and determined enough to navigate the
culture. Foreign runners may find themselves working alongside or at odds with native operatives. Tanaka-san (the
Japanese equivalent of Mr. Johnson) may be forced to hire assets he’d normally eschew in favor of someone with
rounder ears.
There’s a lot to learn in the shadows of Neo-Tokyo. It’s not the average sprawl and anyone used to running
wild in the streets is due for a rough ride. The corporate Tanaka-sans are never comfortable with unknown variables
and so their assets generally come with recommendations from their contacts in the streets. An unproven runner can
expect to spend the better part of a year shouldering the loads of the Yakuza who, incidentally, are not immune to the
shifting tides.
So pay your dues, save face, and employ nemawashi; you just may get to witness a new dawn over the Land of
the Rising Sun. Oh, and of course, just as you would in any sprawl across the world:

Watch your back. Shoot straight. Conserve ammo. And never, ever deal with a dragon.

Are there any special rules related to the Neo-Tokyo setting?

Japan is a country that is both steeped in tradition and at the forefront of progress. This has created a society
that operates at the cutting edge of technology but falls back on social norms that many feel were outdated at the turn
of the century. Even among the most progressive reformists, social values such as honor and face hold great meaning
and these principles guide all interactions. A shadowrunner who refuses to understand this and abide by those rules
doesn’t run the shadows for very long.
The following rules or considerations apply during Shadowrun Missions Season 9.

Noise Rating
Neo-Tokyo is a heavily commercialized sprawl with an abundance of AR Spam. The default noise rating in
Neo-Tokyo is 2.

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Giri, Face, and Honor
The concepts of Giri, Face, and Honor are tightly interwoven into Japanese society. As shadowrunners work
their way through the streets of Neo-Tokyo, they will encounter actions that seem counter intuitive to the business-
minded and those who often deal in ‘bottom-lines’. These may be reflected in various Social Modifiers for metarace
or ethnicity. It comes up with the concept of nemawashi, or legwork, which is more nuanced in Japan than in the
various sprawls around the world. Residents and visitors will experience this at every level of society. They also do
not look the same on every person and those who adhere to traditionalist views will act differently than those who
embrace change.
In Japanese business dealings, it is expected that the best deal possible is offered upfront. Directly negotiating
with your Tanaka-san is an affront to their Honor. When working with your Tanaka-san, a gentle reminder of the
difficulties and the professionalism with which the task will be done may place them in a frame of mind to consider a
generous bonus. This is one of many ways that these concepts will make themselves known in Seasons 9-12. (It is
important to note that the system for Negotiating remains unchanged, though the result may not be revealed until the
end of the Mission).

Example of Standard Negotiations vs Negotiations in Neo-Tokyo

The team is offered 5,000¥ for a particular task.

Step One - Negotiator makes his case:

Negotiator, Standard Negotiation: “This task is going to be more dangerous than you imply and the
timetable is very compressed. I don’t think we can do this for less than 7,500¥.”

Negotiator, Neo-Tokyo Negotiation: “Ah, Tanaka-san, this we can do. The timetable is very compressed
and I see dangers at every corner, but I assure you that we are up to the task and that you will be exceedingly
pleased with the result.”

Step Two - Roll an opposed Negotiation Test:

Results indicate increase in payment of 1,500¥. GM can announce the result to the table.

Step Three - Employer responds to the Negotiator:

Mr. Johnson, Standard Negotiation: “Hrm… I see your point, but I won’t go over 6,500¥.”

Tanaka-san, Neo-Tokyo Negotiation: “Hai! You came highly recommended and I eagerly anticipate your

Step Four - Complete the Mission.

Step Five - Receive payment.

Mr. Johnson, Standard Negotiation: “Good job, as agreed here is the 6,500¥.”

Tanaka-san, Neo-Tokyo Negotiation: “Ah! You have indeed performed the task beyond our expectations.
Here is the compensation you were promised, and as a gesture of our appreciation to your professionalism
and skill, an additional 1,500¥ and our esteem.”

* Please note that this is not a script. The negotiator is still able to make all of the same negotiating points as before, the request for
additional pay is simply framed differently, in a manner that allows Tanaka-san to save face. This feature is meant to drive home the
flavor of shadowrunning in Japan, not as a means to trip up the player of the team’s face.

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Illegality of Firearms
In Neo-Tokyo, the legality classification of all firearms and heavy weapons is changed to Forbidden and
licenses cannot be created for them. The exceptions are weapons categorized as firearms that can never be armed with
ammunition that causes physical damage. There are no exceptions for Player Characters. Further, the availability is
increased for each category of firearms as follows:
Firearm Category Availability Modifier
Hold-Outs +0
Light Pistols +2
Heavy and Machine Pistols +4
SMGs, Shotguns, and Rifles (Assault, Sniper, and Sporting) +6
Heavy Weapons +8
Grenades, Rockets, and Missiles +4

For instances where characters playing in the Neo-Tokyo Missions find themselves outside of Japan (such as
when playing CMPs), these availability modifiers remain and represent the difficulties associated with smuggling your
acquired weapon into and out of Japan when you travel.

Police presence and response

Neo-Tokyo is proud of their police force. Neo-Tokyo Metropolitan Police (NTMP) are not a private security
firm like Lone Star. Their loyalties lie with the Imperial State and they take their duties very seriously. Well trained
and equipped, they NTMP is prepared to deal with most issues as they arise.
Surveillance is nearly omnipresent throughout Neo-Tokyo. Aerial patrol drones augment a sophisticated
camera system that works to identify illegal activity quickly. The drones constantly scan for broadcasting SINs while
advanced AI with human operators watch camera feeds in real time to find criminals.
If any member of the group is attempting to conceal illegal items (such as firearms), the GM can make a single
Perception test based on the Security Rating of the location they are in. Each Shadowrunner attempting to conceal an
illegal firearm will have to roll a Palming + Agility [Physical] test. To streamline the process, instead of adding the
Concealability Modifiers to the Perception Test, each player will subtract the modifier to their Palming Test.
For example, William and Theodore are carrying firearms in Neo-Tokyo. William is carrying an SMG and
Ted has a Light Pistol. Each of them have a Palming skill rating of 4 and an Agility of 5. William rolls Palming (4)
+ Agility (5) - the Concealability Modifier of an SMG (+2) for a total Dice Pool of 7. Theodore will roll Palming (4)
+ Agility (5) - the Concealability Modifier of a Light Pistol (-2) for a total Dice Pool of 11.
The third indicator of potential criminal activity is suspicious behavior or openly flaunting restricted gear, such
as wearing a suit of full body armor or carrying a crossbow. Swords are openly carried by most citizens in Neo-Tokyo
and any melee weapon with a reach of 1 or less is usually ignored.
Anytime the surveillance systems of the NTMP indicate potential criminal activity, officers are called to the
scene. The NTMP has many two-man patrols operating throughout the city and one is usually within a block or two
of any location in C or higher rated neighborhoods. These patrols will respond to any alerts and are followed by an
aerial drone that records any interaction between the police officers and the citizens of Neo-Tokyo. Being confronted
by one of these patrols will result in a SIN check along with checks for any required licenses (Core 2d printing, 364).
These patrols have SIN Verification Systems with a default rating of 3. AA and AAA neighborhoods may be higher,
up to rating 5. Depending on the circumstances, the GM may allow an Etiquette Test to smooth over the interaction
and placate the officers into not conducting a thorough check. However, they always do a minimal check at rating 2.
Characters with police contacts can attempt to use their contact to make any legal problems disappear. A police
contact can influence patrolmen to look the other way for a price. For example, for the hefty price of 1000¥, your
contact can convince the patrolmen that it isn’t necessary to check your SIN’s legitimacy. This must happen before
the check, because once they discover the SIN is fake, all bets are off.
The contact can also smooth over any ‘misunderstandings’ regarding firearms. The larger the firearm, the more
influence the contact needs to convince the patrolmen that everything is fine. A Connection Rating 2 works for a
Hold-Out, Connection Rating 3 for Light Pistols, and Connection Rating 4 for Heavy Pistols and Machine Pistols.
The contact ‘charges’ 500¥ and one week of the character’s downtime. This represents the character investing time
and money into a reciprocal favor for the contact. Additionally, 500¥ for every Rating of Loyalty under the required
Connection Rating will be charged. For example, a Connection Rating 4, Loyalty Rating 2 police contact will ‘charge’

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 15 27 January 2019

The penalties for the crimes that can be handled by NTMP’s two-man patrols are generally more of an
inconvenience than anything else. The following are the penalties that can be placed on characters who get the
attention of the patrols:

Crime Fine Notes

Not Broadcasting a SIN 100¥ Will be made to broadcast a SIN, which will be checked
Not possessing a SIN 500¥ Detained then relocated
Possessing a fake SIN SIN is burned, SIN Rating 4+ results in Arrest
Possessing unlicensed items 250¥ per item If a fake SIN is detected, items are confiscated
Possessing Grey Mana tattoo 250¥ per Rating Removal of Grey Mana tattoo, +1 Public Awareness
Unlawful spellcasting 1000¥ -1 Street Cred
Possessing a Firearm that is
1000¥ -1 Street Cred, Weapon Confiscated
normally ‘Restricted’*
Possessing Firearm that is
2000¥ -1 Street Cred, Weapon Confiscated, Arrest
normally ‘Forbidden’*
Possessing Grey Mana
500¥ per Rating -1 Street Cred, Item Confiscated
Integration 1-3
Possessing Grey Mana 1000¥ per
-1 Street Cred, Item Confiscated, Arrest
Integration 4-6 Rating
Resisting Arrest 3000¥ Use of necessary force to incapacitate, issue criminal SIN
* All firearms are counted as Forbidden in Neo-Tokyo, but the penalties for being caught with an Area Alpha will be stiffer than for being caught
with a Light Fire. Penalties are based on their normal legality codes as noted in source material.

A detained character is detained for 8 hours and then moved to the Sub-Tokyo area. An arrested character is
held for 24 hours, gains one point each in Notoriety and Public Awareness, and loses 1 point of Loyalty with any
police connections (to a minimum of 1 Loyalty). This time cannot be used to rest, heal, or regain edge.

Magic Surveillance
The NTMP also employs Magic Security forces, including mages on astral patrol and various watcher and
other spirits. Anyone who looks up at the sky while astrally perceiving can generally spot an NTMP associated spirit
at any given time. Magic is common in Neo-Tokyo and simply using it may not be enough to garner any attention.
Combat Magic higher than Force 3, any Mental Manipulation, and other uses of magic at the discretion of the GM
may garner attention from astral surveillance. When the GM determines that magic use would be suspicious, the GM
may have the player roll their character’s Edge rating as a dice pool opposed by a dice pool created by the Force of
the spell being cast and an additional die for every security rating level over C in that neighborhood.
If they do not get any net hits, then a watcher spirit has tagged their action as suspicious and an astrally
projecting NTMP mage will arrive on sight at the beginning of the next combat round and assense the situation. Based
on their findings, they may remain on sight to monitor, determine that the activity is not criminal related, call in a local
patrol to check things out in the mundane, or trigger an HTR response.
Astrally projecting NTMP mages are Mind-Linked to a dispatcher within a few meters of their body.
Two important caveats to Magical Surveillance are that adept powers don’t have astral signatures that can be
read like spells and that NTMP watcher spirits will never patrol inside of privately owned buildings and will ignore
magic that is cast on extra-territorial properties.

High Threat Response

The following incidents can trigger a High Threat Response: Explosions, fully automatic gunfire (4 or more
bullets in a single action), sustained gunfire (more than 1 combat turn involving gunfire), violence against police
officers, any LOS(A) combat spells, multiple (LOS) combat spells over multiple combat turns, and/or multiple
casualties. The GM is not limited to this list.

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Initial response is within 2+1d6 turns as HTR Drones are dispatched from one of several launch points
throughout the city. This is followed by the HTR response as indicated in Run Faster under the Neighborhood Zone
Response Time column in the table on page 220. If any characters involved have a combined Notoriety and Public
Awareness of 10, the HTR team’s response time is as if the area were one level more secure.
Neo-Tokyo HTR teams operate under a policy of ‘shoot first, arrest survivors’. Casualty aid is not offered
to any suspected criminals, though CrashCart or similar services are not blocked. Survivors arrested by HTR are held
in prison for 3 months and then released with Criminal SINs. This time can be used to train Basic Attributes and
Knowledge Skills.
To evade HTR Teams, characters must clear any evidence of their presence first and then depart from the
location. Failure to clear evidence of their presence results in all active Fake SINs being immediately burned. Anyone
operating under a real SIN is arrested after completion of the Mission. Evidence includes astral signatures, video
footage, and eyewitnesses who can recognize the characters later. If their SIN has already been burned due to failing
a SIN check, they do not lose an additional SIN.

The Yakuza
Many areas are controlled to varying degrees by the Yakuza. When operating in Yakuza controlled territory,
instead of a two-man police patrol, a group of the local Yakuza may arrive. The Yakuza will not check for SINs but
will still confiscate any weapons. This results in a loss of Street Cred for the character. As with police contacts, the
right Yakuza contact can pull strings on behalf of the character, allowing them to keep a hold-out at Connection Rating
1 up to a SMG at Connection Rating 4. The price to the character is the same as with police contacts.
If Shadowrunners have properly conducted nemawashi and cleared their activities with the Yakuza, then
these contacts may smooth things over with the NTMP. Anything that does not invoke an HTR response can be done
if the local Yakuza are on board. HTR triggering events can also be forestalled in Security Rating B or less areas,
though the characters will have to pay a penalty of 5000¥ to Yakuza for the inconvenience. The Yakuza cannot
forestall HTR in A and A+ Rated neighborhoods.
Failure to gain the Yakuza’s blessing on activities in their areas can have a negative result for Shadowrunners.
If the Shadowrunners are stopped by the police or involved in an HTR incident, they lose 1 Loyalty with any Yakuza
contacts associated with the controlling Yakuza Gumi or Kai and they gain 1 point of notoriety.

In Japanese, this is an informal process of subtly laying the foundation for a project or job. For
shadowrunners, it’s similar to the term ‘legwork’ in many respects, but with some subtle differences. Operating in
Neo-Tokyo usually requires the consent of the… powers that be… in any given district or neighborhood (we’re talking
Yakuza bosses, beetlebrain!). Thorough nemawashi often involves making yourself known to the local kyodai and
receiving their permission to work on their grounds. In most cases it’s a formality and most kyodai won’t do you the
dishonor of demanding to know exactly what you’re doing…

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Character Creation
Creating a character is done using the standard priority system presented in the Shadowrun, Fifth Edition
rulebook. Be sure you have the latest rulebook printing or errata. Please see the appropriate section to see if additional
character creation methods released in expansion material are allowed for Shadowrun Missions. Unless otherwise
noted in this FAQ, no rule marked “Optional” or listed as being “At the Gamemaster’s discretion” will be used for
Shadowrun Missions play. All other expansion material will be allowed once its release grace period has elapsed (see
When creating a character for Shadowrun Missions, one thing to keep in mind is when playing at conventions
or in Open Play games, you never know who or what is going to show up at the table. Nor can you be certain a given
adventure will focus on one particular aspect of the game. Because of this, it’s usually not in your best interest to
hyper-specialize a character. Gamemasters do their best to keep all players engaged in the adventure and story, but if
your character only does one thing, it doesn’t matter how well they do that thing if it’s not useful to the adventure or
if there are four other characters who are all able to do that thing as well. Keep flexibility and diversity in mind when
designing a new character.

Rating and Availability

Any gear, including magic, cyberware, and bioware, may be purchased at character creation, provided the
Availability is 12 or less and the Rating is 6 or less (SR5, pg. 94). Note that the Damage Value and Armor Rating of
an item is not included in this, it is only items which have variable rating levels which you may be purchased. Players
may purchase normal, alpha, and used cyberware at character creation, but not beta or deltaware.
Note that cyberware grade only affects the implant costs for implanted cyberdecks and commlinks. The link or
deck cost remains the same regardless of whether it’s a used implant or a delta-grade implant.
The only exception to Availability limits during character creation is the Restricted Gear Quality (Run Faster,
pg. 149).

Keep in mind that most gear is assumed to have some wireless function built into it, and many pieces of gear
benefit from being connected to your Personal Area Network in some way. Skinlink is not available at this point, so
you’ll either need to run wireless to take advantage of these bonuses, or run wires to your gear if you want to be
protected (you’ll look like a fraggin’ antique with wires running all over the place, but don’t worry. Wires are cool
With this in mind, you’ll likely either need to make sure you have a good decker in the group to protect you
with his cyberdeck, and/or make certain you have a decent firewall on your commlink to protect your gear. Getting
bricked (SR5, pg. 228) sucks.

Most qualities are allowed in Missions play. However, since Missions are designed to be run in a tight time
frame and because you may be playing under different gamemasters at different venues, some qualities simply cannot
come into play or be enforced, and as such are disallowed. The following qualities are disallowed in Shadowrun
Missions play and are inclusive with all available sourcebooks:

Bandersnatch (Run Faster, pg. 136)
Banshee (Run Faster, pg. 136)
Better To Be Feared Than Loved (Chrome Flesh, pg. 54)
Brand Loyalty (Run & Gun, pg. 127)
Corporate Loyalist (Street Lethal, pg. 126)
Deus Vult! (Assassin’s Primer, pg. 17)
Dzoo-noo-qua (Run Faster, pg. 137)
Fame (Run Faster, pg. 146)
Fomoraig (Run Faster, pg. 138)
Friends in High Places (Run Faster, pg 147)
Ghoul (Run Faster, pg. 138)
Gnawer (Run Faster, pg. 138)

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 18 27 January 2019

Goblin (Run Faster, pg. 138)
Grendel (Run Faster, pg. 139)
Harvester (Run Faster, pg. 139)
Loup-garou (Run Faster, pg. 139)
Made Man (Run Faster, pg. 148)
Mutaqua (Run Faster, pg. 139)
My Country, Right or Wrong (Assassin’s Primer, pg. 17)
Nosferatu (Run Faster, pg. 139)
Online Fame (Data Trails, pg. 45)
Revels in Murder (Chrome Flesh, pg. 56)
Trust Fund (Run Faster, pg. 151)
Vampire (Run Faster, pg. 140)
Wendigo (Run Faster, pg. 140)

Alpha Junkie (Cutting Aces, pg. 151)
Amnesia (Run Faster, pg. 152)
Bad Rep (SR5, pg. 79)
Big Regret (Run Faster, pg. 153)
Blank Slate (Chrome Flesh, pg. 57)
Bushido 2.0 (Run Faster, pg. 30)
Carrier (Run Faster, pg. 141)
Code of Honor (SR5, pg. 79)*
Code of Honor: Avenging Angel (Hard Targets, pg. 191)
Combat Junkie (Run & Gun, pg. 127)
Corporate Pariah (Street Lethal, pg. 127)
Cyber-Snob (Chrome Flesh, pg. 57)
Curiosity Killed the Cat (Data Trails, pg. 46)
Data Liberator (Data Trails, pg. 46)
Day Job (Run Faster, pg. 154)
Dependent(s) (SR5, pg. 80)
Driven (Run Faster, pg. 154)
Earther (Run & Gun, pg. 169)
Ex-Con (Run Faster, pg. 155)
Flashbacks (Run Faster, pg. 155)
Harmony with Nature, The Shaman’s Code (Run Faster, pg. 26)
Hung Out to Dry (Run Faster, pg. 155)
In Debt (Run Faster, pg. 156)
LEEEEEEEROY JENKINS (Data Trails, pg. 48)
Loss of Confidence (SR5, pg. 82)
One of Them (Chrome Flesh, pg. 58)
Paraplegic (Run Faster, pg. 157)
Poor Self Control – Compulsive (Run Faster, pg. 158)
Poor Self Control – Vindictive (Run Faster, pg. 158)
Prank Warrior (Data Trails, pg. 49)
Records on File (Run Faster, pg. 158)
Social Stress (SR5, pg. 85)
Stay Out of My Way (Street Lethal, pg. 127)
The Code of the Good Cop (Run Faster, pg. 31)
The Code of the White Hat (Run Faster, pg. 31)
The Code of Wuxia (Run Faster, pg. 27)
The Hermetic Code (Run Faster, pg. 32)
This is Your Last Chance (Street Lethal, pg. 127)
Too Much Data (Rigger 5.0, pg. 33)
Tough and Targeted (Chrome Flesh, pg. 60)
Unsteady Hands (SR5, pg. 87)

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 19 27 January 2019

Vendetta (Run Faster, pg. 159)
Wanted (Run Faster, pg. 159)
Wanted by GOD (Data Trails, pg. 49)
White Hats, The Code of the Hacker (Run Faster, pg. 27)

Other Qualities such as Addiction, Allergy, and Incompetent normally require gamemaster approval. These are
allowed with the restriction that they have to be something playable and appropriate to your character.

Existing: No tests are made for addiction during downtime. If you do not take a dosage or get your fix
during downtime, you are considered suffering from withdrawals during downtime and at the beginning of the
Mission. You make a Withdrawal Test(s) at the beginning of the Mission and do not suffer from withdrawal if
successful. Further, you may buy off (or down) the quality (you do not have to, but this is the only opportunity).
Failure means you suffer from withdrawal for the Mission. If you take a dosage or get your fix, you no longer suffer
from withdrawal but reset your threshold.
Whether you take a dosage or get your fix during the Mission or not, at the end of the Mission you must
make an addiction test. The threshold for the test is based on the Addiction Threshold minus any weeks spent
conducting downtime activities on the SRM Calendar since your last dosage/fix. If you did not take a dosage or get
your fix in the current Mission, it is further reduced by one (1). The minimum threshold to which it can be reduced is
one (1). You may spend as much downtime as necessary to reduce the Addiction Threshold to one (1); just mark the
time off your SRM Calendar and pay for any lifestyle costs during that time.

No Existing Addiction: If you take any addictive substance during a Mission, you make an Addiction
Test(s) at the end of the Mission. The threshold for this test is equal to the full value of the Addiction Threshold for
each addictive substance. A test is made for each type of addiction (physiological, psychological, or both) listed for
the substance.

If you fail any Addiction test, you either gain the Addiction negative quality (if not already addicted) or
your Addiction level worsens one step.
For addictions with no set price (such as gambling), you must spend at least 500¥ per level of addiction
each time you succumb to your addiction.
The Addiction must be to something either somewhat expensive, harmful to the character in the short term,
and/or otherwise difficult to obtain. There are many serious, real-life examples of addictions that can be very
harmful and have long-term effects on a person but would have little to no effect on a Shadowrun game, especially
in the Missions format. Things like caffeine or cigarette addictions would fall into the “disallowed” category, as
these can be harmful but are also legal, cheap, and easy to obtain. MMO and sex addiction likewise wouldn’t come
up in play very often, other than as a minor distraction to the character. Narcotics, BTLs, and expensive gambling
are all acceptable examples of Addictions that can be used in Missions.

Billy Bob has a moderate addiction to Bliss (Addiction Rating 5, Addiction Threshold 3). He went on a
Mission and spent six (6) weeks before his next Mission. He suffered withdrawals during the six weeks (–4 to
Mental and Physical attribute based tests). At the beginning of the next Mission he needs to make two Withdrawal
Tests (one physiological and one psychological). The threshold is one (1) so he needs a single hit on each test. If he
gets a hit on each test, he may buy off the quality and does not suffer from withdrawal. If he fails, he suffers from
withdrawal for the entire Mission, unless he takes another dose of Bliss. Of course, taking this dose of Bliss means
he must make an Addiction Test at the end of the Mission. At the end of the Mission, he fails his Addiction Tests
and his addiction goes from moderate to severe.

VR, Skillwire, and Foci Addictions: Since respective builds can be expected to make use of these in every
Mission for the respective character archetype, these can not be selected or otherwise applied to a character for the
Addiction quality.

