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A. Theoretical Description

1. Concept of Writing

a. The Definition of Writing

Writing as one of the four language skill in English, this is a skill

which requires one, as ability to exploit word into complete well-arranged

sentence. Arrangement in writing requires more accuracy than in spoken

language capacity. Therefore, the mastery of grammatical structure idiom

vocabulary becomes reinforced.

Arthur stated that writing is rooted in idea and word. Children‘s

experience firs than and/ or those lived through language are the connect

of their writing. Written words, like spoken words convey the emotions,

knowledge, and perception of the Researcher.1

It means someone writes something, of course it is a process of

communication, and there are a process between Researcher and reader

where the Researcher writes some word and the read. It can be concluded

that writing is used to generate ideas to express some ideas from a topic,

and then become and essay complete that content feelings, or other to

make readers can understand and the effort to express one ‘s ideas is of

course, not a simple matter’ he needs to constantly exert his brain, eyes

and those become training to this intellectual functional function. The

Arthur Ellis, At Al, Elementary Language Arts Intrucdtions, ( New Jersey: Prentice
Hall. Engelewood Clifft, 1989, P. 6

Researcher concludes that the ability of writing needs some skill such as

dramatically understanding, vocabulary mastery, and sentence

arrangement and so on.

In addition, Susanto Leo stated that writing as a process of

expressing ideas or thoughts in words should be done at our leisure. It

learns as you go. As the researcher should know what the purpose of their

writing and it needs illusion or how to get imagination in order to start to

write. Writing is a process to compose the ideas to other people as oral


Mc trimmer that writing is hard book. But writing also opportunity:

to express something but yourself to explore and explain idea, to assess the

claims of other people. To make good use of these opportunities, you need

to develop the confidence to overcome the frustration. 3 It can be assumed

that in line with mc. Trimmer, writing is a difficult subject for student

because writing is unlimited to everybody, writing an activity that mad

students usually to write about what the student want. Habitual writing on

student’s can make them easier to understand their lesson.

David nunan defines that writing is the process of thinking to invent

ideas, thinking about how to express into good writing, and arranging the

ideas into statement and paragraph clearly. 4 It indicates that the leaner are
Susanto Leo, English For Academic Purpose Essay Writing, (Yokyakarta: C.V. Andi
Offset, 2007), P.1
Trimmer/mc crimmon, writhing with a purpose, ninth edition, ( new york: california
state university, fresno. 1989), p. 3.
Nunan, David, Desigsing Task For The Communicative Classroom. (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1998)

expected to explore the ideas and make them into good paragraph.

Besides, writing is both a physical and a mental act. It is the physical act of

committing words or ideal to some medium, whether it is an object or a

symbols or an email message.

Brookes & Grundy stated that the purposes of writing for each

person are different. The answer may be to get information to someone. A

second answer might be to solve the problem of volume, of having to store

more than the human brain can remember. The third reason for writing

might be to filter and shape our experience. 5 So, based on this statement,

someone in writing activities has a purpose to get their experience in the

real word, from their imagination to give information to solve the problem

and etc.

b. The Purpose of Writing

Tarigan summarize the purpose of writing, those are:6

a. Assignment purpose, the writers will start writing when someone asks
writers to write about something. Therefore, the idea which will be
written by the writers does not come from writers itself.
b. Alturistic purpose, the purpose is to entertain the readers, to remove
the readers sadness with the writers work.
c. Persuasive purpose, it has purose to convince the readers about the
true opinion presented.
d. Information purpose, the purpose of writing is to give information,
explanation to the readers

Brookes, arthur, and peter grundy. Writing for study purposes, cambridge.
(cmbridge:university press,1990),

e. Self-expresive purpose, the purpose is to introducethe writer to the
f. Creative purpose, the writing has achive artistic value, value of art
g. Problem-solving purpose, this writing is used to solve problem faced
by the writer. Writers want to explain and observe carefully about his
thought and idea to be understood and accepted by the readers.

2. Concept of Thinking Strategy

a. The Nature of Thinking Strategy

b. The Procedure of Thinking Strategy

c. The Strengtheness of Thinking Strategy

3. Concept of Descriptive text

a. The Nature of Descriptive Text

According to Anderson and Anderson, descriptive text describes

particular person, place, or things.7 It means that descriptive text is designed

specially about a person, a place, or things.

