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Part 3 :

Q 2:

 What should we do to protect the environment?

A: Obviously we all have a responsibility to do something to

prevent the deterioration of the environment. Ever little bit that we
can do as individuals could help, for example by recycling our
household waste, donating clothes to charity, going on litter clean-
ups and using reusable shopping bags. I always use cotton bags for
my grocery shopping instead of plastic bags and recycle as much
as I can. 


Q. How should we educate children to protect the


A: Children should be taught in school about the effects of things

we do that can be harmful to the environment. They can complete
projects and work together to learn about how to recycle and the
importance of it. They could also complete work outside, looking
at how to preserve wildlife, plants and flowers. It is really
important that they learn about this at an early age so that they can
grow up with some awareness of the impact their actions can
 What causes environmental problems?

A: I think that there are many things that are harming the
environment, including greenhouse gases, fossil fuels and
pollution. One of the main causes that I have an interest in is
pollution caused by plastic. This is a huge issue that is making the
environment suffer, on beaches, in the sea and in other places.
People not choosing to use reusable shopping bags is having a
huge effect on the amount of plastic that is going to waste.

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