Allergies: All Allergies must be things that are possible to come up in a game session without the Gamemaster having
to go out of his way to introduce them. An allergy to uranium or Macronesian bee stings, for example, are things that
are never likely to come up in a game, and thus would not be allowed.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 20 27 January 2019

Code of Honor: The basic Code of Honor negative quality as described on pg. 79 is not allowed in Missions play,
however specific Codes of Honor may be allowed from other sourcebooks. For example, Assassin’s Creed is allowed
from the SR5 sourcebook, but Warrior’s Code is not.

The list of available Codes of Honor follows:

Assassin’s Creed
Like a Boss (Requires Hacking 3 or Resonance Attribute)
Omerta (Requires Made Man positive quality)
Hippocratic Oath
Paladin’s Code
Path of the Samurai
Soldier’s Code
Thug Life
*special thanks to ‘Marcus’ for driving the effort to clarify available CoH

Incompetent: This quality can only apply to a skill group the character is likely to need and use on a regular basis. In
particular, the Outdoors, Engineering, Cracking, and Biotech groups should only be taken as incompetent if they
would directly be a skill your character’s build would use, such as a medic for Biotech, decker for Cracking, rigger
for Engineering, etc. This should be a skill that has an impact on your character and your gameplay, not something
easily ignored.

What about Exceptional Attribute and Lucky? Those say with gamemaster approval only.
Both are allowed in Missions.

Are there any other Qualities that have special rules when appearing in Missions?
Yes, the following qualities have rules that you should keep in mind when creating your character:

Distinctive Style: When a character with Distinctive Style gains a point of Public Awareness, there may be instances
where this Negative Quality will net them a second point.

Did You Just Call Me Dumb?: Anytime a Social Test is made in the presence of a character with Did You Just Call
Me Dumb?, the character with the Negative Quality forces a teamwork test that they participate in. They just can’t
help themselves.

Uncouth: Anytime a Social Test is made in the presence of a character with Uncouth, the character with the Quality
forces a teamwork test that they participate in. They just choose the wrong time to open their mouth to say the wrong
thing. If the Uncouth character doesn’t have the skill, they roll a single die that can only (critically) glitch.

How many points worth of Qualities can I take?

As per the rules under Purchasing Qualities (SR5, pg. 71), you may only take a maximum of 25 points worth
of Positive Qualities and 25 points worth of Negative Qualities. If you really wish, for roleplay purposes, you may
take additional Negative Qualities, but you may never gain more than 25 Karma for them regardless of how many you

Can I take specializations for my skills?

Yes, specializations are allowed following the examples laid out in the book. Choose either a specialty listed
or one that’s similar, keeping in mind a specialty should be a bonus you only get under certain specific circumstances.
Unarmed combat: you may take any of the specializations listed for Unarmed Combat in the SR5 sourcebook.
Please see the Run & Gun section found in this FAQ to see how the martial arts specialization is used in Shadowrun

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Contacts and SINs
You are encouraged to carefully consider the contacts you choose and the fake SINs you purchase for your
character. Both are incredibly useful. You’ll likely want (and even need) multiple SINs, because you can’t do much
in the world of 2075 without one, and if they get burned, so do you!
In Missions, you will likely earn a fair number of contacts through gameplay. However, these contacts are
frequently a part of the story and plot and are not always the most diverse, and they’re often limited in how high their
loyalty will go. So we encourage you to make certain you have a diverse number of contacts at character creation to
support your character and his chosen profession. A general fixer is always useful and every runner should have one.
Street and corp contacts are always worthwhile. Plus keep in mind that you need a way to get gear, so a decker should
have a deckmeister or programmer, a street sammy should have an armorer or gunsmith, and a rigger should know a
good mechanic or at least a used car salesman. Also, Seasons 5-8 take place in Chicago and Seasons 9-12 take place
in Neo-Tokyo, so contacts outside of those regions may be of limited use.

Are the Lifestyle Options allowed for Missions play?

Lifestyle Options (SR5, pg. 374) are allowed in general. However since Missions are pre-written and rarely
take place at the character’s doss, the two negative options (Cramped and Dangerous Area) are not allowed since they
will rarely, if ever, come up. Characters should consider the positive options carefully, as they will likely come into
play rarely as well, so they may be a waste of money.
Team Lifestyles (SR5, pg. 375) are allowed, but if used all members of the team using this option must
synchronize their Missions Calendars. This means that if one member needs to spend an entire month of downtime
training and the other members do not, or if a player misses a Mission and “skips” a week, the other players must
waste this time and still pay full lifestyle costs. This is done to prevent the Calendar weirdness that happens when one
player is several months ahead of another player because he frequently needs extended downtimes, and thus, is paying
far more for his share of the rent.

Can I transfer my character from a previous Season of Shadowrun Missions?

Characters must be played within the location-based story arc they were created for. As later seasons are
developed, these characters can continue as Prime Runners (more on that later).

Wait, so which characters can play in which Shadowrun Missions?

Characters created for prior to Season 5 must be converted to 5th Edition become Prime Runners. Characters
created for any of Seasons 5-8 (the Chicago Arc) can take part in all regular Missions from those Seasons, Special
Missions, and all 5th Edition CMPs published in 2017 or earlier. Characters created for any of Seasons 9-12 (the Neo-
Tokyo Arc) can take part in all regular Missions from those Seasons, Special Missions published in or since 2018, and
all CMPs published in 2018 thru 2021. Prime Runners will follow their own set of legal Missions in the next section.

Character Audit: Gamemasters may do a character audit before a game session and they may disallow it the character
if that character does not follow the rules for creation and progression, whether those are from rulebooks or the FAQ.
Please do not try to abuse the system.

Can I make changes to my character after the character has played in an official event (Mulligan Rule)?
Yes, provided you adhere to the following:

Conventions/game day events: Sometimes you make a brand new character for a convention/game day
event and after playing it, discover it wasn’t really what you wanted or it needs some tweaks. Sometimes you get in
on a First Taste event which uses pre-gens and you can’t get into a Build-A-Runner Workshop and use the pre-gen
the entire convention. For conventions/game day events, we prefer you make any changes/tweaks as soon as you have
free time. However, we also realize this may not be possible. Officially, you may make any changes/tweaks to that
character after the convention/game day event is over, but before that character participates in another Shadowrun
Mission (SRM/CMP/SMH/PM). If you had a pre-gen or a character which simply did not work for you, you may take
any Karma and nuyen earned and apply it to a new character. NOTE: if you spent any Karma or nuyen on the original
character during the course of the convention/game day, you may NOT mulligan the character. For example: CT
comes up with this awesome idea in her head about a character concept and she creates that character for an upcoming
convention. Unfortunately, within the first couple of Missions, she realizes she does not enjoy the concept and just
can’t get into the character. Since she loves Shadowrun, she’s booked herself for every time slot available and doesn’t

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 22 27 January 2019

even have a chance to eat, let alone make a new character. She saves each Debriefing Log, doesn’t spend Karma or
nuyen, and when she gets home creates a new character and applies the Karma and nuyen. At this point, this character
can no longer be tweaked or changed since she’s applied the karma and nuyen, even though the character hasn’t played
a single Mission yet. Also, even if she had spent no karma or nuyen, no further mulligan is allowed once the
mullinganed character has participated in another Mission.

FLGS: As above, sometimes you have an idea in your head and create a character, but sit down at your first
Mission and discover you don’t like the character. You may make tweaks/changes (or a new character) after the first
Shadowrun Mission (SRM/CMP/SMH/PM), but before that character participates in another Shadowrun Mission. As
above, once you spend karma or nuyen on that character, it is locked in and may not be tweaked/changed/remade. If
the Karma and nuyen were not spent, then they may be applied to a new character as well, but once applied, no
changes/tweaks may be made. Also, even if no karma or nuyen is spent, no further mulligan is allowed since the first
character was mulliganed into a new character.

New Players: Players that are identified as new to Shadowrun Missions can mulligan their character until
their fourth Mission, unless they would otherwise be covered under the rules for Convention/game day events. There
are no karma or nuyen expenditure restrictions and the character can be mulliganed multiple times. Once they begin
their fourth Mission, that character is locked in and no further mulligans are allowed.

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What is a Prime Runner?
In general, Prime Runner is a term applied to an experienced veteran of the shadows. For Missions, Prime
Runner is a designation applied to any experienced character promoted out of the main Shadowrun Missions line due
to recreation for a new game system (e.g. 4th to 5th edition). A Prime Runner designation is also applied to any
character who has at least 150 Total Karma Earned (TKE) during the Chicago Missions campaign. A character
involved in the Neo-Tokyo Missions campaign who has at least 150 Total Karma Earned (TKE) can choose to take
on the Prime Runner designation but will be disqualified from further participation in SRMs and CMPs if they do.
Prime Runners are eligible to play in any Prime Mission, which are designed for advanced characters, and any
Special Missions. Prime Runners from Season 4 or earlier may not play in the main Shadowrun Missions line for 5th
edition (Seasons 5-12 or CMPs) but may play in all current and future PMs and SMHs. Prime Runners from the
Chicago Missions campaign may play all Season 5 – 8 SRMs, CMPs from 2017 and older, and all PMs and SMHs.
Prime Runners from the Neo-Tokyo Missions campaign may only continue play in PMs and SMHs, but are not limited
to which PMs and SMHs they play in.
A character from Shadowrun Missions Season 4 is automatically considered Prime Runner regardless of TKE.
Follow the guidelines in “How do I transfer my character to Prime Runner status?” below to transfer the character
to SRM Chicago. NOTE: Prime Missions are designed for characters with at least 150 TKE, so you have been warned.

How do I transfer my character to Prime Runner status?

Note: this guidance is for transferring Shadowrun Missions Season 4 characters to Shadowrun, Fifth Edition.
First off, you must download and fill out a Prime Runner Transfer Log. Use this form to record each Mission
adventure this character played through and how much Karma they earned for that run. For each Mission, you also get
10,000 nuyen. Some characters may have averaged more, but this method evens out the money for each character a
little bit and takes into account money that is spent on things like bribes, tips, contact fees, lifestyle payment, and other
incidental nuyen spent that is difficult to directly track. You may also transfer Karma into nuyen (or nuyen into
Karma). 1 Karma is worth 2,000 nuyen. Also record any Missions-specific contacts you had previously earned, as
these carry over for Prime Missions.
Next, rebuild your character using the standard character creation rules presented in Shadowrun, Fifth Edition
and the most recent Shadowrun Missions FAQ. Then apply your earned Karma and nuyen from your Transfer Log to
buy additional equipment and to raise your skills and attributes. You may only exceed the default Rating 6 and
Availability 12 rule to purchase gear your character still owned after his final adventure on the Transfer Log.
You should try to build your character as closely as possible to your Shadowrun, Fourth Edition character.
Players are on the honor system, so please do not take this opportunity to drastically change your character. However,
to take advantage of the increased skill ratings, players may spend some of their Karma to raise a maximum of 3 skills
that were at Rating 6 before your character transfer above Rating 6, up to a max rating 9 (if you can afford it).
You may not transfer over or purchase any abilities or gear that has not been released in a Shadowrun, Fifth
Edition sourcebook yet. If these are critical to your character, you can either start your character without them and
save the nuyen and karma you earn from Prime Missions to purchase them later, or you’ll need to wait to become a
Prime Runner until these items make an appearance. Sorry!
Remember to transfer your final Street Cred, Notoriety, and Public Awareness over as well.
Have a Missions Gamemaster sign off on the Transfer Log, and you’re ready for some Prime Missions!
Welcome to the big leagues!

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Can I use optional rule (fill in the blank)?
Unless this FAQ states otherwise, optional rules are never used. To give every Missions player the same game
experience and maintain campaign balance, we generally avoid using any rule that is listed as optional.

I want to do X, which can be done in game or as a downtime action. Do I roll skill dice or buy hits?
Anything that is permanent or has no explicit “expiration date” to it must be done using the “buying hits”

Can I collect my own Reagents and/or craft my own Foci?

No. Crafting or building your own equipment falls outside the scope of Missions.

Does Binding a Spirit have to be done as a Downtime Action (and must therefore buy hits)?
No. Bound Spirits have an expiration date (a.k.a., number of services). Further, since they get to resist with
double Force, buying hits makes it nearly impossible to ever bind a higher Force spirit and get a useful number of
services out of it. As such, players may choose to either buy hits or roll. If a player is binding as part of his normal
Downtime between games and wishes to roll his dice, he should let his gamemaster know at the start of his next game
session and quickly get all rolls done before the game starts. Players may spend Edge on rolls made in this fashion,
but they are considered spent at the beginning of the game session and are unavailable until the GM allows Edge to

What about Compiling a Sprite?

Same rules as Binding a Spirit apply to sprites.

Questions about Game Play

What is the Missions Calendar?

When you play your first Missions adventure, you should receive a Missions Calendar. If you didn’t, ask
your gamemaster for one or download one from the Shadowrun Missions website. You should also start a new one at
the beginning of each Missions Season.
The Mission Calendar is used to track time throughout the Missions Season. You can run one Missions
adventure per week, and you cannot use that week for anything else. Any additional time that you take to buy gear,
train, etc. should all be marked on the calendar, and take additional time on your calendar. You may take multiple
actions in a single week if they take fewer than 7 days, and actions may spill into the following week. So a training
session that takes 3 days and learning a spell that takes 6 days would take 9 days total. You track your weeks in full
though, so any “unused days” before the next Mission are lost.
Your character must pay Lifestyle costs at the beginning of the week of each month (after the first month),
before doing anything else that week.
With the changes taking place in Chicago, finding somewhere to sleep for free has become problematic.
Warlords, gangs, “landlords”, and the corps ensure a price must be paid to sleep safely. In Neo-Tokyo, all space comes
at a premium and even settling in sub-Tokyo has associated costs. Therefore, the minimum lifestyle a character must
take in Missions is a Squatter lifestyle. The other side to this, is that a character may now spend as much time between
Missions as he/she desires, so long as he/she keeps up with the payments!
Please note, this has nothing to do with real time. If it has been sixth months since you (as a player) have
played Shadowrun Missions, it may be the very next week for your character. You do not have to make a new character
if you miss a few games, or even a year or two.

How much nuyen can I expect to make from the average Missions adventure?
Nuyen awards are based very loosely on the Run Rewards guidelines (SR5, pgs. 375-376). Most Missions
award around 10,000 to 12,000 nuyen. Missions are designed to be easier may pay a little less, and harder Missions a
may pay more. The maximum amount you are likely to ever see in a standard SRM or CMP adventure is 20,000 nuyen
(on very rare occasions), and the minimum amount you should ever see is 5,000 nuyen. This pay is sometimes subject
to achieving multiple goals in a Mission, so if you fail one or more objectives it’s possible to get paid less.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 25 27 January 2019

Special Missions will usually pay similar to a standard SRM or CMP, but occasionally may pay a little higher
if the risks are greater. Prime Missions are designed to be higher stakes and higher rewards, so they start at the 20,000¥
mark and move up from there.
Note that some Missions may offer up their pay piecemeal, if there are several small jobs involved. This
means the initial Mr. Johnson may only offer a couple thousand nuyen for a job. When this happens, rest assured that
there are one or more additional job offers coming in the adventure. Be patient and don’t start threatening Mr. Johnson
right away (or worse, threatening the gamemaster). That’s a quick way for your character to gain notoriety and lose
contacts, and generally you can count on there being more ways to earn nuyen designed into the adventure to

How much Karma can I expect to earn from the average Missions adventure?
Like with nuyen, karma awards are based loosely on the Run Rewards guidelines (SR5, pgs. 375-376) as well
as the type of Mission and the difficulty of it will factor into the Karma awards, as well as how well you did during
the adventure. The average adventure awards between 6 and 8 karma.

Is there a Cash for Karma (or Karma for Cash) option?

Yes! Once between each Missions adventure you may choose to Work for The Man or Work for The People.
For Characters playing in Missions, Seasons 5-8 (Chicago), the following applies:
If you are Working for the Man, you can trade 1 Karma for 2,000 nuyen. This represents your character going
out and doing the dirty, sleazy, or simply boring grunt work for a company or corporation. It pays well, but eats away
at your soul.
If you Work for the People, you can trade 2,000 nuyen for 1 Karma. This represents you going out and doing
some pro-bono runner work, helping out at a local soup kitchen, or doing some volunteer work. It costs you a little
something, but you feel better about yourself afterward.
In either case, you may only trade away or gain a maximum of 5 Karma each time you Work for The Man or
Work for The People, and it takes up one week of downtime during which you can do nothing else. You cannot do
this again until after you pull another Shadowrun.
The character’s Total Karma Earned (TKE) increases if the character Works for the People based on the
amount of Karma received. For example, Obnoxious Jones has a TKE of 75 and spent a week and 10,000¥ Working
for the People, garnering him an additional 5 Karma. Obnoxious Jones now has a TKE of 80.
If the character Works for the Man, the character’s TKE does not change. For example, Syndell needs a little
extra Nuyen to buy a shiny new toy, so she decides to Work for the Man after her most recent run (which didn’t net
much in the way of cash). Syndell has 75 TKE and trades out some of her good Karma for cash; 5 to be exact. She
picks up 10,000¥ and still has a TKE of 75.
For Characters playing in Missions, Seasons 9-12 (Neo-Tokyo), the following applies:
If you are Working for the Man, you can trade 1 Karma for 1,000 nuyen. This represents your character going
out and doing the dirty, sleazy, or simply boring grunt work for a company or corporation. It pays the rent, but eats
away at your soul.
If you Work for the People, you can trade 4,000 nuyen for 1 Karma. This represents you going out and doing
some pro-bono runner work, helping out at a local soup kitchen, or doing some volunteer work. It comes out of your
pocket, but you feel better about yourself afterward.
In either case, you may only trade away or gain a maximum of 5 Karma each time you Work for The Man or
Work for The People, and it takes up one week of downtime during which you can do nothing else. You cannot do
this again until after you pull another Shadowrun.
The character’s Total Karma Earned (TKE) increases if the character Works for the People based on the
amount of Karma received. For example, Bill Mercer has a TKE of 75 and spent a week and 20,000¥ Working for
the People, garnering him an additional 5 Karma. Bill Mercer now has a TKE of 80.
If the character Works for the Man, the character’s TKE does not change. For example, Diamond needs a
little extra Nuyen to buy a shiny new toy, so she decides to Work for the Man after her most recent run (which didn’t
net much in the way of cash). Diamond has 75 TKE and trades out some of her good Karma for cash; 5 to be exact.
She picks up 5,000¥ and still has a TKE of 75.

Can I fence the gear I found during an adventure?

Yes. Gear must be fenced through one of your contacts, and uses the Contacts and Fencing rules (SR5, pg.
419). Fencing cyber or bioware will earn a point of Notoriety for the Mission from which you… looted… the ware.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 26 27 January 2019

Even if no one saw you do it at the scene, the guy you sold it to mentions it in passing to a close friend, who talks
about it with someone else, and eventually word gets around.

Can I upgrade my bioware or cyberware?

Presuming the item in question has not been damaged, you may sell back installed non-cultured bioware and
cyberware for a flat 30 percent of its retail value (book price; taking into account alpha or beta mark up, if any) when
changing out cyberware. You must still make an Availability test to acquire the new piece of cyberware. Cultured
bioware may not be upgraded using the below rules.
You may upgrade bioware and cyberware by paying the difference between the two pieces of equipment
(accounting for grades, if any) plus 20% for the doc’s time and medical materials. You may only upgrade a piece of
bioware or cyberware of the same type.
For example, Kayless wants to get a better Control Rig. He currently has a Rating 2, but wants to upgrade to 3.
Martin Tate happens to have one in stock and charges him 133,200¥ for the new Control Rig (Rating 3) and keeps the
Rating 2 he just pulled out of Kayless.
So, let’s do the math: Control Rig 3 costs 208,000¥ - 97,000¥ as credit on the old rig (Rating 2) = 111,000¥ for
the upgrade. Now to figure out the total to include Dr. Tate’s labor and any other expenses related to the surgery
(111,000¥ x 1.2 = 133,200¥).
Another example, Covon goes to Dr. Tate and asks to have his dermal plating removed so he can get titanium
bone lacing instead. Dr. Tate gladly obliges, but Covon only receives 30% of the value of the dermal plating and has
to pay full price for the titanium bone lacing.
Remember, if you upgrade from 3 points of "normal ware" to the equivalent in alpha grade, the alpha only takes
2.4 Essence points off, but you do not get the excess back—you simply have a 0.6 point “hole” that can be filled with
something else at no further Essence cost until the “hole” is exceeded.
Betaware is available as normal during gameplay. However, keep in mind that deltaware can only be purchased
and implanted through special deltaware clinics, and these are only available if a Mission gives the character access
to them as a special reward. Contacts will not be able to grant you access to a Delta Clinic under normal circumstances.
Recovering from cyber-surgery takes one full calendar week.
Unfortunately this does not apply to cybersuites.

Can I upgrade my cyberdeck or RCC?

You may “upgrade” a cyberdeck or RCC to the next better model (or higher if you can afford it). First, you
must make an Availability test to see if you can find one you desire (paying for any additional dice based on the value
of the cyberdeck or RCC you wish to purchase). Once you know you can get your hands on it, you take your old deck
or RCC to trade in (for full value) and pay the difference with a 20% markup; smuggler fees and bribes are included
in this markup.

Can I make skill tests between adventures?

Yes. Unless otherwise noted in the FAQ, all skill tests made during downtime are done using the Buying Hits
rule (SR5, pg. 45) and using the standard rules for limited Extended Tests (cumulative –1 per test, SR5, pg. 45).
Assistants and instructors also buy hits for their tests.

“Just Say No” rule

Using drugs to improve attributes or skills for downtime tests is beyond the scope of Missions.

Can I buy/train/do downtime items such as (fill in the blank) at the game table?
Yes, though the standard rules for making tests during downtime apply. Since not every game will have the
time or access to a gamemaster to handle their downtime activities, it’s only fair that everyone follows the same
guidelines at all times.

How do I raise skills or attributes, learn new spells, or otherwise advance my character between adventures?
Use the Character Advancement rules (SR5, pgs. 103-107) as normal. Any week spent on a Shadowrun
interrupts your training, but you can resume where you left off. If you spend more than three weeks without resuming
your training, you lose any progress made and must start from the beginning.

How much do instructors cost?

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 27 27 January 2019

Instructors charge (10 x Instructor’s Skill Rating) nuyen per day, and all instructors are assumed to have a
Charisma of 5. They follow the standard rules for Instruction (SR5, pg. 105) and need a minimum skill rank of 3 or
the skill rank you are training to, whichever is higher. Note that this is a tweak to the standard training rules, since
they neither list a minimum skill level requirement nor list standard training times. Instructors may train individual
skills, groups, or specializations.

We have rules for the cost of instructors in Missions, can we use Tutorsofts instead? If so, what skill rating can
each rating of a Tutorsoft train to? (SR5, pg. 442)
Yes, you may use a Tutorsoft in place of an instructor in Missions. The Tutorsoft Rating must equal or exceed
the skill rating to which the character is training. The Tutorsoft makes an Instruction Test with a dice pool equal to
Rating x 2 (max Rating 6). Each hit reduces training time by one day to a minimum of one day. A Tutorsoft may only
be purchased for a particular skill (not skill groups or specializations) and are not available for Magic or Resonance
based skills. Remember, training is a downtime activity so Tutorsofts purchase their hits for the Instruction Test.

Can I buy (fill in the blank)?

If the gear is legally available (has a price, but no Availability rating), you can buy it from your local Stuffer
Shack, Weapons World, or Kong-Walmart at any time, provided you have the available nuyen. Gear with an
Availability rating isn’t as readily available, and as such you need to go looking for it, or have your contacts go looking
for it.
If you go looking for a piece of gear, use the standard Availability Test rules (SR5, pg. 418) and mark off the
appropriate amount of time on your Missions Calendar. Note that you can only search for one item at a time, as this
represents you physically going out and looking for the item, spending time making phone calls, talking with people,
buying them drinks, etc.
If you wish to have contacts purchase additional items during a single downtime, use the standard rules for
determining what items they can find, and how long it takes (SR5, pg. 418). Since you won’t always know the skills
and attributes of all your contacts, all contacts roll Loyalty + (Connection times two (2)) for the Availability test. For
example, you have a contact with Loyalty 4 and Connection 3. This contact would have 10 dice [4+(3x2)]. Each
contact can only obtain a single item at a time, and only items that fall within their fields of specialty. (A talismonger
is not going to be able to get you a gun, and a street doc won’t be any use when looking for a cyberdeck, for example.)
Remember, a fixer is a middle man and not in sales, so there will be a slight mark up of 10% to the base cost of any
item which the fixer helps you acquire.
You cannot buy used gear (other than cyberware).