In addition, according to Pardiyono, descriptive text gives descriptions

from the living or non-living things to the reader.8 In other words, the text can

tell an object that is still alive and not

According Bukhari description is a form of a text that described

something based on the impressions of the observations, experiences, and

feelings of the Researcher. The goal is to create or allow the creation of

M. Anderson and Anderson. Text Types in English.(Australia; Macmilan Education

Australia. 2003) p. 26
Pardiyono. Pasti Bisa. Teaching Genre-based Writing. (Yogyakarta; CV. Andi Offset.
2007) p. 33

imagination reader. Therefore, as if looking, experience and feel for yourself

what is in a natural Researcher.9

From explanation above it can be conclude that descriptive text is a

text that tell to reader about the information had observation, experiences, and

feeling. It means that description is telling about something or someone

particularly which bring the reader’s perception change and spread the

reader’s knowledge widely. They also stated descriptive text to tell about

subject by describing its feature without including personal opinions.

b. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

According Emirfan the generic structure of descriptive text, as


1) Identification: identifies phenomenon to be described.

2) Description of features: describes parts, qualities, characteristics. It has
language features; focus on specific rather than generic participants, use of
simple present tense, verb being and having, use of descriptive adjectives
to build up long nominal groups.

According characteristic above it can be said that the generic structure

of descriptive text consists of identification and description, identification.

Identification is always there at beginning of the paragraph, because

identification serves as a general introduction to something that will described

in the paragraph. After that, description containing a variety of explanations

about something that previously only covered a glimpse of its characteristics,

specifications, and quality.

Drs. Bukhari, M.Pd. Keterampilan berbahasa membaca dan Menulis. (Banda Aceh: Pena.
2010) p. 128
Emirfan T. Mulyati. Buku Brlian Bahasa Inggris. (Yogyakarta: javalitera. 2011) p.176

c. The Language Features of Descriptive Text

The language features of the descriptive text as follow:11

h. Present tense, example borobudur is well-known all over the world,

and so on.
i. Detailed noun phrase that is complete in one pharse, usually describes
the subject or the object instance it was a large open door.
j. Adjective phrase as two strong legs , sharp white fangs, eat and so on.
k. Verb that serves to explain the information about the subject, for
example, my mother is cool; it haas very thick fur and so on.
l. Thinking or feeling verbs or verbs that reflect mental work/ thinking,
for example, belive, think, and so on.
m. Action verbs or verb do the real work, example the bites, nake and so
n. Adverbials e.g. as fast, as the tree house and so on.
o. Figurative language, eg. John is white as chalk, sat tight and so on.

B. The Review of Related Literature

In this research there are previous study that used ad the comparison

between this study and the before: the previous research that used in thus research

are as follows:

1. Dewi Maya Sari (2011), thesis “ Improving students writing skill by using

modeling tehnique (one element of CTL )at SMA 4 Takengon” The problem

of study is does modelling tehnique improve students writing, the purpose of

the study is to know modelling tehnique can improve the students writing

skill this researchused class room action research, to collect the data

researcher used an action research to answer the problem that consist of

interview, questionnaire and test. Authentic material in improving students

writing ability could be described that the real, natural and familiar material

would make the students feel easy. In the learning process there are many


Elang Yudantoro. Rangkuman bahasa Inggris.(Jakarta; gagas media. 2010) p. 21

kind of method can be used to increase the student skill expecially in writing

skill and in using modeling tehnique as an effective way to improve their

writing skill. Using modelling tehnique one element from CTL, the students

is not only as receiver passive information but the students more active and

efficient learning process.12

The similarities with his research are focus on writing. The differences

of dewi maya sari thesis and this research those are boackground, problem,

tehnique. In dewi maya ari thesis use modelling tehnique (one element of

CLT ) to improve wriitng skill. This research use old and new information

structure .

2. Tossi Ana Ari Utami, (2014) improving the ability in writing descriptive texts

through brainstorming technique for grade VIII students at smp n 1 piyungan

in the academic year of 2013/2014.13 This study was qualitative in nature. It

consisted of two cycles. The researcher worked collaboraively with the

English teacher in implementing the actions. The data of this research were

mostly qualitative although there were some quantitative data were obtained

by observasing the teaching and learning proses during the implementation of

the actions, and interviewing the students of class VIII B at SMP N 1

Piyungan and the English teacher as the collaborator, while the quantitative

data were gained through assessing students’ ability in writing descriptive

texss via a pre-test and a post-test. The data were in the from of field notes,
Dewimaya Sari. (2011), Improving Students Writing By Using Modelling Tehnique
Takengon. STAIN Gajah Putih.p.ii 17
Tossi Ana Ari Utami (2014) “Improving the Ability in Writing Descriptive Texts Through
Brainstorming Technique for Grade VIII Students at Smp N 1 Piyungan in the Academic year of
2013/2014” , Yogyakarta: Program Sarjana UGM Yogyakartaa, p.VI

interview transcripts, and test scores. The validity of the data was obtained by

applying the democratic validity, dialogic validity,catalytic validity, process

validity, and outcome validity.The result of this study showed that the

implementation of brainstorming technique in the writing classes was

believed to be effectiveto improve students’ ability in writing descriptive

texts. Brainstorming helped the students to generate ideas and organize them

into paragraphs.

