Research Methodology A. Research Design

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A. Research Design

In this research approach used quantitative method. Descriftive quantitative is the

systematic scientific infestigation of quantitative, which explain a phenomenon esing


Quantitative research method can be interpreted as a method of research that is

based on the philosophy of positivisme. Is used to examine the populatio or a particular

sample, sampling technique generaly is random data collection using research instrumen,

data analysis is a quantitative/ statistical wich order to test the hipotesis that has been


Beside, quantitative is purposed to find out the effect of treatment in class room

that research. The researcher uses quantitative because the researcher will see

thedevelopment of student’ ability. Experimental research is the research that aims to

determine the causalvariables of the study2. So, the writer will divide two class beccome

control class and experimental class.

There are some experumental design that use in a research, they are : pre

experimental dessign, true-exoerimental design, factorial design and quasi experimental

design.3 In this research, the research can controlall of using experimental research, this

research is formed as true –experimental design and also uses control group pre-test and

pos—test design because the researcher did the research by himself.

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan: Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, Dan R & D, (bandung:
cv.alpabeta,2009), p.14


B. Sources of the data

Smpn 5 takengon is one of senior high scholl in takengon kayu kul.

C. Techniques of data collection

the sources of data is the origin information that found from many sources, the

population as follows:

1. Population

Population is the entire object in the research.4 In this research the writer took

population from the total number. Population refers to the total object will be

observed in this research. The population is all tge eleven grade at smp n 5 takengon.

2. Sample

Sample is aa part or as research which population.5 The writer took purposive

sampling. Purposive sampling s a sampling method that id based on the consideration

and or specific purpose, based on characteristic or specific traits that have been

known before.6 For the sample in this research, the writer took two classes, they are

VII 1 and VII 2 . where VII 1 experimental class and VII2 control class.

1. Variable

In this research have two variable that is dependent and independent. In this

research action learning as dependent because action learning is a strategy that

can not have a sense intact so it can not be undderstood. And writing descriptive

text as independent because writing descriptive text as independent because


writing descriptive text is a group of words that can express a thought or

connecting piece.

2. Treatment

The treatment in this research is action learning strategy. The purpose of the

treatment is to see the effect of action learning strategy in improving student’

writing skill especially in descriptive text.

3. Teaching procedure/ steps

A. Experimental class

Step 1 :explain about writing

Step 2 :explain about descriptive text and generic structure descriptive


Step 3 :give example from descriptive text

Step 4 :make group in the class aon 4 group

Step 5 :give items and explain

Step 6 :out from class 5-10 minutes

Step 7 :welcome to class and start to writing descriptive text

b. Control class

Step 1 :explain about writing

Step 2 :explain about descriptive text and and generic structure

descriptive text

Step 3 :give example from descriptive text

Step 4 :give items to students


Step 5 :student start to writing answer item

D. Research Instruments of Data Collection

1. Technique of Collecting Data

In this research, technique collecting data make:

1) Observation

Observation is foundation of all know ledgement.7the observation is used

to identify all of systemor strategy that used in learning and teaching process. To

get information for supporting file. The writer will observe the teaching learning

process in student’ actifities. Firstly, the researched observed but inpormation of

school and classes in SMP N Takengon to collecting data before the writer

continue in the nex research. The writer does an observation at SMP N 5

Takengon that taken from the teacher and ovesial there.

2) Technique observation

The writer gives a tes to the student, to measure their writing ability. In collecting

data, the writer used test, the test consist of some question thet related the student’

descriptive text using action learning method. The researcher ask the student to

make a descriptive text than the researcher analisys the student’ writing about

describetive textand give the score based on the scor guidliness. The step of data

collecting describing as follows:

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