I really like the idea of a kama adept but kamas aren’t listed in any sourcebook, is there a way to get them?
With GM approval, you can ‘reskin’ a simple melee weapon. Nothing with incorporated electronics or
sophisticated mechanics are valid for this purpose. For example, you can purchase a Cougar Fine Blade (Long) and
describe it as a kama while keeping all of the stats for the Cougar Fine Blade (Long).

Can I spend Edge during downtime?

To prevent abuses of Edge and Edge refresh rates, no, you may not spend Edge during downtime.

How long does it take to heal?

Damage that is sustained during gameplay is assumed to be fully healed if you take at least one week of
downtime between Missions. This downtime can be used for any other activity you wish.
To heal during a Mission, use the normal rules for healing (SR5, pgs. 205-209).

If my equipment takes Matrix damage or is bricked, how long does it take to repair?
Equipment that is bricked during gameplay is assumed to be fully repaired and operational if you take at least
one week of downtime between Missions. This downtime can be used for any other activity you wish.

When do expansion books and eBooks become legal to use in Missions?

Thirty days after the full release of the product, to allow plenty of time for gamemasters to obtain and read over
the new game material. For eBook-only products, this is thirty days after they go on sale. For products that have a
print release, it’s thirty days from the announced street date for the product.
A full list of legal books can be found in Section 1.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 28 27 January 2019

Can we trade money or gear between players?
Yes, but only within reason. Giving someone an extra gun, or spotting them an extra 1,000¥ for some gear
because they’re short is no big deal. However, you should not be giving away large, expensive items or large sums of
nuyen. This is primarily to prevent abuse in games where someone is just sitting in to play a session or two, so they
just dump their gear and money on their teammates at the end of the game since they’re not planning to play that
character anymore.
To set a hard limit on this, gamemasters should not allow players to give away OR receive more than 5,000¥
worth of cred or gear (using base book value for the gear) per Mission played. In a trade or purchase situation, this
means that the value of the trade must be within 5,000¥ per transaction. You cannot charge 10,000¥ over or under the
list price of an item by stretching the payment over two sessions.
The characters involved in the transaction must all be playing in that Mission.

Can my friends and I pool money to purchase something?

Only characters that share a lifestyle can pool resources for a purchase. Otherwise you must use the rules
above. If you are eligible to pool money for a purchase, be sure that each of you marks off the appropriate money for
the item. However, one person needs to be the actual owner of the item, and if that person is not present for the game
session, then neither is the item. So carefully consider what you’re going to split the costs on, and who you split it

What about ‘professional services’? Can I pay the face to find gear for me during downtime or pay a mage to
quicken a spell on my character?
Yes, however the service must be paid for in full before the benefit can be applied. A face must be reimbursed
for the gear AND paid their commission before the gear can be turned over, a mage must be paid the full agreed upon
price before expending karma to quicken a spell, etc. As stated previously, the difference in value cannot be more
than 5,000¥. (Additionally, see section 8 for notes on Quickening)

How is the value of a professional service determined?

By the literal cost to the character offering the service. A face uses downtime to search for gear, time for which
they are paying lifestyle costs. The piece of gear itself has a set price. A mechanic also charges for parts (the amount
needed complete the repair) and labor (as with the face, a pro-rated sum based on their lifestyle). A mage would have
to pay 2,000¥ or 4,000¥ to recoup each point of karma spent to quicken a spell. Services for which there is no means
to calculate a cost are valued at 0¥.

Can I hire my contacts to come on a shadowrun with me?

For Shadowrun Missions: Neo-Tokyo, none of the Missions specific contacts are available for hire.
For Shadowrun Missions: Chicago you may hire some of the Missions specific contacts to help you out on a
shadowrun, but there are some restrictions to this.
Quantum Princess may be hired to act as Matrix overwatch and to help crack security or encrypted files. She
will not physically come on a shadowrun unless it’s absolutely necessary (i.e., a complete Matrix dead-spot), but will
tag along virtually and help out where she can. Lothan the Wise may be hired to provide magical support. He will cast
spells and will provide summoned spirits as needed (though not bound spirits). Matt Wrath may be hired to provide
additional muscle as needed. He loves a good fight and isn’t afraid of getting in the middle of a brawl, but he’s not
stupid. None of the other contacts may be hired on.
You cannot hire a contact if they were acting as your Mr. Johnson for the adventure. So if they’re hiring you,
it means they’re not available to go on the run themselves in the first place.
Non Missions specific contacts (the Contacts you made up) may be hired as well, so long as the GM agrees that
contact is suitable for hiring. Contacts are presumed to have a professional rating equal to their Connection Rating
and dicepools for core skills (determined by the GM) at Connection Rating x2.
While contacts may be willing to come out and help, they aren’t mindless minions and they’re not going to put
themselves in excessive danger for you, no matter how much you’re paying. So while they will come along as backup
and help out, you cannot use them as “10 extra boxes of ablative damage”. They won’t run in front and soak gunfire,
and they won’t pull a suicidal distraction to help you get in the back door. They’ll offer up their expertise where
necessary and will do their job well and competently, but that’s it. The GM can disallow a contact to perform certain
actions or even opt to control the contact as an NPC.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 29 27 January 2019

The gamemasters should only allow a contact to be available to be hired if they are filling a role that the group
is weak on. Hired Contacts should not be considered an ace-in-the-hole, they should be a last resort for when you’re
screwed and need specialized help to complete a Mission.
The contacts charge 15,000¥ for a single Mission, minus 1,000¥ per point of loyalty the person contacting them
about the job has with that contact. They cannot be hired and brought to the meet with Mr. Johnson as an extra team
member so Mr. Johnson pays out an extra share to cover the contacts fee. Hiring a contact to fill in is not cheap, and
should only be utilized as a last resort. Contacts do not increase Loyalty while hired.
Some contacts might be available for taking care of various downtime activities. Assuming the contact has the
appropriate skills (as determined by the GM), you may hire one to conduct a downtime activity you could not normally
accomplish. The charges listed above apply to the work they perform.

I’m playing a Mission and there appears to be a narrative paradox, I have a Contact from a previous Mission
but the other players are telling me that he was killed in their last Mission. Do I still have the Contact?
Sometimes, there will be instances when characters have experienced very different versions of the same
events or some will have participated in adventures that others haven’t and the disposition of particular contacts will
be different. When this occurs, the player who possesses the contact still has access to that contact and the player for
whom that contact no longer exists should play it off as if the contact being used is different from the one they know
to be dead. A little bit off hand-waving to move things along.

Will this FAQ be updated as more books are released?

Yes, we will update as needed.

The following rules for Reputation are for use in Shadowrun Missions.

Street cred
1. Reduce item Availability by the (Adjusted Streed Cred Value) ÷ 10 (round up)
2. Adjusted Street Cred Value = Street Cred - (Notoriety + Public Awareness)

For example: Joe Sam wants to purchase an Availability 24 item. His Street Cred is 55, Notoriety 0, and
Public Awareness 6. Adjusted Street Cred Value = 55 - (0+6) = 49 which is then divided by 10 giving him a 4.9
rounded up to 5. Availability is then adjusted to reflect 24 - 5 = 19.
When a character is “known” (see Public Awareness below), they may add their Street Cred as a positive
modifier to their Social Limit for Social Tests. They do not receive additional dice from their Street Cred.

Reduce limit of Social tests by Notoriety of the character with the highest Notoriety who is present at the
Social interaction. Note this is for Social tests in which a positive outcome is desired, e.g. Negotiation. As an example
Negotiation (or appropriate skill) + Charisma + Extraneous modifiers [Social Limit - highest Notoriety at the table].
It may also be added as a positive limit modifier to Intimidation tests if known (*see Public Awareness below).
For example: OJ enters negotiations with Mr. Johnson. Unfortunately, Tone Loco has a Notoriety of 6 and
refuses to wait in the van. OJ has to roll his Negotiation of 6 + Charisma of 7 (elf) + 0 (no modifiers) with a limit of
5 (OJ’s Social Limit of 11 minus Tone’s Notoriety of 6). On the other hand, if OJ and Tone Loco decide to Intimidate
a punk for some information and the punk knows Tone Loco’s Notoriety, then OJ gets to add Tone’s Notoriety of 6
to his Social Limit to make it 17.

Public Awareness
Use the table below to determine if the character is “known”.
If the other individual is already in the shadows, then you are “known” to them.
The below chart represents Thresholds for non-shadow people. The GM has the final say in determining if
an individual is in the shadows or not.
The roll is Relevant Knowledge Skill (e.g. Law Enforcement, Shadowrunners) + Intuition + Notoriety. A
failure means the non-shadow person doesn’t recognize the character. On a Glitch, the non-shadow person doesn’t
recognize the character and he/she may be mistaken for a non famous person. On a Critical Glitch, hilarity ensues,
e.g. the runner is mistaken for a famous (or even infamous) personality (corporate CEO, sim star, mafia don, SRM
author, etc.).

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 30 27 January 2019

Character’s Public Awareness Threshold - Public Threshold - Authorities
(non-shadow folk) (Lone Star, KE, corp sec,

0-3 NA 4

4-6 4 3

7-9 3 2

10+ 2 Auto

For example: Dazzler wants to impress the bartender into giving her friends some free drinks (in other words,
Dazzler wants to increase her Social Limit with her Street Cred when she rolls since she doesn’t have a high Social
Limit, she doesn’t gain additional dice). For the bartender to recognize Dazzler, he needs to achieve 4 hits on his roll
(Dazzler has a Public Awareness of 6). He rolls Intuition (3) + Local Runners (3) + Dazzler’s Notoriety (2) for a total
of 8 dice. He achieves 3 Dazzler must pay for everyone’s drinks unless she is able to successfully use her
Con/Negotiation/Intimidation skill without the benefit of increasing her Social Limit due to Street Cred/Notoriety. On
the other hand, Dazzler wants to sneak out of the CZ past the Lone Star patrol without being recognized. The threshold
for the authorities is 3 based on her Public Awareness of 6. The two Star officers roll this as a Teamwork test Intuition
(3) + Law Enforcement (3) + Dazzler’s Notoriety (2). After all is said and done, the officers get a total of 4 hits, which
means they recognize her and now she has some explaining to do.

Wait, the guy with High Notoriety lowers my limit? Can I just leave him in the van?
If you did, Mr. Johnson would only pay out for the members of the team who were present for Negotiations.
Further, characters with the Negative Qualities of “Did You Just Call Me Dumb?” and “Uncouth” can’t help but to
speak up during negotiations and will always assist the lead negotiator in a teamwork test (forcing one if no one else
is assisting).
As Missions is designed for team play, forcing a player to keep their character out of the negotiations violates
the spirit of Missions play (you run afoul of Wheaton’s Law). All characters participating in the Mission will be
present at the negotiation, barring exceptional out-of-game circumstances (such as a player arriving late).

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 31 27 January 2019

Disallowed Qualities:

None disallowed

Bad Rep (SR5, pg. 79)
Code of Honor (SR5, pg. 79)*See note in Section 4
Dependent(s) (SR5, pg. 80)
Loss of Confidence (SR5, pg. 82)
Social Stress (SR5, pg. 85)
Unsteady Hands (SR5, pg. 87)

Can a character ever have ZERO Edge?

There may come a time when a character with an Edge Attribute 1 needs to burn Edge. A character can do
this, as Edge is a Special Attribute and can be at zero. However, a character must start a Mission with at least 1 point
in their Edge Attribute, so sometime between the burning that last Edge point and starting the next Mission they must
spend 5 Karma points to raise their Edge to 1.

When using Smack Down to cast a Spell, how do I determine the total hits?
You always have four net hits, but determining the total number of actual hits can be important for
determining whether Drain Damage is Physical or Stun. Tests that are not opposed at the time of casting such as
(Armor or Detect Life) have 4 hits. Spells that create a threshold for another Test to overcome (such as Invisibility or
Ice Sheet) have 4 hits. LOS(A) spells that require 3 hits to properly place have 7 hits total. Spells that are opposed,
such as T or LOS Combat spells have 4 more hits than the opposed roll, which is entirely variable.

What tests do the Positive Quality Quick Healer effect?

Quick Healer (SR5, pg. 77) only affects healing tests made on the characters with the quality. It does not help
him heal other characters.

Palming got changed between printings to be a non-defaulting skill, is that correct?

For Shadowrun Missions, Palming is considered to default to Agility and can be used even if you do not have
that skill.

What are the limits to making teamwork tests?

Any test involving a skill + attribute is potentially eligible for a teamwork test per the rules on page 49, SR5,
unless specifically disallowed elsewhere in source material. Rules for specific types of teamwork tests, such as the
Direct or Inspire action (SR5, pg 142), Melee Teamwork (SR5, pg 188), Group Summoning (SR5, pg 300), Combat
Teamwork (R&G, pg 98) etc. take precedence over the default rules on page 49.
GMs may limit participants in any given teamwork test, down to zero, based on conceivability of assistance.
For instance, a shadowrunner with Gymnastics could not assist another runner with a Gymnastics + Agility or
Gymnastics + Strength test if they were not actually present. Only two, maybe three, individuals could work together
to open a mechanical lock without getting in each other’s way.

In combat it says I can only make one attack action. What exactly does this mean?
It means don’t get cute and try to play word games. Barring using the Multiple Attacks Free Action (in which
you split your dice pool to attack multiple targets), you cannot take a second offensive action towards another character
during your pass. This means throwing grenades, shooting guns, casting spells (recklessly or otherwise), spitting in
their cheerios, spiking their tea with arsenic, or anything else that could be construed as a physical or mental attack in
any way, shape or form. However, you may take a Free Action to cast disparaging remarks at their mothers if you so

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 32 27 January 2019

If you’re not certain if an action would be an attack, well, it probably is. But ask yourself if they used it against
you would it be an attack? And if you’re still not certain, ask your Gamemaster. However, be warned, if you try and
argue with him he is authorized to smack you upside the head with the Shadowrun, Fifth Edition book.

Are there any restrictions on Mental Manipulation spells?

The following rule modification applies to Shadowrun Missions: the target(s) resisting a sustained Mental
Manipulation spell no longer receives a dice pool penalty equal to the spell’s Force as found on page 292, SR5. Should
a magician use a Mental Manipulation spell to force or coerce a target into performing a notorious act, the GM is free
to award the magician Notoriety for each instance. For examples of notorious acts and when to award Notoriety, please
refer to page 368, SR5.
Players and Gamemasters should be aware of how these spells work. Magic is very dangerous in Shadowrun,
and everyone fears it. When the unusual happens, magic is the first thing they blame, and most people react very badly
when magic is used against them. Of all the magic out there, spells that can control and mentally manipulate an
individual are the most feared. It’s a violation of the highest order. Using this kind of magic against friends, allies, and
contacts is an incredibly bad idea and always has negative repercussions. Using it against a Mr. Johnson is usually
Spells that take direct control of a person’s mind or actions are overt Manipulation spells, and while the spell
is active, the controlled person usually acts and reacts as if all the actions are his own. As soon as the spell is dropped
they immediately know they have been violated. These spells currently include Control Thoughts and Mob Mind.
Some spells are subtler, and they simply guide and suggest. These are covert spells, and while they can be
riskier to use (since they allow the target some free will and choice), the target will not always realize the idea wasn’t
their own unless it’s something wildly out of character. Using Influence to suggest a guard wants to grab some coffee
or use the head is normal, but suggesting they shoot their coworker in the head is likely out of character for him, so
he will stop and wonder where that thought came from. If you’re lucky, he’ll simply disregard it. If not, he’ll blame
magic and pull an alarm.
Regardless of whether the Manipulation magic is overt or covert, there’s always the chance that powerful magic
will be noticed. The higher the force of the spell, the more likely it is to be seen. Spellcasting always uses the
Perceiving Magic rules (SR5, pg. 280).
Finally, remember, spellcasting leaves a trace. Every magician has a unique magical aura, and they leave a
temporary imprint on astral space whenever they use magic (SR5, pg. 312, Astral Signature). In the hands of a skilled
forensic mage, these imprints can be traced back to their caster.
Mental Manipulations are powerful tools, but they are ones that need to be used very carefully by players. They
are not an “I win” button and should not be treated as such.

Can’t I just erase my Astral signature?

Yes. A magician can spend a Complex action to reduce the time it takes for a spell’s Astral Signature to fade
by one hour. This must be done separately for every spell that a magician wishes to reduce the signature for. This
also includes sustained spells cast prior to entering the location from which a magician wants to erase the signature
(as the spell carries its signature with it). This also means that a signature cannot be reduced for a spell that the
magician is currently sustaining.

How many Unbound Spirits can you have at one time? The text (SR5, pg. 300) isn’t very clear.
You may only have one unbound spirit at any given moment.

Can a spirit take an optional power multiple times?

Yes. For example, a Spirit of Man can take Innate Spell twice, each time with a different spell, and a Spirit of
Air could take Elemental Attack twice, giving it the opportunity to hurl electricity or ice (but not electrified ice). Some
powers have no additional effect if taken twice (such as the Fear power) and no powers can stack (taking Movement
twice does not grant the ability to multiply or divide the target’s movement rate by Magicx2). Powers that cause
damage do not increase their DV or AP, however elemental effects on Energy Aura will occur simultaneously and
apply the most beneficial AP between the chosen elements.

Are Preparations and Alchemy allowed?


Does the official errata for Magical Skills (SR5, pg. 142) mean that adepts cannot buy Arcana skill?

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 33 27 January 2019

No. That ruling only applies to skills that directly use the Magic Rating to use them. Arcana is a Logic skill.
Any character may learn the Arcana skill.

Can a stim patch be used to heal Drain?

Technically, stim patches do not heal anything. They simply temporarily remove the damage for a short period
of time. So yes, stim patches can be used to negate the stun damage done by drain.
However, when the stim patch wears off the user reapplies the removed stun damage, plus one extra box of
stun. To prevent abuse, this extra box of stun is also counted as Drain damage, and thus is unable to be healed

Does the +3 Drain Value from Reckless Spellcasting apply before or after the minimum Drain Value of 2 kicks
You calculate all Drain modifiers at the same time. Thus if you were recklessly casting a Force 2 spell that
normally had a drain value of F – 4, the drain would be modified to F – 1, so the drain value would still be 2.

Can a mage quicken spells that were cast on another character?

Yes, a mage can quicken any sustained spell that they cast, whether it is on themselves, another person, or even
on an item. However, in Missions, the Quickening must be done concurrently with the initial casting and you must
buy hits. Further, you cannot use Edge or reagents. Quickening a spell on another character or their gear counts as a
professional service and falls under the rules for trading goods and services in Section 7.
It is important to note that you cannot use Extended Masking or Flexible Signature on other people or items.
If the recipient of the quickened spell does not have their own means to manipulate their astral signature, then the
quickened spell appears in its true form on the astral plane, easily seen by anyone with line of sight that is using astral
perception. The astral signature of the quickened spell matches the mage who cast it.
Further, possessing quickened spells presents issues such as passing through mana barriers (disrupted
quickened spells end permanently and karma spent does not provide a dice bonus to the test to avoid being disrupted)
or attracting unwanted attention. In high security areas, Corporate or Law Enforcement Mages may dispel quickened
spells out of hand, especially if they may pose a threat to the security of the area.

Shouldn’t the cost for Submersion for technomancers be the same as Initiation for magical characters?
Yes. Submersion (SR5, pg. 257) should cost 10 + (Grade x 3).

If an item, skill, power, spell, etc. is listed with different stats in two different published books, which book
takes precedence?
This should not happen, and when it does it’s simply an accident. Usually it’s simply a typo or something didn’t
get renamed as it is supposed to be a new or separate version of the item or power.
Official errata should be released to correct this oversight. However, if errata are not released before the book
becomes Missions legal use the earlier instance of the item until either the Official errata is released or the Missions
FAQ gets updated. As always, keep an eye on the official Shadowrun Missions forums for the latest news and rulings
before they are released.

Can you clarify what constitutes an Augmented Attribute?

Yes. Anything that increases an attribute above its natural, base score is considered an Augmentation. This
includes cyberware, bioware, magic, adept powers, drugs, and anything else that adds to your attribute. In all cases,
the limit of +4 remains in place unless a power or ability specifically says it breaks that cap.

Do datajacks require a fiberoptic cable?

Datajacks can operate as receivers for wireless signals, effectively acting as an antenna in your brain meat.
However, some devices will require a direct fiber optic connection (throwbacks or devices that have had their wireless
turned off or disabled). But under normal circumstances, you can use a datajack wirelessly.

How does a critter with Hardened Armor or the Immunity power interact with regular armor? Mil-Spec
hardened Armor? How does this interact with Armor Piercing modifiers?
Critters wearing armor of the same type as their natural ability will add the armor ratings together and Armor
Piercing and other modifiers are factored in after.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 34 27 January 2019

Critters with both Hardened Armor and regular armor will take the Armor Piercing modifiers off the Hardened
Armor first, and then off the regular armor if there’s any AP modifiers left to carry over.

How does regular armor interact with vehicle armor?

What are you even doing!? OK, fine, I get it, an anthropomorphic drone wearing regular armor will use the
higher armor rating. Armor Piercing is applied to both the worn armor and the vehicle’s armor (this removes any
ability to interpret worn armor as a + rating armor). Damage mitigated to stun has no effect and electric damage
becomes physical.

Is it possible to run a Direct Connection between Device A (wireless off) and Device B (wireless on) and still
receive Wireless Bonuses on Device A?
No. An individual item must be wirelessly enabled and have access to the Matrix to gain the wireless bonus.

Is vehicle armor considered hardened armor? (SR5, pg. 205)

No, it is not hardened armor (which grants auto hits), however, the attack’s modified DV must exceed the
vehicle’s modified Armor to cause damage.

How do I figure out a sprite’s mental attributes?

Refer to the Living Persona chart found in SR5, pg. 251.

What attributes do Riggers use for controlling drones? (SR5, pg. 265)

Manual control: Skill + Attribute [Vehicle Handling]

Remote control: Skill + Attribute [Lower of rigger normal limit or Data Processing Attribute]
Rigger control: Skill + Attribute [Device|Vehicle Handling + Control Rig Rating]
Autopilot: Pilot + Autosoft

Attribute to use is the normal attribute for the test as found in SR5, pgs. 130-147.

What exactly does the "Remote Control" specialization for pilot skills cover? (SR5, pgs. 146-147)
It covers any vehicle within that group. For example: Pilot Aircraft (Remote Operation) covers remotely
operating any vehicle classified as an aircraft.

Can drones participate in teamwork tests?

Drones can participate in teamwork tests by using the Swarm programs and rules from Rigger 5.0 (see Section
18) or can assist other drones on the same RCC. A drone that is rigger controlled can assist a flesh and blood teammate.
As with any teamwork test, the GM is the final arbiter of what makes sense.
Characters can receive a +2 situational dicepool modifier for technical tasks if they have drone assistant that
is suited to the task for which they are assisting and that drone has no other specific rules related to providing

If a toxin has multiple vectors and a character affected by it has Immunity to one of them, how is this resolved?
I.e. does the character have complete immunity to the toxin, or none at all?
They only have immunity to whichever vector the device is tailored. If a toxin has multiple vectors, they are

If a character has multiple pieces of gear that protect against different vectors are the ratings added together
(as seems indicated by page 409 of SR5; "+ the rating of any protective gear/systems", note the plural), or is
only the highest used?
Unless otherwise noted in the item’s description, they stack for that vector.

In Augmented Reality, is there a correlation between a device and its icon?

