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Python Course Format

● Introduction -(Checkpoint 1)
○ Introduction to Python Language.
○ Use of Python.
○ Who all can learn python?
○ Things one can do with Python.
○ About this course.
○ Prerequisites.
○ Quiz on checkpoint-1
● Let’s stick to the basics -(Checkpoint 2)
○ What are Data-Types?
○ Your First Program(​“Hello world!”​)
○ Let’s dig a bit deeper.
○ All about input/output.(input(), print())
○ In-built functions.(len(), int(), str())
○ Arithmetic Operators
○ Quiz on checkpoint-2
● Holding hands with Modules -(Checkpoint 3)
○ Built-in modules.​(just an overlook)
■ math
■ random
■ os
■ Datetime
○ How to install new modules
■ Installing ​“PIP”.
■ Using pip for installing modules.
○ Quiz on checkpoint-3
● Conditional Statements -(Checkpoint 4)
○ What is Boolean?
○ Comparison Operators.
○ If condition.
○ If-else condition.
○ Elif condition.
○ Example Programs.
○ Quiz on checkpoint-4.
● Just Flow within the Loops -(Checkpoint 5)
○ For loops.
○ While Loops.
○ continue and break statements.
○ The ​range()​ function.
○ Quiz on checkpoint-5

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