The students also perceived that brainstorming technique helpsthem to

improve their writing ability. This implies that the implementation of

brainstorming technique in the writing instructions gives positive effects on

improving students’ performance and achivement in writing descriptive text.

In reference to the result of the the study, brainstorming could

improvethe students’ ability in writing descriptive texts in terms of

encouraging the students to start with writing. Brainstorming facilitates the

students to activate their prior knowledge before they practice their writings.

It helps them generate ideas more effectively and release their anxiety that

cause the Researcher’s book. By using the tehnique, the students could feel at

ease in performing the writing task.

The similirities about previous research and the reseacher, research is

both are focusing on writing text. The differences is about using media, type

texts, method and tehnique, previous research were used brainstorming

tehnique while this research will use old and new information..

3. Fitria Aria Ningsih, 2014, entitle “The Effetiveness of Preview, Question,

Read, Reflect, Recite And Review (PQ4R) Strategy in Teaching Writing

Comprehension (At SMP N 22 Takengon).14 This writing strategy was

develop to help student read with purpose and understand complex

information. The name comes from the first latters of activities the student is

asked to ddo in this strategy, Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite and

Review. It’s particularly useful to help the students get the meaning from


Problem of this research are 1. Does PQ4R technique effective in

teaching writing comprehension at SMP N 22 Takengon? And 2. How PQ4R

technique increase students’ writing comprehension at SMP N 22 Takengon?.

The purpose in this research are 1. To know does PQ4R technique effective in

teaching writing comprehension at SMP N 22 Takengon. 2. To describe how

PQ4R technique increase students’ writing comprehension at SMP N 22


In this research the researcher use quantitive by using experimental for

the population, the researcher conducted to research the second class students

of SMP N 22 Takengon, with the total number of the students are 32 students.

For the result, based on the calculation of t-test, where the value of

(tobs) 15,84 is higher them (ttable) at the level significance 0,05. It shows that

the hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and (Ha) is received. So, PQ4R technique is

effetive in teaching writing skill comprehension.

Fitria Aria Ningsih . The Effetiveness of Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite And
Review (PQ4R) Method in Teaching Reading Comprehension (At SMP N 22 Takengon, 2014).

There are similirities and differences between previous research and

this research. For the similirities is sthe both research looking for the

effectiveness of writing comprehension in teaching writing. For the

differences the previous research using Preview, Question, Read, Recite,

Reflect, and Review (PQ4R) but this research using Survey, Question, Read,

Recite, Reflect, Record, and Review (SQ5R) strategy.

C. Framework of Thinking

As the researcher disccussed above, writing is the important skill that have

to mastered by the student, because through writing, they can find the knowledge

by write the text and arrange the grammatical. but the problem is students felt

difficulties in write especially to arrange grammatical. students are lack to write

the text especially in the desccriptive text.

To solve this problem, the researcher will apply the Thinking Strategy in

the class. Thinking strategy is a strategy where the students (belum siap)

This strategy will be applied in descriptive text that has a light of main

points, therefore the students will not confuse to write the text because it have a

main points to help students easier write the text, and the teacher will also help the

students who don’t know about the main points.

Based on explanation above, the researcher believes this strategy will have

affect at students writing ability especially in descriptive text, so the researcher

hope this strategy can increase the student skill in writing with this strategy.

D. Hypothesis

Based on the background of study, the researcher can formulate the

hypothesis of this research as follows:

Ha : Thinking strategy on the writing descriptive text ability give positive

effect to the second year students at SMP negeri 5 Takengon

Ho : Thinking strategy on the writing descriptive text ability does not give

positive effect to the second year students at SMP negeri 5 Takengon.

E. Statistical Hypothesis

Hypothesis statistic is statement as follows:

Ha : µ1 > µ2, Thinking strategy on the writing descriptive text ability give

positive effect to the second year students at SMP negeri 5 Takengon

H0 : µ1 < µ2, Thinking strategy on the writing descriptive text ability does not

give positive effect to the second year students at SMP negeri 5



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