AR positioning is not exact, your icon could be anywhere within 1 meter of your actual position. However,
it is good enough to use for targeting, in which case you can take the -6 blind fire penalty (if you can’t otherwise see
your target). *thanks to adzling

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 35 27 January 2019

Disallowed Qualities:

Brand Loyalty (Run & Gun, pg. 127)

Combat Junkie (Run & Gun, pg. 127)
Earther (Run & Gun, pg. 169)

The Ares Thunderstruck Gauss Rifle (Run & Gun, pg. 45) seems awfully easy to get ahold of. Is that correct?
Ares shipping screwed up and actually sent off a small shipment of these to their Weapons World outlet stores
in crates that were supposed to hold boxes of Ares Predator V’s, so for about a day it was possible to get hold of one
of these monstrosities if you could find the right Weapons World store. Ares quickly realized their mistake and recalled
them, and they’re now only available through special order if you’re a Platinum Club member. Or through the Black
Market, which is more likely where you will find one.
Simply put the 12F Availability is wrong, and should be 24F (as it is listed in the chart on p. 207).

What are the thresholds and intervals for weapons modifications? (Run & Gun, pgs. 50-54)
SR5: For Shadowrun Missions, the accessories listed in SR5 are accessories and not modifications.
Hard Targets: Modification thresholds and intervals are covered on page 183.
Run & Gun: The thresholds and intervals can be found in the below chart for modifications.

Mod Slot Threshold Interval Tools Skills

Advanced Safety Internal 12 4 hours Shop Armorer


Extreme N/A Level x 10 1 day Shop Armorer


Folding Stock Stock 4 10 minutes Kit Armorer

Gecko Grip N/A (or stock) 4 10 minutes Kit Armorer

Underbarrel Underneath 20 4 hours Shop Armorer

Bola Launcher

Underbarrel Underneath 20 4 hours Shop Armorer


Underbarrel Underneath 20 4 hours Shop Armorer


Underbarrel Underneath 20 4 hours Shop Armorer

Grapple Gun

Underbarrel Underneath 20 4 hours Shop Armorer


Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 36 27 January 2019

What happens when you suppress an area with an ally while using the Safe Target System (Run & Gun, pg.
Your ally cannot be hit but still takes penalties for being within a suppressed area.

Does the custom fit (stack) bonus (Run & Gun, pg. 59) count as a “+” armor item for encumbrance (SR5, pg.
Yes, each stack piece counts against your encumbrance.

Can you wear multiple custom fit (stack) (Run & Gun, pg. 59) items?
If there were multiple (stack) items from the same manufacturer that were different types of clothing worn in
different locations, then yes it would be possible. You cannot wear two of the same type of item, though (such as two
overcoats/greatcoats). Currently, however, there are not two types of (stack) armor available from the same

Does the custom fit (stack) count toward my armor accessory limit?
Yes. All that the custom fit rule does is allow an item that would normally be its own individual piece of armor
(and thus would not normally stack) become an armor accessory when worn as part of a set.

It’s not clear what armors can the Second Skin armor stack with (Run & Gun, pg. 63)?
Second Skin is part of the Zoe line of products, and is intended to work with any of the Zoe brand armors
only. This includes the Executive Suite, Heritage, and Nightshade/Moonsilver armors as well as Second Skin.

Does a ballistic mask stack with a helmet? (Run & Gun, pg. 74)
You may not stack a ballistic mask with any helmet that is listed with specialized armor sets, with any system
that is chemically sealed, or with any item that is worn on or covers the face.

Do Gel Packs (Run & Gun, pg. 86) count as armor accessories for the purposes of encumbrance (Shadowrun,
Fifth Edition, p. 169), or do they "add to" (as opposed to stack with) the base armor?
Gel Packs count as an armor stack, and thus add to encumbrance. Generally anytime you adding something
else on top of, underneath, or in addition to your armor it will count as a stack, because it’s going to make the armor
heavier and more uncomfortable to wear.

Are any of the Optional Rules for Deadlier or Less Lethal Combat (Run & Gun, pgs. 107-110) used?
No. These rules, listed as RG1, RG2, etc. are not used in Missions gameplay.

How do you calculate the AP modifier for Bull-Eye Double-Tap (Run & Gun, pg. 116)?
It’s the base AP of the weapon, before the APDS ammo if factored in, multiplied by the number of bullets.
Then add in the APDS AP modifier. So a weapon with a –2 base AP value firing a three-round burst would be (–2 *
3) – 4, for a total AP modifier of –10.

Are the Martial Arts rules (Run & Gun, pgs. 128-142) allowed in Missions play?
Yup! Time to start learning some Kung Fu!

Can we use the Martial Arts as a Specialization from the sidebar on Run & Gun, pg. 135?
Yes, but it only applies to the skill listed in the chart. The optional rule to allow some MA’s to give you two
different specializations is not used.
In order to take a Martial Art as a Specialization, you must have a Martial Arts style. Once you have the style,
you may then take the Specialization. The +2 bonus applies to attacks using the style or to those techniques you’ve
learned within that style, but does not stack.
For example: Covon faces a tough opponent, a Yakuza physical adept. Covon already has Carromeleg as a style
and took it as a Specialization, so he decides to use it during this challenge. Both opponents start strictly hand to hand
using Unarmed Combat. Covon gets to apply his +2 from his Carromeleg Specialization. During the fight, Covon has
an opportunity to use his Counterstike technique for which he receives a +2 for his Specialization in Carromeleg.
Note: he does not get +4. Unfortunately, the physical adept must have Killing Hands because his punches hurt. Covon
pops out his cyberspur so he can hurt this guy right back. Covon loses the +2 from his Specialization because

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 37 27 January 2019

cyberimplant weapons are not an integral part of the Carromeleg (such as in Sangre Y Acero). Covon also failed to
take a Specialization in Cyber Implants...a mistake he’s going to correct once he takes this adept down.

Fixin’ All the Broken Drek (Run & Gun, pg. 143) seems cost prohibitive. Can we do something about those
For Missions, the following applies:
So long as the item was not completely destroyed (i.e., takes more boxes of damage than it has), the item can
be repaired at a rate of 2% of the item’s base cost per box of damage taken. This also covers the cost of the repairman,
parts, etc.
Keep in mind this does not cover Matrix damage, which is covered elsewhere in the FAQ.

Is the Blow Up Good chapter (Run & Gun, pgs. 171-197) being used?
Yes, except for two sections. Homemade explosives are disallowed, as crafting items is outside the scope of
Missions, and Gear Qualities are not used as they are designed for story and roleplaying hooks and rely on gamemaster
discretion to use, and so fall outside of what most Missions games will have the time to handle.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 38 27 January 2019

Disallowed Qualities:

None disallowed

None disallowed

I built my spellcaster before Street Grimoire came out. Can I trade out my tradition for one of the new ones?
Yes, you may switch traditions as a retcon to the character. If your new drain-linked attribute is different, you
may swap it with your old attribute only (i.e., Logic for Intuition). If you have any bound spirits of a type no longer
available to your character, you must swap them out for one that matches your new tradition (i.e., fire spirit for
guidance spirit), keeping the same Force and the same number of services your old spirit had.
Possession traditions from any source are not allowed in Shadowrun Missions. If you selected a possession
tradition, you may switch traditions as a retcon to the character.

Can you clarify what tests Background Counts (Street Grimoire, pgs. 30-33) affects?
Background Counts apply their modifiers to all Skill Tests that are being affected by magic in any way. This
means casting spells, tests to activate adept powers, any test that is being augmented through a skill or attribute boost,
The adept power Improved Reflexes increases your Reaction, and will affect any skill test based on reaction.
However, Initiative is not a skill test, so you do not take any Background Count related penalties.
Drain is a damage resistance test, so likewise does not suffer Background Count penalties.

When discussing foci deactivating if the background count is higher than their Force, (Street Grimoire, pg. 32,)
says that “A foci cannot activate while under the influence of the background count.” Can you clarify if that’s
referring to all foci in general, or just foci whose Force is equal to or less than the background count?
Just ones that are equal to or less than the background count. Considering how often runners are in a background
count for Shadowrun Missions: Chicago, it would be cruel to not let foci ever activate.
Whether a focus is active or inactive (deactivated) when brought into an area with background count, as long
as it is in the background count its force will be reduced by the background count. For example, JoeSam has a Force
6 weapon focus, but it is deactivated. He goes into an area that has a background count of 4 and needs his weapon
focus for a little boost to combat the bad guys he’s facing. It activates as a Force 2 weapon focus.

Is anything out of the Dark Magic chapter (Street Grimoire, pgs. 78-101) available for players?

Under tattoo magic (Street Grimoire, pg. 131) it says "Using the Artificing skill, the magician can create qi and
other foci as tattoos." May we get other foci as tattoos?
Yes, any focus may be bought as a tattoo, using the normal focus costs. However, keep in mind that these are
permanent magical markings on your body that you can’t hide. You may turn them “off”, but they still show up in the
astral plane as magical foci. They make you very conspicuous, since you can’t just leave them at home or lock them
up when you need to be incognito.

Can I join a magical group (Street Grimoire, pg. 129) and/or use Magical Ordeals or Schooling to reduce
initiation costs (Street Grimoire, pg. 140)?
Yes and no, within certain restrictions.
Magical Schools are not available as there are none in Chicago or Neo-Tokyo willing to accept a short-term,
part-time student of dubious or SINless background.
Players may only join the magical group “The Ash Union” in Chicago or the “XXXXXXXX” in Neo-Tokyo
(see sidebar for details). There are no other groups in those areas that will accept shadowrunners (they’re all dedicated
to specific factions or groups not available to the players), and players may not create their own group.
Players may undertake the following Ordeals, following the normal rules for each plus any exceptions listed

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 39 27 January 2019

● Nine Paths To Enlightenment: You must spend 4 full calendar weeks where he may do nothing else,
including having contacts work on his behalf as all of his focus must be on the Ordeal. At the beginning of
the next game session, before the game starts, ask the gamemaster to perform the opposed roll for this test,
and she should choose the higher of the two attributes involved. You may spend a point of Edge on this roll,
but that point is spent for the entire game session.
● Deed: In Chicago, any shadowrun involving Lothan the Wise as a Mr. Johnson (either in full or in part) may
count as a Deed for purposes of Initiation. However, you earn no money for the run (This is given to either
Lothan or The Ash Union for their part in the Initiation). In Neo-Tokyo, any shadowrun which nets the
character 3 points of Street Cred (which can include the point from every 10 TKE) may count as a Deed,
however the Initiation must take place prior to the next shadowrun.
● Familiar: Complete this ritual as normal.
● Hermit: You must spend 4 full calendar weeks living by yourself in the wasteland of the Containment Zone
or the forests of Japan, scrounging for food and shelter. At the end of the first week you must succeed at an
Intuition + Survival (2) [Mental] test. At the end of the second week you must succeed at a Logic + Survival
(3) [Mental] test. The third week you must succeed at a Charisma + Survival (4) [Social] test. The fourth
week you must succeed at a Body + Survival (5) [Physical] test. These represent the various challenges you
will face alone and with no supplies or gear. These tests may be made at the beginning of the next game
session with the gamemaster supervising them. Edge may be spent on each roll, but that edge is then spent
for the entire game session. Failing any of these tests aborts the Ordeal after that week (So failing the third
test would only cost three calendar weeks), costs you no karma, and you may try again after your next
● Sacrifice: This ritual may be taken as normal.

If I am getting discounts from both being a member of a Group and doing an Ordeal, how do I apply the
Always add up all percentage discounts before applying them. In this instance, you would add the –10% from
the group to the –10% from the Ordeal, and apply a –20% discount to the Karma cost, rounding up.

>>>>>Begin sidebar
The Ash Union (Chicago)
Purpose: The Ash Union is a loose group of magically active individuals, mostly shadowrunners, operating
in the Chicago area. They have banded together to help each other grow magically and help combat the numerous
magical threats to the city.
Members: 30+
Strictures: Dues, Exclusive Membership
Dues: 500¥/month
Patron: Lothan the Wise
Description and Customs: The Ash Union is a loose group of largely unaffiliated spellcasters, adepts, and
talismongers in Chicago. The Union was originally formed by a magician named Ash who had a talismonger shop in
northern Chicago, outside of the Containment Zone erected by Ares. He decided to try helping those displaced by the
CZ as well s to investigate what was going on, and he turned to the remaining shadowrunners in the city for help.
Since then the group has become the de factor “runner initiatory group” within the city.
After Ash’s death last year due to age, Lothan assumed leadership and has maintained the group. He’s turned
the group’s purpose toward investigating whether the bugs are truly gone from Chicago, dealing with the many other
magical threats that still exist in the area, and finding a way to try and cleanse the local astral plane.
Once any magically active character gains Lothan at Loyalty 1 or better, that character will be invited to join
the Union following the normal rules for joining an initiatory group, and gaining all the usual benefits from being a
member. Dues are due the 1st of each month.
>>>>>End Sidebar

>>>>>Begin sidebar
Shugenja of Yomi (Neo-Tokyo)

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Purpose: The Shugenja of Yomi are made up of magicians and adepts who may not find acceptance in one
of the more traditional magic groups operating in Neo-Tokyo. They allow almost any awakened individual entrance
and operate throughout Neo-Tokyo, helping one another to develop their magical talents.
Members: 30+
Strictures: Dues, Exclusive Membership
Dues: 500¥/month
Description and Customs: The Shugenja of Yomi were formed after Emperor Yasuhito abolished the
practice of sending metahumans to Yomi Island. While metahumans were allowed, if not welcomed, back into Japan,
those awakened metahumans found many doors closed to them. As a result, many of them banded together to further
their own learning amongst themselves.
While most current members of the group never lived on Yomi Island, the core cadre consists of five
awakened metahumans who suffered the abuses heaped upon the exiles during that dark period. Knowing full well
the difficulties faced by those who are ostracized, the Shugenja of Yomi do not discriminate and offer membership to
all awakened metahumans, except those who practice ‘forbidden’ arts such as blood magic, toxic shamanism, or those
who commune with insect spirits or shedim.
Chapterhouses exist throughout Neo-Tokyo and Japan and all one needs to apply is proof of magical talent.
>>>>>End Sidebar

How do magic schools work in Missions? (Street Grimoire, pgs. 139-155)

Geomancy: you must initiate and take the Aspect Mana Line ritual with your initiation (this ritual costs no
additional karma). This now means you are in the Geomancy “school” and may take the other rituals via normal karma
expenditure without further initiation (Street Grimoire, pg. 139, Magic Arts Sidebar and SR5, pg. 299, Learning

Divination: you must initiate and take the Augury and Sortilege ritual with your initiation (this ritual costs
no additional karma). This now means you are in the Divination “school” and may take the other rituals via karma
expenditure without further initiation. (Street Grimoire, pg. 139, Magic Arts Sidebar and SR5, pg. 299, Learning
Spells). Danger Sense is a metamagic and must be taken with a later initiation.

Invocation: you must initiate and take one of the rituals (Ally Conjuration or Summon Great Form Spirit) or
enchanting (Govi) with your initiation (the rituals or enchanting chosen for this initiation costs no additional karma,
except as required in conjuring an ally). This now means you are in the Invocation “school” and may purchase the
other rituals or enchanting via normal karma expenditure without further initiation, except as required in Ally
Conjuration. (Street Grimoire, pg. 139, Magic Arts Sidebar and SR5, pg. 299, Learning Spells).

For all other schools, once you initiate and take the required metamagic (see below), you are now in that school
and may take additional rituals or enchantings via normal karma expenditure (Street Grimoire, pg. 139, Magic Arts
Sidebar and SR5, pg. 299, Learning Spells). In order to take additional metamagics within that school, you must initiate
and meet any prerequisites for the metamagic.

- Masking: Masking metamagic

- Flexible Signature: Flexible Signature metamagic
- Apotropaic Magic: Shielding metamagic
- Quickening: Quickening metamagic
- Centering: Centering metamagic
- Cleansing: Cleansing metamagic
- Sensing: Sensing metamagic

The following schools don’t have a metamagic or ritual requirement. In general, once you initiate, you may take
any of the Magic Arts listed for that school and you are considered to be within that school. Please see below for any
additional notes.

- Psychometry: any of the listed Magic Arts, though Sympathetic Linking is normally the first
- Channeling: The Channeling school and its Arts are not allowed in Missions.

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- Exorcism: any of the listed Magic Arts (note: item crafting is not allowed in Missions, therefore, Shofar is
not available)
- Advanced Alchemy: any of the listed Magic Arts
- Advanced Ritual Spellcasting: any of the listed Magic Arts
- Advanced Spellcasting: any of the listed Magic Arts

Since possession traditions are no longer allowed in Missions, does this mean I may not take the Channeling
metamagic? (Street Grimoire, pg. 148)
Channeling is not allowed in Missions.

Do Ways cost 40 Karma to purchase after character generation? (Street Grimoire, pg. 173)
No, these are a special subset of qualities that do not double in price after character generation.

Can Nerve Strike be used with any melee attack? (Street Grimoire, pg. 173)
No, it must be an Unarmed Combat attack, it does not function with a melee weapon of any sort.

Can I make a Spirit Pact (Street Grimoire, pg. 191) with a Free Spirit?
No, Spirit Pacts are disallowed in Missions play.

Can I use any of the New Spirit Options (Street Grimoire, pg. 192)?
Long Term Service is not allowed, but Fettering and Reckless Summoning are.

Can I summon an ally spirit? (Street Grimoire, pgs. 200-202)

Yes, you may summon an ally spirit. For purposes of Missions, you must write your own ally spirit formula
(Street Grimoire, pg. 200). No one else can write your ally spirit formula nor can you go on metaplanar quest to locate
the formula. Writing your ally spirit formula is considered a downtime activity, therefore, hits must be purchased.
This is an exception to the rule against crafting items.
Enhancing an ally spirit follows the same rules as above.

Can a Teamwork test be made to create the ally spirit formula? (Street Grimoire, pgs. 200-202)
Yes, as long as the other magician is 1) of the same tradition, 2) a member of the same magical group (Ash
Union in SRM), and 3) either an initiate or also a magician attempting to complete the Familiar Ordeal. The other
magician must be a player character magician and may not be an NPC.

Are the Spirit Reputation rules (Street Grimoire, pg. 206) used?
No. Considering how often you’re running inside an area with a background count, it wouldn’t take long to
accrue a negative reputation high enough to disrupt gameplay.

Is any of the Turning Lead Into Nuyen (Street Grimoire, pgs. 208-230) chapter rules used?
The Magical Items listed on pg. 217 are available using the normal restrictions for buying goods. Otherwise
this chapter is disallowed as item creation is generally outside the scope of Missions play, and the alchemical
preparation magical compounds do not have any prices listed for the special materials and as such are unavailable for
the time being.

Are Govis allowed in Missions and how exactly do they work? (Street Grimoire, pgs. 212-213)
Yes. Govis (the container) may be purchased from a talismonger. In order to use the Govi, the magician must
attune it (Street Grimoire, pg. 211, Talismonger Shop) and must have the Watcher Ritual. In Shadowrun Missions,
only Watcher spirits may be contained in a Govi. When calculating the offering to extend the Govi’s potency, assume
the potency is always equal to the Govi’s Force. In order to perform the offering, the magician must have the Govi
Enchanting. Govi’s may not be created.

Can I have a talismonger upgrade my focus (Street Grimoire, pg. 230)?

Yes. Gathering the materials to increase the Force of a focus is not an easy task, therefore an Availability test
must be made against the desired Force of focus to be improved. Once the materials have been acquired, it takes a
number of days equal to the new Force for a talismonger to complete, and it will cost the difference in nuyen between

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 42 27 January 2019

the old and new focus, plus 20% for the talismonger’s time and materials. You will also have to pay the karma
difference between the old and new focus.

What is the Aspected/Domain background count in your Magical Lodge (Street Grimoire, pgs. 30-32). Per the
examples it should be no more than 6. Is it equal to the Rating of the Lodge?
Character created or built magical lodges do not have a background count.

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Disallowed Qualities

Bandersnatch (Run Faster, pg. 136)
Banshee (Run Faster, pg. 136)
Dzoo-noo-qua (Run Faster, pg. 137)
Fame (Run Faster, pg. 146)
Fomoriag (Run Faster, pg. 138)
Friends in High Places (Run Faster, pg. 147)
Ghoul (Run Faster, pg. 138)
Gnawer (Run Faster, pg. 138)
Goblin (Run Faster, pg. 138)
Grendel (Run Faster, pg. 139)
Harvester (Run Faster, pg. 139)
Loup-garou (Run Faster, pg. 139)
Mutaqua (Run Faster, pg. 139)
Nosferatu (Run Faster, pg. 139)
Trust Fund (Run Faster, pg. 151)
Vampire (Run Faster, pg. 140)
Wendigo (Run Faster, pg. 140)

Amnesia (Run Faster, pg. 152)
Big Regret (Run Faster, pg. 153)
Bushido 2.0 (Run Faster, pg. 30)
Carrier (Run Faster, pg. 141)
Day Job (Run Faster, pg. 154)
Driven (Run Faster, pg. 154)
Ex-Con (Run Faster, pg. 155)
Flashbacks (Run Faster, pg. 155)
Harmony with Nature, The Shaman’s Code (Run Faster, pg. 26)
Hung Out to Dry (Run Faster, pg. 155)
In Debt (Run Faster, pg. 156)
Paraplegic (Run Faster, pg. 157)
Poor Self Control – Compulsive (Run Faster, pg. 158)
Poor Self Control – Vindictive (Run Faster, pg. 158)
Records on File (Run Faster, pg. 158)
The Code of the Good Cop (Run Faster, pg. 31)
The Code of the White Hat (Run Faster, pg. 31)
The Code of Wuxia (Run Faster, pg. 27)
The Hermetic Code (Run Faster, pg. 32)
Vendetta (Run Faster, pg. 159)
Wanted (Run Faster, pg. 159)
White Hats, The Code of the Hacker (Run Faster, pg. 27)

Do I need to fill out the 20 Questions (Run Faster, pg.19)?

No, it is not a requirement for Missions, but it is suggested since it can help give you a better idea of who your
character is, and may provide fun roleplaying hooks.

Are the Codes from Ethics, Codes, and Other Jokes (Run Faster, pgs. 22-32) allowed to be used?
Unless listed in this section (and found in Section 4), the Codes of Honor are allowed. Remember Codes of
Honor are taken seriously, therefore please read “Words to Live By” found in Run Faster on page 23. Unless otherwise
specified, breaking a Code of Honor has some major consequences. Note: this is the minimum a GM may impose and

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 44 27 January 2019

the GM might see a need for the universe to come down even harder on the character in question...and this doesn’t
just apply to the Codes of Honor found in Run Faster, but any Code of Honor. (ref: Run Faster, pg. 30)
First infraction: loss of 1 Karma point (if the character does not have a point of good Karma, then a reduction
of 1 Karma from the Mission reward).
Second infraction: one Edge point burnt, gone forever...well, until the character spends Karma to buy it back.
Third infraction: not able to use Edge the remainder of the Mission (even if able to eat and sleep for 8 hours)
Fourth infraction: What? Would it ever get this bad? Well, no Karma reward for the Mission.

Are any of the alternative character generation methods under Construction Kits (Run Faster, pgs. 62-86)
The Priority system from the core SR5 book is still considered the primary character generation method and is
recommended to be used.
The Point Buy system is also allowed, though players should note Point Buy will sometimes create slightly
less powerful characters than the Priority System, due to the balanced nature of using Karma to buy up your skills and
The Sum to Ten and the Life Modules systems are generally not allowed in order to facilitate as much balance
as possible between characters playing Missions. At their discretion, however, gamemasters can allow a character
generated through these means that they have examined and found to be reasonably balanced. Gamemasters should
use this discretion very cautiously, keeping in mind the importance of balanced power levels in Mission games

Is the Positive Quality Rank (Run Faster, pg. 86) allowed?

Yes, even though it’s in the Life Modules section, it can be applicable to any character.

Can I play a Metavariant (Run Faster, pgs. 88-98 & pg. 104)?
Yes, all the normal racial variants are available to play (listed on Metavariant table found on pg. 104).

Can I play a Metasapient (Run Faster, pgs. 98-105)?

None of the metasapients (which includes shapeshifters and changelings) are available for play in Missions.).

However, as an exception to this (and because they were allowed in prior seasons), metasapients are allowed
for Prime Mission play only if transferred from Season 4. Just remember that Prime Runners are not eligible
for the regular Campaign if converted from a prior season.

Can I play an Infected character (Run Faster, pgs. 133-143)?


But what about <insert NPC of unavailable race here>?

Sometimes NPCs may be included to enhance a particular Mission, but they are still not suitable for player

What happens if an Infected passes on their strain of HMHVV to me during a Mission? (Run Faster, pgs.
Should you be unfortunate enough to get close enough to an Infected to possibly contract HMHVV the
following rules replace the rules for the HMHVV strains:
HMHVV Strain I: Sorry chummer, you are infected and no longer eligible to play in Shadowrun Missions.
HMHVV Strain II or III: you may burn a point of Edge to remain unaffected, i.e. you are not a carrier and
you do not become an Infected. If you choose to not burn a point of Edge, you are infected and no longer eligible to
play in Shadowrun Missions.

I summoned a spirit and I have the Spirit Whisperer quality. Its Force is one higher than declared. If I then
bind the spirit, is the test against the declared or actual Force? (Run Faster, pg. 150)
When binding the spirit, you will bind it at its actual force. For example, you summon a Force 6 chupacabra
spirit and it appears as a Force 7. You now want to bind it. You must bind it as a Force 7. After binding, the Force
will be 7, not 8.

Is the Who You Know? section (Run Faster, pgs. 172-195) allowed?

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 45 27 January 2019

No, this section is outside the scope of Missions.

Are the expanded Lifestyles from A Dump of One’s Own (Run Faster, pgs. 217-218) used?
Yes, though the lifestyles Traveler and Commercial are not allowed.

Are the Lifestyle Entertainment Options (Run Faster, pgs. 220-224) allowed?
Yes, you can add any of these to a Lifestyle, if eligible.

Do I have to make the Fatigue damage tests found in Comforts & Necessities prior to playing in a Mission?
(Run Faster, pg. 218)
No, you’ll be able to get enough rest prior to the Missions.

Are the Lifestyle Qualities allowed? (Run Faster, pgs. 224-226)

Yes, all the Qualities are allowed, if eligible.

Are the PACKs (Run Faster, pgs. 228-252) allowed for Missions?
Yes, PACKs can be purchased at character creation to make your life a little easier. After chargen, gear should
be purchased as normal.

What are stats used for the spear found in the Magic Spear package? (Run Faster, pg. 252)
Spear, Acc 5, Reach 3, Damage (STR + 3)P, AP -2

For Prime Runners, metasapients from Run Faster are permitted as conversions from the previous campaign.
However, the Pixie Vanishing weakness is not defined in Run Faster. It also appears to be different from the
Critter Power "Vanishing" (Aetherology). How should this be handled?
For a PC, it’s called “Vanish” and here are the rules for it:

“When a critter would die from any cause, be it old age or the detonation of a nuclear weapon, it vanishes
from this world, leaving no trace. This disappearance can be captured on film, video, or trideo cameras with ease, but
there is no way known to stop or prevent it—even the critter itself seems powerless to remain. Researchers debate
exactly where the critters go; many suggest they transition to some metaplane where they cannot die. Naturally, no
resuscitation, autopsy, or cybermantic procedure is viable on the critter without a body with which to work.”

Some metasapient powers are not allowed in Missions, so how do we handle this?
Since it is a listed power for the specific metasapient race, it is allowed for that metasapient race.

Are metagenic qualities which come along with the legal metavariants Missions legal?

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 46 27 January 2019

Gun Haven 3

The Ultimax Rain Forest Carbine (Gun Haven 3, pg. 32) seems too good to be true. What are the real stats on
this thing?
Yes, the Rain Forest stat block is a mistake. Use this stat block instead:


5 11P -2 SA/BF (1) 18(c) 8R 2800¥

Assassin’s Primer

Disallowed Qualities:

Deus Vult! (Assassin’s Primer, pg. 17)
My Country, Right or Wrong (Assassin’s Primer, pg. 17)

None disallowed

Does Strive for Perfection half Called Shot penalties or does it reduce all Called Shot penalties to -2? (Assassin’s
Primer, pg. 17)
It halves all Called Shot penalties, e.g. from -10 to -5.

Sail Away, Sweet Sister

How much does a Personalized Grip cost?

100¥, Availability 2.

The Positive Qualities listed in this book (pg. 31) are repeated in Run Faster. Which rules do we use for these
The descriptions for these qualities found in Run Faster supercede those found here.

Shadow Spells

Since you can’t make two attack actions, how does the [Element] Grenade spell work, since it requires two
separate actions to cast and to detonate, both of which could be counted as an attack?
While it takes two actions, it counts as a single attack since it’s a spell.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 47 27 January 2019

Disallowed Qualities:

Online Fame (Data Trails, pg. 45)

Curiosity Killed the Cat (Data Trails, pg. 46)
Data Liberator (Data Trails, pg. 46)
LEEEEEEEROY JENKINS (Data Trails, pg. 48)
Prank Warrior (Data Trails, pg. 49)
Wanted by GOD (Data Trails, pg. 49)

Otaku to Technomancer (Data Trails, pg. 45): Otaku first came to light when it was discovered they could interface
with the matrix with only an ASIST converter and a datajack (Matrix, pg. 137). I know I’m referencing an SR3
sourcebook, but that’s where you will find some background information on Otaku. Therefore, in order to take this
quality, the character must also install a datajack.

Prime Datahaven Membership (Data Trails, pg. 45): Prime Datahaven Membership applies to acquiring data only,
not gear. Use of the membership does not automatically grant access to the entire world of data, the Datahaven is still
treated a contact for purposes of Legwork.

Latest and Greatest (Data Trails, pg. 48): You just HAVE to have the newest thing out. This means the newest AK-
97 with gold plate, the diamond glitter encrusted armor jacket, and so forth. You must spend 60% of your earnings
from each run on upgrading your most commonly used gear. Note: this does not apply to consumable or expendable
items, e.g. bullets, reagants, etc.

May I use Paths to Hackerdom to create my decker or technomancer character? (Data Trails, pg. 50)

May I take both the Mind over Machine echo (SR5, pg. 258) and the MMRI echo (Data Trails, Pg. 59)?
No, you may only choose one or the other.

The initial run of Nixdorf Sekretaers (Data Trails, pg. 61) had a full blown agent included in the package.
Marketing quickly realized the error and sent out a patch to correct the situation. The only skill the agent now
has is the Computer skill. Those corporate programmers got rid of the Cybercombat and Hacking package.

Can I put a commlink dongle on a cyberdeck or RCC? (Data Trails, pg. 61)
No, they are limited to just commlinks.

The chart for commlink dongles looks kind of weird, what should the prices for the attack and stealth dongles
look like? (Data Trails, pg. 62)

Dongle Availability Cost

Attack Dongle (Rating 1-6) [Rating x 2]R (Rating x Rating) x 3000¥

Stealth Dongle (Rating 1-6) [Rating x 2]R (Rating x Rating) x 3000¥

Are the various cyberdecks mentioned in the Shadowrun 5th Edition Sourcebook standard or non-standard
form factors? (Data Trails, pg. 62)

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 48 27 January 2019

‘Tablet’ cyberdecks, implanted cyberdecks, and ‘hack-pack’ cyberdecks mentioned in the core rulebook are
all standard form factors and carry no additional cost per this rule.

Can I scrounge for electronic parts? (Data Trails, pg. 66)

Sure, if you and your team want to hang around for the 10 or more minutes it will take you to cannibalize the
item(s) in question. This just gives the GM more opportunities to exercise his/her tactical skills with HTRs! Please
remember, this is not a license for runners to start looting every electronic item they see just for parts…we have a
separate note to GMs on that.

Can I make device modifications? (Data Trails, pg. 66)

Yes, but this is a downtime activitiy.

Is the chapter Deeper and Deeper going to be used? (Data Trails, pg. 110)
Deep Runs into host Foundations will not be allowed unless explicitly included in the Mission.

Can I play an AI character? (Data Trails, pg. 145)


Can my technomancer access Resonance Wells while on a Mission? (Data Trails, pgs. 162-163)
No, unless it’s explicitly in the Mission.

Can I make a Dissonant Technomancer or take Dissonant echoes during Submersion? (Data Trails, pg. 164)
No, simply, no.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 49 27 January 2019

Are the Cyber Suites from Lockdown Missions legal? (Boston Lockdown, pgs. 205-207)

I want to buy MADAR for my character, but I don’t see any prices listed. What gives? (Boston Lockdown, pg.
Uncle Ares is still developing the MADAR system, so it’s not even close to being released. It’s totally
experimental (as far as we’ve been told), so keep dreaming for now.

Okay, so I can’t buy a MADAR, what about those cool microwave guns and the blaster (repeating laser)?
(Boston Lockdown, pg. 209)
Sorry, Uncle Ares is still experimenting with this stuff, so you can’t find it anywhere. Save up your ¥ for the
day they are out!

Fine, can I at least get a Crazy-Repeller? (Boston Lockdown, pg. 209)

Not yet

Can I play a Dissonant Techno? (Boston Lockdown, pgs. 209-210)

Um, no.

Counting Coup

May I take the mentor spirit Coyote from Counting Coup (pg. 24)?

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 50 27 January 2019

Disallowed Qualities:

Better To Be Feared Than Loved (Chrome Flesh, pg. 54)
Revels in Murder (Chrome Flesh, pg. 56)

Blank Slate (Chrome Flesh, pg. 57)
Cyber-Snob (Chrome Flesh, pg. 57)
One of Them (Chrome Flesh, pg. 58)
Tough and Targeted (Chrome Flesh, pg. 60)

Costs seem to be increasing across the continent due to CFD, has Chicago been affected? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 10)
No, Chicago appears to remain unaffected and Japan has (publicly and so far) been able to quarantine
themselves from infections, so costs have not changed.

May I take the mental illnesses found on the Mental Illness Table? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 51)
If any of the mental illnesses are linked to a disallowed quality (found on the right hand side of the table),

Can we use any of the Changing their Mind rules and Programmable Assist Biofeedback? (Chrome Flesh, pgs.
No, these are beyond the scope of Missions.

How does the math work for Biocompatibility (or ‘ware grade for that matter) for implants which start with
an essence cost of 0.1 or less? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 54)
For Shadowrun Missions, Essence cost reductions from qualities/’ware grades are to be calculated to the
hundredth place rounded down, i.e. two decimal points. For example: a Cat’s Eye, standard grade, costs 0.1 Essence.
With Biocompatibility, it’s reduced by 10% (0.01 reduction). Therefore, in Shadowrun Missions the final Essence
cost is 0.09. The absolute minimum cost for a piece of ‘ware with grade/quality reductions is 0.01. Note this does not
apply to Prototype Transhuman in which there is no Essence cost for a full point of bioware...however, it does apply
to further ‘ware the Prototype Transhuman may acquire.

What happens if a character takes Biocompatibility during play? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 54)
Even though a character’s body has become accustomed to the ‘ware inhabiting the body, iit still leaves an
Essence Hole that can be filled with further augmentations.

Can I make a Prototype Transhuman? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 54)

Yes, but with the following modifications for Missions: Karma cost is 20 (not 10) and remember Wanted
(Run Faster, pg. 159) is a disallowed quality.

If I take the Dead Emotion quality does that mean I’m immune to effects (magical or mundane) which cause
those emotions? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 57)
No, this quality does NOT grant any form of immunity nor bonuses against such effects, e.g. failure to resist
a spirit’s Fear power still results in running away.

What is the cost and availability for fuel for Flametossers (Chrome Flesh, pg. 91 and Flame Bracers (Hard
Targets, pg. 184)?
The availability is 12F and each “round/shot” is 10¥.

How does Dry Addict work? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 57)

It follows the same guidelines as Addictions found in this FAQ, e.g. it must be something likely to be
triggered in Missions and is generally harmful to the PC.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 51 27 January 2019

How does So Jacked Up work? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 59)
To know whether your character is up or down at the beginning of a Missions game, the GM may call for a
mood roll, e.g. on a 1-3 you’re up, on a 4-6 you’re down.

Can I get Omega-grade cyberware? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 71)

No, this is an optional rule.

Have they installed Wireless Skillsoft Networks in Chicago? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 78)
Since the corps started construction projects throughout Chicago, they realized the need for the networks.
However, not every square meter of Chicago is covered just yet, so some users find they can’t connect or find their
effectiveness diminished.
Remember, skillsofts do not make you an expert (SR5, pg. 131) and Noise (SR5, pg. 231) may impact access
to the libraries.

What skills are legal in Shadowrun Missions for Cyberlimb Optimization? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 87)
Only those listed.

Do the Essence, Availability, and Cost listed next to the Aztechnology Cuanmiztli apply to the augmentation
bundle? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 93)
No, these numbers will be removed in future errata.

What chemicals are legitimate choices for use with Chemical Glands? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 112)
All pharmaceuticals can be used. Additonally, the following drugs are allowed for use with the Chemical

AEXD, Aisa, Betel, Bliss, Cereprax, Cram, Dopadrine, eX, Forget-Me-Not, G3, Guts, Jazz, Kamikaze, Long Haul,
Nightwatch, Nitro, NoPaint, Novacoke, Oxygenated Flourocarbons, Push, Psyche, Red Mescaline, Slab, Snuff,
Sober Time, Soothsayer, Zen, Zero, Zone
*special thanks to ‘Stainless Steel Devil Rat’ for creating this initial list

The following toxins are available:

Aconite, Atropine, Chloral Hydrate, Chloroform, CS/Tear Gas, Dog Asp Venom, Dread, Gamma-Scopolamine,
Narcoject, Nausea Gas, Neuro-Stun, Pepper Punch, Picrotoxin, Recuronium, Seven-7, Tetrodotoxin

Bio-weapon claws grant a bonus to Reach (+1) when used in pairs, does this apply to cyber melee weapons
(SR5, pg. 458) as well? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 120)
Yes, as long as they are purchased and used in pairs. This does not increase damage and your hands must be
free to be able to use both hands, i.e. not holding anything.

Where do I find the costs for Immunizations? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 164)
They are found in the Optional Rule sidebar on the same page (note: Immunizations are not considered
optional rules, Similar Agents are).

Are Genetic Infusions available? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 166)

Yes, they are available, but they only last the duration of a single Mission. Addiction and Side Effect rolls
must be made at the end of the Mission. Remember to mark off recovery time on your Missions Calendar.

How much do every day Pharma costs? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 176)
They cost anywhere from 5-15¥ at your local Stuffer Shack or other convenience store.

How do I get the Karma discount using Ripper in Missions? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 182)
It takes three doses per day for six weeks to receive the Karma discount. Addiction rolls are required at the
beginning of the next Mission.

Are designer drugs available? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 190)

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 52 27 January 2019

Yes. You must have a Connection Rating 5 chemist or dealer as a contact. In Chicago, Martin Tate qualifies.
In Neo-Tokyo, Asakura Yoriko can assist.

Can I customize drugs in Missions? (Chrome Flesh, pg. 190)

The rules for customizing drugs are beyond the scope of Missions.

Does Missions use the Overdose (SR5, pg. 415) and the Drug Interaction (Chrome Flesh, pg. 192) rules?


Too much of anything can hurt you, or even kill you. Whenever you take a substance while you’re already on that
substance or one that has a shared effect (like the way cram and novacoke both affect Reaction), you take Stun damage
with a DV equal to the sum of the Addiction Ratings of the overlapping drugs, resisted with Body + Willpower.


When drugs are mixed, bad things happen. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don’t, and the more drugs
involved, the worse it can get. If you take a drug while still under the effect of another drug or recovering from a drug
crash, you run the risk of experiencing a drug interaction.

Roll 1D6 for each drug beyond the first, and total the results. Modify the total by drug grade (if applicable) and consult
the following table.

Drug Interactions Table

Designer drugs: –1 to roll result if all drugs used are designer drugs

1 Double duration of all drugs

2–4 No side effect
5–6 Duration of all crash effects are doubled
7–9 Crash effects occur immediately
10 Immediately take 3S damage, unresisted
11–13 Crash effect damage is Physical instead of Stun
14+ Immediately resist 10P damage by Body only

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 53 27 January 2019

Are life modules from SIF: Butte (pg. 19) Missions legal?

Are the entertainment and lifestyle options in SIF: Butte (Pg. 20) legal for Missions?

Can I use the sample lifestyles from SIF: Butte (pgs. 20-21) for Missions?

Shadows in Focus: Metropole

Can I purchase the Avibras-Nissan AN 822 (pg. 31)?

As long as you can afford it!

Are the life modules from SIF: Metropole (pg. 31) Missions legal?

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 54 27 January 2019

Disallowed Qualities

None Disallowed

Code of Honor: Avenging Angel

May I play a Sukuyan? (Hard Targets, pgs. 126-127)

No, infected characters are not allowed.

Can I get my hands on some Januarius? (Hard Targets, pg. 127)

No, and you can’t find a used (or new vampire) for sale.

How common is Renfield in Missions? (Hard Targets, pgs. 127-128)

If there is any Renfield to be had, the vampires aren’t selling it.

Can I take the Corps Cadavre ritual and make my own horde of undead? (Hard Targets, pgs. 128-129)
No, no,, no, no.

Is the Obeah tradition a possession tradition? (Hard Targets, pgs. 129-130)

No, it’s not, therefore it’s a legal tradition for characters.

Is the Santeria tradition allowed? (Hard Targets, pg. 130)


If I can’t make Corps Cadavres, can I at least make zombies? (Hard Targets, pgs. 131-132)
No, you cannot make a horde of zombies either and anything related to zombies (e.g. Zubembie Powder) is
off limits.

Are magicians able to summon the Loa and Orisha? (Hard Targets, pgs. 134-135)
Since possession traditions are not allowed, no.

Is the Great Form Possession metamagic available to initiates? (Hard Targets, pg. 134)
No, a magician must follow a possession tradition, which is disallowed.

The following Lifestyle Options are not allowed in Missions: (Hard Targets, pgs. 140-141)
Subsistence Hunting/Gathering and Manservant/Maid

Are any of the Lifestyle Qualities not allowed? (Hard Targets, pg. 141)
Household Gremlins and No Masters are not allowed.

Can I find any of the Lifestyle Examples in Missions? (Hard Targets, pgs. 142-143)
The only example to be found is in Chicago, the Personal Oubliette, the rest require a nice vacation to Cuba.

The Colt Manhunter in Hard Targets is different from the one found in SIF: San Francisco. Which is the correct
one? (Hard Targets, pg. 178, SIF: SF, pg. 18)
They are both correct, they are just different models. We decided to call the one in SIF: SF the Colt Manhunter
and the one in Hard Targets the Colt Manhunter A1.

Where can I find all the information (Avail and Cost) for the mounted crossbow, underbarrel laser and
shotgun? (Hard Targets, pg. 182)
All information for these modifications are found in the chart on page 183.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 55 27 January 2019

The chart for throwing syringes seems off a little bit, what is it supposed to look like? Also, are the throwing
syringes reusable? (Hard Targets, pg. 184)
No, they are not reusable and the chart is below.


[Phys] (STR-2)P -2 - - 6F 40¥

If used in pairs, do biospikes (bone spurs) grant a +1 bonus to Reach? (Hard Targets, pg. 185)
Yes, as long as they are purchased and used in pairs. This does not increase damage and your hands must be
free to be able to use both hands, i.e. not holding anything.

Does Bone Lacing increase a biospike’s (bone spur’s) damage? (Hard Targets, pg. 185)

Can I use the enchanting formula or even the material from enchanting gloves to create or sew together other
items, e.g. an enchanting backpack or coat? (Hard Targets, pg. 186)
No, the enchanting formula is meant for gloves only. Modifying the gloves in any way destroys the
enchantment, rendering them useless.

Can I find depleted uranium rounds for sale in Missions? (Hard Targets, pgs. 188-189)

Will I be able to create my own hand loads? (Hard Targets, pg. 189)
No, but they are available for purchase.

Can hand loads be combined with specialty ammunition, e.g. APDS or Explosive rounds? (Hard Targets, pg.

Can you get hand loads for Subsonic rounds, Stick n' Shock or capsule perhaps? (Hard Targets, pg. 189)

Do wood pulp rounds...trigger allergies like silver rounds? (Hard Targets, pg. 189)

Silver bullets and wood pulp rounds only list a number in the AP column. (Hard Targets, pg. 189)
Please add a + to those, e.g. silver bullets have an AP +2.

Are the adept powers Adept Accident and Kiai treated as spells or critter powers? (Hard Targets, pgs. 190-191)
Both are to be treated as critter powers, therefore, counterspelling is ineffective defending against them.
Adept Accident cannot be noticed since it is not spellcasting, though one might notice the adept touching the intended
target. Kiai is obvious to notice.

Does the Practice, Practice, Practice quality increase all limits? (Hard Targets, pg. 191)
No, it only increases your Inherent Limits (Physical, Mental, Social, or Astral), not gear limits, e.g. firearms
(of course, it doesn’t apply to combat skills anyway), cyberdecks, etc.

The Spellblades spell sounds awesome! Is it allowed in Missions? (Hard Targets, pg. 192)

Sometimes hackers love to get into documents and spread misinformation, especially when it concerns
projectiles and alchemy. (Hard Targets, pg. 194)

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 56 27 January 2019

Consider the section “Projectiles and Alchemy” as theoretical hacker misinformation. The rules for
alchemical preparations and their uses are found in the Shadowrun 5 core rulebook as well as Street Grimoire.

Are the Expanded Concealment and Bow rules used? (Hard Targets, pgs. 196-197)
Yes, both are used. When using Expanded Concealment, the GM at the table has the final say on whether a
specific concealment method applies, e.g. attempting to conceal a light pistol on my arm when wearing a t-shirt is
simply not going to work.

Can I hire someone to modify my weapons for me?

Yes. Hired gunsmiths/armorer/weaponsmiths in Shadowrun Missions buy 4 hits per roll, only work for 8
hours per day, and charge 100¥ per hour (minimum 1 hour charge). To calculate how long it takes to complete a
modification, divide the threshold by four (round down) and multiply this by the interval time. NOTE: the weapon
modifications charts (Hard Targets, pg. 183) says “Duration” but it should read “Interval”. Also, one day equals 8
If you have an appropriate contact (gunsmith/armorer/weapsonsmith) they can perform the modification for
you. The time to complete the task is the same, but they will offer a discount on their services. Reduce the amount
they charge per hour by 10% for every point of Loyalty you have with that contact.
Example: Covon wants to add a mounted crossbow to his sniper rifle. He contacts Cuthlainn, his loyalty 1
gunsmith contact, to do the work. The mounted crossbow has a threshold of 20, and 1 day interval, so it will take 5
days to complete the work (20/4 = 5, 5 X 1 day = 5 days). This will cost Covon 3600¥ (5 days x 8 hours = 40 hours,
40 hours x 90¥ = 3600¥).

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 57 27 January 2019

Disallowed Qualities

None Disallowed

Too Much Data

Which vehicles are similar enough for me to scavenge repair parts from? (Rigger 5.0, pg. 29)
Page 29 says your gamemaster will decide what is similar. Shadowrun Missions considers any two vehicles
from the same table in the core book or Rigger 5.0 to be similar enough. This does mean that the Hughes Stallion can
be scavenged to repair your Krime Wing. Those of you who work real-life repair jobs will know that IRL this is
ludicrous; it’s a game.

For Shadowrun Missions, please delete the last sentence “Your RCC’s Noise Reduction rating is added as a dice
pool bonus for this action.” from each action listed under Electronic Warfare. (Rigger 5.0, pgs. 30-31)

The Suppress Noise Action (Rigger 5.0, pg. 30) is the same action as the section titled “Electronic Warfare for
Riggers” (SR5, pg. 268), therefore, they do not stack.

Can a bunch of drones in a swarm really attack as one? What if one drone has a sniper rifle and the rest have
hold-out pistols? Do I still get to give the sniper drone an attack bonus? What if the drones are so far away
(say, long range for the sniper rifle) that the pistols are out of range? (Rigger 5.0, pg. 31)
Page 31 says “for game purposes use only a single weapon’s stats”, so yes they would get this bonus. This
might seem oversimplified, and it is. Keep in mind this oversimplification works both ways, Lonestar can do this too.
Any weapons out of range would not be counted for the attack test.

Do swarms receive a bonus to pool and limit for things that would be harder with multiple drones, like
sneaking? (Rigger 5.0, pg. 31)
Again yes. Just like you and your three friends can make a teamwork sneaking test. Also thinking “more
stuff, harder to hide” is oversimplifying things. “More drones, more sensors” is more accurate. The more drones, the
better they are able to examine the surroundings and make a decision about an intelligent path.

Can I choose not to use the swarm program and instead have my drones do teamwork tests? (Rigger 5.0, pg.
Yes, however drones can take actions as part of a swarm, or as part of a team. Not both. In order for a drone
to participate in a teamwork test it must be removed from the swarm. A swarm cannot act as one and participate in a
teamwork test, the dog brains just aren't up to the challenge. An RCC is required to have drones perform a teamwork

Does a Dealer Connection count as a free contact? If not do I need to apply this to a contact? (Rigger 5.0, pg.
No, it does not give you a “free” contact. You must apply this to a contact you purchased during character
creation, or a 0/0 contact that is only good for this one thing. this could even be a discount code that somehow still
works on your favorite online store.

Could you please clarify the Speed Demon, Accident Prone, and Motion Sickness qualities? (Rigger 5.0, pgs. 33-

Speed Demon: you must be physically piloting the vehicle or jumped in via Control Rig.

Accident Prone: this applies any time you pilot the vehicle or are just assisting the pilot, e.g. the pilot (driver)
asks you to spot them while they back into a parking spot. Unfortunately this forces the pilot to make a piloting check
at -2 because you just can’t figure out how to ground guide a vehicle.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 58 27 January 2019

Motion Sickness: it is at the GM’s discretion when Motion Sickness may strike. It could happen when
accelerating, decelerating, or even just driving along at a steady rate.

Vehicle and Drone Mods

Both modifications sections are allowed. Shadowrun Missions uses the “optional” drone modification rules,
so please disregard the note in Rigger 5.0, pg.122 about these rules being “optional”. Note that you use drone
modifications in all cases on drones (not vehicles) where the two sections overlap and not all vehicle modifications
can be used on drones, as clarified below:
Vehicle Equipment and Modifications that can be applied to drones if the drone has enough space to
accommodate the modification.

● Spoof chip
● Road Strips - Medium sized drones and larger only
● Tool Kit - Small sized drones and larger
● Gliding System
● Improved Economy
● Rocket Booster
● ALL Secondary Propulsion Systems
● Anti-Theft System
● Special Armor Modification
● Drone Rack - must be at least two size categories smaller than the drone, example must be at least a small
drone or larger to mount a micro drone rack, while a huge drone can mount a medium drone rack at most
● Missile Defense System
● Oil Slick Sprayer
● Road Strip Ejector - Medium sized drones and larger only
● Smoke Projector
● Assembly/Disassembly
● Chameleon Coating
● Extreme Environment Modification
● Nanomaintenance System
● Smuggling Compartment
● Valkyrie Module - Large size drones or larger
● Winch - note that weight capacity is limited by vehicle size
● Electronic Countermeasures (ECM)
● Retrans Unit
● Satellite Link
● Signature Masking
● Suncell
● Touch Sensors
● Vehicle Tag Eraser
● Yerzed Out - see Customized drone modification

How many MP does it actually cost to upgrade drone armor? (Rigger 5.0, pg. 122)
The first 3 points of Armor cost zero (0) MP. For each three (3) points of Armor (or fraction thereof) beyond
that it costs one (1) MP (in other words, always a 3 to 1 ratio). For example: if you get 5 Armor points, it costs a total
of one (1) MP. If you get 6 Armor points, it costs one (1) MP. If you get 7 Armor points, it costs two (2) MP and so

What are the prices of Drone weapon mounts and what are the limitations?

Refer to the table in Rigger 5.0, pg. 124. Price is MP*500¥, minimum 500¥; pop-out mount cost are in addition to
this. Additionally, the size of the weapon mount is limited by the size of the drone as named (so micro drones are
limited to micro weapon mounts). Medium drones can fit up to standard mounts and large drones can fit any mount.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 59 27 January 2019

Can I get the Realistic Features Drone Modification for my drones? (Rigger 5.0, pg.125)
Yes, the following is a list of each drone and the maximum rating of realistic features it can be given. This
does not take into account the capacity of the drones listed below.

Drone Model Level of Realistic Features Allowed

Sony Goldfish 4

Cyberspace Designs Dragonfly 2

Festo Pigeon 2.0 4

Renraku Gerbil 2

Renraku Scuttler Remote Cyberhand 4

Festo Sewer Snake 3

Proteus A.G. “KRAKE” 2

Ares Cheetah 2


Shiawase Kanmushi 4

MCT Fly Spy 4

Ares Duelist 3

The Amphibious mod says I will need to add a Motiv System, I don’t see that as a drone mod or vehicle mod.
Where do I score this? (Rigger 5.0, pg. 125)
This is a bit of a terminology difference between drones and vehicles. A “Motiv System” is just a propulsion
system for drones. You can find the amphibious propulsion system modification in the vehicle modifications section,
Rigger 5.0, pgs. 156-157.

What is the Group Autosoft for? I thought my RCC could already issue commands to all my drones at once.
(Rigger 5.0, pg. 127)
It can, this is for issuing commands to drones via a cyberdeck or commlink. While the drones cannot share
autosofts without an RCC, they can still receive commands as a group. Your low budget drone jockey can use this to
have several drones perform the same task. To have drones perform a Teamwork test requires a Rigger Command

Some drones show a parenthetical value after the Body attribute and some don’t. For those missing a
parenthetical value how many MP should they have, Body or zero (0)? (Rigger 5.0, pgs. 128-149)
They have a number of MP equal to their body. Enjoy!

The Horizon “Noizquito” is not available, period, end of line. Horizon discovered some bugs in the software
that rendered them useless until further research is conducted. (Rigger 5.0, pg. 128)

The text concerning Vehicle Armor Modification is very confusing when compared to the chart on the following
page. How do we handle that? (Rigger 5.0, pgs. 159-160)
Delete the sentence “The most armor any vehicle can add is equal to vehicle Body (meaning maximum armor
= Body + existing armor Rating).” The slots required on the chart are correct and therefore limits how much armor
can be added (Body/2 for standard and Body/3 for concealed).

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 60 27 January 2019

What the heck is a “recoil harness” for a Gun Port? Do I have to use it? (Rigger 5.0, pg.160)
The harness is a small set of adjustable straps to hold your handheld weapon securely in the firing port. They
fit everything from holdout pistols up to HMGs. A complex action is required to put it on and take it off. You do not
have to use it, but if you don’t you receive no recoil compensation from it.

Ejection Seats are not listed in the Mod Tables. What are the stats? (Rigger 5.0, pgs.164, 167)


Ejection Seat 2 10 Shop Armorer 8R 800¥
-w/ Parachute +1 +2 Shop Armorer 8R +200¥

Did we get rid of the two separate range tables for handling vs. speed environments? (Rigger 5.0, pg. 174, SR5,
pg. 204)
No, the table in Rigger 5.0 replaces the speed environment, the handling environment remains the same as in
the SR5 core rulebook. Due to the close quarters, there are no Close or Spotter ranges in the Handling environment.

How does the Bootleg Turn work? (Rigger 5.0, pg. 174)
You must do this in the same combat turn as the two vehicles pass one another. Wheelman jack is playing
chicken with an Ares Roadmaster being piloted by a LoneStar officer. At the last second Wheelman jack realizes his
Jackrabbit is no match and turns away. He would like to swing his jackrabbit behind the Roadmaster to try and ram
it (wheelman jack is crazy) so he performs a Bootleg Turn. Wheelman Jack rolls Pilot Ground Craft + Reaction
[Handling] for a total of 12 dice. The threshold is Terrain (0) + The roadmaster’s speed stat of 2 for a total threshold
of 2. Jack gets 4 hits. 2 net hits put him behind the Ares Roadmaster at the Extreme range. He can now attempt to
catch the Roadmaster and do his worst to its backside.

Can ground or water vehicles also perform Switch the Six? (Rigger 5.0, pg. 177)
Yes. In a car this could mean smashing the brakes to force the chase vehicle to pass you. In a boat or other
watercraft it’s still a turn, but it does not get a cool nickname.

Bailout action (Rigger 5.0, pg. 179) can be performed at any range, at any speed.

Can I hire someone to modify my vehicles/drones for me?

Yes. Hired mechanics use an interval of 4 hours for vehicles/drones, will only work for 8 hours per day, and
charge 100¥ per hour. To calculate how long it takes to complete a modification, divide the threshold by four (round
down) and multiply this by the interval time.
If you have an appropriate contact (Mechanic) they can perform the modification for you. The time to
complete the task is the same, but they will offer a discount on their services. Reduce the amount they charge per hour
by 10% for every point of Loyalty you have with that contact.
Example: Kayless wants to add a Rating 3 Speed Enhancement to his vehicle. He decides he’s going to hire
Goober to perform the work. The Threshold is 24 to complete the modification. 24/4 equals 6. We now take this
number (6) and multiply it by 4 hours (interval) to get the total number of hours Goober needs, which equals 24 hours.
If Kayless had a Loyalty 1 with Goober, it would cost 24 hours x 90¥, which is 2160¥. Luckily, Kayless has a Loyalty
of 4 with Goober, so he receives a 40% discount, so his final bill comes to 1440¥. Kayless now needs to mark the time
of his Missions calendar, so he takes the 24 hours divided by 8 hours/day and comes up with 3 days.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 61 27 January 2019

The following changes apply to the Boar Mentor Spirit (Howling Shadows, pg. 47)
Replace the current disadvantage with the below.
When a Boar magician makes a plan, she sticks to it. You must make a Charisma + Willpower (3) Test to
abandon a planned course of action in favor of a new one. If you fail, you must endeavor to continue with your
original plan, even if it means going on alone. Similarly, you must succeed in a Charisma + Willpower (3) Test to
proceed in anything without a plan.

Are the Protosapient Qualities allowed? (Howling Shadows, pgs. 156-157)

Protosapients are not permitted in Missions, therefore their qualities are also not permitted.

Are Protosapient Programs allowed? (Howling Shadows, pg. 157)

Protosapients are not permitted in Missions, therefore their programs are not permitted.

Can I play a Drake in Shadowrun Missions? (Howling Shadows, pgs. 158-165)


Are biodrones permitted in Missions? (Howling Shadows, pgs. 180-181)


Can I make my own biodrones? (Howling Shadows, pgs. 181-183)


Can I train my own critters? (Howling Shadows, pgs. 183-85)

Yes, with the following Missions modifications:
- Step 1: Unless training modifiers are listed in the Shadowrun Mission, the following automatically
apply to the appropriate type of animal/critter:
- 2 dice pool modifier for all paranormals and exotics.
- 0 dice pool modifier for all pets or livestock.
- +2 dice pool modifier for animals with Domesticated Quality.
- Step 3 Assert Your Dominance: this is a downtime activity, therefore all hits are bought.
- Step 6 Tricks: Skill Use: Only those Skills listed may be taught.
If critters are found in future Missions, guidance on additional modifiers will be provided. For critters already
found and acquired in published Missions, modifiers will be found Appendix D: Errata.

Barding and Brutality begins a new section which is not part of Tricks. (Howling Shadows, pg. 185)

Can I purchase an animal in Shadowrun Missions?

Yes, you may certainly do so. The below chart shows the availability, cost, and minimum lifestyle you must
have to purchase and maintain an animal.
The following types may not be purchased:
- Mutant and Toxic Critters (Howling Shadows, pgs. 92-113)
- Extra Planar Travelers (Howling Shadows, pgs. 114-137)
- Technocritters (Howling Shadows, pgs. 142-148)
- Protosapients (Howling Shadows, pgs. 150-156)

Purchasing an animal outside of Chicago or Neo-Tokyo costs a flat 500¥ per point of body in order to
transport it back to the respective location.

Animal Availability Cost Lifestyle

Alligator 6R 300¥ Middle
Boar 10 400¥ High
Cat, Domestic* –* 50¥ Squatter
Chimpanzee 12R 20,000¥ Luxury

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 62 27 January 2019

Dog (cloned)* –* 75¥ Low
Eagle 12F 7500¥ High
Ferret – 250¥ Middle
Goldfish – 2¥ Squatter
Horse* 4* 2,000¥ Luxury
Snake (non-venomous) – 100¥ Low

Animal Availability Cost Lifestyle

Abrams Lobster 14F 7,000¥ High
Agropelter 12F 5000¥ High
Bandit 8R 2,000¥ Low
Barghest 15R 11,000¥ High
Bear 16F 9,000¥ Luxury
Basilisk 14R 40,000¥ Middle
Blood Monkey 16F 10,000¥ Luxury
Cat, Great 12R 5,000¥ High
Cerberus Hound 20F 80,000¥ Luxury
Cockatrice 10R 3500¥ High
Death Rattle 14F 22,000¥ High
Deathspiral Butterfly 8F 500¥ Low
Demon Rat (alpha only) 22F 30,000¥ High
Devil Rat 6R 300¥ Squatter
Elephant 12F 55,000¥ Luxury
Fenrir Wolf 10F 14,000¥ Middle
Gabriel Hound 8R 2,000¥ Middle (Sprawl Wilds, pg.14)
Gomatia 8 5,000¥ Middle
Hell Hound 15R 10,000¥ High
Horned Bear 13R 50,000¥ Luxury
Martichoras 16F 40,000¥ Luxury
Ozian Baboon 13R 65,000¥ Luxury
Phoenician Bird 17F 70,000¥ High
Pegasus 12F 5,000¥ Luxury
Peryton 10R 45,000¥ Luxury
Piasma 18F 80,000¥ Luxury
Roc, Lesser 9R 11,500¥ High
Saber-Tooth Cat 18R 25,000¥ Luxury (Tennessee Suite 1)
Sea Lion 12R 6,000¥ Luxury
Shadow Hound 8R 3,000¥ High
Snow Snake 6R 2500¥ Middle
Unicorn 12R 8,000¥ Luxury
Volleying Porcupine 8R 1000¥ High
Wolf 12R 1,000¥ Middle
Wolverine, Greater 18F 46,000¥ Luxury

* Purebred, non-cloned, luxury, or exotic varieties are available. Costs for these are much higher than the standard or
cloned variety.

How many animals can I own?

You may own two animals (any combination) at the minimum lifestyle for the highest lifestyle of the two. If
you wish to own three or more, you need to have a minimum lifestyle one higher than the highest required. The only
exception is that Luxury lifestyle allows you to own as many animals as you can afford.
For example: Dazzler wants to own two Snow Snakes which require a Middle lifestyle. If Dazzler wants to
own a third, she now needs to get a High lifestyle to accommodate the third animal. If Dazzler owns a dog and a Snow
Snake, she must have a Middle lifestyle. If she then purchases a Shadowhound (normally High lifestyle), she must
actually get a Luxury to accommodate all three.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 63 27 January 2019

Note: We would like to take a moment to recognize RunnerPakhet and Silmacil for their work in putting together a
comprehensive price list for Howling Shadows. The SRM FAQ Committee borrowed and modified their tables for the

Note 2: The above tables are not meant to be an all-inclusive list of animals which may be found in the Shadowrun
universe. The animals listed have been reviewed and authorized for purchase in Shadowrun Missions at this time.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 64 27 January 2019

Disallowed Qualities


Alpha Junkie

May we purchase the Painade? (Cutting Aces, pg. 135)

No, the Painade is not available until errata is issued.

Does the Ares Briefcase Shield really cause Physical damage when used as a weapon? (Cutting Aces, pg. 136)
No, it causes Stun damage when used as a weapon.

Can I douse myself in all those awesome Tailored Perfumes and Colognes in order to stack the bonuses?
(Cutting Aces, pg. 143)
No, you may douse yourself as much as you want (especially at GameCon), but the first one is the only one
from which you receive a bonus.

Do Tailored Perfumes or Colognes stack with Tailored Pheromones? (Cutting Aces, pg. 143)
Yes, except for Black Panther. Note, however, that the first tailored perfume/cologne you use is the only
one from which you receive a bonus.

The Shaman Tuxedo is sweet, but no matter where I go to buy it the price is way more than listed. (Cutting
Aces, pg. 144).
For Shadowrun Missions, Shaman Tuxedos cost 7000¥, the conjurer receives one service upon a successful
summoning, and the conjurer must continue wearing the outfit in order to command the spirit and to benefit from its
services. If the conjurer removes the outfit, the spirit gets upset and will not perform any further services until the
conjurer puts the outfit back on and issues a new command.
For example, JoeSam has his Shaman Tuxedo for hermetic spirits of earth (an old Carhartt jacket his great
pawpaw wore while farming; covered with dirt and straw with small farm implements dangling from it). He
succeeds at summoning his spirit of earth (BobbiJo) and because BobbiJo is so impressed with his Carhartt jacket,
JoeSam gets an extra service from her. JoeSam asks BobbiJo to conceal (optional power) the entire party because
they have to sneak into a factory. It’s JoeSam’s turn to climb through the window, but his jacket it too thick and the
farm dangling implement get hung up on the windowsill...not thinking, JoeSam takes it off. BobbiJo is thoroughly
ticked with JoeSam right now because he took off that awesome Carhartt jacket, so she drops Concealment on
him. Luckily, JoeSam has been pretty good to BobbiJo in the past, so she didn’t drop Concealment on the entire

Can I purchase Subliminal Subacoustics Software? (Cutting Aces, pg. 146)

No, they are not available for Shadowrun Missions.

The price for the Holo-Conference Drone seems pretty steep. (Cutting Aces, pg. 147)
Come get them while supplies last ... they are only 9000¥ for the foreseeable future.

What skill do I use to pilot a Holo-Conference Drone? (Cutting Aces, pg. 147)
Pilot Aircraft

Are the amounts listed in Information for Sale hard and fast amounts? (Cutting Aces, pgs. 148-150)
No, these are guidelines only and are dependent upon GM discretion unless otherwise specified in the
In the event a GM utilizes this section: for situations in which a bonus is granted from the information, the
maximum situational bonus a runner may receive is a +2 dice pool modifier.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 65 27 January 2019

Alibi (Cutting Aces, pg. 150)
Change the last sentence to read: You always receive a +2 modifier on Con tests as if you have plausible-
seeming evidence (per the Social Modifiers Table, p. 140, SR5), but it does not stack with the plausible-seeming
evidence modifier.

Do Memory Palace and Mnemonic Vault stack? (Cutting Aces, pg. 151)

Where can I find examples of common and specific groups for the Favored quality? (Cutting Aces, pg. 152)
Refer to the Prejudiced Table, p. 82, SR5.

The Goat (Cutting Aces, pg. 152)

Change the Social dice pool modifier from –1 to –2.

Ugly and Doesn’t Care (Cutting Aces, pg. 152)

In order to take this, you must spend at least one Attribute Point to increase your Charisma when creating a
character. For example, you want to create an elf character with this quality. An elf starts with a Charisma of 3.
You spend an Attribute Point to bring it to 4. Once you apply Ugly and Doesn’t Care, it drops to 3 and your
character’s Racial Maximum is now 7.

Are Social Maneuvers allowed in Missions? (Cutting Aces, pgs. 153-154)

Yes, with the following explanations/exceptions:
Informed Opinion example: Obnoxious Jones needs to convince a lab tech to run some tests for him on
some recently acquired unknown chemicals. OJ approaches him during his lunch break and begins chatting about
the newest breakthroughs in chemical analysis. OJ rolls his Chemistry knowledge skill and gets 3 hits. His social
limit now increases by 3 when he gets ready to persuade the lab tech to run the tests.
Saving Face: this maneuver is not allowed in Missions. This is why you have Edge.

Are we using the Faction Reputation rules in Missions? (Cutting Aces, pgs. 156-160)

How about the Expanded Rules for Negotiation? (Cutting Aces, pgs. 160-164)
The rules presented for Gear (pg. 161) is only used if written in the Mission.
The rules presented for Contacts (pg. 161) are permitted with the following modification: a player may
purchase a single contact with a Connection Rating equal to or lower than the hiring Johnson at a Loyalty of 1.
The rules presented for Service are not permitted in Missions.

Are the Expanded Rules for Con allowed in Missions? (Cutting Aces, pgs. 162-164)

Are the Expanded Rules for Using Intimidation allowed in Missions? (Cutting Aces, pg. 164)
Yes, with the following modifications: delete (ignore) the paragraphs related to glitches. The following
applies instead: a glitch increases the character’s Notoriety by 1 and a critical glitch increases Notoriety by 2.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 66 27 January 2019

What chapters are going to be used in Missions?

The following sections will not be allowed unless explicitly included in the Mission.
- Deck Building
- Aligning the Court
- Using Themes and Motifs
- Items and Objects
- People
- Taco Temple
- Codes and Puzzles
- Cards as Augury: though a character may use a Sixth World Tarot for augury, only magicians with the Augury and
Sortilege ritual (Street Grimoire, pgs. 124-125) will be successful and the results are from the Divination Table
found in Street Grimoire, pg. 125.
- Power of the Cards

The following section is allowed with exceptions noted below.

- Character Trove
-- Raven Mentor Spirit: the only Magician Advantage allowed is the +2 dice to Detection spells, preparations, and
-- Lion Mentor Spirit: friends, family, comrade, and ally includes your runner team. At the gamemaster’s
discretion, Mr./Ms. Johnson might even be considered a comrade or ally.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 67 27 January 2019

What chapters are going to be disallowed in Missions?

The following sections are disallowed unless explicitly included in the Missions:
- Magical Oddities (Hybrid Traditions)
- Blood Magic and associated subsections
- Wild Summoning Rules
- Optional Rules
- The Synergy of Alchemy and Dark Traditions
- Research, Rumors, and Legends
- Infected Alchemy

The following rules from the remaining sections are also disallowed from Missions:
Magic Masteries
- Barehanded Adept
- Blood Necromancer
- Chain Breaker
- Chosen Follower
New Metamagics
- Paradigm Shift
- Spirit Expansion: Shedim
Necro Summoning
Necro Spirits
Updated Traditions
- Ancestor Shaman Channeling (at Initiate Grade 2)
New Traditions
- Draconic Tradition
- Elder God Tradition
- Necro Magic Tradition
- Planar Magic Tradition
Mentor Spirits
- Planar Entity
- Tohu Wa-Bohu
Alchemical Items
- Veins of the Adept
- Drain Away

What animals can be made into an Animal Familiar?

Any non-awakened animal found on the tables in Chapter 18: Howling Shadows. Use the cost and
availability rules found there.

Revenant Adept says that you use the Regeneration power which functions until all injuries are healed. If I
have a Drain injury that cannot be healed via the Regeneration power, do I retain the power until the Drain
is naturally healed?
No. The Regeneration power stops even if there are remaining injuries if those injuries cannot be healed by
the Regeneration power.

How do I simulate drawing cards from a tarot deck?

You don’t. To play with the Tarot Tradition or Arcana Mentor Spirit you are required to provide your own
complete tarot deck.

How big is a Vault of Ages?

A Vault of Ages is a large and bulky object somewhat larger than the average office safe. Moving it is a
two-person lift (even for Trolls, it’s bulky). For the purposes of Missions you can fit a single Vault of Ages in the
trunk of a vehicle, a standard smuggling compartment, or it can occupy one seat. Nothing else can be stored in the

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 68 27 January 2019

space the Vault of Ages occupies. Storing items that the Vault of Ages is not intended for within the container
degrades its power, thus it can only be used to hold alchemical preparations.

I just realized I can buy hits on excessively high Force alchemical preparations during downtime and
my drain will be stun. I can then store a Force 12+ Potency 3-4 alchemical preparation in my Vault of Ages,
heal my stun in 10 hours of rest or less and then repeat until I have several of these, all for just one week of
downtime. Is that legit?
Congratulations, you have found a way to Break the Game, a violation of one of our four special blanket
rules. As a result, the following change has been made to the Vault of Ages for Missions play:
Effect: A vault of ages may store a number of alchemical components or preparations equal to twice the
Magic rating of its creator. The combined Rating (for alchemical preparations, use Force) of these items cannot be
more than twice the rating of the vault. While within the confines of the vault, these items do not degrade. The
degradation clock starts ticking as soon as they are removed.

Can we harvest the rare reagents listed in the Advanced Alchemy chapter?
As stated in Section 6: General SRM Rules, collecting reagents falls outside of the scope of Missions and is
not allowed.

How are we able to acquire those reagents? I don’t see a price listed for them.
Rare reagents can be purchased using the pricing table on page 187. These reagents are always at least of a
Superior quality.

What about the new compounds, how do I purchase those?

Price and availability are stated on page 194: [(Force of spell involved) + (Current Potency)] x 500¥ and
base availability is 14R. Compounds are only available through talismonger contacts.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 69 27 January 2019

What chapters of the Complete Trog are going to be used in Missions?
Everything Trog.

Is anything in the Complete Trog disallowed for Missions?

We considered a few things, but a trog with an osmium mace stopped by for a chat. It’s all allowed.

What skill is used with the osmium mace?

It’s a club, Forest. Literally an enormous club.

Do I need to pay Karma to buy off the Busted Cyberware Negative Quality in The Seattle Gambit?
Yes. In order to make use of the 0.5 Essence hole after spending 16,000 nuyen to remove the dead
cyberware, you have to buy off the negative quality with Karma.

The Halloweener Barbecue Lighter says it includes a bulky backpack fuel tank that takes two combat turns
to put on and a Complex Action to remove. But the chart says it 12(c) for ammo. I can drop a clip as a free
action and reload it with a—
No, stop. That should be 12(t). T. For Tank. Damn gangers…

Do Molotov Cocktails apply chunky salsa?

Damage caused by a Molotov Cocktail is fire damage spread by the flammable liquid dispersed when the
container shatters. We agree that a wall would splash that liquid back, so chunky salsa rules would apply. Keep in
mind that it loses 3P per meter.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 70 27 January 2019


Krime Whammy (Yeah, I know, I’m sorry… so, so sorry…)

Narcoject Gas Gun
Urban Explorer Daedulus

The Winchester Airbow is a bow, but it looks like a firearm and can use a firearm skill. Is this weapon legal
in Neo-Tokyo?
The Winchester Airbow does not have a Forbidden availability code in Neo-Tokyo, however it will garner
attention due to its similarity with illegal firearms and may result in a license check.

I heard that the Krime Tingler is supposed to be stronger than listed. Is that true?
Initial runs were improperly calibrated. They’ve fixed the problem and the Krime Tingler and now it does
11S(e) damage.

The Narcoject One is listed under Hold-Out Pistols and tagged as a Light Pistol. Which is it?
It’s a Light Pistol for the purpose of specialization and a Hold-Out Pistol for the purpose of determining
range modifiers.

How loud is it and can it be modified to carry anything besides Narcoject?

It is as loud as a Hold-Out Pistol with an attached suppressor (adding an additional suppressor or silencer
will not make it appreciably quieter). It cannot be modified, as Narcoject has patented DRM firmware installed in
both the weapon and the darts.

Since it’s classified as a pistol, is it legal in Neo-Tokyo?

The Narcoject One does not have a Forbidden availability code in Neo-Tokyo, but will garner attention due
to its similarity with illegal firearms and may result in a license check.

The Raecor Sting’s concealability modifier is listed as 2, which is very high for a Hold-Out Pistol. Is this
It probably has something to do with its “lemon-squeeze” design. Unless official errata is released that
changes it, the concealability modifier is as stated.

If I want to swap out or reload a single grenade into a cylinder of the Terracotta X-6 MGL, what type of
action is that?
It is a simple action to swap out or reload a cylinder with a readied grenade.

How do you employ the net on the Krime Stun-o-Net?

Krime customer service has been dealing with calls from confused customers and would like to remind
everyone that the name of the attachment is a play on the word ‘bayonet’ and does not mean to imply that it
contains, fires, or produces any sort of netting.

Hey, a lot of these items in the Military and Future Weapons section have N/A listed for cost and availability.
How can I get my grubby mitts on that gear?
If an item in Street Lethal has no cost or availability, then that item is not available to buy. The only way to
procure that type of gear is to loot it somewhere…

Does that mean they might make an appearance in Missions?


The Stoner-Ares M-22A1 looks BAF, but the recoil is listed as +6, which is a departure from the normal
format for listing recoil compensation. So what does that mean?
It means that it kicks like a mule. Firing the Stoner-Ares M-22A1, you START with a recoil of 6. Also it
has to be mounted on a heavy weapon mount and uncompensated recoil is doubled.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 71 27 January 2019

What is the concealability modifier of the Horizon-Flynn Defense-Com Commlink Weapons?
When not in use, it appears to as a normal commlink. They do not come with their own Wrapper Program,
nor do they have any matrix attributes beyond Device Rating.

For the quality ‘Thousand-Yard Stare’, what counts as non-combat personnel?

Anyone that does not possess at least one Combat skill at rating 4 or higher OR anyone with a
Professional Rating of 2 or less. Because Professional Rating 2 CorpSec are pretty much mallcops, if that is the
extent of their ‘combat experience’ they are non-combat personnel, even if they have a decent Combat skill. For
purposes of this quality, ‘Lieutenants’ count as one Professional Rating higher than their mooks/goons.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 72 27 January 2019

Are there any issues with the new Matrix Actions (pg 37-40) that we should know before we make use of
Mostly, what you see is what you get. However, we would like to stress that Calibration can only be used
on personas and that a Watchdog mark is in all other respects a standard mark.

Both the Pantheon Hard Case CCOB and the Generic CCOB (pg 72-73) say they do not stack with other
armor, but if it is the only item I am wearing with an armor rating, is that my armor rating?
No. Stop it. Unless, of course, you find a way to fit your whole body inside.

Are there any changes to the mechanics for the qualities to make them fit Missions?
The following changes apply to the qualities listed in Kill Code:

Information Auctioneer – when selling paydata, the hacker rolls Street Cred – Notoriety [Social] and multiplies the
value of the Paydata by the net hits (minimum payout 1,000 nuyen). The GM then rolls a Dice Pool equal to the
hacker’s Public awareness against the hacker, if there are any hits, the hackers Public Awareness goes up by 1.

Matrix Troll – The hacker must roll for every instance in which they enter the Matrix. On a failed Composure (3)
Test, the hacker posts something about one of the members of their current team. The GM rolls the combined
Public Awareness of the hacker and the trolled team member. If there are more hits than the Public Awareness
rating of the trolled team member, that team member gets 1 point of temporary Public Awareness. All temporary
Public Awareness is erased at the end of the Mission. If any team members gain temporary Public Awareness due to
this quality, the hacker gains 1 point of notoriety.

Sloppy Code – the -2 penalty to ‘Stealth tests’ apply to the Hide Matrix action and to the opposed roll triggered by
the Matrix Perception action.

Well, Actually… – a character with this quality must participate in the teamwork test for negotiations at a -2 in the
same manner as Uncouth and Did You Just Call Me Dumb?

The Machinist Daemon says that their living persona can function as an RCC, does this mean drones can be
slaved to the living persona?
Yes, vehicles and drones can be slaved to the living persona with this Daemon, however it is limited to
PANs. Using the living persona to operate as a spider on a Host and create a WAN is beyond this Daemon.

How does the great form machine sprite power ‘overdrive’ work?
It can only work with devices that have a device rating and are wireless capable. When used on cybernetic
systems, augmented maximums and initiative dice maximums still apply where applicable. However, the bonus
continues to increase.
This means that using this ability on Wired Reflexes could create a Wired Reflexes Rating 4 situation
which provides +4 to Reaction and +4d6 to Initiative. Continuing to use the power would increase the bonus to
create a Wired Reflexes 5, however the Reaction and Initiative bonuses have met their caps and will not increase.
The default Device Rating is the actual device rating of the specific device being overdriven.

Awesome! So, uh… what does Move-by-Wire rating 4 give you?

+4 to Reaction, +1d6 to Initiative and +12 to Initiative. This is the maximum bonus, Move-by-Wire rating
5 will not grant any additional initiative.

Can we choose a Paragon to align ourselves with? Can we change that Paragon?
Yes, you may choose to align yourself with one of the Paragons listed on pages 103 to 104. However,
Paragons must be listed on the Calendar and there must be one week of time without a Paragon before you can
choose a new Paragon. That week can be downtime or it can be Mission in which you did not make use of the
Paragon’s Advantages.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 73 27 January 2019

Oh, awesome, rules for Dissona--

Fine, fine. What about Technocritters?

Rules for owning technocritters will be presented in FAQ 1.3 1.4.

>>>>>Begin sidebar
The Demented Diggers (Chicago)
Purpose: Founded in the Containment Zone by a group of young technomancers obsessed with pre-bug city
tech, especially virtual games and old sims. Taking their name from the perception many CZ residents had of newly
emerging technomancers and their penchant for digging through ruins for old tech, the tribe has started spreading out
through the corridor and beyond, offering assistance to young technomancers wherever they find them.
Members: 15+
Strictures: Dues
Dues: 500¥/month
Patron: Ada (The Analyst)
Paragon: None
Membership Benefits: Access to ‘open source’ resonance techniques grants members a +1 to their Data
Processing Attribute and pooling search efforts grants the effect of an assistant providing 3 hits towards a Matrix
Search Teamwork Test in which the member is the leader (effectively adding 3 to the technomancer’s dice pool and
1 to their Limit).
Dominant Stream: None
Roles for Non-Technomancers: None
Contact Benefits: Each Mission, can request a single task of a Level 4 sprite once per point of loyalty.
Description and Customs: The Diggers often meet in the Matrix, setting up short term virtual cafes on the
NooseNET, sharing exciting finds as well as news from their various communities. Most importantly, they share
rumors of newly emerged technomancers, reaching out to offer what assistance they can. Meatspace meetings are rare
and no one can truly claim to have met Ada, the mysterious patron of the tribe. Non-technomancers are never allowed
into the tribe, but some can gain it as a group contact if they have performed a great deed for them (such as providing
overwatch while members submerge).
Technomancers are extended an invitation to join the group at every ten points of Street Cred and must follow
the normal rules for joining a tribe, gaining all the usual benefits from being a member. Dues are paid the 1st of each
month. Members also gain 1 point of Loyalty with Ada, a Connection 4 matrix contact.


Patron of the Demented Diggers
Metasapient AI
Connection Rating: 4
Key Active Skills: Con, Cracking and Electronics skill groups
Knowledge Skills: Chicago Sprawl, Databases, Matrix Infrastructure, Resonance Streams 
Uses: Matrix searches, tracing icons 

>>>>>End Sidebar

>>>>>Begin sidebar
Still Open for Neo-Tokyo
>>>>>End Sidebar

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 74 27 January 2019

Disallowed Qualities:

Prototype Materials (pg. 160)
Special Modifications (pg. 161)

Quadriplegic (pg. 139)

Wat?! No special mods or prototype materials?

We are not ruling out offering these as special rewards at the end of particular Missions, but they cannot be
taken at character creation or through the expenditure of Karma afterwards.

Will the new rules regarding SINs on pages 111-113 be used in Missions?
These rules are specific to location (Pretoria) and will not be used in Missions that do not take place in that
area. This currently means they are not being used, but future CMPs may feature them.

Are the Grey Mana items allowed in Missions??

Grey Mana items are available in Missions play and can be acquired through standard means. However, it
is important to note the legality of the items. In Neo-Tokyo, any significant time spent in the open wearing Grey
Mana armor will catch the attention of the authorities, as it is very distinct, identified with an Assensing Test
threshold of 5 – the Integration Rating of the modification). Grey Mana tattoos are similarly distinguishable,
identified with an Assensing Test threshold of 5 – the Rating of the tattoo.

Blight seems really strong, is that legit for Missions?

Why, yes. Yes, it is. We can’t wait to use it on you.

And Grey-ware?
Knock yourself out!

Does Astral Disruption remove a Spirit’s Immunity to Normal Weapons?

Spirits that gain immunity to normal weapons as a by-product of the materialization power do not lose it if
they are under the effects of the Astral Disruption spell.

What does it mean that you can take Mystic Aptitude up to 3 times?
A single instance of Mystic Aptitude can be activated to raise a single Physical Attribute up to your Magic
Attribute + the Rating of Mystic Aptitude. Taking Mystic Aptitude a second time means you can raise two Physical
Attributes up to your Magic Attribute + the respective Rating of the instance of Mystic Aptitude. Third time means
three Physical Attributes.

Soooo… I can take Mystic Aptitude three times at Rating 3 for 6.75 Power Points and swap 3 Physical
Attributes with my Magic Attribute +3…?
… and if your Magic Attribute is 6, you can have dump statted three Physical Attributes at 1 and then they
can all be 9.

Holy drek! So if I have a Magic Attribute of 7 or 8… or…

Slow your roll. Your Physical Attributes are still subject to the Augmented Maximums. That means you
cannot have higher than 10 in your Physical Attributes if you are a Human (exceptions for relevant Qualities and
other traits notwithstanding).

Are the new uses for Karma and Street Cred (pg 164) allowed for Missions?
Characters may increase loyalty or connection rating with contacts as described in this section, however they
can only do so with Karma and not Street Cred. Further, Missions specific contacts cannot have their Connection
Rating increased in this manner.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 75 27 January 2019

Characters may use Karma or Street Cred to add dice to Influence Tests as described in this section.
Reputation and Favors are not used in Missions—so these rules do not have any relevance here—and the risk
associated with lowering a Lifestyle Cost relies too much on GM fiat to feel fair if ever applied, so that rule is used
as well.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 76 27 January 2019

This section is for items which simply don’t fit anywhere else.

Can characters created under prior editions be used in Missions?

Only if you promote them to Prime Runner status and convert them to Shadowrun, Fifth Edition. See the Prime
Runner section for further details.

Since you use errata, do I have to go back and fix (fill in the blank) as new errata is released?
Yes, characters will need to be updated as errata is released. Use the following guidelines:

Gear (non-’ware): Use the updated stats. If the cost for the item changes, you’ll either get a refund that is
added to your total nuyen (if the cost goes down), or you’ll need to immediately pay the difference. If an item is
removed from the game completely, you get the full value refunded. If the Availability of an item you already possess
makes it otherwise unavailable, you do not lose the item. You just got lucky and your contact was looking to unload
it fast.
Cyber- and Bioware: Use the updated stats. If the Essence cost changes, you gain or lose the difference in
Essence. If you cannot afford to lose the Essence, you may immediately pay to upgrade the item to alpha or betaware
(if you have the nuyen), or you can remove the item from your gear list (and get a full nuyen and Essence refund for
the item).

Foci: Treat as normal gear. If the foci bonding cost changes, you either get a Karma refund or must
immediately pay the extra Karma.

Qualities: If the cost of a quality changes, you either gain additional Karma for negative qualities or must
immediately pay the additional Karma cost for positive qualities.

Minor Rules Changes: For most rules changes and errata, your character won’t be directly affected.
However, some changes may directly impact character generation or how a character plays. If the change is something
simple, like a cost change to Karma or nuyen amounts, simply calculate the difference and immediately gain or pay
that cost.

Major Rules Changes: If the errata or change is something more drastic that cannot be adjusted by Karma
or money, you may rebuild your character completely, sticking as close as possible to the original concept and applying
any rewards you’ve earned for Missions played to the new character. This can only be done for major errata, and only
if the character cannot be easily fixed.

For the errata, it says I must pay any costs immediately. What if I can’t pay?
If you need to pay Karma or nuyen and you do not have enough, you go into debt. This debt must be paid out
of your run rewards for the next Mission(s), and nothing else may be purchased until these debts are paid off.

With newer expansion books adding in additional rules and options, can I Retcon (Retroactive Continuity,
a.k.a. pretending a new addition always existed) my character, as I’d have used one or more of those options
had it been available.
Yes, as with errata, you can make certain minor tweaks to your character. A Retcon to your character should
be done before you play the character for the first time after the book the new rule or option appears in becomes
Missions legal. Use the guidelines for making changes due to errata, except for the following:

Qualities: You may add new qualities at their base price only if this would not take you above the maximum
limit of 25 points worth of Positive or Negative Qualities, or you must discard Qualities to make the room. For Positive
Qualities, this may put you into karmic debt, which must be paid off immediately (or as soon as you gain karma). For
Negative Qualities, you may immediately gain additional karma, which may be spent during your next downtime as
normal. If the new quality would put you above your limit, you must purchase the Quality at double the karma cost as
you would any other Quality after character creation.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 77 27 January 2019

Alternative Chargen: You cannot do a full rebuild of your character if a new character generation system
is approved for Missions play.

How much damage does the SR5 book do, anyway?

The Origins Special Edition is softback, so only does Strength(S) damage. The regular hardback edition does
Strength+1(P). The Limited Edition Hardback does Strength+2(P) with –1 AP. The Deluxe Mayan Limited Edition
does Strength+2(P) and has –2 AP. If the slipcase is still on, it gains an additional –1 AP.

Do karma discounts from positive qualities stack? For example, if raising a language skill from 3 to 4, would it
be eligible for a discount from both Linguist and Jack of All Trades, Master of None?
Only one discount can be used at a time.

What is the default sensor array for a vehicle or drone? If there is no factory stock sensor array, what are the
guidelines for standard sensor arrays?
For Shadowrun Missions, each vehicle’s sensor rating is the equivalent of a sensor housing of the same rating.
Customization is a big selling point for the corps, so you may choose whatever combination of sensors and rating you
wish when purchasing a vehicle/drone as long as it does not exceed the capacity of the sensor housing. Some
enterprising runners like to “acquire” vehicles from other sources and want to know what these “stock” vehicles have
for sensors. Stock vehicles (any vehicle without the sensors specifically described) come with the following sensors
at Rating 1 (or listed device rating):

- Sensor Rating 1: atmosphere sensor (DR2) (capacity 1)

- Sensor Rating 2: above + rear-facing camera (capacity 2)
- Sensor Rating 3: above + front-facing camera (capacity 3)
- Sensor Rating 4: above + front-facing laser range finder (DR2) (capacity 4)
- Sensor Rating 5: above + rear-facing laser range finder (DR2) (capacity 5)
- Sensor Rating 6: above + front-facing motion sensor (DR2) (capacity 6)

NOTE: The cameras are just regular cameras (rating 1) and do not have any modifications. These may be
purchased separately. This is also a very basic list, GMs may decide NPC vehicles or drones have different options
than those listed above to suit the situation. Also, though cameras and laser range finders say front or rear facing, some
vehicles or drones may have them pointing a different direction, e.g. a floating drone may have a front and bottom
mounted camera.

NOTE 2: The types of sensors on the vehicle will not impact sensor tests. This is meant to be a guide for
those who wonder what type of sensors come with a vehicle.

With magic and drugs both considered "Augmentations" for the purposes of Augmented Maximums for
Attributes, does this mean that they also count against the restrictions on cyberware or bioware?
Yes, they do count against restrictions on cyberware and bioware. Note: initiative dice are not considered
attributes, therefore, they can be increased with drugs up to a maximum of 5D6, except in cases where the rules
specifically state they may not be further enhanced, e.g. Synaptic Boosters.

Will I be able to play my SRM character in SR: Anarchy Contract Briefs and transfer earned karma and nuyen
to the SRM Living Campaign?
Only if they are approved as Missions Legal. At this time, none of the Contract Briefs found in SR: Anarchy
or the prototype release are considered Missions Legal.

How do we handle SA grenade launchers when using Semi-Automatic Burst, i.e. do we count the damage as
three separate grenades?
When it comes to multiple simultaneous blasts (SR5, pg. 183) the rules only cover two explosions, however,
this is how we’ll handle three or more blasts. The first explosion causes full damage, the the next causes half, the

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 78 27 January 2019

following half again, etc., until you reach zero (note: round down). Each explosion improves the best AP by 1 for
every additional explosion.
For example: Alexis fires three high-explosive grenades, they are on target and detonate at the same time
(16P/-2AP). Damage would be calculated as 16+8+4 = 28P, with a -4AP. Nomad fires three high-explosive grenades
and triggers them to explode on the same initiative score as Alexis’ grenades, so we apply the same calculation
16+8+4+2+1=31P, with a -6AP. The sixth grenade does not add to damage or AP.

Can I mix grenade types in order to improve damage/AP?


Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 79 27 January 2019

The following list of SRMs, Convention Mission Packs (CMPs), and special events are considered legal for
Shadowrun Missions:

 Sprawl Wilds (E-CAT27480) compilation:

o CMP 2010-01 Manhunt
o CMP 2010-02 Carbon Copy
o CMP 2010-03 Ashes
o CMP 2010-04 Humanitarian Aid
 Firing Line (E-CAT27481) compilation:
o CMP 2010-05 Lost Islands Found
o CMP 2010-06 Deconstructing Patriots
o CMP 2010-07 Congressional Conspiracies
o CMP 2010-08 Stormcrow Undone
 London Falling (CAT27482) compilation:
o CMP 2012-01 Swing Vote
o CMP 2012-02 Five Minutes to Midnight
o CMP 2012-03 Silicon Slick
o CMP 2012-04 Depth Charge
 Dragon Song series:
o CMP 2013-01 Jailbreak Rock
o CMP 2013-02 Berlin Waltz
o CMP 2013-03 Neo-Tokyo
o CMP 2013-04 Ballroom Blitz
 Dangerous Games series:
o CMP 2013-05 Rolling the Dice
o CMP 2013-06 Double Down
o CMP 2013-07 Full House
o CMP 2013-08 Going for Broke
 Boundless Mercy (CAT27485) compilation:
o CMP 2014-01 Recon
o CMP 2014-02 Search
o CMP 2014-03 Recover
o CMP 2014-04 Destroy
 Company Men series:
o CMP 2014-05 Silence is Golden
o CMP 2014-06 A Night’s Work
o CMP 2014-07 Run out the Guns
o CMP 2014-08 Demolition Run
 Tennessee Suite series:
o CMP 2015-01 Copperhead Road
o CMP 2015-02 Rolling on the River
o CMP 2015-03 Cinco de Mayo in Memphis
o CMP 2015-04 Leavin’ Tennessee
 Deadly Competition series:
o CMP 2015-05 Carrying the Torch
o CMP 2015-06 Opening Ceremonies
o CMP 2015-07 Citius Altius Fortius
o CMP 2015-08 Closing Ceremonies
 BBQ Bob series:
o CMP 2016-01 Broke Down in KC

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 80 27 January 2019

o CMP 2016-02 The Midwest Farmer’s Daughter
o CMP 2016-03 Today Isn’t Your Day, Tomorrow Isn’t Looking Good Either
o CMP 2016-04 Mage Without A Face
 World Tour series:
o CMP 2016-05 World Tour-Casablanca
o CMP 2016-06 World Tour-Cape Town
o CMP 2016-07 World Tour-Mumbai
o CMP 2016-08 World Tour-Singapore
 Fortune Favors the Bold series:
o CMP 2017-01 Ante Up
o CMP 2017-02 Double or Nothing
o CMP 2017-03 Let It Ride
o CMP 2017-04 Cashing Out
 Crossroad City Shadows series
o CMP 2017-05 The Heart of it All
o CMP 2017-06 A Friend in Need
o CMP 2017-07 Six Way Split
o CMP 2017-08 Farming the Shadows
 Pepka Series:
o CMP 2017-09 Winter’s Mirror
o CMP 2017-10 Seelie Rivalry
o CMP 2017-11 Treasured Possessions
o CMP 2017-12 Fae Safari
 Viva Las Vegas
o CMP 2018-01 Dead Man’s Hand
o CMP 2018-02 You’re Nobody til Somebody Loves You
o CMP 2018-03 Sin City Sabotage
o CMP 2018-04 Ain’t That a Kick in the Head?
 Cerulean Shadows
o CMP 2018-05 Letter of Marque
o CMP 2018-06 Honor Amongst Thieves
o CMP 2018-07 No Prey, No Pay
o CMP 2018-08 X Marks the Spot
 Season 5 Chicago Missions
o SRM 05-01 Chasin the Wind (E-CAT27M0501)
o SRM 05-02 Critics Choice (E-CAT27M0502)
o SRM 05-03 Gone Long Gone (E-CAT27M0503)
o SRM 05-04 Liberation (E-CAT27M0504)
o SRM 05-05 While the City Sleeps (E-CAT27M0505)
o SRM 05-06 Take a Chance (E-CAT27M0506)
 Season 6 Chicago Missions
o SRM 06-01Ten Fifty-Seven (E-CAT27M0601)
o SRM 06-02 Amber Waves of Grain (E-CAT27M0602)
o SRM 06-03 Ancient Rumblings (E-CAT27M0603)
o SRM 06-04 Tick Tock (E-CAT27M0604)
o SRM 06-05 Healing the Sick (E-CATM0605)
o SRM 06-06 Falling Angels (E-CAT27M0606)
 Season 7 Chicago Missions
o SRM 07-01 The Deck Job (E-CAT27M0701)
o SRM 07-02 Collective Action (E-CAT27M0702)
o SRM 07-03 Special Investigation Unit (E-CAT27M0703)
o SRM 07-04 Do No Harm (E-CAT27M0704)
o SRM 07-05 A Little Wetwork (E-CAT27M0705)
o SRM 07-06 Windy City Chaos (E-CAT27M0706)
 Season 8 Chicago Missions

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 81 27 January 2019

o SRM 08-01 Keep Your Friends Close (E-CAT27M0801)
o SRM 08-02 Can You Dig It (E-CAT27M0802)
o SRM 08-03 10 Block Tango
o SRM 08-04 Dirty Laundry
o SRM 08-05 Sleeping Giants
o SRM 08-06 Final Countdown
 Season 9 Neo-Tokyo Missions
o SRM 09-01 Started from the Bottom
o SRM 09-02 Finders Keepers
o SRM 09-03 Learning Little from Victory
o SRM 09-04 Neo-Tokyo Drift
o SRM 09-05 Violent Shadows
o SRM 09-06 Seven Breaths
 Prime Missions
o PM-01 Killing Pawn (E-CAT27PM001)
o PM-02 A Holy Piece of Wetwork (E-CAT27PM002)
o PM-05 Jumping Ship (E-CATPM005)
o PM-13 Bullet Train
 Special Missions
o SMH 2015-01 Friendship is Tragic
o SMH 2016-01 UnCONventional Warfare
o SMH 2017 Scene It All Before
 LARP Events
o Eviction Notice (Origins 2013)
o SR LARP (GenCon 2014)
o Abandoned Assets (Origins 2014)
o Containment Failure (GenCon 2014)
o No Man’s Land (GenCon 2015)
 Introductory Events
o Welcome to the Sixth World (this event may be run at regional conventions, however, it has been
replaced at most conventions)
o Into the Shadows (this event has been renamed to Build-a-Runner Workshop)
o Build-a-Runner Workshop
o The First Taste

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 82 27 January 2019

This section lists the contacts currently available for Seasons 5-8, their typical “job” (i.e. fixer, talismonger, etc.), and
the SRM/CMP/PM in which the contact appears.

Aiko Sakamura (Miami Johnson), Connection 6 (CMP 2017-01 - 04)

- Uses: Getting jobs, cutting edge cybertech info (Miami)
A.J. (Fixer), Connection 4 (CMP 2017-01 – 02, 04)
- Uses: Getting jobs, safe houses, Mafia (Miami)
Alastaire (Merc/Fixer), Connection 4 (CMP 2016-05)
- Uses: Getting jobs, safe houses, merc community (Casablanca)
Alexander Frost (Socialite), Connection 4 (CMP 2017-05)
- Uses: What’s hot, VIP passes (Columbus, OH)
Aisling (Kappa Merchant), Connection 3 (CMP 2017-11)
- Uses: Court of Shadows (Court of Shadows)
Artholomew Johnson (Fixer), Connection 5 (CMP 2012-01 thru 03)
- Uses: Getting jobs, political secrets, business deals, shadowrunners (London)
BBQ Bob (Fixer), Connection 5 (CMP 2016-01 thru 04)
- Uses: Getting jobs, rumors (Kansas City)
Becky 99 (Rat Shaman, Gang Leader), Connection 4 (Shadowrun Missions Chicago)
- Uses: Street info, rumors, jobs (Chicago)
Brécaire Ó Beargha (Seelie Noble), Connection 7 (CMP 2017-12)
- Uses: Court of Shadows (Court of Shadows)
Buddha (Former Triad), Connection 1 (CMP 2017-05)
- Uses: Street info, rumors (Columbus, OH)
Carla Burns (Former Horizon Exec), Connection 4 (CMP 2015-08)
- Uses: Corporate rumors (Seattle)
Charles Findley (Ares operative), Connection 4 (CMP 2012-04)
- Uses: Getting jobs, buying & fencing gear, street rumors (London)
Clyde O’Leary (Mr. Johnson), Connection 2 (CMP 2013-05, 06)
- Uses: Getting jobs, street info, political info (California Free State)
Corbin Grevin (Covert Ops), Connection 3 (CMP 2017-06)
- Uses: Corporate Information, Shadow Info (Columbus, OH)
Danielle Collings (News Reporter), Connection 4 (CMP 2017-07, 08)
- Uses: Current Information, Paydata (Columbus, OH)
The Dreyfuss Twins, Aaron and Erin (Gamers), Connection 2 (SMH 2016-01)
- Uses: Con buddies, convention information, cosplay help
Elizabeth Nunn (Ms. Johnson), Connection 3 (CMP 2014-01 thru 04)
- Uses: Getting jobs, magical society info (Seattle)
Eric V. Dreyfuss (Business owner), Connection 3 (SMH 2016-01)
- Uses: Getting jobs
Eric Logan (Mr. Johnson), Connection 4 (CMP 2016-02)
- Uses: Jobs, genetics (agricultural), farming (Kansas City)
Ezekiel Hochstetler (Amish Farmer), Connection 2 (SMH 2015-01)
- Uses: Amish, carpentry, home made garments, Tack
Franky (Troll Bouncer) Connection 1 (CMP 2017-06)
- Uses: Cheap Drinks, Columbus Club Scene (Columbus, OH)
Fringe (Priest), Connection 4 (Shadowrun Missions Chicago)
- Uses: Magic-related information, additional contacts, shadowruns
Galster Herne (Mr. Johnson), Connection 4 (CMP 2017-09)
- Uses: Corporate politics, Saeder Krupp (Cheyenne)
Gloria Weathernight (Mrs. Johnson), Connection 2 (CMP 2013-05)
- Uses: Corporate politics, Bay Area hangouts (California Free State)
Goober (Armorer), Connection 4 (Shadowrun Missions Chicago)
- Uses: Weapons, armor, vehicles, rumors, information (Chicago)
Grace O’Malley (Seelie Courtier), Connection 4 (CMP 2017-12)

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 83 27 January 2019

- Uses: Court of Shadows (Court of Shadows)
Grue (Rigger), Connection 4 (CMP 2017-07)
- Uses: Vehicles, vehicle fencing, information, smuggling (Columbus, OH)
Harlan Hale (Mr. Johnson), Connection 5 (CMP 2015-02, 03)
- Uses: Getting jobs, corporate information, CAS political information (Tennessee)
Hellbent (Gang Leader), Connection 3 (CMP 2014-03)
- Uses: Weapons, armor (Montreal)
Hemlock (Street Doc), Connection 1 (CMP 2017-03)
- Uses: Healing, pharmaceuticals (Miami)
Hobart Wheeler (Blues Musician), Connection 2 (CMP 2015-04)
- Uses: Music industry and musicians information, Nashville honky tonks
Horizon P2.0 Network, Connection 3 (CMP 2010-04)
- Uses: Rumors, news
Jason Fujioka (Yakuza Fixer), Connection 5 (CMP 2017-05 thru 08)
- Uses: Yakiuza assistance, jobs, drugs, guns (Columbus, OH)
Javier Nunez (Mr. Johnson), Connection 5 (CMP 2013-06, 07)
- Uses: Getting jobs, street rumors, fencing gear (California Free State)
Johnny Chu (Mr. Johnson/Wuxing), Connection 2 ( CMP 2013-05)
- Uses: Getting jobs, corporate politics rumors (California Free State)
Mr. Johnson (Mr. Johnson), Connection 6 (CMP 2015-08)
- Uses: Getting jobs, corporate politics rumors (California Free State)
Jossepie Jules (Street Accountant), Connection 1 (CMP 2017-05)
- Uses: Rumors, information, taxes (Columbus OH)
Juan Xihuitl (Mr. Johnson, Aztechnology), Connection 5 (Shadowrun Missions Chicago)
- Uses: Jobs, corporate information, gear (Chicago)
Juanita Hernandez (Olympic Competitor, Aztechnology), Connection 3 (CMP 2015-07)
- Uses: Sports related information, Aztechnology rumors
Julio Fernandez (Mr. Johnson), Connection 6 (CMP 2014-05 thru 08)
- Uses: Conspiracy rumors, corporate rumors, street rumors (Seattle)
Kagen Langin (Seelie Noble), Connection 5 (CMP 2017-09 thru 12)
- Uses: Court of Shadows (Court of Shadows)
Keela Ó Súilleabháin (Seelie Noble), Connection 2 (CMP 2017-10)
- Uses: Seelie Court (Court of Shadows)
Kid Rocket (Runner), Connection 3 (CMP 2016-03)
- Uses: Street rumors, gang information (Kansas City)
Kori & Kasai (Hacker Team), Connection 5 (CMP 2017-06, 08)
- Uses: Matrix information, Shadow Community (Columbus, OH)
Laurent Nazaire (Fixer), Connection 5 (CMP 2014-01 thru 04)
- Uses: Job, corporate or magical information, magical gear (Seattle)
Lazlo Saveda (Fixer), Connection 4 (CMP 2016-05)
- Uses: Jobs, corporate information, smuggling (Casablanca)
Dr. Lian Moya-Zhao (Researcher), Connection 4 (CMP 2017-07)
- Uses: Corporate Information, Tech Information (Columbus, OH)
Lothan the Wise (Talismonger), Connection 4 (Shadowrun Missions Chicago)
- Uses: Magical gear, magical info (Chicago)
Louis Gilbertson, Jr., (GameCon owner, Gamer) Connection 4 (SMH 2016-01)
- Uses: Convention information, gaming information
Louis Renault, Captain (Chief Casablanca Security Forces) Connection 3 (CMP 2016-05)
- Uses: Security info, rumors (Casablanca)
Lucy Phung (Simsense Starlet), Connection 4 (CMP 2015-04)
- Uses: Entertainment industry information, Simsense or cinema information
Maggie Hartwell (R3FUGE Leader), Connection 3 (CMP 2017-06)
- Uses: Street Contact (Columbus, OH)
Margaret “Maggie” Goldberg (Ms. Johnson, Mitsuhama), Connection 4 (Shadowrun Missions Chicago)
- Uses: Jobs, corporate information, gear (Chicago)
Mark Easton, (Mr. Johnson), Connection 3, (CMP 2016-01)

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 84 27 January 2019

- Uses: Jobs, music industry (Kansas City)
Martin Tate (Dr. Johnson, Horizon/Truman Tech), Connection 5 (Shadowrun Missions Chicago)
- Uses: Cyber and bio, information, jobs (Chicago)
Matt Wrath (Adept Pit Fighter), Connection 2 (Shadowrun Missions Chicago)
- Uses: Street rumors, muscle, fight tickets (Chicago)
Midge (Smuggler), Connection 3 (CMP 2016-01 thru 02)
- Uses: Smuggling, street rumors (Chicago)
Morrigan Mullen (Horizon Researcher), Connection 4 (CMP 2017-09)
- Uses: Corporate Knowledge, Horizon (Cheyenne)
Nick Ryder (Lone Star Detective), Connection 3 (Shadowrun Missions Chicago)
- Uses: Legal help, information (Chicago)
Patty “PB” Beaumont (Bounty Hunter), Connection 3 (CMP 2015-01)
- Uses: Street rumors, black market contacts, fake IDs (Tennessee)
Paul Jones (New York Smuggler), Connection 5 (PM-01)
- Uses: New York rumors, getting jobs, smuggling (within New York)
Perianwyr (Western Dragon), Connection 5 (CMP 2013-01 thru 04)
- Uses: Getting jobs, musical equipment, dragon rumors (various locations)
Quantum Princess (Decker/Fixer), Connection 4 (Shadowrun Missions Chicago)
- Uses: Computer gear, information, jobs (Chicago)
Remo (Data Sprite), Connection 3 (Shadowrun Missions Chicago)
- Uses: Information (as long as it can be found in the Matrix)
Róisín Rinne (Seelie Noble), Connection 5 (CMP 2017-11)
- Uses: Court of Shadows (Court of Shadows)
Saeder-Klopp (Gang Leader), Connection 2 (SMH 2015-01)
- Uses: Wholesale glitter, Gangs
Mr. Saint (Bookie, Decker), Connection 5 (CMP 2017-03)
- Uses: Gambling, Matrix
Samantha (Technomancer), Connection 1 (Shadowrun Missions Chicago)
- Uses: Information
Mr. Sanchez (Mr. Johnson, Aztechnology), Connection 5 (CMP 2015-07)
- Uses: Getting jobs (Seattle)
Sarah Silverleaf (Ms. Johnson, Renraku), Connection 5 (Shadowrun Missions Chicago)
- Uses: Information, jobs (Chicago)
Shadowhoof, Connection 4 (SMH 2015-01)
- Uses: Street Legends Knowledge, Pop culture, Shadowrunner Lore and Trivia
Sibha (Cutter gang leader), Connection 1 (CMP 2010-04)
- Uses: Gang and street rumors (Seattle)
Sidewinder (Infobroker), Connection 3 (CMP 2017-02)
- Uses: Occult knowledge (Miami)
Sid Gambetti (Fixer, Fight Manager), Connection 3 (Shadowrun Missions Chicago)
- Uses: Jobs, information (Chicago)
Simon Andrews (Troubleshooter, SK), Connection 5 (Shadowrun Missions Chicago)
- Uses: Corporate rumors, magical knowledge, magical gear (Chicago)
Tosh Athack (KE Detective), Connection 2 (CMP 2015-05)
- Uses: Police aid and information, street rumors and information (Seattle)
Victor Hilbert (Z-IC troubleshooter), Connection 4 (CMP 2016-05)
- Uses: Corporate rumors, jobs (Casablanca)
Wanda Tompkins (Smuggler), Connection 3 (CMP 2015-02, 04)
- Uses: Smuggling, black market goods, coyote contacts (Tennessee)
Warren Bloomberg (Jeweler), Connection 3 (CMP 2017-11)
- Uses: Jewels, Court of Shadows (Yellowstone)
William MacCallister (Fixer), Connection 5 (CMP 2010-02)
- Uses: Getting jobs, buying & fencing gear, street rumors (Seattle)
Ziggy Zak (Rock Musician), Connection 4 (CMP 2017-05)
- Uses: Rock music, backstage passes (Columbus, OH)

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 85 27 January 2019

This section lists the contacts currently available for Seasons 9-12, their typical “job” (i.e. fixer, talismonger, etc.),
and the SRM/CMP/PM in which the contact appears.

Ando Daisuke (Yakuza Kyodai), Connection 4

- Uses: Getting jobs, fencing gear, street rumors (Shadowrun Missions Neo-Tokyo Season 9)
Egawa Noboru (Yakuza Kyodai), Connection 4
- Uses: Getting jobs, fencing gear, street rumors (Shadowrun Missions Neo-Tokyo Seasons 9-10)
Kaito Nakamura (Tanaka-san), Connection 5
- Uses: Getting jobs, corporate rumors (Shadowrun Missions Neo-Tokyo Seasons 9-10)
Misha Rudov (Bodyguard), Connection 2
- Uses: Corporate rumors, buying gear (Shadowrun Missions Neo-Tokyo Seasons 9-10)
Ryoto Ishikawa (Yakuza Lawyer), Connection 3
- Uses: Getting jobs, court assistance, street rumors (Shadowrun Missions Neo-Tokyo Season 9)
Sakai Tetsuya (Yakuza Enforcer), Connection 3
- Uses: Getting jobs, buying and fencing gear, street rumors (Shadowrun Missions Neo-Tokyo Seasons 9-10)
Shingen Kotaki (Yakuza Accountant), Connection 3
- Uses: Getting jobs, fencing gear, street rumors (Shadowrun Missions Neo-Tokyo Season 9)
Yoriko Asakura (Yakuza Enforcer), Connection 3
- Uses: Getting jobs, buying drugs, fencing gear, street rumors (Shadowrun Missions Neo-Tokyo Seasons 9-

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 86 27 January 2019


How will the SRM FAQ Committee handle the errata issued from the Errata Team?
To maintain continuity across Missions events, the SRM FAQ team will sometimes clarify rules prior to the
Errata Team issuing a ruling on them. Sometimes these are rules that the Errata Team has no intention of changing
or clarifying as any incongruencies are meant to be handled by GMs at the respective tables. Any Missions Errata is
not meant to be seen as Official Errata, though GMs are welcome to make use of them for their tables.

Shadowrun 5th Edition:


Run & Gun:

Street Grimoire:


SRM 05-03: Gone Long Gone

The Founder, Page 19:

The Founder’s stat block incorrectly lists Magic as 3 and Edge as 12. This should be Magic 8, Edge 3.

Karma Award errata:

The Karma awards for this adventure are in error, using the Season 4 format. The correct award for the
Gamemaster should be 7 Karma, and the awards for the players should be:

● 2 Karma - Delivering the Node to either Sarah Silverleaf or Maggie Goldberg

● 2 Karma - Returned the Focus to Lothan
● 1 Karma - Delivered the drone to Goober
● 2 Karma - Adventure Difficulty

The maximum Karma award for this adventure should be 7.

SRM 05-05: While the City Sleeps

Page 12, Host: Apartment Building Host errata:

Replace the current stats with:

Rating Attack Sleaze Data Processing Firewall

4 4 5 6 7

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 87 27 January 2019

How do fake licenses work in Shadowrun Missions?
A fake license must and may only be attached to a single SIN, whether fake or not. For example, if you own
an Ares Predator V and have two different fake SINs, you need two fake licenses; one for each SIN. You may only
acquire a license for an item with an R Availability designation. You cannot get a license for an F Availability item,
ever. Some items do not have an R (or F) designation, but you may wish to “legally” conceal them, e.g. a combat knife
or taser. In this situation, you would need to get a conceal carry permit.
Licenses are only valid for the territory for which they were issued, e.g. you have a fake Ares SIN with fake
licenses attached to that SIN, therefore, you could not enter a Horizon facility and expect them to honor the licenses
(whether they pass a verification check or not). There are some exceptions: in general, nations will recognize
megacorporate issued licenses (or those which appear to be corporate issued) as long as that nation permits
extraterritoriality within their borders. For example, the UCAS permits megacorporate citizens with appropriate
licenses to possesses/transport and even conceal carry. A megacorp may not recognize a national license though.
The below represents the types of licenses you would need for the UCAS or an extraterritorial agency. This
is a very general list meant to enhance the game for those who have asked the question as well as a tool for the GM to
make life a little more difficult. Different nations/extraterritorial agencies will have different laws related to the below.
Possessing a license for the below allows you to possess and transport said category of item. A separate
concealed carry license may be obtained for Blades (with 0 reach), Clubs (with 0 reach), Other Melee Weapons (with
0 reach), Throwing Weapons (with 0 reach when used as a melee weapon), Tasers and Pistols. Please note: we realize
you can purchase some items from the local Stuffer Shack without a license, but that doesn’t mean you can carry them
concealed on your person. A license for a particular firearm category includes licensable accessories and ammunition.
If an accessory requires a license, but the firearm does not, then a license is required.

● Blades
● Clubs
● Other Melee Weapons
● Bows
● Crossbows
● Throwing Weapons
● Tasers
● Pistols (Hold-out thru Heavy)
● Machine Pistols
● Assault Rifles
● Sniper Rifles
● Shotguns
● Special Weapons
● Grenades
● Armor (to include licensable accessories. Note: if a modification requires a license, but the armor does not,
a license must be acquired due to the modification.)
● Explosives (to include licensable accessories, e.g. detonator caps)
● Cyberdecks require an individual license for each deck, a category license is not available.
● Remote Command Consoles require an individual license for each RCC, a category license is not available.
● Stealth Tags
● Communications Devices
● Programs/software
● Optical & Imaging Devices (to include licensable accessories. Note: if a modification requires a license, but
the device does not, a license must be acquired due to the modification.)
● Audio Devices
● Restraints
● B&E Gear
● Industrial Chemicals
● Grapple gun

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 88 27 January 2019

● Headware
● Eyeware
● Bodyware
● Cyberlimb Enhancements
● Cyberlimb Accessories
● Implant Weapons (a single license includes possess/transport/conceal carry...kind of obvious, huh?)
● Basic Bioware
● Cultured Bioware

Magical Equipment:
● Enchanting Focus
● Metamagic Focus
● Power Focus
● Qi Focus
● Spell Focus
● Spirit Focus
● Weapon Focus
● Focus Formula
● Combat Spell Formula
● Detection Spell Formula
● Health Spell Formula
● Illusion Spell Formula
● Manipulation Spell Formula (excluding Control Thoughts/Mob Mind)

Vehicles: each drone or vehicle must have its own license (to include licensable accessories). If a drone/vehicle does
not require a license, but a modification does, then a license is required.

Magic use (spellcasters of any type):

● Alchemy
● Artificing
● Assensing
● Astral Combat
● Banishing
● Binding
● Counterspelling
● Disenchanting
● Ritual Spellcasting
● Spellcasting
● Summoning

Magic use (physical adepts of any type): register as an awakened individual.

What happens if I am caught possessing, transporting, carrying, using a spell, etc. if I don’t have a license for
Unless otherwise noted in the Shadowrun Mission or CMP, it is up to the GM to decide. It may be something
as simple as a small fine of 400-500¥, confiscation, all the way up to arrest and issuance of a criminal SIN (e.g. if used
in connection with a crime). There are even nasty rumors of certain prisons removing illegal cyberware or keeping
magicians in magemasks permanently.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 89 27 January 2019

Purpose: provide a link to local Shadowrun groups utilizing social media to advertise games.

AZ, Tuscon:

IL, Macon County:

KS, Wichita:

MO, St. Louis:

OH, Dayton:

OH, Columbus:

OR, Portland:

SC, Columbia:

TX, Dallas:

TX, Houston:

TX, San Antonio:

TX, San Antonio:

WA, Pullman:

If you have a group with a Social Media Presence in your area, please email with all of the
information about your group so we can make sure it’s included here!

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 90 27 January 2019

The Shadowcasters Network presents:

The Shadowcasters Network is proud to provide an online convention style venue for the Shadowrun Missions
organized play and living campaigns. We offer official Mission events run by Catalyst Demo Team Agents using
custom designed Roll20 macros for dice rolling and maps for each mission, as well as a private Discord server for
voice and text chat both in and out of game.

Our events are scheduled at multiple times during the month. Each month will be unique, so if you aren't able to play
an event in March, be sure to check again for April's event schedule. Events for a given month are scheduled as early
as one week before the 1st, to allow ample time for players to join. We limit our tables to 5 players (with few
exceptions) and allot 5 hours per game to allow for all of the expected technical difficulties that come with Matrix
meeting spaces (darn those technomancers). As events become available, players can sign up for a modest fee to
reserve their seat.

If no games are scheduled, use the Contact Form to ask when more games might be scheduled or to request a GM to
schedule a game expressly for your group, if you have one. You can also join our Discord server to ask any questions,
contact one of our GMs, or even just hang out and talk about Shadowrun.

For more information about SRM Online you can read their FAQ located on the Shadowcasters Network website.

Shadowrun Missions FAQ ver 1.3 91 27 January 2019

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